i I ,. . . THE r; c . . " CLEARFIELD HKPIBLICAJ.," rCiUIIID ITIRT VIDIBIDAT, Mt GOODLANDEU & LEE, OLBARNILD, PA. EMTAHLIIHKOIN 1891., fhe lareet Wrclatla af auy Newspaper Ih North Central Peunaytraal. Tenna of BubsoriptioDi If paid In atlraaoe, or within I month OO If paid aftar 1 and baforo i monthi 9 ftU (f paid afior tb axplraUoa of I montbi.,, 3 00 Bates ot Advertising, ' fran .ant adrart.MaunU, par aquart of 10 lloaior Imi, I tlinti or Ian 60 For oaob tub sequent tnivrtlun i0 .'iiatniMratari' and Kieoutor.'natloetu S SO Audtturt' noltc t ...... t 10 Catlniad Katm;. .,... 1 to Dlsinluttun notlaoa I no ProfaMtnl Carda, 5 HnM or ltn,l jaar...M 00 Loral nnftKi, par Una , 10 YEARLY ADVKRTlflBMINTft, I admire... I fttiuarea H I aquar. ., ....I Ml I ooluran.. $11 00 ....It to wliuia.. It M ....JO 00 Miami. 110 00 a. B. QOODIiANDRR. NOKb II. I. KB, PuolLn.ra. W. C. ARNOLD, LAW & COLLECTION OFFICE, CURWENSVILLK, 5S Clrarfletd Couatj, Penn'e. , Tfiy Taoa. a. MtrlHAr. craua eoaoon. MURRAY & GORDON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, CLEARFIELD, PA. V-CDoa la Pit'a Opera House, itcood floor. 9:1074 1 ' FRANK FIELDING, ATTOIINE Y-AT-IiAW, Clearfield, Pa. i Will attend to all butinen Dtrute to him piouiptly and faithful!. aovl273 WILLI A A. W1LUCI, AMfeT F. WALLACB. t I)T1 It. EftlBI. John w. wniolbt. WALLACE 4. KREBS.V (Snieoleora to Wallaee Pi.ldlag,) ATTOBNEYS-AT-LA W ," IID'II ' Clearfield, Pa. loaBPBS.afBBAU.TV . DAtTIBL W. K'ctllDT. McENALLT & MoOURDY, . ATTOHNEYS-AT-LAW, - ClemrOeld, Pa. -v JP Legal boaineai attended to prnaptl j with! iilclit. Offlco oa Second street, abure (be Pi rat National bank. , Jab:l:70 G. R. BARRETT, Attorney and Counselor at Law, clearfield, pa. II at in resigned bit Judgeship, be resumed the practise of the law la hie old oiloa at Cleat Bel J, Ha. Will attend the conrta of Jefferson and Klk counties when ipecialljr retained in connection eitb resident oounsel. 1:14:72 A. G. KRAMER, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, R.al KiUto .nd CollMtioa Agrat, t'tEAKFIKI.I), PA., Will promutlj attend to til legal batlo.lt an trotted to hit e.re. -Oe3ce Is Ple't 0itr IIiium. al'7l. WM. M. McCULLOUGH, ATTORN KY T LAW, Cletreold. P. tr-Ollle. ! III. old Wutern Hotel bollJlng. L..l butinett promptl y tttendwl to. Keel etute bought and told. j.11'71 " a7 w W A L f E R S , . ATTORNEY AT LAW, , CItarttrld, Pa. fc$Offloa In Qribam'a Row. deeS-l. H. W. SMITH, ATTORN EY-AT-L AW, tl:l:T 'lerdeld, P. "WALTER BARRETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Clearfield, Pa. oYOfflet In 0!d Weitern Hotel bnlldlng, eorntr orSoeond and Market 8tl. Lnovl,A0. israIelTest, ATTORN R Y AT LAW, CIar8rM, Pa. pT-Oaet la tbt Court Hoaaa. jjll.'e) JOHN H. FULFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lleartleld. Pa. OSet oa Matktt ttreet, opp. Coart Houn, Jan. , 1874. JOHN L. CUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ind Real Relate Aieat, Clearfield, Pa Offloe oa Third ttre.t, bet. Cherry A Walnut. T" R.tpeelfalt 7 offere bit t.r.leeela telling lad buying landt lu Olearl.ld and adjoining tounttaa and with aa tvperl.att of OTtr twentv reara aa a rar.,yor, flatten almaolf that he oaa renter tatlafaoUoa. lot. itmsur, J. BLAKE WALTERS, REAL ESTATE BROKE II, AtD DBAiaa ta Haw Jjogn and Liiinibor, CLEARFIELD, PA. OOet in Orabnm'i Row. LJ5:71 J. J. LINQLE, ATTORNEY-AT - LAW, hll Oeeeola, Clearfield Co., Pa. ;:pd J. S. BARN HART, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, Bellef'onte. Pa. Will practice la Cleorleld and all of the Courts of tne Zbta Juaictai dtit net. neai estate Dimness and eolleetioa of claims made special t lee. nl 71 DR. W. A. MEANS, PHYSICIAN k SURGEON, '. ' LUTIIKftBDUBO, PA. . Will attend profetalonal eallt pronptlj. auglO'70 DR. T. J. BOYER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OSet on M.rkrt Street, Clearleld, Pa. VOffic bourat 8 to IS a. m., and 1 lo I p. JJR. E. M. SCIIEURER, ' ' nOMcEOPATniC PHYIirCIAS, Offloe la reeidcact on Market L . April M, 171. ' Cleerdeld, Pa. J. H. KLINE, M. D., PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, HAVING loealod at Pennleld, Pa., oferl kit proletelnal larrleet to tb. people of that plue and aurroundiog eouatrjr. All co.ll. promptly atunded re. ... i. ... DR. J. P. BURCH FIELD, Uu Bargtoa of the 03d Regiment, Ptnnlvlranla ; Voluauert, hiring rttarntd from Ibt Army, f effert hit proftaelonel aor.ltta to thttltlttnt erciearfl.ldtoaaly. M-Profeiiloael eallt promplljr atuni.l to. Olaoe oa Seeoad ttreet, formorlyoeoepiod b Ur.Woiwi opr., o. u DR. H. B. VAN VALZAH, Cl.EAHPIbl.il, PKNN'A. OFFICE IN MAKONIC BUILDING. 4- OBot hoort-Fiom It to t P. M. May II, 1171. DR. JEFFERSON JJTZ, WCODLAHD, PA.' Will promptljr attend all ealli In the lint of hit pnifeetton. . . . . . Bot.llMS . D. M. D0HEETI, FAHIIONAlll.R BARRRK A IIAIK DRKBSKR. . CLEARFIELD, I'A. i.l Phi p In room foraerly oeeapled h N angle . Market street. July 14, !. ' HARUY kkydeh, (Formerly with Ut Bchulrr.) BARDKR AND 1IAIRDKE6HKR. Rhnn ea Msrkel St., tppoelte Court lionet. A eteea towel for every eustumef. may If, 'Tl. whou:sIle"jjquob stoee, At the end of the new bridge, 111 WKST CLEARFIELD, PA. - ' Tl.K atmi.rl.lM uf Ibia MlklUtiaitit wfll ba. i Itquora dlreel from din Wert. Parties baying wm iate nonet win no sure 10 gt a pure onieie It a atnall margin above eewt.1 Motel Beepers eaa te feraiohed with liquor oa rt-aanweblt terms. ure wines and brandies direct from Bet let's tarry, at Haiti, New York. i ItBWKHRJ U, VUitSVl. CleatweMtiaawlt. IHTA-tl 1.1. if TI'tmCRBir t COBBTA . PIM . ha., printed a Mug. nnaahv e( tae Bow I RILL, and MI am the reotipt tt Iwrnlt. a., etnte, mall a eopy to a. addrett. myN ( LlvVH QE0. 6. G00DLANDIR, Proprietor, VOL BOrWHOLE NO. Cards. JOHN D. THOMPSON, Justice of the Peace and 6orlvcner Curwcuivllle, Pa. .Culleotlona mail a and paid erer. money promptly ... reii-3 Tin RICHARD HUGHES, , Jt'BTICK OF THE PEACE . roB Btecalur Totrnhlpf , Oeeeola Mills P. O. II oflotal bo tin e i en t rested to him will be prompt) attended to. neb 29, '70 f BO. A tilt BT BIHBY ALBKHT.m W. ALBIBT W. ALBERT &. BROS., Manufacturers A eitensiTO Dealers U . Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, ito WOODLAND, PINM'A. Or Jen loltclted. Bills Oiled ob short aotioe and reaeonaMe terms, Address Woodland P O., Clearflrld Co., Pa. .35-ly W bbKKT A It ROB. FRANCIS COUTRIET, MERCHANT, Krenchvllle, Hear tie Id County, Pa. Keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of Un uoodi. Hardware, urooenes, ana erjininir usually kept in a retail store, wnioa win oe soia, for oasn, as cneap as eiscwnere in ins county. Frencnrtiie, June wi, lonj-iy. . THOMAS H. FORCEE DB.LBB IB GENERAL MKHCU AND1SK. GltAIIAMTON, Pa. Alto, eatentlve manufacturer and dealer in Square Timber end baw.it Lunib.ror all Kindt. aT-Ordort tollclted and all bill, promptly filled. ljyi "REUBEN f H AC KM AN, House and Sign Painter and Paper Hanger, Clearfield, Peuu'a. fcm.Wil) axeeute lobe in hia lino promptly and In a workmanlike manner. nrr4,nr G . H. H ALL, . PRACTICAL TUMP MAKER, NEAR CLKAUFIELB, PENN'A. OPumpa alwaya on band and mal. to order on abort nolle, npei uorvu on reatnn.oie iermik All work warranted to rend.r lallifartton, and dellrored If doalred. , n)2S:lj"l E. A. BIGLER & CO., DBALBRB IH SQUARE TIMBER, and maaufacturera of ' A 1.1. Kl VDH OP A Kl) 1.ITMIII-.R, l-7'7 CLIARF1ELD, rKKN'A. JAS. B. GRAHAM, dealer to ' Real EaUite, Square Timber, Boards, BIlIfJOI.KS, LATH, A PICKKTS, :10'7I CliarCeM, Pa, TAMES A1ITCIIELL, Square Timber k Timber Lands, J.1HJ CLRARFIKI.D, PA. ' JAMES H. LYTLE, In Birader't llulldlug, ClcarUelil, Pa. Dealer lo QroceilM, Prorliloni, Vegetable!, Prultp, Flour, Feed, ete., rte. aprl'7t-tr WARREN THORN, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Market II., Clearfield, Pa. Is (he thop lately oocupiod by Frank Rbort. 00. door weat of Alleghany llouit. T. M. ROBINSON, ' Market Mlrcet, Clearfield. Pa., MAHPrACTtinr.a op Liftbt aad leary llantese. Collars, Saddles, Bridles, Ac. Repairing nsaliy done. May 24, 187B 6m. JOUN A. KTAIHiKtt, BAKKR, Market fit.. CI.arfl.lJ, pa. PreRb Bread, Rusk. Rolls, Pics and Cah-e on band or mode to order. A general assortment of Confectioneries, Fruila and Nuts in stock. lot Cream and Orders in season. Puloon nearly opposite tbt Poetufflea. Prices moderate. . March lU-'To. J. K. M'MURHAY n,l, BUPriT TOII WITH ANT ARTIC1.H OF MKHCllAMlIriK AT THK VKKV I.OWKKT PHICK. COMK AND 8tK. (l:l:73y:) NEW WASHINGTON. CHEAP GROCERIES! LDMBKR CITY. PA, Tbt undersigned annunncee to his old friends and natrons tbat be has opened a gnoii line ol OHOl'KRIKS A PHOVlKIONfi at the old stand of Kirk A Spencer, for which be solicits a lilteral patronage. ii. w. ormnvHt i,umter vity, re., aiarca zo-ti. irARniB AND it TO MR YAFtl. ' 1X Mra. M. 9, I.ll)lICIXt Uavinf encaeed la tbe Marble business, desires to inform bar friends and the public that sbe bas now and will keep ennntantly nn band a large and well selected stoet el UAiiiAn aau VHKMUfli MARIlLK, and is prepared to furnii-h to order TOM1I8TONK8, 110 X AND CKADLK TUMHS, UUIH VVH r.KTP. AC. nuYard on Reed street, near the R. R Depot Claar field, Pa, jel4,7 I. SNYDER. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER Watchcfi, Clocki and Jewelry, f7roAnti' Kom, 3arht St ft, (LBARMEM), PA. AM hinds of repairing In my line promptly at ndod to. April 2.1, IftTL TUB andersigned begs leareto Inform the pub lie tbat be is now fully prrpar to aerom me tal all ia tbe way of fornlibing lt..aes, Haggle, lladdlee and Harness, on the shortest notice and sa reasonahle terme. Residence oa Locust street, bet wean Third and Fourth. OKU. W. OKAI111AHT. flaarfleld. Fb. 4. 174. MITCHELL WAGONS. Tbe Best it the Cheapest I Thomas Rtllly bas rniatved another Is re lot of "Mitebell Wagone, which are among the eery 1 meaufae tared, aad which be will tell at tbe moat reasonable rates. Hie stitch includes almost all dtseriptlobs of wsgom largi-aud smalt, wide and narrow track. Call an I ve l hem. aprs'Tc TIIUMAtt RK1LLY. AN qrw h arwick," .. Market Ptreal, tUarfleld, Pa. fansffacTi'ana ami naAi.aa in BARNRfi, PADULKH, RRIDLICS, COLLARS, - awd aft binds of HOUSE rVHNISHISO GOODS. A full stock of "addlera Herd were, Bra-bet, Cowbs, Rlanhete, Robes, ete., alwaya on band and fur sale at tbe lowest cash prices. All kind. f repairing prewrptry altonded to. All kinds rf bides taken in ejrbar.ge fur bar ere and repelling. All kinds Of harnrte Irathsr kept et) natwl, ana ror aaie m a smew proai CkarBeld, Jan. iv, IH70. . u N n BETA KINO. Tbe undersigned an bo foil .prepared to tarry an tbe business of I Ii;ilTAKIG,' , AT RIA80MABLI HATCS, . And rataorttnllj loll.ll the etaee f tk.M Boedlnf auek wrrltM. whfi TrintiTai a n, JAMMkLIAVY. Clrarl.ld, Pa., F.k. II, 1,74. s. 1,1 '2100. ' orxy LETTER. Judge Black to General Garfield. WIIEUK TUB (UNlltAL OUT Ilia IllRAH I'ho Hi.Avr.ny DooTRiNtg or tiik abo. MTIONIBT OAHPET-BAO AND CHRDIT MOBILIER TIIIKVES UEPURI.ICAN COH HltPTION .(IARVIEI.n'B UNFAITIirUI : NF.K8 TO Till "OOIIDEHH OF LIBERTY." To Hon. Jtxmn A. Uarfield, Mrmber of tumgrm from Uluo ; . I have rend tho tnewh you Bent me. I am Bstonishctl and allocked. As tbo lender of your party, to whom the can didates have specially delegated the eonduet ot tho pendinir cntmiaitrn, rou should have met your renponsibilitica in a Tory uiticronl way. I do not nro- sumo to lerturt so ilinlinguinhed a man upon his errors ; Imt if I cun iirerent you, even to a small extent, from abusing the puhlio credulity, It is my duty to try. Premising only my grcut anxiety to prcservo the lratornal rela tions existing between us for many years, 1 lollow tho llomtiun rulo, and como at once to "tbe middle ol things. I on trace duck tuo origin ol present party ties to tne earneitt immigrations at Plymouth and Jamestown, find pro fess to find in the opposing doctrines incn piunteaanu atlerwarUs constantly cherished in Massachusetts and Vir ginia, the germs of those ideas which now make Democracy and Abolition ism tho deadly foes of each other. The ideas so planted in Massachusetts were, according to your account, tho freedom nnd equality of all races, aud tbo right and duty of overy man to exorcise his private judgment in polities as well as religion, un thn oilier band, vou sot forth as irreconcilably hostile tbe doc trine of Virginia, "thut capital should own lubor, that the negro had no rights of manhood, und tbat tbe whito man might buy, own aud sell him and bis oltspring Icrovor." Following these assertions with others, and linking the present with tbe long past, you employ tho devices of your rhetoric to glorify the modern Abolitionist and to throw foul scorn, not merely on theSouthorn people., but on tho whole Democracy 01 me country. , This looks learned and philosophical. and It gives your speech a diirnitv seemingly above tho reaoh of tbe ordi nary demagogue Happy is he who Knows tho causes ol things : lelicttous s tue partisan member ot Uonirresn wuose slump epcocu goes up tlio river of time to the brut fountains of good and evil. Jlulyour contrast of histori cal lucts is open to one objection, which 1 give you in a form as simple as possi ble when I say tbat it is wholly desti tute of truth. This, of courso, implies no imputation on your good luith. lour High character in the church, as well as the atnio, forbids the belief that ou would bo guilty ot willul misrep resentation. , : The men of Massachusetts, so fur from ilantinj the right of private judg ment oxtirpated and utterly r(m- gvislietl it, by means so cruel that no man or common humanity can think of thorn even now without disgust and ndignation. I am surprised to find pnn ii.nr.rwnt. if till. llitt vmi hm hear of tho frightful persecutions they carried on systematically against Bap tists and (tinkers and Catholics ? how they fined, imprisoned, lashed, mutila ted, enslaved and banished ovorybody nat ciaimta the right ol tree thought 7 bow they stripped tho most virtuous and Inoffensive womon, and publicly whipied them on their naked backs, only liir expressing their conscientious convictions T Have you never, in all your reading, met with tho story ol Kogcr Williams f ror merely suggest- ng to the tin I1 to authorities) ot tbe colony tlmt no person onght to be p"n ished on account of his honest opinions, he was driven into the woods and pur sued over aftorwards with ferocity that put bis own life and tbat of his friends In constant danger. In fact, the cruelty of their laws against the IVcodom of conscience and tbe unfeel ing rigor with which they wore oxocu tod,mado Massachusetts odious through out tho world. 1 ' Thcso great crimes of tbo Pilgrim Fathers ought not to bo cast up to their children ; for some ol their do Bccndsnts (I hope a good majority) nro high-principled and honest men, sin cerely attached to tho liboral institu tions pluntcd fn tbe more southern Intimites of tho continent. But if you nro right In your assertion that tho Abolitionists derivo their principles Irom tho Ideas entertained and planted nt Plymouth, that may account for the coarse and brutal tyranny with which your party has, in recent timos, tram pled upon tho rights of IVco thought nnd free speech. Nor nro you more accurate In your declaration that the old Yankees plant ed tho doctrino of freedom and equali ty, or opposed tbo domination of one rnco over another. Messrs. Pnllrcy and Sumner bnro snid something to tho ellect that slavery never existed in Massachusetts, nr,d you may have been misled by them. Hut cither they wcro wholly ignorant of tho subjoct or else they spolio with that loose nnd lavish inveracity which is a common fault among men ol their political sect. Tho Plymouth colony and tho provinco of Massachusetts liny wore pro-slavoir to tbo backbone. If yon doubt this 1 refer yon to Moore's " History of Slav er)' In Miuwitclmsctts," where tho evi dence (consisting chiefly of records and documents authenticated) is produced and collated with a fullness and fair ness which cannot be questioner. Tho Plymouth Immigrants planted precise ly tho doctrino which you ascribe to tho .inmcston'n colonists; that Is to say, they bold that "the negro had no rights of manhood ; that tho while man might buy, own nnd sell him and bis offspring forever." Practically and theoretically thoy maintained that human slavery in it most unmitigated form was a perfectly Just, propor onl desirable Institution, entirely consist ent with Christianity as thev under stood it, and founded on principled of universal jurisprudence. They insisted upon it as an cstiiiiisned and settled rule of tho law of nations that when ono (iovernmcnt or community or po litical organization made war upon its own subjects, nr tho subjects of another, and vanquished them, the peoplo of tho beaten 'party had no rigbta to which the right of the conqnorors was not paramount Whenever it was demonstrated, by actual experiment, that any people were too weak to de fend their ho'irs and families against an Invader wiio visited them with fire nnd swrrrd they might lawfully be stripped of their property, and they themselves, their wives and their chil dren, might justly be held as slaves or sold Into perpetual bondage. ' That w as tbo idea tbr-y planted in their own soil, prrrpagatod among their eotempo rnrica, and transmitted to the Aboli tion party trf the present day. Yo have preached and practiced It In all year dealings with the South. This nhsclttte domination Is what yon mean, 'MI li L J .(. MEED CLEARFIELD, if you mean anything, when you talk about the " precious results ol llio war. If tbo doctrine thus planted by tbo original settlors in Mussaobusotts bo true, and II tin "precious' Jruttt" ol It, which you aro gathering with so much Industry, bo logitimato, it is a porloot justification of all tho slavery lbs ever existed on this continent, luur great exemplars, from whom yon acknowl edge that you have derived your ideas ol Iroedom, ccrlutuiy thought, or pro fessed to think so, and they curried it out to its logical consequences. When an Alriran potentate chose to tight with and subduo a wouk tribo, insido of bis own doiuinio. s, ho sold tho pris oners whom ho did liot think proper to kiii, aim mo mon oi jnnBsacbusms bought them without a question of I title. They kept them Slid worked them to dentil, or sold thorn uguin as tboir interest promised for they bold that the right of domination, resulting from the application of brute force, wits good iu tho bunds of nil subsequent purchasers, however remote tram Hi original conqumtor. They executed this theory to its lullest extent in their own wurs with tho Indians. Without cause or provo cation, and without notice or warning, thoy fell upon tho Pcqnods, massacred many of thorn, and made slaves of the survivors, without distinction of ago or sex. About seven hundred, including many women and children, wcro sent to the Wost Indies, and there sold on public account, tho proceeds being put into me colonial treasury, r-jigill Bcore of these unfortunate people escaped from tbo butchery by night, and alter- wards agreed to give themselves up on a solemn promise of tho authorities thnt they should neither bo put to death nor enslaved, i'be promise was binken with as little remorse as a modern Abolitionist would violato his oath to support the Constitution. Tbe "pro oious results of the war" wore not to bo lust by honost observunco ol their pledged tiuth, and the victims of tbis inlumoits treachery wore all ot thorn shipped to tbo liurhadoes, and sold or "swapped lor lllackamoors. This practice ol enslaving tboir captives was unilorm, covered all cases, and included women aud children, aa well as fight ing mon. When death put KingPbilip beyond their reach thoy sent his wile and child with the rest to be sold into slavery. The Indians made bad slave). Thoy were hard to tamo, thoy oscaped to tho forest, and had to be hunted dnwn, brought back nnd branded They novor ceased to bo sullen and disobedient. Tbe Africans always, on tbe contrary, "accepted tho situation, were easily domesticated, and bore tbo yoke without murmuring. For that reason, it became a settled rule of pub. lie and private economy in Massachu setts to exchange thoir worthless Indi ans for valuable negroos, cheating thoir Wost India customers iu evory trado. Perhaps it was hero that your party got the germ of its honesty as well as its humanity. Thoy made war for no other object than U supply thomselvos with su ejects tor this iraudulent tranlo. In 1U43 Emanuel Downing, the lbro most lawyer in the colony and a leader, of commanding influence, at well aa high connections, mado a writton argu. mont in fuvor of a war with the Marro- gunsetta. II o did not pretend that any wrong bad boon done ; but he bad a pious dread that Massachusetts would be bold responsible for tbe false reli gion of the xiarragansctbB. " 1 doubt,' says he, " if it he not sy nno in us, bav mg power In our hands, to suffer them to mayntayno the worship ol the duvil which their powwowes often doe." This tenderness of conscience for tbo sins of other people is very character istic of tho party which gat the " germ of its ideas from tbat source. Hut go a littlo further and you will seo with pleasure bow oxaetly you havo copied their doctrines, ibis is tbo way Mr. Downing applies tho motive power. "If' says he, "upon a just war, tho Lord should deliver tbeia into our hand, wo might easily have mm, women and children enough to exchange, for Moors (negroes), w bicb will bo more gaynotul pilladge for us than woo eon- ceivo : tor l do not seo how woe can thrive until wo get into a stock of ilaves sufficient to do all our business." This (exeept tbo spoiling) might como from an Abolition caucus to-day. You will find Downing' letter in Moore, p. 10. Thoy did got most of their Indians off, and supplied themselves with ne groes in tbeir place. . lbo shameless inhumanity with which tho blacks were used mado slavery in Massachu setts " the sum of all villainy. In the letter of Downing, already rctorrod to, be says: "iou know very well wo shall mayntayno twenty Moors cheap er than one hnglisho servant." Think of reducing a West India negro in that intensely cold climate to the ono twen tieth part of tho food and clothing which a white menial was in the habit of gotting. They must have been lror.cn and starved to death in groat numbers. When that happoned it was but tho loss of an aniwuil. The harbor ing of a slave woman was, in 1640, pro. nouncod by the bighost authority to be tbe same Injury as the unlawttil deton tion of a luatt. . In 17 111, Kowoll, the Chief Justice of tbo colony, said that negroes were rated with Wjm and luxjt. Dr. llolknap tells us that after wards, when tho stock onlargod and tbe market boennio dull, young negroes and mulattoes wcro sometimes given away liko puipirt. This is tho kind ol freedom Una the equality of the races, which you learned from tbo ancient colonists. , 1 But they taught you more than that. Tbeir precept and example established the slavery of white persons as well as Indians and negroes. As their remorse loss tyranny spared no age and no sex, so it made no distinction of color. 13o sides tho cargoes of white heretics which were captured and shipped to them by tbeir brathron in England, they took special delight in fastening their yoko on all who wore suspected of hotcrodoxy. One instanco Is worthy of especial attention. DawronceHoath wlck and bis wife wore (Quakers, and were accused at tho samo time with many others of attending tjuaker moot ing, or "syding with Quakers" and "absenting themselves from the pub lick ordinances." TbeSouthwicks had previously suffered so much in their jiorsons and estates from this kind of persecution, that thoy could no longer work or pay any more lines, and, there fore, thogonoral Court, by solemn reso lution, ordered them to bo banished on pain of -death. iinnishmont, yoa will not fail to notice, was in itself, equiva lent to a lingering donth, if tho parties were poor and -lectio ; fur it meant moroly driving them into tho wilder ness to starve w.h hunger and cold. Kotithwick and bis Wife went out and died very soon. But that ft not all. This fortunate pair hadtwoebildren, a boy and a girl,(Daiiiel aud Provided), who, having healthy constitutions, would bring a good prlco In tbe slave market. Those chiilrm were taken fmm the parent and ordered to be sold PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. PA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1876. in tho Wostlndios. It hnpponcd, how- over, that there whs not a shipmaster in any port of tho colony who would consent to become tho agent of thoir exportation and saio. i lie authorities, being thus bulked in their views of tho main chances, wore luin to bo satisfied in another way ; thuy ordered tho girl to bo whipped ; sbe was lashod accord ingly, in company with several other Quaker ladies, and tbon committed to prison, to be lurtlier proceeded witb. iliatory loses sight of her there. No record shows wliothor thoy killed her or not. This is ono case out of a treat many. It is very interesting and instructive when tali on in connection with Your spocoh ; for it shows the "germ of tho idea " which your party acted on when it kidnapped and imprisoned men and womon by tho thousands mr believing in .American liberty .a guaranteed by tbo Constitution. Tho Ouakors and Baptists had no printod organs iu that uuy mruiigu wuieii muir privaiojuag tnontcoulubeexnressed ;clso vou would .1 .1 l. .l.f..l. .1..! t , no doubt havo cases diroctly in point to Justify your forciblo suppression of two Hundred and filty newspapers. Enmity to the right of private judg- mont comes down to tbe party of a ly mouiu lucas ny consistent and regu lar succession. It is woven like a dirty stripe into the whole warp and woof ol their history. As soon as they got possession of tho Federal Govern ment under John Adams they began to use it as an engine lor the suppres sion of free thought. Tbeir alien law gave tbo President powor to banish or imprison wituout trial any foreigner whoso opinions might be obnoxious to his supporters. Tbeir sedition law nut ovcry Domocratio spoukor and writer under the beel of the administration. Thoir standing army was used, as it now is, to crush out thoir political op ponents. If you come into eastern Pennsylvania, and particularly into the good county of Berks, you will learn that tho people there still think witb indignation of that old reign of terror whon Fodorul dragoons kidnapped, in sulted and beat their fathers, chopiml ! uuwn iiieir "iioerxy powers," nroko to pioces the press of the Iieading Eagle, nnd whipped its editor in tho markot house. Tbo same siiirit broko out again in tho burning of nunneries and churches under Muria Monk.and under J no. tlrown tbo wholo country swarmed with spies and kidnappers. When vou abandoned the harlot and rallied to the thief, you changed your leader without cnanging your principles. Ibe sluvo code planted in Mnssuchu setts was the earliest in America and tho most cruel In all its provisions. It was pertinaciously adhered to for gen erations, and novor repented of, or rormnily ropoalcd. it was gradually abandoned, not bocanso it was wronir. but solely because it was found, alter long experiment, to bo unprofitable. Thoir plan of keeping twenty negroes as cheaply as ono white servant did not work well ; for in that climate a negro thus used would inlallibly die bolore his labor paid what it cost. . They sold their stock whenever they could, but emancipation was lurbiddon by law unless tho owner gnvo security to maintain mo siuvo and prevent him from becoming a public chariro. To ovade '.his law those who had old or intirm negroos encouraged them to bring suits tor thoir freedom, and thon by sham demurrers, or other collusive arrangements, got judgments against themselves that tho negroes wore free, and always bad boon. Females likely to increase tho stock were advertised to bo Bold, "for tbat fault alone, Young ones, becauso they wore not worth raising, wore given away liko pnppios of a superabundant litter. In this way domestic slavery by decrees got looso in practice, simply becauso it would not pay but the principle on which one man may own another whom ho subdues by superior strength or cun ning, was novor ubandouod, repudiated ordenicd. That principlo was cherish ed, preserved and transmitted to you, thoir imitative and loving disci plea, and you have applied it wherever you eon Id as tyrannically as thoy did. . You say that "war without an idea is simply brutality. I submit to your judgment, as a Christian man, whether war is rodecmod of its brutality by such ideas as you and your political associates entertain ol its purposes, ob jects and consequences. In all your acts and measures, and by all your speeches and discussions, you express the idea that tho logic of blows proves everything you chooso to assort; that a encccssfiil invasion of one peoplo by another has tho otTect of destroying all natural right, and all legal guarantees for, tho lili), liberty and property of people so Invaded and conquered ; that ollor n trial by Dattio mo victor may enter up and oxocute what judgment he pleases against his adversary ; that tho crimo wnicii a woaic community aro guilty of when they attempt to do- fend their livos, their property and their families against invaders who como upon thorn to kill, doslroy and subjugate them, is so unpardonable that the whole body ol the onendurs takon collectively, and all individuals ho partake oven passively ol tho sin, may justly bo duvotod to death or such other punishment, ny wholesale or re tail, as tho strong powjr shall seo proper to inflict; that the eonnuoror, utter the war is ovor, may insist that tho helpless and unarmed peoplo, whom he hits prostrated, shall assist him by not merely accepting, but adopting" (I nso your own word) the measures inloo'lod to aegrado nnd rob them, and thus niako himself master of their souls as well as their bodies. All right! of men are resolved by this theory inlr the mgnf oi men. I avor that this doctrino. In all its length and breadth, is fulso and per- iciuus. It is the foundation on which II slavery rests, and tho exenso for all lorms of tyranny. It has no support in any sound rule ol puhlio law, and bas nevur boon acknowledged by wise or virtuous governments in any ago since tho advont of Christ. You can And no authority for it, except in the examples of mon whose names are given over lo univormil execration. Mahomet asserted it when Lo forced his religion upon the aubjugnted Fast, when the churches wore violently eon- verted into mosques, and the emblem of Christianity was trampled under foot, to bo roplocod by tho badge of the itnposler. un tuo samo principle Poland was partitioned, and Ireland plundered a Uoxen times. Tho King of Dahomey acted upon It when he sold Ins cniafvos, and the men ol Mass- cbiisotta ondnrscd It when they took tlittn in exchange mr captives of their own. rou and your confreres adopt- I it aa part -trf your political creed when, after the (Southern peonkt ware thoroughly subdued, yoa domed them all the right of Irooraon, tore up their society, abrogated all laws which could iroiect them in person or property, iKikothrirlrical government, in pieces. and put them under th domination of notorious thieves, wnom you lorcod REPUBLICAN. them to accept as thoir absolute- mas ters. an oso results ot tho war are no doubt vory procious. Tho right to tranlo in tho flesh ot Indians and no grocs was precious to the Yankees and the rung ot JJahomey. Tbat was th iruit oi tneir ware, nut waa It in either caso logitimato? Your groat reverence for tlio founders ol your po litical school in Massachusetts, to say nothing of yonr respect lor the author- ity ol the Alriran Princes, or your luitb in tho Jiorun, will probably Impel you to stand up In lavor ot tho "ttfau which you havo learned irom thorn But I think I can maintain the Chris tian law of liberty in opposition to all your .Mussulman notices; lor Ood is great, and Mahutnol is not His prophet it would bo vory unjust to deny that a great many men, from tho earliest poriod of our history, were sincerely opposed to A mean slavory, from mo tives ot religion, benovoienco and bu munity. This scntimont waa strong in tno boh in, as well as the JVorth. and by none was it expressed with more lervor than by Jefferson himself the groat apostlo of Democracy. But this concession can hardly be made to tlio political Abolitionists. As an al most universal rule, tbe leaders of tbat soct wore ribald infidels, and thoir con venticlcs tocmcd witb the most shock ing blasphemy. Thoy were, by their own avowals, tho most cruol hurban ans of any aco. Korvilo insurrection and a general butchery of tho South orn peoplo was a part of tbeir pro gramme from the beginning. The leaders to whom they gave their high est admiration were tbo men whose fcot wore tho swiftest in running to snca innocent uiooo. Seward won their affections in his early manhood by proposing measures from which civil war would bo sure to come, ond in which ho promised that negroes should bo incited to "rise in blackest insurrection." Thoy applauded John Brown to the ocbo lor a scries of the basest murders on record. Thoy did not conceal tboir hostility to the Fed 'ml and State governments, nor dony their enmity to all laws which pro tected the liberties of white men. The Constitution stood in their way, and tbey cursed it bitterly; the Bible was opened against them and they reviled God Almighty himself. I know that the mind of man, like his body, is fear fully and wonderfully made ; I under stand all the difficulty of analysing human passions and I admit that wo should not ludgo harshly of motives ; but how those heartless oppressors of tueir own race could havo any care tor the freedom of tbo negro posses my comprehension. Unless you can ex plain It otherwise, tho Judgment of his tory must inovitably be against the sincerity ot their anti slavery profes sions. In the present aspect ot the caso, it seems impossiblo to believe that love ot the nogro was not assum ed as a mere excuse for enslaving the whito raco, just as tbeir ancestors put on ice proton oe oi pioty to grattly tbeir appotlte for tho proporty and Hood of better peoplo than thomsclvcs. You must positively reconsider this subjoct before yon undertake again to present tbe Abolitionists to tho world in tbe respectable character of fanatics. I think yoa will find that the crew of tbe Mayfiowor brought ovorand plont od no "germ ot an idea" which bas flourished with mora vigor than their oan ling Hypocrisy. . ,,, Hon let ma say again, tbat the vices and wickodnosa of the Plymouth colonists are not to be visited on the heads ol their children, according to the flush. Among them, in every part of the country, are great statesmen, bravo soldiers, truo servants nl tho church, and virtuous, patriotic Demo crats, who aro no more responsible for the crimes of tbeir ancestors than a pencoablo Hootchman is for tho raids and robberies w hich m past genera tions wore committed by his clan upon tho English border. But you acknowl edge that you got your political Idoas from them you boast that your paity has no doctrines of public law and no notions of puhlio duty which were not planted atl lymoutb. iheretoro it is not only proper, but necossary, to show what thoso doctrines and ideas were. pass now to a later period. Yon say tbat there were two radically d it leront theories about the nature ol our government, "the North bolieveing and Holding that w wore a nation, tho South insisUng that wo were only a confederation of sovereign Status." It is not true that any such theoreti cal conflict oyer existed between the soc lions. Tbat the articles of confed eration first and the constitution alter- wards, united the States together for certain purposes there enumerated, and thus mado us a nation among nations, was never denied that I know of by any party. But this national oharao- tur was given to tho general govern ment by Bovoroign Status who confed erated together for that purpose. They bestowed cortain powers on tbo new political corporation thon created, and cnllod it tho United States of America, and thoy expressly reserved to thorn- solves all the sovereign rights not granted in tho charter. Democratic statesmen had no theory about it. Thoy saw their duty written dnwn in tho fundamental law, thoy swore to poriorm it, and tnoy kept their oaths. They executed the powers ot tho gon- oral government in their whole consti tutional vigor, lor that, aa Mr. Jeffer son said, was "the shoot anchor ol our pcaco at home and our safety abroad," nnd they carefully guarded the rights of the States as the only security we coul J havo for a jnst administration ol our domestic affairs. This was uni versally assented to aa right and truo. No counter theory was set up. Differ ence ol construction there might bo, but all admitted thnt whon tho line of power was accurately drawn between tho Federal government and State sov ereignty, the rights on one side wcro aa snored as those on the other. Hut within two or thrao yoars past the low demagogues of your party havo got to putting in their platforms the assertion that this is a nation and not a confed eration. What do they mean f What do yoa anean wbon you endorse and reproduce it? Do you deny that the Slates were sovereign beloro they unit ed? Do you affirm tbat tbeir sover eignty was wholly merged In tho Fed oral government when they assented to tho constitution T Is lb lonth amendment a mere delusion f Do you mean to assert that tho States have not now, and never had, any rights at all except what are conceded to tbem by the mercy of tbe "nation?" No doubt this now article Was inserted in the creed of Abolitionists, because they snpiosed H wonld give a sort of plaus ibility lo ttioir violent intervention witb the Internal alTairs of th States. - But t ia an ialso, ao shallow and so desti tute of all respectable authority that it imposes upon nonody. Asa Part of this conflict of theories, and rwutltiag fn.ia it, you describe tho Month a "insisting thnt each State had NEW a right, at its own discretion, to break the Union, and constantly threatening secession, where the full rights of slav ery were not acknowledged." In fact and In truth secession, liko slavery, was first planted in Now England. there it grew and nourished and spread its branches far over the land long before it was thought ol in the South, and long before "tho full rights of slavery" wcro called in question by anybody. The anti-Democrula of that region, in former as well as in later times, totally misunderstood tho pur poses fur which this government was mauo. tuey regarded it as a mere commer cial machine, by which thoy could make much "rjaynofull pilladgo," if al lowed to run it thoir own way. Whon thoy wore disappointed in this by cor tain perfectly just and constitutional regulations of their trade, which tho common defence and general welfare mado necossary, tbey immediately foil to plotting tho dismemberment of the Union. Boforo 1807 they organized a conspiracy with tho Uritish autliori ties in Canada ror tno erection ot A ow England into a so pernio Ilepublic nn der British protection. (Soe Carey's "Olivo Branch" and tho Henry corres pondence.) rsot long ailcrwards Jo- siah Quincy, whose fidelity to tbe par ty which elected him was never doubt ed, formally announced in Congress tho intention of his Statu to leave tbo Union, "peaceably il she could, forci bly if sho must." Their hatred of the Union deepened, and thoir determina tion to break it up grew fiercer, as the resolution oi tno Democrats to main tain tbo independence oi the country becamo stronger. When the war of 1812 began, tbey were virtually out of lbo Union, and remained out during the whole of that desperate struggle, not only retusing all assistance to cur ry it on, but helping tbo onomy in every nrswiblo wav. It wan whiln England bad ber tightest grasp on tbo throat ol tno nation, that the Hart ford Convention wascalled to dismem ber it; and this, Mr. Jefferson says, thy would havo accomplished but tor Ibe battle ot Now Orleans and tbe Peace ot Uhont. John Quincy Adams in 1839, and Abraham Lincoln in 1847, made elaborate arguments in favor of the iVffiJi right of a State to go out The later Abolitionists did not attorn; t to conceal their rancorous hostility to tho Union. "io union with slaveholders was one of their watch-words, and down to tho opening of the war, its destruction was the avowed object of their machinations. There is one conclusive prool of your enmity to tbo Union, and that is your unwavering opposition to tlio consti tution which held the Slates together. You know as well as I do how absurd t is to suppose that any man or party can support tbe Union, and at thesamo timo trample on tho constitution ; and you cortainly aro not ignorant that you and your predecessors, Irom tho earliest times, havo been anti-constilu lional In all your proclivities. Con temptuous disregard of constitutional obligations is not now tho mere germ of a doctrine; it is a part of your set tled creed. Before tbo war, and since, you have trodden under foot every pro vision contained in tho groat charter of our liberties. 1 do not speak at random. I challcngo you to designate a single constitutional right of tho slates, or or individuals, which you havo not at some timo, or in somo way, deliberately violated. This contempt for tbo constitution, this practical denial that an oath to support it is sacred, Implies a disregard ot all laws, human and divine, and hen adopted, it left nothing to guide you except the propensities, evil or good, of your natural hearts. Many of you (and notably yon yourself) con tracted no individual guilt, becauso you wore too proud for potty larceny, too benevolent lor large-handed rob bery, and too lull of kindness to break wantonly into the tabernacle ot human lilo. But generally, tho moral princi ples of the ultra-Abolitionists (if tbey over bad any) bocama bo wholly per verted, that thoy saw nothing wrong in the worst olToncos thnt could be commitfod against their political op ponents. In thoir eyea, theft and mur der not only lost their felonious char acter, but bocatno meritorious, if tbe victims lived south of Mason and Dix on's lino. When John Brown stole horses in the peaco of God and tho Stnto of Missouri, ho was taking law ful booty ; when ho sneaked into a quiet Virginia villago on a Sundny night and assassinated defenceless cit isons, be was a hero : and when he diod a felon s death on tbo scaffold, to hich he was justly condemned, he boeamo a martyr. You persist In misunderstanding' Lbo anti-bellum attitudo of the Northern Democracy. Wo stood steadfastly by tho Union against all attempts ot tho Now Kngland party to break it up by secession. We justninod tho constitu tion against tho ferocious assaults of the Abolitionists; wo laliorcd earnest ly lo save liepublican institutions from tbo destruction with which thoy wero threatened by you ; and as long as tho Southern people acted with us, wo gratclully accepted tbeir aid iu tbo good woiK. Your averment that tho Domocratio party desired the aggronditomont of slavory, and "yielded their consciences that subject to tlio Mnilh, is gross ly unjust, if you mean to chargo them with anything more than a willingness to protect tho South ern, as well a tho Nnrthorn and Middle States, in tbo exercise of thoir constitutional rights. We bad dispos ed ol slavery within onr jurisdiction according to our sense of sound policy and justice. But we bad mado an ox- press compact with tlio other Status to ave tho entire control ot their domes tic affairs to themselves. Wo kopt our covenant, simply because it would have been gross dishonesty to break It, 1 lie Abolitionists took a different viow, and refused to keep faith. Tbey swore as solemnly as wo did to obscrvo tho term ol the bargain, but according to their code, it waa a sin not to violalo it. The lact Is truo, that we did not think It right to cut the throats, or shoot, or alrangle the men or women of the South for believing in negro slavery ; bat tbat ia no justification of your assertion that wo yielded our consciences to Hum. Again I Yon charge us (the North ern Democracy) with baring given bad advic to tho Southern people. . This oonsisted, yoa say, in assuring thorn that if tbey acceded w would tnko thor pari against any attempt to force them back again into th Union. This is a gross error and you will aoo it hen 1 recall vour attention to tbo fact. In all our exhortations lo South ern mon against secession wa were mot by the expression of tho fear thnt tho Abolitionists intended, luaiiy event, to invado and -slaughter thorn. Some reason lor this apprehension was givon by the florae threat of your leading men, and especially by your almost TEEMS $2 per annum in Advance. SERIES - VOL. 17, NO. 30. universal admiration of Brown for his raid into Virginia. Certain Demoerats (ano very good men too,) did then do. dare that a lawless expedition intend ed for purposes of more murder and pillage could not and Bbould not be started in tbo North, without sucbon- ifUBiuun aa wuuiu euoctuBiiy stop it. But this was hoforo secession, und it was intended to prevent that move ment, not to encourairo it. You cannot, with any show ol jus- .1 .1..-. ... .i. IT..:..- nit;, uuny men ucvuuuii w luu t'muii was ono of tbo strongest feelings in tho neart ot the .Northern Democracy, Wo had always depreciated a separa tion from tbo Southern States with so much earnestness that one of tbe op probious epithets you bestowed on us was that of "Union savors. ' J Ins was not a mere ccntiincnt of admiration or gratitude to the great Southern mon who bad led us through thcpcrilsof the revolution, settled our institutions, and given our country its high plneu in tbo estimation ol tho world. Wo reft all this I but we felt much more. The preservation of the Union was to us an absolute necessity, it was indis pensable to tho socurity of our lives, our personal liberty and our plainest rights of proporty. How truo this was at all times, and especially in 18G0, you will seo if you reflect a mo ment on our situation at that time. Tbo Abolitionists were coming into powor. I need not say by what com bination of impost nro and accident they got it. All tho Northern States as well as the redcrnl government fell into tbeir bands. Sio doubt tboir dis like of Southern people was vory great : but Northern Democrats were objocts of thtir especial malignity. Long be fore that timo, and over since, this sentiment bas been expressed in words and acts too plain to be misunderstood. You show bow strong it is in your own heart when you tell Southern men (and you do tell them so in this very speech) mat you honor thorn ten thousand timos more than Democrats of the North, ficmombcr, in addition to thin. that tho lending Abolitionists acknowl edged no Inw which might stand in the way of their interests or thoir pas sions. Against anybody else tbe con stitution of the country would have been a protection. But tbey disregard ed its limitations, and had no scruples about swearing to support it with a predetermination to violate it. Wo bad boon well warned by all the mon best entitled to our confidence ; partic ularly and eloquently warned by Mr. Clay and Mr. Webster; that il ever tho Abolitionists got hold upon tho or ganised physical force of the country, they would govern without law, scoff at tho authority of tlio courts, and throw down all tho delcncos of civil liberty. But if tbe South had not seceded we might have mado a successful defence of our constitution, though tho powers oi tno government wore in tho bunds of its enemies. With tho aid of tbe Southern peoplo, if they bad been true to their duty, wo could have organised an opposition so formidably in its moral and political power that you would scarcely havo dared to assault us. No wonder that wo wcro "Union savors;" fur to us tho Union meant personal liberty, freo thoughts, an independent press, habeas corpus, trial by jury, tho impartial administration ot justice all thoso great legal institutions which our forefathers bad shed so much of j their blood to build up. The South deserted us nt the crisis of our fate, and left us in our weak ness to tbo merry ot tbo most unprin cipled tyrants that over betrayed a public trust. Soccssion wt.s not mere follv and madness ; it was something much worse. We could not but feel thnt wo wcro dooply wronged. Thoro was no remedy lor the dire calamities with which we wore threatened except n bringing tho seceded States back to their places in tbo Union. Our con victions of legal duty, our exasporated sense of injury and a proper care for our best interests, all impelled us to join tho new administration in the uso of such force as might bo found necos sary to oxecuto tho laws in every part tno country. But tho Abolitionists wanted a war r tho overthrow of tho constitution, fur tho subversion of freo government, and lor tbo subjugation of tbo wholo country to that "higher law" which imposes no restraint upon the rapaci ty and malice of the ruling power. To Buch a war tho national conscience was iposod. The soul ol ovcry rcspecta o officer in tbo army and navy re volted at it, and evory virtuous man private life felt it to bo an nnspeak- ablo outrage. To those who doubted bolore-, the disaster ol Bull linn made t plain that tbo war could not bo suc cessfully carried on unless it was put' pon principles consistent with tho usage ol Christendom and tho safety ' our own institutions. Therefore it was that on tbo tld of July, lHb'l, Congress with almost perfect unanim ity passed a resolution through both Houses, dcclnniigin tho most explicit words, thnt tho war should be con- ducted to preserve the constitution, and not to revolutionize it I givo you hero mo words ol lbo resolution itsell from llio Oinjrr'SMOrin G'lofcf, pago 2i3 JrVMrte, That th. pment deplorabl. etrll war nae oeen loreeu upon ineeountrj njine aitunlnn ftu of tee Heutoera Hlalee, bow Ia ami as.loat lli. Cun.ltlutlunal UorernQi.nl, and In arma arooad the Capitol t thai la (hie eotlonal .inor. geney, Conjrwi, baniibtng Ku '..nog of rn.ro pnnlon or r..entra.nt, will rtwolleet only lie duty to the whole eonnlrj t that thla war la wa-.d en their part la any iplrit of opprewkon, or for an piirpni. of eonqneit or aohjuaation or porpnao of overthrowing or Interfering with the right or enaiMiioea intiuationi Ol tnoeo st.tee, bat to de fend end maintain the tvprtmmrg of th. Conttita tlon, and lo protorve lb. Vnton with all th. dig nity, equality, and righliof the eeveral fltatre un impaired I and that aa aoon aa theee ebjoora are acoompliahod the war ought to wit. Confiding in this assurance, Demo- crats from every northern Stnto rushed to tbo front by the hundred thousand ; tbo border Stales of the South gave in thoir formal adhesion to tbo liovern inent; and our great military lea. lei's drew their swords with alacrity in sup port ot the freo institution to which they had shown their fidelity so oltrn before. With what base perfidy Ibis solemn pledge w as broken I need, not tell you ; fur ibis speech shows thnt you know it well. You expressly declare that so far from sustaining tho Government revolutionised it Instead of a war fur tho Union, you cluim that it put tuo oiuics out oi tno union, and yon had a right lo keep them out as lonrr as you pleased, or admit thorn to their piaocs on any terms, however degrad ing, which yon chooso to dictate. In stead of restoring tho supremacy of tbo Constitution, all your politicians held, and, so far as 1 know from their public declarations, still hold, that tbe victory of tho Federal force abolished the Constitution, not only in the South, but in tbo North, and therefore they wore not bound to obsorvo its limitations, olthor In their legislative, judicial or executive measures. Instead of bring ing back tbo State with their rights unimpaired, according to your promise, you crippled, enslnved, subjugated and disfranchised them. Instoud of using tho war power for tho just and lawful purposes to which you were pledgod, you convertod it into a black Hepuiili can job to put the rights of all the peoplo permanently undor tbo loot of un unprincipled party. 1 submit ibis part of tbeease to yonr consideration. I ask you to say w both er you can find in tbo wholo history of the human raco another instance of similar porfidy on a scalo so largo. Tho baseness of tho Massachusetts authori ties in selling the surrendered Peqiiod into slavery alter a solemn promise to tlio contrary was but the "gorm of an idea," on which you acted in tbe ful ness of its growth. Thoir act was in its naturaand character as bad as it could be ; but only oigbt score of helpless peoplo suffered by it ; tho victims of your treachery are counted by millions. 1 ho oflenccs which you are now en gaged in committing upon tbo publio treasury aro tbe natural sequenco of your crimes against popular liberty. Universal experience proves that powor usurped wilt always bo dishonestly used. Seeing that the Abolitionists vera led by men whom no oath could hold to tbe Constitution, and whom no pledge could bind to an observance of its principles, wo had no right to ex pect a decent regard for justice in their administration of the national finances. I do not mean that tha masses of your party were, or aro now, destitute of common intogrity. But that was over ruled by the political doctrine of their leaders. Having once sot aside the established luw of tho land they bad no standard by which they could meas ure tho moral conduct of tbomsclvos or others, and they became incapablo of seeing tbo difference between right and wrong in public affaire. Tho "higher law" threw tho reins loose on the neck of all evil passions. It not only abroiratod tbe Constitution, but the docaloguo aa well, and the eighth com mandment was nullinod with tho rest. You havo consequently mado ours tho cor nip tost Government on thissido of Constantinople. Perhaps you will say this is a mere general assertion. Hut I am ready to maintain the truth of it against all opposers. You may take the rottenest monarchy in Kurope, go ovor its history for a hundred years, and produce the worst act you can find of fraudulent spoilation upon its people; and it 1 do not show something worse committed here under the auspices of the party now in power I will give up tho caso. I am speaking of the government - ot tbo officials who rule us for their pleasure, and plunder us for tboir per sonal profit and it is no answor to quote Mr. Lord' speech beloro the Senate on tbo trial of Belknap. Ills ouology was on tbo virtuo and intelli gence of tbo people, and bo argued from hat tno duty ol their servants to be ave with integrity. He certainly did not mean to whitewash the adminis tration. If bo bad meant to do so ho could not havo succeeded, for tbcro was not wash enough in bis bucket to go over tho twenty-thousandth part of the job. hileyou wero bunting for certifi cates of character among the speeches of tbe impeachment managers, why d you overlook that of Mr. Hoar? lio said in effect (lor I cito him from memory) tbat tbo one production in hich our country excels all others in tho world is tho corruption of its gov ernment. Tbcro was tbe testimony of a candid witness belonging to your own party, who know whereof bo affirmed and spoke directly to tbe point. . tint it is useless to cito tho evidence of individuals upon great publio facts that are felt and seen and known of nil men. Nothing ever was more no torious than tho gcnontl disregard ol all sound principle by this administra tion. No people on earth are now suffering so much Irom extravagant taxation, and nowhere does so small a portion ot tbo taxes go to tbo legiti mate publio purposes, or so much to tho rulers themselves and the rings they choose to favor. Industry is crushed as it never was before. Labor no longer works for itself since all and more than all of it surplus profit are exacted and consumod by the hangers on of tho government Now, although wo call ourselves froedrnen, wo aro to all intents and purposes slaves, so long as you continue to make us band over to you tbo earnings of our labor; lor tho essence of slavery consist in com polling ono man, or class of mon, to work tor another without equivalent We aro determined to relievo ourselves from this intolerable bondngo, as faros wo can legally and peaceably, and, it you do not help us, you must at least cease to mock us by protending to bo an anti-slavery man upon tho princi ple.' You toll ns that that tho Republican party "will puoish its own rascals." Tho nowspupor report of your speech says that this was greeted with laugh ter from the liepublican sido of tbo House. Certainly it sounds liko the broadest of jokes. If you meant it in earnest, please to say what you found this claim ol impartial justice npon. You will hardly prove it by showing that Bristow and Wilson succooded, with much tribulation, in convicting certain manufacturers ot crooked whisky, and thereby got thomselvos turned out of office. It is vain to dony that there is, and has been, a eoneral fyftem of dishonesty pervading all ranks ol the civil Borneo, which, so lar irom being punished, is promoted, encour aged and rewarded by the bigbest'au t.borities. You have sot your luces liko a flint agaiuBt all investigations tend ing to expose rascality. Proof of that, if prool wero wanting, would bo found . . j - ... r . in your own ueiiuiieiuiiuu ui mu pres ent Congress for pushing its inquiries into those region where venality and corruption might otherwiso have dwelt in safely. lu all your Southern measures you havo shown a positivo abhorrence ol honost government i ou forced into nil places of powor, men whose char acter was notoriously bad, and main tained them whilo ibey perpetrated tho most shameless robberies. You resist cd ovory effort of the oppressed people to throw them off, and when tboto ol tuces wore successful in somo of the Stutos, you mournod tbo full of the felons with sincere lamentation. Just look ot tbo crew of godless wretches by whom Louisiana bos boon almost desolated I In the fuce ol a constitu tional interdict, your administration ut Washington repeatedly interfered to shield llioiu from justice, and to up hold thorn In tbo possession of power to which thoy had no manner of legal claim. At this momont thoy are prey ing upon the prostrate peoplo of tho State, under lbo promotion of federal bayonets. Is that what you call pun ishing your own rascals? You may answor that tho while peoplo ot Louisiana being conquered, aro rightfully enslaved, according to the principles planted at Plymouth, and thorulbro il is not fur tho liko of tbem to invoko tho protection ot law and justice I will therefore call your attention to another caso to which the Dahomeinn rule does not apply, and In which tb failure oi the liepublican tarty to punish its own rascals has icon equally signal ; 1 mean tbo frauds of tho Union Pacific linilroad Com pany and the Credit Mobilier. oa will pardon mo, 1 am sure,, for referring to this affair; yon are tho lost man upon whom I would make a personal point and 1 could not do it here il 1 would try; for the convic tion 1 havo often expressed remains unchanged, that yout' integrity was not stained by suou connection a yon had with that tniaaem. list we bath know that It was the most giganlio fraud that tho history of modern times discloses. The magnitude of the In- ConUmml on .Srrond page J