7 $M$rrIIanrouf. WILLIAM K. nKNRY, Justice O ,.. Paaca tat .1 era. LUMBER CITT. OoUoollool made " uey promptly oejd ever. Artlolee of egreem.nt and dJi ol ,.voyaaoa aently titoetad tad warranted nor. IMl M to thug. "J B 00T AND S1I0B MAKING. JOSBPII H. DEKRINO, oa Market rt. In Rhaw'i Row. OUtHUId, Pa. baa Jast rolvd i In lot of Frvaek Calf lik.ni and Klpt, lb bt ia lb market, nd 1 now prepared to maa ..fM.ur vr jibing la bis Ha. II will war rant Mi work to b m reprDtd Also, l. kiadief LUir and fihoo Findings for wl. .... Th itliii of Clarnld and vlelnttj art MipMtfully loritod I (It bin em. Work den at abort aolie. Tilt'TS "POR SALK. Th andritrad will 11 at private Ml all thai tract or pared of land siloat to Deoa'ar lownihipi Clrald aoaaty. Pa., withia a ibort difUoo of th Tyrone A Clearfiel I H. K., tad adjoining leads of Hobcrt Hudson and toure, and kauwa ai tb Jacob U. U ear hart lot. Tbe Id tract oootainiaf 60 aoro mora or leu, with two lns of valuable ooal tbroon, bM about 10 aerai elared, and li tb key to a largo body of eoi abat being developed. Will be old low and upon easy tarus. ror particulars, apply to DAVID U. KHK68, Clcarflald, Pa., July It, 1870. TJANIEL GOODLANDER, LUinKRSBUBQ, PA, ' Dealt, la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY k GLOVES, HATS A CATS and BOOTS 4 SHOES, Tobaooo, Qrooario and Fish, Nalti, Hard wart, (Joteniwar and Ulan ware, Hen and , Boi' Clothing, Druga, Paiata, Oil, Sehool Boob, a larg lot of Fatant Medioioea, Caadloa, Nat A Dried FrolU, Chees and C rack- are, book ana nin rowaer. Flour, Grain and Potatoes. Clortr and Timothy Seed, Sol Leather, Noroooot, Linings, Bindings and Xnraad, Hboemakrr 'iooii and Bbo Finding. . No greater variety of good In any itor In tb coonty. All for stl very low for eaaa or country produoe at th Ubap vomer. May t, JB7 HUEY & CHRIST, SOLI PROPRIETORS OF Till CELEBRATED AMD DA.' STIVER'S ' TONIC HERB BITTERS. SSlfD FOP PIllCE LIST. HUEY &C1IRIST, 3d Street, PHILADELPHIA Marok M, 187.i gardiwr, & Ziniraw. POWELL & MORGAN, DBALBB1 I II AltD W AltE, Alio, Manvfaeturortof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, OtIABriILD, PA. F ARMING IMPLEMENTS of all kind, for nil by POWELL A MORGAN. pAILROAD WHEELBARROWS XII for tatt bj POWKLL A 1IOROAN, QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Nail,, tie., for nl by ' . .! '. POWELL A MOBOAH. ' H ARNESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE riadlofi, for lt k POWELL A MOROAN. Q.UNS,PISTOLS SWORD CANES For imlt bj 'I POWELL A MORGAN, gTOYES, OK ALL SORTS AND Bliti.for nit bj POWELL A MORGAN. TRON1 IRON I IRON I IRON I x lor lalf b, POWELL A MORGAN. HORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE XX NAILS, for iii. bj POWELL A MORGAN. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aad bolt Moaafaotaro, for falo k, POWELL A MORGAN "'HIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE L BOXES, for iat kj IPOWELL A MORGAN. SACKETT & SCHRYVER aiALiai la) HARDWARE, (and BaBafaotnran of TIN, COPPER 4 SHEET IRON WARE, Hacond Stratti Clearfield, Pa. flaring refitted oar torjroora and donbUd oar took, it ar prepared to offer bargaloi to par- eQaHniaoBr.no. no oar deemed to ao a Strictly Cosh Business, ludJciQ therefor. Mil at gritllv rodaoed'prtooe. Carponterl and poreoae who eonUnplaU build tog will do well to oianlaa oar Tools ani Building Hardware, wkleh li aad of the bait Buolaotara. Wt keep a large itook of NAILS. LOCKS GLASS, LATCHES, mi'I. HINGES. GLUE, SCREWS, All blade of Bench PUnet, Bawl, Ckleeli, Bqaarel, h.wiibw, riumue ana Lorele, Mortleed A Thumb Oi.tee, Hixl,, Braeee A Billa, Wood and Iron Unci Ber.wi, and tbo beet Boring M..hine la tha arkot. Double and Single Bitt Axes, FOCKIT 0DTL1RT, Ae. Agenti for BuriuWi Iron Con Shelter, Alio, agflnU for Rlobardi GOTHIC FLUE TOI'S, klok affaetuall mra Smokj Plow. Fnrm Implements, Garden Tools, af eerj deeerlptlog. large rarlet, of COOK STOVES, wklok wa wariaat U ,We Mllifaetloa. runhll Hangtt and Fumatti. t.IUanng, Spaatla, aad Job Work doaa aa raaaabla knu All ordori will roeolvo praaial etllMtlci. Pliaklag aad gal lltiag alUadM to aeinentaaoa,workBm. Jdaj I, Itr. (Our Ova drrrtUrmrnl. THE REPUBLICAN, Pabllabod avery Wedoeedey by GOODLANDER & LEE, CLBARrXIBLD, PA Hat Ihi Largaat ClrralnUoa of any paper In Nortliweatare Pannejlrault. The largo an J constantly Incroasing circulation of tho Ripublican, rcndorn it valuablo to bus! noas men A modium thro' which to roaoh the public Tsrms or Subscription : If paid in advance, . , . $3 00 If paid after three months, . 2 60 If paid altor six months, . , 3 00 When papors aro sont outside of the county payment must, bo in advance. ADVERTISING : Ton tinea, or Icea, 3 times, . $160 Each subsequent insertion, AO Administrator' Noticos, . 250 Executors' Notices 2 AO Auditors' Noticca 2 50 Cautions and Elraya, . . 1 f0 Dissolution Notices, "... 2 !0 Professional Cards, 5 lines, year, n 00 Special notices, per lino, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : Ono square, 10 linogj (800 Two squaros, 15 00 Tbroo squares, ...... 20 00 One-fourth column, .... 50 00 One-ball column, .... 0 00 One column, , . . ... 120 00 Wa bavo alwaysjon hand a largo stock , of blanks ol nil descriptions. SUMMONS, .. SUliPiENAS, ' , EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, I ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, &o., Ac, lio. JOB PRINTING. Wo aro prepared to do nil kinds of PRINTING Sl'CII AS rOSTKRS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS,! ENVELOPES, IIHLL JIIEADS, J STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, ' 4o., Ao., IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON 'REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMI'T ATTENTION. Goodlander A Lroe, Clearfield,' Oearfleld tountj, r. Sri (Rooit, QtMxlti, (?tr. H AAD TIME8 iiavi ho nrriot 1 IN FRENCHYILLE I I aa awara tkat tkaro ara saaM pereone a little kard to p!aee,end I aia aleo aware that tbe eoaapiaint ol "baro tlmee" le well atgo anlveremi. But 1 aa eo eltuatiid now that I eao eetlify tbe former and prore oonrluilveljr tkat laard time." will not eSoe! thoee who kuy tkeir goade from mo, aad all mj paUoae eknll be initiated tolo the ea rn! of HOW TO AVOID : nARD TIMES I bar good enoni h to opi.W all lb inbbl- tant la tb lowtr od of tb county wbiob I call at xoedlng low rata from m y maduuuK tture in MULSONUURU. when I ean always b foand raady to wait upon eallm and tapply tbn with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Snob a Cloths, Batlntta, CaMlasoro, afatlin, Dalatn, Llnn, Urilllngt, Caiteoaa. Trimming, Ribbon, Laoa, Roadj-mad Clothing, BooU aad SbotH, Hat and Cap all of tb ht mitsrial and mfidi, to rdr Uom, Bock, Ulor, Miltona, Lao, Ribbon, Ac GROCERIES OF ALL KIN pa,, Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rlc, llolais, Vlib, Bait fork, Ltnsaod UU, rtb UU, Carbon gti. lUrdwtra, Qaoenawar. Tin war, Oaattncl, Plow and Jlow Uaaunga, fJalli, Bpikai, uom t'amra. ton, Cider Press, aad all kind of Ait Prfutnt7, Paint, Varalih, tStttaa, and a gnrat awortment 01 outionery, OO OD FLOUR, Of different brand, always on band, and will b old at th lowt poMtot Dgur. J. II. MoClaln' Medicines, Jayne'l Iftdloln UosUtUr' and lloodand'a Bitter. 600t pound of Wool traatad for whloh tb hit ht ariea will ba paid. Ototoraotd on band and for aal at th lowtat mark, prloa. AIo, Agent for Strattonvlll and Canrons villa Thraahlng Maohlnoa. fcCl! and for roarlro. You will And Tr thing uaally kept in a ntall stor. L. M. COUDRIET. Franehrlll P. 0., August VI, 1874. TT JJEMOVALi JOHN McGAUGHEY Wonld reepeetfully notify tbe publle generallv that he bae rcmorod hi. Uroeerjr Store (rum Hhaw'o Row, to Uie building formerly ooeupled by 3. Milee Kretier, oa Seeoad elreet, neit door to Uigler'e hardware .tore, where he intend, keeping, a full line of t " u u o i: it i ii s. HAMS, DlUl'.U BKEPand LA HO. SI10AR8 and BY HHPS, of all grsiln. TEAS, Oreoa aad Black.' COFPKE, Roanted and Orwn. .--A FLOUR AND PROVISIONS,' cuta-eu in firs, All kind, la the metket. .'' . . 1 PICKLE8, in Jan and berrele. SPICES, In arery form ud rarlely. FAMILY FLOUR.l' ALL HXDHOl' f D ACKEnH. r. 80APS, - , MATCHES, ' " ' " DlltED APPLES, DHIEO PEACIIBS, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil and Lamp CMmneys. And a good auortment of thoee thing, neually kept la a grooery etore, whirk he will exchange lor maraeling at tne market prteee. Will eell for oaah ae eheeply ae any other ooa. Pleaee eall and see hil stack aad Judge Air ya.r.ii. JOHN HcOAUOUET. ClearSeld, Jan. I, 18TS. G ROCERIES. JAS. H. LYTLE, (Suceouor to LYTLE A MITCUHLL) .1: WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CIIOICP. LINIi 111' TGAD. 00L0SD9, f t' JAPANS, ' ' 1 IMPERIAL, I , TOtJNO HYSON, . BNOLISII DRKA KFAST Piirnt la Merktt. ' ' ItUTTEK AND EtitlH Will be kept and eold at Iret ooet. Caek paid for Country Produoa. , GERMAN CHERRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PRARS, PHILADELPHIA IIAUS. FIHII. Maokoret, Lake UerriBg, Cod, Ae. - PICHM'.H. Barrel Pieklee and Engllik Pleklee. . Fl.OIin AJI FECI). Floor, Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Ae. ek!7S JAS. II. LYTLK. ' AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA, (APPLETON'S) NEW REVISED EDITION, Complete in 16 Volumes. Entirely re-written. Ererylblng brought down to the preeent tine. IlluelraUd Ikroufhout with Over 3,000 Illustrations AND MAPS of arery eountry aa the gl.ba. Sold only by etiherription. It la tot obligatory t,i take all tke rolumee it oneo a volume Key be delivered once a month, or once In two aoalh.. Tea eente a day, tbe prleenfa olter.wlll any for a eat of C rCI.OI'KDIA ON A 1IMIONTH LY SUBSCRIPTION In l..e than throe ywe. Then Ihora will be eomethlnt; eabeUntlal eared and a etorehooee of knowMe, Indeed a aniroreal library la Ittelf mured, with but little effort or PRICK AND STYLE OP BINDINO : For F.itra Cloth, per ol t I no For Library Leatbor, nor rol......,.,,. 00 For bell Turkey Morooen, per ol f ,0 For hair Runla Ultra UIH, per rol..i. S w .or run laeromi Anlioue, par rol 10(1, ror i nil Bueela, per rel 10 eg for further laformallea addreH . J. D. WILLIAMSON, Publleber', egeat, 1 0 Slitk atraat, Jaae IS, 1S1(.i7. .Plitekargk, r. THE REPUULICAN. I ' A CLKARKJKLU, PA 'i j, r WEUNRSDAT MORNING, PKI'T. IT, IH7S. rianrisa Mir ruviuv. Till IIIHMANB OP Till NOIITIIWE8T QUIT AND DENOUNCt Tut IIF.I'IIHI.KIAN PAR-, TY A V1UOROPB AND PUNtlKMT AD;' ' DRKSS. Special Ourrerpondcnce of the Patriot CiiicAtio, III., Auuat 15. The lend ing Curmniis of this section, liopubli cnni and Liheialn, lmvo jttot ittniiud an ndiiruin pronouncing fur Tildun, as fol lows: Tito lending tiurnmn Roniiblican und Libcrul votura (it tho ciity lmvo prapar od tho following ndtlreHS, which is to ho itwucd to-dny : ticrman-Ainoricun l'Vllow-Citicons ; As (iormun-Anicricuu citizena who horctoloro supported the Rciuhlicnn and liberal Republican parties, wa beg lenvo to submit to won our viutvii with reference to the indupcmling presiden tial election. We would look upon tho victory of tho Republican party us a great niisfoiluno to tho republic, and bolievo such a victory equivalent to tho curse of a continuation (if G mut ism. . Only in tho success of tho Dem ocratic camlidato for tho presidency can we discern the possible realization of our hope for tho futuroof tho coun try. In this conviction which many sad experiences have forced upon us, wo are prompted by tho following reasons : , , Tho Rupiihlicun party hits outlived tho aim and purpose of its organiza tion. ' Tho abolition of slavery bus for many ycni's been an irrevocable fact, tho rebellion is suppressed, tho amend ments to tho constitution aro a part ol tho fundamental luw of tho land, and accepted as such south as well as north, and wo asse'rt llioreloio, that the effort of tho Republican party to attain tho reins of government nftor the purposes aro uccotnpliohed which culled it into existence is but tin attempt to purpct- uato the power of Its lending 'politician to harvest tho spoils of olllce. Every political party which remains in tho uninterrupted possession ol tho government for bo long u period as circumstances huvo accorded to tho Iiopublican party) necessarily becomes demoralized and corrupt, and tho his tory of tho last six years furnishes ample proof of this incontrovertible truth! Tho. Republican party, bit during tho lust years of its reign jeopardized tho honor of tho nation at home and abroad. It has, through il corruption, furnished to tho advocates of a mon orchia! lorm of government tho most weighty argumont against tho republic. - It has increased tho army of feder al olflco holdors to nearly 100,000 men, has organized this army as a political machino and cmployod it to accom plish its selfish and oiriifl purposes. It has knmcingty tolerated tho viola tion ol tho revenue laws, and with tho money stolen from tho government it has constructed tho caiupaigtis of its "great men." It has demoralized tho people by purchasing voles with tho money Btol en from tho coffers of tho nation, Tbo last election in tho Third congressional district of (his Stato is conclusive proof of Uto Uulu tins assertion. It has broken all promises mado with roforonce lo civil servico reform. Whilo aRopubUoanCongrcss passed a lawpro Tiding for reformat purposely withheld all appropriations to facilitato tho exe cution of tho law. Its virtuo in this di rection was a hypocritical pretense and a sham. : : ' i : t It has tho audacity lo assert the sole causo of official corruption is to bo found in tho spoils system oi (jcn. Jackson, and during tho long yoars of its .uninterrupted power it bits not mado a singlo effort to chango or abol ish this pernicious system. It has provon conclusively, during its last national convention, that tho majority of its readers approve tho machiuo policy of Blaino and Jlorlou, Conkling and Cumoron, and that al most a majority oro enthusiastic ad mirers oi tho brilliantly aorrnpt ox-, speaker of tho houso of Representa tives. It lias squandered tho publio moneys and tho publio lands, and Republican members havo again and again sold their votes and influence to railroad monopohos. It has done absolutely nothing since 1872 to regain tho confidence of Iho Liberal Republicans. On tho contrary, tho ovidenco of corruption in ovcry circlo of tho party up to tho cabinet of tho President has only become more palpablo and conclusivo. llelknap and his unparalleled offenso, and his won derful acquittal by a Republican fionato havo but a few days since shocked the moral senso of tho people. Tho sins of this party havo only Increased with its yoars, and whoever turned his back upon it in 1872 cannot grasp it by tho hand in 1870 with any show of con sistency. Tho Republican party boasts of mo nopolizing Iho intelligence of the Amer ican pooplo. Wo claim that it con tains to a great extent that sort of In telligence which; doxtrously manlpti latcs political influenco for private gain; and other peculiar Intelligence which proclaimed puritanism as an in falliblo dogma. and curtails the social freedom of the people. Tho selfish and ambitious policy of this party renders tho restoration of pcaco and harmony botwoon tho North and Soulh an impossibility. Although tho war was onded more than ton years ago, tho loyal Republicans improvo every opportunity to hold hntrod and prejudices and 'to miil that irreprossl. bio "bloody shirt" lo their flag-staff. Wo believe in a gunuino re-establish, mont of this Union. YV believe sin cerely in tho speedy restoration of har mony, peaco and brotherly lovo bo tweon all citizens, North and Soulh. Wo assort that the cruel assassination of negroes In the southern states Is a direct consequence of Iho Infamous misrule of Republican carpet-bairizcrs and an unavoidable outgrowth of tho natural discontent engendered bv tho sudden elevation of tho negro from a slavo to a political equal and master. Such a radical chanco In tho political chango in tho political condition of an enslaved and uneducated race has nov or yet taken placo in tho history of tho world without bringing hand in hand with its blessings theso sud and lamentable consequences. Rut neither tho people of the South, nor tho Dein ooralio party, can ho held responsible for these isolutod brutalities. Time, and a just, energetic and impartial govoriimont, will gradually heal the last soro wound of the Soulh. Hut no fire can bo quenched by adding fuel to the flame ; no wound can be healed by tearing off tha bandages anil opening Its scam. . Those aro in brief tho main reasons why wu eunnot now support the Republican parly. Moreover, wo do not believe that tho small array of Lib erals who advocate the election ol the Republican candidate can successfully influence or control him. We do not believe that this candidate will jeop ardize his chances by refusing to avail himself of tho official muehino of the dominant party, and wo are reasonably certain that neither llhtine or Conk ling, Cameron, Logan, and Charles D. Farwell & Co., will support him with any sort of cnthuaiusm, unless he has first mado to thcm,uud to the elements which they m successfully represent, tho requisite personal and political concessions. Wo do not beliuvo that (iovernor Hayes is made of Bitch stern metal that ho could force reform Into a party whoso majority approver of oBiuiul corruption. His name and his record do not offer a sufllcicnt guaran tee for tho future and wo are, therefore, )uito determined to follow tho advice of the celebrated address of the Liber als, and in its very words wo emphati cally declare : " o shall support no candidate who, however favorably judged by his neur- est friends, is not publicly known to possess thoso qualities of mind and character which tho stern task of re form requires, for tho Amoiicnn people cannot now afford lo risk tho future of tho republic in experiments on merely supposed virtuo and rumored ability to bo trusted on tho strength of private recommendations." lint in huniuul J. ThIcii wo rccng. nizo tho man to combat tho evils of eqtinl und master. Such a radical the hour. His name alouu is a watchword of reform, lie Is not lettered and bound, hand and loot, by pledges lo corrupt politicians ; he is not supported by rings und associa tions, by political ''knight of tho rond who bring their lances to bear upon tho pockoU of the pooplo." His nom ination Is the result oi the spontaneous and irroproBsihlo will of tho people to piano an honest, cnorgeltc and able man at tbojhead of the nathmj Amidst shoots of npplausu, his name was pro posed, by Charles Francis Adams, jr., in tho New York conference of Liberal Republicans. Ho has already proven that ho possesses tho requisite courage and, abilb.y to insist upon an honest administration of public affairs, and to unmask political thieves and scoun drels. His capacity and zeal for ro form havo long enjoyed a national rep utation, lie does not stand in need of tho recommendation of personal friends that ho Is equal lo tho task. Ho will givo us honest money as ho will give us an honest administration. No fraud will cscapo him ; corruption will in vain seek to tbrivo where bo com mands And through his election we may vell expect to re-establish tho original pnrity of our institutions. ' For llinse ronsons and on tho irround of thoso justified expectations we claim your enthosiastic co-operation in the support of Samuel J. Tilden. : Chicaoo, August 14, 1876. : Tho address is signed by Edmund Jussen, Gon. ll, Dilgor, F. Baumann, Edward Riimincl, Philip Stein, and soverul hundred othor Republicans and Liberals. ahE: we ciuiisriADs, Hon. Simon Woll of Washington, whose name as woll as whoso enlight ened viows aro familiar to every Intel igont Israelite in tho United States, oommunicalcs to Forney's Sunday Oironiele tho following, which suggest ed itself to him on reading an adver tisement in-' the miaiMphla l'ress. Tho advertisement reads: "National Reform. All in favor of Sabbath Laws, the tiiblo in tho Schools, !( o(ut Christian Feature of tlie. American Govtrnment, and of a Reliir- iotts Amondmcnt to the United States Constitution, aro requested to meet," &c, Ao. 1 glanced involuntarily to the ditto of issuo, cartainly expecting to sco June 28th, 1734, or 1G34, certainly no ditto within the last hundred years, and yet it was Juno 28, 187G; or, in othor words, tho Centennial day when the immortal Jefferson, ono hundred years ago, reported his matchless Declara tion of Principles, which laid broad and deep tho religious tolerance and freedom of personul opinion, which alono have boon the glory of the cen tury, and which alouo make tho Anier- enn Ropublic a possibility and fitct. "Sabbath laws I" "The Iliblo in tho Schools I" "Other Christian features 1" It seems incrcdiblo that people can exist who claiming to bo American, can so far forgot overy principlo of our Government as to inlrutlo with their soctarinn, strife-inciting ideas in this ora of good will and pcaco. Wo aro celebrating the fact that religious tol erance has not boon a cheat or phan tasm of tho brain, has not boon a ght- toring gcnorall y,and here como those j good Protostonl "Torquamdos," and would rob us of tho only element of American citizenship that constitutes the pride and glory of tho Ropublic. Tho Constitution of tho United Slntos was mado for all, not for sect. Tho Declaration embraced not only tho American, but all tho people of tho earth. Neither Deity nor any system of worship was .recognised In either of thoso Stalo papers, thogrottt and illus trious statesmen well knowing that in a truo repulilio ovory ono "paves his own way to Ilenvon," for even Freder ick the Great, In feudal Prussia, had sent forth tho same Idea. Thov well know that thero could be no happiness, no prosperity, no porpetuity for their beloved country unless they excluded out of tho Temple of Freedom the II ro brand of sectarianism, that fcnrful torch which had destroyed so many countries, illumined tho pathway of millions to tho scaffold, and which had provon a greater sconrga and curse limn any pcstiluncoor frenk of nature So far theso United States havo grown and prospered undor the benign innuoncos of the doolrinos of tho Ideal Jofforson, and will oontiouo to do so If the dam of reason and common senso is set against the flood of Puritanism and Intolerance that threatens to over flow every barrier ol law. Rut the restless imp, Religious Big otry, is determined to assert its su premacy, and is more than over ag gressive mid onurgolic, and strangest of nil, in the Centennial of tho nation's greatest und chiufesl glory. "Subbuth laws, Ac." "Yes, they are Christian iviucsi." but not of tho American (luvornmont, but the Young Mou's Christian Associations of tho Protestant Church, ftc, and restricted within tiio respective limits of their organizations within the pulu of their household there can bo no objection. Hut when they cross the threshold of our common properly, und aim to ele vate their narrow doctrines Into na tional suproinacy, then wo thunder forth, "Halt I fanatic; pray, slug, shout, and do whatever yon deem essontiul for your soul's nul vation.but do it where tho Constitution of tho Unitod States has given you the right, and only there. This lsa Republic of Ideas, not a Church of Dogmas ; this is a parlia mentary form of Government, not A Christian Conclave. We are a nation guiding tho world Into channels of no bler thought and aspiration, of true, unrestricted laws of conscience, and hurl the anathema (used in tho past lor perpetuating oppression) of cn lightenud reason against your narrow, bigoted views. You aro not Ameri cans ; you are not freemen ; you aro not oven Christians. For the first Is liberal; tho second bravo, and the third, when imbued with tho lofty ideals of their Saviour, Is never narrow. You ure only a continuation of that band which, in every ago und in ovory country, have produced disgrace, shamo and war." I deny that this is n Christian, Sin boinodiiu, or Jewish statu. Neither the one nVir the other has the privileges giving dominance over tho other. Were it eo, overy inspiration of our institu tions would ceao to have any signifi cance. , ; . Or, Is tho history of the past to go for nuiighl? II live wu not learned thai linking Church und Slate togeth er has over proven the death-knell of hope, happiness, and peace? Is the lied Scu of blood, that rushes through the hulls of memory, lo be. let loose upon oiirchihlron and engulf them and their inheritance ? Can well enough not bo let alone ? If we must agitate, let us go back to first principles ; let us come up to the intent and meaning of Jefferson's sub lime declaration, lot us bo American cilizeiiB in its highest and best estate. Let us be liberal, just, manly ; not narrow, canting, hypooritieul. He Christian, he Jew, if you will, hut bo it within the walls created for sects ; but outside thereof let there bo ono class of citizens, having tho same guar anteed and vested rights rights which all can but need not enjoy. No force or terrorism in a republic ; no special re ligious observance sanctioned by the local or federal law ; no sot day, which destroys tho primary logic of tho wholo structure; no Saturday or Sunday fixed by law as a sectarian day of re ligious belief, for the abridging of a single right of tho humblest citizen in mallei's of conscience, stamps tho Gov ernment as tyrannical, tho laws as un constitutional, iho pooplo as unjust. Let thoso who will "put thoir trust God ;" It is their right and privilege. But, above all, and for all, let us have "Liberty" broad and generous liberty such as our fathers fought for.' Let the first Centennial go down to tho ages bright and luminous with a reflux of tho best and purest in Government, iindimmod byasinglospotof bigotry or sectarianism ; for if this Christian doc trino is to diclato the policy of the near future, then farewell, to the Re public ; tho first Centennial will bo tho last. Jewish Chronicle. USIO.iDlXa GUXT. Tho New York Sun says : It has boon suggested that tho only way to save tho Repnblican party from a do foat in November is for tho Republican State Conventions, yet to bo held, and other political bodies, not only to dis avow tho acts of Iho President, but to discard him completely. Wo should liko to seo that experiment tried by the grannies who givo this cheap ad vice. They might us well proposo to dissolve tho wholo Republican organi zation, as tho best mode of electing Hayes. Grantisin is tho corner stono of the party. Remove it and tho wholo super structure would ttimhlo down like a a houso ol cards, tirant is tho head of the party, and although ho has but seven months of power left, no lender and no responsible organ has dared to question his conduct, or to criticlso his recent outrages. He lins removed offensively from oftico the men who had been most conspicuous in tho work of reform, und who by their zeal and fidelity had broken up corrupt combi nations that for yoars had been steal ing tho publio revenues and debauch ing tho public morals. Henderson, Hristow, Wilson, Pratt, Dyer, Yaryan, all pronounced Republicans, and all mon of character and worth, woro turned out ignominiously for no othor reason thnn that they had convicted some of Grant's personul friends and exposed tho vaillainy of others. Not a syllablo was lisped by the Re publicans ol tha Senato and of tho Houso of Representatives, censuring this despicable proscription. And why t Jtcoaiiso tho pnrty in Congress substantially approve the removal of theso valuablo officers, and aro in per fect sympathy with tho revengeful reasons thnt operated on Grant's mind. Tho Whiskey Ring, by tho freo uso of stolen money, elected nntl owned many of theso Republican Senators and Representatives. Others they ro utined as counsel, and others, again, they aided in vnrlotis ways. Tho over throw of tho system, by which tho supplies wero suddenly cut off nod these lenders were thrown back on their own resources, naturally provok ed, resentment ; and so, instead of blunting Grant, they really rejoico at his course. It is well known thai the relations between Grant and Hayes aro now of the most friendly kind ; and they are in compluto accord, and that llayos looks to Grant as his principal support in the campaign, not only on account ol tho Immense patronago which he wields, but also for tho policy which he proposes to employ in somo of the Southern States by tho uso of the troops to carry elections and covor up frauds on tho ballot box. Thero may bo a small number ol Republicans who disapprove tho Pres ident's conduct, and deplore its possi- blo consequences; but they oxert no solid Influence on the councils of the party, and havo not the courage to proclaim thoir honest convictions. Grunt is evidently in the mood when ho will tolerate no differencue of opin ion that In any way reflect on tbe Ad ministration. Ho holds a pickled rod over tho heads of all malcontents, and threatens them openly with condign punishment. There is not one Republican mom bur ol Congrosa who Is free from obliga tion to Grant for favor oi patronage, lie bus a perlect roster of their appli cations und of thoir rewards, and he defies them to oppose him or to assail hi uots. fleiieo tho extraordinary si lence and submission nt Washington, in presence of excesses that demand the sternest reprobation. Grant is no worse than the parly, il is tho outgrowth of a venal system which Congress created partly in tho interest of thoso who shaped tbo legis lation, and partly lo appeaso tho avar ice and tho ambition of the President. They made common cnusu together, and opened tho doors wido to extrava gance, corruption, waste, and specula tion, until tho collapso tamo and the whole thing exploded. Now, they aro fighting to save all that is possible from tho wreck, by resisting economy in every form and threatening the peo ple's representatives. Grant is muster of tho situation, und the party dare nut offend him. Two Tunis. Bon. liutlor has suc ceeded in having himself nominated for Congress in ono of tho Massachu setts districts. Tho Now York 7'rt bmir the National organ of tho Radi cal porty In ullnding to the matter says : No one has done more than ho lo debase tho publio service and demoral ize tho wholo system of politics. For yours his name has been a synonym for whatever is degrading and corrupt in political management and official conduct. No ono more than be has brought Iho Republican party into dis favor und disrepute with the better class of voters throughout the coun try. His very presence in the porty j has boon a damage, and his prominence and apparent influence in its councils have driven away thousands of honest voters. His nomination fa un insult to respoctublo men in the party; bis elec tion will be a stain and a disgrace; his recognition us a puity leader, if he should bo olw:ted, will put tho party back two years fwm now to the placo such leadership as his brought it down to two years ago, and front which it has now a fair prospect of recovery. . Tbo editor of tbo Washington lie publican, Grant's Cabinet organ in ro fering to "old cock eye" put it in this way : Hu is unquestionably a mau of far greater ability than the editor of harper's Weekly, and greatly surpassed that gentleman on the score of patriotic devotion to his country in tho hour of its greatest need. Tho country has about tired of bearing contumely heap ed upon General Butler. Tho people feel that his splendid oratorial abilities are sadly needed in tho present dough faced Houso, to counteract tho hellish heresies of such characters as Hill, Tucker, Kant Cox and others, and all good Republicans will rejoico to seo him pitted against the worthies in tho next Congress. It is evident from tho torcgoing that Ben. has somo character sufficient for Washington circles, if it is discounted in New York. The first organ indi cated plays Iho best and most truthful tune. llx's Youu Man. Every working mart is personally interested in the election of Govornor Samuel J. Tilden. Ho has proven himself their true friend by reducing taxation and giving new life to trado. Had his polity, ns de clared in his letter of acceptance, pre vailed at Washington, instead of scores of thousands of idlo workingmon, trado would prosper, and ull who desired em ployment could have it. Tho yellow fever still ruges at Sa vannah, Georgia.hu t principally among tho negro population. Thero woro three cases at Baltimore on tho 15th, thero wero also several discs at Now York. $ru' tlwrtistiutnls. c AUTION. All poranni aro horobj cautioned Bftalnat purebaalng or in mj manner mditllng wlln Iho following pro part j, bow In tho pofttoaiittt of Iiaao Davta, of Pieeaha omibip, vti t Ono oorral horia, I apt-1 rig wagon, two.thlnla of aino acroa of oorn In the flald, aa aaid propartj waa purchaaod bj mi at Coot ali le'i ), and li left with hi on loan oolj, lubjpot to my ordnr at any time. U M. W. MAYS, tiloa Hop, Sept. 1 1976.lt. JSTRAY. Came tre.na..ina oa the tiromiie, of the liibMrlher, la Jlreilr tap., oa the lllb day nf Aueuil, 1H?, a larie KKII COW, eome while epole aa tbe forehead, while aloaff bint, while tall, and bind lege while up to hn.ee. The owner ie reu,ueetod to eoiae forward, prore property, pay rharft-M aad take her away, or .he will tie di.pu.ed of eoeordioa; to law. T. V. RIKIIUL, Lutbor.liuri, Bopl. 13, IST(-3U ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK.- Notlee it hereby airea that Letter, of Ad- mlnlitralioa ou the ..tale of JNO. VAN II HA. IH NT, late of llu.toa town.hlp, ClearSeld Co., Pa., doefta.e.1, havtnt been dulv nraoled to th. undenigned, all perMn. indebted to laid e.tete will please make immediate peytnent, and thoee haeine elaime ar deinande aaainat the eente will preeent Inea properly authenticated for eeltle- mem witnout delay. ALFRED 8COPIKI.D, PenSold, Sept. S, 'It St. Administrator TXECTJTOR'S NOTICE. I J Notlea le hereby (Iron that letter, te.la meatery harlneboen granted to the undent ,ned on the eitate of RICHARD HIIAW.Hr . d.. .1 1.1. of Lawronoe town.hlp, ClearSeld aoualy, Pa., all poreooe ladehtod. to eaid aetata ara reoueeted to make Immediate payment, and thoee baring elaime euulnM Iba eamo will nroeont Ibeia dulr authenticated for oetUoiuont. r-A. B. thaw, who ie eathorlied by the other Kseoutore, will attend to tbo eetlLmoDt of ait eiaim. at id. omee ai tne Kieouture, In the tore-room lately aooupled by JtierphMbew A Son, la Cleerlletd, where he ran ho foand et all time,. JOSKPII SHAW,) A. H. SHAW, t n. A. II. SHAW. I Clearfield, Auliiet 10, IBTS-ot. I QAVTION. All peraoni aro lierehj caullon. J again. t tiurohuing or In nay waj mod.lling with Ike fi.l loatDg proptrtj now la the ponraalon of Prank Po, of (Ins too township, via: Uao black h or at, 1 buggy, I spring wagon, 1 two horse wag-m, I oowa, J heifer, I ealvea, 4 bngs, 10 Uushrli wheat, 100 bnshela oale. lo or 'iQ tona hay, lot of straw, 1 et double harnt-ss, 1 sat itaglo harnoia, 1 pair of sleds, I entiing boa, 1 grind stone, 4 aires oora, lot of eabbagn, lot of grabs, ahatna, vie , lot of lumber al Woodward's mill, btda, Wddlng, tables, ink, dllirs,-ehsira, ttovas, oarpeta, eta., la Iba koaao. This properly waa porohaiMKl ky aio at Sheriff sale on tbo II th day of HepUmber, 1H7D, and to left with Ibo Mid Praek Poi, fuhjtwt to my order at any time. JAMKS PoX. Clearflald, Sept. o, 1 IT ft. St. QAUTION.- All pereaat ara hereby eautloned esalael aureha.luf a la any way medullar; with the followlne property new la the poeoooeioo of Ham blelaa White, of Dell towa.hip, le wlti One bay boree, I white aad hrowa aow, I red aow, I blank aad nbllo eerie, naif, II eheep, I ,prln wagoa, I eat of harneee, (II dona of oate, S ton. af hay, I arr, af oora, I aere of buokaa..!. I -at.. elate iad iteuelle, 4 bade aad beddlait, I aap- " -www 101 n noge. eata prop erty bar In, bee. avrehaeed be aw at OoailakW ean, aad left with tald w hile ea leu, oahjoat ta my oruor ai aay lime. Clwet, t-3ie JonS nOCRKNDERPr. ISffUanfouj. J OB PHINTIMO OF BVKRT DB80RIP tlennnatly eiewated et tble eSioe. rpUlAL. LIST Llit ofoftaMt wt ..ono for Irikl nt iwoend work or iho HflpioMtwr Tom of Court, Id 7(1, beiiig Moatlov, Oct. 2d i Illprii A Lloyd , DourUm A U rambling. U. W. Caldwell vi, A. 0. tV.inor. MioliMl Hubort Curw.niviIU BridgoCo, A. roali. Hr. m. Wu. Carlo . !. MoHhtnixm L- k L. Co i- B. T. Ity it. ol. Kallf'i lUIn VI. J. W. McUbM it. ftl, O. W. Crowoll Chiti. Uimatead 0, Kami! w.d ol. al, Uao. A. Poll Jaoob Wlger Daniol Weaver, D. lilanchard Jt.icph Kmdli f Thmiiai Tnjl.tr J.U. Davia Ha maul (Inrdol Klcbard Shaw, Jr. (1 torg liagtir David F. Ucrriiuo vi. Hohart LiDaborrv. vi. Kdword PloDtiori, vi. Kilword Kiutidiri. vi. Lvid Klrgtil. vi. tfoifph Ktisir. vi. AmtiQ Kirli. Vi. W. W. U twut-o. vi. John McLnutflilio. vi. Iimo fjtinci at. l. vi. Itlohird X ii Mop, vi. Kittftfinlriff Coal Co. vi. Olrarflrld Hark Aimd'a n. Wn.tf. WUi. va. tiarali bowman. KU BLOOM, CIoarfloM, Aug. 30, 70, ProthonuUr. II. A. KllATZEIl, (it'ccicasoM to) KRATZIR& LYTLE, PSALBR IS DRY (I00D8, NOTIONS, HOOTS, Fll OK.", LEATHER, CARPETS OIL CLOTUS, WALL PAI'lR, WINDOW SHALES, ETC. Market ntrret, Clrirfield, Pa. Fob. IS, 187fl.tr J. r- waATxa. w. w. autre wj:ivj;it v uittts CLEARFIELD, PA.( Arr offering, at tbe old Und of Q. L. Recti A Co, their atuek nf guoili, eoniliting of DUY GOODS, GROCERIES, IIOOT.H A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, IIARIHTAIIR, (joTRNHWAHK, FL0UE, FEED, SALT, &o., &o., At the anoit reaaonablo ratal for CABfl or Id i change for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PBObtTCI. frAtlvanMi nude to thoio engaged la get ting out tqnaro timber oa tho tnoit advantagoooi termi. pdtljan73 Awarded the iHfhrst Mrdni at Manilla. E. & H.T. ANTHONY & CO., Stll Ilroailway, New York, (Opp. Mttropollteo Hotel), MainrACTiiHaae, tueolrraaa Aitn nsAt.Bttt in CMOUOS & FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES A VIEWS Albamf , Oraphocopj, l' holograph!, and kindred goodi Celabritica. Aclroaaer, o.t riI0T0GR..riII MATERIALS, Wa aro bvadquartera for overjthlog la tho waj of StorcopticOaic and 2ag.o Lantcrn3y Being mans f acta reri of (he IIICBO SCIENTIFIC LANTERN, BTKKKO.PANOi'TI'.'OX. I'MVKItSITY fiTKROPTlCON. ADVKRTISKII S 8TKRil' I ICON, AilTUPTH'OH, 8CH00L MNTKItV, KAMIT.Y LASTKHN, Each njlc Mug ibo b.t of Id la tho aarkoi. Catalogue! of Lmtiroa ami Un, with direc tlona fur u'ing, oent on application. Any entorprifing man oaa asako b oaej with a Magic Lantern. -Vieittira lo tbo Ceataoniat Eipoaitloo will do w uttr to defer porchaaing gooda in our lino until thfj wme to our at ore in New York, where tliej will Una greater raritMj and more mode rite prtoei, aad ean uloet thorn at their la it tire. But wo have a eoneopaioa to eell aoine at j lee of our cooda In the building of the Itrpartment nf Publio Comfort, and thoee not coming to New York aro iavitd to call on our irpreoentation there, 0?rh, full stock ol Vicw of tha Ki position and their eon tenia. XfYCut out thia adverllaenicnt for rrforenoe.H- June 7, 176-1 j. CALIFORNIA. Tnn ratriao a so orrat-vkitbr!! riiiwav Kmhrnree under one man norm rnl the tlrrat Trunk Railway Llnee of tha WKST and NORTH WK8T, and, with Its ttumeroue branehoe and oonaeotiona, forms tha shortest and quinieat route between CinrAno and all points In li.i.Dtoia. Win cumR, Nortiikrv Midikiav, MiirsoTA, Iowa, N KBRAflK a, CALiroRKtA and the Wkitbrti TRRRiroaiaa. In Omaha and California Line It the shortest anl brut route for all point in North n na ItLiaoia, Iowa, Ihkota, Nrrraska, Wvoaiiifl, Coi.oa Ano, Utah, Nrvapa, CAi.irnn ria. Uaaona. Cam a, Jatar and A vitr Aiet a Its (lil('ii?o, Mnilison & St. Paul Line Is the ahorlcit lint for NonrniRM Winrowam and MumaauTA, and for Mauikos, St. Pai l, Ni NRAfona, Itri.i'TU and all points In tht Ureal Northwoal. Iti Inona and Si. Peter Line li tho only route fr Wirori, Rotrrstbr, Owa torha, Markato, St, Put to, Nrw Klr, and all points to Southern and Central Minnesota. Its Green Bay and Marquette Line Ie the only line for Jashvillb, Watkbtows, Fnxn Du Lac, Oellnoeu, Arri.Kms, Usbku IUr, K.CANABA, NboAI-HBR, MaBQI'RTTB, HurttUTOS, llAsuore and tho Labi Summon Cut srar. It. Freenortanil Dtibiiuuc Line li the only rout for Ki.nis, RorRronn, Frbr. rRT, and all poloti via. Kreeport, Its Chicago and Milwaukee Line Is the old Lass Shore Route, and li th only ono patting through KvAvaroR, Lakb FontT. Hina LAin Parr, WAt'iRtiAR, Kaoihb, Kirosma to MtLWAI'KRB. Pulliiinn 1'alat'e Cars are run on all throoitli Ireine of Ihi, road. Tht. ie the ONLY LINK running lbenear.be. twoea ChloeKO and Si. P.ul, Chleago anil Mllwau kee, or Cbloego and Winona. At Omaha our IUepnr ananeet with Iht orar lead Sterner, on the Vnion Parllto R.ilruad Tor all polnte We.t of the MI.eonri Hirer. On thearriralof the train, from tht Raet or South, the train, of the Chioago A North -Weelern Rnllway LKAVK CIIIOAIIO aa follow,, fort ounrll lllull.,tHuah..nd allfi.ruia, Two Throtinh Tralne dally, with Pullman Palaoe, Drawing Konm and Slerpitig Care tbroueh to Oonneil lllufli. for an. Paul and Mlinieapoll,, Two Through Tralne daily, with I'ullinaa P.laoa Can atteehtsloa both train.. for (irven llav and Lake Otiprrlor, Two Tralne dally, with Pollmaa Palaoe Can ettaohed, and running through to MiMiielte. for Slllwauker, Pour Through Tr.lt. daily, Pullmaa Cart oa aight lra.no, I'.rl.r Choir Care on day traine. for Uparla and Vt luona aad poinu In Miaaeeota. Ou Through Train dally, with Pullmaa Kleep.ro ta Winona. For Itwbuqua, ela Kmporl, Two Through' Tralne daily, wllh Pullmaa Care oa nirht traraa. far llubuque and l a I mm, ti. cimtoa, Two Through Traine dally, with Pullman Car. oa night train to Mellregnr, Iowa. far Rlowl ( Itjr biiiI Vanklota, Two Tratn.l daily. pBllmaa Oar. U Mlieourl Valley JunoU'i. For l.aka liaaaya, Poar Traine daily. . i for Korkranl, Bterllng;, hvonaaha. Jatifra. Villa, and atber peiata, yoa taa havt from two ta tea traine daily. New York Omeo, No. 41 1 Broadway i Roeton OSlea, No. t Stela Street t Omeha tlllea, raroh.ro Street, Saa Pnaoleea Olaae, III MoBt gomery Street Chleago Tiekot OUau t U Utark Street, aadn Shermaa Ueaae I oornor Vaaal and Madleoa Streelat K iaale Ktraot Depot, toraor W. liB.letnd Canal rltmn , Wtllt Street Uenol. Welle aad K latle Stroata. For raiaa or lafbraialloa. aot a(tai.Lt. r jour mm acoau, apply ta n. sa, oTaawavT, MaRViR HlttRlTT. Uen. Hup't, Chloafo Ooa. Paaa. Af L Ckloaao. Jaa. tfl, H7ft.j SotrU. THE MANSION HOUSE Corner of Hooondand Market StrMU, ' CLEAHflLf-U, PA. THIS aid aad aouamodloat Ilotel hw. 4.rln. the pael year, keea talarg.d ta eoun, ,J former .apaoity for tht tatorulnmeBI of .tr.. ger. and gue.lt. Tbe wholt building ku be., refurniabed, and tha proprietor will ib.ro a. peine ta render hit guoott toalortable wLll! uylog wltk him. " dr-Tha 'Maaaloa Hoe.e" Omalhe, rani u and from tht l,,0t oa tht arrival and d.p.rten of aaob train. W. C. CAKDu.N July IMS.tf l"rprlel A LLKGHKNY IIOTKL Market Htreet. Clearflrld, p. Wa. H. llradley, formorlj proprietor af tb Ionard Miom, baring lasl tb Allrglifn. Hotel, solicit a share of publi patrot,.,., House hal beea thoroughly repaired and owl fu mlt bad, aud guecta will and it a p)e.iit ,toj,. tlog plao. The taol will ba supplied with Us i-et of everything in tb market. At tb bar will b ft. und lb best wiaea and lifinon Uuggj tabling atuohed. WM. . URAUI.KV, May 17, '74. Proprietor. S'ljHqvkllASXA UOUSE, CURWKNbVlLLK, PA. KKWION RKAI), PaorRiRToR. Having booom proprietor of this Hold, would reairoetfallj solicit th patronage of lit pabil. II oos leaaantly and eonveaietitlj sit. H.ted t a ) refitted and rofurnisbod : rood .. pie roeaflt attaohed. AH railroad train Hop M tbil &URM. , )mhto n SHAW JIOUSK, (Cor. of Market A Frout streets,) CLHAHFIKLU, PA. Tb ondersigned having taken charge of tbii Uutcl, woald respeetfally aolirit public patronaga. jaat 19 v. iv. k uiatean iui. trASHINGTON HOl'SK, T NEW WA8IIINUT0N. Pi. Tbit acw and wrll furni.bed hoa.e he. Urn taken by tbe anJeraignad. He fetle eonkdeet el bring eble to render eatiifaetloa ta thoee who ate larnr mm won a eall. May I, IS7J. 0. W. DAVlSeProp'r. IIKTIIDIl HOUSE, Oppoiile tbt Court Ilouir, LOCK UAVIN, PI.NN'A Jol4'71 IIAUSEAL A KRIIM, Prnp',. LOYI) 1IOU8E, Mein Street, PIlILIPSBURlJ, I'F.NN'A. Table alwaya eupplied with the brrt tbr mtfkrt aff'irda. The traveling public le Invited tri. jan.lTS. HOI1KRT I.Ol i. ?aiilt. . . ARRoi,n. a. w. ARROLd. . a. itF-iao F. K. ARNOLD L CO., Itankor.H and Ilrolu rn, Hcjunldavllle, alolferaon Co. I'a. Money recti red on deposit. IicoonU ut tno derutc ratca. Kutorn arxl Foreign Kxrlnn-s a. wavi on hnd and e.lltctions prompt I? im,t, iLeyaoMsvlll, Dro 1, lr.74.-ly Counly National Bank, OF CLEARFIKLD, PA. UOOM in Maaonie Iluilding, one door nh at C. I. Watson's Drag Store. Passage Tickets to and from Liverpool, (Juttm, town, (ilasgow, London, Pari and (,. nin;;-!,. Also, Draft for sale on the Rojal Rank e! Ir,lit.4 and Imperial Bank nf London. JAMKR T. LEONARD, Pr..t. W. M. 611 AW, Cashier. M i lt DREXEL & CO., No. 31 South Third Street, Phlla itlphia And Dealers in Government Securities, Application by mail will reeeire iirompt atten lion, and all information cheerfully furmsbad Order aolictcd. April ll-tf. gfiitistr". STEWART & BLACKBDRS, " DENTISTS, CiltnvctifiTtllc. Clearfltld C'ouitty, Pinn'a (OtBre !n tlatrl" New Duilding.) Cuiwenirille, an 1, ISrS-Iy. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (OUre la R.ink Building,) C'wrweuBvlllc. Clcarllbld Ce, Pa. mch I'.' 'it if. A M . HILLS Would rF poet fa lit notify bis natifnii lhat he has reduced the price of ARTI FIOML TKETII to 2.o0 ir set. or I..6.0- for a dotibla et. For aay twproa ooaiing at the same tint, to have aaeh an apper art, will gel the two eti for .ii.0U, or $17. if ouch. Terms TnTariably Car. Clrarfield, Jan. I, 1876. STRASf SAW MILL. ENGINE AND 00ILKKS F0K6ALB. The nndcrtgnstl offer for sale on rearonabl terms, their steam snw mill, located at Wallac. ton, Clearfl-ld Co., Pa. Th engine and boilers ar as good aew. Tb ai of lb engin is 14x24, and Is in good running order. They will also sell their shingle and lath mill, and all tha working machinery ia th mill. Parties wishing to pure has can eall on or addr" UHAUAM. WALLACE k CO Clearfield, l' , Juao 3U. lt7&. MEAT MARKET. " F. M. CARDON & BRO., Uar of Pis' Opara lions, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oar arrangements ara rf tha moat ooRiplet character tor furnishing th publio with Fresh Meat of all kind, and of the very beat quality. Walao deal in all kinds of Agricultural Imp It mrnis, which we keep on exhibition fer th ben efit of the public. Call aroand when ia town, and take a look at things, or address oa F. M. CARDON 4 11R0. Clearfield, Pa., July 14, 1875-tf. jKWCABINKT MAKING SHOP. M. R ftPATk-M AW D.ilrca tn announce to the nubile that he ku openrd a CAUINET MAKING SHOP IN CLEARKISLD, Whore be will KEEP ON HAND FUENITTJEE, And do all klnde of CABINET WORK and 118- I'Allt f lJKMTllKI of all kind., oa unit noliso end in the br.l poe.ible manner. hht ea Fiurlb ilrret, oppo.lte Park A Mrrrill'. Carriap Shop. Aug J, Td-ly. FRESH MEAT-XEW SHOP. Th anderalgnvd hereby in form a Ik pa Ml la general that thy keep on ha nil. regularly, at tbairshop, atljoining JOHN 0 CLlCH'a furuuam rooms, oj.po.ita th Court Home, th BUST MESH DKKf VEAL, MCTT0X LAMJ, POliK, KT( AT KKDUCKU PUICKS, KOH CASH. Market tRfrtilngs Tuesday, Thursday, at! Saturdara. Meat da'ieercd at res i dene ahva deFirt'd. A shar mf pit Iron age i respeirullT fotfr-itei. March I, 1S7C lj. hTAdB A SoKIU. READING FOR ALL II HOOKS .6 BTATIOSERY- IMnrkrt SU, Clrarntld, (at the Port OfHrr. fpilR nnierelgnod beg, leare to annnunc. ! X the eitlirae of Clearfield and vl.leitv. tkat ho hat Stud up a room and baa Jail rrioretd from the city with a large araoeul or roeiiin. matter, eon.iitiog In pert uf Bibles and Miscollanoous Books, UUnk, Arount bb.1 Poet Rook, of rr.rr de eerlplioni P.ipr aad KnvclupM, Krrrtrh .reaad and pliln t i'one aud Penrila: lllarth M Pnperr, lire!., Morlgegc, Jmlgiuert, l.ieine tlon an.l rp-tuiearv nutoet White anl I'.f'k meat llri-f, Lrgal Cap, Record Cep . and Si" l ,rr Sheet Mo. in, for. elltier Piano, Flulr er Violin, eOBataally on hand. Any bonke or .llie.tr desired thit I mav not have on hnnl,willbeirler4 hy Br.t eiprcijauil .1.1 at nh..l. raleor retail to nit ru.lomire. I aill keep pwloaVel lltereturt, euoli a. Mag.ttne., New.p.rrr.. 4e. P. A U aI lIN. Cl.arr,.ld, May T, IfSS-tf ' JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FUUNITUM, MATTMKNMEN, Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P.O. The bb lerelgned heg. loare to Inform the eW ea. or t'learflel.1, tnd the pahlle grnerall.r, lk' ho hat an hand a Sno aeeertmeal ef Poreliera, eaoh at Walaut, Cbeelnal and Painted CfcetaM Hum.. Parlor Sullre, Reclining and Vim" Oh.lre, Lediee' and llette' Ko.y t balre, lh rr forated Dlnln, and Parlor rhalri, Cane SreleeM Wind. Chalra, Clothat Hare, Step and Kile' lloa Uddore, Hal Raeke, Rorabblag Rre.bee,4 MOULDINO AND P1CTI R1 FRAMES. Looking Qla.Ne, Chromof, At., which would he callable for llolleay preeente. deelt'H JullN TROl'TMAN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers