THE REPUBLICAN. CLKARK1ELI), PA 1VEDNRHDA Y MORNINO, SEPT. IT, IITt. Terms of Subscription. If paid ll advaa.o,or witbin tbree aumlkl ..II 0 If paid after three and befor. all montha..,,. I M It paid .Par th. .iptratioB of ill month!.,, I 00 BeT-Moaare. B. M. PamnaiLl Co.. N.wa iaer Adroillelag AgeaU, 17 Pork how, torn or leekmaB Street, oro our duly aothorliod Aral. no ion utij, fcKl.ltllOUl NOTICE. Method lit Episcopal Church-Rtr. B. F. St: v aaa, sstor. Poblie Barviee trery Babbitt, ai iu a. ai., ana ?t r. m. Sabbath Hohool at II A. II. Prayer L ilian eror Thureda. at Tl P. 11. Cornn union Harriet, Orst Sabbath of every asonsn, at i a, jr., Weil Clearfield M, R. Church Rti Wm. U. Dili, and J, F. Andbmom, Pastors. Preaching erery alternate Huntley, at I o'olooh P. M.-eSuo-iay School at 3., P. M All art Id vllrd to alttnd. Preab)terlan CliurchRtv. H. S.Dotmr. Bab In th itrTiaM morning and evening Bab bath iSohonl at I P. M Prayer Matting Wednea day evening. Ht. frando' thurch Cathollr HtT. p. J. HKxninaa, Preaching at Htf) o'clouh, A.M., on tat first, (bird and lourlh Sundatsof aaob month Vespers and ltmcdlollon of tba blessed Batratntnt at 7 o'clock, P. ht.Puuduy School arery ttundey enernooa at a o oioor. OFFICIAL lIRECTOHY. tint or loLDiia dart an irmioni oovht, Btvond Monday of January. T'j rd Monday of Mareb, First Monday af J una. Fourth Monday of ttepteiaber. tihi or aoLOiva cannon plrai. Pint Monday of J not. Beeond Monday of November. roBtio omenta. Prttidint Jtdgi Hon. Charlei A. Myr. of Lock Ha van. Attittant tost Judgt Hob. John H. Orvli, of Hellelonta. Attotiau Jmdytt VTllllam C. Foley, Clearfield . John J. Reed, Curwenasille. Protkouolaiy RU Bloom. iftytfier ana Rerdwh. J. Morgan. th$triet Attonty Frank Fielding. Trtaturtr David McUaughey, Shriff William R. Mol'btraon. County 5ror 8amael F. MoClotkty, Cor wsnsville, Canary CopfMiMioHtr- Clark Brown. Claar- Raid ; fhomaa A. UeUee, P. 0.) Hurts Hoover, UlearOtld. Count Aodtlor Chrlit. J. Keafcgy, Oltn Hop ; Samuel A. Caldwell, Wllllamsgrove; John C tonntr. tfurniiot. Vaunt ConwJ. B. Naff, New Washington. Jury Cnmmiationtr -John W, Bhugart, James Mitchell, Clear fled. 8uprinUndnt of Public School John A. Uregory, turwensrille. Solaris ' W. Wrlgtey, Wm. Re debauch, Cyrus L. Gordon, Clearfield: Jos. R, Irwin, N. R. Arnold, CorwtnsTillej J. J. Uogla, Useeole Mills. Oar Sptial column tl dtoidadly intortating in a local point of view and profitable rtading to outsiders woo want to sort money. FRIDAY, OCTOBER AT II, IB TUB LABT DAY TO PAY TAXES, IF YOU WANT TO VOTE FOR PRESIDENT THIS YEAR. Buckwheat cakos nnd tax collectors art Doming. Jack Frost nips tho toes of barefooted urohins I belt mornings. - m m Moro "kiverH," a little firo and an overcoat. Fall U hero. For A good horse and buggy, go to Gearbart'a liwry liable. J. V. Gray has boon appointed ticket agent at Woodland, on the Tyrone A Clearfield Railroad. Full-seeding is moHlly completed in tbia itetion, though toast few taiiy farmers are not yet through with the work. You can hear a heap of big talk about squirrel, and tbeir abundance, but that It tbo moat (hare la in hunting uow-a-daja. A largo number of Centennial ex ouraioniata returned home on Saturday laat. and appear to bt well pleated with the trip. a Mr. J utiles Forest, one of Clearfield toooty'i olde. el Hunt, died at bia reaidtntt in Btiggi lownabip, on Wednesday of last week. I - I Four full-grown wovles, to say noth ing of five or an young toes, art known ta have tltir lair la Black lick township, Cambria county. S. A. M. Your article would furnish no information te the public, wonld prove very offensive ta your School Board, and render yon uooam forte bit If published. m- mm Walnut, butternut, chestnut and hickory trees In tbia neighborhood are wall leaded, and squirrels and little boys are busy gathering supply for the Winter. Several rufts passed this place last week, bound fur the lower market. Wa thought they all paaaed down the river on tht Spring flood but tout one It always left for the Matit" freshet. The September term of Court com menoed It aeetioa on Monday, aad will continue two weeks, the Commonwralifc oasti taking op the time ef this weak. The attendance la quite Inrgt. Judge Or via ta presiding. Tho timo approaches whon forest trees may be transplanted with an almost absolute eertainty that they wilt take root and floarlih, Let every man, woman and tbtld ta tht land plant a tree as a Centennial land-mark. The time of sunlight is fast shrink log. The evening shadows fall at an early hour and art not cleared away by the tun' broad beams ontll lata each morning. Darkness now reign a about thirteen hours out of the twenty-four, r as Thus far September has been more tiae a omnmtr montn tnan sue beginning o( Au tumn. There btss been Bulbing about it tu remind us that Tut wleurWI J aavo Tl.e saddest of the )ear.'' . i m e em iluny people tro to tlie Centeniiiui because it ts lasbluoaila an to do, and net beaaase they really tnjy tha;asevlct there, or ere fond of aight seeing. Ladies are much more given to this than men are. Uirlr, it la to I ' Yon may mile tryoa will, hut It's so." lo A polo ono hundred and fifteen feet high was raised at West Liberty Jefferson Line Poatoffiee), tn Brady township, on last Friday a week, by the Democrats In that "neck 'o woods." Brady will poll fifty mora Democratic retta this year than tver before. Mark onr prediction. List of letters remaining unclaimed In tht Pottofltot at Clearfield, for the week ending Beptemper 15th, 1876 t Bell, William R.-t ' Mooney, W. F. f'asaedy, Thomas Potter, Clarence Diion, John A. Robb, Herman Laphey, Thomas ' Phew, M. Uegaa, T. N. Yoee, Litato iiin-aa su ,i Poli JIaisinu. The .Democrats of Brady township propose to raise another hickory pott at Dubois, on Wednesday, the tlth of Otto. her. Sartre) speakers will he preatat aad deliver addressee, This will he tho third one for that township, and It looks now ai though the Demo cratic mijority would ell tab np to 360 on the Tlh of November neat. mm e Tho A 1 toon a .Sun, of Friday last, says that tbt Day Kiprtsa on Moadty, the lath Inst, patt-d through that tit In twelve teetlons. There vera tnt hundred tart In tbt train all ef which vera packed ta their almost capacity. Several (f-if hi engines were prtseed lata the passenger mite, and s number of the cars were borrowed from ether rvads. Anothkr Ciianui It seems that bt Deer Law undergoes n change every year, Lait year tt ran from tbt 1st or September te the It of Decern bee. The Ul latere ehaaged It last Winter from the 1st of October la tho 1st of Jana try, and Imposts a ant of ISI for violating the pratilieae af the Att. Bo, look out ! There U "ih so a fine et that ea eet. Iir.AD. Jlftilin llockcnburry, one f lb, oldeet aitiaooa or Cheat low.ablp, died At Iba raoid.Boe ef hi ooa Joba, .a tbo , aged 71 J'.t.. Mr. lloeheabotr, aa hwt la JoolatA O..0I,, Ibi, Itau, aalMUIod IB ahlaw.alr,Bo,r Loraber CM,, In.. all ,eon a,o, bat afterward, "erad I. Ch.,1 twee. hip, where bo died, Mr. rooadod b, t l,igo oiral. of rel.ll.ea oad frioada. Notice. JamM A. Moor roqniti a to ivo BOtte. lo patooal who at. la tho habR f tranflog ,rov kla wboal.leld, belweM tbia kt.,k aad tbo C.lboll. Motor,, lhal thee hod baltor atop II, or Koaoef Ibeal will go4 law trouble. Pm,Io kavo 0. aior. rlf ht te trMraoi a, . ana'. 14 th.a Uey bar, I, break hot bU kowH aid HhI. "Jib" bi,bu botle, a. 4 ttMpAartri S balleT rook nt I Coal Oil. Ly tie has rooeivod a car toad of coal oil, and nan Mil It by tba quart or barrel. Also, by the eas. tf. Wanted! 1,000 cords of Hemlock and Rook Oak Bark, for which wa will pay the highest markat prion. Jylllf. A.O. Kmuaa A Oo, Lorillauo's Tobaccos. Lytic, of tbli plate, bat the agtaey fur Clearfield ooanty for Loril lard's oelebrated brands of lobnooo, and oan tell then tt factory prlcea. The worst possible result thut can follow the buunlllul ytald of orchards tbt present season la that dried applet will be very plenty the ooiotng Winter. It la said that dried aple pita aad grass-widow a art two of tbt worst aril tlti on earth but wo would take two widows to oot dried tpple pit all tbt ttme, and tblnk we had "millions In It" if wo believed the widow, " ' 1 S mmm Ladies heavy, durk-colored silks are to ha tho fashion among the elsis tbo coming Winter, but wt wouldn't advise yon to invest largely la there costly fabrics. Your beaui, If bo la half the man bt should he,wouldJustaa toon bug yon tn a Scotch plaid or black lustre of a Winter night, and let you Invest tbo difference In a holi day preseat for himself. Bya now-a-daya have, without ai caption, In view of the bard times, grown peculiarly unselfish. - e- A Hlundbr. An exchunuo snya : ' Several years ago James II. Devor, Kq , of Porry county, bad locust tree on hla farm out and aa wed into plank which ht then had made Into a ooffln for him si-If, so aa to have It ready for ae. But he had forgotten that a dead utan measures more than a lira one, and when ht died ft fow days ago, it was found that the ooffln was too short, and after all he was not burled lo the tofliB he had prepared for himself." " IJaveyou heard the news?" " W hat newt I" Why, of the new boot and shoe store la Clearfield, on Second street, opposite the Court rJouao, I was down to tbt aew store only tht other day atd found them 10 cheap and good that I actually don't see bow they tan tell at such prtcaa. But tht proprietor tells me that they buy all their goods for cuaa and to get a big discount, aod, of course, can tell much cheaper. And another thing ho told nie was that they sell for owe price ona, so that If you have any grain or produce to trade you oan get iba goods at the same price aa though you paid cash for them iee advertisement. How They i)o It. Tho A 1 toons Mirrmr says I In (be transportation of tba ex traordioarily large number of passengers In transit over tbt Pa, R. R. tba past ftw weeks several freight e.ginos were pot into requisition, besides the regular punger locomotives, aad ears from the Cumberland Valley, Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne A Chicago, Pittsburg, Columbus A St. Louis, Pitta burg, Virginia A Charleston, North Pennsylvania, and several ef the Huntingdon A Broad Top were pressed Into service. It tt worthy of remark that during all tbo 'rush every employe, from the highest official to the humblest, baa worked lo unison aod with good effvot." Master Ed. Khocni, a boy about 14 yean of age, residing in this borough, was severely bitten by a dog, oa Tuesday afternoon of laat week, at the farm-bouta of ilr. John McBride, In Lawrence township. Ed. bad gone to Mr. McBrlde's for butter, and while they were getting it for stepped unt upon the porch and spoke tb iht dog, when the brute made a spring at tba boy, and oalcbing hit (Ed.'s) upper lip and aoae between bia teeth, laoerated them lo a horrible manner. Tbo dog bad never beeo considered cross, and Info re tbia time bt alwayt appeared rather friendly towards Ed. Tht wound was dressed by Dr. Schcurer, and the boy la getting along aa well as possible. Mr. McBride killed tho dug the next morning after the tcoident. Tu it Brady llovs. Lunt woek was Convention week aitb sis. No less than four were held bare, via: Democratic, Modoe, Juniors, and last, the Rati lea I. The first Convention nomi nated Andrew Penta, Jr., for Sheriff, and the last selected Wm. O. Arnold, Esq., for Senator, and L. B. Carlile for Assembly. They are all Brady township boys, although Mr. Arnold, who was also made Chairman of tbo Radical County Com mittee, now resides at ( or wen villa. T bey arc all good boys ; but tbo two latter alwayt discarded liberal Democratic views, and, hsvlog joined the Radical parly from choice, Democrats should give them a wide political berth on election day. Tht nomlaatioa of nnele and nephew also show that the Rads are drifting In the Urant tide even here in Clearfield where the reverse Is taught. Cleariheld Coal Trade. State- meat or Coal and other freights tent over the Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Rail road, for tbo week ending- Bept. 10, 1870, and tho tame time last year i COAL. TOUS. For the week 11,1.6 dame time Itst year , 12,706 Increase Previously during year Same time laat year Increase Total in 1870 Same time last ytar ... Increase OTRtB FRBIOnTt. Lumber , Miscellaneous freights , 65 cars, 611 The .Radical Ticket. Our oppo nent the s trai It Uout Rads held their County Convention In this place last Friday, nnd pat the following ticket In the field : Congress Thomas U. Murray, of Clearfield. Senate Wm. O. Arnold, of Clearfield. Assembly L. B. Carlile, of Brady township. Sheriff Jamas Mitchell, of Clearfield. Associate Judges Wm. Radebaagb, of Clear- field i Joba Meheffey, of Burn side. Dlst. Attorney Cyrus Oord n, of Clearfield. Jury Commissioner J, Afeian lor, of Wood ward township. Onr friends teem to patron lit this borough pretty well, loo lot than there Is no ring in that 1 Ob, no 1 1 The mm who menage (be Itadioal ma chine art til tooblih-toned aal reMjiout to itoop ta anything like a ring. That's so 1 Fire No. 3. -The firo fiend agnin visited the Tillage of Wood land, In this county, last Friday night. Tbt dwelling of Ihs y Albert waa fired between 1 aad S o'clock. Tht audacity of the Intendieriec te traly remarkable, and a plete terror prevails la that vicinity. Every property holder hat a watchman, and yet t it Arts break out. Mr. Albert and bis family ware ab- sent from home, hot two men and a watcbmnn stayed at Iht house at night. Bbortly alter 1 o'clock the watch maa htard itona strike the board-walk and bound agft,Ba fonoe In frunt of the bona. After a abort Urns be noticed a man on the railroad, and starting toward bin lo lttrn hla business be moved osT in the direction of the turnpike, aad, when near the M. E. Church building, the watch man looked around aad saw that Mr. Albert's boas was en fire, He started back, and, by the reflection ot the fire, was enabled to ate a man running tway from tba house, whon he followed aad fired two sheta. While tho peranlng the Bend, the thought struck the watebmaa that Iba two mea asleep la the boas would burn op, and he wheeled for the burning bnildlog, where he found his comrade juat as wide awake as ho was, having already made tbetr esospa. All efforts to aavo the house proved futile. Coal oil and matches did Iht work, and aetrly tvtrythiag wa barned op. Mr. AI bert'a less ta aboot $7,000, with aa insurance of $4,Ct. Up to the present no one has beeo arrested for these repeated incendiary act. The escape of lha criminals tt remarkable. Our judgmeat la that tbo watebmaa should do better shooting aad more of tt. Htd he Inserted a few buck-shot la the shanka of the fellow who he saw on tba railroad, bo might now bo la possession of such In forma Hon at wo Id lead ta the arreit aad toavtotlea ef tho criminals. WANTED by ( arwcnavllle, a.sMsurordooak ana hem lock kark. I(NMMN) nlnrh shaved ahliiiriea liNMMKi gi-lnrh aawod eh In a; lee. IIMMMMJ fetl Inch lue board a. ecpt.tL. 1HB AMF.KICAN PROPI.K. N. people Is the world a.l.r oa Bwb with Dvrpep.i. Af Am.rleena. Altheagh Joora of ,1 porlenoo la Bodleiao bad foiled to aeeompllab a oort.ia oad ear. ramedy for tbl. dieooM aad It, rfoel owob oa Soar Stomach, H fort born. Water braoh, Slob lleodoobo, O.llveaooa, polpiuitoa of the Hoorl, Livw awBla, op of tbo food, lew epirlU, geaerol debility, ate., y.t oloo, Ike lalrodaolwa ef'a An.i'av ft.waa we kelloro Ihero la a. aaa. of Iyrpei.l tbrt .ua.l be laoaadioli y relieved. M,oo, dwooa Mid loot yoor witaMI an, .M. tt Wlar. reported. Uo to yowt DngalM, O. If. vV.laoa, and get a Baapto Itoule for 1, wall aad try It. Two d.aea will re lieve yoa. kogalar alae Tt att A,rV7eowly W AMTRU-bT Anaold.ll CarKaamlllw. A.(MN ror.. oak and k.Biwrk bark. IIMMftm 9Vlnrk abavrd ekln;la. ItXMMM 14-lorb oowod aklBrl. lutMMlu IkAt tatek pla. kaarta. arpUdl. Bnoot.l foa Sals. K. Mowiob Shaw keopa a foil aapply af rradoaw Boifloo aad PlatfarB Waami for aal.. To be omb .1 lb. Shaw Ho.M yard. Uaal M Of MdraH BIB ,1 uroaraetw raw. itlvaala. BAy ll-tf. A FEW THIN Gal THAT WB It NOW, Wa know that a disordered ttomaoh or liver produce mora suffering tban any otbar oaoao. We know that very few physicians are successful In tbeir treat meat of these disorders. Wt know that DeCosla's Radical Cure will, without the shadow of a doubt, almost Immediately Nile re and permanently euro all of these distressing symptoms, vve anew as iboumdui woo are wns in ir lo tostifr that what we aay la true to Use letter. Wa know that If you will give it a fair trial you will let us add your name to tho "aloud of wit nesses." Will you give tt a trial, and doit nowP Trial else only 20 ccata. BoM by O. V. Walton, end liartswick A Irvio, Druggists, Clearfield, Pa. Prof, Parktr'a Pleasant Worm Syrup la per fectlr safe, eitremaly palatable. No physio re quired. Costs lift cent. Try it. For sale by C. U. Waisnn and II art wick inrtn, Clearfield, Fa mchJJIeowly. W A NTFJ by Arnold, at Curweuavllle, S.tKMt rordooak and hemlock bark. IOO.OOO HiMisch ahaved ahlng-tea. iHMMH4-litrh aawod aliliifflca. - IOO.OOO feat Inch pluo board a. aept6 WM. HUKD'eJ LOCAL, On or about September 25th, l7fl, Wm. Reed will be receiving bis new fall and win tvr stock of Dry tioods, el. You will find a fine selection of Dry Goods, Notions, Trimmings and Millinery (Juods, everything of the latest stylt and in great variety, at the very lowest prioea. It la his Intention to keep a much larger assortment of Fancy floods, Trimaiiags and Millinery Ooods than hereto fore. Bept, 10, IM76. dec. 8, H7Mf. SWarrlrd. On Salunlav, Sept. Si, 1T, by J. 8. McKler nan. Esq.. Mr. James J. U III and Miss Mary Dil lon, daughter of Oeorge Dillon, all of Beaoerle lownabip, C learns Id ooutuy, rsv On Thursday, Sept. Slat. He v. Win. U. Uurcbfleld, Mr. James C. Wright and MissMarluo ti. Living-Ion, both of Oorweosrille, Pa. On Mondar. 8eit. 1Mb, IS7,by J. B. McKier- naa, Mr. Hugh McKendriob and Mlts Lorena Root, all ot Uulich township, Clearfield oounty, fa. Sid In Lawranoe township, Clearfield Ooanty, Pa.., oo Thursday, August loth, 1870, of typhoid fever, John Lambert, aged 12 years, 1 months and 10 days. On Thursday, August Slat, 1H70, or typhoid fever, William Lambert, ased lt years, 0 months and 0 days. On Wednesday, Sept. 13th, 1H70, of typ noid tever, Howard A. iamoen, ageo zi years, 6 months and 0 days all tone of .Samuel and Ellen Lamport. lo Ball township, Clearfield county, Pa., on Friday, Sept. 8th, 1870, Armor Uregg, aoa a Adam aod U. O. A. Bretb, aged 1 months aod II days. In Brady township, Clearfield county, Pa., on Sunday, Sept. 17ih, 1870, Malissa, daagbttl or Iloraoe aod Malinda Courtney, aged IV years. In Brsvdv township, Clearfield county. Pa., oo Sunday, Sept. 17tb, 1876, Mary Melissa Courtney, aged lit years, 6 months and 1 days. In Brady township, Clearfield county, Pa., on Thuroday, Kent. 3 let, 1870, Isaiah J. Pools, aged 28 years, 0 months and 28 daya. in orisay sowniwip, vinrnBtu pun n 17, rm , tin Thursday, Sept. 31st, 1870, Jemima Adella, wire or J. il. Penta, aged 17 years, 1 months and 1 days. Railroads. l'eiii.Mylvtiiiiiillnllroad TYRONK 4 CLEARFIELD BRANCH ON ond .nor Mood.y, APKIL IT, 1IT(, tbo Pooiongor Troto. will run doily ( Bus doysj botweoo Tjrrono ond Clo.rlloldj u follow, : CLEARFIELD MAIL. ' W. C. Inwio, Conductor. 'LBAVK B0UTH. j" L HAVE SOUTH. Cur.n.vill...l 85, r.m. T.ron, 1.48, l.n. CloorB.ld I.SO. " OiomIl. t il, ' l'li,linb.rj...4.ti, " Pbilip.liurf.. .10.116," O.ooulo 6. 0", " Cloortleld ...... 11.00, " tyrono " I Crwonlllo..lI-.2, " CI.KAHKIKLl) RXI'HKSd. W. ft. Plit.mro, Cooduoton TkAVB SOUTH. I LKAVB NOHTlT- CarwoDiTlllo...6.10 1 Cl..r.ld.... :3S " J Tvrono H.t.0& r.ii ' I.tonoolloD.,.T.2l " I 0.ool . ....I ll Pbilip.bor(,..I.IS " Clo.rll.ld, or ..26 ' Carwonirlllo. .60 " Pblllpibur t.M OkooI. .. t.ib " Intcn.otioo... T.5 " Tyron 1M " BALD tAULII VALLKY BRANCH Eip. Moil. . . DolL p. A. m. p. M. M. 1.00 11.40 11.66 11.14 11. li 11.00 10.16 1.46 t.ii 8..1S le.vo Tyrono .rrir, B. 20 T.1S (I.SS Bold Kofi. (.0, OS II.M Joliu j t.ll 8.90 10.00 Milooburg 4.47 8.40 10.10 Bollofonlo 4 18 8.J.1 11.20 Miloohorf 4.16 0.18 10.44 lloword I.M 10.00 ll.m .rrlroL. Uovow I.. v. 1.10 TVRO.NB STATION. ABTWARD. A H W.KTWA.n. A Pllt.bur, Eip'u, J:41 PooiBo EiproH, I:H1 r If Woj Poiungor, 1:08 Mail Troin, 0 41 FMt Lino, 1:68 Poelfio Kiprrji, B: 1 5 Hsrrilbtlr, Aoo'n, 1:48 P H Moll Trolo, 1:21 AtloDlio KipreH, :47 Pbil.'d. Kiproli, 10:40 PHILIPSBUna HOBHANNON BRANCHKS On ond .(lor Mosd.T, APRIL ITlb, 18", Ao- oommodotiow Troino will ni. o,r lb, Pbllipo burg ond Mu.honDu, Br.noboa, u follow, t LEAVE SJl'TH. LEAVE NORTH. I. A. A. I. 81. lion, Morriidol., Phtllp.burg, 6l.inr', Bojnton, OhooIa, MnsbonnoB, HlorllBK, Hnwlsdolo, MeCuloj, kondrioka, A. M. P. M. I. H. 7:16 11:81 7:00 11:16 4:11 . 12:11 4:81 12:04 4:21 11:66 4:16 11:41 4:00 11:88 8:51 11:17 1:47 11:14 1:44 11:10 1:40 1:25 1:40 ?:Si 1:44 7:38 1:60 7:44 1:61 10:06 7:52 2:l 10:18 :0 2:111 10:24 8:11 1:21 11:28 1:18 2:28 10:36 1:2! 1:93 10:44 8:11 Cln.. ooonofltloD, by .11 trolni .t Trron. ood Look Hatod. S. B. DLA1H, B17-tf. Snporiotondont. FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bollofonto, Pa 11 06 Look II. .n 1 70 WillUm.port 1 00 Huntinxdoii I 80 Lawiltuwn 1 00 Mlddlotowi (11, .... t 60 Loneo,lor 6 86 PHILADELPHIA 7 0S AltoonA 1 66 I 80 I'lTTKBUMU t 16 M.n.Till. 4 60 HAHRlrlHtlHU... 4 76 Allcglirny Valley Railroad. LOW (IRADE DIVISION. ON nod .llor Mn,l... Jon. 10th, 1870, ttio po...ix?r Irnkn, will roo doll, (except Hundny) bt twtru Hrd 1'onk And Drlflwoud, a, l.:l..l I I Al V AHI).I).j Molllnvoi l'lll.l.ur, 8:"tf o. m .1 Rod Il.tik ll:16 Uhgn Junotin. 13:011; N.W llrlblrl,.!. 12. SO ! IaJ,tIIIo 1.05; Tn,; 1:17 I Hruok.llio 1:50 Poller'. 1:11 1 R.r onldirillo 1:86 f DuBni, 1:01 1 T.n.l 1:2 pMiBeld 1:40 Vn4.lll. 4:00 1 BenoHII. 4:20 .rriv., Drlltwood 6tll. W I.8TW A H H- Dot Moll leave. Driftwood 12:26 p. B t HrooietU l:l" Weoilritlo l:2.1 PooOeld lull Summit Tunnel 2:27 1 Do Hoi. 2 4; Retnold.,ill.8:l6l Kull.r". 8 :11 1 Brook.lll. I:6II Tr,ir4:l6t M.jntlll, 4:19 1 New H.tbl.bem 4:62 Kligo Junction 6:21 1 Rod Bonk 6:47 1 ArrlTM At Pitlibar, At 7:10 p. n. The Rr.Boldcvllte AocowmodfttloB Imto. RooDoldavlllo daily At 6:10 A. oj.t And Arrive, At Hrd Bank At 1:16 A. m. loM Hod ll.nk At 7:16 p. m.; Arrival At K.TOold.rill. At 10:80 p. Cloao eoBBoetloB, aodo with troiB, ob P. A K. R.tlroad At Drllt.ood, oad with Iroln, ow too AllrolieBT V.ll,v l'.iln.od al Red Book. DAVID McCARUO, Uob'I Sop't. A A. Jacmoi, Sup't L. U. Dlv. tw g.rJtfrtliSt'raruts. -QISSOLUTION. Nolio. M hereby given that lb. portaorohlp heretofore oaiatlng In Ibo drogbualneaa, aodortho nemo ond etyle of BIBttonborROr A Co., at Wood land, P., baa thi, day been dlaa.ilved by Bataal eonaont, Dr. J. A. Bouaa retiring from Iba drta. The bueioeaa will itill b. earried .a at tba .Id .toad, where a foil liao of pare droga,dyeo, oil,, pAiata, AaM will bo bopt ooB.tontlyon hand. IILATTBNIIKHUEH A CO. Woodland, Pa., BopL 17, 1871-11. QAUTION.- All poroooa are beraby Mutlonod Agolaot pnr ehaaiog or la any WAy noddling with the Mlew inc property, bow ia tho poaaaaaioB of Tbomaa C. Kyler, of Morrt, lownabip, via: Eight aeroi of euro, 11 aor.. oaeawnei, idv aoaoa or rye la the barn, Tl aaaaeia oat,, i otaea eon,, i gray BorM,, 1 Hack more, 1 two bona wogoo, I baraeea, I aet alvri, and ebAlnA, a. lb. aero, belong, to ma. and lo left ia hla poeeeeeioB BB Iobb aaly, aubjoot to ny order al any tin,. JOSEPH POTTER Kyltrtowa, Sept. it, 1810 It I 1ST OF JURORS. J Llatof JarondrawarwrSeptowibar IwrB, A D. 1871. I be held n lb. 4tb Moaday af Be. tenber, (26th day), and eontlnee for two week, : tBAVBMB JPBOB, 2d WBBK. J. R. Wrtael, B.rald, 1. t. Woavor, ClMrl.ld A. P. Mltoboll.CI.Arlleld M. Boleorf, Cle.rB.ld, 1. TbonpooB, C.r'avill, L. Shlaaal, Wellanelea, M. H. Weld, Beeearta, Rob't Sbaff, Booearta, Son 'I B oyco, aiiVoariaw Juka ConBlngben, Bell fraaele Baah, Bogga, A. Hearken, BrAdlord, Jane, Holly, Boraeide, D. MeCrarkoB, B.raoido L. Book, Hera .Id., Job, BobleoB, Choet, Aadraw Pralley, Cheat, J. M, Reiter, Covlogton Jaa. Kephort, Doektar, H. Carrv, PerguooB, Joba Hllo, PergwMB, Prad Croaa, Porgwm, Kill, Irwin, Uo.boa, R. K.ablroy.aaakoa, W. H. Stonier. Oalleb. Lake Millwood. OaHeh, oma, ontta, joroaB, Jamer Oalbwrt. Knox. J. L. TbamnaoB, Low ae N. lawhead, Lawrwawa, W. Spook aaaa or. Law oa Jnaa Armwry, rilpo, JobB Dwaloa. Pana. R. M.Craahoa.Plho. J. M. Ckaao, ViUalwardl W. Readme., Iriv g.Hv(t1ij(m(Bti. N OTICEa Notice ti hereby ilvsa to all parties aoa' oemed,thatmy wife, Mary Potter, having left my tea aaa board, wttaoat any oauto or provocation, all persona are hereby warned ai-elnat harboring or trusting her on my account, as I will not pay, or no responsible for,any debit contracted by bar. JAM ltd POTTER. Kylsrlewo, Sept. Sf, 1878-It. PITTSBURGH, FA. Tb. noat oonpUt. lattltutlon la tbi, UBltod State, for tbo thorough praotiool luoAlloa of yuuag aad Biddla Aged aeo. Bladrnti recelrtd at any lima. J. 0. SMITH, A. M. Principal, optll, 'TO-lro. JJEGISTER'8 NOTICE.- Notice tt hereby given that the following ac counts have been examined and passed by mi, and remain filed of reoord In tbia office for the in spection of boira, legatees, creditors, and all others interested, and will be presented to the next Or phans' Court el Clearfield ooanty, to be held at the Court House, in the borough of Clearfield, com mencing on tht -Jth Monday being tbo IjHh day) 01 Beptember, A. U. 1170 1 Final account of William Ball, Quardlan of II. O. Anderson and Margaret Anderson, minor heirs or w. w. Anderson, lata or i loo in lownsbip, Clearfield Oi.ui.ty, Pa., doo'd. Final account of D. B. B rubes er and David Dressier, Kxeoutors of the estate of Jno. Kesicle. late of Union township, Clearfield oounty, Pa., deceased. Account of James A. Campbell, Admin Islnt tor of tne estate ( Benjamin Jlulrtl, late or lisll tw p, Clearfield eountv. Pa-, dee'd. Final account f Rusaa Waple, Administratrix of ine estate or Hicham .Vaple.lale of Boggs twp., vieerneiii eouniy, ra.,aee tf. Partial account of Jobu Kason and Porter Kin- port, AJmialstrators of the estate of Win. C. Irvia, late of BurnsiJe township, Clearfield Co., rm., ueo a Partial accounts of David J. Turner. Guardian af losepb ll. tirtssler and Wm. H. Dressier, miner heirs of William 8 Brassier, dee d. Final accounts of David J. Turner, Guardian of Isabella Peters, (formerly irabtlla, aaa juniatl jfumbarger, (Tormerly Juotati Bresalar), minor heirs of Wm. 8. Breasler, dee'd. Partial account of Daniel flood lander and Ilenrv Knarr, Kxeoutors of the estate of Adam Mar shall, late of Brady township, Clearfield oounty, Pa dee'd. Final account of J. H. Kirk, Administrator of the estate of Willtaia Kirk, let of Brady towoship, Clearfield oounty. Pa., dee'd. Aoeeunt of Josieh Henry aod Wm. M. Henry, Administrators of tbt estate or Tbomaa Henry, late of Forgaaoa township, Clearfield oounty, Pa., dee d. Account of Wm. Rider, Administrator, D. B. H. 0. T. A. of Jaab Kider, lata of K art baas twp., Clearfield oounty, Pa., dee'd. L.J. MORGAN, Aug. 10-tt Register A Recorder. TOWNSHIP STATEMENT. " JAMES L. BTKWART, Treasurer of Morris township, la account with Road, Poor and School Funds, from 1st Moaday of April, 1H7 to 1st Monday of April, HS76 1 ROAD FUND DR. To Beated tai levied for road parposea, To amount of M. Radar's duplicate f 70S 10 To amount of A. Shield's duplicate 487 14 To amount of cash from Co. Treat 461 17 To amount doe from laat settlement 41 04 To cash collected on duplicate of 174... 22 01 Te former dup. of Radar uaool'd. 174... 14 19 lo former dup. of Ueasleunool'd 1874... 27 82 I. 737 fl CR. By road tal worked out by Rader... ..$ 0A4 M .. 424 12 .. 123 00 8 04 10 Ah 1 Oft 24 14 S3 22 6 74 00 i.. 25 84 .. 17 at. .. ID 43 t o 4 2o 5 60 ... 144 0 1 69 22 08 p. 12 M .. 3V8 SO T 98 81,070 9ft By am't col I'd on former dup. of Heder. bj mi eoiieetea on uupneate By overwork on Rader'a duplicate By per cL paid Under on Y,4.63 at a. By easheolleoted by Shield HM By exonerations on Shield's dup By plow shares, seratier. chains, ate. By 438 feet plank , By exoneration of N. Marrow Ux .... By Shield's time, 72t days at 2... By overwork on Shield's dun , By I per teat, paid Shields oo $441.71. jty am ioi uncoil taios Bt.ii! By amount of orders paid........ By I per cent, oa tame POOR FUND DR. To am't of Jacob Folmon'a dup 608 OA To am't of Ueorae Hoover't don - 44st ST To am't of Taylor's dup. aaoollected...M 128 al II, OKI 4ft CR. By amount collected oa To) meat dup. with per oentage ..$ 135 27 By amtuat col I acted by Tolsnan 144 61 By OKonaratioDa oa Tolman't dap 14 14 By amosjut oolltcted on Hoover's dup... 110 20 By amount collected by Hoover 17 87 By am't aaeollected oa dup. of Hoover.. 142 98 By exonerations en Hoover's dup - 8 ot) By am i uncollected oa dup. af Tolas ea. 190 04 By amount roc d of lay lor as ai By amount due on Taylor's dup M 49 40 1,081 45 Orders Isaaed by Ovor seers of Poor.. Ordcnpald by Treasurer $1,0"S 81 H ftfiS 81 I 4W4 90 Orders (stood by Auditors t To Tolmaa for 22 days time and dup... $ 44 2ft To Hoover far 224 ? Hno aad dup... 44 94 To Tolmaa, per eeaUgt.. T 80 To Hoover, per eon tag e H f Bft Floating Poor debt.,., t ft98 74 SCHOOL FUND, RKCEIPTS. Am't of tax dnp.for school parposH...-. $1,430 St Deduct exontratioas Deduct outstanding tax..... Total receipts Cash from former settlement.,,,.. Bate of old building - State appropriation , Unseated tax Collected on duplicate of 1874-ft rom oiber sources.... l,988 10 IXPBNDITURK8. Teachers' saleries , $1,571 40 Paid D.W. Holt for atone wall under M. Mines school house , 100 00 Fuel and exnttngenoics M 79 97 Repairs u 20 91 salary af tSeorctary II tu far cent. of J rtajurer and collector 1(10 81 School register $ 90 11,061 20 DaIaooo ta Trounror'a baod, ;id 90 W. ib, aoderalmad Aadltora of Murrla town. abip, baring olamiaed the abora aonount of the t reuarer, and tb.m aorroot I. the beat ef our knowledge aad belief. Al TIIIIRN, . II. JONES, A. LUTZ, Xylortowa, Sept. 17 '14 31. Auditors NEW FIOVB, FUEI), AND GROCEltY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Room No. 4J, Pic 'l Optra Houar, ClaarflaU, Pa. loop ootataAlly oa baad SUGAR, corrn, TEAS, SODA, CfAL OIL, irRijp, SALT, SPI0IS, SOAP, Ceased and Dried ralla, ToUmo, OigArr, Oaa dle OUir VtaegAf, Baiter, Egga, At. ALSO, EXTRA CME-MADI Wheat and Backwheat Flonr Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, oo., A of whleh win k. a.11 aba., for Mak a. la oaoBaaia ror aoBatry prwaaeo. A. 0. (RAMIE 00., N. II 1S74. U 4, aw, 118 02 .... 422 tft 9 ftSg 27 891 97 32 72 70 3R8 10 224 30 4ft3 19 S 00 9 rw $v(.ll(mrnts. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Thar, will be oipoaod I. publla a.le, at tk. Court Hour., Ib CUarAeld, at I o'olook a.. OB Ttwaday, October I, INTO, th, following dawrlkad real Mlate, via I All that taertala traot or plooe of land ailaate A Bradford aowaahlp, CloArBod ooualy, Pa bouadod and do- oribed aa folluwa t Uegiaalog al a aapla grat, thenoa oouth I dogiwal weal 00, to a ,u.t, lb. bo. loutk 81 degree,, out 80 porohel to A w bite ook Hump, tbenoe north I dugreo,, eoat 04 percbf, to a ntuiuoo, loenow nona bt aegrooa, West 89 pen-he. to A aiaple grub and plaoe of be glnalng, ooBtalBlng 4 una and 114 pereheaAOd AllOWAOOO. T.rma Cub. B, P. WILSON, Sept. 11, 1870. Adm'r. JOHN H. FULFORD, OtNSRAL INSVKANCt AOKST, CUarlleld, Pcnn'a, Reproaeal, all th. leading Pin laturAoe. uoapABle. or tat oeoniry i Queen - 10,000,M Royal CanAdlaa 0,000,000 Home, New York 6,764,114 Lyaomlng, Munoy, Pa - 6,6.19,461 Prenklia, Fbil.d a. 1,108,850 Pboenii, Hartford 1,861,101 Hanovor, New York 1,420,956 Horn., Col., 0 616,808 AMao, Hertford 600,041 Provide..,, Wuhingloa . 010,000 Perenoa about effecting aa Iniaraneo on prop arty of amy kind, abould onll ai ay orioe, oa Market atreet, oppoelte th. Coort Uouaa, end ae. ay net ot eoinpaoiei ana roiaa oetoro tnaurlng, .vine. ai. .uajlUHU, ClrajB.ld, Pa., OtU 7,'J6 ly MPO WNSI1IP STa'tEMFNT." IU:NKT BIIKTII, Trauurar, lo aon.unt with Ball lownabip School Panda, for the year eadiag .iun. i, loiot , DR. ., To bal. due it laat Kttlemenl..... I 179 47 To nm't fMiu L.Sundorlin.foruor Trail,. 100 01) To Ami from Brady lowmb'p 04 70 To State draft u.u 181 08 To Am't from Co. TreAurr M MO 40 To Am't from D.W. Lowe., CollMt... '74. 6114 68 To am't from A. Miller, Collaolor, 76,. 67l 17 11,024 14 By order, redeamad ,......$1,819 90 Uy per cent, on 11,839.90, at 1 par at.., 10 79 By uai. ai due iet 49 46 11,920 14 Order, outitAndlng.. ....l.tl7 00 BBMUBOBA., Ib band, of L. Sunderlifi, former Treaa. (ABd bow ib Court) about...! H 200 00 Tn Collector Lovan'a banda for 1874..,.. 674 82 In Cclloclor N.ll.r'l beoji for 1876.. lid II unprovided for 171 86 11,071 00 W, tb. Bndaralgn.d Andltoraof Bell lownabip. b.v. eiaainwl tb. foregoing ucoanti of Hoary Broth, Treniurer of anid towaablp. and Ind tbea Al BOOT. OIBted, JAM. A. CAMl'BKLb, ILL. MollKB, II. L. 11RM11KRSON, Oaland, Sept. II, Audllora. gJXJrrftr- ftj Sulphur Soap k Oritwar. IMernJv. tm((ta, Itstttitf, aWiaf aa. ftri)9f. It iwnd-ra tba tomnm skla reaMf-taMy soft asirl htwlihrul. It Imparts a Ua.tit.ftil mcotbUM to the ekla, and lorm aa s-laMtk whlteitm ll tan araltts. cbeflnf, icuri.i.4jna, RMiahaaM, tea, suaben, frawli lee, ltr iafa, rhmp, Kami t to, auree, Ulcana, darHlmff, bliatera on the haoda ana feet, itch, irrtmnil Hrfa, Itchlof Mweea tb toes. Itching of the budr, plica, corns. Alto raliavaa the ttrhlng antl irrttatkm of Ulinf ana ettnfrlnf In-wla. Ai tl la aapawtally mimpimA to the Toiibt, WviiKtr, aod Bath boom, yoa can take a tptmr Hath at pleasMire. rw bmtb Inff (liiltlnm, tt Is an filial itNt. U'ti-e bi uaa It In thjr TUI-t wvuld aerer do without it It sseutraltsM th odor af eer-plraii.Hi. and, ae aa exuruaj reaMily, caa amixl- bm issvd untaa Pull dimiiiaa awuMaasvuv aeach IMkafe. TBI IT. Mea 16 Cts. atr Csts, I Csin tbr 40 Ctt Ujr ssutsl tt (,1a. Uj autU 75 Cte. Main Dirov av Tr. Van lylco Oflloe, I 1321 Greet St, PbllsdelphU. mm other. NEW GOODS, NEW GOODS ' AT - 1 T.A. FLECK & C0.'S. Dress Goods, Muslins, Calicos, Ging- nnms, ouirnncs, ana Manneis oi all kinds, 25 to 30 por cent, cheaper than last your. Ten pieces Black Cashmore, cheap. BLACK ALPACAS, the beat in town for the money, Tablo Aiinons, lickings, JNew tarns, 23 to .SO per cent, lower than last year, New Corsols, New Tioi In great variety, Now Collars and Cuffs. NEW EMBROIDERIES, Now Back Combs, Now Hats, for ladies. We have tecurod tba services of a first-class Milliner, who is now in New York, purchasing a full line of uininory uoous. All ot tno above goods we will sell you cheaper than any other home in Cloarfield oounty, Give us a call. T. A. FLECK & CO. P. S If you are not talisflcd with tho above, T. A. Fleck ia going to New York, and will add still moro to the stock, if he don't get lost. Cloai field, Sop. 18, 70 tf. 1870 FALL 1876 WILLIAM REED It recelvlug n Ann gsaortmeut of FALL AXD M IMER GOODS, To which be aaka the Attention f CASH BUYERS. nrown Nualla, yard wide, ( ceata and Bp, Hleachedl MubIIii,, S eenti anal aw. flanacla, IS ccnte and uf. Cautoa flAAB.l, a cat, aad ap. ' Draw UoxmU, IO tend aad ap. ' 1 Sbavrla, SO tent, aad a p. Veil klrta.SO tenia and a p. Caualaera for Men and rtoya. Bit teat. Bp. FAVCY GOODS, MILLIMRY GOODS, 0T10S, TRIMMINGS, ttCo, In great variet at the very lowest prices. S WIIX BEIS. VOt7 tiOODrl AT THB VKMV lOWGBT PRICBH, AND GUAR ANTES BATSIIP ACTION, WILLIAM REED, anon no. , open a Hotma, Cleitteld. Pa. t9ur t9tvn 3i.vrrttsnint. THE REPUBLICAN, Pabllihed arary Wedneldiy kj GOODLANDER & LEE, . CLkAHflULD, PA Haa tba Lars-rat ClrcalaUtta af aay aaper la Nortbw..toni P.uaaylvaala. Tba largo and oonitantly inoreasfng circulation of the IUpublican, rondoro It valuable tobuslnesi mon ss modlum thro' whioh to reach the public Tirmo or Suiisobiption I If paid In advance, . . . 12 00 If paid after throe months, , 2 50 If paid alter six months, , , 8 00 Whon papers are sent outside of the county payment must be In advance. ADVERTISING: Tan linos, or less, 8 timoi, . It 60 Each tubsoquenv iniorlion, 60 AdmlniBlralor' Nolioos, . . 2 60 Kxoculoro' Notices, . . . . 2 60 Audilors1 Notices, .... 2 60 Cautions and Eatrays, , . . 1 60 Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 60 Professional Cnrdo, 6 linos, year, 6 00 Special noticoi, por line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : Onasqaarc, 10 linos, . . .18 00 Two iqunroi, . , . . , , 15 00 Tbroa squares 20 00 One fourth column, , . , , 60 00 One-ball column, , , . . 0 00 One column 'o 00 BLANK. We bave alwaysjon band a large stock of blanks ot all descriptions, ' SUMMONS, , SUBPENAS, EXECUTIONS, . ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, io., Ac. JOB PRINTING. Wa are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING StCH AS j?OSTEIW, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS; ENVELOPES, BILL JIIEADS, ; STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, 4o., Ac, IN THr! BEST STYLE, AND ON 'REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK o WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Gaadlaisdrr A le, Clearfield, OearteM Cauljr, H. Iru sal Wxtlhntout dvrrtUrmtnts. METHODSPOINTS METHODS OF BUSINESS POINTS OF ADVANTAGE IN THE PURCHASE OLOTHINra. ' -AT- WANAMAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL, T, notch we lavHe e InoaraaUl AtUntlm And Caratul leruSnf al ; -THE PU11CIIASING PUBLIC.- METHODS: Dniarre. yLT ava nut una rno. for Au .. IJ 1 noolv, OAlh from All fK Siva a QUATAntoe prulcctlng All WAS Return Money when w. cannot lull All....-.. WS buy our nwxla at Oral hiutila, In lmniciiae o,iuuiUlioa, olid ot U,u lowest price, for Coab. WS UAnnfAotur. wllh cxtrctno ccr. .very naxuieul w. acU. WB Inepect wvery yard of rxxlr t!iat Sue. tuto our ,-ariuoiiU. Wl put a ticket on every raiment, price. P'.lu'r ItaitUAlily and i TLV w off JrerT ef onncccrwinr I.Pj aun.adltura..--.,......,.. WK employ Snrt rl.iw tiorkinon ln ovary depanueuL. Tf SlveeAtlafartlon uicrcry purv I , r er return Uw mouoy...... r mmm ..... J A4411" ' Imoenae Stock of tloodyMado C!nthln, we hare a HAjmlncent Una ef Han a And Boy i ruruiihln, Oooda, Slurta (of our own BAkc) and UnderwoAr, all at the 6X7 AMfWost Prloia. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL, S. E, COR. SIXTH & MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. HE HE WE COME!! Bound for. Fleck NEW And Great -AT- T. A. FLKCK & WE HAVE CONCLUDED not AT PRESENT, AND HAVE THEREFORE BOUGHT A LARGE STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS. Wa laks plrasnra la laromlna oor tVIands (hat and found Rooda at soch fow prices that wa ara anabtrtl ta sll cheaper than may otbar business boast la tits otvastry, baaaasa wa ara tMy.og ar gootia from first bantls, at tba Faetoriaa, for eaah. Wa fcora ta satisfy tvarybody, and dra tbe worth of tho mooev. and casranttN tba sroods to be as rrpmt)td. Wa Invlts oor frisndo to (Its thair Utiaot. DRESS GOODS IN ALL TRE NEW STYLES. Bl aflk Alpaeas, Blaok Cash m era, Black I.astra, Plaid Dress Ooods, Calicos, llsssllns aad Olnbaiss. Watarroofs, all onion, Kadis Cloth, Black Bearsr Cloth for aoats, Men'a and Boys Cacb naras. Of this Hat tf goods wa have an tlegaat stoo i, aod at right prloaa. Qarwiaatown Wools and Kaphjrs, Balmoral Tarns, sonars and unns, uoratns all prices, Laatcs, notions, iaees ana rrtBgas kaaiar va Childrta s Boss and L'ndorwaar, Black and Colored Kid Gloves. Ktw Panniers New EtubrtMllsr and Uatdkerahiers. Gents' Furnlibing Oooda. Underwear. Bark and Kid Glove. Cloth and Berlin Glows. Silk Htndaerselefe and Linan lUndkarebiafa. Buspendera and Host. Wool Socks aad Hits. ; , L f ; , Vsw Ties Ties all tba latest stjles. Unibrellas. c. Millinery and Fancy Ooods. Ilats and Bannett Trimmed toOrdar. New Wings, New Feathers. New Flowers. New Silks. New Velveteens. iSUk Velvet, NEW RIBBONS. NEW RIBBONS. Having waxetled in getting a do not xntend to be undersold in i7ia T. A. FLECK & CO., Bopt. 27, 1H76. Clearfield, Pa. An Innutrition tor Imrmrtln. a Practical Blialnma Education. Toon, and middle aired men Stlcd for tba actual dutlra l III. Hludrnta con rntor at any lime. In dividual InalruoUon. lrwo and flnelv fliralahnl Holla anil OtTtoea. Oimpn'lienalva enunui of atuily. ItoaitlAr and amininrtnto Irturve. Tliorouoti Toacblug Praclloal Yraimni. For Clreuiar, addreaa 1'. l)ult a, I'tiuburtti, I'a. FALL SEioON-AIIAl You will want to shed your Summer Clothing and flt yourself out in something Warm, Nice, Good and Cheap. WE HAVE the GOODS to do it WITH. An Axcellenl assortment CLOTH I NU. bents' r UHINlbHINU 000D5i H Alb, LAPb, TRUNKS. VALISES, &c. and our Prices shall not be undersold by any other house.' We only, ask an inspection lor anytnmg in our line. A. GUINZBUBC, Oise Price Clotlslug Store. Clearfield, Ta., September 20th, 187C-lm. THE NEW. AND ONE TIMCE DO T Ai Of S. GUINZBURG, Second Street, Opposite the Court House, Clearfield, Pa. JUST OPENED WITH A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, IN ALL VARIETIES Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hals and Caps. Please' Call and Examine our Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere. S. GUINZBURG. Clearfield, Pa., Sept. 27, 1870. OXt Prfi-o mrana of nccoBrltyOi, to oat rrlio ....,,..m.. CASH roroa eipraa. of collectlonl and lo,. frum bod .ivm , , T11E Oiternntre nrotort, tho bnyer who niny ButUiAJudgo uf aoou.-. . XTTe rely on tmmonee Ble. and arc aat- a'j . f pr!i1?L W'Ul nr' mU P""""- IT b carry lo buy of na, alnco All arc treated alike, no mi. jculiu, fora Uiat ore dfiilod to oilier, ,7.M DIrKEniNO and dchan are don. Away ni- ( u,,l,v'i;r)'''ly"1"oa'l"l,,'"u" f fit Inrrr cirHnr. eaplul and fArtl- , , ,lk'" " U1 o' tbe puoplo'a benefit lit Inwcriiiir pricoa... WK Cll ordcra received hymen from n - .PnrviolUioUnlnoifBtAtol.. Writ, n.r portlciilora..... NOT a particle of riak mn In buyin. of na. A child may buy aa cboaoly & Co.'s Store. GOODS . Bargains I CO.?,S STOIIE. to BUY the CENTENNIAL, wa hava lust relaraad from tha KasUrn Citlaa. a eall and aaanl&a ur gooda, as It will ba for Grr-y and Whlta Tares, Carpat Chain, Notions, and Bolts. Wbitt Bklrta nnd Colored Sklrti. FIRST CLASS MILLINER, toe hue. Uome and bo convinced. April 26, 1R7C. or desirable Fall and Winter before you spend a Dollar mi Sfl E STORE gisntUafsui. Clearfield Nursery, ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. TUB andenlfned, k.vln( eeubllan.d a Nor. ear, on tl. 'Pike, aboot half war betweea CI.Arl.ld and Oorwenavllle, I, prepared to for ale. all blnda of FKUIT THKB5, (ataadard aad dwarf,) Krrrireo.,, Bbrabowry, Orap. Viae,, Oooaoberrj, Lawloa Ulaokberrv, StrAwbarry, aad Ea.fbarrr Vla. Ala., Siberian Crab Tree., Yolnoe, And enrl, KArlel Uhabarb, So. Order, prolopUj attended te, Addreaa, J. u WRinnr, aeptO-l!., C.rwM..Ule, Pa. pERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lifting and Fire Brick, kept MBitABtlr oa head. i ST0.E AD EARTUE1-WAEE Or BVBRT DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTSI CROCKSI Planer', Patant Alrtljlit Bcir . Ssaltna; Frult Caual BUTTER CROCKS, with lid., CUEAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLK. BUTTER CROCKS, PICKLB CROCKS, FLOWER POTS, PIB DISHES, STRW POTS, . . . Aad a great BlAQy otber tblofa too BBtaeroal ta naoatioB, to b. bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner of Cherry and Third BtraerU, CLKAKFIKLD, FA. aagS i. m 'conic Ll. tt. BIILBRtJn. GILICn, McCOBKLE & CO.'S (Soooessors to John Oalleb), POPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Wt saannrantara nit kinds of Fnrnitnra for Chambers, iJiiilng.Hoonis, Ubrariei aad lialls. U yon want Fnraltara of ny kind, tson't boy an til ym see oar stock. UNDERTAKING Tn nil Us hrsmehas. Wt kep ll ftook al! tho ' Uteat and aaoat imp roved Coffins and Cmketa, 1 nnd have every FadHHty for properly ton dnoting this brsvock afear business. We have patent Corpse Pre- . aerrer, In wbseb bodies oan bt frreeerrad far n eon aiderable lengtk of Usae. . . A member of the Arm has his sleeping apart, men! at ear wart -room, where be oaa be foaad by aay parson rbo eoaie nt night for tho pnrpose of proenring oofflus. OULICH, MeCORKLK A CO. 1 Clatvrisld, Pa,, Hay 10, 'Tfl-ly. The Bell's Ran Woolen Factory. Pann township, Clearleld Co.. Pa. BURIED OUT. ? irt not BURN D UP I - The subscribers have, nt rrent einenao. rebuilt nalgfaborhood neeassity, In ibe ereetlon of a first elasa Woolen Mannfnetory, with all tho mod em improrentents attached, and are prepared to taiatka all kinds of Cloths, Csvss.tuerea, tJatinetu, Blaa. keta, Flannels, Ae. Plenty of goods oa hand to snpply all our old aad a thousand new customers, whom we ask to some and examine oar itook. Tha bsuineaa of CARDINO AND FULLING will reeelro onr especial ntUntioa. Proper arrangements will bo made to reoeirt aad deliver Wool, to suit eus torn era. All work warranted and done anon the shortest notion, and bv atrial ettan. tion to bnilnesa wa hope to raaUeo a liberal than of public patronage. 10,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wo will nay tha hi (best market orleo tor Woo and aall onr manufactured goods as low as similar goods ean bo aougbi ta use oounty, aod whenever wa fail to render reasonable satisfaction wa oaa always ne ic-ana at noma retsvdr to mako aroptr . explanation, either In person or by letter. . aJAalfiB -JUUflDUfl UB, prilSfltf Bowor P. O. HARTS WICK & IRWIN BEOOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., nitAT.Pitn tm PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALS! PAl.N'l'S, 01I.S, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, , BRI'SIIKS, PERrtTMERY, FANCY GOODS 101LET AKTICLKS, . Of ALL KIKDS. PUSS WIN S3 AND LIQUORS, , for raletnal pnrpoaot. Tmaaoa, Bopporian, Sohool Booki and Statloa. ,ry, And All otber artieleo bibaIIj found Ib A Drag Btor,. PHYRICIANS' PRESCRIITIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. Having a barre el. porienee la tbe bailaMi they ,aa glv. ,atir. tat Elfaotioa. J. O. IIARTPWICK, JOHN F. IRWIN. Cloartild, Donmber,!!, 18?4. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Saeoassors to Boyntoa A Toang,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS KaaafMlanr, af PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Conor of Foartk Aad Pla,, CLBARVIELD, PA. HAVINO rnraiwd la Iks BlAAafAotBr. ml In. laaa MACHINERY, wa reapMlfally larom be pnblli thai w. Are aoa? preparwd U til all order, aa ebwaply and ai promptly aa S doa. la aay ef tk, alllee. We BAiiifarUre aad deal la Millar and Circular Saw-Milli Dead Bloeke, Water Wbeela, Skaftlaf Pallay Aifford'l IbJmUi, StewAa OearM, BUaaa Wklittoe, OlUra, Tallow dpi, Otl Oawa, Saefa Cotka, Air Oooki, Globe Valvea, Ckeok Valves wro.fkt Iroa Plpee, Sleaai Piatpa, Boiler Feed Popa, Aotl. Frletloa Metre., Soap Bleat Peeking, Ouaa Paok nf, and all kind, .f MILL WOBK tofethv wltk Plowi, Skrd Boom, COOK AND PARLOR ST07IS, ' tad .Urn OASTINOS of all klada, trOrdm aetletted aad llled al Kty prlMi All Wllera ef l.qaJry wltk roferUM. W Baeblawy af awr aaefaatwra arMtptly aaiwarwa, ky addrw. iwa aa aa ijieameia, rah Jaalfl-tf BtOLKR, YOUXa IBID. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers