WILLIAM M. HENRY, Justice mrunF' ...... ". LUMUEH OITV. Collection, made and wumr promptly 14 .wr. ArtleU of .gnimeut and deede o( eoavoyanoe aeatly Bloomed end werranudeor. net or BO .barge. aJy'" B OOT AND SHOB MAKING. JOSEPH II. DBKRINO, OS Market etreet, la Bh.w'e Row, Clearfield, Pa., aaejaat received fine ll of Fr.aoh Calf Sklne end Kipa, th. t la too market, ana li bow preparco to man uraelar. .rerythlng Ib fill Ho, lie will war ml hie work to bo a. reorooeatod. AUo, all klnda of Lulbor end Bhoe Findingi fur talo. Tho eltlieni of Clearfield end vicinity art rtpetfully Invited t. glv. mm a tail. Work iooo at ibort notice. MS'TJy F lOH BALK. Tho underile-ned will Mil at prlrat. enlo all that traet or parcel of Uod alloale lo Decrar townihip, Clearfield .ounty, Pa., within a abort UlRtaooo or too lyrnne i,iearnon n. n., ana adjoining leade of Hubert lludeon and otnen, and known ee tbo Jacob D. Orarhart lot The aid tract containing fto aem more or leie, with two veina of valuable eoal tboreoa, haa about 10 acre, elaared, and la tho key to a larg. body of coal abont being developed. Will be aold low anil upon oaty tartna. for perllcuien, apply to DAVID I.. KB KB US. Clearfield, Pa., July 11, 1811. TJANIEL GOODLANDER, LUTIIKKSUUKG, PA, Dealer In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, HATS 4 CAPS ud BOOTS A SHOES, Tobacco, Groceries and Flih, Nails, Hardware, Queen ware end Ulatsware, Men't and iJoyi' Clothing, Dross, Paints, Oili, School Books, a large lot of Patent Medle.net, Candies, Nate Dried Fruits, Cheete and Crack- on, nock and rune rowder, Flour, Grain and Potatoes. Clover end Timothy Seed, Solo Lttthtr, Moroeooe, Linings, Binding! ud Thread, Bhoemakore Toole ana Bhoo Findings, Ko greater variety or (roods In any ttore In tbo county. Ad for laie very low lor een or eoonirj produce at too Cheap Corner, y lt iiwa. HUEY & CHRIST, Boi.i proprietors or Tin CELEBRATED AND ph.: sTtEfEira TONIC HERB BITTERS. SEXD FOtrvUWB LIST. 1IITEY A CHRIST, liiljW. 3d Htrcet, PHILADELPHIA March , WMtn POWELL & MORGAN, malum ib it a it i w i it i: , Alao, Maanfaetararior Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. UAUMINO IMPLEMENTS of all klnda for aala by POWELL A M0R0AH. 1 pAILROAD WHEELBARROWS AD for aalo by FOWKLL A VOnnAN. Q1L, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Nalli, ate., for Mia by POWELL I MORGAN. II ARN ESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE Flndlnge, for aale by POWELL A MORGAN. Q.UN3, PISTOLS SWORDCANES For aalo by POWELL A MORGAN. jgTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Slaea, for aala by POWELL A MORGAN. TR0N1 IRON I IR0N1 IRON I For aalo by POWRLL, A MORUAN, II ORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE NAILS, for aale by POWELL A MORGAN. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And heat Mannfaetora, for aalt by POWELL A MORGAN. T HIMULE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for aale by 'POWELL A MORGAN. SACEETT&SCHRYVER MILIM I a; HARDWARE, and maaaTaetiren of TIN, COPPER & SHEET IRON WARE, Hren4 Htrwl, CleorOelrt, Pa. Having mllllcd our tor room ant! doubled oar Btnek, wo are prfarol to oner oargami' to par ehaaen In our lino. We havo decided to do a Strictly Cash Business, : and ean therefor loll at f really redaoed prlcoi. Carpentert and perieni who eontcmplaU ballj log will do wall to oiamln our Tools and Buillln; Hardwiro, which U bow ud of tho belt Bunfaotan. We keep a Urge .lock of NAILS, LOCKS, GLASS, LATCHES. PUTTY, HINGKS, GLUE, SCREWS, AH ktndi of Detii-h Planoe, Hawi, Chlieli, ftqaarta, Uammen, Ilatrheta, Plombi and Levela, Mortlied k Thumb Ooagee, Bnveli, IlraoM it Kitu, Wood and Iron Denffh iVirewi, and tho boat Boring Machine It tho market. Doable and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTLIRT, Aa. Agenti for SurneWt Iron Corn Shdlcr, warrantoai AUo, agtnU for Rleharda' GOTHIC FLUE TOPS, wkloh fowtially ewra tmoky FltM. Farm Implements, Garden Tools, of mry deaerlyUea. A ktraa tarUty COO CTOVES, ' 'f a. tmrnm ri? .JT3 Our Own g-drrrtinfrntitt. THE REPUBLICAN, Published vor Wednesday by GOODLANDER & LEE, ClEAHI-'llil.n, PA., Hat the l.areeat C'lrrulatloii of any paper In Northn'Mleni I'cniieylvaiila. Tho largo and conslfinlly increasing circulation of llio Republican, romlers itvaluulilo lobuaincmi mon aa A motlium lliro' which lo roach tho public Termd or SUIIHCRUTION S If paid in advance, . . . $2 00 If paid aflor throo months, , 2 60 If paid alter aix months, . . 8 00 Whon papors aio aont outside of tho county payment mnolho in advanco. ADVERTISING : Ten lines, or lean, 3 times, . $1 SO 60 Each aubscquont inaorlion, Administrator' Nolicca, , . 2 50 Exocators Notices 2 60 Auditors' Notice", .... 2 60 Cautions and Ivitniys, . . . I 60 Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 SO Professional Curds, 5 lines, year, 5 00 Spocial notices, per lino, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One square, 10 lines, Two squares, . . . S 00 15 00 20 00 Throo squares, . , One fourth column, Ono-lmll column, . Ono column, . . 50 00 0 00 120 00 III AMiN, Wo havo nlwnyson hand a largo stock of blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPCENAS, . EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, JOB PRINTING. Wo aro prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH A8 POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS,; ENVELOPES, IB1LL .HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, io., liC.H IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS 1IY MAIL FOR, ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlandrr A Lee, KctrtcW, 5rj) 6ooW, .tSrorrrUs, (?tf. H ARD TIMES HAVE K0 KFKEOT IN FRENCHVILLEI I am awara that there are eouto oreona a Utile hard to uloit.ee. and I am aUo awara ihut the ooiuplalut uf "hard tiuioa" it well Ditch unlveraal. uut i am io at to at oil now mat l oan eaiury ma former and prove ooooloitvoly that "hard timoa will not elTeot thota who buy their goodefroni no. and all my patrona ahull ho Initiated Into the ao trai oi HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES V k 1. I I. .11 Iha Ink .til. at oxoeeding low ratal from my mammoth itoro In MULSUNUUHll, where I ean alway be foand ready to wait upon eaJlera and fupply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, 6aoh as Clotha, Ratlnetla, Caaaimoroa, Woittna, Delainaa, Linan, Urlliinga, I'auaoea, Trlmminga, Hibbona, Laoa, Ready-made Clothing, Boole and Shoea, 11 tU ud Cape all of the boat material and made to order- Uort, Dooaa, uiovoe, niKvnii umvw, iiuuuui, mv. OKOCKRIBS OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rio, Holaaaoa, Flah, Bait lork, Linaoed Oil. rtah OH, Uarbon VII. nerd ware, Qneenawara, Tinware, Caatlnga, Plowa and flow failing., Katia, Btitiea, vorn uHira tori, Cider freiMi.antj all ktada or ami. Perfumery, Painti, Varolih, Qlaai, and ft genera ajioruoem 01 oiaiionary, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand, alwaya on hand, and will be aold at the loweat poaeiuie flgurei. J. II. MoClain'a Uodieinoa, Jayne'i Uedlelnoa Jioatatter'i and llwofland Hitter. 6000 nonnda of Wool wanted for which tho higheit art co will Da paid, uiorerieoa on nana ud for aalo at the loweat maraei pnoa. Also, Agent for Btrattonville and Curwenivlllo Ibraaning Maabinea. t.Call and aoe for yonraolvoa. Ton will find aver j thing aanally kept tn a retail atora. L. M. COUDHIKT. Franchvlllo P. 0., Auguat 13, 1874. R EMOVALI JOHN McGAUGHEY Would raipeetfully notify tho publto generally that he haa removed hla Grocery Btore from 8haw'a Row, to tho building formerly own pied by J. Milca KraUer, on Heoond it roc t. net! door to Blgler'a hardware atoro, where bo intend keeping a full line oi ii 11 O V K lt I li H. HAMS, PRIED UKKPand LARD. SUGARS and SI HITS, of all (radca. TEAS, Oroon and Black. COFFER, noaaled and Oreen. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CJMEIt mi'MTS, Alt klnda In tho rnarkot. PICKLES, io Jara and barrela. SPICES, in crery furio and rarlety. FAMILY FLOUR, 1X KINDS III? CRACkKHK. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED TEACIIES, DRIED CHERRIES, Cool Oil and Lamp CMmnoys. And a wood aaaertnent of tliuae thlnoa nenally kept in a Rroeery etoro, wkteh be will uehange for marketing at tb. aaarket prloes. Wilt aoll for eaan aa eheaply aa any other on.. Pleaae eatl and aee bia atook and Judg. for yonraelf. JOHN UcUAUOHKY, Cloarleld, Jan. i, !?. G ROCERIES. JAS. H. LYTLE, (Suouetor to LYTLB A MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CHOICE LINE OK TEAR. OOL0NO8, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, YOUNG DYSON. ENGLISH BREAKFAST Puree! Ib Market. IIUTTIiR AND hMVH Will be kept and aold at Bret eoat. Caih paid r.r country rrouneb GERMAN CHERRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS. FINII. Mackerel, Lak. Herring, Cod, Ac PICKMtfl. Barrel Picklea and Engllah Plcklee. U.OIIH AMI) I'KHI). Flour, Corn Meal, Oat Meat, Ao. mehlt. JAS. II. LYTLE. AMERICAS CYCLOPEDIA, (APPLETON'S) NEW REVISED EDITION, Comploto in 16 Volumoi. Rnlirely re-wrlllcn. Er.rytbing brought down to the preaent tint, llluatratcd throughout wilh Over 3,000 Illustrations AND MAPS of errry Muntry on the glnba. Sold only ly eubarrlnlion. II la not obligatory to take alt the volumea at onoa a rolume may be ueiiveren onee a monio, or one. in two montha, Tan eenla a day. the price of a cigar, will nay for a eel of CYCLOPEDIA ON A IlI MllNTIILY Hl'HSCRIPTION Ib leee than three yeara. The. there will he tomethlng eubitantlnl eared and . etorehouto of knowledge, ladwd a onireraal library ia ittelf awcured, with hut little iltort or Borinc PRICE AND STYLE OF BINDING i For filtra Ckilb, ft Tel....... ,...... $ ft, For Library Leather, per vol H....MM, t aa For half Turkey Moroooo, pr Tol....MIN f o For half Rataia Eltra Ullt, per rol H Fw Full MorooM Aaliauw, pw tol.... It M For Fill Ruaeia, prroL..,.,.,. 1. at tut furthtr laformatlM add rata J.B.WILLIAMSON, Puhllah.r'a agent, II) 8lita atra.1, Jim II, IMHy. Pltl.b.r,k, p.. THE REPUBLICAN. """"cMAB FI ELU, PA EllNKHDAY MORNING, SKl'T. JO, IIT. 8V HUMS HUOWN VP. IHIINIFIIII 1IUT nTATWNII I.KTTKH TO TIIK XX-HENATOR, Tito Itillowliij; letter Ihitn cx-Liuu tonuiil llovornor Mueller, who wua elected by tlio Republicunaof Oliiotlio utttiie year that Oovornor Allen was elected (iorernor, la trniitilated from tho llVicrt'cT ma i'Wc, of AtigtiHt 2-ltli. To Mr. Carl H huri : Tho announco mont that you aro goinp; to muko your debut tn a rolormed reformer In mil' beautiful Kuivut City haa been a aur- prise to mo mid no 1cbh to many of your lormor ndniirera. 1 tbink 1 un doi-atnnd why tho Repulilican leadora wish to boo tho levor for roconvortlng tho lilwnil Germuim flint applied in our city j but what 1 do not nndointand la Ihut you should ao reudily offer your OHsiatniico I You mut havo known, inco 1872, that the reform ideas wIioho need you holpod to sow took strong root with ua hero, and that theso roots cannot bo pulled out without aomo trouble I do not think that you era givon lo tho illusion of being ulile to ro-Rcpublicanizo tho Gorman reform olemcnta of this locality, even with tbo ihotorical maatoraliln that ia yourown, Rut aa tho persons who havo called you hero believe, or nt least pretend to believo, that such a dexterous pcr- formunco can bo accomplished, and in asmuch aa the liberal Germans aio thus exposed to tho humiliating suspicion of requiring only an intimation from yourself to bo convortcd (this explains why you make your first campaign speech in German), it ia right and proper to protest. Far too long al ready, far too long fur tho honor of the German clement as well as tho honor of all of us, has tho fulso idea been worked untl speculated upon that tho Germnn vote can ho effectively influ enced and controlled by aomo ono great or small politician, lt is high time to do away with Btich notions. Unt in cuso that your spcuking in German ia occidental, and that tho in fercneo drawn Irotu it bo thereloru void, I still must avail myself of your prcsonco in order to set forth some thing tn mo nil important. Having boon a member of tho Now York con ference, to which you invited me, I feol called and justified in doing so. Disgusted wilh corruption in thu reigning party, without conndenco in tho other party, 1 beheld in a confer onco ol independent patriotic men a rny of hopo for relorm. Tho spirit that prevailed in tho conference sur passed my expectations ; tho result of its deliberations wero sutialnctory lo mo. Although many members were inclined to crotm the Rubicon immedi ately and to nso tho conference as a starting point for a third party, tho opinion ot tho moro prudent members predominated, via: to remain aa yot in a position of waiting; to issuo an earnest nddross to tho people, and to found a third party only in case that this address should bo unheeded by the several conventions which wcro to bo held in tho Immodiate futuro. Tho addros) to tho purposo, edited by yourself, left no doubt which clans of Presidential candidates was meant to bo worthy of support. Tho first sections manifestly depicted tho class represented by Messrs. Morton, Blaine and Conkling, whilo tbo othor sections wero di rooted against such candidates to oxpedioncy aa Hayes and Hartranft, There was not tho least doubt of this in tho conference Nor can tho author of tho address be in doubt ot it. Since this seems to bo tho caso, however, I intend to assist his memory and remind him that when bo read tho addross beforo ino and my friend on tho dny preceding tho con ioronce, and make ua acquainted with ita Intont, that he himself after each aoc- tion had been gono through with, called tho names of tho candidates that wero meant though not namod ; and that after reading to ua the following: "We shall support no Candida to who, howovor, favorably judged by hit near est friends, is not publicly known to possess thoso qttalitios of mind and character which tho atom task of gen. uino roform requires, for tho Amorican pcoplo cannot now afford to risk tho futuro of tho republic In experiments on moro supposed virtue or rumored ability lo bo trusted on tho alrongth of pnvalo rocommondntions." , Ho turned to us and remarked plain ly, and as if it wcro a self ovidont mat tcr: "THIS DISPOSES or MR. IIAYI8, It wo comparo this passage, which pronounces tho verdict upon Mr. Ilnyos, with tho parole likewise issued by Mr. Schuii, via: that this election did not turn on political articles of lailh much aa on tho personalities of tho can- didolcs, not on platforms but on tho men that stood on them then wo dis cover the irrefutable fact that not only Mr. Schura but tlio cnliro conforonco, all of whom enthusiastically approvod of tho address and tho above pnaaago counted Mr. Hayos as among thoso who should absolutely not be supported. And, not yet contented with this, tho conference, by thoirawocping approval of Mr. Adams' apocch, fixod ita pro gramme n follows: Jlrislow or Til den ; and in caso that ncithor ia nomi rated, reconvening of the conference. Tho position takon by the confer once fully corresponded with my own conviction. 1 1 was n great satisfaction to mo to know that so patnotio body of men as were nssombled thoro should agrco in tlio points, abovo mentioned. 1 took tho cause to bo an earnest one j I havo remained truo to it, and ahall remain true to it despito of all doacrtors. How ia it with Mr. Bcburz tlio In stigator and loader ol tho conference ; the chairman of tho executive commit too, appointed at bis own motion, and which waa charged with carrying out tho views and resolutions of tho an- sombly T How is It with the man that, aa long ago aa 18C1, declared war to the Republican party, and who, to ac complish the ruin of bia party, In 1872 allied himself with tho Democrats ? Ia ho, who for the post fivo yoars bas been using his captivating cleqitenco, his great talent and tho atronir power of bia popularity lor the overthrow of the Republican party is be In his to day's speech going to support that same party? Is he going to show the Uormans that the Republican party Is better in 1870 than It was in 1872, and1 that Mr, Hayes bat becomo a different man sitieo tho May conference 7 Will Mr. Schurx on the sumo speaker's stand on which four years ago ho advocuted tho itllianov with tho Democratic parly lo-dny Toprosont this alliance to his German fellow-citixent aa dangerous? Mr. Sehura ought to feel that ho can not auccoed in tho attempt to hnrinou Ite his position of to-day with both that of 1872 and Ihut takon In tbo Now York conference I and tkat no amount of sophistry i sufficient to fill tho gup wbleh exists betwoon beliuia tho relorinur and Sehura tho Republi can stump orator I If tho danger ol liuion nuiniiiia- trutiun wero aa great as air. ncnura now pretends to fear, a review of his itglliilivo activity during tho past fivo years would certuinly overwhelm Hun with a senso ol greut responsibility ,hr no ono moro than ho bas tuecosalully discredited thu Republican party in tho eyes of tbo people: no ono moro than ho has contributed to the thinning of its ranks I What ovor Mr. Schura may main tain in order to reconcilo tho contra dictions between bis previous position and that of to-dny, he will not bo ablo to ovorcomo the logio of tho following propositions 1. If his activity in behalf ot reform ainco 1871, which culminated in tho Now York conforonco, has boon cum- ostly believed and justified, his present position ib unpardonable, untenable and inconsistent. 2. If that conlerenco purposed moro than lo bo a more comedy, Mr. Sehura cannot possibly lavor tho oleution ot Mr. Hayos. And in caso that Mr. Schura did not feel able to libido by bis duty lo support Mr. Tilden, fAe only thing left for kirn to do was to reconvene the conference. 3. lt Mr. Sehura in Ins sovereignty believed that bo could set himself abovo this duo regard and obligation towards tho members ol tho conlerenco thoro was left lor him the only alternative to maintain a passive or neutral, or lit least a reserved attitude, oven il mcruly for tho purposo of quieting in his fel low citizens and former reform com panions tho suspicion that his position in this cuinpuign is baaed on personal grounds rather than patriotic motives. I havo boon Induced to wrilo this open lettor, as staled before, by Mr. Schura's coming horo for a purpose which is particularly provoking to nio as ono who responded to his invitation to tbo Now York conferenco. This provocation prompts mo to vindicnto my own position as well as that of all my Gorman co-opcratora, whom their formor leader, Schurs, now asks to ro nounco tho saino convictions and prin ciples for which they have lought for yenrs and not tinfrcquently made tho greatest sac rifica. Although the readi ness with which Mrt Schura takes tho stump In this city and to such a pur poso is repugnant to men and to the Gorman senlimont a feeling which politicians may not look upon as be ing justified yet I will not by any moans weaken tho effects that tho re publicans expect from Mr. Schurz's speech, for I am too ardent a friend of political discussion. J. Mui.t.tn. HOW TUB LOBBY WAS KILLED. Tho Republican managers in and out of Congress have tried by falsehood, calumny, exaggeration, and sneering, to brcuk tho force of tho investigations ordered by tho House of Representa tives, and which in tho main wero pros ocutod with vigor and effect. ' If tho Uouso bad dono nothing clso to insure approval and Confidenco, theso ex posures of appalling corruption in tbo public service, beginning with tho high est and running through ovory depart ment and branch of tho Administra tion, would dusorvo the grnlitudo of tho Amorican people. Tens of millions of dollars havo been saved, as the matorial result of this work ; whilo tho country is enabled to soo, undor tho blaio of sunlight, tho operations of an infamous system by which tho Treasury was robbod and for which the pcoplo woro taxed, for tho profit of organized Rings and for tho porpeluntion of tho Republican party. Tho revelations thus far made baroly scratch tho surface. The Treas ury is rotton from lop lo bottom, and it can never bo thoroughly explored so as to disclnso the astounding real! ties, until tho authors and abottors of tho Irauds aro swopt from power, and honest mon take their place. . . Perhaps the lost testimony as to tho moral effect of theso investigations Is that furnished by tho pnrtios most directly interested in preventing them. When Sam Ward, the epicurean philos opher, who it known at Washington as tho King of the Lobby, or, at classi cally described by himself, Rex Vesti buli, was a witness bofnro ono of tho committees, he testified that "tho in vestigations havo killed the lobby busi ness." Ho spoko the words of truth and of sobcrnoss. In twonty years no Congress has adjourned with less taint upon it than that which closed Its first session a short time ago. Not a single job was put through. Hardly ono was ovon proposed. Tho Sonabo did its boat to protect tho Rings by standing out against nil tho economics of the Houso. ' Windom, Sargont, and tho Appropriation Committee fought re trenchment at every step, with a des- porato determination to defeat It, They succeeded to tho extent of ton millions, with tho aid of tbo President ; but with all tho intrigues, combinations. and venal appliances, thoy woro not ablo to carry one of tbo great ichornos which had been concocted with tomucb caro and cunning. To the credit of tlio House of Repre sentatives bo It said, tho Democrntlo majority stamped out jobbery in ovory form, and did not allow a bill tn pass upon which suspicion might net at a fraud on tho Treasury. Lot this great fact, which of itself Is tho boat com mentary on the action of that body, and at tho samo time Its highest culo- gium, bo compared with tho record of tho Republican party for tho last Di toon years, and the country will quick ly decide between them. No perversions or quibbles or falsifi cations can shako this fact, which stands out against tho sky like bold promontory, and marks tho point ol departure botwecn pollen Republican ism and sound Democracy. Taken in connection with tho reduction of the expenditures to tho extent of thirty millions of dollars, the House may woll ask a voto ol confidence, and expect a favorable judgment from the people.- Kt York Sun. : :riw pi u ii BPJiur. Home of our Republican brethren do not approve of the remark of Governor Tilden, that when eleetotl ho will enter upon tho duties of bis posiiloa, ''not as u holiday recreation, but very much in that spirit of I'tPiiHoemtion in which tho soldier enters battle." To our mind this fouling ol tho importance of the work buloro him, ol the enormity of tlio tusk which Is for liim to accom plish, Is one ol tho surest auguries of tlio sueeuss with which wo fuel confi dent that bit uflorlt aro destined to bo crowned. It dispalya a Just apprecia tion of tho obstacles thut will be thrown in his way, of the danger with which his path wilt bo besot, of tho amount of persistent energy thut it will I'O nec essary lo oxpend In tho prosecution of j his work. Tho grout muss of onrriip tion which is now rolling over the country bus, in its movement, acquired such momuntuin that to stay its pro gress will require tlio expense, of greater Ibroo than most men pxMsoss. In ad dition to this impetus, depending upon its own inortia, ovory man whom the now Prosldent will find in offie will linvo an interest in impeding his en deavors and pushing on tho hideous heap. Tilden has, howovor, shown his omineut ubility to do just such Voik as will bo necessary for its destruction, and wo have no doubt about His suo cess In whutovorol tho kind ha-imdor-tokos. lt cannot be dono, howovor, by junketing about tlio country, and en gaging in a series ol vnriod pleasures and immoral lovelriea, like. Grunt, who views bis position' lis' ft personal gift for past services, and a thing inlonded onlv to vield hlin us much sensuous gratification as possible. It will bo hard work to uproot Griinlisni. Hayes could never accomplish it. Ho bus neither tho nocossary strength of will nor capacity for tho work. '1 ilden bus; but ho knows thut to tho strongest man It will bo n most arduous under taking, and ho will cntor upon it in a nroner and boconiins spirit. (Union Democrat. run lTiirmn kmpiue. Tlio llritish empire oxcootla any in size tliut lias existed williin Historic times. It coven an nroo of 7,7C9,4-i!) square miles, or forty times tbo area of ranco. lt includes forty-eight colon ies, and occupies 1!0 degrees of longi tude, or moro than half tho circum ference, of tho globo. Great lirltain itsolf lias an extent of 11D,000 square miles. Its possessions in Eumpo add 2.930 soiinru miles. In America its colonies bnvo on extent ol 3,486,033 miles ; in Africa 237,800 miles ; in Asia, 904,103 miles; In Oeennica, 2,9(10,722 miles. The population ot tho llritish empire was reckoned by tho census of 1871 at 241,702.593. Great Ilnluin and Ireland lmve a population of 31, 815,370 ; the rest of tbo empire bus a population of 170,213 ; tlio colonics in North America havo 3,7S9,fi;0; in Central America, 1,003,880 ; in South America, 200,009 j in llritish India, 191,307,070, distributed among 487,001 villages j in Australia, 2,000,000. fif teen cities of lirilish India havo a pop ulation of 100,000 each. Now Zealand, first settled by tho whiles in 1K33. lias 250,000 inhabitants. Australia first sottlcd in 1788, has. 1,000,000 inhabi tants. China has a larger population than tlio Rrilinh empire, but it is far inferior in civilization and material power, Tho population ol the L nlttid Kingdom has about doubled in seventy yours. In Englaud, wbero the demand for labor is greatest, it bas nearly trebled. In Scotland, it lias doubled, but in Ireland it is stationary. In 1801, Ireland bad n population of 5,210,331, and In 1850, of 5,412,377. tw g.dwtlSfmi'nts. JST R AY Came trcfpenln on tbo nremliet of (he ubwriber, In liruly twp., on Ino 14th tioj of Aasuit. 1H70, a lerce Ilr 1 t'OVY. eome white pole on tho forehead, whlto el wig bank, white un, ana nina .egi wnue up 10 incei. ine owner U reuetti to twmo forward, prove property, pay charge and take her away, or 1 be will be diopoMd or according to law. T. F. KIBI1KL, Lnthereburg, Sept. 13, 187ft 3l 1MINISTUAT Notice Ii hereby glvoa that Let tori of Ad tninlMratioB on tho ettatf of JNO. VAN ltRA RANT, lata of Ilu.ton townihip, fleer 81-1 Co., i'a., doeeaeod. haying boon dnly granted to the andenlgned. all persons indebted to taid eat ate will pleaao make imtnediata payment, and tho having claims or demand againit tho iitni will present them properly authenticated for tetlle inent without delay. ALFKKD BCOFIKIiD, renflrld, Sept. 8, '70 (It. Administrator llXKCUTOH'H .NOTICE.- j Notice labored givoti that letters teU- maatary having boon granted to the fubienber on tbo eilAte of K KAN CIS JMIOKT, deceased, lit to of Clearfield, 'Garfield eouutjv I'onn'a., all persona indohted to Mil ontato are rcqtiosiod to matra ImmediatiO paymaat, and those baling claims agalast tho s-irne will proton t taaid duly authenticated for tettleintmt. 1. A. OAUMN. ' 7 FRANK FIKI.ulNd, ' Clearnetd, Aug. 15, 7.t. Eireators. t?XROUT01PS NOTICE.- X J Notice Is boroby glyon that lellers tnta mootary having hcen graaUnl to (ho undenigned on tbooiuto of RICHARD HI! AW, Sr., deed, late of Lawranoo townee. tp, Cloarueld twij, Pa., all porsoai IndeliU'd to said estate ar rouaeetod to make immediate payment, and those navlng el aim 1 againrt the same will proton t them duly authnntiooted for settlement. M-A. B. Bbaw, who is aatbortretl'by Vi other Kierntors, will attend to the Mttlemeni ot all claims at iba alrin or tho eiTatora, tn the store-room lately ooruplod by Joerph Shaw 4 Hm, id utarHfia, wn-n a ean i fbnati at ait iimot, JOhKPH 3IIAW 'jKi'rs. A.H.8IAW, A. B. P II A W, t;icarDrld, Augwil an, 1H70 tU. ' r-,r,-,--h?! iTTf QAUTIO.N.-., . j,, (J:.. . All persons art hereby eautlonod ataioit purciiaaing or Drgouating a certain note ttrvn by ino ininTTifiTtwi, nMTra nng. 12, i,o, calling fur one hundred and Iftr dolUra, pnyable nine months after due at the Phllliiliarg I'uilt, and drana lb favor of Nf.J. llrumtjri, no I have) not rarvad any value for said note, 1 will not pay It anion compelled ia da aa by dew ffwe-s of law. M. II. CONOWAY. FrsnchvllW, Hept 1070-.M ... t All narrone am lur.l.y ctiitioakl agalntt perl nbatiiir or in any way mi-ddlintr with Uw fblluoi. Ing property, now in .oisciaioD of iimtH VV. nod KliJt Clenvor, of Pein low nib ip, towii 1 It bnrao, I enw ami ealf, Uahonla. 2(r0tlrien of calls, Hf sanrenof oorn, Nof, wheat, 1 Iwvhorsfl witrn, 2 tnli of hir netn, I fannlhg mill, I clock, and (he toadi ond Irfilding In the houio, Thii properly .ai purcliktril tv me Ht SlinritU' Sill-, nn the 21 nt day nf Auguat and li loft with Ihe above pattU On Innn, suhject lo oiyoruor aiany time. r.LIHIl A IMVJN. (Jrampiarv Ullli, (Sept. fi- 3t STuiTh w"hoT All paraona am hanky eaulloaed agalntl nurehaalng ar la any way nrdJIIng wilh the f.l lowing proier(y,n(w In poaimelon of John Bollorf of rrallmtloll, Merit; i klU of carpet, lot of floor mailing, 3 lal-laa, ward rob, I alovee and pipe, cook alovt toil pip. 30 chain, 1 lounge 1 aid board, 4 alamla, 6 bed. and budding, 1 ouplioard, 1 dk, bar fliliirM, l6loun oata, l do. tn ryt, I oow and brll, I white-back eo, 1 red ccw, t hoad of hoga, S rlga, I larga Irookatllc, I bay mart, I oullni box. I Ml daoblt htrneaa, 1 laddlt, 1 loo of hay In bain. 1 aliovel plow, 1 two-liora wagon, 2 aU wagon laddera, 1 loul-aquarn barrow. Th abov properly wat purnhaawl by m at Hhtrifte' talt on Ih In day of Hoptum br, ind lionly Un wilh inld Hollotf on loan lobiact to my order at any time. Cloril, Hop.O-.H, J, B. OK All All. Jon PHINTINCl OF EVERY DKSCRIP llonnaetly (leoulod at thia oOloa. T MUAL LIST 1.1.) ofMaeea ul ,luwn lor llial at 0-Od Work of the SroleuiUer term of Court, ISIS, being Mon.lar, Ojl. iJ I lllptia A Llord . Douglaai A Grumbling. U.vV. C.ldwoll re. A. 0. Fiaoey. Michael Hubert t'urwouxille BrldgeCo. A. P.nta, Sr. a. Win. Corley .t. al. u...l,.nn LI I. ('.,.. II. T. liar at. al. Kelly a Metre 0. W. Crow.ll Clue, IliutiteU'l C. Raiualead ot al. Ueo. A. Poat Jaoob llllgor Daniel Weaver, re. J. w. alcunr. ot. at. re. Robart Lanaberry. ve. Edward Flandere. re. Edward Flandere. va. David Flngal. va. Jueepn Shew, va. Auatio Kerln. .a. W. W. Iluwtoan. va. John MiiLaugbiia. va. Iaaa. Oainee .1. al. ve. hloherd Moeeop. ve. Klttanulng OoelC D. lilanoliard Jurepb Flndley -Thomaa Taylor J.O. llarli Snmuol Onrdoa ItiiihatdNhaw, Jr. UoMiraf. Ilagof Ii.vld P. Morrleon ve. ClearSeld Park Auoel'n va. Vm. H. Walla. . va. Harau Uowmam ELI II LOOM, Clear",. Id, Aug. 10, It, Frelhouolary II. A. KltATZER, (njuoaaitoa to) Klt ATZER & LYTLE, PBAkan in DRY HOODS, NOTION'S, , BOOTS, HI10EH, LEATHER, j - ' ' - CARPETS OIL CLOTHS, WALL PAPER, ; WINDOW SHADES, ETC. Market street, Clearfield, I'a. Feu. n, ii't-ir j. r. wuAVa-a... ,.W.W. K1TI W12AVEII If KTT1S Cl.KAUKlELl), PA., Arr titTerlng, it tbo mt lUnd of O. L. Roetl A Co, their illicit of gueitit, oonittlny of DRY , GOODS, . GROCERIES, IIOOT-S A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUEKNSWARB, FL0DR, FEED, SALT, 4o., Ao, Al tho nopt reoMmnlalo rti for CASH or tn eiohange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, .7 OK COUNTRY PRODUCR. iftrAK.neei tootl to Ihoeo eng..jt4 In tt ling oul MiMr UmUordj tho mutt MlTMUgeotu tor met piHIJnTS .tit aril til the lllfhtsl Jttedal al ! ttenua. E. & H.T. ANTHONY &, CO., . SHI llroadway, Kew York. (Opp. Metropolitan Ilolel), HANurArTtoiKua, ivronrnnl aan paAi.aaa in , cnnimos & FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES it VIEWS Album 1, (Irapboscapas, Photographs, and kindred t gooi Is 'Celebrities, Alreiw, Ao l'lIOTOGRAPIlIC MATERIALS, Wa are hoadqnarUrs for arary thing In the way of Storoopticons and IC&o Isantenis, Being rannnfacttirara af tbo ' MK'RO-SCt KNTIPIO liANTBRN, . , BTKRKO. PANOPTICON. I - CNIVKHSITV STRROI'TIOON, 1 ADVKRTlFtKR'B HTKROPTICON, t AKTOPTKW. CUOOL 1ANTKRN, KAMTI.Y LANTERN, 1 I bUrLiSi 9 LAAThHM. Baoh atryla being the boat af Its flats la tbo i 1 : aiarket, , Catalogues of Lin torn 1 and Slidoi, with diroe tions (of nsing, seat on anpliaation Any enterprising man can make ueaey with a Magic bttntera. ; jaTVisiLorsto tha Centennial Eiposltlon will do wisely to dclVf purchatlr.g goods in aur line until tbjcj coiae to our atora in New York, whare tbc-y will find greater variety and man medtinte prices, and tan sloot those at thrlr leisure. Rut wa have aoonoossian to aoll tomaatyleiof our goods In the building of tbo Ilppnrtmcnt of Public Comfort, and thota not eon. tog to New York nroj Invited to aalloa onr roproaantalion thra. r"A full ttooti or Views f Uia Kipotitiaa and their contents. -flCoU out ibis advertisement for iorejioo.'ftt June 7, ltf76-iy. CALIFORNIA. tnt rmcAOo axd aB.T-witrrtin mn.w.T Kmbraooi onder ona manffment - Ike Oreat Trunk Railway Lines of tho WUHTand NORTH WKHT, and, with Its no morons branehes and oonneotlons, forms the shortast aad sjuiokait rout between Cnioa and all points la Illiroii, Wis con ii n, Nontiitna Mkihioan, MiaxRaoTA, Iowa, Nr-aaAHKA, CALironata end iba Wast a an TnnaiToniM. Ita Omaha mid California Line Is the shortest and best route for nil point in NontiiBim Illinois, Iowa, Dakota, Nrbraska, Wtuhinq. Coi.onAno, Utah, Nrvada, Oiurni m Af Oaaoon, China Jar ah and Australia. Its Chicago, Madison & St. l'aul Line Is the shortest lint for NonTHinw Wtscoxsta and MtkniaoTA, and for Mmso!i, Sr. Paul, Mm MHArani, Utibum and all point In tba Orcat Northwest. Its M'inona and St. Peter Line It the only roat for Wihoha, RornitsTtt. Owa- tnka, Mark to, 8r, Ptrnn, Nrw Klh, and nil points in southern and Central Minnesota. Its Grcrn Bay and Marquette Line It the only lint for Jairuvtm.i, WATRarown, Fn Dti Lao, Osmkokh, Arrtaro, 0 hrrn Rat, KsrANAtA, NanAraan, HAHgt'orra, llmoam. Harcoi-r and the LAKaHtTKaionCui'iiTaT. Its Freoporlnnd Dubnqne Line It the only route for Ki.mi, Rorironii, FniK roar, and all points via. Froeport. lit Chlengo and Milwaukee Line It tbe old Lake Phttte Rot-,an4 Ii to only ona passing tnrongt HvAvasruir, i.Aitk ronatn lliun i,nn .'auk, Una to as, JUcisi, KRioana to Milwai rrh. Pullman raliiro Cars ar. run an all through tralni of thla road. Tbia lathe ONLY LINE running tboaeoaraba. Iwcet Ohlcag. and St. Paul, Chung, and Mil. ea tl... or Chicego and Wlnoaa. - - i Al Om.h. .ur HlMpera .oanact wilh Ih. over land Steeper, en lb. Union PaoiA Railroad for II polnta Wait of tb. Miiaourl Rlvor, On the arrival of the traina from th. Eaal or South, tho traina or th. Chicago A N.rtb-VYateni Railway LEAVE CIIIOAIIO aa Mlowet KorCounrll lllulla.llmaha.ndt aliriimla, Two Tbronih Traina dally, with Pullman P.laM, Drawing Room and Sleeping Cara through to Council ninSa. for nt. Paul and Minneapidla, Two Through Traina dally, with Pullman Palace Cera attached on both traina. l-or ireen Hay and Lake Muperlnr, Two Traina dally, with Pullman Palaee Oan attached, and running through to Hanu.lt.. ror MIIUBukee, Four Through Tralaadally, Pullman Care oo light trai.i, Parlor Ch.ir Carl on day traina. for Mparts and Winona and polata la Mlnneoota. Oo. Through Train d.lly, with Pullmaa Hleepera to Winona. for Ilubuque, via Frcporl, Tw. Through Traina dally, with Pollute. Cara night tralaa. fur Dubuque and I. Cnnme, vl. Clinton, Two Through Tralni dolly, with Pullmaa Cara oa night traia to McGregor, low.. Par Mloai l it) and Vanktnn, Two Traina dally. Pullman Cara te Mleeoari V allay Jonailol. for l.ahe (ieiteva. Four Traina daily, for Hotalbrd, HlarlUig, krnoab.. Jane, vllle, and other polata, you wa h.r. from two to lea trelne dally. now lora or.,, m. tit nraadway , OSee, No. i St.l. StnM) Omaha OtY New York Na. lit Broadway I Bortoa Stnmtt Omaha Oflc 111 F.reham Slre.1, Hit Franolac. OSIe., Ill Mont. gnerymreeljCulo.ir.Tieket9a.ec: II Clerk Rtre.1, under ffb.rmaa Houe. corner Canal and Madiaon Slr.Mii Kl.al. Street Depot, corner W. Kloil. and UaalHWMt.i WaStHtrotl Uopol, corner Wella and Klnile Streete. For ratal or Informetloa aot attaiaabl. fr.B) yonr I W. II. onr bom. agenta, apply le Sraaaarr, Mav.a Iti oBirr, I. Hup'l, Chicago Jan. IS, IHt-ly gtUnUanmts. HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE DRUUS! Sid tJB 3311 2Sa S3 033-23 . CHEMICALS! PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFF VA KN 1311 ICS. BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY OOODS TOILET ARTICLES, 0F ALL KINDS, PURE WISES AND LIQUORS, for medicinal purpoeee. Truant, Supportera, School Rooka ao-l Station ary, and all other art idee uauelly found in a Drug Store. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. Having a lara. n porieneo I. tb. buainnaa they .an giv. .ntir. aat UfMtiua. J. II. HARTHWICK, JOHN F. IRWIN. Clearfield, Doeember IS, 1S74. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, iSuoeetsort to Doyntoa A Young,) , FOUNDEUS & MACHINISTS Manufartnrers of PORTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Comer of Fourth and Pine Rtreeta, ('l.liAIIKIl:l.ll, PA. TTAVINO engaged in tho manufaeture of Srit tl. elaat MACHINERY, w. relpeutfulty Inform ha publi. that wo ar. now preparl to All Mil ordore aa cheaply and a promptly aa ean he done In any of the dtice. W. manufaetur. and deal Ib Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Ond Itloehl, Water Wheela, Sh.ftlog Poller Oifiwd'a Iuctor, 8le.m (laorrl, fleam WhlatKa, Oll.ra, Tallow Cupa, Oil Cupe, Oaaga Cvk., Air Ceeki Olob. V.lvee, Check Valvwa, wroaght Iron Plpwa, Simwi P.mpe, Boiler Feed Pnmpe, AnH Frlctloa Metrre, Soap Sinn. Parking, (Jam Pat k ng. and all klada of MILL WORK : together with Plowe, Sled Solea, - i ' ' COOK AND PARLOIl STOVKS, and other CA8TINI1S of all klnda. ' iJg0Order! eollcitcj end IIIU-I at city prleea All lettera of inquiry wilh rcn-niico to mor-hinery of our mnnuraetur. promptly amo crcl, l.y aMree ing ua at Clenrlleld, Pa. ' " ' " ' "; - ' - J.nlTt-tf BIGLER, VOCNG A llEED.1 ' The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, v ; Pvnn tHwafbip, CleitrfleKl Ch Pa, ' II If It R f7"" f? Tl , 4 , . -"' art not BUR N E JD U P I Tho subscribers have, at grat txpemt, n-hntlt neighborhood aeoea-ity, In Iheorootion of a first olast Woolen Manufactory, with all the modern improvement! attaebfd, and are prepared to make all kin.li of Clotha, Caeiinwrea, Halfuetts, Ulan kale, Flannels, Ao. Plenty of goods on hand to apply all our old ami a thousand new onstoiaert, whom wa ask to oomt and examine our stock. The basinets of CARDING AND FULLINO will receive our espoclal attention. Proper arrangements will ba made to receive and deliver Wool, to suit onstomeTS. A II work warranted and dona upon tho shortast notion, and by strict atien tion to business wo hope te realise a liberal share af public patronage. IO.OOO POUNDS WOOL WANTKD! We will pay the highest market price for Woo and sell our manufactured goods as low as similar goods oan bo bought le the oounty, and whenever wa fall to render reasonable satisfaction wa aaa alway i be found at home roadj to make proper explanation, either In person or by letter. JAMDH JOUNHON A RON, aprllKltf . , liower p. O. s. r. euLicu. a. h'cohklb. n. itaaartiis. Gl'LICII, McCORKLE & C0:S (SueeeaMra I Joba Quitch),. -, i , . .." 'popular y; FURNITUltE .' ROOMSj Market fltreet, Clarneltl, Pa, 1 I Wa manufacture all iltnh of Furniture for' Chambera, Dining Hooms, Libraries aad Hills. If yon want Furniture of nny kind, don't buy 1 until yon aaa aur stack. j IXDKItTAKIXJ j In nil tl brancbHi. fv ttrep In stork all ihr latest and moat improve! Cosliia and Csikolt, and bava every facility fur properly eon- t i durting this branch of our businris. We Bare n pat-nt Corpse Pre- server, ia which Hndiea oan ' i be p i near vihI flty a con aidcral.lt length ef , t . .time. , A member of the Ana baa bia sleeping apart ment at our wan -room, nbere he oan be found by any person who come at night for the purpose of proenrieg eofflnt. tlOLIOH, MoCOUKLR A CO. I CleAvrnoIJ, Pa., May if, 7tl-ly 'pERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, 7 Stovo Lining and Firo Brick, kept const an tly oa hand. . STOXK AXD MRTUO WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 1 CROCKS! rJT8l CUOCKSI flaher't Patent Alrllght Half . Hr.llug Krolt anal BUTTER CROCKS, with lldi. CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS. APPLE -BIITTRR CROCKS, . PICKLE CHOCKS, FLOWER TOTS, PIS DISHES, STEW POTS, -And a great many ather tbinge too ihhtoi te niton, t. b. had 4 FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S " " STONE - WAKErOTTERY, Corner ol Cherry a. I Third Strwla, CljKAllrlKI.U, r A. nugl Clearfield Nursery. KNCOURAGR HOMR INDUSTRY. THE uodenlrned, hating .aubliahed t Ifar eery .. lb. 'Plk., aboat half way bwm Cle.rt.ld and Ourweaevllle, la prepared te fnr aieb all hlndl of FHIIIT TREKS, totaadard aad dwarf,) Kvergrema, Shruhhwy, Urane Vlnee, UooMWt,, Lawtoa Blanhherry, Strawberry, and Raapberry Vl.ee. Alan, Siberia Crab Trra, UalnM, and early Harlot Rhubarb, . Urdare prompUy allwdl 1. Addrw, J. D. WRKIUT. aap!l SS-y Curw.nivllle, pa. Sotfts. THE MANSION HOUSE Corner of heoondead Market Streets, ' s'i.i.:Aiti'iLii!ii. ia rlII9eU nad tommodtont Hotel ki. ,,,!, 1 Ibt pnst year. bn tolarged Le . (urwer eapaalty for iba aaurUiaueat of gers and guests. Tba whole building kai be rifurniihedi end tbe proprietor win p.r na pains to render bit guests om(rutli'i,it- auvloir With blu. er-fha 'Mansion Iiousa" Oaalbus raas u and from the Depot oo tbt arrival and J of aaoh trtio. W, c. CARbiis Jul U T tr Proprisur JlthKQ I1KN V J10TKL Market Mlrect, ClcarOrld, ., Win. B. 11 red ley, formor ly protirietor of ial Ionard llnusa, having toasej the AllrgUa Ilolel, solicits a share of public patron ejt, It, House bat been thorooijMy repaired and ) furulshed, and gufita mil find it a l-aunt n0n. Cing plaea. Tlio Ubla will ba supplied auk u( tst of evorythlng io the market. At tba b will be fuund the best nines and liijuors. UuJ sliiUiiigattarhud. WAI. H, UltAld.KV, May IT, I'roi-r inter. S""U8QUKilANSA JIOUSK, CURWENHVILLB. PA. NKWION READ, PnopaiRTon. jjavlnf baoomt proprietor of this RuiH, J would rciiiaolfully solicit tbt patronage bf tk pablio. Iiousa loaaantly and eonveairieLly m. uatd;B refitted and rtforniibed i ooil ia. pla rooms ntlacbed. All railroad I rami Mop at tbia boaie. Janlu-Ji SfAVniOU.SEj - (Cor. of Market A Front it recti,) . CLUAhVlKLD, PA. The nndersigncd having taken elmrgt of ihii lltitrl, would respectfully solicit lulltc palnmart janl'7 It. K. FULLth fu.N. ' WASHINGTON JIOUSK, NKVf WASHINGTON, PA. This new and woJI furnished hove Wi Ueo takrn by tbe undrriigned. lie feels confident of being ttble to rainier tatisfaotiun to those Lu may fmor him with a tall. May 8, 1871. 0. W. l.AVlH, Prop'r. jJ O HI T (I If II II OV E, Opposite tbt Court House, LOCK HAVEN, PR.NN'A. JtU'TI HAUBKAL A KRO.M, l'r,'i. I 6yd house; J Wrilo Street, PHILIP.SUURU, PKNN'A. TaUt always supplied with the best the market affords. ThetfAvoliag public la invited tocilL Jao.lJft. ROIIKRT WVD. 5Cnnhs. r. a. auaoLu. a. w. a a wold. F. K.' ARNOLD & CO., I.nmlcer.H anil ISroliors. KeyiiuMaTlllr, Jefferaou Co., Pa. Monty recti rod on deposit. Dircoui.lt at mtv dcratc rats. Kaftera and Koreiga Kichint aj. wava aa bond and ooll-etiuns promptlv aiaU. Ueynolda vilie, In-e IS, lH7i.-ly County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD. PA. ROOM In Masonic S oil J ing, one tj-.i-r nurth at C. D. Watson' I lrug Etore. Passage Tick vts to and from Llveqiooi, Qn-cna-town, (llargow, ln-lin, I'nrli and (.'n(,( ntiara. Also, Urottsfor saloon the Royal Uanknf lulaud and lu.i.erial Rank o Luudiin. JAM4 T. LEONARD, Pirt W. M. 8 HAW. Cksliirr. a 1 : 1 . T 4 DREXEL-& CO., No. 31 South Third Street, Plillu, l.hli And Oealers In Government Securities, Al.liUcaliot, by limit will receive prompt attca tion, and all Information euetrfuuy turt.ieh.d Or'hre lolh-nd. April II t(. gfutlstrj. STEWART & BLACKBCRN, "' DENTISTS, ('urirr-uHVlllc, i'lcarfleld Couttl, Piiina lliffice ia OzXa' Kcw Ruiljiog.) Caiwrniville, j.a 11, I.17H ly. " DRl. E. M. THOMPSON, (Oflic. la Bunk Duildiag,) I'urneiiavllle. t'learrleld re. uch Tt-tf. -A. M. H ILLS Would re !ret fully notlfr lis natt-nti that he ha TT'lnf-M the price of A RTI PICIAL TKb'Tll iotn.Wi nor e.1. it f.ir a double ml For any tee peraoai coming at the saiuo time, to have each an upper tel. will g.t the two ifti for 3J.OO, or I7. esrh. ' ' Terms Invariably Cab. Clcarfii-M, Jn. 1,17lt. S" TKAM SAW MILL, ENGINE , AND BOILERS FOR SALE. Tho unilcnlgn.d offeri for (ale on reainnalill lerint, their elcam eaw mill, looted al Wallace. to, Ulcerfiold Co., Pa. The engioe and boiltn are a. good a. aew. Tbe alaa of th.engin. Ii Hyil, aud la In good running order. To-y will alio at II hrir ihingle and lain mill, an-l all tba working machinery in the mill. Pnrliea wiibloj lo purebnM ea. call vn oe addreae OKAHAM. WALLACE A CO Clearteld, Pa , Juae lu, ISI4. , MEAT MARKET. " F. M. CARDON 4 BE0.,: lloar of Pie'a Opera Houio, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oar arrangement, are cf th. moil eomnUtc character lor furnlihing the public with Freie Met. of all kind, and ef the very heat qualitr. We alio deal in all kind! of Arriealtural Imple. menu, wbioh we kp on ax hibitio fw th. he. efit of tlio publia. C.U around elm i town, and take a look al thing!, or ad lrci ul V. M. CAHDON A RRO. ClearBeld, Pa., July U, ISTi tf. N J K W CA HI N HT M A K I NG S H OP. M. B. SPACKMAN Dwlrea tn annnnnc. lo th. public that he hei opened CAIIINRT MAKINll SHOP IN CLEARFIELD, Where he win KEEP ON HANI) ' "f UUNITTjaE, Ar.d do nil klnda of CAHINET WORK and HE PAIR FURNITURE of all kinda.on aborl notice anil In th. beat pnnible manner. Shop on Fourth etreet, .ppoait. Park A MerrUI'. Carnage Sbop- Aug. I, 'H-lj. FRESH MEIMEVV SlTo P. The nndenlgned hen by Inr.jrini the pui rir la general that th.y keep nn hand, rcgo arlv. al their ahop.a-ljoiniug JUIIN tlliLlCII Sfurn'itara ruomi, ,.j..u.it the Court llouaa, th. IUST MUSH ;', -A'A4, .WITFl'.V LAMll, HlHK, ETC., A T REDUCED PRICES, FOIt CASH. Market mnmingi TuaaJay, Thor,.l,r, and Satunlaya. Meat de'iiercd at ruaidioce whea dnlrcd. A ahar. .f patrou.g. la reepectrullv eidlritcl. Uaroh I, lti:tl-ly. STAUE NuHRlrt. READING FQR ALL 1 1 HOOKS STATIONERY. Market SL, 1'le.rSelrl, (at (lit Pert tlfllrr.) THE aml.r.ig.ed bega leer, te annoen-e la Ih. cititcne of Clearfield aud vlrioilr. that he hai fitted up a room and haa jmt returnee from th. city with a large amount nf rta.lin matter, eoniietlng Ib part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Illank, Aeeaunt aad Paw Ileoki af ev.rv di eariptioo Pupcr and Envelepea, Frenck preiicd ml plain I'nn and Ptnillii Illank Lc,al Paprn, !etl, Mnrlgagca j .lintginent, Kvciiin. lion aad I'rnmiaitrv Bnloet W'hll. and Parrb. meat llrief, Legal Can, Record Oap. .ad Hill l'"f, comtanlly on hand. Any bc'lie or ttali'-nirv uvr.ri-u ui , may o, n.,c on lien.l.will benriierro by flnt .ifiren, aid if-l't al nbolriate or retail to nit ruitnmna. I will alio k.rp peri"d'"l llleralure, auch aa Magatlnee, Niwepanrn. Ac. P. A. UaLI.IN. Clcnrllolil, Mny 7, lS-tf JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IX FUUNITUIU:, Zl n att iti:ssi:s, " ',' ,., AND ' Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, MAR P. 0. The wndenlgned hcg. Iimre In Inform the rill me of Unarl.ld, ud Ih. pahlle generally, thai h. haa head a la. Manrlmrnt ef Farwiiere, aarh M Walnut, Cbeilnol end Pni.lrd Cbamfcrt Fnltra, Parlor Ruilea, Reclining and Eilemlva Chain, l.adlea' ar.d flrnla' Eaiy Chalra, the Per forated DIaIn, aad Parlor Chain, Can. Sr.tioad Windmr Chalra, Clothw Rare, Step and Kitea aloa Laddera, Ual Rvka, Scrubbing Bruibea,At -UOULDINO AND PICTURE FRAMES. Locking nieieei. Ctramoa, e which would be auit.hl. for llolieay praMnta. diell'IS JiiHM TROI'TMAH.