Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 20, 1876, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
If psldin adraae,ar within three months .$ M
If paid after three and before sis months... S 61
Ifpeld efMr the expiration of iii months... II
jNT-UttHrl. 8. U. PlTTlNalLL A Ca NllL Advertising AgnU, IT Park How, Corner
tUrkuan ptreel, are our duly authorised Agents
. v.- v...b ru. "
Method lit Knlecopal ChurchRev. B. F.
Bvuvxnn, i aitor. -Public Bcrvtea svary Babbetl.
a ii a. m., wa ti r. h.
Sabbath School at! A. II.
Prayer ki ttioc everv Thandav. at Ik f If
Ootnn unloa Service, Int Sabbath of very
tonin, ai i a. m.
Went Clearfleld M. K, l lmrch. Ri.
Wu, II. It ill nnd J. V. Anmrhon, Paitors.
Presetting every alternate Sunday, st o'clock,
r. sr. rummy acooel at a, f. AI All are le
vlted to attend.
I'reib) terlau i liurch H. II, 8. Bun. a.
Sabbath morning and evening Sab
bath School at I P. M.Prayer Matting Weduee-
uny evening,
t. Prauela' Church Cntliollr Rev. P.
J. H her l pax, Preaching at I0y o'clock , A. M., on
tbe Brat, third and loarlh Sundays of each month :
Veipcra and Benediction of (he Blessed Seeramont
at 7 o'clock, M. Sunday School every Sunday
afternoon at I o'clock,
t.un or lotmne qvartki sbmions oooar,
8e ood Monday of January.
T'i rd Monday of March.
Fit it Monday ef J una.
Fourth Monday of September.
Tim op aomine conaoa flius.
Firat Monday of Juna.
Second Monday of Mo vain bar.
PI' I Lit) OrPlCKRn.
Prtult -Udg lion. Chariot A. Mayer, of
Loch Haven.
itimtnNl Law Judgt) -Hon. John II. Orvle, of
AotiaU Jndy William C. Foley, Clearfield
John J. Hand, Curwenivllle.
ProA oaortry Kit Bloom.
Regitttr mud fttvorder L. J. Morgan.
Diitrief Afferwey Frank Fielding.
TVeaiwrer David Mctlaugbey.
Skirig William R. MePbarton.
CVma'y Surveyor Samoa! F. MeCtoikey, Cor
wensville. Oonntf Commftii oaere - Clark Brown, Clear
field Thomas A. McUee, Cheat P. 0.) Harris
Hoover, Clearfield.
t'uNNfy Amiron Cbri it. J. Keat,gy Glen
Hope Samuel A. Caldwell, Williamsgrove ; Joba
C. Conner, Burn lids.
fVenry ConrJ. B. Neff, New Washington.
Jury Coetwi'itioairc- John W. Shugart, James
Mitchell, Clearl.ed.
Sufttrimtrndenl of PmMt cAoos-a--Jolia A.
Gregory, Curwenivills.
Notnrin Panie John W. Wrigley, Wn, Ra
debaugh, Cyrua L. Oordon, Clearfield: Joa. K.
Irwin, N. R. Arnold, Curwenivllle J. J. Llngle,
Oioenla Milla.
Our Spwtial column Is decidedly Interesting to
a local point of Tiew, and profitable reading to
oulsldors who want to tare money.
Read William iieed's locals in our
Special column to-J ay.
A pretty heavy rain and hail alorm
visited this region on Thunday lait.
Treasurer McCiuughey finUhed up
liii ale of uDseatrd lend! on Monday last.
Court commences oil Monday next,
the Sih imt, A two wsaks' term will be bold.
Tlio heavy ruins of last week caused
a eunjidureblo rlia in the river, and it is now
somewhat shove a good rafting stage.
J. A. Stewart is selling ofT his stock
of cluthing snd furnlfblag goodi at cost, to auit
bmineii. The ttie will be opened until Octuber
- e em -
The gn lamp at the Kpisopul Church
corner, on First itreet, burned seventy -two hours
In succeiilen, last week. And the lamp lighter
wai not te be found.
Sunday lattt was an extremely dmn-
grceable day. Itaia fell aneeaaingly all day, and
but few persons ventured out. The churches
wrre, eomeuently, but ilitnly attended.
Jumes Humey, of lloulEdalo, fell
frum a svcond itory window of bit bouse an Sun
day, the Id inat., and wss almost Instantly killed,
lis wss under tbs influence of liquor at the time.
Head Guinsburg's double column ad
vertisement in the Kan t site a to-day. Ue has
jnat received a large assortment ef clothing for
the Fall trade, which he will sell at reduced prises
for eaih.
. a
A car loaded with titty barrels of
a loon oi, and valued st ia.vuu, was destroyed by
fire In the tower railroad yards at Altoona, oa
Sunday tight. The Ore Is believed to have been
the work of an incendiary.
i a i
A seven year old son of Mr. li. IX.
Ritchie, of Lock Haven, was drowned la the canal
at that place, on the 6th InsU lie was found be
tween a boat and the wharf, and it Is supposed ha
fell when attempting te get an the boat,
Mr. James L. Loavy, who recently
purchased tbV'Ainerioen House," at Carwensvllle,
has added another story to it, and entirely re
mod died the Interior of the house. When com
pleted ft will be the Icrgcst and most eonveaieat
hotel In Curwoosvllle.
Already wo are told thnt hard
winter Is coming, and tbst crime will be unusually
prevalent, but ue are net discouraged. Silks have
taken a rise sad coal bas bad a tumble, and as
ihcee two conditions are not favorable to crime,
we look forward to an eaiy wlotet.
On Monduy.tbo Utu inst. ashinule
mill belonging tu Darrah, Moore and Crissman, of
Millitone tewmbip, Elk county, was burned to
eihei. The loss is supposed lo aggregate fully
$;iO,ito. It la supposed to be the work of aa la
oendiary. It was pretty well covered by tasur
reiinttylvaiiia will have her own par
ticular Centennial day oa Wednesday, the 28tb
in it., tba aonlvmary of the ilgntng of her flrst
Slate Constitution. Hon. Ben jam in U. Brewster
will deliver the oration. It Is expected to be a
day of surpaMlng intern I, and a large attendance !
Ii looked for.
1 ae e aw -
One of the speakers at the Jtadical
club meeting oo Fndsy evening last, ipent nearly
hair aa bwur ia reading extraclsJVem Democratic
rpeecbes. This Is about the smartest thing we
ever kuew one ol their f peahen to do, and we hope
it will be kept up, as It Is a goud"ey to make
vales for Tilden. (
a 1,
Levi Knutt, of Altoona, who inatle
biuseir quite conipleeeus la rtturnlag employe
of tbe Psnnylvaola railroad company for working
on SuaJay, feilvd to put la aa appearaaeo at
Argument court, when tbe eases ware to bare been
argued. On motion ol Mr. Neff, Attorney for the
Company, the cases ware continued.
In the Cambria county court last
week. I'alrkek Leoaard and War ouna were tried
fur the murder ef Patrick O'Brien, at UalliulB.edl
the ?0ta of May last, sad were food guilty f
murder in the second degree. Mania Leoaard,
also arrested oa tbe asute charge, fur waut of evi
dence as lo bis guilt, wss discharged.
i H a ii i
It was supposed that the excursion
ists would leave lSs place with tbe regular morn
ing (ma oa Mutiday last, aad many persons were
at iLt dtpa easiui'giti airhal. TUey were very
a.ueli dtiapibitd wbva it came along with only
oue pais iigrr ear, and tbe) Were tdtotmed that
it.ey utulu be ubltd lu natt ir aa eiira trala.
1'nning the Jul m ot our young friend,
i ik li. J.sad, ia tbe et.uthfra part wt ibe Wr
ougb, va Saturday tart, we iaw that genllemaa
iafiiCiff hli fields takagid In taking up bis sweet
potato crop, Raiting swvet potatoes is but an
aperlment beieasiet, but Frank's srvp was large
and finer locking than any of the Imported aaos
brought te this market.
as a
The fare to Philadelphia and return,
b the Odd Fellow i' aaearsiea trala, was ti ll.
Counting the aamber ef tickets sold at revoa haa
died, food ap aa eggrcg atonf 13,17a, aad limltiag
the expanie of rack persoa te Sis.M makes aa
amount equaling I7,M0, making a grand total ef
til, 178, as the espeasoa of the party. More
money lhaa we thought H posslbm lo raise la tbo
Mr. Harry A. K raiser has just re
turned from tbe Bast, bringing with him a huge
and elegant stock of Fall aad W later Drees aad
Dry Good I, to which ha Invites the atteatloa of
the public. Harry la aa oaUrprlstag baclasee
ea, always oh the alert aad felly rawed to tbo
demand ef the times. Il has the large, meat
perfect and beet ir pointed dry good iters la this
lection, and It eon tains a fell line of goods Is Its
every d span meat. Doal rVget la eaN ea Harry
vera yon waat aaythlag la hli Hat
Coal Oil. Lytlo hnsroceivod car
load ofooal oil, and aan tell It by the quart or
bsrreL Alaa, by the can. tf.
Wahtku 11,000 cortU of Hemlock
nnd Rook Oak Bait, for which we will pay ine
bigbeat market arias.
Jvlltf. A.0. KramrrAOo.
this plaeo, baa the agency for Clearfield county
for LorillareVt celebrated brands of tobaooo, and
can sell them at factory prices.
Conductor Irwin's paHAongor train,
wmcn nrnvesai uiearuoid at II a. m., was
layad three hours an Friday last, by at ncoldeat
oa the main linn.
Mr. Kmory t ltoud telogrnpbs ub
from Philadelphia that tbaexenrslon party arrived
then at half peat nine o'clock on Monday even
ing, all cafe and sound. They made right good
lime, aoaelderlag the keary travel oa the Penn'a
road the past Tew days.
- in m a
On Friday evening, Sept. 8tb, Lim-
won neoTas, oi ntwry, uiatr county, rather of Mrs
J. J. Pie and Mrs. Fred Baokoit, died nt bis reel
deooe, In the above named plsoa, age 84 years.
Uli death was from aa known disease. For soma
weeks put ks had been sleeping a great doal and
hit appetite failed him, but he suffered no pain
end passed away from earth gently as n child,
apparently dying or old age alona.
o- wm
An intoxicated individual raised con
siderable of a howl at tba depot na Saturday eight
last, because tbo conductor would not allow him to
get on the train. There Is a rule or tba Penn'a
R. R. Co., forbidding In lot lost ed persoos to ride
on their ttalai, and In this Initanse it was enforoed ,
a little ta hsnhly, perhaps, to the sorrow of this
guy larkcy. Ho walked to Curwcmrille on Hun
day morning, through a drenching rain.
i I.
JiufXiiiironlot the V illiumsnort boom
was suspended so r era! days ago. The Bmlhtim
says that about nine million feet are now la the
boom, oa the bar, and enough logs are back to
urcfta about twenty million feet. Tba foroe
at work oa the boom the present seaaoa eonslited
of about eighty men nnd boys. Mr, T. Turley at
present has bis crew nt work repairing the cribs,
and putting them In shape for the future.
Lint of iu t turn remaiuimr unclaimed
In the Postoflioe nt Clearfield, for the week ending
Sep temper I lth, 186 t
Crookshank, Mary A. McDonald, Miss Kiama,
Crowell, Miss Jennie, Murphy. Mrs. Amanda 0.
Denver, Miss Mary A. Hawiuo, Mrs. Dora,
Uraham, A bra to, Jr. Smith, C. A.
U ood rich, C. K. Seaman. W. W.
Jordan, Miis Bell, Schick tmr. Edward.
Johnson, Mrs. Win. Wetiel, MiPiJennis,
Kane, Jam, Williams, Mrs. Ktome.
La'Fiour, Joseph,
Look i no Am ad. The present lias
been an abundant, unpreeedcntly favorable season
for fruit, as well as for all the products of farm
and garden. Prudent housewives, with the pre
diction that next Mason fruit will be scarce, are
puttiog np more tbaa double tba usual quantities of
fruits and tomatoes. Cider is cheap and plentiful,
and It Is simply astonishing what kettles full of
rpple and peach butter are being made, In view
or next season's scarcity. This Is a prudent step,
even If nest year's yield should be equally abun
dant. aw -
The primary election passed off very
quietly ia. Clearfield borough and Lawrence town
ship. The full Democratic rote or both these dis
tricts was polled. This Is right, far, besides
bowing that nor party friends are Interested la
maklog the nominations for county officer., it also
Indicates that they are getting ready to take an
active part la the approaching general election,
and thus help to swell the vole for Tilden sad
Head ricks, as well as the entire ceuaty ticket, i
We predict aa nauiually heavy Democratic rote ,
In this eoaoly at the November eleeUoa.
- ia .
A Revelation. Two nice young
men made their escape from the Lock II a v en Jail
en last Friday nigbt, and were traced to Oieeola.
On Monday afternoon, two young mea answering
the description ol tbo jail birdi, wets arrested at
UouUdals, and upon being searched by the polios
It was discovered that the one was a woman dress
ad la aials attire, and the other had a pardon la
his poeket granted by Gov. Hayes, of Ohio, and
bas, bo doubt, promised to be in that State on
election day. The twain ware finally committed
for vagrancy, and are now la ear prison, and If
net let oat by the Id Tuesday of October, Hajee
A Co. will lose a rote.
Mr. John Mootibarircr, of Morris
lownebip, met with a severe and painful accident
an Bon day morning, the 10 th Inst, by means of
which he lost oncof bis legs. Early In the morn
ing be went to a Celd to bring ia bis horsai, and
catching oac of them be mounted It, without sad
dle or bridle, to ride it borne. The other bones
commenced running as soon as they were let out ,
of the field, and the one Mr. M. was riding became
frightened, throwing him to the groaad. He
fell directly under the feet of the animal, and as
It attempted to jump over blm, one of Its front
feet earns down oa his leg, smasbiag the bona and
lacerating the flesh la a terrible manner. The leg
was amputated a short time afterwards, sad Mr.
M. Is getting along very well.
Clearciild Coal Trade. State
ment of Coal and other freights seat over the
Tyrone A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Kail-
road, for the week ending September 9, 1878, and
the aame time last year t
For the week M
Same time last year
Prevlonniy during year
Same time last year.....
Inornate ....
Total In 1878.... .......
Same time last ytar....,HH,.,
Miscellaneous freights
The Kxcursion Train. The Odd
Fel lows' ai curt ion to the Centennial left Curwens
villa at about t o'clock oa Monday morning, the
18th lilt-, and left thii ptarc at aboat I SO. The
train, as It left Clearfield, eonslited of ten pas lon
ger eoaebes, one baggage ear and two engines,
with twoeoueneeto betaken at Pbillpsbnrg. Tbe
tea paiieager coaches were pretty well filled at
Carwensvllle and Clearfield, leaving but little
room (or passengers between Clearfield and Phil
ipaburg. Mr. D. D. Wood, train dsspatcber, who
accompanied tbo aiearsiooists, said be would
have accommodations for all, by taking, If
TT P noaehes from the Mosfaaaaon
branch, at the Intersection of tbe two reads near
Philipibarg. This is the hrgst passenger trala
that ever waned over tbo Tyroaa aad Clearfield
branch. A pesienger coach will comfortably seat
about sixty perauai, aad allowing that number to
each one of the twelre ears, makes aa aggregate
of sevea hundred and twenty passengers, and
there Is a probability that the number was muob
larger. A heavy rain was falling during tbe en
tire moraing before the trala left, aad It was ex
tremely disagreeable, both underfoot nnd over
head, but tbe Immense throng at tbe depot took
it ns gued-aataredty could well be, eider tbe
Primary Klkction. Wo go to press
too early te giro anything definite ta regard to
Ibe result or the primary olectloa. We will give
the full official vote of each district la ear acit
Issue. Below will be found the vote of Clearfield
borough oad Lawrence towasbipi
roa co so aaas. Clf'd bnr. Law'ce two.
U. A. acker IWS
row aaxAtoa. ' '
T.J. Boyer. 43
W. W. Ret Il
Ueo. M. Brtsbla s
AeraaC. Tele- Ms
Andrew Praia, Jr....
K. U. tliarkirl....
Henry llrath
James M-biit(y
Patrick Crkf...
Uavtd llitehtaga
- 1 .
A. V. Carpenter 8
A.blrr M. llitls U
Jobs J. Kad
Daniel W. Muwre
We. A. Bloom
Vincent B. UH.
Abraham Ogdew.....,
11. F. Uowle
Jacob W. Camp'Wi...,
Joseph lattereoo
' It
roa aicvRict ArroRaar,
II. W. Smith 74
Aaroa U. KrawMr... SI
W. M. McCallege..,.. l a"
roa seat ramasrSBa.
J. P. BereMeld...-....-. JS4
a di, rraoeie -aerv" - - a
Sea I ember I7lb, IH7, by Rev. Father Sheridan,
mr. uan fa. mragm sua mm "i
both of Clearfield.
O. rrld.jr, lUpl.abOT ttk, l7t, Ur.(,
m .r mi K. U. iMh, tl V.H l.,hi,
o Mi.,, .uhw inh, m, j.mW
l.,iw,8r4 B.II uw.iip, .kat M ,rfc
1ST,, Bank, rlM .f Hull (,'r.v.ll, a,,,.,,., H9
II jwfi i aonlfe, m It d.y,.
......... U,7ol
- eSl,8W
,.H Ml, MS
M 88 ears.
.. . ft "
WANTED by Arnold, at Curweuavlllf, cords oai ana neaiiorK nan.
KHMHMI tftUhif h shaved altlurtea.
lOO.OOO H 1-Inch sawed ahliiiclaa.
liMI,tMMI fet lucb itu hoard a. aepUL
There Is no modi nine prescribed br nbvlolna
or sold by drugglaU, thatearrlas suoh evidence of
its suoean.anii aupenor virtao as Uosraan s Unr
war Kv ri p fur severe Coughs, Colds settled oa
the Breeit, Consumption, or any disease er the
Throat and Lungs. A proof or that faot Is that
any person afflicted, can get a Sample Bottle for
It) cents and try its superior effeot before buying
the regular me at to eenis. it aes lately been
Int rod used in this country from Germany, and its
wonderful cures are attonlphlng every one that
use It. Three doses will relieve any ease. Try
It. Sold by C. D. Watson, Druggist, Clearfield,
ia. epraTO.nowiy,
Thousands lead mlsarabla live, suflerlag from
dyiriepsta, a dtsoruerec siomaoB ana liver, pro
ducing blllonaneas, heartbura, eostireneas, weak
nrsa, irregular appetite, low spirits, musing food
after eating, and often eadiaa in fatal attacks of
fever. TliKT snow Tliav Ana rick, yet they get
little sympathy. The unfailing remedy, which Is
yearly restoring thousands, is Datoila s Had leal
Cure, sold by C. D. Watson, and Ilsrtiwick A
lrvla. Druggists, Cicarflsld, Pa.
A S oottie will convince von of Its merits,
Don't delay another hour after reading this, but
go and get a bottlc,and your relicr is as certain as
yon live. Will you do It, or will you contloue to
suner i i uiua tor yourself!
Prof. Parker's Pleasant Worm Rvrvp Is per
fectly safe, extremely palatable. No phytic re
quired. Losts x cents. Try ti. for sale by v.
I. Wataon and UarUwiok A lrwtn, Clearfield, Pa.
men zzoowlj.
W A hy Arnold, al Cnrwenavllle
.(1(M rorda oak and hemlork bark.
IIMMMNi VtUlurh shaved chlr.rlea.
l4NMMM2tlurh sawed shluaflea
I4HI,(MM feat inch pine boards. aept.0
On or about September 35th, 18711, Wn,
Reed will be receiving his new fall and win
ter stock ef Dry Uoods, eta.
You will and a fine seloetloa of Dry
Goods, Notions, Trimmings and Millinery
Goods, every thing of the latent style and la
great variety, at the scry lowest prices.
It Is his Intention to keep a muck larger
assortment of Fancy Hoods, Trimmings and
Millinery Uoods tbaa heretofore,
Sept. 10, 17. dee. H, IMMf.
WANTED-by Arnold, at Curweuevllle,
5 ,000 cords oak and hemlock bnrk
100.000 Vtt-Iurh shaved ehtujrlrs.
ltHMMK24-lnch aawed shhik-lcs.
IO0.IMM) let luck pin bowrda. aept.0.
IleoaiRS For 8a lb. ft. Newton Shaw keeps a
full supply of Fredonta Boggles and Platform
Wagons for aula. To be seen at the Shaw House
yard. Call on or address him at Clearfield Penn
sylvania, may ll-tf.
ON and after Monday, APRIL 17, 1871, the
Passenger Trains will run daily (except Sua-
naysj oeiween lyroneana uiearneid, as follows
W. C. Irwim, Conductor.
CurwensvIllaMS:25l p. .i Tyrone ,... 8.4M-H.
Clearfield- 1.59, " ; Osceola. t il, "
Philipaburg 4.4a, " Philipsburg...l0.u, "
Osoeola e.OO, " Clearfield 1 l.uu,
Tyrone 1.18, " Curweneville..U:M,
W. 8. Plvbhrr, Conductor.
S.1I A. n. Tyrone 7.05 p. a
ft:36 ' ' Inter-action ...7. !U '
8..1I " Oiieeoia ...... 8. U "
Osceola M 8.46
Pbtliptburg...8.Sa "
Clearfield, nr.I.M "
Curwenivllle. v.0 "
Intersection.. 7.35
Tyrone.-.,.... 7.10
tip. Kip.
P. If. A. H. M. M.
i t. . tef, Tr. ) .rtlr, .M I.M
MS .. UM K.,l. (.OO 1! 40
all ..ID J.liu. IS
t.90 10.00 , Uil.ib.rit 4.47 11.14
4 1B.I0 1 B.ll.root. 4.1 II. U
1.1.1 10.20 , Milaaburl , 4.1 J 11.0,
IS 18.44 llow.rd ' I.JS
10.00 11.11 .rrlr.L. H..W k.r. 1.10 0.46
Padifle BiprcM,
Il.rrlib.r, koc'm.
PitlAmr, Kip , 1:41
Paoitto Kiprw,, . 1.11
Way e.,Mnf;.r, 1:0H
Mail Train, 0:41
Ka.t Lin., t:it
M.ll Train, (41;
Atl.nti.Kipr.,1, B:47
Flilla'da Kipran, 10:10
On and aflar Mnadajr, APRIL 17th, llTt, At
cnnmodatioB Train, will rna o?.r th. Ptallipa
burg and Muabanaua Braa.lM,, aa (ollwct
P. H. A. It. A. M.
. Bn.atan,
1:40 ' 7:11
7:14 11:31
711 1115 4:11
11:11 4:11
' 11:04 4:18
lhM 4:lt
I 11:41 4:00
11:13 1:H
11:17 1:41
11:14 1:44
11:10 1:40
1:44 ' Till
1:M 7:44
15S 10 04 7:61
1:11 L IS t 04
1:19 10:14 11
Ml 1CI9 1:U
1:18 10:11 1:21
1:13 10:44 1:2
Cloa. winnMtlonf I
tad. by all train, at Tyroaa
8. 8. BLAIR,
and Loalt Havn,
Allegheny Valley Railroad.
ON .ad altar Monday, 1W loib, IH7I,
tba paaa.nit.r train, will raa daily (
8uad.y) btwaB Bad Bank and Driftwood, a,
follow, I
EATWARI Day Mallleara, Pittabar,
1:10 a. in t Hed ll:4. Jnnatlon IMO;
Now Hrtbl.bMB 11:61 p. m.i Mayarlll. 1:01)
Troy 1:17 t Uraokiill. lit! Pallar'a 1:11 1 Bay.
noldatillt 1:36 DnBol. 101 , Honnlt Toan.l
1:21 ! PMOWId i4t W4. III. 4:41) BanuotU
4:10 i arri.M at Driftwood at 6:13.
WKHTW AKIWDay Mall laaraa Driftwood
11:11 p. B.I BraaartU 1:16 , WawlrilK 1:11;
Pulald l:0t Humanlt Tunn.l !:17 ll.Boli 1 4;
R.ya.lda.111. 1:16 Vnll.r'slJl ; Urookrlll. I:M
Troy 4:16 1 Mayarill. t:10 N.w Bathlohra 4:62 (
Blir Juaation 6:14 Hti B.ak 6:41 1 arrlr.1 al
Pittabam at 7:10 p. ta
47" Tba Rrynoldavilla AecoajmodatloB laa.M
B.ynoldavlll. daily at 6:10 a. nt. and arrl.M at
Krd Bank at :I6 a. at. Laarn Hti B.ak at
7:16 p. m. arriraa at Hayaoldirill. al 10:10 p. .
CIom eraoartloa, aada with train, oa P. A I.
Railroad al Ilrilt.nod, and with trains .a tb.
Allriheny ValKy Railroad at Rl Bank.
DAVID McOABlK), Uaa'l Sup't.
A A. jAro, Hap'l L. U. Dir.
Notion la hereby givca to all peraoai Interest
ed, that application will be matle to the neat ewe
piun of the Court or Common i'leas ef Clenrleld
county, oommAnefng oa Monday, September 36,
1H78, for a Charter of Incorporation for tbo First
Methodist Church ef Cherry Tree, Clearfleld Co.,
l'a. Ml'KHAY A OOkOON,
Clearfield, Sept. ft, 1878-lt. Attorneys.
t FIdOlJlla I KED,
.. STORE. .
Ituoaa Na. 4, Pla'o Upara llaaaa,
C'laarflrld, Pa.
Kap avnMaally oa haad
Caaaad aad Drlad Frails. Tobaaa., Cigars, Cut
dirt, Ctdar Vtartar, Ballar, ti.
Wheat and Buckwheat Floor
Corn Mtftl, Obop, Feed, 4o.,
Afl .f wkl.h win a. said aksa, hi aaah or la
ssobaBM for aoaatry prod.M.
A. II. KRAXtlt CO.
ClMrlald, Ho?. II lSTt. tf
3m Mi tttUMm Qtttttlttmtntt.
To aklsh wa lania aVs lalwiitsd tllanllan and Oarshil loratlin at
WI bav. but On. Frloo fur All
rooelvo Cash Payment frum All....
K give a Ouaianlee prutootliig AU-..
Wl Return Monoy when we can in. t
suit ill .......
Wl buy our good' at first hn,!a, Ii
Iwmenae iiiai.UUis, and at tlid
lowest prices for Csah..w....H
Wl manufartiire with ortrcmo curt
every garuuut wo svU..
luafiect every rani of ro
guea Into our garmonU,..
Wl put S ticket on every pnrnidt,
abowlug plainly iu quality and
Wl out off every Horn of otiuooemary
azpandlturo. ...
WR etnplny rlinlTlnaa wort. men In
ovary dapattiuviU.M
WE give satisfaction toowry purrl,or at M 0T Prt,,1 r nin n buying of
W mum Utu moot-y tw. A child way buy as obvaily
as a mau - ......
, In addlUon to oar Immenaa Ptock of lleady-Made Clothing, we have a Magnificent Una
f Mao's and Boy's rumlihlng Goods, Pliliu (of our ov. n make) and I'ndcnrear. all at tha
Very Luwcet Prices.
This is for FLIXK & CO.'S
"Tom" ling gone- to New York,
where he expects to nmko Arrangements with tho Centennial Com
missioners to purchnso the Exhibition find hnvo it moved to Clear
field. 1 Entrance to the Main Exhidition building will be on Market
street, two doors enst of Shaw IIouso. Admission free.
An Insulation r Imnartlni a Praflrnl Bnatnaa Eaocllnn. Tonnj and rnld.ll.
Bred mm flltwl for lb. actual dutli-a of III. Kluil. nU nm nilrr at any tlma. In
dtvldnal InatnxiUon. Iro and ftirnlahrd Hall, and OmoM. OimprHiiin.lvo
aonrM of stiuly. ItMlular and appniprlato lrturi'. Tlioniuli Traclilii-l"raclloal
'Iralnlna. for Clrculara aoVlrvaa V. bull 4k tkuaa, I'lttsburali, l'a.
You will want to shed your Summer Clothing
and fit yourself out in something Warm, .
Nice, Good and Cheap.
WE HAV.E the GOODS to do it WITH.
An excellent assortment of desirable Fall and Winter
TRUNKS. VALISES, &c.. and our Prices shall not be
undersold by any other house. .
We only ask an inspection before you spend a Dollar
for anything in our line.
One Price Clothing Store.
Clearfield, Pa., September 20th, 1870-lm."-
CltaraWld, r.aa'a.
Raanaaal, all th. hMdlaf Fir. la.ara.aa
CowpulM af tha aMBlry
Qbm ........ 4ia,stt SM
Itoyal Oawadiaa ,. l.ttOS.OKS
Himt, Mow V.rk .. 4.III.II4
Lyaoaslai, Maaay, Pa ,H,41
Praaklia, Pbllad'aM....... S,1S8,S.4
Pbaala, Ilwtford.................. I.ISJ.101
nuom. Naw Ywh l,4H,tl
Hoaas, Col., 0....... tll.MI
Altaa, BattfMw ,. 1S4.S4I
Pnnidawaa WaahlBaaa,.MM,.MMn.H, . 41S.0S4
Paraaas abwal affMilaf aa kaaaraaaa oa piap.
Mty of say klad, ahawld aall at ay assaa, oa
Markta) strasS, appwtaa Ik. Carl lioaaa, Bd aaa
aiy list af soaspaaias aad rata. b.r.r laaarlag.
OK" Print m(ans nf nocesalty tho Iaw
M Prim.-
CASH arpn eTpenas of cnllectloni and
luakua front bud Uelits
TU B tlnarantM prnteiHs the buyer who
mny notbf ajutlgoof giKMlsM..,..
Wo tvly on Immense sales and art aat
Ufiod wlUi a wry small peroeut
a:o(.rpr,)t,t, -
IT Is cany to buy of us, atone all are ttratM
allLu, no una gt'UJng favota that
are duulvd to oUiurs ,,.
DIi'KrrtlKO and deflate are done away
tty ua, every Ixxl y gels our boat w llb
tut having u SJk fur It -
ltlcU U I) tUMI fl.r till) IMMlUlM'a lM.tL.flt
in lowiTliij: prlcus -..,.....
WE till ortlers rtwIvedbymaH from all of Ute t ultiHlblatat, Writ
fr iart'i-ulura
Big Advertisement, next week.
and will return via. Pliiludclpliia,
X1 Natle. b karaby lna that at hast twmty
of tba aitlsaas, rrvldrnta oi taa luwnablp ol wmi
rla. U.llah and wMdward, is tbaaoaalr af Ohm.
laid. will, aadw tb. a4 .f Aanaiblr approvad
tba Ilk day af May, A. II. IMS, .attllad "A. a
t. a.thorlaa tha arqatallliia by th. savaral JB
tla, of thl, CarnajoawMllh for tba aa. ol tb.
soanty, of arid,,, irw'M nrar rlvara, rr.ks,
sad rirakrta, and far tha akolltloa of tolls Iksrs
a," pMllioa tha Oaart of g.artar Hioni of pftid
soualr at tba Bsntnilr Israi. aaaaatraelnff .a
tha loarth Maadsy, th. 1Mb day .1 tba bobIb,
ta rant aa ardar aaaar ma said aat, drslanng
tha krldn tmlri tmm Cl.sra.ld arak at PaM.
Ilk, ta aald aoaBly, a frM kridi. and for lbs
sboli.hla, af toll, tharaoB. AH parllM laLmlrd bl,i hmiubi,
Hadrra, Kspl. t,l74-IU ;Proihoaotary.
Ws kara arlatsd a larn aaaihar tf tk. a
Ml ILb, aad will aa lis raawlpt s twaaty
rs ssats, Ball a sspy la a? addrsss. , art
gtpt ivtxHtmfnit.
Sheriffs Sale.
BY flrlue of writs of Xssan'a Faeimt, Issued
out of the Court of Com moo Mess of Clear
Held count r, snd to ine illreclcil, there eel II he
eapoied to Villi 1.10 8AI.B, at the Court House,
la Ibe boron (h of Clsnrfleld, on Munilar, the
t&th day of Kciitainher, IH7A, at 1 o'clook, p. m ,
the fol lowing dueoribed real eiUte, lo wlti
The follow Inf land situate In Decatur township.
Clear He Id county, l'a., bejtlnnlnf at a double
hemlock, south-east oornrr of ILs JuieMi Matluoh
surwy, south 'lilH pen-has and Dtl pcrrhas, In all
VAi pciohes, lo the t-ornc r of land ol AUiini n alk
art thence wert slons lilt line Ml perches r.orth
120 perches t Michael Walker Hue, wrst along
ssine si percuss norta mi purcbes to HrjiUart
line thsnoc west along same HI perches to old
Hue thence south supposed to be shuut per.
cltei to Jscoh Miller's purchase i thenoe east along
bis line 71 perohes south along same 108 perches
lo lend formerly of Harvey Moore; thenoe south
Hi pert hrs to a post, west 131 pon-hel to a poit,
thenoe south lupposcd to be 48 perches or so far
till It strikes lino and corner of land lold to Poter
Philips ; thsnec along hie line 100 norchee t thenoe
south 1H0 perches) thenoe east I ho" perches to
plaoeof beginning, being residue of lurveys la
the nemo or Joseph JrUtlouk and Hubert Ileltsel
mer, containing 4V acres, more or less, being the
seme premiiee eonreyvd by mar l gage to Joalah
W. fimitb, rrcenJcd to hook " 11." Mire Mi and
a:tSt on 7th November, iHtta, A smsll portion of
ine isnn ib oiearcu, ana nas on it.e tract net ween
sis and seven million feet of white pine Umber.
beiitlcs whits oak and hemlock, with two seioi of
bituminous coal about 4 feet thirh coal banks
puned in two places, tfciied, taken In tt.oculion
end to be sold the property of Wm. Albert,
Henry Albert and tisorge Albert.
Alio, a certain two-story frsmo dwelling home
1 Ax"8 feet, with lot and curt II lege sppurtenant
thersto, located on a lot of ground iltuato In the
village of UuUoii, In UraJy towntbip, Lies meld
oounlv. l'a.. known In tbe eeneral vUn of seid
village as lot No. HI, la what Is known as Long's
addition to laid riilsge, and being 0 feet front
and lot) feet deep. Belted, Isken In cierutian and
to be sold as the property of lllran ltonaldson.
Alio, a certain two-story frame dwelling bouse
with lot and curtilage appurtenant thereto, slta
nte In the borough of Gsevole, Clearfield oounty,
Pa., fronting on Curtln etreet 0 feet, with kltehen
attached thereto. It is a two-story frame dwell
ing house. Heiied, taken In execution and to be
sold si the property of Nesl Ioughrrty.
Also, a esrlain two story frame bocee situate ia
the village of Woodland, H red ford township,
Clearflnld oounty, l'a., 80 fret by 1 0 feet on lot
of Jacob lutra. Said building Is lft feet in length
and trt feet In depth. Hclsud, Isken In eiwution
and to te sold as the property of Jseob Dutra.
Also, a oertaio two story frame dwelling homo
ascd ss a hotel, situated in the borough of Osceola,
Clearfleld county, Pa., fronting on Curtin street
and Is known in tbe general ilan of laid borough
si lot No. 6. the whole length of nid boose being
32 fret front and .10 feet deep, and tbe L attacbod
thereto being Kl2u feet. Heiied, taken in execu
tion and to be sold as tbe property of James Hab
Alio, a certain twortory frame hnue 47s4f) feet
havlnga kitchen attached 1 AxlB feet, situated in
the borough of Oweola, Clearfield county, Pa., on
Curtin street : Hounded on the north by an alley,
on tho eait by lot No. 1, on the south by Curtin
street and kn the west by lot No. 1. Seised, taken
In execution and lo be sold as the property of W.
II. Danoer.
A cert a la lot of ground situate In the borough
of Clearfield, being lot No. lt6 or ssid borough,
lying on the north side of Market itreet, and west
side of Fifth street, bounded as follows: llee in
ning at the corner of Filth snd Market streets,
thsooe north along Fifth itreet, 172 feet to an
alley, thence west along said alley 60 feet to lot
no. lT, tbenoe sou to along said lot 1,2 rest to
Market street, thenoe east along s&Id street 60
feet to place ef begitnitg, being same premises
mortgaged by Daniel llenner to Jonah W. Smith,
13 June, IMB, recorded at Clearfleld, In mortgage
book, "D," page 2Vi and 3wT. and bavlnr thereon
erected a two-itn.y dwelling bonne rix24feet,
with kitchen attached, and a two-story abop, ascd
as a furniture manufactory, with iteain engine,
Ac. be i J, taken lb execution and to be sold as
ths property of laoll Uenner and A, J.Jackson,
terra tenant.
laaas or fUnr The or lee or sum at which
the property shall be struck off must be paid at
the tine of sals, or such other arrangements
made as will be approved, otherwise the proper
ty will be Immediately put ap and cold again at
the expense and rlik of tbe person lo whom It
was struck off, and who, In eaio of deficiency at
such re-sale, ehall make good the same, and In
no instance will the Deed be presented In Court
for confirmation unless tbe money Is actually
psid to the (Sheriff. W. It. M I'liKKHoN,
bniRirr s Own, I Sheriff.
Clearfleld, Pa., Aug. JO, 176. J
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue of writs of tdition Krponat, Issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clear-
field oounty, and to me directed, there will
be exposed to public sale, at tbe Court House,
In the borons b of CloarReld, oo Monday, tbs
2!th day of September, 1870, at 1 o'clock, p. na.
the following described real estate, to wit i
Seven certain tracts of land situate in Clearfleld
county, Pa., iia: No. 1. Situate in Morrii town
rihip, Clearfleld county, Pa., beginning at a white
pine thence east 120 perohes to a black oak ;
tbenoe south 1 WO perches to a white oak thence
west IS" perches to service berry; thenoe north
1VA perohei to plaoeof beginning, containing 144
anrrl and 172 tierebes. part of Nioholas Hi dent an
survey, known as tbe Hoover place, having 100
acrca cleared and no Buildings.
It o.J. Biluate In the village of Kylertown, Mor
rii townrhlp, Clearfleld county, Pa., known as lot
No. in Mid village, bounded on the north by an
alley, on the east by an alley, oo the west by lot of
Hoover, and south by public road or itreet, having
a two-story dwelling house, stable and outbuild
ings thereon.
No. I. Situate la Morris townihip, Clearfleld
couUy. l'a., beginning at a hemlock, south-east
comer; thence by land warranted to O. Werts, Jr.,
et. al., west 10H pcrobes to post,- tbenoe by Jacob
Wine no rib uc p ere nee to post; tbenoe by o.
Warina's estate 260 porches to hemlock : thenoe
by Joieph lluhley et. al. south 14ft perohes to the
place of beginning, containing ITtf acres and t
perches and allowance, being tbe Philip Stone
urvey.with about 80 acrei cleared, having a home
and barn thereon erected.
No. 4. Situate in Alorriidale. Clearfleld count v.
Pa, being two lots lo seid town, Nos. 1 and I,
tiounded by public road on the east aed south, on
the west bv lend of John O'lisIL and north br an i
ath-y, containing one acre, having thereon a two-1
ttory dwelling house, start building, stable, aad
other outblldings. i
JMo. o. Httnate in ine Tillage or Hylerttjwe,
Morrii town'hlp. Clearfleld oountv. Pa- boanded
by land of Stewart oa the South and eait, on tbe ;
north by pulk)roed,aad weetby m enrol ra estate,
containing two seres more or lesi, having thereon
a two-itory plank house and aa old stable.
No, fl. thl sate ta Morrii township, Clearfleld
county, Pa., bounded on tbe north by the John
Neshit lurrey, south hy land of Hamuel Christ k
Co., Wert by Isnd of Wagoner A II arils, and east
by 8. Cbrift A Co., containing 46S acres and 168
porches, and known as tbe John Vaughn survey,
and unimproved.
No. T. hiluale to Morris townihip, Clearfleld
coanty, Pa., bounded loath by the John Vaughn
survey, north by Hates A Co., west by Ilartle A
Miller, and eait bv John NeshU larvev. contain-
ing 4JI.1 acres and 1 5.11 perches, and known as tbe j
caKper ilcimei survey. reiied, tuken in execu
tion and to be told as tha properly of Jotepti 0.
Alio, a certain tract of land iltuato In Huston
townihip, Clearfleld county, Pa., Icing lurvry of
lot from B. Uurns to David Ilruliakrr, beginning
at a pmt corner of land of John Du Finis j thence
weit 2Ji east 27 iierclics to a pt t thence south
221 weit 27 perches to a poit in line of land of
John Dol.oli : lhen euth 11 east hy land of
John Dulloia 14 pwmhei to poit aad plaoe of be
ginning, containing 4 seres, if seres cleared, and
thebalanoe In wood land, with a small two-story
log house. Heiied, taken in execution and to be
mid as the property ol David Uurkey, '
Alio, a certain tiaol of land tituate In Morris ,
towiitliirt, Clearfield county, l'a , described aa fol-!
lows: llcglnning at a uisple, thenoe north 12
perches to a poit; thence went HI perches to a
cbeitnatf thence south 1311 peroheatoa hemlock j ,
tbence unit Ml piTthn to place ef heg.nning,
cftalnltig 01 acres and 73 pe rebel, being part of
larvry in the name of Henry r. Drinker, linviiig
aWut 40 son i cleared, tbo balance In wood Innd,
having ercetrd thereon a small log home, small
hern, aod a small orchard. Sri ted, taken in exe
cution and to be sold ai the property of H. Porter
tSbaw and lsaae bbissel
Alto, Ave certain lots of ground situate In Weit
Clearfleld, Lawrence townnhip, Clenrfitdd county,
Pa., boundrd north by the Clearfleld Park, east,
south and weit by certain streets and allevs, and
containing one acre and abeetXO perches, having
a two-atory trama dwelling nous, w.tu Kitenen
attached, and other out building thereon erected.
Belied, taken la eaecutioa and to be sold as the
property of Nathaniel Hiihel.
A lio, a eertaln tract of lend iltnitc In Lawrence
townihip, Clearfleld county, Pa., bounded as fel
lowst On ths north by A. Hpackman, south by
Potter Head and Lewli fileora, west by Alexander
Reed, aad eait by Joiiab Htad. containing
aeres, with about 60 acres cleared, and the bal
ance ia wood land, and with a good vten of coal,
and a coal haul, wpened on it, and having a good
larm nnuie, uani nam. ocanng orenara, ana
accessary out buildlnga tbereoa. Heiied, taken In I
execution aud to be iold as the property ef Jordan j
Also, a certain tract of land situate la Rerraria
townihip, Clearfleld county, l'a.. containing about :
fflty -sit acres with twenty five seres cleared, hav
ing a log house and log barn erected thereon :
Hounded eait by Aihlry, wet by Waaler, north
hy Wttsvrow, south by Kerllng. Heised, Uhia
in execution and to lie sold aa tbe property of
0. J. Kragy defendant and William llarkins,gar-1
alshee. i
Alio, a certala tract or land situate la Jordan
owahp, Clearfleld enanty, Pe, bounded aod de
scribed ai lollowa i Vast by property ef r. Uates,
weit by U. H. Lytle, north by John Dun wood
tract, soath by J. W.Lamborna, containing abont
two hundred arret with eboel thirty acres cleared
and the balance In woodland having erected tbere
oa a log boaie and log stable sad other oat build
Ingi, Seised, taken In execution and to be sold
as the property of Joslah T. Caldwell.
Also, a cerlaia tract el land situate la West
Clearfleld, loaaship nf Lawrence, Clearfield Boun
ty, l'a., bounded ea tbe aerth by aa alley, south
by Nichols itreet, wssl by Weaver itreet, eait by
property of tleorge Wet wo. Seised, taken In ei
ecntion end lo be sold as Ihe property at Wm, H.
Also, all of Defendant' Interest la all the tim
ber jet standing upon lbs following dcoeribed
piece of land iltuate la Brady townihip, Clearfleld
county, Pe begtaaiag at a hiahory, thence east
14s perehes lo a sugar, thence north 168 perches,
thence west 146 pen hes, thence south perehes
to ple4re of beginning, and being part of a larger
tract ta name ol Cesper St iter.
Also, all ef Defendant's Interest la aad to all
Ibe while piae timber, rtnedieg er laving, that
will mean re twelve Inches acmes the damp, upua
tbe Mlewing described niece or treat ef land
aale la llrady townebip, t'learleld eoaatf, Pa,
on the waterroro and puiuetnanne turnpike and
Meary Ueodlaader, ea tbe west by land ef A lie-
man K I linger, on Ibe east by a road leading froai
Henry floodleader'i ta M. Rresinger, eon ts in lag
about 10 acres.
Also, Defendant's iatertit ta alljM piece of
ml dwtisrmfat.
land iltuate In llrady townihip, Clearfleld county,
Pa., known as the Pvote old saw mill dam, Con
taining about 10 acrsi, with tbe use of tbe water
Itririluge for holding and running logi upon, nnd
biliig a lrt of tra d No. 34.
AImi, Defendant's Inteiwst In sit lbs tlmbar up
on Hie following described picas of land altuato
ia uraity townmip, uicarileld county, l'a., begin
ning at a ajlilto oak corner, Hhboc west 110 par
ches to post corner of land sold to Hubert Palton,
thenoe north 132 psrohee te poit, tbenoe east 63
perches to poit, tbence south 23 perches to poit,
thence rait 67 percliei to post, thence south 111
Eerohes to plaoe of beginning, containing about
0 acres and allowance, with itaaui iaw mill and
other buildings thereon erojteJ, Heised, taken in
execnlioo and to be sold as tbe property of Wm.
Alio,aeertaln tract of land iltuate In Kerthnus
townihip, Clearfleld county, Pa., bounded north
by lands of Janice Houch, south by lands of Jane
Use), east by laoda of David Uainss, end west by
lands of James Koucb, containing 3S aerea, and
having a log houio, two log stables, and other Im
provements thereon. Seised, taken ia execution
and to be sold as the nroperty of John Hols.
Also, a esrtato lot oi ground situate la Anson
vllls, Cleartleld oounly, l'a., bounded and de
scribed as follows i North by public road, east
by Baptist onuroo, souto oy an alley, west hy lot
of John Swan, ae Ihe properly of J. W. Straw,
having a two-story brick house and stabls, aod
necessary out buildings thereon Seised, taken
in execution and to be sold as the property of J.
W. Straw.
Alio, a oertaio Irset of land iltuate In UtahrlUe,
Olearfleld oounty, Pennsylvania, to wit: Three
hundred aeres bought of Mathews hsunded oo the
oait by other lands of Maibewe, on the weit aad
south by DuBois and aorlh bv John Mathews.
Seised, taken la execution, and to be sold as tho
property ef Simon McKarlaod.
Also, a certain triet of land situate Ib Knox,
townihip, Clearfleld county, Pennsylvania, con
taining about nlnety-sii aorei with about thirty
acres cleared, and having a small frame two story
house and small plank stable and other out build
ings tbereoa. Hounded oa tbe east by lands
lormnnj oamuei i-oweii, dee , on tbe west by U.
A. Kofi man, south by land of William Pussy and
north by land of John M. Chase, aad Dinkey Ki
ts te. Salted and taken In execution, and to be
sold as the property of Henry Miles and Rosa
Taaai op Bali. The Price or sum at which
the property shall be struck off must be paid at
the time of sale, or suoh other arrangements
made aa will be approved, other wlie the property
will be Immediately put ap and sold again at
tns expease ana rtii or ue person to wnom it
was struck off, and who, la ease of deficiency at
such re-sale, shall make good tbe same, and in
no instance will Ihe Doed be presented la Court
ior conn rotation unless tuo monsy n actually
paid to the Sheriff.
Rpinairr'e Orrtra, I Sheriff.
Clearfleld, Pa., Aug. 10, 1870. j
Sheriff's Sale.
Ry virtue of sundry writs of 'ieW 'oeins la
med out of the Court of Common Pleas of Clear-
field oounty, and to me directed, there will be
exposed to public sale, at the Court Home, in the
norongn er wioaracia, oa aionaay. ine ztn day
of Heptember, lH7fi, at 1 o clock p. m., tbe fol
lowing described real estate, to wit:
All of Defendant's intereit In all that certain
pleoe or parcel of ground situate In Woodward
tewmnip, tiearneid oounty, l'a., bounded and
described as followi: Oo the south bv township
road leading from Iloutidale to Q loo Dupe, on
toe nortnoy an alley, on tuewost by land oi nam
uel Shoff, and on the eait by land of John A.
Shoff, containing two town lots, each 60 feet front
and IbQ feet back, bav ing tnereoo erected a one
tvry frame bonie 1 tlx 30 feet, and necenarj oat
building, with a good well of water at the door.
Also, one other pleoe of ground in same town
hip and county, bounded as follows: On tbe
north by piblio road, south by land of Samuel
Bhon, weit by land oi naint.ei Btiorj, and can by
land of W. II, Packers, containing aboat one.
ilxtb of an acre, more or less, having erected
thereon a good blacksmith shop. Seized, taken
ia eaecntlua and to be sold as the property of
Henry reters.
Also, all of Defendsnt's Intereit In and upon
the following deicrihed real citato situate in Chest
townihip, Clearfleld oounty, l'a., bounded ai fol
low! ; jieinning at tbe public road leading from
Chest creek at the south-weit corner of John J.
Snyder's lot ; thence along bin line to line of C.
P. Moore ; thenoe along line of Moore to line of J.
Westover; thenoe along line of went over to line
of Barbara Lloyd : thence along said land to the
bank of Uheit creek , tncnee along said creek to
the line of J. r. fry ; thenoe along line of J. P
Pry to tbe public road; thence along public read
to the place or Beginning, oonUlmng about
acres more or leu, and the same land now in tbe
poiseiiioa of John J. Snyder. Seised, taken in
execution and to be sold as the property of liaae
Also, the following real estate situate Ib Burn
Ide townihip, Clearfleld county, Pa., being I
town lot with a two-story frame home, and oat
building, bounded nan by an alley, west by Main
street, north by Daniel Fallon, and south by a
itreet. Heiied, taked in execution and to be sold
aa the property of S. T. McCormlek.
Alio, tbe following real estate iltuate In Beccaria
townihip, Clearfleld county, Pa., containing about
6ti acres, with about 30 acres e leered, and having
a small log boats, log stable and small orchard
thereon, bounded as follows: On the east by fl.
Davis, west ov I'at Plyan, north by J. M. Smith.
south by Smith et. al. Seised, taksn In execution
and to bo sold ai tbe property of J. P. dill.
Also, all of Defendant's Interest la all that omr-
tain piece or parcel of ground situate In Cur wens-
villa borough, Clearfleld county, Pa., containing
one town lot, bounded as followi : Fronting 60
feet on SUte street to aa alley t tbence I HO feet
north, to State etreet and place of beginning.
known Ib plot of said borough as lot No. 9, having
thereoa erected a log shop, ascd as a chair shop,
Seised, taken la execution and to be sold as the
property of William P. Chambers.
Also, all that certain tract of land situate In
Osceola borough, Clearfleld county, Pa., bounded
and described as follows t On tbo east by lot No.
1, on tbe west by lot No. t, oa tbe north by aa
alley, oo the south by Curtin street, containing
one town lot, having thereoa erected a good frame
house 41x47 teet, with kltobea attached, and used
for bote) purposes, known as the "Mountain
House," with aeoeaiary out buildings. Heiied,
taken In execution and to be sold as taa property
of William H. Danoer.
Alio, all that certain pleeo or parcel of ground
situate in H out (dale borough, Clearfleld county,
Pa., bounded aad described as followi : Situate
on the south -eait corner of Hannah street and Oak
alley, bounded on the north by Beaver alley, on
the west by property of ill tarn Ourren, and
known nnd designated in plan of aaid borough as
lot No. I, having thereoa erected a two-atory
frame hour, with basement for bar room, and
known as the "Union Hotel" In the borough of
Iloutidale. Seised, taken in execution and to be
sold as tbe property of A. W. O'Urady.
Alio, the followiogreal estate situate in Ilouti
dale borough, Clearfield county. Pa., being one
town lot in aaid borough, with a two-story frame
house, rituals on Sue street and Spruce alley,
and known and designated in plot of said borough
as lot No. Titt. Seised, taken In execution aod to
be sold as the property of O. Uirard.
Also, all that certain tract or body of bltrnuia
ous eal landl situate, lying and being In the
township of Woodward, county of Clearfleld, and
State of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described as
followi t Heginning at the niaplo, gone, Sow
stone corner, common corner of erginal surveys
In the aame of Wm. Wilt or, Roland Krans, and
Samuel Ktnlluf) north 16 west 111 perches to a
hemlock i thenoe north 63 east 278 perches to a
poet; thence south 36 degrees 131 perches to a
poit; tbence south 68 west lot ptuvboste a mall
rock oak ( thence sooth 85 cart 868 perches to a
poit ; tbviioo wnth 6H wcat 1 14 peroboa to a post,
llienoo north Hi west 16 perchei to atone t thence
south 68 weit 10 perehee to e post ; tbsneo south
63 wen 60 perchei to a post thence .toulh 83 east
82 perohes to a post; tbence south 6.1 west 3 04
ferchea to a wnile pine; thenoe oorth 3H west
14 8-10 perches to a white oak ; thenoe north 6.1
eait 113 perchei to a post : thence north 86 wsil
01s perches to a fallen hemlock) thence in an
eiiurly o Ire t ion of a small itream 4ft perches to
a hemlock thenoe SO west 73 perchei to a white
oak stump t thence 68 west 9 perchei to a poat;
thenoe north Si weit Oil perches to a post ; thence
couth 63 west 1ti3 1-10 iierchcs to small hemlock
llicnee south 6 east fllf perches to a fallen hem
lock i thenoe mutb 63 west 12 pcrohei to a pout :
thence north 88 went across Clearfield oreek II",
pernhoituapoit ; thence north 6.1 oait 2H3 perchei
to place of beginning, containing nine hundred
and aine aeres mora or leas, and being parts ef
three aveveral tracts ef land surveyed on warrants
grunted In 17W8, granted by the Com men weal lb
til' Pennsylvania, one to Hamuel Kinline, one to
Holaod Kvam, and one to William Witter, which
parta of tract above described have by divers good
conveyances and assurances in law became veiled
ia David Hume).
On this body of land there are several Improve
ments : Pint, home farm, with about 100 Bores
cleared, large home, barn, and other outbuilding!
thereon erected.
No. 2. The Alexander farm, with about ilxty
acrei cleared, bouse barn, and other outbuilding.
No. S. The D. Pnillips farm, with about forty
acres eleired,log house, log stable, and orobad I
No. 4. The Thomas Dixon, with about twenty
acres cleared, with small leg bouse and stable
t Hereon.
No. . Tha John Fulford farm, with about forty
acrei cleared.
No. 6. The Joha Larve farm, with about forty-
live aerea c lea rod, Selied, taken In execution and
to be sold as the property of David C. Ilensal.
Also, Ay virtue of a writ of fiert incios, on
Tuesday, tha 2ftta al September, al 1 o'clock p.
m.t at tbe Court House, in I learfleld, the lol lowing
described properly, to wit:
Alio, a eertaia tract of land la llradford twp,,
Clearfleld soanty, Pa., beglanlng at n poet oa the
sooth-woet corner of tract, aod north-weal corner
of Wm. Isewts' survey, I henna by Thomas I'srki
and W si. Albert A llrolbere' laud eait 1116 per
ohes to poit, thenoe by Wm. Albert A Bros.' land
north uspercnes io corner oi nainuei bent nervy i
laud, thence hy Samuel l.amberry west IBS per
ches to Hoc of John Darclay lurrey, thence by
John Barclay and land of Wm. Albert A Hroi.
oath 166 perches to beginning, eon tain ing 178
acres and 143 perches, being part of the John
Vaugba survey, and isms land in deed from Wm.
A. W allace, deed book "PP," pnge 834, having
abont acres cleared, with a small home, two
small Itablel and a bleekimitu ihop thereon,
reserving about 8 acre that has been sold off In
lota at the Woodland Fire Brick works, also, re
serving about Iff aeres that bas beea sold off In
lots east ef Woodland Fire Hrick Works, also
abrat e acres sold to T. 0. R. R. Co.
Also, a certain tract of lafld la Bradford twp.,
Clearfleld county, Pa., beginning nt a black eak,
tbence by land or Jacob Pearoe 1674. perehes to
bouse, thenoe by Joha Htewart east lift Mrehei to
stance, thenoe by Thomas Holt north b?i pe&
ebes to post, threes by Crewel's land west 118
perehes te begins log. ee lain Ing lot aeres nad
Bfl aerobes, being part of the Andrew Pettlt sur
vey, the seme land ia deed from David Forcey,
recorded la deed booh No. 8, pege 206, having
aboot 6 acres cleared Ibereen.
Also, acettaia tract of land iltuate la Bradford
lowaship, Clearfleld county, Pa., beginning at
white aak, tkettec by K. Hi swart aorth 86 east
loo perches to poet, thenoe by Hirl-wlck Rank
aorta 66 weat 104 perehee lo poit, thenoe south
36 west Hit perehes ta post, thence by Polly
McC'lenncna, tmth 16 eait lAti perches to begin-
groat Idt'frttSfmfut.
nlng, containing 100 acres, being part of a larger
survey In the name of Martha llouiiun,
aad same land In deed from F. P. Hursttiel,
recorded In deed book "W," page 437.
Also, aeertaia ples ef laud in 11 red ford Inp
Clssrll' ld county, Pa., beginning at a white ok
elump, tbence by Wm. Albert A Hrs. and land of
KM H.dt east 6 por.bei to pool, thence by land
of Wu. Albert A Bros, east 1:18 perches to post,
thenoe hy Woodland Fire llrb-k t'o ' land we.l
16i lo itom-i, the uoc by land of Wu. Albert A
Hroi. north 1H8 per. to beginning, containing 136
acres, about 20 aorei of which is cleared, being
part of a surrey in the name of Jane Camiibell,
and latne land In deed from F. P. Hurxtbal, re
corded ia dued boik '-W," page 78, having there,
en three new large dwelling!, with stables and
other out buildings, a tauuse and stable, a two
story frame homo, (lurmerly occupied by George
Albert, wagoa maker's shop, graiB house, drug
store and post ofiios building, tin shop building,
1 1'Story plank house, reserving about 12 aorei that
bai been sold oil In town lots, bIso, about 7 acres
to T. A C. R. R. Co.
Also, the oeal In a certain tract af land la
Bradford township, Cloarfldd county, Pa., begin
ning at a chestnut oak, tbenoe by (Jeorge Turner's
land east 80 perches to stone, thence south 60
perches to itooes, thenoe bv John 11. Turner west
30 perobei to stooes, thenoe north 60 perches to
beginning, being part of the Wm. Lewis survey,
and the same land in doed from J. W. fimitb, re
oorded la deed book "Y," page 8V0.
Alio, a certain piece of land situate In Bradford
towmbin, Clearfield county. Pa., described as fol.
lowsi Beginning at a poit eorner ; thenm by
land of Iiaac K line and other land of Wm. Albert
and liros., cart VA perches to post corner; tbenoe
by landi of Jacob Pcane north 176 perchei to
pcit eorner ; thenoe by land of George Harger
wait SO perches to pmt corner; tbenoe by other
land of Wm. Albert A linn., ion lb 176 perchei to
poit oorner and plaoe of beginning, onntalnlng
100 acrei, more or Ion, having about flour acres
cleared, being .part of surrey In name of John
Campbell, and tbe tune land described in deed
from Q. h. Reed and J. F. Weaver, recorded ia
deed book No. 7, page 71.
Alio, aosrtain pieoeof land iltuate ia Bradford
townihip, Clearfield Bounty, Pa., dei-r-hd as
follows: Beginning nt a white oak eorner;
thence hy other lands ef Wm. Albert A Broa. and
J. II. dearbart, east 100 perches to a imall hem- I
lock corner : tbence by ottior lands of Wm. Albert
A Bros, north 1 76 perches to a white piae eorner ;
thenoe by land of Peter Harger's heiri, west 21
pervbee te a small hemlock corner, tbenoe by
aaid landi south 26 per. to post oorner, tbenoe by
said land weit I .'15 perchei to post corner; thence
by land ol Robert Lambsrry south 160 perohes
to a white oak eornor and place of beginning,
containing 146 acrei, more or less, with about 46
acres cleared, and being part of survey in nam
of John Campbell, and tbo same laud deicnbed
in deed from J. L Heed and J. F. Weaver, re
corded lo deed book No. 7, page 7 1, baring a two
story bouse, log stable and bearing orchard there- !
Alio, a eertaia piece of lend situate In Bradford
townihip, Clearfield county, Pa., dcMribed as fol- j
lows t Beginning at a white oak corner ; thence ,
by other laod of Wm. Albert A Pros, eait 100
perchd to a poat eorner; thence hy land of Eli
Holt 176 perehes to post oorner thenoe by Brad
ford Church lol, land of Benjamin Lansberry and
liaae Harger, weit 100 perches to post eorner i
thence by land of Samuel l.amberry and other
laud of Wm. Albert A Hroi. 176 perchei to white
oak oorner and place of beginning, containing 109
acres, more or leas, having about Vi aeres oleared,
having tbereoa erected a two-story frame bouse
and a bank barn, wagon ibod and other noceaiary
oat buildings, and a bearing orchard, being part
of lurvay in name of Charlei Stewart and John
Vaughn, and tbe same laod described io deed
from (J. L. Reed and J. F. Weaver, recorded lo
deed book No. 7, page 71, and known as the
Alualom Bsrger place.
Also, a certala piece of land situate In Morrrs
townihip, Clearfleld county, Pa., described as fol
lowi i Beginning at aa old hemlock eorner;
tbonce by Juhn Taylor survey south 87 degrees
eait 206 perches to post corner; thenoe by lalld
of A. B. Pearee aorth 8 degrees eait 171 perches
to a post comer; thenoe by said land south J
degrees east AO perches tu n post corner; tbence
by W. D. Kirwin lurrey aorth 1 degree eait 62
perches to an old pine oorner; thenoe by Walter
Stewart mrvey north Hit degrees west 320 perehes
to an old hemlock oorner; thence by land of Jas.
Potter and J. W. Leonard, south 1 degree west
22H perches to an old hemlock and plaeo of begin
ning, containing 87ft acrei, more er less, beiog
part of survey in name of William Stewart, and
part of same land deicribod in deed from George
Wilson, recorded ia deed book "W," page 768.
Also, a certain piece of land in Boggi townihip,
Clearfield county, Pa., beginning at a post cor
ner of McOullough, Dolen aod others; thenoe by
Bern ban y Snyder aod P. Dolea north Itti) ta post
by white oak thence by reiidne east 126 to cor
ner; thence by same south 10 perchei to poat ;
thenoe by McCullough west to beginning, con
taining 131 acres and 06 perches-
being part of the Ueorge llootmaa tract, and
same land in doed from W. A. Wallace, recorded
in deed book "T," page 738.
Also, a certain piece of land In Woodward twp.,
Clearfield oounty, Pa., beginning at a cheitnut;
thenoe by John Logaa north 16 west 447 perches
to poit; thenoe by same and Joieph Logan north
II eait 148 perehee to post; thence by William
McCullough south 881 east 112 perches to post;
thenoe by Parlor Mavhow south 14 west 1U0 per
ches to sugar maple; thenoe by same and Jacob
uoss norm t writ va nercnes to beginning con
taining 113 acres and fli perehee- --
being lame land doner i bed ia deed book "U,"
page 743.
Also, all the mineral right of Wm, Albert, Geo.
Albert and Henry Albert In a tract of land lita
ate In Bogge townihip, Clearfleld county, Pa.,
beginning al a hickory corner at tbe lane of Geo.
Turner ; tbenoe by John Wisor north 131 perches;
tbence by L. Sleine'e land east 6 V perches ; thenoe
by H. Loon's land west to beginning, containing
40 acres, being a part of the Ann Stewart survey
and same lead In deed from A bram Wisor, record
ed ia doed book "X," page 838,
Also, a oar tain tract of laad sitaate ia Bradford
townihip, Clearfield oounly, Pa., beglnnlug at a
post; taence aorta lj east vi peronei to post;
thenoe nor in ttj west ivs perenes to post on oia
M ileiburc road ; tbenoe along aald road south 684
east 83.8 porches, south 21 eait 12.8 perches,
south 8 west 12 nerchei. south 60l eait 8.4 per
ohes, south 771 east 18.4 perehes, loath 66 east
14.8 porches to plaoe of beginning, containing 2S
acres and 88 perohes, being the Joseph Harger
land, and same land as la deed irom rtoocn
Lansberrv. Fraacfs V. Campbell and S. A. Cald
well, Executors, deed record In book "CO.,"
Also, all tne inieren or cam nuiiam, iienry
and Ueorge Albert, supposed to be a one-eighth
.. .. . .
interest ia a certain piece of land ia Bradford
townihip, Clearfleld county, Pa- bounded north
by tauite oi jonn ate wen, east oy vm. Aioert
llros., sootn oy same, west by same and uenjamin
Laniberry, known ns tbe Peter Burger homestead,
containing ISO acres, about 100 aeres cleared,
being part of a mrvey in the name of John Camp
bell, and me saute land in deed iron Marian
V) aple and Henry W aple, reported ia deed book
"PP," page 1'JO, having a good farm houU, barn
and out building, and bearing orchard thereon.
Also, all Defendants' intereit In a certain piece,
of land, bounded oa the went by Peter Barger's
estate, east by Weftly Bhirey, north by Daniel
Stewart, south by Ueorge 11. Harger, containing
80 acres, about 40 acrei cleared, known ns llenry
Crowell place, having a log huajc, log bam ana
bearing orchard thereon , ( l 1,1
Alio, all Defendants' Interest In the Jos. Barger
estate, in Hradlord township, bsing one tieiri
(Mrs. Miller mere, haid stale ta bounded on
the west by land of Rllli Pearee, east by land of
S. A- Caldwell, W. 1). lligler, and K. J. Ualdwrii,
north bv land of T. H. rorceyand towmbip road,
south by land of A bram Pearee, containing 176
acres, about ISO of which is eleared.havlng a good
frame house and barn, and neceiiary out build
ings and bearing orchard thereon
Also, a certain piece el land ia Decatur town
hip, t'learfleli oounty, Pa., beginning at the
smiih-eert eorner of tbe tract; thence west U0
perches to a poit; thence north 82 perches lo
poit ; taence lofl perobai te poit j thenoe south 82
perches lo beginning, containing 60 acres, being
out of the south-eait corner of the Thomas Stew,
art tract, and the same land in deed from J. W.
Smith, recorded in deed book "liB, page 618.
Alio,aocrtain pieoeof laud In Boggg township,
Clearlisld Co., Pa., bounded by land or J. M.
Chase and Clearfleld crook, containing about 16
acrei and know as the Sanborn rafting ground.
Alio, a certain piece of land in oodward twp.,
Clearfleld Co., Pa., containing about one acre,
known as tbe upper rafting ground, at Unit dam,
on Clearfield crook.
Also, a certain piece of land lltuatod la Wood-
ward townihip, Cleartleld oounty, Pa., do pert bed
as ftdlews i Beginning at a poit oorner ; thence.
ent 200 perchei to stone heap tbence, by land
of Joha llarriion and Joseph Clerk south 3.4
pereUM to poit orner i tbence, ny Huiand fctam
surrey north 40 dt greei weit 300 perehes to port
oorner: tbence, hy Semnal Enilin survey, north
60 degrees east 80 perchei to pest: thenoe by
said survey north 40 degrees west 100 perches lo
?oit eorner and place of beginning, containing
10 acres, more or lees, being part of survey in
name of "Chcmny Kioketts" and the same land
dcicrilted in deed from Jas. X. Leonard, recorded
in deed book "AA," page 230,
Also, a oertaio piece ef land lit ua ted In Wood
ward townihip, Clearfleld oounty, Pa., described
as follows: Beginning at a Hemlock eorner;
tbence by reildue of Joha MtiClellend, sooth II
degrees west 162 perches lo a post; thence, by
Mary Connly survey, north 78 degrees east 160
rerches to poit i thenoe" Mary Neal" mrvey, north
1 degrees east loo perches to a Biroh comer;
thenoe, by "Joseph Clark" survey, aorth SS de
grees west 140 perches to Hemlock corner and
piece of beginning, containing li8 acres, more
er lees, being part ef surrey la the name of Joha
McClelland and the same land described In deed
from W. B. Alexander, recorded la deed book
"FK," page 171 on the IHth of November, 170.
Also, a eertaln pleoe of land situated lo Wood
ward townihip, Clearfleld soanty, Pa, described
ai followi: Beginning.ate Ilemlockeoraer; thenoe
by "Robert Met lee" survey, south 8V degrees east
1 1 6 perches to a hemlock oorner j tbence, by John
Harrison survey, north 1 degree eait 78 perches
to poit eorneri tbonce by residue of peter Lowder
survey, aorth 89 degrees well 100 perohes to post
eorner; tbence by said surrey, aorth 1 degree
east SO perches to poil oorner; thence, by same
nrvey, north 80 degree west 142 8-10 iterobes te
a hemlock eernert tbeoce, by Reubea Haiaesand
Susan Ward survovi, south 101 degrees west 34
aerobes to na aid plan corner tbenoe by Samuel
Kmlln survey, south Rnl east 164 perches to a
hemlock oorner aad plaoe of beginning, contain
ing 1H acres and 134 perches, more or less, being
part of survey la the aame of Peter Lowder aad
the same land described la deed from Joseph Boat
reeordi d la deed book No. I, page fl8( having a
large saw mill, email Bouse and good stable erected
Also, a certain pi ice of land situated In Wood
ward townihip, Clearfleld oounty, Pa., described
ns follown Beginning at a post corner, thenoe
hyJohn McClelland mrvey, south 87 degrees east
111 perehes lo a burcb corner ; thence, by Mary
Ntel survey, aorth I degreei east 161 perches ta
met eorner tnenee oy naia sarvsy, soma nn east
perehee la a beech eorneri Uiiaoa ! Tbos.
Masloa, aorth three degrees east 94 6-10 perches
to post t thenoe, by residue of Joseph Clark north
8 degreei west 1 44 perches to post eorner tkeae
hy Itobert Mc jee survey, auota 8 degrees weit
1H3 perehes to a hemleoh eorner i thenoe, by Rol
and Kvans survey, south 371 degrees east 118
perches to a birch eorner thenoe, by said survey
south 811 degreei west 88 perehes lo post eorner
aad pHfe ej beginning, eoBtlala 107 aeres i
Ifflal .nuouBrrmrnti.
perohes and allowance ; surveyed la tbe aame of
Joseph Clark, having erected thereoa a sua II v
house aad liable, and about in aoreo cleared.
Alio, all defendants' interest in limber aad mla-
erali oa aad in a esrleia piece of land in Deoatiir
towatbi, CIrAeld euuuty, Pa., bouadoj as fid
1'twii Uagianiag at a pot; theooe by land of
Jainei Philii,,, ,d Wm. Albert A Broi. south 3
wat ft pim-liei to stoaea 1 thenoe by Wm. Albert
AlWIead NiutU 87 east o8.6percheitotoacs 1 f
thence by same wct 8 eait eO perohes te it eke, t
thooce by laad of Jamei Mitchell aorth 8f west '
11)6.6 perukes to place uf beginning eontaialog 6
acres and atlowsnoe, belog out ef the north west .
Burner of the Thomas Stewemon survey, and part r
of saws land in deed from J. W.bmitb,noorded
in deed book "X," page 8.1 at. I the same land now
owned and occupied by John Phillips.
Also, all defendants' Intereit ia ths timber and
minerals in and on a certain piece of land In De
catur townihip, Clearfield county, Pa.,bounded as
follows 1 Beginning st a post; tbenoe by laud
bow owned by John Phitlipi, eait 108 perches to
stones; thenoe by Jobs Kepheart'a land south 80
nerches to poil ; thenoe by R. M ilcbeU'i laad, went '
Itlfl perobei to poet; thenoe by Mary Sandwich t
survey, norm au perenes to place ef beginning eoa
taining fifty acres and allowance being part of a
survey la the aame ef Thomas Stewartsoa aad
part ef aame land In deed from J. W. Smith, re
corded ia deed book "X," page 88, and the saina
land now owned by Juhn Rewlss.
Also, all defendants interest ia the Umber and
miaerals on nnd in a certala piece of laod ia Be
cat or townihip. Clearlled county, Pa., bounded as
followi: Begioningat a stake ; thenoe by land of
Jas. Mitchell and f . A J. Meeae, east 100 perches
to post thfore by rviidue ef surrsy south 320
perohes to old line; tbenoe by old line west 106
perches to poat; thence by land of Robert M itcbel',
Joba Howies and John I'hillipi north 320 perches
to beginning, oon tain ing two hundred aerea snd '
allowances being part of the Thomas Stewartsoa a
sarvsy and the same laad described ia deed from
J. W. Smith, recorded ia deed book "V," page
3S0, and now owned by John Kepbarl
A lie, all defendants Interest ia tbe timber on a
eertaia piece of laad ia Beccaria township, Clear-
neiu eoumy, ra oontaiaing abeal ISO aerea and
known aa ox bow tract owned by Henry White
side, Also, all the intereit t William Albert, Ueorge
AlUrt and Henry Albert io a certain lot In Wood
land, Bradford township, Clearfield oounty, l'a.,
bounded on the east by aa alley, south by Wood
land Fire Briuk oompany'a land, on the east by
Win. Albert A Bros'.,on the loutb by public road,
containing sboal three-fourths of an acre having
a good large house 83x48 tbereoa aad kaowa as
the Woodland Hotel or K. B. 11 u in mer House.
Also, all of their Intereit In four eertaia lots la
Bradford township, Clearfleld county Pa., boand
ed on tbe louth by P. R R.on theeeit.west A west
oy w m. Albert liroi'.eonteinlng eoout one acre,
having a good email bouse thereon, kaowa as
David McCanlly property.
Also, all their interest la four eertaia lota ia
Bradford townihip, Clearflald eoauty, Pa., bound
ed on south by public road ea east and west by
Wm. Albert A Bros', and oa Ihe north by public
road, containing about threc-fourtha of an aorc,
having a good small faouie and liable thereto, 1
kaowa as the Thomas L. Waple property. i '
Alio, all their interest Ib three eertaia lots la
Woodland. Bradford townahln. Clearfleld oountv.
Pa., bounded on tbe north by Main street on the
east by P. 0- BlaUenberger lots, on tbe aonth by
an alley 00 the weit by D. Pendsrgait lot,oon tain
ing about tbreo-foartha of an acre known as J. B.
Mo Kn ally lots occupied by Dr. J. Liti having a
good house, stable aud office thereoa.
Also, all their Interest In two oertaio leitjlo
Wooldand, Bradford townihip, Clearfield Bounty,
Pa., bounded on north by Main street, on east by
J. B, McKnally lots, oa south by alley, on west
by A . II. Taylor lot, containing about one-half an
acre known as D.Peodergast lots, having a boos
and stable thereon.
Aleo, all their Interest ia two oertaio lost la
Woodland, Bradford townihip, Clearfield ooouty,
Pa., bounded on ths north by Main street, on east
by D. Pondergastlots, on south by alley, oo west
by Joha Peterson lot, containing about one-half
an acre known as Joha Pattenma loit
Also, all their -in teroit In a eertaia let to Wood
land, Bradford tewmbip, Clearfield county. Pa,,
bounded on the north by Main street, on east by
Wm. Albert A Bros., on south by P. R. K. Co.,
weit by R, Laniberry lot, containing abount one- '
fourth acre known as Wm.Hall lot, baring email
house tbereoa.
Also, nil their Intereit In three certain lots In
Woodland, Bradford towa'bip, Clearfield county,
Pa., bounded on north by Mala itreet, on east by
Wm. Hall lot, on south by P, R. R. Co. on west
by BenJ. Laniberry, containing three-fourths of
aa acre, known as R. Laniberry lots, having a
mall house aod liable thereon,
Aleo, allsiheir iatarestinaaertain lot. a Wood
land, Bradford townihip, Clearfleld county, Pa.,
bounded oa the north by Maiaetreetv ob tbe eait
by R. Laniberry loU.on the south by P. R. R. Co.
oa tha weit by Wm. Albert A Bros'., containing
about one-fourth acre known aa Benjamin Lsnx
berry lot having a small house tborcJo. , , 1 f ' i
Also, all Wm. Albert A Bros.' Interest In a car- '
tain lot in Woodland, Bradford iowmhip, Clear
Held eonntr, Pa., bounded 00 tbe south by Main
treet, east by Ueorge Brefi lot, aorth by alley,
west by W. Albert A Bros., eontalning about
of an acre, with boas aod lUsle tbereoa, bow
occupied by Otto Buck.
Also, all their later ia a eertaia iJt fa Wood- 7
land, Bradford townihip, Clearfield County, Pa.,
bounded 00 tbe south ay Maia street, east by
alley, north by alley, west by R. B. B hirer, 1 lot,
cootainmg about y acre, having a small hoiua
thereoa, kaowa as 8. W. McClenacaa lot. I
Aim, all their interest in eoertaiu lot in Wood-
land, Bradford townihip, Clearfleld Bounty, Pa.,
biaaded on tbe aerth by Main street, eaat by M,
J. Caldwell's lot, south by alley, west by Wm.
Aioert A llros, containing acre, known as ths
Jerry Graft e lot, having a small hoase thereof I
Alio, all their interest in a oertaio lot ia Wood J
laad. Bradford township, Clearfleld county, Pa.,
bounded oa the north by Main street. wMt h
Jerry Uraffius' lot, south hy alley, aast by Jos.
Uillman'i lot, containing about 1 acre, and known
as the M. J. Caldwell's Wthaviog a home tbers-i J
Also, all their iateawst ia a eertaia (at Ib Wood
land, Bradford township, Clearfleld county. Pa.,
bounded or the north by Main street, west byM.
J. Caldwell's let. south by alley, east by Thomas
SteaicBi' lot, containing about I acre, with siaal f
home thereon, knowa as Joseph 0 ill mea '1 lot. f
Also, all their Interest in a certain M ia Wood
land, Bradford townihip, Clearfleld oounty, Pa
bounded south by Main street, west by Thomas
Stevens' lot, south by alley, east by W. Albert A
Bros., oontatniflt about t acia, kaowa as Charles ,
Orafn lot, having a small hoase tbereoa. . J
Also, all their interest In a certain lot In Wood- '
land, Bradford township, Clearfleld oounty, Pa.,
boanded sooth by Main etreet, west by W. Albert
A Bros., north by alley, cut by J. Dal lot, con
taining about about 1 acre, having a small bouse
thereon, known as M. A. Merideth lot. '
Also, all tbelr Intereit In a certala lot In Wood-
laod, Bradford town-hip, Otoarfleld county. Pa.,
bounded south hy Main street; west by J. Dale
let, aorth by alley, east by other lots, containing
about 1 acre, and knowa as C. U. Caldwalederfr
let. I
Also, all their intereit In a oertaln lot la Wood- '
laod, Bradford townihip, Clearfleld county, Pa.,
boanded north by Main itreet, west by O. W.
Barger lot, eouth bp alley, eaat by W. Albert A
Bros., containing about 1 acre with small bouse
and liable thereoa, known as Leroy 8. Faulkner f
let. 4
Alio, all their Interest la a eertaia lot lo Wood
land, Bradford townihip, Clearfield oounty, Pa.,
bounded sooth by Main street, east by W. Albert
A Bros., west hy Jacob II. Carr lot, aorth by alley,
containing 1 acre, having a good bonne aad stable
tbereoB, known as C. Cone lot. 1
Alio, all thslr Interest la four eertaia lots in
Woodland, Bradford township, Clearfield coanty,
Pa,, Bounded oa the aorth by nublio road on the
eait, louth nnd west by Wm. Aioert A Bros'., con
taining about one acre, having a small house and
stable thereoa, known aa Jacob tireea rote.
Alio, all their Intereit la four eertaia lots la
Woodland, Bradford township, Clearfleld eonnty,
Pa., bounded on the north by public road on eait,
south and wast by Wm. Albert A Bros'., contain
ing about three-fouthi of an acre, having a bom
thereon, Known asJamesMoDonnold lots. Seised, ,
taken in execution and to be sold as the property
of William Albert, Ueorge Albert aad Henry AU
Also, hf virtue, of wriU of Lr. Fa,
nnd Fi, Fa., at (be Court iiouie io Clear
flM, on Tmwdny, Seplemtver 20th, the
following doMuribed ronl alato. to wit: 9
Certain I nods in Br id ford township,
Clearfield oounty, Fi., one piece begin
uing at a corner surveyed in the
name of H'm Htewart, Wm. Low is, Aaron
Levy nnd enry Stewart, thence by Wm.
Stewart IK illy p to a poat, iheooe br res
idue 01 me Aaron Levy survey. IN 310 p
to the line between John Barclay and A.
Levy surveys, ihenca E byname 111) p to
11 pine oorner, I hence by John Vaughn 4
H'm. Lewis survey, 8 310 porches lo place
of beginning, containing Wl acrei and 3
perches, beiog the eaitcrmosl half called
Levy's choice, surveyed on warrant crant-
ed to Aaron Levy, dated 117th uly, 17D2,
nartng aoout ' acrei cleared, a two-story
house, small barn And beta ing orchard
Alio, one other piece of land beginning
at a white oak, thence easterly by land of
Michael Moult and AuMlotn Tierce 78 p to
post, thenoe 8 222 p to poit, thence W by
H'm Lewis survey 18 p lo post, thenoe N
'222 p lo place of beginning, containing
102 aarea, being out of tho Jane Cam 1 ihe 1 1
survey, about .10 acrei of which ii cleared,
having the H oodland store houae build in
anda frame dwelling house formerly oc
cupied by Wm. Albert, a small barn .email
nouie ma Olher improvement thereon.
Alio, one other piece, leginning nt a eorner
post of liaae Kline's, east Bii perohes to a poit
eorner of Joieph Barger t thenoe by bis land lonlh
flfl per. to a pest ; thence by laad of Joha Kline
west i perobei t tbence by Isaae Kline
aorth fill perches, containing S7 acres.
Alio, one ether piece, being the balance of the
Wm, Lewis mrvey, bounded by lands of Abialom
Pierce on the eait, and Stewart survey oa the
snath, Ueotg Tamer's laad aa the wast, aad
Jane Campbell sarvsy the aorth, eon tain tag
0 aerea.
Also, one ether piece, eontalning 0 aeres, part
ef the Wm. Lewis larvey, being the Joseph Uray
premises bounded by J aaa Campbell surrey, and
a tbe aorth by ether landi of Jos. (Jray.
Also, one other piece of land oontaiaing about
I noree, joining lands of Isaac KHae, being put
of the liaae Wilioa snrvev, being the same
II rami sos which F. P. lUriikael aad Wss. A. War
laee, eon rayed by deed 1 to aaid Alberts. Belted,
taken In ctenatiofl and la be seid ae the property
f Wm. Allien, Ueo. Albert and llenry Albert.
Tbubu er Sai.n.-The price or sum at which
the property shall be struck off must be paid al
Ihe time of iale, or nr-h Mber arrangements made
as el II he Spprored. Otherwise tha property will
be rmraediaiejy put up aad sold agaia at the ex
pense and rlik of the persoa to whom it was
struck -off, end who, la ease of deweieaey t raih
re -isle, shall make good the same, aad la a
iBifane will the Deed be presented tw Court for
confirmation an leas the money Is actually paid lo
Ihe Sheriff. W. K. MoPHHRSON,
Snxmrr's Omen, I Sheriff.
" Clenrfltld, Pa., Aag. M, 1171. J