Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 20, 1876, Image 2

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    She U publican.
Gtosoi B. Ooodi.andir, Ktlitor.
Reader, If jnwut to kaow wka It going on
la tho bustaasB world, luat rend our advertising
olumaa, tho foeefal oofuna la partlealar.
ro miiiuiitTi
ro tici riiiiMxr;
- Polls ape at 7 . a. and, without IntormUtion
oloM at t P. a.
Brer, anal, elite.., twewty-oee yoort of .ge,
poMottlog tho following qanllO'ttioDt, hnll bo
nUtled to fete it all elections :
1. IIo aball kara btea a eltlisa of tho United
State ono laonth.
t. Bo hall hovo raided Is tho State oao year t
or, If baring prorlouilj boon a qualified olootor
or aatlro bora aitiien thoroof, and thall Bar. ro-
moTod IhorofitHB and rotnrnod, thaw bo sball
baro rcfldod thorola ail Boato rmmediatolj
brooding tho olootlon.
I. IIo ahall ban resided la the dlatrlot wboro
ho lotonda to rota two aiontha Innodlatelr pro
todlag Ibo election, iattoad of ton dora, aa for
4. If tweatr-two year, of ago, or upward, bo
ahall ban paid, within two jreare, a Btote or
eoanty tai, wbioh ahall bare been aoioaood at
loaat two montna prorloua to the election, and
paid at kaat ono awoth provioaa to the eeme.
o Foreign bora oillaoaa Boat have boon not-
nralliod at loaat ono month before the elootioa,
and muat eonfora to tho roqairomonU oootalnod
In aoetion 4, proeediog.
Thooleotioa will bo bold on "the Taeeday aext
following tbe flrat Monday of November," being
thle year tbe fib day of tbe month.
Wednesday, Sept. lb, la Ibo lait day for be.
Ing aateaaed.
Friday, October 8th, la tba laat da; for so.
ourlng naturalltetlon papara.
Frldar, Oetober flib, la tlie laat day on which
taxoa oaa bo paid in legal time to roto.
Tho abort datei ahould bo earofullj remea'
bored and acted on or all rotora.
Pav YoumTax. Tlioso citizens who
propose to roto on Tax" at the ap
proaching election, should bear the
fuel in mind thut tho tax must be paid
not lutof than the 6th day of Octobor
not on election day, aa thoy did
under the old Constitution that ia too
late. 3t.
Bt Carf.kil. Every eitir.on who
changes hii ronidence removes from
one borough or township to another,
botwocn thcCth day of September and
the 7th day of November, lottos his
vote-volnntarily disfranchise himself.
Tho Constitution requires evory votor
to reside at least lijcty days in the
election district wliern ho orTora to
vote. . si. .
Dimocratic Mketino. Our annual
Democratic meeting will come off on
Tuesday ovening noxt as usual.
Friends let us have a good turnout on
that occasion. Tho political sky never
looked brighter for tho Democrats, and
therefore it behooves all of us to do
our whole duty In this campaign, and
thon victory will bo sure, A number
of ablo speakers will bo prosont to ad-
dross the people. Sonator Wallace,
who ia now in tho Vest, writes us
that tho Democrats ol Ohio and In
diana claim that thoy will carry both
thoso States In October. If this proves
truo, and it looks that way, oveo at
this distance, the Presidential canvass
will be over; for if the Bails lose
both j they cannot carry five states in
tho Vnion in November. On the other
hand, tho Democrats can lose both
and oloct Mr. Tildon. Everything is
working in our iavor, and it will look
bad if we do not help ouraolvoa.
Mask Twain calls Delano, Belknap
and Baboock btmarda. He must mean
politically speaking,
"Lot us have Peace," and "A man
and a Brothor," and several othor ar
ticles on our flint pago are worthy of
Tin Clovoland Plaindeaierm hope.
lul that tho Domocracy can carry even
unio, llayos' own Btalo, It says the
chances ore good.
Tin shoriff of Lycoming county has
mado raid on the fish baskots in tho
Wost Branch of tho Susquehanna, and
bos dostroyod nine located within bis
A mixihtir of Logansport, In J., is
to be presontod to the grand jury for
allowing bis lovo for chickens to over
come bis rospoct for the law. Well,
be is just as good as lioocher.
A Radical SouLoqtir. Which will
be tbe most effectual way of securing
Republican majorities in tho South)
confiscating all Democratic vntoa as
contraband, or preventini anv but Re
publican ballots being cast T The for
mer n Ben. Uutlera, and the latter
"..V. Pk.JUJ. (.1... tln k-i I vueiiuwi luce, uuw natural
all things work in the order of crea
tion. '
That "Christian General" 0. O.
Howard and also hi Confederate.-,
who robbed tho negroes of ovcrMr
millions of dollars, through their Freed
man's Bank at Washington, bare boon
presented to tho public in a now rolo.
It now appears thnt the paiut books
furnishod to tho colored depositors in
tho Froedman's Bank bad printed up
on them a guaratitop oi the general
government for tho payment of every
dollar deposited. Of course there- was
no authority lor this misuso of tho
credit of tho government by the scoun
drels who robbed tho colored men in
its name, but it adds to the enormity
of tho robbery, and it gives tho suffer
ers a moral standing, if not a legal ono,
in asking that they bo protected against
rascalities which were in overy in
stance tho work of rocognigod public
This General Howard was tho "head
centre" ol a ring of "Christian" Gen
erals, Statesmen and Philanthropists,
who took special charge ot the negro
race when the war broke out. To listen
to their ploas for "tlio oppressed, on
slarcd, colored people," cuusod tours
to flow from tho most obtuse rebel
eyu. l)ui wliiil lias ueeu tlie practi
cal workings of these philanthropic
free-hooters? JustasHoon as they ob
tained control of tho government and
the negro, they go to work and plun
der both tho white and black races of
millions of revonue and their savings
earned by the swoat of their brows.
Tho worst band of burglars, or coiin-
terfeitors ever organized in this coun
try, never succoeded in plundering the
tax-payers of this country of halt the
treasure that these hypocritical voun
drcls have cribbed from their confid
ing friends and the public.
This is not all. This band ot free
booters, who hnvo adopted Mayes as
their liiture head, now ask thoso whom
they have robbed for ten years past,
to give thorn the samo privileges for
four years more. This, lor impudence
and hypocriey, beats anything the
Devil ever conceived. In bis boldost
attempt to mislead the human family,
he nevor developed half tho richness
these Graut-Iiaycs loaders have.
Tin Kino Game. Tho political
poacher of our county Iiavo finally
agreed upon a programme which is to
be carried out by Murray, I'aust and
Korr. Tho veil is so miserably thin
that ovory body can Bee through it. We
clip the following official documents
from the Cnrwensville Times:
TION The aombera of the Independent Democratic
Committee are requested to meet at their old bead -quartora
in Clearfield, on
at 1 o'clock, w. u. A full attendance la earnvatlr
roqooatod, aa boilnoae of importanoe will bo aub
mittod for their oenaidereUoo.
J. A. Fatisr, Chairmen.
Cleerneld Fa., September 7, 1876.
The Assembly of Junior Sana of To, aro re
quested to meet at their room, in Clearfield, on
at 1 o'clock, r. H. Tbo nemberiarereepeelfull
inrited to attend. Jao. Krnn, Chalraaa.
Clearfield Fa., September 0, 17.
Mr. Murray, tho Chairman o! the
Radical County Committee, also an
nounces in the Journal that that party
will hold a County Convention on tlie
22d, for tho purpose of accepting pro
posals from the Faust-Korr Mollies.
The Democrat must be vory blind in
deed, who canuot see that those three
ring roosters have formed a partner
ship for the benefit ot the Radical
party in this county so as to divert the
attention of our friends from tho true
issues involved In this Presidential
contest '
TnE Dovble Lettered Patbiot.
Russell Errctt, of Pittsburg, who nt
oue timo hold a paymastership in tbe
Army, Clork to tho Stato Senate, Chair
man of the Radical State Central Com
milteo, and recently editur of the Pitts
burgh Commercial, has boon nominatod
by the Radicals of Pittsburgh for Con.
gross. For bis outrageous attack on
Gen. Curtis and his soldiers previous
to their murder by Sitting Bull and
Grant, in tho columns of the Commer
cial, be has boon com pulled to with'
draw as editor of that Journal, and ds-
voto his time to a vigorous canvass for
Congress, although ho has over 4,000
majority to back him. Notwithstand
ing all this it looks now as though this
doublo lotterod horo would be shelved
at the approaching canvass. He has
been ono of Cameron's most suppliant
tools for tho past fifteen years, but we
think that his days, like thoso of Hal.
shauar, are numbered Ins feasts are
Rino Reports. Tho Murray. Faust
Korr ring is busily at work. The two
latter, who profess to bo Democrats,
aro constantly in caucus with tbo Rad
ical leadors with a view of forming a
joint ticket against tho Democrats.
John C Henderson, Postmaster at
Osceola Mills, is tho Radical candidato
for Assembly, Faust is tho ring candi
date lor Shoriff. What Fulford, Mur
ray & Co. propose to make out of
Korr, is not so plain at this timo.
Faust and Korr havo horotofnro pro
fessed to bo Democrats, but tbey talk
and act vory queer. Their professions
are not in harmony with their conduct,
and they havo thrown themselves open
to criticism on tho score of voracity
and truo manliness. If they are Dern
ocrals, why aro thoy constantly in
counsel with the enemies of tho Union
and the Dcmocrntio party? That's
what puzzles us.
A Family Canvass. Tho present
Radical campaign in this State, is so
wholly in tho interest of tho Cameron
family, that wo cannot see how any
man, pretending to bo a frooman, dos-
pising nepotism, can for ono moment
loan his influonco to carry out this lam
ily programmo. This innovation upon
ourlorm of government under Grant,
has been odious enough, but under tho
lather and son, Camorons, it is a thou
sand fold worso. Tho Camorons now
own the Radical party in this Stato as
absolutely as Logree did h is slaves in
the days of "Undo Tom."
TiiEPATRirrrs. "Oldhead-qnartors,"
Faust, and Deputy U.S. Marshal,Korr,
are both in the field, strongly backed
by Fulford and Murray. Read their
cards in this issue. The latter bos
tent Faust to hunt up the Modocs, and
the former has employed Korr to buy
up the few Democratic Juniors who
aro willing to soli out to the Radicals
for price, and allow ths roosters to
pocket tlie cash. The "sell" is too ap
parent, No true Democrat will ever
nibble at a bait thrown out by these
Radical stool-pigeons.
Letters oi acceptance aro generally
pretty lengthy these days, but that
of Chas. F. Adams, accepting tho Dem
ocratic and Independent Republican
nomination lor Governor of Mass., is tho
shortest and sharpest yet out, In an
swer to the Coiumitteo informing him
of his nomination, he says: "Fully ap
preciating tho honor conferred upou
me by the manner as well as tho sub
stance of the call so unanimously mado
upon mo, I cannot, iu principle, do
otherwiso than obey. 1 nevor in my
liio havo solicitod an office, but when
summoned to it I have nevor dared ro-.
fueo. Tho time for service on ray part
is last passing away, but my interest
in tho prosperity and tbo honor of my
country will cense only with my life.
Convinced at 1 am tluit the policy of
the ruling party will not tend to tlte cradi
cation of the great evil that firemiU, tlie
tendency to corruption in official ttation,
neither trill it promote the restoration of
internal peace and harmony a vital ob
ject, in my opinion, to the complete restor
ation of tins country. I can only say
that whatever scrrieo 1 may be able
to render in tho attainment of these
cutis, liowovcr feeble it mny be, is en
tirely at your command. With great
respect, 1 am yours."
Mr. Adams has, since llio death of
Webster and Choatc.beld tho foremost
position in tho opposition party in
Massachusetts, and during Mr. Liucoln
and Johnson's administration, held tho
position of Minister to England. "The
tendency to corruption,'' and lading to
bring about "internal pcaco and bar
mony," are his reasons for leaving his
party and joining the Democratic par
ty. Thero are thousands of Radicals
who "seo it" juBt as Mr. Adams docs,
but they aro more partisan and loss
patriotic than iio is. They seem to
preforcorrnption andcourtstrife rather
than peace and harmony.
Hostilities Suspended. Grant,
Cameron & Co's Indian campaign has
closed for tho soason. A greater out
rage was never perpotrated on either
the Indians or tho wbito race than this
Black Hills war. It was gotten up in
the interest of tho Indian ring robbers,
resulting iu tho death of hundreds of
bravo men and many Indians, but has
added much to the coffers of the ring.
Tho Pittsburgh Post, in alluding to this
Winnebago plundering- process eays
"Red Cloud, Red Dog, and Sitting Bull
seem to be content after their harvest
of scalps to settle down to government
rations for the wintor. They only
murder in tho summer season and
mako treaties in tho winter. Wo hope
the Rov. Mr. Hinman and Bishop Whip-
pie will keep tip tho prayers and dis
tribute plenty of tracts whilst theso
lambs of the wilderness are hungry, as
they take to thorn mora kindly than
in spring-time, when thoir ponies get
grass and they get scalps. Tho treaty
submitted is pretty much the same as
tho thousands which have preceded it,
but as one parly don't mean to keep K
and the other can't, it ta merely an ex
pensive armistice. An Indian always
wants a reservation to do as ho pleases."
Mams t Tbo DeaoeraUoUerlr routed !( Lerre
Republican gaina !! ! Tbe entire Coagreaaioaal
ItbipRation Ilepulillean I ! II Our majority at loaat
11,0110 Mil 1 lo(e Katital AVcaaaoat.
Well, every Congressman from that
Stnto for twenty yours has been a Rod
icol, and four yean ago, the Prosidon-
tinl year, the Radical majority was
Now, it our opponents can be rendered
happy by a loss of nineteen or twonty
thousand, we shall bo the last one to
complain. Had tho Democratio mi
nority fallen off In a similar manner,
we would feel awful bad, ;but our
party friends having increased tlioir
vote largely, we feel mighty good over
Maine. At tho next cloction, whon
tho Vormontors, Rhode Islandors,Mass-
acbusottsites and Now Ilampshireitos
must stay at home to savo their own
States, Maine will cast her vote for
Tilden, llendrichi and reform! The
Congressmen and State and county
omenta nAVi made their points
thoy aro elected. GRANT, HAYES,
THEIRS if they can. It looks mighty
bluo for Radicalism, even in Maine,
which has gone Radical for over twen
ty-two years.
Reform. Tho officers of the gen-
oral government, are just now looking
np a 40,000 dollar defalcation incurred
by a lormer resident of this county. It
would bo well cnongh for tho Radical
stumpers when they aro letting off
thoir "lying gas," to refer to this mat
ter, or explain how this happened and
how it is to be made up to tho tax
payers. This would bo business rath
er than dcmagogiicism and defnina
Read the remarks of a rclormcd
Radical of Indiana, Georgo W. Julian,
in this issue, ponder the words he ut
ters. He ia no "copperhead," but be
coming tired of a party lead by com
mon rogues for their personal aggran
dizement, he has abandoned it and now
strikes out for Tildon and reform.
It is reported that Fullord and Mur
ray havo offered Faust and Korr twen-
ty-fivo cents por head lor overy Demo
crat thoy could got to vote for Hayes.
Thoso, (if any) who proposo to sell
themselves in that way, had belter see
that tho cash is paid on delivery ol tho
Thoso who want to obtain an inside
viow of tho Gorman political harlot,
Sebum, should read Lieut. Governor
Muller's letter on our fourth page,
"How tho Lobby was Killed," is also
good reading tlioso idle timos.
A Proclamation. Wo call tho at
tention of our authorities and tho pub
lic generally to the Proclamation of
Govornor Hartranft, in this issuo. It
is moet and proper that tho suggestion a
should be carried out.
Radical Bushwhackers. Faust
and Korr call thoir respective Conven
tions on the 2flth, whilo brothor Murray
goes two better and makes his on the
22d, so as to devour Jako and Jim and
tlioir tribes.
"Dob" iNtiERsou the Radical atumn.
'or says; "Tildon made his money just
as Jacob did. Br watorinrr stork."
We call tho attention of Bishop Simp
son, etc, to this Diaapnomoui compan-
Kvaits, the a rest Constitutional law-
Tor. Was dcfeaLod for ths nnminallnn
for Governor in Now York, because he
would not endorse Grant's arbitrarv
ordor putting the South under military
UAaitlsiiL'Rd, September 12, 70.
Tho following proclamation was Is
sued by Govornor Hartranft today:
In tbe name and t tbe authority of the Cim
aonwoaltb at' FeBBerlvaala, 1, John F Hart
raall, tlororoor of aaid Commonwealth,
M'acreue, Tho United Slates Clntrnnlal Cou
lailon haa Invited the aeveral 8tatea to aaaiot
io oolebra'.lng tbe International Uipoeitioo bold
ta huuorof the one-hundredth eonlveraarjr of the
independence of tho United Htalea by Betting
apart a eailablo day for the delivery of addreMee
illustrative of tbe growth and progrcta of the
origlaal oolonlea ainco I77fi and of their alater
Statee bIiioo their foundation, 10 me intent inai
lha avMenao of Iha nroorOM of each Stale WI'T
be nlaeed noon roourd tn the bee-inning of tbo
eoeond oentury of the Hopublle now, tb erelure.
I, John V. llerlpanll, Movarnor ni ronnByivania,
havlne- eet enert Thoredar. the 3Slb day of Sep.
tembcr. IS7. ueiflf the one hundredth atmlver.
eery of the aduptioa in Convention of the flrBl
Coootitattoa ol tbe mate oi reoneyivaaie, uu
hereby reoommend to llio eltlaeue end autboritlee
uf Ibo oountioB, boronR-liB and town of Uie Coin-
ainnweallh that the Bal l ISIh day ot Hepiemoer,
I87S, be held end observed ns a State li. lldar,
and that the municipal and oounty aulborllioa
take action for the public obiervcnoo of tlie day
by inritlng their people, by proclamation or oth
erwise, aa to them ahall seem aosl proper, to aa
eerable In Hbilad.lihia, to uko part In the ewe
monies ol Ihe day, and I do hereby lolte all the
eitlarna of Pennsylvania end their descendance
residing la othor aeotlmie of the United Ktalee,
and ihe oliitene of oilier Slates nnw visiting or
residing in tbe Slate, Iu bs present end assist In
making the day a meiuorel'lo In the annals
uf tbe t'i'iiiinonwcal'h.
tllvoa under uiy ban ! and the great seal of the
Stale, el Harrlsbura-. mo i siu ra, o. p"--brr,
in (tie rer ol ur Lrd one thousand eia-lil
hundred and eeveuty -ail and ot tbe Co uliaon
wealth tho oue hundred nud first.
Ily Ihe Uovernor, J. K. Ilanrn irr.
M. 8. Qi'At, feoielary of Ihe Commonwealth.
Horses Killed by Bees. A pair
of Horses, valuod at MOO, belonging
to Dr. Vobb,of Boonton, Now Jersey,
were atlackod by bees a few days ago,
and so fearfully stung that thoy died.
The day was very warm, and tho ani
mals porspired profusely. On passing
by six or seven hives it is supposed tho
odor from tho horses oflfcnded tho boos,
for they attacked the animula in
swarms. Tho driver tneu to uuniicn
tho horses, but was unable to do so in
consequence of their plunging und
kicking. Ho then went for assistance,
and returned with long gloves on his
hands and head covered with several
folds of mosquito netting. Ho had to
scrape the bees from tbe horses with
bis bands, and finally got the horses
away, but subsequently they died, Tho
rago of the bees still continued, and
on the following day they attacked
their owner's house, and tho family
were compelled to vacato.
A Bad Start. The Radicals sent
thoir would bo Vico President, Wheel.
er, to Vermont, with his "bloody shirt,"
(which he borrowed from some ono
else) to stir up thoir friends at tho re
cent cloction. lie fired off his first
gun at St Albans, one of tho liveliest
Radical towns in that State. Last
year the voto stood 934 to 244
At tho late election it counted out
this way, Radical, CHO Democratic,
478. Tho fact is thut whorever Wheel
er mado a speech during tho canvass
tho Democrats Increased their voto
largely. His speeches were a disgrace
to the ago and tho honest portion of
his Radical hearers vetoed his "bloody
shirt"' harangues on election day. His
canvass in Vermont was a dead failure
Ho is a bad wheeler for llio Rads. and
like Schiirz has been culled off by "tho
government," for reasons not noocmnry
to mention.
The Tide Chanoino. Tho Phila
delphia OmmoniraiWisnys ; "Tho Cam.
oron bayonet party in Philadelphia
cannot cheat mors than 10,000 major
ity for Hayos. Let tho honest mon,
tho empty bellies, tho distressed, idle,
workmen in the State mako such a
majority that tho frauds in Philadel.
pliia will be overwhelmed by tho hon
est votes of the peoplo of tho State.
What a victory I Try it, men, try it ! I
It is a high duty, a solemn duty de
volving on you. Go to work I Hoe
overy voter in your township, bring
him to the polls and see that bo votes
for Tildon, relortn, full work, and full
wagos. Lot, tbo Radicals loarn by
youraclion that the party which keeps
negroes fat on public money to voto
for the Radical ticket havo to answer
to tbe white workingmen lor th tor
rible distress in business thoy hare
A Goon Omen. Every lendinirDem
ocrntic journal in the West, and all tho
prominent Democratio politicians con
code that the Stato of Indiana will go
Democratic by a largo majority in Oo
tnbor. A goodly number of our friends
"out wost" oven claim Ohio. If this
prove true, thcro will be no uso of
Radicals going to the November elec
tion. If the Democrats carry both
of thoso States In Octobor. tho Prosl
dential campaign is over. On the other
hand theso two Stntea may cast their
lot with the public plunderers in Octo
ber and the Democrats will oloct their
President in November. Our frionds
aro making an aggrcssivo campaign
and must win in November.
Shins or Success. An oxchunL'O
says : "Tho campaign for Tilden and
llenillicks in this Stato was opened at
Lock Haven on Tuesday night by ono
of tho largest mass meetinirs ovor held
in tho interior. Tho Democracy of
Clinton, witu largo delegations from
Clonrfield, Contro, and Lycoming, wore
out in forco to hear Senator Wallaco
on tho issues of the pending contest.
Col. A. C. Noys presided, mid tho
meeting was also addressed by Hon.
L. A. Mnckcy, member of Congress
from tho Lock Haven District, and
Senator Dill, of Union."
A Radical Scoundrel. Tho same
man, Harney by name, who started
tho vile and inlhmous slander about
Speaker Kerr sidling an appointment
for IliOO, and who was proven to bo a
liar and a perjuror, has started tho Iio
about Tilden's income returns, and ac
cused him ol porjury. Tho public will
bo able to judgo from this how much
dependence should bo put in the charges
of a pmlcssional liar and proven per
jurer. '
Gov. Hayes, the Radical candidato,
is Long Branching It with Grant, tak
ing lessons on the sulo of Credit Mo-
bilier stocks, Cadotahipa, Post-trader-ships,
and the appointment ol relations
to office. In short, he is studying the
Grant-Camernn-Babcock crookod whis
ky plan of administering governmental
affairs. Tko cloction of Uayoo would
ot Granlism ovor, and would result in
till more national disgrace and ruin.
Tbi Governmental Hon. Colonel
Frederick Grant, alia Hitting Calf, is
reported "on duty" in Chlcatm, with
Gon. Phil Hhoridan, "In the North I"
tt bat do tboy in the North, when they
should serve their sovereign in the
The DRit-Tor the Tide. The Alio
ghony Mail, a Republican newspaper,
makes tho following rand id statement :
"During a recent trip through about
thirty counties in Iowa wo met the
leading Germans of many towns, and
being desirous of ascertaining "to po
litical standing of the Germans In sev
eral localities, wo -mado frequent In
quiries, and obtiiinotl from tho most
reliable sources such represenliillons
and calculations as to couvieo us Unit
tho great majority ol them fully
throo fourths are In favor of Tilden
and Uendrielts. J n sum 'owns ol 50
to 100 German voter thoro could bo
found but ono or two at all In favor of
tho Republican candidate".
Heretofore the reverse has been tho
lucl, Dill sumptuary iii" --1
faced publ'o nibboties on too " t
government oaleials has disgusted the
German element, which in tho Wost,
has largely adhered lo Radicalism, hut
all other honest thinking people aro
breaking louse from the Radical cor
riiptionlstM. In Trouble. The Radical iiuiv-ipa-per
editors and aliiiiiord of tho Slate
aro in a bad way on account of Gov.
Cnrlin'd uncoiiiproiiiiiiiig Iildeii pro
clivities. The liullefiililu ir.ft'ollrlrt
regards thuir cnnioitioiiH aixlieuii ly
htughablu, and getsulf tbu rulhiwiug :
"It is curious that until Governor Cur-
tin lelt their miserable pttrty, ho had
not a singlo faull, rtitwus their leader,
their hero anil savkntr. Now that be
has gono, however, it is suddenly dis
covered that ho wai full of blemishes,
and after nil only a tolerable orator,
with not much ability or brains."
Gentlemen, it's House. Ex Govemor
Curlin is for Tilden and the whole
Democratic ticket, so as to save the
country from utter ruin. Govornor
Curtin dcnioiiatruta to the world that
he is more ot a patriot than a pnriizun,
and on Thursday next he and Gov.
Hendricks will bo'.h speak from tho
samo stand at Richnond, Indiana.
The True Lesson. The rocont riots
in Hamburg and Charleston, South
Carolina, show tho drift of tho politi
cal tide in that State most conclusively.
Tho Radical stato and municipal au
thorities dare not institute an investi
gation in either case, lor tear of expos
ing the duplicity and crimes of those
who havo ruled and ruined tho peace
of that once potent nnd honorable
Commonwealth. Ono fact is as clear
as tho sun at niuridien on a cloudless
day. Tho Democrats will carry that
Rudical ridden, and unmurcilully rob
bed Stnto, at the next oluclion, by a
large majority ; from tho fact that
thousands of negroes have joined the
Democratic clubs ainco tho lato Hots.
Theso nots were gotten up by carpet
baggers and scallawags, employed by
Grant, Cameron A Co., but instead ol
working in tho interest of that firm,
will in tho ond provo their damnation.
Vermont. This bonighled Com
monwealth has nevor cast her voto lor
a Democrat. Tho great majority in
that Stato has been cast lor all parties
Federal, Anti-mason, Whig Know
Nothing and Republican, but iu no in
stance has a Domocrauo candidato for
President boon honored In thut way.
The Radical voto at t Iio September
election ot 1872, wai 42,000, and tho
Democratic 16,000, making a majority
of 25,400. The roccit contest was one
of tho most bitter on tho part of Grunt
& Co., that cvor camooff in that Stato,
and yet our opponents lost. Tho voto
standing 4-1,585 to 21,035 rcsectivoly,
boing a reduction of over 2,000. Tbe
Radical gain in the past four years was
only about six por cunt., while the
Democrats gained ovur tweuty-five per
cent. Hence the rdativo substantial
loss lo tho Radicals.
"Another Soi'Tiir.RN Oitraoe'
the rocont cloction in Muino. Four
yours ago the Radical majority was
32,000, now it is barely 13,000. Nino
toon thousand is not much of a joko in
a State that polls 000,000 votes. But
down in Maine whero they reach only
about 100,000, it is a very heavy dis
count on Radicalism, especially in the
Stato whore tho godly Maine rcsitlos,
and where tho most vigorous campaign
ever carried on, was waged in the re.
ccntconlest. The hand-writing on tho
wall is as plain as in the case of Bel
sbar.tar. Tbo days of tho Radical par
ty are numbered.
"Prettt Poi.lies." Tho New York
Sun says :
"Pen Bristow, the Bing-eruahuf, Jia Blaine,
the bribe-taker, and hilpalrlek.themouatebaak,
hava been engaged to Slump Now Jersey by tbe
nepnonean male committee. Al least one meet
ing mast be held at which Bristow, Blaine, aad
K ilpatriok ahall apeak oa tho eamo night, from
Ihe aeme platform, on the eeme euh)oet. If,
under tho clrenmotaneoa, Brletitw ehoold feel
pretty mean la ancb company, ho might after
ward keep out of It for tbe aako of appearance.'
A more unnatural and unholy alii
anco was never found among men
Tho fact thut tbo elemonts which theso
men represent, have combined, is tho
very best evidenco in tho world that
Radicalism is In tho last stage of dis
solutionsuicide. ;
TheTwo Plans. Zachariah Chand
ler's assessor of blackmail in Washing
ton is Allan Ruthorfotil, who, when
third auditor of tho Treasnry, helped
Georgo O, Evans to swindle tho Stnto
of Pennsylvania out of a quarter of a
million dollars. Allan was at last
caught in his dishonest tricks in tbe
Witowski anil Sugg Fort jobs and
kicked out of office Ho expects to
got back whon the cause of reform
triumphs with Hays. What a nioo
rcformor he would mako 1
Ovia.-Tha Radicals of tbo Rerenteenlb Coo.
gressinnal plelriet, enmpoaed of Ihe eouatlea of
oeuioru, Diair, eamoria and Bomereel, after for.
ly-eevea ballote tn the Conference, nominated
Urn. J. M. Campbell, of Cambria, Tbe eandl
dalea oppoaed to Ueneral Campbell were W. ,
Koonla of Hoaersrl, B L. Pewltl ol Blair, and
John Coesoa of Bedford. Kxrknng:
That Campbell will not travel fur if!
the Democrats nominal Hon. John
Rciley. The man with tho hump back
namo may bo a very congenial gentle
man, but ho will never go to Congross
while Reiley is about.
Georui W. Julian of tho Slate of
Indiana, ono of tho original founders ot
ths Radical party, believing that the
ago of miracles has passed, has declared
for Tilden and reform. To expert a
reform within the ranks ol his party,
ho says is an impossibility, because tho
party is managed by common rouges
for thoir own personal benefit.
Do Nor fail to read the remarks of
Mr. Julian In this issue. Ho thinks
that Devils will never cast out Devils.
In theology this is perfectly sound and
we should think it equally as good In
a political setro.
Senator Wallaco nlliilitled a Mass
Meeting of tho Democracy tit Lock
Haven on Tuesday evening, Sdplein
her 12ih, nt which he made ono of the
most lotvlble ami clear caiupslgn
speeches we havo over road. Wo will
luy it before our readurs, in full, next
woek. The following cdilorittl, in re
gard lo Iho speech, is from the pen of
Hon. A. K. JliCline, or Iho Philadelphia-
Tunis :
1 1 is the general habit ol Senator
Wallace lo speak sensibly when ho
docs speak on public questions, und his
review ot the position of parties ami
the condition of tho country, delivered
at Lock llttvon, is not an exuoption lo
his rule. It is it searching inquiry into
tho cnuso of tho flnuni'iiil distress that
isoiitiiiirout the energies of tho people,
ami it presents the truu issues of the
penning natloiiiii contest, n uu a cauiior
and manliness which arc not common
in political addresses. Tlie speech of
Senator " alliicu lias another peculiar
murit. Jt is the real key-note ol the
campaign lor Iho future, as it brings
the ieoilu lace to face with liviuir
questions, which uppcal alike to the
judgment and the necessities uf tho
country. It Is Ibo plait ol luitllo that
must win II the Dcmot-rucy are to win
at all in this slrugi'le. it is barren of
upolngy or explanation, but it moves
on over all llio inventions Hint assaults
of the liepiiblicans against the recurds
and traditions of Democracy, charges
up to the very inner lines and chal
lenges them lo tbu consideration of
tho issues which immediately uffect the
poople, and which are now fairly bo
tbro them for their verdict. If tho is
sues of fillcon years ago aro to bo per
petual iu our nationul contests, and
sectional discoi d anil halo aro to bo tho
successful rel'ugco of distrusted and
unworthy rulers und leaders, Hayos
will certainly be elected ; but if the
nation is to deal with the issues of the
present, to cnlbrco peace for tho sako
of peace, and law for tho snko of law,
and honesty for the snko of honesty,
and economy for tho sako of prosperi
ty, tho Republican managers thus fur
lelt tho peoplo no choice but toclocl
Mr. Tilden President. Senator Wal
laco has shrewdly attacked tho Repub
licans at their weakest point, nnd it his
lino of battle is vigorously sustained
by bis party, as it doubtless will bo,
thero must bo cither a hasty retreat
and reforming of tho Republican ranks,
or Governor liuycsmust sutler an over
whelming discomfiture. Vermont and
Maine stood tho bloody -shirt and sec
tional bato programme of tho Repub
licans after a fashion. It was doubt
less the best way out for tho endanger
cd and desperate leaden ; but oven the
intense Itepublicnn prejudices ot the
Puritans could not stand up squarely
in tho lines, and tho result is tbo small
est Republican majorities over given at
the September elections In a President
ial year. But now tho battle-field is
transferred to the broader nnd moro
progressive ideas of tbo West, and
Pennsylvania is on tho outer edge of
tno connirt, ana must no sensibly at
Icctcd by tho ebb nnd flow of tho tides
which will finally mako up the flood ol
victory for ono or the other ot the con
tending parties. Tho issues which
quickened tho hato of Now Kngland
and mado her people close their eyes
to the degradation of Republican rule,
will bo tempered In Pennsylvania,
Ohio nnd Indiana by the nnivcrsol
prostration of their industries and Iho
distress of their poople, and they will
be content to Id fraternity ond pcaei
come with thoCciitenninl year, as they
cull their political servants lo a some
what rigid accnttntot tho stewardship.
To this cud Senator Wallaco wisely
directed his remarks last night, and
Colonel Ingersoll would do well to
commit to memory tho closing sen
tence, that sums up the whole contest
of the Iniure in the singlo lino "it is
the hungry belly against tho blood
shirt." Orators may go their own
ways if thoy will, but those who want
to bo heard and heeded will come
down squarely to the qttostions
whioh are to control tho great central
Statos in tho contest.
Thnt remarkable ablo statesman and
Republican screamer, assolute, (reorge
W. Curtis, lays down the proposition
that "the great political problems now
before tho country aro the Southern
question, finances, and administrative
roform." What O. W.C. knows about
tho South and Timbuctoo, is about one
and the same thing, and his idea of
administrative reform ia summed up
in exchanging Grant for Hayos, on the
principle that "a rost by any other
namo will smell as sweet" But G.
W. C.'s opinions aro not so well known
in regard to financial managemont, and
we much prefer to accept the judg
ment of auother Republican statesman
and military hero on this question. .
In accepting tho Congressional nom
ination from the Republicans of tho
Salem district, Massachusetts, the Hon.
and Tronerul Benjamin F. liutlor, writes
as follows : " Wo are furlhor off to-day
from resumption than wo wore three
years ago." Now tho gallant Benja
min bas hail the insido track at Wash
ington for years past, while George
has beon throwing stones from a dis
tance and playing truant generally ;
and what Ben dou't know about Re
publican (iuancinl management and in
tentions, nobody can toll him.
Butler bas been playing Thorsitcs to
Grant's Achilles during eight year
past, and fully understands tho viuws
of that individual as well as thoso of
his myrmidons. . Ho knows they do
not mean resumption, and therefore
consoles his friends in Massachusetts
by assuring them they aro further
from it thatt ever.
Benjamin F. Butler will probably bo
8oorolary ot tho T'roaaury whon Hayes
succeeds his friend Grant His lengthy
bank practico in the South, combined
with his ablo handling of bullion, par
ticularly silvoi- admirably fit him lor
such a jiosition in such an administra
tion. I'hUatlelph ia Commonwealth,
ftm-unwii. P,.ll,...Lr I... .....
- . . iuvuiu,, V UU UJO
violent in his oratoiial illustrations of
lluyos's civil servico roform. it's all
very well for him to remind tho poople
that Lincoln Was assassinalod and that
a Democratic officeholder called his
child for Booth, but when ho gels
lJnu-n tn Ihn Hart iin In ra nt' f ..l
.. .... .. ., M BUI"
diors haying to givo wny to tho Demo-
uiuur emu uu rttf(Kcu-eugo otitcuer
ates, hu should bear Iu mind that ho
may endanger the interests ot ono
James Pollock iu civil servico roform.
Colonel Mushy, who just a lew days
ugo put ono ol his dashing guerril
las into a snug clerkship under Grant,
will stand n reasonable amount oi tom
foolery IrOlll ninn U'hn Innnso.i vnitW.
and such things, but ho won't stand
any personal indignity upon his valiant
warriors, who aro all lor Hayes and
reform. If Pnllxrk
at the Confcdaralo soldiers takins tho
..I- r it-, .. . n ...
ut Dillon ioitiiors, Jiooby will
one ol those days walk Into tho White
House, shako with -l.n l.u I.
of Appomattox, cross his logscomfort
ably under ths 1
ind UlamL In (.rant lift ... I
oomity butwoon tbo Slatos demand a
new olBcor at tho head of tho Phila
delphia mint Whon Mosby makes
that rcaurslnf flrant P.,11!,'. ..M-r-l
. - u,ui;iai
tenure would terminate in less time than
ueooutu uauni an average bloody shirt
nr0,,.r,rd club- nllT, friend
I ollock, Mosby doesn't stand triflintr
with worth a n.l k.4 . ,?
, , uo W UU IU
civil sorvice reform be to Pollock with
out a Mint for Pollock to demonstrate
on r miiaanpnia Time:
The Hon. Goorgo W. Julian having
become convinced that Samuel J. Til
den is Iho only man who can carry out
Iho measures promised by the plul
forms of both parties, tut loose lha
slender Iio that bound him to tho Re
publicans, und Is now doing his best to
assist in llio noble work of rolorm. In
a speech delivered nt Indianapolis, on
the 2iith ot August, nud published in
the Courier Journal, ho gavo the fol
lowing reasons liir supporting tho Dem
ocratic rather than iho Republican
nominee :
"But now, gentlemen, having shown
by irresistible proofs thut the Liberal
movement of IH72 was justified by
facts, und culled for by the times, anil
thnt the Republican party, instead of
retracing Us steps and recovering Its
lost estate, has steadily gravitated
farther from its pritnul integrity, it
inuy bo still argued that Governor
Hayes will cut the ugly thread of his
tory Iro.n behind it, and launch it
grandly on n new nnd blessed depart
ure. Believing as 1 do, that the age
of miracles has passed, 1 find mvst-ll
compelled to reject this view. ) am
acquainted with Governor Hayes, and
behove him In bo honest and patriotic,
and itnwt gladly and cordially would I
support him if any Republican could
explain to me how his accidental selec
tion ut Cincinnati can mako saints of
the distinguished sinners who are the
ruccignir.cii lenders and managers of ihe
parly now, ns they wcru linir years
ago. II you place the bat of un hon
est man on the head of a rogue, will
the roguery instantly depart? Kvory
ono lias heurd tho story of Fortunatus.
Re had a wishing hat, which relieved
him of tho expenso nnd labor of trav
eling. By placing this lint on bis bend
and wishing himself at a given place,
ho straightway found himself there.
Who would not join in building anion,
utnent to tbe sorely neoded genius who
could mnnulactiiro a Presidential hat
that would enable Govornor Hayes, by
a simple wish, to change the naturo of
Morton and Cameron, and Butler, and
Clayton, and Boss Shepherd, and Bub
cock, and Brother-in-law Casey, and
tho rest of the unhaptir.od crow who
aro tuxiug their wits and pouring out
thoir money tn secure his election, and
will darken tho air about the Execu
tive mansion on the 4th of Murch, if
ho should succeed ? Such a hat, 1 am
froo to confess, would mako Governor
Hayes a pretty respectable President,
and ho would bo ablo to take up the
question ot relorm and dispose of it
with tolerable success. Unfortunately,
no such head geur can bo found, while
tho groat leader of the party in Indi
ana and the right bund man of tho
Administration tolls us the party has
no need of it, and that the men who
ask for reform aro worso criminals than
tho thieves they wish toexposo and pun
ish. Here is the ugly knot which Lib
eral Republicans, and a good many
other Republicans, desire to seo untied.
Can you obtain the command of a
piratical craft by simply changing tho
figure head of tho vessel? You must
expel the pirates and put an honest
crew in possession. This is tho truth
in a nutshell, and Georgo William
Curtis himself admits it. His cry, is
"Reform within the party," which Lo is
shouting along tho lines as ho did four
years ago, as tl utterly unmindful ol
the fact that under this battle cry our
civil servico has become as foul and
feculent a system of official huckstering
and political prostitution as our thor
oughly debauched party politics could
mako it. But he is not blind, like Sen
ator Morton, to tho i:cod of reform.
and ho tells us in Harper Wee.klu that
Iho only hope of tho party lies in the
power to persuade peoplo that it is not
tioneiessiy corrupt. lie iranklv con
lenses that reform is only possible bv
throwing overboard the Grant leaders
and trained corruptionists who havo
oroui:lil llio party into disurace. In
all soberness 1 ask, is this possible?
Hare the Republican musses after their
long and patient service under the ttartu
ynke, the courage and virtue to take their
old leaaeri by the throat. Will tho party
chiefs I have named, meekly and pen
itently tako tho back seats, while
honest and stainless men como to the
front? Tho man who believes all this
must have allowed his common set, so
to back its bairiratro. Tho Grant load
ers would reign in any conceivable po
litical hell, rather than servo in the
heaven of honest govornmont. In tho
manipulation oi caucuses and conven
tions thoy have long been masters.
Thoy are journeymen and experts in
tho work of politics as a trado. Thev
bare reduced plunder nnd pelf to a
science and tno greed ol clutch to a
flnoart. Nothing can bo moro certain
than that sucu a reform as would com
plotcly dislodge these leaders and put
nucn men as jinstuw ana Aanms in
their places, would bo. In fact, tho cro-
ation of a new party. It would havo
to bo preceded by a general disin
tegration, and It would bo qttito as ab
surd to consider it the same party
which has ruled the country since
Grant camo in power, as It would havo
been to treat tho Republican parly of
lUMt l,lnnill ..,k si.. J I m'l: .
ho .....,i,vU, " ' . M tlJD OIU , Ulff,
party, which has eono down to its His.
honored grave. Tho idea, therefore,
of making tho Republican party the
instrument of self-purification, is not
onty morally but logically absurd. A
party once thoroughly corrupt has lost
tho power to relorm itself. Devils are
not inclined to cast out devils, and coul.l
scarcely be trusted with the business if
tliey snoulil ojTiT their services; and it Is
because 1 entertain these views and
cannot cscnpo their forco, that I sin
cerely desire to see the machinery of
mo jicpuuucan party nattered into
fragments, and tho way thus opened
for a reformation of parlies on tho liv
ing questions of tho hour embarrassed
by tho momorios of the past.
Tht Aiinriniriiition Hills Amount an
prapriatttl anil amount of reductions
jrom mat year.
Eleven of the twolvo appropriation
bills have been passed or agreed upon
in conference, which is equivalent at
this staro of the session to beinu- passed
The hill yet uiipassod is tho consular
und diplomatic. The sums appropria
ted by each ot Iho cloven bills and tho
total ol tho twelfth bill as it passed tho
houso are set lorth in tho following
iiiinu ; ,
monef Vow
, .'7.l7
, l!,Jttl..,
.ttel )'tr,
his, 0011
West I'.ilal
Poet Offlee
Pro a Ions
Rieerend U arbor
Hondry OlrlJ....
lioglelalire, ata.H
Consoler and lil
4,ooo, nu
Tl IIIMM.MI "3l,m,IIU.
Tim tm.ll. .,,,1 !..... I. I, t .1..
ttbovo column, vii j tbe logialntivo and
ii ,a,, wipriiimiiuiisi, are onvimtkl
cd and ifiven in round number.
Tho lulls are agreed upon, but tho
altnratinna tn il,n n...r.. : .
... . ii v vuinvsvill-v VUIMIHIV-
toes havo reduced the totals and will
nocoMiiaie ft coup l o ol immense mirns
in arithmfiltn wlt.b 1 1. Ariu.
, " e. e-.. u I.B.JV Vmi Bg Ul fcUU
committee are yet without timo to no
mt Tl.. 1 1 . , , "
. . . ... eis wsmAi ufuu SJSJ-
ttmatoa in turn of tho aggrcgatea of
euwrreniuna. Aa mo iiouto aiart-
Od out twith a rt n I ii r i i n a 1 1 .... ....
, ' ' v.i w vise
down lha appropriations for thia roar
40,000,000, tbe abowo roault will aliow
how auccemful baa been the effort.
Harri'hurg Patriot.
flriv (li'fftlsfmcuts.
.All persona aro hereby aautioned against
purchasing or In any nay meddling with the
Inllowlna property bow ia ties, poeseesioa of Ham.
bleloa Hhiln. of Bell towaauin. lo wit i Ono bee
hi rse, I wbito and brown cow, I red enw, I blek
and while eprlog ealf. II aherp. I anrlnt wnn-nn,
1 set of Itartieea, So duaen uf oats, S Ions of hay,
1 aora uf earn, I aero of buobwheet, I cooking
store auu utensils, Iwls and bedding, 1 cup
board and dishoa and a lot cf hogs, said prop
erly hat ing boon turehasrd by ms at Constables'
sale, and left wilb void White on loan, subject to
my order nl any time.
Cho.t, SHO-ote JOHN IIOCKENIl;llRi
Q A I'll ON
At) fteiMmi ir henhy rautlunfi. gainst
nurrbafipf r ta uif wif tnrdihnc wilt. Ittn rut
toning f rir; inv In th OMtriloti of l-'ntfik
V oi, wl Milium itiwnibip vis : Ont blunt bun,
I -tutJt7, I M"'". I two har Wftiron, 3
tXswn. Imlftr. I ealrt. 4 hnmn. 10 but-hrta wbti.
Mm htiitieii unit, or ..u toil hy, Jut uf tfw, 1
mi iiouttla harni'M, I mi ilnifl turnoit, 1 jir of
ueaa, i aiming box, i grinil lon, urri corn,
lut uf Oftliungis lut ot Crab, flliaioa, M . lot of
lumber al Woodward 'a mill, WhU, to-tliting, lalilti.
Ink, dithrf, ehatira, rtovei, Mrjiet, (., ia tb
bouM. Thif property wii purehiiMj br mo ut
oner in t tan on iub i no uay ol hatitefn'Mir, H7i,
and if Itft with ibatuii Hot, auiijrot t my
order at auj tim. JAMK-i PoX.
Clcarllt Id, Hepi, S", IITfl to.
All (Mraona art btrtlr oautlimtttl
pure hail u g or in an manner meddling wlili tlie
fallowing uroMrtv, now ia tho pouMfloa of f nana
Davii, uf Doooarift townihm, rti t Uu lurrol
bur, 1 ipriiig wagon, loo-tbird of ninaera of
eorn ID ihe Hold, a Mid pnifwrtj- wai purehaatd
by mo at Cotilaul' lale, and 1 left wilb bias on
lan only, urjrt ta ut order at any tune.
Ulea llupt, gt-.t. 1.1, 1h;-H.
Tht iuot foniilet intltutl'ii in tU United
Htatea for thn (borough praetical oducation of
young and uiidJIo aged men. it U rcrivetl at nny lime.
i. C. SMITH, A. U. 1'r.Dcij.J.
rj.tll, Sm.
All naraona aro berobt eautionod ain.t pur-
cbaaing or in anj way meddling wilb tho follow
ing properly, nnw in poaafainn of timtt
W. mad Eliu CI en v or, uf Pent) lownahip,
to wit ; 2 boraei, 1 oow Mm! calf. 2 -dionta.
200 dozen of oh la, 3) trjea of owd.ii lot of
wlieat, 1 two-Uorre nay on, 2 tela of Imr
uen. 1 fanning mill, 1 clock, nnd tlie tied
teftdt and beJUinp in tbe house. Th it
property a purchued by me nt .Sherifia'
Halt, on the 21a. day ef Aucuctand it lft
wilb tbe above parliea on loan, tubject (o
my order aiany timo. ELlHtJA i'AVIS.
Grampian Uilh. Spt. 0-3t
IIKNRY BHKTII. Tr.nji.rrr. In aeconnt wilU
Dell township School Kanils, for tbe year endina;
June I, l;o :
To bol. ilus at laat ertllrment ... 279 47
Tvaint frum L. riuodrrlin, former Troas.
Toan't fmia ltrajy township..
To Slate dra..
To ain't from Co. Treasurer
To am't from D.W. I.jan, Colleetnr. t4.
To am't from A. Miller, Collector, '7S. ..
inn on
t 70
2111 0.
:; 411
604 63
07S 87
l.,?n I.
By rderB rejeemej
Ily per oeac oa tl.Clv.lM, at 1 por el.
Ily bal. do. IlWriot
..l,S.t V0
.. . IS 7U
.. ; 4V U
I.H2fl 14
Ordera outstandinf
..I.07J HO
aiaot Rrra.
Ia hanila of L. Sonilerlin, fermor Troae.
(and now in di'jrtl ab-iot ,
Tn Uoltertor l.ofan'a hands for I KT4J
In t'elltetor htiller'a hands for 1K7j..
onrovi,led for
tiiO 00
674 M
PA Its
171 tfi
. n.,
i 'i ' a.
Wo, IhundoraiKoed Auditor. of Bell towntbijM
havo e.aminod Iho foregoing amount, of l(enr j
Urotb, Traaurer of Mid township, and find Ih.m 1
ia al-va aluUd. J AS. A. CAMPiifcll.l.,
II. L. Mrli KK,
Oatrnd, 8--t. IS, lH7d .lt. Auditora.
T.A. FLECK & CO. 'S.
Prrss Gol, Muslin-, ('nlici)a, iiing
lirtms, SiniiiiiK, mnl i'lunnoln til'
ull lv i iidtt, lio to HI) (icrcrnt.
t'lionpcr thnn lt your.
Ten nict'ca Blnck
. 1 " ... . ( uslirurrf, .'. 1
.. ! chtnp, ,
tlio beat in tmrn Air I lie miiticy, '1'itblo
I.inona, Tiikiiiir), New Yarns, 24
to HO por cont. lower limn Innt
yenr, Now Corel, Now
. Tics in groai vnrioly,
Now Collnra anil
Now iw Nf u;i, ftaVi
ladies. Wo hare accorod the (orvicea:
of a firat clasi Milliner, who ie now in j
Now York, purchnslng a full line of;
Uillinory Goods. ,. All of llio abore
goods we will tell jou cheapor thnn
any other house in 1'lonrliulJ county,
(Jive ua a call.
T. A. KLKl'K A CO.
P. S If you aro not (ntiuficd with
the above, T. A. Fleck i goinj to Now
York, and will add still moro lo the
slock, if lie don't got loNt.
Cloarfiold, Sep. 13, 7C If. , . , . ,
1S70. MAY. 1870.
NEW GOODS, oheaper than evor.
ROOM N0.'2
Filled and Overllowing.
Tlicquito recent decline in Dry
Goods, lulls in tho way goods nre
oinjr oil. Will no ciiiimcrnic,
nt cvcrytliinjr in tlio way or
Millinery nnd laiicj Goods,
In great nbumlancc, nt (Iio low cut
poBuiblo prices.
Ple Opera IIoiino.
Cleerflald.Dee. I, im.
fit! jJitwUsframts.
I Notice Is hereby glvea that the parlaerahln
j heretofore oaisllng In tl,a mllliosr busioeas,uader
lb iiijiii and II lo ot Woodward A Lu k..
fii diM.ilt.d bj wiuloal consent, to tako plat
Au;u.l lu,-)(tlA. All tiereuoa iodnlited will plea
rail a ltd tiWrn wilb Miae N. A. K. Lo.-., Voo attll
t.trrk-1 on tbo buiia.
Pinrald, IV, ftept. ft, 1(17 31.
Nntice ii berrbv clircn that thari.r,n.i
of the Aiprairra it, ilia e.tute of Iiaeiii
l.ati.'mrry. Ial til l.titrrMicA township,
Cloai lii-lil O'i'jiily, l'a , duo'U, BiKiiiilei to
appraisr unit apt nut ilirrrn! estale fur U,e
l.iT.oIll of Hi wiJtiw. umler lite itilc.lale
In H-a of l't-nnsylvaiiia. will l preaenteti
In ih Cmirl fur finil confirmation, on
Mnmliijr, rM-ptauiln-r ii'nli. 1x711, ol wliid,
all pitrltoo iliifirMr-iJ wall tako tialieu
f .Ttl,Stpl.fl,'7U-;il. A'l.niiiieirui-ir
Ttirra ill be fijoed to puMio aala , at Ha
Cuutt Him., in (JitarBtild, al t o 'clork i. m.,
Tucfttlay, Orlober A, INTO,
the Mowing dvierlbod real atatc, tli. All that
et-rta tn hurl or yh-ev of land ailualt in lltadloiti
tonrialnn, C'loariiiid fr'i.btj, !'., bounded and da
anribcri aa follow i Ht'ginning al a majtle gru ,
lb u noe aoutb .1 dfgrrra waal Vfl reliva lo a,
tbfiiflf aouih mi .('gruel, caat 811 pm-bta to a
white lak atuinji, tbouoa north 1 di'grfii, rait V4
n ri tiei tn a hrinlock, thrnra norlb 7 ilfgrecu,
tV prrrhrt to a loapla grub and plaoe of ln
ginisiiif, i-oiituining 49 new and i'.it peiebaa ai,l
TrruiaCaaH. S. V. UlLf'Off.
a-c.t. 1.1, Adui'r.
)K(;i.STK!aS NOTK.'K.-
N'lliuo ia h.rnLy gUco tbal tbe following nr.
count faai fl hvt n enniniiied mid paaied y tnv, anl
rtiuain 6!fd vf rHird in Ibia ofliro for tlie in
a)iition of bi ir, li ateei, prrditort, and nil oliiera
inlrati-d, and will be preatmtod to tbe licit Or
abaoV Court el Ckar field counljr, to be held nt tht
Court IIouw, In tlio borough of ClrnrfioM, com
nriiciiig on tbt Jth Mndny (being tbe 2i:h dar)
of Heplemhvr, A. li. UTS:
Final atwotiBtJor William Dell, Guardian of II. ii,
Andtuann and Margaret Anderaon, minor brira
of Vf. W. Andi'raun, lata of IJloom townihip,
L'ii'rfleld count, IV, dee'd.
Final tcfftint of D. K. lirubakar and PaviJ
DrelHnr, Kieut-r of tho ittatcof Jno. Kaalgle,
lato of I'tiion t'wnaliin, Clear Held ooutiljp,
deceit ed
Account u( Jjiitfi A. Caiiiplll, Administrator of
tho eatnU: ol B-ojuraia KalrJ, lata of Bell twp.,
Clrarliild oounty, IV, dee d. aceuuot of Sana U o, Adutiniatratriz of
tn eatale or niohara Wnp)r,lte of U"gga twp ,
L'lvartirld eounl, IV, dee d.
Partil aeouunt of Jobn Kfoa and Porter Kin
iiurt, Admiaittratora uf tbe aaUlo vf Win. O.
Irt in, Uu of liuiaaidr townabiu. Clearfield Co..
IV. dee d
Partial moounti of Oavid J.,Oa.irduo of
JoVfjih 11. Iiroe lr audWm.8. Itrrarlcr, minor
beira of William H ll-fMler, dc d.
Pinl areounta of l4tld J. Turner, (iaardUn of
Ira Ue I la Pt tara, ( forinatty Jarella UreMieri,
and Junisa tl lluuittHrger, ( formerly Juniati
llr-Ffr minor heira ut VVia. 8. Brraakr. ilc d.
I'aitial account uf Daniel Uoodlaoder and llenrr
Krarr, Kxeutora uf tbe aatate of Adam Mar
shall, late of Uredy townaltip, C.tarfleld county,
Pa., dee d.
PinaJ account of J. H. Kirk, Administrator of the
etloteof William Kirk, ltof llradj town'hi),
Clearfield county, Pa, dee'd.
Account of Joaiali Henry and Wra. M. Ilcnrr,
Admiiiitratora of the ertato of Thoiuu lfenry,
late of Ferguaon townibip, Clvarflvld eoanty,
IV, d. d.
Aorount of Win, P,idr, Aduiiniftralur, D. D. X.
C. T. A. of Ji.ah Kider. lute of Kartbaia twp.,
Clcftrfield ooiiaty. Pa., dee d.
L. J. MOKllAX,
Aug. 30. to Uejciater A Recorder.
AIT H K HE A 8, Hon. C. A. MAVEH, Pretident
y Jvdgo of tht Court of Common Ploaa of
the Twenty-fifth Judicial Diatricl, eompoaed of
the e-mnfica of Clearfield, Centra and Clintan
an Hon. Wiluaii C. Folkt and Hon. Jua J,, A radiate Jvdget of Clearfield eoot.ty.
bare i-iucd tlieir pccept, to me directed, fur tba
bidding of a Court of Comwion I'leaa, Orrhana'
! Cw,r' Court of Qunrtf r Peraiona, Court of Oyer
' BnJ T,rminBri "3 Court nl Ueneral Jail Dolir.
i rJr-"1 the Conn ilonf at Clfarfield, lo and for the
' r"uu.' " '"rui'i'i, re raaiivncin un uif iHiirin
I Mimdav, t!i tf.ltli dayoi' tri)tcmbt-r, mj.
i and tn cii'itinue two we oh a. '
IS U TICK Irt, therefor, hereby girca, to tha
Ct,rva?r Ju"' of lh,,ace; Comublei,
od ftr "ld 00Bt3r ,f C,Vf c'd' t0 U
h-,r, Vro',er r"B, " lh 0,0,r Rwwda, Holla,
Inquiai'i'rtia, Uxamimtiona, and otbar Ramon.
brncei, t do tbno tbingt which to thoir oflicea,
and in their bchnlf, poruin io be don o.
ly an f Aaa-oit(;, pumxj Ua tlk di of
Mny, A. 1. t6(, it la made ths duhr of the Jua
tioia of Peace of lha .rral ooimtlre of thia
Conmonwanlth, ta return In the Clark of tha
Court of Quarter Kciuna at... tha reaMit-
entmtloi, all tbe rvoogniuncoi enlored lniobofn
them Vi.r iij I'oraon or iaraona charged with the
eominiaiinn of an crime, t inept auch eaaea al
my be ended beloro a Juatloo of the Prneo, an
drr exlftiag Uwi, at laa tva dayi before tba
fiiintnenmBiDiiL of tbo aenaion of tbo Court to
wbteb tln-y ara mala raturnahlcrcapocUrelT,and
In all eaaai where any reeo)nitaaAaa are entered
into leaa than trn d.ija before the com men cement
of Uie leaalon to ahloh tbe; nra aiida tstarna
hte, the aaidJuatlcu are to reUra tho am tn
the aama mnnoer u If aaid aet had not bcea
(JIVEN under my hand at ClearfiolJ, thia 9th
day of AuftuM, in tho year of oor Lord, on
tltwaannd fight handred and aaeenty-aii.
aug. te W. R. Mi -PHKHBOH, Sheriff.
Yj I.iatof Juror drown for Reptember term. A.
1). 17, to bo held oa tbo 4th Monday of Bep
I ember, (tjth 4ny), and eoeiloaa for two week a t
caAio Jcftou.
L. R. UrreMt0lerfi.lJ,R. B. SUwert, (lirard,
J. McUaufhuy, R. (lil), Shaw, tioaheo,
E B.Cltnipeoo.NewburnjjI. W. Recorda, tarohata
U.W. iMta, Dervarla. A. B. Tata, tlreenwood,
P. Mehalfey, BaII. Joe Bertey, Hnatoa,
" I'aait.bell, Hell. J W. Potter. Karlhana.
it. t'onoeioi
K. Mfllowell, llradford.
John Fat, Kooi,
A. Humphrey,'ace,
8. Ireia, Lawrenat,
A. RelIton, Morria,
Cbnt. CteaTor, Penn,
S.J.Qrl.t. i;Bioa,
Uearhart, n,
J"- l'a
Tttariaaa jvaom.lit wrbk.
0. C. Monro, Clearfield,
C. II. U-Jft..d, "
R. Phirk.
.foho Onlieh,
.'aa. Cwper,
Rpf. Ur,bart,
J. L. Kallr, L. City,
J. W. Halier, 0feela,
S.ll.llindman, lleccaria
Jaa. Fn, iteoeana.
Thoa. Or aoirvjr B'ia
Daniel Dnurh. Bi ll.
John Funk, Delator,
Itavlti Burkct, Iterator,
laoaa Moore, Ferjruaon,
Aujroet Kofoaa, Utrard,
Mark Wileen. Uoahea,
Joha I.ytlo, U re ham,
Jaa. MelJnire, tirahaa,
Win. Hdl, (Jreenwood,
F. C. Iiowaaa. Huatea,
Arehey Jordan, Jordan,
Juhn llntler, (of tiao.)
W. B. W' (ih.-e, licit.
A. M. Reed, Lnwreme,
8muW handerha, Roll.iLewia Brawn, (of Vt m-1
Trjfw uwn jr, ninom, MWrenea,
Joah. (Ireflioa, llradfordl J. U. Moor. Lawrrace,
Jacob Uilhanaa, br.df 'd.Chaa. Dull, Lawrence,
R. Liverfiod, llradfiird,
John Hhallcr. Brady,
tl. W. Thotnpana, Urndy,
J. R. llerdtrartn. llmdy,
8 O. Snyder, Hradr,
(len. Ilartalelt, Brady,
J. (Itarnaan, Uurnride,
" nwn, .rii,!ira,liienrT Uroe. Mnrtii.
Dav.d Fleval. Morria.
Joha E neigh, Morria,
Joba Hanoi; Morria,
7ao. Fnllmer, Morria,
W. Howl-, l'ena.
Jamo .MeKiKiwn, IVnn,
Jeeaec IlItflna, Wood d.
faAvania Jcaona Id wcaa.
J. n. Vtte1. ltarmlde,
Jaa. Kephart, Ueealar,
S. Curry, Frrf aeon,
Jnha II tie, Ferguson,
Free Croaa, Feruon,
Kllia Irwin, tjoahetl.
8. K. 8htrer, Ooabcn.
W. 11. Planley, Ualirh,
l.ithn Millwood, (lullrh,
Tbomaa Smith, Jordan,
latiiar Catheart, Knot,
J. 1.. Thorafaon, Lw'e
M. Lawheod, Lawrence,
W. 8acktnin ar. Law'eo
.John Ardery, Pike,
John Dunlap, 1'ihe.
H. McCrarkrn, l'iko,
J. M. Chwe, Woodward
W. Uondoraen, "
J r. nearer, Cleriirld
A F. Mitchell.CIrarilrLI
M. lloltnrf.Oleartield,
I. Thoftipnt.n, Cvt arille
L. Khmtfl, Wall a eet on,
M. II. Weld, Iteecana,
Hob t S l.o II, Itecvaria,
Saia'l lloyrt, llfofana,
Jhn Cantringhata, llflt
Franeia Ileah, Itoirj-a,
A. twenrhart, Brnttluid,
Janna llully, liurnaidc,
U. MeCrarkea, Duraaido
L. Hook, Ituriiaide.
John Hid.ifon, Cheat,
Andrew b'rajiey, Cheat,
J. M, Reiaer, Co ImrWnl
uht arnaiNti
mil jem it. iti:i:ns.
(rSeeldcaee la Weal Cleatlelel )
Ale., dealer la all klarla .r Rewia, Maraiae
Needles, (lil, Haldere, Taek-narliere, Csslrrs,
Tkread Cellars, lleaisaara aad BiaiUrs, Oil C.a.
SkdttlM, Oaetia-artrinfa, KeMl-etiriBita, A.
New feed put la tee old stare Wheeler A TH"
Meralne. New Cof. .keels Bat la tke 8ie"
ULU MACH1NKS at OSAIN Ukan la part for New Maekiaea.
V) ill eal! al the residuee of peraoas llla
ar alieal Claarlleld, if aeylhln, la kle line
desired. If pwsonalljr laforeoMl, er tkmafk tke
Poet.rar. kr tetter ot pastel Mrd. Isoods aral
k, Ball If deaired. Ia anleriaa ky letter, be ear.
aad (ire aara af Maklne. Cask aaeel aeenraran
all onlere bjr Ball. . MILKD H. UKR.
Cltarlsl.l, Pa., Aaf. , HTH .Ib.