lUlsrrtlaiuous. WILLIAM M. HENRY, Justice or t.i Pbaob tin f . LUMBER CITY. Colleelloni inidi ono .uuovy promptly paid over. Artlolei of agreement and drodl ol ooaveyaaoe ami; tiocuiod tnd wariintid cor. not or to eberge. laJy'TI B OOT AND S1IOE MAKING. J06RPI1 II. DKKRINO, OB Market elreet, In Sbaw'i Row, Cliarflold, Pa., he. Jail reooivod a lu lol ol Preaok Celf kklnl and Klpa, tkl boot in the anarkit, eed li now prepared to ou afhetun I ver Tilling it kll lino, lit "III "I rut kit work to bo m rcprtiontod. Aloo, oil kladl of LMtbor end Shot Finding, for eele. Tko iltlieoi of Clearield and vleltll are reepeoefully ltrlled to flvo bin a Mil. Work .oat at uorl oolloo. MI'T3y pOB SALE. Tbo BBdMilgoed will Mil ot prlntl ull til thtt I root or ptrotl of Itnd tlltttt it Deceit, townohip, Clearnold Bounty, Pt., within I ihorl dletenee of tht Tyrone A Cloarflol I R. B., ttd ndjoining Inadi of Hubert llutiaon tnd eloere, tod known M tbo Jacob U. Ueerherl lot. The old trtot oontalnine: 6tl aorce mon or Imi, wltli two veloi of rtlutbla ootl therwo. baa about III tortl olttrod, tod Ie Ibo key to t lergt body ol Cool tbout being developed. Will bo eold low tod upoe oaay Uruii. for ptxliatiiort, apniy w DAVID L. KIIKBS. Clearield, Pt., Jul; II, 1870. TJANIEL GOODLANDER, LVTIIERSBURO, PA., Dealer lo DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, HATS l CAPS and BOOTS ft BIIOB, Tobaeoo, Qrooeriei anil Flab, Nulls, Hardware, (jueeneware and uiaMwaro, Hn ana Boyi' Clothing, Drop, Paiola, Oili, ttcboul Books, t Urp lot o( Patent Mwiiclnea, Candlea, Nota A Dried Fralte, Cheoeo and Crack- ra, Hook and niOt rowder, Floor. Grain and Potatoes, Clover and Timothy Seed, Sole Leather, Morooooi, Llnlnga, Ditnltoga and Tnreaii, Htioetnikerr loon ana Shoe Vindlnfi. No greater Tarlety of gootla In anylort In the eonoty. A 11 for aale very lo for oaah or country produce at the Cheap Corner. May 1, loia, HUEY & CHRIST, SOLI PROPRIETORS OP THE CELEBRATED THtn ',M-rr.-"AOc MARK pdTt1fc AND R. STWf'F.IVS TONIC HERB BITTERS. SEND FOR PttlCF. 11ST. jii i:v & HUM ST, 121 N. 3d Street, PHILADELPHIA Utteb 15, 187Mm POWELL & MORGAN DlAlilM IK II AltDWARE, Alio, Maoufaetnreriof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. F ARMING IMPLEMENTS of all klndt for itlt by POWELL A MOKOAN. r) AILROAD WIIEELBAniiOWS for itlt by POWKLL MORGAN. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Ntlli, tto., for itlt by POWELL A JIOlmAN. TTAKNESS TRIMMINGS 4 SUOE Tlndlnji, for itlt by IPOVYBLL MORflAN. QUNS.PISTOLS SWORDCANES for nit by POWELL MOROAK. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Bitot, for itlt by POWELL A MORGAN.'. TRONI IRON I IRON1 1RON1 X For ttlt by POWELL A MORflAN. II ORSE SnOES & noRSE SHOE SAILS, for tilt by POWELL A MORGAN. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aod but MuofteUrt, for tall by POWELL A MORflAN. MI1MBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXRfl, for itlt by IPOWELL A MORGAN. SAGEETT & SGHRTVER HARDWARE, and nannfaetaren of TIN, COPPER 4 SHEET IRON WARE, Hecond Htreet Clearfield. Pa, TUrlng refttted oar it ore room and doablid oar ltoK, we are prepared to oiler bargains to par enateri tn oar line, we Bare decided to do ' Strictly Cash Business, tadjeti thtrt fori nil tt grettly rodand prloti. Ctrnoatorttnd ptntniwko toottnplttt bolld. Ib will do will to oitmlot onr Tools tni Suilll&ff Hard wwo, wbleh li w tod of tbo boat nMofititart. Wt ktep t lirgo ttork of NAIL8, LOCKS, uiiAHH, LATCHES. PUTTY, HINGES. BLUE, SCREWS, All bltdi of Btooh PlttH, Rtwi, CbUili, Rqniru, ' iuiuti, ona mtiii, Mortitid A Thnmh ori,, Berilt, llroeoi A Rim, Wood tnd I rot ttioob Borowi, tod tbt boot Boring MubiDl It tbt mtrkit. IDouble and Single Bitt Axoi, POCKET CUTLIRT, Al. Agentt for Burndl'i Iron Corn Shelter, wimatoA. AlioifiiiU for Blobtrdt' GOTHIC FLUE TOPS, wblob Iffoetotlly tan Smoky FIim. Fnrra Implements, Garden Tools, tf mry dMorlptloa. A Itrgt nrloty of COOK STOVES, wklok in wtrrttt tt girt utlifioUoi. frfMAfr Rmngf anrf Pirnate$. Vm-Rooflnr, gpratitg ud Job Work dott ot rotoottblolonai. All ordon will rtoolrt prompt ttlontlot. 1-loabiig ltd got lltiop; Utondiid to ky,tporiioo4,ookt. Mty I, I SI it. Our (f)uh flrrrtUemtnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Publlibtd trcry Wodtndty by GOODLANDER & LEE, CLEARFIELD, PAM tin the I trgeit I'lrculttlou of toy piper lu Nortliwettcni Ptuniylviult, Tbo largo and constantly increasing circulation or the Republican, rondorsilvaluablo tobusinoss mon as medium thro' which to roaoli tlio public Terms of Subscription : If paid in advance, . . . i 00 If paid nftor throe months, , 2 50 If paid aitor six months, . . 8 00 When papors arc sent ontsido of the county payment must bo in advance. ADVERTISING : Ton lines, or less, 3 times, . Each subsoquont insortion, Administrator' Notices, . Executors' Notices, . . . Auditors' Notices, . . . Cautions and Entrnyt, . . Dimolulion Notices, . . SI 50 60 2 50 2 60 2 50 1 60 2 50 Professional Cards, 5 linos, ycur, f 00 Special notices, nur lino. ... 20 YEARLY ADVEItTISEM ENTS : Ono square, 10 lines, . Two squaros, .... Throo squares, . , . One-fourth column, . . Ono-lialf column, . . One column $S 00 15 00 20 00 60 00 70 00 120 00 ItldANK'N Wo bare alwaysjon hand a largo stock of blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPCENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OK AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, &o., Ac, Ac. JOB (PRINTING.1 Wo are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING ei at as posters; programmes, CARDS, LETTER HEADS,; ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ac, Ac, IN THE BEST STYLE, ' AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDEKS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROM IT ATTENTION. Oeoillander A !, Clearfield, Clearileld4Coinly, Pa. Sri) tfooflf, (bxmxUt, tt. II ARD TIME8 HAVI HO KFFKCT IN FRENCHYILLE I I tn twtit tbtt tbirt trt toma pertoni t llttlt bord to pIorm. ttd 1 lit tlMiwtrttbot tbt oompltlnt of "bird limn" ft will algb onlrontl. uul l tot 10 Mtuotea oow tnti l oao ittoiy ia former tod prort ooooloitlToly thtt "btrd tinof" will aot offoet tbott wbo buy tkolr good from no, tnd til ny pttrool tbtll bo iultlttod into tht to- orot ot UOV TO AVOID HARD TIMES I btrl toodi inousb to ani.lf til the Inhtbl. UoU 1b tbo lower tud or tbo aoiioty wblob 1 tell tt eioeeillng low rttte from my mtumoth I tore Ib MDLSONUtlRO, where I oto tlwtye be fomnd reedy to wtlt opon ttllert tod lapply tbem with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Sooh il Clotbi, SttlBeltl, Rtulmeree, Motllnl, Ueltlnee, Llnta, LTllllngi, t-tneoee, Tritupjlnge, Rlbboul, Loot, Rotdy-titde Clothing, llooli tod Sboet, Httt tad Ctpt til of the bolt meterltl tnd mode to order Holt, Book i, Uloret, Mituat, Ltotl, Ribbonl, Ao. 0R0CERIE8 OF ALL KIDS. Coffee, Tea) Boitr, Rlrt, Molum, Flih, Salt Pork, Llaned Oil, Flia Ull, Otrbon Ull. llardwtrt, Qaetnewtro, Tiawtrt, Cutlsgl, Plowi ud Plow Ctetlage, Utile, Slkee, Cora Calllra tort, Cidir Proiiei, tad til kiodi of Axte. Pirfaiairy, PtiaU, Varalih, Qltei, aod a gtaertt atiortmoot o( Biationtry, GOOD FLOUR, , Of different brtndl, alwtyt on bond, and will bo lold at tbo loweit poeelUe Igurei. I, II. MeCltln'l Medlelaee, Jtyat'l Medlolaoe Hoetetter I and HooSand l imtert. 6001 pound! of Wool wanted for wbleh the hiahett arloo will bo paid. Clotereoed on hand tnd for tall at tht lowiet market prioo. Alio, Agent for StrtttooTilli tad Carwanarlllo Threibing Htenlntl. te.Ctll tnd let for yoarlolrei. Ton will And everthing aiutlly kept la a retail Itoro. L. M. COUDRIET. Frenehrllle P. 0., Aoguil II, 1971. REMOVAL! JOHN McGAUGHEY Would respoetfnlly notify the pobllo generally that be baa renoved hie Grocery tit re Iron. Shaw't Row. to tbo butldin fornerlT ooeupiod by J. Mile Kratier, on Second street, next door to Uigier a hardware itoro, woere no mtooos koping a run lino oi a it O j: It IE H. HAMS, DRIED BKKF tad LARD. SUGARS aad S HUPS, of all gradel. TEAS, Oreea and Blaek. COFFEE, Routed and Greca. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CIJrJTED Ml ITS, All kind, la tht mttktt. PICKLES, la Jin and barrel!. BPICES, la trery form tnd rarlety. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINDS Or CRACKERS. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil and Lamp CMmneya. And t good teeortment of tbott thtng! aratlly kept la t groeery .tore, whirh he will eiehange for marketing at the market prieel. Will tell for eaeb al aheaply at aay otber ono. Pletet onll tod lot fall itoek aad jadgo for yoareelr. JOHN McOACOIIET. Cletrleld, Jtn. t, 1974. G ROCERIES. JAS. H. LYTLE, (Sneeoeeor to LYTLB A MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CHOICE I.I IV R OP TEAK. OOLONGS, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, YOUNG D.Y80N, ENGLISH DR8AKFAST Parett It Market. MUTTER AMI) EGGH Will be kept and told al Sr.l eoet. Ctik paid lor vuanirj rrvuooo. GERMAN CHERRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS. FIHII. Mackerel, Like Herring, Cod, At. PICKLICR. Barrel Pioklei tnd Engllib Pick lee. KI.OI1R AND FEED, Floor, Cora Mill, Oil Meal, Al. moM7 JA8.H. LYTLI. AMERICAS CYCLOPEDIA, (API'LKTON'S) NEW REVISED EDITION, Complete in 16 Volumes. Entirely re-wrlitea. Kverytblng brought down Illustrated throughout with to the present time. Over 3,000 Illustrations AND MAPS of orery ooontry on the ftobo. Sold only by enbeerlptioa. Il li net tbllgttory to like all the eolemte at oaeo a volnmo may bo urii.vnru tnn a WiOntD, Or OOOO IB tWO t.OBtBl. Tib oeoti a dy, tbt prletofa elger.wlll pay for a let or I'TCUlPKltlA ON A BI-MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION la leei tbaa throe yean. Thea tbert will be eomethlng rab.tanUal eered lad a ttonboan of ktowledit. iBdeed a weleerl library la Iteelf OKared, with bat little Korl or MVTIHOO. PRICK AND STYLE OF DINDINO . For Eilrt Clotk, per ?ol m, 1 1 , fat Library Lettber, per rol m.... t 00 For htlf Torkey Mnrooeo, per vol Mw T SO Per half Rauia B.Ira out, per ol S For Fall Moroeoo Aotioaa, per rol It at For Fall Roi.le, par rol.........,,.,., 10 ag For farlbtr InformttloB addroet J. B. WILLIAMSON, Pablltktr'i ajeot, IS, Sink Mrtot, Jamil, Pllbbargh, Pa. THE REPUBLICAN. " CLKARFIELD, PA WFrS'lRDAT MORNING, SEPT. II, 1ST. ItAM'Jl.lXFT A XI) 0 OWEN. AN ECONOMY OF TRUTH L008ELT SCAT TERED AROUND SON EWU ERE. Tbo Philadelphia UultdiH (rep.) of Saturday has a spociul report of the dedication of the Grand Army ol the Republic cemetery at Tamaqua on Thursday last, in which appears tbo following letter from Governor Uart rntift: PlIlL'.DELPHIA, August 2d, 1878. D. M. Evelttnd, Esq., Tamaqun, Pa. Dear Sib: 1 have your loiter In which you so kindly invito me, in buliull ol the committee ol arrangements, to be present at the dedication ol the Grand Army of the Republic) cemetery, at Summit Hill on the 24th insl., and I sincerely regret that my personal and official engagement- will preclude my acceptance "In your letter you briefly alluded to a statement in circulation in your vicin ity that I had contributed fOVO to a fund to employ counsul to defend the parties called il ol lie Maguircs, accused of murder in the counties of Schuylkill and Carbon. This statement you ran pronounce to bo unqualifiedly fulse, as well as the insinuations mado by Mr. Gowcn in his recent spcoch to tbo jury in ono of these trials at Pottsville. If Mr. Gowcn meant to convey the idea that my action as an official was in any way influenced by any bargain arrangement or unduratunding with any ono, directly or indirectly associ atcd with tbo society known as the Mollio Maguircs, then his statement is untruo and bo knows it to bo so. I am yours, very sincerely, "J. F. Harteanft." Tbo BulUlin then proceeds lo say that a reporter from that pajier, upon tho receipt of bis letter, immediately culled upon President Gowcn al the Reading railroad office, to ascertain what reply Mr. Gowcn had to mako to the Governor. This is wbnt trunipired, according to tho Bulldtn ; Mr. Gowcn, glancing hastily over Governor 11 artrunfX'it letter, said slowly and rather hesitatingly : "1 don't know : I havo nothing I havo nothing to say in reply. All that I said came out in judicial proceedings, and any reply must be mado through tho same source." "Oh I Mr. Gowon," tbo roportor ox claimed, "I didn't understand tho mat tor in tbnt light." As tho reporter said this he advanced to the door, and was about to leave, whon Mr. Gowcn, who was standing in the middle of his oilier, hastily el rod o up to the reporter and said with a peculiar smilo : "11 Govornor Hartrarift says that what I said is not true ho is a liar. Give him my compliments." A reporter of the Philadelphia 7Vmr called upon Mr. Gowcn, to know if he bad anything further to any in regard to Gov. Hartranfl's letter, whon that gentleman said:' "The speech that seems to havo annoyed Govornor II art rnnft was delivered by me as a lawyer in tho performance of my professional duty, and, while I stand firmly by all 1 said on that occasion, 1 do not pro pose to bo called to an account for it by any ono. I am now following tip tbo infamous 'Mollis Maguira' organiza tion and do not proposo to show my hand in connection with tbo prosecu tion of tho guilty parties until tho evi dence I have in my possession is used in a court of justice. No mattor bow often Govornor Hartmnft may crow the scent bo cannot divert me Irom the chase. I do not propone to reveal the nature of tho evidence in my possession. Whon my connection as a lawyer in tho caso is finished, I propose as a clli xen to havo somolhing to say to the Governor and to tho public, but at present I havo no further communica tion to make to either." "Then I un derstand," remarked the reporter, "this is your last communication until the end of the trials V "It is, unless somo nocossity not now apparent should arise in tho interim. A MODEL REFORMER. Gon. K ilpatrick, lecturer and general Radical stumper, is personally known to many of our readers. Ilo bos re cently been engaged by Camoron Hnyos k Co., to stump the State of In- diana. After doing six counties, he feels like throwing np the sponge, and sots down and writes a letter to Gov. Hnyos (which fell into tbo hands ol an onomy), saying that a "bloody shirt campaign, aided with plenty of cosh, must bo waged In that State," or all will be lost Tho oditor ol the Phila delphia Timet, in alluding to "Kil's' suggestion, says : K ilpatrick is a good deal of a fool, and wo should aot think ot holding Hayes responsible for any nonsense that Kilpatrick might wrilo to him. It would have been easy for Hayes to say that bo did rocolvo such a loiter as that which the Indianapolis Seutinrl printed, but that ha attached no im portance to It, and tho discredit would thon have rostod wholly on bis oppo nents, which thoy had no right lo print, instead of this somebody in Columbus sends out, through the Now York Times, an accredited organ, what appears to bo an official slatomont, not only acknowledging tho authenticity ol the lotter, but declaring that there is nothing in It lo be ashamod of. "It Bays that money is noedod to circulate documents, etc., which has long boon an open secret in tho Stale and out of it." The "oic." bore is very important. It is explained by Kilpatrick : "The loaders of the Independents are potr, needy and in debt;" and attain: "A bloody shirt campaign with money in Indiana is safe." On would suppose that a great informer like Hayes would resent such suggestions as the, but the only response we have yet hoard of is this complacent dispatch from Columbus and bis own letter, urging the nomination ol Morgan in New York. Morgan is unquestionably the mon for a campaign "with money." Garfield is the commander-in-chief ot the hoys in blue, and General Wood ford It to be bis chief of staff. GaYflold won his spun in the Credit Mobilier business, and Woodford is described by men of his own party as a soldier wbo never saw a battle and a lawyer who never won a case.flnafos Pott, WHAT IT ME ASH. ( The politico! situation, and the Im possibility of any materiil improvo meiit by the Hon. Joseph I'ulitrer, ol St. Louis, In a letter Irom Europe, pub lished in the St. Louhi Timet, lie writes: "j "t Hayes' nomination means no change, but rather a continuation of tho pros out Republican party iq power, with its present tendencies. JIuycs moans tbo tttitus qito, and neither change nor reform, but possibly evon greater ras cality than Grant has fastened upon tho country.' There Is ho reform pos sible without a President of great will and great ability. .. Huyes certainly has neither, however resjiectuhly he may huve demeaned bimsell as the Governor ol a State. Uishistory while in Congress proves this. Ilo was a cipher there, even when it was cer tainly aaay to make a reputation if one had any ability at all; and how much more ol a cipher, then, would he bo as President ? In any period, as you will know, a President is after all first the represeuUtivo of his party, lie may bo simply an agent, a follower of lead ers or the leader of that parly. J uilge, then, hit future by hit pust, and it is clear that be is not capable of being a leader; and as President bo never would be anything else than the agent, tho office-disbursing and patronage-dis- pensing agent of tho men who conlroll ed bia nomination and the party which elected him, doing exactly whatever tbo leaders required of bun. Conkling, Cameron, Eagan, Blaine, Morton, and at least a hundred other Republican Congressmen, are his superiors in in tellect, capacity, and possibly many ol tbem in character. As well might we talk oi a fly leading an elephant, I consider bim a piece ol lucky medioe rily, and whilo I know that mediocrity must bavo secured him bis nomination. Certainly the man wbo is not fitted to bo nationally prominent in bis party, is still less fit to bo President, although fit to be the successor of such a man as Grant. I grow indignant when 1 think that such a man may possibly be elected President, espciully after the eight years' misrule which trant has given us and tho pass to which ho has brought us politically, materially and morally. LituiT in A Dark Place. Wo learn that Tilden and Hendricks Club has bcon organised in Curwcnsville. Tho names of the officers and tbo number that havo joined tho club wo havo not ascertained, but understand that it is in good working order. This is tho durkost holo in the county Radical hoad-quartors and it takes considers ble backbone to bo a Democrat whore so much loyalty (?) Is infused into church, society and Slate affairs as thero is In that Radical dcot. Tho Democrats deserve; great rqrodit 'for their boldness, and deserve assistuiice from their party friends in Demo cratic communities. Wo hope tho couu ty committewill make an effort to send some speakers to the stated meetings of the club, so as to offset or overthrow soma of the blather of the boys on the Radical side, who Use so much gas and no sense in trying to propagate tbeso heresies. i .i 1 1 . I. Horrified. Radical stumpers scorn to be alarmed at the abundant harvest of campaign slanders in this canvass. It's no wonder. The largest mill ever erected on this Continent, was put up and is being run by Radical clerks, who draw their pay out of tho United Slates Treasury, although tbey do not labor ono boar out of twelve for the poople who pay them. Tbeso fellows, who are the solo manufacturers of that product, are alarmed at their own work I Well, thoy havo a right to be alarmed. But then, it is a littlo too thin lor theso political harlots to up braid any one for being afraid. Better let somebody else quiet tho alarm. A Radical Reformer. Ex-Vice President Colfax it already on tho stump tor Hayes and Wboelor. Ex, Why, certainly. Mr. Colfax is ono ol those roformors wbo wont to Wash ington poor and camo away with 1100, 000 in bonds. Ho was a Credit Mobi lior reformer. Of course he will stump for Hayes. He wants more plunder a lew more thousand dollar "green backs" to drop on bis breakfast plate when he opens hit morning letters, and "tich." Thnt't what "Fax" is longing for. He feels kind of awkward since that way of obtaining money hot slopped. Don's Campaion. The Philadelphia Timet says: "Troops lo Bouth Caro lina, and new United States marshals and postmasters to Mississippi. Soth party is strengthened, "with a prospect of securing the electoral vote to Hayes and Wheeler." We presumo Don will soo that tho now officials are fully armed. Why would not it be a good idea to have a small howitzer mounted over each postoffice, with a letter-ear ner detailed to work it ?" "Mori rami than Ponirf-The Cbarubersburg Valley Spirit says : "Don Cameron takes bis prolound knowlodgo of Indian affairs by Inheritance. Tbo Winnebago tribe captured and adopted bis father whoa a young man, but bo ran away and brought a great many 'Indian affairs' wilb bim, which he deposited for safe keeping in the Mid dlctown Bank." "Steam is a groat thing," remarked a traveler in a railroad car to bis vis-avis. "So it Is," was the reply, "I owo my lortuno to it." "Monsler is mnn agor of a eompamy?" "No." "An onglnoer, porhaps T "No, I havo lost a number of relatives by railroad acci dents." Tho Centennial marriage of the two wings of the M. E. Church causes the members ot that denomination lo re- joico. How long tbeso new bandt will last, is a question for tho future histo rian. Reflect If the Democrats are breeders of strilo and mischief in tho South, how is it that every State that baa released itself Irom Republican carpet- oaggora it all quiot and orderly T "Mamma," caid littlo Noll, "ought governess to flog me for what I didn't do T" "No, my dear ; why do you ask T" "'Causo, she floggod me to-day when I didn't do my turns." , Danbury Newt : Uelmbold went in sane, and now Dr. Ayor Is a lunatic It is oo much strain on a man's nervo tissues trying lo cure everything for a dollar. THE MEN WHO STILL EEEPl VP THE WAR. '" it Is intoroMlinu to look at tho patri ots who, during tho luHlsessioii of Con grats, werotn tint front of all the aiock buttles, but who, during tho aciuul re bellion, never went near it. Bogin with Maine. Everybody knows what Blaltio Is." Tn 18(11 ho was only thirty- ono yours of ago, vigorous, active, and in robust health. Did. ho volunteer ? Oh, no. Ilo was engaged in politics and speculations, Snd hired a substitute from the proceeds of , his jobs in and ontofoffloo.' 1 ' His little colleague, Halo, who has splurged about tbs House as il be was a full grown man, was ttventy-fivo years of age in 18(51, be', his youthful blood run sluggishly al the tap of the war drum, und ho siuyod at homo, and only became a warrior when poaue was proclaimed. His other colleague, Fryo, was only thirty yours of ago in 1801 but ho too, who is so fierco now, smvlled danger from afar, and concluded to serve his country by lotting others fight Us battles. ' v ' Mr. William Whaeier, the candidate for Vico-Prosident, was forty-two years old at tho breaking out of the rebellion but ho never thought of thotildoring a musket. Ho found a seat in the House more comfortable and safe. Mr, Hoar at thirty five was a man of peace, but at fifty his voice is for war. r On the sido ot the Senate, the bloody. shirters shono by their absenco when volunteers were called lor to crush the robcllion. Edmunds, who after Mor ton leads tbo fruy, was 33 ; Boulwcll was 43; Duwos was 45; Anthony wus 46 ; Cragin was40; Frelinghttysen was 44 ; Sargent wus 34 ; Shermun was 38 ; but it never occurred to ono of this hcroio band that his presonce was re quired to help savo tho Union. Liko Zucb Chandler, tbey thought blood. letting would do good, but they pro furred, at he diil, that it should be done by deputy. Now theso men nro as bravo as Julius (,'tt'sor, und they mean to kocp up tho war. Jv. 1. .Sun. He Practical. Header, whenever a Ruilicul talks to you about "rebels," "reconstruction,' etc., just ask him why it is that thero is pence, union and prosperity in thoso Slates down South which havo been in tho hands of tho Democrats over since the closo of tho war, and nothing but perpetual strife in those States ruled by tho Radical ? Why is tho negro happy in Georgia and Virginia, and unhappy in Louis iana and Mississippi ? Just because tbo Democrats have controlled public affairs in tho two former States, wbilo tho Radicals havo adjusted matters in the latter Stales. The policies of the two parties aro as diverse as day is fruit) night,' and tiobo but tho blind and tho bigoted can seoit in any other "KM. A Ciianch. Yes, a change is what is demanded. Business men see it, the laboring man feels it, and tbo Banker, wbo is not wholly selfish, knows it. Every day the certainty bceomes more apparent that "Undo Sam," tho Great Reformor, will bo tho next President of the United States. , The country sadly needs a change, and just sucb a man ns Samuel J: Tilden to detect the publie robberies. Horse Racing. Gov. Hayes, th Radical candidate tor President, is at tending Grant's sporting school at Long liranch.t lie is ovidently look, ing after backing, presents, trader-posts, or somo cadctsbip. Tho Tribune still calls on Hayes to repudiate Grant, but this last move wo think will cause that organ to "dry up" on that subject ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notleo It hereby glees that Letter! of Ad- miBi.tratlo oo IBO oetelo or JNO. VAN BRA BANT, loto of Ilo. ton town.hln. ClearSeld Co. Pa., deeeaead, barlag boon dnly granted to tbo anderalgaed, all porioai todobted to laid aetata will pleaeo make immediate payment, and Ihoee naeing eiaime or domaaae ogaia.1 tbo laml will preoent tbem properly aatbontloatod for eeltle moot without dl!sj ALFRED SCOFIELD, Peaield, Sept. I, T SI. Administrator I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. J Notleo ii hereby giron Ibat letter, te.le- meatary baring been granted to ibeeabeeriber on tko eolato of FRANCIS SHORT, deooaaed, lata of Cloerleld, ClearSeld eoaaty, Peon'e, pt, pvnune luuiDieoj to earn aetata an reo,aoeted lo make Immediate payment, aod Ihoee hieing elalmi agalnet Ike umi will prelent them dale aalhoatleatad for eelllement. P. A. OAULIN, FRANK FIELDING, ClearSeld, Aug. II, "Tt-St. Eleeulon. EX ECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notioo II htrtby glrea that letter, teeta meavtary aarlae been greeted to tbeondoralined on eka .-- a- . . . . . .... ........ r-II n , or., r4 d, lele of Lawreaoo lownehip, Cloarteld eooaly, Pa., all paraoai Indebted to aaid eiUte are requested to male Immediate paymant, and thon luieiag olaimi agelart tbo aamt will preient them dale aatbeatleated for eettierernt. Sr-A. B. Shaw, who i. aolherlui by the ether Rieoalan, will attoad lo tbo oetllimenl of --. iae meo 01 IOO Sxeootori, In the 7 ... . . ' pi.i vjoeepnnnaw una, It ClearSeld, anon bt oan ha found al all limn. tfu.--r.rn diiaw, , A. II. SHAW, lEa'n. A. B. HUAW, 'I ClearSeld, Augiitt to, IH7(l-t, QAUTION. All pereoBi an hereby oaolloned ageln.t par. ebaamg or la my way meddling with oae brown mare. Bow la the poeoeoeloa of Ralph Seholtl, of karlhaae towaaklp, ai aaid mare wai purebaied by Jaaeee Looai, aad helonga to me, and ie osly Ion oa kmo, lubjool to my order at aay time. FRANCIS LKItlKY. Leeoale'l Milht, Aug. It, lS7t-lti QAUTION7 T" All pereoni ere hereby oaolloned aaaiaet pmkailog ar negotiating a lertaia nolo glrea by a, il.a, aalliag for oaa baadrod and My dollare, payable aloe maalkt .or rniiipebarg Uenk, oad draw a la lavne af W J II. r i . , .... ... aare aei roeeieoa any relee for laid Bole. 1 still aai ae i. ..i. I. - 1 A I J ' . a .j owe prooo.i or law. . , K.u. COMOWAY, Fraaakvilla, Sept. t, IS7.Ie C AUTION- All liar.nn. im M...i.B.j . .. . i J "."" pur. ehallag tr la tny wty meddling with Iht follow. Ing property, new In potetailoo of Jamet VY. and Kllta Cl-aver, of Penn township, to Wit I 2 horiol. 1 mm ij a.11 9 .1 .' 200 doten of oalt, 3) anrra of eorn, t lot of wheat, I two-horts wagon, s aajli of bar neis. 1 fanning mill, 1 clock, and the ed- eiaaui ana ueuamg In lbs bouis. . Thii nmrHtrt lei rtuerltaa.l ka Dl ' I , . I mm... vj tira mm nuvriue Hale, ran Ilia 2lat Ha ar a ........ i ir. i . . i , ' - a.,N,iiiu ,e iwie wilb the above partita on loan, tukfaot In ny nrner at any time. KLIHHA DAVIS "ranapran nun, Blpl. e-n,n , QADTION All MlMIM AM ketaaLm ....a! 1 I inblllll mm I u ay tt isaaul.lll.- .IsL Ik. r.l lowing praprT,ow in poumion of ,ob ' ' " Jiiiwwiun, lOtflvl o Oia Ol otrp. lot of floor nuin, g UblM, ward ,obl L10 ,,i P'P l mud pip. 30ohiri, I tounf, I ti.l bou4, 4 Until, 6 bf4i tnd bedding, I uphort, 1 daMK. Mr ft VtlirM .f.glA... Aula OA J aa rys. 1 cow and bell. 1 ivbilt-baok oow. . rvru w, ii naail of boga, a pigi, 1 1., KHI kstlla. I laea eu I I . , I ' -" ".Miei eel, I tsi dsub ebarnmet, I oadrJIa, lee of hsv Is barn, I ibovtl plow, I Iwo-hons wigoe, -, i-uuora, i loui-tnutrs barrow. 1 DO abova nrnnaela- a.. . I I L . dl i. ,r .r ' pMiouaewM uy Ol I at Bhsrift,' lala on Us In d.v of Sapless, bar, tnd k osly loft .lib ,ui ltuJr M J'TT . F ruwr ai any lies, Herd, lMrp..3, ,, B.QRAHAM. Wl5ffl!jBfPBl. OB PHINTIMO Of EVERY PRSORIr I lioaaaatly taaoatod al Ibli oSiao. T IilAL LIST.e-, , , List of eanaei eel dowo for trial al teeoad wk af the Septomter Term of Court, IS.O, being Monday, Out. Id I Illppi A Lloyd . a. Douglas. A Orambllag. II. W. Caldwell oa. A. O. Finney. Miohaal Hubert oi. Curweasellle Bridge Co. A. Peala, Sr. .. la. Corley el. al. MoabanaoB L. A L. Oo s. B. T. Diy ot al. Kelly'. Ileire .. J. W. UeUkee at. al. O, W. Croaell ... Rubor I LaaaUrry. Cbal. R.mstaad .. Edward Flaadere. C, at. al. vi. Kdward Vl.eeere. (lev. A. Poet Jeeob Ilileer s. Daeid Flegal. VI. Jooeph Sbav. vi. Austin Kerta. vs. W. W. Bowmen. vi. John MuLaagblla. , vi, l.aae tlelne. ot. al. vi. Hiohard Moeoop. VI. KlUaaalug OoalOo. vs. ClearleM Park Anoei'l re. It, S. Wells. Daniel VYuaver, D. Ulatebard Joseph Findley v Thomae Tayljr ' J. G. He vie Samuel Uordoa Ktoaard Shaw, Jr. George hagee' David P. Morrison - ve. Sarah Bowmoa. ELI BLOOM, Cleitrlold, Aug. 30, 71, ' ProlboBotary H. A. KRATZER, (pucokmoii to) KRATZER & LYTLE, DRY 000 US, KpTIONS, BOOTS, , snoEs, LEATHER, ii. CARPETB OILCLOTHS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, ETC. Market Street, ClctrSeld, Pa. Feb. H, 1170. tf j. r. wiivbi ...w. w. inn Oi J1KTTN CLEARFIELD, PA., Are of.rlng, at tht old tald of 0. L. Reed A Oo, . tbetr i took of goods, tonilitlog of- PRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, i BOOTS A SHOES. 1IATS A CAPS, , HARDWARE, I . QUKKNSWAM, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, 4o., 4c, At the molt reasonable ratu for CASH or la I osehaago for (Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. , trAdvaaeoi audi to thou tngaged la get flag out eqaare timber on tha molt adraatageoai lonnt, " ' ' pdtljaan .fuarifrd the lUfhrtt .Ittdal al E. & H.T, ANTHONY V CO., SOI Broadway, New York, (Opp. Metropolitan Hotel), ua'vricTi atai, uroartat tas naiLtaa CIIROMOS & FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS A Ik u mi, nraphierpi, rUtofmhi, aid Madras PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS, We are headquarter! for ovary tblag la tks way of StTopticoai md lUgio ZtUttenu, - BelBg maBafaetarori tf tha MICR0 8CIBNTIFIC LANTERN, BTKREO-PANOITIPON, ITVIVKkHtTV HTirnnpTrrinvr ADVERTISER'S STEROPTICON, Atiioriictlri, ISCHOOl LANTERN, BAMILY LANTERN, fl atAilKN. ' Raeh style being Ibo beet of III .leal It tbt aarbet. Catalogaai of Laatorai aad SIKlee, wltk dlroo tloae for aslag, eeal aa applleatloa. Aay ttterprliing sua eas maka moaey wltk a Magie Lantern.- - avCVIiltort to tht Centennial EmeeiUoa will da wisely lo defer parcbeitag goods la oar line antll they oome to oar store la New York, whore iaj win ana greater variety ana more moderoto prioel, aad aaa istee! tbem al their lei. ere. Bui wo havo a eoaeeaaioa to tell oome atylee of oar gooda la Ibe botkttag af the Department of PeMtc Comfort, nnd Ihoee not earning to New York are invited ta oall oa onr repreeontatloB thero. MA full stook of Viewt of Iht Blpoiitiot -tr-Cut ont tbii advlrtieement for roflroBee.i JoniT, IS7S-ly. CALIFORNIA. TUB OlICAVO AID lUHefllTHI MlLWAt " ""ft"""" id wrta TrnBk Rilwy LIdm f tk WKtST und NORTH KtabfMM BDdor tht (rrtftt W kHT mmA -.lik la. a a. , oaaucmi, lorai tt ihertaMt aad qaiohttt man kaalmaaarmu.....J .11 1 . e ... , wi.. ate. aaanini iriHMl tH OOfiaiR. N.RTftmR MtcaiaA. MtmaaoT.. Iowa NllllKl. lh..M..,. J .L. maf ' .BataUTORIBI, 1U v - a... .....aa -amiaa mm aw eTTBHa Omaha and California Line Is tha shortest aad best mate for an polnti Is Wroaira, Coioaino, Uvi. Havana. CiLiroo veseve, vera, ff.rilul aosnaua, III Chicago, Madison & St. Paul Line U the ahortoil line for Nobtsbbs Wtecoma aad for Minlioa, St. Pint, Mia nanus, DtiLirra atd til poltti Ib the Ureal Winona and St. Fctcr Line I tha) ) fMBtea fn W.-..I. a t a-... ,.,n,.ws, itBVSKBTRS, UWI ion At Maktt, Ht. farm, Hrw Klh, and al IrOfntt tB SoatllM'B BBd OM(lfJ Ulntabsa.. IS. Green Bay and Marquette Line ie toe aaiy naa ie, jaeatTiitl, WaraBTovra VlIBB II. A.aU. . . . - vmrnmrnmrn, nfrL.T... USISI WIT BeoaaAaa, Naoai aaa, Maawtiarra. Horaartae uaaoora and tko Laai Sneaaiea Cuvavav. Its Freeportand Daboaue Line Il the only root! for Emit, Roramat, Fill rotv, tad all polati via, Fraoport. lu Chir-nRO and Milwaukee Line ...,m,m nvllta, mm 10 WO OBiy OB0 paaelnc through Evaaivoa, Laai Foai.i. Hioa tn Pata, WavaaoiB, Rtciaa, Kaeoaia lo Puilinan Palace Can trt rwa aa til thrnigk mint af tkli road. This Ii lha ONLY LINK rwnnlng those cars ha. L " aaa m. real, t.'hloago and M M.eo- kee, or Chleego tnd Wlnoaa. Al Omaha oar Slaepera ooaneet wltk Hie ever land Slerpon oa the Vnlol Paelli Railroad for all polela Wool of tho Mlaaourl Blror. On Ike arrival af the tralae from tht Rait ar Soath.Oretraloa of tho Okleago A Nortk-WooaeTB Railway LBAVB CHIOAeOal fidmtre" fwrlleHaeMtll MlaBa ,aa.k..a...... m,. .. aaaaaaMMmreOl, U T V i'U,' "M r'"ll"" 'aaa. CoaatiVaS. " -." MlaassM". Two Tkreaeh Tre e, datl. na b-t, u.. ' . X altaehedoB both Irataa. Traiai dally, with t.ll e.lM Carosltaohod. aad ewaalag ih-oart la Maravmtifc n -"".' Through Treli, dell,, rallmea Cera oai al.kl t,..i ... a da, tr.lM ' 7 M,,'"L,' ,"4 Hl" aad pol.ti la M'r,Vt. " Tb"" '"'la dtlly, with .Ma-a. ni-epere IB w laoaa. Far Irakuq.e, .la Freoworl, Two Tkroagk a. Craaaa. ,l. oil.liV. Two Throaah Teal. a a.n. ....m ; oa algal trala ta MeGrogr,'lawa. .' aff"? CIlFaa Vakon.TwtTralaa .,.'.".':,0,"U Valla, jUTtT. Nav Yurb itbtLtaa w. in m . . otw n.. . i.r ai1: :zr'"' -r" Faewkaa ftraal. ... v '. waam wiraM, Sea FraaelaeeiM a ,0. i. . W. H. BrainBrr. y... ta Oaa. Faaa. Ag Okkwota, ",iirt-., "- eiC gUfttlUttriuf. HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA, DSAI.SIIS IN PURE DltUUS! 3nbLJDULr'AvUaa-53. CHEMICALS! ' PAINTS, OllaS, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, ' DitUSIIKS, PERFUMERY, f ANCY GOODS TOILET AMICUS, OF ALL KINDS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, fir medielaa! iarpooot. Tra.eea, Supporttrt, School Beoki and Btatloa ary, and all otker artielei aiually found In a Drug Stort. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. Having a large el GrleBoo la the balloon they eta giro entire lot aotioa. J. O. HARTSWICK, JOHN F. IRWIN. Ctetrleld, Deoember II, 1874. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Saoettaora to Boynton A Yoon,J FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS MaU.afavcturt.ri of PORTABLE tt STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth aai Pine Streets, CLRARKIEM), PA. f TAVING ingaged In tht minufaotnre of ftrrt XX ilaal MACHINERY, we rrapoetMly Inform ba pabllt thtt wo an now prepared lo 111 ill orders at ohoaply and ai prutnptlyai een be done In any of tho ritlel. We maanfaetara and deal la Mulaj and Circular Saw-Milli Head Blookl, Water Wbotli, Shafting Pulley Giiord's Tnjeetor, Steam Gaugei, Steam Whistles. Oilert, Tallow Cvpl, Oil Cape, Gauge Cock a, Alt Conke, Globe Valval, Cfaook Valroa, wrought Iron Pipoe, S'.aam Fampa, Boiler Feed Pumpa, Anil FrletloB Metres, Soop Stone PaeblBg, Gum Pak. ag, aad all kladi of MILL WORK together with Flowa, Sled Solea, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, aad otker CASTINGS of in kinds. T-Ordera solicited aad llled at elty price. All letter! of inouiry wilk rofereooo to meokinery of oar manufacture promptly on.wero.1, by a.l dree ing aa al Clearield, Pa. janl74-tf BIULER, YOUNG A REED. The Bell g Run Woolen Factory, Fata Uwanhlp, Cloarteld Co.. Pa. tli R kt la II II l T I Bar aov BUR NE D U P I TtiatnrjMrlKaTPtl haM ml Mai at.e..e... I Ma . --'7, im awo, tn-wwotiuat oi am- alBH WtwtBB Mnn factory, with mil tht aodtra saipivitiiii(.n aiiwnra, ana ar prepared to maka all kiada of Clot ha, Castlmena, SatioatU, Bit, kata, Flannel i, Ao, Plenty or gooda oi band to apply all oar old and a thonaand nowemtoaara, mi Daainaaa of CARDING AND fULLIXfl will roealva oar oapoelal atUatloB. Propor B-e-iHewHi win o-j nNf to nooivo aaa atiiror WOaL teTi anil nmaf 1 II .k J x w. -r-- .oa-. -aav. iwat BUltn, Mv uj W.T.91 ailOB- Uoa to baaiataa wa hopt to raalUt a HbarBl ahan KMMKI POUNDS WOOL WANTED t W WlH thSk lltaa a.l.k..t ..k.S 1.. AV . . -. - -- r--" - weeg-aeamai aauiaal mv -11 loaf Dr WBt tj wl oar BaaaraotartMl ffooda aa low aa alaiilar w apvti ui aOBBty, 4MB WBOBOVtr Va. fall I Mtldlaaa MaanaakU s: .a-- ... -. --w weaiieiaauwal wa aa alwaya bafoBBd at bona raady to aht proper AinUaalln. a.ll 1. . I . ' v a V ' r ., -..-a-i aai pviwarn ur jjj J1.r, I1MUJ lAlluonwi' . a. BprilMtf Bo war P. 0 V. COUCH. ft. tt'COBBfcft. ft. BBILVHU: Gl'LICH, McCORlLE & CO.'S (Saeeeeeore ta Joka Salleh ), POPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, ' Market Street, ClearSeld. Pa, Wa maaafaetara all klna .r t... uaaaaoora, uiuiag Roe roe, Unrartai aad Ualle. If job wait Farnlture of one bia. I k. until yoa aaa ear .lock. VXDERTAKINU Ib all ka hranohot. Wa keep la etoek all the aatw boo moot lauproveo: Ootnoe aod Ceahetl, Bad have every facility for properly eoa ductlng thii branch or our baalue.a. We have a pet-nt Corpeo Pre eerier, la wbleh bodies oan ho preeorved for a cob. Idorablo lengtk af lime. A member of tho trm hu his sleeping apin. mial al ear wan room, whore he oaa be foaed by any paveoa wha oome at eight far tha aarnoee al procuring ootloi. r r, a ,, GyLIClI, McCORKLR A CO. Cloerleld, pa., May 10, 'Jt-ly. pERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, TT t klnta, n are. . uamuixhu VASES, Rtovo Lining and Fire Brick, kept oonatanllj oa kind. 8T0M AXD lAlTlin-WARI 9t WERT DESCRIPTION I 0ROCK8I POTSI CROCK8I m-Mf Pttaat At-tlg-fct Beir. a,al. Prwll tail , . . "fTTS CR0CK8, wltk lido. CREAM CROCKS, MILK CROCKS APPLE. BUTTER CROCKS, ....... iaae viOvin, FLOWER POIS, PI DISHES. STEW POTS, Aid a gnat aiaay ether tkioga too aamaroui U "Mea, tu oo aaa at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S 8TONK WARE ' POTTERY, Otraer ol Ckerrv and Third StraeU. tbaanriiku, rA tagl Clearfleld Nursery. KNCOUEAOK HOME INDUSTRY. mil ndtrtlnid . kavlng eeubllakid a Nor- alsh all Had. .1 a , VV .1 VfT'' '": . , . m annivo, inoB4ord BBd 0!rLr."r'M'., t?' UP Via" , TlILmJV, Rlaek berry, Sln.berry, i.i.-. ..a L , "ivo, oioeriaa CrabTroee, , J. D. WRIGHT. M M Ctrweaivllli, tt. Sottl. THE ''MANSION HOUSE Corner of saooad and Market Streeti, CMCARKII.I:l, pa. Willi aid aad eommodloai Hotel kai lri J. tko pail yaar. keen aalarged U deaHi'S. former oapaaity far Ike aauiulamoat el ate. gen aad guelU. Tkl whole building hu h!.k refuraishid, aad tbt proprietor will soars ' patal lo render hla gnats lomfortahls !!' Maying with him. prn 'Maaeloa lloait" Omnlbi, ntlu d from tko Depot oa tkt arrival aad d.Mre,!! aad of each trala. W. C CAHbVv July 11-71 If Pieprl LLEGIIENY 110TEL- Market Street, Clearfield, p., Wia. S. Bradley, formorly proprielor of a. l.eonard lloaso, having Mosed the Allr-ltm llulol, lolletle a share of nubile patroeaia, vj Houee baa keen thoroughly repaired ami a,wll furnfeeed, md guests will tod it a plri,sot rba? ping plaoo. The talill will be oupnliou uilb to, beet of overytbiug in the market. At lis nu will be found the ileal wlnea and lluor. ua. stabliag attached. WM.S. UI1A01.I.1, May If, 'IS. ' Propristor. SUS(i U 1 1 A N N a Tiousic, CURWBNSVll.LR, PA. NEW10N HEAD, Piiortitioe. Having beeome proprietor of this Hot,), j would respectfully solicit tbl petron.e. ot th, pablli. Uousi leasantly and eonveoirotly at. Bated a -I) reflttad and refuroiabod ; good ,lt). pie roooso attaehad. All railroad Iraina (ice a tbia boaeo. Jaill fi SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Merket A Front etraeu,) ' CLBAHFIELD, PA. Tbo andaralgnad baring takre charge of tli, Hotel, would respectfully eulioit public t.atroDast. janl'ft D. K. FULLKKIm.v WASHINGTON. HOUSE, NEW WASIIINtiToS, y, Thil aew and well famished hours ha, beai taken by the nnderalgned. Ho feole eonfuital sf being ablo to reoder eatiafaotion ta ihoee abeaa, favor bim with a aall. May I, IS7I. 0. W. DAVIS, Pro,,',, jyj- out our ii o u a e , Oppoaita tbl Coart Hoaoe, LOCK HAVEN, PE.NN'A. JoK'Tl UAUSEALA KROM, 1'roo't LOYD "uousi; Main Street, PIIIL'PHIIURG, PBNN'A. Table alwaya lupplled with tbt boot the nerkn tSorda. The traveling public li Invited to calL Jtl.l,'7l. ROBERT LOVU. ?auts. r. K. ABBOLB. C. W. ABBOLO. J, IRInt, F. K.ARNOLD & CO., IlmikerN mid UrokrH, Reyuoldavllle, JefFeraon Co., . ll'iBey roeeired oa depoilt. Diaeounu it mw derate ratoa. Kartem and ForaiffB Kirbaef. j. waTa ob haBd aad eolleetiooa promptly madi kayool.ii rilia, lao. 16, ISH.-ly County National Bank, 09 CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Maionia BallJlnit, ona donr lurtltd i 0. i. Wit ton a Drag 8 to re. Puii( Ticket i to and from Lirerpool, Qumb. town, Ulaagow. London, Paria and Cupnl.s)t, Alao, Draft for aale on the Royal Dank of Irtlu4 and laiporUl Bank nf London. JAM KB T. LR0NAKD, Pret't W. If. 611 A Wt Caahier. tl:l:Tt DREXEL & CO., No, 31 South Third Street, Phlladelphli u.imrucRS, And Dealers in Government Securities, Applleatioa by mail will receive prompt aim lion, aad all Information ehoerfully foraiisei Ordon oolicted. April 11-0. Jfulistru. STEWAET4 BLA0DDM7" DENTISTS, Canrentvllle, Clearflel4 Connty, Ptnt'i (OBoe la Gatei' New Deildingf Carwenivllla, jan 11, 187S-ly. DrTe. THOMPSON, (OCce la Baak Bonding,) CarweniTllle, Clearfleld Co., Pi. ektlTS-tf. A . M, HILL8 Would nsportfnlly notify kispiliran .that be haa reduced the price or ARTI FICIAL TEETH to Mo as . Sl.SS for a dooblo let. For aay two pereoH coming at the came time, ta have each an apper eet, will git the Iwt aau for, ar each. Termi Invariably Caaa. Cloarteld, Jan. I, ISTI. STEAM SAW MILL, ENGINE AND BOILERS FOR SALL Thl Bndertlgaed offen for rale OB rraroiahla Urms, their .trace taw mill, located at Wallae,. tea, ClearSeld Co., Pa. Tha eagina aad hoiM are aa good ai aiw. The eioe of the eniiee U Wall, aad U la good running order. Thry oil alao aall their abiogle aad lath mill, and ill tha working machinery in the mill. Partiea uikii ta purcnaae oaa call on or addrci GRAHAM. WALLACE A CO Clearield, Pe , 10, ISIk, MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAEDON dt BRO., lUar af Tia't Opera Uooae, , CLEARFIELD, PA. Oar arri,Pf.l. r. .f ik. i. fharaeter lor furoi-binf tbt pablic with Freik ..aa.imvi mn aieti, uii i iDertrv oeit ountij. Wa alao deal ia &)! kim.t sif a.e.nMw.i 11. m-nta, which we kfv en exhit-ltton far the txa OfttOf tllO Bllhlin. 1 B aMaa. -ham Im kc.a aad lake a look at thmn. or addreea na ClaarflelJ, Pa., July 14, 187.f. N TEW CABINET MAKING SHOP. M. B. SPACKMAN Dostm to innounoe to the n.1,11. ib.i ka ka, opoaed a CABINET MAKING SHOP IN CLEARFIRLO, Where he win KEEP ON HAND T TJ a jt 1 1 TJ S E , And do all klnda of CABINET WORK and Rt PAIR FURNITUHE of all k o. .kt aollco aad In Ibe best peeaible maaner. Sh .p n Fourlk elroet, oppoelto Park A Merrill'. Crriafi SI"P- Aug. J, ;i li. FRESH HEAT-SEW SHOP. Tho nnderelrnod kerebv Inferme tha oohltr Is general that they keen on band, rogu ariy. a their .hop. adjoining JOHN Ul.LlCIl a funitaa ruoma, oppo.iu Ibi Court Home, ibe A".er MUSH HKSF, VKAI W TT0S . LAMB, fuHK, STO, AT REDUCED TRICES, FOR,, CASH Market lornlnga Tuesday, Thorid.v, "1 Meal dl'itored at residsnoo aaei Satoriiara. desired. A .hare of na Iron age li reeperlfuIlT .'.licit. March I, IS7t-ly. STAIil A NOKRIi READING FOR ALLII ROOKS STATIONERY Market HU, ClearSeld, (at tha Poet titire.1 THE andereigned Bete mare to anecnee. t. tho eltloeaa of CLorteld and vlrlnilr. Ikal he hai llud an a rao aa. k.. ..,,eal from the city with a largo amount of rs.J a matter, aonal.llng In part of Biulei and Misoelknnnna Books, " uao rati Boole or eisrr er eorlplloo i Paper and Envelope!, French preeead and plain i I'ene and Pencil! i Hlani Let" l eper., lleoda, Mortgagee Jojgmoel, bf lion end Pmmliarr Bote!! White and I'.rrl meal Brief, Legel Cap, Record Cap , aad III" 0 Khaat alnala f... .t.L. 1,1 lt,. '..a. HUak a ..... .. . .. ...a, Iv, a,,u( IIRH, riOie OT conitaatly oa haod. Any booha or il.ii"""! "'i toiey boi oateoa homl. will be .." by tret aapre.s, and lold nt wholesale or retell tO la it aualoaa.r. t .ill I - L 1 ... Iltiratan, mh ti Migailtee, New.p.i cr.. Ie. r. A. UAII.IS. laarteUJ, May f, Ull if JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FUliNITUKE, ltIATTIlI.HKM, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STRtKT, NEAR F 0. lai aadinlgaod kegi leave to lafora l"""; aeaa of Cloarteld, tnd Ike public generellr. " bo knt en kand a too teeortment of Fenlie eack ai Wilaat, Channel aad Palaled I'haarer Sallee, Parlar Seltee, Reclining and Em" ,'k. I.. , - Jl , . ., . ... :. ,k. Ba. a aaainj ... WOOIO OB., , Ball-. --- , fontod Dlalag aad Parlor Chain, Caae Seelief Wladlof Chain, Clotbll Bare, Step led KH lloa Ladder!, Hal Rack), Scrubbing Brei," alOULDINO AND PICTl'RI FliAR Looking (llaaeea, Chramct, Ae. wkkk aeekl H IBllable for llelleay preeenla. decll'TJ JOHN TROfT-