THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA WIDNBBDAT M0HN1N9, 8KPT. IS, ItTt. Terms of Subscription. If natd In within three moolhi M.$S M IT paid ftr three and before ill methe,H I 60 If paid afer theeipiratloa of all months.., I rWmri. 8. M. ParranaiLL A Oo,, News paper Advertising Agents, IT Pmik Row, corner uvea man Direct, are our uuiy iiinoniw gwm p ntw lorn uuy. ti ELIGIOUfl K OTIC EM. MM hod let r.nlif onl Church Rev. B. P. St, vims, jaitor.- Public St rvl every Sabbath et i4 a. ai., ana 7 r. N. Sabbath School at 9 A. M. Prayer n.. etlag every Thursday, at Tl P. M Comn union Service, tret Sabbath of ovary on lb, At 10) A. M. Hit Clearfield M. , Church Revs Wh. II. Uir.L aad J. V. A-naaaoa. Pastors. Preaching every alternate Sunder, it 8 o'clock, P. M. Sunday School at 2. P. M. All are In vited to attend. Preab) terlait Ctiurcli-Ker. H. . Butlib. BnblirUb service! morning aad evening Hab- bath Sobool at S V. M. V rayer Meeting We does day arening. Mt. a licit' thurrh Catholic Rt. p. J.SuaniPAN. -Preaching at 10ft o'clock, A. M ga the nrat, third and fourth Sundajeof each month) Vespers and lienedlelionoftbe Bleseed Haaramenl at 7 o'clock, P. If . Suodny School ovary Sunday afternoon at I e'cloek. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. I. KB OF I0LOIRO QUiaTBB IRHIOHI CODBT, 8erond Monday of January, TVni Monday af Mareb. Ptiat Monday ef June, Fourth Monday of September. Tim or bold mo comboa n aa!. Pint Monday of June. Second Monday of November. ruiLie orrtcBit. Pmidtnt Jwtjp lion. Charlea A. Mayer, of Lock Haven. Ai$tat Low Arfoa Hoi. John II. Or? If, af llellelonia. Attoeiat Judy William 0. Foley, Clearfield j John J. Head, L'urwenivtlle. ProtkttnotarfltW Bloom. Keaiultr ami Jfaeorrfai L. J. Morgan. Itittriet Attorney Frank Flalding. Trtamrir David Mctiaughey. A'Asn William R. MePherson. Count g 8rifor Sam ol P. McCloekay, Cur wenavllle. Count v Com aWist'on-re Clara Brown. Clear field Tbnmu A. McUee, Cheat P. 0. Hurls Hoover, Clearfield. County Auditor Christ. T., Olen Hope t Samuel A. Caldwell, Wtlliamegrove t Jobs u. uonner, nurnaiae. Vomnty (Vor J, B. Naff, New Waehington. Jury Vommitiiontrt John W. Shugart, James Milohell, C let riled. Snp4HnUndnl of PrnbUt 8c hoot t John A Gregory. Curweneville. A'olariaa Public John W. Wrlgley, Wot. Ra- debaugh, Cjraa L. Gordon, Clearfield; Jot, H. Irwin, N. 1. Arnold, Curweniriliet J. J. tingle, Oaeeola Milli. Onr Svttial column la decidedly infarct ting In a loeal point of view, and profitable reading I out aider! who want to ee aaonay. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6TH, 18 THI LAST DAV TO PAY TAX KB, IP YOU WANT TO VOTE FOR PRK8IDKNT THIS YEAR. PRIMARY ELECTION ON SATURDAY. Tho population of Dubois, thin coun ty, la 728-412 malee and lift (etnalef. A colony of ono hundred and fifty pertona hai been organised at Altoona, with a view of emigrating to Tax at. Severn I intercHtin articles wilt bo found on our Drat and fourth pagri thla week. Read them all cart fa II y. DEMOCBATS, itU your duty to attend the primary election on Saturday neat. Poe lo It that yon are than. 1 - a- An abundance of ruin hftfttullenin thii region during the patt few day, and the weather la now cool and refreahlog. ' If you want a gmxl horno and com- Cot table buggy for a burineaa trip or pleainra riding, go to (Jearbert'e livery atable. Our townsman, Mr. K.NowlonShaw, returned home on Saturday night from a prolonged alay In the clliea of Philadelphia and New York. nm Tho AVilliftmnport GazHteand Bulletin aeyt there are luga enough In tba Soaquehann buum and above It in tba river to make 10,000,0011 feet of lumber. The "mild September" it now with ui, and coot nlgbta and morning, ckaraatariaila of tbia acaaon, and favorable timaa to aleap, bear the month company. The IMimhihitioniHt of tho Indinna- JefTeriun Henatorlal diatriot net at Oeorgerilla, Indiana county, on Wednetday laat, and aootiaa Ud Parker P. Blood, of Drookville.ajlheireaadi. date for Senator. mm a i Charles Miller and Joseph Gonldy made (heir eteape from the Willlamtport Jail laat Hatorday morning, by digging through the wall. Barglary and robbery were the ariejeo for whieh they were impriaonal. mm mm M ra. .Tumes T. Leonard has presented the library of tba Leonard Literary Aaaootation, in tbia place, with a full aat of A p put on 'a Ameri can Cyclopedia all ten vol a met coating one hundred and twelve dollar!. The Williamsport SumUiy Times ro eorda the hot that Mr. Thomae Cantwell, of that city, a poor laboring man, and who work! In a it one -yard there, hat fallen heir to about $8,000 by tba death of an nnela Id Mlaaoarl. The Philipsburg Journal says that " Clearfield baa a Goo and Rod Aaeoeiatlon for the protection of ganio and lah.M Haven't beard anything of It over bare, Brother Mnrpby I Cnr wenavilla, however, baa toch an A Modal Ion. mm mmm i It ii fltutcd that every available paaaenger ear on tba renneyivania uaiiroaa u now rao aired to eeootnajudate Centennial travel. Notwithitanding tho Immenaa travel over thia road not a paaienger hat been injured tbia leaeon "Soldier" McDonald received a so- vrre blow on the hand latt Thunday evening, from the bat-end of n fan in the bandc of a man named Wafh. Brady, from tba effect! of which "Soldier" la allll luflerlag. Brady waa tomcdl atcly arretted and lodged in JalL Tho "(irttiiKora" held a pic-nio on the farm af Mr. Hamad Wldemire, at u ram plea Hilla, la Penn townahip, on Wedneaday of laat week. There waa a large ettendaooa of farmert, with tbelr familiea, from all parte of tbeeoanty, and they report having bad a good time. a' Matnuol P. Wtloon, administrator ol the eiUtt of Mra. Hettle Lotler, will tell a tract of land, altaattln Bradford townahip, at public ale, from (he atepi in front of the Court II ogee, In Clrai field, oo Tueiday, Octobar 4th, Fee deter ip tlon In our advertitlng column! to-day. There are several eases of typhoid f.vcr In tbia borough and vicinity, tl woald be well tor or aiilenae to Uke all neeeeeary praoaf Hon in regard to pravtitlng malarioaa dleeaeee, and only by aierelain Iht grttet care at tbia aeaaon of the yaar oan tba attach and tpread or fevert be preveated. Jas. 11 . Dunnintfton, a colored black tmlth, rctlding al Halitbarg, Indiana county, hat fallen heir to t farm of one hundred aerti.eitaate in Baeklngham aoonty, VlrginU, by the will of a relative. Tho form U well-improved, having on It two dwelling honora, aad ft grirt mill which haa eight run of burn. Lint of letters remaining unclaimed In ibePottumce at Clearfield, for the weak ending 8eptemtrlltn,lft7nt I -ll til, David Hora, Mitt Llada Doraa, Daniel Wangh, Charlea P. Dlckerton, Mertla Yotbera, Joarpb Ilaugheaberry,Mary Ann P. A.OAULIN.P.M. Tom Flock, ol the firm ofT. A. Fleck A Co., I. now I N.w York oil,, lojiaf Mook of good, tt Ik. Poll Md Wlour Ind. Ho will mora 1 fro do?, ud will koro o. rihiblllo t tbolr ttort-roooi, I tkli ,1m,owo of tbo loolt onortKoaU of drru 04 fw", dr, food .rot bt(TOkt rot IkU ooomj. Coll ood m Ik ood toito dlrployod k, Tool. Tho time is rapidly drawing; nigh wbn bo. ood dioi will kid M odlow, ood loao HfbUo, Uom will oooio omI, I lb rnii(, ud w u tkn oojoy o.rorlrM tllllof tmwd Ik ohMtfol Iro ildo I. plooouloMtonou ltro Wo radio,. Aod lot tko loMt Iklo, okool It lo Ibot Iko omI ooiklollo ko kor bruk. ud otkrollo prooil. to ko eboo,. Wo always Inks ilouro in calling tbo ttUotlo. of on roodon I tho Iro Oil, Ool lo,o. For opword, f tw.ol; jnn tbl, popolor kuloou Collon ko km tbo lo.dlo, lortluiloo of th. klad I oiUUooo. You, doilroa, of priptrlo, tb.MMlvo, for Mtlro II fo ibowld ot ftll I ak tboBfolru lalod with It pon Hn ojorilo. Coal Oil JiV tie has reoeivod a oar load of coal I, and aan 1 It by the quart or barrel. Alec, by the eta, ... tf. . i i i h Wanted! 1,0(10 cords of Hemlock and Rock Onh Bark, for which we will pay the hlgheat market riec Jylltr. A. 0. Kbambb A Oa. LoaiLLAHD'a ToiiAcooavLytle, of tbia place, haa tho ngenoy for cienrnaid county for Lorlllard'a aelebraUd branda of tobacco, and an Mil them at factory prleea, Tho 11 a. M. train bus boon Into for teveml deyi peat. It la on account of the traina on the main Una being divided Into ona aectlona, to aaaoumodale Oentennial vialtort, The traina en the branch road are obliged to wait nntll all theee aectlona bare patted Trone The sawmill of tho Albert brothers, on Morgan run. In Woodward towaihlp, thla on oty, wai totally dealroy 4 by Ira on Wed nee Jay night or laat week, together with about 200,000 fee t of lumbar, which wa nra informed belonged to Mr. Beynton, of thii pleoe. It li tald lo hive been oatued by an Inoendiary. A llllla hemp-law will be applied to tone of than raaeala If they ehovld be caught, and It la hoped they will be, If any of our readers who aro iroing to the Centennial with tba tiourtlon porty, oa Monday ntit, dealra a plaaaaat plaoa to atop dar ing their aojonrn In the Centennial City," we would recommend the St. Elmo Hotel, No. 117 Arch timet, at ona of the mott deal r able plasea In tba city. '8upe" Johnron, formerly of Clear field, It abief elerk, aad ,tbat alone li enough to In tare It to be a good place for Cleerflelderi to pnt up at. Trrme, IJ.W per day. A dvaporado named J. WeMey Watt, eon fined in the Brook villa )alt, haaconfeated to numerona robberlea and to a guilty kaowledge of the m order of hit own father Jamea IPatt in September, 1874, by a confederal In robbery named Oliver Brooke. Tba old man bad threat ened to make Information agaiaat them for rob ber let which they had committed n abort time pre v lout. Watt and a number of bla "bnttlea and com pap loot la crime wilt be tried at tba pret ant term of the JerTeraon County Court, which commenced at Brook villa on Monday, The barn of Mr .Win. Hchnarra, in Kerlheaa townehip, thla county, together with all it content!, waa totally destroyed by Ira on Monday, the 4th lmL About one hundred both- ola of rye, thirty of wheat, a lot of oata, eight or tan tone of hay, n I href b log machine, and many other art Idee, ware burned ap, Involving a lota of about $1,2I0, on wbirb there waa bo Inauraooa. Tba caraleaa handling of matcbea by n amall boy la auppoaed to have been tba wny In whieh the fire originated. Another NiwDodok. Farmers, bo on the lookout for a new tw indie wbleh haa caught at vera I agriculturist in adjoining count let. A well-dratted and glib-toagued agent tl gottlog amca to a contract for a new at cam apparatua to took food for atook Tba machine la ropreacated at being a realty valuable oonoern, and tho Inno cent farmer la pomaded to accept the agency on the condition of getting one nt a very low rata, and tignt a contract to aell four meohlnaa'ia fuuV yean. Tho paper la ao arranged aa to bo con verted Into a promleory note of from ona to four hundred dollara, Oct yonr ihot-gua ready I We have received tho firnt number of the Jtgtrtom Cotg (irmptne, ft no aandldata for public faror, which laanehea Ita bark on tba journalistic aca from tba port of Brookvllle, Pa. Wm. O. Clark and Win. P. Brady, both practical printers, are the publlabera aad proprietora. Thla make the third paper published is thai town. The QrajAi it a neat all-column paper, Calltof local news, nnd if the Initial number before qs U an ladleatloft of their oobtm la the fatora, they oertalnly merit eoeeeai nnd a liberal patronage. The peper ia Independent In politic! and religion. We hope our young friend! will never have eaote for discouragement in tbelr new enterprise, , . Important Decision. An impor tant decision, of great interact to all who realdo In cities, towns, or vlllagca, waa recently made by Judge Henderson, In tha Lebanon Connty Coarta. A man waa Indicted for assault and battery upon a neighbor, because ha otaimed tha frail on tha branches of ft tree everspreediog the proeeeator'e premleee. Judge Hendereon said that every owner of land la tha owner of It from bla Una up ward aa far as be desires to make claim of IL, This being tba law tba prosecutor had the right to the fruit on tha branehea attending aver hit lot. Ha might even have sawed Utsm off. This decitlon It important at this particular time and It generally misnndtrstood by the people. Kxcuhsion to the Centennial. At last tba Odd-Fellows' aiearslon irom thia place to the Centennial Is a fixed fact. The train will leave Carweneville neat Monday womirg, Sep tember ltth. Tha tickets mast all be purchased at thla plaoa, bat pertona can gat on the train at any atation between Cnrwenavilla aad Tyrone). Sand tho U G. C Read, Clearfield, Pa., and be will aend a receipt for tha aan. 'On' presentation of this receipt, an the morning of the eicurelon, tho holder will receive a ticket to Philadelphia ftnd return. Tba tick at a will good fr fifteen days, and persons can return home at any time or on any trala tboy wish. - mm Clearfield Coal Trade. State ment of Coal and otbar freight! sent over tba Tyrone A Clearfield Dlvialon, Pennsylvania Rail road, for Iba weak ending Septembers, 1870, and the name lima laat year i COAL. For the week M- Samo time last year Increase Previously during year... Samo lima laat year Increase) Total In 1ST6 Same time last ytar Increase ornsn rnBioRTt. Lumbar Misoellaneona frelghta ..... n. , M !, . 74 " Odd-Fellows' Kxcdrbion. Tbe ox- eorato trol to tbo Cooteo&ioL for tbo oooounod- tlo of oil wbo dooiro to ,o, will Uoro Corwowl Tlllo oa Hondo, oaorain, oosl, Bpt. 18th. Ponoai ,olo o. tht, trol aoat Md tk,ir on, lo tbo Commlltoo ftt oooo. l'ortlw llrlo, t dioloM tow bod bet tor nnd tbo M0B0JT "With tomo p.rao lo otooro liobttf for thooi ow Tkorrdo, cr Friday, ffeptoov bor I4ib od Itih, ud ot w.ll mil tbo nut doj, o lb oolo of llekot will ,1om o Sotardoy OTOBl,, tho Kth txt. , 1 ; ' I ' 1 ' Portia, or tin nailodod tbot lb (token ! bo roeorod frMthCoitte,ertbeer. op- poloM to Mt for then t tbo difforoot oUtloM. Mubo, OlMt Boeooipoo, ll order, for tUkoU, or o Botloo will be lektB of then. In MBdlB, BO09O0 OBd MOB.J, OtotO ll Whioh letloB 7 no wUh to ,et ob Ike dor. . . , Tko followlB, porooB. hove bora Bppvlotod to roooWe Boao, ud dl.lribato ll.k.U ot Iba dlfor. eat atotlool t Cor0Blllc Dr. . VI. Staworl, Jo. R.lrwla. Claarl.ld Job MoClallOB, 8. i. Row, Eaor, 0. Rood. Woodlaod Reaboa UcPbaroos, Wa. Doll. Biflar A. L. PraoMoB. Wolloaatoa Uaorfo hlurj.o. Phlllpibar, Joooph Lohaea, H. ilkbrld,o. OomIo had lloalod.lo-IM. Sakaldt, W. C. Loo,.ford. 1)eath or Another Old C'lTi.tN How. Alalaader Caldwell dM at kla roetdaaoa n) Plk towo.kip, Boor CorweB.tllle, IhU ooaat,, oa Prido, morale, kit, th lib lert, Jsit foor aoathl oiler the dreeate of hil wife. Mr. Cold well wu a eld ud mpeeted elUua of tkU ouetr. Ia 181, tha DeaoereU eleetod bla Sharif, od la 1813-4 he elealed b, the Do BMeroe, of Cloorteld ud Elk eeaallee, I. Iba Howeo of Rapraoratallne of thla Stat, wker be arred thaa with hoaoat, tod tMlltr. H. we. a eeeilrt.ot Beabor of tbe M. E. Ck.irh for au, eoara, ud died Irlaapbeal la tbo faitk f Ckrlotiea. II waoMrlell, boatit tod heaorable la ell hie deollag a with hir felawrfwaa, aad oaaooded tbo reapeet ad adalrotioa of all. lie w la the 17th ,nr f hi an, ud hi oedj wa hid t net la th eoaeter, si Coalra Chroh a d.lerd.j tn.raooe, t lex,, ooawane of rela- Ueo ud frlead. llowiB the roaala. U tbelr leal reel ion pleoe. , BpttUM. .j ; 200 r",A0B" ,,ct," riftp-lfktk al-aal PMIedlpkl Trade Bel, a Tk.rtda, HeralBK, Hot ptrak.r, 1H7. o4 lla'al.ol, t - ., ) II.. URHKNE88' BAIAAR, Pklldlpkl, W ARTKD-k, Carw.aa.UU, S OOOcordeeah Bad ale worm. ItWtUU M-lark abo.ed eklaf low, aiutk iHMt ItJh ooaoel ehlaorlaa. KIUMNI feet back pla. bosrda. , MplA reoie. Poa Hte.-R. Newlea 8bw keae full eoppl, of Prodiaw a,f loo ud PloUem Wofoa. for aele. To be mob ot the Skew Hoaao ,ard. OaU e w oddrea kla at CU.r8.ld P.oo- oylrant. af io-m. WAMTBD-by Arwold.nt CarwnevUto, S.OOOrordeoak and bemlork bra. HMMMMJ mMnrh ahaved ahUiarlon I04I4MM 4-lnr b aawad ah la flan - ' t 1 04 1, (MM) feet inch, pine boarde. nepts. 1HB AMERICA II raTOPLK. No people In tha world suffer aa maah with Dvtnemia aa Amorlcana, A I then ah year! of tl- porlenoe In medicine bad failed to aceompllah a eertaiB and aura ram ad 7 for this dlaaaaa and Its eflerta, aach aa Sour Stomach, Heart-barn, Water brmta. Hick iteaflaohe, uoattreneea, paiptuiion of tba Heart, Liver Oomplatat, coming ap of tha food, low spirits, general debility, etc., yet alace the Introduction of Uhrbn's AuafBT PLOwnn we believe there la no oata af Dyspepsia that onnnot be immediately relieved, au.uug doaea mm last yaar without ona oaea of failure reported. Oo to your Druggist, 0, I. Watson, and get a Sample Bottle fur l touts ana try lb Two a ocas will re lieve yon. Regular site 71 oeau. apr5,'Toeoly - - - A FEW THIN CD THAT WE KNOW. We know that ft disordered stomach or liver produce mora suffering than any eUtcr aanae. We know that vary law phyitoiaaa are sneaaasfal in tbelr treatment or tbiree dlsordera. Wa kaow that DaCoata's Radical Car will, without tha shadow of ft doubt, almost Immediately relieve and permanently care all of Intso distrosslag eymptoms. We know af tboamnds who are will- int to testify that what we say is Una to tha Utter. We know that if yua will giva It a fair trial yon will let on bm toar nasaa to uc -oica or wit- neaaea." Will yam give it trial, ftnd do It now J j rtai ana only z eeott. Bold by u. v. waisoa, ftnd Uartswick A Irrin, Druggists, Clearfield, Pa. Prof. Parker's Pleasant Worm Ryrvp la per fectly safe, eitremely palatable. No pbysle re quired. Costs 2a eents. Try IL For sale by 0. D. Watson and Hartswlok A lrwlo, Clearfield, Pa. mob 22eowly. W ANTEIs by Arnold, at CurwMavtllv, ft,MM rordaoftk atidhrmkM-k bark. ItHMHH) Ktt-tnrh ahaved ahlnarlna. IMMMM)I4-Inrb sawed ahiuclet 11 Hi.tHHr ftet men ptue sosrot. nept.CU HM stfcKD'w LOCALS Fine astortmant of Black Ceshmere Justl reoelvea. New Pelt Drats goodi Jut I received. Handsome nil wool Block Cathmere, Til kcat. New Flannels, Castimaras, eta., Just re reived at Wi. Ubbd's. Sept. H, 1878. dao. S, lflTt-tf. At ttw Rildrao. ,f tin brid,'t pftrmli, Wtnd.jr, AuuH 30lb, 1S7A, by K... ). B. Mud, Ur. 1. W. Toaiw, nt, P.., ui MIm Alio. It., 4nbtr of Urn. L. Hmmt, of Mlllh.lB, Omii. mh7, ft. 0, W)nrid.r. 8L lh, 1ri, br R.r. Wa. II. Ilnrabll.lil, Ur. Wo. J. C.ldw.ll, of DoUoli.Cloir AeM ooodit, P.f ltd Hit. Migglo Ilirtihora, of Corwnirlll., P. At th U. B. Panonijr. t. W,11m.Ioo, ob Pri d.T, B.)t. mk, 1117(1, br K.f. H. LIo, Mr. Lwli Atoncrto., ud MlM 8. K. Q.orbftrt, botb of ClNril.ld ooootr. Pi. In Goshen township, Clearfield oonntr. Pa., on Satarday, Angost lth, 1870, of diphtheria. Dill I R., aged 8 years, I months and 10 days. Oa Sun day, August 27th, 1170, af diphtheria, Sherman, aged 11 years aod 24 days. On Tueeday, Aagast 2iMb, IHT8, of diphtheria, Sheridan, aged T yean and 20 days all children at A Ilea and Betsey Capplar. , p. o '-'fi At his reildenoa In Osceola, Clearfield county, Pa., oa Thursday, August Hit, 1170, Ueorge W. Richards, formerly a citlsea of Ibis plaoa, aged about 65 years. His remains were brought to this place oa the train, aod interred in tha Owens graveyard, near this place, on Saturday, tha 2d Inst.. . At his resident hi Pike town ship, Clearfield county, Pa , on Friday morning, Sept. 8tb, 117(1, Hon. A Is wider Caldwell, aged 80 years and 2 months. . iKailroads. Peuunylvanla Railroad TJRONK I CLEARFIELD BBANCB fH ud Uamtmf, APRIL 17, 17, th. Vl MNnpr Tr.t.i will ran d.llv (.XMpt Bu day,) botwioji yjrono Md Okjovfiold, M follow, t CLEARFIELD HAIL. ' W. C. Irwiw, Ooootor."! LEAVE SOUTH. I LEAVE NORTH. Carw.nrllloS:M, p. I. Trro.0 . . I.M.A.K., lbilip.k.r,..4.44, Owoolo ....., Tyrooo, 0ooolo-.... Pkilipobar,.1..0t, CU.rt.ld ..... 11.00," C.r..TUk..llJi, V ' CLEARFIELD EXPRE8B. W. B. Plubbbb, Cesdiutor. .LEAVE SOUTH, LEAVE BORTU.( Ponreaittne.. l.U I. a.' Troae..... ...T: . Clcreld.. ttli " I InUreeetioa...T.lS Phillplbori.. I.M " OmooI - ....1 11 " Oueole. .4 ' 1 Philip.lor, .,.!. Iotonoetloa.1. T.U - H CUorleld.or.. I.U " Tjron 7.40 " CarwuaiUao. t.M " DALD EAOLE VALLET BRANCH. k'.u. ion.,, Timvrt,,. r.. a. . , i ts M Info Tjron. ' .rriro 1.0 Il.ld E.l ..OH It.H IN V..1II ' JallM ' I. II II S. lo.OO Mllnbor, 4.47 11.14 8.4' lll.ll - H.llofonlo III 11.14 8.9 10.70 MIlMUr, 4.1i 110 II. 18 10.44 Uoword I.M Kit III. 00 11.11 orrlroL. llo.o l... J J0 .4 BTAT10W. wbbtwabd. a Pltlabwrt Eip'M, 1:41 Peoito Eipre., 1:11 pa Wo, PeMoager, 1:B Moil Trala, 1:41 Foot Llao, l:8 Peeiflo Eipreee, llarnaoar, iko a, M Mall Trola, l:Jt AUutle Kipreai, 8:47 Pbilo'da Eur, 1:M P IlILIPSBl'Ra A H 08 IIANMON BRANCHES Oa aod Bfter Moader, APRIL I7tb, 1171, Ao- ooaaodatioa Trolo. will rea orar lb Pkilipa- bar, aod atoihooaoa BreBebeo, oj followl t LEAVE 601 Til, LEAVE NORTH. p. , BtatioB ; a. a. p. a. r. a. Morrildel, t 7:18 It U Pbillpeborg, 7:11 " It 4 :.U Sleiaer', 11:11 4:11 Boyaloa, 17t 4:11 Ooeeola, 11:18 4:18 MoeheBlM, ' 11:41 4:0 Hurllaii, 11:11 litl oaiadeto, 11:17 1:47 MeOooU;, 11:14 1:4 Keodriaka, 11:11 1:48 At ' - t:SJ 1:44 T:l l:M 7:44 1:11 11:11 1:61 Ml 10,11 ,: Ml 10:74 :U 1:18 lt:8 8:18 l:tS 111:88 1:21 tit 11:44 1:11 Cloaa eooneetlooa Bade by all traloa at Tyroao and Look Uaroa. - .. , .. 8. . BLAIR, uylf-tf. Allegheny Valley Railroad. 1 ' 10W QRADE DIVISION. ON ud after Moaday, Job. lath, 1871, . Iba peoeea(or train, will rea dolly (oloopt Sea d.) ) aetweea Red Book aad DrUtwood, u Mlow. i KAHTWARD. Day Moll lea, Plttakaro 8 .1 a. a4 IWd Baok llitt Bill Jaaetioa ll:00 New U.lU.b.a MM ,. B. Vlayarilh 11 1 Troy 1:21 1 Breokfllle l:M I Fallot. Ill I Roy. BuidarilU !: I DbBoI.I:8Ii Saauail Taaaol 8 '.'1 1 Peoaeld 1:40 WoadeilU 4:0 1 BnoeotU 4:11 1 orrleeo al Driftwood et eiU. Y kCKTW A klV-Doy Moll leaeoa Drlftwwod 11:11 p. B.I B.oeaette 1:11 Wtodrlllo 1:11 Peoleld 1:01 Seaail Tooaol 1:17 I IBeit!.4i Ray Bold arllle 1:18 1 f olUr'al:M I BreakrUto l:t Troy4:l M.;e,IIUt:i NawBotkUkea4:k, Rlio Jaaetioa 8:84 f Red Baak Ii4l arrlreo at fllUeorf at 7:3 ,. B. K4r The RryBoldaville AotoBBodatwa leave R.ynoldaallU daily t 1:1 a. a. ud arrive at Red Bank .4 1:1 a. a. teavo Bed Book at t:3S ,. a.; arrlr.t al K.j.oldi.lIU at 11:31 p. a. Cleoa eoaaaetloaa Bade witk trola oa P. I. B.llto.d at Drllteood, aad wHh IrakaMlk Allrehroy Volley Rellroed ot Red Baak. DAVID MuCABUO,Sa1fpt A. A. Jeuaaoa, iap't U tl. Dir. , .. , guv gntrtismtot. (JAUTION.- All unoo are krky Mtluool aamlaol parobaala, or la any Iowa bmoMIIb, with tba folUwiof property, aow a tko peeeeeetoa of laoao Devia. of aaaaorlo avwaaatp, vur uae eorvel boreo, 1 aprln, weeoa, owe-tworebvaf aiaeaorao of i la tho a.10, oa aai property wu pereaeeoa by aa at CaatebU'e aoU, ud la loft with h ba u lou ooly, aabjret te ay order at asy llao. wit. w a l a. Uhn Uopo, Sept. It, U78-IU FITTSBDEQH,' PA. Th Beet ooBplele laatllallea la Iho, Vailed Statet for tbe thoroaih praetioel aeotlo af yooe, aad alddl o(d bob. , BtwdoBto rwrolTad al aa, Ueea. a mm. a. m. PriBprf. apt I, 1 1 la. llll 1 Ml 8TBATOR'?SAIii.. Tber. will V eipowal U aobHo oelo, at to Oaarl lloww, la CleorwaM, at i a'.Urk p. a., ee ' Taeodoy, ltoer S, ln. the foltowlBf diealbed tool eeUte, via, All laat eerie ia tree! or pleeo ot lead attaojo ia Btwdlaod tewaaklp, CUorwod ooeaty, Pa, kouded ud do aatb.d aa fclUw.i Boflaaia, at a aaph frak, laoaoo aeath 8 defrve woo Id ,eahaaa a aoat, tbeaea ooath lt d.iraao, oaot 8. p.reh e a white aa Miaf laoooa ana .efreoa, aaa a. amba to a healeak, thaaoa aenk 87 In wool SI perekeo la a aapl frak aad pleeo of bo ,iBia,, eeataialag 41 aero aad 1M liiebaa ed alUweaoo Tm-0ak. I. P..WIUON, Pt. !, IIU 'I. Ada' lira &lKtUttm ttvrrtisrwtntf. METHODSPOINTS METHODS OF BUSINESS POINTS OF ADVANTAGE wlH THE PURCHASE OF-h GLOTBHSTG- WANAMAKER & BROWN'S OAK HALL, T akleb o OHtta Sa totenibid Artaatlo tU CvaM lonritr) of ... THE PUKOHASINa PUBLIC- , w I bare bat Ona Friee lor All.,, w I raoalva Cash Payment from All.- W I giva a Qiiat prouotinf All . W Jtaturn Money whoa v. a nut not Wit AIL Wl buy onr goods nt first hr.mli, In Immeiua qiuaUUoa, aui at lti lowaat prtoaa for Caidi.M WI mannfhrtiifw with etrtrco c;.:o ovary aanuoiit wa ai'il. ....... W Inapeot every yrd of rood i V ri guiw into our gamut. u............ ... ahowluf plainly lia nuuiity ai:J prloa.-..u....M.., ITT t out off every Item of unneoeafary xpanditum.... 1171 employ flm-Ham wait mm in V! very departmeat. WI glvwaallaAirtlon toovery pu-rl.s- r or latum Uut mmiuy , In adddtlon to oar Immenaa Stork of Heady-Made nothing, we have a Magnificent Una Of Man's and Boy'a rurniitbing Oooda, BUIru (of our own muej oud Underwear, all at tits) Vtcy Lowaat Prtoee. WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAE HJUU 8. E. COR. 8IXTH & MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. LOOK THIS WAY I Thii i for FLECK 6t CO.S ,7 ,,7;,.;.;, "Tom" ha gone lo Novr York, where he expects to rrmko Arrangements with the Centennial Com missioners to purchase the Exhibition nnd hnve it moved to Clcar field. Entrance to the Main Exhidition building will be on Market street, two doors east of Shaw House. Admission free. . , ., '. ' . ! i i' An Inalltatlan (br Iwiportlnf a Pra-tll ml,n flttrd tnr tho actual dul re of IIJ mir.0 of otudy. Ron tar end NlirifliW CtrtuTara adurooa l-.Twlt N OTICB OF INCORPORATION. Holla U krnby .Lea that eppMeotloa win ko aode B tko Haa. 0. A. Mayer, Pro.ldoat Jedre of Ike Coart of Coaaoa Ploee of Cloerield eoaoty, oa or altar the tub day of oVploaker, 1171, for a olwrtar of laeorporatlea far tbe Weetovor Bapllot Cbarah, la eaoM towwBia. aea.'.ALbl aan.i'ooi, Ao,. M, n: otici op incorporation:. MotUo I. kerokv rlreo I all aoreoa latorool- ed, tkol applloetloa will be Bode te tko aeit aee abra of Iko Ooart of Coaaoa Ploea of Cleerlold oaaty, oataBMorlaf a. Moaday, Bepteaoer I, 117., Ibr t;Banar et iBOorporetiea ror mo rirai HakodM Ckarob of Cowry Tree, Cl.erl.ld Co, Pa. m rrai uuinxin, CUerl.ld, Bapt.s, 1878-lt. AttorBoya. JOHN H. FULFORD, filUMHAl lNSVHAHCK AGENT, Cl.arfl.ld, rna'a, Rapraaaal oil; Ik leodiaf Pit I Boom on. Coaaaala of Ike OMatry t 4l8,M,wl .. I,M,M .... 8.7M.I14 ... I,tll,4tt I,88,M ... 1,851,801 Royal Cooedlea Mom, Now lark .- Lyaoalai, MoBay, Pa..... Proaklia, PhllU'.... Phaata, Hartlerd Kuan, New Terk......... Uobm, Cel., 1,411,1a ..,. 118,88 88,841 Albu, arllor,. Piu.loo.oa. WMklaitoa... ti;m Peraeaa akoal efeetla, aa taaaraaoa oa prop art, of aa. klad. akeold eeil at ay oBee, oa Market otreat, oppoolto the Carl Hoaao, oad aee ay Hat of eoapaaM, aee rem aanra nrana,, JOHM B.PULPORO, OkjarteM, Pa, . , T ly PRKB BRIDQB WANTED. oil I korek olvaa Ikat at toaet taeat, ef tba erUaaaa, raetdeanaf tkooawaoblp of But. rla, allaaWeward,tataeooaBlyof Char old. will, aador Ifca aol of Aioeably a,.rovod tka Ilk do, af May, A. D. 1118, eetitlod Aa aet te aothertaa IM By ib. ooverol euwa Ueo ef tkle Ooaaooaoaltk far tee aee of tbl owwaty, of krld,oo orooted ore, rlrara, aioek, aad live lata, aad for tka ebelltUa af tell Ikor. oa," poNitoa th. Oewrt ef Uaenet hWeaa of aald ty at taa aopl.BBer oora. tha (earth Moadoy, Iba 1Mb doy of tha Booth. lo (real aa order aador th aald aet, deelerlef the brldg arreted mill Cleerlold oroeh et Paoey vllla, la aatd aowaty, a free brldf. aad tar tko oWll.bro, af Mak tbaaaa. AS BartUe lalaraaad will pleaa tab BMlee. Rbl BLOOM, Mtdara, Sept. 8. 1878-11.) .Pretkeaotory. POMTIi il -l ON'i: Price meant of ussaaUy tha tow tat PrU-u CAGII aavea oxpenae of collection! and luSMia Itotu bad debt.... uMM., TliE Onarantoo pirtirt! tha btirer who may out U) a Judge of giKKLk.. Wo Tvly on Immenaa aaleo and tra mt HHod wilt, a very small penwat eo fprui.t.. - .... I T ia oaxy to buy of us, since ad am tmtM alltio, nA ona getting fcvon that trotliuluil to utlicra DICK Ell I NO and debate are don away by ua.ovvnltOtlygutaourbMtwiUi tulluv.iig toak lor it- OtR l'treryerienre, capital and fhrfl llies huuw fur Uitj iwuple'a benollt In Invt-i'i.ti;' prices Wt fill orders troelvcd by mail Irom all tnnjoftliolJnltodMtatea. Wrlta f r parDt- ulunt - HU NOT a partlrlo of rink ran In hnylng of tta. A child may buy aa cheaply as a man .,..,,..V.,M Big Advertisement, next week..' nnd will rctrirn im t'hilntlelpliin, , , . , ., .,, , ,,.. ,, ...... , . ,. , .,,.,c . i ,i .,. , , ..,v ,;, ,. c i . t ." Bn.lnreo Edncatloiv Yoonf and tnldill. HluuViile run enter at any time. In L'lu';. .T""r0"fll' TtacUIOi-Praclloal Bone, I'lll.bur,!. I'.. FIdOUIt. FEEI1, . ... AND GROCERY ' '. STORE. ! A. G. KRAMER & CO., Boea No. 4, Fl.' Pra Moaa. Cl.arS.ld, Pi. Keep eoaataBtly oa head StlOAR, COPPER, ""TEAS, i SODA, I STRIIP, ' ' SALT, . , . SPICES,,..,,,. .. . I SOAP, 1 !'' Oaaod sad Dried Iralte, Tabaaoo, Cl,art, Co. dlea, OMer Via .fax, Betler, E,,, A. . ALSO, 1XTRA OMR MADR Wheat and Bnekahrat Floor Oora Msal, Chop, Feed, to., AS of whleb wis So aald aheap Hi eak or ha Uiuifl ear aoojatry ' V 8. KRAMRR A CO. J ClearleU, Nor. II, )8T.-tf , i Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of writa of L$mHa Fariat, laina-1 out of the Ooart of Common Pleaa of Cloar Held nounty, and to me directed, there will he noaad te PIJIiLlO HALK. at tba Court llooae, la tha borough of ClaarOeld, on Manduy, the ibih day of Heitcmbcr, M7fl, at 1 o'clock, p. m , the following deacrihed real catate, to wlti The fdllowinc land aituata In LDecatnr townxhln, Clearfield oounty, Pa., beginning at a double heuiluck, eoiith east form-r of the Joecph Matlock aurvry, aouth SOS terchaa and Sfl perch as, In all 144 perchce, tu the corner of land of Adam Walk er t thanoe wait along hla line 6fl pervhea north lift) percnea to Michael Walker line, writ along awe HI perebea north SO I peivhee to Kepbart Hoe then oa weat along eatne 141 perebea to old lino 1 1 hence aouth iuinoied to be about per. elioa to Jacob Ifillcr'a pureheae t thenoc real nlong bla line 72 perebea aoutb along eatae iv peronca tu land formerly of llarvev Moore t thenoc aouth 1 44 perch ee to a poat, weat 1 32 pervhea to a poet, thenoc couth luppoeed to bo 48 perehea or ao far till It urikee line and corner of land an Id to Peter l'hilipe t thenoc along bia Hue 100 pnrouo i thence Cuuta inv perebea theaoa east lo pereoea to piaoe or Degianing, oi'tng roaiuue oi aurveya in tho name of Joeepn alaUook and Hobert IlolUeU mer, cuotalnlng 4J0 acrea, inoreot leaa, being tbe iime pre ml eel conveyed by mortgage to Jualah W. Smith, recorded in buk "II," page Kid and Si.0, on 7th November, 1SA8. A amall portion of tba UBd tt cleared, and naa on the tract between ail and aevrn million feet of while piue timber, beaidaa while oak and hemlock, with two vaina of bitumiauua coal about 4 feet thick coal banka i-nened in two olaoea. Soiaed. taken In execution and to tw told aa tha property of Wm. Albert, Henry Albert and Uevrga Aineru Alio, a certain two itory frame dwelling home Kill's feet, with Int and curtillage appurtenant thereto, located oa a lot af ground aiUiate in the village of Diilloi), in Brady townnip, UJcarbeid oountv. Pa., known In tba general plan of aatd village aa lot No. 32, in what ia known aa Long'e addition to aattl Tillage, and being oo icet front and ill) feet deep. Belied, taken In eiemtien and to be aold aa Ibc property or Hiram i.onaxiaon. Alio, a certain two itory frame dwelling house with lot and curtilage appurtenant thereto, aitn ate in tbe boron ph of Oaeeola, Cli-arOt-ld oounty, Pa., fronting on Uurliaatraotao feat, with kitcben attached thereto. It ia a two-atory frame duell ing hoaaa. rieiied, taken In execution and to be old aa the property of Meal Dougherty. Aleo, a certain two-atory frame houae aituata ia tha village of Woodland, Bradford townalilp, Clearfield oounty. Pa., 60 feet by KO feat on lot of Jaeob Uutra. Said building la 26 feet in Icnath and It feat in depth, Beiaed, taken In execution and to Co aold aa llie property or Jacob Uutra. Alio, a certain two atory irame dwelling bnuae aed aaa hotel, ait uated In the borough of Oaeeola, Clearfield oounty, Pa., froitiDg on Curt in etreet and ia known In the general plan of laid borough aa lot No. I. tba whole length of aaid houae being .H2 feet front and HO feet deep, and the L attaobed thereto Seing li20 feet. Heiacd, taken in exeeu- Uon and to h aold aa the property of Jamea Jlab- i araham. Alio, a certain two dory frame houee 47x40 feet 1 having a kitchen attached ltixlfl feet, aituatod in , the borough of Oaeeola, Clearfield oounty, Pa., on Curtia Douodi-d oo the north by an alley. on the raat by lot No, 1, on the aouth by Curlio etreet and on tbe weat by lot no. a. Pel lea, URen in execution end to be aold a tha property of W, II. Uaneer. A certaia lot of ground aituata la the borough 1 of Clearfield, being lot No. 180 of aald borough, lying on the north ama of Market atreet, and weat aide of Fifth atreet, bounded aa followai Begin-: niog at the corner of Fifth and Market atreeta, theuoe north along Fifth atreet, 172 feet to an alley, thence weat along aaid alley 60 feet to lot No. 107, tbenoe aouth along aaid lot 171 teet to Market atreet, tbenoe east along aald atreet 60 feat te plaoa of beginning, being came premleee mortgaged by Daniel Benner to Juiiah W. Smith, 12 Jane, recorded at Clearfield, In mortgage book, "B," page 26 and 2V7, and having thereon erected a Iwo-atnry dwelling houee 1(1x24 feet,1 with kitcben attached, and a two-atory ihop, tied aa a furniture manufactory, with ateam engine,, Ac. Heiacd, taken lb exec at ion and to be aold aa tha property of Denial Benner aad A.J, Jackeon, terra tenant. Teat, a or 8 a lb, The price or tua nt which 1 the property aba II be atruck off muat be paid at the time of aele, or inch other arrangement!! ade aa will ba approved, oiberwiee the proper ty will be immediately put up and aold again at tbe eipcnea and risk of tha percon to whom It waa atruck off, and who, in eaaa of deficiency at aueh ro-aale, aball make good the aame, aod la no Inetauoe will the Deed be p recanted la Court for confirmation anloaa tha money la actually paid to the She riff. W. It. JU 1'HKHflON, rnaatrraurrica, I BberiLT. Clearfield, Pa., Aug. HO, 1876. j Sheriff's Sale. T)T virtue of writ! of Veatfi(i'oai AVpoeae, leaned 1 1 out of tbe Court af Common Plaaa of Clear field county, and to ma directed, there will beeipoaed to publleaala, at tha Coart Uonae, In tba borougb of Clearfield, on Monday, the 2bh day of ( pirnniter, ioth, at i o oioei, p. m. tha fallowing deeerlbaa real eatata, to wit: , even certain ttartaof land ailaate in Clarf)a1d enuntv. Pa., via: No. 1. Situate, in Morria tnwa- kip, Clearlrld auunly, Pa., beginning at a white pine; tlienoe eaa. iw parcuvs w ui van; thence aouth 1ii6 pcrchea to a white oak thenra wret 'liu peronea to aemea oerryi taeaca aorta Itin Htsrebi-atotilat'eof becinnlna, oontaininv 144 frM v.rt IT2 nerehea. part of Niohelaa Hidenen eurvey, known aa tbe lloover ptaca, having 100 acrel cleared anu no nuuainga. Na. I. hitomte tn the village oi Kyiertown, Mor ria townahip, Cknrf.rld county, Pa., known aa lot No. In aaid riluge, bounded on the north by an alley, on the caat by aa alley, oa the weat by let of Uoorar.and aouin oy puuiieroaa or i ireei, uaving a two-atory dwelling houto, r table aod outballd tagv tbareoa. No. 8. Rituatc In Morria lownihin, Clearfleld Pa, beginning at a hcmloek. aouth-taat aornerj tbvnce ly land wanaaitM to u. n erta, Jr.. et. al., west 10 perebea ta poat ; thetioa by Jan.b Wlao nortli tan peranee ia pont mence oy e. Waring'a estate 2At perohea t hemlock Ihenca by Joseph Huiiley et. al. louth 140 perehea to tha nlkMot beataniQC. eon taming 17V acrea and f perfbea and allovtam.-, beirg the Philip Hone rarvay.with about M aerea cleared, having a hauao and barn thereon erected. No, 4. Situate In Slormflale, Clearfield county, Pa. bwlnr two Iota in aaid town, Noa, 1 and 3, boeaded by public road on the eaat and aouth, on tbe weat by land of John O'Dell, and north by an alley, containing ona aore, having thereon a two tory dwelling houar, etore building, atable, and other at M Hinge. No., bttuate in tba village or Kyiertown, Morria, tow no hip, C Ira r field county, Pa., bounded by land of Htewart on tbe aouth and eaut, an tba north bv bultllo road .and weat by tiancroft'a pi tale. containing two arrei mora or leaf, having thereon a two-atory plank home and an old itahla. Noe.0. tSitaate in Morria township, Clearfield couniy, Pa., bounded on the north by tbe John Neiilt aurvey, aouth ny una oi earn net unrtsi a Co , weat by land of Wagoner A Hartle, and cant br R. Cbrlet A Co.. containing 46S acrea and 1& prrohea, and known aa tha John Vaughn lurvoy. and unimproved. No. f. biluata in Morria townibip, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded aouth by the John Vaughn aurvey, north ay iiatea a uo.,wea( ny name a Miller, aod eaat by Jnha Neabit nrrey, contain ing 483 aerea and 163i perebea, and known aa tha Capper Ilelmea aurvey. tSeiaed, taken in execu tion and to lie aold aa the property of Jotepb C. Brenner. Alao. a oartain tract of land aituata la liuatoa townabin. Clearfield county. Pa., telng lurvey of lot from K. Burna lo David Brubtker, beglnaiag at a poit corner of land of John LiuUctict thence weat 22J cast 27 perch ea to a poet i tbenoe aouth 224 weat 27 perebea to a poat in line of land of John Dulloin tbenoe auth 7i eaat by land of John Dulloia 24 perchea to poat and place of be ginning, containing 4 aoraa, J acrea cleared, ana tbe balance in wood land, with a amall two-atory log houie. rViaed, taken In eieoutioa and to bo aold aa the property o I David Burkey. Alao, a certain tract of land situate In Morrll tawabip, Clearfield oounty, Pa , deaoribed aa fvl-1 Iowa: Beginning at a maple thence north 12s) perchea to a pott; tbenet weat ft I perohea ta a nbeataut; theuceaouth I2M porcheatoa hemlock, thence eaat Hi prrrhea to place ef beg anlng, ooatainlng ft aerel and T2 perchea, being part of aurvey ia the name of Henry H. Drinker, having about 40 ernacleared, the bulanee In wood land, bavina erected thereon a amall log bouse, amall barn, and a amall orchard, Heiacd, taken in exe cution and (o be aold aa the property of 8. Porter Hbawand Isaac Hbimol. Alao, five certain lota of ground ailuale In n eat Cleeileld, I.Bwreaee township, Clearfield emanly, Pa., bounded north by the Clearfield fark, eaat, aoutb and weat by certain at reel i and alleya, and containing ona acre and about Mierohea, baring a two-atory frame dwelling bouse, with kitchen attached, and other out building thereon erected . Belied, taken In eieoutioa and to ba aold aa tba property of Nathaniel Hiatiel. AUa, a certain tract of land aituate In Lawrence townahip, Clrarfleld county, Pa., bounded na fol low! t On tin north by A. r pack man, eon in ny Potter Bead and Lew la Bloom, weat by Alexaader ReatL and eaat bv Joaiah Head, coalainlag acrea. wilb about 60 acrea cleared, and the bal ance ta wood laad, and with a good vicn of aoal, and a coal bank opened on It, and having a good farm bouae. bank barn, bearing art-bard, and noceaaary eat buildlnga tbareoa. Sailed, taken in execution and to be aold aa tbe properly of Jordan Band. Alan, a pertain Irtiet of land aituate la Bertarla townahip, Clearfield rauaty, Pa., containing about fftty-oil aoraa with twenty five aerea cleared, hav ing a log boiiee anu log oarn orericu inertron : Bounded eaat by AaWey, weat by Waaler, north by Wilberow, aoatb by Nevllng. Beiaed, Uk-a la execution and to be aold aa the property of 0. J. keagy drfvndaol aad William Harkiai, gar alahee. Alao, a certaia tract of land iltnala la Jordan townibip, Clearfield eoanty, Pa., bounded and de em bed aa followa : Kaet by property ef V. Batea, weat by 9. II. I-vfle, north by John Dan woods tract, aoatb by J, W . Lam bor na, containing about two hundred acrea with about thirty acrea cleared and tbe balana wiodlaod having erected there en a log boura and log atable and other out baild inga. He lied, taken In exoculioa and to ba aold aa tha property of Joelab T. Caldwell. Alio, a certaia trwet ol land aituata In Weal Clearfield, tovtaihip of Lawrence, Clearfield coun ty, Pa., bvaaded oa tbe aorth by aa alley, aouth by Nirbola el reel, weat by Weaver atreet, eaat by prapetty af Ueorga Wat saw. Seiead, taken la ei rautioa and lo be aold aa tbo properly af Wm. U. Radebaugh. A iae, all of Deftadaat'e talereat la all tba tim ber, jet aiai.diog upon tha following deaoribed pleea al land ailaate la Brady townahip, Clearfield county, P- beginning at a hickory, thence oaat 14 perebea to a auger, tbroce north IRK perch ei, tbeace weat H pen hea, thence Math lS perebea to place af beginning, and betag part of a larger tract in name ef Caaper Btiver. Alao, all or Defendant'! laicttat la and to all tbo a fail pit timber, rtaadiag at laviag, that will maaaare twelve int hea acroaa tbe atump, upon ihm fbllewin draeribed piece at tract af land alt- aata In Brady towasbip, Clearfield cauaiy, Pa., oa the Waterlord and ttuaquehaana turnpike and Henry flood lander, oa tbe weat by laad of Alia man Kllinger, aa the eaat by a road leadiag from Henry Ooodlander' to M. Heeiioger, cue (sitting Atrotrt fill acrea. i AIm, Defendant'! latereit la ill 'hat place of fflal ditrti$rmeut$. land aituata tn Brady townahip, Clearfield county, Pa., known aa the Penta old niw mill data, con taining about 10 aorta, with the uae of the water privilege fur holding and running luga upon, aud being a part of trait Ne. 324. Alto, Defendants tnterot In all the timber up on the following deaoribed pleoe of land aituata in Brady township, Clcirlield oounty, pa., begin ning at a while ouk corner, thfliine went I HI wr ehea to poat oornor of land aold to ltobert Patton, ttinuoe north 1.12 perchea to poat, tliaucc eaat 63 perebea to post, tlienoe aouth 23 pcruboa to poit, thenoa east !7 per oh ua to poit. thence aouth 112 perchea to place of beginning, containing about oO acrea and allowance, with ateam aaw mill and other bulldingi thereon are JtpJ. Belied, taken lu axacutiun and to bo aold aa tbe property of Wm. Cor ley. Alto, a certain tract of land aituole in Karthaua townihip. Ctoarllcld couuty, Pa., bounded north by landa of Jamea Kooob, aoatb by Uada of Jane t'ael, caat by lauda of David Oainee, and wait by landa of Jamea Houoh, containing H8 acrea, and bavins a log bouao, two loa alablca, and otbor im provemenla tbereoti. 8eiaed, taken In execution and to ba aold aa the property of John llela. Alao, a oartain lot of ground aituate la Anion, villa. Clearfield oountv, Pa., bounded and de aor i bed aa follows; i North by public road, by Baptlat ohurch, tulh by an alley, weat by lot or Job a owan, aa me property oi j. tv. eiraw, having a two-atory brick nouae and atable, and neoeeeary out buildlnga thereon 8a lied, taken In exeoutloa and tu ba aold aa tba property of J, W. Kit raw. Alao, a certain tract of land iltuata In Utabrilla, Olajaruold county, Pennsylvania, to wit: Three hundred aerea bought of Matbowa bounded on the east by other landa of Malhewa, oo tbe weat and aouth by Dulloia and north by John Matbewi, Helied, taken In exeruilon, aud to ba aold aa tho property of Simon Mcfarland. Alao, a certain tract of land aituata lo Koox, townahip, CloarOold county, Pcnnaylvania, con taining about ninety-iii acrea with about thirty acrea cleared, and having a amnll frame two atory houee and email plank atable and other out build lnga thereon. Hounded on (be eaat by landa lortnerij Bemuei rowan, dee , on the weat by u. A. Koffman, aouth by land of William Puaey and north by land of John M. Chaae, aad Dickey Es tate. Belied and taken tn execution, and to be aold aa tha property of Henry M ilea and Hoaa Miliw. Taaaa op 8alb.- The price or euin at which tha property ahall ba atruck off muat be paid at tha time of aale, cr loch o'ber arrange menu made aa will be approved, otfaerwiae tbe property will be Immediately put up aud aold again at the expeoae and rlak of tha peraon to whom It wai atruck off, and who, 1b eaae of deficiency at aueh ra-eate, ihall make good the aatxc, and ia no inatanoo will tbe Deed be preaented In Court for on firm at ion anloaa tba money la actually paid to tba Hheriff. W. B. McPUKUHON, BnBRirp'a Orrica, I fiherilT. Clearfield, Pa.. Aug. 80, 1876. j SherifT's Sale. By virtue of aundry wrlta of Fieri Facia la med out of tbe Court of Ccmtnon Plena of Clear field oounty, and to me directed, there will be expoaed to public aale, at tha Court Houae, ta the borough of Clearfield, on Mondny. tho 2jlh day of September, lhifl, at 1 o'clock p. m., the fol lowing deaoribed real catule, to will All of Defendant'! Interest in all that certain piece or parcel of ground aitoato In Woodward township, Clearfield county. Pa., bounded and deaeribod aa folliwi: Oa the aouth by townahip road leading from Houtadale to Qleu Hope, oa tbe north by an alley, on the weat by land of Ham uel hhoff , and oa the eaat by land of John A. 8b off, containing two t n lota, each M feet front and 160 feet back, having thereon erected a oue atery frame houee lfixUU feet, and neeeeeary oat buildlnga, with a good well of water at the door. Alio, one otbar piece of ground in aame town ihip and county, bounded aa followai On the north by public road, aouth by land of Samuel Hhoff, weat by land of 8am ue I Khoff, and east by land of W. II. Paekera, containing about one aixtb of ao acre, more or leaa, having erected thereon a good blacksmith abop. Heited, taken In axeeeiloa and ta bo aold aa tha property of Henry Patera. Alao, all of Defendant 'a iotereet lo and upon the following deaoribed real eeUte aituata in Cheat townahip, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded aa fol low! i Beginning at tbe public road leading from Cheat creek at the aootb-waat ooraer of John J. Hnyder'a lot ; thence along bia Hoe to line of C. V. M oora ; thence along line of Moore to line of J. 1 Weatover; tbenoe along line of Wei (over to lino of Barbara Lloyd ; tbenoe along aaid land ta tba bank of Cheat creek j thenoc along aaid creak tu the line of J. P. Fry : tbenoe along line of J. P. Pry to tbe public road; thi-nee along puMin road to tha place of beginning, oonUiuing about IiH acrea more or leaa, and tha aama land now la the poiaeaaiun of John J. Snyder. Helied, taken In execution and to be aold aa the property of laaac Kelrn. Alao, tbe following real fitate aituate in Burn Ide townihip, Clearfield oounty, Pa., being a town lot with a two-atory frame bouse, and out buildings, bounded eaat by an alley, weat by Main atreet, aorth by Daniel Fulton, aud aouth by a atreet. baited, takrd tn execution aud to be aold aa tbe property of 6. T. McCormick. Alao, the following real eatate aituate in Beooarla towDahip, Clearfield oounty, Pa., containing about J8 aerel, with about SO acrea cleared, and having a email log houae, leg atable and amall orchard Lbereua, bounded aa follow! : Oa tbe eaat by A. Davia, weat by Pat Plynu, north by J. M. Smith, aoutb by 8tlth at. al. Belied, taken in execution aad to h cold a the prwporty of J. P. Oil!. Alio, all of Dofondent'a interest in all that ear lain place or parcel of ground aituate in Cur wen a villa borough, Clearfield connty, Pa., containing one town lot, bounded aa follow a : Fronting 0 feet aa BUU atreet to ao alley f theuoe ISO feet north, to Ktate atreet and place ef bcginaiog, known in plot of laid borough aa lot No. 0, bat-lofT thereon erected a log ah op, need ai a chair ihop. Seiaed, taken in execution aad to be aold aa the property of William P. Chambora. Alao, all that certaia tract of land aituata in Oaeeola borough, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and deacrihed aa folio wa ; Oa the eaat by lot No. I, oa tba weat by lot No. 8, on tbe north by aa allay, on the aouth by Curtio atreet, containing ona town lot, baviog thereon erected a good frame hune4lx47 loot, with kitchen attached, aad need for bote) tiulfioaaa, kaowa aa the "Me uo tain Home,' with neccaiery out buildlnga. Heiied, taken Hi execution and to be aold aa the property of William H. Dancer. Alio, all lhat certain pleoe or parcel of ground aituate in Houtadale borough, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and dceeribed tu followa : Situate on tbe aouth-eaat corner of Hannah atreet aod Oak alley, bonnded on tbe north tar Beaver alley, on tbe weat by property of William Curren, and known and deaignated In plan of laid borough aa lot No. , having thereon erected a two-atory frame bogie, with basement for bar room, and known aa the "Union Hotel" in tbo borough of llouttdate. Belied, taken In execution aod to be aold aa the properly of A. W. O'Urady. Aleo, the following real eitata rituatell Houta dale borougb, Clearfield county, Pa., being one town lot in aaid borough, with a two-atory frame houee, ettoate an Sue etreet and Spruce alley, aud known and deaignated lo plot of aaid borougb aa lot No. 2Uo. Seised, taken in execution and to be aold aa tha property of C. Uirard. Alao, all that certain tract or body of bitmuin oua coal landa aituate, lying and being tn the townahip of Woodward, county of Clearfield, and State ol Pcnnaylvania, bounded and deacrihed aa followai Beginning at tha maple, gone, now atona corner, common corner of orginal eurveya in the name of Wm. W later, Bolend Kvana, and Samuel Kmllnt; north 8 weat 121 perebea to a hemlock; tbenoe north 63 eaat 378 perchea to a poat; thenoc aouth 8a degree! Itl perchea to a poat l thence auuth M weit 104 perchea to a imall rock oak ) thence aouth 34 eaat SOS perchea to a poat thenoa aoatb 18 writ 114 perchea to a poet; tbenoe north i weat 1 pen-hca to atone) thence aouth 63 well 10 perchea to poat; thence aouth it'i weal AO perches te a post ; Ibence .out b 36 caat 82 perchea to a poat ; tbeboe aouth 6:1 weat 10 i rare bee to a white pine; thence north 38 wait 14 8-10 perohea ta a white oak t notion north b'd eaat 118 perchea to a poat; thenoa north 86 weat filfj pcrahaa to a fallen hem look i thooee In an easterly tiirelicn of a email stream 40 perchea to a hemlock thence 2f weat 72 pervhea to a white oak atump ; thence 61 weit 9 perchea to a poat; tbenoe north 116 woit All perchea to a poat; thonce aouth 63 weat J03 1-10 perebea tu aiuall hemlock ; Ihfinoe aoalh 63 east Oil perch oi to a fallen hem lock ; l Hence aouib aa waat 12 p.rebea te a post ; thenoa aorth 8ft wvat acroaa Clcartiold creek perchea tua peat thence north ftlieaat 2 S3 pent be tu plaee of btginniog, containing nine hundred and nine acrea mora or lesa, and being parte of itire aerera i tracta ui ianu mrvayca on warrants granted in I'M, granted by the Commonwealth o Pennsylvania, ona lo Kauiuul Km line, one to Holand h'vaua, aud one to William Wiater, whioh parte of tract abure deaorilied have by divers good conveyance! and aaauranctiin law became vcatd in David llinaal. On thii nody of land there are levaral improve ment! t First, borne farm, with about 10J acre cleared, large house, barn, and other outbuilding thereon erected. No. X She Alexander farm, with about elity acre cleared, house baru, and other outbuilding. No. . The D. pbilMpa farm, wilb about forty acrwa cleirod, log bouae, log atable, and orobed ? thereon. No, 4. Tha Thomaa Dixon, with about twenty aerea cleared, with amall log houae aud liable thereon. No. I. The John Fulford farm, with about forly acrea cleared. No. I. Tba John Larre farm, with about forty five acrea cleared. Seiaed, taken In execution and to be aold aa the property of David C. Henaal. Alao, by virtue of a writ of Fitri Fanat, on Tueeday, tha 11 a of Pept ember, at I o'clock p. m., at the Court Houae, in Hear A eld, tbe following deacribed property, to wit: Alio, a certaia tract ef land in Bradford twp., Clearfield county, Pa., beginning at a poat on the aoutb weat corner of tract, aod north weat comer of Wm. Lewie' aurvey, thence by Thomaa Parki and Wm. Albert A Hr fibers' land east IVi per ohea lo port, thenoc by Wm. Albert A Broa land north 166 perchea to corner of Samuel LaBnberry'a land, tbenoe by Samuel Lan sherry weal 196 per chea to line of John Barclay lurvey, thence by John Barclay and land of W m. Albert A Broi. aowtb 16 perchea to br ginning, containing 17M acrea aod 143 pair hea, being part of the Joha Vaughn aurvey, and aame land indeed from Wm. A. Wallace, deed book "PF," page 3if4, having about aerea cleared, with a amall bouae. two amall Ithble! aod a blackamilh abop thereon, reeervlng about 8 aerea that hai been aold off in Iota at tbe Woodland Fire Brick works, alao, re aerrilg about v acres that haa been acid off In Ipta eaat or Woodland Fire Brick worka, ilea about 4 aerea aald to T. A 0. E. K. Co. Alao, a certain tract or laad la Bradford twp., Clearfield county, Pa., beginning at a black oak, thence by laad ef Jacob Pearce I67T perebea to bouae, tbeaeo by Joha Stewart eaat 1 1 M perchea to atones, thence by Thomaa Holt aorth 1674 p obea to poat, throeo by Crowel'a hind weat III perehre to beginning, containing 10V acret aud VI perebea, bring pan of tbe Andrew PelUt aur Toy, tbe aame laud in deed from David Foreey, recorded la deed book No. I, page 106, having about a acre! cleared thereon. A lao, a certaia tract el laad aituata la Bradford tcwaabip, Clearfield county, Pa , beginning at a white oak, tkeace by R. fctewart aorth 86 eaat 100 aerobe! to poat, tbeaoc by Uartswick Buck aorth 66 weat 1(1 perebea to poat, thenoc aouth 8 wait 100 pctvbee to poat, tbenoe by Polly HcClrnsVaa, toutb 16 tart lou perchaa't begin ning, oontelnlog 100 acrea, being pari of a larger aurvey ta tba name oi amr ba Houston, aod aame land In deed from F. P. lltirxthal, reeerded ia deed book "W," page 4.17. Alao, a oertain piece of laad in Bradford twp,, Clearfield county. Pa,, beir inning at a while oak alump, theuoe by Wm. Albert A 11 rue. and land of K.H noil oaat l&J pcreuaa to post, tbenoa by land of Wm, Albert A flroa. anal I.IH perohea to poit, tbimeoby WooJUud Fire llrhk '. 'a land weal lij to Btouii, thvaoe by lund of Win. Albert A Broi. north I "it per. to beginning, containing 136 acrea, about 20 aurea of whioh ia elnared, biting part of aurvey ia the name of Jane Campbell, and aame land in deed from F. P. llurxlbal, re corded In deed book ,,W," page 78. having there on throe new Urge dwelling, with etablea and other out bulldioga, a houae and atable, a two itory frame house, (formerly occupied by Uoorge Albert, wagun maker 'a ihop, grata bouae, drug atore and poat office building, tia ihop building, I i -atory plank houae, reserving about 1 2 acrea I hit baa bean void off In town lota, alao, about 7 acrea to 1. U. H. H. Uo. i Alio, the coal In a certain treH of land la Bradford township, Clearfield oountv. Pa., boirin I ningal a chestnut oak, thence by (leorga Turtier'a land eaat 80 perebea to it one, I hence aoulu 60 poiohoa to itooaa, tbenoa by John H.Turner waat so perenoa to atunea, ibence north 60 percboa to beginning, being part of tbe Wm. Lewie aurvey, auu me aame lena-in deed rrom J. w. Hmitb, re corded la deed book "Y." pace 8W0. Alao, a certain piece of land aituate in Bradford lowmnip, uiearoeid souoty, fa., deaoribed aa fob Iowa t beginning at a poat corner; thenoe by land of Iiaao Kline and other land of Wm. Albert and Broa., caat Vfi perohea to poat corner thenoa by lauda of Jaeob Pearce north 176 perchea lo poat corner; tbenoa by land of tieorgo Bargnr weal Vft perebea to poit corner thenoe by other land ot n to. Albert A Broa., aoutb 176 pnrchea to pint corner aod plaoa of beginning, containing 100 acrea, more or lets, havlug about four acroi elcared, being part of aurvey in name of John Campbell, and the aama land deaoribed In deed from 0. L. Reed and J. P. Weaver, rooordud iu deed book No. 7, page 71. Alao, a oertain piece of land situate in Bradford townahip, Clearfield county, Pa., described aa followa: Beginning at a white oak corner; thence by other landa of Wa. Albert A Broi. and J. II. tiearbart, cart 100 perches to a amall hem lock corner ; thence by other landa of Wm. Albert A Broi. north 176 perchea to awhile pine corner ; tbeace by laud or Peter Harger'a helra, weat 26 perchea to a amall h via lock corner t thence by aald landa aouth 26 par. to poat corner, tbenoe by laid land weat 136 perchea to poat oorner ; thence by land ol Hobert Lau sherry aouth 160 perchea to a white oak oorner and place of beginning, containing 146 acrea, more or leaa, with about 46 acrea cleared, aad being part of aurvey in name of John Campbell, and the aame land deaoribed In deed from U. L Heed and J. F. Weaver, re corded in deed book No. 7, page 71, having a two atory houae, log alabl and hearing orchard there on. Alao, a certain piece of land situate In Bradford township, Clearfiold county, Pa., deacribed aa fol lowa; Beginning at a white oik oorner thence by other land of Wm. Albert A Broa. eaat 100 perchea to a poat corner; thence by laod of Kli Holt 176 perchea to poat corner thenoe by Brad ford Church lot, land of Benjamin Laoabcrry and Isaac Barger, weat luO perchea to post corn or j thence by land of Samuel Lanaberry and other land of Wm, Albert A Broa. 1V6 perebea to white oak oorner and plaoa of beginning, containing 100 acrea, more or leu, baring about H6 acrea cleared, having thereon erected n two-atory frame bouae and a bank bam, wagon abed and other neoeeaary out buildings, and a bearing orchard, being pert of aurrcy in name of Charlea Stewart and John Vaughn, aod the aama land deacribed In deed from U. h. Heed and J. F. Weaver, recorded in deed book No. 7, page 71 aod known aa the Ahialom Barger place. Alio, a certain piece of land aituata In Morrll township, Clearfield county, Pa., deaoribed aa fol lowa : Beginning at aa old hemlock corner; thonce by Jejhn Taj lor aurvey aouth 87 degree! east 20(1 perebea to poat corner; thence by laud of A. B. Pearce north S degree east 178 perohea to a poat corner) thenoe by laid land aouth fi7 degree! eaat 80 perebea tu a poat oorner; thence by W. D. Kirwin aurvey north 1 degree eaat 62 perebea to an old pine oorner; tbenoe by Walter Stewart aurvey north Htf degreea weat 328 perchea to an old hemlock corner ; tbeace by laod of Jaa. Potter and J. W. Leonard, aouth 1 degree weat 2-H perchea to aa old hemlock and place of In-gin ning, containing 878 acrea, more or leaa, being part of lurvey in name of Wilnam Stewart, and part of aama laod described in deed from Uoorge Wilson, recorded ia deed book "W," page 768 Also, a certain piece of land in Bosga low n hip. Clearfield couuty, Pa., beginning at a poet cor ner of McUullough, Dolen and olhora ; thenoc by llembany Snyder and P. Dolto north ISO to poat by white oak ; thonce by residue eaat 126 to cor ner thence by aame auuth 1 no perebea to poit ; thenoe by MoCullough west to beginning, con taining IS I acrea and UO perebea- being part of tha George Hoot man tract, and aame laud in deed from W. A. Wallace, recorded in deed book "1," page 7:18. Alao, a certain piece of land In Woodward twp., Clearfield count j, Pa., beginning at a cbeatnut ; thenoa by Joha Logan aorth 2 weat 447 percboa to poat; thenoe by aama and Joieph Logan north li eaat 14(4 perchea to post; tbenoe by William McCullough aouth 884 cast 112 percboa to poat; thence by Parky May hew aoutb Uweat 1V0 per obea to augar maple j theooe by aame aod Jacob Uom north aril weat Vft perchea to beginning con taining 123 acrea and fl6 perchea- ' " ' being aaro land deacribed la deed book "U," page 743. Also, all the mineral right of Wm. Albert, Geo. Albert and lieary Albert tn a tract of land aila ate In Bogga townahip, Clearfield county, Pa., beginning at a hickory corner at the lane of Goo, Turner ; tbenoe by John VYisor north 131 perchea; thenoe by L. Hteine'l land east 69 perchea ; thenoe by S. Loop 'a land weat to beginning, containing 48 acrea, being apart of tbe Ana Stewart aurvey and aame land in deed from Abram Wilor, record ed in deed book "X," page 338. Alao. a certain tract of land aituate In Bradford townahip, Clearfield county, Pa., beginning at a poat; Ibence north 1J eaat 81 percboa to poat; thence north 87 waat 103 perchea ta poat on old Mileaburgroad ; thenoc along aald road aoutb 68 i east 83.2 perchea, aoutb 21 eact 12.8 percboa, aouth 3 west 12 perchea, aouth 60 na! 8.4 per-1 ehea, aoatb T7dj eaat 18.4 perchea, aouth 66 eaat 14.8 perchea to place of beginning, containing 2S acrea and 88 perchea, being the Joseph Barger! land, and aama land aa in deed from Robert ' Lanaberry, Franoii V. Campbell and 8. A. Cald-; well, Kxccutore, deed recorded in book "C.C.," ; Also, an mo id i err "i oi ema n ui lain , iinnry and Oeorge Albert, auppoaed to be a onc-eihlh interest ia a oertain piece of laod la Bradford , townahip, Clearfield county, Pe bounded aorlh by lamia of John Stewart, east by Wm. Albert A llroa., aouth by aama, weat by eamo and Benjamin Lanaberry, known aa the Peter Barter homestead. containing 1V0 acres, about 10U acrea cleared, being pari of a aurvey in the name of John Camp bell, and Iba nam laad la deed from Meriab Waplo and Henry Waple, recardod In deod book "FF," page 120, having a good farm hours, barn and oul buildinga, aad bearing orchard thereon. Alao, all Defendant!' interest inaeeitain piece, of land, bounded oa the weat by Peter Bargar'l eatate, eaat by Weatly Shirey, north by Daniel Stewart, aouth by Oeorge H- Barger, oonUiuing 80 acres', about 40 acrea cleared, known aa llaary tJ rowel I ftnee, having a log boo, log barn auo bear tug urtherd thereon. - Alao, all Defendant!' interest In tha Joa. Barger estate, in Bradford townahip, being one heirs (Mra. Miller) ehare. Said estate ta hounded on tbo west hy land of HI lie Puree, eaat by land of S. A- Caldwell, W. D. Rigler, and K. J. Caldwell, north by land of T. II. Poroey and township road, aoutb bv land of Abrna Pearoa, containing 176 acrea, about 1 20 of which ll cleared, ha ring a good frame bouae and barn, and nooeasry out build ings and bearing orchard thereon. Also, a certain pices ol land in Decatur town ahip, Clearficll oounty, Pa., beginning at the loutb-east corner of the tract; thence weat I t'ft perchea to a post; thonce north H2 perchea to poat ; thence 1 t'o porch et to post : thence math A3 perchci to beginning, containing 60 acrea, being out of the aouth-eaat corner of tbo Thomas Stew, art tract, and tbe same laod in deed fro:u J. W. Smith, recorded In deed book "1(11," pnge 618. Alft.atH-rUl.i piece of land In Bugfra townahip, Clearfield Co., Pa., bounded by land of J. M. Chase and Clearfield creek, containing about 16 acrea and know.i ai tbe Sanborn rafting ground. Alao, h certain piece of land in Woo. I ward twp., Clearfield Co., Pa., oonUiuing about one acre, knowa ai the upper rafting groun t, at Boat data, on Clearfield creek. Alao, a certain piece of land aituatrd in Wood ward townahip, Clearfield county, Pa., described aa followa i Beginning at a poat corner ; thence, eaat Jilli perches to atone heap ) thenoe, by land of JiiSb Harrison and Joseph Clark aouth 2.4 perches to pol Corner ; tbenoe, hy rltU. Kruno aurvey north 40 degreea west 200 perchea to p'tat corner; thence, by Srimnel Kmlla aurvey, oorth 60 ttegraea cast 30 pcrchei to poat: thenotv by laid aurvey north 40 degreea weat 100 perchea to ?oat corner and place of beginning, containing JO acrea, more or lesa, being part of aurvey in name of "Chemoy Rtcketti" and the same land described in deed from Jaa. T. Leonard, recorded lb deed book "AA," page 2:tt. A lao, a certain place ef land situated In Wood ward townibip, Clearfield county, Pa., deaoribed aa followa: Beginning at a Hemlock oorner; thenoe by real due of John McClelland, louth U degree! weat 162 perchea to a poat; thence, by Mary Conoly lurvey, north Tft degree! east 169 1 tare hea to poat; thence "Mary Neel" aurvey, oorth 4 degreea eaat 1I0 perchea ta a Birch corner;1 thence, by ,fJoiepb Clark" aurvey, north 8) do grvea west 1 40 perchea ta Hcmloek corner and plaoa of beginaing, containing IHO acrea, more or leaa, being part of aurvey in the nime of Joha McClelland and the lam land described In deed from W. B. Alexander, recorded In deed book "FF'paga 671 on the Iftth of November, 170. Alao, a certain piece of land eltuated in Wood ward township, Clearfiold connty, Pa,, deacribed aa follows: lleglnning.ate Hemlock oorner; thence hy "Robert Mellee" aurvey, south 80 degreea east 26 pure hea to a hemlock oorner, Ibence, byJoha Harrison anrrey, north I degree caat 78 perches to post eornrra i thenoe by real da af Peter Lowder aurvey, north 89 degree weat 100 perinea to poit corner; thence by aatd aurvey, aorta 1 degree eaat 80 perchea to poat oorner; thence, by aame aurvey, aorth 89 degree! weat 142 ft-ltl perebei to a hemlock corner; thence, by Reuben 11 al nee end Susan Ward eurreye, eoulb 10 degreea weat .14 perches to an old plua corner t thenoa by Samuel Kmlla aurvey, aoutb 3A neat 1 64 ben baa to a hemlock corner aad place of begionuic, contain ing 1 88 acrea and I34 perebea, mora or leaa, being record rd la deed book No. I, Page lftl ; kwiag a large aaw mill, imall hoaaa aad good atable erected tbereoa. Alao, a certaia piece af laod situated la Wood ward towaahip, Clearfiold coanty, Pa., deacribed aa followai beginning at a poat corner, thence hy John McClelland aurvey, aoalh 7 degreea eaat 1 16 perebea lo a burch earner t thence, by Mary Mel aurvey, north t degree! eaat 161 perches to poat corner j thence by aaid aurvey, aouth M eaat I penned ta a beech eoraer; thence by f haa. Masloa, north three degreea cart 04 a-10 perches to peat thence, by residua of Joeeph Clark aerlk ftf degreea west 144 perebea to post cornet ; thence by Hubert Me lee aurvey, aoatb I degree! west IDS perebea to a hemlock corner ; thence, by Hol and Kvana Survey, south 17ft degreea eaat 118 perchti to a birch corner thenoa, by aaid aurvey aouth 62ft degreea weet 81 perchea to poet eoraer and place of beginning, eantatalag HI acrea 148 't)i uiioucrrmruta. Serohei and allowance ( lurveyed la tha nun of oaepb Clark, having ereatej fh'rea a email house sad stable, and about 10 bctm cleared. Also, all defendants' luteroat In timber and min ora U on and la a certain piece of land lo Decatur township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded aa fal low! i Beulnnlng at a p.t iheorc by land of Jamea Phillips and Wm. Albert A Bros, eoutli 3 west HO port beau, atones ( tlmaoe bv Wm. Albert Drue, land aouth T eat Mrt t per-has lo HotttM i .henna l-y anino wel 8 H0 ,,.robei tu Makcf the ice by land ol Juntas Mltchidl north hi waat 105.6 perohea tu place of beginning containing 68 acres and allowance, being out of the north waat oorner of tho Thomaa Rtewartson aurvey, and part of aame land In deed from J. W. Hmilh.rtkrerded lo deed book "X ," pata 88 and the aame land now Owned and occupied by John Phillips. Alao, all defendants' Interest In tbe limber and m Incrala In and on a certain piece ot In lu. calur township, Clearllald county, Pa.,bouhded aa followai licginning at a poat; thence by land aow owned by John Phillipe, east IDA perchee to atonea; thenoa by Joha Kepheert'a land aouth 80 rerehoa to poat ; thenoe by K. Mitchell's land, weat 1)8 perohen to posti thenoe bv Marv Sandwieb aurvey, north 80 parches to place ofbeginningeon tainlng fifty acrea and allowance being part of a aurvey in ine name of i notna Htewsrtaon aad part of aame laod in deed from J. W. Smith, re mirded la deed book "X," page 83, and tha aaiua land now owned by John Rowlea. Alao, all defendants interest In tbe timber and mine rata on and In a oertain piece of land In De catur township, C let riled county, Pa., bounded al follows: Beginning at a atake; thenoe by land of Jaa. Milchell and f . A J. Meeac, cast I OH percboa to post thenoe by residue of aurvey aouth 320 pcrubea to old line; thence by old line weat 108 pirohea to post; thenoa by land of Hobert Mitchell, Joha Uowlea and John Pblllipa north 320 perebea to beginning, containing two hundred ao rea aod allowtineoa being part of tha Thomaa Stewart son eirvey aud tha aauie laad deaoribed la deed from J. W. Smith, recorded la deed book "V," page lifti, aod now owned by John KepbarU Alia, all defendant! Interest in tha timber on a certain piece of land In Beocaria townahip, Clear- iviia county, ra oonisiniog about 3. acres and known as ox bow tract owned bv llenrv White- aide. Alao, all tba tntcreil of William Albert, Oeorge Albert and Henry Albert in a oertain lot in Wood land, Bradford townahip, Clearfield county, fa., oounaeu oo uie eaat oy an alley, aouib oy wuoii land Fire Brick company! laod, oa tbe eaat by Wm. Albert A Broa'.,on tbe aouth by nublio road, containing about three-fourths of an acre having a good large houae 82x40 thereon and known aa tho Woodland Hotel or B. B. Plu turner Houae. A lao, all of their Interest In four certaia lota in Bradford township, Clearfield enuntr. Pa., bouad- cd on tba aouth by P. R R. on thecaat, weat A weat by Wm. Albert A Broi. containing about one acre, having a good amall home thereon, known as Uarid Mci.'aully property. Alio, all their Interest In four certain lota la Bradford townahip, Clearfield connty, Pa., bound ed on aouth by public road ob cast and wait by Wm. Albert A Broa'. and on tha north by public road, containing about three-fourthi of an acre, having a good amall house and atable thereon, . known as the Tbomaa L. Waple property. Alao, all their interest in three certain lota ta Woodland, Bradford townahip, Clearfield county, Pa,, bounded on tha north by Main atreet on the eaat by P. 0. Rlatlenberger Iota, oa the aoalh by an alley on tha west by D. Pendergast lot,coulaio ing about Ui roe-fourth! of an acre known aa J. B. MoKnally lota occupied by Dr. J. Lira bavlnc a good bouaa, atable aod oRiue thereon. Alao, an tbeir tataroat la two oartain loat ; la Weoldaad, Bradford townahip, Clearfield coanty, P.. bounded on north bv Main atreet. on east bv J. B. McKnelty ku, on aoutb by alley, on west by A. 11. Tailor lot. eontaioinr about one-half an acre known as D.Pcndcrsaat lets, bar lag a bouaa and atable thereon. Alao, all their Interest la two oartain loat la Woodland, Bradford townahip, Clearfield eoaoty, Pa., bounded on the north by Main atreet, on eaat by D. Pendergaat lota, on aouth by alley, on weat by John Peterson lot, containing about one-half an acre knowa as Joha Patterson loat. Also, all their interest inacertaln let in Wood land Bradford township, Clearfield coanty. Pa t bounded oa the north by Main atreet, oa eaat by Wm. Albert A Broa'., on aouth hy P. R. U. Cc.oa weit by R. Lanaberry lot, containing abouot one fourth acre knowa aa Wm. Hall lot, having small house thereon. Alao, all their Interest in throe certain lota tn Wood laad, Bradford township, Clearfield oounty, Pa, bounilod on north by Mam street, on east by Wm. Hall lot, oa south by P. R. R. Co. on west by Uonj. Lanaberry, containing three. fourth of aa acre, known aa R. Lanaberry lots, having a small house and atable thereon. Alio, all their Interest in a certain lot in Wood land, Bradford townihip, Clearfiold county, Pa., bounded oa the north by Main atreet, en tbe east by K. Lanaberry lou.on the aouth by I1. R. R. Co. on tba west by Wm. Albert A Broi'., Containing about nee-fourth acre known aa Beaiamia Leaa- r borry let hnviug a amall bouae tlierena. , , i ; -' t Also, all Wm. Albert A Broi.' iu tercet la a cer tain lot in Woodlaod, Bradford township, Clear field county, Pa., bounded on the aouth uy Main atreet, caat by Oefrge Bret s lot, aorth by allay, weat by W.Albert A Broa., containing about of an acre, with hoaaa and itabl thereon, now occupied by Otto Buck. Also, all their interest In a certain lot la Wood land, Bradford towaahip, Clearfield oounty, Pa., bounded on tba south br Main atreet, caat by alley, north by alley, weat by R. B. Shirey.i lot, containing aboat i acre, having a amall house thereon, known as A. W. McClenacaa lot. Alao, all their interest in a oertain lot la Wood land, Bradford township, Clearfield oounty, Pa., bounded on the aorth by Main atreet, eaat by M. J. Caldwell a lot, aoatb by alloy, weat by Wm Albert A Broa., containing J acre, known aa the Jerry Orafhoi lot, having a amall bouaa thereon. Alio, all their intereet ia a oertain lot la Wood land, Bradford township, Clearfield oounty, Pa., bounded on the north by Main atreet, weat by Jerry Ornffiua' lot, tooth by alley, east by Joa. Oillman'a lot, containing about $ acre, and knowa aa the M. J. CaldwaH'a lot, having a house there on. Alao, all their Interest la a certaia tot ia Wood land, Bradford townahip, Clearfield oounty, I'., bounded on the north bv Main atreeL welt bvM. J. t-aid well's lot. aouth by. alley, eaat by Thomaa Stemena' lot, Coalainlag aliont acre, with amall ooue tnereon. Known aa Jciepn li ill man a lou Alao, all theii iotereet in a oertain lot ia Wood land, Bradford townahip. Clearfield county, Pa.. bounded aouth by Main atreet, west by Thomaa S tea-one' lot, aouth by alley, eaat by W. Albert A Broi., containing about k eere, known aa Charlea Craln lot, having a small hoaao thereon. Alao, all their int area t ia a oertain lot la Wood land, Bradford towaahip, Clear A, eld oounty, Pa., bounded Booth by Main atreet, weat hy W. Albert a tiros., north by alley, east byJ. Data lot, cob Uiotac aboat about 4 acre, bar in a a email houae thereon, known as M. A. Merideth lot. Alao, all their interest in a oertain lot la Wood land, Bradford township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded south by Main atreet, weat by J. Dale lot, north by alley, east by ether lotl, containing bout i acre, and known aa 0. M. Caldwalader'l lot. Alio, all their interest tn a certain lot ia Wood laod, Bradford towashlo. Clearfield eoantv. Pa.. bnanded north hy Maio atreet, weit by 0. W. narger lot, aouth by alley, eaat by W. Albert 1)r6- oontaining about acre with amall bouse and atable there d, known aa Laroy 8, Faulkner lot. Alao, all their Int area t ta a certaia lot In Wood land, Bradford township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded aoutb by Main atreet, east by W. Albert A Broa., west by Jacob II. Carr lot, north hy alley, containing i aure, having a good house aad liable thereoB, knewn ai C. Cone lot. Alao, all their Interest lo four certain lot! In Woodland, Bradford townihip, Clearfield aoonty, Pa., bounded on the north by nublio road on tbe east, aoalh and west by Wm. Albert A Broa'., con taining about ona acre, having a amall houae and atable thereon, known aa Jacob Oreea lota. Alao, all their interest in four certaia lota tn Woodland, Bradford townahip, Clearfield connty, Pa., bounded on the north by publio road on east, aoutb and weat by Wm. Albert A Broa'., contain ing about three-fuuthi of an acre, having a bona theraon, known as Jamoa MoDonnold lots. Seised, tiken tn exeoetioii end to be aold as the property ef Willum Albert, Ucorjre Albert aad Henry Al bert. Alio, by virtue of writ! of Ler. Fa, nnd Fi, Fa., at the Court Home in Clear field, on Tuniiiay, Hepleinber 20ib, tbe following doflorilietl rent eatnlo, to wit : CorUin lanJi in Hr ail ford township, Clearfield county, Tit., oue piece begin ning at a chestnut corner lurveyed in llie name of Wm Stewart. Wm. Low. a, Aaron Levy ami Henry Stewart, thence by Wm, Stowart W 111 p tn a poat, Ibence by rea iUue of th Aaron Levy aurvey. N 31(1 p lo the line between 7ho Barclay and A. Levy lurvey i, thence E by lame HI p to a pine oorner, thence by John Vaughn A I I'm. Lewi! survey, 8 310 ncrchet lo place of beginning, ooutaitiing 'A 2 acrea and 3 perebea, being Ibe eailermost half called . Levy' choice, aurveyed on warrant grant ed to A nron Levy, dated 27th July, 17 '.'2, baring about 20 acrea cleared, a two-atory bouae, amall barn and bearing orchard thereon Alio, one other piece of land beginning al a white oak, thenoe easterly by land of Michael 8oull aud Abaalotn Pierce 78 p to poat, thence 8 p lo poat, thence W by H'm Lewii luryey 78 p to poit, thence N 222 p to place of beginning, containing 102 acres, being out of the Jane Campbell, aurvey, about iO acrea of whieh ia cleared, luring the H'oodland itore house building and a frame dwelling bouse formerly oc cupied by Wm. Albert, a amall bam, amall house and other improvement! thereon. A Iae, One other piece, I eginalng at a earner poat of lsaao Kline'e. eaat 0j( perches to a post corner of Joseph Merger i thence by bis land aouth AO per. lo a poat; tbenoe by laod of John Kline weat V) perebea ; tbenca by Isaac Kline aortb fid perchea, containing 37 acree. Also, ona other piece, being the balance of the Wu, Lewia aurvey, bounded ny landa of Abealoaa Pierce on the east, and Stewart survey oa the ooath, Ueorge Turner'! land oa tha waat, aad Jane Campbell survey oa tba north, containing 60 acrea. Also, ont other piano, containing 60 aerea, pari of the Wm. Lewti enrvey, being the Joseph Uray irlb by other landa of Joe. Uray. Also, one other piece of land containing aboat ft acrea, ieiaing Uudl af laaac Kllae, being part of tha laaac Wileoa aurvey, being tbe eame b rem ises which V. P. lluratbauland Wm. A. Wat; lace, conveyed by deeda to aald Alberta. Seiaed, tak en in atecotton and to bo aold as Ibe arewevty of Wm. Albert, Ueo. Albert and Henry Albert. Tanas er H i.e. The price or awn at whleb the property ahall be atruck off muat be paid at the lime of aale, or aueh other a-rangemenU made aa will be approved, oiberwiee tba proper ty will be Immediately put up and sold agaia at the et- ' penae aad risk ef tbe person to whom It waa atruck at, and wbo, la ease of defieleaey al sae4l re -eel., ahall make good tha aame, and la aa Instance will tbe Deed bo pfwemtwd la Oeurt fee confirmation ualeea tbe money la actually paid la the Sheriff. W. R. MoPHHHAoN, flnnnrrr'a Of etc a, . Sheriff.1 11 Clearfield, Pa., A eg. 80, 1878. J , , . f , , , ;