SHtsiriUAUfoui. WILLIAM. M. IIRNRY, Juhtici OF TBI lACAHIft' CITY. Colleettont made mJ utuuuy rompttf paid over, Artie tea of agreement aad deedi of uoTtuM neatly txeentea ud warranted or- raot r do eharge. lajy'Ti B OOT AND S1I0B MAKING. J09KPHH.DEEHINO.ot Market atreet, 8hewJa Row, Oliarfltld, Pe., net jaet rtoelrtd fne lot of Franth Calf Skint end Klpa. the bait li tne market, end U now prepared to man foe tire erer ythlng in all lino, lit 1U war rant nil work to bo at renreaanted. Alio, all kind of Leather and tihot Findings for lela. Tkt eltlioni of Clearfield and vicinity art retpeeuaiiy tort tea to givt am a eati. Work dont at abort notion. Wfi'TSy pan bale. Tbt nnderalrned will toll at prlrata aale all tbat tract or parcel of land eituate lo Deoatnr tuwnibip, Clearfield toanty, Fa., within a thort aifunot or tbt xyront a cieertiei i it. n., aau adjoining landa of Kobtrt Ilwlaon and otnere, and known at tbt Jaenb B. Uearhart lot. Thf aid traot contain In it (10 acrea niort or lei, with two vein a of riluablo tool thereon, hu about aorta tltarod, and It tbt key to a larrt body of ooal about being developed. Will bo lold low and anon uit terma. For nartlmilara, aniilr to DAVID L. KHKUS. . Clearfiald, Pa., Jul; XS, Wft. JJANIEt, GOODLANDER, LUTUBRSBURQ, PA, Dealer In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, H0S1ERT & GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A 8 HOB, Tobacco, Oroeeriet and Flab, Nalla, Hardware, guten aware and uieaiware, Men ana lioyi' Clothing, Druga, PalnU, Olla, School Uookt, a largt lot of Pattnt Mediolnei, Caodiei, Nuta A Dried Frnlta, Chttat and Crack era, itocn ana Hint rowdtr, Flour, Grain and Potatoes,. CIotm and Timothy Seed, Bolt Leather, Morocco, Llnlnga, Binding! and inrtaa, nnotniiKorr tooib ana bnot rindingi. Nt grtattr variety of good In any itort In tbt county, ah for taia vary low for caan or country produce at tna tneap vomer. Aiay i, ibo, HUEY & CHRIST SOLS PROPRIETORS Of TH1 CELEBRATED AND It 11. BTtEJ'KIVS TONIC HERB BITTERS SEND FOR MICH LIST. 1IUEY A CHRIST, 131 W. 3d Street. PHILADELPHIA March M, 187-6m ?lnnlaarf, & Siuuarf. POWELL & MORGAN HARDWARE, Alio, Hannfaoturartof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, CLEARFIELD, FA. F 'ARMING IMPLEMENTS of nil ; klndi for lala by POWELL A MORGAN. ft AILROAD WHEELBARROWS for aula by ' POWELL A MORflAN. (lh, PAIKT, PUTTY, GLASS Naili, tbt., for nil by POWELL A MOllQAN, TTARNESS TRIMMINGS 4 SHOE rindlnci, for ! by IPOWELl A MORGAN. Q.UNS,riST0L3 SWORD CANES lor ul, bj POWELL A MORGAN. CTOYES, OF ALL SORTS AND SliM, for nil by ' POWKLL A MORGAN. r RON I IRON I IK0N1 IKON L ' Tor nlo bj POWELL A MORGAN. II ORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE . NAILS, for Ml by PQWELL A MORGAN. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And but Manifootari, for ) by POWKLL A MORGAN. T HIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for lU by rOWELL A MORGAN. S ACKETT & SCHRYVER naiLiRt in' HARDWARE, and nannfaotnrtft of TIN, COPPER 4 SHEET IRON WARE, Reeond Htnet, Clearleld, P.. IlKT!n ronttod oar Itororooui oad doobltd ear lose, wo or nraporoa 10 oner nerKOini to per. caoaita la ovr lloo. Wt bero dooiilod to do . Strictly Cosh Business, tad cm therefor, nil at f really redaeed prleei, Carpeaterf and portoe. who eon template balld ln( arUldo watt to examine ear a..-- -snr-m " ewwiuMwawuttyeMUawara, " ' ' araleh ti n. and of the beet maaafaotore. ' ; '.I . i . . . ' - w ve ,eep a lre ilook of Sails. , v locks. vGLASS. PUTTY,. GIiUK, , HINGES, SCREWS, - All kladi of Beneb PlanM, Cblnli, Sqnarei, """m, riumui one Mreu, . . . Mortlied A Thumb G.ti. Beteli, Braeee A Ditto, Wood and Iron Beaeh Sorewe, and tbe beet , Boriof Machine la the . .. market. . !,V Double and Single Bitt Aies, ,., , POCKET 0UTLIR7, Ae. Agent for BumeU Iron Corn Shelter, wemoiea. Abe, afeaU for Kieaarde' ;.' 4 got;iic flue tops, t L . whleh effeotnally eare Smoky Plaea. ' Tim Implements, Garden Tools, ' " of erery deterlptlon. A large rarlety of OOK STOVES, " ' We we warrant te fire (aUifaeUon. m Meeeeajw oaeeea rimHH, waVEeeflfif, Spoattai and Job Work daae ea aaaoieeile tonal. All erdore will reaelre prompt aeeeaaloa. Plamblaf aad gae ittlait alteoded to y.eiperi.aoed. workmen. . May I, lt. 0ur 0tw AdLtrtUrmrnt. ipnr nVDlTliT THAN AUil llAJi Will vaii) Pebll.bed e.erjr Wedoetday by GOODLANDER & LEE CLBAttPIKLD, PA., Haa the Largtat Clrrulatlon of any paper fn Nortuweetern Peuuiylraula. The largo and oonaluntly Incroosing circulation of tho Bepublican, ronJora itvaluable lobusincai me a as A modium tliro' which to roaah tho public . Terms or Subscription i If paid in advance. . . . 12 00 If paid aftor tliroo months, . 2 50 If paid aftor six months, . . 8 00 When papors are aoiit outsido of tho connty paymont must be in advance. ADVERTISING : Ten linos, or less, S timos, . (1 60 Each eubsoquont insertion, 50 Adminislrntor' Nolicos, , . 2 50 Executors' Notices, . . . . 2 50 Auditors' Notices, .... 2 60 Cautions and Knlray, . . . .1 60 Dissolution Notices, . . . 2 50 Professional Curds, 5 linos, your, 6 00 Special noticos, nor lino, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS i Ono snuaro, 10 lines, . . . 18 00 Two squares, 15 00 Tbreo squares, 20 00 One-fourth column, .... 60 00 One-half column, .... 70 00 One column, 120 00 Wo havo alwayRjon band a largo stock of blanks ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUI1PCENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OK AGREEMENT, LEASE3, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, ic, &c, Ac. JOB PRINTING, We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADSJ ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, ' STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ao., Ac, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlnnder V Idee, Clearfield, nearfleld.Connij, Pa, r oo, 6r0rifl, (fir. II A FID TIMES HAVI NO EFF10T IN FRENCHVILLEl I an awaro thai thtra art tout portoni a lit tit hard to pleat, nnd I am alao awart that Iba oonilatnt of "hard timet" It wtll aiab nalvoraal, Mat I in m tltuatod now that I tan tatiafy tbt formtr and prora ooaelamaly tnat "hard tinoa will not affoot thoto who bay their goodt front no, and all my patrona thai I lo tntttatad Into lot m era i or HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I have mode tnouih to auubltall the Inhabi tants la tbt lower and of tha ooaaty whiob I toll at tiftttding low raiat from my mammoth ttoro In HULtiUNUURU, when I can alwaya ba fonnd raady to watt apoa aalltrt and tuppiy uam wiib Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such aa Clothi, Satlnatti, Caailmaroa, lluallni, Dslainta, Linta, Drillinga, L'alloooi. Trlnimlnga, Ribbont, Laot, ReadT-madt Clotblna, Boots and Bhooa. Hata an Cap all of tht bott malarial and made to order 11 oat, Bock a, Ulorea, Mitttna, Lacta, Ribbont, Ao. QROCKRIKS OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Toa, Sugar, Rlct, Mr. I ami, Flab, Salt Pork, Ltoatod Oil, Flih Oil, Carbon Oil. Bardwara, Quotnawaro, Tinwart, Caatlngi, Plowa and flow uaaunga, nam, Hptkti, uora urn urn- tora,Cidtr rraatat, and all klada of Aiat. Ptrfuntry, PalnU, Vara lib, Qlatf, and a gtnarat aaiortmtnt or auuoDtry, GOOD FLOUR, Of diffartnt brandt, alwaya on hand, and will ba aold at tho lewatt pouibla ngurta. J. II. McClaln'i Mcdiclnaa, Jaroo'a Medici net tin. ... nJ Hnd.Asif.rta HlttmM (00ft ponndt of Wool wanted for which tht nantat anot wtll do paid, vtorartooa on nana and for aala at tba lowtat market prion. Alio, Agent for Strattonrillt aad CorwanarMla inraining Maoninaa. te.Call and aat for youratlvti. Ton will And trtry thing ainally kept In a rttall ttort. L. M. COUDRIET, FrtnobTilla P. 0., Augaat IS, 1874. JKMOVAL ! JOHN McGAUGHEY Would rcntectfuIlT notify tha Dablic ctnarallr thai ht haa removed bia Grocery Btort from Shaw't Row, to tho building formerly ooenpitd by i. Mi let K ratter, on Ktound etroet, ntxt door to Bigltr'a hard wart atora, whara ha Intanda ktoping a full Una of QltOCIlRI i: H. . HAMS, DRIED BEKIand LARD. SUGARS and ST RUP8, of all fradu. TEAS, Qnen and Black. COFFEE, Routed and Qroen. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, All klndi In the market. PICKLES, in Jan and barrel!. SI'ICKS, In erery form and variety. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KIMIMtOPCRACKERR. soArs, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil on! Lamp CUmaeys. And a aood aeeortment of tboee thliiae nauaJlr kept la a grocery olore, wbieh he will eiobange rur maraeung at lae maraw ,neea. Will tell for oarb ai eheaply ai any other one. Pleaie eall and fee bit atoek aad Judge for yonreoll. JUIIH MCUAUUUftr. Cleerdeld, Jaa. t, 17. G ROCERIES. JAS. II. LYTLE, (Soooonor to LYTLS A MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CHOICE LINE DP TEAR. 0OL0N0S, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, YOUNG HYSON, ENGLISH BREAKFAST Pureet la Market. WITTER AND EGG Will be bent and aold at (nt eott. Calk Held iwr vu.Bir, . ruuuo. GERMAN CHERRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS. HUH. Mackerel, Lake Herring, Cod, Ao. P1CKLUS. Barrel Pleklee and Englleh Pleklel. FLOUR AND PEED. Floor, Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Ao. mthlU JAS. II. LYTLE. AMERICAS CYCLOPEDIA, (AI'l'LRTON-8) NEW REVISED EDITION, Complete in 16 Volumes. Rntirtly ra-wrltlea, to tbt preaont tlmt. Rrtry thing hronght down Illnitrattd ibroughoot with Over 3,000 Illustrations AND MAPS of erery eoantry ob tbe globe. Sold only by eubeerlptloa. It If not obligatory to take all the volume! at onoe a volume may be delivered onoe a month, or once In two montbe. Ten eente a Hav. the nrieenf a elver, will nev for a let of CYCLOPEDIA ON A BI MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION la leu than three yean. Then there will be aomelhing mbitantiel eared and torehoute of knowleclce. Indeed a unlveroal library la itaalf. ennred, with but little (Sort or eeorinoe. PRICI AND STYLE OF BINDING i For Eitra Cloth, per vol. .. IN For Library Leather, ear vol...- a on For hair Turkey Morooeo, pee vol f to For half RuaeM (air (till, per vol. For run Aatioue, per vol......... It 0, For Fall Bulla, per vol ... ,.. 1, ,0 For further laformatloa addran I. H. WILLIAMSON, Pabllaner't ipat, 10) gnu ttnet, Ju, it, me.iy. rimiuria, r. THE REPUBLICAN. II '"r.. . CLKARKIELU. PA " WEDNESDAY MORNING, BKI'T. 0, I87S. LKSSON OF THE COAL IiltKAK. TIioho who assuino that tho sudden and total lreak of. tho coul coinlniia tion is the mora result ol tho common disagreements between great rival cor porations, litllo understand oitlier tho causes which havo led to it or the fur reaching significance of the act itself. If It were tho ebullition of discontent that felt srong enough to enforce bet ter terms in tho struggle for corporate supremacy, we might look for tho res turalion ol tho combination any duy. The mutual necessities of the case would sooner or later compel tho sub mission of the weak or the concussion of the strong, and it would bo simply a question ol bow much would bo sac rificed by tho belligerent pnrtios hoforo they would unite again to control both production and prices. Tho Issuo in volved in the competitive production and transportation of-anthrucito coal has, howevor, reached far beyond tho oontrol of railroad strategy. For sev eral years the amount minod and of necessity thrown upon tho market bits boon In excess of tho domaud, for groat corporations, with capital aggregating hundreds of millions, have developed rcsoureos for tho production of coal far beyond the ability of tbe country lo consuiuo it. Tbo linos for speeding it to market have boon perfected at en. ormous cost, and are now languishing tor want of traffic. Minos havo been ojicncd and completed in all their ox- ponsivo appointments, and their pro duct is heaped up upon their banks. Thousands of skilled luborers, unfitted for any othor oocupaiion, havo been gathered in tho anthracite coal belt, and thoir or me bang in idleness and their homos nro broadloss. The capi tal in railroads and mines, and the labor that is anxious to pour the wealth of tho mountains into tho lap of com merce und trade, arc all dependent upon a single product, and tbat is para lyzed in all its vital channels of pros perity. Tho bum of tho tuctory is silent, tho flame of the furnaco and forgo has gono out, and painful soli tude usurps tho place of tho hearUome music of a varied and prosperous in utiBiry. limit, lias taken the wings of tho morning from every centra of created wealth, and tho son of toil and tho local trader and tho princely morcb ant all alike feel tho pinching distress that is suroly drifting to mistorlutio and want. lor thrco lonir years men have struggled and hoped, but each spring and autumn bos but mocked tho promise of relief, and cvory day has recorded its list of those who have fullcn in tho unequal conflict, while to day more are trembling on tho vergo of bankruptcy than at any ono timo in all the past history of tho country.' lien the oconomy that starvation teaches provuiling among tons of thou sands of our luborers, and with tbo sevcrost frugality enforced among those who may bo termed tho com fortable classes, tho anthracite coal Holds will bo drawn upon only fur what actual noccssity demands. With tho idle mills and factories and furnaces will bo innumerable anlightcd stoves and grates, and from all the countless sources of consumption comes tho same sad story of diminished income or ab solute poverty. It was tho imperious law of supply and demand asserting its absolute man date ovor all tho cunning of capital that has brjken tho coal combination, and its restoration is a practical im possibility. It may be altemptod, and may ovon attain partial success ; but the same causes which mado tho Board of Control adjourn without day on Wednesday last, will only again assort thoir dospotio will with fresh omnipo tence. Tho simplo truth is, that tho capital and labor now employed in the production ol coal cannot be compen sated. Capital cannot receive divi dends and labor cannot obtain tho biro nocossary for its mere support Thero can bo no diversion of either into othor channels of enterprise, and tho issuo must bo carried into tho temple of Uoatb. 1 1 is tho old storv of the stnrv ing crow, and somo must dio that tho others may food upon them to livo. I ho Lohigh Valley Railroad felt strong est, and it has simply accoptod thodiro necessity that presented itself. It was tbo athleto that carried its undue share of hapless industry and capital at a toarful cost to itself, and it has finally paused and callod tho doath-roll. And lias done wisely ; wisely for itself. wisely for its less fortunate nssocintes and wisoly for the groat trade in which its wholo interests aro centered. It is sad alternative, bnt delay would but poslpono misfortune to swoll Its flood- tido when it should como, as como it must. Tho many who aro to fall be fore stubborn futo will doubtless ro proach those who have bastenod what irrevocable laws must bring with ac cumulated distress threoorsix months hence. But with an insano financial policy that flaunt tho lio of forced re sumption two years honoo, when ovory day belittles values and diminishes tho ability of the nation to rosumo, there must bo steadily increasing distress and docponing distrust, and tho soonor tho bait is callod tho narrower will bo tho track of destruction. Thooriso as wo may, an impoverished pooplo can not consumo surplus products. With fully five yoars' supply of manufactured iron awaiting a markot; with qui to two years' Bupply of home nmnufuo- lured fabrics unsold, and with money Iriven into its chilly shell becauso skill and Industry, combined with tho high est Integrity, are now strangers to credit, the nakod question presents itself to tho coal men whothor tho sol vent shall continuo to be solvent by standing alono, or all bocomo pracli oally insolvent together. This grave problem Mr. Fackor bas docided to solve, and he solves it in the only way that can promise life to those who havo vitality enough to live. The re sult will be a just reduction in tbe price ol ooal to the oonsumor and the over throw of all producers who havo not the facilities and tho capital to survive the doadly conflict Thoro will be an epidomio of bankruptcy amonir tho feebler competitors, and tho ooal trado will, like tbe poisoned atmonnhore. re turn to Its wholesome offices by tha angry sweep of the tempest. Such, la the lesson of tha dissolution of tha ooal combinatlon.-irfrtrfrfpfVia 2Vm. I THE CA TllOLW CHURCH AND PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM. For j ours the attitude of ,the Catho lic Chun h towards (he Publio Schools has l ri "either Tinowlligly or iguor. autly misrepresented, liy tho press and in the forum, in tbe holla of'.lugls. latiou, and in tho pulpits of l'rolestuiit ism, tho Catholic Church 'tias boon falsely and foully accused of design, ing tht dcitriictioit of tho Cooimoni School system. With the faint hope of making our voice beard nbovo the loud din of slander which meets us on every side, when the school question is discussed, wa beg loavo to stnto cate gorically tho position of tho Catholic Church in relation to the Common Schools ; DkCLAUATlOM TO TIIK i'Kol'I.B OF TUB UNITED STATES I Enomies of the Cntholie Church as. sort that the Dishops and Clergy of tho Catholic Church uro hostile to tho Publio School, of tho country, and are leagued togethor to destroy thorn. Americans I read our Declaration and learn our truo sentimonls: 1. The Cutholio llisboiig and Clergy have' no intention, whatever, to inter, furo with your Public School system. Build as many schools as you wish we will never say a wonl nguinst it, and wo will loavo to yourselves the caro of your own children. 2. You wish your schools to bo free from all rolia-inua influences ; in othor words, you wish Ibem not to be soo tional or sectarian In any case. Tbo Episcopate ol the Catholic Church says in tbiB regard Do with your children aa you pltaso. . ! . ' 3. Wo C'uthollca, on the other build; aro under tho conviction Umt-ihildren aro sent to school not only to bo lormed into citizens, but also and especially, to be educated into good men ami good Christians, and our Church believes, in all earnest with (, the celebrated Protestant statesman of France, that education can by no mentis bo se para tod from religious influence. Therefore, whilst leaving your schools and their management peacefully in your own hnnds, wo claim the right of having schools of our'own. from tvlilah relii'ion shall nut be excluded, but bo allowed , . . . , to exorcise lis salutary influenco on our youth. 4. Wo claim the right ou the plea that wo uro a religious body in this fVco country, whoso Constitution most solemnly guarantees tho free exorcise of religious belief to all its citixens, and tho fullest pcrsonnl freedom in regard to tho dictates of conscience. Now, there is not a more essential or a more precious liberty than that of parents to educate their children in tho man ner which they think will mako them happy for time and foroternity. Thoro fore, the Catholic people, with logical sequence, claim tho protection of tho Government, so as not to be molested in thoir schools, 6. We say protection. No doubt, justieo and equality would entitle the Catholic pooplo of this country to ex emption from tnxntlon lor tho support of other schools, or to the share of the publio school fund in proportion to the number of pupils in their schools. Jttit evon this claim we are disposed to waive in your favor. 6. You can havo no reason to fear tho cflect of our system on tho Com monwealth, because experience has proved that tho students of our col leges, academics and schools are as good and as useful eitirens as those who como out of your institutions. And if in evory other branch of human action you admit the principle of com petition and believo in its beneficial in fluence, why should you exclude it from education, and deprivo yoursolvos of tho benefit which emulation would produce? 7. We fear that notwithstanding this sincere, precise and solomn declaration, there yet will be found fanatical men and political speakers who will cn- doavor to excite their hearers by as serting tho imaginary opposition of the Catholic Clergy to tho Publio Schools of tho country. It is ono of tho mis- fortunes of this world that it cannot I00"1 aml lunio boasts that, likt got rid of men, who, liko Don Quixoto, chmberl"in. Aos, Koilogg, Ao., go are perpetually fighting ngalnst wind- inU' the South nd stealing tho no mills,undertheplcaofimmincntdanger S' 080 lhcm M Totor t0 rob and to their followinon. Such men do not r1,in dor lbo So"11' people, who art wish to know tho truth, and though wo repeat it a thousand timos that wo do not opposo their schools, any more than wo adoro images, or trust more in the Blessed Virgin than in the morits of Christ, they will a thousand times renew tho chargo and swear that wo do. Wo do not oxpoct to silence such men ; but wo appeal lo all fair minded citizens not to bo lod astray by tbo bigoted or ignorant ranting of men who would blind them for their own political ends. Wo ask no Invor or privilogo. All wo as ask is to bo let alono In follow ing tho dictates ol our own conscience, and you cannot refuse this, without undermining tht Constitution, and pro- paring tho way lor tho loss of tho same troodom for yourselves. Americans! wo art willing to rally with you under tho flag and Constitu tion, and maintain them witfi our blood, as wo have done horetolora. But wo cannot help fearing that both are in poril, whilst a largo numbor of our follow oitnens, In and out of office, allow themselves to bo influenced by fanatical or self-interested politicians, or by infidol and revolutionary foreign ers, who como to us with tho proud pretention ol toaching ua what Repub lican govorntnont is, about which thoy know nothing themsolvos. All wo ask is that you will not go to such men to lenrn what we uim at, what are our sontinientA. Give us a fair hearing, and receive this declaration as tho sin cere expression of our truo principles, which wo mako before God and men, actuated by no other motlvo than ono desire for tho wolfuroand progress and perpetuity of our country, such as tho ratlicrs of '70 mado It, and intended that it should remain. Your sincere friond and lovor of tho Amoricnn Iicpublio, fJolIN I). PtIBCKLL, Archbishop of Cincinnati NORTH KIIN COLLAPSE AND SOUTHERN DELI VERANCE. i In the entire history of dvUizatlon, antiquo and modorn, thoro it no par allel to tho crimes oommiltod by tha Northorn on the Botithom people In the last ten yoars. It was a war upon Amorioaa civilisation, from tha begin nings buch a party as that lod by Abraham Lincoln had no moral rignt to exist. ' It was not only an anti-Constitutional and anti-Republican and Miti-Anicrirnn; butnn null-social party, thstf Inhl fHrTnmMutiml right to exist an dmirthan a party fledged to tho 6bolil1oti Of marriage, or of the parent al relations, or anything elso thutvio. Inted tho order of nature ; but as tho HouUiirrr-trii failed to aland up and grapple with ike fiwHiatrous thing, and sought to escape social destruction by succeauon, -. tht, giving up of tho Union, army, navy, public lands, ovory. thing hold in common by the Slates, a new issuo v, to a oortaJu'extent, pi o- senlud tbut blinded vast multitudes aud gives sons amull oxcuso for the tremendous waste of blood and treas ure. But from tho iusUnt of Loo' surrender to this moment, thero is no excuse that posterity will listen to for a moment, and every year, aud every duy, and every hour tho ''North," for ten your past, has dons it, utmost to blot out not only the liberty, hut the civilisation, aud Indeed the population, south of tho Potomac, and it has done this in modes so unnatural, disgusting und horrible, that wore tbo "situation' accoptod, were the present stnto of things to become jiermanont, in com parison it wero on almost infinite mercy to bo swallowed tip by an earthquake rather than sufful a duuta so awful A single sontunco will demonstrate this torriblo truth. . Within a hundred yoars, as the census shows, tho negroes would ba oxtinot,aod in view of that lingering death, with Its unspeakable sufferings, who will not say an immo tlialo annihilation would bo a supremo uiercy, or in othor words, if Grant were te gather tbo whole four millions, say next Fourth of July, and mow them down with cannon, would it not ho a supremo blessing In comparison with tho lingering torture) and final ex tlnotion of theso child people. And as the all-wise and beneficent Creator has mado all things perfect, and designed all His creatures to livo and enjoy tho supremo blessing of existence, and therefore punishes tho white man to nt least an equal extent for this mighty wrong on the subordinate negro, four millions of while people must needs bo "nomu(1 8"m "nal extinction. and llio "situation continued, one hundred yoars hence both white and negro in tho groat tropieoid South must needs be oxtinct, and tho coun try, tho South propor, the great somi- tropic land, endowod with such bound less capacities forthc happiness of Bod's creatures, ahandond to tho wild ani nulls. But at lost comes tho natural and uncscnpublo penalties for such unspeak able wrong-doing. The whole mighty ?ortli is on tho cvo of a collapse, deed, Is In Ihe midst of a collapse that, should Hayes bo elected and things left to drift to their natural conclusion will astound tho civilised world for ages to oomo. Thoro is no mystery in this prodiatiou. It is not nocossary to suppose that Providence specially in terposes to punish nations or commu nities, thongh that, in tho higher sense, is no doubt true enough, but this is simply a matter of causo and effect. For the North to combine and usurp tho common government, and porvcrl it into an instrument to enable a man in Now York to govorn a man in Vir-1 gin in, is a crimo unspeakable, for it strikes down the vital and sacred prin eiplcsof self-govornmont, on which rest tho whole mighty edifice of Atnerioan freedom. Evon wore it to do a real good to Virginia, tho orirao would bo, nevertheless, atrocious for tho Ameri can, who drank in freedom with bia mother's milk, it should bo as spon taneous and natural as brcathingatmos phorio air. But when, in addition U this crimo, the North strives to "abol ish" tho distinction of raco, lo "recon struct" tho order of nature, and degrade its kind to a lovol with different and subordinate species of human kind, then it commits a sin against God and and outrage on civilization so supreme and unspeakahlo, that only future gen erations will bo ablo to invent words to filly express it. Nor is it lb dio- morally tha most responsible, but, on the oontrary, those who "know heller," and yet, for ten years, have stood idly looking at this monstrous devilment Meanwhile, wo rcpoat, tho recoil of such transcendent crimo is at hand. Tho ruin of Southern production, from which enmo two-thirds of Northorn wealth and prosperity, has honey combed tbo North with bankruptcy, and men are walking on volcanos that, at any hour, may burst forth in fire and blood a thousand lold moro borrl hlo than that which doomed Pompeii and Ilerculunoum. Tho South La) only to storiff by Ihe truth and elect S. J. Tildcn, to find ita hour of doliv.ruuca, and to enter on a now and glorlotia future. If it debauches Itself will) Mongrolisin, and in ita misery and horrors, seeks the aid of tho devil to fight the dovilism that confronts if,' it is lost, nnd tho South lost, tbo descend ants of Washington and JeffemoD equal izing with thoir own negroes, all is lost; and American Democracy and Amori cnn civilization thing Vf Uio ' past. AYio York Day-Bonk. --' 1 Tho mint in .San Franciseon coinofj in July $4,000,000, tho most over donb in a month. , .', :, Jw a,fJittrtiSfmmts. c AUTION. All peraoaa ar. herebv eaulloBed eeelftrt nop. ehailng or In any way meddling with one brown mere, now In tbe nonunion of Relpb Sebolu, of noruiaui lowoinip, ua Mid mare waa parohaeet by Jamei lAoaa, and belougi te an, and Ii only Irft on loan, lubjeet to my order el any time. IMJIII LalUKY. Leconte'l al ilia, Aug. 80, 1 S7S- tl ' lXKCUTOU'S NOT1CK.- A Notice Ii hereby girea that letter! leitn nvatary baring been granted to ihe inbieribcr on Ihe .Male of FRANCIS SHORT, deceeeed. lale of Oleerlleld, ClearSild oouaty, Peun'a., all penoni indebted to eaid eeteto aro noueiled to muke Itemed lete payment, aud thee, having olalmi Btalnit tbe aimo will preeent them duly autbeatleated for etttlomont. P. A. OAUI.1N, FRANK F1KI.DING, CleurBeld, Aug. It, 'Tt-U. Kaeeulon. 7XECUTOR'8 NOTICK.- J NMloe la hereby giree that Mien te.ta meatary having bnn greeted to the uudenlgned aa Ihe eitate of illCHAHD HHAW.Br., dee d, late of Lawrenee lewnihlp, Clearteld eoaMy, Pa., all pereone Iadehted to Mid eiUte are reqni.tod to muk. immedleu paymoal, aad thooe having llalmi agelait the aame will promt them duly -A. B. thaw, waa Ii Mtkorlted by the ether lieculora, will attend te the eeulemaol of all olalmi al Ihe omoe of the Caeeutori, la the Mere room laaele oeeupwd by Jewph Shaw A Horn, la Clearteld, where he eel be found al all tlmee. JOHKPH SHAW,) , A.H.8HAW, llYn.' A. B. SHAW, I Clearteld, Aug art it, ItTMt, WlKtllanmt. QRPIIANS' COURT BALK. KsTATKOF J. A. BI.ATTKNUKKUKR, DKC'D. In nunuatiee of aa order of tbe Onibeai1 Oourt of Cloarflold eountr, there will be eipoaed to puoiie taie, ai inn uourt llouee, In Uleeraolil, en DaluRlay, rVilemlrr 13, l1, At 1 o'eloek n.mall that eertala nareel aroaad kawwn ai tbo "lloeorero" nrooirtr. tbe ettatoof J. A. lllelleilberger.deo'd, illueteoa llale treei, oioeoia, re., atljotuiug lot No. SJ7, fronting on llele ureal 1)03.10 feel, aud rousing bank lilt feet te Montgomery nlley, being Ave Jotl, with a well onliliuit two ttory frame uuuie, loait feet, with u good well of water. Will be told eeparately or uKiuer, ae puionteori may uelire. Tnuue. One-third of the purohaie mono, eaib upoa eonfi.inetloB uf aale, aad the baianoe ia two equal annuel peyuiealt, In be eeourej by bond anu inorigago on lue premliei. MRS. 0. llLAVTKNBKKnRR, Admlnletratria. WALLACKA KHKUS. Attorneya, ClearOeld, Aug. Id, H. A. KKATZER, (loooaatoa to) KRATZER& LYTLE, DBALUB IN DRY UOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS, SIIOKS, LEATHER, CARPETS OIL CLOTUH, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, KTC. Market Htrret, ClearOeld, Pa. Fob. It, isr-tf t. r. waAvnru.. ..w. w. aniva WEA.YI211 & BETTS CLKARF1ELD, PA., ' Are tiering, at the .Id Man. of O. L. Bead A Co. their atoek of gNdi, eonmitinf of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, ' BOOTS A 81IOKS, llATd A CAPS, HARDWARE, lUEENBWAUE, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, dco., &o., At the moet reaaonable ratea for CASH er In eaobaage for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. aV-Advanoaa made to taoeo engaged la get- Ung out vqnare timber on the mott advaategooaf terma, pdtlJanTl awarded Inn Htfheit Medal Ml ntnna. E.& H.T.ANTHONY 4. CO., 801 ftroadway, Mew York. (Opp. Motrepemea Hotel), NAjurecreasBa, .inronraai ahb snALsaa in - CI1R0M0S & FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS Album i, araphotrnpt, Pbotographi, aad kladrtd goodt utitbrititt, Aotrauat, MOTOGRAPIIIC MATERIALS, Wa art boadqoaritri fur artry thing la tha way of Storoopticoaa and Ibgio aU&tornB, fitlog maaaraotartrt of tht 1ICPO. SCIENTIFIC LANTIRN, i ,l'Niy KKHITY BTKROPTtCOlf, ADVERTISER'S BTBROPTICON, AKTOmcON. BCHOOLLANTKRK, BA MILT LANTERN, PKOPLBS LANTERN. Eah liy lo bafog tbt boat of ita mlaai la tba MrktU Cataloaoti of ttaatorat and fllidai. with dlrao- uoot lor aiiog, toot aa appiioauua. Any taterprUing audi eaa aiakt boh; with a Hag ia Lantern. ,"VUtIort to tba CcatoaBt. Ixpotitloa will do vital to defer parehaaiag goodi In oar Mat until Urn? oomo to oar -U... ia Now York, wfaaro idbt win dh irtatar rariott ana atom prioaa, aad aa ftUot than, at their taiiora. Bat wa nart a eoneotiioa to ttll tout ttvloa of oar ooat in toe uuumng ol tbt Department or Public omfort, and tbeit not toailac tt New York an inviiea to tan oa our roproaeolatlon Intra, wr-A iuii hook ot vttwi or Iba Jtzpotltion id their too ten tt. frTCnt out tht adrarttaomaat forrtftrae.ot.'w CALIFORNIA. mn rniriao and oRiAT-waiTaaii niiLwiT Kaibraeet nndor one n.taajrinftnt tha Orrat Trnnk Hallway Liaaa of tbt WKaT and NORTH WK8T, and, with ita namarwna branehta and toanotdona, forma tbt thortoat and qalokott roata between Cmoaaoaad all polntt in Ikunoit, Wia ooNaia, Nonrnnaa Micrioar, MiWRtaorA, Iowa, NaBKitxA, CiLtronau aad tba Witrani lanntToaita. ita Omaha and California Line Ii the ihorteit end beet route for ell point, In noOTHUKB ILI.1UOIU, lOW, IfABOV., 1IBBUAIBA, Wrowiue, Colomuo, t'ren, Navtnt, Oauroa- ia, Oaneoa, Cniaa, Japab aad AuarwaaiA. In Chicago, Madison & St. Paul Line la tha ibartott Hat for Nortkmh Wiaraaim aad MiKMoaoT., and for KfAniaoa, St. Paut, Mia KtAPoLia. Dri,cra and all polaU In tba Ureal lioriPWm-: ..Aim Winona and St, Peter Line II the only route for Wiiosa, Romiivau, Owa- voua, mABUAro, nr. ravaa, Hew Klm, and all pointa ia Southern and Oeaural Miaaoeota. lie Green Bay and Marquette Line It th. .uly Hue for jAnaviLLB, WaTaarowa, Poua Dn Lac Oinaoen, ArrLuroe. Oaaee Bar, Eioababa, NanAUBBB, liABguawn, Horenvou, UAeoocaandtaeLAauSureaieaCotiavBT. lu Frcrportand Dubuqne Line A tbe only ronte for Rlbib, Rocaronn, Faaa rear, and all point, via, Freeport. Ita Chicago and Milwaukee Line uv on, bin more nonta, and u ua only ono paeaingiaroagn KTANtnn. LAaa Foanat, Uioa- linlfYll I-ARK, W VTATJIIUAU, RACIIS, KbUOIUA tO MlLWAfKBl Pullman ralace Cars arej rua ea all through train! of tale rand. Tbie Ii Iba ONLY L1NI ranntne tkoe. eare U. IWeen Ohleago aad SL PaaKChieagoaad Mllwaa hee, er Chicago and Wbvaaa. Al Omaha ear Smepari ooaneet with tbtever land Slernen on tbo llalon Paelte Railroad far all point. Wait of the Itiaaaurl River. Oa the arrival of tho train! from the Rett er Hoiuh, the trulm of tbe Chicago A NorU-Veetera Relhray LEAVE CIIIOAUO ai Kllowii . rar council lllultMrraaha end California rwe inrough Tralae Oally, with Pullman Palaoe, Drawing Room aad Sleepleg Oar, tbronib te Oonneil Rluflv. . , for u Paal ant Minneapolis, Two i urougn Traini nelly, with Pallmaa Palaoe Can attached oa both traini. for tlreem lUv and Lab a Barter. Ten Train, dailv. with Pullman Palaeu Oan attathed. no nineing inrougn 10 Marat Kor Milwaukee, Four Through Tralaidally, Pullmua Cun ea eight traini, Per lot Chair Oan for Mparts ant l,,ona aad palata bi 7 , ",uio iraia oa uy, l,r" "'".rt.Twe Tkreu, Traini dalle, with Pallmaa Oan ea tight trail w .'i " Cweaa, via CllaU ugh Uaiaa. Tw Through Traiai dally, with Fallaeaa Oari an night Iraie te Mettregor, Iowa. Kor Hha Cltw aa tlu e """em vereea atiieoerl Valler JaaalUa. r or Lake Ueaen. a. Ti.. a.i,. for Mocnlbi-d. a... II.. a...k. . mu ewer neulla. von eaa h.HfMta. te tea Ireiai dally. rJ,',v? ' read.ay i Bo-lon Otia., He. t Bute Street , twt. ... Ferabam ttraet. Baa Free.iu. new luiii... lomury Street ! Chieag. Ticket 0eei , ai Cbrk street, ander Sherman Hoaati eoruer Caaal aad S, . . ' ,"" """ Uepol, eeraer W. Klnaleead Caaal Sineu, WeUi Blfeet Dowel, eoraer Well, and U mile Street.. For ratea er iaiemn Ilea net aUalaable ftem oil. , ' - frwmm, JCRUrfUanfin. HARTS WICK & IRWIN SECOND STHRET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS CHEMICAL SI PAINTS, OIUS, DYE STUFF VABNIBIIKS, BRUSHES, PKRFUMKRY, FANCY SOODS TOILET ARTICLES, 0 ALL KINDS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, for adlainal pnrpotaa. Trataaa, Supporter, Snhtol Book and Station try, ana ail tuner artieiea atuan found in a Drag Btort. PnYHIPIAMB' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUND!.!). HaTiar a larat ex erleaoe In tba twiinaii they tan gira entire aat faction. J. O. HARTflWICK, iuiin r. lHwin, Olaarltld, Daranbtr 16, 1874. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED (flnootttort to Doynton A Yea rig,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Maaaraoturera of fOBTABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Oornor of Foarth aad Pine StraeU, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVING engaged in the manafaotare of Iret olae, MACHINERY, we retpaetfally Inform he p ablto tbat we are now prepared te 111 all order al eheaply aad at promptly.! eaa be done la aay of the ettiee. We manufacture and deal la Malay and Oiioulor Saw-Mills Bead Block., Water, Shifting Pulley Qifford'i Injeetor, Steam Oaugee, 8 teem Wbiitlea, Oilera, Tallow Cupl, Oil Cupt, Oaage Cooke, Air Cocke, Olobe, Cheek Velvet, wrought Iron Pipeo, Sleam Pampt, Boiler Feed Pumpa, Antl. Frietlon Metre,, Soep Stone Packing, Oam Pack. ag, and all kindt of HILL WORK J together with Plowr, Sled Solea, COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, and ether CASTINGS of all klnda. uVOrdera Mllelted and tiled at eity prleae AU letter, of Inquiry with nfereaeo to meoainery of ear eunufaetore promptly aniwered, by addree- iag ul at Clearleld, Pa. Janlfd-lf BIGLER, YOUNG A REED; he Bell's Ran Woolen Factory, Peaa towaihip, Cleerdeld Co., Pa. RVHRED OlITI see no. B U RNEDU PI Tbo aabaorlbtra hare, at front oanoaaa. rtbailt atiffbborheod neotuitr. In tbo ereetion of a int. olaaa Woolen Manafaotory, with aJI tba modorn improvement, attauhed, and are prepared to make all klnda of Clotba, Caaatueroa, 8atintt, Blan ket, Flanaala, Ao. Plenty of goodt on band to apply all oar old aad a thoaaand aaw mitomara, wnw we m w eoma ana txamint our a took. Tha bailneta of CARDING AND FULLINO will raotlra oar tapaclal attention. Proper arrangeaentt will ba made to reetiro and deliver Wool, to talt oaatosntra. All work warrnntod aad dona apoa tha ahortott notloa, and by atritt atun Uon to baainoaa wa hope to raailaa a libtral a hare oi pa dim patronaga. 10,(MM POUNDS WOOL WANTED 1 Wa will pay tht hlabaat market nrloo for Woe aad tall onr manafaeturod gooda aa law aa almtlar goont oan no oongbt in tbtoonoty, aad whenever wo fail to render reasonable tatiafaotion wa eaa alwaya ba found at homo ready to make nronar jmpianuaMiun, mmr in pnrpon or py leiier. lAffitta BUNS, april.fltf Bower P. O. a. . o d Lira. n, coat La. a. naaaaua (il L1CH, McCORKLE & CO.'S (Saeeemon u John Oalioh), POPULAR FURNITURE . ROOMS, Market atreet, Clearneld, Pn. . Wa maaofao'.Bre an hlndi af Fnrullnre r... unaaiBon, lllulag Hoama, Librariel aad Halle. If you waat Furniture ef en. kind, don't hue m gum eee oar etoea. , , UNDERTAKING In all Ka kranchea. Wa been ia nook all aba taieei aad moet improved Oomna aad Ca.keta, and have every facility for properly eoa durtlag thl! branch or our builneii. We here u purent Curpae Pre aerver, la which bod lea ten be nruMrved ler a eon liderable length ef time. A member of Ihe Irra hu kit ilecnlne anart. moat at ear wari-reom, when be mb a. found bv aay pmoa who eame at eight for Ihe parpoaa ef UllLIcn, McCORKLI A CO, OleaHeld, Pa., Hay 1, ft-ly. J'ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASKS, ,. Stove Lining and Fire Brick, - kept eonttantly oa kaad. v' STO.E AXD EARTIIE!! WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POT8I CROCKS! Fuhars Piteat Airtight eir emUaa- B.H.. . W BUTTER CROCKS, with lldt CREAM CROCKS, kf ILK CROCKS, "OR" CROCKS. FLOWER P0IS, fruj pISHBS. BTEW POTS, r And t greet many other thlngi toe auweroul to ooHoa, to be had at . FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner of Cherry and Third Slreelt, CLEARFIELD, FA. aagt " ; Clearfield Nursery. KNCOURAOK IIOMB INDU8TRT. IIIR aadenlgaod, having ottabllibed a Nur eery aa tho 'Plhe, ahoat kalf way between rtMd eed Oarw-aevliu, le prepared te t Bleb 1 .1.4. W FRUIT IRKaJnj; 2,. dwarf,) Rvergneu, Ihrablwy, (Jre Vie" Booe.7, a.ton BlaaklJrr,, X.b. aad Retpherry Vlaea. A lee, llbeJla. Onb TnZ ttatnea, aad early eearlet R.aberh, Ae. Orwen prernmUyattoadedu. . , AddreeaT anMSI. ,d-D.WRI0HT. "V1! CurmntrUl., rs. SotrU. THE MANSION HOUSE Cernerof SaoondaadklarketMtraeta ' CLKARriLKU, PA. THIS eld aad eommedieae Hotel kai.tar.t tha pail year, heea. enlarged le double lu former eepaelty for tho eatertaiameat of etraa gen eat guaiU. The whole hulidlag bae heea nfurnlihud, and the proprietor will ,ptr, ,, palai ta reader kia aomlertable wbll. lUylag with him. tr-The 'Mantlen Ileuie" Omelbut raai to aad from the Depot ea the arrival and dinertan ef eech train. W. V. CARbuv July ll-rt -If Proprietor A LLKGHENY flOTEL. Market Street, Clearaeid, Pa. Wra. B. brad ley, formorly proprietor ef tht Leonard lluuat, having toMod tbo Allegheny Hotel, aolloiU a abara of nublit patron ace, Yat Houao baa boon tharousrlilr repaired aud aewl fumlahed, and goeatt will And It a pleaaaot atop, plag place. Tbe table will be aupplled with tea beat of e very t hi oa in tbt market. At the bar will be found the beat Winea aad liquor ore. (Iruj atabliog attached. 0. DHAULKY, Proprietor. May 17, a. s USQUEIIANNA 110USK, IJUKW alxOVlLtiC, fA. NEWTON KKAD, Paoraiaroa. llavloff become proprietor of thla Hotel. I would reipoot fully eolicit tbe patronage of tba publit. Jlovae laaaantly nod eonventtnily ait. noted i a w I) refitted and refarniabed ( good aaai. pie rooma atlaebod. All railroad traina atop at thla hunt. jan.fl-7i SUAW HOU8K, (Cor. of Markot A Front itreeU.) CLaAnFlnLU, PA. Tbt ondtraiintd baviac taken eharjre of thfi Llotol, wonld roaptctfnlly tolielt publio patronage. jam 7o dV. n. fuubAAiun, WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. Tbii new and well furniihed bouia bar beee lahea by tbe nnderiigned. He feel! confident of biina able to reader eatiifaetioa lo tboee who me, fevor blm with a eall. May S, 1S71. O. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. jJONTOUB IIOUIB, Uppoilt. the Conn lioueo, LOCK HAVEN, PE.NN'A. Jolt'Tl UAU8EAL A KROM, Prop',. LOYD HOUSE, Main Street, PHILIPSBURG. PKNN'A. Table alwayi lupplled with the belt tbe market uffordi. Toe travellag public Ii invited to cell. Jaa. I, ROBERT LOYD. 2Saufc3. P. S. ABBOLB. S. W. ABUOLn. B. ABRuLB F. K. ARNOLD & CO., Hunker and RrokcrH. ReynbldavlHe. if BVraoa Co.. Pa. Money received on depoalt. DlaoounU at mo derate ratea. Kaatera and Foreign Bxcbanjra al wayi on head aad eolleetiooa promptly aiaie., Uee, lo, lDd..y County National Bank, OF CLEAKPIKLD, PA. ROOM in Maaonie Baildiog, one door north ef 0. D. Watton'a Drag 8 tore. yafaegt Tteketa to and rrom Liverpool, Veeem. wo, Ulaacow, London, Parit and CntienhRreB. Alio, Drafta for tale on tht Royal Bank of Ireland! and Imperial Dank of London. .1 am ns l. itKUeN Allli, frea'L . M. SHAW, Cathier. tl:l:74 DREXEL & CO., Wo. 31 South Third Street, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Application by mail will receive prompt ettea tlon, and all luformatioa ebcerfully farai.hed Orden aollcted. April 11-tf. gtatlstru. STEWaJST & BLACKBURN, DENTISTS, CurwenaTllle, Clearteld Conuty, Pran'a (Offloe la Qatoa' New Buildlag.) Cwrwenevllle, Jaa 11, ISTt-ly. DR. E.M.THOMPSON, iTofEs (Offloe In Bank Building,) CurwrenivUlc, ClearOeld CoM Pa. mob 1J ts-tf. A . M i HILLS Wonld rttpeotfaUy notify bia patientt that be haa rtdnood thenrioe of ARTK FICIAL TKKTU to S.ti.eO ntr aet. mt fur a double tot. For any twoperaona oouing at the aame time, to have each an npper tet, will get tbe two fete for $-14.00, or lU.fca n-a. Terma Inrariably Cain. C learn tld, Jon. 1, 1816. S' TEAM SAW MILL, ENGINE AND BOILERS FOR SALE. Tbe nnderiigned often for aale oa reeronable term!, their atcam law mill, located at Wallace, tea, Cloarflold Ce, Pa. The engine and boilerf are ai good aa new. The eiae of the engine ti Milt, aad le la good ruaning order. They will alee eell their ihlugle and lath mill, aad all the workiag maehiaery la the mill. Partial wiihiag to paraheee.eea call oa or odd reel UKA11AH. WALLACE A CO " Clearteld, Pa., June M, 1ST,. MEAT MARKET. F. M. C ARSON & EEC, Rear of Pte'a Opera Hoaee, CLKARPIBLD, PA. Onr arraneemeata are cf tho moat eomnlete character lor furnitbing the publte with Freak aieau oi aii aiaa, ana oi mt very btat quality, Wa alao deal in ail kmda of A aritaltnral lmole- menta, which wt keep on eibibilioa for tbe een. eflt of tbt public. Call aronnd when tn town, aad take a look at thinre, or addma nt F. M. CARDON A BfiO. Clearneld, Pa., July U, 187-tf. N EW CABINET MAKING SHOP. M. B. SPACKMAN Dlilree te announce to tha nubile that he hei opened n CABINET kf AKINQ SHOP IN CLEARFIELD, Where he will KEEP ON HAND r TJ S N J, T TJ B E . And do all hlndi of CABINBT WORK and RE PAIR FUHN1TUKR of all blade, on abort notice aad in the belt ponible meaner. 6 hup ea Fnarth Itrwt, eppulte Park A Merrill'! drriege Shop. Aug. I, Tt-ly. FRESH MEAT-SEW SHOP. The nndenlrotd bcrebv Inform, the oubllr la geaeral that they keep on hand, regumrlv. el their ibop, adjoining JOHN QtLlCH'd furniture , oppoell. tae Oourt lleato, tha Mr mk.ih Mmr, rsAi. Mt'TTOn LAMB, PORK, STO., AT REDUCED PRICES. FOR CASH. Market nrnlnei Tueidav. Tknred.v. Setardayi. deilred. Meet delivered nt reatdeoce a A ehar. ef valroaage It reepeetfullr eelirited. march 1, 18741,. 6TAUR A NORRIs. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS ic STATIONERY. Market St., Clearaeid, (at the Poal Otlre.) fpilR nndonigned kcgi leave te announce te me eitiueni ol Ulearteld and vicinity, Hat ka! ttted an n room anA hu i..i rat.reei from the oily with a lore, amount ef nadul matter, eoaanllag ia part of Biblet and Hisoellaneoua Books, Blank, Aeeou.t tad Peat Smk. ef ..... da. arriptlan , Paper aad Bavelepee, French pnemd und plain j Pom nnd Pencil! Hlenk Ual Papert, Deed!, Mortgage, j Judgment, Kteui tlon nnd !romiiarv ante, Whi,. .nd I'.rri- meat Brief, Legal Cep, Record Oap.uud Bill tel. Sheet Mnilc, for either Plane, Flute or Vlvlle, aonetaatly ea kaad. Aay beoka er Hetleierf dotirod thai I may not hare on haad.wlll a. otdiroi by flrrt .ipreei, and aold at wholr.ale er relet! te ealt eartoraen. I will alio keep periodical lllerutan, luck a. Mageileei, Newq,enere, le. ' r. A.UAtbtI.. Clearteld, May f, lMl-if JOHN' TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, JIATTRENNfLS, ". ' AND mproved Spring Beds, MARKRT STREET, NEAR P 0. The aad.relmed Wei leave le leferm Ihe erttj- teaief Clearteld, and the public genenlly, "i1 on aanw n ene Ulonment er reren.'-. eh at Walnut, Chettaat ead Palated Chawtcr lUe. Purler Bailee. Reellelaa eed Klleem Cbeln, Ladlea and Oeato' Baay Chelra, th P"; fbnled Dials aad Parlor Chain. Ceae Sreuead Wledeor Chain, Clotkee Ran, Slop end ti' lion Ladders, Hat Raehi, Scrabblag Bn.bM,M MOBLDINO AND PICTURE FRANIa, Looking Olaaeea, Cktemou, ta, (kilt weak) te callable for Uolieay preeeetj. detll'TI r JOHW TROI'TMAll.