Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, September 06, 1876, Image 2

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    She gltpntliran.
'ft T "
Rudir, If 70a want to know wont la going on
la tha buttlnai. world, juat read our adrartialng
oolomna, tbo Sfial eolumn in parttaulnr.
rum rnnaiDniT:
or ww Ton 1.
' Or IH01AIM.
Potlf open at 7 ft- m. and, without IntermUelon,
oloie at 7 p- m.
woo cai to.
Eviry male eitUea, twenty-one yeera or age,
poeieaiiBg tho following quallfirationa, ihell b
entitled to vole at all eleolione:
1. Ho ehall have boon oi(iio of tin Uolteil
Stale! ooo month.
3. na aba.ll haro resiled In the State 00a year f
or, if having previoaily been qaalined elector
or natira bore eititoQ thereof, and ahall bare
moved therefrom and returned, then be ehall
bare realded tbarein lis month! Immediately
preceding the eleotlon.
S. lie ahall hare reilded In tba dlatriet where
be Intenda to Tote two month! Immediately pre
ceding (he election, iaitead of tea daya, aa for
merly. 4. Tf twenty-two year! of age, or npward, he
lball bare paid, within two yeare, a State or
eoanty taa, whioh ahall hare been aiteieed at
laaet two nontha previooa to the elaetion, and
paid at leaat one month preriona to the aama
i Foreign bora ciiiaooa Muet hate been Bat-
orellaed at leaat ana month before the election,
and meet eonform to tho requirement! oontatned
ta aeetion 4, preceding.
The election will be held en "tba Tncaday next
following the flret Monday of November," being
thie year the 71b day of the month.
Wedoeodoy, Sept. fttb, li the laal day for be
ing aicefaed.
Friday, October lib, ti the laet day for ee
earing natarallxatlon papera.
Friday, Oetober ath, la the Mat day on which
tsxee ean be paid In legal time to vote.
The abOTO date! ihonld be oarefully remom-
bered and acted on by all colore.
Hon. 0. R Barrett, will scldross the
CIcrtrBeld Tildcn and llondricks Club,
at Pio's Opera House, on Saturday
evening next. Let tliore bo a good
Israol Tent, Esq., will address tho
Tildcn and Hendricks club mooticg, at
Curwonsvillo, on Friday evening. Wo
bopo tho Democracy of Curwonsvillo
borough and Pike township, will Iwar
this fact in mind.
Pat You r 'J' ax. ThoBO citiions who
propose to voto on "Tax" at tho ap
proaching election, should bear tho
fact In mind that tho tax must bo paid
not lator than tho Cth day of October
not on election day, as thoy did
undor tho old Constitution that is too
lato. 3t.
Be Careful. Every citizen who
changes bis residence removes from
one borough or township to anothor.
between tho Cth day of September and
the 7th drty of November, loses bis
vote voluntarily disfranchise himself.
Tho Constitution requires ovory voter
to resido at least sixty days in tho
election district where he offers to
voto. 3t.
"The coal break," on our fourth pago,
is interesting reading matter.
Tho Tildcn and Hendricks Club will
moot in Pie's Opera House overy Sat
urday ovoning. Speakers will bo pres
ent at each meeting.
IVa this woek publish on our 6 rut
pago a synopsis of tho cstimntcd value
of the Centennial buildings and thoir
contents. It is an immense aggregate
Tho Tildcn and llondricks Club at
Woodland, is nowono of the strongost
in the county. Bradford township will
redeem itself this fall and will do bet
ter than ever.
Header, it you want to learn some
thing about the extravagance and cor
ruptions of tho Grant-Hayes adminis
tration, road tuo speech of Congress
man Horeford, on our first pago.
Withdrawal. M r. Frederick Shoff,
nt Boccuria township, has authorized
ns to withdraw his rumo from the list
ot candidates fur Associate J ndge. No
tickets will therefore be printed for
"Your Tickets." Tho tickot and
blanks used at the primary election
will be ready for delivery to Mr. Tost,
Chairman of our County Committee,
by Saturday, tho Otb inst Candidates
nd Committee-men, when in town
will ploaso call on him for those essen
tial document.
81RVZD Them Kkiiit. The two
liadical editors over In Huntingdon,
Guss.ol the Globe, and Durborrow ot the
Journal, took it into thoir heads to go to
the Legislature next winter, but whon
the county Convention mot last week,
it selected two other tellows, the dele
gate! preferring that the two gentle
men should remain at home and attend
to thoir respective newspapers.
Georoi B. Goodlandir, Editor.
Tho (ioreriior of llVxvtuim has ex
alted ideas oi his powers; and thinks
himself oven as great as tho oourt ot
tho District of ('ultiiiihiu. A citizen at
Milwaukee., deeming hiinsell libeled by
that veracious sheet, the Chicago Times,
and having complained to tho Gover
nor, that functionary lias issued a re
quisition on tho Governor Of Illinois
for the body of Wilbur A. Storey, editor
of that journal. 11 e arc afraid it will
not be granted ; at any rato, Storey
doesn't appear to be at all alarmed.
Wisconsin needs anothor Governor
badly. How nicely theso political
shysters would adjust M r. Storey's case
if there was no State lino running
across from tho Mississippi river to
Lake Michigan, between Chicago and
Milwaukee. It is just so with some
fttrmora and lot ownors. Thoy would
bo tho owners of a great deal more
land if their neighbors were not so
tenacious in putting in claims to cer
tain lines which intervene Tho man
who assumes to bo tho Governor of a
Stato and has no moro respect for the
Ihws and lines of an adjoining State,
should bo put on the trail of Sitting
Bull. The out lawing of tho one is no
greater than the other and they should
travel together.
The Primary Klection. Our pre
liminary party Btrugglo comes oft on
Saturday, tho 10th. Tho names of all
tho contestants for tho several oflicos
to bo filled in our county, and in the
district this full are now beforo tho
pooplo. The first inquiry the citizon
must make before casting his ballot tor
a candidate, is this: Is be honest? Ishe
competent? Being satisfied on this
point, tho votermust oak himself in tho
second place, tho quostion, "Who will
add tho most 'length to our party ?
Does ho possess any elements of per
sonal popularity over his competitor ?
And in tho third place, is ho worthy
or deserving of tho position he socks
to fill? Personal claims is tho very last
thing to be considered in apolitical can
vass, because no one man is any bottor
than another in this county, and there
fore, all meet on common ground. It
will bo observed that thcro is no con
tost for Congress, Assembly and Jury
Commissioner, and that Messrs. Mack.
cy, Tate and Burchficld havo tho field
to themselves. Those gentlomen aro
all honest and competent, and deserve
the full party voto at the primary. For
Senator, Sheriff, Associate Judges and
District Attorney, tbero is plenty of
good material, and if our party friends
act upon tho policy indicated, tho very
best men will of course bo nominated
and triumphantly elocted.
Tho Radical Hayes and Whceleritcs
held anothor of thoir weakly pow-wows
in tho Opora House, on Monday eve
ning. The attondunco was pretty fair,
but tho speeches failed to create any
enthusiasm among tho followers of the
party. Hon. J. B. McKnally address
ed tho meeting, on tho subject of tho
Into war, and practically Ignored tho
issues at slake in tho present cam
paign. Ho seems to think, like Kil
patrick, that "a bloody-shirt campaign,
with plenty of money," is the only
tiling that can possibly koep the Rad
ical candidates t rom shipwreck and ruin
this full. His spoech was unsatisfac
tory to his Republican friends. It was
void of reason or argument, and much
of it lacked good common sense. Ho
ridiculed tho idea of reform, and
thought any party would stcnl and
mako mistakes when in power. This
may bo so, but we do not soe it in that
way. Alter Mr. McEnally was through,
"Soldior" McDonald jabbered a while,
and then Murray pronounced tho ben
ediction. Radicalism is on its last legs.
This is a noticeable feature at their
gatherings. The people feel tho neces
sity of a change, and tho party lasb
will fail in its efforts to drivo thorn to
tho support of tho Radical candidates
in November next.
"Tho Democracy held a mooting at
Kylortown on Monday eveninrz last.
and report the attendance at fivo hun
dred. A roliahlo eye-witness counted
the crowd while Mr. Wallace was talk
ing, and there woro just one hundred
and fifty-three persons in tho crowd, all
told. Our informant also says that
there was a groat deal of drunkenness
and that the meeting broke up with
thrco fights Journal.
Wo aro informed by a gentleman
from Kylortown, who was at the moot
ing, that tho above itom, from last
week's Journal, is a bare-faced lie. He
did not tako tho troublo to count tbo
number of persons at tho mooting, bnt
tho crowd was variously estimated at
over four hundred. But two or throo
drunken men wcro in attendance, and
woroot the Journal stripe of political
reformers, who always follow In tho
wako of political gatherings in order
to raise a rumpus. In this instance
they woro nnsiicsessful, although U103"
did manngo to raise a fight amongst
themselves, but it was in no way con
nected with the mooting. Hit 'im
again, Mr. Journal.
Forney a Joker. Thoeditorof tho
Press, avers that "Hayes' own momen
tum" will carry Ohio for the Rads.
Well, so ninny bribes and fibs havo
bocn traced to tho door of tbo Press
ofllco, that we aro compelled to disbe-
licvo all Cameron's slavo utters on this
point Ho Is simply a practical des
perado. He has cut all thoso who
nursed and trained him up to man
hood, and gave him position in society,
and has formed an alliance with bribe
takers, and lias tuken to tho highway
hko othor dosperadoos before him. Ho
did not originate the scbomo ho is
only an imitator, and a poor ono at
that V hen Lowisand Connolly prey
ed upon the travellers who passed over
tho Allcghonies fifty years ago, thoy
frequently divided with those they
robbed, it satisfiod that they wcro poor
men. Bnt rornoy novor divides.
Compound Tri ths. Senator Wal-
laoo made ono of his jury, argumonta
tivo spocches boforo the Tildon and
Hendricks Club, at the Opera Uouso,
on Satnrday night, A large number
of Radicals were present, and thoy
staggered awfully coming down tho
stairway and on their way homo. Tho
statistical and recorded truths burled
at the heads of Bolknap and his band
of soldiers' gravo robbers, disconcerted
and nnerved thorn. The shot woro
too effective for frail mortals, and tboy
staggorcd along the street saying, it's
too bod I too bad 1 1 There must be a
change. It may be an improvement 1
It cannot be made any wnise.
C'omihu. Tho Railway World saysl
tho Rochostor and Statu Line railroad
Intended to tup the Pennsylvania
bituminous ooul field will he finished at
Salamanca by the 1st of January, 1877,
and next spring It will bo pushed on
towards the coal basin of Jofferson
county. Honest Government and a
restoration 01 publio confidence, would
soon givo us a northern opening for
our immonso coal deposits. These two
features tho' present political Jack
Sbophord's, can novor engraft on the
affections of a people they have robbed
and betrayed for so many years. A
wholesale chango of agents at Wash
ington, and that alono ; is what will
bring about a revival of business. Tho
building of railroads will then 00m
menco with renewed vigor, log jobs
will open up, saw mills, furnacos, and
other machinery will begin to buza as
formerly, and thoso who really want
w.'rk can find it. Publio confidence
can only bo restored by A wholesalo
romovul of thoso agents who have
broken up tho business of the country,
and who have debauched both Church
and Stuta. Away with tbo Boechers,
Gleiidennings, and Gerdomnines, who
have "led astray" tho sisters of their
Congregations, and imprison, or exile,
tho Bclknups, Babcocks, and othor
post-traders, cadet sellers "crooked"
whisky dealers and their confederates.
When all those aro turned out of Church
and Stuto, then we will have peace and
prosperity, and not before.
Lucky Boy. Tho Tyrone Democmt
says : "Hon. John Roilly has appointed
W. C. Caldwell, aon D. T. Caldwell,
Esq., of this plaoo, to the Naval Cadet
ship for this District, and notified him
to appear at the Naval Academy at
Annapolis, for examination, on the 12th
of September." This again shows that
Democratic Congressmen refuse to
follow Radical precedents. Not ten
Democratic boys, outside of the relation
ship ot the Congressman, has received
a Naval, or Wost Point Cadetship in
fifteen years, whilo thirty-five Radical
boys have been honored by Democratic
Congressmen in ono yoar. The differ
ence is tbis: Deraocralio Congress
men select boys because of thoir merit,
while it has bocn the practice of tho
Radical members to chooso only from
their own party friends, and then thoy
wonld charge the parent from one to
three thousand dollars for tho appoint
ment. Hud Mr. Reilly adopted the
Radical plan and niado party alono tho
tost young Caldwell would have re
mained at Tyrone
Skins or Prosperity. Tho Radical
organs deny that there aro 94,000 olerks
employed in tho several Departments
at Washington against 40,000 at the
close of tho War in 1805. This how
ever thoy do admit : Tbo member on
the pay roll In 1872 was 80,086, and in
1875, four years after it run up to 62,
172, over twonty-five per cent, of an
increase. Now, what business man
has been compelled to double up his
omployes in that way during this
period ? If prosperity has rcignod in
tbo Govornmont offices, it has not boon
witnessed anywhere olso. We ask,
why have over 12,000 additional clerks,
at a salary of from f 1,200 to $3,000
each, been billitod on tho people during
these years ot bankruptcy and distress?
If not simply to give place to bummors,
what else?
It Looks Prodioal. It is a pretty
good tost of the character of men, and
tries thoir integrity whon placed in
position and allowed to spend other
peoples money. The United States
Senate and the lower House of Con
gross during the past year illustratos
our meaning. Tho former body con
tains 74 membors and tbeir ofllcei-s,
and spent for contingent purposes
1322,023.18. Tho latter body contains
301 members and the necessary officers,
and spent only 1300,620.20, nearly
(22,000 less. Now, why should 74
men spend as much money for inciden
tals as 301 ? We can only solve the
problem in this way: Tho room con
taining the 301 men is controlled by
Democrats and the othor by the Kadi
cal post-traders, cadet sellers, etc.
It is with pleasure that wo notice
tho rcnomination of Hon. J. H. Par
ker for tho Legislature, by the Demo
crats of Milllin county. They have
done themselves and the State honor
in selecting him for that position. In
our judgment, Mr. Parkorwas one ot
tho ablest men in the House last win
ter. Ho is ono of tho ablest, truest
and purest Democrats in the Slate,
and during the two last sessions, al
though not assigned tho leading post
lion, he nevertheless held it in the
minds of tho membors and thoso spec
tutors who occasionally visit tho Capi
tol for the purpose of taking a look at
our Representatives. Mr. Park or's re
election is demanded by tho Demo
cratic party throughout tho State
- - . .1
Read Ir. No publio question is so
illy understood as tho attitude of tbo
Catholic Church to the Public Schools,
or, Stato education. On our fourth
pago will be found the views of Bishop
Purcoll, of Cincinnati, on the embryo
war question. . Tho Bishop's views aro
certainly candid and in the main, un
objectionablo, and will go far to con
vinco all but bigots that this dunoml-
nation is not so madly wrong as many
Ex-Secrotary Gideon Wells' is a Til
dcn man. Ho thinks the Governor's
letter "Is tho product of an ablo mind
a statesman and a politician, who
will give ns or energetic and capable
administration." Ho sees little doubt of
Tildcn's olection, thinks Boutwoli's rec
ommendations about Mississippi "mon
strous," but trust "wo shall be ablo to
overrun Bnntwell, the dovil and all
their works." That Is pretty good for
Lincoln's Secretary of the Navy, who
Ms at length discovorod the error of
his wayY
"No Go." The Radicals are every
where flaunting the bloody shirt. But
that dingy garmont cannot coror the
ulcers which disfigure the body ot their
party, and all sensible people roftiso to
be divortod by it from the ono real
issne of this canvass, whioh it that of
Reform. Tho true standard bearer is
Samuol J. Tlldun.
Still they Comb. Hon. James M.
Ashley, of Ohio, a prominent Republi
can of Ohio for many years, a Repre
sentative In Commas from tha Tntnrln
district, hoi declared for Tilden and
To the Democratic Eleeiori of Clearfield
eountf :
In (ibodidence to tho rales governing
the Democratio party of Clearfield
county, I hereby giro notice that the
election for dvlegulos, to represent the
different districts in the County Con
vention, will be held at the usual plaoo
for holding general elections for each
township and Iwrough, on Saturday,
the liiru day or Skhtemhpr, 1876, bo
ginning at 1 o'clock p, M. and continu
ing until 7 o'clock p. u. of said day.
The elections will be held by tho
following election boards in the respect
ive districts, viz :
Buraitde-0. A. rattles, L. H. llan.y, A. K.
Clearfield Ileaiy W. Parka, Thoaea Reilly,
Fred. M. Cardoa.
Curweoovlilo-P. I. Tbompeoa, J. at. Btawart,
Oeorge Mueaor.
lloalidale Or. 3. R. Ilumphrlei, W.J. Shar
baogh, F. Todd.
Lumber City J. R. Cupplee, i. t. Hile, 1. L.
Neweerg J, P. Miller, Kit Cleuioa, Ilaae
New Washington Jobs P. Faath, F. Zlmmer
an, F. Neff.
Oncola Ur. T. R. Bland;, L. A. R. Kroaae,
F. Purer,
WalUeaton JJ. Ileldy, Job a Shagner, Fred.
Jtepeeria 11. Armstrong, Iliary A. Wriglil,
J..U Haley.
Uell lleorga M. Ferguion, Juhh H. Rretb,
Wu. Mehalte).
BliH.m Sidney Smith, Frank Mellrije, Frank
l)a.-J.uia U. Weple, Dai id Mt ere, A. B
Bradford S. P. Wllioa. Iuae Bargor, J. II.
Brady Jobna. Hamilton, J. H. Bdlnger, Leall
Burnalde Jobs Lea, Jamea Cbapmao, Daniel
Cheat John Conlay, Joba Farley, M. L. Mo
Mullen. Corington John Pioard, Peter Gamier, W.
Decatur D. S. Barkelt, Jaaaa doll, Elijah
Reeea, Jr.
Fergueoa W. L. Moore, Joeleb Henry, Jobs
Ulrard O. W. Sleerer, John F. Jory, Oeorge
Iloibeo H. 0. Shaw, Weilley Wlleon, O. A.
Graham Oeorge W. Emeigb, W. W. Hoorrr,
Alfred Foreey.
Ilreeowood A. M. Neweemer, Conrad Hulll
han, R. 0. Tbompaon.
Uulleb John B. MoKelman.W. It. Diokereoa,
Rd. Conrad.
iiuatoo John Ilaokott, F. C. Bowman, Albert
Newell, er.
Jordan lleeeklab Pattereon, D. W, Wile, Jae.
Kartbaue J. C. MeCloikey, R. J. Uillilaod,
D. H. Malnee,
Knot Oeorge D. High, Knee Bloom, L. C.
Lawreooo Clark Brown, Jamee Dougherty, Jr.,
Morrii V. Wallaee.
Mwrrle J. 11. Merrell, (Jllbert Floorer, Adam
Peon Jamea Dally, Cberlaa Delper, Alien
Pike A. Bloom, A. J. Capplee, Samaal Meorw.
Union Thomaa Broekbaok, R. II. Laborda,
Jaeob Ileal.
Woodward Oeerge II. Woodln, II. II. Baugb
man, Thomaa Matbore.
Tho following resolution, which was
unanimously adopted by tbo lost Coun
ty Convention, is published as por re
ipiest of that body, and reads as follows :
Rtmtttd, That we, aa member! o f the Demo
eratia party of Clearfleld eenoty, do moat eat.
pbatieally diaapnrore of the praetiaa of eaadl
datee, and tbeir friende, who adopted the plan af
alaetiooeeriog during onr reeent primary ean.
raee, or hereafter, by lying eirealare and Itbeloaa
pictorial newepepere. Haeb work mnet malt in
?;raat poroonei aad moral wrong! to our party
riende without any i-uiralont wbaterer, and we,
therefore, demand that It be etoppod ; and If per
aiated la hereafter, we call upoa all trae Dome
orate to eaereiae tbetr toflueaeo tn defeating all
oaodldatea who may reaort to thia eila method,
aod that a role to thia eOect be prepared by tbe
County Committee and punliabed with the other
Hvory qualified voter of tbo district,
who at the last general election voted
the Democratio ticket, is entitled to a
vote by virtue of the rulos. It is nec
essary, under these rules, that tho
voter must reside in tbe district whore
be offers to voto. All those who have
heretofore acted with the Democratic
party, and desire to act with said par
ty m support oi ine ticket to Do settled
by the delegate eloctions, are author
ized to voto and are invited to par
ticipate in tuo eioctions. me manner
of voting is regulated by rules sovon
ana cigtii, ana mis committee will fur-
nisn to eaca district tbe necessary
uianas tor ino oiocnon ana returns.
Tho County Convention will assom-
ble in the Court House in Clearfield,
on Tuesday, tho 19th day of Seiitem-
Dor, laio, at 1 o clock p. m., and pro
ceed to nominate candidates as follows:
Ono person as candidate for Con
Ono person as candidato for Stato
Ono person as candidate for Assom
Ono person as candidate for Sheriff.
Two persons as candidates for Asso
ciate j udge,
Ono person as candidate for District
One person as candidato for Jury
It is tho earnest desire of this Com
mittee that the Vigilance Committees.
appointed toholdthedolegateolections,
do early at tbe polls and prompt in the
discharge of thoir duties. See to it,
bellow Democrats, that tbe full vote
of your district is polled. Let thcro
bo a lroe and full expression of tho
party at this olection, to tho end that
tho boat mon may be selected to fill
vno various otllcei. .Never before in
tbo history of the party have better
mon been presented for your support.
We aro approaching an Important elec
tion for President and Vice President
of the United States. Lot harmonv
and good-will prevail, and victory will
percu ujion our oanner.
1. The onranliatloB of the Connte Commit!
ahall be and reuaia aa now oonatituted that la
one member for orery boreuih and townebln. and
a Chairman, which Committee ehall be oeleeted
aoually by the delegatae, and tbeir term of enloo
aball begla at January following their olaetloa.
I. 1 ne namner or delegatae to whieB each dte
trlct l! entitled ii baaed epon the following rale.
that ia to aay i Keeh election dletrlot la tbe eoaa
ty polling obc hundred bemoeratio Toteo or loaa,
ball be entitled te two delegatae abaolatelr. and
for eaob edditionelone hundred Demaoratle eotee.
or fraotioa greater thaa ona-balf thereof, polled
ia eaid diatriet at tba laat preceding Uorernor'!
eleetion, an additional delegate, aod aader thie
rata the following allotment of delegatae la now
Barnalde borongb..
Deeatar j
KergnaoB Ij
(llrard.. ..,..., I
Uoeaon t
U reborn , t
Ureawoed H(. I
llollch. I
ilueton.... t
Jordao. H I
k fcHhaua -.
Knoa , g
Lawrence- 4
MorriaMM...MM.aM 3
Pens M....H... I
Pike. 1
Union l
Woodward .. I
Lumber Oity H
New WaablnatOB..
Becoaria towaanip.
Boggi ...
S. The delecate eloetiona and Count rnnn.
lion aball be goeerned and eondnetod etrietlv
IB aooordaooe with the followlna ralea. end
tha Chairman of the Coanty Committee ehall
be annoally elected by the Coon ty Conrentton and
ahall bo ei-olWe, tbe 1'realdant of all Coanty
Convention a.
4. Tha election for delegatae to ropreaeat the
different diatrleti in the annual Demoeratle Cooa
ty Contentlna ahall be held at tha aeaal plaoa of
holding tha seneral eleettono for aojih a,aari.(. M
toe naiaraay pracedlag tbe third Taeeday af
iiuur, toeing ,oe loin ime year,) beginning
at I o'clock, r. B-, and toBllnalng until t o'oloot,
P. ., of aama day.
a. Tba aaid delegate eleelloai aball be bold br
ao election board, to eoneict of tbe member of tbe
v.oaiy uommittee roreuon Jiatrlet, andtwo other
uenoerauo Toiero tneroof, wbo ehall bo appointed
",. mj ino ioantr uommilucL In
caae aay of tbe poreona aa aoaatllatiBg tbe board
ahall no aboeot frem the oleoo.r hnM..ik..iu
irw oi aa Boar attar taa lima ap
pelated, by Hals riret, for tbo opealag af lb.
oame, hla ar their plaoa or placet, ahall ba tiled
by aa alaetioB te bo aendaotaj oiea aeee by the
pfoeoai at toe ll mo.
I. a'vary aaeliSod vote, of ,h A.t .l. ..
tho laet geaeral electloa voted tho bamocretlc
Uchet, ahall ba entitled ta a Tola at the delegate
T' Tba Totlaa at all delee-ai .k.ii w.
by ballot apaa which ballot! ehall be wrltloa ar
prlatod tba aama ar or del.
ogato! roted for, aegmbor with aay iaalraelleas
which tha voter may daelro It five tho delegate
or delegate!. Each ballot lo lo received from
the noraoa voting tbo aama by a member of the
electloa board, aad by bim depoeitod la a aai or
!,'u,k rmparoa for tkat Barpoot, ta
which boa or other receptacle ao aereoa bat the
wi rao eleotioa Boars ahall bava
S. Ne loatroeuoaa eaeJI ba roooivod er roe.,
Bleed aalaae tba oama ba rated apoa the oelaMaa
provided la R.1. Sovaatb, aer aball each leelne.
Uoai, If Tolcs apaa Ike ballet, ba M., tfm
the falcate, MlooeesoMlfer mere of tk. Uf.
lota ehall eontals laetruetloaa eoneerBlng tba
aama nfloe. WhonoTer half er more of tbe bal
lot! aball eenUia Inotracliooa eoneeraiBg any ef-
Sce, the delegatea elected at auob eleatloa ahall
be bold to bo laetraeteal to eapport tba aaadi-lete
having the hlgheet auniber of rotee for auob
I. kaeb etoetloa board ehall koep aa aoearat a
liataf tbe namaa af all pereoe votiag at auen
dactieaei which Hat of votere together with a full
and oampleta raters of each oleoma, eoBlaloing
aa aoearate etatemeat af the peraoae elected del
egatae aad all laetraeltoae voted, aball be certi
fied by eaid board ta tba Coanty Convention, ap
on printed blaaka la ba faralebeet by tbe Coualy
IS. Whenever from aae dlatriet, qaalifled Dem
ooratle Vetera, ia aumbere equal to Bvo tliaee tho
delegate! which auch dlatriet hae la tbo Ooonly
CoBvealiwB, ehall eomplala ia writleg of aa aa
dua eieetioB of falee retora of delegatea or of ta
etraotiona, In which oomnlalat tbe alleged facta
ahall be apoelSeally aat forth aod ve'tnod by tbe
amdavlt at oaa or more pereeoe, Men aoeaplalat
Bhall bavo the right to contact tbe aaat af each
delegatee or the velidilT of eaob taatruetioae.
Such eomplalat ahall be heard by a oommitua of
Bra delegatea ta he appolatod ny aae rreeldeat or
tbe Convention, which eaid eoiamittee ahall pro
eoed to bear the pertiea, tbeir proof! and allega
tion!, aad aa eooa aa may Be reported ine con
vention what delegatae are entitled to eeata there
in, aad what Inatructloaa are bindiag upon auob
deleretea. Whereupon tba eonveotioo Bhall pro
ceed Immediately, anon tbe cell of tbo yeae and
aaye, to adopt or rejeot the report af tbe euateat
tng partioa. Ia wbieb call of tbe yeai and naye
the namee of the delegate! whoee eeata aro con
tacted or whoee laotrselioaB are diapeted, aball be
II. All delegate! meal reildo In the dletrlot
they repreeeot. lu eeaoo af ebatooe or Inability
ta attend, eeeeliltttioae may be made rum tti
ten; of the dlatriet.
II. Delegatea muet obey tbe loetruetlone given
tnvm ny tuoir rvetieetivo Biatrial!, am u rioiaT-q
it ahall bo tbe dniy of tbe Preeidenl of tba eon
Tenlion to aaet the vote ot Buck dolegete er .lele
gatce la ecoordaaoe with the loetruutiona j anil
the delrgatc or do legatee ao offcoding ahall be
forthwith etpelled irom the eonvoBt.wn, end ehall
aot be eligible to any oBoe or plaoa of irtut in
the parly for a purM of two yeere
la. In convention a majority of all the deleetea
ehall be Boeeeparv eoa nomination t and nepereet.'a
name ahaU be oieraded from the lie! of eaudidal!
ttatil eflar tbe tittk ballot or vote, whea tba pcr
aon receiving the reeat nomlier of votee ehall be
omitted aof ctruvk Irom the roll, end ee oa at
aaah aooceeelve veto aolil a aomlaeiioa i! made.
14. If Bay pereoB who I a eeudidau for auy
Bomlnntion bolero tbe Coaaty Con vtmtion, aball ba
ptovaa ta have offered or paid any moBey, or
other rateable thing, or made aoy promiea of a
eonaldoralloo ar reward to aay pereoo for hia vote
er laoaanee, ta oeeare tbo delgete from aay dla
trlet, or ebal' lava offered or paid aoy laooey ar
valuable tbiBi ar promlaacl any ooaaidoratioa or
reward, to aof delegau for bia Tola, or to any
other paraoa vlth a view of Inducing or aeeurlng
the rotea of delegatea, or If tha acme aball be
dona by any other pereon with tbe knowledge
and oooeont f aook candidate, tbo aemo of !aoh
oaedidate ehall ba Immediately, at rickee from tbe
liet of eaBdioater, or if eaob fact be aaoertalned
alter kla aoaioatioa to aay oftVca, aad boforo tbe
Bnel adjoerameat, tbo name of tho aomlaee
ahall ba alraak from Helot aad tbe vacancy aop
plied by a aew Bouintttun, and ia either ealc
inch pereon ahall be ineligible to aay nomination
by a eoBveuoB, or to aa elootiow aa a delegate
thereafter. Aod la eaee It ahall bo alleged after
the edjonrnmcnt of tha convention that auy eaodi
date put ia aomlaatioa bee beoa guilty of laeh
aota, ar of aay other freadaleat practleee to abtala
auch aominatioB, the charge ehall bo Inveetiga
ted by the Coanty Committee, aad eooh Btepa
taken ne the good of the party mey require.
16. If any delegate obeli receive aoy money or
other valuable thing, or aaoept tbe prom lee of any
conaideratioB or reward ta be paid, delivered, or
teeured to blm, or aoy pereoa lor eoca delegate
aa bb iBdeeemoBl for bis vote, apoa proof af tba
fact ta tha aatiefeotioB of tbo eoavoBtioo, each
dalogate onall ba forthwith oipellcd, and aball
aot no received aa a delegate to any rotare ooa
veatloB and ehaul be iaeligibla ta aoy party Bern!
nation. IS. Caaea arialog aader tha ralea ahall have
precedence over all othor buiioeaa ia eoavooliofl,
uottl detertalBod.
IT. The Couatf Cooraatlon ahall meet anna-
ally, In the Coart t o'clock p. M. on the
tk ird Taeeday af September
IS. The namee of all tha candidatee for oflee
aball be anaoanoed at laaet three weohe prevlooB
to too time ot Botding too primory eleotioa.
Israel Test,
Chairman Dom. Co. Com
John W. Hows, Secretary.
Clearfleld, Sept. &, 1876.
A Queer Joke. Tbe editor of the
Philadelphia Press denies that tho pub
lio burthens of the people have been
increased during the past fow years
by the employ mont of an army of idle
clerks at Washington, yet, be admits
that the "bank redemption agency"
bas added one hundred and eighty-two
now clorks to tho pay roll during the
past year, but ho coolly informs his
readers that tbo expense ut paid by the
National Banks. This is a wonderful
"let up" on burthens. Now, is it rea
sonable to supiKMc'tbat the officers and
Directors of tbe banks pay those one
hundred and eighty-two employes out
of their own pockets, or, is it not more
likely that tho business man wbo ob
tains discounts at their counters pays
for this Radical whistle?
The New York Rads. The legiti
mate successors of Boss Tweed in New
York, have nominated Ueo. D. Morgan
for Governor. Ho served four years
in that capacity during the war, and
next to Geary and Evans, in this State,
robbed tbe tax-payers of more money
during that tempestuous period than
any other man in any State in the
Union. Morgan nursed Tweed he in
fact was his schoolmaster and educator
and condoned his crimes. The bold
ness of the Radical leadora throughout
the several States in which they havo
bold sway ever since 1861 ia truly re
markable Impudence and plunder ia
tho chief game of the Radical leadora
in this canvass.
Hon. John It. Cravens, for many
years the leader of the Republican
party in the Indiana Sonate, and an
anti-slavery man when Oliver P. Mor
ton was an apologist for the "peculiar
institution," delivered a speech at Madi
son, Indiana, tbe othor day, in advo
cacy of the election of Tilden and Hen
dricks, and Hon. George W. Julian,
one ot tho founders of the Republican
party, is out for Tilden and Hendricks
and takes the stump in Indiana on next
Saturday, no was the candidate of
the Free-Soil party for Vico-Prosident
in 1852on the ticket with John P. Hale,
and was a leader of tbo Republican
party until it began to stink in the
nostrils of all docont men.
Methodism UNrrgn. A ioint Con.
feronce of tbe Methodist Episcopal
Church, North and South, concluded a
ten days aessioa at Cape May, New
Jersey, on the 23d, submitting a basis
of nnion belwoon the two wings of
that denomination, which, wo have no
doubt, will be acceptable to both North
and South. Like tho occasional quar
rels between some emtio husband and
wife, the two wings have kissed and
made up, and now propose to bebavo
thomsolvos and go to house keeping
QuiirI How does It happen that
tho Radical leaders can make so much
fust over lis negroes, killed in a riot at
Hamburgh, South Carolina, and so W
tie fun over three hundred WHITE mon,
killed by Sitting Dull ? Is It because
thoy love and prefor the African to tho
Caucasian T Well, sotno men's tasto
cannot be accounted for. While one
prefers a bed to sleep and rest upon,
another adopts a gutter, and is render
ed just as happy.
"Col. Tate, of the Wllliamaport Sun,
and John Mcginness, of the Uasrtleund
Bulletin, slept togothor one night at
the Wayne Station Camp meeting.
How sick at the stomach they must
both have felt in the morninc." n,ll,.
fonte Watchman.
Well, welll The lion and tha lamb
found in one nest I Who dan aav
hereafter that Camp-meetings do no
good. Dry ap, skeptiol
Who is at Fault. Tbe Bill for the
repeal of tba Kesumplioa law was
posset by a Democratic Boom ant de
feated by a Radical Seaato. Who are
tho friends of the people T .
This higbost tribunal known to our
laws, although terribly demoralising
in tho past flfloen years, seems lo be
crawling bock to tbe old Democratic
land-marks. The odious distinction
inado in fuvor of the negro race In tho
XlVtb amendment to the United
States Constitution bas recently boen
ignored by a decision rendered by Chief
Justice Waits, and concurred in by all
the Judges but two. A New Orleans
negro, namod Sayviont, brought suit
aguiust asaloon-keepor, Jos. A. Walker,
of that city, lor refusing him refresh
ment. Tbo dnrkoy lost bis case in
tbe Lower Court, and appealed it to
tbe Stato Supreme Court, where be
found a similar fate. Then be appeal
ed to tbo Unilod States Supreme Court,
and alio lost his cose there. Tbe learn
ed Judge, Waito, said :
"So far as we can discover from tbe
record, tbo only federal quostion de
cided bt- either one ot the courts below
wus that which related to tbe right oi
Walker to demand a tnul by jury, not
withstanding tho provisions of the act
of 1871 to the contrary. He insisted
that be hail a constitutional right lo
such a trial, and that tho statute was
void to the extent that it deprived him
of I lie right.
All nnestiiina arising under the con
stitution ol'llie State alone are finally
settled by tlid judgment below. We
can consider only such as grow out of
the Constitution of tbo tinted mates.
By article VII, of tbo amendments it
is provided that "in suits at common
law, wbjre the value in controversy
shall exceed (20 tho right nf trial by
'jury shall bo preserved." This, as bus
boon many times decided, relates only
to trials in the courts ot tbe United
States. (Edwards vs. Elliot, 21 Wall.,
557.) The States, so far as this amend
ment is concerned, are left to regulate j
trials in their own courts in tbeir own
way. A trial by jury in suits at com
mon law pending in tho State courts
is not, therefore, a privilege or imma
nity of national citizenship wbicb tbe
States are forbid Jen by tbe Fourteenth
Amendment to abridge.
A State cannot deprive a person of
bis property without, due process o:
law, but this does not necessarily im
ply that all trials in the State courts
affecting the property of persons must
be by jury, this requirement ot tbe
Constitution is met il the trial is had
according to the settled course of judi
cial proceedings. Affirmed.
Undor this docision, a negro has no
moro rights in a hotel or a saloon than
a whito man, unless tho STATE
LAWS confer tkem. Judge Wait is
evidently sound on the vital quostion.
That is, that the United States authori
ties cannot ignore a State law.
On Thursday ovoning, August 24th,
1876, the Democracy of Bloom town
ship, met at the Chestnut Grove school
house, tor tho purpose of organizing a
Tilden and Hendricks Campaign Club.
Tbe meeting was called to order by
thr Committee-man of the district and
the following permanent officers were
elected: President, Adam Weber; Vice
Presidents, D. W. Chilson, Win. Hen
ry, Geo. Kolb, Jno. F. Stall and Wm.
Lyons; Secretaries, Jno. Clary and
Geo. D, Smith ; the additional officers
to be elected at the ensuing meeting.
Tbe organisation is to be known as
the Democratio Tilden and Hendricks
Club, of Bloom township, and will
meet on every Thursday evening at
Chestnut Grove school-house. The ob
ject of the club is to bring about a
otiange In state and -National afluirg.
to turn out of office the men who have
been found guilty of using the public
money in a tnieving way, and, In s
nut-shell, to turn out of office a Prcsi
dent who has proven himself incom
fetent to govern the American people,
t may be said by Hoptiblicans that
Grant is not now the candidate of their
party, but we reply that tbo enlv dif
ference is in the name, as thev are
plodged to no change ot policy, and if
11 ayes should be elected, the country
will still suffer under the rule of Grant,
Belknap, Cameron & Co. All wbo be
hove in reform, and are deairons of a
change in the administration, all who
desiro to clean out the nests of tho
Grant administration, are invited to
join with us, and thus aid in scouring
the desired end by elocting Tilden and
uonancks at tbe coming election.
Jno. Clart,
G. D. Smith,
Commercial Tinas. Tho recent
movements in the price of oil and cool
are enough to frighten tbe trader. The
advance In the former, and the depre
ciation of the latter, is truly wonder
ful, and if brought about by tbe laws
of supply and demand will do good in
tho end, but if forced by combinations
and commercial strategy, (rascality)
will do groat harm to producer and
consumer. Tbe Kutlor Herald, in si
luding to the wonderful riso in oil, says
"This week witnessed what throo
years of time previously bad not, and
that was $4.1)0 oil. At laat dealers in
the crude aro beginning to see that
the daily consumption is some eight or
ten tnousana barrels more per day
than the production, and this has, to
gether with the amount destroyed by
Are this yoar, "oaten out tho life," so
to write ot the surplus on band. The
consequence bos been that oil now com
mands a good price and if we are not
much mistaken will command a greater
botore all is ovor. There may be fluc
tuations prices may tail one day onlv
to bo succeeded by higher tbe next.
Suob things are natural and occur in
all kinds of business, bnt thoy do not
indicate speculation basod on no truth
Ail cause. At the bottom of tbis last
rise in the price is the solid fact, that
oil enough is not produced to moot tho
demand and just in proportion as deal
ers become aware of tho fact, so will
the price advance. Ships aro both in
New York and Philadelphia wailing
lor thoir cargoes and these must be
had to meot the furoiira domand. The
home demand commences with this
month and these two causes are work
ing wonders for tho oil operators.
more win oe sa.uu oil Dolor tbe win
tor sets in.
Our Prim art. Tbe rulos and reg
ulations governing the Democratic pri
mary election, together with the names
of tho mombors of tho vigilance Com-
m it tuo of the several boroughs and
townships, will bo found in this Issue.
To your posts, and lot svery man who
professes to bs s Democrat, aot like
ono, and thereby establish bis patriot
ism. County first; party soooiid, and
lastly, yourself.
"Uai Danim." Improvinq. An
change says: Daniel Drew bas boon
interviewed at bis son's residence, in
Putnam Bounty, by a Nun reporter.
Ue bas a high opinion of Tildcn, and
though ho has usually voted the Re
publican ticket is non-committal about
Hayes and Wbealer.
A Mattkr or Tastr Only. A Radif
cai exebange glowingly remarks, tbat
Governor Ilartranft baa mads Hon. F.
B. Gowaa take the tenter. Well, that
may be ao, but ws would rather take
that than "take (As lu." Whioh do
yon prefer Mr. Radial, water or lis f
Let's Have It. Tbe Mollis Mo
gulre issue bos assumed a new phase
recently. Our readers are aware that
in bis address to the jury at Pottsville,
Mr. Ciowen intimated that high State
authorities bod dealt in cash with tbe
Mollies. Gov. llartranfl bos pronounc
ed Mr. Gowen'g declarations false. Mr.
G. retorts by saying to an interviewor :
"(Animatedly) You can say that if
Governor Hartranft says that what 1
said is not true, he is a liar. Give bim
my compliments." There's somebody's
"chirk" tbat will roost a fow rounds
lower by tbe time this Mollie esse is
guv dvrrtUrmfoffi.
Notice Ib borehr sivoo to all DereoBB lotereet
ed, tbet application will be made ta tba Beat lea
eioB of the Court of Commoo Hiea! of ClearSeld
eoonty, eommeocing on aloaaey. September So.
ibjo. lor n i-nerter oi neorporelien for the rtret
Btetnooiat unareh or Uherry Troj, ClearSeld Co.,
Clearlcld, Sept. S, Attoraeya.
Ntl li ktraW firm that rht itarhl
htrt-tofur ci .tine in ia illinr bti4tinM,tjn itr
tn nam tut. lym el vvutnmti I, not, hii
Ura diMuiir) bjr w tituil witttui, a tk plsw
Auru't IV, Ift7t. All vmunt iuivMod ill plans
call an4 wttla with Mil. N. A. JC. Loa, ba It ill
afrit aa tba bwina.
I'aiflaM, Pa., BapL 6, l)rH-3L
NoMaa ii henbr lira that LatUrt of Ail
mlaislralioc oa lha MltU of JNO. VAN BRA
BANT, lita of Huitoti towaihip, Clair ft-M Co.,
ra., utwraaaa, Mviaa fttaB duir rraatotl tm lha
anderttfitad, all paraoat InJabtaJ to aiJ attlata
rill pita ajftha tnaadiata payaiaat, and lbaa
b a i tig el at mi ar 4ataat.i agamat tha aaioi will
praatjnt lb en proparl Mthatiati ft Mttla
mmai without data.
A!. fried nmvisuv,
PflalJ, ftopt. ft, 71 It. AdaiiailtraUr
All poreona are hereby eaationed asaloet
purchaetof or negotiation a eertala note aiv.o by
tbo aadtraicnod, dated Aae. S2. 1I7S. aalliac lor
one boaarea and Blty dollare, payable oloe moBtbe
after data at tba Philipaburp; Daah, aad draws
ia favor oi or. 4. uraiaaa, ae l nave not received
any value for aaid ne'e, I will not pot It noleaa
eompelled to do ao by due peooeoo of low.
at , rl. tu-OWAlc.
rrencbvllle, Sept. 1, H7S 3l
Notice ia hereb f Wt? that the report
of tbe Appraieern it, the eatale of DaTid
Lanetarry. late of Lavrrencu lownihio.
Clearfield oounty, Pa., doe'd, appointor! to
apprsiae aod ael out the real aetata for the
hor.efitof the widow, undor tbe inleatale
lawn of Panne) Ivania, trill be presented
te tbe Court for final oonfirmalioa, on
Monday, Bopletnber 25lh, 1H7C, of which
all parties inteieelad will take natiee.
CI'd, SepI.e.TO-St. Administrator.
All poreona aro hereby oautiooed agalaat pur
aheaisg or Ib any way meddling with tha follow
ing property, bow in poeeeeeion of iamet
W. aod Eliaa Cleaver, of Peon townahip,
te wit t 2 horofa, 1 enw aad calf. 2 aboata.
200 doseo of oata, 3f acre of ooro, a lot of
wheat, 1 two-bone, wagoo, 2 tats of liar-
naaa, 1 fanning mill. 1 clock, and the bad-
ateada and beuditte in tbe bouae. Thia
property a aa purchaeod by me at Sherifla'
sale, on the 21atday af Auguat and ii left
with tbe above partioa on loan, subject lo
my order at any time. KLIH1IA DAVIS.
Grampian Hill. Bepl. 6-3l
Notice le hereby olvea that at laaet tweatv
of the attlaeBc, reeidroto of tbe townebio of Beeea-
rla, Oallch and Woodward, ia tbaoooaty of Clear
Seld, will, aoder the aot of Aeeembly opprorod
tbe lib dey of May, A. D. 17. ootilled Aa aat
to aatbortto tbe eoqaioilioa by tho eeveral euna
tiee of thie Commcawaalth for tba aea at tba
eoanty, of bridgee erected over rfvere, ereeao,
end rlvnlete, and for tbo aboltrroo of toll! there
ob," petilloa tho Coart of Quarter Sooetoso of aaid
aiaaty at tbe September term, oommeBcing on
Ihe foorth Monday, the Utb day af the m .olb,
to grant aa order aader tha aaid aot, declaring
tbe bridge erected aeroea Cleartaed aroeh ot Poeey
ville, la aaid eoaaty, a free bridge aad for tbe
aholiahiag or lolle tbareoa. All pertiee loterealod
will pleeac teho actlee. KLI RI.OOM,
Madera, Sept. I, IsrS-tt.) Prothoaatary.
All poreona are hereby coat lea ed agalaat
finrohaaiag or la aay way maddliag with the fol
owing property, dow in poaaeaaion of John
Bottorf of H'allacslon, lowit: S lota of
carpet, lot of floor matting, 2 labiea, ward
robs, 8 tlovea and pipe, cook atova aod
pipe, 30 chairs, 1 lounge. 1 aide board. 4
slaoda, 6 badi sad bedding, 1 cupboard.
1 aeea, oar uiitiraa, isdoieii oats, 20 dos
eo rye, 1 cow sod bell. 1 while-back cow.
1 redocw, 5 bead of hoga, S piga, I larpe
iron aeuie, i nay mare, l cutting box. I
set double harneet. I aad dla. I ton of hav
in barn, 1 iborel plow, 1 two-borae wagoo,
2 eeta wagon ladders. 1 four-eouare harrow.
I be above property was purobaead bv me
at ontrine' asis oa tne let day of saplatn-
oer, ana uooiy tett witn taia Honor r on
loan lubiect to my order at any time.
Clsfd, 8ap.8-3l, J. B GRAHAM
Cama tranpaaalag aa my pramiaaa la Chaat
townahip, aa or about tbo lat day of Jaly laat, a
uog, aboni a yaar am. ino owner tl nqnaatod
to oom forward, piv nroportv, nay obar and
tab H nway, or it will bo diipoaod of aeoord iag
M law, eJAlUIJ IslAJkffSLlllll
llurd, Aug. SO, 1876-It
Notloe la Berebv eivoa that anolleetloa win
be made lo tbe Hoa. C. A. Merer. Preeldeot Jodie
of tboOoortof Commoo Plooa of Clearfleld eoeoty,
oa or after tbe Utb da; of September, IS7S, Tor a
charter of laoorBoralioa for tba Woelover Beptlat
vooroo, ib vocal xownaaip.
Ao. 30, lirJL Attoroejri.
Joba DoBehoa ) In tba Coart ofCommoa
ae. Fleaa af Clearfleld Co. ml.
Tboa. II. Zolflar. ) eeeef.ea. No. SIT JaBeT.,'76
Tbo Bnderained Aadltor. aDDOlatod be tho
Coart to dialribote ibefooile arliia, from Sberir'a
ealeof Dereodant'l real aetata, aire! aotloo tbat
aa wilt euaad to tae autiee or bia atipotatmeat
oa Saturday, September II, II7A, at ll s'rlock
a.m. at hia offlco la Clearfleld, wbea Bad wbero
an paraooa lalereited may atuol If tbey aae ft.
ClearSeld, Aof. IS, Il7fl.(t. A ad iter.
Jemima Palureoa fa Oommoa Plaai of Clcar
e. i Seld eonatT.
Jaa. Wileea ot at, ) Ma. 4T, Marob Term, Ifltl.
Notloe la berebv eivoa tb.l tb. an.t . ml
i num.a ,,. oiorniy, iieorr awoo and Daaial VT.
Me orrdy, Traatoee la tbo above entitled eaee, baa
aeea aied ib my emoe, aad tbat tba aama will
do oo ij oonarmea Boleoe eioeptod to oo or be
fore the Id day of September term, !:-
Cloarflald, Ao,. II, 17UU Prolboaolary.
Tberaalll be aipoeed to pablie aala, at tba
lereaev ncro-room oi w. u. Miller, la ria a Opera
lloaoa boildlag, oa
SBturdsy Aftornoon, 8cpt. 9, 1S76,
The folloalai property, to wlti-Oae ler,a Ira
roof eefa, Iva-barrel ell-taak. emoo-aoeh. rna
lltaraa, itoro-oarl, I timber ale-da, aad aaadry
...ii oitraiee loeoio aa taa laat eale.
0. W.SMITn,
Traateee of tbe K.lele of t. U. Villler.
W assa
Sulphur Soap
Wereia,. maaavUe. hattm
Ueef eel fanrje
Jf HVZLXLTT vmataly
ae aed kHkrol. It tmewta a eooelllal
" arvMa. raoBee.
Vlf1 1 '"" aod rem ttej
rr"lk. "c'lo, IMweoo rC. M Httlni
oteartr,ll,oeva. aim Mime Ibi
mi irrllaaioa mt Mile, aod ellofta,
TnLCT. IttaooaT. amd -
IS'riS! fl-oore. tm auh
'"7;. " - ee.
em It la tbeir Tollea wnfa! a.
Tl JJS."!?!!- maudy, eaa eoarWy be
ToH dtrcaoJacN aaeemaaae mmA
aaataae. til IT.
SymellaVoia. iyaeesnt.
aia B u
ttr. Van Uwiu OfTlo,
eeTeaa BV Tellaflilybei
Llat efcaeoae act dowa for trial al aeeoad week
af tbe ateplember Term af Ceart, 1S7S, being
oatlay, Oct. Id
Hlppa A Llovd ve. Doaglaee A Grumbling.
U. VT. Caldwell ve. A. 0. Vlaaey.
Michael Hubert oa. Corweaeville Bridge Co.
A. P.ola, Sr Ta. Wm. Oorley at. al.
MoebeaaoaL.AL.0eva. B. T. Iay ec al.
Kolly'o Main va. J. W. McUbeo ot. a I.
0. w. Crowell ve. Robert Laoaborry.
Chaa. Rimeteae va. Kdward Plaadere.
C. Ramatood ot. al. oa. Kdward fleodera.
(loo. A. Foot TO. Ilovld riegal.
Jacob nilger va. Joeepb Shaw,
benlei Weaver, to. Aualia Kerla.
It. Blaachard va. W. W. Bcwmaa.
Joaepb FiBdley va. ioha McLaugblia.
Tbomaa Taylor va. Iaaaa (Jaiaee ot. al.
J a. Uavle va. Richard Moeeop.
Hamaol Oordon Ta. Kittaanlng Cool Oa.
Richard Shaw, Jr. va. Clearlcld Perh Aaeoei'n
Uoorgo hagcr va. Wm. B. Walla.
David P. Morrison to. Sarah Bowmaa. -
Clearfleld, Aug. St, TS, Prelhoeotary.
Ifotloa Ii baraby firea tbat tba following u
aoaati bava baefi aiamined and paiwd b- ma, aad
raaaia td of raeord In tbia uBoa for tba la
pMttonof hoiri, lagataaa, araditori, and all alhari
iatarestadp and will ba praaantod to tba naxt Or
Ebana' Coart al Clearfleld twant. to ba bald at tba
ourt Uoaaa, la tba boroagb or Claarflald, (un
nanelng oa tba 4tb Mnndajr (baing tba 26th da)
or Safitaubar, A. D. 1876:
Final aooounUof William Ball, Guardian of 11. O.
Andnrann and Margarat Andraon, minor bairt
r W. W. An-Uraoo, lata of Bloom lownbtp ,
Cloarflald jantr, Pa., dan'd.
Final aoenunt of O. K. firabakar ind Darld
Draailar, Kxaaulora nf tba oatAttof Jna. Kaiigla
lata of UuIoq lowpttbip, Clt?arlttld eoumiy, Pa.t
Attooaflt of JtmM A. Otinipball, AdtantitraUr of
lha eRtataof BaJtolB Biirl, lata of Ball twp.,
Claarllald eoantv. Pa , dao'd.
Final aoaonnt ttl Saaaa VVais, A liatniitratri ( af
tbo atuta of ftiobard Wapl,lata of o ggi twp.
CUarflalJ couDl-, Pa., daa'd.
Partial aanont af Juba Kaa-a and Fortar Kin-
rort, AJmialitratora nt tba attata of W. O
rrtn. Uta of Uari)aUUoaiB, Claarlold Co.
Pa., dae d
Partial awtunt of David J Torn-r. Ooardiaa n
Jotapb II. Branlar and Wm.ri. UreMlar, mi our
bain of William o Braialar, daa d.
Final areoanu of David J. Turnar, OaarJlan of
Iaaballa Patera, (formorlv Ixaball Braaalar),
and sfaaUti Bumbargar. (formarl Joniatl
DrrNlor), minor bain iX VTm. I. braalar, dao'd.
Partial aroonat of Daaial tfoodlandar and Uaarr
Knarr, Eiaeitora of Ua atUta of Adam Har
ball, lata af Bradj uwnahip, Claaiftald aoantj,
Pa., daa d.
Final aoeonnt of J, II. Kirk. Admlniatrator of tha
aatataof William Kirk, lata of Bradj town-hip.
tviaarnaiq scuoij, ra., aaa a.
Aoaoaot of sfotiab Utnrf aod Wm. U. Hear-,
Admiaiitraton tba areata af Thomaa Haorj,
lata of Fargaaoa tovuibip, Claarflald ooantf.
Pa., dao'd.
Aug. J-U Raitittar A kaeordcr.
F. A. If I G NOT, Dlatriet Treaannr of fltmrd
town ib I p. Id aeoount with tba School ani Rint
Fund of inld towoihip, for tba jear onding Jon
To amount of ordon Iraned $ TTO 99
To amount la Traaa. bandJ,lB74-b ll 0
To amount from Oo. Troaaurer . 491 79
To amount of ftata appropriation l ii 71
I.9T H
By Taaaban' wagar...... $ $20 M
hy Fual.Aa m ft! 41
hj foorturj'i aalarj ... li v(l
07 Traaa. per aaat. for ool looting dup,M JJ 44
By tioaoratlona ., Si J4
Uy aBBOuat la Traaiuror'i haoda...... kSM IS
fir amoant ta bo oollaeUd M SSI 16
To ordart drawn oa Diat. Traaaw..
To amount of Dnplioato
..I Mi 4
.. sr So
By eanarvlaor'f wars -.t TS& 91
By Road 'axworkad oat 167 10
By oiontrailoa H M 18 6
By Traaunr'paraotaga..m.... 1104
tl.IPl Tft
Wa, tb nndonlnned Audi ton of Girard town
ahip, having ox am load tha anvaral aeoonata of
F. A. Mfgnot, Diat. Trwaaror nf aaid townahip,
doeortify tbat wa And thamoorrcet aa aba a ft at ft
11. I.SK.KV.
Ucoau'i Mill. Aug. 10, 7n-3t. And I ton.
Lie w BOBitae
(Roaidcaeo U Waal Clearfleld.)
All klada of 81WINO MAOntNBS CLIAN1D
aad REPAIRED. , ,
Alee, dooter Ib all kloda of SewlBg Maobiaa
Needloa, Oil, Rufflera, Took. markers. Caatara.
Tbread Cottere, HemmereaBd Biodora, Oil Caai,
Sbatllee, Cheek -epriaga, Pood eprtofe, A
New Feed pat la the old otyle Wheeler A Wllaoa
Machlaaa. New Cog-ahoola pat la tho Sioger
u New Coo.ahoela B
paymeal for Now Meehiaee.
Will aal: at tha reeideaoe of poraeaa liriag la
or aboal Clearfleld, If anytblog ia hia lioe ie
deelrod, if aoreeaally iaformod, er Ihroogh tho
Poetomoo by letter or poatal cord, deed! aaat
by mall if deoirod. Ib orderlog by letter, bo rare
aod gireaameof Machiae. Ceah moat accoronaay
au oroero oy mail. m i t.r.a it. Bbblta.
ClearSeld, Pa., Aag. ., 187l-3m.
JOSRPH OWENS. Treaearar. la aacooot wlib
LawroBoe towaahip Road, School aad Poor food a.
for voo yoar a. w. lore I
To balaaea at laat aettlemeat...
To ameaet from toi duplicate
To amoaal af tax levied for 1H7I ..
I ee a
1,6117 II
H.ira .is
By workdoaebycitiaena ...M,l"7 II
By amooat of Soporvlaar'a wagoa .... ., 1 1 II 01
Hy oaoaorationa , TO 67
By aloaoraUoaa oa epoclal dup. of tS7J 47 It
By amoaat of order! aadited. dfl 00
By I per oaat allowed Troaa. oa ttM. Ill
K.17I 41
school fund dr. :
To balaooa doe from laat aettlemeat tJ.IJi tl
ftuwvor ia eeiitemcai OI W.B. Heed !
dopllcato of 1174 45 57
To amoaal of Ua levied for IST.. J.lsl ?
To State approprlattoa 447 a
10 amooat received Trem PutUr Rood... IKI ID
Ta balaaea daa Treaaurer 47 91
IVH7 at
By aedltad Jaas 7, 11,fl.... j)
By oiooeratlona aa duplicate of l74...
By W. s. Rood ! per ovalea II.1U I7
171 40
I T4
at B per cent 53 ,5
By O. S.Worrell hoaeo and lot rotonied. I Tl
By ordera aadlted Juaa It, 1171 I.SIT ait
By aaaaaratioa! oa dopllcato of l7. 111 Tl
By eaooeralloaa oa dopllcato of II7... I SO
ny a peraeat. abaumeoloa $314.11..,.
By Treeearer'i par eoal. oa l,IM.If, I
per bbbL
By aBaBcratioaa ee daplloato of 1171..,
By amoaat rotaroed to Cunoluinn.
S S4
121 II
11 M
By balance BBcollaeted Ib band! of N.
niehel ror 1171 , i
By balaaoo aaeolloMad la bond! oi N.
nirnel ror ISJf 1,171 g
U,7 Rl
Te aaaeaal dueleat aattlamaal....
Ta Ul levied lor 1171
..I M IS
.. 1,4)7 ll
1 1, till til
By eodera aadllad Jaaa II, IS7I.
By ardera aaditad Job. ia IA7A
By I per Beat, abalaaual aa III! M ...
By Treaiorer'i per ooakea, at I
par eoaa .
By aioaeretioai oa daplloala af 117....
" " 1171....
By amoaat ralaraad Is Cemaiiaeioaere.
By amooat aaeelleeted fee I :.......
By m lata
By kalaaea daa faad ...., ..
rll.tH tl
We, tbe aBdanlgaed Aadllora af Lawreaeo
toWBeblp, be via g aaamlBod the eeTeral aeooaala
of Joeepb O.aar, biatrial Treaearar, lad tkem
aa above Mated. R. J. CON H LIN.
" J. la. MePHIRJON,
k. O. Wbkbi, W. T. IRWIN,
. ,, . Wer- Aadllora.
Clearlcld, Pa, Aag. II, II7I M.
Primarj Election, Hatordaj, Sept, 16,
Fan. Conirrm, tSO; Banator, $11; AiMabl
tUiHtaariff, Aaaooiata Jndgo,ti0( Dimit
Attoraoy, $10 f Jmry Cemmiaiioaar, $4. lit
mwat ba paid In adraooo.
Wa araaatboriaVfd ta annonnoalbonamaof L. A
If aokajr, of Clinton oounty, aa a candldata far Coal
grata, rabeet to tba rulti gorarnlpg tha Damotrt.
la party .
auglo, ' Poatottna addraaa, Look Harm.
Wa ara aotboritad ta aonoane tha nana of
T. J. BOVKH, of Claarflald, a a aaadidata for
Biato Sanator, ubjact to tbo ralai (or aro lag tba
DatuooratU part.
auglo. Poitoffloa addroM, Cloarflell
Wa aro aathoriaad to annoomea tha a an f
W. W. BKTId, or Cloartold, aa a anadidau for
Mtato HmmUr, aubjaot ta ibo rnloa foftraiag
tba Drmooratio par tj.
augl. poitofloa addrtaf, Cloarflald.
Wa aro authorfaod to annonnea tho aama of
OKoKUK M. HHIMBIN, af Oaeoola Nillf, u a
eandiUala for fifau Hanator. attbjaot a tbo nlta
guvercing tba Damoormtia ptf-
angll. Pottottoa addrow, Oaeaola Mill.
r'a art autboriaad to ansoanoa tho aamt of
A. C. TAlU, M Clearlald, aa a aaadidata for
Aaruily, Mil.ji to tba nilaa govaraiog tha
Dt'iuftirtOio party,
augld. Poftoftoa addraaa, Cloarflald.
W- pro aothnriiad lo announoo tba nana of
ANUKt.vV I'E.VTZ, Jr., of Brady twp., aa a ean.
d'diit tor Mhariff, auhjoat tu tba rmloa govoraiig
Ilia Dmufanc party.
augis, rottbmMadiireai, katbaranurg.
M'a ar autborlaad ta aaaoanoa tba aama of
K U. i.tAHIIAKT, of Dooatur towoihip, aa a
etto ll .- f f Phrrif, tubjoat to lb rnlca govara
iv 4 tha Democratic party,
auy 14. piMtoflea addrtaa, Pbllipebarg.
W arc avthariaed ta annoemoa tha aama of
II E.N K i liHKlll, of Brll tuwnblp, a a aandl
dale t-rr .Sharif, aabjact to tbo raloa govaraiog tha
Utmoeratto party.
aagl6. PoatoHo addraaa, Oatond.
W aro aatboriia-l ta aaaoaoeo tha aama af
J A. .Its MKHAKFEV, or ball townabip,u a cao
dnlala for HhnB, aabjeet ta tbo rule guvarning
tb Dmoratie pnrty.
auglo. Poatofioo addraaa, Bowar,
Wa ar authtirid to anDonao tha nana of
PATRICK (J(JHLKY,of Bradford towoabip, aia
oavJidato for Hbariff, auhjoot ta lha raloa govara
iog tba Damoaratia party.
augld. PoHoffloa addraaa, Willlamagror.
Wt ar au(boriard to announoo tha nam of
DAVID HITCHLNOS, ot Drrord townibip, aa
a eandidau for bbenff, aubjeot tu in a rala go?,
orning tha Damoeratio party.
augltt. PoitbOco addroaa. Woodland.
We ara aothnrliH to ooooneo tha nam af
A. V. CAllPKNTKR, of Bogg towoihip, aa
eaiididat tor Hheriff, aubjoot to tba ralea govern
ing tb Dctaaarall party,
augltt. Portoffloo addroaa, Wallaoatoa.
We are aalhoriied to aaaoanee tbe same af
DR AMILM U. li ILLS, el Vleorleld, ae ac.a
dtdate fur Aaroeieto Jfldge, eobjoot lo tbo raka
foverotng tbe iiemoeratie party.
auglo. PoatoStaa addraaa, Clearfield.
VTe are aatboriied ta aanoBBoa tbo eame of
JOHN J. HKAll.o! Lowreaootwp., aaaeeodicalo
fur Aeeociau Judge, eabjeot lo taa ralea govera.
log tba Democrotw party,
aug IS. Poetomoo addreea, Carweoeville.
We ara aotboriecd to aanoeaeo tbe aama af
D. W. MOORK, of Clearlald, aa a aaadidata (er
Aeaoeiato Jodgo, eabjeet to tbo mlee govorBiag
tbo tlomocratie party.
augld. Poatofleo addroaa, Clearfield.
Wa are aatbnriied to BDBOuBee tba aama of
WM. A. It LOOM, of Pibo Icwo.hip. aa aoaadi
dete for Aaeooiato Jadge, eobjoot to tba ralea gor
eraiog tba Demoerotie party.
auglo. Poetomco addreea, New Millport.
We ara aetboriaed to bbbodboo tbo aama af
VINCENT B. 11ULT, of Bradford towncbip, aa a
eaadioato for Aaaoclato Jadge, eabjeet feo tbe rule!
goveroiof tbo Democratio party.
aoglfl. PoatoStoe addraaa, Wood aod.
Wo ara aathorleed to bodobboo tbo Borne of
ABRAHAM OODKN.of Uwronco towacbip.aa a
eaodidata for Aeeocloto Jodire,eabjeelo tho ralea
goveroiag tba Democratic party,
aog 1 1. Poetoflioe addreea, Clearfleld.
Wa ara aaiboriieol to aaBoaooo tbe oame af
Ii. P RUWLK6, 01 LowroBoe towaabip, aaacaa
didato for AMociale Judge, eabjeet ta tbe raloa
govoroiog tbo Democratic porty.
Bug II. Poctoffice addrooe, Clearfirld.
W'e are aatborlted to aaBoaooo tbo same of
JACOB W. CAMeUKl.L. e( Bell tewaebip, a! a
oaodidate (ur Araoeiate Judge, aobjectto tbe rolea
guveriilug tbo Domoeratio porty.
aug. Id. Puetom-jo addroaa. Curb.
W'oare aolboriaed to anaotiBOo tbe Bamaof JO
SKPII PATTKKisoNal Jordaatowaibipaaeaa
didale lor tbo ofltee of Aaoootata Judge, aobjeot
le tbo ralea govoroiog tbe Democratio party.
augll. Poetomoo addreea, Marrea.
Wa are aulborlaed to annoanco tbo aama of
II W. SMITH, of Cloarflald, aa a aaadidole for
Diatriot Altorory, aubjoot ta taa rolea goveraiag
the Deiooeratic parly.
a-jglfl. portorBee addraaa, Clearfield.
Wa are aurhorited to bobobboo tbo aama af
A. II. KKAMKR, of Clearfield, aa a eaaJMale for
Diatriet Attoroey. eabjoot to tbo ralea goreraieg
tbo Demoeraiio party.
augll. Peetomoa addreia, Clearfield.
We ara aalboriaed to BaaoBBea ths aama of
WM. M. MrCl l.L'll'UII. of Clearfield, oa a 00a.
did.te fi-r Dialrirt Attoroey, ouljjoct to tho raid
govorolng the Demuoratlc porty.
aug. It. 1'oaloSce addrom, Clearfield.
We are aotbnrlted to aBnoaaea tha aama of
Dr. J. P. Bll R0II FIELD, of o eaodi
data for Jury Commireionor, .abject to the rale!
governing Ibe Demoerotie party.
aog. I. I'ootoBlce addreea, Cloorleld.
Sfm 2.fli'frttSfments.
WHRREAS, Hoa. 0. A. MATIR, Preeidcal
Judge of the Court of Commoa Ploaa af
tbe Twoaty-fiftb Jadicial Dictriet, eompoeed of
tbo oooatiea af Clearfleld, Ceetra aad CliBteo
and Hob. WiLLiaa 0. Polbt and Mob. Joaa J,
Raaa, Aeeoetale Jvdgoa of Claarflald eoaaty.
hare iaaaed their precept, to me diroeted, for the
holdiog of a Coart of Commoa Pleaa, Orphaac'
Court, Court of Quarter Seeolent, Oourt of Oyer
oad Termioer, aad Coart of General Jail Dellr.
ery, at Ihe l oan lloaae at Clearlald. la aad for the
eoaaty of Cleorfield, oommenelag 00 tho foarta
Moaday, the Until day ol September, IS1U.
aod to eontlooc two weeka.
NOTIL'I 1H, therefore, hereby Blvea, ta the
Coroaer, Joatloea of tha Peace, and Conatoblea,
ia aad for cold eoanty of Clearlald, to appear ia
their proper pereooe, with their Record i, Rclla,
Inquiattioni, Baamlnalloaa, aad other Remem.
braocoe, to do thoee thing! which lo tbeir office,
and ia their behalf, perlaia ta be dona.
By an Aot of Aeecoibly, peeved the 81 h day of
May, A. D. IM.4, it la made the daty af Ibo Jaa
tioea of the Peace of tho eeveral eooatiee of thie
CommoBwealth, to retora ta tba Clerk of Ibo
Court of Quarter Soeeioae of tho reepectlre
onontiee, all Ibo roougaiaaaooa eBterod into before
them by any pereoa or peraoae charged with lha
eommiaaioa of aay arime, eieept aueh aaeea aa
may be ended before a Juelico of tho Poaoo, aa
der oilBtlng lawa, at leaat tea daye brfure the
oommeaoemeBt af tho eeocloa of tho Court lo
which they ara made retaroeblereapectiTelv,aod
la all oeeee where any reougnlaaaoee ara aalcred
Into loco thaa tea daya before Ibo oommoaceoif el
of tho aeeeioa to wbioh they are mode IT tuna
ble, Ibo eaid Juetlcei are to retora tha aama la
tha came maaaer aa If aaid act bad aot boas
OIVBN aader my hand al Clearfield, till Ilk
day of Aoguet, ia the year ot oar Lord, aae
thoaaaad eight baadred aad aev.nly-aia.
aug. I to W. R. McPHKRSON, Snerlf.
lj Liet of Juror! drawa for September term, A.
D. 111,1, to be hold oa tha 4tb Moaday af Sep
looker, (2Sth doy), aad ooaiicue for two week! 1
aaaaa rcaoaa.
b. R. Merrell .OloarteM,
R. I. Stewart, Olrard,
R. 0111. Shaw, Ucahon,
B. W. Rooorda, Orakam
A. B. Tale, (ireonwood.
o. mciiaugoey,
E. B.C'lempaoo.Nowbarg
O.W. Dolte, Beocaria.
F. Mebelfey, Bell.
O. W. Campbell, Bell.
R. McDowell, Bradford.
L B. Carllla, Brady.
Philip Arnold, Brady,
H. Yothera, Covingtoa,
A. Heorharl, baaalar,
Jaa. Bloom, Vorgaaort,
Joa Berkey, Iluatoa,
J W. Poller, Karthaaa,
IJoba Fot, Kaoi,
A. Humphrey, Lea'aoe,
S. IrriB, Lawraace,
A. Ralliloa, Morrla,
Ohaa. Clearar. Pena.
i. J.Oelnett, Uiloa,
TaaTaaaa ji'Boaa. let ttaBK.
O. C. Moore, Clearlald,
Joba Faak, Doeetar,
Darid Burkot, Dmalar,
Iraaa Moore, Fergooon,
Auguet Rogeoa, llirard,
Mark Wileori, Uoabea,
Joba l.ytlo. tfrabam,
Jaa, Mctln'ra, Oraham,
Vila. Bell, (Ireonwood,
P. C. Bowaaa, Hualoa,
Aroboy Jerdao. Jordoa,
u. II. Ilalfurd, "
R. Shirk, "
Joha Ualiob, M
Jae. Cooper,
Reg. tlearbart, a
J. L. K .11.. I.. Cii.-
J W. bad.r. Oeeoolo.
S.H.Hiolman. h.e.rl.
Jaa. Pn, Boeaana,
taoo. Ulna, )r, Uoo'la
Joha Botior, (of Ueo.)
A. M. Heed, Lawrence,
Lawla Browa, (of Wm.)
J. tt. Moore, Lawreaeo,
Cbaa. Doff, Lawreaee,
deary Sroa, Morrla,
David Flogal, Morrla,
Joha Rmcigh, Morrio,
Joba Hartal, Merrle,
lae. TaMmer, Merrle,
Wm. Rowlor. Peaa,
uoalol Hoooh, Bell,
W. B. Mcllheo. H.1I
Samuel Voodorlia, Bell,
UeorM ImA I, Oi
J ".!. Uramus, Bradford
Jooob Wllliomi, Bradf'd
laaao WiIcob. Bradlord.
R. Livereoed. Brulrapd I
.ono nnoner, Brady,
u.vr. inomaeoa. Brailv.
J . R. nendereoB. Brady,
S O. Snyder, Brady,
Ooo. llarlalall, Brady,
J. Chaiimaa, BarBaida,
Jamea MeKeowa, Peaa,
Jeaaea Diggiaa, V) aod d,
J. n. Watlal. laraaldc
Jaa. Kepbart, Deealar,
H. Cflrry, Fergaeoa,
Joba Rile, Pergaeoa,
Fnei Oreea, Fargeaoa, Irwla, Ueebea,
I. R.Shlroy, Ooahoa,
W. U Slaaley, Uolieh,
Labe Millwood, Oolieo,
Thamaa Smith, Jordaa,
Jamea Cetbeert, Kaol,
I. L. Tbampaoo, Law 'el
M. Lawbaad, Uwroaea,
W. Snaehaoea er. Loo ee
J. F. Weaver, Clearlcld
A. F. Mitoball.CloarSeld
M. nctvarf, Clearfield,
I. Thampaoa, Cor'evilla
ir.Hbimei, WaJlaootoa,
M. U. Weld, Beoeeria,
Rob'l Shag. Beocaria.
Som'l Botoo. Boooarlo.
Joba Canaiagbem, Belli
rraaeie noea. Voaaa.
A. Uoarhart, Bradford,
Jamea Hollr. Baraeid
D. MeCraohoa. Baraaida
Joba Ardory, Pike,
a leaek, araaMa,
Joba Daalap, rite,
R. MoCreekea, Pike,
J. M. Ckaaa, Woodward
W, Headeroea, M
Joba Robleoa, Cheat,
Aaerew rraliav. Uhait.
J. N, Raleer, CeTlagtoa