Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 30, 1876, Image 2

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    25hc fftqntMuiitt.
Uioboi B. Goodlasuib, Editor.
Reader, If you want to know what la going "
lo the bualnerl world, juel read our admitting
oolumna, to .Specie! column in partteular.
ron mKiiuMTi
. Fog TICI PSiemiRT 1
or mm axa.
CiNninarua, ArYesTiou ! o. and after the
lnfb of Aogutt, tlie announcement of the Darnel
of eendidatee Tor itlttrlet and Uoonty aoatne-
liono will bt io anion Toe ernel fe wblch
dim e j'..! io edranre, Will b a follona : Con
wreaa. 120: Senator. tI5: Aerrmbly. f la : oneril
fib: Aaeeciate Judge, 110: ltittrlct Attorney, tlO;
Jury CommiMtoner, to. Thia amount will pay
for theuuel noliee and tlie printing of 10,oou
tleketa for eacfceendlilate urr party ruiet requti
that th namea of aeh eandidate b announoed
three weeLa boron tbo eloction.
Primary election day, Saturdtr, September IB,
from 1 to 7 p. m., and the County Convention
meeto In toe Court Home the following Tieeday
at I p.
Polla opes at 7 a. m. and, without lotermlaaion,
(hM si 7 p. .
Vvary mala cillien, twenty -one yean of age,
poitetiing the following qnalia-etioni, thall be
entitled to Tota at all clcottonl:
1. He aball bate been a eiiUra of tha United
Statee one month.
- 3. Ha pfaell hare reaiilod In tha Slate one year ;
or, If baring prevloaily bean a qualified elector
er native born Qitleoa thereof, and thall havo re
moved tbereflom and tetaraod, Ihci he aball
bare retidrd therein ill reoftthf Immediately
preoedtog tba electios.
i t. Ha aball hare nil lod in tht dltlrlot where
be Inland to Tote two mintbe immediately pre
ceding the election, lo.tead of tea tiara, aa for
merly. "
. If twenty-two ycara ef aga, off upward, he
aball bate paid, within two yaara, n State er
oounty tea, whlob aball hare bean oaeeieed at
leant two montha prat ieua to the eteotloo, and
aid at laaatona month p refloat to the eemo.
S. foreign bom eitiiotia muat have been sat
rallied at mart one month before the olealloB,
sod malt aeriform ta tha requireaente eooteioed
In seetios 4, preaodlng.
' The eloetiea wit be bald aa "the Tueeday nest
following toe Irat Monday of November," being
tab) year the 7lh day of the month.
Wedoooday, Sept. lk, it tha lelt day for be
Ing aaaaaaod.
fridey, October 6th, U aba but day for aa.
earing naUraltaation papara.
Friday, Oetober ftth, ia the lait day on which
taxaa ean be paid ia legal titna to rota.
tut above datea aboold be carefully remem.
hered and acted on by all votera.
Get Assessed. WEDS KSDAY ,
The death bed scenes in the last mo
ments of tho Statesman, Speaker Kerr,
will bo found on our first page.
Who wants tho bletwing(l) ot the
past three years entailed on him tor
another Presidential terra?
Grant will havo to set his pardon
mill to grinding or there will be a lack
of Radical stumpers.
"Tho Government" is now at Long
Branch, driving a four-horse turnout
It paid a visit to the Centennial grounds
on Thursday lust in company with
Boric. '
Ol course tastes may differ, but we
think no State in the Union loads In
diana for a single span of Radical states
men ot tho ruling order, to wit : Orth
and Colfux.
. ''The closo of tho session," in lost
week's Rkpiiilican, from the Sow
York Herald, should be road about
thrco times by Democrats and ten
limes by Radicals.
Rather Extensive. Tha St. Goth
ard tunnel, through tho Alps, connect
ing Switzerland with Italy, will bo five
and a half miles in length, and will
cost thirty-eight millions of dollars.
We'll See Sovcral Blair county
experts in such affairs went down to
Huntingdon last woek and again heal
ed the breach in tho ranks of the Iiad
leal party in that county.
"Walleoo keeea kim to do bia dirty work, and
If george ean only be teen in company with the
Senator onoe In a great while, hit bepplnoae ia
omplete." raet I'mltM ioaaie.
Well, the Senator need not go to
prison tp find us.
i . . . -
An Oi'ENiNo. Wo' notice that the
Rods over in llutitgdon have nomi
nated two renegade Democrats for the
legislature. That would bo a good
place for somo of our sore-heads to
turn up.
A Small Citewo. Hixt-for thou
sand persons visited tho Contennial
grounds on Thursday last. Grant was
in tho crowd, bat few persons wore
aware that ho was on hand. Tbo ad
missions on Saturday were 101,000.
jr Naturaliekd. Every nnnnt
trroliaed resident In our county who
is entitled to his papers, and wishes to;
voto for IVimident this year, should
tudc rstand that ho must apply at our
approaching tiefrUnber court tor his
last papers. Therefore, let none who
are opposed to sumptuary laws, and In
savor of a free and prosporetit onion,
fail to got their papers, and then in
November next vote for Tilden, anion
and proaperity. ' '
An Kxrci.LiNTCoDl. An exchange
sajt : It U makI that no Chinese bank
as fuilcd during the put fire hundred
ears. When tlio Inst one "went up"
tlio heads of tlx officer oune otT, and
were thrown li.lo a corner, with the
otlii'r assets. ' lliNm'AoTORal Btraw-hat
and rcd-herring Cameron, aalary-grab-bcr
liny os and bribo-tuking Forney,
ait) now running the Radical machine.
A mors unnatural alliance to plunder
the peoplo of their hard earnings was
noTor found anywhoro.
Laboring man, wo mako this pre
diction : Without a cbanijo of rulors
there cannot be a change in govern
mental affairs. And thorefore tho busi
ness oi the country will continue to
languish, until repudiation seta in and
makes all things even.
Plain as Day. The farmer Bees
that eight years of Grant Republican
ism lion changed prosperity into ad
versity, that the products of his Inrm
are selling fur less than it costs to raise
them. 11ns not the tnrmor, then, the
best ol reasons to work and vote for a
clinniro ?
Tho Sow York World, in alluding
to Senator AVallacu's speech, says that
the Pennsylvania Senator is not board
in tlcbato qui to as often, perhaps,- as
the Senate would like him, but when
he docs speak he novcr fails to be ef
fective, and sincere, and to command
"The jail expenditure!. george
prefara to keep in the dark about mob anpleaa.
ant mattera." Stem 'uajee iaeet.
Well, wo don't know about that.
Tho fellow inside ought to know more
than an outsider about that. More
than this, we are not aware that we
have been kept quite as much in the
dark as some other fellow.
S ot Palata bls. "(icn. Custer's last
light," by Col. ileno, found on our first
page, is the detail of a sorrowful af
fair at this day, after experimenting
with the Indians fur over one hundred
and fifty years. Who was the real
author of this slaughter will nevor be
entered on record.
Sdebmah on the Siorx. General
Sherman's testimony bvforo the Mil!
tary Committee of Congress, bearing
upon the present Indian border war,
is very interesting, and will richly re
pay a studied perusal. If is views of
tho situation will be found on our
fourth page of this issuo.
State Ejections. Tho next States
to hold elections aro Arkansas, Sep
tember 4 ; Vormont, September 5 ; and
Maine, September 11 ; after which In
tercst will contro on tho Octobor Slates
Georgia, that elocla on tho 4th, and
Ohio, Indiana,. Colorado and Wost
Virginia, that elect on tho 10th.
He Consistent. "Hayes, Wheeler
and Reform," says a Republican ox
change. That is a queer combination.
What needs reform ? The administra
taion ? Then what a condemnation of
Hayes it is to link his name with that
of reform, when he has so readily en.
dorscd a platform which praises G rant's
unreformed administration.
The Gono. Tho Caracron-Hayes-
Bclknappers organizod a club in this
place Tboy resolved that the tale of
cadet and post-traderships should go
on, and that no part ot the moral code
had been infringed upon by their
friends, or words to that effect. "Bab,"
'Sylph," "crooked whisky" agonts,and
all the other political harlots were en.
dorscd. i
Tboso business men, laborers and
artiutns who are fully satisfied with
tho "good times" we have enjoyed for
the past three years will of course vote
for the Camorons, Hayes i Co. Those
who are in favor of an improvement In
the morals and business of our country
will vote for Tildcn and Hendricks.
The old bosses must be turned off be
fore a rovival can set in.
Business mon, if you want a general
revival of business and prosperity re
stored to our country you must vote
for a chango of Rulers in our National
affairs. If you fool your lime away in
November, you will bo compelled to
suffer the samo contractions, depres
sions and Bankruptcy in morals and
business that you have encountered
tho past three years.
Backing Out. G. W. Rubs, chair
man of tho Greenback Stato Central
Committee of Indiana, publishes a long
letter, in which he declares for Tilden
and Hendricks. He doesn't entirety
agree, he says, with Mr. Tilden in his
financial views, but believes he is the
right man to inaugurate and enforce
reforms and drive political thlevos and
cormorants to their natiro political
Slave and Masteb. Forney hates
Camoron ns sublimely as the veriest
outlaw ; yet, he deigns to lick the salt
out of Cameron's hand, and smacks hit
lips over it. Brave moo I Pennsyl
vania produces no othor two men like
them guilty of all manner of political
crimct against person nnd property,
and yet lead tho party controlled by
"grand moral ideas." Verily, when
will miracles ceaso and statesmen re
tumo the places occupied by cheap
The Senior Juniors. Blacker and
blacker tho crimes of the Mollie II a
guires appear as they are exposed by
tho trials now going on at Pottsville.
Tho evidence in the trial of tho Kohoe
party showed that their mcotings to'
plan murder wcro held on Sundays
and opened with prayer. Their ap
pointment by them of a committee to
sit and hoar evidence as to which ot
two claimants was entitled to a reward
for killing a man at tight in broad day
light in a publio place, is without a
pnrallel in the history ot civilised lands.
Col. Reno's Inqcirt. Col. Reno, in
his official report giving an account of
the disastrous tight in which Goneral
Custor and five companies of the Sev
enth cavalry were slaughtered, makes
an inquiry that is extremely snggos
livo. He says : "Tho harrowing sight
of tho dead bodies crowning the height
on which CusUr fell, and which will
remain vividly io my mind until death,
is too recent tor me not to ask the
good people of this country, wbether
4 xnV? irAioA trig oppoting partiet in tht
Add armed, clothed and equipped by u
ef tht time fopmrmt, shoe Id not be
abolished V
The last Radical Congress, the very last
lay of iu constitutional life, March 3d,
75, passed a revonus bill raising an addi
tional forty million of iixe. Kobugeliatt
tho robberies became, that this step was
necessary to prevent th Government
from running Into bankruptcy. , This
bill, in effect, added about II per head
to tho burthens ot every soul In the
Union. The husband ot a wife and
lather of eight children bad 110 added
to his expense for tho support of the
Belknap, Babcocks and Grant-Hayes
families. This burthen is perhaps fire
times heavier than was ever before
imposed on a, laboring man, even
during the most prosperous times, when
ho had plenty of work at 12 per day.
What adds to the crimes perpetrated
on tho business and laboring classes,
is tho fact that tlioy propose to double
our burthens when business is more
stagnant and labor scarcer than over
belore, and that this same party asks
to be continued in power after proving
in a score of ways that they are wholly
unfit to govern an honest and a free
people. On the other hand, a Demo
cratic Congress has only been in power
eight months, and instead of imposing
new burthens on tho peoplo, that body,
after a despernto fight with the Radi
cals for a reduction of forty million, and
finally compelled tho Seoato and the
President to pass and sign bills reduc
ing the general expenses of the Gov-
simply turning off thousands of Gov
ernment employes, who did not aver-
age one hours labor for every week
they were drawing oat of the Treas
ury from lorty to fifty dollars. By
this piece of economy, the Democrats
have succeeded, in effect, to wipe oat
throe-fourths ot the forty million bur
then, and, had the people acted wisely,
and given our party tricnds'control of
tho Senate too, or the Executive De
partment, no robbery of this kind
would have been perpetrated upon
them by their airenta, a majority of
whom should be in exile.
A PaoBLaa. If tha Demoerette HeeH, with
the Seeate and EsoemUve kraaehea of the Uev
arnmant aaraiaat it. aweoeedad In rodseiag thi
puollo aapeniea over tairfy eHMoae at Ooiiarf,
bow muoh more wewld H bavo bean redaoed had
oar party friends boon noeeeeelea 9t tba While
Uouea and the BeaaW Chamber 1 Jraiaarwtie
Why, at least TWENTY MIL
LIONS MORE I The moment the
"crooked whisky" rogues are compel!
ed to pay their full quota of revenue
into tbo Treasury, according to tho
laws now on the statute book, and the
post-traders are sent to the peniten.
tiary, then we will bogin to reduce the
huge National "blessing" by hundreds
of millions of dollars, and to that ex.
tent reduce the burthens oi the people,
and put our country on tbo true line
of advancement and substantial pros
perity. But if Grant, Cameron, Hayes
& Co. aro kcr '. ,a position, we may as
well bang our harps on tba willows,
and get ready tor a great National ta
neral, somotime between this and the
close of this century. The prevailing
corruptions in Church and State, many
ot which have been uncovered during
the past year, are just so many mile
stones along the highway to National
ruin. For the voter to continue to
employ the same agents, in Church
and State, of whom Beechor and Bel
knap are the representatives, for four
years longer, all will be lost. A change
now will savons; but nothing else will
la hit Clear laid apeeeh, Mr. llglar said thai
Tildas "may be vary ilow to write lattera, bat
tho mnrdorara at Hamburg, weald thtsb hia
vengeance awfully eiaaplelf ho eeeid ronoh Ik
Hut no took mighty goad onra net even to aa.
onnea them Is hia letter. If he b horning with
a deaire far vooeeameo. It la Heart that ho wward
have ken alliens as Ineact at leant s word of
wrath amoow hie todioaa aod nearly laoempre.
hentible gabble about the laMeea. faJdfoAu
It is evident that this Cameron organ
is vexed over Gov. Tilden a "gabble.'
But, because be did not refer to the
Hamburgh affair, the Mollie Magnire
murders in this 8tate, or to the riots
in Indiana, the editor is nnhappy.
The editor in question lacks the sense
to know that etiquette forbids the Gov.
ernor of one State to criticise the omit
sions or commissions of another. Had
it been any portion of Gov. Tildon's
duty to refer to Hamburgh, or any of
the other wrongs indicated, be would
have done so ; bat ss It was Done of
bis business, he wisely refrained and
thus avoided giving offense, except to
demagogues, and thereby stopped the
oxoontives In those States tram telling
him to mind hit own business. The
editorial blockhoad, as Gredloy used to
call the Bulletin class, is plainly devel
oped in the "incomprehensible gabble"
of the Bulletin man. . t . i
J 1 ! .U J ,
One Shirt Washed. South Caro
lina, and Hamburgh, In particular, is
not as bloody as it was a month ago.
There were two si dee to the Hamburgh
affair after all, and now that one aide
hat been hold up to the country for a
month, it is to be hoped that the other
stde will be shown. When tworn affi
davits show that the negroes fired
first; that Merriwether was killed be
fore a shot was fired by the whites,
and that the negroes had publicly
threatened to "clear out" the whites
from that section it looks as it Senator
Patterson would show the part of wis
dom by not insisting on any further
investigation. And perhaps there is
not any need ot a very large army In
South Carolina Just yet. We will wa
ger any sum that no white man will
ever be called upon for trial, notwith
standing the great fuss that was made
in Radical sheets over the "Hamburgh
riot," The proof fully establishes the
Jact in a Radical court, and from the
testimony of negro witnesses that the
negroes were the aggressors, no differ
enco how many whito men op north
lied alxiut it- t .
The Triangle. We hope Fornoy,
the Preu man, will toll hit bearon the
noxt time he mounts the stomp at a
Cameron-Hayes shebang, how he came
by the 125,000 charged to him In the
Pacifio Mail Steamship business, and
how be chiseled the dead George O.
Evans and lbs State Treasury oat ot
the z.uuv wnion tne witnesses swore
he bad received. When the devil tnmt
Bishop, this trio will become honost
mon, and not before.
Grant bat Baboock with him at Long
Branch. This follow if Just at guilty
of robbing the Treasury ot half a nil
a million of dollars, as Gen, McDonald,
Avtry, and tht rest ot hit confederates
who are now la tht penitentiary for
their "crooked" wayt, while "Bab" aad
"Sylph" art patrolling Long Branch
with Grant.
We this woek announce tho name of.
Hon. L. A. Mackoy, for Congress, sub
ject to tho usage ol tho Democratic
party of our oounty. We havo here
tofore expretwd our views as plainly
as we could on thu question, and hope
thatwa have aot beau mitundorsteod
by our readers. Noarly all our ex
changes in tho District concede Mr.
Mackoy't nomination, and quite a num
ber of Journalists outside have spoken
favorably. The Lowisburg Journal,
and other exchanges of a rocont dato,
put it in this way :
"It looks very much as if Hon. U A.
Macker, our able Contrrossional Hop
rcsenutivo, will have no opposition In
tne District, tne manner in wnicn
be attended to his duties sivatly in
creased his popularity. He will have
no opposition in Clinton, Clearfield and
fcllt counties. In Mifflin, Mr. ICeed bat
been nominated with tho understand
ing that it waa only a complimentary
vote and that bis eonf'oroot should sup
port Mr. Mackey. In Centre, Mr. Bush
was also nominated with the same un
durnlandinif. As Mr. Msekoy is a na
tive of Union county, and aa no ono
baa been named in opposition to bun,
would it not bo woll for our Conven
tion to declare for him and thus dooide
the matter f Oo this subject wo copy
tho following item front last week s
Beliolonte Watchman:
"The Clearfield Jit-publican strongly
urges tho nomination of Hon. L. A.
Mackey lor Congress by acclamation.
As none ot tho other counties in the
District but this one will present a can
didate, and at Mr. Bush who received
the compliment of a nomination on
Tuesday last, acting in accordance with
the wish of the Democrats of the coun
ty, will concede the nomination to Mr.
Mackey, bis election for a second term
by acclamation may be sot down as
one of the political oortaintics." -
From all parts of our Congressional
District there seemt to be but one
voice at to who our next Congressman
shall be. Mr. Mackoy has represent
ed us faithfully and ably in our Na
tional Legislature, and fully deserves
a re-election at the bands of bis con
stituents. Let him bo a Bank Presi
dent, Railroad President, or both, his
sympathies and actions are with the
people and for the peoplo, versus tho
great monopolies tbat nave well mgb
devoured us, and placed us at the mer
cy of the favored tow. We do not be
lieve in that systom et rotation in of
fice which displaces a faithful public
servant merely to give place and office
to anotber. jjet encn an bonest and
efficient representative as M r. Mackey
Das proven bimscii oe returned with
out a dissenting voice. Mitlhcim Jour
nal. The recent speoch of our distinguish
ed Congressman, upon cheap transpor
tation, lias elicited a great deal of fa
vorable comment all over the country
it it Out seldom tbat a man is to for
tunate as to earn for himself a national
reputation in a single session of Con
gross. Mr. Mackey ia one of the ex
ceptions, and we point with pride to
uie recoru ui our momuer, leenng mat
tbe people ot tbo entiro District will
appreciate hia valuable sorviocs, aod
return him with a larger majority than
be bad two years airo. The Democ
racy of Elk are unanimous in their
opinion tbat bo should bo returned,
aud we hops our brethren throughout
tne District are ot tbe same opinion,
We thia week upon our own motion,
seconded by the entire Democracy of
Elk, place his name at our mast-bead
as a suitable person to represent ns
for another term ot two years. Elk
Uonntu uazette.
The editor of the Elk County Demo-
erat, and of the Clinton Democrat, have
expressed themselves strongly in his
favor, but we bave not the extract of
those journals at hand just now.
Tbo Lewis town Democrat says there
can be no reasonable objection made to
Mr. Mackoy't re-nomination. He has
made an excellent and prominent rep
resentative, in whom we can feel a just
pride, and thereby, as well as by the
lma.ltM.niiafl MaeiM f th Mute ta
titled to tbe approbatory compliment
of a re-nomination. So far aa Mifflin
county is concerned, we know this to
be tbo universal sentiment amongst
IMBOcraU, though here, as well as in
other counties, a recommendation with
a view to the euocessorshlp two years
hence may bt made by tbe County
Hon. L. A. Mackey will be tho unan
imous choice of his district for a
Congressional re-nomination. It is un
derstood that D. G. Bush, Esq., who
bas Deen named In Centre county, will
defer to the general sentiment of tbe
Democracy by withdrawing his candi
dacy before tho mooting of tbe oonfor-ence.-Jltirriaturf
A Radical organ, tho Philadelphia
Evening Exprett, whose Washington
correspondent kept an eye on Mr.
Mackey during tbe session, in alluding
to oar member says :
"It is with pleasure that we refer to
tne Honorable course pursued by Sir.
Mackey during the whole session of
Congress. Although a Democrat, and
politically opposed to as, we cannot
out commend him for hia straightfor
wardness and endeavors to do his duty.
Unlike the Representative from the
Third district, there is no demairoirue
about him, neither does ho seek for
political notoriety at the expense of
the interests of the people. He man.
aged very gracefully to put an end to
political clap trap, by having a resolu
tion for adjournment introduced and
passed by the House. Tho result of
this was to bring about a Democratic
caucus, which aimed to pass tho ap
propriation bills, and, thereafter, to ad
journ Congress.
It is due to our readers to say to
thorn that the paaeago of tht bill pro
viding for tbe early completion of tbe
Washington monument was tbe work
of Mr. Mackey. Hit speech in defence
oft system of cheap transportation for
the producer waa a most masterly effort
In short, hit course in Congress has
been one of usefulness, and bo has
proven an honor to bis constituency,
lie will doubtless be renominated by
hit party, when be will be re-elected
by a largoly increased majority."
, There it nothing left for us to toy :
farther, than to call upon every Demo
crat In the oounty to cast hit ballot lor
Mr. Mackoy, at tho approaching pri
mary election.
i i
NiooAtpLT. Yes, that is tho term
the editor ot tbo Philadelphia Prat,
uses when rsforing to the reductions
made In the appropriations by a Demo
cratic Congress. Hear him :
"Niggard apaeoprlalieaa, whereby lha starving
army ef oataide leberera b) ewollea by o large
aueiber of othen kicked eat af lha Oeverament
The editor takes no notice of the faot
when a thousand employee are turned
out of a factory, but when a Demo
oratio Congrett kickt oat a few hun
dred Government loafers, (or the pur
pose of curtailing tht lax payers bill,
than tht virtnout editor of the Prea
howlt; Yoa may lurn out coal diggers,
factory hands, mill men, ate., by tbe
thousand, be never notices thai, But
the moment a lot of Government tiorkt
art dismissed, ho Weep,. Well, tbat it
jutt what might be expected from on
or Blrsvoa Oaaatroe t slaves. At tas
good book tayt i Ytbtre been bought
with prlre."
Tbo Christian Union wo Lotorious
Henry Ward Boeehor'a paper dovotea
a long editorial articlo to a reviow of
tbo letters of acceptance, of Messrs.
Tilden and Hendricks, and comos to
the conclusion that tbey contain noth
ing to shako the faith of tho average
Republican in tho purity of bis party.
That Mr. Beecher has a right to his
opinions, tow will deny, but bt does
not stop heroho j( not content until
be slanders two classes whom, in the
exuberance of hit owu purity of life
and Christian charity, ho is pIcuHod to
cull "ignorant foreigners and Southern
ruffians." Himself accused, on sworn
testimony, of being a liar, a per
jurer and unudtilteror smarting under
what ho and his friends denounce as
falso accusations, but which most intel
ligent nnd unprejudiced people, who
have carefully read tho evidence be
lieve to bo true one would suppose
that ho, ot all men living, should nut
"bear falso witness nyainst his neigh
bor." But hero it in, at copied from
his paper : '
"Thece lettera eoattin nn:l,inv that can
ouade any Kepublienn to ohange fan patty,ef
to eonviuee aa uoprrja liow.1 ibe.-raf
tbat a llemoemtie victory wnull lirin
about thadenred ralonaa. Tbo Katoatlve
but little of himeelf. and to the prosenl Conk'ra!
be eonld sot hope f..r euy eraiitente. t)iiK be.
bind Coogreea lu the Dcmooruiio part? at largo,
we tod both in the Norlii and Houib 1 .rg, num
ber ef eclimable men who In Iba fortn-r icolinn
are everbnrue at the poll by Iba tyMiu-WNl furtiyn .
er,adal lAa Juera ayrerrelea. Why it ia tbat
tbe greater part of we intellect and buootly uf
tbe oouatry eleevaa to tbe keublican party !
not tha aueatioa before tbe pul.llo, but tbe faot
la undeniable."
Boecher is a slanderer, id course, but
even if bis charges were true, he should
not have forgotten tbe terrible rebuke
administered on a notable occasion to
a class of byitocrites who, whilo reek,
ing with crime themselves, wcro nim
ble enough in offering their services to
stone to death one who was accused
of a crime vastly less atrocious thuu
the one ot which most coplo believe
the reverend libelor is truilty. Nat
York Day-Book.
Blaine's Last. Tbo Now York
Day-Book tayt: "Shacknasty" Jim
Blaine, ot Maine, who wriggled into
tho Senate to escape tho penitentiary,
made a speoch in Augusta the other
day, in which be said :
"It ia said that Tilden has marked
the State of Maine aa a good field for
tbe investment of his political funds,
with tbo hope of reducing our majority
tn September. Movent! prom mcnt le:
ocrata who are now on the itinornnt
list in this State are said to be part of
tne mobilized army ol union.
Ot course Blaine "knows how it is
himself,' and therefore political honor
or honesty is an impossible conception
to a fellow who steals the documents
which proved him a thief. Be that as
it may, howovor, one thing ia certain
if the Democrats, as Blaino asserts,
resort to "bribery and corruption," wo
would make a small bet that "Shock
nasty" will fob the lion's share of tho
plunder, and leave the loss prominent
jackalls to hunt for themselves. Jim
never yet let slip a chance of "turning
an honest penny," and never will. He
was bought by Tom Scott, bought by
Oakes Ames, bought by the Spencer
Rifle Co., and whon ho takes his place
in tho Senate, will be "lor sale or to
let" to tho highest bidder. ,
A New Departi re. It is but sel
dom that the editor of the Presbyterian
Banner, sect anything good in a Demo
cratic candidate, but in a luto issue ho
comes down to tho truth in this sly
way. In alluding to our nominees ho
"The formal letters of acceptance by
Tilden and Hendricks of their nomina
tion, June 28th, by the Democratic
National Convention at St. Louis at
Candidate! for the Presidency aud Vice
Presidency of tho United Slates, wore
published vory generally throughout
the country on the 5th inst. Governor
Tildon's letter ia unusually long, and is
an abla and carefully prepared docu
ment. A large portion of it will bo
accepted by mon of all parties at sound
doctrino and wise statesmanship. Hia
condemnation uf local and general ex
travaganco, and his demand for re
trenchment and reform, will bo endorsed
by all."
That is pretty good, but it is not
half as strong as ho used to endorse
Grant. Now will ho not go a little
farther in the reform lino and tell his
readers, that the salvation of the coun
try deponds on the election ot Gov.
Tilden tbat tho universal corruption
that prevails must bo "put on a lino
of extinction," or, we will bo wiped out
at a Nation.
very last movement ot "tho Govern
ment" in tho consolidation of Internal
Revenue districts, appears as follows :
"Beavor, Butler, Armstrong, Indiana,
Jefferson, Clearfield and Alloghcny
north of the Ohio river, aro consolidat
ed into tho Twenty-third Pennsylva
nia district, and John M. Sullivan is
retained." This is a largo fluid for
official rogues to operate in and fill
their pockets In tho shape of fifty er
cent penalties, tho half of which tho
detectives cabbage, and hand tho other
half over to Chandler to conduct the
canvass. Connelly and Lewis, two fa- j
mons highway robbers; who infested
this country filly years ago, wore gen
tlemen compared to the Internal Rev.
tnuo sneaks who now infest this coun
try. The formor never robbed ihe
poor man, but Eason and his confeder
ates rob the widow and tho orphan of
their pittance. Sullivan is a new man
in Ibis section and msy be an Improve
ment on tho old horde of plunderers
who spend lols of cash, earning very
little of illegitimately.
Thin Business. The Radical news
paper mon, aro just now engaged in
starting saw mills, furnaces, rolling
mills eta, so as to mako things look
lively, as tbo election oppmacbes. Hnl
not being the proprietors of these cs
tablishments tlioy neod furnish no
funds, except wind, to start them.
Hence tboso men aro not adding any
thing to the material prosperity of the
country, besides infringing largely upon
the truth and discounting thu ten com
mandmonta lo such an extent that
the most Ignorant is compelled to pro
nounce thcra hypocrites in morals and
knaves in business. Jlewcvor, that is
tho schedule upon which Church and
State hat been run ever since tht close
ot the war and it a majority of the
voters to express themsclvot at tho
ballot box this fall, to continuo tho samo
programme for four ycara longer ondor
tbe rule ot Cameron, Grant and Hayoe,
the bottom will fall out of both Church
and State belore two ycart more roll
around. Without a chango of rulers
there will be no change of policy.-
A grand Dully, as previously announ
ced by I. Test, Esq., Clialrmun of lliu
Doinocililie t'utinly Committee, a lurgo
number of ibo Ocmocnilio cititciia uf
lliitdy, Union and Bloom towiihiM,
ns well ns from lite eastern part of Jel
leraon count) , assembled at Llithers
burg, l'onu'a., on tho 2Cth Inst., for tho
puiose of taking tho initiatory steps
toward organizing a Tilden and Hen
dricks club. A tine polo about 100 tc6t
high was ruised. Tht'tio nuirliul bands
were in attendance, tjuilo a number
of our Republican Iriunds were present
to hear the speeches. Tbo meeting in
voitit of numbers was the largest ever
if lil in the township, mi any similar
oecusioii. At 8 o'clock i. M. Dr. W. A.
Means called tho meeting to order, and
organized liy electing V. X. eber, hsq.
ol Dulloia Oily, as President, C, Smith,
A. Ileberling, Jue. ZillioX, V. Violty,
and P. II. Crick, Vice Presidonts,G.C.
Kirk und J. r. Nelson, us bocrelntics.
i. Test, Esq., familiarly known as "Kit-
liier" Tost, was then introduce.! and
spoko for neurly an hour, presenting
tit u masterly manner thu political
issues of the duy, ulter which rjciislur
Wm. A. Wallace, was introduced and
inuduu lolliiiKKiieot li,shnwiniainmi'st
other things, tho necossity lor a change
of ofllccrs in the r'cderal Government
ill order to restore purity to the Ad
ministration and to rciiuw thu pros
porily of tho people ; that ihu present
depression in all business circles which
is depriving labor ol its ci-ipluyment
has its principal cause in oxcessivo tax
ation by tho Government nnd the high
rute ol interest paid upon its indebted
ness. P. S. Weber then followed by
a brief, but pointed speoch in English
and German. Geo. C. Kirk, ) u ...
J. F. Nelson,
Woodland, Pa., Aug. 2S, 1870.
Somo two weeks since a Tilden und
Hendricks Reform Club wus organised
in this place. Tho first niceliiiKol the
club was ably addressed by Wm. M.
McCullough, Esq. Tho following ofll
ccrs were elected. Dr. J. A. House,
President ; S. P. Wilson, Capt. Jacob
Pcarso, P. Curie-, Vico Presidents ; C.
M. Cadwnltador, Sec'v.; A. L. Truman,
Assistant Secretary; V. 1. Cnrley, Cur-
responJingoecretary ; Kcuucn Mcrhcr-
son, Treasurer. Tuesday cveniiig,2-nd
itist. was tho second night ot meeting
winch was a grand success, many prom
incut names being added to thu roll uf
honor. Senator Buyer, addresed the
club in a masterly style. Thu Club
purposes meeting on Tuesday evening
of each 'woek during the campaign at
Varnor's Hall, Woodland, Pa. Sneak
ers will bo provided from timo to time
to address the Club. "
TiiKiti Politics. Tho "greenback"
candidate. Peter Cooncr. of Now York.
for President, and Samuel F. Carey, of
Ohio, for Vice President, who are just
now running a side-show for Cameron,
Hayes & Co., never belonged to the
Democratic party. Mr. Cooper was
first a Federal, then a M big, and last
a Republican. Gon. Carey has always
acted with tho opposition nntil 1X72.
he declared for (ireeley, ar.d last year
tho Democrats of Ohio wcro unwisi
cnotiglt to nominate him for Lieuten
ant (Governor, nnd that led to tho de
feat of (iov, Allen. Carey is a pcrloct
blatherskite. I Io is a temperance lee.
turerof the regular inquisition style,
and (a vois sumptuary laws for every
thin, and at tho same time punishes
more poor corn whisky "behind tho
door than any tlireo men in Ohio
Dr.rENr.n. -Tho Pittsburgh
says: "On Monday last. Gov. Hayes,
by arrangement, met .Morton at Col
unibus, Ohio, and rode with him to Den-
nison, for tho purpose of "consultiug.1
Wo aro informed by a gentleman, who
was in a position to hear tho consulta
tion, that Gov. Hayes t(innkcd Morton
for his Indianapolis speech, and assured
him that if elected, he would carry out
faithfully tho present policy of the
loaders of Grant's Administration. Gov.
Hayes also stated to Morton that he
was anxious to havo Grunt's Adminis
tration defended al all, points aud at
tacked at none, as bo believed that the
success of tbo party depended upon
standing by each and ovary act ot that
Administration. This onght to be
cheering news to Schura and the New
York Triliune. ...... .
"Com federate" Work. On the lOlli
of Octobor thirty clerks in tho Post
Office Department, ami ono hundred
and forty in the Interior Department,
will bo discharged. Another result of
Domocratio retrenchment and reform
Those mon drew out of the Treasury
from 1,200 to 12,000 each, and did not
do ono hour's work in three days.
Hence, in thit single Reform move
ment on the part ol tho Democrats,
over oae hundred thousand dollars will
be saved to tbe tax payers. Accord
Ing to Dr. Franklin's rule of political
economy, one diAiur mvJ, it tuo d.JLirs
earneil. Hence, wo must look upon
"tho Confederato Homo," with some
respect ; because It has mndo a tub.
stantinl reduction in our publio bur
Ucu; AawtiSfttuittj. ....
ion rmvTiNo or evert pkscrip
ttOBBtkltir tlMIUt. Bt tkil olio.
fomier etore-reoia of i. tl. Miller, la I'le'cOpern
There will ha , .-.kit. ..I. iL-
uee vauaiag, on
Saturday Aflornoon, Sept. 9, 1170,
Tba following property, to wit : One large Ire
proof aafr, Ave barrel oil.tenh, offiee-deau, gaa
nature, rtore-rart, 2 timber cledc, and landry
email erueieaenaoifi at tan lattiala.
Jnnx V. IRWIN.
W. O. Dlill.KK,
Trarlere of tbe Krute n( r. U. Millet
August .10, 18;t lt,
Nnllro ! hereby given that the followle. a.
eoautehare been aianiinedaad paned by me, and
remain Bird of record in thu office f,.t the ia.
frtlon of hrlra, W aterl. creditor!, and ell nih.n
inlercetcd, and will be nreaentrd to Ihe rw.
phana' t'eort el IWfleld eouaty, io be held at Ihe
Court Houie, in the borough of t'lcarflrld, com
mencing on the Oh Mnndny (being tba J5lh davl
Final acoount of William Hell. rli,a..iun nr it o
Anrlerena and Margaret And-noo, minor btlra
oi . w. nurro,n, lata of Dloom toea.b.r.
Clearfield at.unt l' r
Final account of P. K. Ilrubaker and Par id
Drearier. Kiecutori of the crutcof Jan. If :.!
late of Uaioa leenihii, Clearfield eouaty, a-n.)
Aarount of Jaraei A. Campbell, Adainl.lrator af
tn. oi u.njim.o nurd, lata or Dell twp
Clearfield enuntr. !... dmm-d r
Fleal ooooual of Suaaa Waple, Adminiatratrii af
... ...... oi nicnaro n anlr.late or B'.ggi t.p..
Partial eeeoont of Jobs hum aad Porter Kii
port, A lonniitratort of iba eiutc of War. 0.
Irv,n, late of BuiuiUe lowmblp, Clearfield Oo. ,
Pa., dec d.
Partial nceounta of Parld J TnmM n...e:..
I Jueph H. Hieaaler aad Wa. R. t'neU,. -u
heira of Wllliaa 8 Ureaaler. dee d.
Final nreounta of lierld J T.,.. n n t
l.abella Petera, (formerly Iralie'lla Brawler),
and Hamburger, (rhraerly J..I.II
. ..-.....,.., .a.o, ureaaler. dead.
Partial aeeoanl ef baniel Qoodlander and H.orr
Ennrr, Liecalon of the aaiate of Adaa Mar
chell, lata af Brady lownlblp, Cloarteld onanty,
Pa., dee d. - -
Final aoeeantaf i. H Kirk. J it.
eelsleof Willlaa Kirk, tai.ol li.ejj Ipaaihln
Clear.ld oounty, Pn., dea d. rpw-anip,
nccoeei oi eoeiea unity nnd Wa. M. Henry
Adalalltrolers of thaeelau of T ........ II '
!f J,"1" wwsialp, CI.ers.ld eouoti,'
Pt-, dee d.
. L. d. MORflAef,
Aug. !0 tr Kegiiter Romder,
w guwtlsrmmt..
U.ii... U a.L. .1... !... .linn will
hojnadr Io Ilia Ilea. O. A. Mayer, Frerldant Jadge
of I be C'mrt of t'oaaoa Plea. ofOM-irBrld oownly,
on or after iba itfM day o f t'pieaber. IVTCs for a
charter of laeotnorailoa for the Wertover Daptlct
I'hureti, tn Cbri lewnrhlp.
Aug. 90, llll ll. Attorney!.
J Notice la hereby glvea thai lettera telle
weotary barilla been granted 10 tbe anderilgoed en
tbe eelele uf I1ICIIAR1I SHAW, Sr., dee d, late
of Lawrenoe tnwnahlp, t'leardald eouaty, Pa.,
all pereuua iudebled ta aaid acuta are retiueeted
to niaba immediate paraeat, and tbeea having
elalmi ageinil tha eeiua will prevent tbea duly
nutbvalioated for aellloiaent.
mar-A. II. sbaw, who la aulhoriiot by tba
other Kieouturc, will alleud to Ilia aetllemeul of
all el.luia at tba ofilja ef Iba Kteouturc. lu tba
alore-ruotn Utely uceiipiod by Joupb Sbaw a Sun,
IB Llcarn.ld, nbere he nen lie Iwauil at all limee
'j Kir.
A. 11. NIIAW,
A. 11. IHIAW,
Clearfield, Auguat Alt, 1&7B-4U
Mil a i, i,isr.-
I.M nf eiinri Ml ilutTQ fur trill it vond work
Af I lit I'rptftnber Turn of Court, 11.70, being
M tntUr, M. 2J t
llirni k Moyd ?. bouffltt A Orunbllof.
H.W. VnUtmAi vi. A. 0. 'iin-r.
Jtlioliar) littlrtri BrldgtjCa.
A. I'anlt, tfr . Wat. Curt j ot- al.
Muolmnflun L. U. Co v. P. T. l-t et. al.
Kcll Mrln vi. J. W. al.
O V. (Well Kobart Uavtxrrv.
Chm. K'Hiataad ?. t;lard Klandtri.
Itainitrnd M, al. ri. Kdwurd FUttdan.
,,to A. Poll va. Iavld Fl.gtl.
Jetonh llllpftr VI. JnoVfrh Khi.w.
Ifanial M mtr, v. AuMn Krrla.
U Ittanetianl vc. W. W. Il..wttiao.
I.i.pli Km ill.- vi. iJ.a Mcl.Mrblia..
Tbt'iuM '.' ia. Naaa Ulnra at. al.
J.U Davia vi. Klaharl MHon.
Haiti iivl ittrdu va. Kmaaninf Cal Co.
Iticbard hbaw, Jr. va. Cleard-M I'ark Aifofli'a
l.a.ifK" hajrrr l. H .t. Wall.
iavU It. Jdwrrawa l. 6ara Ooa.aa.
Claarfleld, Aug. 3", TO, ProibuaularT.
F. A. Mill NOT, Di.trlot Treeaarer ef lllrard
tvwnebip, ia aeaount with tba school end Hoed
Fucd ol aaid towu.hiii, fur tba rear ending June
, tare :
To ouoant nf order! iuaed M..M...t 7't SV
To amount In Tree. heaJa, IS74 b Isl wt
To amount from Co Treaaurer. 4vl IV
To amount of Male approprialian..... 13 7B
el. 571)
fir Teacberi wagee t t- 00
By Karl, Ae SI a!
By Heeretary'e aaary M. It SO
by Treee. per caat. for collecting dup... 21 44
By etioaerutlonl 2j l
II v omoaot in Trearurtr'-- haade IH1 It
Br oaounl U lie colloaled 1SI Is
tl.S79 31
To order, drawa on Pllt Troaa..
.. Sti 44
.. .07 it
To niaouut ef Papllcote....H
1,11 7S
By Suparrieor'a wagoa
Ily Road 'aiworhadont
By eaonerationa
By Treuarer'cpercaauga..
.. m ti
.. J7 IS
IS 50
II tl
l.lVt fa
We, the andaraigned Auditor! af Olrard town
ihip, baring examined Iba aereral aeeouala of
F. A. htignot, Uiit. Treoeurer of aaid towaibip,
doeertify tbat we find them correct a aba. a itated.
Icoate'i Mills, Aug. 90, lSIS lt. Andi'orr.
JOcKI'H OWKNS.Trraavirer.lB aceount with
Lawrence tewnihip Kd, School and Poor fuada,
for the year A. D. 1875 :
To oelaeea al but avttlemeat.- t fit SI
To amount from tot duplicate IV SB
io nmount ol ut levied lor isra I.BU7 so
ts.srs n
By work done by eitiiani, $3,7 97
Ity amooat of 8btparTiaor'a wage .... CIS Of
lty aiManUiotii HH JO 67
By atoaeraUoni aa aaritl dup. of 11 & 47 ai
Ily atnonat of ardcra aa lited 40 00
Ily I far eaot. aliawad Traaa. on IS
4,HI 41
8CU00L Fl'NU DR.
To balanoa doa frotn lail attllrniaat $2,JM 21
To error ia artllatoefat i ff. 8. Hacd'a
4nlieata of IIT4 AS T
Ta amoaak af tax laviad far i" -,.-, t,HI TU
To 8tata app-uphatioa.. 44T M
To amooat rwwivao1 from PotUr Kaatl. Inft tut
To baJaoca do Trvaaarrr 47 9&
i,l7 81
By aM-ri attdltad Job T, Ut Jit 40
Ily ueoaraiiiMii aa dunlieata of IK74... M 74
Jiy V 8. Kaad'i par orat. oa $1,113.17
at a tM-raant
By C. H.Wonrll hooM and kH rataraa4. I T
By ordara aodilad Jan III, 187 H 3,5 IT M
By aionarmtioni an dupliaata of 1175,,. 115 TO
By oaonaraiiaai oa doplioata of 1974. . I M
By ft par (Mai. aa tU.19.... Jti 71
lij Traaiarar'a aar oeai. oa M.TM.K, I
par cant . US 04
By aionmt.oai aa dapllaat of 1S76...1 12 01
By aatottat ratarartj to CoHwlaaiaaari... SO V
By laaa aocoltad la naadj af M.
Rinbol far le7 DM Jl
By nalanea atytlleetad la haodi af It.
Riabrlfbr Ib70.. . .I7 It
$..W7 01
To aaaoact dua lal MtU-aaat M Htv.t 6&S 10
Ta lax levied for l'i 1,43; OS
l.t M
Br ortlari aulitd Jona IV, 1175 H...$ 70 37
By ardor aodilod Jana 10, 176 ;, 0.1) 03
By & par eaal. abataaaaot aa 4l.n.. 30 U
By Trvaaorar'i paraaaLaa I700.W, at 3
P - II 01
By exoneration aa dnplieata of 174.... 01 10
By " IS7a. S3 00
Ity aaoouut raUraad to ConnitHloaara. Ji A3
By anoont aacolltetvd fr li74. .,.. f)t lo
. " " IBTft.- 419 14
By balance doe fund Ul 39
MfS 30
Wa, th aadanignad A u J 1 tort af Lavrrenoe
lawmbip, Han a g tiaaiinad iba at vara) acooaaia
of Jolrtb Oaen', liitrtt Traaiarar, lod thvai
u abora itated. R. J. CONKMH,
Altvttt J.L. WffUKKSOX,
A.O. Wauri, W. T. I II WIN.
Clark, AuJitor.
ClaarBcltl, Pa., Aug. 30, 18T8-3t
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue of write of IWeorae Foriaa, lamed
owl of tha Court af Coaaet Plana er Clear
Held ooonty. and to aa dlreeted, there will he
atpoead la PUBLIC 8AI.I, al lha Coart Bonao.
ia the horoagh of Clonrlald. oa Uonday, the
Uih day of sepUmber, 17, al I a'aloeh, a. a.,
Ihe following dcesribed real e.ute, la wit:
Tba Mlowlng land vltuate la Dee atnr town.blp,
CleaHleld eouaty. Pa., begiantng al t double
bemmoh, aoolb eut eornar ef Ihe Joaeph Malloeh
urvey, aouth 201 perrbaa and J perrhea, in all
J44 perehei, to the earner of Ian! of Adaa Walk
art thenoe wail aleag bit Hoe St perrbee north
US perehea ho Mkbael W.lhar liaa, went aloag
tame SI perehea north lol perobea lo Kepharl
line! thenoe watt along aaaa 141 perehea 10 old
liaa i theooa Booth lunpoeod lo bo abeal per.
ehei lo Jaoeb Mill.,', purohaa. I Ihenaa eoet aleog
hia iina ti perehae aoalh along aaaa 103 perehea
to land formerly of Harvey M.-nre: thenoe aaath
144 pondiea to a poat, waat III perehea to a poet,
teeneo eonth aopaod lo b. 48 perabea or re far
till it etriare lioe aad oornar of land aold to Peter
Philip. : thenoe along hia line loo perehea i Ihenoa
aouth lilt peroneal these, eaet l4 p.rebei to
plaeo of beginning, being roaidwa of aurvrrt la
Ihe name of Joaeph Uailook and Kobert ll. il.ei.
mer, eoolalaing tit aerar, .ire or laae, Wing Ihe
eeme prealtoa aonveyed by nvorlgage lo J.lab
w. Smith. rre.rdl ia book " U," piga aad
SSI, on 7lh Nov.aher, IMS. A email purtioa or
Ihe land it aleared. aod haa on tie taut heteeen
ns and, Billion fm while pine Umber,
br.ulee white oeh and lamloeh. with two vriee ef
bltamlnooa eoal about 4 at thlelt-eoal bankr
epeiwd In two plmxt lelwl, Uken la eaeea liaa
.0,1 I. be Md ,,, pp,tl, ,f w-- Alb.rti
Henry Albert and fteoige Albert.
.i'."" ", dwelling haufa
"rtet, with U and a.rtlllag. .,,p.
thereto, .ud oo n lot of , , ,ilM lh,
nllage of Dulloia, la lid, tew.iblp, Clearlrld
rlllage aa lot Na. II, n ,h.i 1. ka... a. Ung'a
!",To ?.1M '"!' " M '"
. li uellon nnd
to be aold aa tha pn perly ef Hiram Ueoeldeoa.
Aleo. n earuin two alory fHma doelllag hoaee
with art aad aarlllage appurtoaant lharelo, lla
ata in the borough of Oeeeela, Cloarteld oounty,
.1" L"?I.'l", .m "" '. with hllcben
atlaehed thereto. It ia a !,..,, ,nm, .,.
leg toato, belted, taken In aaeeatlen and la bo
void aa lha property ef NeaJ Dengharty,
the village of Woodland, Bradford township.
!, wo-ory irarae bouaetltuata ia
Clearfield mu.
,00 feet by IfO VI oa M
aai to aotoM aa loa eroamy M Jaeoa botra.
tiaaiuliu-niariMtraa at Okie.
ka lla. of aula, tnn.,
Inn: " ujrt-Mk,ni-A't''
y ll k. Iaa4ialel tat mm mm nig , Jmmt
lot aipeat, ano fit, , Ul nerrea u Tkem II
na ro.anlo, eaall auaa ike aaaa. oa l.
. laeteao. will ia. iM; w ,reaaate4 la Oa,rS
'' tsasnasue aal.t, is, lJJJJ
f.14 u lh. Sk.rlg. W. . MrPnfcMONr
SaaatrT't Ovvera, I Ikarit
flrarti, fm, ,.. llrl. j
an nMi..ei ace heeabv eautliine.l acalnil pur.
.V..,. . ee In en W.O meildllnO With OUC brOWO '
man. now In Ibe poaan.lon of Ralph Habulla, of
karlbaua tuwaebip, sa oald aero wac purolia.ed
by Jaaea Lnaa, aud aeloogi t? ae, aod la oaly
left on loan, cubjeet to ay order al any time.
loconlo'a Mine, Aag.SU, llll ll-
Jam1 ma Pattarwo 1 la A-iumua Pita, of Clear
o 1 la Rciiunua Pit
I laid oounlT.
I. J No. 470, Marco
Jaa. Wlla at al. J No. 470. Marco Tina. 170.
Notloa l bercoT giM to it lha float report of
Tbomat II. Murmjr, llanrv Btrao aoj Daniol W.
MflCardfi TruitaMf in Iba abstft antitU I e-taa, ami
bean Bloi ! Vbf ofttoa. aul tba MWi will
ba duly ruiinnar. uitltj4 fitU'l tu oo or ba
furatbaltl day tf Hviitaiobar trm, I n .
ClaarflaM, Aug. I A, W IU fratlva.tar.
eubs ponabea 'i la Iba l
aa. f Pkaa of I
Tboe. 11. Z.i.ter. J .J. u. M
la Iba Curt ofCoaaos
Clearfield Co. nr.
Tboa. 11. Z.i.ter. ) a..i. u. Ko. 1 IT J uua 1 Id
Th. order. iencd Auditor, ai.poioted by tha
Court Midiclrtbule lhafunla ariiing froioSberiff'c
aaleof Pclro.lant'a real aetot., givea n-iluto that
ba will eueud to iba dunee of hie aipuiunoeni
on ctaturdey. ttjptumber IS. IS7S, al II clob
a. a al hia onica io Clnrheld, when and
all panose ialoreeted may atvrn l If lh-v lee liL
WH. M. MoUULLOIillll.
Cloarteld, Aug. 1 ISifi-dk Auditor.
i Co
. OH, tannery Tarin,
Loul 'a Cog.
Hub. Pur Dlvoroa.
U'h.r.u ike ue.ler.lTnal h.vioe eeenire I a
I e,,itiini..iin ieeaine nut of the Court of t'.immon
Pleat of Clearfield eoonty. Pa., lo ttia d.reeitd
for tharlaralaation ef witiwierri lu n ecrtain eatiee
pending belwien Wm. i'ot. Plaintiff, aod Louie
Coa, DefeMont. Thia ta t. giro weti-e that I
will eareule lh aaid eomui.rloa on the (.art ot
tha Plaintiff, al oiy nVe, io t'learltrld, on H.iur
day. September 20. IH7A, at 10 o'eloek a. m .when
aod where all pereoaa iaureeted eea anend.
Otearoeld, Aug. t, '70 4t, Commltn.nor.
SherilT's Sale.
By virtue af aundry writ af firi fteiaa i.
ancd eat of Ilia Court of C' tnmna Pleat of Clear'
Ovid aaanty, and to ma dirwjtcd, l here will b
aipoaad to pullie aal, at lha Court lloux. IO 'fa
borough of Clear flJ, oa Monday, Ibe 3 tb day
af P.tnibr. 116, at 1 'cloth p. aa lha fvl
kwing dtKribcd real eaUla. to wft;
All of Uefcaclant'f Irlereat in all tbat errUla
piece or parral of ground illaata la Woodward Clrarflrld county, l'a.( boanJfd aad
draeribad a followa : Oa Iba touih by townibip
road leading from llentidala to O lea llupa, on
tbe north by an allay, an tba weft by laod of Ham -ol
Hboff, aod an tba cut by land of John A.
Hbuff, eoniaining two towa, each 00 fart front
and liO fert back, baving tbcrson t rooted a ana
lory frame boaro IOiaJw ft, and aeavaiary oat
bnildingf, with a g'd writ of waler at lha door.
Alao, una other ploea of ground in tame towa
ibip and rnanty, bono led ae fallow i da tba
north by public nd, aualb by land of tSuinucI
Pbfcff, weat by land of Samuel 8hff, aod eaet by
land ef W. JI. r'aehrri, containiDg alviut nne
tiitb of aa acre, aiora rr It-ii, baring erartrd
thereon a good btarhataltb abop. Heited, taken
la eiecutiua and to be aold aa tba property of
Henry Petera.
Alio, all of Defendant! tt.rari In and upon
tba fulloning d rrtl ertaie eiluate in Cheat
townabip, Clearfield eouaty. Fa., b.ionded a ful
lowa i Begianing at the public road loading frvta
Chert en-ali at tba aoulb-weit corner of John J.
Hnydar'ilott tht nee along hi line to line of C.
F. Moore ; Ihfnea along Una of More to line of J.
Weeteverf tbenoa along line of WeatoTar to line
of Barbara Lloyd ; tnenee along raid land ta tha
bank of Cbeel ere!. Ibenoa aloag aaid creak tn
tbe line of J. H. fry ; thenoe along line of J. P.
Frr to the public road; theae alone pahlio road
ta Ibe place of beginning, containing about 63
acre mora or lei, and the lame land now ia tb I
poeeulo of Job a J. Snyder. Htiaed. Ukea la
execution aod lo ba void aa tbe property of Iaaae !
Keira. j
Aleo, tba fallowing real tiUU eitaate In Born- j
tide towaibip, Cloarfield anunty, Pa being a
town lot with a Iwo -atory fruai boaee, nod oot
baildiog. bounded eatt hy an alley, west by Main '
Ireot, aorta by Daniel Paltoa. aod aettib by a j
tract. Keiied, takrd in f iivuiion ana to bo aold
a ibe property of . T. alrCortnick.
Alio, the following realealate aituate in Beoearta '
WBhip, dearOelt. muaiy, la .enntalnlng abant :
iftaeraa, with about SO ecrei e)earel, aad baring i
a email lo bouaa, lor ataxia and until orchard i
I thereoa, bounded M followa: Ott the aavt by 6.
Davli, woM j Vmi, V'jm. atmn ity J, aa. omit a,
aoato ay Hiatta at. at. eiieu, uken in etecatiun
aad to be aold aa the property of J P. (iill.
Aim, all af Defendant ' inter! In all that eer
laia pleea or parcel f granad aituala io Carweai.
ril la borough, CtaarOeld aoanty, Pa., aontaiatag
one town lot, bnundeii aa fa-low : Fronting 0
feet en Hut etrcet to aa alley : thenoe IH0 feet
north, to State itm-l and plate of beginning,
know a In plot of mud borough aa lot So. V, baring
thereon arreted a log 'hop, mod aa a chair abop.
Bailee., takea it. em-cat tea nnd ta be aold a lha
property af Williata P. Chanbura.
Tnnm or Sai.b.- Tb price or aata at which
tha property iball be atruok off nuat ba pata at
tba lime of aale, or cuch other araog4aiau aaa'ie
aa will ba approved, wtherwiaa tba propKly will
be Intncdtately pal up and veld ncaia at tb ex
peaaa aad rik of tba pare a ta wtteta It was
truck of, and who, ia eaa of de4eieocy at aueb
re ale, eh all Bake good Ibe aama, and in ae
iaiUnea will tae Deod be praaented in Coart fr
eonftnaation aaleta tbe money ia actually pawl ta
tba Sheriff. W. K. UePUUKaUX,
tSBB-urv'f Ornca, ) taberir.
Clearfeld. Pa., Aug. W, 1870.
SherifFs Sale,
BT virtue of write of t4ifiom Krpmmo. laeuadl
eat of the Court af Ooanaon Pleao of Clear.
Oaid eoantv, aad ta aa diraeiad, there will
be eiposed ta public aale. at tba Court Houee,
tn tbe borough af Clearfield, oa Monday, tbe
Ibth day of iSeptcniber, 1670, at I o'clock, p. .
tbe fallowing deecribed real eclat, ta wit:
even certain tracta of ian d annate in Owarlald
county, Pa., via; No. 1. Fituaie in Morrii town
ship, Clearfield enonty, Pa., beginning at 0 white
pine; tbeace east 130 pfcehaf to a blask oak ;
thence south 1V perchei ta a whito oak ; lheoe
weet 13b perehee to scrviea berry; them north
18 parehvi to plane of beginning, containing lit
aeraa and 1T2 perehea. prt of Nicholai Rideta tn
survey, known al ibe Hoover place, having 100
ami cleared and no buildlngi. -
Ke. I. Si i aata in tba village ef Kylertewn, M ir
li b-wasbip. Clearfield eeanty, Pa., known a tat
Na. 0 la laid villiga, baun'ted oa tb north by as
alley, on th eaet by aa alloy, on th weil by lat of
Uunvor.and eoatbly aolte.'otj or ftivat,riavin7
a two-etery dwelling aoaat, aUble aad outhaild
ingl tbereon.
Na. J. 8iloata ta Morris township, C'aArS l4
eouaty, Pal, beginning at a hemlock, aonth-aast
earner; thenoe by land warraated ta C. Wert a, Jr
et. el., weat perches ta post; thane hy Jacab
Wiaa aertb HO percbae ta pttt thenoe by
Waring "a e-tale 350 perch m to haaaleek ; tbeaea
by Joaeph llubley at. al. south Mr. percha to tb
place of beginning, containing 1 Ta aeraa and V
percbe and allowance, beipg tha Pbil'p Ktoae
surrey ,witb about "O arras eJrarei), kavtag a liauea
and barn thereon erected.
No, A. Situate io Morrisdele, Clcarfiald eaunty.
Pa , being .we leu ia eat4 town, .Noa. 1 and 1.
bounded by publio mad on tba east and aoulb.os.
tha want by Undaf JohaO'Delt, and north bran
alley, containing ona acre, having tbert-aa a two.
tcry dwelling boose, store botltitag, atabta, aad
other oatliUioge.
No. I. Situate In tba v ill go of Kylrrtown,
Morris tawaihip. Clearfield county, Pa., boantiee,
by laud of Stewart na tbe eonth and east, en Iba
north by puMio road .and writ by Bancroft's estate,
eonlaioing two a noa mora er ka. having thereoa
a two-story plank house aad an old stable.
Na. 0. Hunat in Morrii towo.hip, ClaarCeld
county, Pa., bounded, on th aorta by the Joba
Neibit survey, south by Und of 8auuel Obrlt A
Co., wast by Uad of Wagoner A Hartl. aad east
by ft. Chriot A Ce containing 431 avrea and 10
perrhes, aod known as tba Juhn Vaughn Surrey,
aad nnimproved.
T. 8ifuata In Morrii low nth ClfUrficId
county, Pa..toaade4 aouth by tba Joba Vaagbn
survey, north by lUtel A Ca., weet by H arils A
Hi Her, and east bv John Neibit surrey, contain
ing 43S twee aad li.l, perabea, and knnwn ae tb
Caaper Heimee survey. OetaeJ, taken io eiecn
tion and ta be aold as tht property of Joaeph C.
Aleo.aeertain treot ef ln4 ailuala la Hu.ton
towaakip, CleaileU eoonty, He., Mng aarvey of
lol from I. Uomi ta David, beginning
ot a poet eoreer of mod of Jokn Ituboio ; ikenoe
Wel 121 ...t IT Mnka. h. . . . .1 .
1!J weal tl nerebea Ul pott in line of laml of
Jhn fiutt,.!., IL.U.
' 'l oaal hy L. I of
- "-v-" r"" w pon aaa ptaeeof be
ginning, eealaitiog 4 le.., 1 aerea elaared, anal
Iba balanoa rn wo.m1 land, .ilk a email too .tor,
log houee. Selaed, taken in eaeeelion nnd U be
aold aa tba property ol David Burtey.
Alee, a eon. in ol land iltuete In Worrit
lewnibln, Cloarteld onualy, I'a , draonbod ., f.
Iowa: Uegiaalng .1 . maple, Iboaeo oimh 111
Ocrehea le a a.i, a.u. . .... '
. 7 . , ' -v. w,, perenea r. a
eke.u.1, auatk llat p.hi. h.mi, ,
theOn. ea.t Nil . . . . ...
" . .. " i -"". p.eoe al Oew Ontng,
aoalam ag U aM ,, M f,h:
r.ey ta Ike nam. ot Men,, s, l.,,k,r. ...leg
Bbml 40 nenaeluead, il ,, .oi ,,,"
bnvlng .reeled Ike. . ,,,, ,
barn, nnd a ra.U ..reh.,.l. , u ,,,,, ,. ....
roil,., anu to be aold at Ike .r,.,,. ttr f s p- I
Shaw and nae Hklmel. 1 I
Ala. ae H..I. l.... r I
rL.a.ii I "'ona mloale la Weet
V 'wwotkip, Ulwmrn.l t mnmij,
la. .bounded n.rlh by th. I l.mrSvU I'.rk.ea.t,
aoath aod .eel h, tlrert, ,,, a'
..l.l.lg on. mm mm .boa, ,.'
attaahJ, and olker o.l building, Ueemo, ere.11 .
belied, lake. n aieeulio. ,,g k, akl oa Ibe
property of Natha.,.1 Uithal. "
tewotklp, Llenrteld oounly, p, kooadeS u fa.
JJ.. , U. tk. .onk b, A 8packTaI, "k by
Potter Bead and U.BmeHT
Bd. aad ea.1 by JoeiUi Bead, ton,.,.,.,
, swr rtauml, mm U. hi.
aad a eoal bank opmi .. , ,j kavi.g . tvj,
tovtaary out bn.eli.g. ,b.ri. Soi, ,.'k
eaalmo and k be .old m. Ike pronerty of Jor.ia.
Taewi o, Bata -The prlea M nm at wklek
tynt ak.ll k. srt.1 at be ,ld nt
l?i n a. V h,J,"l"". tk.r.l.a Ike property
HI b. la..d,.L.lyp.t ,r a.da.u;,.E2
Ua aipoae. aod el.k of tht parte, to who. I
- fawai fftea tne seja a mmi ita
a. luuM Will u. Deed m7pm. moJn
Hit to lha Skarit. ' '"
W Vl.i, ,,.,,....-.
aire', Orrira, ' I 8hi,i
Crauttl. Fa., At,. It. lit,. J 8I""C
Sfw rAdi'frtlsrmfnts.
,ST I A V-
-M e
Came traa.paeriog oa my la em
townrbtp, oa or .haul tba lat day of Jaly im
Hog, n year eld. Tbe owner li r,a.,iLj
lu eiiwa iiiroard, prove property, p.y cliare., u.
lake It aoey, or it Will b di.poel of a e.-i,."
to law. . JACOU LINtigKLtKI '
laid, Aug. 10, IS7B-II
rpitl'STKH'S SAI-E
Ily virtu of aa orJur of Iba Orphan' dart ,
ClaartaM eoaiilv, Iba aatirigit ail,
public talo, oa lha pranUaa, aa
. Haliirduy, He pi. 24, Im,j,
alla'albcli p. ot , iba Mtaa-lng dva-HUi
aatata, ailuala in Hrll lotTDililp, Ctvarllti rttltj
P-v., all thai onrlaio farm aod woo I Uol :, mill
fruin Iba Kuxi'iatiaiina rivor, near Cbs-it C-rft-,)
lata Ilia a-UU af J(atb i'vUaaa, 4, b.i'.
d bf ibe Jt.lin an 'J JanrM trail. j( t,,
No til uf U. 1j. Head, lloai-r ii"V, aad laM. ,f
tbetdataar Jolin Patcbui, a4 byUalUiru
wvocd by Kltiha Mult, cvotaihing 100 a reo
allowaDi-a, mtra or tt, bairij a part ef irat S
itfl3, and arrantfd In. iba uama of Niokha 4
(riflttta. About aiily art if Iba kA U c!e,r.
and mo 'Car a (f-mj italo of tntitlva'K'fl. wilh a
orcliard, a Irama bnuia, frama barn, aa I jtbir
linpririui.ot ihiruon. Tin aqiia-irrit yr.
has a lartft. itanlity of pin!, hnultrr-k and uibtr
tiiblr gruwuig thuratio.
Tba prpriy ia advabteiga mlt lituaU I, J
la a dnirabl aatstiuvirb'iii.
Thumb. iJna-titird 04h at a inflriaUiti ofiais,
and tli balnoua iu twu tai ansu tl
vritb iDlarvit, lo atturtvl j bm-i mni m f
on the irvwitti. H. L fe '1KK,
t'bf.i, Auf. Ill, l7fi .11. Tra.ur.
Sulphur Suap
It (tattif, teesVitJit. ntahfaitf, leatataf.
Irsiiaf aes rnTlfjnf.
It tJees the fnmut akta raenarialely
aift mnti imiuia n brmtlitl
minfiUiiifwj lo I ho akin, and turmt an lnilc
wlulrnna. It carte Iwrna, ar !. rhaftnc
eariMnaiKme, rvw(bneei, Ut, euuUira, Irttck
lea. liter nf-ln, ctaapfit-J hanfja, ewree. alcera.
lUfdriill. tlUtf-rr, ut. lltn Lanli anil ftrt iuh.
rnaund iirh,(t:lii.i brltraei. Ithetoaa. lUlui-i
4 lit U-.r, imIsm, turn. Alto rlievt tb.
lit Itifif atil IrriUtliMi of hltlnf and etiniti
iiiHTta, jta It la aafitwly ai4.staxi tu Ui
Ti'iLrr. Nraauv, and pATN rata
take a Jf't.'ftHr lUitk at pl-wiirt. Ft-r balh
tik (lilltlira, It la nnenallfwi. Ltvllravb't
tae II tn their Tilot ertiuld attar -tith.-m
il. Il neutral, in Ute od-f ef vrirati.en
aiiH, aa aa aternal rrnted;, cmn arartly !
tty Mat. I Mil fllivtUiuaa autMopaui oaOi
Jttfktvga. TUV IT.
Mei B M ftr Wta. ICtltMiVeo
, Uf umU X, Ct. O tmMl li, CU.
Mat Dvrvtv iv
Ir. Van Dyke's Office,
Ha 13?1 Green 6u PkilaislphU,
OeJal hr all tr-t.
ily vlrtaa af aa or Jar of tbe Orphans' Court tJ
Clearfield county. tha andcr-igned.Almliiltrat'n
of tb aetata rf Wm. K. Wriglcy, dee d, will )
al public sale, at lb Court Uouae, io Clrli,
P-u, oa
MiiurJoy.Hcpleaabcr 14. iHTtt,
at 3 a'elork p. n., tha undivided onehalf tnteree
of said Wan. K. Wriglcy, ia the folluwing da
seribed real atate, situate In Pine towBihtp,
ta wit i Itegirning ot a pitch pine corner, beiif
tbe eonth weet cjruer of warrant Na. 42 it) ; tbeee
north Ji legr4wf eatt alrg trart I ma brtv-at
warrants IVoa. 4211 and ttV2, 174 pMebei te pn
and stones : ihenso aouth 87 i degrees east eloi.
tract line between W4.rr.inrs Nn. 4,jfl and 42it
131 parches ta stone: tbeaea eufa 2, derrset
west 176 perohe to rnVne, theavje north ST -greei
wart Hi perches alonf tract lias betaean
warrants Nor. 4-'io and 4l!3 to piteh pioe aa4
pltvoe of bexlnnin. eaataiatnic IjO arta ni tj.
Iwwnaee, iSeing a eat nd of warrant .. 41.
Tha Und t wetl tirnltered wilb white pise mi
bemluok timber. The pure haver of Mr. Wrl',
in (e reel in this property, ean, if de'irsM p.
raae the lialaoee of tlie pnifivrty upon tha mbm
term nil ler wliich the lute ran of said Wnfej
sot 1.
Tcsus. Ooe-thir 1 of tlie p-ir.-btre tnoncr ?ui
on day of aula, one th.rd "a ui Siat day ef Jul,
17, ai l one-tblr l on th first d iy ef Jaa,
H7i, the two ktlev far meat a witb Interest, ta
be aeoiircd I t i,v-J r-l rtare security.
J. E. W.U0I.KY,
F. C. W hlliLKT,
Clerfle!tl, Au. 0, IS76 4t. Adrainiitrateri.
Kxaojinitiona fr tearbcrj (or tha aeTaral
di'trn'ta f Clearfield county, far tbo school year
l7. wiH u he, i as follows ;
Krr Ctearflfld, Lawreaea and Lawreace IneV
pendent, at Clarfleld, Aatroet JS.
Fur Rradford aad Bradford In Vpeodcat. at
Biyler, Aug. 3.
For nni Wallaoeton. at Wallace!,
Atig- S.
For DecaUr and Oiceola, at Oscnola. Auf II.
For H'oudward an4 HoaUdala. at llouudalt,
Sept. 1.
For Grahaia, at Qrahatatoa, Sept. 4.
For Morris, at Kvlertown, ftept, i.
far Karlbaua and Covington, al Taiea Mas
Mouse, Sept 0.
Fur J lrrd an I Uoskea. at Congress H lt,8es
tctaber 7.
F r Lambar City an l Penn, at Lumber City,
Ft Pike an J Pike Inlopradant at BloeaiiDf
ton. Sent. U.
Fur Feryaa, Kuoa and JorJaa. at New Mill
pjrt, 8.H M.
F r fieeiaria aa-1 M idsra. at 01 00 Hane. Sea
terntewr U.
For XI jli. h, at Jaaeivitle, 8erL H.
Ftir Bell and Greenwood, nt Bower, Sept. II.
F t liarnci te, at Burnnde, Sept. 19.
For New Washington, at New Waihitrtoa,
For Chest an I Ncwburg. at Vrabur.c.r'-IL
For Brtwly I nion, liiiom and R.ton, at
Luthersburg, Sept. 35.
For Huston, a Pee Ha M. Sept. 38
All tb lireoterc of aavt. distrwt ar reaerted
t be present. Tear hen will be eiatninsd ealy
la ibe 011 trie l a whera tbey tn tend teaching, ii
atuiantloaa will begin at 9 edoek a. m.
v , J A. tiKLMtUlT,
8up't of CI ear 61,1 Cs.
Curwcnavilla, Aug. 0, I8J0 4L
Stalemeat of aeeouat of CUartald Wreat
9ehool Fnnl. with I rue Johntton, Trewarer,
frooa Marak li'le, 117k lo Aagatl 1. let:
To balanoa Iroa A. W. Lea., M I M
To Duplieeto far Urt 1,11 J5
To amount of lienor taaa paid over by
Oo. Treeaarer . II..
To State appropriation -....,... 411 M
To aaoanl liait by Joka UoClallao oa
lioplieate for li-7... .. let
To amenol of dopliaaw fur l7H...... t..t il
To 1MT 1,1 ft ii
By aaaonal of enter, paid fj,je li
ay e.lverlttng. Audiror'o free, mod Bak
ing duplkau tor Mei'Ml.o...
Ity amount of Treaeorer't per eentage oa
By alk,waae of i per cent to leipayera
on fl.T.l, dupllenteof If7
Ey ollowtneo of 1 oereeot. to taitiayera
oo ' ,0l.t, duplieata ef ls;
Dy allooanoeof i per eeeit to Ul pay era
on !,;!. W9, doplieate ef 177
By balanreof duplicate for IS74 In Joo.
MrClellan't for eoiieviio,
By a per oeot. for eotieoting $4172 oa
duph jata of la7o. att.r :t.
o,, i. ei per ooni
11 U
l 44
By balanoa dua borough
Of Ibe above kelanee there 11 remalaiag
nteollaoled oa dupltemteof I K7re.....I.t7t
Caah ia Trenaunr'tkaail
O. L. RKKI).
Aa4. It, TS.JI.
liost araatafl
mim:m ii. iu:i,i:i.
(Itrilteaea la Weet Cwarleld )
All kinda af SKWINil MAt'lllSKIt CLotMU
and Bkl'AIKKIi.
Alan, dealer la all kie la li kV.tag
Wwdlet, Oil, Boftera, Took-markert, I'M"".
Tkr.d Caller., II .earner. a.d Bmdeet. Oil Ciali (Ikeek-tprloga. Veed ornage. .
Maw feed put in Ike old etyle healer A WHt"
Meehtaee. Now Uog wamOa pmt Ike itf
m.ol lot New Maokiew.
III eai: at tba reeidrmot of Baaaov Una!
or aboal rh.rt.ld, if a.ytklng ia kit hat
dttlred. If peraaivally Informed, aw Ibroaik let
Foitotae. kr letter or oMaeul e.rd. lood
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