Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 30, 1876, Image 1

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Hit largest Circulation or any Newapaper
In Nurlh Central Penuaj I vaula.
Terms of Subscription,
ff ptl.l In aJTanoe, or within t monlhi. OO
If paid ftflar 1 and before I nnntbi ... 9 SO
If paid after tbe eiptretloa of uioathi,.. 9 IK)
Rates ot Advertising,
TranaUnt ailvertliementa, per iquareof 10 Unci or
leea, 8 tlmei orliu $1 AO
Fur each enrtMtient lnirtlon 60 inl Kioeutori' notice!.. I (0
Auditon' notices I (0 Kutrayi , 1 AO
IMitiilutlon not! n. S 00
PrafoMiuntl Cent, 6 lino or lee,l yoar..... I 00
Local ooticei, tier line 10
I Miliar t 00 column.. M 00
I tquarei... 14 00 oolatna.... 70 00
I Miuar.H 30 00 I 1 column 120 00
eft CliartoM Counly, Penn'a. t6y
taos. Murray, omul sordor.
"Offlct Id IMe'i Opera Home, teeotid floor.
Clearfield. Pa.
Will at tend lo ill buiineM entrusted to him
piotnpiljr feud fttilhfuUy. bov1I'7S
lunar r. wallacb.
(SuKeaaor. lo Walloo. A Fielding,)
11-1373 Clearfield, Pa.
Clearfield, Pa.
Legitl boelneM attended to promptly wlthj
ddvlity. Offine od Heoond troet, above the Firat
National Dank. Jan :X:7
Attohnbv and Counhelor at Law,
clkarkikli. pa.
llnvtntr renlitDed hit Juiei-hip, has reinmed
the prnnllon tit the low la bli old offloa at Clear
fl, 1'a. Will attend theeourte of Jefferioa and
Ktti oouutlea whan ipteiallj retained in oonneetion
vita roe l dent oouniel. 1:14:71
Uoal Kitate and Cwllactton Agent,
Will promptly attend to all legal btulnraa en
t ranted to ma eare.
jJ-Ofllue in Pie. Opera Uoufe. janl'TO.
Clearfield, Pa.
-Oflic la Hi. old Weelern Hold nulMlng.
Legal promptly attended to. Krai c.tet.
Dougnt and Bold, jeu I
A . W . W A LT ERS,
ClearhVld, Pa.
fcfc,Ofllc in Graham'. How. JeeS-ly
' H. W. SM ITH,
J1J:I J riearlleld. Pa.
Cleat-Held, Pa.
jUr-Offto. in Old We.lern Holal building,
oortiar of Second and Market 8ta. nov3l,6o.
Clearfield, Pa.
jUT-OBee In tha Court Uouah tJylle'J
riearlleld. Pa.
fir- Office on Al.ta.t atrret, opp. Court llouae,
Jan. .1, 1874.
iitl Keal date Agent, Clearfield, Pa.
Ofnoo on Third Ureal, bat.Charrj A Walnut.
-Haapaotf olljr olTara hli aorTleai In Balling
ind buyina laoda In Ol.arflold and aioinlng
ountlol aod Willi aa Olp.rlonoool ovartwontv
aara aa a Barrator, flattara hlmaalf that ho eaa
noJ.r aatlafaotloa. Fob. 18:l:tf,
Saw and lainibor,
Ollle. In llraham'a Row. 1:16:71
1:18 Onreola, Clearfield Co., Pa. JT
llellefcinte. Pa.
Will prarlieo la Clearlald and all of the Oourti of
th. Zlitb Judloial dletriot. Koal oaiaw Duaiae..
and oolloetion of alaiiaa niado ajiMiallloa. al'TI
Will attend profeaalonal ealla prompt!. aaglO'70
Offtea on Market 8treet, Clearfield, Pa.
dy-Ofllo. honrat I to It a. m., and 1 to a p. m
OAoo in re.ideno. oa Market at.
April 24, 1871. Clearteld, Pa.
J. H. KLINE, M. D.,
-tv- V iviUI I .A a D.HW.A.1J Pea nffaM till
H. profeeatonal wrvloea to the people of that
nTao and aurroundin eottntry. AlIoaHa promptly
r..-J.l a- rul 11. If.
Let. Surgeon of the 3d Heglmenl, Ponnayleanla
Voluowera, haying returned from lb. Army,
aDT.rt hlB profeaalonal Bervle.. te th.eltiB.RB
7 orClaarfl.ldaountv.
ea-Pro'e.aional oalla promptly atundod to.
' 0ce .a Heoood, furn.rlyoeeopled by
' Uf.Woo4. llP''Li :H
; fif OKce hourt From II ta I P. M.
Vq U, lSTI
Will promptly attend all ealla la the line of bl.
Sbp 1r rooDi formerly ooeupied by Kaugla
Merket .Irr.l. ,
July II, "It.
(Formerly with U Sehular.)
U Shop ou Markt 81 , ipoalte Court llnua.
A oleau towel for .rery may IW, 7i.
Al the end of lb. new bridge,
The aronrietw af the, will bay
bia Me,eer. direct from dletllKra. Pardee baying
hva thla bone, will b. Bur. ta get a aura artiale
at a aanall margia abofo om!.' Ilot.1 keepra aoa
ba faral.hed with liqaera aa reaeoaabl. tanaa.
Pare wine, and broodiea direct from fieelay'B
viaary, at Hitk, new rorn.
Clearteld. Jaae In, Il7t tf.
We have prlated a karg. DDmnar of the Be
FKI BILL, and will aa the af Iwaaty.
Ira aaata, mall a eeay la .a addroaa. aH
0E0. B. 000DLANDER, Proprietor. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. TEEMS-$2 per annum in Advanoe.
Ju.tteo of the Poaea and ftarlronar,
Curwenivllle, Pa.
tUavCollaetlnni made and (none? prompllr
Ittcatur Toirnthlp,
Oaoeola Mill. P.O.
All ofllelal bu.lnora tnlrailad lo lilin will I
prouiptl; attended to, moli2ll, 'tt.
Manufaoturara A eitonalre Daaleraln
Sawed Lumber , Square Timber, Lo.,
-Ordara soitelled. Bill, tiled on abort notice
Addroaa Woodland l. O., Clearfield Co., Pa.
,,6-ly W 4LUKHT A BKOB.
Freiicbrllle, riearlleld County, Pa,
Keepa eonatantlv OR band a full aaeortm.nt of
Dry uootla, Jiaraware, uroeeriee, enu ererjinini
UHallr kept Id a retail .lore, which will be Bold,
lor eaan, aa onoap a. eieewnero in to ouuniy.
Fronehrlllo, June 17, I MM J.
Alio, eitenalf a raanuractarer and dealer In flquar
Timber and Sawed Lauibarofill ktndi.
.-Orderf ollolled and all billa prompt)
DItetl. L'J'V"
House and Sign Painter and Paper
Clearfield, Peun'a.
fcfJL.Wtll otaenU Joba in hlB Una prontplly and
In a workmanlike manner. arr.,07
g. hV hal l7
t-Pumpa alwayi on hnd and made lo order
on BDori aoiioo. riiiea ooreu on rtininioi, icrms.
All work warranted to render aitiifaftioa, and
delivered Ifdeaired. myl&ilypd
and manufacturcra of
dealer In
Real Estate, Square Timber, Boards,
:I0'T3 ClearBeld, Pa,
Stjuurc Timber & Timber LmiiIh,
lu Kralier'a Ituildlng, Clearlield, Pa.
Dealer la Oroeeilea, Pro? l.lonr, Vegetable.,
P.rulta, Flour. Feed, ele., ate.
Market t., Clearfield, Pa.
Id the ebon lalelv oeeunled by Frank Rhort.
ono door woat of Alleghany Houre.
Market Htreet, tlcarlletU. Ha.,
Li)ht and Heavy Baraeaa, Collarf. SaddJef,
B rid lea, Ae. Kepalrin neatly done.
May 34, 187A m.
BAKKB, Market Pt., Cloarflfld. Pa.
Freih Bread, Bulk, Bolls, Pica and Cake
on band or made to order. A general aeaortment
of Confeotlonariel, Fruit end Nut a in Hock.
lea Cream and Oyitera in action. Falooo ararly
oppoaite tba Poatuffiea. Trlcci modcrale.
March 10-'7 5.
J. It. M'MUltRAY
Th. underelgned annonneaa ta hie old friend.
and pklrona that ho ha. opened n good lino ot
UROC'KUIKS A PROVISIONS al tho old eland
of Kirk A Spenoer, for wbleh he solicit, a liberal
palrcnage. tl. w. BfKflUivH.
unmoor viiy, ra., moron w.u.
Mra. H. K. l.UIDUI.L,
ag engaged In the Marble bnaineaa, deairae
ta Inform bar frienda aad tho public that aba faae
BOW aad will keep eon.tanllyon hand a large and
wall aeleoted atoek ot italiah anu vkiimufi l
M A KI11.R, and la prenared to furnl.h to order
MOn UAlanTr1, Ac.
4.Yard oa Rood atreel, Boar tba R, R. Depot.
Clearteld, Pa. el,7
Wnlclioa, Clock) and Jewelry,
Uroio'i J(e, MorhH ArM,
C'LF.ARFim.l), PA.
All kloda of repairing la my lino promptly at
nded to. April !, I Hi.
Iivcry Ntablf.
THE onderalgned beg. leave to Intortn the pub
He that be I. uow folly prepare to accommo
date all la the way af farniching lU.cca, lluggioa,
Saddle, and llernee., oa the chortaat notioe aad
a reaaonabla torn., ReaidoBc on Locuat atraat,
between Third and Fonrlh.
Tle.rll.ld. Feb. 4, 1174.
The Best is tlie Cheapest I
Tbamat Rcllly haa rrealvfd another larje lot af
"Hitcliell Wafrona," wbieb are anon( tie very
boat aiannfaetarad, and which ba will tell at the
moat raaonabla ratre. Ilia atoch Inoluilei almuat
all deaeriHton of wagone larnd aniall, wide
and narrow Iraek. Vail an aoe tae.
Market street, Clearfield. Pa..
and all kiada of
A fall ttoek af Paddlert' Hardware, Braahae,
Comba. Hlaabeta, RoWa, at., alwart on hand
end for tale at the loaeat eaeb priaci, All hiada
Ol rtpftinpK pruaipiij iiifnini tt
All kin da of bldoi taken in tirbanc for bar
neaa and rfalrlnf;. All kiada of ha mm It at her
kept oa hand, and for eale at a tmall proflU
t'leardold, Jan. It, IBM.
Tba enderalgnrd are now fall prepared to
tarry ea the buaineai of
Aad napaetfully aollell the patron. . of IbnM
aeding aach aerrleca.
Cleari.ld, Pa, F.b. II, IS74.
A a tho beo la to the roaa
While the honey treaaart Sowa.
"Inline R-ntle eonga of love
To eaon bloaaom ia tho irvva,
1'aualnjt ooly In III flight
Where the awoete of life are bright,
All unwilling to depart
'Till ha reached the very heart,
And when all the luaoiona atore
Ia eiliaaaled einga no mere
Aa tho bee la to tba roaa
White the honey treaenre flowi
Are tin miuar friandi.
Aa tho abadowa to the boat
On a ohang(ul lake afloat,
Whoa the lake la ia repoae,
Like another boat it abowa,
And all fortune eleratea
O'er the aurfaoo Iniltalea.
Hot a ripple on tie broaat
Hbadow tremble with unreit,
And when teiwpeate gather round
Can no longer (hart be round
Aa the abadow to the boat
On tho changeful lake afloat
Are Hummer frienda.
'roe lA trotidtnoi Journal,
RucKuiiinni A Mm SpitiNtis, Va., Au
glint 19, 1870. Hon. Michaol C. Korr,
Hpcnkor of tlie U. S. llouito of Rcp
rt'Hontntivvs, expired tills evening at
twenty minutes punt 7 o'clock, J tint aa
the sun went down ovor una Ucnmiiui
mountain valley, Ilia luat half hour
was painless and pcacoful a death he
cravua coiiritanliy uuring tno past luw
weeks. Ho was surrounded by wife
and son, and bis luitlitu! aocrutanos,
Messrs. White and Scudder, and Mr.
Cox and wile. Mr. Montgomery Blair
bad been nearhimduringlus protracted
illness, and all kindness possililo to
alleviate and comlorl baa ucen bestowed
by Mr. Fnir.ier, tho proprietor of the
botel hero, and other lriendB. Mr. Uox
said ho had been with Mr. Korr lor tho
last two dnys, during which bo had
been gradually sinking. On Friday
bo conversed in whispers, consciously
and intelligently giving directions to
bis Secretary on pnvnlo mattors, and
words of cheer to bis friends and con
solation to his wilo and son.
"On my arrival," said Mr.Cox, "alter
giving him the kind mossages ol his
Congressional friends, 1 asked bun if he
was ready to go. JIo expressed bis
entire content with a heroic gentleness
which was one of his characteristics.
lie conversed freely about the future
world, its rowards, hopes and expecta
tions with calmness and equanimity :
ho had autl'ored so much that be desired
to be relieved, and yet bo would not
huvo his pain nllcviutcd, so as to dis
tract or stupefy his mind. lie bused his
hopes of a better world upon tho justice
and benevolcnco which ho had en
deavored to illustrate in his life. He
impressed bis views ujion his son, who
is just entering upon his manhood. II is
wilo was nenr him constantly, and but
lor the consolation of frienda would be
incoiisoluMe." . ,
All proiwr direction has been mndo
to take tho remains to Now Albany,
Indiana, wbero Iho funeral will lake
place. Mr. Korr is a member ol the
Presbyterian church, and tho funeral
services will be held in that church.
No medical account can supply a
proper statement of tho almost super
natural endurance of the sufferer. 1 ho
simple fact is his frame was but a mere
skeleton, Thcro was no flesh left. The
back-bono was apparent from the ab
domen. Tho wonder is the man sur
vived so long ; yet at no timo, ovon to
the last, did he tail to recognize tboso
about him. Ho talked of tho country,
of bis relatives and of politics with Mr.
Cox, and expressed with great serenity
his hopes as a patriot in tho recent
struggle. Ho was proud of tho part
bo bad taken in publio allium, and
without repining, be adhored to his
peculiar tenets of philosophy and faith.
About 4 o clock p. u., the death strug
gle seemed approaching. His respira
tion grow abort and leoblo. lie sank
into a collapse, and ho seemed in great
pain, and frequently tho word "sufl'oca-
,nMn.i l.lo IE..- in !: ktunnM
Yet amid that trying scene ho still
manifested not only his usual fortitude,
but the atTectionnto recognition of bis
friends. Ho pressed tho hands of Mr.
Cox and Mr. Montgomery Blair, to the
tormcr exclaiming: "Good-byo, dear
irioud ; -Cod bless you." His pulse
censed at tho wrists and his limbs as
sumed a marblo coldness. A little
timo passod on, and tho approach of
tliognin monster seemed to be moment
arily bullied by the extraordinary vital
powers of tho sick man ; tho respira
tions grew stronger, and at B o clock
M. Iho pulse returned to tho wrists.
tho heart beating with its usual force
and regularity. As 7 o'clock drew
near, tho hour of the sotting sun, Dr.
Pope sat besido tho bed conversing
with Mrs. lverr, the IricnUs liaviug
momentarily returned, tho Doctor
asked Mi. Korr: "Do you suffer any
pain?" Tho ptttient shook his head.
Do you leel easier now Y 110 nod
ded his bead emphatically, at tho same
moment fixing an earnest gaze on the
Doctor, expressing at onto thanks Tor
relief from suffering, thon fixing a
slendy gar.o upon the ceiling his breath
ing became porlcctiy natural and regu
lar. Tho sun gradually declined bo
hind the mountains, and as its last rays
faintly glimmered on the horizon it
seemed as if tho quenchless spirit was
taking its last gaze through its bodily
organs of vision upon things of oartb.
r aintor and luinter grow Ins breathing,
and nxed grew tho gaze. 1 be lamily
and friends hastily gathered around tho
bcdsido ; mo last iicart-brcaKlng laro
wells were breathed ; his hronlhings
frrow soft and fuint, like thoso of an
nfnnt sleeninir. tho sun sank, and the
deathless spirit took its noiseless flight,
like " the Miiiiiner evening s last sigh
that shuts tho rose."
Tlio long course cf Mr. Kerr's Illness
had in it muc h patbetio interest. A
few weeks' labor as (Speaker of tho
rorly lourtli uongrcss so exhausted
his strength that from day to day he
was too locblo to perform the duties
imposed upon him by his onerous posi
tion, but ho continued tho work until
temporary retirement became Impora-
tivo. x hen bis health was so much
impaired that he forgot to fill the chair
during his absence, and whon reminded
of liia omission ho was too weak to re
sume his position long enough to namo
a Hpeaker pro Im. After a short
sojourn in New York he again endeav
ored to fill tho Sneakorshin. but anoth
er attack soon compelled him to re
linquish It. For weeks be was ill at
bis houso in Washington, and only
sufficiently recovered to journey to the
Hook Alum springs, where be died.
lion. Michael C. Kerr, representative
from tba Third district Of Indiana, and
who was elcetad speaker of the Forty-
fourth Congress in December last, was
a native or Pennsylvania, having been
born in Titusville, Crawford county, in
1827, The foundation cf bia education
was laid in the common schools of
Crawford county, but bo subsequently
studied at several academies, in the
mean timo teaching school and improv
ing his mind by a course of steady and
nrofltuble readmit. Having taken up
his rosidonca In Kontucky, Mr. Korr
stlldieu law in mo university ui jjuuib
villo. whore ho irraduated with markod
honors, A tier a short rosidenco in Ken
tucky ho removed to New Albany, In
diana. Hore his talents and ability
soon brought bim into notioo. In 185C
ho was elected to the Legislature of
Indiana Tor two years, in this posi
tion ho onbancod Ills reputation and
fopularity both by votes and spoochos.
lis judgment was sound, and he bad
the courage to voto for the right no
matter what Influence was brought to
boar upon him from interested parties,
llosidus serving in the Legislature, Mr.
Korr also acted at different poriods as
City Attorney, and also Prosecuting
Attorney ol Floyd county. In lnbz
ho was chosen reporter of tho Supreme
Court of Indiana, and editod with
groat ability and clearness five volumes
of tho Reports or that body. In 1802
Mr. Kerr made bis appearanco on a
National platform, having been chosen
to the Thirty-ninth Congress. Ho was
also ro-olcctod in 1880, 1868, 1870 and
1874. In Congress tho career of Air.
Korr was true to the principles which
ho professod. Ho opposed all illegal
schemes for abstracting money from
the National Treasury, insisted upon
public officers being hold to a strict
account, urged tho disconlinuanco of
needless ofllce-holdors, and recommend
ed bringing tho Government back to
tho early rulus of honesty and econo
my. Being an itnprcssivo spoakcr, and
at all times fortified with facts, M r. Kerr
commanded tho attention of the House
wbonever ho spoke. His record is that
ot an honest, upright and consistent
Domocrat urm in his principles, with
out partisanship,
Washington, August 20. An om
balmer was sent to Rockbridgo Alum
Springs last night to embalm the body
of the lato Speaker Kerr, and to-night
the casket for his remains was for
warded. The party accompanying it
includes Kcpresentntives Haylor, Casey
and Young, together with Col. Adams,
tho Clerk of tho House, under whoso
direction in tho aliscnco of the author
ized agencies tho preparations wore
mado. Ex-Speaker Banks was invited
to go, but ho was obliged to declino,
owing to engagements requiring bim
to leave Washington to-night lor tho
bust, iicprcsenlativo Cox is already
at tho Springs.
Lono Branch, August 22. Tho fol
lowing has just been issued by tho
rrosidcnt :
It is with extreme pain that tho
President announces to the people of
tho United States the death of the
iSpcakor ol the House of Representa
tives, tho Honorable Michael C. Kerr.
of Indiana. A man of groat intellectual
endowments, largo culture, great probi
ty nr.d earnestness in his devotion to
publio interest, bas passed from the
position of power and usefulness to
which bo had been recently called.
The body over which ho had been
selected to preside, not being in session,
to render the tribute of anection and
respect to the memory of the deceased,
tho President invites the peoplo of the
United States to a solemn recognition
of the publio and privoto worth, and
tho services of ft pure and eminent
fSignedl U. S. Grant.
Hy tlie President :
John Ij. uadwallader,
Acting Socretary of Stnto.
Washington, August 22. The re
mains of the late Speakor Korr arrived
horo this morning from Rockbridgo
Alum Springs, at 0:15, accompanied by
Mrs. Korr and her son, Representatives
union risyier, is. . (jox and u. l.'ascy
Young, and Mr. Adams, Clerk of the
House. The body is encased in a
casket, covered with black cloth. Tho
mouldings are ol heavy plato, and there
are six liouvv nlitted. massive handles
on tho sides. Tho cover is of plato-
giass, and extends the whole length or
tho caskot. An extra covor of black
oloth and silvor-plated mouldings fits
over tho gloss. The interior is lined
with silk and satin. Upon the arrival
of the party in Washington, Sorgennt-at-Arms
Thompson took chargo of tho
remains and bad them removed to a
ipecial car. A dotail of six men of tho
Capitol police wore iilaced on guard at
tho outer depot. Tho covor of tho
casket was removed and tho body laid
in stato until 1U:3U A. M. During the
morning a number of M r. Korr's friends
and others visited tho depot to viow
his remains. At 11:60 tho funeral
party, with tho remains, loft for Now
Albany, Ind., via Harrisburg, Pitts
burg and Indianapolis. Representa
tives Saylor and Cox did not accompa
ny mo party.
Tho remains arrived at Now Albany,
Ind., at midnight of the 23d Inst., and
wore removed to tho rotunda of tho
Court Houso, which was draped in
mourning and entwined with flags and
overgroonsfrom thodome to tho ground
floor, and where the body laid in stato
until Thursday ovening, when it was
removed to the lute residence of the
deceased Speakor.
last tributi or respect.
Tho funeral took place at 3 o'clock
on Friday sflornoon, Angust2Dth, and
was the largest funeral cortego ever
witnessed in tho Stato of Indiana.
Every society and citizen joined in
paying the lost tribute of respect to
tho distinguished statesman.
Although Presidents and Vice Presi
dents have died while in office, this is
the only cose where a Speaker of tho
Houso has diod while occupying that
Two sons ol F.rin, shoveling dirt on
a hot day, stepped to rest, and ex
changed views on the labor question.
"Pat, this is mighty hard work
we're at."
"It is, indade, Jimmy; but what
kind of work is it you'd liko if yo
could get it r
"Well, said tho other, leaning re
flectively on his shovel snd wiping the
prespiration with the back of bia band,
"for a nice, aisy, clane business, I think
I would like to be a bishop.
When Macauley attended an Eng.
lisb election for the first time, a dead
cat was thrown in his face. The man
who committed the outrage did not
mean to hit Macauley, but a Mr. Adone.
The essayist remarked that bs " would
prefer to have it intended lor him and
hit Jlr. Adeno.
The most active prolongors of youth
are wholesome food, pore air, regular
habits, and plenty of exercise for both
mind and body. With these, added to
a contented disposition and a good
temper, Father lime may be long do
col. reno's report of the little bio
from lAa Amy and AWy Journal.
Headquar's, 7th Reg't Cavalry,
Camp on Yellowstone River.
July 6th, 1870,
(hpl. t. W. SmM, A. D. C, aad A. A. A. O.
Tbo command of tho rogimont hav
ing devolvod upon mo, as tho senior
siirving officer from tho battle of Juno
a and 26, between ihosovonth Laval
ry and Sitting Hull's band of hostile
Sioux, on tho ljlttlo Dig Horn river, I
havo the honor to submit tho following
report of its operations from the time
of leaving tho main column until the
oommand was united in tho vicinity ot
the Indian vinago.
The regiment left tho camp at tho
month ot itosobua river, alter passing
in review before the Department Com
mander, under the command of Brovot
Miijor-Generul Uoorgo A. Custer, Llou
tenant Colonel, on the afternoon of tho
22d of June, and marchod up the Rose-
bud twclvo milos and encamped. 23d
Marched up the Rosebud, passing
many old Indian camps, and following
a very largo lodge pole trail, but not
iruHu, limiting uiiriy-iiirvu miles, .win
The marching was continued op the
Koseoua, toe trail and signs freshen-
ing with evory milo until wehsd made
twenty-eight miles, and we then en
camped and waited for information
from tho scouts. At 9:25, n. m., Cus
ter called tho onlcois togothor and in
formed us that beyond a doubt the vil
lage was in tlie valley of tho Littlo Big
Horn, anu mat to reacn it it was nec
essary to cross the divide between
Rosebud and Little Big Horn, and it
wuuiu uu iiiipuaniuiu iuuubuiii uieuay
time without discovering our march to
tj L.-.: :l.l- .--J- .1 ,
the Indians; that we would prepare
to move at i l p. m. This was dono,
the lino of march turning from the
ttoeebud to tbo right, up ono ot its
branches, which headed near tbo sum
mit ot tho divide
About 2 a. m. of the 25th, the scouts
told him that he could not cross the
divide before daylight. Wo t'jen made
coffoo and rested for throo hours, at
tho expiration ot which timo the march
was resumed, the divide crossed, and
about 8 a. m. tho command was in the
valley of ono of tho branches of the
Liitlle Jdg Horn. Jiy this timo In
dians had been seen, and it was certain
that wo could notsurpriso thorn, and
it was determined to move at once to
tho attack.
Previous to this no division ot the
regiment had boon made since tho or
der was issued, on the Yollowstono,
annulling wing and battalion organi
zations. Gan. Custor informed mo bo
would assign commands on the march.
1 was ordered by Lieut. W. W. Cooke,
Adjutant, to assume command of Com
panies M, A, and Q; Cart. Hcntoon, oi
Companies II, D, and Kj Custor re
taining C, E, F, I, and L, under his
immediate command, and Company B,
Cantain McDougall, in rear ot pack
train. I assumed command of tbo com
panies assigned to mo, and without any
definite orders moved forward with
tho rent of tho column, and well to its
loft. I saw Bcntecn moving ftirthcr
to the left, and, as they passed, he told
mo be bad orders to move well to the
left, and sweep evory thing before bim;
I did not seo him again until about
2:30 p.m. The command moved down
tho creek toward tho Little Big Horn
vulloy, Custer, with five companies on
tbo right bank, myself and throe com
panies on the loll bank, and llenteon
lurthcr to the loft, and out of sight
As wo approached a deserted vil
lage, in which was standing one fjwe,
about 11a. m., Custor motioned me to
cross to biro, which 1 did, and moved
nearer to his column, until about 12:30
m., whon Lieut Cooke, Adjutant,
came to mo and said tho villago was
only two miles ahead, and running
away. To "move forward at as rapid
a gait as I thought prudent, and to
chargo afterward, unci that tho wholo
outfit would soon support me;" I think
those were his oxset words. I at once
took a fast trot, and moved down about
two miles, when 1 came to a ford of
tho river. 1 crossed immediately, and
halted about ten minutes or less to
gather tho battalion, sending word to
Custer that 1 had everything in front
of me, and that they were strong.
1 deployed, and with tho lioe scouts
on my lult charged down the valley,
driving the Indians with great ease for
about two and a half miles. I, how
ever, soon saw that I was being drawn
into some trap, as they certainly would
fight harder, and especially as tbey
were noaring their village, which was
still standing; besides 1 could not see
Custer or any other support, and at
tho snmo timo tho very earth seemed
to grow Indians, and tbey were run
ning toward me in swarms, and from
all directions. 1 saw 1 must defend
myself, and givo up tho attack mount
ed. This 1 did, taking possession of a
point of woods, and which furnished,
nobr Ita edge, a shelter tor the horses ;
dismounted and fought them on foot,
making headway through the wood.
I soon found myself in the near vicini
ty of tho village, saw that I was fight
ing odds of at least five to one, and that
my only hope was to get out of the
wood, where I would soon have been
surrounded,andgainsomo high ground.
I accomplished this by mounting and
charging tho Indians between mo and
tho bluffs on tho npposito sido of the
river. I n this charge First Lieutenant
Donald Mcintosh, Second Lieutonant
Ben. 11. Hodgson, Bevonlh Cavalry,
and Acting Assistant Surgeon J. M.
DoWolf, were killed. I succeeded in
reaching the top of tho bluff, with a
Ions of the three officers and twenty
nine enlisted men were killed, and
seven men wounded. Almost at the
samo timo 1 reached tho top, mounted
men were seen to be coming toward
us, and it proved to bo Col. iicntccn s
battalion. Companies 11, D, and K ; we
joined forces, and in a short time the
pack train came up. as senior, my
command was then Companies A, II,
1), G, 11, K, and M, about 300 men,
and tho billowing officers: Captains
loiileen,Wcir, r rcnch.ond McDougall ;
First jjicut. tiodircy, Mathey, and
Gibson : Second Lionts. Kdgerly. Wal
lace, Yamum, and Hare; Aoting As
sistant Surgeon loiter, first Lieut
DcKudio was in me dismounted nghi
in the woods, but, having some trouble
with bis horse, aid not join the com
msnd in lbs charge, and. hiding him
self in lbs wood, joined the command
alter nighttall ol the Z6th.
Still bearing notbing or Custer, and
with this roinforcment I moved down
the river In the direction of th village,
keening on th" bluffs. Ws bad heard
firing in that direction, and knew it
conic only bs Caster. I moved to the
summit of the highest bluff, but seeing
ana nesting ww.umg, ann vspa. tt or
with DM company to open romrsnnics
tion with tba othor command. Ho soon
sent bsek word, by Liout. Hare, that
ho could go no furthor, and that the
Indians were getting around him. At
this timo be was keeping up a heavy
fire from bis skirmish line. I nt once
turned everything back to tho first
position I had taken on tho bluff, and
which soemod to mo the best. I dis
mounted the men, bad the horses and
mules of tbo pack train driven together
in a depression, put tho men on the
crests of the bills making a depression,
and had hardly dono so when I was
furiously attacked. This was about 6
p. m. We hold our ground with the
loss of eightoon enlisted men killed snd
forty-six wounded until tbo attack
oeasod, about 9 p. m.
As I know, by this timo, their over
whelming numbers, and bad given up
any support from tho portion of tho
regiment with Custor, I had the men
dig rifle pits; barricaded with dead
horses, mules, snd boxes of hard bread,
the oncninrr of tho denression toward
the Indians in whieh the animals were
horded, and made every exertion to be
ready for what 1 saw would be a tor
riflo assault the noxt day. All this
night tho men wore busy, and tbo In
dians holding aoculpdanco underneath
us in the bottom, and in our hearing.
On tho morning of the 26th, I felt con-
ttdonl that J. could bold my own, and
was ready as fur as I could be, when,
at daylight, about 2:30 a. m., I beard
tho crack ol two rifles; this was the
signal for the beginning of a fire that
1 nave never seen equallod. Evory
rule was bandied by an expert and
skilled marksman, and with a range
that excecdod our carbine, and it was
simply impossible to show any part
of tho body before it was struck. We
could see, as tho day brightened, count
less hordes of thorn pouring up tho val
ley from out of the village, and scamp
ering over the high points toward the
places designated fur thorn by their
cbiels, and which entirely surrounded
our position, lhey bad sufficient num
bers to completely encirclo us, and men
wore struck on opposite sides of the
lines, from which the shots wore fired.
I think wo were fighting all the Sioux
nation, and also all the desperadoes,
renegades, half-breeds, and squaw men,
between the Missouri and the Arkan
sas snd east of tho Rocky Mountains ;
they must bave numbered at least
2,500 warriors. The firo did not slack
en until about 9:30 a. m., and then wo
discovered that they were making a
lost desperato attempt, and which was
directed against the line held by Com
panics H and M j In this attack they
charged closo enough to use their bows
and arrows, and one man, lying dead
within our lines, was touched by the
"coup stick: ot onooi tho foremost In
dians. W hen I say the stick wss only
about ten or twolve feet long, some
idea of the desperato and rocklcssflght.
ing of these peoplo may be understood.
This chargo of theirs was gallantly re
pulsed by the men on that lino, led by
Col. Bentoen. Thoy also cams close
enough to aend their arrows into the
line held by C'o'a D and K, but were
driven awnv by a like charge of tho
hiiu, wuicn a aeeonipanieu. tt e now
bad many wounded, and the question
of water was vital, as from 6 p. m. of
the previous evening until now, 10 a. m.
(about sixteen hours) wo , hod been
without ...
A skirmish line was formed, under
Col. Beutceu, to protect tho descent of
voluntoors down theniu in front ot bis
position to roach the water.- We sac
oeeded in getting some) canteens, al
though many of the men were bit In
doing so; the fury of the attack was
now over, and to my astonishtnont the
Indians were seen going tn parties to
ward the village. But two aolulions
occurred to us for this movement, that
tbey were going lor something to vA,
more amunition (as tbey bad been
throwing arrows), or that Cns'jr was
coming. Wo took of this
hill to till all vessel.: ''.h water, and
soon had it by tbecam.i kottletull:
but they continuod to wv.hdraw, and
all firing ceased, save occasional shots
from sharpshooters sent to annoy ns
about tho water. About I p. m. tho
grass in tho bottom was set on fire,
and followed np by Indians, who en
oouraged Its burning, and it was svi
dent it was done lor a purpose, which
purposo I discovered later on, to be
tho creation of a denso cloud of smoke,
behind which they wore packing and
preparing to movo their fcpeys.
It was between 6 and that
the villago came out from behind tho
clouds of smoke and dust Ws bad a
closo and good view of them, as thoy
mod away in tbo direction ol Dig Horn
Mountains, moving in almost oerloct
military order; tho length of the col
umn was fully equal to that of a large
division of the cavalry corps of the
Army ol tbo Potomac, as I bave scon
it on its march,
Wo now thought of Custor, of whom
nothing had been seen and nothing
hoard since tbo aring in his direction
about 6 p. m. on the eve ol the 25tb,
and wo concluded that the Indiana had
gotten between bim and us, and driven
lnm toward the boat, at tho mouth or
Little Dig Horn rivor, tho awful fate
that did befall him novor occurring to
any ot us as within the limits of possi
bilities. During tho night I changed
mv position, in order to socuro an un
limited supply of water, and was pre
pared fur their return, feeling sure
they would do so, as thoy were In sueb
numbers. But cnrlv in tho morn I ho
of tho 27th, and whilo we were on the
quivh for Indians, I saw with my
glass a dust sonio distance down tho
valley. There w as no certainty tor
souio time what they were, but finally
I satisfied myself they wore cavalry,
and if so, could only bo Custer, as it
was ahead of tho time tlrat I under
stood that Gen. Torry oould be ex
pected. Before this timo, howevor, I
bad written a communication to Gen.
Torry, and throo volunteers were to
try and reach bim 1 1 bad no confidence
in tho Indians with me, and could not
get them tn do anything). II this dust
were Indians, it wss possible tbey
would not expect any one to leave.
1 he men started and wore told to go
as near as was safe to detormine if the
spprosching column wss white men,
snd to return at once tn case they
found ft so; but, U tbey were Indians,
to push on to Gen. Terry. In a short
time wo saw them returning ovor the
high bluff already alluded to. ibey
were accompanied by a scout who bad
a note from Terry to Custer, saying,
"Crow scouts bad come to ramp say.
ing he had been whipped, but that It
wait not believed." 1 think it was
about 10:30 a. m. that Gen. Terry rode
into my lines, and the fate of Custer
and bis brave men was soon determin
ed by Capt Bentoen proceeding with
bis company to his battle groumd, and
where were recorsized the following
officers who were surrounded by the
dead bodies of many of their aaea : tie.
George A. Caster; Col. W. W. Cooks,
Adjutant; Cspts. M. w. tveogb, u. W
Yates, and T. W. Coster i First Lie
tenants, A. K. Smith, James Calbona;
Socond Lieutenants, W. V. Roilly, of
mo oevenin vavairy snu 4. vniven
don, Twontioth Infantry, temporarily
attached to this regiment. The bodies
ot First Lioutenant J. K. Porter and
Second Lieutenants JI. M. Harrington
and J. G. Sturgis, Sovonth Cavalry,
and Assistant Sorgoon G. W. Lord,
United States Army, wore not rocog
nized ; but there) is every reasonable
probability thoy wore killed. It was
now oertain that the column of five
companies with Custer had bcon hilled.
The wounded in my lines were, during
toe aitornoon and ovoningor me zau,
movod to the camp of bcnornl Terry,
and at 5 a. m. ot tbo 28th 1 proceeded
with the regiment to tho battle ground
of Custer, and burried 204 bodies, in
cluding tho following named citizens :
Mr. Boston Custer, Mr. Roed (a young
nophow of Gon. Caster), and Mr. Kel
logg, a correspondent ot tbe Ac'U xork
Herald. The following named citizens
and Indians wbo were with my com
mand were also killed: Charles Key
nolds (guide and hunter), Isaiah (col
ored), interpreter ; Bloody Knito (wbo
fell from immediately by my side);
Bob Tailed Bull and Stab, of the In
dian scouts. .
After following over his trail, it is
ovuiontto me that Custor intended
to support me by moving further down
the stream and attacking the village
in flank; that bo found the distance
greater to the ford than be anticipate
od ; that be did charge, but bis march
had taken so long, slthough his trail
shows be moved rapidly, that they
were ready for bim ; that Companies
u snd f, and perhaps part ol Company
E, crossed to lb village or attompted
it at the charge, and were met by a
staggering fire, and that tbey foil back
to secure a position from which to do
fund themselves; but thoy were fol
lowed too closely by the Indians to
permit bim to form sny kind of a lino.
I think, had the regiment gone in as a
body, and from tbe woods in which 1
fought advanced on the villago, that
its destruction was certain, but be was
fully confident thoy were running or
he would not bave turned from mo. 1
think ( after the great number ot In
dians there wore in the village) that
the following reasons obtained for the
misfortune: His rapid marching for
two days and one night before tbe
fight, attacking in the daytime at 12
m., and when tbey were on tho qui
vive, instead of early in the morning,
and lastly, bis unfortunate division of
tbe regiment into three commands. .
During my fight with the Indians I
bad tho heartiest support from officers
and men, bat tho conspicuous services
of Brevet Ool. F. W. Bon toon I desire
to call attention to especially, fur it
ever a soldier deserved recognition by
his Government for distinguished ser
vices, he certainly docs.
' I enclose herewith his report of tho
Operations of his battalion from the
time of leaving the regiment nntU we
joinod oommands on the hill. I also
onloso an accurate list ot casualties as
far as it can be made at the present
time, separating them Into two lists
"A," those killed in Gen. Custer's com
mand ; "B," those killed and wounded
in tho command I had.
Tho number of Indians killed can
only be approximated until we hear
throngh the agencies. I saw the bodies
of eighteen, and Capt Ball, Socond
Cavalry, who mado a scout of thirteen
miles over their trail, says that their
graves were many along their line of
march. It is simply impossible that
numbers ot tbem should not bs nit, in
the several charges they made so close
to my line. They mado their approach
through tbe deep gulches that led from
the hilltop to the river; and when the
jealous care with which tho Indian
guards the bodies of killed and wound
ed ia considered, it is not astonishing
that their bodies were not found. It
is probable that the stores loft by thorn
snd destroyed the noxt two days, were
to make room for many of them on
their frotwt's. '
Tbe harrowing sight of the dead
bodies crowning tbs height on which
Custer fell, and which will remain viv
idly in my momory until death, is too
recent for me not to ask the good peo
ple of this country whether a policy
that sots opposing parties in the fiold
armed, clothed, and oquipped by one
and the same Government, should not
be abolished. All of which is respect
fully submitted. M.A.Reno,
Major 7th Cavalry, Com'd'g Regt
fFrom lha Rural World l
The question is often asked, whon
is tbe best time to plant fruit trees T
Wo answer, that nnon all soils suitable
for an orchard, the Fall Is tho best time.
Th Fall is a season of comparative
leisure with tbo farmer, ana ample
time is allorued bim to prepare tho
ground thoroughly, and to dig the holes
of large size, and to prepare the work
in the most perfect manner. In the
Spring a thousand jobs are pressing on
the farmer, all demanding bis immedi
ate attention, and the orchard is usu
ally deforred to tho last, when every
other crop would suffer less by the
delay. . ,
If a tree is planted in tho Fall, the
earth bocomea firmly settled around
tho roots before Spring ; and if the
weather should prove, as It ircqnenliy
does, warm in February and March,
yonng roots will be formed, often three
! i i . . k I . : .1
menus lung , snu u luu pittuiiiiir ib ue-
laycd until Spring, after these roots
have put out, tbey are broken off and
lost in tho act of removal from the
nursery, and consequently so much of
tba vital energy ot tho tre is lost in
tha effort of nature to repair the injury.
ll planting ts delayed until spring, it
is almost always put off uutil a late
period after tho buds bave considera
ble swelled and many of the fibrous
roots have put oat ; those then become
dried and many ol tbom are lost, and
from tba drv westhor that frcauenllv
follows, causes the death of thousands
of trees annually.
In Fall planting, if the soil Is dry
M.I lmh.ll. . I a I, .II 1,1 I, rt , 1. n .... Tl ll
around the tree may be left level ; but
if tho sub-soil is of wet, retentive
character, tbe earth should bs raised
two or throe inches around tbs trunk
of ths tree, to tbs full diameter of the
bote, In order to turn the excess of wa
ter Irom the roots.
Trees should aot be removed from
the nursery until sufficient frost has
occurred to entirely suspend vegetation
and tbo leaves bave mostly fallen.
Bignor Bills bad a bright little fellow
on lie stand to assist him in ths "ex
-i.i.h -..I nt .J. U.1L1.L
I eoalof pot tbe coins wbicb thst lady
botds nit) yonr toav-pocsoi , t
"No," said ths boy, confidently. . ,
Think sot T" .
"I know yoa couldn't," said tho lit
tie leilow, with great firmness.
' "Whr olT". .-- -I .v " ! -
" 'Cause the pockets are all torn oat"
Tho subjeot of birds and their rela
tion to agriculture has an importanco
which is not generally appreciated, bat
which is being enforced by havoc
which is being worked by insects where
birds have been destroyed. A Rich
mond (Va.) paper recently stated that
oaa news cumo irom evory toDacco-
& rowing district of tho Stato, tho plants
ling eaten by the fly. Thus, in tho
opinion of the paper, tho chief staple
of a largo part of Virginia was in dun-
gor. 'Ibis special peril to the Virginia
tobacco crop has grown tbo last twenty
years. It is believed that ono of tbe
chief causes is the destruction wrought
of lato years upon tbo birds. With the
end of tho war an indiscriminate hunt
for birds has begun and ever since has
bcon continued. 1 bo greatest enemy
of insect life is tho bird, and as tho
birds have been destroyed in Virginia,
every one bas noticed tbo increase ol
insects that attack tho crops. The
same lesson has long sinco been learned
in other countries, so that it has becomo
an accepted maxim in Europe to foster
the birds, and in Australia, and of late
in this country, European birds have
been imported for tho simple purpose
ot insect destruction.
In a report of tho Commissioner of
Agriculture thora is an article from tbe
pen ot rrot. beorge U. rorkins, ot
Vermont, in which lie says that there
are in tlie State of Vermont probably
not less than 800 snecics of leuidoDter-
ous insects, (i. c., tlie moth and cuttor
flics), and in tho whole United Slates
there are not less, probably, than 4,000.
Hut loavingthorcst or the states. 1 rol.
Porkins confines himself in the follow
ing calculation to Vermont, and works
out tho following alarming results :
" It we suppose tbo number ol species
in this Statu to bo 800, the increase
will be something like this : Each
female lays on sverago 350 eggs but
wo will place tbo number at dOO. .Now
suppose in the year 1871 thoro oxists
only ono pair of each species, there
would be during the year zw.vw oggs
iroduced, wbicb would develop into
MO.000 caterpillars. If half ol them
were females, next Tear we should
have 120,000 pair of insects, which
would produco 36,000,000 caterpillars
for 1873, and so on, so that in bve
yoars there would come from the un
checked increase ol only one pair ot
each species 1,215,000,000,000,000 cat
erpillars, or 200,000,000 for evory sin
glo acre in tho Stato. It is true that
as the arrangement (of things now is,
not one in a hundred, U indued one in
thousands of these eggs ever roach
maturity, but tho groat agonts ot de
struction are the birds. Making all
possible deductions on account of all
destructive influences except the birds,
we have loft a verv larrre firruro. and
if this is multiplied by the number of
pairs actually living, and aa an know
of some kinda there are thousands, tbe
produce is something appalling."
if sucn are me lacts in Vermont-
here a cold climate tends to harrasa
and diminish insect lifo, what must be
the innumerable bordos ot Insect dep
redators under warmor and more genial
skies 7 If any of the animal creation,
by its relation to the goneral economy
of nature, deserves to be protected it is
the birds. F'or every apparent evil in
nature tho Creator has provided a
remedy, and birds are the insect de-
stroyors. The remedy is ono m wbicb
all can bave a share in rendering
effectual. Farmers and planters should
exert themselves to protect the birds
from the sonseless, savago, and more
than useless slaughter to which they
have boon condemned. ' These littlo
beings not only minister to the solace
of men by their beauty and melody,
but they are even mora useful than
thoy are beautiful.
The othor day when a stern and
dignified judgo ordered a prisoner to
stand up and offer objoctiona, if ho had
any, to being sentenced to prison for a
long term ot years, tbe prisoner rose
and said:
"I never bad a mother to sbed tears
over me I"
His words entered every heart In
the court room. Ho was a rough, bad
man, in the middle age of life, and he
had been convicted of burglary, but
every heart softened toward bim as his
lips uttered the words. He foltwhat
ho said, and tlie tears rolled down bis
cheeks, as be continued:
"It 1 bad a mother s lovo and a moth
er's tears some one to plead with me
and pray with me 1 should not now
be wbat l ami
Abt That's it I There Is a power
in a mother's lovo, in bor tears, plead
ings and prayers, whoso influence is
hardly to be realized. God pity tbe
lad who bss no home to go to no
mother to whom ho can tell bis griefs
and troubles no mother to put her
arms around his nock, and beseech
Heaven to keep bim pure I Thcro is
no heart liko a mother's. Hot child
may wound it again and again, yea
pierce it with a sword, and its lost
pulsations will still boat with love for
tho ingrato. It is tho first to loescuao
his faults, the last to condemn. Thoro
is no lovo liko a mother's none so en
during, so tender, so far reaching. It
is lavished upon the child in the i radio,
and it follows the boy ovor the ocean.
It calls up tbowanderor tbo nrst thing
in tho morning, and it remains with
him until sleep closes tho eyes, n bon
a mother's love for her offspring dios
out, it is a certain sign thst no baa be
come too atrocious to longer live among
There is no tears liko a motbor's.
Nothing csn so lighten the sorrow of
the child nothing so restrain a mind
from wandering into ovil paths. The
man who looks back over bis child
hood and youth regrets nothing ss
much ss that be has brought tears of
sorrow and sadness to a fond mother's
eyes. Every tcsr a mother sheds ovor
a wayward Child is rocoraoQ in vne
great book, and he sbsll snswer for it
There are no prayers liks a mother's
none that reach so fur, and nono so
earnest The wanderer on foreign
shores feels this in bis heart, and ho is
thankful to Heaven that he can fool it.
Kneeling at her bodsido and asking tbo
angels to guide ths foot of bor children
in right paths, wbo doubts that a moth
er's prayers are beard in Heaven T
"1 never bad a molber to sbed tears
over me I"
The sorrowful words of that burglar
might bs the words of many evil doors
"JXo motbor' means aching beans,
hardened minds, deadly woes, and
paths which lead to ruin. Heaven be
kind to the lad who must battle bia
way through tha world without a
mother's boundless love to give bim
aops, sirengia ana courage.
Tbe potato-bugs are getting to be a
regular nuisance in tbe eastern States.
A party of them was diecoverd one
night recently trying to roll off a bar
rel of aew potatoes from the front door
ot a country store.
An exebango publishes tbe follow
ing t Governor lluyos was brought
up in tho Prosbyterisn faith by an un
clo on bis mother's sido of tho bouse ;
but It appears bo did not adhere close
ly to it, as bs now, although not
member, attends tho Mothodist Episco
pal church with bis wifo, who is in full
communion. Governor Tilden is a
Presbyterian from conviction, and is a
mem her of tlie Madison Square Church,
in Now York city, until latoly under
the pastoral care of tho Roy. Dr. Wm.
Adams. GovornorTilden does not, liko
Govornor Hayes, go lo church with his
wifo, one reason being that be is still
unmarried. Mr. Wheelor is a member
of the Congregational Church at Ma
lono, N. Y.. tho place of bis nativity
and residence. Ho accompatiiod his
wifo as long as she lived to the same
Chnrch, but he has beon'awidoworfor
a short timo. Govornor Hendricks is
tho son of a Presbyterian elder, and
has some relatives In the ministry of
tho Presbyterian church. Ho was
reared in the Presbyterian faith, as
might be expected, but bis wifo boing
an Episcopalian bo bas thrown asido
tho Confession of Faith and adopted
the Thirty-nine Articles.
it will thus bo seen, It tho bistory Is
fall and complete, that Wheeler and
lildcn are the most stable churchmen.
Neither of tbom bas ever changed his
religion, but each ono abides in tho
faith in which he was raised in youth.
But Gov. Tilden is not entitled to any
credit for remaining stoadfust to the
faith of bis futhors, for bo bad no wifo
to turn away his heart from tho princi
ples in which he Was trained in early
lire. Haves and Hendricks have bo til
lapsed from Prosbyterianism, and we
do not know how the churches will
view their apostasy.
a printers' dream.
A printer sat in his offico chair, his
boots were patched and his coat thread
bare, while bis face looked weary and
worn with care, while sadly thinking
of business debt, old Morpheus slowly
round bim crept, and before be know
it be soundly slept ; snd, sleeping, bo
dreamed that he was dead, from trouble
and toil bis spirit bad fled, and that
not even a cow bell tolled, for the
peaceful rctt of bis cowbido sole. As be
wandered among the shades, that
smoke and scorch in lower Hades, be
shortly observed an iron door, that
crcakingly swung on hinges ajar, but
tho entrance was closed by a rod-hot
bar, and Satan himself stood peeping
out, watching for travelers thereabout,
and thus to tuo passing printer spoke,
snd with growling voice tho echoes
wono : "Come in, my dear, it snail cost
you nothing and nover fear ; this is
tbe place where 1 cook tbe ones wbo
nover pay their subscription sums, for
though in lifo they may escape, they
will find wben dead it is too lato; I
ill show tbe place where 1 melt tbem
thin, with red-hot chains and scraps of
tin, and also whore I comb thoir heads
with broken glass and melted lead,
and if of refresh monts they only think,
thero'sboilingwaterfor tbem to drink j
there's the red-hot grindstone to grind
down his nose, and red-hot rings to
wear on bis toes, and if thoy mention
they don't liko firo, I'll sew up thoir
mouths with rod-hot wire; and then,
dear sir, yoa should see them squirm
whilo l roll tbem over and cook, to a .
turn." With those last words tho
prinlor awoke, and thought it all a
practical joke ; but still at times so
real did it seem, that he cannot believe
it was all a dream; aud often be thinks
with a chncklo and grin, of the lato of
those who save their tin, and nover
pay the printer.
Talking to Horses. Horses can
not nndorsland our languago except so
iar cut it im auNaucittieu wiui auiiuu. j-u
teach a colt to stop we must first pull
on the bolter or bndlo and then
say "hoi" If he obeys, we should
always caress bim or give bim some
thing to eat, and thus continue asso
ciating tho word with the action until
he obeys readily. In tbe same wsy
we should teach him to go on-, touch
ing bim lightly with tho whip as we
give tho word ; if he obeys, reward
him aa before. Now, the secret of
training properly lies in using uniform
langage, always employing the samo
words evory time you want the borso
to do a certain thing. This ambiguous
use of laniruaco is a univalent fault
How f requodtiy wo seo a man get into
a saddle or buggy, gatbor up the lines
or reins, givo his horse a cut or two
with the whip, and say, "Come bora I"
And again, when he dosiros bis horse
to change Irom a trot to a walk, ho
will ssy "ho I" or if he wants him to
quit gnawing at a post, pulling at th?
haltor, or to reprove bim tor shying,
and for a dozen othor things, ho uses '
ths same word "bo." This a common
fault with most men ; thoy talk too
carelessly in training their horses, and
in managing them. Be uniform in lan
guago. Select a different word or sig
nal lor every command, ana always
use oach in its proper place and no
othor. This would abolish, in a great
measure, the aborainablo jerking, pull
ing, whipping and otberwiso abusing
this noble animal.
A Permanent Home. To have a
home which a man has himself reared
or purchased which bo has improv
ed or beautified a borne indeed,wbich,
with honest pride and natural lovo, bo
calls his own is an additional security
for any man s virtue, buchahomehe
loaves with regret ; to it ho gladly re
turns, There ho finds innocent and
gratifying pleasures. Thoro his wifo
and little ones are happy and safe ; and
there all his best slloctions tako root
and grow. To such a pair, as time
advances, the abode of their oarly and
middle lifo. whon llhev have nerhans
all departed, becomes constantly mora
dear ; for it is now a scene of precious
memories tbo undisturbed declining
years I And say what lapse ol timo,
what vanoa exporionco oi prosperity,
or sorrow, can evor offaoe the good im
pression mado by such a homo on tho
tender heart of childhood I To tbo -tempted
youth, to tho wanderer from
virtuo, to tbs sad victim of misfortune,
such remembrance has often provod a
strengthening monitor, or a healing
balm. Nor can this kindly inflnonce
wholly fail so long as the dear obioots
of that familiar scene retain a place in
memory, oonnocted, as they insepara
bly are, with thoughts of a father's
counsel, a mother's tenderness, a sister's
purity and a brother's love.
A clcrgvmsn went to a livery-stable
one hot day recently to got a team.
Whilo wailing lor It to be harnessed
ho pulled off bis coat and sat down in
a convenient chair. A doctor camo
for his borne, and seeing ths parson in
bis shirt-sleeves, remarked facetiously;
" Yon are the man I want. 1 should
like to got yoa to help me about my
The parson said, with a twinkle ia
his eye : "1 can't pitch, and I can't
mow ; but, perhaps, I can rako after
you I am just going to attend a
funeral. 'Harvard OuranC.
" Mamma," asked a precocious yonng.
ster at the tea-table the other evening,
after a long and yearning gase toward
a plato ot doughnuts: "jaamma, ao
you think I oould stand another of thoso
tried boles. She thought ne oould.
An inebriate recently fell and struck
bis nose against s barber's pole. On
being raised from ths ground, bs ask-
od: "What's sat woman wl1 striped
stockings on got sgin mor
"Six feet in his stockincs I " exclaim
sd Mrs. Partington ; " Why, Iks has
only two in his, and I can never keep
em aarnea at mat.