Site cjmMuk. tgW-' "'r hi' . a a " Geobob B. Goodlandeb, Editor. " cYTnYiKLorpiir' WEDNESDAY M0RN1N0, AUU. IS, IMI. Haodar, If yoo want to kaoa what ta going od la tho tra.ln... world, Jn.l rood our adrarti.lng aolaaBa, the .Spoeaai MlunD to portloalar. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC TICKET, fitt I'KMIIIRNTI SAMUEIi J. TILDEN, OL HiW roRi. Pol VICi PBII1DKKT : THOS. A. UENDHICKS. UP INDIIKA. CAftltATlli, Attiiitioii I Oo and attar tfaa Aib of Aujruat, lht announc'tnto. of the namei of candidal, for IHilric, and County noiBtn.v tiom will be ia order. Tba ntoil ft, which 10 ait b paid, in advance, will be m followi : Coo rrut2U; Henatnr, $16 ; AiMinblp, $15 ; Sheriff, f 1&; Anoclftie Judgf.llO ; Diitrlet Attorney,!. 0 Jury ConmiMioDer, i. Ttaii amount will J for thaaiDkl notioe and the nrinUn of lO.OUO Delete fur data Otrparty rule require that the ninee of eeh candidate be annonnNd Ihrna weeki before the election. Priam elMtioa dor. Saturday, gentotnbar II, from 1 to T p. m., ond lbr County ConrenUon noeu In Ibt Court Home th. following Tooiday at 1 p. m. Democratic Meetings. Wo havo printed handbills, mid thoy havo been Rent out by llio Chairman, for holding mooting as follows: NEW WA.SJ1 1NGTON, Thursday, Aug. 2llh, LtT- THEH.SllU.liti, Saturday, Aug. 2Sth, KYLERTOWN, .Monday, Aug. 2Sth Those meetings will bo held in tbo evening, ndlressod by Ncniitor Wallace and Chairman Test, and perhaps otlicr popular speakers. Keatii of Speaker Kihb. llou, .Michael C. Kerr, Congressman from the Suae of Indiana, and Speaker ol tko House, died at Itockbridgo Alum Springs, Virginia, on Snturday, the lftth inat., where ho had repaired for the recuperation of his- health. Ho was one of iho leading statesmen of tho day, but having inherited Con. sumption, ho linn been carried off in tho midst of his usefulness. Ho was a Ponnsylvanian, born at Tilnsvillo, Crawford county, in 1827, and at tho time of his death was on the highway to National distinction. i. - - - -i. Committer JIeetwo. Tho mem bcru of tho Executive uommuiee 01 tho Central Tilden & Hendricks Club, will meet hereafter in the Centennial building, In tho rear of Krntzer J,y tlo'a stnro-liouso. It in hoped that those gentlemen who liavo been selected as permanent oflicors of tho Club will be present on that occasion as well as all other who lovo liberty and free gov ernment, will inako it convenient to meet at tho place Indicated, on Satur day evening at 8 o'clock. Let there be a general attondanco of oil thoBO who are opposed to the general misrulo which has prevailed in tho Stale and National affairs. It. J. Morqan, Chairman. Attention, Iiemocbats. Wo under stand that Senator Wallace has been engaged by tho State and National J)etnocratio Committees during the month of October, and that it will bo impossible for him to address his neigh bore during that period unless arrange ment for meetings are mado at least throe weeks in advance. Although, considerably broken down by his eight months arduos duties in the Senate, bo has, nevertheless, consented to address the peoplo at Now Washington, La- thersbnrg and Kylertown, during this month, at tho timo indicated oUowhoro in this issue. Those of our frionds who deem it nocesBary to hold meetings in othor sections of tho county, and de sire his presence, will bear this (act in mind and act accordingly. Campaion DoriMr.NTS. The groat speech of Senator Wallace, delivered in tho United States Senate, and that of cx-Oovernor Jliglor, delivered at a club meeting in this place, will both be found in this issno of the Repi'SMca". It is with special prulo that we lay thcto two. documents beloro our read era. First, because Clearfield is a mere backwoods town, in the wildcat region, as our section of the State is generally termed, yet, when tho eoplo of the (limited Suit s undortake to run a t en itonnial exhibition or a Presidential campaign, fboy generally send for a iCleorfloltl man to see them through, oexiBdlyBnd for the purpose of util ising .our .two neighbors in the ap proaching; tl'roatdcntilt canvass, tho speech of those two representative Democrat are being.elrcu!aUdby the thousand thro.'igb the newspapers, and we understand t'lat the Ueiaocraftf National Committed bat ordered one hundred thousand copies of each of these speeches to be printed in pam phlet form for general circulation. We again say we art brood of our neigh bors. , . fey TKini t'cdm, 'the great South Amor lean tirm-ller," did Kclglum before bi.mkP.Kt i,0 other moroing. Can Senator Cameron inform tho liuiUcnl Senate why tho Mollio JUa- guni's voted the I Judical ticket in Pennsylvania? II Senator Jlorton want a wurof races to elect llnyes in tho State of Louisiana and .Mississippi, why don't he go and fight f The Hadieal party by it policy for tho past fifteen years baa torced on tho people this issue: Empty bellies vs. "JSIoody shirt." Six hundred men wore discharged from tbo Baldwin Locomotive Works in Philadelphia last week. Cause no body wants any locomotive. A Cnnfcdcmto Hrigadier, or a night mare, straddles Colonel Forney every night this warm wealhor. Tho way of the transgressor is bard. Congress adjourned on tbo 16th, and ou the 17th, Cameron, Grant & Co. issued their ukase to tho army for bav- onot elections in tho South. Hen Itutler wants a spoon in his lie form business, and naturally enough bis bestial instincts leads him to support Uuyes, Wheeler and (i mutism. Although Kansas gave Grant a ma jority of over 34,0(10 in 1872, it is now put down as doubtful, bocausoofthe corruption which ba recently boon unearthed in that Statu. Iowa will hereafter be known as tho State of Belknap, and the Capital will be called Kassnn, in honor of the two eclcbroties who have led Wash ington society for tho post four years. Clupp, who was legislated out of his position as pnbliu printer on account of "irregularities" has been reappoint ed to tho position by tho Presidont and confirmed by tho Senate. "Let no guilty man escape!" On. Tho Hadieal nominee for Gov ernor of Missouri, like bis "batty, Orth, of Indiana, ha thrown tip tho sponge. Thoy know it's no use to run against tno union tickot, winch is spreading over the I'nion. It Won't Work. Tbe empty atom aeh won't put on a bloody shirt. They w.tnt wage to buy broad, and the negroes must work, white men not to be taxed to support them in Idleness to vote tbo Hadieal ticket. Now that ovcrybody has been nom inated for Congress, tho Cincinnati En quirer indulges in most sanguiuo ex pectations tliut tho Democrat will carry Ohio both in October and No vember. How is that for tho home of Hayes ? Thoso voters who are opposed to tho running of saw-mills, tho heat of the furnaces, foundries and rolling-mills, and the noise of cotton and woolen manufactories, and cheap lubor, will ot courso vote for Grant, Cameron, Hayes A Co. ' Had tho iiadicals been in the major ity in tho Houso the past session, it would have cost the peoplo just THIR TY MILLIONS more for govern mental expenses during , 1871!, but through tho vigilunco ot our party that much has been saved. "Languishing trade," is what tor ments Forney now, should Mr. Tilden bo elected. Well, we sympathise with tho editor of the Press, bocauso it has been so lively for tho past three year under tho post-traders and tho crook ed whisky regulators. Tho Detroit Fretr I'ress says: "Evory 'rebel' in Congress ha voted to save money to tho tax payors at large. When they voto 'aye' to cut down a Hadieal ring swindle on tho people, then you hear from tho organs about that 'old rebel ycblo.' " Col. Forney, of tho Philadelphia PreM, Grant's particular organ, oy: "Let the RepMieant remember thai Pres ident Grant it the firm friend of Governor llayet at his suceator," After this ac knowledgment no one will doubt the indorsement of one by tho other. General Sherman ho ordered tbe transfer of the Headquarter of tbo Military Department of the South from Louisville, Ky., to Atlanta, Ga. Thi is regarded by some persons as a movo mont toward more effective federal supervision ot southern election. Til si a Alarm. The strait to which Radicalism is driven is demonstrated in the Vormont campaign. That State never cast her vole for a Democratic nominee, yet, tho Grant Unyes party is sending all it leading stumper into tho Stato to save It for Hayc, Cam eron 4 Co. It is tho opinion ol the Chambers burg Spirit, that "there, can no longor be a doubt that Grant himself is the nead Centre' of tho Whisky Ring and has received a largo share of Its dis honest profits," and that "he ought to be impeached and hurled Irom the high office he disgraoo." A Goon Idea. The Baltimore Oa- zette proposes that Presidont Grant issuo a proclamation declaring Sitting Bull and his followers sot of "banditti," j and thon send General Sheridan to takochargo ot them. This i what Sheridan once proposed should be done with the people Of Louisiana. Till Slave's Lament. The editor ial in the Philadelphia Prest, for tho last month, read a though "Crazy Homo," or omo other demonted cat- throat wa the author. Simon Cam eron'a slave has a hard lime of it. Ha is a very cosily and discontented chattel. Tartiaixt Defeated. The school scheme of Grant and tho Radical lead er having been frustrated by a Demo cratic Congress, and a bloody revolu tion averted, thoso political despera doc now turn around and call upon tbo army to assist thorn in hastening tbo conflict. The Democratic Congress would have saved the lax payers forty millions of dollar during the next year, but the Radical Senate was determined to pass larger appropriation bill tbarl tst, but afW a legUlatlvs fight cf over two month durstwn, the Democrat suc ceeded in rsduoirig (ba appropriation bills J" a K save thirty m:lfiM of dol lars, notwithstanding tbe opposition of' tbe President and the Rti!" ??naU. .VOSfl Y OX JIORNKBACK. Tho llarrisburg Patriot in alluding lu this G i ant-Hayes confederate says: Mosby, tbe bush whacker, whoso chief. occupation in tho war consisted in at tacking commiaaary train and murder ing teams tor, ba published a letter in which he declare for Hayes and W heeler. At tho White House lluaby baa lung boon a privileged guest, and bo had an important share in the re moval of Postmaster Gonoral Jowcll because tho latter refused to appoint one of hi marauders to a route agency in Virginia. In tin letter Mosby shows that be ha not forgotton his old guorrilla tactic. Ho protends that it is in answer to a letter from ono of bis former bushwhacking comrades, who urge bitn to support Tilden on the ground that Tilden, if elected, will be uiidor the complete control of the aouth. Replying to this man of straw Mushy admit this, and say that a be has bocotna a most loyal Vnion man this is tho strong ground of bis opposition to the Democratic candidate. In breathing the air of, tbo White House and communing with it occu pant ho ha become too loyal to sup port such "copperheads" and enemies ot the country a Tildon and Hendricks. During the war ono of tho fuvorito dovices of Mosby wa to disguise him self ond hi marauders In tho uniforms which thoy had stripped from the dead bodio of Union soldiers. In this disguiso they were able to approach commissary trains and shoot down the tcamitors botoro their real character was discovered. Mosby i bnt repeat ing one of his old tricks when ho puts on tho uniform and prenche patriot ism in a suporatively high strain to an imaginary comrade. It is amusing to hear the old guerrilla rjnoto from tho eloquont expostulation of Burko in defense ol hi position. But the dis guise I too thin. There ia no mistak ing tho well known person of the bush whackor in this federal uniform. THE GRASSHOPPER PLAGUE. A DoB-Moincs, (Iowa) correspond ent ot the St. Louis, Globe in alluding to the re-appcarance of the hopper plaguosaya: The plague of grasshopper i upon Iowa again, and devastation is stalk ing ovor tho northwestern part of tho State. Clay, Osceola, O'Brien, and Lyor. counties are being overrun by them, and reports from tbero say thoy stretch away to tho British possessions, and extend ono thousand mile cst and west. The ground is covored by them. Ia twelve hour after thoy roach a field of grain every vestige of vegetation will be gone, and the earth as karo as a stubble field. They con fine their present ravages to grain; but their eggs, which am being de posited by the million, give promise that tbo prairio grass will be devoured next year. When il is considered that 340 of theso eggs have been found in a square inch of soil, and 1,340 In a space six inches square, the prospect is rather discouraging In that soction for farmers, many of whom are now rais ing their first crop, and noeding every possible resource to improve their new farms and furnish food for thoir families. The raid appears to ba more extensive than a few years ago, when tho Slate, to relieve the Baffurcrs, appropriated 1100,000. While in all other part ot ibe State this year insect nearly de destroyed tho wheat and barley, and tbo corn was but an average, in theso uorlhweetern oountio there was a prospect of an unprooodented crop of all cereals, and especially corn, but it is dubious now, while that of the timo to come, wbon tho eggs already de posited shall booomo developed, is worse yet. That Infamous Oanta. Grant's re cent military order is so shamefully wickod and in it design, that tho most Ignorant can interpret its moaning. II we say that it wa done for the purpose carrying the election in tho Southorn Stales instead of quiet- ing and chastising tho murderous r. dian bands in thoNorlkwosL the major IheNortuwust, the major portion of tbe Radical leaders will deny the tact. However, tho very best way to convince a fool, or to convict a rogue, is to do it by hi own witnesses and the members of hi family. Wo there fore call to tbe witness stand tbe editor of tho Washington Rejmbliean, Grant' Cabinet organ. This is what ho say about that infamous order: SocroUry ComoroD'l letUr of (litraat oo to Oner I Hhormoo, rrgsrdiig tho proteetlos ol tho rifbto of ettltoai. it worth s bsodrod thooMsd toU to tho Hopahlioo port, That paragraph extracts all tbo milk out of that political cocoa nut. If a Democratic editor had interpreted that order in this manner, It would have boon pronounced a falsehood. But, as this declaration comes from the inner sanctuary, we aro bound to accept It as the true Interpretation of the design of Grant, Cameron, lluyes & Co., snd instoad of passing a bill through Con gress to raise 2,000 more troois to quell tho Indians, they are to bo used to carry election. How far I a revolu tion offf Not far twelve month if lh Radical programme I forejd through. Then where will the bond holder and twelve per center appear? "If all Iho aonosi who Ion thti slooo os Wo Hooter oroslo ll for Phllodolphio, omo.lblr to sill os do. Wbllo'i lUf, roollr wnt ioto ooii.o torrioo, too uonorol su sioro old! tboa SBToaoor la loo StoU. Porhopo sou ol tboa only "ploood" ooldlor I order to sol IrMtoorto- Uoo to Iho olio std hook. Bot .hr won sol SM poroooj shoots who wero saohM to poj thotr hro sad rations from aotlro doty Ihooo whoooost uiir woonb wosfoadi r We olip th above from the Meuenger ol laat wee-. : J be point Is well taken and (ion. White I very censurable for using lb transportation lurnnbed by the States exclusively for tbe transpor tation and carriage of troop to and from their encampment, to carry hi inena and luvontos wbo anr civilian. Iho dodge ol getting an appointment on the "staff" is exceedingly thin, and most of Uie civilian! who were carried tree to th encampment never bad the remotest connection with the National Guard. The whole thing wa a trans parent fraud. Indiana democrat. That look a good deal like another IIAint fraud upon the State Treasury. Well, Harry ha boon there before. WnEELEa7-If William A. Wb'ccler wants to reform the civil service and I opposed to a oonlinuanos of the cor rupt Grant regime why did he r.ot rise in his place In Congress and say so T He has been there for eight months, and voted against svery reform that 7 introduced, Il th peopl want reform In jjomiDtal affairs they bad betur votoiVioisibou,rr1forl tri v. . ... nc x rwstoent I ban WhasW m. fsrd is very bad-Just Ilk Camar on', with RelJtnap tandoncy. "A FIN AX CI A I. COM PA NINOX." Such is the caption l an article wo find in lust week's Journal, Tho editor in question, like his brethren, condenses tbe truth roost awfully when bo dilutes on public oxpentu. Like Iho rest of his school, hu show tio progress) except in ago and tho discount of the truth gen erally on litis point. In In ''compar ison," ho sets down thu expenses ot our county for 18C9, as f :ij,(l!l7.0.1, and for 1875, at 1107,078.53. In fuct, this is tho boldest deception wo ever wit nessed outside of tho columns of Rus sell Errott's paper, tho Pittsburg Com mercial. If tho editor -til' tho Journal will just ruito the "gross expenditures" for 18C8 about 110,000, wa will irive bint some fact on the points ut issuo. If tho figure "3" Instead of a "4" slip ped into tho stick by accident, wo will pass it as a joko, but if il got there by design, il is a crime. Twenty two per rent, discount on the truth is too much. As falsehoods and strategy are the muiu arguments employed by Radical editor and .tlumpers thoso "inorul idea" limes, wo must be careful, and see that they start out right, knowing full well that by false theories and tho discount of stubborn lads they have suit-coded in misleading men who de spise fraud ttnd deception in every lorm. Now, if he will apologise for his blunder we will furnish him with a trao statement of tho expenses of the county, although we are just now look ing after larger game. We aro alter tho fellows in tho Stato and tho Nation who got off with their hundreds of thousands, and millions of dollars, and after we have succeeded in driving tho buxxards out of our State and Na tional Treasuries, wo will half Iho edi tor in question to bag tbe torn-tils, il be can point out tho fact that anything of the kind has been jurying upon our county Treasury. AVe ndmiro the en torpriso of tho oditov of tho Journal in culling tbo attention of bis renders Ut home affairs where, it lew dollars may have been misspent, while his conled ornte at Washington anil llarrisburg are cribbing their millions. Tin Seven Million Settled. Tho celebrated national swindlers, Jny Cook & Co., haro just emerged from tho Court of Bankruptcy, and are again ready for another job. The sevom million of dollars out of which thoy bavo defrauded their customers, and havo settled in a legal way, just cost tho swindlers Jicc cintt on tho dollar. In two day after tho firm emerged from tho court, Jay commenced re painting and fixing up his two million dollar houso' In West Philadelphia u'1,c,f, 1,8 " "1,ow ofC grandly as ho did before tbo smash-up. Jcs, he is a "Christum Banker." Read I Rk.aiII Let everybody who desire to learn tho true issues involv ed in this campaign, read tho speeches of ex-Governor Bigler and Senator Wallace, found on our first anil fourth pagoM. Their argument are conclu sive proofs of the total nnfltness of our rulers to govern a freo State, nnd point out the necessity for a change in rulers and in tbo policy of the Government, and only through the ogency ol Gov ernor Tildon and Hendricks, can tko existing moral, social and political evils bo cured, and we a a nation placed on the highway of unbounded prosperity. On His Leo. That celebrated na tional invalid, James (i. Blaine, of Maine, who went to bed after the Cin cinnati Convention, to avoid Proctor Knott' Committee, has regained his feet since Congress has adjourned, and Knott and tho rest of his committee bavo returned to their homes. It was it pretty good dodgo lor Blaine to re main In bed while Congress wa in ses sion, so as to slavo off an investigation of his crooked way until alter the election. His sudden recovery i wholly duo to tho fuel that Congress bos ad journed. The Difference. On the 3d of March, 1875, a Radical Congress pass- " an exlra revenue bill, imposing ory ..... r"""I,moro on lnc Pcorlc De" causo of tho robberies perpetrated on the Ticusury by their friend. A Dem ocratic Congress ha rcvci'scd the ma chino, and instead of imx)siug more taxes, they havo reduced them thirty millions ! The Radicals 1 M POSED for ty miltiont, and the Democrat TAKE OFF fni'rfy million. Tax payer, which plan do you like tho best. Put your answer in the ballot box next Novem ber. i An lloNtsr Admission. Tho editor of the Washington Republican, (trant's Kitchen Cabinet organ, admits that it was issued for th purpose of adding me hundred thousand votee to thoir par ty by a vigorona application of tho bayonet Talk about despotism and political crimo in Austria and Spain I Why, the Greeks are at our own door. Tbe crime for issuing that order is forty million times greater than for a high wayman lo thrust a dagger through the heart of his fellow for the purwse of securing the contents of his purse. Borne of the Kadiesl papers cbticklo ovor Gen. Banks, because ho announces himself in favor of Hayes, Wheeler and Grantism. Hank ha alway been a Republican ; but in 1872 he supported Greeley and was elected lo Congress by Liberal Republicans and Democrats' for an election to Congress, Ben Butler would have done as much. Banks wanted to bo mado Speaker, at the opening of tho Hession, but the Democrats refused, and Bank got mad, and since ha acted and voted with Radicals. Blair's Proi-bect. Frank Blair mado the declaration in 1H0S, that if! tho American peoplo elected Grant to tho Presidency, thoy won Id never got rid of him except through a revolu tion, or words to that effect. Whether be moant a revolution at the ballot box or by bayonots wo know not; but this fact w do know: II the lormer does not sot in noxt November, the olber must follow for the purpose of preserving our liberties. Folmt. The Now York 7Vionn still insist that Hayes must repudiate (J rant Ho will no mors do that, thon ha will hang himself. Grant and Camoron nominated Hsyes, and he ia just a likely to murder his God father a to turn on those wbo nominated bim. Hayea is the mere tool 0f those who have plundered and robbed us for eight Mat anil r oolll .a - . . JMrm uvcjiv a too for bread, tZ" b kD0W, wartly which side I. hnttered. ' DKMOCRA TIC CI. M M EKTISG. In accordance with the adjournment, the Deniocrula of till borough and Lawrence township convened in the Court room, on Friday evening, Aug. lXth, for thu parpnso tr organixiiig a Central Tilden and Hendricks Club. The mooting wus called to order by Iho President, Mr. John F. Weaver, who staled ihul llio first business bo- fore tbo meeting wus to hear from the Cominitleo, appointed at tho former mooting, to select permanent officers of! the Club I , ' ,, , ,, , , J Dr. J. P. BurcbfUld, l.liuii maii of tho Commitlev on permanent nlllcer, thou reported thu names of tho follow-' ing gentlemen as ollleors : PresilentG. 1, Reed. ... . . , , ., ice Prosideiils-II. W. Purk, (.eo. II. Hall, C. Howe, M. V. Wallace, Abeam tlgden, Secretaries S. F. M"Keiirick,('has. liarrell. Cor. Secretary Win. M. Shaw. Treasurer James L. Loavy. Ex. Committee 1.. J. Morgan, J. L, Mul'horsou, Jo.iiuli It- Rend, John A. MeHrido, H. I. Snyder, A. Humphrey, George W. Snyder, ("apt. M. Ogdcn, Thnuiu Iteilly, A. tl. Kramer. ' Israel Test, Ki., moved that the re port of thoCnminiilco be adopted, see. onded by Mr. Bloom. Dr. Burchfield staled that the Com mittee bad di-unled nil "rings" mid "clique" in selecting tho olllccrsof Iho Club, and thcivfnro presented the names of golltlvUloa utiPxcrlHiunaMu to all fair-minded men. The motion of Mr. Test wus unani mously adopted. Mr. Tost then reported the following Constitution and By-Laws for tho gov ernment of the Club, which wus unan imously adopted : CONsTITt'TloN. Regular meetings of tho Club shall be held on of each week, nt such hour as m:iy bo named by the rivsKicnt or Kxet-nttvo Committee. Tho President shall nrosido nt lis meetings. In his absence one of the 011 Ibe tlth of July in reply to hi con Vice Presidents shall preside. Igratulutions. It wa signed by Alfred Tho Secretaries shall keep a record ' B. Lee. Private Secretary. The affair of the proceedings of tbo Club, and a created disgust and chagrin among Roll, alpbal-etically arranged, in which 1 Republicans in Montgomery county, shull bo tecoi-dcd tho name ot all the The remarks of General Brown were members, with post-office addross, anil mndo in the presence of about thirty shall communicatee the State Central 'persons. He bad, however, told the Committeo at llarrisburg, or to tho incident to prominent citizen several Stnto Control Tilden Reform Club, when organised ; and to tho National Committee, Box 3037, Now York City, tho name and pint-office address of the President and officers of tho Club, and irom time to time tho number of mem bers enrolled, and report of tho con dition of, and the work boingdono by, tho Club. Tho Treasurer shall receive, supply and disburse, on the order of tho Ex ecutive Cnmmittoo such moneys as shall bo contributed to pay the ex penses of the Club. The Executive Committee, which shall consist of the Presidont and ten members, shall provido a room for the meetings of tho Club, nnd procure suit able sneakern In address its miuilimro- procure and direct tho distribution of ! reading matter and documents among its mombors and voters ol the District who may bo favorably influenced there by ami pciionn such duties in con nection with the objects and purposes ot I lie ( luo as siiall appear proper an I necessary to prnaiote its usefulness. A Committee ol one or more in each School or Sub-District, to lie known as the Canvassing Committee, may be appointed by tho KxocutivoCommitU'o, who shall procood at once 1st To obtain the signatures to tho Articles ol Membership of tho Club ot nil Voters who approve of the same. 2d. To mnko a thorough canvass of tho Voters in the School or Sub-District, classifying thorn as Democrats, Liberal and Reform Republicans, Re publican and Doubtful, reporting tho same to the Executive Committeo. 3d. They shall, weekly, revise such list and report any changes to tho Can vassing Committee, 4th. Thoy shall report tho names and post-ofllco address of other in their district to whom documents may be advantageously mailed. JMOTE. A Sub-Jnstrict should con- tain about til IV Voters of all parlies. In I .11 .k...- a l.. iM..k 1 : i,' ... . .n " "' m i-iuu wmiirinus gin one Polling District, tho Executive I !'... I, ..... ... :i .:i.i. i . .i ' vuiuihuiw, iiini, ii iiiiietieuuie, lie tile I,,( ............s .v. v- ,.."" ilOOKB.l bt-laws. The object of this Club is to nromoto mo success oi lteiorm in the f ederal ; and Bute Governuieuts, and, by sound outiesmonsnip, rjcwty and Kconomy, ' rvuiico me xuxos anu ugnton the bur , i. ..... ni .kA i.. i P. .i mount and practical issuo we cordially invito tho co-oporatlon of overy Demo crat, Itaform Republican, and all of our follow citixon of whatovor party or ganixalion, who aro earnest and will ing, in this crisis of our country' af fairs, to join with us in the work of Regeneration and Uofonn. To promoto thoso objects, provision shall be mado by this Club lbr the dis semination ot information and docu ments among its members and among citixons, touching the great questions at issue, in which all are alike interest ed. Tho officers of this Club shall con iviid v. auv rviiiiu. L'liiiu inia Iiani- sist oi a f resident, live Vice Prosidcnt. two Secretaries, a Corresponding 8oo- mtlirt- O Tl,nan... to n.t h L rotary, a Treasurer and an Kxecutivo. Committee, to be composed of the i President and ten members. I Tbo untlorsiVnod,' believinir in the nocossity of a clianiro in the Adminis tration of tbe Federal Government, and of tbo Reform to which the Dem ocratic party is pledged by iU platform, adopted at St. lioui on- the 2rtth of June, 18ili, and that tbe welfare of the country and people would be advanced by tbe election of Tilden and Hen dricks, hereby onroll ourselves ss members of the Tildon Reform Club of llio Uuarhcld borough snd Lawrence township Flection Districts, at Clear Held, county of Clearfield, State of Pennsylvania. After the Club wa fully organised, Clmirmsn Tost wa called out, and in hi usual weighty manner proceeded lo addross tho Club. During his re mark he hurlod numerous red bot shot I into the enemys camp, plainly indi cating that they all took effect. At Iho conclusion of his speech, an oppor tunity was given lo all to come lor- ward nnd sign tho Constitution, and up in i iiosnny noon over ono hundred namos hare boon enrolled. President Grant should vindicate Orth by Bonding him back to Austria. It is to sad that ho should have irlvon up hi bird in the hand for two in the bush, and hnye boon scratched to death by tbe thorn. The loss ol abou t $20, 000 a year those timo is no joke, and then bo compelled to livo in an Indiana swamp instead of Vienna. Wo furnished tho atone palace dathcr with over a column ol editorial this week. Thi was fortunate lor bim, a no correspondent wore on band. Let theoorrespondenls and ooodlandrr ton. and there will be nothing in the fiitwi. ne ai alwava loan- il.n u .11.. WhB wi" PW '"totba TttW f '.'.'" H7tr ,I,V ARMY CHAPLAIN KNOWS A IIOUT HAYES. The Topcku, Knusns, correspondent of tbe New York JleraU, of the lUth, relules tbe following, uud if only halt true, should settle tho case of General Hayes with tho soldier element. Tbo correspondent doe not merely give bis dixit, but ho gives the numus of gentlemen of us high repute as tho would be President. Read what ho says: "At the organisation ol a Tildon and Hendricks club at I ndopondonco, In this State, on last Saturday, General y. R. Hrown, who was Colonel of tho Thirteenth Wost Virginia volunteers during tho war, was culled on to state wbut ho know of the facts rotated by 11,0 ,uv' ,W'ff: P0' in, ?, ont. tor, in which bo charged Ituneral It. lUytm H,im,.iriUng 1400 which bclongoU to u soldier' mother, (ten. ! 'I"'"',' ;""boroU)d the statement of, I I In jiliiililntit fllliV Itllll smut lilt U'liai , the ohupleiii fully, uud suid he was present when tho chaplain wus culled to muster and to tho soldier before tho execution: wa Hour by when tho un fiii'tumttu man gave bis effect to the chaplain; wu present when llio ser geant of General Hayes ordered the chaplain to report to him witlt tho effects of thu soldier, uud stutoil that on thu l iianluin's return ho suid Gen lluyes claimed the 1400 belonged to the govui iiiiiuiit and should bo usod to secure another soldier, and look the money titmi him. General Brown stiitcj that tho Major, Albert Mc. Cumuii, of Poineroy, Ohio, was also Ininillur witu lueluc.tit.suiu tliochiiDliun wits indignant at General Hayes, be can he be thought ho hud no right to demand ol loin llio money, us t he sol dier hail requested it to be returned to I uls milliter il slio ooulil be found, and says ho Ibmk that General Hayes mudu u luisUiku in luking tho money, us thu Government hud no right to it; but thinks hu will bo able to givo an account of it; docs not believe that General lluyes would appropriate it to his own use. General Brown is a man of eminent responsibility In hi community ,nnd his statements aro credited by every ono. To show the big estimate in which he is held by Hayes himself it need only bo stated he received u letter from bun weeks ago before it publication in Ohio. , iNroniuTioN Wantld. If it is penitentiary vffenso for un agent to rob bis employer of five dollura worth of merchandise, what should be tho penalty imposed on thu man, or agent who design to rob forty millions of pea. pie of their inalienable riyhts, life, liberty and Iho pursuit of happiness? Wa imagine we bear every man who is not a rogue, say, "Hang them like dogs." Tho Now York Sun say : Republi can newspaper may assail tho Demo cratic lln so as much as they choose, but Ihry cannot get over the fact that, though oposol at every step by the Republicans, nnd hindered by tho ex travagant Republican Senate, thoy havo yet saved about thirty million in tho appropriations. This is some thing on which they can proudly go before tho country, How Glaring. It is a visions to day as tho sun ut meridian, that il tho voter of this country cast a majority of their ballots lor Hayes, Cameron & Co., that tho saino cadet-sellers, post- traders, crooked whisky dealers, In dian warriors and revenue robbers, will be retained in power and allowed to defraud both tho Treasury and the tax payer, The editor of the Huntingdon Jour mil ha been assigned a "position" by the Altoona Radical It say that iu Radical brother of Huntingdon ia tiimnle on the nnalnrinr nt thai Ttnniih. " I' :., ,..,. iti. i i- I o . i . . Tho Radicul Senalonal contost ovor ,...,. hi mu iiiniaiiu-rfeiiurvuii uistneiia lovo- ly, and tbo gooso still hangs higher. The two IVictors still keen on diss- gracing, CAMERON'S LETTER, EtVIVI.Ml BITTISHESS THE DESPERATE RESORT Of IlESI'taATE PEOPLE, rroa tko Now York Harold, Iod. The order from Hocrotary Cameron to General Shorman, which we also print, shows that the administration has a very definite use to muka ol these troops all the timo, and we at onco see why Crook and Terry have been delib erately lelt without adequnte support. It is expected that the five regiments will carry four of the Southorn Slates by whipping the negroes into line wbo nave vituer uwomo listless in pontics or wandered off to tho Democracy, and by terrifying tbe "fiendish" whito-linors into sntijoction. By keepniff the out- into sntiio rage mill slowly grinding, and sending Jiilwin. nC na .... I .... I. I U .1 .1.1.1 platoons of cavalry I U is evidently hoed lerncsa which has bi iiuiiur unu lllliuur, I to rovive the bit- een rapidly dlsap. poaring between tho races in most parts of tho South. Wo wish to see all citixons protected In their right, hut this turning of tbo army ot tho l;nited States into bands of drummers lor the negro voto Is pushing partisan ship so far that it would bo grotesque if it wore not infamous. This i doubt less the work lo which Gen. Sherman referred whon ho said- the "highest anthority"mnst answer why the troops could not bo spared to fight the Sioux. Tho desperation of a move whicb dares to saddle the country with the expenso ui rtm Bimiioni wniie Keeping nearly lourinoiisanii idle lor political purpose I apparent, and adds another aligma to the rule of tho party in whose name ami lor whoso name and for whose aid it is nnbltisbingly done. Fwa I ha Naw York Trlosao, Hop. Secretary Cameron's letter to Gen. Sherman la undeniably smart, and tho country will chuckle ovor the neat way In which the resolutions of the Demo crats House about tho right of free suffrage at the South aro turned Into a boomeranff. And vot Mr. HerroLnrv tho judicious will grievol The effect of mo icucr win oo lo revive at tho South tho dread of Federal lutortoronco with their olections, to encourage among the nogroc the bope of having the. troops officiously on their slds, and, In gen eral, to fomont mischief rather than to avert it It is a clever piece of work too clever by half. roa lb Roe York Pool, Rap. The Indecency of the President of in umiea otato using bis omos and bi authority for the promotion of purely partisan ends Is loo manifest to need pointing out, and whether or not th President ban willinvlw hs Is worthy of blara Tor aeamiog to doit. UiiorrUr Is unwise Irom th point of view of either ptr(. otism or statesmanship, and thers should bs no other point of view poai kl to a President of the United 8tato THE CLOSE OF THE SESSION. Such is the caption of an article we find in the New York Heraltl, the lead - ing and must sipu!ar independent lourn.l In thi tounlrv. Tho editor. heretofore, seldom gave the Dcmoc-rut orodit for doing anything good ; bul In his Issue of tho 10tk , in reviewing tho proceedings of Cungress'he partly atone for the repeated sssuults ho has made on our parly friends in tbe fol lowing editorial of that date. Italic are ours of course. Tl,..! ' "" "Cunirrens adjourned yesterday after one of the longest session in the his tory of the government. "Tho legislative restills of this lung session uru not sHieially brilliant ; but tbo same thing may ba said with truth of ovory session of Congress within the lost forty year which Immediately preceded a Presidential election. It K ,(,h OW)ion '(,,, , mn ew,. r. ... tioneerinir canvas. It has happened in thi session that one of the great rivul parties ba controlled the Senato and the other party the Houso, and Just constrains us to say that tho Dem ocratic House, in spile of it shortcom ings, ha made a hotter record than tbo Republican Senato. "The Democratic party bo labored under a disadvantage not shared by Its opponents, in consequence of its long exclusion from power. For the last sixteen years the Democrat have been deprived ot opportunities to bring for ward their budding or rising state nien and give thorn the training and experience indispensable for conspicu ous usefulness in public life. Tbo large Deaioc-ratiu majority in the present Hon o consisted, in th main, ot raw members, to whom Congress wa a new theatre of action.- In tbo compo sition of tbe committee most of tbo member had to be assigned In nnse customed duties an element of weak ness for which due allowance has not been made. And yet, in summing up the work of the session, this raw House of legislative neophyte appear to ad vantage in comparison with the Senate, whore tbe Republicans have not only had a majority, but a maturity of trained members. Tho work ol tho raw and inexperienced Democratic ma jority in the House may safely chal-1 longe comparison with that ol tno lie-1 nub icon msioritv in the Senate, con-1 statins- of old staircr who have had overy opportunity to acquire logisla - ttvo skill and are precluded irom plead ing tbe baby act in extenuation of their shortcomings. Tbe Republican ma jority in the Senate hat done nothing to establish a claim to publio confidence, wnerea tbe raw and untrained uemo-1 cratio majority of the House, in spite of the blander of inexporienco, hat done much wbicb a sound publio senti ment will approve. "Tbo House hat reduced the nublio expenses thirty millions below the ex penses of last year, and would have made much larger reductions if it bad not been thwarted by tbe Senate. Even if some of tho proposed curtail ments for the relief of the taxpayers wore crude and inconsiderate these errors of inexporienoe do not csncel tbe merit ot steady and persistent efforts in behalf of economy. Tbe Government ba grown into habits of extravaganco, ana publio sentiment will indorse tbe strenuous attempt of the House to re-establish simplicity and economy. We do not believe that any publio Interest will suffer by tbe measure of retrenchment which bsve been carried through Congress by the unyiolding attitude ot the llou so. Ifw uj unaii wikh mo auiiwriiy uaa uwu ouioa Saturday, HafileMlior IS, IS7S, at II oYlark apparent to reduce tbe expenso ol tbe Government and alleviato tbe burden of tho taxpayer. That any publio in terest will suffer by these strides toward economy wo do not believe. "Wbon wa turn from the House to tbe Senate we seek in vain lor any measure which deserves strong ap proval. What has the Sonalo done or proposed during this long session which j- ,. , ;. - 1.. , , , reflects credit on itself or its pol Heal party r it ia iui to mars: tuo snorv . to oir ooosraos oaioaa oioaptod to oa r bo coming of the House, whose majority I " M of Sraioabor tora. tsr. bas consistodof nowand inexperienced A , ,, lt SIiur,. members, when a Senato of trained; - mon has done as ftfWe. We are not in-1 sonaiblo to the blunder of the House, but wbon we compare its action with that of the Senate w ar unable to point to any measure ot the latter which presents a favorablo contrast The Senate has resisted tbe attempt of tno House to curtail tbe publio expen diture. The. Senate acquitted Belknap, whom the House impeached on con clusive evidonco of his guilt The Sen ate attempted to revive the franking -privilege, and failed by the non-concurrence of tba House. The Senate defeated the Houte bill far transferring Indian affaire to tho War Department a wis snd wholesome measure which the enliglit oned publio sentiment ol the country stronif ly indorsed. The Senate hat eon- firmed Clapp at public printer, In spit of ouaemonsirateaunniness. I lu senate hss passed no bill for giving effect to tho law requiring specie payments in 1879, although iu msioritv profess to land by that act, and although every- oooy acknowledges that new legisla tion i necessary for trlvinz it effect. Nobody can lay hi finger on any act of the present Senate which baa any tendency to alleviate publio burden or to introduce a hotter system in the Administration of tho Government It would be a violation of fairness to judge the House by a rulo which cannot be applied to the Senate. These two branoho of Con ureas aro co-ordinato. and it would be atwurod to hold ouo lo a res-poaibility which does not belong loinooinor. tuo inexperioifed House, in spit of its blunder and shortcom- ines, ba done something to nut public anaira on a Dcttor looliug ; th expert- eneed Senato bas done nothii "W do not icnoro the .mistakes of ineuonse. it acted unwisely in fur nishing Mr. Blaine tbe opportunity which ne wits so prompt to seise to ar raign tho Democratic party a tbe champion of Jefferson Davis. It made a signal oxhibition of Imbecility in iu attempt in ueol with tbe currency quostion. It has expended effort in nver.uKatiuiia wnore me game was not worth tbo powder. It made an abor tivo and useless attempt to reform the tariff. But in spite of these failure it t impossible to withhold from il the credit of persistent and successful effort to reduce extravagant expenditure and lighten the burden of Federal tax ation. The Senate has established no such claim to publio recognition and gratitude. We must judge tbe two ousos by their achievements, and il is too evident that the State has nnth- nif to rain bv a eomnariann avilh fit legislation of tho Houso. 1 1 ml ) House been as experienced in nnhlie affairs as the Senate il record durinir aim nrnaiun nogui nave neon better, but it ha no reason to shrink from a oomparisun. It is easy to say thai the Dmo cratio majority in the House baa been mpeusd by mere party moiivaa in its sucoesslul efforts to redue public ex pense. But party seal alway deaerras applause tcAea it takes n Kite a dirertieii. It ia the proper boeiness of political parties to aaoertain th nublio will and conform to it, and the Democratic ma- uniy tno House baa hit tba true ton of nublio feelina- In battle for economy. It may have erred in minor dotail. bat lu main PP0i'W right, and publio aenti mentwiUlDdorasit A taHna thirty mumms in ui pubUO UpebM of the year against tba oppositiea of th Sen Wlae th. Hon to publio grati- v.. n a uauian usny uat UM aoono mv baa nrooaadad Arm aw onnti.. k Prtjr action at always wkoleaom rruwu l WWOlTBi W Ut Pvfwiftr Will." Pensk.ninii the Old Troon. And now I he rumor como that the friends , pijont unt are advocating the . bestowing of a pension of ton thousand dedlur per annum on him for tbo bal- nce ol put natural me. inoy.iaie I ho has lost all bis wealth by sjwcula- tuma. lr Hit I true lie is in no worse situstion than ten of thousands ol in dividuals in this country who have lost their all by reason ot the depression in business. Moreover Grant is wholly answerable for hi own losses and r .- ' i. unco in tbo past on bis course anil that miiaiii' mr iniMU, wnn novo niuiruii run. oi ims party, wno pniiiiisvu wnmiiuni s-- -- -v - sir prosjJty ind brought instead rviJZ,, ,,nMhAHT"lL anu uifliroa to me country and mi an classes of its citizens by his insane policy of government. It Grant is to be pensioned who was made Lieut. General fur life with its immenso pay and perquisites, and subsequently Presi dent lor two tonus with a salary twice as large as that paid hi prede cessors, if such a siKinillbrilt is to be t .i -n ... l. - i.. fr....i IUIIIIIUI, Oil IIU .""""I KKiiniurily lor tho past two year should be pensionod also, as they are as much, nay more entitled to public consideration because thoy are tho vic tims of Grant, who instead of leading them, a promised, to the havon of prosperity ha by his policy wrecked them irretrievably on a bleak and burivn shore. Danrille lntelliyenctr. Tlia Vmmwrttt hoa doralopad powarfat liar ot Kaal Uradr, who fiirolaboa two oulooiBf of oaoiooigs lloa oliool Tihtoo (roa tool plooo. OOB. atrooto.1 wilbnul s grata of Iraib oroa aloa of pro-it .ir a aioglo oorroboraliog olroow.taaoo. Aa a wrltor of aolmo.l ttetioa tbo Eaat aoa to N pruSi-ioBt that ho oogbl lo ho broogbl la tho bouia wgtco at ooto. f ,'latoiy 'ar. No citizen of thi county ran be found wbo is willing to bear the odium of writing such a tissue of lies as that letter contained. If that correspondent bos not been schooled in tho Commercial olHco, he must be a graduate of the Devil' own kitchen. Tho political editor of the Commercial and that cor respondent are encroaching on each other's territory. Let ono bo sent south to manufacture bloody outrages for tbe campaign. If both remain in Pennsylvania thoy will "bust up" tbe Hayes grocery , sure. (Marion Demo crat. Ufw 5UwtiSfmrnts. 1 1J0T,C or "corporation l' - Kotlo) fj hereby frim .hat upltMtlna will lb load-, o WrtMijr. feptoabtw tlik. M7C, t. th furt or CotMoft Plow mt Clamrtsltl Co., for s. barter of lnoorortlia fur Betbaii tri- bj Churns, ft DaBi, CImH.M no-.tjr. Pa. A iff. I ft, 7 tl It BL1 HLUUJt, Vrtj. All peranBl atra hajnbjr eaatiaattl miaM parawaiaf ut m aojr wtf nrddliay; will tb lat in. na; firwpwrtr auw la iba- puiMtaioaof lit a 17 C. Bailtf, of Kaut lwnblp, tit : Oaa Mitral art aad eolt, anal I ttigb, aa taltl f.rfart- ba tonfff to ait, aaJ aot mj aoa, ha toMiag taaa. tabjaat ta mj trdtr at any lima. t?A K All JACK SOS. Aniourlllc, Aag. M, IS-7a Xt IXKCUTOIt'S NOTICE. J Hotie ia htreby giraa that Itttar tcaU tuaratary bar teg bate irmnlad ta tbt ahtribr aa tba a-Utt of rKAMJIM HHOKT, 4 4, lata of Claarftil4. Cltarfltltl eoaaty, Paaa'a-, all aroai ladtoattj o aaid tatata ara raajaottai ta taal a InniMttatt payaaent. mnA tboaa baring 4 m ia agaJDff taa ajua wtit prtatat taaw. daly atbtatlcatatl for atttlameet. P. A. IUUUN, FKANK t-'lKLDtNO. CltarRaM, Aag. I. '7$ t. Ksawaton. A VDITOK'S NOT1CK. J .'So D 1 It thi Cart f Oonm-w aw PU-tti uf VArtmi,l C.i .. Tea. 11. Ztiglar. ) at-!. ax. No. JIT JaaaT76 Tba anilaraicaaaj Anditor, atolatt-l b tbt Coan toa'ulrfbata thifoa4taritto fr.iTi rliitrif t a. a ot ki. offloa lo OUorSald, wkwa ou4 wharo parvia. latoronrd aaratirol If to.-? aoa SL WM. M. Hrt.'1'I.LOI UH. CkarS.IJ, Aof. 1.1, l.7-ll. Aodllor. D OMESTIC ATTACHMENT. Joataia Pottoroo -I'M at J No. Ooaaoa Ploaa of Clcar- Sald ooooit. Joa. Wilaoa ot ot J No. 47S, Uorok Tora, H;. Noftco If karati flroa Ikat tko Soot n-DOrt of looaoa 11. orror, llonrr ewaa ood u.uilal w. MaioraT, irwaiopa io ibo oooro oaiiliod ooao, Boa k ,w ,. mJ .Boi 4 ,k ,.. '., Mecordy, Traalaoa lo tbo oooro oatillod aoao, koa A I'M i MS l It A roil S MJTICK. I Holloa U koroba flroa thai Lallan of Ad- alBlatraltoi oa tko oatoto of ROBKRT rROTr, lata of Uailoa lowaaalo. Cloarsold oooolo. Pa, doooaiod, koria kooa doly (raalod lo loo aodoratirood, all porooaa UHabtod to aaid oatato will alooao aoko iaaodiato aoyawat, aad tkoao koriof ololou or doaoada Ofaiaat tbo aoao atll prooaol Ibaa proaorl aalboolloalod lor ootlla aoat wllboat doloy. Artooau obb bo lofl wllb Aloioador Pn4t, at tko Saaait TobboI (flobolo P. 0.), Claorlald aoasty, Po.or witk W. D.J. MARL1N, Ada'r, ol IS, IITI tl Brookriln, K. QAUTION.T" V" " Alt poroont Sro boroby oawttoaod aroioll purabootog or ia aay bumbo? aoddliaf wllb Ibo hllowlor proporty, Bow la tbo soaaooaloa of Praok Oroott, of Blooa two., oil t I gray bvraa S kor Bao. I boy koroo aad a areata, aot liakl karaoa. 4 iotoroot la ooia ia karo, i tauroil ia ao dooia of whool, 14 taa. of kay, Bora or loaa, 3 oowa, 1 kasiy. S lo oloda, ood ekoiaa. t two-korao waa- oai, 4 aoraa baokwbool, aoro or Ioh, t loloraot lo a Bona or oora ia xrnaad, aim or Mas. N a. R. lloa, I rlad Kooa, I plow, I roaata Bill. I troia oradlo. 1 iotoroot ta Ibroobiaa aoobito. aa aoid prooorty waa parobaaod by aa at Sbortf'a oio, oa too ma day or Aagat, IS,, ood koo boo loft witk kia aa loaa only, aoojoet to oar ordar atooynao. stubha, 1UL.X9 a BEKO, Cloartold, A of. IS, 1174 It. rpBUSTEK'3 SALE. By rlrtoa of a ardor of tba Orpkaas' Coart af Ctoorlold eoaolr. tbo aadorala-aod will ao al poaiio MM, aa ibo proa laa, oa Batarday, Baat. td, tmUt al I a'oloak . a., Ibo hllowlas dooaribod raal aatalo, MlaoU ia Boll lawaabla. CloorSold ao..i. ro-, oi, laau oorwB lora ooa wood load, aao ailo iroa laoaooaaobaaaa rtror, aoar Cboal Poaloloo, im. wo oaioio oi .loaapa uoruaoa, doo a. aoBod od by tbo Joko aod Jaaoa Thoaao iraol, aad ky aaaa ol . l. Kood, Hoaor Molt, aad laada of tso oatato af doka Patokia, aad ky laaia Utoly owood by Kliaba Mott, ooouloiag IM aoraa aad allowaaoa, aora ar woo, bolog a part af traal No. tilt, aad worroatod I tba aoao of N Malta A Oriatk. Aboalallty aoroior tbo load tooloorod sad aador a goad atou of caltiratioa, wllb a orobard, a Irano boaao, fraao bora, aad otbar laproroiaoata tbarooa. Tba aaiaproood part boa a largo oaoatny of piao, koanok aad ataor tiahor growiBg tkorooa. Tko proporiy b adroatagaoaalo rllaolo I, aad I o doatroelo BOighborkood. TaaaB.-Ooa-Ulrdoaakatoooaraatlo ofaabl, aad Ibo baloaoo lo two oqoal aaaaal payaoau wilb iauroat, lo ba aooatod By boad aad aongog. as too proalaoa. U. L. atoKBa, Ckaot, Aug. IS, Iirs-H Traaaoa. SEWING MACHINES. inn amiss PEWIIQ MtCRIMU tOU BALI Bt MILE! n. D Elsies, ci.iAartKLD, ra. (iMldosat I Wart Ctoartoat. All klBdj of lEWINrt MACHINES CL1ANBD aad aarAiKED. Alaa. daalao la all kloda af Lalu U..L'.. NaodHM, Oil, Raora, Took -a orb an. Out ara. atoaklao. OLD MACniKia r eRAtlftaba la pari lyaaaat for Mow Mooklaoo. WlllooUatlbaraBdoaMaf ponoao Mrlag a 1 akawt CbarwaM. ir aaatblaa to baa u-. L. 3 jaalraa. If par.oat.By taloraad. ar bkroagk laa raataXMa by loMor ar portal sard, Oaala awl by aall it orod la lag by loltor, b. Mra ood glroooaoaf ktaoaloa. Coal Boot aooaoraaay sU ardori by aait. MILS . Mill. Cl4alrw,AM.n,ll7-a. gfw gtUfrtlttmfnti. TTOOL CARDIXO. Sill otrilisg t LousaM o4to i Mi. Wo.) loft ol ColtMMB'o oioro, is Wosl Cloorittld, till . loom swor. or44 4 rotomoS l Dm lBM PKICK SKVEN t'EXTII PKK FOUND Ossll' WCI ol. uko ttuul Is potHIMI. iai tori t rod. II S. ( ko.-H Loorosoo towsohip, Aug. t, Uril..1to E 73TIUY. Cwo tmptMlug os tprouiiMj U rwta to towuah'p, ooesl tot Uttor port of J!r - F" ' ' -'"""" i i u eosu loro.ra, proro pnp,t, ,, isgrlwd sialoo. 1o oooor ta m. jJATRlMONY. olorr Cooghsuvr Is tho Owort .if foan,, Floor if OloariaM c Klljafc Coogoowar J No. Jooa Tom, :; As iIIm foawoDa is Ihia oaat boring boeo ra. tarowl, Oohmdoot ait fossd. Nutloo ia harrbr gtrra to Uolawdool ti oppaor ot tbo Bait (tort of t'woiwoB Plaoo, to ho haM a taa 4th Moo (tor ol Koptaaoor, ond ahowosoao, If aor ho boa, why tbo liootloot abuoid oirt ba Jlrorood W. H. M-rHKKIO.X, Aag. t. ISIS St o.f C .UTION. Alt ptraaa asT atraby autlma 1 ai tlnat unr. ttbalug uf ia aajr way ataMttlii; wrk th 1 1 , um. leg rwparrty aw la ibt aaaatafa of ilttargn w Luitai, sf tluahsM. lajwaalii, vtn Ua Wstajua, 1 titttitwr l-li, t korait, I ftt'im ' btwa' jttrt, J bog. I grata traUl, I a,twiag aoyibti S fdihaa, I ealttvatar, I pl"W, apra la an I abaita whaal, rym, oat, oora. ha, aal baakwUra', e barat. I bait, 14 abair. I anuk H i. a, I .arlir tUtwtf, I labia, I aloih, I t4. and I barrow, Bf aiJ rut?rty Wloaga la a, a 4 ia Un oiiti a.-, Lailrr laaa only, fiihjoet l any r lr i auv tltut. WM. tJUVHAM. ClaariaU. Aag. I, 1I7 C AUTION. All pcraeaa ara ktra.y fiatitistaj agataat aambaaiag or la aay w.v mi I ling with tbt fulluwlag prtipariy n la tW mmivm of A . I. HoMaa.wi Hloaaa larwaablp, tti 1 Oaa f!..w, tltifb, I eM two anrsawagwa, I gray bortw. t. bot at I tot tlnahto b ara taa, bH ot Mat laia'ttr, Tauaiag aaill, I aatttag awi, I tH ia Mi nai but, 1 griaal oat, I taaa of bay, rnara mt taaa, ( laur-ii ia 149 arat aata, aitr ar !, Il l H lit, ajwra or lata, i ia larval ia tbratbtag eia-hiaa, aa said aroporty wat parahaaa. by at at Hktni ' ala aa tb lltb 4a 7 of Anfaat, 1471, aa4 ia latt with kirn 9m loaa oalv, atbj-rt a oar urd -r at aay llm: UIUI.EH. VoL'N'i A KKKl. CltarfloU, Aag. U, IH; It. O COURT 8ALK - ESTATE OF 1. A.BLATTSXHEBiKR,DKt"D. Ia puritan aa of aa orjrf af tbo Orpkaai' Coart of Cloorflold ooaotr, Ibiro will ba . tp-aad ta aoblta aalo, at tbo Coart M laoo, to Claarttall, oa - natardav. Sactaajber t J, lata. At I o'oloak p. a., all tbat oortoia sorcol af groBBd kaawB oa lac "Rvororo" ur..arly , tba oatatoof J.A. Blotlooboraar.dMi'd, aitoalcoi, Uala atrool, Oaoaula, Pa , oijoioio lot Xo. ail, fronilnt aa Halo airoaii;3 111 foal, oil roooioj bark ll foot lo Meotfooaory alloy, baioc Sva lola, wttb a wall Saiabad Iwo-aaory fraaa boaao, ISa2l fool, with B fiod woll of wotor. Will bo aoldaoporataly or lufatbor, aa paiabioara Boy daalro. Toaaa oao-tbirdof laa aarokaar aoaoy aaih a poo aoalraolloa or aolo. aad too baton oa la loa aqoal BOBBal payaaato. to bo aaoafad by boal aad flaortgago oa tbo proalao. MRS. C ItLATTRNBKKtiKR. Adaloiatrolril. WALLACE t KKEUS. Aitoraoya. Cwariald, Aag. 16, 117 at. h"Nr Sulphur Soap b CVaaa, IWaVntac. Iwaistaw. iMjawc oraooj aai rorrfar, II laadaia Ifca owiaiol afelo MaiaarOalJ aafl a-a oaolUral. II aoroilo o baaaMiil Mtotooaaaalolbaabia,oo4laroaaaB alaatk "oa aono aoroo. oroMa. rbaAoa. loa, ll.rf at.a. rbaooad banaa. oaraa. olfa oawdntt. tsaMrfaaotbobaoOaaadBMa llrk e anatoO Hr. Hcblog OHoaao Uia laaa. Hcblnf .a too auor, Miaa, aoraa. Alaa rolamo Iha in M"! aod linioUao of Mtlaf aod oUo1im hianoa. Aa It la ooaarlally an. alia a Iha T.OLar, Jti-oaaar. ood Sara aaoa. yoo coo uaa a Aafpoor JUtk at plaaaaia. r.r bath. MB lalklroa. H la aoaooaliad. ladiaa oaa aa H ta tbalr ToSot wooM oaaor do oHbual . Iloaolrollaa tko ooar of BaaaalraU.01. aod. aa aa oatarool raaiaj.ooa ooaraalr aa oad aaaaa. roll oaracttuaa oooaaaooi aacb racaga. iar IT. ' PrtcaBew-aweako. 11 oaall liua. aall U cu. H.ia Tr. Van Djraxaroa Oflloos, la WI ftaaBst. nnodolptla. USE KO OTHER. QRPHAN8' COUHT SALE. By vlataa afaa aniar mt ika OrT,w.M' rMw -i CloarSold ooaaty.tko aaaoraioaodJdBiaiotraUfa af tko oatato of Woj. R. Wrigloy, aoo'a, will a4l al pablio aola, at tko Coart Uoaaa, la Claorleld, ro oa Bamrday, Mrtaniwar 14, lriTB, al J a'okwt p. a., tbo aadlrtdod oaa.kalf lolararl oi rata na. a. Wrigloy, I tko rotlowiag da orrlbod roal aauta, tilBoto la Piao lawatblp, b wit : Bagiaalag al a pilrb piao ooraor. Orion Ika aoatk-woat ooraor af warrant No. 4ti ; IkoaM aortb i dogroo. Mat aloeg (root lioo art aaaa warraala Moa. 4141 aad 4al, 174 paroaaa a port aad ataaaa I looaoa oaatk Sit aogroa oaat aloag troot Uaa kotwaoa ataai Moa. 4144 and 41aa, lxtporobo. IoMobmi tkaaaa ooolk ! aagrMl wat 174 poroboo la atoaaa, tboaoa aortb Sl da grooa wool I4i porokM aloag Iraol llao kotwaoa worraau Koo. 4Uo aad tlil lo pilok piao ood paoa mt bagteaiag, aaauiaiBg too aoraa ond al lowaaoa. kaiog woot aad of warraal No. 41)1. Tho load 1. wall Uaborad witk whiba piaa aad koalook liabor. Tko parekaoar af Mr. Wrlglay'l ialaroat io Ikio proaony, aoa, If doairablo, par ohaao tbo baloaoo of tba prooorty apoa ika bum loraa aadar wbiok tba iattroal of Mid Wrigloy K Ta.oa.-Oaa lb.rd of tbo ponboM aoaoy aaaa o doy of Mlo, oao-tkird aa tko trot day af Jaaa, IS7I, aad oao-tkird oa tko Srrt day af Jaaa, HII, Ika Iwa auar payarats wilb bam, la ba aooarod by good roal aata la aaoarity. t. K. RID LET, V. C. WRlllLkY, CloartolO, Aag. , let-!. Adaiaiatraura. SherilT's Sale. By rlrtu. af aaadry writs af fUri aotaa la. sard aal of Ika Ooarl af Ooaaaa Ploaa af Claar lold ooootr, aad ta aa dirootaat, I haro will bo otpoood to pabUo aola, at tbo Coart Hoaa. la laa aoroagb of Cloarlold, aa Solordoy, ta IStk day oi jiagoai, tora, at I a'oloak p. tbo fol- lag doaoribod roal oatato, to wit A aorlaia traal af load attaato la Brady Mas hip, Cloartald ooootr. Po. booodad aad da- p, Cloarl ibo aa woo aortl rooty drgi 4 ao followa: Baoioalaa ot a walaati laoaoo aortk as poroooo to o aoat . thuoa aib Mraoly drgrooa oaM 141 Torakaa lo a koorh at tko orook tkaooa aaalk twooly dogrooa oaat 111 aar- i-aoo la a ktokory i tboaoa wat I'll parrba la laa plaoaor bogiaaiBg, owataialag 11 ooroaaaraar laaa, boaaaad aa tbo aartb by laada of DoHalr A Pallor, oa tba aaat by Uarriaoa A Pollar, oo tbo aualb by Ja aa tbo wart by laad of Aodrow LUdlo, witk a two aury laa Kill hat, a largo baak bara, anrly ao., aad oibar oolbail.Hoia tkorooa araatoi, alaa, a good yoaag orobard. Pifta aoraa af laa laad ia ataarad aod aadar oalltrotvoa. sad tko raaidao of Uao traal w tiaaoraol aad oappooo to aa aadorlaid with Mat Soiiod, tahaa ia oiaoalloa aad ta bo sold u tbi proporiy af Libkla. L. Ogdoa. Taaa a ar Sai. Tbo prioa ar aoa al ahlak tko proaony oboll ba atraob of aaat aa paid al tbo liao af aala, ar owok aUor arraagaaaala Bad. as wlU bo approood. oUaarwlM Ik4 propoity oi bo laaodiatoly pol op pad aid Maia al Ika ai POBM aad riak af laa porooa la waoa II " nraok of, aad who, la aaaa of daacioaoy al soak ro-rala, akall auha good loo Mao, aad ta a. iaaUBaa will Ika Dood bo aaaaooud io Can hf ooalraaatioa aaloa taa aoaoy Is aMaally p.w 10 tba Sborif. W. a. at.PBKRHON. BaiBirr's Orracs, sbarif. Ckaorlold. Pa, Ao. i, III. ) S' CIIOOI. RBI'OUT Btalraoat of Moaaal mi Pluad.lJ lunaak bVbaal food, wllb laaa. Jubaaroa, Traoaorar, from Moivh tvtb, 1171 to Aogaal 14, 174: t . To bolaooo Iroa A. W. Loa Ml tl To baplioata for U7 . ,tot laaaouaalal liquor loa paid arar by To Btola aaraprlalhi'a..'.'.'.'.'"..'.' 4(7 M To aaoaal potd ky Jobs MoCaallaa a Palillealo for 1STA I ta ad To aaoaal af dopliaala far IS7S... 1,171 II To " lan mu S.IIIU ca. By aaaoaal of arson aald..... iH N By adrorlialag, Aaditara fooa, aad aak- iag dopltroto far MoCloHaa II By aaoaal af Troaaarwr'B par ooaloga oa j,4I.I4 ot I par aaa4 .......... . IM By allawaaoa af i par aaat. la laipatara aa I,4T.M, dapHoala af lift H By allowawoa af I par aaab to talpayon oa 1,11., dapbaaM af ISI.... l By allowaaoa af I par oaat lo taipayori oa IMIIM.dopltoolool 1177 ......... MM By haloaooaf dopfloato lbr 1171 is Jae. MoClollaa'B kaada lbr ooUaoUaa f4l M By I par aaat. Iar aalloatloi tlir.kl aa dapllaio af Ilia, altor 14 doyl....... ay balaBoa d oa owraw4Sa.a.i,w.,..,,HM... l,IH JW,II Of ta bImto bo HI ana tbora h raoaolalag aaoolloota aa doplloolo af II7.,,4I,' lift.. I, " Oafk I Traaoaror'aaaad...... i!J?VI w. a. aaaa., I. B. ALT EM, AadlM. Aag . ia, -ra-n.