Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 23, 1876, Image 1

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Pi larirciit t'lrculaUuu of aiiy Newapaper
. In North Central Penney It an la.
Terms of Subscription,
If paid ii ad ranee, or withla X moo the.... '.I OO
If paid after I and befora 6 nontb ,M. II 6(1
IT paid after the expiration of A wont be.,, 3 OO
Rates ot Advertising.
Natulan. advartlienenU.por aqaaraof lOllneeor
Iim, I time orleea. I AO
rnriaoh aubiequflBttnMrUQD.. 60
lmbiiftritun' apd Riecutori'nulloce,.,... 9 fiO
Auditor!' nutkei UH ..., S 60
Cautloni and Kilraya ,H ,.,.. 1 60
Dltiulution ttotitiee S 00
Profeeaional Carda, 6 It net or leaa,l ear.,, A 00
Lix-al nottoM, par Una 10
I nquare $8 00 I eolamn $50 00
t juare.., 16 00 ) eoluDinn 70 00
aquarei... .,30 00 1 i1ntua lift 00
NOta B. MtK,
4 PubHahan.
Clearflold County, Pcnn'a. 75y
dr-office ti Pie's Opera House, second floor.
Clrarlleld, Pi.
Will attend to all business entrusted tn him
piomplly and faithfully. aovll'73
lunar r. wallacb.
DAVID L. tit Ma,
(Sinaaaaure to Wallace A Fielding,) '
ll-12'TS Clearfield, Pa.
haxibl w. h'oubdt,
Clearfield, Pa.
Jf tF" Legal bgtlneat attended to promptly withj
1dtlitr. Office on Second atreet, above lhe Firat
National Uank. jaa:i:7B
Attornrt and Counbklor AT IiAW.
Having rent grind hit Jmit.Bhl, hat if mimed
the practice of the law In hit old nfflc at Clear
field, Pa. Will attend the noarti of Jeflerton and
Klk cimntiea when apeclallv retained in connect inn
with reiidont oounael. 1:14:71
Ileal EitiU and Collection Ageol,
Will promptly atttnd to all legal business en
tru.toil ti hi. care. .
X-tr-Otlloe ia Pie's Opera Hon.e. jeul'iO.
wm7 mTmcc u llough7
' I Cloarflilrl. Pi. '
frOffiifc la tli old Wpiltrn Hotel tallJInir.
l..-ftnl buiineKpromptljattrnded to. Rial ,tnta
bouglil and Hid. ' ' Jul I'l l
Clearlteld, Pa.
Vtt-Oflloa la Oruhiim'a Ilow. . deoS-lr
H:I:7II i rinrflrld, Pa.
Cleardeld, Pa.
jrrOmr la Old Wr.tarn Hotel unlldiDg,
eurti.r or SteoDd and Markol Bti. norXI.M.
IS RA EL T ES T , ' : '
CleirDold, P. '
-OBe. la iheCwrt lloa.e. (JtII,'7
Clearlteld, Pa.
ptr Ofllca ea Jdatkat ttreot, opp. Coari lloaia,
Jan. 9, 1ST4. .
John" lTc u f tle,
ud Heal Batata A Rent, Clearfield, Pa.
UH oa Third .treat, bat. Ch.rrj k Walnit.
!UipeeifuU7 offer! bll serrieeilli lelliDf
ind buYiog land. Id Clearflold and adjoining
tounttaa ) and with aa experlenoa o( over twantr
f.m aa a turrayor, flatten hiinf.lf that ha eao
render fatiifaetton. Fob. J8:f3:t(,
j7 blak e wa lters,
AMD Diataa IV
Haw Log" mill Taiimbor,
Office In Graham'. Row ' ' M6:T1
jTJT lingleT
1:11 Mareola, ClearUeld Ctk, Pa. jnpd
llellet'nlite. Pa.
Will f raetlee la Clearflold ami all of the Courte of
the loth Judicial di.triot. Real aetata bu.lneee
and eollection of olairal made apeolaltlel. " nl'TI
DR. W.' A." MEANS,
Will attend prefe.eioaal oalla promptly. augl0'70
;, DR. T. J. BOYER,
OBoe oa M.rk.t Strut, ClearJeld, Pa.
ftr-Offlea bovrlt 9 to 11 a. nr., and 1 to I'p. fa.
Ofllea la raeidenea ob Market at
April M, 1ST1. ' " Clearfield, I'a.'
H, KLINE, M. D., '
H AVISO routed al Ponafleld, Pa., ofera.hla
prafaeeiaaal ear. lee. lo-tbo aaopla of that
plaoa and eurroondlngooaatry. Allealle proiaptty
.Headed to. . oeU II tf. ,
Lata Surgeon, of the S.ld Rglent,Penniylranla
Volantaari. having ratarned from the Army,
often hiajjirofeaaional aarvtcoi fa thaeltUaDi
of ClearUeld aonntf.
4aaT-ProfiionaloalU promptly atUnded to.
OAea an fiaaoad irraet, rrtaarlroeapled by
Dr.Woode. Pfj',tj:1.1
fir Oflive houre From 11 to 1 P. U.
. , nJ
Will pnimptly attend all ealle k tke line or hi.
profeealun. auv.llr-71
ftbop la root
laly II, '71.
i formerly occupied by Naugla
bl arhet atrtat.
(Foraerly with Ue Reholer.)
,ehnr. oa Market 8t, etieoelle Ooart Hoaea.
A eloaa towel far every aaey la, '76.
liriioixiiLE U UOE STORE. ;
At the and of the new bridge, -
TLe proprietor of Ibla aefabll.banrnt will bay
bit llquora direct from iiitiller. Partita baying
IVuB thia hoaaa will ba tare to get a para article
at a email nergia above eot.) Hate! it pert eaa
ba faratvhtd with liqaora ea uaaawahla tarma.
Pawi wiawa aad braadta dlraat froa Sea ley '
Vlaary, at Cath. New York.
ClaaHreld. Jaat 1ft, 1076 -U.
J Wa have printed a large aaaabar af la aaa
FBI BILU,aad will aa the receipt af tweaiy.
va aaata, a. ail a aapy ta a wad 4 ran. asyll
GEO. B. G00DLANDER, Proprietor.
J a t tee of the Peace and Scrivener,
CurwcnavlUe. Pa
IfcColleatlona nade and noner proinj.tljr
ajatd over. relief z Tin
MHcatitr Toirtwhlp,
. Oeccola Willi P. n,
II offlelal ttailaaft ant raited ta aim will bt
pmmptly atterdd to, inehSO. 'TO.
ao. Aiaanr niaar At.aaar w. ALaaat
ManufeetareraA eltenrlreDealerita
Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, 4io.,
ir-fr-Ordere enliclted. DHIe tilled nn ehort notlee
and reaiouabla teriae.
Addre.) Woodland f. O., Clearflold Co., I'a.
,lb.j W ALUKRT A 11IK8.
PrenthTllle, ClearUeld County, Pa,
Kaapl oonatantly oa band a full eaaortment of
Vrj uooaa, liaruware, uroeenee, ana everyming
aauallr kept in a retail etore, whieb will ba eold,
for eaaa, aa oneap aa eieewnere ia ina oounij.
Frenehrllle, Juna 17, 187-lj.
' AiAbaa ia
Alio,aitanelTa manaraetarae aad daalar la ttoaare
Timber aad Unwed Lumber of nil kind.
-Ordorl eollelted and alt bill, promptly
tiled. jyl'71
House and Sign Painter and Paper
ClearUeld, Peim'a.
fcfA.WIII aiaeute Joke In hie Una promptly and
In a workmanlike manner. arr4,07
aT-Punipi alwaya on hand and wade ta order
on abort aotiea. Pipe brod on raaaonahla terme.
All work warranted to reudcr aatlefaction, and
delivered if deilred. tny36:lypd
and manuraoturere or
-7"71 . CLEflFIKLD, PLN.N'A.
dealer la
Real Estate, Square Timber, Boards,,
B:1'7S ClearUeld, I'a,
Square Timber & Timber Lmiils,
In Kratier'e llulldlng, ClearUeld, Pa.
Dealer In Orooetlef, Prorlelooe, Vegeteblaa,
Fruite, Flour',' Feed, f to., ete,
. Market l ClearUeld, Pa.
Ia the ehop lately aoeupfed by Frank Rbort,
one door west of Alleghany House.
Market MCreet. ClearUeld. Pa.,
T.lbt aad Heavy rlarnaee, Collara, Kaddlea,
Bridlea, Aa. Repairing neatly done.
May 34, l87-m.
PAKF.R, Market St., Cli-aifkld, Pa.
Frenh Bread, Roab, Rolli, Plea and Cekee
oa band or made to order. A general aMorttnent
of Confeclionariea, Fruilt and Nuta In itock.
Ioe Cream and OyMere in irneon. Paloua atarly
oppotlte the PuatolBca. Prlcea moderate.
March 10-75.
PRICE. COME AND BEE. . ( 1,4:7 Jy:)
The undersigned announces to hts old friends
and natrons Inat he has opened a good line at
(lltdl'KKIK.B A 1'ltOVIHIONB at Hi. old tland
of Kirk A Spewoer, far wbtob he eolieitj a lllMral
patronage. H. W. HPENCEH.
Lumbar City, Pa., March Ifl.lC
Mr. H. a. I.lliUEI.L,
aving engaged In the Marble business, desiree
to iDform her friends and the pablla that she has.
aow and will keep constantly on hend a large and
well selected stock of ITALIAN AND VERMONT
MARBLE, and is prepared to furnish to order
feajt-Yard on Reed etreet, near the R. R. Depot,
ClearUeld, Pa. jeU,7D
Watches, Clocks ami Jowclrjr,
eraaooi'e Kr,m, Uorlnt SIMM,
Cl.EAHI'lEl.D, PA.
'All kinds of repairing la my llnrnniinntlr at.
tided to, April 13, Itft.
lalvcry Ntablc.
THE anderelgnad begs lee.ete latorm the pub.
lie that ha is Bow fully nrepaiW ta aaenaimo
d4te all In the way of furnlsnlng II. .see, Buggies,
aeddleo and llarneee, ea the shortest nolle, and
'SB reasonabla terms. Retidenoe ob Losast street,
between Third and Fourth. ...
. t I1KO. W. OEAR,nART.
!laarelilj'Feb. 4, U7. - J,
MlfdHELL- WbyS.
iTJie Jest k tie Clitfapest r '
Ttietnaa Rrilly baa tteaivad anotbrviUrg Mef
"MitthelK Tftftn'i" fli lt' ara an.o- ll-4ry
beat hunnraftiwred, aad whieh be nn at the
mop reaaooable ratea. II la atocb iacTaAca alninet
all daeriptoar of wagoai largeanaajdl, wide
and aarnvw Uak. LU an I n?e lltfin. .
aprft'M -r tj fX111 mlhV.
"an bhzw-- M A Riyvl ick ,
' Nrrt uiVrt ricarHeldi
WAKoraoTtiaia ami naAi an t l
HARNESS, 8ADDLK.H. llltlDLES, (0-Lj.AHfl,
and all hlnda of
A fall atnek of ftddlera' Hardware) flmhe,
Com ha, HlenketeS Ruhea. ate, alwaja oa head
and for aale at the nwet eaah prieea. All llhdn
af rrnalriag prwmplly aileiiaj to,
All hiatla Mdea tekan'lb aaebange tor bar.
nvft td eppairinr' - All biada or baraa leal bar 1
kept on hand, and for tale at a aamail profit,
liearflald, Jaa. 10, 1870.
The aaderalgne4 tn aow, MF frraparad. lo
carry aa the buelaeea of . v -v ,
And rripeotially aollelt tha patrae.g. of those
seeding aaeh aerelaea.
, JOlllf TRorTMAit,
Clearflold, Pa., Feb. It, 1174.
m pjp, nir--
of PR.YjrsTrLr.ijriji,
WEDNESDAY, ALU. 9, 1870.
The Senate baring under eonsldoratlea tke res
olutlon submitted by Mr. Morton on the Id Inst.
that 10,001) eoples of the PrMident'e manege and
the accompanying documents la regard to the
tote massenre at Hamburgh, Seath Carolina, be
primed for the use or the Boaele
11 r. Wallace said :
Air. President: I suull not attempt
lo tielunu mo otttmiro til Jlambnrtrb,
Like many another otitrnio upon so
eicly, it can neither bo palliated nor
defended, if the fuots charged In the
documents sent us ara true. Hut, sir,
it this ofl'enso, demons and outrageous
as it is, shall bo judicially invostigaUid
ly the courts constituted to arrest, in.
viwtii'ato, try, jndtro, and punish i and
if tboso courts shull visit upon this out-
ratro prompt, condign, and Iceal punish.
ment, I shull rejoice. I shull rejoice
that in that community, anions: a poo-
plo who claim to have the power to
govern ttieniselves, tney nave succeed
ed in vindicating that power and Itavo
vindicated the majesty of law, They
win thon bavo proved their capacity
for self-government. But they are upon
trial. It is for them to vindicate tucir
capacity in the proot that comes from
this very situation. If they shall thus
vmuicato themselves, it will add an
other proot to the thcoricsof our friends
on the other side. .
But let let me ask those who find in
something else the cause of these out
rages, why it is that they always oc
cupy tnotr minds and always vox the
publio car when important oloctions
aro pending? Why is it that we hear
so little oi tbem on other occasions and
nt other times? Why is it that only
when the pooplo are upon tbo evo oi
an election in which the rulers of the
country aro to bo changed that those
outrages come to the puljlio mind and
eommunitit are stirred to their vory
ucptus oy accusations, by tergiversa
tions, by charges of riot And bloodshed
nnd of wrong and injury ? Why ia it
that pcaco and ortler nnd the adminis
tration of tho law, tha vindication ot
tho majesty of tho law, aro found in all
llio reconstructed Mates controlled,
governed, and directed by Democrats,
while from those alone in which some
other power is in control do we find
theso reports of outrages, of broken
mw, oi not, ana oi uioousuoa r
Mr. Katon. Will my friend from
Pennsylvania yield to me now lor a
moment r .
Mr. Wullace. Certainly.
Mr. Katon. I bnve just received a
diapatch which 1 desiro to road in this
connection. I had the pleasure yes
terday to say here on the floor of the
Sonate that the election in Alabama
hod boon carried on with ahsoluto fair
ness, i he Senator Irom Alabama Mr.
Kpcnccr avowod that there had been
intimidation. Doubtless ho believed
it; 1 did not, and I so expressed mv
sell, havoj u nt received this telegram,
wnicn runs inus:
MoarauHBRT. Aaau.tOlh. 1STS.
eealor W. W. A'oloa .
Alabama thanks yoa for your generous do'
f.oee of her In the Senate yesterday. The elee
tioa was eoadeotad tbrowgboat tha Stale with ob
solete fairness and without tba slightest distorb.
snoe or complaint or iutimidation that we hare
heard. The Democrats have elected their Slate
ticket by aver forty thousand majority, and at
least four.flnhs of both brioches of tha Legisla
ture, prgreee in large number. Toted wltu as.
' Chalraas Democratic State Oommittee.
Mr. Hnenccr. Will the Sonator from
Pennsylvania allow me a moment ? I
desire to state, In answer to the dis
patch rend by the Senator from Con
necticut, that the majority in Alabama
is vory large and that on Monday last
largo iiepublican counties, for instance)
the county of Greene, which has, ever
since the Kcpublicnit pnrtv was form
ed, given over 2,000 majority, voted
the Democratic ticket; that tho coun
ty of Sumpter, which has a liopnbll
can majority of 2,000 in it, voted the
Democratic tickot : that tho county of
II ...i.:i. I - ti Lif
junri-ngir, which uun lupu UUCP.
majority of 2,000, voted the Dem
ocratic ticket. Those counties voted
the Dctnocrntio ticket simply be-
causo the colored people were afraid
to go to tho noils and vote. The col
ored people did not vote, and it was
intimidittion nnd nothing else, the
Chairman of tho Democratic State
Committee to tho contrary notwith
standing. 1 . i .
Mr. Wallace. Mr. President, what
better answer Is thero to the argn
mcnls of tho Senator from Vermont
Mr. Edmunds and tho Senator from
Indiana f Mr. Morton than that tho
State of South Carolina, tho Btnto of
Louisiana, and tho State of Mississippi
oro the only places in which they can
find theso outrages. Why Is it that
in Democratic States, In States that
aro reconstructed and controlled by
Democrats, prosperity is returning,
pence and Order prevail? Why is ii
taaltliero the ireenman' is contented
and industrious ? Why is It that tax
ation is being reduced, that the com
munities are orderly, that material
prosperity Is' Increasing? Why is it
eat in an oi tneso states under Dem
ocratic rulo order prevails, business is
reotoreti, material wealth grows, taxes
luHSenlntorost on Rthto bonds is being
paid, tho credit of tho State is being
restored? Why is this, I ask, whilo
itl States that aro still under control ot
others than tho Democratic party In
the South the freeman is discontented
and riotons, outrages, blood, and mur
der nro heard' of, the people are discon
tented and unhappy, taxation fs re
doubled, and the only right that a
white mah has there is tho right to be
taxed? ' Why Is it' that In all those
Stittes material prosperity is lessening,
prosperity dot-reusing? Why ia this ?
Can there be any other answer than
that tn tho latter tho (mwer, the con
trol, the Interference of the Federal
Government 'exists, 'and men aro hot
pet milled WgTjvern themselves as we
tie In the 'North, regulating and con
lijolllno; our domestic affairs In our own
winy j our township affairs, 'onr roads,
oaf schools, ovnj-thrng that cortcortis
ufl as a pchjilfc from the holtfjin upward
through the township, tho rounty, the
Strafe, tdJthe-1r(jrnl Oorernment;
whilo In these States; J-ou nndortake to
rail) them front the top through tho
peworof tlie Ferltral Oorernment with
tbo Governor, through the powef that
the Veferal Oovornmcnt only controls
and directs. This is the true answer
Id-It, rfhd it ia an answer that goes to
tie very csscneo of Baton liberty: It
is an answer that will come to' you 1
wherever and whenever yon nndt
take to reverse the traditions of the
(iovemmetit and people from1 whom
yon got tour liberty and your law '
Tho old Saxon form of Oorernment,
the Oovcmmont ot the people them'
Helves In their vtasest relation to their
home llfo, the home Oorernment, borne
rule, ia the only rule for any free poo-,
pie. When von give to theso peopl
tho entire and absolute control of their
institutions themselves ; when you tuk
away tho Fodernl bayonot and ceaso
to vox and oppress thorn by inlcrtor-
ing with thetn, thon you will havo
peace and order; taxation will be re
duced : the credit ol the Common
wealths will be restored, and you will
have contentment and industry and
pcaco and order and Just administra
tion ot tbe law.
But it is charged that tho frco schools
aro disturbed ; it is alleged that edu
cation does not prosper in the States
that are reconstructed and under Dom-
ocratlo control. Such is not the fact.
Sir, but yesterday, this wook cortainly.
wo nave tno iniomtation Irom tho
trustees of the Peabody educational
fund that in all tho States south save
and except alone the Slates of South
Carolina, Louisiana, nnd Florida, their
school systems are being properly man
aged and cared for, whilo in those
Slates tbe report stales that they aro
not being nronorlv managed, that thev
are not being cared lor. 1 ho report
of Mr. Htearns, the general agent, is as
The report shows the general flourishing con
dition or publio schools ia tho Southern States,
eicept ia the three Statue or Florida, South Car
olina, anu Louisiana. Mr. ueorge reaooiiy nos
cell, who kae been spendiag tbe last wlater la
tho booth, gave It as bis opinion that nothing
otiuld ba oitieeted from these Elates In the way
of adraneing their educational Interests until
there was B change is their State Qoeernment.
tforo is an answer to tho educational
argument of Senators, and you find
this answer everywhere In the Demo
cratic South. Tbo churgo of the Sen
ator who was lust upon the floor in
this regard may bo placed sido by stdo
with the report of tho gonoral agent of
a non partisan independent educational
fund, and lot tho pooplo judge between
This Is a apolitical discussion. It
has degenerated into such. We recog
nize it; it is declared to bo such by
our brethren on tho other sido. Wo
have already had cxtrrcts from the
lotter of acccptunco o! Mr. Tilden ; lot
me read another brier oxtracu
Speaking of tho South and tho ne
groes, be says:
Hut, In aid of a result so benefl cent, the moral
influence of ercry good cltlien, ea well ae cyery
governmental authority, ought to be exerted, not
alone to maintain tbelr just equality before the
law, hot likewise to eeuhlieh a eordlal fraternity
and good-will among citisen., wbat.rrr their reee
or eolor, who are now united In the obc destiny
or a common eeH-gorcramcnt.
Placo this declaration sido by sido
with the concluding paragraph of the
report ot tho bennlor from Massachu
setts Mr. lioutwoll on Mississippi,
wuicn rcaus mus:
1. The constitutional guarantee of a ReDubll.
can form af government to every Stale will re
quire tbe tnlted Slates, if tbeea disorders in
crease or area eonllnue and all milder measures
ball prove laefleetuel. to remand the Slate to a
territorial condition and through a.rstem of nub.
lie eduealion and kindred mesne of Improvement
oiieoge toe laces ci ma innaoitants and recon
struct tbe government npoa a Republican basis,
Follow this with the argument of
tho cool, clvar-beadcd Sonator from
Vermont mado on this quostion. in
which ho looks to reconstructing re
construction, and then I ask Senators
on whoso side will those who lovo
pcaco and order, who believe in tho
stability of government and in honest
payment ot tho public debt, be found ?
Senators who occupy tho vantago
ground ol leadership, as do theso sen
ators, do not deliberately concludo
their State tinners ormakothoirstttdiod
addresses without a purpose to execute
tno conclusions at which they arrive.
Sir, is it to bo questioned whether tho
ortler and law lovins nconlo of tho
fiortli, nay more, sir, the capital of
tho JNorth, will not scan theso declara
tions with tho closost scrunitv? I
mistake much their temper if this pro
gramme be not tho tocsim ot danger,
the fire-boll in the night, to arouse that
capital and those peoplo to the just ap
prehension of what tho entertainment
is to which they aro Invited.
nut, sir, this is not all. Uno of your
most pronounced partisan papers but
yesterday denounced in unmeasured
Tins this progranimoinemnbaticand
decided language Tho New York
timet of ycslorday. tho mouth piece of
tho capital of the city of Now ork on
the llopubltcan side, emphatically C -nounces
it It says:
A more outrageous proposition cannot be easily
lagined. That la this Centennial rear, before
tbe echoes of our national self -glorlfloetion have
icd away, grave Senators should prepoee 10 vest
somewhere a power which on lu fane would ba
equivalent to a confession that tha Republic Is a
lailoro, ts s elreamstsnee that would tax tbe
credulity of any dtepa.sloaate ebservar. flere
tea propoeitioa, powever, Bad In a form that
leaves no room to doubt the earnestness of its au.
luors. It Is a proposition so far in excess of tho
neode af the occasioa, .. obnoxious as all who
would preserve the admtnlslratloB or tke Gov
ernment in tbe spirit which bed imparted all Its
winy ana eareeu lor II all lie elorv. so d root.
In confliet with the feeling that dominates
among me people and, therefore, In a party sense
so InospedUmt, that we would fain believe Ite aa
arplonoe by the Seneta Impossible. Tbe reeoa.
strueted Ntateo are parte of the Uoioa in the eame
sense mat appllea to New York or .
and It Is monstrous to suppose that tho Govern
ment or any department et itmev beololhed with
an authority whereby It may "remand a State to
territorial eoadillon, if IB the opinion of tho
pertleaa majority for tha lima being the local al-
inmraiion ue not "upou a Ifepuollcna basis.
riow. sir. if it shall bo. as I said when
1 began, that in this matter South Car-
olina shall prove herself able to defend
tho majesty of tbo law, wo shall all re
joice If in this duty cast upon her,
lor it is a amy it sho bo a sovereign
Htuto, to protect lifo and property, to
uuiiirm urime, to viouieuiu 1110 tmiKon
law it in tho porlornianco of her duty
in this she shall be successful, I and
all who act with mo will bo proud of
its accomplishment. But sho i upon
trial. Sho cannot as a government
controlled by peoplo whom you claim
enn govern themselves, demand of tho
cuerul liovcrnment interlerencg and
d. Ihcso people are upon trial. Can
they govern themselves? Can they
punish crime? If they cannot, let
thoso who can, come to their aid in
publio affairs through peaceful and
nomo agencies.
Now, Mr. President, with my hand
pon my mouth, and my mouth In tho
ust, with humiliation of face I am
compelled to refer to what was snitl
upon tho floor of tho Sennto tho other
day in regard lollio great Stato which
I in part represent. It was in reply
to a declaration of tha Senator from
Ohio Mr. Thurman that my colleague
said that ail tho murders committed
in Pennsylvania by tho Mollio Ma-
ffiilros were committed by Democrats.
My colleague is mistaken, Mr. Presi
dent. Thoso men aro of both political
parties ; many of them aro unnatural
used citizens, dosporadoei who come to
our Commonwealth from other coun
tries, who consort with th miners,
band them together, and form organi
sations which are violont, arbitrary.
and a terror to the people They have
noney-comnea several oi our counties
with crime, and I am humiliated that
I am compelled here on the floor of the
Senate to admit it as the foulest blot
pon Ike escutoheon ol that trrond old
State. ' Yet the fact is here, and it ta
my duty as one of the representatives
of hor people to say what is the truth.
At Uila point the honorable Senator
yielded that the Senate might take a
recess till half past seven o'clock p.m.
Mr. Wallace. Mr. President, whon
tho Senate adjourned 1 was endeavor
ing to express a sense of tho humilia
tion that us a Sonator from tho State
of Pennsylvania I loll in being requir
ed to cxproris here on tho floor of the
Senale any reason, any cuuso why sho
should be unablo in any portion of her
broad domain to vindicate law and pun
ish orinio. But it is hero; tho ques
tion ig in tho Senate. It has loon
brought hero by tho Sonator from Ohio
and my colleague; and It Is my duty
to say that however much thero may
havo been of breaches of law and ot
order, of violence, crime, and blood
shed in that Commonwealth, it is not
all attributable to on political party
that both political pudtlics bavo mem
bers among tbo organidilion that has
commuted those violations ol law, and
that niHiiv of its members aro unnat
uralized Jenpemdoes from other lands.
Hut the communities-in which thev
exist have become, tliroi'gh a species
of torrorism they huvo oxerciscd thero,
to a largo extent demoralized ; crime
has honey -combed two or throe coun
ties, and officials, whether Itenublican
or Deinociiiiic, nave become In a man.
nor untler the control of this organiza
tion. That violence occurs, that mur
der has occurred, cannot bo denied.
i bat tho power ot the counties bus
Dccn attempted to be exercised in vain
also cannot bo denied. I bnve no rec
ollection that exoctttivo power has
over been called there; but, if so, It
too has boon powerless or weak to
stem the tido of lawlessness, liut, air,
recently nn attempt has bcon made
through tho ctTorts, not, I am sorry to
say, of executive power or the powor
mat ought to control It tho Police,
tho Grand Juries, the Sheriff's of the
counties but through a great railroad
organization, headed by a Democratic
rreaiuont, which placed its Police and
its powor among these dosnontto men,
traced them to their lairs, and is now
dragging them to the light and to jus
tice Tho courts before which thov
aro being tried aro presided ovor by
Democrats; the itirios buforo whom
they aro being tried arosolectod under
a non -partisan jury law; and 1 believe
that six men havo been convicted of
murder in tho first degree Thoso
crimes aro now being drawn to tho
light ; tho prosecutions arc being press-
od ; these men are boing driven to the
wall ; terrorism is ceasing and law and
oruer is about lo prevail in that State
in which law and order originated, for
from Penn and his followers and their
theories camo tho system of law and
ohedienco to constituted authority that
now governs this country. From that
Commonwealth moro than from any
other in tha country proceeded recog
nition of law, ot orderly methods, and
of pcaco ; and it is my pritlo to say
that tiio pooplo of that grout Common
wealth will immediately, if not through
regular channels at least by some power.
ooerco order, vindicate law, punish
crime, i,nd permit no further outrages
upon us peace.
I also read in reolv to what has boon
said on this subject what was said to
tbo jury in the trial of on. of thoso
mon in tho county of Schuylkill by tho
gentleman to whom I bnve alluded,
tho counsol for tho Commonwealth. I
read from the argument of Hon. F. 11,
Gowon in tho court of Oyor and Ter
miner of Scbitvlkill countv in tho trial
of Thomas Munloy for tho murder of I
i nomas Sanger, a mining boss :
Than we knew we were freemen.
Then we eared
no longer far tbe Molly Maeuiree.
Tbea we could
to rally celling tbe Commissioner or Ibis
coaaty, am
md say to him, " TlaiM well the Welle of
iheaaw additioa oftbeprieoBl dig tbo foundations
ueep anu mala tnem strong, put in good mason
ry and Iron bars, for, as tbe Lord llveta, the time
will eotne when side by eide with Wa. Lovo, tbe
murderer or 'Bquire tlwiiher. yoa will enter the
walls that yoa are aow buildtei for otbero." Thee
we could .ey to Jsok Kehoc the Hifh Constable
of a great borongh ia this ecuaty, " Wo have aa
rasr af yoa.'' Thee wo eoald say to Ned Mona.
ghan, Chief of Police, and marderer and aeeaeein,
" Behind you tha seafluld is prepared for your re.
oeptloa." Then we eould ear to Pal Geary, Com.
mtssioner of thia eoaaty, "The time has eaaesd
woen a uoveraor or tbls Stat, dare to pardoa a
Molly Manlr. t vou hare had vour last pardoa."
Tbi-a we could soy to John Slettcry, who waa
almost elected Judge of this Court, "We know
thot or you, thet it were better yoa had not been
horn than that It Ibonld be knowe " Then ill of
as looked np. Then, at last, we were free, and I
eame to ibis eoantv and walked threuch it as safe-
ir aa in tbe most crowded thoroughfare or 1'blla
Se.pbia. Can yoa Imagine tbe eonditiori of the peoplo of
mis ecaotry with murderers upon the bone aad
la the Jury-box and ta control of all the principal
ofllecf of tbe county t X lived ie tbe apprehension
of ell this for two ysars aad a half alone, and tied
kaows that when the Unto comes tbst all I know
may be teld to the world it will reveal a history
sueh aa will msks ovary Anierlcsa citisen bang
kle head with shame. I eeea s eociety of
murderers and asta.sins having Its members ta tba
highest plsees of this eouetv. I have seen them
eleoted to All tbe positions of Constables and Po
lice oAoere. I have aeon a trested member or that
band or murderers a Comml'.loacrof theoeanly.
I bare seen this organisation wisld a peiitioal
power In tbe Stele whieh ba' ennirolled the elec.
tlone ore great Onmmoawealth. 1 bavereeelved
tha Information of meeting, bctweea eotne of tbe
highest officers of the 8tatc and the chief of the
murderers, at whieh large sums or money were paid
to secure the vote, or Ibis Infernal association, to
tarn tha Ude or a Stato eleetloa. Uod knows If
aver in tbe world (here was a revelation aa deep and
damning as that now laid open le the people of
une lor use nr.. ume.
Now, Mr. Prosidont, enn it bo, is It
to be said that tho ordor-lovlng peoplo
oi tnoi.ommnTiweaii,noi rennsyivnnia,
that great Gorman population, than
whom nono respect ortler and obey
law moro, that all of tho peoplo o!
that great Commonwealth aro tn bo
stigmatized with tho crimo of a sintrlo
locality ? yet this is tho argument that
comet) to us In regard to tho South.
Sir, I bare done with this humiliat
ing subject in regard to my own Stnto.
I regret that it has come here. I could
do no less than 1 have done. I havo
given to the Scnnlo what Is tho truth,
tho rooord.
Now 1 take up, and I am sorry that
tho Senator from IndianuMr. Morton
is not here, a speech ot that Senator
delivered in the Senate on tho 18th of
July, in which ho produces a stato-
ment Irom tho J n'ostiry Department,
which statement Is lengthy and elabo
rate That Senator said in introduc
ing it: -
I ktve tbe slalrmoo! from the Treasarv Denert-
aeent I em going to reed it. Home roar or Ave
mo ei a. age, ca me via at reoraary, 1 believe, tbe
Senslepe.eedareselntloB eellinaoa tba Secret erv
or the Treasury ta make a statement rrom all the
hooks or the Treaeary af all the de'alealloas aad
failures to msks eetUemeot, from whatever sauce,
that bad occurred la oareoeatry stane tbe letef
Janaary, Hit. That embraced the lest admlals
Iratioa ef Ueneral Jaekeaa. 1 hat doeament was
seat here aLd with It aa enelycl, printed omelal ly.
It ooaiee ever ihe signature er Ike Secretary or the
Tracery j II It tree.
I proposo to examine this valuable
document, to test its value by recorded
fiicls, and to see whether its statements
are true, or, if they be taken as true,
whothor they help tho cauie that it
was produced to serve. It ia true that
the Secretary ot the Treasury on tho
r.'tu oi dune sent to ineHonats a mass
of documents, a mass of names, an Im
mense, voluminous document at least
five inches in thickness and eighteen
inchos square. The columns of that
document were not added. It appear
ed upon the thee ff it that credits were
to be entered ; it appeared that charges
wcro to be msue to ins men woo were
alleged to be defaulters thereon. It
waa incomplete ana unfinished In every
particular, and it showed this upon its
lice. It lies now in the office of the
Socrotary of tbe Senate Incomplete
unfinished, burned In the tomb of tho
Committee on Printing. It was not
honored by tbe poor credit of being
Srinted. This was objooted to by tho
onator from Ohio, and it was lent to
the committee as valueless. That doc
ument, which was not worthy of being
prinica, served 10 proauco to mo sen
ate and to the country a mass of fig.
ures, a tabular statement and com pon
dium which has been sent to the coun
try and is now boing circulated broad
cast as a voritablo document. Sir,
that statement is unrohablo and nn
truthful to ihow the real defalcations
duo to tho Govornmont, and tho Sona
tor from Indiana in tho concluding
partol bisromarksadmitsit. lie says
The statement Is act correct la this. Mr. Pros!
dent, that there are defalcations put dowo that do
ooe exist, teas were afterwards settled i bat eo mi
as the proportloa la eonceraed between tbe difler-
aat admtnletretione, so far as my purpose Is con-
oerbrd In the comparison 1 propose to make It la the
same as u every defalcation bore stated took place,
The.blei.lloi, U thai !.----.. i. ... . ,
but too large. I staled wherela It dees aol pro.'
.. M ihh, ion. en. oi ineee a.reieerinn. le
ell eduitalau-Btions were afterward settmd er taraed
out lobe nominal j but that pertained Just as much
to one as to aaotker, and, eo far aa tbo .object I
nave ta view it eoaoeraed, litis fair,
because It shews tbo prouortion la all admlnlaiM.
tlons, eed Bow I piopose to giro It Just aa It Is
urni.ueu irom tna books or the Treasury Depart.
But this is not all. Tho Senator
from Indiana says this stutomontcomes
hero ovor the signature of the Secre
tary of tho Treasury. This is a mis
take A statement somewhat like that
published did accompany it, but it was
neither signed nor certified : and the
stiocoh of tbo Senator domonstratos
that. It was not signed nor certified
in the paper. If the statement ef the
Senator from Ohio in rofcronoc to what
was told htm by a Treasury official be
admitted to be true, if it were vority
and intended to Impart the truth, why
in it nut, ccntnou 10 r it true, it would
be honored and not discredited aa well
by the Sonator as by the Treasury of
ficials whom bo quotes. The publish
ed table nowhere shows his certificate,
but says it was prepared under direc
tion oi the secretary ol tho Treasury.
This statement, so elaborate and com
plete, so unfinished and mysterious, jo
untruthful and unreliable, ia printed as
Senate Document No. 118. and has un-
on its face the Indorsement that it
oomcs from the Treasury ; but it has
uu signature, ine documents tbem-
selves upon which it is based are not
printed because thoy aro unreliable,
but tho statement printed gives the
figures they contain. Wh v was it not
printed? W by is it not cortifiod ? Is
it authentic ? Docs it give tho truth ?
Tho Senator from Indiana admits that
it does not. Othor Senators admit
that it does not, and thev quote the
officials ot tho Treasury as discredit
ing it. When the motion to print was
up the Senator Irom Ohio said of this
document as follows:
Mr. Sherman. Ta reeard to the nrtertn. r tk.
document I should like to have that oasstloa re
ferred ta tke Committee oa Printing. I will soy
thet my aitentioa was called to the doeameat It
self by an oflioar of tbe fjovorament i. the. Tmml
ary DopartmceL It oovere several velamcs, most
wi no poeetoM moment, wbteh
be of ao Interact to any mortal, man. wnman
child. I think II waald de greet InJuUlcate loea
lands aT worthy men to print this doeameat. Tha
Swralary er tha Treasury la the latter read says be
has comm. need rrom tke time tho last ronort wee There may have bean lose.
al statements made In tha meeatlme, enlaotkiag
i noee pepere were sbowo to
me. Asa matter at eoBrae. tba Seen!., .r ..
Treasury tall bound to go back aad do this work.
uere leioioiung! are some or tee tables sent acre
treat, long tablet. There are n...l
irom in... laoiM mat are saown also la the tabu
lar statements that accompany the loiter or the
Secretary of the Treasury. I bare ao oblexloa
to prinupg tble except on account of tke
grea. eve. ioa. win ue involved aad tbe aafeir
a ess aad Iejnstiee that will be done ta iaaeoeat
aeetiie now ia their graves.
Mr. President, these tables Ikow tkat meet af
tas persons Balnea aa defaulting oflloere wore net
ia the military, nasal and civil service of Ike Uni
ted Suttee, wbe are aow dead. Tbe Barnes ef the
sereUes are given hero, maay of whom are dead ;
the amounts rang, from $1 ap to lloe.OOO. Scan
dals without number all ever this breed country
ol oure will he published to Ihe world without any
good whatever uwe print this doeumsnt. It gives
Ike aoeoaeta of every otfloor of too Sovernmeat
rrom IS.1I to tbie time. I BoUee many aans er
this class. During tbe tndlaa wars, aad daring
cur reeent civil war, a soldier may have beea
killed ib belue who was okarged with a lot of mus.
kele, end against his account they all stand in the
beleooe charged to him, while it was elated that
be was hilled la battle, etc. Consols have aud
abroad and It hac beea Impossible le ectUe their
accounts, and yet balances are starred at tke
Treasury Department agaiast tba Coasal. Hon.
Creole men, men of the highest reek tn the publle
rorvlee, men of the greatest dietiaetioa la this
country aava little balaaoas onerged agaiBst them
and thay would Bow bo published is the list ef do
realtors. There may have been aotbing due from
tnem, pot it mere were come lltUe d sorenenev in
heir aeeoanto they are still Babaiaaeod. Saeh a
list would Injure greatly the repatalion or honora
ble offleert In tho civil, military, and naval serv
ice, If published, although they are little matters.
sometimes aiaoontlng to but a lew dollars.
The officer le whom I have referred celled me
alteatloa ta the reel that while Ihe Depertmeot
wee suejing n eiiopie, plain dnty, no one pre
tended that tbls money was due bv these neonio
and yet it Is charged oa ths books or the Treae
ary Department as a elsim against them, bat It
never wouia oe una never eoald eo settled.
On the objection of the Senator trotn
Ohio this voluminous, this unreliable
document was sonl to tho Committeo
on Printing, 1 1 camo back to the Sen
ate on the 27th of June with a report
against printing tho documont, but for
printing the tabular statement that
contains its results. Tho aggregate of
me uocumoni waa reported in favor or
but tbo document itselt was renortod
against On that day tho Senator from
Bbodo Island Mr. Anthony said:
It contains a list of all persons, Including those
not now In the public service, against whom there
appears to be a balance oa the book, of the Treas
ury. In vary many instanoeetho balanoe is nomt
aal, sot real, eomotlmes eo desire ated i h) very
many eases It arlsss out or misunderstanding be
tween the disbursing officer and tha aeeoundnr
oflloere or tha Treaaaryr which, when they come
to be explained and e-IJeated, may bo decided IB
raver or one party or ths other. In very many
lustanaes It arises rrom betenoos dee from officers
or the navy who have goasdowa with their shins
'lib thslr papers apeo them , offloorserthoormy
ho have fallea In bottle er died ia boepllal aad
hosa vouchers have beea loet i while it la aimer.
en! from the sonnlles which thev had onmhaaed
and Trom tha mea whom thev hod paid that tho
oney intrusted to tbem had beea expended rar
tha pnrposee for whieh tt wee appropriated. . Ae.
oerdiog to tho law these all appear apeo the books
of the Treesory as Indebted for the aaieltlcd bal
eaoee for, while the Treasary ahsrgea bb efficer
wiu evsryining paid to aim, ll does ao! credit
him with what he has paid oa! until II le aeeer
telaed and adjasted aeeerdtae to eoealsileas af
tha Department. Many ef these are eharree for
erpoyments i that Is, where ae officer has erroee-
eueiy paid to some creditor af tho Qoverameel
lore tbea ha was leg ally author! ted to receive t
aad of ooeree Ike diaburaliig officer must suffer
tbe eoneequeace ef hts error. Tad to a bleeder,
pal It Is act a crime, lie has aol omeeuled Ihe
money i be bos Bel defrauded tbe Uovorameat ;
he has made e mistake aad paldaman atkeesaad
dollars, for example, wheo It eppears from all tba
laiormauoB yet IB tae Boeeaseiea er ue Treeenrv
that ho only eoghl ta have paid kirn ti aad
therefore be steads as a defaulter far III aa tho
boohs of the Treaeary. Thle may in maay easea
remale yet opoa for adjeetmeat. 1 am sure that
Bobody wants le nvblish Ike nemec ef each men,
Mviag aad dead, aa embsealoro Bad defaaltera la
aay erlmianl eseee.
Tke great deraleatlens, tbe criminal defalcations,
are ail kaonai they are eu made pebllsi tboy
caaBct be ooBsaalod wltboal erimtaal sempuelly
ef the aceouBIIng officers. Tksy are put ta anil
agalart lea defaaltera eed agaiast tbelr heads.
re and ether eases are pet ta out!, tke recalls
of whieh do act always show thai the officer la a
dcraaltcr. Thero may be eeees ef beeeot differences
of oplaiea between the officer eed tha Department
as le tbo law, which aro le be eel tied by tke Certs.
A greet eseay seaee grow Bp be fere the pre. eat
improved system ef keeptag the aeeoeeei, whoa
diebarelBg officers wbc verealee rooetviageCjoera
react red lemreveBdoaeftkoOeverBeaeal, alabejre
ed the exaeaaeo ef Ihelr depertmcBts, aad earned
ever Ike knJeaeo be ike Treaeary. That ayeteos
prevailed aalil II wee refers ed ba ear day, emd
eader Ike! system Ike resell ef every dlffereeee of
epkate. bctweea dtebarabsg officer eed the De
part, eat weald ataevfl ae . detBeaelleo ageresl
htm. Seme of those saeee art ae erlllBg that I
have ouceled t he ef Ikcex. Although I ahoald
Sot read the name oranypersoa who would suffer
ny It, I suppose tbe lllustrtons name er Washing
Ian Irv leg would not suffer tf 1 say that ba stands
acre ea s deiaellar lotae nmoanl or lAree cento
Here le another oflioar ia Ihe list whom I wee la-
strumsnlal, among ethers, In eonmendisg le tho
teblle service, in wblek ba groeUy distinguished
imaelf, I shall hold myself responsible for bis
deralealloB, priaeipal and Interest la gold. It
amounts to one cent I de net suppose that any
body will think that Robert Walsh was an em-
bossier or defeelter to tke Government, and yet
bo la put down tor s small amount. Hera I
lad aa eld Colonel whom 1 knew well, who died
IB mac, wbo le marked as e defaulter for
Mr. Preeldeat. I do Bdt wish U Impair Ihe oredll
of the great keeking kouee of tbls city, but I am
beeed to coy that Corcoran A Riggs stead dowo
aa eeienaaau BBder tntd eel I.
Bering Brothers ere down, and, worse tkae thai.
tha Eaglisk Government Itself It net dewa aa a
defaulter. AS WC have last settled aevlv all our
oi. uiinouiucB aim nngiaaa and got into a new
one, I do not wish Usee tho credit of that Qovem.
rncnl Impaired, and far lu relief I must say that
a marginal Bote reads t Tha Becretary ef Bute
no oae ue oooot in IB wee seated hieg ego."
It Occurred IB ISIS, but It Stand, an the e.
ever ai.joe or default by tbe British Uovornmont,
ear. rresiueai, t mi, si go ever great many
niastretions of the earns kind, bol I have made
quite sufficient lo show Inat, whilo there ere or
oourse in tna great operations or the Treasury
any defaulters and many ambssslsrs, nothing
eould he more aajaet thta to mla tbea up with
these porsoos wbo are marhed la darnel! is tbe
Treaeary. bat wbo aro Bot defaulters In env eenee
wnatevar, Bad probaaiy do not owe the Uovorn
mont enylhlng. Certainly It is not likely that
voreoren at Aiggs, tferlog nroiaors, and tbe Uril.
isb uoverameol owe the Treasary Bnylhiag.
That is what Senators said in regard
to this documont, and yet the table !b
printed. iDcy discredit tbo source,
thoy deny its truth, tboy ropudiato its
statomonts ; yot tbey order its results
to bo printed and preserved, and it is
usoa ss a campaign documont 1 bey
makocampaignBueechosuDon it. Thev
quote it as true, ana tney calculate re
sults from it. What becomes of polit
ical fairnoss if such proceedings as
these are to be countenanced bv the
Senate? What becomes of thevoritr.
the truthfulness of the record of tho
Sonate if statomonts of this kind aro
to be printed and filod with our roc.
ords to remain there as official docu
mont from the Treasury Department ?
Tk- I ! C .1 . . ,
im uresis ut tuis suttemont was oad,
the structure unsound, and the results
it produces aro utterly and absolutoly
unreliable. Tbe statement is incorrect
n every particular: the losses are not
truthfully stated, and necessarily the
conclusions arc not correct; and yet
the Sonator trom Indiana prints the
statoment and relies upon it. A leador
ol the Uouse I dare not refer to what
is said in tbe Uouse: but in tho lUcord
of Sunday I find rv speech that also
relies upon this snd quotes it in txtetm,
to a figure, administration by adminis
tration, tbe ratio of losses fixed by this
most veracious documont It is quotod
by tho Republican loader of tho House,
not by him alone, but another promi
nent Iiepublican gentleman of tho
House in his speech also quotes and
relies on it
It is for us to tost this statement bv
known tacts, ascertain whothor it is
truo. discover for ourselves whether it
can bo relied upon, learn whether this
is tho kind of budget to be given to an
intelligent pontile, on the eve of s groat
foouw woiKBk try kiiej ouusu) til Mlw
United States from which tho nconlo
are to make up a verdict which is to
control their tlostinoa for four years.
Let ns examine it by the tests of tho
record ; lot as oxanine it by printed
documents; lot us tost its truth bv
that which cannot be gainsaid, and if
wo una tnnt not only bare senators
nore discredited it, but that on its face
it bears falsehood, then the cause that
it attempts to serve must be baselosa
and bad indeed.
At the outset it mar bo said that it
is of course difficult for thoso wbo are
in opposition to obtain tho necessary
access to records to got the data on
which to contradict a statoment of this
Mr. Kdmunds. What does tho Sen
ator moan by that?
Mr. Wallace. I moan by that that
we are compellod to gropo our way
through printed records. We go for
aaia to tne x return ry Department, and
find it occupied with somotbing else ;
to other Departments, and printed or
dors intorvone; and whon we go to
euv Aniaeuiv we uniinot get a volumi
nous mass of documents in time to servo
our puiTMses, and yet Senators get it
i ao not protend to say that there is
any wtlllul disposition to refuse infor
mation, rot I say that printed orders
are in the road, that time cannot bo
given to the officials to furnish thodoo
uments in tirao for use on such occa
sions as thia. ,
Mr. Kdmunds. If the So--tor will
allow me bocauso that is rather a ser
ious implication, I wish to say for ono,
and I fool pretty stiro that 1 urn stat
ing tho truth, that no discrimination
whatever is mado in tho Treasury, or
any otnor department, botween Sena
tors, with regard to thotr political
faith, or their raou or color, or what
ever, and the Senator csn get all the
information from tho Treasnry that
my honorable friend from Massachu
setts, an ex-SoorotarT. tun. at an v timu.
Mr. Wallace. I havo no doubt that
I can got it ; it will not he denied, hut
It will net onto in time to servo tho
Mr. Kdmnnds. It will eomo In the
same time that it will for anybod y olso,
Mr. Wallaoo. The Sonator may have
mat opinion, but 1 am entitled to mine
Wo aro obliged to grope through print
ed data ; we aro obliged to meet tho
accusations that we find on thia print
ed statement in the best war we can.
it we prove its taiaoiiood in vital points
wo think wo iball bare disposed of it
If wo prove that it is untrue and fulso
in oertain vital points, the maxim al
tut in vno,fiilsus in omnibus applies, and
wo can rely on tbo people to tail to be
lieve its reliability as a whole.
Tho Sonator irom Indiana stales
that during the last torm of President
Jackson, trom January I, 1833, to De
cember 81, 1837, or as it should be,
from March 4, 1833, to March 4, 1837,
tho ratio of loss by defalcation! waa
110.55 per 11,000, and he relics on this
statoment to demonstrate this and tbe
figures given by it he says is ths actual
amount of defalcation. This statemont
shows, and he relies uon it, that there
were losses by reouiviug ollloers of II,
383,845, and there were losses by dis
bursing omeors ot ai,l63,uuu, a total
loss of 12,547,000. iiere is a apeoifio.
distinct, and accurate statement ap
parently. Let us soo bow fallacious it
is; how wild a statemont these loose
data furnish. , It is fortunato that ws
have tbe data for those four years or
ws eould not moot these charge ; but
It happens that on the records ia found
report of lion. Levi Woodbury, Sec
retary of tlio'Treasury, mado in 1839,
to the House of Kepresentatires, in
wnicd tne real lossoa by dolalcations
from 1789 un to that dato are stated.
That report ia found in House Docu
ment rio. 10 ot the Twenty-sixth Con
grass, first session. It shows tbe losses
by receiving officers to be 1214,648, not.
1,883,000. It shows ths losses by
disbursing ofioors to be 1230,336, hot
11,163,00 ; total locates on both sides
l44iS8i, not I2,M7,601 ; thus making
the trifling diff.rnnoe of e,102,QOO.v
On tlie figures of the Senator from In
diana this difference makes ths ratio
11.97 per thousand of losses In place of
TEEMS $2 por annum in Advanoe.
SERIES - V0L. 17, NO. 33.
110.55. Can wo rely upon data of this
character, whon wo find upon the re
oords ot the Government a statemont
ovor the signature of the Secretary of
the Treasury palpably, plainly, dis
tinctly saying that instead of tho losses
boing 12,517,000 for thoso four years
thoy wore It 14,984 ? From ono we
loarnall, 1 havooxtrnctod thoso figttros
ano navo a tnblo which 1 annex.
Extracts from statement nf aggregate amount
of defecations end ratio er lo..ea rrom I7HV le
Mereb 4, I83T, rurniaoed Dercmbor 10, le3, to
Congress and found In House Document No. 10.
drat session 'Twenty-sixth Congress, Including
public debt.
PtBBUBs assays.
Period, March 4. HJ.1. to March i t3f. Eg.
ponies, Including public debt i
ISM.. ...m $2J,4tH.J7 IS
18:14-. 18.420.IS7 H
i"-io..,... 17,00s,41S ti
18.-. . 1M55.144
Total rur rour years.-.
, t87,lM,41 0t
Total deraleatlens.-.
130,1110 01
I 00
Ratio or loss per SI.OOO
Whole number er defeulters.
Total loss by disbursing effloera
irom iev 10 ma .. 4,S,07S afl
Total receipts.. )iafl,MI,S7l 4
Total defalcalioB H 114,048 0.1
Ratio of loss per SI.0U0 .... 160
WholeBomberof defeollara 1R
Total loss by receiving efllcers,
rev to ion- -.. BZ,U3lj,o4M SI
Total receipt! end dliliarseutents
derlar Jackson's last Urm fl221.oAl.lvS tf
soiei uetaicetions aunog JHI-
son s last term.
411,184 It
1 SO
Ratio of loss per Sl.OeO
Ratie or loss during same term aa
stated Ib Treasurer report II li
Error aa sbowo by original official
report ; I Oft
Whole amount of losses rrom 1780
to March 4, lb37, (40 years)...... ,, 1 21 17
Annual Iocs Hs.7.11 00
n noie kmounl or ton Irom July
l, ism, to Jane II, I87i, (14
yean) It liS lM 47
Anaaalloss ....... 1,018,093 01
Mr. Secretary Woodbury in his re-
Iiort on the finances mado to Congress
)cccmbor 3, 1839, discusses this sub
ject so broadly and specifically and so
tuorouguiy reiutes tuis nameless stato
ment as to its figures, that I quote him :
I no partlcaiar l osees tn cock Presidential term
being also desired by the resolution thev have
been accepted ; and as tbey tarnished a strihing
eolatiea or some ef the general causes af those
losses, the perleds In whiek the Inrgeet and come
or tbe smallest once hennenoJ amoaa each cleas
ef publio agents mignl be nsorully deeigneted
here. Among the beaks the largest losses were
from 1111 lo 1817 then eon.i.tlng entirely or de.
r reotatioo on notee taken, aad aext rrom 1821 to
834, consisting then chiefly or denoslut while
from 1810 to 183H and from IS33 to 18.17 tbey
were smeller than In aay period tines 1813.
Among disbursing officers, locking te the eraounl
dt.bureed, the largest losses were trom 1821 to
ISlo, next from 1817 te 1821. snd next from 18rVB
te 1K13 1 eed (ley were coulter reee 1820 to IBM I
eedrem 18:13 ea 1887 lean in eeyetssrterwi toaof
cecr, uerfVom 1781 le 1703
Mr. Morrill. The Senator from Penn
sylvania is calling attention to some
errors at the Treasury Department
1 desire to ask: him it be nos noticed
some of tho errors in the statements
of Mr. Tildon, the nominoe of the Dem
ocratic party. 11 o states the amout
of tho out flow of gold from this coun
try tor a series ol years, but omits to
doduct what has flowed in, making a
iiiorence irom the true statoment ot
6200,000,000 ?
Mr. Wallace Tho Sonator has taken
tho floor nnd interjected a speech with
out asking my leave
Tho President pro tempore. The
Chair askod the Senator from Penn
sylvania if be yielded to tho Sonator
Irom vormont Doosheyioldr
Mr. Morrill. 1 do not desire to in
terrupt the Senator.
Mr. Wallace. I will only say that,
following the example of tho othor Sen
ator from Vermont, Mr. Kdmunds, I
am making a political speech, and I
rust I shall not be again interrupted.
Mr. Kdmunds. But the other Sena
tor from Vermont yielded to interrup
tions continually.
Mr. Wallace. Tho Sonator from
Vermont is a much older settlor
here than tho Sonator from Penn
sylvania. When he gets to be as old
in this Hall as tho Senator from Ver
mont ho will yisld as oflon as the Sen
Mr. Morrill. I only desired to call
attention to two errors, tho ono in re
gard tn the outflow of gold and the
other in regard to taxes amounting to
from four hundred to fivo hundred mil
Mr. Wallace. I decline to yield. I
continuo to read from the report ot Mr.
iSecrotary Woodbury.
The lose ca each 1100 from 1811 le 1833 waa
only nineteefl cents, and rrom 1838 lo 1837 only
tweBfj-lIx cents, while la come pre vicos terms it
was as high as 12.10. la this class the
most numerous losses compared with all Ib oHee
were from 1817 to 1811, Bail trom 1811 Is 181a,
endaexirrom IMsto 1817. the Smallest propor
tloa IB this reepect, except derlng tbo Orel two
terms onder the ConslituUon, woe rem 1839 re
I833,end except those and the theld term fee nan
emoteel wee rem 1838 to 1817.
Among eollecting officers, If looking te the
emounli collected, the highest tosses were from
I7t7 te inni, next rrom 1809 te 1813, next from
1817 to 1831, and next from 18111 to I SOD. Tho
moit aumerout defaulu, compared with tha whole
number or that dees ia office, were from 1800 t.
"13, Beit from 1103 to 1809, next rrom 1821 to
18i, next rrom 1817 to 1811, and aext rrom 1823
te 1818. Tec rehc .!. rem 1831 te 1883 dnet
1838 W 1837 eras eel oao-oerfa aa Icroeni ie eeeie
fee remede t'a.1 .eeie.rttlfd. Indeed it was less
thea any previous terms Irom tbe foundation ef
the Government except four, end tho number of
suck delaulters was lees than IB aay Presidential
term since 1840.
Mr. President, I might stop here and
treat this voracious statemont from tho
Treasury Department without signa
ture as a discredited wilness. but bo
causo the printed records giro us no
specific data with which to meet its
tnlsity as lo subsequent dales, I take
it up as a wbolo and contrast it with
such records as I can find on tho sub
ject and ask that reason and sense shall
guide us to tho truth.
11 seems that the aggregitto loss bv
tho statement published between 1831
and 1861 is 615,269,000. This is too
large ; the Senator admits it himself.
It contains discrepancies with the fig
ures that 1 havo already rood. Iflhorw)
four years aro a teat, it is 67,000,000
too largo. The wholo sum of tho losses
for forty-eight years is less than 67,000.-
000, as ahovvu by this statoment of
Secretary Woodbury. Thoactuallossoa
by death and hopeless insolvency are
shown by Mr. Solicitor Streeter on tho
Z&lb of Uetoher, 185C, to be 67,822,418.
The defalcation shown by tbe books of
the irensury may have been larger,
but thoso actually chargeable to profit
and loss are stated by Mr. Streeter. as
Solicitor of the Treasury, up to that
date. This included debts in judgment
for many years. It excluded all of
which any hops remained for colloo-
ttpn. Ibis statoment plainly contra-
uicts tuo treasury nguros. lie re
ports tbe ascertained insolvents up to
tuiomir avo, iooo, sna tno statement ot
ths Senator brought from the Treasury
oomcs up to 1860.
Report of asmtninrd intdttmtt up to Otf-
looer 20, i fioo, at per report oj f . Ji.
StrtYter, Notieitor of the Trmtvn.
Debts ortgtnatlcg la Nary Depar'I.S1,40t,3l II
liable ctigiaating la War Depar'U 1,141,101 tl
Debte originating vaeaeteme 071,391 II
peblt erlgiaeUag la foreign iater-
eeeree.....'. ,. ,......, tt.Slfl 14
Debit erig.aelleg la Iedlaaa... 11,491 .40
Debts originating la lends 191,011 II
arums wru " ea miseeiiai
Btl.noe. aee froex beaks, inavalla-
ei. ....... -.
, I,0ne,l71 U
Total knee....
xi.. r,in,4ii oi
Treating those figures as tbe actual
losses down to July, 1850, we will fbl.
low the suits of the Uovernmunt to
1859 through the report of the Treas
ury in order to loam tbe aggregate
louses to that dato and ascertain it we
we can it the duta given us are true.
Hy them wo loom that suit tor 64,100,
000 wore brought, that 62,030,000 there
of were oolloeled, and 62,057,000 unool.
looted. It we add this latter aum to
tho lost debts, we find the whole loss
to be 60,880,000 and not 615,260,000.
Thoso figures expressly contradict this
statoment so that there is no possible
This brings us to the conclusion Irro
sistably that the figures from 1834 to
1859 are not tho real sums of the losses.
But, for the sake of the argument, lot
ua assume that this statement of losses
from the Treasury is correct, its figures
aro true, its conclusions are uistlr
drawn. Then lot us glance at the re
sults that follow. It this voracious
paper be literally true, wo find that
the greatest total loss shown br the
statemont through receiving officers
from 1861 to 1875 was 64,348,000;
from disbursing officers, 69,905,000. In
fourteen years the total loss was $14,.
253,000 ; annual loss, 61,018,000. Loss
through receiving officers from January
1834 to June 30, 1861, 62,907,000;
through disbursing officers from Jan
uary I, 1834, to June 30, 1861. 612.-
361,000. Total loss in twenty-seven
and a half years, 615,260,000; an an
nual loss of $565,255.
Taking tbe figures of the Troaaorv
statemont itself, it shows a loss of a
million annually, while during the
twenty-soron and a half years preced
ing thoro was a loss of something
over half a million annually. A loss of
but a million annually a trifle, a mere
luigatclle; officials take but fourteen
and a quarter millions in fourteen years,
bence our economy is plain. Tbe peo
plo aro suffering and our expenses are
increasing, hence our economy is plain.
This is tho logio of the argument and
ol the document I am commenting on.
Whore bavo tho lessees occurred that
this total gives as the aggergato there
of from 1861 to 1875? By report
mado to the House in 1874 we find
that ono hundred and fifty-seven pay.
masters in the Army are in arrears
6768,706. From the report of tbe
Naval Committee of the House wa
learn that one hundred and twelve
paymasters in tho Navy are in arrears
61,154,000. From the unprinted docu
ment we find that one hundred and
forty-eight colloctors of internsl rev
enue are in arrears about 63,600,000;
and thatoutof four hundred andninoty
five defaulters in tbe Indian service
tboso papers show two hundred and
Bovonty-soven in tho past fiftoon years,
and but two hundred and eighteen in
tho thirty years preceding. From the
letter of Mr. Pratt, Commissioner of
tbo Internal lievenue, we learn that of
cash deficiencies ot colloctors of Inter
nal Revenue between March 1, 1869,
and February 28, 1876, there are 6595,.
Tho statement that I have referred
to is contradicted by tbe facts; load
ing Senators challongo tho data and
refuse to permit that data to be printed.
Common sense and the rule of practice
in ordinary affairs certify it not to be
true, and the conclusions are irresisti
ble that tbe figures given as the losses
from 1834 to 1859 are not the sum of
tho losses sustained by the Govern
ment during those years, but are ovor
Btatod. Tho unprinted documont be
ing untruthful, the data based upon it
is necessarily false and the results de
duced therefrom are without support
in fact ; but this table and these figures
bavo gone to tho country. Throe load
ing mombors ot tho Republican party
have accented and indorsed tho state
mont, and it and thoir speeches are
boing sent broadcast ovor the land un
der tho franks of members ot Congress.
How untruthful it is lot us see further.
It states the receipts of the Govern
ment, after leaving out the war, since
July 1, 1865, at 68,039,184,922, and the
disbursements at 67,900,434,948 ; mak
ing the total of reooipts and disburse
ments since tho 1st of July, 1865, of
616,048,620,870. Tho mind of the or
dinary man is not more bewildered at
tho attempt to grasp the magnitude of
the proportions of 616,048,520,870 than
it is amazed at the cool audacity which
will parade tboso figures as the aggre
gate reooipts and disbursements of the
Government during a poriond of ton
years of pcaco, and attempt to build
thereon a superstructure of argument
for an intelligent people Kxoluding
from tho calculation everything but
tho actual expenditures of the Govern
ment, and ascertaining by the data
given na by tho Sonator from Indiana
the su m-total of the losses for ton years,
from July 1, 1865, as well on account
of receipts as of disbursements, we find
that those actual expenses have been
62,077,573,973 ; that tho aggregate sum
of tbe losses has boon 67,145,786 , tha
average annual expenditures, 6207,
757,3H7 ; tho average annual loss, 6714,
278 ; and the loss per 61,000 of expen
diture 63.43 in the ton years.
I have tha figures and the ratio ol
loss for the ten rears ending June 30.
1 1875, tabulated, which I will not de
tain tho Senate to read.
For those ton yoars the Senator from
Indiana says the ratio was in Johnson's -administration
forty-eight cents; in
Grant's first ail ministration forty cents,
and in tho last three years of Grant's
administration twenty -six cents on the
6 1,000 ; whilo we find it to bo an aver
ago of $3.43 on the 61,000.
Let tho pooplo judge between us,
Losset and ratio of lost per 61,000 fur
ten ytart ending June 30, 1875. upon '
the bant of the actual expenditure of
the Government, excluding the pubUc
diit and interest :
Period, July 1, 1810 to Jobs II, ISttt
18SS ................... t38r,SrU,l)
1887 !IS,00,1IS
I S8 ...,..., .. 130,918,230
1801 110,330,301
Total .,
July , 1809, U Juno It, 1871 1
, 1,I30,I0,90S
1871 ....
1874 .
....... IS0,7M,irt
July 1, 1871, te June II, 1871 :
1874 .. f 103,114.031
1871 171,119,011
Total 1,071,171,971
Total loss receiving and dfsbunlag 1,140,701
Los. -per 11,010 1.41
Now, Mr. Prcsidont, I sm done with
this statement Lot what I have said
on tho subject and tbe referoncea that
1 havo givon go to the country side by
sido with the statements and tbo
spoeches that havo been made based
upon it and let an intelhgont Doonlo
judge between them as to thoir truth.
But if it all be true, bow does it af-
loct the question that ia before us now?
Ilow do those figures heln to give re
lief Irom business depression or in the
reduction of taxation ? How do thoy
aid to give cheap government, honest
govornmcnt? These are tho issues of
ths present hour, and no tirades on
the past, or its corruption, or its figures
of expenditures, or on sporadio griev
ances in isolated loca'ities will divert
the minds of the pooplo from these, ths
real, the grave, the vital issnes of the
ponding campaign. Tbey who admin
istered tho Government in thoss ders
were tried before tbe great tribunal of
ths peoplo, and in obedianoe to the
law of our boing, both natural and
politics!, the safety-valve of ths Be
publio, the only protection io a govern
ment of law when ft ts maladminis.
tared, the remedy of change, ther were
driven from the seats of power.
ertt .1... . ...
too issues of tns present ana of tne
recent past as thoy affect ths people
now ana in tbs future are Here, J. bar
OmftntttYi on fourth page.