OOT AND SHOE WAKING. JOBIPfl n.DMHrNU.ou Marhat amok ta Shaw', Eow, Olaartald, Ft., kaa Jaat raaatrad a in lot of Fr.noh Oalf Skin, and Klpi, tha bait la tha aark.l, u4 ll saw affaparoa to ui afnotaro orarythlng In kit Una. bfl wlU WW raal hit work to ha u rapraaattad. . Alao, ill Haul if Loatkar ul IkM V lading, for aula. - Tks oltlaaas af ClaarHild Hi vialalty aro raipaaifnlly Inrllad to (In hint a aall. ' Work doao at ikon Bono. Mo'TJy HUEY & CHRIST, SOLI PROPRIETORS Of Till CELEBRATED AND UH. MTtEMH'S TONIC HERB BITTERS. sawd ron prick iist. HUE Y dTciIRIST, Ul H. 94 "treat, PHILADELPHIA Maroh It, 187,-a TAIUIBUS, LOOK HEI1B ! F.M.CARD01&BR0., Would oall tha attention at Finn to lit fact that thoy aro roootr lag ON II CAR LOAD Or Hebron's Patent Lock Level Tread Thresh Machines, ONI CAR LOAD OF CHAMPION MOWERS and REAPERS COMBINED. And two kladl of GRAIN DRILLS FARM KRS' FAVORITE A FARMERS' FRIEND. All tin abou Maohiaai will ho Mid CIIKAF for CASH, ot oiohanged tor food HORSRB ud FAT CATTLE. , They bar, alao o lot of bow TWO H0R8K ROAD WAQ0N8, Which lhay will dlipon of In th bubo manner, Oar Tbreifaen, Reapam Bod Drill! are of tho beitmakee IB um eoantry, ana warrnnie Orit-eUll IB erery partienlar. Coll ot oar nseat market Ib Ple'e Opera Hobn BBO OSUBIBO IBOU BIBtlllBOI. F. M. CAHDON & BRO. Clenrneld, Pa March MJo. garflivar., & liaitarr. G. S. FLEGAL, Ironsides Store, PHILLIPSHURO, PA. VKALER IS HARDWARE, STOVES, 1IKATKRS, RANG ES, WOOD AND WILLOW WARI. AND UANUFACTURKR OF TIN, BIIEIT-IRON AND COPPERWARI. Freeuulila Stmt, Phillipiburg, Cootro Co., Pa. it.May 1871. POWELL & . MORGAN, DUUU HARDWARE, Alto, Manafaeturoraof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. ' CL1ARFI1LD, F A. ) P ARMING IUPLKMENT3 ot all ktndi for alt by POWELL MORGAN. pAILKOAD WHEELBARROWS XV for lala by .' . . POWELL 4 MORGAN. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Halla, ., far sola by . ' POWILL A MORGAN, TT AENKS8 TBIMMINGS A SHOE 11 riBdlif , tor lala kj POWELL A MORGAN, Q.UNS, PISTOLS SWOBD CASES For lala by POWELL A MORGA! gTOVES, OF ALL SOKTS AND Siioa, for aala by POWELL A MORGAN. TRON1 IRON I IKON I IRON I For lala by1' POWELL A MORGAN, II ORSB SHOES & HORSE SHOE MAILS, for aala by POWELL A MORGAN. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And but Muafutaro, for aala ky POWELL A MOROAN, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE x B0XR8, for nla by 'POWELL A JR0AL SACKETT&SCHRYYER HARDWARE, and aaaafaetafera of TIN, COPPER 4 SHEET IRON WARE, Second street Clearfleld, pa luring refitted oar Ho r room and doubled oar tMk, w wo prepared to offer bargeiae to per ebaeext ia our lie, We hare deeided to do a Strictly Cash Business, ind.ota therefore itlt at greatly redoood prtcM. Cftrpmtwi portoni wtlo oatmplftU balld tig will do wall to txaiiiino oar Tpoli && Baildinf Slardviri, whitk U lit Mi ot lt Utt tonBftwtira. We kwp cv larg nock of NAILB, LOCKS LATCHES HINGES OLASa, . PUTTY, GLUE, HCKKW8 All kladi af Boack PUoaa, Hawa, Oklwtl, flaana, rraw.ua aM IjotbIc, Mortlaad A Thomb Qxarah BaMli. Bracat A BiUa, Wont and Iraa Bamk anrwa.aa4 lha hatt Baring ManataB ka lha Baarkat. Double and Single Bitt Aim, roORET CCTLERT, Ac. Agtntt for JlurntWi Iron Corn Shelter, wturuiAM Alto, ifeata for Rlobwdt GOTHIC FLUE TOPS, which afaalaally ara Smoky Flaai. Farm Imploments, Garden Tools, or nary suorlptloa. A largo varlaty of COOK STOVES, whiak wa warrant la giro saUimotloB. FTimhU JtwMsf aial rmmmtt. avRaaflag, Spowtlag and Job Work daaa aa rauoaaalatafiBl. All ordara will rooaln afaw.nl attaatlaa. Plaabfag aad gaa tttlag atlaaaad la by;atparloaoad;warkBua. May I, int. JOOT ANDBHO: THE REPUBLICAN, Pabllihad amy Wodaaaday by GOODLANDER & LEE, CLEARKIELD, PA Ban (lit Irgat rirtBlatkMtjr BJty paper la NortbwMlera PaBmaylraaU. Tlio largo and conatanlly InortMing circulntion or the Republican, re ndon i I vl uublo to buii dom men a medium thro' wliioli to rooh the '. public Terms or Subscription i If paid in dvnco, ... $2 00 If paid flor three months, . 2 60 If paid alter six months, . . 8 00 When papors are sent outside of tho county payment must be in advance. ADVERTISING! Ten lines, or less, 3 tlmoi, . II 60 60 2 60 2 60 Each subsequent insorlion, Administrator1 Notices, . Executors' Notices, . .. . Auditors' Notices, . . . 2 60 0 1 60 Cautions and Estrays, . . Dissolution Notices, . 2 60 Professional Cards, S lines, year, n 00 Special notices, per line: . '. ' 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One squaro, 10 lines, . . . $ 8 00 Two squares, 15 00 Three squares, 20 00 One-fourth column 60 00 One-half column, .... 70 00 One column, 120 00 We have nlwaysjon band a large stock of blanks ol all descriptions. " SUMMONS, SUBPtENAS, , EXECUTIONS, . , ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, ' ' ' Ac, Ac, Ac. 'JOB PRINTING. Wt are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING SUCH AS P08TERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADSJ ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIKCCJLARS, Ac, Ac, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TEI1M3. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Goodlandtr eft I, Clearfleld, fiearfleld Countj, Fa, THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUO. IS, I III. REFORM CAMPAIQN BONO. , ar oibl aaanT. Baa Tlldea li a gaallaniaB. ' A true aad haaacl man, air, Aod wbca wa call tar baBMl work, lla'ajuat tho maa to aacwar Ha rapraaeata tha rary tratba That wa kara all baaa drillad la And wa eoolda't kara ta land ai oa, A batlar Baa lhaa Tlldaa. ... Tba thlavaa aod roguai bava rulad tha laad, Aad all tba paopla awladlad KineaaM arary yaar laaraaaa, Wklla rari.ua aaaa dwlailad. Tin tlma to drira tha rail aad Biiaa Froai eut lha Traaaurf baildia' I Tbara'i aoly aaa oaa dv tba Job, And bla, wa aall San Tlldoo. Tba Batplra Suta, aa proud aad graat, War on tha farga of rain r With Tlldaa for ita OoTaroor Twaa Band from nook pndolo', Baaaaa, tba tark of rnialblDg rloga Nacdi work that ha la ikillad in, Tha naa wa want for Prtiidoot Ii boaaat old Baal Tildan. . . Ha drora oat all oflloUl tbloTan, Aod atappad thalr akamaful ploadar, Aad tba way ka brougkt tba laaai dowa Mada paapla abaataad weadar. So aow wa waat tba oftoaa Wltk aooant (allow. SUad la. Aod at thalr atad ara proud to plao That bonait aaa Baa Tildao. ANNUAL REPORT OF JOHN A GREUORY, COUNTY SUPT. In submitting the following Annual Report of tho condition and improve ment of the schools In our county, it affords mo pleasure to be able to say that notwithstanding the prevailing stringency lu financial affairs, that op erated greatly against the advanco mont of our work, our schools have made substantial and encouraging pro gross during the year. Our touchers woro better qualified; labored more earnestly, and rendered better satis faction than during the previous year. A greater number of local instltutos and educational meetings were held. Those with the County Institute and County .Normal school . were more largely attended and by the tenders being hotter qualified were made more successful. ' scnooLS). "" Jlousei Built. Swan houses were built during the year. One in Brady, one in Docatur, one in Goehen, one in Pike, one in Union, one in Union In dependent and one in AVoodward.a- Tbese aro all good, substantial build ings ; each one, however, lacking com pleteness in various ways before It could be called a first-class building for tho present day. Two of the rooms are plastered' but the plastering is neithor painted nor whitewashed'. The others aro lined, but the lining is not painted, henco tho walls present a gloomy iu- stoad of a bright and choorlul appear- anco. Six of the house are furnisiied with substantial and comfortable desks. Four have neat porticos in front Tho one in Goshen baa convenient rooms fbr boskets and clothing. All aro well ventilated. - The blackboards . In four of the bouses ara too high and have poor surfaces. . No apparatus has been supplied for the now buildings: GraiittlSAooto.j'bescholtof Lum ber City wore graded during the year. Houses aro now under contract for graded schools at Rumb&rgor and JaynasTiHe. Those promise to be large buildings and are much neodod. Apparatus; Very little apparatus was procured during the year. Throe houses woro furnished with map by directors and ten with maps and mot toes by teachers. Libraries. The dirodtors of Cur wensville borough purchased eighty dollars worth of books for their school library. Management. The school bouses, with but few exceptions, were scrub bed once each month and woro found in a vory tidy condition when I visited theiu. The schools in all tbo districts were kept open the entire five months the time required by law and in three district eight months. All the branches required by law were taught in all the schools and some of the higher branches in 21. Pupils from all parts of the county, whodesire to pay special attention to the higher branches have the privilege of attending the Leonard Gradod School at Cloarfield. Most of the teachers hold monthly examina tions, sending a report of the standing of the pupils to their parents, and a rigid examination at tho close of tboir torm. Daily reviews wore conducted by all the teachors and I am glad to say a greator degree of thoroughness was found among the pupils than dur ing the previous year. INSTITUTES. County Tbo County Institute was bold in Pie's Oiiera House, in tho Bor ough of Clearfield, commencing on Docombor 27 th, and continuing for five days. 131 teachers and 42 directors wore present. The exorcisos consisted in developing what we considered the best motkods of teaching the different studio pursued In the schools of tho county in answering a list of ques tions on school economy, previously prepared lor the Institute ; in debating questions on the necessities of our county's work ; In tho reading of ossays and delivering addrossos by the teach ers on general subject ; and in even- Ing addrossos by gentlemen from our own county and from a distance. Tbo citisens and director of tho county showed tboir interest in the advance ment of the school by greatly aiding us in our work. Kx-ShoriffPieoharged us no rent for the Opera House; re quiring us only to pay for the light and fuel, and that at reduced rates. The citisens ol Clearfield town flir nishod pleasar.taocommodations for tho teachors at low rate, and tborVroctors of many districts mado special arrange ments for their teachers getting to the Institute. Spocially prepared looturos wor delivered by Doputy State Super intendent Curry, and Prof. H. Collier; also by Rot. H. 8. Butlor, liov. J. B, Young, Wm. M. MoCullough, Esq., and T. 11. Murray, Esq., from our own county. The evening loctures wore all vory able onos, oomposod with Choice language, were well delivered and par ticularly appropriate tor the occasion Local. hoeu Institute woro held for each part of the county, several townships being united in one Local Institute District, The won well sttotidodj b toaohers, director and citisens, and rewuKed fn great good. In all our Institute work during the year onr toaobar avairifWtd a great interest and rid longer "questioned the propriety of adopting the system laid down bar otmiy, bt debated on bow they could be sncceasfai D carry ing out such measure and use thorn most profitably. Truly this is ono of the boat steps to suocuss. To not only have a good syaUm but to have the teachers unanimously adhere to this system. Tha importance of reviews, tho benefits of programmes, tho advant age of all the studies required by law being taught to every pupil and many other subject laid dowu in our school systom are no longer subjects to be disputed but only to be advocated to be better developed, Scholars. The scholars attending the different schools of Ponn township held District Institutes during each al ternate Saturday of tboir school torm. Their exercises consisted in essays, de bates, class drills and orations. Their meetings were well attended by cili sons and directors, and their work re flected credit uion tho teachers who assisted and instructed them. ' 1 hope the scholars ot many other schools will try tho samo. orriciAL work. During the year 1 hold 26 examina tions ; examined 238 applicant ; grant ed 228 Provisional certificates; 6 Pro lossional, and roiccted 4; mado 21!) visit to schools ; visiting all tho schools but two once and those of nino dis tricts twice ; held a County Normal School for a torai of twelve weeks, with an attendance of 120 teachers corroded and forwarded the Annual Report of each school district ; ulso one written, one stutisticnl and twulvo monthly reports to the School Depart ment at Uurrisburg ; attended 3 insti tute inoetings.hubljcducation meetings, ono County Institute, und ono Normal School. , BUUUESTiONH. No. 1. A fow directors still persist in dividing the fivu month term and having part taught during the summer months and the remainder during the winter months. This certainly can not prove of any special benefit to any partios concerned, but docs groat in justice to the scholars who desire an education. These terms are gonorttlly taught by two different teachors and where a good teacher bos boon em ployed fbr the former torm, an inferior one will be employed for the latter, as tho good teacher will succoed in get ting a five month term, and five months shoo taught by two different teachors cannot prove of much benefit.' Many other disadvantages are connocted with this that the directors aro well acquainted with. No. 2. Tho directors of a few dis tricts advocate tho pluu of their keep ing tho schools open only three or four months during the year on account of tho diftloulty of collecting tnxos, claim ing that they are willing to loso tho State appropriation, as it would bo loss than the amount neoessary to keep tboir schools open one month. This certainly is something that directors have no power ovor. With tho sumo propriety that they could take off ono or two months thoy could conclude to havo no school during the year. Tho State law, and not tbo directors, fixes the time at not less than five months, And the directors, by lemoning tbo torm, would not only bo openly violat ing the laws of the Slute but cheat ing the children out of one of tho great est benefits granted by a free State. Directors can economize by getting good teachers at reduced salaries in times like those, or by lowering the other expenses ot tho schools, but aro required by law to kcop tho schools open not loss than five months. Would not the better plan be to have a olosor supervision ovor the work and make the school more profitable for those who attend ? No. 3. Woro tho School Boards to appropriate a small amount of money each year to the improvement of each house and Supplying apparatus it would be but a short time until tho housos and grounds would bo in good condi tion and tho schools bo supplied with all necessary apparatus. But we have school-rooms that have novor received any paint since they wore built, und tha grounds have novor boon cleared off nor fenced, being filled with rocks and stumps. Tho school grounds oonld, with but little expense hud labor, bo improved some each your. The rooms, if not painted, could be papered or whitewashed. One article of an. paratus could be supplied oach year and tho schools would be mado at tractive and ploosant for the pupils to attend and the expense would not bo as great as that incurred through nog. looting the property and kocping tho children in unhealthy bouses, dark gloomy and poorly ventilated. APPENDIX. Grocnds. Grounds of sufficient site 169 ; grounds suitably improved, 6. Houses. Number in district, 186; Wo. of frame, 182 ; No. of brick, 1 ; No. of log, 2; No. built during the year, 7; No. unfit for uso, 34 ; No. badly vonti latod, 68; No. without auitablo privy, 93 ; No. of first-class school housos, (10, Furniture. Number with suitable furniture, 100 ; No. with injurious furn iture, 63 ; No. supplied with furniture during the year, 9. Apparatus. Number well supplied with apparatus, 43 ; No. without ap paratus worth mentioning, 80 ; No. in which apparatus was Increased during tbo year, 16. Schools. Number ol graded schools 21 ; No. gradod during tho year, 3 ; No. of graded schools needed, 28 ; No. of schools well classified, 187 ; No. in which tho books are uniform, 190 ; No. in which the Bible is road. 172 : No. In which drawing is taught, 40 ; No. in which vocal musio is taught, 65 ; No. in which any of the higher branches ara taught, 21. Examinations. Number of public examinations hold, 25 ; No. ol directors present, 87; No. recoiving provisional certificates, 228 ; 'No. rocoivini profes sional certificates, 6; No. of opplicant rejected, 4; Avorago grado of certifi cate, 1.82. Teachers. No. of males employed, 115; No. of females employed, 83; average age of teachers, 24 ; No. who have had no experienco, 35 ; No. who havo taught loss than ono year, 40; No. who havo taught moro than five years, 69; No. who intend to mako teaching a permanent business, 195 ; No. who have attended a State Nor mal School, 23; No. who have gradu ated at a Btato Normal School, 4 ; No. who have read books on teaohlng, 196; No. who bold professional certificates, 16 ; No. who hold permanent certitT- rate, 8; No. of failures in teaching, 7. V ISITA.TIONS. No. of visits to schools by County Superintendent, 219; Av orago time spent at each, two hours; No. of schools nut visited, 2; No. of directors accompanying Superintend ent, 93 ; No. of patrons mot in the schools, 46. Districts. No. ol schools regularly visited by directors, 153 ; No. of schools regularly visited by patrons, 185 ; No. in which a district instituto is hold, 14; No. employing a teacher not director as district Sunorintendeut, 3; No, of meetings held by County Superintend ent, 5 ; No. of districts with libraries, 2; ostiinated number of children ot school ago not in school, 89. Private Schools. No private un graded schools in district. TUR KEYNOTE OF THE CON TEST. Charles A. Dana, editor of the New York iVuh, generally conceded to be the most vigorous journalist in the country, a Itopublican ot muny years standing, miiiiugiug oditor of tho Now York Tribune in its palmy days, and Assistant Secretary of War under Stun ton, consented to act as chairman of the Tammany mooting In Now York on Tuesday night last, and in that capacity mado the lollowing address Fellow CitUfMl have oomo to Tarn' ninny Hull with great pleasure to aid in ratifying the nomination of Samuel J. Tildon and Thomas A. Hendricks as tbo candidates of the Democratic party. (Applanao.) In my judgment, it is of tho greatest importance to tho people of this country that thoso cand dates should b) olocted, and I will join hands with any man who desires and labors to secure their succos. I know both tho candidates; and I ara sure that by tboir election the administiu. tion ol the Government will be reform ed ; that the corruption which now threatens to destroy free institutions will bo stopped ; that the enormous taxes which cot up the fruit of labor will bo reduced ; that the stagnation ol industry and the depression of businoss which deprives so many men of nil employment, and turns skillod laborers and their families out to starvation will be ended, and an era ol now aetiv. ity and prosperity bo begun for the country. Tho Itopublican party has been in power for fifteen years, and seo where it bos brought us and whore it bos brought itself. Ono mombor of the Cabinet is now undor impeachment for bribe-taking; another, moro guilty, but moro cuuniug than bo, deserves impeachment, and I hope to God bo will get bis deserts ; another, lately Secretary of the Interior, having com mitted grand larceny in hisolllco, resign. ed to avoid impcachmont ; and another, lately Attorney General, having com mitted potty larceny, was filially re- movod from his place through a con tcmptiblo social lntnguo. Suc-u nie the representatives ot the Republican party in the height of power ; and go ing down from that elevation we find everything corruption, vonality, con tempt of law and plunder of the lux payers. Ono would suppose that tho decent men of such a party seeing its condition, wotld bo overcome by sense ol shamo and would require it to step down and out, to hido its lace and to dio from the memory of mon ; but instead of this, it somos forward with candidates and a platform to ask for the votes of the peoplo and to make a fight in the election. The impudence, tbo effrontery of this proceeding ex ceeds everything heard of before; and yot we havo bero the samo managers who have brought the Republican party into this condition, with Zach Chandler (hisses) at their hoad,talk ing about reforming the civil service and restoring tho earlier purity of our politics! Do thoy expect anybody to believe them ? Is there any consider able number ol fools in the country who can again bo deceived by such fraud ?- Those aro questions which the election' will answer, as I hope and trust, by putting Sam Tildon in powor (applause) and establishing the St. Louis platform as the charter of a real, radical and lasting reform. (Prolonged applause.) Soldom have words of fiercer might been uttered. They deserve to be road and memorised by every man who is in doubt about the insignificance of tho coming campaign ; and who under rates tho importance of burling from powor the wretches who have done so much to sup tho vitals of government Mr. Dana is evidently in earnest and bis words will carry conviotion to evory unprejudiced mind. refohm,vanted7 The Bellefonte W'atrhnum says Reform is tho watchword of tho Dem ocratic party for 1876. And thoy moan it, too. As the embodiment of their viows and purposos, thoy have nomi naled the great reform Govornor of. Now York, who does not only promise what ho trill do, but points to what ho has dono. Taxation in Now York reduced from sixteen to eight millions of dollurs 1 The Twoed rinir broken up, imprisoned and dispersed I The canal robbers routed horse, foot and dragoons, and an honest administration of the affairs of the State by honest mon all going on undor tho watchful supervision of "t'nelo Samuel." Good times for tho country after be ho had a cbanco at tho thieves, robbers and rings that are now plundering tho na tional Government. Rcliof for the peoplo after he has had an opportunity to economize the finances and reduce the taxation. Prosperity for tho citi sens aftor he has a chance to cnt down tho salaries, turn out Grant's office holders, protect the Treasury and re duce the expenditures. Vote for Uncle Sam Tildon, boys, if you want to seo the era of reform and honesty set in once moro. If you want the furnaces, forges, mills, manufactories and minos to start up again, it you want plonty of work and good wagos, Aw the Republican party out of power. That is the vampire that Is living on your sweut and blood and robbing you of the profits of your honest labor. You musf chango the administration of the Government In other hands, if yon want relief. Voto nrr x i men. A TnnuniiTruL Young Man. An oxchange says : At tho closing of a concert, whilo a young gontloman was struggling with his hat, cane, over- coat, opera glass and hit young lady's an, an or which be was trying to re tain on hi lap, a suspicious looking; black bot lie foil on the floor. "There," be exclaimed to bis companion, "I shall lose my cough medicine." That was presence of mind for you. A WHMPKB WITH VAKi 8VUVKZ. Carl Schurs Is the ablost disputant and tho feeblest leader of American politics. He is nothing if not revolu tionary; be cherishes unrest when other rule, and orusbe tbo scoptre with unbalanced waywardness whon it coinos within bis grasp, lie is political dreamer wbo is over voxod at failure and fretful over the real or im aginary Imperfections of victory. Ho hurls his thunders at the shadows which flit over bis political pathway, and beups curses upon the sunsblno bo cause the God of day is not spotless. lie theorises of parlies suob as angels would create ; ol polilloal achievement which would be unmarred by the hunger ol the placeman; of candidates who would promise nothing, award nothing for political merit, and then ha would recoil from the ungrateful victor who thought not of the green out laurels for Carl Scburz. A mastor revolutionist, bo is ever faithful to bis culling, and when his revolution is complete over his foes, be straightway breeds revolution to invito failure over his own works. Ho is happy only when miserable, and bis single unmixed sadness is whou the Dead Sea fruit of victory comes to mock bim. In tho early struggles of Republicanism, wbon to plead its cause was to invite ihe obloquy ol tho country and to quicken Ihu bale of tbo men who now revel In it highest plaeea, Carl Sebum waatho lender of leaders tho ablest, the brav est champion ol them all. His plume was topmost and bis shield brightest in the forlorn hopes of early Republi can conflicts. Iluwroslled with Doug las and mastered him when bo bod scarcely learned our langnago, and from tbo fur wesv ho pleaded the cause of the manhood of every race through out the Kanaas tempest, with an elo- quenco and power which made a na tion pause. And thus ho battled until a national victory lor bis party brought its shadow for it ablest defender. He was last on the field, teaching an un- selfish patriotism, and he was first at tho throne when the laborers came for their biro. He sought to boar to a foreign court tho revolutionary resent ments ho had nursed in the Father land, and tho grateful Lincoln obeyed, but only to recall tho foolish blundor that offered an insult to a friondly powor when rebellion was thundering within sound of the Capitol, His am bition then turned to squadrons be would set in tbo sunguinary field and hurl them as sweeping roapors of death against tho heroes of tho stars and bars, and he went and conquered not llo could criticise our tardy generals, plan the grandest campaigns, define the proper conduct of tho war to the minutest details, settle questions of in ternationul law with the dash of his brilliant pen, teach Presidents how President should teach, and advise cabinets how cabinet should advise; but the history that tolls of tho patient, hopeful progress, through storm and sunshine, through bereavement and viotory to the grand consummation, is forgotlul of Carl Schur. Whon pcaco camo Carl Schurx man fully braved the terrible tide of seo- lional pusaion that war had lull to vox the land, and a grateful State, hap pily rescued from the angriest internal conflict, mode biiu senator. Jt was the field of all others worthy of bis pre-eminent ability, but he was on the Bide of power. Had he oome to battle with the Senate of 1860 he would havo ridden on tho storm ot parliamentary disputation, and towored above bis lei- lows in lordly pride. He stood on his supreme pinnacle of studied states manship and confessed intellectual mastery, and looked down in contempt and pity upon the little one who were bis poors or clothed with authority that fate cruelly denied to him. And when tbo trial camo, and others bont or prostrated themselves before fitful power, ho stood erect and was broken. He saw Grant and Morton and Conk ling and Cameron toy with his theories mako merry ovor his eloquence, pour contempt upon his logic and defy the revolutionist. Ho saw Sum nor smit ten by his side, with an approving Sonato, and one who had inoffacoably marked a nation's shamo, crowned with Sumner's honors. Ho saw Trum bull displaced from his well-earnod leadership, and Fenton driven into the valley oi humiliation, and Tipton hurled ovor tho Republican battlements, and himself mado a stranger to the chief aims ot bis own party, because ho and thoy hud questioned the arrogance of the most debauched rule the nation has evor known. To Cincinnati he turned bis steps, and tbo writer hereof followed him, There were unsightly sectional scars to heal, consuming abuses to correct, and a discordant people to unite in brotherhood and pcaco. None joined him moro cordi ally than be wbo now criticises bim in resisting the nominations made at Cin cinnati, but a successful election was not tbo only great necessity of a dis tracted and demoralised country. In the light of tho last four years men may or may not deplore the defeat of Horaco Greeley; but thoro is not a patriot of all tho moro than forty mil lions of free people, who does not point with boundless gratitude and pride to tho North and South, for tho first time and for all the future, unified on tboir sectional estrangement and on all the future, unified on their sectional estrangements and on all questions lingoring as tho irritating sores of war, by the sinoore and manly deliverance of Cincinnati and Baltimore In 1872. Had Carl Schurx done nothing more in his eventful life tban pluck that jewal for bis crown, ho might have boon con tent; but be thrust his fretful fuvor npon bis own work until' ho sickened his own worshiiers. He half mourned the defeat, and would havo sorrowed over victory. Ho rolurnod to tho Sonato to meet tho insolent thrusts of power and sit undor the rudo jibos of ignorance and littleness. Ho was formally declared to be outsido of all healthy political organisations, and tho Grant Senate that is to be the right arm of llayos, if elected, hunted him with tireless vongoance. lie returned to his Stato, and was welcomed by the majority parity, which would have rallied around him without asking any sacrifice of bis manhood, and returnod bim to the Senate with the sincere ap proval ot hi constituents ; bat such viotory was oommon-plaoe it was such as lesser men achieved, and our Canar would feed on no such meat Ho would bare a Rubicon of hi own, cross it bolero au admiring world, and ho plungod and Schurs wus groat no more. His Improvised party fell 111 hopeless defeat, and the mon wbo re cently nominated Uayoa have howlod their delight over his disaster, have spit in his faco, havo kiokod and ouffod bim from Grant tho Presidont toOrvil tho petty trailer, and to-day scarcely endeavor to conceal tholr mingled pity and contempt for the deceit that be unwittingly employ to renow tbo powor that points to tho overthrow und humiliation of Schurs as among its most savory victories. In May bo called tbo bettor element of Republicanism uboitt him in New York to touch parties their duties. Hero ami there men hearkened and came tu sit in council with him, and tho ideal Presidential candidate wus pictured in beautiful word-painting fur the country. Tboso who would gaze UMn it need but turn to another col umn of this journal. It is tbo poetry of Carl Scburz ; the dream of the rest less revolutionist; tho fitful flash of a bono .that perishes In it birth ; but it painfully teaches bow falsehood may win a lodgment In an honest effort through the caprice of a meteoric bruin. In every paragraph we quoto from tho trenchant pen of Schurx at the fifth avenue conclave, thoro is tho most pointed condemnation of Rutherford U, lluyes as a Presidential candidate. flu snt in Congress lour years and was silent. No abuses called bim to utter ance ; no wrongs mado bimlisp reform; no effort of his lifo has mado him a ter ror to ovil-doors. Ho is the candidate of the men who spoak and act fbr the organization of tho party to-day, und who have biased the name of Schurx with undying resentment because be is not a thief nor the friend of thieves. He was created by Grant and Morton, and Coukling and Cameron, and has in thorn partisans wbo outstrip even Schurx in their zeal for his success. Behind them are Bubcock and Shep herd, and Kellogg and Pinchback,nnd Patterson and McDonald, men in pri son stripes and men who foar about prison stripes in the future, all trem bling lest the reform candidute of Carl Scburz may fail of an election. Tbey have driven Brislow, Mr. Scburs's Presidential candidate, from tbo Treas ury, with every faithful officer wbo aidod him ; thoy havo made Pratt seek retirement because ho was bonost they drove Jewell out to illustrate lluyes' civil servico reform by giving the Post Office patronage over to Mor ton to carry Indiana for Hayes; they made Dyer bito the dust because he sought to punish the guilty ; Hender son was dismissed bocauso bo ventured to approach the truth In the tomplo of justice, and W barton is deposed for fidelity to the law. These aro not Grant's acts; tboy are the acts of the leading, controlling friends of Mr. Hayes; tho authoritative oracles for bim and bis party. They have sane- tioned every Presidential wrong, and Hayes is dumb as the sheep before the shearer, ns Morton and Conkling'pios titute tho wholo Grant civil powor to advance Hayes' election, and Camoron is brooding disorder and death in the South to make tho ballot-box declare bayonet victories for Mr. Schurz'scan. didate. Such is tho entortainmont to which Curl Schurx invites himself to reform a cation. Philatltlphia Timet. Tho Cincinnati Enquirer, the great soft money organ of the west, grace fully lowers its flag. It says: "We prefer Tildon to Haves, and shall ad. vise the Democratic organizations to stand by the nominee. The election of Tildan would signalize the triumph of certain Democratic principle. We shall feel it onr duty to counsel bar mony, for tho organization of the Dem ocratic party must be preserved. There is nothing for tho Democratic party to do but to close ranks and move forward to the music prepared at St Louis." Hon. Goorgo U. Pendleton, of Ohio, has boon elected President of a Tilden and Hendricks Club at Cincinnati. 3?fw fliifrtUftufuts. E XECUTORS NOTICE. All paroa hartal Bay alalaaa aaalaat tha aatalaaf Abrabaa Kylar, talaar Morrla tava.hlp, auat praaaot tbra for aettlamaot at oaaa, aa But latar maa tba lat af Oatobar. 1STS. W. ROTH ROCK, Aug. t, 1171-41 Eiaeator. T?XECUTOR'S NOTICE.- Xj Natioa Ii baraby giraa that Irttara ta.ta aaatary nav in. bean graatad ta lha motor! bar aa tha a.uila of JOHN W. IRWIN, dao.au, lata oi aorna lawa.blp, Claarnald aoaatj, Paon a., ail paraia laacblea ta aala aalata ara raquauad to aaaa lauadiata aavuaBt. and I boat .baviaa aiaiaa agatan uia aaaa will praaaal ibaa daly auwaniiaataa lor oatuaar-ni. JOHN L. CUTTLE, Claartfald, Jaly It, '71-Sta Kiaoator. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE.- Nulna It baraby givaa that Lattart of Ad. alalltratloB an tha aatato of CURIST. NRFF, lata of Now Wa.hlnitoa. Claarlald eouolr. Fa., daeaaaad, baring baaa daly graattd to tho nndertlffnad, all varaona Indablad to laid e.tala will plaaaa aaka iaaadlato paymant, and thoat baring olalaa or daaanda will praaaot tbaa iropany aoinantloalail ror lattlamaat wlthoul lalay. JOB. 11. BRBTH, Adalalatrator. Naw Waahlnglaa, Jaly IS, 71-St. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 4. Natioa ll karabf draa that UlUrl of Ad. aialttratioa aa lha aatata of ROBRRT FROTT, lata of Ha.taa towaihlp, OlasrSald aaanly, Pa daoaaaad, harlag baaa daly (raalad to tha aadaraliraad, all aaraoaa ladablad la aaUl aatata win piaaaa aaaa laaadtata payaaat, Bad Ibm baaing atalaa ar doaaoda axaiaal tha aaaaa will praaaal thaa proparly aathaatisalad for aatUa- an wiiaoat ialay. AooouBta aaa bo wft with Alaaaadar Pratt, at tba Baaalt Taaaal (Babula P. O ), Claarlald aoonty, Pa., ar with W. D. J. MARLIN, Ada r, auiy in, IBia-at'J Hrookrlllo, Pa. QAUTION All bar Ma h L.Mh. 1 1 ., RorehailBg ar la any way aaddllag with lha illowtog proparty aaa la tha poaaai.loa af 0. rlagal, of Bogga towaihlp, via i Bit aaraa aati la tba aroaail. i mm. I- k. i . of bay aad rya la lha bare, aa tba aaaa balaaga aaa i. an wiia at oa loaa ooly, aablaal to ay ardar at aay Uaa. ID, FLEGAL. nan araoaiar, Aug. I, 1871-11, QAUTION. AR aaraaaa ara karaby oaatloaad aralaat ihaatag or la aay aaaaar aaoddllag wtih lha " r , . mtm paaaaama o. aarB WlBVarighl,af Farguaoa towa.bip, rlu I aaw, 1 oaok atoro. I flak. 1 awnhnMl. w f uuu. and aula Ib lha graaad, aa tba aaaa wan par abaaad ha aa. aai k. i l-j. , ' aid Witharlghl aa aaa, aalaaat aa ar ardar at Bar two. BAMUBI. MtOl'LLf . Marraa, Aag.J, IITI Ii' c IAUTION.- .... r ... aa-my VVKWIim (, 1 1 Ion log torapmr io U tho MiJ-itlMt af O. II AH klhllfrl BM kataaka. aaa. it.. Jf Wtrtp f Ulrmrd town-hip, -0TC rff4 uf at lanM Ot aaB-al laaaaK.. dial aaad Aft a t! ia? lEI at O. H WarTa a III. M,IH faataara ar km of aawad laabof at tba aoath of Door araak, a Mat klaakiaitk toola. I pain af tola rWda, I two-bana wagon., 1 alalak. 1 baggy, I hay koraaa, S gray banal, I rata bar! " d1 F or ibm, 1 bows, t aaraa baakwkaa! la tba groaad, I oowlag aaablas, I aala, I Mora , lot of okaira, I tehlaa, I Mb, Bad I aaddla, aa tho aaaa waa mmuJ l. -- "fT'f.'' " M ' " ". ad I. Ml with bla a laaa aaklrat ta aa ord .t ... Claariakt, Aag. I, '71 II. a. RURUETT. UMfUflllfiM. HARTS WICK & IRWIN SKCOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE Hit U US! CHEMICALS! PALM'S, OllaS, DYK STUFF VAIINIHIIKS, BRUSHES, PKHFUMKRV, s. FANCY OOOD8 TOILKT AKTICLKS, , OF ALL KINDS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, for .dleloat (.urpoau. Tra-swi, HrjpporUn, flobool Books nil Rtattwa or, nd til otbar artiolm a.ulljr foaad Ib Drag Storo. PUTStCIANH' PRK8CRIPTI0N8 CARS FULLY COMPOUNDED. lUriDf krn z pfrleooo In tbo bmintM th7 ou giro ODttro ( UrMtlOQ. J. O. HARTftWtCK, JOHN 9. JHWIN. Clwrltld, DoMUabor M, 1874. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, iSrwwiawra to Bo-nton k Young.) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS MavonfavetHrert of PORTABLE St. STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Coraor of ronrth and Plna Straata, CLEAR PI El.!), PA. HA VINO angagad Ib tha Bannfafltara af Irrt alaaa MACHINERY, wa rarpaotfully Infona ha pablia that wa aro aow prepared to All all ordara aa abaaply aad aa promptly as aaa ba dona la aay of tbo ottlaa. Wa aanafaetBra aad daal la Mulaj and Circular Saw-Milli Baad Bloaha, Walar Wha.ll, Shafting Pul Oiford'l Injaclor, Btoaa Oaagei, Btaana Whlatlaa, Oilara, Tallow Cap., Oil Capa, Oauga Ooaka, Air Coeka, Olaba Valraa, Cbaak Valraa, wrought Iroa Plpaa, S.aaat Puapa, Bailor road Punpa, Antl Frlotloa Matraa, Soap Btoao Parking. Oaa Paok ng. and all kiadi of MILL WORK , logelbor with Plana, glad Bona, COOK AND PAR COR STOVES, and othor CABTINOS of all kin da. JBaT-Ordare aoUoltad aad (Had at ally prioaa AU ktlan or ioquiry with rafaranoo to aaehlaary of oar aaauaatara promptly aaawarad, by addraa lag ai at Claarlald, Pa. Janl'74-tr BIOLBR, YOUNG A REED. The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory, Paaa towa.bip, Claarlald Co, Pa, BUR RED IIUTI oar bot B U R NED U PI TbonbMr.borfll.BTo,tt groat tzpcoM, mbti.lt olgbborhooij Moouity, in tba orootloi of tnt 0I.VM Weolea lluafkotorr. with all tho Bodn luproTomoata Mtoched, ond or pnporod to mUo oil klndi of Clotbo. Custmorat, Botiootu, BIm koto, ritanoij, 4e. Ploatjr of good oa bond to nppij ui ooroio ana a tbouiaad aow oaitoraort, whom wo aok ta oomo aad oxanloo oar took. Tbo baiiaaas of CARDING AND FULLING will roeolra oar poeial attoatioa. Prtrpor aVTTagfweiiu wm wo maat to roooivo aaa aouvor Wool, to tail eaitomorar All work warranted aod doao apoa tbo hortott aotloo. aad by itrlot attoa tioa to (mm Idmi wo bop to raaliM a Mural ban i paoiw pMroaap;. 10,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED! W will pay tbo blhot aarkt prioo for Wo aad toll oar aaaafartttrod. goods, aa low aa alaiilar good! oaa bo bought la tho ooaatj, and wbonaror wo fall to rondar roaaonabl aatltfaotion wo oaa a!waa bo found at boma raady ta aiako pmpor azplaaatloB, wither la porann or bj letter. lAMKS JOHNSON A 80NR, prilMtf Bower P. O. a. p. auL.ca. a. a'coaaLa. d. aaiLiavi. GlLlCn, McCORKLE & CO.'S (Baaaaaaoia ta Joha Onlloh), POPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Street, Clearfleld, Pa. Wa B.a ..r.... .11 k 1 -J . -S V -a .. !.... isiiii' tig r sir HMWJTV itr Ohaabero, Din-lag Kooma, Librarloa and Halla. Tf na want afnmltuM mi in kinJ A.im'i until ytia om oar took. UNDGIITAKIINO ta all Ita braacboa. W kp la atoek all the lalMt aad aut improred Coffloa and Gam k fit, and have every feci 11 17 for properly eoa darting tbia brannh of our buinaa. W bave a patnt Cerpao Pre emr, la whlob bod.ee oaa ba prMrre1 lor aeon iderable length of tine, A aieaiber of the Ana baa hli aleenlng apart eat at oar wan -room, whr he oaa be found h aay pervoa wbo eoraa at night for tbo pumoaa of prouariag eeSaa. U1ILIOII, MiKjORKLB A CO. Clearfield, Pa May 10, 71 I y. J" ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VA8ES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick, kapt ooBitaatty oa kaad. STOVE AD EARTHED WARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTS1 CROCKS! rtahor'a fatnt Airtight Half . (tooling- BtTTTCR nannitu iv ua. CREAM CROCKS, ' MILK CROCKS, APPL - BUTTER CROCKS, .ainri a t.nnnvo FLOWER POTB, P DIBIIBS, ETEW FOTB, Aad a graat Ban; alkar tklaga loo aaaorooa to BoauoB, to aa aaa at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S 8TONE - WARE POTTERY. Ooraor ol Ok, arrr and Third Straata. CLEARFIELD, FA. sngl Clearfleld Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. fHE aadaralgaad, harlag aatablLhad a Nar- Af- Jl " 'N- ,b",, " balwaaa Oiaaawald aad OarwaanTllla, la araparad ta far 01 all khadaaf FRUIT TREE, (ataadard aad dwarf.) Emgraaaa, Bhrabbory, Orapa Vlooa, Oaaaabarry, Xjwtoa Blaakbarry, Buawbarry, Bad Raaihana Via, llu u.i i. Qalaaa, aad aarly aaarlot Rhubarb, Ao. Ordara praapUy aataadad to. Aadraaa, .... d. U. WHIOHT, -f" " t Curwan.rllla, Pa. thFmansion "house. Corner of beoond and Market Hiroete, CLHARf PA. fpill aid and aoHmadloaa HuUi baa. during X tbo paat year, beea ealargod to doohl iu former oapaelty for tbo eaurUlontat of atraa gert aad gueaU. Tba whole betiding baa boea rfuralabed, aad tha proprietor will apare ao palai to rndr bit guuU eomlorubie while taylag with bin. Ar-Tha 'Manaloa Houae" Onalbua rum u and fron the Depot oa tba arrival and departart a. ...k a..lss W. (' t'AHIiliM W. f. OAK DON. July lI-7-tf Proprietor LLEGUENY UOTKL- Market Hireet, Clearfleld, P, Win. R. It red ley, fornorly iri.prttr of the Leonard lluaae, tiovlng ltHl tbe AI1gbny llutel, oliaif a ahar of publie patruaag. Tit Uvum hu boea thwmutily ropnird and aewly furnialiad, ami guoila will find it a plca-ant atop, ping plaoe. Tli labia will ba up.lid with the beat of everything in the market. AI the bar will be fuand lb beat win-l atd tiiguora. Ouud atahllug attarbml. WM. H. HllAIH.KV, May 17, '71, Pnrprtalor. SUSQUKIIANNA IIOUSK, CURWKN8VILI.K, PA. NKWT0N READ, PaoraiiToK. Having becom proprietor ol tbia llutel, I would reapefltfully eulioit ibe patrnnag of the pabllo. Uouae leaaanlly and eonvrnitotly all aated 1 a ! refitted and rafurnivhed ; good aan til rooma attaobed. All railroad traiiia Hop at tbia hoo. janttt-fa SHAW UOUSK, (Cor. of Market A Front atreet.,) CLKAKKIKLU, PA. Tbe andarrlgned baring takrn ehurg of tbia llotal, wonld reapeotfully e'l huhlie L.ntnnig. J.DI74 D. It. rl'LLKKTON. WASHINGTON 1IOUSK, NEW WASHINOTON, PA. Tbia aw and well furnirhnd buu baa boon taken by tbe anderaignad. He feela ounndout of being abi to render aatiafaetiuB to those ko may faror bin with a oalL May S, 17S. O. W. DAVIR, Prop'r. ONTOUR HOUIR, Oppoalte the Court Houae, LOCK II A V I N, PB.NN'A. jeM'Tl IIAL'SEAL A KROM, Pm.'. LOVD HOUSE, Maia Rtraet, PHILH'SUURU, PKNN'A. Table alwaya aupplled with tbe beat U narkt afforda. The trarallBg pub He la Invited toeall. j.n.l,'7. KOBKKT LOVD. r. B. ARNOLD. 0. W. ABSOLB. j. a. aasvLa F.K. ARNOLD L CO., Iluukerfi and Itrokcrs, Reynoldsvlllft JelTcraot, Co. Pa. Money received aa depoelt. Dlarmnnta at win derate ratea. Katie ra and Foreign Kxtbange al wara on band aad eollrrtinna pmmptir made. Key Bold, v ill., Dee. U, 1874-ly County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM Ib Maaonlo Building, one door north el C. D. WaUoa'a Drug Htore. Paaeage Ttekcta to and fron Liverpool, Qq-i,i-towo, tilaagow, London, Paria and Copenbata. Alao, Draft! for aale on tbe Royal bank of Irelaoe1 and Imperial Bank of London. JAM Kb T LEONARD, 1'r.i'L JW. M. SHAW, Caahirr. tl:1:74 DREXEL & CO., No. 3d sjotth TUIrd Street. Philadelphia B.I'afR.,, And Dealers in Government Securities. Applieatioa by mail will racaira prompt allrn tioa, and all loforwatioa ebaarfully furni.b.d Ordara aoliotad. April ll-lf. 5tnstrK. "STEWAET dTBLACKBUEN, " DENTISTS, CnrweiiavlllB, Clrartteld County, Prtin't (ODIoa la Oatea' Naw Building.) Carwanarilla, jaa II, !S7d ly. " Dr7E. MT THOMPSON, " (OOos la Baah Balldiag.) Curwenarlllr. ClearBold t o.. Pa. ach il '7S-tf. A . M . HILLS Would respectfully notify kia patient, that ho haa reduoed the prlee of A KTI FIOUL I hi ii Til tolaW.IHI ner eat. or t&.OO for a double eet, For any twopereuai oootlajr at the aaoie time, to have each aa upper aet, will (et tba two aeU for .H4,0, or $17. i earh. Term a Invariably Ciaa. Clearfleld, Jaa. 1, 187. VALUABLE PROPERTY - FOR BALI OR FOR RENT. Tba tobecriber given aeile that he will either rent or toll hie dwelling and alora property, nt aate oa Reed itreet, adjoining tba Leonard Houae, in the borough of Clearfleld, Pa. Tbe atore mom la U X S4 feet. The dwelling hoaee eoatalaa S room aad a kitebea aa tbe Irat itory, and I rooma oa the eeooBd atory. The tore room oaa ba had at one, and ibe dwelling portioa on and after tba lit of July' For further par Honiara, addreaa or apply te tbe andrrignd oa the premlaea. UBO. C. PAB6MOKK. Clearfleld, Pa., May 19, '75-tf " M EAT" MARKET. F.M. CARD0N4 BRO., Rear of Pia'a Opora.Houaa, CLEARFIELD, TA. Oor arraagamaata ara cf tba Boat ooa,l.lo ebaraater lor furaiabiog tba publia with r'raik Maala of all klad, and ar tha rary bait qualitr. Wa alaa daal ia all kiada of Agriaollural lmpl'a aaata, which wa haep aa ashiuilioo for tba bra aflt of tbo publio. Call around whoa ta tova, aad taka a look at thiog,, or adjrau ua F. M. CARDUN A BRO. Claarlald, Pa., July 14, llla.tf. JKW CA BIN E f M A K 1 NG S 1 1 OP. M. B. 3PACKMAN Daiirca to announoa to lha poblle that ha kal opaoad a CABINET MAKING SHOP IN CLEARFIELD, Wbara bawill KRRP ON HAND FTJ&lTZTTJfiS, And do all kind, of CAUINKI WORK and RE PAIR FURNITURE of all kii,dl,oo .aorl BOIIra aad In tba heat poi.ibla aiannar. Sh ip . Faurlh atraat, appinlta Park A M-rrlll', L'.m.r. Shop. a0 FRESH MEATEV SHOP. Tba undenignad baraby inform. Iba pul.lir ia g.nrral that thay k.ap on hand, r.gn arlj, at tbalr.hnp, adioiniog JOHN OI'LIl'llf furnitan roona, opputito tha Court ilouta, Iba BUST rilKXIl ISfff, VEAL, Ml TT0. LAUB, PUHK, BTC, AT REDUCED P11ICKS, I'OU CASH. i ai aw'iraiiigBj t uavtitj, lonriuir, w Saturdaya. Meai delivered at reaidanee wbvi deatred. A abare of patronage la refpeetfutlv anliritad. March 1, 1N70-Iy, tSTAUK A NOHUIH, READING FOR ALL ! I BOOKS STATIONERY Markot HL. C'learSeld, (at Hit Poat Ollirr.) THE andaralgnad baga laara to annouon. t. lha altlaaai af Claarlald and rklnltr. IM ba haa Sttad op a rooB and baa Jart rataraa from tba aity with a largo aaoout of raadmg a.tlar, ooail.ting la part ar T;i.l. j ur: n B..L. ayiMiua BUU ill IBOeuauouUS DUUbO Btaak, Aooonnt aad Paaa Baoka af a.ar, eriplinn i P.par and Rnralapaa, Fnnrk praiwd nnd plain Pan. and P.Bcllai Blank Ural Papar., Daada, Morlgagaa Judgmanl, Ki.m,- uun ana rroraiaarr notaai Wkita and ran. aaat llriaf, Lagal Cap, Raaord Cap . aad Bill f'l, Hnaat Mu.ia, fur allber Piano, Plulo or VioSi, oonataatiy oa haod. Aoy bonka or ,tati..rf de.lml Ibal I Bay Bol hara aa haad.alll ba or,l.ra b; trat aipraaa, aod Bold at wbolHala ar nail la aall aaaloaara. I will alaa baap pariooVtl lltaralura, inok ai Manila.., Nawpi,.r. If. p.a.uaIlin. ClaarSaM, May t, ISSI tf JOHN" TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, ItfATTRENNKN, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NBAS P. 0. Tha BBdaralgnad baga laara ta lafora lhralj aaaa of ClaarSold, aad lha pablia graarall,, ka haa aa band a laa aiaortarnl ai FaraSajo, aa.b aa Walaut, Chaitnnt and 1'alal.d l'1"'" Snllaa, Parlor Builaa, Raellnlng and t"V Chain, Ladlaa1 and llmli' Eur C kalra, T foralad DlalBg aad Parlor Ckalra, Cana Wlndaor Chain, Clatbaa Ban. Htrp aad kiw loo Laddrra, Hal Raoki, Brrubblng lira.'"-" MOULDING AND PICTURE FhdMoA. Looking niaaaaa, Chroaoa, A.., wklrk waa auilabla fbr Hollaay arawala. u , u daalt'7 JOHN TROl'TMA".