SMUMltanfoun. JJOOT AMD 8IIO OOT AND SHOE MARINO. JOSEPH it. DEKRINU. oa market atrMt, in Skew'a How, Clearfield, Fa., kai Ju.l not? ad gna lot of Freaek O.lf Sklaa Klpi, Ike bMt ta tka market, .ad ti bow prepared ta enaa afaetare everything la He Haa. lit will wit rant kl work to ko m repreeeated. Alio, all kladi of Leather and Shoe Finding! for aala. Tko oltUoai of Clearfield and Tlolaltj aN raapoetfnlly larlud to giro bim a aall. Work dene al abort notion. TiU'TSjr G BEAT REJOICING dill ovtr the State at tho adjournment of both branehaa of our Hut Leglilature, oud tomo of the momneri making for taeir boiat I ..opt to lUj there. I GREAT AD GOOD JEWS, , alto, for tho eltliena of Clearfield eounty who tn tead vlalting the Centennial, and for all other, by Ibt re-opatag of tha OLD SHORTY SHOE SHOP, On Market alreet, ont door wt of tht Allegheny Hotel, where "tSUOKTY" will bo found at ell Utnv, readj and williug to moat and aweotnmodato all kit old euitomen eod a many now ouea a may ffcvor bin with a call, M that they w UU the Centennial "clear heeled ud light-footed' In a pair of "iJborty'a" bomo-Bahde j BOOTS OR SHOES, I Don't forutt calling on "Shorty" before par-eha-lDg elwehere. If keep none but flnl tlwi workmea ud n warrant all "feet-wear" made at fata attop not to rip. raeel or draw too peg, lla ii prepared to do anything in hla line . etltehad, aewed or pegged. Repairing neatly done on abort no lie. LEATUER t SHOE FHDIXGS alweyi on band and for aalo by tha lama "ibort" fallow by thelhort" naa of FRANK 8U0HT. Clearfield, Pa., May II, 187-tf. SueT Sc chiust; soli proprietors or Tin CELEBRATED , 0 n rAT(.lw" t AMD ' dh aracrKR'a TONIC HERB BITTERS. if.vo o pjirif zsr. IIUEY ctTciIHIST, 131 M. 34 Rtraet, PHILADELPHIA Mnrrbl.9, 17-"m G. S. FLEGAL, Ironsides StoreJ PIIILI.IPM1IURO, PA. DEALER IS HARDWARE, 8TOVI8, HEATERS, BANO KB, WOOD ASD WILLOW WARE. AND MANUFACTURER OF TIN, 8HEET-IR0N AND COPPKRWARI Preiquiile Straat, i Pbillipiborf, Contra Co., Pa. M.May 187. POWELL & MORGAN, II A. Jl .W ARE, ' ' Alia, Haaaraatnrafiof . Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLIARrilLD, PA. T7AK1IINO IMPLEMENTS of oil X' ktnda for aala bf POWELL A MORGAN. RAILROAD WHEELBABBOWS XV for aala b POWELL MORGAN, QIL, PALNT, PUTTY, GLASS Nalla, ate., tor aala by POWELL WORQAN. TTARNESS TRIMMINGS A SHOE Iladlaga, far aala by POWELL A WOROAN. G UNS, PISTOLS SWOEDCANBS For aala bs POWELL A MORGAN. gTOVES, OP ALL SOKTS AND Sliaa, for aala by POWELL A MORGAN. TRONI IBON! IRON! IRON I for aala kj POWELL A MORGAN. II ORSE SIIOBS & HORSE SHOE BAILS, for aala bj POWELL A MORGAN. pULLKT BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And bait Mannfaatara, for laid by POWELL A MORGAN. fpHIMBLB SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for aal,by POWELL A MORGAN. SACEEIT&SCHRTVER , ...... Mi, i..'. I i i f'i i SBALVM IB ' HARDWARE, and nanufaotarort of TIN, COPPER ti SHEET IRON WARE, flacond Mtreat, Clearfield, Pa. ' Having rflttd oar itororoom and daoblad oar atoek, we an prepared to offer bargsina to pur ebaiara In oar lice. W hare donidnd to do a Strictly Cash Business, and ran Uiertfort tell at greatly radioed price. Carpontara and peraentwho oonUnplato bnild tag will do wall to oiatnlnt ovr Tools mi Zwdltiia? IZ&rdavrv, whloh It new and of tha beat aaaaafMtara. Wo hoop a largo itoek of NAILS, LOCKS, GLASS, LATCHES, PUTTY, HINGES, GLUE, SCREWS, All kladi of Bani-h Planai, Sawa,, Sqnaraa, liamnan, I1athta, Plnntbl and Larala, Mortifad A Thnmh Qaaaa, B.Tola, Draoaa A BiUa, Wood aad Irott Ranoh 8rw, and tba bait Boring Marblna ift tba ' arkat. . , Doable and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CtTTUBT, Aa. Agenti for BurncWt Iron Cum Shelter, wanwatad. Alio, afinla for RiekardV GOTHIC FLUE TOPS, whloh off-kttaiJly nra Saioky flaoa. Farm Implcmcnla, Garden Tools, of every deeeriptrea. A largo varlet af COOK STOVES, walak wa warraat la ira aalMaaUaa. Perie&U Hmnftt mnd IWiMad. kjax-Rooflag, Saowtlaf and Job Work doaa a raaaoaablatoraia. All ardara wUI raaalra proaM atlaaUca. Plaaiblag aad (aa iUinl attaalad U kai At Mail aaJ'au.L f Bu. 'a. (Pur Wwo ditrrllnrmrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Pabllibad drary Wadlaaday by GOODLANDER & LEE, CLEARflELD, PA Haa tha Largwat CUralatloa of any papar til Northwwataru Paunaylranla. ' Tbs largo end oonitnnlly inorcuing eirouUtion of the Republican, rendora itvalnublc tobntineBB men medium thro' which to roaoh the public Term of Subscription i If paid in advance, ... 12 00 If paid aftor three montha, . 2 SO If paid alter six months, . . 8 00 When papora are aont ontaide of the county payment must be in advance. ADVERTISING! Ten lined, or Ion, 8 times, . Each subsequent insertion, Administrator' Notioos, . Executors' Notices, . . . Auditors' Notices, . . . Cautions and Estrays, . . Dissolution Notioes, . . (1 60 50 2 50 2 60 2 50 1 60 2 50 Professional Cards, 5 linos, year, 0 00 Special notices, per line, , , .- 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One square, 10 lines, . . . $8 00 Two squares, 15 00 Throe square 20 00 One-fourth column, . ... 60 00 One-balf column, .... 70 00 One column 120 00 IILAAKN We have always on hand a large stock nf blanks ot all descriptions.' SUMMONS, SUBPCENAS, '' EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OP AGREEMENT, LEASES, ; i BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, - Ac, ' Ac. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING, ei'cii as POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, bill'heads, statements, pamphlets, cikculars, Ac, Ac, IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Gootllander A Ic, Clearfield, Clearfield County, Pa. THE REPUBLICAN. OLEAKFliUD, PA i WXBNE8DAY MUHNINO, AI'O. J, ISTd. wa-a wa-w a- SENATOR BOyER'S EEPJ.Y TO DR. K. V. WILSOfl. Mu. Eoitoe : Aftor two wocka of agonlting labor, the massive brain was madu to yield to the herculean digits oi the great literary eritio of this cen tury, and, in imitation of tho boaving mountain, a small mouso nibbling and scratching, making only noise enough to annoy very nervous people-, la the ronult. After tho production of tho very lcarnod doctor had been hawked about the atreuU, and tho contents ruad and lutruudly explained to uorun of Individuals (luoluding small boys) and the unxiova community, promised thecomplcto annihilation of Boyor. Ho behold a sickly, dirt-begrimmod mcn stromrity, scarcely ablo to stand up and absolutely too Insignificant to sit down and be noticed at all. After the brill iant otTusion of tho trio, and the two weoks of training in which tho fertile brain of "Old Bruins" has had full swing, we certainly did expect a stun nor. j. The community were promised great and startling revelations ; your huinblo servant was to be completely "wiped out" by an unveiling of his true character and his political record stripped of all protonso ; was to bo ex hibited to a disgusted and much abused people ; tho boat of bis true friendH were frightened and tho bravest among them intimidated and preparing lor the mortifications which must follow so damning a portrayal of the true character of Boyer. But instead of this, even my worst enemies uro d in trusted at the feeble rehash of the letter that Schoonover was induced te sign. Evidently like his prototypo, the much humbugged Christopher Sly, In tho "Taming of the Shrew," this chap imagines he is somebody else. Sly imagined himself a lord. 7Vilni think, does the. Mime thing perhapa be is tne un, jjoru I The much-to-be-rcgrcttod announce ment, that with this celebrated letter you retire from the domain of litera ture, imposes on me tho task, in my fooblo way, of preserving and elucida ting tho great matters contained in it. In attempting this herculean task, I have to regret that you have prescribed a lino of policy which a proper regard for jour truo character and position compels mo to follow. You say that in my "chsractor an a man you would pass over in contempt uoua silenco" what I had formerly written, " but as Senator," Ac, you ore "denied the enjoyment or bo great a luxury." You are not a Senator, 80 I must answer you in your truo charac ter, viz t that of an ape, which I believe is the only one in which tho people will rccognico you ; for iu my some what diligent, and I hopo profltu1to, study of anatomy, I never found one numan skull that presented such a standing proof in support of the Par wininn theory as your own. You vory emphatically deny having any part in tho authorship of the Schoonovcr letter, and confess in tho same paragraph in nearly the same sentence that you did have something to do with it You say : "I collected no material, wrote no lino, dictated no paragraph. It Is true, howovor, that I had something to do with tho appoar ance of the quotation from Meigs." Can you toll me, without violating your promise not to write again, how you happened to got this part into tho letter without "writing no lino" and "dictating no paragraph." Tho ques tion of literary larceny I will combine with a portion of your letter furthoron, whore you do me tho honor to say that I "can be nothing without being Boy er." This is a compliment, even from you. 1 be only marvel to mo is, that you havo not been aping mo, "not as a man, but as a Senator. Originality is a virtue that t have never heard your boat friends impute to you ; but I have lately takon the troublo to in. quiro of several Italian organ-grinders as to the capacity ot your specios for imitation, and they unanimously unite in a tribute of praise, to which (purely complimentary to you) I add my fooble judgment. In my capacity as Boyer, I havo always aimed to be frank. To do this, It sometimes requires courage. Perhaps if, liko you, I bad chosen to act the hypocrite and sycophant, and bowed the "pregnant hinges' of the knoo" to power as you do, it might have benefitted mo in a pecuniary sense, but it would have- been at the expense of squandering my manhood as you did yours, If you over had any What I have to say, I say boldly and without mental reservation. What I know about you, I would blush to say. Inasmuch as I am not in tho habit of hawking my nolo in the market, I am unable to slate its real value not oven its approximate valuo to Schoonovcr's. I have not had tho advaiitago of a twenty years residence, as you claim, having only been hero about eight years. In that timo, by attending to my own business, I have managed to buy a lot, build a houso and pay for It, and am tho owner In fee of the prcmi aoa, and, therefore, I am responsible for something liko its real value, and could be compcllod to pay my milk and other bills, even if they amounted to three or four hundred dollars. The exact valuo of my word, I am unuble tostato. Unlike yourself, my stock of vanity is limited, and, therefore, I do not try it much. W hatovcr may have boon iU valuo, I fear my stooping to this recognition of you will considera bly damago it. Tho bit of sharp practice which you attempt in your very learned history of the Susqnohanna Boom Company has not escaped my notice, nd it will assist mo in convincing tho people ot Uio knavory that actuates you and your faction in your attacks upon mo. You soy: , i "The Legislature waa persuaded to pass successive acU conferring upon it (the Boom Co.) tbo right to chargo and collect the aum of one dollar and Ally cent per thousand feet of logs, and thrrcby plunder yovr constituent! under amr of theformt of law. The oppressed lumbermen, from year to year, vainly strigdod to sccura the rcductioa of a rata of Doomage wo outrageous and so unjust, but they wore mot in the lob bies of tho Legislature by tho agonta ui ourporBuoD, now r rowi ncn ana inaolent, and not until the present year did they succeod in obtaining: anv Leir- ialathro relief. Yoftwer member of the legislature that passed that bill. If you had tho ooarngo to say what you in a sneaking and cowardly limn- nor seek to imply by Jlio Miipw worn. Ingof your loUei-! vUl thut I was a member of the Lnilatim that In creased tho boomauo to ono dollar and twunty-flvo coiiUi, and that 1 voted lor it, I would simply dlsmiiw tho muttur by telling you what J Icol, that you aro a falsifier. But tho sentence you ao adroitly tried to use to establish an untruth servos tho purpose of proving thut theso oppiesed litinbormon could act no redress until but Winter, when my compromise won adopted and the long aotiirht for relief obtained. For this I clulm credit, and believe tho pec pie will aocord It to mo. What they iu vain tried to obtain. Iu the past, wo accomplished for tlu'm lout Winter. And I was a member of the Lcgislu- turo in 1870. when the hill tut tho ro ductlon ol boormtgo was passed. If you intended .o state this Diet, my thuuks aro again duo you ; but If, s 1 suspect, you wished to mislead by your stupid jumbling together of words, you have my opinion and answor previously ex pressed Tho infamy of your iniitlvo is further apparent by the reproduction of tho re. port of the Houso committee, iu which thoy In the sumo spirit you make your oharguM, call uttoution to the testimony ofAndre,Miller,WurnurandGeislemuii Miller and Warner swear that they had no conversation with mo on the boom bill, and Geislcuian swears that I told him to vote for tho bill. If you had a single spark of honesty in your compo sition, you Would Hcnrn to quote this infamous report of a committee, when you cannot bo ignorant of tho luct that nil ol tho threo gentlemen numed have sworn that I never, by word or deed attempted to influence their votes, and afterwards Gcialcman says 1 told him it was right to vote for tho bill reducing tho boomugo from ono dollar and twenty-fivo cents to. ono dollar. In ordor that you can have no further excuse for misrepresenting my position in tho boom bill, either through ignor ance or in obedieoco to your sneaking nature, to slander others, I will givo the truo history ot tho bill as it came under our' observation in tho Senate. When tho bill camo up on second reading, believing with nearly every Senator that it was nearly impossible to pass tho bill at ninety cents, and having consulted many lumbormcn who were unanimous in saying they woro willing to fix tho rale of toll at one dollar per thousand foot, board moasuro, to end tho strife, I offered the following nmondmcnt to tha first sec tion, viz : Rtrlhanitlo tba algbUt ud alntb linn tha wordi nlnaty aanta," and laart la liau tnaroof tha word. " ona dollar." Haa Ligulatim Rtfrd, Saaaioa af la;d, paga 281. On the question, "Will tho Senato agree to tho amendment of tho gentle man from Clearfield?" Mr. Dunkol offered tho following, viz : fitrlka out ona dollar and Iniart ona dollar and tea aanla. Whereupon tho Record shows that 1 made tho following remarks .in advo cacy of my amendment : Mr. BOYKR. Mr., I kara ami rea oaitooffffr furthaamandiiant I odarcd yattarday, aad almply, II I im In aruar. dnalro la atala my raaiona for tbat am.ndmant. Tha report aa 11 aomal to ma latbatlba partial moitinlereatad ia the p of thta meaiura ara perfectly will. lag to pay ona dollar par tbouaand, and il tha oaaa la aa they aula II, ana al it dm neen aa aaiy pre lected yeiterdiy by tka Senator from Lyeomlng Mr. Allan, it eaa work no barin or Injuillaa la tbo Boom. Oomnaar. If Ibla amendment ii adopt- ad by Ua Beneta it B lea tka prloe at eack a rata Uuu H aeaaie w aaa aaitnar party aaa oajeat. It doama violence to tba Boom Company and givea tba lambennea wbat tbey tell ma they ara willing to aetapt. If wa bow neute thia qaaitioa la tbii manner, giring it tba foroe and unction of Inw, It win raqalre a bald anaa, indeed, wno wui agala annoy Iba Legiilatara witb It. That tbiaqneatioa kaa keeome obnoilona ta memboraof the Legii ture eannol be denied, noroeawediageliilba fact that among good people ail near thli 8tate it ia looked upon aaa aori of reproach. I know of na goad raaiea why thia iboild be ao, bat It la tha 1'aet.neTertbeleai. I aay to the friendiof tbia bill that wa muit bojaat Inottraadaavonto get Jnittoe In tail mattar. There il a great deal to be aald on Hiii queetion, I admit, but loffered thia nmendmeat In order to earn eemelhlag oat of what I feared might become a general rain if it wenloe tbii way. I am aotdia- poend lone at all caplion, in tna mailer, although I .ball tote far IU Aad If It fail! I will do Ihe eery Bell eeattniaglo gel lata wing ee low aipoaelble. pjee eg.'.ialtea ttttord, page 2Ud. Mr. Dill, Senator from Union, made tho following remarks : Mr. DILL. 1 hope we will get aa opportunity to eota upon tha amendment of the gentleman from Oieardeld IMr. Buyer. I kara repreienled thii boom bill for ail year! up to tha prevent union of tna Leguleian, wnen my oneroua uutlea were treniferrea to tna Beoator from L?ming Mr. Aliea(. 1 bad made up my mind vote for tha amendment of the Senator frcul Cleardeld IMr. Borer, fiiiof tha boemaere at a dollar, in order to mule tbliqueition and get it out of the way, aad I waa eorry to bear tha Heaelor from Lycoming (Mr. Allen j lay tbat mob an amendment would be diiegreeanieto mm pereonally, and 1 preeumedle. agreeable to tboaa gentlemen who are here repro aanting tha bill. That I aonaider a fair eomoli. mant, and If thia amendment of one dollar and ten eeni ihall ha voted down, I am prepared to rote for tneemenamiaroi ine gentleman trom Oleerflold IMr. Boyer, filing tba boomage at ona dollar, and l nope tbat in mat way wa will get rid of thia bill. and tbat tha amendment of tba genUeman from roiladelphielMr. VunkalJ may be eeleddewa. Let H Aa thii boomage at one dollar. ltiiwellnnderetood that wa ara sat reducing in. mm i . v. wvt ii eiew.ra iney elgnty-nre ecnu, and tna tn.nner in which tbia boomage b raieed to ona dollar and twenty. flee eenti ti by charging forty ceata for rnpre, etc., need la rafttag tba logo. Tbat la eouttlned in the nro vlatona of tna law allowing Ike oompanlee to Ai a reaeoaablweam far that purpoee. Il kae tbat dii aretloa gleea it by lie Legiilatara, and It eeeme to me thai we navo tna central or tha luhjeet ralfi eieally to aay wbat would be a reeeoneble jam with. outrtrdatingTeetadrighta. Bydiingflfteenaenti aj a reeeoneble eum for warplncaad rooeawe ihall be filing tba entire rata at ana dollar, and I believe by that meaae wa ibell get rid of tbii matter otberwlaa It will aome back 10 trouble ni horeener. (See Leei.lcliee iheord, page Sv7. On tho adoption of the amendment of Mr. Dunkol, tho vote was as follow : Vae Andereoa (Alleghany), Bragglne, Baa ey, Colihan, Cooper, Crnuee, punkel, lleiluian, llorter, Jaekaon, Jonea, Lamoa (I'hil'a), Lemon (Blair), Lawranca, Smith 1. NlTl Albright, Allea, Andeeeon (Crawford), Beohtol, lloyer, Burnett. ButlerAeld, Cheelnut, Clarke, Dill, Krmenlrout. llayi, Herr, MeClellan, MoKlbben, MoMullen, MoNiill, Naglr, Newmyer, Payne, Rockwell, hoeburk.Hbimor, Tbomae, War ml, Wareaui, Waleon, Winilow, Wood, Yerkoe, Yutiy SI. Sea leoi.foh'n feeord, page 2V7, On the question recurring to my amendment, Mr. Stanton, of Luzorna, moved an amendment to my amend ment, fixing tho rato of toll at ono dollar and fivo cents, instead of ono dollar, and the vote stood as follows : Tna Crouee, Dunkal I. Nave AlbriahL Allen. Andercnn Crevfardl. Reehtel, Boyer, Harnett, llultcrnald. CheitnuL Clarke, Colihan, Dill, Ermentrout, llayi. Iloilmaa, lien, llorter, rfaekmn, jonea, MeClellan, Mo Klbbea, MeMalloa, McNeill, Nagle, Newmyer, I'ayna, Rockwell, Roebuck. Bhiiner. Thorou. Waream.Warfel, Wlnilaw, Wood, Yerkea, Yuliy, Davil, Prelldent pre feet SA. See .eeiilotiee rtnord, pagea JS7 and iVs. So tho question was determined in the negative, and on the qtiostion re curring to my amendment, It was' agreed to without further opposition. On the 3d day of February tho bill came up on final passage, and received the following vote .- Yaie AlbrlehL Allea. Beebtel. Rover. Har nett. Buieev. Untlerfleld. Choitnut. Clarke, tlill. reroinn, amjw, 11 err, lienor, enneo, Ian, McKlbbcn, McMullen, McNeill, Nagla. New myer, Rockwell, Roebuck, Hklmer,Thomaa, Ware am, Warfal, Wataon, Yerkea III. Nam Anderaon (Allegheny), AnderennfCraw rd ), Braaaine. Cooper. Dunkol. Ilellnea. l..nnB (I'hil'a.), Lawreaeo 8. A maiorltv af Senator! havlne veled ee. Ike queetloa waa detarmined ia the eArmatlve IKaa ifielehee Aeeeed, page 121. I have inflicted this much of this bill upon tho reador to show that I voted for and advocated the passage of tho bill for the reduotion of boomage : and will say further, tbat I did as much aa any other man to secure the passage of the aamo, I appeal to all sensible persons if, In the face of Audi a record In favor of this inoasuro, , they ouu credit tho umupporteil charges made against mo by my personal and politi cal oiivmios. Look Bgitiu at tbo report of the Hen. uto ooinmitleo (upioliited solely to In vestigate thia charge), It clearly ux onerutos ma Iroui all criminal blame. But, in order that (liko the ape whom I am answering) they may aUvorliao thoir dignity and icll-.imortaiico, thoy reprobate H,0 ,u,it of "humorously oxpromtlng" the fket that money was offered to secure tho Legislation on this bill, Let evory candid man rutleet that this oonimitteo did all they could to humiliate mo for want of dignity and strut. How much happier would they have boon hud they been able to report mu guilty of the churge Imputed to mo f The commlttoo was sworn to give the truth, and were conipellod to do il. You, R, Y. W., and your gang do not euro about tho truth, and, con sequently, persist in misstating tacts as lung as you think you can accomplish your purpose. You will, howovor, dis cover that tbo people eve not asses, to bo mislead by siii'h shallow knavery. But, perhaps, I should be more charita ble; lor, evidently, yna are ropeuting thia stuff as parrot swear without knowing what you say, Tho real reason for your attack on me may bo Interesting to the pooplo, in whoso behalf you assume to prate of " politiM purification." By an act of Assembly passed several yours ago, a Geological Commission was appointed in this State, tor which two or threo praeticul and clear headed men were selected. The balance of tbo Commis sion was made up, as Is generally the uaso, ol pliant mush-heads, merely to comply with the forma of law. Yon was put on us a sort of a tail to tho kite, being, as I am informed by intel ligent gentlemen, ubout as useful as you aro ornamental. But no mutter about this. You and your associates high-toned, honomlile gentlemen, like your- self who havo tha Interests of tho dear pcoplo at heart, conceived tho idea of swindling tbo tax-puyora out of money enough to enable you to visit tho Centennial, and enjoy a good time at thoexponso of tho State. Is it bo- causo 1 refused to yield to your solicita tions and allow you to put your hand into the Treasury and draw out (15,000 of the hard earnings of tho tux-pnyeni, to enable you to spend tho Summer at tho Centennial, that you uro so anxiou to villify mo? Or, what did you mean, when you fawningly solicited my aid in behalf of yourself and your associates to filch 115,000 for tho avowed purposo of representing tho mineral resources of Pennsylvania at the Centennial exhibition, but tho ostensible and truo object of which was to pay expenses, etc., at tho expense of tho dear pooplo. You prate of dis honesty, alter this attempt to deplete tho Treasury I If you deny tho fact, 1 can cosily call a witness who heard you soliciting my vote for the steal. Perhaps, also, you roceivo additional inspiration from thoso' who were dis appointed in not receiving my vote tor a steal of (0,000 cat' the peoplo's money, to establish a cooling place on tho Centennial grounds, and enjoy tho supplies to be providod by the tax payers, out of money thoy earn with tho thermometer at 1 10 to 120 in tho sun. It would, perhaps, be interesting to those whom you assumo to repro sent as ono of tho board of "stone ex aminers," if you would explain what you wanted with 115,000 of thoir money, whon, ovon if yon intended to exhibit tho mineral resources of the State, tho cost would not excocd 1500 at extravagant rates. Will you rise and explain, so that your immaculate honesty and dignity can bo vindicated ? Accept, if you please, my thanks, and score mo one more point, for your frank admission that you and your friend, and your "butty," Schoonovor, woro tho only portions mean enough to at sail mo on a charge in which had been fully acquitted by bonoiablo men. You complain that I aandwichodyou in my reply to tho Betta(y)-Wilson- Schoonover letter. You must excuse mo, as the letter was intended for a social tront for the trio, and 1 was obliged to study the appetites of all three. Had I keen serving refresh ments for your exclusive use, I should not have dreamed of putting it in any but a liquid form, being aware of the mathematical rules on which you im bibe in any given quantity. You alludo, also, to what I said in my lettor, in regard to thoso who seek to riso to positions of public trust on tho ruins of others, and inlimato that I meant you. In this you are clearly mistaken ; for I novor ontertainod the remotest possibility of yon eror rising to anything, nor do I bcliovo any oth er intelligent person in this county would bavoany such suspicions. Noth ing but your excossivo vanity could havo led you Into such an error. You seem much alurmed for mo from tho effecta of your crmhing attack, and for the stench that may arlso from tho demolished putrid egg," as you aro pleased to lorm mo. If I should bo unfortunate enough In this reply to flatten you (of which I beg to assure you I havo not the remotest anticipa tion, knowing it to bo almost impossi ble to crush an utterly insignificant object on account of It non-rosistance to tho blow) if on the contrary it should bo otherwise, I have no fear for any stench that may follow tho fortu nate blow ; for as you hnvo devoted tho last twenty years of your lifo in tho laudable object of picklingyoursetf with f ardent, it would Iro a reproach to Sclcnco if by this timo you aro not ofroctunHy curcil Tho terrible retribution you threaten to moto out to all future offending demagogues, will, no doubt, restrain any aspirant for literary famo from making you tho subject of his pen. If, perchance, any should bo found fool hardy enough to disregard your kind warning, let tho tame spirit of moroy which so kindly actuated you towards mo, prevail on you to " leave one liltlo grease spot of him" to mark hid un timely ending, and to serve as a warn ing to gonoraliona yet unborn. f o show how powerless you aro, and to compel you to eat your own dirt, I quoto you again, via i A mere attended ravuetlgetlia af yaw record would aaearth eoave lalereetlag reading. In response to thia, I again dofy you to produce the record, ae 1 did before, or accept the terms which I, without reserve, apply to you of coward and, alnnduror. Creature of your mental urall are often In tho habit of exhibit ing thomaelvoa as loaders of publlo opinion ; but you an a leader of publlo opinion, Just as the ball of filth Is a luader of tha tide on which it ia borne. A particle of dust, agitated by tho wind, saith not, "I oommand the wind;" but then a particle of dust ha neither tho Impudence nor the foolishness of auch worthies aa you.. Just now thorn Is a simoon sweeping down ovor tho oouu- try, and all tho lighter particle of hu man dust and floating musses of tilth aro being swept along with It This is what you seem to regard a "publlo opinion." It is not opinion only rage, and storm, and dust, and filth, and wind. And you, 11. V, Wilson, vainly iinaglno that you can fan the hurricane. "iturre diaUr. Yours, T. J. Bovzk. Ci.KAHr-iii.n, Pa., July 22, 1R70. AJa. Kiiitor : The only answer nec essary to tho noto addressed to you, In reiorenee to tho testimonials ot Sena ton and members of the House, is they woro voluntary contributions trom tho honorable gentlemen whoso names thoy bear, and by them Intended to offset slanderer like It. V. W. which, I supiKwo, stands for Ruin, Vitrol and Whisky. The statements of these gen tlemen seem to annoy this petty smlrcher very much. Bovxa. "Kkiutino Jog" Governor filden haa received tho fallowing lettor of congratulation from General Joseph Hooker: "I cannot refrain from offer ing you my sincere congratulations on your nomination to the exulted oftlco of President of the United Stalo. As a quiet observer of tho political events of the nation I know of no ono In my day who has afforded me so much sat isfaction, and (inoerely hope and behove that the wisdom shown in tho selection at St. Louis will bo fully ratified by tho groat mass of tho people in Novom bor next. Wo require reforms in poli tics, religion and morals, and I am con vinced that we will receive them gen. erously at your bands. Tho whole government of the nution is corrupt dospcrutoly corrupt and tho honor nd glory of applying tho antidoto I am convinced will belong to you. If tho fact of your nomination does not enhance the material values of the na tion, I am sure your election will do it. Already I seem to breathe a now at mosphere, as is tho case of overy well- wisher of bis country." A Band or Robbers. Tho Now York IForWsays: Among the National Executive committee which ia to man ago tho Hayes campaign in the Inter ests of reform are "Zack" Chandler, repudiated ex Senator from Michigan, collector of political assessments; Alon zo B. Cornoll, Custom House machine operator, of Now York ; W illiam H. Kemblo of Pennsylvania, Professor of Addition, Divison and Silence ; Geo. C. Gorham, ancient Fodoral office hold or ; William E. Chandler, Collector of political assessment; Chaunoey I. Kil ley, Postmaster, who assessed his clerks to pay his traveling expenses, and John J. Patterson, Senator, 'who believe that there aro "five years of good steal ing In South Carolina left," For a committee to conduct a reform cam paign, this looks very much tike the sort of shirt that patriotic spinsters used to send to army hospitals. There is too much collar to tbo body. President Grant, Governor Mayes1 backor, romoved District Attorney An. thony Uiggins, of Delaware, because hs had indicted Collector Nolen, of Wilmington, a publio defaulter. He first nominated ex-Judge Fisher, of Washington, to fill his placo, but that waa too hard a thing to hs done, he withdrew bis nsme, and substituted that of Jamos H. Uoffecker, the part ner of tbo notorious Harrington, who was a party to the safe burirlary. Of course this is all in the lino of reform. Grant will expect Hayes to start where he leaves off. A Bxabd Ovib Four Fkit Long). Mr.Samuol Frees, of Albsny township, Berks county, has a beard over four feel long. It bas been fllloon year in growing, and he has plaited it together closely until it resembles closely matted sea grass. In addition to thia, Mr. Frees wears long hair. He ssye with his beard and long hair he experiences no inconvenience from the heat, while it afford him protection from the cold. The beard he wears under his shirt botom and he tie it around hi body. It is quite a curiosity. Dr. Richard S. Stewart, one of the oldest and most widely known physi cians of Baltimore, died in that city on the 13th inst., in his evonty-ninth year. Ho waa oonnocted with tho Maryland hospital tor the insane as Superintendent and otherwise, for for ty fivo years, and severed his connec tion wilh that Institution only a few weeks since. Tho Centennial Exposition is afford ing a favorable opportunity for our manufacturer to canvass tho obances of finding a profitable outlet for thoir products in Mexico, the States of the La Platte, etc., now that production Is so cheapened as to enable us to hold our ground better than formerly witb European competitors. Needs mo Pardon. On the llth, whilo a gang of fifty convicts were be ing transferred from Sing Sing, en route to Auburn, Thomas Edgerly, fifteen years man, from New York, leaped through tho car window while tho train was running at the rato of forty miles per hour, and was instant ly killed. An Irishman in Iowa wa bitton by a rattlosiiake, but the liberal nse oft neighbor'! whisky cured him. The next moruing h was seen walking slowly on the prairio, and looking earn estly lor something, lla was asked what ho waa looking for. "For tbo boite of a snake," waa the reply Tbs loreiga oommerao of New York city for lost week waSy merchandise imports, inoluding dry goods, 16,371, 584; produce exports, $7,W0,89fl ; and speclo exports, 12,676,878. "Gilo, can yon conjugate 'behaves T Bohave behoove beehives be' 'See here I You go and stead n aj,. corner." To Jaw a man that won't, jaw back is like kicking at nothing. - A Judicial Damn. An Alubama paper eays tbat tbo. other day, while sitting in tho circuit court, Judge Humphreys grew weary of tho oudless tongues of allornoye, and calling to the bailiff, said, huskily, "Go ovot to tho Holo-ln the-Wall and bring mo a drink ot whisky." Tbo bailiff disappeared a ltd reappuurod shortly with an Inch and a half of corn juioe in a gloss, enough for any Christian man, but not a sufficiency for an Alubama judi ciary system. "Go back," thundered the Judge; "go back aud toll Ilugorty to aond mo a drink a drink of whis ky." Tho bailiff disappeared again and ruuppearod again witb a tumbler brimming full. "Ah," said tho wearer of ermine, "that, now, is a drink. But what," wiping his lips with tha cuff of his coat, "what did ho say ?" "Oh, bo didn't say anything, your honor," an swered tho bailiff, blushing. "Ob, yes, ho must have inado some remark ; now what did bs say T" "Well, sub, your honor, ho said, 'I sunt him a drink of whisky at first; 1 didn't know that tho old fool wanted to lake a bulb I' "Hem, hem, go on with the examina tion ol your witness," suid the Judge to the attorney fbr tho plaintiff. How Stranue Tuxr Act. Cue wsuld suppose after reading tho Rud ieal speeches in Congress, that a "Con federate Brigadier1' would Bland no chance in a Convention of "loyal men," yet what do we so. The Kadiual Convention of North Carolina met re cently at Raleigh, and nominated ticket headed by Tbomu Settle, an ex-Confoderute, for Governor. Settle Was President of the National Repub lican Convention in 1872. When nom mated for Governor he wss Justice of the Supreme Court of North Carolina, but Immediately resignod. Bottle was ono of tho most ultra rebels and se cessionists at the beginning of the war; really ona of tho prime loadors in robollion, yet, to-day he is the lead er of tho Radical in North Carolina, and ol tho men who hate rebel above allmon. llow consistent (?) some great men can act I This kind of conduct would ho proper for a hypocrite or knave to carry out, but for men who procluiBi that they are controlled by "grand moral ideas," it is disgrace to tbo Intelligence of the age. Some Til mu About Hayes. The Cleveland Plaintlealer, the leading pub lio journal of tho Northern Ohio, says "Uayoa wa a member of Congress in I860, when the salary ot Congressmen waa raised from $3,000 to 15,000 by being meanly tacked npon the Sol diors Bounty Kill, ibis steal was worse than the back pay grab, for that was put through on its merits in tbo House. Governor Hayes, then a mem. bor, took the back pay, and drew tho pay up to tha time his succossor took his scat. When-be came before tho pooplo for ro-election, Gen. Honry B. Banning, now in Congress, best bim 1,000 votes in a district heretofore strongly Republican. He was thui re pudiated for his unfaithfulness to his trsMtt, iu potting bis band ir, the treas ury and Inking money that he was bound to guard against all such pecu latiotw.'I Governor Hayes' letter has culled a large number of independent voters from the fence. Lancader Examiner. Yost his endorsement of Grant has brought number down on the Til- den sido. Lancaster Intelligencer. Tho Venango Syxicturorsaye: Hayes's declination of a second term of the Presidency is a good deal liko a forty fivo-yearold maid's opposition to second marriage. gtu; eaU'trtiSfmrutf. TMECUTOR'S NOTICE. XJ Net loo la kareby gleea tka letter, lecte rn eatery kmving been granted ta tka aaeeerlaar ea eke aetata af JOHN IRWIN, diaiaiid, leu wf Morris tewaekla, CUarSeld eowaty, Paaa'a., ail aerooa ladeaeed ta aald acute ara ronaaoood la make tee reed tale aaraveat, aad tboaa kaviag aiaima egaiaet taa name wiu praoaai teem duly anieeeueelea lor Betuomeai. JOHN L. CUTTLE, Clearfield, July 10, 'ft-! Eieeatar, nXKCUTOR'S NOTICE. I J Nolle la hereby given that Liter, teate m eatery having been granted ta the eabesrikcr oa the Mate af HANNAH B. EVANS, decaaeed, lata af Carweawville, Clearfield aaaaty, Pa., all pereovje tadebted la aald eetata are reeueeted t make Immediats garment, and I bote kavlna elairaa egaiatt tka aama will present tbem duly Bwuemieaiaa tor eeiueoaeni. JOPIAH KVAKS, Cerweneville, Jane IS, TA-lta Eseeator. A DMIXISTRATOR8' NOTICE. Rotlee la hereby give the! Letter! of Ad. mlaunrarioaj ea tha aetata of CHRIST. NRFF, lata af New Waahingtoa, Clearfield bounty, Pa., deaeaead. kavtag been dnly wraated te tha wndereignee), oil wereeae Mdoated be card aetata wiu nleaee make Immediate aeymeat, aad tkeea kaviag atalma ar demaada will preeeal tkem properly aalbeattaalod for eetUemeat witkoat delay. JOS. at. SKKTrl, Admialatrater. New Waahingtee, Jely 1, 'Td-dt. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, J7R. Halloa to kareby gives that Lellere t Ad mlalatratlo as Iks eitata bf HOBKKT PHOTT lata af Haelaa tawaeklp. Cleardeld aaaaty. Pa diaeaiid. baviag kaea daly greeted ta the andereigwed, an peraoaa iadebled to aaid aetata will pleaaa make Immediate payment, aad those aavmg aiaima ar aemanaa agaiaat tae aama wui preeeat caeca properly aalkeatiaated far eetUe meat w.iaoul delay. Aoeounle eaa be left wltk Aleiander Prott. at tka Summit Teeoel (Kekeln P. O.), Clearfield ooeely, Pn.,erwith W. D. J.MARLIN.Adm'r, July iv, iaio-at-j Brookvtlle, Fa. QAUTION.- All panose ara kerebr aaatwaad asalrnt iraatlag be aarborlng alary Conner, a peeper af Baraeide borough, na tka Ovimibti af aaij bor- ougb will pay aa milks af her contracting. JAS. H. HITESb, JOHN KIMS, saraalda, July II, 1;-M. QAUTION- All pcreoai ara kareby aaatlaaed egaiaet pnrehaeiag or is aay way meddliag with tha fal lowing property now is the noeaaeito of Thomas M. Lewie, of ferguioa towaekia. vii I Oaa-lkird latereet la 18 nerve of aala, eee-third mtoreet ia d aerae of corn, aad bead of bogi, aa the aama waa parehaaed by ma at Coaatoble'a aala aa tka l)tk af June, 187. aad ia left wilh laid Lewie ea leas oaly, aebjeet to my order at any time. HMO. WILLIAMS. Marroo, Jely It, UTd-lie QAUTION. AN pateaae are kareby eaatlowed agninet awe. ekalint er la any way meddliag with tka renew ing property, new la tka po.ceccleB af William Ogdea, jr., ar Brady towaenip, rla i Oaa krowa mare, I say korea aad kara me, I two-korae wag on, 1 baggy, keraece, anah Mew, eewlag machine, ebaira, keaeeheM farattara, I abevei, teagplewa, I aewa. S alga, aeeae af aorw, i eeree eata, d acre, buckwheat, hey aad wheal la Iba been, M. lege aad taa-kark, aa the neena wee pwrchaaed by ma at private Ml. as tba I Sd day-ef July, aad Ii left will klm ee leas aaly, eueet la my order al aay lime. 8KO. W. OtIDRN. OtaarSeld, Jely M, liTfi It eAUTION.- All pereona ara kareby aaaUeaed agalalt Earebaalag ar la aay way meddliag wltk the hi wing property Me ta the aameialas af Uore W. Diefcey, af Qreeaweed Uwaebep, van Oaa aaw, I bed. aad keddiag. I aewk etav sad aaak bag ataanle, ekalra, I cupboard, I deagblray, I tab, I keek eaa. 1 chant, I bafcee, t Meed, 1 Irwa kotue, i weak take, lot of diiaae, kaaketa, eta, aa tka aaSM wad purekeaod by me al Oaaetaka'e vela am m Stk a Jely, tad aaw lave Mb aald BBesamsBlT, nldiil mr weave et aay A. M El "COMER. iweed twp, Jul; l, IIIMl HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE DltUUS! XXX QBODIICSi a S2f . CHEMICAL8I PAINTS, OII5, DYE STUFF VAHNIHIIES, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, FANCY 000D8 TOILET AKTICLLS, . Or ALL KINDS, PURE WISES AXD LIQUORS, fcr medietae! parpoeee. Truteel, Supporters, Bokeol Book! and Station ary, aad all atker art le lee neaally foaad is a Drug 8tore. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. Having a large as perlenaa ia tka bueiaeee they aaa giro aBlire aat- eMaetiev ' J. O. HARTSWICK, JOHN V. IRWIN. Ctaarfield, December 1, Is7d. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (8aeaaaori to Boyntoa t Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS MaAfaotaa of P0BTABLE & STATIONiill STEAM ENGINES Corner of Foartk and Pine Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. TTAVINfl enraged la tka manufacture of fir.t- XI elua MACHINERY, wo rarpeetfuliy Inform bs publla tknt wa ara bow prepared ta fill al) order, aa cheaply ud aa promptly aa eaa be done Is any of tka eltlee. We manafaetara aad deal in Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blooke, Water Wheela, Shutting Pulley Oifford'f Injector, Steam Gauge,, Steam Wbirtlel, Oilsre, Tailaw Cups, OU Cuba, Onuge Cocke, Air Ooaka, Oloba Valvaa, Check V el eee, wrought Iran Plpee. S'.aana Pumpa, Boiler Feed Pump, Antl. Friction Metres, Swap 8 tone Packing, Onm Pack- Bg. aad all klade of MILL WORKl together wltk Plowa, Sled So lea. COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, aad atker CASTINGS of all hledi. JeVF-Orden eollolted aad tiled at any price. Ail letter! af Inquiry wltk reference ta machinery af an maaafantara promptly aavwered, ky addrw- ing u at Clearfield, Pa. JaalTd-tf BIOL8R, Y0UN0) A REED. The Bell's Ban Woolen Factor y, Peaa townikip, Clearfield Co., Pa. BUM NED OUT! IT BOt BURNED UPI ThaaatiMribra kava, ai crtM iimim, rvbillt tighborkood tjsMtlty, Id tba trMtion of a trti U WcsoU. Mt,afMtot7wUi. all tta ttodara imare-tB,U UMbai ! ara praparwej to aaako ail kioaa el UieHova, UadU.aaem, KaUattU. Blaav kota, FlannolB. ata. Planty of goods ot band to rapple ail oar old and tboatand sow eaatomora, wnuai wa aaa w nbi aaa aiaauno oir iiocav Tba baiaiaaaa of CARDING AND FULLING will rooatTo oar oafkadal attaatloa. Proper arranfemanU will ba aaada to rasaivo aad daliror wool, to auit etutoniara. All work warranted aad dona imi tka anortaat nottea. aad br itrlet atua- tlon to barinwa wa bopo to raallaa a llbarai akart i paoiia patronaga. , lOdOUO BOUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wa will pay tka kfgkaat aarkat prion for Woo and tail oar aajiaraotBTail good- aa low aa aitaiLar goodi eaa ba bonght in tha ooaaty, and whenever ww fail to reader reaaonabte sat ia fact ion we eaa alwaya be fonnd at bona ready to make prop upieaBuw. ei.ner in person or ny ituer. JAM Kg JOHNSON A BONA, apriltetf Bower P. 0. a. r. a e Lie. a. 'conKivi. d. iiLancH. Gl'LICn, McfOBKLE & CO.'S (Saeoeeeon to Joka OeJIch). ' POPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, Market mraet, Clearfield. Pa. W aB.nnruaiarsi sill atinrls nf Fsipi.M f..s Cbaabera, Dialog Roam a, Ltbreriee aad Ualla. If yon want Para lla ra of any kind, don't buy nntil yon aaa ear ateok. 1uMKIITAKIXJ Ia all Ita braaahea. We krp la atoek all the tateetandaiettinprarad Coffloa aad Caaketa, and have evt-ry tailltyfor prnperly eoa dnetlag thia bmaoh af oar banfaeat. We nave a patnt Corpae Pre Mreer, ta whiob boa tea eaa ba praaerrtrd far a eoa aiderabla length of tinva. A ee.ber of the Ira haa bia aleenlng nnart. eat at ear wan -rooai, where be eaa be fooad by aay peraoa who eoaie at night for tha parpoee ot proa Bring eoftaa. U II LIU II, NrOUHKLS A CO. Olearleld, Pa Hay 10, To-ly. JERRA C0TTA STANDING VASES, ' HAKGIlNtt VA8K3, 8tove Lining and Fire Brick, kepi aaartaatly ea hand. 8T0.E ASD EARTHED -M ARK OF ITERT DESCRIPTION! CHOCKS! POTSI CROCKS! riahar Pstrnl Alrtl-bt Half Baallng rraii t,asai BUTTER CROCKS, with IU.. CREAM CkUM-KS, MILK CROCKS, APPLE. BUTTER CROCKS, PICKLE CROCKS. FLOWER POTS, PIE DISIIES, STEW POTS. Aad s great maay atker Iklage tee aumeroui to meetien, te ba bad al FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY. Oorser af Cnarry and Third St met a, OLBARrlBLD, PA. el Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOMB INDUSTRY. Till aaderrlgwad, kaviag eetakllakad a Nur eery aa the 'Pike, aboal keif way bet vera ClearSeld aad Carweaarllle, la prepared to far al.b all klada af FRUIT TREKS, (ataadard aad dwarf,) Evrrgiieaa, Bhrabnery, Urapa Vlaae, euaaebeiiy, Lawtas Blackberry, Strawberry, aad Rimh.rry Viaaa. Alee, Bibwiaa Crab Twee, Qalaca, aad anrly veariet Rbaharb, Ao. Order. prvmpUy alUnded ta. Addraea, J. D. WRIUHT, sapM sl-a CarweaavlUa, Pa. Sotrli. THE MANSION HOUSE. Oornerof BeeoadaJid Market Btreata, LLiCARa'ILEU, PA. rpill aid aad aommodlnaa Hotel baa. daring J. Ihe pail year, bees aalarged to double Iu former eepeeltr for the oaterUiament of lUae- gera aad guaiu. The whole building kaa keea refurulaked, aad tha proprietor wllf ipere aa palaa la render hla gue.ta samlortabr while atayleg with him. yaoT-Tha 'Maaaioa Houie" Omalbad real to aad from the Depot on the arrival aad dopartar afeaoktrala. W. v. CAR DON, July rrnprlatar LLKOHENY HOTEL Market Btrert. Clearfield, Pa. Wm. S. Bradley, formorly proprietor nf tka Leonard Hoove, boring leaaed the Allegheny Hotel, nolieite a ahare of publla patronage, Tba Houie baa been thorougtilr repelred and aewly furnlihed, and gue.U will Dud It a plcaeant atop Ding place. The labia will be lupphed with tha beet of everything ia the marhet. At tba bar will be found the beat wince and llnuora. Good Mehllng attached. IV M. 8. URADI.KY, Hay 17, is. rropneior. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSK, CUHWENSVILLK, I'A. NEWION READ, Pnuraiaron. Having become proprietor al thia ilotel, I would reipectfully aulioit the patronage of tba pablie. liouaa leacantly and nonvem.nUy ait uated i s wl refltted and refurol.bcd ; earn pic rooma attached. All railroad train, ctop at tbia buuva. janjtl Ti SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Front llreola,) CLEARFIELD, PA. Tbe underiigned bnvlng token charge nf tbia Ilotel, would reipectfully lolleit puMic patronage. Jaal'Tt D. K. r iiiLio lun. WASUINGTON HOUSE, NEW WA8IIINUT0N, PA. Tbia new and well furni.hcd house haa been taken by Ibe underiigned. He feeli confident of being able to reuder aellefnctloa to ihoee who way fnvor bim with a nail. May t, 171. U. W. DAVIS, Prop'r. jyONTOUK H till HE, Oppoiita the Coart Houae, LOCK BAYIN, FE.NN'A. Jold'TI UA USUAL A KROM, Prop'a. LOYD HOUSE, Main Rtreet, PIIILII'SBURII, PENN'A. Table alwaya aupplied with tbe beat Ihe market afforda. Tha traveling public ii invited to call. ian.l,'7. ROBERT LOYD. Jobs Pattow, Prei. J. P. Bann, Caibier CnrwoiiHvIIlo Ilnnk. Authorlacd Cepitel U.I Paid up Capital Hw.....0,l)li0 (bdocbbpi riser naTiosat. Bang.) JOHN PATTON. Dr. D. A. FF.TZF.R, AARON W. PATCUIN, Horn. J. P. HOYT. STOCKHOLDERS, INDIVIDUALLY LIARLE Da a gcanina banking bw.lneii. Account! eolielted. Curweuivilla, Pa., Jan. 10, 187fi-m. r. K. anuol.B. . w. ABUOLO. J. a. AeaoLB F.K.ARNOLD & CO., Rankera and Hrokorn, Rcynaldarllle. eJcLTeraoa Co., p. Hooey reeelved no depoalt, DiaeoanU at no derate rat a. Kevatera aad Foreiga Eiahanga al waya on hand aad eollectione promptly niade. lieynoldaTilla, Dae. 18, 1874.-Iy County National Bank. OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Mannfe Bailding, one door north of C. D. Watoon'a Drug Store. Paaiaga Ticket to and from Lirerpoo), Qaeena towa, Ulaagow, London, Paria and CopenifaagcB. Alao, Draft for aala on tbe Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London. JAMK8 T. LK0NARD. Prea'L W. M. PHAW, Caahier. tl:l:74 DREXEL & CO., No. SI sjouii, Third Mtrcct, Pklladrlphls And Dealers In Government Securities. Application by mail will meetre prompt attea tlon, and all laformatioB eheerfully furniebad Ordera aolielad. April 11-tf. Jfntistrj. STEWART & BLACKEDEN, DENTISTS, Cnrurtnat-Ula, Cleardeld CeanSCy, Prss's (OOoe is Oalaa' New Building.) CarweBrvirie, Jas li, lSTS-ly. (OEoa la Bank Bailding.) Csrwenarlllc. Clearflcld Co., Pa. mcb II To. if. A . M . HILLS Would re -pert fully notify blipnttftiti that be haj r4nM thepri(-or ARTI FICIAL TBKTil Bar mi.ot ai.M for a doable eat. For aay two pereooa eonlag at tha aama time, to have each an apt act, wilt get tba two aete for fLu.Ou. or $JM each. Tertna Invariably Caw. Clearfield, Jan. 1, ISTfl. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR BALI OR FOR RENT. Tbe awtWriber girea aotiea that be will either rentoraoll bia dwelling and etoro prope ny, ait aate on Reed itreet, adjoining tbe Leoaard H ', in the borougb of Clearfield, Pa. The atore reoai ia 16 X 34 fret. Tbe dwelling houae eoataia. 1 rooma and a kitobaaoa tho fir it tnrr, and I noma oa tbe aweoad atory. The ttero room eaa ba bad at ono?, aad the dwelling portioa oa and attar the lit of July. For fanner par ttealart, addreaa or applv to the ondrreiernrH. oa tha pimiei. URO. C. PAflM(RK. Clearfield, Pa.. May 1, li tt " meat market. " F. M. CAHD0N& ER0.f Rear af Pie'a Opera Uouae, XLKARriELD, PA. Oar arraaremeat are rf the anoet eomnlct rharactsjf tor farni thing tbe poblia witb rfea mania oi an a inn, ana at tne very neat quality. We alao deal ia all ktnda of Arriealtaral mrnta, which we keep en eibtbltioa far tbe bee afit of the pablia. Call aroand whoa la tova. aad take a Ivkik at Iking, or addrma a K. M. CAKDOX A BRO. Cloarflold, Pa., July 14. 1875 If. FRES1I MEATXEW SUOPf Tlte andrrrigned korehy inform tbe patilir ia general that tbey keep on hand, regu arly, at their ahop, adjoining JOHN (lULU'irSfarnitara rooma, oppoalto tbe Coart Uouae, tbe BEST FHK&H BRKP, VKAL, NVTTOS .Aiff. tOHK. STV.. AT REDUCED rRICE-3, FOR CASH. Market aornlnetTuoadar. Tbnraday. eni Saturdaya. Jdeat da'lrered at re.dnoe wba deirri. A ahare ef patronage ta rr"prtfuHr H'liclttJ. Marah I, IHTI-ly. TAUB A NOR Kit. READING FOR ALL! I BOOKS 8TAT10XBRY Market HL, CJlenrncld, (at tht Poet tMBre.) T11K aaderaigned beg leave to annnnB tha eitiaena af CUarteld and rleinity. laat be haa flttfd ap a room and haa jaM rrturaf4 from the city with a large amnotit of retxliaf mattar, oaniiatlng ia part of Bibles and Misoellaneous Books, Blank. Aeoount aad Paaa Book of ererr dr- aeription , Ptpr aad Karriepee, Frnk prm4 and plain Pena and Pencil; Blank UrJ Paper, Deeda, Mnrtgageai JulmTt, Bifo tioa nnd PromtaarT aotn: White and I'-rf-meat Brief, Legal Cap, Reeord Cap, aad Bill C-p. Sheet Moate, for either Piano, Flute or Vit)i Donataatly on hand. Any bot'ka or atatioa-r; devired that I may aot have en head .will be ordrd by tret eipreea, end eotd at wbolrtale er rwU to awit aaatomert. I Will aloe keep perio4l )lterainro,aaeh at Mageala, Newtpap-r. P. A. UAtlsin Clear-. Id, May t, IMS tf J OH NTRO UTM AN," DEALER IN FURNITURE, 3IATTIIENS.E.S, Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P.O. Tka eadorolgaed kega leave to Inform lb. '!'; aeaa of Clearfield, aad tbo public geeerallr, be baa a band a Saa Meortment of I'eratieW, auch aa Waraat, Cheelnut and Painted Bailee, Parlor Bailee, Realintng nnd K"""7 Chnlra, Ledl.i' and Oeala' Kaay Cbelra, la. feruled Dining and Parlor Cheire. Cane Windier Cbeiri, Clothea Ban, Step and"' lie Leddcro, Hel Raeki, Scrubbing MOUI.DINa AND PICTURE FRANKS. Looking Ola. eve, Chremoe, Ae., wklek " aitable for Holleay preeenta. deelfi'71 , JOHN TROI'TEAS. DR.. E. M. THOMPSON,