THE REPUBLICAN. CLBAKF1KLU, PA WIDNKHllAY MORNINrt. Al'O. J, 1878. Term, of Subscription. If pallia advauoe,ur within Urea monthi...$J 00 ll iIJ .ftrr Ihreeaad before ili monlbe I to I' paiJ .Per theeiplration of ali month,... I 00 erM.uri. 8. II. Pinruraiu. A Co., Newa neper Adveitlelng Agenti, S7 P.rk How, earner Uuekman hire.!, ara our duly eothoriied Agent! Naw York City. r. KI.KilntlH notickm. Slethodlet P.nleeonal Church n n v Stuvbici, laitor I'ul.lio Hervloe every Sakbelb ."1 n .11., mi r. 01. Hal.lialh rlohool at II A. M. Prayer onetlot: ever, Thured.v. at fl P M Coumunloa Service, trit Snblialh of every inni.lti at 1111 A U ' ...W". t'oartteld, M. E. C hurchn.Ti " tin ana J. r. Ai.naeon. Peiton i"" every alternate Burnley, o'slcaBk, P. M.-nunrt.y School 2J, p. M. All ara in rre.nyterlaii ChurchRev. II. 8. Burma, r nervlnea morning and evening Hab. om nouooi at r. M.-Ir.y Meeting Wednei hbj ()niug. w. Franc!' Church Ct!iollcKi.. P. .,-.rreaciiingat It... o'olo0k, A.M., 01 the first, third and fourth .t.m.l,.....r ... Vespers and llr-nedlollon of the blessed Sacrament at 7 o'clock, p. M. S-induV School -r.r. Blin,i.. afternoon i i et I o'clock. ' OKFICIAI. DIRFXTORY. " tthb or loi.Dipfl qiiARTin iimioki cocbt. Sot on d Monday of January. T'xrd Monday or March. First Monday of J una. Fourth Moo Jay of September. TIMI Or HOLD1RQ COMUuR rXBAH. Flrat Monday of J una. public orririM, Pwidtnt Hon. Charles A. Mayer, of Lock llaran. Atii'trot.. Lew tajft IIoq. John II. Orvis, of Auortat Juft9uVlim C. Foley, Clearfield: John J. Head, CurwensTllle. 'rofAoNotarv Ell It loom. Htyittr mud Rtoordtrh. J. Morgan. Diilriet Atlarny Frank Fielding. 7Varr David Mcliaughoy. .VAsr. William K. MoPharson. County aSuwyor Kamuul F. McCloskey, Cur wensvllle. (JoKfify Comw.'itMmen Clark Brown, Clear field ( Thomas A. Mcljc, Cheat P. O.; Kuril iioovcr, uiearueiii. County Auditor--Chriat. J. KcaKgy, Olen Hop ( Bamuel A. Caldwell, Williamagrur ; John 0. Connor, llu reside. County CorontrJ. II. Naff, New Wsshington. Jury VommitiionertJuhn W. Hhugnrt, James Mitchell, Claarfled. SuptriHiintirmt n fuhliv Schools John A. rBry, Cnrwensrille. tfotariw Publie Juhn W. Wrlftlfy, Wm. H dubaugh, Cyrua h. Cordon, Clearfield i Joiiah r.Tani, jot. n. irwin, n. K. Arnold, Corwenivllle J. J. tingle, Km met Hayera, Oeceola. Mille; Jol.n ton Hamilton, Lutheriburff. Our Special oolumn Is dcldidly lnteretin In local point of flew, and pro 8 table reading to qui ii u era woo want to mto money. The hoiiBo fly don't l ine so early dur ing iot ewa man oi tue patt lew oayi, m i Thooyetor Mason ia coming. Noxt month will have the nectannry "r" In it. a John McClellun in building a now front to hie dwell. ag-hotm on Loouit etreet, In tb la borough. imcKicDcrruiB worg hoiu on our treu last week nt lira and alz temi pr qiirt. Cheap enough. The Sunbury&Ijowistown Jiaitniad, eta Hellnpgrore. U again tn running order, trier a Tftcation of aaarly two yean. . ' i m i We direct the attention of mrti)U to the adTerlUeaent of tho IMttiburgh Fi-mala College, to be found In this papr. A Clinton county boy, Arthur Doni blaier by name, is a littl giant, lis is but nine years old, and weighs 121 pounds. a . Tho vacation ot theaohool-boy is fust supping away. Iba Leonard (traded ttubool lr this borough will open early tn September. - i w - Tho BOiwon for catching apeoklod trout expires on the 16th day of this tn -nth, in stead of on the lit, as many person! suppose. Weather prognosticntorB aro already predicting a corerely eold Winter. All right t We have our 'apply of bituminous paid for. Let the oold wind shriek. ' " liev. Wm. M. lliircutioM has resigned the pasterata of the CurweniTille Presbyterian Churok, and bis rtrt gnat Ion has been accepted by the congregation. Young America in rejoieingover tho proipeoUre large erop of obeitnnU this eomlng Fall. The trees gire abundant trldenoe that the erop will be unusually large. A fine largo navsonago is being built at Woodland by the M. K. congregation of that place. They now bar a resilient pastor, and are building the bouse for his accommodation. Tho Women's Foreign Missionary Society will hjold a stated meeting In the Clearfield M. K. Churuh, this (Wednesday) afternoon, at S o'clock. A full attendance Is requested. , a m "The slimmer you look tho better," says a fashion writer totbu ladies. And hemigat hare added. "The tighter you pull the corset -strings, the sooneroi will hare a obnneeto visit the othar short, where fashions trouble not and the weary art at reit.' Austin Plunk, of I'hilipsburg, full from a freight ear at that place, a few dajt since, and ont of bis legs was so terribly mangM that It had to be amputated Just bolow (be knee. He was not employed on the railroad, but bad jumped on the ear for a ride. . - t?uite a number of business houses and dwellings In this vicinity have bean Improved greatly in external appearanea during the present Hummer, by resetting several new eoats of paint. Among the morersoent Improvements tn this line, we notloe that of Butters' saloon building. The roof of tioo. Lanieh's blacksmith hup, on Fourth street. In this borough, ca tight Bra from rparks from the forge-flu falling upon It, by which tb roof was considerably damaged. A timely disoortry of tht flames prevented what might have been toneldercd a aariousoonflagratlon. a - Messrs. Jones & Urinker, of Finr moiiot, Clarion ronnty, have roeetved the contract . to furnish 750,00ft brio It, to bt and la finishing .'. the Summit tunnel, on tht Low (trade Hailroad, ; in Huston township, this tounty. Mr. Ueo. B. ' Douffherlv. of K.tlnD. will euterinlend the manufastnre of the brick. Last wei'k we attributed tho guddun and remarkable ebange ta the weather to the : sever hail storms tbat visited the various sections of the eoontry a week previous. And now "Old . Probabilities" comes to tbe front with the thetrry ! that this col weather. occasioned by an iceberg, - which Is now railing along a great cipsns of our seaooast. (.round was staked oft' on tho rail road, about a quarter of a mil above the Qood fellow bridge, and near Aulas' dam, one day last ' week, for a new station. It Is to b only a flag and shipping station, and will be sailed "Porter," In honor of our townsman, Wm. Porter, Ksq., who donatrd the ground to th Railrtad Company fur the purpose abov mentioned. 1 1 - The ecalToldin around tho new Catholic Cburrh, which Is being built at Brook Villa, fall on Wednesday, tht ItSth utt , end five laborers, named Casper, Mullen, Brooks, Milltron, and O'Laugblin, were seriously, though not fatally Injured. Three of tht mea fell a diatanoa of forty lt, and two fell twenty-tight fret. The attend ing physicians report that all tht men will recover. M. B. Spackman has opened a eabi- Ht-maklag shop o Foarlh street, In this bore ugh, here he will keep on hand a Urge stock of new waltur and do all of aabiaet wrk to r. He will also repair furniture In a neat and AetaatLI manner. "Meta.w Is a good work , and will, no doubt, recelv a liberal patron dvrtla. In tbe Ram at. it aw to day. Tho West Branch Cnmp-tnclainir at Tayn. elation, Clinton onaty, will commence on arday, tbe 17th day of August, and continue U days, elosing on Toesdsy morning, August Kb. Bishop Rimpnn and a larg nasaWr W sod noted-ministers will be present. The rttadano promises to he large, and the meeting 1 ipceted to be among the mail scctssfu ever lid at tltal place. ma mm, iJamos lit Ltavy.of ixn plttC0( WJ Informed, ba pure baaed the American Huus pvity at Cnrttoasvlllo, from Mrs. Bloom, and Wlgns rrmodellog It tbrongbuut and building it ether story higher. Whtibtrar eufJint" I. Ids to turn landlord, we hart aot beea toforiae 1. f. Uavy will tro build twu new dwelling bouses )Csrwenstllle, Iffitf rt, lb, tn.ulng Fall, w h a bleb hi owns la that borough. Wanted 11,000 cords of Hemlock ad Rook Oak Dark, for which we will pay tht highest market brio. , Jltr. A, G, Kiuuta A Co. I (iRooKRiita, Tho largont bihI bmi alaeUo anil atock of iroearlaa la Olaar l.ld loualy al J. N. Ljll.'i. K..rjlhiD boujbt Id larf. qu.alltl.i, atrlolljr for oaib, to that b. aaa olT aod aall tha .la aliao.l w law al Iba oily prlo.1. J. A. Htuillrr'i horso, attached to It in bak.ry aoo, anil ilrl.ta by a amall boy, look a nolloo to rua aay lait M.,na.y anernooa, and Ibara at a iudi!.n fall In tba " .tilTof lift." Tha boy Dial. a rat; narrow aMapa from aarlaut la. jury, Tba wagon wat npi.1 and tha boy nniar. mooiouly landed In tho fultar, at tha ooraor of Jtilrd and Loeait ilraat. Uayond braaklnf tha liafta f tha w.gon, no aerlom damara wai dona. Iit of luttorn romainlng uncluimod In tha Po.toBo. at Claarn.ld, for tba week ondlo -my out, taint Hak.r. II. Milb-r, ali.. A inn MoLauahlla, rj. U. Pooda, Hainufll ' Ho.., M.i. Mattla J. Hhaw, I. 0. Turner, Mri. Ruth Witherrliht, M. W. V. A. OAULIN.P.M. Uryaon, f.tar luaan, John A, Purmta, Mil. ra Johnana, Hobart JohaMba, Samuel F. Uollealn, O. 11. A il Anni i nii Club at Ohoeola. Tho u.toooraoy orunaola are fully alira to I ho ioler aati or tba airoarbjii PreiMenllal cuiiinlgn, and will org.nlic n TMden and llcndrlobi Caia al(n Club durlna Iho loiter nart of thli week. Money haa been lubaorlliei! for tba purohaae of nnlformi and l.rie. and a laraa benioeralle vote may he looked for In that borough. Work and pluck will win. Sunday-School livory. body il Invited to attend a baiket ple-nlo in tbc pine rora nnr VYaedilll.. on tba Uw tirade Hailroad, a few mllei ent of PenfleM, on Satur dey next, Iho 6th day of Auguit. Her. D. B. Monroe, of WiUiau.port, will be among the peakeri. Tba principal eiereiiei will ba the aiuging of longi, making ipwehei, and aating your own - proviiiooi, providing you tako them along. -J e- Thk 8iikrfp'8 Hail Rained. The NiierlrT of our tounty, after tha expiration of fnerin Aici'herson's ttrut, In eooformltr with Iks not passed at tb last mm inn of tht Legislature, will ba roqalred to give bail In the sum of I5, 000, with two or more sureties, Instead or 5,000 us heretofore. Th foregoing Is lb amount fixed for all ooua tie having more than Jo.tfOQ aid Ism than 60,000 population. a an - . Judgo Klwcll, at tho recent dinner of the Alumni of the Bloom. burg Slate Normal reboot, look occasion to ouuitoend in it roust terms tb Udiet of tht graduating olan for having at tended the examination and graduation tn neat ealioo dresses, which they bad made themselves. It was a prudent, "W said, that should bt gen erally followed. Rivalry tn drees Is not only bur h upon the poorer pupils, but necessarily dis tracts tha mind of a fematt pupil from bar lessons and txamiLations. - a Kclipb bh. Tho inon th of IScplc in Ur HI bt remarkable this year for a partial eclipse of the moon, and a total telipst of tht sun. The first will occur on tht 3d nf the luonlb, and the latter on the lHtli. It might bt well to add that tf the night of the Id should happen to b ok-ar be world generally, with the txeetttloo of North Amerioa, will see th partial eclipse, and that tbo people In Australia and along the South Pa- ituo oocan ara the only ones who will wltntss the draping of the suu. ttolh show will b invisible this latitude. ... , t . r It has been estimated bv thoao who were on the grounds, that near five hundred peo ple and two bundrrd vehicles were on tht buckle- berry ridge, more familiarly known as Roone's mountain, at one time last week. Rooue'i moun tulo Is tight or ten miles northwest of this bor ough, and for years past has been th reodeivom for huckleberry pickers. Iu addition to the num ber present last week from different portions of this oounly, tber wsra reprassotattres from tbo counties of Jefferson, Indiana, Clarion, and Arm strong, soma o them baring traveled a divtaaoa ot thirty-five miles. When w state that aach individual will carry away 00 an arerare a buabel aod a half of berries, sum idea may ho formed . u ... , A of tb extent of this year's erop. It seems as though somebody in I'hilipsburg Is not happy unless a fir is raging In tbat village. Laat Wednesday the barb of Mr. Richard Atherton, with a number of adjoining outbuildings, was burned. Tbe barn had been stowed fall of furniture, which bad been saved from tb recent destruotlr fir there, but It was all consumed by th fir of last week. As there bad been no fir about th building, It was cer tainly tbe work of an Incendiary. If tht eitisens of Pbilipsburg should catob torn an f tb miscreants In th aot of firing a building, we think they would very properly give him a right eous do of lynch law. wttisb wuuld ba 1 lorviof Htm eiaotly right. Defaulting Coi.Lwrrons. Tho er roneous view held by many pcopl la relation to the responsibility of tat -collectors, should be dis pelled. It is as great a trims In they eyes of tb law, end honest uvea, for a man to oollact taxes aod appropriate th money to hll own use, as It is to steal horses, and they should ba punished accordingly. T. J. Williams, so Altouna tai- collector, was found geilty in th Blair County Court last week of omtmiling$J,3AM., collected by him In tb years 18TS and 19?1, and not paid Into tb County Treasury, wher It rightly ba. lengod. We presume tbat Williams supposed he had as much right to rob th Attoonlans of that sum, as Bill Kembl and Geo. 0, Kvans had to rob th Plato Treasury f (300,000, Tbat Is trn. Now, let Williams be put at tba bead of bis party In Altoona, and then ba will be vn with Ktiublt CLKARa-'IKLD CoAL TraPH HtfttO- ment of Coal aod other freights tent over th Tyron A Clearfield Division, Pennsylvania Kail road, for th week ending July 21, 1870, and tbe same ttmo text year : COAL, Fur tbe week. Sam timt last year- Inereaav Previously during year,,... Same lime last yir Inereflee Total In 1H79 Heme time last Jtar Inereaae , OTI1KH f RKtOHt Lumber .... Miscellaneous freights , 10,0 S3 ....120 ifars. .., en " Is JIlmouiam. -At a mooting of Clearfield Lodge, INo. 80a, K. of P., held al thtlr regular plac of meeting, en Monday evening, July Slat, 1870, the following preamble aad reso lutions were adopted t Wan an a. It bas pleased the Supreme Father of all spirits, la His all-wise providenoe, to re inn fa Crnm 1111 r mid at tha antil of our hiartil respected aod beloved brother, George T. Parks, alter more than one yoar'a protraotetU illness therefore, tetolcrtt, That w bow In humble submission to tbe will of our Heavenly Father, whodoelh all things well (at whose bidding we all must 00 me), and exelaim with one of old, th will ol the Lord be done. esoreef, That we, tbe members of this Lodge, eitend to the members of tbe family f our de. parted brother, ear warmest sympathy, and pray tbe God of Heaven to austaia them tn this eevtre trial and sanctify It to their good, that there may In that great day be a re union. , . j Jieolvtd, That out of respect to our dfpart4 brother, tb thartor be drapd in mourning for tb spare of thirty days from th date of these resolutions. Httolttd, That ibis preamble and these resolu tions be published in tbe Clearfield RercBLifAM and Hafumnn't Journal, and that copies of th sain be sent to tb family of the deceased, . A. F. tteana, V ' W A. Uumrauau, Commitlee, J. A. 8TRWARV. I r J)ahi(J Bubgury. Tho Altoona Tributt of last wtefc saya r About I o'clock 0 Wednesday morning, July 16th, th ami-shop of Olmes A Hink, Kleveatb street, opposite tb Opera House, wat forcibly entered, tb sat hlon epea and about 1300 la moaty abstracted therefrom. Th burglars gained antra net nt tb frontdoor, after which they attacked tbo stf fay drllhng a bolt, thro quarter's of an iaob in diameter, In the side, nearly opposite th lower vomer of th upper binge of th afeVtr. Tha saf was then heavily harged with powder or some other fear ful iploslv and fired, blowing tb f-dor across lb room, wbieb in Its passage struck tbe front door, tearing a piece at of lb frame and breaking a hoi In th fluor. Th large glass In the window where the Bar td Ms art broken. A few blackened pennies and b hrred remains of a twenty-Ire cent aot wet left as mnatntots f lb burglary. Tb report was beard la tb neighborhood, bat as th eijdoslo f railroad torpedoes are of ftqatat omarreae the nela did ot ereate any susploiea of what was Uaarplriag. The casMren hinge f tbe safe-deor were -p let fly broken off, showing th rerHIc power 'of the ebarge. Th burglar im tvidrttly old bands al the buslntss aad understood their work thoroughly." DEMOCRAT. AIIOUBBI ' ACT RCAOV FOR A VlOOPrOUl CAMPAIGN t Lei the Batt la-Cry be Tilden Hendrlcksl Fortbtpurpus of tngaglng vlgure usly In tht campaign, w tall upon all professing Democrats. and Uiom of tb opposition who ara oi.pos-d to tha oontlnuattoQ of th wrongs and outrage in moral and olvll affair, perpetrated on th o pi tn th past eight years, to rise la their sight and assist a In driving from power and author. Ity a band of men who aot as though all w po. wed in personal rights and property belong td to them, Fwur yesue mora of such a ml and ruin policy, as that practued upon us to tho past. wilt disgraoo us at horn and abroad aod over- whelm us In universal bankruptcy. There fart lot as meet together for eounell and ad vie, and organise an aggress ire campaign, and tno mot put men Into th Chair of Stale who prefer coun try U self. To this end let us Indicate Friday evening, August lUh, as th tin, and th Court Iloaa as th place, for organising a TILDES A HENDRICKS CAMPAIGN CLUB, and help to accomplish a work allotted to all who seek honest government aod th perptaa tlon of ur, libtrtiM. Several ablt statesmen will be prase at to ad dress th Club. Wm. Iligler. " J.W.Jordan. Kli lllooiH. Wm. Graham. W. R. McPherson. Joseph Uort. C. How. ' John Dougherty. ' Isriisl TtsU if Henry Hton. J. W. Howe. ' Andy J auk eon. L.J.Morgan. .. Jobo MoClellan. - T. J. lloyer, J. I. MoUrid. A. W. Lee. Jokn Tool, T.M. Lanlek. - Hul, Kline. W. W. lie its. J. W. Thompson. J. W. Wrigley. ' J. F. Weaver. W. K. Wallace. J. L. Cooklin. W. H. Shaw. A. J. Laoich.- A. M. Hilts. ' H. B Unieh. W. H. Read. J. B. Waltors. L. Plcgal. Amos Read. Clark Urown, Lewis O. Uloom. U. L. Uevd. Abraham Ogdtn. J. M. Ardary. Miles Read. A.V. 0. Rosenkraas. Joseph Howies. D. D. McMulleo. John A. Mclirid. J. O. Hcbryvr. ' ' J. L. Mrl'berson. James Dougherty. . Hugh Orr. Joseph Hhaw. Jos. Watson, F. O'Ltary Buck. Matthew Ogden. ' A. Humphrey. John fcihaw jr. Fied. Htwkett. Kach. Ogtlen. John L. Cuttlt. . W. T. Mo Cork I. W. C. Cordon. , Matthew Read. D. R. Fullertun. ' Hamuol Clyde. R. V. Wilson. Uo. II. Hall. 8 K. Kramer. Thomas Reilly. Isaac Johnson. L. K. Merrilf. Important to Hotbl and lioARDiNQ- Uoi'sa Kanrnas. Tht following act was passed at the last session ol our Legislature, and took effect on tb 1st day nf June last It it an im portant law and should b tsrcfully observed to avoid profit and loss. It Is obligatory upon aoh keeper of a pubtle house to post up in ooospice ous pi eo In th offlo or public room, and In rtry bad-room occupied by guests la said boas, a statement of tb charges per day, meal, lodging, etc., a failure to comply with which forfeits his bill and subjects tb landlord to fin aod imprison ment in th tounty Jail for a term of not than six months. Tboe interested woahj do well to promptly tomply with th requirement of th law. Copies of th at and statements for this purpose are for sal at this offlo : An Act to prevent fraud and fraudulent practice upon oroyapwi Keepers, in Keepers and board ing-nouse aetpers. SetTiox 1. lit it twitted , dV, That tvtrr ner son who shall, at any hot) or inn, or boerdina- buuse, receive or eaus to bs furnisbed an food or accommodations, with Intent to defraud the owner or proprietor of such hotel, Inn or board- mg-nouso out at tht value or price of such food or accommodation, and (very parson who snail ouiein oreuu at am notei. ion or bcwruinK- house, by the us of any false pretenses or device, or y depositing at any such botel, ton or board ing-bouae any luggage or proparty of value less man mo amonni. 01 suen eretiit, or or tne dim by such person Incurred, with snob fraudulent intent. and any person who, after obtaining erodit or aoeommouaiion at any notei, inn or boarding' bouse, and shall surreptitiously remove bis bee- gage or property tnererrom, sliall upon eon vletion, aununea iy iui prison men t ta tno ouoiv js.11 ior a term 01 not mora man ria montns. Sac. 1. r.rery keeper of h hotel, restaurant, inn or board ing-b out shall past in a conspicuous plao in tbe oflio or public roctn, and every bed room occupied by guests, in said house, printed uupy 01 mis wb, nu a siaittneoi 01 iae coargee or rate of charges by the dev. and for meals and items furnished, and for lodging. Mo ebargror sum anait nt oiitciea or received oy any sucn l"1"011 fo' n' ,er'eM wt to-lly rendered, or . no wiuaiiy o.iverta, or. ijr a longer time than the person so obarged actually remained al swob plao. For any violation of tbis section, or any provision ol this section, tht offender shall forfeit his bill so charged, aod upon oonvicuon tnereor, oe adjudged guilty ai mean or, aod shall bt punished by Imprisonment in tbe oounty Jail for a term of not more than six months. bao. I. In oast of any default on tbt part of toe guests in any neiei, inn or boaruing-nouH, to redeem wiimo silly days all baggage, etc., do posited as security for charge incurred, said baggage, ate, shall be sold at public auction after duo nolioe by publication for five days previous to sale all ex ocas of proceeds exceeding charges incurred shall bo held for the owner. Kbc. 4. Tbis act is to Use efteet immediately after th first day of June, Anno Domini eighteen nunurea ana eeveniy-sti. Approved tbe 20th day of April, A. D. W0, LETTER FROM PIKE TOWNBHIP. BLOotuxaroN, July 17, 1970. Ms. Eoitori I want a little room in yot paper to tell you something abewt what tne Htoui are trying to do in tbis oorner. You will notioe that th leader have changed tholr nam, but they are tne same Indiana who have clasped hands with tht Kepubhoans for several yeats to de l eat tn uesnooratie party Fw Democrats ia tbis aelghborbood were aware that a public meeting was to be bold ia our school boase last evening ; but every Republican was aware of It, and spread th information. How disinterested I I went to tbe school hot to see what was to he done, aad who tbe reformer war tbat bad volunteered to enlighten u. Hell. latter turned out to be a couple of sera-beads from your town one by tb Bam of Faust, who once tried to aot as iherin and proved a miserable failure, and the other was Kerr, a tombstone man, United State Marshal, insurance agent, aad the dogs know what all be does follow. Jit won't hurt anybody, unless bis brother-in-law, Fnlford, issues a warrant for the purpose of extracting some of the stuffing out of our business msn's pockets, Kasoo, Fulford, and Ktrr, ara Grant's regulators in this county. Rut then for Faust Jakt, for distinction to oomt among us and try to stuff ns, that he Is still a Democrat, Ac, is too thin, lie Is toe utueb like bis brother Daniel, and keeps the same company, Jake got up an d tried to wake a speech. He pulled a big roll of paper eui 01 nis pocaei, ena saiu mtr was aometniug ia It 1 but. after blatkeriaa about tvervtbiae. ex- oept lb good of tb Democratic party, be put the paper in his ponkel without reading it, Some one yelled out, "Why don't yot read yourDBtwrf " Jake aetraed too full for baaty uttaranoa, hot finally ha said, " It was about iioodlander." This caused brother Goon to shout " Amro I" aad aay, " Let's bear about Goodlander 1 " Rut the speak er got so mixed up tbat be was unable to aay any Lb ins:, except Hing, Uooil lander, corruption, etc., and noon aiubeided. Then tbe tomhstoae fellow got up, but bt did aot say much, lis Is an olly-loncued chap, full of buaioett. H gave no tice for ail who were not Junior Mollies, or did not wish to be sworn In, to leave th house. Brother Gooa came out end closed tbe shutters; tint the boy kept opening them, so that while herr was sweat! a leliow wno nau nt vote, th noise bfoetne an great that he had stop off halfway, and the Mollis adtnrn4 to (toon's residence, where tha trio aware In two or three genuine Know-Nothings. It these Kadieel missionaries are a sample 01 tne reformers in yoer town, you weod not ssnd any ore of them up bore. Hnow-Notbln ism did not lake brre, and noil her will Junior Mollle Ma gulrism. We are nearly all Democrats np here, and we do tot propoee to be lead lata the aamp of the enemy by broken-down politicians and squires, wno aave nothing else on band Jnst now but to disorganise our party. The Republican leaders must send out better subsUlate than these. They are bad sample. Faust, we all up here know very well. He is a dead-beat, aad tbe other fellow, I think, Is close aHet him. I woa der bow muek blood these fellows extract out of the Republican leaders, far their oheap efforts at disorganising tb Democratic party. Yours, Ro Ror N. B. If Juke comes up her again, tell bin. to bring tbat roll of peper along and read It. It will do brother Goon so much good, If there It anything in It about Good lander. R. R. (When Joseph Gooa tones forward and pays as for shout twelv years subscription, We will by even, Until that Is done, he bad better keep bis Christian y ew tha deealogo. We stopped his paper three years ago, and he bas been abusing as ever since. That is tbe milk In the oocoanat, Whenever Jo pitches Into Good lander hereafter, let eome one ask him whether he has paid bis subscription bill, and to with what vehemence it will e a tract an emoa from htm. Ko, Kir.) LETTCR FROM PENFIEtD. Th Convention of tbe Bennett's Branch Union Ruaday Hahool Assoaistkoa, held at this plao oa Friday and iatarday, July Hat and X2d, was well attended and evidently very frullfal af good results. The e Ili sens of Pea Held, and dels), gates from ether places, testified ia varies ways to tb useful of th Aseociatioa. Th ofboers desire to eapress their Ihenks t th Clearfield peaces, for publishing aotieas and other matters of interest to the Association. Rev,- A. Render sua, Presbyterian aiaiater at Peafield, Rev. U. M. Chiloeat, M. X. minister at Hint utle, aad Rev. R. Crittenden, ef Ralltfontt, were present and Mgaged hrtlly in th exercises of tbe Convention. , . C. A CARO OF THANKS. , , I berv-hy tender my Inofr thanks It tht pet. pie ef Woodland and vicinity, for their Valuable eervlce rendered In eavleg saach of my property from the flames, daring the burning of lb V. at 1'arscnag of CMarfisid Imult, oa ta lfith Inst., Alee, for their literal eoaulbatlon toward making good the toss. ' A. I. FtiLTei. Woptir, July IT, Utj. LoRILLAAD'd ToiACCO.--LytJ. of thli plao, sum Um egaae lev C1aral4 s ty for LoriHard'i krad breads of tohaoto. tad nan hII them at factory prtcts, Bptia$M. Th Committee of Arrangements for tha Fourth of July oalebralloa. will aoeept propoaab up to august ntn, tor me Liberty role, raised tn mat toeaeion and now standing ta th diamond at 01artield, for a campaign pot for either party th proceeds to be need to pay the debt of the vommtiio. miny nay tiia win do giva who proper security. A. M. Hills, Clearfield, July IB -It. ' Chairman. CAMII PAIDPOH WtM)L BY ARNttf.I) AT U HWKWHVII.I.I Faitiaa'a Ovma Book to PaiLaiiiLrati mn trn OaNvaNRUL ExHiaiTioif. Fries rcdueed to I FN PFlMTft I'" be Map published, -MrUa showing the location of 4(1 of tb promtaeot plac of In to rest on tbo Great Centennial U rounds A bettor book than any of th 8.arat Uuide published, Jtncloa price to John W. Frailer, 4.10 Walnut street, i-Qiiaae.pnia, and got otpy ty return man. C AHII PAIDKtiR WtMlL UV AHNOLI. il l ilinn KNll isLI.I uooiaa Foi 81LB.-W-R, Newton Shaw keens a inn sum. it or rredonia no gates ana riatiorm W axons for sale. To be soea at tb Shaw Uous yard. Call on or address bim at Clearfield l'on. syivania. may lS-tf. CAHII PAID FOR WOOL BY ARNOLD, AT ClIHWIi.NMVll.Llu. THINK FOR YOIFRHELF. Thousands load miserable lives, lufferins from dyspepsia, a disordered stomach and liver. Dro- auoing uuionsness, nenrtburn, eosuvencss, weak nesa, irregular annetit. low spirits, raisin a foot after ating, and often endina in fatal attacks of fever. Thbv kkow tubv arb stra, yet they get it. ie syiapktay. a n u niauing remedy, which is yearly restoring thousands, is DaCosla s Radical Cur, eold by C. D. Watson, and Hsruwlck A Irvia, Druggists, Clearfield, Pa. A 15c. oot lie will oonrluo yon of Its merits. Don't delay another hour after reading this, but go and get a bottle.and your relief is as certain as you live. Will you do it, or will you continue to auuer r mint lor yoursoit 1 DYBPEPMA. Americans are particularly subject to tbl die- ease and its effects t saeh a sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual CoelivensM, Heart burn, n ater oraan, coming up ot tbe food, coated tongue, disagreeable taste inlbe mouth, palpitation of ine iicari, ana an other diseases of the b torn eon and Liver, Two dose of Ubrkh'i Aoocst Kwwm will reliov you at one, and there otsi lively Is not a case In tb United Slates It will aot cur. If you doubt this co to vour Dnnralst, 0. D. Watson, snd got a 8ample Hot tie fur 10 rents ana try 11. iteguiar sue 7o ecnu. Prof. Parker's Pleasant Worm Ryrup Is per fectly safe, eitremely palatable. No physic re quired. Costs Ito oenU. Try It. For salt by 0. v. naisoo ana iiartswica irwin, tlcarUeld, Pa, mob 32eowly. CAHII PAID FOR W(H),BY ARNOLD, as i.ttinibNnill.a.K WM. F.KE1VM LOCALS Fine assortment of new Rnibri'dlcrica, verj :heap, just received. New Oarslmerc and Stocking Yoru. lust received. New Fall Goods, just reetivod. Th lady who boutht ths linen dress with jbroWn trimming, will pleas return lb um brella she borrowed of m. Dec 8. WS-tf. Sirl In Osceola boroogh. Clearfield eountv. Pa 1 Sunday, July I0tb, IH7S, of obolera Infantum, iiertua, daughter ol frank P. and Mary A. rurey, aged 6 month. ' Jtailroails. I'eiiiiNylruiilnllailroad TYRONE k CLEARFIELD BRANCH N and after Monday, Al'HIL 17, 1S7H, tbe VPaiiancer Train! will ron datlv (eieant 8ua. dafi) batween Tjrrooeaod Ulearueld.aa followi CI.EAKFIb'l.D MAIL. W. C. Inwia, Condantor. ' LKAVK SOUTH. LKAV NOKTII. Tyrone ....... MH,A.K, Oneola........ 1.61," lhilipiturg.lo.Uo) " Cleerneld ..... 1 1 .00, " CurwoniiUe..U:2, Ottrwenirille...S:25, p. Claarneld. S.iO, " I'billpiaurg 4.4 " Oaeaola i.oil, " Tjrrona ....10, ' CLBAHKIKLD KXPRB8S. W. 8. pLtTHMan, Conductor. LKAVK SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. CurweniTille....a a. m.; Clearleld I ll " j Tyrona. T.05 p.m Inleraction...T.2v u Oieeola . ....(.10 " I'hilipibor...8.J.1 ' Clearleld, er....2S Phllipannrg.. (.90 O.ceole. 8 45 Interaeetion.. T.ItS Tjron... r.60 CurweniTille. .M BALD IA01.R VALLEY BRANCH. Kin. MalL Mall. tip. P. a. 5 III a. h. ' 8.31 leave Tyrone t.ii llald, .:! Jnliaa 10.0 , . Mlleeaurg 10.10 Il.llefonte 10,10 Mlleelnrg a. M. 1.00 12.40 11.55 ll.M 11.11 11.00 . 10 2J Mb arrive fl.20 e.oii is 4.47 4. SO 4.1 1.6 leave S.JO SO a.4 .3 t.ll ie... ' Howard 10.00 11.11 arrir.L. llaren " TYRONE STATION aa.rwARD, a h waerwann. Pluihnnr Kip'aa, Paeiflo Kxpraae, . Paelflo KipreM, t:l& 2 41 1:31 Herri. burg Aoc'm, 1:48 a M Mall Train, 3:22 :47 Way Penengor, Mall Train. Atlantic Kipren, Pbila'da Sipreii, IfcM ,TtH Line, PIULIPHBlIRd 4UKO8IMNN0NBRANCIIBS On and after Monday, APRIL 17th, 1878, Ae eorainodatlon Traial will run over Iba Pbilipa burg and Moiliaonon Branches, ai follow! i L E AV nTs O I! Ti iT ""lEAVK INOKTH.' p. n. a. n. a. a. Htetlom a. a. p.m. p.m. 1:15 Morrildale, 7:l 11:31 1:40 7 36 Pblllpaburg, 1:00 11:16 4:3 1:14 T:.18 rileiner'l. 13:11 4:31 1:50 7:44 " Ilunber, 12:04 4:23 liM IMt tlM Oieeola, .. 11:16 4:16 3:13 10:18 8:08 Molhannon, 11:41 4:00 1:10 111:!, 8:11 Hterllng, 11:33 S SI 1 11 1C:38 8:18 Uontidale,- 11:37 1:47 2 38 ll)::it 8:21 MoCeuley, 11:34 3:44 1:33 10:44 1:21 Kendrlcki, 11:10 1:40 Cloie eonnMttoni made bv nil train! at Tvrona and Look Haven. 8. 8. BLAIR, nyir-lf. Superintendent. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW QHADH DIVISION. ON and after Monday, June 10lb, 1878, the liaueniter train! will run daily (elcept Hon day) betweem Red Bank and Driftwood, aa follow! i EAXTW A Hit D.v Mail lea.aa Plll.hnr. .: a. mi. d.hi i i:.a j nngo Junetlon 12:01); New Bethlehem 11:60 p. Mayeville 1:06; Troy 1:37 BrookviHe 1:50 Fuller e 3:15 I Rey. aoldirllle 1:36 Dulloli 1:01 i Summit Tunnel 1:33 Panltld 3:40 YVeedville 4:00 1 UeneaeUa 4:38 arrival nt Driftwood al 6:13. W KKTW A 71 1). Day Mail leavei Drln wood 13:36 p.m.; Beneaell. 1:10 1 Weailvilla 1:2.1 1 P.nOeld l ot: Summit Tunnel 2:27 1 DuUol.140: Reynoldivlllo 1:16 : Kull.r'.l JS , Rronkvill. I:60 Troy 4:16 i Maylville 4:30 : New B.thl.hem 4:62 1 Hliao Jnnetion 6:24 Red Bank 6:47 I arrive, at ruuoarg ai p. ra. M- Th. Beynoldivill. AoeoumodalioB laavea Reynoldiville daily at 6:30 a. m. and arrlvee at Red Bank at 8:16 a. m. Leavei Red Hank at 7:36 p. m.f arrive, ai ReyaoleUvllla nt lOi.'lll p. m. Cloie eonneetio.1 made with train, on P. A R. Railroad al Driftwood, and with train! on tbe Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAV1U HcCAHIlO, Uen I SupX A. A. Jaciioh, Sup'l L. U. Dlv. FAKE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO Bfllefont, fa. $3 05 Middletown $5 00 Marietta 61 Lancaster I PIlILADEldPUIA 7 9ft ivKik Haven Willimiport. Huntingdon M I TO I fl 1 "0 190 a SO Lwiltown. Marysvllle. Altoona 1 Al Johnstown I 00 PITTHDURO I It UARH1HBURU... 4T4 JSTilAY Cime trespaslag e tb premie of th na dvrtlgned, In Recnaria township, oa or about tbe Iflh day of Jane, 1S7A, a dun eolcred mnl gelding, with black stripe along ll back. The owner is hereby requested to eome forward, prove property, pay charge and take bim away, or b will be disposed of as tba law directs. rami Kid nom.K. Olea Hop, July 19, Wfl lt JjiOK BALK. Th undersisTned will 1) at nrlval sal all that tract ar parcel ef lead situate la Drcattr township, Clearfield aoanty, Pa., within a short distant of th Tyron A CUarfleM R. R , and adjoining leads of Robert Undeon and otaers, aod known as the Jacob R. Urarbart let. Tbe said traot oontalaing 60 acres more or leas, with two vetos of valuable oal thereon, haa about 10 acres cleared, aad Is th key to a larg body of coal about being developed. Will be sold low and upon easy term. For partlenlara, apply tn . DAVID L.JiRKUS. Clearfield, Pa., July ll, 10T6. PITTSBURG FEMaUsE COLLEGE Ann PITTSBURO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Ia EelMllgf, Faoeltv, Patroaaga, aad all tbo faeiiillel fur aoqairing a thweugb, aolll and ornamental, .no of th. leadiag Sohoo le ll the United Snatea. TMTBMTY.MX TBACIIRKk CkargM leea Ikeaemy Iehae4 Affording Riual Advantagal and AaMmmodetiune, Send U the Pr.1ld.0t, REV. I. 0. PEItSIIING, D. D., for a Ml.logne. Fart Tan emaami ".pleroWr 1. nrJ, '78 41. glnv StxtxHsmtxAt. H. A. KltATZER, (laooiiaoa to) KBATZEB& LYTLE, PBAtll M DRY 000D8, ' NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER, t'AKPKTS OIL CLOTHS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHADES, . - ETC. Market Mrrnt, C learOcId, Pa. Keb. 18, 1878-lf ATTESTIOVFARMERS. W, have arranged our builoeii eo ai tn aiva aipaeiei aiiention 10 .no tale or Agrleultural 1m plaweaU,aBd will keep eonilanllyon band . WOOD'S MOWERS and REAPERS, BUCKEYE MOWERS and REAPERS, NASH LOCK LKVER HAY RAKES, ELLIS A HOFF MAN'S 0NK-H0RSB THRESH INO MACHINES, FANNING . MILLS, CIDER MILLS, BUCKEYE GRAIN DRILLS, Four-Horse Sweep rowers, with Straw Carrier of any desired length, Cutting uoxes, irom 10 mo ecn, Harpoon iiors Hay Forks and Pulleys, Plows, Oultiv a tors, Khovel Plows, Plow Shares of all kinds, Repairs ol all machines old by ns, and any thing els In our Una, All nf which will be sold en easy terms, or ex changed for stock. Cash buyers will find great advantages by, dealing wtth us. tlKUWH 11HU. MEAT MARKET, Markot Street. tr- Maori lues kept In the "Centennial" building. viearntiid. ia., May u, 107 ft aim. JPARMKUS, LOOK HKIiK I 1. M.l'AKl)0 &15R0., Would oall th. attentios of Farmer! te lha lat that they ara receiving ONE CAR LOAD OF Hebron's Patent Lock Level Tread Thresh Machines, 0NR CAR LOAD OF CHAMPION MOWERS and REAPERS COMBINED. Aod tw. kind! of GRAIN DRILLS FARM ERS' FAVORITE A FARMERS' FRIEND. All the above Machinal will be aold CHEAP for CASH, or exchanged for good M0R8ES ' and FAT CATTLE. They have alio a lot of new TWO-HQR8E ROAD WAGONS, Which tbay will dl.poie of In tha rnrne manner. Oor Thre.bcri, Keeper! and Driltl ara of th. belt maaea la tne onniry,and warranted tlrit-elaai ia every particular. Call at .ur meal market In Pta'e Opera Home and elautne tbeie maoninei. V. M. CAEDON & Clearfield, Pa., March J,"7fJT BItU FJL.OU1E, rj:i:i, AND GKOCEKY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., loom No. 4, Plc'i Opera llouae, L'learfleld, Pa. KMp oomtantly on ka)d SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SODA, COAL OIL, Sl'RUP, SALT, ' SPICES, SOAP, , . dunned and Dried Fruits, ToUeeo, Cigars, Can diet, 01 Irr Vinegar, Butter, Kggt, Ac. AUO, KXTRA OMR MADB Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop. Feed, &o.r All of which will be sold choir, for neih or in tzchang for oountry produce. A. U. hUAHtU cu. Clearfield, Nov. IS, 1874. tf T lOWJSUIP STATKMENT. JAC0I1 DIMKLINd. DUirlrt Trei.urer of Borcl lownekln, In aeMunt wilk the Sebool. Road and Poor funde of aeid towmhip, from tho uin uay oi jone, in73, u III. I4tn day 01 Juno, 1878 i , SCHOOL FUND DR. o Amount of Order, IiiumI tl.38.1 to To lleleaceon Docllealeol 187.1 817 IM lo 18J I. bandi of Dlmellna 1.94T 111 To Am't of Sebool tax IM.Md for '71.. 1,880 Tit To Ain't of umeated School tea received from Co. Tree.orer ai 88 To Stale appropriation for ISTS. .......... 103 74 tM21 51 on. Ry Amount of Teachers' wjrt $1,093 (in ily Am t paid tor fuel and eoallnguBoiee 89 uv lly Am I pid for rvpaire 49 lit iiy Am i el (secretary's salary J!9 on Br Vohool orders redeemed 1,104 fri Hy Trras. per eentage on same 48 ? lly two daya at making boplieate BC Jiy pnr pent, oa tolleotlng Danlieate of IWd-'Ta 1HQ at Ry tsontration en iBplteaU ol '74- 74. (54 Al Ry " per W aple, Wallac A Uraham ,t 29 Ry Ain't uncollected on Duplicate of 'TA 110 II 'r " 74 ttUl 8(1 Ity f. " u 75 Hwi 07 By School money In Treas. bands 180 00 M22 51 ROAD FUND BR. To Road Orders draws on Diet Treas, .$ 100 43 To Amount of seated road tai assessed for I87o, vis i To Am'tof Mnurer's d op Host...... IMS Jin Tu A ra t of "amuel Htott's duplicate...- 810 4ft To Am't due Treasurer .... 140 79 11,0.10 Oft CR. Ry Supervisor's wsgei, J. Mauror 9 85 45 h M " S. Stott...... 106 00 Ry Road tai worked out Mnurr 87ft 00 By " StoU 291 By rtonerations , 1 o Hy Trees, per eentage g Hi By Sundries as per bills 4 97 By Am't of ntad orders redeomed..,...-. 149 IS POOR FUND DR. To Ordure litaod on Dlst. Treas $ gg 71 To Am't of Poor tax assessed for 1875... 408 11 10 Am 1 aue on duplicates lor 73. ')4 (n hands of Relaoh To Am't ree'd from Bolsah, Collector, 889 18 849 05 d u pi (cat of '73.74 83,175 M CR. Ry ordfrs redeemed M.$ 341 g By Am't paid Overseers for lime , oe By far keeping paopera M .lf ft By ree'd from Isaac Beiscb dopll. eat of 1878-74 (49 & By Collector's per cent an nam H, 3 40 Ry tonrains ., $ ft, Ry Am't paid on order aot liftad nn T Ry Collector's per oent en dap. ar )87i go 41 By Treasurer's par eeabge Hl g 4 By reduction ef 0 per tent, aa S8 M , 1 17 By exonerations oa duplicate tf 1978,,, l 57 By Am't eolleeted on dup. of l87X-74 14 fit) r 1878 ?. gtfg 08 By bat. of Poor fund ta Treas. hands.. 45 00 1,178 Ifl Wa, tha anderslgnei Auditors of Hogg town ship, -having xamtned tb foregoing accounts, find tbrta a abort set forth. Attest: J.W. KYLER. W. F.BRABT, S. TnotgpHoV Clerk. tikO. M ERR ITT, tp., July 1, T1-. Anditnre. $nv and laitfrllatttous &&vttittmtM, A MATTER OF POPULAR INTEREST. Wa emdeiUrVmi tha leMph Btptater tha mitksUncoratjnverUunaU)utUak Hall, In l'hlisdeMilsvVajiamaaerAUrown'a'' Ijirgit C'loUilnaj. ''Jam la Amurloa." A Visitor au4 attcnffkiinrfro thetpoakcni : VtMOur. " What comer la tbo Thill '11 nf on r Attendant. ''Bouth-lu&st corm r ut bulh and Market. Plfjaaa noto the HIXTII, fir amue stranircra aecklng Oak limil, have boon mUJcd by doaLtfulng ptirsnna." V. "It uperfixjUyooloaaall Do you know R dimensions r 'A. "12JJUQ inar fbet-cn on Market, and 180 odd on Blath, 1i stories htfth. hiia ov.r three actwa o& tioori,isff, and coven tvpai-o am occupied bymWtoka twenty dliXsrout tui nem placet." X. " Io voniuM stcam-nowcrr . "AgmntyoutigcjiKtiio (urnMios prtwer for the freight and pemi.Kerelwaim,iui.I it. boilers steam for heauug, auU tb oliict oiu;i4r tloiia of the house." Y 1 SJ11 0TU,,r d y00 k tb goodH r ' A. "Thoyare first or9fwiant armntT A In Uie baaensuiLon lrmsliA &)inb,nLU...i 1,1 . tlionoe on the. ttalliil-lovatoi to liiu .iimcj. tor's mots on thif sWn door." v. " is uupectt liio tint orwrntton r ' noaaiiredln llie plecoTthn Tim giHxlt trtfrt i.e. . . UU01" " wo iai 01 a sir Ji f light, and two men alt, on before ami e behind Uie goo wait-hlng wlUi tho eyo ol a hawk for the least pm-holo Imrwrfiction n ft marking overy Saw, eo that the euu?r may and avoid U when ha cuau to outtUo tail meats." V. " Ton mTJBt employ in nnyV of rattcnr' A. 'Cum to our tilth tiix and ace I V 0 keep ID hands all the tip cafting up U10 clntu into sjajmenta,--lrtiitJiiyf niachlinji ihiu tjij a doat-n men work carjfft a stroke." V. "Do you nanutattura ali your own goods r' A. " W do, and moat carefully. Oar tx ami tiers Inspect every stitch and afatu, and citify to evury garment as extra-well rnatio to fore we put our ticket oa U. and beooiua mponstblslorlt1' Youx "yfctem most sar you a great A. " In very dlrerttrm, sir. It Is thfj syatrm and oonomy we practice all thn wof through. Uiat enablee ua to put our prAjrowo loth peopla u wo do." tJritraailuvtMB9 ork' wh4t Uco,De A.JdA?toiw It gnes Into Stock It is ticketed. Every single garment hu lu number and other DOintS DOUmI uu It an th&l Um or,.i tocait ba traced without IsJl, upua our Y-ATmB,wlTnenr . : B,r.OI vimj days you iiiajac 100 in tha varioua room and suites otf n-uiua. Si-lling to tho thrunin of custiuncn " V, Do you do an order buvA -tby mail andcxpresa:" L' A. " Very great All over thecuuntry. Our 1776 .PT. - STORE. LOW FMCES HAVE NOT KILLED T. A. Fleck & Co., MARKET ST., CLEARFIELD, PA. Tbey itiil live, and Ind Uicnuelrea well and hearty wuii. mm enapiaioiag oecaua, ooy,n oi uansrj AAU llrli U0UD9 ara ! in aondl. tlon lo pay tha largo prolla of the paat, while tbay, like far-iealog bu.lneil men, law tbe litoation and offered and told Dry Goodi at Prices to Suit the Times. By so doing they have built tn a prosperous and Increasing trade. With a sma'l ator and llgh sinenses, prices tbat would be less than eost to othsa afford them a profit. Their motto for 1H75 was mad In oldea time, and in tbo words of Franklin : "A nimble stxpenee Is better than a slow shilling." At a recent meeting of the firm It was unanimously resolved to do business as bertofor,ON A CAHII BAMIM, and change the motto for 1876 as follows : "A uimble Threepence La better than a alow Hit pence." This beau Franklin Just W per oent THE GREAT ONE PRICE DRESS AND DRY GOODS STORE, Market St., Clearfield, Pa. LW GTE.I.G OF EV MESS GOODS. All the latest styles from 10 cents per yard up. TUE BEST BLACK ALPACAS IX TOWN. Colored Drosa Goods In great varioty. Black Silks, ono dollar and upwards. Dross Linons, bssl shades and makes. Tablo Linens, Turkey Rod, bleached and nnbloschod. Shoetings and Pillow-case Cottons, bleached and unbleached. Calicoes, Muslins and (iinghams. Cotlonade for men's and boy's wear. ( Ticking 1 All kinds of Summer Cassimores, very oheap. ( Crash. Nice Summer Shawls and Skirls. Full lino of all dosoriptions of White Goods, plain and plaid. Muslins, Piquoi, A new Holt finished Cambrics, I choice iiaiiinuutt, l ol Swiss Violoria Lawns, HAMBURG how Corsets, Ladies' Ties, Handkerohiefs, Collars and Cufld, Kid Gloves, Hlaek and colored Veils and Veiling, Neck Ruohing, Ladies' Back Combs, Parasols and Fans, Ladies' and Children's Hose, Ladios and Chil- p uiuvun, i.auies ana iniiaron s unaerwear. MILLINERY GOODS, f"" line to suit everybody. Trimmed Hitts and Bonnets, very cheap. Now Silks, Flowers and;Ribbons. Unlrimmcd IlatB and Bonnets. Having aucoooilod in gotting a first class ni.. nun Bvuun in .ma uejmrimoni vory mucn lower man lierclororo. UenW FuriilNhlng ttoods. Percale Shirts, White Shirts. Underwear, Linen Collars and Cuffs. Psner fVillai.. .ml T'lifTd fi.. 1 i ii j i. . 1... a wio, uu.uDuuvis, Ajuion AxanuKoreinoiH, iiostory, lilovcs and New Tios of every description. All tho above goodB will be offered at the lowest possiblo prices.' T. A. FLECK & CO., Clearfield, Pa., April 26, 1870. 1870a WHERE i0Wf 187G. T. allCIIIOArT. on. of Uie foremoel. Ing nod henllbj Siatee I WHAT FOR? To buy a FARM out of tha One Million Acres of tin farming lands for sale by tb UKAND KAl'lDS A JNDlAn A R. K. Strong Soli. Ready Markets. Sur Crop. Oaod Schools. H. R. runs through centre of grant. Settlement all along. All kind af Prod nets raised. Plenty of water, timber and building maieriait rrioe irom i 10 iu per acre ) ene fourth down, balance on time. NT Send for Illustrated pamphlet, fall of foots anu ugures, ana oe ooavineen. AdUrtss W. A. HOWARD, Cosnsa'r. Urand Rapids, Mich, P. R. L. PIERCE, See'y Iad Dep t. AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA, (API'LKTON'S) NEW REVISED EDITION, Complete in 10 Volume3. Entirely re-written, to the present time. Everything brought dawn Illustrated throughout with Over 3,000 Illustrations AND MAPS ef etery eoontry oa the globe. Mold only by subscription. It Is not obligatory to take all the volumes st one a velasae may be delivered once a month, ar once in two months. Ten tent a day, th price nf a elgar, will pay for a set of CYCLOPKDiA ON A UI MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION tn less thaw three years. The there will be something substantial saved and a etorehous of knowledge, tadeed a unlvereal library In Ittrlf ecured,with but little 1tort or aerific. PRICE AND STYLE OF BINDING : For Eitra Cloth, per vol.. f I no For Library Leather, per vol 00 For half Turkey Morocco, per vol f 00 For half Russia Kstra Ullt, per vol . 8 09 For Pull Morocco Antlaua, per Vol 10 99 For Kail Russia, per vol M 10 tw For fori her lafnrmatlen address . J.H. WILLIAMSON, Publisher's sgeat, 1C (Olxth street, Jon 18, 1878-1y. Pittslmrgh, Pa. perfect ryitern itfd mlreof self n suaka ltiKamlbs to please people it,uuu mllea away JtsfcupteUy as If Llusy war turn In V. "iaTuwymhaTaatlaaM different dVpeninentsr A. " My duar sir I wa have note than tatwny, Mi htanrvd with It own busdnam, and esuJi thomughly oiyanlawl, aiiMjusasvry wheel with in tut groat wheel." Y- l!?nLou ntdomorioof ttemf A. With plcaauta. The Custom Impart Hi ent, for those who prefpr cutVirri-made to n-Mly-mlcv m niiafalisr iMpartmentv Z'lttJXJWm Btnck of uolerwear. Die Blilrt ItVtorr, with 1 busy i&skchlnea, niukingourown flnrt rlasa ahlrta. The Trim. 111 lug l)cpsutment. Itself as bis; aa many anwn lor ettiro. Hit Uarnicnt HUx-k hoim. The) Rocelving Room. Th Order IteiiarQnent, nmixl U fore. Tho Special Uniforau iH-uart- rot, 1 he Delivery Detmrtaa&L with it nro or niusaeiivf v. " itoia, noiu 1 Mr, enough r A. H I'm not half Ihpininii T TH as..i.- V. "Hold, hold Drrailmnt, with Itn bilLand irn distributor, ttlitiiiiraiMl publlahlnsat business and popular Jminud, cUnlsgjrH W.UWw.plMinnibly it. II ail your iiVend forlttTh km a IM'partincnt, wllrnt many rxixmia. Tha Boy iT'iartnicat, Tha Youths Dcrrartinont. ITia rnlMren's i Departnusnt, wltVlw special cimanrt M laillea. Tha Tclraph I)eiart-liu-iit Tliw Chier Clerk Deikartment, with itlook keepenandaMlstanu. UauralMaa- ' airtrs fjppartment; yi nan tier's Office, and Utior ollicea of tut) finoall busy aa beesi tliiitklnur, planning, eioxiting. buying, mak Ins;. ni.torli.itAiati.seiiding out, selllusr, and In a th urantrwiya J(.lnlng tiiclr foirea lo carry ;m aliuMnoaaVfth Um paopla amount- Iiik t. uiwuiu J,ujo,cjuy and 5(tMf,ooo au mmlly. V. flN-B H n 1-o.Mp ,Ai.,"Jn.lewl 11 U 1 A10 Bn thsj Civ bier's U -ailment, which handle Us t&JM ol retail aaluN on umo slnglo da rat" V. "fzsw lmmetuiThatwhaicnaWea A. "LiortIyl You have latst hit It Tha jrupia uiruujj nrre, row un low nrltea anii Irntn.l people throuK here, 1 aaloa." v. "wtuu are the 'roCanuLaa A. "Our system of taurines dealing I. Otm Srlrt, no deviation ; 2. Casli for cveryUiLu ; A guarantee protecting tha purchaacr : 4. Tha money rotuxned If the buyer can't OtUWrwlM be auitwt" V. " Nothing could be falrer. A. "Nothing. AndthepeopMes-f ft.w w '.1.1 Uiu" o.f, -or your toitm attention." w A. "Not at all. It'saplearare toayfreyrm. Call again ; and be sura of tiy plai-vVana-malei r A Brown's Otik UaiiMuw Jbtft our r tsizth snd Market- Jr" V "Thank you I JauaU b happy to do as. Good morning." Tfl. - 1876 at th. elon of a lueeeiarnl yean' bnilneil line of styles Tacked Maslins, plain & striped, Long Cloth, Plain Cambric. EDGINGS. Milliner, perions favoring u with "I OB PRINTING OF EVERY DES0RIP v .lonoaauy si ten ted at tbis ofilae. 1876. MAY. 1876. NEW GOODS, cheaper than ever. ROOM NO- 2 Filled and Overflowing. The quite roccnt decline in Drv Goods, tells in the way goods are going off. Will not euumcrntc, out everything in tho way of Millinery and Fancy Goods, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, CAKI'KTS, uiLcrxxnis, WALL PA PEN, In great abundance, at the lowest possiblo prices. WILLIAM REED, in A. L ..1 lei ROOM NO. Ple'a Opera lieu. Cleirfall, P... I, 1117a. fry tSssds, tSrowlri, t?tr. N EW OPENING, ; SHOWERS' '1 I I 1 ; 1 BOOT & SHOE HAT & CAP NTOItK. ROOM No. 1, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, MARKET STKk'KT. A full and aomnloto aiiortmeat of new goodi and new ityiee, .own to "HARD PAN" PRICKS. CHI sea ar Invited to tatt and eiamine my stork and jadg for themselves as to quality and prices or goods. 1 ' JOSEPH S. 8H0WBRS. Clearfield, April 14, 1874. II ARD TIMES HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILf-E I 1 am aware tbat there are some' persons a little hard to please, and I am also aware that tbe oomtolalnt of "hard time" Is well sigh universal. But I am so situated now that I can satisfy the former and prove conclusively tbat "bard time" will not effect tho who buv their roods from me, and all my patrons shall bt initiated Into the se cret HOW TO AVOID ITARD TIMES I have roods enonrh to aupi'ly all the tnkabl tents la tha lower end of the county which I sal) at atoeeding low rates from my mammoth store In MULbONHURd, where I tan always b found ready to wait upon sailers and mpply them with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such a Cloths, Batlnetts, Cass) meres, Muslins, Delaines, Linsn, Drillings, Calicoes, Trimmings, Ribbons, Laos, Ready-mad Clothing, Boots aad Shoes, Hats and Caps all of th best material and made to order Hose, Socks, U loves, Mittens, Laces, Ribbons, A. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. (Tee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, Molasses, Fish, Bait Pork, Linseed Oil, Fish Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Queensware, Tinware, Castings, Plow and Plow Castings, Halls, Spikes, Corn Cultiva tors, Cider Presses, and all kinds of Ax. Perfumery, Paints, Tarnish, Ola, and a genera assortment ot Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brand, always on hand, and will be old at th lowest possible figure. U. MeClaln's Medicines, Jajne's Medicines Uostettor and itoonand Bitter. 1000 wound of Wool wanted for which the highest arioe will be paid. C to vowed on hand aad for sals ai th lowost market prion. Also. Agent for Strattonrille aad CurwtosrIUt i ores n log macnine. L-Call and see for yourselves. Ton will Ind very thing usually kept in a retail store. L. M. COUDRIET. Frenehvill P. 0., August 13, 1874. JEMOVALI JOHN McGAUGHEY Would reffpeetfutiv notify the public trenerallv tbat be ba removed his Qrocery Store from Shaw's Row. to th boildlo? formeriv oecnnied by J. Mile Kratser, oa Second street, next door to Bigler's hardware store, where h intends keeping a full line of G It O C E It I E N. I1AMS, DRIED BEEF and LAHD. SUU AR3 and SI RTl'S, of all grade!. TEAS, 0m and Black. . COFFfk, Hoaeled aad Oraan 8 . J FIjOUR and provisions, 7 All klndi In tbe market. PICKLES, in Jen and barrel!. SPICKS, In every forte and variety. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KIND. OF CRACKKRS. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil tai Lamp CMmnoys. And good aeeortraent of thoie thlngi nronlly kept in a groeery etore, which be will eiebange ior naraeung at inn naraet prtoea. Will aell for eaih aa eheaply ai any other ona. Pleaae nail and aaa hll atook and Judge for yoareoti. jonn Mi'OAUUHEY. ClMrteld, Jan. 8, HIS. QUOCEKIK8. JAS. H. LYTLE, (Snreaiior to LTTLR A MITCIIRI.L) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL e DEALER IN t'IKIICR I.INR tlV TKAH. OOI.0NUS, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, YOI'NQ HYSON. ENQLI.-I1 BREAKFAST Pure,! Is Market. .!,,' . , ; ( : ; ; ( , BUTTER AND UflflH Will n. kept and aold st (nt onat, C.b peld far Country Produca. 8KRMAN CIIRRR-IES, ' '' . TURKEY PRUNES, PRRSRRVRD PRARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS. FIHII, MaekareJ, Ukajlerrlng, Cod, Al. ,,t PICKLKH. B.rrel Pleklea Sad lnglUh PlehlM. FDMIR AMD FUKIl. Floor, Orra Uni, 0H Met, Ae, ( ; , rhl7 JAS. II. LTTLt. WUIlanroB. W71LLIAU M. HENKY. Jostio TV ( or van FaAoa ,o Scaiveaea, LUMBIR 0ITY. Oollaetlona raada and aonav prompll; aaid aw. Artie We of afteeaaeat and dMiia .1 oavoyeaoe Beatlj aieceud and warranted wor. rant aa anarga. Htjl JOHN H. FULFORD, UtSEKAl IN8VRANCK AdlNT, tloarBeld, feiiu'e, , llireenli ell' tb. leading Fire Inaarmnn. Contpaoioi of the oounlrj t Qum. tlO,00,008 Roval Canadian H..H..... H...H 8,000,008 Home, New York e,TM,llt Lveoming, Munov, Fa... l.JHW.til franklin, I'hilad'a.. 1,50S,H Hbiania, Hartford ,61,I0I Hanover, New York.,... l,42,vS6 Home, Col., 0.- 818.188 Alloa, Bartford 808,841 ProvidenM, Weiblnf Ion...... 810,08a Penoni about effeeting an ramraae. on prop. erty of any kind, Ibould aall at my oflca, oa Market etroet,oppoeite tbe Oonrt floe el. and Me my lilt of eompaniw and ratal before ineuring . ruiin n. runrunii, Clearteld.Pa., Ool. 17, 74-ly . JJANIEIi GOODLANDEH, LUTHKHSBUBO, PA., Dealer Is DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, nOSIRT & GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A SHOES, Tobaooo, Grocorio and Fish, Vails, Hardwars, futenswar ana uiasaware, saen aaa . Boys' Clothing, lrugi, Paint, . , OUa, Sohool Book, a large lot of Patent Medicine, Candle, Nut A Dried Fruits, Cheeee and Crack- re, Hook and Kill Powder, Flour, Grain and Potfttooi. ' ' Clover aad Timothy Seed, ' Sole Leather, Moroccos, Linings, Binding and snreea, nooemakers' loots and Sho Finding. No greater variety of goods In any store la tha county. AH for sal very low for cash or country prodeoe at the Cheap Corner. May 1, 1875. j. r. wiAvia... ..w. w. a art WEAVER &, BETTN CLEARFIELD, PA., An offering, at the eld lUad of Q . L. tied A Co, tbelr itoek of goedr, eonilitlng of-. ' DRY -GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, . HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, 4o., &o., At tha mo.t rnaaonalla ratu for CASH ar ia xchange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY TRODUCS. Advance! mada to tboia angand In rat ting out equal, timber oa the moat adveatageou " ndtliantl Mardti the Hifhrtl Medal al rictttaa, - E. & H.T. ANTHONY & CO., .S9I II roadway, New York, ' (Opp. Metropolilan Hotel), aaivricrcnsM, luroaviu mo na.Liei is 1 1IR0M0S & FRAMES, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, Albums, Orapboscopes, Photograph, aad kindred gooas (,eieDnts, Actresses, o., HOTOGRAPIIIC MATERIALS, W are htadquarUrs for vrythingin th way of Sterooptioo2u tsl Magic aU&teru, Being manufacturtrs of th MICRO-SCIENTITIC LANTERN, STKRKO-PANOPTICON, UNIVEKSITY STKROPTICON. ADVERTISER'S STKROPTICOX, ARTOPTICON. SCHOOL LANTEHaf. AM ILY LANTERN. PEOPLE'S LANTERN. Each style being th best of It ..las la th market. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides, with direc- ttonrfor using, sent on application. Any enterprising man oaa mak money with a Mario Lantern. -Visitor to th Centennial Kr position will do wisely to defer purchasing goods in our line until they eome to our store in New York, where they will And greater variety and more moderate price, and can select them at their leisure. Rut we bare acoaoeeaioa to sell some styles of Our goods in tbe building of th Department of Public Comfort, and tho aot ooming to New York are invited to call on our representation there. jaWJ-Afall stock or Vitw of tb Exposition and their Contents. -Cot out this adrrtiseinnt for reference.- June 7, 1876-ly. CALIFORNIA. ma cuicaoo aaa aaaAT-waimir uailwat Embrares under one management the (treat Trunk Railway Line of the W EST and NORTH WEST, and, with It numerous branches and connections, forms the shortest and quickest mat between Chicago aad all points lu Illihoh, Wis- CnHBlW, NoBTRIRM MirflltjAU, MlUBROTl, IOWA, Nkbbahra, CAuroaniA aad th Wist an TaaaiTOBtB. It m Omaha and California Line re th shortest and best rout for all point la Noam inn Ii.lisois. Iowa, Daiova, Nbsraska, Wrouirfo. Colorado, Utah, Nrvaoa, C ali ron via, Obboop, Cbiia, Japab and At stbalia. lu Chicago, Madison & St. Paul Line Is tb shortest lln for Nortrbbjt Wisooma end Mihbbsota, and for Mam sow, St. Paul, Mir. nbapolis, Dututa aad all point la th Ureat North wait. Its Winona and St. Peter Line Is tht only routt for WmouA, Rom r ktrr, Owa torua, Mabbato, St. Prtbb, Rvw Klu, and all points ia Southern and Central Minnetot. It Green Bay and Marquette Line I th only Ua for Jabtili.b, Watibtowb, Vunt Do Lao, Obhkosh, Applbtoh, Urbbh Bay, Escaraba, NaflArRaa, Mabqurtth, Horaaroa, llaacora and tht LABaSurBBion Cocarav. Its Frrrport and Dubuque Line I th only rout for Eloir, Rotkpord, Frbr port, and all points via. Freeport It ; Chicago and Milwaukee Line Is th eld Lak Shore Root, aad i the aaly oaa passing through Evarsvor, Lak Fonasv, Uir i.aru Parr, WAuaaaAB, Racirh. Krhosha to MlLWAtRRB. rollman Palace Cars are ran on all through rralni of thie road. Tbia la tha ONLY LINK rwnnlna theea nan be. Iweea Cbloago and 81. Pan), Cbieago and Milwau kee, or Cbieago and Winona. At Omaha ear Sleepen eoaneet with the ever, land Sleepon on the Vnloa Paeifia Railroad for all point! W..I ef th. Mileoari River. On tbo arrival ef the tralai from th, Kaet er South, the train! ef tbe Cbieago A Nortb-WMtna Hellway iiBAVI C1IIOAUO ae follow! t For Council Hlufti.Omahe and C alifornia. Two Through Train, dally, with Pallmaa Palaeo, Drawing Room and Bleeping Cere through le Gonnetl Illugi. For Hi. Paul and Minnenvolle. Two Thrnngh Tralni dally, with Pullman PahweCan alteebed ea both tralai. For CSrwea liar and I.aks punerlor. Two Train! dally, with Pallmaa Peleee Can ettoh.d. and rnnnlng through to alarqnett.. ror aitlwauae.. Four Tkroogu Tralai dally, Pallmaa Can oa algbt Iralna, Parlor Chair Can oa day tralnl. For mparta an ninni aad paiaia la Mlanoaota. Ona Through Traia dally, with Pallmaa Nlevpen to Winona. For llabuqwa. vln Freeeert, Two Throa.h Tralai dailv, with Pullaaa Ceri oa eight tralai. For llubuque and 1 Cruiar. vl. Clinton, Two Throagk Train, dally, with Puiliaaa Can oa eight tnla to Uetlregor, Iowa. For "Ion a City aaa! Vaaktem, Two Tralai drily. Pallmaa Ointi Mlnoorl Valley Jenelioa. ror lae lieuevn, rear Tratae dally. For MurhforA, merling, Keaoeba. Janra. villa, and othn ovinia, yoa eaa bare from two to lea traine dally. New York OSloa, No. 418 Breadwar i BoMon OSlee, N.. I State Rtreeti Urnoha Orle., 188 Farnkam BtnM, Bea Fnaelieo OSlee, III Moat, gomery Street I Chloago Tleket OSVm i SI Clerk Htnet, ander BbermMl, earner Caaal aad nadlna Slraetei Klaiie Street Depot, eoraer W, KlalM nnd Oanal Htnete I Welh Street Demi. ooraor Weill aad Klaiie Slreeti. For rat, or laformatloa art attalnabl. trem year hem. ageata, apply to W, H. 0raa.rTT, Martiw llrawm. Oea. Pen. Ag't, Cbieago. (I... SupX Jan. 18, ISTfl-lJ CbUgo aaaw-a?-. i.. '.mi. ' '