Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 21, 1876, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription.
If paid la adana,or within three month.?...! N
If peld after three aad before sis. months...., I 60
(fpeld lw thsesplrstlon of sit months... I It
r Messrs. S. M. Prttskoill 4 Co., News
fspsr Adraitlsing Agents, 17 Park How, eorner
Bitkata Street, are our duly authorised Agents
new ion imy.
Methodist Episcopal Cbarch Rt. B. P.
Bwiiia, i eitor. -Publle Berries Try Sabbath
U 10) A Mi, U T I'. M.
Sabbath Hehool at 9 A. M.
Prayer ft etlss eery Thursday, at 74 P. M.
Com o union Berries, first Sabbath of artry
on in, at ii A. m
Weal Clearfield N. R. Chiirrh Aers,
Wm. II. Dill and J. P. An!bion. Pastors.
Preaching erery alternate Bandar, at io clock,
P. M buday Sobool at 2. P. M All art Ir.
vlted to attend.
Preebt terlau Church Har. H. 8. Bctlrr.
SsbbRih service morning and evening Hab-
hatn bob oi si a r. M. -Prayer Hosting Wednes
day avonlog.
t. Frauds Church Catholic Ht. P.
J. 8nniiAS. Preaching at lvf o'eloek, A. M., on
tha first, third and lourtb Kundsysof seeh month)
Vespers and Benediction of the bleated tSeoramsnt
at 7 o'clock, P. M. Sunday School ssry Sunday
afternoon at I o'eloek.
riai or soldim quartrr srskioki ootmr.
Ss:ond Monday of January.
TVrd Monday af March.
First Monday af June.
. fourth Monday of September.
Tim or rolhim com nor
Ptrat Monday of June.
Seeond Monday of Not em bar.
roiLio orrtcRRB.
Prtaidimt JwigoUon. Cbarlea A. Mayer, of
Look Haven.
Aitant Lorn JudgtHon. John H. Orrii, of
Aiiocutt Judgt William 0. Foley! Clearfield;
John J. Read, CurweniTtile.
roloolor-Kli Bloom.
Rfitttr umm JttoorUrh. 3. Morgan.
District Attorney Frank Fielding.
Trturtr Dav i d MeOauffbey.
Sktrig William R. MePberson.
Vomnty Avrror-8ajnnel F. MrCloskey, Gar
weniviite. Oounty QommittioHTt Clerk Brown, Clear
field Thomas A. MoUat, Cheat P. 0.; Ilairii
Uootot, Clearfield.
County Auditor- Chrltt. 3. Keesjty, (Ilea
Hop Samuel A. Caldwell, WilliamagroT ) Job a
0. Conner, Burnilds.
County VorontrJ. B. Kef, Naw Washington.
Jury Commitiontrt John VY.Shugart, Jamoi
Mitchell, Cleerfied.
Supnuttdmt PmUi c.Ws John A.
Gregory. Corwensvilte.
tfotarin Pmblie John W. Wrlgley, Wm.' Ra.
debaogh, Cyrua L. Uordun, Clearfield ; Josiab
Kvana, Joe. P. Irwin, N. I. Arnold, CorweniTillaf
J. J. Lingls, Em met Sayers, Oseeola Milli Jobo
iton Hamilton, Lulhereburg.
Onr Spseiml oolumn it deotdedly Intersiiing in
a looal point of view, and profitable reading to
outsiders who want to fare money.
The Preftbyteriaim in tho neighbor
ing town of Tyrone Intend soon to mot a new
church tdlflea.
Cupl. Bogardus, the champion wing'
hot of tha world, killed twenty all birdi In three
minute at tha Ilerdie Park, Willi emboli, oa
Monday af last wejek.
Tho jirospoet for a lurjjo owp of
blackberriea ana wnonieberrtea u naturiug, tna
buihaa being aovtred with btouomi. Lt year
tbene bertlei were very eoaroe.
mmm a
Now is tho time to got your bunting
ready for tha Poortb. It there bo aueb a di
play of flaga, and other deeoratlona, ai ai never
before wltneued In Clearfield.
Lorim.aiu)' Xobaccok. Lytic, of
toil plaee, baa the agenoy Tor Clearfield oounty
for Loritlard'a celebrated brandi of tohereo, and
can led them at factory price.
Kaston your garde n-j;atce and roputr
your frooee, af It ! about the time for town cowi
to aoent the growing qora and cabbage with a
view of making a raid on truek-patehei.
Mrs. O'Noil, mother of Jas. O'Noil,
the unfertanata man who peruhed la the Damea i
at Hunt id ale lait Sunday a week, baa ilooe died I
from the effeeta of lojurie received at the Ire.
mmm mmi I
Knquiro llowo wont trouting one day
lait week, and In addition to a larfre catch of tba
"peckled beaul'.ai," be killed a rattleanaka ffhoae
eaudei appendage tu ornamented with eleven
The Odd-Fellow, in this place have
made arraagementa to march la the prooetoa on
the Fourth of July, la full regalia, and have In
vited Ibo Lodge throughout the ooualy to join
with them oa that oeoaaion.
Wo notice that our old Brady town
hip neighbor are rnakiog ample arrangements
to celebrate the coming Fourth In a becoming
manner nt home, lhay deeming It too far away to
Join the County Celebration.
The 8treot Commiiwioncr is cleaning
out the gutters and filling up Third atreet. Tbia
street has always been too low, and In wa weath
er It somewhat reeetnLlea frog -pond. We hope
the Improvement will ohange the order of things
a thet street.
The recont rains caused quite a raise
lo tba river at tbia place, and several rafts pasted
hereon Sunday. Finney and Johnton'i log drive
patted here on Sunday afternoon. From present
appearances It looks as though they would get to
the beomi ia good time, which we bop they may
lueoeed In doing.
' a
Mr. F. P. IJollittter, of this borough,
la the agent for one of the cutest Inventions of the
age. It It a combination oar pet -tack hammer.
It left tbe tack and drives It, and pulls It out, If
necessary. It la on of tho few practical little
things enderted b) theoflelaU In the Patent office,
which are of practical utility.
mm -
Onions and milk, whon plentifully
Indulged la, are said to be very conducive to
aleep, aad should be tried by those suffering from
rcttlocsafst. W don't know where cur " pevll "
hat been, or whom daughter went to sleep ta bit
rat t but the wicked Imp says his girl acta as
Iff the had been fed on onions and milk three tii
t day all her life.
The Tyrone Herald states that one
f the atea, named Oh a. Racey, who baa bcea
ammittiag bold robber ict is tail Blair and Cea
U counties, baa been arretted aad lodged in Jail
Bellefoau. II was amtted on four Indict
Mats, and among them waa one for robbing Mr.
'aek Ewlag on the pabllo road near thlt borough,
A account of which we published at the time.
The Altoona District M. K. Sabbath
hl Coareatioa met ia the Eighth Avenue
larch, Alloena, oa Friday of last week, with a
rgo at teadeno of delegates present. Tbe school
ev generally reported to be in a proprous
mditlon, and tbe interact la the work inoreaa
f, Clearfield waa calcetW as tbe place fer hold
f the ueit Convention, the time to be deiignat-
t by tho Eieoutlvc Committee.
From all parts f the county, come
Nuraoees that the different district will b well
f resented at the Centennial celebration la tbia
4aee aa the Fourth of July. This la aa It akoald
aad we earnestly bop that everybody in tbe
lawwty will lad It convenient to coma to town on
hat day. The Park, wbr tbe calebratlou la t
M) held, it a plea rant place, with ample grenade,
code, and buildings for the ceremonies. Let aa
ahe It a day of rejololag for all oar people a
say that will oarry with it a plvaaeat rcenlleotioa
Uto tba yvara of the unknown future.
' The henry rains oJ Saturday and
Saturday Bight last eauaed Ooneiderabl daaing
IS lb Bald Eagle aad Belleloot aud Bnowsbo
railroads, near Bellefonte, by washing away tho
eridg abutaioata, pten, track, At. The Bell
UMto Branch road Is very much damaged betwoaa
Mileabarg aad Bald Kagl bridge, aad the eul
rorta aear tbe bridg are all washed away. Near
CnUavllle tb track and mbankmat were watbod
away for quit a distance. Tba Bald Bag) bridge
waa loaded With ears of eoal to keep It from bring
wept away. Repair hav boon made an J tralna
re rune lag again.
; An exchange from ft neighboring
avnnty saya i A new amy lo the growing crop
f corn ha bee discovered thtt ipring which hi
mnmluiag onsiderabla dettruetlea la mum ae
dons of the oounty. It la a noeullar black worm
uhlch eaa aearoely bo cruahed oa tha leoa earth,
ft la naad la a nit of armor dilcult lo break,
"bey opera U tbe corn hUl by eatUg of tho
uug plaata. Aa many a tea or twelve worm
MaomtiBMfoumtlaa hill. Tb cutworm
u hitherto hewn a groat aoaoyaaea, but 1hli
aw peat la aai to bo even mors aWruetiva.--.
rnrta greca hac beetj fcuud to be as ofloaolon fa
utermlaatlcg the worms a it Is ia defraying
lha potato bag. Powdered whit hellebore U
1 alee said to be vary ofieaelous.
CvaicRMioJ CWarv CtUirmti That lb cele
bration In Clearfield on the Fourth of July will bo
agrandafalr,Buoaowiltdifputa. TheCooimlUaM
have already accomplished a great deal, and will
keep steadily at work until all tbe arreogemeat
arc fully completed. Every part of the celebra
tion will be free area the bridge across tbe river
will bo generously thrown open on that day to all
who wish to cross, free of toll.
Tbe en tart aln meat will oonilit of patriotic speech
ce by accomplished orators j singing of National
airs by a large and eooompliibod choir of singer,
with a foast for all la tbe performance of the vary
noted Centennial Mlnstnl Troupe, representing
the thirteen original Htatta, and dressed ia tho
National color. A grand balloon atceaslus and
explot Ion In tbe air will lake place In the after
aoon. There will be a variety of other entertain
ment too numerous to mention.
Tbe ref r cabmen It.and tables for aam,willbefree,
gencrout, and abundant. It It nut expected to tire
the ladle to death la aa effort 16 mak It tbe
feature of the day, but lo. all, who can convenient
ly, come prepared with the suhstantials of life In
their baskets, and oat, two, three, or four fami
lial go together at a i in ell table, of ubloh plenty
will bo erected oa tb grounds, or spread tbclr
cloth on the most in tbe grove, and Invito to their
refrvabmcnta any person tbey ehoosc In this
way, you can avoid a mixing of dishes, and effcot
a general commingling and interchange of tbe
clttioni. There uill bo prepared by the cltiiens
of tho town of Clearfield, a Ubla 100 feet long,
free to all, but especially dealgoed for tb musi
cian of tb eeeaaion and cltiseus from n dUtaneo.
1 ho tuna will be literally covered with a decora
tion of flags, over A0.00O yard having been
ordered by tbe Committee of Arrangenta for thai
purpose, and for general uie on that day. All
cltliena who detlr to avail themselves of the op
portunity of getting It at cost for that special
occasion, can do so by applying to Dr. A. M.
Hills, Chairman of tba Committee. Flag your
wagon a and carriages, and decorate your borace. ,
The expense will be trifling.
A special train of cart will be run from Cur-
wenavilleto Clearfield, on tb morning of tbe
Fourth, nt 10 o'clock. Also, a special will leave
Morrisdale Mines and arrive at Pbilipsbnrg in
time to connect with Mall train to Clearfield i re
turning to Morriadala, It will lea re Pbillpsburg
oa tb arrival of tb evening special from Clear
field. A special train will also be run from Clear
field at 11:30 r. to Iloutsdale, thus returning
verybody living along tb line bo their homes
the amine day.
Ladies coming on any of the trains will be met
at tb depot with conveyances to take them to tb
ground la West Clearfield, where the celebration
will bo bald.
A grand dirplay of fire-works will be given In
the evening, which will conclude the programm
for celebrating tbe Centennial Fourth.
AdtiRKOATE Vali;i. Below will e
found the value of the property aaaeaeed In every
borough and township In Clearfield county, fur
1874. School Directors, Supervisor, and Over
eoera of the Poor, who wiah to know bow many
ills to Impose oa tbe property In their respective
dlitricti, can avail theoaelve of this tabular
statement for all practical purpom, at It baa
been carefully copied from the record la the
Commissioners' office I , '
Buroside Buruufu......! 41,9?"
Clearfield " ....... 477,748
Curwonavlllc " 15,S2B
Houttdale " VM),m
Lumber City " w 4T.1HH i
Newburg " - x,70
N. Waikinglon " 4U,0O
Osceola ........ 17u,d
Wallacetoa " 84,783
Becoaria Tuwnahlp...R... 1 13,474 f 63,0)0
Bell " Hi 1 1, 7 1(1 J8H,u)fl
Bloom " ........ A2,ntl SHOti
Boggs U.Bi7 J4,0fl
Bradford " ........ SIMM) l,7.'t0
Brady " 4U4,0I0 2 ;i 7,0 HO
Burnaide " ....... 2UM7 6fif01!l)
Chest " W,ii A3, 920
Covington " . 1U0,:m 1.'7,3I0
Decatur " - 260,tfn& 110,020
Ferguaoa " . Hb 26,180
Olrard " - V2.6I0 , llo.UO
Qosheo " Oa,53fi 311,680
Graham " 37,610
ereenwood 03,744
l)u hen " 03.0A0 ' 03,310
Huttoa , " - 107,143 ),0:7,4&
Jordan " M 12l,(& Ifi.iilU
Kartbaui w 70.94J 103,020
Knox " M,3Jl ' 4M,ft40
Lawreno 81,747 ll,b
Morris " w S:i7,243 no,i2Q
Penn M 12i,77i wo.140
Pike) 320,810 33,370
Pin " 1A4,IfM
Vmiom - ,.,.w. fl4,5AA 163,100
Woodward " " l,40a Sl0,70
Total ..S,ayJ,077 3,8A,A9
Tin ilouTZDAi.1 Calamity. Last
week wc mentioned, briefly, a terrible accident
that happened la tbe Catholic church at Ilouts
dale, on last Sunday a week, the 11th Inst. Since
then we bare received tho following account of
the accident, which la given by an aye-witness, and
wo presume la about correct : "The Catholic
church at U oo tidal wat In an unflaithed condi
tion, but wat far enough advanced to be deemed
safe for the reception of th congregation. Ac
cordingly on Punday morning, tbe doora of tba
edifice were thrown open, und at the time for the
celebration of tbe mats about eight hundred per
sons had congregated therein. Shortly after th
services had begun, the timber supporting the
floor Bear the front of (he church gave vay with
a crash, precipitating one hundred and fifty per
sons to th basement floor, and the gallery fell
with it front resting oa broken Umbers, the only
thing that restrained it from orujhing numbers
of those underneath H. The following is a Hat of
those killed and Injured i David Nelson, archi
tect and builder of the church killed jof
oMrtem examisatioa revealed fracture at the bam
of the skull, fracture of the clarlole and dlslooa
tloa of cervical vertebral Tbomaa Kinney, elbow-
Joint dislocated, and fracture uf the ulna and
radius near tbe wrist-joint ; Michael 11 an ley, ribs
fractured and coaeuaslon of tb spin Wm. Mo-
Henry ana fractured L. McPbllomy, Jaw frac
tured f John Mahr, ankle-Join I dislocated J An
drew Bbarbaugb, slight oooouaslon of spine with
fully one hundred others slightly Injured. No
women were hurt, lhay being all near the alias
nolo in gelling out of tbe church, they may
have received slight scratches or bruise from th
broken Mm bets. Tb funeral of Mr. Nelson took
place at Pbillpsburg oa Tuesday, the 13tb intf
a mm
Railroad Collision. About cloven
o'clock, a. m., on Saturday last, as the looal freight
wa coming from Tyrone, an it regular aohedul
time, it collided with a gravel train going down
from Powleton, la tha Rock Cut, between Osceola
and Poweltoa. Both engines, No. 318 and 303
Were badly smashed. Tbot. Fee engineer, of the
freight train, taw tbe gravel train eemiag and
ha Immediately reverted bis eagioo aad ha and
all tha men on hi train Jumped off, thus caving
tbtm from tha danger of the colllrlon. The
gravel was going down tbe grade at a speed of
about fifteen miles aa hour, aud tb engineer, J as,
McCartney, Jumped from tbe engine against the
rock, and received a severe fracture of th collar
bone. The fireman, Jno. MeOovera, had hi bead
badly cut by jumping agatast the rock. A brake
bub, named Yingllng, was caught between two
cart aad severely injured Internally. Tbe wounded
men were takea to Pbilipsbnrg where they re
ceived medical atteatlom. It 1 not known a
yet who la tn blame for tbe accident.
- mmmm- m - - .
Pknnhvlvania Stat Coi.lkuk.
The following pngramme of th xrctte of
Commencement Weak of this Institution, will
doubtletc be of Interest to many of cor reader i .
Jnu tS, I M-Baoealauroat sermon, by
Pretident Caleer.
Monday, June 30. Kxerolnatfon of laaea.
Tuesday, 37. Kxamiuatioa of classes . tip. u
trial of mowers 4 r. m- dress parade onf com
aany drill i H r. n.. eluaday exercises ole of
Wednesday, 31 Examinations oonalujod
A.M., artillery eolute l annual soeetiogof trustee!
I r. M meetiag of delegates and to elect
trustees i It r. u Junior coatoet tee reiac prite.
Thursday, 39. I A. m inspcetloa of peat) 194
A. it .f ommamat ( I r. m., araual meeting
of alumni j 7 P. -, frestneat s i ir.
The Tax Hale. Treasurer Mc-
Oaugbcy held hi tax talc lfv at tb Court
House, on Monday, tb 12th Htat., accordance
with the act of Asvembly. Nearly all i the leads
were cold upon which th tales romalnod unpaid.
Tbe bidding wai far siore spirited than oa any
former occasion. There being a few email treats
on band fer which no oaa bid, the sal was ad
Joumed aatll Taesday, tbe 1st day of August.
i ' e- m mm -
Lint of lot lent remaining unclaimed
In tbe Porto (Bee at Clearfield, for the week ceding
June, Utk 1B7I:
Bard.JoaaP. ' Uiier, Mis Jans
Clark, I boa. K. (3) Lkpios, P.
Duwaaa, Ueorgo Biver, Henry
bear, Mia Maggie Wesley, E.
Pat Yota Taxes MHdch la the no.
tie which tb Treasurer baa had poetod over the
couaty fer com lime. Tb tax-payers who want
to avail themselves uf the am nor ei five of U,
paid befer ta let day of July Best, and flv oa
if wot paid until eOcr thtt date show Id attoad to
th matter at oa.
Albert Tipple, Administrator of the
estate af Peter Tipple, dea d, uill call a valuable
let la Houttdale, at auMic sale, on Wednesday,
July Itlb. Bee B4vertlsmat.
Road Mattebs. The following are
the proceedings of tb rooeat term of Court in re
gard to road matter in thlt count i
Fur a public road la Psna towaaklp, from a
polot on tha public road between T. Walls' Klu
aud Wm. Flyon'a, to Haubea Wall' fans. View-
or Tbot. W, Moore, D. T. Sharp, A. C. Moor.
For a publl road In Woodward towasblp, from
a point on public road loading from Osceola to
llouttdals, t lot of Tho. K ailing, to toad la tho
village of Uuuttvtlle, at or aear steam saw-mill
uf Jeasc Digglaa. Viewer Donald 8. 0. Frailer,
Mile Hoyt, Aueiln Ksrin.
For a public road in Bell township, from a
point oa tbe publl road aear Burgeon's saw-mil,
to lalarsoct the public road leading from Daalol
Fryer's to Chrltt. Korb'a, lo said towashrp, View
ersDavid Reams, D. Cornatuan, Henry ZcIIob.
For a public road leading from BenJ. Bishop'
to Intersect a road leading up Wlltoa'a ma to a
point below Wm. Iloutor'i eaw-milL la Chest
township. Viewers L. Darrett, Lou. McCord,
E. Hlltabrand.
For a public road to lead from a point at or
nwar DuBols statloa, in Brady township, to later-
sect th road loading from Brook way v ille to tho
Jefferson and Clearfield county Hoe, at the point
where said road ttrikea the Jefferson county line.
Viewers David Reams, M. 11 Lolber, 8. Post!-
For a public road ta lead from Beyer's farm, to
intersect the Bandy road, la Coviugloa towasblp.
Viewer F. Mignol, Jon. Richard, L. Flood.
For a public road leading from tba Erl turn
pike at or near house of Isaac Tbomaa, lo land
of Peter Shugart, in Bloom township. Viewer
T. W. MoofU, 0. A. Wood, Wm. Force.
For review of publl road from Chestnut Ridge
road to Sykes and Stage's, In Pike township.
Viewer-8. P. MaOloshey, Henry Illl D. D
Reiter. For review of publl road landing from Muddy
run to Sprue Flat, la Beooarla township. View-
rs James Gallagher, L. Root, Frank Merklala.
To vacate that part of tb public road leading
from Curweoivlll to Naw Washington, lying be
twesB tha Wilsoa run bridge aad tbe farm of A. B.
Barrett. Viewers T. W. Moore, WlUoa Wood,
Gilbert Toter. '
To vacate and supply th road commencing at
or near Jay ne villa, lo Woodward township, to
where tb tarn orotso Muddy rua. Viewers
John McKcirnaa, 0. W. McCulley, A.Malbollaa,
To vacate aad supply road from aear the ceme
tery, in Buroside borough, aud leadlog to tbe
Indiana county line, by way of H. B. Darr's, and
known at th "Old Indiana road.1 Vlewrt
T. W. Moore, Jama Smith, W. J. Kilo.
oorpiburd mat.
Public road la Kerthau township, leading
from John Reiter'a coal-bank, to tho mouth of
Big Moihanooa creek.
Public road in Woodward township, running
past Miller' and Fisher's farms, to intersect town
ship road at or Bear Iloutivtlle.
Private road ia Bradford township, from a
polot at or near Independent school house, to
towasblp road loading to Maxwell's Rook.
Public road from Niobola street, la West Clear-
field, to Intersect Clearfield street, along tb lino
of William street.
Public road from the Brio tarnplk to Ridge
road, In Bloom township, at or near the house of
Samuel Place, to aear tho lino of C, A. Wood's
land, ia said township.
A road leading from Migoot'e school heme, oa
the Clearfield aud Kerthau road, to Central Potat,
lo vaoat and supply that part lying betweea said
school house aod line of Lewis Pieard, ta Coving
toa township.
To vacate road lying between Laurel run school
house and cross-cut turnpike, leading from Jacob
Wise's to tb Brie turnpike, la Doggs township.
To vacate road leadlog from Salem church t
tb cross-cut turnpike, ia Boggt toufnshlp.
To vacat and supply tbe public road lying be
tween Levi Suodarlio aad Jacob W. Campbell's
farm, tn Bell township.
A road from at or near tbe bridge la Buroside
borough, lo at or Bear the bridge across Cusa
creek, la Duratlde township.
To vacate and supply tho road from at or near
B. G. McMasters, in Pargusua township, to tha
road leading from Lumber City to Cheat creek,
near Mi iron school bouse, In Chstt and Ferguson
A road leading from tb Plum road, to Morris
township, to a polot on that Cbrlat land, known
known a tbe Mapl Corner.
A roftd leading from at Or aear B. McOovern'a
place, la Olrard township, lo lntrot th road
from th Congress Hill school house, to 0 allows'
Harbor, at a point near Klltabclh Spaokawa'a
A road leading from Muddy rua school bout
to 8pm Flat, in Oulioh township.
To vaoat that part of tho road, la Brady tows-
ship, leading from Bamberger to 8vrgroa, aod
lying between tb residence of A. J. Johnson and
a point at or near th southeast corner of lands of
W. Bell, on said road.
A road leading from Tyler station, oa tbe B. B.
R. R., ia Hustoa township to a point oa the pub
lic road at or aear the brick dwelllng-houao occu
pied by David Tyler, la aaid towasblp. .
A road in Woodward township, leading from a
point on the public read at or near tbe titer) log
stable, to a point on tho vablte road la tho vil
lag of North Hontadala, near Otoasoa's atore
house. A review was granted by tb Court to vaoat.
and supply a publl road la Bradford township,
CrRwaxsviLLa, Jun Ifi, 187ft,
Ma. Editor : Th spirit of patriotism predom
inates largely lo our sootol and business circles
at present. Tbe roving you:n, tbe middle agotf,
and tb agd are alike embellished with com
patriotic oiigu embtemati of tbia great year of
our Nations pride, fiipec telly t tbts true in re
gard to our places of business, American flags
adorn the windows and present a very Inviting
appearance to tbe passer by. The most prom I .
Beat of them, however, Is tbe large one that float
gontiy ia tn Drees over Arnold store, upon
which are inscribed the word "Arnold's Store."
Six delngatea represented tbe M. H. Sabbath
oeaooi or taie place in its convention Held at A
toooa this week, among whom vu Rev. Mr.
louagi paator ia charge, and who preached tbe
annual Hah bath School Sermon oa Tuesday even
ing. Tbe following notice of tbe sermoa wo take
Irom tbe Alimona Mirror of tb 14th Inst, MKv.
J. B. Voudk, of Curwunavtlle. Clearfield count v
delivered tbe annual Bab bath school sermon.
T lis pe rrmsrks being baaed on tb lfl&th vers of
to itifio raaimt ' t oy word la a lamp unte
my feet and light unto my path' Tb discourse
panooa mure oi me nam re oi a lecture, uaa a
sermon. It wat a panegyric on the Bible and
waa a produetloa of marked ability and power,
eloquent and logical aod delivered lo masterly
W were a-lad to notice that th next conven
tion will b bold ia Clearfield, and will no doubt,
prove a grand aoooess.
A Strawberry Festival, under the auspice of
the young ladies is in progress ia tbe &1.B. Church,
aii tac aeueaeice ei too aoa are oeing serve
up in suoh a manner aa to prove palatable to each
aod vry on. Up to thi writing, too natron
ace baa been good.
Joboaoa and Finney's logmen, who have bcea
Mhangiog up" her all spring, weat a drift oa
Sunday and by this time will bo Bearing lb
lac ctebool Director of tb borough hav
don a commendable not, having purchased a
complete set or Apple toe' Boeyclopoala aad
pieced it in the School Library.
A number of our ciiiaous who bud taken a Cea-
tenaial jaunt returned from "Tbe City of Broth
erly Love" where they had been doing homage to
the Amerlcso aegis, and gratifying tbir owa
curiosity. W consider v lei tori a blank la point
f Information regarding th world bit show
All I hav ever beard of It yet la "that it 1 ta
moat magnifilccnt, the grandest and fewest thing
IB toe woria tar ocyono cempreaension.
. ; N. P. ULTRA.
Clbabpikm) Coal Trade. titate-
meat of Coal and other freight ml over th
Tyroac A Clearfield Dlvliloa, PeBasylvaala Rail
road, for the week ceding Jane 10, llTA, and
th same time last year t
coal. ' ' vows.
Fur lb week 3,4tr
Same Mas last year ,H .... 38,09
Previously during year..
Bam time last year
Increase. ,
Total la 1871
Same time last year ......
..-........- 148
- 9,M0
- 1M,M7
, M M 14,49
Increas M 146,71s
. OTBBB raxioBTa,
Lumber ............ H..tMH,..H.M,H,.v..M.177 oars.
Mtaeelmasoua freight fi "
m. a ctiuHcn,
Th publl Is cordially Invited to pet re la a
itaod in tb grove of tho Fair wreund oa the 4th
of July, where refrain meat of all ki will b
kept for satoi such a Ico-eream. lessened, eoa-
fedtoneri, cake, ale, sandwich, A., A., at
all boors of tho day. flapper eua alao a sorvod
ie awcR as wisa u reaaoia on in gronnua at wti
aoa th display of flro-work ra tb voulng.
The beneut derived from thi stand to be aa
plied to ibo relief of tbe Weot OearfloM M.
Cbureh. Wo therefore kindly o1tn the patron-
age ei in pwene in inis oooeveieai atrris.
T m. n. ifiu
j. f. a nob omr,
A. L. Mason,
Gobi milt.
Win Clbabiblbv Jusm iia, Ifi'fl.
GaocKaiis. Tbe Urguj and beat
Masoooo bm jaaMi asj a greeerioo an vauar-
field coejaty at J. ItaVa. Btarythlag hough t
Uavffaaaa4tisaf fittotry 1st aajh, a ahM fee
:ty pt Ice,
W aotioa by a Into number of tho Loch Haven
KnfrpriM, thai a a urn bar of capitalist reoeatly
Invaded th lower cad of oar county, for the par-
poso ofsoaiag Just how th land Ilea dowa tbr
aad locking to tha tatoraat of tho proposed Kat
lag A Karthaaa railroad. W bow tatroduo tha
eorrespoadeot of th KMirpHmt and allow him to
relate his trip a w And it la thai journal of tb
Jfy Dear Xnlmrvrtmt rln company with CoL
noyes, w. u.trskaddon aud Joan llayne, your
correspondent arrived at Keetinc un Monday last
abaut boob, where we war met by that priaoe of
laamoras and good fellows, jo Merry, wno soon
had aa seated at his bountifully spread board,
where we spent about aa hour Is dkacuseing gua
nine turtle soup and speckled trout. After a
hearty dinner w commenced to aacend th moua
tain, beaeoD Carakaddoa and Haynu leading off
on foot, and the gallant Colonel end myself seated ta
ths no-top, no spring wagon, wita John Chatham
aa car guide. Before we bad arrived at the aun
mlt of the mountain a fearful thunder atorm oaiu
upon ua, causing u fairly to sbuddsr. The an-
aeifiih aud kind-harted Colonol, thinking only of
ta omiun,i otnora, sasiterod, a oast a cituio,
bis sump talon from tb dronchlnar rain that cam
down In drops as big as the aew ailver balf-dol-Wrs,
and much mure plentifully, by placing his
deiioato frame between him aad the atorm, assist
ted by a blue cotton umbrella.
The view from tbe top of this mountain Is
beautiful beyond description, For a distance of
twenty mile you oaa see theSianemabonliig, the
scene embracing tba farm of out lot worthy com-
laaluner, naiiooo uaaie, ana ine river, valley
and mountains, making a picture which, if put
uu canvas by our own artist, Jacob Ulp, Kaq.,
wouh enuue w a piaoo in too ari gallery at
th Centennial, beaide tha paintings from tbe :
ho;al utallery af the Quoen of Ureal Britain and i
Ireland aod Empress of India.
Alter a six boar rid, whioh was mad e.
Joyaiila bv tho wit and oaavcreation of tbe Dea i
ood, w arrivM at tb hospttabl mansion of Dr. 1
Potter, at tb Three Runt. To Dr. Potter and
bis amiable and accomplished wife w will for
rr remaia in debt for th kiadnoaa and oourteiy
shown us true aid Virginia hoapitality ia its
broadest sense. We passed two nights under their
roof, but the writer did not sleeo overmuch. Aov-
one who wtsbee to ojoy genuine aud solid snor-
ingsuwuiu sleep in a room wita Noyce aud llayne.
Tb Coiooal ia a fair anorer and cannot bo beard
over a mile, but he break bis neck at tlm.
waien it a groat reiter nota to his bearer and
himself but for a steady moving diet, glv m
Uayneo it ta aot se loud but that you could bear
a cauaoo go asT aoder your bod, but so regular and
ocejiuiui, ana wunei so continuous. Hspeetea
pubobiog in tho ribs by hi bed -fellow, tbe Dea-
eoa, waa of bo avail, boor ho would and snore
he did, utterly regard! of Urn or eternity.
uuctor rouor, you win remember, waa. some
two year ago, member of Aaeembly from Clear-
ueid oounty, ana woen a candidate agaia, waa
defeated by tho Modooa, a trib of Indians, I un
derstand, livina; in Clearfield count v and permit
ted to vote. W o found him an exceedingly affable
and intelligent gentleman, wall posted on the af
fairs of the country, and la conversation at Lha
tabl oa day, be remarked that there was very
little purity in our public moo. The Deacon
agreed with him aad by further illustration,
ittiinxiog at ine time oi the Centennial), said that
you oouid not even get pure molasses. Should
Clearfield county be entitled to tbe next State
Senator I would auggeet Dr. Potter as the man ;
he would b aa mtnotly proper person. Nomi
nate and lct Potter and you would hoar no
more of boom corruptions.
Parsons oot familliar with Keatin and Kart-
haus township imsglo that It ia a rough , uncul
tivated territory, fit only to bunt deer in and cut
manor. Tbt i a great error. Tbere are few
finer farm In Pennsylvania than von see ban.
and certainly no better wheat la Clinton couoty
uaa i bow growing oa on of Doctor rotter s
farm, la driving over lo look at a coal mine
wo passed through a beautiful farming ountry
tte!ui bra nouses and barn aod a general ap-
psaraoce of thrift Tbe timber is nearly all goae
here and there a small patch Is bscrvabl, but
we great aumocr or immense stump snow bow
thick. iy it ooo Uwd.
Agriculture and mininx mutt be ta future for
this MCtion of country; although a few years
sine, great wealth stood oa tbe ground in the
shape of valuable timber I tbere is still creator
undeveloped wealth under the ground In coal and
Iron ore. A my distinguished friend Noyce ob
served, "Boeing is believing," l will now state
what I aaw about four mile from Potter's Mills,
vis: a vein of coal, in wbloh I atoed upright with
my bat off, and th top of my head aot coming
within two let of tbe top of tbe team. Vou will
know tbe tbioknes of Ibis seam when I toll yon I
stood six feet ia mv stockings) Ibis 1 us Seauti
lui eoal a can be found ia the sute, and would
yield 10,009 toot to lb acre. Nearly ry farm
within aa area of fifteen mile has eoal on it.
Th openings are aumerona, and all that I re
quired to develop tbia oounty is to build th
Karthaua and Keating Railroad. It la only a
question of time when it will bo done, a tba
Immcndae body of eoal, to bo estimated by tbe
hundreds of millions of tons, cannot remain much
longer out of market.
We returned home hy way of Karthaua and
Snowshoo, taking dinner at Hal a' hotel, Snow
shoe aad w recommend any n wanting a good
dinner to stop with Haines. Th rid down the
Bellefonte A Snowshoo Railroad is very interest,
iag, there being fonr suiteb-backs, which go for
ward and book ward along tho side of the moun
tain a distance of nearly lour miles, which in a
straight lino Is but little more than three hund
drod yards. For ple-aie Snewsboe I a deairabl
locality, Th round trip eaa b mad from Loch
uaven n on oay. iourist.
mmm mm
Presentment of thi Grand Jury.
The Grand Inquest for tbs oounty of Clearfield,
iaqalrng la aod for the body of the county of
Clearfield, respectfully present t
We find tbe county jail ia coed condition. W
w nld recommend that the window In th corridor
be repaired, by having a heavy eert-lroa plate
bolted oa where tbe wooden one now ia j alae,
that th easing of aaid window bo mad out of
suoh material as will aot be easily removed.
We would also recommend that the portion of
tho vault abov tn window la tbo HecUter aad
Recorder' offloc bo repaired, a we consider ths
records of aaid offle would be In dangered in oss
of tr front surrounding buildings.
We also recommend that tbe vault in tbe fro-
thouotary' ofllos hav suoh easee and desks
placed in It, as will better preserve it papers
i rum oust, ac, aad b mora eoaveflieex to in
ofltocr i als, that tba floor bo removed and a new
one pot ia, with good fire-proof material.
Wa would also recommend that the water-closet.
adjoining tbe Court-room, bo so arranged tbat
tbs present bad smell now existing bo removed.
Tbe public road In Pike township, starting at
or aear moemires mm aad runs tug touurweas
vtlle, Is ta n bad condition j also, a road that la
known aa the Philadelphia and Erie turnpike,
loading from Philipaburg through Decatur and
uoges township lo Clearfield creek, needs repairs
for tbe safety f the traveling public f also, tbe
mao in iiowrenee townsnin, starting from uosnen
to wa ship Mae, at or aear tbe mouth of Lick run,
to the mouth af Moose oreek i also, the bridge
erossing tbe Kusquobanna river at Karthaua is in
aa uasai ana au eonuitwa.
We would also reoommead thai there be sush
repairs made on or about the piera of tbo bridge
crossing tbo Susquehanna at Deer creek, that it
may aot be endangered by beioc undermined by
tbe freshets la tbo river.
J. A. L. Flkoal, Foreman.
tf you tut to m. po& tin., .nd for,el tb.
pMiio, Jnit go to Vlook A Co'i tiort Don't forgot
Clearfield, Pa. maylT, '70-tf.
Bt'ooms Fob Salr. H. Newton Shaw keeps a
full supply of Fredouia Buggies and Platform
Wagons for sal. To bo seen at tb Shaw Hones
yard. Call oa or address him at Clearfield Penn
sylvania. may la-tf.
AT SjtJMWsXnHVIalfi.
A Wobb oa barb to tbs Public We have
Jost received a aew Invoice ef oho ice Dress Hoods,
the boot 38 cent Drea Uooda in town, Blsck
Alpaca. Black Bilks, mens' and boy's Caaatmcres.
Ws make a specialty of Mourn ids floods, more
nemmer muiiBory wuooe, nai ana nnuu, juM
received, Patronage solicited, every effort shall
be taken to give eat I re satisfaction to all who
may lav or us with their ouatem. mytf-tf.
Fbaxibb'b OtJibR Book to PuiLAftSLPBH arp
vrr Crrvrrrisl KtBiairioB. Price reduced to
I FN rFNTft Has the Map published.
4, .( tb. promia.ot ,1mm of lnt.r..t on th.
Grwt C.Btona4d Qroa.dN A totur bk tb
H, .f tb. 60..r.t OaidM ,abll.b.d. EooktM
priM t Job. W, Truior, 430 W.l.ol atrHl,
1'biUd.lphli, Md g Mpjr b, ntura Mil
D..I Ml l Mil U lb. OMmU itora, f.r 1
roar gMd a. ar. d.t.rmia to nil at tb. prlM. la tk. Maat,. Uwd WbiU drM.
Oooda for It aaata par jui, w.rtb 90 mbu,
uooa U.JI0M Hut .oi.ra lor ar. mbu por jira.
ami M..IIM J.rd wid. for taall. tlood
Uiacbaw far lit cat. p.r jard. Uwd Drn.
UMtu, MB Mm Mr Tar., uooa Juibing tB
MBU B.r yvd. A Kfi Dr.M p.ltrB lor lllr
M.U. lAdiw' OlorM for sight nnll p.r pair.
Uooda la oar Ua. will alw.a a. wld at tb. lo.oat
aranprlM.. aijll-u.
Toa ar. aab .vary da, tbroagb tb. aolaaaaa
M aaa B, Joar uraggl.l t. bm torn
tbiag for D.ppai u4 Lirw Ooanlaiat tbat
79 kaa ..tbiat, jom ft diMoaraaad
wdief witb bat liltl. aooeaM . Now I.
gtva -.a aatiafHtor, frMf tbmt UrMB'. AngaM
rlowor will rm jam .f Djapwaia aad Livar with all lu bVu, raph aa lloart-bnra,
Srar Hwaaok, 8Kb U ..!., HabiUaal CHIra-
palpitatioa af lb. Hwl W.tar-braah.ttiB
lag wp af fod aru. wAiag, kw aplrlta, Ao., wa
aah J to f. l wr Draggiat, 0. D. WataM,
and gt a aaapl. bltl. af Uaaan'a Anga.t
1iowbb for ! a. at. aM Ir, It, Br a aUgal.r aia.
ror ?a nili, lw.aiM wiu r.llv. ,.a.
Wa kaaw Hun a lMrdrM tonM.k at lira.
arMBoai aim MDwtag tha. aa awr bbbm.
7. k..w that var, Ibw phraLiM. are ratMaafal
ia Ikwr traatoiaat W tam duMrdm. W. baaw
tbat D.Cmu'i Radintl Car. will, wlthml Ik.
akaw of a awakl, ai Mt laiaiadlai rolUr.
aa pWMMUl wara all af IBM. iMraaaia
ayaptoia., W. kaaw af taaaaaada wk. ar. will
lagtokMliy tkalwkat w. aa, latraatolka
W. kM. that if jaa will gira It a fair ulal ,aa
will 1. 1 aa add ,or aam I. Ibo "ak.d f wit
aaaNa. Wid ,0. glr. It a trtal.aad dait
Trial alt, aal It oraU. Bold k, 0. D. Walaoa,
aad Maruwiak A Inaa, DngfirU, OlMrMd, Pa.
Prwf. rarkar', Ptoaaaat Warm Arras la Mr-
N.U, aafa, aallBaaalj palatabl.. N. pbrrt. ra.
2aln4. CM It tmu. Tn It. Fa Ml. bj C.
1. W.toM tmt Bar law kk A Irwla, rSarMd, Pa.
Nsw Llaen (louds, with trimmings to match,
ljuit received. ,
Dee. fi, 1875-tf.
At Mlleettnr. Pa.. oB Thursday. June I. 1870.
by Rev. W, O. Wright, Mr. David Luts, of Uni
son burg, Centre county, Pa., aud Mias Maggie
Mona, of Kylertown, Clearfield ooualy, Pa.
At th residence of the brlde'a parents, on
Thursday morning, June lth, 1670, by Itav. L
Uerbard, Mr. Al. M. Row, looal editor or the
JWtmans Journal. Clearfield, Pa., and Mias
Annie Kurts, of Waynssboro', Franklin county, l'a.
At his residence. In Clearfield boroucb, on
Tuesday morning, June 13th, 1870, of consump
tion, Joaepb Shirk, aged 40 years, 4 months and
27 days.
Tbs deoeajod was a sou of Mr. M, Shirk, of this
place, and leaves a wif und several children, be
sides a largs number of relatives and aoquatot
anoss. to mourn their lots.
Of tod .nor Mond.J, AI'R L 17, 18m, th. Tr.ina will rum (Ml, ( Hub-,a Tyron. ana vi..n.iuf m ujiuw.
W. C. Iiwm, Condut.r.
0ur.inrlll..J:2S, r.
Clorl.ld I.S0, "
l'hil1p.bur,.....4..i, "
On.ol. S.01I, '
Tjrrn. .!.,
TjrOM . 0.4M.N
OHWlk......., "
Cls.rb.ld 11.00,","
W. 8. Pldmhm, Condiutor.
CurwnTMI....6.10 i
0l..rt.ld 6:3 "
Phlllp.bur,.. ..! "
O.OMI. Ai "
InUrMCLlon... T.S& "
Tjron.. 7.&0 11
: Tyro...... .. J..5 r.
lnUn.clion..7.20 "
1 O.coli .I0 "
! Pbillp.b.r,.. i.t3 "
I Clurn.lil,.r...2i "
Cr..D.rlll. .i0
Eip. Hail. " MalL lap
r. .... r. a. a.
l.t. .:tt Lara Trrona arrlv. 6.29 1.00
7.1S t.ii Bald t.tie 11.40
l.l V.Sa Jnliu t.ll 11.66
1. 10 10.00 Mil.aliarg 4.47 11.14
l.4 10.10 B.ll.foDl. 4.SV 11.14
l.tS 10.10 Milubur, 4.J5 11. 0d
.1 10.44 Howard " 1.68
10.00 U.IS arrlnL. Hann l..r. 1.10 46
B4.TW.BD. A w
waarWABO. A a
Pittilmrg Ezp'oa, 1:41
Paella Eipra.a, 1:11
PaolBo Eaproaa, 8:1&
U.rrlabarg Aee on, a:o
P .
Mail Train. H! W11 Piimrir, 1
AUaalio Kapnn, 8: Mai! Tin, . :4I
Pbil. i. Eipraaa, 10:30 fait Lino, B:M
On and aftn Moadar, APRIL 171b, 1B7H. Ao
oonniod.tioa Tr.ina willruworar tbe Phillpa
berg aad Moohanaoa branehra, u follow. :
p. a. a. k. a. a. Rt.llona A. a. p. a. r. a
lit Morriidalo, 7:1 S 11:31
1:411 T:1 Phili,ll,ur(, 7:00 li lt 4 :.f 6
1:44 T:H Rtoin.r'., 12:11 4:11
Id . T:44 Dunbu, 11:04 d:i
I S" 10:01 7 61 Onnila, H it 4:1;
1:1.1 10:18 1011 MoahBOnoa, IHI 4:01
110 10 21 111 Klorlina, 11:911 1:57
111 H:li :! n..oli,l.r, 1177 1:47
1:28 :M tttt MoC.ul.;, 11:14 2:44
1:11 10:44 1:11 K.nilrioka, 11:10 1:41
CIom eonnnotlona mad. by all train, at Tyron.
and Lock 11 area. -
8. 8. BLAIR.
Allegheny Valley Railroad.
VN aad after Mond.T. Anhl 17lh. 1878,
W tbe p..inK.r train, will run d.ilr (
Sua d.y) Mlwnn Bed ban aad Driftwood, at
follow. !
EASTWARDDar Mel'lnv.a ritliWe
I It a. b. Red Bank 1 1:4a ; Bligo Junction iz oo
New Rrthlrhem 12:60 n. ED.: Alarirtll. l:n
Trail:!): Brookrill. 1:S0 : Pnller'i 1: It 1 Key.
aoidiT e l:3t 1 uulloii i:ui 1 pnramit runnel
1:21 1 Penl.ld 1:40 I WeedTllle4:00! Beneiettr
4.18 1 arrirea at Driftwood at t il.
VS liXTVV AUD Day Mail Irate. Drift wood
IZ:Z p. D.; ll.Deieite l:in; neruvin. i:t;
P.nt.ld 101; Summit Tunnel 1:17 1 Dobolit-40:
RoTnoldBTllle 1:11 i Full.r'.S " : Ilroobrlll. 1:18;
Troy 4:11: M.y.Tlllt 4:90 ; New bcthlehem 4:61;
Bligo Junction 1:14 1 Red Bank 1:47 ; arrlrai al
Plttanarg at :. p. m.
p9- Tk. RryDoldirill. Accommodalloa leaTe.
Roynoldarill. daily at t:10 a. m. and arri.ea at
Hed bank at l:lt a. at. Leavce Rl bank al
7:91 ,. m.; arrlrai at Roynoldirllle at 10 :10 p. m
CIm. anaaarllnBa ua wilk tralna on P. A E.
Railroad at Drilt.ood, and with tralna oa tbe
Allegheny Valley Kallro.d at Hed bank.
DAVID MrCAHOO, tiea'l Sup't.
A. A. J.caiOB, Buil t L. U. Dir.
Bellefonte, Pa ! lllMiddletawa fl 00
Look Hevea.
I 70 Marl.Ua..., 8 M
I 80 Lanwietar I 81
180 Alloena 1 81
4 It Jotinatown.. I 80 port.
t II
gru; arflvrrtlsnnrnts.
glTass fruit JXrs.
43 Waod Mtrut. Plttabarirh. '
Window fflass, Bottles and Vials
Of all klmll. Orlara promnlly eieeuted. (l.t
our prlo.a ana etreniera aeiore naying. wn.iiiy
aaaurpaiaed. m.y!74t.
The subscriber glrei Botlr that he will lthr
rent or soil bis dwelling ana: store property, sit
oat or Kecd street, adjoining the Leonard House,
iu the borough of Clearfield, i'a, Th slor room
11(1X34 feet. The dwelling house contains S
rooms and a kitchen on the first story, and
rooms ob tbe eeoond story. The store room
can bo had at once, and the dwelling portion
ou and after the 1st of July. For further par
tieulars, addrens or apply lo the undt-rrtgncd n
tb premises. UKO. C. IMB.-MullK.
Clearfield, Pa., May 19, '7A-I
W. 'bar. arraaged our bualnaal 10 a. ta giro
ipeaial .tvention lo th. aale, of Agrinltnr.l Im
plement., and will keep coailantlyon band
Four-Horse Sweep Towers,
wltb Straw of any dralrcd length, Tutting
Boim, from $7 t. 148 Meh, H.rpooa Horn
Hay Fork! aad Pull.yi, Plowi, Culllr a
tora, Sboral Plow., Plow rlharee nf
all kiada, Hapairael all machtnea
kold by aa, and any thing
elaa in our Una,
All ef whloh will be aold oa .eay torn., or .a
ohanged for alook. C..h buyrra will Aad great
draatagN by itoaliag with na.
m.u. brovtm a nno.
MEAT MARKET, Market Street.
-Muhieee krpl la tb. "Cenlennl.l" balkllnf.
ClearAeld, Pa., May II, 1818 lm.
Would oall the atlealloa af Parmer, t. lb. fart
1 that they ar. receiring
Hebron's Patent Lock Level Tread
Thresh Machine,
ONI car load' or '
Aad tw. Mada tt GRAIN DRILLS FARM.
All Ik. a bora MeekUM Witt be Kid ClflAP for
, 0A81I, ar iokaafed tar food HORSES
Tkey kart alaa a rat af aew
Whtak Ib.y will dlrpoa of la tk. waia atanaar.
Oar Three .re, Raaaart aad Drills ar. ef tbe
kert mehMt ta th. eoaatry, aad warraalad
Iret alaee ta may part lea lar.
Oali at .at taaal aaarkal la PI.'. Opera Hoaae
, aad aiaBla uaee Baekiaaa.
K. it. CABDON BUO. .
Claartrhl, Pa, Mark M,'7. ....
$w 'tiJ! S)l$rrlUttfoui &&vtttl$tmni$,' , M
Wo enctden
tmlistanoe of a ,
i th Lthtnk KteUtff tba
ADrraaUonalJUt(aK Ua)l,la
rhlladnamrlaAaoajnAkcrdt: Urutrn i " Irvrit
CloUitiiAjjKae tu Amerloa." A Tlaitux and
BUviidaiirVhi tbaspcakon :
Vimux. What ouruar is tho Rulldlng on f
AtUmltptf. ''Houtb-East comi r u( SidJ, and
Market. Pleaao Del tho H1XTI1, fr niitio
trans;on eeoking Oak 110, ltav Uwu uiUKd
by tiealgnlti; persona."
v, " It Is iwrfuoly oolossai I Do you know
A. "12,1X0 equal Ibct fl on Market, aivl
160 odd on Bixib, sis stories hifrh, hai our
tbroo acre oV u(KrliSj, ainl cowt i a.jmf utui
ocoupkMlbriryUau twenty difforcitt bull
Dtea plara.''mX
X. Do yoa use st4jn power r
. HAIatityouugenKii8 furQlKhns jvyttrr
lor tho ftulifht and pai-iufcrelvat.ir8. ami il.o
boUurs stvaia for hetUiiig, aud tlie otitU' ouiru- ,
tiona of tho bouse."
Y 1 i11 or&' do you take with fotU f
A. "Tbiiy are first iiprod und arranirfd tn
tho basement, on lont; 1A ocmnUn.aiiii t-.Lt-u
tbenoaon the fMlKlleTator lotbo tlirptx
lor'a room on thtntauni Boor."
V. " Is iwwM;Unifho tint nporatlot. V
A. Na lr, measuriiig. 1 ho gowin are f nt
UBJUredlo Uia pliK, ihfn Insitorti-iJ. Il.o
rlcuh passoa ovor rollers Lu the la- of a tr t.-r
light, and two men sit, one toiore and rno
buhint) tbo goods, wau hlng with the eye ol a
hawk for tho least pin-holo impcrfprilni, attil
uarkiBg every Daw, ao that tbo tultvr rnaj .-
and avoid U ffneu It roinua to cut ti.u tar
njents." V. " Yon most employ an arrA of cittr rV V
K. "Coma to our flnh fl.x aud two I Ue
keep 70 hands all the tttV ruling up the rti.tli
Into Karwent leeaitlt-myi mtu'blnea Uu iij
a dust'ti men's work w lWt a stroke."
V. "1H you aanuiactura all your awn
A. " W do, and most carefully. Our ei
ainlnfi lnsicct every stitch ana seam, suri
certify to every garment as extra-well man
taeforo wo put our ticket oa it, aud becouio
jsuonslble fur It"
V. " Voux systci
" Your avitiim most save vrm a ar
diialT" "
A. " In every direction, sir. It Is tb syiit4n
and economy we practirwall
all tkoei ihn.iitfli.
that euablea us tu put OUT pjMp jwu tu tha
tx'opla aa wo do." V
V. " After inspecting th work, what becomes
of It"
A. "Bcfbra It (foe Into fltock It 1 Uckrted.
Evury mnirlo garment has Its number and
other points noted ou It, ao that iu entire his
t-ury can fea traoetl without tad, upon our
V. " Ton most have SO or 40 salesmen f
, A. "Why sir, on busy days you iuaEAe 1(10
In the various rooms and suites ol nwnts.
V. 'flirt Vr-.II ,tx AwwtUV l...-8t,.,-u
V. 7
11 Ik vou tJn tin nrA-r In i mf ha wnatl
and c z nrees r Lf '
too c
' ery great All over the countrr. Our
T. A. Fleck & Co.,
They ill II Hv, and find themselves well and hearty
wniie outers ar complalaiag becau ee buyer of tin Kns a n u ubi uuuub ar aot in onai
Hon to pay the large profits of the past, while tbey, like far-seeing busla men, saw th
sit oat I oa aod offered aad sold Dry Uoodi at
. Prices (o Suit the Times.
By o dolog they have built up a prosperous aad incrmMuig tr3s. WithesmsM iter and Ugh
cxiteimes, price tbat would be less than eost to others afford them a prolt. Their motto for
1B74 wax mail in olden times, aod iu the wnrdi of Franklin . A nimble sixpence is better
than a slow shilling. " At a recent meeting of the firm It was unanimously resolved to
do business as berelofore.ON A C AMI BAMlM, and sbange th motto for 1076
as follows : "A nimble Threepence la better than a alow Hlapeure."
This boat Franklin just M per esuL
Market St., Clearfield, Pa. : ,
All the latest stylos from 10 rents per yard up.
t Colored Dl-ess Goods in great rariety.
Mack Silk., on dollnr and upward. Dross Linens, bosl shades and makes.
Tablo Linens, Turkoy Tlti, bleached and unbleached. . .
Sheetings and Pillow caiw Cotton, blcaohad and nobleaohod.
Calicoos, "1 Cottonado for men' and boy's wear. (Ticking '
Muslinsand I ., . i- . . . ... J tn(j
(iingham. ) All kinds of Summer Cassimerea, ,ery ofaeap.1 ( . Crash.
; Nice Summer Shawls and Skirls. ,,.
Full fresh linen of all descriptions of Whlto Goods, plain and plaid. , ! .
Muslins, Fiquo,
Soft (ininltod Cambrics,
Swiss Victoria Lawns,
A new
New Corsets, Ladies' Tie, Handkerchiefs, Collar and Caffs, Kid Glovos,
Hlack and colorod Veilsand Veiling, Neck Kuching, Ladies' Back Comb,
Parasols and Fans, Ladies' and Children' Hose, Ladies' and Cbil- .
: dron'a Glovea, Ladies' and Children's Undorwear.
', MILLINERY GOODS, fall tin to oit everybody. . .
Trimmed Huts and Bonnet, very cheap.: New Silks, Flowers andJRibbon.
, . 1'iHrimmcd liats and Bonnot. ' ..
Having succeeded in gotling a first class Milliner, persons favoring as with
call will find goods in this department vory moch lower than heretofore.
Cilenfe FurnlHliIng Goods.
Porcale Shirt, While Bhlrts, Underwear, Linon Collar and Cuffs, Paper
Collars and Cuffs, Suspenders, Linen Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves
and Now Tics of every description.
All the abov good will be offorod at tbe lowest possible prioos. .
T. A. FLECK & CO., ;
Clearfield, Pa., April 2ti, 18713. ,,. . , ., M ,
1870. WHERE 0Wf 1870.
T. MICIIinAN, aa. of tb. femaeat, i.ariab
lo, aad keallh, Bulee I
. To bajr a FARM out af tba . ,".
One Million Aerem
ef BD.Iannlnir l.mli fi aale be tba UHAKO
Kil'lllS a INDIANA R. 11.
Strong fiolti. Re,l, Harketa. Bare Crop., (load
Sehoole. K. R. rum tbrou,b MBtr. of graal.
SeltlemaBta all alos,. AU klatla af Prodneu
ralaed. lMent, of Water, timber Bad sallding
Biaterlale 1'riee frura 4 to 1U t or aor. j ana
foorlh dowa, balaaee oa tiaia,
MT-Sand for ill.itraled paia.blM,fall ef fantl
and figure., .nd b. eoavinoed, Adilr...
W. A. 110H AKU, Comat'r.
Uraad Kalridi, Mich.
P. tt. L. PIERCK.Sk', Lead Dep t.
HtKim No, 4, Pie's Oprra Houm,
1 Irardrld, Pa. .
Ke.pDn8ita.llyiiah.Ad '
! t
.! '
rtlFFKR, .,
' S0BA, ..
roAl, oil.
DTRVr, , ;,. .
Caaaed aad Dried fraite, Tobaeea, Clgara, 0.B-
dlea, Older Vlaegar, Setter, Rgga, At.
Wheat snd Buckwheat Flour,
Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, Ao.,
All af wakb wM b. aall .laaap for aaab at I
.lebaag. foi aowBTf
. A. 0. KBAMRI CO.
Rlearlele, Ror. V. mlF. lJ
CrlVt system a4d rules of tf-BiaAiwBMtit
ak Itnkmihlto lo pleaao people 'i.OU mil
tway JA UrlbcUy aa IX they wan lura la
V. I anipposo yon here at least tutf adoaaa
dllTerent dt'iartmeulsr'
A. "afydoaratrl wa bare more than twenty,
enrhcharxed with Its own businom.aud
iiiortiugnty oqranisoa,a nomary wheel wita-
In tha irn-at wheel."
I. "will you namaadntm or ao of them f
, "With pleasure Tho t'ubtom Deiicrt
In en t, fhrthoso who prefer tUaUom-made lo
n Rily-madlo. Thi Funilahhig llepanment,
with It mnwham stock of all underwear,
lha Shirt IBtltory, with lm busy uaihlnes,
tnaklnjr ourown flrst-rlass shirts. The Trim
niiug Department, Itmalf aa big aa many tmp
lar stnro. Th Uannent Btocfc hoom. Tno
Hccelving Room. Tba Ordur ipaitmnt,
named before. The BpcclaJ Uniforms l)eprt
UienL Th Delivery '"'p'llTufil With 1IB
st ore of lieaseniters. Tho"
. V. Huid.noidl slr.enongbr
A. "I'm not halfthruughr Th Advertistng
tvparttut'iitwlth Its bilLandslffn dlstribulora,
ei lltlnr and publlshlnjbslbujlnea and popular
li'uruiu, nrulaCjpf,ine, U,ouu euplw monthly
(toll all yourilwMoSend forlti. The Uen'a
vpartmuutlwitlTTts manyrooms. Tbaltoru
iivrluit'DL The Youth IVpartmeot Tha
t'lilldren Department, with lu special
entrance for ludios. Th Telegraph l&part
innt, Th Chief Clerk Iepartment with
ii,lr,k-keencrssndaMLstanis. General llan
Sifur's Ltpartniontr finanoier'a Otttos, aud
(tln-r oflut-a of th Annall busy aa beoa
lUinkinw, planning, exentlng, buying, mak
Iti(t, ii'gUUTinif, reitgbiOb. sending outselling,
and tu a thoiuandUyi Joining their Ibrrea
tu carry on a ImuneuVfth tho people smount-
l" to bctwoaii l.i.uuo.uu) aud an-
v. i-t-B-p-.n-dB-r 1
A. "lndet-d It 1! I forrot to nana tha
Of rttall mU-a on some sloslo dan 1"
V. -ti:M ImmensolThat-s'whatfimblas
the bouMtohuychoapandat'LTcheapr'
A. " KiartJy I Yon hare iWst hit It Th
peoplo thrung ben, kniuf that we depend
on low prices aod Immilikalew."
' V. ' "hat ara th 'AtifaauiM Ihcmr a
much about?"
A. "Our syrten ofbnalnom tlaallnr-l. On
Sric. no deviation ; 3. tah for everything ; t.
giuusjitee protavtlng the purchaser. eVTh ,
money returuod if Uao buyer oan't otBarwls
be suited."
v. " oulIng oouia d nurer -
'MothUig. And tho people Mil'
' Well. 1 thank tuil air. lar vour luista
atteutlon." B
A. " Not at all. It's avrpleejnnw toasfV yon.
Oall aitaln; and be sure of tho plso Wana
maker A Brown's Oak Ballg Itoet our
nor blxth and Market-"
V. "Thank youl 1 auall b happy to do so.
Good Burning."
at the close of a successful years' business
lint of
Tacked Muslins, plnin &
i striped, .
Long Cloth, ,
, Plain Cambric ,.
tloaawU, eieeat.d t Ula .Bm.
1876. 5L1Y. ,1876.
NEW GOODS, cheaper than ever.
. ROOM NO- 2
Filled and Overflowing.
llio quito recent decline in Urj
Goods, tells in the way goods are
going off. Will not enumerate,
but everything in tlio way of
Millinery and Fancy Goods,
' 'V ' . i it 1 ,'
In great abundance, at the lowest
possible prices. ' ' ' '
: ), -i ' ;
.. " it H
... . ROOM 1H0. 2, ; v
Ple'e Cera Home. "
CleeeSald. Daw, I, Iff , ,11, (1- p
Urn dostlf, 5rortri, si tr.
. . 'J ' .1 y i i t I
A ftill and eeatplet. aeaortairat ef Bew good.
an. aew .1,10., aowa t.
Citlaaal era tnrlud to aall and examlB. my
atoek aad jadg. for tfaeueelroo a. ta qaalit aad
prieea oi goooi.
Claartald, April 14, 1874.
I aa swsrs thst there sra sons personi Uttls
hard to p lease, aod I an also swart thai the
soap lata t oi "bard times is well nigs noivsrsal.
Bat I aa so sUaated aow thai lean satiify ths
former and provs soaolailTsly that "hard times"
will oot effeot those who hay their foodi from me,
and all mj patrons shall b laitiatsd Into tha se-
srsi or
I bars roods enourh t eaptrlv all ths Inbabl
tants la tbs lowsr snd of ths ooaatr whioh X sail
at eioeedlne; low rates from my mammoth Store la
MUL80NBUEU, where I ou alwas bs foand
ready to wait apon sail en aad soppis mm with
Dry Goods of all Elnds,
Bach as Cloths, Bstinetts, Cassimeres, Hasllns,
Delaines, Ltnsa, lrlllini, Calleoet,
Trimmings, Ribbons, Laos,
Readj-mads Clothinc, Boots and Shoes, lists aad
Caps aU of tbs best material and mads to order
one, hocaSf u lores, mittens, isaess, niboons. c.
OolTee, Tsa, 8u(tar, Bles, M1siass, Fiih, Bait
fork, Liasaed Oil, fish Oil, Carbon Oil.
Hard wars, Qaeensware, Tin wars, Caatlnri, Plows
and Plow Caitinits. Nails, Bp Ikes, Cora Cultiva
tors, Cider Presses, aad all kinds of Axes.
Ftrfamsrjr, Paints, Varniib, Olasi, aod a gensrat
asirtnav ar btatioaerji
Of different brands, always on hand, and will bs
sold at tbs lewsst possible Igures.
J. II. McC Iain's lledielnss, Jtyne's llsdlelnss
U os tetter's and UooBand s UttUrt.
IMt aonads of Wool wanted for whtefc ths
bigheit pries will ba paid. Clovsrased oa hand
ana lor sals at tns lowsst marast pnoe.
Also. Ami for BtrattonTills and CnrwsnsTllle
Xbrtshtng Haehinss.
t-Call aad see for yoarselves. Toa will And
very thing aiasJly kept tn a retail store.
I ' ' : ' L. M. COUDRIBT.
: FrsBohvllls P. 0., Aagost 11, 1874.
Wonld rsinMfltAiN notlfV ths nablle re n oral It
tbat be has restored bis Grocery Btera from
Shaw's Row, t ths bniidiag formerly ooeapisd
by J. Miles Krstser, oa Seooad street, asxk door
to Biglsr's hardware store, wbsra bo lntsnds
keep log a full Una of
8U0ARS aad 81 RfPS, of all grade..
TEAS, Green and Black.
COFFEE, touted ad dreen." t '-IT
iv.'J . 1 Ji '. .. j I.
t All i8dl U tha laark.t. ' j J ( ,
PICKLES, la J.ra aad karrele.
SPICES, la .rerr fona aad rarietj.
soaps, . . . i'
' i . i '
Coal Oil tai Lamp Qiimnoyi.
And a good aaeortiaent of tboae thlnga B.aalle
kept ia a grocery atore, wblrh he will exchange
fbr marketing at tbe aiarket priee..
Will aell for eaah aa .bMplj a. aa other oaa.
rieae. cell and aee bla atoek aad Judae for
Cleerteld, Jaa. 8, 1878.
(Ranaaear to LTTLR A MITCHRLL)
' Pareet la Market. '
Will be kept aad aaid al Iret eoel. Caab paid
ir Coaatry Prodac
. ... i 1.1,1 ii '
. Tt'RKEf piuiibs, 1 ;' ; ;
Maekerel, Leke Berrleg, Ood, Ac.
KBerrel Pleklee aad lagHak Pleklee.
j rLOUpl Alio fEBD.
rkrar, Cera Meat, Oat Meal, Aa,
meHTV.'i !lil.'MTtt.E.
An. c.rlr haelaa lota la aaw at Loak llaeaa,
aaa bar. Ibea DDteureolured .1 ib. lowaat rat.
aad ia tbe bert manner by aliag al th. S.w
Mill of T...OB, Shaw Ce., Water atreet. Leak
U.v.n, P.. H, BUAW.
Look ll.r.n, April IS, lT8-l.
The aaderalgned aaaoeaeea to bla aid frlaada
and netront tbat be hea opened a go Ha. .1
OKOL'KHIKri m FHOVIHIONrl at lie old Bl4
of Kirk m Speneer. for which be eollelta a liberal
patronage. - H. W. SfKNCKR. ,
LumUr City, Pa., Manh It-tt
Tha anderalgned offer, for aal. oa r..eon.lla
lerma, their eUena aaw Bill, located at W.liaoa
ton, Ulear8eld Uo., Pa. Tbe wgin. and bollora
are a. good a. aew. The I lie of the englee le
14x24, aad la la goal rwnnlag order. Tbey will
alao eell Ihelr ahlogle aad lath Bill, aad all Iba
worklag Daehiaar, la tb. Bill. Pertiee wiahing
to purebae. MB eell on or addre.
Clearleld, Pa., Jnaa 80, 1818.
JOSEPH II. DEKRINO, oa Market Mreat, I
Hbaw. Row, CI.arB.ld, Pa , be. Ja.l reeatr.d
a 8". lot of Preaek Calf Skin, aad Klpt, tba
beBt Id the market, and la aojr prepared toman
afaetara .r.rytklng In bla Ha.. H. will war
real hi. work to be a. ropreatated.
Ale., aU kind, af LMther aad 8ho. Flaalnga
for all..
Th. of Clawlald and eielnltj are
reapefally Inritad 40 glr. hint a all.
Work don. at ah.rt aotlc. MS'TJy
Clearfield, Penti'a,
Repreirat alt tbe leadlog Fire lnauraaa.
CoopaolM of the ooaotry I
Qeeea 410,088,00
Royal Cenadiea 0,808,00
Home, New York t.TM.lM
Lrenaniog, Maaey, l'e............ ,6.1,4iJ
Franklin, Phiiad'a..n,.,. l,,M8,i
Pbo?all, HlrUord. ............ ..... - 1,881,101
llenorer, New York I,4i8.ti
Home, Col., 0.-. ....................... 816,1.8
Atlaa, Hertford .. (08,84t
I'rorldeooe, Wuhlogtoa............ 818,00
Pereona abont effeotlag 8n lnBannoe on prop
erty of aay kind, abonld call at our ofliee, en
Market atreet, oppoeite tha Ooart Hoaaa, aod aea
oar liat ef eonpeaiea and ratae before iBB.ring.
Clearleld, Pa., Oot, 17, '78-ly
All over tbs State at ths adjournment of both
branchss4f oot State Lsgislaturs, aod soma of
tba aiembtrc making for their heist I hop to
Stay there.
also, for tba eltiasas of Clearfield soaatjr who la
tend visiting tba Oenuanlal, and for all ethers,
by ths n-opening of tbs
Ob Market street, one door west of tba Alleghany
Hotel, where "SHORTY" will he foand at all
times, read and willing to meet and aoeommodat
aU bis old eaitotners and as many nsw onss as
msy fsror him with a call, so thst tbey oan visit
tbs Centennial "clear heeled and light-footed" la
a pair of "Shorty's" boas-made
Don't forget ealling on "Shorty" before fwr
shastng elsewhere, lis keeps none hot Arat-elass
workmen and can warrant all "feet-wear" made
at bis shop not to rip, raral or draw tbe pegs,
lis Is prepared to do aov thing in his line
etitehsd, sawed ar pegged. Kepairin neat It
done on short notiet.
alweya oa band and for aale by the aetne "abort"
follow by lh.".korf aame ef FRANK 8UOIIT.
1'l.arBelil, I'a., May 10, 1878.11.
guarded thr Might! Medal nt
E. & H.T. ANTHONY 4, CO.,-
sl Broadway, Mew Vork,
(Opp. Metropolitan Hotel),
AiorincBial, laroataaa ixt suuaa i
A!tma( Oraphsseopes, Photofraphs, and kindred
gootts-Ualebnties, Aelreuee, 4c
Ws are besutqaartars for srsry thing In tbs way of
Storeoptioom in& Magic Zsaatenu,
Bslag manufactorers of tba
ntPi-iDt IP'S f AVTL'nu '
Raob style being tbs best of Its lass ta tbe
Market. ,
' Catalogaes of Lanterns and Slldsi. with dtrse.
tlona for using, sent on appltoatiaa.
Any snterpriiing man caa auks money with a
Mario Lantcra.
fvisitorsto tbs Ceatennlal Rxpasltloi win '
do wisely to defer pnrchasinr roods in our Una
nntil they ooms to oar store ia New York, where
tbey will And greater variety and mora modersto
prices, aod aen i elect them at their Misnra. Bat
we bars a eoaoeesioa to sell some styles of ear
goads i tbe bailding of tha Department of Pa bite -Comfort,
and those not earning to New York ar
in riled to sail on oar repreeentatioa there.
vA full stoekof Views of tbs Kitrasltioa
and thsir eonteot.
fir-Got out this advertisement for reference.
WmUW 1 1 IDIV-le
I m braces ander on mamrftnentthe Orrat
Tmnk Hailway Lines of tbe WbST and NORTH
WKST, and, with Its namsrotts braaehas and
oonnertlons, forms ths shortest and quickest roots
between Cair.Goenri ell peintf In Illinois, Wis-
NasaxsRA, C a li roam a and th Warn as
TaaaiTomiBs. Iu
Omaha and California Line
Is tbs sborteit and best rauto for alt poiatt in
North rrvv III mo it, Iowa, Darota, Nebraska,
Wtorir CoMRAbo, Utah, Nrvapa. CAiiron
RiA Orroor, Cbina, Japah and Australia. Its
Chicago, Madison & St. Taut
I. the ahorteet lin. far Nobtbrm Wiaoeaaia aad
Mln.BBoei.and for Mamaoe, Sr. P.i Jlm
aaratie, Uri.rta.nd all poiaU lath. Ureet
NorlbweeL Iu
Winona and St Peter Line
Is tbs only not for Wihora, Rotrritrr, Owa
Tost a, Markavo, St. Pbtrr, Nkw Ulm, and all
points in Southern and Ceatral Minnesota. Its
Green Say and Marquette Line
Ta tbs only line fbr jakritillb, Watrrtowm,
Fodd Dn Lac Oshkosr, Atplrtor, (Irrrr Bat,
Hakoock aod tbs LarrSuprriorCountrt. Its
Freeport and Dubuque Line
la tbe only route tor Ei.oie, Roraroat,, Fane
rear, end all point, via. Freeport, It,
ClilcaRO and Milwaukee Line
Is tb aid Lab Shore Boats, sad t tba only oaa
passing through K tan uto, I.akr Forbst. Hior
larh Parr, Walk soar, Hacimr, Krrosra to
Pullman Pulace Cars
ar run oa all through tralni of thlt road.
Thle la lb. ONLY LINE running thee, can be.
Iween Chicago aad Hi. Pan), Cbioago and M ilwau
kee, or Chloag. and Wtaoaa.
At Omaha our Hlaepera eoanect with the erer
land Slernera oa the Ualoa PaoiOe Kailrnad for
all pointa Weat of the Miaeouli Rlrer.
On Ihe arrival of tbe train, from the Xe.t ar
Soatb, tbe trains ef Ihe fhlugo A Nortk-Weotera
Rnllway LEAVE CHICAOO a. follow. !
for Council lllane.llmalia nnd alirnrnla.
Two Throurb Tralna daily, with Pnllmaa Pelaoe.
Drawing Room and Sleeping Cart tnreaeh t.
Coaaetl Bl.Ia.
for Pt. Paul and Mlnarapolle, Two Traiaa daily, with Fallmaa Pakaee Can
ell.rbed ea both Ire!...
For fcrwa Bay and Lake) Superior, Two
Traiaa daily, wilk Pallmaa Palaea Vara attacked,
aad ranatng through lo Marqaatl.
Ker Mllwaake Peer Through,
Pallmaa Can aa Bight tralna, Parlor Chair Car.
on day tniaa.
Far apart nnd eelnotia and nalatt hn
MlBaeaota. Oaa Through Tnla daily, wltk
Pallmaa Biropen to Wiaeae,
for Irabuqae, ,1. rti.aart, Twa Threagh
Traiaa dally, wllh Pallmaa Van cm alght Iniae.
ear Uubuqae aad La Craaaa, eia Cll.lea,
Two Tbnugb Tniaa dally, wilb Pallmaa Cera
en Bight tmiB to McOngnr, Iowa.
for City nnd Vnaklaa. Two Tnin.
daily. PallmaB Can te Mlereari Velley Jaaetlnn.
far Lena llaterl, tt Tr.!.. dally.
f.r Nockford, Besrllag, Kanoana, ft.
TUbn, aad ether palate, y.a eaa h.ra from tw.
t. te. treia dally.
New Y.rk Office, Ne. 418 Broadway 1 Beaton
081 oe, Ne. t Stel. Street Oaika OAoe, 181
Fenbam Street, Baa Fneelee. OBea, 111 Mont
gomery TlraMt Omee. i II Clark
Htraet, ander Sherman Hoaaai eoraer Canal aad
Madlaoa Blre.Hi Klaale Hlreet Depot, eoraer W.
Hiaileend Caaal Htreetl Weill Btreet Depot,
earaar Well, aad Kiaaie Itreete.
For ratee er lafermelloa n.1 atUlnaUe from
year kerne ageata, afply U)
w. II. STnaaBTT, Vabtiw Bcaairr,
Oen. Pua. Agt, Chicago, . Oan. Sap't,
Jan. 18, I878.y Chioag.
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