HtUrMtantoui; WILLIAM M. HENRY, Justice or ra rwiimift .nr.n, LUMBER. paid over. Article, of agreement ud deed, ef nhiejlH IHUJ UMHU4 Ma Warrantee 00 ml or o charge. Jj' FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES , Of ell kind.. D. Mreful to Wy only th genuine. AIM Baggage IUrmL WkrfttlOUM TrUl-.l. im- prered Honor Dm, Ac. Ureoere rutuee. SeekM Repaired promptly. aVAIHRA NbiB, MORSE CO, W Wood Sir. ot, Filteburgh, Pe, r.M'N-ln. :. We male only Strictlj Fore Goods. .Itfefykaa'ofoai Whit. Ld boar the fiato-ring wtewni and we fuarantae a degree of ftuaiwa ft UtaMM MtUVH4 ..j,-, .. ..... . ST'.a CY B-ttLhJ LVlRIWHERL March 311, laJ.Sin. HUEY& CHRIST, olb pRorniiTORg or THE '-. I I CELEBRATED ... r7;MS.'. 1. "ot HARK VATtm-" . AND Off. STtEt'VR'S TONIC HERB BITTERS. for? pairs list. in i:y .V CHRIST, 131 N. 3d Street, PHILADELPHIA March i. nrn.Hm 1 gtarfiivarf, Jlnu'nrr. c7s7f l e gTlT Ironsides Store, ' PHil.l.lpsniiRt;, pa. DEALER l.f IURDWAHB, STOVES, HEATERS, RANO , E8, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. ASP MANUFACTURER OF TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPKRWARE. Prefqul.le Street, Phllllp.burg, Centra Co., Pa. H.Mey 1871. POWELL & MORGAN, DIALIRI 111 H1SDVAKE, . A lip, Maaafactarereof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, P A. ARMING IMPLEMENTS of all hind, for e.le hy ' POWELL A MORGAN, R AILROAD WHEELBARROWS 1 for al by POWELL A KOKQAN. rvIL. PAINT. PUTTY. GLASS N.lli, .u., for Mlo by V POWELL A MOHOAN. ' II ARNES8 TRIMMINGS A SHOE Finding., for .ale by "" POWELL A MORGAN. QUN8, PISTOLS 8WORD CANES For llt by POWELL A MORUAN, CTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Blioi, for aal. by POWELL A MORGAN. TRON! IRON I IRON J IRON I X For aals bj , , - POWELL 4 MORGAN. II ORSE SHOES & IIORSR SHOE NATL9, for Ml, by POWRLL A MOHOAN. PULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES A And belt Mannfactar., for .al. by POWELL A MORGAN. T ITIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for tale by POWELL A MORGAN. SACKETT&SCHRYVER ALIBI fa . I HARDWARE, ' 1 and manufacturer! of TIN, COPPER d SHEET IRON WA ' , Second Street, ClearSeld, Par. Having reRtled our atoreroom and doubled our mock, we are prepares to oner oargaini to par ebaeere in onr line. Wa bare decided ta do A Strictly Cash Business, aad can therefore irll at grtitly rodaoed prlcat. Carntntari and partem who eoatemplata btld tag will do well ta ai amine onr Tools and BuUiinjIIardwiro, which li Btw and of the hart manafaatara. We keep s Urge ilftpb of NAILS. LOCKR GLASS, LATCHES, rvi II. HINGES GLUE, -HCRKWS. All ktadi of Bench PUne. H.wi, Ohleelt, flqaaraa, Uammeri, llatrh-U, Plamtii and levolt, Mortited A Thumb Ouagea, llafeli, Braeea A Ritta, Wood and Iron Bench Berewi, and the beat Boring Maohisa la tba market. Doable and Single Bitt Axes. . P0CKBT OUTLtBT, Aa. Agents for BurncU't Iron Com SheKer, warraoiat.. Alio, for Rlobardt GOTHIC FLUE TOi'S, which affeetaally ear Bmoky Fluai. Farm Implements, Garden Tools, of every daaarlBttoB. ' A large rarlety of COOK STOVES, . . wklek w warrant U gin aatknVtlea. Ftrlmhlt JtaMfe mn4 Pummttt. SE-Raefing, Spoiling aad Job Work dona a. reeeoeable lama. AU oreere will roeelr. premwt atleetica. Pl.mbiaf aad gw Siting attended to ky .rperlrai-ed workmen. Mar I, U7S. I VliltMi iOrj 6oo&t, GtotttUi, ttt. B OOTANDSHOK MAKING. J 08 K I'll II. DRKRINU, ot Market street, Ell. fj fl,AlA Pa.. hftj. HAell ft ln lot of rrMeli 0ftlfiiH4 Klpi, tk ftfeetar 7thlf ! kll lin. U will wr full wor iv r-i-w AIo. ill hlBdfor LtUirMdSbM FloJI Tb elllMOi tf CUftrBild Bd TlelnlU ftf .4L.I1- kl .n Work dun t thort uUo. Tilt'TX TTALUABLR PROPERTY V FOB 0ALI OH FOR RKNT. Tb tahMrtUr firM dUb thftt b will ltbr rwt or toll bit awMiing hb nor rpnT, -ub bb Ad iiml, sdjpiaiBg tba LaoBBrd Uobm, Is lb borviiffb of Glaarlald, Pa. Tb Mor mm liUXM fMt Tb dBlliug boot oobUIbi J miH Bod B kilobBB bb lb Brit Horj, Bnd fBOBIt OB IBB BMOBd OtQfJ. Tho lUN IVOBJ ooa bo bul i OBOB. Bad tbt dwollini porUBB ob ond BtUr u in bi rfuif. roc rurutor oar tlealart, addraM or apply to tba BadvrilnM oi tht proniaas. UBO. 0. PAHtSMOKH. Olaarllild, Pa., Uay 1, 'Ti l pREAT REJOICING All orir tba Plata at tb adjoumaitnt of both braaebei of oar Htata IjajtitUturo, and ton of tba Btombm nitkinf for ibffir holm I hop to GREAT AM) GOOD VEWS, alto, for tht oitittiw of OlaarBald ooaoty who 1b uud TiiitiBf mo uoouoaiai. ana lur bii oioen, bjr tba ra-opoaiag of tba OLD SHORTY SnOE SHOP, On Market ttroet, ona door wait oftbaAHafhan Hotel, wbor "H 11 Oh TV will U found at all tlmea. raadf and willlnf to Boot and aoeonmodala all bii oM eBitomsn aad at many naw obu a may favor bin with a Mil, to that they ean via it tba ueownniai eiear Baeieo bob ngnt-iooiou" in a pair ot "8bory'a" home made BOOTS OR SHOES, Don't foraet oalliB oa 'fihortv" bafora ftur ebaiiog el where. He keepi none bat flrit-elaM workmea aad ean warrant allTeat-wear" made at hie ehop not to rip, ravel or draw the pegi. lie it prepared IB da anything in bit Hae titehad, tewed or pegged. ltepair.Bg etatly dona on short Botica. LEATHER & SHOE HDl(iS tlweyi an hand and for eale by the lame "ibort" fallow by tbe"pbirt" name of FRANK SHORT. Clierleld, Pa., May II, 1HT0-U N EW OPENING. SHOWERS' BOOT & SHOE HAT & CAP I4TOHK. ROOM No. 1, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, MARKET STREET. A full and eomnlete aMortnent of see goodf and new etylee, down ta "HARD PAN". TRICKS. Oltiaena ere Inilled la eat and alanine my Hook aad jnde;o for themielTei aa to quality aad prioee of goode. ' JOSEPH g. SHOWERS. Cl.er4.ld, April U, 1114. REMOVAL 1 JOHN McGAUGHEY Would raapaetrnlly notify tba pnblle gtBtrallr UU be kae removed nil uroeary eiore irom by J. Mi let kratser, ob BeooBd ttraet. Btxt door to tftgitrt narawara iiora, wntrt aa iBitaai BtepiBg a ran itnt oi OROCEltlEN. HAMS, DRIED BEEF and LARD. SUGARS and 81 RUPS, of aU gradea. TEAS, Green and Black. COFFEE, Roaated aad Green. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CJA'A-KD FRt'tTS, All klndi I. the market. PICKLES, in jan and barrela. SPICES, in rrerj form and rarlety. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINtWOlM EAI KKRI". SOAPS, MATCHES, ' DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CIIERRIRH, Coal Oil t&i Zeunp CUm&evt. And a coed auortment of thoaa tblnca aiaaU kept I. a grocery etore, wblrh be will eiehaoge lor marketlag at tna market prleea. Win aell for earn a. ebeaply aa any other one. Pleaae aatl and aea kli itoob aad Judge for youreeii. J I J II IX MCUAUUIIKr, Clearfield, Jan. I, 1170. Q.ROCERIES. JAS. H. LYTLE, (Suoeeawr to LVTL8 A MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CHOH'K I.INR OK TRAM. OOLONGS, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, TOt'BU HTSON. ENOI.IHII BREAKFAST Parart la Market. BVTTKR AMD KOC Win be kept and aold at Sret toil. Caih paid ft., nm.ln PhuImu OERMAN CURRRIIS, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, PHILADELPHIA HAMS MH. Mackerel, Lake Herring, Ood, Ae. riCKLBH. Barrel PUklee and hgltik Pleklee. PLOVH AMD FEED. Floor, Cam Heal, Oat Meal, Aa. JAS.H. LTTII. Our ira frrrttomrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, P.bllabrd (very WedaMday by GOODLANDER & LEE, CI.EARr'IKI.n, PA Ha. th Wraat rireuUtlra at" aay papar III NorlbwMteni PenmylraBla. Tlie lsrg. and oon.untly inorusing oiroulAtion of tba Republican, roncler it valuable tobn.ines. men ai a medium thro' whiob to roaob tho public. Teems or Subscription : If paid in advance, . . . $2 00 If paid after three montbt, . 2 60 If paid aftor liz monlbs, . . 8 00 Wbon papors aro adnt on Lido of the county payment mualbo in advance. ADVERTISING : Ton lines, or lo.,$ timee, . fl 60 Each tubseqaent iniortion, 60 Administrator' Noticos, , . 2 60 Executors' Notices, . . . 2 60 Auditors' Notices, 2 60 Cautions and Estrays, . . . 1 60 Dissolution Notices, ... 2 60 Professional Cards, Mines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per line, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One square, 10 linns, . . . $S 00 Two squares, '. 15 00 Three squares, 20 00 One fourth oolutnn, . ... 60 00 One-half column, . . . . 70 00 One column 120 00 itidAjritfi t We havo always on hand a large stock of blanks ot all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPCENAS, EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, ? LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, ic, 4o , lie. JOB PRINTING. Wa aro prepared to do all kinds of PRINTING, SCCH AN J'OSTERS, PROGRAMMES, C. RIS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, BILL nEADS, STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, ic, ic, IN TILE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE tERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Qoodlander ft Ie, Cleat-Held, aecrleli Canty, Fa. Continued from Virtt pagt. eordlng to requarl end lest, and moat of them two or tkroa Umee ere. i aad why tblj poor widow bould be eampelled to g. aa all of tbla euro trouble and a. fUiui.k It ell rrar again I am oertalaly al a b)e. to eianeire, Tbl. leeni. to be truly a bard The loldler waa eiob and blind Ibr year., whieh laet bai been repealadly ebowa to Ike penoioa oftloere, and the feel waa at the aeeu lime .bow thai hie ailmeale were brought an by hie aertloea ia the Amy, aad ae acknowledged by the Pen.lon D.parlnenl I and while ill thli condition he had to be oarrlad about from nearly one Jand af tba State to the other repealadly lo obtain tba terliiaeay aeoei. ary lo aaubliab ble elalu, aa that ha might get eomething to enable him la prooure proper modi oal aid and food aod raiment to lubal.t upon. And the Pennon OHee etkuowledged the noelpt of hi. papera, and that they wore oerraet, aod that hie eleim wal Joel. But tbey hare .till withheld hie pernios aad allowed him to barely uhalat unott town .uboort aod the ebaritr al the aeighbara, aad, laally u die from actual want of proper moaMM eiieaueaoo ana we eonaiou ww eeeeariee of lita. And new kle widow aai for aba portion the law alloae her, aod baa eeot all of the proof, aeeesaary la aetablieb bar elalm, aod that toe at ooaeieerable eipoaee aad trouble aod .be hae no mere thea aeut them before ehele reqalre.1 to furni.b th. uma right over again, word lor word. She baa endured ia Hill matter In the wey of trouble and expensa all that ie poeelble for her to ecdara. Mho I. not nble to be at Ibe expenae to again farliiah Ibo exeet eaine proofe which ebe hae already fiiral.hed, and If eho wer. able, I eaaaot eee for the lifo of me why ebe ahould be obliged w. Now it eeeiae to me that the Cemmlwionere ahould at onoe either tell her that there le nothing for her that ta, that the tloverument le ungrateful for the eervioee of ber aoldiera or at euoo ail.w ber elaim aad pay it. Tbeee taw remark., my dear eir, ere auhmilled la kiadneai nnd without eny la.ult aod And now will yon have the hiodaeaa to oraMOt tbl. mailer at Weehlailoa In It. true llgbl, aad ai mob a. po.aibie traoemlt to me the recall I Kerpeotfolly yoore, Ae. J. D. BROWN, Wm. E. Pnnaroa. . Adi'ai.rreler. Mr. Jonka. The widow ploads ber cause whilo the fund tliut is provided bv law to pay tho ofneurs ot the court to grant bor roKef is appropriated by custom for party purposus. In the eurly winter in ouo of tho ditilius, my oyo caught an item something like thin: 'Tba attention ot a pohcumnn this morning was attructod hy tho wailing of a child in a dilapidated toncmont, to which ho went, and upon the floor sat p sobbing child about eifjbtocn months old, cold, and alono hy the side of it dofid mother. . A liont mortem exami nation developed tlio fuel that aho had no food in hemtomach. She hud died of starvation!" ,1'orhaps she wan the wile ot one ot too "boys in blue who attested his patriotism by bis life's blood. If sbo was not, hundreds and perhaps thousands of parallels' are awaiting tho action of this tribunal. On tho street corners tho cripple standB and hold out the hat ; ho must beg or dio. W hile be stands bpifiritig, around tho fund a pjrutul'ul nation bas provided for bis relief every obscene bird of corruption gntbors. Shall this continue T Common doconey demands it shall cease. II embezzlement. mtint exist as a cnritom, (which (iod forbid,) lot it (anion upon somo other tund than this. This is tho poor remuneration ot tho deceased, tho pay of tho muti lated soldior, the price of the blood of prtriot horoes, "whoso blood, so holy is it, would not stain tho purest rill that sparkles among tho bowers of blisB." Let tho vile bands of corrup tion at least rofrain from its pollution. May that which a nation's laitb and rratitnrto 'havo appropriated to this lenificcnt purpose reach the worthy claimants of the nations' justice and bounty undohiyod, uiiilimimahod. By a transfer to the War Ofllca tbis politi cal defilement would bu avoided. Another suggestion Is not unworthy of consideration. Krointhevorynatnro of onr institutions, a large slunding army is obnoxious, and yet, until that Eoriod arrives at which every man will o a law unto himself, an army is nec essary. Wo, with propriety, maintain a Military Aoademy to educate tho officers. Thesecdueatod ofllccrariliould not be lost to tho nation. Employ ment should be provided for them, so that our armv. wliirh in limo of neaea should only be a nucleus, should have a Irame-work or skilled commandora, so that it may be on any sudden emer gency expanded to moot any contin- ?:eney. This change will enable the iovornmont to retain those who have been educated at the public expense. These, with many other considerations, lead us to tbe conclusion that greater efficiency, purity, and economy will be mBiumuiuu m una rwrviuv uy im trans fer. IndocoLtliore ia reason to foar that to a very great extent these con siderations are largely forgotten in tho Department of the Interior. From its conduct ono would bo almost led to suppose tbe great truth that tho De partment is but an agent ot tbe people is not regarded. Officers' salaries and emoluments aro dispoejed of with a hand more prodigal than that with which oven the spendthrift would scat ter his stores, lir thero be a return to the days of primal aimplici'.y and frugality. Let it be known the Gov ernment and its offices are not made or maintained lor tho benefit of office holders and hangers on, but for the general good. I ask ibr tbis subject your thoughtful consideration. 1 beg thatall considera tions of party or patronage may be forgotten. This till provide tor the removal on the 1st of July, 1877. Ncitbor Domoorat nor Republican can say now whother it is his own patron age be is diminishing or that of his competitor for public favor. 1 belicvo the change to bo right, and npon the broad principles of right and wrong 1 desire it shall bo determined. 1 ask this in the name of tho aged votsrnn who followed the chivalrio Rcott at Lundy'a Lane, or tho heroio Jackson at New Orleans, whoso palsied limb now tremble on tbe brink ot tho grave. In tho name ot the disabled heroes of Buona Vista and Corro Gordo, 1 auk it In tbe name of "the bovs in bluo." who on the long, weary march, in the crowded hospital, on scores of battlo Acids, amid the death-dealing storms ot war, with their lives and blood sealod their dovotion to their country and her flag, 1 ask it. It is my hope and trust this subject should receive such consideration a will enable us to act upon it in an enlightened, conscien tious and statosmanliko viow, PArSXPOKTS AOKNT& The uncmt autrvirn mnM. Mrl.ii.l. President Grant lawlessly seized and handed nvnr In hnvnnrwwf Im l.ilt.. na sorted by the organs ot the administra tion iu dbvo neon exponned in tho dis covery and punishment of frauds on llin hellnt awMM I, .. T -"-" .. ..i,..,.v " " 1 " UUIUIC the committoe that ho used tho largest portion oi mo money in paving agents t tit-iece repeaters ana onl lot stuners in Now York. On becoming ohiof supervisor of elections in that city Davenport appointed a large number of assistant supervisor and marshals to aid him in nrntnetinor nntirv nt the ballot box and promoting the eloo- uun ui u rant, aho n arm publishes a list of thoso protectors of tho eloctive francbiso, which wo oopy horowith : Hicbaojl Knright, supervisor in the First ward, Eighth district. Arrested for robbery in 1803. John Grimes, supervisor Twelfth dis trict, Fiah ward. Arrostod in April, I8fi3, for stealing a gold watch. Mictaol Cooteflo, marshal Sixth ward, bounty jumper during the war. Uenry Kloe, supervisor Thiitoenth district, 8ixth ward, was connected witb the Chatham street oonccrt-saloon and fled to Nebraska lo escape punish ment. Thomas Lane, supervisor Seven teenth district, Sixth ward, lormcrly koopor of a notorious don at Five point hoadquarters of thieves and robbers. John Lane, supervisor Twonty sec ond district, snms ward, waa indicted for receiving stolen goods ; bad served a term In Sing Sing. Edward Foloy.auparviaor, Sixth dis trict, Ninth ward. Arrested for steal ing a watch. Humphrey Ayrea. supervifor, Eigh teenth district Ninth ward linij for robbing tho U. 8. mail. jonn jtowllBjr, sipervlsor, Nine teenth district, Ninth ward. Arrtwlcd August 2(1, 1H(J for till tapping. J as. KiUsiuimons, supervisor, Twon tleth district, Ninth ward., Arrostod Auguet . 18U8, lor robbory, . John Martin, aunorvUior, Fifth dls tnot, Twelfth ward. Arrested under an Indictment for arson. Samuel Rich, supervisor, Fourth dis trict, Thirteenth ward. Served a term of two years in Sing Sing for felonious assitiill. 1 John alias "Buukuy" MoCabe, super visor Eighth district, Fiftouulb ward. Charged with shooting a man with in tent to kill. William P, Burks, supervisor Twen tieth district, Eighth ward. Horved his term in tho states prison of Massa chusetts for burglary) bIbo two years in the New York Stale prison. James MoCube, supervisor Fourth district, Eighth ward. Confined at tho Tombs under indictment for high way robbery. William S. Irving, supervisor Four teenth district, Eighth ward. Served a term in Hing Sing for burglary com mitted in the Eighth ward and lias never been pardoned. Patrick Henry Kily, alias Fred Wil liams, supervisor Twoiity-sooond dis trict, Eighth ward. Keeper of a bouse of ill-fume ; resort of tho lowest and vilest characters. Patrick Hcflermnn, supervisor of tho Tenth district, Sixth ward. Arrested for attempted murder. ' Frcdonck Stcrrler, supervisor Eighth ward. Has been arrested several times lor keeping a disorderly house. J. F. Banderlion, supervisor Tenth ward. Arrested lor murder. Ed. Woavor, marshal, Eight ward. Out of Htutos prison, where ho had been serving out his sentence. Walt Prince (colorcd),ln prison awuit ing trial for highway robbery. Andrew Androws, alias Hans Nicolx marshal, pannel thief, boon sentenced two or three times to Stales prison uud returned from Itlnckwell's IhIuikI. Joseph Hurtnett, supervisor Eigh teenth ward. Arrested Juno H, 181)9, as accessory to tho murder ol Iiichnrd Gordon, a grocer, corner of First Avenue and 1 wenty-tourth street. James Moran, supervisor Third dis trict, Eighth wanl. Arrostod for lelo nious assault. Theodora Allen, miirshnl, Eighth ward. Imprisoned fur perjury and keeping a resort ot panic! thieves ami pii'kpockrtrt in U event street. .. Mart Allen, marshal, JMghth ward. Served a term of live years in tho Con necticut State prison. Sentenced to Sing Sing for five years by Judge Bed ford. Joseph Froiicr, 279 Wator street, a thief and tho contodurato of thieves. James Miller, keeper of a den of prostitution in tho bnscmont oi 3.19 Water street. Jamoa 'J'iniiigan, koepcr of a similar one in tbobasometlof3J7 Wator street. James Sullivan, alia Hloonin, keeper of a hous of prostitution at 330 Water! street, a resort lor uusperato thieves, j r rank U inkio, keener ot a bouse ot prostitution at 3371 Wator street, where tho polico were Irequently called in to quell fights, and hearing a hard reputation. D1SP0SIT0 IV HE VOL T. Tho Philadelphia Prrst don't toka kindly to tho last action of tbe Presi dent in nominating Don Cameron as Secretary of War. Forney well un derstands that old Cameron is at the bottom of it, and ho, Fornoy, knowing Grant's dislike) of old wig wag, feels satisfied thnt tho appointment was the result ol a bargain, tho pay lur which is a united vote of the Pennsylvania' delegation at Cincinnati, for Conkling. In tact be aavs as mncb wbon he de- clatwa that "thero is a floating rumor that tionoral Urant lias luirly entered the fiold, not lor himself, but" for Sena tor Conkling, of New York, as his suc cessor, and that he intends to mako a Seneral assault upon all the other can idates." Fornoy affects to disboliovo tbe rumor, nevertheless he docs believe it, a he proceeds to give significant bint to Grant that his powor is waning and his influence "weak." Moreover ho speaks of Conkling as a "small poli tician." All of which proves thutlhoro ia a disposilioB among thoso who fret under tho collar of tho Cameron cliqno to break looso from tbe fetters and make somo show of independence. Forney baa tried lo do Ibis repeatedly but bas always failed, and in tbe ond, hko tbe dog, has returned to his vomit, and thenceforth pulled aa obediently aa previously under th lash. Anil so will it bo again. The Camcrons don't move without strengthening thoir posi tion as they well know with what onvy mon like Forney in tljeir party view thoir rule. Comly, it will bo romomborod, was nominated Colloctor of tho Port of Philadelphia by Grant at tho solicita tion ot Fornoy and his particular trionds. Hence before tho nomination of Don was made, Cameron, senior, seen to it that Comly, Forney 's friend, was removed, and Tutton, a snpor scrviceable tool of tbo Cameron's lao tion nominated in his stead. Tho Philadelphia portion of the Radical delegation to Cincinnati is mostly made up of custom houso employes and retainers, consequently it was nocos-' sary to have a chief ovor them, ready to apply tho lush at the first sign ot recusancy on the part of any of them where Cnmoron'a intorosl is involved. And as thoso in turn hold an influence and authority over the "iinsophistocat od rurals," it will he scon that all For ney's vaunting ol independence and of "smashing ot slates won t amount to anything further than to show tho pititul attitude of all those in the Rad ical party who desire to assert their manhood and independence. Danville Intelligenirr. ENOCH A HDEN O VER. A Now York rS'im reporter returned from Elizabeth, Now Jersey, a few days ago, and reported the following romantio fact: "Between six and seven years ago, Charles Trautman, a well known contractor for laying concrcto pavemont In Ellr.abcth, disappeared, leaving a wito and three children. He was known to be in comfortnblo cir cumstances, sober and industrious, and supposed lo bo fondly attacbod lo his family. His absonco made much spec ulation. After years had passed with out tidings of the missing man, his wifo sold what little property remain ed to support hornelf and children, and a short tirao ago again married and removed to Trenton. A Bhort timo ago Trautman appear ed in Elizabeth, and told an old friend thnt after be abandoned his family he went to Liverpool, and thonco to tho South African diamond fields. This was shortly after the discovory of dia monds there. It wn Inn intentional tho start to try his fortune, and ifsuo ccsjful to return home ami surpriso bis wile, lie said be workod hard for two or three years and accomplished his mission, and had returned to settle down. When told that his wife had removed to Trenton and had married again, ho vinotxl no surprise, saying mat nis menus had Inlormod him of that fact since ho returned, and that his object was to have an intorviow with hor and his children, lie wont to Trenton, and ahortly afterward re turned with two of his children. Ho said that his wifo was vory glad to see him, but she preferred to remain with the man who bid protected and cared fnl Kap vvktU k - nn., L. .1 .v. - - v t im ii , n i iu mm i, singular to relate, deserted his first who, who Is now living in Union county, and who up to this time has not instituted oriminal proceedings. x rautman Has several diamond, on of which i valued at 13,000, til of which be dug in th South African dia mond mine. THE CO VEIlXMKNT PMSriXG VFEICE FHAVUH. Chairman Vance read in tho Houso, on tho 1 -II I ulL, the report ol hi. Com mittee's investigation of the Govern inent printing oftlce. The charge) on thu evidence are : First, That tho cost and charge of wink done for Congress and tho Kxocil tivo Department arc oxorhituut and greatly in excess of what tho same could bo done Ibr by private parties. Second, Tho Government printing office is conducted in an imeon.potonl manner. Third, That tbe cost of publishing the Cungremional Jtecord is incorrectly reported. Fourth, That tbo amount of work douo for tbo Departments is excessive and should be limited by law. Fifth, That the general management Is extravagant to a degreo that would bankrupt any private establishment in the country. Sixth, '1 hat ho bus drawn moneys from tho Culled States Treaxury on fklso voucher. Seventh, -That bo has detained und lined Government moneys contrary to law. Eighth, That money belonging to tho I'nited Stutos has been deposited in bunk in violation of luw. Chairman Vance and his associates in the Coniniilleo have labored faith fully ami industriously, and buvo abun dance of evidence to substantiate their charges. This evidence they ak tho House to certify to the proper authori ties of tho ilintrict, to tho end that it may be laid before tho grand jury and Mr. Clapn indicted. That gentleman, by the id vice of his counsel, having already entered the llclknnpian plea of " no jurisdiction," tho Committee ak that tho Judiciury Committee be inst meted to inquire whether he is im peachable, nnd further recommend the abolishment of ull tho Government es tablishment, excel it so much as may be necessary to do tho printing and binding ordered by tho two Houso ; the giving of thnt work to a practical printer, who shall bu appointed by tho President, instead of elected by tho Sennte; the letting out of tho liecord to tbe highest responsible bidder, and tho relegation of the Department print ing to tho heads of departments, who shall let it out. Tho closest attention was paid during the reading of tho re port, which cuino Into in the afternoon, and the stillness was only broken by the voice of Conger, of Miohigan, who did hot appear f relish it, and twico moved that the reading bo diiqicnsod with and tho document printed, (juito a number of others on tho Republican side of the Houso alxo seemed to think their organs had been leading thorn astray with their reitoruted assertions that none of the investigations would amount to nnytliing. World .VvnVi. (iRAXT'S ESCAPE. The friends of President Grant aro driven to a curious argument in their Uelenso ot tils personal integrity by the (hick coming revelations of intrigue and corruption amongthomcn who sur round him and represent him inlhead ministratinn. Tho fact that though so many of these men, liabcock, Shepherd, Murphy, Belknap, Delano, Orvil Grant it al., havo been "struck by tho light ning" of exposure the President is held to prove that be is Invulnerable to tho pamolightning. "If ho had been guilty Something would have boon discovered before this timo" that is the reason ing. It puts us very forcibly in mind of lloceacio'a story about the converted Jew who went finni Paris to Rome that he might learn more tully about the faith and bo confirmed therein. His Christian friends were terribly alarmed lest, seeing the corruptions, adulteries, poisonings, etc. going on in tho papal palace (it was the time ol tho liorgias), he should conclude Chris tianity was a fraud, and turn back to Judaism again. But ha didn't; bo came back fully confirmed in tho faith; for, said he, "when 1 saw tbo corrup tion and debauchery that rnn riot at the vory fountain bead of Christianity, I realized that the church which could grow and have such vitality in spite of such wickedness in high places, must indeed he sustained by the special favor of God. I here is something in this reasoning when you come to think of it, and tiiere is likewise something In the reasoning of the President's friends. The doctrine of chance favors tbo conclusion In both cases. PittMiuryh fcadtr. A Precocioi' ThoVo nnngo fyvctutor, relate the following: Considerable excitement was caused In tho Second Ward yesterday morn ing by the announcement that Myron, a two-and-a-half year old son of Hon. J . P. Tark, was missing. A three hours' earnest search failed to find tho little Icllow, and his parents wore almost dis tracted. About ono o clock a telegram came from Oil City, with tho glad in telligence that the boy was thero and would be brought home on tho next train. Tire little wanderer had followed a crowd of persons into tho omnibus going to tho alley train at 11 A. hi., and at the depot ho hail followed two ladies into tho car at Oil City, and tho conductor, seeing the boy sitting alone, supposed something was wrong. Ho tried to get the littlo fellow to toll his name, but without succors. He then took him to dinner, whore ho met tho conductor of tho A. A G. W. train, who had heard of tho loss ol tho child. Several Franklin gentlemen wore in Oil City, among thoin an uncle of the boy, who brought him back to his parents. Whilo standing on the plat form at Oil City, Myron said he was waiting for his cousin, a little boy of Ins own ago, to come down from 1 ilua villo to meet him. When be left the conductor to oomo home he told him "I tnko antidder rido wis you some day. I'nlontown claims a Centenarian In an old colored woman, named Hester Austin. Hor ago is 103. . She is bed fast by decrepiludo and consequently cannot be put on exhibition nt tho Phil adelphia show. It is said that figures won't lie; but tho figures of somo women are very do- ceptive, to soy tuo least. Urn flt'frtlsfinfuts. c AUTION. .All pern ni are aerebv oautlni4 ere taut porohaalng or la any Banner inwiJIiof with oee Diana aiara ana ooii, and a bay nice, bow ta the pouM,oo or 1. (1. O. W. lUrcer, of li red ford tewatthin, ai tbe tame wee pamtiued by at HbaritT eale oa tba lUb of My, ISTI, aad ti left with tbeoi oa loan ealy, eubjaot to my ardor Al an llaaa m hi I A V O II L" II U V C- Urailfurd Ip., May II, lS7Ht QAUTION. All Mrenni are heretiy fealloned an laet fiarehatioR or la aay way fdi!lln with tba fol proper." bow ta Ibe noeeefaloa af Robert naiiaeo, i vnia lewataip, nt t . Brae aeree rye, 4 eerei wheat ie tee groaBd, I bey etallloa, ana the prooeode thereof, aa Ibe tame wae pa it hated by ane at Collertor'e eale oa the !4ih Ut af aftr. IRTI.ana ere )n wttb him on loen oaiy, eubjeet o aay Draw a. any line, ALKHBD STRVRNfl. MflPtaran, May 11, ItUMt QAUNON-. All noreon. are herelte earaad baaing or In any way meddling with one eorrel borea, bow I. the pooee..tu or John Tiokerboof, or Ul.n Hope, aa tbe eome Helena, to me, mad ie left with him on loes only, rah)! to my order nt any ma. WIN. J. MllLLKfT. Ulan Hope, Hay tl, IIT ll A DM1N1STRATORS NOTICE. 4. . Netloa la hereby glren that letter, af Ad. miatetratlos an lha aetata ef KLIeAEKTH MIL LEU, late ol Bo... tewn.hlp.Ulearleld aeunte. Pa-. deoeaeed, harlot bee a dulr sraated aa the under- elgned, all pereeea indebted t (aid aetata will nleea make Immedlela poymnt, and thoaa earing maim, ar aeuooe win praeonl them araperlj aetaaaUeaud for aettlemeat wlheut ay. s. q. TATI, Oltnrteld, May I,, Adminlirrator, Itt.srrUaurouf. JM.ANT8 & FLOWERS- The'nrd h.rabe vivee notlno to Ihe allium! of L'leerllrld noun!;, dial bo he., at hi. Uroen Hour, in Uieerllelil, a l.rjn queiilllr of all bind, of Vegetable and Flower I'l.nt., which be will forolah lo all who mar far or hue with their nruon.go, at reunueolo prlcaa. Tba following n pern. I ll.i in plant! and Sow.n t VMTBl.n rLAT. Wintered t'eiibego Plnnta. bete Cethage Plenle. Ilwarf C'eli-ry I'lante. Wintered CenliSower flanU, Sweet 1'i.late Flaw., hgg Hlaata. Totualo I'leute. Pepper I'lente. Puiwln fLAnr. ros nKDPim, HRMnTROI'KS-Aaanrlel. PKTIINIAS-Sin.le end double.. UKltAVII'M-l-Zun.l.,. UKHANIIIMK lioul.le. IIKHANIUMH-Verleeal. HAUK-H,-erl.l and wane.,e Howori. AUKIt AT UM Miked. cni.Klis-Aaaorlad. FUrllKIA-rJmile and double. IIAIII.IAH-lliiuble. VKHHKNAS Ileal aelecltd rnricllee. CM'IIKA. CKNTAi'HKA and ClNKRAhWA. CANNAH Aaaormd. HTOt'K Large flowering, doable. AMorten:. IiHOVAI.M-Klala megor. MIONoN KTTK Llrge lowering. PINKH-Herdy. . PilLOX-.lrounanilii. A Urge eoeiirliaenl of Pranta for llenging Ba.krt. or KHNBST BOCK. Clr.rflrll, Ha, Spill IJ, TS-lf. I. 9. witiivr.N . .........W. W. . KTTB u i:ivi:it a ih:tth CLEARFIELD, PA., Are olerlug. at Ihe aid tuns af 0. L. Reed A Co. tbclr .took of goedi, eoaeirting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, OATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUKBNSWARJE, FLOUE, FEED, SALT, so., 4o., At th. moat reatonable rale, for CASH ar I aiebang. for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. SAr-AdrnaoM made to those engaged ts fat ting out square timber oa th. moot ndrantageouj tarma. pdtllanTI JJARD TIMES IIAVI HO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILLEI I am aware that there are aome personi a little hard to pleaae, and I am alto aware that tbe earn pitta t of "bard Umee" le well aigb aoirertal. Uul I am to BUueted now that I can aatirfy tbe former and prora eonclailrely that "bard timet" will not effect thoee who buy their good from me, aod all my patroni hell ha Initiated Into tba ae- eret oi IIOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES . uw.. nveiftis w wuyftj altt Mir '"- taou ia tbe lower aad of the eoaaty whieh t eell at exneeding low ratee from my mammoth itore in u irt Kitvu run r ... .1 v.- i j ready to wait apoa eallere and mpply them witb Dry Goods of all Kinds, Such ai Clot hi, Betlnetu, Cautmeree, Hmlina, Uilainei, Linen, Urtiiingt, Calicoes, Trimmingf. Ribboni, Laoa, Ready-made Clothing, Boota aad Bhoaa, Beta aad Cape all af the beat material and made ta order Hoea, ftocke, UIotm, Muteae, Laoaa, Kibboni, c GKOCKHlKfl OP ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Bagar, Rloe, Molaeeee, Fiih, Salt Perk, Unseed Oil, nb Oil. Carboa Oil. Hardware, Quaenaware, Tinware, Caetlnga, Plows aod Plow Caatinga, Nalle, Ppiltea, Cora Caltlra- tora, Lider fraaaea, aad all ktads at Aiti. Perfumery, Paiata, Varalih, Glasa, and a general aeeortment of Stationery, GOOD FLOUR, Of different braoda, alwaya aa hand, and will be sold ai tbe leweit poeaible I gores. J. H. MeClala'a Medielnoe, Jayne's HedlclBa liostetter aad Uooflaad'a Bid era. 60AI ponada af Wool wanted for which the igneat pnoa win ae peia. uiorerieea oa nana aod tar aaia at tne loweat maraei pnoa. Also, Agent for Strattoavillt aad CanraBartlle Tarasbing Hacntnea. tn.Call aad see for yoaraelrea. Toa will lad averihing aaaally kept ia a retail atora. L. M. COVDRIET. rreaohrtlie P. 0., Aogaat 12, 1ST. CALIFORNIA. TBI CilCABO AXD OaiT-WIITal BltLWAT Embracea ander oae tnena(ment lbs flrrat Tmnk Hallway Llaee of the WKST and NORTH WKHT, and, with its aamarons braarhea and oaaaeetinaa, forma the ahorteet and qnickeat route Miwwn i. aicaoo aan an potnta in Illinois, w ia roNsia. Norrrtias MirmaAH. MinwrnoTA. Iowa. Nbbbasra, Ci.iBm aad tba Writkbi. TaaaiTOBtaa. Iu Omaha and California Line la tbe ahorteat and beat route for all points la noUTHSRR ILLIROIS, lOWA, HAKOTA, Pi lilt AaK A, WroatNs. Coin a no. I'tab. Nkvada. Cam rou st a- Otto ob, CartA, Jatab and Atbtr ali Ae Iu Chicago, Madison & S. Tm Line li theeborteet line for Northbrr aad aliMMRaoTA, and for Mam ion. Sr. Patl. Mta rbafolis, Di'lhth and all point la tba Ureet iionawast. na Winona and SI. Peter Line Is the only mote for IT sow a. Roobrhtrr. Owa. Tokna, Ma ok aw, 8r. Pbtrb, Nrw Klh, and all points in southern and Central Minnesota. Its Green Bay and Marquette Line la the onto tine for Jaxrvim.b. WATirtrowa. Fokd Dp Lao, Oanaosa, ArFi nro", tlaasa Bat, KaoANASAtf NaoAraaa, Mabjrttb, lloi eams, llaRrotRaodthe LARaSi raaioaCufRTar. Ita Freeporj and Dubuque Line Is the only roots for Ki.otw, Roripoat, Faai roar, and all points via. Freeport. Its Chicago and Milwaukee Line Ie th. old Lake Shore Route, aad I. Ihe only one peering through ?., Laku Fonn.r. Ulan Linn P.nn, WatntaAn, Kectnl, K.o.a to miLWAcnea. rullman Talnee Can are run an nil tbronib trelne of tbla mad. Thu le the ONLY LINKrnonlog the.. ear. ba. iweea unicago aad at. reel, I'aicego and Mliwau' kee, or Vbicego and Winona. At Omaha our Kleenera ooanoftl with the nrer. lend aiernere on the I emn Paclllo ll.llroad for all polnUWeitorthe Ml.eoarl Rlrer. On Ihe arrival ar the Irain. from the Real ar ", Ihe train, of tbe t'htoago A North Weetvm neiiway ba.tE t;illUAIu ae roilnws: For Council HluMmnhaaHdCallAinila, Two Tbronib Trelne delle. with I'.llm.n 1... Drawing Hoom and Sleeping Can through to Cennell niulo. for )u Paul and Mlnneapoll.. Two Through Tralo. dally, with Pallmaa I'elaoe Care altaohiHlon both train.. for tireea Ray nnd l.nVa anpcrlvr. Two reia. oeity, wua roomen raleoe Care atlarhed, and running through to atanjuelte. Far Milwaukee. Peer Thra.,.h Tr.l..A.ll Pullman oa night train., Parlor Chair Car. en aay u-aine. fur Hnarta and Vi Inone end noioi. le Mlnneeotn. Oee Through Train delly, with roiiwen ntevpere to rvinon.. for Dunuque, Tin Freeport, Two Throob Train, dally, with Pullmea Cere on night train.. far Dubuqu. aed 1 (jreeea. .1. t'li.m. Tea Through Trelne dally, with Pallmaa Care on night train ta Motiregor, Iowa, far aloe a city and Yankton. Twa Train. 0.117 rettman Uerete Mlaeoari Volley Juneti-n for l.nk. ien.we. Four TratB. dell. fer Morhford, aterltaa;. kenoeha. Aaaea. till., aad .that point., you wa bare from two le lea treiee daily. Naw lark OAoa. Na. dig rdB , Hn. OSoe, He. A Biota StreM, Omeha 0ea, Itl rarnaem street, He Freaoieoo OSee, III Mont gomery alreel t Obiean Tiokal IMaae 11 Clerk SUeet, aadar Hbarmaa Heeee eere.r Cea.1 and Madtaea atraeu i Rla.lo Street Depot, aoraor W. Kiealeaad Caael rltreeli Well. Street Depel, Far rale, ar laforeaalloa net attainable (rem yaer heme egaala, apply a. w. II. nnnnrr, Mtar.. Hrenrrr, Oen. Paaa. Ag Ckieage. Uea. See't, J... M, IIU I, tofnc. j tisffllaufflus. j HARTS WICK & IRWIN i BkUUNU HIKkKT, CLEARFIELD, PA., llKALRIIB IN PURE 1)HU(;S! CHEMICALS! PAIMS, OIIS, )YK STUFF VAKStSIIK!1, I1HI1HII P.O. PKhFll.VKBV, FAN't.'V nolilm a TOlLKT AK'IICLI S, OF ALL KINDS, PURE WIXES A XI) UQl 'JRX, for mrdielnal purpose. TraeMB, ftupporttre. School D'roki aiM 4rtlio ary, and all other .rtirlfg u M,r fiand la a lrog Hi ore. PHYICIANti' PIlKSCHHTIONa CAHE FULLY CH'OrSDKl. lUriD a hrKr i pvrime la tbe buiinert Iti-y obb give entire fet uraotioa. J. a. haktkwt:k. JOHN P. 1KVVIN. Clrtrflrld, December 1ft, 1M74. bkiTer, young & reed, l.SucoeMori to Born too 1 Yontig.) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manufacturere of FOETABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fourth aod Pine Street!. ri.KARI'!i:i.l, PA. TTAVINO anr)tei In tbe manufaotnre of first IX- elaae MACHINERY, wa respectfully inform ta pub'te that we are bow prepared to All ell orders a cheaply and ae prooiptlyae can be done la any of the eitiea. We aianofieture and deal in Mulaj and Circular Saw-Mills Head Block., W.ter Wheel., Shafting Patler Qifford. Injector, Slaam Oaugea, Rteam Wbirtie., Oilera, Tallow Cop., Oil Cup., Oeuge Cock., Air Cocke, Globe Valra., Cheek Velres, wrought iron Pipe., 8'.e.m Pump., Boiler Feed Pump., Antl- Frictioa Metree, Soap Stone Packing. Oum Park ng. end nil kind, of MILL WORK: together witb Plow., Sled Solea, COOKAXD PARLOR STOVES, and other CASTINGS of all klada. nAt-0raor. eoliclted and tiled at .ny price. All latter, ef inaulry with referenoe te mecbinery of onr menufaetere pramptlyanawered, byeddree. log n. nt Claarteld, Pa. Janm tf DIULER, YOVN'Q A RKED. The Bell's Bun Woolen Factor), Psbb towaahip, Clearfleld Co Pa. BURNED OlIII BURNED UPI The aobaribera have, at great ezeoea, rebuilt neiatiriflrhood aecesailr, in tbe erection of a Irat class Woolen Maaafactorr. witb all the modern improvement attached, and are prepared to make all kinda of Cloths, Castiinerea, Hetinetta, Dlan keta, Plannela, As. Plenty of goods oa hand to auppiy ail our old and a thousand new eattomera, wnm we ask to eome aod examine unr rtork. Tbe baaineaa of CARDING AND FILLING will reoelva ear especial attention. Proper arrangements will ba made to receive aad deliver Wool, te suit out torn ere. All work warranted and done apoa the abortoet autloe, and by el net at ten Hob to buiineaa we hope to tralite a liberal share ei puoue patronage. lO.tMM) POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wa will pay the bigheat market price fur Woo and sell our manufactured goodi as low as similar gnode eaa be bought ia the eounty, and whenever wa fail to render reaeonalile satUfaotion wo eaa always be found at noma ready to meke pripet explanation, either la person or by letter. JAMKS JOHNSON A SONS, apriUAtf Dower P. O. "pERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining and Fire Brick. kept oomtanily an head. STONE AND EARTHEX-M ARK OK KVKRV DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! POTS! CROCKS! flaher'l Patent Airtight Keif Scaling rrom a aual BtTTTKR CROCKS, with lid.. CREAM CROOKS, MILK CROCKS, At I i.k - ni'TTnn i itnt as, DinL' l u nbin.L'd FLOWER POTrt, I'lE DISHES, BTBW POTS, And a great many other things too aameroaa tr meauon, ta bo bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner of Cherry and Third Streets, aagS MARBLE AM) STOE YARD! Mr. S. 8. UDDKIili, Herlng engaged In Ih. Her 1.1. bu.ln.M, deeire. I. Inform bar friend, aad the publl. that .be hei bow .od will keep eon.lantlyon hand n Urge and well eeleeted etook of ITALIAN AND VKRMONT JIAIIHI.K, nnd I. prepared to furnl.h ta arder TOMRRTONKS, ROX AND CRADLI TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Curb, and Poet, for Cemetery Lota, Window Sill, and Cape, al, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, A.., Ac ej.Vrd ol Reed .treat, .earth. R, R. Depot, Clearield, Pa. Je7,TI Clearfleld Nursery. ENCOURAGE 1IO MR INDUSTRY. TUB nnd.nlirn.d. baring o.lebll.hed a Nor aery aa th. 'Pike, about half way bet were Clearfleld and Curwen.rllle, le prepared to Par aieh all kiada af FRUIT TKRKS, (ataadard aad dwarf.l Rrcrgreana, Bhrnbberr, Urape Viuae, aooeeberry, Uwto. Blaohberry, Strawberry, aad Rarpberry Vlaea. AIM. Siberian Crab Tree., Ualaao, and eerly eoarlrt Rhabark, Ae. Order. prompUy attended to. Addreee, J. D. WRII1HT, tnHMj Carwennllle, Pa. J. It. M'MUltitAY WILL SUPPLY YOU WITH AST AttTICLK OF MIRCIIANntrlR AT THE VKHY LOWKST PRICE. COME AMD SKU. . t,Aiy: NEW WASHINGTON. Sotrlj. LLKGHRNY IIOTKL Mark at Utreet, Clearftcld, P. Wm. 8. Uradky, formurly pruptMiorvf th Iaaonard H WM, baring Ivaeod the AIIgUar HuUl, eulieite a sbara of pubiis patruaen, 'i IIuum has been thoroughly repilrvd and aewli fu ml iied, aod gweete will And it a pUaaant ttop. fiiog plaoe. 3'lie table will ba aupi)i4 wila tht bt of everything la tbe market. At tbe bar will be full ud tbe beet wioea and liouon. (load alaMing attanbed. WM. H. UKADLRY, May 17, tt. rnpritor. SUSQUEIIANNA HOUSK. CUKWICN8V1LLK, PA. NKWXON HEAD. Paot-aiaroa. lUviag baoome proprietor of this Hotel, I would reapaotfully solieit the patronage of tba pablie. liooee loaeaatly aad oaieaiMitly ait. uatd j B wlj refitted and refuraiihod j good aaia pie rooma attached. All railroad trama atop at tbla hoaee. iso2U-7i SUAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Froat stroeti,) CLkAKPlKLD. PA. Tba undrraianed havlna takon eharce of tbt. 11 tt I, would reaueottully lolkoit pnlihr patron i..til'TS li. H. ml! I.I.R H Tiiu WASHINGTON IIOUSK, NKW WAKHINU10.H, PA. Thil mtw mnA Wrnll furndkmri ki.n.. L - l takea by the underaigned. He fela aonl.nt ocing aoie u renaer aaitaiaditioa to Ifao b0 favor him witb a oall. Myj" 7 a. w. davih, i-,p-r. JOMTOIJR HOVnF., OppoaiU the Ceort Hoase. lock havkn, rin-A. J.U71 HAU8EAL A KKOM, rp a. LOYD HOUSE, Main fltrw.. PHILIPHIiURO, VKSX A. Table al waii unnliMl mitk i. w-... eh. .... r i - an mi mari'i affordi . (Tbe Uavehag public it invited tooeiL j.!., iv. nuucni L)iD, THE MANSION HOUSE Corner of Baeood and M arket St recti, CLEAUflLII, PA. THIS old aad sommodloBs Hotel haa.dariai the paat year, bee salarged U doablt ,u former eapaalty for tbe eaUrUinmeot of itr gtrs and gueats. The whole baildlng kaa ben refurnished, and the proprietor will pre aa pains to render his guests aomfortablt wh.U aieyfag witb him. r-Tba n nation Uoaaa ' Qmalbua ran it and from tbe Depot oa tbe arrival and rjrirTnr. of each tretn. JOHN DOUOHbRTY. apr6-7S tf Proprietor Joaa Pattor, Prea. J. P. Babu, Cihif CurireiiMrlllo Hank. Anthorircd Capitel Peid up Cepitel H $j(l,i (.ncia.n. rmer n.nd.AL nam.) JOHS IATTOS. Or. O. A. FETKH AAHUtt W. PATCHIS, H... J. H. Hul l. BTOCKI'OLOERa.I.MIIVIbl'ALI.V LIABLI Tio a genuine bunking bu.lne... Arniotit. eulieited. Curwennille, Pe., Jan. 19, 1T6 6m. r. g. annoLn. a. w. enxoLn. at- B. ARSOLt F. K. ARNOLD L CO., Itanker.B) nnd ltrokont, ReyDold.rllle, dcfTcraon Co., Pa. Money received on Itieeoont. at bm deraU ratee. Keetara aod Foreign e. war. on naaii ana ooiicetion. promptly KeyuoldoTille, Deo. 10, 1171. -ly County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD. PA. UOOM In Maoale Beilding. on door tortkd C. D. Watson's Drag Hi ore. Paaasge Tikta to and from Ltterool, Q -town, tllaagow, London, Poria aod Copcnbaim Alto. Draft for aale on the Royal Bank of Irelaa, ana imperia. nana or London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Prwt. W. M. PHAW, Cahier. W.Y.U DREXEL & CO., No. 34 South Third Street, Phllidtlphb B.l.rKERS, : And Dealers in Government Securities. j Application by mail will reoeire prompt altea jtion, aad all information ebeerfnliy fnretiaei , uraere aoiioue. April ll-U JlfBtistru. STEWAET & ELACKBUEN, DENTISTS, CnrwenaTllle, ClrarDrld Connty, Pcnn't (Offlae ia OaU.' N.w Building. Carw.nrrill., jan It, 187(-ly. DR. E.M.THOMPSON, (OSc. in Baak Baildiag.) CurerenoTlllr. Clearfleld Co., Pa. mob Jl Tt-tf. A. M. H ILLS ,lbat he has redooed the price of AkTl ft PI A I. Ttl'Ttl e. n nn . - $35 Of ftr a double set. For any laoparM H IW -miBV a I WW, lo n Tff lTE U II set. will got the twa sets for $.15.00, or Term a invarlablv Caaa. ClearfiHil. J. 1. 1876. niriTrnpa ivn rr trrvitj HAIR WORK -Ladies, If yna want hair work deat la beat aiyle aod ebeapeat rates, brine 1 te eat ite hae all the flrat-elass aaatom. both la ClferirN and Carwcntville. Mrs. 8. J. Browa la piei to sy l hat ahetUB giro the beat of rrfertaea. Sond in your work at the earliest opportunit? m- ewii'iacuoa win oe rnaraateea. MRS 8. J. BROWS. Martet St., S doors east of Allegheoy IIhn. Clrar8cld, May 14, 7 It. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAEDON & SBO., Rear of Plt'r Opera Houae, CLKARFIKLD, Vi Our arrangemeBta are r f the mot torn1 phi.ractr tor furulnbinK the putilie with fV Meats of all kind, and ef the very beit anar U'm mlau. Jael Ik mil k.mA. nt A ...I Inai monta, which we keep a aahibiiioa fer lb Ptlt of ihe public Oall, around wbea la u ani iaae a ioor m toingn, or addrMn at F. U. CAIUH)N d BKO Clparflolii. Pa., July 14, 1 S75 If. FRESH MEAT EW SHOP. Th iia.l.f.l.....l kak. IkF... . Ik. mtAIV grncra' that they krep ow hand, rrto rtt 1 tb:r ahop. al joining JUll N HI L It'll SfaraT room, oppoaju the Court lion, tKe BKsr wksh jtjfjrr. ?ai mitt lam ft. 'wka. V7('- at RKPrcKD IM.ICKS, FOR r.Sl Market m.-riiiiig -Tueed-iy, ThanJtf, -' Stur1a. Mtrat deirarfd al midraM derircd. A hare ef patrnnage Is rripuctfullr March 1, lHTt-ly. STAG 8 A MftI READING FOR ALL! BOOKS STAT10XKR)' Market St., Cle.ri.ld, (nl Ih. PollV TIIR nnderelgned beg. lenr. te anniW th. of Clurueld and rlcmlr be ha. fitted up a room and bar j.M reirr from the city with a large amoant ef i1 matter, eon.lallng i. part or Bibles and Miscellaneous Boob, Blank. Aoconnt nnd Pan. Book, of rrr ecrlption i Paper and Envelope., Trench ft and plaint I'm. and Peni-ll. : Hl.rl br Peprr., Ueede, Mortgage., l tlun end I'rtituianrr note.; White anl r meal llrl.f. Legal Cap. Record Ceo. aail I'll; " Sheet Moeie, fur either Piaae, Flat or ! con.laatly on hand. Any book, or it.""' deeired that I may not have on hand. will ber by flret e.preee, and aold al eboemMW io anil .aelomero. I will .IK keep pm llteretore, auoh Mlgaaiaaa, New.rrj p. A. UAVU- rirarteld, May T, !' If JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNTTUI.E MATTHEW ES. AND Improved Spring Be MARKET STREET, NEAR M Tbe andertlrned bee. leave te iafem w BOB. of Cleerdelit. and the Bohlic rre" 7' h. ba. en b.nd In. ef eeen .1 w.laat, Ckeelnul aa ramie. raitee, Parlor Rallee, Recltalag aad forated Dining aad Parlor Cbelre. fee" r- Ur: I nk i .,, . , B b.m .M ' ten mhowi, iiat naeaa, Bernooi. MOULDINO AND PICTrRE FR,, Looking Olaeeee, Ckromos Ae., wblrh Mitable for llolieay nreeent. ...uil dl"t ' JOHItTR0lI'