Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 07, 1876, Image 2

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    She jgepukliran.
Gionoi B. Goodlandir, Editor.
Ruder, If von want to know what li going on
ll tho builneil world, Just read our advertising
columns, lbs tfoaeiflf column io particular.
TiiYcmtinnialTip. ThirtjMiInc
tliousund eight liiintlit'il and fbrtypor
sons vUUoit tlio Centennial grounds on
Friday last. Itiitliorsformiilubieurmy
in numbein. '
Thanks. CongroHiiiucn Mackoy and
Jonks bave our thanks lor Public Doo-;
unionist. Stato Senator lioyor ba our
thanks for a cnntlnuution of tha Log
iulutivo Record.
National Con ventions. Tho Radi
cal body moots at Cincinnati on Wednes
day, tlio Mth of Juno, and tbo Pomo
cratio ai'UbIuyo moots at St. Louis,
on Tuctuloy, tha 27th.
BTATiENimirRisK. Tbo Legislative
Itooord, No. 804, containing tbo pro
ceedings of that body on tbo 6th of
May, camo to luiitl on tbo 6th of June.
If that is not oxpoditing tbo public
printing in a burry, wo are no judgo.
Tho young Borgnor is worse than the
old one.
An Awful Flits. The city of (J,iio
bec, Canada, bad soven hundred houses
destroyed by flro on tho tho 31st of
Mny. Theproperty dostrayod amount
to millions of dollars. Tho firo was
eausod by soma children playing with
matches. Matches aro nico things for
ohildrcn to play with, anyhow.
Clvmer'l scandsl mill ll death to Doeaooreti.
Tyrone Utrtti.
Well, we aro willing to count tbe
graves with you when the investiga
tions aro over, for tho purpose of as
certaining who comes out "second
best." Ask Hoik nap, Bubcock, etc;,
what they think of tho deaths Clymer
has caused. What has became ol
"Bab," any bow T
Tn Radical Cock-Pit. Belknap,
Babcock, Scbonck and Rohoson out
side, and Avery, McDonald, Milligan
and others insido tbo penitentiary for
thoir "crooked" ways in tbo whisky.
war,navy and plenipotentiary business,
havo the supcrlatiro impudonco to ask
tho American people to continuo their
friends in officio to still plunder thera
for four years longer.
The Scammno Business Tbo old
Winnebago Chief has recontly put on
as ninth war paint as in his younger
days. , .Tbo Lancaster Intdligencrr, in
alluding to his raid on the Philadelphia
Custom House, says :
It bas Jutt been throo years lines tbs Winne
wego Chief tuned oat on the war path after Col
lector tjomly, of Philadelphia, end oow Bis sealp
bangs at Cameron's belt. It was a long time to
wait and many moons waxed and waned ere Cam
eron could sbeatb bia knife with his work done,
at be bee raised Comslv's hair at last. It suits
Simon if H does not suit Philadelphia.
Bridued Over. Tlio Harrisburg
Patriot of tho 6th inst., ays: "Yostor
day was tbo last day which remained
to tbo Govornor for vetoing the boom
bill, as tbe Constitution provide that
any bill shall become a law unless tbe
Governor shall file his objections to
Ike same and mako proclamation of
his veto within thirty days aflor tbe
adjournment. Tho boom bill is not in
the list of vetoes, and it has therefore
becomo a law by operation of the Con
stitution without tho signature of Gov.
Hartranft. 1
Turkoy has undergone a Revolution.
The Sultan bas been compelled to ab
dicate, and a nephew has been declar
ed Emperor. Tho dethroned Sultan
is kept under guard in a kiosque at
the extremity of the Seraglio at Con
stantinople. The Ministers informed
Murad KfTundi that ho was proclaimed
Sultan on Monday night. A popular
demonstration took place, but no re
sistance was offered to the new re
gimo. . Perfect tranquility now pro
vails. Both Christians and Mussul
mans express great satisfaction at the
change. The city was illuminated.
Cameron's Victory. Tho removal
and appointment of a Collector of tho
Port at Philadelphia, is alluded to by
tbo Times of that city in tho following
lHiragraph ;
"Collector Tuttiin ban perfected bis
official bond and will take) possession
nl the ollioo to-day or to-morrow, 1 ut
ton is thus .rewarded fur the acquittal
ol Bubcock, and tho first Federal of
fice in the second city at tbo Union is
published as tho price of protecting
tho most shameless of all the banditti
c-oiispirutors against the Fodcrul laws.
llr.-C'omly retires with his honor un
sullied, while Tulton grasps tbo reward
ol his own dishonor, soon to turn into
sshes is his hands. A brief triumph,
then a hopeless tall."
ri)LD Again. .Simon Cameron, tho
Radical United 8tlos Senator, on the
21st day of May, sold the Radical party
of Pennsylvania to Roscoo Conkllng,
of Now York, to whom tho delegates
to the Cincinnati Convention aro to
deliver their votes, in consideration of
which Grant has appointed his son
'Don." Cameron Secretary of War,
Had Minion is to elect Gov. Hartranft
United Hiatus Senator wbon his time
expires. Tho old Winnebago Chief is
a wholcsoto dealer in offices, and so
effectually controls Grant, so far as
Pennsylvania,Radicalism is concerned,
as ho did tho Miildletown Bank thirty
years ago.
fv-rrv?- si
Riliob. Major Thomas Butler and
ficncral William O. Butler, tho only
two living members of General Jack-
nnn's stuff who wore prset at tho
battle of New Orleans, livo neat Car-
rolton, Ky. Tho first is more itiM
ciguty-sovon years old, and tho second
is in his eighty-sixth yoar and both of
then bav good health. Gen. Bnller
w the Democratic; nominee for Tico
PrMirlont in 1848. Tho tickets then
were Cass ud Butler, and Taylor and
Fillmore. Tbo Mexican War id ado
Taylor Prosteleat. Gun. ficott, who
bore an equal share) la that war, was
highly offended because he was sot
Dominated. Ho succeeded in having
(thai iionor conferred on him four years
later, when be was defeated by one of
his Brigadisrs. Soott. only carried two
Nor thorn and two. Southern States
Massachusetts, Vermont, Tennessee
ejnfl ITaritiieitrt
Tbo editor of tbo Now York 7Viitiir,
in discussing tho recent Cabinet ap
pointments, sayei';
Mr. Don Cameron la elreedy Is tbe Cabinet
The past at least l secure. Whea the last trads
of tbs Pennsylvania vote forthe bortlulie tt tbe
Wer lfiertsaiit for Mr. Siiuea Cameron was
made, tbe ale) gentlemen osme very near loilog
it. and as It was. only kept It a few monthi. In
Ibis trantsetlon no suoh ebaness wsre taken. 1 1
Is a eaee of payment In adraooe. It was in IH6 0
tnal tna lion, james n. nye rvmeraew mat ue
"was nsver yel In a Conrenlion wbera Pennsyl
vania wasn't 'waiUng 10 be seen.'" It will uol
be so at Cincinnati. MPenniyleeuyw baa bwen
"ssen" already. It will be interestlow to un
serve tbe eelion of tha I'scosylvnola delearelton
alter tna rarortle Don is aroppev). At least three
persons will be watching It anxiously- Preeidont
Ureal. Kosooe Uonkling, aud Simon Cainareo.
Tho conjectures of tho Tribune aro
certainly severe, and If the Rods of
thia Stute can staud such shots from a
member or organ of its own party, we
would infer that there is no usoot giv
ing anybody a "black eyo," so as to
prevent captious people from seeing
things as they aro. There aro still a
few Radicals who havo faith enough
to behove that tbo rascals who now
oontrol that party can be turned out
and a reform wrought within tho party
linos, and bonost men once more sub
stituted in official positions for rogues.
This is a hugo miBtuko. Tho Belli naps
and Bubcocks aro to tho Radical party
what cheat and cockle aro to wheat
tho rogues will smother tho voice and
acts of the honest members of tho par
ty, and will continuo to commit moro
heinous crimes every day until tho
whole party is turned out ut Washing
ton and Uarrieburg. And if the peo
ple ure foolish enough to place Grant's
band of robbors and political prosti
tutes into powor again for another
term, every aulivo business muii will
be ruined, and repudiation and nation
al ruin will ovcrtako us before three
years roll around. There is no solely
for cither country or peoplo, unless tbo
Government of this Republio is hand
ed over to tho Democratic party, and
that at tho first opportunity.
Roador, how would you like to
rido a short distance at a spoed of
sixty-five miles an hour? Such Is the
last departure in rail road riding.
Our Centennial yoar is crowded
with wonders,1 not the least of
which was tho feat in transportation
accomplished on tho 1st of Juno by
tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company.
A locomotive and throe cars left Jersey
City at 1 A. M. and arrived at Pittsburg
at 10:50 a. M., having run a distancoof
141 miles without a stop, and averag
ing 45 miles to tho hour. This bos
never boon equaled sinco tho world
was mado. Tho one engino which
took tho train from Jorsy City climbed
tho Allcghcnics, with a grado of 96
feet to tbo mile, at an avorago spoed of
35 miles an hour. Tbe Pennsylvania
Company has abundant reason to be
proud of this achievement. It is tho
best evidence tiioy could desire of tbo
safety of thoir road and tho almost
boundless extent of thoir resources.
Tho train roachod Chicago 29 minutes
ahead of time on the schedule an
nounced for tbe Pittsburg, Fort Wayne
and Chicago Railroad. It was plainly
demonstrated by tho progrosa made
that tho running timo of those 4C9
miles might havo boon reduced one
hour at least, tho track being in ex
cellent condition, and tbo managomont
so careful that not tho slightest obsta
cle of any kind was encountered. The
running time on tho Cbicagoend of
tho road averaged sixty miles an hour.
Tbe train arrived at San Francisco on
Sunday, June 4th, twenty -six minutes
ahead of timo having made tho run
from New York in oighty -throe hours
and thirty-seven minutes.
Well, if that is not fast riding we
know but little about timo. Col.
Scott will obviate the nocossity of in
venting flying machine if be continues
in bis progress in tbe railroad schedulo
timo on his road. '
All Wrong. We notice that somo
journalists aro making considerable ef
fort at "working up General Han
cock's caso" for tbe Presidency. There
is no man living for whom we havo
greater rospoct than Gen. Hancock.
Ho has defied power and ignored plooo,
and is the embodiment of grand Dem
ocratic views, but is more fitted for
the army than for any other position.
Tbero bo would bo "tho right man in
the right place" In tho Presidential
cbair be would be vory much out of
place). Genernl Grant realizes the
blunder ho committed when he loaned
himself to tbo President makers, and
if General Uuncock tloes not "sea tho
point" now, ho will soon after he allows
himself to be made a candidate.
Another Fool Gone. Tho Turkish
Empire, which has just nndergono a
revolution, has just one fool less than
it contained on tbo 1st of June, as ap
pears from tha following:
Washington, D. C, Juno 4. The
minister of foreign affairs has address
ed tho following telegram to tbo Turk
ish minister at Washington :
Constantinople, Juno 4, 1876. A
sad ovont baa just painfully affected
our august sovereign of this Govern
ment. Abdul Axis Khan, the late Sul
tan, who for somo time past, unfortu
nately, gives evident signs of mental
dorangoment. Jlaving locked himself
up this a. m. in his apartments of tho
pulses of Tcheragan, ho committed su
icide by ononing the voins of his arras
with a pair of scissors which ho had
concealed on his porson.
A Great Speecb. Wo this week
dodicato our first page to tha apcoch
of Hon. Goo. A. Jonks, of Brookvillo.
His exposition of tho frauds committed
in the Pension Bureau are pointed and
conclusivo. Tbat tho widows and sol
diers' orphans have boon robbed of
millions of dollars of their just dues
tbero is no doubt. Besides the Na
tional Treasury has been plundered of
a similar amount at the same time by
tho samo men. If this speech does
not open tho eyes of the people, wo
shall be greatly mistaken. Tho lacU
aro so ptila that all can understand
just how the frauds have been commit
ted, and Mr. Jcnks potntf out tho way
to provont thoir ropotilion.
The rtiiadelphia Prctt is "legging"
strongly Jor poor Blaine. But Cam
eron has 4oth by ,the tkruat, and both
the editors of that journal asd Mr.
Blaine will bo put on tl(oir good be
havior ia Cew days.
Tho ritubiirgli Cumtureiid thinks
that "while the railroad conpevuuis are
cutting each other's throats it's good
time to see tha country." Half fttre
make U nice riding. '
Tho exposures mado at Washington
b',- the various investigating ooininit-
t oos, causes a glow of shams to pass
over tbo face of many an honest Radi
cal, who did not believe half that was
told bint. The crimes committed by
the loaders of tho party in powor has
driven thousands of thoir friends out
of tho ranks. Somo of their loading
newspaper organs aro "in a swoat,"
while others are scolding like a fish
Read what tho Pittsburg Chronicle
has to say about the greatest and mean
osl swindle over perpetrated in this
country by its party friends. ' Hear
tho editor In question ' '
"Making due allowance for the po
litical complexion of tho committeo ap
pointed by tbo House of Representa
tives to iiivoslignta tho affairs of the
Froodman's Bank, tho Toport submit
tod portrays a pliaso of human nature
irum wuicu lair miliums uiuu 10,01.
Tho entire operations as revealed in
this report shows tbat tho concern was
manipuluteu by joromian isiuuiors,
an incnmnrnlB bodv of fitlso nretona-
os,' oracled upon the credulity of tbe
black man. Whether the men who
swindled tbe depositors may bo liken
od to goals or wolves, tbo rosull is all
tho game to tho depositors, who havo
been shorn like sheep. All doubt as to
improper conduct of the officers and
agonu of tbe bank is removed, it
shown that a tow mon divided up
amonir themselvoa and thoir friends all
tha money at thoir disposal. Under
the iruiso of friendship, and sympathy
for the black man, a tew men managed
to fix themselves on tbe finance Com
mil too, and onco in that position, they
put the earnings entrusted to their
keeping where they thought they
would do tbom tho most good. In one
inBtulico they loaned money on seouri
tiej which were known to bo worth
less. Here is a specimen of their trans
actions. Tho Actuary of the bank ac
cepted a half interest in a 1100,000
contract. Ho put no money in tho on
priso, ran absolutely no risks, assumed
no responsibilities, but he shared hull
tbe profits. Of course tho contractor's
paper was not sorutiiiiEod wbon sub
mitted to tho Board. Tho contractor
still owos tho bank 1144,000. The
worst feature in the wholesale swindle
perpetrated, perhaps is called the Son
eca Sandstono swindle, by which tbo
bank was robbed of U.',0U0. '
In a word, tho management of tho
bank was simply a stupendous confi
dence operation, but as tho operators
occupied a 'position in society,' and
had influential . frionds at thoir
sido, instead of being compelled to re
place the inonoy tnoy parceled out
among themselves and their friends, or
failing iu tbat to be prosecuted and
sent to prison, Ibey aro permitted to
go scott free.
A Hiculiurfeattiroin this r roedmnu s
Isanti swindle is tbe odor ol sanctity
and sniffling piety that pervaded the
management, i bo piety was not very
deep: it was surface piety: the kind
tbat burulus religious convictions loud
ly, as thin as veneer, say about twen
ty sheets to the inch. Like Mr. Ham
ilton Veneering, they absorbed all tbe
money that camo near them. Their
piety scorns to have bcon of tho sly,
mysterious, llliny pattern. Uur read-
ora may remember tbat ovcrything
that belonged to tho Vencerings was
bran new, oveu to the tuniiture, so
new that 'the surfuco smelt a little too
much of tho workshop and was a trifle
sticky.' The principal difference
between tho Venooriugs and the
managers of tho Frcodinau's Bunk ap
pears to lie in the fact that the belong
ings of the latter wero more than a
trifle slicky, since the money entrust
ed to them watt borno off impercepti
bly, as industrious bees carry off tbo
sweets of flowers.
The record ia a most shameful ono,
and the strenuous efforts that have
boon and are still made to saddle this
iniquity upoa tho Republican party,
should not and will not prevent re-
siiwctablo mon from denouncing it in
tbo terms it deserves. , '
The country is being ovorrun by a
gang of demagogues who profess to
take a great Interest in the welfare and
future prospect of the workingman,
though the great mojority of that, class
of roosters nevor did any work them
selvoa, nor thoy never will, no differ
ence how hard or good tho times be
come. Tho Harrisburg Patriot, in al
luding to tbeso political vormln, truth
fully says: ,
"VYorkingmen cannot bo too much
on their guard against tbo noisy mer
cenaries who assume to lead tbom
and obtain control of tho associations.
Those mercenaries whoso mouths are
constantly tilled with professions of
love and sympathy lor workingmen
aro lying in wait now for an opportu
nity to betray them to their en
emies. Tbe plan of tho campaign ol
tbeso Swiss has already been shadow.
ed forth, and it will be but a repetition
in a modified form of the game that
was played at Louisvilloin 17Z. After
tbo St. Louis Convention shall mako
its ifomination it will be followed by
an attempt to orgnnizo a third party
on the ground that tbo .candidate and
tlio plauorm are not satisfactory on
tbe currency question. Tbe bannorof
inflation will tie uuturlod and working
men will be asked to support a system
of irredeemable and depreciated cur
rency which porpoluallyrobs labor of
1UB UOUUIU WUgUB. tft 111 1014, Sll II1U
motive powor of this third party will
bo supplied bv tho Republican leaders
wbo will koop in the background,
while the mercenaries will endeavor to
fill their part of tbo contract by lead
ing tbs workingmen into tha camp of
tbo enemy,
forewarned is loruarpicd, An at
tempt to raise a third party in Penn
sylvania on the currunoy issued by
luring tlio mercenaries ol 17Z will not
succeed, for tho reason that in this
State tho inflation heresy has moro
supporters among tho Republicans
than among tlio Democrats. J. ho prac
tical effect would be to create a dun
gorous schism iq tha Republican party
of Pennsylvania and cuso 1,1)0 con
spiracy to recoil on its aufhois. Be
sides Ibis, tho mon who went to Louis
ville in I H71 to betray tbo Democratic
party, aro well known and thoir treach
erous purposos aro thoroughly under
stood. They cannot repeat the trick
of the last Prosidonliul election, no mat
tor what Portoan shano thev mav as-
sumo. Tha Democracy of Pennsylva
nia will bo lliorpuuuly united In tho
coming contouL In flip meantime it
will bet wall enough (or tljo working
men of the Htato to keep S lookout lor
tbo vonal wretches who are acoking
to trot control of thoir organisations in
order tho moro effoetually to botray
them. Remember tbe men who sold
out Grooloy and Buckalow to Grant
and Hartranft In 1872, Tbeso same
fellows are still around wailing their
opportunity to mako another bargain
with the cnomy." a
AwoyaNED. Tho Methodist Episco
pal li ononis Conferonos of tbo United
Slates, which has hefip fn session at
tuo Academy 01 Music, siamuinro, dur
ing tho entire month of May, adjourned
iiwJJy on the aist. Tbe Conference
joined lu singing tha hymn, "Blest be
too ;iie mat Bines. Disbop Janes
offered prayer, alter which Ihadoxolo-
gy was aung, th Wiodiclioo pro.
nmoud by Bishop Soott, and .lb Con
fareocs taVsii. at 14 o'olook . or. ad.
jouraed to meet in Cipouinatl in May,
IOOA . .. T i
In the Legislature ot 1872, which
was Republican, a Committee, a ma
jority of whom wero Republicans, wero
culled upon to luvostlgato tbo "crook
ednoas" of railroad officials and corpor
utiiino. Amonir tho witnesses sub-
E reused was J. Don. Cameron. At first
0 refbsed to obey tho subpoena, fondly
Imagining tbat ho owned or controlled
the Lcirislttture and its Committees.
He afterwards attempted to evade tbo
service of another subpoena, but an at
tachment brought bun to bis senses
It was developed through that Com-
luiltoo, and unanimously reported to
the llouso, that In tbo inuinou 01 tax.
ino- Rail Road cormirations, (by thi
connivance of Goueral Hurlrantl, then
Auditor General,) the Bute Treasury
bad been dutraudud out ot about ,
000,000. Tho principal party to this,
as shown by tlio Report, wus tho K
C. R. R. Co., of which Don. Cameron
was President. In fact tho road paid
the Stuto of Marylund annually $'",-
000. for thirty-six miles ot roud, ami
tbo State of Pennsylvania only $115,211
annually on 199 miles of road. No re
turn was made lor the taxes uuu uj
law except that on capital stock,
which was only 89.238. nor any rea
son given why tho tuxes were with
Let Camkbon explain ! I Blooms
burn Columbian,
Well, it will bo In onjur now for the
now Secretary of War, to riso and ox
plain. If not, Mr. Clymer's committee
may be called upon to put up another
ot tho Bclhnsp grade, or, it may bo
come necessary for Congress to re-enact
a voto of censure similar to that of
1802, which involved the innocot father
in so much odium for investing in red
herring and straw huts, for war pur
poses. But, then, that's rescindod
according to the Credit Mobilier Con
gress. . .. .
It seems that certain persons, whose
motives are not hard to understand,
aro ycry busy misrepresenting my po
sition on tbo so called Doom bill during
tho session of tho Legislature. Tbo
report of the House Committee in the
investigation was so manilustly unl'uir
and untruo, as has been shown by a
score or more ot members wbo, in open
session of the "House, corrected the re
port of tbo committee, lbeur bung
ling report rendered it necessary tor
tbo senate to take some action to as
certain if any illegal means had been
used in tbat body to pass tho bill or
defeat it, or if any of iu members bad
boon engaged in tbo samo. According
ly a resolution to investigate was offer
ed by Senator Dunkol, of Philadelphia,
and Messrs. Dunkel. strung and Law
renco, Republicans, and Monsra. Hill
and Allen, Democrats, tbo lattor the
principal champion of the bill in the
aenaui, wore appointed, iiiis com
mittee, alter nearly two weeks ot ef
fort, fuilod to find any testimony to
oorroborato the testimony of Andre
against mo, but tboy aucceodud in elic
iting tho lact that neither Dry, Wan
uer nor Miller had any conversation
with me whatever on tho boom bill,
notwithstanding tbe report of tbo
llouso Committee indicated that from
tho testimony of these men 1 had cor
ruptly solicited them. Conrad swears
that 1 did not oiler turn anytbinir or
intimate that ho could get anything
tor bis voto, and that 1 simply told btra
what the common talk was, aud Geis-
elman, whose statement is hereto ap
pended, utterly repudiates tbo report
f tha House Committee. After the
preliminary rexirt ot the Bcnule Com
mittco was read, and tho Senate refus
ing to take any further action in the
matter, I moved for tho appointment
of a secial committee to thoroughly
investigate my particular case. This
waa grunted, and tho President tiro
ton of tbo Sonato, named Messrs. An
derson, ot Allegheny, Crouso, of Phila
delphia, and Lemon, of Blair, Republi
cans, and Kaglo, of Philadelphia, and
Stanton, of Luzorue, Democrats. Mr.
Stanton, on account of other engage
ments, (lecliuod to serve, and thus left
the committee consisting of three Re
publicans and ono Democrat j tbe lat
ter, a Pbiladelphian, who was not
overly kindly disposed towards me be
cause in tbe conscientious discharge of
my duty I found it necessary to voto
against certain Philadelphia enter
prises. Alter searching for ono week,
during which timo one of the mem
bers ot tbo committoo was beard to
say, "it they could Unci anything
aguinst Buyer they would givo him
b II, and In which time they vainly
searched for a witness to corroborate
tbo testimony of Andre, and they wero
compelled to report that the testimony
was not sufficient to justify a charge of
bribery, but tbat it was undignified to
spoak in any other but a grave and
serious manner about legislation, as it
lowered the dignity of the position to do
so. Ol Temporal Ol Mores I 1 am
not of tbo class wbo doom it necessary
to bido what little light 1 havo under
a bushel of gawkcynoss or some stupid
conceit of my personal dignity, or,
wbal would be still worse asinine, the
dignity of a Senator. Dignity don't
consist in being a Senator nor tbo du
ties that absolutely portnin to it, it is
"Worth makes the man, tha want of It the fellow,
And au the rest is lestber and prnnella."
I havo soon dignified fiddlers, shoo.
makers, carters, butchers, tailors nnd
evon a vory dignified doctor, and I
havo scon philosophers and vory learn
od men without dignity. I think that
true dignity cousisls in virtuo, Infor
mation and power to diffuse, apply and
mako tbat information useful to our
fellowmon of hiirh or low dcirreo. Par
don this digression. It may bo foolish,
and I confess it is, to notice or talk to
old fools liko Andro, but it can hardly
oo raucu unuigninou. nut this com
mittoo failing to find anything to lusti
ly tho chargo of bribery, could not
refrain In their partiian teal from giv
ing mo a shot, and thus muiMnty their
own importance,
11 is not generally linderstood that
those Investigations are conducted liko
cases before a grand jury, where tosti-
mony on mo one side is only admitted.
excepting tho statement of tho party
accused, and, therefore, I could not of-
Icr testimony tojnrovo my position on
the boom bill. This was well known
by tho smlrcbors wlion they trumped
up this chargo against me. It is truo
that I could have demanded a trial at
tho bar of tho Senate it tho commitlop
bad succeoded In finding a chargo
against me, but tailing in that, 1 could
not get iu the testimony of mon with
wnom 1 was intimate, and wbo bad
overy opportunity ot knowing my po
sition on this bill. Tbo sovorsl state
ments I hero offer have been volunta
rily given to mo by the persons whoso
nan" they bear. Mr. Tlmmaa fs a
Senator from tho Clariop diet riot, and
occupied a scat next lo me in the Sen
ato. Mr, t'olilian Is a Senator from
Schuylkill county, and sat immediate
ly ia iruiit of me bo boarded at tho
samo hotel, and ato at tho samo table
wbon Bt Harrisburg. Mr. Randall is
an ex-Sonstor from Schuylkill county.
Messrs. Achoubaob and Nhugort are
Representatives from Clinton and Cpn
tro counties, in this Senatorial district,
and both as puro men as livo. Mr.
Uonry represents tbs first Kris dis
trict, Is a Domocrat, and a man of irre-
phisSchiirbla charaT'or, and vory popu
lar at homo,' as his vote U; that Repub
lican stronghold proves. ai.N eiy"
is a Republican Representative irohv
Forest county, a lawyer by profession.
and a very Industrious and honorable
man. Mr. Jraskaobury, or Butquehan
nbcounty,TVhOisaaUepiibicivo,ln a very
sterling man, always at his post, and
i.nUr ll e.ut. la iminirnnj
Hiiunwmi 1 " mm o n
Mr. Carey, of Chester county, repre
sents the Phoenixville district; Is a
quiet, careful man, who would not put
..' - V t..l o. ,...1
uis nanio w anytoing s"1 - '
true. iu ami nut wti'a "-"ft" -phy
of these men, I BimpTy wish to
mention woo tucy are, " p"-
lio in reading their cards can judgo
fairly, and also comniiinl',alo with
(f' nl,n. 1 fliwm ft lltl-
lllvill n.imw, a --
'necessary to publish a card from Col.
Hartshorn, uui wiiiiouicoiiouiunguiiii,
n.f..f. oil tmrtii.a tn In ruloronoe to
my pooilion on this particular measure.
"users Cuiesse, April IS, lTS.
Ooeupylng the seel adjoleiog thlt r 8atar
Boyer, we of oourso bad souie eonrersalioo is
nferenoe lo Tarioas bills. as Ibey were lireeenled,
among whlrh was the Boom IUH. alwaye
told ma Ibat be was in faror of iu passage, and
be voted far It, when tt was up before tbe tieuate.
y, v- i nonsn.
1ft Beaalortel lilstriot.
Ilotisa or RarnssaaTsTivss )
lUaaieanao. May s. IHTS. I
In all my oonvsnalioae with Ssaater Uoyer, on
tbe eulijrot of tbs Boom BUI, bs nsver uttered a
word tbat ejuuld leed me to believe that be whs
uofriendly to its tisesags. on the eontrsry, I
believed then, ai I believe now. thai be was in
favur uf It. 1 be faot ot bis moving and advoost
tng tbe owpromlee edouted in tbe Beoate,
strengthened Ibu impression.
Ileum or RarssseerATirea, I
. Uanausiial. May 4, IBrfl. I
Dr. T. 3. Bayer, Senator, bin llaviog tosd
frequent conversations with you on matisrs before
tbe LegiiUlure I do not reeolleot of any sneoiel
or positivs oonversatiwej on tbo so ealled Boom
Hill, but from all tbe eensral aoaversstiun it was
my decided opiaioa tsiat you was in ftior of tbe
tiessege of tbe bill, us amended on your motion
n tbe Senate, 1 eanuot otrtoinly form any olber
opinion from all my knowledge of your position
on una out.
fours Truly, OfO. A. ACIIKN1IACH.
' !UBBllBrno, May ft. Is7fl.
from repealed avnesrsslions, with Senator
Bovar, and from bearing hies eiurers himself in
reference to thopsssage of tbe Bourn Bill from day
to dsy whils 11 bill was under dlssusslon, ws srs
certain from sll we beard, tbat Mr Boyer. was
sincerely ant positively m Invar of tbe passage of
tbe bill. Wi deem tnis dus to mm oeleiving tbat
be bas been gromy mtirrpresented.
... J. P. COLUMN,
P. 0. CAH.KV,
P. 1). IU0MAB, (
From tie report of the eouimlltee of inreitige
tlon anpoloted by tbe Mouse of Representative!
le inveitiHate the ebarges of corruption in the
nessaga ol geneta bill No. 21, known as tbs
"boom hill, it appears tbat I ass offered money
by iSenslor Boyer to vote againlt tbe penege at
said bill, to place neneior ueyer Ban myeeu
right before tbe nubllo, 1 take tats method of oor
reoting any and all mistakes that mey grow out
of ioiereneoe drawn from tbe report of aa.d com
mitteo 1 would elele that ail Senator Uoyer
said lo ma was: "flow are yon on tbe booi
bill V 1 seid I was for tbe bill, tbe seine as I
was Isit year. To whirb Uoyer replied, "All
right." Tbie is is sahiunoa all tbat ocoarrod be
tweea Boyer and myself.
IMsibi. Oriiblmsr
Tbe testimony of Mr. Conrad, wbo
was relied on to corroborate tho story
of Andro, may sorve to enlighten those
who wero so anxious to convict mo,
and who seem to havo no other mode
of elevating themselves, only in some
persons ruin. Ibis testimony was
,;ivcn by Mr. Conrad to tbo Senate
Committoo after culm thought and re
flection. This man's testimony was
shamefully misstated by tho House
ti. Voa arc a msmber of tbe Hooee of Renrei
Utiles' A. Yss.
U. Hsve yen any nereoaal knowledge of any
corrupt means being osed to procure tbe passage
or aeieat oi tne boom mil r A. neil, loaa f eg.
aetly say that 1 bavc.
(J Have you any knowledge or any persons
baring attempted to Inflaenoe tbe votes of mem
bers by nadue meens the offer of money f A
Well, waa in conversatioa with Mr. Beyer in
regard to tbe boom uneillopi be esked me how I
felt on the boom question) I told him 1 was io
Ibvor of tbs bill 1 told bim I voted for tbe bill
last winter and Intcailed to vote for it again:
then be said that tbero was maney in it j that
tnry were paying two hundred dollars now and
two hundred dollars af ter the bill was defected
for votes sgalml tbe bill.
g. That they were be didn't say tbat be
would? A. I laid that lhay were paying; tbat
was about ail tna conversation, I thloo.
Q- Von mean Senator Boyer t A. Tec
Q. Where did tble eonveraatlou take nlecer
A. Orer in the llouss at my seat.
Q. Wbrn was tt at what itas-s in tbs passasrc
of the bill' A. After it bod pasaed second read.
u. 1 naderitand yon to Bay tbat nil ba Bald
was that tbey were paying money for tbe defeat
of the boom bill 1 A. Yes.
Q. He mode you no offer of money f A. No
any moro than tbeec words.
u. Thai la aU you know la connection with
any corrupt means ussd to past ordsfeat the bilif
A. I bed come conversation, of course, but net
of any eoaeequeeee tbat 1 thought,
I will be glad to answer any and all
questions, but give notice that 1 will
pay no attention to anomymous wri
Wasuinuton. I). C, Juno 6, 1876.
Now that Blaine's candidacy is out
ot the question, the Kcptiklicans are in
a quandary. Only m very small pro
portion ot tbe "regulars" want Brislow
at any price, as he ia not considered
sufficiently loyal. Morton has render
ed tho party oxoellont service by wav-
pg tho blood-stained undergarment:
and bia radicalism is unquestioned,
But ho is not personally popular, and
bo is considered, evon by many of bis
friends, to bo unavailable as a candi
date. ThoSouthorn Republicans would,
of course, voto solidly tor him ; but ho
would be a miserable failure before tho
people of the North and West. Conk
ling is by no means a favorite ; but the
strong probability is that ho will get
tho nomination. Tho Republican lead
ors know that the candidato of cither
Sarly that gets the 35 elcctrol votes of
lew York, next November, will be
the 13th President of tbe United States.
They know that the candidate of neith
er party can reasonably hoo to bo
olected icifAouf1 tbe voto ot Now York.
Thoy know that lending Democrats
from ono end of tho countiy to tho
other, bave got lo understand that fact,
and are, ono after another, abandon
ing their respectivo favorites, and
frankly avowiug their preference, un
der tbo circumstances, for Samuel J.
Tildon, tho present Democratic (lover
ernor of New York, and tho strongest
man in the State of oither party. Til
den's strength is so great that bo was
elected by a majority of moro than 50,
000 votes over the, Republican candi
date, Governor Dix, who had been
elected, two years before, by a majority
of more than 53,000 votes, and waa, by
all odds, tho best and the most popular
Kcpublican Governor tho State ever
had. A gainst a man who thus changed
more than 103,000 votes in his favor,
while running against an opponent of
raro ability and unexceptionable char
acter, it will bo indispensable to any
show of success for the Republicans,
tbat thoy nomlnato that man of their
party who has tbe most strength in
Now York. Conkllng has been, for
years, dispensing Federal favors all
over the Stato; and, if ho has not
mado many friends, ho has, at least,
many political adherents. The inflii
onco of tho Administration would also
be freely used In bis favor ; and, alto-
f oilier, he ia perhaps, tho best man the
lepiiblloans oould nominate with refer
ence lo carrying tha Kmpiro citato,
It bas been ascertained hero that
noithor Gov. Tildon nor any of his
friends had any knowledge whatever
of tho circular recently sent out by
an advertising agency, offering to pay
for the publication ot newspaper ex
tracts favoring 'filden's nomination.
Tbs circulars were sent to many punors
known to bo opposod to Gov. Tildon j
and tbo firm of advertising agents, of
which that moat Radical ot Radical
Republicans, Petroleum V. Nasby, Is a
member, decline to say who employed
them, or whether thoir employers are
Henuhlicana or Democrats.
PTMtAltEftt KEaa.
Tbs country Is walcbjr'tt wilh In
tense interost the courss rff tbo ty0.'te
Committee which U invtrntgatintfttrs
chsrpo preferred against Mr. Kerr.
Tlio Republicans hope to sou tlio Demo
crulio Plumbers of the Committee and
ol the House speuk and uct with iiarli.
a lily towurd Mr. Kerr, uud would be
delighted lo see tho Democratic press
of the country prejudge the oaso, abuse
tho witness, Iltirnoy, and affirm it to
be impossible that Mr. Kerr oould have
committed thecriinu and blunder with
which bo is charged. - 1 urn happy to
be able to any, however, that all the
leading Democrats hero, in and out ot
Congress, abstain fium expressing an
opinion on Mr. Kerr's guilt or inno
cence. '1 bey all, including Mr. Kerr a
friends, suy, "Tho House is investigat
ing thorconduct of public men, irrespec
tive of party." We ure, of course, sorry
to see Sir. Kurr arraigned j but duty
lo the Democratic uti ty, and u still
higher duty to tho country require
from the Democratic House an inves
tigation so conducted that it will stand
the ritrictcst scrutiny. If Mr. Kurr is
found guilty, tho Committee must so
report, uueipiivocully. If the ovidonoo
turns out to he conllictipg, so Hint they
will not know how to decide, they
must publish the evidence in full, thut
the peoplo may juiltte lor themselves,
Above all, they must not follow in the
wuuo ol the ifcpuhiicuns, and bully
the witness aguinst Mr. Kerr,
It is L'nilityinir in be able lo record
tho fact tbat tbo Democratic Press of
the country is, as a gonurul tiling, pur.
suing the proper course. The most
influential lieiuociutio pujiers in tbo
country nay, substantially, in regard to
Kerr's timo, ' Lot us bave tho facts, no
mutter who is hurt." And that is
right. All the expositions of Congress
of the manifold rascalities of the Re
publicans will go for nothing will
count against us if wo show tho
slightest disposition lo screen mun of
our party.
In his remarks in the Senute, sitting
as a Court ol impeachment, yesterday,
Malt Carpenter, tho senior counsel for
Itolknap, was, as usuul, impertinent
und lisrosioetfiil to the members of
tho Court, indirectly charging thorn
with tho inteiiliou of not according to
his client a fuir trial. Many Senators
sut uneasily under bis insinuations
and Judgo Thurman, of Ohio, was
noticeably annoyed. Just at the close
of the proceedings, Judgo Ihiinnan,
in the course of a few remarks, suid,
pointing towurd Carpenter. "The
Somite lias been treated with scant re
spect, and the law with leas." Seeing
that the Judgo wus unnoyed, tarpon
ter wulked over, and putting ono bund
good-nuturcdly oti Thurnutn s shoulder,
extended tbo other for a shake, at tho
same time saying something inaudible
lo persons in tbe galleries. 1 burman
ret used to extend bis bund ; but Car.
pouter kept on talking, and, filially,
wilh gentle lorco secured possussion of
it, and shook it heurtily. thurman
wus evidently still angry, and. with
drawing bis hand, begun talking and
gosliciilattng earnestly, Iienuently
bringing bis fist down on his dusk, in a
very empbatiu manner. Carpenter
finally turned and spoke to Senator
. or wood, ol ticorgia, und subsequently
returned to Thurman, nnd placing his
hand on his (IhuroiansJ shoulder,
again begun talking pleasantly. 1 bur-
man rather gruffly shook it olf, and
Curpcnter, evidently despairing of mol
lifying him, turned awuy. . This little
scene was with a good deal
of interest from the reporter's gallery.
1'iiii.Aiiti.i'iiiA, Juno 5, 18"G.
Tho nearnvHs of -the meeting of tho
Republican Convention, at Cincinnati,
is my excuse for writing of the condi
tion of political affairs in this city, right
upon the ev ol that important trainer.
ing. The most sincere friend and ad
vocate of Senator Conkllng, in the
Centennial oily, is William II. Kemhle,
ox-treasurer of Pennsylvania. For
fully ono year Mr. Kemblo bus thought
the wisest thing tlio Kupuhlicnns could
do would bo to nominate Mr. Conkling,
yet notwilhstrnding this, and his pro
test against passing tbe administration
of the Stato into Democratic hands by
tlio nomination of Gov. Hartranft at
Cincinnati, Mr. Komble was elected a
national delegate without opposition.
ben. liingbam, lately post master ot
our city, is another delegate; bis first,
last and only choice is Blaine ; and in
tbe event of tbo Mains candidato win
ning tbe sceptre, Queen Victoria will
moke tbo acquaintance of the hand
somest diplomat this country over sent
lo the Court ot St- James.
Outside of those two gentlemon, the
other ten delegatus to Cincinnati are
practical men truo to Jlartranft who,
it tbey fail to mako him tbe nominee,
will go down with him with colors fly
ing. When thoy come up it will bo to
mako things lively, and to aupiwrt only
that ticket which in their jadgment is
is most likely to bring victory in No
vember. If tbe twelve delegates, from Phila
delphia bad the framing of a Republi
can ticket it would be thus: For
President. Gen. Rutherford B. Haves.
of Ohio, for Vico President, Hon.
Itoscoe Conkling, ol Aew lork.
Louis Victor Annstoad Henry, born
March 10th, 1707, at Cherbourg,
France, and a veteran of tbe first ot
Napoleon's army, is tho liveliest old
gentleman of 109 years now visiting
tbo Exhibition.
The jewelry in tho French depart
ment is vuluod at $250,000.
There is a chandelier made of meer
schaum and amber, in tho Gorman de
partment, which cost $0,000.
Cotton bolls in full bloom attract at
tention. '
Tho paying admissions on Decora
tion day numbered 41,111, the larirest
of any day sinco the opening.
A mosaic portrait ol iron. Washing
ton wortli 115,000 is now in tho Art
Gallery. It is the gilt of L. A. Gul-
lanilt, ol Homo, to tho city ol 1 liilu-
What is to become of the Centennial
ice cream saucers utter tho Exhibition
is over T they aro too small for cult
ivates, and not deep enough lor salt-cellars.
Tho extraordinary demand for wood
cock at tho French restaurant, by en
lightened r.nglislimcn, and epicurean
Frenchmen, has creuted a corner in
squabs. Tho American dincron wood
cock is aware that a nno ot 1 10 is im
posed for each bird killed prior to July
1st, and he enjoys a lauirr. at tho ex
pense of his French nnd Knglish cous
ins, In their unstinted praise ol wood
cock, alias young pigeons.
Tho I'.venino star has these praiso
worthy words, concerning the Enhibi
lion. They aro so just, that I tttko it
they will meet tho approval of every
fair-minded editor in tho land.
"Day aftor day tho immensity,
grandourand elegance of tbo wondrous
aggregation of works of art and science
aro moro and moro strikingly assorted.
no man possessed ol a modicum of tho
spirit of fairness can speak in any
oinor man praiseworthy terms or the
Coiifcnnial. f p lew errors have been
made and it is not denied that such
has been tho ease they havo bcon
promptly repaired by tho management.
As lar as it is complete, it is, if not
absolutely perfect, at least so far stipo
rior to ovcrythintr of tho kind vet at
tempted In the world, that Instead of
finding foil t, it shnnld bo tho endeavor
of every man who claims to bs an
American ci 1 1 ion and who Is possessed
of a single spark of palriotio prido, to
aid in proclaiming tho fact.
All wbo can should see It. it is the
greatest school sver opened up to tho
American people. Tbero is not a
singlo exhibit that has not an instruct
ive lesson for marly every visitor : not
d'niooo of machinery that does not
teacn somctning usNig; pot a wnrk of
art thut Is not culculiited to elevate
and rullno, It should bo the aim and
object uf overy writer for the public
press to bave these happy liiniiencus
exerted upon the greatest possible
number of our people,
ll there be errors Iu management,
do not exaggerate them. Mole hills
should not be magnified into moun
tains. II mistakes have crept lu lot
them be pointed out with a kindly
spirit, and not with one that glories in
pulling down rut her than building up
this superb und confessedly successful
'i'huro Is only a fig leaf's difference
between French and Ainericun flno
art, as represented at our great Exhi
bition. Hundreds ol nude figures ol
men und boys ure displayed lo tbe
cure of the multitude of men, women
und children, who visit tho French scu
tum. The French urlish does hour, u-
tilulu his murblo slutuo, but gives the
ngiiru in us entirely; the more mod
est American sculptor vivisects his vic
tim und theu bides his deloriinty bo
nciith a fig-leaf.
There died in this city, almost hull'
a century ago, a plum uud unpretend
ing limn, Whose litslu lor the beautiful
wus lu hutipy con trust with the artis
of to-day, whoso skill is "to benulll
iiiunkiml by nil exhibition ot it utou
Centennial. This plain man whose
inline will be honored until the cud ol
timo, is none olber than .Stephen Gi
rard, and if the iniirble statute thai
sluiids ubove tbo sucrcd Burcopliugiis,
which contains his remains, could be
set up in the Mum Exhibition building
in coiilrusl wilb the chiseled marble ol
187U, a lesson would be tutighl man
kind that would prove of benefit.
This slutue of Girurd wus made in
accordance with bis instructions, iriven
before bis death, and is habited in coul,
vest, punts and boots, rcpresuiiiativu
of those worn by him while living.
There is a natural simplicity and beau
ty about it which causes the father
and mother to long linger at, with
thoir sons and daughters ; they regard
it as a thinir of bcautv : but the art
connoisseur wbo regards a nuked figure
as tho perlectionol art, doubtless turns
scorntully away from it, and wonders
why all mens' taste can't riso to the
classic beauty ot a lig loaf.
Closino in on Sitting Bci.t..
Three columns of troops are advanc.
ing Irom as many different directions
upon the hostile Sioux under Sitting
Bull, who is reported to be in camp
with three thousand braves, near the
Little Missouri river, in Dakota. This
movement indicates a plan to surround
those troublesome Indians aiid admin
ister to them a salutary lesson. Gen.
oral Terry commands the main expe
dition, which Is moving west Irom
Fort Lincoln, General Custer accom
panying him at the head of bis own
regiment of cavalry. General Gibbon
leads a considerable lorco ot infantry
and cavalry east Irom Port Kins, Mon
tana, and General Crook, the most sue
cpsslul Indian fighter of all, heads an.
other column, which is to march from
Fort Jjintinio northward. If these
different forces mako dose connections
Sitting Bull will have to face tho mil
sio, and fight with the certainty of be
ing badly whipped, for his warriors
are encumbered by their Inmilics, nnd
running away will not bo au easy
A young man in western Wiscon
sin, who was about to bo married the
olber day suddenly remembered thai
bo hadn t fed his horse, and tho re
mony bad to wuit until tho horse hnil
been cared for. IU explained thut a
goon horse could t be found every day
while thirteen different girls wanted ti
marry bim.
Thirteen men were injured by on
explosion ot sulphur in the rhoeniic
rurk l olliery, at 1'ottsville, recently
three ol whom, named Cavuiiaiih, Dor.
mcr and Williams, are not expected to
recover. It ia said tho disaster was
caused by tbo nso of an oxposcd lump
There are six brothers named Dil-
Icr in Hanover, York county, Pcnn'a.,
w bono aggrceato woiirht is 1G49 pounds.
They weigh respectively 282, 279, 271,
-0i, zbU, and zuu.
All pcreoni arc berehv csutioned areinst par-
basing or in any way meddling witb 18 coal bank
was-uni and S mutes, now In the nocaeailon of H
J. Hughes s Co., at Reeding Colliery, near
Osceola, as said property belongs to ni and has
been len is tbe potfeiiion of laid Richard J.
llugbec A Co., at our plesrore, subject to cur
onier i.n Kiiunr ukos io.
rtoctsdsle, Jane T, ISTS ll.
Nr-tioa Is beret. v giren tbat Lctlrri of Ad
mlnletredou on the estate of CATHERINE
RAHUKH, late of Dradford towaehin. Clearfield
county, Pa., dee'd, heving been duly granted to
me anarmgneo:, an persons indeotea to sei1
aetata will pleaee wiole immediate payment, and
those having etalma or demanua will nreaent
out delay. g. A. CA LOW ttl.t,.
mem property autneniieaien tor eeoiemont wila.
illiamagrevo. Juac T, 76-St. Adm r.
There will ba etpoeed to publie aala. at the
lata realdeace or vavid Laaanerry, Seoaaied, In
laawrenoe townablp, Cleerleld oownty, Pn4 os
Teeeday. June T, INTO,
at 1 o'clock p.m. tbe following ncreonsl property.
to wil : Two Horses, ons two horss Wegoa, one
eat or double llarneii, ona n ind Mill, two year,
ling Calreo, four Kbeep, one Harrow, ono Plow,
Cutting Dos, drain Cradle, Reythe and Rneatb
Timber Sled, Cross cut Hsw, Broad At, three
rluvel, Cuib.iard, Meal Che. I, Iron Keltic, Drear
Kettle, unnd stone, lot of Chairs, beds and bed
ding, n lot of Carpet, and other articles of boms
boldsnd klteben furniture.
Terms made known on dey or sole.
June 7th, 18711-St. Adminiilrslur.
H? virtu of as order of th Ornh-ni' Court ol
CrartUld nonntr, tS nndrlrnli AdminulrtvUr
of th mUI ol WillUia Buabtuisn, IsUof Pnnn
owBibip, 4m d, will toll at nuM.e ), m th
prftaiirt. in th .Hag. f Pennvill. Paid town-
Oip, OB
WfrfitrMlar. June H. IhIB,
at I o'clock p. n. i til that erUia lot of (roand
auoai ia in Tiiiafg-aor runtmii rrttsi, latr
t.tiUIa nld dd. knnwi Mth TannffT
lot, and binj drwrlbfij aa fullowi ; Itoginninsr
at a eortifr of lot No. 1, Moon inn to Klu-h
rant no ihenoo north by ta tornplht ! (ft ;
thonot waot by lot of Krai tat H-phurn 60 Irrt;
i ham aat by tarn 81 frt to plaoo of baa i a nine.
minlalnint on-1 on Ha of aer moro or lea, and
kii''B a lu! No. I and B in general plat of a,l
Tuna.! or Km. Ott-l.atf th rnrhM mob
oh on eonflimation of Ml, th talano la an
Tar rrom aat ot aala, to lattar paymoat with
niami, io o aoouroa n bond and nimtft( n
lb promlFM, n M. . JUIINHTUN,
May 24, AdmioWlrtior.
g(T 1 OO L"ST A TKMEN f-
Ptttamaot of th School fa td of th boroutrh
of CIarAldt for th rar ixltoc Juo lit, 1876 :
llAsiO JOKNftoa, TRIUm pit.
T btl da a r A ad I tor' rport
or 117 9M It
To amount af dnplioat of 1876 t.ifto tt
io amount ot Liquor rini tf IH.W J2& atf
To fttaooDt of Ut tppronriatioa 401' 14
1,661 6il
To aaoant of duplit! for 167$..
1,0.6 61
A.64t 67
lly Order rrdotd . m 67
uy nr pr Knu aiiontd tat tajr oa
ll.6HT.26 64 66
By diipllnto la hand of J. MoCtollaa... 6 Ot
By Tyrat. par at. at I par ooal, ot
H.IiJ 44 .i 130 M
By adrvrtiitni oinon , f
By Audi ion' fra 6 00
liy Max. of oat Duphoat HH 6 00
11; baJ ano duo Hohooi UUiriot 1,1 41 26
Total $M4I 67
V. th andrl(nil A nil (or of' Oloarflild
horfut;h, bar oaajniBod lb foriroiag twwant of
BohtHrl fuad, and And ail itaUmoat aarraat. and
I mm n on !, ireaaaror or t aarfeald kvHuih
thai thr I da fro th aa.d Troaiurar, th
oa oi .vanij-on aaaarM and rorlT-tfhi dol
lar! (63.U ftod la addiUoa t that thar I
la th band ta th band of John MaClollan tor
oolkvltoa. mvm aaadrad aad atitv aittht da I lira
and tw aau ($Jft6.i), part of tha Daplkata of
v. u hibu,
CUarlaUs Jam T, 1676 11. Aad I tor.
Any party baring tua lo uf it Look ll.vii,
van bav ihiu MtnulsMittir') at th ion-rat r'a
anil io 1 nit brat man liar by anil ing at fit riw
Mtllof Ti.oni, 6Ui ty'u., Wir TI, it oo a
llavoii.Pst K. M1AW.
laHwh llrn, April 26. IU 7 6-3 in,
J Lli.MJiril CITY, PA. I
1 li u.Hlt'raisfiituJ atintiunoe tu hi old ir lentil
and pairona liial fa hut icnd a good lino ol
Uiuu Mill.!. A riiuv iniw.n at tn oiu iiauti
ol Kirk A oianor, fur which b wliaita a liberal
patrrnaic H. W. Hl'K.NCKH.
bumiaar my, r., jnaraa l
All pron ar hrhy oautlned attaint!
tiirrbatthg or ia any uatinar mvdilling with
lark itmr iid colt.l blark burrv.and a fair rati,
not ii. itta pHaialun of 1. 41 tt If, W llri(r. of
liradlurd luwnalii..a th aaiu wa purufaaaiMi by
at" at Htn rfl ' aalt) un tit aitb of May, and ta
laft in tli ibtm uii luaa only. aalirt t mi urdar
at ntiv tut.. H. LA N rillrellKi, br.
irall.rl Mny 81. I7ii-3l
S- 'I K A M K A WM I U.7k m N K
1 1. ui.d rlfnd oflrr for fair o raarifoadl
Irtui. ibir vlraai h in HI, lucatrd at Waltao
Inn, Clrflirll Co., Ta. Ibr eiiftitia and Iwilart
ai a ginil a naw. Th all uf trornrin ti
I U.'4, aud U In good running ordrr. Tliy will
aUo tt-U 'litlr 'bliiglfl nl lath tnill, and all tbe
win-king machinery Id th tnill. Pttrllo wiablng
to purebaao eaa rail a or addr
ClrariVI.I. 't . Jun nil, IH75.
1" (7US -A T-E"ti ' lOdE A SE
A Luiubr-r Yard IB I'hiladvlphia, at Ilia June
lion of I ha Norfiiiooa If ran. h uf lb Haading
H illmad aud Ut"a.l ltt. It haj a turn-oul
fn;ta th rmlruad Into tho yard, ia nol'Hl
with a -bgb board lne and baf abundant
h-vdding Un lumber. Thr I a b"kdoMp
n w brick tvuil.ling on th property, aooitu
ing of wt-ll I ut abed ooloa wilb a Imigm 6r.
proof aafa built to alalionary, wah alaod. A ,
and d wall i DC over offioa fur huiirriotandf nt. An
atocllrnt rtil bumaaai hut bnan dun In tbia
yard. It 1 ia au iraprorlng aaighburhood, aad
applioaliua to baitie ti all that i aerrary to
iniur Hetcii, Aj-pl t
.UM KH 8, MAftON A TO ,
140 Kortb Fraat itreat. PliiUd'a.
my IT 4.1.
Clearfield, Peuu'a,
Hrprrtvant all th landing Fir 1 Dim ra tie
Coaipaair of tb country :
.. 0,1)00,0110
.. 6, 7 4. 2 14
.. S,iMt,4.,J
Koyal Canadian
Lloui, New York H....H
Lysoming, Muncy,
Franklin, l'hilad'a.
Hbn-nii, Hartford
Ilanorrr, Nw Vrk
H.nne, Col . O.
Ada, Hartford
PiOiiilit0, WMLilijIot.....
Perron abont .8Vcting aa iaaaraao on prop
erty of any hind, rbouhl call at our office, on
Market afreet, opposita tb Court Jlouae, and aer
oar lit of companies and rata before Injuring
ClearSvId, Pa., Oct. 17,
K0II0.N8, .
BO0T3, ;
B II 0t3,
Market Street, t lrsrflclit, Pa.
Fell. IS. 187(l lf
SherilT's Sale.
By rirtu of aundry writ of Fieri Va ta
eued oat of th Court of Ccaunoa Plea of Clear
field oounty. and to m directed, tbero will b
xpoted lo pulHf nale. at the Court llouae. in b
borough of t'learfinld, oa Mun lay. the l?th dav
of Juno, l7, at I o'olock p. m.j tb fol
lowing deacribed roal eatftte, to wil:
AH that certain lot or piore of ground aol houa
tttuau ia t'ika twp., CI.arflM l'o.. Pa.. b andd
aad deaoribed a fwllnwi ; l.eginning at a poat ;
tbfnoe by land of ilham HuldanaUt dtgre
aat 29 porcbea to a pual ; theare by land of Z
McNaol notb il degrw wart 9 6-It) perofae U
a port t thane by 2. McKaul north 13 degreo
waat 14 pa it baa to a post by road ; tbeaoa by the
road aorLb 11 degreaa eat Ifi .)t pa re be t a
poat and plao of beiinaios, euntaiuinf S acree.
being a part of a Urge tract of Uad containing
1 46 acre mora or leu, and boiag part of tb taatc
premiass which Robert Ra, High Sheriff of
Clearfield eointy, by dead beating data tb fint
day of Uoeeinbrr, t34, grantod and oonryd to
Joha laaia aa tb proprrtr ol ttotiert Aakey.
8eitad, taken In aiooutioa and to ba told a the
properly of John Oault.
Taaaa or Sai.b.- Th price or turn at ableb
th pniparty shall be itrach off null b paid at
tb time of talc, or autrh other arrangement aaad
aa will be apprurcd. therwte th property will
be imnediataly put up and aol-J atHa at th i
paa and riK of lb proa to whom U war
atinek 00, and who, ia oat of dHeinoy at Mob
ratal, ah all aak good lb aam, and la a
initano will th Deed be preaenfod ia Court tut
ooolrmatioa oalvaa tb money it artaally paid to
tb tsberiff, W. K. iaci'ULllso.N,
hHKRirr'a Orrin, ) b bar iff.
Clearfleld, Pa May 10, 1676.
. A
mAJnardtd the HirhfKi .Vrfl i
fie nna.
SHI Urosdway, New York,
(0. Mstrcpcllua llotsl), - .
MANuracTraaBS, luronmni asn bbalrbb ir
Album. Orapboncdpei, rhotograi-h, and kindred
gootli Clbrili, AcUOiiei, Ac,
W at hrarJquarterf for try thing la th war of
Storoopticons aai Iklajic Lantoras,
Being manaiaoturor of tho
I'Kon.KS LAN lhKN.
Each try la biiug th boat of It .dtua ia th
Catalogue of Lantern and Slid!, witb dirc
tiona for uing, nt oa apphoaltoe.
Any enterpriaiog nao oaa mab mousy with a
Hngi Lantern.
"Viritor to th Cratraaial Fiporltion wW
do wtaely to detir pnrcbaaing goodi in our lin
until ibey ootne lo our aiur ia hew Vnrk, wfar
they will find groalor rariety aad more nutdarat
prioea, and n idled them at Lhelr . 11 ut
wa bar a eoneeMmn to tell aonae stylo of our
good i in the building ot tb Depart mailt of Public
Coiaiort, and those aot ooming to hew York ar
invited to rail un our n-praaonuttoo there. -
p9K full tock of View of th Kapoaltlot
and their eonleota.
tCut out ihi adrartliomant for rfreao.
Juu 7, ls;fl-ly.
(SuMentar tc)
Arnold & Rirlshorn.
jtKI.OIK) StV-lnrh fcnavtel iln(rlce,
JO.IMHI pouuSe ef Waal.
Parties baring long ShlBglee et Wool (ar eith
er) will do well to coll ea net. Tbs a if heat mar
ket price paid nt all limes.
Aice, a fall cad complete stock of
whieh will ho toU al raoabl prltea, ar a-
ban god for ihlagle ar wool.
Crwttuvllla, Mav I, 1676.
, t.
Market Mlrewt. Clearfleld Pg.,
HavtirACTuaaa op
Llgtit and Heavy HaratM, Collar, Baddlw
Ui id In, A, hepalritg atatl dao.
May 21, 1676 6m.
r 1st of junoiis.
J Lial of Juror drawn for Jau Court, 1676 i
raivaaaa n ana fa Hoanar jpub Itta.
Alf. Witchall, Clearfield
liaiah Hhara, filrard
1 boaiai hobbia,
.Ino. Lit Ingaloa,
M. Liraigoutl, Uotbea
Ilirato lluiael, Ualieh
tleo. Mt Cally. Jordaa
Hubt I'atleraun, "
J. H. MiUbtllte, Kart
haue. Kaumal Snyder, Kaoi
Hxiiiaal lltvr. M
W, M. Calboatrt, "
Rubl Wrljjlrj, Law'ne
H. M Huwiti,
H K Kraiuar,
Tlmnn long, Morri
l)4id Brown, Pik
Moaei tin llf,
J. t NtCbereua, M
0 Laiwrd jr. Us ion
J. H. Arisoi i,
J A. h tew ail.
H', Condo, t urwrnsvUle
H T. Hrnderaoa, 0cela
Wrn. f-wigart, "
II II 6lotr, llrady
Jol.o Itram, '
Chita, Cwitb, Buralat
C. W bit. Cheat
K. I-iny, Cflvlngnn
Jaa. Cham y, '
Aug. tltiu ny, u
Chae llruwn, "
Milt Mei-ae, bcrui
Aodn w Ri pbftiU "
lobu Knunis, 1'acatur
Ll't or eauie let dowa fr tr'al at June,
Term, 1H70:
Tinnn kkk roi. aiixittr, June IJih.
btIi P Mofrii'in... ri. r4rih Ili.wmaB,
J. W. Car van ore Uurby Coal Co. -if Pa.
CiiKRHBova, Parker i
Co rr. faiuf.
H ltobiuo W. H. Dicker. "
Ohter rttepheui v Is in Urn. Kriedly A Co.
J R Ctippie John P. Hilt, et at.
K A. lrtia, et a(., El.
or Hu. Irvtn Joha II. Cbar.
Iteubfn l.oeeland . P. K-op-irt 4 Co.
Jamea Maber..M Frank llnlgvr.
W. W. Hal ll W U., i, eial.
William Braly vt. Julia 0. Meaty, El'ri.
C R. Pitcbor r. William turner.
J. V, Nataro i. Uaiby Cea. Co. of Pa.
John A. Uyerl .... Ru: Harrow.
C llotriD'iy vi. Ilavtd rraaier.
W B. biokay A 0oa..e. Joha RoHiaoa.
Melin Andrewa...v. JJbriat. Hwitier.
Jiaeob Kuoti vi. V. llagh t A. Kaarr.
Frank I it Neg IM -. Fuller JobotU-a.
Eiijoh toaraa vi. J. R. Arnold A Co.
J. R Arauld A Co... .vi. Kltjab Rurn.
John lUrWieh v. Jubo Van bra bant.
O. I.. bchoortor va. Brenner. Truck si Co.
f. b. R.ifferty .v. Jamea A. Irrin.
Henry Wbiteaida...Hva. Vim Albert, el l.
P. Ql'LKB.
ft. It'coBKLB.
(.1 LUH, MctORkLE & 10,'S
(SueetHora to John Gnlloh),
Market Street, Clearfleld, Pa.
W mtaufaeraro all kindi at rarolturo fur
Chamber, Diolng Rootaa, Librari and Ualla.
If ytm waat Fumituroof any kmd, dua't boy
until yua oo oar atoek.
In all hi tranche. Wa been In toek all th
latcat and moat improved Coffin and Caeketr,
and bav every facility for j. roper ly ea
dueling thi branch of our buiineia.
We have a patent Corp Pre
erver, in which bodiea aan
b preferred fur aeon
iderable loagib of
4 ti.
A me ruber of th Ira ha bia aleeplng apart,
neot at our wart-room, where be ean oe found by
any pet-eon wbo eoine at aight for th parpo ef
procuring ooffln.
Clearfield, Pa., Uj 16, '76-ly.
We beve orrouireu our buaiaeaa Be as to Kirs
aaeeisl attention to the sols of Agrieultarel In.
ptemcjts,aa4 ess a 1 1 keep eon.teati ea Sena
Four-Horse Sweep Powers,
with Straw Carrier of any dealred length. Catting
Roim, frnta 67 to $46 each. Harpoon Horn
Hay Krka aad Pulley, Plowe. Cultir a
lor. 8 bore! Plowe, Plow Share of
all kindi. Repair ol all machine
old by aa, and ny thing
I ia our line.
All of which will be told on eaty torraa, or i
eliangad for etoek. Cash buyer will find great
adraotag by dliog with ui.
u.o. brows a nao.
MEAT MARKET, Market Street.
"alarbiao kopt ia the "Ceateanial" baildinf.
Clearfield, Pa, May 61, 16.6 fat.
F. M.f ARDO & BR0
Would call the sllentioa of Formers to tbs bet
tbat tbe; am receiving
Hebron's Patent Lock Level Tread
Thresh Machines,
And tuo binds of GRAIN DRILLS FARM
All tb. ,hove Msrblnes will be aald CHRAF far
CASH, ar cicbeaced for good DORSES
Tbe, bar. sleo s lot of new
ttbieb the, will dltuos of in tbe sane maarer.
Oar Tbreabers, Reapers and Dnlls are ef tot
beat mskee in tbe sounlrr, and warranted
ftrst-elasi tn over, tiarlienlar.
Call at our sseat market in Pie's Oprr. Iloaje
and elaaine tbcie machines.
CleaiDild, Pa., Msreb J:,T6.
n BirrrrLE.""
The anderatgoed. Trustee of the total of A. K
V, right, deoeaaosl, will soil at pabliu aale, at I
Court UuflN. Id Clcarlold, oa
Tueaday.vIuavSOtb, IH76.
The following devoribod raluabla ooal lanb iJ
otLar roal oiuto t
A tract of land eontatalag 1 57 aerr-a, mmtt
Icia, titual la Woodward tawarhip, CiwrtMi
(Hiuaty. Pa being tho wett oad of th Th-au
Marat on aurvay, adjwieing land of Thonai Matt
or, Tbotna Headenoe and other, hannt thar
oa whit pine, tiemloob and olber timber,
being nnderlaid with bKKAL VhlNS Of
Al.l AUI.ft UUAU.
Alio, Another traet or land, iltiikte ia P i
tuwnihip, Clearfleld county. Pa , oontaiamf 311
arm, bring part f Warrant No. 4 "Ml, mtaal ,
within i Bailrs of th borough of Clear 1(4,
(Kvertd with valtiaMe timtsur aad nndfrhiJ i'
Are elay ol tho flneat quality.
Alan, una buadrrt arrr and allowaBie, ritait
In lea'nr t..ahip, Clearfleld euMnty, P..W
tng part uf the Then Stewartlaoa rev, it
d crib l a toll- wi! Bfgin ing at the n.rtail
onrner of trtet, thenco routb 160 wrrkee to pot
Ihenoe wett 10U Beohe to dead pitch pine, tbeac
anrth 161) prrohea to-, tbenoe aat IM""
ehe to ruare of beginning, being ia the Mibr
non ooal belt, having oinnideralle raluahl
ber tbereoa and being well oalcalated for lrii
Trade efthta of A. K. Wright, oec'd.
Clar&id. May 61, lr6 It.
In ooeordsnce with an Ael of tbe Oensrsl t
esinblv of this Camtncoweallb, arnrered Ike !N
de, ot Msrrb, A. II. ISS sod tho.epplemeii
proved tbe Id dej ef April, A. 11. 17, -fM-H
to Hie collection of Ulee ia tbo onuntv of Clwr
Seld," notice is therefore herebv given to lb lei'
pavers residing in tbedtetrlets below Baord.IsS
tlis Countjr Troa.nrer, Is aeoordaneewtibthaeC'
ond sretloa af aaid Act, will attend al tbe tlx
of holding tbe borough and townahipeleetioatel
the following named dava. for tbe perpoM ef w
oeiving tbe Count; and Stat, lata, asMSred fs
tbe rear IST6 :
Far Ontleh tewa.hip, Mosdaj, Juae If, fro'
to 4 o'clock:. .
For Beoearle towaihlp, Tuasdaj, Juno M, fr 1
to 4.
For Jordan township, Wodnosdsr, Jess II, sea
to 4.
For Cheat township, ThurtJej, June 11, frsci
4 o'eloch. ,
For Newburg borough, FrIJej, Jun. , es
For New H aahlagtos boroogh, Fnda;, Jaas ft
For Buruside lownahip, Saturday, June H, IK
Fer Burniido bctongh, MondaT, Jnnt 14, ("'
to 4. .
Fer Hell lownebln. Taoeda,, Jono 1?, froai I
For Ureeawoud U.aship. Wedneeder, JeM '
from to . i-m
For FergueM towa.klp, ThursHsj, Jos. I, J
f I ....
I'pos all taaea paid to tbo Treesarer then"
be a reduction of tvo per oist., while I" r
cent wit: bo edited after the rsl da; ot J"! "3r
lo all anpaid lain, saaklag 0 liaVr,Biw l
per cent, to prompt tai-payera.
(.. ih. S..I U u.. i,.. tsi.l tt r
" - 7 -r - . r
Nonm to HBBrSswra-S fare orP""-'aJ
will bo gives lo rohaatl to come ''"'lJ
itmo ug pioon oow ov .u... "e
Ltoeojoeo for ISTo. ...,UHe
Troocwrer'a OSes, I D. M OAU"'
CleorwoM, No, II, To. Traatsrw.