Ji 4 t ii; 1. ir WliwATiTlIENRY, Jm., 0, t Vun KB B.-,.r . LUMBKR ,i..n. ...!. .d uiuufr Bromptly .14 orer. Arllelee of agreement and doedi af tuoMTUM Baelly eaeouiea aoo root or ( ouarge. , , " ' FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES i Of all klode. He careful a ey only (ha genuine. Aieo Berrowa, Wer.hc.ne. Trnrhi, Im- erorod Moaey Drawer,. A a. Urocera rialarea. fc., RP CO.. 48 Wood tftrt t, Piltaburgh, Fa. taar.tt '7-Sm. t Wenaletnlj Elrictl; Pure GooSt a X Jru Coofll, tSrottrifU, flftf. OH PRINTING 0 EVERT DK8CBIP ! HOPE'S PU0SP1IATK '. itunaMtlr eieealed at Ibia ooe. .1 13oHSALK OR LEASE ' FOR A TKHM 0 YEARS A Lumbar Yard H.ild.lphi, at lh. June Ilo. at the Norrlalowa llreaoh af lb. Heeding Railroad ud Broad WW. ll baa a tara-eul from la. railroad late lb yard, U eooloaad witb ft high buard fonoa mud baa abuadeat eheddlng fur lumber. There If a handeome aaw brisk bulldlnl lut property, eooaiel Ing or ft wall Bnl.hod olloe wilb large Are preor lefe baill In alailoaery, wah aland, A.., ud dwelling ovar olnne fur tioporiolandenl. An eaoellent reUll bu.lnea baa boon dona Id ibil yard. It la la aft Improrlng naigbborhood, and epplleetloa ta bailaoie I all bal ll Baoeaaary to taeure ihmh. Apply lo JAUKSS. MASON A CO., UO North Fraftt llreet, Philad'a. a; U-41. Starr ka of oil Wbiu baua Iba fonowlotf "Vernal, and wa rwulM da.-ree of Amnaaa nMiirbMMd ROLO EV LVERYWHERE. Manb 21, lny-Sm. - i I HUEY & CHRIST, eon proprietors or thi CELEBRATED Mail!, m nPK MARK PATt : COURT PEOCLAMATIOH. YtrnRRBAS, Hoa. 0. A. MAYER, Pre Ideal J Judge of th Court of Common Flea of thi Twnty-ftflu Judicial Dlatrlet, oompoMi of U eouDt.M oruitoTBm, t-ontrt ood uiiatoa n4 Hon. William 0. Fulrt nd Hoa. Jomtt Jt Rbad. A moo. to Jtrdioi or VltftrDold eoanl. ho ro liiaod thotr prooapl, to no dtroeto A, for tho holding of a Court of (Join woo Fleaa, Orpboni' Court, Court of (Juartor eooilona, Court of Oyor and Tormintr, and Court of tieoora) Jail Dollv. try, at tho Court Houao at Cloirfield, ia and for tho eount of Cloarflvld, oomnonelag oa tho ttral Muudav, Ilia 6in day ol Juao, and to oootlouo twowook. NOTICK IS. tbororort, boroby ftro,totbo Oorootr, Jaitiei eftbt Poaeo, and Ooaitabloi, id and for laid oouatjr of CUarflold, to appoar ta thotr propor poriooi, with Ibolr Hooordi, KolU, Inquiiilloni, Kiamloationi, and otbor Hoaioai. hranoof, to do tboio thing! which to thotr oBooi, and la thoir bohalf. portain to bo don. By an Aot of AMombly, pauod tno ota oay oi May, A. I. 1H6A, it ii mado Ibo duty of tbo J at tic of tbo I'taoe of tbo MToral oouatiot of thU Conmonwoalth, to rotura to tbo Clark of tbo Court of iluartor S.nioni or tbo roapoottvo bohdUn, all tbo rooognitanoM onterod Into boforo Lhom by aov Mrioa or pwMni ohargoa wtia ido oommiuioM of any orlnt, oioopt lueh aaaoa at nay boandod boluro a Juitloo of tho Poaeo, aa doroihtiDg tawi.at leait tea dayo bforo tho oomnoaeoaiont of tho teuton of tho Court to wbieb they art mado roturoaMoroipaetiTily.aad la all eataa whoro any rrongniiaaooa aro ootorod into low than ton dayi boforo tho eomnenooaioat of tbo leitina to which thoy aro mado reUiroa- b o. tho Hid Juiticoa aro to rotura tno aatao in tho lani maaoor aa Iff aid aat bad not Woa pniica. WIVKN aador my band at Cltarflold, thti 10th day of May, la tho year or oar iora, m .thousand olgbt hundred and aoTenly-aiz. nay. 10 to W. H. MrPHKKSOji, ShorlBT. DH, AND TONIC HERB BITTERS. SSND FOB MICH IIST. IIUEY ACIIItIST, 141 Jf. 3d Street, PHILADELPHIA Marrli H, IHTA-ftna garflu-arf, ffluvn. G. S. FLEGAL, Ironsides Store , PIIII.I.IPHUi nCi, PA. DEALER .V 1 ' nARDWAHR, STOVE?, HEATERS, RANO E8, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. AND tiASVFACTVnSR OF HX; SHEET-IRON AKD COPPERWARB. Preiqtiijla Btraat, Pl.Ulipiborn, Canlra Co., P. H.M.y 1874. Vj I bra oa baad Oapa'a Pboipbata, whlob baa baan taatad by tba farmer! In tbla loealltjr, nd r.ewitnaudMl rary blahl aa batn ft No. I ftrilala far all iruri, Prtfta, Kl par toft ' GKO. 0. FAS8M0R1. Clwroald, Vf ., May II, ia;l-lm. VAtUAlltR PROPERTY FOR BALM OR FOR RENT. Tbo iftbaorlaar flraa gatlaft tbal ba will ftllkor rant or loll bla dwallln, and alar proparty, alu nolo oft Rood otroot, ftdlnlftlac Iba Loonftrd Uonao, la Iha borooab of Cloarftald, Pa. Ibo ator rooni la 10 X M fool. Tbo doolliai baaao ooalolfta I rooaia nod ft kltoboft Oft tho trot atory, ftftd A rftona oft tbo aoeond atory. Tba atoro rooai oaft bo bad at oioo, and tba dallin porlioa oa and ftftorlbolatof duly. Far fartbor par tioulara, addraal or apply to tba undftralftaad M Iba pramliaa. UKO. 0. PASHUOHK. Claarlald, Pa., kfay li, TS tf F OH SALE OH KENT.- Th. HilM.l.o.d Lillno It too InoonroBloal to bp a Pobllo Moom at tba aionlb of Saftdy and C.ntral Point, doilroa ta rant, ". or 01 abania tba forraar. 11. will oi.baago II fr town pmporty in Ula.rl.ld or Com.airUI.. Tbla pro perly eiinlaini tH aaru, 40 or wbiob aro okarod. Tba ob.Ha laondorl.id wllb ooal, ro alar and a rain of In.a-ora, b.ald.a piiHoaila a )fod aotor- powor Tbo buiuinn ara a larto ow.innB, umrm, out boaara, nd ft aao nilU. Po...loa .ill ba rlr.n at aay lima. Tho lltla la indiiputahla. Tba pra.plira ra'ua af thia praporly la aot eqo.l.,1 In Iha oounty, and ll Ibaroloro fory doilrablo al an InTMlin.nt. Baildaa, a lar. uaatlly t taw tliaoar ll yat oa too propony, rhl.b oan ba atanofaotarod Oft tba praoiiaal. look of b.lp and to doralopa it ii ray raaooa for oflrnog ll lor.nia. Any lurin.r in fbnnatloft Mft bo obtalnod by addraaaing tba aab- nribor. LAWKKNCK FLUUU.. Franebrillo, Pa, Mareb lit-Iiao. N EW OPENING. SHOWERS' BOOT & SHOE n HEAT REJOICING IT All a or th Stale at tho ailionrnniont of both krniihM of oar HUktm LaAtiiloturo. ad MHO of tba monbora faking for thoir huloa I hop to lay then. GREAT AD GOOD SiKn s, alio, for tho oitiaoai of Cloarflold oount who lo Und Tiiitlng tho Conttnaial, anil fur all othora, by tho ro-vpoamg ot tbo . , OLD SHORTY SHOESnOP, Oa Market tnt, ono door wttt of tho Alleghony Hotel, whoro "HHORTY will bo found at all time, ready and willing to moot and aooommodsto all hia old euttomere and aa many now onoo en may favor htm with a call, ao that thoy eaa vtilt tha Centonntal "eloar neeitd ana iigni-iootou in pair of "shorty a taomo-mawlo , BOOTS OR SnOES, , Don't foraet 0811101 oa "Shorty boforo t ahanino olaowhera. He kerne none bat Iral-obuo workaaoa and aaa warrant ah "foot- wear" made hia aboe aot le rip. ravel or draw tbo 0ogi Ho la pronired to do anything In hia line atltohod, aewod or poggod. Repairing neatly done oa abort notioo LEATHER & SHOE F1XD1XGS alwaya on band and for aala by the tame "abort" follow by tho"abort- aaiae af HUNK 6UORT. t iearooid, ra., .way 10, ibto-u- . . r. fluura. HAT & CAP STORE. ROOM No. 1, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, MARKET STRET. POWELL & MORGAN, paaLias m 1IAI WAItE, . . Also Maaafaotareri of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLIABFIILD, PA. A full and eothpleta aiaortment of now goodi and bow ityloi, down to "HAKD PAN" PRICES. "INARMING IMPLEMENTS of all bhada for iala by ' POWELL A MORGAN. JAILROAD WIIEELnARUOWS for iala by . , POWELL A MORGAN. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Nalli, ate., for aala by , ' POWELL A MORGAN. II ARN ESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE Flndlngr, for iala by ' - ' POWELL A MORGAN. Q.UNS,PISTOLS SWORDCANES ' For iala bj ' ' ' POWELL A MORGAN. UTOVES, OF ALL SOETS AND 6iii, for aala by POWELL A MORGAN. fRONI . IRON t IKON I IRON I For iala by POWELL A MORGAN. II ORSE SUOES k HORSB SnOE SAILS, for aala by ' , ' POWELL A MORGAN. ULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And bait MaonfaeUra, for iala by POWELL A MORGAN. GILICH, McCORKLE & C0.'S (8V0etatora ta Joho Galllh),. POPULAR FURNITURE ROOMS, Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. . We masufaotora all kioda of Furniture for Cham bora, lifag Koona, Librarioa and Halla. If voa want Furnitare of aay kind, doa't bay uatil you eee our itook. ll)ERTAKIAr3 la all lta branches. We keep la atook all the leteit and moat improrod Cofflos and Caaaeti, and have ovary facility for properly aoa- ducting thia branob of our bualaeaa. Wo have a pitfBt Corpao Pre error, la which bodioa oan be preserved for aooa aiderablo length of time. A member of the Arm baa bia aloeplag apart. meat at our wan-rooov whore be oan no found by any pemtm who ooma at aight for the purpoee of procuring oolBoa. UUiAlUU, JBOUUmVidB SAyU. ClearfleU. Pa., May It, '76-ly. Citliana are Invited to flail and exemlae tay itoek and jadgo for themtolrofaa to quality and prteoa of guoda. . J OP K I'll S. SHOWERS. Olearfteld. April 14, 1R74. - f rpiIIMBLB SKEINS AND PIPE ' BOXES, for iala by ; , POWELL i MORGAN. SACKETT& SCHRYVER t ' M tiBAtiattf IK HA11DA7ARE, and maaafaetarort of TIN, COPPER 4 SHEET IRON WARE, Hecand Street, Clearfield, Pa. JEMOVALl JOHN McGAUGHEY Would rw Dee trail? notify the nubile generally that be baa removed bia Qrooary Store from Shaw'a Row, to tho buildiag formerly occupied by J.eMilei Kratser, oa boeoad at root, neit dc to Bigler'e hardware atoro, where ha is ten keeping a full line of O It O C E It I E . HAMS, CRIED BKEI and LARD. SUGARS and St RUPS, af all gradaa. TEAS, Srean and Black. COFFEE, Routed aad Oraaa. . ... FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CJJTA'ED MUITS, All klodi la tba market. PICKLES, ta Jan and barrala. SPICES, la (rary firm and rariaty. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINDT) Of CRAC KER. SOAPS, - MATCHES, ' DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil tvad Lamp CUmneyi. And a good aaaorttaant of tboio tblngi anally kept IB a groeary atoro, wbtrh ba wilt ax.Baogi for marketing at tba market prtoea. Will tall for eaah u abaaply ai any other one. Ploaoe aall aod aoa hia itock aad Jadga for yoaraalf. JOHN McQAUOHBT, Claarlald, Jan. t, lT. Harlng rodttod oar itorerootn and dooblad onr atoeh, wa ara prapared to offor b.rg.ioa to par. ebann la oar lie. Wa have doaidad to do a Strictly Cash Business, and ran therefore sell at greatly reduced prices. lag Carpantora and peruana who contemplate baltd- will do well ta examine eer Tools ani BuiUlug Harlwwo, ' whib la b.w aad of tbo boot manufartara. We kcrp a large It'jrk of NAILS, GLAHH, TUTTY, GLUK, LOCKS, LATCHES, ; HINGES, SCREWS, All klndl of Uaorb Plaaea, tlawa, Cblieli, Sqaaroa, uammara, iiaunoei, riomoa ana ireia, Mortiaad A Tbamb Uaagea, Var.la, Draeaa A Riim, Wood and Iron llannh Sorawi, aad tho beat Boring Maohine ia the . . . market. Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CTJTLIRT, Aa. Agrnti for BurneWt Iron Corn SheHcr, warraaiea. Alio, Bgeate for Riahardl GOTHIC FLUE TOPS, which efftotually cure Btaoky Flaea. Farm Implcmcma, Qartfcn Tools, of arery deaeHptlou. A large variety of COOK STOVES, wbieb we warrant to (Ire tatlefeelloa. PortmhU Runfti nnai Fummet. &.rooti, Bpowttug ad Ink Work ioae oa reasonable amae. All or do re wit! receive prompt attoatka. Plembiag aad gaa flttlag attoaded to nv eineneneoa workmen. May s, tart, Q.ROCERIES. JAS. II. LYTLE, . (Suoeeaaor to LYTLE A MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CHOICE 1,1KB OP TEAR. OOLONGS, JAPANS, . IMPERIAL, TOCNO HYSON, KNOLIHU BREAKFAST Paraat la Market. a. H'coBKba. b. sriLBftva. THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAKFIELD, FA. WIBNISDAT MORNING. MAT 11. IW. yAN TED. Br N. E. ARNOLD, CURWRNIIVILLR, PA., to) Arnold & H.vlshorn. OOKKl B-lnrh Anared Minglea. I 0,(HH) pounda of Wool. QKX. GRANTS BTOCK FARM. THE CONCERN PARTLY OPERATED AT TU1 PUBLIC (XPINil. UNITED STATES SOLDIERS DETAILED BY URANTawRDER TO LAY OUT IIIH PRIVATE RACE TRACK HORSES SHOD AT THE GOVERNMENT EXPENHE. ' Infnrmntlon wu rccolved At tbo office of tho Gazette on recently to the effect that Proaidont Urant sua op erated bit atook farm, near St. Louis, largely at tho expense of tbe Uovorn mouL and that tbo foot of euch miimp proprialion of the public lunda wue known to more man one pomon in llnltimoro iorniorlv htutloncd al in St. Louia barracks. It waa intimntud that Uen. Grant bud by hia own order, aa Commandor-in-Chlct ol tho army, personally uiroctcd a detail Iroiu the garrison at St. Imu'm to lay out A raco track on tbe i'remaenl a lartn, una mat tho stock of tbo President ut tbo aunie place had tho regular attuuditnco of a veterinary aiirgoon or farrier connected with tho post at St. Louia, and that such attondunoe included the ahocing ot all bonwa at tbe expenno ot tbe Gov ornmont. r The eorioua obargo wus fully and carefully investigated, and is vorified by tho stutomonta of Captain George T. JtobinHon, an ox ariny olH oer ; Sergeant ColTman, in charge of a recruiting office of the United State in Baltimore, and Private Asbby, also of tbo regular army, now a member ol the mounted service in liullimore. Capt. Robinson, who remilea at 16 South Chester street, In this city, It will be recollected, waa brought promi nently before tbe country by bia charge against Belknap on the day following the disclosure of the latter' corrupt duttlinga, in which he guve an account of the condition of afliiirs at Fort Hill. Uo charged that President Grant was fully acquainted with the actual con dition ol thing there nearly two years before tho disclosure at Washington that startled tho whole country, repre senting that he (Capt. Robinson) bad, with other officers at the fort, sent communication, over their own signa tures, to the President, calling bis at tention to the Belknap frauds and out rage. Subsequent to this Capt. Robin son waa cashiered, and, as bo alleges, by direction of Belknap, to whom he had mado himself obnoxious in bis ouuiU to expose bis corrupt transac tions in connection with J,be sale of post-tradorships on tho frontier. In conscaucncoof bis having been a cash iered officer, lesa credence baa been placed by the press throughout tbe country in Robinson's statements, and being aware ot tui tact, caro tias ueen taken in the present instance to get tho opinion of men as to his record, 4c, witb wbom (.apt. KoDinson bad no opportunity of communicating, and who V t present nttached to the regular Uuited Slate army, and ot good standing M soldiers. Thotr evidence, as will do seen, luny corroborates in all ossentiul particulars that of Capt. Kobinson, in connection with the employment of details from the Unitod State force in St. Louia to lay off at the President' stock farm a rivato race track, and also the ex penditure of Government funds lo shoe tbe horse quartered at Grant's larm, somo of which, it is claimed, were owned by members of the great St Loots n hiky King. CAPT. ROBINSON'S STATEMENT. J li answer to questions by our re porter, Cant. Kobinson said : X was stituonca ai ou joius irom March 5, 1874, until May, 19, 1875. I was in command of the permanent troop, or general garrison, numbering 100 men. lion. Urant stoc-K larm was located about nine mile southwest of SL Louis. Oorioral ii. ll. Griorson, superintendent of the general mount ing recruiting aervico, ot. ixmis oar- racks, came to me wilb an order from Gen. Grant to detail ni to go to bis farm and tborc lav out a private race track, which I roftiscd to do. I said it n Haw lane? huva vou boon in tbo service of tho United States armyf A. Sixtoon year. (.When did yon fimt bocomo ac quainted witb Capt. Goo. T. Jiobluson? A. In Philadelphia, in tbe lU ' or '04. ! Q. What was hi general rvcora in the army V A.- Hi record stood well, as far a" I knew. O While Cant. II was At St. Louts wore you there? A. For short time. (J What was the condition of tbo pormanont troop, as fur as you know, when under Gen. Hatch's command? A. From what 1 board, 1 would give it a Door recommendation. Thorn was had diseiuline. The men woro allowed u answer roll call with tbcir pants in their boot, or with Mublo frock on, Ao. Under Copt. Robinson's adminis tration there wa a decided change tir tbo better. (J. Do you know of live stock as sociutlon in existence at the barracks? A. I do. It was proposed tbula lurm should be stocked by tho company, which was composed of members ol the permanent troop. If any members did nut belong U) Hie ring they bud no show ol promotion, Ac.; Ill) were de ducted lor this purpose on pay uay. 1 knew ono man named ilitcb.il who withdrew alter paring (UO. O.. Under Cunt. Robinson's admin istration did tins Ring oontinue to flourish? A. No. I may ay that it back was broken. This wa ac complished by reducing eovoral of the non-commissioned officers. I heard that Capt. Robinson was tbo mcuna ol breaking op tho Ring.- Capt Robin son broke the First Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant, and Commissary hergount, and appointed new ones. i WbatofTectdidthishavc? A. Tbo condition of tin post waa much im proved j in fact, wa had ngood perma nent company under (.'apt. Kobinson' administration. . The troop was im proved in discipline, lending, ic. No discipline can bo made unless men have their rations rcrularly. Before Cupt. Robinson came I don't know of any mounted drill or target practice hav ing boen observed. y. Where wa Grant's stock furm located ? A. Near St Louis. J. Did vou know of any work dono there by a detail from tho barracks? A. Several time norses irom tue iitriu were shod at 8t Louis barrack. 1 wa told they wore Grant' horc. Tbcv worosbod bv a man named Loxier, and other. John Kernan was the farrier for tho Unitod State army. Baltimore Gazette. Partial barlne long Sblneloi or Wool (or IUV ar) will do wall to eall oa ma. Tba hlgbaat mar ket priee paid at all times. Aim, ft full aad eomplate iteek of DRY GOODS, ... HATS & CAPS, BOOTH A N1IOEN, GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, PROVISIONS, &c, whleh will be aold at reaioaablo priori, or as- (hanged for iblnglrl or wool. I, a, annvbv, Carwanirtlle, May I, 1ST. nilTTER AMD EtiOB) Will be kept aad aold al Aril eoet. Caak paid w vo.niry rrooaoo. GERMAN CHERRIES, TURRET rilCNES, . PRESERVED PEARS, , PHILADELPHIA HAMS. Plan. Mackerel, Lake liming, Cod, Ae. PICKLE. Barrel Ploklea aad lagllak Plakloa. FLOCK AMD PEED. ' Floor, Cera Meal, Oat Meal, Aa. , aublTt JAS. H. LTTLI. 1876. MAY. 1870, NEW GOODS, cheaper than ever, ROOM NO- 2 Filled and Overflowing. The quite recent decline in Dry Goods, lulls in the way goods are coinij olL Will not enumerate, but everything in the way of Millinery and Fancy Goods, DRY GOODS; ... - NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL PAPER, In great abundance, at the lowest possible prices. 'THE CONFEDERATE HOUSE: The North Carolinian, following in the footsteps of tbo Yankeo Radical newspapers, designate lb ilouso ol lt li ctiresentative as tbe "Confederate louse." This designation please us o well that we proceed out of hocr gratitude to answer somo of tho ques tions asked by that papor in it last issue. Speaking of this same "Con federate House, tho Giromum aska Where are the scalp of the honest officials which were to be taken ? Answer. If you will examine closely tho bolt of our congressional commit tee voa will find hair there which bear a striking resemblance to tho locks once snorted bv Grant Belknap. Itolieson, Yt imams, Kcbcnck, iiuocock, id some ofthe smaller try. Question .No. I. Whore are the millions that wero to bo saved to the revenue? Answer. The House passed tho Diplomatic and Army and Navy np- roprialion Dins wucreuy expenses were reduced millions. A Jiauicai Scnato refused to pass tho bill. Whore aro the meamiros ol retorm that were promised ? Answer. Tbe ballot-box ba oeeu purified, measures taken to prevent future stealing in the rovonoo service and forty millions of dollars sarod to an overburdened people by tbe appro priation bills oi tho House, which tho scnato win no aoubt reiuso to pas. lint why ico on. r.phraun is joined to his idols. W only noticed tbe school boy effusion of the Carolini an because it confederate appellation pleased our fancy. Aibemaru lme$. WILLIAM REED, ROOM NO. 2, - Ple'a Opera nonet). Claarlald, Dm. 1, 1171. it was A request I would do it cheer- lully, but retused as a uaptaiu oi ij miea Statos cavalry to lav out a private race track on a private farm, lie took tho letter and went back to bia barracks. It road about as follows : TJnderitaading that yoa hare aa eaglaaerlrig offtorat year aUtlon, yoa will order him to lay out a raoo track OB my farm. U.B. UBABT. Nearly a week after this Gen. Grior son presented mo with another letter from Grant (1 saw tho letter mysotf) peremptorily ordering me to do the work. Tbe order read about as fol lows: Yon will datall tbo eftoor competent to do Able work, who yoa bare Informed ma la at yoar poat, to lay out tba Ireob. Ha will make a rrq,uUitioa for laatrom.nta, Ao., apoo Gob. Slmpeoa, Untied Blalea Kogtaoor corpa. u. o. uniNT. 1 obeyed the order and mado the requisition. It was approved by Gen Gricrson and served upon Gen. Simp- i f. I 1 :.L , r. son, wno lumiauou mo wild transit, level, chain, rod, hack and lore stuffs, and steel tape. 1 at once made a de tail rrom my company lor necessary men to perform the work ; wont to Gen. Grant's farm and laid out tho track on tho ground selected by Gen. Griorson. It was a half mile track The ground was pointed out to us by Grant's superintendent. 1 would fur- tbermorostatc that wbilo In command of permanent troops at St. Louis, there was a man more named Jobn Herman, the vclorinury surgeon of the post, whose pay was 1125 per month. Ho had charge and instruction oi cavalry recruits In horseshoeing. Twice week be wss ordered to go to General Grant s farm and attend to all voten nary matters; also the -shoeing ot al horses requiring it The men of tho United State service were dotailod twice a week to go lip in an ambulance to the President's larm and shoo the horse. Tboy ranged from twenty to sixty, and were all supposed to belong to Grant Some of tnem, 1 boliovu, bowevor, wore owned by McKee and other members ol tho great whisky St. Louis Ring. Tbe oxponso ot this work and of tho survoys wo paid out of tha united Htates Treasury. PRIVATE ASUnr'l STORY. Private Wra.O. Ashby of the general oionnlod service, stationed in this city, said that ho was a member of the pormanont troop in the St Lonis bar racks in February, 1b74. It was demoralised mob until Capt. Kobinson uxK command. Q. Did yoa evor see Capt Robin son with siirvcyinginstrnmonts? A. res. Q. Do yoa know of any survoys having boon made at Grant's farm? A Yos. 1 know they were dotailed to go there, and was told Sergeant tnapman carriou tbo chain. J. Did you know John Kernan, the lamer r A. xos. y. Did you know of his having shold hones on the President's stock farm? A. I have soon farriers go down mounted with equipments lor the purposo, and have seen Gen. Grant's horses at the post getting shod. I Raw Hiss Nellie Grant s two ponios on sev eral occasions getting shod. There were at all time some fourteen ar fif teen men dotailod to shoo horses on Grant's farm. There were also many heme belonging lo private oilixons ol Ht Loots sont there to be shod. i At wboae expenao wo all this done? A, -i have every reason to believo it Was at tbe expense of tho Government BllOIAHT OOPFMAN'S STATEMENT. Ths following ronvaraation wo bad witb Sergeant Henry Coffman, who has oharg of tb recruiting offlo on Centre Market apace, Baltimore: A SHNSIBLR RADICAL In connection with tbo Fifth Avonuo conference In Now York, tha most lg- iiillcunt incident was tho letter ol f rank W. Mini, one ol tho most distinguished Republican loader of Moaaacuusutui, and an intimate associate and co-worker with Humnur, Cbaso and Me ward when tho party wa loutidud. Alter stu'ling witb groat clearness tbe present posi tion of political parlies, Mr. liird conies to the conclusion that an attempt to re vive a third party i hopeless. Ilo then proceed to give bis reasons for assert ing that rolbrm wilbin the Republican party ia Impossible, and ducluiv his "profound conviction that tbe worst Democrat whose nomination at St. Louis is possible is safer for tbo coun try than the bust Republican whose nomination is possible at Cincinnati." Though not expressed in words this scums to have been lb sentiment which pervaded the Filth Avonuo con ference. Mr. ilird continuus: "The imperative, tbo solemn" need of the country is a change ol the na tional administration. . A new set of books must ho opened ut Washington Every department oftiovernmunl from the White Houso In the Custom House must bo purified and the uccoiints of U, "Uoiilncc-hnldcra must bucx plumed. Mr. Ilird conclude his utile letter with the tollowinii pamgruph : . "In that dark and troubled nitrtit thai is upon u 1 see but ono star ot hope tbo united Democratic party ol tho 1'jiiled Stutes. Confidence, 1 am aware, is a plunt of slow growth. Dis trust of tbe Democratic party Is, I doubt not, honestly ontei'titineO by the bast portion ot tbo Republican party, and dishonestly procluimed as their mos cllcctlve partisnn cry oy tho worst. 1 do not iiartnko of tbo vlow of the one class ; 1 utterly dusniso tbo hypocrisy of the other. I bnvo a pre vailing conllilence that sixteen years ol purgation and punishment buva had their effect in purifying tbo Democratic party in, perhaps, as great a decree as sixteen yours of power have corrupted and debased tho Republican party." J Ins Bcntimcnt lu luvor ot tho Dem ocratic purty is ro-echood by thousand: ot honest and patriotic Keputmcans in all parts ot the land. After tho melan choly experionco of tho last six years thoy have Inst cminilcnca in the pro fessions of the Republican leaders, and like Mr. Ilird, they huvo already set thuir tacua like Hint nguitist Cincinnati. l.ike'liim they look turward with bopo, and trust the national Democratic party at St. Louis will not disappoint tlioir expectations. Tho capacity of the Democrat for blundering appears to bo without end liq). Ex. Yos. Thoy blundered into proving that a Cabinet officer aold post Iradcrships ; into compelling the Presi dent to rcmoro bis private secretario ; into showing that tbe President put his hand into the treasury to re-elect himself ; Into showing that Orvil G rant was doing a thriving business a a Job bor around the department ; that mill ions of dollars were squandered in bogus mail contract; that Schonck swindled the people to whom he was accredited as a minister, that the whole government service ia as worthies and corrupt us can bo. They bavo boon blundering all tho way through. Bal timore Gazrite. IVllUffUarifoui. JJARD TIME8 HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILLE! Z am awero that there are aotaa peraona a little hard lu plviian, aod I am alao aware that tb eumplakm at "bard tltnea" la well algb uolveraal. Uul I eta oo attuatod now that 1 eaa aatiafy tbe former and prove eoaolealvely that "bard tiioea" will out elf am i tbnao wbo buy Ibeir jtooda (run aia, and all niy ptUruaa aliall tie tut dated Into the e erot of HOW TO AVOID II A HI) TIMES I bare aootU enough to eupbly all the lofcoM tattle in ttt i.wer eud of tbe uouaty wbiob I evil at ioedma luw raloa from ail mttuioiutb ature La MIJltttvNLll'Htl, here 1 ean alwaya be foetid ready to wail uji-id eallera and uyj them with '. Dry (ioods of all Kinds, Buoli aa (Jluthi, rSallnetta, Ceaafmerei, Mualiaa, u.iiainei, Lliiea, Drtiilnfe, laiiooea, IrltoiaaBga, Kibuoua, Laoo, Rowdy-wad1 Cluthtnjr, Hoot a aad Sbeea, Hate aad CetfibY etluf ti e boat material and made to order Hum. Hunk, K linen, Mittena, Laoea, Kil.Uoa, Ao. OKOCI!!UK8 OF ALL KINDS. Cofl-n, Tea, PU((itr, Riee, Holaaaee, Flan, flail Turk, l.i meet Oil, Kith Oil, Carbon Oil. Uardwaro.'QaM'iiawBre, Tinware, CaatifiRa, Plowa aad I'Ion CaetinRBp Nulla, tiplkoa, Oora UalUra- lore, uiaer rreaaea, ao an aiaui oi Aiee. Perfumery. I'alaU. Varnlah, Glut, aad a geaerat aaortmeiit of b ta.lt onery, GOOD FLOUR, Ot different bran da, alwaya oa hand, aad wlU be aold at tbo ieweat poialble ag area. J. II. MoClaln! MedtFlaoa, Jayne'a Medic 1dm Hoatrtlar'a and Hooflaad illtten. 601X1 pouotla vf Wch.I wanted for which the hi(beai bnee will be paid. Clovereeed oa head aui for aitlo at tbe loweat narkei prloe. Aluo, Agt'tit for Strattunf ille aad CurweniTllla TlirtMbinK Maobinee. HfCall and aoe Tor youreelret. Toa will And eerytblnf oaaally kept la a retail atoro. L. M. COl'DRIBT. Kreaobrille P. 0., Aaguat 12,1874. HKOUND KTItKKT, CLEARFIELD, P. DBAI.KnS ITt PUIIK DllUCiS! sxt au ieu x, u scy au . U II K M 1 C A L S I PAINTS, Olli, DYE 'STUFF 4. r. waa vsa. , ..w.w. aarti WEAVER V IIiyrXM CLKAKFIELD, PA., re oforlng, at the eld ft. ad of 0. L. Reed A Co. tbetr itoek of goedi, aoBilitlBg of- DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, NATIONAL REFORM. Iol the niAntlo of Grant fall upon Blaine, Bristow, Morton, Conkling, or whomsoever it may, it will still be the mantle of Grant, and only a covering forGrantisra. Tho Westminister Dem ocrat says the oountryavannot afford anothor term of Grantism, if it would put a stop to tbo plundering, peculation and robbery, t he unparalleled ana un heard-of political viluiny and corrup tion, that nave mado. us, as a nation, In this tbo hundredth year of our exist ence as a government, a byword and a reproach throughout thcclvslixcd world Too Republican, party bos disgraced us as a peoplo, in the eyos of the wholo world, and we are looked upon a a nation of thieve and robber. We must inaugurate, by means of tbo bal lot, a complete revolution, change tho Administration, and purge tho high places of the land, as well as the low, of every vestige of Grantism, and dis card from official position all who have received its taint Nothing short of this will restore tbe public service to A sound, honest and healthful adminis tration. 'Nothing short ol this will satisfy the popular demand for a thorough, complete, and radical change, in every branch ot tne trovcrnmeni. From tbe President down to tho low est tidewaiter, all must leal tho besom of reform, and civs place to purer and better men. The peoplo aomand a change. Reform is tho rallying cry of the Democracy, and It will prove the slogan of victory from tho Atlantic to tho i'acihc; Irom tho Itio tirana to Maine. MisroHTPNK o A Politician. Kx- Speaker Blaine is an nnfortunato man. Politically, the Fatn noem bont on working him mischief, lie ha a broth er, like tho farmer in the play of" Too dies," and this brother's nnmo being J. K. Blaine, in sound so similar to J.GJ Blaine, tho stock transaction ol the ono who is unknown to fame, aro naturally attributed to tbo other, with whom tho world is familiar. Then again, tbo ex Speakor has a cousin, Genural Thomas Kwing, Jr., whoso closely rosomblos him that they are frequently mistaken the one for too othor. Thus ex Spook or Blaine ia supposed to bavo bold a privalo Interview with J. U. Stewart and received from him a transfer of twenty lour thousand dollars' worth of Kansas 1'aoitic bonds, when lot it is dis covered that Stewart' visitor was Blaine' cousin and not Blaine himself. All this is unfortunate, especially a It win tako Air. Illaino o long to ox plain that bo is likoly to be lull behind in the rare for the Prsidential nomination. Givs Credit to Whom Credit is Due. The public debt wa reduced in April z,7Bl,ltfl. For this gratifying fact, according to tho Chicago Triount, we may thank Bristow. The receipt of internal revenue for April, 1H76, aro in excos ofthe reooipt of April, 1875, 13,500,000. Tbia increase, it isclaimod, is due to the bettor collection of tho whisky and kybacco taxes, and the hot ter collection is to be credited to Bris tow. We do not know whether this olaim for Bristow is altogether duo him. Nothing ha so muob Interfered with Radical thievery as the Demo cratic majority in the lower houso of Congress, and to tbom w think tho credit for this reduction I duo. Mr. Bristow would nave Ions? since been disposed of by his whisky ring advor arte bat for th moral booking be has In tb ability of tbe people' rep. menlatives to exarain Into th aot of th administration noarand remote. Grantism Illustrated. Since March 4. 1809, Grant hits been absent Irom Washington more than four years in all, taking tho figures from his own organs, lie ba drawn full salary and perquisites every day ol that tune, while tho subordinate In the depart ment are allowed only one month' ab sence in each year, and are dockod for every liour beyond it. Tbo effect of tin practice I seen all through the service in exposures oi tho irauci ana rascality which have disgraced Uie country and made Grantism tbe syno nym lor the worst phasos.ol corruption However, tbo tune is near at hand when Grant tnsv not only iro awnv .. . . ...j p . without censure, but will be invited to stay sway for good. A Uawk-Eyeist. Tbe Harriaburg Patriot, in alluding to a tree exhibition this Centennial yoar, says: "A dead head commissioner to the Imposition from Iowa, named Lowry, Is very much afraid that tbe opening of tho grounds and building on Sunday . QUEENSWARE, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, 4o., &o. ia moat reaeonable ratal foe CASH or li etebange for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles OR country produce. would inflict great injury on the cause of reunion and moral. Ho is altogetu er too .tgaeioua to be deceived by tho w'orks of art and skill in the Exposi tion. Workingmen have nono of bis fine vlbctio taste. It must bo con soling to the peoplo ot Philadelphia to know that their moral are so carelully guarded byacommissioncrlrom Iowa aa m Mrs. Gitup, of Davenport, remarked to a neighbor tho other day: "My husband is tha hardest man to reason witb that ovur lived. 1 bad to smash up my China teapot and throw a milk pitcher through tho looking class be fore 1 could niakq him promise to take me to tho Centennial." A Wisconsin oditor illustrates the pre vailing extravagance of the people of ine present uuy uy caning atteiuiun w tho costly baby carnage in nse now while, when ho was a baby, they haul ed him around by tbe hair of the head. "How lalo Is It, Dill T" "Look the Bos and aoe if bo' drunk yot ; he isn't it can't be much after 11." "Doe be keop good timo?" "Splen did ; they set the town clock by b noso. "They talk of building a monument to John Smith, in Virginia." We have a vnguo recollection of hearing that name before, but we didn't knpw tbe gentleman waa dead. A young lady told an admirer the other night that ho was like bor opora glass, "bocanso," said she "1 can draw you out, seo through you, and shut you up." Tho married ladies f a Western city bavo formod a "Como homo-husband Club." It is about four feet long, and nas a nmsn on mo enti oi it. An absont minded Ohio woman got tbe coffee pot ready for boiling and tbon carcfully placed it on a chair and sat borsull on the stove. The bull frog wa the first circulat ing greenback, and the entire breed have been notorious inflationists over sinro tho flood. Tho cxtromo hoiuht of misery Is small boy with a new pair of boots and no mud puddle. JUif gttotttisfmfntfj. QAUriON . All noraena ara beretif waraed aeaiaat nai ebaalng or la any way meddling wllb one oorro! bora., now la the pOMoaaloa of Joha Tl.korboof, of lll.n Hope, aa tba aame balonra to me, aad Ii l.n with him en loan oaly, rahjoat to my order at anytime. WM. i. MULLEN. Ulea Hope, May II, 1ST It BOOTS A SUOES, ATA A CAPS, HARDWARE, HUjffllnnr au. i rlARTSWICK & IRWIN l)otrt. ; LLEGnENY HOTEL - Market treat, tltaroeia, ra. Win. B. Bradl.r. formerly proprietor of tha Leonard lloaie, having laoa! tbo All.gh.ny Hol.l, aolieil. a ahara of pobllo patronage, The Hwum boa barn thoroughly repaired and aewly fornilid, and gu-.t. will And it a !...ttl atup. Elitg plane. Tbe table will ba lupplloe with tba oat ol evervlblnx la tbe mera.t. Al th. bar . will ba found IbeXaal wlooa aud li'iuora. Good elabling atlaobod. WM. 8. BRADLEY, May 17, ,i), I'roprlaior. VARNISHES, UHUSII Eg, PBRFIIMKrlY, FANCY HOODS TOILET A HIICU S, OF ALL KINDS, PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, for medicinal purpoeee. Traieea, flop port era, taboo) Duoka aud ftiatioa ery. and all otber arlielea uao'li found la a Drug 13 -ore. PHYSICIANS' PREHCRII'TIONH CAIlR FULLY COMPOITNDKU. llarins a larire ai erleaoe la the buaineaa tbey oeo give entire eat ifactioa. J. 0. II ARTSWITK. JOHN F. IltWIN. ClearltliL December M, 174. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Saeeeaeon to Boyatoa A Yi6n-,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Mannfactarora of STABLE 4 STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Fearth aad Pine Street. I.bARFIKI.D, PA. fT AVISO eorafrd lot II elaaa M ACHINER1 the BMBufecture of tret elaaa MACHINERY, we reapeftfally Inform ha public that we are aow prepared to fill al order aa cheaply aad aa promptly aa eaa be doae la any of tbe oitlee. We manufacture and deal in Malay and Circular Saw-Mills Ksr-AilvenrtA.1 Bade tfl thoea an rend la tret- nikm nr.t iibui. ai..rii.. t..ti.. og oat equare timber ei the moat adTaatageoaa ' pdtlJanTI CALIFORNIA. tat cfticaaa aio naarWRiTa antwiT Kmhraeea ander one manarffleat the tlreat Trunk Hallway Unea o the W KST and NORTH WEST, end, with Uo no moron a hranHieo end emnneetlme, forma the abortoet aad qelekeat mote between CaiOioo aad all potata la ll.U)wm. Wia ooftMe, Noataaaa Mwaiaaa, Uiaaaaora, Jowa, NaaaAK, CiLtroaiu aad tbe Wairaaa Taaairoataa. Its Omaha and California Line Ia the ahorteat and beat route for all point in NoaTaaaa itLiaoiB. Iowa, Dakota, h leaitK a, Wtomirs, CoMtaaao, Utab, Nitad Cai-iroa-iv Oaaooa, Cam a, Jamb and At-iTaAua. Ii Chicago, Madison & SI. Paul Line la th ahoHett line for NoaTaaaa Wieroaita aad KiaaiaoTA. and for Matibov, Ht. Paul, Mib- BBAPOLia, Dn.ifTB aad all point lath Ureal N'ortbweat. I la Winona and St. Peter Line la lh only mate for Wiboba, Rocbiht, Owa- tobna, Mabkt, St. Pbtbm, Near Kim. and all bolnla ia Boathara aad Ceatral H inaeaota. It Green Bay antt Marquette Line If tb only Ho for Jamviilb, W athbtowpi, Pomp Dn Lao, 0bbob. ArrxBToB, Ubbbb Bat. EnCABABA, h'BSArBBa, M ABQtBTTB, HOUOBTQR, UABcora aod tbe LAKKBpraaioaCuraTBT. IU Freeport and Dubuque Line I the only rea'e for Eloib, RorKrotu, Faaa- pobt, aad all point Tlfc, rreeporU 111 Chicago and Milwaukee Line I th old Lake Shore Roat,aad 1 the only obi pevMiog through Bvarmtob. Lakb Forbit. Hiob l arb Park, Wai-iboab, Racinb, Kbbona U MlLWAlKRB. Pullman Talarc Cars are run on all through train a of thia road. Tbla ia the ONLY LIME running three tara be- tweeal'bieage and ot. rati l, tnloagoamt Miiwaa hoe. or Cbieeeo and Winona. A! Omaha oar 8leeter euaneet witb the orer lead bleepera oa lb t'aioB Paoifle Keilroad fur II point" Weat of tbe M ieaourt Hirer. Oa the arrital af tbe trataa from tbe Kaat or South, the traina of th Chicago A North V eaten Katlway IjKAVK uillfJAUU a hitiowai I'of l ounrll Hlulfe.tFoiahaandil alirurula Two Through Traina daily, with Pullman Peleoe, Drawing Room and Bleeping Car through to Conn oil Bluff, for u Paul anal Minneapolis, Two Tbreegh Traina daily, with Pal I man Palaee Cart attached oa both train. For tUreen Itay anal l.aka Ituperior, Two Train daily, wtta Pullmaa Palaoe Car attached, and runaing through to Martiuetta. Por Mtlwaukao, Poor Through Tralaa dally, Pullmaa Oar oa Bight train, Parlor Chair Car oa day train. Vor li part a and W litona aal poiaU la Miaaoaota. On Thrttagh Trala daily, with Pullman Hleeper to Winona. For IHiouqaa, via Freeport, Two Through! Traina daily, with Pullmaa Cera on aight Iratae. i For Irubuque and la Croeaa, ia Clinton, Two Through Train dally, with Pullman Car oa nlhl train to M"tregr, Iowa. For Olona City and Yankton, Two Train daily Pullman Caret Mieenuri Valley Janeiina. For l.aka ;eiiera. Pour Traina dally. For Horklonl, marllna;, Kanemha, Iane vllle, and otber poiaU, yoa oan have from two to ttia traina dally. New York Otto, No. 414 D road way t Boitna Offloe, No. State Street t Omaha Offlne, 14,1 Fern ham (rt, Haa Franrlaoo Offloa, 1X1 Mont gomery Street ; Chieagn Ticket OAoeo i XI Clark Htreet, under Hhermaa lloueei eorner Canal and Madtaoa Street i Kinaie tttrerl Depot, eorner W. Kioileand Canal Rireetit Well Street Depot, eorner Well and Kinaie Streeta. Forrateaor information not attainable from yoar home areata, apply to W. H. Htbrnbtt, MahtiR llraniTT, UilTord' Injector, Steam Oaugee, Hteam Wblatlea, Oiler, Tallow Cnpa, Oil Cap a, Oauge Cork a, Air Cock a, O lube Voire, Cheek VaWee, wreaght Iron Ptpa, S.eam Pa top a, Boiler Fred Pump, Ant I. Motion Metret.Koap Stone Peaking. Uuw Park ai, aod all kind of MILL WIJH K ; tothi with Tlows, Sled 6tlaa, JUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, ClJKWJiNHVlLLIE, PA. NKWTON MRAD, FaofBiaroN. Harlng bome proprietor of Ibl Hotel, I would reepeotfully eolioll the patroaeg of tha pahlle. lloue leaaaatly and conveniently ait uated t B Tlj rafllted aod refuraiebed i gipud am pie ritoma attached. All railroad train atup at thi btmee. j.nia-I JHAW 1IOUHK, P (Cor. or alarket A Proof ttreet,) ULKAHPIKLD, PA. . The auderalrned bat in b taken chare of thia Hotel, would rapeilBliy eonett purine putronage, riblrlHlUA, janl'76 D. R. WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WASHINGTON, PA. Tbla new and well furniahed huu ha been token by the andereigned. Ha feel eon fi dent of being able to reader atiafaetioa to tboee wbu ma faror him wttb a aall. May I, 1871. (I. W. DAVIS, Prcp'r. M ITOVI MOVIE, Oppoalta tbe Coart Doaae, LOCK HAVEN, r E.N N'A. J.U71 BAt'SEAL A KROM, frop'a. LOYD DOUSE, Main Street, FHILIPSIIURU, PENN'A. Table alwara annoll with th. hi th. M..h aS .rdi. The U.eellai vabll. la la.lled to oell. Jaa.1,'1. ROBERT LOYU, THE MANSION HOUSE. Comer of Second aad Market Street. CrRARPIM), PA. THIIoldaad eommodUoa Hotel ha, during the paat year, been to large d to double it former aapaelty for th entertainment of etraa. gera aad gaeet. The who) baOJing ba been reruralahed, and tha proprietor will pare ae pain to reader kit gueat somfortabla while uyiag with him. T-Th 'Uaaaioa Doaae" Omoihua ran to and from th Depot oa tb arrival and departure ot act, train. JUIIM UUDUHKHTY, apro-TI tf Proprietor Jubb Pattov. Pre. ?, P. Babd, Ceihier CiirnenwvUle Bank. Aatborited Capital .....10. 10 Paid up Capital $U0,i 00 (a urea in nar BATto?At bark.) JOHN PATTOy, V. V. A. FKTT.EH, AAHOS W. PATCHIS, ffoa. J. P. HO YT. STOCKHOLDERS, INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE Do a icaala baokiar bainea. Account ol lolled. Curwenavitle, Pa., Jan. 19, 1876-am. r. K. ABKOLH. . W. ABROtD. 1. B. AHROLB F. K.ARNOLD L CO., Hanker nnil ltrokr?H, Reynoldtrllle, sleiTeraott Co., Pa, Muoer reeeErnd oa drnoalt. Diacounta at mo. derate ratoa. EAatara and Foreiia Exebanrtal. war on band aad eolleotion promptly made. Heyaol tiar ille, Dew H, 1474-lj County National Bank, OF CLKARFIKLD, PA. UOOftf In Mamai Bnildlag, one door Berth of C. D. Walton' Drag Store. Passage Ticket a to aad from Liverpool, Queen, town, Glasgow, London, Paria and Copenhagen. A lo, Drafu for aale on the Royal Bank of Ireland aad Imperial Bank of London. JAMES T. LEONARD, Praet W. M. PHAW, Caahier. tl:l:T4 DREXEL & CO., Mo. II Hoolh Third Street, Philadelphia U.tJTKCRS, And Dealers in Government Securities. Applioatioa by mail will reeelT. prompt ettea tine, and all Information ebeorfully fnrniabad Ordne oolleted. April ll-tl COOK AND PARLOR STOVEH, and other CAfiTINOS of all blnda. Cr-Ordora aolieited and filled at oity prioet All lalterl of inquiry witk ref.r.oee to maohiaery of oar manured ere promptly anawerod, by addraa log aa at Claarlald, Pa. Janltt-tf BIULER. VOCNd A REED. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Penn townibip, Clearfi.ld Co Fa. miniEn ui'Tt BURNED UPI The uberlhrr bar, at great expn, rehnllt aetghborbood ateeaaity, In th ereetfon of a tret elaaa Woolen Menu factory, with all tbo modern improvemeata attached, and are prepared to make all kinda of Cloth, Casaimerea, SatinetU, Blan ket, Flannel. Ac Plenty of good oa head to rapply all onrold and a thoaaaad Bw ewetomer. whom w aaa to eon aod examine our itoek. Tb baiinesa of , CARPING AND Ft'LLINO will rl re oar etpertal attention. Proper arrangement will be made to receive and deliver Wool, to suit euatomvra. All work warranted and done npoa th ihorteM notice, and by etriet at ten tioa to bueinee we hope toreallae a liberal a hare ai pttoite patronage. ItMMH) POUNDS WOOL WANTED I W will pay th high! market prioe for Woo aod acll our manufactured good a lew aa aimller gooda can be bought ia the county, and whenever we fail to render reuonable ati ifactioa w oan alwaya be found at horn ready to wiake proper eiplaaaticn, either in person or by letter. JAMKS J011N80N A HU.Nf. prllJfltf Bower P. 0. 'J'ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASK3, Strive Lining and Fire Brick, krpt eenitantly on b.nd. STOVE AM) EARTHED -WARE OY EVERY DESCRIPTION! CHOCKS! POTS! CROCKS Flaher'a Patent Airtight He If - Heellne; rrnll t anal BUTTKR CHOCKS, witb llda. CREAM CHUCKS, MILK CROCKS, APPLE - RI'TTKR CROCKS, PICKLE CROCKl), FLOWER POTS, 1'IR DISHES, STEW HOTS, Aod a great many other thine, too Bomeroaa to moolinn, ta be bed at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S dTONE - WARE POTTERY Oornr ol Cherrv and Third Street, CLBARF1KLD, PA. augl MARBLE AD ST0E YARD STEWAET & BLACKBURN, DENTISTS, CortrrtiiTltle, Clearfleld Coauty, Peou'a (OBca la Qetea' New Boildia,.) Catwaoirilla, jaa 11, ISTS-ljr. A . M . HILLS Would recpeot felly aot fy hi patieau that he ha reduecd the pile of ART1 FICIAL TSETI1 to 20 Ol) rer mi. r t-tft-IO fur a doable et. For noy two pereoai ooaiing at th fame time, to have each aa apprr et, will gH tk two eel for tS&.M, or 9lT.il each. Term Invariably Cab. Oli-erflrM, ,Tr. I, 1H7B. Gea. Pan. A f t. Chieatfo. Jan. tft, 1S70-IJ Ua. HnpX Chiago. 11 AD LETTING. c AUTION.- Atl pereeaa ara hereby eaatleaod agalart par haing or la aay way meddling with th follow ing property, sow In th poaaeuioa of William W . Uuever, of GrahamUa, via i One eerrel beree, 1 gray mora, 1 eat doable karoe, aad 1 two hen wagoa, aa th earn belong to mo, aad I lft wttb klm oa toon oaly, mabjoet to my order at any time. T. U. FORCKY. Graham ten, May IT, 187A-L DmTnIST RATOR'9 NOTICK Netkea la hereby given that LrtUra of Ad mlniatrailan oa th ealateof RLIKABKTII MIL LKR.latoof UoggtowBhlp,CUaraoldeBBty, Pa deeead, having been duly granted to tb aador 4gaod.aU Boraoa iadeoud ta aaii evleie will plea aaiaJto ImaaedUie payment, aad ihoo hoviag olaiau or demaad will preeaal them preperly BauhoaUtiaa. for Bottle meat wiAoat delay. A. 0. TATI, CLeerteld, May t. Iiri-Al, AdmUiiUator. To whom tt may eoaoern i The 8 u per r lo re of Woodward townahip will rooeir sealed nropnaala for the eonatrnotioB of a puhll road to lead from plane known a th "Sterlhg Hi able," aar lluutiial, to Dopatur townibip line, to be opened and graded for pub lic as, In alt reepect, aa directed by law. Tbe road to ho approved hy Superrleora he for th oenlraet shall heeoaaidered eompleled. Opening ardor giving eoaree aad dialBBee of road may be aeoa at aay time by Bailing en the aubctribr, one of the Supervisor, at hi plan ia Madera. The bidder t furaiah the aemoa of hia aurellea who will Buaraotoo fu I Ailment of eontraet. The Sunerviaor reaervfng tb right to rejeet all bid If deemed neeeeaary ao to do. Bida will ho received aatil tb 10 lb of Juae, when th aem will bo opened at my plaoe, la Madera, at 19 a'eloek a- m, and where an otaa hould bo direetod or left. WM.LL THKti, fedora, may 17, 'M St SWITCHES AND A Mi KINDS OF HAIR WOHK-- Ladlea, If yoa waat hair work rteae la the beet style and eheapeat rate, bring lit one that ha all the trat-elaaa euatom, hoth la ClearAeld aad Ovrweaavllle. Mr. S. 4. Browa BJ pleated to at thatch eaa civ tb boat of refereoeo. Head la your work at the oarlleat opportunity, aaa auaiaeueB win oe gnaraateea. MRH. 8. J. BROWN. Mar tat It., I door oaat of Allegheny House. Olearfteld, May 14, 'To II. M ILL NOTICB. Aey warty havlal loee t. aaw at Look llaraa, aaa bare them maaefeetared at tbe lowoat rata aad ta la. beat maaaet by eallla, al th. Saw Mill al Tewae, A Bow A tX, Waur at root. Leek aeea, Pa. H. BBAW Leak Ham, April IS, lJ.m. Mrs. 8. 8. LID I) KM,, n.rlng engaged in the Marble ballBeae, deatree to Inform bor frianda and tbe publle that ike km now and will keep eonataatly oa band a large aai well aelaeted atook of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARI1LK, and la prcf.red bo foralak lo or,lor TOMIISTONKfl, BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Carba aad Poati for Cemetery LoU, Wtadow 6111a and Capt, alao, BUREAU, TAHI.E AND WAHIt STAND TOPS, Ae., Ae. aa. Yard oa Reed alreol. aaw lb. tt. R. tlrpot. Cl.ua. Id, Pa. JeT,TI Clearfield Nursery. ENOOUHAGE IIOMR INDUSTRY T1I1R aaderaliaad, baring eatebllibl a N.r J. aery oa the Tike, about half way betwerft Cl.arfi.ld and Corwrnarlll., la prepared t. far alah all kindi af FHIIIT TRKKA, (ttaadard aad dwarf.) rergrooaa, Shrabeery, Urepe Viaea, tlooMberry, Lewt.a Rlaehhorry, Strawberry, aad Raapbrry Vlaot Alao, Siberia. Crab Treee, Qalaoe, aad early erarlet Rb"berb, Ao. Ordere promptly atleaded to. Addreae, i. D. WRIflHT, npM-AS-, CarwanarlUa, I'a. J. It. M-MUHRAY WILL SI'PrLT TOn WITH ANT ARTICLI OP MERCHANDISE AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICE. COME AND SEE, (. Ally:) NEW WASHINGTON Sfutlstri). DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (OSo. la Beak Beildiag.) rarweaaTllle, ClearStld Co Pa. auh II H If. FRESH MEAt-MW Snor. Tb andertlrned hereby inform tb ouMie il gracral that ther keep oa band, rage arty, at their bop, adjoining JOHN 01X10 U S rurniier room, opposite the Coart Hon, th BUST rkKSff flEgr, YEA L, XCTTOX LAMB, POHk, ETC., AT KEDUCKD PRICES, FOR CASU. Mrket mornings ToesdAT. ThandxT. ae Haturdava. Moat delivered at ridnee wbe de'trrd. A har af riatroaaga ta respectful It eMifit. Uarch 1, l7d ly. STAUB A NOR R IS. MEAT MARKET. F. H. CARDON & BRO,, Rear of Pi' Opera Hon. CLEARFIELD, PA. Oar arrangement are rf tbe not omplt roarer ter mr fumiabiag the pablie with rmk Meats oi an una, ana et to very nest qnaiiiv. W'caleo deal ia all kioda of Agricultural Imple ment, which we keep oa exhibition tr the bea eft t of the pub lie. Call around wbea la , and take a look at thing, or nMrru h F. ti. CARDON A BRO. Clearfield, Pa., July 14, IsTMf. READING FOR ALLU BOOKS rf- STATIOSERY Market M., Clearfield, (at ttie Puat 0rc) THE ua-ienigoed hga leare to annuil?t t the eitiacna of CtearnVM and vlrinity. ilt he baa flttrtl np a room and haa Jo ft returiea from the city with a large emoant of roadiaf matter, eoo sitting in part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Plank. Account aad Pasa Rooka of evert d- eriptinnj Pnpvr and Envelopes, French pnnl and plaint Pen aad Pencil j Blank Legal Paper, Deed, Mortgage) Judgment, Ri tioa aad Promisarr Bote: While and Pareb- meat Brief, Legal Cap. Record Cap. aad Bill Cf. Sheet Mueie, for eilber Piano, Flale or Viohi, eonataatly oa hand. Any book or otatloaary desired that I may aot hat oa head. will be ordar- ny irat oxpreee, and eold at wholesale or rM to alt uBtomerB, I will also keep pertodift! literature, aaeh Meg tie, Nwpair, t I1. A. UAI let- nrarfteld, May T, M-tf )LANTS & FLOWERS Th. ondMoirnwl herh el.oa nOtiM t BW eltilraa of Clearfi.ld eoa.VI, that ha b.i, al til urern hoom ia Clearllalo, a large e,ueniiir -klndl of Vegetable aad Flower I'lanti, wbl-b -will furnUb to ell who may faror him wilb tb" prtrooage. at reaennohle prleai. Tba folloeiaj Ml a pertiel net ol pieau aad low.ra I tB.RraBt.a rLAara. Wintered Cabbege Planta. Let. C.bbag. rianta. l)..rf Celary Pea ' Wintered OuliSower Planta. Sweet PoleU Planta. Kgg Pleau. Tomato Pieata. l'rpper riaata. flowbb rLAKTa pea Brnoiea. IIKl.tOTROrES-Anortrd. rRll'NIaS-SlneleeBd doable. (IKHANI11MS Xoa.le. MKK ANlt'MrV llooble. II KB A M 11 N8 Varlageled. SAUR Srerlel and while. PANHIKS-Laree Sowera. AllKRATCM Mired. COI.KTA-Aaeorted. rt'CHSIA Single and doable. IMIII.IAS-lh.eble. VKItHKNAS-Deot ealeelel rarlaliea. CITIIKA. CENTAUREA and CINERARIA. CANNAS-AoaarUd. STOCK Urge Aowerlag, aeabn. WAOONIAS Amorled. p KOV A 1.1 A Rial, megor. MldNONBTTE Lerge So.rH.g. PINKA-Hwdy. PIILOX-Dr.-ma.dll. 4 A bug. aeaertmMl .1 Pleole for I "l" Beanota er Teeoa. ERNESTS1 ClearAeld, P.., April II, tt