THE REPUBLICAN. CLKARKIKLU, PA WRUNBHDAT MOHNINQ, MAY If, 1176. Terms of Subscription. Irpl4 In 4rsaee,or within thr a.ontht,..$t li paid ftr thr aad Inifbp els monthly tH I 10 It paid aPv tba aspiration of ill BioBthl,,. I 10 -9Misr. B. M. Pbttkmsill A Co., New- G sper AilvertUiog A (oats, 17 Put Kow, rnor lark bibb Klreet. ar our did authorised t seats b nw sora uiiy. OFFICIAL DIRUCTOHV. i. or soldus qdastbs iBaaiost qoprt. Bor-oad Moaday of Jaaaary. T'4 rd M'iBdBj f Marsh. First MuntHy ef JuBa, fourth Monday of bepleinbor. TIHB Or BO I, DIRS CO It II US PLUI, , , First Monday of Job. Hecond Monday of Norenibor. Oar Xptimt column la decidedly latritlng Ib a local point of view, aad profitable reading to euismors woo warn io savs money. Tucsiluy, Mny 30th, will bo Pocom- tlUB VJ. y HiiuinHiioit has j u hi diMiu nted n lloota for tba Friendless. o 111 . Jtain, huil, thuniirr and lightning Tiinta ibh regie MBiiay at tor aoon, i r Ctf nmimrl ntiil tiiLm n liaaalr nt TTi-tinn Book'i artao-UouMOB First itrtat. It tie light WOrtb CtiBBY Kev. J, F. AndiTHon will preach In lb Wait Clearfield M. 1. Choreh Bait Bun day afternoon, at 4 o'clock, . Shoriff Mul'korson advertises a num bar of ) in thtt inu of tba KarutLio.i, Id addUieo to tboaa pablialtcd laat wort. A (iood IUut,. The Sheriff of Blair county marled west, on day laat weak, Ib com pany with twalva prisoners lor tba peaitenitary. An advertisement in this issno indi cates that tba Super Tliori of Woodward townihip want lo give loweliody a job to tnak a new road Ib that townihip. The porters of the Jeonant House and Mention lionse,ta Ihla place, r new dressed In rod, whit and blua whit jacket, rod velvet rait and blue pant. Two men, Augustus Uytlennd Juntos 1 route, bava beBsrrritod and tmprlaonad at Willkauiport for Banting tba recant great Bra in tba Lumber Tarda of that elty,, . Muwuii. It, Mowton Khaw and F. M. Cardoa atarted eaet an Thursday morn lug with a drove of thirteen ai Ine looking horaae aa aw weta taken oat of Olearflald. Hut. Wm. H. Dill, of I'leu field, aya lb fniiianuport Ana, at laat wek, prreobed on Sunday morning and evening, eery acceptably, la tba Pine atraet M. K. Cburob ef Willlaiaiport.i, An uxohange suys that there is on exhibition at the CiBBial a huge machine known aa " The Smith Criber.N We hope the Smith family will be careful he they go fooling aronod It, At 12 o'clock noon, on Wednesday, tba 10th I nut., tha belle of tba Court lloiise, Cbnrchea aad Rohool Homos, In tbii borough, were rang In honor of the opening of the Cen tennial Hi politico. I- From the Hurts made throughout the couatry, it la evident that tba approaching Fourth of July, aelde from tbe Centennial, will be tba greatoit celebration-day erer wltaeiaod la thli eouatry, , -m The old "Jew Htore," on the lot be twees (be rcaldenoea or II. H ridge and Dr. B. At. Sckcurer baa teen torn down. Jt ha bees uooe eupird for some time, and waa an j-or t tha people Ib that neighborhood. - i . mmmmm- I i i i i . i Tho eondtu'tors, b ink em on and baggage-masters ob tba paieugr train of the Tyrone A Clearfield branch, Pa. Central Railtoal, donned thdr new nnlforma oa Wednesday of laat week. Tbe enlte are of Nary blue elolb, with braaa bot tom. Tba ooadiiotora wear froek ooati, and tha ; brakemea and baggage-maetera bare aaok oata. - ' i! m - WilliamRport had another board fire oa Saturday night hut tba looendiary waa ao eloHly walabed that before Iba Are bad made any headway It wa pat out and tba party arrest!, who prorad to bo a amy fellow, named Cob. Car ter, who had btea tarned ont of tba Deaf !He Ib aant Aaylum a abort time ago. A. it, Kramer A Co. bavo on band a iplendld atook of glut and qoeoaeware, to whlob they iBvil tba atieBtiaa of tbalr patroae, Brery Ibing In tha ejueeaiwara Una aaa bt fonnd la their etort, aad if tbay do aot happen to bava any article you may want, they will order It fur yon. Giro them a eall before purebaiiog. ... i M 1 The first Subbatb -School Convention of the Alleghany Erangelieal Lutheran Synod, will ba held Ib Altouoa, from if ay 13d to J&ih, Ib 1676. Baob eebool eonneatcd with the Synod will , eleot two de legatee, mala and female, be idea tba peitor, to repreevBt them Ib tba Convention. Delegate will Inform Rar. Henry Baker, la duo time, of tbelr Intention to be p recent. Fma at Lewihbi'BO. Two bojs wanted ta boll acme agga. Tbey went Into Henry Uolotman'a liable (owned by Dr. William Marr), built a Are and put an tba paa ol egga. Tbey boiled, and Dr. Marr monrnathe loaa of bia bars, ao doe Thomu Cburob, ao doea UedJea, ' Marah A Co., ao doea Ira Cat her man, and ao doea John Kaler, making Are aublea It took to boll tboaa agga, at a coit of 44.00S Mitchell's Now Primary G'uoimnhy and Mitobell'a New Iniermediata tieography, Penatylrhnia edition, the Sew metier by Dr. Wiekeriham, State Superintendent of Pub lie la atructioa, are valoalle edition of ttandard worki on gtograj'by, from tba pnbllahiog bouaa of B. H Butler A Co Pbiledelphia. Ib matter la well arranged and admirably adapted to tbe Baa of new begianer', and alto of intereat lo older atudents. e Mr. John Dougherty, late of the Manama H-iuie, Clearneld, an leaeea tbe City Hotel, ia tliii plana, and took ebarce of It on Mon day. It t iaid that Mr. Dougherty knowa bow to keep a hotel. iyroae lltrml. Wcll,yoB bat!" If our jolly old frlaad doea sot hnow bow to keep h hotel and rndr man happy, oobody alee doea. Mr. Dougherty still , fnntroli tha Mansion Hoot, Is tbia plaoa. Oirn Penaivairr Pnalni mmnm. bar that during tba Bret weak of May laat year, wa abtpped 11,431 tons of ooal aver tb Tyrooa A vicwraeiu nauroaa. jae amount idi lorwara during the sarna time tbia year waa 24,91ft tone i over 100 per aant. of aa inereaaet What other "; hraoobof trade,' or what Individual, ana a bow prottrtty of this kind labia bail net tbeaa dul Urn as, e i - , Wm. S. Bradley, Ksq., wbo lately , look charge of the Allegheny Bute), in tbia pieoe, la tranaformlng It iato a dealrable stopping place. Ba baa had tha Interior nawfy papered, painted and furniibed, making the rooma look neat and inviting. Mr. B. baa had a large enperienaa In tha hotel buiieeir, and flatten bimselll that ha ean make hia gaeiU feel at home. Ulra bli eall when yon eetue to town. List of letters remaining unclaimod In tba I'MtoSee at Clearfield, fbr tba week ending May Uth, 1S70: t Buyer, Mionael Iwrey, Robt l CbawUrlin, U. W. Meahia, Owib ; Klder, Samuel II. Heed, J aba N. Fowler, fcpa. T. Robiaaoa, Mtaa Abb . Piaaigaa, Mn. Jan. X. Shrieve, Mies tWan Uatiy, Mite Ansa Blaart, Vilea L. Ltngle, W. g. HalehmaB, WUIiam P.A. UAUUN.P.M. Wm. Heed, Koom Na 2, Pie's Opera Houie, wai atthaUeateaaialopeaiog la Pbiiadal r pbia, lat ntak, aad duiiag bis stay Ib the elty be purebaaed ea Immeaas svwk ef goods, which . are aow oa eihibltioa at hie ttera. Every day triage him boiea and huadlea of goode, all af the sMwaet aad latest elytea, absdes and pattern, aad to be told at tower priest than hart ever before bean offered in this region. IX yen don't believe It, eall at hi alar aad priee them. On Sunday morning last, as Mr. F. O L. Buck opeaed hi im doar. In tba old Waiters Uolal building, ba was almost allied by tba doBee smoke which Ailed Iba rwom, and look iig for tba cause, be found the tarpetand straw beaealb It alowly bnrtiibg, at amouldering. It la uppueed lo hava beaa eeuxd by lighted eigar being dr ped apoa iba lewv iba avea leg pre kus. Tbe carpet, about s fast In width from ana ride of tha rswm la Iba ether, was badly aeerehed. What mlraaatowt aeeapa I Tbia I tba second lieu that tba Weileta bat had s aar raw eetepe (re deeUaotioa. Last Fall a Ira wa disooffetetf m law attle, hat waJ eiUafnlsbad without doing say damage. Tub Coal Tidb. Those of our read era wbo artatlllsouawbataksptla upon (be tupetl erity of our eoal war that of b Rraad Top product, will please put tbalr eywupewthe follow log Igura I Daring lb Aral week la May last year, Iba ibkpmeBtaof eoal from tbe Uroad Tup regloB was 9,1(30 tost, agalnat ,02ft ton Ibis year j loss, 4,T0s tone. Tolsl axaoual shipped lo date, 89, AVI tuasj tauie time laat year, Ss.OU ton) loss, 16,610 tons. Tba ship man ta from tba Clearfield region for tba same time were as follows I COAL. Fur tba week , daws time last year.,., Increase ,'. Prerluuaty daring year same time laat year. v.,..,.. Inereaa , Total In IS78 Sana time laat yar .,. Ineraasa ., M 110,811 Tbe loaa to th former la HI, 410 tone, and tba gain In tba latter 118,811 tons. This a rat nf thingf la brought about, baoam Ihla region furnlibes tb but quality of ooalj and just aa aoon as tbia faet li praoilsally brought t the -tin of oonaumert, order will multiply, new open- Inga muit follow, andrmilroade will ba built along uur itrreoi. Thi ra la no bur proipeot any where than In our own sonnty. The ial, with out takiogany oiber mineral Into consideration, ill! yield mora prollt In l he neit twenty years than all the timber and farm produeteaftbe county hava during the peat slity years. We nra not working upon.' our Imagination. Tb" blank diamond" of tb very beat quality are to be found everywhere Ihroogbnut the ooun ty, aud a revival of buiincea, wkiob muit oome soon, will develop It all la a abort time. 1 An Awful Jiath. In tho Osx-eota HVat, of laat week w Bud tha following I On Sunday left, Mary WaldroB, about seven yoars of age, aad daughter of Patrick Waldron, who lira a ihort dlaiano from town, mat with n ter rible death from tba arelw wo should ay criminal uto of hsroseaa oil. Tba obi Id was landing la lb doorway, and her alitor, s little girl s year or two older, having boon told to mah a Ira In th alove, wm attempting to do o by pouring kerosene oil on tho "kindlors," from a half-gallon oil ana. At this moment, the an fortunate little girl ran toward tba stove, which produced s auddea rush of air, osualag tbe oil to Ignite, An exploilon, sounding Ilk tba report of piitol, la tan tl folloerwd, aad 1h laiaea eommantnating with theyonnfcrhfallffaoldtblnf;, she ran out lot th street, where aba wai taken up and earrlad lo n bouaa on the oppoiita side. Tbero being bo available meana at hand for amotherlng th girl' burning clothes, alio was plnnged into s tub of water, which, of ooune, i- tlnguiihed tbe fire, but muet have produced the moat In tens pain. This happened a short time after 1 o'clock, while lb parent and some neigh bors were out at tba stable attending to a sick oow, and tha Injuries sustained by tbe Utile girl war of aioft a (backing ebaraoier, tnet a (tor lin gering about Bin hoars, sb was relieved by death, from her suffering. Th slater wbo was UitntmcBtal In eanitng th tocldeat, ws tyo yonog to know anything about th osialo na ture f kereoieue, but ah evidently bad en her mother, or other members of th family, aaa tb oil for tb asm purpose, or ab would never bava thought of kiodling the fir in thkt way. Sb fortunatoly escaped without injury, but th floor was at on Ire, and the bona would have been destroyed while tbe parents were attending to their suffering child, bad sot some of tbe neigh bora exerted tbmalrei In extlnguUbiog tb flame. , - , iS . A FiiiLiPsnuRO FinK. Tho citir.ons of ear town were OBiidernbly aierclied on Moo day morning by a rumor that two squares of build ings were burned during th nlgbt Is our neigh boring borough, Tb report was that all oa th north aid of Flrat atraet, between All port's drug tore west I ssd including tbe Lloyd Hotel, were Ib ashes. The facts are that It was Taylor's Uo tet aad MeCaBalafld'e iplendld new brick dwelling adjacent to tbe drug store, which were burned Dr. Pierce's floe residcuoe, across the street from the llolcl, li badly blistered sod scorched, and th Urge plate glaia In tba window oa tha east aide are crackvd into millions of pieces. Tbe escape from a wuuleiaJe conflagration was truly miraculous. Tb flr wa 'erideotly the work of an Incendiary. Ab out-hoBH, aUjolniDg Taylor's Hotel, and a stable owned by Dr. Hoops, war oouplajaly saturated with coal oil. Tho stable 1 was saved, but tb oil was plainly visible on soma board on the carriage-room floor. A new woodoa bucket was also found In a lot, saturated with oil, , but ao snot or pattern for It could bo found In th town. It waa of oak Imitation, with blue boopi, and may yet lead lo tb deleetlon of tb offender. Mr, McCaasland's loss Is vary heavy, but is pretty well covered by insurance. Mr. Taylor was not so fort ana te, having only il,10of iniar- aara, be idea lot lag a valuable gold watch and about $86 la money which were Ib bis vest pock to, and left hanging on the bed pott irhaS tbe alarm was sounded, about 1 o'clock, a. m. tfp to Monday evening, ba had bo elu te either watch or money, aor bad any one been arrested for oauilog the Ore, although several part la were being 'abaduwed" by detectives wbo were oa tha look-out. Several alteuspta war ejisd to fir building a la Hofltadale, In this eeunty', ob Sunday sight, eoal oil baviag bean freely ased, hut tbe other ar range meat a were not perfected for a conflagration. A Lamb-Ttiief Captured. A num ber of farmers residing along Iba river, below this place, were lottng a lamb or two every bow and then, but were unable to account for their lorn an til Friday laat, when tba thief was caught la tba act. Mr. Epbraim F. fifcaw, rcilding in Lawrence townablp, a abort dlitano north or this borough, lost five lambs, and, upon searching ths field where he kept bis sheep, found tbe lambs with their throats cut aad their bam eaten off. Ho porvbaied com atrychnin, Baited the dead lambs with It, and rot s watch. Soon after, a targe bird oame sailing over tb 9e)!, and when near th dead lambs, darted down Ilk an arrow on one of.1 the arearssa and commenced it menL Aft few bttea, the bird begaa te it retch Its neck, at if choking, and spreading Its pinions, very awk wardly succeeded In perching Itself on a tree tome diitaaoe off. It had scarcely settled on the tre when II pitched forward, but hang to the limb, back downward, which broke off end'botb cam to tb ground. Tb bird proved to be a white- headed, or royal bald eagle, measuring sis feet and ten Inebee from lip to lip of wingaand other wise seemed powerful enough to beer off a ibeep. or a child. Since tbia enormuue bird lai been captured, the down-river farmers hnow very well what boeam of their lamb this Spring, from tha faet Ibat they frequently taw this monstrous bird in tba air, but never eoipeeted It to be a lamb-thief. m Fatal Accident, Tho Heynoldn- Tlll imvld says : On Tusaday morniog. th 3d imt., an'aocident occurred at tb Centennial Col liery, near DuBois, owaed by Joaea Brea., which resulted la Ibe death ef a young man named John Ueadrleka. It appears n blast bad been put In the mine tbe day before but did not knock dowo tb ooal, and lb miner Becoming iBcaad at hi ill-laoh left th premise. Th mornigTol low log, Mr. Hendrieia, together with a yoang man named Jobnaton, went into lb mine and discovered that tho blast had shattered tb eoal badly and ssly a small amount of labor would be required to bring It dwa. Mr. Headrlck took s pick and proceeded to loosen a pertWa, while John i ton prepared to drill for s imall Mast, when of a sadden the entire block gavs way , crash -lug UeodiL ki, whe bad not time lo oacape, Mr. Jobnitoa, fortunately, wai sot within reach, be having f oa fr bis drilling tooli. This scarred at about I a. and he lived ant 1 1 boob of .hat day. H hud only moved to Dull oil th day prfroedlag hit death. Mr. IUsdrleka was well knows to maay af cur ait i teas, bating resided in this vie ly for a a amber of years. Ha wa 24 year of g sad bod been married but a short Una. II leaves a wiw and many lileads to mean hi tragic fate. . TukOnbUundeedtii Folittii. Tho BBlversal qneetiea Just bow Ib and arouad tha town see ass to be, "Will then be a eolebmtlOB in Clearfield ob th Fourth f Jaly t " We volunteer to say, of soars, aad tho biggest on that ha happened within th last one hundred year. W bav direct aatavrity for Haling ihla faet, only w taak U sagkt ton. We aBderstaand that th Urangars are going to have a fell tars-tat at tbia place from svory etottea of th oouaty where tbey have aa orgaaiseiioB. Bessde ibis, there will be hBBdrode of vols leers Jat as aoon a a movement If Mad by th Barge aad Tuwa Cooaoil, or th aid seat, or both. Wt bar act bod n fourth nf Jaly la Ihw pbse far IfWen year. - Lot as Save an old old -fashioned owe Ibis Centesalal year. 8iBe th (orcgeing was put in Ijpe, w learn that proper stsaaj have been token In tbedirestloB indies led. A aaty meetiag has been sailed to est ia ibe Opera Ilea, Ib Ibis bereogb, this WededBy)cvaieg,al S aVtek, to ndept each manaarn a will tntwr bstsmiag Seleb ration of aor Ceo ten ia I day. , i Tba pay car ot tbo Pennsylvania Rsiiroad peeved over tho Tyrone sV Umrleld hron Menem laol. it l,i TON. .. 14,910 h 11,44.1 13,470 ... llnu,77i ... !0A,44& IH 101,1127 891,191 177,871 ALTOONA DMsTmCT-CEMTIlAi, M. K. CONFtH OamduM rem fosl mk. From the reeorda of Logan's Valley circuit, w find that tb flrat sermon was preached at Logan's church by Mr. Lara in a. in imi, ncv, jccob Bromwell waa hit eol league. The earn Fall n class was formed, all tba mombera of wbloh have gBO to taetr rowara ia isaavoo, axoapi one, mor carat Aka. who ia no year oia, ana in srooa beaitn. Neat lo Mother Ake, Jaoob, Ueorge, and Daniel Btoilh are the oldest members at Aihury. Thar wea a spclety formed, and regular preaching estab liihed some years earlier at Lcnnel Root's, on Bell's rh, near what la now tb village of Dell's Mill. A beat three mile from where Ibe villa of Tipton now Meeds, in Sinking Valley, tbe Hrat aoraioB waa preached a th beuse ef Brother David Beyer. Tbe nam of tba preacher is on- kaown. Ia loss, LevM never meved Horn Husk iag Valley to a farm near Tiptoe, There wa no church of any hind at that lim la Logan' Val ley. There was one old man, by tbe name of Hamul Kakea, wn had formerly beaa a member, bad area Julia Wriley, and heard Dim preach ia Ireland, lo 1H3A, Rev. Joalnb Foreat formed a class, David Beyer lender, lu 1H41 the society baill Mt. tua oh ere b Rev. ntmnson Uuyar preocbud tha Aral sermon Ib it. ltev. James Hetta waa present, aud th neit day preached th funeral sermon of invid Beyer, tiooa alter, n ro marhattle revival ooeiirred ander the ministry of ltev. Henry et.wiuanu nv, Jauie tiraaa. About AO mombera or added.' ' " A dais waa formed to tua village of Curwena vllle Ib iSJto, under tba ieederihtp ef Charles Nattae. -up te mc year I sow, taisoiaosfloneiat. t-J ul ait uic w bare. The nret revival ooourred In lh.19, under the ministry of Revs. Joiepb Lee and J. A. Ross. , Amoug the eouvcrl at Ibis lima brnulil into tin eourob wera J. Harvey 4 It ml on, Jtibo Dale and wilr. Jarhson Rubiqion, Jesian Kvana, Mrs. Robert Ron, Mrs. I. B. ScRner, and Hon, Jehu Paueu." At tbia meeting, Mrs. Susan Pelton, mother of Ucn, Pntton, alter year of earaeat locking, was brought into tbe life aud peace ol the guipot. ime vtneraoic and oeiovea woman, now H4 years eld, itill lives In ths enjoy ment of tbe 8a t lour 'a preaenoe, and with a brint bone Of immortality. Her husband, Judre Pat ton, on I ted at tbe cam tin with the church, on probation, as a seeker of religion. Years before ibie, Hi 1B:iS, their house was the first One opened in the Cvwa as an itinerant' home. December 12th, 1840. a committee waa- appointed to estimate tb cost and fli on a sltefaranewehurehnt Ourwoaa villo. In due aenrae f time Una wee erected, and continued to serve th people as a plane of wor ship lor a numaer o years, in ibjj, n acmioria ble and convenient parsonage and two valuable loll, for a new churob edifice, to take th plao of the old one, were presented to the church by Hon. John 1'etion. In I86ttand IftftO, Rcr. W. L. Bpots- wood was paster. In each year bis minutry eiaa bUaaed by craciou revival. Ifl lb last yearn oew church, worth Alu.OUU, tba best at thai lime of any denomination in tba oouuty, was erected. Among lue oouverta oi tnts pastoral term, may oc mentioned tna name oi ur. n. u. inompsoo ana wile, and Mra. Jane Irwin, Tbe latter for Seven yenrs teet bad been a great auflerer. Her servi ces In the ebarcb, when ebe waa able to tab an active part, were invaluable, and she baa been by no meana idle, eveu while eoonned to her bed a help lei invalid. Curwenirllle was made a na tion in the HprlDg or lhft9. The first full pailoral term waa Qlivd bv Rev. W. L 'ruMn. . About loO'were takeniniathooburoh during the aVaeiona reviraii that attended ble labor. In tua Vt inter if to? and I ft 76, under Iba labora of Rev. Jesse B. oung, A. a mm, devoted aad efficient man of tJod. a bksaed revival scasoo Wa enjoyed. in wlitnb about 60 made a prukailon of religion, and the cburob was greatly quickened. In IMS, Oeoeola aud LuaiterCuy ntoarg were formed. The former numbering 322, aod the tat ter iii members. In 1671 a near change was made out of Halt Moon circuit, called Pine Uiove. Tbe flrat MetbodUt preaching ia this country was dune in-a small dwelling, boune near te where Meek ! ebureh now stands. UUhop McKettdrce preachvd one or two sermons in Ihe neighborhood in tbe year 1811, with great hower and eflVet. Tbe first class leader was tree, (leer li art. Boal burf waa the nett appointment In order of time, established about 2tl year later. In tbia place the first church was built in tb year IKS5, and vet atanda. Ib tni cburob, still occupied by bi, Jacob O ruber preached, also others of like precious reputation, sues as canes, fcii's, and rrettyman. I be oldest members of the cburob now living, ere Hrothera Ueo. W. Meek abd Ueorge Jack. UoU bav bora lb, burden aud heat of th day, and in sea) for Ibe oause of the Master bay expended, tbi-ir best energirs. Knot TyrcB Limpet wa projected by He. Thomas Barn hart, and built in 1H7 1 at n cost of $1,1)011. Dedicated by Rev. Jobn W. Kaogley, a olasi of 14 memberi waa lurmed, and Jane B. Urey was appointed leader, l he preacher in charge of j jrone station supplied Ibe pulpit lor two years. l7J ana ime, nev. weorge vuyer wee toe pastor. In 1876 it was made a separate rberjre, Rev. T. H. Hwilaer appointed palor. During tbia year an ei tensive revival of religion baa oc curred, end tb oharge bide fair to become vigor cue in all tha enterprise of the church. Oa the j:id of Juae, at toe urnalreatieet of lleary Albert, Rq., Rev. W. II. Dill preached in a school bouse at tba Woodland Fire Brick Company's works, asar Woodland, In Bradford towmbip, Clearfield county, Pa. ooa alter he waa solicited lo preach SI1, which be did, Ib about four weeks from Ibe lte of the flnt ap poiatmeut. A law daya after t bat Mr. Albert re peated bis invitation fur him to vieit their com munity and diipense the goipal among them. He prelected aa escnse, pleading hi numeroBOea- gafremente a a reason fur not com ply tog with tbe request t bat added, If I theegbt by my eon-, ing to Woodland I might be instrumental Ib your 1 eiioverfloo lo Uod, and Joining tbe M. N. Cbercb, 1 I would gladly go' lie then aaa a very inter, cat in eon variation with him, in which he discov ered that for some time he bad been a convened lie promised te go out, proa on regularly, and stand by hiovrh hit plans lor etirch-work in Wcodlaod. Kev. j.n. MoMurrey, tbes reidig Rider of tb Altoooa dtetrtot, gave him authority lo ergaSlso n Methodist Kpieoopal Cburob. This ; wai don oa January win, ib, ib toe Softool bouse mentioned above.) Oa this oeosWa he preached from Coloasteaa, 1st chapter ahd Isth verie, ana iiaieo nia purbWH ana euiaomy io or- gaaise an M. R. Churrt, and gave aa opportunity tor person lo ynta the new ennren. Two cam forward, Joseph F. Artderiou, a fall member, who was received by eertineate, ard Henry Albert, who wae token oa probation. Tbe next day Brother Albert formea n lutircribuun-boun. end terted the enterprise of burMIng a new M. R Cburob. It was decided to build it oa n site con venient to the people of both sections of Wood Jand. Ha placed nil own name at tbe bead of th lilt with a libcial subscription, and in a very abort time th affair bed assumed each proportion that its aocceaa was reasonably assumed. Tbe new building, 40x(10 feet, was begun In early Spring of 1073, and, superintended hy Brother Albert, who save much of bia time and attention to It, it proceeded ateaillly and surely to it completion. Da Sunday, November 2d, Mty U wes dedicated in aoleinn form aa " mil a utmii, St. K. Chureb," te the worship of Almighty Uod. The servieee en tbii lotereetiog eooasioB were conducted by ltev. Buho'j Thomas Bowman, who oreanhed in the morning, and nev. uuaplaia u. C, MnCab'who occupied the pulpit in Uie evening. Tbelr mini traliona will long be remembered by tbe entire eommunllr. for their carneit breasotallon of the coipcl of Chrlat. Tbe church has had a career of combined prosperity. Revivals of religion have at i en te ui laoer oi pieseaera aaa people, on til Woodland may now be conaidnred one of tbe sabsiential piiemtmenteof th Conference, Ib 1H76, boow urn etrouit was divided, and a new circuit (Omgresa Hill) was formed. The first aermoB was preached at Congress Hill by Rev. Wm. MoDowH, in Mra. Murray' bouse, in I8S7 or 1828 ; text from Matthew viti, S. It waa in tbe same year that the first oamp-aseetlng in Clearnel oouaty wa new, aoout a mil from Philipaborg, whtcB la soppocea to neve been in or ln2s. Her. M. I'ssroe wa tbe maidlnt: Blder, H. John Anderson was anpposed to have been tbe flrel Methodist preacher at karthaua. Ibe osaat eel oi to aril eias st nartbao can not be asoertainrd. A elsis existed about Ittafl. and waa led by Mrs. Hurxlbal, a si iter of old Mr, her l baa, one ine a rat class leader there. She bad om from Baltimore, and being a MetbodUt, ens wrote w coaieseeee and a Breach ar waa sent. Richard Colour, fathoc ef Revs, N. W. Co I burn and H. U. Col born, of the Contra! Pa. Conference, nwved there ta ISMS, and wai mad elai leader, aod has bold that oflice nearly all the time since. At karthaua Hill a eh o roll was built about ISTfi. Re. G. firs ham oommenced hie ministry ia tbe bonnds of tb circuit. Slater r)rah Michaels, wife of Wm. Michael, waa a member of Ihe first elsss at Kail beaa about 18 year ago, and walked abeat seven miles loclaaa. carrying a obild In he arm. Sister Isabella Murray, wife of Alexander Murray, was for year tbe onlj Mvihodlil about Uonorea II HI. Kuob 1 merely on ailln a brief kel-b vt wbat Uod has done ia the bounds of this diatriet through tbe iaitru mentality of the M. R. Church. Wbo caa fully animate in magnitude, toe en voi eg labor of th noble itinerants wbo t reverted theie mountain! and vallerei'tbemamtudee cob verted te Uod in the graelune revivala ot religion ; the ehurnoee bum: in nandey-enbooia orjraniied with Ibskr multiplied facilities far duseminallng religloua knowledge and leading eat tbe minds ot tbe youlb of nor land tote a proper tret a i ng t Th boolo membership of mea end women raised up to labor valiantly for Hod, wbo received these toil worn lllneranls aa messeager of peace, entertained them is tbelr homes nod nrgnd tbem ob with glorious encouragement to tier aod sufler for (Jbriat, Thought each as thsse oome up a we review tbe past, and we say that Kternity nlon an fully anewer tbia momentoue question. Aa a mailer of record 1 have peooed a acbedul of Altoooa diunai tor n;o, mowing tit aggre gate ef tit Bombers, aod tbe eniut ( money expended for all purpoiei i she a umber of lull members, O.fljS : probation er, 9t'2 wboie Bumber of eburehee, M vela af aburob properly, -JJ,fl ) number el parsonages, 21.1 value ol the aame, $47,9tU. i be total amount raised throughout the dial riot for benevolent porpese io tbe year 1876, ha been distributed as loliuws if For Preachers' Aid Society. ...., I , 9 OS M Children's RduoaUoB Fund 83 !U " Conference Claimants-.,..,,.,,,.,,.,, 9.17 IS " Missiwai. M. 4,094 98 M Wemao'a Fur. Mtanonary Society... 137 30 M Board of Church Kxtsnnen.,. Tract Society Sunday -Sebool Union - Freedmen'i Aid Society M M Kdueailoa M Bible .,.H Total : fo.rrn With Iheee brief sketahee aud imperfect nnnala, I close tbe hiatory of Metbodtisa ia the Allocua diairtet. Tbay may be aseJal simply aa n matter ol record. ry wtersauag ibey auooi no, oe- aos aeceaiity required lupertant faata to be aondrBeed. II, in iVie, soma inquiring eae takes np lb pea lo writ the history ol tb preceding water r. may toieopnaiiB anaae aa eeiv aiart- lag point for th accompliihmtnt of hit psrposst, H . B. Th wif ef laiher Caldwell, roferrod In la last week's teres, and psge 161 of Ceuier eaea Miaul, has siees died. , ,,, Mr. 8. 1). Jordan, bavinir Uudy re- aaovod lo hla farm, In Lnwrenao townebipv deatrns to call stuntles to th fact that ha win tnpply ehieksa asd esgs to aU wb with aajtalag sf th hiad. heed him word, and ho wUI detrvwr thaaa n vsar asanas st Inn lewoot ajaran prtsos. ret snan. - & Lantwook, In speaking of tbo flr Bear usoooia, w mad it "too taw-milt oi . Bill Sob 'a, Wbsa It shoe Id have read th mill of OapL John BIHoll. "Wa hop tb editor sf th werVeT will suffer lueoavenleno from ur mla tab. . ' ' , sljPCCffelB j , I If von want to toe good timet and forget the paolo, Just go to Flack A 0oa store. Doe 'I forget the plara, oppoall Mosaop't store, Market atrtut, Ultarllsld, Pa, w" '?!, ' W intern Reed It now visiting New York and Philadelphia, and by May Uth will receive a bandaome Hook of new Summer Dr tloodi, whlob will oa told very shcap. myll-Jt Buobis Fob Satn-R. New ten Bhaw keep a full aupply or Fredonia Buggiei and Platform Wagona for ail. To be eeeo at the Shaw House yard. Call ob r addroa him nt Clearfeld Pnn y I van la, - ; . - ay U-tf. ' A Wonn os sons ta tad Ptisua W have teat veeeived a bow in vole of choice Drees Goods, tho best 36 cent Drew Uood in town, Black Alpacas, Black Silks, mens' nod boy a uaaeitueros, We main a specialty of Mounting Uooda, more Summer Millinery Goods, Unit and Rennets, juat received. PattoaaM SO helled. ovry flort tbail b take to glv entire aatisfsolion to all who I may favor oi with their mutom. mylT-tf. : Fsambb'b Ouids Boob to PsitsoBLrBU Ann rim Cbktbshial RiMiairn ii. Frioo reduced to I CM rC SJ TR HaattieMappuhliaiied, C-1N UC-rw I O. thown thloeelioa l 44) of tho prominent placet of Intersil ob the Mil Uenlenniat uruunil n nwmr www innn any of Ibe lO etnt tluidrt puhliHhed. Knelose trio lo John w. rraiier, .) wamui sir!, biladslphin, aad get copy by return mail. : . Dont fall to eall at the Centnunlal Ittore, for all your gooda, a w ar determined to tell at the lowest pries ib in eosnuy. woo a vt nil arse Good for J9 eeets per yard, worth 10 osnU. (loud Calicos fast colors for five cent par yard. Hood Mualint yard wide for Iveeenls. Oood Olaghama fbr ala cent a per yard. Uood Dress Uooda, tea coots per yard. Uood Ticking ten cents per yard. A good Draie pattern lor Any cento. Lad lea' O loves for eight cents psr pair. Uooda lo our line will always be avid at tb lowest mar hot prion. ..nsyU-tft 1 HAVK YOU THIKI) 1TI We refer to that -remarkable cemoonnd which alsooat every on has tried, Dr. Morris' Syrup of lar, Wild Cherry aod liorehouno, lor i ougui, Coldi. Blood-atilttlnB. weak lungi. Croup, Whoop ing Cough, Aithmn, Bronrbitia, and all diaeasea of tbe lianas r throat, frohabiy no similar pre pa ration ever brfor ao quickly lound Its way luto )Utlie tavor as tnis. lis seie in our mwniuniij a aimolv enornou. Those who bav been dia- appointed in other co-called remedies, sre specially loviled to to try tbia. Be turc to get the genuine lr. Morris nyrup oi isr, n no Cherry and Horebcond. There ar Imitation la the marhst. Look ont for them,. Regular altoa 60 eenla and Use Dollar., For sal by CD. Wation and Uartawlok A Irwin, Clearfield, Pa. ipcbSSoowly '( ' , , ,' A Fact Worth kuowlng;. ... Ar yon lufferinsT with Consumption, Coughi, 8 cvsr Caldi Milled os th Breast, or any disea of the Throat and Longs f If w, go to your drug gists, C. D. Watooo, or Uartswiok A Irvln, aad. gt a bottle of BcatRan't Usruar Starr. This medicine ba lately bean Introduced from Germany, and la toiling oa its owe merits. The people ar goiag wild ov us success, and druggUta all over our country sre wrillnjrua f Its cures among their cuitomers. If yon wiah tctry lis supervoV vlrtee, get a Sample Hditle lor 10 oaoU. I Larg ilia botUe T6 eeuti. Thro dose will relisv any ease Try It,. apr678eowty Prof. Parker' Pleasant Womi Syrop 1 pr feotly safe, extremely palatable, Wo pbyalc re- Juired. Colli 26 ornti. Try it. For lale hy C. . Wataon and Hartiwlck A Irwin, Olearflold, Pa. men SSeowly. t . - r; WM. BL:iiI'M LOCALH. All beat prints, II rents. Dress 0-oodi, cheaper than th cheapest. Fifty doiea fancy ho, for ladles and hil iren, three pairs for twenty five csnti, beinir .ne-third their value, at Reed'e, in the Opera Hobs. Dee. 8, 1176-tf. DUrrifl At St. Fraaele Catholic Chureb, Ib tbia borongh, on Tuesday morning, May 9tb, 176, by Rev. Father Sheridan, Mr. Charles Berry, or Clearfield, Pa., aad Mln Annie Lynch, of Lawreae lows chip, Clearfield county, Pa. i'. Ob Thunday, May lllh, Rev, Wm. M. Bo reh field, Mr. Samuel Addleman and Mia Caro lina Bloom, both of Pike towuabip, Clearfield county, Pa, Ib Oseeols, Clearfield eounly, Pa., on Mondajrt May 1st, 1176, Charlie Swope, ynngat son of M. P. and Amanda styar, aged i year and i month. i In Lawrence towaibfp, Clearfield county, Pa en Tharaday SfleraooB, May 4tb, 1878, of con sumption, Mary, wife of Samuel Lender, aged 28 years, 1 meats ana as nays. . , -She waa a member of Ibe Church of Uod, and b left th evideoo of her acceptance with 11 Ha is glory, , At th roll den oe of her son-la-law, In Brad ford eownabiti. Clearfield county. Pa., ob Thurs day, May 11, 18TA, Mrs. Catherine Bargcr, aged 77 years, 6 mootbeaod 17 days.. UoIob county papers please copy. SherifTs Sale. B T virtu of writ of swWa Fi, tmsd oat of th Coort nf Commea Plea of Clear field ooontv, and to me directed, there will be xpoeed to PUBLIC S A LB. at the Court liooie. In tb boroogh of Clearfisld, ' Monday, the 6tb day r June, iS7o, at I o'clock, o. m.. too lotiowing described real estate, to wlti A certain two-atory frame dwelling bottle, to gether with land Immediately adjacent thereto for ordinary nee thereof, sttaeto la the borough of Uoutadala, Clearfield Co Pa., on lot No. 171, and bounded south by Mary street and running north 160 feet to Bib alley, being 60 feel front, and situate ob oorner Of Mary street and spencer allay, eald boos bing 10x24 feet in sis, seised, taken in Scot ion and te bo sold ai tba property of Michael Owani. Also, a eertaiatwo story frame building situate ia lb villa- of Westovsr, bounded oa ths east by Cbeit creek and public road, south by lot of Adam Flltsrinston, weit hy land of Isaac Keria. aad aota- by sot af Jaa. Storm, eoatoiaing one half of an acre more or less. Belied, iaknn In execution, sad to b sold St tb property of W, J. Rotkev. Alio, a two-atory frame dwelling house, fifty sis by twenty-aigbt tug t her with loUnd curt ill aire appurtenant thereto, tifuato la tb village of nouearfcr, viearaeid eoanty, ra,,ea mi bound d aorta hy lands of William Sloppy, and John Overderff, east by lewaihip road, and sou lb and west oy lead oi Jleory Mistier. Mised, laaea In secutioa and t be told at the prcporty of wm. v. uoney t ai. , . Also, all tVat pertain tract of land situate In Dogg township, Clearflald county, Pa., bounded and described as followi; Beginning at stone corner oi Mania r leeal a porehaMt thenc alone hla tin north eighty mtsb aad n4ialf deoreca weal one hundred and lixleeB perehoa lo line of Jacob uoea i thence by bli line toulb one and on. half degrees wtat on hundred and tbirty-aeven perch to tb division line between the two sur reys Ib ths Barnes of Benjamin F. Wert and Stephen Kfngiton ; thenot along aaid division line and Luke Miller'a purchase south eighty seven end on -four lb degrees east on hundred and ait teen perchea to a atone corner t thnno bv John User hart north one and one-half degrcee eaat one hundrrd and thirty-three perch i more or let to the corner and line of Martin Klagal'e purrnase, wnicn is uie piece oi beginning, con taining ninety -ilx ncrei more or lees. Salted, lakea in execution and to be told at the property of Samuel H . Woo) healer. Alio, all that certain tract of land tlluele Ib Becoaria township, Clearfield county, Pej and being la th warrantee nam of William Even, ooe tain ing one hundred and flfty-aii acres with atuut forty acres cleared, and having orectod thereon a small log home, log stable aud other outbuildings, bounded on the sail by Jamel Uill, weal by Margaret Wbistler.south by Jno. Osshcll, and nonb Ly Ueorgs Oiebell. Seised, taken In exeeulloa and to be sold ea the property of Sarah Ana Usbell and Jamea Oibell, her huiband. Also, all ths two certain lots of ground situ, ale in llontsdale borough, Clearfield countj, Pa., bounded and described a follows: biluale on tbe southwoBt oorner of Brlsbin aid Kilts s treats, fronting ob Brfsbin at reel and running along ttlias elrcet one bnndred and Ally feet to Sprum alley, and known la plan of said borough as lot Mo. 68, lb other lot thereof aituate on Ibe eaat aide of Briabin street, fronting en Briabta i treat fifty feet aad extending one hundred and fifty feet to Maple alley, and known In plan of aaid borough as lotNe. l. Helved, lakes la execution and te be sold as tbe property of Jas, Carter. All, tb following real esUl sltuats la Brad ford township, Clearfield eounly, Pa., bonndrd and deeertbed as follows i Beginning at a oorner of land of David Foreey ( tbeaee teeth l;i par he more or leas) then still by land f Datid Foreey west 114 pe rebut more or leaa thenoe north 1674, perche more or leia to enrner of par-! port No. 1 is the divlites of th citato f Thomas Holt, dseeaaed thence east along purport Mo. 1, 114 percuss mere or less to the piece of beginning, containing 196 Bares and 8t percbee. Heine, token ia eientloB and to be sold aa the property of A. B, tJoodrieb, with netloe I William I'ertor, kq. ....,'! Tbbmb or SiLS.-Th price or aaa st 'which th property shall be atrook off must be paid at tb lim of sale, or sack othsr arrangements made at will b approved, otherwise th proper ty will be Immediately pnt p and aold agaia at tbeexpiase aad risk l th persea to whom 11 wai ttrueh off, aad who, la aa of defieleaty ai sash re-eal, abail make good lb cams, and in bo Instanoo will th Deed be proeeMsd la Court for oenSrwiaUoB antoe aba mooey la aotanlly pld to the Sheriff. W. B. McPHSRSON, Snnnirv't Urnoa, I . - Sheriff. Ctenrweid, Pa May IS, IIT8. I . . . -Sheriff's Sale, By virtue af aweary writs f Ftri arfoa la seed out of lb Coart f Ocmmen FieM f Cleat- leld aeeaty. aad Jo as directed, iher will be sxpesed to pabeie aJ,4 th Court Use, ts th horh pf Clear sld, oa Moosjay, ta fta day t S $r'tv ' gfidWrtifrmrnM. of June, IRTfl, at t Velocn P. m. th fot lowing described isslestats, to wltt All D.frndinU' loteresi ta all and rlngu- lar tbalWeie lot or place of grouad altuats la Oaoscla borough, Citarfiald ceualy, Pa , deacrlbod as fullowsi Com mine Ing ea eorusr of Curtla street and Hard man Philips' fine j thno along said line 888 feci) then oa onrtb 83 degree west 870 feet I then ssuth 38 degress wast 8M fact lo Curtla aireei, and ibono. along aaid street 100 feet to plao of beginning, containing about On anr or grontid mom ur naving e recto inere on two tram houicsand a small shanty. Seised, teketi in eaeouttoB ana W be bld l tha property ofJUlobail Saoford. . . t Also, tha following property aituate' Id tha oorougb ol new n ataingioo t une lot ouxauu iei, with twvsiory frame bona lBxflfi faet, well fialsh sd, bounded as follows i hait by an alley, south by Jot of J. P. Fefttn, nsq. and J. R, W, Murr.y wast bv Mala street, and aorth by lot of D. Rus- mend. Seised, UkeB la execution and to b cold at th properly f Barolay A PanUll. , Also, th follow lag realty aituate In HouttJal boron ib. C onrue d county, ia . bounded and de scribed aa followi: Ob tba north by lot No. 61 ib plot of said BorougB, eeuin by km in strest, ob th aant by Uood etreet, on the west by Pino alley, and known la plot of aaid borough sa lot ro. &n. bavins: thereon ereoied a large two-atory 4atn hniiso and other aocesiiary eutbuildliigs. belied, UkeB In execution and to be sold aa tbe property of John Uarltyi Also. Defendant'! Intereit In all llit certain tract of land situate In Brmlfurd tnwnshiji, Clear- ocia com nev. re., nonnom sna titseriMii ai iti- lowat Bctfinnlns at a eheitnui i t bonce by land of Absalom pearevcast about 110 peivlisi; thung by land of Jaoob Hoover south ptruhea to a rornrr; thonee weai anont i lit pereiici lo a cor ner of John SmeaJ'a laud ; thence north W per ehesi 4benoeweit4l perches j ttience north 28 degrees enit aUnt U'O perobo te plase of bet-ln-alng, containing Hltr teres, excepting and re erring oat of tb em 8 sere told to Robert Shaw, and about N ecrel sold to M, B. Smeal, having tberooa erecicl a house and bare, and other oeorcsary onibtUltliegi. Seised, takes In cxecutlo and, t be sold aa lb .property of Jaa. Diion.k .j. i ir f . Also, all of Da fondant ' lot rait In all that certain piece sr parrel of land iHuat In Houti dale borougb', CleaxfiaM tiuty, PenmylTaals, bounded and dMnnlboda foJinwi i - Ob the north by Clara, street, eoovti by.lot o. 67 In plot of saiq Dorougo, , oy fpruce aiisy, wan by uood atrset, and known In plan of aaid borough aa lot NV 69, ha vine thereto 'erupted two frame bonsoa aod ther neeneary ontbuildingt.- . AUo, a eertaiB pise nf ground situate In asm borough, bounded and dcioribed as follows t North by M ooss alley, isulh by Sus street, eaat by property of h Herons, weal by Sprue a'ley, and known la plot of aaid boroogh as lot No. 326, baviog areolnd thereua a two-eiory frame house and other nceeasary putbelldlngv. Ssised, taken in execution and to be sold as Ihe property of O.Uirard. . . Alan, all of Dsfatdsct' Intcrrst 1b all that eertoia lot of ground iltuato is the borongh of New Washington, Clearfield county, Pa,, bounded and described aa follows : Fronting sixty feet on Front Btreet aad running back on hundred and fifty feet to an alley, on th north by Odd Fdlow' lot, east by an alley, aoutb hy of Jobn Walk, and on the weat by Front a treat, and containing one-fourth af aa aor. with a large two-storv jrame house, with kitohea. attached, and as old abt-u stable, peixed, taken io execution and to be sold s (bcpropcVty of David Bseiman. A l-o, an of DefandanT'a Interest In all that eertatn pio or parcel of land sitnate la Karthaua lownihip, Clearfield eountj. Pa., bounded and described aa follow : On ths east by Ian da ef Nfcbnlaa RcTiand. 0b lb touth by land ef Karl ban estate, on the west by land of Nk-hnlaa Ro) ley,, and en tb hortb by lands of Urant Coutrctt and llsichill, containing ou hundred acres, end having thereon areeted a grlit mill, saw mill, two dwell log houses and a wagon shop, having about els aoree elenred. . Seiead, taken la exevotioB and to be sold as the property of Chaa. Sohnarra. Alio, lh fullowing Hal cilate, iltuat la Decatur tohlp, Clearfiidd county, Pa., eoBtaln fng a boot on hundred nd svea acres, with about fifty-five cere cleared, and bavin thereon a' small log hmiie, log ruble, sad olher outbuild ings, and a small orchard, boanded on th eaet by land of Albert lire's, on the west by lands of Wright laU, on the south by land a of Phi Dpi, and on th north by lands of Jai. Kllii. Soiled, taken Ib execution aod to be sold a the property of Inaao BritUia. .... - Also, a certain treat of land a It vat nt Cheat townablp, Ciearftcldeoonlr, PanoeyUaaia, bound ed by Chert creek on the eaat, and by land of lloland, Ur. Lloyd and otterr, containing 126 aoree, having about M acre cleared and within t out Mings. , . : Alio, another thereof situate Ib Chut towuihln. Clcarfiuid county, Pav -bounded by landi of Jamas aichwrn, nnmoei Btiyaor an'l vneit cree a, con taining 69 acre, nan cleared and wo era pro re - ments. i: . Also, one other nieee liiuate lo Burnkide Uiwmhip, Clearfield county, Pa,, Itoundcd by lands or tic aver Alius i.dmber un., lewn nolo, and others, oonlslniwg lot acres, abont 36 acre cleared with small frame hoaso and- log bara thereon erected. Setied, taken in execution aad to be sold as ths property of lixao Kelro. Also, all that eertaio trart of land aituate In Becearta township, Clearfield county, Pa Begin ning at a dogwood poet tha north writ corner of tua junn v. Muier(ijrvey; fucno uy tana o if . Phillips west 106 'pi'rebos' to a hemlock on west honk of small run thence south 106 perchea to' dogwood poet; tan-ee oast 106 perchea to dog wood post la the line of Kd. Tipton'a property ; tbcuce north IH0 perrhes to 'ths plaoe of bi-gin- ning, containing one hundred acre, seventy-fire acres eleared with lug bones aad frame bara thereon erected. Seiaed, taken ia siscutiun and to be sold Ihe property of Jesse aid Harsh Dil lon. , . Also, th following real eitate of Defendants tltaatvd ia Booearla town hip, Clearfield county, Pe, containing about twsnty-six acres with aix acre eltared and a reservation of on half aer more or leaa to Petr Hishel, and having a larg two story dwsinng and store no aad war room attached and amall ffame atabl, bounded eait by fublie road, west by John Dillon Berth by Ueo. II loo, south by other lands of defendant. Setted, taken in eieeuline and to be told as lb property ef Joss B. Billon. . - . Also, oa town lot in tb village of Diggensvill. Woodward townihip, Clearfield county Penn'a.: bounded and deicrtbed as followi t U the east by lot ef Samuel tiordao, en tb toatb by lfront street, on tb weal by lot or Mrs. Nary Keily and tbe north by an alley, having erected thereon a two story frame home. Seised, taken In eieeu Uob and to bs told as th property of 8. B. Os bora. , , . Also, til of dsrandants Interest, being an undi vided half nan of all that certain piece of land aituate in uratijrtownehip, ( learHeld county, ra., bounded and decribed as followi U wit i llegia nlng nt a Hickory i thence by land of Levi Dale. weat 146 perchea to a linn tree ( thenoe by land of Jarcd Ingeraoll, north one hundred and anteen and three-fourth porches to a noatt -thenc by land ef Michael Brown, Jrv eait ooa hundred and forty perobei to a poit; ttience by land of John Cainony, one hundred and sixteen and thrvo foBrth perchea to tbo also of beginning eon tam ing on bnndred Borei more or lei. . hisd, taken in execution aud te be sold as tbe pmperty of Robert Bell. Also, a certain tract ef land lit nalc in Lnvrrtno township, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded and described as follows i Beginning at a post on dis trict line, a corner of land conveyed to Vv nt. Porter, thence sail by aaid Porter's laud 70 perches, more or laa,lo white pinei thene cart 64 perrhre, more or leu, to turnpike mad leading froia Clear field to Lathvriburgt I hone hy the said Land 64 perchea, more or ln, to a pitch plni thenoe south 94 perchei, mor or leiitopltch pinej thenoe weat 76 perches, more or leaa, to the di it riot hne Ibeooe by tho asm, south 134 porches, mors or leas, t place of beginning, containing 94 ecret, more or leaa, having about 89 acres cleared, the balance In wood land, having thereon ersctol a small hous and aatall barn Sr-iied, takes in xooutioB, aad to be aold as th properly of Rob ert R. Wood. , . Also, all thai certain mcaaitage, tenement and tract of land at to a tod ta Huston townihip, Clear field county, and Stain of Poniiiylvau.a, bounds i and deiaribed aa folio eat Beginning at a poll the souih-eaiiicrner t warrant no.njWJf ibencc by lands of John 'DwIInU aorth 1)3 degree east ISA perchss to a pnu tbeace by land of Oabora, Banm A Co., north fcOf) degre west 1 18 perches to a poitt thsnco by tame land aoutb 1 degree weel l'Mk peieliSB te a peit) ibencc south H9l de ft reel eael 111 pT.fa-4 plaee of bnginntng, oontaiuing hundred acrea, mere or lest, it be ing part of Warrant Jio.36lt3 aad beingaparlnf a larger piece of land conveyed hy John Dubois te Anarew r. naum, jonn i arrter and nnnen its ham, by deed recorded in office for reenrdiugdreds, etc., In and far Ihecnuoty of Clearfield, la Deed Book Be and page, relerenr thereunto had more fully and si large appear. And hy an article of agreement dated the sib day of August, A. D. InOi' lor tb sal of the ebove dweoribrd piece of land by A P. Ileum, John Carrier and Robert Daburn, to Henry llstrick,lt li orovlded aod re served aa follows, to wit t Ths aaid Carrier, Baum and Uiuura reserve ill white rloo timber t leading or lying except enough tomaheiinildiugi for p rel ent uie. If the iaid Baum, Carrier, and Oidurn, do not take off th timber aa fail aa aaid II t rich wishes to clear he is, to take and put it into the Sandy and charge them fur hla labor which pro vision and rsicnatlons li hereby rontlnned. Hav ing about forty acres cleared, mors or Isaa, with a home, bam aad other outbuilding! erected thereon. beiml, taken in eaeeution and to be cold as tbe property of Henry llvtrick. Alfi, all of Dofsndant a right, title ami Intereit Ivi all that certain lot of ground situate la tb borough of Honttdale, ffearnetd omtnty, Pa., being situate on toe aorihweit oorner of Pin alle. aud known aa lot No. 166 In the general plan of laid borough, and hevteg a two atory tram bona IrtxlM lest, aad oiber outbuilding thereua. Seised, taken in exeoutioa and to be sold aa tha properly oi Cornellua Dougherty. Alio, tho following real esUto aitnala ia Hew Wanbingloa borough, Clearfield eouutr. I'a.. con taining about eneJourtb of an aeve. end having a large two-iwry frame dwelling L house, awash stable, aud outbuimioga inereoa erected, boaoded eaat by Riddle a eitate, well by public road, north by Main strret, nd softlb h J.mea M. Bubo. Halted, taken la execution and lo ho told a th property f Thorns M. Pantail, A It, all DeftndaBt'tlslamtla and teaosrtala piece or parcel of mud titoat in Buraaids town ship, Clearfield county, Pa., deir-ribed a followi: beginning it a aiew inner by other lands or Samuel MoCun north degreoa vast twenty nine aad foBr-teaih perches le abemJeekj tbrace hy lead of PamuelMoCuM arth eighty all and three frerth degrevt east thirty sight pete he to a white abk t ifcearn by land of the mm nnnbgbiy-jdegrossatSity eight and lw-liaih pert bos to B loB lhrro by land sf the lime north on degree reat fbrty-fcur and fbar tenth nsrehce to a aMto ) theno by etbet UndJ ef Jowt'A. Brff fieri b jkty-lht sad thrw-autih lrBsjs west one haaared and twanty iweperestes toaaeel, tbeaoe by- iendi ef ChriaitsB Ball swith u nd sds foi,k degree weat tixty-flvf aad one -ha If perchea to Ur place of hegiootngi soatotatnl UUry -Statu tore aad fly pereheB sod lh ul bIIowbb. 44eiaed, tikis In uecnlloB and lo be told as tho prtptrty oi jonn a. nn. - . v Tana a op Sals. Th nrlo or turn at wbloh tba property shell be struek off mujt be paid si me time oi sai, r tttoo otasr arrangemenii maa as will be approved, otherwise tbe property will be Immediately put un and told atala at the ex pense and risk of rh pron to whom it -wai' airuca on, ana wno, in ease or usnoienoy si uea re-aale, shall mak good th saw, and la no Initano wilt lh Bead be presented in Court for oonfirmaliOB unless tho mney ts actually paid lo th Sheriff. ' W. ft Mel'UBItrMJN, StiiBirr's Orri.n, i Sheriff.1 Clearfiehl, Pa., May 10, 1878. f SherifTs Sale. ; BT vlrtu.orwrluor tmrfihW Kpo, lna,d ,ttl f lh. Con, l l Uobom PIm, of ClMr- .ouol,, ,nd t. m. dir,t,d, tb,r, will b, ,ipuwd W pulill. Ml., ftt ih. Oourl IIobm. I. Ib. borough of UI,,rA,lil, on Moftdaj, U, otb day of Jun,, 1870, fc 1 .'flloob, ,. m. tb. follosioi dHorlb ml ,.IU, tm llt - A c.rUln IrMf ,f t,nd I. Brmij l,wa. Liu. ClMrl.U do., P.., kooaiM north by bod ol 11. llul.r,ll, wit by laid of U. Wiogort, loatb by lud of Jaoob IVnli, aad wait by land of l).aa, wialaiBlnf fifty aer.., and having thirty or., witb fram. dwelling boo., log barn, orchard, At., tberooa. Blt.d, takm io ..Mutlon and lo ba aold a. th, property of E. JH. Wriggly Al.o. a eortaln Iraol of Und .ilu.lo In P.nn lowtultip, Clearli.ld Co , Ta . Uuait.d and d ,orilwd af iulltiW, i Ou iho uorlb by 1'. Jjrtll.y, n lb. -at by Tliomai KnlTuTty. oa the aouih by Hovl. l.oJ. and ob Ih, wt ty Jatn.i, eixilaiaing about on, bundrl aud fatly eore, inore or lei. wllh aloul olgbty acr.1 cloared, bav lug . log boui, antl baru, and a 'uiail orruaru tburooa. bcitod, tahoa t. sNulloa and ta b. Kid tb, propuly r JaUM 11. Clark and Wm. Clark. Alio, a nrUla tract of land illual, la Decatur townihip, (Jl,ara,ld Co., Pa., boanded a. follow, : Ca lha north by land, or Robert lludaon, on the eeulh by I. oil. formerly ewad by Joha Sbimal, ua tb, w,t by land, of Jaoob Qcarhart, mm by HoibannoB emk aad land, of J, t. 8lin,r, Ma intain: .lily aer,, mor. or l,e, tw.1., Mrel iMred aud ander gMd ealtlratioa, aad tb. woodlaad Willi ao impro,mante. beiuJ. tab en ia oaeoullon and to 1 aold M th, property of J. B. (learner!. AIM, a oert.1. tree, of land litunt. la Bura- llde borough, ClMrfield Co Pa., one lot of ground, Deiug a two-ltory Irame itor. bouie, 1HK20 loot, with wareroom atlaohed. being oa lot el ground No. 13,0iliH fMt la plea of Mid borough, bonaitad m fulktwe r Oa the Mat by HoraM I'elobln, on tb, went by Main .treat, north by Horao, Patebin. and touth by lot of Beinuol Reed. Helud, taken in tieoutioa aad to a. lold u the properly of M.balTey A heed. Alio, a certain trMt ef land lltuale la DMatur townihip, Clnrfleld wouty, Pa., bounded and deMrlbed ae follow, t Beginniog at a pMl ,a north side ,f th, Krl, turapia, road ia tb. Un. of K. V. Lloyd A Uo'e lead j tbenc. by laid land nonb ilxty-thrM degr.,1 ,a.t ir,otyill perchea ton hawlbora ooraer of aaid land I Iheaoe by land of U. Phtllpa aorth twenty-etg and en. half do gma weat alxly-two percbM to a poat ; thanM by the lame north &H degree Mat twel.a nerabea to a quaking up Mrner of Jaoob tlMrhart aurvey laenM by landa of Jaoob tlMrhart north fifty-flr, degree, ,wl on, hundred and nine perobM to neuiioca oorner oj jaooo UMroarl lur.ey ; tnenee by landa of Jaoob tUarhart Mulh tw,ntv-fir. degrMa wet ievMty-evea petohe, to a poat by ,td,,f turnpike roadf thMoe alMg Mid road aoulh forty degrM, ,aat tweuty wuth forty-four eaat thirty-two Math twenty ,t thirty-lr, aoutb lorty.atgm Mat tw,alyigbl te puwe of Dgla awg, containing Mraaty-thre, aorM and filly, four p,rcb,a itrict naiin, with about thirty five aer,, eleared, aod a two-atory houM. good barn, wagoa abed, and ,U of Mtballdinga tbm- B,rMll Alao. ia Mia, tuwnahln. bounded on tbe aoulh by the Bellefonte and Curwenaville turnpike, wmI- by townablp road, aorth by brad af M. Owene, aad Mil by Wallace, iiraham, and ethera, ooatalning forty urw more or lea;, baring a large frame bouae, frame barn, wagoa abed, and other ont building, thertoa , aim, a larg, aleiu mill, oae-foarth intend of raid law mill belong ing te lie lendaat, capable of outtiog two milliona yearly, and a ahingl, mill attached. Sailed, taken In execution and to be aold aa th, property of I. P. CopeliB. Alao, a ecrtaia lot or land lituaU la UeMola boroogb, Cle.rfield county, I'a., bounded aod de eertbed a, followi : Fronting fifty feet on Cartin .tree!, went by W. C. Chriit, eeet by alley, and aorth by alley, baring erected IberMn a large two-atory frame boaae and other outbuilding.. Sailed, taken in execution and to a, cold u lh, property of Thomaa 11. Xeigler. Alee, a eeruio tract ,f iMd tttaate la vhMt townihip, ClMrfield county, Pwnaylvanla, oon Uining about one hundred and eighty (MO) acre! with no luiprorement., Bounded ae followa : Oo tbe rut Tho,. Cnnly, couth br Job WMtover, weat by Joha Friday aad aorth by Anthony hlc U,rrey. Heiied, taken In ,t,rulion and to b, aold aa tb, propnty of Jobs H. Lambora. 'Alia, aeerlala lot of land aituate la Hootadale aorMgb, Clearfield eouaty, Pmb'b., bounded anau d.ierib-d u t-'llowai north by lluiu etrMt, aoulh by Rail Hoad, Kaat Sy Oood alraot and on th, WMt hy property of Jamea Haywood, being 7, feet front and 62 feet dep, bsviBg ,reoted tborMB a large three alory frame hotel, aad known m tbe Centennial Hotel, and having a good be.o ment andern.eth. Soiled, taken tn ,i,cutioa and to b. Mid u tb, property ef William Parker. AIM. a eertatn traot af land .ileal, la Knoi towaibip, ClMrfield Maaty, Pennaylraaiai Bo ginning at a hemlock on Litil. Clearflod creeh, aoutb 28 degrMB Mat fill p.rehM to poat; thaaM aorth 86 degrM, Mat 88, perehM te poat i thanM oorth Ib degrM, waot lfiD aerohM lo a wiob haMl oa tbe hank of Little ClMrfield eraek i tb.nM along aaid ,rMk by tb, a,r.ral auuraM and die tanca therMf to th, plaM of beginning oonlala ing bO aorM aad allowanM being part of a larger tragi of land curveyed oa a warrant to William King, dated July 8. 1784, about II acrM af tbe above d-eerlbed land I, eleand aad th, aalanc a la woodlaad havlag creeled thorwoa a fraaM hoae. and bara and email orchard. . AIM, the andlrided half Intorart of a MrUia tract ,f land aitut, ia Mid towoihlp, bounded and deaorioed u followa Til. i Oa the aortheaat by Little ClMrfield areek, oa taw aontk by la ada of ilaniel Bowman, and ea tha Mil by land, af cat heart, containing ou aerae and being part or the Henry Tront rarvey with about til or eerea Mrea ele,d aad tb, balaBM in woodlaad. Belied, taken In exeoution and lo lold a, th, property of iiarry xiuniap. Alan, a certain trm t of land altuat. In Hontl dal, boroogh, ClMrfield Monty, Pnaaylrnaia, Bounds on th, nartb by alary BtTMt, .a tbe Mit by Uri. Brady, ,a the weit by Philip Me ll.rmol, and oa the aoulh by aa alley, MnlaiB ing one town lot aad baviog a tw, elory plank bauM, and olher improvement, tbeiwoa- bailed, taken executioa and to be aold M tb, property of tlMrge Berniicr. AIM, a certain trael of land eltnalc la Brady townihip, Clearfield Munty, Pn., being a part of a larger trMt ef land eurreyed la paraaaaM of warraot No. 3&II1 of Ibriy.fiva Mrerai warrant, granted by lh, Commnnwoallh to tiro. Roberta end othera, bearing dalM reapedlvely, the 4lh day af January, I7VI, and No. 8571 to Mo. 8817 iaeluaire, and which traete of Land wera granted and Mnfirmed unto Ihe laid Uwrg, Robert, and other by pntente, dated reepMtlvely la the year I7S, duly enrolled la th, oHm nf PMBiyl vaala, beginning at line of land Maveyed to Jacob Ilarna ; tiienM hy uni wait aiaty-,ight perchea mor, or led ta a poit ( thanM partly by land of ThnmpMn la. Pattetwon, and partly by land of Wllllami, north 8114 porohM mor, or l,M Ibeno ty Horn', land of west 188 perchea mere or le m te a beech ; th one, north two perchM mor, or lea, to a poat t thene, partly by land of Rob't Brltton and partly by laad ,f IlMry Bailey weet S28 perchea more or leaa ; tbenM by aaid Bailey 'a land touth 811 perchM mar, or l,it to R. II. Moor, thrBM weat perche. more or lei, to land of Whitehead t tueiM north 18A perche, mor, or leu to poit ) tbenc, by Innd of Craig A Itlanvhard Mil 418 petobee more or leM tomaple t tbenM ntlll hy mm Math 870 perebee more or lea. in place of beginning, eoatainiag two ban dred nod Mrenly-twe acrM more or leaa. Soiled, taken in exeeulloa aad to be aold at thepropcrly ol II. P. llarley. Alio, a certain lot of grouBd aituate la Oeoeola Jvo. Ac. 100 III 116 438 60 200 20 111 433 438 borough, Clearfield Munty, Pa., ea Pruaer atrMt, and known ia plaa of Mid borough aa let No. 104, with a two-itory fram, doom 21x28 feet, fram, ilabl, 18x18 fact, wagoa maker ahop 18 by 22 leet, and a bheham'th abop 22x88 feel. Aim, onooth ,r lot ,f ground ia aat borongh. ea P.M.. ,Wr,l,i.l hi... ia plM wf Mid 431 14 88 171 411 2.14 100 borough m lot No. 10S, with a imall iMmtatalile thereon. BriMd, taken la nxerutina and to Mid aathe properly ef Janee K. Haraer. 431 151 XI 100 15 10 I 684 300 256 4.13 4.11 60 K. 6.188 6373 6371 6411 6.160 687 641 6407 6378j 64114 I HOI 1891 IHVI 6.167 6.167 6.177 1908 I 1807 ) 1603 1697 Alio, a certain tract of land allaate la Pike towoibip, Clearfield Munty, Pa., bounded aa f.,1 Inwe : At a hickory on Ihe bank of tbe Uuiau, henna river ; thence along line of land of Richard Humphrey eeuta tweaty-llve eaet tweaty-etx per chea i tbenM aoulh twenty Met forly-four parcltei; Ihenc, louib oleveti Met on, hundred and forty- nin, perchea t, atenaa along lin, of ileor, e Tuib nrrey thenM along line of lend of William Caldwell Ighty-lhrM WMt ,lgbtv narehM tn a peat comer! titenee by Muntpbrey tvtlllama anrrey north tea weet two haadred and eighty- thne parrhet to a line corner en lh, bank of the riven Ibenc, down Mid river elghtMn perchea; ineBM aorta Mveaiy-oae Met thirty. two per. Dei; tbenM north eighty-eight iial tweny-twe per chei theoM louth elghty-on. Mai gillMB per ehM; thenoe Mulh cilly-eight Mit foarteM par- cbm; thenM Muth 88 Mit 14 perche, to ,I,M of ueginning, ooniaiotng one nauorM ana lorty-oae acrea more or tela, ha, in, erected thereon n large frame dwelling boor,, large frame hank bara, wawen abed, and other cmtbeildtoga. Alao, a good ftuit orchard. Soiled, lakea in eieeutioa, ana lo M .old aa tha property ef William II . w agoaer. Tenet or Rata The pried or tarn at Which the property thall h, ttraek off matt a, paid at to, urn, oi Mia, ereueu aiacr arrangemeBta made aa will be epproved,elherwlae the property will be Immediately put aa and Mid aaaia at th, axpeaM and rltk of tha perna le whom It waa attack eg, aad who, la ,aae of delet,aey at uch re-Mle, abell make good the Mat, aad la ae taitoBM will the l)Md be proioatod la Ooert for confirmation aalMa Ih. amy la Mlaatl, Ac. 10 IA 404 40 III 6 404 84 141 16 aaid to tae bberia. vr. it. alcl'llfiKrVN, Rnamrr't Orrira, I Sheriff. Cl.erteld, 1'e., M.y 10, 1818. J ' TREASURER'S ; SALE . -OF UNSEATED LANDS . ... , . Clcarnalel Coopty.Pa ur lt1 and WTS. - HotlM ii hareby glrca. ia puiiusbm af aa Art of Aiermbty approved lha Ifih day af Jese. A. D. 1846, eoillkd, Ae4 le emend ta Art dl raotlc, lha bmm af lellia, UaMaled Uad, la Clearllel eeaaty," ,ad tha Nveral tappletaenta iberete. there will be .tno.ed In aale or eoleee. aa Ih, SBCONp MONDAT, lllh toy ef jlmi, a. ii. I'm, toa imiowibw tractl ar altaM of ,a- mlad liadt la Mid eaaaty, for teiel do, d anaaid, fix Barraria Towaehlp, ' frerrHRleo, 1 ,'rt Tim. Joha Nailer 181 08 Frederick llawmea 81 18 J.a McMartrl II II Thomaa Murgalory M... I, II Magnut Miller 1, 08 Jmoo Klng.............. 17 18 Joha Olbuo , II 04 Robert WIImb 4P 78 Joha Ketland I II Peter lieu 88 81 Jeremiah Mother.... II II David Barton - 08 10 Jacob King..... 8, 14 Jeremlnb Moaher 81 88 Cooper Ketgy ... II M Wm. A Joe. Browa- 81 88 FroderWk H.IM. 41 II ThenM UllllDgtoa....,... 41 44 Joha Bona .,' 8, II Martin Fault 10 II Fred Hubley IT tl Wm. Brewa traot 81 81 Philip IfyaoBMp, - 17 74 Oahall JamM I II J. W. Smith II 71 Wm. Gray balance ., ,0 II Joha Miller HO II Hall TowaBMln. " . V, RfarrwnlM. Tax. At. ' rtr. II 110 lot , 80 ' ' 8, 1.14 kti 481 74 rr 100 171 88 148 8 481 81 10 78 100 104 41 104 lib 80 18! 4 488 181 174 10 140 1 8 S.-8 fit no 184 T 1J8 488 481 1 N in li 161 1tl IT US lie. 1804 88nt .871 8ri 1348 8884 888 8.188 8.18 8.171 181 181 Ar.' . 1000 800. 1000 , 800 110 : 101 . mo, 118 . 101 7 , 807 1100 1000 788 801 nt , 44fi 820 147 1000 mi 101 1811 100 4110 ' 80 111 it Ki. 428 Henry Been. ...4071 0 " ' 47 80 6820 8184 , " " I8 M J.i. 1). Aoibuuy... 117 I :s7 li loo tleury lleok.. tS 0 6181 1024 I BOO 8847 1018 6888 6.186 1880 6861 4:151 IS6T 6,7 1028 1021 102, 1031 101 1V2T 1028 1887 1,810 i, IU 1HI8 ill 1 11 4287 ;i 7 ;i oi 4S l . 47 l 10 II 140 41 101 II 81118 , JilckliB A Qriath., 1021 11104 toon 507 80111 tool son ., " , ,. 108 II , . "... 14 81 , " 141 M f . ..... . 181 01 , " . " .... 117 88 ... 71 88 " .., 8 6 llenry Beok...... 117 I " " 4. Nlaklla A Or in lb... 10 80 Ueury Bnk... - 41 02 " " 1 80 " ........ 117 0 U. W. Boyder ....... T 88 lleary Beck.....-. 1 80 " ... 110 17 - Ill 17 Nlcklln A OriOth.. 177 12 1011 I7ca 42X1 8008 6811 42P6 mt 8811 81.10 118 1887 1888 loir S68 1016 1880 1011 1081 1036 1087 A'.. 68 IS 6817 631 4110 6il0 6.1X1 8810 21 8018 Blooaa ToWBihlp Ptr, WmrratUt. Tat. 0 Bobertl A Fo......tl2i 14 81 88 -Vlcklla t OrlBtk... 4 80 So. At. 10, 111 VI 118 121 81 14 . 478 III 10(i 8 100 807 8 80 220 .;. io Pt. 1004 1810 8028 8928 1081 27 67 21 04 29 80 T 10 14 08 70 88 71 00 T M 184 M 24 00 11 00 81 80 . 1 . W. Smith Nieklla A Urilfilh... ' "(Blglar) W. S. Robarta.... ' A Fox ...... 4021 8811 1801 SOU 14 Jacob Brecer ......... Ilavld Irvln eat...... '. Joha P.Dal, Roberta A Pox....... A. L. Toiler Mi lion L. McClara SOU IlofffEe Towaahlp. Vfnrranm. ' Tarn Joha Tboma. 88 A,.'" 88 418 441 420 420 100 J82 70 ISO 427 427 100 104 427 ill 100 427 10 61) 184 84 100 Wm. MeCormiek 71 14 .': ' Haaoy Bogga.. . 71 44 N. McUoaald.... T4 M JobB Br.ra. ...... ....... 74 IA Barbara Snyder ... 17 88 Ore. Iluounar......... 22 RS Henry Prance II 48 27 John Montgomery....... 14 44 Ocorga Ay era wm..M 74 18 81 , William TroatnhM . 74 (8 Joha kapha ... 17 88 Blair UeLaaahea. ...... 141 4 Jon,a Sl,lnheiter.M....m.. .74 8fi . . WatMn A Muaioa ......... 610 Joeepb BJI............ IT 08 I . Joha Keio. ,....... 74 48 . ThoanM Park......,. 1 80 Samuel Bel . I 84 Joeepb Drinker . II 00 ; " ...... 14 6 i Owem AlUrl 14 04 Bradford Towaehlp. V. Warreafe,. Tm. Alex Ialle.. 91 88 Samnnah Raaer.. IS 11 liarrlaoa. Byard A BryMa. 17 88 Andrew Byard. 10 80 , Joaeph Powell. ............. 7 4 llorallo L. 11.11 ,,. 18 10 801 44 88 170 100 117 88 201 10, 140 I7i 100 101 80 180 100 108 131 100 108 V. B. Holt TO 68 John llaad......w Hugh Kli. ........ John Campbell Hall A Brick... John Vooght ............ Martha Hunter. Andrew Petit... Joha Barley Blair etc Lac .hen ...... Wm, Uitcheae........ JamM DuaeeB..,. m llavid Aakey ........., Robert Urabam..... Joha S la. ieoB ....... Cuooghai.,. Brad, Towaahlp, . I 01 18 64 31 All 1 10 Tl 40 I 1 27 64 II 10 II 16 T 64 16 11 1 80 16 I M 4 18 A'e. 4M A 30 841 183 114 fr. We reo ef e. four. .1141 4 , loo io , 101 to Wm. Klrkratrlck.. O. B. Ooodlandar., David Kraaady.., ( Conrad Long...... Hear, W,mff.M.. Johi Danlup....... Catper Sliver... . 1134 828 68771 687 I 6861 f 681 J 323 106 104 , 88 4 676 80 111 so' 80 to . 10 831 100 4 i.7i Robert! eY Fox..M18 80 " 1 " .... 481 " ...,7T 18 " ..f,JS I J. W. Smith 71 1 1004 886 101 3680 1418 20(1 17 156 17 , J5B2 04 0V6 176 66 II 15 . 1.18 471 81 700 III 111 116 104 I 67 1110 111 12 60 Chaa. U PreoeetU. 3 60 Bobertl A Fox 881 40 Bealamia Hwry... 141 10 Ko. Carper Stiver....... 171 00 126 40 111 80 1575 3688 3601 S606 OMrge Shaffer... Robert! A Foi....l,064 4 R. S. Cala,rl,.. 117 (14 M M ..... CbriiiiBB Lower. .m J. W. Smith. Hollopeter A Bra- hiker. - .DuBoi, A Pallor... . WiloyAMrCallowgh JamM A. Catheri... Robert Carry II. A W. Winger!... Btirnald Towaahlp. Ptr. Warrmntt. 61 10 M 40 44 10 8t M 4 04 It 00 t 14 111 (0 14 14 198 1091 4901 6671 667 6676 6061 6067 6671 6671 42.1 4221 4.199 1664 16 Ar. ico li 1.1A 7 II 114 1611 424 ios 117 331 800 824 100 Tax. It 48 . 94 17 . I7T 16 8611 6803 6604 Joha Ntebolaoa. John Mailer Maham Whilaaa... Caaper Shaffer, Jr. Ilaniel W'bilmw... John Hubley...... Mary Roberta....... John TraMler Carper Shaffer ....... J. W illlnmMn 1 14 I. 41 1 IS 0 It 16 II T4 19 4226 433 4891 6064 4088 4001 4116 6877 6671 16 00 184 88 HI 10 101 16 Mary Crawford. Leoaard Uolllt Cheat Tawaahla, fVarra.lre. to 61 6677 41.16 4221 4321 42.14 6061 4061 4131 4134 4091 6671 5671 4671 3481 20O4 2001 1671 8691 199 Ptr. 151 161 Tat. ,...11.11 68 William Bauamaa.. John Boyd Joeiab HayuM Thomaa llamilioa., ChmlM Ooblle...... Robert Flemlag .... II 86 .... 4T 16 ... I4T 11 ... o T8 .. 18 00 ... 13 00 .... 18 44 .... 4 80 4V 10 iraae ittcnaniMa............. Jonalhaa Walker...... Joha Conk c... ......... Jaeper Bwiag.... M William Coek...,. McCord traot........ , Joarpk Piper tiMrge Page Heary Peg............m Jamea Nohl. M.hafic, A Mltohell Matbiu Slougk ..... Millar A Cbnet.. .. It 44 .. It 18 .... 10 06 1 64 74 41 16 18 8 00 181 S3 61 14 6 II 46 12 17 04 t 16 I 42 47 14 8603 IMI 86110 8576 .1871 Joha Brenaemaa Joaeph McMurray .......... Beaver Milla Co Rafting ( ............ Ford A Sulnklu. .......... Kwrng Robert................ Jamea Roee...,....,,.,........ 161 Joha CanainghBm.......m John MoiMr Doarah 8694 3607 8697 8484 8684 8804 6061 4101 i 141 44 80 M 78 44 16 It 68 78 Covlnirtoa Towaahlp Wwrrwalea. I flec.rge Mead.........t 7 n IS t II 1071 Ac. 433 Ins 49 lo Ae. rt IliKl 110 116. 1104 1044 110 110 101,0 481 836 III 144 161 151 664 1104 464 114 10 ...t 1 40 414 00 ....... (16 00 491 to ....... 1,1 04 46 10 46 10 (16 N ........ 8 10 6T 40 , a, Morrlt t Slewert... , M W Oeorg, XlMd M M e Morrl, A Stewart.. ....... 143 64 16 121 48 ....... 49 14 ...... 107 60 .....1,43 48 3 M It 10 10 Treaifirred for J. Rider. 10 6t 12 124 tl No. 1411 Mil Dcratar Towaahlp. 7! arre.fea. , - fa. Jm. H.mlllon ....,.,... ,74 41 Thomu P. Cop,.. .,. II til Charle, Rltk 16 04 Robert Ram ly ...... .......... 161 M Patrlk hloore . 1 M Thomu fuwardeM,. ....... II II Aa McUe.haa..e.. .,.. ,81 61 Jceepl Whitehall 66 86 Wllhem kraaa. ...,.....,. Ul U Joa. MallMk ...,......... ITI 66 R.kert llallilag.r.......... 81 II Joha Drleker 61 II Thomaa kdmandaoa It, M Ptr 116 It4 640 6414 1 t 117 It 640 6461 6411 143 I6i IMI I4T t Semeel llamlllM...w... 114 14 VaapM HaiBM Ill William JleovM...,..., Il , Barid Stewart ,;, .,...., 61 Caaper H.lnM t N iilblVM...,.....,. II 41 .ba Uarrleoa-.....: til 14 liMbeth UarrbM 101 6, I. floteher M Tl JamM Harrtaaa.,..,,. Mt ,1 . W. M.Cwrdy ,..,.. , " " 1 11 Slit 144 ftw grrrtlifnrti. , 18 II f Albert Owcm.... , J. II, I)MOI,g....,..., I II A. V. Hiy-. a.. 1 N rtrnaoB Towam,,lle ' HarrwafM. Tau. I OMrga HoMM.........e......M$lll II Lewie Jaruaa .....i Abram Ogdea Joha Heiobrlght........ , I 11. Fergorua. . Join, 8linc...,...J.....-.,.. lluiM Prank - John Ural' afcnjemia Ulbbe.............. . K A Irv ho ,'nJearlee Lowie p. Plua trom UM.Slraw,. Fr, IV. Bell.. I ...... Prom elrler Bole............... Warn J. M. 1?M from Wm. Darit. Klrk't efteM.... Jlrarw Tairhli. II 17 II II 47 II 47 I t 17 31 I 1 71 477 10 ( 48 4 II II 4 (0 4 0 18 II 4 11 TO I Tat. ,.34 0 84 00 ... 14 M 14 ... 17 6 M Ac. 1MI 78 Vr. B'arvwnlM. fl,a)rg, MmJ. un iio. 887 841 1 MM no 1041 loos I0U8 1101 1100 Ha. 614 680 6801 6301 6301 6.104 j:iTV III 6 ........ 61 00 .. 87 40 74 0 T 40 174 I no tl , in. .,!.... St4 "0 ; Vl 00 41. llril 6107 l. 680 nil w.n.... , 61 Ml lot 0 I 70 , t, 00 l nt 14 M la lot 6 683 120 708 1100 110 110 - Uonrge Mea ... Morrlt A Stewart..- 1 OMrga hfMd. 804 N .......1,8 0 1,284 S ......MI 16 iforria A Bliwart bei , 111 161 " .... IT M 10 Iff .... T 14 134 " w lit) 118 11 '' . 78 to 48 70 " 1 400 " . " .... 06 M 187 44 .. l JJJ - - w ., l, 4 46 " " ... IM 8 168 " " 61 0 4 ,. 108 , tl 80 11 1 . IT 0 (6 ...! 40 114 , . . . " ... tl 80 46 u m 44 on 438 ' at ... ' 44 tO 110 .. 40 6241 5298 6207 6201 6291 100 WOT 111 joahaa Toma.hlp.a frr. rfrrwafM. George Mead..... '; ' e ' Tat. ..$141 40 . 48 64 48 40 .. 181 04 10 44 ,. 147 (4 ,. Sit 62 Ac 401 to 127 871 Ac. 41 1,10 100, lel 1100 1001 421 4 44 141 411 801 431 6311 111 r e. 631' 1105 .It 63llf 1100 1 " 6:121 110 32t 61 48 40 .. 108 4 .. 351 0 ... 14 61 ... 1 8 .. T 4 .. 117 8 18 40 . 631-71 ..1,106 M 151 46 .J,461 Ml 6816 0 I im 74 64 104 1011 1011 1011 6814 Morrlt A Stewart. W M M William llapoa....' ."OMrg,Mt.7." "'T :E 481 4.11 6 II tl " 351 43S 431 481 1884 V 53H- 111, 6326 1101 6.127 6329 63.10 1011 1001 1911 1111 110 1101 411 17 ...1,613 48 431 431 431 431 431 431 188 43S IVI 74 447 144 44 171 401 II 101 117 Ul III 111 II 117 406 81 97 T 161 04 136 II 111 No. 1921 .6948 4914 5952 4169 5931 69.14 6936 6931 6937 5911 6941 Morrlt A Stewart.. 171 au TT 44 14 61 6 1884 1 416 1014) 168 1028 82t 1886 111 TT 7 M 61 14 Glllbghea. A Aar- riMB Cowrtrj.7 kooMT C II. Wood Morrlt A Stewart... CharlM F. Roberta... Henry J. Mead Owner Unknown... 14 II I 10 41 4 1021 1886 1681 8.126 1011 6331 6131 100 124 lot ion 8e 171 13 14 It 48 21 7 16 48 I 6 Graham Towaahlp. Ae. Wmrrmmttt. Tax. SCI JarccrMayland 1161 4 107 ThomM P. Cope..... 81 10 141 Jobn Skyroa. ............... .....-... 1 84 169 ererie Moore .......... 67 106 CbarlM HaU 87 to 146 F. Cope ...... 1 24 10 Joha F. WMvor ...... II 84 ItH Hoovw Harrit A Co 171 60 r.alkh Tewaehlp. Ae. Ptr. Ill . 12 151 168 41 ' IferTemtMt. e Tax. Ill 193 411 111 137 III III 411 Cbrt.llan Starke... .....tISI II MatlhiM Yoaag...w lit 80 Cheiitiaa Hager 416 19 Oaorge Muaeenmith......... 137 14 Thomu Yedler......... 151 81 Deaiel OIB.y................. 13 A3 1T 146 OMra 8eher......,.. 13 07 Timothy P.xloa... .... 478 16 Joha Burg,. . 476 14 Bmanaal Rngert..... IV 4 438 163 366 tl) 130 48 114 340 184 t . 168 16 304 41 160 II 138 111 , - ui ' r ii 108 . 66 126 86 104 486 108 William dray................. 141 T4 OMrg, Moore 14 16 " " . 114 48 PhUlc Okaaiarer...... 116 II Joha MaCahM . . Hi 19 " ......... 144 II Oeorge Baker................. Ill 63 Joha McCahM 181 41 Lam, Black 11 86 Beniamla Willoa-........... 181 84 Joha bllmar....... 16 tl PiiM Shaw ..... 144 II Idward Uaad . 84 II OMrg, Moore. ....... II 15 Benjamin WUeea.......... 14 4 Pigot 8b.w.......... 184 II Thomu Moatagaa...... 4 88 Daniel Falkonjoa..... 11 ta Noattor ua..HW.M.HH. 61 IT Richard Albettoa............... 41 48 5649 Ro. - Haatatt Tewnaajp. v - - Ac 61 1011 lot 1041 401 401 100 176 1041 1041 1041 99 87 . l4l ' 147 49 74 17 lit 176 101 151 ; 601 III 194 ' 111 ini 647 117 1041 444 8 404 906 607 96 614 6M ' 624 . 911 . 14T 604 604 156 1020 1089 847 00 424 Into 4.17 894 7.11 904 11120 686 668 102 1020 89 97 2 til 60 6 Per. TfarrwarM. Tax. . Kotnrta A Fox...... 1,177 14 10 " ...... 1,461 41 44 i :., ... l,4l 43 lit " ..... 1,604 47 " .... 184 80 " ..... 684 M J. O. KlddM....... ' 91 49 " ... 61 tl 1931 6779 5774 6774 6777 477 No. 4144 Moan A D,Ua,y... 716 16 , " . . " 1,191 8 ' . 4!T 10 William Powm... 66T 80 "... 1,164 40 I Reedltig.Rlch.ya oe 1,074 IT 17 " " 94 tl JamM WUana...... 161 16 " 1,04 10 " , 111 14 424 4161 6A7 4146 667 4164 4261 4I6T 414 William Powwe... W. Shoemaker 2 4 171 M 41 l Jamn Wileoe W illiam Wood'rd A Flaar. M N Moor, A Delaaey... I6A 18 671 19 ' III 74 III 40 419 4104 IIA4 424 4154 421 loot 416 416) 676 Na. 3601 I49t lilt 1991 199 t II I 10 464 8.1 III II 1,411 13 II 19 144 41 1,111 14 1,381 SS 711 76 454 48 S71 61 43 80 161 IS 628 94 199 09 171 40 480 44 1,117 11 167 4 1,661 40 1.16 14 Roberta A Fei... JamM WIImb William Fewer..... . JamM WIImb....... M 1. w a . Moor, A Delaaay... a u M el , tl Robert! A Fox 1061 S04 1(16 S5N 1008 868T 860 Mem A Delenoy.H 8684 8296 S688 Robert, A rex... 1,6.11 40 I " ..... 401 91 84 " " 1,462 43 76 Ill 18 161 " " hul. 401 68 " " . 144 A 14 " " ..... 1,801 44 " ... 1,461 48 " , ..... tl II 86 " 1,171 18 44 " " ..... 1,41 88 64 ...... 1,461 88 13 ..... 1,458 6 869T 3591 4S51 425t Ae. 44 438 10 481 28 37 William Powue... 136 18 818 II 7 II 114 II IS Tt I. one Wilioa.....M Joha Danlap D.Bob A Soa...... Reynold. Mb. dir. J. Nieklla Revaolde vaa. Air. J. Nlchlla Bayneldt tab. dir. 401 88, Sll 190 184 SI 4.1 48 II 111 llfi IA4 14 lot 16 431 413 411 10 388 IM 148 287 164 104 Tl 444 IM 104 487 4.11 IM 14T 36 . 1 31 tl It I 14 J.NiH icklln.. Revaolda aeb, dir. J. Nlehlin ' Iteyaolde Mb. w)r. J. Nlcklln Rayaolda Mb. dir. I II J. Nieklla......... 17 84 William Power,.... Sir II Jerdaa lawaahlp. rVarrwefM. Tax. Thomu Martla. ..,.....261 6 Robarl Martla....... 14 4t William Johaaloa 7 96 Sank. ................. It 74 Richard Peurt 144 44 P. A A. Flyaa ... II 14 I4t lliherd P.iM,.,..., 11 04 Philip Mtt...,...... 6 II Karthaaa Tawaihra. ' Par. Warraam. Tax. OMrga MiU.....lll II T4T I04S I t .. 1 . ...... 14 M . 191 66 ...... 14 41 ill II 114 1144 17 110 . II Lit 14 6 144 lt 17 TO 6 74 TM It 14 1T 14 M .. is 41 lit WlUlam Smith 44 74 IM If Myer, a FiahM. a w Juha Ulilaad.ZZI aga MeUMigl,.... laarvak A ReleVar... CtaaAiM BaraMy tl t T 44 4 t 11 II 68 0 II I tl t 69 M It I II T II 47 71 It St 14 t 411 4S St 68 a- mivj array -Wlttlard WIIKam V Mag.. MeOlaah, PwUee JMa MeOerrry ...... 9rw gidtrtiiti. - en J.WHImb Baaxh I II ' 4t - , Ckerla Oeaeway. - ' t tt N Fraaele MoC.y i.lre. 1 60 .. 1I4 Jona UlUlhud 1 64 William V. Keallaf. 4 07 161 ( III C. Wllllak, bal...... I 16 km Tewaaklp, . . Per. hTarvwalee. Tax. IH Jot. Wllllard...... .....I tl .161 Robert Uray . IIT II 41 JobB BrlBkhurH. At T6 M6I ttareh Ward. IIT 1 163 UMrge Rddy..... 117 81 161 Jd. Whartoa ...... IIT II 163 OMrgaAlbloa ....., 47 41 161 Bm Jamie Poellaey ....... IT 18 141 leraalMorrii , 104 17 141 Martla PirM...... ........ 141 161 ;laeJella Jordaa.... . IIT II JobB Piaree..................... 61 It Adam Rode fit 1 . (learge A Mary MoCermiek.... 17 a ' ' tManaab Ward... It IA III ' William Reetr 14 II 168 Joha Den, 67 It Naaey Rabiaim............. I If OwMTalk 61 .' aVawrwae Tawaakrp. Aa. Per. . W Tax. 1IM no 1IM 111 110 110 III lin no IIM OMrga Mead.,... ,661 - . ,.r. 1 I " . 18 6 " ' ...... ...I, 111 0 ' . IA II 1 . lit to - ' ...... lit ! ii 6ji no 811 II 620 110 624 110 631 114 ml no 621 It 631 1PM- 13 - 86 TT 221 tit ' 6t Roberta t tn OMrga P.Oaliab. Hugh Jordan........ Jeba FtMd Rudola LIU . Roberto A Fox Joha B. Qerrieoa.,.. Iaaa, Orom Into OoBklia....rt Oiorg,MMd....... ; r 101 1670 4 . 17 . M TM 1IA7 Hit 6A 114 u rr Kllla Irwia A Bea. " " .. "a m , m ' m (wt Luther Cnnrch... - Hnry Mond . ' M. Shirk.... Merria Tawaahlp. WAaaatrraa. - . 1III ' 84 Oat Lot Tax. 1438 II . 166 4 . Ill Tl , 496 41 OMrga Wetaal.., William Weru... Chriniaa Worm.., Deaiel Leack..... Jmm YarMU.... tat 41 148 8 14 1 161 4 187 6 111 IK 191 (1 III 41 191 41 6 14 41 69 II 111 4 IM II 18 II IA tl IA 11 18 II 16 tl JamM Ta i f a... )Ma)i Oeergo II .haekar. ,.,. Petor Yunell. ............ Cl.m Sllekar... Joha Vaagha Joaatkaa NMbll Blair MoLaugalla........ JMoh Ural JeMb Oraff Thomaa Mo ma William Morrlt....... SimMl M.redilh. .. William Miller.. ... HeltieMorri, Thomu Fitulmmaaa.... George Clymer Robert Gray .........., lit 41 lit 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 161 151 161 151 168 IM tl Patrick Moon.. ...... 16 11 M.ry Morrl, 18 11 Maapa kliller...... 101 Tl Nalbll Pruey . 16 11 William Stewart... 124 69 . II 48 Richard R. Smith. t 41 1 84 4 JamM Smith.. P.lrick Hay, ..... Robert Ul.nn. ....... Joha Halloo Franeit Job. oetoa .......... David Beverage Waltor Stewart, ............ Chriat B.ker ....... ..... Hymaa Urate... ....... ....... Coarmd Swartt............ Joha Graff.. ...... 131 14 ..... 16 4 .... 11 1 ...... II I I Tl ...... 14 I ...... 64 It .... 4 4T ,. 41 47 ..... 141 0 ... II I 171 I H. Reedenoww Frederick Habley... Mattblu Shrug Robert Careoa......... N. MMMow.r. ........ Mntthlu 8hngh.. llenry DriakM .... Jaeepk BubUy ....., Joa. Poller Franeit Jekaatoa IT 14 71 t II tl 64 It 6 SI It i 14 It Jaoob Graff. IVbb Towaahlp. . . A. Par. waaaAjma. Tax. 161 Nieklla A Oritk...515 M 1091 " 437 1 171 ' 151 M 9 a a ,. ttt 10 M 111 . ... II M til 161 M to " 16 M III 118 80 14 .. Ill 04 M 84 64 w w 1 ,4 684 " " 181 04 IM Joeepb. Booa 44 M 81 " " 14 44 IM ww ... tt M IM 1 at ... 44 M 44 . a 82 4 Plkt Towaahlp. Aa. 751 lit III (81 121 12 111 416 to 10 174 44 101 t 16T A,. 417 181 M 1041 889 1171 996 99 6U 64 496 496 99 SO M 19 41 ITI Par. Tax. Joha Nkolioa....4l7S 6 " 14 1 " ...... II 4 " " 161 " " 14 It JamMWIIaoa II M Joha Nleholrea SI 34 ' Ill M Hickna A OriBlk... 47 38 " " 47 81 Joha NlebelMB..... 1 4 . 1 14 " ... 41 4 " " ...... 4 M JamM f . LMtiard T fit Plea Towaahlp, Per. WiaaairraB. Tax. It Jamea Wllcoa.....l,S2l II 111 tit 41 " 81 It II Moor, A Dlaa.y... 71 is JamM Wllren..... 6M 61 M Moor, A Delaaey.. 1,14 II Jmbm WUom .. M4 II " ' 67 0 II " 144 M 16 .. 14 14 " 11 M " II 61 " ....... 41 44 " " It M " 41 M 41 44 Roberta A Fox...... I 71 JemaeWileoa It II " t 41 JohuNlaholaoa...... II I Ualaa lawaahlp. Per. waaaairraa. Tax. 161 Robert. A Fei (1,176 44 M ... 1,140 to " ... SO 17 " w . 804 44 " -. 141 01 ' w , ,7 M ..... 104 44 . ..... 121 61 41 III It " " .... 178 II 41 . " ..... 131 M I M 7 M a a 1,17 M I w m 17 fit "a t, yi w ,4 ft " " .... 4A 87 87 JamM WIImb. 61 64 4 " . ... lit 17 Ac. 909 M 111 161 161 461 171 IM in 166 871 MM lost 1424 474 54 116 840 67 Woodward Towaehlp. ' Per. waaaaavaa. Tax 164 jMBthaa W.iy...............046 48 141 John Rell.......,, ...... 169 61 William WIImb 61 41 161 Imu WhMlw IM 36 Bli Hootmaa It 46 Mary Nlel 478 49 Bealamia JoSaetoa.......... IM 4 II agony ...,. T6I II MatlhiM Bartow .... II IA Bet Hagerty trart........... J,6(t4 M Joha MoCahaa..m... .. 644 84 . 41 h Boiaad Kraa... Plffot Shaw Debut lea Graff Thomaa dmaadMa.....M JamM Arobbridg,,,,,. ...... Joha Merer jr.... 141 M 114 MT II A14 t I4 A 4 04 tt M 61 M SI SS 16 81 I to M lot M tot M tot M 15 4 83 I to 44 17 M , IM It law M 16 M I7T II 41 M till 161 41 71 II 14 II M6 7 tt M IM M II M I 71 41 M til M I4t M an tiMimaa Chaaoy RlHrtU . Jm. Clark Joha MeClellaad... . Ourga HMtmaa.........m Rerbara Saydw I Philip Feual .....,... I JaMh U. H.well... , I William J,haalaa. I OMrga Broekhem .. Samaal Emlln............ Brery flh.ff.r. .... CkarlM Hlght.........,. Dulal T.raw. Joka Law..... laaaa OeM.......,.,.....,.., Rolaa Kvan,. ...... J,ba HarriMa....... JaMph Clark BMjamla Jotulaa. Rmbm Halau Lube Morrt.... OMrga Aahraa.u I K. J Pre ur Sataaaak Werd.. I Joha VMgkt... WlllUm Parkee.... CharlM Lewder..... I Joha Caaeoa I Hury Drlak..... William Driaher..... Mar, nadwHh..... i Mar, Meil...,.. William Ulker,...,.. Jmbm Aleaaaaar.... J. . Wallaia....,.. ' A. 0. Plauey ........ Hugh Reletoa.... William WIMw...... . 146 M M It I M IM II II 111 41 4 It 4 It. D. MeGACttHIT, Ttaataftf. ClMrfieM, April 6, II76H..