TfTILLIAU M. IIKXRY, Joitioi Tf or rm I'EtuiHoi ... . .- -.LUMBER OITT OwllMtiom Biada aitd tuuuvjr protntpUj paid btot. Artielaiof agrosiBt Bad dott of oftttyaaoa aaatly axant4 and warraatod eor not ar a aoarg. . . lajyn FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES Of all kinds. Bt aanfal a bay only tba gonnln. Alto Baggaga Rarrowa. Warvbonta Traeka, im- nroTM noiijp lira wart, urooart riBtaraa. ealM HttpatrMi pn rap tit. faihAanWn, morhbaco.. 41 Wood Street, Pittibnrgh, Pa. TS-la. We mate only Strictly Pare Gdo3i. Bvery h Be of on, WhiULcdtmntiwfcHowtB TCruh nirivraoaraOMasajraeef Baaaea SBdWedOeBeetBJUUfpeBMd SOLO BY DEALERS EVERYWHE&E. Much IK, 18H-Sm. HUEY & CHRIST, OLI PnOPRIKrORIorTHI .CELEBRATED PURE RVI mark patH"w" AND DR. STff.F'JL'H'S TONIC HERB BITTERS. fii.VO f OR PRICE IIST. HUEY SklIUIST( 191 N. 34 Street, i .' 1 ' l PHILADELPHIA Mereh 19, W-o $ arflwarr, 5iuore.; G. S. F LEGAL, Ironsides Store, - (,.. ', ..' PHILLIPHBURO, PA.' DEALER IS HARDWARE, STOVES, IIEATEI1S, RANG. :. IS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARS. " AND MANUFACTURER Of TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPERWARI. 1 - Proiqaiilo 8trMt, Fblllipubarg, Centre Co., Pa. M.Mey U7I. POWELL & MORGAN, If All 1 WARE, Alto, JlanofMtarariof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. ' CLBARFISLP, PA.' pARSIINO IMPLEMENTS of all , . . hindo for tele by ; POWELL A MORGAN.- JAILBOAD WHEELBARROWS POWELL A MOROAN. QIL, PAINT, PUTTT, GLASS ,., , ', Nelli, eto., for tall by ; " POWELL A MORGAN. ' JjARNESS TRIMMINGS ft BHOB Findings, for tale hj j ' ' " POWELL A MORGAN. Q.UN9, PISTOLS SWORD CANTS , !' .".( .tor iali fcj' , ', i POWELL A MOROAN. gTOVES, OF ALL SORTS AND Sliei.for ntt j ,.-'';: ' POWELL A MORGAN. JRONI- IRON I IRON I IRON I For tela by POWELL A MOBUAN. II ORSK SHOES & HORSE SHOE ' NAILS, for fait by POWELL A MORGAN. IULLET BLOCKS, ALL 8IZES And bolt Mannfnetaro, for omlo by POWELL A MORGAN.' THIMBLE SEEINS AND PIPE BOXES, far aalabr '! ' , ' POWELL A MORGAN. SACKETTs SCHRYVER IIARDWAHE, ad maaafaotarari af TIN, COPPER 4 SHEET IRON WARE, Urond Htract, Ctaarlleld. pa. lfatlni raflttad oar itor room and doabltd aar ttoek, w ar nraparwl U offar bamalai ta par abaaan ia ar lioa. W ha dacided to do ft Strictly Cash Business, . aad can Iboroforo nil at frootl rodaood arloel. Carnontort and who ooatanplala balld. lag will ao wol u aaaBlaa our -. v i Toela ii BullUaj SMdrut, Jhl.h It bow aad at the boot mBolaotorai We hoop a largo Itock of NAILS, LOOKS, GLASS, LATCHES, PUTTT, ,. , UINOKfl, GLUB, . SCREWS, , All klado of Bench Plane, rUi, Chlaeli, Bqoaroo, Uunoaero, llatcbota, Plomhi and Lorelo, Mortleed A Thotab Ou.goi, B.roli, Broceo A Illtta, Wood ond Iron Bench Sercwe, and the boot "o.. Boring Machine la lha . , . . Bethel. Double and Bingla Bitt Axes, '' POCKET OUTLERT, Ao. A genu for Burnett' Iron Corn ShtHer, werroatoa. Alio, agonal for Rioberdi " GOTHIC FLUE TOPS," ' whloh efoctmaUr mi Saokf Flaeo. ; Farm Implements, Garden Tools, i. el orory deocrlptloa. , , A large varietj of ' COOK STOVES, . waiob wo warrant to giro Mllffaetiea. ' PrtmbU JtaNfYf ue4 IWiaaMra. 'koB.RooflBg, Spoatlag and Job Work doao oa reaceaoMo armo. All ordero will rooolre prooapt . atloallca. Pleniblag aad gao illlng ettoadod u nr oipenonoca worimca. mar a, 1970. Id I W.tai 3 ry totoit, 8t$tttUt, tit. JbjEW OPENING. SHOWElliS' BOOT & SHOE ' AND , HAT & CAP NTOUE. ROOM No. 1, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, MARKET STREET. A full tad ooutploto uiortinont of ao Mod. "HARD PAN" PRICES. CUIttnt ara lav It ad to oall and aianlaa my stock and jadjr fur'IkauitlfM u to quality and price oi g noai, JU8KP1I 8. riUOHBRfl. CUarl.ld, April 14, 174. NEW FldOUIt, l'EED, AND GROCERY-; STORE. A. G. KRAMER 4 CO., Roam No. 4, Plo'a Upon Uowa, - Cioarteld, Pa. ' Kaop oonoUatlr oa bud SUGAR, COFFEE, ' TEAS, SODA, , ' COAL OIL, 8TRVP, SALT, . sricEs, . . SOAP, " CanBod and Driod Fraltlj ToliaoM, Cl.rt, Caa- dleo, Cldor Vtaogar, Bailor, Ini Ao, , . ALSO, EXTRA OUE MADI Wheat nnd Buckwheat Flour, Corn Heal, Chop, 1'eed, o., AH of wMob 1Q bo oold oboaa for oajb ar la laebaago for osaatry prodaeo. ClMrlold, Not. II, , JEMOVALI JOHN McGAUGHEY Woald rotsoolfillr BoUfr tk. nabllo naonlli tkai bo baa naofoil bio Orooor Sloro froai Hbaw'o Row, U Iho buildiDB foraierlj oeaaplad By J. Miloo Krotior, OB Boeoad Itraat. aott door to Blglor! bardvaro atoro, wbora bo iBtaadi koiD a fall llao of QBOCERIE8. HAMS, DRIBD BEEF aad LARD. SUGARS aad SI RDM, of all (radaa. TEAS, Orooa aad Black. COFFEE, Raaotad aad Grooa. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CJUTJrBD FRVITK, AU kiadi la tka aurkot. PICKLES, la Jin aad bomla. SPICES, la erorj forai aad r.rlotj. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KINItOKCRACKBIII.T SOAPS, r w MATCHES, J'' DRIBD APPLES, ". DRIED FEACniS, ' DRIED CHERRIES, Ootl Oil tAd'Zaunp CUmnri. Aad a good aioortaaoat of tbooo taint Boaallr kopt la a frooorr otoro, wblch ho will esahaago for aoarkotlBg at tba narbot prlooa. Will Mil for auk aa okoeplj ao aa other aaa. Ploua oall and aoe bio atook aad Jadga for voaroolf. JOHN McGADGBET. CloartoM, Jaa. 1, 18T6. G ROCKRIKS. JAS. H. LYTLE, - (Saoeonor to LTTLD A MITCUELIr) ' WHOLESALE AND RETAJL ,: DEALER IN "T CHOICE LIMB UP TEAM. OOLONOS, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, T0UNO HYSON. INOLI8H BREAKFAST Paroat la Market. ' " i 4 BUTTER ARD BOOH V Will bo keal and Mid at Irtt OOOt. Calk paid for Coaatrj Prodaeo. .'. I i i .a. 1 i i . l I ," GERMAN CHERRIBS, TDREET PIUNES, . PRB8IRVBD FEARS, ; PHILADELPHIA HAMS. ' PISII. ' MaokeroL Lake Harrlag, Cod, A. PICKLEB. Barrel Fiobloo and BagUok Floklaa. KLOUR ABB PBBO. Floor, Don Meal, Oat Meal, ie. ohlTi JAS, I. LTTLI. ur gun gmwlKtrntnt. THE REPUBLICAN, FablliooA ororr WaaaoaAar 1 GOODLANDER & LEE, CLBAKflEILD, PA Hao tka Largoat ( IkvIbUob of any pa" la Northwoalora PoaaaylTaala. The large and eoniUntlj' inoraaaing circulation or lha RsruBLlcAN, roiidora it valuable to bual neat men aa modiura thro' which to reach the public ( Terms of Subscription i If paid In advance, , , . 2 (X If paid after three montha, , 2 60 If paid attor six montha, , . 8 00 When paper are aont outaide of the oounty paymont muatbe in advance. ADVERTISING : Tea linoa, or leas, 8 timoa, . II W Each aubsrqoent inaortioo, 6( Adminislrator' Notioea, . , 2 SC Kxecutora' Notices, ... . 2 60 Auditor' Notices, .... 260 Cautiona and Betrays, ... 1 60 Diaaolntion Notiooa, . . . 2 5C Profeuional Card, 5 lines, j-tar, 6 OC Special notices, per lino, ... 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : One square, 10 lines, . , .' fg 00 Two squares, ... . . . IS 00 Threo squares, ...... 20 00 One-fourth column, . . . . 60 00 j One-half column, ' . ... 70 00 One column, .... . 120 00 IlliANKfilt We have always on hand a large stock of blank ol all descriptions. SUMMONS, SUBPG5NAS, EXECUTIONS, ' . ; ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES, , , " BONDS, . FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, &c, .' , 4o , &c. JOB PRINTING. We are prepared to do all kinda of PRINTING, SDCII AS POSTERS, . PROGRAMMES, , CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ' ENVELOPES, BILL HEADS, , STATEMENTS, PAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, Ao., fto., IN THE BE8T STYLE, 1 AND ON . REASONABLE TERMS. ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK WILL RECEIVE ; PROMPT ATTENllON. GaoMllander ft l( CleaiHelle Clearleld County, H, THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAT It, I'll. TAKE THE WORLD AS IT M. Take Ike world aa II U I there are good aad bad la II, t And oood and bad will be from Bow to the ead Aad lha; who eipoot to Bake oaletl lo a Biaale, An la daaaor of Berrjlag Bore hoarlo thee Ik..1!! Bil . tf jo wtob lo bo kapp, ao'er oaek for Iho faalli, Or rea'ro lure lo Bad lOBMthinf or other obIh 'Mid Baob that debaou, aad Book Ibat eaallo, The world'! out a bod one If left ao II la 1 Taho lha world aa II la I if lha aurfeae be ohlalng, He'er atlr aa Ibe eedlBOOl hlddea halow I Tbere'a wladoB la thia, but there'a aoao ia repiBlaf , O or IhlBfO whloh aaa rarely bo Booted, wo Tbere'a boaatr aroond ao, wbioh let aa eaoy , Aad ohide Bet. uBlaai II B bo with a hiaa Thouh Barth'a Bot tbo Iloavoa wo Ibeagbt whoa a aor, Thoro'o oouolhlng le Hoe for, If ta'on ao It lo I Take Iho world aa It li I with III ml lei aad ill III lore and III frloadrhlp III faliaboed ead train - Ita oohamea ibat dopood ob Iho breath of to row i III bopoi which pan bj Ilka Iho dream! of oar voutn. Yet, ob I wbllal Ibe llfhl of af.atiua Bar iblaa, The heart la Itaelf hath a fouolela of bllae I lo tba worat lhare'o eono eparh of a aature Dl v iaa, And the wieoot and heal take lae world aa ll ta l THE 1MAXE. THE PREflRNT STATE MANAUEMXlIT CRITI- OISID. ' The annual report of the hoard of publio charities, which has boon re cently itwucd from the proas, Airnirihos the fbllowing information in regard to the treatment of tbo cnruble and in curable insane : Under present systom of care, re gard is to be had to certain principle of management which will bo recog nized by all to be correct. No effort or advantage, which the progroes of acience and philanthropy afford fur tbo caro and treatment of those who are ourable, can bo disregarded, without incurring tho censure of being careless to a most sacred duty. There is another elans, usually term. ed inourable, found in private and pub lie hospitals, in county almshouses, and, to sorao extent, in the care of friends at their homos, for whom a treatment in essential particulars ia entirely dif ferent. For these cases, which are generally tranquil, harmless, capable of self cure and some service in house and out door work, it is claimed that a reasonable amount of personal com fort is all that is noccssary. It is asserted that if a State hospital ia to be made a receptacle for the lat ter class, it virtually dofeata that pro vision in the law, which requires a preference to bo given to recent casus; and that the most effectual way to stop the incroaao of insanity is to givo every facility for the prompt treatment of those casea which apply for admis sion soon after boing attacked. The principle here assumed does not admit of controversy. Thia board has from tho commencement of its over sight of the neglected condition of this class, as seen in county almshouses, uniformly advocated it, and will con tinue to do so as long as sufficient hos pital accommodations remain tin pro- mod. Whilst every ono will be per fectly willing to subscribe to the cor- redness of the views thus briefly glanced at, it may be well to inquire to what extent the practice which regu lates the admission of applicants into State insane asylums has been made to conform to them. . Whilst the Htato bounty, undoubted ly, is dosigned for the indigent insane, with a preference to be given to recent over cbronio cases, either from acci dent or necessity it is practically ig nored, which warrants the conclusion that it present hospital accommoda tions are rosorvod for one class only they would be comparatively vacant. An examination of the records of those institutions will show these statements to be correct. ' ' It is shown that about one-halt of all the cases, when admittod into the hos pitals, are chronic. Upon a reference to these records it is alto found that at least three-fourths of tho present populstioD of these institutions are of the chronic class, and kept there from year to year. It is not to bo supposed tbal the condition of all is such as to admit of their being discharged. Once there, thoir oontinuance in moat in stances becomos a necessity, which goes to establish the tact that it is proper and nocesaary (with certain ex ceptions) to provide for all. l,ook for a moment at this startling fact: The present number of inmates in throe Bute hospitals, vis: Dixmont, Harris- burg and Danvillo, ia about 1,200. In reporta made to thia office, 170 are stated to be curable and 960 incurable, which is fully 86 per cent of the whole number. To many who have givon little at tention to the aubjoct this statement cannot fail to occasion surprise. When considered In connection with the im portant quostion as to tho kind of hos pital arrangement which may be deemed suitable and sufficient for the claw by whom our Rlato tiiatltuiluue are no largely occupied, the Inquiry, doubtless, will arise whether buildings less palatial, of plainer and loss cosily style, but containing all the necessary comforts and conveniences, would not be entirely consistent with what may reasonably be expected of the Stato, ana ne calculated to corroct the tend ency to extravagant expenditure in the construction of buildings which is now so prevalent. ,, , This ia an Important question and involves sevoral considerations having mutual relations to each other. , If the State bounty is used so largely for the chronic and incurable claaa, who hap pen to occupy the present accommo dations, upon what principlo of moral equity or right will you exclude others who have boon less fortunate and whoso claims to the benefit of special advant ages re equally strong ? What then is the duty of ths State T To which we reply, this board has spoken out right on this subject repeatedly sinoe its organisation, from Its first report until the present time, and has recom mended that the State take charge of all the insane of the Commonwealth that are not provided for in private hospital. We have ahown this is the interest of the Commonwealth as well aa of the afflicted class in whoa behalf we bava spoken. We believe that all interests would b beet ecured by race a measure, une policy, one ay tern, one definite mod of care and treatment tbould at length prevail, and the oversight of this board would b the more Ihorouffblv effeotiva and ana. Icessful u a MMetfwetiee ol th on prevailing system. Another reason why the Btal should undertake this oharg I that nndor county arrangements th insane are alwaya classed with pauper aud are denied the sympathy and tba oare which they would otherwise woure, and thua they often remain unrelloved of tbelr malady to their own desperate harm and the loss of tho public funds by inourable disease. AD VOCA TJNO 'BOBBER Y. In the United States Sonate, on Weduoaday, a remarkable declaration was made-by Mr, Windom, Republi can Senator from Minnesota. A bill regarding Jurisdiction over Indian res ervations being under consideration, Mr. Windom remarked that there are 1,200 to 2,000 persons now in the sec tion known as the Black Hills; that he believed that the report of gold existing there were well founded, and that those peraous ehould not be com pelled to leavo that reservation. In anawor to an inquiry from Senator Ed munds, Mr. Windom admitted that technically those persons had no right to intrude upon (he reservation, but insisted that Alio Government bad tacitly given It consont to miners going there, and said that he was de termined that the people of th United States should have tho right to go into the Black Hills and develop the wealth of that region. Tho immorality ot this declaration will be seen upon a very brief examin ation of the facts.' In 1808 a treaty i.t. m , . was maue wim various oioux nanus, by the terms of which, in return for concessions made by them, they were guaranteed by the United States Gov ernment the exclusive puwesaion of! the Territory ip question. This was not a gif of the land to thorn from the Government, for the land already be longed lo tho Indians, being u needed territory, to which the Indiana had an original possessory title, or titlo of oe enpacy, recognised as valid in the Su preme Court of the United Slates; while the Government was not only ithout a shadow of a claim to any proprietary interest in the lands, but in the treaty formally acknowledged the validity of the Indian title. Tbo treaty, therefore, was aimply an agree ment, in the nature of a contract, to protect the Indians in the occupancy of thoir own lands in return for their relinquishment of certain other rights or claims, At the time this treaty was sigued it was not suspected that gold existed in the reservation, and it waa believed that the United StaU bad in all re spects got the best of th bargain. Now, however, since it has been learned that gold has been found in the coun try belonging to the Indians, the Sena tor from Minnesota avows his determi nation "that the people of the United Slates," In defiance of the most solemn treaty stipulations, shall take posses sion of proporty belonging to th Indi ans, and that with no other than a robbers's right they shall wrest from the original proprietors of ths soil nds which our Government has sol emnly covenanted to protect from spoliation. To be sure Mr. Windom declares that the Sioux have repeated ly violated the treaty ot 18G8, but be faila to sustain hi allegation by any proof; and everybody can see that this ia mere pretence. There is no doubt that if there are large deposits of gold 'lo th Black Hill country th white would develop them more effectively than lb Indiana, and it i equally true that white ad venturers would rather have th land in their own possession than In that of the real owners. But the policy advocated by Mr. Windom, though it ia nothing more than the realization of President Grant's warning to the Sioux chiefs in Washington, that if thoy would not sell their lands on terms sat isfactory to him hs would bo unable to prevent their occupancy by the whites, is a policy which we might expect to bear avowed by a professional high way robber, but not by a Senator of th United State. X. Y. Sun. Pom Pedro, the Emperor of Braxil, now traveling in this country, has lost his aunt, the Princess Isabella Maria Conception Jane Charlotte Gualberta Anna Frances of Assist Xaviora Paula d'Alcanlara Antoinette Itaphaela Michsla Gabnolla Joachina Gonxaga, Tbia lady was the only sister of Pom Pedro's father, Dora Pedro 1., Emperor of Brazil. She was born in 1801 on the Fourth of July, which gives her a Centennial interest for Amoricans ; and from March, 1826, to February, 1828, she acted as Regent of Portugal during the troubled childhood of her nieoe, Queen Mara da Gloria, Tbe express companies appoar to have lobbiod their measure through the United States Senate, and prevent ed a reduction in the rate of postage. The House repealed tbe act of last s sion, and restored the old rate ol eight ooau per pound for third clan waller Instead of sixteen cent. Now let the House adhere to ita position and make tho Senate recede. A chango has been agreed on reducing the postage on transiont newspapers, but tbe other kinds of mail matter ehould be put at the old rate to protect the people against extortionate express charges. Th is Is noat and sonsi ble. W by can not the custom be introduced in tbe United StaU: In Burmah, if two married persons ar tired of each oth er' society, they dissolve partnership in tbo following touching manner: They light two candle, and, (hutting up their hat, (it down and wait quietly until thoy ar burned out. The one whose candle burns out first, gets up at one and leaves the house, and for ever, taking nothing but tbe clothe be or aho may hav on at tbe time; all else becomes th property of th oioor party. Tdb Ron Ciuhoxd. "Tbo Confed erate Brigadier," baa been the caption for Radical editorials for more than a year past. Now that has boon drop pod and the "Th Rebel in Congrea" ia ths naw title for "Bloody Shirt" ed itoriala, Th xposare of th loyal rascalities by th present Congress, is what troubles those loyal souls. Could th villainies in th Cabinet and in tbe Department b covered np, how love ly th goose would bang. His I hi red Up. Carl Schura, it la said, announce that h will support neither Blaine, Cook ling nor Mortea fbr th PiidM. bat will (tamp th country against either ehould the nom ination be secured by one of them. BEAVTUiS OF TtlK SPY RYH- TEN. No on who bad followed the course of tho political "scandal literature" of the past few months can fail to have been struck with the prominent part played by tbo detectives, or so-called stieoial agent," In all th operation or tbe Government. No affair of im portance appoars to be transacted with out their intervention. Tboy turn up constantly in the most unexpected places. They appear before th in vestigation committees abating the confidence and enjoying tbe intimacy of persons in tbe highest station. The whole system of government, In fact, appear to be as completely honey. oombed with those creature a that or Russia nndor the most auspicious and absolute of Caars, or of ?rnee under tbo administration of Richelieu or a Fouche. Twenty your ago noth ing ot the kind was known In this country. Like niuny other evils the polioy of carrying on tbo government ny the ttlil of detectives and spies is an oil shot and legacy of the war. Tba employment of spies for purely mili tary purposes I as old aa th history ot the human race, and civilization, as it has failed to put a stop to war, has not dispensed with th necessity of employing them. Evon military men, however, while employing snie and profiting by their information, do not regard th employment itself as an honorable one. Th captured apy ia considered out of the pale of tho hu mane and honorable treatment which is duo lo prisoners of war taken openly with arms in their hands, lie is not evon entitled to a soldier's death, but is ignominiousiy hung like a common criminal. The reason is obvious. Tbe success of the spy necessarily depends upon the use of arte and means which are not esteemed honorable deception, falsehood, treachery, habitual and sys tematic, both In word and act. A de. tectivo whoso name figures in the re cent Congressional investigation was a successful Union spy during the war, and, it is said, in order better to ac complish hi purpose at on time ac tually enlisted in Ibe confederate army and rose lo be orderly sergeant of hi company, being all the while in secret communication with the Federal com mander. Tho political spy is every where and In all ages, in the pages alike ol history and of notion, by those whombodeceivossnd betrays, regarded with just abhorrence and contempt Unhappy, during tho painful years ef our civil strife, there wss no lack of spies of both class, end when lb war ended such had been tbe demoralization produced by the employment of aucb agencies that the system was still kopt up under the pretext that the revenue service and interests of tbe government demanded it Baltimore Sun. Th Republicans of California bave declared" for Blaine. Wby shouldn't thoy 7 There is no special reason why tho Central Pavifio Railroad company ought not lo tako care of its own stock. Pittsburgh's loss by fir during tbe past yetir amounted to ICC4,666, which, in proportion, ia greator than Phila delphia's loss. A DMINISTIUTORS NOTICE. -AO- Neiteo lo heresy glroa that LeHeraef Ad BtaletrolbM ob Ike estate of RI.UASHIII MIL. LKrUauel Bt(eUwe.elB,Clear4etdeeeatj. Pa, teeoaooe, aaeiag Beoa doly graalew lo tea aaaor- etgaad, ell peraoao ledebled to aai eolato wiU Bleetae aaka iaoaediate payaaat. aad tkooo kavleg etatae ar demand, will preeeet tbea properly aatbeBtioaeed for oeuleaoat wtkeat delay. A. C. TATB, ClearSeld, May I, U7 It. Adaialatrailor. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. -to. NMloo ta herewr five that Lettaro of Ad. alolotraliea aa too aotate of DAVID LAMs- BKRRY, late ef Lawraaeo tewaohta, Caaartold eoaaty, Pa., aeo'd, her lag beoa daly (reeled to the aedoraiiwed, all pereoao ia deb led le oald aetata wiU ploaao aaho laaedleto payaeat, aad umbo Bering Me I Me ar eaeade will pr.a.el thea properly ee It eat We ted fer eeltleaeat with- I deley. ClearaoU, May. WM.LAN8BBRRT. . April , To-St, A DMINISTRATOR'8 NOTICE. it, Nelloo a, hereby giro that Lettaro of Ad. atalatralroa oa tho eelele of PARMBL1A FAR. WELL, tea of Fiho lewaablp, Cloartold eoaaty Pa-, diioaiad, aaotag bona daly xraatod to the aaelereifaed, eU pereoao iadobled le eaid eatele wiU pieoee aaha lenBedieu peyeeeau, ead Iheeo having aietae or Seaeade etaiaol the aeaao wUI praeeotthea properly aalheatlealad Par ootue- aeet witboaa delay. b. X. MSBILu, . Adalniatratar. Ulee Oalea, Centre Co., Fa, April II, '7a-U Mrenar A Qeaaew, CleerfeM, Pa, Attorney! or aeBnieiretor. DMINJSTRATOKS' NOTICE. Notice It hereby flrea Ikal Lotion ef Ad BlBlilretioa oa tbe Mlete of N M. FARWELL, nue or riae lown.nip, CloarBeld eoaaty, Pa., daiiaild, bovtag beoa daly f reeled to tbe BBderaigaed, nil poraeaa iedebtod to oald eiteto will ploooe aaha iaaediete peyaoat, aad theee havtag olalao or deaonda wtH pcaioat thea properly aatheatloalod for oellleeMat wttheal eley, -- . L. M. FARWELL, Adalaiotrnler. flea llBiea, Ccetre Oo, Fe, April It, IS-ft, Moaner A Bonoon, Clears Id, Fa, Attaratji rer Aoaieireeev oQAUriOeN . All paraoM ar haraby varaadj ajr.laH par- auiaf ar aMot.aUa far a Mr-Ufa Ncrta, g traa MU MMta hy tha yndarfifaad a .pa BaiaaMl, tall la far Oaa Haadrtd rU.ra, aa I hav a aot i-aeat-ad Talaa for tha itai, aad all art av ti aeataalM aa 4a da aj frimt af lav. bIOSBPH A. KKPHAtT. Itoaiilata, May & l7ft-t- QAUTION." Ad partoni ara a.rab- eaatloatd arftlaM riarahailBf r la aa way avddltag H ia fal awing propart aaw ta tha pataaMiaw af tloha tL Park, af UirtM towatakp, via i Taraa badi aad baddlag, 1 attak ttara, 1 parlor atota, I ptgt, t haap, 1 ran a lag aalll, 1 plaw, 1 barrow, 1 at obalri, I loaaga, I elofk, I avw, 1 twaaar aid balfar,! vprtng elf, M jarda earpat, I eulUTatar. 1 eapboard and aeatanti, t table, aad I bartaa, a tba aaaia balonga ta aad ! laft witb b( aa loaa alj, tabjaat ta y ardar at an IIwm. ROBT. WKlGLKV. Ma H MTMt QAUTION. AH paraaai ara aarabj eaattoaad agalaat parahialag ar la aa amy aiaddllag with tba roltawiag praaarty, ao ka tba piaaaatiaa af J. t. Tbartlaw, af llarn tawwtb.p, m i l'w twraaa aad btraejatf ana griad atoaa, aaa haalag aiill, la trbtMU, fair Uatba, aaa ptav, aaa aad a balf aarat f whaat im tba graaad, ana aad a half aaraa af rja la tba grown d, and all bqabold gooda la bit poataaatoa, all af Whttb waa paiabaaad by m oa tha ITta of April, IITI, aad ara Mi aith him oa loan only, labjaotta tay tr al any tlaia. JACOB BRtlBAKKH. aWorrtidale) Miaaa, April H, '74-ltw Oa aad afWr thia data, Mnaday, April 14, MM, tba Ova-awn af tba faor af bawraoaa ttrp. will not ba ratpatiBlbla for bUltesMttaelad bp any pMpar af aaVd Wwaaplp. Having prnewraa a aitbta nlaaa fcf kaaaiaa all aba aaa a aharga ta tha tawaabtp, all parasaj ara aaattaaad i agaiaal baraeMlag ar teaatlag aay aaapar aa aa oaawt of aald Uwnahip, aa aa dab, aaalraotod by i taaaiwUI Im paist. Jaaayb Sbtlliag, aaa af ha pawpnra af aald Uaaablp, aarlag Uft, w aaraby gia ftatlaa that will aat ba raapaaalbla fbr hla nl- ti ' , eJAo IRVIN, la ay , is to at QAUTION All loreaai ao herebv eearlaaool aaoJaet war. aaaoiag aria aa, way araddtiag wink tho teliew- tag property bow la the paiaeaioa ar ieeepb a. linoa, ef Brady Uwnahip, vn I owe black eew, owe twe-reer eld Bearer, awe Bag, all ike wheat aad rye ia the growsd. aiaty be.bilo nitnlaa, parte whlokarela t.woal Beller'e eotavr, all tha BoaeekeM femetare af varVeM kied la as ebeat tbe heaao. laoaadlag Bade aad Baddlag, a pear m iwia eraae. ao laaoaoao waa oaresaaa By set t f bertfe aaa. Bad Is taktett ti ay erawr at a Uava, JaB UBfcA . Larkerebarf, April M, Tt, ISffllaoroM. JJARD TIME8 HAVE NO EFFECT IN FRENCH VILLE I I us aware that there are ooau pereoao a little ird to Bioelo. aad I am aloe aware tbal the ooBflaial af "kard Uwoo" lo well Bigk aaitaraal. Del I aa to atlaeled eew that I aoe aetiafr the foraar aad store oeaclaolrolr that "herd time." will aot ef eel tbooo who key their goodo froa Be, aad ell m patroai aliaJI bo lailiaud late Ibe ae ecelof UOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I have gooda eaooeh to anoLty all tba laala la tiie lower end of tbe eouaty which I cell at oioecdioo; low retei froa or Banaotb atoro In MULrlOMUUHU, where I oaa elwoyo be foand read le welt apoa aellora aad loppljr thea with Dry Goods of all Kinds, Saab aa dlolhi, Satlaetla, Caaalaarea, Maillaa, vimi.h, uiaea, iruiinge, uaueooo, TrlBBlagi, Ribkoni, Laoo, Readj-aede Clothlee, Boota aad Sboea. II eU aad Cape all vf tbe beet aalorial aad aado to order lloae, nooaa, Uleree, aitieae, Laoee, aibbeBi,Ao. GROCERIES OF ALL KIND. Cefee, Tea, Segar, Bioo,, Flak, Sail rent, Llaeeed oil, ries oil, tlareea OU. Uordwaro, Qeoonewere. Tlawaro, Cootieso. Plowa oaa now i;aetiago, Mono, eplkoe, uora CalUv. tore, Older Preoaee, aad all klado at Aaat. Perfumery, Palate, Varaiak, Glaaa, aad a goteret eaioriaoBt ai rjlaueaery, GOOD FLOUR, Of dlterent braadi, alwaya ob kend, aad will he aoid el 10 leweot poaeible sgeree. J. H. MeClaln'o Modielaee, Jeyaa'o Mediciaae lloautlero and llooaaad'a II tare. toe, poaade of Wool wealed for wkiek Ike prion will Be paid. Clororaoed oa aaad aad for aaie ot tbo aarhet prion. Alio, Agent for Strattoavillo aad Carweeertlla Tbreibing Machine. Cell aad ooofor yoanolroo. Ton will lad everything aieallj hepl la a retail Itore. L. M. CODDRIET. Froaobrille P. O., Aagaet 1), ISTe. - J. V. WSAVBB...M..H ..w. w. terra WEAVER & SETTS CLEARFIELD, PA., Are eferleg, at the eld etaa af 0. L. Rood A Oo. their etoek of goedt, eoDaleting ef DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS SHOES, UATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUEEN8WARI, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, 4o., &o., Al the aoot redeemable rated for CASH at la aichaBgo for Square Timber, Board, Shinglei, OR CODNTRT PRODUCE. : oT-Advaaeet l tlBg aot aqaaro til ode to theee engaged I got iber o Ute aoat advaalageoBt pdlijean CALIFORNIA. vaft'oaicaao xa RBdiTwiiTsnt hailwat Bbraaa aadar aaa aiaaRraaiaat tba Ortat Trnak Railway Mnaaaf taa WKaST aad NORTH WBdT, aad, with lu aaatafaaa Waaaaaa and aawnatrtloaa, fanaa th hartaat aad a,aiabat root batwata Catenae aad alt pataU ta lLuaott, Wia aaaaii, Nonrcaaa Micaiaaa, MiftiitaoTaV, low. fiftaaaacAp VAuraaata aad lb Wattaai TftnnrtaaiM. lu Omaha and California Line It tba abort-ft aad Wat mn far all point la IfaaTiaa iLttaaia, Iowa, Dakota. NaaaAatA Wraata 0LaAo, Utab, HrAA. OAuroa via Oasaoft, Cat ma, Japan aad AvmtUL lu Chleago, Madison A St. Paul Line Ia tba abartatt Hat for Roaraaa Witmta and M tmtaoTA, aad tat MAaiaoa, tft. Paci, aim. BANLia, DtLrri aad atl pataU Ifttb Uraai nrWBB.. iiti Winona and St. Peter Line ll lb only tanto for Wikoba, Rocbkitii, Owa toira, Mabkato, Sr. PiTBft, Ifaw Blb, and all poiaw ta Soataara aad Coatral MtaBtaota. Ita Green Bay and Marquette Line la taa aaly Haa for jABUTiLt.a, WAtaftTaw. Poa D eLAC, Otaioaa, Arnima, Obbbb Bat, RaOAaABA. NftOArBBB, MABgOBTTB, UocaiTai, UABoara aad tba Labb Surafttoft CwcatftT. lu Freeportand Dnbnqne Line It tbe oaly mate lor Riara, RonroaB, Faai roar, aed all aetata vie. Froeport. lit Chicago and Milwaukee Line lo Ike old Lake Shore Roote. aad lo the oaly aoe paooiBg laroairn avaioroB, l-ann ronnor. uies- itaa rasa, Wavaaaea, Reciea, Eaaoeaa le oaikwaraaa. Pnllman Palaee Cars are raa aa all three a k rralot of thia road. Thtile taeONLt Ll N B raaalog theee care be tween veioafe aaa et. real, vaicaga aad Milaaa hoe, or Chioaae aad Wlaeaa. Al Oaaha ear Sleepero oeaeaat with the ever lead Slerpera en the Uoiea Parita Railroad for oh peieto Wool or the Mloooorl Klver. Oe the arrival af the trelea fraa tha Beat Soath, She tralaa of See chlcego A North Weeeern Railway I.BAVB OIIIOAMO aa fellowoi PevVMacll HlaSOeaahaaadCallrbraU, Twa Tkroagk Treleo daily, with Pallaaa Palaee, Dreoieg Hooa Bad Slaopiag Can U re neb to Blase. for Ha. rant and Mlnnwa Bella. Two Tareegh Traeao dally, wilk Pallaaa Palaee Can utaeked oa both Iraiae. for Orwaa Snap aad Lake ntaperlar. Two Tratao daily, aith Palhaea Paleee Care eltacaed, aad raaatag tkroagk to Marnnatla. Par SSUaaaawa, Foar Tknngk Traiaodally, Follaaa Oare oa Bigkl tralaa, Parlar Ckaar Caro as day traiae. Par apart Bad Wlam aad palate la Miesooota. Oae Tbraagk Train dolly, with Pallaaa Sleepero U Winoaa. Par Ikaaaana, via Freeaort, Twe Tbroegb Tralal doily, with Pellaea Cera aa aighl traiea. Par Itibaqna and l4t (Jrvee. vi. ru, Two Thmnvb Train. 4.1V. witb VmUmm Cera oa aigbt trata to Maureg'ir, Iowa. Par Stoat City and Yanhtoaj, Twe Traiea daily PaUaae Canto Miocoarl Valley Jaaetloa. Par Lake Geneva. Foar Trnieo dally. Par etetkford, BNerllng, Kaaoaha. Jaasa. vlllo. end etker poieta, yoa oaa hare froa twe to to treiao daily. Now York Of, oc. No. dlt Broedwey Boatoa OBee, Me. I Stole Street Oaaha OSlce, 113 Ferehaa Street, Sea Fraaolaoo Offloe, 111 Mout- Soaery Street ; Chloege Tubal Oaeee i II Clark Ireet, aadar Bkeraea Hoaa corner Cnaal Bed Medieea 8lroeU Kiaiie Street Depot, earner W. Eiaaieaird Caaal Street! WeUo Street Depot, eeraer WelU aad Klaile Btnett. For ratoe ar lefotaatloa set aluiaable froa rear keoeo egoala, appl, la w. H. Svananrv, MtBVis HneBirr, Uea. Faoa. Ai'l, Chiaua. uts. sup t. Chleago. Jaa. SB, Utt-ly , JEW BTORX AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW ii SON liar jatt opaaad a Ns arose, ea Mala 8t..CUAarisi.a, Pa. latelr ooceplodky Wpa. T. IRWIN. Tbelr sleek eonolttsot XJD XXX . CK CD QED XX) S Oaocasia of lb bast ejaslit, QuEENBWARC, Boots and Sboea, BBC vrF arliel Bearv for a' eontfori, Call aad eiaaala ear (took kefera pap ekaaing tloawksr. Mar . lM-lf. WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. At tka aad af Ike new bridge, WEST CLBARFIBLD, FA. The rterle)er af Iblo eetaMiekaeal will hav kle lleeore Street froa dletlUere. rertjao kaylag froa this kowao WiU he tare ta tat s Bora srtlale of a aaeM aargla above eeee, Betel hnaors ao he tanlakool wltk Hewen ea eoanaool, ttrona. Pot wiawt aad Bread lev oRreot Swa Bee ley I Ttaav7, at Beta, Be York. wwoaww-w. wiioan. Clearseld. Jaa M, lt-f. $aisffUnfBs. HARTSWICK & IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, TA., DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS! CHEMICALSI PALM'S, 0115, DYE STUFF Varnihhks, . BKUBIIK8, PERFUMERY, FANCY OOODS TOILET AiniCLIS, OF ALL KINDS, PVBB WIJXE3 AND LIQUORS, for aadielaal pnrpeoeo. Tmiaoe, Repportora, Bckool B.,okl and 8talI',o ory, ead all other artlalea aaually ' ' foaad ia a Drag Store. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CAKE FULLY COMPOUNDED, llaviai a Urae ei perteaoe la Ibe balineia they oob fire entire rat lahclloa. J. O. HARTHWIOK, JOHN t. IRWIN. ClearSeld, Deoaaber It, lull. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (SaeeatBora to Boyntoa A Young,, FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Maaafaetarara of PORTABLE & STATIONAHT STEAM ENGINES Corner of Foartk aad Pine Streets, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVING engaged la tko Baaafaclara of Int llatt MACHINERT.wtrnapoetrnllylnrora kt pnklie that we art Bow prepared to III ill eraen aa aheaply aad ao proaptlyao oas be done la aa, af the eitloe. We aannfactBre aad deal Is Malay and Circular Saw-Milli Bead Blnekt, Water Wkeell, Bkailiag Poller Oiford'i lejeclor, 8teaa aeagae,8toea Wklitlea, Oilen, Teliew Cope, Oil Cape, Oeage Oocka, Air Cooki, Globe Valveo, Okoek Velvet, wroagkt Iron Pipeo, B'.eea Paapi, Boiler Food Pnapo, AnU. rrlctinn Melreo, Soap Stone Perkinf,d?ua Pack at. end all kladt of MILL WORK tngelhw with Plowa, Bled Soloa, COOK AND PARLOR 8T0 FES, and etker CA8TINOS of aU kladt. Shp-Ordon ooilclted and Iliad at city prioM All ietlert of laojulry wltk nraroaae le aaokiaory ef oar auuiafaelare promptly aniwered, by addroa- lag ea at CleerSald, Pa. . BIOLER, TOUNO A REED. The Bell's Rnn Woolen Factor j, Peaa towaiklp, Cloartold Co, Fa. . RDRFED OUTI sav Bov BURNED U PI Tba aabaaribora bap, at m rtat axuaaa. robailt awgbborboad ataatalty. In tbt areetioB of a Irtt olaaa WaoUa lblannftory, with all tba nodtra InpraTawiaati attaobtd, and ara prcparad to maka all kiada f Clotha, Caatiaamtp Btiatu, blaa kU, Flaanala, A a. Planty af gooda ea haad to rappiy au oaroia an a thontand naw enatoaitra. wnoni wa aan to aonia aaa aiaaiiB oar atook. Tha oaainoaa af CARDI1VO and fullino will rNiTt ar aapaolal attanUo. Proptr arrangttaeau will ba a. ado to rir and dcliror Wool, lo anit aoatoncra. All work warraBUd aad don apo iht thorttot notloa, and bj ttriot attaa ttn ta bapiaaat w hop to raaliao a Uboral abar ii paano pairoaag. lOetMM) POUNDS W00I. WANTKDI Wa will pay th higbotrt arnrkal prlo for Woo id atll oar Biannfaotnrod aoda at law oa t.mtlar gooda eaa ba bowghl ia tba ooaatjr, and whaotTor wa fall to rndar raaaonabla aUretioB w obvm alwart ba foand at hoaa rady to Bka arotvai eiplanatioa, aithar In paraoa or by lttr. iAfliH aiuHaiBon a tvtinn, aprilJItlf lUwar P. 0. 'J'ERRA C0TTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stove Lining nnd Fire Brick, hept eonetnatl, ea hand. AXD EARTHED-WARE OK EVERT DESCRIPTION I CROCKS! TOTSI CROCKS! PletilrB PaMnt Alrtlg-ht Bwir.BeaU. n-raii iBaat CREAM CROCKS. hlIt.R CUOCIta, jirrun lit' i i nn inuito, rivBba vnuuao. FLOWER POTS, PIE DISHES, STEW POTS, Aad a great aany other tblngi too Baaeroai ta aanlioa, to bo bad at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY. 0oror f Charry and Third StiaaU, taiKAKFlKLU) r. aagl MARBLE AND STOKE YARD! Mrs. 8. S. LIDDELL, Berlag aagageA la Ike Marble kailaaeo, dotiraa ta lefera her frioado aad Ike pahlie tkal eke kaa sew aad wlH keep ooaataatl, as hand a lerge aad wall Mleotod atook of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and la prepared ta faraltk to order TOMBSTONES, BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Cerbe tad Poeta far Cemetery Loll, Window Blllo had Cap i, alio, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASIt STAND TOPS, Ae, Aa. W-Tard o Reed atreot, soar Ike R, R. Depot, Olcerleid. Pa. Jat.ll Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. TBB tadaralgaed, kevrag aauhllaked Nar aery ea tho 'Pike, eboat half way hotweea ClearSeld and Carweatvllle, la pronered be far Bleb all hlada of FRUIT TBREo, (steadard aad dwarf,) Bvovgreeae, Saraahary, Urepe Vioea, Qoiaibwiy. Lawtoa fi leek berry, Strawberry, aad Reephorrp Viaee. A loo, Slaerlea Crab Treee, Qaleae, aad early aoarlaA Rheberw, Ae. Orden proapely Mleaded to. , Addrtee, t. u. WRIIIIIT, Owrweaavilla, Pa. CHEAP GROCERIES I LUMBER CITT, FA. Tbe aatereiaaad aaaaoraooo to kle eld (riaade id aatrano tka ka kaa aoooed a toad Una al OROOBRIBS FBOVUIIONS at tbood olaad ef Eirk Spiaiar, lev wkiek ka saUelle a Nkoral poiraoaga m. w. eranuaa. vny, re, at area isms SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CUIIWENSVILLB, FA. NEWTON HEAD, Nor.,., on. Heviag keooae proprietor of tkii UiUL I would rMiieetraily solicit Ike ol tbi pnbllo. leaaantly and eoovani.ntly ,t. ealed j s wlj reStted BBd rerural.hej t gimd ua! pie rooaa elleokod. All Milled Iran,, rlee ai tblakoaa. J.n.lf, SHAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Fronl tlieeu.) CLEARFIELD. PA. Tba aadereigaed hevlng uk.n cb.rg. ef Ikli Jlotal, wo.ld nepeotfully aolleil public patron.,.. Jnnl'ra v. n. a ueii.iUA, WASHINGTON HOUSE, NEW WAHII1MJION, pa Tbi! new and well rurulabcd hoo.e haa been tahaa ky Ike aaderalgaed. He feeli ooabdent e( kelng able lo render enlie'aelioe lo Ihoaa a ho au favor hia witb a eell. ' .M.y I, 1171, 0. W. DAVIh, Prop',. JJoafToUH hii ar sis. 1 Oppoaite tho Conn Nooec, LOOK HAVEN, PEXN'A. Jalt'fl HAUSEAL A KR0M. Prop'i. oyDiio"u&h M.ln Strwl, PIIILII-H1IUKU, PK.NX'A. Table alwaya aupplied with the beat th, mariei affordi. Tbo travellag pabllc Ii Invited n. call Bovl,7l. RODKUT I.OV d! the li osibFko US E. - OerBorof Soaoad and Market street, : CLBAHPBI.U. PA. THIl' eld aed eoBaodloee ll.tol bai Jarl. Ike peat peer, beoa nl.r(eii le d.,kl, u. toraor eepaolly for tbo eeleruinwenl of gero aad geoile. Tbe whole hnildlea lu lJ' reforalibed, aad the proprietor Bill ,. palao ta reader hie gooiti eoafertnlfe ,kiu euyleg with hla. " i?nt 'Jf"'1" "on.,", aad froa the Depot es tbo .nd dep.,,,!, M'.r'- J0HM DOUtlHKHTy 'ir " tf Preorlew SanKu, Joss Pvro, Pro.. J. P B,, C,"J iirneiinvllle Itmsk. Aothorlwd Cpltnl... ,100, a. Paid n, Cepiinl .'.'1 50" (oucctani riaar aavionai. ,.) JOHN PATTOX. i),. B. A AARON IT. PATCUIS, .. J. p'SoYT STOCKHOLDERS, INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE ,lwtod.f,"l,' k"ki"' Awo,, Carwenavlllo, Pa., Jea. 1, liro ini. r. a. aaaoia. a. w. aanois. I- t. .N.OLO F. K.ARNOLD &. cn Bankera niitl ltrokrpM. Beyneldavllle, alanerao Co., Pa, Money reaoiv es Di.ennl. .1 derete retee. Baetora and ForelirB wove oe heod and eollcetlon. prorepH, m J, eyBrilloDet. JS, 1 County National Bank, " OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Masonic Bnlldin,, one door north .1 O. D. W.toon'i Drag Store. FetBege Tlehou to ead froa Liverpool, Q,,, towa, Oleagow, London, Parte and Copenhatn! Alan, DrnUa for Bale oa tho Royal Back of IraW aad Iaperlal Bank of Loadoa. W. , af. BHAW, Caah (or. t ; .74 DREXEL & CO., "o- Bontlt TTiIrd atraet, PkUadelphU And Dealer in Government Securities, ApplloaiioB hy Ball will receive proapi eiua Uoa, aad all Information, f.rni.ked Orden aolloled. Apri n.. Sfntistrtj. STEWART a BLACZBUEN, DENTISTS, Carweanlll, Cletrfleld Coast,, Pcaa'a (0c ia Oetoa' New Beildleg.) Carwenivillo, Jen It, 7.y. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (OCoo la Beak Bailding.) Carwcasvllle, Cloarfleld Co.. Pa. auk 11 'J-tf. A.M. H I LL8 tf 'S vyoaldreipeetrall,Botlf; BHlltl1'" ke heo reduced Ike price of ARTI "DFICIAL TEETH to tit M per aet.w Ul BB ..e a .Iab.oVI. a.1 Bt . " - - -"--w pot wny ma Mitwai oaitag at tha aama Urn, to ba tack aa apt -- awa Bona ir aat.oo, r 9171 each. Tenaa In variably Ca-b. ClcarSald. Jsy 1, UT4. FRESH MEATSEW SHOP. The aadonigned hereby llfemi Ibe pnblia la gceeral that tboy beep oe heod, regn arly, a their ahop, edjoinlng JOHJi fll'LICU'S forailra reeau, oppoaite tbe Coart Hoaae, Ike Bir.vr rRgsrr bskp, rtti, nvmt LAMB, PORK, KTG AT REDUCED PRICES, FOR CASH. Morhel 8atardaya. deaired. icroingB Taaidiy, Tbaraday, tat) Uevat dlord at rcatdaoM bi A akere of lo rerpoctfullr aotiHud. Merck I, ItlS-ly. STAOE A NORRIL pRESH MEAT MARKET M. 0. BROWN 4 R0 Market Su, CleirlelJ, Woald annonnoe ta the eltiaeoe ef tho tooa aal vieiaily that Ih.y atill beep the aaat market f tbe old eland, -where they aill beep Fresh Reef, Veal Mutton and Lamb, of the finest qualities Market norning. Taeeilaye, Thoriiara aal setarJet-e. Uive oo a call. June ,7J.4m M. Q. BROWN A BR0. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CARDON & BRO., Hear af Pie a Opera Hoaae, CLEARFIELD, PA. Oer erreageaealB are rf tbe aoa) aeer,bB en .rector nr faraiahiag tha pablle with 'rat Meateof all hlad, and af tho very beat o,aUlt We alee deal ia all hiad. of AaTieollnral Inple aeota, which we heen oa eiblbitien fer the bo ost of tbe nublie. Cell around ab. ia bion aad tahe a look at tkingi, er adlree. m F. M. OA It DOM A BRO Ckarleld. Pa.. Jalv 14. . READING FOR ALLI1 BOOKS f STATIOXER Y Mrkt MU, C lea roe Id, (at lit Poat HBffc TIIUB andralgnM bag lrt to an X lb titttrna or CltaxllnlJ and rleiaiir. b hat flltrd np a room and baa jl rHnrwi fro -a tba eity witb a larg amaut of w'! BBBiaajr, woatiiitng ia pan of - Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, A won tit aad Paaa Bok of trtrr a aoriptinn i Papr and Knvoltpta, French pr and plain r Prna and Pmrlli ; Illank If Papon, Dttdt, Mortgngn; Jutlgmtnl, til Uon and PMaiaart nu(at Whita a4 ran meat Britf, Ugat Cap Kotord Cap. aad Bill Khaal lliiaiti. Inn aitkaa Vl.ia sir Vleiol oonttantly ob haad. Aay booba or tiatlr dMirad that I may not bar oft hand.will bt by trri oipra, and nld at wbolaMk ar rf1 to tait taatnoaera. I -will alto kp i""' II Ural Bra, taeh at afagaalB, Ntpt'. ) p. A. UAL Ll-- CIarBld, May T, HAS tf V ALUAIILR PROPER'!' V FOR BALE OR FOR Tko oalwcrlner glvea aaUoo that ha w ill rent or eoll hie dwelliag aed otoro prepen;.o ante oa Heed atreot, edjoioing the Leoo.rd Ura" In the beron,h or Cleerleld, Pe. The rt.""" i. IS X It feet. The dwelliag honae ceeteioi Mw, nilsk u Ik. Cm. Mtf..H' raoat ea the eeeeed elery. Tbe !'" oaa be had at oace, end the daellinf V0 oa and aner the let or daly. For leneer r tlcolaro, eddrea or app ly la tha andrr.iinwj the prealeoo. tiSO. V. rANiav- ClearSeld, Pa, Ma, IS, 'lt-tf jp ORB A L E I A Inrge ead w.ll l.l.ked Brlek DoeUl.f. ele ob tbe river beak. In Ike kareofk ol i told, aoataieieg rnoae, with red n water ie the hilehoa, aed ell the aw nleaeeo. Fanlrleo, Betk-roea, Clo'ka P"" Lei elaly foot fronl end twe koadred ea foot Back, wltk a twenty feet oiler ee " aide. Bald haildnaw. with all the eeterlase' will be eoid a beep, with payaealele nil ear. Applieelioo eaa ba Bade le he ' Bi.aed, ar to A. C. Tale, En., wba mil I1" ariaiery lefbraetioa lo thoae who dralra " 'to..J.Mtd3lLl0t' May tint, 1171, If. T 1 TLf Bf TTTJ 1? Al J a Ae i.U yJ AViv-' will snprLT von witti any sbti' OF MERCHANDISE AT THE VERY f " asaSfiaj uiUD i lltl UtPa.' iJ",r NEW( WASHINQTO