Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 10, 1876, Image 2

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    She gUpufclian.
Uioboi B. Goodlandir, Editor.
. . CLBARKIELD, Pa. ,. .
..H.r ir on want to know wknt ll golag bb
Is tko kailata world, juet read Bar adtartlalag
aolaaaa, tka Ayoial aoluma la paniinmr.
Congressman Lamar, of M ins'wwjipl,
lias reaumail uissoat In tha Houso. ,
TbeProBidontnomiiiiitoiJ WirtBykes,
of Now York, Olive Logans husband,
to bo consul t Floreneo, Italy.
Tlie Pennsylvania railroad eomiany
announces a quarterly dividond of two
per cont., pnyablo on the 2!)th Inst.
lln.i.ii Pashkd. The llarrisburg Pa
triot of Saturday, the Btb, puulishos
compUtto lint of tbo titles ot the bills
passed by tbo Legislature. . . , -
Tho Dow l'oniteutiary bill passed by
the Mississippi Legislature Wtasos tbe
convicts four years to responsible par
ties, and will greatly reduce taxes.
"Tbe Terrors of the Lost," on our
Brstpago must prove Interesting to
tbo readenas w ill tbe articlcson tbo "Su
gar Boot" and "Tbe Florida Season,"
Harrington, t'jo safe burglary ton
spirutor and White House fuvorito, is
reported to be on bis way to South
America. This removes one more
witnoss against BubcocU. ' r
A tolegram from Omaha says that
immenso quantities of grain have boon
contracted for, to be moved oast during
tbo present full in freight caused by
tbo contest between tho fast freight
The Gonornl Conference ol the M. E.
Church has undertaken to run Con
gross and tbe Centennial. That body
had bettor attend to its legitimate du
ties and let aocular affairs alone. Reg
ulate your church and yon will find
enough work on your hands, without
meddling with afluirs of Stale.
An article in tho last North Ameri
can Review gets aside all the romance
of Aateo civilization, repeated by mod
ern authors and Spanish authors, soys
Montezuma was only an ordinary In
dian ctiicf, and that all stories of bis
grandour, of his marble balls and re
fined luxuries, are lies and moonshine.
Tun pro tun President. Tbe State
Se'nato before adjourning, clectod John
C. Uowmyor, of Pittsburg, President
pro (em. , Tbo vole stood, Nowmyor,
Jindicnl, 28, Yorkes, Democrat, ot
Bucks, 20. Tho members before ad
journing, agrocd to meet at the Globe
Hotel on the Centennial grounds, at
10:30, on tbo 10th. '
Storms in the West. Illinois, Iowa
and Kansas were the scenes of great
storms on Saturday last. Chicago
suffered greatly by the blowing down
of houses and destruction of other
property. Trains of corn wore tilown
off tho track on' tbe Illinois Central
Railroad. The storm consisted of
wind, rain, thundorund lightning. :
Tn Detective Infajit. An ex
change says : "Tho secret service force
in Washington is for tho protection of
officials instead of the dotection of crime
against the government The unani
mous voico of tbe publie is that the in
famous machinery should be abolished.
With Grant, Babcock, Whitley, Har
rington and Bell tho secret service has
boon brought into irretrievable dia
grace. ' , ,
Yas. The "blunders of Congress,'
is what Harper's Journal of Civiliza
tion?) and other Radical organs call
the revelations made by tbe investiga
ting committees, which brought to light
the fuct that the dwellers In tbe White
House dealt in "crooked" whisky, tra
der posts, safe burglaries, and mule
bones. Yes; wbnt a blunder it is to
expose Radical scoundrels in the es
timation of tho friends of official rogues.
Excellent. Tbo Radicals oi Mary.
land, in thoir Stale Convention on
Thursday last, resolved that Prosident
(rant's "administration has been wiso,
prudent and patriotic (?)" This will
bo nows to tho backwoodsmen, who
liavo looked upon it as an administra
tion nl presents, trader-posts and Ca
det scllors, and dividing tho rash b
tween tho Denis and Grants, and their
rnnfeder'utos McDonald, Babcock oto
. Another OVEBnoAun.' As Indicated
by us last week, tho lower House ot
tho Legislature on Wednesday fast ox
polled Martin F. Lynott, a member
from LiiKcrno county, for his corrupt
practices on tho passage of tho boom
bill. The vote stood yeas 144, nays
T.i. lioproaenuitivo Hartshorn was
among tho yeas on this vote. , Tho
boom bill is In tbo hands of tho Gov
ernor, but bow ho will treat It tho lu
ture will develop. - . ,
N. 0. A LI, IlioiiT The local elec
tion in Now Orleans, Monduy a week,
resulted In tho choice of a Democratic
Mayor and ilvo Democratic to two no-
publican councilinen. There was
hot con ton t, and it was tho first Dem
ocratic success sinco 18(!8. Wo are
.satisfied that three-fourths of tho States
will bo carried by tho Democrats this
ihll without any "ifs or bills" about it.
A change mnst bo mado or this conn-
try will bo ruined morally and socially,
. ' ana in business way, destroyed.
Rathe More Fuss Tuan Dkinitt
Belknap's lawyers are vigorous on
adjournments. Having thilod to got
their iiapoachmcnt cose put off until
December, they next resorted to bavo
an adjournment until the 1Mb of May.
But as in tbe other dodge, tho Senate
on tbo 41b, voted 38 to 22, to go on
with the impeachment. The question
of jurisdiction ia the one bofore the
Senate. ' Belknap having resigned bis
office before tho charge was brought,
bis counsel bold that the Senate can
not impaaoh hi in, beoause he ia a pri
vate crtlten I What a sage conclusion
for "Christian Statesmen" to arrive at
If accepting bit resignation discharges
tho criminal, tboa impeach Grant, who
so hastily accepted tbe rogues retig
nntlnn. v.' ,
Tho "crooked" legislation at Harris
burg, is over for this yoar. Tho Phil
adelphia Timet, of the 4th Inst, in al
luding to one of tbo tricks in the lower
Houso, played oft" by a outo demagogue
nomed Wolfe, from V nion county, says:
"Tho distinction made in the House
yesterday in the Petroff caao waa a dis
tinction without a mnerenoe. J tie
Constitution (section olovontb of arti
ole second) says that 'a member ox
polled for corruption (hall not thereaf
ter be oligiblo to eitbor House.' Mr.
Petroff was expelled on report .of a
special committee;, charging him with
having solicited money and violated
tho article of tho Constitution relative
to bribery, and yesterday, alter judg
ment bad been rendered and it execu
tion enforced, Mr. Wolfe concluded to
amond tho record, and moved to cor
rect tho report of tho committee so as
to charge Mr. Petroff with having 'con
sented to receive money for himself
and for othors lor his vote and official
action,' and tbo report was so amend
ed and then adopted. It is truo that
tho resolution of expulsion makes Mr.
PotrofTs offense 'conduct unbecoming a
member,' but that is so indefinite that
recourse would be nocossary to the
original charge in order to reach a ju
dicial interpretation of tbe action of
tho House. When that is referred to,
it will be shown, as the record now
stands, that Mr. Petroff was expelled
because he 'consented to receive money
for himself and for others for hie vote
and official action. 'How any court, or
any Legislature, could declare that a,
man expelled for 'consenting to receive
money lor himself and for othors for
his official action,' was not expelled for
'corruption' within the meaning of the
eleventh section ofartido second of tho
Constitution, is beyond tho explanation
of any honest, intelligent judgment,
and tbe effort ot the House to correct
the record was but an awkward con
fession of Its own grave doubts as to
the justice of its verdict As tbo record
now stands Mr. Petroff will be regard
ed as ineligible to snrve in any future
Legislature. '
The lower branch cf Congress some
time since passed a resolution calling
upon tho President, to inform that
body, in effect, as to tbe number of
days "tho government" spent away
from Washington, and how many
official publio acts were executed be
yond tho limits of "the seat of Govern
ment" After a Cabinet meeting ovor
the subject, Grant answers to the ef
fect that some of the other Presidents
spent more time away from the Capi
tol than he does. Just what Congress
asked for be docs not tell ; but informs
that body of the delinquencies ol bis
predecessors what it did not ask for.
It is report od that Secretary Zsc Chand
ler, during the Cabinet debate, said be
"would soe the Rebel Congress damned
and in hell boforo I would furnish tbe
first scratch of a pen to feed a political
warfare against the Republican party."
Chandler is a plucky dog in dobato,
but he allowod the late war to close
without injuring anybody, and he will
of course pursue his cowardly course
until the peoplo of Michigan drive him
from place and power, which they will
do thia fall. Ho was turned out ot
tho Senate a year ago, bnt Grant, who
has no respect for any person who
didn't give him a present, put him in
tbe Cabinet to fill Delano's place, whom
publio opinion drove out When the
people drive a scoundrel out of bis Cab
inet, ho just puts another In bis place.
Grant seems to have about as much
respect for public opinion, at a swine
has for pearls. .
"Sweet" and Likely. It seems as
though the Government household was
becoming wickederovery day. Fathers-in-law,
brothers-in-law and sons-in-law,
are all badly mixed up togctbor, and
all defrauding tho people. Tho Har-
risbnrg Patriot thus alludes to tbe last
dirty revelation, though mixed by Miss
Sweet. The editor in question says :
Milt Sweat, thi OotBIIBMl MOlloB Stint St
Chleigo, bM bo.1 mnaoatd boforo a CMitM-
tootl aoaatttoi to tall bow ibl bu boaa oouptll.
id to dividt thi inlary of bar offisa with thi po-
illieat ring 01 toai my. Bona uai ago a Mala
aeat appaartd la tba Chioago aiwtpapora lo tha
Boot mat bialdia paying Ball Bar talary aonth.
y to Boniaaia U. Campball, tha United Btataa
Hareball for tba aorlhara diatriot of Illiaolt. iha
baa booa obliged to provide a aiaaeara poailloa
ia bar offlaa for Qaaraa CanpbaU. a bratbarof tha
Mirabel, at a aalarj of ,. It ippoan that
Iba fatbar of Miae gwoot waa tba formar paoatoa
agant aod tbat tba 00I7 eoBdltloBi os whleb aba
eaald aooaaad to tba oflloa waa by paylag tbia
aiaafcoaallto tbo uampDana. juaranal uampoall
ll tha falbar-lB-law of Orbaral Babooek. Il ia
bot aarprlalnc that tho cAoa holdara and tbair
argaaa aro alaanoroua agalait tba laraatigaliona
al l-onaraaa, and ibalaung tbat be praouoal rar
aulta will follow.
It boo ma from what Is transpiring at
Washington and "out West," that Ill
inois and Iowa must boovcrun by Rad
ical rogues.
The Shame Continues. We had
supposed that under the now Consti
tution, our Legislature would be Im
proved in a moral senso, at least Tho
annual ohoap dodge ot bestowing gifts
upon the officers and chief roosters
still continue The scenes enacted in
the body indicated, on Friday last,
are a disgraco to the State, if not to
the members who participated in the
dirty work of giving presents to each
other. If it is wrong for the Presi
dent ol tho United States to accept
presents, it is also wrong fur our Leg
islators to aooept a bribe of the same
kind. How long will this shame con
tinue? A present givon to an official
It oflonor a bribe than a mark of os-
toem, and the sooner this vulgar cheap
jowelry arrangomont is broken up, the
hotter for tbo peoplo and their Repre
AwouRNxn. Tbe Legislature ad
journed tine die on Friday the 6th.
The conduct of many of tho membora
ot that body during the session is no
credit to the State, howovor profitable
it may prove to tho Individuals. Tbe
expulsion of two motnbors in tho lower
House, and the Implied consure of half
a score of others for their "crooked"
ways, partially restores tbat body to
the confidence of tho peoplo, whom it
should, in fact, represent The Sonuto,
although a higher branch, we believe
was the most oorrupt of the two, and
displayed more oowardico, and doma-
gogucism during tbe session than tho
House. The dignity, patriotism and
economy of the former was an assump
tion, because the leaders in that body
are notorious rorruptionist of long
Congress baa adjourned for a week,
to tbat tba mam ben may attend tbe
opening of tbe Cotonil at f hljadaj.
pbia today May lOih.j
Tho Special oommittoe appointed by
the Senate, at Senator Boyor's request,
to investigate his conduct in relation
to the boom bill, reported tho follow
ng to that body on Thursday last
Tbe report waa laid ou the speaker's
table, where it still remains, and is as
follows :
To the Senate of Pennsylvania : The
undersigned, a oommittoe to whom
was referred tho case of X. J. Boyer,
ot this body, and charged with using
improper means to procure the defeat
of Senate bill No. 21, known as the
boom bill, respectfully make the fol
lowing report:
Tho ovidonce on which tho charges
are made against said Boyer is mainly,
if not altogether, that of Nicholas An
dre, a member of the Houso ot Repre
sentatives from Berks county, and
found in his statement before tho
House committee of investigation on
the boom bill. The testimony is not
essentially contradicted by Boyer, so
that your committee deemed it unnco
ccssary to call witnesses und thereby
incur tho outlay and expense attendant
on such a course.
The testimony of Mr. Andre is to
tbe effect that no was approached by
Bover, who in tho course of tho con
versation informed Andre tbat bo was
Interested in the lumber trade and
thought the rules in the bill should be
modified so that tho Doomage on pine
should bo $1.12 por thousand feet,
and that Boyer would guarantee tho
payment of t'MO if ho. Andre, would
support such an amendment In a
subsequent conversation Boyer assur
ed him 1400 if he would vote against
tbe bill.
This it tbe substance of tho testimo
ny and in the main not denied, but in
explanation Boyor inaiBled that bo bad
no intention ol using corrupt means to
influence his vote; tbat charges woro
freely bandied about that both parties
interested in the boom bill were using
money to influence legislation and tbat
be was using tbat report in a playful
manner to tease Mr. Andre.
We havo tbut given you in briet the
testimony and Mr. Boyer's answers or
Your committee, with a deep senso
of their responsibility, would respect
fully report that in their judgment the
evidence is not sufficient to justify a
charge of bribery against T. J. Boyor.
While thit is true, your committee
tools in duty bound to disapprove of
tho conduct of Mr. Boyer, lor in our
view, assuming tbat be humorously ex
pressed tbat thore was a money in
ducement offered to a member of the
Legislature for his voto, the act waa
one which tends to lower the dignity
ol a senator and bring disbonor upon
tho body of which he is a member.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
, bEO. A. Anuerson,
D. A. Naole,
Jacob Cbouse,
John A. Lemon.
Tbo liberality of the Penn'a rail
road, with reference to the transporta
tion of tho surviving soldiers of the Mex
ican war, to tho Centennial is thus set at
rest by tho Harrisburg Patriot of the
6th. The local editor says: Wo bavo
received a postal card from C. C. Mul
len, dated Osceola Mills, Pa., May 3d,
1876, asking "Will tho editor please
state what authority thore is for the
article of April 22 in regard to the
Mexican war veterans visiting tho Cen
tennial Kxhibition, etc. What author
ities have the matter in charge ; who,
or whore are they?"
"In answer to the above question we
will state that tho Pennsylvania rail
road company has offered free trans
portation to all Mexican war veterans
who desire to attend tho Centennial
Exhibition at Philadelphia tho coming
summer. They must, howovor, pre
sent their credentials eitbor through
an organization to which they belong
as the Scott Legion or their dis
cbarge papers. Any bona fide voter
an of the Moxican war, presenting him
self at any ticket office of tbe Pennsylva
nia railroad company, wo are assured
by an order issued at headquarters,
will be furnished with transportation
to Philadelphia and return.
"To all the veterans of the war with
Moxico, who wish to visit Philadelphia
on the Fourth of July, especially from
control Pennsylvania, tboy will receive
all information by addressing Col. Da
vid J. I'nger, late lieutenant Socond
Pennjylvania volunteers, Harrisburg
post office."
A Jewel or a P. M. Post Master
Gonoral Jowel, has boon in office but
a short timo, but. be seems to be fol
lowing in Bolknap'a fooUtes "right
smartly." Plunder seems to be tbe
cbiof object of Grant's administration.
Read this, a spociul to tbe Philadel
phia Timet:
Wasuinoton. May 3, 76. Postmas-
lor uenorai jewel is in trouble items
& Mitchell, mail contractors, obtained
tbe route from Mossilo, Aew Mexico,
to San Diogo, California, during Cros-
wells administration, lor 153,000.
When Jewell came into office he was
persuaded to increase the service to
1100,000 por annum, whilo the mails,
in reality, were delivered with no more
rapidity than before. Tho fact that
the increase of pay was a swindle was
brouirbt to hit attention manv timon.
and responsible parties offered to por-
form a daily aorvioo for tbo amount
paid for a tri-weekly mail, lioaponsi
bio parlies also offered to do the same
service as Horns A Mitchell tor one
half of the monov thov wore rocoivinir.
but Mr. Jewell declined to porform his
evident duty in tbe matter. The con
tractors were required to file a sworn
inventory of tho additional stock and
fixtures required lor tho increased ser
vice for which the pay was raised to
1100,000. An examination of this in
ventory, on file in the Postoftlce De
partment, ebowt that it is neither sign
od nor sworn to.
iomiBES8MAN macket. iuis gen
tleman delivered an admirable speech
in tho Houso, at Washington, on the
29lh of April, in relation to tbe com
pletion of tbo Washington Monument
Mr. Maokcy has struck the truo key
note, and his speech is just tbe docu
mont for this Contennial year. Tho
boys and girls of the present genera
tion havo nearly forgotton the virluos
of "the Father of his Country," and
this speech, whioh it historically cor
rect, and based on tha virtuo and pa
triotism of the leading American horo,
statesman, patriot and gentleman,
should bo read by old and young, so as
to provont the Revolutionary fires
from dying out. Wo propose to lay
the speech in full before our read on in
a few wooki. Tho people of this XX
district have a Representative in
Mr, Mw key of whom tboy should fool
Mr. Bishop, of Boonton, How Jor
sey, bos in bis possession the commis
sion isansd by Congress, dated October
10, 1770, appointing John Paal Jonea
a captain in tba United States .Navy.
it is signed ny "joon uaneocc, rresi
dept,'' anij it remarkably well preserved
Philadelphia, May 4. The follow
ins address to the publio hat just been
issued by tbe prosident of the United
States Centennial Commission :
Philadelphia, May 4, 1878.' I he
United Stales Centennial Commission
charged with the duty on behalf ol the
Government of tho United Status of
preparing and exoctiting a plan liar hold
ing the United States Coiitunnial cele
bration and exhibition ol 1870 notily
tho publio that tho holds of Philadel
phia will aocommoduto above tho pres
ent regular occupancy 15,000 gnosis.
The Centennial lodging bouse agoucy,
20,000; accommodations by relatives
and friends, 40,000 ; boarding houses,
13,000: Patrons of Husbandry lor
grangers, 5,000; Camp Scott for mili
tary organizations, 6,000. tamp In
Fairmount park for military, 5,000.
Suburban hotels, 20,000. Thure is no
doubt of Philadelphia being able to
entertain, if nscessury, at reusonublo,
prices, 150,000 persons, and if further
firessed, to comfortably lodge and care
or 200,000. Hotel prices, from 15 to
VI 50 per day. Boarding houses, from
til to (2.50 per day. Centennial lodg
ing bouse agency, lodging, 11.25 per
day; breakfast, supper and lodging,
$2.50 por day. Patrons of Husbandry
camp, at Klin station, will accommo
date 6,000 persona ol tbut order at
1.50 por day, three miles by Pennsyl
vania railroad from exhibition grounds
faro, round trip, fifteen cents ; ad
dress V. Ji. Piollett, Klin Station.
Pennsylvania camping ground for mili
tary organizations in Fairmount park,
under the laws of Pennsylvania, near
exhibition grounds, address Adjutant
General J. W. Latta, Harrisburg, Pa.
Camp Scoit, for civil and military or
ganizations, one milu from exhibition,
fare same as street car rules, horses
cared tor furnishod and meals provided,
postal and telegraphic facilities, ad
dress Colonel J. W. Vansdenburgh,
Camp Scott Philadelphia, Pa. As an
instance of tbo preparations for the ac
commodation of visitors, tho Centen
nial lodging house agency is mentioned.
It has rooms for twenty thousand
guests, which can be increased to fifty
thousand, llcketa lor lodgings and
meals will be sold at all important
point in the country and on all passen-
fer trains approaching Philadelphia,
'croons who havo purchased such
tickets will bo furnished a card by the
aeont assigning them to proper quar
ters. . This agency ia in tbe bands of
competent managers. Address n II-
iiam Hamilton, lioneral nuperiuien
dent 1010 Walnut street, Phila
delphia. By steam and horao cars,
with presnl facilities, 20,000 persons
per hour can reach the exhibition from
any part of tbe city ot Philadelphia.
It it ia necessary 4u,uuu persona per
hour can be moved : faros, six and a
quarter and nine cents. The exhibi
tion transfer company, limited, whose
agents will be on all passenger trains
to transfer by carriagoa passengers
ilhin a limit ol lour or five miles for
fifty cents each, batfiraire at like reduced
rates. Hundreds ot backs, carriages
and omnibua companies, at well as
private individuals, will porform tbe
same service at tbe same rate. One
minuto after the arrival of trains on
all main linea entorinff Philadelphia
passengers oan be within the exhibi
tion. We confidently expoct that dur
ing the year tho railroads of the United
States will make such further reduc
tion in their rates aa will enablo every
person to visit tbe exhibition at a very
small expenditure, and thus put the
. . :.!.! L -f -.11 1
unnunun it wiiiiiu reuuu ui un. in
cidentally we note as an evidence of
thit tbe taot tbat tbo Pennsylvania
railroad has ordered a train between
New York and Philadelphia at the
rate of 12 for the round trip. The
sanitary condition of Philadelphia is
good. Kational amusement have boon
provided. Arrangements for protect
ion from fire, thieves, etc., arc as near
ly porfoct as it it possible in a great
city. Within the exhibition every pro
caution has boon taken for the aalety,
oomtort, bappinoss and pleasure ot the
public. J be buildings ot the exhibi
tion are in order.
The exhibition will promptly open
on tbo 10th of May. and is an assured
fact All preparations have been mado
on a giganlio scale. Philadelphia and
her citizens have spent millions in pre
paring for the reception and care of
Suests. 1 here la no disposition or evi
once of extortion. Increased business
at usual rates is considered tuflicient
compensation for tho vast amount of
capital and labor expended. Jiving
is as cboap, u not cueaper, man in any
large city In America. Accemmou
tiona are unsurpassed. All grades of
society can be accommodated, flail
road and transportation facilities are
unoquallod. It now needs but the
presence of the pnlilio to crown with
triumph the greatest international ex
hibition in history, commemorating
tho 100th annivorsary of the nation'a
lite. Acting for the Government and
the noonlo. we invito all to aid bv thoir
exhibits, and to come from all parts of
tbe world and moot us at this assem
blage of the nations of the earth.
(Signed) J. R.,
?or tho Commission.
Wasuinoton, D. C, May 5 1876,
the impeachment.
Those wbo visit tbe Bonate gallorias
during the Belknap impeachment trial,
undor the impression tbat tboy will
witness a solemn, awo lnspirlng corty
monial, will be sorely disappointed.
Although an Impeacbmont trial by the
Senate ia of rare occurrence, it is not
too much to say that popular curiosity
in the present oase has, to a groat ex
tent, boen appoased. no thick and
fast have developments of Radical ras
cality occurred since the incoming of
tne ucrnoe ratio uonse, mat puone at
tention baa boen continually divertod
to the more nolnoua misdeeds of subor-
dinate officials in nthor inheres ; and
the burly blonde, Belknap, has oomo
to be looked upon aa a thiol ol low di
groo, aflor all. On the first and seoond
days of the trial, tbo galleries wore
packed, mainly with ladies; (curious
creatures;) but theroatler, tho attend
anco began to fall off; and on the 1st
inst, scarcoly two hundred and Ally
rormiuB were present to listen to me
arguments of the eonnsel and mana
gers in regard to which sido should be
accordod tbe privilege of opening and
closing the discussion on the question
oi jurisdiction, undoubtedly, how
evor, when the trial beglna in earnest,
ii it ever begins at all, tho attendance
will be materially increased. But the
majority of the curious here, of both
sexes, who have time to devote to sight
seeing, have bad a good look at the
seller of post-tradorsliips and are satis-
nod. i bo oreat Accused still assumes
the tang froid of an old and hardened
criminal lost to all sense ot shamo and
has, apparently, made np his mind to
face the musio, no matter how unbar
monlons and unpleasant it may be.
do not Improve undor tho raking fire
oi mioroscopio Investigations, and tbo
Sersiatont antagonism of tho groat
latoa needod to elect him. Ho has
boen out of town, looking np new mat
ter ior nis vindication ; and he may
neod It, at the appearances now indi
cate that ho will be Investigated. Mr.
Harrison, hia accuser, Is an eminent
Republican, a grandson ol President
Harrison, apd is himself spoken of hv
a UMiffupr ua n oniui 11 iui)nj-o u a own-
didato for tho Prosidohcv. Hon. J as
F. Wilton, of Iowa, wbo tooonda tho
motion of Harrison on tbe 184,000 of
Union Paeiflo money paid fbr 175,000
oi wormiest Arkansas uallroad bonds,
is tba loading republican statesman ol
the Northwest tbe man whom Gen
eral Grant wished to make Secretary
of Slate, but who doclued to accept ll
after Washburne had held it a month
and made ail tbe first-claae appoint
ments; and who also declined the At
torney Generalship which was after
wards tendered to lum vj uraut.
Harrison and Wilann. then, are men of
character and consequence ; ana me
publio mind will not bo at rest on tbia
subjeot until afer tbuy shall havo testi
fied belore a committee.
Tbe eloquent Word and noblu
thought uttered at the ork
Demooralio Convention, by Horalio
Seymour, have excited so much ad
miration hure, as well as elsewhere,
that the anli-Tilden iuoii, alarmed at
Tilden'a growing strength, seized upon
the idea of creating a division among
bis supiiortera, by propooing ooymour
fur President While it was known to
tho well-iiitlrmud that Seymour had
posilivuly declined ro permit his iianio
to bo used in concoction with the nomi
nation, it has been whispered ubout
Irero, tor tho pant few days, that Sey
mour was not for Tildeii, if he could
himself scouro tbo nomination. When
the telegraph announced, this morn
ing, tbut Seymour hud published u let
ter to tho New York delcgution, telling
them that he would under no cireum-
sluncos accept the nomination, and re
amrmlng bis earnest hope that l ilden
would be tho next President ol llie
United Status, the bottom fell out of
the movomont, and the anti-Tilden
men aro "short" on candidates. The
opponents of Tlldon htvo no love for
Seymour; both men are equally ob
jectionable to them. Rut they hoped
to divide lilden s strength, and have
lailed. . .
The f rionds of J udgo Davis in Wash
ington are active and confident
Davis Is personally popular, and
that has ils effect here, as ho is on tho
ground, and his friends see and talk
with bim dally. It is urged that bis
having boen at Republican is not an
objection, but that it would, on the
contrary, give him additional strength.
And it is certain that be would be
much lost objectionable in that respect
than Mr. Grooloy . was. There ia a
very general expression of regret at
the opposition Mr. Tburman ia meet
ing in his own State. J'hurman is so
strong outside of Ohio that he would
be a formidable candidato, could be be
certain ol carrying bis own State ; and
it is to be hoiied that tbe differences
there may be reconciled.
upon a too confiding people who have
twice elected bim to tbe Presidency,
and wbo have otherwiso done so well
by him, is the appointment a few daya
ago, of one of his drinking companions,
Nichols, tbe Insane Asylum Mend, as
one of the Police Commissioners of the
District. And this while tho entire
country and Europe are being shocked
by tbe testimony ol a score ol witnesses
t . 1 , . . . i- . i -
uejorw a lommiuee ui tue itouee, to
tbe criminal neglect and brutal treat
ment 'or a aeries of years, of the poor
lunatics under tho charge of Nichols.
1 be direct appointment was made by
the Commissioners of the Distriot ; but
at these three miserable corruptioniste
were appointed by Grant, hold their
otnoa (aalarr ma IMJU a voir, and abnal.
ings limited only by their tear of de
tection) during his pleasure, and would
not make a move in any direction that
they thought would be displeasing to
their master, Grant himself must be
held responsible for tho indecent act
Indeed, 1 am credibly Informed that
Nichols received the appointmont be
cause It was Intimated to the Commi
sionora that Grant would be pleased
to soe bis personal friend received It
will probably be controlled by the
throe great ntalos or Kow iork, Penn
sylvania and Ohio, which must ap
prove and give their electoral voto to
the candidato, to elect bim. Mew
York Is, ostensibly, for Coi.kling, whom
Illume christened a "turkey gobblor
ten years ago, and whoso chance of
Doing 1 resident it about equal to tbat
of the late Julius Cawar. Pcnnsvl.
vania Is, ostensibly, for llartranfl, Chief
ot tbe Addition Division and Silence
Ring of Komble, Mackey A Co. ; but
wbo It, in reality, a mere flgurhcad to
enable Simon Camoron to play tbe 28
votos oi tne Keystone estate ior a good
stako. Uhlo baa put up llayt with a
similar object in view, tbe Sherman in
fluence counting on pronorly directing
the vote of tbat State after the temper
oi tne convention pas been ascertained,
The chances are that through Sher
man, Cameron and Conkling, all ene
mies of Blaine, those throe groat States
win unito, niumatoiy on tbe successlul
man, and that he will have to make
bis terms with "old Winnebago" be
forehand, which will be nothing lost
than a seat in tbe cabinet for his son,
Don Cameron, a "chip of tbe old block
A fire broke out in Flock i Picking'a
oundry at Somerset, l'a., on Thursday,
nay sin, at about l o clock in the al-
tornoon, which waa attended with very
disastrous results. The flames spread
rapiuiy ano in a anon time all tbe sur
rounding buildings wore In flames.
Twenty large houses, two hotels and
Ave stores were burned, and it waa
only by the greatest exertion on the
iait ui tue i-iiiaens mat tuu town was
saved from total destruction. Seven
teen familios were rendered homelesa,
Tho total losa is estimated at 1200.000.
on whioh there is said to be a total in
surance of about 175,000,
A awindlor advortisod in tbe Boa
ton newspapers that he bad money to
loan on bond and mortgage, and in-
iormea applicants tbat they must do-
posit a turn to pay for searching tbe
title of thoir property. Ho secured a
a large amount of money in sums
ranging from five to twenty dollars
anu men nod.
It is fit ran go how many couhhia of
A. T. Htowart ro coming to the onr
tace; but they r all boo )nt.
I havo on hand Oopo'i PhoiphaU, whioh haa
boen toatod by tbo foraora la thia looalltv. ond
roooaaondel vary klghlv a being No, 1 or! lew
tor all rop. Prloo, i nor too
QKQ. 0. PAHflHOni.
vioarnoio, ra aty to, is7-ia.
I aa raaolrlBg waakl all Iba saw alrloa la
la lb. aa4 boaatirul ahaSoa,
All of w,lak I will tall al vara low Brian to
aalt tha limn. Mat. T. I. WATillH.
ClaarlaK, Mat It, IS7S..
s. r. SBLICB.
(Baaooaaon U Jobs 0 alia a),
Sarkat Btroat, ClaardaU. Pa.
Wa Btaaafaoiara all blaaa of hrallwra for
Okaabora, Ulala. Hoaaa, Ubrarlot ul Halla.
If job waal raraltaro af aa; kli aoa't bar
aatll J9m aaa aor ttook.
la all lu Vraaebaa. Wa kro, la Moab all lU
lauot BBS aaoal laapraraa CoSloa an4 Vaiatla,
af d baa, aa.ij faollili far froaotlf oo.
aala, Ibla braoa af aar baalaaH.
Wa oaaa a pataat Corpoo Pra
Hra,r. wblak boatloa t,
bo iraaoma) faraawa
laonbla ioo,ik of
A BWoor of Ika Ira kaa bla Wfla aoart
Ml at aor wan -rooat, ok art ba aaa Wa toooo f
aoy fatoaw wbo aoaoa at aikl to too rarooaa o
Brotartbg aoaoa.
Ckarlal4. Pa., Ma; IS, Tl-lf.
Driv ZS&vttttttmtM,
Nutltw la bardbjr fitaa that tbo folluwiBg ao
r'loiua buva barn osaiuiBodaitd paiaad by Ma.aBd
ri-waln A'td rl nowrd la tbia offida for tba Ib
awnn ol' lialra, lKla, ervdllora, and all olbara
li,l.irvli-il. and will Ito praaanlad lu Ika beat Or
liltmia' ('uun l Cloatflrld eounly, to ba bald at tba
Court llouaa, ib tbo borvti!i of ClaarAoltl, uotn
inanoluz on Ilia lat Maeilit? (being tlia ftib d)
ol Juno, A. I. IBJSi
Partial a.n'HiBI of Uro. S. aod AJaaa Waavar,
Katwulora if Iba aaUla nl Uoo. A. Wravar,
of llrrtdj- Iw-fiirhiB, dao'd
Kla,.l Boooum of J . A lllallanbaricar, OuarilUa
uf Cliaa. A lUi.karaoacr and l.)dia J. llab
lirmvkor. by Mra. Carolina lll.lteblraar, Ad-
Uilioaliuiris of J. A. Ulatuaboriar, Bow daa'd,
Vmal ao-Minitl of llaary Votliora, Adodalatialor
of Iba olid of Joarub Yolbara, lalaof Karlbaua
townat.i. doa'd
Final aooouat al Panlal McLaughlin, Adialala-
lialor oi iba aaUla of llwnry II. MoLauiblia,
laia ol Uirard towoahip, Uaa'd.
Final aoooaat of Haaoal N. Oowdar, Adialala-
Iralor of Iha oalata of HuaaaBab liarr, lata of
Urailford townaliip, dao'd.
Flual aeuoaal of Jaaob W. Oaaipball, OaardiaB
of Jou'ibaa U. Malik, Jr., ailnur kair of Jooa-
I ban II. Biallk, Hr., lalaof Ball lowaablp, daa'4.
Final aooouat of Haary Hila, AdiamliLratur of
Iba talala of Warns HlU, law of Fika Iowa.
tblii, dva'd.
Way low llailalor a Hooordar.
SherilTs Sale.
1 Y virtu, f wrltl Unrim SWa, lifj
J ! or (k (Jomt r Com no Plu of Clw
tiffit. wuaty, sad la n dlrMttd, Ifattrt will b
tiptwMl to CUbLIU UkLU, Al lk Court Houi,
la Ui boruiif It of ClMrAald, Mundsj, ibo
frik Ujr uf juat, 1HTI , M 1 'lock. f. m.,
lh fellow. D( dtMribaxI rvtvJ mivU, to wilt
A orrula iwo-fiury Iroiuo dwollimf ooum, t
l(br watt load tuiuediouly oJjaVMoi iboroto
fur out. par; o IhtiiW, ttuxto la Ibo borough
of HtikUdolw, Uttoriold Otj., fo., vm lot No. 171.
Mid boundod foiitb bjr Mar it root ul ruauUg
Qottk lot) lotti tu Kit olio;, briag oti foot frvai,
nil ittustto no eortior ot Ury wool sod apoaoor
alley, Mia boat mid 10X34 Iomw ilto. Hotiod.
uktn tu aad It bo Mid aa tbo frepm
Of aWtf) thiol Uwouo.
Altv, om talk tw attiry frono buttdlac iltuoU
ta tbo f illstajs, uf Wtiiotar, iuuudtid ou ibo oaot
by ('IK! orMk oad uillo road, loutb by lot at
A Oaw Itlortnglua, aval by laud o4- laaoe Ktria,
uud auib by lut of Jai. 6tJtm, ouoiataiag oao
Don oi aa acra uuio ur icn, ooiumi, ioa ib
Mfoatiuu, and to wo told i tbo irouorty of W. J-
Tibmi or SL, Tbo prlfo or aun al whioh
tho pro por ty oboli bo trunk off aui ho paid at
tho tto of oalo, or aueh othor arraagoaoau
audo ao will bo approfod.otaorwioo tho propor
ty will ho iBModtBioly pot ap aad oaid agaia at
wo oipoaoo aad ilok at tat porooa to whoa it
woo iiruob ol, aad who, ta ooaa ot dalolaaoy ot
iuoh roooalo, "hull aioko good tho oaaio, and Ii
ao laitMoa will tho Oooo bo prooootod ta Ooan
for oooknuolioB bbIom tha aioaoy U aotaalij
paid to tbo hhortff. W. K. MoPUUHdON,
baaatrr vrncu, i Bar..
CUorA.ld, P4V, Hay li. UT. J
Sheriff's Sale.
virtu aaf ananlr. aartl. .f Wimmi ITlm. 1.
ootxi oat of tbo Court of Co rare in Plena of Clear
told ooonty, nod to ao d I railed, thoro will bo
oipoood to poblle oalo, at tho Court Houaa, ia ho
boroogh of Cloarftold. aa hlooday, tho 6tb day
of Juno, 1870, at 1 o'oloek p. m. tho fol
lowing daaeribod roal astato. to wilt
All Dofowdania' latoroat la all aad ilaaa-
lar that oartaia iotorptoeoof groood litaalo In
Ooooola borough, Clearaeid oouatf , Fa ,doaoribod
ai foll"ri: Coameoelng oo ooroor of Cortta
atrootaad Hardtwaa Pkillpa'Hnot tbeuoa aloai
oil ii bo Hi loot ; taeaeo nortb U dogrooi woat
179 foot i theaoo oeo th SI doorooi weet I2t foot
to tjortla it not. and tbrneo along aoid it root lot
to plooo of beg1oo.Bg, eon tain tog about ona
aero at ground more or looo, havlag orootod tnoro-
on two fraoaa boaaoa ond a mall ahaaty. hoiiod,
tokva Ib oxooutioa aad to be told aithoproperij
riiodmi raoFiru.
AIm, tho follow in wroMrt oltaaU fa tba
boraogb of Now WaoblngtoB! Ono lot Wo W foot.
wltk twaalory frovo houao 11x30 foot, well Aeitb-
od, bounded oo fotluwi : Rait by aa olly, tooth
oy mi or r. feat a, noo,. oao J. n. MoMurray,
wool by Mala otroot, nad nnnh fa lot of i. Hue-
mood. Hoiaod, takra la OBeouttoa and to bo told
as tbo property of Uaroloy A Pontall.
Taaoa or 8alb -Tbo prloo or mib at which
tho property aba II be otrwok off anil bo poid at
i do tmo ot aaio, or men oiaor a-ronpoieati wade
aa out bo approved, utherwiao tho property will
immeaiauiy put up una toil ofiia ai iuo ox
ieo aad ri-h of tho portoa to who H wao
iraei oo, od wuo, ta oato of doaotoaoy at oaan
ro-folo, oboll Make good tho otao, and la bo
laalaooa will tho Deed bo proaontod ta Court fur
ooalraatloB nnkeoo tho money to amtoalty paid to
IDOBDOrtB. w. K. MorfJaftsUN,
fiHiairr'i Orrica, I flhonf,
Clearfield, Pa., May 10, 1176. j
SherilTs Sale.
T)T vtrtaoof wrluof Vowdiiioai a'rpeaaa, laoood
11 oat of Iho uoart of Vonaoa if loaa of Clear
told aoaaty, and ta ao dlrootod. there will
bo oipoood ta publio aolo, at tha Court Houao,
la tho boroogh of tiloarftold, an Monday, tha
oth any of Juno, 1170, at 1 o'cloek, p. a
tha following dooorlbod roal oat oto, to wit i
A ot riot a traot of land alto at la Brady towa
bin. doarfloM Co., Pa., aouadod north by land
I H. 11 art ( It, oaot by toad of U. Wiogon, aoU
by land of Jaoob Penti, aad woat by land of
neon, eon taia tog any aoroa, ana having thirty
aoroa aloarod, with ft fraao dwolllog hoaaa, log
barn, orchard, mm., tboroon. ttotaed, taken n
eieoatioa aad ta bo oold aa Iho prupertr of K. U
Alao. a aortala traot of load altnata la Ponn
lawaabta, Cloortold Co p booodod and do
aorlbod aafollowat On the north by P. Dtlley,
on tbo oaot by 1 boaoa Haferty, oa tbo oooth by
Uoyta load, and on tho woH by Joaeo Valley,
oootalalng about oao hoodrod aad forty aoroa
wore or loaa, with about eighty aoroa cleared.
havtaa ft mr houee aad barn, and a eaall orebarw
theroua. fioiaad, taken la oioeation and to bo
oold aa Iho prottorty af Jaaaoa B. Clark and W ojl
Alio, ft oorUla traot of laad allaato la Doeatar
towoahip, Clomrflold Co.. Pa., hoandod aa follow
Ca tho aorth by laoda of Roboot Uudooa, oa tha
oooth bt loada foraorl ewaod by Joha nbtaol,
oa tho woat by land of Jacob Uoorhort, aaat by
Moabaaaou omen oad landa of J, r. Htinor, ooa
tailing alaty aoroa Mora or Wan, twelve aero.
a lea rod and andor good auIUvatioa, aad lh
boloDoo la wood laad with ao lapro?oaoaU.
ooitoJ, tak on la oaoeattoa aad to ba told a tho
Moftorl at J. II. Vearaart,
Alao, a oortaia traot of laad aituata la Bam-
rldo berouch, Clear I aid CoH Pa., oao lot of iroaad,
being a twa-itory froao itoro houao, IBait foot,
with warorooa attaehod. bolog oo kt of grouad
No. lia, aoitoo loot in plan of aata borough,
bouadod aa followa: Ob tba aaat by lloroaw
PoUbla. oa tho wool by alaia itroot, north by
Uoraeo Pabihla, aad aonth by lat of Saaaol Rood.
Bolaod, takoa la osooaa and to ba oold aa tha
aroneny af BlaaageT Rood
Alao, a oortaia traot of load alt oato ta Decatur
towoahip, Clear Aeld ooooly, Po., buuadod and
dootrlbod ao followa t Begloaiog at ft peat aa
aorth aide of tho Brio taraptko rood la tho lino
of a. r. Llova a w land i tboooo by aold land
north alaty throa degrooa oaat aoooty-aia porohaa
too haw mora oornor or oaid land j tboaoo by load
of 11. Phillpa aorth twoutyii aad oao half do
grew woat atny-two porehoa to a peat) theaoo by
tbo aoao north l dagroor oaat twolro porohoa to
a auiklag nap oornor of Jaoob Oearhnrt nirm i
theueo by londa of Jaoob Uoarbart aorth Ifty -lro
degrooa woat oa auaurcu aad ati
henlook oornor of Jaoob Qoorbart aurro i IheoAO
by kpda of Jaoob Uoo r hart oooth twootlra
dogrooa wat aoTeatyaoioa pot oho to n poat by
Ida of turnnlko road: thene aloao oaid ttaad
outh forty degrooa oaot twenty loath forty-four
oaat lamy-two aouia twoaty oaat thtrty-ltro aonth
luny-eigiH oan twoaty-oigkt ta place of bogia
bIbk, conUininn aorontr-throo aeroi aad aftt-
four porohoa atriot aoaauro, with about thirty
Ivo aorao olearad, and a two-a tor y homo, good
bora, wagon obed, aad otter outbuilding tboro-
o erooiou,
Alao, In aaa townahip, bounded on tha oonih
ny ido neiioioBw ono furwonavim turapiko,
woat by townahip road, aorth br laad af M
Owtna, nnd oaat by Wallaoa, I rah a a, ond othoru,
ooatalniog forty ooroa ur or oN, baring a
large fraini houao, from born, Wagon abed, and
outer owiouiiaingo tiioroua , aloe, n largo atoun
alll, ono-fonrth Intoroit of mid aaw atll belong
log to Defendant, oapabW of outting two aillkoni
yearly, aad a ihlnglo alll attached. Soiled,
URea in execution aad to b told aa tbo property
Alao, n oertnla traot of land elluuto In Cheat
lowaablp, Clearfield county, ponaiylraoia, Con
taining aoroo of land with no luiproroaonteo
DounofHt poi njr tana oi u. wtta, aonta ay ttrta
an4 Byera, and north by nloUnrori.
Alao 116 aeroe In aaaa tonnahip with no ia
provvwcBia, ooanaeu ooai oy iwii, wool a 1100'
ett, oouth by Hard, aad north by DoUe.
Alan, In aaaa town ab in bounded narth hv
ait by John Half, wait by Ualabor oatoto, aooth
by itproDkia and Ford aa tho Ploreo n am. own
Uiutng 10 a ere a nod having St arrow oltarod,
wua anon nonoo, aiabto and aro hard thorooa
Aloe, la aaao towoahip Ift aoreo, with ao la
prortmontf, bouodod oaat by Bennett, wool by
ftpronkl and Vord, aonth by 8 proa ale, north by
Joha Neff,
Alao, IT aoroa or land In aano townblp bounded
out by Joha Noff, aonth by Joaotj Mich si, noat
by gullohon aatf, ftpd loHk by Joha Noff.
Alio, IH ooroa of land la aaa townahip with
a two atory fraao houao, lonant houao, ahop.iublo
anu oioer mm ouiiainga, oouoaoa out oy Uallo
her, woat by Choat orook, aorth by Jinan Carry,
toulh by laao Bolney.
Aim, lot af grouad la aaaa townahip with
i moll plank two atory houao and blookanlth ihop,
bounded ooit by tt alia her, woat by aald WagoDer,
aorth by Jaaoo Jobnoon. and tohUi hy Ieoaa
Hainay ,
Ala, latoroat la II aoroa la aoao towoahip
oeupiod by I. W. Halnoy, with log houao and
labia, bouadod oaat by fltopbuao, weet by Curry,
nortb, by othor Innda of aoid Wngnor, nnd oonth
by Stophena. Hoiaod and taken In eieoulioa, acd
to aold na tbo property of H iliioa 11. Woronor.
Aloo, oortaia lot of land lit nolo In Ooooola
boroogh, Clear la Id ooonty, Pa , bounded aad de
aoribod aa followa t Vroatiag Ifty feet on Cart a
atrtot, weet by W. 0. Chrlrt, ooet by alloy, aad
north by alloy, hating ore tod tberoon largo
twe-etery fraao heuoo nod other Mtbulldiaga.
Soiaod, tohon In aomlon aad to bo aold oa tho
property af Tboaoa II. f-lgler.
'laani or data. Tbe prioo or ina at whioh
tha proporty a hell bo otmek at a not ho paid aa
the Mao of aaio, eraaohaittof ofrangaoaoabi
ejadf Will v ftp rayed, othorwtio tha proporty
will ho lanrodietoly pot p aad aold agaaa at
tha aiponao aad rtah of tho poraa to whoai kt
waa ttrtMh of, nad who, to oaoo of detolaaay aft
auek r aeJe, ahall aaha food th aw, end Is
a taataaoo will the laoad ho prooantod ta OonK
tor twearohfkitoa aalooa bha tnwaor to notnaUj
paid to tho hhartC.
paiairr a vrrrua,
Croardeld, Pn May f, IIT. J
Jtrur and $Usrf!Iaafoun dwHsimrntf.
W vmAnwUrnm tha IsAfc JMdir thw
Rbjftmaoo of aAoTMOolion about f Hall, In
illulaolVWatuiukor A BruWQ'o " Umrot
dotMoft dbm la Amtrlco," A vlattuf aud
Mtandau wfa tha apaakon i
yWtor. "What oornor Ii tha RalMlna onf
"wkwih-Koil oumer of butk ontl
Marhoo. Plaaaa oto tho HIXTII, for mnn
Mrawnaookioff Oak 1111, tiara boon mUM
tjr cUsLrrilng poraono."
Jlli" " ? PrfooUy oolotwai I Do yon knr
A. H Uuuo qnara fcot-M on Uarkot, 1
VO odd on tuta. Bis Morloo high, ha m r
ttr aem OA fltwrtjBj, tnd fovorx aore.t) -o
aa? IjjooT'' m' " tWMtr dlfl)ro11 tu'
V. Lto yonToo atiom power r
Mfrolfblond Iiieroljvotir..uiiilt)io
lioUoiiMam for hoauog, uul iha utiiur ora-
tlODO of tha hoQM."
tboooo on tha
Vlorotui kt Um Itwiwo-
loi'a root on thi
V. H lllupoMltiinho fliu omntlori f
aaoaonrod ib u ptoca, than iitn-w)UJ. 'ido
VQrf?? two on tit, om be for oud oi o
ItotalM tha good, watching with Oto eyo of a
wawk tor it loaa. pln-hoio luperfscUon, uiA
narking orory flow, oo that tho cutbir may ica
nd avoid 11 whoa ba ooiaaa to out Um gar
an onto.
V. " Ten Boot an pi 07 an any of tmttonr r
to "Coma to our fifth md ieoi Wo
kaopWhaudi all tho tltdw ryfting up tho cU tij
Into BJTiiODta,boo.6arSMf marhlnea lUal da
dona ajaon'o work oatjWi a atrokc."
Io yon niifniinra aU your own
A."Wi do, and atvoat orvrafullr. Our
f YT" 1 1 iuiio in uio loco of o atrunif
vertlfy to averr gorment aa aztra-wcil mado
awiniri uupac. wwmrj mica ana ooajn, na
Ufon wo pot our Uckoi on 1L and bocoiuo
f ioik oynn maw. obto yon a groal
A. "In mn AlMfltirwi air T U ltd
nd aeoDomy wo practlooall that wof throuuh,
thatooabloo no to put our pdw uwn to iiUo
paoplo aa wa do." Tjr
AOm laoaoUnc tho work, what baooM
A. M Befbra H poi late tWk K b Hctttod,
Ktott Mnajlo garmont hao lta natnbor od
etbo potnia noted on It, ao thai lu entire hto
tfwr eo w tnoad without tell, upon our
of "I" wimvt hoToKoT)ioloiannr
. on buy dare rnu aiayaeo M0
In tho Tanooo roomi and auitoa otyiouma.
ailing to Iho throng! of cuatomr '
V. rlM fo do as ordar buoVfby tnall
ud espraoo r
Jl. Vary graat AUortrtUouuntry. Oar
iCiliu BT
I Ir.01 too toko with gotvur
T. A. Fleck & Co.,
They ttlll f onl lad themwlroa well and hearty at Iho dote of a aofr-nfol yeirr bualnoa
whilo othoro aro oupliaing beeauao buyera of OKKS9 ANO DRV OOO D.S aro not In owndU
lion to pay the largo prelto of tbo poat, while tboy. like far-tea log bualnoaa avo, aaw tho
eitnution andofftrod aad aold Dry lioeda at
Prices to Suit the Times.
By ao doing tboy hnvo boilt op a piwapornoa nod
""i prasraa, .. wnaioj om mbb intR eet. eiDora oooro inoa n prtini. J oelr mntio fur
t 10 To waa aodo ia ohlea tlaea, aad ia tbo wordor Franklin . "A nimlilo rliptnee ia wtler
than n alow ahllling." At n r-rrel niotin of Ihe Ira It waa unooiaouely raoalrwl to
do boainoaa oa heretofore. ( A C AH BAHIH, nd ebaue tbe nti.tto for 18711
aa followa i A alaable Throe pone c lo better Ihwi n alow Hiipeitre.
Thia beau Pranklio Juat 50 per bL .
Market St., Clearfield, Pa.
lv orti(i of sew nm goods.
All the latest styles from 10 cents per yard up.
1 . CoKirod Proji Goods In grout vurioty
Black Silks, ona dollar and upwards. Dra Linonn, beat shade and makes
Table Ltncni, Turkey Red, kleuJIiod and unbleached.
Shootings and Pillow cans Cottons, bleached and uoblonchod. , i;
Calicoes, i Coltonados for mon's und boy's wear. ' f Ticking '
Muslins and and
Ginghams. ) All kinds of Summer Caasimeros, vory uheap. , , Cianli.
. Nice Summer Shawls and Skirls.1, ?
Full fresh line of all descriptions of White Goods, plain and plaid.
Muslins, Piques,
Soft 6nishod Cambrics,
Swiss Victoria Lawns,
A new
Nw Corse la, Ladies' Ties, Handkerchiefs, Collars and Cuff, Kid Gloves,
Black and colored Veils and Veiling, Neak Kuching, Ladies' Hack Combs,
. Paraaola and Fans, Ladies' and Children's Hone, Indies' and Chil.
dren'a GloTea, Iadiea' and Children's Undorwear. f
MILLINERY GOODS, fu" '" 10 everybody.
Trimmed Hata and Bonnela, very cheap. . Now Silks, Flowors and Kihuons.
ralrimmed llatsand Donncla.
Having suooeeded In getting a firat class Milliner, persons fsrorini us with a
call will find goods in Ibis department vory much lower than heretofore. ,
Geuta' Furnishing Uooda.
Percale Shirts, White Shirts, Underwear, Linen Collars and Cuffs, Paper
Collars and Cuffs, 8upendera, Linen Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloros
and New Ties of every description.
All Ibe above goods will be offered at the lowrit poisible prices
T. A. FLECK & CO., '
Cloarflold, Pa, April 2(1, 1870.
tl lloaaaallT oaomloS al tala aSao.
PropaaaU will bt notWol aalll MAY 14.
titr tba oonalraatloB of a Tnwnabtn Rid
tram Joka D. H.lltt'a, lo oalo Atrr4 Haaa, la
Uoraaot lowoakip. J. I. MrBRIlIK,
Ma; IS, gaportlaora.
Tba OkaroM Coeat; Monoal School IH ka
bald at Canaoattillo, aonaianaiBi Moadat, May
IJd, 1ST. Mr. O. W. Waaror, wbo baa boaa at.
alallaa for Iba throa protioaa tarait, haa batn
tlotrd for oao taorher, Bad Mr. 8. W. Mantlra
t tha athar. Mr. Maradoa (radoatad at Milltra.
tlllt glata Nortaal BVbool, Ib tba elaM of ',
alaao wbtah tima ha baa btaa an aeliva oiraibar
af tba prafaatloa. Ha will aaaha plain aad trna
tulal Poaaaoahip, Drawiaf and Hiator; apt
aiallloa. Arranaoaiaata hata hton anada for a
aoaraa of frao Itctaraa. Tbataaa II. Marraf. of
CltarStld, will dalltor Iha (rat oa tba Ltd, tub.
Joat, "Llttla Thlaga " Total Vipraaa for tailioa
aad hoard, M. . 4. URKHORY, 8ap'l.
J Waaaaaa, Hob. C. A. MAYER. PrttldtBl
Jadro af Iha Coarl of Oouata Plaaa of tha lata
tt.lfth Jndlolal Dialrlet, onrapnatd af tha eoua
Hot of ClaorSald, Oanlra and Cllaton, and Hon.
WM. O. roLBY and Hob. 40HN J. READ, Aa
aoiate Jadfaa of Cloarlald w.anl.T, hata ImomI
tbolr nroaopt, to aa dirrctad, for tba holding, of
aa Adjouraod Coarl of Common Ploaa, at tha
Caart Hoaaa, at Claartald, la and for Iha amin
tt af Ultarlold, aomniaaalai oa tha FIFTH
MONDAY, Till IVT1I DAY Ot MAY, 1171,
aad ooatlnalna ona woakt.
M0T1CI la thtroforo horabjr f Iran lo Juror, aad
wllataata, la aad for aald aoaolt of Cloarltld la
ba and appoar la Ihalr propar ptraonl. at 1 0 o'elonh
A. M. of aald day, I do tboao Ihinaa which In
thoir hobalf partala aa ho daa.
Ul V KN andor mj hand at Olaarttld, Ibla I Oik day
af May, Is tba yoar of aar Lord ou thoa
aad tlht haodrad and tartnly alt.
All at a. Ik St. 1. . ik. ..11 . ..I itt.k
oranohtl ol oar gtoto Ulalataro, and towa or
jQMnibari awklnl lor thai r halaaI h apt to
alto, for tha altlaanl of Claariald aoaaty who In
toad rliltlag tha Ctalannlal, and for all otherl,
by tha ro-oponlag of tho
Oa Marhtt atroot, ona doar wait or Iko All.i
H.ltL wharo "lillORTY- will ka foand at all
Utiaa. taadt ond IIIIb Ik mmmt ..J i ..
all.hla atd oaatoaura and aa sua now oata o
ap Ritor bla with a toll, at that tboy aaa tlalt
" viamtMi "titor atoita ana iigni loottd la
a aii f 'aboity'i" boat wadt
laoa'lhrgot aalllag aaRborty" kofora par.
ha .la g alaawhora. Ha haopa aoao hat grtvilaai
Wwkoioa aad aaa onrraal all "M-woor" aodo
at ku ihop not la rip, ratal ar draw tat pogi.
Ha la praparod u do aaylhlag la bla hao
aMakad, aawo ar poggtd. RaaalrlBg 1 tolly
Biol oa'ibart aataaa
alwapa aa hud aad IW aaw. by Iba mm "abort,"
fll hj tboaUt na-a tV I'll AH I HVKT.
?iraHrH f-. Hay IS. IMS
aorflMt mtan Ad Rtloo of aatf n
faioka ItnnoUa to ploaaa pooplo yuo miloa
It i-rwJ t to ploaaa
JtfcytVcUy ML
aw or J4
u lUOJ
lUojr war ban ia
uppooo yon haroat teaat half doaaa
dllTarviit d
A. "Mydi'orolrl wa bavt motw than tt
i ai'iaonmonur
oncn ciiargoa wiui ita uwn puaim
lion, ond atvh
rj whaal wUh
in iui iihi woooi.
V. "win you uamo a dooon or an of thou T
A. "With ploaoara. Tho Cuocom Dobaii
merit, for ihooo wbo pnfer etiatom nada to
K'aity-niavhv TV FumUhiDg Dopmrtmont.
wlib lu mrwiim Hock of all undorwoar.
Iho Blilrt IW'tory, with Ito bufff maclilnno,
runklug ourowa Drat-cioM alilm. Tho Trim
King lfrptiilirurnt. ltwilf aohlg oo many rocu -r
itoro. Iho uanncnt huck ftoom. Tha
ltccotvlug Koum. Tho Order Ik-porttnoDt,
limned bcfriro, ThHoof;lal litilfonuj iHipart
tuent Tho Dolt very 'THmanl. With Ul
Itoro of tnoau'iiRfn. Tho"
V. " Il'ild. bold I air, onoogh T
A. "I'm l half itirouKhr Th AdTtrtloInf
Dopartmont, wtlh lUbllLandilg-n dtrtrlbulon.
etlltiiigaJiti jiubllrjhlnwi biulnooo and popular
JimrnoL ctrculMfco (.(MOooploa monthly
1111 allyoiirfrlJirli.oend IbrlttTho Moflw
lIartiuft.t, wiilTlu many rooraa. Tho oy
J)iiruiit'i.u Tba Youilur partmenL Tho
i aii'iron
ii Dctartmont, wltlt lta opoclai
i ftr lad It Tha Telegraph Import
Dint. Tha Chief Clrrk'o laopartment, with
II. tuiok . L-taoMvnri and aaalatuta. Uanaral lfan.
mtr o lMpartmentj rinanclor'a OBoa, an
oihi-r oBk-eo of tha flmall bony aa Wow
UiiiiKinfl, pianni
Ing.regUtorlng, i
and In a Uiriaa
lloa ouLaolllnr.
nro Joining thoir fbrow
orfih Iba poople amount
lu tan vena bualnoaaN
litg to Utwocn uuo(ouu aud ikuoM aa-
A. -imUti it hi I I forgot to tutni Iba
Caablor'a lt;iortmeiit,wblchluuidliiUoftfRM
Of roUll aka on aomo alngle doyol"
v. "V&.iwi immenooi nut a.wnat onahlcf
mo noiiao m ouy cnoap ana atnrcnoap r'
l.xartlv I Yon 1
hit 1L Tha
twrmlo tliroutt here, krt
ifthat wdpud
r it.
mi low iiricoa and Innitl
nuiJi about T"
v. " wtiai aro uo rocaatui' l
A. ''OurayatomofbnefJ daallnff--L Om
pHoo, no deviation ; . Caah for ovorythlng; .
nioncy ruiuraad U tha buycz ou t olborwieo
. i no
V. " othlng eonld ha Hit
A. "Nothing. And U.e joplo It "
V. " WkII, 1 tluuk you, ur, fur your polao
attention." . ,
A. ' bot at all. It'i a ploarara to mfn ym.
Call Offal qj and bo euro of tho plfjrV.Wana
uakvr A Brown'a Oak HoiiBaVttu -kait oor
nor Sixth and Market." JT
V. " Thank you I ahaU b ilappy todoao.
Good Biornliig.''
iDoraaafng tro lo. Witheeme'l atoro and light
line or
Turkod Uuslins, pluin A
hang Cloth,
Plain Cambria.
In tba oilato of Wa. B. Aloiindtr. dao'd.
Patltlnn ol Saiaaal Uagtrty.KMoaUir, for 8pMlSe
Prrfonnanao of Conlrout.
Tho ondtralifntd Comialaalonor, appotatad by
Iba Coort to tail loaliinnny la Iha aboto oato,
htroby gtrol antloo that hi will attoad ta Ihl
dnllri if hla appnlnlroint. al hitofftao la Cloar.
tald, to Tooiday. May ISib, 11 1 al toa a ilooh
a. a , wbaa aad wbara all parliaa Iniaraattd mj
altrnd. A. tl. KKAMF.H,
Oltart.14. April U. 7(11. toaa'r.
In lit K.tatt of Saaaol lloiarlr. doa'd . Uu
of Woodward tiiwoihip.
Ia Ibo Orpbaoi' Coort. Proooadlag la Part).
Una. . . .,
lo Jaam Utgatlr, Sr., tltnry irbitoaldi tad
Mary hla will, Wlllina 11. (art;, Jamil A. Utg
arty. Hon ntl R. Stewart, Mra. R. W. H.ctrly
widow afWa. Hrrartv, jnha Withaniwaad Mar
carol bla wifo, Joha M. Jordan aod Joni hit wift,
joatph HtgartT, tttorgt llnrirtr. Rohorl M . Hag.
arty, llaary llrgarlv. l.ylia ILawty, haaail
Hagarty of Utgarty'iH H. la, Vortta Bill aad
Matilda hi! wllo, Agnlaa b'lak and Jaaioa Fink
bar huabaad, Joai MtVall.iogb, Jotapb Mat'al
lougb, l.twia MeCalloagh, John Withorow guar.
diiB of Sarah Aaa llagarty.and J. B. Mchaally,
htira, or ptraona Intarotlrd In tba mala af Haa.
el lligirty, lata of Waodward tawaihlp, Claar
dld ooonty. Pcna 'a , donootid !
Tiki aotl"! that a rnlr la grantad on tba kiln
aad Irgil rtprtoaatat Ivci latttlod an take bla roal
Nlatt, la a-paar hvlara tha Orphani Coort, at
Claarflald, CloarHoM tuaoly, Pi , ol MONDAY,
tbi TH day of JI NK.A. D.ISTt, al Iwooolook.
p. a., or Mid day, to itrtpt ar rtfoto tha rail
aitata of laid daoidtal at tka appralaaoat.
Witntaa ay hand aod Iho oaat if aoid Caart at
OloarSald, Ikia lib day of May, Hi.
L. J. MOKUAN, Cl.pkofO. Q,
W. R MrPaidnan, igbhoiifr
. aay It-K
Thi nadiralgntd barthy gitti notlM M tho
llllima of Citato, Id oaaaly, that ba haa, al ail
tfreoB ilouaa la OliarSild, a larga qaantlty af all of Vagltlbli and riowar Pliola, ohl.b ha
will furniah lo all who any raror hia wilt tkalr
pttranagi, at roaiiaobla prini. Tha tallowing
k a partial Hot if plaata and iiwarat
ttiolartd Cabbago Planta.
Loll Cobkago P1.1U.
Dwarf Cltary PlaaU.
WiBtarid OialiBuwar Plant!.
Bwtot PuUta Plaati.
Kgg Plaita.
Toaala Plaoll.
IVppar Plaati.
rtowai rbaan fob aacriio.
HKrUNlAS linglaaBd douhlt.
(URANIUMS lloabla. '
UKHANIUM4-Varlagatt4. t
SAilR-Haarlal and wkiw.
PANSIRH-Largo Bowira.
COLIlia-Aanrtod. -rucHHIA-Clagla
aad doahla.
DAHLIAS Ooakla. i '
VKHRKNAS Boat IttatHd rariatlal. i -CIIPHKA.
HTUCRU,a,ldoka.. . .
KUta aagor.
MIUNUNIITTI-Larao towirtAf,
rULOX-Draaaaadll. ."' ' '
lafg in itaiil of Planu for Mingtaf
Rotktlt a, Vaata. RRNRST Buc'K.
vnaroaw, ra, April II, lt a.
grur 3ldrtrtl5fmfiits.
Any piiiy having loi t raw aUt lUvao,
oan htr ti'Oia annufooluri' I at tbo l io.-t rata
an I in 'h boat Niuor by eoMl-ifj to hav
Hill r T.itfDt, Show Uo., Woior slrt, Lo)k
H ...... Y. H. hlUW.
LiH.k Uavon, April 30, IOTA Iiu
rMtU8rKK.S' NUT1CK.-.
Ai a Cvurt of Commoa Plttw hil.l at 0or
Acid, a the Siik day uf Marub, lord, the iDd.r-
lifiiodw. ro oiipulnlrd Trotftaf th laia of
V. tt. Miller, uador iiruooodiagB lu tiuuioMio M-
tiulttaviil. ' Thi-y liorohr gt, uoilro 'Hut they
aro voiod with oil tbo Of at uf onid if. U . klillor.
and oil butiki, voorhore ood pff rvl-Hiug to
laa me, ouu Mioy rrniro on puroo in leoiaa '
tohevoid Millar or boidiog pri'Otty Ud'luDglng
U tiln, tu pay oud deliver oil 4u of atoooy
nj prterty( duo oud aaletisriog biw. to tho
aid fruelovf) ood alto douro oil or u J Mori tu
proaut tboif ruapeetivo aoco.inla ami dumooda..
JMI. t. Ill WIN,
0. W. SMITH.
W. ll. IHIILKK, )
ClMrtlild, Aj.rll I, B71-U
p6ii SALK OU ItHNTa , " "
Th uiultrilKnaJ tm ieonTnnlDt
kfn at Jub!it Uoup mt lh m (iitli ol KmiIv
nil 0nrl Hufiil, titrairu tn rnt, ll, nr ti
ehtnf lit . tat-?. H will .ebiiK M frr,los
iii('l-rni:lorrnfinvl. Tlili pro.
i-rty nuauinf Hirtr 4u ) Ntiii'b r ItxraJ.
Jlitwb'tlw Ii ut..rUitl Willi nut , Ar- elt mn i m
Viiu -f li(tr, bi t t ,iatfHaMI J'ftl WttMf
a-ovf 'f Urn bmUiDK r trgo illhw, mmrrn.
m iiuDaiif, .nit rmh uiiu. rwiua Mill b
rtn t tar llu. Tin till U iotlitptiUilila,
Ihw iropMtlc value of tltla rnfirt It tat
fimI! ia Ui cuaatr. bd it lharlnre vat;
ltjtrwlj M mm li)aiiia'. liattiilr-i, a toff
(uanltiy uf tuar It ft uu th piuptrlf,
-bit h mmn ta nulariur H Ida M tauiaoM.
tuk uf blp aiid aiMn n div.rf.i, tt (
r-aaia Cut utf riag il fur a. A ay fartl,r .
fjrmjtiun B La v'jlaiiicl a tba (ttb-
.'I'ht I.A W III M K fl.OOIl.
Kn krtlla, l'a, M.r, ti.tu.
Id iKifnuaDw uf fa twJ.T d.f (ha 0ri.ltaaa'
Court 4 Ctoartoldtwuat, V . (Lu uuilariifaad.
nnuiim.iuMnr hi.ibo wwm oi Auaraw Moore, lata
')f lLK toWDabip, i-c'd. Will Clltwv ta tiubtta
plf, la iba twroucb af Lanier til, at tan pub-
Tburttdiy, May 9A, IH7
al I u'elock p. a., all that avrula tract af Und,
lata tba aatata of laid act!, Uuta ia Mid
borough, bouadad and dntenb'! ai follow., tut
Oa tha wl hj land or J-ba f. IhU, arlb hj
landi af Url Hull and (laorjra Pasiutora, aat hf
laada mi iba Kobert Yonnf aataia aad JaaM
Cappfaa, aai awatb by otbar landi lata af Mid
dao'd. land if tbi John Vmrgm.on aaUto, ai al.,
ooDUiniag a boat Ht mmrrm morm or lata.
Tba inprovdntahta eottaiat of a oat and a-balf
lory fraiaa dwelliof boujj lfli20 fact, with
hitcbea attached, ft log bara, and oihar outSaild
iDjja. ALhiuI 7i arrea of tho land la alaarad and
aodvr good auitlrati m. .
T kb 11 a or 8i.a Oaat bint Iha punbaaa
mway al eoitflratalioe of Mir, una third la ana
jt fnm data of aala, aad Iha balaooa al tba
dratb wl Hanaab Muir, widow al Haaiarl Moora,
lata ol k tnwDthip, Jw j, tba lailar two pay
aauuwitb InUratt, U ba rurd I.- bond aud
ortjaja oa tba pfoparty. WM. T. IIOORII,
Lawlx r City, Juua 2, 74 it. Ada'r.
fitataof PaODijIraaU.I Rtt.U of Jataaa C.
Orahaa, Uu or
ClaarflaU ooaoty, m: ) Draiforii t dee d
In purtuaaoe of an arder laiuad oit af tba
OrpbaD'a Court of Clearfield eoaoty, and to ait
directed, aa taqoiiitioa aad partillaa will be bald
oa iba real aatate of tha late Jatan O. )rh..
oa Tue-iBy, tha Iwealy I bird Jay af My, A. II.
10 to.
Tba aalj rval aatatfi eoaaj4l of a aaaaea mr
traot of laad aitaala la IlraJfurJ tuwaabip, la
aid eouiilr. euiniuf oa buoared aod aiaa
(109) acrii aod thirty aiaa ("V) perehaa, boaoiad
and deaonbed aa follow: Bajrinnlay; at a while
ok corner; thenrt by landa uf VioiobI II llolt
eait ooa hundred aad anty (lit)) narebaa la a
porter of Hard wick Ilack'a plaee i tfanaee aurtb
ny lanui oi .iudd nwwart oau nan tired and lit
loaa (lift) borchee lo a Dual : t henna It laaJa ef
Joba Shir- weet, ona buadrW aad' till (IH
perDta loapuaif moooa ona aunarw-l anu rix
laao ( I II) perebft lo the plaoo of b?jionin.
Nutira la iberefura hereby ft i roe to KUa Or,
hata (wid-'wl, Uaibara R Cuaainrhtaa aod Wot.
Cent, in (ham her boabaod. and Airrwd tlrabiai
aad Wattbrw Wiltoa, guardiaaa of lleary II. Ora
haia an l.Al nanjir N. Urabara, legal bain and
repra.aat.uive of ibadeaoaaod, lo ba than and
there prewal al tba time inj ieatad (IH dr f
-na?) ti vu wm proper.
abanlT a OIBef, I W. R. McPIIKKSON.
Cloarfiabl, I', j April tft-lt ttbanff.
fa parraanna of aa order af tba Orphan'
Cuurt of t'learleld aoaaty, Ilia aadeniirned,
Tnialae, Ic , ia the matter of tha aala of Iha real
rat ale af ULrr?lrod. lata of Bell towa -hip.
dr'd. will eipoaa to nafciia aala. oa tba
prtaiiiea la aatd townibip, aa t
Thuradaj, Jan I, IHTII,
at I u'eloek p. at , all that oertaia traat af land,
late tba aauta of aald dee'd, aitaala la aald Iowa
chip, and daeahbed aa followa t Bcftlnbiag at a
map la, eoroar af othor landa lata of dee'd : tbenoa
by raoia aorth 11 degroaa aaat I4f percbet lo a
pott i tfaaaea at ill by a aaa aoutb tH dogreat aaat
II parr bra la a paaplat tbaaea aartb 14 dagr-aa
eaat 140 porehat lo a airob tbeoea oouth Bii
daftraae aaat iS parebao ta a poat ; theaoa by tracta
Noa. MM! and l aoath 1 dffraaa weat M
perobaa to a poat ; tborea aorth 11 degraet weat
8tt pernboa to plaoo af bef iaaing, aortlaining one
band red aad tweaty-oao aorta aad flfty-aiybi and
roar-laath parcbea mmtm ar Waa, aad kaowa aa
Purpart No. I ia tba partitioa of daeodant'o real
aatata About I weat aoroa are elrarrd. Aiaa,
aboat three) aad a half rafU or good plae, and
lira hood red tboaaand feat of noi ben lock tin
ber. Tba property will ba aold aa a whole, ar la
two lata, to toil purohaaara.
Taaara er Bali. Oae-third of tba parehaaa
ajoaay eaah oa eon Area at laa of aala, oao -third ia
wo yoar tnm data af aala, aad tba aalaaee la
two yrart fron data af aala, Iba latter two pay
await vita In tenet to ba eeewred by judf naal
boad aad aaorlfaa oa tba prvmteee.
April Jd, 14 4t Trualea, Ae.
JOI1X W. TI HXER. Dlatrlot Trtaairtr. if
Orahaa ttwatbip, la aeoooal with Raad aod
Poor fundi for 18;t :
boob rur
To bol. dm laat Mttltaaati..,
To Road llapliialt, l7S.....
To balanot
CR. '
By Ruporrliort' ardirt by II. LaBabarry.Jill 11
Hy Suptrvlion' order! by II. Hamlin... 391 tt
lly t p.rnt. on SV V onion lifted.... IT W
lly txnaaralloni on Dlplinata, 11.71 1 M
By ... ih7 11
By iionaratloa ia A Wilmo'iUi, 71...- 4 I'
By om day at aellltmtnt 1 H
Ry aia't anrollailrd 1171 doplioalt It ti
roos rum PR.
To bal. dat laat atttbmaot... ..:t 11
Tl aa'tof DupliooU ka- lD7o 171 at
To error la addiUMal daplioala for 1171. 1 M
- ' " ! - : ll II
By O.aro.wr'a ordirt lillad........ .!: M
Hr 3 utr not. on aama S S
lit k par oral, aollaaling 1J7B it 11 71
By nontraliiHil on Uopliiita, ttfd.... t tt
By ont day at aatllaaint i,. I tw
By aai'l aneuilirltd on Dnplioaio, lrt... Ill St
Rr ain't ancllroiad on Diplioata, IM7k.H 171 It
lly l'lan do. tola.bip.... 11 It
. lrt
U't, tho andiritcaod Audit.irl. of tlrahom
lonn.hip. hiving itamlard Iba aeonntl ltd
rnoi'hara if W. Toraor, Trtaaarar if Mi
townahip, aad Sa4 thta torroot aaabora otmi. ,
w. w. H(K rn, 1
C. W. KVLKll, lAaditon.
irraiTi A. J. HUHLKR,
' QrahiatlB, May I, IITo-Ii.
(Baaeaaaor to)
Arnold & H.trlshorn.
JIKMIOO Math knat4 fUlnglra.
n.(MMI pcmadi mt Waal.
........I l Ji
. tit 71
II 11
PortlN hating long Bhiaglaa ar Wool (ar Hil
ar) . II do wall lo rail oa ato. Tba bighfot Bar
hit prlet paid at all llawa.
Aim, a roll ind taraplia orook of
nOOTA A niioi:.
wblah will ha atlo) at roaiaaahla prltta ar
,, .nRxoua.
CanrraitUtt. May K lTk