THE REPUBLICAN. CJjKAitKIEI.U, PA WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY I, lite. Terms of Subscription. Ifpaid la adranee.orwttbln thro. nioDiho... As la headway aa to I paid after throe aad hofove eia inonlha t 4. I buekel brigade unavelliua. i paid af'oi oipiratien of ,B moolha... I II J parent tbet tbe ulir. ball .quare fruia Diauiunil AT-Meieri. H. H. Parraaeai. A Co., Newe Adreiti.iug Agoole, l; Poik How, Mt aokmen Hron, are our duly authorieed Ageate New York City. r KI.KilOUN NOTIt tin. . llolhodlot KiUcopi ChurchBo.. B. F. groveie, i oilor. I'uLlio Service every Sabbath m io, a .-u. ana it r. at. Sabbath School al HAM. Prayer . elieg every Thuriday, ( IJ P. II. Colon union Bervleo. trot Sabbath of every onto, .1 10, A. M. , - . : Weet Clearfield M. R. (JhurcbReve. '1' Dlu. aud J. V. AiHMU. Paotor.. Prraohlng every alternate Hondoy, at 4 o'oloek, P. M. rtunday rjohool i I), f. SJ -All are In vlled to BUend. . Preabyterlan t:iurru..Rt. H. 8. Benin. Sehhatb eervleoi uiuroing Bad erasing Beh batb School it I p. Al. Praver Meeting Wedooe day orening. Ht. franc la' Church 4 atlmllcH, .. P. J BnaBlliaa. Preaching al ID) ecliiek, A. M.,o. Ike tret. Ibird lad lourlb Sunjot f e.ah month i Veopero and Berodioliou of the Ho.erd bu.r.ln.nt I 7 o'.look, P. M. c.od.y School er.ry Kudo; nnmuii moo eioou. - ' OFFICIAL DIRKCTOKY. r.aa r otaina qpAima ssnnoas coonr. 0 nd Mon-Iav of January, ' T'j'fd -MunJay af Mirth. ' ' " - Ptrat Monday of .Jubo, ' w Fourth Monday of Sep torn Ur. TllilOr HOLDIHf COMB OK Mltt. First .Monday of June, . ,." Beooad AloniUy of Novrtuber. 1 orrirrna. Pwirttnt ftdgt Hoti. rtisrlie A. Marrr, or Look Haven, Mtrni inn Jmdf Hob. Jofaa II. Orrlt, of neiiointite. AmomnIo U IIIUui 0. Fola, Oar 6-aid j John of- Head, Curwiitill . ' fonotafy-Bll Illontn.' ' 8 T Hfifr flKtf iVeorrfr L. J. Morgaa, Ihtiritt Attorn Frank Fiel-liag. 7VMaf-tr Ifav.rJ MnMiuicbey. Hktrif Willion K. Merhenon. Coumtf Sur9tyor8mQ F, MoCtoikej, Car wtBirill. CoHnfy Com mitontr Clark BrowD, Claar fteld i TbnaiM A. Nod, Cheit P. 0.; Uairii llMTor, Clcarflel.. County Auditor Cbrl.. J. Kfafccy, OUa Hopt t Hatnnal A. Caldwell, WUIiamigrof ; John U. Cunnfr, Uuroaidt. Count Voromrr J. B. Nfff. Now W a ah In r ton. Jmty CommtiotrJohm W. wltMfrt. amci mi tenon, utoarnea. Snjurimtmtimt of 'VhU, Scaupia Julto A. OrttorT, CarwoBivillt. Jiotariu Iubiic Jubo W, Wr inlet, 'n. R- debaagb, Cjrui .. Onrdon, C k-a roe Id ; Juiiah Kfana, Joi. H. Irwin, N. K. Arnold, CBrwvBtTtll J.J. Llnjrlt, Km mat 8aj?r, OmcmiU Mitlai i lot.v- aloB JlatntltoB, l-otharnborp. Oar Spttimi ooIuujb i dtoiaVdl inUrattiac ii loeal point of ?ltw, BBd prafiiablcrtoaiiiiii to ouuuora woo wast w aavo 1DOB17, Silver in iilowly spinning down (ho ri-s'Bf gruoroa 01 ebaoga. Tliero ro 10,000,000 ftwt of og in lot nnitami)ori noom. 'vo ark a, for the ane of AVnlkers Trout rno .tfdrlfe tri kuih r Ibo Marbol trtot bridg wt tbhr Tla, laat rck. Mid. llrown and, ilr. Gill uro ticllo fonto'a two oldeat eitlirn, tha formtr btlng 96 and tbt latter 97 yfara old. Thomas A. I'ridcnnx has been np pointed poitmaitar at PmUb'a Mill (JaneirillaJ, la Oullob lowophlp, tbli oountj. Tlio clerk of the wt'nthor paid ur Iuh oomUiinoatr oa handajr lart, la taa abapo of a rery tfokljr now ftonn. Flour, chop and bran at Ly tie', at tn loweii earn pncoa ib tuo oouaty, IB room formerly sampled by K rat tor A Lytlo. m " i Congn-aHnian Muckuy and State Boaalar WaJtso bavo our tbaakt lor a nntobor of Taluablo poblla doounoBta rooalvod during tbo pat to woeka, The troqtiet sou no n lina been inau gurated btroabouti fir tba toaaon. Tha man who oaa lavoot a hilar amaHnont than Mgraa bill larda" alii wakoa fortuna. ityod ace a man out in the back yard naniing carpat, aoa I throw Hun at all Yov nay bo tallod apoa to da tba aataa thing Without a noatoat'i warning i - i Wm. C. Lytic, of this placo, ha taken tba adriea of Uoraoa Uroeloy and guao to mk bia fori una it tba fa? Watt. Ilo will wrotpoot for awbllt in Narada aad Colorado. Wa are informed by the Brook vi Ilo Reputliaam tbal wvoraga Unbar i aolting as tba Plttabargh narket at 13 cent a, and flrit olau timbiT at U wnli par table fool. o-aa-oii- Conductor Irwin's passenger train ran aver and killed a sow near J)lua Bail, laat Wnlnaiday aftaraooa. Tha aow waa a aom plate wrack, but tha traio oaoio off Baharuod- , a a Smith WUmhi, aon of Dr. H. V. Wil aun, of tbia borough, baa boon appointed to take charge of ona of Ibo jrataa at tha Ceoteoaial Ri biliitioB, wbloh openi on Wtdoeiday next. Wo nndorstnnd that Fly una', Her rall's, ArdeM'i and other log-drirot art fa the river at Karihaui, awaiting a riaoof water. The flood did aot lait long enough to gt tbeta to the boom tat Loak llavoa and Willi ataiport. - i On the coming Fourth of July, when a man ariiei to ataka a poach, aad doaan't begin by Hying "Ona baadrtd years ago U-day," bo ahould bo pulled dowa by tho aoat-tait and forced to take a back atat. An Omiiwion. LaRt week, in giving ibo name or omaaa 10 do sum ib lata aoaaty aeit F-ll, wa otallted that of Aaaoelata Judge, The Una for which Me tart. Bead and Folay wara wleoted will eiplra oa tbo let of January, 1877. Fifteen aides of Union Crop Sole WatharwJII beeihiMted at tbo Coatannial by a Tyrone tanoar, D. P. Ray, tho eaaae gentlemaa who troktbaflrtt premluai at the Vitnna Ei MaidoB for tbii kind of loathor. t " -w a aw " M 1 did think I'd go to the Ccnti- tnlal tbli year, ml a' a bow they any they tou't have another for a hundred year," raid fhlitio tenia brother, tba otbtr day, "Oat X n't aay aao la It aa long ai yoa tan aeo Torything at Fleek'a and ao all-Brad cheap, too.1 Over four" hund i-ed rafta were run kt of Maboaiog a reek durlag tha reoeat Bprlag taket, Tbla atroaa koada la tbo loatbora part f tbla eoaaty, aad ameh af Brady tawaahlp't rgeat aad beat timber la borne aa It waters to (ttaborgh aad other weetera aiarkata. A consideration of the watering igb bill by a jotat onanuittae of tba Saaato aad wn bai mulled Ib tba adoptioa or aoeaptabli ttUloni, a-laptlng tba law to all Ibo ouatloi Iba Stat without regard to popolatlob. Pao gt of rally will bag rail Bod by tbia Modification trogard to a aaodtd pablla aoaTealoaoa. r i a aai i Do not forget that Jjytle isnropared, lb a larga itook of teaa, lyrupi, eoffaoa . tugara, wocoa,uad all kinda of groeerlca, to aall at Tory t ratal. Penoaa wlabing ta buy la quantities M do aall to Mine aad price bia goadt. Coo a- floret faraiahad with groaoriaa at Hty prioei. Mi'MiSackett A Rchiyver have re )d tho laterlor af Ibtlr Hardware ttoro, I hav aow oaa af tba aaoataad noat oonplele r-roflmi Ib tha aownty. They have adopted eaib ayitaai or dolag baaiaeit, aad are thai fcltd ta offer iadooaoiaaU to aaah buyort. id thtlr aw adrtrtlaeaioBt la this paper. If euro. W. 8. White k Son, tanners, a were buraed aat Wth at Otatolaatid Pbllipa- wlihia a year peat, have aoaoladad ta ra id tba taaacry ai'Otctola. Tbay wra hay ra by tba Area at both af tbeet plaaaa, bwt aa are gi atleojaa af ladoaiiuble plwab aad aa rtaa tbay are a4 to be aaat dowa by tbetr wriaaa, V very large audience congregated w M. L Oburele, la tbia pitta, aa Tuetday tag of laat warh, ta bear Mra. Uvea a, tba walatlTtof tba Wetaaa'a PorHg Miatloeary 4y. It waa tomethieg af a MTolty ta aat a ea la tha p. I pit af a Chart Bar laotara ajtartatlBg aad laattuatlea, aad (w well apohaa T Ihaaa who board It. 1m calf thief; who ccaied from the i tkU pJaoo abaat twa waeka ago. waa retaraed at lortttatioa day hat woe by bowaty V Warratl. Ha had gawa la bit kouto soar Waahlagtaa. wharo h waa aaptarrd. la $4m at tba Jail yard wall, ah lab b t, pralaa. aaa af kta aahlaw, whirh ajb j m lattrfered graatly with hta plaa af aaaapa. I BRooKviLLi'a Third Heat. Tho ffra lead baa again lilte4 aur naigbbora oa tba Watt. Wa atlp tba follow log detailed ataUaioat fraai tha Broth til la Jwftrmimm, af Iba S9th nil. Tba aditor rayt i H Lait alght, about 91 o'olotk, anuko wat dia aoverod laaung from tba baaauont of T. U. MeUtu't a lore, aa Main air eat, oppoailo tlio Cleinoote llouae. Tha alarm waa tuunded. but I twtort any Material effurl to obeok Ibo flaaiei owuld bo brought to boar, tba art bad made auoh rondar tha eierlioaa of tbo It twuo beoauia ap luare fruia Diauioi.. wllay to liar net at roe t Muat beouuia a prey tu the Uautra, and wil liner hand a wan! to work loroMttvo ereryibiBg of value truui ibo llirreteuwl buildinga, while otbara fruitioMly, but Betortbeleaa deter uitutdly, andoavured la aback the pragma af tha fell-dratroyer. All atlurta to pull dwWa tbaatruat urea along the row were anavailing, and oho after anuiber waa abanduaod aa tba Are advanced, un lit tba raatdenco of Joaepb ileadcriua, Kaij., wat irino, wriob waa uuauy rtieu io ina grunu. ibit building waa una of the Brat trootod in Urvekviile, but It bung together reutaikably wll ooaeidertog lit ago, and required Mntlderable labor to pull It down, liy tbia tneana the atova aua no aiora oi j. iienderaoa a eon, oa tba our nor of Mala and baraet, waa aaved. and tbia nioraing atanda aloaa, tba aaly buildwig ta tba entire half square, ' "At oaa time It wat thought that the flames uiuit inevitably aoinuiuoioate to the I)uugberty building, but by ouperbuman oOurta tbia danger waa ateriea, or alto to-doy we angnt anil aaught but amouldering rum fruw White Hall to liaroal atrevt. The rout of ibo Aturrican llouae eautttit Hre Iruia lalling ai-arka. buiibe wtobert aii (ittiugutfhed it, aud oueo a fni ataria waa raiavd tbat tba C .canute llouae waa on lie. whioh oauwd croat exciteuteat lor the tiuit twiu. the hrevi- eat luavra bv tha Bra are lr. M. Kodners. T. U. MrLaln, the Uiahop eatato, Mra. U. J. hi.yJrr, Clark Hall, and Juaepk Iienderaoa. Mrs. J. W. Iienderaoa, naliiaery, iba Mtates ttordua, draat anakara, and M. U. Hall, thirl manufactory, oocu pying rooais ta lr. Uudgar' building, aated tba Jreater purtioa or tbeir atoek. K. Engilah and oa. Uriiderawa aaved all their house bulJ luroi ture. Dr. Lowry aueoeded la removing the eoa tealt of bia omoe, and W. A. Tbompaoa, uierobaat , taiiwr, alao aaved bia stock, f. it. MaLMu. dr . goods and grooarie, Mrs. ti. J. Snyder, milliner and fancy goodr, Clark Hall, photograph gallety, and lr. C. W. StebbiBS. denint, reaoutd little. It anything, ol valaa. - " At this early date It is linpuaallile to compute iue amount oi iota auaiainca aim auy uogree ol ewrtainty. It Is variously estimated at from $3 j,- 000 ta S40,00t), which of oourae iuuludea damages euatalned by reaiua of rcmuviug good, etc Aa near aa wt can avcerlaio the lo. lowing are tbo BrinciDal individual luaaea t M Dr. Rodgera' beildiuga $i,S0O, Inaured for $1,1)01) f T. II. MrUio a atoak from '.,lie0 lo 7,- too, latured for a-i.ouo ( uiark nail s photograph ing material $l,0, no Inauraaoof Diabop estate jao.OOS, noiasurfd ; R. P. Blood, druggist, dam age done to goods by removal $1,1)01), inaured; Mrs. U. J. Hnyder $1,010, no.Biuraaoef C. M. Uarrieoa $1,000, an Insured. Tlie loss sustained by other partita through hasty removal, etc.,. and tba damage dona ta baildiaga oa tba otiaotita tide of the street will doubtless twtll tba tigurts to the amouat named abova. It ia act kaowa bow tha lira orirluated, but It Is generally supposed to bo tbo work of aa In tend, a ry, as there bat never been any Bra la tha Daaemeut of ma buuuiog where K origuiatcu. A'arioas raskors art alt oat tbia morning, but they art as a general thing raguo and indubaitt. " Tbia is tba third Urge Bra with which Urook villt baa been visited curing ibo past lour and ono-balf years. Ia November, 1871, tba half square opposite the treoe of last night's oouflagrn tion, was entirely destroyed with lbs exception af tha neideneo af AI. MeCrtigbf in Aivvtuibtr, 1874, an eatira sauara on Main street, reaching from PiakeriBg to Mill ttitel, was destroyed, aud last aigbt another half squara fell a prey to tba re nana. ' , r i y ' Our Coal. The continued increase and demand In tba ta stern markets for the bitu minous coal of tba Clearfield region la causa for congratulation to tha owners and ablpptra of tbtsa u black diamonda." Tha big ehunk sent to tba Centennial grounds by tba Franklin aoltiery at tract great attention. Tbt editor of tbt Drook rillt Repubtiemm, la alluding to It, sajt i "It appears that our neighbors of Clearfield county are not going to bo oat-dune in tbt show of bltuminoua uoai at the Centennial Ripositiop.A large moon, aaewauriag roar ay ava leal, aaa six leei aigo, bbu weigning ava antl a naif tons, was taken from tba Franklin enllierr. at Houtidale. ana forwarded to taa 1'tnteaataJ for axblbition." No, air t wa cannot be oat-dona. Tba beat sol tntlffc knowkdgt oa this subject plaota the coal taken from Iba Clearfield mints far ahead of that mined in other localitica. Tba tisokgioal Sarvey Depart m ant of tbla State, aftar testing the coal takea from tba Franklin mines, gives tba follow ing analytic t Water at Ki F-...... S79 Volatile matter SI .360 Fixed carbon 74. 2M Aolphur . .433 sbea..HH M...H....-. ., J.2M ' 100.000 Cokt par ant, 77.97. Color of Asb, eream. A oa let rated New York cbtealtt putt tha fixed earboa at 70.39, and makes 19 per cent eoka out of this aual. A coat pott tot met week nearly rulaed this eel Htry by tubttitutlag M Sutphar" ta tbt fixtd car bon figuret nnd tnrned It lata a brimstone mine. Tha injury waa bnt temporary, btoanat toal deal crt would notice tbt blender at onct. Shad Fisiiino. What A luxury, and bow cheap! Vat, beoauat of a raw dami, wa art danltd tbia enjoy men t Tba Lanoaalcr httlU gsaear, or the I7th nlu aaya t ' i 'Sbad fishing la tha Suaquebanua seemt now to kae cowmeaoed on a large scale. We era ia lormad by Messrs. Heaoa and Thomas Tow ana, who srrlvad from Peacb lloltom laat evening, tbat tha heavltat haul of shad tear kaown in that vicinity waa mada at Bold Friar lorry, eevea miles ttoiuw I'taen llotruiil, on tha Susquehanna river, on Tuesday. Nina hundred aad thlrty.flva shad were all takea at one battery-4 Rldgdon't Rat- tery." They art said to ba the largeat and floatt that hava baea aeon tor several seaeuui. ' The lightning-rod man has thawfd oat, ud wa nay thereore look for blot daily, Ua la said In have tbla year, "tba topper alrlp, tha now donb la-twisted, Oantanntal, tllrerapangltd' four ' pronged aickte-nUttd, donble-pollsbtd, alactrla current eonduolor," which ha will offer ta bis cuitomtrt at tba lowest rates. Tba moral oo unvoted with tbla tubjeot It, that If yoa buy your lightning rods at noma, of dealara whoi yoa kaow, yon will not ba imposed upon, bnt if yoa buy of Ihaaa wanduilng pedlars, yoa will ba apt to gat cheated. Tho pooplo of Alloonft nro having a big flag made to throw to tha bracie on tbt 4th of Jely. In Icugrhlt will be Arty fact, In width tLlrty-two feet alght Inohet. Tba blue field will be sixteen feel eight Inobta In depth. Tha tblrty eiglit stars will taob maasara Aitton loebot acroit. It will require twa thousand term bun I red yards of machine sowing and ninety yards el hand flaw ing to aonpletc It, and It will walgh about fifty. , Bra pounds. ' " ' j Lint of letters '-emaiiiing uucluimod In tba Fostofficr, at Crfield, for tba week aadlng May 1st, I870i,. 4. . MflNallts, Patrick Smith, Love Hcgner, Mary Tbumpson, Frtd. 8. Whipple, Mr. WilsoB, Miss Dart b a Sew dvrrtUrmfttttf. Brown. Klliabttb A Campbell, V. J. fowling, John. ' Kuwltr. Chariot Halev. R. C. Knuken Paur Mountain, Hatnuel V P. A. OA U LIN, P.M. The ihilipHbuigtiurmfhaHchungvi bands, Mr. kJ. 11. Kllsworib, tba founder am p reseat oditor of the paper, retiring from tbecslab llsbmeat. lie baa laastd tho eluat to Mr. D. W. P, Murphy, who will continue the publication of tbt paper. Ellsworth waa n rigorous writer, aad ua der bia management Ibtouraat was highly pros perout. Our good wlshot ga with him la bit retirement. ' mi a aw The Ladies' Foreign Mission Society oi me uiearneia u. k. unureb, will bold a meet ing in the lecture room of tbt Church this (Wed nesday) afternoon, at S o'clock. Tha members generally arc requested to ba prtssot, and as In v It at I on la cittndod to tbt ladlta of tbt town wb dttlrt IS beMtpa members ta attend, ' Bprciala, PcoaiRX Fon Palu.R. Newton Shaw kaena full supply of Fredonia Ilo gg its and Platform Wagons for salt. To bo seen at tha Hhaw House yard, call an or add rata him at Clearfield Ptnn sylrania. may 18-tf. Faxxiaa'a Guidb Book to PaitanaLrnu awd tub Cbktbshiil Kxhibitiob. Price reduced to TFN rFNTR Haalha Map published, tJmmmmmmmmmmmmmm showing the location of 40 of the prominent plaota or interest oa tba Ureat Ctnunnial U rounds. A better book than any of tba ftO otnt tiaidee publlshtd. Rnclota price to John W. Frailer, 4J0 Walnut street. fbiiadeipbia, and get oopv by return mail. COMPIRINCR PaOCBRDIHUS. A COpT af tha aanaai mtawtaa or tha Central Pennsylva nia Coaferanoo, htld at Uarrlabnrg la Mar en. hat baaa nlacad ta cmr table by Rer. W. n. Dill. Tha report U fulf of Information relating to Matfatdtnai, and Ii daatdedlj Ua nrost Inttraatlng aad ralaabla of nay yet published. Tha cover is adorned with a baadeomt title, Illuminated, which it neat aad appropriate. Ia additioa to tha reg ular report of tha proceedings, It eon U las a vast amount af statistical ta format Ion relating to Methodism at borne and abroad, whioh eanaotfall to bo valuable for reference, tn tkoeompilatlgn of tbeta "facte and figures," the Secretary, Her. D S. Jioiroe, must bate derotad a great deal of labor and anrefnl rnteerch. Tba Canteaaial ser mon ef B. B. Hatalio, D. D., la girea ia foil, together with historical sketch el of aach dittrltt the eoofereaet, aoalribatad by the artaidiag aidert. In our next Issaa we will pabliak the history of tha Altoena distHot which embraces thlr countyat prepared for the conference by Iter. W. II. Dili of this place. - -.OB-'- Clcarfikld Coal Trade. State- men! of Coal aad ether freight tent over the Tyrone A Clear laid Divisioa, Pennsylvania Rail road, for the reck ending April If, 1870, and the tame time laat year i ' COlt. TOMB. For the week 17.461 Same time laat year 6,131 Increase Previously during year.... Same time laat year , IaoraateM.,.4.M.... Total In 1ST $ , Same time last ytar . 11,131 . 8tA,03 , Id 1,390 S6.T73 Increase w.. otnan rntitari. Lamber M..MM,M ...106 ears.. Miscellaneous freights n 9Y ' In another column to-day we pub lish the proclamation of Ooveraor II art ran ft, com itadlng la tbe people and authorities ef the vari ant eltiee, eon n tits and towns af tbla State tha recommendation of Congress tbat they atreuble cn iba coming Foarlh af July In their respective cities, counties aad towns, and have delivered historic! tketebea af their resptlve loealtiiee. If Clearfield It to profit by the ad v lot of (1 over nor Ilertrenft. would It aot bo wall enough to call a pablla meeting of the r ill sens and lake soma aetloa ia the premises P Jnat two months yet un til tba Fourth af July, and tat time at best Is short la which a historian eoald collate facta fur a local history , Let aa make n decided more In the mat ter and have a historian appointed at an early ay. Who tenoada the motloa 7 FlRR IN WlLLIAMSPORT. This ill- fated atty baa agate beta visited by Incendiaries. Onlaet Friday aigbt,eboet)Oe'clork, afire brake oat la Htrdle'e board-yard. About lea acres of ground wat burned aver before the flamtt were it ay ad, and from nine to ten million feet of lam- rare destroyed. Tba last wat aot ten than Hi, 000. Tba principal losers art llerdle A Mayaar4,$9.0OOiwaeradrar$13.6OO. RansUad A Flyna, $.16,000 j inrnred tor $JV,J0. Thomas Tuner, $IS,00 last red for $7,000. Hubbard A Ma a aey, $8,000 f lose red for $,0O9. L. HoIdo, af Rlrnim, N. V., $ fully aoverod by insar- i. There la also a leet af abaat $10,009 la aged railroad Iracha btloaglag ta the Cata- wlaaa Railroad aad tha lumbar-yard. A partially successful attempt was mada "tt ga through" tba llehet-ofliee at tba railroad station, In tbia borough, an Monday alght last. Aa entrants was gained ta ths room by n window la the rear af Iba building. The eaey -drawer was opened and all tba change la it, aaaeaaliag la about five dollars, wat takea. Aa effort waa mada la open tba aafe In Ike often, bat In tbia iba raseale warn not twaaessful. A email aolvartag-lroa, whit bad bee used aa n my, waa left la tba aflha. a t U. 8. Senator Wallace waa at borne few dayt at tbe begiaalag af lait week, ta aa- eeaat or tbt eerttac lllaaee at bis falba la law, Jadga cUaaw. Tha eaatar waa ompelltd la aartew back at Waeblagtaa, we baviag beta swera ia at a Jure la tba Belkaaa tmpeaahmeat tasa. waa very a ary for him ee bear the testl- mawy, aa tnara It at eheaea far pairing at dodg ing In aaaaa af this hied wbta a veto k tailed for. a awi It b cheaper In tbe lone run to good alaUalBg, evea al a high price t haw mate. batur ta gat it both good and at tba axtreeaary la priawa ebarged by W aaa ma her A Brown'e, Stb aad Market at reefs, PhlUaelpkU. A Fact Worth knotting;. Are you antTtring arith Consumption. Couabs. Harare Calda settled on the Breast, or any disease oi too i nroai end iiongs r Jiso.goloyoordrug glsis. C. D, Watson, or Hartswick A Irvin, and "get h bottle of Boacaaa'a OiaMAit KrniTp. Tbia medicine baa latelr I introduced from Orrmany, and Is telling ea itt own merits. The people are going wild ova Itt puree ss, and druggiata all over our country art writing us of its auras among their customers. If you wish to try Its superior virtue, get a Sample noma lor to cents. Large site bottle To cents nret aoset win relieve any ana. Try tt. apre,'70eowly HAVE OUTHIi;i H I Wa refer to that remarkable compound which almost every one bat tried, Dr. Morris' Hyrup of jar, niia aerry anu jioreoouna, ior uougna, Colds, BlooO-tpitting, weak lungs. Croup, Whoop ing Cough, Asthma, Uroaebltie, aad all dtseaaae ot toe iungs or throat. Probably no similar pre paration ever before ao quickly found ita way into iiublic favor as tbit. Itt salt ia oar community is aimaiy anormoae, 3 bote wbo nave been dit- appointed iny . other a-calltd remediea, are specially invited to to try ibis, lie sure to get tha geaulna Dr. Morris' Hyrup af Tar, Wild Cherry and liorehcand. Iftere art imitations la the market. Look oat for them. Regular sisea ou tenia and una uouar. i ante by U. U, Halaon and Uaruwiek A Irwia, Clearfield, Pa. iCDdtxeowty ... , WM. REED'S VOCAt J'iWf ,i 1 i:,'.i uii.'t? n. Reed baa jast retnraed fro at New Yerk and Philadelphia with a kandsaa stock of new Spring floods. i i-ee." New Carpets, (Ml Clotkt, etc f - . ; i in i . ,, , r . Dec. $, 1879-tf. " ' At thereeldtneeortbe bride's rather, an Wptinaa. day, April 8th, I ATA, by tbe Rev. R. C. Balrd. Mr. Joseph Stephenson, or Clearfield, Pa., and Jlatl Anna Reeaa, ot M tjesburg, Ceatr ooanty, Pa. Oa Wednesday, April I7tb. 1R7A. bv A. Rankin. Etq Mr. John Burgt, ef Clinton county, and Miss Ana Conawav. af Throe Runs. Cloa.rflald county, I'a. On Thursday, April 27th, 1870, hv the Rev Woa. M. Barebffld, Mr,' John F. Cleaver and Miss e. at. Lanieh, both of Clearfield county. On Thursday, April 7tb. 1876. bv the Rev Wm. M. Parchneld, Mr. iimeoa Cross, of Btoom- mgu-a, uitaiatiei eoaaty, sad Mist Xemena A. Mitchell, ot Lawrence township, Clearfield ooanty, At St. Francis' Chersb, In Clearfield, at 130 o'clock, on Tuesday morning, May 2d, l7S, by Rev. Father P. J. Pberidan, Mr. Chaa. D. Watson and Mra. W. 9. Make ay, both of Clearfield, Pa. TREASURER'S SALE UNSEATED LANDS IN Clearfield County, Pa for IBM and IHTA, Notice It hereby given, la bersoaoee of an Aot Assembly approved the lith day of Jane, A. . isea, anuuta, "An Act ta amena aa Aot at rooting tba mode of selling Unseated Lands In Clearfield county," and tba several supplements laortio, intra win oe exposed to sale or outcrv, on the SRCOND MONDAY, 12th day ef JUNK, A. D. 1876, tbe followlnr tracts or Diecee of aa- arattd lands in mid county, for tax at dua and anpaia, via i - Baecarla Towuahlp. Pr. rParraalee. Jul Al the realdenea of hit eon, Ift Bradford town ship, Clearfield county. Pa., on Sunday, April 30th, 8fo, Jonathan McDowell, agd 82 years, 8 mom os ana u oays. Altoona papers please eopy. nilroads. I'ennnylvanlallallroad TYRONS A CLEARFIELD BRANCH ON ood ott.r Mood.j, AHHIL If, ISTd, tb. PomMg.r Train, will ron daily (axevnt 6aB day.) b.twa.0 Tyron. and Oloarfl.ld, oo lollow. : CLIAKflKLD MAIL. . W. C. lawio, Condaolor. LKAVK BOUTIi. 'I.KAV8 NORTH. Carw.n.rlll..Hl:ft. p.m. Cl..rl.ld I.JO, Pkilip.Wr..... ..., OmooU 1.00. Tyrono ..d.10, Tyrano .....m S.4.,a.ii. OkwIo. ..,, l,hillp.l.Qr.,.IO.., Clnrtdd ..... 1 1 .110, ' Cor..o.Tillo..ll:i, " CLBARFIKLD IXI-KKSB. W. 8. PLfHMta, ConduMor. ' 1.KAVI Toviii'. T'BATfiTSOBTir Cnrw.ntrl)la,....ll i. CI.arD.ld Hi Philip.ban.. 30 " Oimola. 1.45 " IdImomIIodm 7.8. Tyro.... " Tfron. ..T.0& P.K lounoellon Oicoola . 10 rhilivlar ...til Clearll,ll,ar.... Curw.n.tlll,. ,.(C BALD IAOLE VALLEY BRANCH. Bip. Mall. Mall. Rip. p. a. H. p. m. a. f t, 9.3 rrar.Tyrona orrlr. A.M 1.00 7.1 t.ii Bald K.,1. . 1, 40 , 01 V M ' ' Joli.n - ' t.ll ll .s I I, 10.00 Mlkaharr, ' 4 47 11.14 10.10 B. Mi-foot. 4. It li.ii I., , ION Milr.borg 4 14 11.00 .! 10.44 ' H.wa.4 . lot 1.I0 Il.llarrlr. L. Ilar.a lean I J0 t.4l t TYK0NK STATION.! la.Twaa., A Paolt. Kiprou, - I I. Uarri.borg Aoa'B, 1:40 . a P M Mall Trail, 1 11 Atla.ll. Kipraao, 0:47 rbira da HxpraM, lOise wa.Twa.D. A It Plll.kor, Kip'ai, t:4l Bpr..., 1:11 P M Wa, PaiMngor, . 1:01, 0 41 Paat Llaa, I H rillLIIBULRI) A MODIIANNON UI1ANCI1K6 Oa and ifl.r Mrad.y, APRIL Itla. 1IT0. Ao- oomoiodallMi .Ill ro. ...r Ibo Pblllpa- m mmm uianoo., a. IOIIOW. I LEA VI SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. p. a. a. .. a. a. Stall... a. a. p. a. p. a. I: Morrlidalt, t:lt ltl 1:40 Ml Phlllpiborg, 1:00 11:11 4:11 1:44 Ml huia.r'., II II 4:11 1:01 7:44 lloabar, 114 4:11 1:01 10:01 t il Omola, 1 1 Oft . It 1:11 10:10 B-04 Moabaaaoo, 11:41 4-00 1:10 10:14 l it Kt.lllag, :l 1 11 1 11 H II 1:11 Hoaiadalo, 11:17 147 1:11 10:30 l:SI M.taal.y, 11:14 1.44 1:11 10:44 : K.adrlebr, 11:10 1:10 Oaoo ooouoUoh aiad. by all trajM at Tyroo. ood LmI U.r.a. yir-ir. S. t. BLAIR, KAHB FKOU CLKAKK1KLD, TO BoH.f..M, P...... M II Lob Mao.... t tO Wllliooa.Mft....M 100 Hoatttardo. 1 00 LowloUwa. MmM t 0 Mwrrrlllo-. M HAKRIBl'RO... TI Middlotom ..... 04 Mortwo.....,,... 00 LuOOOtMUM 0 II PHILADELPHIA 10 Allooaa I II Job.rl.wa. ...... ,00 PITTalHRO I II NOTICE TOJTAX-PAYERS. In aeeordanoe wltk an Atl af tha Oensral As- aembly ef tbla Oommoowealtb, approved the 2 ltd day of March. A. D. 1179 and the supplement ap proved the Id day af April, A.D. 1MI, "relating o tno eoiiaetitn or taxes in tae eoaaty or uiear field," notion It therefore hereby given la the tax payers residing In the districts below named, tbat tba County Ireaaarer, la eeeerdaaee with tha sec ond section af said Aot, will attend al the placet or Burning mt Borough aaa lowneniptieeuont on tho follow lag aamad days, far tba purpose of re ceiving tbe Couaty and State taxes assessed for at year ir-fa i i Pur Clearfield Borough and Lawreaos township, Thursday aad Friday. May 4th and &ih. Far Uoshta township, Saturday, May lib, from a io a o eiotBo For Ulrard towoahlp, Monday, May lib, from to 4 o'clock. Fur Kartbaut towathlp, Tuetday, May 9tk, from a ia a o clots. For Covlogtoa township, Wednesday, May 10th, from 9 to 4 a'clook. Fortlrabam township, Thursday, May 1 lib, from w to a o oi(.oa. Fits Morris toaashlp, Friday, May Iltb, IVoa 9 ta 4 o'clock. For Bradford towaahlp, Saturday, May 13th, from 9 to 4 o'clock. For Woodward lownikip, M on Jay, May lath, from io a o cioox. For lloutsdale boroogb, Monday, May loth, from v it a o'tioca. For Osceola borough, Tuesday, May Ifltb, fiom 9 io v a e ciocr. For Decatur township, Tuesday, May ISth, from vit v oioca. For Roggs township, Wednesday, May 17lb, froi 0 to 4 o'clock. For Wallaoeion borongh, Wodnetdav. Mar 17th . if " o m ii:iv m.. For Kaos towasblp, Tour. day, May 18th, from w i eiooa. ror rike township, Friday, May 19th, from 9 to 4 o'clock. For Ourweasvllle borongh, Saturday, May 20tb, row v so o cioob. For Ualoa township, Monday, May 12d, from 10 teSa'eletk. For Rumbargar, Tuetday, May 23d, from 7 to 12. rer i run i vine, luestiay, tfliiy, rnim 1 ta 0. For Luthersburg, Wednesday, 24th, from 9 ta 4. For Rlonm township, Thursday, Sath;from lOte 4. For Pean tow nab in. Frldav. 2Alh. from It to 4. Fur Unstoa lown'p, Saturday, 2 7 lb, from 19 to 4. Upon all taxes paid to tbt Treasurer there will be a reduction of five ner etat.. while five iter cent wiK be added after the first day ol July next , io an unpaid laxts, making a diBereaot oi TRrt per tent ta prompt tax payers. Parties can, from tbe first of May, pay their taiee at the Treasurer's oflloe. Tbe balance of tba districts will bo visited after June Court. Notku to MaarBAMTs A rare oiinortunttv will be given ta merchants to come forward at tbe time aad placet above net forth, aad lift tbelr Lioenoes for 1876. Treasurer's Office, ) D. M'OAUOIIEY, Clearfield, April S, "It. J Treasurer. w ANTED. BY N. E. ARNOLD, CrnWENSVILLE, PA., (Sooseator to) Arnold & H.irlshorn. J 00,000 se-lacb iaaoo4 Bbln(lc. J 0,000 prntnda af Wool. Partial harin. Ion. Bhlmln or Wool for olth- r) will do w.ll to oall aa mo. Tb. blgbMt aiav k.t prloo paid at all Han, Aim, fall aad ooaplolo .took of DRY GOODS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS . A SlIOIIN, GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, PROVISIONS, &c, wbifi. will bo laid ot roaaoaabla nriool. or oa ouong.. ror .aiDfiei or woot. n. E. AitnuLir. Cara.uirllla, May I, 17I. 101 no 174 100 l(l to 110 loo 10.1 mi 100 lot AV 401 1414 010 M7t 4M70 tool 08.H0 811 lot l5 toot Ar. -mi 4I Joba Capb.ll 11.11 A Brisk Juh. Vouibt Martha lluatar ,, Aodr.w P.UI. Job. Uarl.7 Blair MiLaaabaa... Wa. Hlloh.o. Jala.1 liuaoaa ,(l )arld Albay Hoborl Urab.ia.,,,,,. Joba MohulHo,,,.,,,,, Oooynlbaoi Ilrady Towaahlp, Pr, H'orrflalM. II 10 II II 71 40 I 10 17 II II 10 II II r it it 11 ii m it 10 SO 40 II fur, Wm. Klikralrlok...$ 41 O. If. Goodlandar... 100 00 Da-id Kooaadt., 101 10 I'oarad Long 01 00 B.ory Wyooff .70 10 40 ion loll 150 1411 10110 It Itt 170 01 Ittl not 004 001 171 tt II 11(1 Mt 471 H.I 701 110 111 lit 100 01 4 Joba llnalap.,,.,, 1 Hlivor J. W. Smith Cba.. II Prawott... t Poi , ll.orr.... t C.rp.r Btivor : ' wr lnrjr Fbao.r Robert! A lua.... Ill .970 100 111 ItO 120 A'o. A,. tool 101 1001 114 1604 i:ia to I 114 iu 414 llS S47 111 100 . 124 1110 Ac Pn. ltl to . 00 00 10 00 ' Robert! A Foi 1,411 M " " 4M 00 " " .... tot 18 1,111 30 71 XU .10 80 800 40 111 20 171 00 220 40 III 00 l,0M 40 117 00 I CLrlall.n Loan.... ' 64 40 i W.Bioltb 40 00 ilollopour A Ura- ' bak.r... HI 00 Hutluli A Full.r.... 4D0 00 ' I W St 00 ' Jam A. Oatb.n... 01 80 , Roturt Carry .. Ill 00 ll. A W. WlD.rt... tO 00 lluruado Towuahlp. Pr, '. rfarraatr.. ' Turn. '" Jobn Ml.bolioa....4 81 41 v. it 377 SS 30 ti .1. 41 81 IS 01 10 tbt 01 74 .10 tto oo Ac. Ill no loo 80 80 1S4 104 sit 10 mi 14 4IS M 174 100 140 so mi 80 S.10 to ito l:i4 ' t 131 41 431 Ao. 4180 toio 1704 ton 42H7. ton toil ton toll 4217 toil IVll 1VH4 i00 10117 till too. toio ton 1701 4280 IVOO toio 4281 428t Mil 1010 1011 till AV 1004 1810 1010 toil till 40 101 1 810 Ml 1 M 111 III Iti lit 17 Ae. 1000 too looo too 110 lot 100 111 101 to 007 1100 1000 til 800 031 440 lit 147 1000 too lot 101 110 400 71 M lit 2)1 401 John lfailor. Prod.rlrk II: J.r.0. MeM.rtrl Thoawi MurKalory Maf.ui Mlllor... J.oob Klu....... ........ Joba OibMn Robon Wllaoo Joba Kotlaod P.tar O.U Jmailab Moabar David BartoB J.oob Klog ., Jeranlah Mo.j.r Cooper A Ktogy Wra. A Jno. Uro.Bw.... Prodarieb Ilatot. Tbotoa. BllliBgtoa Joba B.aB.... Martla Kaots.,,,,. Prad Hubl.y Wm. Browa tr.ot..,.. Philip MyooDeop. Oihall Jamo. J. W.Braita Wn. Gray balaaoo.... Joba Millar Hell Towaaalp. ot I ot 21 10 II 98 11 08 17 74 tl 04 47 fS I 00 Si 80 20 It Hi to tl 04 81 8i tt 20 II 08 4t 02 41 44 t 10 ..... io io 17 tt tl to 11 74 I 12 SO tl 0 18 130 St Ftr. rVooro.M.. lloory Bosk... Ja.. D. Aolboay.. llaary Boob 3011 A.. II 4U 441 421 4 JO 100 111 10 111 427 417 100 404 411 III 10 4IT II 10 tl 84 IH III 11 to I IT 4 III 101 111 II III lit IS 14 411 III loot 100 - lot 01 to 111 00 ftr. Bin Ptr. M 84 10 fit. ...47i no 48t 10 (71 00 lit 00 41 00 71 87 " m . 71 00 ' " 41 14 ' 47 10 " SO II KiokllaA GriOHb... 140 40 " ... 100 10 " ' ... lot 10 ... 147 81 ... 140 00 " " ... 181 01 " " ... 117 " ... 71 00 tl toJ lit tl to 10 10 40 01 11 to lit 10 f to io to 110 37 111 it Nleklla A Qrllb... 177 IS Towaahlp. rPorrootr.. Tat, A Poi 12t 14 " II St Nleklla A OriUth... llonfy Book . Ni.kllo A Oriiith!!? Jlmry bMk . M. W. Rnydor Hoary Book.. 1. W. haltb MLblia A Uriflth... " "(Blglar) W. 8, Robort.,.,.M. H.brru A P.i....... ltl - ...... Jaoab Brorrr Did Itrl.MI...... Joba P. 1.I....,.. . A Poi A . L. Tooior Mllto. L. Itoff Towa.hla. 4 80 If 17 II 04 II 10 f 10 14 08 tl 18 tS 10 t SO 184 00 SO 00 II 00 tt 10 10 tl Joka Tboa...............t , la Wai. Mot'orkk........... tl II M.aoy Bo,g. ......,..... tl 44 . Molloa.14. ........ ....... 74 10 Jaba Bj.r. tl 10 Barbara K.yd.r It 18 Gua. llootuiu ...,.. St 18 II. ary Fraaoe..... ..., It 48 Joba MoalBoaiwy ,M... 14 44 41or,o 74 10 Wlliioai Tru.twia, ...... f4 10 Joka E.pbart....,.. IT II Blair MeLaoabaB 141 40 Jobm Bt.inb.iMr............ 74 10 Watooa A MiiaHa 4 II Jooopb Bill It II Joka K..a , ,4 4, Tboaia. Parb 10 Paa.0.1 RmO. .............. 14 JooopbDrlabor tl 10 " 14 to Oaaa Alborl , 04 BraAwrA Towaaklp. Wwi..toa. SVr. Aloa Dalla. .,. ,. II SS ' Pooaaaak Baaor H II 10 Harriot, By.rd A Bryaoa. It It ' Aodra. Byard.....,.....w. M 10 Joorpb Pa.... . T It Horatio L. ball.....-,.. 10 SO V. .Brt . tl 10 Joka Iliad Mil M.gk Ell....................... ,, II 100 100 2(1 431 to soo soo soo 43.1 48.1 ' 33 10 en S71 II 34 1.0 438 IS 100 140 00 I 430 800 141 431 33 If: 1801 4.173 3374 04 08 4.101) 1370 4410 4407 i.171 4404 IMI1 1801 1101 1307 3387 4377 10031 1807 J I8U.1 1807 149 Joka Millar Mohan Whitman... Ca.por fboffor, Jr. D.riiol Whilom... Joba Hubl.y Mary Koborta. . JohBTr.oalr Cpor HbotTrr 104 88 J. Willlamio. I:ll 10 Mary Crawford...,,. S08 08 Uooird llollii...... SO 14 - Cheat Townehln. ' tfomralr., WHIUm Baa.maa..M Joba Boyd ,...H.i Jo.iab ll.yooj. Tboma. Ilamiltoo... Cbarla. Goblia Roborl Kltoilng...... Iraao RIch.rdioB Halkar gnu 3ifliffrtlsrrartttj. Ao. Per. 10. ISI Ao. I (IKS 1100 1100 1100 1041 1100 1100 1000 183 S2i 200 140 S8.1 S40 804 1100 440 SOO 100 JobB Cok . J.apor Koiog... William Cook ... MoOord traot Jowtib Pipw Goorg. P.g......... ...... ll.nry P.g. H. Mobl. M.h.ttry A Milcb.ll M.thlaa llougb .. Millar A CbriM. Jciho Br.oa.BiaB Joiopk MrMorray .......... Baaiar Mill. Co....... Halting Ground ford A Sbiokla Kwlog Robort Rom. Joho ConDiDgbaoa John Mnfaor Uoonh Cfeoiitiftoa Towa.hlp. Wurm.fua, ' Ooorgo Uead Morrll o1 Bt.warl Ooorg, Moad Ao. I0A 20 404 400 II 10 404 84 S41 StO to 00 140 400 1110 100 ti 101 ltl .114 140 Hi lot 47 ti ii A.. 431 74 tt 100 its Si 140 tt 433 to tt ti 100 100 40 to to JV.. 4304 4.104 1301 6.170 4371 if 10 tits 1344 6.1111 4:114 1340 4371 I7i 4301 l.ltlt 1014 I mo 3847 1(30 tilt iaoi lrlHO I3tt 4:151 4141 4.178 IVlt I VII 1020 IV30 1010 1027 via I8H7 1X301 3048 I 1881 I8HS IVlt 8011 IVlt 1880 IVII 1031 IV8t IV37 No. 4.111 4SIT 4311 4811 4170 4.1KI 4311 4311 138 1 433S 1311 llll 1011 IVII 1814 1804 18S4 4311 4317 4310 4.1.10 Vlt frr lit 114 Morrl. A Stewart at Traaifamd for J. Rid.r. Decatur Towaahlp. rVorTaafr.. Jo., Hamilton Tkomoa P. Capo... Cbatl.. Rubn... Robort R.ra!y l'.tflok Moor. Tboma. oVwaruiva... Aaa MclBahaB Jowph Whitab.ll.. William E.aa Joa. Matlaok Robort ll.ltriogw... Joho Drlnk.r Tbomaj EiaiBBdMa Bamaol llamlltoa.. C.n.r ...... Wilii.m Hoover Dar Id Stewart Ca.por llalaeo............ Voo,bl....., John H.rriM. Klliaheth HarriMO B. Plotob.r. Jameo UarriMB......... b. W. Mot'ardy . ..ill II .. II II ... 47 10 .. 147 SS tl tl .. 131 00 .. 1.10 00 .. 1.11 00 .. 40 SO 40 10 .. 80 44 .. is ta .. so 00 . II 04 . 74 40 .. It 08 01 00 .. 181 23 .. tl 14 .. A 10 .. 40 23 ,. 17 00 .. lit .. 1 01 .. 47 14 ,. 40 80 .. tl t" . VI SO . SO 4 . I IB rt I 81 1)0 , 410 00 , Hi 00 . 4V1 10 , 113 00 . 41 10 , 4i 10 , III 00 , HO 10 , it 40 143 10 I It . 121 00 40 10 907 tO 1,4.14 00 S 10 IS III 20 io fo I ... 74 40 .. It 0,1 ... I.'.0 00 ItO 00 .. tl 10 .. It 10 .. S8.1 13 .. ta m .. 10a 48 .. 174 to .. Ii 10 .. as it .. 118 00 ., S24 04 .. in SI .. ill 00 ,. II 10 70 to ,. Ii 41 . S20 74 lOi 00 80 73 .. 130 M .. 30 14 1 18 .. I 11 I 18 I 00 I OS 411 III tat sio 311 431 488 840 130 48 .140 134 ita 0 804 no 08 110 no 1.11 181 108 40 110 811 101 180 100 So. 3175 :n8 Mill loot 10X0 1VVI 4001 1071 4074 4071 tool 1007 4071 4871 4231 4221 4.IV0 tl64 4221 4218 43VI 4001 408.1 4V0! 1071 t77 4071 4071 42:li 4221 4121 4230 40t too, 4231 4134 40VO 1871 8071 1077 S4BO 1001 2001 t7S 340S IV8I 1408 1001 8800 1471 3470 Siv4 1807 S4VT 3484 I48S 8804 4001 4IVS Itt Ao. vol 10 20 11120 Mil 408 401 :oo 171 1041 1041 1041 100 071 U'4I 947 4V0 t40 870 III 171 101 140 ' 400 110 two 210 100 i4f I4T 11141 400 080 IvO lot 4117 1110 111 ' 031 t:o en S4f too too 148 1010 1IIBV 847 0110 421 1030 437 898 t3S 001 1010 eat HA ' 1020 1020 8V8 tot 27 200 . tot vl SO Ciallch Towuahlp. IPorrwalM. Ckrlitloa Burke.......... Mettkta. Vouog.......... Cbrl.tlaa llag.r flMirgo Maeaaramltb ThoiuM Y.dl.r.. Ilaai.l Oflley George Baker... Timothy Peato..... Job. Burg. Kman.l Hug.rt... William Orar Qeergo Moore. ......, M t (t Mj Pblllp fllouolnger Joh. MoCahon M Goorgo Baker Joba MoCabau Lamp Blaok ,. IloBjanila Witioa Johq Wbltuier Plgot flb.w Kdward Hand George Moore ,...... fleojaioio W ll.oo Plgot Bbaw Tbomaa MoataguoM... baaiel Moatur oitute Riobard AtbertoB... Iluotoli T.wnahtp. Per.' H'orroN'ofc Il. bo.t. A Pot... 0 " ... OO . J 120 ' . ... J. 1. Kidder . Mooro A Delaooy. TBI. II .... Ill 80 414 I, ... 1:17 10 ..... 141 81 ..... 231 II 181 07 ... 471 It .... 474 1, .... 8tH 40 ..... 141 74 tl It ill tt IVt II ,. . Ml II .... 140 II Ill 03 .... sat 41 .... lot s ... 131 14 .... It 01 .... 104 SI .... 10 12 .... 90 Ot .... 14 04 ... 114 SS 4 81 .m. II So ... tl 07 .... 41 48 Tai. 11,377 20 1,481 41 I.4I1S 43 1,601 47 484 80 ill Ml I 40 1 SI i til 01 I, HI 09 47T 80 let ao 9rw &av.rtU(ttfti. t 380 v 181 I III M.tlklai Blough. ......... lUary l)r!ik.r Joeaph Hubl.y Joa, Potior Praaoi. Jobnetoa........ . Jeoek Orar. 14 78 t 41 M 10 It i tl II I 14 II OS ', ' ' 'ena. Towa.hlp. No. AO. Por. WABBAITBe. 4 Tai. 1011 111 . . Mobile A Orlth...-4l4 10 iVil 1019 - 1 .. " " , ,. 4,l o tHO Iti . " 141 10 4V61 aOt , . .... J6, M toto 111 .,., , ... I, 10 4031 III , . .,!-. 1 tO WA SOO , .... M 00 tvsi MS ,h isa in tVSI 140 . 1 M N 1 n, j,, iv.17 to . " ii on 1083 tl ... I ,11 till 101 I , . is, ar 100 Joirpb Boon 40 or .. . " " M I" 101 - SO 00 100 " . 41 00 Mil . M ". , 1 " 31 001 ftfui 3Hlvtrtlsrmriit. M ILIi NOTICE. Aay party karlat' logo to la al Look Haeaa aao kavo tbom manuraoturad at Iba lowest rat. and la tbe but manner by oolllog al tbe Haw Mm at luwoa, euaw i.0., Ttftior tr..t, l.ooh i.T.n, ra. , BUAW, Look Har.o, An rU So 1871 la. c OMK AND HKTTLE, llarln. toko. as. broth.. Into na.ta.r.hln. 1 de.lro Io bare my old aooooat. eloied. I tboro lore giro nolloe to .11 who kaow Ikonoolre. la d.b l.d to m. to oom. forword rooa and Mill, op, u. in., w. oaa tana a bow ClearOold, Joly 14. '14-tf. P. M. CAE DOM.' 0 RP1IANS' COLtBT BALK William Powni... " " .... l,i' oo Heading, nichor. eo 1,074 17 ' 01 13 Jam,! Wilaon. William roorrl....: R. HUiKM.... ...... WilMia.. William Power..... Wood'rd A Pmncy. it M Moore A Delaooy... SI 01 SO 111 100 00 s 31 ill 18 1,000 10 SI8 20 28 II iro eo 41 VI 281 88 478 10 121 74 .41 40 0.1 I 80 404 S3 ill 13 " " .. 1,401 t.1 Robert! A Fog 01 10 Jama. WII..B...... 044 11 " i " ....... 1,116 I " " ....... 1,381 18 " ' " 728 70 William Powm.... 444 01 171 tl 438 00 sol as SM 00 no oo 171410 430 00 1,127 21 487 04 1,100 00 1.18 Oi 1,031 00 ..... 401 Ol ...... 1,402 41 ..... 200 SK bal.. 401 08 " . 140 88 .... 1,901 04 ..... 1,401 4.1 OKI 11 , 1,178 1.1 .... 1,401 M 1,402 88 1,448 48 1.11 88 031 12 tl tl 114 SS J.m.i Wile.B., Moor. A D.l.a.y.. IS Rubor!. A Poi..... Ha. 1781 4771 4171 1774 i771 tltt 1717 li7f 4V2I iVIl 1711 4710 4771 477t (770 Aa. .141 . Ill , ill 83 120 124 100 410 . l0 101 174 440 , 101 VI lot Pike Towa.lilp. Por. WABAiXTBB. Jokn Nlekolaoa.. 84 . 04 JamM Wilaaa., Job. MrkulMin...... Nioklio A UrlStk'.'.." 1 ...l.a Nkbolaoa...... J.m. T. Leooord 'H 'I 'i', ' Phie TowaUUp, , j no. ao. ror. WAna.NTBl. Moor. A D.l.a.y. itoocrt. m roi 11 101 It 111 AW. 14 Ar. 1001 740 lluO 041 18I 1100 1041 1110 1 1000 1100 1100 1IO0 1081 1100 looa 941 144 10 100 41 101 120 tVI 1100 1100 1100 31 149 SO 134 921 41 ' 460 887 104 : tat 441 1M 118 100 no 06 111 411 430 110 Ar. 61 104, low I iDO 1100 1008 1100 1100 1100 1 100 100 loo to 40 100 Albert Oweo. . J. I). Draniog A. V. Uoyt kVerruBoa Town.hlp. H'ami.rr.. Tat. 3org. Ron... lll 80 Lowi.Jorda. 31 07 Abram Ogileo 31 VI John ll.mbrigbl 47 90 J. H. far Tu io. 47 10 Job. Blio.t...... I 17 Daniel Pnnk S3 II Joba Oral 10 tt Benjamin G ihbi 477 10 E. A lrrle I 40 Cbarl.oL.wi. 140 P. Plynn from Goo. 8lraw.... 31 18 Prom W. Bell 04 80 From Grin Uell V4 00 Werre. Boll 39 9 J. M. Rou from Wm. D.rla. I 41 Kirk', eat.!. SI 7V clr.rd Townohlp, Ptr,' WarrmntM. tiMrg. Mead... llll 1100 llll 1100 1100 411 171 1001 tl 1884 1 III IVI4) ltl vza HM 031 bat 881 i3 Oil 1931 119 021 ttl SO. 114 HO 110 0 US IS Tat. .1.140 00 , 8i 00 " 140 00 ' " ........... 140 00 " " .......... 170 00 " " fit 00 " " .' 840 00 " " .......... tit 00 ' " ........... 37 40 " " 748 00 " " 87 40 " ' 114 00 " 174 00 " ' . 408 00 " " 401 00 111! Morrl. A Bt.wan.... 11 00 100 - .... ICS 00 " ' .... I to " " .... 68 00 Gaorg. Mead 1 10 " " ....... . 94 00 Morrll A Stewart... 4 18 Gaorgo )lead,..... 804 SO ' " 1,3.11 20 ' " .1,234 20 " " .1,234 30 Morrl i 814 wart bal 9 43 . " .. " .... If 00 si- " f 14 " ., . .... 31 03 si . " , .... ta so ' " " .... io so " .... oi so , , , .... II 80 " " .... 21 40 " " .... 108 01 " " .... II 00 " .. 08 00 " .... S3 80 " " ... 17 04 " I 40 " . " .... 31 80 " " .... 44 0 " " ..... 44 30 " ' M .... I 40 Tax .1101 40 . 40 04 . 41 41 . 101 04 . ,101 44 . I4f 14 . S2I 63 . 823 tS . 41 40 . 109 40 . 949 00 14 ii . 10 18 . t 48 . 1ST 00 1 40 131 tl l,IVO 00 . 063 or, ...1,441 00 .1,418 48 .. Ill OO . ft 44 . 14 it . 17 24 It 94 Ao. 43.1 SOS 40 2H0 300 110 124 ill No. 4411 1411 0408 4414 i4lii 1400 1411 1410 1001 loot Ittl 1044 P.r. 169 Ao. f4f 1043 1100 1100 lot 1100 1100 l 110 to 144 00 lit 171 too tl t4 too IS 200 187 14.1 200 27 43 00 3110 to 341 William Powan.... Jamoi Wilroa..... Job. D.nlan DuBoia A Soa Hoynold. aab. dir. J. Niobli. et.yn.lda auk, Air. J.Miokli R.ynoldi rub. dir. J.Nioklia - Roynoldo aob. dir. J. Kioklla Reynold, inb. dir. J.NIoklln B.yBolil. Mb. dir. J. Nieklla William Powrri.... Jordan lownehlp. Warrmattt. Thomaa Martin.. Robert Marti. William Jobaatoa....... Daniel Bmitk..... Riobard I'oter. P. A A. Plrnn Rlrbaid F.u-n. ......... Philip Font......M.,... fcUHhAuo Towuihlp. P.r. WorroarM, (leorg Mead... 31 70 1 SV St 81 3.17 11 Tai. ..1291 00 ,. 04 13 .. 7 08 .. 10 14 .. 141 44 .. 81 14 .. II 10 ... 11 is 4264 4241 4201 1871 4lti 4070 4114 4203 4167 4241 41V0 41V 4200 4260 4260 4203 loot 4160 4248 4781 No. 900S 1400 ivat IVVl IVOO loot loot 100 160 20O8 3687 3801 8480 S'iOi 1481 9697 9481 4141 426S Ao. 441 439 ' 100 ' 4SS : 27 83 VI 1041 88, . 1071 VI , wo 891 184 4Vi IVt ovo 2VI ovo am 41 171 100 It , Aa. 000 ooo 910 .. 389 149 409 178 1VS 810 196 .171 lost 1010 1020 71 061 iti 84 47 Taa ..4171 to ... 14 30 ... S3 40 ... 161 80 ... Ill 88 II to 30 14 114 00 47 88 47 IM 18 40 20 14 41 40 4 OH r is T.. 31 Jama. Wil.ea 41,320 IS 111 ....... Ill OS ' " ...... Il IS 11- Moor. A Dalaa.y... 711 19 Jamoi Wilaon w 400 it 10 Moore A Deleooy... 1,104 II Jamoe Wil.oa.. aot 31 It It Ruboria A Fob..... Jamoi Wllaoa ,-. ' " 41 JohnNloholaoa!.' Ualoa Towa.hla. rer. ltl II 187 364 18 . SO 34 11 to II to 43 OO . It 0 41 00 41 W 1 71 31 10 I to Si 31 la pirftnaaee af a. order of tbo' Court of Claarlold oooaly, Pa., tha anderolgaed, Admiol.lralor af tbe a.1.10 of Andrew Moore, lale of Poa. towaobip, dee'd, will oipoaa U poblte nl, la tbe borough of Lumber City, at Ike pub lic kouao of J. P. Guppy, oa . I Thuraday, Mar M, 1H70. at I o'elook p. m., all that aarula Iraet of land, late tba aalata of .aid dmeeaod, llluaia la aald borough, bounded and daaorlbed aa follow., ri. : Oa Ilia wait by land of Job. P. llll., aorlk by l.oda of Grlrr Boll and aoerge Pwoimore, oeit by land, of Hi. Robort Young ut.l. and J.ruo. Cuppl.i, .ad .oulh by ot W land! lata of aald dto d. land, of tho John Frrguron oriole, tl Mnl.ining i b iut I It .nr-i iar. or l.ii. Tbo iir,iovdm.nri onoripr i f a olo mu4 a-b.ll atury Iron., nw.l'ir, b-i, llvlil f .i. rrllb Ill-bra all i. boil. l..g luro. ami i ll" uul'milil Ingo. Ab ol 7 rr. ,.f I l.r I.-i.I It i-loa nl aur- nnurr out-frail o Taa.a or fxla-Ote-ILird 'll.r runb.i monoy .t eoKErmatloa of ralr. on. third In onr Iroio date of Ml., mil tb. bal.oeo .1 Ib. ol Hannah Moore, widow ol Samuel Moore, late of laid townibio. daa'd. tha laltor two bav- manta with Inlareit, to bo en-und by bond and oioriaag. on tae property. WAI. T. HO" KB, 5fUinitaufoiii. JDarriCSaW Al COHITABLEII' KgrU . PriBtod a large Bomber e la. aow PKB BILL, and will oa tbe reeelpl ef twealy. aoota. mail o, io ... idrooo. mrM STBAM SAW MILL. ENGINE AMU BUILERM POR IALI. era for lata oa raaionablo too, ClMrt.ld U.. I'.. Tb. ..(I., and hollar, re a. good a. .ew. Tbo .la, .f u, M,, u 14.24, and I. In good runaiag ordar. Tkry wlU atao aall their ohlngla and I. lb mill, and ail the woiklag meehlaery la Ibo mill, p.nlea alikioa to purehao. ui .all oa or addrooa r, , . GHAHAM. WALLA0C A CO. Cl.arlald, P. , Jobo 10, .1874. JJOOT AND SHOE MAKING. JOSEPH II. DEKkINO U..O.. . .. Shaw'. Row. Claariald. P... ... j lae lol of Freoob Calf Ikiaa aad Klpi,lk. bait la Ike market, aad 1. now prepared tomaa. afaoMra orerytblng la bi. II... ii, .III real kit work to ka a. rapraaaBUd. Alao. all klndaof Luiik. J Bk. vi.ji for-ala. Tho eltlieat of Clearlald aad vlelally art raiptetfully inrlud to giro klm a aall. nora ooo. al abort ByHloo. 7:18'73y Lumbar City, e tt, '71 4L Adm'r. 0 RPIIANS' COURT SALE.- WABBAarrea. Roboru A Poi.. . .... 101 William Smith.. Myera A Fiiber John Olllll.od.'.'.r.'" Hugh MrGoolglo Kmorlok A Holder.... Claudia. Bermoy..... Kd. MeGerrey WlUlard William V Koatiog... A I'olHr Joka MeGerrry M Tai. 1121 II 231 13 270 02 , ....... 201 10 ....... 14 42 ........ Ill II ........ 161 41 40 tO It 00 I 70 44 40 I 08 II II .11 00 21 00 t 12 I 10 IV 11 1 11 7 40 41 78 90 12 24 42 1 11 t SS ii to ll li 4 07 i SI Tai. J.Wlllfon Rouck Cherlea Conoway..... : Praaoia MeOoy heire. Jonn Giililand William V. Keating. Ill C. Williak, bal... Knot Townahlp. P.r. rl'arroafn. 113 Joa. Wllliard............... I II S3 ltl Bobart Gray..........., lit 11 41 Joba Ilriakhur.L.,.,...,.. 01 71 169 S.rah Ward- 1 17 II 113 Gaurgo Kddy. 117 II 141 M. Whartoa 117 II 11.1 OeergeA.htoB 47 48 169 Beajamln PoBllaey 17 14 148 Ior..lMorrta 304 37 111 M.rtia Pieroo..... Ill 00 US Iiabolla Jord.a....... . lit 91 Joba I'ierc. tl t.l Adam Rode 09 03 George A Mary MoConniok... 970 0a Suaanoak Ward IS 10 lit William Hooter 109 93 141. Joba Deray It 93 Naney HobiBaoB 3 if Owea Talk .,i tl 01 Larvitmce Towuahlp. Par. Worraalr.. George Moad.. fioohea Towaahlp, 'or. K-'orro.roe. Ooorg. Moad Morrl. A Itowart, M Willi. Mom....' M M . Ooorgo ...... Morrl. A Suwort. ft allllngb.m A G.r- riooo CowrtBoy Keoaor ...... C. H. Wood Morrl. A htowort... ( bail.. P. Robert... II. ar, J. Mnd...... Owa.r Uobaowa.... 11 .1 ;rabaai Towaabla. rrorrwwroo. Aa. 901 JarporMayla.d...., Tbomae r. vope.,.....,, Job. Hi rroo Ooorg. Moore........ Cborloe 11.11. F. Ooae....... . Joho P. WoBTor...... HiMiror Harrle A Ca lot 141 101 I 141 100 981 14 II I 00 40 04 14 00 tl 48 SI tl Si 08 N T.l. ,.ir.s 40 ,. SI so . II 10 . It 00 . If SO . II 34 .. II to .. 171 AO Ne. At. 12W 1100 4800 1100 4301 1100 4301 1100 6.I0S 1100 4304 1100 1304 1IC0 1801 1101 1307 1100 1301 1100 1300 1100 1310 1100 4311 1100 42V1 1100 42V4 1100 42VI 1101 42V8 1100 6209 874 6280 130 IVV6 89 77 III 113 fit 2001 1020 40 17 21 413 710 42VO not 42Vf llll 43V0 481 6201 1101 1101 f4 I VOt S4I 1011 87 I IVII Oat Lot Aa. Por. 401 SOO 927 37S 421 441 440 III 411 300 483 49.1 439 to III 210 969 4.13 419 439 433 49.1 431 431 431 4.11 Ml 439 IVI 74 407 144 0 171 401 1 III! 117 231 I I 117 400 I) 414 RoborU A Poi George P. Q.lieh. Hugh Jordm. Joho Red 114 Rudolph LIU....... CO Robort! A Poi.... Job. B. G.rriioa. I.aao Grom......... Isaefl Conklt. Gaorg. Mead Kill. Irwia A Soa.,., Lotk.ran Ch.rek. IloBrvMoad tl. Shirk Morrla Townahlp. TranRAarao. Ooorg. William Wen. Worn Danlrl Lourk Jomo Yarnoll Jamaa Turnor Goorgo flaheeker Peter Yarned Clem Slioker John Vaughn Jonalhen Nrlhlt Blair MoL.agbliB Jacob Graf Jacob Ural .. Thomaa Morrla... ,. William Merrl. Remeal Marodltk Wilii.m Klll.r.....,., Ilettie Morrll Tboma. Fili.immoBf... George Clymer Robert Orej. ....,.. Palrlrh Moon Mart Morrla u Maagao Millar , Kelbtl Pro.ry W illiam Stewart .1 ,, Riobard R. Smll'b"."'. Jamee Smith. ,...., Polilok liaye Robert Ul.nn John Hallo. PrBnoie Job.itoa.... David Oererag Walter A Stewart Chriet Il.k.r ilfWMm Grata....... Coarad Hoarti. .,.. John Grag tl. RoaelaBower....,., FrMlKHk H.eloy... M.ltkla. Sloogk...... Bokort Cnoa N, Bwdonowor Tai .3181 00 ... ma ia ... tno to ...1,121 00 ,.. 109 90 ,.. Ill 10 ... lit 10 ... 121 40 ... 9! 70 .... Ill 10 0i 10 . 180 10 ... Ill 10 ... IHO 10 ...1,112 ..1,141 SO ..1,861 SO ,. 1V0 14 .. 88 08 .. 98 71 9, 37 II 44 .. II 41 .. 1 10 ,. 104 04 .. i 10 ... It ... I 01 .. 171 20 ,. Ill 8.1 . 121 42 .. 121 44 180 10 II 11 Si 70 i 10 t 10 It tt .... f 10 Tai 1691 .10 .... 181 40 131 13 4V1 43 .... 1X0 40 103 30 ,.. 101 96 ... 161 00 .... 18t t Ill 00 IVt 03 IVI 03 ... . IVI 0.1 I 01 .... It 4.1 .... 61 18 .... 133 40 100 SI .... 100 SI ... 10 SI- ..... 180 21 .... K0 si ... 100 21 180 SI ....... mt si ....... 180 SI ....... 104 tl ....... 100 si IS4 00 81 41 M 00 ....... 41 SO 90 00 ....... 133 10 tot 40 I 00 ....... II 10 ...... St 10 ...... 90 )! 14 71 14 01 ..... 4 17 . 41 47 ...... 141 01 ...... 1113 ....... in 8t 0 mo :ito 40s 80, 911 100 194 111 431 49 IK III 118 184 100 10 100 431 41.1 431 100 181 I0 148 .1f 161 11 ts 444 100 100 487 4.11 100 147 SI Sit 141 37 413 420 140 191 70 31 It 90 I 140 t I it Jamaa Wllroo.... li . 1 . "j Woodward Towa.hlp. P.r, WABBANTIB. 16, Jooathaa Wall! 16) John Rail -.. William Wllm laaae Wbeeler Kli Bontmau Mary Nlel , , Benjamin Jobnrtoa HugertT Matthiaa Bartoa Bal. Hagerty traot John MeCahaa Rolaod Bvan. ., Pigol Sbaw Sehaittaa Oral Thomaa Bilmundeoa..., Jamoi Archbiidgo.,... ..... John Maoror Jr.... &11 iiovtm.B , Cheney Rlotette , 1 Joo. Clorb , John MrClollaod George Hootmaa Barbara Snyder , 10S Philip Ponit 161 J.oob H. Howell 163 WillUm Jahnito. 03 George Broehham Samoel Eeill. - Hunry Shaffer Charloo Right...... Daniel Tamer Job. Low laaa. Ooae Roload Bran....;..., Joba Harriene Joseph Cl.rk Beaj.mta Jok.etoo. Roaben llaloee Lake Morrl. George ArbtoB tt E.J.Prooer.. Sulaeneh Ward.,... 14S Job. Tought..., William Parker...... Charloe Lewder..... Job. Can Tax 1,976 00 1,110 00 101 17 800 00 140 01 Soo 17 100 10 12s to 618 IS 178 IS 833 tO 066 17 1,171 00 137 10 tt 71 349 71 41 97 IS to 331 17 141 48 71 111 Henry Drinker............ William Drlaker .,.,..... Mary Sandwiok........., Mary Neil William Lutaara...... Jamaa Al.iaodor J. B. Wallar................ US IS A. V. naney ..., n gb Ralitoft William Wirier...... Tai 1041 49 ...... 381 08 It 40 100 U It 48 ..... 471 40 ..... 181 40 781 11 ..... Ill 10 ...t,08l 00 044 M .... 41 10 ... 101 00 114 10 .... 137 tl ... 134 01 ...1 III 00 40 04 .... ft 00 14 91 18 .... S3 SB ... 99 38 04 00 It .... V'lO (4 .... SOI 00 ... 11 01 .... II 30 ... Sol 44 .... 107 08 .... 124 10 .... lot 00 It 00 ... 177 10 41 OO ... M8 00 .... 181 48 .... 170 01 .... 30 80 ... Ml 76 M 10 .... 114 08 .... II 30 -. tsj 141 II .. ll tl 340 44 18 la 141 10 St IS I 6t Io iioriaanee of a. ardor af Iba Ornh...' Court of Cieartold oooaty, tbo o.denigoed, imaiu. iu ibo manor OI ID. O.I. Ol ID. IH atal. of H'lllian Eereleroad, late of Hell Iowa- ibip, doo'd, will eiaoe. to D.biio aai.. oa tha prowl... ib oa,ia lOWOODip, OB Thuraday, Jane I, 1M70, at 3 o'elook p. ro , all tbat oorlela Iraet or land, lata tbe Wtato of laid deo'd. ailnate ! amid low.. bip. and daaoribed aa followa 1 Bogioning at a mania, oorser of other land, late of ai'd - ik.. by lame north It dogreei Mat 111 parobei Io a puoi 1 loenoo aim oy aama eoota oh, d.greea eaat 31 perebn to a maple 1 tb.ooe aortb li dogreeo eaat 140 perebe. u a birch tkanoa aoutb 88, dogreeo eaat 18 peroboe to .poet 1 tkeooo by trart. "oo- .on .no ovio eoarn 1, aogreee woot 180 perobo. to a poet ; tbonoe north t dogro.. wmi V poroko. to place of begiBBiog, eontalotng mo hundred and tweoty.oee aorea and tfty-oigbl ami loar-tantk perekeo more or le, and kaowa aa Purport So. t la tat partition ot deoodoBt'i real eotata'. About tweaty aero, are rleared. AIM, about three aad a balf rafte or good pine, and ... Buouroo iDouaana ion 01 gooa B.mioel tlm. bor. Tbe property wiU be oolj al a whole, or la two Iota, to onit purohaeen. v - Taaa. or 6.1.10-OBo.tblril' of Ao purohaae money oaik oa oonlrmatlon of (ale, one. third in on. year from dale of aale, and tba balance In two yran from data of mlo, Ike latter two pay. menta with iotrroit to bo 'awrared by Judgment ... hi vn iuo U. L. HENDERSON, April 28,'t-4t Truiuo, Ao. 1870. WHERE AOW? 1876. Tt M!CMIOAN. ana af the fnr-er.,..! an.r..k. uj, Aeaiiny ria-es 1 WHAT FOR? To lu) a PA KM out af Ike One Million Avrrn or loo farmllip; l.udi f. ail. by the GRAND RAPIDS A INDIANA K. R. Strong Solll. Rrady Marketa. Sure Crop.. Ouod Sckoola. K. R. run. through oeatre of groat. Settlement, all along. All kind. oT Product, raiaad. Plenty al water, timber aad kulbiiog maieriaJ. Prioa from It to llll far aorej ene uiurtb dowa, balanoo oa time. aT-Bead for illuitreted poaipklet, rail or faaU and Igarca, aad ba eoavlneed. Addma W. A.HOWARD, CommV. Onw. nuulUo, Aflob. P. R. L. PIERCE, gee'y I,d DepX H. A. K11ATZER, (l.ooaaaoa ro) KRATZER& LYTLE, ' DIAL. IB DRY GOODS, K0TI0N8, BOOM, SHOES, ' ' ' LEATHER, CARPETS, OILCLOTHS,' . WALL PAPER, . . " WINDOW SHADES, ETC. Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. Feb. It, lllt-tr JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IB . FURNITURE, MATTItElSSES, AND Improved Spring Beds, MAREET STREET, NEAR P. 0. The BBderolgned beg. lean to Inform tka alU. MB. of Clearlald, and tka puHIo goaerally, tkat bo boa oa kaod a Ine aoaortmcBt of Puroltare, aaek a. W.ln.t, Chaetnal aad Painted Chamber (EFFEXTLICll AtFCEBOT. An f nnl, iHfit, 1st 1m' Ilorplui in Reaaga, Oeorgia, in dan Varelnlgten Biaatea von Nord America, der Zimmtrmana Carl FriidrUk kocd, mit iiiaUrtaaaang von Vermo'gen verator btn. Deraolbe war am 29 April, 1SJ5, Ib Zeitx geborea and toll, oaob elaer aaverbaergtea Nauh rioht cine Witwe nnd einen So bo biourlauta babea. Fuer dea Fall, dast Koch nnverheirathet varttorbea 1st. haben tich seine rollboartlt-Mi Oeechwister als seine asMhsten geetal!tben Erben aoaauwelten, nwmlleh i A., tier Kaoftaano Carl raruinana hoed. JJ Sie verwittwete Free Frieda Helta Louise IConbardL eoborant Km. C. dit Fran A ma! it Tbaemmler, gaborene Koch. O. der Kaufman Frana Sdwcrd Kocb and B. der Kaafmsna Frans A1W1 Koeh. Zur KrgrcBtung Aufrobot foer rrforderllob araoktet wordot I ?' ""i i1. "? .0"tt' Ob.lra, tba P.,. Ko werdoa daher alia diejenigea welebe etwa owner, oner gi.'oa aafta Arbanopraeeba a. dan neebleee lenoe Carl Prlodrick Koek ia kabea verm.ineo.biedarok aofgeforrl.rt ikre Aninroeehe bi. epnleaUnl .. dam auf don 10 Jely, 1870 . u,u,,K.BB ,1 i,orim Bieaigaa uerooaugobmado Zimmer No. 10 aoberaumtea Termine oei ani inaumaldea widrigonfalU neck Ableof ... lormioi die der ErbbeeohelBlguog foer die oben goaanntea Gaochwiiter kvoca erfolgoa wird. KnnoLica PaacriiiirBi. Kaan-floBirar, IL Abtbeiluag. Zelta, am 7 ton Januar, 187S. Carl Frederick Koek, or (lion Hop.. Pa., or bi. relativoo are beroby reqoeited to inform of ineir wnereaooota. uuahlks 11- MKYEK, , ( Imperial Germaa Caooul, ' 22 Choanal itroot, Pbllodorpbla. 4 10 111 49 . 4 It D. HcGAIJUllEI, Treaaurer. Claartchl, April t, lOTt t a i CS eewd o o u (A s . zn o oeawl o s w O - duJ (4 e w u e M w a . k" o o JJANIEL GOODLANDER, o LUTIIKR8BUBG, PA., ' Dealer la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY A GLOVES, BATS A CAPS aad BOOTS A SII0BK, ' Tokaoao, Oroeeriel and Plik, Nalla, Hardwara, ... Glaeeware, Mett't tad Boy.' Clobklng, Drogo, Paiata, Oila, School Boobo, a large lot of Pataal Modlelaea, Caadlea, KaU A Dried Fralla, Ckeoaa aad Ctaik or., Keek and Kit. Powder, Floor, Grln and fotitocs, Cl.rer aad Tlmotky Seed, Sole Leatker, Morooeoo, Llalngi, Bladlago aad , Aareee, pawemaaer.- ouo aba Shoe Pladlagl. . e great or variety ef good, I. aay it or. ia tka owaaty, Al for aale very tea for eaak ar ooaatry arodrov at th. CbMp Cnrn.r. May ti lift. rpBlAtj LIST. ... : 1 Liat ef oaaaaf aot dowa for trial al Juno Term, 1870: - riaar wbbe irra aonoar. SOtk May. Riley A Dimallnf Jama. I. Leoaard. a. v. rinney v.. X. laeoaoova. Ik.. Dkin.. n v w .11 . unip......HH.l. . .1. nuvH.fl, ng. r. . Andrew Penta, Wm. Ooriay, ot al. t I ... viia.u, . .uv. iiooaeooorry. t t name .ve. r. a. Merrill, ot al. L.A.Stoaoroaduva..v.. Juko Q. Sboff. , Kelly'l Hrr)1.......ri. T. '. kfrOkoo, al aL 8. H.mrls, Adm'r..r,. W.V.Wright, tt al, Ad a. j. it. Meiieb ra wm. Ltooo. Cboi. Raaitaad, .1 Edward Pranderi. Ley'i Iloira...,. ..ra Rirk'd Ankara, at tl. J. D. Mellob .......I. William Llaae. ., Geo. A. Po.., ra. PlogaJ. '' Jacob Bilgor va. Joaoph Sbaw. ' 1'ow.U va. 8. A. Buck. 0. Banaoy v.. Daniel Frailer. J. A.WInaarea...,i,ra. J. U. El. I Bote, Samuel Gordon ve. Klttannlna Coal Co. J. D. Buck.... va. A. J. So... J. B. Jamaa Haaertv. at al. George Hanr .v.. William 8. Walla. Joba G. Bmitk vt. Joba D. Weld. VRIRI1 WBIR aarfl.n voinir. Job. 101k. David P. Morrleoa....n. B.rak Bowmaa, J. W., Derby Ooal Co. ef Pa. Caoaeaova, Parker A 00 Mrl. Same. R. Roblaat .......v.. W. B. Dicker. Ollror BtepbtB. va. Lamkoro, Friadly A Co. n. ijunpioi wvo. Jona r. II lie. ot al. E. A. Irrta, at al, Ei. of Wm. Irri....., Job! M. Chaae. RaubeB Lovelead va P. KinporU A Co. Jamo. M.htr ............. Freak Rolger. W. W. Hale ve. D. W. Holt, at at. William Brady va. Julia B. Ueatv. Ka'ra. C. B, Pitcher ve. William Lutber. J. F. Navare ...,.va. Derby Coal Co. or Pa. John A. Byer. va. Reel Barrow. C. Bermoy va. David Fraiier. W. 8. Dk-key A Joha Rokieoa. j MolAia A Gbriit. Mwiteer. Jacob Runli F. Herb A A. Knarr. Fronklla Not' ...... ..ra. Pallor Jobnaka. Elijah Uorai va. J. R. Araold A Co. J. K. Araold A Elijah Burn.. John Harwich va. Juba VaabrabaaL 0. L. 8ohoonover...AVa. Braoner. Truoba A Ca. f. B. Rafforty .va. Jamaa A. Irvio. Hrtry Whlteolde.....ra Wm.lbert aL T 1ST OP JURORS. Ij Llit or Jurort drawn for May and Jane vuuri, A. v. laio I VBAVBnaa 41'BOB. ITN MoaOAT BAY SV. foratad Dialog aad Parlor Chain, Cane Seeta aad wiBaeor uaairi. c otbaa Bare, filun ..4 K.Im- aloa Laddera, U.t Rack., Serabbiog Braikaa, A. MOULDIN0 AND PICTURE FRAMES. Looking GlaiMi, Ckromoa, Ac, wblok would be aitahle for Uolieay prewota. ' ' JOHN TROUTMAN. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CHEAPEST! J. Hondorooa, Barnaido J. MoMurrar. W. S. Barge, C1e.rl.ld A. 0. T.le. W. P. Chamber., C'tvllle H. Thorn ri eon John Iliri)ia, L. City Gilbert Toier, Newharg G. W. D.tH, N. Waah Aaron Lyle, Mark Kylar, Abi. Pearoe. J. 0. Cowdcr, v. uraoB, D. Maurer, L'Kloo.l, Goorao MofflL Dooatnr Jona. Kepkart M lleooaria Bradford Bradv uovington J. MeOlarraai Deeatar rboe., F.rguaoa si.rtia w.tta, Wm. Murray, lllrard Ullrar Leonard, J. W. NoImb, Goib.B Jno. McDowell, Graham Goo. r-hoemakar, Chaa. Thorp, Ureenw'd W. R. Dlokieioo. Gullok S. Fulkornn, , Prad'k Browa, Hu.toa A. H. Brows, Lawroaoe loowil H. IrwiB. M A.G.W.taon. " J. M. MoCollooik' Adam Mvrter. Ponn Joka Porter, Pike ORA.n II1BORI PIBOV BOBBAT JI.'U. 4vb II. W. Park, Clearlald iWarrea Bell, Forguaoa A. r. lioynton, " J. A. I,, r Gn.hoB T. A. Hoover, Cur'ivlllelR. C. Tkomnaoa, Gr'w 'd r. riynn, tlulloa W. A. Lamb, - Hmtoa W. Jome. Moo.., Boggi W.O.C.iloy, Iradfurd R. Mcl'herao., R. II. Kirk. BreAv Jaa. Weaver, Burnoide Aflem llagy, Ubeel L. M. Coudriet, Cev'gean at roierl, uooatar A. W. Yoang, '- Jordan Reuh. Roller, Karlbaae T. N. Fulloa, PMor Mon., Morrte J. 11. Kalorty, Poaa Prad Broom, : p,be L. B. Droeiler, Union VBATBn.B itmoaopiaoe aoanArAoar tv.. Prank Bead, CloarO.ld, Wm. Kephart, Dora tar Oaoeola Bereorla W O. Cordon, 0. Smith. Wm. Q.liley, Tboa. Fleck, wm. Lord, Tboa. Mallaa, Jr David Boar. Jaa. Saaderlla, Bell Uevid wn.-.., Bradford Wm. Woolrldg., " . Lirlogiton. Tha Bh.w, Z.cb Pulton, w P.0 Or. Bradv Goo. II. Wlniert. " J. W. E.nta, 01 a tai Bboa, ' -w Mieheal HhaAor. . " Jaoob Marawiae, Waller Breea, O. Smoed, D.rB.ld. Pll.i Writovn, 1. Toerr, - Tboa. Pdm.r, Joha 8. Rook, S. D. Kopharl. II. McCrachea, Ferg'Kia Joe. Marat, Girard I). Sbunkwilar, Uoiko. Wm. Conred. Guliek J. McGkoekan, Jordaa Martla Kopp. Kartbaaa T. llrnllno, -George Guliek, Uw'bob Jeeeph Owena, Gee. W. Bowlea. Jaa. F. Mallea. Jaeok. Ilarpiter, r.inp Haoi, Geargo Rart, B. r. Itylor, A. Reymeojd, nnena aioora, Hoary Hlle. J. W. Caldwell, I. Daalap, W, tbavibbb iraoaa to .oa oat ion, ly,,. Merrb Pea. Pike Alf. Milrkell. Cieartold Tboma. Bobbita, Juo. Lirl.galoa, " A. etowarl. W. Cendo. Carwoaeville 8. T.II.BdoraiiB.Oeaoala wm. owigarl. Moore. Bradv Joba Rram, " Chaa. Smith, Barn.ldr ilo, Cheat Lollop, Corloitoa Jaa. L'banoy, Aug. Hagaoay, oi Chaa. Browa, Miloe Moon, Deeal.r Aadrow K op bart, , Dreal Joka Blame, iter loaieh Skara, Girard M. Llvergood, Ooekea Hiram Hamel. Oaliab Go. MeCully, Jordaa Rebt Patlereoa. - J. D. Mitebellree. E.rt- kaaa. Samuel Snyder, Kani pommii noover, W. M. Calkeart, Eefcl Wrlgl.y, Uw'bm H. M Bowleg 8. B. Rramer, w Tboma. Long, Morrl. David Brawn, Plk Mueai Bel ley, J. li. MoFberaoa, M 0. Leeerd,Jr. Caloa J. B. Areola, - A Proclamation against High Prices!1 WE are ao opening ap a let of tbe keel and mort aeeeooeble Good, aad Wm. otTerod la tkia market, aad at prieee tkat remind oae of the good old daya of ekoap tkinga. Thoaa who look faith apoa tbia DOiaL or daea, owe alb. gatloni aaporlaoa.. Bead bat CAVl, AT OVH STORE, Corner Froat aad Market atroeta, Whore tb.y aaa lee, feel, hear aad kaow for ahum nlvea. To folly aadarataad wkal areabeap good, ihia moat be done. We do eot doom It neneea.ii to ennmerate and Itemlae ear .toek. It la eaoagk for aa to atate tkat Wa have Everything that ia Needed aad aoaaamoa la thi. market, aad at Brieee tkat aetoaiik both old aadyoone. 10 JOSEPH SHAW A BOH. JjURMERS, LOOK HERE I . t- F. JLCARD0 4BR0M ' Would aall tba attaatloa of Faraaert to the fact tkat tkey are reeeivklf ' ONE CAR LOAD OP - Hebron's Patent Lock Level Tread Thresh Machines, ON B CAR LOAD OF CHAMPION MOWERS and REAPERS COMBINED. And two klnda or GRAIN DRILLS FARM ERS' FAVORITE A FARMERS' FRIEND. All Ike above Macklaae will ka Bold CHEAP rer CASH, ar eichaaged for good HORSES Bad FAT CATTLE. Tbay bare alio a lot of Bow TWO nORSB ROAD WAGONS, Whlok they wlU dlipoee of la the Mm. roaanor. Our Tkraokera, Roapera and Drill, are of tbe bert m.koa la tba eooatry, and warranted Irrt-claai ia every parlicalar. Call at sat meat market io Fie'. Opera Hour, aad uamiaa tkea. Koobiaoi. P. M. CARDON tt Cleart.ld, Pa, March SS.7I. BRO. FULFORD . THOMPSON, OtNtRAL imUMiXCM AOtKTS, Clearteld, Peaa'a, Repmeat all tke leading Tin lararanee Compaaiei of tke eouatry t Qneoa 110,000,001 Royal Canadlaa l,00t,00 Home, New York.... l,tS4,S14 Lrooming, Ma.ey, Pa t,6.1l,44S Praaklla, Phllad'a......,...... ,lt8,14l raaali, Hartford ....... 1,141,101 llaaover. New York iaoaoia Homo, Col, 0.... iug A llaa, Hartford 408,841 Providence, Waahingtoa..... It.'ooO Panoa. aboat rffeotloe an (aouraBoa on tiro 11. ertyef ln kind, should call ot our oflloa, ea. Marhet street, onnoeita tba Go art Hnai.. tmrl oar list of eompaaias and rates before lasiring. T. W. TIIOMPHON. ClearBeld, Pa Oct. ST, Ti Ij thos. m. ncaniT. ernes sear-ex. WE3T BRANCH INSURANCE AGENCY PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Clearfield, Pa. BRANCH OFFICES la dlfereal p.rti of tke vooary. Tka follnwiai Old Bad RellabU Ploe. Aoold... 8 toek aad Life lBiaBB.eeOamii.Bla. raoraaeaud. E.ub. Areata. 110 North Brltl.k A M oroantlla Fire Ina. Co., of Eaglaad ia,IH,000 1141 SoeUiok Oemmereial fire Ina. . Oo. tl Eaglaad .(nidi 10 000.000 aiew oru oawwa aire laaaraaea Oo. of Pblladalpble. . US Fire Aaeoolalioa PlreUearaaee Oo, of Philadelphia.. till Pkmaia Fire laa. Oa. N. Y. .. IMS Wtlertowa Fire laa. Co.. of M. T, faearoo rana kaildlaga ealy 1171 Amaaoa Fire Imaraaee Co, of . viBeionaii......... Ill York Block laeareaeo Oa, ar Peaaa. laacroek.ri.i, Ao...... 1114 HarUord AoeldoBl laearaaoa Oa ef CeaaeoUoot. 147 Peaa Malawi Life la.araaoa Co.. ef Peaaeylvaaia. IIM Metropolltaa Life iaaaraaoo Oe el now lore Total eapital Peeena la tka aowalry deairina iaaaraaoo. oaa kavo 6t promptly attended oa ky oalheg al tke otvoa or addreoetnf oe by letur. I.earaaooa ef fected at tka leweel poMtble rate, to be okuleod ia Int-elaoa eowpaaiao. AT. Coaif. afo. rowre. aawlod wAi ot om ao A. Tb. ebeee two life larereu Co. 'a. oeereeealed ky T. H. M array, kava paid eat la eaok, betweea 4,t00,0N l.iM.oeo S, 304,000 m,Mi I.Mt.OH tl.lM 104,000 1,116,000 1,100.00 7,0 Ike due, of Aug. 1071 e.d Aug. 1174, 1 rrteaoa of a coerce pelt., ta Itil Ike laa of 111.000, Provide far tke fatare kr lanriaa rear kerne. mt yew Htm la tke Weet Braaak loowrvoaee poaey. BtUKAAl UVRUON, Cleorleld, Map So, 1 171. Afetll.