Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 03, 1876, Image 2

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    ehc fjiuliliran.
Uaonoa B. Gooulanhir, Editor.
Reader, If yo wool to know whet la oln 00
li the bualnare sorld, )ot read oor Bdvertleiog
oleoma, the Spuiml oolume 10 parueoiar.
Read "Bolter tlian Gold," and "How
Blaine Does fluslms," on onr fourth
The Democrat of Now York at
their Stato Convention agrood to vote
aa a unit, and present Govornor Sam
uel J. Tildon at thuir cboic-o lor 1'resi
dont. i j
Our Stato Legislature had roaolvod
to adjourn on the 6th hist, but the
booming business baa proven auch a
rich placer that the members have
araomlod their rosolvo so as to continue
in session until the 9th.
t Bbetuiun Now. Tho Bellefonte
Watchman and the Timet are now run
ning in the some Senatorial groove.
Tho former puunsnes tne poetry auu
tlio latter the Slanual fur the Junior
Know Nothings.
The Unitod Statu Centennial Com
mission on Saturday voted to close the
building on Sunday, but will admit
visitors anywhere on the groundt on
tlmt day freo of charge. Tho voto for
opening on Sunday stood 9 yeas 27
nays. i.
Tbt Ray. Dwtol Behiodlor, lata profeeaor si
Adrlaa College, formarlj editor of the CAried'oo
JiWieof, Piltoborgb, has aeeepted mil the
Lotberaa Cborob, Uanovor, Pa., aod to new at
work Id hli Dew laid. Ila la 000 of tba trua re
former of Iba iri aod on tloquaat preeoher
Ilnrriiburj Patriot.
Well, now, what does that moan?
Is bo for or against tho Beechor thool-
gy . . ,
An Ahramuimsnt. The Governor
has appointed his privato Secretary
A. V. Norrie, Reporter to tho Supreme
Court Heretofore, none hut lawyers
of large experience and marked ability
obtained that place. But now it seems
to have dwindled down io a cheap
trader post. .
Tho official canvass ol tho votes fast
in Connecticut at the late election shows
that Mr. John T. Wait (Rep.) received
only forty majority over Mr. David
A. Wells in tho Third Congressional
district. A mighty close shave for a
district that should have given 1,800
Radical majority.
Failed. Tho couusol for Belknap
had the impudenco, on Friday last, to
ask the United States Senate to ad
journ the Impeachment trial until tho
first Monday of December next. The
proposition was rejoctod by a large
vote. To adjourn to tho 8th of May
was rejected by 32 nsys to 23 yeas.
Tally two States Indiana and Ar
kansas for Morton. Tho Radical cat
seems to bo jumping for one of tbo
throe Icadors, Uoiikliii, 01 jnow lorn,
Morton of Indiana, und Blaine of
Maine. Tbe former being endorsed by
Grant, Belknap, Babcock & Co., is ol
course ahead. ' "
(iooD Stock. Mr. John S. C. Har
rison, of Indianapolis, who accuses
Congressman Blaine with pockotlng
llU.OOO of Credit Mobilior stock while
he was Spoukor of tbo Salary Grab
Congross, is a grand-son of tx-Prest
dont Harrison, and has credit tor tell
ing tho truth generally. How Blaine
t Co. will discount him on this point
the future will show.
Tho Commlaalonara of Clearfield eouoty Bio a
Biblo wilb the Ten Oommendmeata lorn oat
Thii ooeonttta Io aomo aitont for tho orookod
waya of thai otnee. Woadarlllbo Oommiaalow
eroaf Snhaylkill and Luaaroe oountioi una the
aaiae kind. rtatc.
From tho numerous libels retailed
through tbe columns of tbe Timet, and
the records of the court, it la pretty
conclusive evidence tlmt tho editor ot
that sheet has discarded tho wholo
JIiciht Piiroff Expelled! The House
opened on Monday last with a raking
fire on tho bribed members, retroff,
from tbo Filth Philadelphia district,
was expelled by a voto of 118 yeas to
4G nays. Kmilc J. Potroff can now re-
tiro to the bosom of his constituents a
wiser, if not a better man.
The case of Martin F. Lynott, of
Luumo county, was acted upon on
Tuesday, and we presume a similar
ato overtook him.
Th "Natiohai." Trai. Tbo Ni
tionnl Labor Convention, which met
in Pittsburg a fow weeks ago, "lletolv-
rd, That independent political action
is extremely hazardous and detriment
al to the labor interest." The truth
fulness of this resolution cannot bo
uaiusayed. But tho "labor" rooster or
Ueiuagogtio denies it all, because it in-
tortures with his low schemes. Ho
will have no lodges or Assomblys to
sell for casb, and may be compelled to
go to work and earn his living as be
comes a man.
How Ciiamuid tiik Tunc Colonel
Forney's Pnst styles tho Congressional
investigating committees "tba machin
ery of detraction." The vonerablo and
consistent editor bad a different opin
ion of tbo "smelling committee" of tbe
lamented John Covodo, which did such
tremendous business in the way ot
detraction on much smaller capital
I linn that on which the present inves
tigations are operating. Covode's
chkkons are only coming borne to
roost, but tbe Dock has greatly In
creased and tbey are all great, tall,
full-fledged rootteri.
Tin RionT Man. Hon. James T.
Wickersbam bas been re-appointed by
Gov. Hartrantt, Superintendent of
Publio Instruction, and unanimously
confirmed by the State Senate. Ho is
without doubt the best educator in the
State, and deserves the compliment
beslowod upon him by the Governor
and the Senate. He bas been guilty
of aomo "colored" freaks, "too numer
ous to montion ;" but we are willing to
overlook tbcm, and allow ago and ex
perience to teach him losaona ia that
rase be cannot ignore. Tha African ia
not a Caucasian, aad all the Lincoln
Institute in the world cannot effect the
change, w care not how bag the
Tho sublime arrognnro of tho Kadi
oal, loyal, negro jmrty manifests al
ways 011 ovory opportunity, an Ignore
ance that seemed to ucliovo itself toil ml'
od on tlio itiounluiiis of .uwrlusting.
This arrogant party defied tho peo
ple; held itself aloof from all contami
nating association with while Demo
crats, as not "loyal ;" conducted itself
on tho doctrine of "holier than thou,"
in all respect with everybody not In
tho "rings ;" superb, grand, poworful,
negro troops, "the army," the cash, all
in band, this arrogant .Radical party
never dreamed of a hereafter. Grant,
the idol of this party, witb his aids,
private secretaries, and hangers-on
came to tho Loyal Iieague House, was
dinod and wined, and had the best
cigars, and received the homage of tho
faithful contractors, office-holders, ol-fice-seekors,
and tho while he smoked.
Io was introduood to aspiring young
Itnds, who shook hands with Grant,
and then witb the negro waiters, to
show bis faith in the "brotherhood of
man," and his detestation ol a white Dem
ocrat. Colonels, Majors, Captains, (Jon
erals wore as plenty at these Loyal
League roceptioaa as leaves on the trees
in summer time. It was glorious. Car
riage.! wore called, and th j royal party
drove hero and there, condosoondlng
to look on the people out of the car
riago windows, as a Ring look on his
subjects. A box of cigars was sent
"for tho President," a house, a horso.a
anything. Theso great statesmen act
ad as if there was not mortality in
Look now I This arrogant, negro,
loyal, Radical party and Us august
leader, and Babs and Hoiks, and gang
are dospised by the people Tho Loy
al Lcaguo House is shut against them.
No Hugs are hung out over tho cntlro
front of tho League when Grant come
to Philadelphia. Instead of Majors,
Colonels, Generals, there are to be se
cret deputy Sergeants-at-Arms witb
subpoenas to find who, knowing, will
toll the truth. This is the beginning
of the hereafter. ,
The next pleasure journey, a Iree
rido, in a Pullman car, this party will
take is to bo from the White IIouso to
disgrace A quick trip, witb 0110 stop
on the 'iurnoul," to let the Democratic
train past on to M'ashlngton. J'Ai'te-
delphia CommoMCtalth.
A Luiut Semtkncb. McKeo, of the
St. Louis Globe, who was convlotod
tomo months ago of being in the whis
ky ring, has been sentenced to pay a
fine of 110,000 and bo imprisoned two
yoars in the countjr Jail. This is
heavy punishment for an eminently re
spectable and influential geutloman, a
deacon in tho church, a prominent
leader in politics, and proprietor of tho
principal Republican organ west of the
Mississippi. . But thoro has been alto
gether too much robbery of tho gov
ernment by such respectublo people,
and the lesson of Doacon MoKee's dis
grace must provo wholesome. This
lays another first-class hypocrite on
tbe shelf for future reflection. This
Grant editor made 175,000 out of I
"crooked whisky." Tbe Judgo should
have mado him refund the whole
amount. A pretty business for a
Christian Rutjwmsn" In Angagw in
But, tbon, be saw that a number of bis
brethren bad filled their pockets with
Credit Mobilier stock, and not having
a chance at that game, stimulated him
self and frionds witb "crooked whisky'
funds. '
Hold ut Bloody Shut. We made
some allusion a fow weeks ago to tbe
I act that tome Domocratio editors wore
always candidates for office. This bas
riled our meek friend of the Bollofonto
Watchman, who flaunts bis bloody war
shirt at us in this way :
"For QoodlaBder to twll othtrt shoot being
eaBdidatea, ia a apoeiaaea af tvpBdenee Iba oa-
limilt ofwhiohlaaeldomroaehad. Twelro yean
ago when tho editor of tbo Parcaeiaa waa being
boooded through the eountry, uroogn tbe guars
bouaaa and eooru for tryiog la do hil doty oo a
Uemooratte editor, brother iioodieauer waa aarv.
log hia parly aa aa ofltoo holder."
That's sol In 18G4, our medical ad
viser informed ua that if wo wished to
preservo our health, we must take somo
out-door exercise, and through the per
suasion of Sheriff Perks we took some
such exercise aa Deputy Sheriff at $30
per month for a lew months. How
ia that for high 7 But ws bavo never
bothered either a state, dist rict or ooun.
ty Convention since wo entered the
newspaper business, nor will wo allow
ourself to bo made a "representative
journalist" In that way.
Th( Boom Bill. This piece of Leg.
islative legerdemain causes considera
ble troublo to our Uw-makur at Har
risburg. The report of lha House
Committee, and Senator Boyer's testi
mony taken before the Sonata Com-
mitteo, relating to the bribery qnes-
tion, will be found at length on our
first page this week, and will be Tory
interesting reading matter. The Grand
Jury action, as it were, seems to indi
cate at thla distanoa from tho Capital,
aa though throe or four o our law
makers ahould be kicked out of tbe
Capitol, and about half a dozen lobby
roosters cooped in the penitentiary lor
a few yoars, and in that way strivo to
cleanse our Legislative chambers.
However, before ws fully express our
viewt upon this Important question wo
will wait until all tho testimony I in
on both aides, so that we can render a
vordict in accordance with tha evi-
dence in the ease.
Foxr. The late "Confederate" At
torney General, Col. Ackerman, of
Georgia, who, it seems bad a hand in
robbing tbe secret service funds 'While
a - member of Grant'a Cabinet, was
greatly pnisled for an anawer, when
tha Congressional committee asked
him whether he consulted with tbe
President in reference to tbat robbory.
The "rebel" really asked for one day's
consideration to answer thai simple
question, and aftor taking one nigbt'a
sleep over tba matter, he says be
didn't Tbon Wo aay, lot tbe Senate
impeach this "Confederate" Colonel.
Scttlkp at Last. Hon. Geo. Lear,
of Montgomery county, bat finally
boon confirmed by tho , Sonate aa At
torney General. Mr. Lear waa ap
pointed by tha Governor throe months
ago, but baring accidentally rendered
decision immediately after hia ap
pointment adverse to Bill KorabU, In
ft city naaeenjrer railroad case, lh Gov
ernor was Unable to get bia appointee
confirmed until last week. Wa pre
en dm bia aUoeliwicy aod Oaorga made
It "all right" with Bill. Banc bis
Governor Jlortnuift hits issued the
tallowing proclamation :
St its or Paumvivian, kai ffj i',
Io Iha.aaoio and by iWaotbaAly of tba Don.
inoamaallb al PeeBfylvBake.lehB t. ilartraafi,
Uovarnor of tbo laid Caenmopweelth. j
f . t A. SROOuASiTIO) ' f
Wtsnaal, Dj s Jolot ftiulatkio of 'the Heneto
aod lluuee or Reireoenutlvja IX Iba Hailed
Hlalaa of America, Io Ceogreae aaoaoiblod, ap
proved Marab IS, I8TA, It u reeomioeaded "by
tba Haoele aod Uoeie of ll.nreeeotetivee 10 tba
people of tba leveret State, that tb.-y aaeeoiblo Io
their aevorel eooatloi or loaoa us tba epproara
to Oaotaoolal Anaivtraary of uur National In
dapandaoaa, aod that Iboy aauaa ta have deliver
ad os aoab day on biRlonoal iketoh of laid eoao
ty or town Iroai Ila formation, aod that s oopy of
aoid ehetoh way ba Mad, io print or maaaeeript,
la tba olerk'l etooe af aoid oeuoly, aad oo addi
tional oopy, io print or manoeorlpt, bo fllad In
tba office of tba Libraries of Oongraaa, to tba in
tent tool oeeaplelo moors stay abnt oooUplood
of tha prograaa of onr ioititutlaoa during the
tnt Coutanolal of tbelr oxiatanoo,"
Nowt tharaforo, I, Jaho V. Ilnrlraaft, Oorar
nor oa oloralaid, do hereby farorably aoianand
tblt resolution to tba people and authoriliet of
tha fnrtoua aitlaa, oouotlaa sad towaa of tbla
Coainoaaeoltb, nllh tbe rfijnoal that whatever
tbo oboervoBoo of the Inoooung aaalvereory of
our Notional fodepondenoe will permit, provla
Ion nay be made to euoiply with tbo rveomnion
datlon eooulnad iht-rein, eo thai there blatorleol
rkelchee eaay ba maue Io oajbreee all luroriaa
lion aod netiatiua ibol eaa ba obtained In rele
tloa to tba Brat eentury of our eaiilenot at s
Ulren under my hand and Itio great aaal of tbo
bloto, al llarriibnrg, thla tweoty-flrat day of
April, in the vaarur our ioru one looueeoo eight
hundred aad aerraly-ais, and ot tba tomiaun-
weollb tba one boadreiltb.
J. f. lUnTaaxrT.
Ily tha Govaraorf U. 8. Quay, See rotary of
tha CoBiaooweellh.
Till Only Rimedv. The Harris
barg Patriot truly remarks : ' '
Tbe diplomatic appropaiation bill,
as passed by the House, restoring the
expenditures of tbo consular and diplo
matic service Io something nearer the
standard of outlay before the govern
ment went out of tbo bunds of the
Democracy, was amended by tbo Sen
ate so that there was no retrenchment
in it The people are carelully noting
tho continual struggle of the party in
power to maintain tho govornment at
war rates. No heed is paid to tho col
lapse ot business, the falling off In tbe
receipts of the treasury, the private
suffering ondurod in all parts of tho
country sinco the panic ol 1873. Tbe
capacity for amendment aoems to bavo
been lost to the Republican party. It
must bo driven from power boforo tbe
country Is entirely bankrupted by tbe
present feartul rate of expenditure.
Sent Ovia Auain. Tho celebrated
boom bill, which bod boon recalled by
tbo House, was sent back to the Sen
ato on Saturday, by a vote of 115 yeas
(o 55 nays. Wo are not advised at to
the actiou of tho Senato as wo go to
press, nn Tuesday noon. This is rath
er a significant vote, although thirty
members seem to have dodged tbo
question. We presume some of thorn
had taken pay from both sides, and did
not know exactly on which side to re
cord their vote. '
Tin ConMtrraa.--Seiator Boyer,
on Friday, asked the Senate to appoint
Committeo to specially investigate
tbe chargos brought agaiqst him In
tbe boom case. The following named
gentlemen have boon appointed said
committeo in accordance with tho res
olution introduced by him to investi
gate the charges : Anderson (Alleg'y)
Crouso, Lemon, Nagle, and Stanton.
What the result will be, no one can
tell at this timo.
Madi a Mistaki. The ' Cambria
Freeman says: "In tho Huntingdon
court, last week, Judge Dean sentenced
Andrew Dunn to two years in tbe pen
itentiary for stealing $100 from a man
named Bouslough, of Orbisonia." Had
tbe fellow gone to Washington and
stolen ten or a hundred thousand, ho
could have purchased fat govern
ment office, and eacapod tbe peniten
tiary. '
Hon. James D. Williams, member of
Congress from Indiana, it tbe Domo
cratio nominee for Govornor of that
Stato. . Mr. Williams is an old Granger,
a great economist, and it distinguished
by bis singularity in persisting in wear
una a complete suit of Kentucky leant.
Tba nomination ot Mr. iinama seotns
to give very general satisfaction to tbe
Domocracy ol Indiana, and it ia pre
dicted tbat be will beat Uoulove a.
Onb, the Republican candidate, 25,000
votes. .
Rathek Fast. Tbe Wilkinsburg
TimpjL in ranlv toacorrosnondcnLsavs
tbat the fastest timo ever made on tho
Pittsburg Division, as near as it can
ascertain, was by engineer William
Philips, with engine 13. He made the
run from Pittsburg to Altooiia, a dis
tance ot 117 miles, in two Hours una
forty-seven minutes. If any one knows
of a faster run that paper would like
to noar iroro. mora. v .
who, tbe Dallas Commercial asserts, is
beyond much doubt tho votitablo
Charlie Host. Ho recognixod bis fa
ther's and hia brother's pictures at
onoo, it is said j butof course thoyoung
gentleman may be posted sufficient to
play the game ol the nitio v ormont
fraud, atidilr, IVwt will probably bos
itate before ho goes to Texas,
North Carolina wot oarried lor Grant
in 1872 by fraud, and the Administra
tion victory in that State pravontcd
tho defection of many wavoring Ito
publicans from tho ranks of the party.
It was the Initial and most important
success of the campaign. To-day it
ia fully established that tho money to
do t was stolon from the Foderal
Mrs. Fitch will at last have the
pleasure of wearing tho diamonds pre
sented ber by tbe Khedive of Kgypt.
Congress having recently passed a bill
allowing them to be admitted free ef
duty. Tbe concession on tho part of
Congross was Intended aa a personal
compliment to General Sherman, Mrs.
Fitch'! father.
A combined boy and girl are said to
have hit, her, or their appearance In
the city of Osbkosh, Witooiiiin, The
girl is manifest only down to tho waist,
where bus it fastened to tho boy's spi
nal column. He she or thoy are to be
exhibited at Philadelphia as ft specimen
of American ingenuity.
Somo idea of the immense amonnt
of work being performed at the Cen
tennial buildinira may bo cleanod from
tbe fact that eight hundred tons of
goods are daily transterrod Irom tlio
cars to the tpauet in the ttructuro,and
on ono day recently ono thousand torn
were thus transferred.
Ralph L. Rollins and B. Johnson in
dicted forattemntinK to rob tho.Nstional
Bank of Cbamborsburg on tbe 24th of
March last, were sonlenccd last week
to solitary confinement for ton and eight
yoars respectively,
A man of eeMistical turn of mind
conntt twonty-o: babies born in
Franklin within tha !st thirty days.
Fathers all known. Ours not In-
cludpd. Spectator. Thriving town,
that, -
A rule of tha Panne) Ivenia Railroad
Company dosa not allow braktmet) tp
sit down while 00 duty: eondaelort are
liable to dismissal f (bey do not en
force ha rult.
-Tho Texas wheat crop for 1870 , I
estimated at 12,000,000 bushels.
' n, J i in.-1 tin
. -The exports Iroai l'hiladulplila,
lnu il.MIfiliwl In SKrhK rt tft
but wMiuk. amounted to lK5ti.u35
4 Reading culprit vuinly thought
to eseapo by yelling "firef" in court.
The alvo 'on which Cincinnati is
buiit was bought for lilly silver dollars
in 17HT.
A male child with one head und
two fiu-us was born in Alabama lust
Hon. llonry Rnwle, the new State
Treasurer, took ihisschbiuii ot his oincu
on Monday. , . . i .
A crush factory has boon estab
lished in Philadelphia; ' A good many
factories are crashing, elsewhere. .
Now York city shelters twonty
lonusomo widows worth more limn
11,000,000 each.
Barney Williams, Ilio well known
Irish character aotor, died in , -Now
York on Tuesday afternoon last.
Purses to the amount of $300,000
have already been made tii lur the
Philadelphia races this summer.
Berks county has an anvil 177
years old, a ciock over -uuyutirs oiu
anil a poeaei dook k.i years out.
A Lehigh county gil'l spelled BOO
words correctly at a recent spelling
match. She is only eight years old.
Boston is a starched fit v. Its
polioe have been ordered to wear none
other than linen collars while on duty.
The Chinese Governiuuut is mak-
jnir purchases of silver in Sun Fruneisno
in consequence of tbe recent duclino in
Pril'0'' i. i , . ,.' i , i
-Avery says the truth will come
out some time. 8o will A Very out of
tbo pouitcntiary at tho end of two
years. t ..
'An in mute of the Soldiers' Home
at Milwaukeo, who had lost both arms
and legs, lately became dissatisfied and
run away.
One in over)' uinoof tho California
population ia a Heathen Chinee. Sev
eral of tho other eight are heathen
A Cleveland man has whittled
forty feot of wooden chain links out of
his own boaa anu white pine lor the
A hundred million feet of lei's
bave just gone on booming witb tor
ritio violence down tho Chippewa river,
In Western Michiirsn, ono of the
chief fruit regiona ol tbe West, the
prospeet lor all kinds ol Irutt livery
encouraging. I
Our Centennial Kxhibition build
ings have cost several lives. Twer
men bavo perished already In their
I'ncle Daniel Drew Is hot entirely
"busted." He draws a pension of tiuht
dollars a month lor his services in the
war of 1812. ,
On a farm at the Gap, Lancaster
county, there are chcsnul fence rails,
well preserved, Which wore made In
17HU lib years.
Bayard Taylor hat completed the
first drait of bia Centennial ode. It
will not occupy over twenty minute
ill its delivery. .
Tho growing of wheat in India
for exportation promises to become
quite an important factor in ruling tho
price ot tbat staple,
The Lyceum Committee, of Law
rence, Mass., declined tbe risk of offer
ing Bcecber 1300 for a lecture. His
price useu w oe wi,uuv vo ei,ouu. .
Kentucky, the best grating Slste
in the Union, producos annually lest
than 12,000,000 pounds of huttor, while
New York producos 107,000,000 pounds.
The Titutvillo Herald aays tbe
production of petroleum this year will
probably fall short throe and a half
million barrels of tbo actual demand of
tho trade.
Mayor Stokely has aworn in 650
men of tho special Centeanial guard.
Tbe guard it divided into three com
panies, nnder tbo general command of
uoionoi uiay.
Out West the agriculturists are
crumbling bits or clod In their horny
fingers, wondering if they contain any
thing ovor oight thousand grasshoppor
eggs to tno pocK.
A Connecticut woman bas just
diod from the offeett of exoessive laugh
ter. She had laughed much, and,
while attempting to relieve pain with
some medicino, dropped dead.
In some parts of Australia tbe
wild horses bave increasod to such an
extent and do so much damago, that in
their own behoof tho settlors bave to
shoot them as they do wild beasts.
The death of Astor and Stcwait
within six months, removes the repre
sentatives of capital to the amount of
1100,000,000, and is tho boginning of
tne crumnung oi those vast ostates.
, Because man in Portland, Ore
gon, deemed it necessary lur the proa.
orvatlon of bis authority at borne to
flog hit wife, all tbe women in the
vicinity met in council, nassod rosolu
lions, and then going to his house,
whaled hira until ho became insensible.
The Turkt who arrived in Phila
delphia last week are now at work
upon the Inundations ol the bar.aar for
the display ot their wares, and the pic
turesquo oosttimot and twarthv coun
tenances of those people attract tho at
tention of many visitors to tho grounds.
The litigation botwoon Brigham
Young and Aon Klita bas boon com
promised. Tho auit was for alimony,
and tha Prophet seems to have arrived
at the conclusion that it would be
cheaper to buy a poace with that par.
ticular fraction of bis wifo than to con
tinue paying onormous foes to lawyers.
The number of Immigrants arriv-
ing at New Vork this year ia thus far
not one-bail tbat ol last year. This it
duo, principally, to tbe discouraging
accounts tent from this country to
ivurope, ana because In tba present
stato of business tho class of people
nore wuo pay tne passage ol their
Iriondi are dulurrud from, doing sq un-
vtii umea cuango lor me potior.
It has been docidod hy the Adju
tant General to have tho Stato Militia
attend tbo Centennial tbe last weok in
Juno, in order that they i
sent nn tbe Fourth of July,
gramme seems to bave mot the ap
proval of tha different divisions of tho
State National Uuard, and tho Indica
tions aro that there will be an exton-
sive turnout.
WestorvelL In orison at I'hilailel
pbia for complicity in the Charlie Rosa
abduction, baa been visitod by the
widow ol Mother, tbo abductor, who
entreated him to give some oluo at to
the whereabout! of the boy, Ho earn
estly doclared that ba knew nothing
of tbe matter. He wont Into tho con
spiracy in hopea of receiving part of
the reward, but bad no direct part in
the abduction.
Two millions of bushels of corn
are lying in tba fielda of Illinois
unbarvosted, tho formers having found
it impoasibe to gather it In oontequonoe
of tha ground. The doplh of mad hat
been so groat tbat horses and wagons
are bomired at toon as thoy enter Holds.
It is expected that when the spring
lairly opent and the weathor becomes
tattled, portion or It will be saved,
bat tba (easier part will bave to be
plowed under, ft lha want ol time will 1
preclude tba pptiibility of t being
labor, about coinpletij B complicated
piece of meobaiiiani
ilgned to repru-
nl tba "roeuirooliony Gnoral Wash-
iiiglon," and whiuh I
a Ills intention
tennial Kxol-
tion. '10 whole n
mlus is enclos-
od in a caliiuet V
bigh, HI feet
broad, und SI tool dip- the lower
bull contains the iniu
uery, and in the
upper portion thediot:
lu nl tho loin li
The scene Is a iuc-i
of Washington. l'
ii one side shine's
an Aniurieiiii, unit
I tlio other u
j present duy,
uputi the rvuess
French soldier ot
while ut the side unit
beyond are painted
lugorital figures
and ombloms. The Irtcliinery, which
is niiile complicated, li operated by a
siinng similar to thosV used in a clock.
When it is set ill million a miniature
cannon is lired, a bill ia tolled, and a
curluin suspended ajroHs the luce of
tho cabinet rises slo ly, bringing to
view the tomb und onliuel soldiers.
The lutter stiiud nt in "order." In
tho course of u iiiinii or so the tomb
opens, a lite-simile of die father ol his
country arises thcruf'om. Simultan
eously the soldiers lice toward tbe
tomb and present ariis, and Washing
ton puriorme tbe iikii military saluta
tion. Then there deijeeuds from tho
clouds an American tglo, holding in
its talons a stall', on aio und of which
is un Americun nag and upon the
other tho national eTsign of France,
carrying in its beukii laurel wreath,
witb wliieli It crouiis Washington.
The machinery continues to revolve
and the seuue it ivversed und repealed
as often as it i desired, each represen
tation requiring abuut three minutus.
The figures are mado on a sculo ol
about three inches to tbu foot; the
heads wore carved by Mr. Julius Mel
chore and the bodies are minutely cor
rcct and properly proportioned. Tbe
guns carried by the soldiers are in ox-
act imitation ol Mprmgtiold riues and
the costume of the soldiers is pattern
ed after the uniform of tho armies ot
this country and France. . Tho dress
ot Waihington ia tho sumo in oolor
and stylo as that worn by him at the
battle of Trenton.
Bids ma Military Supplies. The
Stato Military Board met in Harris
burg ut noon Wednesday, for the pur
pose ot opening tho proposals for camp
oquipagu. A utlitor General J. '.' Tem
ple, Adiulsnt General Jnmoa W.Lutla,
Stulo Treasurer, It. W. Mackey, and
Hon. Henry Hawle, State Treasurer'
elect, were present when tho bids wore
opened. Tho biddem, all of whom
wore substantial dealers in or manufac
turers of tho articles required, wore
also in attendance. The sums named
were us fullows for canvass :
Malr ft Cranm.r. ..... 114,750
RolKirl II. Parker... IS,TS
W. K. Rehelble 1S.UIT
Cherlee Lewreneo ...... ........................... IH IISS
Pitkin A Toomei . lu."!7
Jobo Welib
Messrs. Mair & Cranmer being the
lowosl bidders, received tho contract
for canvas, to bo delivered on or bcloro
June 15, 1870. Tbo bids for tent poles
Robert II. later....
ti. W. Tkompaon. I.SSS
Frailer A Norrl. , 1,187
A bid of Messrs. Kollcy A Buck was
for pine upright poles, whereas tba
specifications called tor ash. Kobert
d. Ksler being the lowest bidder, re
ceived tbe contract, to be delivered on
or before June 9, 1876. The bids for
tent-pint wore :
A. O. Robert I !
Kraaler A Norrla -
W. H. Cooper .. I,tst
A. C. Roberta beings tho lowest bid
der, received the contract, to be deliv
ered on or before May 29, 1876.
1 bis is tbo first chapter In military
expenses lor 1876. It will be followed
by few hundred thousand more, by
the time tbe Centennial hills are paid
for those gentlemen 1
Blaloa 4eeo set dealre Io oaeapa reapouilbillty,
bat ratbor ebollooa-ee it 1 bo takaa a tilt at orerj
Dooaoeratie laeeoiar I so eelaaa oaery loaoa, aad
area aaw, laroelooea or aa lefealigatioB, ho
tooee II aa f eroelr aa oor food friood benjamin
t. Butler hlmaeir wooid do under tbe aaoao etr-
oaBBataaata. Pkitmddpki rVeei.
The amount of cheek possessed by
tbe man who wrote tbe above para
graph is simply amasiug. It was prov
en before a oonimittee of the House of
Representatives, aftor ita author had
gone to Europe in tho interest of tbe
Centennial Exposition, that ho bad
boon paid tumtypve thovsana dollars
for advocating in hit paper at Wash
ington an enormous subsidy by Con-
gross to tbe Pacific Mail Steamship
Company. It ia not neocssary Just
now that be should stop forth as the
champion or apologist of Jamoa Q.
Blaine, who secim to bo involved in
some very suspicious transactions, bnt
it would bo In order 11 the editor 01 tne
I'm would take time enough to ex
plain that little arrangement between
himself and Richard B. Irwin, tlie
agon), of the steamship company afore
said. His friends promised that ho
would do to as soon aa be returned, but
aa yet be bos made no sign. Until be
does to, a aonse of propriety ought to
stiggoal to him the noccssily of absolute
silence in rotoronee to charges of cor
ruption preforrod against othors.
Cambria Vfrmaa.
Tin CuAMnr.RBHmu Ronnica Triis
to Escapx. The robbers of tho Cbam
borsburg Bank woreon tho 20lh alt., de
tected in a conspiracy to break jail. An
intimation given to Sheriff Sweeney by
one of the prisoners wb,o has tho free
run of tho Jail led to ft careful search
of tho cells of Rollins and Johnson,and
a fine floxiblo ateel saw about tix
inches long waa found in Johnson's
cravat, and a larger saw, a pair of nip
pers, and jimmy wore found In a
blanket that appeared to havo bcon
carelessly stuffed into Iho window to
take the place of a broken pano ot
glass. The implements were, it is bo
fiovod, carried to tbo prisoners by tho
wifo of Rollins, who visited her Ima
band almost dully until last Thursday,
whon sbo was peremptorily refused ad
mission. It is believed that several
other prisonore woro engaged in the
matter, as the Sheriff noticed that
money bad been quite plenty among
tbe prison flock during tho lust few
weeks, and it was unquestionably lur
ipthod by Ifollius. lie bad bis caso
beard this week on a writ of habeat car
put, evidently with the view of throw
ing the authorities off their guard and
facilitating bia plana to break jail.
Judgo lpiwo fixed his bail at Wl.QQQ,
to consist of three known and respect
able oitiaent ol the oounty, and of
course no effort was mado to obtain
tho turotlus,
A Rica Association. Tho Statu
Tanners' Association, which bold a con
vention in llarrisburg last wouk, com
prises ovor ono hundred of tbo princi
pal taunert ol Pennsylvania, and rep
resents a cqpitat qf over I35,qoo,000.
There may ba many objects which
tbe Association have iq viow, among
them the removal of tho duty on last,
ings and aorgoa tor uso in shoe manu
facture; reductions of duties on calf
skint, calf kids, morocco, etc., to assist
our shoe manufacturers in compoting
for a foreign market and thus keep
their manufactories at work through
tbe year; protection against tho out
ting and scoring of bidet by butcbora,
and matters relating to tbo trade in
The psMr mill of Morrison, Bare
A Co, at Roaring Springs, Blair county,
which wat destroyed by fire tome
montbt since, bas been thoroughly re
built and enlarged. Their facilities lor
tnpplying paper ia double what it was
' J herejnforo.
A HM-nitsKNTAT..N aisi
Mr. Andrew Gauion, of
Mich (i.jlornMrXearot
' . .B
THKtllAN(lKlllf RHOUS'im.
The 'leiitenniiil enraiilmeht com-
nn n v. clbi'lertHl by tnu ii.iitniieriitiiu
county C'turt, expeetoil tu ready liir
luu UCliunnicHtui-Hui l' yvuyv n ,M'u
grounil, at r.liu station, auvurui nines
li-oin I'lnliiilelphia, on tlio 1st ol' May.
A short liUtuuce from 'bo lUilloii lire
tho olhVe buildings, J!' butt in length
by .12 feet in depth. Hiu buildings
uru nl' liiimu, chestnut linibur and mill
worked plunk being usee in their con
struction. There uru adj lining these
eleven dormitories with a length
of :IUH leet und a dutlt nl' M
feet. Those dormitories eoiimin DO
rooms, each 8 by Vi leet and lighted
by a window, which serves nUo lor
ventilutiiig purposes, in connection trith
cupolas which suniiouiil the structures.
Tho doors uf all tho hud rooms open
on long corridors.
Tbe dining room, which Is supplo
inontod with n spacious kitchen, is
320 feet long and 4H leet wide. Ad
joining this ure the store room, 'l by
II H feel, and the liiinidry. Hi hy 77 bet.
1 here is also a public hall 80 livjH
feel, in which eiiterluiiinieiit for tne
oncuuipineiit will ho given. The li
ter lur the use ol the encampment will
be supplied by pipes from it reservoir
by mount of two engine. The druiii
age is thiiiougb.
the cost ot livinn at the encamp,
muiit will bo moderate. Tbo lornas
will be tl nerdav fur rent of room and
50 cents lor each meal. A branch line 1
wiii no const ruuiua oy mo rennsyi
vunia railroad company to connect the
encampment with tho Centennial
grounds, and thu lure will no almost
nominal, tirangors have the prefer
ence in securing quarters at. tbo cn
cuinpinetil, but applications aro being
received Irom those not connected with
tho grungos on the same terms.
M. E. Gr.NERAb CoNPKRKNnic. The
general conl'erilnco of the Methodist
Kpiscopal church met at lliiltitnora on
tho 1st. The general confurenco Is
oumposed of lay and clerical delegates
from eighty annuul conferences, includ
intr one confurenco in India, one in
Germany and 0110 in SwiUorland.
About twenty ot the delegates are
from tho colored conferences. There
are twelve bishops in the church, all
ol whom will be present, as follows:
B. 8. Janes, N. V. ; Levi Scott, Odessa,
Del.; Mutt. Simpson, l'hila.; E. li. Ames,
Hallo.; Tho. Ilowuinn, Si. Louis ; W.
L. Harris, Chicago; H. 8. Foster, Cin
cinnati; Isaao W. Weily, Boston; 8.
M. Merrill, St. Paul, Minn.; E. (i. An
drews, lies Moines, Iowa; Gilbert
Haven, Atlanta, Ga.; and JcssoT. Peck
nun rmnciNCo. Missionaries are ex-
poctcd Irom India, China, Japan, Mex
ico and other foreign countirea. Kra
tomal messengers have been appoint!
to visit tho conference from the follow.
ing bodies: The British, Irish and
Canadian Wcslcyan conference; East
ern Hntish-Amorican Wosleyan; t an
adu Methodist Kiiiwonal church ; Meth
odist Protestant church ; Evangelical
Association ; Methodist Episcopal
church south; National Council f
Congregational bodies; Goneral As
sembly ot tho Presbyterian church ;
the Haptist churches ; the Alncnn
Methodist Episcopal church, African
M. E.Zion church, and the M. E. church
(colored) of the I'nited States.
A MxTimnisT Camp BunHKD. At
midnight of tho 22d tho Methodist
camp meeting grounds nt larontum
somo twenty miles from Pittsburgh
were completely desolated by nn in
cendiary fire, involving a loss of f 50,
000, The number of buildinirs erected
on the grounds was 156, all but about
half a dozen of theso being bousea or
cottages occupied by members of tho
camp meeting association. The cot
tsges were all built by families occupy
ing them, they paying rent to tho as
sociation for thu into ol the grounds, so
that tho loss w ill mostly lull on mill
vidtmls rather than on tho association
as ft bod. Tho houses average in
value about f 100, though some of tbe
finest wore worth pretty well on to
$1,000. Many of the houses were
furnished, tho occupants loaving their
furniture there during the winter.
the grounds proper embrace upward
of fourteen acres, being a level plateau
wuu ravines on tbo cast, west and
north sides, tho entrance being on the
south side, tho main road from Taren
tum, leading directly to tho camp.
Tbe camp was one of the finest that
could be imagined, the plateau being
covered witii immense forest treos,
somo of which were fully two foot in
diameter. Groat preparations wore
being mado for a national camp moot
ing on tho 7th ot August, but it is
feared tbe grove bas been so badly in
ju red that it will be impossible to hold
tho meeting thoro.
An I'ntsnabli Guound. Gen. Bel
knap's rejoinder to tho replication of
tbe House of Representatives ia based
on ono ground which is clearly unten
able. It is that bis resignation was in
duced by a suggestion mado to him by
Mr. Clymer that by resigning ho
oould osuapo Impeachment, Mr. Cly
mer is a member of the llouso of Rep
resentatives ami Chairman of tho Com
mitteo of tho llouso before which Mr.
Marsh's testimony against Mr. Belknap
was givon, and Mr. Ilclknap contends
that tho House is in good luith bound
by thin suggestion of Mr. Clymer.
This is very weak. The power ol im
peachment is vested In the House. It
cannot bo divested by any agreement
of 0110 ot its members oven It the
agreement were positive, while here it
is nut proloridod to havo been more
than a suggestion, We are surprised
at such u plea by the eminent counsel
who defend Mr. Ilclknap. Tbo gal
lant and heroic Secretary of War now
says that although, to quiet things, ho
once offered to confess, yet in fact ho
is not guilty at all. He puts all the
blamo on his wifo. Tho woman ate ;
but although tho woman tempted bim,
ho did not eat at all. Fasting Bulknapl
Tlio returns of tlio Bureau of Statis
tics for tho month of March, just pub
lished, show a reduction in the imports
of tho country of about twouty por
cent, ns compared with the same month
ot 1875, tho vnlue of tho receipts of
merchandise boing $ 14,222, Ru") this
year and 155,10(1,417 In 1H75. Tho
oxparls, howovor, show an increase of
about Hi por cent, i ho currency val
00 of the shipments ot domcstio pro
duce (or March was 157,290,(1(10, against
54,572,001 in 1875. Tbe total imports,
specie included, for the nine months of
the finciil year, ending with March,
show a docreaso ol olevon and a half
per cent., as compared with tho samo
period of tho preceding fiscal year.
The gold value 01 tho exports of do
mestic produce for tho nine months It
1302.200,000, against 1388,600, for tho
corresponding months of the previous
year. Tho tott uf imports and cx-
fmrtt, tpecio In both case Included,
iir tho nino months, shows ft surplus
of 182,800,000 of exports over im
parts, on tho lilno months trade,
compared with a like surplus of $12,
000.000 in tho same period of the pre
ceding fiscal year.
An important point Is made against
Belknap by tbe Impeachment mana
gers. They have learned that be drew
pay at Secretary ot War lor two lull
days in Muroh, inoluding tbo wholo of
the day euding March 2, at midnight,
and that he rcooivod pay fir tho samo.
Tbit waa a practical acknowledgment
that tho law no parts of
days, and tho Impeachment resolutions
having boon adopted on tha afternoon
ol tho 2d, the same principle would
aoom to settle it that ha waa an officer
of tho government, and therefore Im
peachable at tbe timo he wu actuary
impeached. '
A Lovxi.r llANnl Aekcrmao and
Ijin.lmu Williams are on tbo same
stump, lulling the people what u saint
(iriiiit Is. It is line. What a Ki-cat
historical picture it would muke. Whut
a tableau! What it subject lor the
pencil of the artist. Lot Co'igress gi t
ono uf tho blanks in the ('apitul lllkd
with the great historical painting ol
"Suint (Irani Templed by Crooked
Whisky," refusing In give Davenport
a hull million nl' dnllurs fur election
purposes, frill ing It lili'dit not secure it
til i l' election! Send lor that Kreiirh
pttiiilnr the lute Secretary nt the Treas
ury, Mr. Stuwurl, employed, und then
let hint paint Ibis historic picture lur
the (.'iipilul. Wu suggest the hiilijeel,
Suint lirinit. his leniptaiiona i.nd his
triumph. Tho uni;els on tho sides
should bu I. eel, (,'oiikling, I'orter, Bub,
Kelk, Avcrv, McDonald, Williams,
I'iurreponl, Boss Shephuid, Harring
ton, and Murjiby ! I
A 1'ukttv (iooD Plan. Tho editor
of the Onnmonwiitltli suys : "We bopo
tho Deiiiis i'Uts ol the House of Itepre
sentittives ut Washington will not full
Ui stand by tRe reforms, retivncliment,
and economy they hitvo so wisely es
tablished in their uppmprinlion hills.
We trust they have cuuiigb manhood,
honor, luuiesiy, mid regurd lor their
constituents to tuuiutaiii their self-respect
and rel'uso to bu driven with
whip niul spur by the Itudiiul parly in
the FeiJeinl Seiutte. Let the Senate
take the responsibility of either ucccpt-
ing retorm or losing tho bills lor the
support 01' the Government. Such a
lovernineiil 1 1 it is a meirv to the
people to end the 1 1 lu of the tKliiiiriii-
tration nl lirnnt. 11 stopping the ap
propriation hills will do it, stop them."
M ieiriieiiiiieii mill iiriuini i-umiui,
tie reached tlii-oub uconnmv and pur-
Honal integrity, then wo say slarve the
rogues u;i I, jjive them no pay.
Iho following appointments were
sent to the Senate lust week by Gov.
Ilartrantl, all ol which were unani
mously confirmed : lion. GcorgoLeur,
county of Bucks, was unanimously con-llron-d
as Attorney (ienerul ; Jamos P.
Kkorsliam, Superintendent ol Public
instruction lor a term ol lour years;
cx-81-nator John Scott, ol Pittsburg.
1). V McCreary, of Erio, and Charles
r,. iii vlo. ol Uinonlown. were appoint
ed irWiagors of the Western Pennsyl
vania Hospital for the insane nt i)ix-
mont. to represent the Stato under the
act af 1857; William E. Russell, to be
Inspector ol strum enginea and steam
boilers lor Allegheny county, lor a
torm pi two years ; James W. Latta to
he Adjutant liciiorul with tho rank ol
Major (ienoral; Wm. 11. Uarkur, ol
l'llbilmrg, to be Notary Public; Jos.
hmtr, .1o ba j ustico ot the l'esco ol the
boron jh of Sharon, county ol Mercer.
Tho report df the National Board of
Fire ITii'lerwitcr, whoso annual meet
ing bat ust been hold at New lork
shows Hint lODAmoricanand 14loroign
compaaies exhibit a decrease in pre
mium receipts, an increase in losses.ex
pensos ,and dividends and risks, and a
moderate increase in assets. 1 lie cap
ital enrtiloycd tor tho year was 155,. increase of (2,332,630 over
1874. Tno dividends on this capital
averaged 13 21-100 per cont. Com
pared with 1874, this is a gain of 10
100 ol one nor cent. A resolution was
adopted, that in view of the extended
colebratian of tho Fourth of July this
year, M ieors of cities and oHlcers of
lunna uu-rctiuuniuu w muv jiiwiumei-
tions urging tbe people to use tho
greatosl oaro in their celebrations, and
to mako unusual preparations tor tbe
extingninginenl 01 tiros.
Tux Glut Clock. Tho clock for
the Memorial Hall, Philadelphia, which
bas been building at lbomaston, Uonn.,
it completed. It hat 1,100 pioocs, tbe
main wbcsJs are lour loet in diameter
The pendulum, ball and rod weigh, re-
spoctively TOO to 00 pounds, the rod
being 14 1 feot long and connected with
the clockwork by what ia known as
gravity escapement, and makes two
second beau, i be rod ia ol steel, and
to compensate lor contraction and ox
pansion, is encased in two cylinders,
one of zinc and one of stool, which, by
their relative expansion upward main
tain a nniiorm centra ot oscillation.
A Detroit seed firm recently niuved
six and a half sacks of its catalogues
to Windsor, Ontario, and there mailed
them to persons in the United mates.
saving a.l.i 1 11 by the transaction, or
cheating tho Vnited Stales revenue, as
somo call it, Out of that amount. Tbe
charge for what is known as "third
class matter'' in tho United States is
four times ti much as ia charged for
tho same class in Canada. Under the
late postal arrangement between the
two countries the United Status and
Canada each arco to tako charge of
tho other's mailt without chargo, hence
the Detroit transaction.
$w Jjwtlsfmfuts.
Natloo la hereer sieen tht I.atura or A4
nilnlilrallon on tno rautaor FUZABKTH MIL
LKR,lata of Bnt gitooaabip.Cloorteld eoootj, Po,
dooooaeS, horlno boon duly (mated as tba ander
rlfned, all poriooi InJahlcd to aoid aetata will
pleeae Mako Immediate pejment. and lb.
bavins elaitaa or drmaada will rjrooeot theol
properlr aatboaliooiad tor aettlemoat wlboat
1elej. a.C. TAT1,
Clearleld, Ma; I, HH L AdmlBilttaltur,
AH Boraona art kareba eautioaed esalaat
purohajlns or Io one way medillinf witb (be fol
lowing property bow la tbe poeaaaalon el Joba
H. Pork, of lAwreaue towaihip. via t Tkree boaa
and boiidins, I ouok atova, I parlor atove, I pif.
t ahrap. I fanoins mill, I plow, 1 harrow, I eat
rbaira, I lonnffe, I eWh, 1 eow, I two-year old
heifer,! apriog oatf, II yardaoarpat, 1 eoltlrator,
I eupboard and eootaDia, 1 uble, aad 1 borooH,
aa tho lame oeloflta Io me, aad ia left with him
oa loaa oale, rohjool to my order at ony time.
Hay ad,
On and aner Ihli, Ma l.y, April X,
IS7S, tba Oreraeara of ak Poor of l.ewrBo twp.
will aot bo reaponolble fBr hillaooatrooted by any
pooper of ooid lowaobip. Uavios preenrod a
auitotile place for keepu,, all who may booomo a
obarKe to the towoalilp. all perauaa ore oaolionod
airaioat barherlog or treuing ony panoer on ao.
oooat of eal,t towoahip, aa ao debt eoolraatad hy
them wilt he paid. Jervph tihttllna;. one of 110
panpora of ooid lownflbip. hklog , we hjreby
give notion thai we will not be rO'ponektilo for, bia
keeping. Ju. IKV1.1, JR.,
May I, l7. l Mvanoera.
JOHN Traaioror. ol
Oraham lowniblp, It onaanl wilh Road and
Poor fondi for H. It i
no a
Tobal. doo lail oatllemnt.. IS li
To Hoed Dnplteato, !'!... 1 !1
To balanoe f HM, 11 SS
I lass so
fty .nperrteori' ordora by H Uoihorry. lMt II
Ky Superrlion' ordare by H, llamlia SSI II
By I peroral, oa e l order! lifted.... IT (.1
Ry aioaeretiool oa la,llKate, llTI S SO
Ily " " lSih 4 IS
By oionoralloB on A.WIIeoa'l tal, 71,,.. 4 le
By one doy at eettloment ,,H Q()
By ami ancelleeted l7i daplioaU It ti
tvitl it
rooa ron-DR,
To bal, ilao leal aottletaeat.., .WM I'OI 41
Toam'lof buplioote for IB7I...,H.M.,.H ;t bt
To error la adjilioasl duplieale for HTa. 3 (0
(t It
By Overeeer'e ardor llfled ,ti;t ts
By S per oent. oa aomo.. MM I 4S
By t per eeal. oolloelleg l; .,, II TI
Hy oaooorattoBl oa lluplioata, IIT4 4 19
By oae day at eellleiaen I I 00
By am 'I aneolleated oa Dapliaalo, I HT4... tt
By am'l aaeolleetod oa lloplioato, ISIt... 1T4 II
By bilaooadailooa-klp It 11
H! M
Wo, Iho aaerelood A.dlura of Orahom
towaihip, harlot aiamlaod lha aoooaata aad
vrwhareer Joba W. Taraer, Troaoaror of aald
lowaahip, sad lad Ih-m aorreol aaabori etawl.
c.w.Rvi.n, I
;.,i'.i-.WAHU. I
Aitaifi 4.J, IDaLia.
alnViBilc aiy I, II'ji'
fttw una UsffUnnfotis fli-r rtisf metits.
Ws m4ensntom tlio LrMgk Ittcidrr the
mttaaronraXinToraallonatsutnBk Hull, la
' l'Ulla4asVilavVaaainakarAlinjwii'a'UrKi,iil
aoUiiniheyuNj In America." A visitor mid
slienilajinrTe Uie apeakon :
Yiuia. " What oernor la lh Building on f
Aiuwliat. "Houli tt aimrr cf hits ami
Murkot. Floaas nolo Iho SIXTH, f .r ri I e
otranffcra looking Oak lull, have bet l ml I.. I
by tlealirulDS poroniia."
v. II I
I In rrrfnnllr nnlfMsMl I ha ra.11 Li. r
A. H12,UU0 ijntn IVetM on Mr.rti-t, r.- 1
lfD odd un euth, tis MnriM Itlpti. l.u c t
three tnt Q&flooriML!. ml cowr, i j.ih ,, . . v
occupied bjmLopGitui .woty (iUluu.i l. :-
1W llaV06i."m
I. ' Do foiTUtW ilmm-jKiwerr
. M A KUnl yuuiiM iii;ltiQ furni-hm f
tot th frnlgbL evnd paHKiiTrlovati r . I u.d
boUai Metm fur hettiug, uaU tit UoW . m..
lloua of Ui home."
V. " What order do yon take wlih lyoodur
A. "Tbcjf tf Br iiJtt i and arriii.ifr.l hi
thsbeMtaent,on UmgltM i 1 .
tliMiosoii tha JRhVlevrU-ji loUic ii
lor'i Kxua oo Uj.bWti floor"
X, " la lupertlntlie fin operation "'
. " No, tlr, meuuriufr. 1 Uo Root i . n- fr
mAMured In the plrce, thfn in - , !. , j
clotft. fiaMee OT rcllen In the Ui i f t'. .
ILfftat, and two men Bit, one IWi ro m J i
behind the guoda, wakhlnit with li,u yo t . a
hawk for the loart pin-hole imj-rii -.1' u ri 1
marklnf eery flaw, ao Uiut the cult.r r .uy i c 3
and to14 U wlitjtt be cujium tu cut t.. . l-.'-menu."
V. "Ton nnftenployan nrrff rf iM-n.V
A. "Come to our Aiih fli Aid tvut V't
keep 70 baudi all the UeV rirflng up lhe1 ill
Into garmenla, eaJlyTinai'hii tMlLUtaO
doum nwo'i work m iWi a Urotc."
V. "Do you OMuiactura all your own
, looiir
A. "We do, and moct rareftillr. or
Ainlnm lnrct ercry rtlich aiid apeotn, ntitl
eerUfyto vrr ganafnt aa exu-.w.. cl.o
before wo put out ticket oa it, aiai Uxjiu
napoDtlblo fur It"
V. " Your nraten Btut Mvt yrn a treat
A. "InrrerydlrftrtJoB flr. It b tlC ryrtcm
and eoononijr wa pracUMall jtt wyp thn uii,
thatenahlaa oa to put out pty a to La
people aa we do," tr
y. " AOai liuipectlni the wots., wtui beuuece
d ur
A. " Befbra ft froee Into itork It k fdtaVrf.
KrtTj atnftle gtvnucnt bu Ita numUr auu
other polntanoiiKl on It. ao that lUentira h.a-
w- V. " Tmi moat have M or 40 Mlonnen f
t A. "Whr air. on buajr dy yu mnyA-oej 100
In the Tarloua roomi and aulh4 ol nouui.
feMinf to the throng! of curtomrni
V. "Do you do aa order buak- by mail
aad txvnm r
A. " Vcrjr great An orer thtjcuuntrr. Our
They attll lire, aud And ttitimaeUea well and hearty at the el ore nt a lacwenfe! Tear' bail net,
wuiw uiner ere ottaepiainieg eereuM suyera i ukb uni uuuun are am Hi eiat-
tlua ta pay the large profit of tba past, while tbey, like far-icclng bunlneai mom, nw (he
ri I nation aodffred a'l auUI Dry (loodi at
Prices to Suit the Times. ' .
By ao dolag they have bn tit np a pruapartiai and iiwrtmping Ira le. Withaaana'l Mure aaj light
eartnaM, pnoea that oell be leaathta aeat toother af-rd theta a nrutt. Their wutie fur
1H7 wa made in oliloa liiaf, and ia tbe worrji of rreodin . "A nlaablt iUnee ia -euer
than a a'tiw tbilllng." Al a rtrent meeting ef th kroi it waa caaaimniul reaelved to
do buaiotiaa aa ttere'nfriro.O V A CAII It Al4. and eliange thn motto for IH'.ft
an fnllowa : A nimble Tlirepeitre la better than a alow Nlipence.'
Ti.ii beat, franklin jaet if trti. . .
Market St., Clearfield, Pa. ,,
All the latest hljlcs from 10 cents per yard up.
llliit'k Silks, ono dullnr and ui.rarils.
, Tsble Linens, Turkoy Hud, bleached and nnblotclied.
Sheetings and Pillow cno Cottons, bleached and unbloached.
Oalicoos, )
Oottonades Tir. men's and buy't woar. "
All kinds of Summer (!simoros, very cheap.
Muslins and V
Uiiiiihsms. .
Nice Summer
l'ull fresh linea nf nil dusuriptions
Muslins, Piqnos,
Soil tlnishod Cambrics,
Swiss Victoria Lawns,
New Ciirsels, Lsdios' Ties,
lllacK anu colored cilsand Veiling, Neck Kuur.inj, 1, ad ins Hack Combs,
Parasols and Kuns, Ladies' and Children's Hose, Ladies' and Chil
dren's Gloves, Litdies' and Children's Undorwear.
MILLINERY GOODS, ' " suit evorybody!
Trimmed Huts and Bonnets, very olio.ip Now Silks, Fluwors aod Ribbons.
I'nlriiiimcd Hals and Honncta.
Having succeeded lu getting a first claa Milliner, parsons fnvorinir as with a
call will find goods in this department very much lower than heretofore.
Gents' Fur!iihin Ciioodsi.
Percale Kiiirts, White Shirts, Underwear, Linon Collars and Cutis, I'aper
Collars and Cuffs, Susnenders, Linen llandkerohiefs, Hosiery, (ilores
and New Ties of every description.
All lbs above goods will bo off-Ted at tho lowfst possible prices.
T. A. FLECK & CO., ;
Clearfield, Pa , April 2C, 180. ,, .,
tioinaatly eiecutel t Ihll otfrt
All leaona are lireT) waraad aK-sia.l uur
ehaiini ur aifttiatin fur a etrUm Mute, giren
by the aadereigned to Joeih HtiiDrMt, oallinar
tor One Htinarrtl Dillara, a I bave aot resMivetl
ralue r Ihe anme, and will not pay U unlt
oempelled ao ta di bj pnvw. uf Uw,
Huutilale. May , M7S St
aad inaauraetnrere ef
Hrrotid Ptraet Clearflflit Pa.
Itatlng rrfltled nwr itore rn-ira and doabled our
terh, we are tirepitreil to oITpt barjtaina to per
ehaaeri In ear lia;. Wa hare doeided te do a
Strictly Cash Business,
aad ran therefore ei-ll at greatly redaoed prire.
Carpenter and peraeaawho eoatenplale balld
leg will do well to alanine oar
Tools and SuildinfflX&rdv&ro,
whlob ta are and of the beat aaatifartare,
t keep a large itoot. of
GLUR, ( ; , i 8CRRWS,
All blade of Bench Platte, Hawa, Cblpela. Pqiiaree,
lUinmera, Hathrit, IManaba and LeTela,
UnHtMd A Thamb Uuagea, Kerala,
Ureeea A Hltu, Wornl and Irett
Beaoh Sorewa. aad tba beat r
Borlag Marbin la the
Double and Single Bitt Axgb,
Agenti for BurneWi Iron Corn ShcKer,
Alto, ageata for Rlekarda'
wbloh affeotaally eare Saaeky Flnee,
Farm Implements, Garden Tools
ef eTtrjr ieearlptloa.
A large variety ef
which wo warraal ts (Ivo aallifaaliaa.
Parlta Nittii-M srj Iwrsacu,
V.lUofior. Bpoeilog aa job Work doae os
rooaoaahhi kervao. An orojoro will reeelva promjil
etiemnw. riomoiof aaw fM lt!B( BII0B4OS M
hy oiperleaoMl worbowa, Nay , lots.
perfect tywim aod rn1w of MirmeanrenwBl
inaka UhornxUTm to pleaaa rwopla a.Wj mllnfl '
awaf )4h ufparfactiy aa 1 Uigjf were bare la
V. "I nijipnee yon haTaat Uaat haladoaBn '
dlllerrnl di'isartmeuur'
A. "ily dt-ar atrt we hava nore than ttnt.
et li cliAixad with Ita own bualntw,andearli
tiiorouMhly Dnrajiintd, a neoaiaarj wheel with.
I.i Ihe If"! wheel."
V. " ill jrou name a dnen or w of then f
A. "With tileamir. Tha Cuaton Depart '
jtHrtit, for thuM who pnfr aiafcm-aiadi !
iro(l)'-itiiye-. Tm TumiMhlti Dapartment,
il b Ha JtAmiaa tVK'k ot all underwear,
'iliii Phi rt murr, with Iti buay narhlnea,
ruilrlnit mirown nnt-4-laM ablrta. Yhm Trtm
ining I if partmcnt, tuelf aabla: aa many a lecn
lr iiona, 'iho Oaratftit Hiock jukiio. Tba
I ucijIy.ih huom. Tli Order I)ttiartment,
i.umtMl Ix-Toro. The Pperlal tnt forma Drpart
mor.L Ilia Dellvory Dfiparunaat, with IM
acorn of noa(iiera. Tbe "
V. "Hold, hold I alr.eiK.Ufhr
A. " I'm not half Himiuhr The Adrertbrinc '
7'i.firtment,wllh lubtlLandelfrn dlctiibutori,
ft t tiftiatul jmbllahinma buatneaaand popular
JmitiKii, clrt'uliiK,yrt,M,ouucoulea monthly
urll all ycur ln.miLarnd furltjT The Meri
).( partT''iit,wlilriu many rxxima. TheBorr
. t.trtmotiL 1'be Y'juthr DrpartBlent. Tha
tjdll'lrena Pearttueiit, with Ita apodal
bhUauco fbr ludloa. The TeleTaph Depart
i: tut, Tlie Chief Clerk a DeparunenL with
fl,lNrtt-keetraandeMltenta. tianenu Man
nrcra leitmeiiti yinanclera Offica. and
tV'vr fifiuca ut tbe Ann all buy aa beat
taiiiiklr.iM'lftnnlrig, exfntlne. buying, mak
innr. mu. urliir. m'WiOK.aendtng oat,Belllnr,
and In a UwuaandVra !iaiD; their fotxm
! ( an y on a tiuadnwK vlth the people amount
hn I ' Utneao ti,w0M0 aod WWMj aa
Luuliy. .
V. K-t o p-o-n-d-o-o-a!"
A. flti'icvd It ll 1 ftmr to un tha
Cn hlcr'a Ik partmtut, whlcb handlv ila MS tain
oliuUllBaIaonai)maaliigedayar' .
V. "ri'.'MJl Iinnivuael TUt'awhat eiiablil
He hu to buy cheap and aelcheapr
A. - Lxortly I Yon ha lrt hit Tt Tha
pr jple throng here, kTitnthat we depend
tn low tirlr3i and ImmtLmlea.''
V. What are Uta 'yuTaat-ui' I hear aa
fcUCll atxiUt T'
A. "Our ryetem of butlnea dealing-. One
Jrlre, no deviation ; t. Laah for everything - i.
guarantee pnterttng the purchaaar: TVhe
inoDcy itiiiirttod if the buyer can't otnerwlea '
U BUlUd."
V. " Nothing eonld he fklrfT."
V. " Well, i thank yuu, air, tot yottt polatf
A. ' Not at all. 1ft a plearara to mfn 7m.
Call agalnj and be aura of the plea Wana
makcr it Brown a Oak IlillM itfli fan cor.
ner Sixth aad Market," JT
v. " i hank you 1 1 ahail b happy to doao.
Oood morning. '
.:' '.-.i.u-T-a
T. A. Flock & Co.,
ColoroJ DroM Goods in groat varioty.
Dross Linens, best shatlft and mskes-
f Tickinir
(. . Crash.
Shawls and Skirts.
of Whito Goods, plain and plaid.
' A new line of H Tacked Uaslins, plain t
o h o i o o s t y I e a atriped,
- - of I ' Long Cloth,
llsndkeruliiefs, Collitrs and CuftV Kid Glorea,
tn u dtmi ui nn, i. a if ia narr, tiere.
Pet it Ion of Satnael llafrrty.Kxecutor, for8peclfl
I nmriBiiirt di vmirafli.
Tit HDdoraiarnnJ pAnsaltainaas ...r.l.l.1 kt
tbe (lea rt to take toalitaony In the abera eaM,
aroj ri oeiiee uiai will atlane te ia
tltit.ta ef bia appointment, at bia oftW la Claar-
a. m , baa and where all partial Interfitrd My
,lr,"' . . KB am t.n,
Clearfield, April Ifl, 'Tfl St, tjomai'f.
Blfe rrnaaylraaie.) Kte of JawH Cf
lraVua. Ute a
Clear BpM eeaaly, u i I Hradfur I i Har d
nureuanoo of en order ttrrd net f tat
Orphan "a Couri of CleaiAaU eoaaty, an I ta e-
direrlfd, an innutrition and paHitim will b heU
( Ilia real e.tatt of tbe lata Jawa 0. tlraHtn.
na Taenday, the tweety third dy of Ui, A. !
The talil rral t4t etnita of a met-t tie r
traat of Land tuu In Ura lfirl intnip. !
aid reMty, ntiUiaiaK owe huadt aid aiM
(lOV) aerra and ihirU nin("8t pert-bei, baa'la4
and doribtd at folluwi i llffiinlnti at a
oakeoraeri tlieivte hy Undi ol' Vie-wal H Uett
eaat oae hundred aad eittt i perah) te a
wroir of Harttwiok Beak a plaaei lbra aert
by land of Jubn 8wart oae huodred aad ait
Uea (1 1) parohee lo a pult i tbeee by laada
Joba hhlrey weat oao luiadred aad ntf O
per-hea tea pott t ifaoaiie one bun-ire I aad m
teeo ( 1 Io) perohea to tba plaoe of begmning.
Ktriloe la therefure hereby giren U Kii Hn
hata (widow), Barbara B. Cuaninghia. and
Cunningham htr huabaad, and Alfred Orhe
an Maithew Wilaoa.guardlanattf Henry H. lr-
nam and AlPKamtcr N. Uraaaoa, legal beiri aan
rcpreienUtirea of Ihe deoeaaed, la be than aal
titere p re-en l at the line lodieated (tid dat
aaayj h yoa eee proptr.
Sheriff a Ofioe, I UT. R. N
Clearfield, Pa. J April tA-dt
The anileraisnrHl herobr aivea aotloe t a
oitltrba ol I'leertrld eooaly, thai ba baa, at M
Orreo llouH ia Uloorlleld, o large o,ooelitr ol an
blmll or Vrgetobn aad flower Plaoll, wBiao a.
will furnlah to all who may favor him with tav
prUooago. at reaa,oat.le prieea. Tho folleoial
to a partial Hat of plaati aod Anwera:
TSaaTABLS ruara. Cabbago PIbbU.
Lata Vabhogo Plaota.
il.erl Colrry PI'S
Wiolered Caaliflnwrr Plaoll.
Bwret rViOoto Plaota, -Kgg
Tomato Plaala.
Pifiajr PlaoU.
VLowsa rtaiSTS roa aesstss.
IIKI.lnTnoPKS Aioortod.
I'KIUNlAS-SlagloMd oVishlt.
UKHAMIUM8 (aaale.
UKHANIIIhU- VariegatooV
IK-Hoarlet and whrw.
PANNIRH Urge towora.
AIIKHATllll Mliod,
PUCHSIA-liagloaail doable.
DAIILIAa Doable.
VMUIKNAS-Ueel ornotod varlrflo.
CAN NAB Aeoorlod,
TOOK Largo aowerisf, doable.
BAIIOMAr) AaoarlaoV
II RO V A h I A Kiata ava(oe.
ollllNONrtTTH-Urfel-rorUt. . ''
PINKH Hardy.
A barge oaaailmoul af' Plonts for ".ap
laakeU or Taeaa. KaNBSf HOCo'
ISoarvWId, Pa . AyiU It, Ti ll,