Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 26, 1876, Image 2

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kU publican.'ll ? . -J. .I-JoB
Geoboi B. Gooulander, Editor.
Head.r. If yon w.ot ta bnow what il golag u
la ibo boiln.M woria, Jo.t mad our adnrtialag
oolumn, Iht Sywial oolumn In particular.
Tho Irish Riflo Team will said for
America in August.
Orestes A. Urowaon, L. h. 1)., the
famous writer nd roviowor, died ro
cantly in Dotroit, aged 72,
Tbo Democrats of Nebraska bave
instructed their dolugatos to voto for
Gov. Tildcn, of Now York, for Prosi
dont. It seoms that tho "crookod" whisky
business bat been carried on far moro
extensively In San Francisco, than in
St Louis, or Chicago.
Bayard Taylor is to bo tho Cen-
OonntAl oorroopondonfe of tho Nan York
Herald. No abler gentleman will bo
on the ground.
Road "N'otliinfco blot out or apolo
gize for," on our fourth-.pago. Grant
and Davenport's last stouls aro not in
tho catalogue.
(teneral Harrison Allen, has returned
from Colorado, to bis former homo in
Warren, Fonn'a. Tho poor health ol
Mrs. Allen necessitated the change.
1! rot bora Moody and Hankoy want
juHt (250,000 more cash, so as to make
their revivals run easy. Send it along
nil you who have plenty and to spare.
Skats and Ideas. Considering the
number of United States Senators who
tolo their scats there should have been
no objection to confirming Pana on
tho ground that ho stolo ideas. The
action of Senators is very conclusive.
i - -j
Gov. UayoH, of Ohio, loomoth up as
s Republican candidate for President.
Arory likely tho struggle will bo be-
tweon tho Governor and Senator Conk
ling in the Cincinnati Convention.
Blaine has gono down, and Morton is
Ly-not, is a good name, but we fear
that tho member of the Legislature
who was furnished with that name by
bis father, lies liko all blazos, or, il ho
tails tho truth, John B. Bock lies like
thunder. This wo do know, some ono
tells some booming lies.
If ever there was a dead cock in the
political pit it is Blaino. Ever since
bo made his "blood and thunder" speoch
at tho opening of Congress, lie has
been drooping like a sick chieken with
the gapes. No danger ot Uncle Sam's
barnyard being cnlivoncd with his
rrosident Scott, of the Pennsylva
nia Railroad Company, has invited the
widow of ex-President Polk to visit
tho Centpnnial Exhibition. Should she
accept the invitation, a sleeping-car
will be sent to take her to Philadel
phia, whore sho will be hospitably en
tertained. Tho fact that Uhio votes in October
a month before the presidential elec
tion will make tbat State a great bat
tle ground this full. The Democrats
might lose Ohio, and still elect the
Prosidont j but tho Republicans can
have no bopo ol tho success ot their
presidential candidnto, unless they car
ry Ohio in October.
The Grand Jury at Lancaster, on
Hominy, lound an indictment against
District Attorney Johnson, for lorging
naturalisation papers in 1872, when
ho was a member of tho Republican
State Committee. Just the work for
a genuine Radical to engage in. To
rob, plundor, and cheat makes a man
The Akron, Ohio, Democrats arc ju
biliunt and cheerful. For tho first
timo in tho history of that thriving
young city tho Democrat have a ma
jority in the city council. This, added
to a Democratic Mayor olectod last
spring, make Akron's gallant Demo
crats foci as if all in this world was
not a dreary blank.
Ftp up, Mr. Blain. and axptaia. A aimnl
denial of tbia L'nlon l'aelflc bond ohnrg. Il not
aufiltiont. Lot oil the parlloulara of tb out bo
lurnif hed to tbe ooontrf. A Waaliiontlal oaadt
dal tbii yar muit bavo t ctaa roeord. Pillf
bmrg TWraran.
This loyal organ does not want a
Credit Mobilier candidato to mount
the platform with (04,000 worth of
that t u ft sticking out of his pocket.
Well, that's a capital idea Mr. Tele
graph. Rad. Look HeriI It is said that
Orvil Grant did just what Mrs. Bel
knap did ho sold post-tradorshipt for
money, President Grant did just what
Secretary Belknap did, he gave infor
mation as to post-traderships that
were vacant, and put tho seller in tbe
way of controling thorn. Will any
Republican papor inform us why Bel
knap is any moro guilty that Grant,
and if so, to what extent?
Brsr at Wobk. The Prohibition
party intend to send a full delegation
from this State, to their National Con
vention to be held in Cleveland next
month, They will also nominato can
didates for tho legislature in every
county in tho Commonwealth. They
believs they can poll double the vote
they did last year, and are determined
to elect enough mombors to tho next
Legislature, to enable them to ropeal
the prc.icnt lioenso law. Tbe leaders
are vory enthusiastic ii not so numer
Shame iron Shame! It has boon
brought to light at Washington by one
- of tbo committees which is looking np
Iho "crookedness" of Grant A Co. that
they have boon using tho Socrot Ser
vice funds of the Govornmont as freely
as their own funds to carry olections.
Whitley, Grant's Chief Detoctivo, and
ex-Attorney General Williams both
swear positively that Grant and a fel
low namod Davenport, of New York,
spent over one bund rod thousand dol
lars of Government rash in 1872 for
Grant's re-eloction. How i that for
Tho acquired ignoranco of "tho Gov-1
ornment" i being beautifully illustiu-
ted every duy through Grunt sown acta
and tho testimony ot his coiilodoratos.
TboassooiutcpruHMlUpatch from Wash
ington, of the 201 li, iays:
Yesterday when the veto inossago
on the salary question was road in tho
Senate, one of the official roMrtors no
ticed tho gross and Inexcusable errors
the Prosidont had Inllen into where bo
said, "when tbe salary of the Prosidont
of the United States was fixed by the
Constitution at 125,000 per annum ;"
and again, near the cloao, a repetition
oi the error, where be aaid : "It is not
now oue-fiflh in value what it was
when fixed by the Constitution in
supplying wants and demands." A
few only of tho Senators beard the
dooumenU read, but the attention of
tho Groton grocer, Senator Boutwoll,
was called to the Presidents ignorance
oi the Constitution, and the veto moss
age was quietly returned to tho Prosi
dont lor revision. To-dny it appeared
in the Itemed duly corrected, the first
orror being romodicd as follows:
"When tho salary of tho President ol
tho Unitod States, pursuant to the
Constitution, was fixod at 125,000,"
and tho second error removed by an
entire change of tho sentence : "It is
not one-filth in valuo what it was at
the time of tho adoption of tho Consti
tution." Tho ignorance betrayed by the Presi
dent of tho Constitution-will not as
tonish thoeo who are familiar with bis
utter disregard of law. Tbe original
monsago was sent to tbo Senate on
Tuesday, but was not road until yes
terday. Tbe official reporters had
taken a copy of it as it camo to the
Sonato, and onothor copy was made
for the Associated Press and telegraph
ed immediately after it was read. Tbe
criticism which tho original mossago is
open to is exceedingly mortifying to
tho President's friends, and they all
deeply regret tho publication of the
first message. Somo one is charitable
enough to attribute bis dullness to a
recent attack of neuralgia, a disease
with which ho has of late been much
Mobe Blaine TarmiiR. Wo al
ways suspected that ox-Spoakor Blaino,
(tho man who wants to bo President)
who was a butty of Colfax, Amos, Sco
field A Co., was also mixed up with
thoeo "Chrirttian Statesmen" in tho
Credit Mobilier business, but the trou
ble was to prove it wbile he stood at
tbo head of the Radical party. Now,
since ho has been assigned a scat on
the floor, ho finds rivals who are tell
ing tales out of school. A Mr. John
C. 8. Harrison, tho gentleman who
says that Blaine got tho 104,000 paid
by tho Union Pacific Railroad Compa
ny for a lot oi bonds representing $75,
000, but which really were not worth
ten cents on the dollar of their face
value, is a banker living in Indianapo
lis, a political and personal friend of I
Senator Morton, and a man of great
independonco and forco of character.
IIo possesses an ample fortune, and is
not likely to bo coerced cither by fritnd
or foe. Mr. Ilarrison sticks to his
story, and professes an ontiro willing
ness to tell il in all its details to a com
mittee of Congress.
Tin Old Fool. -Senator Hamlin, of
Maine, who raised the postage bill for
tho pooplo a year ago, is now trying
to work himself into tbo confidence of
tho public, so as not to offend the Ex
press Companies, by tinkering at an
othor postago bill. Tho Sunday News
in alluding to his sago statesmanship
says: "The proposition of Senator Ham
lin, that postage on third-class matter
be gauged according to distance, would
reqniro that each ono of the fifty-six
thousand post offices keep a tablo of
distances. The preparation of theso
tables would require tho work of a
hundred men for seventy-throe years,
and the volume of distance tables,
when prepared, would number 2,150,
000, of three hundred pages each."
A Crooked "Lip." Grace Green
wood's husband, Leander K. Lippcn
cott, W. II. Grant, and F. X. Bronsean
have been indicted by tho Washington
Grand Jury lor a conspiracy to do
fraud tho government. Lipponcott was
recently dismissed train the position of
chief clerk of the land office Tho vil
lainy must bo vory high banded and
clear whon a Grand Jury in that city
find an indictment against a loyal of
fice-holder, bocauao the partios indicted
G rant 4 Co. make them. We pity
Graco," bocauso sho worked hor feel
ings up to a very high pitch occasion-
ly. Sho viewed Democrats at a dis-
tanco pretty much as sho did tho west
ern grasshoppor or potato bugs vory
doslructivo toa "loyal (?) government'
liko Grant k Co's.
Army "IIummerj," Tho moro tbo
investigations progross tho moro tho
Now York Herald Is disgusted with a
class of statesmen and claim agonts
who bang about the Capitol, living on
tboir reputation as army officers. Bol
knap was a type of the class. This
"Gonoral" Bice, who seems to havo
boon the go-between lor Delknap, was
another. Those army "bummors,'
says tbe Herald, are a disgrace to tho
army, law and politics. Why doos tbo
Herald omit Grant and Uabcock from
its list? If "bummer" is tho now term
for military dead boat, corruplionist
aud thief. Dab is tho vilest of tho lot.
Williamrport Run.
Poor Persecuted " Bab"(I). Tbe
world, tho flesh and the devil soom to
boon tho track of this patriot. Bab-
cock should have pload guilty of his oom
plicity with the "crooked" whisky bu
siness at Bu Louis and gono to the
Missouri penitentiary. Then it might
nevor havo boen known that be was
also a snoak thief and burglar. Pres
ident Grant got him clear at one trial,
but having boon indicted at Washing
ton for burglary, he will have some
trouble boisg acquitted again by out
side official prossure.
Mossrs. Wm. Cullon Bryant, Theo
dore D. Woolsey, Alexander 11- Bui
lock, Horace White and Carl Scbura
an about lo start a bow political party.
Those gentlomon aro all leading Radi
cals, but the revolutions at Washnlg-
ton are too much for their loyal soil Is,
bene tboy propose a "new departure"
so as to sots the country from falling
into tbo hands of freebooters. Woll,
join tbo Democratic party and holp to
ears tbs country. This wsuld bs man
ly and patriotic
When Goorgotll. Pendleton was be
fore the public a month ago, charged
with taking an exorbitant fee as at
torney in a railroad case, there was no
paper in tbo country that howled loud
er or fiercer "put liuu down," than the
Philadelphia Press. Notwithstanding
tho fact tbat Mr. Pendleton was only a
private citison, acting as an attoriuy,
and under no obligations to tho public,
tho J'rest and other Radical papers
could nut say harsh or mean enough
things about him. He was a Demo
crat. Tbia was the reason.
Now tho shoo is on tho other foot.
Somebody else's ox is gorod, and a
vory different cry goes up. A, vory
dirty spot in the official record of tho
would-be President, Ulslno, is pointed
out, and the howlers about Pondli-ton
and othor Democrats close their oyos
and cry "this thing must bo stopped I"
and in tho bitterness of their hearts
demand that it shall cease. In place
of domauding tbat Blnino step down
and out, as it did that Pendleton should
bo retained, it calls for a halt as fol
lows: Wbor U tbia lad, bod gam to nd 7 Aro wo
to bo drifou away from tho boot aooaoo aad ag
gregate of ohorutor boaooao oHoo-aookora aad
apaoalatora obooao lo threat loooo Blander libo
foil poison through tbo anatomy of eor. atatea
maa'.reeordl Wbnt publie man, whet pr'r'
una, what faintly la aafo nndor as aaelval. at
0000 without uioro or oonaolonool It la nolle
tlino that tbo daoooey of tbo oatloo ahould Inter
puM tu atop on oppotlto of aoandal that nuat
and in oiintaglon."
How very different is the abovo
from what we heard but a lew wooks
ugo, and tho public will bo left to won
der why the "nation should interpose
to stop" the truth that will carry with
it into deserved oblivion tho name ot
James G. Blaine, simply because he is
a prominent Radical official and candi
dato for tho highest office in the gift
01 tho poople. Betteftmtt Watchman.
Well Put. The Bellefbnto Watch
man remarks: "Since the Boom bill
went through we haven't heard a word
from Senator Strang or brother Mc-
Cluro about tho pressing necessity of
an early adjournment. Can it be pos
sible that all their efforts to got an ad
journment beforo the work of the ses
sion was completed was for the pur
pose ol serving the interests of Mr.
Herdic f There is that kind of a face
upon matters now, and Mr. Strang's
efforts to mako political capital on the
adjourn ment question anion ots to about
as much as an ounce of cheap cologne
would at a darky meeting in August.
The FallCanvass. Wo notice thut
the candidates in somo ol our neigh
boring counties aro busily engaged in
canvassing for the primary contest.
Tho Radicals in Blair hold their coun
ty convention on tho 10th of May.
Ours will not occur until tho raiddlo
of September. In the meantime, bow
ever, candidates for Congress, Stato
Sonator, Assembly, Sheriff und Jury
Commissioner, are being put in train
ing for the campaign. We hope to see
nono but first-class men offer lor these
positions Democrats, puro and unde
filcd. True, it not Poetic The editor of
tho Philadelphia TVnu, in alluding to
tho libeling of private character, says:
Pnblto opinion nnght to doalaro war agalaat
tbia naaaaalnatlon of character. Tho otaa who
dofaoaoa hia neighbor la sot n good eitlaon.
That is certainly sound doctrine
those dogonerato timet, and the irorld
should so understand it, and should
profit by the PrtM' admonition.
Dead. Hon. O. J. Dickey, former-
ly a member of Congress from Lancas
ter, died in that city, on the 22d. Mr.
Dickey was the successor of Thad.
Stevens, and one of his Executors. He
was a lawyer of considerable ability,
but as Stevens' Congressional successor
he was a failure.
"Armt Bummers. The evidence of
Gen. Ueddrick before tho C'lymcr Com
mittee shows our readers another fine
examplo of the "army bummors." Hod
drick lives in Iowa. His "military rec
ord," il be has any, has boon obscured.
Us is a friend ol Belknap, lie was al
lowed to have an interest in tbe stores
of several forts and to havo one-third
of the profits, although be did not put.
a ponny ot capital in tho Dusiness. Al
ter a cross-examination, this "army
bummer" swore that he was allowed
to have a share in the profits of seven
posts and camps, lie swears also that
he never paid Belknap a penny.
Neither did "General" Rice, tbe other
"army bummer," whom tbe ex-Secre
tary allowoa to Itvo in mionoss ana
splendor upon money taken from the
poor soldiers. Liel us nope the com
mittee believed the General. Those
"army bummers" aro a disgrace to tbo
noblo profession they uso lor their ne
farious schemes.
Blaine's W JJecohd. Thero is
no mystory about tho way In which
Mr. Blaine kept out of the army. Liko
many admirable Brigadier-Generals, bo
successfully struggled agiiiut bis mar
tial temperament, anu continued to
grow rich in the service of his coun
try at a snfo distance from tho front.
Tnon in tbo dark hour of nood, which
ho "can not cvon now," as he says "af
ter the lapso of thirteen years, recall
without a shudder," Mr. limine was
drafted. Again ho managed to master
his belligorent propensities, nnd hired
a substitute. Thit substitute, it m.iy be
added, a comfortably provided for in
Ihe Prowii Marshal ' oioe at Augusta,
Maine, but teat soon transferred to the
county jail for fonjing soldier's certifi
cate of discharge, Mr. Blnino did not
proouro another roprosentulivo. His
military record ended, by proxy, bo
bind prison bars, and il was not until
a years alter that he himself bo-
5 an to fight tbe battles ol the rebellion,
nd oven now ho cannot recall thorn
without a shudder! What inexhaust
ible patriotism this Presidential aspir
ant bos displayed in ine post.
a ia m
The Salary Bii.i Mr. I.mnon
from tbo committeo on conference on
tbs bill relntivo to tho salaries of coun
ty officers and the paymont ot fees re
ceived by them into tho State or ooun-
ty treasury In ooiintioscontainingovor
luu.ouu innamtants, reported me 11111
as amended by tbe committee of con
ference. Agied to jiM 38, nays
Tho annoxod stntomont shows the
salaries agrood on for tho three coun
ties: Allr(har,
Dlatriot AUorno;...i,oii
Aaalataat I, MX
Sooond Aaalatonl..
Tblrd Aaalotaau
Sborif I 6M
Pmlboanlar MOO
Clork of Ooaru..,. ,
Rf latar ... !,
Rooordar ... O.0II9
Conlrollor.. 4.00,
Troanror t.llM
Oonat Snrvoyor.. f.OM
Coaaalaaloaon.... 1.001
Corooar...... I.OOS
Onpot Ooroanr it
Jailor..,...,,,,, l,bM
DalaolltM 1,IM
Lnaarna. Pblla'a
S4.00S l4,i
, t.lHIt
,ll)0 IS, MO
fl.'ioo a,oo,
l,h,S 10,000
l.boS 10,000
1,000 11,000
1.00S 10.000
4.W0 lo.tto
I, bOO t.OBI
MS S.00,
All fees and extra allowanota not
authorised by law are absolutely out
off from tbs offlolal, and roast bs paid
into lbs county treasury. Tbo law
does not affect IhcpresentlnpnaibsnU.
There are 10,3:itl American exhibi
tors enrolled for tbo Centennial.
-Colonel Forney will soon publish
Colonel Forney will soon V" "1,
his Centeiininl-huiopennlelteisinuoott;
form. ' j
Tbo two recent muiiler trials In
ty.fivo years.
California will erect a "memorial,
lamp," costing 15,000, on the I, Vicen
nial grounds.
Last woek the Patent Office Issued
throe hundred and forty-nine patents,!
trado-uiat'ka, etc.
Tho paddle-wheel ol Robert Ful
ton's first steamboat will be exhibited
at the Ceutunuial.
A homo denier says tbat mules
aro not in demand now, and are a very
dull article of sale.
Lako Ponchai-train threatens to
overflow and Inundate Now Orleans.
The danger is imminent.
Iron can be maiiufooturod in Texas,
in sufficient quantities lu build all tho
railroards tbo Stato needs.
The poople of this country nut
their foot in it to the amount of II,
000,000 a year for shoo pegs.
Not to be snocsed at A man in
England has invented a contrivance
for manufacturing pretty noses.
Seven thousand acres of land in
Dakota have been purchased by East
ern capitalists for a wheat form.
Ono million to Judgo Hilton, "as n
mark of regard." Thoro's a great dif
ference in the regards pooplo sentl.
Four generations of ono family
united with a Cincinnati church and
were baptised, ono evening recently.
A Centennial caUw of soap forty
fcot long and six foot square was sont
from Erie, Monday, on threo flat cars.
It don't pay to raiso chickens in
Florida. Coons, opossums and wild
cats levy on ninety por cent, of them.
Tho test of sweet popularity for
Vermont editors is tho number of cans
of maplo syrup received from friends.
Columbus, Georgia, progresses
spinningly. It is to nave a new cot
ton mill with COO looms and 20,000
Not all tho heroes are dead. Bos
ton has a man who has dared to bring
a suit for 1200,000 damages against
Bon Mn tier.
The American Express Company
thinks of arming all its employees with
pistols, to be kept In the prcsonofe of,
the "passen-jairo.
Dom Pedro is progressive.' As he
stoamcd np Now York boy tho first
question he asked was, "Where is Ply
month church ?"
A Philadelphia saloon kooicr has
engaged a million rye straws lor Cen
tennial times. Such straws show
which way tho wind blows.
A Michigan church is advertised
to give a "Mother (ioose reception,"
in which "forty veritable geeso will
take part." Home talent, you see.
Thero was a flight of wild pigeons
twelve miles long by four or live wide,
in Bradford county, the other day.
Ten thousand were killed at ono roost
Tbe Mount Vernon Ladies' Asso
ciation bave succeeded in paying 11,000
for the restoration of an old barn whore
the Father of bis Country used to kocp
his steeds.
Take care. Tbe old issues of fifty-
cont stamps, bearing tho heads of Lin
coln, spinner, Motion ,1. noiKer, nasn
ington and Stanton, have been largely
Divers aro at work trying to re
cover tbo remaining 1115,000 of specie
lost on the Schiller wbon w reckon at
the Stilly Isle. Lost summer $285,-
008 was saved.
M iss Nannie B. Lamberton, daugh
ter of Hon. Robert A. Lamberton, of
Uarrisburg.rocoived recently by Adams
oxnrcss two living alligators, from
Grecnpoint, Florida.
Florida is in tho height of a land
fevor. Land has more than trebled in
valuo within the last two yoars. From
an agricultural point of view, however,
most ol it Is worthless,
On Wednosday evening tho 12tb
inst., a fourtocn-yonr-old daughter of
11. l'urcoll, nbovo Miuorsviiie, Miiuyi
kill county, was struck by lightning.
Ht is slowly recovering.
The City Grays, of Hnrrisburg,
havo in their possession a musket 100
years old. The muskot was carried
bv Mr. Christian Junkers, in the bat
tle oi (iormantown, Octobor 4, 1777.
A number of tho Black Hills ex
peditionists from Rcranton have re
turned disgusted with their oxporlonce.
They report affairs very discouraging
and as many men returning as there
aro going.
A well-to-do Warren county man.
who committed suicide recently, left a
will bequeathing firo dollars to bis
wife, ono dollar each to his children,
and all tho remainder of his proporty
to an adopted daughter.
Two men woro the othor day
killod aud two badly wounded by the
explosion of a shell which had just
been taken from tbo wreck ol the Con
federate iron-clad Merriuiau, which was
sunk fourteen years ago.
A aenii.wocklv tino of steamers.
for passengers on ly, it is said, is to bo
established bctwoon Portland and Phil
adelphia, and will continue during the
Uonlonmal rcxposmnn. i no nrsi steam
er will leave Portland early next month.
Southern papers any that when
the rovonue detectives of Mobile board
ad It steamer direct from Cuba tho
other duv. tbo oantain invited them bo-
low to dnio, and wnno no was saying
a lengthy graco, tho crew put ashore a
lot ol smuggled cigars.
Tho following curious inscription
nppears on a tombstone at the Trnppe,
Montgomery county : "amioi unner,
husband of Mary Dorr, ft begat 3 sous
'i girls. Horn Jnno II, 1MUU; liol
March 25, 18G.V agod 6!)yo 7mo. ft
In a Kansas dlvorco suit, tbo olh
or day, a man's noso was offorod in
evidence to provo bim a drunkard.
The ovidonco was thoro, but was not
taken by tbo Court. The parly who
suggested Its introduction wears ono
of bis oyos in a sling.
-o-n tho upper end ot Montgomery
oounty, and in Coventry township,
Chester county, a numbur of horses
are suqorlng witu oplsootlo, iliu dis
ease, however, does not seem lo attack
tho animal with tho samo degree of
sovority as was the case last summor.
Within thirtv hours after roach.
Ing Now York Jiom Pedro wont to
tho prayer mooting, tho thonter, tho
reservoir. Contra! Park, the Catholic
cathodral and the photograph cnllcrv,
and mado a visit, In chat go of a police
gnido, to "tho down-town police stations
ana other interesting places.
Tho pcrsovorance of tbo futbor of
Charlie Itoss should bo oncoursged by
the nows that Mr. R. C. Mahonoy, of
noma winunam, uonnocticut, lias Just
fonnd a daughter near Mondota, Illi
nois, who was stolon twenty-threo years
ago, wbon but two years of ago. The
woman guilty of the orimo ot abduction
in this case confessed ber malefaction
sit death's doos. airinf names and othor
data by trbict) lbs Jaoghtor put her
self in communication with her thank
flit nsrcnls
Montgomery county cost the county lesson very aocioouiy lor i
about S7.0U0. of tbe year. This report is from the
. ., , r . ! books of Dunn, Harlow A' to., and is
-A Berks county farmer has boon, .trtlia.. In an examittu-
mowing will, tho same acylho lor thir- " ? . k fur
Tboyoar 1870, it appoars by the mor
cantile roports, is proving the most dis
astrous wo unve over nau
history of tho country. There ha
more uave
boen twenty.0igirt hundred failures in
the throe opening months, and there is
little proouoiiity thai ino r. win
tion ot these reports, going
m 1H57. near twenty veare. we
llicso figures tinapprimched by a very f
considerable percentage, S''j
or l7U are ni mo rate oi -
uresayoar. Tbo iiesrest wo come lo
.1... '.u,linM ; in wliuru we
" .rr.i.. v.,.?'. of this char-1
actor to aggregate 7,740. The aver
ago yearly lailurus lor tho post nine-1
teen years, up to January, 1870, loot
up 3,240. Now, if wo start otr, as wo
do in the present year, at the rate ol
11,200 per annum, it is a most crush
ing proof of a general mercantile rot
tenness. Where' are wo lo land in
January, 1877, if Iho country dm not
politically sever itself from tho present
dominant iiowerf Tbo amount in
volved in theso threo months' mercon
tilo calamities would bring I ho year's
losses, at the present rale, up to 1258,
576,624. This shows that general
mercantile prostrations have now reach
ed tbe smaller merchants, thoso who
aro supposed to keep near shore, tak
ing leas risks ; but it seems even these
cannot escape Now, the grand cause
of all this commercial adversity is an
expensive Government, unsound na
tional legislation, Congressional igno
ranco, especially f the principles of
financo, and covering it ull, enveloping
it all, embodying it ull, fourth-rate
statesmanship coupled with a deeper
depth ol nionl turpitiido limn ever be
foro disgraced any c-ivilixed Govern
ment on ca'th- Little men, schemers,
profligates political adventurers, pros
titutes, ailfoeekors "on the make,"
well-dreted and bruscn-fuccd thieves,
all have pushed to tho front in politi
cal lifo since 18C5, as they pushed to
the front, as war howlers and war
directors, from 1860 to the date when
a so-railed "pcaco" was declured ; and
tho country has been fairly sacked by
traitors, fortunes havo been made in
a year. Congress has been tho very
hot-bed of all the villainies combined,
and the President ot the United Slates
seems, by tho exhumations now being
made, to hnvo been ono of tbo deepest
dyod rascals of the whole cursed hordo
of concentrated moral vandalism j yet,
as we have daily evidence, this mull
and his infamous tools actually hold,
to an extraordinary degree, tho respect
of such honest localities as Now Hamp
shire, which Suite would continue tbe
present condition of things, as its vote
records. Will tho pooplo over awake?
November will answer the question.
New York Viiy-Bnok.
r t .1.. ,.r
tbe Jt.diHiia Deinocrntfl, is ft native of :
Ohio, and is sixty-tight yearn ot uge.
Ho has lived in Indiaua sinco 1818, and
is thoroughly idohtiticd with the in lor
Hta of ihe State and the character ol
it people, lie it a farmer of nimplel
uiniiuvirj, .u.mV "
era lmegmy, ana no una nau .urgo ex-
perienco in state politics, having served
over twenty years in the Legislature.
lie is about six leet three inches in
height, and from that fact, as well as
bis bonety, shrewdness, plain, home
spun sense and habits, and bis good-
humored, benevolent expression, no is
known as tho Abe Lincoln of Indiana.
He ia beloved tar and wide by poople
oi all partios, but is especially trusted
by tbo farmers, who look upon bini
not as a proalesaionai politician but as
one of themselves, sent to the capital
to attend to the public business lor a
f riven timo. Home idea of bis popu
arity may be gathered from the (act
that he was elected lo the present Con
gress by a voto nearly double that of
ins opponent, no nas noon a nie-iong
Democrat, and was too nominee ot the
party for Honntorship in 1873. There
is not an inch of demagogue in bim
from tbe crown ot bis head to the sole
of bis foot and that is a long distance
Under his leadership lha party in In
diana ought to make a ringing cam
paign. It may bo added thai tho rest
of the tickot is worthy of the man at
the head ol it.
He-union or rnx Tenth Reoiment
P. U, V. C Tbo Fifth Annual lto-un-ion
of tbo Tenth Hugiment, Pennsyl
vania Itesorvo Volunteer Corps, will
bo held at Franklin, Venango county,
To., on Wednesday, llav 17th, lHo.
A lull attendance of all tho surviving
members of tho Itcgiraent is requested.
A mooting lor the election ol officers,
etc., will bo held at 2 o clock p.m. The
Committeo of Arrangements will leave
nothing undnno that will add to tho
enjoyment of those who attend. In
vitations hnvo boen extotided to Gov.
Curtin, and Generals Ord, Seymour,
Crawford, McCnndless, Warnor, Allen,
and Kane, toattend. Tho oration will
bo delivered by Col. Jas. B. Knox.
James L. Black, Historian.
Col. J. S. McCaimont, Prosidont,
Franklin, Pcnn'a
W. S. Caldwell, Socretnry,
10, Sixth St., Pittsburg, Pcnn'a.
A Nfra Arrangement. An cx-
cbango says : "The Cumberland Val
ley railroad will next summer run
commodious pnsson.rorearstoltio ten
tenninl grounds, in which tho sents
will bo numbered, covered, and locked
nnd a key given each passenger who
purchases a tickot, to which a check
corresponding to tbo scat bo occupies
is nttnehed. W-hen tho excursion
reaches Philadelphia, ho can link np
within Iho enclosure which contains
his seat, any food or clothing necessary
to his comfort, and if he doos not
choose to put np at a hotel, he ran
havo his own private apartment in tho
car which takes bim to the Centennial
"On Indus Troubles." A Wash
ington oorrcsiMindent of the Now Vork
Herald savs ; "Tbo transfer of Iho In
dians to tiio War Department will savo
7,0n0,000 or 18,000,000 annually to
tho Government, will causo tho Indians
to be honestly denlt with, will remove
ono ot tho most corrupt and demoralis
ing ovus witnin tho govornmont, and
will work as the beginning of a gener
al Civil Bervios reform." It is scarce
ly to bo doubted that such trnnsfor
would result in tbe saving of many
millions of dollars a year, if the right
kind of Secretary ol War is had to
look aflor the management, bat no
moro DeiKnnp not any.
Thoro is a doacon in Cleveland who
is training nt present with tho noble
army of indopondont votors. Tho oth
er U.y a parly man twitted bim with
being on lbs lenoo. "Yoa," said our
doacon, "I am on tbo fenco, and thoro
1 proposo to stay as long as it s so con
foundodly muddy on both sides."
Just hold On I Tho New York
Herald wants tho whole administration
impeached. Just hold on ; the poople
will do that next fall and tbo Senate
and llouso, moanwhllo, can pursue
their usual duties.
tvt bditrrtlsirmruta.
In lb aauia of Wm. B. AWiandor, atoo'd.
Potlllon ml Bamoal llarny,Eioolor, for Spools
Porrarmnnaa af Ooatraai.
Th. and.ralrnd Commlaalooao, aapolalod by
tho Coart to lak. laailmonf la tba no aaaa,
horaby lro. aotwo Ikat a. will atiad la la
dnllr, of bu anaotBtmBt at bl. aAo. la Olonr.
told, oo Taaalay. II ay Ills, M laa .'olook
a. . sb.s aad wb.ra all aArl aa lnlaratd aaa
allrnd. ' ' A. 0. EatAMEB, April u, ;e-n. 7 .'.
Jtru! Jidi'frtlSfmfntS.
All prrttna ato bar!' ooHlliwad agalaat
p,,,obj,i,.j u la aof utrfllii.g nllli ll
Miowiug .roortv, now in Iho poaarraloa of J. r.
Tbur-lui, "1 alurna towuabip, ria I Two horaoo
on bariiv. mm gilnd alono, ono fanning will.
Uvo a!im'. foiir lmi. ono plow ono nnd a half
aar.-a r o l.rat iu III ground. and a bair acroa i in lb gr.uod, and all b"arhIJ goo I i
bla powam.o. all of nliiob piirht. by n )
oo ft I7:a ot Anl, ls;t, aud ata lolt with bini j
on bia ualj, to lar u.-dr at an liioo. j
JAt Oll llll I HAKhll.
Murriadal Mlna, April it. '10 at.
V' r(0.0 ,f .. orJ,r r ,. ,.
cart,, fa . ih aodr.igod,
Ad,nj11iMr,,or of ino tiaof Audrow Mooro.uio
of IVoo towoihip. d'd, will tapoa to pulilio ,
' . '!""!" L"1"' c""
1m houaM of J. f, tiuppr, oa
ThruUy. Miy INTO
I I u'elook p w , II that ii-tain trtwt of land, j
(! tha fftiato nf taiii doMtJ, tltua'o In .!
baraiiKti, boua lad ami ocribi aj itilum: vtt i
Oa tlt bj i-nJ of Ji.tia K Hila, aurtb J I
1ih1i i4 (Jri.f BkII aod Uorg Ptimor)tt u
Until r in Itotwrt Yo( iIMa ami Jatar. '
Uuppla. ai.J iwiita ! "LUor lau U laU uf a-td i
din d. Im J u( the Julia Karuauv talr, at a I ,
tKititaltiini l)"Ut It- urtt n rt or
Xb) Impittvdiuanu aoii-itt of a oa and a-lialf
ttty Iraiua taoDtux aua IHtltf f-rt, with!
b! lentil nii-h4, a lf bain, aui ottinr ontontKi
iDj Atx uI 7 arna of ttir land ! cleared and
aniirr foud Hitaii u
Taaua up I IB Oue-tulril iba purebaaa
aiuna al rtxittrutatioe of fair, tme lU rd ia on
year trout data ol aale.andtba balaaaa at I ha
dv-alb ol Hannah Moor, widow ot Manual Maura,
lata of aid lanabip, tirt'd. iha lillar t py
atcataailb liitaraat, h be accurtd by bund aud
ortRiiKt- lit. i-r.-pfrtj. WM. T. MOOKK,
Luuilter Viif, Jauc Hi, 'Ti 4L Adta'r,
jbiicK in iMirriTJ()X.
Stait uf tatioft Iraola. Kt..U uf Jflmoa C
fraham. Uu of
Claarlti'l I vuatjr, at l J Ilfatlfordtp dao'd.
fn uriiaaee of aa ni'ltr (iiaad aut af tba
Orptiao'a t'uurl af i'Uarlat 1 aiHiniy, and U mm
dirfcl'), an inquiiition an-l arLion arill b bald
nn Iht roal ailala of the late Jaiaat Urahaia,
on TdtMUa tba twaaty llittd 4y uf Mar, A. U.
Tho mid ral ettatc ftiit of a ftituuaga or
traet of land titaata in Bra-Krl inaaibip, ia
aaid coauiy, ennlaiititiK one buiatirfd and aiat
(ItiD) acr and thirty tuna "9) p?rvhat, bono dad
and deaoribvd 11 folluwt : Ittfciaalng at a white, thenea by land of Vlnfant B Holt
eaatoaa hand red and tiny (114) parebaa in a
comer of lJaniwIb Buok'a plaat; thtaae north
b Ikndi uf Job a Htjwart one bnndred and til-
teaa 18) parcbei to a pt : tbrinoa by laadt af
Juha Mtlry w ana aaaaraa ana mi
par- bet to a portt tbeaaa ana baadred and iU
taan (llfl) parebaa tu tba plaea of begtnniag.
Nottua It iberefora hireby glvta to KUta Ura
ham (widow), Barbara K aad Wa.
Cannlntrbatn ber batbaad. and A If rod Orahaai
and Malibew Wilaoa.guardUatof Heary H. Ura
haia and Alrtandr n. tirauaia, ical baira aaa
ratiratcnUlivat af tht daoaaaad, to ba tbaa and
thara praaaat at iba 1 1 sat indlaaUd (SSd dav of
alay) if yoa tat proper. -Pherlff'iOffloe,
Claarflald, Fa. J April 31 4t Hhar.lT.
fa Darraanoa of aa ordor af tht Orphaat'
Citurt of Claarflald eoanty, tba aadanignad.
Trottaa, ia tba taattar or tba aala of tba real
rtfattof William Hareiaroad lata mt Ball Iowa
blp, dea'd, will aipota to pnblto wait, oa tba
prciniiei In laid towanblp. oa
TtaUntdar. June I,
at 1 o'clock p. b , all that oertala traet of land,
lata lha aetata ai aata ae q, tttaato ia tata towa
tbip. and daaeriliad at folio at j DeRlnaiaff at a
mail la, rurutr af othar landt Uta af dae'd ; Utenaa
by ft ma uortb U dft aait HO ptrcbet it a
pnat ihantft Hill ay tana aooia iui) de(-ea aatt
'Ai ierftl,'t laa napltt Ibaaea aorth 1 defrtte
Kntt wit m pr.fcr to post , thebe. t trru
Nua. 6IIIS nnd bills flla 11 drfrr arart 2s
porvlto lo a tual i larrao norta as SBroeo waat
by ircba lo plaoo of brfinoing, euitlainlnf ono
bundrd ood (wool. ono orea ana nnjr-oirbt and
loor-lanlh ocrphco anor or kar, nnd known na
''"p 1 h. p.rtiti of d-di irii
Bbiot threo u l bmir nlU Of ('M pifls, and
ar nuntirtxi uotiMtxi iw i wii nttniocK tin
Tbo arupertr will bo auld aa a wnolo, or In
o Iota, to roll nuibara.
Tiaaa or rUi.a. - Oo.bird of tbo uurcha.
oaooav oaab on eoiiQmatlon ol oal. ono Ibird lo
en )rr from dal of aalo, an4 Ito balanoo In
too irara lien data or oal. Ibo lattor two nay-
nin(a with internal lo bo aocort-d bj judgment
tsind and aortftg oa ino nrrni
April IS, 76 at. 1'roaUo, A a.
Llat of eanata act down for trial at June
Tom, ISIS:
riaar wits rirrl sonair, 10th May.
11117 a Dia1inxH.,..n. Jane T. Looaard.
A. C. Finn a. . CaRanoa.
A Oram Philip ta. O K. Woodan, AJn'r.
Androw Pnta, 8...H.Ta. Wm. Corlov.-ot nl.
V. U. Drtakrr, at ala. Jno, liookonborr.
Sam ta. P. B. Morrill, at al.
L. A-rltonomod toaaa.Ta. John O. 8hnff. . .
Ktllr'l Hlra a- 3. W. Mellbo. at af. -
8. Ilanrt;, Adtn'r....ra. W.V.Wrijht, al al, Ada,
J. U Maliok re, Wa. Linaa.
Cba. Haaataad, l al..a. E.l..rd H.ndara. '
L'a lloira Kl'd Arabora, ot al.
J. U. Uollok Wllnam Una.
llo. A. fort a Patid Fkml.
Jarob Biloor . Joph Shaw.'
S.moH Howall . 8. A. Horh.
0. bormoy ..... Danlal Fralr.
J. A. Wmura ra. J. H. Ellia A Soar.
8amul (liH-don a. Kitlanniaf Ooal 0a.
1. I). Iln.h A. I. Oom.
J. B. WalUra Jama llaTrt, at at
daorf linear William S. Walla.
Jobn I). Kwltb ra. John l. W.ld.
TBlitD VOBR IKCoaD MOtOAT, Jttn llth.
David P. Morriaoa....ra- Rrah Bowmas.
J. W. Casaanotn DH Coal Co. f Pa.
Caaaanora, Parkar a
Co H a. Rama.
R. Kobiaoa -ra. W. 8. Dicky.
Ollrar rllrphaaa a. Lamborn. Prlodly Oo.
J. II. Cupploa ...a. Jobn P. II IIo, ot al.
8. A. al, na.
of Wm. Irvia oa. John M. Cbao.
Rubn l.olaad a. P. Km porta A Co.
Jamra Mahor......a. Frank Itolfor.
W. W. Ilal -'a, D. W. Ho t, al al.
William Bradj... oa. John II. Bamr, El'rl.
C. K, Pitchor va. William Lutbor.
J. F. Kavoro .....a. Irb; Com Co. of Pa. '
John A. Brora .. Kaol llarraw.
C. ctarmoj va. Darid Fraaiar.
W. H. Diob; A Soa.ra. John RoM.on.
McLain A Androwa...!. 'Ihrirt. Kwlli.r.
Jaonb Kuala F. Barb A A. anarr.
Franklin Nof ,.l.....ra. Fullar Jobnaka.
Klijab Uarna M va. J. H. Arnold A Co. .
J. K. Arnold A Co.,... Klliah Bnrn.
Jobn lUrwiak .... Jobn Vnnbrabaat.
0. li. rVhoonorar Bronnor. Trooka A Co.
f. U. RaSari n-va. Jam A. Irvla.
tleorj Wbllaaidoa oa. Wm. Albart, at al.
J. J Ltt of Jnrora irawn for Alaf and Jnna
Court, A. D. IKI;
J. Il.nilrraon, Doro.lda
J. MrMorrar, '
J. MeClarron, Oaoatar
Tho. Oona, Frgol
W. 8. Hurf, ClMrl-1,1
A. 0. T.I.,
Mrtin walla.
Wm. Murray,
Olirar Loonard,
W. I. Thnmpniio,
Jnhn, I
L. Oil
J. W. Nrlaon, Ooabnn
Jno. MoDowoll.llrabaai
Uoo. Hhoomakor,
Oha. Tborp, Uroanw'S
W. R. tliokinaon, Uoliek
rl. Kolkrraoa,
Fred k Browa, II anon
A. II. Brown, Lawraaoa
ljwia H. Irwin, M
A. . Walaon, "
J. M. Mol'olloo.k"
Adam Mvrtor, Pons
Joba Portor, Piko
llllbort Tuaar, Kawbnra
Q. W. Il.rlr, N. Hoali
Aaron I.rlr, flawaria
Mark K.l.r, Bradford
Aba. Poaro, "
I. 0 Cowdr, "
C. Brooa. , Brad;
D. Mnurr, Covlnfton
L. Flood. "
(loorco Moffll, Doonlar
Joon. Kbart
II. W. Pork, ClaarlaHjWarran Hall, Por.uaoa
A. f. I!.iynt..n, ' (J. A. I.. Flsl. aluahon
T, A. Ilooror, fjor arllloi R. c. Thniuiiaon, ur w d
J. W. Haaerily.OMMiola
James Meeee, D'HX
W. C far ley, tlradiord
. Plyon, Uulirh
W. A. Umb, II niton
A. W. Yonng. Jordan
Keab. Rsiier, Kantian e
T. N. Pulton, Lawrenoe
Peter Mob i, Morris
J. B. K-dirty, Pena
Fred Rhm, Pike
L. H. DreMlor, Union
ft. Mcrhenton, - "
R. II. Kirk, Brady
Jas. Weaver, Burneide
Ail am li-nr, Chest
L. M.CoudrieiaCnv'Kton
J. 11 Petera. Ueoalar
TRAvanaa Jt'aoaa pirt nonnT joaa ti.
Frank Reed, OlaarfieldiVVm. Kephart, De-atar
W O. Onrdqa,
JO. Sralib,
Tboa. P-Ir,
John 8. Hunk. M
S. D. Kephart. "
Wm. goiil.y,
Tho. riorkf
II. Jdrtraokan. reri eon
Wm. Lord, "
Tboa. Mull., Jr
llarld B.r. "
Jaa. Soad.rlls, Bill
llnrld Wilon, Bradford
Wm. Woolrldno, -
Wm. I.lvl,.loa, "
Tboa rltiaw, "
Eirb Folloa, "
Jot. Merat, Uirard
D. Shnnkwiler, (loahen
Wm. tlonrad, lioliflh
J. MeUheeheo. Jordan
Mariin Kopp. Knribnni
i. iiennne,
(leorge Unllah, taw'ooe
Jeeepb Uwene, M
Ueo. W. Howlea, "
Jai. P. Mullen,
Jaob. llarpeter, -
lloo. Prnno, Brady
Uo. II. Winaorl,
J. W. Kaon,
A I i Sbaa,
Ulobul Sbaltor,
1'biitp Mntti, atorrli
(lenrgo Hart, "
U P. Kylef,
A. Raymond,
Khaha Moore, Pen a
1 1 nrt Ilile. Pike
Jaoob Marowina,
Waltor Hrooa.
O. Hmrod, Dorn.ld
Sllaa WMlooor, Chat
,J. W. Caldwell, -
Ullbort B. Toan,
B. Dan lap, Weow rd
mtTaRfin jrnotto to ontiir Jtnrn Htw
Air. Miloholl. UIarSM
aalab ribara, Ulrard
Tbom.a Hobblna,
Joo. Llvlnooton,
J A Stawarl,
M. LlTArglKHl, Uo.bOO
Hiram llnmol, Unllob
lloo. MnCullr, Jordaa
Kobt Paltorooa, "
1. U. Mllobollraa, Kart.
Snmu.t Sn,4r, Knot
Ham.l lloovor, H
W. M. C.lba.rt,
Rohl WngUy, Law'ao
S. M Rowloa,
S. U Krawwr.
W. Condo, CurwonarUI
S. T. Handaraoa, Onaola
Wm. Bwisnrl, "
R. U. Monro, Hrad;
Joba Roam. '
Cbu. Bmllb, B.rn.ldo
0. Wblw, l-b.l
t. Llr., Onrlnglo.
Jaa. Laanoy,
Aug. Iluoaoa,, 11
Chna. Browa,
Miloa aaoaaa, Dwalar
Aadrow Kpbarl, "
Jobs kooaia, Daaatar
Tbomaa Lang, Morrl.
Ilkrid Brnwn, Piba
Moaa Balhf, '
1. L. HoPbaraaa, "
0. Labor), Jr. tlaaaa
J. k. Arnold, "
tl Wa bar artnUd , hug. am nor of law now
rtl BILL, aad wlU aa &. rwaalBt of Iwoain.
Its oonla, mall a was, I. ant fddrwa. oait)
tvi anil isUanfOU dwilsimfnlj.
W ttonAtmatyttrn the IsMfh topi ttx
Pitoj.D(w uf avyiinTcraMton Rbuut Out Hall, In
nratfatntt. 'Jat In Amcninv.'
atMntisUipwrt. ine yteiw :
Visitor. ' Whacornor tithe ButMlnronr
Atkmikmi. "Jtottlh -Kavrt coni.-r t( .Sj4A utiI
MwkcC riMta H'Hsj iha HIXTH. I-r
avtrartrri saMkinc Oak HU, Uva boen muJt I
1 Do jria .
Id ainaiimoaaar-
A. "U,UUJ antuut fM--M on MarJirt, i 1
180 odd oa Sixth, tts atotiai high, han ( r
threa icmttft flcxirtspf, anil rtifcr- mcr - u
occupied brmjiOaail twwily tULTtuvtat
sea plaoa,"My
V. lo vou uaa ftean. -power
A. M A xunt young etiKlntj furnbtira p""i-r
fbrtha fM,bt anil iriutHiigrrclrvatiir.' 1 1 If o
; UAlen tutain fur beaUsUAs tuul l4u uUu
Uooa of Uta boaaa "
V. "Wh. order Aojtm itakawlth rodr'
A. "Theyara Oral optdfiMl ami fn
tbo baaamtnt, on long lyw U-!-wi
Uienoaon tba &Uti:leTatui- toUw Ui'
1 tor'a luoa oo thoTMLla floor."
I. " Ii UupecUuintie Aru opt rattan f
. " Mo, air, meacurliif . 1 bo e' txls ro It -1
mmvanain lha yioet, then lnspecu d. 't I o
cJokfa pamaorar roUart la Uie fa of artr.r
llcbt, and two men alt, one before anil c ..
btVblrjd the foods, waiohlng with Uia eye vi a
hawk for tho least plo-bulo linrseiivctiun, ti
markinf erary flaw, so that the c alU r may in
and avoid U wiwa ha) vqom to out tba car
I. Te-a mat em pi cry an nnry of mttenl"
. Coma to our fltili & aul tee I V.'
ktwpTDbaiiilaall thatlatgr ryVUna: op tli rl.tli
Into irviMni4 bdi-myfl majb.raU.atU4
a doaen nutn's work eax )Mt a troU."
V. "Do ua nsfliafactura all your own
good. r
A. "Wo do, Uf moot careful.-. Oar rs
tUDlnen lnrpect erery ttiuji at.d Bum, nnd
certify to orer ftnunl aa extra-well tntule
before wa put our Ucitot oo It, and beobiuo
faapootlblelur It"
. V: " Youf ajatea moat lare you a gnal
A. In orerr dtrertlon, tf t. It la tM ry-t-ra
and ooonomy wo practice ail tkr waf tbrourli,
that enables ue to put our ptwowa to Uo
people aa wo do."
V " Aflor itupoctlnf tbo work, what becomes
of Uf
A. " Birfrtr H ffoef Into Block It la tlckrted.
Erery Btnrle iranurDt baa Its number ard
other polsia noted on It. so tbat Its cull re his
tory can ba toaoed wUauut mil, upun cur
V. " Tin anat hare 80 or aalfetrwn V
A. Why sir, on busy days you Buirkee I'M)
In tho various rooma and suites vu root&a,
aellinf to the tabronirs of enstomrre."
V. TDo you do aa order bu-A- sby mall
and u preai f V
A. ' Very f reat All orer the country. Our
MO UK MBKItAL nPlins WERE NEVER MADKth.r lha follooln,- as-TI WILL HfIND
18 rioweriar Plant for $1.10 : 4 Varieties Strwlerriea for $1.10.
I C.lnr, 'lPal.i..,'
I Fochaia. I Kor.rr.w. 1 nfoalhl Roaal12
wits oi.CTio.a ron onowi.a. L
a n,.... tti-. r.. ens.
, cTh. ..jbru,
CTTT 0OT aSXS AOT SEND " riowor Soels for $1'10 :
jhsjsaswM In fa'aleras of VeaeiaMe Flower
WITH j bVelt, free ta a.y addrtM
f9-0ut baudionie Catalous of Fralu and Flowrt eon lain Ing full direelloni fur enltit jtico. wil
be sent to all wbo read sdUreM.
J. V. URIMES. HoperlntooJii.l. JNO. O. SI.RIll M ON S. Buiilcr. llan.j.r.
M.nli 14, le;t 41 row.
T. A. Fleck & Co.,
Tb ay a.iU lire, and flad tbemtwlret well and hearty
wbile libera are eosaplataiaif boeante bayere of UK br8 A .Nil un UUUUH are net In "! i
tloa te pay tbe large prolts of ibe at, wbile tkey, like fr-elnf burtar mtm, aw the
- ailaatiea and eft red aad avid Dry Uoeds at ;
Prices to Suit the Times.
fiy ao dotag they have ap a prosperous and laorwaalnt; trade. With a ia.a'1 atora and tight
Clleaie, prleei tbat woe Id be lees thaa eeet te ethers affird tbeni a pruBt. Their motto fur
l7a was made in olden time, and in tbs wordt of Fran kite . K nimble afxpene is netter
thaa a alow billies;." At a reeea t ieetirjr of tbe firm it wa aaanimouly reeolrnl ta
do (Miliar ai hsretefore.OM A C AtH BAHIH, Md eban)re tbe molt for l;d
as folloi : A alanble Tliraepence la better thaa a alow Hlipenre."
This beau Franklin Jest aO per eeot. -
Market St., Clearfield, Pa.
All the latest styles from 10 rents per yard np.
Colored Dress Goods in groat vai-ioty.
Black Silks, one dollar and upwards. Dress Linens, best shades and makes.
Table Linens, Turkey Red, bleached and unbleached.
Sheetings and Pillow case Cottons, bloachod and nnkloacbcd.
Calicoes, ) Cottonsdes for men's and boy s wear. ( Ticking
i All kinds of Summer
Nice Summer Shawls and Skirts.
Full fresh lines of all descriptions of While Goods, plain and plaid.
Mualint, Piquet,
.So It flniHhod Cambrici,
SwUi Vicloria Lawns,
A new
New Corsots, Lsdics' Ties, Usndkerchiels, Collars and CufT. Kid Glores,
Black and colored Veils and Veiling, Nock Bucking, Ladies' Hack Combs,
Parasols and Fans, Ladies' and Children's Hose, Ladies' and Chil
dren's Gloos, Ladies' and Children's Underwear.
MILLINERY GOODS, ' lil10 10 suit "ryy
Trimmed llaU and Bonnets, very cheap. Now Silks, Klowors and Hibbons.
Vnlriramod lists and BonneU.
Having succeeded iu getting a Brat
Call Will nou gOOUB in inis ucpnrimuill vviy uiuii iv- v. . .....
(jJentV Fiiriilstlilnit tntoocl.
1'ercals Blurts, n hita Shirts. Underwear, liinen uonar. anu uim, i aiur
Collars and CufTs, Suspenders, Linen Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves
and Now Ties of overy dosoription.
All Ihe above goods will be offered at Ihe lowest poisiblo prices.
T. A. FLECK & CO.,
Cloarflold, Pa.,
Theeo-nartntrthlp beretofuretxllting betwuen
Bllli Bnieal and Iiaae Hhiael, nnder lha Am
name or KIMa Hmeal A Co., doing baiineti tn toe
horoagb of Walleeeton, Clear Held e-mnty Penn'a,
waa dUiolfod bj asulual Mneent on the lit day of
April, 1074. RI.I.M 8MBAL A CO.
Wallaeeton, Hareh II. loTA-et.
Any part baring loa. lo raw at Lark Haoen,
aaa bar tbm manuraoluroil at Iba lowoat rat
aad ia lb boat manar br anlliag at tho Paw
Miliar Towa., Bhaw a Co., waior atraat, 1.00R
Baron, Pn. N. HUAW.
Look Hat.a, ARI 1, 1ST Im.
All pertmii are hereby eanUoaed ngalnat nor.
ehaamg or In any way meddling with th follow
ing propeiiy now in tut poaaeaaion ot afotr-pn rl
Line, of Hrady lownettip, rll ! ope blaok uw.
one two-yea? old betfef, one bog, oil tbe wheat
aod rye in lha green d, oiity tvibeti potatoea,
part of wbleh are in Hamnel Balloy'a oellar, nil
tbe bonieholil furniture of forlorn kind U or
a boat the bona, Including fceda and bedding, one
pair of twin aleda, aa the aaaie waa parehaaed by
aaa oi Bhentri iaie and U auojet to my or.ier at
any time. JK8SK LlNKH.
Lniberebnrg, April l, It H.
The ondertlgaed lading It toe Ueoneanient
to keep n Publie 11 onto at lb month of Bandy
and Central Point, deelrea to rent, HI, or ei
abaoire tbe former. He will ea eh an go It for Iowa
property in LleartUldet I'nrwenerille. Thla pro
prty eonlntnalaV aorea, 4 of wbleh are e lee red
The whole Ii underlaid with ooal, Ire ela? ood n
rein of Iron -ere, becldet poeeeaaing n good water
power Tbe buildinga area large dwelling, ttarn,
eni nonaee, ana a aow-miii. roaaoaeinn will e
gives a nay time. Tbo title It indtauatoble.
Tho preepeetlve vnloe of this properly la not
ee-ewled ib tho Oooaly, aad ia thorelero eery
ooeirohW) aa aw InvoataiewL Beeidet, a large
o.uaaitty ef now timber U yt en the property,
which taw he man a to tared oo the prwwj(
lek of help aad aaeaa. to doreloM i la m;
rooaM fat ofering tl for late. Aa'fyl' -
rermatieui m be Aulaeg hj add; "! the auh
flribfr. UWlrtrfCl LOOB.
'PraelPe, Pa.,
Mnrdh M Ifo.
IMwlVtn .ryaetn. itfd nim of tU mtminmtRt
away Ji
D(mim lo pUoMoj pw-pio l.ouu mile.
J(yrfwctl m If tlwjr hrt in
i IT- -a lausst hmlfaa
dlffoirnt d.-partinenur
A. "Uydtaralrl we have tnorw than tvmty,
ti:b chanrixJ with Its own btutneei, and eaca
tttowmghiy onranlted.anicaaiarir wheel wiiU
In tbo ireat wbrel." ,
V. "Will you name a doaen or so of th-il f
A. "With pltasuro. The Ciiabmi Apst
uiorit. for thoee who pref.-r cusbm-made to
pwly-mv!(. Vn rurniablna; A;artmrnt,
uiib I la lyiao otork of all underwear,
'ibe Milrt W torr, with lu bury maihtfies,
n.fiiilnit ourown llrir-rJaaiahlri, Tho Trtm
i.iluK Lpurtnint, lUstlf attblf as many a iwa
luT Hon. Tbe uaroitint Btork Koudl Tbo
Kr-cclvltif Kuoni. Tbe Order Itopartment.
uuiuud U-foru. TheBpecfal tnlforus Itcpui
mvitt The Delivery lpsiTtixiwt, wlu Itt
score of BiirSsVMijfera, The"
V. '-Mold, hold I ilr. f m.urh r
A. "I'm n jt hlf throned I That kAwtMnm
rierauent. with Iti bllLand elm ditttrlbuton.
fftlilitiri end publlablncA bualneas and popular
joiinial cUculrirrV.MiUooplea monthly
Ih'll all your friVtoatnd for It). The Men li
lK-partment, wllnta ineny iwroi, ThebV'ya'
JjpitrtmenL The Youthr leparaDQnL Tbo
CiUlilrt-n'a aOerrartiwt, with m sperial
CLUaUice for ludlea. The Telnrranh lepait-
n.cnt. Tbe Cbief Clerk'i uartment, with
Hi IVrnk-kf nr n and aulBtanta. Genrrhl Man
aire li'pantnent I Financier1! Office, and
other ofUceatf tho flrra ail bnsy aa beea
Uiinklntr, t'lannlnir, cieuUne. boy Ing, mak
lug. rnrt.terlnf , rn aip(t,ai'iiliDt out, aelllnir,
aud In a thtrUMuofjs Joining their force
tu carry on a bucUieaiVlth the people sunoont
ItlB to iMWisUQ i,UOOIiUi s4a4 iftMiAU A-
V. 'f-t-n-n-e-f.-d-o-o-a!"
A. "IndttfJ It 11 I rVtrrot to name the)
CA'hier'lWiArtmcut, Which btndleilUJUU
of ralnll salt n on some atnaln days I"
V. "rx,wl Immctiti 1 1 hat 1 what eriabloS
the houte tn buy rbeap and w Jcb? T"
A. Kxartly I Yon hare LM hit IL Tbo
psple throng here, kiioihat we depend
on low prlreeand ImmtMsUeaV
V. V. hat aro tho ' rota aixja' J hear ao
sducJi about f
A. "Ourtyrifm ofbotlneiwi deal(Da-l. Ono
price, no (lev la Uon ; 1 Cash for ererrthlnf: t.
A ruarantce pmtertlng tho purrnaiWrr- 4. The
mom-y rutursodlf the buyer out t wwrwleo
ae Hilted.
V. " hcdhlniretviiMbo Imim."
A. " N' tiling. And ibe people eee H."
V. M W 1), 1 Uwuk yuu, atr, tor your potato
A. "Net at all. It'i a pleararo to aefre ym.
Call ttrain: aud be sure of th pia&-Wana
maker A .frown's Otk flillM itfli rest out
tvrr Hlith and Market"
V. "Thank youl 1 kbaJJ bo happy to doao.
Good morulnf."
""" PM
II Thaa. D ,
It Wilaoa.
VarioUos EaopTjorric. for $1.10:
Suml , pnlw..,h flarko, I lloraj
28 racket, of GMt
at ibe elm of a arrwul'ul yesri' batuneM,
C'sssimcres, ery cheap.
line of I Tucked Muslins, plain li
styles stripod,
of 1 Long Cloth,
EDGINGS. I P''" Cambric.
class Milliner, persons favoring u, with a
April 20, 1870.
We are prepared to chip the flileormtod
Oa.rugi Land Plaater, flnvly grouool reidy for nee,
te all lattoaeeo tbe Oiearhnld railroad in ear
loada of twelre and fonrleen ton, at very row
prioea. Connif-nera' weight in all liin to he
paid for. For partlonlara, addreu
KlluRTlslIX.8 A CO.,
llellefonte, Pa.
olareb tl, U7I t
The umlersijino 1 herthy glvel n tlfla t-i the
eill ten i of Clearfield eouolj, tliat be bet, at hie
(Ireen llouae in ClearAeld, o Urgn t)Hntiiy or all
klndi of Vogetable and Flower Planta, which be
will furntah to all wbo may faror htm with their
prtronage, ot reaeonaide prleaa. The following
il a partial Iht of planti and flower :
Wtnlered Ca1hat,o PUntn.
Late Cal-hage Platita.
llearf Celery Planta.
Wintered Cauliflower Plants.
Bwret Potato Planta.
K(t Hlawta.
Temalo 1'ianla.
Pepper Planta,
ruowaa flakt ron ear-mso,
IIKI.10TR0PK8 Aiaortrw,
I'KniSUS fitngleand double.
U K K A N I U M ft Variegated.
HA'. K-Hear let nd wbiW.
PANHIKH Largo Bower a,
COI.Kl'H Aeeorted.
PUCHHlAlingle aod double,
DAll MAS Double.
VHltHKNAS-BoH teleeied rarlellei.
HTOi'K Large lew-ring, doable.
BAOONIAH Aeeorted.
PINKIlardy. ,
a latg aaaertment oC planla IW Hanging
hetaer Vaaeo. BUN I-St IdOCK,
iiaw. I ! SB r
y VM"7 IH M uu otsee.
SfUf flrrrtliftufnts.
At a Court of Ctimiin.a I' let i m Clear
Rol'l, oa tlw Siib diy uf M-rli, IS O .u t,ndr.
.Kiil sra a,oInt4 Truttre f it .. rt.i f
ti. Ml llr, nadir prjteedia, lit t.,Uq.i,aj fit-.y b.rb- !. ..i;.s. i, ,t o,ey
are vtoJ m'k ll ibe etat ot .i I K. u. JllilUr,
and all b-iohi, Yt4--ainr eu-i ym' r.-.i-iijf
Ihn 4Ui, at1 i,r rr all t r , .i U h6sh
to the n4 Ji.ttr r buiaiiaR prvtiert m,.!,.
t' IOI,H put dllvr ail iiiut .1 ...,.-
an I jiri,, tr, a.i.l t -loiiin i.i i , in",
j i'utai. i, 4n4 a!u i!en.- .'I, ,
: prr-ett tU'it rcpeitire efloj 411 1 J mi ,,
; jn y. 1 it iv iv, .
' 1 C W. HMiril.
w. d nniLKK, j
ri.-4 i:d. April is, iN;-ta
ril'IIAXrf COlTIiT S.VI.K. -
ry Tnte of en or lt-r uT lli f 1.'...,' t:.m.i ..
j Cii4rB.ilJ ouunly, limrv mil ' t Wl y-M-v .(,
I by tue ittrdarraiisfiir J A4 jitfitr tt .- i( f 4 j Ha
I (sutai, J c J, on Ibe pri-tni-., u Unt.wn" ia.
aturdayl April Si) I tUl,
the (iuio dAa.:bdl r.H ttU; U:sj jf
d., t wit: Alltlul oert.tiai t,-a-ir jh.-js f
leii-1, -.tu tie iu I.4r--.M UiBrt.h , C ojril-l
O -tllllV, I., IxiUII iJ ft.lj d r)-iWl f-).), f
D ('imiii; t e im.4; t jcue n i 13 farr,
at t; p.-rokoe lu e .einnl k ; tnotyt ,j ui
sooes: iheuM hy Is ii of 1r te i iii v ..-11 jt
derM et Kt ?rfhi t i. .j -i ; lhn-i.i
Wolf Hue iu:b i. diynssi txt t b-. ti
BnVe nm4 ftieee el eitfttRj. u,
at"-. eod HIV nerchM.
Tamil Oto- balf euh, bUn e In w
be pared on tbe prcra iti iof.- ,
ff, te
J l "AW. AioV.
P. 8. Tbe r will alsj awl I i u ,, imt
and y) ell lbs porto-nl pruer.v of sail dee d,
coiiUn er houeeholj ad kieh-a fumtlare,
farm iuiplemenu, and rariuu utti.-r ar iei iao
Bttanrreui to menhua.
C'earflpld, April HM -it,
Am 1 Juki, lHM, lt t Um.iII
Hmbhs. hih is, in dee V,n tnlUn ."luten too
N rd Ainrnra, dr Zicrorru nun Carl PritHriek
Koob, luil II intrlain(t d ViiaKfiB veretor
ken. iivrreltao nar sin 29 April, IPii, in -Its
grlton-a ud I m.iI, uaai emer eororl.ifr'eo Naoh
(i. t.t cine Witwe and einen Pull a biutrrlassea
djat.ea. kuvrden t'alLdeet Korii -'. ratbet
vefii.iritfB iM, tat'pn sib wine vol.atwtijfen
Utohitpr alt eeinfnaehiten etti-s-n Kr'n a
aurt iWL-'trn, nt-ralieh : A.,dcr Kautiana L'rt
Ferd Koob. ii., die rerwiitwcte Praa.
Frtederieke lionise Ia..nbardt, f eltoreue Kock.
C. die Fran Amelia Thaemmlt r, feboreoe Koeb.
. der kaolmeaa Frani Koch nod K. dr
KaitltNiwu frati Afcerl Kcb. Zr Krpa.ntung
dee W-ohw-i-s tbrr iusjli it all e-tii'e
ail-litij(e K'bea il aWr bch eia afenlnclirs
Auf(;bot lo-r erfordetlleb eraobtrt wordeo.
il erda ilabr eHe difjaien wleuo etwa
oirbofe oder Rleiob nihe Rrbaupro-ebe an den
Natulan ieacs Carl frielrieU Kiiti se baben
verm ineo.h led ureb aelcfordert ibre Aowrirarahe
bis sfiielealeni an dem aof den 29 Jalv. Is75
Vortaitteiti II ('far km hiflaijrea Oerichttjr, 'htvede
Ztasaer No. ! anberaimto Tertatee bet uof
Aotawelden widr if enfali each Ablauf dea
Tern ins die Auaite lluna; der ErMaKbetoijcunc;
faer die eben (enanntan Oeecbwuter Kocb
erfnlt;eB wird.
kviKiatlcn PaiciilirHEN Knan OanirHr,
II. Attlieil(iOtf,
Zeitt, amTtua Janoar, t HTtt.
Carl FreJeriek K b, of fllen Hope. Pa, or
bit relatives are hereby r'auented to in fur m of
U eir wberealsont. Cll AHLK8 II. MtiYKH,
Imperial Oerman Coniel,
S17 Chestnut street, I'tillvlelphia.
SherifTs Sale.
TY rlrtoeof wrlliof VWirieai A'jteMe, Inaed
J J eat or tbe Conrt ef Cosamon Fieaa ef Clear
field own otr, and ta ate directed, there will
be aiposed to pnhHe cale, at the Court Huote,
in Iba boraurb of Clearfield, mm SaiurdaT. tba
jflth day of Mr, l7fi, at 1 o'clock, p. m.
tbe lollowinf deierttea real estate, te wit :
A eriirj tract of land KituaUla Dsualar iwp.,
rUsrfl ld eoantT, 'a , Ix-friaDug at a be ut lock ;
(benee 1-y lai ! -f Abnun ilo.e ttiirty-eij-ht aa l
uoe bif t).-rcei north &fijr-fur porebva to a
beiuloak ; tlwuoc nnrtb elitt an J ooe-h.if decrees
wrrt ei((-'t" erebfi; tbene north lereaty-oae
dej-reei it one bundrrid ial fortr-one perolisi
tea btiml"ck : tbenne aenb tweuty one drKreet
eat one hnodred end twatT-tersH porbs te a
plae; thence eooih eixty-ntee dere-e enat t4
faandred eiRtity prc'iei a chofttiut, and eeiib
twenty -one li-rt-cj met on bund re 1 nnd eighte
percbee loi. brili-k and laaeit buj-tun a,;, cos.
littiuf -f ! bundled and six aorc at.i .line
snot of n pr eeat. for radi, and havins; aSiint
ods buiidred nerve clearoj, with buuse and btra
iberein, ettb a oiel oank, weijrh house, and oue
foartb of a mile of rail eemt:, with all improre
meats heloaglnf to Coal to beitod, tnkea in
eaeeation and U be sold aa the property of l. jtn
Coal Company.
Tanuiep 8ali Tbe prioe or saia at whlh
the property iball be struck off mail be paid ai
lbs time ef sale, er such e her arrangement
made as will be approved, otherwise tbe property
will be Immediately pat np and told ag4ia at
tbeeipeoie and mk of the pereon te wbom it
was itniek off, and who, la ease ef deficiency at
such re sale, ibtll make food tbe saeje, nd ta
ne will the Deed he presented in Court
for eon I r ma tion nnlesa the money it aetaally
paid te tbs Hberiff.
Shbrifp Omen, I iSiicnlT.
Clearltold, Pa.. April 111, 1ST. J
SherifTs Sale.
tf virtue ef tiadrj wrlU of Fitri Fneitt ia
uin! out of the Court of Otntani 'laa of Clear
laid eoanty, enl lo m d treated, (here will be
etfKbted to pobtlo ; at tbe Court Hit. in he
buroofh of OlfartWl't, am Tbaralav, the 17tSi Av
of April, lTr, t 1 o'eloek a. tht
j lowing dticribed real ertate, to wit;
All the intereit of Peter MaOoorija (heiofa
I nDdiTi(liil one half) io all that eertain farm or
; trait of lant iiteaie, lying, an-t heiaj in Law
1 lownnhip, Claarfleitl eoantr. Pa., on north
, it-le of tbe Boaqaahanna rtrvf, and en bnth ii4t
of tarnpik If ad to from ClearSwIt, to Cur emiril I,
I b-jinoinf at a eoit by ebaatoat oa the bank ef
lha Soraufbaana river, beiec elte tbe eornr mf
laoJ of Joho 1. Wriftoti thanee down Mid mor
Math eifht iij('t dte:ree et fDurtMui pereliM
tu a poet ( tlteac aoath eefenty-two deavrt-t out
riht fierfhe to a poatf thence eorib &! r
drjtree eat twvotr-flre perchet to a post ; lb-nee
ortb liity twi degree eat liitT-tijtht ptrchea
to a pott aod earner ol lead of Leinder Ueuniuf ,
thanee twntitv-iiK and ena-balf Anrrrmt wct
! twealT'tttne percLee a4oaj( Leaa Itr Ocnnitif
land to a poet ; tbeac north ftr-ili dcfrroei cmC
atTectern and one-half perchet to a poat t (trace
north lew dsftreei eaal aeroea turapike mad m
hnodred ami thirteen pair be to a poet on to en
thin rad ; throee along aaid townebtp nud arth
ei)hl7-eia;bt dnjcreM wot ono hundred and tbirtf
wo porrbei t a pott ernr of lani of John 1.
W right, theaoe aouih ell and three-fourth
deer1' ett ono hand rod nnd niorlr-two parohee
; rvloait John l. Wriftbt'a land te poet hj rti-ttoat
I and place of begianme;, eenlaiaing eue hmdrr I
I aod thm--Uire aorve and entr-asa pr-U nt,
i being known aa the "ltarrett Fatib," and heviug
1 thereon ereoted a good Iwo-etorjr deeihaff huate.
large frame bank t.arn,wab bajte, iai.ik hue.
pring bo a so, and art bar outbaildtng, aad al a
vrrjr good orrhard. (To ba nil ut'jcct te a
mortgage of tf,)0 apon tbe whole propertj )
feiiL'd, taken in etermion and to be aoid ai the
propertj of Peter Metleorge,
Tsnaa or SoVi-i. The prloe or mm at which
the property eh ill be trunk ul a4it bo paid at
the Unto of iln, or inafa othor arn(feati !
u will be approvi. otherwieo the irapi-tr eill
Jj-;', ff.'J, ";."."!,,,.'"':o T
j atruc. ir, n I wn i, in o or l.,nnrr al ra.-a
I r.ral. bll ni oih1 tbo .Aiao, and ia a
iau.m.!ii nn bint...ani ia cm
i frinfirtnali-)n wnli-a. tba tnonry ia aoloallr p.i'.l I
, tn Mnris. . , Hirsnsjiu,
SnEuirr'a Orrinn,
rWftfi.l, Va., April IS, 1171.
SherifTs Sale.
UY t Ih of wrlu el Fitri Fntia; l-4
oal of th )oul ol Com-oon Pleu ?f Clear-
tie Id eo'intr. a-i-i to me directed, there will be
jexpoaed te PCHl.lO fALK, at the Coart Houaa,
i in the borough of Cleartetd, en Blerdty, la
KHh day of Mv, UTo, at 1 o'eloek, p. m,
I the following deioribed re! eelate. to witi
1 All the right, title aa-1 intar. of A. 11. Miltoi,
of, in and to one lot and a balf of ground liia
ato in Mnteop add it loss to the bruuh el Clear
field, lo the eonnty of Clearleld, oad 8tate ef
Ponnaylranio, bonndoi and deeeribet ot rolrow,
DeKioning at a pot on Maritarelto atroai, heme
a'poeoraer uf John Carr'alot ; thenoe In a weetfrly
direotinn along Margaretta alreet St fet te a
poet : ihenee In a northerly direction along tin ei
lot No. 0, III leet more er Iota to an alley ; thome
alent; "I'l "'I? 1 n eajlerly direction IV frel
looornerof John Carr'alot; theooo in a aoalh
ward i y direetioa along line of Joan t'err'e lot I"
feet more or lera to Msirgaretta treat nl p'oe
of befioniog, eotoining 3 feot fr.'Bt an I ti
feet deep, aod known oa lot No.l io aaid addition,
being the earn kit which A. H. Mittnn parchaf4
from Thouiao Hi ley under hrttelei of ajreemrnLt
AIo, one-half lot of ground, being tbe half of
lot No. I in tbe plan of eatd addili-n, eltoiaiag
the a bore doeeribod lot, being W feel front
Mergemtt etreel, and ISO fet deep le ao aUj,
bounded on the eonth by Margaretta
the weal hy lot ol Mri. Heaa, and on tbe oHi
by an alley, and being toe m let of groan,
purehteed by agreement from Jamas h. Leaiy.
tfeiied, taken in elocution aal to be told at IM
properly of A. II. Mitton.
Alto, all that eeruln M of groonil ellnate a
Ibo corner of Good end Hannah atroeia io !
boroiiKh of Htiatidale, Cleardfld runiy, Peon a,
being aorenty Ire feet front by euiy-twe ,M
deep, bavinn erected thereon o large ibrer-aiery
boo', and known aa the "Centennial lloiw-
Ale, ono other pteec or pbreel of ground -nate
in Ihe borough ot Huultdale, Clearleld
I'a , known a lot No. Rt, boundwi and deriid
aa follow: North hy property of Jam-t IWT
oouth by lot No M. aaet by Ueerge MireeU aa
weat by Maple alley, baring erected thereon
g-Hbd frame bonee known na tne 'Koropeao II '
aiao, n b lie It emith thop, horoa Mable and '
ouibuiidinira. 8eiied, iakeo in eieeoiioa and Mt
bo aaid na tbo uruuoriv of H illuwa Parker.
the property ahoU he eimofc of moei be poid
the time ed aoio, or aoch other nrraoemM
Made na anil be opprocod, otherwise the
ty will be immediately pat np and cold axaiaM
Use eipenoo nnd ruk ol tho poreoo to
wt trwok tl, and woo, in oaae of deftfll' "
aoh ro-aale. aholl make good the name, "
oe iMUaeo wUl the Deed ho preoonted U
for oofthrnutlo nnleti tho money I wu'
paid to tfao Hboriff. W. R. MoPHltRoON,
onairr'i Orripi, I
Clearleld, Pa-, April 1V, IITI. I