gardiraw, & Sinwarr. SACEETT & SrnRVYEl, iuuh ia HARDWARE, aad BUihctann af Tln.Copper & Sheet Iron Ware, Bemad Stmt, CI at, A VI BID, A, ... . . . i -f llapfl Having lurgeiy inereo. w -- - were, wo laeite tke aabll. to oianlne ear .toes aad prieoa. Carp.nt.ri and peroeoewko eoateaaplete kulld lag will do wall ta examine aar . . TOOLS ft BUILDIIO HAHDWAXB. wklok li aaw and af Ik. bait eaufeatere, and will ke ald low far aaak. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS. - LATCHES tTIVORS. i . SCREWS All Unde of Benoh Planer, Rewe, Ckleel., Square. Hantaan, UatabaU, Plemba and Le.ela, Uortloed a Thumb Quagee, Berela, Brace. lmu, Wood and Iro . Benoh Borewl, aad the bait Boring Moehlne la tha Market. Doable and Single Bitt Aim, POCKKT oniLIRT, Ao. Agenti for Burnetii Iron Corn SheHer, warranted. . Alio, agent, for Richarda' GOTHIC FI.UE TOP, which eoeotualty euro Smoky Flan. Fanner.' Implement, and Oanlaa Teali af erery deeorlptlnn. A large rarloty of COOK STOVES, which w. warrant to glie aallafeotlon. Portable Hange and Furnace. V.Rooflot, Spouting and Job Work dona an reaeonable torm'e. All ordari will raoalra proBpl atlantica. POWELL & MORGAN, MALM II 1I1KDWABE, Alio, Maoafaatarariof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLIARFIKLD, PA. ARMING IMPLEMENTS of all klnili for lalo by POWELL A MORGAN. JAILROAD WUEELBARROW8 for lila by POWELL A MORGAN. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Killi, etc., for nil ky POWELL A MORGAN. H ARNESS TRIMMINGS 4 SHOE Finding i, for iala ky POWELL A MORGAN. Q.UNS.PI8TOL. SWORD CANES For aal. by POWELL A MORGAN. gTOYES, OF ALL SORTS AND 6Uai,for iala hy POWELL A MORGAN. I RON I IRON I IKON I IRON1 For iala bj ' POWELL A MORGAN. II ORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE NAILS, for iala by POWELL A MORGAN. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aid bait Muafaotari, far salt by POWELL A MORGAN. rpHIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, far lalaky POWELL A MORGAN. gTsTTXegT L , Ironsides Store, PHILMPMlURCt, PA. DEALER IN HARDWARE, STOVES, HEATERS, RANG ES, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. AKD UAXUFACTURER OF TIN, SHEET-IRON AND C0PFP.RWAR1. Pre.aui.1. Strait, Pkilllpibarg, Cantra Co., Pa. M.Mey 187. HUEY & CHRIST, OLE PROPRIETORS OP THE CELEBRATED 1 eAlARA'lt,' AND or. flrcKrcft' TONIC HERB BITTERS. SAWD roH PRIVK LIST. m j:y driiiitiHT, ill H. 3d mmt, . PHILADELPHIA. Marab , HT6-m We mate onl j Strictlf Pure GootU. 80UJBTDEJIUJ18 tUT,,t; FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES Of all kind.. Ba ..M.I ta any enl. taa ...alaa. aim hu.. arrow, wannaaat Traaka, m fnrt Mnay brtwwi, Ao. Uraaan' Flataraa. .Hm,,li PAIR BA k, MORKB CO., 4S Woa4 Sir. at, PiUabank, Pa. Bar.n 'ta ka. . ' CHEAP GBOCERIKsl LUMBsa crtr, FA. Tka aaawaiffaae anaaaaaai to kit alS frlaaaa aaa aatraai tka k. ka. aaanaA a (aW Una 1 UROUKRI1S A PROVISIONS at ttaaM ruaa a( Kirk A Spaaaar, (ar wklak ka aalMta a llba-J aatraaaa. II. W. IPINOBR, Laakar Oily, P.., Hank M-tt 3 Jr 8mU, 5rorirl, f tr. JhEW OPENING. BOOT & SHOE AND HAT & CAP HTOttE. ROOM No. 1, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, MARKET STREET. A fall aad eoBBlato auertnaat of aaw goods and aaw etyieo, down la "HARD PAN' PRtCES. Citluni ara laelted ta aall aad uamlaa ny took and judge for lk.aa.lve. ai to qaallly and prion af goadi. ' JOSEPH 8. SHOWERS. Olortald, April 14, 1ST. NEW FLOUR. FEED, AND GROCERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Roob No. 4, Plo'a Opera Houae, Clearfield, Pa. Kacp aonitantly on kind SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SODA, - COAL OIL, BTRUP, SALT, SPICKS, SOAP, Canaad and Drlad FralU, Takaaaa, Ctfnre, Cea- diee, Cidar VInagar, BatUr, Kgge, Aa. ALSO, EXTRA OME-MADI Wheat and Buckwheat Flear, Com Heal, Chop, Feed, io., All af wklak win ka Mil okaaa for auk ar la aiohaoga for ooaatry pradnea. A. U. AKAKEK UU. Ctaarlald, Hoe. II, UH. tf JEMOVAL! JOHN McGAUGHEY WeiM rMHetfUlIy lotitV tb bike nMnJIv ikwH hi bM rtaortHj hit Qroocrj fiwrt from Bhkv't Bow, to th bnlldiig tormtiy ooapidxi hy J. HIIm KrtUtr, m flMoad itrMt, MM oor to Blglw'i hftrdwftra itora, wkirt h iBttMdi GROCER I EH. HAIIS, DRIED BEEF and LARD. 8UGAR8 and Bl RCP8, of an gradaa. TEAS, Braaa aad Black. COFFER, Raaalad aad Oraaa. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CJjr.reo fmitb, All klndi la tka iikat. PICKLES, la Jin aad barnll. BPICES, la orary form aad rarlaty. FAMILY FLOUR, ALF. KINDROPtRACKERt. soaps, ; - HATCHES, . DKIEU APPI.E8, DRIED I'KACHE-, f RIKII CIIKRKIE8, Coal Oil aad Lamp Chimneyi, ant a gl ..'r'nivHt t bM ILInti oiaallr kipt in a aruarry Mora, wkirk ka will aarhaagi lor uaraauiiK at in. miraai prlaaa. Will tall for aaik aa inaaply aa any otkar aaa. PImm aall and Ma kll Itaak aad Jadga for yoarMir. JOHN MoOAUOUET. Ctaarlald, Jaa. I, lit. G ROCEBIES. J AS. II. LYTLE, litwn ta LTTLR A MITCHELL) YYUOLKSALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CHOICB I.I JIB Oft TKAK. oni.onns, JAPANS, IMPERIAL, TOUNU HYSON, KNtlLISII HHBAKFAST Panat la Markat. '' BUT r Kit AMI) KG OH Will ka kaat aaa MM al Irtt ao.t. Ca.k aaia far Caaatry Pradaoa. . .., 1 GERMAN CHERRIES, TURFIT PRUNU, FRBSItVID MARS, PHILADELPHIA RAM. rH. . MaakaraJ, Lata aarrtat, CaS, Aa. PICKLM. ami Ptaalajaai laak Ptakha. rtouR aid rmsua, . Flaar, Oara ataal, Oat Maal, Aa. - ; JAS. . ITTtE 0ur trB di-rrtiirmrnt. THE REPUBLICAN, Pakll.aad aaary Wadaaaday Igt GOOD LANDER & LEE, CLEABPIELO, PA aa Ua I.argaal rirtaUUaa af U papar la Hanbwaawra Pauaylraala. Tb largo and oonitantly lnoroaing circulation of the Ripuulican, render It valuable tobusinem dd aa a medium thro' which to reach the public. Tkimi of Subscription i i ...rl If paid in advance, . . . 2 00 If paid after three months, ', . 2 60 If paid after lix months, . 8 00 When papora are aunt ontaldo of the eounty payment must be in advanoe. ADVERTISING i Ten linos, or leee, 8 times, 1160 Each subaequont tnaorlion, 60 Administrator' Noticea, . . 2 60 Executors' Notices, .... 2 60 Auditors' Noticea, . . . . 2 60 Cautions and Eatrays, . . , 1 60 Dissolution Noticea, . . 2 60 Profoaaional Cards, S lines, year, 6 00 Special notices, per lino, . . . 20 YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS : Ono square, 10 lines, . . . 18 00 Two squares, . . . . 15 00 Throo squares, '. . . . 20 00 One fourth column, . . . . 60 00 One-ball column, . . . . 70 00 One column, .... . 120 00 BLANKS: We have always on hand a large stock of blanks ot all descriptions. 8UMMONS, SUBPOENAS, , : EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ARTICLES OF AGBEEMENT, - LEASES, BONDS, FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, Ac, Ac, fto. JOB FHINTIN6. Wo are proparel io do all kinds of PRINTING, r)UCH AS POSTERS, PROGRAMMES, Z" CARDS, I.ETTEII nKATiH, w F.N VELOPES, : ' BILL HEADS, . STATEMENTS, "I" I PAMPni.ETS, " CIRCULARS, X Ac, Ac, T" IN THE BEST 8TYLE,'.'' AND ON " -REASONABLE TERMS.. t ORDERS BY MAIL FOR ALL KlNDtf OF WOUK ' . WILL RECEIVE t PROMPT ATTENTION. Qoottiandcr ' eft ' lieej, aearfekla Cearteli Couatr, p. THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAR FIELD, FA WHAT MAKU A WOMAN f ThoughU iuggUd on roftdinc tlM inM "whftt niftkM wa f ', , Not Mtlv drtu nor quMnly tin Noljuwaled hta4, tvuniuUslnR ftlr J Nul gruoeful forta nor lolly trftd, Nat p-lt, or aurli, ior ppUiJid hud Not poftrlj looth bot ((.rkliag fjrM, Not toIoo that olfhtlufalo outvlet I Not roath m iwoat M fglftnllno, Nul gtndy goui nor Iftbrigt Hot l Not all tho toi-M or fMhion'l wrt Nor yol lh bUodlibnonti or art i Not odo, nor til of tboto ooutblDtHl, Cbb mtko obo wo io to truo. roQoodi Til not Iho ntikot that w firlu, Hut tbtt whteh in Iho emkA Hoi. TbM oatwtrd obtnni tbtt dImw tlio light, ArtBtught bnIom tho hiwrtbo right. 8 bo, to fulfill her dcitlatd tnd, MkHt With bor botuty guodoaii blrod t Moil BiftkB tt bor Inootaint otro Todoob honoir withjowoli rtroi Of prletlcM gomi inui bo poiMiiod. Id rob of riohtit beaut droned 1 Yot then Biuit elotbo tho io ward mind With purity the Biuit Moed. 8bo who doth all lbM giHitli comb I bo Ctv iu'i rough natura well renoo f Halb all abo booda ta thli frail life To Bt fur Mother, idler, wire, lit wbo pottOMoo luoh t friatJ, Hhovld ohorlah well 'lill doatb doth BI. WonaB, Ib flno, tho mat ahould be. To tail with bibb o'r Hfe'e rough oas Amd, whoa tha itorny erulia it o'or, Atiaod kirn to fair Caaaa'a abort. THE SOMASCE OF CJlIMi. WHO CHAMHtRSHI'RON lll'RIILAR IS. CI.tRMONT, WHO STOLE Till DIAMONDS OF A WEST PHILADELPHIA HEAIITY YEARS Add, TURNS I I' IN CIIAMBERS BURU JAIL Til It STORY (IV 1118 MPS AND LOVEM. That "trtilh lndti'angcr llinn Ht linn" is often times strikingly exemplified in life, but frequently tlio accuracy of tho Baying is brought out with startling distinctness in tho records of criminals as they are "worked up" by that nloutli bound of the law, the detective. Tho rocent daring attempt to Mb tho Bank of Chamborshurg by gagging tho cash ier and bis household and gutting tho vaults, has brought to the surfneo, in tho capturo of tho principal burglar, a man wbo presents a history capable of boing wrought into a Paul Clifford or a (Jlaudo Duval, ana needs only n chronicler. Tho fact that one. of tho chapters of his 1 ito was written in this city makes him oapocially attractive at this time to thoso who read tho records of crime with interest. , WORD-PORTRAIT OP THE HAN. When ft very young man say 18 or 20 Lowis C.Clermont lived in Chicago as a car conductor. It may bo im agined what ho looked like then by his present description : A man about 36 years old, a littlo over tho medium height and weight, well thewed and shapely in physique, with a face al most classical in outline, striking for ita full, dark-hluo cyo, warm complexion, heavy dark-brown mustache and good tuclb, and in dress a "nob," geutoel in black, with spotless linen, diamond- studded. In conversation ho speaks slowly and cooly, with ready use of words, and in manner suavo and per suasive, giving tho impression of one able to talk the birds off tho bushes it it should so pteaao him. Tho "confi dence game," as it is known to the police, might have been and, indued was his natural element. AN OLD 'IN AT Till BUSINESS. Such a man, in his last teen, came under the notice of Walter Patterson, a man who stands at tho top of his profession in other words, the most successful and notorious forger in this country. II is invariable plan of opera tion is in itself a-study for nn artist. Tho word "is" is nsod becauso Mr. Patterson has never bocn caught, and he is at this moment spreading his not as a fowler in somo city as ho did in this ono some three years ago, when he swindled tho National Security Bank on (iirnrd avonue out of $5,(100, thon operating under the namo of Charles 11. Gale. Clermont became his "kid" a namo givoo to tho young man wbo operates Ander the instruc tions of an old ono in tho frequent repetition in all tho leading cities of this country of tho following "scheme." Patterson, a rnthor distinguished-looking stranger, with a trnvelcd air, ar rives in a city, and calls at somo new banking institution and at onco opens nn account with say ten thousand dol Inrs. II o rents an oBIco, and appar ently outers into somo business ap propriate to tho place. Aftor his first vsit to tho bank ho novor calls again, bnt uses his "young man" to tnko his chocks and deposits to and (torn tho bank for a few months, keeping hi account about oven. Thon, when tiino is ripe and his reputuhlo business char- actor established, ho draws down his balance pretty low, depwits a heavy J draft on New York, but, bcliirti il in collected, draws against tlio ilrait for as much ns Is safe, say seven or eight thousand dollars, and "skips" before tho draft is returned to tho bank, markod in rod ink across tho face, "forged." A now city, a now alias, a new disguise, but the samo 0cralion soon replenishes his coffers depleted by the great enemies of the forger, burg lar, counterfeiter and any criminal to whom money cornea easily -the gain- ing-tahlo. In such a school as this young Clermont mado tho tour of cities liko Baltimoro, Itlchmond, Irfmisvillo, Memphis, Now Orleans snd even Chi cago, and In each he left his distinctly- marked trial to tho tune of perhaps a 1100,000. " A LOVE AFFAIR WITH A I'lllLAIlEI.I'HIAN. In 1872 Clermont, now arrived to man's estate, expericned by contact with the world and blushing in all bis manly beanty, registered at the West End llolol, Ixmg Branch, as tho son of a rich merchant in Cuba. At the same hotel the tall, handsome, ripened form and rather refine I face of a woman well known In certain shady circles In West Philadelphia woro noticeable. Her camels hair shawls, rich silks, flashy diamonds and coach and pair attracted the attention ol our hero, and his fascinating appearance on the tapis was tho signal for a desperate case of love at first sight rudely trans muted In tho alembio of dotectivo slang into "both thought thoy had a good snap; a case of diamond catch dia mond." A hasty marrlago while at Long Branch and a flitting to a West A hlladolphia mansion for the honey moon followed. Clermont, in his as sumed charactor of a Cuban hiding from tha United States Government, Kept elosa to the bouse, armod tap a pie, never writing a note without bis lowol- kihod pistol ready at hie hand ; nevor sleeping without the cold steel in dlf- ferent shapes under his pillow, and, grand.gloomy a'ml peculiar In his treat ment of his niUlress-or wife, as she supposed. OFF FOR EIROPI, WIT 'WITHOUT THE LADY. After a fuw weeks of this sort of life ho concluded to tako a trip to Europo, und madumo converted all bor portu blo proporty Into ready cash, packed up her diamonds, valued at 125,000, and tho twain prepared to leave. Bud donly Clermont remomhored that he had forgotten something in tho city, and sent tho lady In with a noto which would fix it. , Whan she returned it is noodlcss to any that her horo hor Adonis had gouootT with the bandbox of diamonds under his arm. A bot but fruitless pursuit by the ludy clear out to tho Pacific coast followed, but although her perfidious husband ap peared in Sun Francisco and carried out tho snug operation of bagging $18, 000 on "raised" silver-mining stock Van Valkonburg, tho gentlemanly su periiilundunt of tho Atlantic aud Pa cific Telegraph Compahy, being his victim his friend, did not oomo up with him, but hero first learnod that hor guy Cuban was a most export forger, from Chicago. Clermont, nftor the San Kranoiscon transaction, noxt appeared in Now York as a depositor with Belmont li Co. ot 130,000, tho purchaser of s bill ol'exchange on Lon don and n ticket to Europe. This was in 1873. A Srim'I.ATOR IN STOCKS. Ill July, 1874, Lou. La Dcsma, a gentleman who might have been with difficulty recognised by a detective ac quainted with his history as Clermant, wits a pasaengcr on a homoward-bound atonmor for the United Status, and tho special acqiiaintnince, and cvon friend, ol Mr. William II. Camp, Prvsidont of the Now York Clearing House. Through Camp and the Belmonls our suavo friend was introduced into tho best stock-brokering circles of Xew York, and Wall street soon rung with 1 his bold transactions. Success, and then tho fate of Daniel Drew fell on him, and bo left New York in debt to his brokers $2,500 ir. margins on To ledo anil WabaBh. ' A REAL WIVE AND HRR DUTY. Just hero an episode in his early h'fu in Chicago becomes important. Maud L. M nigra vo, a daughter in a large family of rcKpcctability, hid won his young affections, and tlio priost had joined them In sucli a way that no man nor woman cither scorned to bo over ablo to put them asunder. She was not "crooked' but her love for him soon made her obodient to every crook of his littlo finger, and it led hor into many a dark and duvious way. Sho was rather prepossessing in ap pearance, but has now but one eye, through frequent usa ol poisonous cosmetics for tho purposes of disguiso. "Trough tho world sbe followed him" always obodiont, always uncomplain ing, even undor tno trying circum- stanco of being an accomplice, though ptrtlu, in tho Long Branch venture. ' A SCENE IN C. A U. BORIS'S OFFICE. The scene now shifts to Philadelphia; timo. 9lh ol March, 1875, and tho visit of a vory lady-like woman to tho ofllco of C. & II. Boris, tho well-known brok ers, on Third street Tho lady wanted five shares of Beading Railroad stock, but desired it to be issued in singlo shares and to be first transferred to the brokers and from them to her. These conditions were unusual, and the lady was told they could not bo com plied with. At this answer she was non plussed and said she would return the noxt day and givo the names whioh sho wished to bo filled Into the certifi cates. She left the money, somo 1300, to pay for tho stock and then went out. She was seen to "connect" with a man in the quiet precincts of Willing's alloy, a man who subseqnently turned out to bo Clermont alias La Desma. PREPARING TO "RAISE" STOCK. Suspicion was aroused and the Bead ing Bnilroad officers informed of the circumstance, and thoy, already smart ing under tha tricks of Ilorton, the Lancaster "raiser" of stock tho yoar bo fore, and knowing that these one-share certificates woro tho vory metal upon which such worthies wrought, called to their aid Pinkorton's men, Franklin and Bangs. A "shadow" was put on tho two, the woman was allowed lo tako the shares next day, having given tho significant namo of C. 11. Bnrrin to bo filled into the certificate. The couple wero then traced to the Mer chants' Hotel, whore thoy bed regis tered on tho 9th of March as O. B. Hargcant "' wile, of Lancaster. As soon as the slock was obtained Cler tnoiil and his p al wife, Maud lor tho in iho looker's irtllco una Ivtuio other t Ian ii sin' look the train for New Yolk and went tar up town into rooms, r muslins men tixik rooms opHite, and as may bo imagined the cumingH in and goings out of "the house across the way" wero narrowly watched. Tho faithful wifo did the shopping, tlio mailing ol letters, and everything requiring out-door move ment, and tho wiley confidence man kopt closo quarters for two months. W ho tho closeted "O. B. Snrganl" was becamo tho desiro of tho detectives, and by tho time the two months bad pnssod by they wero satisfied that ho was Clermont, tho lovor and supposed husband of the West Philadelphia widow. A TRANSFER Til A PHILADELPHIA DOCK. Ill order to bo satisfied of this Frank lin looked up an old indictment against dormant, which a "friend" of tho lady had procured through his counsel, Judgo Iliowslur, when Iho diamonds of his mistreKa had been taken oft" by tho hiibhaiid alio had gotten at Long llranch, anil a reqnisiliun was issued lor tho appivlicntioii and extradition of I lie apt pupil ol Patterson to a Phil adelphia dock. On the lllh of May Franklin, nrmed with the requisition, went to Now York and arrested his man, who, though surprised, made tho best of It, and drovo with the detective to, tlio St. Denis Hotel. 1 A card was sent up, and tho irfng Branch widow, now en roulo to Kuropo 10 join her child, who was at school there, was confronted with ber porfldl oils Cuban lovor. ' It was a perfect sur prise to hor, lor she . had long since given up tho soarch for blm, but, "Oh I you villain," ohokod her utterance when she saw him, which he returned with a bow, in which was incorporated all the grace of a Bayard and impii. dene of a BrummeL notwltbatandinc; Lthe difficulty of raising hia bat with manacled wrisu. W IK OUT OUT OF THE DIAMOND 1 ii'RAr.'"'' "' '" To shorton a long story, ho was brought to Philadelphia, put in tho dock (or tho larceny of the diamonds, tbo fair West Philadelphia!! got In the toils of hive again (although when sho visited the prison she found his real wife sitting on tho other side ol the coll door), mado an affidavit that when ho took tho diamonds he was bor law fully wedded husband, and that sho had beun silica divorced. So after mnny efforts to hold him on other charges, tho Heading Railroad bonds not having boon used or altered, Mr. Clermont went scot free, Madame went off lo Kuropo, and the gay cavalier lull town with his wife, ostensibly for New York. This was in May of last your. HE IS THE CHAMBERSBIIRU BANK ROH REE. On tho 24th ult., the telegraph told ovury leader of newspapers in and out oi this Statu that a wull-concoivod plan to rob tho ('bamborsl)iirg Bank bad boon frustrated, aud two of the burg lars captured. Tho leading criminal in tho affair bad gono to Chambers- burg just after the escape1 ol Clermont from Franklin' clutchca here a yoar ago, and had sot up as a Southern officer named Colonel Holland, with his Wife and Invalid brother. .They had ingratiated themselves into the friendship of the cashier of tho bank ami visited bis bouse frequently during tbcirstay, , On the night in quostion jolonel Holland nail called with a friend at tho dwelling of tho cashier, Moaaersmith, which was connected with tho bank, and they made a friend visit. At tho conclusion ol this visit McHsei-smith found himself hooded gagged and robbed of $30,1100. But In the uproar be created, with great pluck, the i jvpwnrthics wererraugbj, and jugged. , It is hunlly noccssftry lo say that Detective Franklin and his men yesterday identified Iiollaud ua, ratter. son's "Kid," Clermont, La Dexina, flar- guant and Degmond all in ono. Phita drlphia Timet. ' At sj meeting of the; Board of Par dons on tho 4th innt., ovur sixty ap plications wore hoard, only eleven of which wore rooommended for par don; the balance being refusoj. Among those rciused waa J. H. Znbra. tbo de faulting cashier of tho Ebenshurgbank. I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. J Natia. I. karaby fW.o that latlara tails. m.nt.ry ka.ini bran grant! to lb. .nbaeribar on th. ..1.1. of JACOB HKHKRLINU, saaaaaad, lata of Brady towa.bip, CI.arA.ld aoanly, Pa.. an pr.on. iaffitM ta aata riun ara raail.atad to maka Immadiata aaywaih, and tfaaaa baring alalia. .gaia.t tbo wtil protest ton. anly aniaootiaaiaa ior aui.mni. ABRAHAM HRRRRLINO, JOHN HKBEHLIM), J.oa lint, Alar. IS, 't-tl Ctraaian. r-4 -. , 4 DMIMSTKATOR'S NOTICE. 1. Nonoa li k.rolir draa laat Wliti of Ad- aa lb. ortata of DAVID LANS BkHRi, lata af Lavraam lonabia, Ckart.M nnaty, Pa., WS, barttif toaa arTy graatad to iaa snaarilgoaa, all parson, lad.btad la aaid aatata will uko maaa Imiaodlata payojaat, aad lowa ei.m. ar a.n.nd. will prawat moot properly aalb.nllcetml fur aattltaeat with oatd.Uy. WM.LAN.SBKRRY. Cl.oraalJ, April , "II tt. Ada'r. ADM INISTRATOR'S I NOTICE Notlo. U b.rrh aire that Letter, af Ad. inlal.tretlos aa lb. ..tela of PARHELIA FAR- Wkl.L, late of Pit. too. hip. cloarSeld aoanly Pa., deeeaeed. heainf bee. dutr treated la the aaderalgnaa, all pereoe. indebted to aai4 aatala will pleeea make Immediate payment, eodtaoee haeiav elaim. ar demaadf aaaiaot tbo boom will preeeet Uiem pmperly eatbeatleeted for eatUe- ael aiiaeul d.eay. ; I (Lie thl I i AeWtnlatretor. (Ilea Ualea, Centra Co, Pa April It, 'ja.St. alnnnar A Oaanos, Claariald, Pa., Attorn.?, far Admaaierrsten ' .- r.-i. ri . DMIXISTRATORS' NOTICE.- Notlee is kareby gliaa that Letter, er Ad lalalratlan ea the eetaie a N M. FARWKLL, lata af Pike uwnebia, OlearSald maly. Pa., deeaaaad, baelog bean 4ela graatad a. tea noderaigned, all peteeoa eudebted ka eaid eatala will pleeea make immediate payment, aad ebeee haeiag eleima or demand, will peeaeol tbem Jronerly natbanliealed for atltleeBaat witboat elay, L. at. FARWKLL, Admialatretnr.' (ilea t'alaa, Cairo Oe., Pa April II, 'tS-et. Mcnnar A QRaot, ClMrlrld, Pa Attoraayi ror Admtatrator. QAUTION. All perooaa ara karaby eaatloaed agal net per ebaeiag or ia any way meddling with tba follow ing property now In tbe poeeetaioaof Freak Oole wre.e, of Wallaaotoa aoroaeb. .la i One bay mare, one eorrel mere, eaa eoav twa timber eleda, three timfcer cheioa, one ealUeg boa, one aewlag maabia., aa tba same war parohaerd by ma al Cmntable'. ml. on the I7lb day of Merah, ISIS, and ia left wllh kirn oa kma only, auhjeet ta my arder et any time. U. V. TURNIR, Wallaoatoo, P.. April J, ISIo-)t. . , QAUTION. , ' AM porooaa ara borohjr1 MBtloaad apaiatt JiarrbaaaBg or la aay way Btastdliag with tbo W nwlag proptrty bow Ib tbo poaaOMina of Jaha Roaa, of WaUaoolOB borawirb, tilt Ona rod oow, obo eooh otoo ooo alak, oaa aot rhatri, obo bod, obo doBghUay, 00 toblo, obo oboat, obo daak, ona crock, ma Um aankO waa nrebaaod by bio at Conatabla'a Mia oa tbo STtb day of Mini, I Hie, and la laft with btm on loan only, anblaet to ny ordw at aay tin J All KM II. TUHNER. WallaoatoB, Ha., April I. It. oTirK.-. ..; ,.( AH iH-ntio Bra brl.y notlScd that tho fa.- lowittg iincrittr-d pntp-ftT, ni at IdHgan Utoal 'oaiian t tuinra, Brar I) Ik, ml m jtn$jtt uf J, IIukIio C , Kabtng ta as aad ii kft with aaii ilughoa A t o. ib smhi, aad it hJmi to irori'dtrs, rit: rfty two bank wagt ubk, tkroo barnN of oil, ona art poalaa, blaofe milb'a lito'a, tv-Huw, inrll, Iron, attal, aad all tbo Biatt-riala la aaid abop. AIo. plank, rail. nnFpa, e)i and lira oi aaid bjIbm ad wa aatd ketgab Lual Umnpanf 'a inaila. UVKKIUHT BKO'S A CO. 0-vola, April , 'J It. C AUTION - All poraoaa art boroby oautmiad arkiaat pai ehaainc or la any way a addling wilb tbo fbl)nw log propariy bw Is (bt poaaraaioa of Vtm. Ball, or ti rotawood towithlp, fit 1 Una clock, I lamp. bllrbrB oarpat. I natfl, 1 labia, f tata chair. I oapboarw. 1 alaR, I donghlray, I bod and Bad. ding, I log alada and ebaioa, I plowa, t boggy, gray aorao aad I ara rot, hy naro, I bay bor I aot of harnaa. 1 WaguB, W,IH' ooble feat of oak and tiloa timhor oa bank of Aa-quvtiaaBa river at Hell a landiBf OBu MacraokRfl a drag watrr, I aaddlo aod brltlla. I aolt datura, I grata oradl. I tbroRhfng aiaahino, I wlbd Mill, I oolting boi, aid a lot bt auaw. aa lb aaua waa prhaad by tuo at Hhenir a aala aa tho ytfih of Moroh, aad la Vfi with bin oa (oaa only, aoh)rt to my order at any timo. i HABrrun ui.i.t Uowon April I, IRT5 3L AUTION. All paraena ar. warn.d asaittat nar- rkaalng or la aay way taodilhag with the follow ing property, paw. ia tLe putaeeaLia af William A. Alafonaele, at ma aoiai, la Jan.rlil., ulMr. S.ld aoanly, te witi II aad. and bedding, I bareaaa, IS ohalra, lot or wa.h at.ada, e.rpet.. eok .l.roa and wtfnail., and an ota.r neraeaal nmiirrly owned aad ea)nyea try tbe .aid H illiem A. Magonagle, wbib) iiewrletur of (be Keyatane Hotel, al Tynaa, 1'a , aa w. boagbl the aama by hill of tale duly e.eeuled !... txth, IS7S, aa4 are inertly allowing William A. slgnegt. tha nee 01' in. ..m. at our niraaure. loSKI'rt WILLIAMS, , . JollK IHSTT, , MA1TIIBW STEWAMT, 1). U. MI'LHOLLKN. Tyrone, Pa. April t, 'IS JL , CAUTION-.. I , ... t an wereeae ara aereky faatraaed k,.l..l eer ekaalag wr ta aay wai ateddllea with tka fhlkw. log wrawerty, aaw la tba fifteneeioa of J. Q. A. Jokaaow, e) Oreaawmid towoehlp, elk I Oaewrnwn mere aaw eelt, awe Vrawa waree, ona eeltlng bot, Iwe log eleda aad ekalne, wee yoke of aaen, two . jukww, ww ewwa, e.a aetrer, i aaw aaa ptge, - ,nn .oeep eaa mejim, one wine- mill, two wiowe, one arala erkdle. lot of retka. one barrow, tea Be rat of wbaal la Ib. groaad, let Bomiooa eoarda, lot or beaileoB loga, about 19, a0 cable feat el b.mlort limber oa baak of Sna qwahaaaa al Balre d.m, wna eel af timber wneeie, waa baraan, awe eleea, Paar kada aaw k.d diag.aawaaaaeard, aaa atek, lira aela of akalra, oaa raak Mete, eb. room ateea. and Iwe taklaa. -a. tba name waa peteheeed ky ua at Sbarir .ale a tko tatb aay 1 Metek, I art, ad la Ml wik aaia eeweaaa aa paaa euty, ekhkeot te ear ereer at aay uata. r. L THOMraOB, ' t.w.Mooai, Carweajrltle, April , li lt. Ad'a af D. (ell. tKiKfUanroM. JJARD TIME8 HAVI NO KFFECT IN FRENCH VILLE I I obi awaro lb at (horo Bra nbi poraoaa I It Ua hard lo pltata, and I aas alto aw ara that tho oo in plaint of "hard UbW ta wall sigh oniforial. Hut lw m .otuatod bow that t obb aatiaf tbo foriuor and prova oo bo I ail vol; that "hard l.aiat" will aat offoot tbooo who bay lha.r f oudi froai Bt, aad all my pilruaa ihall hs lot it a tod Into tho aa rot of . , UOW TO AVOID HAUP TIMES ! hava stooda toouifb to aupitlv all tbt Inbabl- Uata Lb tho lower oud of tho aouoty whloh I aall at oioondlni low rataa from my iBatntaolh atoro la MUieHUNUUHUp wn-ro i eaa aiWBya do loaaa rody to watt apoa tallara aud lupply than with Dry (Jooi.8 of all Kinds, 8aoa a. Clotba, Satlnett., Caa.lmarea, Mnallnl, Uelalnea, Linen, Drilling., I'allaaol, Trimminga, Ribbon., Laoe, Ready-made Clolblag, Boot, and Sboea, Uata aad Capa all uf tba belt material and made to order Uoaa, Soeka, Ulo.ea, Mitteo,., Laoea, Hllbuna, At. OUOCKRIKS OF ALL JCINLS. Ooteo, Tan, Bagar, Rice, Holaaaaa, Flab, Sell Park, Llaaaee) Oil, Flak Oil, Carbon Oil. Hardware, Qaeenaware, Tinware, Caatlnga, Plowa aad Plow Caatlnga, Naila, Bplk.a, Cera CelUre- tora, cider rreaaas, ana ail aioaa oi Ai.a. Parfamary, Palnta, Varnlah, Olua, aad a general aaaortoaeat or BUttonary, GOOD FLOUR, Of different branda, always aa kand, and will be sold at the I. wait poanble Bgurea. J. U. HoCula'l Medielaae, Jayaa'a Medieiaei Hoahtler and HooSand'a Hitters. seat poaada of Wool wanted for wklek tbo klgbeat prloe will ka paid. Cloeereeed aa kand ana tor ante at taa toweai market pnoa. Alae, Agent for StrattoaTllla aad CarwaaiTllla Tbroabiog- Maeauiae, . ...... na,Oall aad mo for Tea will lod everything a. nelly kepi la a retail store. L. M. COUDRIEI. Fran.hrllle P. P., Aagait IJ, IST4. 4. w. waavaa.... w. w. aam WEAVER & BETTM CLEABF1ELD, PA., Ara oterlag, at tka aid lUnd of S. L. Read A Co, tketr aleak of goods, doaaiitlaf af DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES," HATS a CAPS, BARDWARI, QURIilSWARI, ... . . i .-, , - FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., to., At Um Moot msoBftbl rata (or CASH or Ib axeaaago ftrr . - it; - Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, ' Oft COUNTEY PRODUCE. dyAdTaaoea Buido to thooa oegagad ia got ting obi ao, oar tltwbor ob Ut moat adraBtafoow : pdllJaaTI CALIFORNIA. TBI CBICeiSO AVm BRKAT-WKarBRa B1ILWAT Km bra oca aader obo manarant tho (Irrat Traok Raltwa Unaeof tko WIGHT aad NORTH WK8T, aad; with iu bbbotom braaahaa aad ooaaoariowe, fema tho ahortoat aad qatokoet roato botwooa CBiCABoaad all poiata ta Ilubobi, Wia ooaaiB, Nobtbbbb Uicbibah, MiBNtaora, Iowa, f BBBAOKaV. MUrOBJIlA BBB CfeO WBtfBBa Tbbbitobib. Ita Omaha and California Line Ta tba ahortott aad tpoat ibbi for all potato Ib KoBTBBBB TLLIBOIBg IoW, DaKBTA, HbIBAIKA, Wtobikb Co to a Do, Vtab, Krvada, Caliitob- BtsV OBBBOl, CBIHA, J A FAB BBd AtaTBALIA. lu Chicago, Madison A St. Paul ... Line Ta twoftrtft liao for Wobtbbbw Wraronnr aad M iRiBooTA, aad for Mavtaoi, Bt. Pabb, Mia BBAroua, DutuTB aad all nolan lath Uroat Kortbwoot. Iti Winona and SI. Peter Line la tha only roato for Wiboba, Roc titan, Owa rowwa, Makbatb, Bt. Fbtbb, If aw Klb, aad all polata IB Sooiboni aad Coatral MtaaeaotB. It Green Bay and Marquette Line la tho wale Hoe for Jambovillb, Watkbtowh, Fobb Dv Lac, Obbbobb, Arn.aroif, Bbbbr Bat, BaOARABA, NbbAI'RBB, NaBaJVBTTB, UotTSBTOIt, Habcock aad tbo LABifiitpRaioB Courtrt. Iu Free port and Dubuque Line la tbo oalr roato for Blbib, RocBroat. Frbb roBt, tad all poiala tIb, rroaport, Ita j Chicago and Milwaukee Line la the old Lake Shore Roate, tad If the only owo paaaiagthrougli BvAitaron, Lakb Fonaaf. HtR LABB PAHI, W Al'KKO AR, RaCIRB, KkROaRA to Uilwaobbb. , ; . Pullman Palace Cars are raw an all tkrawgk traiaa of kale road. Tble la Ike ONLY LINE tanning tkeaeeera be. tweea Ckieage and 8L Paul, Cbteege and ktilwaa- aee, er unt.ige ana wmooa. ... AtOmaaeeer Kleaper. eonneel wltk tkeorer land Blerper. ea tbe Uaioa Feeifio Railroad far all paint, of th. ii l.eoarl Fleer. tM tae antral el the traia. froea tbe Real er Aealk, Ike trelne of the Ckieego A North-Wealem Railway LkAVR ClllOAtaO a. fullowat . forl'eunell HIaaa.OwiahaaiidlJalileniU. Two Through Traiaa daily, with Pullmaa P.laee, Drawing Room and Slecpiag Car. through to Oonnetl Uluff.. fr KU Fatal and Mlnneapoll. Twa Tkroagh Traiaa daily, wltk Pelltaan Pelaoe Can ailaebed aa both train.. fardrrta IUy and Lake Fwparlvr.Two Traki. Aaily, Wltk futlmen P..len Veeealtaobed, n.l rennln, Ibniub lo M riuotie. K Milwaukee. Four fkr..i.,h Tralaad.lly, Pullman Cera oa aight train., Pallor Chair Cera ea day traina. far Kaarta and laoaa and palau la Uiaaeeote. One Tbnntgk Train dally, witk Palleua Sleanere le Winona. i far IMtaasa. ") Fraeaori, Two Tkrough Treln. dally, wllh Pullmaa Oara aa aigbl traiaa. far llubaque aad 141 Cronaw, .la Cllatea, Two Tkroegk Traia. daily, wltk Pollmaa Car. aa algbt traia ta HeOregnr. Iswa. rar Bleak City anal Tanhtow. Twa Train, dally Pallmaa Car. aa Mlieonri Valley Janetiea. for l .ke Cianera, Pour Train, dalle. far Horktara, kMrlia, fcanoeha. J.nea- enie, aaa atber potau, you oaa bar. from twa la lea traina dally. N.w V.rk Omoa, No. 414 Broadway I Boil OB, Mo. t Street Omaha Ofilow, Ul Farnbam Street, Kan Franolaoo Ofloe, lil Mont gomery Hlreet Cbioago Tieket Omea : 81 Clatk street, ander Hberaaa Houae eornar Cannl and Madiaea HtreeUi Kiaaie Mlreet Denoe. aeraa. W. Kiaile aad Canal Street. Well, blteel. Venal, eornar H eila aad Kiaaie Streeta. Far ralee er lafarmatioa aat attainable from J oar heme egaal., apply la , , r t. H. Uraaaare, . - Many,. Uoeairr, uan. ram. ag a, Lnieago. . uaa. Mon't, Jaa. is, iiia-ij . , Cbleago. . , JUo. V, Ol BUM Ua jnat opaoad a j a. ' cww a tar a c-k-x. Haw Toaa,oo haia 8t.,Ct.aaarisLD, Fa. lalaly occupied by Wp. f. IRWI5. " ' Their stock MD.Utiat QDmT CE CD CD VD St Oaoctaiaa of tka beat quality, Queenswarc, Boots and Shoes, aod (vary artlcla Baowaaary for .' '. ona'i oomfort. Call nd aiamla ear slook bafora par - akaoiaialuaikar,' llap t, litt-ill WHOLESALE tlQUOR STORE. . At ee end of Ike aew bridge, u ' WUT OLtAPtFIlLD. A. 1. ' fla'prapriefbr bt IkU Alakllakmeat will kit Ma Honor, direet fron dUMIIIere. P.nle. baying.. xm tan nnaaa wiu aa pare ea fat a NN ajmew) at a saral) mwgtk aVeta aeea. Tieeal kieeare eaa be reruUbet witk naoti a rnaaaaa'. tarwr. Pare wlaea aad toadies dtrnet from .airy. , a. awia, mmw a mm. . OI.R . OOUORR. Cleart.ld, tm la, mi-tf, HARTSWICK & IRWIN SKOOMt) BTKKKT, CLEARFIELD, PA., DRALKRB IS PURE DRUGS! 0IIEMICAL8I PAIN're, 0115, I)YK s'i uff VABMIBUKS, BRUHIIRS, FKRFtlMRar, , ' fakct ooom TOILET AUTICLLS, ' . OF ALL KINDS, PURE WINES AlD LIQVOHfi, for aaediolnnl purpneea. . TnaaM, Supporters, Soboot Dook. and Statlua ary, aad ail alber ertiele. usaally fuaad la a Dreg Store. PtlVSICIAHS' PRKflCBIPTIONS CAIig FULLY COMPOt'NOKO. li.rine a lerge .1 perleoee la the buaineaa tbey oaa gi.a entire fct. Ufaotioa. , . ' , . .1.0. HARTSWICK, JOHN F. IHWIN. Clearl.ld, Daoaaber IS, Wi. . BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, . (Saoooaaorf to Boyatoa A Toang.) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Maaafatarfra of fOETABLE 4 STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Corner of Perth and Pin. Streeta. CLEARKIELfl, PA. . , HATIKO engaged In tho manufacture uf tral elaat HACHINERT, W. reepeelfull.T inforw ka puklla that w. are now prepared to Bit all ordera a. ekeaply and a, promptly aa can be dn la any of Ike eltiea. We manofaetare .od deal ia Mulay and Circular Saw-Milk Head Bloeka, Water Wkeela, Shafting Pulley Qiferd'a Iejeater, gleam Oaagee, Steam Waiatlea. Oiler., Tallow Cupa, Oil Cap., Gauge Cocke, Air Oocka, Olebe Valrea, Ofceok Valeaa, Iran Pipea, S.eem Pamps, Boiler Feed Pumpe. AaU Frlotloa Metre., Soap Stone Peeking. U.m Peek ng, aad all klade af MILL WORK, together wllk Plowa, Sled Solea. COOK AND PARLOR STOlrES, and other CASTIKriS or all kinda. el-Orders salleiled and Hied al CT.y price. All lettera af taejulry witk.raforeaee M maehlaer af aar meaufaeture aramptly airawarad, by eddre.- lag aa at Clear". Id, Pa. Jul'Tt tf BIGLKR, tOVSQ A RLKD-. The Bell's Run Woolen Factory, Faaa towa.bip, Cleerlehl 0a., Pa. BIUKEO IIUTI BUR N E D ,U PI Tnoaabaorlbora hava, at groat oxpoaao, roballt aoigbborhood Bawooaitv, la tbooroetioB of a rfft elaae Wootoa BtaBofaotary, with all tbo ami era teaproroMonte Bttaek, and are proparod to aiak all binda of Clothe, Caaaiueree, HatlBotta. Blan hota. r taa note, ftak Ploatv of roodt aa head to apply all awroM aad a thoaaoBd bow owatoaiara. waoai wo aatt to owno ana oxobiIbo nor etook. - Tbo BBatooae af . . CARDINQ ANI FULLINU will twootro r aapoetai attonUoa. Propot arroageBianta will bo made te roooivo and dalivei Wool, to Bull oaa te were. All work warranted and doae apoa tha ahorteat notice, and by atriot alien uoa to bufineee wa tope to reallto a liberal abarr n pooito patroaago. - - lOMHI POtrifDS WOOL WAKTKDt ' Wa will pay tho hlgheri Barktft Briea frir Wot. aad aoll oar MawnrWflrod fooda wa low ae aim liar gooaa oaa Bo bought ta Ua ooooty, ud wbeaaret wo fail toreador reaeoBable latiifaottoa wa obo alwava bo foand at hone ready ta nx)ie dmmi etplaBBtlaa, oither Ib paraon or r.y latter. -I A BIBS JUHNodN tt BON!t, -aprilSAtf ' Bower P.O. 'pERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING TASKS, Stove Lining And Fire Brink, kept nal.n'ly on iiHn(. ; . . STOMJ KM) EARTHED -WAKF IF KVKBV UBSCAIPTIIINL ' ., CHOCKS'. POTSI .CROCKS: flnhar'a Pntant Airtight Hell - dealing fruit CbbbI Bt'TTER CHOCKS, wllh lid.. ' CP.IAM CHOCK", MILK CROCKS, APPLBj . RUTTKR CHOCKS, . P1CKLI CHOCKS, P10WFR POTS, PIK DISHES, STB "7 POTS, And a great many othar thing, ton aniwernv te .avaaUon, la wa aaa aA . , FRED'K, LEITZINGER'S STONE - WARE POTTERY, Corner ol Cherry and Third Streeta, I'ljKAHrtKI.U, ugl MVRBLE AD ST0E YARD! , Mg. 8. & IADDKLL, . Barlag engaged la the ICarbla bualnaaa, daalra. t la form kelrrlendi and the pabHa that aba baa new an4 wtll Keep eonatanlly on tiand'a targe snd well eeleetod Uk of ITAI,Uff AND YKR.MONT MARBLI, aa4dseyreparad ta rurnleh to arder T0MBST0MR8, ' hi . . , BOX AND tRAm.t TOMBS,; ' , MOSUMKNTS, Curb, aad Poati Tor rflhettry Lou, Window Bill, and Cap), alao, . BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND t i. TOPS, Aa, Aa, , AVTard aa Bead afreet, Bear tka A, R. Depot, Claarield, Pa. Jet ,71 Clearfield Nursery. ' :: KNCOURAGE HOJU INDUSTRY THB aaAerenraed, karlag aataknaaad a Nor eery am tka Ftka, about katf Wx. aatwaeaj Clevield aad Carwvaa'ille, 1. prepared le far aiah all kinda of FRUIT TRKK8, utandard and awarr,; nmrgreeat, Bsrabbery, tlrapa Vleaa, Seeeebarra, ' Lawtea Hlaekb.ry, . Mtrawbeery, aaw Aaapkarrp Viaes. Alee, Saber iaa Urab Imae, Qalaee, aad early aoarlat Rhubarb, Ad. Ordera preapuy alieaaea ta. Addreea, .... ....... I a. D. WRKlflT, W1LMAM M. HKNRY, JosrtcR ewewa Paaow awwirereauaa, LUAIIIIK lift ' Jea. UVBWB aad avaaay praaiplrj paid erer. Artialea of agraeaaaat and deeda a eaeoyeaee aaatly are.. ted aad warranted oar Sottls. SUSQUEHANNA IIOUKH CI'UWKNSVILLK, PA. ' KKW10N READ, Paoraikt.,,:. Uariag keeome nreurietar af Una 11..1.1 would. lewaeUaUy aoluit tbe p.L..a,i. .1 'it. pablle. iluoM k.aantly and'ail, .7 uaudia il, leotledaad relurai.beei,, eiievueu. All raillo.d Ihla hoUM. r. .ua .liip H i"N 14 SUAW 1I0U8H7 , .(Cor. of Markat A Pi root .lr..l. I 'l f 1 u L-, u. --" , The and.nlgoed baring taken rb.rg. ol (H, 1 IlelaL would laaneellully li., ULIW v.o" ' ... !.. fvulHTU? : W" ASJUXGTO.N Jlor.SK, . WAsiii.MiiuM p. : Thla new and well turalahed ho. b.a , Uk.B by th. aaieralgned. 11. f..l. ," being nble te render aatialaetioa lo ihw wbo ., faror him wllh a aall. ' '' O. W. DAVIS, p,p. jlJOMTOUH llti I it 1;, Oipoalu !br Court H iun, LOCK II A T K N, PRNNA. J'.TI . nAU8EAL A KH0J1, ( ,,,,. LOYD HOUSE, Main Street, PHILIPallURU, I'b.VN'A. Table alway. auppliad wlik the beal ih, mark., afurda. Tho Iraeehag public i. iovlitd u.f.ll norl,73. . , ROUtlll LIJIK THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Sooond and Markrt 9treta. PA. 11 HH eld aad eotamodioai Iol baa. dvrin tha past year, baoa iolarftad u iabU in fvrnar aapaolty for tba onUrUlnnabt of itrf. gora and goeau. Tbo whole bollJlDg baa bi rofaralabad, aod tho proprietor olll aparo a palaa to raodor hit gueata eonforUMo wbil auylag with him. LRjrlbe 'MaBaioB llouaa" OaiBlbaa mot u and fro the LapotoR tho arrival and doparrvi of each tralo. JOHN DO L'UII KK I Y. aprU Tt tf .. fropriui Jona PiTTua, Pre.. t. P. Dakn, Cel,in f'lirweiiHvlIle It tilth. Aotboriapd Capital klrs.m. Paid up Capilal S.' (aucckkpa ria.T aaTienal. aa.K.) jouy tATTOs. Dr. D. A. FET.r.n a a nun ir. patvhix, Hon. j. r. iiuyt. STOCKIIOLDKIIS.I.VIIIVIDUALLV LIABLt Da a genuine banking buiinea,. Aeroaat, aoiiGiiea. CrwinaelllF, Pa., Jan. It, I ITS Am. r. a. abbolb. ' m. w. aasoL. . a. a.aou F. K. ARNOLD tt CO., Ranker and'Brokrn Reynoldiivllle. alefferaon Co., Pa MriBOT rttelred on donoilt. Dlfomml derate raUa. KaJter and ForelgB Eirbancw! wart on nana bbu oollrotionii promplly aialt, htTDollivillf, tteil, County National Bank, OF CLBARFIELD, PA. 1 00 M Ib Maaoaia Bailding, oaa door aorth t X V v. V. watooa a lirag stare. Paaea TiehoU U aod (rwai Liverpool, Qootat towa, (ilaagvw. London, Parle aod CoMnbant A lo, DrmfU for aale on tbe Rojal Bank of Irtlui aaa inponoi Dana oi voTtano. JAMES T. LtONAUD. Pw'L W. M. SHAW, Caahicr. ll:1:Tt DREXEL & CO., Kb. i fetoutb Third Stroet, PhUadelpttli eOXI'ltiltS, And Dealers in Government Securities, ApplieatioB by nail will twelve promni atiti iiob, ana an iniormanoB cbtriullr furrtiibt Ordera eoltotrd. April 11 tt STEWART & BLACKBURN, DENTISTS, Carwmnllle, Cleartleld County, rmfi (Ottce in Qates' N.w Kuilding.) Canreaarilla, jaa li, U7-ly. DR. E. M. THOMPSON, (PSca in Baak Building,) Carwcnarlllc, ClearHtU C o., I'a. ok XI 1-if. A. M. HILLS Wowld roipoetfaMy aotlfr hla natlr that bo haa rodinwl the price of AHT1 FILIAL TEKTH ta B2(i BO i.r t HS. 00 fur a douMe aet. For any twoperw ooaing at tho tame tlno, to have aarh an apr let, will get tbo-two acta for $-HJ.O0, or vacn. Terma invariably CAvao. . Clearaold, July 1, U74. FRESH MEATSEW SHOP, The nnd.raigned herahy Inferna the eiiblir goBeral that tbey keep nn head, recu erw, taeu eaop, adieu lag JU it M U li L I C H ri lonwr rooma, oppetila tbe Loan Hoaeu, tbe BEST MESH REEF, VEAl, W T1i LAM II, PUkK, ETC., AT REDTJCKD PRICES, FOR CASI; Market Bamib Taeedav. Tharedir. w ftturtlaa, Moat deU'ored at midanoe drFirfd. A ib are af patronage ia revpectfall. n-litu Maroh 1, I76-!t. AT A UK A NORKI.v pRKSH MEAT MARKET M, Q. BROWN 4 BBO., - Market St, Clear (laid, Waald tDoonnee to tho efti ten i of tho tnwi it rioinlty that thy atill krwp tho meat taarhil tho old aland, wbora4hy aar ill boop Fresh Beef, Yen! Mnitfn anil Lm! of iho 6ucat quttlitiis Market MoraibFa--Tw'laTf, Thurlaii n SatHrda,-!. tjlrtj tttB rait. Jane If.Ti fi . M. ti. BR0WJC k HR0 ' MEAT MARKET. F. M. CARD0N & BRO., Rear of IMe'r Opera Houae, . . ... ....... CLE A UK II. LP, W Ott ammtnioaia ara. rf tbo mot er rliaraftvr ior ftiroUhinf, tbe puMi will. ! Mt ti of alt aim), ami of ttiivi-r Vip.i i;uti Weihtt, tlr a t tn all ktoda T A aripullupiil fwr orntf, winch krp on txliilitio tr w' -hl.,t th p..U)- 4-. U LauW. i.b a -ft ! IBal Uke a.raatt! Al ita' bVl.11. IIP F. ('.AUIxtM l IK1' CUarti.U. Va . ijly I f, H.i it. READING FOR ALL! ,, ROOKS 'STATlOXl;ti Y Market K., rirariiPld, iat Ihr PboI tiftc Till It unleritirnrd Wti leave lo Ann ma- Ilia eilltraa of OharllfM and vlrisitf. i'1 bo boa B I .pit p room and haa tnt tit from Iho ally wra lortre awnont of rei. : Blatter, amtiBtinf ia part of , , Bibles and Miscellaneous Boob, .Hank, A (mount aad Paaa Booki of ararr J eripliow t Knpor aod (.arelepoa, French f r aad p-aia lone aod l'ovoila : lllank Uk l'ap(ra. Died a. Morla;otoai Judnmatil, Ki Uua aail Fromiaarr aotoe; Whiu and P-F maat Hriff, Lef-l Cap, Hreord Cap. and Hill C Sheet Muilc for either l'iano, Floie or W eoBOtaatly ob hand. Any hooka or aiaiioi'' deatreit that 1 may aot baeo oa kan.i, wtl I be oror by Arat otproaa, aod eold at whelraale or rtt to Nit eaattrmere. I will alao hoop fttid' liiermtoro, aaeh aa Maratlaet, Newi a i' P.A.UKlM ClftaHlold, May ?, lH(t-tr VALUABLK PROPERTY FOB BALK OB FOR RKV Tha aut iter! Iter glvea BMloe that he Bill ('' root or toll hia dwellina; and atora pripertT.r uata ob Heed Mi-Bet, tdtdtBltil the Lronaro IM Ift the rHtroBffh of ClMrfeld, -'- The ttore rtv f le A 14 faeU The dwollinf boat eoauiM roouu aad a hitohea oa tbo tioty, a reotn i ob tho K:Bd etory. Tha etere r CaB l had Bt on re, and tho dwellliiR I"" an BBd after oho lit of Joly. For farther f tlca la re, addroaa or app ly to tbo endfrnre!'' the prrmtrta. ... . UKU. C. IMbMUiitv , .tleartUld, Pa., Way 19, '?6-lX . S A Ij It ! A aargaaad well tnuked Brlek lawj.lllwg. " at. aa tba rirar baak, ia tka borough el 0 l.ld, aontaining .let. a room., with good"1 water Ia the kitehea, end all th. ennlara '' alenoee. Panlrlea, Bath-raoak, Clo'hea preeu bnt alkly feat front and two hnadrea ad "r eel nwaky Wltk a twenty foot alley ea id.. Held kuilding, wltk ell tbe epputteu uill be toll cheap, with payineolilo anil aaM' M. Aplilleallon eaa ka Biade to lha algned, ar to A. 0. Tate, Bto,.,wbo wllln' aeoeeaery i.furiaatlen to theee who deaira apeet tbe nroparlyv . .... , , r. .1 TTUQw.y. MoCOLLOVB" M.yll.USJJ.if. . , j.;n;M'MuiiHAi wn.i, prtpf i.t yon wirri aft AFTirt! OF MRROHANDIklll AT TUB VBRT V' PHIL'.- COMB AMD Bt. . t" NEW WASHINGTON aJjy'II