Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 19, 1876, Image 2

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    She j&t publican.
' , Giokur D. Goodlamdib, Editor.
CLKARFI EL 0, Pa." ,
. Reader, If you wnnl tn know whet going an
lo tl.ebutlne,, world, Jo,l read out advcrtUlag
oolomm, tbe Spteial oolitmn to pBrtlaolar.
"Hold the fort," Juckwm !
The Lcgwliitiiro has agreed to' ad
journ m the Bth of May. next.
H'rtri.ketl" vrlmlry und "I'nmltcd"
)ti;islalinn seem, to tvotil.lo Quito n
n umber of Sluti'Mueii just now.
' "o miileitiuid that Moody and Sun
key are not tho only parties now cn
frngod in holding forta.
.,. Somo of the Junior Know Xotliiiigtt
,havo engaged in Uio tort holding busi
now.. Go abend boys. ' i-
. An incondiary caused a Boriouafiro
at Mcrlimiiofilmrjr, Cumberland county,
on tbc 1Mb. Inst. Urns, .40,000.
Clnpp.thegovernmflnt printer, tcomii
to bo in as bad a fix as Belknap. Well,
something teems to ail all onr loyal
On Good Friday night, hint eleven
vears ago, President Lincoln wnt ss-
Muwinatcd at Ford's Theatre-, in Wash
ington. ' '
Wouldn't it bo well for President
Grant to lock tho doors and fasten tho
windows of the Wbito House, so that
no guilty man can oscapc?
Businmh. Tho Democratic State
Central Committed meets at Harris-
l.tirrr on to-morrrm1. Chairman Mc
Clelland is determined to go to work
at once.
Colfax declares in his lectures that
in his retirement Irom the cares of pub
lic lifo lie has found his "life drcuin."
Hush! J)on't wake him. Let him
dream. " 1 '
Mules, mines, moths, hopi and whis
ky, bave been somo of the afflictions
of tho prcseut administration, and it is
said it has como very near ,:seeing
rats," too.
Jladical despatches from Washing
ton state that Belknap is in a hopeful
mood. If that is so, he possesses more
impudonco than many of his "post
tradors" do. .
Thomas Jefferson rodo on hoi'seback
to Washington, hitched bis liorso to a
rail fenco and walked ovor and was in
augurated ; but it wouldn't be snfo for
a President to try that now, as while
ho was being sworn in, one of llicCnb
inet oOicittls might steal bis horse.
Poor "Bab." The Grand Jury of
the District nf Columbia lias indicted
Con. Babcoclt as one of Iho principals
engage'.! ill llie luiuoiis sine niirgmrj ,
which occurred In Washington a little
over a year agov, I'oor "Bab" ! JIo
has just jumped out of tho ft Louis
whisky ring frying-pan into the con
spiracy firo at tho Capitol.
1 The Democratic olliciuls of the Ohio
Penitentiary bave nil boon removed to
give place to Republicans. Tho chango
of politics will doubtless inako tho
boys in tho building a littlo more at
home. Thoy will fool as though they
had fallen into tho hands of thoir
friends nnd'rclato tUd trno "inward
ness" of their misfortunes to them
without fear. . - ,
"Repbesektative" Jqwinals. Thu
Pittsburg Pml, BclMbnU) Watchman,
Philadelphia Commnnxcfulth, Butler7iT
nW, and Lancaster Intrlligrnrrr. What
a flock of them ! This much wo know
about them : . The editors of threo of
them havo been candidates annually
for nearly fiftcerr yenrs. It is well
enough that wo have but few such
"representative" journalists.
Stux Vndeb Firk. Tho "crooked"
legislation indulged in at llarrisburg
tho present session by somo of tho
members, is undergoing a thorough in
vestigation on tho part of the commit
tees of tbo two Houses. As tho sessions
of the committees aro hold in secret,
the Aiblio will ol coarse have nothing
SMlfltSnliiil to rely upon until they
t. it . :H , . .
1 '
bodies. All elso is more cuiijecturo,
Rather Cool Like tub Weatheb.
Tho F.inpuror und Kuipress of Bra
zil and their .Suite, landed ut Now
York on Saturday. A lot of tho Wash
ington officials went over to Xow York
' lo welcome tbem, but Iho snobs were
nluruiou that tuo party ware travel
ing in tba capacity of private ladies
md gentlemen, and wanted nnno ot
our circus oxliil. lions on tlieir oeeonnt.
llnwni-o von Rol.ea.on ?
The Hiou Cow or iMrr.AciiiiEM.
Yesterday was tho lime llxcd tor
tho late Rceretary of Win. Belknap
to apear tho I'nlted States
Senate, to answer for the high crimes
and misdemeanors, bo. lias committed
for a series of years. . Judge Black,
Malt' Carpenter and Montgomery
Blair, are bis counsel. Of the result,
we of rotirso know nothing at this dis
tance from tho scene.
Mor War 1U It ia said that
a boom bomb shell explodod at Har-
rislmrg on Saturday. A member ofi
the House who had taken a flOO bribo,
upon learning that some 'of his col
leagues bad pockutod from $50Q ti.
92,000, went hefnre thoonmmiltoe and
slapped down bis packago of (.100, and
authorised tho committoo to expend
tho money for charitable purposes.
For tbo truth of this story womnsl
wait for the report, of the committee.
,J)Pi'DE('. TboPerry oounly Ikm
serai is of the opinion that it is ralbar
impnrtVnt in ' Hfpubllcnn papers to
rbttrgo tho Democrats for not doing
something with the financial question
nd . the tariff, when it it reuetnborod
'that that-party had the exolutivo coo
itrol of nil tho-departments of tho na
lioiutl government for fifteen years,
and failed to adopt a policy on these
two questions 4lin4vn satisfied them
toWo. liaprptinenoe and imbecility
were nrrct rnnrv clnraMr fflliM, ' " '
The editor ol" the Vhilaileliihia Pre.
Col. Forney, .uk up tlio ,.ruwlli.N.!
of tho liadicnl Hlnto Convontion ol
amui Lon.ui.aj; ... -u "--.
or il,o ...ember. ..( .ho .
t It- . Al .
,Vr, i-stiotl U.elolli.wUiKpNMmjlory
to tlio Huufv,joHlw l0 ,ik, Arttb,
ond to tlio iivat party of the nation',
"For South Cnroliim, the ptvnuiit is u
I, ii i .i....
eriti.itl I line. Jtwvi. uu, u.i;
Stale iioimIs honest govornment
there any probability of bor iwuriiif
such u blessing ut tho hands of the
faction which now control tho organi
sation?;' We answer emphatioally, no.
Tho people vaii not expect honest gov-
ormuent whilo llicy.ulluw such rogues.,
as John J. Patterson, und his hordo of fom( U tho cu80 0f
carpet baggers to m l as their agenU. j mHtl j, Nuvjn ,. tl0 ,)roprio.
Freemen, who make rulers out of such.. , - , i.lMl.r TMlter. chamcd
stufT, deserve to bo rubbed and plun-wilb iwillih(, a 8llIlJtty edition U.xreof. j
d.wd. The clilor in quvslimi c1osoh:01. phyn,,.;,,,, friend ,o ol soem
bis lumenlution thus: "Tho in.tma-l)o. k))OW l(t .), ,, Sabbath !
lignai.t enemy ol Nmlli eoiild
wish her no worso fato than to bo gov
erned as this kind of politicians govern,
while her well wishers must be ap
palled by tho prospect." Tho Colonel
knows tho whole tribe John J. Patter
son & Co.-r-and therefore be writes
knowingly and truthfully of tho free
booters who Infest that once proud
Commonwoallh. " . ' '
A Pl-r.A ron Schejick. A special
from Washington to the Philadelphia
Press the other day, says : "Tho Pres
ident intimated in conversation with a
friend to-day that ho would not makj
an appointmont of a diplomatic rcpro-
sontalivo lo tho Court of St. names un
til after the pending investigation into
tho connection of ox-Ministor Schenck
with tho Kmma Mine transaction bad
been completed. As tho inquiry into
tho details of this unlorlunato affair
progresses the government is becom
ing satisfied that tbo representations
which bave bcenmado against thehon
csty of t'10 motives which actuated
General Schenck, are not founded on
truth or justice. In event of it being
satisfactorily shown that (Jon. Bcbenck
was a victim to the schemos of the pro
jectors of tho business, and that bo did
not knowingly induco English subjects
to invest in tho enterprise, it is not at
all improbablo bu( that Gen. Schenck
will be reappointed and sent back to
the English Court as a vindication of
his official and personal charctor. It
will yot be some days before this in
vestigation will have a termination.
Schonck and his-friends foel confident
of his exoneration from thu charges
which havo boon mado." Well,Schcnck
was a failure as a General, an abortion
as a Congressman, and if be succeeds
as a Diplomatist, it will be a miracle to
everybody oxcept Grant.
DisnRArtruL. It teems that the
. , . ,
present Administration is not disposed
vo nave our cuuiiujr rv-i v--twii wi uj
a gentleman at the Court of Great
Britain, but that we must continuo lo
bo disgraced by n blackguard of tho
Butlor persuasion. Tho Philadelphia
Time in alluding to this matter says :
"Thara ta talk 10a of 8?haoek't raappaiDtnaal
aa Miaiatar to Kaglaad. Tbay bava aawala Lon
don recaiTed diract from Warbingtun lo aba afloat
that tba (raat pa bar-player will b last bab, and
tba WaabioKtoa tpastala my Preaideal Uraal baa
(ImkHfltlnSr "wpniMfo Kt.fll,AlkWtr!t't(--
mlttea on foraiirn rjlalra baa tniabad lareatlrat
InitSahanok. Tbil looka aa tboafb tba Praaldtat
.utad auah n iaduiio. of bin. if u anan
mail nut kin. k no. Inn KkiI. Ob Iho
whole,, tkla would be beat. Uen Ratler
will not permit tba HeaaU ta noof rsa a entln
tftB and eebolar of tba Dana tyHi, and If tba po
ll lion ninat be tiled by n politician of tka lluller
aobool, tienernl Sabenflk aighl na well go
haak aad (111 II kinjeaif till tka ath af Marob, 1S77.
Tbara la thii at laeet to be aa.d for kini that
tka Kngltib now know bin tberougbly, and
naltbar at poker nor In tba etoek marbat la ka
likely to Dopes them any mora, wblle a now man, tba aamo aonntity of morale, aaignt land
tbem Into aoma other aarapo. Laleee ka u pro
Eared to nontioate n etateiutan and to stand by
m, Ornnt wonld hattor atiek to Mekanek."
A Good Man Gone. We regret that
we are compelled tochroniolethe death
of Hon. Ooorgo Scott, of Columbia
county, formerly Canal Commissioner
of this Stato, and President of the
Pennsylvania State Agricultural Socie
ty, who died on tho 6th inst. Tho
deceased was an active and public
spirited citiicn, and wns tho acting
Secretary of the Centennial Board ot
managers. Ho was ono of tho few
mon left, who bad servod many years
in public lifo and died an honest man.
Tbo allurements and tomptations held
out to him whilo in office never decoy
ed bim from the path of rootitudo so
as to enrich himself. Prcfering to
serve bis constituents fuilbtully to tbo
boat of hit ability, and draw no more
thnn his legal salary from the public's
pockets, '
Another Waif i Taoimr.. Tho
Hon. Jasper D. Ward, of Chicago, ex
Congressman and ex-Unilod SUntos Atlnrnov lime tMMn inrl.nlMl bv
tbo Grand Jury in that city for "crook
cdnoss," and bis bail has been fixed at
615,000. Tho oftenso with which tho
distinguished western pifigon is charg
ed is tbat he conspired with eortniu
members of tho whisky ring to remove
seven or eight thousand barrels of
whisky from a distillery in Chicago ! at Washington of bit intimate assoeia
wilhout first putting tho propor rev-1 ljon w,ith tbosato-burglary thieves, and
. ..... t. tiZ Shepherd district ring, tbo rovola-
ei.uo stamps on tho same Half of UM Whitley rtili, will go to
those western "Christian Hlatosmon" , bow that if hit previous character was
will full by tho way -side, if "Iho gov- good, tbo ppmpany ho kept was notori
eminent" doe, not slop prosecuting! ously bad, and this would go bard witb
(!)Cnl j him on a second indictment. tiff-
Brazen KrrRoxiKnv. That special
dolnellvn Bull who hiuin In Oinnt'n
. ' ...
employ for fifteen years, and who has
recently been making some music ba-
foro Clymor's committee, is now pro
nounced a fraud by tho very men who
havo employed him lor many years.
A Radical exchange says :
"11(11 ii nonbdraU General! Orant, Rhet.
man, Dodga, llanlla and Harlbnrtonly garak.n.
tltore bearly Irttera af reoontmendn tiofl to get rid
of btm."
Is not that a nice way for great mon
to get rid of " scoundrel?' Gentle
men loyalists, your ttory is too thin I
Great mon seldom make fools of them
selves in that way. We say there is
music in Bell anyhow, (let rid of him
if you can. , .!
Navy Frauds. The examination ot
witnwesee boforo the committooB naval
expenditures at Philadelphia is con
ducted with closed doors. It was de
veloped by tho testimony on Saturday
that the contract tor tho removal of
ship houses from the navy yard was
given to tho highest bidder at 110,000
moro money' than need in have boerT
paid for tbo labor. It it protty well
eelabirshtd already, tliat there ha been
at much corruption praotiood In naval
affairs Onder Robeson,' as there has
been in the War' Department under
Belknap, although tbt fbrster is still at
large.: Jlowsver, bis brilliant carter
is drawinji to a rlfsm, ton. i
I!nw Tuitr AVkeb liAouRD. Oon.
Cutler shod flood of light upon too
i...iii.(mi tn ilntii,n In hmutni wllV
' . ., ,
s. 4 I. ..wdid ultima nUl inu mtlt
, ir.oreatlng .ndor their eyt
, thu Jl IWk'nipi Ho.rot.rj- of
fold hit lent and silently ileal swsy.
"No officer, active or retired, thall di-
,,.,..,,,,..,,,,.;,,,,,,,, hnmo-rnll-
'"'V """ -v. f
eu ujKtn oy pniH'r uuiin.rivjr, buiih,
tuugoat or recommenil action by mem
bors ol Congress for or against military
. 'i r
lNoiTiHi-mRH. Tho I'ittshurn Proa-
. . ... ..H ir, .1Hi ha re-
fc j, MoI1(1fty tmn on a Sun-
day morning pupor. Move slow gen
tlemen. There are plenty . of other
subjects upon which yon can expend
your talents to much better advantage
that tho Sunday printing business.
Too Bad! Four "representative"
journalists aro very much out of humor
.i. i..S' wn a
over mo uuii. lunuiuuuiia. ( ii v.i,
bavo great rospect for minorities, but,
then, the largo majority always draws
onr firo moro effectually.' We presume
tboto soalous cotemporarios can bor
row sympathy from the enemy, which
always keeps stock of that stiiff on
hand, for the benefit of tho oppressed.
Pittsburg, Lancaster and Butler aro
wonderful for their Dcmocratio influ
ence, except in votes when wanted by
the party.
Dibty Work. "Tbo Robol Prison I
Pons," is the chief literature now being
spread before "loyal" people by Radi
cal journalists. This it pretty stuff.
But then, it is stock in trade usod by
bigots, fanatics and demagogues, and,
unfortunately for our country,' thnt
kind of literature is moro effective than
"liberty and law," because a largo por
tion of the opposition party is mado op
of that class of people.
"To bo continued," we see in nearly
all our Radical exchanges. Woll, .its
nothing more nor loss than "The Rebel
Prison Pens." Tbo tin ft" upon which
fanatics and fools feast. These docu
ments aro now being prepared for cam
paign purposes in regular demagogue
style, the details of which are about as
near the truth as Belknap's adminis
tration of the War Department ap
proached common honesty.
The Venango Spectator sayt: Now
' that Charles Laribee, so lone a prisoner
, d f f(r
tho murder of the noirro, Lewis Wil
liams, has bad bit tontenoe commuted
to imprisonment for life, there can be
no barm done in giving the prisoner's
version of the affair as detailed by bim
to an official of tho Court. Laribee's
story is in substance as follows: Ho
and Williams left Oil City in the morn
ing on a bunting expedition, both car
rying gunt. They had taken tevoml
drinks of whisky before starting, and
fc . I!j - ..!! .Iiniu.
While in the woods, W illiams expressed
a desire to be killed ; he said he didn't
lik6 km himself, for if he did he
would bo to hell. Therefore, be re
quested Lariboe to do the business tor
him, and aftor some porauation Laribee
consented. After bring the first ball,
which struok Williams in the Beck and
only partially disabled him, Laribee
taya be waa alraid that n Illiams would
'turn on hira. To prevent aach a term
ination of the affuir be immediately
fired tbesecond barrel, killing Williams
The gentleman to whom Lariboe
told this story boliovos it to be the true
account of the killing. Il was estab
lished by the evidence at the trial of
Laribee tbat n illiams bod mado fre
quent threats of suicide and that bit
thoughts seemed to run in that direc
tion. The stolid, almost stupid mental
make up of Lariboe goos to confirm bit
story. If thoro ever was a man who
would bo likely to help another iu a
case like William'a,Laribee would seem
to bo that man.
Bibcock's Danoei. Technicalities,
liko two-edged swords bave sometimes
an unfortunate tendency to cut both
ways. Tbo lawyers ot McKee, tbo
convicted whisky ring newspaper man
of St. Louis, are striving bard, and
wilh overy prospect of success, to got
a new trial on tho ground tbat thu
grand jury that indicted him wa ille
gally constituted. But if McKee gets
tho new trial ho wants, on thii pica,
General Bubcock will bo compelled lo
bavo a now trial that be does not want;
for ho was indicted by tho same grand
jury. It is hard to think that Mcltoo
hat got such a good chance of escap
ing tuo punishment bo so richly de
serves on tuck a technicality, but it
tbo guilty Babcouk bo caught in the
very not through wboao mosbut UoKoe
escapes, tho country will bear tho cx
cbango with forlitudo. Bubcock es
caped in the last trial chiefly because
of tbo abundant testimonials to bis
Iiroviout good character that wuro of
ered tbo court Recent developments
uunjn Jjcanrr.
A lNTEREsTinn Case. JuJgo I'.l-
oooli,ol i'bilaUelphia, on Haturday, tie-
cook, of Philadelphia, on Saturday, do-
Parrisb and others against John K oil
ier and others. Tbo issue arose in the
following maunuri During tho year
1816 a mortgage wns made for tho
f.ayment of five thousand dollars, law
ul silver money of tho I'nlted States,
which matured in tbo year 1748. A
Umdor was mado of ten thousand silver
half dollars to extinguish tho debt, but
the holders of the mortgage contended
that payment must bo mado in five
thousand silver dollars, tbo difference
in valuo between silver hall' dollars and
whole dollars at this thaw being con
siderable. Tba court held that as sil
ver monov of any denomination was a
legal tender in any amount at tho lime
tho mortgage full due, il was now pay
able ia lawful silver money without
rufuronco to tbo denomination, Ho
makes a distinction between contrauts
for "lawful silver money" and thoso
expressly mado payablo in lawful sil
ver money, each dollar woighing sev
enteen carats six grains, which latter
aro agraamouU to deliver a certain
arliclo or description of coin, Judg
ment was tborolors entered tbst the
principal and iotarest of this mortgage
oe paid in silver eoin or the United
Stales, of the denomination of half dol
lars. Plaintiff to pay the oosU. '
Senator Jewis of California httot
newspapers aa bad as Ben Butler. "I
spit on tbem, despise ana loath tbem,"
saya iba ttoaatof, aad all the newspa
pers bMg their U4s. It, Is nlrrdful
to be lapk spofl by a California;.
Henry Clay was born April 12th,
A. T. Hlowart gave 150,(111(1 to the
Chicago fire rlrtims.
Florida makot 218,000 cedar pen
cils a day J njiite a marked industry.
The oonaus of Philadelphia, just
taken shows population of 817,448.
Mrs. llenj. F. Butler, died in Hos-
ton. on Saturday a week', from cancer!
of the neck.
Mrs. David Teas, a sister of Hon.
Ii.A.Muckoy.felidead at WnUontown
on tho 1st inst.
Tho latest discovery iu the vego
table world is an Incombustible tree
found on an island of Now Caledonia.
" American watches are being ex
ported to F.uropv in large numbers and
great promise is given lor luture time.
r- - -
Mexico it our sick man ; and tlio W(l8 ,oullj wjl0 , ingle excep
timo it evidently not .remoto when ho , ,- .. .,, ..ivilinna. and only held
will require our neighborly attention.
Tho condiliiti. ol Alexander II.
.Stephens it not so favorable as hat
been reported. His strength it failing
daily. branches of tho State Legis
lature have passed tbo resolution fix
ing tho final adjournment on tbo Bth
of May,
Chicago boanls that il but forty
four firmt whoso capital succeeds II,-
000,000 each. How much of this it
cosh isn't slated.
8. P. Ryan, Democratic member
of the House of Representatives, from
Columbia county, died on Wednesday
last, of Pneumonia.
Grant has a cousin in Missouri
who is an honest man and who has
been allowed to remain in obscurity,
unnoticed and unprovided for.
A largo cast-iron chain nf thirty-
eight links, to represent the thirty-eight
States, hat been manufactured for the
Centenniul by a Philadelphia firm.
Jerry Hopjier is tho name of a
Michigan giant. He it a huge fellow,
physically , Doing seven foot and sevon
inches in height in fact a whoppor.
. Tho Government tor-
vice will be introduced on the lakes
the present season, and promises to be
come as efficient as on the tea-board
Mrs. Jeromiah Jackson, of Harris-
burg, on Monday last presented her
nege loru a centenniul testimonial in
the shape of three bounoing girl babies.
Last month 1,615,634 buxholt of
corn, valued at 11,049,658, were ex
ported from Philadelphia, considerably
conducing to tho prosperity of the
It it quite probable that Robert
Lincoln, only surviving son ol 1'rosi
dent Lincoln, will be the Republican
candidato in Illinois for Secretary of
The latest newt from the' Hii?
Horn country is lo the effect that Sit
ting Bull and Cmzy Horse aro losing
heart, General Crook having mado
them sick.
-Colfax hat netted since last turn-
mcr 112,000 by lecturing, which istwronir.
retty good, though not nearly what
o used to make when Nesbilt and
Ames were alive.
The Centennial managers will not
open tho exhibition during evenings.
They state that they "are afraid to
undertake the expenao of illuminating
:the immonso buildings."
The Princess of Wales, according
lo a polite fiction, is left in chargo ot
Knglund during tho absence of the
Queen on the continent and (Winding
the return of the Prince.
A New Orleans girl who bsd an
offer of marriage from a Mr. More wrote
him a note asking time to consider the
matter, and closod her communication
witb, "No more at present"
Who shall docido when judges dis
agree T Last Thursday ono Iowa
judgo docided that church property
was taxublo, and the next day another
judgo docided that it was not.
Hon. Goo. Scott, Prosidont of the
Ponn'a. Agricultural Society, died on
Wednesday the 5th Inst At the time
of bis death he was ono of tho Associ
ate Judges of Columbia county,
David Shirk, whose establishment,
according to a Lancaster paper, waa
closed In that city, by the Shoriff, on
Fridny last, bad on hand at the time
the remarkable number of eloven thou
sand dozen of eggs.
(jen. J no. McDonald, one of the
St. Louis "crookod" whiskey mon, bat
boon sentenced to threo years in the
penitentiary and 15,000 fine. W. O.
Avory was sentenced to two years im
prisonment and 1 1,000 fine. .
On a careful examination ot all
tho facts, experienced reel estate mon
have como to the conclusion thnt prop
erty in Chicago baa depreciated forty
per cent, in Now York thirty percent.,
and in Boston twenty-five por cent
Mis. Tyler, widow of ex-President
lyler and tlio only woman who ever
married a Prosidont while ho occupied
It..:.- Il i , ... . ,.
mo- ii into tioiiso, ii visiting at v. asn
ington. one is pretty anu apriglil
Thirty years ago the was romnrknbi
ueauttiui. .
Winslow the Boston forger, has
lately written to a friend In Boston to
tho effect that if the Government fails
to extradite bim he shall return to
this country as soon As bo is released,
and that lie will "mako it hot" for
some of his old friends.
Tlio house in which Robort Fulton
was born still stands in ?ulton town
ship, Lancaster county, near the Peach
Bottom railroad. Fulton, who died
sixty-ono years ago, Is described as a
tall man. with oxtromolv wide hrnw
curly hair and a beautiful month, .
A decision just rendered by tho
United States Circuit Court of Micbi.
gnn tn tho effect that the letters pat
ent Issued to Albert 8. South worth fbr
an Improvement In plate-holders for
cameras aro void and of no effect, is
wonn ban a million dollars to tho
photographers of this country.
Senator Hamlin thinks the news
iart ought to be made to pay just as
oavy poslago as anybody who writes
a latter, Ho is so ossified that it is!
doubtful whothor he knows what a
modern newspaper is. He reads the
Declaration of Independence every
night before donning hit nightcap.
General Albert Pike, the ircnUI
Congressman ot ante-bellum days, will
Srotldo at the bjonniul totsjon of tho
uprorne Council (thirty-third dogroo)!
of the Anelont and aoeoptod Scottish
into oi r roe masonry, to bo bold in
Washington next month. At the samo
lime the seventy fifth anniversary of
tl0 ih.ljmilon pf the ordor will becelo-
A little child, two yearn of aire.
son ef Robert Krowson, of Nowtown,
Jlncst oountv wat drowned in a nool
of water, 18 inohet deep, on Friday.
Mrs. Krewton, with hor littlo son, was
away a short time, leaving the child
aiotie in me yard, and In some way
Unknown It tell In the water, at the
loot of tbt steps leading to a room in
the basement
Wbllo bunting for woodebuck
recently noar Livonia, N. Y. some boys
found in a hollow stump a gold watch
and chain, wbich bad been aU.lon bv a
tramp twolvo yosrs ago. The thief
wat tent V) prison i0r (brce year, but
refused to tell where be had hidden
the watch unions paid well lor the la.
fbrroition. . When found the watch
wis apparently uninjured.
UtKPVBLlCAXS piaimxa ItK )
I n EXVHM C-i'
Tho Wost Point Appropriation bill
was the ttrtt of the ineasurea of ru
Iruncbinout wbiob passod tbo-Houso
of Jtcprescntatives, and tborefbro It is
the first before tho Senate for consider
atiim. U was called up last Friday,
and led to a long and sharp discussion
during the entiro titling. The Com
niiitea ou Aiiiironiiatioiil rbported
amendments restoring the redueliont
mndu by tho House, and the issuo is
.... I.. .-.I ..1 .i.nnn w nr.
110W tquurvi JTOIIIW w iwiwui;
the one bund and of extravagance on
tliA nthor. "
Tho debate, which tbok a wide rungo
ou the gonorul subject of reduction ol
the public exHiiditurct, turned upon
the salaries for the nitte chief protes
tors at the Military Academy, it was
contended, first, that they were olBcers
of thu army, and therelbro their pay
" u ------- "7 - .
, , .., i... AiMtm.i.A in aiieit A. I.IlL
rall, .imiiBiod (0 that of colonels
and lieutenant-colonels. When llns
pretext was exposed, then the chain-;
pious oi extravagance Burui
tbo salaries wore inadequate to the ser
vice rendered, anil to cut inem nu n
would be an act of ifross injiiilico.
That urguinent wus answered by show
ing that under thu lull ol tne nouse
four of these profussore would reooive
1.1,500 each and live or them 13,000
each, In addition to which they are
firorided witb bouses rout free, fuel,
igl.t, medical attendance, and schools
for their children. At lale the. pro
fessors receive 3,00u a year Harvard
3,500 a year, and at Ambertt $2,b9
a year, without any of those extras
wbich at nest mint represent tuny
$1,500 a year in money value, and per
haps more.
it Is thus auoa that no injustice of
any kin J it cotimiltod in the proposed
reduction. But this it not all. W liilo
Republican Senators wore assailing
the proposition to economise as foreign
to the bill, and an irregular assault on
tho established pay of the army, it
was found, by reference to tho Revised
.Statutes, that the pay of tboto vory
professors had been increased on tho
Military Academy appropriation act
of Feb. 28, 1873, during the carnival of j
prodigality and plunder. All the House
therefore, proposes to do is to go back
to the pay previous to 1873. Here is
the clause from the Revised Statutes,
section 1,336:
"Eaob of tba prafaaaora of tba alillunr Aesda.
my, vboaa aarvioa at tba Aeadara asoaada las
yaara, aball havo Iba pay and allowaaao f ail
oaal, and all atbar profaaaara aball bara Ik pay
and altovanaaa of Ilea Lao
"Hereafter thara ebaU be allowed and paid ta
tba aaid profeeeore tan per oeat. of tbelr eurrent
yearly pay for aaah aad aeeey terra of Bra yoare'
aervfee In Iba aria J and at tba Aeadanty."
Tbo House has practically abolished
this latter clause and I educes the pay
to that extent Tbat is the whole of
the proKwition, and a day's session
was wasted in an endeavor to prevent
this just and proper retrenchment by
barefaced misrepresentation of tbo
facts, of the law, and of the usnge of
the Senate. The pay ol the nrolossors
was increased in 1873 un the Acade
my bill, and when an effort is mado to
reduce it in 1876 upon the Academy
hill It la rlnnnnrtriaiil oji an tinnr.flliinfMfl
The country will understand from
this statement what deceptions are to
bo expecUtd in thwarting every at
tempt to bring down the public ex
penditures. Mr. Logan, Mr. Freling
huvscn, Mr. Dswos, Mr. Allison, Mr.
Wright, and othor Republican leaders,
resorted to unworthy expedients to
deceive the public ou this subject
Mr. Frelinghuysen declared,"! protest
tbat it is not the business of an appro
priation committee to do any audi
thing." Mr. Dawea waa very much
hn..1.A enn). lemalalinn i1? wlia.
the back pay in his jnurt be canted
at the act by wbich it was passed.
As a rule, genoral legislation upon
appropriation bills is to be condemned.
The Republican! are answerable for
that practice in its moat obnoxiout
form. They engrafted the Civil Rights
bin ana otber partisan measures upon
these -bills, and denied the minority
any chanco for discussing tbom under
tbo operation ot ironclad rules, designed
to curtail the liborty ol speech. Tboy
construed tbo rules so that it would bo
tn ordor to increase salanea, and out
of ordor to reduce tbom. Through
Ibis scandalous system they doubled
tho President's salary and perquisites,
voted themselves back pay for two
years, increased the salaries oi all the
omployees of Congress and tbe depart
ments, and in aix weeks gavo Boss
Shepherd's Ring three and a half mil
lions of dollars. Now, whon moder
ate measures of reform ara offered, and
the Democratic House baa changed
tho rules so that economy may be
parliamentary, the Republican Senate,
Which heretofore originated the most
offensive legislation on the appropria
tions, affects to bo astonished, and does
its best to obstruct the movement
Tho leaders find this "the improper
place to commence rotrenebmont. It
pinches tbo corns of thoir tons, oouslns,
and friends, and therefore it ought not
to pass.
Under ordinary olrcumstancoe, wo
should prefer to auo every rolorm oon
tidered on Its own merits, and passed
witb duo deliberation. J ho Kupubli-
cant would not Logislate in tbat propor
way when thoy bad majorities ot two
thirdl in both branches of Congress.
They mado tbe appropriation bills a
pack, horse for tbeir worst and crudest
schemes. This example it not worthy
of Imitation, but those who set it ought
to be tbe last to complain, especially
when it ia only applied to the boat of
objects, tint it it evident from tblt
demonstration in tho Senate tbat every
bill lor economy is to bo resisted by
tho Ropublicana to the last extremity,
and sent back to tbo Hunts in a form
to oontinue the old corrupt and prodi
gal system. If they are prepared to
make tbo tost in tbst way, tbs Demo
crats will probably not be sorry of a
chanco to moet thorn, and to placo
themselves on the ground tbst the
public expenditures must be reduced
ss ths people demand, or tho Adminis
tration may expoot to live without
money for tbo next year. .V. Y. Sim.
A Niri Party. If there is anv vir-
tuo in tbe people of the country they
must look with disgust and deep hum!
lation at the party wbicb surrounds
Grant. Thore is bBrdy an exception
to the besmirched ohananUiM of Grant's
favorites Schenck, Hancock, Belknap,
n niisms, vreeweii, iMitno, riorrepont,
Robeson, all, all are ander the suspic
ion of some dodge, some plan, some
scheme. Was there aver before in tbe
history of our country snob a ttsto ofj
tilings m "a Government as the in
vettlgatlont of Onngnwa ara ospoelng
to the full view of the eivilisej world?
When Grant goes out of the "White
House" hit journey to public reproach
will be the thortott bo ever took.
Mrs, Mortrsn, s tlttor-ln-lsw of tlio
ftimoiit ei 0(inMor,te tjr,om 4oln
Morgsn, or 'f onnssaoe, toil msoo of 1'.
T. Ilsrnnm, onmmlttwl suioitte by tU
Int; Isii'lsnum ut ths rstltlenos o) Mr.
Harry A. Allen, No. 6J Wost Twollth
Btruot Now Vork. Hba took ths falsi
drug on Hattmlny erening snrl died st
1 oVIix-k Sundsy morning. Tbs prim
ary nuM j, attributed to exorssivo
?cif svor tliu lust ol s tUughtst, about
1 years of ago, wbo died somo montbs
ago. Hbo was a lady of rosiarkable
besuty and ol high otilturs and en
dowmsnts. , . ,
Mr. Unrttoy Williams, tb well-known
oomsdian, Is past all bop of ncor ry,
ar,4 bit diiH,b is expected at soy mo
ment. Hit UUasa it pmoiil4, d
bit illness, tbrqagbout, ku beta eqr
There is a now break in the line of
1 1,.. Iluilii-ul wsstn of mi Uio monov.1
says ho VommoHKatlth: .r thopastl
nllcon yea in Congress has voted tho
people's cush to the departments of
Government," without any reganl U
economy. , I hoso ilepartmonls nave
been luuiiuged by suidi mun as Aikiiiiu
Williams, Delano, lloutwell, Kichurd
spn, ami t.'reswell. KukluX -gi-nts
were paid thousands of dollars fiir ex
citing lo civil war or u war of races,
and using the people's money as if there
nevur was to be a daj- of account.
ben thu casu appropriated run our,
a convenlelil piun lo gel more, wuu
nut nskiuir bow much went to tho
itauioui party'H oleotioii coininiltecsoll!
ovor tliu- i-oiintiy, wus a "dellcieii-y j
bill." And no, from yeur to year, I lie I
wastonnrt snitnndcrlng' nf the money
out of llm Feileral Tioasiny went on, I aiui..Dn n.r, i..ii. . hntK-niuuj
ii- . . '4n Naobaalraa ll.r.r gullurl l. Licoh.i.
uiiiiiimii. .... .
J liu liaUical party never ucitovcn - a
day of iuJirmellt" WHS to collie. So!
the last Luni'ress l.luyul inu
game. -..pocling lo carry tue prusei.t
Congress, it wus left to a deficiency
bill in ibis Congress to cover up the
items exhausted. Hut it was not as
expected. A DuniKcrulic House wus
elected, and now the demand lor a do.
ficieucy I. ill has to bo mndo to thu rep
resentatives of tbo idle, aiilfcring, ini
povvrishud taxpayers. ,
What tin you wunt will, u "deficiency
bill?" Why did you not do nsll
honest people do litu within your
means? is tho reply of the Democrats
to the lladical Deiiartincnt Have wn
not already shown plunder, in all f
directions, and jolt now ask iu to)
inako up tho deficiency? No, not
Let tlio people uudeitlantl bow their
money is wastcl first This is tbe
secret of tbe order of Bnstow stopping
tbe. water, gas, und fuel in the post
offices and public buildings iu the largo
cities. Let tbe account of these ap
propriations bo examined, ascer
tain how the money appropriated bas
been expended, and if it has, every
cent been honestly used, und vouchers
can bo had to prove it, then will bo tbe
time to ask for deficiency bills. Tbe
fact is, the Radical party never dream
ed that it would be called on to show
tho public money honestly expended,
and it is frightened out of its senses to
toll bow tbat is possible under tbo rule
of the party of Grant, plunder, post
traderslnps, "crooked" whisky, Orvills,
"Bab," and that sort Tbat tho light
in tbe Radical camp should go out
uuder such an investigation it us wns
to bave been expected. Walur the
Grantitvs don't uso, mitt heat well
after a while, t
SuKHiii.-a-Geo. W. Harris, a member
of ihel'biladelphia board of brokers
and niiahcial editor of tho Press, com
mitted suicide by banging himself in
his office at No. 30 South Third street,
Friday night a week. On his table
were louud several leltors, settling up
hit busiucss. Tbe deceased was thirly
fire years of ago, a widower, ami was
thought to be making money.
Which Onr Prevasicatis. Tbo
question of veracity between the At
torney General and the President ia of
tbe gravest nature. 1 he President
says ho never heard of tbe Attorney
('eneral's circular letter until bo saw
it in print. The Attorney General on
the other band states xsitively that
the letter was prepared at tho request
of the President, or rather at bis order.
Our Less The recent death of
Representative S. P. Ryau, a memlior
of tho Pennsylvania Legislature from
Columbia county recalls the fact that
he is the eleventh member of tbo pros -
enl House who has died since the elec -
... . - ...
lion ot lis ntemoers, lour oi mo num
ber, we boliove having never taken
Hulv Williams, a noro, wm joking
ly nitcd for an Countable In Palmer,
MamchnMeltA, and bis elation lins
been declared lopuJ.
llrir JUrfrtlsmrut.
All aereoaa ara Wratif mUAW that all tbo
boaaabold rtWa, faraaiag atMaila aad atuek on
tba praailtai mn aaeapiad by ma la Deaatar
tnwabip, belong la m, and my bnabaad, Baaaaal
Wuatbaatir, baa no latereat ar praparty thataia j
ua all naraaaa ara boraby aiifid tbat aeaa bat
yaalf baa aay rifht ta diipoaa af tba aaat a, aod
any iatarfaraara I bara witb, withaat eonianl,
Will ba proeeeated aa pret tded bf law.
Deoatar tp April 19. Ti lt
SheriiTs Sale
BT vlrtaaaf wriuaf Vrnttwifwoat ffrpoaaa. iaaaad
aat of tba Coart af Common Plana af Clear
laid eonatT. ftatt ta ma direatad, there will
ba aipaaed la pabllo la( at tba Oawrt Howaa,
la tha baraagb af Clearfield, aa Sal a rd ay, tha
tb day of May. 1976, at 1 a'cloak, p. m.
tba fallawiag daaeribed real aetata, ta wit :
A e-artaia Uaat af altvata la Daaatwr tawwahlp,
Clearteld aawaty, Fa , begiaainf ai a bemtook ;
tbeaea by bind of Abram Horn Ifairty-eicbt ad
oon half degraaa north Ifty-fonr perebac ta a
ba mloek j tbeae north aifbt aad one-balf defraaa
wee aiffhty paicbea tbeaoe aortb aaraety-oaa
dafraaa aaat oaa band red aad farty eaa pare baa
tea beta lock i tbeaea aerih twaatrane dacraaa
taat ene haadrad and twenty-eeren parabaa to a
pioa ; tbeaoa aowlb ai sty-nine defreea aaat two
baadred aiabty perebaa to a obeataat. and aaath
twenty -one degree! went one handrail and eighteen,
parrhea to a faernloek and plaoa or bagiantng, eon
atrtlng af twa baodred and ail arrea aad allow
aooa of ail par tent, fur roaJa. and having aboat
ana hundred aerea olaared, with honee and bara
tbarena, with a aoal bank, weigh boaea, and ooa
foarth of a mile of rail iwing, with all Imprava
meaU balonging ta Coal Co. Mailed, takea ia
aieeatlua and to bo lold aa tba property of Logan
Coal Company.
Taaai ar Bilb. Tba pHee or ua ot whteh
tba property aball ba wrack aff matt ba paid at
tha lima af eala. ar aerh other airaaeemaau
aaoe aa win aa approved, elbvrwiae Ua proper-1 Jj
t will ba Immediately pat p and told again at
wo oapaaaa aao rtaa oi iae pereel to wheea II
waa atraek of, and who, ia ansa af deficiency at
tb re-eale. alall make pd tbt tawa, aad ia
aa loataaea will tha Uaed ba areaeated la Conn
fat aoa ( naa ilea aalaaa tba money la aetaalli
aaid la tbt iuafif. W, H- M
Siaatrp'i Oraics, I bbarllf.
Claaileld. Pa., April 19, ItTfi. J '
SheriiTs Sale.
BT rlrta. r wriu ol fiH rmti; lined
at at ite Oeert ol Com bob Plaaa of Clear
teld eoeatr. nnd en me .Iro.ted. will h.
ipaaod u PUBLIC SAl.B, at tka Ooart Hrwaa,
it the toroof a of Clearteld, ea gatnrdar, tot
ik der af alejr, 1 871, aA n'aloek, . .,
tka Mlaa daotribrl ml tataU, r wit,
All tee rlwal, till, nnd Mlttoni
f, In nnd to one rot nnd half el (roand Ua
at. In Moeeop addition ta tke borough ef Ulenr.
Sold, in tb. .onou of Clearteld. nod State of
Peanetlrnala, bounded nnd deeenbed aa fullu..
Brgtanlnf at n naM on Maranratt. atraet. belaa
nleeoorner of Jirba Uarr'elolt IB.ntw. In n weotarlr
diraotloo aloof Maraaretta llreet It feet .
rat ;tbane In a nortborly d. notion nloot Una of
f."" ,,J,!,f',,, "" an all.,;, I
too amiA .IU. l ........ a. .. ... , .
. ! -- -- 'J .iroi.n l IM
10 eoraor at John Caer'a lot i In . ...,L.
ireliy tiroatlen .loan ln,e nt da,q U.rr', lot 1 1,
(eat aaor. or tue U ktertaratt llreet and ulnae
ar koiiBalnt, eoaia.olit 1, feat froal nnd I it
!ee deep, and bnawa ae lot N.. I In aaid addition,
oelni the emaa lot wblob A. II. Niltoa purekaied
froaa Ttenla. Rile. aade. artlole. f nerMiaent,
Alt., tno-kalf hi. o ohiooA k.l. Ik. r
ee no. e in tne p.M ol aa.d addition, ndjoiaioa
Ib. abar. Seaoribed lot, bolni it fe.1 front an
atWfaratl elraet, ahd I art law deep M na allej,
kotrhdad aa lb. eamh be Mrnt, aa
tka wart b lot ol Mr.. Uaei, and oa tha north
be an all.,, aad beloj taa na. tot of froand
EaroaaMd bjr rrvemeal from J.n.. I,, le,.
elaad, mkaa In eaoMtioa net to be Hid aa lb.
prapanji ot A. II. ol.ium.
Aleo, .11 tknt oartala lot of tro.od eltanl. at
Iko Hawr of Uood and Hannah Mreet, ia tk.
koroajh W M.,.4,l,, (fWt,M w,t, a,.,-, ae...ll tea fe. rr, . ,., (Mt
deep, kavioi aractol Ikereon n lerce Ibreo-alort
ttn.3-, aad aaowp lb. "Oeeuaal.1 Hotel.'
Aiaa, oaa atbw pleae ar pkre, ,,.d .it.
aa'e la tk. baroufb ot lloandela, Clearteld Oe,
Pa. taona ae lal Ra. kl, boa.dod aad deeorlbed
ai rollow, t Uortb h, propone of i.aM H.i.,,
eaalk ho let Ka. tt, aaat bp Oaarfa Street, aad
we be Mapb) alia,, ka,!., erertad tharooa a
food fresa boaea baowa ae tha 'Koropeaa Hotel,'
ontkalbtln,, Selwd, i.ea m ...t 4 ,,d In
ka aold ta tk, fni.(rlf e( a) itluioi ro.e. ,
f taat a Sit.a.Tke peine or awai at whl.b
tk. propart, tkall ka alranb af ejaet be paid at
Ika Ua. af eale, ar .nek t ker arrea, .wale
aS.a.vlllk.appeaead.wtbHwiM ih. peapwu
wiU be leieaodleeelr ,m tap aad aaid afals at
tka eieoaee aad nak af naa pweoa la wheel 11
waa eerwek af , aad who, la aaae at deteieaer at
awa re eale, akall aaha tmt tke aaata, and la
a huhiaea wlu ika Dead ka eeeeented la Ooajft
' ', UePRBMOtf,
Snrrr trrirt, r J Bkartf.
Cle.Ht.ld, fa., April It, UT.
$tx Jdrriiistnunts.
n u Tintirp'pV'
Bbop la room fbroirrlj aouiU.I I y Ks'il
Mrkl ilrt.
Jsljr 1, Jir
Am S Jasl. Il, I.I l llu,.Hl
rtraana. Oroigta, In Stn Vtrlal(ti-n kiiaiait voa
Ni-rii Auirrlna, ilrr ZiatwrruiBita Cai-I ?r4ritk
Koab,uitl ll.itlrrlar.uiif oy Vrimirva vartttr
ban. DralSa r aia J April. I1J. 1 1 ZI'I
gnbarva uoilavlnafibainMr NnrSur(Ua Nanh
liuhl alna WiIwj utitl ainaa S.iliu b iilrrlaMan
balian. t uar 4aa Fill, ila Ko-.-b uiiiarliilrathat
yaraiorlM.M ll, balwa awb Miaa , wlllturiliifaa
Gaibwtur all pmit BMMilivlan tiliwlita Knirn
niiM.iaviadii, nwuilii.h t A , ilr K unn tim Ctrl
taritHiaiiil kwb. U, Uia inrMiilvwIa tro
Fila.lar.aba l.ouia ltmUa.dl. KiD.,raiia Kuo...
C ilia .'rati Auialla 'I buiiiniulrr .lun. kwk
r. Sar Krm Kir-.r H wu a-.d K. der
.ilLlaija krii.ii 1.1 ,lr ...i o Bri.u.rb..
Aal(.t.i lar .rfrJ,.nu, .,.iii ,,rjrn
arUa dabar alia dlrlvnura nalflia ala
nrabere Oder giib belli. Hrtianoii un be a.n .lea
Nerblaaa li Carl 1'na.lrl-i k'o.b BaWn
veruitifen,hiedereb euifulurlert .Urv Ni.ralio
b.a Sialeetaiie iu drw. auf den 20 July, Is7e II t'br.u. b.eeigen Oer.i'btral. KU'le
Ziairaer be. It aulieraunjlru Tertotna vol t a
etumuelileti w.dr .gi-alella r.atb Ablauf dee
Tnruiloe die Auerla Hans rler arlibaauhoifclKuog
laer die olien e-enaanto.. lieeel.wietrr KiMB
rlnlgen wlrd.
KmaiaLlos fsRuBaiaesia Kasta Onaicsr,
II. Abtliel.oac,
Xeila, nia Tten Januar, S;t.
Carl PreJrrlek Ke.-b, of 0!eu H.. Fa , or
kla relatiral ara keri'liy rrii..eeteJ to laf'fria ol
:balr wberonUota. UUAKltS II Matt KB.
Imperial llertuln Coaeul,
2S7 Cbreibol euaea, raiuvtalphla.
A euiatnaot of Road landr ..f fl-ji'ort tawo
ablp, for tbt year ending, April .11, I17S.
auriRTiaoa or IA7, a.
Baala.1 1ea '( IS7I, utaolleete I I Soi S3
Heated l aaet ot IS74, laoollortal .I7
Saatad Taxaa of l7J, aooilorlej 43 31
.rvil II
t r.
Paid to PLilriet Trjnror
, I 41
Kionoratlona, nboot ...
Work dune on roade by taaablea
1'laeed in hand f eolleetor
II i
Iht IX)
lul el
.161 ts
t ,m it
ai-nrfon'i BtMn9 lastin srn.aa Tns run
For Printing $ 10 at
For Town Clerk 1 it
fix And.tora It to
fur Buitervieora.., la
for A.lornee .... 11 eO
ror Stationarj and room real . I oo
For Balaoooat Wiboa Hun rUeA Il II
for Wmlerbnrn Horn! Sii 42
for Work on earwna itowla .. HI
I ' '
' ' aasara.
Un,aatei) Taiae for IST4-'7a....
a utsjUTin.
Aiklltore orUere ntoat ...
talereat ettiaialo4 .
UnedjuKed el. a,, nbo-it
Areola llabilltioa.
t .M 27
...iti.M 40
...... .m w
110 Pi
$!!,.. 4U
Aeaaareal ralaatlin, about 41,IM,let,tt
e. nonncKRa, tnaiarsss, ds.
To balaoee. Martk U. t 30 tli
To raoelted Healed Road Tal ........ . 41 S
To neaieed-Uraaalelt Hoed Tal 4 tl
To daio Treaaarar......M.M. S 4i
SD4 tl
Dy Paid Internet on order, ...
Ry I'n.d Aad. lore' nrderr
Ily Paid Hoporrtaora' oertiloala.......
Bjr Oaa-balt afkte ealarr ..... ....
t to
Tt 00
l 41
JOIIM B. HEWITT, (",.,,.
Atteet: JOHN C. TVLKB, "
U Bias, Clerk April U, ls:t t.
JACOB PKARt'B. Diatrlct Treaaarr of Rrad
ford twaabip, in accoaaiwilb Road Fund, I !:
To amnnnt la Treainrar band, at taat
aeitl-nnt..M 4i 4S
1 Tn ami at Pernor Tn.
' J" - '"' i"k' ? "
1 To am t tn Trena. ban
oaai ' duplieala.... fit ss
,nfatun'a duplicator !
To in'l ta Truaa. bauda I
By aaa't af aatoaitd tat WUd for IS? 4,
BM4foll4Ml. .......wt,.,. t
Dy ata't af Tboaiaa' voaeban fur wjrkM
Ut eaoaeratluaa oa Tbaaiaa' dup.
Hy Tbaaa' dapliaaba aaaullaoual M
By J. lriactua'a vuaebcra lera over
worb M. SHS tl
By eaanerattoaa oa Lartnitatoa'a dup. 14 54
By ant af daplieaU aaeollattod I 93
By bill paid far plaab I 40
li, arder ia fetor af W. tt. PuwaU...H.M 37 92
By Jerome Wilaon fur taakiaf dup 4 94
Ry Treat, fee H 90
By JobaOowaar fur Miifyfag wdoan... S 90
By And i tore' and Clerk i wataHH.HHM II 90
By order la favr af Levin kium IT 94
By arwer la laTor af Tbtaaa IT 19
Ry bal. naooHeeted oa eaab duplicata... Id4 l
Byata'Iof W O. Powel a dipiijale af
IKH rttariad lo Audttan M 34 34
ti nt ti
pooa rt-aii DE.
Ta bal. In Treat, baada at feranar kittla
meat H$ IA 9
To Fine of J. WiUoa a dket af W. I.
Carley IS 10
Ta amt of Poor dup. for liTft 639 10
Ta oaah ia Treae baada....- 3 TT
By whole am't for Ouillea..H..u..M I 199 30
By Uraea 319 T
By Pollard II 15
By medieal attaodaaaa, Boy I, by Bouee, A 9A
By Wm. I'atera 37 91
By paid Kramer, pauper A9 fit
By abatement allowed taxpayers oa
9S.J4 ....... I 41
By Treeaurer't ear rioei 00
By Aadltera wagaa 4 00
By bal. aaaolleeted wax oa 1974 dap..... Ill M
Hy bal. aaaolleeted Ua on 197 dup., 4 to 74
By am't paid on M. O. Wilaon 'i order- 39 0
$1,046 9?
Wa, tbe aoderaigaed And I tori of Bradford
lewaabip, having axamiapd tha abava ao con a la
aad BaJ tbem aerraet ai iiatad.
U. h. illl.U,
April 19, 74-lL And i ten
XJ Lial af Jaror draw a for Jaaa Tons A.
11. TT. Perk, Clearaaldi Warrea Ball, togaem)
A. W. Byntt0, " j J. A. L,. Plagal. Q..aben
T. A. Utwrer, Car'avlllat R. C. Tbampaoa, ttr'w'd
J. W. I.nieril;,0eooola
Jetae, Neeee, Bnirr,,
W. C.Carler, Bradford
R. hJePhereaa, "
K. II. Kirk, Brndjr
Jan. Weaver, Buraelde
Aden lleifv, Cnort
L. M. Co.dr.rd, Coe'itton
J. H fetere, lloontnr
J. ItendereoSi Uarnalde
r. riyaa, Uullah
W. A. Lamb, Ho'
A. W. Yonnw, Jordan
Henb. lialtor, Karlbaue
T. relloa, Lawranoe
I'otor hlone, Morrli
J. U. Hefart, Pen.
Krod Ulooa, Pike
L. K. llreeaiari I'mon
lit aa It.
J. MnClarraa, Deaatar
Trtoi. Owene, Perfaeon
M.rtin Wat to, "
Wm. Hurra,, Ulrnrd
Oltrer Leonard, '
J. W. Nrleon, floehea
Jno. Mobewoll,Urhnai
J. Moaturrae,
W. S. Horfe, Clearteld
A. O. Tele. "
W. P.Chatnbar,, C'aeille
W. H. Tbontpaoa, '
John Hlope, L. Clio
tttlberl lotw, Hewitara
lleo. Bbooiaah.r, M
Obaa. Thorp, UraenwM
W. K. D.oh.aeoa, Uolleh
Pi. rulaereoa, "
fred'k Brown, tlnoton
A. II. Brown, liawronee
Ueefla II. Irwin, "
A . Wataoa, '
J. M. NoUalhaik "
Adaat M,rtor, Petin
Joke Porter, Vikr
U. W. Deele, N. Wilt
Aero. I.vlo, lleooaria
Mark drier, Bradford
Abe. Peam, "
J. C Oowdr,
c' llraoa
d' ,ut,'
' '
Daoraa Mof.t, Daoatnr
nroan wtan iou trs.
Prank Reed, Clearteld: Wn. Kephart, D.o.tnr
U. Cardan.
Tboa. Palmer,
Wm. y..lo,,
Tboa. Plarh,
John S. Haak, '
8. I). Kopharl, "
l. Mct ra-'h.a, Pert'io
Jo.. Meral, Ulrnrd
D. Shankwiltr, Uoekea
Wm. Oonrnd, (Inlloh
an. Lord,
Tkoi. Mnllot,
tlaeld Bear, .
Jab Handarlla, Bill
). Mellbeohan, Jordan
Uarld Wile-.., Bradford
Wat. Wnolrtdaa,
Wa. Llriafiloa, "
Tboa Shaw, "
lack Pulton, M
000. Peaoe, Rrad
aoa, H, Wiafarl, ".
1. W. Ka... ' 1
AI.I Shoa, "
dewak aterewlta, " ,
0. Hmeod, BaratlJe
Sllal Wratoear, Chaell
Ullbart 8. Tatar, . " 1
Mania Knp, Knrthnn,
T. HerlUaa, -
lleorij.Ualloh, Law'ooe
ioaeph Owene,
lleo. W. Bowler,
J.e. t Moil,n, a
Jaoob. Ilarfntari
Philip Kaua, Mortll
tleorfe U.rL e
U, P. K,lee,
A. Raiment, "
kltaha Uoora,
Heart II. le.
J. W. Caldwell,
s. . linalap, Woow'rd
TStw wsat-aai Irt,
Alt Mllokell, Cllhelj, Share, airard
M. L.tergood, UoMien
Htram llnmel, ll.l.ah
flea. MoCallt,,.
Robt Paltaraua, a
i. U. Mieakallrw, Krt
Samael Snyder, Knei
ttaeaael llootar . a
W, M. Calkaart,
Robl Wrlglat, tiw'ooe
H. kl Rawla'
rbomao Lang, Morri,
Uatid Brawa, I'.ke
1 Hra WMworee,
Ita. lilt ingeliui(
J A. Stewart,
W. Cenda, Carweaatllle
S. T. Ueadereoa,
w. Bwlgarl, .
R H. Moan, Brad
Joha Seem.
Chae, milk, Baraelde
C. WklU, Vheet
f. Lolgep. Coelngt ea
Joe, ueoeee,
" etntanp
Ohea. Broera.
Ullaa Meeea,
all. Rom telle),
1. L. MePkarana. M
PaoatarlO. Uh.reXr. .
a. at. rrao,!
JJnv 3.4i'frtlSmnit.
All prtoBi tr brby eaudonotl nrtiriit
ptirftiafliij ar In ny miunn inwl4linK with ttia
luMiiwiiig (iroporty, now in 4lt p Ion nf W,
ti. Din, uf H 'UK- ttittRjehlp, vii i A lot af bay,
lot uf lira, on mmi mill, on esittini box, on
wtKUB, id ro4 sow. wn wbito ni rail cuw, una
bttltrr, Mr oltl, te barrow, on pl'iw, m euMI
fttor, liner h'l uf bup, ua grtvj mar, j(ht
baibatU potato, tww avwa ami alavaa pitf. loo
Itoatl, out bHraaa. oaa lob, una aub, una
tat)), M uf iinaart. imm al aliaira, two an 1
" " "
prtrarij pnrrnawsHi 117 ua ai viidkiiim
a la uji Iba Hib day of Apr,', an4 ! lafl wi(b iai.1
Ulxoa v Ijb ttulj, laLJcat lo our arjur ml may
tlwa. J. UoHrt 4 to.V
H'illac..0, p.., April 19, l7 St
Tlieoo-l.arlnerrliln beratof'jraaxiatliiL' oitiriert
Ellii Str.enl and luzc hk.mel, ander tbe Sr-n
name of Kill, Smanl S Co., doing bnilnoe t Hhi
bulouitb ot Wallaeeton. C'leaiUeld o-.oaly V -lia'a.
area utiMilrrd bjr iniltual Doueretor. tbe lit il o;
April, is;; tl.l.lS oMK VI. A UO.
Hallaoelon, Mareb 11, lSir. Ol.
I.V.H AI. i: The n.i.erignnl ..Sra far
eale a valualile loan tir'titerly lo llm liornarb
ol Clearteld. ImiI Milsi feet, ajltb n fnd tno
etor plank boueo thereon erouted, n.tb titrea
roouta down aln.ra nnd four bod room u ilu.r,,
Aleo, aewing room and balb room on eeeoud flour.
Ilooeo toiebed eonipleto front eellar to altie.
Hood donhte porok nnd good water. Pr,oe rea
aunabla nnd permeate esej.
xuaugTS wat. at. aioiu i.t.vii it.
W ar prepared to abip tba flalvbri'tJ
Cayaga Lmui Plaatar, flnaly jfouai raadr (r mm,
la all atattoaa an tba Clernll r-.i.n'l la ear
loaxi ol tatlra Mai roartasaa tuo, at ctry lua
prirwa. Cwiaiienora' wtl.t la all ba
paid iW. Far partienlara, aJ.Ira
Hil(HrLll'.K A fi) .
llUfa, I'a.
Uarah tt, IHT Ot
ntsAD Single or repeating of be,t ra ika, at
IklllCS! all rue fro l u .
EUni I'....., Iloobla and alngle nrntila and
SIIOI UUIIS, breaob loading, S.I lo J .u.
Roi aIvoki! ' " '-'" '"terafrir bill A i i.
lit Ittnt T.S, or metal eerlridgee It 0 I.. Hi
Call Md aaeor wriu forllluilrated price Hat.
(.MEAT H KSTI'.Haj UliN WOrtKl.
KMS Liberie Slrett, Hltl.byra;!!. Pa.
mar. 22, '14-lai.
At a Cotirt of Common Plcaa baM at Clear-
fiald. ua tba I5ih day of Marob. I7a. lb undrr
ifotHl wara appointed Tmitraa cf tba cuto v(
Y. (J. Millar, untW pn-tiogl la I).tnati At
'achmrjot. Tu-y haraby (Ira aalina that lly
ara vratod witb all tba attata af attU V. 41. M :A.
and all boaka. Toa-btra anl paftcra relating tn
tba laiui, and (tier rrquira all prtHi iule'is4
ta tba aatd M.lU-r or budia( pruparty bvl-j(in
tt bin, t pay aod dalivar all iuuij of mu
an 1 property, doa and a'luitia tu bi. to tht
aaid Tratca, and alao tlaatra all ara-lil4jr "
praatnt thtir roauaTtira atMount an 4 dawand..
JX'i. f. IRWIW, 1
C. H. PMITM. VTru-teai.
U'. D. DK-iLtK, )
Clr.rf.dtl, ArU 1, IH76 flt.
Ky rlrtae of aa onlvr af tha OrpTiaaj Ciuct
ClearQald ooantr. thara wit) bo uld at pnbtn '.
by tba voiUrfiftiel Adiainiatr U'f -if P1 ly Ma
tlairk, dae'd, oa tba pramiaif, in Liwrrttn-xj tn ra
it. p, on
Hatural ay. April 20. IHTO.
tha folio win a; deto-ibid nut aatstta, 1-tla uf tatJ
dra'd, to wit: All tbat eartiia Irait ar piaa l
land, aitaata in l.awrna township, Cleirdal 4
oanly. Pa.. boundaJ aad d )aribj a ffltw :
Bfjrirtning at a aiaplai Ittauaa uortb 43 drreaa
aaat 63 aurcbaa to ebaaant oak f thra hr land a
- Laaauerry wait 4J perelwa tj ruijila jf .. i 1
tooaa ; Ihana fay laid of laate Jion'ia a r i 4"
derara wart HJ parsh l to at 0j ; than e d . wn
Wolf Ran ajutb ii dcraai aaat S3 fertb tu
raap'a and place otbujtaoiof, cjnuisi tun
ncra and lttl ptivhes.
Taant. One-half aaib, balan tn one year, to
ba arcarad oa Iba premiae attb inlaraai.
J. L 1-KAVV, Adm'r.
P. ft. Tbara will a!a b anil at tha aina tiaia
and pla?e all tha paraonal property of a.iiJ dae'd,
eoaaiating af huaiebuli and kitrbrn rurn.'ara,
farm latptawiaata, and tarioa otbor art tela too
numeratta to wautiun.
Claareld, April . IW 4t.
A Statement of Street and Poir Fun I
Cl.arliald Borangb, for IHJi t
tiicbt ruxxt
To balaoaa due ljf aettl'Oiant ,
To amount aaeraaad fur 1S7 .
47 tt
i,a;s ss
.i,ii 4r
.- 7 1
tt ordera and eottnana mlrmmi
.. Uy baM-oi atlewed Ui pay era
By duplieate plaeed ia Contt. baa ia..
.. ID .
It 1
I.02I HI
Hy bal. ia band af bitt. Treaaerer...
Argr-nate amonnt of Bcrongh B-Htd
Uaiird aad onutaading ... M .ti,ltO On
root rraotva.
Ta bal. ia Diet. Traa. baada aa tbo I at
day af laaaary, U7... .........Ilfil
We, the anderfigad AaJltvrr af Clrarllelj
borough, bava eiamiaed tha aatMaatj and vmarb- :
era of lueae Jobnaon, Iitriitt Traaanrer, rriaiing '
U tba Street and Poor fnnda fur lt)7i, aad find
tha tame orreel, aod wa find tha aura of thirty
aiaa dollan and thirty two eenti (til..13) aa bal
anea la aaid Traaaarar'a baada, aa well aa (be ntia
of tbrea hundred and twenty foar dollar and ,
nineteen eanu (124.19) la the ban da or CunMahle
McClellaa for eolleetion. Tha amount af Ponr ,
Panda ia tha Dutriet Treaaarer'a bandi ia gna !
buadred aod eighty three dollar and aixtr-en ',
oeaia (9IH3.19). Tba antetandinir Boroiiffb II nd .
ar five thoaaaad oaa bn.drW dollar (jft, 1-0.) .
WITNtvSHoor bandaat Claarfield tbiiMbday!
i rwnmury, isi. sr. u. naivu,
April i, Ittt lt.
Tke aadrrrlKnoii kerit fire, notlae k. the 1
.itiaeti, af Clearteld eoeatj, thu ha ka, at kl, I
Qreea lloaee IB Clearteld, a large quaatit of all
klnda af Vegetable and Flower I'l.oU, wbiob ba !
will forniak lo all wko ai.j f.r.r bin with tbeir
Ertrooafe, at roatoaabla pricee. Tha followinf I
n partial litl tl pleat, and tower, t
TBOKTAaLa rLaitta.
Klnlrred Cabbar. PlaitU.
Lal. Cebbae-a Pl.nta.
Dwnrf Celorj Ptaate,
Wintered CanltHowir Plant.. i
Snoot Potato Haute. ;
Kjt Plant,.' !
Tomale plant.. '
1'epp.r PlaaU. . j
rutu rL.ara rat tiriuina. i
PKrtlNIAr1-g,nl.ud daaklt.
I1KI1ANII MStun.lo.
OKHAMUMS lloohle.
(1KKAN1UM3- Variegated.
HA'tH-8i-nrl aod wh.u.
PANSIKSL.rt, tower..
COLKHS Aeeorled.
PlIt'HSIA f 10,1. and donbla.
DA II MAS l.ut.lo.
VKKIIKNAS-Berl telMted rari.tlee,
STOt'K Large Snworing, dnnbl..
IIAUOMAa Aerwrled.
M I.INON KTTR -Large II .werinr
A mrge aeaortment of IMentl fur lln
B.eltete or a,ee SRNK5T lltltlR.
Cloarirl.1, P., A.HI II, Tj if.
SheriiT's Sale.
Bt tlrtai. of l.ndr.t write of lrd JTWo. I,
uo.l out of the Court of Ccmmnn Peaaa ef Clear
Held wnntt, nnd to ae diroioA. ih.r. .ill k.
eipwed to pabllo enjo, at tbo Coon II , uio. ia ke
boronth of CloerSolJ. oa There lee. th. tr.h .i..
of Apiil, loIA, al I o'alook a. m., ih. (...
lowing denribed ra.1 aetata, lo win
All Ih. latwrtll of Pour MsOrorwa lh.l.
nndit.dr-d one halfl la all lh.i jta.i.1. r .
trael of land attnatn, Iting, and being in Law
rence lawnoh.p, Clearlield aoentjr. P.., on aorlh
af the Saequehanna rieet, and an both,
oflarnpihehiadlag from Cleerdd eoOarwonetille.
heatnntnc at pa bjf ehaMaiK an tha baah ar prlr ia DearHrhi ar OorwrnaTllle. Thla pre
toe Busunrbaana nlver. belne; altw tha e trnar or Prtjr entilaine J1 norea, 40 il whieh are ateared.
land of J.thn II. Wricbt, tbenaa 4waaaid rieer I I h whole U underlaid wilb aual, Are ela and a
aonlh ttbtr elKHt daree naat rartaen perobaa j ' f Ir.-a ore, beaidea poaaeaetoa; a food water
loa aual , tbeaoe aomh aareniV two dferena s.l ( nnwer Tbe build ibm are alert, lte.ll.nt I.bpm.
iffUl perrhea ta a pnalf tbeaea aarth eereatr
drtgraaa eaat twenir Ireperaheaia a pat ; thnnea
aorlh aitlv two dejfreea eal ilitj eight perehea
to a poil nnd corn,, ol land of l.-.n.l.r ll.nnioi
mono. Iwente.,li . a.tb.lf Sofrow, nine paroaea atom Leaadar Ueuaiog'e
. . P.... , auito n.iv-en degrewe eaet
aavoataaa aad anajia.f perohea en n pit j then,
north two degreee eoal aarae, road one
kandred aad Iklrtaea ioroh-e to a p iet on town
eh.n Mad i Ihenea along eaid townth.p rood north
eigkle-oigbl drgraoe wet one hondrod end tklrtt
J piMki, Ka peit eira.r ef load of John U.
Wright i Ikeaoa eeutk all aad throe-taurth
degreee oaMoaekandrod aad nlaelj.lwa porohe,
nloog Jaba D. Wrigkt't land lo poet ot ekMtoel
and plana of aogtnaiog, aonlnlnlog ana hundred
and la.rtj.lhre. aarae aad tin. I.. p,rke, art,
ha.Uf kaowa aatlie" Parm," and katiag
Ikeroiin oraelod a good two Here keoee,
large frame bank bar., wa.k kooea, enoke kooee,
earing ko.ea, aad atkor nnd alea a
tort good arokard. (Ta be aold oahjeot ta a
atirlgeg. af M,et tpoa Ik. whola prop.rlp )-,
f.lted, ukea In 0eo.ii.n aod la be aaid a. Ika
p report; af Peter MoUeorge.
Taawa ae Sn.i -The arloo a. aoa at oklek
Ika propart, ohell ka urwtk o moat ka paid al
tke time of wle, of ewk other aToagemal. mad.
ae will ka .pprnfod. alkerwu. Ika prapert, will
ba Imaedlatelo pet eed H , ,,.
pone, aad rlk of the pore-., la wkem II wn.
rak ot, .ad wko, la aaoe ar dotoioaet eS enok
re akell mah. rmd lb. name, aad la no
Inalanoo e,UI Ika Dd a. preeoawS m Ooart fb,
raatrmalloa aakee, the mwy ie notaaltr pnUl u
lb. SkerlS. W. R. M.PHRHSlfW.
'"irr a uwnrtl,
Chwtle. Pa. April II, 1174.
Sfa (Untiaeinfiitj.
In trarj4ii(M wild A-t of iba tlws At.
auiiljr of thii Cuiniri nwral b, r tba 14
tiny ul Mareb. A. I. Is; aa.l lh nt.,. tyM ,1
pn..l I ha ..1 Jay uf April, 4. D. 1-7., rrUlni
to lti eu.U'jiwa ftnto m tba mij.tty or CUr.
rti l.)," h'.liflft ia irtfrnfure hatrbj f ivcm ib Ui
pa)r( rtisi l .14 ia lUu liitriota Uiuw um4, that
tlit Curivt Tret . Hi mvior Ian tti li t),a M.
nntl Wi-a at .- AH, m il ((-., I i p).,
ot b iltiii'jt tbt burvHibaatl tunb'p Mttuuna oa
um . .sri4 nmui ti, i.,r Ut puiulMs if r,.
'eiwj fr
y ,-f IM.ll;
j Por CiaarJeM U-Huuh and Lawrua t t twnabia,
j Tlmrlr.y huJ Fndny. Ilav 41 f, i 5ih.
i Put tdo-b-a luwrifbtp, ttor.lay, Mmv flia, tnm
I W K. 4 u ol.. Jit.
: 'l"or tftturd it. it i iMf, kiondy, Mar (It It.
! Kitltttua :ut tnlttt. iuastiay, Mj tf.b.
. Fur t'uvir.j(:B taahtp, (ft lnrf4 ty, Mny I lib,
V"r lirahatN twn,bi, I'btinJat, M.y I lib.
'nr Mrna I4sa-i.if, Friday. May Ufb.
; ) lir If .rd twtriLij. etvUniBV, U ty IJib.
, Por WWM.4i i .iwuMi.t, ,Vl., ly, a fc
i-'-.r ll"j'4i b.rH.ri t-Bjy. Miy 1-tb.
k'r 0..-tw.u bo.'i;( i. i' ..--liv, Vl.ty lfiUi.
Pui ltroi tr lo-rn-inj., . . ,..mi, il4 it,th.
r il-gf to.te.btp, U...I. i,4a. May I Tib.
t-r Wu4jim. Is4rfal. Mat'iaidat', May Kth.
Ir- u 0 lu iO. JD w'j!. k. h ut.
F"r I (.jruaui;i. T. iir, M.y Ulti, froM
i V to 4 " H te.
r or P.k lowntbip, Fri lr. Mar Utb. trm I ta
4 't(wb.
For JwcaeBvtlla hr'Ht;h, Sj(jt.l, tj 16 1 h,
l Ir-iia D lu 4 VlSl-4.
Fur Uu.'-a looa!iip. M.juliy, M ij HI, fruta 14
j iu 4 a'uijajli.
, Fu UwtuUarjrar, Taaadap. M ty JM, C m Iu Ii.
t Fur iruiriiM, Hy Z-l I, iruta t a fi.
I Fur l.u'brhurjf. iVa l.M-aiJ iv, ti'H. Iron ta 4.
1 tut liliiii at tiii:hip, Ttm-a iav, 2lb.fro III v. 4.
t Fot fuiti. luamliip, FnlaT. 2drt, troia V o 1.
j Fur Jut'ii toan'p, aiu.tU.'t J.'ib.liuin It to 4.
l'i.a all tn ft paid to ittt TruMuror littn will
rrtlo.lmo ul lira pf titot.,lni bta per
I .-fii' wii: I dJ,J gftur ilia 6ftil n t,f J,,f oi,
in ait iii1 Inn, ta iWiftjj diff trtt V IKS
ar etut. iu pruiui in pattra. Faniaa eaa.
1 ttuia Hi- Him uf Mar. pty ifiir UT. -a at tha
j froaaurrr't uffira. Iba b4l.ipe uf tha dittridta
will ba tisiImI Juoa C iurt
, Nutk a tu Mkhh tTa A rif ip4traaliy
j will tia Hir.ntu acrfhuuia tjc-inn inward at iba
, tiuiu and pta. abura act furtb, anj l.ft tbair
I ti-3nw for lt:&.
irtaaarr'Ufl,' I U. M'OAUOUEV,
f Lara.'!,, 'i6. Trcuantfr.
M IliMMi .LWS.irtlt,
And bm el -ntJ (t firt jcar witb an estauli.bctl
hatm itiaoiteulatiou largar tban tbat of any oilier
daily in Fennaylrauia, mitb a 'infrla exM tition.
It baa ntiw tba utav parCrat mihiusry and ap
pliaore. i'ir priatioj iu brp a liMija, bat ing tuo
Ho prfrciin Preaiter, ra.-h eaj a'tie of pnuttog
3..t)'0 eoiuplcio apiaa of Tin TiKtw in an buur,
ai tbat it oaa girt Ue very latcal arwi and ma.k
tha tarhflil dtfhrory to ita ra-ult-r:. It e-ttiUin
j me LTt:T r:irst
j IneluJiog tba AtHHM.ated Preai Tclfxraaa, 8efial
i Iaia;rataa and Jurmpaaditn trum all potuta uf
I imaratt. Full aud Ae inract li-rcal Hp p M, and
Fear lei Klitiiial launin ut alt Carrcbt
I T-Jpioi, tnihinf it the inttst com pic to and ebtap
1 oat aaaatpApar ia Feanoylvaaiv "Tut Tim. ii
' in averjibing. and wi:l, ta all political true!e,
, be (aitbtul to trutb and ita ewa a.ari rtion. It
Bikvi no hollow praloaca l autrnltr on tba
laadina; qaatiiuaa mf tba iav, ar ia pilif:eil o.m
tata aa may pua, bit tll erur ditvnr J tbe l.hnd
partiaaoatiip tbat would iiljr J.uate iba r.gbi la
party tat-rcM, hu atitier fur wiiat arjcanitaliun, of
ia wtiitae iuitra't aaob c aim ia (atria. ati.l will
fttarlratly eri'i p ical t rru.-j ttd lit want of
puMte lufajffitr wlis-ifTer f. nnj. It (Ifiaandi
aeuauiny at.d 0 tvlity in avary Jepartuetii uf
ori.y, City, Ktata and Mat in a I, and blJljr
l arraign tho af ercei party whl abae pnblte
1 triixt. Il 4:Kurf pubiie tasot-a, pa'ii erenta
j a.ttl uMio tu -ii, liti meatura of
j Ihn i 4 ut, ted by troth, hat wih that dignity
anil e'luriaiy wbirb ahould ever eliiracteriM tba
j prvea ul' (be ttati afttiligbreacd uatiua of tba world,
j tVue tan onu p r epy : m-il eahturiirara,
p tumt pir-pai 1, it d iliar a year, ar fitly tenia
: a oi'-utb. Adlrca -
tl! Cl.ea'.nnl Street, Pbllndeldlila.-
j A,.r-.l, ij, ; Jt.
F. M.CARDDX & 11R0.,
W.,nl,l djll toe a'trntir tt 1'nrmere t Iba fnet
thn! :h -e are r.-oriring
rhbron's Patent Lock Level Tread
Thresh Machines,
oNt car load or
And two kind, of ORAIX tmiLLS FABH.
All ll.e W. alirb.a., will ka aaid CHEAP tor
CA.-M, or nobanied lor (ood HOUSES
; Tbcy liar, alio a lot af saw '
IVtleh tliey will difoee of in the ran, manner.
Our Thmbera, Reapara and Drill ara of tha
bt main in the country, and wairantad
firat elaM ia every partiealar.
Cnil at ear meat market in Ple'a Opera II. ote
ad eiaaataa tbaae macbioaa.
Cieartrld, P., Marok t3,Tt-t.
' " '
11a ill 1V1 Vix 1 j I J ll
. Utooiauin TfT) ,
naALaa is
nsv noon.a,
; on, riita.j,
Market Mrotl, t Ir.rflt-ltl, Pa.
' ri. it,
Down I Down I !
A Proclamation against High Prices?
... ..... - .
WB are now openlnj op a Inl 4 the beet and)
moat eaaaonable OtMda aad Waree aver
alTcred In tKla market, and at prieea that remind
aa af tha (oml old dra af oboap thinffi. Tbaaa
who lak faith upa thla point, ar daam oar aUe
rvltODi auperfimma, need but
TV .1.1 .r Of A STORE
Cnntar Fran, and Market Mrtrtt,
Whore the? ran leel, hear and kmta tot thtm
inlvaa. Ti htllr anderatand what araebeap gaada
tbia mutt ba done. Wa do aot deem it aereaearr
to atiaaierata and iteiaiM our Mock, h i eaoagh
fjr ua tu ataie tbat
We have Everything that is Needed
and enaautaed ta thU market, and at orient that
awtntmh both old antlrrtnti .
The andtraigned Oadini, It too tnt'onetnient
to keen a Pub He Hotjea at Iba mnath f Saudr
aad Central Polar, direa ta tnt, cell, tr tt-
abanaMlhai farmr'a IlnaaTilla.'haner. tt f.. tnnwa.
- houara, ahil a aaw mill. Poaaaaaiea will h
j tVma. Tha title la tndiputlfp.
: The pro-pt-oliTe value of thia pmpertj la not-
ao,nelwl in Iho eoonly, and la laerelore trrt
ileelraMo a, oa Inreetmanl. Boeidoa, a targw
rfuentitf af eew llmoor le tt oa the property,
wbiob een be manuf.rtured. ea. the prom. re.
Leek of kola aad moaae to darelwp. It m my
reaeoa for it IVir e.le. Ant (nrther tn.
formitUa Ma bawhlaiaed
eoribor. LAHiKKNCK ,1am Ml.
Vriokrlllo, Pa.,
Merck IM-mo.
Tlsst)LU I U1N
N tti-e la faerntiy gitea limit Iba a-t perfow
hip herel'rf.reh.iitln4 hetweea tteorga L IHa
m and John B. KiMa, at KkMwbejr-i-r, wa li--eolte.l
bj mutnal anaat aa the Irtth da of
Marob, A l. l7. All the debta lae the aaid
nrra are to H paid, and tbee daa fra the aae
diaobarited. at the atera rom or tha abia Ina,
wberelhe htietaeaa will ba narried on Hy theaaid J.
U. Kllia and efotta M. Traaat, under toe ftrm ama
of llta XrwXeL . UKU. L. ( l,..lJ) W,
Ramb.rft.r. April , Ta-44
Njtioa la harab gteao that tba p-irtnerablp
heretnlurr eataiiaa; aad doing fcaa.aee aeJer tba
Arm nam a Hiam Ugbtnar A Cn el Whit,
m-ire ran, Beaoaria to waa hip, waa diaalttd by
mataai aanaanl aa tbe Al day of Jul, 197V Tba
buoha of the raid trm ara, la tha aaait 1 Orarf
dram, fur aelilemani.
Oiea, Manh IK W 0