Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 19, 1876, Image 1

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    d H.tW M
ma lis a an areay waunaiDAT, it
The Ureii Circulation of auy Newapaper
In North Ceutral Pcmiaylvanla.
Terms of Subsoription,
If paid In advance, or within nuntba....VI mi
If paid arter a end beforo 8 wont be 9 AO
Cf paid after the eipiratlon of mud tha,. 4 8 iH
Bates ot Advertising.
tranalent adrertlssmente, per square of 10 lines or
Ifltt, 1 timet or
..ti to
Kur Mh eubteqiient Ineertlon ,
tdmlnletrainre' and Kieeutora' notices...
Audi ton' notlnes ,.,.....
Cantlnneend Kit ray ,
, I 10
, I 10
, 1 SO
, t 00
ImsoltiMon notices..
Profoaelonal Oarda, I linee or leae,l year.... I 00
ttooat notice, per lin. to
I nun $S 00 I i eoluuin 0.S0 00
I equnrea I. 00 column. 70 00 j
I equnrea 19 ou I 1 column.
....HO 00 i
O. tl. OIlOllLANDKR,
Cl.ir6.l4 County, Fenn'e. lif
TBoe. . Biaavr. cram sosnoa.
aerOflloe III Fie'i Opera Hob.., eecond floor.
:H074 .
' Clearfield, Pa.
Will attend lo ill haalnee. enlru.ted lo Mm
piotnptly and faithfully,
RAimr r. willacb. -
DAVID t. Kit EM.
John w.
(Suweaaora lo Wellaoe A Fl.ldiBg,)
ll-lx'TI Clearfield, Pa.
A T T O B N E Y - A T - L A W ,
11m) E.IiU and Collection Agent,
t I.UAKFIKl.I), PA., , ,
Will promptly attend lo all legal kulln.l. en
treated to hi. car.
pil-OKct with John II. Falford, oppoille Iho
Court llouee,
aprll 1-eiue
losses . b'bjallv. habibl w. a'coanr.
Clearfleld, Pa.
Sr Legal baaineea attended to promptly wlthj
ddelily. Office on becond ttreet, above the Pint
Naliou.l Bank. Jeu:l:74
Attobnuv and Counhklor at Law,
clearkiki.d, pa.
, llarlag reaigned bi. Judge.hip, hnl rranroed
iho prectiee of the law ia bia old oflloe at Clear
AeM, Pa. Will attend the oourta of Jefferaoo and
Blk oorintlea when apeoially retained in connection
with reaident eouneal. t:U:7S
ClearHeld. Pa.
-OlHcl la Court llonaa, (rlherllT'l Office).
.Lrgol hiiainca. promptly attended to. Ural eatate
bought and aold. Joll'TS
Clearfield, Pa.
sOffloe In araham'a Row. . fdeel-ly
" h ", W. smith,
M:I:?J I'leiaraeld, Pa.
Clearflrld. Pa.
sj-Offioe In Old We.lern Hotel building,
wirner of baoond and Market 8U. noII,.
Clearfield, Pa.
ayofflca la Iht Court Hoaaa. Jyll,J7
l learbeld. Pa.
JXT- OBlca on Malkat alreet, opp. Court Ilouae,
Jan. 8, IB7.
tint Heal Batata Aa;eut, Clearfield, Pa.
run,. Third alreet. bat.Cherry a Walnut,
VRo.peetfally ofTore hla aerrlcea In Belling
iad buying laadB la Cloartleld end aIJolnlng
wantlaB and with aa ewp.rl.nce ol oeer iwenlr
I. era aa a .orreyor, Oattora hlmaelf that ha MB
render tatlafaetloa. , Feb. J8.r.l,tr,
Haw LtogH mid Ijimibor,
Bo. In Orobam'a Row. 1:W:71
A T T O B N E Y - A T - L A W,
1:11 Uaeeola, ClearBeld Co., Pa. y:pd
" J.
Itellefonle, Pa.
Will prtloe la Clearfield and all of the Coorta of
the 2MB juaieiai aiairiot. ..i-." v.... -
and eolleelioa of olalma made apecialtlea. ol 71
Will attend profeealonaloalla promptly. auglO'70
' ' DR. tTXbOYER ' 7 '
'( OtJc on alarkrt Street, Olearield, Pa.
-OIce hourai I to II a, m., and 1 to I p. a.
OAoa la realdcBC oa Market at.
Aprll 34, U71. Clearfield, Ja.
rr AYIN0) loeated at Peonrleld, Pa., offer, hiaj
T. profeaalon.l Mrvloa. to th. neopl. of that
ace and aurroundlng eoantry. Allcalla prompuy
tended to. ?'': ' .
)R. J. P. burc h i e l d,
at. Burgeon of th. 83d Regiment, FenneyleanlB ha.ln. r.turn.d frora tha Army,
(en hla proteeatonal a.rvle.1 to th.eitlaena
of C'learfloid eounty.
.A-n-..r.. .--... i ..II. ...nil . attended lo,
See on boeoad .treeh lormerijo. r"--
" ' r . , i-j t. .
r. Woods.
L 1
J- Office honia-From II la I P. it.
May U, l7e.
Will promptly attend all ealla In the Hneoi nia
, Pkop writ door lo Warn A Belte' atoVe,
becoad .treat. m ,
July II, 7 y
fPormerly nh U flnhalpr.)
Aop on Market SU eppnrlte Coert Ilmie.
Uan twel for ofery euvtomer. may 19, 7fc.
Q. W." WEAVER it CO.,
Oialrre la all kind, ef Drag., Mtdicinea, Faa
tioode and Draa glela aondriea, h i ,
wrw.aavllle. liar oh 17, 1870. S
Toiolujilir. ITEGTJB01I,
., W)T
. V. llPPItltOTI t CO.,
' rf Ml Market Klreet, Phllad.lphla.
GEO. B. QOODLANDER, Proprietor.
Juatlo. or the renee and Bcrtvener,
Curwenavllle, Pa.
fca,Colleotloni made and money promptly
P'M '
Iftcalur Townthip, t
Oieeola Will. P. n. ,
II official liuilnen antraiterl to him will be
promptly attended to. ' raoh29, TO.
aao. ataaaT aaaar ALaaRT ALaaar
Uanufaotarer A aiteoelra Dealer! ia
Sawed Lumber, Square Timber, &o.,
M-0rdn ollelted. Billrdllrd on thort nolle.
and reaeonable terme.
Addreu Woodland P. O., CleerDeld Co., Fa.
freneuvllle, ClearUeld County, Pa.
Kecpe aonatantly on hand a full aaaertment nf
ury uooaa, naraware, uruovnee, miu .vrtuinn
uaually kept in a retail atere, which will be Bold,
for eaan, aa eneap M eiaewnere in me mum.
Fronohrfllo, June 17, 1S7 ly. t
i HOMA S H. F O R C E E,
Alao, extenalra manufaetnreT and dealer In Pquare
Tirnbornnd bawed I.umherof all hlnda.
tHTOrderl aoliclted anl all bill, promptly
Itllr.l. ni'"J?.
House an. Sign Painter and Paper
Clearfield, Penii'a.
fcaWllt execute Joha in hia line promptly and
la a workmanlike wanner. a r4,n7
G . H. HALL," " "
JarPuoipa alwya on hand and mado to order
on abort aotiea. Fipea bored oa reaannabla terma.
All work warraated to render Mllafaellon, and
dellrared If de.lred. myl6:lypd
and ranouraclurcra of
ALL kl!l) Ol' MAt I I) I.I MIlKIt,
8-771 CLKARFIKl.II! l'ENN'A. ,
dalcr in
Eeal Estate, Square Timber, Boards,
0:10 7S ClcarOeld, Pa,
Square Timber & Timber Lands,
Wotchcs, Clocks mid Jewelry,
Oratma'a itow, Jfurtat Alter,
ci.i:ahfii.i.i), pa.
All klnda of repairing In my line promptly Bl
ended to. April M, I 111.
wTioIeaala dftlera In
GEMS' HUM Sill Mi (,()() IIS,
flava removnl lo 187 Cliurrb atrcct, bctwren
Franklin and White eta., New York. jyoTIJ
In Krattci-'o Ilul.dli.g, Clearfield, Pa.
Tlraler In (Jrwilw, Proiiilnna, Vef(atablea,
Hj-uHh, Kloiir, FtHid, etc.
J" amTsjT w7tsonT(h.(
HoofM ind Offleei to let, CollofdonP promptly
in Ad ft, tin it flritolail Col and Flrtj-ChiT Lando
ii nd Town nrnpf-rty for aale. Offie? In Wentfrn
MoUl Building (2d Suor), Bond Ft, .jll74y
BAKER, Murket Ht., Clf-arfl.ld, Pa.
Frtsfh Brnd, Bualt, Rnlli, fifi and Cake
on hand or made to order. A gmcral auortmon.
of Confectlooarlft, Fiult-and Kota in Hock.
Ira Crnm and Oyrira In traon. UnUwh otarly
oiftoaii iba pHal'Dtct. Pttcra tncdrral.
March 10-76.
The Hoar and Lot on tho oorncrnf Mar
k.t and Finh atreita, Clearfield, Fa., ia fur aale.
Th. lot eontaiao nearly an aere of ground. Th.
houao la a I. rg.' double frame, eont.ining nine
I rooma. For terma and other information apply
to the aabaerlber. at tie. Foat Oflioe.
Biivl r. A. w A c 1. 1 r.
Ijivory IHtnbla?. 1
ppilK anderaigned beg. leave to inform Ibepnb
1 lie that he i. now fully prepnr-' !u aeroBimo
datr all in the way of furni.liing 11 .aca, UugKiea,
Snddlea and llarneea, on Ilia ahoru.l ootice aad
an rea.onabl. tetu... Reeiilenee on Loouat dreel,
between Third and Fourth.
1l.ard.ld. Feb. 4. U14.
The Best is the Cheapest I
Tbomaa Reilly haa reeelred another large lot of
"Mitchell Wagone," which are among Ibe very
brat menutaomreu, and wiuen ne win eeii 01 .110
moat ree.onable ra'.eft. Ilia .toeh In.ludea aleaoat
all d.ecripliona ofwogon. larg.and imall, wide
narrow traeh.
veil an eer ineni.
8 7
Market street. ClearUeld. Pa.,
HABitrAcrrai;a Aan naAi.aa m
and all klnda nf
A fall etoek of ftaddlera' Hardware, Brnahe,
,,, k. m....,,. Hobea el... alwave on hand
i l,.a ! at . l.m Inawaiftd aaenA tirlAM
All kind.
fti rqialhng prrtmptiy atten-lrtl to.
All kinde of hide, taken In elrhanee for hnf-
aeea and raflrleg. All kinde ef harnera Lather
kept on baud, aad for aale at a .mail profit.
The haainrea wilt he under Ibe immediate
aep.rvl.iea .f John C. Harwiek.
llc.rl.ld, Jan. IH, l7S
1 (I.I. 0.0 KrBna A Co.,)
.... EQUIPMENTS, ' !
Head., Comp.nlea, Ae., larai.hcd. Famplr.
phirtegrapba and eelf meeeuring dlrectione rent
tree. .... '
Jaly 14, It-if . ' phn-
J If D K RT A K IN ti.
The vndertlgneA are Ml futly prepared to
earry aai im koaiaeee or
',' ' t' At RKASDNAIlLl! TEfi, , L
Aad fe.peell.Wy eellelt the patronage at theaa
neewiiiw enen eemeeee
Cleardeld, Fa., FrVM, l74.
it ham ciniftTux AnnaairN.
Tho follovinf la the lait poem lj Hani Cbrla-
tian Andrraeo, and Ii no for the Srit lima )
ll.htfd in EDg1ih. Tho tranalatton la by Uin
Adamtna SinbarB. of llnMon, and retalna In a
Ttrj btpy nanntr Hie II at or oftbe original i
From a pyramid In the deaeii'a aanil
A mummy wea brought to Danmnrki' Und
Tli hlrarotflvnhla Inter IdI ion told
Ihftt lb Udr rinbaldtd waa thraa thoaiand
jeara wlu.
It waa tho oorpte of a miRhty qaeta,
Examining it, lhy round botwaon
llir toard flngfri a eorn of wheat j
So welt pryarved wna this little Mad.
That, being aown, It put forth Ita blade,
Ita dalicat sten of a light-green ihaSa.
The ear aot tilled with rioeninw eorn.
Full-grown through nnabiue oud light of tho
worn. , .1
That wonderful power In a corn to email j
It la a leuon to each andjoll.
Three thouaand yoara did not quench Ita germ.
It teaobea our faith to be strong and Srm.
When auch a life ii laid la a eorn,
When out ol the hoik a new plant could be boro,
To ripen In sunshine and dew (Voia the aky,
Then human eoul, Iboa spark from on high,
Thou art Immortal aa thy great sire
Wboae praiwa is sung by the augol oholr 1
Tilt hunk, the hody, la buried deep,
And friends will go to the tomb and weep (
Hut thou shalt move on, on wings so free i
For thina la the lite of eternity.
That wonderful power of ao email a teed f
Tho mireole aeon In that eorn of wheat.
It pnitlea the mind bat at HI It la done,
Ur iba Author of Life, the Kternal One.
Mr. Waixack. Mr. l'n-HitK'nt, I slmll
endiovor to aluto ft Metiy an I on
tnv views upon lllirl riulijcct. IT I
alionltl prokniK my rvtnuiks beyond
tho nvo iiuiiiiti'n m-cornru mo, 1 iruat
tlm fitinutrir from Cnlilbrnia will per
mit mo to go on.
I fierce Cully willi iSenutoin who
have apoken on tho nuhject, that bod
cusioiTin ouht to bo ubollnhed ; m'l II
tho eiiritoin ol making nmeiKlmenla
which bepome i;pnertil tuw on ttpyiro-
irijition billx l)itrfrown up in the Son
u to. it in time it xhould bo itbolirilicd,
und 1 will go with llio Scnutor in hia
movement in that direction, lint, Hir,
this Ik not tho time nor tho oteoHion to
correct that iirnctica. These amend
ment ufl'ect the btirilena of the people,
and In my jnttnuiit Itiu hour urn come
in which wo imint uoo law, practiee,
ftiatoin, and every otlior power that ia
given to uo n a parliamentary body
under tuo law ot tlio country, lo reauoo
and leanon the burdetiH of the people.
If a technical rulo ia in tho way, and
that rulo haa been ameliorated by
practieo and ctiatom, wo ahotiltl stand
by that practice and eiitom ; for it ia
in a good cause the causa of tho peo
ple IhemselveH. When the time comoa
lo enact a rulo or a statute mat givon
tho form of legislation in the proper
direction, 1 will go with tho Senator ;
but now that tho innustnea or the peo
ple aro panilyr.eil, that tho people are
suffering, it is no linio for the introduc
tion of technicalities or persistent ad
liercnco to rules. Wo ought to follow
practice in a good cnuse. Tho Senato
cannot austnin itself agninst a jnst
demand lor retrenchment upon any
such technical position, if ithaaboen
tho practieo of this body lor sixteen
years to rcduco appropriations in ap
propriation bills over the law, then thui
is not tho bour in which the Semite
can sustain itself in the face of tho
country in retracing Ita steps upon that
I practieo. ,
Jlr. fresitlent. enough on ttintsiiu-
jeet. Let us take tho bill as we find
it, and see what it is. in justice to
myself, I must say that I was not with
tho committee who considered this bill.
I was confined to my room and was
iinablo to bo with tho couiinitteo, so
that 1 tlid not aid ill tho consideration
of it ; but I tnko tho hill as 1 find it, aa
it comes to the Sennto from its com
mittee, anil I noo that it reduces tho
cost of diplomatic service proper 8UH,
5IMI. How aro these reduction! mado?
By reducing four firat-rlau1 missions
from t517,MIO to $14,(1(10 ; by reducing
tho mission to Italy (rom'12,000 to
88,(100 ; by reducing six other missions
Irom 12,000 to (10,000; by consolida
ting tho small missions to the 8nuth
American Slntea ; by consolidating
iIioho to the small Kuropenn States ; by
reducing the mission to tho Hawaiian
Islands from I7.&OH to s:i,aiio ; ny amp
piuir Hitvti, a (7.&00 mission, and sond
uitr there a consul ; by reducing tho
amount given for rtif interim oHIccrB
10,000; by reducing the contingent
expenses lor foreign intercourse tmm
1100,1)00 to tuO.Otli). All of tbesot be
Henate commilteo restore, and sk that
the bill thus unloaded and Increased
shull he pluced tiiou the statute book ;
that the KIM. 500 deducted by the
House Irom tho diplomatic acmco
ahull he restored III wortl and letlor.
What aro the reasons given for thia ?
The- are, find, because the law so pro
vides. Ibis is no good reason, as i
havo already said, under tho existing
condition of fiffitlrs. Second, because
there has been no change in theae
liirurca lor twenty years. 1 ho Mena-
tot from California is mistaken ; the
statutes show that ho is mistaken
Compare 1870 with lSTfi.and t-on will
demonstrate by liictsj figures, and the
law itttell. that tliero have been in
creases and changes made. In 1870
iIii,m, U'..r aoitriiitriuliMl lor dinlomatlc
Hthtrics $.i:.7,r,r.O , in HUB, anil by this
tun tire nppnipruimi ior iiipiinuaiiiv
salurics f :!!ll,!i(0. There were appro
printed in 1878 lor contingent expenses
1100,000, and there aro appmpriatetl
now (100,000. Hero is a difference! aa
Let .recti 1870 and 1870, not years bo-
I (ill j tho War, but between 1870, when
expenses wero higher ami tho cost ol
living greater aiuiii uj.v aio nuw, u
the present time, ol Ct.'l.OSO. Uow ?
WhyT Hermany no Jiuaaia, umier
statntea called apiimpriation billa, are
increased from 1 12,000 to 117,
W0 each ;
Japan ia incrwatwn from 17,500 to 112,
000 ; the aoerotarieei nf k-gatinna and
interpreters Trem1 CW.OOO to (HB.OOO.
These Increases are found in appropria
tion bills, and llier are grow lb' of a
system which' inevitably piwiaea iUr1
torward and win not stop, r.xpcnaos
grow inioororptihly. nenatort Know
that aa well as I. i It ia not wwceeaairy
to attm to nrove It. The ttowor in
control b unable I atop. The people
alone cm Jialt themr Tbey rrow tra
der the haada ol powor, and thoee who
rule cannot atop them II mry wnain
Wo receive twenty-two ministers,
and wo sond abroad thirty-one. In tho
fuce nf this ia there no nronriotv in
making changes or reductions ? Is
not tho consolidation of missions wise ?
It is laid it is agniust tho interests of
commerce. Let ns take a specimen of
tho commerce Btioctccl By tlio very
amendment pending, nnd see how that
nucatlon la changed ny our examina
tion. '
Tho President pro trmjxirc. ThePcna
tor's timo has expired.
Mr. Bayard. 1 ask that tlio timo of
tho Senator from Pennsylvania be ex
Tho President pro temport. The chair
hears no objection.
Mr. Wallace. Tho Argentine Re
public, which ia a full mission at (7,500,
was found In 1870 to have imports
rrom us to the amount of 16,414,669.
By tho tables in 1875 she is found to
havo but $5,031,709, a positive decrease
of more than half a million. It was
less in 1874, for then they were but
$4,537,000. In 1870 hor domestic ex
ports worn $2,281,100 ; in 1875 they
were $1,301,294. Hero is a specimen
of tho rrrowth of commerce in a mission
which is restored, over the protost of
(ho other branch ot Congress, to the
full amount of $7,500.
Take Peru. In 1870 her imports
were $2,5.17,833 ; in 1875 tboy were
$1,324,595, and from 1870 to 1876 tliero
have been steady decreases. In 1870
hor domestio exports wore $3,077,262;
in 1875, $2,443,G57, and in 1874 thoy
wore $2,5 1 8,000. Yot Pern is restored
as a full $10,000 mission. Tho bill, as
it came to tho Senate, consolidates
Poru, a mission of $10,000, with Kcirn
dor and Columbia at $7,500 each $25,-
000 of expenditures down to $6,500,
and tlio rienato bill restores tho full
figures. Hero is a difference of (18,
500 placed upon this bill over tho pro
test of the House, in the fuco of lucts
and figures that the commerce M tho
Uuitod States with thoso countries has
in the past six years absolutely dimin
ished. What vindication can there
bo in tho face nf theso figures for tho
increase ot these 'missions over the
figures Bent to na by the House of
KeiiroscntattvcB r
The mission to Swllierlund, reduced
to $11,500 by tho Bouse, is increased to
$7,500. Sho sends hero no minister ;
hor wholo foreign policy, as I find it
written in 1872, Costs her but $42,000.
llnlv. br this araonded bill, is restored
to a fUll mission at $12,000, while tho
bill as it came to us gave but $8,000.
Horu Is a difference of (1,000. If 88,.
000 in cuiToncy bo sufficient for tlio
salary of one ol your Cabinet ministers,
why is not $8,000 in gold enough to
nay tho salary ot your minister to
Itulv ? I tliiiik the eountrv will oon-
cluJe as tho llouso did upon that
Tho servico will not sufler. (iood
men are plenty who will take theso
missions; in the Republican party, oven,
they aro without number, The true
pol.oy f the fTOvnrnrnen. la -
travagance or display, but it is modera
tion and simplicity. Wbon we vote
largo amounts of money, those who
have their expenditure win itieviiauiy
be extravagant ; a man with: a lull
pocket will spend more money tnan a
man who has comparatively an empty
one, to bring into this argument tho
bomoly doctrine ot individual and
every day lifo, and that is the doctrine
tho House has applied here. They aro
the immediate representatives of the
people; they hold thd purse, and if
their advice is not to be hearkened to
on these questions, where shall we get
advice r
Now wo come to the consular sys
tem, for I have thus far confined my
self exclusively to the diplomatic serv
ico. Tho bill as it catuo to ns acted
upon principle. 1 do not admit, and I
cannot agree to tho propoBition, t lint too
bill, as it caino from the llouso, was a
simplo bowing and hacking nnd cutting,
without foresight or without thought.
Tliero is system in thoso reductions.
and at the base of that system lied tho
idea that reduction ol salaries, decrease
of expenditures, a lessoning of the bur
dens u tho people are the pressing ue
mands of tho hour, and that we and
they ahall bo faithless to our duty to
the poopio ii wo ao not lessen iiteso
expenses and reduce appropriations
accordingly., - ., ; .
Tho principle upon which tho hill,
as It came tn ns, was based seems to
bo first, reduction wherever compatible
with tho mturcsts of tho public service :
second, no business, no consulate.
Where there is no business tn do, why
should we havo a consul with a largo
salary ? W here there is a compara
tively small amount of business, Iho
House sends a consul or agent with
fees. Whom there aro but small
amounts nf buainess, and the fees aro
trifling, and yon find, as in one case
which tho Monato commiUeo has re
stored, a consulnto with but $2,000 and
but $37 foes, is it wise to continue such
a case and such a policy f . Aa the bill
cuino to us, it left a consul at every
port at which American vessels touch,
some with salaries and some with fees.
1 aver that it Is wrong to pay a $2,000
sulury per annum to a consul when the
port returns us Dill zuu rocs. ' itotn
economy nnd common sense dictate
Hint tliero should be somo change in
such a policy and such a system, I
quote now what the bilLas it rstne to
us, eflects : ' .' ' .' :
" Tho salaries of forty -fivo consulates
are abolished, and the salaries ot others
ore reduced. Three of the consulates
whoso salaries are abolished paid tho
consuls 13,500 each, or $10,500. .The
tees collected at theso places for the
year ending December 81, 1874, Were
only $1,159.29. Tho salaries paid ex
ceeded the fees Fcceived by $9,340.71.
One of thoconsulatos abolished Ilako
kadi, in Japan paid its consul a salary
of $2,500 per annum. Tho foes col
lected at this place for the year ending.
Dec. 31, 1874, amounted 'to $303.0G;
loss to tbo Government, $2, 1 96. Seven
other consulates were in class V, and
paid each a salary ol $2,000 ; total $14,-
uuo.; i lie wtioie amount, oi lees col
lected at theso consulates for tho rear
ending Ioccmber3t, 1874, was $1,757.
79; kns to tho Government, $12,242.21.
Eighteen other consulates belonged tn
Class VI,-and paid a salary of $1,500
each to tho consuls ; total Cost to the
(iovornmout, $12,000. Thosooonaiilars,
for the year ending Jnns 30, 1875, paid
fees to the amount ot $4,605.03.' The
oxwess of salaries paid over lees received
was $7,394.97. Sixteen of those con
sulates whero salaries aro abolished
were Id class V II, and paid salaries of
$1,000 each, or ( 10,000 in all, ...
- "The whole araoiit of fees col Merited
at those consulates fur the year ending
June 30, 1875, was $3,246.60. ..The
xcess of saUree paid ever fees re-.f-3
S1'I7SI do I ' ... re .
, "lo all tbecousulates whore salaries
ares akaavahad Us foea rjolleate a warn
onlv $11. 076.1 . while th salaries paid
wen SM,009, showing an exoesa of
(4e,Z9.Zl or atnoant el salaries paid
over lees received." "
Ths Sonata bill rwtnrrs all these,
llukokadi Included, as I understand
the Senator Irom Culitornia, (Mr. Bar-
gont.l lie says;
"The bill which I hold In my hand
as it passed the House ol Representa
tives, appropriated (912,747.50. Tho
committee on appropriations of the
Sonnto havo reported it bock, with
amendments so thnt the amount isfl,-
341,647.50. Tho amnnnt of ntinropri
Hons Inst yenr was (rl,317,9H5. That
is to sny, tho bill which wo now report
to tho Scnnlc, makes appropriations
less tniin tnoso mado last year ny
(33,337.50, Theso additions mado by
the Senato committeo to tho llouso
bill are Btnctly in accordance with tbo
service ot lust year. There is not an
instanco where wo bavo increased a
salary or crcewd an offleo. Wo havo
simply tried (0 presorvothc integrity ol
the service for what we belicvo to bo
high public reasons, Tho reduction of
(33,000 and ovor ro from tho causes
which I will now alato. Heretofore,
and as tho bill ttw passed by the
House tue amnnuensti ol Mr. richenck
has been allowed (2,50d on account of
tho Minister's crippled arm. llebcing
no longer Minister, that itoin is not
necessary for next year."
We see from this that tho bill as It
came to us saved tho people $402,238,
as I belicvo without injuring the pub
lic service to the extent of one dollar.
The Senate bill restores $128,901
thereof. It does not take one dollar
off cither the consular or diplomatic
sorvice proper, savo Mr. Hchcnck'a
amanuensis, (2,500. Mr. Sohenck hav
ing returned to the country, bis aman
uensis is not noccssary. 1 speak, nn-
derstand, of the consular and diplomat
le service proper, not of those appro
priations which come upon the bills as
extraneous matter.- -
Now, the reasons given for (his res
toration of (128,901 over tho llouso
appropriation bill aro, first, tho law.
i but law r i be law that rs written,
says tlio Senator upon tho statute books ;
but tbo law, ns 1 read it, is not obeyed.
Let us soe; we take tho revised stat
utes and the luw there, and then at
tempt to find what this bill docs. I
take the consul lo London'. I find tho
revised statutes gives $7,500 salary,
wlnlo this lull gives $0,000 ; to rarts,
$5,000, and this bill givea $0,000 ; to
Melbourne, (4,000, and this bill gives
$4,500; to Kanngawa, $3,000, and this
bill gives (1,000; to Vienna, (A.oou,
and this hill gives $.'1,000; to MoxieoJ
ei,uuu, nnu mis uill gives vj.nou ; 10
Liverpool, $7,500, ami this bill gives
These are enough, it seems to me,
to show departure from the law as
written, tint, says the nenator, this
is not tho law as written. If it bo not
tha law as written, thon the doctrine
thnt we can and may make changes of
salaries in appropriation bills comes
home to the Senator and the Senate as
Into as 1874 ; for I find in tho appro
priation bill of 1874 tho only authori
ty given for theso changes in the
amounts nnpropriated tn these, dincr
eul consuls, nf.., .0. isea fuulutcs give
tho figures $7,500 for Ijondon, as an
instnnco, while the amiroprintion bill
of 1874 changes tho (aw as found in
tho revised statutes, and reduces the
consulate at London, to $0,000, and
the others that 1 have referred to fol
low in the samo category. Hero we
find the direct evidence, the clear
proof, aud ths Senato committeo bos
recognlr.ed that changes can be made
in appropriation bills affecting lbs pub
lic servico. Here is a precedent that
the 'Henato-itsolf has mado Vvaliin two
yoarw ; a precedent that it cannot vio
late in the present condition ol tho
1 be second reason given why tuese
changes are mado and the llouso bill
is not pormittcd to oxi't as it was, is
tbo necessities ol commerce. l;et us
take some specimens on that subject,
and seo what the necessities of com
merce aro as affected by tho .Senate
committee's amendment. Tbo consul
at Chin-Kiang, in China, is restored
witb a salary ol :i,ouo. 1 no loos
shown by the report from official
sources are $371.s4.- Ningpo is re
stored with a salary of $3,000, and tho
fees are $&74.84. Bwatow is restored
with a salary of $3,500, and tho tees
are $310.84. llukokadi is restored with
a salary of $2,500, and the foes aro
$303.00. Odessa is restored with tl,
OOOsnlnry, and tho fees uro $189.03.
Tamatave, in Madagascar, is restored
with $2,000 salary, while tho fees are
$37.42. -
- These, il seems to mo, are aniplo to
show that a consular agent with fees
is all that ia reqaircd there, whon they
wero taken in connection with the fact
that from lH'O to 1870 at most of
theso points, commerce has decreased
antl not increased, and when lite tubu
lar statements and returns from the
official sources show Unit the few aro
vastly less than tho salaries voted
There is no prohibition, ns 1 under
stand it, forbidding consular ngnnls,
who have chnrgo ol our affairs, where
thoy receive fees from engaging in bti
stnoHS, but tlio contrary. Tho action
of tho other branch of Congress ujion
this subject mav bo harsh treatment
to those who hold these sinecures, but
is that any reason why wo should not
tako a step in tho direction of reduc
tion of puhlio expenses f The public
good demands a reduction ol public ex
penditure, und it is only when, in tak
ing cam of tho public purso we dos
tnry tlio public service, that we must
bo held up to an appropriation hereto
fore provided Ibr by law. ' Commerce
will not sutler. Senators need not be
alarmed on t'jat subject. Substituting
consuls with fees for consuls with sal
aries is no new policy. Again I quote;
"There are now eighty-nine consuls
of the United Males in different parts
of the world w ho receive mi salaries,
among them the consul nt lihciius, in
France, where the fees amount to II,-
600.50 i, thfl ci ysul at Brunswick, in
Germany, whose lees amount lo t-,
498.25: tbo consul nt Victoria, whose
fees amount lo $3,306.35, and mtiny
other places of . equal imporlaneo.
There arc eighty-uino console who gut
no salary at tins lime, and only 188
consult,, consuls generals, and vice con- j
sills who recuivv salaries. Yet tiiere
are 357 consular agoncies whose ucenls
got no salaries except the Iocs collect
ed up to 11,000. The fees collected
above that sum, are paid over to the
consul, who retains $1,000 from all bis
agoncies and pays the balance into the
t reasury. : , ,
: Our consular officers under tha Son
ata bill will bo: ., ' . . '
Salaried aoaaale. Ae. ........ 18S
Noa .elarlrd eoneuleand eonaular agenta... am
" This os It stands under the law now
In force. Under tha House bill It will
be antWlowsf t
Salaried eoaeuit'. n..J.i' 141
Noa. salaried eena.l. end evaaalar 4 SO
It is said that this -service is not in
creasmg iw cost. Let at see. ' Ixil us
take oflkial H mi res as ths tost, ami 1
bp willing to stand or tall by those
official flguros; not thoso belur tha
war. hut long l bo ths WAr, when si
change was higher, and when the cost
ol living was ntgher man 11 is now
Consular salaries In 1870 wore $414,-
800; in 1870 and under this bill, for
tins) bill follows tho estimates ol the
department, they are $546,400, mak
ing an increase from 1870 to 1876, of
The contingent expenses of consul
litis in 1870 were (3,Otrll; they aro
now (131,850, making an Int reaso of
$38,830. '1 his whole iiicrcusc is alarm
intr. und it calls for reduction. 1 Amiro-
iiriutions, il is truo, must bo bused on
our judgment, but also upon the ne
cessities of our lK'ople, and not upon
the estimates of the departments or
enactments mado through appropria
tion laws of tho cast
Lot us oxamino this matter in detail,
and 1 havo done. Leaving out of view
everything but, tbo diplomatic and
consular service proper, ws find that
in 1H7U tho diplomatic salaries proper
wore (337,800. Under tbe Senate bill
they are $391,500. Contingent ex
penses ol loreign intercourse wore
$100,0(10, and they are (100,000 now
Consular salaries then wero $414,800;
to-duy they are (540,500. Then the
cnntihiront expenses of consulates wero
$83,000, and by this bill they are $131,-
soo. bo that irom imvu to una Rill
and tho approprintiona of lust year, wo
nnd that- tbe totals imve increased
from (955.650 to $1,109,750, making
an increase since 1870 of $214,000. ,
So, too, with aggrcguto ordinary not
expenses, in 1870 they wore (104,-
000 ooo; in 1872 tbey wore but (1S3,-
000,000; in 1876 they aro $179,000,
000. Can the Government not be con
ducted as chiefly now as it was in
iHiit is there any reason why flo,-
000,000 of increase in the net ordinary
expenses ot the government shall be
maintained and continued from 1870
to 1876? If it be good doctrino to
maintain sinecure consulates, to con
tinue increases in diplomatio inter
course', if it bo to keep thirty-one min
isters abroad whilo we receivo but
twenty-two, if it be to maintain lull
missions were our commerce is in
creasing if that bo the tree policy of
a suffering and plain people, then con
tinue this policy, if it be not, let us
hearken to the representatives ol tho
poopio when they send us their bills
and reduce and retrench where We can.
It is said by a Senator that this is
one of tho results of the war. I say,
on tho contrary, it is tho result of du
rrv'rnlir.ntion among the people and ex
travagance In governmental expendi
ture. Is it not the resistless force of
power nnd public putronarro impelling
forward those who are in control?
Power inovitably gathorstoilself more
and more as il govs forward. It is so
with thoso who control the govern
ment forces now. They cannot stop
if they would.. Tbey aro pressed for
ward by tho resistless force oi the pow
er that they themselves possess and
control. Tho llouso representing tho
poopio, tbe branch of Congress that Is
neurest tho people, invites us to re
trench, to lessen their bunions, and In
this hill to lesson them I -I62.WI. 1 nis
is tue inviuiuon 01 too poopio them
selves. Is it not based upon their ne
cessities ? Is it not our plain, clear,
and manifest duty so to do?
' How eloquently docs Chateaubriand
reply to 'his inquiry : There ia a God I
The herb of the valley, tbe cedars ol
tho mountains bless Him; tbe insect
sports His beams; the olephant sa
lutes Him with ths rising orb of the
day ; tha bird sing to Him in the foli
age; the thunder proclaims Him in
tho heavens; the ocean declares Ilia
immensity; mnnalonoiiassaid, "There
ia no God." . Unite in thought at tho
samo instant tho most beautiful objects
iu nature ; suppose you seo at all hours
ot tho duy uud all seasons of the year,
morning ol anting and a morning ot
Autumn; a night bespangled with
stats and a night covered with clouds ;
meadows covered with flowers, and
forests heavy with snow ; fiolds gilded
by tints of Autumn; then alone you
win nave a just conception 01 tbo uni
verse Wbilo you are gnxing on tho
sun which is ploughing under the
vault of tho west, another observer ad
mires him emerging from the gilded
gates ol Ilia east. By what inconceiv
able magio does that aged star, which
is sinking fatigued and burning in tbo
shailo ol the evening, reappear at the
sumo timo, fresh and humid with tbe
rosy dews of tho morning? At every
instant of tho day, tho glorious orb is
at once rising, resplendent at noon day,
and setting in tho west ; or rather our
senses deceive us, antl there is, proper
ly speaking, no east, west, north or
south in the world. Kverylhing ro-
linre.i itscll to a singlo point, Irom
whence the king of day sends forth at
01100 a tripplu light in one substance.
The bright splendor ia perhaps that
wlileli nature can present that is most
beautiful ; lor whilo it gives as an idea
of tho perpetunl magnificence and re
sistless power ol God, it exhibits at
the same time a shining image ol the
glorious Trinity. ' '. ,
Woman's influeneo differs greatly
fiom that of man. Hor power lies in
her weakness. , In her band she holds
a more potent sceptre than that wield
ed by the most potent monarch. In
the great social aud morel reforms car
ried on from timo to time, we find that
women have taken un active part. .
As woman's influeneo is so great,
her responsibility is great In propor
tion. Upon- her devolves the duly of
training up thai future men of tbe na
tion. ' It is the mother who moulds
tho character 1 under her gentle influ
ence the youthful mind receives its
Hint impressions. In society she is
queen, and loo olten lures bor subjects
lo destruction. ' Too often tbo glass of
spurkling wino proffered by the fair
hund of woman has proven tho utter
ruin and dcgrcdalion of a man strong
in intellect. II is true, a man should
bavo stamina enough to refusa tho
temptation, but if ho bavo not, woman
should not be the tempter. Many a
wile bitterly deplores tlio clTect ot a
first glass, ami many a child is cut lo
tho heart by the knowledge that its
ftither waa a drunkard.
A woman must bs careful in her de
portment. ' By a word nrsvon a look
aha can encourage or cfTuctnally chock
all attempts at feniillnrlty. i If woman,
and esporially girls, would do this If
they wntiia snow tnetr displeasure at
what they know is wrong, It would
not bo repented In tholr presence
Though tin) aggressor might feign an
ger, in bis heart bo would feel mora
true respect for 0110 who thus reprov
ed hira than if she passed his fault un-
robukod, , ( -, (;- 1 ...
A Ieundon dealer in ofd china has
confessed that he sold to the Baron
Bothchlld, lor 250, r bogus' piece
which only cost 4fsiillings, '
' Bmjsin MstereLoMiohigan.haei
run away with his mother-in-law. He
must he a sealv flsh.
How little do people in general think
of the influence of things at the time
of their occurrence especially of the
infinence of little things. But this is
not so vory singular, when wo reflect
that, not niiirequcntiy, man no more
knows what becomes (' his influence
and example, that arc bnrno fur bo
yond his ken on then-uncertain mission,
than does tbo flower know what be
comes of its odor, which is wafted away
upon tbe passing breeze. Great deeds
produce groat results; but little every
day occurrences seem too trivial to be
ol weight or durability, and the com
mon but dangerous sentiment, that
snob or such event will mako no differ
ence a hundred years hence, creeps un
bidden into our hearts. The thuuder
and the lightning attract more atten
tion than the silent dew, but do tbey
accomplish more good 7
Truly, life is made up of little things.
It was a mother's kiss which mado a
well-renowned painter of Benjamin
West. A degraded drunkard was in
duced, with his trembling band, to sign
tbo temperance pledge ; but not being
strong enough to koep it, he fell, A
second time lie signed it, and this time,
witb Heaven's belp, he kept it. And
from so weak a beginning arose the
philanthropist, John B. Gough.
Uow much unhappiness baa been
caused how many lives bave been
clouded by one unkind word I A peb
bio dropped into the brook, makes at
first but small ripple, scarcely greater
n circumloronce than itsclt ; but the
next moment a greater ripple is ob
servable, and still a greater each suc
ceeding one extending farther than
the former,4intil the entire surface is
affected thereby.; Thus may a man be
a blot, spreading his dark influence
outward to the very circumforcnce of
society ; or be may bo a blessing, radia
ting beneficence over tho length and
breadth of tho land ; but a blank he
cannot be. For every word, every set,
bowevor trifling, affects eitherourselvos
or others exerting an influence wo
know not how enduring.
Beware of bad books. Tbey are
traitors in tho household. Tbey are
tho enemy" who snatches away tho
wheat, and sows tares in its stead.
They are poisoned Bwcots, destroying
healthy appetite. Thoy havo the sem
blance of knowledge, but not the real
ity, ' Thoy aro blind guides, that lead
to the ditch. ,-. -, .
Are we known by the company we
keop ? Our books are our company.
In reading tho words ol an author, our
minds oomo in direct contact with his
mind.. For good or for evil, we aro
under his most direct influcne. It has
been well said, that we reflect tbe color
of tbo rock upon which we lean ; and
it is so. VYben Moses came down
from the mount, after talking with
UOO. IUIW uia l-o Buuuei
ilo Jealous then ol the books you
read. Woigh them in tho balance ol
the sanctuary, and, if found wanting,
discard them from a place in your li
braries, bomes aad Hearts.
A clergyman once visited a prison
whore a young man, who bad thrown
away many advantages, was confined
for m ardor, and was there awaiting
bis trial. lie went to his home and
looked at his shelves ; they were lined
with books. What kind of books were
thoy ? Bibles, tracts, histories, works
of science and truo taste ? No ; cor
rupt novels, licentious poetry, reveal
od tha rock which had Imparted its
color to the criminal's life and charac
ter. Let the young avoid bad books
avlhey would bad men and women.
Bt'RR and Cauioin. A writer in
tho Now Orloans RrpulAican says : In
the year 1827 I saw tbo celebrated
Aaron Burr. Ho came to attend the
examination at Partridge's Military
Academy, whore he had a ward nam
ed Francis Hurdett. Ho came with
anothor ward he was always educat
ing somebody who was a younglndy
jusl grown into womanhood, antl who,
1 ne invo. BuiMcnucni v vn&rncu viuv-
etnor John L. Wilson, of South Caro
lina. The appcaranco of Burr was
striking, for ho had the classic outline
of face which is portrayed in the like
ness prellxod to his " 01 uavis.
tho once celebrated "Spy in Washing
ton." Colonel Burr was about fivo
feet six inches in height and wore hia
hair in a qucuo. When Calhoun was
dying, a young preacher named Butler
called to see him. Whon Calhoun
heard tho name, anpposcing the caller
was Ins colleague, J udge Andrew I'tcK
ens Butler, he said to tils private Sec
retary, 8eovil, "Show him up it is his
privilege." Hut imagine Ins amaxe-
mcnt when tho young minister was
nshcrod into tho chamber and annottno-
ed his object being to converse with
Calhoun on religion ! Mr. Scovil says
that l allioun became very angry, and
he heard him mnttcring : "A boy a
boy without a beard on bia face to
call on mo and wish to speak about
relip-ion a subject about which 1 have
. 0 ,. ... v.-i a
Deen thinking an my 11101. nen 1
recall this scene and remember tho
matchless precrninence of Mr. Cal-
honn, 1 cannot help repeating tho line,
"Fools rush in where angels fear to
Hoiioa Labor. Labor, honosl labor,
In nitirlit v and IwdlltlUll. Activity is
the ruling olemont of life, and Its high
est relish. Luxuries and eonquestsaro
the results of labor; wo can Imagine
notbins? without it. 1 ho noblest man
nf earth is ho' who puts his bands
chocrfully aud proudly to honest labor.
Labor is a business and trrdinanrs of
God. . Suspend labor,, and where are
the dory and pomp ol earth tho
fruit, fields, and palaces, and tho fash
ioning ol matter tor which men strive
and war? Let Iho labor-scorner look
tn himself, and learn what are the
trophic. Prom the crown of his head
to tho sole of his loot, he ia tho debtor
Ami slave of toil. The labor which he
scorns has tricked him into the stat
ure and sppenrnnre of a man. Whero
gets ho garmenting and equipage?
Let labor answer.
Labor which makes music in the
mines and the furrow and tho forge
oh, scorn not labor, yon man, who
never yot earned a morsel bf bread I
Labor pities you, proud fool, and
laughs you to scorn. You shall pass to
dust, forgotten ; but labor will live on
lorevor, glorious in its ronqnosts and
. About ten o'clock aa Wednesday
night, the 5th irat, a firs at Bcnwooa,
West Virginia, completely destroyed
the Ben wood Noil Works, together
with about25,000kegsof nails. Every -thin
boionainK to the works, includ
ing two taetories, forge, eoopcr-ebops
sod Btorw-husse. Were destroyed.. Nine
hundred. pSraona sirs thrown out of
employment. ' Th loss ana tnsturairos
are nnanown.
TEEMS f 2 per annum in Advanoa.
The following is an abstract ot the
report of tbe apoaial committee ap
pointed by the Senato to visit the fish
way at Columbia, and the Stato hatch
ing house at Donegal Springs, Lancas
ter county, recently presenied lo Iho
Scnitlc: ; '
Thevisil of Ibe committee In thoi.
Stato hutching hnutm was mado on iho
4th just., and wna In overy way sutis-
luctorv. 1 hey found the State bntcb
ing house in perfect order, supplied
with apparently inexhaustible quanti
ties of pure water, there being imme
diately in its vicinity two very copious
springs, which seem to bo abundant
and perennial in their flow; having
been known to tbe neifihborhood for
generations ss tbe Douegal Borings of
Lancaster eountrr. J lis hntchino-
nouBe Is in sue about 100 tect by 30,
consisting of one large room with a
small office parlitioned frora the rest
in a corner oi tbo building. -V early
tbo wholo area waa filled with trougha
constantly running with the present
spring water, and in these ware con.
tained in tbe most boaltby activity no
loss than 465,000 California salmon
which bad been received in October
last Irom tbo Pacilio slope, while still
confined to tho egg. Tbo number of
eggs shipped across the continent was
4HO,000, ot which more than 10,000
were lost from various causos and ac
cidents on tbo way and tho process
of hatching out and nursing, alter
hatching, has lost scarcely 6,000 more.
Tbose fish are, at this moment, ready
lor distribution, and within a few days
will be placed in the waters ot the Sus
quehanna and its tributaries. The
first deposit of about 7,000 was made
in tho spring of 1873, and the success
of tho experiment will not be fully
known before 1877. In addilion to
tbe California salmon mentioned, the
committee found between 30,00 and
40,000 of the fry or lake trout These
are tor distribution in tho pure lake
waters of the State and at the proper
time will be sent out. Ths committee
found also that the commissioners had
captured a number, some thirty or
torty, adult specimens or tbo .Susque
hanna salmon, or pike perch, as it ia
also called. Theso they retain for the
purpose oi learning how to propagate
thom artificially, if it is practicable, a
process which will increase their num
ber more than 1,000 per cent.
it seems to bo extremely difficult to
make a fish way that will offer induce
ments for the ti mid shad to pass through
it. For that they bave heard of, above
no fishways in the world, except thoso
of Pennsylvania, have shad been as
yet caught in anything bko apprecia
ble numbers. To a certain extent our
Pennsylvania commissioners believe
they are pursuing ths subject now
lib care and intelligence, so mat 11
the thing is to bo done they hope to
be able lo do It.
The committee, after tbeir visit, feel
to further progress in the propagation
and protection of Iood fishes. Groat
advances bave already been made, and
greater are promised in tho near future.
Should tbe California salmon suoceed,
as for instance the black baas have suc
ceeded, and scores of thousands of Cali
fornia salmon have been introduoed
for scores alone of the other fish, there
ii no calculating the benefit it would
lie to our people. A bow special com
modity would be added to the present
onormous wealth of Pennsylvania an
annual product added to tho agricul
tural and mineral richness of tbe Stale.
In conclusion, the committee do not
in the least doubt the conscientious
administration of the funds placed at
their disposal, nor do tbey feartbatany
moderate amount of money further ad
vanced for tbe propagation and pro
pagation and protection of food-fishes
or for the exhibition of ths processes
therewith connected, at the approach
ing world's fair, will be in any man
ner misappropriated by tbo honorable
gentlemen composing the fisheries
A MoTnxR's Example. Tho first
book read, and the last hook laid
aside, by every child, is the conduct ot
its mother. In dealing witb children,
therefore, lot your wholo course bo to
raise your child to a high standard.
110 not sink into childishness yourscii.
Give no needless commands, but when
you command, require prompt obedi
ence. Never indulgo a child incruolty,
oven to an insect. Cultivate a sympa
thy with your child in all lawful joya
and Borrows. Bo sure that you nevor
corroct a child until you know it de
serves correction. Hear its story tirst
and fully. Never allow your child to
whine, fret, or to bear grudges. Early
inculcate lranknoss, candor, generosi
ty, magnanimity, patriotism, and aelt-
lenial. JSover niorlilv tho loclinirs ol
your child by upbraiding it with dull
ness, neither inspire it wilh sell-conceit,
iiciore you undertake the omco 01 cor
rector, be quite satisfied the evil yon
would remove is ot a nature to need
absuluto abandonment on the part of
the child, and Is one to which ron nn
not give way yourself. 1 ne loree 01
examplo is paramont, therfore do to
your children as you would bo dnno by,
tor much ol their liitnro good or evil
depends on your example,
A Fatal Habit. Irressolntion is a
fatal habit ; is not vicious in itself, but
it leads to vico, creeping upon its vic
tims witb a fatul lacility, tho penalty
of which many a fine heart baa paid at
the scaffold. The idler, thcspendlhrifl,
tbe epicurean, and tho drunkard are
among its victims. Perhaps in the
latter ita effects appear in tho most
hideous form. He k nows that the gob
let which he is about to drain is poison,
yot he swallows it, ' Ho knows, for tho
examplo ol thousands has painted it in
irlnrinor colors, that it will deaden all
his faculties, take the strength trow his
limbs and tho happiness from bis heart,
oppress l im with disease, and hurry
bis progress to a dishonored gravo.yet
he drains it. - How beautiful, on tho
oontrary, ia ths power of resolution,
enabling the one who possess it to
pass through perils and dangers, trials
snd temptations. Avoid, then, the
contraction of tho habit of irresolution.
Strive against it to the end.
KsiriNO ma Law. Thore was an
old Quaker who bsd an unfortunate
reputation of non-resistance, it was
said that any one could jostle him,
tread on bis toes, or tweak hia nose
with Impunity, until one market day a
blustering lelli
low, being told that yon
der was a man who, il he was smitten
on on on cheek, would turn the other
also, thought it would be sport to try
blm. - Stepping up to the sturdy, grioa
rratured Friend. h vlsppsd bis toes.
Ths old Stan looked at him sorrowfully
ior a moment, then slowly turned
his other cheek and received anothor
buffet. Upon that he coolly pulled off
BStcost.' " bivs cleared tue law."
asvid be, "aad now the avast take it."
And he gar tha cowardly fellow
trsmennous threshing.
If a man ia a judicious manugur,
and has a corroct undorstaudiug ot alt
the details incident to raising coarse
f;rain, maintaining tbe fertility of his
and, and making beef, mutton, and
pork, be can make more money by
having bis grain consumed at horn
and changed into meat than can bs
mado by selling it. In a practical
point of viow this is nothing more thaa
What farmers on the Western prairies
aro In tbe habit of doing every yoar.
Wbon tboircorn is abundant and cheap,
instead of paying tbe railroad compa
nies two bushels to convoy one to mar
ket, they turn It into pork, and in this
condensed form ship it all over tha
Union, at a profit. Fsrmors in Europe
can buy wheat cheaper and better than
tbey can grow It, while they can raise
tbe beat beef and mutton in the world.
and enough of it, by simply patting
their wheat fields into grass. We can
furnish England witb all tho wheat
she wants witb less trouble and risk
than wc can ship fresh meat, though
wo have an aluindnnt supply of beef,
Krk, antl good manure.
'V '"'"ntroductioii ol atcum-powcr
iu mien n vuni U.11UI11 un lb in novr em
ployed ill propelling ocean steamers
and railroad cars, space has been al
most annihilated. The high price of
farming land in England, added to the
uncertainties of ber climate, makes
wheat the most precarious and on
profitable of all her agricultural crops.
The average annual whoatdeficiency
of England ia estimated at 96,000,000
bushels, snd Mr. Scott thinks that this
deficiency or the greater portion of it
may be obtained from tbo United
States ; itussia, however, would sap.
ny a large quantity. 11 Is quite proba
te that England would largely profit
hv this ch&tiirn. SB ahn would thna ho
ablo to raise her own meat, and ob
viate tho necessity of importing cattle
and preserved meats from abroad.
In order to derive tbe greatest possi
ble advantage from the practice of
making beef or mutton to sell in lieu
of coarse grain, the manure made by
live stock must be husbanded and ap
plied judiciously to the soil. If neat
catllo are fattened on tho coarse grain
produced on a larm, and tbojr manure
ib wasted, tbe practice of making beef
will end in a grievous failure. PractU
cal Farmtr.
Why do we not always smilo when
we meet the eye of a fellow-being ?
That is tbe truo and intended recogni
tion which ought to pass from soul to
soul constantly. Little children in
simple communities do this involuntar
ily, unconsciously. The honest-hearted
Gorman peasant does it. It is like
magical sunlight through that simple
land, tbo perpetual greeting on the
right band and on the left, between
strangers as they pass by each othor,
never without a smile. This, then, is
tho "lino art of smiling," like all fine
arts, the simplest following of nature.
Mow and tben one sees a lace which
bos kept its smile pure and undeSlod.
It is a woman's face usually ; often a
fuco which has traces of great sorrow
all over it till the smile breaks. Such
smile transfigures ; such a amile if
the artful did but know it. ia tho srreat-
ost woupon a fuce can bave ; sickness
and age cannot turn its edge ; hostility
and distrust cannot withstand its spell;
even dumb animals come close and
look up for another.
If wo were asked to sum up in one
simplo rule what would most conduce
to beauty in the human face, we would
say, therefore, "Never tamper with
your smile ; nevor once nse it for a
purpose. Jjct It be In yonr lace, like
ito,rfir.'ifit0o,i,,Df MM fS" iete -
will must bo perpetual, and your lace
must nover bo overcast."
Tbe Czar Nicholas, who had fine
qualities, was once hardened against
an act of clemency by the undaunted
spirit of a prisoner. Jielieff, a man of
letters, had been implicated in the con
spiracy of Decern ber, 1825, and sen
tenced to be banged, lie was actually
launched from the fatal ladder, when
the rope broke and be was thrown to
the ground, sevorely bruised but con
scious, llepiekod himself upand said,
quietly : " Tbey can do nothing in
Russia, not even twine a cord proper
ly." It was formerly tbe custom in
Russia to arrant a pardon to tbe con
demned who seemed to be tbua saved
by the special Interposition of Provi
dence. Nicholas was infonnej of the
accident and bis pleasure demanded.
"What did Belieff say?" demanded
tho Emperor. "Sire," replied tho
messenger, " ho said that they could
not even twine a cord properly in Rus
sia." "Prove to him tbo contrary,"
rejoined Nicholas.
KitCarson's Remains. The Rocky
Mountain Herald, in an article upon
Kit Carson, says "his body now lies
chucked away in a cayote patch, un
der tho sbado of a couple of cotton-
woods, on tbe Arkansas (southern
Colorado), without .evon a piece of
picket railing to protect his grave from
the prowling wolves, or even a pencil
mark on a shingle for a headstone, to
tell that Kit Carson sleeps beneath it."
Surely the scores of people who are
under obligations to Kit Carson lor at
tention and protection on tbe pratnos
and in the mountaius of the Far West
will not suffer such a state of things to
continue. If republic are sometimes
forgetful, let not tho people mn in the
same way.
Success. Every man must pationt
ly bido his time. He must wait, not
in listless idleness, not in useless pas
time, not in querulous dejection, but in
constant, steady fulfilling and accom
plinbing bia lank, that when the occa
sion cornea he may be equal to it. The
talent of aucceas is nothing more than
doing what you can do well, without a
thought of fame. It it comes at all, it
will come because it is deserved, not
because it ia Bought after. It Is a very
indiscreet and tronbluenmo ambition
which cares so much what ths world
says of us ; to bo always anxious about
the effect of what wo do or say ; to be
always shouting to hear the echo of
our own voices.
Like flakes of snow, that fall unper
ceived upon tbe earth, the seemingly
unimportant events of life succeed one
another. Aa the snow gathers togeth
er, so aro our habits formed. No sin
gle flake that is added to the pile pro
duces a sensible change o single
action creates, however it may exhibit,
a man's character ; but as tbe tempest
hurls tbe avalanche down the moun
tain, and overwhelms the inhabitant
and bis habitation, ao passion, acting
upon the elements of mischief, which
norniriousbsbits have brought together
by imperceptible accumulation, may
overthrow the edifice ol truth and
virtue. ,
Lamar on Woman's Ruibts. One
of the strong-minded in Washington
interviewed Colonel Lamar, ol Missis
sippi, the other dsy saying she believed
the women ol the Mouth coveted the
ballot. ; "Possibly," said Mr. Lamar,
"but do you know what yon want tar
more than any franchise? Yon want
a husband and a bady." Ths woman
looked down thoughtfully, and mur
mured) half to bereewlf. "I wonder If
that will aver happen V "There, said
Mr. Lamer, "when you said that yon
looked sweeter than yon ever did be
fore in your lifo I" ClmlcM Plata
i A QrxaT. SboaUl a nun be called
a sculptor boosaae he hsa chiseled a
tailor ont of a stilt nf clothes.