THE REPUBLICAN. Cl.BAiiKlKLH, I'A Vt DNK8'AV MORNIKO, APRIL I, ll!l. Terms of Subscription. ffuaid ia within three Breathe-. II aa i paid after three aed before ill montbe..... I In I unld ePer theetnlretlon of ill month. ... I II M-K.WI. . M. Pirrtteiu 4 Co., Heat saner Admitting Agvali, 17 Peih How, enlner Bookmen Plrrrl, era out dolt eotkortaed Agektt New York I'M,. .eSLMtllllm MrTltkle. Mot hamlet Kuleeeriel Ckarch Rer. B. F. BtnrBaa, a.tor.Publie fterrleo erer ctabbalk U 101 A M., aad 74 P. H. Babbetk S.kool all A. H. eliei ever, Tkorade,, ml 71 P. H Goinn iBloa Bervloe. Irtl aabbatk of avert avonta, .1 H'l A. M. Iraet) tarlaa CbarehHev. H. H. Benin. rlebhatli eervteee morning nnd Brewing Bob. both School ol I P. H. Prajer Meeting Wednet do; sveoing. Ht. r-rericle' (.htirrh t'atliollr Ret. P. J.8mkmidan. Preeeblngat loe'eloeh, A.M.,oa tho Irtl.lbird and toorlbrtuBdatinf taeh month) Vosportond lleredletionottbe Hleeod aoeromonl l r o'eleek, P. M. t-aada; Hekoel averr Coat, afteraooa at I o'eloek. OFFICIAL OIKM.TUIIY. f hi or liiLIHkO qOAOrik IKUIOHI OeOBT. 8. sad MoadaT of JaBuary, ' , T. rd M.indat of March. Firet Blonder of June. Foartb Moad.jr of ttentomber. tibb or inLkiao oenaoa rittk. Pint Monday of Jnne. Heeond Monday of November. ruat.ic orrtctkk. rVea'dcal '.dee-no.. Charles A. Mayer, of Look Havea. A-iummt ! .fedae Ilea. Job! H. Orele, of Beltefoat.. Amrimit JJy Wllllim C. Folty, Clearleldi Joha J. Head, Corwena.ille. fWMNry Itii Hloa. AVtf.rreerfeeoroVr L. J. Morgea. Dr'alrier dMoree Fronb Fielding, fnunt-David Mellanr,bey. .el.; William K. Mcl'bereon. Ohi Sereeor eemoel P. MofJIoeheT, Cot- winirllte. . ' t AaiiiiiJiHfi Clark Brown. Clear- Held i fhmnaa A. M.Hoe, Cbeat P. 0. Hairll Ileorer. Carwenttille. ar dilon Cbrlrt. i., Olak Hope l tlamoel A. Caldwell, WlllieaiigreTe Joba C. Cobbot. Baroiida. ft,..,. !mm.rl. B. N.f. New Waihlntloa. Jmr, CaM-Jobo W. Bbagklt, Jmn Hilekcll, Ulaorard. 8rnimtndnt a Tal'a ool Jobo Ac nnrwanaaill. Jlolmrin r'.Ktt-Ji.ka W. Wrlglejr, Wn. Ilk dakaugh, Ctrut L. (lordna, Cl..r.ld; Joiiab J.... R. Iiia. N. I. Arnold, Carwtanllloi J. J. LlO'lr, Kainol K.T.rl, Oioaola Mill" I Jobk- ton Hanilloo. LulDerri.arg. Oar Janrial oolena la daeldodly ialort illog Ik k Inoal polat of rl.w, aad prollablo mdlag ! oalaldara ttko waki 10 taro nwarj. Tlio M irwioDBrr collections in tlio Cen tral Panar;lraaia M. K. Conhrtooo, lall yrkr, vara $IS,oJ. . ' The II nntindoii rresbylery will aaot al Brll'l Mill, Blair ooaalj, oa Tonda soil, lb, 1 lib day of April. M . a How manr of readom ro in fiivor of plaalial Irni by way of rcoogaliikg lb, Cao laaaial yrar 1 Nut Boolk U Ika tlnr. The rrunrnntce thut Wanamokep Browa giro ll aol k airrd soaiaal iklag, bat a Igard ooklraol prolootlog Ihoao bo boy H lb aod Harkot ilmla, Pblladrlpbla. Tbo Jtimnl of l)inboie of the Mtilkii dl,l Caareb rrooMoad Friday, April :tlb, a. a day of faallag .ad rpoilal prayor to Sod for Hi, bU.fing ok lha Otncral CoofcraBce, to aMrmbla al Baltimore la May a,it. The AUooiib ()r Iloiino wa aold by SkorilT Bobb, a few day! ago, for 111. 000. It wa, porehand by H. Brw, PMrllloB, I's , of Haotlogdua, for k Mr. Wataoa, bo bold k ort (ago afkiail It fur orar $20,000. II o'lgiBally MM aboat MI.OOO. II. F. Nannie and Hobt. A. Mitcholl, two of Ckoilrld , Moil mpocled cltlirat, loa tbl, o,ok. with Iboir raoiillaa, for Wood eaaaty, Oblo, Ihoy Iklrad to roaido U Iba folara. Wo tra,t that praporlty akd ploaly will o,r kboaad witb tbOBl at tholr B.w bora, la Ik, Baakoya Stata. . ' ' . - - Tho 'trial of Henry Anderson, nitflit watobmaa at Haw..' C.Btat Mill, aur Jokka Iowa, wba wa. JaJictad' for kaa.laagbtor, for bootiag and billiag yoaag Kirby, aa aoeooal of wb'i-b wo publiabod (bortiy aflor K ocoamd, took plaooia lb Caatbrik Ouaaly Coart but work, aad a tartlet 01 "Not gollly " wa, reodered by tbajarr. , ' ' Lint of lottors remaining unclaimed la Iba PortoBoo al Cloarkeld, for Iba waek oadlag Apr U 14, l7i Brethtr,, Mil, Ella llifotuat Mr,. , . Puwler, Cliarka Urabau, A. U. J..r,. Mim A, Kliat, Oaea . Loniadoo, Rd. . l,. o, Mm Ailed , ' Mijlaox, Juba M'rrt, MiM Blaaeba Patlaraua, Alloo Ylagliag, B.aj.raia P. A. UAUljlN, P.M. Sin t'LoTBita On. That new mil- Bleipalily, baraanar I M baowa al Ika boroagb of Nowborg, K will bo olroarrod by refertag to aar foarlk page, baa pat oa III lagal rbo, Md proolalaM Ika ardikaaou by wklok pablio air, are la bo regalalrd la ibal Tillage. Oar irload. will aook hark, if tbay are aol aware of that fael already, that II i, far eallrr to pan orJiaaaee, tbaa ta eaferoe tbeoa. I 2 ! Bl ' At the late acimiun of the Cenlral Pa. ConlereBce, Ibo followiag poraoBl were eleot od delegate! to Ibe Oeaeral Coafereaoa la bo held at Balinaoro, la May ant i Clerleal Darld B. Moaroo, N. 8. Boekioghaai, Thoaial Mllah'll, B. B. IIaiel, F. B. Blddlo : Alleraaioa, T. M. Roaea Bad Br. UoIbmi. R Moaier, of New Caaib.rl.od. aod M. W. Jaehroa, of Berwick AllotBate,, lloB, Ell Bllfer, of Fa loo euaaiy, aad Joaathaa Boya toa, ef Cleartald. CllMPaXtltKKITP. CtlKP'.RENOR Col, LBCTloaa The report of tbe Troaaorar of the M. I. Coatral l a. Caolereaca Mluloo.iy Hodrly, howl that lha eoUeolloaa datlog the pail year for that vBrp'iee wore t Willlaia.nort dlerlot... 1 ,IM AO U.arilla t.Mk llarrnbarg ." ' Altooaa " I.0" ol Jaalala .......m ,' Total IM M Tbo U.BTllle dletrlet kai laereaaed lla oollao Ileal oeor laat year ill! 1. Tk. ??-aie la Ike other dlelrleU ll t7e!.To. Tbe aearage per bar la the whole Ceefareaoe ll SI ooaU. We ttnderutand that oonidrablo eoaiplaiat U beiag made aaual Ibe remotal ef Ike Po.lomo. froai Roabarger, the eltlKBl ol Ikai oillaga belag aow obliged la travel a dirUooe of a boat a Bile la got Ibrfr ajall. Taa oBoe wu femorly la tbo Tillage, bet H) aow at tbo itore of Mr. Joba UiiBoli, wbieh ll laid to be at lean oae alio Irorn Iba baitaeoo-eoatre of ibe plaoa. That la tbo way lha woaderfal Jewell who raai Ike PooloCoe DapaiiBieal ef tbl, Ibe 'brot (loeora B,Bt aador tbo ibb," docl IblBgi. The pelltloa for the Moral doe, Bol eoalkia tbe aaaia ef oao mldeat ef Raaibarger, bat wa, gnllea Bp by the fiw wko Ilea In tke rlelnlty ef OuBole' Itore, Anotrxr Spar Kait. Philip Dotta, Eo., of Bmoarla lowa.kip, laforral thai be hoe a raft ef opart lylei la Ullla Cloaiield ereoh, alKatid Catboart'l, la Kool lowoaklp, wkirk beau the eaa bolooglag le Mr. Ilarter, at Cherry Tree, Beatloaod la three eolaajBl twa week, ago, The rrg,M lllek la Mr. belli' reft ll aiaot)4wn (ret la kagib, forty. Ioariaeboeladlaaiotrrtwele foot froai ibe ball, aad thirty larbtw at tke lop. Flro other rlieke laaa thlny ira lar-hre lo diaaioter al Ibe bait, and are froai ainety to iaoty trr feet la ItBglh. Tho average dlaaaetor of Ibe retire raft, ef Iweaty itleho, le Ulrty-tkrar laebol al tke bail. Thi, beau ell lha apart Ibal wo bare orrr heard nl. Aod bob, wba aaa boal Mr. Dona' reft t Am Awrix AorioRiiT Four Men f,Urd -Laal Friday a,oralag. kaady Ridge waa Ika roeao of tke taart dlMetroa, ealaBiity tkal kai erer oorarrrd oa tke Tyroao A ClearB.ld Railroad Wklle a trala of lweaty-,lk aeal earl wae belag ared ap the ejeaalela by throe eoglaea aae abead aad (wa paeblag tbo treat paihor, onglaa Xo. II, eaplodrd, kllliag lha oagiaeer, Jaaiee Caaipooll, la.taally, akd hlelly aooUiag tke reaiaa, Marrey Walerk, wba died the Belt day. Waten wal badly Maided aboat Ire year, ago by aa aeeldeal, wbleh eeeerred krar Ihla plaoa. Al tbo II are of tbe eapb.eww, Joha theaaaa aad War. Minor, two Lrekeeira, wart otillag aa aaa al Ike core eallag IheU hrrahlk,!, wkoa a panloe of Ike raglae loll apoa Ikna ad killed tkoaa la ataally. 11 etploebm raweed Ika rear ead of Ibe oIKclewkrw akl, end reraleg lae kagoea flat ep la lle'elf, k wal Berried rorward aret ; oae kaodrrd fael, ak,k M fell apoa lha Iwa aa- feeteaaea krakraMw, killlog Ibota Bad XraaellBk- laa Ibe u Ibo were la. Tbedooe, oil leoe . rvwlM m Mai TrroHO. whore tbae Con'rrrnor"Appointmrt. Me Coatral Peaaiylraala Coaferaaaa of Ika U. K. Chunk aloied III laaual ewilna al Hrrl,barg, oa Taaeday ef leu week. Tke Beat Confateaoe wHI eoor.oe la Ike oily of Wllllaiaipwl, lo Mareh, Ufa. Tke Ml wlag are Ibe aolgoiaenti al praaeheri la the dlffereat dlalriell t wiuiiKaroBT biaraii't. T. VlircaiLL. Praaidlng Rider, Willlaaiaporl PoMofllo,. WllllarappeH-Plae atreol, D. Muaroa, a W. Buralry, rap. Mulberry itreot, J, J. Pearooi Prloe Cbaiel J, A. Woodeoeh. J. F. Dalit, lup.i Third itreet, J, M. Lean, J. II. I'ol.grove, tup i Dewberry, K. U Yoruia. LyooBilBg J. Y. Roibmrb. Lavyaltoak!!. R. Ague. . BuBolllowa A. C. Croilbwatla. - Jaatetlawa-J. W. Rue. MoBleur,tlll,-A. M. Crelgblik. . . Maaoy A. B. Bowaiaa. MugbtarilleA. H. Iluovra. Muary Craeh-A. I). , , WaltoBlowB-A. V. Ulbma. MiiBlaailoe To be aupplled. eiiapart J. Ilray. MUtuu-A. D. Vaaata. . . ' i Lewlaburg R. II Inkle. Mitliaburg-M. P. Croaibwalle. BallaiLiburg-ll. Wlltoa. Ci'gae Valle Z. 8. Rhoae. Liberty Valley II. 8. Uady. Reltloa A. P. Wbartoa. Jertty uie W. O, Ueaeer. Piai Cre-J. R. King. tire.: I-I.kd D. B. MoCloahy. Lk B. Cre .bloa. Baloaa A. K. Taylor. . . . Beaea Cnek Roller. 1 Hlaert'l H.k J. B. Akert. Renuio i. UuBter. Wl.r1-To be luppllij. Uid)-T. . Paul. , BlkiBiui.hoBiBgl,. fl. Ilerk. . Kraporiauj 11. ?. Caret. P.a.ioM K. M. Ckilcaat. Wkartoa-J. B. Moon. Wert Creel-O. W. llahtr. K. J. Urty, Pretideut Wllliaraprt Ul. kii.i..i. SeatlBary, aod airraber of tho Mulberry Btrevl Querterly CoBferoooo, 11. A. Curtao, Prohtiur la K,y,tona 8ekoel, aad aitlabei of ihe Mulberry Blroel guar terly Coafrreaea. 1. M. Torreaea, Corrrepoadiag eeerotary of Ibr Peoaiylraaia Bible Boolety, ead aumber of Ibe Mulberry Blroel (laarterly Coaferaeoa, ttAtTILLB oiiTaicr If. B. BtrCKiNBHAM, PrnidiBg Rider, burg Potlomoo.' ' UaBTllle, Bt. Paol'o W, A. liooek. do Trlalty J. P. Moore. Rirtrtido J. T. Wlltoa. NortbamberlBud O. Warren. Wa,hloglaa,llle L. B. Croat. Iola J. Lloyd. Boohbora i. Horning. Bluoaiiburg J. 8. MeMarray. Itpy aad Light Street A. Biillala. OroogOTille H. 8. Meadeahell. BealaB--C. L. Boaacottr, R. LoTehad. B.rwitk J. U. MoUarrak. M.Biarllle-F. U oar heart. Roelb Utven-V . Fortoot. ' ', f I' J BtooailagdaleJ.T. Brown) I. Na Muurebaed. Mubleaborg-N. b. Bwilh. Bblekthioay J. Moorohoad. Whiu Ilarea-A. M. Keller. Hlekory Ruo-W. A. Career. Wealherly and Sloofcloa B. P. Klag. Btarer Meadow J. P. BeBlord. llatletoa W. W. Kraal. Jeanirlllo M. L. Drum. Ceayngkaai J. Blioe. South UabhorlvB T. 0. Clett, I. R. Bbipe. Cetawleea B. W. Stare. Klyiburg J. Uu, C. i. Booh. Saaaokie W. L. Bpotuwood. . Ctatraiia 0. M. Limed, lltlfinitaia O. V. Baridge. Mount Cornel N. W. Culbura. A.klaad A. M. Baraila. Trerertoa J. W. Feigkt. Boydortowk 0. H. Day. Kaabary J. A. DeMuyer. Pellatgrote R. T. Bworll. ' RABBIUITBe BiaTBICT. B. B. Baai.i, Pretldiag Xlder, Cbaubereburg Puttoflloa. Hamaborg, Uraoe Cuureb C. A. Holoaei. . Ridge Aroaue J. C. Clorke. do Bt. i'aul r-J. A. Meliek. da Filtk Blroel P. t. Eyer. -- d. Ml. PUoomI hi. M. Miooleb. Hew Oaoabarlaad S. M. Float. ' York, Flrat Cbarch 8. L. Bowbub. do Duho blroel 11. R. Reader. Wrlgbttrllle B. I. A. Dearer. Cattle Fia 1. 1. Creaar. Bhrawabary A. W. Oarer, J, Oeldla. MaauTar aad Mew Ollord A, R. Miller. Uotlyeburg M. L. Uoaoa. LitlleetowB 0. Hioka. York Springe-. A. MoKiadlaet, C. W. Mar. ball. j WalloTUIe J. H. Blaok. . . j . :','. .;!', Btadiriiillo T. H. Tubbt. Woyaotborw' J. U. MeCord. Urooa Caatlo W. V. Oaaoo. Choaibenbarl, Flrrl Charah W. D. Ferguroa, do King Blroel M. L. Smith. Mereoribarg T. M. Urlath. MoCoaaeUabarg i. P. Laag. ; J , Port Lllllatoa R. L. Araiitrong. Core E. W. Weaker. Bkipptatbarg H. C. Cbettoa. Urooa Village W. Moeet. ' ' Moat Alto A. R. Btodtr. Rehoboth aod Newt lint R. Mellellea. Cerliole, Firtl Caareb (J. Leldy. do Emory Cbopel To be lapplied. Mount llolly C. Urebera. Meobaaioibarg-W. Rink, 0. Ege, lap. Falrtiew aad Maryitilla-J. T. Kbbbbob. Duaeaaaoa W. U. Ktalb. Liverpool T. B. Wiloes. Newport J. W. Boekley. ' T. P. Ege, Pretldeal lrtiog Fetaale College, aad member of Ibo Meebaaieabarg quarterly Coaferoneo. . ' iualATA ptaTklct. M. K. t'oaarta, Pratidlag Eldet, Huallagdoa PolloSea. lluatlogdoa t. B. Riddle, J. R. Akert. Prtenburg W. A. Cllpplager. Meaor Hill W. R. Wkllkey. " . ' ; !' ' Kanlttlllo-W. i. Oweni. t! Moaat Union W. C. Rukblira. ' Newtoa Hamilton 11. M. A.h. MeVeylowB i. M. Jobanoo. Uraarllle aad Lewltlowa Juaelloa J. Mool- gomery. Lewltlowa 0. T. Orajr. i )',,. Freedom J. W. Ely. ' D .cater W. Boh ri bar. Milroy L. F. Smith. MlfliB T. Sherloob. Thompioaluwa M.C. Piper Port Royel i. W.OIeWiBe, W. PJ. Rowdea. New Bloomlald-O. W . Dnalap, J. 11.8. Clarke. Ooaoord 1. A. Ro, 0. H. Iloelea. . , Buret Cablet W, A. Mckoe. Hklrleytburg W.8. llomlla, P. Slrawlaahy. Three Bprlagt E Shoemaker. CaaetUle T. F. MeClare. MeCoaaelleloWB-J. W. RelL Halloa-W. MoK. Retry, A. 8. Beldwla. Evarell J. Dooabaa. Ray'a Mill B. White, J. F. Peaalngtoa. . : Bedlard 9. D. Feaepuker Bed lord Clrenll J. B. Boater, fohelllburg W. E. Ilooh)- , I'hMaaaitllbvo-eK A. Slngar. ' J i ' kLTIrOBA BltTBHT. T. M. Raaaa, Preeldlag Elder, Altooaa Pelt eftoo. Altooaa, Pilot Ohorob ). Carat. do BigblhAToaeo S. C. Swallow. do Charlkut Aeonue J. W. Lrehle. Holllda;tbarg-H. C. Pardoo. fiaaoealvlllo-A. W. Deeher. Marllaebarg-J. W. Creator. VTIIIIaaaaarg-J. W. UaugbawoaL Logea'l Valle; W. M. Memlager. T;raao R. Wlltoa. Port ataCUk-- eeet. "llileebarg Vj. W. Ow;aa. Cattia'a aa Phreaeat Oaa-W. 8. Wiliea. Howard ft. a. Oolbara. Peeie'l TaUe;--0. W. Boaee. Delleleale 8. W. Hillee. Half Meea-wt.Uaver. riaa arwro-4. A. IHtoa. Warrlor-t Marh-J M. Cle.ha. Blrmlaadjaa-ll. - Whartow. -. Phllipebarg-Bl. UBmrrar. . Urabamtea-H. Lira, T. H IwMaer, top. , Oaeeola I. Heekmoa. I krukeld B. F. Bleeeat. ' lowd-d. - BelL CTeeraeWCIreall-W. II Din, i. Aadarooa Carweaeeilbr t. B VBaag. . Lumber Cllj F. Adamt. New Wnakingtow W. H. Hete)raee. Ilea Mripw-W. W. Ilaemire, U. el. teator. Baw Bkoo el. F. I'ralg. reoereee HIB I. Bdwardt, Hi-i T. MieallMt. f.V W. Deea, PrVleeeor la Slata AgvvaBllaral VoNego, aad mealrrr at taa rine arm , W. Kara'ebaw, fhtplala at "atloaal ArVlem Par Dieabled rMeriora, alerloa, Oaba, aad awabor of Ihe Unmeet "ark tjwartarr; wwwi 1. P.. B;kl wad at. . fa Chhia. Kns.iarinu the In.nhcint. Tho follow a It o aopy af a lithograph leu or, whlih, waaaallag tt't Philada:rhia ptrllei, aalllag IkemteltM II a; el, Arllogioa A Brother, bat beta Mai ta thaalorrti of young glrll la all parll af las Rial l MiM ' Oat agtr.1 hil boaa throagh your eliy Ihla monlb, not ipeoletly by at to gather the namea of eultibll young ladtoe, ta whom we to glveoiat'b'yuaeol lor at l,a,t four muatb, ilunag the eomlag Bumutar. We, or aouree, weal oumely and reipeeloble.luwhiag people, aod yriuraame it OB our egvBI'e rrpurt. Vie bare been eelrrted by the Centennial Uuuimllleo la ragage tor there at lean two buedrvd youug Inrllte lur tbe purpoer of alteading tu Ibn Hower-alaud,, act aa eaaliiera la Ibe evreral relre,kuieBl drperluieBie, eoil nek ill lur Ike greud eloialor, lake ebarge or aow, lead,, tell piotuh-e, gubie-book,, ku., ailaod tu eo.ia woler luaataiue, and mnny elhar ligbi and repeeieble eilueltuu,. lleaiUt't pa log you noli, ,ay Hum Ik to Ilk per work, laoludiag your wuola, yuu will kava a kne uppoituaiiy ol torinx III, Oiai.d Ceoitni.lnl Kabtbiliub erery day. Yuu will, Ifceielore, tie Ibe uweetity of realying enrly, ee we weut lu innaa-e evernrly we w.mi by Ibe uiliiiiltf nl April, end hove Ibrin IhiirtiBKhly drilled nnd poali d by ibe lliuathe Kattilriiion upene. We bavu decldtd lu aelvi'l )oung lediwt Irtui out ol lowtt, befallen Ibe ai'lbbu,IHg elllltel ebould Ire beuehhud oa oell no I'blladelpbia. Of aoartr, yuur itirult will ultjeei lu yuui ieai 10 home. It would, ikerelure, be ket lur you 10 any Bittfcing nb .ut Ibie uoiil you are bore, end tbt-n write lo there. ' llnwetar, you eall du n, yuu ploaae aboat Ibal Mo uuuid like tu kw.eyoa here by Ibe Ink ul April. Auewrr llnmpiliaivly, when we will ,-bd )uul leuer of lurlrui-tfoii, bow tu ouioe 10 PkilaOiitibla, buw lu ,te at, aud buw to pruoeod. Vuur waui-i will be deehliii at tuun aa you eoui,, and paid lo yua in auiaiioo tor ibe Itie. luur weekl, eoiiiweueiiig llm day alter yuu gel here." The ultiluatu ubjiel uf Ibvae fait p row lain ntldi Bo tlilauatina, and II ll to be hoped that bulb pareall and thildrea will bo uu their guard. Auoiber nude of ealoblng thi unwary ll let forth la Ibe folluaing ndterluruienl, auw bring publi.bvd la Ibe dally papera ! ' "WfANIKK-ID ENKRUKTIC MKN To at- load oluuda 01 aa toipluted Bijieily at tbe t:tuiuunirfl. lur wbieh lllieret waKoe ire ollered. Addrere. with parilvulart and nlenuoit, eae aar'ey oil ai ull lur G.oire,puoi!eitae with relrrenee. An.. . M, liiuker,, No. Uowtry, New York. Itr k'.pt that nooeul tbe nailer, ul Ibo Hri I Mi lN are rerdent ikuugb to be eeugbt by aaek llilu irbi una at then. We ware all lo beware ol alierpura ucd pick puckclt duriug Ibe progrvaa ol tbe great b'lblblliol Stkam Tannkby BuBNED.-Tholttrjro team tannery at Pbillpiburg, operated by Meort. White A Boo, wal deatroyed by Ire oa Wedaeedey Bight of laat week, tbe 2111 b alt. Thie ailabllthmtnt wal built la 170, tad waa lean by M-atrt. W. B. While A Bow, who ware burned out al Oietola la Hay laal. Their lot, II maltd al (31,000, apoa wbieh there ll aa lu.or aBoe of 421,101. Tbo toil of tbo owaarl, Maura. Munoon, Holt A Co., ll eat dowa at $4I,U0 aoT .red by aa Inturaootof IM.IMIO. Tbo dtttraelloa of tbla laduttrlal ailabllibmaal tbrowi arar a ante of mro aat of employment. How the Bra arlglneted, Be ooo aetma to know. Whaa ditaor trod by too watehmaa, tho oaglaa hoato waa la fall blau, oa Ibal ba wal anabla lo reach Ibo wblitlt aod girt the artillery alarm fir help. He woa either etltap, or aol attaoding to bi, builoeei. The Fbilip.borg .foaraaf, ta allodia g to lha dliaeter, tayl t Tba taaaary wal built by Meteri. Mnntoa, Holt, While A Oo, la 1170, ead wat aaa of the large,! in Centra! Paaniylra aia, baring a eapaety ot JO.000 eldet per year, aad aoa.ltttd of a mala building IdxKO, a leach kueee ISilSO, Bad a lolling bout, abeat gOaoO. II oaataiaed one hundred eala, lea large looobol. Iwa hark ralllt, aad wal Iliad throughout with tba BMt apprertd arraagemaotl and mecboaitm kaowa to tbo bnalaett, aad wal arerled at a eoit or 841,001, for balldiaga aad maohiBory alone. Wklle A Boa owa all tba barb, 1,900 eorde, wortb IIO.vOO, all ef whiok waa tared, and Bad 1,400 tidet af leetker la the loft, eTery tide of which waa buraed. Or 100 rolled (flaitbed) aidea ready for ihlpplng, only aboat 101 were tared. There wen 11,10 tldea la Ibe Tata aad pool,, wbieh will he damaged to a greeler or leu oileal. Tbe liquor did aol otL-api from tbt tela, aad tba ildea will not bo damaged to muob by Iba heal oseept a few Bear tho lop of tbe tata-al by the arreat at Ibe iroeel of tanning aad lha ttaioing of Ibeea by removal la eama olhor lan arry lo be Iniibeil. A new bark mill bad been put la oa tbe day ef tba Ire. Two earl loaded with bark, wklek wata aa tba track bttwoea Ihe leach houaa aud tba left, auuld aol ba reached aod ware barood." ( io oa Si pervisokb, Ijook Hrnr! Wo call the atleation al SurierrlKir,, and Ibe publio gea erally, la Iba 13d aad Xlh teetleai af tbo aat af Aaaembly, tpprorrd Ibe 1.1th day of Juat, 103H, (Parduo't Digttt, vol. I, ptgt 1,179) wbiob ntda aa follow! t a Tbo Bupr-rvitort or every lownablp ihallttaaa kmii, to Be erected at lha lOUreeotiea uf all pab- Fie roadt wllhia tbelrretpeetlee lowntblpt (wbtre treee an aol eoaeealeBlj with board, Irmly died tbercoB, aad iadel-haade puiBting lo ibe diree- tiua of enek road, oa WBloa ooarua roan oe lo Mrtbed, Ib lerga, leglbla akaraetert, lha a are, of ihe lowu, village, or piece, le w blob each roedt may lead. Bad tbe diatoaea thereto euenputed m milet. "U any Suportlror ihetl, after tea elaya per eeeaf aolice, aogleot ar nlaea ta pat ap or keep la complete npeir, indel.botrd, ee efuroeeid, eueb Soperrleor thell, for every look nlTonee, fur frit aod pay a tarn ant oaceodlog lea dollort." It la wall kaowa that thit daly ll greatly erer looked by Suporeliori. We kaew tkal at aaay of oar oroti-road, la thla eouaty, an gaido-boordi an lo bteaaa. Ib wbi of Ibo lowaablpl, Ihla daly la almoet wkolly aegleolod la the great aa aoyaaoe of atraagart aad Ibe traveling oommoal ty. If the above rettitat of Iba law ware felly carrier out, atach II me aad aaaoyaaea wauld bo obviated by both travel, and relldeat tilllena. HuiiDiN Death. David Shadle, of Bulfale Hub, Centn ounaty, aayi Ibo BeUelOBta Jf.auefi'eaa, of laat week, wal lannd dead la kit liable laal Friday morning, lla had aatea kit break felt appaiaatly al well at aaaal, Bad weal U Ike bara aa feed bit eowa. Al ha did aat n Uro, bit toa Juteph want out to Ice wbttdatoia- ad him and found him dead aa ahura dreoribed. He wa, l bob about II J ear, of age, aad Had beoa aa inua.lrloBe, hard-woralag Baa all hit Ufa. Wherever bo bet werhod It baa alwayl btaa laid af hla that ba would perfurm at lailh fnl a dat'l worh nl nay man la Iba Bounty. lie never tllnblod anything. When tuok a lailbfel hoaeel worker la ukoa oal af aay eommoaity ll la a reel loot aol oaly la the Irleeda aad nla tlvaa abo love hiui, but to lha commanily la which ba hat lived aad labored. About Iwa munthi ngo bit wife died. Clearpikld Coal Trakb. i?tste- meal of Cool nnd other frelgbll teat ovar lha Tyrone A Clrarleld Dlvltlon, Peaatylvnnla Rail road, fur tbe weeh ending March llih, 1IM, aad tbo tame time laal year I real. Fur the week Kama liaia latt ;aar, tone, .... It.frll ... :2.:ir Incrraea Prevloael; daring ;rar Heme liuie lew )eor Inoreaee..... Toltl la IK70 4a,Vl Hta,44 Same time Met ear - .. Inerenra Latnbnr .....,. hlircrllaneoul Ireighl ,111 eert. , 71 " V. II. Hwru, locl cdilor of the llolllda;,barg Alaadaret, wal lain lo tht laeaao A.rlnm al Harrltbarg, a few do;,, toot, for treat - mint. Hit deraBgeaual ll tho reeult or a reeoal tevero Ulnae,. It ll boned that II ll bal lema. rtrr, and Ibal hit roeeoa will be tpeedll; rettorad, ' Bptttul: Sri-acf Bcneol I There will he a Seleet Beheol b.ld la tbo Tillete af Bigler, la Brudford town ekip, b; D R. Retlorf, lo eoamtooe aboat the lit da; af Ma; . Applieatlona reeeivad anlll tba lllk al April meaaa-e. Braaiaa Fob Satk. R. Nowlaa Skew keep! a fall aappl; of Fredoaia Baggiea and riailorm Wagone for eale. To be ores at the Hbew Hoaa, ;ard. Cell aa ar addrere hla al Ulrarleld Peno ylvnnla. aa; ll-tf. A Pari Wartk ataortlne;. ite. eoa enlerind wHh Coaeumnlioa, Coagba, reere Celdt eettled oa the aa;dleraae ef Ibe Throstead Laogir llaa.goio;ourarug. .i.ia. c. D. Helena, or HariawH-k A Ireia, d eat a kotlle of Botiua'a Oaenaa u..r Tkia medieloa kee laltl; I lei red need from Uermaej, and U eelliog aa lu owa merlle. Tke peeplo art goiag wild ova lie aarae,,, aad draggleU all aver ear ooaalr; are Hiloee. of lutereeemeog Ikelr eaelomrre. If yea with H Ir; III toptnor Tlrlat. get a Samplt aellH I OT (O eOBU. aaarge ee Three doeee wiu roiie.t -J rae- . Tr; 11. apro,'7aouwl; HAVB VOU TMIEO IT I We eree l ikal rrmarhable eoapoaad whleh alaatt rear; oae kai tried, Dr. Harm' B;rap af Tnr, Wild Ckerr; aad Horekeaaa, lor uoagno, r .14. HloaJ aniitraa. weak laaee, Croaa, Wkoop- ing Cough, Annan, Broaehllle, and all dleoaeti of the laate or larool. Probabl; aa almllar are. aoralloa ever before ta natebl; feaad lla wa; lata auntie lever aa lha. lit aala la aw, aomaaolt; ia olmnlr eoereroaa. Thoao whs kava oeea ar.eeal.tad a otae aa-salled rsmodloa, are ..ii. haeii,j to to trw thlo. Bo tars ba ... lie. Marria' Hvrea af Tar, 0d Uksrn aael HarraasBw. laero are ameUlleae a aha aaarhat. Loot owl Itr Jkaa. .ehw .loea ad e aad Ota. wolar, gjetaaeoj-v Wataoa aad Hortew ak A trwla, Cbrerloia, Pa. aahltmwlf . " look" Hia'a, Jaanaaa l-t ltave a let af pern kuwB td wkiok I waat le trade off for Uete, Bead II along, aad eoaa aad ooanl your cub. Caak far aala. Ji. L Laarr, Claarnald, acb II, 'Ti lt. HM, REKII'k) LOCAL, Wa. Rood hu Jail retuiB.d from No York aad PhllBdelphla with a handtome tlnek of now Sprlag Good,,. New Carpel,, Oil Cli lbl. tie. Dee. I, lift If. . Utarrifd. At Ihe realdenee of tbe bride', father, lu Blui Hull, on Tueailer, Mereb IKih, IHJrJ, by the Her. II. 8. Butler. Mr. Juba B. Wrlgley, or Lewrenei Inwoablp, nleerheld county, end Mitt L'Ht'e Miller, ol llogga towoahlp, Cl,aileld acaniy, Pa At the reeidenco of Pamuel Mnrynn, Fq., on Tueailay, March lllb, lI, by Rev. J M. Meeoo Mr. Ilenjamia Morgan ami Mitt Mary A. Lloyi, bolh of lloutadle, ClearBeld Bounty, Pa. Railroads. l'ounnylvaula Railroad TYKONS t CLEARFIELD BHANCB ON aad after Moedaj, 1RC. t, 1875, the I'aitenaer Train, will rua dally lekcept Sua- dayi) bttweoB Tynao and Clearfield, at followt CLEARFIELD MAIL, W. C. Inwta, Conductor. bKAVk HOlitiL lLEAVE NOliTuT Curwauaville..l:ll, r.n.1 Tynna I.05,i.a. UlearlelrL. 1.40, Otoeola... 10 JO, Pbll.nabara 4.411, Phillpaburg...lO.I7," Cloarkeld .... 11.45," Curaeaiville..lS:7, O.oeola. ......... 1.07, fyrune, CLKAKF1ELD EXPRESS. W. 8. PLttaaaa, Coaductor. " j.BAV KSOtiTII. "1 KAVOBTir CnrweBevllle...i.OI 1. a. Tyrone... 7.00 r.. Clrarleld..... Ill Pbllipaburg.. 1.31 OtceolB ....... 1.00 Interocolioo.. I.eO Tyrone....... 1.07 IourMoliua..7.07 ' Oaeeola 121 " Phillpaberg ..117 " Claarleld,or...l.4 " Carwenavillt.10.07 M BALD EAGLE VALLEY BRANCH Etp. Mall. Mail. Eip r. a. r. a. A. a. . w. 1.41 leave Tyrone arrive 1.31 7.01 1.14 Bald Kagle l.ll 7.44 1.17 Joliaa - 1.31 I. II 11.11 Miloabarg ill 1 21 10.41 Bellarooto 1.00 1.3k 1151 Mileobarg 4.41 1.01 11.21 Howard 4.10 1.41 arrive L. llarea lean 1 15 l.Oe ll.OI 11.46 11 I ill; 11 o.t ll.ll TYRONB STATION. BAITWAB0. A W Paeile Eiproaa, 1:10 Harrltbarg Aco'at, 8:48 WktrwABB. A a Pltlibarg Bip'aa, l:4 Pacllo Expretr, 1.31 Way Ptitenger, l:0r Mnll Train, l:4 Fait Llae, IM . rt Mail Trala. 3:22 AtlBBtlc Kipretl, - 0:47 I'bila da Kaprtaa, iomu PHILIPSBURO A MO81IANN0N BRANCHEP Oa and after Minder, October loth, 1171, Ar eemmodetioa Train! will rua avtr Iba Philip,. burg and Murhanaua Brenebee, aa followa i J LEAVE SOUTH. LEAVE NORTH. Station! Morriadale, Pbillpiburg, BteiDer'a, , llenber, Oroeula, Moehaanoa, Sterling, Honiadale, . Metauley, Kondrickt, 7:11 li:li 1:25 7:11 1:40 7:10 1:14 i 7:41 1:50 7:50 1:51 10:30 1:00 1:13 10:41 lib Mil 10:41 1:11 t il H:I3 1:15 7rOI 1210 4:31 12:12 4:' 12:04 4:2: ' 11:55 4:1, . 11:11 4 11:33 :: 11:37 1:4', 1:2 10:18 1:21 11:24 3:14 1:13 11:03 1:35 11:20 1:11 FARE FROM CLEARFIELD, TO BallefoBta. Pa 81 05 Mlddletowa S5 0t MarialU.. I 01 Loch llavea. I 70 Wllllemeport. 100 HuntlngrioB M I 00 Lewltlowa. I M Maryerllle- 4 50 UAHKIBBDRU... 4 75 Laneneter I II PHILADELPHIA 715 Alloonn I It Jehaatowa.......... I H' PITTHBLRO I II Cloae oonaectioae made by all tralaa al Tyroat aod Look uavea. B. B. BLAIR, my17-tf. BBperiBlendsat. Allegheny Valley Batlroad. LOW GRADE DIVISION. ' f N aad efler Monday. Deoember I7lh, 1175, f. t Ibe aeeetnBer train, will rua daily feteep' Huadeyl ketweea Bad Bonk knd Driftwood, ar fullowt t ' KABTWAHI). Hay Mall travel Pltllbury 1:25 a. a . Red Beak 1 1 ill I aligo Jaaelloa 1 2:01 New Bethlehem 1:00 p. a Maytvllle l:U: Troy 1:81 1 Brookvtlo!:l0 Fallor', 1:23 Bty noldtvlllo 2:45 Dullolil:14t Summit Tunue I . II i Penleld 1:50 I Weelvllle 4:lt Ilenetelli 4:44 i arrive, al Driftwood al 1:31. V KKT W A I) Day Mail Iravet Driflwooo 12:11 p.m.! BraotrlU 1:14 1 Wredvllle 1:81 Peolold l:ll fummll Tunnel 1:11: DoBoi,l:.1k. K,yaold,vllle8:03: Fol,.r',l:J4 ; Hrookville l:51: Troy 4:11 1 Maytvllli 4:35 1 New Bethlehem 4:41 : Bilge Jenotnie 1:111 1 Rod Baak 1:45 arrival en Pilttbarg at 1:51 p. a. Cloee coaaoctirrBi ande with Irnlol oa P. A E Rnilrntd at Drttteood, aad with tniBt aa thi Allrgbeay Valley Rellmed et Red Bank. DAVID McCABUO.Uaa'l Sap'l. A A. Jacaaoa, Sap'l U O. Dir. 3tw g.dcj-rtlsrmfnts. C AUTION. All rjeroeao are herebe oawtioned agal aat par ohaelag or in any war meddling with the fi.llow log aronertT now la Ihe aa ion of Prank Cola greva, of Wallaeelea borough, vit : One ba mars, ana Barrel mere, oae oow, two limber eled,, Ibraa liabor chaiaa, aaa eolllag boa, one aowtag macbiae, al Iba eama wae numbered br me et Coaatabla'a aala aa the 17th dar af hlareh, 107a, and la lea with kla aa kma oaly, aubjeot to mj order at aa; time. M. V. TUKNBH. VYallaeotoa, P .. April I, ll!l !t QAUTION All aerenat ate hereby eautloned ngalaat parehailng or in eny we; meddling with Ibe fol lowing proaerie aow la Ibo aoaeoaaioa af Joko Hoaa, al Wallacotoa boreugb, vlat One red oow, aonk Blove. OBO llkh. OOO Bet OhOiM. OBB bed, aaa aoaghlray, aaa table, one ebeot, one deak, one eloek. aa taa tame wae tiarooaarw , Coninnble'l tare oa taa illb da; of Mareh, 1171, aad it Ian with blm aa Mob obi;, imijeoi io re. order at aa; time JAMFS II. Tl'KNKR. Wallaeetoa, l e., April a. lero-Ji. N OT1CE.- All mtbob art herahv aottietl that too rat- low in c rieeeribed property t now at logaa Coal CoaioaBT'a tnlnea, Bear Oaoeola, and lo poHoaal f Riebard J. llugbea Co., beloogi to tta, and ia left with aaid Uut haa Lo. oa loan, aud l eabjett to ourordera, rn: r urty two oaoB wag uaa. I area Dirrrii 01 on, on wmt owairw, nincai tatib'a taoie, bellowa, nvilt, Iron, tttel, and all tbe material! la aaid abop. Alao, plaek, rail. trope, eape, aad tlea at aaid aolnee and on fatd ogan Coal Otiaapaay'i leadi. IdlVKKIUIlT HIIO B t'U. Otoeolo, April I, '7 U. C AUflON.' All aertoBl are berrb; waraed egala ,t par. obailag or In an; we; meldliag with Ibe folluw. lag propert;. aow in me poeaeeaiea 01 rtnnam A. hlegonnglo, nt the hotel, in Jnncsrllle, Cleer leld oouat;, Is wilt II bade and bedding, I barren., II ebalrl, ll ar waah atandl, eariei,, I oooh Here, tad aleoiilt, aad an other perenwai preport; owned nnd eajo;ed b; tbe laid VYillioa A Magooegle, while proprltlor of tht Kr;ttiar Hotel, al Tyroee, Pa , aa we bought Iba ,ama b bill of eale dul; eteeulod Dee. Inth, la7t, and are mere); allowing William A. Megoaagle tbe net or the lama at aur nltaiure. jr.PP.PII WILLIAMS, JOHN IKKTT, HAITIIbWKTIWAHT, D. O. MULIIOLLES. T;rowB, Pa. April I. '71 II. QAUTION.- All portsal an aerolr; aaalroaed agslttt par ebaalag ar la aa; wa; aeddllng witb tbe follow ing propert; aow la tha noeteaalea of Wa. Bell, of Ureeaweod towoehlaj, vi t . One eloek. I lamp, hllehra enrpet, I etoro, 1 table,! ,ele ebaira, I eopaoara, I etek, I doaghtra;, I bade and bed ding, I log Bled, end ebaiB,, I plow,, 1 bugg;. I fro; borre ul I a rare., I he; aero, I be; koras, oet of karaeet. I wegoa, 1 7,001 aahle feel of Mk asd plae limber aa keek of Baaejuekannn river at Hell o laadiag aad Hruraokea t aeaa weerr, I addle Bad bridle, I ealllvalora, 1 grata eradle, I thraihlag aaehiae, I wind Kill, I ratling boa, od . lot af llraw. .1 Iba tame wa. naiabeaed bv ma at Sheriff 'I tela aa the llih af hlareh, aad la tefl with hla oa lona onl;, rabjert tn a; oriiernl ear time. I BAHPTUII Bklrla. Bower, AprU I, l"Te-H. QADTION. All pereonl art hank; eeelMraed agaleal aar BhaalBg ar Ib aa; wa; aeddliag with the follow, law aioworlr. tear ! ,wo a I.a af I. t A. dohatoa, of ureeowaod towoahlp, tIi t Oao bmwB aara aad sett, aae brewa ham, eaa ealliag aol, twa log aledt aad aaalaa, aaa ;ahe af ansa, twa aa ;ehea, twa eewa, was Better, i oow aaa pigt, Ibraa ehoataa, tlgbl aboep sad bam be, aaa alad aill, twa alewe,sae grata aradls, 4 af fsihi, ana harraw, taa aere. af wheal ia lbs grated, let at hoalsek boar da, lot af komleek leg a, about 11 nai aaba feet of aoalook limber SB baak al But rfoabaaea river al Bella dam, aaa eel af limh,r wkeolt, aaa karoau, aaa olook, fear Bed. aad bee. diag, aaa eepbeerd, eee alak, Iwa eel. ef sbalrt, owa rsok oleTB, owe roeta Here, Bad Iwa Ublot, ee tke aaas wai parahaaad h; aa at Hheriff ' aala oa the llih do; ar aeiek, 1171, aad It loll wlik eatd Jekoeea aa aaa sal;, sables! is sar srdsr at sajllBS. J- r- .HUklloOri, t. W. MOyhB. Caiwwaaelllt, April t, fill. Ad', al D. (ell 1.0TICE Td TAI-PATERS." In acoordanot mUh Art of the Unefl Ai- Mnblj of IhU Coinpii'tiW''""',i ( proved tbe fia day ! MmIi. A. U t J lhiFui.lo ncitp i.rvv.d ibt I1 d7 f April. A. D. 172, reUitnK lo lh to limit ion of i.twi (a lb Muutjr of 01 i r flvldp" Rolira U ltHrA re htreby iva lu ikm U fiMjtrt ft -Mi hk I tht diitrtoU b-luw Dm -d, tbal ihu CiiuDly Trwiurer, la unooriliiBe with lha art oud irrtluB ol u. Act, wtl all to I at 'In .U. H ul' bo'iliiiM lit' nrtJHpil' tJWibii fltriiorii on h Ml-wiM nttnfd ') "f "' turpi f r mWIwj i In. l i-uiii) aid hta' tr a-M--.-d tr lb ).ar IK.!. : l IW rirarriild Brftu'i aa) l-awr-noa Ii.hiiiH(, '1 l.timta.. -i d 1-ritbji Mat 4ili and At U. Kir iiiu In a i(,ai tn,t5i.iiii'laj,,Wai ib, from f III I N OJIWUBl. j lui tilimii li-wi .Ms M"n ly. ()! hot Kaiftiotttn 4Tiirlitr. Tuai-ilay, May V b. 1 K.r tTlti(4i, Hatlu"(lv. lOia. r uI.hui ii.nfliin, Tliurn, M iy lltli. Kor JJitrrli ! tt-biir. Kri'l-y, May lllih. I-.if ilr-.llo.d tuwuhln),, ilny l ull. Kor Wwodttiiid tuwoi(, Minnln, M it litb Fur HimlidaU buruutft Unndny, iiy Uih. . Fur UpcpuIi botniijb. 'I'uoBdity, Mujr Iflili. rur lit-calur liiWDlnp, I'madaT, liny Itttb. Fur lli'KHR lA'ttBebii, Wi diif-day, Ua ("ill. Ki r ViKiismifn biiroivrk) WBdiiaxJiy, .Miy ITlb, frmu 6 tu ID.4U uVI:l. Fur Koni lawtiitii(i, TUar day. Mij ft" in tu 4 flliioa. 1 Fur tikt loanahlp, Kl J-;, Ma; 19th, (mm U to 4 o'oluck. For turavoavilla buruBifb, Hatnrday, May tOth, Irm 9 to 1 orlarti, For tinun toirnahip, HodJ-i)', May 221, fruit. 1ft 10 4 O OliX'fc. Fur Hiin-liaratcr, Tui-4i M-y tld, frwui 7 to li, j F..r liMulflllc Tua-id4. May 2M, fnun I to fi, For l.mborabara. Wo luaaday, 24th, V to 4. For liaooia ivaiii-bip, f iiuiaiiay, 2tb,froiB It) tu 4 Fur I'lnn luambip. f'lJay, JUlh. Iri-ia V lu . For IlaoB ti'WB'p, wtutiiay, SUli,lrin. 10 to 4. Upwo all tan al I io tf Trta-turrr tb"ra will bo a mitiei'oD ol bv fT emi., bil flva jer cot alii bvoddtd altar tbo Aral day ol July nxf, to all aopaid Uai'i, uvklng a uiuiirenct it it,n tir f-nl. to piuinit iax iijcr. ranirai crh, torn tbo brat ol May, pay tbvlr taa at ta. irfanunr'a flioa. 'Ib bu..ii.u o (le ditrict wlll b vlailvd ailvr Jut a t'utirt. TrtMurar OOica, ll. M GAI OlIKV, Ckarfild, 6, '.o. ) i Trt-aaurrr. UUUVGH SXATIOaMKNT, A Stitrmflnt or Ptrfrt kol I'oor rut.'! o! CltarCald Borough, for ink at Ft' so DR. To balanea dB tatt oattlMinait 47 01 to amount amatad lur ma..., 1,919 bo 1.922 00 By oriicri and eooponi redeemed. .I.I'M 4T i j tbaiooicDt allowed taipayora 67 Ci i y dutilieata plooad hi t'oaat. 4ao4i...- 324 10 By bal. io band- ol Ui-t. Irtaaurai . 80 Si $1,022 00 Agg'egata attonnt of Darnagh Bondu Uaaed aod outitaoding. -Ji.U'O Od t-oon n aoi ph- To bal. lo Diit. Trraa. bantl on lha lt day el Uoaary, I8,0. ....l3 IB Va, the wndaritgned Atditora of Clearflald borough, havo atauintd tha aeeounta aod roach -era of iiaaa Juhniua, Ditri't Trauurer, Mating a tho Strtet and Poor food fur U7i, and Hod iba lama eorrret, and we ud tba mm of thirty bibo dollar and thlrty iwo irata (10.S2) aa bal anea Ib laid Traaturar'a haBla, a wall aa tbe lam of thraa hundred and twnlj four dollari and olneteen oeota ( In tie binda of Cnni-ulgra HoClelbiB fur oollertioB. Ibo amount of Vuor Fund in tho Jilatrict Trcaiurer a banda ia one hundred and Bighiythreo dollara and alKtaen oOBia ($183.16), loo oulitanding liorouitb Bondi ex fire thouvand one hundird diiilari ($i,100.) WITMMsHeor bandi at Clrarfteld ihit ath iaj ..f Febnury, l-;fi. . . . b. KKKU, B.A. BIULKR. April i, loll-lt. 1 Audiuwt, JpAHMERS, LOOK HERE! F. M.(ARim &M0., Would eall Ibr allenlloa of Farmer, lo tho fa-l , , thai tb.j are raoelvlag I ONE CAH LOAD OF . . Hebron's Patent Lock Level Tread Thresh Machines, 0N CAR LOAD OF CHAMPION MOWERS and REAPERS ' OuMIIINKII And Iwa kiud, of GRAIN llRILLS FARM ERS' FAV0RITK k FABME1I8' KUIKNll. All tha ek.ive Macblae. will be mid CHEAP for CASH, or anbaaged for good ROKBK-S . j and FAT CATTLE. . . Tbejr hard alto a lot of new , TW0U0BSK ROAD WAUONS, Which Ifaoj will dirpoto of la tbo tame mnnner. Our Tbrothera, Keeper, aad Prilll are of tha belt mekee In ibe eouiitrv.end werraaied rH eBei la etely iariieBlar. ' Call al eur tneat market la Pie'l Opera lluuae nnd exeaiBO laeea maobiBoa. . F. M. CARUON k BHU.. CleailrW, Pa March 21,'T - rilE 10fT CAUNE. A MAGNIFICENT Pacta re I4al8 luabea In alae, printed ow henry plate paer, beeulirut daafgn and art ii tie In aaecatioit. li repraaaata t Coolederata Holaiar after the war rotuming to ill home, wbiob he find kndy and denoUte. In root or tha rataad oottaga, telling a aaa talo ot the eaieeriee of war, are two grorei with radr roeaea. oa one of which en me friendly be ltd hue bong a garland. To the right Lha eaim rirer ami ha riaing ntuuB tniieata peaoe ana rmt 10 iar aeea tbroneh tba tree. rrnrent ibn South ern Croa. It le a cloture that will luurb every HoutBt-rn hjart, and ehnuld And a place In every Haaibero boaao. Bent by avail mnotrted oa a oiler and pnat-paid to Teccipt of H A et Utt, or S or 60 eeate. AddroatJOHN DmROW i CO.. Publiehera. U hi a rut., Ttvoa. aarAKenta wanted everywhere tn toll oar aheap aad popular pi at art a $ lo $li) per day eaeily nado. No mnoey requlrvd until piolurra are aeld. ftond atamp foreatalogeeaod urtaa. Mb 21. Ta tt, v FaatiBB'l OrtfOB Book rr ritii.AnKi.iriu aeB run Caxt aNHlAt, Kxhiiitiub. I'nee reducel t TFNfFlMTS Mae the Map puhiiabvd. gfjlILI,; how. ntt tbe liieatiOB ol 40 of the pioiameni plaaa uf imerent oa Ibe Oreat Centennial Urimndi A hetti r bui-k than any of tbo 19 cat llaidn (lOhlribad. Snbiee prioo to John W. PraalfT. 4-0 Walnut it rem, fbilarilelpBla, anil gel oop of mum man. RICHARD HUGHES, Jl'STICK OF TIIB PKACK rot nrratnr Tof nnhlp, Ototola Milba P. O. II oAelel hntinaet aniratled to him will bt promptl; attended In. aoh29, '7H. SWITCHES! SWITCHES II MRS. 8. J.BROWN, woald oall the attention uf the Udla of Clenrrtetd end flfllolty, ta tbo feet d) at abo ba fltted up a balr d retting room and wlH nuke SWITCHES, LUH.8 ASO FRIZZES to order. Tall aod tee for yuu reel rrt, aa he bwpe abo cut, tileaee all who will give her a trial. 1.1 HH. H. J. I.KOWN, Market ttreri, I dntra enat ol' AUvgiieny Hunae, ClaarUeld, March li, l 4 1. aTTention, black HILLS MEN I D1A a M9 or repfating of bo at mtkai, at HinCS, all prieiw frota M v'l. a it DnuVileanrl elngl tnittiU enl AIIUl UUin, breach loading, -! to t Q. nnrnliiiM .? f--h.ilere fur hall A ftp ISrUMX T, or h.-I-l iHrtriitttM L t 60 tu Hi. Call and aae or onto for lllualrate'l price Hi I. t.RKAT WP.nKH" tiirm HOHKH. ifHft Libert) tftrect, HiUbuinh. Pa. aiar. 22, '75-lm. 4 TKI1 A V?'" 7'''or of Ptmrntg fW If AallLrir 9im thonrtt ai-tileaiente ifireiriii to tbe pr. wBt. II YVillUm M AUL.tliX Comrll, IdL, D. Nearly ifl largr acta v a pagea. Over 7a Boe iMuatraliona. Hu full biatory of our State ha been Utued for orer a half oratory. Agran will reeeiea a rordial wel eme la introdueiog thil iplt-ndtd work A rnrw eanaee. Wo want local aei-nta in every tcwrtnbiti. Wtilm at aaee for full BtrtlTotare and obulea of territory. AddreM, lafuettr tliy rublirbing Co, J04 Kouth 11th HI., .'hilatjelpbia. Mareh 16, '-4t. pLASTEit " We ere firepared ti ahlp Ilia eelrbralod 0ayga Land fit tier, inert ground ready for oae, to all atattoaa en the Ciatrlleld railroad Ib ear load of t write nnd fuareen toot, at very low prWa. Contignora' treigf t In all oaael to bo peld for. Kor iartiriilara,aildreT)t BIIOKTWimH A CO., tlrlirfuBtf, Pa, March 22, la; I dt. 1) IKSOLUTION,- Notiro ta heretj glrn that tba ttartaerahip herttufore oiiiting and doing ba ike etc under tbo area heme of UroBi. Lithtner A Co., at Whit ora ran. Beeaario lownaiw. waa ditto Ired bv taalual eaaaont on tbo Ad day of July, 1176. Tho bueka ef tbo laid Brm are ib tbo bead! el uourgo Uroom, for aelUeBieot. 4.H00II, UOIITNKR 4 CO. OIpb ll()ie. Mareh U, HT It D ISHOliDIIOS.-" Tk. eo nnrtnerrblp hereloforent lal Ina bol ween Kill. km. el aad laeea iklael. aador lha Ira aaaa ef Kllla riae.1 A Co., dslag kaelaeee la Ik. kotough ol Wallaoelea, Cloarkeld subbi, Peaa'a, wea dleeolted ke aalaal enaeeet oa Ibe lot dar af Atinl. 1174. ni.l. in riMHAIj a v,u. Hallaeeton, Mareh tl, 1171 It. c OMK AND SKULK. Hnrlna tahea ml hrMhorlalo aarlaerthlp, I dealrs la have al eld aeeoanlt elueed. t tbere Krro giro aollee o ell WIm, kaaw la deb ted ia as le sow. lorn.rd mea aad eatlls ap, eo that we oae tele a nek depart. ra. OHortad.JtjiTi4il4f. . ai. gAH0V- "ffllutllntoni: II ARD TIVE8 IIAVI NO EFFECT P IN FRENCH YILL.E I I ma a wata Ibal Ihur urn tmite iwr-Mi littla tlMrd to iltaaM( aod I am "W-ri liiat Iba Miinoaiut uf "iHird fliBw" i -lull n;b ntrtral. ' lltl I am an iriiuaiad nnw that I c-tii vatiafy lha urmrr mni frnivr- uoni'lunivuly flml "Unr.l limaa" rill iiui IU'ul tbupa alio -my Ihalt kimmI ftum m; uid all my alr.B rliall W lulllali d lulu tha a, uivl ul lloW TO AVOII) H.l.l TIMES I i4e (ooi1h cniMij-S U' -I'.T nil ihf IhhaM mni in the Iuwit ni'i "i (! t'oiiniy abivb I nil -bt t-xr-otMlitin ( mfti fniiH (ny innMifiulri alur. In tiri.rfoNhl.'Hii. wb.-n- I nit aiwtyp I foaoil rcmly tu irntt Ui.u CiMltrn nnj lily Ibaui nUh llry (iixxls ol all kinds, 4ul C'lotb. Satimt.'. Capihuvrdc, Aluflh-i, DolainiHi, Maan, l-Titlinf, Calirnca. - 'i'limminx', It ibliuns Lucr. tt. - aily ma le Olntblnn, nouiii and Hh'f Mali and ('alii all uf Ida baai mslfi lal aod niadr lo urdn Uur-a, tiot aa, UJuica, Mitten. Laj, HihboutgAe. UKfU'EKIKeS OF All KLVDJ. OolTtt, Toa, Sugar. Hire, Molavira, Fiih, tU I'ork, Litifood Oil, Flak Oil, Carboa Oil. Hard vara, QiM--n-warf, Tinware, Caatlua;a, FUiaf and I'luir Vtningt, Naila. Hpikea, Corn Cultiva tor!, Cider I'mat-a, and all hinda of Ait. Forfamwry, Faint, Varn.rb, (llai, and a grn.rat HMoxtment of Htnttnnrrjf. (10 Oh FLO V It, Of different brands, alvaya on hand, and wild bo told at Ilia lowcet ouvtlbla figurea. J. If. MoClaln'a MfdtrinM, Jeyne'a Madiclnaa llustetlor a and lioofland a Uillera. auiiO boanda of Wool wanted for wbiob tba biiihrat frioe will be paid. Clovcrseed on band and fur aala at tha loweet narket prleo. Alao. Agent for Strattontlllt aod CarwonaTlllo Tbreabiog Uaebioea. itm.Call and aoa for yoaraelrea. Ton will Ind ortry thing aaaally kit In a null ttoro. L. M. C0UDRIKT. Fronebvllle P. 0., Augaat 12, 1874. i. r. WB ATM Baa 40 ,..w, . mi i VVi:it A IIKTTM CLEAHF1EL1), PA., , . An offering, at tho old itand of 0. L. Hoed A Co their itoek of f ood. eon it it log of- DRY - GOODS, , GROCERIES, . - . B0OT8 A 8H0K8, ; IIAT8 A CAPS, UARDWARS, QGEENSWARR, FLOUB, FEED, SALT, &o., 4o., At tha eaoat reoeunahla raloa for CASH or Ib oirbango for Square Tuuber. Boards, Shingles, on COUNTRY PaODUCE. . ggdaAdraaooa made ta tboao engaged in get ting ool eqatre tlaiber on tho Btoai adraatageoar tarna. pdtlJanTI CALIFORNIA. TBI CHIOicO AVtt CBBAT-WKBTBBM DAILW4T f.inhrai?oa nodfr en manegement tbo tirra-T-unk Kailwey Llnee of Ibe VV KST and N0KTH WKhT. and, with Itr nataeroaa braacbea aod eonur-etlona, fortaa the aUKMtand qulettrnal tetern'BU'e.(.(ienil all potole In li.LiROiB.Wia roxatrf, NoHtHRBo U kb ia a a, Mimhrodta, Iowa, NEinaaKA, CALiruaxii and the Wear aaa Tibritobiw. Ita Omaha and California Line U ib thorint and beat rome Tor all polnti In Noam en iLLtBoia, iowAr IUkota NaaaiiKA. Wtohih, CoLoNAihu, I'tam, Nrvaoa. Califob aiA OaEoua, raiMi, Japab and Ai era alia. Ite Chicago, Madison & SI. Paul Line It the ihoTteat Ha for Nobtbbbb Wmcojriii aad M iRiBaTA. aod for MAmaoii. Bt. Paul, Mia krapolis, I)i Liin anil all point In tbo Ureal Nerthwett. lla M ii'ona and St. Peter Line li the only route fur Wikoha, Rot-nKarBR, Owa tu4. Maibato, 8t. Frtrb, Nrw Elm, and all (ninti intSouthern and Central Mianoaota. Ita Green Hay and Slarquclle Line la the only line for Jabrvili.b, Watkrtowb, Koiin Dr, Oantoto, Ai-m.ktoh, Oa an Bat, Kcaara, oN bu At'RRB, Mabqcrttb, HorcBroii, Hacuck and the Lakk Bi t-icaioa CurRTBv. Ita Freeporl and Dubnque Line In the only route for Ri.otx, RorKPnab, Faia rKT, and all points rla. Preeport. Ita t'lilr'flgo and Milwaukee Line 1 1 the otd Lake -bore Route, and It tbe only one iiAiptni: ibroarh KrR-ToK, I.akb For itr. Uln- I.AMO PARB, H A rKKIr AR, R AC I KB, KbR00A tO Mn.WAUKra). Pullman falncc Can are ran on all through tratnt of this road. Thi lathe UiNI.. IJM. rnnnina iheaerarsba- iwern ChloHgo and St. Paul, Chicago aad Milwaa- kw, or Lniciigu and w in una. At Omeha our Kleenera onnnoct with tho orer- laal ttleeirere oa tbe l aioa PaeiAo Heilread for all points Hm of ibr Miaaoori Hirer. tJn lBairtaiol tbe trains from tbe Bast or FMulh, tbo trains ol tha thieago A North-Woatorti Kaiiwat I.KAVK t;illUAiU aa fullowi: For ( uudcli Iliufle.Omaha and Callfbrula. Two Through Traiui daily, with Pulluaa Palaoo, hrawiiig hootn aud tSlcrpiug Carl through to uunrii liiimi, 4 For m. Paul ana . Mliineapolla, Two Through Trains deity, with Pullman Palaoo Oara ail.teh.'d oa hulh traint. For C.rvcu Hay aud Lake Kaporlor. Two trains daily, witb full men fttlao ijers attached, ml running tt.mugii to Mitrtuett, For Milwaukee, Four Through Trains dally. futliuB Care Big hi tralaa, Parlor Chair Cars un uey traina. t-or xparta and fnoiia and points Ib ilinneev'e. Uoo Through Train dalle, with riillmaa ni.iper lo nlnona. Fur Dtiouque. via Preeport, Two Through Treius daily, with Pullaean Cars oa night trains. tor liubunue and l.a i'nieee, ti Clinton. Two'Jbrough 'Irami daily, with Pullmaa Cart ub niRht item to MuUrvif'-r, Iowa. 101- MIiidi lly anel 1 ankton. Two Trotae daily I'aiiuian t-trilo Miewtun alley Janetin. k-ur Lake (eiiurB, Pour Trains daily. e-or fcocalbrd. Mcrlttia;, kenoaha. J antra-, t llli and ut(i4T puiiita, jou oao bava frota two io I en irauia dily. New York ttfflee, No. 416 Broadway t Bosto Uffice, Nu. k Btara blroel, Ouieha Offlro. S5i Feriiliatu Slretttn Francltco Ufflee. 121 M gumery U treat ; t;hieago Ticket OiHeea i 32 Clark nireet, nuder Phertnan lioute i eorne r Cabal ai Mud i tun Mreetti Kintie afreet D-pnt, corner W. Km tie and tanal htrooti Wells r?iret Depot. ourner nrus and hiusio ntroeis. I nr raJee or infurmatlon not attalnahl from yoor lioine agnla, apply ta W. 11. HlBNRKTT, MAlViS Ht OH ITT, tii-o. Pew. Ag'l, Chicago. dan, Hnpt, Jaa). ., l7eVI . Cbieegu. T KW 8 TO UK AND NEW GOODh JOS. SHAW 6i SON Huta jual oirtntt , Naa iSmak, oa Ualn iSI.,Cu.trigLD, Tt UleW occuplril It) Wm. T. I R WIN. Thrlrtlork contUliof IDUi'a C&1 CD CD LD brk. Okockkllt of lha brut, Qurf.nrwarc, Hoots and Shoes. anil rarr krtiola itMmn for- oua'a son fort. - . Call and xaniina onr Hock balor par oliaalrtf altiwbar. Ilk 9, 1864-11 WHOLESALE UQDOE STORE. Al Ike ead of Ike oaw krldge, WEST CLP-ABFlELD, PA, The froarielar of Ihla atuhllihatal will aar hit llriaort dlittl from dl.lllltrt. Parties bar leg from Ihla boaee will ha rare la gel a aura artlela .1 a amall mtrglfl abora aoel. Hotel keepere an, h. faralahed WHh llrrnkra ire feasrmakls' Vorat, I'are wine, nnd Beaaillet dtr.41 from ftftleT', Vlaer;,al Balk, Hew fork. aioitoi r. concii", Clttrld,JaBalB,l,?nf, : .. V... . ill lASItlJJii i VI :.:;h':.'.'.. a ...... WJ a. C5 w IN 9 Car o u 4-3 Hi M 1-1 hi et I 0 im W U ef o 9 o o pi. o a-i RANTED. . BT N. E. A 11 NO L D, I RU ENHVII.LE, PA ; (ftneoeseor to) Arnold & H.irtshorn. JOO,MK 90-lurh ibnarcd Wilnjrlre, J0,HM poinda of Wool. Partial havlog loni fibinslei or Wool for oitb r) will do well to eall cm me. The hlghiat mar tot prteo paid at all times. Also, a full aad eouplet stock of DRY' -GOODS,' ) HATS CAPS, HOOTS iV NlIOEN, GROCERIES, FIX)UR, FEED, SALT, TR0 VISIONS, Ac, ohieh will ba sold at natoaable prlcoa, or ex ibangoj for shingled or wool, N. K. ARNOLD. CarwoBstUIt, May i, 1871. ,'i Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE TIIK CflKAPKST I Proclamation against High Prices! ITT B ar wow opening an a let of the heat aad TV Most eeaaonable Goods and Warn aver Oered Ib tbla Market, and at priees that remind ta of tke rood eld dava of ebaap thlnr. Those bo laek faith apnn this polat. or deem oar alie nations iBporflBona, aed bat CALL ffT Ol H STORE. Comer Front aud Market street. f her they can tee, fed, hear and know for then wive. To fully aoderttand what arerbeap good tbla nail be daaa, . We do not detun it.oeoassary to enumerate swid tlB.lzk aar Atoelt. II Is enough Iter tu to state lbt; . A V., V We have Evervthing that is Needed end eoatataed In thla aiarket, and Bt prices that lebrnish both old aadynnnr. itonisn deoM JUMSfH BHAW BUN. QKIKIJ GOODldANDEtt, , "I LI TIIKHSBl Rll, PA., Dealtr la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIER! & GLOVES, . UATrJ A CAPS and BOOTS A SlloE, robaeeo. Gnreerleo end Fish. Kails, Hard war, Qnoonswar and Ultttwar, Men's and Boys' Clothing. Urnga. faints, Oils, Hrhoul Books, a large lot of Talent Medlelnes, Candle, Nets A Dried Fruits, Chews and Crack ers, Rock and Rifle Powder, Floor, Grain and Potatoes, Clover and Timothy Sd, 41 Leather, Mnroeeos, Linings, Bindings and inrend, raoetnakerr loots and tthoa findings. No greater variety of grod In any store In the oanty. An for eel very low for oath er eoootrj iirodue at the Cheap Corner, May 1, 1874. H.T. KltATZElf, (arocRRaim to, KRATZER Si LVT1.K, naai.ra it DHY tlOOIi", ... NOTIII.VK, BOOTS, ftllOP.H, 1.EATIIKK, " , CAIlPHIfl, Oil, I'LOIHS, WAU PAPKII, VttNDOTf "IIADRS, i:tc. Market Mrrct, Ckirtelrl, ra, Fob. II, i; if ORSALEOR KENT.- The anderslined flBdint it toe !neonf-nlent 10 heep a Pubti Hons at tbo saoath of Handy and Cralral Poiat, desire to rent, aril, r i ehaaga Ihe former. He will eiebang It for town properly In ClearneMor t'arweasvllle This pro perty contains lit aeres, 40 of which are ekared Ihe whole launiitrlaid with 001, Are elav end a rein of Irua-ore, beaides poseeating a good watr pewor TbbuildiBgs area Urge dwelhng, barn, nut h onset, aod a taw mill, l'msettion will be given at aay tiaia. Th lltl Is lodltpetahl. Tbo prospaetir va'u of this property Is aat eqnaled In taw oowavyt adv t aa-srelor very desirable ko twveetieBS.' BeSidea, a large quantity ef saw tlsahar It yt aa lb property, which eaa be ataalViurrd on the presaisa. back ef help and Bean to derelop It 4s mj reaaofl for offi-ting It fcr aalet Any farther la foruAtlaa mi be eHlained by addressing tb auh eertber. I.AWRKSCK PL000. rnarhvlll, fa , Mareb lat-laio. 1?m taALIw Tke aadersignad oger for . aala valeatile tewa property in tb sre4gb ui Clearfeld. Lot fteilH fewt, witb a gd two lory plank bona tbeiooB reeled, witb three rooeis dow stair and fear bod rpna ep stairs. A la. MMnb rvAsh and lt rtaa wa eew our. Uuuae laiahed rowplsi from llnr to attU Ueod aile aoreh aod good water, Pnee rea- sun ebi af paTBfDti t' WaegTH WR. I . Met fi.T.oion JOB rRINTINO OP KVKIlT DBSCRIf IrORaaaUy eaeeeted at this edbet. 9riT"iin- imsfrtlanron, ? flrfrtiifwrnt-. A OF Wo ivmdenMtAeTwm the) Ishigh Rtatltr th , tuUtAnro of aunvenatUa ebuut Cvk Uall. in PliiladasalaiV aJUJiiaAer A BroWTi't " Larvctt t'.otiUnjt In Auonoa.'' A fialtir rUd BUondaoffw tbo siBbore i litttor. 'Wtu.tri-unwrUiteilldlDffotir AUtxdoM. ''SoUlb lidMt oonicr of tmtJ ar.d Vtaikec rneaao note tbo KIXTH. fur aorao atimngon at-okiog Oak Uall, have been ml J J itj eioaijculng pvreona.' v, - u l ktwrfoctiir 1 Do you ku.ivr A. " 'i utO annam on Ifaibv-L audi K odd on SixUi, six atorlos blfrh.liM ovar utraa acnwmni3S7X, onu cjT.r av-ir I'.i.m aoccuplod biwkirvQLUi twenty eiUilontut but4 fioaa nlacea.''m V. ix yoa uas staarn-powerr A. A eitnt vuuiikTanaliia fumlihea tmwor . fw tho ftxixl'l acd uataenger cievaton.. i"l ibo trO-Uon etoam lor bcaiiiig, And laUo utlivr opera aUuQet of Uie bouie," V. M What order do yoojako with ovtotla V A. "Tbtiy are flnt owXml aod arranged IB I. tbo baattaent,op lungLA oun tore, ami taken I I beaea on tbo tahlj-loYator to tbo luapoo tof rtroia on ihfimb Boor." i, " la insMcUninJio Qnt operation r . No, air. nuwniring, ibo rod are flrat moaaorod In tho pleco, then lntpdjctc-ii. 1 ba rlueb pataos orer roller la tlio Caoe uf a strung light, and twa mon cliv out tKfuro and ouo behind Ui goods, wakrblng with tho eyo of a bawk for Uia least Din-holo imrwrfectlon. and tnaj-king eery flaw, a that the cutter may re and avoid it wlwu bo ixmoa to out tbo gar- incota." - . , V " Too ntuterap1tTan array of cnttenf -A. MComo to our tilth flx and ael Wa keep TO bonds all tlio tlf. cuAins; up tlio rlcih Into amcnta,b(atclijkmarblna d down rn.n i work cactnTt a atroke." V. "Da wa muuiBauiej ail your own gooUar' A. " Wa do, and isioat earafullT. Onr ex an. Inert Inspect every atitch ana ee run, and ovrtily to every garnient aa extra-well nitdo before we put our Uokot on It, and Utcvm naponalMefurlt'' , V. " Yum aystoa antvA bbto 70a s great Ooair Aa M Io ejrTeiy dlrattoB, llr. It la tM fyotem and eoononiy we prtu-Uoeall twa 1-hruUKh, -( UidUonablea ut tu ullout uiljfvwu Ui Ui M)opIe aa we do." w ' V. " Alter Uuoctlng tbe work, what bocomca of itr A. " Befbro It re Into Stock It la UcMcd. Every einr-o ganent baa its nurnljcr and Xiio polnu notrxl un It, eo thiU lu aiitlre bia tory caa bo ttawxl wikhoiu fail, upon our books." V . " Ton must nave m or eo aueaoiefi r A. why sir, on busy daya you iuu.yie 100 In the Torious noma and auitea oukhmob, helling tu the tbronca of ciiMUaavn." V. "lo you do aa oidur bujVibr mail And express r X. - Vwy great. AlloTartbeouuntrr- Our fcEEDH. PLANTts KNOX FRUIT FARM AND NURSKRIES. GREAT OFFERS! U0KB LHIKRAL CFFPM WKBK VEVIB MADK than the fi.llowlng: tjaj-WK WILL 8END BV MAIL.potl-pald.SAFB t'AKHlAIlK 0U.RRANTELU, 18 rsweriar Plants for $1.10 : 1 Varbaaaa, 1 Donbla Petunia, 1 Abatilliea, 1 Ualut, 1 rial r ia. I tuoeroao, 1 Fueliala, 1 Pererfew, 1 Moolklj Raae, 1 Hellidrops.1 Crraantkeauar. 1 Pariargi'reVua 1 UoraAiuae 1 Ageretom,. At lkMket Plaula.i WITB DIBBCTIOSI fOB 6B0WIB0. 8 Ortpt Viaii for $1.10 : 1 Conoord, 1 Hartford. 3 Hogore' ll.brldi, 1 Mertbl, 1 Crereling. errvr otti" usts vra bene w ..0J "7ITH0a5EES. p&0nr handume Catalogue of Frails and Flowers containing fall directions for ealtivatioa. will be sent to all whoead addrett , KNOX FRUIT FARM COMPANY, Box 115, PTTTSBUEGH, PA. ' J. F. 0RIMEK, gansrintondenl. March II, HU1-4I oow. JU 1"S 2 n r LEATHER BREAST-8TKAP9 B11PER8EDID BT TH PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK ftledofthWrt Mallea ble Iran, aad laattaehod to the Hamee by tha best Snap ever tBVMtod, It , . la eaally aod oataklj pot oa, aod proton ta tba whipping ef l ho aWreee by tb pole, bot itable I ; ' 'to get evt of swpalr. ViM but far jaat. All we aab ta a fair trial, t eoavtao all nanle lag tbesa that th-y ar aBraaad In ahfr ' tho parpe for whteb the are in tended, MulflCTT A 8CHHTVER. Clearfleld, April U, Ik7. JtrttTICRN db CORRTARVM1 riR We bavw prtaWd a large asjaaaw ef tbo new f KM BILL, and UU e tbe tm& of twwate. Ave eat. mall a oawy t aav Mdrwa. eayM erfeet errtirm y6& mlea of aalf tnaajntotaast BaMlaO IIJRJW1UI liKXHibto to tileaa jwupia H aa if Utejr w. away J1 uomatt.' v. j rai iiait naiiB nosjaw, dirforvnt &piUDDir' "My dear sir J wo haro mora thaa Iwrnfy, ecrhrbantcd with Ita own buajneaa. and aacli rvuKiiy unwiiiiveoj, m nocagaarj wnaai wil& the irrMlvhMl " V. Ul you name a dnaen arm at ihm m A. " nitD nieuura. iba CuM.m lh.Mr- tneiit, ibr ibuk wju prafer cAuuim-mad to - n iui pioatura. ids iviiatom itpi rraity-msxlj IWI 'UiaUlga J"' flUWIIil witb lu rrhi stock of all Dereeatinent, The Bbirt Kirtorr, witb Ita busy mchina, nuiklng ouruwn flrst-olaaaahirte. Itio Trim- Glug Department. Itself aabigaamany anwit r store. The UaUtnenl btocb KtMn. ia Itcretvliig sVrOm. Tho Order liwtment, named lfore. The Hpapriai L'niforma Vtmiu menL The Delivery kpaitliMul, wltii Ua acore of meosenger. The" V. " Hold, bold I air. enough 1" A. "I'm notbairuiroughr Th Adrenldna; lkinmont,wltb Its bllLandfiKU dutrtbutoni, editing and publlavbinayt builnesa and popular Journal, eirculataapp- Jfi, U.UKiruplas munthlr (tell all your fnVvsnd for It). 1heatnJ Popannienwltrrlti manTrooma. TtMytr lKiiaruoent. The Youibar lf pertinent Ihe Children a Depart maut, with Ita special ntraao for lad tea. Th TelsTrakh Dvirt ment. The Chief Clerk 'a beporancnt, witb It. book keepers and aMiataiits. Ocnerai Man ajrrr'a lpanuietiti Pinai'ttra Otbc. and oUier offices of the flraall bary as bee tlilnklOK. planning, eiiitinr. buying, maJt liif .registering, reH'ekla.wudlng out, selllnr, and In a thnusanoya Joiulug their torcea to carry on abUblnesaVitb Ut pooplo enutunt Ing to betweea ttyUHJMi aud UtfHM1 an nually." , V. "B-tl-Jl-n-d-o-l, , A, " Indeed It Is) I forroi to name tho i Chler,slKpartmeDt,whiUhendlealu Ol retail talus on eome aingle daya I" V. "tC.ujul Immijuaet Ihti . wbalenai the bnuaa to buy cheap and seycheapf A. ' Exartly I Ton hav jM bit It The people Uirtnif here, kii.Qf that w depend eVli low brlce and ImmiLy'Alee.'' V. "Kuat at tbo 'rvtM awu' I bear ee much about f A. "Onr systrai ofboeirreai daallnr 1. Otm price, no deviation ; X CaAb for vrytblnc ; &. A guarante protecting the purchaiwr ; 4.1 h money nninwdli tbe buyer eaa't ou-erwlse be BulUid." v. - iMruuns; otmia no rairwr."" A- "Nothing. And the people Bee R.N V. " Well, J Uuuib yuu, air, A your ; aHUarUH, A. "Nr tat all It'aanli Call ajtaln : and be aura of noxi-r A Brown's Oak Ilail1 ner blxth and IfarkeL" V. "Thank youl 1 shall be uoou nunuiig. JlVtristxs Str&wljerriei for $1.10. ID Joea la, ' 0 rr No, 100," 11 Burr'. NvW Pine, 11 Char. Dowaia g IS fViltoa. 1 Ttrietiea Easpborriei for $1.10: IXaoai, I rbiladotpbia, I Clarhs, I Horn, r 23 Ttckots ef Choicest Variitioe of Flower Soda for $1.1 0 : ;a ,, . , et.,i e v k,. ... etn..1 Seerli, fret to anj addreta. JN0. 0. rJLEMklONS. Batlaral Manager. tbo,. a. arna.T'. crait sonDoa. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE AGENCY PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Clearfield, Pa. BRAXCn OFFICKS ia dllftroat putt or tba Coantj. The following Old aad Reliable Fire, Aeoideot Block nnd l.lie laearansa Companies repreeealed. Eateb. Attalt. I 111 North Britirh A Mercantile Firs Ini. Co., of Koglnnd ?,( 04,101 llll Poottiah Commeroial Fire Ina. Co., of Gogland (gold) 10,004,001 I7H4 North Ameriea Pira Inaaraaea Co., of Philadelphia.. d.TII.IOI 1821 Firs A.aoolaiiira rlra lataraoes Co., of Philadelphia 1,100,000 1,201,001 181 Pbosnis Fir Ins. Co.. N. Y.... 1807 Watertown Kir In. Co., of N f., intaree farm baildiogr only 70t,0M ltt71 Amasoa Ptr fnsarano Co., at Cineinnatl l,W,l) 1S58 York Btoek Inraraeee Co ef Penna. Inseresboreaa, Ao Tk,00 1ST! Hartford Aeeident Insoranoo Co of Connecticut. S0,M lalf Paa Muleal Life nsaranoe CHof Pennt-Waaia Mae.OO 1RB8 MetnipoliUB Life InanranoeCo or New York M. HH t.OOO.Ogg Total capital... 7, u 00,0 00 Peaona In tho eoantry desiring lot ran oe, eaa have li promptly attended t byHiagat th office or add retting as by letter. IntBraaees f feeted at tho lowest possible rote, to bo obtained ia first -clans eonipaniee. Ao Comptimii nrwrv seaietf wAieAeioaVn disseeeawealt. The abov two lit InsaraBO Ce.'a, rep re ten ted by T. II. Wormy, have paid oat In cash, between lb date of Aug. 1871 aad Aag. 1874, to the friends ef deeeaeed policy bolder in thi eoalj tie com of $2I,uuO, Provide for tbo fotare by Insuring yoar heme and yoar lives ta lb West Branch In so raae Agency. MURRAY A GORDON, Olearleld, May 2, 1876. Agent, FULFORD A. THOMPSON, , GktiKRAL IN8URASCK AGENTS, CItarfleld, Penna, Represent all tho leading Plre I nsaranoe Companies of tbe country j Queen ', $IM.fO Hoyal Canadiea . 6,feo.Of Home, New York ......... i,T"4.IU Lyeotniog, Meoey, Pa ., A.6:t,.'iS Pranklln, Philad'a .. I.SOH.A.'itf Pho?niB, Hartford M tN.ST,S0S Hanover, Now Vork.MH...M, I.4M.V.S& Homo, Col , 0. 415.8 Atlas, Hartfurd 5M.A4I Providence, Taibington... 61 Persons about i-ffeetine an In era nee on arnti- ertv of any hind, should call at our oftee, oa Market slrt, opposite tbe Coart Uoues, and see oar list ef companies and rates before I nun ring. juiin ti- ri urcnif, T. W. TIIUMPC0N. Clearnuld.Pa., Oct. 17, '74 I y JOHN TROUTMAN, DEALER IN- KURNITUIIE, MATTRKiSSEN, "f" AND- i Improved .Spring Beds, MARKET BTRKET, NIAH P. O. ' Tho onderalt-ned he leave to Infer. tboH(- ens ef Clereld, and tbe pablle generally, that he be on hand a lae assortment af Furniture, ench as Weiant, Chestnut and Paiotod Cb amber tfuitee. Parlor Suite. Reclining; and Kitenaien Cbaira, I.adiee' and Oeots' Kaay Chairs, th Per. foralad Dining aad Parlor Cbaira, Can Seats aad Windsor Chairs, Clotba Bare, Step end Ellen aloa Ladders, Hat Rack, Berabhlng Brushes, Ae MOULDINO AND PICTURE PRAM KM Looking dlaaaea, Ckromaa, Ae., wbieh weald be suiiai-ie nr iioiieay preeenta. deelO Jg JOHN TROl'TMAN. 1870. MI1ERE SOW? To76. To MICHIOAIt, one ef the foremost, flourish ing and beallhy Btates I . WU.iT FOR? . To hot a FARM obi at lae , One 91 III ion Acron of Ibb larmlnr landt fr tele bv iba URAND HAP11I8 A INDIANA R. R. fllraag SoRa. Reads MerkeU. Bars Crofts, fload hVhoole. h. H. foal ihmugh eeBire of grMt. Heulrmante nil along. All kinda af Prodoela raised. Plenty at water, timber nnd Baildiaf mnurinla Prion from 14 re $MI ner acra ana. fonrth dowa, balnees ee lias, Mr-gend for led peapklel, fell of Ik.ll knd Ignrrt, aad he aawTenoed. , W. 4. HOWARD. CaV ' .' dread Ra,g, Mich. P. R. I. PIERCE, gee' I.aad Dip I, STEAM SAW MILL, KNCilNK ARD rlOIl.KKH FOK6ALH. la. nnrleralgnsd olera for eale aa rnneoaabta lerbie, their attar, taw aril, rotated al WalNere ina, Vlearf eld Ce Pa. Tka sagiaa aad ksilera are at good aa asw. Tbo tits of Ika sagiaa la ' III2I. and la la good raBatag ardor. Tary win alae aril (heir tklaglo Bad huh Bin, aad all Ika working aniiaerT ia Ike aetll. Pnrtiea winking to aaroaaas aa rail oa er eoldreee UKAUAM. WALLACE A CO, Pe .Jaaa M, UTa. T)OOT ASO 8BOB MAKING. U dUHEPH II. DRKH1NG, OB Market ttreol, la rtkaw'i Row, Cloarield. Pe., hot jaat rteelved a las lal af Proaok Calf ihla. aad Kip., Iks tMBt-ia-tara aatkei, aad It aow eropered to man. atatnora trerothlag la k llae. Ha will war., rant kla wark la he ae rrpreeeated. Alee, all klkdi of Linker and Shoo tMlagn. for ml. Tke elllteat tf Cleeraeld end akalaltj are reapMtfhlle iBrlled ta gie. hla) aall. Worh doae ol akert aolioa. till'71, CUKAP OKOCKRIRS! LUMHRR CITV, PA. lha aadoralgaej anaoaaoea I. hit aid frieada aod nalroni tliat he haa aliened a gratd ilHOl'KP.ie8 A PllUVIHION" al Ike eld ttaad d Kirk Hueater, for whleh he tollelu a liberal, vatrrnags. U. W. ePEMCEO.. H lesralwr utlj, ra Mama o , , , , ... I . , . : BOUt rale to Bervj yfrj. Uia niam W avnav. tffru& dUat our- baDOT SO dO RD.