SliejftfpuMuttttj THE END OF A CARPET II A (1(1 Hit. . NEW HAMPSHIRE. The New Jlnimisliiro Htato Poinn- Ames, of Alasenicliusclls, iii iii.u ..lHilt Coniniiltoo Imvo isaiiwl tin ad- I of lion. Hullor, In tympany J) illi a buml. d,v ' r V , I . r..L.i..M til ciiuciii nwv,,ni In XI luiu.lnr.! IK 'iSAS nn.l Trv ' Ti ..... as a kintl olQociisI, lrwyirtn every! A !,. air, li trat tiling in Pn cash jiiul BifiiHitv liiieTi ANOTHER PROP OF TYRANNY Hit OK EX. Quo utlor another cil tbu inluinoui luwa iiactatil by, Ihu lUdiculs in tlio t tiiokoi B. Goodlandbb, Editor. worth linvinir. Ainoti rind liis liniiil hnvo been nerving tliu iiilu of Unit Stato im Governor mul othor high offi cial positions, nl iKwrly all f them huvo been iinpcaclictl or mint to the. ptnitcnliary. 'J'lio (iovcrnor was tho WRDrJrMDAY MORNINO, APRIL 1, 1STS. llMlt to l6 Wilt MB. Tim days ago, ill tDo utilise oi iti'Tiroseiiiniivos ot yim sitwijini, a HU'C .lionifiovoriiorAinos was read, in which ho ofl'orwl to resign bis oftleo on condition that tlio articles of impeachment ngn'mst bim were dis missed. Tlio House -no ordered by a vote of 78 to 10, ami when tho Im peachment court convened nt three o'clock, the articlp!i were dismissed and the Governor's loiter wan react: Exirouva Orricw, - JictaoB, Ulea., March Ivtb. 1170. To lie prtuVe o las .Viol ilttittippi i 1 hereby reipertfully reaign my olhoe of liar eraor of lot Dial OI..MIMIBMpnl, Aim Tjftle.1 tinn I heir.lalo d. feat. vl he Vusoii waa a ,wor, are tainf swept off tlio ilattito liavo served , JiuriihHwd voi(J Tliioiv the wordnJ book, tind Iib pricked S premo Court or ioir own makiiigiho memuvin 01 whic h betam jWiiieiJ Ui override their prejudices to maintain their reputation as sound coiiHlitutionul Inwyura. The i ciiitao and inennliij,' S lli result of (ho nieetjon? Reader. If yon nnl to know what la going oa U tba bulinoNi world, Jnal roe. our auvertliing oolBmne, Ibe SjHtiel eolnmB lo parlteular. ' A "soventy-ai." editor was convey ed q town on Saturday by a Consta ble What airs nonto peoplo do put on f Look out for tho marblo slab I Stats Cokvintiom. Tho proceed ings of the Pcniocratio State Convon tinn will bo found in full on our first paj;o His week. Let everybody read tho proceedings. ' C, J. Amies, formerly of tho Pitts burg ( ts.wuTciiii, has been made man aging editor of tho 1'liilodelphia Prru, nnd will avumo his now chargo on Mondny next. ' '' Tho "Conl'edenito Brigadiers" soem to annoy tho "loyal millions" more in Congress, by eiosiinr tlio robberies ol "Chrisliun Klatosinen," than they did nt Hull llnii or Clinncelorsvillo. Stii.l limiArrr. -ljoyalista are still nnnoyed. "ThoOonredorate Hrigadiors" in tin) present CongieHS, nro unearth ing Logo frauds every day, commitlod by (trnnt and bis confederates in crime. ' ilr. Jonks' commit too havo just di covorcd tho fast that five toy ul men have stolen (400,000 from the iwnsion fund. Is this robbing tho soldiers' orpbnns; or is. it only the loyul method of rais ing campaign funds to carry elections? The selection of Mr. Clymcr as del egate lo tlio Natiouul Convention wai imperatively demanded as showing the ronfidenco of tho Democracy of Penn sylvania in his iutcgrity, honor, and fidelity in the Into proceedings in Con gross. ' -. , - ... - . .: Thos. Xt. Grayson, of tho Crawford Vimoernt ; B. F. Morris, of tho War ren fjcilgtr, and H. B. Brown, of the Cliirion Democrat were appointed Pres idential Electors for their respective district by tho Democratic Stato Con SveAkino Odt. Tho Chicago Julcr saj's (hat tho llepublican party is In a fair way to get ridof ilatliic-cs. nad adds, "If it could do as much with its fools the country might breathe ensior." Does tho lntfr-Ocmn wish to decimate its party ? 1 - llond "The Two Kepublics" on our fourth page, as well as tho article taken from tho N'ew. York OWroer, entitled "Official Corruption." The particularly "loyal," and the politico-religious press of the country is being severely tostod sinco "tho Hecchcr-Belknnp business has lr0kcu out so violently. 1 PoPtJlAn. Our devil, who evidently has beer, paying some attention to the Hiibjoct, informs us, nlthotigh the editor of the Tinn has been a resident ol this county for 6nly a few years, that his name appears more frequently on the Quarter Sessions Docket, than it does on the pages of the Timet. , . ,. One of tho '70 editors has discovor od that this is not a free country, ex cept so fur that if a man cannot get bail nt home he cau be accommodated abroad, and for that rcuson can view a marblo slab from tho outside, still How easily soma christians are made happy) It remarkable, bit true, nevertheless. " An UxtiApr-Y Marbiaoi Married on tho I2d tilt, at Lancaster, all the intelligence., virtue and integrity of the Htnlo, the Pittsburg Potl, and the Lan caster htrUigauxr. Wo hopo tho edi tors of these journals will be happy in tho future. They had better remem ber tho fublc ol tho frog and tho ox, and not "bust," too. Another Oitbaok! Tho Judiciary Committco's report to Congress on Fri day, gnvo. Attorney (ionerul Pierro- pont n very black eye. Uo seems to roost as low on tho ladder of fame as cither of tho misorablo Orvilles Bab cock or Grant. II those "Confederate Urigndiers" dim't Mop unearthing Had ical frauds, the whole party will leave (he country. The llepublican Convention of New York instructed fur Conkling fur PreS iilenL WJiat does this mean ? Ho is tho bosom friend of Grant, and as be .cannot be nominated for President, will New York go for (irnnt? The fight in tho Convention was Custom House and anti-Custom House, but as tit fortuor won tho day, it looks as il tiraot was hankering alter a third 'tertli. " ' '' ' ' The answer is iiluiu to every observ ing Diind ; tho verdict is fraudulent, a purchased one, and in no sense repre sents the honest sentiment of the Slate. The pooploof Mew Hampshire do not approvo fraud and corruption in the administration of'tlio government; they do not givo their support to tho dis honest uml onrrupl men by whom tho government is now administered, as lUey aro mado to appear J,o d.o by tho rosuu ot tne lute election, i nal result was secured by fmod and briliery of such stupendous proportions as was never before practined upon tho eo pie of any Stale. Kvidenoc of this is to be found in every town; it is known UELKNAP'fi IMPEACHMENT, j THE CENTENNIAL OPENING. Til K ARTICLES CH AHI1INO I'M WITH UIUU j I'Kclllll.l MJ1B or KXEHCIHIM. CKIMU AMO HIUllllIA.NOaUI. , . .. , The guiicrul plan for tho exercises at IV .iiHmnH u iri an ThA . It. ,l. i i i.-..iiki muchmeni arueies ag"m sir. iiei knap, roporvea Judiciary latest wooding out is the so-culled en forcement act, which amounted to almut marlial law wherever put in operation, and which has proved so terrible an engine of oppression in the hand of Kadicul Administrations. This act has been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court of the United Stules, lint one of the nine judges dis senting." Whaf tt fortifying robnko this should be to the parly iu power, who passed this law iu defiance of tho Constitution that they might gratify their halo and bigotry. Tkunk Heaven nil tho efforts ol these enemies of free of nil men: no inlelliiont man donbu government lo assimilate our inslitil it, no honest man denies il. Tho im- lions to thoso of monarchial Kumpc URLMRRT AURK. At flvo o'clock, T. M. Stone, presi dent of tho Senate, was installed as Governor. That was a speedy change of rulers. It can scnrcelv bo said to hove boon a very graceful retirement on the pait of Allien ; it would have boon quite as good for his reputation if ho hud been removed by Impeach ment as In havo resigned, because of tho knowledge that ho would be put out if he did not go. The people ol tho State are, however, well rid of him. Uo can now return to his native borne Massachusetts nnd in connec tion with his notorious father-in-law, open an ofllco for thediffusion of undent ed Badieal principles. Tho fateof those notorious scoundrels who found their way down South during the war for tho exclusive purpose of robbing and pillaging the people of that suction, should furnish a good lesson to both sections, n hut numerous political fu nerals Grantisin will cause in this coun try, superinduced by impeachments, and otherwise enforcing the law against rogues, who havo been elevated into po sition by accident. . ' MULE BOXES FOR SOLDIERS RONES. The Washington Gipitol of Sunday contained the following editorial, whiob is a specimen of somo of tho doings of that party which is now so busily rak ing np tho bones of dead soldiers to awaken sectional strile with them. It seems that as they dig them up, they bring with them mule honos,too,doposit ed in soldiers' graves as soldiers' bones undor tho contract system, which has been so peculiarly profitable to our "loyal rulers. Let us road : We amused tho liveliest sort of wrath in tlio breasts of the loyal Had- icais somoycars since, when, comment ing on John Logan's gravo strewing, we sum then mm ttic graves so oenow- rud and wont over bad been filled by contract, aim mat tho shrewd lankees engaged in finding bones, being paid so much a grave, went tor the negro burying grounds, nnd alter exhausting thoso, got up a lively supply of inulo bones. To were denounced as ft de tainer, and while on paper called as a boss, another asserted that tho truth was not in us. Xow it appears from the investiga tion being bad beforo the Military Committee that wo only slated facts. Tho bones, Federal, Confederate, ne gro and mule, aro so near tho surfaoo that they are open to inspection, and ibe number ol nnmistakablo mule bones make tho workmen howl. This is a precious government of ours, lieally wo are getting ashamed oi it we join Kato Held in a blush. Tho soldiers in the late war wero killed in ft job made nn in contracts tor substitutes. Tho burial of bono was a job in which we wore swindled with white, negro and mule bones, and now wo hoar that the headstonoR were job, in wbioh a Keokuk tailor mado a divide with the Secretary of War. A Don n Party. The Republican party in this State seems to bo very easily handled. A Slate Convention mot on the 24th nit., at Uarrisburg; bad caucus and settled just what would bo done, actually even appoint ing ft committeo of nino to select dele gates and electors, to report to an ad journed mooting of tho caucus the next morning. This was the resolution adopted on motion of Senator Rutan : "Jtaolnd, That a committee of nine bo appointed by the chair, to report to this caucus at 10.30 a. m., to-morrow, for revision, rejection or adoption, four delegates at largo and fllty-four dis trict delegates, with alternatives, to represent tbo fetnto ol Pennsylvania in the Republican National Convention. together with twenty nino persons U form an electoral ticket, with instruc tions to report a list as delegates and electors such persons as may bo nam ed Ul thoin by delegates from tho sev eral congressional districts, with this limitation that no person shall bo re ported on the list of delegates who is not in favor of tbo nomination of Gov. Uartranll for tho presidency, anil also to report tho order of business for tho convention." , In fact everything dono in caucus was accepted by tho Convention, and . ral,nJ' all the delegates had to do In the Con vention was to answer tbo roll call. mouse "conniption fund" of the Repub licans, mainly contributed from steal ings lrom tho Treasury, was every where used to buy tbo votes of tho poor and needy tho men who have ueen uujinvcu ! employment iiirougn the ruinous policy of the administrtion the victims of that corrupt rule which they were I has hired to endorse. This, aided by frauds ution the check list, secured that "victory" whk-h is mado to appear as an endorsement of tho most corrupt and scandalous ad ministration that ever misruled ft free and enlightened people. And it was tn unnblo them to effect this result by these atrocious means that tho ttepiiD lican majority in tho last legislature rejjefed, by a' strict party vote, the pro posed bill to punish bribery in elec tions. If that bill bad become n law, and boon faithfully executed, this most disgraceful result could not havo I wen accomplished tbo election oonld not havo been carried by bribory nnd fraud. But rejecting this, and i-esorting to open briliery lo an unprecedented ex tent, tho Republicans have brought shame and disgraoe upon our Slate. From one end of the country to the other her name is a by-word and a re proach, and her sons abroad, who have boon Justly prond of their nativity, now feel their chocks mantlo with shame as they hear her characterised as "the mose corrupt State in the Union." Grant Jobs. Yankee' shrewdness and enterprise has always been con ceded. But, under tho influence and nurture of Radicalism, this characteris tic has bloomed and yielded a full crop of I mit. When the administration gave contracts to bury dead soldiors, and then another contract fur tombstones. Ibis enterprise culminated. When sol diers' bones were exhausted, tho bones of dead mules were made to answer in theoountingof graves; and tombstones with the "unknown," added largely to the profits of that loyal job. The do ings of modem "Christian Statesmen" arc being brought tothe sunlight every day. It is very evident now that men who shouted themselves him rue while proclaiming their loyalty, were simply robbing the people ot their liberty and property. ' It seems that those godless scoundrels never dreamed that tho peo ple would elect a Democratic Congress which would expose their loyal villi&o- Ics. But the day of reckoning has come, and out of tho mouths of their own loyal witnesses is the whole Rad ical party condemned and disgraced. A Sum n KAit Lehsos, The Brandy wine Bank, (incorporating revolu tionary idea) was the title of a monied Institution established at West Chester, in this State several years ago. Every man connected with it was "loyal to thcooro" which, asshownby recent de velopments at Washington and through out tho country, to be, a license to rob and plunder the public. The officers of this monied institution seem lo have lived too fast, and spent other people's money as thongh It was their own, nnd when tho owners called for their de posits, short time ago, they found the door closed. The Sheriff has since taken charge of this model bank.' The bank-building which originally cost $50,250, was sold ou tho 30th lilt., for 110,700, and tho President's house, which cost 117,400, was knocked down for 16,800. How isthatforshrinkago? When will men stop plaj Ing tho fool "in tho midst of Colleges and Schools?" " PorsTED Sarcasm. Tho Hunting doB Journal boasts that among all the charges ol corruption against our pub lie men, Sonator C'amoron has thus fur ewaped Well, It is rather remarka ble, as It Is well known Ire has been tho Boss Tweed of corruption at both liar risburg nnd Washington for nearly half a century. But tho old Winneba go has betn as successful It I fnx in covering his tracks. : AToLrriCAt Hcaliawao. General Tokor Schenck, lijto Minister to Eng land, is on his logs a.niu and has been , doing some hard swearing before tbo Committee on foreign relations. The - OeneTnl knew how to handle the Km ' Uitt Mino stock', but ho cannot get over tbo iinpertinonoo of the committee in ! naestion. . The committee seems to ' hold all the Aces and Jacks, hence tho Plenipotentiary loses constantly, al though ho isjho author of a work en J'okor. , i .. , .Tho odilort of the Pittsburg roM nnd Ike Lancaslur lildligepcrr seem to be highly displeased over the result ol our State Convention. Why iu thun der did they uot lako hold of the ma ihiue and make it run In their groovo nnd have UtenisWras ducted dolrgatos. The patriots Indicated were on the ground all tho time, and should have infused their. .l)OUSt.(?) purposes, and Domoorstic desigm lot that body of . intelligent delegates. Who is the clown i this play, Bf how? ' "Tba eonilaot of a SaoatoiV Lwumtor imtt. tiftmnr. Well, you have mado frequent efforts at that job, and failed, suppose yon now try to regulate "tbo conduct of an editor." Please put your own house hold in order before you mcddlowith your neighbor's affairs. More proprie ty and less impudence would wear better in the Pott ofllco and in your own. Ago may iiuprovo your case, bat tho Pott man is becoming more in discreet every year. No editors in the Stale are so frequently found outsido ol their baliwick as those of tho Post, and if Iho nMnranr men don't tack about they will land In the same ditch. This thing of manufacturing Presidents, Governors, Supreme Judges and one's self into promioenco, is no recent effort nn tho part nf some egotistical editors, and is becoming disgusting to the The Frksint Business. Tho Hon. Wm. Scruggs is tho representative ol the United Slates of America at Boga to, tho capital of the United States of Columbia. In recognition of friend ly diplomatio service performed by the Hon. Mr. Scruggs in behalf of the United State of Columbia, tho Gov ernment of that country presented him with ft solid silver ink-stand. But a auspicious Congress will not permit Mr. Scruggs to aixiopl tho ; present. The present business haa about dono it work in this country, and if tbo peoplo are not yet satisfied with itsde moruliring effects, tboy aro tno stupid to be Ireoincn. But then, why bo so fajlidions about a subordinate official taking a slico oh ths same loaf from which the President has been cutting for sovon or eight years. If it is a sin for Scruggs to take a present, how can it bo ostoemod and treated as ft virtue In Grant, who Jiss dono wholesale business In this line? The editor of tho Timet paid our town a visit last Saturday. He came by private convcyanoo, and while here gaied on the marblo slab, high up on the prison. ' Be teems to love that In stitution and is making a huge effort to got inside. JJow bo will succeed in thl indortaking, the future will ro !. It scezni ha wants to play John Banytn, or iniUU some other up arty r VI aWMBl UtBSB, , Ho kop born Ssint will be grattlsd. The Kxr Note. Mr. Monaghau, in his oxoellent speoch nn tho occasion of i his election as permanent president of the Democratic State Convention at Lancaster, last week,' struck the key note of the coming presidential cam paign in his concluding sentence, "Let us, in our actions to-duy, remember that tho great need of the country is honest and upright men in office, and it is our mission to supply that want." Things have come to such a pais in the management of political affairtthat tho ordinnry questions of policy about which moil differ must be held in abey ance, pcndiiiL' necessary moral pur gation. It is of little use to amend our laws or ri-paif our constitutions, If they nro to be enforced by a civil ser vice so rolton that no department of it appears to bo any longer Bound or sub stantial. 1 ' Tub Twestietu. We are proud ol the delegates which will represent the Domooraoy or the AXlb Congressional District in the approaohing National Democratic Convention at St. Louis, For ability, integrity, Democracy and energy, wo bold at letst three Aces and a Jack, In the pack made up at Lan easter, and feel like playing a lone hand with any district in the Bute. Th proceedings of the Convention will be huai in full In this issue. But tho reader eaanot eoJoU lYoin any district four such champions as Wallace, oj' Clearfield, pill, 'of Union 'two of the four delegate!) at large Novo, ot Clin top and tlfftf, of MitJip.' ' ". ' ,' ! ' uro coming to naught., The highest tribunal, although the opinion was long delnyod, speaks, and in that opinion wo find tho following Democratic and time-honored principle luid down : 'The Government of the United .Stales is one of delegated power alone. Its authority is defined and limited by tbo Constitution. All powers not granted lo it by that instrument are rtnietition cle is as follows : That William W. Bellnap, while he was iu offieo as Secretary of .War to wil, on tho 8th day of (Mobor, 1870 had the power and aithority under tho laws of tho United Slutos, as Sec retary of War, lo appont a person to niuinUiin a trading establishment al $w Adwliscnut. Joarpb Powell Uorallo L. Uall V. II. Hull ..... 7';,.kll.4. r II.... Kie, i T Sal IS III IS Dl (rattan Towaablat Aa. H'orrMnfaa. IAS . Jtloef Maylaotl , ,..... IU7 'Tie.aai P. C.wntt Tax. ..list 40 sv Jci 9UI. ' u g,'ii JiTri!I 7T sail J,,h " ""Ilii 10 tbo liioow oy iipi y ino i-,xeeaiivc tommitleu. 1 i-r :,t j b,T" tsYii'1 "'""s ""- - "'""ion Jommiltoo tuay,'re nvoibe specially mulled guetu willOiit iu . J..i, v..n.ku..,.,,M f I as I " S ' Jf """ iiiil ,and aro world m the usual; nearly u follows fj ij i j j! H..i T..... is: JJ j,,VVarl ' T""" isml"7 iseology, one Ivlng largely a , Tho 1'iusident and Vku Presuftuit, M,.'tJ & 5riw"'"JZl'''liSt t". """"" Vc" "''il of tho other. I The first artl-1 The Cubnichl. , i,a m,,, ai1.7..'k'l'. "... urn '" " " (iallrh Towaabla. I iai si i IT The Supreme Court. The Senate and House of Represen tative. The IcudiugoHlcorsof tlio Army and Nnvy. The t Governors of the States nnd Territories and their stuffs, t 'the Ix-irislalure of Peiinsvlvaniii. Fort Rill, ft military post ol tlio Unltco; I be llnurd ot Mule Supervisors, States I that said JiolkmP iirumised tu L'i'lw i'oruuiu ComuaiaMauura,...,, appoint one Caleb P. lursb to main- ' The Centennial Commission uml the tuin said trading cstablttlimont at said I chief subordinates. military post, and thereafter the said j The Centennial Board ot Finance P. Marsh and omi John 8. Kvansj Caleb 1 . Jlarsli and omi J did enter into un ngrecoxnt In writing, substantially as Ibllowii Here the Coinniiilee. Tho Government Board ot finance. Tho Woman's Cunlenninl Kxeciitive articles of airrcemcnt ar' set out iu ox tenso : that tlicrcnftcAon the 10th of October, 1870, said llehnap, as Sucre, tary of War, did at b tnstanco and request of said Mbit, nploint said John S. Kvuns to mnintiin said trad ing establishment at fort Sill, and in consideration of such nn'o'ntmoiit that said Belknap did. nn i about the 'id nf November. 1870. Inlnwfullv and corruptly receive Imniwid Marsh tho M-ved to the States or the iwople. '"" of I1.R00, and did it divers times V r l.r 1,1. ...n l,n ni-nii mil linilnr t lie l"ci euuei , luui i on i.r uui.ui. imk .m ... ----- i.r ,. Constitution or laws or tho l.nitea States except such as tho Government of the United Stales has the authority to grant or secure. All that cannot be so grunted or secured are lelt nnder tho protection of the States." Tno nuovr may bo called pretty sound Stato Rights doctrine and com ing from a Radical tribunal will grate harshly on tho feelings uml temper of the opposition, but in the language of the magnificent Twnod "what arc they going to do about It." Ihitwdle Intrlli- gemir. RADICAL MUSIC. Tho Chicago Tribune which, for a long time, stood by Grant and bis for tune, manfully sustaining him and but tling courageously against heavy odds, has at length thrown up iho sponge nnd confesses having boeu badly worst ed. It docs not hesitate to speak its mind plainly, and in language both truthful and eloquent proceeds to do- scribe the poit'on of tho party of which It is a representative In terms like thcHo: "Mr. Belknap's crimo unfortunately docs not stand alone. 1 1 conspicuously marks and illustrates the criminal laxi ty and scandalous profligacy of a sys tem of civil service whose corruption is aa wide-spread and as radical as iu administration la discreditable lo the nation. Loose personal morality, looser official morality, havo become general; tho opinion has gained strength that it is no crime to plunder the Govern ment; and it has been extensively taught that a parly iu office should facilitate as far as possible the opor tunitics of its own members to butter their private fortunes. What we wish to say is, that tho Republican enndi. date for President in 187b' must be known to tbo whole peoplo lo bo free from all taint or question of responsi bility for anything in tho past that haa tho faintest odor of weakness, corrup tion or equivocation in the administra tion ot tho Government, the distribu tion of patronage, or the social demora lization of the Nation. I'lsttorn,s can not supply confidence. Tho people will ask, 'Who Is tbo man?' and if the man be a part nf the things and timos which tho peoplo have already dolorm ined shall now pass away forever, then such a man may as well select his place In ohsenrity at once." Dviso Words. The following aro tho dying words of somo of our emi nent statesmen, recontly deceased : Shed no muleteers lor me. H. It. Bristow. The game is played out. Poker Bob Schonek. .-. Stand by your post-tradcrshipa 7u ifflmw. Belknap. - I am glad that I die young. It would be t terrible thing to grow old and sinful. Williams. My son, nevor writ letters. Pior- ropont. ibis is not suicide, nnl assassination. John B. Henderson. If I bad only boon born twins 1 could havo made just twice as much. Orvil L. Grant. Some love to roam o'er the dark sea loam, but as for mo, give me a worm eaton hulk in a snug harbor. Roboson. Don t weep tor mo. l m glad to got out of tho wilderness. Moct me on the happy hunting ground. Delano. Tell B. Butler 1 die happy, by special request. R. H. Dana. Look not on the still when it is crooked. John McDonald. They say the streets of the new Jeru salem are paved with gold. 1 want to go. Boss Shephanl. Yt bo would have thought that cold tongue would kill a man ? Jabbering Jim Blaino. This is a sacred Ibing. Deacon Mc Kec. A tanner won't last you more than eight years. Babcock. L go whore "mum's Iho word." Joyce. St. Lovit Timet. Tim A, B, C, or it. An exchange furnishos the following alphabet of the administration for tho now Secretary of War, whoso education has just bo gun:' A la for Arary, aala is his prsisn. B la for Bafcwtb, wbf, abuohl bo la hli'n. C la for Oalfai. M.Silliar'a baa nan. 0 la tlalaao, who aoiodlad Iba roo man. E ia for Knma, on England noloadao. V la f"t Port Hill, Ibal poor Brlhoap i-siitoM. A la far llrant, wha la partial lo boafaa. II la fur Harrington, ai pari tn asloi. 1 la for fnfalla, and Mra. U.'a rauh. J la for Jcijoa, who a nleo thing did botfh. K la for Ka blot and Uondj ablrt Marion. L was Iho Landanltl for Will ami u aport on. M ia for alarah, who to proaaaa vat 03a tut. N la for No osa but Brialow ihat'a bonaat. O It for Ortll, lha go batwaao broinar P la for Ptarropoal, aosvloiiaM to oaaoothor. Q la Iba Qoaaltoo lhal so oaa anal u. K ia Iba Kaiponfi that hsp out tba fal. B la for Hbaphard. hla riagllat and pandora. ' T nro Iba Taipoaara, boaa aaonrjr ha aqoaodara. U la for L'laaaaa, lhat-alaada bj tbaaa friandi. V la Iba Villalolai that ha W ara Iba Wllnoaina, bflnlod with vt'lanoa. X Iho 'Xmlaalioa wblah ha aaoat allanoa. V la Iho l'all from tho nation that riagl. Z II tba 7.RSI f).r a nw atata of thiaga. Via. Robin Boon's Barn. Accord ing to tbo following item from tho Wa vorly A'lcoaite, Philadelphia is prepar ing tho sinews of war for Uio coining Oontennial solge : "On Monday last the merchandise from 100 enrs was trans ferred lrom ,tho Erie to tho Lehigh Valley at the station, for tho (Quaker City,'1 "ilB,t Kriday, 25,000 tierces of ham from SU Joseph, Mo., was trans ferred from tho Krio to the Lehigh road at this station fur Philadelphia, consigned to one man." This is cer tainly a very crooked route from St. Jo to Philadelphia, But then, busi ness is business. Whrrb to Get Documents. Tho Democratic organisations in all the States and Territories aro requested to nnd the name of their Committees, immediately, to tbo Congressional Committee. Applications for docu ments, speeches, and other political matter, and all communications relat ing to the business of the Committee, should be addressed to tho Secretary, Hon. James E. Harvey, 1324 f atreet, Washington City. Kdilora who send their newspapers to tho Committoe will be liimishcd with all documents true of ohfcrgg. . 11 1 est sa Cltweb, Chairman. W. I. Babnuu, TfroaAuWr. ' J. E.-Uabvit, Secretary.' ? ,' r i r - e ,' 1 f January, 1871, andabout the end ofl each three months curing the term oi oiio wholo yenr, while he was still in office as Secretary or VVar, nnlawfully receive from suid Jlarsh like sums of 11,500 in consideration of tho appoint ment of said Kvivis. and in cousnlern tion nf bis ( Belli uip s) permitting said Kvnns to continie to maintain stud trading establishment at P'ort Sill, wherebythe sail William W. Belknup, who was thcr Secretary ol War, as nfaresaid, wa guilty of high crimos and misdemeanors in office. Tho second article recites : That aaid iVm. W. Belknap, while Secretary of War, aforesaid, did, on the 4th of November, 1873, wilfully, corruptly, and unlawfully, lako and receive from said Marsh tho sum of $1,500, in coosidurilion that he would continue to porrait John S. Kvans to maintain a trading establishment at Fort Sill, and that be did improperly permit the said f.vans to continue lo maintain the aaid Hading establishment at tho said military post, and the said Belknap was thteby, whilo he was Secretary of War, oi high misdemean or In bis said ofltio. Tho third article recites: ' That the Raid IV m. Vf. Belknap, as Socrotary of War tf the United States, did appoint John S.Evans to main tain a trading establishment at Fort Sill, and that said Evans by virtue of! The Judges of the Inhibition.' I bo Stiilu C entennial Hoard. , , The Oily officials of Philadelphia. This list is subject to revision. As the exercises are to bo held In open air, it will Ini possible for a gieoUir multi tude to witness tbcin. About 10) o'clock A. M., the persons invited list, ing bctiti conducted to their plsce. the ochesiin of 159 conducted by Tlieodoru Thomas, w ill play I be nntionul air of nil nations. iho President ol Iho United Slates will be conducted to the ground by Governor ll.irtrnoft, with a military vscort. The following pro gramme will thin be carried out: -"The Grand March,'' written for the occnsixii by Richard Wagner. "Invocation ol Ibe Divine Dleaoing, origimil hymn by J. (i. Whiltier. Originul Cantntu Words by Sydney l.iituer, ot doorgiu ; 31usio by i;uuluy Buck, of Connecticut. Brief presentation by lhu President of the Centennial Commission, report ing tho Kxhibition to the President of the United States. An address by the President of the t inted Slates, which no will clow by declaring tho Kxhibition open. Imme diately the flags will be unfurled, the artillery will Hro a salute, tho chimes of the lower and other great bells will ring, and tho chorus of GOO will render Handel's "Hallelujah." Tbo foreign commissions will move to their respec tive assignments in the main building. Tin) President of tho Uuiuxl States es corted by tho Commission and iho Board of Finance, and the invited guests, will enter the north doors ol tho main building and move aocom panicd by tbo music of great organs, along the great avenue in such a man ncr aa to pass by each national com mission. Tbo procession will then rnws to Machinery Hull and wa!k down the main avenue to the centre. Then nt a las 103 II I M) IUt VI JV.. 41 IIM S-JA .tssrrr ; I assl I I 111 lei ' I OA ! II nv I 11 iitlll Vim. Illlobana laiuoa Uuneao.... ifamd Aakajr ., Kl,rt OrithaM.., John Nleholaua... Con ogham ......h Ilm4v Tuwuaalp, t IS l l IS II It 10 til I II An 3ns sil Ml III sl . ion 40 M'orrawlaa. Win. Klrk( alrloli... I4S 4 II. M. lioo4ioa l. ltNl MS 101 10 i 10 141.1 Milt 11 111 7 SI tin such appointment had since, until thoHignil fmllt tl,e President of the United 2d day of March, 1376, maintained that Smtes tho cnurmous ongino and its trading establishment, and had below ho was so appointed, and in onter to procure such appointment and bo con tinued therein, agreed with Marsh that in consideration of said Belknap's ap pointing him (Evans) lo maintain said trading establishment, at the Instance and request oi said Marsh, be (Evans) would pay to him I Marsh) a large sum of monoy quarterly in advance from the date of his atid appointment by said Belknap to wit 112,900 during the year, and othor large sums quar terly during each year, in order that be, the saitf Evans, should bo permit ted by aaid Belknap to maintain such trading establishment at such post; that Evans did pay to Marsh such sums of Money quarterly during each year until tho month of December, 1875 that Marsh, upon the receipt ol each of such payments, paid one-half thereof LU ueiaiiap, anu.ase suia uwtlrnnp, while knowing those facts, and having power to remove Evans from such position at any time, criminally disre garded his duty as Secretary of War, and basely prostituting his high office to bis lust lor private gains, did un lawfully and corruptly continue aaid Kvans in such a position, and permit bim to maintain tis establishment to the great injury and damage of officers and soldiors of the army of tbe United Stales stationed at aucb post, as well aa to emigrants and freighters and oth er cuitons ol tbo United States, against publio policy, and t the great disgrace and detriment of tho public service, whereby William W. Belknap was, aa Secretary of War, guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors in office. Article 4 charges Belknap with hay ing received from .Marsh largo aumsof money for and in consideration ol his (Belknap's) having appointed Evans to maintain a trailing establishment at Fort Sill, and in lonsidoralion of his continuing him therein, whereby ho (Belknap) bad been guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors in office. This articlo Is accompanied by seven teen specifications setting out various times and circumstances of payments of money. A rticle 5, after reciting the same general fact!, charges that Bel knap was induced to make tho appoint ment of Evans by die influence and re quest of Marsh, and that Evans paid lo Marsh, in consid'ration of such in fluence and request, divers large sums of money at various limos, amounting to about Biz.uou a ear, lrom tho date of sucharipointmonitothe2d of March, 1876, all of which facts tho said Bel knap well knew, yd said Belknap, in consideration that be would permit said f.vans to contiiuo to maintain said traiding establishment, and that such payments might continue to be made to said Marsh by sa d Evans corruptly, received from said Marsh, either for his own (Belknan'O use or to be paid lo the wife of said Belknap, divers large sums of money at various times, set ting out the dates and amounts ; all ofl which acts and doings were while iho said Belknap was Secretary of n ar, and wero niga misdemeanors in ofllco. . t The close of lbs document is as fol lows: ' And Uio House of Representatives, by protestation, saving to themseles tho liberty of exbirting nt any lime thereafter any fur.hor articles of ac cusation or impeachment ngamst said Vt illiam W, llulkntp, late Secretary ot War of the United States, and also of replying to bis answers, which ho shall mako unto tho articles herein preferred against bim, and of offering proof jo tlio same and every part thereof, and to all and every otiicr article of accusa tion or impoaclimtnt which shall bo exhibited by them as the case shall re quire, do demand that iho aaid William W. Belknap may bo put to auswor fur tho high crimos nd misdemeanors in ofllco herein charged against him, and that such nrooooliugs, examinations, trials, and judgments may bo there upon had and gviq as may bo agreea ble to law and justioo. . Tho committeo also report iho fob lowing: Retolced, That seven mauager. be appointed by ballot to conduct tho Im peachment exhibited against William V. Belknap, late Secretary of. War ol lbs united States, thirteen uerca ol machinery will be put iu motion and the Exhibition will ho open to tho world. There may follow more or less formal receptions in the Judge's Hull nnd tbe quarters of Hie Commission. Moral Bii Ltrn irx'a. Tho follow ing interesting correspondence is sup posed to have taken place by tele graph : . , Exxcctivb Mansion, ) Wasiiiniitiin, March 3. j II. W. B. 1 am hanging on the rag ged edges of anxiety and despair. You have been there tell me what lo do about It. U. 8. G. HbixikLvn. March 3, U. 8. O. If the danger is not im minent brass it through. If tho skele ton ia threatened with sjieedy oxpoaure call an Advisory Council. U. V . B $fw gitli'frlisfmfnti. TREASURER'S SALE , - . or-. UNSEATED LANDS, -i- , Clearfield) t'ounly. Pa., for IH14 and IH1. Nation il baivby gtvan. Is ioraoaota of nn Aot of Aaarmblr approved tha Itth da of Job, A D. IS4a, ootitloal. An Aot lo aarod as A at 41 roallng tho ajofto of aalliog l'soaUsl Laada Is Claarflald ooostT.M and tba aoooral loppltaanta inamo, antra win aa aipoaad to ama or oatvrr, os tba SKI'OSD MONDAY, Ulh da; of JUNS, A. D. IS'i. tha following trarta or wiaooa of no. aaata4 landa Hi natt aowntj, for Uaoa daa nod nnpais, rut . h . Btccarla Towaalilp. Ptr. RVroalaa. JW. John Hailrr.... SI 5 Daniel's Doaie The New York .Wears: "Unci Daniel Drew was the only man who know tho word by which bis combination snfo waa onenod. One morning bo as HI and did not get down to bis i (floe, so they sent lo got tho word. "Door" was tbo word, the mossengor Was told, but he worked with It hall aa hour and the safe re mained closed, lie returned to the old jrcntloman. "What word did you sayf' "Door I doort" shouted Uncle Daniel, iba clerk, suddenly remem bering that Mr. Craw waa eocentrio in soma Ihinga, asked, "How do yon spell it, sip W' I'Baoh Iporanosl D o-ar e, of Wr.M Tha safe waa opened. ia. Ill IIS IM to 114 I SI 116 14 141 4 41 Mr l4 tot III Ml I It SI 9 M ts 114 r 1ST 411 411 111 I IA! Ul 111 Frodtrtrh Ha Jataai Mralarlrla. Tbonai Margaiory Mngana Millar .t..,.....,. Jaoh Klng.. John Oibioa..... ..... Rohort Wilaaa J.t (allasd .... Pol or Oals , M Jrrrajlah Moabar llorid Rarloo....M... ..... Jaoob Klng..-..H..H.H..... Jrroinlah Moabar. Cooper A Kragr H.. Wna. A Jnn. Broan.....H Frodoriab Batoa.. Tboaiaa llilllnglon M Jnbn Kraa Mnrttn Faata..n M 'rai llablaj Wai. ftnva Iraet.... M rbilip Mraoaaopn Oalrait Janra W. Smith Wm. Uraji balaooa ... Jobs Millar II H 91 II II VI It is II T4 li 4 47 T I SI u si IS 11 I to il M II Kb il n I IS 4i n 41 44 II to in as ir ft II be It 74 I it M Tl M IS III 11 A'a. At. Ptr. 4ISI lew HIS Ml 1TII IIHM MM US) 4S7 III Mil lll Mil Ins Mil III Mil 101 i; 79 lio inn si? till lias tint I noil itinl ' 7i Itnf lnl Mil Sll lilul 411 iii io s: lilt 117 i;ci laoo 4IM sol - Mill In !11 Mil III IIS 4WI lS 4117 4H , 71 Mil II Mil III ' Mil 141 , N Mil 400 MIS III' ' Bin .Va. ' Ar. , Ptr. 1001 IHO . It 111! Ill 1171 II lilt III - , Ml . Mil jl 14 If -WW i 471 : , lllb III , tint li'l'l 1M, ' ItIS ins 107 II . lilt 10 111 a 10 - i Bll Towaanlpa N'ftrnialM. Henry Bsh... Tw. ?7I M 47 10 " u 171 oe Jal. D Aalhon;.. 117 OH llearr bnh 41 OS " 71 7 " " Sr ' " - 41 14 " " . 47 IS - 10 SI Mthlla A Oriath... 140 4 " " ... 100 10 " , , " ... Il 10 " . I7 II ' ... lil SO " ... Ill II " " ... 117 S ... 71 SO M 10 lit se iji SSi 0114 lit ,I7S . 1.1 III 1S III 471 St 711 IIS 111 111 imi 1st I i;l 104 111 III . llailU krooodf.. Cwrail Lnf Ilanry Wfoft 071 II aobo imnlai lbs 10 Sliior.... ... 10 10 " .. (0 M Kvlrta t 1,111 Al " ' " '.... 41 40 ' ' .... 7l II ' " ...Mil IS ; J, w. Slib...,.., 71 lo 1 haa. II I'roacott... sa SO pohrr-l Pus I0S 40 tiarnaials Hanrr IIS M CaPr ollrrr ........ I7S 00 " ar...... I" 40 llrnria fbaS.r Ill 10 Knhorti a ao k. . Caiaora... Ill l 10 04 40 40 Is 10 10 II 00 Al SO 111 m i oi Ao. Aa, . WW 7 St IS01 114 Mil 1st Tt tl lit ISO 414 . I S3 J47 111 aas M ISO Aa. V., Chrialtan ltwar.... J W.amltb i Hoorga C. Kirh.... - Holl.ipalar a b.k DoHola A Foliar.... 4(0 0 . WIUfAMeCalloagh lion Jemoi A. Calbara... Iloliort Cnrrf II. A W. Wlatart,,. Burnatae Tuwnahlp). Ptr. WmrmmlM, John NIohalaM....! tl 41 ' ' . 04 II 177 II II II S 41 1 IS 01 II IM 0 74 10 ISO 10 104 II nt io in tt 10 14 114 lot 141 41 ol 100 lot 51 413 4S3 41 l0 II 171 411 14 100 ifi IM II Its ',l It I lit 100 IM 481 . 4.11 HI A'a. ' MSI 1.171 M"4 1401 ItSI I17t 1411 MOT 1.171 1404 Istl nil not 1.147 1317 4.177 ens i s7 J ISO 1107 Aa. IM M 401 4tH III too Out 14 141 M lit Ml It 100 71 lot 111 114 IIS 111 111 47 I II II I IIS 11.1 111 A 1451 not I'M lot 1041 not Ills lint (SI mi nt lis iu lit Ml 1100 411 100 loo ' John Mailer. ilahaa . Carpor nharer, Jr. Denial Whiteaar.... 1 Jobs H lelea ' Mary Roberta....... John Dreeelor Cavper Shaffer ' J. Willlnmeaa Marp Crawlard ... Leoaard Hollia..,.. Cbest Towaahlp. H'orroolra. William flnanamas......... John Bnrd ..m..... Jneimh llapnoa Theaiaa HamilUa....... Cbarloi Oeblis ftobert Flonatng leaoo Riobardaon dntMlbu Walear ..... lobs Cooh Jaenar Rwiog Wllliaai Cook ....., MeOor4 traol ........... Janaoa Piper Ileorge Pago Hear Page ... Jaaaoa Koble. ............ hleb.l.e A Mitchell Malblaa Klougn.. Miller A Chrirt . - J4ia Braoneoaan........ Joeofib MMurraj llee.e, Millp A Co ., Ratling llrmaod... ford A Shiabla Kolrig Robert , Jamai Rnea Jeko rnnsingbaal.ww. Jabs M.leer . ll'iorab Covington Townahlp. Wurroalea. fleitrga Mead , Tel. ! SI II ... II II ... 47 10 147 n .. II 71 ... 1st aa ... IM 00 ... ISO ot .. 49 .11 II S ,.. .10 44 .. II IS .. 10 OS .. St 14 ,. 74 44 11 II It II ... Ill 12 ... II 14 .. I It .. 41 It ... 17 01 ... I II I tl .. 47 14 ... 40 SO ... II 71 ..MM ... n ii i ;t fol ..$ SI 01 , 414 M .... til tt ...... 411 to I?S St ..... 41 It ... 41 It .... Ill M SI 10 ..... 17 4 .... 141 It , 1 II ..... Ill 00 .... 41 It S07 Ml " " 1,411 10 tforria A Slroart 21 to II K 10 St M err U ateemrl. Bongs Mead.. Ill IM P.r 111 III 1.4 . I-S 4 byorroarae. Cbrt.llon Kiaike.. Itettbiee Voang f'b'iatien lluger llewrge Moeeerannth... TboiMSi Ymler Uaoial Offluy 7o Oe..rge lieker 14 Tlmutby Paxtoa. ...... I l.f Julio liorfe,...,.. all Kuiaonel angrrl. ....'... William lira; , 4a,,4l4WrO'fJf"r..T v 34V " Philip Ulunninger J.ibn MrCaben...A ler IIS 14 , Traarferred for J. Ridar. Iieeaur Ttwaahlp. rTorroiaiee. Javoa HamtlUs Thoaaaa P. Cope Charlee Rleb Robert Rami; ...... Patrieh Moore Thomal HlearardaoB Ann MrlMahen Joseph WbiUhall.. William Keana Tbomna Rtewardaea Jaaaoa Maltoob Rohort HelUiogrr. ...... . John Drlnhor ., Tbomne Bdmnndaoa..w.j. Aaainol Haaailtua.... Caaper Hbiom .... Wiliiarn Hooter....... ..... Doeld Stewart Caaper Hatooa Tot. . 74 49 .... II Si ... IM Ot Ill 00 ....... Tt 10 .... n to IU M M It IIS 4S 11 It .. 171 M 301 ICO 01 III III Ul 111 lot M 110 0 lot M0 No. 3171 311 lsn 3S01 lis! But 4901 iii;i 1074 m;i KIWI inor IS11 M7i 4111 4111 11 l4 4ti 41.11 4.1VI 1001 1O0I 4H1 M7I M77 IS7I M77 41.11 4111 4 lit 41.11 4101 Mf.l 1010 4131 4114 40M M71 1171 M7I J3l tool 1011 1171 IMI IIM 1111 SMI MIH 1171 1171 1194 3007 31117 list 1111 Mn4 Mtt 4111 111 I II II I II M7t A. 433 1S3 40 IM Ml lot 111 111 II Ma. I4IJ, 1413 1404 1114 4 Ao. III 1010 low IOI0 4M 401 loo 111 mil llll 11.41 I'SU S7 1-4 1 - 117 4(0 T4S liO III 971 IU lit Mt too M 110 " tot 147 117 lull 400 Ml tin tn 107 lot ' 9V0 II 111 lit til 147 lot IMj IM loll lew; 347 tot ' 41t HUO 4.17 SKI 731 , VOI 1011 III MS 1410 IslO SM 117 117 lot Ml . tl II IU 4 III Uioige Dakar Jobs MeUah'iS .. Lamp lllsck... , Benjatola rTllr.n J,.ba UbUmor. .. Plgot Shew ., Howard Hand tieurge Moore .m.. Besjaaaia Wil-e. Plfol Stiai..M...v... Tbomaf Muarogoa..,.,., Dorid Pulkeraoe ........ NostUr aeuu Klehard Atherton Ilaaloa Towsahtm, Par. a'orroare. Hoborta A Vol.. ...fill is .... Ill SV .... 4'1 II ... 137 It .... tM SO ... l it 01 .... U t'l .... 471 li .... 471 IV .... ulS" 40 ,. 143 71 .... 10 II lit 7 .... Ill SI .. . l:n iu .... I4 in Ill 41 ... ISi 4S .... lor 3S ... IU SI .... I) ... I"' II .... 10 11 .... 10 Oi ... 1 1 44 . Ill '.'1 .... 1 SI ,.. II 13 07 41 4S 17 f till I.S 1:10 . 01 1 117 Jnbn rioaloo i.... Pmoeta J'.bnetoa Davia Devemge.,... Walter A Slewart Cbrlet Babel .a., Ileaan llrnla Coorad Hwaru........... Jiihn Ural'. N, Hofdrnowrr ....., Pro.lo,ieh liable; Mitblae Kloogh Robert Oaraos N, Mee'leDowor. Mellhlea Slongh Henry Urinkor Joaeph llabley...... ...... Jamea Potter Freaeie Johnaten......... M M ttftt rami Towaihlp. . 311 41 .... II ... II It .... 31 II 10 II .... II 71 ... 14 01 ... 4 17 ... 41 47 .... 141 01 ... II II ... 171 M 17 ... II 71 ... I II ... II M .... II 11 ... II II ... 14 I Mo. A, Per. waB"Astio. Tal bOIt lit ' Vieblio A Otiaih....ilS M I iO 'l I"" " " .... 437 10 i "'I 171 : at , .j, I ll Sit .j, 4ISI tl 131 ' .... u M 1 ! HI " " .... tl II IM .... lag M IISS All - .. Ill It MIS 141 - ,. Ml M 1917 41 urn M aa 1933 M " ... I tt Mt " lSltO 100 Joaeph Boo. 41 01 i " II 10 " " - II M 101 ' 41 It 1J4J M '. - - 3 ag J. 'I. Kid-ler. Moor! A Delaaay. " Tai. 11,177 It , 1,401 44 , 1.4'1 tl , l.i"l 1 ..' Ml SO ISi I- tl IV l l ' 4J74 7i4tiu; 1771 William Powr'.... I, III is 477 I" , 1ST M I.J1I Hes-liag.Rlrbeyaiio 1.074 17 - m u Jamea Will William Powera., K. Mhnrmeker...., Jamea Wllaoa.'... u " . William Pt.era" Wood'rd A Pianey. M'loro A Oelaaay... ru A Pol.. Jamea IVIiewa.. RammonJ A Jeaee. William Powerr.... Jsrnoa Wileeo Moore A DcUaey.. 1771 8a. 41J4 4111 47SI M;i 4701 1171 4104 4103 4117 4'JM 4IW 4im 4100 41l 4110 4101 42M loot 4110 4111 471 11 BolrerU k F .I IS to II 111 Si 31 SI 14 1.11 Moore Ilclaney.., nonene res,..., William Poweri... I Jaaei Wilenej John Uanlap..m. DuBoli A lt..a Heje.ild, aab. dir. ' J. NUklls Reynolda anb. dir. J. Nleklln . Boyn'ildi aoh. dir. ' J-RrtiHs.. Reyooldi aob. dir. J. Kioklia .. Beyaotda anb. die. J. Nieblin ISI is 1,1.011 in lis lo tit II III on 41 II ISO IS ; 171 lv 111 74 I St 40 I I 13 I 0 j 404 II 111 13 .. 1,491 13 VI 40 ,. Sll 11 .. 1. 1 tl 1 ... 1.31 SI 111 "I I lil OS 371 41 j 30S 411 AS j 31VI III 13 llll Sll ! 1901 199 Ot 1 IVH 171 tolloai 430 00 ; KIM 1.117 II. MM 47 II ' l.M I. Ml tt' 101 ISS 0:, I 11S7 I.O It SO ! 3001 ... 411 01 U'S ..... 1,411 43 3101 !tl IS , 1SS kal.. 4,111 Vs3Vi7 . 140 SO lisl ..... 1.MI 04 4111 ..... 1.401 43 ! !! ..... I" III , 1,171 13 . ..... 1.401 OH 1 I, is; SS; no 1,111 It I 4.11 1.13 is! in ll4 -71 II HI III 34 "I St Ao. 7SI 311 111 SSI 111 lit 101 410 ! llll I7 141 301 ' 1 hi Ar. Ill isl III 1041 0SI 1071 tot ' ovt Sll tsi 401 411 tuo T4 tJt 0(1 311 41 171 too III Ac. P0 tm sit 311 1(3 413 171 '! - S2t ISI 371 ISM I nit io.o 70 0j m 141 Pike Towsililp. Par. wassasTss. . laav Jaoatbaa Nittbolaoa 4171 It " . " . II It , " " . II 44 4 ' . j M 14 " " . IM SI Jamoa wllenn Josothas Nlrtotaen, S3 11 Hloknn A Orlftth.... M M J. Bat baa Mrhotmo.. Jamea T. Leonrd .. I1M rowseblp. II it 30 II III M 47 3( 47 31 II 41 It II 41 40 4 M r it Tag. Per. WABB4 T88- II Jamoa Wll.oo JI.I19 11 .11 - . . .. III 01 " tsl II I Moon A Dolaaey... 711 II Jamoa Wileea . lot 41 I Moora A Dalnaay... I,ll Jamea Wileoo oat lg " " M7 II tl " 111 11 11 " It 14 - - II M f . . -. ; II ..I " " 4S 10 - II to 43 M u to II 71 1 71 .11 It I St 11 It Jamoa Wilton..... . Roberta A Pus... Jamee Wllaoa 41 John ltieh-tleua .. I'uloB Towaahlp.. Per. VABBAnrcK. Tag. lit RoberU A Pol fl,7i 00 II " " .... I .let 00 " " .. ll 87 Jamal WilauB... Woodward Towaablp. Par. wabbastsb. Ill JosBtban Wall J"bn Ball : .... William Wilaea leaao Wheeler...... ...... all Uootmsn... ........ 11-1 113 II Tt II 31 31 II . 1 t aMTWDlOB OBB. Blft. A. I kti.Lll- i . . 117 44 Per. ' 13 113 37V 101 114 III 111 111 III 111 IIS 104 lot tot lot !! i A a. 433 74 T7 tot 173 31 141 M 431 it M 71 100 . 10 II . SI to To. SMI 13S1 SHI 317t 1171 I'M ISM 1111 ISM 4.111 IIM 1.171 1371 llll llll 1114 IsM 3SII llll 1301 1100 lost Mil IliU Jobs Harriets.. Blieabetb Harrieoa ....... B- Pleteker............ Jamea H rri ,e a .. ., D. W. McCurOT.. a. m Alttrt 0et-e.. w J. D. DeaniBg. ............ A. V. Ileyt FargneoB Towaahlp. Ptr. BTmaaaaa, 111 Ueorgo On aa... Lestii JotiIbb..... A bran Og1ea. ...... ......... Jobs lUabrtght. ........... I. H Fo'gaaos ....... ....... JohB atiner Paiilel Fraoh Jobs OraB Benjamin Utbbe , B. A Cbarlaa Lewie P. Plyna from Oee. Sirs.... From W. Bell From drier Bell.............. Werret Boll J. M. Boea from Wm. Darts. Kirk's eelalo...... ilraro) Tswanhla. Irr. rKarrwaeee, - - Uoorga Mead ... 01 It ... Ill OS . 114 M ... I'l 31 ... 117 t ... It IS iv as tVoagbl. IS 41 . Ill 74 ,. ISi St . Mil . 131 it . 31 It ..' I II . I M I IS .. 1 to not S4II 1410 ICS! fr,S liil llll William Powera.... JiorAaa leWaohlp, Wmrrmnut. TBI. Thomaa Marti a. MI M Robert Martia ............. tl 12 I " Williaai Jeweieeo . f 00 I Ol Joomtban Joaao, ( BBiy.,.. , " Deaiol Smith It 74 I 1110 Hiebard Patera Ill 44 I P. A A. Plyoa.....,,. . MS4IOI Riebart Paten.......!...., II Vt Pbll.p l.n............. 14 It, tarUtsaa Towaihlp. ? AO. f For. ; Wsrraotae-c f r Tag. 117 . Uoorga Mead 1173 II ' " r II " . " 171 tl "' 17 II 41 ! '"J 147 ra! 31 113 lis 113 S3 Tax -llll tt .. II 07 M II tl . 44 SO ,. 44 30; 14 Aa. .. 33 III .. 10 II I "3 , 477 30 i "I .. t4sl4t .. t44U . 81 IS 1013 IIM lino 117 lloo no I.IV - 110 . It 144 M 117 171 TOO . - 71 701 II 100 III 141 lot 17 41 111 117 IM lot 71 444 lot . Ill 11 , " lit 41 William 8mitb 41 71 Myeri A Fiiber John nilllUnd ....... II ugh Mtdooiglo Bmeriek A Raider.. ClauJIai Barony ltd MoOarray ' ' e- Williard 'Z'.7. William V Keetieg... MaCloeky A Potter.. Jobs Meilerrry ....... 11 Vt I It 44 40 I St II II si m IS tt 1 13 1 it II II 1 41 7 tl 4? 71 .11 21 14 41 I II 1 II II 40 II II 4 17 116 I IM I 17 1411 411 111 , IS4 i 31 ' I I I 1 III I I i 4 11 IM I.. I ot isi ir loo to 111 II ill II 171 It Ml M VM 17 1,371 It ssf t 30.1 7i 111 Tl 41 17 11 II 111 17 Tai ..till 41 111 SS .. 01 4 .. Ml 34 .. Il 4S Man Kiel 471 41 lleniomia JohaaMej... 1st 4 Ilagortr 7SS 31 Matthias Barton ............. Ill II B.I IU r arte Oael. "Ml tt John MrCobaa . 444 S Roland Erooi... ........... 4 4a Pigot Shaw. 111 44 Se'.aitiao Href ,. Ill tt Thomaa R.lmaoao.... 117 11 Jamea Arebhridgo..... ....... 114 VI Jhn Mnemr Jr. ........ Ill tt Kll Hoetmaa 41 14 (Tawary R.eartti.. 71 to Jaa. Clarh... .. 11 04 Joha MeClellead . S3 II 8e.rglleo(maa. . S3 II Barbara Border S3 IS -Philip Feosl 1st 14 J.rob H H .well. 0i; l William Joheitoa out 14 Ileorge Bro kbam..... ..... loS tg Samoal Bmlln........ . 11 SI HeBry ShaJler.... S4 to Cbnrlai H.ght ........... tot 44 Uaoial Teror....... Iir OS Joha Low 114 S loaao Ooe ........ 104 ot Roland Braoe. ...... ... 14 St Joha Uarrl.a 177 It Joaeph Clarh , ,. 41 to Reajemba JekaMo. ...,. I Rrwboa Hainaa Ill 43 Lobe Merria .. ... 170 vt Uoorga A eh toa. ...... ....... It St K. J. Prooor. . 101 It Roaasaah Ward.... ...... It SO Joha Voor,hl..... .......... 134 41 Wil.m Parker 31 tt Ch4rlea Lowder.. Joha Caoni'S Henry trrBbor....w..4. William Urlaber..j, Hoary Saadwieb Mary Neil . William Lwtle.1 ,, ... Jnmea Aleiaaaer J B. Walura A. C. Piaitey High Kalee.e... William Wiiur , Henry Book.. " II IB iJ.'.J Nieklle t Orlib... IS 19 t.ur Henry booh 41 tl " ........ It It ,. 1 1 tt ,. 7 IS .. II to Ill 17 141 47 ... 177 II ... 43 54 M. W. Snyder...... Hrnry Tlerk..., Nlnklln A Orinj'lb Henry Ba..k. ,, H'orrBarr. . t t 'Tmr. Roherli A For. ,tllt 14 1 -!-" It SI Sliblil OriClh, J. '.'fc,IA ..:..'..!.. IrVltn A iinSAtb... ' "jaiglerl W., UeUrt..., Kohrrtl 4 Fog,,,,,.. ' Joeob VrogW. Uarld IrrlaeaW,., John P. Kale X.iheni A Foa A L. ToOrar , MtHsa L. MaClon.. 4 44 II 17 II 04 tt to II to II ( II II ..L.t T 10 Ill 10 II II lilt IIS7 1S.1I I 30111 111 1117 IM Ao. IMI 74t not tn S not 1041 I IMI Hot not not lot Oil I lot IMI 311 IM II 101 M ISI 111 , 100 It" I ' IIM 31 111 31 111 All II 4H III . ISI ISI lit lil 11.1 HI IM Per. 143 113 41 HI 111 14 so '4 sa mi ii soil" US tl so it''s t AA 413 lil it iii ! I 4-1J I sot Fes. I tl .11 IS Ml tit ,. OS (HI1 St " ...... 110 M ' 4.11 ... 340 04 1314 irt m it ., ... IIM IN " " ...... Ill M " . lit M " " . .... II 4t i . " " 741 it i IIM " " St 4t lie " " .. 374 M 1 1.101 " - 374 M I I.UI " 4IS OS t IM! ... . llll 10 1304 Morris t Slewart... II M : ini " " ... 101 M ' 1.101 " " .... i it! i in " " .... tl M isnt George Mead I II , llll . 31 e 4.110 Morria a auwart..,. 41 10 i Ml I Ueorga Mead ....... 194 11 1 S1V1 - - 1,111 10 ! S1V4 ' ..-. 1, 1S4 io ! s:i .1,114 10 1191 T.s. Morrll A Slower! be I I 41 113 II U. ' Silt ' I 14 ! IMI si ai ra to 10 to tl to 11 M It tl 11 to It II v; Hoglfs Towaahlp, i ,. . trnrrwales. f. tW Jeke TkaBial...,...,i. SI Vim. MoCr.Uk. .......... II 11 Sency B.'ggi .., 71 44 Molionald 14 II John Byere... .,.,., t4 14 Barbara Saydor. 17 41 Ueo. Iloetma ,H ........ II lliory France...., ,.. II II JnbtMeotg.sBorp ........ 14 44 Menrge A rati........ ...... 14 10 William Tmolwise 14 10 John tirpharl 17 tl Blair M-Uoibeo) , , III 41 Jonas StelaheiaM.m. 4 IS l.a A Muoeoo. ..,., II St J'fi.b Ball Il tl J"ha ka .,.,.,.,....,.. :4 41 Thomaa Herb.. .,.,,.... . 40 Saaieel Re4.,. 114 Ji-aeph Uiinher II til " " MI..UM....... 14 44 Oaeoe Albert ....... 14 4 Ao. ti 3 411 4 IV 471 101 ' . Ill . P , III 17 411 417 II 101 104 lit 111 Ito , 417 ' 3" II M IIS A4 71 IM I Hra4fbr4 TowboHIs. " Aa. Ptrt. WBrewaOaa, . i : TV. Ml ' Alet DoFtea I 91 U 44 P aaanamh Raaar...... II tt It. ! llsrrloaavayaWAIrawM. II tl 111 ' Aadrtw B.arA St tt IIS llll SSSI Ivll tut llll 10.11 I mi IV3T ' A'a. ' 131 S 1317 1.111 Mil lilt 1.111 till llll 1.131 Sill 111 llll it; nil Mil ISI 1114 ill 1.111 1.11 I3.1t mi i mi I Vol IM 111 lot 111 M III -lil 4aS . 114 ' A. Ill oil loot IM IIM I'Hll IIM 1 101 no IIM SIS) IM . II 40 . IM M llll IIM nn IIM IIM 411 171 M Oaaliaa Tewnehtp. Ptr. TTerrwarre. Uoorga Meed. . Ill 41 p II M II It 13 II If M I 44 II It 41 10 44 11 ll 41 I Foa t III 41 , 41 SI , II 40 , IS 04, M , !M 44 .117 , 147 14 .171 , 111 ill III III II 441 441 IU 4b 111 to 4 It M 01 i 413 I 41 411 II? SO 4.11 - II 40 II III 71 lit l.lts M lit til M ! I I 1,1 I 04 I 431 l.lll II III Morrll I Slart,. Ill to 4.13 433 Ar. IIM IIM llll IIM IIM IIM net nit Dm iim not IIM IIM IIM IIM I lot not 474 Sit 31 tr nt tu it nit 41 17 44 711 nir mi 4Si IIM 14 III 47 I Itll. to Oat Lot J. WiliroB RoBeh Charles Cosoway..... e rrasril McCoy betra. 104 Joan UiHileivd M William V. Keating. tan Townahlp. . ITorrwafee. Jsmoa Williard... Rohort llray .....,. Joha BriBhbwret.......... Bnrah Ward ..... Ueorgo Bdle .... M. WhartoB Iloorge A.btoB m ......... BoajamU Poaltaey.... ..... Israel Morria Mania Pierre lea belle Jerdaa ... Joha Pierre..... , Adam Ra,le , IreergoA Mary MoOormiok.. 371 o Poeanaah Ward... II 11 William llaavrr 101 tS Jobn lie ray Nsney Robtnaofl OwoaTelk Lawrence Township. Par. Worrwolae. tleorge Mead D. MrllAr illKV. OlearO.ld. April 4, 1171 tt. I 71 lit aa in it lit 44 M OS 141 M It 41 I 44 IIS It 4 IS 114 4t ...... 4 14 .. 4 14 TrroeBrer. 0 ItPItANS' C0CRT SALE. ' liy rlrtee of aa order of the Oroluusa' Coot of Cleerteld ooBBty, there will h aaid at pnblie aala, by Iba aadaritsood aSmialatraBar of PdJ Mo. ..I M 13 1 tlairk, dee d, oa tbo premiaea, ia Lewreaoe towa- .. 117 II bip, ob .- S3 Ti Httarolty. April t IrtlrJ. i'i'I !! U" f'""l" oeonbod real allele, laU of ae.d ! I J! I to Bill All that eertt.o Iraet Br pie-e of '" ir i ' '"t Iwrenoe loBS.hip, Claarleld '" ?e ml I Pa., hoonded and deioribej . followa: '" .il or I "!'"' ' "spla i thoooa aorta 43 degrooa ' He !. i " M P"hoe lo ebeennt oak i Iheaeo by lead of "' Iii .! ' t-soaberry welt 41 perches to maple greh, and 'II J! I s'BBtn: tbaaoe by lano of laaae CookliBBirtb 4 .. -I 4.1 degrees weet 11 poraha b atoaai : Ihraoa down - 1.1; Wolf Kaa aaolh IS it uvu . maplo aod plana of begiaalag. ooBUiBiog tea aeree and I.IV perehaa. Taeai. Own half oaah, halaaee ka one year, lo aa area red oe tbe premiere Bits lalereet. J. L. LBAVV, Adm'r. P. S.-Tbere will slao ha eold at lha name time aa4 place all tha poreonol property of aaid dea d, conauUng ol booiehuld and hilrbea faroilaro, (arm Implement, Bad rarioai other artlrlaa too numerooa to wentioB. Ciearlebl, April a. 1174 41. 7 S3 I 17 M II thl ...AMI .. . ISI IS i .... 191 Ml ...I, lit to ... ISI It I ... Ill It! !,,:.;300 v Ill 71 111 II ISS St (ETEIAL TRADE SALE. ARRIAUK ' At AUCTION, . AT IIEISIvXESS'llABAAR, 111 It Nlatk aa4 Hatimum Rtrweria. f-blladrlnhla. I - , - tail III M 1141 17M SIV7 twt 119 1 HI IMI llll Roberta A Foi Oee rye P. (tolieh.... Hugh Jordea Joha Reed Rodolpb Lira 4 Roberta A Foi..'..... Jobs B. tlerrlM.... Ires (lrom. ........ laaae Cnaklla., ' Oeerg. Meao .. Ill II . 1st Ml t.HI Ml .1,111 31 1 .1,011 30, .. Ill II, S3 40 31 74 St 17 II 44 II 41 I II 104 II II . I II '11 171 II III 13 IIS 41 - -..,....5 114 44 " 1 ' - ' ... " 1st 11 Ellil Ir.lB A Sob, ,' ; "' - ' ! P.,.. I.atharaa ChBfoh.... H.Bry Moaa.w..,. M. Sblrh II It IS Tt I II I It It 71 I II llorrls A tlewert ., e) . Wllliaai Mapta " " .... Baorg Mead.. ISAll 111 ' 1914 1 III 1 ' IVI1 111 , ' lost III TT OIIHngbim a O.r CowrUray Kooaar...... C. II. Wood Morria A kMwart.... Cherlee P, Reberta.. U sry J. Head , Owner Cahnm. ' llll ' IM llll 111 IIM 'M S3II 104 llll M Mil 171 ' 11-13 II , 77 44 14 II 71 II I 4 II tt I M 41 tt It M I 41 M I M t ' I M Per. IS lit It Morrle Towaahlp. George Wetaal.,.,.. ., WtlltaJB tTeno...... rkriatlaa Weru Uealel Loaok...... ....... Jeeaa Yarned Jamoa T aroer..,., Oeerta Habaehar.., Peter YarBall........ OWm llo4aw.,M,m,l Avba Vaamha.. kaa Meek Tsi. lisj It .. 1S4 40 ... Ill 71 411 41 lit 41 ... Ill 31 ... 111. 34 ... ISI M . Ill it 111 AS 111 1.1 .a 11 IS ..AIMM.. HI 13 411 l:.3 III 433 11 14 4tl III to) 171 IU lil III . Jeealhoa lair Mel.aBghHa 4 SI Jsoah Uret ...... 14 41 Jaoob Oraff it II 111 Thomas M..rrll. 131 II 111 - Wilim Moaris IM II I.J Ramaol HerrAlik.. . lit II 111 Wiui Millar ...... ...... IM II ISI Haute Morrll .... ISO II lit Tbomoa PltaelmmeBa IM tl 111 Wot,, Clyster IM II 111 Raberl Uray... IM II IU Patstek Mom IM tl ISI Nery Herri, ..,........, M 11 III Messae Millar Itl Tl lag nalbM rraaey. lit ISelbet Proey.....,.,WM IM II WUUaaa ktea.rt .. l to " - .....!..m-. It al Riebaed R. Smith Jamoa aaaUk.. rWlek Maya Rabert Qlean .. 41 It mm. ia at ... in at O.M THURSDAY MORNING, APltlL. 13, 187G, AT EI.BVKX O'CIOCK, IsrlBdlnr RaorrlrM from ooar erthrharrnoi Baannfarlnrwrl la tha Uattwd aHaun. , ,, CHANGE OP OPERATORS, BVT MOT CHANftl OP BAAK. ,lt.T, A. FLECK 4 Ca, Here employee Slporkaoni and highly mo. ommBdo4 MILLINER, who Ii new with tbea and they goarealee aallre aMiifaetloa 1c oil who may faror thorn with thrlr patronage. Oaod nATSanJ BONNET ebeeper Uaserer. CloarlelA. April i, 1S7I II. : ( t jQlHSOLOriOM- ITollea II hereby girea Heal tha o eornor. skip boretoSmB aiiHlBg hatweom denrge L Ulna, go- d John B. Bote, al Hembargrr. waa die eoleaJ by maloal ooneret oa the I lth 4a of Mireh, A V. 1171 All the AeSta doe tbe aaid Irm ara IS be paid, asd thoee 40 from lha lama diioharger) at the eaore room o' Ibe above Ira, where tha bwrllMaa wHI BBeanioAaa by the aaid J. B. Kill, and Joba U. Traiel, aoderOM rm earn of .Ilia A Trosel. OKO. L. KI.AStlOW, J. B. KLUA. Rmaharger, April i, fi ll M I XTST R ATO rli()TU:K. Kotlr la hereby gires that Letter of Al- Inietraliaa oa Iho eetata of OAVII) LASS RKRRT, lata af Uvraaaa towaahlp, Cleoral4 ooaaly. Pa-. Aee'd, knelng been salr reeled lo Iho Baderrlgnod, all aereeai hsablod la Mid aetata will pleaee make imaoedtele naymenl, a4 Ibero karlog alelma or Aeaaaada will prooeoA them nroparly sothoalioatod for ootllf with. eotW.y. WM. mANSBKRRY. CUaririJ, April I. IS-tt. Adm. DATTOIf UHION AOiOEMT, mm tm H-t, Apr IT, DAfrTtia. AmmtTmamm Oav. Pi. M4 tt lTMt "iWi.aI"SWV'-'"lf,r