I iHl I il li'A M HAllDWA:liE, .. .... - .. u- : I'".- Tln.Ceppfr Bhcel lfa Worr, , ; ,owtd Stiwet, .... : i CLBAItaripiiPs- PA.- Ilerlag largely Inecte Ml Uek f Herd wan, wa ie tk table to Mill mwm cot lijpriwh' -rVj "-''ii, V- Carnooteri otd partes, who ewaeStaplstj bully ing will A wUoasl.w( -- TOOLS ft BUOBIHO HAEDAHB. which U Bw sad of th twit mnntetn, and will be told low for sh- -t NAILS, ' - it- - " , GLASS, ; ", ... - PUTTY, . GLUE, LOCKS, '. .., JiATCHKSj ""; - v ; , HINGES, ' : ;i: '-ry.r. .mm All klili of Book r:nosi Bwi, Chisels. Squint. Uammera, Hatchet, Tniubi and Larch. Mortis A Th.ssw Mpt ereU, Bimn A Bitte, Wand aad ItB ; Beach Screws, and the beet V ."1'' Boring Macklnt In Ike '". mark' ' Doable and Single Bitt Axes, . ; .rooK otTTtCTt, (. r jtyei'i or BurnsO's Iron ' Corn SheNer, ...warrant, ' Alio, agents for Richards' . , . liOTUIC FI.IIE TOPS, which ,iffeetal(j ran Smoky Fleet. Farm urs implement and n.rden f nllV rry Al.ra.TWt.ljjf,, fclC. COOK 'STOVES, . which wt werraot .10 fire satlsreotWn. f. Portable Amir" .Roofloj, Spoallng ti J Job Work 4m reaaanable terms. All orders will noeltt prompt attewOcar. - ; Jena 11, II7A. . POWELL & MORGAN, BVLBS I II ARB W A RE, AIh, MaBftrtif Tin and Sheet Iron Ware JCLEAttaMBliP, JA. T ; 1 pARMING IMPLEMENTS of all , Y, A ' , ''" V I- i ) G ', POWELL A SIOROAN. f) AJIiKOAD 'WUERLBABKOWS rnr ll bj .."''rowii.l i MOBflAS. fkIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS ,C.; -J w m! ''Vv t. iV I'OWKLL t MOKUA.N. H ARNESS TRIMMINGS ft SHOE , ... , flsdlngi, for lalt by . POWKLL A MORUAW. Q.TJN8, PISTOLS SWORD CANES For aal bj ' ' ' ' . POWELL A MORGAN, gTOYES, OF . ALL SORTS AND tliaa, far fala by POWELL A M0R0AN.' rRON I IRON 1 IKON I IRON I L .: , Tor lal by ' ' - i: ' POWELL A MORuAS. JJOESE SHOES & HORSE SHOE KAILS, for Ml by k'l- P0WRLL a-"mora. - pULLET BLOCKS, ALL SIZES " And lialt ManifMtara, for amis by ' ' POWELL A MORGAN. rpHIMBLE BKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, far aala by . I POWELL A MORGAN. G. S. FLEGAL, Ironslrfcs' Stortv , "!'" PHILLIPKRPRCl, PA. flltrVt? f.V HARDWARR, STOVES, HB4TKH8, RANO tt, WOOD AND WILLOW WARK. s ' JA'0 MANUFACTURER OF TIN, PHKM-IRON AND COPPRRWARE. Preanaial BtrMt, Philllpitmrg, Contre Cn.. 1'a. 34,11 ny 1874. flOB. I. MUM AT. ' CTIICt OBT0 WE3T. BRANCH INSURANCE AGENCY PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Clearfield, Pa. RRANCII OFFICES t dlffwrat parts of tha , .. C"V- Tha foliowitrg Old and Bi-lialjl. l ira, Acoid.nt AtMkaad LlfiaiaranaOotnpanianprasBtadi Eitab. Asaeti. 1S00 North British A Matrjaatila Fin las. Co.,r RaglaBd MS.iM.tOO 18S4 Poattiib Caaiai.rrlal tirw las. Co.. of Kaglaad. (gold) 10,000,001 1794 North Amarlaa rlr laaaraaaw Co, of Pblbularphla..., IA20 Fir AssoHatlon Fir laaaraar Co., of PhlMrlphta 1H Pho-als Fira Us. Co. N. Y.. 1)07 Waisrtowa Fin Ins. Co., of R. Y., iflsara farai bulldlnga oBly 1B71 Ainason Fin IBaaraaoa C.( f CianlBBasL 1S48 York Htoek laaaraaaa Co., af Panna. Iaaaraa koraaa, Aa 1874 Hartford Aoaldaat iBsarana C af Coanaatiaol 147 Psaa Matnal Lira laaaraaa Oo. of Paaasylraala 1S-0S Matrupolitaa Lifa (naarannaC af Kaw York. ....k....... Total oapitaL... 4,700,000 1, 1 1)0,000 l,oo,ooo 700,000 1,000,000 74,001 100,000 4,0110,000 1,10,000 f7,ototoot Paaaaa ia la ooaatry deairinff In RIB faav It pnmptly atlanded t by calling at tba onto or aoilrassing as ny irttar. insaranoaa at faatad at lb rowsat taaaslhla rata, to aa oblataad la grat-alaaa eaaapaataaf sYa CiataaVsa raps, asalasl ististiawta Aisssssisasa, Tha aboaa t lira lasanaa Co.1, rapnasatad by T. H. Marray, Baa paid aal la aak, bstsrsa Ihs datai af Aug. 1171 and Aag. IH74, to tha frianda f daraased policy holders la thia eoaaty, tha sam of tlJ.loO; . , , . Prerldc far tb fatara by laaarlag year boas as aad yaar lira, la Iba Waal Breach lacaraam) Agaaaj. . MURRAY A IIOBUON, Claartald, May It, IS74. Ageatt. fu lford'cTt HoTripVd n , DtffgRAl IS'Sl RASCe AOKItrt, 4'lrarBald. Pcaa'a, , Raprcscot all Ika laadlnf 'lrr lBiartnc Compalics of Ika oauntry : .....Jll.lio.ca .... l.sM.aa 4,TM,II4 ...... I.MH.Iil ..... t,.la,l. I.UI.MI I,4ia.at .... tll.Sel Mll.KJ tli,oa Royal Oaaadlaa ..... Unas, New Yark Lrenmtag, Maacr, Pa... FraakliB, I'kMad'a........ Phtaara, Hartford llasmcar.New York...... Ilaaaa, Oat, O Aiiaa, Hartford Pnvidaao, Waaklnftoa., Paraoas abont effcetiBg aa InsuraBc on prop erty af aay kiad, sheald aatl at aur atsse, aa Market itreat, appaaiu lbs Gotm lleaae, aad asa Bar list af eompaaie aad rales befon Insarlng. . , JOHN II.FULFORIV , T. W. THOMPSON. Clcariebt.ra. 0l. 17, 7t-ly S"TEAM SA W M IUjrENfTl neT ' ,. . AND S01I.1FORBALB. Tb andersigaad agora far aala aa reesoeebl Unas, I Mr steam saw mill, laaalad at Walsaa. wiwi". v.. .w.. i..m,MM. ovisesB an aa gead aa new. Tpa alsa of tie eagiaa Hall, aad la la gaaal laaalag eraar, Tkaf will alea aal I aalr aktagla aad bib mill, and aI Ika werklag maaklaary la Ika mlli, Partla oiaklaf la amnaaataaa fail aa ar aadraa 41RAHAM. WALLACE A 00. , CVaartald, Pa. Jean M, lift. XHltitlUutM. r ' U.irkiii.i.fii-.tJiiiWii.twiii Cleerneld fur HJ, tin rm. Hiinuilf DoraU . in U lln If. C Hoc 4. 4ruK......... ' W H Jok 0. Oownc, w4i.J,.,.H.,, 7 OK I 14 jMkiua rawlil, MnMMH 7 StiSS&'S.. ' S ty A fn, nerchkSillRfl,,.,' t Ml 14 W. J. Klino, 14 Ju. MrMnmT IS florae I'alekla, no'l anbui4o....,,0 WO CIal-UM OoXHiKk. II M. 8. tllanla, ooDlr-loartoa.,. 11 W. KailrM. brwrr, II ('wir Itotpoldl, kr"ry ......... 14 Juka Tr(na,lraitiir Wra.., 14 J. A. ritadlor, eonMiiMrM.. 14 P. A. ull. uUoiorj.,I.. 14 Mn. T. K. WaUuu.iuUllaiiri'.M - f "0 ...... r on IS U. A. Kralul, di, ia.....,.H....,.,, 10 UO IS i. H. I.rll, i...., 10 00 14 Joka Ualiok, Jaaallv ator...,....u T 00 15 J. A. iWowarl, rWUliug ston....,.,,.,, 14 00 IS i. rl. Saowrra. boU anl 111041..., 10 00 II WiUlaoi UMd, mwlxadin.,.,,.,,, It 00 14 twirl actuv BiaickaudW 7 04 14 Hankril 4l.'hr;vfir, kr4anH ft....! T 00 14 llarliwirk , Irwrn. Jmf 7 0 4 : ' ;v'0"' vMdioaM, ,. Oil 15 Adolpk UloWr. iclM lor.,u.,. 10 00 IS A. U. Knair M Uo graoortM. A fa.. 1 INI 14 V. M. I'ardon A Bro,, marhrnerj.....' 7 0 14 AIM. VI .no J, toloooaliL ,.M.. 7 ou 14 K. B. r.kaw, to bMooMit. .... 7 Oil II T. A. Hf-k A Co. 11 00 14 K. T. (liidykanil.Miifvoldinariva 7 00 14 U. II. Brown A Bm., maobiacrjr 7 00 11 R. Homo)., marokaQdia.AH..M... Io 00 14 A. I. Hbaw, iruarf 7 00 4 u gala aw4MaM....Mrt.n A 00 14 Barnaal f. 8udi:r,jwelr.T., f 00 13 E. W. (irabain, Di ere UaJUuvm.WH. 10 00 I Clrefl4 Coiialr HW.,,.......... AO 00 14 0. 1. auoa, Aruaa..!. j. 7 00 4 M patent taadlriaM M, , ft 00 14 Pafrr MrOaorg. booli and tboaa....1,. 7 0 13 M. B. t'owdnck, alotlmj ilo.. ID 00 II I'owall A Maais. kardr.,. 11 (0 14 B. 8. Uauan, raatarsl... . 7 00 billiard room, I rabbn.,.. 14 00 11 John McOauabar, raariat ..... II 40 Cwrwetiavlll Boruf U - 19 Abran natei, hardwire 10 00 14 J. H. Flrnlni;, rurallur v .7 Oil IX Bpraokla & r-wc'Drr. fanoy jrooda m. IS -rU 14 g. J. tiata,baoUaadelotbingI.H..M.t. 7 00 II Vaarl A Hi4ia, arTi-liandlM ,. 10 00 It J. H. Irwin, drug! - -.... 7 00 4 " patrul aaadloiaaa....M..H,.H ft 00 14 0. V. Wmtri-r A Co., drug 7 04 4 " ' patMil mudirinar ft 00 5 Cnrwonl llli. bank SO 00 1.1 J. 0. Wrlgbt A Co., rlotblng 10 00 14 Watt II. Thompson, grorrla 7 00 14 C. Uraff A 8na. raitaaraot M 7 00 14 W, A. Uala A Co , groa trial, ale 7 00 1, II J. r. Irrtn, mamandlM it a 13 John Irwin A Bre'p, trhadiaa 41 40 14 A. M. Kirk, J.welrr...... 7 00 14 Btgnar A Thapao!i,UUin.-......,,. lT H1 13 Jaoob Uilgar, baiilwara 10 00 1.1 C. A. Rorabaugh, grorariaa A aotioaa. 10 00 II K. R. Arnold, uarrbandlaa II 40 14 I.. T. Hon. baata and akoaa.. 7 M lloattdalo HoroUlu , 14 J. W Rbodaa, drag! ........ 7 0 14 Banjaiaia CbarltoB,ooBItionanca 7 00 I C. W. Vaodanaa A Co , uarsbaadiw,.., 10 00 II A. t. Twip A Co., boon and boa.... tu 0U II T.J. KriaiA Co., bardwan II 40 14 A. J. Hliarbangh; fiirnllora 7 00 14 Pater Caarriia,flllfrotlenHM....M 7 00 14 Mill JaanLe Cainaron, nilliaery.,.. 7 00 14 J. A. I'billlpi, lonr A oonfaotloaarias 7 00 10 lfrauk Livaiigbt A Co merchaadiaa.,, 20 00 1 II J, ananat, Jawajrjr..,.....,, j au 14 W. J. Dharlaaugb, dinga.... 7 0 11 Aadraw UMaaanHaanaandUa....... I 00 14 ftlatthlaa Mayrr, conreeltoaeria 7 00 14 Abraham tloaa, eontationariaa......MM 7 00 14 Jainaa lluna, varohandiaa 7 00 II I). W. Iliok.r A Co.. aiekaadia...nv 11 to 14 B. W. llirlliignr, elolhlng 7 00 14 A. B. Aahton, enafadlioaertai '7 00 14 J. B. (laarhart A Cn., grooarlaa, ate,..M 7 14 Mrs. J. 1. 8.roat. ojiliiaarr ..... 7 On 14 Philip Mobriog, farnitnr 7 on 14 N'l. Sarah Roland, a,illinarr.... 7 00 l.nmbcr Cily, 15 If utlar, JJarli A Co morohaiidifa 10 00 14 11. W. Upenear, grooarlea, boots, ikoca. 7 0 11 John Russi-ll A boB,Biarobandiaa...... 7 00 Htw tVaalilngiosi Bianiugltt II J. R. H.-MurraY, ajcrchsodi-s-...." II to 15 Jamas (Jallaghrr, BierabaailW.MH..H. Id 00 14 J. P. Faath,confMlionaria.....'ai 7 00 Mm burg llnrnatrtu. II William lluntar, marohandisa.j. (tartwla HonrnKfu V II Kranae tiro's, grocrriaa ,. 7 oo .. U" .Nl .. 14 00 . t oo ..f It ww . II 61 .. rn 10 T. 0. Ilimai A Co, atarubanil ! " rtman A Fri.a, kard.ara it i wrripj u, lauoai, jrwoiry ... 14 D. W . K pI.pt, 4(tfvoDirt ,. 11 W IK Krlly, HjrfThtritliM 15 HerkwHi Hcbpclin, mprehattflifa-.) , U J. B- Brown, ronftotioBoriti U W. Wllat t Co troofcetloDtrtMi 14 Levi Qesrhart, tltai(i?oDit...iMM.A.,..H 14 tieorf Hnkliofa, groceriM ...., 14 M. A. f Bint tr, floor and ptI..A... 4 Jwn HtRketh, eonrtwtlonriM..H....... 13 R. U. Way tl CoH RruoeriM .4...w T Iilrprlfrht Brn'l l Co., m err hati ..,., 14 T. R. bUndy t Co., 4raKi...tiw... 4 " plot madi.DM. 14 Brinblm Bro'r, ImoKi ant ttaBr7..M. II Citiiwi BDk tf Oola Wallaretoa Brok . f " . 7 .. f 00 . I .. 7 oa .. io oo . 40 00 . J oa t oo 7 0 It 00 14 John H"lt,mhan-lU .w,m H 14 1. Uow bod, narcbantitt.l(oMMv f M Ileccarla Tow nab Ip, t 15 John O. Ulaigow, BBarliitii 19 00 13 John CUrk, ncrebattlM,..HW 10 00 Bell Townontp. 14 Bobort MahaiT, BarsbaaJtM.. M f M Bofrfpa Tfvtiahis. 14 Ba Jam i Piaklaa, MfitaotionarlM 4 T 0 14 ThonM Uill, 4rr gooJi 4 gromioi... T 14 W. K. Baal,uareUooorkti 7 00 Brft4fortt Tovnohli). - 14 P. CnrWjt A Co., tupfchMdiM V C I I WdoUlao'l fin Brick Co gciTI m'd't. M Bradr Township. 14 flarok Brooki, dry fooda 4 grocf riet... I 00 14 John lloberling, notion! M ? 00 14 Ttiot. MoiitiriiMWT.dry gijorfi,a;rtrtai'. f OA 14 Glat)c.t? A kilU. Kob'I mtrrbaiUtM.... T Of II JrMf Bro'a, gpfural mtrpfcanfMpo M 10 00 13 C. D. Iran A Bro., arobndiao. 1 M 14 M. C. Bam.oinnim. f 00 9 JobB DuBuU, itpb'I BmokaadUtK 30 IS Iaa'l 9oodlandar, gto'l inprebDdia... I M i rfbia, Ewviar Buna, gat. I Bireban4iM 1" on 14 J. H- JiJiDr, llardw f 00 14 ('hBrlvBSrhwetBsgroMria M f 00 14 CbrtflUaa Bvrkot, rot.rtetionorioa.....H. ? 00 II Moort. UaailtiHi A Oo.,KB lBiorh'oo, 10 v 14 8. O. Kunta. notions l go J 14 L. B. Carlisle, Bwcbandts..... t ! 1 00 7 oo j o 7 00 t'to T 00 w 7 00 f 00 10 00 4 00 7 00 7 00 7 oo too I 00 - v 11 40 ia a. is. saertcBsry. coBlsclioaartaa 14 Htiaoa Raarr. aonfrctionariM M 14 (leurga L. Knarr, boots and sboaa Burasldc Tomiskip. , 14 Aaron Patrhia, mrmbaodiac w Cheat Towaaltlp.-', 14 Paal Wblta, aiarohaadisa 14 I. T. MnCraokea, marrbaadlsc..... 14 J. A J. Hnydar, marohaadiaa.m..M... 14 James Carry, groceries..,., Cavlngtaa Townebftv 14 UIHIIaad A HoeBendcrn.sierBaMdls. II L. M. Voatrlct, marahaadlaa 4 " pateat medicinal......... II Hr. F. B. Netting, groccrkrs.... 14 Franoi. Ooatrlel, meroheadise.MM 14 Fraania Leigay, merohandise II Justin Plobel, lacrebaodiaa.... 14 Polar UarBier,eoBfcoUnnr!a.., Ileeatar Townahlp, II W. J. Jackson A Bra., meechandlM.... II Jacob Mock, taercbandias (Irard TDMUablp. nla. i. 14 K. A. Mlrnol A Bra., marahaadlaa ) I 14 Robert H. Htawart, aotlons 7 I 14 O. H. Weat, groceries t M f.rabaat Tattruahin. 13 Thcmaa II. Foreey, merrhandis 4 M " " pataal luedlcinas... C;h1IcIi Tnwnahlp. tl I. A A. Plyna, merckandlee 4 'i pateat medicine 14 Thumaa A. Prldeanl, BierrhaBdlaa II Itaary Allamaa, BiarchaadUc Hnetau Tecvtjalllp. Y 11 Lyon A Liohtsr, morohsndiee.. ,. tl Josrpb tl. llilster, neleuranl.,,,......,. 14 C. It. Wood, drags and Beatoae.,-, ... II ao t a .. 14 00 ... t 00 .. 7 oo ... 7 . Il hO , IN .. 10 II Ml .. 7 (Id ., 7 00 .. 7 oo .. M II O. II. Coryell A Co., mxrahandlae.., i n. vi Brown, aoarectionaries, ate. II Charles Robaokar, clothing 14 yrt. McCraaor, notions... II Miss Nancy Leo, milliaerv 11 A. Iloraing A Boa, hardware.,... 14 James bnsao, notions 15 Oliver Wallace, merchandise...,,, II Henry Doubles, merchandise Aordaa loarnahla- , 14 R. M. Jokastoa, merohaBdlae,. 14 Alei. Oresweil, drugs and Bottoa..... H B. F. Swbb, eoBfeciloneri.s..., 14 lri gtroon. msrchaBdisa . 7 i . 7 no 10 00 . II 1 t r to f 00 7 oo 7 00 7 oo II M. J. Oeumoford, ootloa " starlliBtta Town.lirp. II W. J, Hiffer, mrchandis....a..M. . tl J. W. Poller, merchandise TZ. II J. C. McCloahy, mercbandiae 14 Uodfny Fisher, merobendis.a..M... Knot Townahlp, II Joba Fa, groceries .......i..... Lawrcart Tearaahlp.' II Cbarie Rkager, bnwery. 14 fieorga N. Colbara, menkandls Mnrrra Tniraahlp. II Leonard Kyler. merchandise II James Tbompsoa, coalactaaaerles II Pater Moyer, mercheadlas, II Jonas Moaa, merckaadisa ,...,.. I R. B. Wifbtaa.gan'l msrobaaolse.... Paa Tocraahlp. II Wm. A. Moose, aalUaan.,,,,..,....... 14 t. B. Rathrty, gnraeiea ,, Pike Townahlp, II Adam Biallh.avBrecitoiteilee UnloB Tcwnehlp. II Joe. R. Arnold A C. merchandise 14 D. Bnhnker, merchandise Woodward Tawaahlp. II Mies M. J. MoCnllough, millinery 14 Jamaa Coralay, merehaadiee 14 L- A. Warm, drugs .... II Thome. 11 .1. 7 1 oo 7 on IS oo 7 oo 7 oo 7 II 7 oo 7 oo M 7 00 7 10 7 on 7 io 7 00 7 oo 7 oo 7 II risaei tlra'a A Hillar.naarrb .adln. II 00 II Wkltekead A Cc, merckandis...... II 00 II Aadraw Uleaaoa, merchaadimw.... ao 14 W. H.PUXipB,aoalaalajejrtea..JZ.. t 0 14 KdwlB Uraady, eoaeoltoaarls... 7 00 14 Daalel liaeJ,grtea.Ussd lttrM 7 10 10 M. Lirerlgbl A Co, merehaadiaa ...... II to I ewrUfy Ibal Ik abac Is a eornol Hat af tbe aaa paraoas aad arms asaeeaed fear the car. nni w. nwiiee ia aaeeny gteea that aa awaal telle I. Batchy gieea that aa bt.ailll a held at Ike C.aajy Ceasmlsehmors' ogtoa. la ClaarMd, aa WEDNESDAY, tka lik day of April aait. whan all wbefeal lWhI,. a.ri..l ssred a ue If Use H proper. , Ne w aa b mad aflat Ik law at aenaaL UlaMtaawrg, I , , JmMI aoeMratleas LINES, Awaits. mtea B, ll70-ai) aji i.i far bit 4Mliwtfc THE REPUBLICAN, GOODLANLiBR 9t LEE, , f ' l'I.KAimPW, P. Ha lb Lar(al ( IronUUoa wf a rCr ; I DrtkwMrra"Piiivlral. Tlio Inrpo tntl conitntly inoroaoing circulation or tji IRepcbiicak, rentlur it valimbrt) to bnsinea w- men at A nmjiam thro' v w whlch to rracli the w piibtlc, r - " Jt . i 3 Terms of St'MoniPTioN : -' If paid in advance, ... (2 K If paid aflot; tlireo montbi, . 3flA If paid (tuV ix month, . . 8 00 Whon pnpcrB aro aent outside of Ui county uyinnt mualb in advanoawi ADVERTISING : Ten lines, br less, 3 timet, . $1 40 Each tubaeqnent insertion, iOI ! I Administrator' Notirea, . . 2 0 Executors' Nolicos, .... 2 50 Auditors' Kolicea, .... 3 60 Cautions and Eatrayo, . . . 1 SO Disaolution S'oticos, ... 2 SO Profetalonat Cards, 5 lines, year, ft 00 Rpecliil notices, per line, ... 20 ttt'filA' .YEARLY ADVERTISEMENTS: One snuarn. 10 linen. . . Two squares, . . . . . 8 00 IS 00 2900 50 00 Three squares, . . rt i'.-' n One fourth column, -. ' - Ono lioll column, . One oolnmn, hi 3; 70 00 120 00 IIIaAIVKN t We hare always on hand a largo stick of dlanks ot all descriptions. - .." V'i':: SUMMONS, .. I . I-i 0 . 8UBWENAr,,-,;i., ;j ; , EXECUTIONS, . ATTACHMENTS. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, LEASES. 11 BONDS,! FEE BILLS, CONSTABLE'S BLANKS, . h ? , , , "., 4c, 4c.,;'.';", job prii. We are prepared to do all 'klndi of PRINTING srcH AH Mi, ii POSTERS. , i 1 a PROGRAMMES, CARDS, LETTER HEADS, ENVELOPES, ' HILL HEADS, J STATKM8NTS, .fPAMPIII.KTSrtlSf; CIRCULARS, 4c, in., IN THE BEST STYLE, AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. i orders by mail : v FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK ; WILL RECEIVE ' - ' TTvOMPT ATTENTION. Ooodlandor dfc Ia -'. Clfartfli, ; THE' REPUBLICAN CLKARK1KLU, PA KS3AY MORNINU, AIAttt'll IV, mmmmmmm. ar aaaa MonniR. Ring Ihe rejoleieg bells, Te Bibor ia tbe morn. Whoa Hansen mild piopatlmia stalled. It"' And wasaioguja was ejuril. lt dcep-loaed caaaoa pour Tkelr migkty welcome forth. And depths profound roll back the sound, He-ccholng o'er lb earlh. From tarnt, tower and doate, Tl a N'alloa'B flag display, Kaob rlppliug awrll his fame shall tell, (j 'fi -.,. kia natal day. NOrthmea 4nd Bonlk ualte, To straw ki tomb with Sowars t Let aol a thought, with malic fraaght, M.ar thee rejoicing hours. Our Nation's CalfcrkcA'k fV- Wko led against tka foe, And freed tbe land front tyiant hand, A hundred years ago, Rtmng bul la adghtef Rlgbl, llelcd tbe atruggiing band, Till Victory and Liberty Bless'd the loag sufforlag band. An Infant Nallaa sprung i ,t From Cbao Into Light At his command ( Ihe magic wand Waa Rowley and Right. Fame weeved a laurel wreath, Tbe Nalioa te endow Wilk fadeless ray, It rests to-day, Ou bar Ocnunntal bnw. ' Bryond bis brightest dnam Tha Natton'a might iacreasad t ABd o'er tb laad, fiom straad t airand, Uts praise bae aerer oeascd. Aad in bar hundredth year, ! ' ' ' A I roe and happy land, Of wide-World lame, aad matrhlesa aamc. His monument doth elaud. All kail ! the gl.'rloei year ! And this, its kappict morn. And unto llaavea let tkaaks lie glsaii, That Washington was horn ! THE DESOLATED SOVTH. OOVKRNOI CtlAMHKRI.AlN N I'ROTKHT. ing par its of the carpet-baouerh' INFAMOtO RI I.g-ltH'I'BI If ANISM Mt'HT L'NUIAD OR DIE IN D1HIIONOH. ' 1 ' .1 f, (nvrrnnr f 'hnniherliiih. (if Smith - -- '-w , . ChrTinrra", nitw nddremetl nfl imporfiint letter to a prominent Republican Sena tor in Washington, from which we print lb fijlcwni; cxViti'tll : J J ) I took my scat as Governor Decem ber 1, 1874, and t -addnaet.il myself. earnestly to the work of keeping the pledges I bnd made and thn ple'lgns mndo. for me by nllmy friends and by onr ftlatforrli in the cAinpalgrl . ( eioon lound that tnaiiy of those who support ed mo in the campaign and had talked reform did not want reform; hut. I persevered, determined, a rt matter of right and of good policy, tu adhere to my party plntform and pledges. Of counw thoso who disliked practical re form cried out : ' lie is jjoi'wt, oivr to the Tkmocml!, Ho wants social rccny nititm from tbo rebels," anil till the rust of thoito lenselcns tries such as you now hear about inc. Still I pcrnovured, and when our Legislature met in No vember last there wns apparent har. mony between mo and my party and a complete acquiescence in the wisdom of the policy of reform ns carried out hy mc. What, then, in the matter with mc? Why was I disliked And denounced by some membera ot my own party f Simply for this: I in sisted on reasonable taxes, compotcnt officers, bonctrt expenditure, fair leg islation nnd no stealing, and tbe Demo crats pruml mi fur H. Tbe two hist things arc my orTcnse. 1 did not sanc tion schemes of public plunder, inch as oar printing ring, for instance, but the cost of pnblio printing per year waa cnt down from 1180,000 to 1.10,000 and contingent Innds from 180,000 to 127,- 000, and 1 repeat, the Democrat praised mc. Such was the condition of affairs bore on irtu 15th day of lM Pocnrnbor. The Democracy of South Carolina was in period collapse. No State issues ould have (riven them life or activity. It is doubtful whether even national issues would have bad forco enough to have uuluoeddt cajivaiM of , tbe ftalo for tbo Democratic candidate in tbo coming Presidential enmpnign under the circumstances ibon existing. On the 16th of Doccmbor last, the General Assembly, under influence which it is impossible now to stnte fully, elected F, J. Mom,, Jr., ond W. J. Whippera Judge nl1 the?' Cltvnit Court of this State, tho latter for the circuit which embraces tire' City Vif Charleston and constitutes tho most Important circuit of thn Stnto in point of population, .wealth and business. Are yon aware who thoao mon are? Mosea was my predecessor as Governor. Unless the universal belief among all cliiaea of peo ple in this. Plato is niinlnkco, bo ia as infamous a character as ever In any ago disgraced nnd prostituted public position. Disappointed in not lieing renominated for Governor, he cntored into a conspiracy with some: of the leaden bf the Democracy and Inde pendent Republicans to elect my op ponol, and actually eold out tbo Com mimionere of Elections, of whom ho had tbd sole appointment, trt my op ponnnti for I.IO.OOR, of which 115,01)0 was paid to him in cuxli, and the rent made cnnlingcnl on the cleclinn nl my opponent. t)f Wbippur it can be said thnt he seems to have lin ked only op pnrtnnity to prove himself the iunl ot Mosoti in inlamy. Ignorant of law, ignorant ol morals, a gnmbler by open practice, nn cmbcxidcr ol public funds, ho is as nnflt for judicial position as any man whom by possibility you could name. Neither of these men have oven (if. boor nuiili dcationa. wh ieh tho Infamous S)enocrttti6 ,1 mines of ftow lorlt had, of such a degree of legal knowledgo as to qualify thorn for tbe intelligent discharge ol any judicial duty. What has bcon tbe result? Their election has sent a thrill of hor ror through the whole 8tnte. It boa split tho Republicans In twain.' The moribund Democracy have awakened to new lilb and new hopes. No man who respects civiliutlion and public decency can do lesa than denounce these elections without measure. No decent man can do less than opposo then, nan do less than light against those who eloeted them or who, acquiesce in Ihcra. Do you expect as to do in Sontb Caro lina what you would sooner lone your right arm than do In your own State ? Suoh test, indeed, could never arise ia the latter, but it bas nrioen here, and you err wholly if yon Imagine that you, living here, would for one moment think of tolerating theso elections. Yon could not do It, aid you would spurn is nn jitsull tbo auggeation of anpportlng or acquiescing ia them. And here let ma apeak, plainly. To err iremoejrai ai nt at thia time ia to u77w, Afo; itsd Wkipprr. I am Ropu blieas ul joet a tnany yaara sUnd- mg aa l oavt aM yean of dlecretroo 1 hava ao taadawy to any other party no afwoclailon, nr aympathy with any other party. I want to sue South tt'arollnu romnin a j3tipuWU'an BtAt4, but 1 toll you no rty can rule thia Rlnte thnt aupporla V bipper and Mnac ntil ti H.nmiH.1. Si. who U I'll In.f1llt , , f ,deniIunc'in)rihiilTOliii of thuao iiwn ia ia support fActti 9 here "in hut one way tu unve the lio 'uolicun party in South Carolina, and Jkut way is,l repent to unload Mont nfl IVMtyer and nil A'huro with them.l It will bediffiuuU to remore coiifldenui in a purty whomj membera wore onceirapahlu ol inch an net as their election,' out if our action ia prompt and dociiiid, if you and the Republican! tit V.liinjtoii will put your loot upon suel things and ttinnp (Aim owf, we can yt nake Houth Caro lina and keep her pAaiiluly liupublkitn as Vermont or low. 11 this in not done, wo go clown) tore as a purty to hopvlusm and diwied defeat and in fumy. Neither tlii Ailnilnistmliiin nt Vanhitigton, with 'H its nijinnce, civil and mllitnry, ijirall thodenuncin tinnsof the world Itjupvd upon mo enn save the Itennblicii party here from nvnrw sinlmin,. rl. t.t. iliirlmr tliia a-.ini. rs r " J ' unless we fan pirtAdo the people of thia State thnt nijih things us thoeo judicial elections will bo undono and never, by any xvultility, bo repeatoil. itonnrxa ii;i sotaieus. Among the meiy diigracoliil chap, tors which the p&cnt adiiiinlntration has addod to ! sido of our national history for whWi every American is mnde to blinb,herd Is not one which more complete! discloses thu utter man iunt ruiAtu i mo tmtiunui cvmotoriofi. Tb) nnt to ontuhtiitb nnd protoct natiornV L'finotricf. In-carno n low February 2, 18G7. ilclknap, iih flinted by Sanif. J. Hridnn, who hud thon recently juilt'tl in bunim'tv ut Keokuk, lowiyccurod an nmondmontl J"" on.thawU (liiof .Muruli, 1873. Xlie1 'A. ZunJ..A .1... ti. '1... WKli.-f-t" uiiiviiuiuuiifc lAu-iiiM im.-m iiiu tTi-viAJiuij to ndvcrtifo Hi and nccvpt bids fur fur nUhing nnd 4in nni table hen-Is toni'!. tbo contract t(to awarded to tbe per. Hon whoto -uiU'lerdaod bidHabouId bont guarantee d ability, decency and eboapnefw, acftixling to the 8i?orwtiiry' judgment. ' Tho iiiimbvlrcqniretl was for known namos, 147.C0 ; unknown, 103,304; total, 253,088.1 The bids woro to be opened Sept I 18711, and tho lowest was that of tk' Knoxville Marble Co., for which llauco Jlaynurd Is said to have interestd; Iiimsclf actively ; but this bid waa rtected on account of the inferior qunlil) of the samples shown. Tbe next Ion at bildcr was Charlea S. jones,oi n ttS.ine.on, io wnom, uis usisociaiOB, tunnel J. lirtligcs I lict - knap's friend tnd neighbor), Thoiiiits P. Morgnn, nnl t. C Sage, tho con tract was awoiled! Tbo third bidders in order wero.Vaeih Druthers, of New York city, and Alt' Maurieo P. Walsh, who was thon In letivo partner, but is now only A spicitl, is responsible for tho following aallmenu, tho truth ot which h" protowei Io be able to provo beforo any contfwunt tribunal : . There were sprcrjrt-t woof those com ctorioi named Jn Be advertisement of the War Depnrjmt, and Mr. Walsh, who was one f tho heaviest importers of Italian manlo In New Vork, deter mined to becoie a bidder. Believing that nothing bt Italian marble would come up to Ihitpecificatinna, ha made arrangements a have the chief part of tha work on to monuments done In tha city of Carara, Italy, where stone cutters could b hired I'or forty or fitly cents a day inwad of 14 aa waa paid hero, and., to Ttvo them shipped to points nearest o tho cemeteries. 11 visited the aevoty-two sitoa. and made close calcnlatha of the cost of trans portation, whin was to be included in the price. . Ontho day of I bo njiening of tho bids in ho Quartcrmaster-Gen- oral's office he ras present, having put in three separte bids in his name. They weroiid(Ml and read by Capt. McUonigle, am the bid of Jonea II Co. did not appca until after tho others wep read.. A)pareatly the figures were fixed up, nd the bids thrown in to the basket aler hit was read. Walsh accused Captan Mcfjonigle of unfair dealing, and wilt to sco (sen. Meigs on the subject, bn' Melga declined to be lieve it. He lovorthcluss admitlod that Mr. Wals's sample woro much superior, nnd enreawed a wish that tbo Secretary of Wf would adopt his bid. After remninin; in Washington lor a day or two to ho Secretary Uulknap, but In vain, Wash returned home, and the list ot bids ras published soon af terward. Thei ho went to Washing ton again, and Hit in bis name to Ilnl knnp. Ho telhthu story of the con versation thus : j "When Relknp found out who I was he tiirnod annul in hi hiiii)hiis way ano soul, '.Novnl you come hero to fight., I m readj for yon. tin on.' I said, 'No, Mr. H n tury, I didn't como hero to fight, 1 limply came here to re moiiHtrate agaiut my not getting the contract, wbeul have orTei'cd tho best stone and insio the lowest bid that compiled with tie terms of tho contract. My lowest bid ras ID23.27l.il. for the third quality olthe beet marble in tho world. Out ol that, f 200,000 comes hack to tho Cernment in the shnpo ot duties, leaving tho amount to be paid only 1023,271.3. My next hid wns about $!)(ifl,00f or with tho duly off 760,O00, for lli second quulity of the heat nimble In he world, and my last bid for tho flit quality of the same marble was !!)9.145.B1. Wouldn't that suit the snplef lie said, 'I don't caro anythingabout the people ; you must suit me.' ' I said, 'The act of Con grew compels von to give il to mo.' Ho replied, 'I Jon't rare anything for the ant ol Congtws; the President gives onl this oontnc'U Ho will not have foreign stone rrer tbe graves of Amer ican aoldiora.' ,1 said, .'That is a very lamo exenso, 'Mr. Secretary,' Then Belknap tnrnil round to Col. Mack and asked, 'Ha 0 all thene people filed good and aountlsocurilies?' 'Yes, Sir. evory one of . hem,' Col. Muck taid. That was tbo tul of the conversation," Mr. Walsh iya ahero has been no attempt to full the roqiiirwinrnts ol the law, bul 'Jlat the whole scheme waa simply .peculation involving barefaced robba-v of tho dead. These be ynor patriot-! these your Christian stattwnten I thtea the mon who profess so mnch kve ftr the living Union sol dier and venom ion for tha memory ol hit dead eorar.ieBl Faugh, is not the pretention naipting aa well aa dis gnsUngf , j I'KM'A. IWr ViFFtrKft. Thu revised lit til poat onicot In the V niled 8.,.ta.. ... Jniiuaiy 1, 1870, lut. been eomnleted ut. the tfeitei'ul lKt oniee. .. It emhrucnH nil !,. olllei l.i-i (lulled in the ro-adjunt'inci.t of t,.,pu- million nm.lu during ,, ,Kt year on the baN. .,r .Teviptn. -A i.uiubur ..I II OH' I nl 111 fill ' lilii'.. ' uil.U.t ' .l thelW ami thangw ot eoniponaationi buU,ie "'"'lanco m not almnfr mdo. .1'b. fullow:nK la. tin ffl;P''" J'J"M fwwer waaj list for the State of lVmmylvanla or! ,l'nu0 l'"",u,,ll;J lo Caiaiir, and thrice j tbo putt ..niei- of the fin,., oo,.d and! d"1 h" bul, 1,10 of (i"t- third cliimi, the ptnttniuHtuiw of which I ,.,u.....ui...u ...i.i. i. are appointed by thu .Vruiidoiit audi conflrmml hy the Senate: . To g. Allegbeoy Allealowu Alloona.., Ashland...! Athens.... ILirubart's , CUI'MI t, , f .wo...,. AllaKliPB)- ,Meal'eitlt . w..UUir.. .eat.atiy M.li'ilj ..Nbiivu n.. a Uilli..,..liaili.r KjiH.! Heairr Falli, llrdraid llcllalonle .... ."li"(iurdT. 'ZZ'"" i'vii' ...(Vulrp iiiliu Urlhti-brw lllaissi lite, ..... ...... imiiKiii I. ion 1 inn f.ttiitM lIlfMnnthnrK Contnblrt . HrirWU-itt.4t, HrcMikvillp Jpti!ratm.M , Hniwni.lllo v-...,.lij4ll4..M.4 BmUr limlir... CrUiBiUto t.aiernn ! Carllale ., ...CwIhtUbJ..,. ...Uhgli ...Krm.kllo e.DetAWtrrM.. i.('Uriin , ,..riprBrl , ...ClitiUr i..ldaiic.iilr ,..4'rawrird ...Paipllo , ... Il'itifxtitoprj .... ...Krle , ...rinrioa ...ltonfoor. ....... ...lltKtk ... NurlKkut.sB) . ...r,mmrtm , ..(Uinirun ...Kfi w..,, ...OUrioQ . ... ,M'tji'fn. Calasauiua chaiaiirrshurg. o!.Vi!" '.'.'."".'' i !" Clearllrl.l CiMHSirllle Columbia Conneautiille. Conn'ilrvill.'w Con.hohrH'kcu Corry ..r... Cunningham... Oennvtlle lioyUlown .... lii.lm: Edca.tinrg ..... Kiiipotiam..... Rric. , F.ixlmrg I. loo 1,000) , i, nun ! , I. ill I , i.tonj 'Jm , 8 mo Z! looo i.lo rrelialln.. ...... 1.SH0 , ,Wviii)ftrlan4 ,. MprvtT ...Vork ., ,..liMHibtnM ,,.l.nKPfDO OrerBvll o.. l.loil. Hanirn .... lUrriBbBrg... 1.40: llailplAn . MolidiT'hurg Hlir t, MonaHlNlt , Wat BO Huntli gdon , Ilualiti(Clon ...... tit tin Park..,. t,uipro , Indima Imliana IrwiB't fiuitoB. VViuiirfilani. ....."ootfllnf .,.... ....f'anibria ,M.litrnO , .... Artn-tr-tiii ....Lniioxtar .... W:tni)f()!a.inl Isflitttnun , il Klltaiininc;. anrairr l.soo l.ftir'tW .... ltiADoB ... l,barg i " .' Mt t'nloi) 2.3011 Iowit'ofio Miltl.n jLtvk ilBrm..l...,,,,nin'.i .!cKap'trl Allfghpny ,. Maln-OT CHt.. SchoOkitl., lioi j -;; J J""! i.'ioo i i UacattPt.. II .ad villa.. ...Crawtord tlrchantcsburg Media. Mrrcrr Mi.idlrtown .... Mlllun I amherland...WM I.SnOi iarv ri.u.. . -.nn V Merrcr i".'."'.'.!! l!70o' . ... llani.iiln ...... .. Nortliamherlaad 1 ,70 Hiafi.nl, tvhoriaiil i.jna. !""" i.ycnming t,sojor nnivorsal distrust will aeltle down oria.'.aw....-...i.a4.er. I, to New Calle.. ...t..wr:-aciu... .Vo Norrlslo.n Manigoinerr., l.Wl North K.i.L. i.! N.rtbauinerland ., Nonbamiwiead.Z! limo Oil Cily Venangi lloo! Oareola Mills ;...i....Clr.rS,'ld .... :,Z.run.ZZ liooo ; ltrolla,w Hotlrr J.lioa iniiaurpiii. niia,iciphia I..0' I'lPaaaatville . PBHnjriu...., ...... I.innra), ...,u ...-.M'inijoiTtrif ...e-fhaUkiU I.UM m , i.-,io Plvmaalli lntUia.H..... I'wtlavitlo. FrotiJ-no.;. Head in a; w Hi-dhvo , HnollHr ...... RfMlwf'Tiilo . Hi. Wj fit. pPio-rtlivrij.; H4raBtoB,..,t.,.n PII.B)TOVtS.H,., Kbaoi'tkui Sbaroa skonaniloah ..... kibipoaiBflafj . MaUngtoaw...... ; J;.,,,, I to ...... Bi-,1, ",'t ...... . 'I in ton lo" ' or.. ........ 1. 100 1 -' Z ! ioa"!Z"ZZ! looo! ...u-ltrav. Vpfi-njr ..el.urrnt Tftpr nMNortbrabtrlaB4 . Mnrriir , H.bnTlkill Ntnhrlan4..i.e.. Lehigh .. d.ocol i'lZl ''' I.fco 1,000 l.ooo 1.00 1.70 Samert.. rvca.ret... Seatb l!ethlchess.....Nortbamptoi Stroadsbarg Moaro Sanhary........ ...NarthamberUvnd .... 1,400 Harqaobeona DepatueiBphanaa. ......... 1,7 Mamal,aa...,...KcburlhlH ... 1.IO0 Tidewaier.....'arrca ... .. 8.300 .. 4.0011 ,. 1JIO0 ,. 1 ,100 .. 1,000 .. t.ioei .. l.ooo .. 1.000 ... 1.100 .. 1.1 .. 1,000 1,1110 .. 4, T0 .. l.loo ... 1.10 .. I. "no , 4.000 Tttaarillc . ...Crawford ....Rra.fr.iH ....Rredlord ....Wroming.. ... ....Rlair ...Krle. .... Fayette Towaada.. ...... Troy , Tankhannock... Tyrone I'nloa City rnlontewn.,..,, Warrna ...Warn a . Waakingtoa.. Wasklaglna Wateunlowa ...Norlkamberlaad . Warneshnrg (lreae. WeiUhorougb Ti iga Went Cheeler. Chester While llarea l.atrrne Wilkes Hern. Leserne Williemsport l.rcnmipg York . Y'..rk riruni.E. . . 1,1 A chief mugistmto of a gi-cat (iov eminent occupied with selfish schemes to secure his iiomiunlion for another term of office, is certainly a pitiable tight. The same Mu lol proceeding in tho part of an firdinary city officer, even, ia not doomed l-cpntablo. Such an individual ia not elevated in the es timation ot bis fellow -citizen ; on the contrary, ho is always justly regarded with distrust nnd suspicion. v , In tho enso of tho President of I he United Slates, it is aggravated hy two prominent circumstances; 0110, that Grant has signally tailed to satisfy tho real demands of the popular will for solid peace, really earing nothing for it himself: the other, that a century of, ' ' custom made It i law that no Prcai - dont should serve more than two terms. (irant, like any pothouse politician, apparently overlooks or despises such considerations n spring from, high, honorablo sentiment ; overlooks or de spises the real welfnro of millions of. fullow-cltixens, nnil laughs at preca deulH, having made up bis mind, nuder tho advice of llulx'tick and Shepherd, to "stick." Honoinlile, distinguiahed advisors! Were it possible for an in dividual acting thus to be a good limn -which probably Ills not-it would not even then bo lo the advantage ol tbe people to encourage his nmbitinus ns plrntions. They are, however, loo ob - vinimlv AplRHh. mid I1V1 unltii'lv fivn iromany real spirit 01 pail miimn, sueu as niaiKcu 1110 ciinracier 01 taining ton Rtid the early President!, who in trod need and sanctioned by their high example the llnritntlnn of the PreslaVn. cy to eight yearn. ' Il is not tbe mere fuci of years that bus importance for tho people of the Uuieur; ills the print ciplo thnt is involved, nnd thu evil effect of lulforiiig ourselves lo be ruled, when the whole spirit of our Constitu tion and (iovcrniimnt is that tho peo ple themselves, and not one of their elective snrvullts, shall rule. This it is that render (.runt's conduct ao atrocious and phi ilnngomna lo onr libeiiiiw. The liiettttiiin of officehold ers, If allowed to go on, will surely prostrate tb freedom ol (lie people, This dictation must bo slopped, here and now, during this Centennial year. Theio can never be a mora favorable moment than flie present for tho peo plo to assert their rights. , Appeals to tho reason or lo the pa triotism of such men at cling around Grant aro of little or no avail. Tho noble thoSgbt which, lent dignity and Drought aorwrvetl honor to their pos sesaori in tha oldon timea nt longer hava an Abiding place oq tbo present PresaidwutiaJ dnc.mbent.. .It ia OrAht Phi'p'borg Jnin0''1'1 i'"'o!"a kott'n' 1ulitv of 'nen" is natural : Ph Aaiwuie Hi XbnIZiT.'i'Zi !' ni' Nothing Is se likely to do it i:lfz::;::::::u:zzz : iZ their .nd growing innwnw: flint, (finnt amond. nnd Gmnt nil the i , " , ' , , 1 M llw "l l"''J lb , W f. "T 0.ffl,'"h",'l,ri """''"a?' nlw0" u ''"' '-' T'"' atlfw. of public policy. 1 B"d u" t l aub.ervient to the, ,ur"0",ll i'""1 tl,v luluro 01 L' Si (wshmi. uv nun uvith imiiiitru iu tvwur, i ,,u lemnui oi uii iuinir waa ever Known, to eniiinutufmm him. Like Ihe home - leecli'a Uuuiltlor, his oey U continually "Give.;' ; . ; - ; ; , ," ! Are wu wroiifr in cnyiiir that the now lirenuiitiKl by our Chief ti-;MuMtiHlo U iiilinltU)? Uhh tlicr vr bvv.n lutytliii, l.clniv ivminibliiiif 111 iiiit.'st (lirivo in the liiHtory ul Olltf fil-hL uuiilurv tPittsburnh W. A HiaXlFH'AST PAHAQRAPH. ' In llto coiicludinic pamruphs ot lii I'jo'!' r'P'rt to thv Oov.niir. Iiof. Wk-kor-..... V.rffni' oliam. tin? HtatoSiiporinU'nfl.Mit of I'uh- lie IiiHtru'jlion, bewails the wock ol tht s.ao! country, dovt'loiwd into dfphtvity so ?S!l,vi.le,aJ and dee,, under Iti.Hiew. J'J;riile ns to arouse his deepest fears in j j.too' Hie following strongly drawn picture,) i to which wc invite thu thoughtful con sidemlion it. deserves, tiurticiilitrlv ui . . ,' 1 , it coinos Iroin a gentleman who ia u member of the Railicnl party : I J ''rbere is nothing our country no ,nu' b neeils as a better quality of men men f nobler purpose. o(' biirherj ' honor, of purer life, of Inu-grlly proof! (i.rninat alt timilitntiinc Ti.r. Ii..d..l tin., 1 .. ' . . .. . ... r a'" ot tun timea ...... i l. ...,r..;,l.l..l ,i,u.a In tiulilt. tfiiMt. II..K.I : .1 iJoojciimmonnmongtinsU'daients.caBliioi'sj ' JJjJj and Ireiunuer. Cretil coipoiations I.ii; are ruined by dishonest nlllccr. The !jlo!!p00ph nit) awindlwl by 'rings' formed for corrupt purposes, lltintan vain, pirea aland ivntly to suck thu blood of 'Jii!Vciy promising entcrpn.te. Mou. a fair 11 im - strolls triiiiri nets nm in mil ny . t t. r KFiritlllj; OVUI IliilVIIV IUIIUUCU 1 tuins of tlfbt are bnaped up on Stitlos, cities, counties and even lowiiHhips, to fill I"" pockets of thieves. Offices, in- fluenco, bought and oM aa a common ZZ3!!oo!,'omlno,'l' The ballot box and the 1. . I.-.L t I . . " """" "J niron men'Ciiaries. IWinL, hang their J JJJJlhcads and bnnoHt men grow lick ati heart with ercrv dav's recital of wronir I'Ro Pll "pen tho people, and the; llirpatenlnir diiuiaaa i,f cnrmmUa 1' -- - - .: ..:" suffered to sap tho nation's life." ti,;. i'...rr..li f-;. i.r.. i . linn I -"- """' I'umiuii i.'nwITbat tho State Superintendent should! . 7 . "up'iHenuoni apouio, w uw """""'s n nicwin to give better uualltv of men" a natural They arc, indeed, tho palladium of our ! liberties. It was said of the palladium ol old, or otatuo of Pallas, that Tin wm safe so lontr as it was safe, and whon that city waa beie.ce, ,v ,l0i . ?. . ' ' tra'lman n,,! ruu,c" "latne wn stolen by the Cliomy, and then tho city fell.. So with our frrent school svstem. Wo are safe while it i. aafe, and it is i great ftaiisiactton 10 Riinw that it Is snlely guarded by our State eonstitn - tion. Therefore, wo can look con - fidently to it to help us out of thedifti-j . eulty and give ns "a better quality of i men" after awhile. Hut what are we to do in Ihe meantime ? That is the 1 ...vniiuii. sih.mi, uie nuiia i-ilicr- Ing as at dewrleld, Pa. Intondent again comt to onr relief mid ; Jaaill-if RinLER, Y01N0 A REED, snva, "there it' 4.1 a change.'' , ... "" That, it In a nut shell. Instead t:T,,e Bf S RunWOOlcn Faftorj waiting and Buffering longer under that frightful condition which tho Superintendent has drawn in painfully vivid color a condition only possible under a dissolute rule such as Radical ism has afflicted the country with let all thouifhtfiil men join with him and reiterate tho demand, -there, m U alZ S3i7,ol;,hT,??b. Change!" Lota doom not lost awftll "''pro'ementealleebcd, and are prepared to make . i .i , cisil ii s, than that Of Kclshaxzar fall Upon Rad- icabsm, and the hand that noints the. .... .1... .r .1.. t-i... ci wujr ia ai.ua ui anu mvu r?u!cnuic!l- dont. In his own teniriuge, to accom plish it. "there .must a chsn." - Clinton Democrat. Death or Ex-Prbsiiiext Robert. . Mr. Roberta, ex-Prcsidont ot Liberia,! died at Monrovia on tbo 24lb of ?cb-' 1 . . , , , ,,, ' runry, and Was buried With military j honors the next day. Joseph Jenkins rt r, ..I KolrcrtS, CX-l'resnlent or tho Republic of Liberia, whoso death it announced in tno anovo telegram, Was A native of Norfolk, Va, and emigrated to Liberia fi-ftm Pi.lnrHiliiirtp It, 1WOQ I .il.Am. j i i t i . . . , . . ftct'iniwif Ita iiiili.rwtnl,.nn aiwl a.l.m. '. - .,, i,,: i. ,01- 1 : ,1 , v..,., ...1, .ui. ,11 a.i-s., ..tut i.i tuu neat yeur Mr. Roberts becumo tho flint President, holding tbe office for two lenns of lour yen re each, to 1850. lie then retired from puhlio lile, but again' itppeared in 1871. when Jnnies llnyc, attempted to hold on to the Presidency for four years. Denpite the opposition ol Roye, an election was held and Mr.' lloberts was declared elected. An in-! , , , surrection rcMilled, but I'oyo was can- tmtsil and imnrisoneil. On lieimr r leased, he inangtiratcd another incur. roction. and waa oirnin laken int.. en. :,ftdv.and , dmwned while i.n,i Ung OT(.B(0 M ttrit jM, v,. cnl... lin m2 , Mr, J(l)BrtB WH n.JcWttH( ,. jin 1873 ,, ryoA )prm ,1 . t .... I ing.ueccctieu in January ol tins year; i.v j,m, S . ..Vne who h,l n...l .. President in 1S68 C0. In Seplcmber lout, the republic became involved in a irur with the oborigiues, nnd in the earlier encounters Ihe Liherinng gut I the Worst ot it nlthoilgh It would seem that the contest is now about over. During tho lust term of President Rob. crts thero was considerable opposition to him in the country because ho was not a full-blooded negro, tho color line having obtained tr hold even In the African Republic. ' 1 . 3dvrrtlsrmcnt. (JAUTION- All persons an faeretiv ctntloaed agalast aadlllne with h perchaslng ar la an way following property, bow ia tka Rowing property, Bow ia the possession of H R . agards, at Kans tewe.bin. flat 1 baa ai t "marts, of kaai wwaablpi vial I hay man, gray kortsa I awl karaeea, I long also). 1 aew, I oal.ee. 4 pigs I haalag swills. 10 busbali aata, I ccak store, a ahaira. 1 arf. mmS h.i.. .... same wae panhaesd br as at Coaslable's taU aad la Ian with hi a aa l.aa only, sable to my order et any lima. llOUKRt WITUEROW. new miiiaon.1'. Man II, Ills 11, . QAL'TION.- 7 A'l persaaa an hereby raaUoaed agalast por. ckaetog er la aay way meddling wilh tka fellow lag prapmty aaw ta Ika pwaseesiaa af Heary A. Kbliael, af Bagg. tawashlp, ria I Oaa berse, I man, I red cow . I head af yaang uu as, I aad I years eld, and I twa-knrn wafoa, aa Ika came waa pacdieecd by me at CaaataM'a mhww Ika lash ay f Merck, aa I la eefl wilh Mm aa la OBly, aeet be ay arww ai aay lia i ' JAMKiH. TllRNEi. TalUletea.al,Nhtl,'.t. ...... H ARTS WICK " ' . '," & ' IRWIN e,CUIU SIR RET, CI.KARFIEfsD, V.K., " '.,,' . - .y ' I U It K I) It U t 8 ! ' , .,' SXE i tt ifUU.H (J II EM1CA LSI PAIN'I S. ()ll- l)YK S 11.' FF VAKNIRIIK. 1 II11IIHIIK8, t PEKFt'llKRY,. . FANrr nhon.; 1 . ......... I OILLT Alt 1 ICI.KS, C ALL KINIf, PURR WrXK.S AXD LIQUORS, for medirlnal parpnar. Yrnses, Kupportert, Fakool Book aad cHation- ary, and all other arliciea .usually ' ioubii in a frag ntor. I'll Yd CIA NS' PRESCRIPTIONS CARE- , H I, LI CUMI'OI.NUKU. Uarin. a lam ei. r"-7-- .. j0H'MHip "ikw'n"' Clcarfleid, liccmb 1, is;t. . BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, , ?o wiinri io Bojrnton f. TouBf.1 FOUsN'DEUS 4 MACHINISTS MaaBneewrneaf t'ORTABLE & STATIONiHT rgvrw . r -r-,-r-s t-wt i O 1 JllAlU IjlXN 1 Corner of Fourth and Pisa Streets, rl.EARPIELI), PA. f TAV1NI) engaged lathe maBafaatan af Iret- n riMt MACHINERY.wanMlylBfon. no p.o-ic mat w n Bow prepared t 111 all ordors a. ehcply aad as promptly si can b done V ' any of Ibcelliee, Wc manufartan and dealla Mulay and Circular Saw-Milli ,,',' R'ocks, Water Wheels, fibafting Pallev "'""rt'" Necior, o..g8tes Wklrtlat, Oilers, Tallow Caps, Oil Caps, Oaogc Cocks, Air 0-". 0'"b CtJ Tvilr. wn.gh?ln. P!f,l . Pomps, Boiler feed rumps, AnU. , rnctloa Maine, Snap Stone Parklag, Gam Pack- "' "'a UtU ef unl l ikr t ""w"'sw ",,' . i COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, : " and other CASTINGS af all kinds. AafOrden solicited and Hied at my prices ' " T" V?" 7"""! "ch'f af xa maaafaelat promptly answered, by addrae- I Pcaa tneraskip, CIcarAdd Co., Pa. B I' R N li D It II T I . arr ant B U R N E D U P I Tnesuheeriher hara.at great expeBee.nbwttt ,n"" "I i-ioins, vasaimeres, Datlnette, man k.:s, Flaands, Ac Plaaty af gwads eat bead u ".PP, " !"" " uasaad Mwoaeiaman i wnom we ask ' .. . . i to cons and eiaraine anr stock. The basiness of CARDIN0) AND H LLI.M) , ' ""L0"' " . "" Prnp- arrangements will be made te receive and delirei Wool, to suit customers. All work warranted an doni- upon tbe shortest Botice, and by strict uttea tioa sa basiness wa hope la realise a' liberal aban f public patroaage. I(MMM) POUNDS WOOL WANTED! We will nay the bit best market pric for Wm ... .vi, .iir uiaiiuieciiin-n giwos a. id. as Bimiiai goods can be bought In the county, nnd whencm V '" I""" " iaiitfatia we t alwart bn found at home ready to make prop eiplanallon, either in person or by latter. .,,, JAMli8 J0HN80Nrws.lr,P,'0. .'"' ""' TERRA C0TTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, , ,, , tove Lining (tnd Firo Brick, k.-pt onnstantly an hand. - , ..... .1 . . -1. ST0E AMI EARTIIE -M Alii if KVEIlY DESCRIPTION! c Hot: K 8 ! .. , pots: crocks WettW Palaut Airtlglil tscll . acallug ni'TTER crockh, .nh lid., ' PKtTA" ''RnrKR, Mti.R ( RorKs, APPI.R. BTTTKR CROCKS, I'K'KI.H crooks, '"-OWER roTS, PIE disiieb. I And a great many other things ton aniacniut t. menium, 10 be had el FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S . STONE AVARK POTTERY c..tr.i ck.rrv.nd Third sweu.' , .... .CLKAKhKLP. PA. ,i ' . H I RR ,! llll ST K l'! "' Mrs, S. S. UDDKI.L larlng engaged In Ilia Marble basiness, desire lo Inform her frlenda aad ihe.puUie lliat she ba. now awd will keep onnitantl bead A larg and welt selected slock .r ITALIAN AND VERMONT M Alini.K, and Is prepared to furnish la order TOMIISTONE8, , , . . , - BOX AND CRADLE TOMB, ' ' MOnrjIrTNTS, Curl.i aad Poati (or C.melsry Lola, Window . Sills aad Capt, air. . BfREAf, TABLR AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ac, Aa. tsavTard an Reed street, Bear tha R, R. hcpoL Cleai teld, Pa. . . , j,7,7' Clearfield Nursery. EN'COUPAGE HOME INDCSTUV. T"11 BBdceslgBe hating s A aery aa Ihe Tine, aUsl I CWeld aad Carwrnsrille, is eelehlUhod a Kar- half way betwae. nrai.ared Ia flap. al.h all kinds tf FRUIT TREKS, (standard aad wars. i ftrergneae, enraftnary, Urape via, aad Raspbarry Viae.. Aleo. Ilbwrlaa Crab Tree.. gatac. aad aarly scarlet Rhnhark, Ao. Orders promptly alUadcd ta. Addnaa, J. D. WRtoBT, aaW aS-J CarwemsrlUa, Pa. Wllff.lAM M. HENRY, Jcsttci tr Twa Pga-g two Sratttiaa, tllMBIR CITY. Oouwetlaa made aad mown snasO. paid scar. ArUclat af agrnmiat tnd dd l aewT.yaaa waauy SSSSSlel www Wtmareel . :iM; ALLEGflENX HOTKL. (Maik.l St , l.al. ThlranJ I'.aiil,.) I I. HA II fl Ki ll. ' A. The eubscrlber bating l.m ,.prt.tot r till, hold, pould rosprstfully ask a l.t. sul sh.ts af publia palrauaaa.. Patau redueitl ia..,, tb. J.a.2i"7i;,'f. ' '. """y"T. vilZibT. tu.syuf.ii ANN A "iluthH. '." O- - CIJRWKMtVll.LE, PA. - .. , ' NKWION RKSI), Poi..i.m. . Ilaf.ng becaie proprlelar af ll.,s tli,l Would rallully soh. lt the petn n ,gr .1 tka pulitie. Ueeee la.. .alls aad cmie.nl. ally sit. audi a si. n-Otiedecl ralorni.hM i g,..l plsnnaitBitachcd. Ill railroad lr.it, -n,,. a( this houw. .- JeBlw.lt. SHAW liOUSB i ' "" " tCor.nl Market A From ,tmi. i Cl.KAKI'lKI.U, PA ' The undenignad harlngt.hu. ilialg r IL,. Uol.l w,,ulj K.parirall auhcil..ul.l.. ..t,o.,.. .J"1 7i i. u It;i.i.r.io.s: WASIIINtjTfiN Iiorsii,' ' ' KRW tVAMiiN-rio.v, fa. Ibli nrwaad w.ll fnr,.i.t, ny h.,' 1 by Ihs unj.,.1,,,.,1. ,(,,,, , bnlag able to render sal!.n.rllo tu ll.os. .b in,, faror him wiih a call. . ' May S, 1871. U. W. InVlt., p.,,,-,. jlJ III7II II H "li t) II n k, . " --erpntlra the CntirtflT.Bst, ' " LOCK 11 A V K N,'. rU8 'a'.' ' Jell 71 ' HArfltAl, A Is ROM. Prop's. L OVU HOUSE, ' Main Sircr'i, PlIII.Il'SHtllttl, PENN'A. Table alwaya aapplled with the Wet ,hr maitel affords. The u.eelmg public I. insiied toc.IL norl,'7.1. KOUKKT 1.01D. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Second end Market Slrocts. 1 1 fcAKKII.I). rA TUitialdaadaommodloas llt. has.o:.,!.. tbe peat year, bsea talarged u double lu forme, capacity fc, ,b. anl,,..i.m.cl... ger. aad gu.su. Th. wkoU building ka.bei, nV,",? ;."1, T tk "Srir will ,.n fr .1 '""'s "' Cmmlns run, u d from Iba harwtf nn tk. I , , . Bodfro , ,, viaMiiKji raof to tb batMlAB tka .ale,l .... I aaob tralB. . Jim iv iincmnu.. apr " " ' ' Pranrl.:., J..i. PTf., Pr,,. J. P. Il.tnn, c..kW C'uruoiisvIIIo Itnnk. Aaibnrlicd C.plt.l ,, , Paid apt apnal M u (si rrarn. asr .ri.,L AAUOS W PATCIIIS, U.J i. r. jloyi'' STtlOWstiHeJ.lrHMVIW ALt.T I.IABt.F. -..Hdicd ",W" '"'"" Acrannt. Cuiwen.eille, Pa., J,j 1, s;.a. f. a. anx,iLii. o. w. tnjoLD. , j. a. aaini.a F. K. ARNOLD 4. CO., ItankrrM mid ISrokrU, steynolderllle,' JcSVraon fa.. Pa. Money rcerlrcd on deposit, piscnunt. at a derate ratre. Kastern end Foreign Ksrh.n., .1. County National Bank, ' OF CLEARFIELD, PA. R0C",,M"O," """"'"g. an. doo, n..,.b a! C. D. Watan'a Drug Store. Paasagw Ticket to and from l.irerp,.,! o. town, tllasg,,.. La,.0 ,. d c,, Alsa, DraOs fn, aaleontha Roal Ua.kol Ircl.rS and tmimal Sank of London ' DREXEL & C0., Nn. 31 pinuih Third Slrwt. Philadelphia ' B.f.VAf.flS, - And DDalen in Government Securities. ApphVatio 1,J mill will receirc promi.l an.,, Ion. awl all Information cbecrfullr IWcl-hH Orden Kllcted. April I l it. ' J fntistrj. ; , STEWAET It BLACKBURN, DENTISTS, t urncne.lllc. f'lcarBcld l annlj, Pmn'a lialee ia u.u.' K.w U.itdtae.t . Ciweoarilic, Jaa II, IS7A-ljr. DR. E. M, THOMPSON, (OlCca ia Bank Ballding.) CarsrcBstlllr. ClcarUcld 's. Pa.' mekll '71 If. A . M r tT TlTs Wonld rerpertfully aolirr bl.pail,rli that be has rcdnccd stir prtre o ARTI FICIAL TEETH tolnaao ... - j 00 fr a double art. For aay lee psnoe. -ondtig at the ,nui. lime, to bare earb aa urj-cr t. will grl the two sets for $.U.0fl, or 117 M aoh. rcrina iavariably Casa. Clcarteld, July I, 1871. GEORGE E. ROBACKER, WBOLKStM PK.tkk IN ' WINES AND LIQUORS, , CLEARFIELD, PA. Mj .larc ,.f l.u.lm-,1 Is on Market street, ill ectlt opposite tbo C.nrt llou, wh... I dv.in a kpa rullstkef PUSH MOTORS, and will warrant them ta be rank In my enst-oaer.. "lire me n call. jy ';,..(. WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. ' ' At the end or the new krldge, WKeiT CLRARFIKLII, PA. Tbe proprietor af Ikis asrablitbmni will has his li.,uors dtrcrlfroin alstillais, t'.rliee bai is, 'Coin tint boms will be iu.-c I g.-l a pure aMkU I a .null margin ah re ci-l. Hotel k, , w fural'hed ei.h llqnnre on tt-asonah'. t.rm'. In wis, and brandies direct froi. p.. let's I leery, at lUit, Ne V. rk . . "H'lliili J. IIHIII KS. Clcarlil.l. June IS, l7J if. II U E Y & C II H 1ST . SOLE ruo rUKTOBS OF THE CELEBRATED . -S-'-''l'iSTJTS-f-.v it "MAATt'-. AAD . fit. srn:i'KH's TONIC HERB BITTERS, -. i A'.VO ttiR I'RWK lt.1T. HITKY Vt 1IKIST. I ' ' Itl N.Sd "I reel, ' ' " Piui.Alf;i pint. Marchl, S7l-4ia READING FOR ALL II WOKS rf- STA TlOXEli Y Mark rt Ht.. t li-BrfM1, ib! the PoM oHm IMK Bn'trnlfnfbtl bri lava to anaotia U fli ofiiifflt or n-arftphl an.t yi-ht. that hr k- HltH n-t FtHita aatl fcaa Bt rptimp (nm I hp pi! ? vita a Urra am.rflt.t ( rt. bU aaiir, eoniiiinf la pari uf . BililfiS Anti Milirwllnfifimit firml-a. f Hplinnt Pi aaxi ltn?e-ltr-. ripwa trt4 IlkJ XlU ts t . leawaam aad II, . UL-L I eal I'aitpr. I(M(B Ms.tl..... . I...4 ...a L'a.snB. lllltl .Fill I'ssisla ia e-as a. .... . U'Lls. I D.mIi. raptii llrlpf, rap, h-trfdCp.BB. HfiMV- .-.r.- na-ir, rapp rilMPT rtBBO, rlB t " nniiaiABtly kaBti., An tWeka ar Malwi-fT lopiri-tt that 1 ota i bran hpanj.will benr ... uspi PRiTTEP, ani t.i-i bi 1rl.uli .ialp r w IB Mitt r.fa.Prt. 1 aim krt. -teH -.- .... ....w, waas t ilWf, H WVwl plir. r , I , A. UAl lalt" nNr(lli, Mny 7, Ut, (f fArtlMItldK IMlOPKIiTY f roR palk on tor nst. Tht. MlaMttwisW mlrmM taaval tk.l fc,. e. Ill UbM rptttBraoll bta dt,l.a( um4 rtw prirnf. Hal tB HhmI ilrfpt. attitiiaiaf I ha Lvonani ' In Ihp bfitfiuEjb of ClaatlrM, 'a. th lr f ia Id V t i.. i tk. J ii:- h, ...a I I PlWwa mtmA m, h tt.W.m u aft... a. aA.m awel I I ru-Ma bb tk wt-t4 wtff. Tha . Mat t- b aai at im, and ikt awrUiajt m n atd aftpt iba Wt ..f Julr. -t fartk-f f ilMtlan, .draff nr "a-'p? la tba and r.rt. th- arvatt-a. Utto. o. AM'ts vicmrarita, ra, mr IP, i Wa Kara artittod1 a Upm aiifaWt ai tM Mi ft I I.L, and rtU aa laa Maaiai af p aaau. aiaU a aaay to aa -raia rp fU.'MWtWAil .Vj"r.raatAjwl aamwnaii.