bt glcpubluan. Ueosoi B. GooitUKM! Mitt.' CLBABFIBbP, P.' WKDNKHDAY IIORMNO, MAI1CII It, 1ST Ruder, if jo mi 'J"""? ij'Trti'.:: In tho euilneia wofld, iuet read onr adr erllalog eolamna, the 5peeiel oofninn Is portion la r. -gj '7r yr-rs?ne: - It in undomtood tbut Hayurd Taylor han been aelocted by tho 'nlrmill antliorilies towrilolborcnlonniiilodo. Tbo Cbiengo Timet siigeviita tbat tbo bent thinR for tho Bepublican party to do ia to nominato Ben. Uiillcr (or Pres ident, and ro down with a bowl. "Head tbo biogrupby of W. W.. Bel knap, oil our first pago, unci luurn bow tbo mighty ba tnllon. loung iniin, pridu wan all that ailed wif horo. Completo returns from New Hump ebiro dhow that tho majority oi t'bo ncy, liopublicaii, for Governor, is 3,190. Tbie ia a handsome endorsement oi Bel Itnapnnd Orvillo Bubcock'n raamlitloa. behavlni;, uncovering Tottennem on every side ! The "loyal" investigating committee oi tho the old timo didn't do things in this fashion. o wonder good Radicals don't like tho "Confod- crato Brigadiers. "Tbe desolate South," and "Bobbing dead Soldiers" are the heading of two excelent articles on onr fourth pngo this week. Tbo proof is most conclu sive that men iu high position not only rob the living but they prey upon and plunder tho dead for tbe purpose of en 'ricking themselves. Til Drtnocntle ConfarMf, of tblt flcnalorUI DiHriet, mt ! Ih Rmh HoaM l"t TKrdJ. and ioininld lln Km. Wm. A. WallaM dala KsM to tta Lannutar 0mrantioa. If Mr. Wal-lar-a don't maka batter abow m bla own InUraat at Lanauter than ha did at Brla, laat fall, ba had bottar kaap oat of aottTaatlar a baraaflar, and at tend to bla olllolal datiaa, for tha good of tha whola people. IMIrontt JtiMlfiin. Tuto-on your whistle again and tell all you know about Lancaster. United Slates Senator Cameron was 77 yoaro old on the 17th of Ibis month. His term expires on tho 4th of March, 1879, in his 80th year. lie says he will not bo a candidate fur ro-cloction. Sotno of iiis personal friends wanted him to cat a big dinner with them, but bo postpones the time until 18HD. A CVrsir InTRODrcTioK. Mr. J. 8. Kvans, the post-trader, swears that he paid Gen. E. W. Kieo, ot Iowa, one thousand dollars to introduce biru to Secretary Belknap. This eostly intro duction put sand Into the soldiers' sn Har, and water into his rum no doubt for Mr. Kvans got bis appointment. According to Orvil Grant's testimo ny, bis brother, tho President, was in the habit of notifying him whon post tradershins wero vacant; brother Or vil would then apply for aud got them. Having no cash capital, be would find partners to pnt up that essential, he contributing to tho firm his "influence with tho President to manage such mat or.". . Mure Blebdino. C. K. Peck, one of the Fort Bill traders, was before tbe Clymor Committee, and tostiflod that the firm bad paid Marsh and Belknap 812,000 per annum for the poet, and tbat the Radical Congressional cam paign committee, in 1872, eharged them between C,000 and 18,000 for the pur pose of carrying tho Presidential elec tion, and tbat they had paid it Pretty well blod, wo should say. He Knows a TiiimoohTwo. Many of ourrcaduiw personally know General .Tndson Killpatrick. The General in timated some time ago to Mr.Clymer's committee that Gen, Bnttcrfield paid Grant 20,000. Butterfield denies tbe soft impeachment; but "Kill" eonnters Ihn this way; , ' , I raid General Baltoroeld wrote ma a letter of. ferine; tIli,ltH) for tho Colleetor-ehlp of tha port of Nrw York. Lot taa committee eiimmoo ate. J. ku.rATRirs. TuR PnKainkarui. BaoTara- The name of tbe I'realdant'i brother la aiiaprioted hy mnet of tho nrwapanera. Tho New York Tr'aier ealla blot Or villo II. llranti tbe fine fiaMoOrrllla K.Uraat; tha tltlea JlrralA Oreille M. Ureal. Ilia aaeaa le Orvil L. Ornnt. Lot no inloatioo bo dona tho waa. Ilirf. hlon !,. He dearrrea It. f-ieo (- eerwr.- Well, it makes no difference how ninny names the man has, or how tho printers spoil it, bo will go into part nership with any body who will find nil the capital to carry on businoss, and promise him tbirtv-lhreo por cent. profits. . A Goon Idea. Tho Philadelphia .'ummoiitcel!k says : "Boas Shcphord is about to make proposals to tbo Feder al Senate to build a Government jail in Washington. Tbo Radical party are in want of a headquarters for tho next campaign, and the Boss says "he aeos millions in it," bnt be don't say mil lions of what or who. It it likely to bo fully occupied by tho honest mon of tbo pjtdical party before Grant's torm is out, if the Democrat keep a major ity in Con gross. l,et the Boh build." Toe Bad. The return of Marsh, tbe fort Fill denier, from Canada to Wash ington, accompanied by his wife, baa dustroyod at loosl a thousand Radical editorial. Ilowidos, these wise acrib ler must now atop defaming tho char acter of Mr. Clymor, who, in effect, forced Grant 4c Co. to return him, to tell the committee alill mora of what he knows about bribe oad pot-tralor-rdilpa. Mr. Marsh ba ttso been in troduced to Mr. Clymcr's committee, and told what she knows about tbe Belknap, i Her testimony is withheld r the present. GnvntNitKNTCAaow. Tbe following cablegrams arc made public through 1RD vuet Uf''l -, , Wibmo Catis, Bnglaad, Marob 8, It. Sire. Hiram Treat, Paoel.lealeaa V R.A: Iaa. . t- - d i 1.. IT 1.1 floratana that oa f a ateaa-wla.ler that; .ee1,.Hl far . 1 tkk'k kb raal Beaa ia m eo uko my Iktaita, aad I waa mm to wio off your oiiib ana lend my property keoao. J ou ran iret atieeaar frost ono of laeaa nee I -aa Deri. Thla if burin re. - - Vie, Bstpraoa-Qaeoii. Waitr. Horas, Moreh It. VM.irla Ooer,.k. Uaeoa af tbo Uoa as tbo Ualeora I If Tea area a otaoa-erioaer yea bad netler rt Mr. walae to Moat yaa oeeo I ladia. My Prod woalda'l WmeroaUkoolerUee-alad- or if Mr. Innlla kadal live ate aae. Veo are abooky, anyaaw. Reftraa to NeSle aad Ow baby Mao, llisan Ctreaae Ustjrr, OflaoW bit Hone. P. . Oar Rett ran Hrt ymr Itlaa, rivi? rS7V4 7'v eo.vrA.Timv. The cmoerutle Hlnlo Convention assomblod at Lancaster oil Wednesday, (lid 22l int. Senator Wallueu,was tUc Senatorial dolegat e from this (XX X I V) district, nntl Ismol Test, K'i', whohnd been elected J!oprcsonlnllvi"delognto, substituted Mr. eo. M. llrWilti.ttf Os cool. Hon. Win. II. Playfnrd, of Kity otta comity, wns elected temporary ghulrmiin, and liobert E. Monngbun.uf Chester county, was elected permanent rliiiirninn. Mr. Wallace was made clinirniRii ol Iho cnnunitteo on resolu tion, nntl, niter the cninilttcoasonv bled, n motion wti imulo and carried, to appoint -eoiiiiuiltotiof Ova, who "1 1 , . . , , .,,.,. , ...T,. ., woro authorized to report platl'urm. Mr. Wallace appointed Mensrs. Bucka-, lew, Itockwell, C'otlrotb, Bobinson and Potter, Tho snb coinmltteo then ad-1 ded Mr. lallnce, limning nun also chairnian of tho snbcomnilltco. On tho rc-a"cmbling of tbo convention, Messrs. Walluce, Clymor, Dill and North, were clectod as delegates nt large to tho National Democratic Con vention, Tbo delegates from this (XX) Congressional district, are Col. A. C. Xoyos, of Clinton, and Thou. M. Utt ley.of Iicwistown. Charles II. Buck alow, on niotiou of Senator Wallace, was placed at Ike head of the electoral ticket by ncclamnlion. Sebastian Wim mer of St. Mary's Isotirdiatrlctolector. Captnin Win. MoClellan, or Pitts burg, was inado chairman of tho Stato Central Committee, and Mr. P. Gray Meek, of the Bclleflmlo JlVifliwan, is the district member of the committoo. Wo will publish tho proceedings in full next week. HM. L. SCOTT, ESQ. Tbo llurrisburi; Patriot, in alluding to the selection of'tbagontlomau named, says : "As in tho cao of tho Chairman of tho Stato Central Committee tho LancnsterConvenlion assumed directly tho power of selecting tha Pennsylva nia roomlxT of tho National Democratic Executive Committoo. Though this ia a departure from tho recent custom of tho party in both instances no ono will be ablo to successfully dispute tho power of the Convention in tho prem ises. The selection of Wm. Scott, esq., of Erie, was fortunate in every respect and will givo general satisfac tion to tho party. . Mr. Scott was strong ly supported by bi frionds from tho western portion ol the Stato for ono of the dclcgatcs-ut-largo to the National Democratic Convention, but In the conflict of claims from tbat section it was found impossible to nnito upon him As a member of tho National : Executive Committoo ho is in a posi tion in which he will be able to exert his abilities and influenco in a much more effective way in behalf of tho party than in tho temporary capacity of a delegate to tho St. Louis Conven tion." Mr. Scott, resides at Erie, and is personally known to many of our citi tens. Ho was pitted against Mr. Sco field, fwr Congress, while our county was tbrasked in with Eric. No better selection could havo been made. A Rapioai. Watcbxb. A correspon dent of the Philadelphia Pretl, who bad found his way into tho Democratic State. Convention at Lancaster, iu giv ing hi view among other sayings, re mark thus: "Still further back, on this side, we sco tho rcpre.icntatives from Carbon, Monroe, Piko, Bradford, Wyoming, York, Ccntor, Clearfield, Clinton and Schuylkill. Tho apostle of soft-money i not among those from I the last mentioned county. He fool tbat too election ol November ended his career so fur a tbo advancement ot his views are concerned, and he there fore absents himself. To tbe right aro the delegate from Delaware, Bucks, Berks, Chester, and tho majority of tho other counties, Wm. A. Wallaco among tho number. Ho is closely watching the preliminary prooeodlnga. Not a move escapes bis kocn observa tion. A debnlo springs up on tho ref erence of all roolutions which may bo offered to tho commitUje on Resolu- lion. Light u eights art on the floor opposing such action, and thoir unin teresting arguments arc rather heated. Suddenly the "gentleman from Clear fiold" i rucogiiUcd, and Senator Wal laco in a few sharp remarks, listened to with tbe closest attention, point out tho trao policy of the party. The convention bow to his will, swinging around in support of what bo charoc toriios a tho custom of half a century of Democratic usage. And now the appointment of the several committee railed for i undertaken." CnBA. It is easily aald, "Let no guilty man escape," even if bo should be tbe President of the Toiled States. A special dispatch to tho Now York Evening 7W, Republican, say that n loiter wa written to Honry Clows by Secretary Boutwell "in September, 1872, directing Clew to send (00,000 to tho Bepublican State (Jommittee of , 1 . Panusylvani, flir the purpose of oeur- i ing th success pf tho Bepublican tick- ot in that Stato, at tUa election which wa toocour in October, and nroaii- ing, on tho authority of the President to reimburse him hy early secret infor mation of sales of gold to bo made by the Treasury Department, by moan of which Information, he could gamble securely and aucceaafully In the gold and (lock market in Wall street." Horo 1 another chapter of Addition, Division and Silence, "Let no guilty man escape." Th man who ordered this robbery of tbo Treasury for tbe pitipose u. r.Fi, tU Twr. o, Pennsylvania, M now one of tbe Sena- .i tor. from tbo godly eomn.nnwo.lll, of Massachusetts. grosmn Jcnks, who is at tho head ol i tkoroualoB Committoe, ha just dis- oovered bow une of Grant' obiefs, a'dsncy. olerk in bis Bureau nd three lawyora, fobbed about four hundred tbovsatd dot. lars cash belonging to the Pension fund. Tbey did it in thia way: Over 2,300 bonnty land warrant for 160 acre of land (neb had accumulated in Ike De partment, kcing the warant of per- .,wl . ... ,.,, . "' w0o M or forfeited them Tl I , n . , l tuomi vi ore guooiou Kg ami aoiu lor me benefit and behoof of the ltatcnj par ty, for the purpose of carrying ejec tions. "Wo don't rob the dead sol dicr!" Noinked:i The Now York Legislator gucsihly propose that railroad coacboa shall be bswtetl by ateata. Instead of by tovo, aa a preventive! agairott fcurning catas trophe In case nf accident. 77 A' SSESSMKX TOE OCCU PA TIOS X FOR 187(1. flolnw will bo found n tabular stato. r,nt ill i relation ,to tbe viliiation or; occupations na re turned by tbo iwvoiaJ : AMeHsqrH. Tlie'lneoiittJitV, It will He -... . , ." ...... ..... ..g,- ulntod. 3u' Uu (toiuniiajuMra, would bo unjust to muiiy of tho tux-payers: tliiro'e uiii ffuiu. ri Aokt' I Av I Townabipe Oeou'nel vaiao Jeel Hemaiee UuralHv.M s.umi nt Neerlr right. CltarM'i. Corwene'la; Hnottdale. , Luto'r City N. Vnrli!. RplMT(.n Oeooole Wallacelne .till l Tl! 3S.IS s; UediiorSoperet. IS.j 1(1 Re.liice 31 per ct. 1 1, silt, (II Kighl. 5 tl Redone IS pant. Mow lit Add MMml Hi I.IjK 61 Nearlr rllht. IMll 111.117a 07 Hednoo 1 1 per i-l. i to Uedaoaltveroi. IMo'l. JO.Bedaoeaa per at. .!75r Jl Add 20 per eant. a.tat: 60 Add ID pet eenl. IS.JIt. TS BedoeoiSperet. J' ,.. 11 IK 171 Bok .... lBay. JjM- Him, liMH tl Nearl; rlihL 917 JT.i'in 6.1 Add l per oral. (tii S.llll 61 Add TO percent. tll Sl.tHllti ee Add e3pereei.t. ooriniton 1J S.SOII: f.0 Add 20 per root. Decatur.. l6 till II j wl III 1J 10. WO 61 Add 10 per eenl. t.IIt 61 Add 16 per Oeat. 6,71 At Add M perooat. J.olB to Klfht. S.2H0I SI Nearly right. 6.300, 01 Nearlr rirhl. ll.Olt1 6 Nearlr riiht. Perroooa.. .....I (Jo'bon Orahain.... Oroonwo'd Uallob.....l lluaum-... i Jordan... Karihaua.. Kaoi Lawraaeai . Morrie-...., Peon.. Pike. Union i Woodward i 11,1114 61 Add IV per rent. loll III j T.Mii 611 Nrarljr rirbl. i.oio! 6S Nearly rijbt. asa M.rtn 71 Heduoal7p 376 Il.alll 61 Nearlv riitnl parol. 1ST' ,tll 41 Add 5 percent Jlti II.lMl M Add to por oenl. 120 a, ivj oi i Add 20 nrroeat. IHI 13,476, l Nearly riiht. Total. J,0 436,MI8tadard. It will bo observed that tho lowest averago in tho boronghs' occurs in Nowbunr. rl, and the highest in Clonrfluld, 7. ' Tho lormer is iu por cent, below the standard, and tho lat ter 00 per cent, above. Tho, assess ment in the township is still worse. The average in Chest ia fixed at !)8, and in Girnrd at 10, making a tlifTer enco of over one huwlrnl anil Uertvt por cent. Now, by putting tho same num ber of mills on both say five tbo oc cupation tax In Chest would bo forty nine 'cents per capita, whilo it would only cost tbo tax-payers in Girard twenty cents. Under these circum stance ij becomes tbo duty of the Board of Hevision to pass over threo fonrths of tho duplicates, and change tho Assessor's work on, perbnps 5,000 names, and thorohy prodiico equality, nnd fix tho tax on all at abont tiiirtt cf.nts. It will be observed by tho above lable, that by dividing the num ber of taxable 7,260 into tbeaggre vfclue, $ 135,008, that an arorago is reached and verdict rendered by the thirtv-ftve Assessors, for liifl. ' BUTLERS CO Sl'l RACY LESS. USE Whntovcr may have been tho rola- tioLs of Mr. George 11. Pendleton to the Jlelknap family, and however spicy tho disclosure about the Kentucky Central itailrond, wo don't think they can bo made to answer tho political purpose contemplated by Won. Bon Butler: ' ' Butler went to Washington with Mr. li. G. Juyno as his chief of titnff, and Mrs. Kenton and Mrs. Coles as tho right and left wings of his forces. No doubt thoso two Indie, it tboy woro to mako a clean breast of it, could report a great deal of acandnl, tlosccnding from Bcpublioinsliltc Grnnt and Demo crats like Pendleton down to gentle men In the lower strata of speculation and adventure. Hut that is not a busi noss with which tbe public can now be permanently occupied ; tboro is more serious work on hand. Very likely Jlutlor is inspired by Corsonal malice against Pendleton; ut his groat object is to divert atten tion from Grantism, and to turn tbe committee from investigating lurthor into tbe rascalities of the Bepublican Administration. He is following up the attack! on Mr. Clymor, the charge in regard to Marsh flight, and the dramatic exhibitions of Mr. Bluine and bis associate in the House. They hope in this way to divert the Indigna tion excited by the corruption in the War Office and in othor executive de partments, nnd to tlx the public eye olaowbere. But this cannot bo. Mr. Pcndloton is a private cilir.en holding no office, and no party is re sponsible for him. if be woro guilty ol all tho crimes loruidden uy the (too. alogue, hia guilt would not pamt0 tho frauds and robberies of tbe liepub- Mean In tbo V) ar Department, tho In terior Department, the Navy Deport ment, the office of tbe Attorney-Gen eral, and olsewbcre. lo these departments tho Bepubli can party appointed the men who have committed these crimes, and it ha kopt them there after their guilt had bocotuo pu I ilio and notorious. They have got rich by plunder of the Treas ury, and no scandal about private ctti zens, no matter how reputable they may hitherto have been, ought to check the exposure and punishment of their official misdeeds. X, )'. Sun. Benjamin Franklin Butlor, upbraid ing George 11. Pendleton, partake largely of Satan reproving sinners. n ny, , no iu.ut nnu aiuien tnu rtcn- lucky railroad, ho still would not have Why, if Iho latter had stolen tho Ken on penny for thousands the .former hat pocketed right out of the National Treasury, to any nothing about the noons, clo. , To IUtubh. A dispatch from Vol. ington sayai "It I Intimated in Ihcar my circle thallhere I a disposition lo ro-rstahlish the head quarters of tho nr m' 1 w' T,,(' overhearing conduct of 11. .11 ..r.l I U"M"I' """ "e ivhiovui t0 8u lm" Sherman being unwilling t0 l",b,nit 10 0,0 '"ya"' imposo.1 n thtontorpriaingSeeretaryof War. 0'on. Sherman bad bettor not more too quick, beciiioD Grant will use the power of tho wholo ailmibio ration, to snva Bclknnp fmm Impeachment, and if he should happen to clear him, be will be put Into bi old place. On Monday, the 3d of April, Con- ueuiioiit will elect her entire list of State officers, a Legislature that will elect a United Stale. Senator for tho uuaxpirad term of the lata Senator i F B)J Cmlftrm,mlln r ,u , ,.. lairm nf ... . . Mr iw,mth(,r ,()tb ,,. ,,, ,:., .:!.,. ..a Iiv. i.u 'iiuim,i oii,i iii.r.ui, uuu in view of the npunsvlilnif Pi-csiden- Ul e'eotlon It Is aulicjpaUHt lliero will bo a desperalo atrugglo fiir tlwasocn- Ax Aord Cotrmpoiart. The rhil adeipkia Time) say : Talking about Centennial newpapcm,t he bortsbf them JJ in tho gray-headed Peking Oaiette, which U of or one tbousand year. old. It is len-pago paper, jvith a yellow cover, ba no atoiioa, no "aiTs," no marriage or death notloo, no editorials, no subscribera. It alinnlv cotiLalno the oiucini notices ot the government. m . . . . . . - , An unpiu-aJloled coao of cruelty to animaia being tried in the F.ric Coun ty Court, fit twtf that th defendant, who resides near JJrio, h .rying to manage a baulky burse, fustenad chain (o il lower jaw and liitchin aJaOteW horse to tbe chain nulled tbe iaw antiiejy oef. Sqcb brute should be prottcitlcd ,tohe full 1kcI pf the law. , , JVtflT IT K.MS. Tho arniv sutler-ship business wont , jiuy much profit during I lie next lew year. , v J-Th Union l'acilic vgrvnt national 0 '(?' nT swJ"J lew unmr " Tint total l'oiigiriii(loiisa Phila delphia, lust month, amounted toll, 601,120. Tho Cuntunnial Shoo and 1 ami t her Building is completed at last. All tli space is soken lor -Tho York Trie Vwx ,.1 oy that "York is bright with Iho light of the good lime coining. ', , . J ,u If ' .V:..AA.. ....m... li..trn I.mI tki.ii- .... . hvw by nitroglycerine .into .U intro-I .iiicuon inio iue on reg.o.m. Ono day last wouk tbe New York . e., . . nun f.n I .. city postoflice sent . out i50 000 letter, weighing fully 6,000 Kunls, Scrvln ia tbe only European Stat free from debt, and that is a principal-1 It r trwi i iw titan n mil innn li t V IV n,lkr ll.nn n nul ,,nn IV. . ' Iho City treasurer ol I uilaUrl- phia received 11 18.0.10, Hilling I' clirn- ury, nuu umnureuu ii,wi,oi. , An iufunt obild of Jaine Kitner, of Altoona. was found dead in It lied on tho morning ol the 10th Inst. , ir ;..! fnllinLrs-out in Chicmro. Inst year, tbo number of divorce, being only 520, Custer City, iu tbo Black Hills country, bas several hundred houses, but we fear their foundations are ahaky. ' A couple of Brlgham Young's em iasarloa aro holding meeting in the in It, roe t r,f polygamy in Ilreulionl eonuty. Himon J. Miller, tbe delimiting ex- Troasurer of Wostmorcland county, bas been released from jnil on (11,000 bail, A pocket knife nearly one hun dred vcars old. bclonirinir to a Iteadinar gonlieman, oontaina thirty-two small I steoi iiiaaea. i Tho lied Palhangiirrollncry com- Eany, Montreal, has snspndcd. ' Throe undrcd hands are thrown out of em ployment. Tho account of tho floods in Hun gary aro boart-rending. In a ainglo Baltimore county, Majylaud. He en town, 12,000 persons havo keen lolt terod Dickinson rkimiitry in 1810 and homeless. Montana hus taken an immense number of buffalo skins this mason. Tho buffalo will noon hecomo as ex tinct as tho dodo. Tho Boston Tramcfipt suggest an improvement on tlio obf form of tho primer so that it will read, ' in Belknap's tail, wo sinned nil." , . Director Gonoral Goahorn boa issued a notice to United Htates Cen tennial exhibitor to at once occupy the space allotted to them. Thirty-six year ago the first white child was born in Iowa, and he living now. To-day there are ovor 500,000 Ilnwkeycs by birth. John Bonders, a aoldier of the war of 1812, died at his residence in Ayr township, Pulton county, ou Saturday, lltb mst, aged eighty-three years. Invitations are pouring in on Mooily nnu turnkey Irom the principal eitlea of tho West nnd .Sontliwest'-1 Even Hun Francisco has put in a bid Kivo new steamships, ot thruo thousand tons each, are shortly to be built for a now steamship company lino betweon Now York and San Fran cisco. Cnriosilie of justice. Itrocontly cost a Now Jersey county over a thou sand dollars to convict four men for stealing eighteen dollars' worth of oys ters. . Tboro is loading at Philadelphia tho ship Galatea, for llio, with twelve Amcrclcan locomotives a part of hor cargo, carrying othor manufacture with them. Orvil Grant tostiiled that be was the "brother of tho Prosidcnt and a painter by trade." He meant that he wa a paintor and a brother nt the President hy trade. A piece ol amaliam from Colorado waa received at tbe mint in Philadol. phia last week, which ' is valued at 118,500. It i 111 inches high and 18 inches in circumference. Amcricau mediation has found a new field, the commander of tho Unitod State frigato Alaska having been In structed to arbitrate botwoon tho war- 8 African, ut Cap Pulma.. I t seems strange that Philadelphia, with a population more than double that of Boston, should ba relatively in ferior one-quarter in il newspaper cir culation by mail. Yet so It Is. Princeton, N. J., at ono time the scat of tbo Continental Congress, and tho place wboro Ibn famous battlo wa fought during tha Revolutionary war, cclalirntes it. Ccntonnial June 27. Tho skeleton of an Indian wns ox burned in Lancaster recently by some workmen who wero digging a cellar for a house. Among tlio bone and other remain were found three coin, one bearing tlnto 1210. A man in Now Jprspy offer to eat iuu nam nonca egg at ono meal, and even goes tbo length of thinking tnRt ,10 ud manage a bar of aoap at tho mme timo. (Pe him a chance. He might dio snddonly A hundred year ago thia month, a boy of seventeen, alter duo examina tion, was commissioned captain ol the "provincial company of artillery of the colony of New York." Tho nama of tblpreanciou youpgser wa Alexan der Hamilton. Notable among tbo many Instan ces of the ohnngo of fortune is the case of a Philadelphia maufaoturer, who commoncod business eight year ago With a rash capital of 1750. He now noils over a million dollar' worth nf rrrvwta annnnlU ' iv l- v ii r. I week tho ico accumulated so thicklv ... "piaa , ano,,, vuiiu., mat . on tbe tree that the bending brunches interfered with tbe railroad train. Olio train was stopped a numlK-r of llmo whilo Hip bnikemcn cut off tho ico ladon branoho. Adjutant (ienoral Latta in reply to an inquiry of the llonso of Kopre ontntfve, concerning tbo cost of send ing tbo military to the coal roirion to anpproa tbe not In April, May and Juno, 1875, replies by giving tbo ex penses at iou,na.4. A bill before tho California Logi. laturo would, if passed, nrohibit tho salo ol intoxicating liquors within four mile of the Stale University ;' and the Sun Prancjsco ChmiUe y the title snoum do -An act to promHo pedno trisnlsm among stndontt." Crook fsl Whisky is tbo cause ol lb flight of Hnmnul Thompson, a wealthy distiller of I'iltahurirh. Hia distillery and aplrlta amnunting to 1100,000 bad keen seized, fas hat boon convicted, and bi flight wa to sum nimacn irom imprisonment. J. B. Phillip of Orwell. Ohio, is mnking a choeso which will not be completed until tb20tb of Ma v. when it ia exported to weigh 29,000 pounds. It ia, uudTiara, neodlea to aav thai it la destined to aelomsh Llia nlive as well a the lorclgncra at the C'onoivbn,. There is an anolenl maiden ladv of 82, living in Tnnnton, Maes., who nns never seen a train or car, drosses b Continental fashion, burn tallow illi, and htf nijt called upon her neigh bof for Bvci year , fbe doe not make the most of the" year nd It pectiliaT pHrilege, there it irar mat sue win out an tiki maul, THE CESTEXXIAL AiTTLE. Till OOMMANIiKmor Till ptfl.HVI.VANU DaMOClAfir. j William A. Wallace, ono tlio Heoa- , Uin from thi Huto, waa boil in llunt- !lni(loii county, In 1827 Afor reoelv ing a preliminary wlncatKn at mo Clearfield .Acadomy, ho timinencvd tho study of law with liiij lather in 1847. When twenty yearn f ago he wa admitted to tbo bar, It which he soon gained a high reputation. In IH62 hu eulernd into polititil life, und was elected to tbe Sennit To that j body be wa re-elected tbr times. I n 1805 be was selected as tbo head of tho l)emocmtio Suite Certntl Com- iniltee, a positiun which he- moo uur- Jinn; several cumpnigns. M'. Wallace . kur f .,, deleuato to the HiiltimoH Conven- tjon jn 1H72. In 1808 bo wtbo nomi- ,11, t ...l ,lue the Democralio nie.njoni of the , . I hwj ... - . k.u ...v..,. 1 ihvi t line 1 ui noi, a luivnf-wi vihw:, in : wlnlKHI 10 1)1 Legislature for the United Rate Hen-! now iu bit. .eveuty-tlrst yuui an ugu! jly n, Mr. 0ate, but, the majority bolig agaiust!ut wii,r, fow men will niidertal;o u' uH,,,, l0 ass 1 I 1. in. 1m it-tie nut. itlivilnjt '14.1 miimi-it V I .....Hl. ....ii:.. I'.... .1 . I ,1...'. " , as tiui eictiwa. iv timjonv, Ol IHO J.euinliire lieintf tliui nine ill 11879. Mr. Wallaco wsi iin nomi- nltt.d ft,, tho United Htaleti -nnte and )l!t.,wl , thut KKV( (, vtticli he is i now acting, llo is nl the joaa ol the I delegates-at-large from Ikofeato to the Democralio Nntimml t'oi-ention nl I M. J.oui, ' insTiKr..rU!B( i Thigcutluman,.,no of Undelegate-. al-lnrge, is a native ol Befo, having been horn in Hint locality m 1H27. He gradntatcd at Prinoouti in 1847, and was admitted to tie tar in 1849. After practicing his probisjinn for some timo ho was chosen to tW Slnta Sen ate in 1800 to till a vait, 1 RG1 bo was elected for tliofull term, and rc-elecUd in 18CI. Ill 18fi6 ho wtis tbo Democratic cnndidlta lor Gover nor of Pennsylvania, tid in 18G8 a delegnto lo tbo Nutioiil Democratic Convention nt New V.irk. Ha hnd pivvioutiy filled tbo aae jiosition in tho convention nt (,'lintesion, H. C. i0 WM nmittted nnij elected from Itorktt countv to the 'cAv-third f.'on gross, and ia also a merrier of the pres ent Congress, in which he has acted u conspicuous part. I ANIIKKW II. IU, Uon. Audivw 11. Dil wa born grauuuiuu in tooj. f mm inut insii tu tion ho changed tt Dickinson Col lege, in 1K53, and grulintod in 1855. llo was admitted to tii bar In Fred erick City in 1858, mi in 18G0 camu to this Suite for thewcond time and located in lowisburgi Union county. During the war Mr. ill was engaged in military matters, in jsfin wa chosen to the House of liaroscntativca, in 1870 elected to the iennto, and re chosen to that body i 18731. Ha is a lawyer in full praclicti t tho present time. lll llll V. NflTII. Col. Hugh M. Nortl js a native of Juniata county, I'entylvanla, and is about 40 year ot no. Ho studied law with the late UonTlitddons Slov ens when quite yoiinj and soon after hi admiiwion to the tint located in Columbia, Lancaster oniiiy, where he still resides. In 1H54 L- was elected to the Legislature, llo rt'ciicd tbe Horn- ocratic nomination, nr Hit Americans : ". , "' ,7 . " : , . osequcntly ndopted ,.n. to hold he Democralio members t tl) now order, although Colonel N of h fas not con ..cctcd with then, at my iime, sn.f he ' was thus elected when liecounly gnvo ,.rit. it o.ui ..;-;..-iv. ii vi ki..i ....... j ,....., .-..J... ..j ... ... ,, U,K candidate for Govomot Ho bas twice been nominated for (oipress in tho boiielfSM district of haunter, and al ways ran ahead of ha ttket, and in 1874 ho was a promiuoH undulate for Lieutenant Governor tctiro the Pitta burg Convention, lit il a man of ability, and take rank in his profession, to which b has assiduously devoted himself. 1- rilARMt R. ni'KALKW. Hon. Cbarlc It. Buknlew, selected a first clector nt-lnrgi baa not only a State but largely a natinal reputation. He waa born in Columia county, tbia Slate, December 28, 121. Adopting the profession of law, e waa admitted to practice in 1843. lo waa Prosecut ing Attorney for bit native county from 1845 to 1847 ; Senator in tho Stato Legislature from 1850 to 1850; in 1854 wa a ommissioner to exchango the ratiflcaion of a treaty with Paraguay : wa iKenatorial elec tor in 1850 ; in 1857 nut chairman f the State DomocratKCnmmiltue, and during the same year fae reflected to the stalo Senate and Iso appointed a commissioner to rrvis the penal code of Pennsylvania j in 158 resigned the Iwo latter positions an: was appointed by Prosidcnt Bnchana Bcsident Min ister to Kcnadnr, retiming homo in 1801. In 1863 ho wnsloctedn United State Senator from lmnsylvania for me term ending in jo;i, serving on the committee on lmfen attaint, pen sions, foroign rclntionj etc. In 1872 ho was the candidate othe Democratic party, for Govcniorbil wa defeated by the present Incuolient, General John F. Hartrnuft. .tstK-inted with hi son, ho rontinticalho practice of law in ninomsnnrg. 1 im ri. a. wkMiii. Samuel B. Wilson, Hio has been chosen elector at large filb Mr. Buck alew, was born in wht is now Law rence comity, about 129. He wa educated at Jefferson Cflcgo and grail unted in 1848, llo ww a companion student nt-law with Ion. Cyrus L. Pershing nnder JudgJt!ack, in Som orsct, and wa ndmittd to practice In that town in 1850. bine timo after his admission to )ho hr ho aettlod in Beaver, in which plao ho baa since pursued hi profession filb ureal suc- cess, and is accounted me of the ablest I lairvera ill Wewtnrn Pi.etevlvnnin In politic jio hns keep aiuctive, tkongh not an oOlce-soekibg, Dnioorut, and in hi MK'iul charactoristc is much os leemed for hi nmlabiiy and gener ous impulses. i WILLIAM MCLl, ll.ASU. on' n'illin' MuCloand, who baa uoen chosen chairman o the State Cen tral Committoe, wa lirn at Mount Jackson, Pennsylrania,Mnrch 2, 18431. He received a common school educa tion, and for a time atttidod Westmin ister College, at Mew Wlmington. At the outbreak ef tbe wr he enlisted a a privcte jn Bntlory B-irsl Artillery, P. it. V. C, and at la) coto of Iho conflict was musteredoiit a it oom mnndor, having nerved 'Vor four years, or during the entiro isriod of tb re belllon, and partlolpatsj in all tbo bat tle fought by the Amy of the Poto mac, oxcopt C'hnncelioavillo and Get tysburg. Sulisequonty ho attended Allegheny College at Meudville, but did not graduate; stidled law, and waa admitted to practio in Juno, 870. Ho waa a member of too Fortv-aocond Oofigrpisj having def,ted J. B. Don nelly, llcpublleoji, fp,p fip ntrjitiop by a handsome majority, lo will bring to his position as cbairmui of the Stato Cenlral Committee Him judgment, un flagging energy and liii appreciation of the important duties ouDded lo him rHKParuitiT H,iiBr. On Tues day the L'nited HlaltM lunsln voted on the bill to ruduoe th Pkwidonl' salary from 150,000 lo 125,001 t follow i Y'ea Mossr. Allisoi, Boggy ,Chrl llancy, Clayton, Conlting, tjockroll. Da won, Ferry, Goidthwilte, Hamilton, narvey, itiioucocu, iva-nan, Key, IO. mm, JJol.reery, JHcDmald, oloxey, )orre (i'l.),- Patlertm, SUiTennon, in, Wallace, Wb.ifani W right Thurman -M. Nay Messrs. Raviort Itoutwell. Cooper, Davla, Doraey, Prellngbuywn, Hamlin, Howe. Intralla Jane (Fla.l. Jntios (Nov.), McMillan Mitchell, Sad- uocr, Ko43orttMau. Earxmt. Sharon. Hpencer. Wlmlom and (rth(H"-ia. I ASSOCIATED PRESS LETTER.) riMi.ADKl.rniA, March 27, 1H7II. j Till rr.NTK.NNIAI.. I Tbo collossul broiiau statue of Hum-j intf uttomiit wus uiiidn lust night to buldl, which I to bo erected In Fair-1,,,!, Kirni, nailonul Jbttiik "f thl mount Park, bas ulivudy beun cut in j pUUe. ' A man giving bla miiiiiu no Ma Berlin, and is now on Its way lo Phil, i for Rollins, claiming Now Orleans ailelpbin. Th Hgnr Is tiinofaut high, residence, u, ruimjt.iing bimsolt and stands besldo 4 fc'lolto Uion which M a maji of wenltb, liii bee lioardlng tha left hand n'Sts. A loose overcoat I hero nt ono of thu lending hotels for with wide sleeve comes down below j ,K,aily a your. Beluga person of good the knees, und conceiils in gitnit part , anneaiiineo and u nerlimL ireiitli inun In thumoilcrn costume th it is the desiuir it sculptor. I lie right linud holds! i no c i. ii i tinea iioin mo nivnsi aini i ,.tniing eitlaens, among tliom tbe cash shoulder, and also grunps a roll n'K,r (10 i,lli G. H. MuttstirsmilU, liiniiuserinl in which uiieni the word nan., nml u,i in il, l,l,it. ,.C vi.lilmr "Conni'is ' Tllll hetnl IB sli.'lltlV boilt forward,' and tlio- dice ivprosunts the niiluro as lie api.nivil between Ids sixtieth nnrj aovenlieth I dnco or Mr. Mesttersmrth.- MeipitwrVrs-si tf4hrsxwtUrrtem,0Hi I'? vtuir. Tbo Berlin newsiiaiiers nrnisu ...,.., I i., hi,., ii,,,i i... - .,.i,i. 1 1. .......... ..... I.. i.oi r... imiiiiiii ,,,i I the urtiKliti (nullities, nnd imilition llie . . (Uet that, Prolcssor Drake, is; wrk culling lor II10 exeiriso ot llie IlieheSl IKlUOIHiil L'CIIIIIS. ItUVlirVll.U l'.i,.n,l uui hi , l,..,. muck to tbo credit of ibu GuriiLius in Pliiluili Ipliiit that they have sueiess fully cariitul out u movement to honor their giout riMiiilryimin with a monu ment worthy of his lumc. Tho Iterlin TribuM nuvs: It is bard to believe thnt tbo (iurniuus of a single city of North America bnvii honored Hum bolilt'n memory, us thus fur Germany herself law not done so. The circular plot of gwiiind on the west iilii of i bo lorrucb surrounding .nemoi mi jiiiii li u.i beun selecleil as the wtuioi tnocoiiossui granito suuno ol tho Ainuricnn soldier which is to he set till by the ew r.nglanil lirnmto Company, of llurtiiird Conu. The I statue will be 21 feet high, and will Weigh 310 tons. On the cmtt side of tho same tcrrncu will he erected ncollossal marble slaliie of Wiishington, cut from ono block. It is tho property of Mr. M. D. Kryo. of I'liirence, Italy, who has loaned it for 'lie purpose. Thu exhibits on hoard thu steamer Hammonia, which left Hamburg on (Saturday lust for I'kilndelpkin, com prise leather, lnonr.o, muerschaum, mother-of-pearl, amber, woolen goods ; also, a very largo assortment of Glass ware, silks, shawls, and carpets, and a flno collection of oil and wutercolor paintings, tho works of Austrian mas-j '"m'i r , .1, .. .. vx Iho Moorish villa abipiwi I by Dr. Schmidt, German Consul ut anners, , , . . j Morocco has arrived at tho gronndsJ It tilled lour Iretgli. cars. ; A Nomstown flrin is making for a a , ., - , . ' ........ - - - .... firm In this city a comp etc octave of, ; ,,,. The ,,.1u n(ml)l wa, ,;,ullj tuning forks, winch will he exhibited ( 011 .,iin,. funtm ttnd ho j, ow inj as sHS..nen. of American skill. jjarf. Johnson, who made his escape, - i""'- " 1 ' lion a file eight feet long, only the edge of which will lie roughened, the surface will bo highly polished, and on the faoo of ibis monster file will be etched a view ot Philadelphia from thu Delaware river; on tho reverse will Ire an etching of tho Exhibition grounds and tho workshop of the firm exhibit ing il. MISt Kl.LANXOI s. Tbe nickel one-cent Is no longer coined, and tbe two-cent kronxo pieco was abolisked by the act of 1878. The fact thut large quantities of two-cent bronto arc in circulation misleads many business men. Tbey mny bo sent lo the Mint in this city lor redemption, and when they nro so sent they aro to .,h? me.llin, P"': '1'.h8 bn,e ". " -J-- " i' tion nt tho Mint, but unlosa mutilated or othorwise unfit lor circtilntion, it is ' from the Hill, was ut-ked at Fort Lar cleansed and rt-issued. Tho same is ami'e whether there wns any gold out tbo case when nickel coin of tbo do-1 there. Ho replied: ' If t heir's anv nomination of three and five ccnta are forwarded for redemption. If in trood I condition they are cleansed, carefully overlooked and re-issued. The nickel one-ront goes to the melting pot when sent for redemption. Some timo aicn thu Session of the North United Presbyterian Church in this city, excluded Mr. T. M. Stewart from membership in tho church be cause bo belonged to a secret society the Ordor of Odd Follow. The pastor, Itcv. Mr. Korr, ono of the most useful in Iho city, was opposed to tbe action of tbe Church Session, and be lieving that his usefulness was at an end, accepted a call from a congrega tion in New York. The congregation of tho North Viiitod Church having witnessed with sorrow the disruption going on in thu church, have appointed a committee to mnko solemn oompluint i rufcnl correspondence of the Attorney to tbo Presbytery f Philadelphia! 'nml with District Attorney Dyer, against tbo action ol the Session of tbe intended to reflect upon Gonoral Bab Church, in excluding Mr. Stewart "X. he Gen. Babcock make and Sineolhe exclusion ol Slownrt. and the nuthonxes the publication of tho fob withdrawal of Bov. Mr. Kerr, tho con- grogntion hn dwindled from 1,000 in ! number to about 200 persons-and Iho disintegration stui gw on. LOGAX S LAMEST. Somewhere, In a school book we re member, but not having a copy on band wo cannot cite it, there is written tor children to memorise and recite what was-called "Logan' Lament.'' Possibly wo are In error ns to the titlo, but tho pathetic words are said to have been spoken by tho celebnitcil Indian chiet "Logan.'" Tbe words wo qnoto: "Who i ihoro to mourn lor Logan not ono," porno to important une juat ' now, In the Federal Sonata sits one Lo gan. Ho ia a Itadical. He is ever ready to defend Urnnt, tho Granule, and ny other rly ahomination tlmt; tbua rvplle Mr. Loans oan etaa! ap I bit plane ana, at leaat witb nbyaioal ivpunitr, nail aentlemen wha are la ever war hit eiiuele, ramplrea oail liara ; bat what a tnmede there would ba If eoaio joor nnliet aboal ao far reaont these eirilltiea aa la haoeh Mr. Senator Logon dona, or area retolieto tiMo blsoWrd aa l 1 f. him In ton. i tnsinill rtoi It ft would soil ereallr lireaein-' area. n hen tnu jTKiune cans a itu'ticnt i niwula) Ia hoi mailai l,. jnr..,A nvn iriHll I V mfUMIMt fin Mr ntWIWranM r. , - V T J " im"u. , -r - r --v , r " r to thin country fry Thia Tiomin haa boon Baying unkind ! H'bwon. Ho in a man or economy Surrovor Gnnil J V&.L 7.,i...M LI. nwn nfin nti4l uml ha a nn tlnrlntiM lilrn I ... iuu - n-Mfifi iiuii'iiiir uta n'.iiiiritr". t-. .... ........ ..nv Senator hy his title, thing look ugly. ; whilo Hamilton Kish, who gets Iho Wo havo only to add in tho Inniriiuie.tnmo hol'cs, iaauid to bo out of nockcl oiled uhovo, "Who is there to mourn for Iiognn not ona."Phila. Own-! mmtrenuiu . , , Sr.t:oa Konnsox llicuaa. It Is re. porltrd In Wall street that when Sucre- Ury Kobceon went into olllco, be bor. rowed 11,000 to make a presentable appearance, and to-day hu is worth not lea than fZ,tlU0,(Hltl. It Is tho flrm beliol of those who know what t he v lire tulkimr abntit. I.lint milliiina upon million have been aquanderpd iiimn laviirilea iv tiin ,iiw iiotinrL. ment ovor aiuoo tbe cninmencomonl ofi tho war, and thnt. tho squandering or plundering Is mill In pleasant opera tion. Lot mo eite briefly ono case : A contractor who ha had bold of tbo nary teat for years, and who, two year ago, ji veil in a 17,000 residence, now live in ono tht cost, with it nrroiindings, IZ.10,0011. Thu palace wa built for himself by day's work, and wa nearly three year in courso of orecllon. Tho fbrilituio In it cme partly Irom Paris, and coat 4(),8lIQ. The stable, built near tho residence, is rnluod at 120,000. But this Is not all. Suld contractor, In addition to the alrovp, baa become the owner, since his connection w ith the Nary JJcpnrt mont, nf hundred of acre of land anil valuable building and atore, which ho ba either eivutud nr iiumhawid. Indeed, ba la ranked a the weallhioat man in the country In wbleh borecide. and that I nnt n bour'adistanoo from lbs city. Theau am tho facts, and tboy carry their owa rommont. flrtf. fi'more .S'um. lloy. Iipokio li)dt, sovonty flvo year of age, and filly yeart an aiUro minister of the Methodist Kplscopal Church, delivered a aemi-Cwnlanoial sermon Henday morning In tb utmw MehcHlitF.picopnl('hrch. Baltimore. CIIA MHERSH UH(i OUTRA OE. Special lo the llarrlal.urff I'.lrl'.l f'li AkiiiKUHiii iiii. Mui-cb 25. A dur- 1, tea manners, hu succeeded iu forming the ucqiiuintuncu of a number id the I Mr MoHeeeamilli nt lite, nolil.un.,, iel,l,.l iBconniTted with tliubunk.uud ll'iroiigli ,i.HBi,,e mniinur secured the conli ivl I 1... tl .' 1..1 , 1... 11 imiihu 1,1 j.miiinipii nuu, wMwi l0 pr,,nsea fur.n iu this vicin- ir. mtswaraiiiuu was iinueav- assist him ill the liurohuoo. , iMl evening about 7.310 be culled with I ins menu ioiiiuuii iu sue mr. jloor- sniiin, inn, no not iieiiigui iiiiinu, suteu bo would call again, which he did In aooiit an nnur nuurwaru, uuu alter a voi v iileusunt mid entertaining cotiver Billion with him for some time, stated that bis friend Johnson bad a package; of a00,IMM which bo wished to place; in tlio oatiK until morning, noiuns ny Aduir und Vann to got the I'rem-, and Johnson nccoiupunied Mr. Mossur- dent to withdraw tbo treuty trout the smith to bis room iu thu bunk, when Senate at u critical lime, whuu it would bo told them hu could not open the otherwise hnve been ratified. Hesuc vniill until morning but would pluco it ! cueled, and the treaty was withdrawn, in bis private sole, us liu kail a pack-! Anotker largo slice $10,000 went 8;fc t0 ,,llt tltro himself, and while u,king a memorandum of their puck- , ,. t,y aeiod Mr. Musscramith and a struggle ensued, and tbey succeeded j" Kgging him, nnd as tbey were pits- ing out of tbo room bo succeeded ill tearing tho gag away and giving an; alurm, which wns hoard by .Mr. Kind- line, who was up staim and who citinu running down ami locked tlio front, door, itollins presenting a pistnl com- manned mm 10 open u, winch lie re-jwus altogether Illegal, und it is sua fused to do, causing them to retreat peeled Hint Cowcn. who cpiii d n by a ruurdoor. Johnson oscnpod lint fortune whilo in his lute ioition. got Boiling, stumbling over a step tell, and i sonio of the 22,00 unuccounlcd lor. a colored man who was in the back! The Interior Department certainly part ot thu building jumped on his needs a thorough overhauling worse rived. Dl ack and bold him until asbisluiicu nr Hollins had succeeded in get - ti,l(r , ,,ckuge contning thirty thou- I saud dollars, which bad arrived by cx- proH. ,l0 evening, and which Mr. Jlessersinilh wns to place in bis - i......M ... ... u.,wiiiikii niinuiuiviin Lniiiem-iuHin. rivll,o safe with their package, it hav-l In tact, that department furnished a lllf Klm, Ul0 nl , be plncwl in tholoontinunl succcssitin of tcandnls while ,-a,,li it l.n.-i... l..,, r..- .I...I i..i. u:.i 1 1.1... whs caugnt una mornliig nt Mercers-1 woys managed to whitewash the ring. burg, by ex-Shorilf tireei.awalt, nndjNow let u. have the truth and the brought horu nnd lodiced in jnil. A complete sol of burglar' tools wu found in an alley in the rear of tbo bank. Tbey are both supposed to tie i old and noted cracksmen, j Tin Black Hilij Paradise. Fur ther news is received concerning tbe situation at the Black Hills. The rush thither of men and boy continues, and the hotul keepers and merchants along 1110 route naturally tlo their best to keep it up. Ills a Honour. fur them. Mean- whilu tho Hills are full uf men, most of whom seem to be making nothing audi many nroalready duxlituto. Numbers are working their way back, and the Indians nro oiiroiiir.iiiir tiir a urunil movement against tha intrude! in the early sprint:. Au old minor, rcturnim; (fold In the Black Hills it is so ileen iu the bowels of Iho earth tbat the men thuro will never fun! it. In my opiu- ion, all tho gold that will bo taken from tho Hills will be in tho pockets of tho store keepers, who have swoop ed down on the place, like a lot of vul tures. This is a magnificent harvest for the hotel-keeper and merchants in Chyenne and Laramie, and tboy keep up the excitement." Tho aame letter from which tbi information is derived adds: "Nearly all who kave returned from tko Hill seem satisfied that they kave wasted timo and monov." The very fact tbat tbey return should be proof enough tbat they have boon dis appointed. Grmeral Babcock Sfiaks. Re specting what tin been said about the 'owing statement: "I round a copy ofj lt,tlcr ty'"!? of" "P"" "y dosk "t mocxocuuvo -uansion. luouoiitnow "3 i ny c anybody. It wns not marked offiolnl or uonfidentinl. Tboro wo nothing to show that it was intended for the I'rcs dent, and ho Informs mo thai ho never saw it. the copy appears to have for ,,,. nt , no Utiro been mado in the Attorney Geiioral'ai.if yours," said the gentleman. ' I ortlco. rinding this copy oiwn, nnd b,,w ii " ii,on,ri..,,e r..,,u-t ii, without tiirection, upon my aesk, I presumed it was put tboro for my In spection and use, and accordingly I plocvd it in tlio hand of my counsel fur anch action ns tbey might think proper In regard to it." Not Srntimknt Only. The editor of tho Venango Siertatnr, exercises his mind In this way : " bile gazing on t Washington, tho weariod Mnrab to interfere with bis thrill. For instance, when thi veteran old aea-dog was apiointcd Necretary ot the Navy i he had to borrow money in Wall street to rig himgclf fit for prcientalion at j..n.. it aatiniguiii. rtuw no ia wono anoui ,wu """U lie has saved that. i sum in a few vcars out of a aulnrv of eiiftu tnousnnii tiouar ner annum. at the rate of ton thousand a year. What a noble exnmplo I Hohcnon for American youth. lr. A. W.M'nshington.grund-nonhew ol (icn- (- Washington, tho nearest living rclativo In the father of hia conn- "i Bnd resident of Denlson, Texas, "bins a box containing tho following 'or exniuiuon at lue venten- General Washington's court suit, of brown silk, sumiosed to bo the suit in which hp waa inaiir;iiratcd ; Ivory neiti .et in uoid, preaenteo to w usututr- ,on hy Gcnornl Lafayette ; frword, pro. sentod to Washington by lion. Darks, Iho fumous Indian ficliter, before the Kevolution ; knee and shoe buckles, nnd, most valuable of all, twelve auto- raph letters from Washington to bis irother Snniuol, dated between 1772 and 1783, some from Mount Vernon and omo from the field, nd all giving)' Washington's private view, Pftl! war! then waging. i aging. 'n"Wf riillndelphla baaabtitdiare ol med ical oollege. The number of those in stitution in full blast in the (Quaker City is aoven, and the number of grad uate they tnmod lorth on a defynae. ins wqrld during the pitnout year I exactly (jvo htfhdretj ami fourteen. Women are allowed to vote in Wy oming, but they are Indifreieiii a to who op what they vote lor. At n recent local election there a follow run. nlng Kir Town Clerk bribtwl eighteen female rnter with one pound ol enow. Inggnm. ZAt'tfARuii Sraaii. "A man might a well ba in boll without a fan, aa a Republican Cabinet Minister with lluhioCrulla llousy," lutuly rtmiaikod that diatinguUbetJ tHcotogieiat, the Uon. Zoch. Cbni!lLiig7Ary nf ih Interior. 1 V TER 10 n HE I' A R TMES T ERA UPS. That old scandal about an utU)M,pt: to rob the Osugo Indian of thoir re i... n.,,,.. I, ..I,.... ..i' servo lund In K ansa hu keen revived. Thu committee on exH.'iiditiur'S in the Interior l)iurtiiiei4buve lieon looking into imp phase of it which Intolvoil the Hl)'ia)enl uf t.'tS.OOO t put lies In Wtt-ll-ingtiirr-hrt' the fioriHise rf gutting tbrtnigli a claim lor $50,000. Culonel W. I'. Adiiirund (J. X. Vaun, who act ed as attorney for tbo ludieni iu tho : matter, ut Hit, aceured aeontrnet by Wdlcii inoy were to nave one-nan tttu amount they might save tho trils) by I 1 li,..,u.l 1I...1. . i;,u.i,I.m In ni,..,i.l ITUItlllir II TI1VIIMIIIIIU IIWBI, (,TIIKl- i L'ao,Mi0 for thrfif ervi),"und whclJ - !tho ptsir buinbugged indium flnally I 1... ' ! ! .1 uy auniuiHirilH euuip iimiivw iiieimui"! to tret tbat amount mid by tbe gov - eminent. ' .. - :. r. i i: . in ,. 1 This businuss seem lu buvu Ikoii perincntt"! with fraud, and (VI. Aduir was culled Colore too coiuiuiituc In leu . II...I I...K. Il 1 how lie got the ciuim tlirotigii. lie confesses to having paid .'!5,0O0 of the no, 50,000 to secure thu uwurd.uinl status, that $.1,0(H) ot it WenHo Mrs. Dent in fulfillment of an aurueincnt made with her husband, Jndgu Louis Dent, belorel his death. Judge Dent was employed to tho Temple, a claim agent, who bud influence in tho Interior DeiMirtiuenl. i Tho remainimr i22.OU0. all of which i wun paid out in Washington, I lie wit- j ness tails to nccottnt for, and ibu com- , milU'c arc still nnxinu to know whnl heenmrr trf it. 1 t.'owen. the lato Assi-t aut Seorotury of tho Interior. orlered the kill paid out ofaiiupiiropi intinn fur tbo piirchuse of sIik R,' ngrrc ultuial implements, etc., for the Indians. This ; thuii any olhor in. WashingUin, sinless lit be Kobeson's domain, and thu com jmilloe charged with t expenditures ought I veil the truo inwanln j exceedingly enspicio bo scrutiny ol its to bo able lo re new of nniuerous erviwn.., wncii, iuiiiii null euu tfuiiii wcro , ,h) or comllliMi0, whit.l prr;tlin(1ed , jr.. vetigate a few of the worat alius,-., l- whole truth. Philadelphia Timet. TUB MOSS OLIA N A MOXG US. It is a proverb in the western coun try that it is a good augury tor the husinorw prosperity of any pluce to see tbe Jowa flockinir Into it. Tbcv nro the. people who know wboro money is to be made. Tho same thing may well be said of the Chinamen, who, iu con siderable number, now begin to be "con on tbo streets. They acem to I havo tho intuitive sense which directs them to tho spot where money is or is to lie. It is therefore with pleasure that wo note the fact that whereas three yours ago the appenrunru on a ritlsuurgh auluwalK ol thenueer lilousc. baggy iianls and sallow fuee of ono of j these Mongoliun stranger, wa. .tha signal for a great crowd of men Hid boys to lorni an inquisitive and tm i pertinent pmceraion around and Iw hind him, to-day not evon the smull oy looks up from his marbles, and no man or Woman turn his rye. to follow the chinamen who are soon on our streets they have become so common. This 1 as it should be. No better class of citucens could come lo u. than these intelligent, faithful, inoffensive and honest people. They aro an ad dition to our populition which enriches tbe whole community. They do not, a they cannot, com in sack numbers a tu threaten scriou competiUm with ny other class of our iwople. Tbey simply fill the interstices ot our bust ness life and do something for ns all, better than we can do them ourseivos. Socially their coming make little dif ference. Tbey do not intend to die unywhere out of China. They are "heathen,'' of course, but they are ox emplury in their liro and dealings. The Christianity we boast of will be best shown by outdoing them in this rcsiiect, and ky treating them in a Christian I. e., in a just and htir man nor. Pittsburgh Under. .- , ini untiii over near tins aneoioic of President Pierce? A gentleman from Charlcstown, Massachusetts, went to Washington and applied for an utlicc. Ho was recommended, and would doubt- i-aa tiAra rw-eiviwl thn a.uwiinf mmtt Knt prwn.U.nt. "but vour namo is Pic erco, nnd I lllilllll bo aootisnd ofshliwinir un - duo partiality lo my relative." ( ,.- n - Itelic continue to multiply, and they aro not alone Cimfincd lo old Bible, nro run nuino ronunm 10 nm nmit, -ilvcr coin nnd noiont ulnunnr. The iim-y luminary sayit Hint Mra. Mflry Shipman, of ltughusvillo, daughter of! tho lute I.ukins Walli, bo in hcrixis-! session a silver cup that waa brought her grnndlathcr, ihn I.ukins, when mm p ... 1 enn on HIS! . voyngo er. lien. Schent k. ex Minister to Emr Inml, arrived iu New York a few day ago. II o was nn med lately beset by reporters on his arrival in tho lower nay hut declined to bo interviewed, . i., Miough waa drawn out of him, how. Hist he hrlt vorv ore Iwcausu tbe President did not slriud by blm whilo untler fire. Hut Hehcnek holds a Mxir hand jiint now. Advei-ne riiort have been agreed to by the Committee on Futchts on tho ujMal for an extension of the Wilson sewing machine patent. Thi action will break up a powerful combination nnd mako the invention puhlio proper ty, i no inst ni tne patents expire In ono year. Prices will then be only one-half what they now aire. Tbo construction of a atoamboat ftir inhibition at the contoonial fair al Philadelphia 'has been bugnk rtt the Continental Works, New York. It will be 6fty foot long and t jn foci wide, with iron frame sheallied with wootl. It will cost about twenty tbousand dollar and I expected to bo a model of beauty, symmetry and speed. .mT" k.:TiL,, ,ZuFT1 tflii..'Vii IjJJ1 'm ,h" told him. n4 Bornton and i J. ' " ""T1IIS wn iiiei ip tnm HKiuoo npiicored uctore tha ( lyuiet committee and said that be never said any such thing. au mure seem 10 IIOI C. .1 , ' an end of those particular tbree black crowa, 4utlge Tafl' commendation In this ciisi qf the party ia graphically sumuicd p (hy Iho Olilcago Ttb In Ihd ronvarit lluvl ke ban neither crvod in a penilenllnry nor enrnod a pluce in one, Th Cincinnati Enqnirtr heaJa it New Hampshire dlitehe thus: "Hoi. knap may plant and (intnt may water, hut God only know where iho in crpaso I to como from." - ' ' They aroalreadrmnklnrsaivlwtnriea to b told at tke Oentoanlal reatao rant. Tbay will b kept in oawdttat until May 10. 1 j From lite lust reprnt of tho English ' feu body Fund, just iublialiui, il an- that tho i.riginjtl d,.nci.r,, ,,f half """""" s uv-rn in. ereuned by interest and profit on tbo boiiHu, to JLUI2 0f)U. 1 Such refill hllmt do guild to pliilutilliroiu old Guorgu bunos. The I'lufulxli'unComputiy, l'honlx villo, ate building two iuiiiii:iiu Inin I oliserfutories, each 22C feet liigli, lor riiirniiMiiit l urk. One of the tower Is lo bo placed upon tiaorges and the ollu.e lliiim linuill hill TI.M i.l-..,. . i ,,.,,. .,, M,ing coiiilucl.l fur differ, ! partius. - ..' ; Jtf ir drfftlSfranitj. ; Alt.MKKS, LOOK IIKItK ! 1 I' II fl H llllt Hit II ' at net vie aeeir.i ear aruvvei ! uu .,11 the .,u. .f ... .,, tl th'-y are nw.-itlotf ONB CAK LOAD Ol' Hebron's Patont Lock Level Tread Thresh Machines, . OKI CAR LOAD OF ru.MPinN MfiWFRS and RTtPFDC " mMSY.vt - A""1 '" H' r OHA1N likllXS-FARll. I rAi okitb a farukkr rnlKXo. All I lie el'iro Mrkinoe ill be 4J CHEAP lor CAHM, or r.ker., J f..r mvA IIO1I0KS '. anil FAT CATIl.K. ,. Tlire aai alea a ral ef new '1WOUOHHK ROAD HAIJO.Nri, Waiuli,llw w iU iIU"iao uf in ILo romv nunaer., Our T hterhere, Rra.ere an 1 Irill.i are ut the . 6el mitkeo to the eooutrr.aotl aerreatoa ftrat-elaoa la cjprr tianunler. ( Cell at ear moat artet la Flo 'a Ibuee I eaa tkare ataebiurF. F. M. OA 11 DON A. tarlte.l, Po Mar k 22,'7 i. BllO, Wc Bale dhJj StricUf Pure Gcodi tZttT' viiitu; tverr ! of oa. Wait. Load Vera the falkiwtaf "r"l. aul I aaraetee a Hrao Of Sneaeee Obd Waiteneee naearpBaaa r 'MUllM tVERYV'HERE. M.rr-h 2, 17.3. . . 1 QAUTION All peraoae are noretir. eaatloai airalaat norebariug ar in any raaaaer roadjlian wiUi loo folloaiof prntM-rt. soar ia tha peeatioa of P. Thaeer, of Weilaoolen, via i Ono ouok atore aad '. 5.cn1"-1 ",k . 1 pipe, I taiile, S eheln, 1 waen tnb an4 ronbar. 1 bread bowl, I let otiabeo, I Ut glaoia-are, li vdi, earvet, 3 eriMtlii. lot of llaeare. t lookiae e-U. I 71...-. bed and WdJine;. t pair, al tbe eante aae purcliat lv aa at Lonateblee tale ea Uareb, and ia len WHS aaid Thtrer on loaa oalv, ubjeet te oar unler at oay time. ; , ' 1. OOSfl t 80.1 Wellaoetua, He, Marek IS. I7e 3u FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES Of all klnda. Be earrM te bay only tbe genuine. AIoBa3t,e Barrow. Warebnaee Truek. iaa jmrad Mosey liraarra. Are. Ororete' Fitlnrra' .Acalea Hepalr-d prnmplh. . VAIKHAKkM. MllltHKoVt'O.. IS Weed Street, Pitteborrh, IV oar.K 711 3. lXKCCTOB'S NOTICK - -1 J Notlea la hereby givea tbat k-tlerf tetta anter.r bariujr been frenll tl the eobarihar ea tbeortoto of JACOB UKHKHLIMII, dooooeed, late ef ItreHy tnwoikip, Cleerfiold oouoty, Pa., ell p-T-oni tadrbted lo aald eetate mr reaaeeted to oiako immediou payotaat, aad there serine; olaiaie oaia.t the aaaia a 1,1 prooent theaa daly authenticated for aettleejent. AIIKAIIAM ItRBERLlXtt, JOHN riKIIBHLINfl, Jeffrraan Line, Mar., 70-01 Kxeentori. Faaaiaa'a Uiloa Boos to Pan.toti.rait liu tii Canto. il Kiaiairma. Pnoe rodnoed tu TEN CENT8. " oaeaaaaaaBaaaBBaeaaaaeaaaa aaaeriny tbe lueetioa of tSef tha eiroBiieeot plaeoa of Intoreet aa tha Ureal Centennial Oroaada. A bolter book tbaa any of tbe Is erat Oaldeo rjabli'ked. Enciloeo pnoe to Joke W. Praaier, tJO Walaat ttroel, Philadelpbia, aad (ot oopr by rrUra mail. rTchard HUGHES" " Jt STtCR OT run PEACH roa Dernttur Totrnthlp, , Oaooela Milll P. O. II offrial baelna aatraitoel la bini will ba promptly attended la. rasbtl. It. THE LOfttT CAUSE. A MAGNIFICENT Plir, Hill ImWm i itf, ftiinteil hMVf plat ppr. btnatirol in (..(, irtiti ii axMiitioa. Il rtyrtMili M CoDfablcrBU Bjj)dir after ih war rt tuminf t hi bom, whiets h ftadv trlw an 4 Milt. In r tap niia4 oottaf. tellinf a m1 u of ta laltwrW of irar, arc two 'ravM witk rada rrtur, on out of whi ftmf tntnUy kanaj bu hur,f a Haati. T ihaiflt tb til, rirar ar.4 i rUiag - ia4itta rma aa) rr4 Ta Uf iteaa tbrouirhth traes, refirarcot ilviHoatk r Onwi. It if a pie tar that will toaa rtrr Konttaf rn htart. aai tlktm4 ble m atarv : o'lern b.iaie. Seat ar mail axiaaM-l aa a '' j A..r.j'l)rt.Vnt RROWCO . Pokll.hera. j BaiatoL. t. I r-Aaenle wanted erefewhers la reU aar i iw ahhi wataiw rctjwr cbr'P 'M"1' I : ar, reiQ. Kanj ,u,nl f..rcali,(r1.B,ii aer day tiiolnraa mo , u-st. ; - B WITCHES I SWITCHES 1 1 ; MRS. 8. J. BROWN, i ,... . .. .. ... " .oa aairoMna ui me laoitaol ClearSeld . ,ioinile. t.Oe feet tbat aha bat itted an a hair dreading raeoi aod will aiake SWITCUKS, CVHIS AXI MIXXK to order. Call oad ana for Toaraelme. ea aha k" ' l', " ' '"ni. K.rk., ilwt , Jf U!''I u!i Cle.rtial.l. hianh 11, IK, St. AT.ENTlON, BLACK HILLS MEN I Eiflt. ainrle or rapeetinf nf beiir ot ikta. at p tee fro a SS B-i Sift, Khail rill,.. t an elngta ntwafo nn. naaars lltlH.l, b Vraeili la'lni J, t-: ti s.,a. Bdt'nlvnin ' "' ' '-'" H.r hall rip iiriUIl m, or i-.nrUtf.. fcl.ts to M. Call end eoenr arile for illuelretet prioelliu -CCHtAT VKTKRS( filial WONKA. SJ l.inrrty itfreel, rlll.bnrgb, Pn. star. ll,"ro.m.i ,..." pLASTEM , ' Wa are nretienid te abis k . j ;Cean Uad riaaier, aeie (raad raadr hrnae, " ' eieiiana aa iaa Ulearseld railroad ia ar ioade of twelre aaj fiHtrteea teat, at tore lew prloee. Oaaignora' weight in all oaaee lo ba paid frt, N,r irtrtrtolara, addrex , . IHORTUIl'UM CO.. . . lleUtfonle, 1st. March 11, IS,; l I) ISSOliUTION.. Nultee la herebe elvea Ik.l it.. htrrtnlbre otiatlog aad doing bneineat an.lar tbo am noao of Uroum, Llgblnor A tV, at Wkil. nro run, iletrarin toworbip, waa dl'oilrrd he aatiiel ooneealea lb Jd dor af Jolj. lata. Tho bnohe of tho raid rra are la tbo handa ot new UmaaaaW oettleelenl. . OOM, ttt.llTSltCO. Olen llopa, Man l ISIS t D ISSOLrTlON . . r ...p eemeioraoaiaiing roan T !.. ...... L I I . r , . . . . SMI. nl and Iuo Sbieael. aader lao trot . name of Kill. Sioeal A Co.. doing kaalaeaa in tbo butoagh of Wallaeetan, CleartelJ oaaale PVna'a, woe dl,...lrrd bj annual eeaaeat oa the let da M April, UN. . II.LISMALA C(i. . JAallaareaa, Mama H l(f(.t. DAYTON DNldFiVCiEMT, Tba RatBtner tara. af Ikva Uttsra lla AraoJ.aj7 will tiaaa H..m-tj, AfW il U, lira. adttraai vt-r rvrwin ar in-r torferjf wa I'Hor. D I.OVK. Mara St, IBM c OMB AND 8KTTt.K Harlb laketl On hratharlat aartaerehla. I derire ta bare oa; aid aooaanta ekeed. I there lore aire aellee lo all wha hanw thaaaaehree la. da led ta too k, eoeae rarward awn and reule ap, aa that a-eeea lake a ee-iWenere. ' ClearSold, Jar; II, U K. y. M. OA ft DOS. J oa rr.iNTiNo.or wirti hxbcru tleaoeetlr atornted al tkll olet. V