rniirartY ft liawarf. lUUH I ' HARDWARE, u4 ButtattrKt of Tln,Copper ft Sheet Iron Ware, will Street, CLBABeMBLD, r. HftTlDg WflT 1 ware, wa Writ tha loereaaed oar etoek of Hard paella to examine oar twos and prleee. Carpenter, and portent wbo eoattmplete belld laf will dm wall la ejemlae oaf TOOLS BUILDIMO HAMWABE whloh la a. and ol the beet manufacture, and will Be aoiu lav lor ear. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY. GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, SCREWS All blade of Beach Plane,, Bawe. Cklteta. Bqoaraa, Hammere, llaloh.lt, Plumbe and Larata, Mortteod Thumb Guegee. Bevela, Brace, Bltta, Wood and Iron Beach Sarewa, ud Iba ball - ,- - -4 ar..klM I. ha - . Market. Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERT, dr. Agents for BurntlFi Iron. Corn Shelter, warms ud. Alao, agentf fr Hlahardi COTHIC FLUB TOPS, wblok effectually aura Smoky Final. Ferm.re" Impltmar.il and Cardan Tooltof every , . deorriptloa. - . A large variety af , COOK STOVES, whloh wa warrant to giro aotltfaatlon. , Portable Range- and Ifrnact: troVKooflnl, Spouting and Job Work dona on reaeouable tarina. All ordera will reoelve prompt attoalit. June '" POWELL & MORGAN, HARDWARE, AbM, Maaafeetarereof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARPIILD, FA. ARMING IMPLEMENTS of all ' . ' HndJ for aala by POWELL A NORQAH. RAILROAD WHEELBARROW8 for aala by rOWKLL A HORIIAN. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Sallt, ata.. for nlo by FOWILL A MOKHAX. JJARNESS TRIMMINGS & SHOE Fladtnga, for aala by POWELL A MORGAN. QUNS.PISTOLS SWORD CANES For aala by POWELL A alonilAN CTOVES OF ALL SORTS AND Bliaf, for aalo by POWELL A HOROAtr, TRON I IRON I , IRON ! IRON I For aala by ' POWKLL A MOntUAN. H ORSE SHOES 4 HORSK SHOE MAILS, for aala by rOWRI.L A MORllAH. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aid boat Kuwfaatiro, for tola by POWELL A MORflAIf. THIMBLE SKEINS AND TIPR X B0XB8, far tola by POWBLL A MORSAN. G. S. F LEGAL. Ironsides Store, PHILLIPMHflRO, PA. PEALKIt IS HARDWARE, BTOVES, HEATRRS, RANO KS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. AND UASVFACTVKSH OF TIM, RtlKIT-IROrt AND COPPERWARB. - Prcao,aiala Straet, Pkilliptbnrg, Canlro Co., Pa. 3.Hay lla. man. i. Hcnnar. crnri aoRfton WEST BRANCH ' INSURANCE AGENCY PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Clearfield, Pa BRANCH OFFICES la different parti of tbt Cnnntjr, Tht follow Inn Old u4 RIUblt Fin, Aooidtnt 8 took Md Lih Inranmeo OoupaniM rttpramud' E.Uh, Aueti, 1HU9 North Brilith A Mtrrantllt Fir Int. Co., of KaKUnd 1,M,00 1885 FoottUh Coramtrr.il tin In: Co., of Kn(lDd o...(Hd) 10,000,009 1704 North Aatrtoa Fir Imirnno Co., of 1'b.LdHptai.v. 4,T0ft,IU0 1120 Fir AitociMioB irt lanrtoM Co., of Pbilftdilithi ,1AM00 ,mt Pbonii Fir lai. Co., M. Y.... 2,200,00 18ti7 Wtvltrtow Fir Im. C.i9H. V., intorw frn bmlditiK oolj JOO.IOO 1371 Aaiatno Fir Lnrarttie Co., of CiaeinattL ... 1,000,000 . 1S&1 Turk Stook Innirino f Pibu, lDiir4ihora, Ao 74,000 ,1874 Hartford AacidcntlnfunRO Co of CoRflMtiaut 200.000 ll? Pno Mataal Ufa laiiraao Cok of Fonf Irani 5,000,000 in fit Matrpohua Lif Uiorano Co of N York ..HHtrt 2,000,000 Total oapltal..,. ... 17,000,000 Pftwni Id tka eoaatry dftirlnf -tntaraiaas oaa bav il prompily aUendad I by tailing a4 Ida oftna or addroninf ow by Ultar. laaaraaeoa af faetad at lb lawtat awibl rata, to Im obulsad 1b trat-alMi aotapaaia. N Vomjmnitt rtpr. tralfd waiaaaMat AuMttmntt, Tb abof to lif laaurana Ca.'a, rwpraicntad hy T. 11. Murr, hara paid at I oath, betwaa tba daUl af Aug. 1171 and Aag. 1874, to tea fr.tadi of riaraMad policy boldm in thii eoantj, H lorn of II I, CO. Pravld far tha futar by tatariaf yonr hoaai and yanr Uvm la lb Writ Branch Innraaoo Acy. MURRAY N GORDON, Claarlald, My M, IVii. Agaatl. FuTfORD 4. THOMPSON OtStltAL INSVItAHCE AOBXTS, ClnrBold, Panu'n, Rapraeoat all tba loading Flro lnsnnnae Campania, of lan oaantry i Qnoan ...IO,000,00 Hoyal Canaillan t.000,000 Uoma, NawTark . ,ft,llt l,T"in. Manoy, Po....... ......... t.i lO.til Pranatln, Hh.Ud .....-..... l'kvaia, Harirord i. l,S.M,to llaoorar, Kaw York.......... ......... l.tlt.Ott Hobo, Ool , 0........ tlt,aoo Atlaa, MarUard.... io,4 Prorldanao, Waaklailow........ S10.000 Paraowa about of anting aa tatoraaaa nn prop, arta of no kind, ahaald aall at owr oftaa, an Markat atraat, oppoalta too Oowrt Mawaa, aod aaa onr Hit of oonpooloa ana raiaa oatora niana,. JlaKil H. FIILFORD, T. IT THOMPSON. .Claarnold.Pa, Oat. 17, la-ly .S' TEAM RAW Ml LI;, ENGINE AMD aOII.IRB FOR BALK. Tba jwidaralgaod otore for aala a raaaoaabw lanat, tbatr Mr. at taw mill, koatod at Walloon. taa, Cloortald Co, Pa. Tba angina aad bailor, are aa good aa now. Tba ttta m4 tka aaglaa ta ItiSt, and la la good maatag eaoW. They will alaa aall their akkiglo aod lata aad all tba worklag maaklaory la tan milL Partial elaklaf In parakeet aan ooll on or addraaa a. r URAUAM. WALLACF, A CO. "Cla.rl.ld, Fa. Jano St, ISTt. IHiMflUUMM. ereaatlle Ippntotf list. Uat of taSaaaieeot'tlie raw deelera la foreign nil doo.ct.le merehendlec: la ho county ClearloM for llll, elai ruaa, ataraaM Boroalfll. ' ytt. It Nra. M. 0. Haad, dreg...... .. 7 14 John 0. Conner, Bjcrefceadlae T on 14 Jaekeoa Palcbia. merrbaadlee,,..... 7 14 W. J. KliBa.eeBfeelleBer.ee ....,. T Ot 14 Jan. alcMorray A Sow, marehaadiee..., T IS 15 Horace Pnteblo, fon'l meeebendlee...... 10 00 Clearafrld Iterowgh, 14 M. S. Quale, wool tlonrlaa,.M.... M It W. Eadrer, brewery -. 00 II Caapar Lotpoldt, brewery 14 On 14 Jobs Traalaiao, furnllora .tore T It 14 J. A. Sledlcr, eeufectlootriee.,; T M 14 P. A. Geullu, autioncry. ..... T OS 14 Mra. T. B. Wataoa, ulllla.rj. ....... 7 Ml II II. A. Kralarr, dry gooda.................. 10 SO 15 J. U. LjMle. irocerlel 1 Oil 14 John (lullab, fnrnltura aUra..... 7 00 15 J. A. Stewart, clothing elore.......... 10 00 IS J. 8. MBowert, boou and tboa 10 00 II William Reed, meeehendlte It 00 14 Vtanr A Batla, merchnndlio 7 00 It Sachetl A bVbryvat, bar.lwara.,, . 7 00 14 Hailawirk A Irwlu, droge T 00 4 o patent cnediolneo... 6 00 15 Adolpb Ouintburg, clothing More 10 00 13 A. U. Kramer A Ca, grooorlea, A food.. 1 0 00 It F. II. Cardaa A Bra., maokiaary ...., 7 00 It Alai. .l,e. tobeeoualet. ,.. 7 00 It R. H. Shew, lobaceoniat 7 00 II T. A. Fink A Co., - IS 00 It E.Y. (ludTeroiel, eonfooliooerloa.,.... 7 00 It N. U. Brown A Bra . machinery 7 00 11 H. liotaon. namkandtta 1 It A. I. Shaw, drni 7 00 4 ' patent uadlelnaa H ft 00 It Baninal I. Bnydar,Jawalry........... 7 00 II K. W. Graham, marobaadlao 00 ClaarO.ld Ooanty Hank - 0 00 14 0. y. Walton, drnca 7 00 4 " potaat aaaduuiaa. ...... o ov It Pttar MellaorKa, boota and ihooa . 7 00 IS M. B. CowJrlok, elotnioa ttora 10 00 IS Powall A llonrao, hardware IS 00 It fl. S. Bwltarr, raatanrnnt 7 00 billiard room. S loblaa... SO 00 13 Jobo lloOauaboy. cracariaa . IS 00 t'orwrnarlllo Rorouajh. rw auw ,i . , i to It J. II. t lamina, iornitora ............ 7 IS finraohla A bwarney, fancy aooda IS oO It 8. J. flaw, boot, nndnlutblnic 7 00 It Faoat A Uuodwla, nwebandiao........ 10 00 It J. R Inria, druira... 7 00 d " patant madloinaa ft 00 It O. W. Waarrr A Co., dron; 00 4 M patent aaadiolnw ft 00 Cnrwant, ill. bank .. SO (0 1.1 J. O. WrlKhl A Co., ololhlna: 10 00 It Watt II. 'Ihompaoo, grocaria 7 00 It C. Uraff A Son. rattaurant 7 00 It W. A. Dala A Co froooriai, alo........ 7 00 II J. P. Irala, nurobandll - It 00 IS John Inrln A Bro'a, au re bandita. ...... IS Ml It A. U. Kirk, jawalryj. 7 00 It baaoar A Thompton, alotbinf 7 00 13 Jaaob Iiilrar, hardwara 10 00 IS V. A. Rorabaagh, grocoriaa A notlona. 10 00 S N. r.. Arnold, aaorobanaiw..., II no II L. T. Rota, boo La and aooaa ..,.. 7 00 HoutlaUle llorouarlu It J. W llbodaa, druaa 7 00 Id BrnJamlnCfearllun.aoaraotioaiariaa.,.,. 7 00 10 O. W. Vnnduaao A Co , narabaBdiao... SO 00 IS A. P. Twlp A Co., boota aod ahoaa.... 10 00 IS T. J. Prlai A Co., hardware ....... IS to It A. J. Bharbaugb,- furniture 7 no It I'ator Caaaroo, eonfaoOonarlaa. ........ 7 00 14 Miaa Janata Canaan, aiilUoory M. 7 00 It J. A. I'billlpt, (our A oonfactiooarlaa. 7 oil 10 freak Lirarigbt A Co , narcbaadiaa.., 10 00 It B. i. Hbatar, alry ..... 7 W It W.J. rJharbougk, drug 7 00 1 Andrew Wiaoaoo, naarnattilito la ou 14 Uauklal Hayar, oonfaatlanariaa........ 7 00 It Abraham Ooaa, ountoatiouariaa......M 7 00 It Jamaa Dana, marebandita M 7 00 S U. W.Kkkaj Co. tnarctaniio. II to It B. W. It.rlinj.r, alolbing 7 00 It A. B. Atbton, oonfootionflrlM 7 00 It J. B. Utarbart A Co., groatrtoa, ata... 7 00 It Mra. J. D. Si.roat, millioary 7 00 It Philip alubring, furniture 7 00 It Mra. Sarah Roland, mlUinary 7 00 Lumber City. IS Nutlar, lla.lt A Co., marobandiaa 10 00 It II. W. Spanrar, grooariaa, boota, aboaa. 7 00 It John Rutaal! A Son, marahandiaa...... 7 00 Now Waabliifrton Ftorotigb. U J. R. MrMnrray.marahandlao It 10 13 Jamaa Uallagbar, marobandiaa 10 00 It J. P. raatb.ounfaetioaariaa 7 00 Mewburg Horoufrb 14 William llonlar, marakandlra... 7 00 O areola Itorougtu 13 Kranta Bro'a, grooartaa IS 50 10 T. O. Ilimat A Co, uatrhandito . SO 00 11 llartinan A Friaa, bardoara It 00 It llaorga K.Jonaa, jawalry 7 00 It D. W. Keller, tobaooonitt 7 00 11 W II. Kill... mrrebandiae It 00 13 Barkwlli chaalin, marohaadiaa IS to It J. B- Brown, oonfaationeriae 7 00 It W. Wallaaa A Co.,ooofeotioneriaa 7 00 It Lavl Urarhart, tobaooanitt.... 7 00 It tlaorga Boalioh, groooriaa.....m ........ 7 00 It M. A Fainlar, lour aad ford, .......... 7 00 '4 Jamaa Uaakatb, eonfrotionariaa 7 00 13 R. O. Way A Co. grooeriaa.... . II on 7 Ltveriaht Hro a o Co., mercbandiaa.... to 0U It I. R. Bloody A Co., drugl... 7M 4 " palanl madloiaaa. ft 00 It Brrabin Bro'a, book, and etationery.... 7 00 II Citiaaat Bank of Ooraola U 00 WoJUcoton Itorwugh. It John Holt, merchaodlra 7 00 It J. Ooai A Bob, uurcbandira 7 00 laercorla Townnhlp. f IS John 0. Ulaagow, aorebaadiaa........ 10 00 13 Joaa Clark, marobandiaa 10 00 JKII Tooroenlp. . 14 Robart olahafTey, mrrobandiaa '7 00 Hatrffa Towjtahlp. It Roojamla Pioklaa, ooafaetionariaa 4 7 00 It Thoeaaa Uill, dry gooda A grooarloa.... 7 00 It W. K. Smoal, ooafoationariaa 7 00 Hradfotol Towsnhla. It P. Carley A Co, antrrhaadiaa 7 00 t Woodland Fire Brink Co. goa'l m'd'aa. St 00 llrady Townaklp, It Barah Braoha, dry gooda A groaoriaa... 7 00 It Joaa Hebarling, aotiona 7 00 It Than. MontMmarr.dryaioda.gToeariaa, 70 It Ohigow A Kllia, gan'l merohaadlaa.... 7 00 IS Jonaf Brn'a. general merebaadiaa w 10 00 IS O. D. 8. ant Bro, marebaadiae - It 00 It li.O. Baum.aotiona 7 00 John DuBola. aen'l merebaadiaa tt 00 IS Daa'l Ooodlandar, goal merebandiao... 10 00 IS Joa. Sayler A Sana, cea'l merebandiao. 10 00 It J. II. Kdiugnr, Hardware.......... 7 00 It Charka Sehwem, grocoriaa ... 7 00 14 cartMlan norkat. aonfacttonoriaa J on It Moore, Hamllloa A Co. gan'l mareh'ao. 10 00 It 8. 0. Knnta, aotloaa 7 Oil It L. B. Carliela, morabaadi-a.... 7 00 It R.O. MeKaaery.aonfaatlonarie 7 00 It 8imoa Knnrr, ooufeotioaarioa 7 00 It ttaorga L. Kaarr.bonu aad aboaa 7 00 Itornaide Tnwaahla. It Aaroa Patahia, marenaadiaa..,... 7 00 Choot Towttaiilp. 14 Pool Whlta, marehandlaa 7 00 It X. T. MeCrackca, mtrehandlao..... 7 00 It J. A J. Hnydar, marekaadlaa... 7 00 It JameA Cnrry, groaariaa. 7 00 CovlnaTtoaj Tawnahlp. It Oi lliland A Ileokandnrn, naorabandiaa. 7 00 IS L. M. Contrtot, marehandiao 10 00 t " pataal mrdiotooa .u h 00 It Dr. F. 8. N.rllnr, croearla.. 7 00 It Fraaeit Contriat, marekaadlaa 3 00 It Fraoelt Laigay, merehandlee II Jattia Plubol, merehaadiea., It Paler Jlarnlv.aoufeotinaeriaa.... 7 7 to 7 00 Itcratar Towuahlp. -13 W. I. Jaekaon A Bro. morebandlao.... 17 SO It Jacob Mook, marokandiea T 00 Clraral Tawnalilp. -It F. A. Mirnot A Bro.. marabandleo..... ' 7 00 It Robert a. Hiawart, aotloaa . 7 00 t O. U. Waat, grooorie 1.00 t.rahana Townahlp. IS Thomaa II. Fonvy, marehandiaa IV 00 4 patent medtotnae... 0 on ttallrh Township. 11 P. A A. Plyna, merchnndiaa. ........ , It 00 4 H nalent madiaiaat JJ. It Tbomaa A. Priueani, varrhandiae., It Henry Alleman, marehandlaa........ .... 7 to Huatoa Townahie. 13 Lyaa A Liabter, merchandise..... It ofl 14 Joeepn K- Itileiar. rattaurant... Y 00 It C. U. Wood, diugt and B.rtlona IS C. II. Coryall A L'a., mrrobandiaa It II. W, ltrown, oonfootionorlaa, ate.... . 7 00 , It Ml . 7 no , 7 no , 7 00 , 7 00 , 7 00 , 7 00 , 10 00 , 10 00 , t 00 , 7 no 7 ro , 7 oo . 7 Oil , 7 oo , 7 oo . 7 oo . I 00 . 7 00 . IS 00 , 7 00 . 7 M , 7 Ot . 7 00 . 7 00 . to oo , 7 It . 7 to . 7 00 . 7 to . 7 N It Cbarlee Hobacker, alvthliig It Mrt. MeCraoor, aotloaa It Mitt Naory Loea, millloery It A. Homing A Hon, hardware. It Jamaa bruoe, aotiona IS Olleer Walmca,marobandiaa IS Uaary Doublet, aaerehaadlaa Aorolaa lowiiahlp It R. M. Joknaton, merehandiae , It Alat. Craewall, drugaand aotiona..., It B. F. Bwaa. aonraciionoriaa.. It Lot! Strovp, merekendiea. la ai. . vomnioiora, nonoaa...... Karthaaa Tftwaablp. It W. J, Hogvr, merebaodieo.... It J. W. Potter, marehandlaa It J. 0. Mot'loeky, merehnncliee......... It Uodrrey Fiaber, marcbandlaa... Kaox Townahlpe it Jaba Foi, groeorlee............... liwrenrt Townatilp. II Charlaa Shaffer, brewery It George N. Colbnra, merehandiae etorrta Towaabla. It Leonard Kyler, marobandiaa l Jamaa i nompaoo, ooafoflionortea...., It Peter Moyar, marebaadiae 14 e-onea none, morohaodiao . K;B Wigbloa.gaa'l merebandtM... leitB Townalila. It Wm. A. Mooro, aolleee.. It J. B. Raflbrty, grocoriaa Plko Towaablp. It Adam 8mitk,ooBfeo)loBorlM.... Virtoa Townabla. It Joa. R. Arnold A Co. morekaadlta..... It D. Brabaker, merrbeadiae Wooderard Towttehla. It Mln M. I. MnCalloagk, milltBary....... It Jamaa Ooralay, merrboadtao It L. A. Warm, droga. w .....m It Tbomne Hondareoa. reooorlea. 1 7 to 7 to i 7 oo 7 00 It 00 , 10 ot It 00 It Pleaot Bro'a A Millar .aaereb radiee.. It Whilakaad A Co. morekandlaa... II Aadrow Olinaon, aeerebaadieo....... It W. H. thHlipo, eoafeotioaoilaa.A... 7 oo 7 oo 7 to It sowia urwasy, aaftroeaariaertoa...,.a).M It DaBlel Bmaal, groeertoo aad oar,,.,.. It M. Lirarlghl A Oo, meaoaaadlaa... St 00 I oenlfy that Iba aboro la a eorraet Hot of the Borneo aad Bereeae aad Smut ntteeaad tar Ike ear. raat Tear. Motioe ia hereof girea that as appeal will ho bold at Ike Oanaty Commleeieaera' omea, ra Craaraold. WBDNKHIIAY, tka ttk day ot April Beat, where all wbo feel taomealeoa aggrieved rmm mmmm w ... www fiwvwwt, ... wen.u.M ob.m.t.urlhadofwno.l. kntamaaata, i jaes liisks. Marrh I, IS7-d ( ereMiiie Aopraiaer. THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. WiUKISiAT alOHMINO, MAKCll U, ISIS. TiiK couxr foii costs." Tlilt U easily auld by Umnd and Traverse jurori in tlio trial of criminal cannon. Tlio cimUt In tliiw cIomb of proaooulions givut nvoiu aiiniiyaiice to tbs ShcrifT and JLoniniiroiionoin, tuan all the oilier burliness of tlio ofllces combined ; and it arihes from the fact Unit tbo' Commonwealth coot-Hookem always know fur moro about tbo law on this question than thoso olHfont or they would bnva yon bolievo o yet no two of them will airroe a to what the law I". i. Below will bo foniid a recent decision rendered by JudjfO JIayor, fit lioek Jluven,and another by J mitre Harding, at Wilkesbarre, hnirinjr, fully upon, the question as to what costs tho county thould and thauld ( pay. Wo publish tbeso decisions in full an that our read ers may post themselves on this sub ject: XT OPINION OP HON. C. A. UAYKn. Tlio liability of counties lor ciwi is, in all cases, according to statutory pro vision, and, as was said by Thompson, C. J., in Huntingdon county, vs. Com- mnnarmllh, 99 . K. Smith. 81. "the rocovory nnd payment ol costs in criminal cases are so entirely dependent on statutory regulations in Pennsylva nia, that tt is indispensable lor every claimant to bo nblo to point to the statute which enables him to rtveive hat he claims." A careful and thorough examination of tho various statutes regulating the liability of the county for costs has led to tho following conclusions : k In all cases of felony, whether by common law or by statulo, tho county is liablo tor the costs of prosecution. and wherfl there has been ! rniivuQoH of any fulony, tho costs of prosecution shall be paid forthwith by the connty, unless the party convietod shall pay tho bo ins. 8oo Act of Assembly ol May 26, 1874. The county is liablo for tho costs of prosecution Ip casus ,of mitJemtanor, when tho grand jury return a bill ignoramus, and direct that tho county pay the costs. " -,,., And where tho petit jury acquits a defendant of a misdemeanor nnd do tcriuitio by their vordict that, the comity shall pay tbo costs. '; 1 " , Tho petit jury bus no power over the costs in cases of felony, nor where counts iu felony and misdemeanor are joined In the siini liidietniont, but the county is liablo in cases where the jury impose the costs on the counly.i The defendant's bill for bit subpoenas, serv ing tho sumo, uud attendants of his witnesses cannot bo included In the costs and paid by tho county, nor can such bo included and paid by the county in cases of felony. Where a defendant is convicted ol any crime, whether rfoav or misdemeanor, nil costs shall bo paid by the party convicted; but where such party shall have been discharged according to mc, without payment of costs, ihe cuU o proiecution shall bo paid by the county. Act of Assembly of Mureh 31, 18G0, section C4. I When is a person convicted of a crime discharged according to hie, so as to rendor tho county liable? The 48th section of tbo Act of lb'tb June, 1836, provides: "Kvery person who shall be confined in any jail ot this Commonwealth, in execution or otherwise, for any debt, sum of money, fino or forfeiture, not exceeding in amount the sum of fifteen dollars, ex clusive ot costs, and who shall have re mained so confined for tho spnee of thirty days, shall bo discharged from sueh confinement if there bo no other cause ol confinement, and shall not ho liablo to imprisonment again for tho samo cause : Provided, That tho estate I and effects of such person shall, not withstanding such discharge, ho liable for such debt or other caitso ol im prisonment in like manner as before." Under this soctlon a defendant sen tenced to pay a fins no exceeding fif teen dollars and th costs, In entitled to a discharge from imprisonment both as to fino and costs, aftor having remained in confinement for the space of thirty dsys for tho fine. On. Antiflnn.1 I... .... ! , ,...,.. . ,. , f . ' puling thd rtnts n piry fee of fonr dol- Inlls of indictment, which In the ngirre-1 ! i . i i i i i . , , ,.. . .. i lors is to be included ho cannot bo goto exceed flltoen do htrs, may bo dis- . i j . i . , , , . , ' "discharged according lo law," so as to charged under this 4Rth section, iiro- ., , ., . ,. , .,! , ., 7,. , , ..,'1 litHton upon the county habailty for tho videtl the amount due on each hi does L . r . . i .i , . . . costs of prosecution, except under the not exceed that amount ; so, also, f tho . . i t t . i - j . . , , il .-- Act of Insolvency, or where tbo jadg fino in each caso does not oxneed fifteen ' . ,i i dollars. . Whon a party is convicted is" an offence and adjudged to pay a (iiie.nnd committed lo jail because he does not, tho Commissioners have no power to discbarge him from imprisonment with out rendering themselves huliie to an indictment for misdemeanor in office. Ho must be lllm-hnfiro't In nooiirilmiro 1 j s , ', .- . " "1 ho Commissioners can make no . , , , order for the discharge of ono who sin . .. , ,. . 6 . . , without being guilty of a inot tin authorized interference with tho ad ministration of tho criminal law. Econ omy in the management of public funds is oortainly a great virtue and all the moro valuable because It Id rare; Kilt ..ill . r. ..,. ,.r . I ,.1 1 - w I .. n.,,1 in. 1IM..M:. v. iiiuiu uuiiaia noil 1 . . . ... I cenU can he pnt in competition for a' , ..... moment with tho administration of' . , criminal justice." ' lllack, C. J., in Scbwamldo vs. The; . ... Shoriff, 10 Harris, 20. Whether the Commissioners may advance the sum necessary to discharge a prisonor who is detained merely for non-paymont of costs, if they aro sot- isflod that by so doing money can bo saved, to tlio treasury, Is question .hlnl. I... .t. I.J k- i... ,. ,, , . , , ' direct adiiidiction, although it has boon T . , sanctioned by the approbation of scy- , . , . " . , ,. ' t entl ominent Judp-osof the Hiipreme n . ,10 u . 1 n m a u . r. i Court (12 8. and It., 93, 5 S. and H., .... . . . ; 1 400.) It Is A stretch of power and ' , , , , 1 , ; very quoHUonahlo whether the law I '.S1 .. . ,. , ?oold ecus. , the assumption of such nthorlty The safer practice would be to lot tho law tako It coitrso. ', n. .a,t c .i c.i a.ru J The 12th Sect on of the Act of Sent, i not ism ,j ii V7il 1 TO I nmai nni Me-viiA avlinteai tt. .., ... - - - - party ran tas niscnargra wno rs con finod In prison undor sentenoo of the Coart fbr nrrn-payment of the costs of j prosecution. ' ' Vt here there has been k commitment I for Ah b , ... thirty any imprisonment, but no liolullio i. rncuiiw on llio dull ol tin"1 eniinlv for ffwt wliorc tlioit- Imn lcn-n -. . . uu ivrrrn ilirj u. m w,h,m a j It the grand Jury return a bill Ig noramus in a caso other than felony, and order tho proaeoutor to pay tho ....:.w;.. r o .iiniri,. . t oosts, and tho prosecutor having been sonlenoeil ( y the Cnuii to '.pay the costs, is committed and theu discharged according to hit; tho costs not being naid. tho county Is not liablo to tho payment of tho costs. 4,H.'nd K., 541. A or is the county liable, where a defendunt, wbo has been tried and ac quitted, and ordered by ihe petit Jury to pay the costs, and sentenced by the court to pay them, has been coinmitteil and discharged according to live, with out having paid them. Ibid Nor is the county liable where tlio defendant is Acquitted and the prose cutor ordered by the petit jury to pay tho costs, and niter being sentenced by the court to pny them, is coiufniltfd and discharged according to line, with out having paid tlio costs. Ibid. Where a defendant Is indicted tor a misdemeanor, and itcqiiittcil by the petit jury, and tho jury does not by their verdict dispose of tho costs tho county is not liulrle. Tho county is not liable lor the costs, whore a nolle, prosequi has been entered by tho district Attorney, whether with or without leovo ol court; or whero an indiatmona hisn been glullli'tl. Tho county is liablo for costs where any person shall bo brought before a court, justice of tho pence, or other magistrate of any city or county of thisCommonwealtb,bnving jurisdiction in tho case, on the charge of1 having committed a crime, and such clutrgo, upon examination, shnll appear to bo unfounded ; no eosls shall be paid by such innocent person ; but tho- same shall be chargeable to and paid out ot the fotmtv tttoek, by 'such city or county. Act of Sept. 23, 1 7!)1, 8m. 13. In nil cases where the party has properly, it is liable;, whotlicr he isdis- charged according to law or not, and this should bo nscot'laiiied before tho jailor discharges a prisoner. ' Whero a party has been convictca and sentenced to imprisonment, or w here he has bees setiteirOcd lo pny 'a fino exceeding fifteen, dollars and, the costs, ho cannot bcfsiiuvr ii acnirding to lair, no as lo render the county liable for tbo costs ol prosocution, except under tho insolvent laws, which rtv quire him to undergo an imprisonment of three months before application can be made for the benefit ol the insolvent laws. OPINION or JUDOg HAIIIMNII, 1.1 I.I 7.KHNK t'OUNTV. 1. In all cases of felony, whether felony nt common law, or felony by statute; nnd this liability attaches im mediately, whenever a conviction lor n felonious offence has been reached. 2. Justices of the Peace and Alder man subpienaed on the trial of filnm are entitled to receivo from Ihe county their daily pay as witnesses, except lor one dttv during each Court, when they are bound to attend for tlio purpose of returning their recognizances. The samo is true of constubles. For one day they are paid as ofhctrt who umkc returns to the Cuurt ; they cannot re ceive pny as aitnesset for tho samo day. 3. Tho county is immediately liable for the costs ot prosecution in a case, either of felony or misdeiueanor,whoro tho grand jury return a bill lyniriimu.t, and direct that tho County pay the costs ; or, where tho petit jury acquit a defendant, and return, a similar direc tion or finding. ' ' ' s '' 4. The county is iminrdiutely liable for the Costa of prosocution also, where a defendant is conviiied of a misdemean or, and sentenced to imprisonment at labor by scparolo or solitary confine ment! . '. - '3 ft. Where, howover, a tendant is convicted of a niisdcmcanor, and not sentenced lo imprisonment at ItOior by sepnruto or solitary conflncincnt, but to simplo imprisonment, or to pny a fino and costs, or to nil these penalties combined, liability for tho. costs' of prosecution docs not attach to the coiinlyvuielil the convict, not having moans to pay tho costs himself, has been "discharged nccording to law." 6. Where a convict has been sen tenced to imprisonment, no matter though tho term bo long or short less than nn honr, ovenor wher he has 1 " . iii-ii. mm i.ti-ii in i v : in ii-T.-im'i. on l error. , j 7. ff the County ('omniissioners as sume to-discbargo a convict under any olhor ciiviimolnnccs, nit'-li discharge is contrary to law ; ami tbo convict may be re taken and re-committed to prison, there to remain nulil ho has fully com ..ii...t ...M. .il .1... t....:.i ..r v.:. I . .. , . j viclion and sentence. I 8. Where, however, a defendant bus , ... , . , . been convicted and senteic ed to pay a I. . .. .... . fino, not exceeding IiIU'lmi do ars, ex clusive of costs, ho may bo "discharged according to law," alter bo has re- maiiied in prison thirty days. And ' mo samo is iruu, tiiougn nu may have been cvnvictd and sentenced on sev eral hills ol indictment, if the sentence to pay a fine In each case does not 0x- i an I o coed fifteen 11011(1. m. , .. 1 , ' " Though a witness for tbo Com- ,., , . , monwealth may lie siibpo'imed and in , ..',' , , ,. , , crnlo) them, aro charged and convicted iiH)n different indictmunts nt tho samo term orTessions, yet ho will only be entitled to receivo from tho County his mileage nnd daily pay, nt if attending in a single case. 10. Whero a person is accused of any nt-Imn an. I 1. l,i.n,,..l,t Iw.f... . I..-!.... " """'" .i"Ul.u of tho Penco or Alderman, nnd noon . ,- ,. . , , . , examination the charge Is ascertained . . . r , ., .. , to lie unfounded, the accused is entitled . , ., ,0 discharge; whereupon, the county ,. ,. , . f .... , .. is liablo for tho costs ol the magisi rate . , , . . , , , , ., n,1(' constable, and nlso f!ir tbo daily . ... , , , , pay or the wlltiesse siiliptemcd and , nMntv , Com. Tnono,MUh. , ,. mi , ., .. 1 1. The county is liable for tho costs . :. ... . , , or Justices oftbo Peace, Aldermen, ' Constables nnd witnesses in rases whero convictions have liecn had for fllllliltnnni,on Act itirmn.i. If lln .,a.. yMt h.Tobw)n f tcnM't0 hll ,M,ori nnd not having moans to pny, tho n.kiiu.. ..' Ca c....i . ZT.V ' I. ". .. " 7J.I ".k" a" .Ui.v wiu .-uni- mltments follow the sentence as record. t-l. Mi!ltralo nlmnltl bo careful, 1 llioroloro, to fullnw (ho 'Irict li'Uor of -.1 - A ,. ..... .... ..Ill tho statute, othorwiso fle county will not bo liable. J 12. In all carton wheat a party, lias been convicted ul'telut ami oscapoa, or furleits his bail or for ny cause, tails to enmu Into court, cnil t is awarded , to bring unit in to receive mo juugmcnt; and for the fees if tho t loikof tho Oyer and Terminer, or (Quarter Sessions, lor issuing the writ, and alsolortboHhonff for executing it, the tt'Uiiy is liuli under all circumstances. 13. Whero a constable makes a re turn charging a party with an offence, and tho District Atlotiey, under the direction of tbo Court, tvnds a bill bo fiiro tho gilind jury, wbo return it a true bill, or whero tlu grand jury themselves Indict a po son for an of fence of the public notoiily, committed within their own knowledge, a like writ is awarded to bring in tbo accused for trial, li the ofiuiica tie a misdrmran or, and u conviction it had, and the convict Is sentenced te Imprisonment at labor by separate t solitary con finement, the county bfomea liable at once for tho fees of tho clerk of the Oyer and Tormincr,or (garter Sessions, for issuing tho writ, mill for tho foes of tbo Sheriff for executing it. liut if tho convict is sentenued to simple im prisonment, togetbir with a flue und costs, or to either, or to all of these penullles, such liulinity uWo not attaob, until being without means himself to pay tho costs, he is "discharged ac cording to law." ' If. In every "criuiiuul case" of fdong the Sheriff is entitled to receivo from the county, under Jho "Kco Hill" of April 2d, 1808, the turn of one dollar nnd twonly-fivi! cents; in every "crim inal caso" of misdemeanor be is nof en titled to receive thit feo from the county except whero tho g-and jnry return a bill ignoramxi, ant direct that the county pay tho eats, or where the petit jnry acqnit a defendant and make a similar direction, or whero a defend ant is convicted aid sentenced to im prisoiimonl, together with a fine and ; costs, or to eithor. ir all of thoso pon-l allies, and is disctarged according to! law, tho costs bein; unpaid. 15,. Whoro a par y has been indicted in any county ofiho Common wealth for a felony or misJemeanor, and floes : or removes to another county therein, tho Court ot Oyer and Terminer or Court of Quarter Sessiont of tho county whero the offence tus committed, may direct a writ to tht Sheriff or Coroner of the county whero such offender is lurrying, for his arrest and delivery for trial before tho 1:0114 awarding such writ ; and for the "roiujonablcexpensos" of executing such writ and removing tho accused, the cotnty is liable, no matter whether be bo convicted or not. 16. The Court of Oyer and Terminor, or Quarter Sessions, nitty ulo award siilipa'nus and attachments for wit nesses to any part of the Common- Wealth, directing thorn to he executed by the Sheriff of tho county in which they are awarded, and compel the at tendance ot audi witnesses on the trial of any criminal proceeding before such Courts; and for tho "rcnsonnblo ex- peuW of executing such siibpa?nas, or attachments, the county is also liable, no matter whether a conviction or an acquittal be the result of such trial. 17. Tho county is further liable for the "reasonable expenses" of t ransjiort. ing a party charged with having com mitted a criminal offence in this Stato, from another State into which he has fled, back lo tho proper place for trial ; and this liability is certain, also, whether the accused be convicted or acquitted. : ; " 18. Tho Sheriff is liable to the county for tho jury feo ol four dollars on every verdict rendered in a civil case. It ia his duty to bo in court, either person ally or by deputy, whenever it is in session, nnd to collect this fee ; nothing but tho insolvency of the party from whom It should he collected, or a show ing on his own part of due diligence in l,ho premises, at tended with a failure to collect, will relieve him from liability. Iff. The connty is not liablo for fuel consumed In tho various offices in tho public buildings, excepting, of course, the Commissioners' office. 20. Where the grand jury return a bill "itiniriun," in sense other than felony, and direct that tho prosecutor pny tho costs, and he Is sentenced to pay them, but docs not, be is commit ted, and subsequently discharged ac cording to law without having paid them, the county is not liable 21, Neither Is the county liable whoro the grand jury return a "truo bill," and the accused is tried and nnd acquitted, hut directed' by tho ' petit jury lo pay the costs, though he be sentenced to psy tbom, and in default thereof is committed, and afterwards discharged according lo law, the costs being unpaid ; nor again, whero the accused Is acquitted, und the prosecutor directed by tho petit Jury to pay tho costs, who, after being sentenced to pay them, is coin milled, uud subsequently dischor'(od according to law, tlio costs being un paid. 22. It soinoliinm becomes necessary to quash an indiclment for nn offence Mum? felony, even alter largo hills ol costs havo accrued, and lo send a new ono beloro tho grand jury for the same offence. If that tody returns tho now one "igiioramu," and directs that tho county pay Iho tlio costs of tho new lull; and lite county is not liable nt All lor Iho costs which havo nee rued on the ijirtsrW bill, 23. Tho county is not liablo foi either tbo Pmlhonolury's or Hheriff'i fees in suits brought on forfeited roc ognir.tincos. "(Ink nro.YKTiig Itosxs Pall. Tho Democratic llonso of Ileprosenlnllves, ut Washington, is carrying on ft very offensive war against llio corruptions and rascalities ol tbo men in high places. Slowly and steadily its Com mittees gather the facts, and then comes the lightning to blnst the bribed nnd tho unworthy servants of the peo ple. A Tew days ago no man held a fairer character than (Ion. Dolknup, Secretary or Wur. To-day it is gone, withered as n rose in the autumn. Kasson, of lotra, fervently "hopos to t.iHl that Marsh will bo Indicted," And Grant piously drolaros that "he ought to bo hanged." I it at all surprising that the object of this tender solleitudo on the part of di, Republican friends should have talon up his temporary ubode In Canada . mpJirujiJUA. ;. SYM ITONS, TIH ATM Ml AND PRgVlNTION Tbo following infbriuuliou, from a no less authoritative source than tbo Ileporl of tho Sanitary Coriunilteo of New York, und which embodies deduc tions from the invoMigulions ot tho lulest and most competent medical authorities, ought to bo generally dif fused : ' iloiir, of Attack. Diptheria is caus ed by the Inoculation of tbo air-passages with tbediptheritio poison, which troiti this point infects tho whole sys tem ; the local inflammation is attended with the formation of inemlnnne (ex udation) ; tbo fever and general symp toms are the result of tlio local lufec. tloti. ' ' ' , llow I r Sra tADS.-Dipbthuria is there fore a contagious disease (not, perhaps, us marked its scarlet lever,) induced by contact with object and persons in fected. It may be'diffnsod by tbo ex halations of the sick and the air sur rounding thomj or directly by tho exudution, as in tho act of kissing, coughing, spitting, sneezing; or by tho infected articles used, as towels, napkins, haukorchiefs,eto. Thepoison clings with great tenacity, to certain places, rooms, houses, whero it may occasion cases after tbo lapse ol months. Svmitosis. In ordinary attacks the poison begins lo act the moment it lodge iion the tissues! but liko a vaccination, nt first causes Inn slight sensible effects, in from two to ffvo days there is marked prostration, dry ness of throat, and pricking puin in swallowing; the throat ln-comc, red, and patches of whlta exudation appear, and the glands ol tho neck swell. In mild cases, these symptoms subside on the third or fourth day Irom the ap pearance; if more severe, tbeso symp toms may bo prolonged ; if unfavora ble, the fever increases, tho local in fluinmation spreads, und exhaustion rapidly follows. " . ' ." rRKIMSPlMtlNfl CONDITIONS. 'In K Pr.nsoN, Diphtheria Attacks by preference children between the ages of one and ten years, the greatest mortality being in the second, third and fourth );ars; children, of feeble constitution, and, those weakened py previous sickness, and tboso suffering from catarrh, croup, and other forms ol throat affections. , ' '" . . J' , Social Kblationh. All classes are liable to diphtheria where it is Prevail. ing, but those suffer most severely who live on low, wet grounds; in houses with imperfect drains, or surrounded by offensive inutleis, as privies, decay ing animal or vegetable refuse; in dump rooms, as cellars ; iaovercrowded and unvcntilutcd apnrlmcnts. Skasons. Diphtheria in notaffeclod by either heat or cold, drought or ruin. paroAt'TioNS.' -c TlIK Dwt.LI.INd OR Apartmknt. Cleanliness in and around the dwelling, ml pure air in living and sleeping rooms, aro of the utmost Importance wherever any contagious disease is prcvuihi.g, as cleanliness, tends both to prevent and mitigate it. Kvery kind and source of filth around aud in the house should bo thoroughly re- msved; cellars and Ion I areas cleaned and disinfected ; drains should bo put in perfect repair; dirty walls and ceil ings should bo limo-washed, and every occupied room should be thoroughly ventilated. Aiartnicnts which havo been occupied by persons sick with diphtheria should bo cleansed with disinfectants, ceilings lime-washed, And woodwork painted, tho carpets, bed clothes, up-holstered furniture, etc., ox posed many days to fresh air and the sunlight (all articles which may be boiled or subjected to high degrees of beat should be thus disinfected). Much rooms should bo exposed to currents of fresh air for at least one week be- fore re-occupation. Wgu. Cini nRRN. n hen diphtheria is prevailing, no child should be allowed lo kiss strango children nor those Buf fering Irom sore throat (tho disgusting custom of compelling children to kiss every vistor it a well contrived method of propagating other gravo diseases than diphtheria), nor should it sleep with, or be confined to rooms occupied by, or use article, as toys taken in tho mouth, handkerchiefs, etc., belong ing to children having sore throats, croup, or catarrh. If the weather is cold, tho child should bo warmly chid with flannels. Vt II F.N JIII'IITHKKIA IS IN Till lloUSF. on IN Title Fauii V The well children ! OR IN TnK rAMII.v. int wen (Ulliiren shouiii no Kept scrupulously apart Irom tho sick, in dry, well aired rooms, and every possihlo source of Infection through the air, by personal contact with the siek and by articles used alsint them or in their rooms should bo rigidly guarded. Every attack of j sore throat, croup, or caturrh should bo at once attended to. Tho feeble should have invigorating fiwl nnd treatment. Sick Ciiii.i.iikn.-TIic sick should' lie rigidly Isolated in well aired (the' sir being ciiliivly changed at least hourly), uiiliglited rooms, tho outnowj iji mi I'uiiig no mi ni. I'unnium lliruilgq the external windows by depressing tbo upicr and elevating the lower sash, or a chimney heated by firo in ait open lire place. All discharges from the mouth and nose should be received intd Vessel.) containing disinfectants, or Up-1 on clot lis which are immediately burned' i or, if not burned, thoroughly boiled or! placed uuder the disinfecting fluid. While scarlatina, small-pox and en- i , . , . tel le fever are scourging Humorous cities in England, diphtheria is now i.,.-.iti..,. in ..l.t 1,1.11' 1 ha ..111.- -.IU.!"0"!"- A" 'r aloerylowrorco.borr.onlry 1 f " I which thit bureau holds (.'orrespontl eiiet) in tho I'nited Stales, and it il more Ait id In iiiiinerotis Interior towns and cities thnn it is in this eitv. Mo other infections malady mora miiiera lively demands tho best resource ol medical and sanitary knowledge to limit its prevalence and savo life,! Siiuiliiry precautions havo siiprein linpiirlanco In this disease. To the I'orerroing wo add tho Pillow. Intf from other sources ; Diphlhorl is a highly ratal diseaso at all ages of life, and especially so in Infant on account of tho insidious manner of lis attack, no violent symp tom being usually manlll'sted In It early stsirs and tho little sufferer bo-' iuj nimble or not knowing how to direct tht) attention uf thoso nlmnt tl,n.,. I m 1 1.. ..r .!.'.. ...... I.:-, i. Is fivipiontly Mrmitted lo (trow beyoad j tbo reach of aiteeosnful rntnlical Jnier. (ereno. It I. a eornmo,, ocounoo U tho oxperioneo or tl phrsWsn who have had any exten.ivp4eticomonB children, to dud a child suffering three or four days und ofton-tiinos an entire week from diphtheria without tho parents or relatives having the slight est idea what part of the body was affected or the faintest suspicion tutl the child's illness was of a deadly char acter. According to a large experience, both in privulo practice and in public in stitutions, I have found diphtheria, as a rule, lo be eusily controlled when tho propor reined ius are applied from tho very outset ; while on the other hand, if the disease is allowed to pro gress unmolested for over twenty four hours the chances lor a safe recovery even when the bust medical treatment known Is used, are lessened at least fifty and perhaps seventy-five per cont. So .true is this that at the New York Foundling Asylum, the Sisturs of Chari ly, in their capacity us nurses, huvo been taught by a largo experience, to examine tho throat of every child who upjicars lo be 111, whether its symptoms point to that pint of the body or not. In this way they have detected A num ber of cases ol diphtheria that might otherwise have boon overlookod. This precaution is to ho regarded as a point of the greatest importance in any plan of resist anee against this treacherous niuludy. Motbersor nurses should examine their children's throats on tho first indication of appearing sick or complaining. This ran be dono by looking into the throat, in a cleor light, during a spell of crying, or by holding the longito down in tba bottom of tbo mouth with the handle of nn ordinary sjioon ; the further back the handle is carried the plainer the throat will be oxiosed. There need tie no fear in performing this simplo but vnltiablo operation, as it gives no pain, however much it may cause tho child to resist . . It the throat looks red, angry nnd swollen, medical advice should bo sought immediately ; for 1 repeat it is only In tho incipioney of the disease that it can bo effectually checked.' Even though tho case bo not One of genuine diphtheria, it is ad visablo to act with the aamo prompt ness as If it was, for during the preval ence of this affection the slightest sore throat may take on tho character ot the true disease, nnd consequently re quires to bo us speedily checked, tho samo, as bowel disorders do whon cholera is prevalent. If this prccnslioh Is faithfully ob I ir 11.1, il.,., i i'..;.i.r,.ii.. i. 1 served, medicitl science of tbo present duy is prepared lo cope successfully with this formidahlo monster of dis ease. ...il.. ' Pinch telegraphed r "I have been stabbed in tbo house of my friends tho old Abolition Statu of Vermont did it." Privately, he is of tho opinion that his rejection will give Louisiana lo the Democrats. ' ' RANTED., , ' ' . BY , N. E. ARNOLD, tl'HK!m-IXE, r.. . Arnold & Hartshorn. JOO.OOtr StMach leBBVest hlng;tea. . I O.OOO pxHinda of Wool. Pertiee baaing long Bhlngloa or Wool (or elth or) wlH do well te roll a are. Tka bigbeet may bet price paid nt all tttnaa. , Ateo, a full aad complete alock of ! ! DRY GOODS.; ! HATS & CAPS, J BOOTH NHOKH, G ROCER I ES, FLOr; R , FEEL), ' SALT, PKOVISIONS, &c, which will bo acid at renaiahle prlrre, or el! ebangei fur ehlni lee or wool. N. R. ARNOLD. Carwanavllla, May i, lilt. Down I Down II THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURSK TUB CHEAPEST t A Proclamation against High Prices; WR are aow opening ap a Int of the boot aad moat eoaenualile Oooda and Waree erer eAVred la Ibie market, and at pricoo that remind ' ft"""1 oW 4' of ,h,F UI"II Thoee wklw, f.ilh ,p0, ,ki, poih w doom or aUo- gen., aoporsuou, bom not C..LL AT OtH STORE, Corner Front and Mnrket etreetr, Where thoy 00a ceo, feel, boar and know for tbom aelvea. To fully aaderataad what are cheap gooda Ihte meat bo done. Wo do not deem it Boneeeery to oaemeralo and itemiae ear atnik. It ia enough M aa to auto that We have Everything that ia Needed aad konaumad In tbia market, and at prleot tket aeiiiatea aero, oio anoennng. teats JOShl'U bTtAW A SOS. - n VN I EL GOODMNDF.lt, l.tTIIKRSurRfl, PA ' , Dealer la j) y GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIEltT & GLOVKS, -MATS A CAPS and BOOTS A 8UOES, haoao, Omcerlea and Fl.b, Italia, Hardware, iueoneware ana i.iattware. Nan a an . - Jloya' Clothing, Drug., Painta, Oila, Sckoul Uoohi, . a large lot of Valenl Mcdlclnca, Cna llet, Nuta A Dried Fruit., Cheeoe and Crack- ore, Hock and Ritle rowdar, r'biur, Crain and Potatoes, . Cu or and Timothy Sood, Be Leaiher, Momocoa, l.lnlnge, Itlndlnga aad Thread, Bhoomakara' Toole and Shoo Finding.. Mo greater variety of gooda in nay Itore la the proouoe at the Cheap Coraer, Mny I, Ifjh. JtKW 8TOKE UND NEW GOODS ; iUS. SHAW 61 SON ' liars juat opsntxl a . Saw Sront, on Main 8t..Ci.iasriai., Pa latelr occupied l.y Wm. t. IRWIN. 1 ' . Thalr stock cosalalrol ! lXLUr Cl 03 (3L OD SK Haoetsiu of iht heat quality, f ) n.ie.ei.e,. tln.. 1 C?l t r.. ininb, uwia uiiu olluajB, ' " . . J ,1"..,,, , , . and rverjr trtloi noeoeoarr for . -i a , . . .. " on'i comfort. Call aod tiemiiie our stock Lofor par ohaalng tlaawhor. May 9, IS66-tf J ' It. ' M'MUIt R AY "ILL RUPfLY Tou with A!tT artici.i 7.VfcV EXl .,. ... . -,. NEW , WASHINGTON. pUrrltanrini. -HARTSWICK k IRWIN KKCONU 8TRCRT, CLEARFIELD, PA,, J . , UBALIIItS IX ... a PUUK DRUUS! " C1IBM1C AL8I, PAINTS, OII.S, l)YK S I WF VAKNISIIKS, , . , 1 ., . D HIS II He7, . . . . .. ! . PMRFtFMKRT,-' - FANCY OOona . i "TOILET AltTICLKS,' .... OF ALL KtNM, , PURE WrKES AMD HQlORS, for madlelaal pnrpooot. Traeeee, Supporter,, Behool Rueko and 9tatloa try, and all other artielee uaoally , ( . found in a Drug Store. PHYSICIANS" PRKSCRIPTIONS CARK t'UI.LY COMPOtlNOKD. Hawing a Urge e porioaoo la Ihe bnainaaa they oaa glee oat Ire eat. lefbrttoa. r J. O. HARTSWICK, JOHN F. IRWIN. Clearfield, Deeember IS, 1,74. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, i ' : i ftuoMWon lo Pojur-yi A Ymng,) " FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS ... Muttfutarm of - i ,.i f t'.i.-.jiM.' i . t r . fOBTABLE dc STATIOIIi HI STEAM ENGINES Comer of Fourth and Fin, Streeta CLEARFIELD. PA. f T A VINtl ongiigod to tba uaoofactare of Iret II elaaa MACHINERY, we reepeetfully Inform -e publla that wa an aow prepared ta III all order, a. cheaply aad at promptly at oaa be doae ta any of the rltlra. Wa naanfaetsro and deal la Malay and Oirenlar Saw-Milli Read Blocka, Waler Wneeln, Bbelliug Policy Oitord'a Injector, Steam Oangee, Steam Wblrtlee, Onera, Tallow Cape, Oil Cat.a, Oang Cork,, Ait Cocka, Globe Valvee, Cheek Val.ee, wroegkt I roe Flpoe, l.eam Poaipa, Roller Feed Tampa, Anti Frlotlnn Matroe, Soap Rtoae Packing, tram Faob n. and all klndt of MILL WORK 1 logotaer with Plows, Sled Snlea. , . COQKAXD PARLOR STOVES, 'I and other CARTIXOS of all kinda. ' ' tT-Ordere aollcltoil end llled at tny pricoi All lettera of Ininilry with reference to maiihtuer) of oar maaafactare promptly aiiewered, byaddrae ing aa at CloarRel.l, Pa. Jannt.tf IltOLER, YOl'SU A t:Kh;t. Thf Bell's Sun Woolen Factor;, Pmin ttibip, Clarill4 On.. T. llt'HUi) i;ti B U R.N E D U IP! TtivinltMrilM-ri )tvt,t grtml tebf, riJtHtIt it?,;hlmrh(4ti tcepl(jr, It, tbo errtlion uf 4 Irrt in VVooUn Nn.fclf.ry. wuh all thf mtn iMrtrnvtaUtntt stltvrbmj, hi pifn-i i miikt nil kii.fi 1 ff CMltv, 0wiMiwrt, Hntin-tu, I(Im ktrt, iVlBo.U, tin. Pl.Bty f roodf M ho4 It inpply all ournltl ol a iboniJ m flacioaiara wbitta wa aak to emt anil axamlne mtu tok, Th hnnintSFl of CAMDIXO AND ri LUXO ' " !U fMflti olir' -t-;Ur attanlloa. nilt irarFPia4tif will W t- rtwlrt ani 4lvw Wtwl, ta Mil evatntmra. All wwk mmmnUd aad loati upoa tin hurtcat atitlM, and by atrtat at taa t.tia to bnt-itiw wa hoi tu realiia a 1iart.l ikart u pqoiio ftairntiMfFa. . - IO,(Mm POt'KIS WOOL WAltTHD? ' W will nay ttic nlthoKt aiarkrt tiHre Ar f im. and aril nr naaa faint mnd gw4$ aa law m triiallar (osU tmm kw k-Jt.gbl im tha Muaty, al wkvat vt fH to randcr raaMn.bU fttiffaetioa wa tu alwaya b found at bona r4y to taaka prrpat apiKtiBiirrn, wjiinrr m pt?rwB or BT Ifltcr, tIAMKS JOHNSON tt flONH. .rilMtf : , Bowar P. 0. ERRA COHA STANDING VASES, IIANG1NG VASEtS, Stove Lining and Fire Brick. krpt oonilkBtlj ?B bD'l. .,. STOVE AD EARTI1E.VARE OF FVRIIT DB.CRIPTIO! CROCKS! POTS! crocks: riahrr'a Patau! Au-tlKlit tVII . Krallng a-rwii a anal lll'TTKR CHOCKS, with li.lt. CP. KAN CROCKS, MII.K t.'KOl'kr, - nrri,r.-iii i i r.H i nuta, PICKI.F. CHOCKS, FLOW ICR POTS, PIR lUKIIKd . 8TKW POTS. And a (real many other tblngt toe autnamai to meotlna, In be bnd at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S , 8T0NE - WARE , POTTERY, Cortier ol Cherry and Third Street,, CLKARFIKLII, PA. angl MARBLE A ST1HE YARD ! Uu. H. 8. L 1 1 I) K L Ij, Hating eagaged la Ihe Marble beilaeat, d.tlrae ta Inform her frlendt and tba pnblie that the ka aow aad will keep conalantlr an ban J a Inrga and well relented tloc a of ITALIAN AND VKRMONT MARBLE, and la pratoorxl to farnlak ta order . TOMnSTOXKS,' - ' . , , i ; box An ctiADi.ETOMRg,' . . , .' '.. ' MONl'MKNTS, Carba aad Poata for Cemrlery Uu, Window Cilia aad Cape, alao, -Bt'RRAII, TARI.R AND WASH STANII TOPS,- A lo. ,bOA-Vard on Reed etreer, near Iba R, R. Depot, Cleeraald, Pa. Jel.rt Clearfield Nursery. BNCOUKAGK 1IOMR INDU8T BY. THR andarttgaej, bating ettabllihed a Nur aery ea the 'Plko, about kelfwey belweea Claa.ai,l aad Curwrnaellle. le prepered aa far al.k all kinda af FHl'IT THICKS, letaadard aad dwarf,) krergreoaa, (hrnbliery, llrapa Vine., Iloo.eherry, Lawt4a Blackberry, Strawberry, and Raapberry Vlaoe. A'aa. Siborioa Orak Treat, Oatnoe, and oariy aaarlot Kbahare, Aa. Ordera promptly attradod I. , Adore.., . ' J. D. WRI0IIT. tat..S- " - ' Cor... ..III., p.. WILLIAM It. HKNRYf Josticr "ril Pbaps abb SrarvBaaa, LUMBBA 0IT1T. tMloetleae made aad m.a.e proa oil, awe. aYrueteoe egraemtat earn emde ol teoaafl ooe warraatod ear , , , 7 ALLEGUBISY HOTKL, (Market St , bet. Third end Kuril.,) The eubaeritier baring aeeewo proprietor of tbit hotel, would reapeeMully aah a llWral there of publla patronage. I'tioee reduood to ait Ike llnte. Jo.t).7rlt' '" O.X. I.KIPOI.DT. - s UWiURIIANNA IIOUSK. CUnWKNSVILLK, FA, JiKWIO HKAD.A-aerKiaiua. liarleg boeomo proprietor or Ihla Hotel, t would reeireelluliy aelietl tba palroa.ge r lb, poblio. tlwute leaaantl, aud aoavaeiiolly til. uated i a -.1. refilled aad refural.bed ; g.iod earn, pie rouma altaahod. . All raUread liaiae etop at tbia koaee. , .,, . . ,, ,, , jaaJS ft Siu w "iious, " (Oor. el Market A Fruot alreH.,1 CLKAHt'IF.i.1), I'A. The uoder.ignad having Ukaa charge of thit Hotel, Woaki retpoatlally eollcil iiui,'lic patronara Jaa 1 7 1 l. K FIILLkhTOM. W" "asiTixgtun " Voi7ke, '.:T KKW WASIIINuTON, Pa' Till, ataw end well hiMiLbrd koe.. hat leoa tak.a by tin aniortlgnad. lie reel, aoaldeal ot being able to reader tatlafaelion to thoto ivbo mar favor ana with a call. May I, ISIS. O. W. DAVIS, Prop',. UITIIUI UOtJUK,""'" . .Oapo.lte tba Court Uoaaaw. ... . LOCK ITAVKNrJi jlK'A. J.lt ri HAIJIALA KP.OH, Prop'a. LOYD HOUSE, Mala Street, r. PUILIPSBUKU, t-KJiK'A. r.. - iw -i i u. marael Bg public ia Invited lo call. . nvoae i I.U11J. THE MANSION HOUSE. Cornerof Booondaad Market St recta. CLEAariLu, rx. Till! old aad eommodloaa Hotel bat. durin, oka aM. baoa aala. ao lu a..w M -former oapaelty for the ealertalBinrat of elraa. gara aad gaeata. The whole building baa heea referaiaked, and tka proprietor will apart Be paiaa ta reaaer ttl getlta awmiortalile while auylng wltk kirn. AO-The 'Maaaloa floutt" Omall.at ran. u aad from tbt Depot ea tbe arrival and depertnre or eeeh train. J011H DOUUIIEKTy, SfrA 'ttf - Proprietor gauiis. , Joan Ptrrog, Prat. , J. F. Baan, Cathirr urwnNvIll Bank. Anthoriaed C.plUI......... le.ot Paid op Cepltal ... Aw.n-l) (iiK-BBM riaar sinoaaL nang.J JOHN fATTON. - - Or. p. FKTfKH. AARON W. PA TCH IN, Ho. J. P. HtiYT. STOCKHOLDERS, NDIVfDiALI.T IIHLR Do a grnnine banking buelne.i. Aorounu aollaltad. Carwonttitle, Pa, Jaa. II," IITt m ' t. K. aanoLB. s. w. anaoLB. j. a. tkxol. F. K. ARNOLD & CO., Banker) and Brokreo, Reynoldarllle, Aerarema Co., Pa, Money received on deporit. Dlwoanu at ae derate relet. Eaetaro aad Foreiga Biekange at. were aa kaad aad eoMcoUoao-promptlr made. RoyBoldarille, Deo. 18, lljt.-ly ,, .. , County National Bank, F CLEARFIKLD, PA. ROOM In Maanatn Balldlng, one door Bortk ot C. D. Waleon't Drag Blare. . . Faeoago Tioketa ta aad from Liverpool, Uoaoaa. town, Ulaagow, Loudon, Pari, and Coiieahagca. Alaa, Draft, for aala OB tha Royal Bank of Ireland aad Imperial Baok of London. JAMES T. LEONARD, PreeX W. M. SHAW, Oaehier. lltltfd DREXEL 4 CO., " Ho. 14 Houth Third Btrcwt, Phna lrlphla . BwMJTHKRK, . And Dealers in Government Securities. Applh-alloa by mail will receive prompt anon tloa, aad all iafarmatlaa oAeerfelly lenriebod Ordera eolietod. ..... . w. Aprilll.tr. gfnt.5trii. STEWAET 4 BLA.OKBUEN, . ... DENTISTS, . ' Cwrweaierille, ClearAeld Ceaty, P. ua'a (OBJco fa Oatae1 Haw Building.) , Cwtwenavllla, u li, 1871-ly. D ESTISTRY.- Ha. In, determined lo locate la Caroeueeille fur tba porpoie af panaing my preJeailea, I hereby offer my eereeoee to lao pekllo. I hove )at Initkad a term of dental iaetraotioat wader the bel tcachara of the Peoaeylraeia College or Dental Surgery in Philadelphia, aad nm now prepared to oterale all work portaiaiag te drat, tatry ia tba beet maaaer, wltk tke laleil Imprevo. menta.. All work gaarantood U giro entire aah l.faolion a. ta qnality aad duration. Teeth e. tracted without aaia. Room ia aew Bank oaiU- lag. For further Information apply In pereoa or addreee K. M. THOMPoOX, cbSltS lf. i Carwaaevllb), Pa. r a7m , hilTs " Wfttilt. rgtvavirBBii BAtir. ki.h.ii.ki. I km I km kau --J - - - Ak. 1UTI aawnia ! tv ft " peff Prf , OT l-lj.OO f..r doablti tH. Far tuj tpnuf mmlaf it Ui Hn tin, to bare act) aa mi, will g?t (be (tami mi for .3.oe, tr 117. ! Mrl.. t t TttMn iavariftbly Cah. Cl..ral,l, Jl- 1, 1874. Vint At. TllrTU t. AA AA ... GEORGE E. ROBACKER, wantaaiLi PRtt.au t)t ' " . WINES AXD MQrOltS, . ". CLEARFIELD, PA. Mv place of bn.lnaat la on Market etrerl.di. recti, oppoeite tbe Court Houre, where t dr.iro to haepa foil .look f FtlRR LIQfORS, ant will warrant them to be ewob ta my eaomer.. Oieomeaoall. toly II, '! If. WHOlisIilLTQlTOB STORE." At the end of tbe aew bridge, WEST CLEARFIELD, PA. The proprietor of-tht, aarabltthmrnt olll bay bit lle,nnra dlroal from dimillere. partial hatinn from tbto boooa will a ewre to get a pare irtnh at a email aiargin ab.,va eo.t. Held beeper, oaa bo farnlMled with liquore on reoeonabte aerial Pare wine, and brandlee direct from Scelej't Vinery, at Ralb, New York. HIOROE 1. COLtlCR Clearleld. Juae IS, ll'i-tf. soi.r paopRiKTons of Titr. CELEBRATED 1 -eirrf OfmlkarSAttt.'t'8'- ' - A.M OH.BTa:t'KH'H TONIC HERB BITTERS. , SKXD rot MICK LIST. . Ill KV A I II It 1ST. " 11 H. Ad mrrwl, '" " PIIII.AIIKI.PIIU. Match tl, ISTA. READING FOR ALL!! HOOKS STATrOXERY Market St., t'lrarflrlrl, (t the Pool Hike.) THE Siider.lgried boge leave to announ.ie t. the eitlerae of CleorSeld and vieiotty, that ha kaa Sited ap a rooea and kao Ja.t retaraed from tbo eSy with a large ataeant. of re.dia mailer, eoa.ltting ia part af Biblci ud Miidellaneoui Booki, Blank. Aecoaet nad Paaa Ranba af ovary da acripliaa i Pom, aad Ravalapoe, Freaek prewed and plain i Pane and Peneilat Hlaak Lrl.1 Paper, leei!a. Mortgage Judgment, Flew, Hon and I'rOmiaarv woleat White and Paret meal Brief, Legal Cap, Beeord Cac, aad Rill Ceo, Sheet Mu4c lot either 1'iaao, Hale or Vtolta. eon.lantly ua hand. Aajt booha ar itatlaatrl deiired ikal I mav aol bora oa aaa.l.olll he aMaret hv flitt eipreaa, and aold at wboU-rale or retail lo anil raelomrra. I will aleo keep periodical lltrretoro, tack at alaxaulaee, Newepaimr Ac. P. A. OAlLIS. Clearleld, Slay I, IA If VAMUni.E PltOI'ERTY FOR balk or for rust. Tbo ealawriher gl.ee actio, that he will eilM' rent or mill bia dwelling aad atore propanr, an nate on Reed elrael, adjoloiag the Lvooard ll'iate. In the borough ol (tearlold, Pa. Tbe ttora If It X St tool. The Awolliog be ace eoataial rooaat aad a kMebea oo aba Brat alary, eat room, ea Ibe around elery. Tho etere reed eaa be bad at oaco, and the doelllag pcUe o tad afte, i bo IK of Joty. Far rariber r" nuare, auaroae ae epwly tt tbo anarooigare -he paomieeo. . vlgo. U. FAtMlOAlk Clearleld. Pa. H.e 1. tt.ll