Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 15, 1876, Image 2
ft I lunn. SACK I ILISf HARDWARE, . w MJuflMUrwi of , Tln.Cepr k Sheet Iron tfare, Second Strut CIBAiriltD, PA. Hariag largaly I war, wa lojvtle tka and prioe.. Inane tar etoak ol Hard- publish saarsias sloe OerlieBteTl anil parieas wUg trMtsiaplatl Mil' lag will AO wall w axemiu ear TOOLS 4 BVILOIVO HAKDVAH. wkiok li wrw aad of th boil auafactara, ud will be sold low foreaOj. -NAILS, CLASS, PDTTT. GLUE, LOCKS. LATCHES, a - ' .,.,. HINGES, " A II klada f Baek Pluu, 8w, OrlMlh raaraa, Hammer., Hatchets, nemos ud lima, MarMae Tkak wmM,BMlj BrMM Ar-RHae, Wood end In Bench Screws, nil tha boat Boring Maehln la tha market. Double and Single Bitt Axes, voenitT ottteiry, a. ' Agents for BumelFi Iron Com Shelter, ... :. wiTmiH . AIM, agents for Richards' tiOTHIC FLUR TOPE, '"t whick ateotually sors Smoky flint. Formers' rinplemenli nnd Osrdra Toars of dry aosoripiioo., , COOK STOVES, wkiok we miiuI to fin latltfaotl. Portable Range and Furnace: o Roofing, Spouting and Jok Work duneu reasonable terms. All orders will reoelrs prompt stlentica, . -. - .OM POWELL & MORGAN, DlALIM 11 HARDWARE, . Alio, Muafachsrersot Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. - CLRARFIBLD, A. T7ARMING IMPLEMENTS of nil kinds for sola ky 5 POWELL M0RQAM. T AILROAD WUEELBABR0W8 a.U for sals by POWELL A MORGAN. QIL, PAINT,- PUTTT, GLASS Nail., ttc.'forieWby POWELL A MORUAH. II A.KNES8 TRIMMINGS A SHOE Fladlagi, for wlo kj '., . POWELL A IWROASr, GUNS, PISTOLS SVPOBP CANS . -- It ,K-I 'I i . Tor sals by ' .o -.. ' ' . POWELL A MOBOAN. UTOVES, OF ALL BOUTS AND Siioo, for sal 07 POWELL A MOHUAN, fRON ! IRON 1 IRON I IROfl! Par nit kp kd 1. POWELL A MORGAN. II ORSE SHOES A HORSE SHOE KARA, far uld bf POWKLL A MOiUAJf, CLLET BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And kttl llnofMlort, for ul kj POWELL A MORGAN. T HIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE B0XB8, far oolab, POWELL A M0RQA9. G. S, FLEGAt.V 1 - Ironsides Store, PHII.pPOtBBRG, PA. - lit HARDWARE, RTOVIK, RBATER8, RANG Ri, WOOD AND WILLOW 'WARE. ' and MAievrtcTtiRtn or TIN, MIKKT-IRON AND COPPRRWARI. PraKllilo Streot, Pbilllpiborf, Coalro Co, Pa, . M.Moa l7. raoa. a. ai-amr. craol aoanoa. WE8T BrXANCH INSURANCE AGENCY PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Clearfield, Pa. BRANCH OFFICKB la diffaiaal paru of tko Coanty. Tht following Old ud Raliabla 'Ira, Aaaldoaf' 8 took Md Lifa laaaraMa OoMpaalaa raprataaladl Brtak. ' ' Aotota. 18W Nortk BrillibA Marcaalllt Plr lot. Co., of Kafland ?!,, IMS leaulih Coamiirelol tin Int. Co., Of Eailnd (fold) 1I,N,M 17V4 nortk Anartoa Fir laaaraae Co., of Pbiladalphla 112 Piro Auoalatloa PrroUiaraao Co, of Pbiladalphl Phnil Plra Int. Co., N. Y.... 1MT Wntartawa Plra Int. Co., of If. Y., iaaarat fana bolldlng oalf 1871 Aoioana Ptr Iniaroooo Co., of ClM4aatl. 18il York Btook Iaaoranoo Co., of Poaaa. latarot boraoo, Aa 1S74 Hartford Aoohloatlamruoa Co (,7M,tO 8,1 00,(1 IW J,J0t,0M T,l 1,M, 14T Paaa Mataal tiS'laiorMoi M,M8 1,808,1)1)0 itTlraa 18l( Mtrpoliua Lira lataraaotCa of Nrw tar........... ....., Total eaaital .... 1,000.00b , 17,808,008 Peroaa la tka awaatry doalrlnf Inraraaeo, ton kao H promptly ationdait to bj oalliaf at taa oftMr adranlnf at b lattar. Iniaroaoot af foetod ot tko haffl ponlbla rata, U a okulead la art-cl oompoaia. jva LOMV'titiM roara tiwlirf wAtfeAaatAa Aiminali. Th aboaa two lir laaaraBo Co. 'a, raproaaatad tiy T. H. Marray, bora paid oat ia eaib. batwarn tho ilatoa of Aof 1871 and Aaf. 1874, to tbr frianiia of doNaMd pollaj fcoldara ia tbla ooaay, Pravida for tba fatara by lotarlaa year kni aad yoar Ural la tba Wpt Itranah Inanraaor Araoy. ' MURRAY A GORDON, Claoriald. May 8, M7S. Afor.t FULFOaO 4. THOMPSON, ,StgAC ISM'KiSOS AOtSTH, t i. L twiCI- Arnold, l-odi'aw I j , Ropraeat all the loading Ire . laiarane. CoBBoauB( St aawiry v . , . 418,ooo,toa , Ka,al Caaadlaa .. , 'Bdkllanwyi Pa, j. . ,lt.4at roallla, PkllaoYa.. " l,8IN,K.VK rwaMla, Harttord..... ... l.leS.Mi . Haaeror, New York 1,428,I.SI . HaoaB,4JawewH.)......M. til, AaVas, Ml, PsaaolaaMO, WaalBMaftoiM.K....u.. 018,800 Vlwo4 ataiat ofrorlaig aa taearaaoso prop n af an kind, atmnld rail ot oar efke. oa Mirbet etroat, oppaalt lb Coart Heaae, and ase awr tin r ramputos an ralea aoror IBearing '. ' - JOIIN R. PI1LPORD, T. W, TH0MP8)N. ()laHald,Pa40et,l7, '71-ly . J. R. M'MURRAY WILL RtlprLY YOU WITH ANY ARTICLE OP MERCHANDISE AT THE VERY loOWIBT PRICE. COME AND BEE. (Iit:lly:i NEW WASHINGTON. Cat to COf) Per Day at boeao. Tonal rVa ewer e.w A 44 roes a. Bmrees a Co,, Port. load, MsiM. JuJT.lye ill rg fttttfl, aSrufrtf, tot. lOf .1A IN FREKCXlTrT'.3; I aai awaio tbat tbaro arm aaiua potauao a Ullla kard la ptaaao, aad I am alaa awara lawk th ooaiplalat of "kara tlai" la wall aifk aalronal. Bat 1 aa, to allwatod aaw tka8 I oaa aatlify Iba fortaar aad pro to ooaelaatraly tkal4'kard tiatoi" will aot oftadt tboao who kwy tkirroodalrBiaia, aad all my patrua akall aa-takilalaa lata tba - HOW TO AVOin ' JIARD TIMES -V..', ' I kara (nodi awoaib la all tka Inkabl. taatr in the loirw wad of Ha aouatv wkiok 1 aoll at aiooodlnf low nit from aa, aiaaiaiitfc atora la 1 UWUMIllaUl, wra I aaa alwayi aa feand raady to wait upoa oallar aod tuppiy thou wllk Dry Goedj if all Unds, Baob at Clolka, Ballaattt, Oaatlaiarat, Matllai, Iaiainaa, liinaa, vruJIUfa, LaltOOC:, TrimaUnfa, Kibboua, Laca, Raady-nada Clolblaf , BouU and Hkoat, HaU aad Cap all of tba boit matarial and aiada to order oaa, Boon, Ulorea, Hillaai, Laooo, Rlbboa, A GROCERIES OP ALL KINDS. Cotao, Toa, Safar, Rloa, Molaataa, Fltk. (alt fork, Linaood Oil, flit Ol, Carboa 00. Hardwart, Qaatatoaira, Tlawara, Oaaalafa, Plowa aaoV Plow CaaUaft, Matlay ", Dora CalU'a- ort, I'idtr fratoaa, ud all kladl of Aaaa. Porfaiaory, Palata, Yoralak, Gaan, aad a) fwaarat aaaonaiui aa ailiaryj ' GOOD FLO US, Of difbraat kmxla, alwaya oa band, ind will ba . ' - aoia aa aw htm pawioio ag J, II. MoClala"! Madlolaar, Jayna't Mtdlrlaat tioataturt ana uoouad 1 mi lata. 8008 ponndr of Wool wantod for wbloh tha aifaoH prlaa will 00 paid. t'lOMraaad oa kud ud for aala at tka lowoat atarkal pnea. Alto, for Slrattoarlllo aad Carwaatrilla Ibra.katf MaoBlaa. 1 aaVCall ud to for yoartolroa. Yoa will flad awytaiaf aaaally tap! la.a ratail tore.. I . I I L II. CODDRIKT. ProaohTllla P. 0., Augaat 11, 1874. .........II....w. w. aati i. f. wuraa 1 WEAVER A RETTN i CLEARFIELD, FA,, Are of artof , at tk aid taa of . L. Road A C. tkatr ttook of foaAi.tMtlallaf of C -. C -A STii a J 1 . DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, B00T8 AS SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUBENSWARB, I10UB, FEED, SALT, &o., &o., At tba Mat reasonable ratal far 0ASH or la aiokuf for . & 8qnu. Timber, Boards, Shingles, tJR COUNTRY PRODUCE. hAdvaooal aada to tkef oufofvd la f at- taig oat at,aara ttabar oa tha atoat adautafooot tonaa. pdlljanTI yTANTED. N. E. ARNOLD, CI'RWRNHVILI.R, PA., . (fioowtoor to) L. ' . ... .. 4N Arnold dv. Hirisnorn. 1 00,000 0-larh lord Rhlaflca. OrOOO powadt of Waal. Partial haoiat Una Bkinile or Wool (or lltk. er) will do wall to call oa aio. Tka bif beat laar. kat pria paid at all tiroes. ,. - w i Alto, a full ud evmaJoto stock of DRY GOODS, HATS & CARS, ; BOOTH A NIIOEN, GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, PROVISIONS, &c, wkiok wHI b sold at rsaeoaablo nrieai, or ai ebaafoAfos sbiaflH er wool. rt. Aitnui.ii. Carwoasrtlla, May 5, 1178. Down I Down 1 1 .-Vs,.. THE LAST; ARRIVAL AND OF COURSE THE CHEAPEST A Proclamation against High Prices WB ore aow oponlnf ap a let of t,e beet aad fsost asaioaabl Goods aod Warea arer wared ia thaj market, ud at prices that rembiAJ owe or tka good eld days or cheap tataga. Tboao who lack faitk atk thla point, er doom oar alio. gatioBB taporlBoata wood bat CJLL JtT OIK BTORK, . 'Ooraer Proat and Market stroets, Wkara tker u aaa. feel, kear ud kaaw for them To fully wderatud want aroabeap goods this mast be tone, we ao aot teem it aeoetoary o en a war at. ud ItemLao-eor alaob. It ia aoaf h for at to tU that f We hare Everything Ihft it Needed ud autaiaed la Ikls market, ud at prises tbat aetoalsh kotk old udyouoc. 'OUBf. OBKPII IIUW A BON." Jl , LUTHER8BURG, TA.,' . " Dealer hi f- DRY GOODS, MOTIONS, tvuiuin m wmv t oUN m gfj, HATS GAPS Md BWT1V SHOKKl. TobfteeOf GrotMriM mJ rill, Rtlli, II r QatMiiwr bj liltmwftra M nt , Oili, Hohool VtMliiv. ' ' A Urg Ut ( PkUnl N-aiinri, ," CMdiMf NiU A Drlod rrulu, CnU ni Craoll Floor, Grain and IViloi-t, Clovar Md Tiatoottly &tl, 0l LMtbtr, Moreeot LIiIk4 btadiitt n AkrtM, naoiiiRti-t' innii mi V (rtp varUty of fttorij ! mmy H in (to RMalT, All far Mil rtrj lo fur eath t tttumri EW BTOKE AND NEW Go6l JOS. SHAW ii sWair! Bar )utt oponod A ' Ktf Broil, oo Main8t.,CLiiriiLD, Ps lalalf ooeuplotlb; Wn. T. RWIf Tkalrttock ooritltloof " 91117 (Kv a cd no at GioctBiat of tbo boot tallly; QuxENBWAaKp Boota and Shoes aad trory Miol rommatt ttt at fort. VSJU Ma ttntatat 0sT ttnk tntfota Bur ., " iuiiuoni. Eereufile Appraiser's List. IdM of Ik aaaaea oflha null doolera la forelf n aaor dooaeotla aaarobaodlia, la tka aoaety of CUdriaU lor 1878, at., ruia Hani. 10 0orHo;lVa tax. 14 Mrs. M. O. Hood, dlafrs 7 oil 14 ka 0. Oouaor, aarsaaadlie I 00 14 Joebaoa Patohia, Baroboadisa.. 7 14 W. J. Kliaa, ouafaslloaarla T 00 14 Aa. MeMorray A 80a, oiarobandias..., t 10 18 Moraoo Palobiu, jrea'l aiarobandio.,,., 18 00 CloarUald itorougu. 14 11. 8. Glaata, eoafatlwaerl 11 W. Endree, brewery II Caapar Lelpoldi, brewery 14 Joba Trentuaa, furniture itor... 14 J. A. Btadier, ooofeotloneriet 14 P. A. GauliB, atatlonaryw , 14 Mn. T. B. WataoB, aiilllnary 18 II. A. kralier, dry foods. 18 J. li. Lytle, grooariM 14 Jobs Gulioh, lurnlture .tare 18 J. A. Btewart, ololhlnf atora 15 J. 8. Baowora, kaeU autl eboea.... 1 1 WlllialB Rrod, aaareaaadita It Weavrr A Halts, ueraliandiae , Oil , 11 80 , 18 88 , r v , r 80 . r 00 , 1 00 , 18 08 10 80 , r 00 , IS 80 18 80 18 00 , 7 08 , r 00 14 -li-it A(tabryrer,bar4wora.......... 14 llartawlrb A Irwla, droit .... owl 4 ualoat modlaaaas. J af la Adolpk GBlaaborf. eJseMaf ovooa.. 18 M 19 A. G. Kramer A Co.,jroo.ria. A feed. 18 14 V. M. Canloa A llra.,iaakiaatr. t 84 14 Alex. Woteoo, tobaroooljt. 14 R. U. Shaw, tol'Socoal't.., - 1 1 T. A. Plork A Co :.l 14 K. Y. Utidvkan.l, oonri-rlionoriee., It M. It. llrown A llro , maobinery. II R. Moaaop, roarabendi.e. 14 A. t. Bbaw, drufj 4 patent naillrtnea It Samuel I. Bnydcr.jawelry 18 K. W. Urakaw, nirrfhaadlae...H.. 8 CleerSeld Coualr Baak 15 0 7 on 7 08 li 00 7 OH I ao 7 00 10 00 14 0. D. WaUoa, drufi 1 00 4 patrol ..... t AO 14 P.ter MoGoorge, boota aod aboei 7 18 M. B. Cowdriek. clotbiaa atora w I II Powell A MorfBB, hardware II 80 14 8. 8. Batters, rsitaaraat 7 80 - kllllird room, 1 tablet.... St 00 If John MrGaaghoy, froreriet Carwenarllls Borough. 8 Abraat date., hardirare '4 J. II. Klamlnf. furniture 1 BpreBklo or riweaa.y, lanr-ygooda '4 B.J. Gatel, boou and ololbinf H... '8 Fanal A Goodwia, mercbaBiliaB 4 J. K.lrwlu.dnifi 4 " palaat mediolnos..... 14 0. W. Wearer A Co., druj. 4 " patent medloini It ill , 10 00 . 7 00 11 in . 10 00 , 7 80 8 00 7 88 8 no . so 00 10 118 7 00 , 7 00 7 00 18 00 8 carwonsttlra nans IS J. C. Wright A Co., olothinf 14 Watt H. Tkompioa, froeerios J4 0. Graff A 80a, reHaarant 14 W. A. Dal A Co., froeerios, etc.. 11 J. r. Irtia, aierr-Banillae 13 Joba lrvio A Bro'a, nereBaadua..HH- 18 60 14 A. M. Kirky Jewelry 7 00 14 Hoe-Bor A Thomna,elotblo 7 00 1.1 Jacob Bilfor. hardware ... 10 04 18 C. A. Rorabaafh, froeonoa A aatlaaa. 10 88 II N. R. Araold, orokaadiia II M 14 L. T. Ron, boou aad abast , , 7. 00 nouttdkl aTawamirtta 14 1 w. Hooaoa, orafa.. 7 08 r 00 14 BeBjamiBCkBrlloo.ooafl IS C. W. Vanduraa A Co , merokandlae,.. 88 0 IS A. P. Twin At Co.. kovu 4 aba...... 10 0 II T. J. Fri.aA Co., Uar.lware It 60 14 A. J. Nborbauf b, famiture 7 00 14 Peter CameroB, eoareotioBeri 7 80 14 Miaa Jeanie Cauaroa, atiiliaery 7 00 14 J. A. I'billipi, flour A eonfeotionorioa 7 00 18 frank Llrarif bt A Co , ajarcbaadite... 30 00 14 R. J. Shelter, jewelry 7 no 7 00 14 W.J.Nbarbaafh, drnf II Aodrow Gleaava, BMrebaadiao.. 14 Matlklat Najer, ooBfaellooertee 14 Aarabaal ttoas, BlotioaariM.WM. 14 Jawee Dawa, aaarabuilia. 13 tt. W. Diokoy A Co., ni.rokudiea.-. 14 8. W. Uirliafer.olothiaf. 14 A. B. Aabtoo, ooBlaatioBoalalwai 14 J. O. Gearbart A Co., roowrie, ote.. 14 Mn. J. D. Bproat, milliaery ......... 14 PUilip Mohrinf r furniture 14 Mra. Barak Kvlaud, BtilliBery...... ... II 00 ... 7 Oil I 00 . 7 Oil 13 SO ... I IU , 7 110 7 00 .. f 80 ... 7 00 . I 00 Latsbar City. 18 Bo tier, A Co, aterokeailiae 18 08 14 II, V. Speocor, froooriea, koota, thee.. 7 00 It Joba Ruaaall A oa, aaerabaiiia...... 7 00 New Wathlnp-to Rorvugb. 13 J. R. McMorrBy.Bterobaodiaa It 80 18 Jame. Gallafbrr, merohanliM 18 00 14 J. P. Featb.eoofecttoBorieo 7 00 Mewburs; Horough. 14 William Utintsr, usrrhandiaa MM. 7 00 Ueceola Horougik,- r II Kraoaa Uro's, fruoartea It 80 10 T. O. Himee A Co, aierohandiao . 30 00 II Hartman A Friei, bardoaro... 14 Ueorse K. Jones, jewelry... 14 D. W. Keller, tobaooonUl II W II. Kelly, merchaadite ..... 18 Berkoita rkbeelio, mercbudiea..... 14 J. D. Browo, ooofeouoaerioa 14 W. Wallsoa A Co.,euBreetioneriea.. II Larl tlrarkart, tobaooooiat 14 tleorso Buolieb, f rorertea...M.... 14 M. A Painter, lour aad feed ;4 Jame. lleaketli. eonreolioaeries.. ii 00 ... 7 00 ... 7 00 ... 11 08 ... It M ... 7 00 ... 7 oa ... t ot ... 7 00 ... 7 00 ... 7 00 IS R. O. Way A Co, froooriea 18 0" T Lirerifbl Bro'a A Co., Kvrcbaadiao,.M 4 00 II T. R. lilendj A Co., drufa.. 00 t 00 4 " patont medieiaaa. 14 Brlabia firo'a, books aud statioaery. II Cilisaas Hank f Ototola WaUacatow Ho rough. . 14 Joha Holt, marebandlea II J. Gars A Ho, aeroheodieo 7 00 M 00 Y 6 ' ; 00 10 00 I' PO tteecaria Tawnablp, IS Joba G. Uleagow, marpbandiae.. IS Joba Clark, manbaadia Brll Toevuenlp. 14 Robert Mabatry, merrbaodiM. ........ f 00 Bogga Towatahlp. . 14 BeaJaailB Pieklee, ooBfolionrias.....4 1 to It Tbnmai Hill, dry goods A froooriea.... 7 00 14 W. K. Boaeai, oealootloowioa 7 00 ISradforA Townahlp. . ' II P. Cnrtay A Co, roorohudiae f 00 I Woodland Fire Brick Co., goa'l at'd'es. St 0 Rrady Toarnalila, 14 Barsh Brooki, dry gooda A groceries.., 7 00 11 Joha Hoborliof, soli.oa 7 M II Tbo. MolgoBiarT,drygoo4a,frooarloa. TOO II Olaagow A Elba, goa'l oaorobeadl.... 7 no It Jooet Bro'a, froeroJ erebaodlae..,,,., 10 00 15 O. D. loaaa A Bro, morekaBdlao 10 00 II M. C. Ileum, aoUon 7 00 t Joba DaBols, rrs'l merebaadiaa. ...... 38 00 IS Daal Ooodlandar, gen'l merchandise... 18 1)0 IS Jo. Baylor A Soot, fan'l merebeadiee 10 00 14 1. H. aMineer, Hardware T 00 14 Charles Hchwem, groceries , T 00 14 Chritliaa Bnrbet, poarocUoBOriaa 7 00 IS Moore, Hamiltoa A Co, geo'l moroh'so. 10 00 U 8. Q. Kuoti, notiooi 7 U Lt. B Csrllilc, nrchanI.w4i 14 K- 0. McKenry. eonfrotiouatiti M II 8io Koari. trooWV.VDiritji H 7 oo T AO 7 00 r oo r oo r oo r oo r no r oo 7 oo 10 00 14 tiwTfs h. Kntrr, bonla mn& boao...... RiirMldt Tuwm1iIh 14 Arn Pt.tehlBfrbitltM.w w. ' t Chest ToKBiitalk . ' 14 Paul White, narebuliM H 14 K. T. MrCruknlHfi.uitinH 4 J. J. Bnydtr, ntrcbaaditt .,. 14 Junti Cnrrj, gKMMrtM.M ...H.Mi CoTlnrtoti TownnhliH 14 ODIIIatnl HMkcBtlwti, wrabM)dIH IIL, M. Coatrivl, mrchadi . 4 pMent ntM.biDU....HMI ft 00 T 00 . T 00 . r m - 7 oo .. 7 00 14 Dr. F. 8. N-r 1 ion, Krociii..m.M.o... 14 Frtnoit Coolrltt, luafchandiiwi 14 rruoia wi7, tnmlimnil.M...,, 14 Jaitia I'lalwl, mtrcbtadiw 14 PetAt (irniir,eofittf.oejriii..,. Ieclr Townahlp. I W. J. Jscktoa A Hro., wrcbftDtJiM...H 13 60 14 Jacob Mooh, marohaadipa 7 00 Glmr4 Townalilf. 14 V. A. Mignot A Hro. netrbaodlM 7 00 14 Robrt 8. Hlcwari, notion H, 7 Of 14 O. li. Watt, grwoarioM 7 00 CtrahaM Townahlp IX TboUM II. forcr, Barcbaadiva 1 00 4 M ' " Mtcat aatWioiadn... & 00 Gullch Townahlp. I 11 P. A A. Fljrna, mtrchamiitM , li 00 8 00 , 7 00 . 7 Ot 4 " )itflBt Kadioiaaa 14 IhtstDKJ A. Pridaaui, m air bandit 14 lltorj AUman, BiereliaLdnu. II u at on Tcwnahip. 15 hjom A Lichter, inanitit.od M 14 Jtiarpb It. llilnur, rtittvuraat ...,., 14 C. 1 Wtilt itrugi anrj not ion m 12 C. 11. A Osiu. rolaiMiut) 14 11. W. itniwn, cvaiacuoaarlaa. ( 14 Cbarlaa ltnbacktTt elutbing , 14 Mr. MoCranurt btttiooa 14 Mia Nancy Lattuill.i.jrj ,..,.., 14 A. Uorniiig A Bua.Murdwara ,...,.M 14 laM hraaa, BrtwM...-..M.M , II (0 . 7 00 , 7 00 , II 60 , 7 00 , 7 00 , 7 00 , 7 08 , 7 00 , 7 00 It 00 . 10 00 IS Oil tar WallcMManbaBptliM 1 1 llcnr aVMbitM, awvitAtudiM 4m4m lMiwhlp 14 R. M. Johnrtoti, ibaaiiv.t..,. 7 00 14 Alai. Crtittellf dmi aaxi wrtiona,.,, 7 00 14 B. tV. (man, evnlaclionariti , 7 CO 14 La ft Ktroup, narobaDliaan 7 0 14 U. J. L'owmvlord, nonoaa M, 7 00 karthaua Townahlp. 14 W. J. Woft-r, nband,M u.... 7 00 14 J. W. PntlartBiarrbaiiliaa.....,MM 7 01 14 J. O. Mailluaky, awehand.aa.tmtwMMt f H 14 tied lr; Fiabar, rabaudi...wHM , J oo kooi Townahlp ' 14 ojuhn Fi, irooant u 7 00 l.awrnce Tuwitahlp. 11 CharU-t Kkrvlur, brairory 15 00 14 Uaurga N. Cwttiuro, mtrebaU(JiM,H.(H.. I uv s . '. a. .. "I 1 tlofrl rtitviialllp, 14 Leonard. Kyler, merefaaudiM 14 JaBita 'I bouipaoa, eoBlortiouerlea., 14 Peter Muyer, merraouiliae lt 00 14 Junae Mona, mi-roliandiae ...ewlf I tt it. 11 HiglitoB, gn I merehalidt....... ft tti r-na lowueiiip iSAflf; Ja--jrttltrri of ' the kind, it was nt once !J 7.1. tlTrZZZAM V W Kpblien lead.. pikoTonaeiiip, ,. ,aJ,li. jBbrton, Mr. Sherman,, Mr. Bout- li Adamkmlih,et.afeeiioitorioi., aoboT t Uulea Townahlp, 14 Ji. It. Araulrl A Co, meroltnu4lI.M.',l'" f Of' 4 D.Biabakar, merohaBdlN ,1,1 Woodwartl Townahlp. II Mln M J. MoCuiloufb, million; 7 00 14 Jamrt Corkley, merokudiae 7 00 14 L. A. Warret, drug. ou 14 Ibomas llaadaraoa, grooeriea. f no 15 FlaberBro'i A M.lli,ejer.h a4lee... II 00 II ahltthaad A Co., nierchandit M t Ot 11 Aadrew Ulaasoa, mfrhudla o 14 W. H, Pblllipa, ooafoctioBeriee 7 00 14 Rdwla UroadT, oowfeotioBerioe..7,. ft 14 DaaletamaeJ, rarie aad Soar 7 to 18 U. Liverif hi A Oo, eaorahudite....... 38 80 I oorrtfy tbat th I a rwroeet tM of th ead a, mm! Im ed b. a ran year, not roe I. hereby flee thai a aal I will ho hold at tk. fount CeaimieatoaaT rdioa, la CloarOMd.e WaSNBSllAT, the 8th tar of AatllwoetiwoaiaaawfaiulaVaaaaoleoaojsitli-l rot ataswtfMko, srawpoT. ttaemoitlmi raawlWlho, imeoaftsVl aa oe aja awwrw or Lanketetoia, -I ' dafeSE LlfES. Marok I, INI j f.r.. App raiatr THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIELD, PA. H'KUNES:AY MORNING, MARCH 11, 1878. FA ISIFWA TIONOF TKFASUJt Y ACCOUXTS During tbo liutl two yvun The Sun but ropcati'dly clod upon rounroHS to iiiYOHtigrita the. books of the Tronit ury, In ortlor to till tho conflicting of ficial atutemcnta of tho ptihlio dotit mirl expenditure!, and to imtablmh annio outlslnctory Inciri upon which tho pub lio miirht ruly. By luw tho Ufgiolorol tho Tmumiry ia prnctiddly tho bookkuepvr of tho Uovornmeut. All tho uccountti of ro- ooipta and uxpontlitiinw rw rgitorvJ, and finully dopouittuJ lu liin ofllco; and from tho orguiiixntion of tho TrcRatiry down to 1870, no othvr atntoinont wtut nulborirwl or pttbliHhed, in irurd to either, thnn thiit which horn hi ofllcitil oigimture. . Jtul tho ayBlora whifh Hamilton organized, mill (iallntin nf torwiei'd. jdminislercd, was not witin ftvt!tor"ib Mr. Bontwtdl. It won "tntiprlit-liirwnrd, implK mid wottltl not servo to oonccnl tranwu tions of vnnt magnitude, upon which worne than dark suitpicion now renin. 80 ho oontrivr-d a Rliilcmpnl nf hi own, monthly mid Annual, intunilfd to aiiK'r m1o ttint or tho Ueglstur, nnd predicat ed upon different state of litctn and figure. This so,emo was eoneocted for partinan nrtex, and I be monthly stutements sent out to tho eountry wore till ho to tho extent that warranls for largo sums worn withheld until af ter tho publication, ao ns to make a deceptive exhibit of tho condition of the Treasury. That practice became thoroughly eaUthliahud under lioutwcll anj fJichnrtIon, and is still continued nmlor Bristow. When tho annual reports of the Sec rotary of the TrooMiry nnd the Jlegsi ter caine to ho coinpured, enormous discropauciea wero ilimwerod lor tho same series ol years in tho public debt and tho exponditnres. Attemps wer made in Congress to have an inquiry, but the Itepuhlicnn majorities voted down every resolution, ami tho doom of tho Treasury wero slummed in tho faces of mcmbors who sought lulormn tion, Mr. Iloutwell ml to work to re concile those contradictory figuros,with tho aid of Eichordsou uid others. They went back fur ninny yours, al tered the aggregates ol the public debt, and introduced into tho accounts now dements which wore previously un known. When they could not be mado to Jigroo with tko Register' books, It . was Explained thiit tho two started Irom difloreut points, and thero foro they must reach different results ; but hy including in one, certain olo monU omitted from tho other, they whould Iw reconciled. In the Miobato on Ibis subject Mr. Doutwoll repeated this lume exjilana tion in these words : "the ron.eqaeoco If tbat at any rticalar mouulut of timo th apparent debt of Ibe Gov ernment aa npnaeotrd to the B.fialrr'a offioo aod a raprearnted in tba oDn- f tlie b'esreUry ol tbo Trea.ury, will a rfi.reol." Now, by turning to tho reorts of the Rocrctnry and Eegister since 1871, it will be found that they agree, to a cent, and therefore tho whole theory nf Mr. Boutwell fulls to the ground, and Iiit explanation is absoluely un true. There is no possibility nfagreo raont between them, if, as be stated, they aro composed of different ele ments. Then how do they now "hap pen to bo identical? Mr. Boutwoll it abundantly able to answer this ques tion, though ho pretonded ignorance in the eonto, and audaciously said be hail no responsibility lor the sudden and remarkablo change in statements made during his management of tho Treasury. The licijiister't fujuret tvere made to conform to thote of the Secretary by nit MTirrajt orrtVr of the latter ! That is to say, the public accounts wore falsified by an nfllcial rescript from tho head ol the department. It will naturally be asked, what was the controlling molivo for these alter tions and these conflicting statements? Tho answer is a belie! only, hut justi fied hy many facts which can be veri fied or rejected by Investigation. It is bolioved that many millions of bonols and notes have boon issued In excess of lawful authority, that many millions of both have, been forged and accepted at tho Treasury, rind that there is a larger amount of interest paid than tho actual debt culls for. More than this, there is a prevailing opinion that balances were foil ed during tho terms of Boatwcll and Iticlmrdson ; that tho books were tampered with in various bureaus; and that they now boar ovi donco of erasures, inlorliuentions, nnd changes. , It is easy tt ascertain whulh or those opinions and reports aro well founded or not. This If not n party question, ami ought not to bo considered in that light. All sides Should agree that thu integrity of the public accounts ought to bo strictly preserved, and that tho system which Mr. Boutwell inaugurat ed, of having two contradictory alulo ments of the public debt, must be pre- judicial to Ibo publio credit ut borne and abroad. No other enlightened country present) suuleAapeWaclo, aad no man can to-day, upon the authority of those figures, coma within filly or a hundred millions of 1 fie real debt, from the confusion and conflict which they create. Aud the Secretary of the Treasury is quitu us ignorant on this point us tho most obscure citizen who does not trouble his head about aof Knunts.-! 1 , ; Mr.'DavIs Introduced a resolution in the Bonaia a lortnight ago, asking fur atiad, committee of fivo to invustl- gtte tUtt -1nauf. I, ike every other Wr)Ur Mr. Kdninnds. nnd othoi-s. had applanations to give, nono ol which touched . the real point They wore all evasive, equivocal, ,nd unsjilisfuo tory. To stifle Inquiry, tbtiy vi ill aend the roaiiluiAOBio Ihei'flpMnittiie on Fi nance, comporVjf) fcren emihlicans and two llemocraU.1 tin tile J louse can counteract this tr1ckoiy':by re peating the resolution there, and get ting full power to send for pontons' and pspent and to employ exports. In that way only can truth be reutjhed aid the public mind relieved trom anx iety in regard to tho iMttnr and ex tent Of these inppotod fnihds nnd Ail tifioatioo. This workwill roqairo months oa labor, and therefore cannot be commenced too soon. oo 6x mm THEIXYKSTIGA , TIOXS. ,, Tho last argument used by Reuubli vnn organs against the appointment of commltteos to investigate the depart ments at Washington It the cost which must attack to such mutter. These sutao organs bewailed but little the ru inous cost to the ooiintry of the corrupt and Ignorant officials whose dishonest conduct bus made such Investigations a necessity. Then all wot for tho party, but now thut It is proposed to look into the management of tie different de partments in order to ferret out and trace o tha proper sources the gigan tic, frauds that bavo been committed in Washington, the organs discovor that economy It a good thing in thu Nation al Government, mid cry aloud aifaiust tho great expense which these various investigations will cause. i These liadicul plunderers need a 10 vere lesson, and tho present Is just a fit timo in which to teach them that tho sentiment uttered as buncombo by their leader "I,ot no guilty man es cape" will bo seriously understood und effectively carried out by honest men when they obtain tbo right and power to do ao. H will certainly In volve the expenditure of large sums of money to trace the various frauds which have so depleted tht treasury of the country, but in addition to the losson tutight in the punishment of the guilty, itieJtlHt pOSsiblothutiievUltuuiaMaalna of those who are now feasting on the spoils nf their infamy, to disgorge ut least a portion of their plunder, and nour a lair share of the contents of their laden coffers back into the treas ury from which they were derived.' It is not a mutter of surprise that the organs should labor sotrenuously in their opposition to these investiga tions, and we may expect that all pos sible, suhtorfnges will be resorted to in ortlor to cripplo any movement in that direction ; well do they know that tho indepentlont voter of the country Is looking with a very steady and inquis itive gar.o into tho and solid mer its ot tho men and measures represent, iug tho ability and tho animus ot the two parties, and while tba Radicals are satisfied that many nf tito deeper vil lainies committed by Radical partisans for many years past are so carefully covered as to escape the casual glance, yet they are equally certain tbat tho activity of honest investigating com mi.leot would readily discovor the secrets hidden under the dextronsly laid covering, and holdup to the publio gate undoubted and glaring evidenced ol the corruption and miAtness of the Rudicul aspirants for place and power. They know that the independent voter will wiold an immense influence during tho next campaign, and they fear and tremble lest proofs of the guilt and ig norance of their paily should bo made to clear as to lose them forover the support, or even countenance, of their great lactor in the great problem of 1878. The duty of exposing the Irauds of tho past yours belongs to tha Demo cratic party, and If they allow any strategy, iersuttsioii, or influence, to deter t liein from an honest and rigid performance of tho great task, they will bavo created so great a burden to be carried during tboajiproaching cam- j paign tliul they win be almost sure to stumblo and full beneath Its weight. They have been regarded throughout tho country as tbo great reformert,and should they fail to make their title clear they must tatTer the consequen ces of their neglect or lack of judg ment. Tboy have Aung to tho breeze the banner of honest government and searching and effective reform, and they ninst keep it well before tbo eyes of the people if they would Inspire confidence and win rocriiils for tho grtat struggle of 1979. Theso wonts are spoken with no shadow of fear that tho Democracy will prove recreant to Its trust, or Idlo in its well doing, but rather to "prick the sides of Its Intent," and urge Its followers on in the good fight. Those of us who arc not In tho open field de sire to express our confidence in our soldiers, and at the tame time to warn them against the strategy and ambus- cades nf the common enemy. Let the work ol investigation go on, and "lot no guilty man escape." iVewt OHeam Bulletin. IT JMOHTJlii H'OBSK. . Tho New York .Sun, in alluding to business in that city says : "It only requires a walk up Broadway to see that that thoroughfare has suffered seriously in the last few years as a seal of business. Vacant stores and whole buildings unlet may bo seen in almost overy block from Canal to Fourteenth streot. The owners of Broadway prop erty, except in a lew exceptionally eligible places, find that they must either accept greatly reduced rents for their buildings or let them gnuurenlutl They will soon find, if they bttvo not already found, that with the reduction in other values, with the decline in the capacity of money to make interest, tho returns from real estute Invest- mollis) must sympathize. When the purchaser ''of good Government and railway bonds mnst content himself with un interest of four per cent., the landlord cunnot expect a of old to ob tain ton per cent. Tho tenants of stores, themselves making a vastly re duced percentage, of pnlt on their soles, cannot longer afford to pay the heavy rents which seomod a compara tively light burden when tho profits wore so much greater. The only way to make any money now it lor the merchant to keep hit runningexpenses nt lljty lowest possible figure. "The bulk ol the business of tho city is every year increasing. Tho trouble is that the prices which can bo obtained for men band iso are S'i near their eost ,thul tho percentage of gain to the tel. Icr Is An exceedingly small fraction. Tbia requires of him the gruuteat . pro. donee, the strictest scrutiny of credit, the closest economy of management. It is a healthy tign for the business of the country that this lesson is now so thoroughly learned, and it precept so generally practised. Though profits may be much,rcduced, yet tho risk run Are inwtl, and b , sinews is conducted on bealiHy.eV.rinciplet. i' ,) . "There Is nofnirtg to. causri alarm, though tbare may be much to praakj tlissatlsraciion In our presfnt JrJi eoadilion.". ' .i,, Tb great trading Arm of Marm, Marwh aud Evans, (limited), lvaa Uasa dissolved. ' ' . . - SPA IX ' Jon Carlist Is "over the border," and another Carlist revolution bat failed in Spain. This lust outbreak was inau gurated by the Cure of fianta Crug on tbo 1st' day of Docembor, 1872. He bad thirty seven men under his com mand, and with those he attacked a railroad train. Immediately after this affair Don Carlo entered Spain from France, where he bad been biding, and was Aillowed by (Jonrrult Miarraga, Elio and Valdospina. Theso soldiers disciplined tbo peasants and put them into military shape, but Don Carlos did not take lorrnul command of bis adherent until the summer of 1873. Since that timo hi fortunes have as sumed various shapes. t At one time be swept a largo portion of the north ot Spain, and menaced tome of the strongholds of tbo Government troops. Ills offensive movements Wore gener ally failure. When on the defensive he was more sueeessful. But tbo great er number of tho royal troops nt last enabled them to Dank bis strategic positions, nnd eaptnre or retreat wero tho alternatives, . Don Carlos uliose tho latter, antl Is now in thu bands of the French autkoritin. lie will hard ly be allowed lo roluin a residence to near the borders of flpairr. King Al fonso will not agree to ttvoli a disposi tlon of bis rival for tho throne. All tho rooent revolutions in Spain havo boon put in motion from France. (Icn ernl I'riin lived in l'aris in 1868, when he planned the uprising that drnvo Queen Isahellafrom thronoandconntry. Don Cm hi held meetings near the frontiers previous to the insurrection of 1872. These fact will not bo over looked by the ministers of K lug Alfonso when tho on est ion nf Don t.'arkm re maining in Franco it under fonsiiferu- tlon. Ho" may retire to England--nj take up Ins abode in iSwitaeriantl. (iermany, France and Italy wtll' RrfH closed aguinst him for lear of introduc ing fresh complications into Kurope at this timo, when all eves are.tlereettid to a solution of the Kudtorn question. But King Alfonso need not oxpeot, per fect pcueo In bis kingdom while 'Dftfi Carlo lives. He come from a race of agitators. For years this branch of tho Bourbon family bavo kept Spain in hot water, Don Fernando and Don Juan raised a disturbance In 1800, and in order to retain their heads on their shoulders signed an abdication of their pretensions. In 1863 the fulhor of Don Curios, uoii compulsion, luid down his claims to tho throne at the feet of Isabella. But all these uets did not prevent Don Carlos from startine a rebellion to seixe the throne, nog grill hia recent failure quonch tho fire of agitation that glows in his bosom wheu ho contomplate the advantages that would flow from his inhabiting' the royal paluce at Madrid. Driving Don Carlos into France, or even to England or Switzerland, tloes net settle Alton permanently on tho throne of Spain. FhiUrdrlphit Times. FISH LEGISLATION. In behalf of tho Pennsylvania Stnto Association lor tbo protection of game and fish, tho following preamble arid resolution have been-presented to the Legislature. . They are now in the hands of the proper eornmitU'C." ', ' Whebras, The State of Pea'usyl. vania bus, from yoar to year, appro priated large sums of money for tho propagation of shad, salmon, and other fish in the waters ol the Delaware and Susquehanna rivers and their tribu taries. ' And ithernu, Laws have boon enacted to prevent fishing in the waters of sard rivers and their tributaries lying with in the SlauycXeep,ing by such means and at saeh times as are thereia desig nated , Ibal said laws aro not general, but local In" their character, and con tain different provisions for different streams, rendering tho system compli cated and difficult of enforcement. iiinf irAfrrvM, Tho Sqsquehanna rfver lie partly in the jurisdiction of the State of Maryland, in which there are no law to prevent fishing, by any meant, at any season of the year, and a a consequence tho most wasteful and destructive methods of fishing tbat man ho ever devised are employed, In season and out of season, in the waters oi saw nvor wituin mo state oi aiury.j land, to the destruction of million of I young shad, salmon and other fishes overy year;, that tho citixens of Penn sylvania are hy law forbidden to fish in the waters of said river excepting in certain designated seasons and by certain means, while the ciliieris of Maryland are at liberty to destroy by myriad tb fish which oar Common wealth hat appropriated largo amounts of money to propagate and preservo for the ll so ol its citizens; therefore. Jtevdeetl, That tho Legislature of: Pennsylvania be requested to confer with tho Legislature of Maryland, rela tive to the fuels set I'ttrlli in the above preamble, and to umlcuvur to seciiri' the passage ot sneh laws in llio lntU-rJM Stale as will otiiitrihuto to thu prupugu tion of tho fish inhabiting tho waters of the Susquehanna river.- - , Httolved, That the Govoniorof Penn sylvania be nqncstrd to roofer- with thu Coventor of Maryland in rvferenco to the above mentioned Htcts, and to ask him to reeemmr-rnl to the Legisla ture of Maryland, to pass such laws relating to the subject it will harmo nize with thu Legislature of Pennsyl vania on this subject. Retolved, . That the Pennsylvania State assoclnlinn fbr the protection ofj gam Ash will endeavor to laws In relation to game and fish, and will xpeet all proper aid from the government in this behalf,' I , , NOTASA STATE - ' tlon. Davis, of tba Doyluslown im ocrwf, -whit Maided for five jmm in New iloieuu, (liu allude .to tb dmiauion, brtiiat Territory InM the t'plon at a fitata, 1 Uo sayst-M e.f-,1. w. ..- - . : lit.c!Wlyo Mexico, hungry acnlaea) wboMwfcirly athlrst lof senatorial boner fLce' again apply In to Otmirrews to"flThlt their' haihv wick a a Slate Into th Uaratai Tbit it hot their first, application, btit how they com In besteohlng atiitade they hdpo cannot b relisted. ' We pity the mlstorttrnes of -these gn tie men, but cannot help feeling tbatCoa- gri ;MilJf"reb their prayer. ' New skooaoae-riry has a ektlni of ad. munioft .ikl kt., but she la not fit loravpra hoajors. A hrttlt alrMtrjiafl, rafi W"ttan4hr MtaieMhtpAwd a.J entv Bvt Dot-cent.. of thpm can ntritWlvonr Mimnvr. "i-w b - read nor write. ' The country la ox-J tensive, ana tne inuafitunts acuttoreu over It in srarse settlements. Taking out the Americans, aay from throe to Ave thousand a large estimate, and tho few educated Mexicans, and the remainder of the population is com posed of the late peonea, or sorls, who arc worn Ignorant and degraded than tbo Southern negroes. Flint country bus, bo groat middle class on which our institutions must rest to be sac oessful, there being but two classed lu reality tha rich and tho poor. The great body of the Mexican people aro landless, and live ou the great estate they wore attuchod to before peonage wad" broken up. The greater part of the land thut does not belong to the United Stales, I held in Immense tract by Mexicans or Americans, The peo ple of Now Mexico aro very much averse lo taxation, und we do not be lieve enough money could be rsaaed to upport a Statu Government. " The Mexican portion of the popjilatlod ha never enjoyed such good goveraoaeajM na under tho Territorial system, and any change would make theircondition worse. Their government really costs them nothing, and if they pay anything toward th support of public schools, It la' very little and tbat drawn from them with difficulty. It would not be a very flattering commentary on our system of government to allow New Mexico to have the same weight in tho Senate as Now York or Penn sylvania. If there wero no office for hungry aspirants, dependent on ber admission, Ahero would bo iour.d but few toJhtlrocato it.'.', lMPKItTIXF.y('F.. One J. G. llcslu, a member of the 'JToung Men' Christian Association of Washington City, baa addressed a let or ter to Dana, in which, after apologia, tug for addriMsing him without tho plea re of a personal acquaintance, be says 'that bo "sends bim through the mails a copy of God's Word." His ob ject, be continues, is to win the wicked editor's "soul to Christ, and to return good for evil." The letter conclude time: Ploaoe read tbo Word of God prayerfully, BBd He will remove tbat aoeltos and rtadlottri from oot yoar heart, which, If permitted to re mail, will drag yoa dewa la eternal perdition. I ball olee ead for yoar oMoamgemut a postal ear otaiif earn pesaer; l scripture enoa day for three bundred and aiity-8ve dyf, Bflleae your koort is sooaer ebaafed. With tb reqaaet that yna do in. tba boaor to aokaowledgo the ro- selpt of this, I resseia years truly, . J. O. II ansa. Commenting on this epistle, the wicked editor remarks that Hester I probably the most impudent scoundrel in th country ; that in the time of tho war be served with Serame on the privateer Sumter; tbat. while thus in service bo shot and killed a follow officer while asleep on board tbo vessel; that after the war be carried on a grand real estate gilt enterprise, by which ho swindled tbo people; that he became a Ku Klux detective tinder Gov. Holden in that capacity sending many guilt less person to prison, that in these various pursuits he bad mauaged to amass a considerable amount of black mail money, and that he was now dvoting his time, for lack of other employment, to making long prayers in the synagogue, giving away Bible, and writing greasy letter with bum bug piety. Pretty severe, -bat, under the circumstances, not altogether inex cusable. Pittsburgh Reader. CX.XTEXA'IAL Jl. Tt. PARE. Tko special committee appointed by the General Ticket Agent' Associa tion of the ynitod States to arrange and recommend a aobodtile of Centen nial paasengor rate, recently held meeting at Philadelphia and will re port to the Association at it special meeting to bo bold at Ixmiavillr, lien tucky, Fehanary Bin. Ten out of the thirteen members of. the committee were present and Western roads were well represented. It was decided to recommend a reduction ol 25 percent, on present rate for the round trip from all points ol the country east Omaha to Philadelphia or New York. Tiekets will be sold from May 10 l October 31. They will be good for thirty days only from point east of Omaha, and probably tho timo will be shortened from points within a day- ride of New York and Philadelphia ,t m ntonn by the Committee that round ticket from the West be made good, eastward, over on routo, aud woetward over another mute.'" The four trunk line Will erect an Americau tourist tiekut ofllco on the Centennial grounds, to be operated by the oompunic in concert. . Tho plan of the building will probably be a model American railway station. Ii is understood that trains will bo run beJweenNew York altd Philadelphia every twenty minutes during ten hours of thu day, and ample night trains will also lie tarnished. '-dftermii Sim. 1,1 HURT v anu Charity. The render will doubtless hesitate to believe it. but (.lunu 0lsiervtr will avuon tlirvtmer that, fetter uriuios are Commit laM in tbo name of liberty than there are frauds committed in the name of charity. lt I porbap uot well to bamen our hearts by cultivating too much the sceptical tide but it 1 a laot tbat hun dreds, perhaps thousands of mock phi laiilhropista in difTorent part ol tb country art dressing richly and faring sumptuously on what they are able to collect for the poor. During bard time, especially, the very destitutioa ot the needy is used by expert wind ier to indue subscription of largo sums of money, which are diverted from their intended end to supply the collector with luxurie or a "sinking fund. Of course some charitable in stitutions aro quite above suspicion, but the public ought to demand, as a condition precedent of any cid what ever, the f'reqient and regular publica tion of receipt and disbursements, and a 'ptatcmont of the condition of the charily, lu addition to this logialatore oaght to demand the right of all super- vision and direction of all institution which htsj aid, aa, Indoed, it Is proba bly not eonatitsvional for any State to appropriate- tb publio aieoey to peo ple who are not responsible for the manner of it diaborsement, and who cannot be called to account for fraud. Flrarihand Ilnmr r r-. Or Mr. Frederick Lauer, of B44(b.! hat ISO.OOO worth of lager beer ljtitjrsf. lo- tie v ha-dw aaxt liv-i-a tisvw. yVkifahtot 8- I ' ii , i-III HARTS WICK" IRWIJI . ' tBCoN BTREKT, CLEARFIELD, M..,",' DEALERI JN . . .'-.I- PURE DRUGS! kti.- ) tv bt- OUEMICALSI PAINTS, OlloS, DYE STUFF 1, h. i' . 1 UM.!,.e J' i .i . TARHI)MEB, 'to eeuooleMi lee iliv. V,oreofh .41 ..i,w-ii .,... Si,. 1 I e ru ,.-1, 4. id" I" r-t- !- -I I -Mt'l TOILET AKTICLFS, ;; ' Of ALL KI!DB, " ' ' " PVBE MXSB AND LIQU0B8, ler mrdt'lBal purpteee. Truseee Hnpporten, Aehuol Boke end Statloa. ary, an an otaor artlolet aaaally . , feaad ia a Drag 8 to re. PIIYBIRIANS' PRF.MCRIPTMNB CARE FULLY COMPOUNDED. Hanag a large es Borieaoo lo the builnoaa tbey oaa f it-e eatir sat Isfaatloa. J. O. BAKTSWrcK. JOIIN F. IKWIN. Clearteld, December it, IS74. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (8uooadr t BarBto Ti)g,) FOUNDERS k MACHINISTS ,'. . Xeaufecterert ef i0ETABLE 4 STATIONARY a . STEAM ENGINES Corner of Poarth aad tim Btroaft, CLEARK1F.LD, PA. fT A VINO oaf aged ia tho maaalaclure of IrN- aa. elass MACHINERY, wb rospootfally lafofia ka publio that wa aro aow proper to III all order! at cheaply aad u promptly as oaa ba doe ia aay af tka cities, ws manufacture aad deal la Malay and Circular Saw-MilLj Bloekt, Water Wheel., Bhafiing Pulley Giford's Intorlor, Bloom Oeugas, Steam Wklatiee, Oilers, Tallow Cup., Oil Cupt, Gauge Cocks, Air Cocks, Globe Valves, CheekrVelrM, orronght iron rtpot, S.aaui Purnpa, Boiler Food Po:pt, Aatl Prirtfon Metres, Soap Btoae Packing, Abib Peck- ag, aad all kind, of MILL WORE,' mgether wilk Plowa, Bled Solos, J I , , COOKAXD PARLOR STOVES, ud other CASTrXOS of D klads. ' 1 1 -Ordors solloitod u4 tiled at etty psiost AU wttors ot" oa.eiry wllk rereloaua la aaaokti af aar usfaotan promptly aniwcrcd, by addreo- lag or at Cleerl.ld, Pa. Jaal'74-tf UIGLKK, YOUNU A RbCD. The Bell's Bon Woolen Factory, Peaa lowaakip, Chjarleld Co, Pa. R II a at K 18 41 ft T I : ...... 1 aar aar , BURNED UPI ThatalMriUrtialar mM aiptrBM, rabniH Da.)htnrbMkd aa9aiil, im tka arall al a irtaV- aUaaWoolaa MaBafaaUrf, critb all tb mo4n iBpravasMti attlrf4, an4 art a rvparaal to naka all kladl af Clrthp, CawiMraa, HatlaaUa, Hraa. kata, FlaBaala, tie. Ptaatv af gaetlt oa km4 to apply all aareM aaal a tboaaaiitj w gait aaa art, wDoai wa mwm ta ooata aaa aiantna atir aaaR. Tba htjainN of "- - CARDIN'Q AX D FtLl.T?ld!- wUI raealra ovr aaaolal ajunttoa rtpr aiTftl.gaBaat will ba Bta to tmiw aai ielivar w oji, uj aau aaatvaavrs. an wora warramoa ana tva apoa tb ahortaat natlaa. aal by atriat attoa. tioa to buaioap w hopa to raadUia libaral akan r pa bite patroaaic. I0.04JO POUNDS WOOL WANTKU! W will pay tb b.fbat lurkat prio for M'oo an4 aril oar vaanfacliirtbti f woda aa tow at titaUavr food oaa a bougbt ta th ooanty, and wbanaraT wo rati to roaaor rtaaoaati aatlaraotlon wo u alwayt ba fitaad &4 bOM raady ta a.abo propof ipianaiiomtftUDor ia parton or ay lot tor. JAMK8 J0I1NHON A SONft, aprilMtf Bowar P. 0. rJ,ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, UAJNUIMU VASKS, , Stove Lining and .Fire Brick, kept cwnrtutly e hand. 8T0SE AD EAITIIE1 WAKE Of EVERY DESCRIPTION if' - , peocKs: poTs:Tcno'cRs trUhor'a Patml Alrtltrtit Kir o ahaaUag rraii a. ana i Bt'TTKR CROCKS, wllk lldr. CREAM CROCKS, Mil s' CROCK", APPLE-NI'TTBH CNOUKa.1 .. . PICkLE CHOL'kti. . , ... . . , flower potb, , .rtifiiiaw. STKW rnTS. Aad ( greet am, otaor tbler too troarWoajI'tp -., ... asaauoa, la Be aoa as tow . FRED'K. LEITZINtiER'S ' STONE - WARE POTTERY, Ooraor ol Cherry and Third Street e '" GLBARrlKLD, JA. -o.fl MARBLE AD-ST0E YARD! , Mai. 8. 8. MDDELL,' Harlng aerafed la tha Marble hailaetl, leslrat ba Inform bar frieadl aad tko publls that atja ka. aow tad will keep coarhaatly oa kaad a lor ay and well sakrsted Monk af ITALIAN AND VMUIONT MARBLE, ud la prepared ta Paraitk to erdof ' TOMnSTOKSJB, BOX AND CRADLE TOMRa,. h MONfMEStTB, Curb aad Poou for Cemetary Lots, Wladow Bills bb4 Caps, alsa, BUREAU, TABLE AND WASH STAND TOPS, Ac, Ae. SatvYard aa Reed street, gear Iks R, X. Depot, CloarloM, Pa. a j.,ti Clearfield Nursery. - ENCOURAGE IIOJB INDUSTHY, qpilB andorHrwed, baring oatabllakod a Rarv a eery H lao l ike, aboat bolt way batmoel Clearteld ud Carweaarille, Is praps rod to far aiah all bladt ar rRUIT TREKS, (.taadard aad owan,, arrrgrooaa, aorBBnory, Urapo Vino. teoo..arry, Lawtoa BloekberrT. Btrawaeere ud rahapWry Viae. Also, Blhorlta Crab Tree., 1 i. """7 aemnoa rtaaaara, So. orders paeaaaev ssteoaoo la. AO rose, . D. WRItinT. I ' f.TT Caroaai) Ula, pa. LLIAU it. HKKHV Jrirrron. ''ara Patr aoa SVwrraaia, LUMBER V ly AHallBB of ar lzT: tf sets aaatij tlrruled ud warrutod o A ii ;i n UTO rib,) I'l.liAMI'lia.lf, PA. The ' eubeer ibor bartag become proprietor of tbia hotel, would roapeetfiilly ak a liberal ahar of pablw palroaags. Prices rsdoeed lu salt tha limes. jBB.H-'YSttr. O. L. LEIPOLUT. S" iJSiUlANNA" u6usR,,,''" ' CURWBNBVILLR, PA. - MKWtOK READ, Paorsteioo. " Hariag become proprietor of Ibis Uot!, I would re.peetfully solicit Ibe patronage of In publio. lieee leaaaatly aad owBernl.uUy ait-anai-d a rl, rettlod ead rorurul.bed ) g od oaos ple room aUabed, All railroad trains atop at Ul. boaas. j.ojo fi SUAW HOUSE, (Cor. of Market A Pronl rlreel.,1 CLEARFIELD, 1'A. Tbo aadenlfned hariag tekew obargo of tbls Hotel, woald reapoetlolly oulleit t.uldie petronof e Joan . D. R. iULWBTON. WASHINGTON HOUSE, SiV WASIII.NOIOX, PA. Tbla new ao wall (orniahod boure baa BOOB lakeB by tha aoderaif Bod. He foeli eonftdeot of being able lo reader saiufaclion to those who aaa foror bird wilh call. J May t, 1171. O. W. DA VIP , Prop',. jjnTiiu Htiuti:, the Court flona.. LOCE IIAVKS, PE.ER A. JI4'7I 11AUSEAL A KR0M, Prop s. J OYD HOUSE, J II. la Sl.l A 1 PHILIl'BBURG, PEK.H'A. Tablf always sunnlled witb tl,e b..t ),. .,..1 afords. Tbstrarsliat public I. In.ltad ioc.ll. sorl71. ROllKKT l.OYD. , CeraorafRMoBdud Market Streets, CLEAMf 1LD. PA. THIS eld ud tommodloat Hotel hot. dorlat th past year, boea aalargad u doable lu former asperity ror tho ulorulsmsat of etru gars aad aa.u. Tba wbele handler Bee rofaraisksd, ud Ik proprietor will spar aa peine a reaaer BIS gue.le Mmlertehla wbtle sUyiag with him. etr-Tka 'Musloa Hoaso" Cmalbat mat to ud from tha Depot oa lbs arrteal aad dvpartars afoaebtrala. JOIIN DOUGHERTY. aprd-tl If Proprietor Mantis. Joaa Fartoa, Tro.. J. P. flAan, Ca.biar Ciirwenriville Hank. Authorised Capital M ..10fl 000 Paid op Capital giO.OUO (stonans riasr batiosal sasx.) JOHN PATTON. Vr. O. A. FRTXHR. AARON W. PATCMN. oo. J. '. oT. STOCKHOLDERS, INbtVIbl'ALLY LIABLE Da a gonalns banking lutiaeu. Accounts selleitsd. Curosairlllc, Ps., Jan 10, IS74 801. P. K. ABSOLB. 0. W. AKSUbD. J. . ABSOt P. K. ARNOLD & CO., Ranker and ItrokrcN, eyaoldnllle, feirereo Co., p. MoBey reecirod on deposit. Dircounta srtnin dereto ratca. Kartarn and Foroifa Eichonffs al. ways on bead ud collection, promptly, made. Reynoldarllle, Pes 10, 1811-ly County National Bank, ar CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM la Masoal BaiidiaguVor aorlk al 0. D. Watsoa's Drag Blora. . i . , Pasiage Tiokcts to sad from Liverpool, Qiuwnr lowa, Ulaigow, Londoa, Paris and Copenhagen. Also, Drsfts for tals on the Roral Bank of Ireland ud Imperial Bank of London. JAM KB t. LEONARD, Pras't. W. M, SHAW, Corkier. o,:.j4 MEXEiCOM 7 Moa,a Sratb Tblr atreet, PhUa lelpbla And Dealers in Government Securities. Applleatioa hy mail wtu rooaie prompt alien tloa, ud all Infonaatien ebeerlolly furnirbed Orders solletrd. April II-IL JrntistrH. STEWAET & BLACKBCHN, DENTISTS, Carnenarille, Clearfield Canity, Pi tin's (OBee I Ottos' New Oaildiag. ) iiio,)aa ia, urt-iy. JJENTISTBY larlag dotormlaad U lossts iaCarwnrrilW Bar tha purpoee af penuii, my protestioa, horoby offer my service, to the public. I hers jual talihoAa term of deatol iattractioBt aadex the beet trackers af the PeuB.ylraBia Cellefs af DenUI Surfer, in Philadelphia, Bad am aow r in-pared lu eterulo all work partaiBiag to di-ot. try la Ibe beat manBer. with tbo Istr.t improre aeenta. All work gaaiaaNsd to giro satire eel. iafaotioa as to qasltty ud daratio. Teeth 01. traded without para. Rosea la aow Book bo, la. lag. Forfortber iaiormoiioB apply ia poraoa or address R. M. THOMPSON, " Carweatrllrc, Ps. ATM, HILLS ould rarportrally aoliry hi. i.atlrtitt Ihst he has reduced the nrloo nr AHTI. PIC1AL TEETH toUl oo m - tlM (or 7 denote set. For uy Iwo poreoai ooming al the same lima, as bare sock aa apprr art, will g-t the Iwo sets for t.18.00, or tlt.if oacb. Terms inrariably Csas. " "' CU.r8.ld, Jaly I, 1874. GEORGE E. ROBACKER, WBOLBSSLB PBALBB IS "WINES AND LIQUOPvS, Clearfield, pa. My plana af bustaess Is 0 Merket street, di rectly opposite tko Court Boots, where I Amirs to keep a full seech of PUKE LIQUORa, aad will werraBt them ta be rorh to my onitomeri. Ulrajaeaoall. j.lj Jt -ffn. WHOAllinrQnOE STORE." A t the oad of tbo Bew bri dgc, WEST CLEARFIELD, PA. Tt.e proprietor of thla will k. hi. lio.nera direct from ohtatiltora. Parties barlnf fn.m this hoaas will b .ore to get a pare ankle at a small marf ia abore oot. Hotel keeper caa be faraiibrd olth llqaors ob rra.nnal,ls Icrraa, Pars wines snd brandies direct from Seekvis Vlnsry, at Bath, Mew York. DEORllR N. COLBURX. Clearlrld, Jobs IS, 1174 If. HUEY & CHRIST, 1 SOLE PROPBIETORS OF THa CELEBRATED 4)lft. dura -.0- STtEVCK'S tin. TONIC HERB BITTERS. StXD rOK PR1CB LIST. HITEY A 11 It 1ST. , ' , ,1 atreef, " PHILADELPHIA. March 14, is) h. 1 ' READING FOR ALlTi BOOKS A- STATrOXERY. Market at,, Clearweld, (al tba Post liars.) THE eaderelfoed keg Uero 8 naaouare ta aha eitiaewc of ClearteHl and etcralty, that b. kas Iliad ap a room Bd ku j.l rotareel from Ike ally with a largo amnaul of roidiaf matter, oo.lsliBg ra part of Bible and Miaoellaneoni Books,, Aseaaat aae) Pass Books or seen atrlplio 1 ran ud Earslspos, Freaok prersed and plain 1 I'snt aad F radii 1 Blank Lftl Paper., Heeds, Mortfageaj, Xi.ia,' tbia and rromlsarr aoteei White and Parrl man Brt-I, Ugal Cap, Record Co. sod Bill fT Shoot Ma. in, lor either Pleoo. Flela or Vi.!it. coaitaBtly oa head. Aay Books er etotloa") de.ired thai I may aot kara oa will he ordrroi by tret Cipro... aad sold at wkolroale or rets ta salt raMnmsrs. I wtll .ten keen noriodKal lll.ralare, task as Magaslasa, Now.pat.rr. 4e. r. A. uai bin. Clrsrleld, May 7, I Ml IT VALUAULK miPKli TY . FOR (ALB OR FOR RKSt Tko iBbacrlbsr Betleo tb.t ks will titbrr real or sell his dwslllng sad .tore propenr. rli aato Beai erroot, adjotslsf tba Looaard lloeo la Ibe borough of Clearleld, Pa. The alert roe tt 18 X SI (aot. Tbo dwolhag koass oealoiat J rooms and a bltcbea u Iks Iret tlory, tad t oo taw taiead story. Th soars rsow oss k ka al eaoa, ami Ik dwelling porllaa oa aa aflr, Ik l.lof Jaly. For farvksr tor l-rokra, add root or apply ta Ik aaderstgsad tt Un preeateoe. ' dao. O. PAbVUdlnA 5w. tj rae. oo eeawgo. S)yTI (Lrtooi, Pw., H, 74-tf