gardtvirr, A liawtrt. 8AC1ETT & KHOTI1. UUM M HABDWARE, aad awaafhotamra of TIn.Copper Sheet Iron Ware, Beaond Street, Harlag largely taoreai. ' ltok or Mar rare, w. I.TtU it public la uamluo 111 tooh vara, wo Invito hi pro... , , , . ,. . aad pwB, who oo. template build lag will do mil to ! our TOOLS BUTLDIMO HABDWAB.15, which U m aad of tb. boot taaaafaolara, ud wiU koHld to for a.b. NAILS, . GLASS, . POTTT, GLUE, LOCKS, .LATCHES, HINGES, SCREWS All Had. of Beook, Sawi, CklMli, 8o,urM, Hun mm, Hatobeli, numb, aa. IjOtou, liortlHd Thumb Ouago., Hree, Braooi A Blltt, Wood ud Inn Bench Bore.., and tat bolt Boring Maobln. la Ibo market. Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET COTLBRT, Aa. ' Agenti for SuriuWt Iron Corn Shelter, wamatoo. ' AIm, agent, for Richard,' GOTHIC VhVB TOP, wblok .factually euro Smokj Finn. Farmer.' ImpliBontj ud Oardia Tooli of aTary aeienpuoB. . A largo rarlily of ' COOK STOVES, which w warrant to girt ntiifaetioa. Portable Ranret and furnace. Roofing, Bpootlng aad Job Work doae on reaaoaaoi larua aii ornert win rooti proupi atlentico. Jam 11, 1871. POWELL & MORGAN, hum tn II Alt 1 IV A RE, Abo, Muafaatarariof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLRABf IBLD, TA. ARMING IMPLEMENTS of all kiadf for lalo b POWKLL A MORGAN. T AILROAD WHEELBARROWS for aalo by POWELL A MORGAN. fllL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Nalli, olo., for aalo bj POWBLL A MORGAN. H ARNESS TRIMMINGS A SHOE finding,, for lalo b)r POWKLL A N0KI1AN. QDNS, PISTOLS 8WORD CANES Tor talo by POWILL A MORGAN. gTOVES, OF ALL SOKTS AND ii.i, for Ml, kj t POWELL A MORGAN. rRONI IRON I IRON1 IRON! L I tn laJi by , POWKLL A H0R0AN. TTORSB SHOES & HORSE SHOE RAILS, for la), bj POWELL A MORGAN. pULLET BLOCKS, ALL' SIZES And but Muafaotaro, far aal hj POWKLL A MORGAN. 'HIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, for lalo b POWELL A MORSAN. G. S. F LEGAL, Ironsides Store, ' PHILLIPBBURO, PA. DEALKtt Ilf HARDWARE, STOVES, BEATERS, RANG ES, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. AIB HiHVrjtCTVRKIl OF TIN, BREST-IRON AND OOPPERWARB. PratqaUla Stnot, Pblllipiborg, Cam Oo, Pa. M.Mar 117a. Taoa. n. nsBMT. eram mimr WE3T BRANCH INSURANCE AGENCY PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Clearfield, Pa. BRANCH OFFICKB la difftmt paru of the Ceaatjr, The followlog Old aad Reliable Pira, AotHdeat 8 took and Life Iaaaranoo Compafalea repreteatadf IiUb. AatoU. 1809 North British A Mereaatllo Pin Ina. Co., of England $5fi,W,000 1808 Sotttish Conmaroial fire Ina. Co of BngUnd fgolrj) 10,900t8Oe 1794 North Amerlea Ptra Inaaraaoa Co.. of Pbiladalphia- 4,708,800 1 1820 Firo Aatoetatloa Firt Iaaaraaee 1 Co., of Philadelphia I.IAA.AOO 1881 Phtanix Fira laa. Co., N. Y.. 3,300,000 1867 Watartowa Fira Ina, Co.,ofN. iasarea ferta baildinga only 708,608 1871 Aaitoa Fire In annate Co., of Ciaolanall m ,..m .,w 1.006,6m 1868 York Slock taauranea Co., of Peaaa Iaiaraboraea. Ae.... 7l,00t 1874 Hurt ford Aooldevt Inaaraaoa Co' of Coaneetteat 168,606 1847 Poaa Matoal Lire lasuraneo Coo.of PeaasTWea.e 6,080,0w0 1866 MotMpoliua Life lasaraeof Co of New York HH 1106,0n Total opital 67,096,0O Peeona ia tbe eoaotry dwairtag tntaraaee, oao bftvo It pmoiptl Miooded la bjr tlllag at tb ofto or d tracing ua b letiir. faaraeoa of fnaited at the luw tt poMlhl rale, to bo obutawt tn Hr-t ennpfiibp. Ve Oumhtni rtprt Tn, ,. iu hie luera t!o.'t, repreontMl T H aff4, ne pid a tB eb, bnwett' t- f 'at; lT nd Aug 1 87 4, to th 1 1 l V Ib-voir 1 ,M,ar hnltt-n M tba aoaa'y. t . m it m ' t . ! if- lit I of 'a; your hmt ' V I in -ht - t.t.h IlinMB"' t -n A HHaV 'HiKU tN, ,lt.r . -t M I ",, t.nU JFO iO 4t THOMPSON, .VffiVU INHVHANCt AUSSTS, t'l arrt.ld. Pr.iii, tho tfBn g Vit-. lairBio niry : ri' H4l6,060,n80 K'il n-.n'iin. 6,', Nt-w V-itk t,7f4,fn Ujrrtointn, Munny, l' A.aHv.dai rrniiiin, rhiimi .,.... 8.8oa,8Ji Phionil, IfartfuH .... ,Ht7,Ui tlanovur, Ne Vutk , I,426,9i& Home. i)l , 0. M ..,... tlS.Xeg AtUa, llartft rd M6.64! lrovldenee, Weahtngtea 616,060 Parsons atioat effretiag aa lasaraDOo ea prop, art ! an kind, ahould oeM et or 08)00. ea Mrket otreet, eppoaite the Ooirt Hoaat, and aee ar un at eompaaiea aon rates aorere intartag x JOHN H. FDLFORD, T. W. TH0MPH61I. Cleariwld, Pa Oot, 17, Tb-ly J. R. M'MURRAT WILL SUPrLT YOU WITH ANT ARTICLE OP MERCHANDISE AT THE VERY LOWEST FR1VR. COMM-ARD SEE. (l:tiTI,i) NEW . WASHINGTON. til. tOrt r Da. at Kaao. Torojo froo ayv mv Addmo O. I Addroaa O. Snaua A Oa porv lud, Malaa. jur.lo J r 5ool, (RtntttUt, tt. HA RD TIME8 HAVI NO IfKFKCT Ill FRENCH VILLE I I aa aware that Ikon ara bom. nereon. a llltla bard to plea.., ud I am alM aware that la of "kard tluu" li wall algb oai'mal. Bui aai ao lUaalod o. that Ioaa latufy tbi (.rmar and prof, tbol "bard tlatoo" ill nut afoot tboM who buy their good, frooa mo. ud all my patroai iball bo Initiated Into tb e- orot I HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES ! .- a "I . T bars .roods tnoit h tn mpi.Iy oil tb Inhabl lAMtj in tlM lower otti of the eeaaty wbiob I awll at ei needing law ratal from my a. ana .not h afore t MULDONlMTRtt, whra I nan always bo fonad ready to wait apos fallen end taaply thm witb Dry Goods of all finds, Sank M Clothi, fietlnattt, Caetlmerea, afoalUa, DIaina, Linen, imuiega, uauaoea, TriemiRffe, Ribbona. Leoe, Reedy-ned Clothlhf , Bootf and Shoea, HU aad Caps all of tb beat Material and aaada taordaaw Hoe, Sooki, Jlor, Mitten, iaoaa, Klbbona, o. OROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Cot; Toa, 8aa;ar, Rica, Molaaaot, Flab, Salt fork, IdBfotd Oil, iib U1I, Carbon OU. Bardwaro. Qaoauavarai, Tin war, Cartlnga, Plows usd Plow VmMimfh naiii. DpiiM, vera vaiura ftora.0.dar rToaaa,anti an Ktaaa 01 Aiaa. Parfaatrj. Palnta, Varalib. Glaaa, aad a goaarat aaaoruaaat el oiauontry. GOOD FLOUR, Of diffaroat brands, alwaya on hand, and will bo aoi a taa lewoat poaaibie Bfurta. . H. MeClala'i Medielaaa, Jajno'a Madielnas floatation aad Uooflaoda iftturt. 6091 bounds of Wool wanted for whlob tba ntgnaat atioa will 00 paid. uioToraooa on nana and for aalo at tba toweri awkot priea. Also. Afcmt for StrattoOTlIU and CarwoDBTlllo TBraamag Haebinoa. Call and aoo for Tonrtelroa. Toa will lad OToryihlng aauallj kopt la a rotail tore. L. M. COUDRIKT. FranchrilU p. 0., Anguat 11.1874. J. r. wiaraaH, ..W.W. BBTTI r- WEAVER Jfc BETTS CLEARFIELD, PA., Aro of .ring, at tbo old ilul of O. L. Rood A Co. tkoir .took of goodi, oonilitlng of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARS, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, fco., &o., At Iba Bait raaaonalilo ratoi for CASH or ia oxokugo for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OB COUNTRY PRODUCE. ffAdraaoof audo t. tkoaa ongagod la git tiag oat Maara tlmbor oa tbo Hoft adrutagwui km pdtljuTI RANTED. BY N. E. ARNOLD, CURWfiHlVILLE, PAH (Baacaaoor to) Arnold & Hartshorn. 1 00,000 Se-btcb aaT4 Bhlnf lea. JO.OOO ponndi tt Waal. PartiM baring long SbioglM or Wool (or oltk- or) will a. woll to oaf) oa no. Tko kigkoit aiar- kit prloo paid at all Uatoa. AIh, a fall aad Mmploto otook of DliY GOODS, HATS 3t CAPS, boots a ftiiora, GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, PROVISIONS, &c, which will be told at roaaoaabla orieea. or as- ebanged for ahiaglea or wool. n. v. AKnuLU. CorwensTllle, Ua; ft, 117ft. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND 0T COURSE Till CHEAPEST I A Proclamation against High Prices Wl are bow opening ap a lot of the boat aad saoit aoaaoaablo Goods aad Wares or or offared la this Biarkec, and at prteea that rearlad one of the good old daya of ahoap thiaga. Thooa wao laett faitB apoa iatt potnt, ordeeai oar a gatioai taperiaoaa, aoad bat CAtld AT OiR tTORK, Corner Front aad Market streeta, Where they aa aoo, feel, hear and know for then, selrea. To fully aaderatand what are ahoap roods thin aiaat bo doae. Wo do not deem It Beeeasary to enaBaorete aad ttomiaa oar atook. It la aaoagh for aa to state that We have Everything that ia Needed and eoosotaed la thla aaarkei, and at prioaa that tfuniin oot a aia anoTnng' dealt dIOSIPH BHAW A SON. JJA.NIKL GOODLANDER, LUTIIbRdBUBG, rA., : Dealer ia DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, HATS A CAPS aad BOOTS A SHOES, Tobaoo., Oroeoriw aad Flib, Nllll, llardwarr lluooniiraro u UlaMwaro, Mm I nd toft' Clutkiog, Drug., Palau, Oilrs Bobool Book., a largrtot of Pauat Modiolnoa, Cudlu, NoU A Orl Traill, Cbotn aad Crook ra, Kok ud kit. Powdor, Flour. Grain and Potaloei, Cloi-ir and Tlaoth; Kiod, -k Laalbor, Morooooa. Lining.. Biadlogi 111 fkrwl, rtbuowRkaro' Tonli and Kkoo Piodiagi. ! graot.r of goodl IB any lloro In tbi 'aBty. AH for alo .rr low for rarh or onoolr prodoo. at tb. Choop Coraor. M.J I, !). JbjBW rlTOItE AND NKW nool r JOS. SHAW 61 SON H jait opanad a Hiw Btoii, ob Ualo 8t..CLiitriii., fa UtlT Meupiad by Wbi, t. IE WIN. itock ooniklaof aVUlV d CD QQ IX) QaoctiiM of tba boot qnalltj, Qdeenevtare, Boots and Shoes, and ar.ry arUela aoaaarr for aa'i oomfort. CaU aad axamlaa aar atook bolora par eba.lml..whnr. Ma. MHM-tf JlmTlCBbV d COWTAHLBa VIM ... .,rv rf,,M "r b" " f IB BILL, ud will aa tko nootat af taut. traMta,BMUaoo.7 taaaoaadnaa. mjM THE REPUBLICAN. CLEARFIKLl), PA WIBHBSovAY BfORNINO, UAHCH I, 1876. SHALL TtWPOWXW'AIlD TWK UK TUltSED. Front tbo Ciaelaaati Coaaaiirolal, 32d alt. Inaopnrablr conneototl with all din- cuaniona of tbo quostiun of Ot fundi dates for tko noxt Proaiduncy, ia tlio quoation of tbo motuoui of administer ins tba Govorntnout, and a roforma tion In tko publio service. Undor tbo prosent administration there bat boon a stoady expunsion both of offlooa and of expenditure. Tbo promises of oivil sorvico reform, so vigoroualy mado in theory, have not one pf them been kept in practice. At tho very moment that President Grant rooomnicuded to Congress asyatemof oivil servieo rules which would give sitlinrdinnto oflicos to the most competent, he wna himnclt ovorriding tko rules and nppointing to higher offices from mora politicnl and personal reasons. It is un undeniablo fact that tho whole foroo and influoncoof the pres ont Administration huva been on the sido of the expansion theory of tiov emment, as against tho principle of oonnning the tunctions of Congreas and the Exocutivo within a safe prao- tical snhoro. Under tbe inHiionce of tho Administration tbe back-aalary grab of 1873 was passed, wbjch added fifty por ceub to tire pay of the mem bers of Congress, and a hundred per cent, to the salary of tko Pronidont Tbe formor disgraceful grab was swilU ly repealed, undor tho irresistiblo pres sure of the publio opinion of the coun try ; but tho latter being restrained by constitutional amendment, necessarily remains unrepealed until the expira tion of tho present tenure of ofliee of tbo President. We have scon tbo tendency towards expending the functions and the ex pense of tbe Government manifested in numerous directions. New bureaus have boon croatod which havonoprop or relation to tbo powers ol Congress, as clearly dofinod in the Constitution. Instead of cutting down the office and enforcing economy in all directions with the nataral decrease of the enor mously extended business of the de partments and bureaus which grow immediately out of tho war, we havo seen the whole Republican forces in and out ot Congress combined In the successful effort to hold on to every avenue that lod to political patronage, and every channel that communicated ith the publio crib. Tbe expenses of the Government, which it was prom ised in the last Presidential campaign in 1872 should bo largely reduced, have instead been steadily and largely in creased with the single exception, por- baps, of tho last fiscal year. For tbe fiscal ycarol 1872 they were $153,000,. 000, exclusivo of tho interest of tho public debt ; for the year 1873 they wore $180,000,000 ; for the yoar 1874 they rose to 1194,000,000, and for tho year 1875 tho amount is placed at 1172,000, 0Q0. This, too, at a time when univer sal economy and curtailment have boen the order of the day in all private business and publio corporations. That tho whole weight ot President Grant's personal influence is in favor of tho expansion of expenditure and the consequent burdona of taxation ia evidenced tn tho following facts: lie kas directly recommended in bis mes ago and passed personally upon tho atttention of Congress all those enor mous internal improvement enterprises which, if carried into effect, would add hundreds of millions to the National debt, and seriously embarrass the pub lio credit. 11 0 is in favor of tbe James River and Kanawha Canal job, the groat jolty system of Captain Eads, and that comprehensive plan for ex hausting the Treasury known as tho Mississippi Levee Improvement. lie has again and again recommended ex pensive schemes of enlarging the navy and swelling the army expenditure by additional appropriations. Ho urircd upon Congress the purchaso of all the telegraph lines of the country by tho Government, and the management of this purely personal and butinoss agency, which is used by comparatively a small part of t he population, by a corps of Federal offlcors, and at tbo ex pense ot the whole people Ho re commended Postmaster-General Cros- well's foolish schemo of Pont Office Savings Banks, by which the United Statos Government would havo gono into tbe banking business on an enor mous scalo, swelling aliko tbo powor and the temptations to fraud and em bezzlement of every Postmaslor in the land. ' While such have boon the course and the altitude of tbo President on domostic questions, bis foreign policy, so far as his own individual guidance of it is concerned, has been in tbe same direction of expanding Ike power ot government and increasing tho taxes of the peoplo. II is preposterous scheme for the purchaso of San Domingo ban al most faded from the minds of -our easy going and rapidly progressing pooplo. It would have boon, if carried out, the annexation of a foreign race of igno rant and uncultivated peoplo to the Republic at an expense of millions, and tho carrying on a kind of personal government on a foreign islund, tho military and naval expense of which would bavq entuiloj a perpetual drain upon the Treasury. Only liwt year lie sent, without tbo slightest authority of law, a personal envoy totlieSamoan Islands, armod witb United Stales cannon and other presents, to a savage King, and it is understood that his in fluence maintains Colonel Sleinborger there to-day, nominully Prima Minis ter, but virtually sovoreign, over a tribe of half-naked savages. Ilia well- known desire to extend tbe glory of his administration by interference in the affairs of Cuba, so long curbed by the prudence and wisdom of his Rocre- tary of Qtato, has of lalo appeared inl a mors palpablo form than ovor. Tho United Statos does nut want Cuba; we have enough unsettled and turbu lent elementa at borne, and we have no men to waste and no money to flit ter away In abortive attempts to com pose civil wan abroad. While such has been tbe course of the President In regard to groat pub lio questions, ha has signalised his ad ministration by introducing an amount nd variety of nepotism heretofore un heard of into many department of the publio sorvico. JTut to speuk of tho numbers of his brothers in-law whom ho appointed and still nmiiiluins In offleo (none ol whom, it may bo re marked without doing tko slightest In- ljustico, possess any conspicuous quali fications for tkoir posts;, lie bus en riched his favorites and friends In other directions, and has thrown (ho all powerful influT'iico of tko administra tion iu favor of making tho path of lorlune smootn. 110 was 1110 wen known friend und confidant of tbo Dis trict ol Columbia fling even going so far, slier Congress had abolished tbo fling government for its misdeeds, as to nomiuuto Its bead, tho notorious Boss Shophord, to bo one of tho new Commissioners for tho government of tbo District ; although in this.multer, as in tho Sau Domingo business, he has apparently been convinced against bis will, that bo had made a mistake at least pt is a fact that his last annual message to Congress omits ull mention of tho merits ot the municipal "im provements" which havo bankriijrlod tho District of Columbia, and aro now chargod upon tho National Treasury. Tho flepublicau party have proved no exception to the general rulo that parties long possessed of powor tesil inovitably to corruption. The Cus tom House frauds, tho Sanborn moiety contractu, tho peculations and ombei- zlomonU of tho Postmasters and Pay masters, tho Paciflo Mail Bribery, the Credit Mobilior swindle, the navy ring frauds, and tho robberies of t he whisky thieves, all perpetrated within tiio bosom of tho party of Republican nfligo kolders, aro ovidcuces of-tko crying need for purification and reform. Tke bribery at elections, tko open purchase of seats in tko Senate of tho United States by promises of ofllco and pay menls of money, and the looso and in different way in which political cor ruption is regarded in muny quarters, nro mournful signs of a docsdenco ol honor and conscience in our political life. It rests with tho people to say whether tbo Government service shall bo still further degraded, and the men wbo hnvo brought it to its present low estate intrusted with a longer leaso of power. Rlmll it be said that the breed ot noble men is lost, and that tho con duct of all'airs in this Republic is per manently captured by political huck sters, by men who inako merchandise of ofllco, and treat powor as a perquislto ot their personal ambition is Tm: world aoixa to the DEVILt Loodoa Tolotripb..) Dean Statileyjn Westminister Ab bey, yesterday, spoko of tho fears of many at tho present time that tko world is growing worse. "It muy be tkat some time in our gloomy moods wo are inclined to think wo cannot count on tko continuous advance of tho onward progress ol our race. It may bo we are sometimes inclined to fear that tho latter half of the nine teenth century is to close fn a lower morality, a darker philosophy, a de basement of tho senses, or a torm of gross superstition. It may bo that diabolical crimes shall rise again which wo bad hoped wore dosd forever, that statesmen may again become corrupt and self-seoking, that the loaders of sects and churches will again prefer tho outward to tbe inward, the natural to tbe spiritual, tko seen to tko unseen.' Thoro are plenty of revelations to bear out In part a pessimist philosophy; nor is there any common sense in var nishing ovor the ugly fucts of tho duy. It is not always wise to msko the best of things and to take a cheerful view of everything sl round. Comparing ourselves with our forefathers, we hear of many nearly colossal calamities, Ud are face to face with a larger number of groat crimes. Tbe accidents that shockod them killed or maimed units, our misfortunes! dcsolato hundreds of homes. The horrible consequences of strong drink in brutality to women and children have multiplied in oar largo towns. For ono English child brought up in foul air throe hundred years ago, thoro are now at least fifty. For ten men habitually unused - to country walks in thesixleenth century, there are now probably ono hundred. If wo look ubroad and romcmbor the civil war in America, or tho recent French war, wo see that tbo numbors of men engaged in deadly struggle wore ten or twelve timos tho forces of our ancestors though great, and the loss In money and ovory way to tho nations striving- proportionately in creased. In trade and commerce dis honesty has mado gigantic strides ; tho liny pickings and stealings of the villages have grown into gigantic city frauds. Goldsmith's rogue no longer cheats Farmer Flumborotigb in a bar gain, or overreaches Moses with "a gross af blue spectacles," ho starts a company, and dips his hand in thou sands of pockets. Then instead of a few sailors being paid to scuttle a skip, giving tho passengers, time to escape in boats, wo havo tbe llremerhaven monster, who murders by machinery and winds up an ossussinntisn eight days in advance of the deed, leaving no hope for tho victims of the calculated crime. Moreover, faith has died down leaving none of tho stern, relentless seal that Impelled men to die at tho stuko themselves or burn their neigh, bor for a clause in a creed. Tbe hival rous loyalty which placed lilouml goods at the bidding of a king is vanished, or is cherished only by a few peasants, priests and nobles m Biscay and Navarro. Our theatre revols not on intellectual but sensuous attractions; our literature Is all a rnpv un I com pilation ; our poetry ia hall hearted, and Borneo, sighing nudor Juliet's bal cony, is soothed by tho anticipation of a ilinnor, a cigar and rubber at the club. GOINO TOR THE (ioVKRNUKNT. Mrs. Victoria C. Woodhull, and her sistar, Miss TonnloC. Claflin, appeared before the Uniteil Statos Senate committee on claims to urgo their claims for dam ages on account of illegal arrest and imprisonment in Now York in 1873, on the chargo of Issuing an obsceno publication, Mrs. Woodhull read a long statement, setting forth tho man nor of tholr arrest and tho final quash Ing of the Indictment byVudgo Blatrh- ford, and represented that the cost of 1 tholr dofonso exreedod 150,000, to pay which they were loroed to sell even their clothing. The net loss by tb suspension of their paporshe estimates at 1110,000. BABCOCK'S ACQUITTAL. Tbo Philadelphia Timet, in alluding to tho escape of tho head centre of tbo whisky ring, says : "General Babcock was nut proven guilty so m'uoh will he generally conceded. Arraigned on a chargo of pcouliar gravity, consider ing all the circumstances ot bis caso, a vordict of guilty could be reached only on tho hypothesis that the testimony was irreconcilable witb his innocence, and it must be admitted by all that the evidence was not sufficiently con elusivo to warrant a judicial oondom- nation. If this were an isolated or an ordinary caso, the discussion of the verdict would ond with tho statement that the government failed to make out a clour esse against the accused ; but the position of General Bubcock is exceptional In sovoral marked particu lars. Ho Is an officer of tho army in high commission, and boss well-earned soldior's fame to protect, and a judg ment of guilt against him in the issue just tried, would, havo reached far be yond the dashing young Colonel of tho Engineers who graced the prisoner's dock. Ho has boon tho most trusted political adviser and confidant of tho President of tko United States, and a record of his guilt, in tho face of tho deposition from tho White House tes tifying to bis spotless probity, would havo borne its withering ourso to tbo very innorlemploof national authority . ThoBoexeeptional circumstances doubt - less did much to strengthen the caso:''1 havo not been wanting elsewhere of the defense. They brought tho sworn testimonials of Grant and Slier muii, and a dozen others of revered reputotions, into court, regardless of the accepted rules of evidonco, to throw grave doubts upon tho case of the gov ornmont that hod boon dug and ham- mwodoutof unwilling sources ; and tboy mode tin Tutlons and kindred rovonuo mendicants hasten to the scono, under official orders, to explain inex plicable complications as they arose on tbo trial. They threw iu and about the court an element that tempered tbe pitiloss storm undor which Joyce, McDonald and others had gone down and it was not difficult, under all tho circumstances, for General Babcock to gain a verdict of acquittal. Judgod by the record tho vordict was a proper ono, for no moasuro of 1 prejudice, no public necessity, can jus tify tbo conviction of any citizen, of howovor high or low position, who is not clearly proved to be guilty, and General Babcock was not positively proved to be in guilty oomnlicity with tbe whisky thlovos, But the excep tional features of tbo case, which havl operated so powerfully in aid of Gen eral Hancock's acquittal, also invite a much mora than ordinarily critical in quiry into the verdict that tho higher tribunal of tho nation will render in his caso. 'That he has been discharged from the custody of tho law docs not decide tho issue of his innocence or guilt in tho judgment of the country whose honors he wears, and whose in terests ho is solemnly sworn to main tain. Tho one pregnant point of the case as it presents itself to the public, is that while the government tailed to prove him guilty, he failed to prove himself innocont True, undor all or dinary circumstance, to ask a defend ant to prove a negative would b not only unjust, but in every respect un reasonable ; but it was one ol tbe pecu liar features of this case that General Babcock could have established his in nocence if be really is innocent, and he owed it to himself, to the Administra tion of Prosidont Grant, and to the country to do so. Tho circumstances which pointed most strongly to his guilty complicity witb the revenue plnndorcrs bad their source In cortain telegrams, confessed to have been sent to and from Genoral Babcock and tbe men who are now in prison stripes ; and it is not disputed that the dis patches related to the illicit operations of tho whisky ring. So much stands out In hideous deformity on tbe record ot the trial, and it demanded explana tion. A jury could not assumo that tho absence of explanation was con clusive as to the guilt of the defendant, for crime cannot be inferred in a trial hot ween tbe government and a citizen, involving both reputation and liberty ; but when the roost confidential and trusted Secretary of the President ex changes mysterious dispatches with banded thieves, on tbo subject ot their movements to promoto their schemes of plunder, and resists all efforts to get at their true meaning in a court of justice, he oonfesses eithor that he is guilty of actual complicity with the thieves, or that he was assenting to political debauchery at the publio cost that ho daro not confess before the world. No one will say that Gen, Babcock is a simpleton ; that he was doooivd by designing men who simply used him to advance tholr peculations. Ho Is 'not a fool, and tho world will look in any other direction than that for the solution of his sJ range, and at times jubilant, dispatches to tboso wbo mado him their chief agency to keep tho government from dogging them in the'r paths of crime, llaof Gor.eral Bubcock mot these telegrams with prompt explanation, and shown that they wore thoughtless or tree from any intentional wrung, be would have prtived his innocence; end as it was in bis powor to prove his Innoconce, if in nocent be Is, he committed a blunder that life is too short to overcome, by kin failure to acquit bimsolf by positive testimony. And thli failure will con front him at ovory step of his future. In vain will ho and his friends plead that a jury nf his countrymen and an holiest court havtf acquitted him, for tbe intelligent judgment of ike nation will ho that, In failing to unlock the socrets of bis correspondence with cor rupt conspirators relating to their In famous operations, be has conlossed to tin world that he cannot acquit himself before tlni sincere judgment of mankind.. Wo do not assume that, be cause of this failure, he is guilty of ac tual complicity with tho men whose guilt is now admitteoj but if ho was not so guilty, then ho practically de clares that hisOpi wore sealed" becauso the truth would havo exposed a systom of political debauqhory before which tbo Administration of President Grant could not stand. Such Is the lesson of tho Babcock trial. Throe yonrs ago Sheffield tent out lory and steel rails to the United States valued at 1 1,700,000. Last year the total value of goods exported to this oountry was only iCC90,OJO. A WARXIXa TO CROOKKD EDI TORS. Tho conviction of Mt-Keo in spite of tbo moat brilliant legal defense that could havo been made in his behalf, is the severest blow which the whisky conspiracy has yet received, and it forebodes almost certain disaster to the defendants in the trials that aro yot to follow. There was little in the testimony upon which the jury based their vonlict of guilty that tended to provo spociflo act ou the part of tho prisoner; tbe careful secrecy which had characterized his connection with the ring forbade muny such disclosures, but there was, what was of far greater imjiortaiite, an abundance of corrobora tive evidence to establish tho fact of his partnership with McDonald and Joyce, his bestowal of counsel and in fluence, und bis subsequent share in tho profits. It was fervently hoped by tho defense that tbe jury would re fuse to convict upon testimony of so general a character; l had, Indocd, mat expectation been realised, tho ac quittal of (leneral Babcock would havo boon assured almost beyond quoation But tbo result annihilates the element of chance from the calculations of the whisky defendants, and tboy nrobablv realize now, for the first time, that nothing will avuil attains! the success of the government where its caso ia founded upjm truth and supported by -V 1 L J 1 uunuH'uchahlo witnesses. Unportuni. occasions of like moment, to divert tho courso of justico by tlio corruption of the jury, but the St. Louis juries havo been uniformly drawn from tbo agricultural districts, and tho virtue of thegrangors bus withstood ovory temp tation. If so happen, thon, that tho evidence against Gen. Bubcock should prove as strong as Mr. Henderson and ex-District Attorroy Dyer have fre quently asserted it to be, it is plain that nothing can save that unfortunato gentleman from tko futo wkick kas be fallen his old acquaintances. But whatever the significauco of McKce's conviction in its effect upon future prosecutions, it can scarcely fail of ex erting a moral influenco of the most wholesome- character, McKce was something more than a more conspira tor against the revenue At the mo ment of bis exposure ho controlled a groat newspaper, powerful in Its opin ions and floumhing in its finances; ho poitacssed aliku the confidence of his buisacsa associates and the esteem of good citizens generally ; in politics he occupied the pluce of a leader, and as such compelled unusual respect. It was possible for this man, had bis ambition so inclined him, to have bo- conic a public benefactor, and instead of concluding his career at mid-life as a convict, to havo passed into a serene and bonorablo old age, or dying, to havo lived forovor in the affectionate remembrance of his fellows. But this happiness he denied himself, choosing rather to satisfy bis thirst for wealth, however foul its sources. There is a lesson lor editors, it socina to us, in this melancholy hialory, which they cannut too quickly nor loo thoroughly learn. Bo its subscription list ovor so slondor, and its constituency ever so humble, there is no newspaper which does not possess some measure of in fluence and whose editor some degree of responsibility. Temptations such as seduced McKee may oot be beset others, but whatever its form, that must be always regarded as temp tation which tends, in any way, to disrupt tho essential relations between the editor and his public. In politics, in finance, in trade, in letters, in art, in religion, tho sentiments of the editor belong to his paper, and for that alone should they find expression. Otber honors may dazzle more for the time and other powers seem vaster, but there are few which do not owe their origin to the press or find porpetuily through it; tho editor who mistakes the privilego, as Veil as the duty ot his position, to wander after the strange gods of tho outor world runs a sad risk of bocoming a sacrifice to his idols. Tb country clamors for a pure press and honest editors, but it will roceiv'o neither nntil journalists surrender themselves wholly to their profession. Philadelphia Timet. McKoe was the editor of the St. Louis Globe, the leading Radical Organ of Missouri, and ono of Grant and Bab cock's bullion, and like Joyce and Mo- Donald will be compelled to spend tho Centennial in tbo penitentiary. What A CHECK IX TRASSITV. AN INCIDENT Ot TUE JAY COO SI TAILVRE. Before Judge Poirce, tho othor day, in theCommon Picas, was argued tbo case of Stern A Bro. vs. tho Farmers and Mockunics' National Bank. This watt a suit to comiel tho bank to pay tho amount of n check to Drexel k Co. for about 83,000, under too following circumstances: The 'plaintiffs took the check to Juv Cooke Si Co. on Ike 16th of September, 1H73, and bought with It a certificate of deposit. The chock was deposited by Jay Cooko & Co. in their hank on that day, but on the 17lh was returned to thorn because not indorsed by the plaintiff, to whose order tho check was drawn. On tho was delivered to their messen ger, with other mat lent, to get the plaintiffs' indorsement. The other maltors delayed the messenger till about noon, when ho obtained tho in dorsement, ami ho did not reach tbo office of Jay Cooko A Co. witb it until between half-past twelvo and one, bon ha found thai they had failed and that tho doors wore cloned. The plaintiffs about that timo heard of the failure, and went to tho bank and gave tbom notice not lo pay tho check, montioning as a reason the failure of Jay Cooke A Co., and subsequently gave thorn a written notice to that of foot. Tho chock was not in the bank whon cither tho verbal or written no tice was givon. It had been indorsed by Jay Cooke ft Co. after their failure to W. A J. C. Bullitt upon a special trust for creditors, was deposited by blra about the 19tb, paid tohisacoounl. and Drexol A Co. obargod with it The plaintiffs noror tendorcd back th certificate of deposit. The court held that the transaction of tho Kith was a complete and finished transaction, and that, therefore, a titlo tn the check Tested in Jay Cook A Co.; that the iudorsoment must bo troatod as having been made on that day, and that there could be no recovery against the bank. The plaintiff was non-suitod. MISERY IX .CUBA. ! A IHl'LOItAllI.E' PICTURE TDK PEOPLE ANXIOUS THAT A IVkirSOMISK US, si'semi.v trrsiTiii. , I A recent letter f'rdtii Havana do-! scribes tho situation in tho island as! fullows: Tho arrival of Captain Geu-j oral Juuvellar has so far not produced I any of tho effects which were expected to occur. True enough, ho merits and onjoys the confidence of till classes much mora than any Captain Geuurn! wbo has cime ar.d gono since tho out break ot the revolution. Bui gold bos gono up instead of doclinnig, und tho insurgents are getting up bonfires in uonor oi nis arrival, using sugar-cane fields and plantation buildings for the purpose. Every day we heur of one or mora plantations having been burned, and even tho most rabid Spaniard, if possessed of common sense, acknowl edges sorrowfully, that tho uriny and Spanish thinking population aro not Btrongenough to drive tho insurgents out nt the central department. Wh the sympathizing element is not so strong as it was a ysar ago, everybody, wilh the exception of tho extreme in trunsigentes on tho Cuba sido, and those who aro making money by tho war, are anxious that somo compro mise would or could bo effected. It is oxtremcly doubtful whether tho Cuban loaders in tho field would to-dny ucccpt a proposition for the autonomy of tko island if ofl'erod by Spain. Tbo lead ing Cubans who are abroad will barely be listened to. If tho fighting men are not satisfied with the propositions that are mado tho war will continue until ono or tho other gives in. Jt is positively assorted that Jouvellar is authorized to make great concussions to the island in general, including gen oral amnesty and autonomy. The planters arc ruined, although nominally tho poHsossorn of groat wealth. They aro not even making a' small interest on thoir capital employed in lands, no groos, and machinery. Tho mer chants say that the v will bo mined tin. loss tho officials again allow smuggling on a largo scalo, the business done in that lino being comparatively small at' present. A few weeks will probably show tho result of tho new policy. Mcantimo misery and poverty are daily increasing among the people in general. BEECHER S Hl'iSPHEM Y. Beocher not-Kcechcrwl lloocher iu tho revolting blasphemy of his speech j bclore tho congregational council. Availing himself of un opportunity to interrupt the procpcnings with a speech he broke out in an exaggeration of bis usual stylo of dramatic fustian, chal lenging, "any man ou earth," 'any angel of Got!," or "God Himself," to say aught against him. At this out break the Plymouth partisans dissolved in tears, after their fashion, Tommy Sherman leading mho water-cart busi ness, of course That not a voice in mat asacmi.iy ot preachers was raised to rebuke tho resumptUOIIS Belf-Wor- shiier for thus getting his own immaeu- luto perfection above the wholo host . r , , , , of heaven, proves clearly enough not mnv inose "roverena innocents aro incapacitated by education, struc ture of mind, and babit ot thought as intimated by a Congregational minis tor in the 2'iflws of Friday lor tho judicial task ot woighing such a ease as that in which Beocher is involved but are actually so wrapped up in the impenetrable armor of ministerial ego tism that they aro incapable of appre ciating flat defiance of tho canons of common doconcy. Tho churches which have pcnnMted theso lamb-like pas tors to stray off into tho befogged at mosphere of Brooklyn, should mako haste o call them home, before they shall oat much more of the fruit of! that later tree of peculiar knowlodgo wilh all tho modern improvements which flonrishos there, ond which makos evil sooiu only another, per haps highor, form of good. Chicago Timet. A Danoksoits Principle. Tho Christian Advocate says : "The Moth- odist church Is going into tho business of making Presidents. To attempt this is stopping very fur asido from tho work to which God calls ua Wo havo very emphatically condemned tho Catbolio church as a political body working unitedly lor political ends. And our ecclesiastical machinery must not be turned to political uses. It will not so bo employed. A Methodist whether layman, minister or bishop, as an individual mny work for General Grant or anybody elso, but lot him be ware how he attempts to wield tho powor of tho church as a church to accomplish bis purposes. The princi pal Is full of danger; wo utterly re pudiate It." Erihanae. That is tho most sensible idea tho I editors ol tko Advocate has gotten off tor miceii years. A huge lower is being built uion the ' ioi 01 a new nricK nuildiil 111 Virginia City, Not., iipott whii h a lar.i dial is to bo plavuil with I lie names of I lie loading mining sloeks Umii il, to which a bund points us tho slock goes up or dnwn, all beiag done by electricity over a wire running from tbo tian Francisco stock board room to the tower. Jfliivlvrrtisrmrnts. QAUTION. AH pereoni ra hereby rauttnnd afainM pur ohaainf or In any way merHltng with th Mlow Inf pinparty, aw tn th poMeaiion of William M. Bamlt, of yeraaeoo to wo chip, rii : I en we, I bore and barnoe. I pis;, 0 abnp. twin el Mi, int of aera In iba aar, lot of bay ap-l fodder, lot of oot i, 1 plow, I aletftb, at tb aau wae ptir rhaavd hf m at Conatfiti.' tale, ao.l U n with bin oa loan only, tubjeet Co my order at anr litaa JOHN T. KTIUW. JeUrroa. fab. tl, To St AM persona ara hereby eaetioned ahlot pti rob Ming or lo any way meddling with the following property, bow ia tb poeeaeeioa of Kd wird Darie, of Rotvaria townahin, vtst 1 two bora wj(oa, I pair of twin alt-da, I rearlm oalf, t bay bore, I eu of barn, 10 aeret- wheat, 10 acre oata, S atiree eorn, t acree potato, 1 euw, I huge, and I thrashing machine, Thla property was purehaaed by me at Sheriff sale, on tbo Slat day or Jaly kit, and ,( uh Mr. Da It oa Iota, auhjeet to tnr onirr at any time. Htiiih-sMiila, Mark Iit,'7fi-3t.' JA8.FLYNN. ADM IN 1ST N-ttot ia herebr given that Letter of A 1 mlntmratioi on tb estate of C. W, I.KONAItU, lata ol Lawreae twp,, Clarnid aonnty, Pa., danaated, baring bnaa duly floated lo the ander aigaed, all tra lndab!ci to aaid aalata will Claaa sake ImmediAta paymant, and tboa avtng alaima or denaada wtll present thea properly aathntlatd for tettkraeat without delay. LVDIA P. LUUiwAHU, Carwtfltvllla, Pa.. Fab. 0, 'Ti nt Adta'i. jDMlNISTllATOUS NOTICH.- M.lloo it bkroby giro uat ltUrl of Ad. tnlBletratlot oa Ibo oelalo of JOHN LABOIID, let. of llnloa towaeblp, Cle.rl.ld oou.t,, P.., deoeaeed, baviag boon duly graatod to too anaorelgaod, all poreoa. la lebted lo laid ..l.t. will pioooo Osaka laiaiodtalo, aod thooa ka.iag olataai a. Awaaao affajla, iba lama will prM.aatboan .af.pnl. for aotllo. aa.l witkowt Aalay. R. W LABOIID,,PB,reb.t,,TMl Adalalitrawr. $lisUatuus. HARTSWICK & IRWIN HBUOND STHKhl, CLKARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURK J)JtU(iSr 1 CHEMICALS! ' PAINTS, 0115, DYE STUFF VARNISHES, Ulll'SIIM, I'KKKL'HKRY, FANCY 0i(l3 TOILET AUTICWJS, OK ALL KINIift, PURH WIXEH AXD LIQUORS, lor -Htcint.l parpoee. Trasae, rltiiiirtort, Rohor.l Uooha and Station ry, and all other articles niually fuod in a Irug Htore. PIIYMCIANrV PRKBCltimoNS CARE FULLY COMrMUN.JKI. lUvin a lar. ex Eerienoe In the bast n.M th.y eon giv. .ottr. .ol faction. . ' 1. O. IIARTHWICK, JOHN If. 1KWIN. ClMrB.ld, Daoouber. IS, 1.74. BIGLER, "YOUNG & REED, Sneoesnra to Boynton A Voting, ) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Manafaotarera of t .' .STABLE & STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES Conor of Fourtb and Pino Strotta, CLKARKIP.I.n, PA.- HAVINO ing.god In tin muufacturo of Unt olui MACUINERT,.r.ipMtruUlnrona b. pnkli. tb.t w. aro Bow prepared to (II all ai eko.pljr and ai promptly ai eaa bo dooo In on? of tb. oltiu. Wo manufacture and deal la Malay and Circular Saw-Milli B.l i,kt w.t- Wh..!.. u..;.. p. Oilford i Injoctor, Stunt,BWaa Wblulaa, 0ll, T"" CnP'' 011 CP "o Ooua, Air ' v''"' ch"k v'' lM I'ipM. s..ata Pumps, Botlor Food Puntpi. Aali- pfL. m., Z, 8tm, Ploklo,, 0l,k. ag. ond .11 biadi of MILL WOHKi togtb. lib rklW., Mad Sol... COOIt AXD PARLOR STOrES, and olbor CASTINGS of all klada. lotieltod and ill.d at ittj prise. aa or laqoir. wltk roftreno. to Kuhinrr) of oor muoraotur. promptly anutrod, by.ddrol ing a. at Clrf.ld, Pa. jul7t-tr BKIl.KH. TOUNtl A BKED. The Bell's Run W oolen Factory, Piin township, Clearfield Co., Pa. f - OUT! II tl H N l: BURNED U PI TbaaabMrlhert- ba, at graat ax peaaa, rebuilt neighborhood aeoaaatt. ta tbe ciretion of a Ant eliM Woolen llaaofaelorj, witb all the modem improvtiuaata attached, aad ar prepared to mk all kiiida of Clotha, Caailmeraa. gatinrtta. BIib ktta. Flannel a, da. plenty of goodi oa baad ti appij an oiru aad a thouaand aaw eaitAtaert wbiiei wa aak to eoma aad examine oar at'tek. Tba baeioaaa of CAHDINQ ANH Ft'I.LIXU will recelva oar ctpacUl attention. Propei amn(E"eU will be mad to irccir and delivai Wool, to in It enatotnera. All work warranted tnn oooe upoa th ahorteet no tiro, and by l riot etten uon 10 nu'r:-l w. bop to realti a lineral abar oi pumi pairona-jca. IO,HHt POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wa will nay the hivheit market urica for Wo. and aell our aanufaotured toode ai low aeaimila. fooda can be bought ia tbe county, and whanerai tail to render raaaonatije atiifaetion w oai alwaya be found at hom ready to mak nronti aiplanatioD, at t her la person or by letter. prilMtf Bower P. O. ERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, Stnve Lining and Firo trick, hept oon.taatly on band. STOVE AM) EARTHES -WABE OF KVKHY DKSCRIPTIOI CKOCK6! POTS! CHOCKK Miliar. Patent Airtight Hull - MvnMig v run , una i H UTTER t'K)L'K, witt. lids, CREAM CKOt'KS, MILK t.'KDCli, AI-ri.K -KIMIHH (UttuiJhfi, PICK 11! CK.ICKH, FLOWER POTS, VIS& D 18 II Kb, BTKW POTS, And a great many other thiaga lo aaneroa U montloa, ta ba had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S i STONE - WARE POTTERY. Corner oi Cherry and Third Streeta, CLKAKrlKLD, PA. . augl MARBLE AM) ST0E YARD! Mb. 8. S. LIDDKLL, Daring engaged la tb. Marbl. bu.luefl, doilrat to Infora her Mend, aad th. publio that ibo ban Bow and will keep oonitantty oa hoed a l.rg. and w.U nloetod .took of ITALIAN AND VERMONT MARBLE, and il prepared la furol.b ta wdor TOMB8TONKS, BOX AND CRADLB T0MDS, r MONVUKNTS, Corbl aad Pom for Cemetery Lota, Window Sllll and Cape, alM, BUREAU, TABU AND WA8II STAND TOPS, A.., Aa. W.Tard .a Rwd etroot, ntartko R. B. Depot, Clearleld, Pa. J.,,71 Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTltT. TUB anderelgned, h.rlng lltahll.b.d a Hur ler, oa Ibo 'Pike, about half way betwora Clearfield and Cnrwen.rille, le prepared to for Bi.k all klnde of PHIIIT TRKKS, (.toad.rd aad dwarf.) Krergreeao, Shrubbory, Urepo Viaaa, aooeeborry, Lawloot Strawberry, aad Ra.pb.rry Via... A'la. Stberiaa Orah Traaa, Quince, and early .oarlot Rhob.rb, A. Ordore proatpUy altoadod to. Addre.., d. u. WRinnT, l.o!(l-SS. Cnrw.nerllle, T. WILLIAM M HENRY, Josrtct rna P. AC awaBoat.aaaaLUMIIia Of TT. CUli... bmS. aad aaMee. proaaplkr paed aw. ArleaeMaf agreoaaaat aad doli .1 ooaeoyoM aoury aaeoaurd and warranted oor root or a. ekarra. HJyTS Dolfls. A LLEGUKNY IIOTKU i V. (Market Hi , bet. Third end KuuitM CXtiAIII'lUMi, PA, Tbo subisoiibor burinsj beeou lr.) irtar at this hotel, would reipetirull ask a liNml shara f jiuiillf iiatninuge. 1'ricea rdtxi (v u.t iba llh.rt. iB.2(J TA-,r .1 I I L itn.i i.SJ QUsyiJKii ANN a" mouse, " ' k.1 CI'KM'KNIiViLLE, 'A. SKWIUH RliAU, Vaaraimoa. llwiag Uoniao proprietor of Oil. Uol.l, I nouUl ,M.alull lolirlt tb. p.lroa... .f tb .ul.ll. Uoum Ue.sutl, and ooiaoimil. .i. uaudia il. ai, J r.lurm.1,,,1 ,,,, . plo rows. 04Ulu4. All Mlroad Ci.U. .1... mi '" " 1.1.11 ia chaw houk, O (Cor. of Mark.! A Pront wu.t,) VLEAItflKLll, PA. Tli. und.r.ign.d b.rltig t.lnn ol.urn. i.f thil Ilol.l, .unlit n.poctlull, ...llrll i.iiMio i,.tion.i. i'lfti I). 11. ULLliMTON. WASHINGTON 1101JKH, NKW WASHINGTON, PA. Tlill bow and wrll lurni.hrj huu,. lis. boon token br Hi. niid.reiKimd. II. fo.l. oontd.nt of boiog .bio Ui realtor ull.lacliuu to th'sw .bo n. favor bun witb a oail. Mxfl.lm. .0. W. UAVIB, 1'rup'r. jyj ontuu kT'h It v k. " Oppoaiu tbo Court Uuum, . LOCK HAVEN,' PES ."a: . J.ld'71 UAl.'SEAL A KKOM, Pr-r-V. L"6 v dTiousb,' ' ' Strert, PHILIPMHUIttl. PKNK'i T.M. ala;i .upplltd ilb tlx fcorl the market afford. OOTl,'!3 iu. v.f.iiD, puonp ir intern tn n.lL KOIIKKT 1.0VII. THE MANSION HOUSE. Corner of Sooood.nd M.rktl trnt.. CI.UARI'IM,, PA. a'lIISoldaadooinioodioui Hotel b. Surli.j . tbo part year, been cal.rff.d to double it, (orm.r for th. enlerulnnictt of .Iran gen and gueiu. Tb. wbol. bollJin, hai I.... r.furoi.hed. anS th. proprietor .III .pari a. pain, to r.nd.r bli gu.iu ionifortiil.1. nliil. Ujriog with bitn. AST" Tbo 'Maoclon iToui." rune to and from the Depot o. the arrlral and iW -lure ofoaebtrolu. JOHN IiOUUIIkkTV. aprd-70 if Pr,.t,-., Jona Pimm, Pr... J. p. B.nn, CM CiirrtciiMvIlI Rank. AntDnrixail Cupit.i nn uoq up Capital SiO.IHH). (acorians riser s.tiosal ki.) JOIIK rATTOS. nr. D. A. FKTXKH AAUU.Y W. PATCIIIX, II,,,. J. p. f, r STOCKHOLDERS, 1KMVILTALLT UAIILE Do a grnutno banking loiinr... Account." ollclted. Crni'llle, IV, Jan. Id, lS:.,o. P. R. ARRU.D. B. W. AHtOLB. J. B. A H.n F. K. ARNOLD 4. CO., Itmikersi anil ISrokri'N, Reynoldavllla, Jefferson Co.. Pa Mono? reeoired on rii.nn.t. . drreto rfe. KuMrn aad 1'or.iio Hicham-. .1. war. 00 bkod ond collection, promotlr mail., K.jnol.l..ill., II. S, 1S74..I. County National Bank, OK CLEARFIELD, PA. UOOM in Maunie Building, on. door nonh nl C. II. W.uob'i Drug Hl,o. Pui.r. Ticket, to and from Liirn,,l o.. town, OI.gow, London, Pari, ar.ij Copenhagen Alw, for ul.on tb. Rojol Dank ol ood Imperial Bank of London. JA M 1.8 T. LEONARD, Pree'L W. M. SHAW, Ca.bier. ll.l:74 DREXEL & C0.I Ko. 31 south THIN! street, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. 'Application by mail will receive prompt stlo lion, and all information cheerfully furniihrd Order, .dieted. Anrll gjrutistrD. STIWAET & BLACKBUEN, DENTISTS, Cnrwetmllle, rirnrfJeld County. Ptun'a (OBo. ia' New Buildiug.) Carweutrille, jau li, 117 ly. q DBN TISTRY. llavins determiocd to locate in rnr.ou for the iiurpneo of puriulng my proicj.ioa, I nerchr offer my eenlre. to tba publio. 1 hat e met a term of dental in.irootioa. uod.r rt beet teaeliere of the Penn.Tlvania College of Dental Surgery In Philadelphia, and am now prepared tociecut. .11 work prtining to dent, -.try in the beet n.noer, with th. I.teet improro. menta. All work guaranteed to giro entire wt iilartio. ., t. qu.lity .ad dnratioa. Trth ei. traotod without pain. Room in no. Bank build ing. For further information apply In penoa or dJr" " B. it. TlloMPtON, chil fi tf. Curwrn.rlllo, P.T A. M. HILLS Would rpotfaMy notify his i.afirnia 'hat he has redneed the nrina of AKTI. l-'iClAld TKKTH taaiuaa .p 35.00 ff a douhl tel. For auy two partona Toning at tb (a me lira, to bare each an appnr et, will g.t (be two aeu for tsi.oo, or $17 5o aoh. Terms Invariably Cash. Claarfifld, July 1, 1874. GEORGE E. ROBACKER, vnotaRp ali natLaa tx WINES AND LIQCOIIS, ' CLEARFILLII, TA. My plac of burin... I, on Market street, di rectly uppollt. tbe Coort llooec, where I dralre to keepa full .took of flUK LlylNlKS, and will warrant them to be .uoh to my eurtoaiori, . July Jl, TS.lf. WHOLESALE LIQUOR STOEE. At tb. .nd of lb. n.w brit.. WKsT CLRAKriKLD, PA. TI.e proprietor of Ibi, ..t.blihment will buy hi. liquor direct froni di.till.r. Panle heying rti Ihia hoqie will bo lure to r-'t a pur. artit le al a luiall rnaruin .UoT. oo-t. Hotel keeper, can So furnirhej wilh Motion on rranonahi. term.. Par. wioee and bran.Hee direct from Seelor'l - inory, at B.tb, New Yiu-k. KoRilK N. COLUt'RN. Clearleld. June IS. ISli-tf, iiuf.y&chhist; sol. g pnoi'Rir.Tons or the celebrated' TONIC HERB BITTERS. SKXD FOR I'RtCK LIST. 1IUI2Y SI It I ST, 141 N. 3d Streot. FIIII.AIlll.PIIIA. March tt, IS71. READING FOR ALL!! BOOKS t STATIOSKRY Market HI., I'lrarflcld, (at the Post OHkr.) TUB undersigned bfga Irar to annoiinL to th ell I am nf Clcarflold and ri.Mnitr. that be baa fitted up a room and ba last rvturnul from the city with a larg amtint of rending matter, eonefullng (a part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blaak. Actunt aad Pas T)ok of ever? de- fT '-4- ' AM) f. eariptioni pHprand lanreltftes, Frenr-h pressed and plain ; Pen- and IVnHisi blank Legal Paper, Heeds. Mortgages Jn.lament, Kienip tim and i'nimiaar Bute; Whit and I'areb snoat Ur'rf.Uga Cap, K-r l Omv aa l Hill Cap, Sheet Manio, f..r eitiier Pi Ann, Flute or Vioini, ennatanily no band. Any Iwtnk nr stationary deniml that I way ant bare on hand, will be orderl by Aral aipreea, aad ald at wbukaale or retail to suit ontlniaera. t will aUo beep periodical (iterator, auch aa Magaslaee, Vew-pti or, Ar. P. A. UAVLIN. Oenrflftld. My T, IMS tf VA.u.viiui ruoriciMY f . full HALK OR FOR RENT. Tbe aubeerlt-er girri ntiie ibat he will either rent nr anil hit dwelling and stora property, sit at on Keod streat. adjuiaing th Looaard Hun, la thr bomtigb of ClearllHd, Pa. The stora roota ia lit X 34 fftt. The dwelling honte eonlaias I rnotaa and a kitchen on the Arst atory, and S fttome oa tha aeomd firy. Th ttor reeai laa ba bad at ea, aad th dwelling portion td atftarabalaiof J.ry. For fariaar par tUaiaia, addraat ar ap. to tba andwli ned tf Ctaarflala. Pa. Ma It, TMf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers