THE REPUBLICAN. CLKARKIKLO, PA Wf KINKfi AY Rf'HNINfl, MAIICH 1, 1171. Terms of Subscription. tf paid is ad venue, or within three moalba ...11 If paid afier three and before ill months.,,,, S t (I paid f-.r the eipt ratten of all months... I fTMriiri. ft. M. PtTTRROtLL A Co., Newt. par Advertising Agents, AT Perk Kow, mrntt Hkraao Ptreel, are our duly authorised Agents WeW YAN( L'tlV. rKl.M.ioim honilJi, . Met hud la t t'hurrli Bit. B. Hthviih, i atr. Public ttorviet every Hat-hath il 10, A M., end 7 t M. Subl-atli School at 9 A. M. Prayr . ctiog every Thursday, it 71 P. M Coinu mint rfervlot. Ural Haliliatb of every nontb. jI li A. AI. I'reab)ter.aii C.iurrh-I(ev. II. 8. Bcvlkb. Sabhulh eervieee morning and tveBinr Sab bath Sohm.l at I P. M.-Prnyer Meeting Wednea- day evening. Ht. trnticl Cliurch Cithollc Rv. P. J.BHBftiitAR. Preachincat lOlo'olock, A. M tha first, third and lourlb Sundaisof each month Vespers and llereriiotion of the Messed riaerameat at 7 o'clock, P. M. tuDd-iy School tvtry Sunday afternoon at i oi-look. . OKIICIAI, UIHKCTOHY. f Ml OP HOLDIRO QtTARTRB IRMIOM OtOBT. R t ond Motdty of January. T i rd Monday f Marsh. Fut M"n1ar mt J una. Fourth Monday of September. TtalB OP noLBIRt COMBO PLRAI. , Pint Monday of Juno, floeund Monday of November, PUBLIO orNCRRB. Prtiriwnt IvtffUom, Charles A. Mayer, of Look Haven . j Awttaml Low Jttdg Hob. John U. OrfU, of. Bell cfont a. AuncinU Judge William 0. Foley, Clearfield John J. Head, I'urwensvllle., PrttotnryKi Bloom. Hrgfier ana Knoorder L. J. Morgan. Diitrtet Attomty Prank Fielding. Traurr David McOaughry. .?artf William R. Mcl'hersnn. Count y Surveyor Samuel F. McClokey, Cur wrnsvme. Connty CommittonrtCrk Brown. Clear- Add I Tb-nnas A., Cbcit P. 0.; It air Is Hoover, turwensvlllt. Commljf Atftrot Christ. J. Krafcgy, Olan Hope ; Samuel A. Caldwell, Willintnsgrovt John j , i;onner, uurnsiat. Count. CoroT J. B. Ntlf. New Washington Jury CmMiWMrn John W. Hhugert, Jamas Mltoaell, uiearned. SufHrinttndent of PnbU SrAoot John A Gregory. Curwrniville. Nolan' Pa ode John W. Wrlfley, Wm. Ra- di'banKh, Vyrvi h. Onrdon, Clfarfield ; Joiah Eva tii. Joi. H. Irwin, N. K. Arnold, CurweBivilla J. J. Lin )!(, Km met Sayert, Oweola Mills ; Jobn ton Hnoiillnn, ltutberonr(. Oar Spttial column Is decidedly Intereatlnf to a local point of virw, and profitable reading to outilcleri woo want to tare money. The new ax factory at Huntingdon will bare capacity of tor hundred aiee a day. Wo ure to linvo nilver dimuH nnd qmrtere after to-day. The fractional currency of thoae deneml nation! hart bees eelM in end the itlrer tubitituted for them. Fred. Cardon' doc put bis head under the wbeeli of an engine at QoodMlow'e bridge, on Friday lift, and it wet completely am pntated from bis body. It is stated that tltfl PcnnnylvnniA Haiirofid will, during the Uentenmai, run tis passenger traina per day for erery one that Is on tbe schedule at present. 'A Sbahonable Hint. If you have any lru-nds ar relatives la fbiladsipnia, now is tbe time to drop tbcm a lis, saying yon will be a a to see 'em soon. Hobi'il Col Ivor Rnvs tliora is a irood deal of Christianity In kerning the snow off your Ide-walks. Ariotfaer winter like this oue will lead Robert to take that back. Think of it ! C70 pairs of panU cut ut by ooo men, la one day, by the new machine fed at Waaamaker 4t Brown 'a, 6th nnd Market Philadelphia, Moving day, the first of April, eonics n Saturday tnis year. "A Saturday nit males ' a short sit," Is an old saying that those who mote will bare aa opportunity of testing. Tho card ol Morris & Slago, butchers, will bo fonnd among onr new drertltemeats to-day. They are accommodating young men, d hern tho best 6f fresh meats always oa hand. The proceedings of tbe third Local institute, held at mgier station, oa toe atn ana Atb of February, came to hand loo Into fur publi cation this week, bat we will giro tVem a place on our flret page neit week. i a i n Tho Central Pennsylvania Confer ence the Methodist Kpisoopii tnuroa win bom lu annual session In tbt Grand Opera House, at Harrlfbnrg, on Wedoerday, the S2d day of March, and oonllnuing ten days. 1 i a ' Tho Grocery store of A. G. Kramer A Co. has been removed to tbe room lately occu pied by Jama II. Lytle, to Pie's Opera llonso. They hero replenished their stoek, and aow have one of the most eompttle Oroeery, Pro ii loa and Feed stores in the eounty. Aire them a call. m e a Ladies, don't take advantage of thtH being leap year when you're along with a young gentleman, until you have noticed whether h wears s ring on the little finger of bis right hand. If be does, say nothing to him, for be has surely been "tpoken to'-' already. To COHRBHPONDEHTA. Wo hV6 be fore us a number of communications for publica tion, bat the writers bare not lren their names, and, therefore, they go Into tho waste-basket. " P. L B.,- A. 0.," " Indei,- and X. V. t..," Is not aufflcieot to Insure publleatioa. How ik you Know? The editor of, the Clarion Drmocrct lays t Down In Punxm tawney, If a man oin't say rapidly Ira times, " Shoes and lochs shock Susan," without misplac ing a word, Ibe bar-keepers won't giro him an other drink. But they nerer catch IT nolo John Coimn on that. At (iaulinV Tho World, Times and Tribune Almanac for 1970 can be had at the postofllce. Tbe cheapest and best statist leal doc uments published. On receipt of 3ft cents, he will mail a copy of either to nny address, or all three for to e at. He alto keeps all tho lata pictorial newspapers and magasines oa band. WlHIIKS TO KXCHANOI. Mr. Law rence flood, of French? Hie wishei to obaagc a reliable property la Coringtoa township for property la ClearfieM or Cnrweanillt, See bis advertisement la this Issue. Raftmca will find Mr. Flood at his poet at tbe month of Bandy tbe coming Spring, as tenet. Diphtheria, for a few weeks past,hns prevailed to an alarming client la seveial places la tbe neighboring eounty of Jefferson. George and Sarah llorm, in Wash lag ton towaihip, near Reyaoldsrille, were bereaved of four of tbelr chil dren by this dreadful disease, lasida of thirty men hours. The youngest wet aged t years, S months and I days, and the oldest 11 years, month tnd 19 days. w n Well Said. The Harrisburg cor respondent of the Scran ton Trees, who was pres ent at the Governor end Mrs. HartraBft's second ananl reception oa Thursday a week, la giving a detailed view of the guests oa that occasion, remarks c Ml ws r " S Bator Bov r. f Crea field. and bis beautifa! dang ter were re-at. Mice Byer was much admk ed, bo Im for her grace aod beauty thaw for b r ady-lika odesty. Mer wearing apparel wa uperv. Improving, Our townsman. John H. Falfvrd I fq., has been rut Uea ling among tbe oraa c grovea of Florida for soma Vme pan for the boaett a I it de lia ng health. Wo are pleased to Mara that be has I., proved greatly Ibm he arrived la ia irnlal Hi etc. aa I that a few aoaihi low or will -tor him aneetaally, so thatheeaa rttnra le hti family. Bo has our thanks f,r some nf the guld.a and delicious fruit from the orange grores of the sunny South. IUrn Uurnkp. Tho Centra Hall fi'rtir avi i The bans of H e, boll, Bear Plea seat Gap, was destroyed by Ire, oa Saturday afternoon, Itth lost., about I o'clock. There wm abrat 41 bushel- el rye, coma aati, bay, food, warfoas, plows, roan, sVi la tbe barn, a I of which were burned. Mr. I'ell's Ion Is about tMf with bo insurance. Tbe Ira was taaaed by Mr. fioll'i little boyi, who loaad m em tehee oa Ibe rood as they were driving cattle la water, aad te taming te tho barn, the boys lit them, not com prehending the i!nnger, flensing tho straw oatsldv to take Ire, wbiea la aa Instant communicated to the barn. Tho duelling beuee had oaaght ewmo Ira ar cli times, sad It Was oaly by tat' bbom stroaaeeis uostiea that U wu Mead. Mr. rVll is a non of t, II. 4 mf Aema.borg.- THC OLOHIOUt TWIN TV4CCO N D. Tha 144lh annlveraary of the birthday of Geo. Wachlagtoa wu a pertloalarl glorious day la Clearfield aad tha weather seems to have boon arranged for tho oooasloa bright and altar. Thorn was aoitber snow or mad, aad right well did all tajty the dy. Between lha eibihldoa of tha Leonard Graded School la tbe forenoon, aad the Ceatcanlal Tea Party la the evening, everybody bad a celebration en heads. From S o'clock, a. K., aattl If o'clock, . n., hilarity aod good will reigned supremo, Everybody yoa met, old or young, smiled, while onr quiet borough was literally overrua with little Martha and tleorge Wa.biDgt-ns. LRUS4BB OaAliKB ICMOVL IIIIISIToV. Tbt forenoon wan consumed by a grntid eihiW tlon at Iht Leonard Graded Behool, where tbe little folks, and a large aumber of parents and oltisfna, gaihtnd to It. ten tu the d 1st) ulslt Ions, criticisms aad eulogies on the life and eharaoier of the Father of his ouantry," wbu made himself an UB'Bvlable reputation for being tbe author of a little hatchet affair, and fr being ' the first in war, first la peaoe, and llrsl to the hearts of his conn try mea.M Fmm 9 antll 10, A. a., one eontinouus stream of human hings kept eateilng the building until the large ball and all tbe cide-roemc, aisle, and every other spnoe urn the son nd floor we crowded Tho building was handsomely decorated with a profusion of flags, evergreens, and portraits of! "The Father of hie Country" on the wall, as well as other appropriate rmbletni for the oooailnn At 101 o'clock, a. M , Mr. I. V. ScbwfTer, la the absence of Professor Youngmau, who was tailed away to attend tbt funeral of a relative, called the audleact to order. Quiet having been restored, the eternises were opened wllh prayer by Her, Mr. Bullrr. Tha Clearfield Orchestra tbva de lighted the audience for some lluit with their ebarming muiie. At this poiat, B Inter Blattanberger appeared on the stage aad delivered aa address entitled M Tbe Birth-day of Washington." Tbt lad acquitted himself aobly. The Glee Club of tho school thea ei ecu ted a qnartette, entitled "Cnfuil the Flag." Minnie Bridge performed oa the organ, and was vocally assisted by Misses Test, Wilson, McCullough and Reynolds. The piece was excellently executed. Craytop McCullough tbea came to tbe front aad delivered an oration oa HTbt Memory of i Washington." It was wll done. He was followed by a little girl aimed Riley, who rehearsed " The Song or tbe I'd toe" la a very becoming manner; and showing that young as she Is she was mistress of the subject. Music by tbe( Orchestra, Irvio was next called, nnd proceeded with N Tho Character of Washington." He acquitted himself well. M Irvt" spoke like an old stager. Nannie Shaw rehearsed "The Legend of the Red, While and Bine," which she did in splendid style. She l tbe beet little reader we ever listen ed to. Mnsio by tho Oloe Club. Victor Guintburg was then sailed out, and de li vet ed an address on " The Flag of Washington." His delivery was earnest aad manly In style. Will. A. Bagorty wae aext la order. He deliv ered aa original address oa the memory of Wash ington and tbe vastneas of our country. He no quitted himself atlly, showing clearly that his iad Is given to the study of praotieal affaire. He has abandoned hie marbles and corner-leafing and taken to hie hooka. Music by the Orchestra. Miss Carrie Test wae next eat ltd out and re cited a poem, .otitled "The Independence Ball.' She delivered It with a full vtico end In tbe most emphatic manner, which after all is the cream Id a public address. J. Frank Snyder appeared neat with an origin nl essay, en I it led "America, " which was well de livered, besides showing Ubor and research la tho library and through sources elsewhere than oa tha street. Music by tho Orchestra. Hero tho programme closed, after which Mr. Sohnffrr ealiod upoa ex-Governor Bigler, Rev. U. 8. Bullet, Rev. B. F. Stevens, nnd Thomas H. Murray, Esq., all of whom seemed to be highly pleated with tbe surroundings, nnd after some praotioal remarks from each of tbcm, tbt Centen nial txhibltion adjourned by singing "The Urave of Washington," which was well exeouted by Mtises Reynolds, McCullough and Wilson t Miss Bridge presiding at tbe organ. All wert highly pleased, from the fact that there was not a single jar in the proceeding. Phixon Hiiootinu. A pigoon shoot ing match took pUet on the grouuds of the Clear field Park .Association, In West Clearfield, on Saturday last, the eon test sits being our amatenr sportsmen. Bono of whom had. tver participated la a booting match of (hit kind, Tbe following U tbe score i Bbnl 1st tdSd4lh 10-1- Oi 91- Ufl 101 t t I 1 ti 1 1 41 t 1 1-1-1 0- 0-1-0-0 rt ooooo , ,0 I 0 1 I 0100-0: 1-1-00- 11 11 I 0 - (1001 T. W. Thompson. A. W. Walters Iti A. Leavy Jos. Stephenson Fred. 8ukelt Amos Kennard D. K. Fuller loo A. M. Row M. B. Cowdrich Heory Bridge Ziio. Uudykuuts.Mw it. 0. Adams W.u. F. Morgan Tulal .. , AL Wallers was first to tha trap. He covered bis bird well hut his gun missed ftro. lie over hauled and wounded it, and then hilled it with tbe second barrel f but It d'd not score. Bridge claims one more score then Is oredlted to him, for the reaeon tht his second fired after the bird had bom wouuded, nnd be lore it got out of tbe boundary, One of Harry Adams' Lirds, after be tug wound ed, made n short circle and came back within tbt lioes, when it was eaugbt, It was arguod that it should not more but the umpire decided It a vvore, and Adsun was to credited. The only birds killed by any or the seounds was' one of Mr, Tltumptoa'a by Walters, after ThompMin had 11 red two abotf,and one of Al. How's by Walters, after bulng missed by Kow, The (hooting was far better thun was espeoted, and the sport in. en return their thanks to Messrs. Bridge and Tbompeoa, for getting up the matob, ne aa Clear pi elu Coal Trade. State ment of Coal and other freights sent over the Tyrone A CUarfleld Division, Pennsylvania Rail road, for the week ending Feb. 10th, 1971, and the same time last year t coal. Fur the week H tiauc time last year ., Increase Previously during year Same time last year Increase To'lal In 1876 Same time last yar Increase othrr rnnianTi, Lumber .. Miscellaneous freights List of letters remain inir unclaimed In the Poitofnat at Clearfield, fur the weekending February 19, 1978 1 Byrne, KMJah Kelly, Martin Giggey, Win. Meader, Mart M. Holenbaek, Klla A. Sbtuh, Mies t). 0. Kird, 1. Trade, Nathan B. P. A. UAULIN.P.M Bpeciait wm. Ri:nt'M locals. New wttll paper, handsome styles. Building or ploneor paper. New goods, new goods, Just roelvid. nee. 9, MTJ tf. vows. ... 10.3U9 mH U,IM ,.u fi.!4 ... 107,409 ... 70,114 31,349 127, Ml ,H 90,104 37,697 , 93 cars. . 07 About 1 o'clock on Monday night ot last week, a couple of fellows made an attempt to gtt into the Jewelry itore of "Jersey " Snyder, by dtooylng Billy King, who sleeps In tbt estab lishment, Into opening tho door and giving tbtm a watch, which one of them claimed to have left there. Billy couldn't sea It, and after getting sight of a revolver la King's hand the would-be robbers left, Aboat II o'clock on the same night, two i waked up Postmaster Gaulin and requested him to open the postofllce door, that they might mall a letter. Tbey ware politely informed that when tbt postofllce was closed In the evening It was kept closed nntil morning, and they eon Id drop their letter in the boa at tbt door. Tbty left without mailing the letter, If tbey bad one to mail, which la very doubtful, Wo nre informed by the Clinton Demoermt, that at a meeting of tbt creditors of R. B. Caldwell A Co., bankers, held at Rtaovo, on the 18th nit., a statement from R. B. Caldwell wet read, estimating tl e liabilities of the firm at 100,00b and axsets at $47,790, principally in real estate. A committee of fire creditors was ap pointed by tbt chairman of tbe meeting, Mr. W. L. Forster, consisting or W. C. llolahan, Krq., James Murphy and Wm. B. Jordan, of Renovo J 0, J. Sparlo rd, of Driftwood, and Jobn M. Jndd, of Emporium, to prepare, among other things, an Itemised statement of the firm's assets and liabili ties. The oause of tbe suspension was stated to be tbe general prostration of business in tbe Bald Kagle Valley, where tbt flrm'a abicf transaction! took place. ran twixtt-srxord cortini'Bb rsa centra mat. TBa. riaiv. from what transpired afterwards, It was evi dent tho forenoon exercises at the Leonard Graded School did not satisfy oar people, who evidently lit up their minds tt fully celebrate the nation al holiday from morning until midnight. Hlnaer over, everybody waa looking after the Interests of the Centennial Tea Party, In which the lady portiea of our eitiiens had takea a de- dded interest for several weeks previous. During tbe afternoon nearly everybody madt It a point tt visit the largt building which bad been ar ranged by tho Tea Party in the moat magnificent style. Flowers, flags of every fiat, and wreaths of evergreen ornamented the tables and decorated the walla, convincing all of the immense labor that had boon performed by somebody. We do not wish It to he understood that ornaments were the oaly aloe things on tha table ; beeauee they wert loaded with tha richest previsions the mar ket afforded and Inexhaustible la quantity, which may be inferred from Ibe fact that tbt content were attached at 9 o'clock In tbe evening by bun dreds of persons, who kept up a regular run until about 11 o'clock, whea tbe orwwd began to fall off, aad aboat a score or two of Manba Washiagtoas wert allowed to take a little rest and readjust their powdered wigs, tajHi and white itraigbt- iaoketa with flowing ties. There were thirteen tables, representing (ho thin toon original States of the Union. At tha south ern ond of tbt ball was a large doable table, rep resenting Pennsylvania and Caneotieut, It was presided over by Mrs. Walter BarraJ t, Chairwoman of the Tea Party Committee, and Mrs. Governor Bigler, and their aid. Tho rest of the tables were arranged along oa each side tf tbt hall, making largt passage way through the centre. These tablet were arranged and prei ided over as follows PRKVtrLVAKU, Mrs. Waltkb Barrxtt, Chairwoman Aids- Miss Sophie 0. Smith, Miss Mary Saoheit, Miss KOe Robacker. ooanncTicrr. Mrs. William Biotaa; Aids Miss Marie Me- Alplno, Miss Grace Row, Miss M. Jennie Shaw. Mrs. T. J. Botes t Aids Miss Beokit Skew, Miss Hauls Yrakly, Miss Helen Powr. MA BRACK UBRTTB. Mrs. Samurl Arxoltm Aids Miss Melissa Burley, Visa Melissa Bigler, Miss Gertie Test, Mist Permit Arnold' rkw Town. Mrs. 9. J. Row Aide Miss Klla Reeves, Mire Sallle Mitchell, Miss Bertha Howe, saw jrrskt. Mrs. Wn. II. Dill f Aide-Miss Allot Flegal, Mlaa Maggie Irvia, Miss Frank Shea, sonrn oarolika. Mrs. OrRoe Gordom i Aids Miss Marr Ms- sop. Hiss rrantis Foley, Miss Km ma Camp, aotJTH CAROLINA. Mrs. D. L Kaana ; Aids Miss Fannie Leoonte, Miss Allot Mossop, Misa Kdith Tatt. eaoaaiA. Mrs. W. A. Cmsrt Aids Miss Carrie Mitchell, Mise Jennie Shaw, Miss Lfdia Sbugart. brlawarr. Mrs. Frawb Witjtr i Aids Mls Amanda Dougherty, Mlie Rilla MoPherson, Miss Ada Alt. VIROtRIA. Miss Flo pur Graham ; Aids Miss LUsie Reed, Misa, Ella Shaw, Miss Ida Bloom. RRODR IBI.AXB. MUfl AtrwiR Barbrtti Aids Miss Blanche Moseop, M iss Carrie Boyer'. To the right of the main entrance, Rebecca bad a well dag and had It handsomely covered over with green awis nnd evergreens, and there was a long sweep which brought up "lot-cold lemonade from tho bottom. This was pros Ided over by Miss Mertie Mills, who foraishrd the thirst with all they ootid aoasume. Ob tb left was a largt glass ease, la ebarge of Mi-eet Kmma Foley aad Ella Good fellow, filled with tbe cboleert elgars, tobaccos, etc. Here the smokers and ehewera found re)lf. Next waa a largt show -oast, presided over by Mi sees Bertha Irwin nnd Ida Taylor, filled with Centennial relies. This la where tbt curiosity hunter invented bit ensh tt bis en l ire satisfaction, ptrhape flourishing a teat, watca-tberm, breaai pia, or a pwlr tf tarboba, wade tat of Indepen dence Hall Umber. From 7 antll 11 o'olntk, the building wm "Jam fallM of people, going aad coming. Tbt oash proceeds tsaoanled to aboat $170, leaving a bal aaa of over two hundred dellart after paying all ex pea sat. Petitions numerously signed are bo lag tireultted la Indiana county, praylag for the appointment of Barry While It tbe position of lalicd Slates Judgt, st Pfttsborgh, la plant of Judge MeCendk tt, aboat la be retired. Harry Is a rbronle eaVc hunter, having beta State Sena i far tea ar twelve tears, a delegate la tat late Commit towel Coatectma, aad a twndldam for Congressional honor t. la tbt tart Skated meet- j eat ho Wat sal tuetanfui, Wring; beat tasty eWvwttd by Sot. tWfa A. Jests, I Impupknc Checked. Tho I'liilips- burg JourmmL, of last Saturday, stye t "Pour healthy men who applied to the Overseers tf tbe Poor of Rush township to be placed opon tho district for support were turned over to tbt Suptr- visor It work upon tho roads at one dollar per day, but tbay concluded that If they bad to work for their living tbey would seek some other Job, and accordingly quit, after n day or two. The plan la a good one, aod should commend Itself to other Overseers of tbe Poor. It is a good test at to whether a man applies for relief only because he thinks bo can get it for notblog, or whether be U willing to earn his otto bread if opportuulty should offer." WOHUH OH UAHNINU, During tho present year, ns In tbe past, tne gravt will close over thousands, simply because tar.? neglect the means which would restart them lo health. Meet the feel deMroyer nt (he thres hold, and dispute his Invasion by that more than wonder ul medic lac, Dr. Morris' Hyrup tf Ttr, n no i oerry ana iiorebound. I hurt it no tauifli or cold, test of Asthma, Dmnnhllie. Blood-spit-tint;, weak lungs, Croup or Whooping Cough, whu'h will not yield more reedily to litis great botanical nxMRfir than any other Medicine, If you would avoid disai'Doiutwent and be snordilv ourod, ask your DrugKt for Dr. Morris' Syrup of TarW lid Cherry and llorohuund. Regular aiiea ov eeois ana uits uoiiar. Prof. Parker's Pleasant Worm By rim la mt feotly safe, extremely palntable. No physio rt- tiuireu. viwia zt tents, rry it. For salt by O b. Waiaon and liar l. wick A Irwin, Clearfield, Pa mob 17rowly. liars Vou OtapenKla. with its train of dls- ordert, bllllonineea.oonstipation, water-brash,ltss of appetite, headache, distress altar eating, Ac? ir to, go to u. u. Watson, Jirurglst. and get bottle of Dr. Cceta'e Radical Cura. Taht It and be well. Jt acts as no eiber medicine ever did, and rare relief la guaranteed in erery east where directions art followed, it tones up the stomach, rest ores tbt natural appetite, strengthens tbt went, ana as a fiver regulator it a as bo equal, a Clergyman of Philadelphia says "It Is tbe very foundation of health." To all who are m Bering from n disordered stomach or livor, we say try it. A few doses will relieve and a little perseverance cure tot worst eases. Trial Bite tu cents. Hold also by P. Cur ley A Co., William. grove ; T. U. Forney, Graham too, and P. Moyer, Kylerlown. mtfbl7eowty Rare ehanot to tell tbt stock of a ilort, If a merchant wanting to sell will take $3,000 worth of realtstatt. Address Box 309, Tyrone, Pa. Buoatna For Salb R. Ntwton Shaw keens a full supply of Fredoom Buggies and Platform wagonB tor salt. To bo aeon at tho Bhaw House yard. Call on or address him at Clearfield Ptnn sylvan la. may lS-tf. Warrirt. On Saturday. Feb. 19tb. 1870. In Olea Hoot. by Isaac P. Bloom, Kiq., Mr. J. Rickerd, of Cam bria eounty, and Miss Kebccoa W, Smith, of Clearfield county. gitd. At Mileiburg, Pa., on Friday, February 1 1th, 1R76, after a lingering Illness, I'retta Roberts Hall, consort of T. M. Hall, bq., tged OB years, 1 month and 19 days, At Nittanv Hall, Centre count v, Pa., of tan- sumption, on Tuesday, February l&th, 176, Mrt. nntaoetn Henor, wilt or Jacob neberaod mother of W. F. Reber, Bq., of Bellefonte, Pa., aged fto years, ft months aad 13 days. At Central Point, this eountv, on Monday. Feb. 14th, mo, of nutrid sort throat, Reaa Bell, daughter of John M. nnd Nancy hiter, aged 11 years, 19 months and 21 daya. At Central Point, thit county, oa Tuesday, Feb. 11th. UTft. of nutrid tore throat. Mary Lois. daughter of Jobn M. nnd Nancy K iter, aged 19 yoara, 7 moaths and 10 days. Railroads. PeiiiiNjlvniilnltailrond TYRONE A CLEARFIELD BRANCH AN .nd .fur Uoodty, Vyr.iang.r Tral.a , DKC. , 1875, lb. ill run d.llr ( Snn- d,j) TyroD. ..d OlMrl.ld, M follow. CLBARFIKLD MAIL. TT. 0. Inwin. CondMl.r. Lit XV II SOUTH. HMst-fllanrsttf. pEW OPENING), SHOWERS' BOOT & SHOE HAT & CAP ROOM No, 1, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, MARKKT fiTIIKKT. A full and eompl.U iMortBant of a.w good. n. tLJM, HUWR LB "HARD PAH? PRICES. Clt liens are Invited to call aad examine m stock and Judge for tkemetlvrt aa to qaality and JO.iRPU 8. SHOW linn. Clearfield, April 14, 1H7-4. "LKAVK NORTH. Tub Lahv Xoticb. Tho rudeness of the boys at the pottoffloe on tbe raoeipt of the night mall Is bay ond turn prehension. Tbe P. M. baa tabausted every means to sop press ths nul santt, nud aow baa posted up a notice, warning against mi soon duct In the future. If this notice la Bot heeded, tbe door dT the office will be closed, in tbe future until after tbt mall la distributed It will bt nice for bu tineas men to remain la the street during this time. We hart long slnet quit going te tbt oAot at night, an at to avoid tbe in sults of these young blackguards, who deport themselves worse than the heathen, although they are nearly all Sunday School scholars. . 'e i w i 'Squint:, Look HerbI The Act of Assemhly requires Justices of tbt Peact elect, if they desire to qualify, to file their acceptance In writing with the Prothonotory within thirty dtys afttr tht election ) otherwise nt tommlssion will be Issued. The letter of acceptance should also state what oecasiom.-d tht vacancy which the per son Is elected tt ill whether death, reslf notion, or aspiration of term of tho previous Inoumbont, and giro the name of the predecessor. Latltre of acceptance should bt addressed tt Ell Hloom, Rsq., Clearfield, Pa. m m PUBLIC MmiNQ OF LAWRENCE GRANGE. Mr. Bditor t A publie meeting of tht Orange was held at Pint Urove school bouse, in Lawrenoa township, on tbe evening df the 27 tk tf January, to try I inform the friends outside of the Grange what tbt (J range is for. We went splattering through the mud wit lanterns In hand, tho night being very dark and the mud so deep that it was almost itupoa.ible to get along) but with all that we found a full house and bad good order. The It.llowitig are tbe proct-e. lings of the public moating ! Lawrence Orange, No. 631, on January 27 1 h, 1K7S, assembled at 7 o'clock, t. M., and was called to order by the Mailer, Wm. P. Read. Other officers ta their places. Opened with pray er by the Chaplain, Tod tbea a so eg was sung by the Orange, entitled " Rally around the U range." '1 be Master read a written address on tha nee of tbe Order, alter which Brother John A. MoHride, of Centre Orange, was called upon aad delivered aa ablt address. Past Master J. K. Head, followed by Brother J A. Read, dellvured interesting ad dresses. Messrs. X. HaUton, U. Liia, and W. P. Tate tpU very favorable of tht Orange. Sister 8 X. Read read a paper got up for tbe parpoee, called the "H ran )er s Friend," fot which she de serves end it and was greeted with prolonged apnlanse. Tht question for fret discussion, to nil who wished to take part In It, was now taken up, which was " The eduralton or tht farmer aad lha farmer's childrea." Discussion was opened by Brothers M. Read and J. A. Mr II ride, alter which the young ladies eB gentlemen Interested them by singing a piece, eollilrd "Stay on the Farm,' which was highly appreciated. After tbt singing, the diseui.ivn was returned, and nddreaaes were mode by I'.M Masler.Head, Brothers J A. Read, M. Read, W. 8. Port, and Messrs. Liti, Talc and Ralston. Tht debate then oloecd. The Master then announced that tht Orange was open for any persons present who had any questions to ark. Messrs, Tate, Llta, Peoples, and others, akrd for Ihlormelion, and were an swered by the Master, Pact Master, and J. Spank man. The benediction was pronoonood, and tbt Orange tlosed in dnt form, tnd all parted think ing the Grangers were not as bad animals as lby wert reported to be. Hat rbtabv or (la a it iir, No. MX. Curwenavillah.8:1", p.n Clearfield 1.40, ' Philtpsburg...4.4, Osocola.,H....ft.07, " Tyrone fi.Ji, " CLBARFIKLD BXPRE38. Tyrant M,.. Uaoeole.... 10 10, " Pbil.p.barg... 10.87, Clearfield 11.44," Corwensvillo..l!:7, W. 8. pLtnuin, Conductor. LRAVB NORTH. LKAVK SOUTH a. . Tyrone.,,, Clearfield...... :11 Philipsbarg- 0.30 Osceola. 8.60 Intersection... 7.M Tyrone t.07 T.OS r.a InUretotion...Y.0T ' OsooolaH .....8.20 " Clearfield, ar...f. 4ft Curwensvillc. 10.07 " BALD BAGLB VALLEY BRANCH. Bip. r. m. 0.4ft 7.SI 7.44 8 10 fill fi.Sft 9.03 9.41 Mall. , Mail. Rip. A. m. r. a. r. n. 0.46 leart Tyrant arrlrt O SS 1.06 9.14 Bald Kagle 0.14 1S.4 It .67 Julian 6. .14 13.08 10.3ft Mileeborg ft.10 11.46 10.40 BHIefonto ft. 04 11 17 10 Ml Milesbnrg 4.44 11.16 ll.3 Howard 4)0 1103 13.0ft arrlrt L. Haven leave 3.3ft 10.30 TYRONB STATION. BABTW ARB. A H Pacific Vipress, fi:lft Ilarrlsbarg Aor'm, 8:48 r n Mall Traia, 1:33 1 Atlantic Ripress, A-47; Pbila'da Ki press, 10 30 1 WRSV WARD. A M Plttsburf Kxp'ss, 3:48 Pacific Kipreas, 0 Al sa Way Passenger, 1:01 Mail Train, 6 41 Faet Lite, 1:61 PIIII.IPHBURO A MOSHANNON BRANCHES On and after Monday, October Jith, 187ft, Ac com mode t ion Trains will run over the Pblllps bnrg and Mushannon Branebes, as folio wt i LEAVB SOUTH. LEAVB NORTH. 1:3ft 7:38 1.40 T:40 1:44 7:43 o 7:i 1:68 10:30 8:00 3:13 10:41 8:1ft 3:19 10: 831 9 38 11:68 8:3ft 3:38 10:&8 8:29 3:33 11:03 8:36 Stations MorrisJalc, Phillpaburg, Sieiner'i, Duabar, Osceola, Mnsbannon, Sterling, Hnatidale, McCauley, Kendricks, 7:1ft 13:31 7:00 13:18 4:3ft 13:13 4:81 12:04 4:23 11:66 4:16 11:41 4:00 11 a :63 11:37 8:47 11:34 3:44 11:30 8:40 FARE FROM CLKARFIELD, TO Bellsfonte, Pa $3 96 ; Lok Haven 3 70 A Rarfpaced SwiNDI.fte-A lllimbtT of persons residing In Cnnlppring were last week " ten tn ana dne ror ny n triiow giving bis nemo as Samuel U. King, who represented him self as an arent for the Pittsburgh itndrr. His mode of operation waa as follows t The paper was te be furnished for $4 a year, and each sub scriber got a ticket which entitled him te draw one t seven nutnbertri envelopes one being a blank, and the others containing a curd each, on which was printed tbt name nf the prise to which the drawer Would bo entitled. Following Is a cony of Ibe reeelnt the fellow gave. Il was writun oa an ordinary telegraph uiaaa, ia peneii t MeRrin, Pa., Feb 10, tfl. Received nf Mr. H. O. Dugau 81.40, fbr taitr one year and Singer tewing machine, hammers, tuckers, fellers end attachments wltk it, and from four te sit needles. We au area toe anaebfat for eight years or moyf rrisaded, and paper one year gratis. Baler e, $8.00, dot ont) year Son date it paid with a twt weeks. Bluet y cents esT. i SABBat. II. ftlKS. Aa all the pHita wert either parkr trgant or sewing niaebtn t, sod is it was only neeeaeary la pay ii.oo of lAt f4 down, iht bait was very at- WilllamsportH 'Hunt ngaon LewlttwnH Marysville ilAHiilHBURG I AO 1 SO 1 90 4 60 4 7& Mlddletown.....A 00 Marietta ft ftO Lanrasttr ft 88 PUIIiADKLPHIA 7 ft Altoona 1 Aft Johnstown....,...., X80 1'ITTHBURO ft 1ft JHANGE OF PROPRIETORS. The nndtrsianed bavlnn nurebaaed the star goods and property formtrlv ooeiibied bv Loves viegai, on oecona street, tiearfleia, adopts tbie method of brina-iot bia husintaa to tbe notion ol tbt public, and promisee tt furnish hit patrons who werery dobi quality Ol BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, THMWHH if 11LiBK89 at tveeedlng low rales. This I am enabled tr do, beeauee I have no rent to pay, aad eaa there tore aiviae too nrBte with mv eustomers. I- may ho said that tbia te an experiment with mt ii Benin a fooo an c a lor a low n rare en tleee custom and eipands trade, I am bound t neooed in my nndtrUking. Uive mt a call, ax amine my stock and learn my prices. To my larct stock of hoots and shots, bats and oapa, a uavr just audeo a lull Block tr Gents Furnishing Goods, which I will tell at tha very lowest flgurea for cash, or in exchange for country prnduoe. at the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. O.ll od .main, mj Hork .nd pr!r, bofon parsnMing.inwn.ra. PtTKR McOKOBOK. Ct.ut.lri, April l, 1ST. OOT AND SHOE MAKING. B JOSEPH II. DERRINO. o. M.rk.l tfrMt. In Sh'llow, Clnrt.ld, P.., kujnat noaiTMl . tn. lot of JFraua C.lf .kin, .nd Kin,, lb. n..i in ro. m.ri.i, an. t, loir prepare, tonmn nhotar. .r.rylhlnf la kl, lis. II. will war rant bl, work to b. a. rproMnt.d. AIM, all kind, of Ufttbcrand 8bo. Finding, for ml,. Tb. lth.a, of Cl.trl.ld aad Tlelalt, ar, r.ap.etrully Inrltod to giro bin a oall. Work don. al ,hort aoUsa. 7:l'I3y Olo,. ononootloa, mad. br all at Trro'n. aad Lock llaron. 8. t. BLAIR, jlT-lf. Allegheny Valley Railroad. LOW ORAIiK DIVISION. ON and aftrr Mond.Y, DrMraUr tTlh, l7, tb. pa.KDgrr train, will ran dally (.leapt Kiind.y) bet tea R.d flank and Driftwood, aa follow, t RAMTWARO. Dajr M.IMr.v,. rill.l.ur, :! a. m. Ked llank II :0,ncll.,n 13:08; New HMbl.benr l:M p. a. Mareyllle I I. I irny jiroolrli . ivw rnrr,I:o; nry. CALIFORNIA. raa cmrAno A?tn oBiAT-wittriRv bailwav Km lira res under ont management tha Great Trunk Railway Lines of the WKSTand NORTH WKST, and, with its numerous branches nnd connections, forms the shortest and quicken t route between CuiCAUoand all points in lixtnoie. Win roNsiw, NoRvnaRM MirmoAR, Minrraova, Jowa, n aaUABK A, UAMronRt BBS tht VV RBTRRS TRRRminiita, Its Omaha and California Line I, tb. and beil rout, for alt point, in Kobthbhn ItLinoia, Iowa. Dakota. N'k,ka,k., Wroaino, Coiobado, Utai. Nr.viu. Liron- ia Obboob, CaiA, Jafab and Ai .rAl.iA. It, (hlcno, Madison & St. Paul Line Is tbt shortest line for N onr nan WiMroysm and MiRRtaoTA, and for Madisok, Mr. Pai'l, Miiv. RIAroLit. Dt Liitn tnd all nuinta In tht Ureat Northwest. Its M boiia and SI. Peter Line Is tbe only route for Wiuora, Rotdr4Tkr. Owa- torua, Markato, St. Prvrr, Nrw Klu. and all points in Southern and Central Minnesota. Its Green Bay and Marquette Hue la the only line for Jarbbvillh, Watrrtuwr, Forb I)r Lao. Oshrosb, Aitlrtor, 0rrk4 Ray, KSCAKABA, NVOAVRBB, MaROVRVTB, Hoi t.HTOR, and the Lakb Bt tkrior Ciii rtrv. Iu Frceporl and Dubuque Line Is the only route for, RorxroR, FnxR fcrt, and all points via. Frteport, lit Chicago and Milvaukee Line Is tht old Lake) ?bore Route, tad is the only one passing through Kvawrtor, I,akb Porbat. (Ittw lard Park, W a r r ri a r , Bacirb, Kbrosua to MlLWAt'XKB. Pullman Talacc Cars are ma oa all through era las of (hie road. I Thit iatha ONLY LINK running these can be. tweea Chicago and fit. Paul, Chicago ami Mllwtu kee, or Chicago and Winona. j At Omaha our Hleepere ooaneet wllh tht over- j land Blet-ptrt on. tho I'ntnn Pari Ac Railroad fur 1 all points West of tht Missouri River. 1 On tbt arrival of tbe trains from tbt 'Fast or tirsrtrUf, 6tr. NEW FJLOUII. FEED, KD GllOCEUY STORE. A. G. & CO., KRAMER Market treat, on door we.l of Manaloi louaa, Clearfield, Pa. Keep wn.Uatljr ow baa-f SUGAR. COFFEi, TEAS, SODA, BVKI'I', COAL OIL, SALT, SPtOKS, tlOAP, Caaanl anil DrM Fruit., Tobieoo,, Caa- die,. Oldor Vinegar, Batter, Egg,, Ae. ALSO, KXTIU OUK-MADB Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, Ac, All of wbleh will be .old oboao for eaeb or Ib ilebaog. fur eoantrj produee. A. tl. KKA ji rin CO. Cle.rl.ld, Not. II, l87.-tf TN ei Mi I K t a. t: JEMOVALI JOHN McGAUGHEY Would rerpeetfullv notlfv tbt nubile tcncrallv hat he has removed his (Jrooerv fitora frota haw't Row, to tht building formerly occupied . muee n raixer, on nscooa street, ntil door e Bigltr't hardware store, whore ha intends teepmg n full Itnt of OROC'EItlEN. DAMS, DtUED BKEf.nd LARD. UQAHS and SIRUPS, .fall grade,. r(AS, Oreoa and Black. C0FFWS, Roaited and Oreen. FLOUR AND FEOVISIONS, cr.rED mt iTs, All kind, la lb. market. PICKLES, la Jan and barrel,. 4PICES, In .r.ry farm and variety. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KIMONOy CRACKERS. SOAPS, MATCHES, ' DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil A&4 Lamp CMmneys. And a good of tboa, tbinga asaally .pt ia a grocery More, wbirb h. will .aahang. 'or maraaimg at to. market prleea. Will aall for.eaah aa ehcaply a, aay other oo. Pleaae aall and aeo bia .took and India for ruorecit. JOHN lirOADUIIET. Clearl.ld, Jan. 1, 1176. rinocERiEs. JAS. H. LYTLE, (Surooaaor to LTTLR A MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CHDICti LINK OK TEA. 0L0H. (8. JAPANS, , IMPERIAL, TOCNO HVSON, e KNULMIl BREAKFAST Paraat la llarkrt. BUTTEH ANI V.KC.H Will b. boot aod aold at Brit aoet. C..b tiAld for Country Produce. ERUAN CHERRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARS, ' PniLADELPHIA BAMS. ' unit. Mackerel, Lake Uerriog, Cod, Ae, ' PICKLKM. Barral Ploklo. and Eogli.k Piekla.. FLOUR AM PKKI). Flour, Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Ae. wM'rs JAS. II. LTTLK. CHEAP GROCERIES I LUMBER CITV, PA. Ttio andarelgned announce, to bia old friende and patr.a tbat he baa opened a good lino ot OHOCKRIKR A PllvlVIHIONH at th. old .tand of Kirk A Spencer, for which be enllella a liberal patronage, H. W. SPKNCEH. 1umb.r City, I'... March 50. if. O o eM u o -o. S Cb-i w p-tl o o eW HI s u c w N u of t e JICENSE NOTICE. The followlna nereona bar. fll.4 le the offlee of the Clerk of tbe Coart of Quarter Eeealcaa sf l-learneld eoonty, their patttjooe and bond, for LioeoM., at tb. March aeaaioB, Beit, agroably to tb. Act of Aeeemuly i dVat LicBaaa. I. O. Dlllen ABeoarllle Jemee N3rwood.. ..Bradford lohn B. Bergey Coringtne Jem.a M.Uoghlia ....Cla.rS.ld ..Clearll.ld ....CurwcBBTllle .... - French. II le , .UrMBWOnd Unlicb ..H....lloutadal. D. Row.. W. B. Bradl.y John Dougherty.....,,, , D. R. Pullonoa W. H. Jeckeoa Newton Ret.., Job. Mulwo Samuel Uullihan- Peter Kookoa Jama, Carter , John Melnerney H , Cbarlea Keony Jmu Ualay Wm. Cnrraa A. W. O'tlrady Janae, Dobs Pet Qulan ............, Wm. Parker I. Hmeel ..... Freak Holier K. C. Howe Wm H. Daaoer J. Wreae Frank Poi Jae. SchoteloT W. A. Megonigi,. ., William 8obwem. J. C. Curry ...... .. U. W Deri, Neel Dougherty..,... .. Milo Hcyt , Smith Balrd j... O. B. Robaeker ,., W. H Kilmer. Amem anerr Jobe Bottorlf M Oeorge Peera. .... Kamucl Uttrdoa . Wm. Shield, Joba Powell Denlel MoCarthy......... ... L. Campbell I. P.Careoa Geo. Rhode. William De,U Jeme, Moore.......,...... WIOLBIALB UC8BBB. L. M.Coadrlet HCoeingten reier i.araier uoeiBgton O. K. Robeeker Clearlleld O. T. Slmonton , Hoetsd.1. Ueorge N. Colborn. Lewroaee. BBBTAUBAMT LICBBlB. Strphtn Oreff ......... Curweaerille A....!luetoa Z'.r"ja'ae,IIU Letberaborg L. City .N. Waihlngton .Oeoeola ......Penleld '.'.'...'.TrootTllle Wallacetoa Woodward Denlel Doren Z. Y. OndThuaat M. S. OlaaU H. S. Batten Thcmaa Millaa...... Michael Millan Wm. W.lla... Kd ....('le.HI.ld ..Cleerleld M..Uootdale .......... " -.Hoot! dale Sterliag iiLuoaa, Clerk, noldarlll. l:4h Dulloia 1:14 I Summit Tunnel I Snath, tbe traina of the Chicago A North Wcrlera neiiwey i.bAvn uiuweifu aa rullowe t lyiir Council lllun..)BiBhaaiidCBl(fiirnla, Two Through Traina Daily, wllh Pullman Palace, Dnwing Room end Slei'piog Can through to Council illulla. for Ht. Paul and Mlnurapolla, Two Through Traina daily, with Pullman Palace Dan attached oa bolh traina. For Ureeia Hay and Lak. Hiiperlor, Two train, dally fwltn rnllmea 1'aleea Cara attached, 1:31 1 Pealeld l;d We.a.llle 4:l, Beneaelt. 4:44 arrirei al Driftwood at tM. FJ4TVY A R D. Day Mall leave. Driftwood ii:i. p.m.) jieaeaetw t!i,i weedTtll. l:Sl P.nll.ld l:iti Summit Tunn.l J:l"i IluBoiil.ig, lleynoldarllle :06 Fnll.r', J I4 : llmolc.ill. I SO; Trny:l BteTaell , 4i.1t I Kew Beth cbem 4:l PI:o JuucIIob t it s Red llank :4i arrive, et ritieoarg at a:oa p. bi. t'loee eoBaeetloB, made with trnie. OB P. A I Railroad at llrltt.ood, and with train, nn tbe Allegheny Valley Railroad at Red Bank. DAVID MrCARUO, Oea'l Sup'!. A A. jArBaoa, Sup't L. U. Dir. 187G. WHERE KOW? 1870. To MlCIIIOAlf, ana tilths fornnoet, flourish ing ana neaiiny rtiaiee i WHAT FOR? To buy a FARM out of the One Million Acre of floe fnrBBlhff lands for sale by tbe tiRAKD HAflliH tB INIHANA K. it. Strong Soils. Ready Markets. Burn Crops, flood Hehnols, R. R. rone I h rough centra of grant. Settlements all along. All hi ads nf Products raised. Plenty tf waler, tlmtvtr and building bib (trials Prion front flt to fin ter aert) ant fourth down, balanot oa tiaja. m J4T Hand for illustrated peraih)rt. full of faolB aad flgaret, and be nonvhteed. Addrrsa W. A. HOWARD, Cothti'r. tlrand Ranids, Mlrh. P. It. It. PIKRCB. eloe'y Land Dep t. nd running thnmah to Murriiieile. I'or Milwauheo, Pour f hronib Traits dally, Pullman Cart on night trains, Parlor Chair Cars on day trains. I'or Kparia and Winona, Mii points ja Minnetola. Oot Thnmgh Train daily, wllb Pullman HUrper to Winona. Kor lutiuu.ue, via Frreport, Two Through Trains daily, Willi Pullman Cars An night irains. sVor Oubuquosnid La Croatc via Clinton, Two 'lhrowgh Irains daily, with fullinan Cars on niKht Irain to Metiregor. owa. rorHlou City nnd V auk ion. 1 wo Traina daily l'ulituan Cart to Minourt Vat ley Junction. tot i.anw rtieva. nmr trains daily T.KATHKR B R R A ST-STR A PS Pl'PKRMKDED BT 4OVEHTM PATKPtT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Mad of the bttt Mallet, bit Iron, and Is attached In tht Hemes by the best Snap twr invented. It ' Ifoaslly and quirk ly put oa, and prevents tht whipping of tht horses by the pilt. bot liable to get ont of repair. " Will last lor years. All ft we ask Js a fair trial, to eon vi nee all partita us- Ing then that tbey are nnsurpaiwed ia vein for tht purpoee for which they are intended. HACKKTT A BCIIRTVKR. Cltarfleld, April 16, 1874., PA. M..mrme-J. f lent, (k. U.Jl- V..l for l.nke .ctieva. Vmr Trains ilails. ' 1. - 7 .7 . i - Kor Mocklurd. Mwrllii Keiiohn.d.i.n- "T"" ia"V Ti'aZV TJ"1 liii. j . . . f , led advantages for Ibt thorough, practical eduea Clearll.ld, F.b. il, 17. rpRUSTEE'S SALE SELLING OFF AT COST. All that larg. and well eelerted Block of flnol. and Sbnea of all kledt eaoegh for tbe naliea, Male and Capa for men and bore, n fell euppiy for the Ceuteaaial. .Trunk., Carpet Mcha, aad Uenu' FumlibiBg Oooda of ell doKriptione. Are eelling from day to day at eoat, al the old Shoe Store of Peter Meeorge,in Cleerleld. aearlyop poaile the Court Home. Stare open at all houn. end J. W. Howe, tbe meet aeeommodeting clerk in town, I, reedy to watt en eeetom.n eed receipt for gnoda. He la alao authorlaed lo utile .ml rm. crtpt for ell atore aceouata of P.ter Mcdeorge. ..v n.r .Huwiog iwei. A.V. JAltt, i ie.rn.iu, re., reb. 23, Tro.lee. p'KUsT EEs Notice."' ; All perMnl en hereh eotlfled tkt t beea rhoeeB Tre.tee for th. creditor! of PRTKR McUKORUE. of Cle.rOeld. Pa. And ., .11 tbe perronal property of all kind., logelher ailh j. - . c Mrniu, aou niaimi 01 every una, owing or belonging to aeid b.v. beenae.igued and deliveivd to me a. TruMee aioreaam. All penon, lodrbl.d to aeid P.t.r Metleorge la eny way ere hereby aotlted to uinke immediate payment to me, aa 1 aloae am legally empower., le receive ead receipt for tbe A. C. TATi, Cleerleld, Pa., Feb. 13. U7i St Trnatee. uditorTnotick 't B. A. Irvle and Jae. B. ) la the Court of Com- Urabem, Ki. of Wm. moa Pleaa of Cleer- Irvln, dee'd, leld county, Penn'e. ea. I v. J1.. Km. ia J... rienry Swan. j Term, 1174. The anderalgned Audltot, appointed by Ibe Court, te diatritiuto the fund, nrtalng tram the Hbcrlir, aale of Ilafend.nt a real ealate, henbv girea Bollce tbat he will attend to th. dntlea of bi, appol'lment et hi, office Ib Cleerleld, en Friday, the 10th day of March, l7l, between the houn of II o'clock e. m. ead A o'clock p. m.,whon and when all partiea Interacted may etleod If tbey aeo proper. W. M. MoCVLLDIIMII. Cleerleld, leb. II, 1871 It Auditor i IS IT YOU Wh. uid that you would llk lo git wch Clothing n City reopn weir, ramir mm ma wmnesaie goods com monly told ? Thil will tell you how to do It You Can Save Enough la buying TO PAY FOR THE TRIP from anjrwhtrt In thit County to tht City of Philadelphia, and have a day of eight-teeing beaidea. Wanatnahsi At Vrown ttaad by thit Statement, aad to will yon after one trial. rpO be iwrv tf what we sell we SBanutActurt our I lods. soaw of them la our own buiidirvg. - They are well cut, lewedtuvdniushtrd. The tan be relied upon. Storekeepers out of the city isrepresaat us when they say they tall our foods, a aanf atat aaaW mj.Anff ffV tult onuRml aainalvaai In retail. Wo bear no ttl-will to any one, and state this only because aomt dealers sell poor goods aa coming from our house. To each of our custom. rs we are mponaibU for articles bought of tu. Ily our plan of Ticketing tbe right sweat oi the autemis on our goods, tu one caa be Billed as to Chartetttr al the toadg wt eesll Par Man A toys. tgUaHlica. WaaanaKer A rtwa treat thew CUI10HCHL T M1E price In plain Ague, and mihing ff. The aaine price w aVLquainuncN ana iranRrs. To citv neotete and countrv Deoola mual advantages. With each article sold, a LuamnlH Is given, thai the Price k as low as It can be bought anywhere, ana Uisl tne quality u aa rrpmenKtl; wttl be paid back In full, il purchaser within 10 days alao. that the withes, for any tvaaon, lo return the goods, unworn. Ciacffv whtrt tht Mart H. rtHlSft importanl tirdecd.bcxauM.umrrinupted Stop atrangere oa the street, ewA in tfirnttnt people havinc ttoret In Philadeiwiia. emn- Urftit our kigns, cards, advermements, and rv tion -S IXTU -hlXTH -SIX'l H- I aua. maiaiiejsr UH ill Him , wwixWII mirmtni about where the store is, so that they may sell (bur rruinle rTMt nnrtm I hir. U IhiI Iwraeb I ! Ha lea PheladelDhla. It is a larae buildine. the aire of four ordinary tton-a and t on me aoum-eaat comer oi amitl ! SI Al M hlXTH aad Market Streets. Herns of material and Drket bv ien requested. Persons caa have i BTrtrerla anil tear r . w orweiA bv ka-iefU Ing their SMasure (we lunuth easy dtrectiona that any one can measure by.) and dVmctlblng rotor to the Kapreas Co. oa receipt of cood. and the orlvtleM of eaatninina: ihem Ia allowed before paying. Where good, do not please, we will return the tne eipmaagc batfc to fhilanelphia. wmre 10 tt rmr w m in auuamg mmd cwr awr Theatj wht Ota not te meClrr. " t made-up ft icy and pay the mijnm tur. WANAMAKER & BROWN. ..-4,X-j. ,;-;iJ. , IBJWtBr 5ry (Soorls, iSrorrrifj, fip 3amti.Sfrarnt3. tt O JIST OF JUROItS. List of Jurors drawn for Mamh Tana, a D. 1870, ecmmenclng on the tblrd Monday. (5th 1 on abb jraong. Jno. Klme, Rurasidei Jamet Curry, Che4 B. A. Hitler. Clearlleld Jss Ravage, N. Waah'n K. H. Law 1 be, Osoeola Jae. Dickey, Ileoearla J . II. Ellis, Bell I). W. Chtlsoii, It loom David Meest, Boggs J. S. N orris, Bradford Oorge C. Kirk, Brady Krastus Lulher, ' James Dow It r, Burotide P. 8. Ncviing. Cor'ctoa Mores Owens, Daoatur B.8paokman, Oraham I.ucieB Bird, Huston lames MeNeet, Jordan Jes. Rnplev. Karthans J.W. McCullongh, Knox if. B. Mitrbell, Lawrenot Wa A. Moore, Pena saae Ca'dwetl. Piko 8. llesdtrson, Wood'd VBAVERtB Jl'BORI. IT. Kralier, Clearflttd Joba Kramer, " A. 8. Moodriflb. " P. M.Ctrdon. " W.D. Irvio. Cnr'sville Pettr Marta, Qlrard Pranols llugar, - ' Conrad t inter. Oulleh (irorge Newell. Huston Oliver Moore, Karthaut Prank Ross, Beccarie i Peter Owtos, Lewreneo Jobn W.Wott, BelllQ. B. Merrill, " David Ican. Henry Trump, Bradford C. Cadwalladcr, ' William Peters, ' Thomas H Lilt, " John Hand. Brady II. B. Ellinger, " II. M. fleyler. " John Riley, Barn side Daniel Pitman, loaao N. Kaioey, Cheat Wm. Westover. 8 McOlaughlln, " T Maurer, Covington Aug. Rougeul j Claud, Barmoy, B Kepbart, Decatur, A. II. Uulieh. Wilaoa Hoover, Morris Abram Peareo, " J. W. Holleobaek, " William Danver, Pent Terra ope kecnaa, Robert Porter. David Dresler, Para 'I Ardery, Milton He-id, 1. I.. C. Brans, Prod Cross, Christ. Lanien, Wm. M. Free. J. M. DrcsKler. O. W. Wood-n. Wood'd Jot. Alexander. Pika Union 5 tC JEGISTKR'S NOTICE. Notle. ia hereby given tbat the followin. a. oountl hev. been examined and pa.aed by me. and remain men. 01 recom 10 tnie otlice lor th. IB. apection of beira, legateea, creditor,, and all other, Intoreeted, and will be ereeented to the next Or. poena' Coart el Cleerflcld county, to be held et the Court Houee, in tho borough of Clearlleld, com. mencing oa lha Id Monday (being tbe 30th day) of March, A. D. 1870: Account of I. O. Barter, Admlnletratcr of tba atat. of John Luaier, late of Bredtord towa- ebip, Cleerflcld cownty. Pe., deo'd. Finel econenl of Nicbelu R ocelot. Admlnlrtra- tor of tba eeteteef Claudiua Koeeeelct lata of Uiratd lownahlp, Clcerne:d Co., Pe., dee'd. Final aooouolof Nicbolaa Roaaaelot, AdminlMra- tor of the eetate of Marianne Roaaaelot, late of tiirerd townahfp, Clearfield eounty, I1.., deo'd. Final aocouat i.1 J,,ba B. Kaferty, admni.trelor eflb..eUUof beniel Cany, Ute of P.nn town- hip, Cleerleld county, Pa., dee'd. Final account of John D. R ,ony, Administrator of Ibe eetate of Tbomae Raferiy, lae of Pena townabip, Clearfield county. Pa, dee'd. Finel eccounlof Joha Ru.,.11 and Samu.l Kirk, aurviving .laontor, of Kirk, lata of tb. Borough of Lumber-city, Clearlleld county, Pe., dee'd. Partial aoeoantof Joha Ruaa-ll and Juoa Kirk locator, of Ieaaa Kirk, lit. of CUerfield eountv. Pa., dee'd. Pertial accoaut of Joha Roanll and Jama Kirk, edmini.trelon of tb. eat.t. el David Klrh, . ... .... .miKI ui Auinoer-eiiy, tlearueld county, Pa., dee d. L. 1 MOR0AX, February 13 m Uegiater A Recorder. JOHN TlUTMAN, DEALER IN FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, AND Improved Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, NEAR P. 0. Tbe uaderaiined beea leave lo lafnrm lha l.l una of Cleerleld, end tbe public generally, tbat he haa aa hand a flue aaaortment of Furnituie, each aa Walnut. Ch.nnut end Pointed Chamber euitea, Parlor Suitea. Reelfnin. .erf R...n.i... Ch.ira, Ladl.a' end Oente' E.ry Chaira, the Per forated Dining ead Parlor Ch.ira, Can. Scale aad Wladeor their., Clothe. Bare, gtep and Extea Iob Ladder,, Het Racka, Scrubbing Uruihee, Ao M0ULDINO AND riCTURB FRAMES. Looking Olaaaea, Ckromoa, Ac, which would bo puuaoie mr iiunea; precoma. doolO JI joil JOHN TROllTMAK. po R SALE! A lerg. and Well-tntaned Brick I1..II1.. .1... ate ee too river beak, ia the borough ol Clear, eld, containing eleren noma, with good cellar, water lev he hitehen, end all tba modern conve nience.. Pantriea, Balb-room, Clo'hai preaeea, Ac. Lot atity feet front and two tinHrf fwtbeek, withe twenty fool alley on Ibeea.l n. 5 building, With all the appurtenance., will oe Mid cheep, with payment, te auit puraha. ... ..,.,,.,.., SBH u. maae to tne wniler igned, or to A. O. Tale. K.o k .111.1.. .11 aeceeaary InformatioB le tboa. wh. dealt, te ta. l.v. .a. property. Tiins.j.Mrciaiocan. May Hit, 87I, tf. QAVTION.- admitted at any tine Kor firm I are add J. C. SMITH, A.M., Tht IRON city roi.rrofc" Principal. It tht tract Ira and reite a anmber bit. Ma represented 1 nd toBBmsod nt March Term, 176. nnfetatMN that (he art fas woold ho telt graphed lor tt waee. nnd wotld t reive In Merear by eitress, on test rrldty. fe met Ut. Dugaa, ibtgeallemaa who holds tb rewelnl o( whirb iht above Is a copy, tt tht ajgtress oiliee, on Friday tllernotn, Uit hit marek,a had failed ta tomo te lima Tom Bell drev a card calling lor n Barter ergaa, and iht atarao tamiiy, in ma ing it a "Big taing, went ntwr niio on h, tad now are law tiisanpoiaietl ie sail sett t Httrwia twr twt tvwtag maatinea, asiONKE S KOT1CK The nnal booobbI af A. 0. Tate. Aselmet of R. A. P. Rynder, having been tiled In the Court of tomans fleet ot uienrtleia uo. will tM nreeenied bt shown to Iht aontrarv. Clearfield, Feb. , IS.cVdt KM Itl.OdM. Prothonotary. QOMK AND 8ETTLR. Having taken nsy brother lata partnership, T desire tt bavt my aid aeeounit tloted. I there- lore give not free fcs all who haovr t Worn sel vat ia dob led ubiu aotao ftrward soon and stttlt ap, SOTWSTW. F. M. OAR DON. to (bam) art an tahe a aw dewarwirw. VawUltltH nrj lV '7tU. rill to ten trains daily Now York Uffloe, No. 4I& Broadway t Boston, Olaoo, No. Hiaie Ktreet Omaha Office, li3 Paruham rilrtvt, Kan Pranelsootiffltt, IS J Mont-1 5ir. Vh1V tarti of the kind In this city tha we rllreet, under riberme. Houae Roomer CaaBl and ta ,l- . , ' n . Medieoa blreeta Kinaie street Depot, ccmrr W. "' ,", :L.i pi .,l iJ kill. ,ti (an.ltttrcetei W.ll, blreet Depot. P"ul'T' P'- - wnw neiieanu ivibbi oireei., Jforraleaor luform.iloa not atuinabla from j your horn, .genla, epply le I W. II, brBMaarr, llAnv,tt lll-oairr, Uca. l a... Ag'l, Cbicau, Uen. eui't, Jeo. 10, 18fil-ly Chicago, tSSOl.CTION.- nRAZIRR'S CKNTENNrAT, X POCKET UUIDR. A bonk ennlaiailrg.rer Hlxty beeatifal IIIb. tralloaa of Kihibitlua r.oildiog,, Fairmnaot Park, Itidepeadenee H.H la Ifid Bed 1871, Cerpeeter'a Hall, Ulrard College, Meeneie Tem ple, Cathedral, end ell ether pleeea of Intereet in tbe C.nteBBlal City, with biatorieal ef Tbe ee- Barlaerebla kereUfure ealetlai he. f; enmpenolloin of ell etber ialormal Ion tweea the un.ler.lgncd, doing buaineaa la the ' le.penaenie ror tbe Ceatenalal te. horougb of vYallM.t.a, l'l..,l.ld county, wa. ' ','"'," ""' ,,'"r,i,J, dladeed try .al.el eoewnt I. March, 1874. ' T. I "'Lk " '"u M"n "' n. Woodaldea retiring trco lb. Inc. The book, "'" eaywbeve by Mora mf ken .. bevlng beea left la lb. band, of Joha Holt f"f I !"'P' '"'f' ?w,7 Tm J"" W' eeillcment and ccllcotltiB. JOHM HDI.T. r m.w, no. ten perniftB .ut, 1-tulad.lpbla. D Valleeiloa, Vm Fee. T. H. (10 118 IDES, T. H. HOLT. II, I87MI JOH PKIHTiaU Of IVBRT DKbCRIP tii laeetly egeeatel al tbla otVe. Rig tredelacoBBt t. Muatry declare. Jaall,'7l JIJwTltKK' 4k COanTAMLRIP flKI We hare pHeeed a large awmaoe wt Ibe Be. rgl BILL, Bad WIU .a Ibe reeled 9t tmaaly. five ernti, eall copy le gee ddree,. myM All peraona arc hereby cautioned efninat our. chaelng or la any way meililline with the fellow. Ing pioperly, aow ia the poeeeaalon of HUM, . M. Deere!!, of Frriueon town. bis. via i 1 enwa. I horeei and harnca, I nil, abww. twin aleda. lot of cora la th. ear. lot of hay and fodder, lot i oi., i piow, i ai.ign, a tne earn, wa, pur baaed by m. at'a ul.. and 1. tall wllh bint ob loaa only, aulijret to tny order et ny "me. JUII.1 T. a i HAW. Marroa, Feb. It, T lie II. A. KRATZEH, finocRRton tpI ERATZER& LYTLE, BBALRIt IB DRY HOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, , snOBS, ' LEATHER, " CARPKTS, OILCLOTHS, . WALL PAPRR, WIRDOW RIIADES, KTC, Market Uirwt, ClearaVM, ea. Feb. , ll-Jtlf mad, Maine. InnlMre COURT PROCLAMATION WIIKIIBAS, Hub. 0. A. MATER, Prid,ut Judge of the Coart of Commoa Pice, ef the Twealy-lflh Judicial Biatrial, eompoaed of v.HU,,r. .i viesrneio, t;enir. and Cllntea end Una. H iiliu 0. Foley ead Boa. Jeaa J, Riab, Aaaoclate Judge, of CI.erl.ld eounty. hav. I.aaad tbelr, to me directed, for th. holding of a Conn of Commoa Plaaa, Orphea,' Court, Court of guarter Seaalona, Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Court ef U.naral Jail Deliv ery, et the Court lloBae etClaarfleM. le .,) r..k. eouetyof Cleerleld, commencing on the third Monday, lit. 211th day ol' March, IH1(l,.nd te eontinu. oo. w..k. NOTICE 18, therefore, hereby glv.o, lo lb. Coroner, Juatlce, eftho Peace, end Conateblea,' la aad for (aid coaaly of Cleerleld, le appear Ib their proper perioa., with Record., Roll., loqataitiona, bxamiaalloaa, and alh.r Ramem br.oc.B, to d. thoae Ihlega which le Ihelroflcea, and la tbelr behalf, pertain te be don.. uy an Act of Aeaembly, paaaed the 81b day of Hay, A, D. Ifit. It I, mad. tbe duly of the .!.- ticca ol tne fence of the aeverel oounllca or thia Commonwealth, te return le th. Clerk of the Court of g.iarl.r See.ion, of the renprotrie eouatiea, nil the neoguiuncea .alered Into befor. tbcm by any pereoa or paraooa ohvged with the ommieeion of any orime, axcept ,ucn eaer, na may be.nd.d belor. a Juatlc of Ik. Peace, un der rxlailng la.., at lean tea day, before the coiiaFnoemeui al tne eeailoa of tbe Cnurt to which tbey ere made relaraalderoipeellrely,aad In ell where env reeorni...M. ... ... into Ien I ban tea daya before tbe commencement ... .....oa io waica tn.y are mode returna- .... euaiicc. ere lo return the eeine ie lb. acme manner aa If aeid act heH , k p.a,ed. "'V"1' ' Ut " Clearl.ld, III, Otb oi e.nru.ry, la the yeer ef ear Lord, .voe tho.uad .Ight hoadred and eaveaty-alx. f.b Hie W. R. McPHKKSON, Sharif. TJlVOUf'rJ NOTICR- rtillleta A. fa W th. Co, I Pleea of f No. Court of Common e of Clearfield fa.. No. Thm ter. Af,a,,ee.fa eirocee,, Notica I, hereby giten le yon, loulee J. Co,, that yoa are renewed lo be ead appear at ear Beat Court ef tloiumoB Pleaa. to he held at Clear, leld, .a tbe Wlh day of March A. I)., I7, and anrwr the eemadeiat of tbe Bald William A. Oea. . . W. R. MePHKRrXIK, Teh. I, I878-II a- fnaf MEAT MARKET. F. M. CARDON A BRO., of Pie', Opera llou.e, CLEARFIELD, PA. O.r errangemenl, ar, rf the moat eotnplele character lor furntailng the public with r're.h Meal, of all hind, and ef the very beat qualltv. V.. alao deal in all kiada of Agrlaultnr.1 lmpl.. menta, which w. keep on exhibition ler Ibe bca eflt of the nubile. Call around when In town, and take a look al thing", or addreaa aa Clearfield, Pa., July 14, IS7-lf. pRKSil il 15 AT MARKET M. 0. BROWN A BRO., Market St, Clearll.ld,, Would announce to th. cltluna ef lha lown and vicinity that tbvr Hill keen l.. .. Ib. old Hand, where they will keep Freob Reef, Vtml Million tntl Ltimb, of the finoiil qt'ialilics. Market nornlngaTue.,ley, Thora lav. and Satar-U.,. tllr. u. a call. Juae l,'7.ei M. U. BROWN A BRO. L UMBER WANTED. From one million to 1 ,400.0(1. feet of No. 1, 1 eed 1 pine boarde, 11, 14 end III feet in length, to be delivered by reft or can to Put. Lurch. Payment lo be made aa follow, i part ooab end part In good oily property, aa may be agreevl epoB. Bid, le be addroaHd to VKl.LOX RIIOTIIKKS, Lumber Yarde, lth Ward, rut.burglt, Ta, t at ear bank, III flmhbleld llreet. Pee. I, l"T -ilia STEAM 8 AW MILL, ENGINE AND ROILRRS FOR SALE. The eeidrrclened oflbra for eale oa reno..l,b lerma, tbelr eteeia eawmill. Iaied mX W . Mere- toe. Cleerflcld Co., Pa. Th. engine and boiler, are eegnod a. new. Th. alee .f tl. engine I. I4I4, and la In good running enter. Thiy will . aleo aril tbelr ablnglo end Lib, mill, and all the working maetilaerv ta tbe mill. Parllce ei.kl.g to caa rail ca or eddreea IIIIAIIAN. WALLACE A CO. ,Olr.rlel,l, P,., ,Be h, 1.7;,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers