Jianlu-arr, It ttau'BM. SACIETT & SnTilYVER, HARDWARE, tad nianufaotartrf of Tln,Copper A Sheet Iron Ware, Boeoad SlrMI, CliBARFIBLD, PA. lle.iee Lre.le Ineroaaed our .took of Herd. war, we le-Tite the public to eianrtoe oar etook and prtee.. , f Oarpcnlera and pereena who contemplate betid ing will do well U .lamina .ar TOOLS ft B0ILDIH3 HARDWAKB, wlilch li in and of tbe bt manufacture, and will bt Mid low for eeab. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTT, GLUE, LOCKS, V ::. LATCHES, HINGES, . ' " ', SCREWS All Modi of Bench Planer, Stw, Cbleele, Square", llammere, Hatchete, Plumb. nd Lnela, w i ti V r. .. . Ult .. , Boring Mac-bin. in the market. " Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET CUTLERY, Is. ilyfnfj for Burnell't Iron Corn Shelter, warranted. Alio, agent for Rloberda' GOTHIC FLUE TOPS, which effectually cure Smoky Flow. Farmer,' Implement and Gardes Tool! of er.ry description. A large rariety of COOK STOVES, which w warrant to ir latiifaotlon, Portable Itanget and Fvrnaet. eARoofing, Bponllng and Job Work done on reaaonable teriua. All order, will receiTe prompt attontica. June 11. 7J. POWELL & MORGAN, DBA Lit! II II A It I IV A Jtt E , Alio, Manofaiturtriof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, FA. P ARMING IMPLEMENTS of nil , kindi for ulo by . POWELL MORGAN. JAILROAD WHEELB ARROWS for aal by POWELL MORIIAN. QlL7 PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Nail., etc., for .ale by POWELL A M0R8AN. II ARNESS TRIMMINGS i SHOE Finding!, for ! by - rOWSLL MORGAN. G UNS, PISTOLS SWORD CANES For cale by POWELL A MOROAN. OTOYES, OP ALL SOETS AND Blm, for ulo by POWELL A MORGAN. I RON I IRON I IKON I IRON I For lalt by POWELL A MOROAN. II ORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE NAILS, tonal, bj POWELL A MORGAN. )ULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES ' And but MannfaeMro, for lalt by POWELL A MORGAN. fHIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE L BOXES, for lal by POWELL A MORGAN G. S. FLEGAL, Ironsides Store, PHILLIPBIIURU, DEALER IS PA. HARDWARE, STOVES, BEATERS, RANO K9, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. AND UAtiUFACTUBEB OF , TIN, SnEET-lRON AND COrPERWARB. Preaqaiel Street, PuUliMurg, Cealr Co, Pa. M.May IST6. Tsou. a. mubbay. emu, oorooji. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE AGENCY PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Clearfield, Pa. BRANCn OPFICB8 In dlffereBt paru of th Count, Tb following Old and R.llaMe Fin, Accident 8 took and Life Iniut.no. Companlw repreeole E.tab. uuu North Rrltl.h A Mercantile Flra In. Co., of England M,cM,aa ISSft Beettlah Commercial Firo Ifii. Co., of England (gold) lO.oM.OM 1794 North Amiriti Firo In.nraoea Co., of Philadelphia- 4,IH,00 Co., of Philadelphia ' S,IN,000 IMS Pno-nll Fir. lue. Co., N. Y. J,2II,000 IMr Wntertown Fir In. Co., of N. f ., Iniurot farm bolUlnge only 109,1 '.iN7i am. son r n innrun vu.. ' Olnoinnall l,00,OOO 4 lfl&S York fitnok In.tirar.oo Co., of . ' P.nea In.nro hnniel, Aa To, UT4 HartrordAoeldontlniuranoaC of Coonootltot ' M0,0 1817 Pean Mutual Llfo Inauranoa Co.. of Pennsylvania 4,MI,0 IDIIII Mitrnpolllaa Life lamranoa C of New York ; J,0o.OM) ToUl o.pital I,00,Ot) Peaona In the country dedring Inraraaeo, oaw bara It promptly attended to by oalllag at aba oBio or ad-troMtng ui by letter. Inaaraaoos of feeted at tho loweat poaalhle rata, U k obulMd la Br.t-ela. oorapaniei. N Otmptntn reairo aenreo! w.trneia Ai.a.wM.h. The aboeo two Ufa loauraao Ca.'a, repraaaatwl by T. II. Murray, baae paid oat la aa.h, beleraea tb dalaaof Aug. I87J and Aag. 17, to ti frlenda of deoeaaed policy holftara In tbla aoaaly, ti. lum of 3I.iU0. Prurl la for tho futora by Inaarlng yoar bmu ' and your Urea io Iho Wret ftraaok Inaarawe A"Oc,. MIM1KAY A UORDN, Cle.rneld. M y 2, IHTb. Agenta FULFO D & THOMPSON, 0 NtHM ISIVHAXCfAOKSTI, CI ri.'ld.-He.ni'a, ike Kvirik if Fn In.unMi. 'ontitti vf thit n rry : ...1 ... 6,00 HIM ... &,T4,JM llouu-. Not Y .rk ....... in ii)?. M imt 14 Kr...ii.n, l';rlvi I'f. ri. 1 Ihill.ir.l Iltiit.v.f, Npi Ynrk....M a.Mf .a 11 m , . - V U. Ui.lf:r. I'm ijeuoa, H aai.iiigida ... i,sit.4:.t ... X inH.H.id ... I.Hftt.SiM . sftA.ffdi ... 610,011 P-raoaa aHtmi vA-elia an .aeuraaoa oa prop- art t av hind. abaaM call at an oBlet, oa Uwkrt atreet, appaaiu I ha Ouurt Hoaaa, and aaa oar Itet ef oumnaatct and miaa oeiort lainnng ... .. JOHN II. H'LPORD, . T. W. THOMP40M. CUarfleld.Pa Oct. 17, '7-ly J. R. M'MURRAY HILL RlfPTLT TOD WITH ANT ARTICLE OF MKKCUANI)IHE AT THE VERT LOWEST PRICE. . CONK AND SEE. l:t:'y:) NEW. .WASHINGTON. tf C i. ff Oft Per D.t at hama. Torn free 4J iSAU Addrett . Snuaoa A Co., Port. Wad, Maine, JanlMy Jrg f,otit, GntttUt, ftf. IIAVi NO EFFECT IN FRENCH YILLE I I m wti- that lbr M WW ptrHBI lltita hard to !, tad I o tbal iht wnuitUliat of "hrd Umm" 1 will nigh utiril. But Iiik ituitwi bow that I oa wtiifj ttw (orattr ttnd pror oodIustI7 "m "bard linM will aot afoot tboM who boy thflrgood trvm m; and all my ftatroaa hall initiatod into tho o- UOW TO AVOID AKD TIM 3 I hkva odi Moush to ibt all th lahabi tanu in tho lower and of iho ouunty which 1 aoll at oiooodlnit low rataa trum ia wiaamoia iuro ia MULSONUt'KU, wbero I oaa alwajl bo foand raadj to wall apon aallan aad mpiljr thoaj with Dry Goods of all Kinds, 8acb aa Clothi, 8atlotla, Caaahnaroa, Uaalln Ualatnoa, Linoa, unuingi, vauooaa, TrtiDuioia, Ktbbooa, Laea, Raadj'Uada Clothing, Boola and Bhooa, Hat aad Oapa all of tha aaat matarlal aad audo to ordar Uun, Boeki, Ulovaa, Mitten a, Laoaa, Htbboai.Ao. OROCKKIKt! OF ALL KINDS. Ooffot. Taa, Sagar, Rlea, Molami. ft.h, Bait Pork. LlDaaad Oil, Flah Oil. Carbon Oil. nardiraro. Queattiwara. Tiawara, Cahtiogf.fiawt and Plow CaaUaca, Wailt, Bptfeaa, torn t ilHTi- tort. Oldar Praam, aod all kiadi or ami. Pwfaaary, PalaU. Varnlih.Mla!, and a genaral ( aaaonaont 01 Htauonary, Of diffarant bran J i, alwaji on hand, and will ba gold at tha lawaat poaaibia ngurtt. J. Ha MeClain'a Medic inet, Jayna'a Madieinai v linatattar a and lloofiand Hitter. 6009 poundi of Wool wanted for which tha blrbeit artoa will ba paid, uioreroooa on nana and for aaia at tha lowait markat nrira. Alao, Agant for StrattonTlllc aad CarwaafTUte Tbrcabing Haoaiaaa. toaVOall and for yoaraalTM. Toa will lad ararj thing aaaalljr kept ia a ratall itora. L. M. COUDRIET. PraaehTfllo P. 0., Aogaat IS, 18T4. j. r. wairaa w.w. asm WI3AV & HETTH CLEARFIELD, PA., An offering, at iba aid aland of 0. L. Read A Co. tbalr atoek of goodi, eonatatlng of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A 8II0EH, ' HATS A CAPS, . HARDWARE, flUEENSWARE, FLOUB, FEED, SALT, 4o., 4o., At tha atoat roaaonabla ratal for CA8H ar la xebang for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Adraneat Bade to tboaa angagad la gat- ting out iqnarallabar oa tha moit adTacteeoti tonaa pdtljanTI TED. BT N. E. ARNOLD, CtmWEXBOTIXB, PA., (StHweaaor to) Arnold & HarUhorn.' ' 100,000 !lO-lach fcaared thing let, . . I a; j t 10,000 poonda of Wool. I Cm Jwblfj . ' "JaW IV . i-.Arft U-a Partial having long Sblagleff or Wool (or aith ar) will do wall to eall aa Tha highaat mar kat price paid at all timet. Alao, a fall and con.pl eta atoek of t, DRY GOODS, HATS & CAPS, BOOTH A MIIOES, GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, PROVISIONS, &c, wbiek will ba told e i.eaon.ble prlcal, or - ebangad for ablnglea or wool. Id. B. AltflULU. Curwanatllla, May 5, 1ST. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COCRRB TIIK CHEAPEST! A Proclamation against High Price! Wl art bow open log op a lot of tha beat nd aioit aeaeonabla Uooda and Waree evaf offered In tbla market aod at prleai that remind one of tba good old deye or aheap thtoga. Tboaa who laea faith apoa thii point, or daom oar Ue- gationa laptrflaoua, aaaa oat CLL AT ,Of R STORE, Comer Front aad Market troeta, Whoro the tan tea, feel, boar and kaaw for tata- aelraf . To rally andertuaa wim art eaeap gaoaa this aioit ba dona. Wo do not deaaj It aeoaeaary to antuneraU and Item) at oar atoek. It ti taoagh for at to tata that . We have Everything that is Needed and oonianed In tbla market, and at prieti thai nwUiaiah both old anilyonng. deeSO JOLSKI'H SHAW A SON. rvANIEL OOODLANDER, I.UTIIEH8DI1R0, PA., ' , Dealer la I DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, " 0ATB A CAPS aad BOOTS A SHOES. Tobaoeo, Orootriaa and Flia, Nalla, Hard wart, Qaoeniwart and uiaaiwera, atea ana Boyi Clothing, Urage, Paiatl, Oila, Rchool Book , B large lot of Patent Medicinal, Caadlea, Nate A Drld Prnlta, Cbeeat and Crack - an, Root aad itiao rowder, Flour, Grain and Potatoes Clover and Timothy Seed, Bolt Leather, Moroeooa, Llnlngi, Binding aad Thread, nbotmakarf Tooli aad Shot Finding!. No greater variety of gonda ia aay atora la the oanty. All for alt very low tor caB or OPiri'rj prodaea at tba Cheap Ooraar. May 1, H7ft. EW RTOKE AND NKW U()1 JOS., SHAW SON tiart jttal opwned ; Saw tonai, on Mala St.. Cuuiruu, Pa lately occupied by Win. F. IRWIN - Tbalritock oon.latiol IDI&? CBOQCDODae; OkocikiM of tbt bat quality, Qdeenbwarc, Boots and Shoes, tnd T.r rtlcU tjejoonary for . -a .. on', ootnforl. .' Call and tiamioa our atook b.fora par ehwlng eluwbaro. Hay t, lHM-tf. JITKTICBW COasTAaaLleBV PIM We kaea prlatod a large aaaaber e ta aw FBI BILL, aad wlU 00 tb receipt twe.tr lea Mate, aaail a eo., I. aa. addrea. Igrtllantoui. OPENING. - SHOWERS' BOOT. & SHOE rJ: AND HAT & CAP Vi!i--'t aw" .,.. t-; r.-". ' ' -ml ' ' " HTOUE. ROOM No. 1, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, MARKET STREET. ' ..,11... 4 A full and complete aaaortnaeat .f new good. aad ew atyiea, down t. "MAKU fA' rn.iVr.o. Citlaena ar inrltod to call and axatnln my atoek and jadge fur tkemaelref aa to quality and price of gooda. JOSEPH 8. SHOWERS. Cleardeld, April 14, laid. QHANGR OF PROPRIETORS, The o den lg tied baring purebaaad tha atara Fod and properly formerly oomipied by Lerer legal, oa flaoond treat. Ulaartlald, adopta tbla maibod of bringing hit buaiaaaalo tba not toa of too pub Ho, aad p rural hi to furnish hta patrona with the vary bait quality of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, atazoaading low ratta. Thia I am aaalUd to do, baoaaaa X hate bo rent to pay, and eaa tbera fort divide tba prodtt with my viionm, It may bt mid that thia la an axparimaat with me, bat If aelling a goad article fur a low flgurt a tloaa ouilum andexnandl trade. I am boand te aaoeted in my nailortaking. Uire ma a tap, ex amine my t(tk aad leara an prima. To BT lam ireok of boot aad ahoaa. hate and eapa, I hara juet added a fall atoek of Cents Furnishing Goods, which I wilt aril at tha vary lowait1 firarei fr eaih, or ia exchange for oouatry produce, at tho HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. Call aad txamlao my itook aad arioaa before porohaaiog tlaawbara. PETER afeUEORaS. Claarfleld, AprU 31, 1871. B OOT AD SHOE MAKING. JOSEPTI If. BEERINO. oa Markat itrttt. la Sbaw'a Row, Clearfield. Pi., baajaat received a Ino lot of Fraaok Calf Sklaa and Ripe, tha aaat la the market, aad la aow prepared tomaa afaeUre arary thing la hii Hat. Ut will war. rant bla work to ha aa reprotoated. Alao, all kiadiof Leatber and Shot r.adiafa for taJa- Tbt eitiieni ef Cltarlald and vielaltf art raapatifally invlud to give him a tall. won oaa at ahorcaouoa. T:l'73y The Bell's Sun Woolen Factory, Pea. townaklp, Clearlald Co., Pa. BURKED IIUTI B U. R N E D U.PI Tbt labatrlban have, at groat ax peneo, rebuilt nalghrhood aeooaalty, in tha erection of a flrit- olaaa Woalea Maaaractory, with all tbo modem Improvement! attached, and art prepared to make all klnda of Clothe, Caailmerei, fietiattti, Blaa- keta, rlannala, o. Plenty or gooda oa Aaad to tpi'ly all ear old aad a thoaeaad bow ooitomari, whom wt aaa to come and examine oar itook. Tho baiinoti of CARDING AND FULI.INO will reotivo oar tiporltl attention. Proper arrangement will bo made to raeelvo ajad dell vat Wool, to in It enitomera. All work warranted aad doaa apoa tbo ahortaat notice, and by itriat attoa tloa to buiintii wa hope to real lie a liberal abaft or panne patronago. lOMNI POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wt will pay tba higbeit market price for Woo and eel I oar manufactured gooda ai low aa almilar gooda an bo bought ia the eonnty, and whantrar wa fall to render tmaoaabla tatiifaettoa wo oaa alwaya ba found at home ready to make proper txplaaatioa, either In perinn or by latter. JAMES JOHMSON A BONA, aprtllHtf BowarP. O. ' LEATHER BREAST-STRAPS , SITPRRRBDED BY COVERTS PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK Madeoftbe U.I Mallea ble Iron, and UalUehed to tha llamei by the brft Ruap aver invented. It to easily aati quickly put oa, and pravtata tbt , whlnping of the bnraei by tba pule. ,bot liabla to get tat of repair. Will laat for yean. All wt ak ia a fair trial, to oonvlneo all partial na lag them that they art anaarpamad in value for tba parpote far whlth they aro Intended. 8ACKKTT A 8CURYVER. Clearfield, April 16, 174. PITTItBUHGH. PA, For apwarda of twenty year tba leading baal BHl College of the United fttatet, alTerti anaq nai led ad van t a ret for tho thoroagh, practical aduoa Uob at young and middle aged mra Stadenti admitted at any time. For circular! addraia J C. 6MITII, A. M., Prtnelpal. Tbt IRO?l CITY COLLf ITih' la the anly Inslttutiok or tba bind la thli ctiy that we reeammond to tbt public patnage. Pmbftt rimn Hmmr, VrsUrpa, , rp. Sm. . JOHN TROUTMAN, ' DXALtR IN . . FURNITURE, . M ATTJtFJNKM, ' , ,ND Improved.; Spring Beds, MARKET STREET, HEAR F. 0. Tk. aaderalgaed kega leara to lafnrm tbo eltl. tea of Clearneid, and tk public generally, tbal ke kaa ee band a fa aaaorteieBt of Furniture, tack aa Walaat, Cheetnat Mad Faiatae) Ohaeaber Suite, Parley Salnra, Reeltatng and Ratanaloa Ckalra, I.edlee" and OeetC Raay Ckalra, Mra Per fnratad Dlarag aad Pertor Obaira, Oaa. teala aad Wladto. Ckalra, Cletkea Rare, Step aad Rite, lea Ladd.ra, Hal Raaka, Horubblog Braaka., Ac VOPLPINO AND PICTrRI FRAMES, Looklag nia.eaa, Ckrocaaa, A., wbiek wtald be raiiaoi. ror Holieey proeeete. Mlt'II JOHN TROUTMAN. Jon rniMTiita or evert dkscbif tloaaoally nenud tt tkU cBoc. THE REPUBLICAN. CLBARKIKI.D. PA WKUNKS AY alORNINO, FEB. In, l7(l. AMNESTY. al'ICCH OF HON. TUOMAH L. JONM, OF KENTUCKY, IN Till I10UHM OK HEI'RtV HENTATIVH, JANIIAKV 13, 1870. Mr. Jonoa,of.Kontucky. Air. Hpouk or. 1 in liapny in tlto opportunity oik'O mora to mine my hnmblo voice for Kovornmentnl amnonty to nil my countrymen. J bad tbo lionor to aorvo in tbo Fortieth and Forty-first Con- grcaaea of tba Unitod Stutx, and it woo imong my flmt act" In tha Fortieth ami my very laat in tho expinii( hour of the Forty.flrat to oilur a resolution for ireneral and comploto amnoaty thauk (iod, air, and I thank tho Amer ican people, that the popular branch of their Government th at length, I hope, onnblcd to vote complete amnes ty and oblivion tor all political onvnscs. A sracious Providenco baa changed tlte hearta of our people, baa smoothed down the asporitlos of thoir rugged na ture, and turned thoin onco more to words and acts of brotherly kindnms and affect ion. Tho time has come, sir, when we can look the sun and the truth without lonr ot n,isault or insuiu Happy, happy indeod, sir, should wo bo in this return of fraternal feeling to bail and welcome with iniiveronl ac claim the Ocnlntiniul ol'tho country indopendenco and glory. Vnivorttal aoclanu did 1 say, sir? I would fain bopo for it, liut 1 am reminded of tho snlwlltnte offered by the distinguished gentleman from Maine in which he makes, I bad almost said, an invidious exception, that mars the general harmony which was pervading the land. 1 bad not believed it in his heart thus to express himself, and X had certainly thought better of bis policy and wisdom. Ho is a representative man of his sootion and oven aspires to tho chief dignity ot his country, I wouhl ask that gen tleman, Why, why mako this excep. tion? What has Jefferson Davis done more than his fellows and comrades in thoir great struggle for separate gov ernmont and independence T What crimo, if crime at all, has he commit- od that they have not committed 7 And I speak, sir, not only of the load era in that slrugglo, hut of tho people in .their sovereign capacity. "Ia illot eonvertile ferrum (uUunt qui ftvint." It was tbey who first moved for rebellion and war; tbey commanded and ap pointed thoir leaders; they were bo fore them in tho inception of tho strug gle, and with impetuous and irrosisti- bio spirit ordered them to lead in the march. They unfortunately esteemed it their right to do so; they were edu cntod in that political school and belief. Tbon, air, if tho gentleman and h friends (1 hope, indeed, few) must still pour out the vials of wrath and pro nounce excommunication upon the primal and real offenders, let them do it upon the whole Southern people, and not with exceptional revenge upon the frosted and sorrowed head of their still honored chief. Vthy, sir, look around; hero sit among us, weloomod with open bands and hospitable greetings, brave and gallant men, whe stood side by aide with Jefferson Davis In council and marched and fought and bled at bis command and undor his order. Tho Constitution of our country, by ita amendments, supported and passed by tbo gentleman's own voice and vote, baa entitled tbeso men to their scats on this Door ; ani I cannot believe, Mr. Speaker, that ho intended by his nn fbrtunuto exception to give affront to them, his peers in tbo American House of Bepreeontatives. And yet it must bo so felt, air. ' They havo tho forbear anoo, tho courtesy; perhaps, the wis dom, commendable indood, to pass it by in silence. Bitt 1 know tbey must feel It sting in thoir hearts. Should I properly charaeteriro tho gentleman's substitute I would prouounca it an' in suit to ovcry true man, woman, and child in the South. 1 love that peoplv, ir; I am their "kith and kin," born and reared among them, and in apolitl cal sense, as it wore, In the very heart of the 8011U1. , 1 rover ..their great history ; and if 1 should ever attempt to speak to thoir disparagement may my utterance freor.o upon my iips. 11 they havo committed a great wrong, greatly have tbey repented it : in sack cloth and ashes they havo atoned lor it. But, however mistaken in judg ment, however disastrous to them thoir late struggle, you, their eonqnorors, and the oivilizad world must admit that it was one of tho grandest that aver immortalited tho, virtue and forti tude of woman or I lie courngo'and on. dnranco of man. Sir, I deeply regret tho chnracler of this debute, lint who is nttpousible for it? Who gave it its peculiar and direful complexion? Is it the ilinlin guished son ol lVnna Ivunia. tho ' Key stono of tho Fedoral Arch," the great Stato which has done so much and so grandly to p-.omoto tho Centennial by a united people at the cradlo of Ameri can liberty ai.d union ? lias it boon rcaeoved for bim to oxhunio tho dead coromcnts of tho gravo of tho unfortu nato prisoners ol the lata civil war, with all the horrible circumstances at tending thoir death, in order only, it must appear, to ro-open the closing wounds and re Inflame the hearts of a forgiving and forgetting people? Sir, if tbo sririt which the gentleman has manifested in this debate pcrrailcs the people ol tho North, the Centennial wotiiti no a mocKery and a Uingraco upon tho civilisation of the ngu. Hut. sir, I will not believe it. I pity him and shall yet rvspecl them. Why, sir, there aru thorn) of us on this floor who, if disposed and had tho opportunity, could unfold scuttea ot hardships ajul cruelties in Northern prisons which would harrow up tho very soul ; scenes of inhumanity unworthy of earth, and which orlod to heaven. But, sir, wo would perform no snob office, much loss would wa hold Abraham Lincoln, the thon President of tho Vnitod States, responsible for these crimes. They were poFpctrklod by baser and menial hands. Wa had tha sense anil charity to look upon thorn thon, and we look npon thom now, as tho consequences and tho legitimate fruits of dreadful war. May we not pload, sir, for tho nam consideration and charity from those of liko experience on tha other aide ? Lot na no longer sow dragons' teeth, but the seeds ol repentance and love, and let our grand eelebrition, if It be at all, he penitential an well aa Centennial.. JorToTson Davis, sir, was born in Ken tucky. " She ohorishotl ber eon in tbo days ol bis early manhood, and abs will not now, in the gloomy ovoniug of his checkered lifo, disown or dis honor him. Ho bore an honored name in this Itepublio before the days of se cession, ile portrayed its eloquence and its courage in the council and In tho field. 11 o spoko and fought and bled lor hi country's glory, of which you are so justly nroud. Uo was one at tbo greatest Ministers of War the Itepublio over had, and it waa bis ulur ton voico and noble bearing that in spired bis Mississippi- riflemen witli the daring courage to drive tho lurious churgo at Buona Vista, which, aa It wore, snatched victory from defeat, and crowned the American arms with one of tbo greatest battles of tbo world. Ho stood at bis place in tbo other Chamber of this Capitol, a great and honored Senator, and mourned almost in toars bis departure from those walls. But his Suite commanded and bo felt bound to obey. The world knows his after-life, and the world at largo re spect bim. Ho has oxpiaUnl in your iiinpeons. in chains, and by all manner his own (menses and those ol Ins peo ple ; and now, although bereft of for tune, his eye dimmed, and his bead bowed by ago, still bearing bravely up, loyal to tho old Aug for which ho once fought so nobly doing all he can to instruct and enlighten our people, to develope tho resources and to promote the woalth and tho famo of our com mon country. Is thero no mercy left for him ? Has the' gentleman from Maino road history in vain, and has ho no forecast of tho future? Lot bim remember tho noblo acts of nobla conquerors to thu conquered through all time ; lot him romembor the civil wars, the rebellious, if you please, on the continent of civil izod Kurope, and he will find that the great names on both sides aro treasured up in the minds and hearts ,ol future generations, a common bentago to a common people. Aro not the nainoa of Caar and Potnpoy honored alike by tho descending ages of Rome? Aro not tho Legitimists and the Pretenders, tbo Bourbons and the Bonapartes, held ia common renown by all Frenchmen? And the Hound Heads and tho Cava liers, Cromwell and Charlos, honored alike by all Knglisbmen ? Lot ma toll tho gentleman that tho time will come, perhaps near at hand, when tbo names of Grant, and Sherman, and Shoriditn, and Leo, and Jackson, and Breckin ridge year, Bir, of tho martyred Lin coln, and tho now insulted Jefferson Davis will he read with common pride and common respect by the A merican youth, and tho last may be honored as much as the first? Such Is history, and such the nature and character of man. I speak thus in no invidious sense or with sectional feeling. I lovo my wholo country. Thank God, air, thore aro no Alleghaniea, no Potomaca, or dividing lines in my polities. 1 yield to none in appreciation of tho common glory of my country and in meeting out ample praise and justice to all its heroes and all its people. I pray you, air, let us take our les sons from tho spirit and preaching of tbo Divine Master. Ilia mercy and love extended to all, from tlto good Mary to the wretched Magdalene, from the bolovod disciple to the Jovr of Tarsus. Why, tbo gentleman from Maine would have had the Christ to have rojoctod Paul because he had boon the cbiof of sinners, and yet he did most and best to promote tho great ness and glory of bis once persecuted Lord. I implore the gentleman, in tho name of charity, in the namo of peace and harmony in this blessed year ol our history, in tha name of patriotism and union, to strike from his substitute tho invidious exception, that it may ba no mora read by hnman eyes. Lot our amnesty bo aa broad and free aa the air we breathe ; like tba mercy of God, let it be for all. The quality of aMroy I not etrelBod I It droppeth.aa tko gentle rata froea keavea, Tpan tke ptaoe beneatb It ia twite kleeee'd It bleeaetb him that gtrea, aad biaa that take. Ti. mlghtieet ia tb. mlghtleat: It beooaa.a Th. tbronod aeoarok better thaa hie orowa. The olivo-branch often becomes au thority better than tho sword. I re joice to says, sir, that, in tho noblo Stitto which 1 havo in part the honor to represent, the animosities and dis tinctions ongendorod by the lata war aro wcll-mgh forgotten and buried in oblivion. The Federal and Confeder ate soldiers have there embraced, and they have been promoted by tha com. mon auflVagua of tbo people to the high offices of tho State, where they stand side by side in the earnest endeavor to build slill higher the funic of the Cont- monneallh; bund in limi'l they Verify and illustrate I Uo beautiful uiullo of Kentucky: "I'nilud we annul, divided wo full." So may it be hero, sir, at tho Capital of tho great itepublic. So may it bo In evory Slate North.Sotith, Kast, and West ol'our glorious Union. "I'niled wa stand, divided wo fall." A HTKAY SHOT. Singular aa it may acorn, Prof. Ileid of Allegheny College baa in aubstance, declared against reading tho Bible in our Common School. Tba Prof, bad bolter bo gathering tip bia traps be cause Grant'! wholo Church will "lay for him from thia forward. Wo clip the following upon tbo quosllon at issue from tho Meadville VemocnU. Tbo editor says: . Prof, C. W. Kohl, t.r Allegheny Col-' lege, delivered a rapitul lecture before tho Library Association at tho Court lloano on Friday evening tho 21st InsL Tho subject of the lecture was "crony ini," which the lecturer said was sug gested to hitn a short time ago while pa.ie.ing along ono of our streets and seeing a lot of boys playfully jostling and crowding each oilier on the side walk. From this suggestive incident tho Professor branched off and treated tho crowding principle as applicable to man, animal, Insert, vegetahlo and thought. In all tbo departments of life, in every kingdom of Nature, in business, in pleasure, in all things con earning the operations of the mind and tho development of matter, crowd ing was apparent. These thoughts wore elaborated and illustrated by the Profossor In various ways and much to tha edification and instruction of his bearers. But the essential and most important part of the lecture con sisted in tho trautluMit of (ho school question. , The reading of the Biblo in tho rttblld Schools waa deelarvd to tie a subject which is crowding Itself upon tha atlonlion of tho people, and the ounsidoration of which oould not be evaded." It must bo met, said the lec turer, and that, too, at an early day. The matter for all persona to Uotur mine wus, how shall this question bo decided ? In the opinion of Profussor Field tba issue must be determined in one ol throe ways aa followa: 1. Compel all eUiaena and persons of all religions, Protestant, Catholio and Jew, to pay taxos for thu support of common schools, and continue the read ing tof tho Bible therein. To this tho lecturer was unqualified ly opposed, fin- tha following rcasoua It would ba violutiva of the spirit of our Republican Institutions, under which nil religions aro equally protect od, and those professing 10110 ought not bo compelled to pay taxes for tha sup port of another It would be trying a portion of the people who maintain their own schools, because a version of the Bible, to which tboy cannot con scientiously assent, is used ill tho pub lic schools and it would be compelling ono class of citizens to violate their re ligious convictions, because a greater number declared it should ba so. In no country, said tho lecturer, In which Church and State, could such a stttto of things exist. ' X. Divide tho school I1111U and ap- priaariuto to each und every religious sect a due proortion. And bore again tho avowed oppoei- tiou of- Prof, iteiil waa unequivocal, as such a project would leur np by tbe roots ever' vestigo of our glorious Common School system. So other plan for its destruction could be more effective than this. 3. Discontinue tlto reading of the Bihioin the schools. Hero, the lecturer believed, waa the lino solution oi tho problem upon this proposition all might consistently and conscientiously unito. Our school system is, and was designed to bo, sec ular in its character, noithor Protest ant er Catholic, neither Jaw or Crock. It is a system of literary and scientific and physical education, acceptable to persons of all religious beliefs, and yet iudissolubly connected with the moral culture which is incidental to our form of government. To discontinue tha routine and unimprrssiblo reading of the Bible in the schools, as it ia wont to ba practised, can inflict no Injury ujton protestantism or true evangelical Christianity. If there be a superiority in protostantism and protoatant educa tion, over all other forms of religion anil systems of education, aa the speak er most firmly believed there was, then would it not be the wirier and tbe more effective plan to rcmovo tbe "bono of contention,'' probably at host imagina ry on both aides, and let all the chil dren of the land, both Jew and Gen tile, "Scythian, bond and free," high and low, rich and poor, ba brought to gether to rocoivo instruction nndorone grand, universal system, and thus be come equal parlokereof its enlightening and moralising advantages. On this proposition the arguments of Prof. Rcid were very forcible, and wo think the conclusion of tha syllogism had a telling effect upon pot a few of hit hearers. We, as Amrricana,'by every acknowledged principle of civil gov ernment, may enforco tho maintenance of a soculor school system, but we may not dare attempt tho enforcomont ot ono religion upon tho consciences of olhore. Tba borne circle, tba Sabbath school and tho church are tho proper placet for imparting religions Inatrno- tion to children. ' Joseph Mishow, of Williamsport, who will be 102 yean old on the 8th of March, will be taken to tho Centen nial, should be live. ' Mr. Mishow ha a son aged seventy years who ia the father of eighteen children. F.lihu Burritl can drive a strange dog out of his yard in thirty -three dif ferent languages. Ifijal tti'frtisrmfBtj. QAUTION. - All person l are hereh ee Honed aralmt pnrchaiag or In any way meddling with tbt following property, bow ia tbtpoiMaaioa of Eliaa Barm, of Tnio towaihip, via; I brown bone, t aat doable haraeif, 1 two-horn wagoa, 1 haraaa, 1 oapbnard, 1 link, 2 fell ohairt. 1 parlor ttova, 4 bodi and bedding, ai the aama wai parvbaaed by mo at Constable aale, and hai boaa left with' him oa loaa only, aabjaot to my order any time. ELIJAH BURNS. Rock ton, Feb. Ill, lOTA-St QAUTION. All ptrtnna are hereby eaatl'innl agalnit Irurohaiing or ia any manner meddling with tho bl lotting property, aow la thepoaaoasma of Wa. Kopp, of Urady township, vti : 1 twohone waaa, 1 light wagoa, I lug rled and ahaini, I mara, 1 borve, S eata hama, I oown, h M of sawed Inma-nr, lot of law logs, Iff. serei of wheat and tjm la the gritauJ, plows, barrows, fanning mill and eultlratur, aa tlti tame wai purchased bv me at She riff 'a ! an tho 12th of Nitre in bar, I It 7 A, Ntt'l is left wiih mid Kapp on Viaa only, (Miijnet tu my order at anv tfrnn. WILLIAM WI.VUKRT. Luil.er 'iin, Frti. I, ;rt I f 1?XK('UT()K S NOTICK XA NtHioo ia lie reli givn thai I. tier two weatitry havibtf iMfit grAntl ti thu iMiirler itn the tsrato of HAHlANNK R01UH1,UT. dee J, lata of Umrd tvwaabip, Clvar field ootialy, l'a., all a-nrsuaa Indvhted to aaid eitate are requested te make immediate paymoal, and tbuee having llaimi aga.al the aame wit) preaanl them duly autheBtioattd for aettlemeat. . . Fit AN CIS LONOIN, ; NICHOLAS ROU0SKIOT, ' LeoonU'i XI i lit, Jaa, 16, 'Td-tJiJ Ksoeatora. AI( MIXISTBATOR'S NOTICK.- Notlo. I. harahy firea that Nttera of Ad- ejkalrirailo ee Ibe ealua of JOHN LAI10RII, let. af taioa Iowa. kip, CWarAet-J Mary, Pe., dreaail, kielaff been duly graated t. tke onderalirned, alt porenae ra.rabted to aaid etle will pleaea eaake tmaidlte payment, aadtboae baring elaluac .r demaaile agaiaat the aaiaa will preeeat tbeai properly aatheniaaated for cattle aat wltaoal deler. H.WLAUOKD, KcktoelV,Fk Adaalnlatrater. DMINISTHATOUS' NOTICK. Netlralc krraby glrea llial bMtera ef Ad laletrattea aw'lb. eeute .f F. B. RAFFNRTV, lal. af I1 eaa leweRhip, Cleardeld eoaaty, Pa., dareaard, baring keen daly graaied ta the anilrraigwed. all porenna Indebted ea-aaM ratal, will ptnaee make immediate payment, and thowa kaeing elelea ar ah-manda will prceol them properly aatheaiioated far eetlleinent wltaoal delay, J. B FrAKPKRTY, JOHN FUiNN, Uramplaa Uilla, Jaa. IS, 'It-oa Adm'r. ADMINISTUATUII" NOTICB. N.tl la bereky gleea that Lettere of Ad. alnlatrallaawa tba etlau of at. W. HSYUKR, lata af biwraww tarwaaklp, OlaarSeld aeaaly, Pa., ibaoa.cd, baelag bee dely greeted aa taeaadwr ftnt, all paraeaa Indebted to eald dale will Cleaea eaake Immedlat. paymeat, and tbo. aebag .Lima ar deaaaade will peace, thaw. 5roprly awthaatleatea ror aettlcraent wtboat elay. FRANCR9 ANS SMYDKH, , Cle.ra.ld, Jaa. IS li at. Adata. Rotlaa la banbp flew Ibel Ittere af Ad. alaielratioa wa Iba emu ad DAVIS BELL, lal. of alreaaweam bawaeblf, Olearteld aaaaaty, Pa., dee d, harlag bees dwly arm. led ae the aadralejad, a. I pareooc ladabled te aaid acuta will pleaea eaake laaaaadi.t. paymeat, aad tboae baring alalma ar deeaaad. will pcecaes tbeea proporlff aatkoalloaaaA fee eettlacaewl arllajemt kJ.lay. , . , 1 h THuPtfla, IPSO.,, Set, I, r r m wim,. CarweetTIIla, ra,, Jaa. It, 1I7I-H HARTSWICK ' A IRWIN SECOND STREET, CLEARFIELD, PA., DRALERS IN PURE DRUGS! CHEMICAL 8 I PAINTS, 0115, DYE STUFF VAHN1SUK8, " F.RUH1IK8, ' t " ' PERFUMERY, ' ' .t FANCY 0O0D , TOILET ARTICLES, OF ALL KI5DI, PURE WINKS AND LIQUORS, lor medicinal parpoaai. " ' Trasiei, flwpp'orten, ttahool fiooki and 8tatloa try and all other article! uaaally found in a Drag 8 tort. PHYSICIANS' PRKSCRIPTIONS CARE FULLY CO.MPOirNDKO. Htvinf a lartte ei parlance in the bntlneie they taa give entire aaV itiacuoa. O. HARTrlTTK'K, JOHN V. I lift' IN. Clearleld. December lit, 1074. BIGLER, YOUNG 4 REED, tttucoeJiori to Boyntoa k Young,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS MaaafactororQ of . fOETABLE & STATIONm STEAM ENGINES Craw af Foarta aad flu Strati, CLEARFIELD, PA. HAVINO eer.ced la the aauaTactar. of Sret claaa MACHINERY,. neutrally Infera a. paelle that wa are aow aretiared ta 111 all ordera a elealy and aa proaaptlyai eea Wa Aon. la aay ef thft eitica. Wc aaaaafactar. aad deal U Millar and Circular Saw-Mills Ueaa) filookl, Water WUeU, Bbaftiac Falley Olford'l Injector, Btasa Oaaiea, Staaaa WhlMlaa, Ollera, Tallow Cap., Oil Cape, Oaufa Coeka, Air Cocke, llloke Valrea, Ckeok Varrea, wreafht Iroa Fipw, 8'.ea Puei pa, Roller Feed Puaipa, Aatl Friction Motrw, Soap 8toaa Faekinf, Oaaa Pack- a,, aad all klada of MILL WORK) tofotkw wllk Plowa, glad Solaa. COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, aad elkar CASTIIf OS af aU klada. HF-Orolara dialled aad Hied at ail, price. A tetter. f lao,elry wltk ewfome u ateektoery of oar aaaafaelam proaaptly aaiwmd, by addrea laf aa at Clearleld, Pa. jaam-tf BIOLER, YOt'NU A REED. THE CLEARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO. CLKARFIKLB. PA.t VAanricrraaaa or FIRE BIIICK, Furnace Blocks, Gtu Belorts. Stove Linings, Paring Tiles) do. Vhimnrw Top, WHiufaN t'mpt. and I liars. All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORIGINAL 1IE8IUNS IN TERRA COTT - MADE TO ORDER. Wllk Inprored naarhiaory, Irat olaaa materia and aktlled workmen, w. oa. warrant all oa aaaaafaeturea to he equal to If not aapcrlur ! aay Is Ike market. I ' I ' Artlclea of oar taaaetaotara caa ba aeea at tai Worka, Bear Railroad Depot, or at th. Herdwari Store of Powell A Morfea. ' AU ordera froea a dlatanc, addrecaed tW Oeneral Superlatendent, will ecir prompt at tentlna. . j. . HAitTsnirK. JOHN MrVATII, Oa.'ISunt, riapl. Manurecinriii, Dept. pjayZO 71 rERRA COTTA STANDING VASES, HANGING VASES, . - itnve Lining snd Fir0 Brick, kept awnataotly .a band. ST0.E AXD EARTHES n'ARI OF EVERT DKSCRIPTIOS I ' CUUCKS! POTSI CROCKS fiahcr's PaMnt AlKlgltt Self SeaJlaa frail Caaal BUTTER CROCKS, wllk lldl, CREAM CHOCKS, MII.K CROCKS APPLE BUTTER CHOCKS, PICKLE CROCKS. FLOWER POTS, FIStSIlES, STEW POTS, And a great many other thing, to. aaawoaa tr m.atlba, U ba bad at ' FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE -' WARE TOTTERY Cerner et Cherry and Third Rtreeta, CLEARFIELD, PA. aagl XABBLE AXD ST0K YARD Mas. S. S. LIDDKLL, Haelag eogaged ia tha Hafhl. baalaaaa, deeina la Inform hat frlenda inl Ike paWlc that lb. ka aow aad wlU keep aoailanllyos hand s largo aad wall teleeted cteejl ef ITALIAN AMD VERM0N1 HARRLt, dad ll f raparal t. fural.k tt erder TOalBSTONBS, . ,. . ,. BOX AND CtADLlTOUDS, (s , , , . , , HON I'M WIS, Curtie ami fWte for Crmetar Lntt, rlnfew1 0111a aad Capa, ateo, BURSA tT, TABLE AND WASH STAND ...... a TOPS, Ae Ae. Vfa-Tard a Reed atrecf , Bear tba ft, ft. trapel Cleaiaeld, Pa. jell ILLIAM M n EX K Y, Jvnwi MT TBS PBAVB ARB BWNITRaaS. T'lTSTSBi OoUaotlwH aaad. and moacy pronpt) OITT. Col paw Mar. a rue la mi afranaeai aaa fee J a o. aeweeeaaHMj eauy eieaauad aad aitaated HjyTI erttnut, mt.' --'i JaJ EW o t .- J i- li-. ..: FLOtB.. FEED,; ; STORE. ; ! ; A. G. KRAMER A CO., Market surest eaa Soar aveet of ktanuioa , . HeeM, Clarnld, Pa. . . Kee ooaalantly oa hand ' "' ' 'y' " BtTQAR, " t , ' COFFItl, . r , I TEAS, SODA, COAL OIL, , SVltfP, SALT, 8PICIM, SOAP, Canned aad Dried Frulta, Tobanm, Clgnrr, Caa. r l r .r --m,. .ttMMc. Kf ri. e. ALrW) KXTltA OME-MADS Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, dec, All af whl.e will be cold aheap for raah ar ia e.enaug. tor oouniry prcuueo. A. O. KRAMER A CO. CleerOeM, Not. II, 1974. -If JEMOVAL!- JOHN McCAUGHEY Would respeet fully notify tha puMic generally that bo haa removed hi Grocery fitora from Snaw'i Row, to tSe building fomierly (.putiied by J. Mile! Krataer, oa Hecond itraet, next door to ntgieri naniware tyire, whero at intond taping a fall lint of QBOCEKIErr. HAMS, DRIED BljEF aad LARD.' SUQARS and St RUP, of all grader. TEAR, Green and Blaik. COFFEE, Routed and (Irwoa. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CAA'Ji'EO FRI ITS, All klnda la the market. PICKLES, In Jara and barrel.. SPICES, In erery form and eariely. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL KIJI.OF'RA( UKR. SOAPS, MATCHES, - DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACnK!, DRIED CHKRRIPJi, Coal Oil aad Z.amp CJximaojs. Aad a good aeaortmeat of thoee tbinga neaally kepi ia a grocery atora, which ba will eaohanga fur marketing at the market price. Will aril fur each a cheap ly aa aay elber oae. Pleaea eall and eea hi. clock aad Judge fur youraeif. JOHN MrUAl'nilET. Clwaeld, Jaa. I, II7S. QROCKRIKS.- ; - JAS. H; LYTLE, (atotoaort. LYTLB A MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALER IX CH IICB LINK K TRA. OSLONIS, JAPANd, IMPERIAI, ! '' TOUNO HYSON, ENOLISII BREAKFAST Parrot la Market. ItUTrEK ANI V.UV.n Will be kept and aold at Irat ml. CaaS paid for Coantry Produc OKRMAN CUERRIES, Tl'RKKT PRUNES, PRESERVED FEARS. pnTi.ADEi.riiu hams. nmi. Maekerl, Itk Herring, Co.1, Ae. PICKLED. - Barrel Plekle. and Kagllah Pick Ire. Fi.oim and pp.i-.n. Flour, Can Meal, Oat Meal, Ae. eoehl-n JAR. It. LYTLR. ' C HEAP GHOCEKlEi! " ' LUMBER CITY, PA. The anderalgnod anaeaaeM t. hie eld friead, tad petrona that he hea opened a gread ItM et OHOKKR1R8 A PHOVISIONS at tlirnM .i.n.l Kirk A Npencer, for which he ie.li.il. a lib.ee' aatreaag. li W H'KVCKII Lumber Cite, Pe., M.rel, .'. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CARDON it BRO., ; Rear of Plt'i Opera Houx, rLKAHFIKiat-p JA. Oar Rrrnngi'men ai-o f the tnort enini!rtf haraeter fur famishing tha piihlia with) Vreeb deataof all kiad, and af tbo very best ojoalltv. tfe alao deal ia all kiad of Agrieultaral loiple teal, whieh we hef na ax htMtioa for tho ben dt af tho aabiio. CH aruaad whoa (a lawn, tad lake a look at thing, or adlreji ai F. M. CAHItON A 11 RO. ' Clearleld, Pa., Jaly It, 11 H(. pRKSU MEAT MARKET. M.Q.BROWN 4BR0.i " Uarket ?C ClcirfiaU,' Woald anaoanet to the tttttoai of tbo town and teinity that thty atill heap tha meat aiarket at ht olJ Itaad, wbtra they will keep . Fresh Roof, Veal Million nj Jiunib, of the finest qualilie. . Market Koralagi Tuaadaya, Thuriilaya ami tatar.iav. Orve ui a oall. June i.'Ti Ma ti. I1ROVTN A llllO. ?OR BALK ' A large tad well-flntihed Brlek Dwelling, ita Uo oa tbo river twah, la tha boron gh af Oiear leld, ana tain In r eleven roose, with faad oallar, ater la the hitem,-wad ait tbt Modern oavt tioaaai. Paatrtee, Bath-room, Clo'haa-prewea, Ae. uot liity feet front and two hundred and thirty 'eat bark, with a twenty foot alley an the end Ide, fluid build Uf. With all tbt apparteaaaee., will bo aoM ebeap, with paytaaata M aoit parvha ear. Applioatioa taa ht aiada ta the nnder ilgnad, or to A. C. Tate, Xh ., who will give all aootttary lnfnrn.atloa to thoat who dr-iire ia pesj the prrvperty. TUOS.J.UUIsLOl'GU. May Mit, 1871, If. , , . ClearfleTd Nursery; KNCOURAGK HOMR INDIT8TRT. TUB andarslgnad, bating eiul.tUhad a Kar eery aa the Tike, about half tray bet w eea OlearAeld and Carwenarilla, li prepared Iv far tab all hkida af ntl'IT THKH-t, Udard aad Hrarf.) It vary aaa e, ihrabbory, Urapo Vlaoa. vooeerMrry, Lawtoa D leek tier ry, Htrawbtrry, aad HaspWery Viaoa. Att WUrlaB Crab trow, iatan, aad early taavitt ItbaAbaaw. . ai4ati praeapUy attoaeWlo.., . Addroea, - . . . ; , aap2-6- CnntnevUla, fi. ALLEGHENY HOTJiL, (Market St , bet. Third and Feurtk,) ll,eknr.r...... " The mhMpliMv kevin. booema broarlotor ef tki.kotol, would Nepeelnilly k . Iib,ral eh era ai paella patroaage. rreoaa reave e ewu uae Utnaa. .. . Jaa.0-1S:lf. O. L. LK1P0LDT. USQUEHANNA HOUHH. CmtWKXHVll.Lg, PA. , NKWION READ, Faoraiatua. Uarlag beaoma prourlator of thia Hotel, I would reaoeelfully aohcil tha petruugo of tb. pBblle. iloua. leaaaatly and coorraii-ully ait aated; B -vl, relltted aod rafurolfboj j gMd cam ple room, attacked All railroad Iraiaa atop at tbla bwuee. . , . . , iau;'ti-7e SUAW ilo . (Cor. of I iIOU81, or Market A rronl .lr.H.,1 CLEARFIELD, PA. The uiiderclgned bevlng taken elie.se of tbla Hotel, would re.peetfully eotleitiiuMio fiatronaga. jaol'; D. It. rUl.Lt.KTON. WASUINGTON UOlTriK, . .,, Nl.w WArilllMI'IoN, PA. Thia B. W aad Well farai.hed houre hac ea taken by the aoderaigned. lie feel cunfMlent of being ablo to reador aa'iafaet.,n I" tbaac wh may faror hiia with a aall. May 1, 1871. 1. W. DAVIH, Prop r. OITOUK IIOI'SK, . MM-MVppoaltotlla Loaft Jlwu.e,. . LOCK 11 A V E N, ' F K.N K 'A. JeldTl , 11ALSEAL A KROM, Prop'a. L" 7)YDlli5uSE, " " " . Mala Ftreet, - . , PHILIPeiUUUU, PKNN'A. Table alwara autiblied with tbe bet II.. market afforda. Tbe traveling public I. Inviti-il tn cell. botI73. BOIIKHT LOVD. THE MANSION HOUSE. ' Cornerof Revondand Meikr-l Mre..!.. LHAHVILU. PA ..r ! .' " ": rpHIS .Id .ad eommodioua Hotel bacdortog X tb. paat y.ar, been .alarged t. donbl. iii form.roapa.lly for tb. entertainment of atraa gera and gueete. Tbe whole bullJlng baa beea refuraiahed, aod tba proprietor will .par. na palae ta randcr hi. geeau coroforl.l.le while auyiag wltk bim. Ar-rha 'Manalos Hooac" Octalhira run. ta and from tha Depot th. .rrlral end itrnartoro af each traia. JOHN IlOL't, 11KKTY, aprS-ra tf Pn.prlal. r Jona Parrua, Prea. J. P. Dana, Caaltier urMciiNrillc ISnnk. Authorised Capital,...Hm h..I0,ha Paid up Capital .u.n..H.b$j(t,U'i (rccrrni naur watioihi. bark.) JOHS f'A TTO.V, . . A. FK1xr A A HON W. PATCUX, H.m, J. '. Hit YT. STOCK POLI)EHS, INIIVinrA!.I.Y U A11LE. Do a g.nuins banking latintr-a. Aerounti aollHted. CarwenfTille, Pa., Jan. 19, U76-Hia, F. a. ARtoLD. a. w. a a ho lb. j. a. aa-n.B F. K.ARNOLD 4. CO., Bankers and HrokreH, Reyn.l4.TiUe, Jerfenma V., p. Money recelred on depoatt. Dieeowita et mo derate rater. Barter and Foreiga Kiehngi .1. waya .a bead aad collection! prr.mpllr mad Keyaol'lcrillc, Dec IS, lS74.-ly County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM In Maaoale Bailding. one dr.r nwtb l 0. D. Watean'c Drag btoro. Peaeage Ticketa to aod Irom LireriooLQueebe towa, tilaagow, London, paria and Coprnliaern. Alee, Drafta far aale oa Iba Royal Bank of Irrian. aad Imperial Bank of Loodoo. JAMES T. LEONARD, IWt. W. M. BI1AW, Ca.bler. tl:lr74 " DREXEL 4 CO., " No. 3d Snath Third atreet, Philadelphia And Dealers in Government Securities. Appliratioa by mail will receire prompt atten tioa, aad all Information eheerfullr lurni.bed Ordera eolieted. April li lt. ' grntlstru. STEWART Sc BLACKBURN, DENTISTS, rarmnsTllle, riearfJeld CMaty, Pciia'a (OBce la Oatea' New llaildior ) CaiVantrllla, Jaa li, H7 ly. nariag determined to local, la CarwrneriHe for the parpoac of pareuing my profaaaton, I bce.hy'orer my eervice t. the poblic. I bar. juet tniabad a term af deetal Ineu-oetiona aaier th. beat teacher, ef tb. Peenaylvania College of Dental Surgery in Philadelphia, and am now firepared to eieoale all work pertaiaiag to dent atry ia the heat manner, wiut the lateatimproTo eaenta. - All werk gnarantewi t. gir. entire cel. iafaetioB or a quality aad duratioB. Tooth at tracted without paia. Room ia Bow Bank haild iag. For further information apply in pereoa or addrera R. M. THOMPSON, aichal'74-tf. - Carweaarllle, Pa. :""nHTL.LS Wnald rttnoctfullr aotlfr hit iatleiiti that ht haa rtdttead tha price of A RTI HUIAL TKKT1I to 12(1 aa rv.r . f $2bM fur a doable aeU For any twaparioaJ ooning at tha lame Unit, to have ted. an a. per M, will get the two eeta for or K.t4 each. Termi Invariably CatH. Clearfield, Jaly 1, hU. GEORGE E. ROBACKEft, wnrtLsarLB BBitsa t.t WINES AND LIQUORS, CLEARFIELD, PA. . My plaoe of batlaeaa la a. Market itrett. dl. rectly oppoeita the Court Ucum, whore I deaira to keep, full atoek of Pi 1IK LIOUORS. and J wilt warrant tkem to ba ra-b to my eiirtomrrr. " jaiy ii, ta-ii. lI0LESilliQU6R STORE." At tha end af tho arw bridge, ' HFM CT.SARFTFI.ft. PA. ' The prop r re tor of thii tabtthaient will hay hi liquor dtreet froia diatillora P-rlloa buying fri'Bi tbla bona will h aaro to get a paro article at a amall margin above oo-t. Hotel tWpera ean be furninbed with llquori on reaaonalila term. Pure winei and brantliea direct from Sotiey'i Vinrrr-M luth, New Yrh. tJEOROR X. COI.DUnN. Clearfletd, Jane lit, M7-tr Hue y & I) hrist, sole ritornitToitsor the CELEBRATED ", ' and: , .. . TONIC HERB BITTERS. skso rag MICK LIST. IIUEY ill III HT, lal N. S4 Ktreet, PIIII.ADKLPIHA. JMarob 14, IIJlL READUNIG FOR ALU . " HOOKS d S?A TIOXER Y Market fit., Clearfield, (.at (ha Poat ffite.) rpilK andenigaed bego laava to annouaot to X tbt eitiieaa of Clearfield aod vicinity, that he hat fitted op a rnoia and baa jaM returned fmra the rity with a Urge aoioanl ef rtading matter, won lining ia part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, TtUnh, Aecnunt and fail nook of tvaty da eriptlont Pmr and Rnrelnpei, Frennh pre wed and plaint I'm and Panel li Ulanh Legal Papers, Dee-!, Mortgage ( Jmlgtaorit, Eianip Hon aad Pmmltrarv aoteoi Whita aad Parch otaai UeUf, Legal tip, Hewd Cap. and Bill (Jap, bbeet Maaio, lr edltir Piano, Plate or Violin, ennatanily on hand. Any bonka or itationary delred that 1 may not have oa hand.wlt! be ordered bv flrit atpreva. and aold at wboleeale or retail ta tott oaateaieta. I wiU ajaa heap perlodieal Htaraiar,aaeh aa Mngaataoe, Nawapapera, Ae, P. A. UAl'LIN. ClearfieltL May T. K ATAIiUAHLK PHUPKKTY - - rOR 9 A Li OR rOR RKNT. The labtiriber girti ar-llco that ht will either rent or oll hli dwelling and lloro property, lit ate oa Reed street, adjoining tht Leonard Hao, tm tho boremgh of Vteartald, Pa Tat aanrt rooai itIUU laat, The dwellmg houao tonUiaa I rooraa aitd a kltoben aa tha Irat ttory, and I rooroi oa the Kind itory, Tbt attra raoai eaa bo had at ea, and tko dwalMag porWoa on ad alte ibe lot of JAj, 9m leartW ar lioalara, a4drn r . tup la ta the amderatgata ta the premieea. tlBO. C. PAMMORS. Cfaarfleld, Pa May It, '11 ; Jifc'.-?44a n TJS uaaatmtyrtBi. rWSWcl' iicMutunusiv 1 a