Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 23, 1876, Image 2

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    HJlic U'f ubltran.
OtoKOE 1$. GooiiLANDia, Kilitor.
Roader, If yun want lo know what li going aa
la tho buolne.a world, Juel rend our advertiaing
aolumna, the Sycial column lo parUeoUr.
10,000 poisons attondod tho funeral
of Revciily Johnson at Biiltiuioro on
Saturday. Tho Judges of tbolnitod
Slates Suproino Court mid many Sena
tors were among the number.
A I.ono Ton.. Tho hells of Haltl-
tioi-o were tolled for four hours from
1 o'clock till 0, v. M. on the llltk inst.,
ill honor of the death and hiiriul of tho
lion. IJoverdy Johnson.
. . i. i
Dead. Thooolobratod actress, Char
lotto Cusbman, died in Boston, ou Fri
day last, aged (19 years and 7 months.
Her death obliterates one of tho bright
est stars that illuminated tho American
tho death penalty and substitute im
prisonment and hard labor for life in
tho Stuto of Maine, has passed the
Souato by a voto of 18 to 11. The
hill had previously passod the liouso.
Very Discouraging. Althongh tho
Junior Enow Nothings have bad two
Lodges in running order in Morris
townBhip for a long time, they got
themselves threshed out of their boots
on election day. Their ticket was too
heavily laden.
Ci rant's testimony, taken fur tho pur
pose of olenring JSabeoek, makos four
columns of ordinary printed matter.
Like all volunteer witnesses, ho has a
very bad momory. On rross-cxnmina-tion
bis answers were, "Pon't remem
ber," "Don't recollect," etc.
A Washington letter writer says
Mrs. Robeson is without exception tho
most self-poised, Bol.possossod, and bril
liant woman in Washington, evor ready
in bright, sharp conversation and witty
rejoinders. Mrs. Laundulot Williams
wed to lead off until her husband was
turned out to pasture.
A I'aib of Arm What a pretty
piir of soiled liadieal doves thoy are
anyhow, Uccchor and liowen, who un
til recently superintended all tho reli
gious and secular affairs of this coun
try. Correct morals wero made a
specialty. Who can follow thorn to
day f For obscenity and compound
wickedness, they have evon superseded
tho Woodhull and Clufllin strumpets,
who are disgrace, to tho nation.
A.n Dover Speaks. The college and
church at Andover, Mass., tho head
quarters of Congrcgutionulism in this
country, has hurled a thunderbolt at
tha 1'lymouth congrog.tion and ita
pastor.' Tho brethren at Andover and
elsewhere demand that the guilt or in
nocenco of Bcochor ho settled as soon
as possihlo, and call upon their Brook
lyn brethren to fix upon a time when
a Council shall meet to settle tho ques
tion. Andover now awaits tleo ansiver
of tho Plymouth flock.
Alarmists. Some people are won
derfully annoyed at "Molly McGuir
istn," and sccra to be honestly opposed
to secret, oath-bound political organiza
tions, and in order to quiet their norves
havo becomo 7Gcrs. Ilow honest (?),
and how consistent (?) some people
i nn be I An exchange remarks :
The oonfeMlon of Kerrigen. txpoilng tho crime
Mid criminal aim. of tbe ' Moll luugulre," 1
full of warning for oil othrr eontpiratort bended
for anlewful purpoe noder the protoelion of
oetb-bonnd tocrot eoeletioi. It my be Bet down
Una men who are mean enough lo eloak their
religion or tneir politlea under eurb diigui.ea ore
tnrnn onoogu lo betray their oomndra in a time
ot Hanger.
Somherh' Bointv. Stato Senator
iiusscy's Lill to givo each Pennsylva
nia soldier who fought in Mexico a
bounty of 1200 recoived tho endorse
ment of the convention of tho (irand
Army of the Itepuhlic recently hold at
Pittsburgh. A resolution was adopted
urging the pasags of the hill now before
tho Legislature "fur tie relief of tho
surviving soldiers of Pennsylvania regi
ments wbo so gallantly deiendod tho
honor of our Stato and country upon
the soil of Mexico during the war ot
IS 10, '17, and '18.'
L.tosiso Mas, Biaol Tbe leaet tbe Demoe
raey eonld have done when proponing a tariff
bill Intended to cut off tho laborer from earning
hia aeoe.Bary foody. lo loofe tbe oooeutlal of
hie dolly life noloied. Hot the enmity of Ike
llemoor.tle partj to Amerlean Lftttor ia of a eort
which nothingoan appeano nrafttufy. Morrlaun'a
bill proiioa to ui tea ten eeota a ponnd. Thaa
eotne l..uuo,U0 la to be oatorled from the poor
to go either Into Iba pocket of foreign grower
of tea and oofloe, or into the bande of that noble
army of rebel who already have bilte In OongreM
for &e,UOO,0 to eompoooate them for damage
don by tbe Union arniea while tbraahing them
out of their trcaaon agaioil lb Union. faa.
man' Journal.
That is a very savage artiAe for an
exempt Virion soldier to write. Tho
war fcaturoin this alarm article sounds
a lilllo like coming from Blaino and
Hill, neither of whom evor smcllcd
powder ; yet, they succeeded in carry
ing on tho whole war on tho floor ol
Congress a few weeks ago in two days.
Hut to tho cofl'eo and toa story. Why,
bless yonr dear soul I a Radical Con
gress in 1RC3 imposed a lax of twenty
live cents on ten and fivo coiit on cof
fee, and although it romainud on until !
187.1, tho editor in question novor
called tho attention of tho "luboring
men" to this unnecessary burthen.
This is not alL A coffeo and tea ring
was funned that year, and Uie Credit
Mohilier, salary. grab Congressmen
were tukon Into tho ring, and the tux
was taken off and shoved into their
) kcls ever viata,-, while the Govern
ment has been grabbing all around lo
oliltini revenues ciiomh to run the mi.
fhine. On the 3d day of March last,
iluriug the expiring hour of the second
Credit Mohilier Congress, that body
iinjKNwd a tux of four cents per pound
on '.oliaeeo, thirty cenu per gallon on
whisky, and twenty flvo per cent, on
eiugar and mulaiwiu and yet, tho edi
tor of the Journal Itus never brought
this stubborn fact to tho notice of his
Mow, dilute a little on tho balance
of tlio tax story the swacl end of it,
sugar and mohviaus and tell us why
that twenty -five percent, burthen Waa
placed on the workingmcn's provisions,
And who put it on. '
Vur flltoen years patent philanthro
pists and modern Statesmen have been
controlling, publin affairs on this Con
tinent. Ileligion, morula and secular
matters havo received undivided at
tention from tho 3,000 New England
achools of clergymen and their folio worn,
who enlightened the American Con
gress in 1857, by their elaborate peti
tion on the subject of slavery and other
crimes. Tho names of Muooher and
Bowcu shown us brightly on tbo peti
tion In question aa tbo morning and
evening stars, and tbe religious and
secular Armament was lit up and
fairly beamed with "Vlrtuo, Liberty
and Independence," because of tho un
questioned piety and wisdom of tho
school indicated.
How does their prouchiug harmonize
, Tho present Democratic Congress Is
developing Itnditulisin ami' will in tho
end revoiil tho conduct of the lludieul
loaders in tbeir true light. Tho
"crooked" whisky exposure now go-
iugon all over tho country Is it true
index of liudinil administration in all
departments of tho (iovernment
Tho Jlni'risburg Patriot, in alluding
to the conduct of tho enemy in Con.
gross, says :
"Tho liadieal minority in Congress
aro contending inch by inch against
tho uliurts of the Democrats to reduce
the cnormoiihv expenditure ol govern
ment. It is evident tuut they are
anxious to save thulr ofllciul friends as
well aa to prevent tho people from
liiukiiiir odious comparisons between
their pruetieo when in power and that
ot tlio Democrats, nut mo worst oi
with their practioes to-day ? Tho ono reform Is pushing forward in spile ot
stands up and calls tho groat Preacher i them, and it is tho fixed dutorminnlion
A LI A It, API LTKHKIl AND Frill- " , J
1 1...!.. ..I...I... tn ivi.tiini-. Im nt-il.iin.rr on.
. .li.l ,.,...(,-,. - li..
until expeniliiures to l lie rxioiu oi eiu,
JUItEl!. Tho preacher retorts by
calling tho brqlhor liowen, A LI A It
AN D SLAN DEREK. Those two men,
tbo pulpiteer til' Plymouth Church and
tlio editor of tho New York Independ
ent, did more to delugo this happy
country in blood and immorality than
all tho efforts of any one hundred per
sons combined: Their teaching has
debauched both races. Tho demor
alization among tho whites in the
tho gutter snipe.
To glvo our reudera an insido view
of tho moral training of tho negro race
down South, under the same instruc
tors, wo pull to tho witness stand a GO
year old Mothodist negro preacher, ol
Raleigh, North Carolina, who can keep
quiot no longer and therefore issues
tho following address to his people
Road what ho says carefully:
To the Freedmen of North Carolina :
I dosiro to call your attention to the
fuct that among our pooplo crime is on
tho incroaso ; stealing, robbery, murder
and crimes in all tlieir hideous forms,
seem to havo taken possession of our
pooplo, and it must bo stopped. The
penitentiary is filled to overflowing,
tho jails and wuik-housos are no soon
er emptied than thoy aro tilled again.
rollow countrymen, you must awoke
to this dreadful stato oi affairs and gird
on your armor and battle against crimo
in all its ltirms. Alimstorsot tho gos
pel, deacons and class-leaders, go to
work, impress upon your people tbo
danger of entoring into tho paths ol
crimo, which sooner or later, if this
continues, will ongulf our entire race.
This is no exaggerated appeal ; go
to tho court-houses aad look at the
dockets; go to tho jails and you will
see tbera tilled ; go to tho penitentiary,
to the railroads and tho public works
and you will sue hundreds of our raco,
in striped suits, tailing and working as
a pnnishmont for crimes committed be
cause thoy wero too lazy to work be
fore. During the January term ot
Wake county court over thirty colored
persons woro convicted for stealing:
only about five wero acquitted, and
only three white men wore convicted ;
is not this a sad reflection upon our
raco t Colored men and women, go to
work, stop stealing, stop going to tho
Stop stealing and lying and cheating
and go to work, and wo willjio a happy
and prosperous people. Hero aro some
of the cases in our last court: Ono man
sentenced to the penitentiary tor steal
ing a goose ; one for stealing a cow ;
one old, gray-headed woman "and her
two sons for stealing a hog and a sheep.
Fathers and mothers, mako your
children work ; don't encourago idle
ness, tho father of crime. Colored
people of North Carolina, you must
arouse to tbe necessity of doing some
thing to put a stop to this thing, or we
are a ruined pooplo. Hoep it before
the people, talk to thorn, preach to
them, exhort them by every lawful
means, to live honestly and in tho fear
ot uou. in your cliurcnos, at hoiao,
in tho school. house, everywhere, keep
alive tho fact that crime must be stop
pod. In tho namo of heavon, 1 im
plore ovory preacher, and ovory man
of influence, to go to work and do
something to put a stop to crimo among
our people.
lnmk ot it, ye mothers and wives
and daughters in time, for you know
not bow soon you will seo one of your
bolovod ones being led in shackles and
handcuffs to tho felon's cell. Think of
it in time, and God will bless and re
ward you for it
I am an old man and I write this in
tbe hope that 1 may arouse our people
to the importance of taking some steps
to put a chock to crime which is stalk
ing abroad in out land, and cutting off
in tuo primo ol lilo so many ot our
To the preachers of Raleigh, and to
the poachers all over the State, i es
pecially look to for somo good work.
Lot thorn preach every Sunday and let
them take tlieir text from tho criminal
dockot of their county. Thoy will find
plenty of case which will furnish
abundant material for a powerful ser
mon. Bring this matter to tbo atten
tion of the people, so that thoy may
think and ponder over it and resolve
to better their Faya.
000,000. Anion;; the reductions tiro
$6,000,000 on the river untl hurtior bill,
as 000.000 on iiublic biiildinirs. S3.000..
000 on fortifications, li,OIIO,0OO on tho
IcL'islativo. cxocutivo and judicial bill.
81,000,000 on tho oxpensea of collect-
inir tho internal revenue, it lias ueen
airrood in cominittoo toroduco tho rove
line collectors from 161 to 108, making
n nnvinff of 1220.000. Tho ten super
visors of revenues aro to bo lopnou off
makliiir a saving of 130,ooo. tiesiyvs
store keepers, tide-waiters, and agents,
a further saving of S2&0,000. In
stum pi, puper, et eetra, thoro is anoth
er saving of 150,000. In this bureau
aluuo tlio reduction will amount to
$1,050,000. A shriek has goue up that
those reductions of (iovernmont em
ployes will cripple tho public sorvico.
But the meaning of this cry is well
understood. The Democrats wjll tako
care that tho public sorvico is benefitted
Instead of injured by cutting down ex
travagantoxpendituros.and tbe lopping
off superfluous offices which are crusted
merely for party retainers. Tho work
goes bravely on."
. Tho scalawag and carpolbag oflicials
in Mississippi and South Carolina aro
boing rewarded for their patriotic efforts
in those States. Tho Legislature in
tho former Stato has' jnst Teported lot
tersof impeachment against Lieut. Gov.
Davis and School Superintendent Car-
doza. The voto in the Legislature
stood 101 to 4 only four friends in a
body of ono hundred and fivo peers.
Ilow the mighty havo fallen I '
s Tho vote in the South Carolina Leg
islature, whore three of tho Stato offi
cials aro on the rack, was equally as
emphatic. It also looks now as though
a portion of tho Louisiana Stato officials
would he similarly rewarded.
It is as clear aa the sun at noonday,
that nino ont of evory ton of the mon
who havo hold official positions in tho
Southern States, sinco 18C5, under tho
Immediate control of tho Radical load
ers at Washington, have proved faith
less and corrupt, resorting to both
then and bribery. This political laza
roui has robbed tho South of millions
of dollars j yet, when ono of them is
gobbled up and sent to the penitentiary,
not one of thorn has enough monoy to
pay tho attorney for defending him.
Such are somo of tho practical results
of Radicul statesmanship.
lions, Fchrtiarv 21, 187ti.
lehabotll Ichalmd I ilow uiu the
mighty fulleu I Ilow hath the glory
of tiui1 house departed! The great
There is a promise of dropping
the two-oent osliigo on drop letters to
on cent.
Those spring-like days begin to
Apostle, the past worthy I' oreinan, the bn,od fae hous(, oj,,,,,,!, ania in the
Annuitant Foromnii, the Committee-1 (,,.;, 0f WOmen
mini wlio fixed lh prtigiliuiuiu, anil ,
the now convert,, Deaeou ll-lls mid - " are a,io .
bis brother In the faith-e-nll slain ntj Pennsylvania, the largest number of
ono fell swoop, mid nono left to tell the
tide hut the Itnir ConsluM.'! Alusl
( Urix . 4frtlfmrtj.
i :
any Suite la tho I'nion.
Tho Kansas farmer havo been
sowing whuut for a week past, and
prospects are first class.
lie Mouse at Washington bus
tho ingratitude of Republic the bsee
ingiatiiuue tit ine urwuiura in in, mini i prospet
who would not abide by llioir pledged
i . i . i I ;l . .., I II
Z! ' t.. eLrJe li-ll and j- "vdli ! I"""1"1 " I'111 "V-"" the bankrupt
anvlhiiiL' hut the purest philanthropy I i"1'1, l" u,Ko eneet ouJanuary l, un.
The good of their species, the reliel Oil Tlio Pnmidimi signed the Cenlen.
the oppressed, the protection of theiu bill with a pen made of a quill
laborer thesu, am! thesu alone, were ' mm thu wing ol an American eugle.
tliu uims ol inese pure nainois, unit u . . , . VT ,,
, . , ."' . .. .,' ...i. '., i . ... ,1,-.,,, An Adventisliiiiperiu New Hump
t tuo pa-1 : ., 1 i i j
i H ....i .... .....t i ii.ii ill. i t,
it. nun a. iui. ii j"", " "v - i .
trims nli mi 1 . 1 lilt mi their voices unci I
ii. -..a X- . I I
woep. Mtrangor "I n wniuu ne , i noro is a mull I
strange if they would fail to weep ul who sends tiiuiteeii
ii New Iiuinpshire
of his children to
Tlio rest are too
the degeneracy f mankind, who failed
to recognize the truo love ot man ami
thought they saw mi attempt to he
Constable, or to run politics in a fixed
groove. Somebody cheated the great
Apostle, or else tho bnllot-box has been
stuffed against him. Tho ring surely
had a hand in giving the '70 candidate
for Hog Oonstahlo i ll voles, and him
but 117. Twenty-four men havo been
bought to violate thoiroaths. Perjury,
fraud, infamy und wrongcluster around
thoir pathway. It is terrible! Tho
destiny of tlio Republic is trembling in
-A. ...... ..ii nnii
that Buch an organization should bo
beaten. A candiduteior Assossorwbo
has not paid taxes for four years, and
could not vote. ' Men running the
newspaper of tho organization, whose
votes wero rejected for tho same cause.
Pooplo who pay their taxes will stand
everything but dictation in polities
from thosu who do not. Osceola and
Kylortown must follow Clearfield, and
purgo tho Lotlgos. Throw out the
traitors. Put nonu but laborers on
f;unrd. The men who want office must
lave it. They joinod us for Unit our-
poso, and we must accommodate them.
Tho Order was organized within the
county on tho 9th of Septombor, 1875,
by Mr. Lcbr.of Philipsburg, unimpluc
ullo Radical, for but ono purpose to
servo tho ordor of his party, and help
tho disorganizing olumeuts in tlio
Domocratio party. Its members have
thoir own axes to grind too. and many
of thorn oin for that nuronse. Its
loading idea, however, is tho disruption j
oi mo nomocracy, its originators at
Clearfield wero A. J. Jackson, James
Kerr, Robert McCorklo, Jos. S. Show
ors, John (iulich, Gocrgo Thorn, Ashley
Thorn, F. O'Lenry Buck, (ieorge K.
Robnckor, (Vrcniiis Howe, Abraham
Humphrey, J. Bishop Shaw and Joseph
B. Larimer. They wero in due form
of lnw admitted and aworn by Mr.
Lohr to the following oath, which is
takon by all tho brethorn: "l, in the
presence of these brethren astembled, do
solemnly sicear, as a man of honor, that I
will never communicate to any person ex
cept a brother of this order, and not then
unless projierly authorized to do so, any of
the signs, pammrds, grips, secrets and
transactions of this order : that I Kill not
forsake a brother in distress or danncr. but
.j i...... - . . .
ma mm in wunng employment ana
relieve him from distress and rescue him
from danger; nor icill I wrong a brother appropriations committee to cut down
of this order or set him tcronaed if it is in lno "aiancs in me r uonc i,ana umeos,
the sumo school.
small In go.
A Ccnlctinh,! celebration of the
Supreme Lodge of the KiiiuhtN of
l'ythius will Im held at Philadelphia
next August,
(ten. Joe Shelby. of (ienrgia. Is or
ganizing a colony to settle in Mexico
and look alter tbe mining Interests ot
that country.
z All the employees of the Pan
Handle Railroad are at once to be
armed and directed to shoot train ruf-
roculioVtxij p hid uevn owns New
York." That he has recently enlarged
bis domain so as to include Brooklyn
is very evident.
ChieaifO last four had fivo hundred
and elevon fires, tho total losses being
tta,.iuu,oi wnitfi f . 11, was covor
cd by insiirnneo.
Now York was visited with a largo
uro on lucauar oi last wook, uostroy
ing property trt the value of three mil
iums of dollar.
Colonel Mucklo, of tho Philadel
phia JeJger,i credited with being the
first to suggest tho itlea of a Centen
nial celebration.
At tho Centennial there will be
represented alive all tho Ash of tlio
great lakes, with all tho varieties
of tho salmon family.
A wonderful diamond field is re
ported to have been discovered in the
coast range, San Mateo county, Color
ado. Salted, probably.
Tho London Times ia said to bo
negotiating for tho exclusive use of the
Anglo-American cables on Sunday
nights during the Centonnial.
Tho dullness of trado loads tho
Now Bedford (Mass.) Mercury to re-
nnnk : "Ten mills mako a cent, but
not any ton mills in this section.
Weston, tho walkist, haa at last
won a victory, beating tbe Knglish
pedestrian Perkins at Loudon, and
winning thereby forty pounds sterling.
A gentleman of Lynchburg, Va.,
owns a sot of cbossmon noatly molded
in lead from bullets picked up on the
battle-fiold near Appomattox Courthouse.
A proposition will be made in tbo
In Distress. Groat men, liko small
moo, must put up with some strange
things. It is conceded that Grant and
Boecher are tho grealost mon that now
occupy the affections of tho Amoricsn
pooplo. The household of tho Presi
dent ia nearly tormented te death by
the crooked waya of Babcock, and the
wife of Theodore Tllton haa destroyed
tbe happiness of the great preacher's
family. It seems that noilhor a salary
of 120,000 nor ono of $50,000 carries
happiness to tho recipients. Tho
crooked ways of the great pulpiteer
aro as dubious as those of " tho Govern
ment," but they will both bo'nneover-
cd before long.
A Great Outraur I The editor ot
the Osceola world lost his vote at the
recent election, becauso lie nover paid
any county or Stato tax. What an
imposition it is, any how, for tho Leg
islature of a free Stato to ask an honest,
upright, free-born citizen to pay a tax !
We have somo notion of going to En
rope, in order to avoid outrages of this
kind. ore we a citizen of Osceola,
we would cerluinly indict the election
officers if they Would refuse to accept
our ballot. W o would apply to tbe
Relief Committoe, any how, to seo if
our wrengs could not bo rectified.
The editor of the icorM, in alluding
to the overwhelming defeat of tho
Junior Know Nothings in Osceola,
right where the world lives, moves and
has its being, aayi j
Boeeral tneabara wore debarred free tha privi
lege of voting, from not bat ioc nnid lbir lain
w.thln tie apeeiled limit of th law. This was ! field
owing to roaeosa not aaooeeary oiplaia.
Yea ; and we are eredihly informed
that both tho editor and publisher ot
tho organ lost thoir votes on that
ground. Shame on yon ! Why should
any man who boasts of being a frco
nian disfranchise himself In that way?
We want no more tax-ridden lectures
from that source. Let the editor ol
the organ boconiQ a citizen by paying
at least one 20-cent lax. Tbe poor,
oppressed fellows! Tho tax lectures
from tbo world men sound a littlo liko
the virtuous lectures delivered by
Boocbor. They aro all sound. "Do.
barred" for nevor having paid a tax is
good. Do, please, give us lecture on
taxation and expenditures. It would
sound so well, coming from a "debarred"
fellow-citizen. Why did you not shout
"Help I help II help II I" whon the
election board ' debarred " you 1 W hat
an outrage I
!(oBiiANiziNU.Tho Congressional
temperance society mot in Washington
op Saturday, Hon, T. W. Ferry was
ohosen President) Hon. W. L. Ballou,
Vice President, and Ilov. W. J, Chlck-
onng, secretary. It was resolved to
bold a public meeting on tho 20th inst.,
and request Hon. J. II. Soelye to de
liver an address. Tbey have not boon
ablo to organise a Congressional prayer-
meeting down there since Colfax, Seo-
and (ha otbor Credit Mibilier
Statesmen left tbo Capitol,
Tue Old Km Down. More than
the death of many men will be mourn
od throughout Now England, and in
dued throughout the Und, LI-. over
throw and destruction of the historic
elm of Boston Coreuums. The venera
ble trco, over two hundred yraia old,
has boon of llo propped up with the
Umdvrail iiM-a on ail sides, but the
winter blast of the Centonnial year has
beon too ranch for It, and this oenter
of so many hallowed associations lie
prostrate in the midst of a sorrowing
people. Like Simeon of old, ita time
was prtaotujod, till it saw the country
whosochildbood at witnessed pass safely
into the second century of if vigorous
maturity, and then it has departed Jn
A oommittoo ot tbe South Carolina
IIouso of Representatives rocommond
thnt J. B. Robinson, a inombor ol tho
Stale text book commission, bo ro
moved and expelled from the House
for corrupt proposals to Northern pub
lishing houses regarding commissions
on books adopted for the uso of public
Another appalling ocean disaster 1)
roportod. Tho steamer Franconia ran
into tho steamor Strath-Clyde, in tho
Knglish Channel, off Dover, on Thurs
day, tho 17th Inst. 'TIlD Slrath-Clydo
was sunk, her boilers bursting as slip
wont down, and fifty -nino of her pas
sungors and crow wore drowned.
The Tyrone Herald (Republican)
says :
tt T;fsnj li sot Dunooratla in Iwa or three
year, it will sol be the fault or tbo Hepobuoenl.
Why, bless you, man, the IJepuhi:
cans are only getting their eyes open.
A Democratic Burgess is something
new ovor thero.
A bill has boon introduced into Con
gross by Mr. Hurd, of Ohio, which
provide that alter tho first day ot
January, JS77,J! business transactions
shall be in coin unless a special -eon
tract sliall be made to the contrary,
and It repeals (Jie fosumptlon day act
oi in ia,
The Investigation of alleged lirugu
larlliesin tho Pittsburgh Custom House
reveals tho fact that importers havo
been charged aa illegal fee of f 2 on each
consignment, and no return made of it.
my powr to prevent it, neitlur icdj I di
vulge to the public the name of any mem
ber of this order without his consent. I
also promise obedience to the rules anil
regulations of this order and submission
to the voice of a minority of its members.
constitutionally expressed. To all of
vnicn i piragemy sacrnt Honor. iSo kelp
me Oodt"
The point of this oath is in tho tail,
liko the sting of tbe scorpion. So help
me uoa -i win ooey uw rules ana regu
lations of the order and I icdl give submis
sion to tlie voice of a majority of its mem
here, constitutionally expressed," and yet
inooe men call themselves Irocmen.
HViydoyou not wantyour namo known
as ono of tho ordor? Why do vou
swear to tell tbo namo of nono 7 Kvil
deeds seek darkness, rathor than liifht.
Before tho oath was takon the worthy
foreman says "Betray us and tho
cause and though your head bo irnarded
by hundreds of capitalist and their
tools, wo win nun at you a ourao so
potent that it will cause vou to forever
remain in uopeleas. liclnloss slavery
nun uesuuiuon. sure me i save me!
"From the uo lhat broil and ltniti,
From the oentlpede thet bltee,
from tbe hall atom and the thunder,
From tho rampage and tha oondor,
From the goit upon tbe river, .
From th eudden oorlbqaeke shiver,
From the trip of mole or donkey
From evory benit and vermis
That to think of aeia squirming,
From every peet of nature,
Llkewlee tbe aligntor,
From the Ui bill and aeeor,
Jloares keep me I great pr.ifeor I
The oath haa been taken ; I must
bear tho curse, potent though it be.
Nay, we must even bear with eqiiinim.
ity tho fierce invective, the torrifio
logic, tho anntliema maranallin of the
writers in the Osceola IIMi and the
Cnrwonsvillo Times. Delend your
brethren ; that is what you swore to
do, Mr. Brainard, on tho'night of tho
12th of October, 1875.
Tho Lodgo was duly organizod nn
tho (Itb of Septombor, and on tho 13tb
oflloiuls wero chosen, and on that day
Wm. W. Worrell and Jacob A. Faust,
with another, oamo and wore sworn.
On tlio 20lh, Conrad Baker, of Knox
township, was admitted and sworn.
On tbe 21st, John Ilipps was sworn,
and on the 22d, Harris Hoover was
made a brother and was sworn. On
the 23d, W. J. Hemphill and Jorry
Butlor grasped the hands of their la
borious brethren and were duly initia
ted. But wo forbear. We'will print
tho list by and by. of all wbo stand lir
the rotten shin. Butter seize the plan k
and roach the shore. . Fancy oaths
anu uark aoeas aro not in accord with
your Common Skkse.
Booohor, Gordeman, . Glondenning,
oto., it sccmeare not the crooked clorgy
men. An exchange nointodlv sovs:
Winslow, tho clerical fugitive forgor of
nosiun, oeiu ana preached thosu re
ligious doctrines that are considered
sound and orthodox by ninny, His
sermons woro not only theoretically
correct, but they woro full of fluo sen
timent and pious u nation. The ono
which be delivered from the pulpit on
tho Sunday bof'oro his flight with bis
plundor.was unusually sound and swoet,
and was greatly admired by his audi
tors. Tho rovorencd forger's religion
was mado up of just that sort of thing
dogma and rapture. Ho noilhor
preached nor practised tllttt great fea
ture of all genuine religion which i
called righteousness. IJu carried on
hia deviltries while ho held on to his
creed, and saw no inconsistency be
tween his evil ways and his Sunday
sori)ions, There are not many clergy,
men who pruelitio (brgury ii) thp yiiis
low stylo, but there are a gi'uut niuny
of Ihein who aro just as negligent s
he was in regard to tlio inseparable re
lation between genuine religion nnd
praclieul righteousness. They nover
proclaim or enforce, the Scriptural laws
'1 this suliiect Peruana thev think
j that, by doing so, they would offend
some oi moir liearera, who would rath
er Upton to hitjli-toncd discourses on
dogmatic tbuii submit to the applica
tion of those stern commands which
aro laid down for tho government of
their Ho and eoaduut, And which are
announced with as muuh emphasis jn
the New Tesuniont as iu the Old. If
un.j.. .l. i V ".
ii iiioiww "ui we umy crunitpri re
ligionist of his kind, these observations
would be nnnooessary. '. -
which now in some instances are onbr-
Fivo Erie banks have provided
themselves with chromomotor bank
locks, being convicted that tbo addi
tioual security afforded is too great to
do overiooaeu.
A New Y'ork rowdy waa shot
through both cavities or the heart on
Sunday lost, and lived thirty-three
hours after the wound had been inflict
ed. I he case is without precedent.
The law which establishes tbe pay
oi memoors oi ine legislature provides
that tho salary shall be 11,000 for the
first hundred days, and ten dollars a
day for tho fifty days succeeding the
A New York philanthropist tbe
other day gavoa deed for 120,000 worth-
ot real estate to a benevolent society,
saying, "A tieea is bettor than a will.
1 will be my own executor." A wise
conclusion, and a noble deed.
Ton convicts from Luzerne county
were taken to the Kastcrn penitentiary
a fow days ago.- Thoir aggregate sen
tences reached sixty-flvo yoars five
months. One of the oonvicU received
lottrtoen years and ten months.
The embryo State of Colorado haa
made a stop towards woman suffrage
by a provision adopted In tho constitu
tional convention requiring the first
legislature of the State to submit the
question to a vote of tbe people.
A high-backed, leatbor-cushioned
chair used yoars ago. in the Legislature,
and by Gov. J. Andrew Schultze in
1817, has been sent from llarrisburir
to Independence Hall, Philadelphia, to
oo piacuu in ine relic department.
Among tho extraordinary bills be.
foro the Legislature is one looklno- to
tho appointment of a commission "of
not mora than eleven persons, at a sal
ary ot f 15 per day each, to devise a
pian lor the government of cities.
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany recently advertised that thoy
would rocoivo applications for tho posi
tion of conductor, to be employed to
tho number of 150 during the Ountcn-
mal season. They had 10,000 re
sponses iu ton days.
In view of the near approach of
the Centonnial, and the fact that the
resources of the Pennsylvania railroad
are already taxotl to aoeommodate tbe
traveling nublio, it has beon determined
to cease the issue of "passes" over the
road and branoboa.-
THE FIRST A MERICAN CA XA I. Tho Incomplete rettu nsof the Texas
Slate election inillciile thill llie Demo.
The li.llowing is from iho Loudon ' t-nttiti ticket w ill bccimii d by a Very
Time; 'J'hs Union canal extunds from urgo mujoriiy.
Miilillelowii, on die SuMiueliiiuiiu river, ! i
being Hcviuily-iiitiot miles in length,
itli a iinvigalle feeder seven miles in.,
length, flier aro 51 locks on the
eimt, wilh a descent ol B07 fust, aiicCU;
locks on the taest, a fJescept of
I'.u loci, i ncro is ntniiei noun went
of l.nvii 729 teet in length, cut ill tin'
solid ruck, which wus nhlnincd lium
the Oiiiilaiiahilla antl Swulurs envks, j
although oilier streams have been
tupped. I
The first survey of it was iniide in
1702 by David Riiteiihunso and Dr. i
Williuuv Smith, alluniga i fnssiblliiy
is Saul to save Uou igi(died l.y Wm. !
Pciiii as early as 1UD0. Iu 1701 nporu-'
tions were wwmneiicvd, and after many
illseoui.igemeiitsaiid fluniiviiil iti-tui-s1
weiu c.iiiipletud III IH.ii, when lliellist
bout, ,lhu "Alphu of Ttiljtclitet'kiiii,"
Imsneil lieliniiou on its way wiKvunl. ivitli the completion mil up-,
fin I ion of this maritime l.ihutiy tln'
t'uiilerinl priwiiciity ol lliistuiuiiliy.siid ,
espi'lully Lriiiinoii dittes. Thu popii.
lutioii im-rvtiscd, liuiiics increitnutl,
und In it bt'lniigs the lionor of luyiftg
the curlier slono of tlio prosperity of
thiiie section which it traversed. It
has lost thu prestige ot its coniiiurt'e
and importance, but is still ti line of
cheap tiiinsiortatioii for conl, lumlwr,
iron ore, iron and oilier maiiuluutiiring
muteriul. Tho railroads have succeed
ed it iu tho popiilur setise of quick
transHirtation, but it forms a promi
nent part in tlio history ot the Lebanon
valley und as such will always bo hold
boat of fifteen tons, but the enlarge
ment between 1853 and 1857 givos a
safu passage lo bouts of heavier capaci
ties. It has tho honor ot being thu
first canal built in tho country.
Tue Mexican Cattle Thieves.
General Ord, commander of the Mili
tary department of Texas, was before
the liouso committee on Texas fron
tier troubles on Saturday, and gave an
account of the eattle raids to which
tho country for a lungth of 500 miles
and breadth of 150 on tho American
sido of the Rio Grand ia subjected.
The general says the region of thoso
forays is soparated from the rivor by
an extonsivo belt of undergrowth for
est of chapparal, which lurms a screen'
and shelter for tho cattle thieves, and
that tbe worst class ot Mexicans livino-
on the Texas sido act as apius and in-
uiriuurs tor tne raiuers. rue inlelll-
gencu received tnim thoso dishonest
Mexicans enables the thioves to avoid
tho routes by which they might be in
tercepted on returning with their nlnn-
der. On the Mexican sido. the raidinir
bands, which sometimes numbor from
100 to 150 men, aro leagued with the
local aathoritios, Cortina being thoir
recognized chief: henco evory facility
is givon thorn for the disposal of their
plunder, and the restoration of tlio
stolon cattle ia not thought of. Gen
oral Ord thinks the Mexican govern
ment powerless in tho matter, and that.
therefore, tho only remedy is to in-'
crooae the military force on tbe Rio
Grande, and authorize him to send
troops in pursuit of the marauders to
tho Mexican side, and deal summary
punishmonlon them.
Babcock's Trial. The outlook in
the Babcock case is lhat tbo General
nay bo acquitted, but more from the
want ot evidence than from conviction
of hia innoceme. His ten Inwvons
have vigorously fouirht to koon out all
evidence for tho prosecution. Grant's
testimony is to tbe cnuot that if ISub-
cock waa connected with the whisky
ring he docs not know it. He saya
that Babcock explained all tho"Svlnh'
and "Grit" telegrams "in a satisfactory
manner," but he does not say what tho
"manner" was. lie ooncludes hia
deposition with a atronu assoveralion
of his belief In bis secretary's inno
cence. But hia asseveration should
not weigh any more iu a court of
justioe than Bishop Kerfoot's voluntary
uwovenivitiD oi jsr. avory s innocence
:il L.l... : I ... - . .
win proDaoiy weign Willi tbe lyegisiav
wvw jnvtsjugauon committee. Indeed
it should not weigh so much. For the
Bialrop baa nevor, liko the President,
made himself conspicuous in the way
of indorsing, to the last, doubtful char
acters, like Collector Tom Mumhv.
Ill .UI I J ; . n i . ' "V
Dixue Qucpuoru, minister ocnoncat, tf at.
Who'said that ytu would Ilka te get Inch Clothing it City
- Peopls wtsr, rather than the wMisalt goods torn
monly sold 7 This will tell you hewlo do It. ' '
The very large Inereaao of our amalneea aHowa wi ts makt
s Vua towta kau of rsico. snb .
You Can Save Enough
In kujrlng stall at Owk Halt
, from atywtitr t thti Cottnty to iho City of Ptk.Uto.phla,
ntf hiva day of alfht-aaolng baaldoa, Wonamakar A
Brown auu.4 by thia ttatamant, and o will
M JTOIf pao ..
TV) ba ntr f vkot a acO wi
I (oda, aotM ot then In t
L Tlwy MwcUcut.tcwadai
ttM Sootit m aoil !
For Mm k toya,
J-i H S-y-
our nra bull dinar.
Sv an well cut. kwJ um flnihd. Thry
two ha Ud upon. Sunkaapm ' Cry
.KpraatnH ua whan thy aay thary tall our gooda.
tna tavet altoi avaW mkmimimU. but umftM ewialal tP
retail. Wt baarno Itl-viU to any om, jutd aiata ihla only bacauao toM
ttVttsian twtl poor gooda aa ootnirvg from air houM. To each of our cuatoca
era we ar mponiiljle far articlrt bouthl of im. By our plan of Tkbatlag
ina nfw
qualhica. n
troai rnair
of taa aaunisJa on wur gouais, au on can ba nitlad at to
THK prlco In plain firt and nMMmg TnO
aam priest to acnuatnuacao aad atranfara.
lo atv paoplc aad c(tatry poopla sxjuaJ
advantafa. with each artlcU aoUJ.a Lwtrmntt
if given, abal tlia Fnc U a low aa it can br bouibl
intwhrn nd thai the. aualitv ia at rorTrttd ;
alao, that tha Mooay arid ba paNT back ItkluU, iJ iwathaaat wuhia 10 dayi
wubca, lor aay riaaoa, lo ratunt uta good, uuwuni. i
THIRta imperunt mdoad. bauM.tttfpryiteipM
peopia tuvlMff Mora in flnUoUljiMa, -ttrhit
our iisna. carda. ttdvaruteananti, and
Mop Bfrangon on ine aucet, Jh tHrtttint
iriwra IM tiff tt.
itwut whera lha ttore ia, to thai i)ty may aellihrir
counieririt sooda. 1 here oul ona uan nail
Philadelphia, l to Urge building, the alM of (V'ur ortiinary trt. and
on the Wh-ea comer of S.XTH-ilXTH-hlX-SIXTH
SIXTH blXIH and Marbai htrMU.
1 W saauUfi irrurMla ay-nl bv tmrcM. by lend-
ing their nwaaure f (urnHh caay dirccttona lhat
any one c-m moaum by, and dctcribtng tf-lfc
WefVllitXi, aUfcuj iMtt.. u.ants. atmill, im. . weUt
whrte coMi rtft nr 4cuc, wewlff return Xa
kaavsrr leauTr in 1'h.laib.lA. .
ntriUtt mr man ,m th LnUdit mj tr Iht dtof
R ftetsd pauerne of material and prlcca by
nuatl when iwitaated. I'enom can nmvo
Utnar aad pay ta airtMtrr
tfm mjtr.
1 1
grij QMS, Crowifj, tStf.
.. Hoaudele
Thoro was a good blubber crop
last year. Tho average cateh of whal
inn vessoli enframed in the Arctio aea
amounted to 1,384 barrels of whale
ami walrus oil, and 14,900 pounds of
whalo bono, tho largest avcrago for
ttiij' sensuu since toou.
James Parton, a popular author,
oi uosion, Massacliusetta. marnetl hia
step-dsiii'hter tbo other day, and short
ly auor uiscovoreu: tbat the lawa 6T
Massachusetts forbid suoli nrocoodinirs.
Ho now asks Legislative enactment to
logaliao tho marria'o, v
His salil that ever 1Q,000 iooplo
navo cono to llie iiiapk Hills within
tho last three months. Companios aro
now organising in various parts of tho
country to go there in the spring.
No doubt tTiey all expect to become
wcnllliy in a few montlis, but the
grout majority will Lo iisnipiiiluil,
' J. W. frcoiiiaii, otlitoc of lliol'itts.
tun Comet, who was convicted of libel
lust December and sentenced to seven
months' imprisonment, has hern pur
dnneil, nnd released from nrison. A Imml
of music escorted him from the at
r niuuii -o I() i),, iionju in fl ttitiu,.
A loepption was tendered liim in tliu
Winslow, the Boston forirer. waa ar
rested at London on tbo 16th inst, at
tho instanoe of the American Kmbaaay.
ue was arraiirnea nelore toe Mow
street police court and formally com
mitted to a 1ondon prison, lie is rup-
rwwntea as naving Deen very much
affected by this event, and mentioned
that he had left everything, jn Boston,
in the hands of bis attorneys and all
his money, amounting to but 16,000, in
the hands of hia wife, which he would
take it aa a favor if the authorities let
hor alone. Tbe only danger now to
be apprehended lies in the wheedling
power of tbo winsome fellow's tongue.
It would surprise no one to bear that
ne naa norsuatlod the Hcv. rtnurireon
of his innocence and been invited to fill
hia pulpit. We luney the extradition
papers, now en route, are among the
very fow tho Rev. Winslow never
cared to forgo.
Tin Bank Assessors. A dispatch
to tho Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
says : "Stato Treasurer JJaekey and
Adjutant General Temple, who are
conjointly empowered to appoint the
twenty -on. bank assessors in this Stato,
have not boon able to eomo to a sutis
tactory agreement. Mr. Muckoy pro
posed to irive all theanooinlnienlnniit.
sido of Philadelphia and Allegheny
counties to Mr. Temple, but thelatter
refused lo accede to tho proposition, as
aooiu t '.1,01111 oi tuo aio.uuu paid these
officials annually come from the Phila
delphia and Allegheny banks. Al
though the law savs bank assessors
shall be appointed in January, it is
doubtful if they aro selected before
41 arch, owing to tho differences between
tbe State Treasurer and Auditor Gun.
enil. A bill has been introdiioed in the
House providing for tho abolition of tho
offlco of bank assessor, and authorising
tho Stato Treasurer to collect the tax
on hank stock, thus savinir about
IE mui
wtr,"uir w mo nuiio.
Sthool Books. Ono of the great
aim growing evils 01 onr tunes is the
enormous increase of text books fur
our schools. Hi rod (lifonts traverse
eapl qistrlct, and lniiorliine directors
hiik s"P"riiiiuntioiii lo auopt certain
systuins or plans, which havo no other
merit other thitn that of novelty of
arrangement, as an lililscement, copies
aro trratilitlously donated to dirertnrs
and an oyster stow clinchoa tlio bar
gain, behool books cot American
students aniiiiallv SO'.QOO.OOO. and
The followino nomine k. I. ii.. ai..
of Ine Clerk of tbe Court of Querler Sooilone of
v.rarne.u onuntjr, tneir prlltloua aod boedi for
Ueoneoa, at the II arc k oeeaiona neit, agreablj
aorat tiosaen.
I. O. Ilillen ..
lohn B. Bern ,
H. B. Ilow...'.'
W. a. Bradly.....','l'"."
John llougbertv. ."
U. R. Fyll.Hon...
W. II. jMkon ;r
Nwto HoiHt.
John Moleoo ,
Saainel llullikau .
Prtev Kookeo
Jane Carter
John Mclnerney .'.'.'.'
t'harle) Keun7..,.
Jauie llalev "
Wm. Cima
A. W. O Uredj....
Jam Dunn
I'ai. Qulan
Wm. rarkrr .... . . "
I. SaMl
frank Bolgor ""
Frank Foi
Ja. Sckolidd .,
John Fonyth.
WIIHaa Srhwaai
J. O. 0rrj '
O. W. Oavi ."
Neul D..ef hprtj
O. I. Hubookor
W. at. lilta-w
Aa K rr
Jobn Boltorff........M
tleovgo Peran....., ....
Mnaiaol Uordon...
John Powell .....
Uaatel HeCnrlkv.... ,
b. Caw.ob.ll
I. P. Careen... ..
dee. Bkedea.'.... ......" "'
.L. Cltjr
I. Waebiagton
. . PenSeld
... Woodward
aoLnaau uraaas.
PeUv Gamier Covlngt.
II. a. Hobeober Clereld
O. 1'. BImmm U.ldaJe
uewrgu a. uolburu . Uwimoe.
. nseravnAtt ucasaa.
Stephen OmaT Curwvllle
i. I. tiuavnanat Cleartald
M. . Olnnta
8. B. Bolter .. w
Tboma kdillu .nn.iidk
Miebael atillen
ClenrSeH, Fab. IIJHt. Clerk,
All that large aad well pijrrfc.,1 .took of n
ana nnooe a nil kind mongb br Ike nation,
llatannd Can lor aarn and boye, s full eunu'y
for tbo CenteoninL .Trunk. Carrot auki, aad
UenU' rnrslabinn Ooode of all dovrliil... I .
oiling from dey u day at eoal, at tho old Shoo
oiovo oi rote aoueorge, In Ckmrield. nearly on.
poito tbe Coari Hon, store a .i .11
I nr . . ' "
.. o. w . nowo, me earn oeeoomiMlatlog elerk
In town, I ready to wall on Metomere and reoelpt
lor gooda. Ho lo alio aalhoriied to aottlo and re
relpt for all etors aooooata of Pater MrOeorga.
'"r ""I goiiu. n . v. TATK,
ClonrSeld, Pa- fob. 11, Trunloo.
ail noreona are hereby noliled that I have
oeon enoeen Irurloo for tbo araditora nl PK I KK
ou KOKU S. ef OloarSd, Ps. And s noh all
tho noriaaal nroMrtv of aU kiad. laHiU iii.
all indgieenu, aetet, book neooaata, nnd olalua ol
w..r, .in, .wing or oeiaogiog lo said MrUeorg
ve boon aeelgaed and delivered lo aoe a Truatoe
alonoald. All noreon Indebted to aaid Pewr,
. wmj rv aereuj notiael to
wake imnwdinla pa meat to me, aa 1 alone ant
"golly empower, te roeoire and rooelpl for tha
A. O. TATi,
Cleerseld, Pa, Fob. IS, Tnuteo.
llfiv Sidi-frtlsfinftits.
;t ist or JCitoiw.
I.ii i.f Juror drawn for Mrch Ttui( A.
is;s, romnrncing on tbe tllrl M.u.l.v.
?' ouavh jrnons.
J110. BurnideiJineB Currv,
K. A. Ilijler, CWrBold P. H. Nevlinr,
Jl r.aiaite. . Waeb n
K. II l.aoilio, Oioeola
.1. liirkrv, ne.rl
J. II. Kili, Bell
P. W. t'hi!in, lU'i'im
David Morse, B..ggf
J. S. Nurrir, Bre llur.1
llrorgo C. Kirk, lira Jy
Erartu Lutbvr, '
Jamea Iluwler, IlarniidB. Hottdorflnn,
II. KrltSr, CLarfiel liPolor Uerin,
J.tbn Krflini-r. " ,FrauiM llnitai
A. H. Oo.i.lrub, " ('.inrad Uli.ior, (Inlir-h
P.M. Car Ion, Illrorge Ne-vrll. Ik. loo
W. 1. Iti-io, Ctif'arille.OHver M..-.. Kvnbao
Fronk Rom, Ukrraria . Pclrr (lotr. Iiewreooo
Joon n. Mull, li.-ll'u. !!. 1
1 'rton
Moe Owniia, Ueoalur
B. BpatkioAii, iirahaui
Luricn lllr.1, lluito
Jaiuo MrXea!, .Ierdn
Jo Ro;ilcv. Korthae
J.W. M.Coll-.oili, Knoi
U. M. n!:li:lii-il, Lioreooo
Wm A. Moor. IVun
Iiann OBVIvri-l' p,t
David I.uaa.
Henry Tr.iuir. l!rii!irl
C. (Ji-.l'.Jor, -William
Tboma H l.iti,
Jblin llird,
II. S. KM-nrr.
II. M. S.-iier.
John lti'.-y. B
Oanial i'itima.1,
faae N. Rainrj, Clieil
Wm. Weitover,
8 Mrlllaoglilin,
T- Slanroi, Covingloo
Aug. Hougn.i
Clao.1. Ilarin .y, e
B. Kejiliarl, flroatur
A. li. 1.0II91
n lloui-ir,
Abranl I'rsriJr,
J. W. IMlouha-.k,
Wlliim Oinvrr,
TlMin-i Ker'inn,
llolKTt Porl.-r,
Davi.l Dro.kkT.
Kam'l Anier',
Miltoo lit-. I,
M. I.. C. f:vr.i.
Fred Cro,
I'hrist. Lanicu,
Wm. M. I'r
J. H. llraoler.
U. W. H ood -n. Wood d
Jo. Airxander, '
I. A. Irvin and Jaa. B.
Uraham, 81.0 Wis.
Irvin, dee'd.
Henry Bwen.
In the (lonrt of Com.
mon Plena of Cloor
Seld oonnty, Poon'o.
n. rm. Ko, 14 June
Term, HI.
Tna nndenlguod AudlUr, eopolnted ly lha
Court, lo ill.lril.ut lno fu.di ari.log rrom the
ei i iroionaeere real neuie. herob
givao Bullae lhat be will attood lo is. J...-. It
bit appointment nt hi offloo In ClvarSeld, en
rnuey, ino leia nay at Maret. IS7S, hotweeo Hi.
hour of IS n'alook a. m. aad S o'elonk p. m.,whon
' o-uriiu luierwtea may attend if
V?. .P.7"T. . w. si. neVoTliLODtlH.
. Cloarlald, tob. IS, ISTo It Audilnv
... r-.. mn. reuuonej agalaat par.
okaalag ovia aay way meddllag with tne follow-
" in mo pooeoMlon of William
M. Barrett, ol Forgaaoa towaibin. via I 1 tow.
I bom and haraeea. I oio. B .I... .... ......
lot of oors la lb our. lot of bay nnd rodder, ml
of oat, 1 plow, I alolgb. a, ib. wa por
ohooed by me ot Contt.l.l.' mla, nnd I loll with
him on loan oaly, aul.Jeel to mv ordor at onr
"e. dOUN T. STBaw
karroa, Feb. IS, 'TI 0
While TiMastirur Hobel. of Ind inns
was on his wav to Indiananolls Inat
woeit, no ivarneu of a man and wire,
living at Areardia, who had twenty
four children twelve bovs and twelva
girls the oltlcnt being tinny years ofl
i no nisuiv oi one marriage. The
girls all dross alike, and tha fumllv oil
oat at qno tablo, tho girls on ohe aiuo
and the boys on the other, the fathorat
ins neaci ana tbe mother at thai font
Tho Old ircntleman is well off and in.
tonds fo keep the family togothor ttrttil
be alios, when bo aayg tnp van do a
thoy like. This Is ealHninltf a
able lamlly, ' .
iiia.ip, wlin h, nl
method of stm
m luiiion. it is time the matter was
looked into IMmmsbum Columbian.
Tim New Jersey Leirialiitiiro tn con.
siderinir a hi to nri)vijii (irlmintil pen
ultioa (iir the pubishmeiil of private
unliable n llu UOIHIUU UepOSIlOrSQI tHOir
money, In that Hltile, as elsowbere,
many persons are oundueting an oaten
aiblo banking business in such a way
as Unreasonably to endanger tho
money of thoir customers. It at also
proptsior! ;c f.omp:; yuty looa0.
counU of the banks. Both of thoso
step are in the rjjM jjlrenou.
Massachusetts thinks lhat the chief
cause ot pauperism in that Bute is im
migration, and hence the projKSM to
rasa laws prohibiting tbe immigration
from othrr Wtatps upd foreign Poun,trius
m tinuoiis ba au fiabjo. w
publio dapaadevHU ot iamatea of tivs
prisons. . r . t. . i.,.
rrenilont cliangtH The Sa.l aaeount o.r A. 0. Tola, Artlgnon uf I.
ilV lllisuttles (lio I"ofi kevlug been lied In tbo Conn uf
hnlfpf it, ilie tdllio ti
r nun
.ui. enlmno. ll.o nnol L?.0?""". r"f "-"' Oe. will k.
aod tonSrmod at st.reh Term, Isrs, .,
w. -- eu eee aonerery. BI.I BI.OIIM. .
ClMrleld, F.b. IS, l; et ProUtoaoMre.
(aeooaaaos "
' sains is
Daroooofi, i .. , t
" SofioNg,
WALt PAntfti
tnW HAa,'
-. . - "V " . trc.
BUrtH Mmrt, renaruVnM, Pa.
Pea. Ill leTt-tf-" . Vf , , w.
WITH It I AS, Hon. 0. A. Xf ATEll, Prealdenl
Jndga of tbo Coarl of Common Fiona of
tkiTw.niy-arth Judicial Olatrlet, eomnoaad of
tho eoantlet of Clonrl.ld, Centre nnd Cllnlen
nnd Uos. Wuliau 0. Fobsv and Hon. Jons J,
Hun, Aaaoolat Judi.i of CUarleld oonnty.
i ui Xi'ir PT,C,P' "IroettiL tor the
koldlag of n Oonrt of Common 1'lao. Orphan'
Conri, Court of Qoarl.t Bantona, Oonrt of Oyot
nnd Tarmlnar, nnd Court ol aeuorai Jail D.llr.
ry, al the t'ourt Hon at Claartold, la and forth,
ouatv of Clenrteld.oommenelng on th. third
Honday, lha ttlthday orHnrrh,l(tto,Md
W oontiano ona wook. . y . , i T I
NOTICK 1M. ih...n. l.v. . . ..
Carasar, Jullmit of lha IW, ani C.n.ubl.
n and for laid oonnty ef Clo.rS.ld, to vp,.r ,
their proper poraoni, with their Bacarda, Holl.
Jinatllaktintkfl. a .a '
r 1 I "..uuu., nog otnor Kemem.
olsT!k i 'J"!' " """out,
" " ."-. "ooii,periin to no dona.
ej en joooi Aeaeuibly, paawd tha Ilk day of
M, II I. mada'tba duty of tha Ja.
.r ' elveral oountlee of tbU
Comntoawoaltb, to retara to the Clerk af the
Court of Ouurtar bubu .r .l.
aounliM !! ii.. , . . . . I . ' w
.k .wBieunvea eBlerml tntii Ooforo
Ibem by any porooa or ponon ohnrged with the
nomtymlon of any .., taoept ,.b ooaea a
may be ended helm a dually tt the pr, .n.
dor oi tiling .w.,t ha., ,M d.y,
aninai.Boemoin ,f , .,, , lb. Corl
whl.b iboy art mndt,,p,,,l
li,. , f; hm "'' "n-gniaalKHH are aw'torod
Into l, than tan d.y. koforo
"'S'l"!1"""." rotom
ale, lbe.ldJo.tloo .re lo return tba wn i.
the . , M hM (Jl Wm
M anser my h.ed l CWaold. ihU k
Say of t tkiuwt, In, lua year ul w Lord, tat
tli..00d UgWt hundred and ttvowtyia. 3
(ellbto W. H. alt I'liKHSUN, Sheriff.
W Itl.m A. Co:
Wa. f."o,.
NUoe tt karoby glrea lo you, Louie, t. 44
that yon aro reooiroa lo bo .ad appear al war
nasi Uonrt of OammoB Pleat, te be hold at Clear,
lo aa taa letk day af Martk A. D , , ud
satwer taw oemnUla! of tkt said William A. Oos.
' . W. It. MoPHIRrKhH,
bk.Mltl- " fSirl
For the next Sixty Days
will Bell all their winter goods
to make room for n new
Double width Beaver Cloth, for
" ' Ladies' Coating, at only :
' $1.90 per yard
Clearleld, Pa-, rebnury t, tarS-IL
Nolle I hrrely given tbot tbo Mlowimf no.
oounla have been examined and paraoil l.y naa, aad
remain flle.1 of record in thta office for tha in
.poetlon of brlro, legatee, arodltore, and all olnn
int.imlrd, and will he prooontod lo tlie noil Or.
phau.' Court el Cloarflold oonnty, to br hi-ld at tho
Conrt Hun. In the borough of Clearbrld, onto
mmring on tb .Id Monday (being the Smh dey)
of MNroh, A. 11. lata :
Aooonnt or I II. Merger, Administrator or tbo
eelato of John Luaior, lata of Brailor.1 town
ahip, Cloarlald oounty, Pa., doo'd.
Fiaal aaonnnl of Nichelaa Koonrlot, AiloilnUtra
t'.r of tho iUt or Claudiu Rooirelot. Into of' towmbip, ClcarloU Co., P... Hw d.
Pinal aooanat of Mohilaa HiiuMerot, AJ umiatra
liw of Ike oilateor Mir.oiin. Kou...-lo!, lale of
Uirard Uiwn.blri, CioarArl.l oointv. I'a, dor'd.
Final aoooant of Jobs II. Hafrvty,
oflbeelateor tlaaielCoeoy, Pa.i town
Bhip, Cleulrld, P. dea d.
Final Moouotof John U. Hiilenv, A liuioi.trator
of tbe oeute of Thnm.i KarTny, U- .,f IVun
town.hip, CloarAvl.l county, P , I m -I
L.J MniltlAN,
Febrosry M l. , Kogi.tor A Iw .rder.
Prom on million to t.ion.n'rl IW-t or No.
I, tend .Iplna hoard, K.Maad IS feet in length,
to be drlirerrd hv roll no m.b i. ii.ii. h..
P.ymant lo be male folluw : Port .-lib .oil
port in good oiljr pMpiy, M Uij be .greed
i.iu. ii. a uo troeaoia to ,
. . NM.t! llROTIIKR.
, . . .. Luai'ier YrJ,
, ISth iTaro, I'Kt.burgl, P.,
or at oar bank. III Satihnold itn-et.
. lot. , ls;j.3m
1 la tha Cour o tVimmgn
I fle,jnf ClMoMd Co.,
I No, Term, ISft.
A'lo.eoA.fa llioono.,
al nmhM I
obtMioing Snelnr kViucaAlon.
lot urculara aiMreee,
' a.rt..S,...n -,P.
The undi-nigned olfera for aale oo ree.eaal.le
lernil, Ihrlr aaw mill, looalrd al Wallaea.
ton, CleaMeld Co, Pa. The engine and boiler
nra a good a new. Tho eiaa uf tr .nglao le
UJ. and I. lo good running oeder. Th.y will
alee toll ihidr rhlnjlo and lack mill, and all Iba
working maebinerv i. kb. mill p..i... -.i.kl.-
lo purohaeo eaa tail "B or aiHrr..
... ... 'laAHAM. wsLLACB A CO
UlrsrtehJ, Pa., June Id, ls.
4 iMiNi sriiTr my x Vri c k'-.
ZL Nolioa la bereb iIm. ik.i T . -j 1 1
iniuT.irallea oa the eelau ol c. W. Lku.NAKI),.
I.iool loiwreaoo tup . l'UrS..d o.-aotv. Pa.,.
-...ia nova amy giajitrl 'a tbe aadef
Ignid, alt ptravni m.lahttr la aaid elale wllh
i.Io.m roak liiirar.ll. .nd lhe
h.vh.g laUlma o domoada wiU proel them
properly atuba.tilalod lor aetikuieal elthoal
Vurwen.iSUa, Pa., Pb. , 'TI Si A.lm'l.
Moving dowiooad ef my 'aatiaoea la ii bor
ongh. nil prontrbu bate l.l Uo..k, H oUbi.
for Jewelry, for repair., are herel.y a niSi dl"
la thru .ear to., Ike let day ol A p. J. UTS.
Wm 8. King will Hunt naa la awlaem.
N, i Ail Watohea, 4a, left ovoveae year aa.t
t4 tailed for Is tkat tuna will ka aonaiderod kr
eed. . f. NAC9LI.