p -,. 1', f - . n garitttw, A liaww. SACKETT & 8CHIYVE1, HARDWARE, i auafMUrm af TIn.Coppcr 4 Sheet Iron Ware, SawnS Strut, CLEARFIELD. PA. Harlsg largely I ware, wo luTlte too and prioee. lneread oar itotk of llrd- nnbli, to .laaaln. oar elooh Carpeatere nd per.oni who contemplate bnlld lag will do woll to oiaratn. onr TOOLI BUILDIHO HAHDWAHB. whleh 1 in and of th. boil rouohoturo, and wlllbeeold low foreaek. NAILS, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, 8CKKWS All kihde of Bench Plane., Bewe, Cbla.ll, 8qn.nl, Himmera, Hatchete, Plumb! ond Level, Mortieed A Thumb Ouagea, Borolf, Breoe. A BltU, Wood end Iro Bench Sorewa, ond the boit goring Maohlu. li th. mark.1. Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET OUTLIRT, At. Agtnti for Burntll'i Iron Corn Shelter, warrant!. Alio, agenta for Rleharda' GOTHIC FLUE TOP., wbleh effectually eon Smoky Floor. Farmera' Tuipleaioute ond Harden Toole of .eery aeacripuon. ' A largo rarietjr of . COOK STOVES, which wo warrant to giro atlBfictlon. Portable Hangtt and Fumatet, sr. Roofing, Spouting and Job Work dono on rouonabla term,. All ordert will reeetTS prompt attentica. June u, 1071. POWELL & MORGAN, DIALIRI IK HARDWARE, Alio, Manvfaetareriof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, FA. F ARMING IMPLEMENTS of -all ' kind for lalt hy POWELL A MORGAN. T) AILROAD WHEELBARROWS for lal. by POWELL A MORGAN, 0 IL, PAINT, POTTY, GLASS Nalla, ate., for uU by POWELL A M011SAN. H ARNES3 TRIMMINGS & SHOE finding!, for iil by , POWELL A MOH.UAN. Q.UNS, PISTOLS SWORD CANES For aalo by POWELL A UOROAN. gTOVES, OP ALL SORTS AND Blloa, for lata hy POWELL A MORGAN. JRON! IRON! IRON! IRON For lall bj POWELL A MORGAN. II ORSE SHOES & HORSE SHOE RAILS, for uli by . POWELL A MORGAN. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES And but MaaafaoMro, for lala bj POWELL A MORGAN. THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE j. BOXES, for ail. by POWELL A MORGAN. G. S. FLEGAL, Ironsides Store, . PIIILLIPHlllIRU, PA. DEAL KRIS' HARDWARE, STOVES, HEATERS, RANG. ES, WOOD AND WILLOW WARS. AND if A ftVFA CTURER Of TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPKRWARB. Proaqalit. Street, Pbilllp.bnrg, Centra Co., Pa. II. May IHT. to. a. iiiiut. craci noano. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE AGENCY PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Clearfield, Pa. MAKC!. OFFICES In different parti of the County. The following Old and RaliabU Fir. Acoideut 0 toek and Life loiuranee Oompanlea repraoted Kitab. AiHti. 1 Mt North BritUh I Mercantile Fin Int. Co., of Knjrland f3fl,00,000 1 8A5 Boottith Coinrnerolal Fir Int. Co., of En I. rid (fold) 10,000,000 1704 North America Fir Inanrano Co. of Philadelphia. 4,700,000 1(120 Fir AaaoaiaUi-a FirIaaaranoe Co.. f Philadelphia MOO.000 mi Pnanli Fir Iut. Co., N. Y.... . 3,200,(100 1867 Watertown Fir Int. Co., of N. V., Inure form bulldingr only 700,000 171 Aumtnt) Pir Ineurance Co., of Cincinnati H 1,000,000 1861 York Stoek Inauranee Co.. of Penna Inaarr noraee, Ae 75,000 J474 Ilartfort Aeoident tnetiranee Co or CoanMt.nt 100,000 1W7 Pn Mutual LIU Uiun.no Co-or PoonaTivaoa 4,000,000 1144 Metropolitan Lif Intan.no Co of New York S.000,000 Tolnl anpiul 07,000,000 Pawn la tb two try doairlng In in ranee, etn have it promptly Miendod t by tlling M the ofliije or id'lrt'iini ui by letter. Ioturaneei f feeted at tit lowa.t poeeibl rat, to be obulned lm Orit-elaM ompaBi. ffo Vompamm nprt- The abov two lit loanrine Cv.'a, rprtenttl hr T. II. M array, hav paid oat la eaih, bat ween lb 4tr Aug. 1171 and Aa. 174, to lb frteodi f defeated policy bolder in tbl eoaaty, cho.um of $21,000. Prortde fer tb fntar by tain ring your hotjM and ynar Uret Id tb Wert llreaob Inauruo Apaay. MUKKAY UORUON, Cleartld, MJ 10, 107b. . Agantt. FULFORD k THOMPSON, OtSSRAL IN8URASCM AQXNT8, ClrarBeld, Penit'a, nepTMHait J1 tbt Itiadlng Fir lataraa Compaaie f tb untrj t Qoeen M. 10,000,000 ,., , (roo.no ... ,7A4,1I4 ... ,&:ts,4frl ... 1,B0N,S& M l.S&I.HOt ... aMMHO Knyl Caaadian.. Uoat. New York - Ij ?( In;, Manoy, P . Praablia, Pbllad'a.H I' boo 1 1, Hartford HH IltM'tr, Now York... llntae, Col , Oo, Allu, Harlfrd. Prattdaao, Wabiala) 6 ft. 41 10,000 Pertnw ahoat rffpetlag aa VaiaratMM n prpp rtv f any kind, ihoaid eait at our aU, oa Merbat atreet, appoall tb Coart Ho, and ae Mr Mat of tompaatee and rate twfnr tnanrlnf. JOHN H. PULFOHD, T. W. THUMPrtON. Clearteld, Pa Oct, 17, 'ffc-lj J. It. M'MURRAY rat, Piipri.Y rwt wfth aiy artici.r OF MIHUHANDIHI AT THKVKHT LOWKST PRIl'l. COMB AND BKR. t-.Wtyi) NEW WASHINGTON, C OA For Hair at ham. Toma fro. WW 4V V Addrea. a. Hna.on A On, Perk land, Malna. ;aaV-lJ 5r 6od, rori(, fAt. H ARD TIME8 UAVI HO EFFPCT IN FRENCH VILLE I I a aa awar that ther ar aorne peraona a Httl hard M p ), aad I am alto awar that th ooaplalat of "hard tltnai" li wall nigh unirerul. Bui I am to aitnatad now that I oan aatlefy th iDrmar ana prora ooneiuaivaly taat "hard tinea will not effect thoa who buy their gooda from ne, aad all my patron antii e InltlaUd vy th oret of HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I bar gooda anough t euni1r all th tnhabi taata is tb lower nd of the eoualy which I tell at eiooedlng low ratt from wy ntamnioth ator In MULSONUlWa, wher I eon eDwayt b found ready to wait apon ailra and aupply tbea wita Dry Goods qf all Kinds, Saok aa Clotbi, Ratlnetti, Cautneret, Hualina, Vlatna, Linen, Drilling!, Calleoea, TriumiDga, Kibbona, Laco. Ready-made Clothing, Boot and Bhoea, Hat and uap ii or tna neat material autbmad to order uoie, nocta. uiotm. Atutene, i.aea, Kibbona, do. OROCKHIKS OF ALL KINDS. Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Rlw, Hotataei, Flth, Salt fork, LiDieed UU, JTiah Oil, Carbon Oil. Oardwar. Qutiawara. Tinware, Cat tine. Plow and Plow CaeUaga, Nail. 0nlka, Corn Cnltira tora,uiar fraaaaa, and all kind or Aiat. Perfnmary, Palnta, Varnlah, Ola, and a gentrat . aaiortment oi stationary, GOOD FLOUR, Of dlfforoat brandi, alwaya on band, and will bo .old at m. nw.at poailblo flgurea. S. II. MeClaln'a Madirlnor, Jayna'a Modloln. Hoatattor'l and lloonaod'a Uittark (001 ponnda of Wool wanted for whlrb tho blgb.at prleo will bo paid. Clortrioad on band and for aal. at tha low.at nark.l prlea. Ata, Agnl for fltrattonvlll. aad Curwenirillo Ihroibing Maohlnta. j.Call and aoafDr yoaraalraa. Yoa will And OTOrvtbing naaallj kpt In a null atora. L. M. COtlDRIET. Frenohrlll. P. 0., Angnat 13, 1ST4. I. r. wri.. ..w.w. atrra WEAVER & llETTJf CLEARFIELD, PA., An olT.rlng, at tna old aland of O. L. Rood A go. tholr lloek of go.da, eonalatlng of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, QUEEN8WARK, FLOUB, FEED, SALT, 4o., 4o., At th taioit reasonable rata for CABH or la irhaaga for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. Advanoea Bad. to thoi. angngod In get ting out tqnar. timber oa tha moat adrantageoue termi. pdlljanTS w ANTED. N. E. ARNOLD, CIlRWRHRntlG, PA (BawMor to) Arnold & Hirtshorn. JOO.OOO 0-lnrh knarrd Milnglta. JO,0K pounda of Wool. Partlet baring lont Sblnalea or Wool for altb. or) will do well to oall on no. Tb. higher! mar ket price paid at all tlmea. AIm; a full aid eomplele aloek of DRY GOODS, HATS & CAPS, ROOTS A SHOES. GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, PROVISIONS, &c, whloh will be sold af reeeonelile prieea, or ei ohanged for abloglea or wool. N. K. AHKOLD. Carw.narllle, Ma; t, H7i. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OP COURSH TIfR CHEAPRfiT I A Proclamation against High Prices? Wl an now opening up a lot of the beat and moat aonabl tioudt and Ware evar offered In thla narfaet. and at prieea that remind ne of th good old day of cheap thing. Thoa woo imb taiin upon tnia point, or aoem our alia gationi tuperffuoui, need but CALL AT Olit HTORE, Corner Front and Market ttreeta, Where they oan eee, feel, hear and know for tbem lrea. To fully anderataad wbt are aheap good thla matt be don. We do not deem It neoeetary to en amenta and Iteuia our ttook. It ia wnougb fax mm to atat mat We have Everything that is Needed and oomomed In thla market, and at price that aaurniin nom 010 anoyoang. deeZ JUHKl'lt ntlAW A BUrt, JJANIEL GOODLANDER, LUTll KH.SBURQ, PA., Dealer In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY A GLOVES, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A BHOICI, Tobaoeo, Orooerle eod Flah, Nail", Hardware, Qunawar and Utaaawar, Mon't and Boy' Clothing, Drug, Paint, Oila, Ro hoof liookt, a large lot of Patent Medicine, Caadlet, Noli A DrUd Fruitt, Chcria and Crack- rt, Hook aad Kit. powder, Floor, Grain and Potatoes, Clow and Timothy Joed, Bole Leather, Morocco, Llolnga, Bindlnga and Thread, Hhoemaher' Tool and 8 bo Fiadinga, No graater variety af good In any it or In the oty. An for aal vary low rer ah or ennntn produo at th Cheap Corner. May I, 1876. JEW STORE AND NEW OOODS JOS. SHAW ii SON Ha, juet opeoed a Nit Btoh, on Main St.,Cuiiirni.D, P. lalolf occupied bj Wm. F. IRWIN. Th.lr ttook oonilittof SOaV (Z U CD ZD Oaociaian of lb beat qaality, QuEENaUf ARE, BoOtS Bfld ShoCi aad T.rf trliol naccMarr for oD.'i oomfort, Call and aiamlna our ilook b.lor. por hMlng .letwhsr.. alajr t, lH86-tf. JUtnCKH' dk CORXTARLRIM PEW We bar. printed a large lam her af tin a FR1 BIJ.L, and wtta aa too roeelpt ef twni, lea aaata, aell . ar ta aa adaroa, . ,bb IUi9nniirou5. JEW OPENINQ. SHOWERS' BOOT & SHOE HAT & CAP IHTOIIK. ROOM No. 1, PIE'9 OPERA HOUSE, MARKET STREET. A full and eotnnbt. aiaortment of new toode ana new nyiea, aown to "HARD PAN" PRICES. Clllaena aro Invltn) to oall and examln, my took and Jadir. for tkomaelrea aa to qualitj and prieea of gooda. JO.OKIMI 8. rlllOWEIlR. Cleardold, April U, 1H74. ' QHANGR OP PROPRIETORS. Tb. nnilaraigned having purebnied the atur. gooda aad properly formorfy oooiipiiw b Levr Flegnl, on fieoond atroet, L'learfi.ld, adopt, thia method of bringing hi, buaineaa to the notion of the pnblie, and prumiaea to furni.h hie patron, with ther.ry boat qualitv of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, at oxeeedlag low ratea. Thla I am enabled to do, areanre 1 bar. no rent to per, nnd oan there- lore dit ide the proflta with mj enatotnera. It nay be aaid that thia ie an experiment with ma, bat if aclliaf a food artiele for a low fliraro ea. tieea flualom end .ipand. trade, I am boand to auoeeeo to my nnderlaking. Uire me a oall, ei amine my atock and learn uo prieea To ary large etook of boot, and alitMa, hat. and nape, 1 uavejual audod a lull atock of Gents' Funiisliinjr Ciood, whloh I will aell at Ihe rerr loweat ngurea for oaan, or in exenange for eountry produce, at the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. Call and exainina my .tool and prim befor. pnrflnaaing aieewn.ro. PETER MeGKOROB. Clearleld, April II, 187. TOOT AND SHOK MAKING. JOSBPII II. DKKRINfl. .a Market etraet. la Shaw'a Row, Clearleld. Pa., baa Je.t roeelred a In. lot .r Praneh Calf tkin. and Hlpa.th. boat la tb. mirk. t, and la now pr.nared to man areolar, .mylhlng la hi. tin.. II. will war rant kia work to bo aa repreaented. Alio, all klnda of Leather and Bone Findinga for aal. Th. eltlaena of Clearlold and rlrlnlty aro rupeetfolly Inrlted ta giro kirn a .ill. Work don. at .bort nutle.. r:U'7Hy The Bell's Bun Woolen Factory, Penn towaehlp, Clc arflold Co., Pa. ' KIIRHKII I) II T I B U R N ED U PI Thaanbaeribera have, at gieat eipcni, rebuilt neighborhood nroeaatty. in the erection of a flrat- olai Woolen Manufactory, with all th modern improvement! attached, and nrc prepared to mak all binda of Clntha, Oapsimerrp, Hat.nettn, Bias beta, Flannel, Aft. Plenty of grmdt on hand to apply all our old and a thoomnd newouttomert, whom we ak to come and exnmlne otir tnh. Tho bualneaa of CAHDINO AND FULLINO will reoelre our tiperlal attention. Proper arrangrmcntt will bo made to rerr ire and delWer Wool, to auit cu I on. era. All work warranted and dae anon the ihorteet not ire, nnd hj itrict etten tlon to barineu we Imp to renllte a liberal ahar oi poolio patrunag. lO.tMMt POUNDS WOOL WANTED I Wc will pay tha bigheat market prir fr Woo and it'll oar manufactured gooda as !?t a flmllar good f can be bought in the county, end whonerar we Tall to render raaaoriable aatloUotion w oan alwaya he found at bom ready to make proper tplanatlon, either In pernor, or by letter. JAMKS JOHNSON A HONS, ipri12tf UwrP p. o. ' LKATn KR BUKAST-STRAPS RrPKRSKDEI) nv covi:ht patient riktai.mc BREAST HOLD-BACK Made of the boat Mallea ble Iron, end luatlached U the llnmra by the beat Hnip ever Inrrnlfd. It la eaally and quickly put on, and pre vr nil th whipping of (lie horae by the wle. lSrt i., to g.t out of repair. Will leal tot your. All w ak if a fair trial, to ennvlnr fill pari if ve , Ing them that they are unanrpaaawt In value for tho purpoae for wblfh tliey are .nfendml. HACKKTT SCIIRYVKR. Clearfield, April lb, U74. FITTMllthf.il, PA. For npwarda of twenty yira (be (ceding boat ne Col If g-of the Untied Hieiaa, afforda uneitnal W adTantages for tbe ihnrougli, prartlcal edura Uon of young and middle g-d mm. Htudant admitted at any time. For c.rrMtUra tid lreta J. C. rMI I II, A. M., I'rinoipal. The IH(IN ( ITV COM.M.IV la the anly Inattiutina of tbe kind In thla eiiy Ibat we recommend to tba puMlft patronage. Prthgi rimn Banntr, PtttMryk, Pa, Srp. ,'7I 3m. JOHN TROUTMAN, DEA1.KH IN FURNITURE, JI ATTIt ENS IIS, AND Improved Spring Beds, MAItRKT 8THKKT, NEAR P. 0. Tb. uflder.li.ned beg. leave to Inform Ibe eltl. Bene of fjieerl.ld, and the pahlle generall. that ho bae on b.nd . .. ...onmrn. ot p.rnii.ro, nrh a. w.i.i u CbM.n.t and Palmed Ch.a,Mwi Salter. Parlor Heitea. Reel nine and K. lamina! Chaire, Udlee-aed Oeau' Ka, Chalra, the Per. foraled Dlaliig and Parlor Chilre, Can. Seala and Wiadanr Chiira, Clolke. Itire, Step and Rxten Ion Laddera, Hal Raeka, rtervbblng Jlniahea, se Mnm.Disn and Pirrt'Ri pramp.s. Looking niarwi, Chronoa, AeH wliicb wonld ba .ailahl. for llnllcn, preeanla. 1 7 JOIIX I KIM THAN 1 IB PRINTfNO OF RVRRY DKSC tf tlo.ee.llj aioraled at tble ofiloa. THE REPUBLICAN. ' CLE A It PIELU PA " WKUNK8AY MORNING, FEU. Ill, JEFFERSOX DAVIS SPEAKS. W.A INKS rilARUKS l'HONOUNt'KD fAI.SK AND lll.lrlol S. TI1K I.RAllKROI'Tlia LOST CAUSI AI'1'IAI.INO TO TUB WAR HRCORDS or TIIK COM'HimtACV AND or THE UNION TIIK DKAII OK ANIikltseN VILI.R. Wasiiinotou, February (J.-Jcll'orson Davis has written tho following letter to J udgo Ijyons of Ilichmond, X&. I Kiw Ori.kans, i.n., .Inn. 27, 1870. Hon. James Lyon. JIt Dkar FRitko: Your very kind letter of the 1 1 tit Inst, was forwarded from Momphis and has been received at this place. I havo been so long tho object of malignant slander and tho subject of unscrupulous falsehood by partisuns of tho class of Mr. Hlalne, that though 1 cannot say it has be- eomo to inn a matter of indifl'erence, it has ceased to excite my surprise oven in this instance, when it reaches tho extremity of accusing mo of cruelly to prisoners, hat matters it to one whoso object is personal and purty ad vantage, that tho records, both Federal and Confodcrulo, disprovo tho charge, that tho country is full of witnosses who bear oral testimony against it, and that the effort to revive the bitter animosities of the war obstructs the progress toward tho reconciliation of tho sections? It is enough for him if his self-seeking purpose bo promoted. It would, however, seem probable that such expectations must be disappointed, for only thosp who aro wilfully blind can fail to seo in the circumstances of tho caso tho fallacy of -Mr. Wuine's statements. Tho published fitct of an ! attempt to suborn Wirr. when under sentence of death, by priuiiislnir him a ! pardon if ho would criminate mo in re- j gard to Andorsonville prisoners, is con- clusivo as to the wish of the Govern ment to make such a charge uguinst mo, and tho fnihiro to do so shows that nothing could be found to sustain it. Slay wo not any tho evidence of my innocence was such that II oil anil Con over, with their trained bund of sub orned witnesses, dared not make agnjnnt mo this charge, tho same which Wire for his life would not tuako, but which Blaine for tho Presidential nomii,tion has made ? . Now let us review tiie leading facts of tho caso. Tho report of tho Con federate Commissoncrfor theexchungc of prisoners shows how persistent and liberal were our efforts to secure the relief of captives. Failing in tjioso at tempts, I instructed Gen. I!. K. Leo to go, under a flag of truce, and seek an rnterview with Gen. Cirunt, to repre sent lo him the suffering and death of Federal prisoners held by us, lo ex plain tho causes, which were beyond our control, and to urge in the nainu of humanity tho obsorvanco of tho cartel for tho oxchango of prisoners. To this as to nil previous appeals, a deaf ear was turned. 1 will not attempt from memory to writo tho report made to me of tho incidents of this mission. Leo no longer lives to defend tho causo and country ho loved so well and served so efficiently, but (ron. Grant cannot fail to remember so extraordinary a visit, and his objections to executing the cartel aro well known to tho pub lic But whoever elso may chooso to forget my cflbrta in this regard, the prisoners ut A ndorsonvillo and the dele gates I permitted them to send to Presi dent Lincoln to plead for tho exchange qt prisoners, cannot fail to remomber how willing I was to restore them to their homes and to the comforts of j which they woro in need, provided the imprisoned soldiers of tho Confederacy should bo in liko manner released and returned to us. This foul accusation, though directed specially against mo, was no doubt in tended nnd naturally must bo the ar raignment of the South, by whose au thority nnd in whoso behalf my deeds were dono. It may bo presumed that tho feelings and tho habits of tho South ern soldiers were understood by mo, and in thut connection any fair mind would perceive in my congratulatory orders to tho army after a victory, in which tho troops were most coin mended for their tenderness and generosity to tho wounded and other captives, as well the instincts of tho person who issued the order as the knightly temper of tho soldiers lo s horn It was address ed. It is admitted that tho prisoners in our hands wcro not as well provided for as wo would wish, but it is claimed wo did as well for them as wo could. Can tho other side say as much ? To tho bold allegations of ill troatnient of prisoners by our side and humane treat ment and adequate supplies by our op ponents jl is only iiclcKnrv to offer two facts. First It appears I mm the reports of the Vnited Slates War Department that though wo had 00,000 more Fed oral prisoners than Ho y had of Con federates., 0,000 more of Confederates died ill Northern prisons. Second The want and sutUiring of men in Northern prisons caused me to nsk for permission to send out cotton und buy supplies for them. Tho re quest was grunted, but only on enndi tion that the cotton should bo sent to New York and the sunplies bu bought there. Gen. lleale, now of St. Louis, wits authorized to purchase and dis. tributo tho needful supplies. Our sympathy roso with theoccusion and responded to its demands, not wait, ing for ton years, then to vaunt itself when it could servo no good purpose t tho siiflcrorH under tho mellowing influence of time and occasional demon strations at tho North of n desire for tho restoration of peace and good w ill. Tho Southern people have forgotten much, havo' forgiven much of the wrongs they boro. If it bo less so among their Invaders it is but another examplo of tho rule that tho wrong doer is less able to forgive than he who has suffered causeless wrong. It is not, however, gcmerally among those who braved tho liagards of battle lluil i unrelenting Vllldlctiveness is to found - tho bravo and generous and ri gentki. It is tho skulkers of the fight, tho lllaiiies, who display their Hug on nn unteiitod field. They mndo no sac rifice to prevent tlio separation of (he Slates. Why should they be expected to promnlo tho confidence and uood HiaLBMLf'otiul lo their union? n uen cioseiy conned in Monroe, I vhih mlicilwl to mid my imiiio to tltorio of inuiiy CHteumwl (jon tlunii'ii wlio Imd i(,'"fl a jiutlliun Tor my (lurddii, sin an hhhiii-uiu'u wot giv en thitt on my lolti( o tho President woulcl onler my llbumlioii. Confident of tlio Jiullco of our cuuao und tho rec titude oi niy own eonduet, 1 declined to l!n tho petition, and retnitinod nb jeet to tho inoxciiHitbto jirivutiong and lorluroH which lr. Criiven Iiuh hut fitinlly described. When, aller two yearn of cluno conflnemotit, I wan ud inittud to bu.il, na often an wan required I appeared for trial under tho -indict-munt found against mo, but In which Mr. Illaido'a Action" do not appear. Tho Indictment wan finally qiiimlied, on no application of niino, nor . have I ever evaded or avoided a trial upon any charge tho Gon.ral Government might cIiooho to bring agninst mo, and havo no viuw of tho luturo which mukea It denirable to mo to bo Included in an amnesty bill. V loved in thu abstract or a a general question, 1 would be glad to seo tho repeal of all tnws In flicting the penally of political disabil ities on classes of tho people, that It might, as prescribed by tho Conslitu tion, lio left to the courts to hear and tlccido causes, and to affix penalties ne-! cording to preexisting legislation. Tho discrimination made against the peo ple is unjust and impolitic. If thefacl bo equality and the purpono bo frater nity among tho citizen, of tho United States, conviction and nentenco with out a hr-aritfg. without jurihdictinn, nnd afllxing penalties by ox post faclo legislation aro a port of tho proceed ings wliicTi had its appropriate end in the assumption by Congress of the executive function ofgruntingpardons. To remove political disabilities, which 1""'0 not legal power to impose, was not an act of so much graco as to forln l'lausiblo pretext from tho reck- ew diatribe ofMr. lilaino. Tho papers preserved by Dr. Mcvcnson huppily urnil,1 fH P"f of t'" causes of dis-i C'1H0 Mn" (ll'nln Rl " nuersoitviiie. i hey aro now, I beliovo, in Richmond, at;d, it is to bo hoped llieir publication will cloth charms, bird wings, glass cyos, not bo much longor delayed. I weasel, woll anJ coon skins, napkins, 1 havo no tasto for recrimination, I dolls' clothing, air-gun and pop-gun though tho sad recitals mailo by our! ammniiilion,arliflcialtceth,toolh-picks, soldiers returned from Northern pris- buckles, sardines, boxes of shells, pipes, ons can never bo forgotten, and you ( butcher knives, wax candlos, gluo pots, will remember tho excitement they i shot pouches, corn buskers, night caps, produced and tho censorious public-! pkor "chips," crucifixes, baby rattles, tions which were littered against moi chewing gum, gas burners, one china because 1 would not visit on the help-1 angel, one pie crust cuttor, bats, eork Icrs prisoners in our hands such bar-1 screws, whip lashes, dog collars, rat, barilies as, according to reports, bad i tlesnakes' rattles, pepper boxes, acythe been inllictou upon our men. Impris onment is a hard lot at the best, and prisoners arc prone to exaggerate their sufferings, and such was probably the caso on both sides; hut we did not seok by reports of committees, with photographic illustrations, to influence the passions of our people. How was it with our enemy 7 Let oiio example suffice. , You may remember a published re port of a committee of tlio 1'tiitcd States Congress which was sent loAn napolis to visit somo exchanged prison ers, and which had ollcrcd to it tho photographs of somo emaciated sub jects, which were offered us samples ol prisoners returned from tho South. When a copy of thut report was re ceived, 1 sent it to Col. Quid, Coinmis sioner for tho exchange of prisoners, and learned, as 1 anticipated, that the photographs, as far as they could be identified, had been taken from men who wcro in our hospitals when they were liberated for exchange, and whom tho hospital surgeon regarded as con valescent, but too weak lo bo removed with safety to themselves. Tlio anxie ty of tho prisoners to bo sent to their homes had prevailed over tho objee tions of tho surgeon. Hut this is not all : for I have recently learned from a priest, who was then at Annapolis, that tho most wretched looking of these photographs wastnkon from a mun wlm had never been a prisoner, but who had been lelt oh tho "sick list" at An napolis when tho cotnmnnd to which ho was attached had passed that place on its southward march. Whatever may bo said in extenua tion of such imposturo because of the exigencies of war, there can bo no such excuso now lor tho attempt of Mr. lilaino, by gmjs misrepresentation and slanderous accusation, to revive the worst passions of tho war, anil it is to bo hoped that, much as tho event is to be regretted, it will 'havo tho good effect of evoking truthful statements in regard to this little understood sub ject from men who would have pre ferred to leave their sorrowful story untold if tho subject could havo been allowed peacefully to sink intooblivion. .Mutual respoct is needful for tho com mon interest, is essential to a friendly nnion, anil when slander is promulgated from high places the public welfare de mands that truth should strip falsehood of its power for evil. I am respectfully and truly your friend. Jf.miiso.N Davis. ItEAI. EDITOIiTaSD IHE OTI1- KM KIXD. . The lloston Post, ill uu article, con cerning tho crowd of Indiana .editors recontly in Washington, says : "Editors cuniiol spend a great deal of their time in travel. When they do they nocessarily part with their profession. In point of fact tlio real journalist, or editor as somo insist, is personally about tho least known of till living individuals who wield an equal amount of Influence or perform nn eipiul amount of work. The preach er appears weekly to the public ill the sacred desk, tho physician visits his patients daily and talks with them ; the lawyer huraiigues juries ond pleads with judges; the journnlisl uloiiu is unseen and popularly known, lie is content to seo tlio silent but.clfcctive operation of his influence. Il is his journal thut speaks for him. Ho would as soon think of prancing about the country nnd exhibiting himself lo the public in iliflVrunt cities ns bo would of standing at I lie cornel's and hawking his own sheet.' Uu would much sooner perforin under Darnum at the Centen nial then perch himself in the gallery of the I? lilted Slates Senate for exhibi tion. Ho ia not in tho habit of wear ing a chalked hat, sleeping in f'reo beds at hotels, promising pulfs for his rations, or joining a travelling Irotip of men with flying hair nr young women with flowing feathers. Mis hfu is one of work, and not of excursions. When ho goes forth to Inhale thn fresh air nnd bask in tlio sunshine nf the outer world, no one is a nroator r.imniprL,,"ly' MitoMfflOM, J'-ortrPHajthnn ha, nnd tho lnt mibjofl yo ennf induce him to talk about Is a newspa per. This troupe of lloosier editor! a party thut hits been organigod to soo vuiiimj. mm iuusv uu iub pruouew without having to expend a dollur. It is thu other kind that hotels, railroad companies, Congress and political man agon would bo only too glad to enter tain." THE DEAD LET! Kit SALE. ' In all casus whoro letters and pack ages contain valuables they oro re turned to tho writer or forwarder if thero is any cluo to his nddross, and when none cun bo found they tiro of course rutauied in tha Dead Letter odlco. Tho inonoy"alono which yearly finds its way into this ofilco, ranises hum 75,000 to SI 00,0(10. flnring tho last (iscul year tho amount received was 877,lfid.fiu of which $54,5:17.17 was returned to the forwarders, and I22,G2!1 .19 remaiuod in the hands ol tho department Juno 30, 1875. Some Idea of Ihe article! accumulated may bo gained when it is slated that tho list embraces 2,21!) miscellaneous arti cles (including wearing apparel of all kinds), 1,275 pieces of jewelry somo very valuable 1,585 books, treating on almost every subject, 2G9 chromos, 217 pieces of sheet music, and stereo scopic views. Among the mochanical implements aro organ valvos, sowing machine tools and needlos, button-hole eutteiK, tuning forks, Haw fllos, stool wire, awls, scissors, spring guages, si phons, screws, pruning shears, shoe- makers' and blacksmiths' tools, surgical instruments, etc. Tho list of wearing appai-el is very long, including as it does thousands of articles, from a pair of stockings to a lady's dress. The miscellaneous articles embraces har monicons, pocket compasses needle work, kiln-glasses, book-marki, keys, needle-cases, papers of pins, rar.ors. spectacles, huir switchos and chignons, baby shoes, foreign stamps, shoe buck- Irs, fishing tackle, scapulars and Agnes Deis, butterflies, fans, crimper, scent hags, watch casos.rosaries.bullet moulds, stonos, three "what-it its," ono squirrel tail, wings of a bat. Washington Star. Ti'BN Tin Tim The bill of indict ment against tho licpubliran adminis tration, dra .in by Murat Ilalstcad of the Cincinnati Cummrrrinl, who knows w hereof ho writes, and cannot be con- vicied of having a drop of Democratic blood in his veins. His turning State's evidence should not disqualify him from giving evidence against the party ho helped to build up. He is not a dis appointed office hunter, nor docs he desire place, so fur as we have any knowledge. It is headed "Shall the Down Tide 1m- Turned." Although he is an excellent political cnginoer, and assisted to build up the present cor rupt part-, it Is doubtful whether he will bo able with all Ihe forces he can command lo turn tho "tide." A pow orful party rendered corrupt by wicked men within its own ranks, never can bo purged or reformed from within. Good men must step out, form an alli ance wiih others, and drive tho unfaith ful out. It is idlo io suppose that those corrupt men who have plundered tho pcoplo for flftoon years will volun tarily surrender their places. More than this, a campaign under Grant would bo futile for reform purposes; occauno he lias talten too many pres ents from those samo men whom good men want scut ad rill. litDi cnoH in Consular rill over 1125,000. Tho Democratic Ilouso is doing noblo work. Tbe House Com mittee on Appropriations have com pleted the Consular and Diplomatic bill. Tho estimates hist J'otr wore S1,352,4H5 and tho amount appropri. ated l,ar3,2S5. Tho present bill ap propriates 1011,147. Tho salaries of Ministers to Great Britain, France, Ger many nnd Ilussia aro reduced from $17,500 to JU.Onn dollars each ; Minis tors to Spain, Austria, Urar.il, Mexico, Japan and China from 12,000 to 10,. 000 dollars; Minister to Italy from 12,000 to 8,000 dollars; Ministers to Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium, Neth erlands, Denniark.Swoden nnd Norway, Turkey, Venezuela nnd llawamn fs luuds from 7,500 to 0,500 dollars ; Chili and Bolivia are combined in ono mis sion nt a salary of 0,000 dollars ; l'eru, Ecuador and Columbia aro also united in ono mission ut tho same salary ; also Argentine He public, Paraguay and Cruguay, salary 0,500 dollars, also Guutumula. Costa Hico, Honduras, Sal vador and Nicaragua as In former law, salary 10,0(10 dollars; salaries of othor ollleent ure alsj reduced. ifijal 2,awtlsrmtnts. lXF.CUTOUS NOTICK.-f li Nolle, la ber.br given that lellera le.la- mcni.rr biviiif been granted ti (lie Oiei-Hher on the e.leie of M4RIANNK ROI'SKIT, deed. """ ' uirerd twn.iiin, t'kiro.id ennir. p.. mm nrrn. inui-meii 10 eaia e.uie are renae.ua to make Immediate pigment, and Ihnee baring eiaima effein.i m. aanie win present tliera dale autbontlcitod for ettl.ment. KKANOIS 1.0NOIN', NICHOLAS ROltfl.-KI.0T," . . Leecnto'a Mill,, Jaa. IS, '711-61 Kaeoutora. umimsthatohs notick. Nh(Ioo I hereby tfiv ihal Letter nf AJ- nilntttrtifr. on mf ciUt of JOHN I.AlKlHl), late tit i n, on townahip, t'learDsId enunly, Pa., drwveil, bar ln( been duly fraelrd to thn uiiiJaTFlnot, all prraona Inilebted to i4 evtate will pUai mako It.imoiliate payment, and Ihoea burin; olaima ur Jrtfi:ia'l affntnat tb arnn Mill prni nt thrm prnprly authrntf.tel fiir aettle m.nt nithout Ur. K. W IMIIOKD, Itoohton. l'a.,Fb 37fl-At Aduitnietrator. Jbto I XI.STHATO IW NOTICR-I Ktelic 1 hereby K(rn that Leltiri of Ar miniilriition nn (lie nu nf . K. KAFFKHTV, lata nf (Vnn tnwrchlp, Clearfield 0nui.tr, I'., deoeai, havlna; broti duly rranled t tb uiMli-rsittnrtl, a,H f)oran tndebttvl to aald eatate will pl.-ue inuku ltutnf)mta poyinvnt, and thoe bavin elahn or drmandi wilt p reran t then properly ilinntioHtcl for tott I finent wtthnut ilty. .1. B HAFKKRTY, JOHN KLY.NN, araitiiUn IHIIf, Jan. !. '76 flt Adnt'rfl. T l ) M IN IS lli AT ltTxrNb?ICK.- Nwtinu la h-rt-by ftvn thel I.Hter r Ad. tnlnUIrntlon on th culnle of M. W. HI VDRH, late of l.twrpnr mwnihlp, Clarftll emmty, Ptt., Jeer-a-rd, haririf trn duly (ranted to ttannnder .tiixl. alt paraon tnlhtml to aald aatat will plRc make liamadiai permeat, nd Uinan tieilupt rlaltni or demand will praeant them propmly aaihenttpnixd fur ett.ennt w tab oat l'y. FRANCKH ANN UNYDKK, Clcarfluld, Jan. in lnrd It. - Ada'i, A DM IX IS 1' II ATO ITS NOriCK- .Nuoae la tirelir gl.ea thai Letlera of Ad alnl.trati.in oa Ihe a. late af DAVI'l UKLI. lalo of Orrenwood lownihip, Clearleld K.ua!r, Pa., dee'd. baring beea del, granted bo the i ii.w, a. i i.raai inuouiau m lata aetata rill pi Mil's mn he imtneillate pay meat, antl iho havinit elanna or da man da will preeeai thtm iintperly anlhentlceteti for Mtttomeat wllkoail Cnrweaarili, P,, Jaa. t ii7tvH Aim'n & IRWJN SU'OND STHKFT, CLEARFIELD, PA., DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS! CHEMICAL 81 PAI.Vrs, OII5, DYK STUFF VARNISHES, " Bltl'SIIKS, PKrtrt'MKRV, FAISCY 000DS TOILKT AltTICI.KS, or all kinds, PURE iriXKS AND LIQUORS, for moitelual porpoee. Traisea, Hupportera, Hbol Book and Rtatloi. rjr, end all other articlo aauelly found in a Drug Htor. PHY8ICIAN8 PttKflCRIPTlONrt CARR FlfLLY CuMl'Ol'NDED. Having a large i perieno In th but inane they eea gir otir aat lafaclloB. J. . HART8WK K, JOIIX F. IHWIN. Clearfield, Dautinber IS, 1874. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (Paocaeaura lo BoyntoD A Toang,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS Mftaafaftarart of iJ0ETABLE & STATIOUilT STEAM ENGINES Coraer of Poarth and Pin. Stroeta, t'l.KARKIRLD, PA. a HAV1NO engaged la tb. naaafeetara of Irat olaaa MACHINERY, .,r..PrlfolljlBfirra a. aablle that w. era aow prepared ta 111 ordere aa eheaplj and aa prowptljee oaa ba doaa la aa; of tb. eltiea. W. raaaafaotara aad deal la Mulay and Circular Saw-Mills Head Blooka, Water Wheels, Shaftlag Falle oiford'o Injeetor, Btoera Oaoges, Staaai WhlrUas, OiUn, Tallow Capa, Oil Cap., Gauge Ooeka, Air Oorka, (Hob. Valroe, Check Valroa, wraagbt Iroa Pipee, H.eaia Parope, Boiler rood Paaipa, Aoti Prietloa Metree, Soip Rtoae Parking, Qam Paek at and all kiada of MILL WOBKi together wita riowa, toed 80HU, COOK AX D PARLOR STOVIS, and othor CASTINGS of aU kiada. trOrdm Mllelted and Iliad at my prieoe All Utter, ofloqalr; with roferenoo to raachlnon of oor raaaafaetar. promptly aaaw.rod, by addrea- Ing a. at Clearfield, Pa. Jatl'Tt tf BIUI.KR, YOUNO A RKRD. THE CLEARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO. CLEAHFIKLD, PA., MAirrirrraRSa oa FIRE I! RICK, Furnace Blocks, Gas Rrlorts, Store Linings, Paring Tiles, to. CAimHi'i, Top; Htailow Vp; and t'aMft. All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORII1INAL DISIllXS IN TERRA C0TTA MAPF TO ORDER. With laiprarad raaekinery, Ir.t .l.ea Material aad aatlled workmen, wa oaa warraat all oar raaaafaoterea to be eqaat to If not aaperlor If Arllelea of our rainufeetoro can ho eeea ml the Worka, hear Railroad Depot, or at the Hardware more 0 rnwel! A .Morgan, AU ordert front a dlatanee, addreaaed to the Oeaore! Haperlntend.at, will rocoiT. promnt at at. (i. IIARTHWICK, JOHN MeUATU, a.n'IKnpt. Sept. Minufactnring Di-pt. nar2P'7l rpERRA C0TTA STANDING VASES, llANtilNti VASES, tnvo Liniiii; nnd Fire Brick, kept eoa.Uailr oa hand. STOVE AM) EARTIIEV-UARE OF EVERT DESCRIPTION ! CHOCKS! POTSI CROCKSI fl.lier'e Patent Airtight ftelr Fr.lt t ana I . Beating Ht'TTKR CROCKS, with tide, CRKAM OROCK8, MILK CROCKS, nn l.. niiuivn v nuvan, PICKLS CROCKS, f LOWER POTS, ht DISHES, STKW POTS, And a great aianj atbff things too aaraaroaa ta ttentloa, ta ba had at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE i WARE POTTERY. Corner of Cherry and Third Street. ufuaAnrifUaU, rA a.gl HARBLR AD ST0E YARD! Mrs. S. 8. LIDDKLL, Harlog angigad Is th. Ifarbla b.il.nb, d.alraa ta Infnna bw frlendi and tbe pahtl. that aha baa aow aad will keep aoaataallj ea kaad a large d well aeleeted aloek af ITALIAN AND VRRMONT MARBLE, aad la prepared ta fureleh to ardor . TOMnSTONRS, BOX AND CRADLE TOMBS, MONUMENTS, Cathe and Poet, ter Oeraeterj Lota, Window Silla aad Capa, aleo, Bt'RRAIt,- TABLE AND WA8n STAND TOPS, Aa., So. Ml Yard oa Road etreat, am th. R, R. Depot, Cloarlrld, Pa, jaT,TI WILMAM M. HKNRY, Justio, or oaa Paic. m inivawaa, IDMBIS OITT. OollMtloa. awda aad aaeavj emaatl) paid aoor. Aetleloe af agneeeoM aa4 Se4e M oe eyaaee MU tteaalaS eavi antitaaMA ear root or ao a barge. K,1I HARTS WICK rrii, tt. FLO I It. FEED, AND GROCERY STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Market atrtxt, door wait of M.ualoa Umh, Clearfield, Pa. Keep eoBitaatl oa baad 1 ' SUOAR, .COPFRS, TBAS, SODA, COAL OIL, SYRUP, v .SALT, SPICKS, - ' SOAP, Caanad and Dried Fralte, Tohaeeo, Clg ire, Cea din, Cider VUegar, Bgtt.r, Kiga. Ae. ALSO, RXTRA O.MR-MADK Wheat and Buckwheat Fleur, Cora Meal, Chop, Feed, &o., All of which will bo ld eboap for ra.b or la ...nuip .or smniry prooaee. A. O. KRAMKR A CO, Clearfield, Nor. II, lS74.-tf JEMOVALl ' , JOHN McGAUGHEY WonM raaetmily notify tb pnbllr xenaralb uat b bu rMqrd bta Orory Htor from Bbw' Row, to tb building fonoarly isceapiodi by J. Nile Krataer, on Becoad ttrct, nt dooi to Binler bardwar atora, where be ntnd aping a mil un or tlROCERIEN. HAMS, DRIED BEEfand LARD. SCOARS aad SI RI PS, of all grade..' TEAS, flraea aad Black. COFFEE, Roartrd aad Green. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, rnt iTs, All klnda la the market. PICKLES, la jar. aad barr.tr, SPICES, la mtj brra and rariMj. FAMILY FLOUR, AM. KINIMOFrilArKKR. SOAPS, MATCHES, DRIED APPLE.V DRIED PKACIIIf, DRIED MIERR1ES Coal Oil (Mil Lamp Chimneys. Aad a good eeoortroent of thoea thing, a.uall kept la a grocery atora, whlrb b. will eii'bengN for nark.Ung at tb. aurkat prieea. Will Mil for oaab .a ohaaplj aa aay ofbr woe. Pleaaa call and see kia stoek and judge foi yoaraolf. JOHN McOAIdllKV. Claarfi.ld, Jaa, , 1S7. G ROCEBIES. JAS. H. LYTLE, i.ue. ir to I.VTLN A MITCIIR1.L) WIIor.ESALR AND RETAIL DEALER IN CHOICB l.ltUR OK TBAS). OOl.OSuS, . ' JAPAXS, IMPERIAL, YOl'KO HVSON. ENOLIKII BREAKFAST Purett la Uarket. nUTrtlR AND F.C.lin Will ba kept and Bold at first eoat. Cab aald for Coanlr,, Prodae.. 0EKMAN CIIKRRIErt, Tt'RKEY PRfMS, FRRSERYED PEARS, . pniLADELPIHA HAMS. PIHH. Maokeral, Lake llrrring. Cod, Ae. Plt'kLbM. Rami Plrkl., and Rngll.h Pleklea. FI.OIIR AND PP.F.I). Floor, Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Aa. "inhfTJ JAS. H. LYTLE. CUEAP GROCEUIES! I.I'MnKR CITY, PA Tbe anderaigned announoea tn hia old frinml. and patrona that he haa opened a rood line oi OHOCKR1K8 A PROVISIONS at Ihenld .l.n.l of Kirk A Spencer, tor which he ..illrll. a li'.nre palronag.. II. W iiPKVCKH Lam her Cite, Pa.. March M-lf MEAT MARKET. F. M. CARD0N & BE0., Rear af 1M Opr Ho, CLKARFIKLU, PA. Oar arranfrnont are if tba muot a'unnlvti eharttetaf for farniahin: tbe pSlie wrb Frtal. nmieoi nil Bind, na ei trie very neat quality. W 4o deal it all kinds of Arrieultaral Imnl nesti, which we keep rn eshtMtlnn far tba bta). at of tbepublio. Call around whan In Uwa. and take a look at thin, or ad'lre. ns r. M. CARDON l tlRO. Clearfield, Pa., July 14, 174. if. piiKSII MKAT MARKET. ' M. 0, BROWN 4 BR0., Mirkrt t., Clearfield, Weald annoanoe to th. oitiaena of the i.e. rUlnit; that Ih.j Mill heap the neat market ai lb. old alaad, where the; will keep Fresh Hoof, Veal Mutton and Lamb, of tbe finest qualities. Market Horaian Tue.de.. Thr..t.. ..i SalarJ..,. Urreu.ic.il. Juaa S.t.-lM M. O. BROWN A IIRO. pOR SALE! A larga aad well-ialahed Brick Dwelllne. .lie. au oa tha rlrer beak, is th. borough at Clear field, eoataialag alerea roome, with good oellar, water la lh. kitohen, .nd all tha Mod.rn Ofiave Bienoee. Paatrlee, Bath -room, Clolhee-proaaee, do. Lot alltr foot froat aad twa kaodred aad Ibolj feat beak, with a detent? foot allejr oa the eaal aide. Said building, witb all the annurlenenera. will b. aold eh..p, with pavmentato auit pureha- aw. Applieatiea oaa ba made ia lha under, algned, or to A. O. Tate, I.q., who will glr. all aeoeeearj Information to Ihoae wha de.lra ta la- qioet tha proper!. THUS. J. HrCI'IiLOl till. M.rllet, 7l,t. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOUHAGK HOME INDUSTRY. TIIR aadorelgaed, baring e.lebllibed a Nur aerj aa tbe 'Pike, about half wa; not. era viearneioaoa vurweaavilie, li prepared lo far. nan amae ai r ai 1 1 THKK3, lataadard aad dwarf,) ri "Yawtoi Bhruhtvery, llripa Vina.. wtoa Beaekborrr, atrawbarrr. Re ..b eel, Vanes. A lea. RfWtaa oah Tr. ObIbm, aad aatlf Mrvat Rkahark, A.. Ordert promptfe attaaded la. Aadreaa, - J. D. WRIORT. aaM-SI-f ha OwwwanUla, Fa. I iWrl. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market St, bet. Third aad Fourth,) CLKAKflbl.O, PA. Tb. .ubMrlbor baring beooojo proprietor of tbla hotel, would reepoetfulljr aak a libiTal ihar. ef putilie palroaaga. Prloe. roduord to auit tba tlu.B. jaaJLTIitf. - 0. L. LKIPOLDT. SU8u eh annT House," CIIRWIN8VILLI. PA. NEWTON READ, Paorimoo. n.Tiag aoooue proprietor of thia llutel, I would reaneotfullr mil oil the patronage ef tli. pablle. Uouaa leaaantl, and eunreuiruU, all aated il, raltlad and refural.bed ; gtiud aana pie room, altaobed. All railroad Iraioa alup at thla biniH. J.nHil.fa SIIAW HOUSE, T" " . (Oor. of Market A Front .treei.,1 CLKAHP1KLD, PA. The indcr.lgn.d baring taken elurge of thla Uolel, would re.nootrullv aolleit puhlle l-atruniee J"'' D. K. jrtlLLKKTO.v" ' WASHINGTON jioUSK, NEW- WASIIIMitoX, PA Thla aew and well futnlabed hou.o baa beoa taken be Ihe anJeraigned. lie fcelr oonndent of being able to render aallaiectloa tn Ihoae uhn aier tarorhiuwllbae.il. J . "ir , 0. W. DAVIS, I'm,,',. jy j o n t (i ii ih V v nr.,- . Oppoalt. th. Curl II. i., LOOK HAViN, PENN'A. H " JBAUSBAL A KROM, Pre,,',. LOYO house, : Main Hireel, PUILIPSBUHU, PENN'A. T.hla llw.j. aupplM llh th. be.t Ihe Belket afforda. Thatrareliog pablle lelni lied tn nail "vl.TS. I101IKKT LOVb. THE MANSION HOUSE. Oarnarof Second and Market street,. CI.KARKII.n. a THII .Id aad aorataodloua HoUl hai.dertnt ihe Baal re... ku. i.u..., . j . lorrnar eapaoilji for tha eaurulnmeat of ilr.a. gera and gueata. Tba whole kaildlng baa beea reforalahed, aad tha proprietor will epare ao nalaa ia .ana, hi. ..... . i. .i. . . . T . V . . a" wiai.n.uii wni e Urlog with bin. ar-rbe -Maaal.a nou.." Oainlbua nitii ta ad rna la. D.n.( ik. i . . -r---- ... unpaflura of.acbtr.la. JOHN HOIIiilitnTV ",rl 7t lf Prop,!.;.,, faults. Juh PiTt ,, Tre.. J. P. Baan, C.Tbier Curweiimville Rank. Anthnrlrcd C.pltal .., m m Paid up Capital "...i(l,nn (etrrasM riaiT satiosal ai.) JOII.V IATTOS. ',. D. ff-rfn AAKOS W. PATCIIIS, J. p. HOYT STOCKHOLDERS, INDIVIDI ALLY LIABLE. Do a genaine banking tn.in..,. Am.ul, aolleited. jDarwenarille, Pa., Jan. II, U7.m. P. R. .MOLD. . w. aaioiB. i. a. ani'itn F. K. ARNOLD A. CO Rankera nud RrokrU, Reynoldarllle, Jeirtr.oo Co., P., Mener raeelred on oVporlt. Dironnta it mo- derate ratea. Eaatera and Foraiga Kieban,, al. witb an hand aad eotleetione pronpll, made Reynolderlll., Dee IS, IJ74..I, County National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM la Maaonie Building, one dnnr antlh ol C. D. W.taon'a Drug Store. Paaaago Tlekele to and from Lirerpool, Qam,,. town, fllugow, LoBdoa, Purl, and CnMnhaeon Alio, Drift, for Ml. oa tb. Rojal Bank at Irelend aad Imperial Bank of London. JAMKS T. LEONARD, Pre.1. JIIM. RHAWCa.hier. otliliM DREXEL & CO., No, 31 Mouth Tnlnl Street, Phlla lelphla And Dealers in Government Securities. Appllcatloa bj mail will reeeire proni,t men tlon, and all Information cheerfully fumiihed Ordera eolieted. April ll.ir. jPrutistrit. STEWAET It BLACKBUEN," DENTIST 8, Carwesavllle, Clcarfleld Coaaly. P.an'a (OOca ia Qatoa' N.w nuilding.) Carwanirilla, jaa 11, l7(-ly. JEXTISTRY. Harlog determined lo Weal. In Curwearrllle !h" t"P- of p.raaing mj prorM,i,, ........ 7 miw ie in puoite. 1 bare je.t tanked a terra of dental Infraction, .ader .... v. iivi vnii.jivania college ur Dental Surgerr in Philadelphia, and . .,. prepared lo eiecuU all work perUining to di nt. latry hi the heat manner, with tha lateat Improve ment.. All work gaarantead ta lire entire aat i.fielion a, to qualitj and duration. Teelb ei- trei.tl.lt ithnn. K.I It, 1. , ... i ... nana euu.. tag. For further Informalion apple in peraon f Jor.,. E. M. TIIOSIPSOS. swhJI'rj.tr. i Curweaarille, P.. A . M . H I LLS Woold raapaelfall.e aotirr bia iialirnia hat he he. miIiumJ . k - n. . . . lti k'trl A I. Tarir ru . eon An . . , . ------- lw .v.wv ..r eei nr 1-15.00 fur a douhle e.t. 17A. ... .1 coming at th. eame lima, to here each au anner art, will get the tw. ma for f!U.M, ot ti;.M each. Terma lav.rlablj Ca.q. Clearflrld, Jul 1, 1874. GEORGE E. ROBACKER, wnoLsaALB pau-aa la WINKS AND LIQUORS, CLEARFIELD, PA. Mv alee, of final.., u u..k-, i. , .. ... i. .ri , iii- raollr opeiU Ihe Court Hou.e, where I duire to beep a full .lock of P:RE LIQUORS, . ad ill warrent them to be each to ur en.lomere. Ilireoc.c.ll. lulr SI.Tl.tr. "WHOLES ALE LIQU0E STORE. At the end of tbe aew bri Ige. WEST CLEARFIELD, PA. The proprietor nf this etahll.hmral alll her bl liquor, direct from dl.illl.M. p..ti.. k.-t.. from thia houeo wiU ba aure to got a pare article at a .mall mirgia abo?. com. Hotel kceMra eea He furm.bcd with lluuor, on reaannahl. term. rare wiaea ana-bundle, direct from Scelaj'l finer, at Bath, New York. tlKORttS N. COLBURX. Clearlrl L June Id, IttJ. tf. IIuc.v & Chris I, SOLE PROPRIETORS OF TIIK . CELEBRATED ''aw-. ..nn r AND 1)11. STiKt'EU'S TONIC HERB BITTERS. fW.KD ton P1IICK LIST. m i: A HI HIST. I.I N. 34 Rlreet, PIIILAIII.I.PIIIt. March II, lTi. READING FOR ALL 1 1 BOOKS tt-STATIOXERY. Market RL, tirardeld, (at tbe Pont OfBre.l rp II R anderaigned bega tenv. ta annnnac I. I X th. elUacaa of Clearleld and rlrlattr. Dial ba haa filled ap a room and baa Jn.t retarne. I from tbe cilr with a large amoant af rtadia, mauer, eoiiai.iing la pan or Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blank, Aeeonnt aad Pae. Booke of oare d. aerlption ! Paper and Eueelepea, French preeret I uu pmiai ran ana I'eaoiief Jllank L!1 Paper., Dead., Mortgagee Judgment, Eteial tlon and Pmmianre nnteet Wklu and Per.e neat llrief, Legal C.p, Record Oan. and BUI Car. nhoet Nu.to, lor eilber Piano. Flale ar Vmh. annatintlj on hand. An, book, er otatloe.r I dceird that 1 tna not hare oa head, will baorilerei I n, nrai .tpreee, and aold at wholeeal. ar raui1 a nit eaHomcre. I will aleo keep periodini i.ieraiare, auea aa atagaliaee. newapapera, ac. P. A. UAl LIN. ric.rd.U. May 7, ISSS tf rALUAULE IMlOPElFriT T ruH SALR OH FOR It CM Tin anlia,'rllior glrea ntlc. that h, will ellK' rent or anil hi. dwelllne aad etora nronem. a' aat. oa Herd etrool, a.lioialae tha lieoaard I la tbe borough af Clearfield, Pa. Tbe .tore rare I la III X .14 feet. The dwelling hooao eoal.lai I rootaa and a kitchen on the flret atnry, .n4'l noma .a lh. aee.nd atory. Tb. alar, reel Hi ba had al once, and ib. dwelling porta I va ana aner una m ol duly, ruff further fa I twalan, addraea ar apply te the andrt.lgaea I lw j V Av ta. premie... OIO. t. PASSMUSA. Cfearfi.ld, Fa May IS, tt-tf Miirm luvut aw. .- -