Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 16, 1876, Image 2

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    She IWpubHf an.
n t
0(mni B. GooDijiNnta, Editor.
HimkIit. If ruu wni to know woRt tR ln( on
la Iba burlnr oorlil, Jort read our advRtll.Int
oolumoa, tha Sptiint o-ilurao to pBrtlRBlar.
Tin PirrumtNc. Ovor in loyal, tip
ritflit Blair tlio printers got away
with J1.01C.05 tho past year, un
ido of the mountnin only CG32
donated in this way.
In tiii Fuld. lion. E. D. Morgan,
Cuuirnian,has issued a call lor a mooting
on Wednesday, Jan. 13th, at me a
lington llotol, Washington, for the pu
Doso of fixing tbo time and place
linldiiiff tho next Republican Nation
Convention for tbo nominnlion ot Presi
dent and Vice President.
Wko, Well! Judge Chrioliancy,
United States Senator from Michigan,
...). I....,rt w-lilln with tho snot? ot
iiis 61th year, was married at Wash
ington, on tho 8th inst., to Miss Lillie
LtiL'eibeol. a clerk in the Treasury Do-
partmont, aged 1.9. Look around, gray
beads I There may bo some more
ninetoenera about who have become
tired of clerking.
Laihxtabl, but Tbi-k, Tho Cam
brio Freeman buvs : From the fall
Adam, for his transgression, to the
present day, no ruler ovor saw as many
of his bosom friends, associates and
favorito officials in tho.ponitentary or
on their way thorc, as President Grant,
and still shackled Justice moves slowly
with labored steps over a road dug full
of Administration pit-lulls.
A Model Piiksiuent. An exchange
iv' E. r. Smith. ox-Commissioner of
lndinn Affairs under Delano, has beon
clectod to tho Presidency of tho How
ard university. This is doubtless a
pood thine for Smith, but it does seem
a little rough on tho Tnivorsity. That
may he 'bully" lor (smith. But, u
Lord; how fortho University.' 01 Oil
Howard, would bo an improvement,
though he did rob tho Institution of
8300,000. How thoso demagogues do
lovo tho ''colored race" for tho pur
pose of robbing thuii.
JTew Deiot. Tho Penn'a. Railroad
Company has commenced tho erection
of a new depot building in West Phila
delphia, to take the place of thoir
present station at Thirty-first and Mar
ket streets. Tho new depot will be
located on ground bounded by Market
and Thirty-second stroots and Lancas
ter avenue. It will stand back from
Murket street 80 feet, and from Thirty
second street 50 feet. The open space
will be pnved with Belgian blocks, so
that carriages can drivo up to tho
plutforms. Tho road lias no meaner
oxcuso for a depot on tho wbolo line
than tho one now used in that city.
Tho old rat harbor is a disgrace to the
road and tho city.
A Buko Leak. Sinco the Demo
crats have had control of Congress
sonio huge leaks have been dovclopod.
To illustrato : Last week the Chairman
of a committee inquired of tho Secre
tary of the Treasury, how many ports
of entry wero kept open where the
cost of collecting the revenues exceeded
the sum paid into tho Treasury of the
United Slates. That odlcer answered
eighty-six, ten of which aro in the
loyal Stato of Sluino. The aggregato
rvulizod by tho Government was 1279,
CC4.39, and tho sum paid to the officers
for collecting this amount was 1463,
1)08.79. More than this, thoso eighty
six ports employ over two hundred Col
lectors and clerks. Such is Grantism.
(illANT ON IIIE' t'gOOKEP." The first
Uspatch that " tho Govjrnmcnt" sent
to St Louis, alter Colonel Dyer and
General Henderson had arrested four
of tho ''crooked " whisky scoundrels,
wus "lot no guilty man escape." Aftor
three of Giant's butties were landed
in the penitentiary, " the Government"
again telegraph) : " Colonel, be care
ful (hut you do not convict somo inno
cent parties." Uabcock,. bis private
riccrctury, is ou trial now, and tho re
sult is that the whole White House
family is at St. Louis to brbwbcut and
iiiliniidato witnesses, jurora and attor
neys, so as to secure Iho acquitlul ot
Bubcock and tho President.
Pinchback Still. This notorious
ham-colored Radical gambler, who bas
been annoying tho United States Son
ate fur tho past thrco years, is at his
post again. If ho gets his scut, ho
will draw over (20,000 sulury, as back
pay. It is reported thai he bas offered
to givo Morton, Grant's leader in tho
.Senuui, $10,000 if bo would secure hi in
bis seat. Tho Harrisburg Patriot, In
alluding to this infamous case, says :
F utati M'irlon. tnnlaa- up lo hid pUia and
rtooiiiicrinff tbruu!li Hit auua J uf thfl I'uliat
t.'uurU 01 Nno Urle.nR 10 ouovlaoo till Ml
ht-Daltir. that I'lnaliliaa'R jurkluo Rail priao
ri-ciro Mst nwl to d.tiar aim iron Ui. pl.a.oro
.r tbvir rucivtf or tbo (a-irU-.. of rur...rjtliH a
Htulolrtiut obii'b ho who ncvor IvgRll,
f,ri,nt, ft rjirclRrlo 01 fwlttiuRI ueKrRUuttiia that
u.rliii.Ri"tliinr "it renualr 'f liade.ptr
imoo mlb whioR tlio Hoilloi.1 port Rlinf, to It!
tll-xi'UR J'rr it on Drou4tit out wi'S lurid
ffiiilurtiiif . U1t piriuto I1 1. i a mniinu gra
t.l.r Irutn tbo rluail ol New Orlvanl autlloi
1 biro liio lo lit cuuiiotli ftftit rvKrd ola
tirrot i't tn up ftutrf to i'iI into tbo Sonoto
III tl4bnnOO Ol lld'OliO? ftlill Ol 1RN I
A ll.utii Tiii8 Item. Hon. J. Proc
tor Knott, liming (he deliuto on tho
proposed amendment to the Constitu
tion to limit the Presidential term,
drew the lollowing sketch of the Presi
dential olliee :
A rRlnry if t'.O.bnO, ft ftmnilon oMolaeil Ir ft
Itilivl lunir) lliRl lit ptrixnt dtonai-d or. tor
mbt4. r- I'mrrd Rftd heou. Rt rd riiiirrI oxpoftMt
o Ai,w, otlb tho vrr; atr brootbod Uioni pr
tiiMi d rro ffti'liei, popnRlod ! r 6,A0ti
iroritrti-Imftir, niRinlRlocHt at fto ftnniiRl oipoiifa
oi S'o.lltltl ; ft (iriVRto HooroUrjr ftt &t,0l0 ft ;oar
t.. du llio Pnriiiool'f wrtttoit t two aMiitaot mo
vplRitMftt S.U0 roftr, to do tho work of tbo
jirivNlo Irt4rjr t two olorjil at S3,2a0 to do tho
orb ol tile ualftftlll MertttRrloi (Uugbtor) t R
IrwRrd at fa.owo, lu fnpply tbt lroaidtRt' Ubh)
itb tbo oboiaaot vtooa and tho rtobMt virriji
that could ttaiut m aatiftto but ftppotilol will
S.tllitl ft oar lor ImmiIu, swrlodiaall. ItatioDRrr,
loloraniii,and (a eamwwl bftaa-) otbor ooRtlncitR.
U. M hat that WMtot bo did ftot fcnotr, bat bo
4lioakod Uod lor tho " ooatiDsaBoiM " If tho
bilraft ol Irraal olabod lor tbo toob-pot of
i-pl.vliat tutitt bo tbo ftfift-umb Of ftMUJRItlrO
auul alios Oakiug ft ll, dwitg Iftrawoll ol Roob
ftftlar) and lofturlaa.
lieatlur, you will ohsorvo by this
that it only conts y Imiulrtd andtighty
three thmtaiui ficc hundred diMvi(t 183,
600J to run the While House ttndw
Uiiiiit ; and yet, some eople aro Cora
nluniiiir ubout Laid times.
There are rumors from Washington
that the colored troops do not fight md
bravely for "the govornmeiit" as form
erly. The Philadelphia Timei in allud
ing to tho matter says:
Mr. Grant is threatened with the
serious displeasuro of tbo Southern Re
publicans of African descent, and in
deed seems to have already incurred
it Tho position of Moses to the col
ored race is a difficult one to fill satis
factorily to all concerned. Andrew
Johnson found himself obliged lo va
cate it .very soon after assuming- it,
with much ostentatious enthusiasm.
But Mr. Grant cannot afford, just now,
lo go out of the Moses business without
wholly abandoning his darling third
term ambition. We are not surprised,
therefore, at the anxiety j hich certain
bostilo remarks of the colored Senator
Bruce are said to have awakonod In
the Presidential breast. Tho mighty
occupant or tho n Lite llouso is re
ported to have sent for Bruce after
ward, but Bruce didn't go, and bis
colored friends say the breach is too
wido to bo beiiletl. Morton will doubt
less succeed to the favor of tho colored
wing of the party. Ulaino haa no
ebanco iu that quartor. His anti-am
nesty speech was almost as offensive
to the colored leaders as to the South
ern Democrats and to tho growing
sontiment in the North for reconcilia
tut Bacon Subsidy. The Radical
loothold In the SoSth seems to bo but
for tho future. Further evidence of
tho way in which they run tho machine
in Alabama is furnished by the pro
ceedings in tho Huralson-Bromborg
contcstod election case, now at issue
before tho House committee. It trans
pires that, instead of distributing the
supplies of government bacon among
the Bufforors by last season s overflow
tire party managers doled them ont as
a- political subsidy, taking good care
not to begin too long before tho elec
tion nor stop too soon. Six counties
which had been affected least by tho
floods woro thus "worked," with the
result of an increase of seven per cent.
in tho party vote, while in tho other
fifty-nine counties the Democrats made
a gain of twenty per cent. At tho
same timo we have news of a caucus
by Soutborn Republican Congressmen
to deliberate upon a plan for tho re
covery of their lost supremacy. Unless
Mr. Spencer has somothlng bettor to
propose, why not try bacon?
"Onk jiy Oni the Roses Fall." A
Washington dispatch says : " In 1872
W. T. Haines, a Pcnnsylvanian, was
Commissioner of Customs. In the cam
paign of that year ho visited north
western Pennsylvania in company with
Hon. W. W. Kotchum, now a member
of the House from, .Luzerne, for the
purposo of enlightening the people on
their political duties. I heard hnn at
Titusvillo declaim fur an hour on the
superior virtue of tbo Republican par
ty, and tho chagrin tbo country would
have to meet if the voters were so on-
grateful as to turn himself and Grant
out of ofHco. This n-.ofting I pick up
a paper and see that this same W. T.
Haines, sometime sinoo supercodod by
Hon. Henry C. Johnson, of Mcadvillo,
has bad to give bail in the sum of (15,-
000 for his appearance to answer the
charge of conspiring and accepting a
gift while in office to pass a fraudulent
claim. This is but a small item in the
great stream af corruption which char
acterises the administration of Grant;
but like those other larger and more
oxtonsive swindles, the whisky frauds,
it tells how tbo people have been
Legal Rascality. Two years ago
tho Legislature of this Stato passed an
act compelling the respective counties
to pay all Commonwealth flouts, pro
viding tho crime charged eould be
raisod to the dignity of a felony. No
prosecutor, therefore, runs any risk ot
having the costs saddled on him by
the jury, no difference bow futile the
crime ; bennies, tho lawyers gain a tee,
and the 'Squiro, Constablo, and a dozon
of witnesses securo their cost too. This
may bo called legal farming at a very
heavy expenso to the taxpayers, but
it Is mighty cheap In a judicial sense.
This Is not all. This piooo 'of 1-tfal
Ivdgcrdeinain bas worked so well and
has replenished the pockets of the legal
fraternity and professional witnesses,
that they propose tn pxfend tho sanio
act to ccvor all cases of mitienciinor,
and such a bill is now before our Leg
islature. I f the taxpayers do not want
their farms, and hotisci and lots stolen
by legal enactments, they had bettor
inform their members of the Legisla
ture to defeat this iniquitous bill, and
break up this miserable system of legal
ized robbery.
After Pobf.u Scfienck. Tho author
of tbo poker pJuycr's manual, who is
now representing us id tho English
Court, is to bo looked after by a Con
gressional committee On Monday of
last week, Mr. Pcarcc, Republican, of
Massachusetts, introduced a resolution
in the House, directing tho committee
on Foreign Affuirs to investigate the
connection of Minister 8ehoiick with
the Emma tnino scandal and tho Ma
chado claim. Had Bchonck pos
sessed (ho honor which should charac
terize on American Minister, ho would
have resigned lon, ago. Now that
tho committee on Foreign Affairs have
Uin directed to make an inquiry Into
tbo matter, and call upon the Secretary
of Stato for any iiiiurmation which,
without detriment to the pubtlcscrvjce,
ho can furnish, the country may ex
peH soon to learn in what light the ad
ministrutioa hyiks upon tbo whole
matter, and what it prop.osos to do in
llio premises.
Tin Stay Law. House bill No. 136,
relating to Judgment! and slay of exe
cution, has passed tho second reading
in that body. What its fate will bo,
no ono Rooms to k now. The bill grants
a stay of execution for two tears, on
judgments now remaining unsatisfied,
or which may bo obtained within six
months from tho passngo of tho act ;
provujod, the defendant can show that
lie Is Ihe owner of property to doable
tho amount of the claims held against
him ; or, the defendant may give securi
ty to the Court or J ustice of tho Pesos
before whom tbo judgement was ob
tained, which aseurity shall coirsist of
ono or more persons, who shall satisfy
the Court or Justice that thcirproperfy
at a (ou4- valuation is worth doublo the
The comment on the trial and ae-
.initial of the murderer, Landis, for thai
killing of the editor of tho Vineland
(N. ).) Initrpenitent, nr strange and
ofteo bitter.. The jury cleared him, bo
cause it considered him insano. Wo
notice that that metropolitan journal,
the Now York Tribune, however, views
the matter differently from tho rest,
and thinks that tho killer of Carrtith
was justified, not because he was insano,
but becuuso Carrtith had attacked him
in his newspaper: "The people who
sustain, wanton, brutal, and perpetual
defamation of private character," say
the Tribune, ''and aupwrt tho editor
who seeks to stab a man he dislikes,
must oxpoct an oocasional hunted vic
tim to take matters in his own hands.
It is a, relapse into barbarism, cannot
bo justified, and cannot be concealed
by any transparent picas of Insanity.
But how much better is that stale ol
society and of law which seems to leave
tho man no other modo of protecting
himself and his family T"
Well, if that is to be the programme
in tho future, the editor of tho Tribune,
Whitelaw Reid, had bettor put on a
brass hat and a steel vest ; becauso he
invites outlawry. Wo have very little
objection to the u jo of a cow-hide occa
sionally, but pistols and bludgeons
should never be brought into requisi
tion. If Carrulh was alive, ho might
mako restitution for the personal
wrong he done to Landis ; but now tbo
bill is settled forever, and Landis' hands
are stained with tho blood of .a fellow
mortal which will annoy him inorfl for
the balance of bis life than the sarcasm'
of the dead editor.
Delano Suoet ik not "Cuooked"
Too. Noto was made, the other day,
of tho existenco of a (225,000 deficiency
in Columbus Delano's old ensh-box,
and of the ingenuous suggestion ol
Chandler's clerks that the shortago
was ascribable to the great Indian con
fab in the Black Hills country lost
summer. It was a pretty big deficit,
but a still bigger story, and oven llyj
members from tho rural districts laugh
ed at the idea. Tho Interior Depart
ment, however, thought it explanation
enough, and as it vouchsafed no other,
things' took ihelr course. By the in
struction of Congress, the President
will now appoint t. competent military
officer to visit the Red Cloud agency
and investigate. It's only fair to say
that tho Uouso is not in the humor to
accept as thut officer's report simply a
revised copy of. Brother Smith's com
mission's conclusions. This time the
lacta must bo forthcoming.
Audacity. Wo havo had Boochor
and Tilton for some time j and now
comes "Miss Bessie Turner," whose
solo claim to celebrity and fiity ounts
admission at the door, so far as wo
know, is her appearance as a witness iu
the scandal trial last summer. Nor
was that appearance such as toongago
the pure fancy or interest the healthy
intellect, For tho most part she dis
tinguished horsulf by a certaiu impur-
viousncss ofoouuloiianee not apt to bo
found in desirable young women, and
by the reciul of adventures suggestive
equally ot A lowd imagination and a
conscience not sensitive lo jural obliga
tions. Arid yet she promisee to lec
ture! We doubt whether, even if Mr.
Boccbcr himself furnished tho manu
script, her discourse could bo an edify
ing one, But if we should advise peo
ple not td go and bear it, she would
have a crowded house. So wo refrain.
Buffalo Courier.
An Eyi Opener. The testimony
taken by tbo apecial commit too of
Congress, appointed to investigate tbo
affairs of the Freedman's Bank will
opon the eyos of the colored brethren
who put money in that institution,
when it is published. It is already
proven that the bank was so managed
and officered as to ojien tho way to
miscellaneous stealing. It was a foun
dation of perennial greenbacks to im
pecunious carpel baggers ami slippery
pious rascols as long as the duped
fVocdmoii continued to make its vaults
the receptacle ot thoir liltU boards.
Tho history of this corporation, which
will shortly be a completed book, will
develop the most shameless and con.
(cmptiblo of all tho frauds practiced in
the nsino of Loyalty and liberty upon
helpless, Ignorant and urtsuepectod
An iNTEhtsima Incident. Most
of our readers aro aware that M r. Fer
ry, ono of tho United States Senators
from Connecticut, died during the re-
cess. As usual on all such occasions,
both Houses set apart a day, after as-1
scmbliug, on which eulogies gre pro- j
nounced In honor ot the deceased,
Tuesday, the 8th Inst., was fixed by
Congress for tho oecnsion In this in-,
stance. A niimbtr of tho mchibers;
very feelingly alluded to the good quail-
ties of tho deceased, and among them
Mr. Garfield, of Ohio, who read a long,
well written addroos, tiid pj, tho con
clusion stntctl thut they wero tho re
marks propured by Mr. Starkweather,
one of tho members from Connecticut,
who but recently was followed lo tho
grave. This Interesting fcaturo never
occurved jn Congress before.
I 1,1 II.1 '.XK
The Presidential Tebm. Mr. Ran
dall's proposed amendment lo tho Con
stitution, fixing tho President's term of:
ofllcpatsixyoare and making him inelig
ible to re-eleeUou, meets witbvory gen
eral apprvalin aH portloiisof the country
and is strongly urged by the leading
journuls. Tho measure is presented at
a lima when iU wisdom is to clearly
demonstrated by the atnbilion of Hit
present occupant of the While House,"
that It will provo ono of the most
prominent questions buforo the Forty-
fourth iiongress. While there may bo
doubts as to Iho fuvurublp action of
tho Scnato upon the amendment, we
havo confldenco that tho House of
Representatives will give strong. ex
pression to tho popular feeling as to its
Had Death. Hon. Itovenly John
ston, of Baltimore, was found dead in
the Governor's grounds, at Anapolis,
Md., on Thursday last. It has sinco
been discovered that while turning
the corner of the Governor's mansion,
ha slipped and fell, his head striking
the stone tuundntion of a buy. window,
causing death almost jusfnntly. Mr.
Johnston was the peer of Case, Cod:
boun, Clay, Benton and Webster.
Nnn like him survive him. He was
In tbt 80th year of bU age.
This gigantic ring of Sluto robbers
has floaty, through tho Deaiocrutio
majority In the Lower House, been
brought Into subjection In tbo people
and fair dealing. During the past rlf-1
toon years that band has taken outofthoj
State Treasury just that many millions,
of the peoples taxes. The average has
boon at least a million a year. And
the only member that bas (lied was
poor Evans.
Tbo Finance bill which finally passed
the Homo by a voto of 152 to 19 will
bo found below. The Radicals In the
Senate exhauslod all thoir strategy to
defeat tho measure, but wuie finally
compelled to swallow this Democratic
pill, which should bo entitled "An Act
to present future robberies of the Stulo
Section 1. Be if enacted etc., Thut
the sinking fund ahull consist of the
proceeds of the sale of the public works
or any part thereof, incoiuo littm pro
ceeds ot the sale ot any stocks ownou
by the Commonwealth and two-thirds
l ., II 1 1 . ll.n .... .l,..Lr ,l nil
corporations of this Commonwealth.-
Tho general revenue fund shall consiht
of one-third of nil taxes on the capital
stock ol corporations anil till other rev.
eniies of tbo Coinnionweulth : I'ro-
riJeil however, Thai fur tbo fiscal year
ending ISovemher dtl, a. P. Isiu, two-
thirds ot the amount derived from the
tax on tho capital stock on corpora
tions shall bu paid into the general
revenue fund and the remaining one
third into tbo sinking fund. I'rovided,
That this act shall not be so construod
as to authorize tho uso or application
of any moneys which under existing
laws bavo already been paid into the
sinking fund, otherwise than in the ex
tinguishment of the public debt unless
in cuso of war, invasion or insurrection.
Sec. Z. That tho Stato Treasurer
shull on the first business day ot each
month render a statement of account
to the Auditor General giving in detail
the different sums which go to mako
up the grand total ot tho amount on
that day in the Stato Treasury belong
ing exclusively to tho sinking lund,
such statement shall include tlio names
of banks, corporations, firms or indi
viduals with whom the moneys of said
tunu are deposited, with tho various
amounts of such deposits, tho securities
held by the istato tor the sale kccpimr
of tho same, and tlio rolo of interest
or other consideration, if any, received
by tbo State on such deposits, and shall
bo verified by the oath or afflrinat'on
of tho Stale Treasurer, and recorded
in a book kept for that purposo in the
Auditor licnerul s olllco, and ahull bu
open for tbo insjiection of tho gover
nor, heads of departments, members of
tho Legislature, or any citizen of the
State, desiring to inspect tb same, and
each batik, corporation, firm or indi
vidual with whom such moneys are
deposited, shall render, on the first
business day ot each month, an account
to the Auditor General, corresponding
to that of the State Treasurer, giving I
the amount ot such moneva denos ted ;
during tho month, tho amount then en
deposit, the rate of interest, if any, paiil
on such deposit, and the securities held
by the State tor tho salo keeping of
sucu moneys.
Sec. 3. it shall be tho duty of the
Stato Treasurer to render a slutomenl
to the Commissioners of tho sinking
lund on the nrst business day ot Janu
ary, April, July and October in each
and every year, giving the balanco re
maining in the sinking fund in excess of
ot the amount required to pay the in
terest on tho public debt, w hereupon
the commissioners ol the sinking fund
shall authorize tbo purchase, by the
nsral agont ot tho citato, ot the loans
of the Comnssnwcallh next maturing,
at the then market rates; Provided,
such purchase can bo made for tho
best interests of the Commonwealth ;
provided farther, that all such invest
ments shull immediately be cancelled
by said agent and a certificate ot the
samo forwarded to the commissioners
of tbo sinking fund In liko manner, as
it the said loan bad been redeemed by
tho Commonwealth.
Sec. 4. The State Treasurer shall in
his monthly report to the Auditor
General tako credit for the amount of
such purchase mado by the said fiscal
agent and shall also givo the rato and
amount of premium if any paid lor
sucn purchases,
Sec. 5. All laws or pari of laws in
consistent herewith are hereby re
pealed. The Newest Sua me. The confirm
ation by thp U, S, Seoul o of Grant's
nomination of E. C. Billings to bo Judge
of tho United States District Court in
Louisiana, in place of Durell, who re
signed to escapo impeachment, indi
catoa very plainly that there is no hope
of reform within the Ijmjlj, of tho Re
publican party. Tho facts In regard
to Billings, and his complicity In the
worst acts of Durell, aro well known.
It Is putting tho cbbo in modcrato lan
guage when we say that previous to
tbo iiiiiwtraliop of Grant no Presi
dent would ever bavo even thought ol
making such a nnmliintion, and that
no Senate over before existed sufficient-
y servile and reckless to havo approved
jt. Mr. Edmunds, of Vermont, Chair-
man ot tho Jmliciarv Committee, is on.
titled to tbo credit of makins a report
in fuvor of confirming Hit's disgraceful
nomination, He, himself, is believed
to have at-plrations ftir an appointment
Hs Jndgo of a United Stulos Court, but
his action In this matter should forever
bar tho mention of his name in connoc-
lion with so responsible an ofllco. iu
reporting in favor of Hillings, Senator
Edmunds has made a formal declara
tion that he dood not consider Integrity
and jturtty of character essential quali
fications for a Judge.
ao ox, vuctoh !
We notice by tho Senate proceeiKngs
that Senator Buyer baa read a bill in
plueo, authorising tho ci(iaom of every
wind, borough, ftud township in this
Commonwealth to vote for one person
for Assessor and two persons for As.
sistititt Assessors on the third Tuesday
of February, A, D, 1877, and tri enui
ally thereafter, Tlio Assessor so uloctud
shull serve for three years. Any va
cancy occurring in llio meantime shall
bo filled by the Commissioners of the
proper county, which ipiolitco shall
sorvo out tho unexpired term of his
predecessor. All acts inconsistent here
with are hereby repealed.
Wo havo not seen a copy of the bill,
but give tp foregoing us llie substance
of tho one (be Senator olferod. If (his
bill jiasses, one-half ot the grievances
which Iho taxpayer now suffer and
comiiiuin in, win bu removed. Wipe
uuj thp present system of electing Ai
servers' auiiuiilly ami wo will have
uniformity in values, if llolliiig mure
Grant I sure of a third term. The
Constitutional inaugural day next y oar
tho4lh of March will fall on Hun-
day, and in accordance with all histor
ical precedents tho next President will
Ire Inaugurated on Monday, March Bib,
wherefore Grant will hold office ono
day ove Uis flepo;id term. Twenty
four hotir will Iw tits entrain itiiir.1),
of hi " third term."
The LegMaiuro annually, more
or less, annoyed with dog law bill.'.
The tine found below being House lull
No. 128, is one of llio most sensiblo
that wo have suuu offered. If no sheep
are killed by the dogs, the tux roveru
to the School treasury of the lownshi
or the borough, This is a pretty good
way to tilibr.o worthless dogs, and
makes thorn useful to the public, If nut
so to the owner. The bill Indicated
reads as follows;
An Aw lor tbo protection of dogs and
providing for the surplus fund lo be
jiuid lo llio treasurer of the school
districts of ih lowitships and bor
oughsof this Commonwealth.
Section 1. Be it emu-ted, etc., That
irom and alter the tmii'o of tl.ii m i
it shall bo tbo duty of tlio auditors ol
inu several, uiwnsbtps ami iiuruugbs of
this Commonwealth, aiift tboy are
hereby required to cause un uocuralu
return to bu taken annually by tho
assessors)!' the several townships and
uorotigns wiiiiin nla uiU Uoinnion.
I "i
weuiin, oi un nogs owned or posscsscu
any person or pemous witltin their
yl"e to nhi, or roughs, pur
. i..ft ..-i.r.. . .. t i
ti....iui.r . .t i i
possessed bv each norson and ket.t
about any. house, and when tho said
auditors shall bavo so ascertained the
number of dogs aforesaid, they shull
levy and canto to be collected annually
from any person or persons owning or
possessing uogs liny cents tor each and
every dog, and one dollar for every
additional dog, aud One dollar fur each
and every bitch, at the same timo and in
t lie same inannerus t ho con nty rates and
levies are collected, and five per cent,
of the same shall be allowed as collec
tion fees, and it shall be the duty ot
tho township or borough treasurer to
keep separate accounts of the money
arising Irom tie tax on dogs, and the
said money sbill be and is hereby ap
propriated as fund for remunerating
the inhabitants of tbo said township or
borough for any loss they shall sustain
alter tiie pnssago of this act by slioep
being destroyed or injured by dog or
Sec. 2. That tvory doir kct.t or stav
ing about any souse, shall bo deemed
sufficient evidoiico of ownership, to au
thorize the assessor to return the per
son inhabiting said bouse as the owner
or possessor of such dog, and every dog
not returned shall be deemed to have
no owner, and may bo lawfully killed
by any person seeing him running at
Seo. 3 Tho auditors shall severally
receive for their services the sum of
one dollar per day, while engaged in
the pcrtorutuiiocs of their duties under
this act, which sums shall bo added to
and with the damages so appraised.
Sec. 4. That any dog scon within an
enclosure where sheep aro kept, with
in the said cosnty, except when in
company with the owner, or some
"'""V '"" or ber """illy, may be
" i ,,'!
, DM" ul1 "ou" arising
:''oin.tlie. Ux on dogs aforesaid accumii-
'" r uonui;u iroas-
ury to an amount beyond what the
lownsnip or Dorougti auditors may
think necessary to carry out the pro
visions of this act, they shull havo
power, and are. hereby required, as
olten as such contingency occurs, to
proceed to set apart such surplus for
common school purposes, and to pay
tlto samo into the treasury of the
school board or boards of said town
ship or borough.
Sec. 6 All acts or parts of acts con
flicting with this act are hereby re
pealed. Gone West. The White House
family have taken Greeley's advice aud
gone West, to co that 'crooked"
whisky prosecutor "convict no inno
cent parties." A good idea. A Wash
ington correspondent says :
Tbo drioiud ftr vltnouM la tho Rrsooor trial
ha BlhauRtad tbo raaular foraa of odniali at tho
Whlto lloaaa. Tbo Frtdtp Row Mod' ItilftMR
ago to tba Hanala by ooo ol b i kri. Tbo ftuxl
oat youth baa for Mroral dri porforaod tho taok
without Oanatart haowing who boo labos tho
plftoo of littoral Babooek, aad Hr. Laokoj, tho
Journal elork ol I bo BonRto, la roqairod to Halo
who dtllrora tho Proxdoot'R MRoougoa, oad ft
rritorilaj aobod wbotbtr any oh hsotr tho
trftSEor. 1 otlmi to oat tbo IpfntoiRlloR, hi tola,
rapbod lo tbo U bilo Uouoa, V) bo aaa tbo hoy
ihftt dolivorod tbo Prooidaal'R aftafo ta-day f "
Tbo arjiwar rotursod, itgDo by tbo Pmidaal,
ao, " My ton, Viyifot B. UrRM, jr."
We presume the boy is too small to
be initiated into tho crooked way of
the White House ring, and, therefore,
is the only one not implicated.
A Small Lectub. We aro often
astonished at the publishers of Poruo
cratio nowspaper fbr Inserting the
prospectuses of leading Radical organ
in their respective journals. Quite a
number do this for tho Pittsburgh
Commercial, tho most pestiferous sheet
published in the Slate, except the Har
risburg Telegrapk. "Somo of thorn are
not satisfied with merely advertising
the euemy's documents, but they puff
them too, so as to get tbo Democratic
reader to subscribe for them. Show
us the Radical newspaper publisher
who Is green enough to insert ihe pros
pectus of a Democratic newspaper, It
would bo Just as politlo and consistent
for tbo Presbyterian, or tho Christian
Advocate, to advertise tho works ol Tom
Puino and Voltaire.
A, (illVEBa'UEKT PpN, Kx-Scnftllir
Zuch. Chandler is now a member of
Grant' Cabjnet, anil is a good deal
like the " Boss" in many ways, Tho
twain wore out until throe o'clock tho
other night, ud on tho return homo,
tho wife of tho Cabinet minister re
marked thus : "7.acharinh,"said Mrs.
Chandler, "what aiuwll is that f"
"Cloves," "But that other emel?"
" A llsplco." j' JJul lani thero anolhor If
."Yes apples," " And just ono more?"
" Cider, my dear." " Well, Zacharlali
suid sbo, "if you'd only drink a littlu
brandy now you'd make A good mince
TimotuH Conhiiks". Tho Cvpten
niul bjll wit finally puod In Hie Uni
ted Slates Kenato on the litis Inst., by
a vote of 41 yeas to 15 nay. The bill
ha, therefore, become a law ore this
time, and wo havo no doubt but that
thp Centennial CummitliH) ur jiWid
of their victory.
1 li..
Instead or Iianuino. The iK'rWiitfc
American discusses hanging as a mode
of canitul punishment, ajuf propose a
substitution of oloolrloity for tho gal
lows. H recommend the following ns
the way in which to havo executions
cnndiictwl : "The battery and ptul
should bo of siifllcient atro'ngfh to do-
uvor an eighteen Imh spark. In case
of there being morn ihuu im person
to exocuKullof llio condemned would
he conducted, with all duo ceremony.
to tbo place of execution, the left hand
of one man handcuffed to the right
hand of his neighbor and the conduct
ing wire fastened to bracelet on the
disengaged wrists of both criminals, if
only two am la hp executed, or to the
wrist ni tueouior men u nmre man
thut number are to suffer, The ou
prils being seated so a to bo seen by
Iho legal wtiHMc, (tin Sheriff pressus
the button, The mirront I Instantly
established from Ihot'nll.passos through
the bodies nf tho men, and all Is over,"
Thin 1 kioi Ut to romwmiKsr, jtmt
tlllW ' 111 .SVttttl llV VHtllltf
bu ilimlnlslicrl. but ha thsl ntherath
by Istor (hull incniiuo."
f(.l., j. sujj l0 IV0 vll .,,,. j
I Can da
Indications of a speedy eruption
of Mount Vusut lus tiro steudilv iuciviis
lug. ' , ' ,
The Mexican government has or
dered reinliirVL-inonts' to the Texas
bonier. .
nemiior ftugiiMii mis turneil over
all bis liat k pay to Senator Fewy's
wttiow. .
Tbo loroign exports of Plilladol
pbia. Inst tvook, amounted in value to
Deluwnie proposta, .to establish
sugar making us a regular home In
dus! sr. . , ,
Pierro Subnotion Laurentie, tho
u nil:).
rrencii uulnor, is UeaJ. Ho was bom
It i. generally believed that tho
Celestial aro bent on fighting Kiiglaml,
sooner or utter.
Wi,r is imminent between Gualo-
Inulu und Sun Salvador. Uotb Coun
tries an; arming.
n ... . . n is 10 no ntrnieu with oil
I'ecaitso oi
bo exorbitant charges of
I ,Ue '"'i''
Fliey are trying in Philadelphia
lo raise a pui'ty of one thousand inon
to go to the Black Hills.
Of eighteen fiiriiucus in Berks
county, Pa., cloven aro out of blast.
Thrco ol the idle ones are In Reading.
A Mormon missionary is about to
begin operations in Boston. Horn we
shall sen whether the girls foul hubby.
The magnificent residence of the
lutu Mr. Ralston, in San Francisco, is
now occupied by ISudd Doble, tho
noted horso trainer.
Philadelphia claim the palm "for
the greatest religious meetings over
hold on this Continent!" Now for the
Grasshoppers don't molest sheep,
and henco a good many Kansas people
aro going into the wool business this
Juda 1 sea riot is tho only hard-
money man mentioned in the Bible.
lie tinted tho proceeds ol his salo in
In New York and vicinity thoro
aro upwards of five hundred florists
with an aggregate invested capital of
St. Joseph, Missouri, is all aglow
with satisfaction over tho discovery of
extensive cannel coal beds within a few
miles of that city.
Gormntry is going In send over
hero several officers of the mining de
partment, with instructions to study up
our mining industries.
Italy is so pleased with Groat
Britain's idea of heavy artillery thut
sho has ordered a hundred ton gun to
bo cust lor naval service.
Thoro stands on Jacob' -creek,
Fayette county, Iho crumbling remains
of a furnace stack built In 1732, by a
Frenchman named Turnbull.
Lieutenant Cameron's recently"
completed Alncait exploring tour was
a great success, every member of hi
party but himself having died.
Besides a population of 581.156,
Kansas has 74.900 dogs, and they killed
last year 5,233 sheep, or about five per
cent of tho number in the .Stato.
Tho Emperor of Brazil Is to arrive
in Washington in April, and, after vis
iting the Centennial, will I ravel through
tbo country for about three month.
The Prohtbilioiiinl convention in
Hartford, Conn., ho renominated the
Stute ticket of last year and chosen
delegate to their National convention.
Last year the town of Winter,
Cel., was a wheat field, and a crop was
gathered from it, To-day it has 1,200
inhabitants, and town lots aro worth
A Chester county couple celebrat
ed thoir wooden wedding last fall, and
havo been using no other fuel than
clothe pin aud potato-masher over
A Few days ago the barn of Henry
M, Kngle, of Marietta,l Jtncastorcounty,
was destroyed by fire, and twenty-nine
head of cattle, worth (3,000, burned to
The latest report from the pork
packing district show that very little
business is being dono at present at
interior points. Lard will be short,
this year,
Tbo Congreg rational churchc and
preacher invited to partako of l'ly
mouth Church' coming feast of filth
don't Boom particularly inclined to sod
A. W. McCullough, a well known
oil broker ot Pittsburgh, bat disap
peared. Forgery on tho East Brady
Bank and other crimes are charged
against him.
Tho Rothschild are Fuid 'to be
worth only (3,400,00,000, and dis
cbarge a servant girl about once a week
for throwing away ashe without ant
ing thorn, ,
A Nebraska paper say that tho
kind ol settler they want out thero I
those that havo big families of girls, a
there I a great scarcity of marriagea
ble females.
A bill to forbid Territorial pomii
tlos, cities, and town to indebted
ness iu aid of railroad companies or
other private corporation baa born in
troduced in Congress,
The Republican Treusurer of St.
Lawrence county, N. Y., not to Ihj out
of fashion, has absconded with tho
funds. 1100,000 Irom his bondsmen
will balance Ihe book.
Last year tho importation o raw
silk Intq bo 'rtilrd tjlfilfs, reached the
largo aggregate of 1,3.10,482 pounds,
denoting a rapid growth of the silk
nanulacttiring Industrie.
The fire in Iho old Baltimore
mines, near Scranton, this Slate, on
which the steam mm forty boiler has
been forced for two year padt, have
upon ut last exttngtiisnou,
Tho I'oltsgrovo.Monli'omery coun
ty, School Hoard is engaged in discus.
iiitf wlieluur the hoy shull lie pornut
lud tu vltuw tulisctu in sc'IiikiI unci ro
om it llm floor ns cuHiiior,
It il I'luiiutxl thut of Ml ersons
S'lliilllotl lo the rrsiiKHIl Kilormslory
Homo for liinliiintfs, l'liilatltiliihi.
since 1872, boiit 240 nearly 6fty per
wnt. nave ih'vd onnroiy rvtomivu,
Over 0Q liiilt liniintftsfd with a
ivsntlult'iil stamp have neon niscorerea
in tho Post Office Department. Most
of thrse bitls are in course of fulfill
ment in lexas, Arkntisus and Louis
It lins I'Ut'h' Ipoit tllstHivori'd that
liulj tlotiiitiiin, in Kast Tennessee, is
ru b with stiver. A few boxes of tho
ore wore rucontly sent to l'ltiladulnhi
to be ti'fl, sntf fnvoinlilo roport Is
Massachusetts nronosu to caaot
a law proviilinff that' no pupil in any
9 tbo ptililie schools ia that State shall
ott rvqntruti to participate in any n
l(iiii or (Ivvutional vxvrcise, if the
pupil's parent or guaritlqn shU luniiosf
him o e rttiiswi,
Ounoral Cue, now living In Van
Wert poMMy. Uhlo, wa horn July 4,
1771). Hotk his iiarenU weru niasaa-,
ered by Indian. 11 (erred through
tho war of 1819, and wa with (icnvral
Scott at til cnptui-e of Niagara and
Kort (jeorgo. ll. will be al'th. Co..
Henry J. George, it tiiniir, near
Kutztown, Pa , is ungated in tanning
alligator hides. Thc:iii l, hoen
nioaily obtained from iSnuth America,
and the lumber is in gr.-ul deiiiund for
the liiuniilUcturu of water pi'otil boopt,
being erlWtly impervious lo ato.
The United Slates ('ourls hyvujusl
decided, ill a ciimj ol tm,kii..l y. that
a bachelor, Ihungh he keeps hoiii.o with
an adopted son nod servants, is mil the
head of tt lauiily, so us to be t'lilitlvii
to the huincsieail exemption.
('has. l. Luiidis, ruccutlv ununited
oftlemurdorot Currutb.on the giouud
(if insanity, wb pronounced suite by the
Court, tin -Mon. lay lust, uttoruu exam
illation of witnesses, and was di
charged from custody.
gup dwtlsfituiits. -
c a r i?
Auction Sales from 7 to 9
o'clock, commencing Thursday
evening, February 1 7th, to con-
tinue every niglit until March 1st,
nnd on Saturday afternoons from
2 to 4 o'clock.
Claartrli. Daa. . IST5.
Markst Stmt, Clearicld, Pa.
fall. I.
All MraoM k krbr atlnnr!
parehcttpg r im m Monw ddliag with th
follow tag proyrtr, mm im thpouttim nf W.
Kopp, ! unulj lowMbtp, Tin l two sorw
ft. 1 light go, 1 tog ld Md bioi, 1
ftrc.1 horM. t mi lni)u, S eowt. a lot mi
luaftvr, 14 of togi, II um of whM
and ty im tha groan d, plow, harruwa. raaottig
HI aad jlt.Tlof, m lb tarns tu nuiuhaMtl
by u at Ubarif ' oa tba Ilia ( Novhr,
117a, aad wUftwita said KopaM Iota aal,
abjaet la a.v ardtr at any Uni.
Lvtbar'Urg, Fta. If lo.fl tt
All pmoBt ant brah Qaiitlonad agalait
Bureauing or In anj wajr aiadJIB lib tttr
follow, mg pruptptj. tow ia ihajMSMMioa f Klia
Burai, of taian Wwacb.p, tiii I brow a bar,
1 Mt doubt haracia, I lwo,-h'r wigoa, I bareaa,
I up board, I tiali, S atu chain, 1 parlor tovo,
4 bedi aad aaddtag, a tba aaaia u pnrtbaaad
by lw at ConiUbla'i nil, aad baa bwa bill with
hiai aa loaa oni, Mlyant to my orutor my tltat.
Roehtoa. Pb. 1ft, 1178-11
Tba aa.ariofriblp baraUfora ailitln b-
twoea tbt unriflr-ignad, doing buaioan ia tba
horaugh af Wallaoatan. UloarAald eouaiy, wai
diaaalrad by Mutual auoMOt la Mareh, I(i7l. T.
B. Wood it a miriug fro a the art. Tba booka
having aM lfi la tba handa of J-ba Holt fur
atltlaiotot aad aollaoliua. JOHN HOLT,
T. li. HOOUSlpES.
Wllee, P Ih. la, li7a-4t
Cw lo a tirvralsH. la Lawraaoa townihip.
aa r about tba Ita aay of Ptbrwary, H7, a
alray aow, blank aad wait, aboat tight or Bin
ytara old. Tho uwaor li rqua(d to eoaa for
ward, pror property, pay charge and tah bar
way, or aha will b diapaod of according to law.
ClcirnalJ, Pi., fob, IA, 1871 It
lUrtetort rrpnrt of tba dMrlat of Dtuov, la
tba suustr ol ClRnrlald, lor lb 7 tar Ilia,
Atuouatof lnJabta.tiaii
Amouat of toaSi drat.'
Aaiouat ol fioatiof Srbr
VRtt4lltfS of lRt4 tRlablt proiertM
Ataouat af tai aattiaad
tital apnroprtatioa
J Amouat of aacollfcUd talra..
tl,M IB
M. B.SMIAI., Prat'l.
Joss Satrw, Srt'j,
. I, !; . .
Sulriaral of Bokaol Fas of Wallaootos
aorbSab, ClrarBild 000017, t's:
llRl. duo. 1173,1 oRRdl of A. V.UolROS
Itt 14
Hal. L. . atarcaa
B.I. duplloolRi Rod ISli la b.od.
of F. Oaoiiimaa
Wai. U. Uutlor'i Ban, doo from Co
Ifi Kt
40 "0
fair II
. 12 It
OolitRojipg ordrrt, isaluu'g Utrrril.
BrIrooo doo dlilrlol
,.tH 14
No aattlorarot ol tkii oltb TrRarr Rd
Colloelor for lilt, T. M UOkT. Rao'l.
t.llio.toR, f.b. t, lro. Jt
IIrvIdk laoaa sir bralhoriRlR bartRRnoit, I
doRtro to bovo mj old oroosati IohhI. I itera
tor a OlTR SOllRO 19 Oil bO kROW tOOOIHlvRO is.
dab tad 10 010 k. oorir fRitrard rooa Rod nlllo Bo.
0 that wo oaa ttao s B douRrWro.
Cloarsold, doljl 14, It. II. f. at. VAItUOn.
PYV 0 7. Ef AN TO O",
Yors, Issa'r.
jf.anfl WardtB sail rlaaor Boailt, Ural
aatROiaVtdr, Kaod Cora. rt tors, Pond
oloro,MoRd WhoaU, Troo and Hr.lfR (aril..
S. B1.I.M, Of sll HMr, Ut Ssrlsg ttl'l Ul
ra rss rRitisuo(.
I ItMliS UlRd.rJ Rod IraRrf FllU Tnoi,
''' sadHoiRii Troit., Ktor.rM.o, oraROMtoi
I -'Jt 7? All
.. It
. 40 S
. IJi to
t,m oo
est o
r ss
to 74
Dfterlilirt Catalofwa
Wh Mid that fou would
woar, roiner man m wnoiesait goods com
monlj told 7 This will tell you how lo do It.
You Can Save Enough
Is buying b toll tt Oak Hall
fro anywbar In thla Cranty to th City of Philadelphia,
aad hav a day of al(ht-alnt baalda. Wanantakai A
Urowtt atasd by thia Statamant, and M will
" roa aftar an Ulal.
Charaetar af
tha fiaadi a aaOl
"MJ ba
1 hry
can be relied
Skft OHJ BaW
rrutl. Wa bear ao 01 -will a any oaa, and atu ihia only becaiiaa aoM
dcakn aell poor (ooci aa cotnirtg fro our bout. To each of our culoa
m we ar mpoatble tor articlca bcMif hi of ua. Py our plan of Ticketing
tha nrkt ummtt of lb auunJa on our etxxfc. no oaa tu be BuUd aa to
Waaa'naUra aVawii
traal their
To a
alao, that the awney wMl be paid
wianaa, far any reaaoa, (o retura
THIS I Important is
peot4e hving ate
Itrjeit our Sign,
abera Ota f tars It,
FhiUdelphla, It U a large building, the ilea of four orrliniry More., and ia
on tha South-eait corner of SI XTHS 1 XI H .hllilll.SI K I H
SlXTH-ilXIll and Market &uc.
. 1 J E
i j Ktau
ing their
any one
to tne Kipt
Thaw ah eanaat
nnieu. mm
wvntel nnd
la allowed I
paying, U here
ireaa Co. on receipt of gomli, and tlie privilree of caaminini tbt
pay Dm expreaeage batk tr. 1-htUdtlphia.
mU tun u , emr Mmt 0m ft, hutidimg md nvr At irr
vmi emUr,
grj tSooflj, (Brorrrlts, (6t(.
WHEREAS, floB. 0. A. MATER, lr.airlent
Jadra of tha Coart of Com two pi af
tha Twantj-irth Judicial Dlatrlet, eompoaed of
uw vnuBtirn oi viaaroeia, uantr ana vital
and lloa. Wiluam 0. tohj and Hoa. Joan J,
tmAo, Aaaooiata tvaf i Clear Be Id oaa nty.
hava iaaaad tbtir prsriapt. ta mm diratrttd, for tbo
aoldiog uf a Coart af Comaaaa P)aa, Orphan'
Oourit Court of Qaartar waloaa, Ooart of Oyer
aad Terminer, and Caart af UeorUll Daily,
ary , at th Coart llaaaa at Claarflald, la ami foe iba
oouali of Clearfield, ooaiiiionttinit oa tb Mitral
Monday, tha t-Mh day of Marati 7, and
la onntlnti entwk.
NOTICH IS, lharafora, hereby aire, to tha
Coroaar, Joatieea af th Peace, and Com table,
ta aod far aaid coanty af CltarAald, ta appear ia
Ibeir proper peraoat, with laalr Korda, Holla,
Inqutpittoni, Kiantnatlona, and otbar Kna.
branma, to do tboaa thing which to their otic,
and la thoir behalf, prtta to b doa.
Hy an Act nf Aaaembly, paaerd th fllh aVy of
Mar, A. I). 1&4, $ aiad th duly of tb Ju
IImi ol tha Peace of th aevrral aBtiea of thia
Cutotutinwe-ilih, ta return lo th Clark of I he
Coarl uf gnarlar 8Mluna af th mpMllr
anuollo, all lb rroKniatiooi Ircd Into bfure
then by any pernio or preoni charged fth the
tiaimtnon of any en ate, aieept uh cra aa
at bo end a J beltir a U tb IN-ac. va-
dr rit.unj lwa,at leaat Ul dnya bef.r the
ontnuiva'eajut uf ih aalon or th Court to
which they at atada rtaroaMertel(rely,nd ,
la all whar any rewgnluae ar aourad
lata Iraa thaa tan waya befuia Ihe euiamsnortnaot
of tb bb1ib la whiub ttiay are nada rvturna
ble, tb aatd Jnatlcaa ar b return Mia aaina in i
lb m u. a maattar aa tf ni4 ai had aut hraa
fMeard. j
NlVKN1 andeg my hand at CI.erA.M, thla tih
day of February, In th yr ot ar Unt, on
tbiuiaad tgiil hand red and ieeeniy-n.
fab V to W. K. M. PHKuaoN, Shcr.f.
Willi. A. Cut , j
In lb Coarl of Common
He of ClenriMilCu.,
Nn. Term. 1ST.
. L uUa J, Cos, j 4uit aan, i a rv
a hereby ffle 14 you, Itoulxa t 6a,
that yn ar required to b and anpar at ur
eat Court af Ooiuitvja Pleta. I be held at tl.Mr
ftold, an lb JOlh day af March A. 1) . UTi. aad
aiiawar th tetnaUint of tb aid William A. Qag,
tv . W. R. M,rilRiibON,
FrH. I, IS7-4t
ik to get such Clothing u City
tmrt af what w tdl m BiaJiubcttif our
boom of tboi la our own building.
art well cul.icwod and iSnMhetJ Ihcy
ua when tbey lay they clJ our ooda,
lijWlau halt MalflBal Ikaiowloiau San
btonkMpera out ol th city
pnoa In plala fiirum and umktnftff, Th
pne to tuuainuncea aiM rtranger.
iv ncoble and countrv oeoble euual
advantage, with each article told, Omsntmiet
I given, thai tba Price U aa low a it can be benight
aavwhrre. and that the nnalit m tba rrtirvunird
back In full. If jrurchiuer within 10 day
th good, unworn.
indeed , becauae , unpriactpled
tores la Philadcluhia, emm-
card, advertiaemcnla, and
atop ttraager oa the atreet. with itt dtrttttmt
about where the atore ia, ao that they may tell their
MunlsWnt twwaria 11m. i. m.t MX r.A UbII !
aettd pattenu of material and price by
wnea irqueated.
Peraona can have
marlc-uD trootia aenf bv Eanrcaa. bv lend
measure (we lurntah eaay directtooa that
can Measure by.) and dtMCnbing rclur
ftnee (Irsirt fnvBHBnl cavn Im anaxM
good do oot DlcaM. we will rclur tha
Mat of Juror drawn for Mreh Tarta. A.
1 eomafOclDC on tba third Mjudnr.
otiiirn jvaoRt.
Haniiiili'i Jfin' Carry, Chart
ClearAeld!K. 8. Kovlin, (.-rVioo
Jno. Kicne,
K. A. Hitler,
Jaa iSarac, N. Waah
oj M'je Oecrta, Unmlar
i!. Hntnkia'an, Urahata
H. II ltawb, OmooIi
Jn Itickey, Baooaria
J. n Efli, Bell
I. W. Chi I uon, Bloom
David M , B r
J. 8. Norria, lira I fori
41eorxC. Kirk, Draly
Braetui Lmber, '
Jamer Dowlar, Duroaidc
Lucioo i-r.l, Hurtua
Jame JdcN'e, Jurdwa
Je Rjtiley. Karlbaua
J.MT. MeCulbmeb, Knoi
I). 8. Miti'liell, Larrtnee
Wm A. Mfirt, iVna
lia-io Ca'dwell, Pik
S. Hcsicrajo. Wo d'd
TRATCRsa jt'Roaa.
II. KnUtr, ClrarfioM Pflr Mario, Oirard
JuLn Kramer, tFraooit Huar, "
A. H. (Jo Klritb, " IConrad .intf. (lallrh
f. M.Uardoa, " (Ueorge Nrwoll. Hutoa
W. . Iinrt, Cur'ville!OJivr M me, Karthaua
Frank Rf., Il-rcaria Peler Ower s, l,rne
John W. Mott, Hell (I. B. Merrill,
DariJ Ian, " lA. II. (luli -b. -
Hniry Trump, Ilradfurl tt ilK'B Kuuvir, Uorrl
C. Cadiriiliader,
William I'ter,
Abram I'earc.
J. W. H.l:aobaek, M
William Dtnrer, Pens
Terntnce Keeuiu,
Tbotnn H Lilt,
John lUnd,
II. 8.
Kuhi-rt Porter,
l)id Urraaler,
iSaiu'I ArJery,
II. HI. St tier,
John Hi:cv,
Oaniel I'lt'tuan,
I-aec X. Haiu y, Clu-it
Win. M'elitvrr,
MHrlautrhlit, "
T Maarer, Covin-en
Aug Kfiugt-ui
Hilton HmJ,
M. I.. C. Kv;,,,ff"
Prod CroM,
Cbriat. Uut.-n,
Wm. M. I'r er,
J. Si. !:. .-!.,
Claud, lioiriii'iy,
M. W. W 0..ri -
, Wu.h-4
K Kcj-liari, ltC4lar j J. Air lao lnr,
lUtiaf diud of mj bnnnrn in tlila h-nv
ugh. all prna wbo have Irfl Clo-k, V. tehi
r Jmtirv, for ref air, ar bere'-y n-t'ioed to
taka them away hefur tb Irt duy of April, 1871.
Wm 8. King ill,rueed me in buciccna.
b. B. All Watohf, do., left fiver n year and
a it called lor in laat tiate will be ennilrnd for
ft tled. H. f. Ny UliLB.
Ciearfleld, Feb. 9, I87fl-3(.
For the next Sixty Dnya
will sell all their winter goods
to make room for n new
Double width Beaver Cloth, for
Ladies Conting, at only
$1.90 per yard.
Clearfield, Pa., February 3, 1 878-1 1,
From ano mlllii.B lo l.4(0.OftO feflt of Ko.
I, t and 9 pin hoard , 15, 1 1 and IA fret in length,
lo b delivered hy raft ar eata to P.ttibwrgtv
Fayneni to be mad aa follow : Tart eaah aad
part in good etly property, aa tuny be turw.
apnn. Bidr to be addrad to
LantWr YarJr.
19lb Ward, ritKhurgls I'a.,
r at ar bink, II Stall h fir td Mrrot.
!., , M74-3m
1? UAZl Kir"t:KNTK.N N t.U
, I'OCKHT lil lDK
A biiu). finloin'ngorrr Sil'V Ifrav'iltil I !)
Iralintta nf Kthititti") lluililinr, Firainut
I'ark, IndfpeBlena Hill in I7;rt an I l:6.
Orpi'nler'r llnll, Hirtisl Cttlkge. Ma'nnie IVm
(lx, Caibedral, and all other place at l-ii.-rert in
Centi-emal City, with hiitorisal eXet-ioeii f
arh. and a mmpniltuta of all other inltiratatioo
! lute ly lole'pnahhi lot I be Ciatvnnial Via
ttor, wli otigb' to tnak hima:ll ihuroghly
familiar with iu eon lea f b4r rinillng th Ex
hihiiiua. Hrnt auywltora by rvtura of mail on
rt-oeipt of price, Twonty fnt. Ad'trr-a J-ihfi W.
rraatrr, a. Ifi:7 AoHh IMh "treel, rii!ilelphln.
Dig I red diatouat to coy airy dfalera. j.nli.'U
Pa ntdtfst npd hot afpolnted loatilntlOB ftw
uistitlHlitK n Itualiti-w Rducatiua.
Forctrculaia aildnea,
r. Dl'FF m wss,
l ittaburli. Pa,
acpt. B, nra-ODBl
lOH tvAI.IU-Th aadeaaifcurd
a vaiutiit tewa nropsHtjr t u harouga
I ClearlM., Lot HflxlKh f- et, with a r d twv
tor idatik hoaao tbereoa re,tiHl. with ihre
roomi doa a atair and faur bed rooiaa up ataira.
Aiao, eewtnf rm.m aou batli room on aerund moot.
Ilui bnl-bcd potaplei from he Mar lo !.
ofiii dua) porrB aad wator, I'rioa ra-
nHiia and paymeaia eaay.
3iiaug7 WM. M. WrClM.LOI OH.
Tb tiitilrralgnad otTrra for ale on Trr"Rht
term, their rtem aaw mill, loratrd nl Wallace
ton, Cleatfleld Co., I'a. Th engine and botlera
art aagnod aw. Tha alaa of Ihi rriKfra la
U!4, aad Ui& god runnlag or r. Th y will
ateoatll betr ahttigta and Ulh mill, atu! all (be
working innohinery In th mill, pjrtic wihtnj(
lo pnteha i aa eall m ot addret
Ctra.l. Id, IV, Juae 10, lh7.
V If'tlnalRferaJvvi
niuT'iratl'ih on tho eta
Jwea that I.pltfM nf A I
ate n'0. W. ,KiiNAHll.
Ut ol t.nwreaoa twp., Clnarfleld o-iuM.r- !',
denaitaeil, hvim hocn duly gianiel to Ih tut"
tr:'d,ll i iauebted tu all tl ate o il
Eleaae ibaK linaKlata pavmonl, and tb"a
'iehi olaitu aVmanda mil pretc aha
twaarif utVtIiiwd to, gvulrm-al withail
do ar, LYDIA F. LKONAhr.
C-rwetrtvilU, ' Ata'l,