Hi ''Mi 21 6' Sardirirr, A Itawirr. , HARDWARE, aad iiftwtonn af Tln.Copper ft Sheet Iron Wire, Soeoad Street, CLBAiriBLD, PA. i i . ; ... Harlag largely Inoreeead ou ttoak of Hard ware, n Intlu lit paUlo to uuln oar .took Carpenter, and pertaaawno eontemplate Wild lag will de wall le uuln oar TOOLS BUILDIIO HAK9W1X1, wkteh li ae nil of the but Buihotir, ud WIU M tola low lor obib NAIL3, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, . - LATCHES, , , ; HINGES, J I,, ''..' .. , SCREWS All klndi of D.nob PIMM, 8wl, Chleell, Squares, Hammer!, Ilfttehoti, Plumbi and Levolo, Mortlted A Thumb Osagee, B...U, Brace. A BltU, Wood end Iroa ' s. Beoeh Borewi, ud the boot ; Boring Machine ! tht market, Doable and Single Bitt Axes, ' POCKET CUTLERY, Ac. . Agents for BurnelVt Iron Corn Shelter, warranted. Alio, ftgonli for Riobardi' GOTHIC PLUG TOPS, wblok effectually euro Amok FluM. Farmer.' ImpUm.nt. tod Oard.n Tooli of er.ry , deecripllon. A large rarlaty of COOK. STOVES, which wo warraul to giro aatlafMtion. Portable Haute mnet Furnace. fa,RooflDg, Spooling and Job Work done en rauonoblo term.. All ordorl will receive prompt attentica. Juaell, I07J. POWELL & MORGAN, DIALBItl 1 HARDWARE, Alio, Mftaafaetnrmof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLEARFIELD, PA. FARMING IMPLEMENTS of all kind, for mIo by f POWELL A MORGAN. T AILROAD WHEELBARROWS for int. by POWELL A MORUAN. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS N.lli, tU., for ulo by - POWELL A MOROAN, TTARNESS TRIMMINGS SHOE li. Finding!, for lal. by POWELL A MORGAN. Q.TJNS, PISTOLS SWORD CANES For ulo bj POWELL A MOROAN, jjjTOVKS, OF ALL BOKTS AND Sliei, for lal. by POWELL A MORQAN. fRON ! IRON I IRON I IRON I L For ill. by POWELL A MORQAN. II ORSK SHOES k HORSE SHOE 4 ; RAILS, for ..le by ' POWELL A MOROAN. jCLLEY BLOCKS, ALL SIZES Aod kilt MaaofMinr, for uli kj POWELL A MOifoAN. iIIIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE ' , BOXES, for nlo by il POWELL A MOROAN. G. S. FLEGAL, Ironsides Store, PIIILLIPHBURO, PA. . DEALER IX IIAKDWAHR, STOVES, TIEATER9, RAKO E9, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. . 0. AND MANUFACTURER OF , TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPERWARB. Praiqilili Stmt, Pbllllpibari, Cootra Co., Po. It.Mojr 1;J. . TBOi. . HCHRAT. crnvt ooRnoK. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE AGENCY PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Clearfield, Pi. DRANOR OFFICES lo dlffernt ptrti of tko Count. Too following Old ud R.llibl. Fin, Awld.nt B took aad Llfo loioronli Compoaiii rfpnnntod' Eit.b. AhoU. Nortb Brltlib A Horeaotilo Flro loi. Co., ol EnnUnd $J,Mi,MO 180ft Peoltisb Oommtroial Firo Inl. Co., of Noilaad (gold) lo,IM,000 1T94 Norib Anortoa rlro lataraaoo Co., of 1'btladilpbia. m Ift2t Firt A.MWIadoa Firolaiaraaoi 4,IM,M Co.. of Philadelphia I,IH,M laaa rnotnii . tub. w, m. v.... aao,aa KoT Walirtowa Plra lai. Co.. of H. T., iniaroi farm bolldiagp only IHT1 AMaioli Firo Intaraaoo Co., of 7M,I Cioi.lon.il ,a Mftg York fltob Ia.aranoo Co., of I'anna IaMroikorMi, Ao 7ft,9M 1874 HartforC AeoidontlniaraoooCo of CoaooMloat 1 IM.tM 1847 Poaa MMaal Lib laiaraooa ro.. of PowoiTlTaala....n.. t,400,l() I8f Motropoliun Llfo lorarmaooCo - of Now York I.Mtl.ftM Total oapltal , t7,Mi,Mt Piaoni la tka eoantr dMlrtng tataraaoo, oaa haro it promptly auondod to br talllag at tbo nffio or addraating ai br hHUr. laaaraaoaf of- toetod at tho low.it pntrlhlo rata, to bo oatatnad la Am-oiata oompaatoi. ao tUMpnafM rapro. i.fMf trafca Ma tmM.al., Tko a bo., two lift Iniaraao Co.'i, rcprootatod or t. it. fiarrar, bit. paid ant la oaib, bttwoow tht datnof Aag. 1871 and Aag. 1874, to tko frloBda of doraaoad polio balaara ia thli aoawtj, toa mm of ftll.OOO. I Pro.l.lo rar tho fatara by laaariag poor kamea and yoar li.ai ia tho W.rt ftraBoh laaaraaoo Ag.no7. MURRAY A UOROON, Cloarlald , Map M, 7S. Agrata. FULFORO cV THOMPSON, OENERAi INSURANCE AOtNTS, Cletrtold, Poan'a, - ' Hoirtat all tka loading Firo luiraaao CompaaiM of tbi oouatry : foam 4l8,tM,H4i Royal Canadina .Oaa.aaa Horn.. Y- Yark A,rM,ll I.TOomlog. Maaoy, Pa ft.tai.4tt Franklin. Phil.d... I, I'hnit, Hartford , l,8ol,8 llaaorrr, ? f Vork I.t,isi lloiaa, Col., 0, tlt.Ma Atlaa, H.ttf frt 1M,4I Pretidanoo, WathlntM tll.Mo Panoni abovt rffrotlag an htiaraBM on prop art, af any kind, ahotil aafl at oar oflao, on Markot alrwt. oppoaiU tho Ooart llouao, aad aoo oar lilt of eomuaolai and rataa bofora Imarlng. JOHN af.rULFORD, T. W. THOMPSON. Cloarlald, Pa, OoL J7, It-y J.rlt. M'MURRAY WILL HHPrLT TOO WITH ANY ARTICLB OF MRHCHANDIHR AT THB VKRY I.0W7MT PRICE.' COMI AND SEE. (I:Si7Ij.i NEW WASHINGTON. tC I, t4A Par Dap al haaa, Torau frao avv ko.w tddnaa i Addraee 8. Snaeoi A Co, PorV land, Malaa. jaalf.ly r eteit, 6rrl, U. JJARD times v,:: IIAVI HO EFFECT IN FRENCHYrLtET I ua awsra tkat tkara an aaaw aaraooi a UtUa aaiw M pioaaa, ana a aai aiao a vara um ta. oomplalat of "kard Umaa" la wall algk wol.oroai. Rat 1 am aa altaatod aaw tkat I oaa aallafy tko form or aad proro aoaolaaWolr tkat "bard timaa" will aot albot tkooa who buy tkalr goodi from aM all my patrou aaau aa taiuatod lato tka aw oral oi , HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES t hT good Mouth lo pyy M U lali.bl. UuU 1b tb lowrnJ of lt twmty wbtah I t4l tvt itwtdlaa; low nkm froai my autuaotki ttor la MULSONBURa, wliin I en iJw.t U feud ntMj to wu m nppty ml Dry Goods of all Kinds, Sack aa Clothi, Satlaattt, Ca.ilai.raa, Muallal, jlilaiooi, UBia, uriinngi, t'ailaooi, Trlmmingi, Rlbbom, Lao( RoadJ-mado Clotblng, BooU and Hkooa. Hata aad OaptH-all of tbo baat mataria! and mada to ordofw Hoao, Sooka, Uloraa, Mlltaaa, Loom, Hthbooa, Aa. OROCERIKS OF ALL KINDS. Coff.0, Toa, Bagar, Rico, Molaoaw, Flih.'Salt fork, Ltaaoad oil, riak on, uarboa Oil. Hardware. Qaaaarwaro, Tlawaro, Ooatlac. Plowa aad now caallaga, nana, nplloa, uora Oultlra. ton, Ulnar rroton, and an kiadi or aioi. Parfuaorj, Palata, Varalik, Olua, aad a gaaarat . aaaonmoni oi otauoBory, GOOD FLOUR, Of different brandi, alwaya on band, and wlU be fold at ina leweat poaalble Rguroa. t. , 1. H. MeOlaln'e Medleiaea, Jayno'i Modlolnaa HoiUttar'i and llootaad'a Bitlera. ftOftl aoaada of Wool wanted for whiek tbo hlghoit prioe will be paid. Cloreraoed oa band and for aalo at the loweat awkot prion. Alio, A tent for Slrattoavllle aad CarwaBerille TbraiblBg Maobiaaa. raVCall aad aee for yoarealrer. Toa will lad every tblog aaaally kept ia a retail atore. L. M. COUDRIET. reaokrlllo P. 0., Angual 11, 1174. i. r, wiiria... ..w. w. irre WEAVES A JlETTS CLEARFIELD, PA., Are offering, at tka eld liana of 8. L. Reed A Co. tkelr itook of goodi, oonilitltg of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES BOOTS A SHOES, " HATS A CAPS, BARDWARB, QIIEKNSWARE, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, 4o., 4o., At tbe noit Kiionable nlaa for CASH or ia Of change for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. dP'AdTBBOM atade to thoae engaged la get ting aat aqaara timber oi tko aioit advaatagooaj term a. pdlljanfl "RANTED. BY N. E. ARNOLD, CURWENHVirLE, rM v ' (8aaMMorto) Arnold & Hartshorn. J 00,000 ae-lnrh knared blafUa. J 0,000 poanda of Wool. ( Partial kartBg long Bklnglea or Wool (or eith er) will do well to oall oa mo. Tea klgheet mar ket price paid at all ttmee. AlN, a fall aad oemplrte itock of dry goods; hats &. CAPS, BOOTS d NHOEN, GROCERIES, FLOUR, FtED, SALT, PROVISIONS, &c, whlok will be eold at reaeoaable prleee, or e ebanged for ahiaglao or wool. n. K. Aitnuku. Carweaavllle, May ft, 1871. Down I Down 1 1 THE LAST ARRIVAL AND OF COURMK THB CHEAPEST t A Proclamation against High Prices! Wl art aow pcning wp a lot tf t ImmM aad mort Mwnftbla Uoodi and With avar offend ta thlt aiarkat, and at pri-M that rank ad at of tha (toed aid day of ehaap this fa. Tboa woo iaK mia apoa iaia pninc. or aaaai oar aua gatlona anparflaoas. aoad bat CALL AT OUR STORE, Con. of Troat aad Markat ttraatt, Waara tbet aa ta, foal, haar and kaow fof ! Mlraa. To (allyaadantaadwbat araehtap fnoda tbU mast ba doaa. Wa do aot daam It aaeaattarr ta aaanarata aad lUmlia ear ftoek. It It anoagb fbr to atata that Wa have Evervtking that la Needed m4 (WBtaaiad la tkii Markat, aad at fri$ that jajawawima aTVlal l ADaOWniF. aaaw JUHt.ru B1IAW BOW, JANIEL , GOODAKPKR, UTIIKRSBURO, PA., Daalar la DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY & GLOVES, BATS A CAPS aad BOOTS A SHOES, Tobaoao, Oroeerlei aad Fl.h, Nalli, Hardware, ui.ii.rn, m.a a a 00 Boya' Clothing, Drog., Painla, Olla. Sciiool Booka, - a largo lot of Pataat Madlolaaa, CaadiM, Nate A DrUd Pralli, Cbana aad Crsak. ... l j a,... k . nwvm mum nin. rowa.r, Floor, Grain and Potato)!, Clo.ar aad Timothy Sard, , Sole Leather, Maroeooa, Llalngi, Blading! and .ih, r.awMa..r. lOOII BBOJ Shoe FlBdiaga. Mo araata. atrial tit mm.i. Ik ... .-.. I. .k. ooaaty. All for nle eery low for eaab er eoantry prodaoo at tbe Cheap Ceraer. May I, 1871. JKW BTOKE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW & SON Ha, juat optnexl a , Niw Broil, oa Main 8t..Ci.iiiriit.a, Pa lately occupied by Wm. F. IRWIN. Thalr itock cooaiit.ol QD IXL "5X .CO CD CD 12 St. Oaaciaiia of tba baat quality, QrjtENRWA.E, Booti and Shoea aad nttf artiola laoaeaar, ror 1 , . ' ' w. . . Gill tot aiamlaa eat itock belor pap ohaolng alaewkara, May , IHOO-lf. JORTICBaV dk COaTwTABLKaW nwm W bare arlalad a lane aaaahar af aba FEI BILL, aad wiU a tka raaeta af twealp- amm, mau a oeay to ear ad4roaa. mriw OPENING. SHOWERS' BOOT & SHOE; HAT & CAP It!-,-. ....,, J, i -ft a . ;' ' HTOIIE. ROOM No. 1, PIE'S OPERA HOUSE, MARKET STREET. A fall and eomplete aieortmaBt of aew goodi aaw bvw Biyma, aewa IB "HARD PAN" PRICES. Citlioai are larllod to oall and examine my took aad jadge for Ikeauelrea aa to o,aality aad prioao oi gooae. JOSEPH S. SHOWERS. ClaarHald, April 14, 1874. inANGE OF PROPRIETORS. Tba nnderaia-ned karlac aarobaaed tbe atara goodi aod proporty formirly vonipied by Lever Flagal, oa tleoand atreel, Clearaeld. adoul. Uii bmbtc oi oringiBg nia Btt.ia.ae ia 100 aolioo ai mo pnone, aaa promtae. to rorniab bli patroaa wna in. rvry DoaiqaaiHyoi BOOTS & SHOES, K " HATS & CAPS, at aieaadiaf law rata. Tbla I am analtd ta da, btseauH I bara bo rait to pay, aad oaa thara fort dlfida tba prolti with B17 eualonari. It auy ba said that tbla ia an aipariiaaat with saa, bat if tallinf a rood trtiolafur a low 6fara aa lloeaouitoH aadaipRnda trmda. I ata boaad ta aocaad la mjf andartaking. , Qir a tail, as aroint my atork aad ltarn my prieea. To my la ret atook of boot! and ahoaa. ball ud Cap-, I have Just added a fall atoek af Genta Furnishing Goods,'' which I wilt aall at tba vary lowaat agttraa for oaaht or la asebanga for wastry prodae at tba HIGHEST MARKET PRICK. Call and axaratat my atonk and prioaa bafora parrbaalnalawtifrt. u . , PKTRR MatiBOROS. Cloarlald, April 11, Wk , - B OOT AND SHOE MAKING. J08KNI II. DEEHINO. oa Marko4 Mreet. la Shaw'i Row, Claarlold, Pa., kas Jail reeeleod a lae lot af Froaek CalfSklai aad Klpi.tke beet la tbe market, aad la aow prepared ta maa. araetaro em ything la kli line. He will war raat kia work to ka oi rapreaoBted. Alio, all klada af Lealkar and Show Finding, for aala. i Tbe eltlieae of Clearleld aad eleiaity an reapoetfally larlted to giro him a tall. Work doas al abort aotlee. 718"71y The Bell's Ian Woolen Factory, .1 Pena towmklp, Claarield Ce, Pa. BURRED IIIITI BURNED UP I Tha sabaeribara bara, at graat atptaaa.rtballt 1 aaighborbood atoaaatty, la tha aratioa af a drat alaaa Woolaa Maaaratory,wltb all tba aiodara laaproraaiaata attaabad, aad ara proparad ta aka all klada of Clotba, Caaaiaiaraa, SattaatM, Blaa kata, Plaanala bio Plant af goodi a haad la tupply all oar old aad a tbtaaaod atw eattotaara, whoao wa aak to aoata and ana. Ina our itoak. Tht baalaaaa af CARDING AND FULL! NO will raaaUt our t'paolal atttntloa. Pro par arrangananta will at mada to reoalra aad dallrar Wool, to aaft auatomara. All work warraatad aad doaa upoa tha abnrtut antioa, and by atritt attta tioa to blonaa wa bopt to raaliat a liaaral than of publle patronnga. KMHM POUNDS WOOL WANTED! Wa wilt pay tha blgheat Markot prloa for Woo aad tail aar ataaafaetarml gooda aa low aa aiallar good aa bo bought ia the aounty, aad whanavar wa fall to rtador raaionablt aatlafaotloa wa aaa alwaya ba foaad at boat raady to aakt propor tiplanatiaa, aitbar ia ptnon or by lottar. JAMK8 J011NH0N A hONfl, aprilMtf BowarP.O. LEATnER BREAST-STRAPS BUPER8BDXD BT COVlCRTni PATENT METALLIC BREAST HOLD-BACK v M ada of tba tort Halloa- bio Iron, aad iaattaohad t tba Haaaabythabtat 8aap trar lavantod. It ia aaally aad quickly pat . , oa, aad pravanta tha 9 wbitralng of tha horaaa ' ' by tba polt. Mot lUbla to gat aat tf ropalr. Wliriaatforytara. All wa aak ia a fair trial, to coarlaoa all aartlaa aa log than that tbay art aaaurpaaaad ia valua for ' tha parpoaa for which thty art int-rdad. N " KACKKTT A 8CIIRTVER. Cltarflald, April It, 1174. PirraBURRH, pa. . , , . For apaarda af twaaty yaara tka laadlag kaal Be ColUiaof tko Vailed latea,afeHan.qBa. M adraalagn for Ike Ikoreaik, praalloal odara ti.a af yoaag aad middle aged mra. Kl.d.aU admillad al any time. For lirrnlar. .,11 re.. J. C. SMITH, A. M., . Prla.lpal. Tka IRON MTV COLI.KtiK" lo Ike ealy laot' illon of the klad la tkia oily tkat we reeomrer .d lo the pablla palroaaga. Prniyu r(aa AaHr, ,'ll.taryt, Ta, S.p. lt,'7t am. grEOUL LEGISLATION. Nolle, li kereby glrea to tko poblle and all partlee Inlmeled, tkat pll.lloa will ke made at Ike pnent eeeaioa af lha dial Leguleian to pam aa act Maallag aa Aot af Aiaembly, an pnred Ibe lid, day af Marak, A. D. I8T8, aad tbe eaiplnieat annro.ad lha Id da. ar a'...il ava. appi , ralaliaa A. D. I87L r.Lllei la lUeolloollaa or I.... I. tke eoBBly of Olaarield. CLARK BROWN. ' a. a. MOIIKK, HARRIS HOOVER. . All.it! 1. B. OooBUanoa, . CUrk. Commiialaara Oflea, 1 . Cmartald, Pa, Jaa. 1,, 18. j 41 AGKm ATall)M, womaa and aklldne) lo Ball goodi. Coalaaalal Priek, bo beat, li ante. Raraam'i Woadar, woa aerfal, It reali. Jnbar Triak the koea trtak-U aent.. Commaadlag S.H. goad, l eeala. MagU Trlokaardi.oieltiog, It eaata. Magi. Ag.oarda, amwatat, It aenta. Fortaao talllag oarda, It Aola, 7ampiagaardi,plaaaaal,aaaU.MaomlMta, It oenli. VUwa af Ike Cealeaalal kaildlage, It oobu. Held, for etory perm tbroagb Pblladal. ahla aad the CenloBBlal Ralldinga, J caata. Alio, tba Ron PrlH Paelagoe, Uiaa, Calwra, Nerdle Thread... abreara, jewelry, ate, by wbekmala aad retail, aaad It am. aad aUmp for aamale. Addraaa, H. 0. KESTIR, Sanaaawwa P.,nilaepkIa,Pa, Jaa. I,, H i,. THE. REPUBLICAN. CLBARFIBLU, PA WiN8AT MORNING, FEB. , 1178. SXCIT1SQ DEBATE ON THK , GKNKRAL AMNESTY BILL. During week before laat there wu an exciting dlKuaaian in the Uone on the nmncHty bill. There was a general good leeling when Congreaa met, and it wu arranged that the south would lupport the approprinlion to the Ccn- tonniaJ, and the north would aid in the paiwuge ot a goneral amnesty bill. But Blaine, Republican, who supported this bill a year ago, now bos tho Proaidoii tial boo in his bonnet, and made a flaming and intmjting speech against tbo south, and wanted to get in an amendment excepting Jeff Duvialrom the amnenty bill. He was followed by Cox, Domocrat, of Now York. Wo give bolow a brief report of tho re mark, by Mr. Cox and othero : Mr. Cox thon took tho floor to reply to Mr. Blaine. He commenced , by saying that tbo gentleman from Muinc, who by some dipcnation of Provi- donee or of tho people, was no longor Spoaker of thi, House, had soon proper, in this Centennial year, to tear away tho planters from the green and blood ing wonndaof the Into civil war, and had seen proper to attempt to justify this conduct In the light of history. Ho Cox ventured to any that tbero was no precedent in history und no canon in political philosophy winch the party now in the minority pn this floor bad not outraged by the rejection of clemency and by its persistence in making reprisals in time ot peace. The gentleman from Maino had begun by a refenmeo to the Duke of Alva, aud there was no doubt that thut gentle man and his party had boen, since the war at leant, quite familiar with that history. The history of the Nether lands under tho Duke ot Alva, wan tho history of radicalism, spoliation, mur der, death, and tyranny in the south since 18U.V TDorisive luujrhtor on the Republican side ot the house, and B plausa on the Democratic side. He would refer the gentleman to a prece dent two thousand years old, and would any that all btory was filled with such precedent, to tho effect that nations should not erect monuments to vengeanco, that nations should not eroct monuments except 'to foreign conquests never monuments to ik. mestic calamity. It had been reserve"! for tho gentleman from Maino to fly in tho fact of all history, Pagnn history, Christian history and Christian doc trino and to issue in this your of (I race and Jubilee, his anathema nmrunatlia against tho south. For such a purpose spoken with ironical omphosis, which purpose would appear as he proceeded, ho (Cox) took issuo with the' gentleman from Maine when he said that the itepublicait party had been clement and amnosticul. It was not true ; it had not boen truo during the war; and it was not truo to day. W henever that party had proposod any clemont policy, it had boon sure to spoil it by some small peddling opera tion. rLaiiL'hUjr.l He (Cox) had the honor to bo a member el the House at the beginning of the war, and he had the honor to bring forward tho first measure for ox change of prisoners. He asked whether the record of the lederul administration was all right in the matter of exchange. During tho war ho had it on the authority of some sixty gontlomon present, who had been in tho Confed erate army, that no order had been Issued at any time in tho south with reference to prisoners nf war, as to rations or clothing, which did not ap ply equally to confederate soldiers. Ex parte affidavits, tukon by that humbug committee on live conduct of the war, coald not contradict the facta of history. These facts were to bo determined on a fair issue made. So far ns tho Con federate government was concerned, the orders of that government, what ever might be tho bad conduct of cer tain officers ander it, had been couched in a spirit ol fairness and humanity. Ho spoke sneeringly in rof'orcnco to the remark of Mr. Blaine that southern gentlemen were now members ot the House through tbe grace of the Repub lican party, and said, down on your knoea, gentlemen of tho south, before His Majesty of Maine. Ho (Cox) had labored in this House to militate tho severities of civil war. Tho Dem ocrats then on the floor had been pow erless to avert most of its calamities, but they had tried to mitigate its severity. They had spoken against all those means which had destroyed in dustry and prosperity, which had burned libraries, poisoned wells and done anything but make the war the duello between the fighting men in the field. Until Mr. Lincoln's proclamation of amnesty, tho spirit bud prevailed which provoked retaliation and perpetuated the war. AVbon tbs amnesty of Mr. Lincoln was proclaimed, it was pro claimed in a spirit, oh I how different from that of the gentleman from Maino to-day.-Ho had no doubt tho spirit of Mr. Lincoln looked down in sadness on tho gentleman when ho mndo his speech to-dny. .Mr. Lincoln's senti ment had been "Mulice toward none, Charity.toward all" Jefferson Duvia included. .With him there wus no ex ception, no restrictions, no odious test. The gentleman from Maino could not have been raised in a Christian church, or in any church In which is tuuglit the dootrino of Him who spako its never man spako. He (Cox) could not (ell, and the nation did not know the church the gentleman was raised in Laugh ter, but one thing ha did know, that if that gentleman hail read tho sermon on the Mount aright, ho never would havo made tho red and stormy speech which ho bad mud (o-duy. Mr. (Jot thon proooedod to glvo the history of the various attempts at am nesty, in the course of which Mr. Blaine inquired of him how the south ern gentlemen who wore members of the Houso, bad got hero. Mr. Cox replied tbattboy got here be cause the south wanted honest ropro aentatives, and the Republican! down thora wore not honest, - Mr! Blaine Hut will the gontleman toll ua how they got amnesty Mr. Cox Tbey got It from tbe Ibrca of popular aentiment,-whlch enabled ft few good men on your side of the Honss to join with tha good men on this side to compel amnesty. ' Loud Innghtor.J Mr. Cox wont on to give tbs history of the amnesty lagislatlon in Congress, aud referred to tbs fuet that colored men votea generally fur amnesty. Ho characterised this by saying that "the colored J troops fought nobly." He spoks of Butler's bill tor ataneaty having also an exception In, It the Rob Roy Maotirogor exception juit as the ; substitute proposed by tho gentleman from Maino had a Rob Roy MacOregor exception, in Imitation of the spirit of tho English towards the HcoUh two hundred rears 'aira He wondered that tho gcnllomnn from Mains did not have that section in corporatod in bis amendment. Thut bill of Butler's was too bad even fur a Republican House to pass. . Mr. Cox then referred to tho amnesty hill reported last session irotn tbo Com mitte, ou Rules, and, in contradiction of one Of Mr. Blnine's statements in re gard to that hill, said ha appealed to his colleagues and all of Pennsylvania to dod mid tu the record. Mr. Dlttine Interposed tho remark that tho gentleman from New York followed tho example nf Dogberry' and pat bis colleagues first. Mr. Cox retortotl that ho would give Mr. Bliiino enough of dogs before he got through. Loud laughter. He said bo would appeal not merely to Provldenco or to his colleagues, but to the record, to show Unit almost the identical Ml which was now opposed by tho distinguished gentleman from Maine, had then received his acquies cence. He quoted tbo record snowing tho proceedings In reference to that bill and ahowing that it had been re ported unanimously from tha Commit- toe on Rules, and he asked what mem bers composed that cominittoo. Ho answered the question by giving tho names of Blaino aud Gurfiuld, and he said that he had been surprised and mortified at hearing the gentleman say that while he was Speaker he had sent down to a colored member to do what he bad not the courage to do that was lo havo Jefferson Davis excluded from tho operations of that bill. To Mr. Blaine Is that tba state ment you made T Is that correct ? Mr. Blaino As the gontleman asks mo, I will make an explanation, if he will allow me. Mr. Cpx Certainly. Mr. Blaine What the gentleman states is in tha main correct, hut 1 can state it more fully. Mr. Mayuard was especially anxious to report the am nesty bill ; he had eortuin reasons for doing so, which I did not know, aud if I did know I would not disclose Ho asked mo personally in tbe committee room not to urge any objections to it, and from my respect and friendship for him I allowed him in ruKrt it without objection. I had some conversation with gentlemen ou this floor as to the expediency of allowing the bill to pass, but thcro was at that time a certain feeling around that the gentleman from Now York (Cox) and bis nssociaton would he vory kindly disposed toward the Civil Rights bill if general amnesty should pass. I asked tbe gontleman from South Carolina to object, and I appeal to him whether ho does not recollect it. Mr. Raiaey I recollect the circum stance perfectly well. Mr. Blaine Ho said he would not liko to do it for many reasons, among others, that it might prejudice the Civil Rights hill. I thought then that an Amnesty bill, including Mr. Davis' namo In it, could not havo gono through. I was in the chair and could not myself object to the bill, and I took the course which tha gentloman has indicated. And now let the gentleman plonse to stats to ma wbother there was any little understanding that his associate would bo lenient toward tho the Civil Rights bill if the amnesty bill should pass; and if so, whether they kept the understanding. Mr. Randall There was no such understanding, sir none in tho world Mr. Cox ever I never) neverl Load laughter. Mr. Randall And my conduct sub sequently gave a contradiction to that supposition. Mr. Blaino I did not accuse tho gentleman of violating the understand ing, but tho conduct of that side of tbo Houso showed vory plainly that it there had been such an understanding it hail not been observed. Mr. Cox Thogcntlomanfiom Maine has only inado the matter worse, tor he bos said that ho had one object for his action in tho oommitteo and nn othor 'object outside tho cominittoo room, for somo political purjxe, no doubt Snoonngly. Is that the states manship which aspires to the Presi dency? Loud laughter all ovortho House. That is to say, while he wus ready to acquiesce In reporting a hill out of tho House regarding our present Minister at Constantinople, when bo got outsido tb committee room he seeks a colored member and tries to get him to object, and yet, sir, ho sits here in tbe House of Representatives ss tho guardian of honor and honesty, and when Mr. Maynard said that ho was authorized to report ujxm tho bill unanimously, tho gentleman from Maino sat in the Speaker's chair as dumb as an oyster. Loud ktughlor. Mr. Blaino The gentleman con fessed the distinction. I was porfeetly willing that tho bill should tome bo fore tho House. ' Mr. Randall Did you offer any amendment in the Committee on Rules that excluded Jefferson Davis? Mr. Cox I want to glvo yuu some more of this. Laughter. If the gentleman from-Maino would not in terrupt quite so much, he would feel a good ih id better. He is like tho little boy in Memphis, who undertook to toko another twist ata mule's tail, and hia fathoi said to him ; "You do not look so woll, but you havo loarned something." Boisterous langhtsr on the floor and in the gallorius. There never was such an opportunity, if I were not amncstical inclined, to ran the knife into gontleman from Malna and turn It round, bnt this is an am nestical occasion and I will not do so. Mr. Cox went on to read from the record tbs proceedings In regard to tbs amnesty bill of last year, In the course of which Mr. LawrenosapfMarstoamva asked wholhor the bill included Jeff. Davis, which Mr. Cot said he remeni bered this earns Lawrence saying, In 1838 or 1869, that what he demanded for the south wm a first-class funeral, and this, said ho 'was lifter the war, and Illustrates tho benignity of the Republican gentleman. ' Ho remem bered when that amnesty UII passed, the aureole around tho brow of Ma Kasaoii, tbo contoiiniul glow Uiut beamed un the face of Mr. Kelly, and as to tbo goutlcinun from Msino Blaino, be retnindud him of tho apooullptic Angel of the Sun. . He was so bright and beautiful tbnt It wus Impossible to look upon him. Laughter. Why waa tha gentleman (Blaine) taking It all back now ? It was not In order to attribute inutives to the gentleman, and he oould nut do so. He knew that the gentleman from Maine was now to be a candidate for tho Presidency, but that was no roasou why ba should be a moan man. Ho was tho last man to whom he (Cox) would attribute, any bad motive, but one thing wus very curious, and Hint was thut ho (Blaine) was antagonistic lo President Grant on this subject. He (Cox) did not liko tbe look of that. Laughter. Ho therefore called on tho Republi can gentlemen especially on that lit tle knot of colored members who fought so nobly, and who wero now fighting fin a third term, to not down this ob noxious exception proiosed by tho gentloman from 'Maine. Hud not tho President, in bis annual message ef! December, 1873, renewed his previous rooomanwndaiioaia for oranorwl antitnaLy ? That (jenornj Grant was a soldier, not a scurvy politician, Laughter. . To be stirs (ieneral Grant had made some little trouble down south in Arkansas, Louisiana and other States, but he had never proposed en exceptional, partial amnesty. Ho woro tho plume of a soldier, as somo hud said, oven in the din and fire of battle, could bo waved by a breath or a xephyr. How could bo contrast tbo conduct of tho gentlo man from Maine with that of Goneral Grunt, without giving his views on the Presidential ' rjnestion ? Laughter And that ho did not want to do. Tboy had all como here together by the same tidal wave. These men from the South had been setting there, taking little contcmptiolr insults from the other side about the orgunir.alion of tbo Houso, while tho- fact was that more niuimod Union soldiers were ap pointed to subordinate offices in the House under Democratic officials than had been upiioiiited in the lust House. He condemned the oourse of the gon tleman from Muine in raking up the embers of hale, intimated that his seoch was a bud, mad, inulicious, mis chievous speech, and one that never would elect him to the Presidency U he lived a thousand years. Vociferous Laughter. ' JEFF. DA VIS MISTAKE, Jeff. Duvis made a prodigious mis take if bo wanted tbe applauso and fuvor ot tho Bluiues and Butlers and Mortons uf tho country. If he had just declared for the carpet-baggers in Mississippi niter tho war, ss Alcorn did, be could have been welcomed to tho Senate by Morton and Hamlin any time. If ho had insisted that there is nothing In the constitution, tho luws, or in a sound public policy to forbid a third term for t he Presidency, he could have crossed legs will) tho guerilla Mosby under the Presidential mahog any, and had the keepers of Andcrson vllle, Libby und Saulsbury, who havo not yot been hung or driven from tho coutitrjr, In comfortable official posi tions along with Mosby'a Confederate f roe-boo tors. If bo had joined Lbc's chief lioutenant that Domooracy had atakod all Its issues on tho war and lost, he could have hung up bis hat in any Collector's office on tho Gulf, and been Inducted into ofllco with Morton waving tho flag of frutoruity and for giveness over him. If ho had given a Republican understanding to rocott struction with his unknown statesman and unstarrcd soldier, Ackermun, it Is an even chance that ho could havo got back into the Cubinctnnd if he had stumped hisStato, or any of his adopted States, for scalawags of tho South Car olina Moses stripe, as did (aovornor Orr, who was first in tho field as a Confederate soldier and last in the J off Davis -Senate, Morton, would have moved his confirmation as foreign Min ister. To think what chances Jeff Davis has lost; but then he always was obstinato,-selfish and consistent only in his dream ol tho triumph of treason., Being a fool in that way, and of all the brood of Confederates tbe undermost of tbo nndor dogs, with out sceptre, power or friends, Blains bounces him with a courage that rivals tho heroism ot the stalwart policeman who missed tbe pugnacious burglar in his ambition Is cupluro the peanut boy. Two men have foolishly, fatally blun dered, and history will write their name about iu 'this wise Jamos (f. Blainu : Jefferson Davis l'hUaM)ltin THE PHBStDKXVV, The Hurrisburg J'.itilot in alluding to this question snys: -"Now that the duty of mi king n President is becom ing a matter of serious concern it is ubont time to end Uio complimentary nnusenso concerning Impossible, or at loasl Improbahlo candidates. There nover was a moment when Gov. Hart ranft was seriously regarded as a can- diditte, even by the Winst xlovotod of his supporters. Putting aside all qn lions concerning his nines or want of fitness for 'so exalted ft position, the la-publican (MiliiK-iuiir uf this State have not now nnd nevet hud the silt-lit- est intention of abandoning the fruits of their victory by surrendering tho office of Governor (a Democrat It costs too much in cash as well Rs In conscience to i-locl a Republican Gov ernor of Pennsylvania for that. Should Gov. llartranft roceivo the Cincinnati nomination for President and be elected in" tho chances of the contest, Lieut. Gov.' Latin will hold (be office of 'Go ornor from March, 187Z, until January, 1870, a poriod of noarly two years. Though Lieut. Oov. Lstta would doubt less make an acceptable chief mugis truto to the perrjile, be wonld met salt the Republican .politicians for obvious reasons. Small as if the patronage of a Govern or or Pennsylvania compared to that of the Presidential offlco, it Is yet too much to throw away It Is true that Gommorj Hart ran fl has re oently douo' soaae fJbUga that are tWr from acceptable to tbs party managers in tbe State, as, for inaUsoe, his as sault en MunlciprJ fjgrrapikm, lis re cotTrmetKlatian U Invest tb wtejTtarf. ed balancoa of the sinking fund, and bis spiRiintnient of an Attorney Gen oral, yot with nil this he suits them much better lhau a Democrat. There is hardly au official or dependent of bis administration who sincerely de sires his nomination tur President, and' among the party at large his namo is uut serluusly mentioned. For this reason it is not nooessury to discuss his chances for tho Presidency, much less bis-cliiima and qualifications for the position. Tho true friends of Governor UartrunfV would do well to stop tho fooling about niuking him a candidate. It Must Stop. Wo hope Congress will stop every Government leak, and in tho future sou that evory dollar contributed by tho pooplo goes to'pny our infernal national debt. Pay it off and wo will havo a freo country. In discreetly, ayo, wickedly, President Grunt' salary was' ruined by a Radi cal Congress from 125,000 to 1,50,000. In addition to this all the white-house expenses, are paid out of the notional treasury, without tho warrant of law. His table, tho wine in his cellar, his Btublo, oven his costly sogers, go into "white-hoitse" expenditures and uro settled for at tho public treasury. Ho siaokos the best segurs In the world, which retail at 25cls per piece, and he smokes all the day long and at night, and tbo ieo)lo foot the bills. This item of segors alone, smoked by him ut publio expense, runs Into )argo ng. urus in 3C5 days. The oarlier Presi dents st 125,000 salary, paid all their own bills lor living, and never dreamt thut tho peoplo should pay for the wines they drunk, tobacco they chew ed, aud the segurs they smoked. But thoso good old days of honest Presi dents ended when tho governmont passed out ol Democratic hands In 18(10. bast's Kkcommkndation. Tho people are beginning to undesstand tbe crooked system uf Jhu public schools under (.rant's now military order to koc-p out the Bible from our schools. Tho school is open.- The class in spoiling and defining will recite. "Spell creation." "Creation." "Define it." ,'Bringing into being from nothing." "Stop I Thut is a religious idea. Thut is forbidden. Try again." "That pow er in mutter by .which it evolves into higher and more perfect forms." Hold I That is an uthcistic idea. That is lorbidden." "Well, by Jupiter, that is the" "Stop 1 my boy, that is Pagan Idea, prohibited in this school. Spell soul." "Now define it." "The immortal substance." "Hold on I That IS a religious Idea, prohibited. Spell sin." "A transgression of the divine law." "1 las t allow that. Thut is religious Idea. "Hint is wuat my book says." "Well, all of you bring new books to-morrow." "Master, whore can wo got tho right kind of books? "rroin General Grant." Pittsburgh Prenliiteriau. A Hahpt Hit. Tho following sly dig at "the Government" is in order. Congressman Waddcll, of North Caro lina, managod. to work this satirical thrust at tne maker of the Dcs Moines speech in his eulogy of Andrew John son : "After his death somo pious invosti gator, I believe, cluimcd to havo dis covered that be was an infidel. I have vory good evidenae to disprove that j but while personally X know not how that may have been, 1 do know that whilo be was alive and in office ho was too good k patriot to seek to exoito a religious persecution against any por tion ot his fellow-citizens. It he bad religious views of any kind, it Is safe to say that (hey wero his own, and were arrived at after mature dclihera- tion and reflection ; but whatever tlier were, sir, ha never sought to make political capital out of thorn." Isn't it wonderful how valuable a thing becomes after It is stolen ? Any old brass watch is then recorded ns a "valuable gold chronometer, espcciully priied on account of accoaiationa." 3Cfgat,gidmtisfBifnts. JOTICE.- ' All perooai are harehy aotitod that all ao ooaMa daa, aad oomiag doe, le A. H. Mlttaa aa hia baaka, kaeo keen tn day (Jaa. Is, ;) daly aaatgoed le me. All peraoBi ao iadoblad oa ""aaa an reqaonee la aall aa,l a.llle al sea. . . J.I. JORDAN. Oiaaro.ld, Jaa. Ill, 1SJ4 It. QAUTION. All pereeai are hereby rewlloaed agalaet par charing or la aay way meddling with tha follow ing properly, aow la the poemeiioa of William J. Smllk, of llontarlll., .la , I oook oioto, I kaolin, Itoee. I .Ink, I table, ahalre, I rorhar. I bail. .ad bedding, t waab etande, I lookiag 5ian., i aioca, aaa ao yam .rp.t, aa the eame ai boon parohiwd by me at SharllPa aalo, and la l.n with him oa loaa oaly, eabjt to ror order at aay time. KblKAIIETII UOODMAN. Hoatirilte, Pa., Jan. 18, 'l-l I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE " J NeUea le hereby gteoa that knar. I..ta maatery baring bm greeted te Ik. aabaorlaer oa the etate or MAKIANNH ROlI.sKLOT, dee d, late of lllrard tow-whip, ClearSald coal r, Pa., el( prnw iBdebtd to .aid o.Ule are reqa.tej lo mahe imnietliata aarmnal. ana ihoa. L..-ln -a""' me Hal aiti um.ui llieta tlul. aothratiealMl fur arlll.mrot. FRANl'IS I.OX01N. NICHOLAS KOt'SSKtiOr, Uoonu. Mill, Jaa. IS, -78 -fii) K..,ti... lXKCUToTl.S "NOriCK. " ij Notion I. hereby gi. on that letter. l..u. armory nanagOMn grant. I to th..oi,aoribr oa the oriole of .IRAKI, NICHOLS. da.ta., late of Uema. lown.bip, UlenrS.ld oawaty, Pa ., all pereeae n.bhmj ao aald Batata are reqe.atad to mal e Immediate payment, and Ihoeo harlag eralmo agelnel rhe eame wHI praml laea dale aatheatleeted for .lll.ta.nl .. - MARTHA NICHOLS, NI1I.1 fllCHObS, ClearSald, Jaa. t. '78 -St Kiaeulor. A dministrators'notice; ia Rolloo la hereby glvea that Letter, of Ad mlal.tr.llo. oa lha .etat. of JOHN LAL0KII, late of l'nioa lownaliin, Clearleld eoaary, Pa., deea.ed, baring beea daly graatod te the tiderelgned, nil pereaaa iBdebtad to Bald errata will plaaae make Immadlala parmeat, andlbaaa baring alalme er demaada agaiaat lha aame will preaeBl them pronerly aalh.ntleated Mr nttle ment without delay. R. W I.ABOKD, Roohtoe,le.,r.k. e,'7,Siei Admloletrater. Administrators' notikT NoUc. la krreby glrea that Utter, or A,l mlalatraUoa an the oelato of F. B. RAFFEIITY, lata of Paaa lownahip, Claarteld Bounty, Pa., deeeaeed, baring beea daly granted te lha nnderaigned, all neroone Indebted lo aaid ..lata will plaaae make Immediate payiaaat, and thoai harlag ale, ma ar demand, mil a,eeil Ib.ia properly aethaBlleated for arnlrmast withual eeiay. J. B KArrKRTY, -JUHNFLYNN. Oramplaa llilli, Jaa. I, '78-81 Adm'ra. A DMINISTRATHIX' NOTICE.- n.tloe I. kerery giran thvt Lnit.ra of A I. mlnlatrallen oa tho eetate of M W. HXYDKR lata of Ltwaonee Uwn.klp, ClaarSald ooaaty, Pa., decaaod, ka.iag beea dear granted lo tba ander Hgned. all porev.e IndehM 10 ..Id ealate will tleaao maba laameolale peymoBt, aad lbm aviag alaim. er demand, will araa.ni ,k Preparly aalbaallealed for eeltUmenl wthoat delay. FRANCIS ANN SNYDEK. Olaarield, Jaa. lo. IS74 at. Adm'a. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Notice la ker.by glvea tbat Lilian af Ad mlatitratloa aa the eatata of DAV(t) BELL hit, ef Uroeaweed lawaaklp, Clearleld Meal a. Pa., doo'd. karini bona dale a. ,k. aadeweigaad, a I nrrw-ae ladeblod 10 eaid .Uu will aleaee mak. Immadiaea aau ua ,k... aaaiaa) , daaaaada will t..iem.. it aakikaatlealid laa aatikaaai wiiaat Carea..llla,p, ,J),, ,. A4-,ri tfrottrU, etc jejEw "r. -., , , FeMfl'K. FEKI), 1 AND GllOCEHY ' STORE. A. G. KRAMER & CO., Market kit root, one door ' eat of Mantlou House, C'learllald, Pa. Keep ooaitanlly oa band ' ' i ' SUOAR, m COFFER, TEAS, COAL OIL BYRUP, ' ' ' SALT, CPICHS, " " " " SOAP, , i i , a, Cano.d end Dried Fruit, TuLaooo, Cigrr, Cn- - at, oto.. Via.., riw, Un,., a... , ALSO, EXTRA OMR MADE ' ' ' Wheat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Heal, Chop, Feed, 4c, All of wbleb will be aald obean for carh or In exooBBge ror eowniry produee. - . l.KUIKH uu. CU.ri.ld, Nor. IS, lS74.-tf . pEMOYAL! . , JOHN McGAUGHEY Wonts! reipaatfully notify lha uuMto gaaarall thai ha haa raaiovod hia lroory 8toro from Shaw'a Row to lb baildiag fonutrly acaia4 ay si. jaiioa nrauar. oa eaouaa iroei. asm door to Biglara hirdwara itre, wbera ha iiitcnili kapkog d frill Una nf ' G R O II 1 1. S." IIAM8, DRIED BftEPand LARD. . BITQARS aad St RUPS, of all grajoa. TEAS, Green and Dlatk. ' ' - COFFER, Hoaated aad llraen. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, cujr.yy.n rnttrs,' All kioda ia lb. m.rkot. PICKLES, ia Jan and barrel.' SPICES, la erery form and rarlrly. FAMILY FLOUR, AIX KINDKlKCItAt KK.HS. SOAPS, ' - ia- MATCHES, ' ' .'. " DRIED APPLES, ' l- DRIRD PEACIIRS, " v IlIUKD CIIEItn'ES. Coal Oil ind Lamp CMmutrys. And a good aaaortment of thoae thing oauaHy kept ia a grocery atore, which be will exchangr tor merketlng at tke markat priori. Will eell for earb Be ebeaplj al any other obo. Plaaae call and awe kii itock and Jadge for yoarielf. JfinS McOAt'OHEY. Clearleld, Jaa. I, 187s. ' G ROCERIKS. JAS. H. LYTLE, (Sueooaaor to LTTLR A MITCHELL) ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CH'IC"B LINK OK TEAR. OSLONUR, - - JAPANS, t ' ' IMPERIAL, , YODNO HYSON, , . KNQLISII BRKAKFAST rarest la Market. BUTTER AND EGfiH WiU ba kept aad aold at Sret neat. C.ak paid ir vwautrj rrou.aee. GERMAN CHERRIES, ' TURKEY PRUNI8, . " ,' PRESERVED PEARS, 'm 1 - PHILADELPHIA HAMS. ' ; FISH. Macker.1, Lak. Herring, fod, Ac. , PICKLEH. Barrel Pieble. and Eogllek Pleklea. KLOHR AND PEF.II. rioar, Cora Meal, Oat Meal, Ao. . ' , ', mobl -7S JAR. JL ITTLK pUEAP GROCERIES! KJ LUMBER CITY. PA. The anderelgned announce ta hia old friend and patroaa that be baa opened a goad Ilea at unuuiiiiu a rKUVlKlOriS al tba eld elead of Kirk A SpcBoer, for which he aolieit. a liUral patronage. H. W. Hl'KNCPR Lumber Oltr. Pa., March M-tf 9 MEAT MARKET. . F. M, CARDON & EBO., Rear o I'l. Upan Uouim, CLEARFIELD, t'A. Oar arraagemeata are rf Ihe moa. oowblete rnaraoier lor luraKhiag tha pubha with r re.h Mealaer all kind, and af Ihe eery beat qnalilr. wo alee deal IB all kiadeof Agricultural lm,,.. meata, wbioh we keep on oabibiiioe far rhe hem. 001 oi .00 public. L.n around wbea ia town, and lake a look at Iking, or addre ua F M. CAKIION A tJRO. ClearilelJ, Pa., Jaly 11, lejo.tf. JpRraU MEAT AlAJtKKT. M, Q. BROWN a BBO,, Market StH Cleirfl.ld, Wonld aooounae la the .(titan, of tbo town nnd vicinity that tkiy Mill keep Ibe meet market at the old atead, where tbay will keep . Fresh Beef, Voul Mutton and Lamb, of tho finest qualities. ' Market morBloge Tuaidaya, Tkuredeye aad S.tarJayi, Hire na s call. Jane ,7J-m M. 0. BROWN A BHD. 8 A L R I A tare, and well-lai.hed Hiiek Dwelliae. elld. ate o Ihe rlror bank, ia the borough ol C Isr aelii, etiatalnlag cl.vaa nioma, with giwd eellnr, waur la Ihe kilchen, and all the modern aoave Blanoaa. Paolrlei, Halo-room, I'lo-hoe pre.iee, Sc. Lot (lily (aat Treat end two hundred and thirty feet back, with a twenty fool .11. r on lha ca.t Ida. Said bailding, with all Ibe appurtenancea, will be aold ebcap, with paymentilo auil pureha aar. AppliMtloB can be made ta the and.r elgned, ur lo A. C. Tate, Ro., who will give all aroeaeary mfiirmalloa to Ihoae who dealre to la peel Ihe property. TflOS.J. V.-CCLLOt'OH. May 11.1, 1871, tf. Clearfield Nursery. ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. Xtlt oaderatgn.d, bavin, eatabllabed a Nur eary oa the -Plk., ,hut hall way Ula.ea varSaldano) Onrwenerllle, le prepared to rar aleb all kind, of FRUIT TRRK9, (M.ad.rd nd dwarf,) Rrergreaa., Rkrebbery, tlrapa VI new, aoweberry, Lewlea laokewrry, Strawberry aad lUiaemrry Viaaa. Aim, Siberian Grab Tree., " f barll Raadmrk, a.. Otden pewmptly .llial,dle. wAaMreaaT . 1, D. WRIOHT, sf C.rw.navllle, pg. ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Market Ht , hot. Third and Fvurlli,) ILUAKfli:!.!!. PA. Tile lubaorilM-r bavloa Leeouia uruori.lor uf Ihla hotel, would reipoethilly ask a IrWral iher. ef fiaUie bairaaaga. . Prleee rod Joed to uil Ibe Jao.l0--75:tf. 0. L- I.EIPOLDT. SUStJUKIIANNA HOUSE, CIIUWKNMVILLE, PA. , NKWtON READ, PaoraiaToa. Ilarisg become proprietor of tbla ilol.l. I wonld rrattocllally aoli.it Ibe patron,.-.,, the pohllo. llum. iaaeantly and eoo.enl.blly ail uetedie wl., rrBttod and relarai.bed t good nam. pla room, alteahed. All railroad Irailir alop at to' aae. JaullU.74 SHAW HOUSE, - 1 Oct. of Markat A Front atra(i,i CLKAUriKldU, FA. r.i. u...i.i.r.4 t-L 1 . a,..,,,,., a-vu ri.n.ajo U mi ll let el, wiiu Id rvaportrullf solicit hulilic jiittrunigt, a, n. r a uhivn run, ASUINtiTON housiC " It ' NEW WASHINaTtiN, PA. Tfaia now and well furnished bu.e h.a hm taken by tka anJ.reignxi. lie feel, oonidenl of being able lu reader latllfarlion 10 ll,i wku aiay favor bits with a oall. Slay 8, 1871. 0. W. DAVIS, Pr.., r. Ml' (IN TO tilt II HUH .. . , iiiiwelle the Couil lion... LOCK II AV.E N, PEN X'A. J.14'71 IIAUSEALA KII Oil. Pr,.p-. LOVI) HOUSE, Main Faret. PIIILIPbllUIIII, I'KN.VA. Table alwari inpnlied with tl. beat it. aj.rk. aftVrde. Thatriralmg publle ir Invited loe.il. "' HUHbKT LOVO. - THE MANSION HOUSE. Cornerof Heeond and Market aJtreeta. ( l.r.AKfll.ll, PA. TIlHei'liedeommodioae Hotel bai. during tki pa.l year, been .alarged lo dooblo iu former eapaeity for tbo ontertalnnj.r.i ,.r ...... gera and gaoita. Tbe whole building baa been r.furnlehed, and tha preprtetor will ipare as pome 10 reoaor ail guaati eonlortable while auyiog with him. JrVr-rtio .naloa Ronae" Onmibui rub. to and from tha Danol oa tbe arrlrel and ,l,n,,,,.. of ch train. JOHN DOUUHKKTV. P' ' tf Proprietor ISnttks. Joua Pittos, Prca. J. P. Dana, Caahier. C'lirm'iiNYUIc ISnnk. Anlbnritrd Capital Sios.osn, P-ild p Capital 50,llli. , (M-rt-rrha rtnar vjiTioait nss.) Jons 1 attox ,. n. A rr.rzr.n, AAltoN W. f'A TCHN, .. J, p. UO)T. STOCKHOLDERS, INDIVIDI ALLY LIABLE. Do a gvnuluo Labkiag tu.ine.. Aeetmnli aolloil.J. Carwrna.illr, Pa., Jan. Ii, 1178 Sin. r. K. aa.oL.. a. w. anaoLB. j. i.iaiii F. K. ARNOLD II" CO., nankorn and II r ok res, tteyaoldavllia. elefferaoa Cek, Pa. M'tn.y received on depoalt. Discount at a-' derate rat... Eortern and Foraiga K.rhang. al. wara oa haad and aolleotion prouplle nia.l.. Reynolda.llla, Jloe 18, I874..y Counly National Bank, OF CLEARFIELD, PA. ' ROOM in Maeonle Building, one door uurth al C. 1. Walaon'i Drag Slore, . J'asaaga Ticket, ta and from Lirerpool, Qa-.m. ton, Olaagow, London, Paria and (Joneabana. Aiao, brafta for aale on tbe Royal Bank of Ireland and Imperial Bank of London, JAMES T. LEONARD, Praa't, W M. SHAW, j:ahler. 0t: ;T4 . " DREXEL & CO.i No. at Soulli Third Dtrext, Philadelphia BmUI-MLEHS, And Dealers In Government Securities,- Appllcatloo by mall will recelr. prompt attcn tioa, and all information eheerfully furnlahad Ord.ra eolioud. April 11-lf. . Jf utistrij. STEWABT & BLACKBURN, DENTISTS, t'nnvrnavllle, ClearSeld Coanty. P.uu'a (Offlce la Gate.' New Building.) . Carwenirilli, jan II, l76-ly. TISTRY. HariBg determined to tueale in Corwenevllla for tho parpoaa af punning my prof.iiion, I b.rcby nffor my rvic.a to tbe pablie. I faava juat fiui.hcd term af denial iualraetioni aader the beet teacher, af tha PonmylvaBia College of Dental Surgery ia Pbiladelphia, and am aow firrpared to etecule all work pertaiatag lo dent, try la the belt manner, with tha late.l Improve, meat. All work guaranteed to gire entire aet lalaetioa aa te qaalily aad duration. Teetk at tracted without pain. Room in new Bank baild ing. For further iatormatioa apply in paraoa ar addrara , K. M. THOMPSON, mehirii tf. Carweaavllle, Pe., ".; A M . H I L L 8 Mould laFpsVlfuMj aotir- bis patients ,tliat ha haa redtmd tbe prlr or ARTI FICIAL TKKTH tasSflM Mr . MM Ut a doablt att. For any twopanona oonilfl at lha ftoao tiatt, an haa aach an app-r act, will g.'fc the two aata for li tiu, ur 17.6a aach. Terms Inrarlably Cab. ClearfirlJ, Jaly I, I8M. GEORGE E. ROBACKER, WnOLBaALB BBAL.B IS WINES AXDLIyrOIiS, CLEARFIELD, PA. ; My plao. ef ba.laeri li oo Market rt-eet, dl reollr ai.n,.aila rha flnnrt Una. I to kcrpa full Mock of Pt'RK 'utlVORS, end w,,i w.rr.ni innioio n. Ittlu 10 UIT Cll.tomer. Hire roc a oall. july SI, 'U-tl. WHOLESALE LIQUOR STOREr At tbf t.t nftha nrw britlte, 9 yyr.r ci.R.MiFiKi.n, pa. Tl.c .-.i.ripiof uf thia f'tllHiracnt bill buy hf Hf)Ufiri dlrtpMfrnia dittiM-rt. P.trtlaf harirtg fpim this ho una will lo aiir t tftt a pur article at a nil matrirmaHiwv .- Hotol RPtirra taa be fornjb?d alth 1 invars oa rtjaennabia term. Para wiaat aod bnudina dirtf, from tiatlr;! Vinery, a. Uttth, Naw Vt.rk. iEOHOE n. cornrRN. ricaf-ai'M. JitriD I ft, 187t-tf. II iie.v & Christ, SOU PUOI-UIEl'OKS-lir THE ':, CELEBRATED 1 AND uu. ro.n.R' TONIC HERB BITTERS. , send ron PRICE LIST. m i:y A 1 II HINT, .. ll N. .14 Btraet, PHILADICI.PKlA. Merck li, ls;i. READING FOR ALL II BOOKS .f- STATIONERY. Market at., Clearfield, (at tha Post Office.) THE andenignrd kegi leave I. annoanr. to th. cltlira of ClearSehJ and elelnii. ih.l. he h.a Sited np a room and hai ia.t returned from tbo oily auk a Urge amoaul of reading mailer, comiallng ia part of Bibles and Miscellaneous BooVs. Blank, Aeeonnt aad Pam Rooka of erery de- ,,...,. i ..pov eon. r.a..iepea, rreewh preacorl ...I plain, p.m and P.n.-ll. , lllank Ural Paner.. l).a,t.. btort.a. I .. i . l- . - - -, -M....H.-., ni.ip. tion and I'rotnu.rv noln; While and Parcb- un,,, uo. .1 1 ap, Horord Cao. and Hill Cap, Shoal Uuua. I... .iik.. ui.-- ' coa.lantly oa hand. Any boo'ka or atatlonary deeired ili.t 1 may not bnva on hand, will bo ordered -,, . w. Hll m Bl waoiraaie or rui, to eail ...tnmcre. I wilt ajao heap periodical lllerelara,aaoh aa Magatlata, Newepopere, Ao. r.A. uatbin. riear.IJ, May 7, 1888 If VTALUAHLK PROPERTY T FOR BALK OR FOR RKNl Th. .,,l,...:b.. .1... . - , ..... . R,.ra u-iir vii.i no win auner rent or loll hia dwelling and alore property, oil aaaa an Swat mtmn .k. , - ,i .. -- .- - vtewoeia, i a, in. awre room il 18 X 8 Let. The dw.lling houee eaataiaa I room, and a kitchen on tb. IrN Mori, and I la tbo borough el ClearSald, Pa. The atara room m ma meonw etory. The atore room aaa ka h.a a -i. - , ... - mmm mmm oa.iiiag ,awn on aad after tba lit of July, far furiaei par lleamn, sddrea. or apply ta Ike sader.lraed .a rT?1'! 0, - 'ASiMORl. t ClurS.ld, N, Nay Itfl-tf'