Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 09, 1876, Image 3

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Terms of Subscription,
Ffpaid la adranie, or within three oaontha ...t M
tipavlil after three d before tlx tnontba...., I 58
II paid of'-ir the expiration of ati noathi... I
(Mlmrt. 8. M. Pbttrroili. a Co., Newt
paper A drer tiling Agent, 17 Ph How, Corner
IleekaiAjT, Knrl, are oir duly autborlaed A grata
n nw ore L'liy.
i.i.i.i,.i;m notices.
MrlliodUt F.Ucual Church Htv. B. F.
Rtrvrnr, i it I r, I'ui.l.o Fen Ire erery Sahbeth
M lift) A AI., D4 it r. Al.
!tbbaih ft Im.mJ el VA.M.
l'reytr . ciin2 evury Tburaday, at 11 P. M.
Cuinit .nioi Servlct, flnt tfelibatb of tvery
"M, .1 lUi A. M.
Iarb tui tail Church-.Rv. 11. 8. Uiitlrr.
Siil.tittih rtrvicN morning ami evening Bb-b-h
shuel ail p. M. Prayer Meeting Wednet.
day e retting.
Ht. fraiiele' fliurch CaOiollr Rf . p.,
J.S.i.RlAH Prrnohfiig t o'clock, A.M., OR I
the Ural, third and lourth iiBd..ief eeeb mouth,!
Vfprn and Hrn edict ion ef lh I'lr.M-tl Knermmant i
al 7 w'etook, p. M.huiiday hcho"l every Sunday
afternoon at 1 o'oloek. I
OFI'U I AI, 1)1 It I t TOKY.
i na or uLimo ujurtch iritn corar.
f) nod Mm-lay of Jitouary.
Tt'rd Monday of LUrob.
Firat Monday of Jun.
Fourth Munday of SniUtnihtr.
Tina or buldimo ronitoa ri.Rai.
Flrit Monday of Junt.
Second Munday of Nomnbar.
ri' orrinas.
PmMwHt JHy-Hob. Charlrf A. Maytr, of I
Look II a van .
Aittami Lm rffr-Hon. John H. Orvla, of
Aitoeiaft Jadyra William C. FoKy, Clyarfleld
Prollonotary Kli Uloptn.
ReqUttr and rVtcofr L. J. Morgan.
Diiln'cl Aflontcy Frank Fielding.
Trtaturir David McGaajthey.
,r,-Willimm It. UcPbtrnMn.
(hmnig Srwyor&mn . McOloibey, Cor
wtmrillt. County Otmmittinmrt Clark Brown, Claar-
Held f Thumai A. MqUm, Cbt P, O.j Hairl
lluoTtr. Curwenavillt.
County Awf.'iora Chriit. J. Km.r, Olan
Hopa ; Samuel A. Caldwall, WUIiaraagrova Joba
C. Conner, Uiiroaidt.
Coum Camavr J. B. Naff. Naw Waabingtoa.
jury LuaiaitMioatrt joan w. aiiugari, Jauaa
Milchcll, ClrarOd.
Superintendent of PubUe SekaoU Jobfl A.
Orefory, Curweairllla.
A'ota'rin Public Joha' W. Wrletef. Wm. Ba
debaugh, Cyrna L. (Jordon, Clcarfleld; Joiiah
Emdi, Job. H. Irwin, N.B. Arnold, Corwanir lilt f
J. J. Mdjt, EunDBlHayeri.OacaolaMillai Joha-
lon llumiMua, Lutbtriburjc.
Our Special oolamn lR dtcidodly Inltrtiting la
a luoal point of view, and profflabla reading to
oaututri wno want to aara nrnney.
The Lent on sonflon begins this year
on tho flrt of March.
riioro will be o vimblo oclipso of tbo
an ob Sunday, March 2flth ao tba Altuanaoa
ny. Uet your amok ad glaat ready.
A protnictwi mooting is in progi-eim
to tht M. K. Cbureh ia Wut ClaarAald, nader tbt
Biiniat ration of Her. J. M. Clarke.
li ia st n tod thftt fiftoon bundrod con
ttraiooi bavo takao plaoa la th a M. B. Charahaa
in tbla (tht AUooba) diiiriat tbla winter.
A New P.M. We umlorstutitl tlmt
0. Frank Ooaa, baa been appointed poitanMtrr at
Wallaoetoa, In the place of Inft ffhlmrl wbo
ba rtJiored from tbo burough.
- f '"
A Contonninl Uia party, under tho
au'plea of ibi Udlea of Clearfltid, will he bald
la Iho "Ceatennlar building, ia tbt rear of Krat
ter'a a tore, on Waahiaxiun'a birthday.
- m a aw 1 1
. The local of the hrookville JefFrno
Niaa wrj at ehuroh oa Sonday, a pUet ba hal
not bees for ifarte yean. "Al" la evidtnily Uk- ,
inf tba rlfht way la hia new departure.
Tlio rovivftl in tho Clearfield M. K.
obnrjh atlll eontinutt, with enoonragiog algna of
lacrei-Uu loiartat. Elder B?at eon d do ted tbt
arTieea oa Saturday Bight and Sunday nwrnlug.
Tho citizens of ItlnirBville nro form
log a company to eoionenoo boring fjr oil or gaa
at a place abont two mile below tbo town where
two'welli were partially sank during the oil fever.
AVI ion pnrtnerHhipH nro dissolved do
But forget to adrertiao tbo faot. Otberwiaa the
nembcra of the Arm leaving will be bald equally
rtiponiille for dtbli oontrmeted by the part lea re
The wise man took advantage of the
cold map on Friday and Saturday Uit, i
packed hi neit aamtair'a tupply of lee. Thoea
who neglteted it will not be apt to get another
auob a ebanoe thia winter, judging from preeeat
I a h IrwU At I it nM itiuniuinn oil
ineir enure winier nooi or gooai ateoit, in order
I to aiakt room for the new epriag etylee whieh
e will I oa In a few daye. If yon want anything
P in their line give Ibem a eall now, while their
lt,.v It It llnmlin IT ft Pro.,
': flhunh. baa bMa ahiiMi to dnllrvr th Canlannla)
aermoa before the Central Peoniytraaia Confer-
ence, whieb aeeeta la ita regular annual Matita
at llarriaburg, oa tbt nineteenth day of March.
Tho residence of Kev. Dunlup at
Urookrille, waa recently entered by mtak tbla a
while iba family were at ehuroh, and robbed of
bed elothea, wearing apparel, a amatl eam of
) money, and all the provlatona they could lay
I handi on. Brockvllia need a moral overhauling.
( It. B. JoliDfton, wbo bat chanro of
)J the lomber operation a of Fmley, Yoang A Co., of
r Willlamaport, In Clearfleld and Elk touailaa, put
V 2,713 loga Into Medix rua la one diy, reeently.
Seventeen teami were employed, and the loga were
i. drawn aa average diaUa.oe tf three and three
quarter mi lei.
The Jiock Haven Xrpublican unys
; "the wetlhnowa aurblniaU, HtekePredtrtckf
' A Co bare juat taken a eoa tract for building a
larxt law mill at Wiaterbura PUllon, Clearfleld
etunty, for Charlea Illaacbard, Kiq of Philadol
ptila.H Wiularburn ll on. the Low Grade rail
Toad eait of tba tunnel.
Mr. McMath, tbrraorly of the Wood
land Fire Brick Company, will take charge of tko
: Fire Brlok worka atthii plaoe In n few dayc Mr,
McMalb la h genthnan of Urge txperienoe la the
ma no faot are of Fire Brick, and It ll hoped that
I the eitabliuhment hero will reeetrftfreah Impo
tm from hit connection with It
X Tbo Kx press train which Is duo at
thit place atV:4o p. m aa deUloed until after
1 1 o'clock, p. m. by a wreck at Dunbar, oa Thurt.
day lait The freight train which thou Id paaa
fthli place at 4 p. m waa the tnlrt whloh met
:i;h tho miihap, a'td did uotmaka itaappearaooe
i until tome hoari after tbo Bipreaa had gone up.
I A Contrast. Controcounty collects
X"t taiea under the old Uw. The amount of
exuuty tat RUoaied there lalt year waa $3fl,0AOf
nd le Ckftrield 120,000. The former evunty
liai outitiBdiag iii the faandiuf eul)ceura46,OOft,
the latter llo.JflU. The pereentage and eanera
!tim allowed cut lector a orrr Ui:re waa Jflll ;
here only 1817.
Kor the iirl: 'luring leap year
the girl who count i alt the gray boreee iba aeee,
urHI abe haa got up U a hundred, will be mar
rltd with a year to the Brat gaaUemaa with whom
aht ehafcea ban da aller counting the one hun
dredth hone." 8o aayi aa cxehinge. aad tx-
bange are rriponiltde, generally, far aJBrma
tiuna of the kind.
l.nwwjn liiulol)b,oiifubli'ot Mud
trua towmhip, CI trio a county, arretted Hubert
llrBaiager near Cuiweoaville, thia touaty, oat
Uy lait uauk, and ladged him In the Clarion Jail.
iUadelph haa been huntla him for ft couple of
yeari paat. Whea Bcanlnor krt Clarioa teuoty
it waa oa the double-qeiiek, after drawing a retol
ver on tba eomtable.
('luroiice Jobntton, formoily of this
plaee, and wbo haa beea ikaauerlaUadeat at the
Crawford Itvuer, Williamrporl. for tome time
fait, haa reilgned that poiltloa aad aeeepted the
chief clerkship ef the) Hi. Rlmt Uetel, at Phila
delphia. "Hope" baa botti of frleada la thii aeo
tloa wbe will greet him la hii aew pofllloa during
the Ceateanial aammtr.
if e aw i
Wnnainakcr ft Itrown. clothiern, ofi
I hiledelphla, are a reef.oailble Arm. Thty make
up auca'a aad boy'i elotbing bb wake them rigtt.
Their prloeearo remarkably low, and the woader
h how lliey can beaolow. The beat trail la,
however, they hart hut ooe prlee for each article,
nod that prion all mart pay alike. There la aw
cfc thing ai eria aUwed. If yea bay
iboro yoa cdweya kaew that yon are gettltg yoar
"iyi werlb and neb-d? mn hiy chnv,
A IIomi Centenkial It will be
ebamvd by the oal roan View thai the lad Ita
t oar eouoty are. goiag to have Centennial
right bora, oa Waafaingteo'a birthday. Nothing
ooald W more appropriate. It It Juat the kind of
an entertain mint la whieh all ceo tng.tgt, and
ban t good Hat generally, If tbt oa tba
day Indicated doee aot tura ap wrong end ton-
no it. But vill auw girt (ha circular tiaaed
by tba ladlee, giving Iba Uftaili of tba eoateia
p lalad "Tea PartyHi . ' i
Wc, tba uudorelgned ladle of Utenrfleld county,
iMiiiiMHn ia nnnuunoiug to oar rricmu throuR b
out lha eeuRty, that we will hold a Tea Party"
lo Clearfield, on tba evening of tba 2 2 A ut Kebni
ary ia aid of tba great Centennial oulahralloa.
Tbt capper ia tht gr-uenma duaatton of lbo.e who
fal an internet lit the (Vol nr. 11 oauae, and will
be gives in tba building known aa tht "iVattn
bial IJuilding." eered from fi u'oWk p.
m. until 11. NvltbiT pitim or expitate on tho
part of tba Indiea aad gvudeuan will bi ipared
la dtooratlng and bwautitying th building lor lot
oeoailoa. Wt trait that our friandi lathe ooun
try will aid by doantiona orehlcktm, turknya,
rm, batttr, applai, trgi, tl. Paraoni loUod
ibg to a Mlit tit ia Ibii war, will plaaaa Inform
tomo man bar of tfaa oumiuitttt, who will giva
tha all tbt nataaiary inlormntiun in rvgard lo
tba tima and manntr of atnling in tbt dooatiima,
Mra. Waltib Uarnrtt, CbatrwuuaR.
Mr. Willlaaa Bigltr, Mra. Ovraa Unnlatt,
T. J.
oyar, Frank Willfy,
M Patnuol Arnold,
" 8. J. How,
" W. II. Dill,
' D. L. Krtb.,
" W. A. (Mat. j
allwKlorlc limhaia,
" Uuiait Huillh,
' Annia llirrtti. ,
Kleot Good Men. The most im
portant offloa to be Ailed at the Rpproaohing mu
nicipal elietloa la that of Aiieiiir and aailalaot
Aiaoaaor. Tboae electa I will be tailed upoa to
make I he Iri-ennial aiauamtnt for IK7T nnd Ax
the value of all ml aetata for three year to come.
Taxpayer! will tee the aeotulty of Mleeting the
Tory boot mew in tht reiptctlro borougha and
towaablpa fur theet Important poiitltnt. Good
moo ibeuld bo elected to trtry offloe, but there It
none ao Important at thoat wo bare Indicated. It
la rtry unfortunate that Alienor are aot elected
for throe yeara, aad la aueh a manaer that they
would be called oa to make tbt triennial aieeea
mtot the laat year. Wt tare aot how much a
man knuwa whea tltoied, be itill koowi ft great
deal more after he aerrai two ytart ti Aiacaaor
than he did the Art ytar. By aaeaaiiog the per-
tonal property for two yeara, traveling around
among hit neighbor during (hat time, be bctomee
familiar with the value of property aad knowing
the hot that in a year or two he U compelled to
part judgment oa tale farm or that boute, he aL
araliy keept hit tyo npoa it and txeroiiea bit
mind, and la far more apt to make correct mh.
menta than the man only elected for one your,
wbo alwaya diteovtre hla mlitakec too late. '
New Swindling Donor We initU-i
or from oar axohangei tbt Information that antw
wimlling dodge ia being praetioed oa tba farmer !
In other eountie and wt publiab tbt manner of
their prooedure for tba benefit or our rtedera.
Tbt raaeali, wbo gi la palra, watch tht adver
Uacmoata of itray Loreea or eowt, and one or the
fellow a gone to ibe advertiser and aika to aee the
animal. Hit rcqnrit being granted, tho aoono-
drel iuforau tbt advertiaar that tbt animal it aot
the one for which ht It looking, and then goet
bach to bit MpRl," to whom be girea a deaorlptioa
of the animal. Hague No. t then put la aa ap
pearance before the farmer, armed with aa accu
rate deaorlptioa of tht bono or cow, and geta
the animal. Then bt telle tbt adrertiaer that ho
Uvea ft loag way off and doea not want to be put
to the trouble of taking tho benat home and offer
to aell It for half what it ia worth. The advertl
aee generally make the pu'rebaac, and lo Bine out
of tea aaaea tubcequraiiy baa to girt tht animal
into the poeteieiuo of the rlgbtrul owner, loitog
the money that he paid tbe Imuoiter.
i ai
Ijocal Inhtitute. The Morris lowu-
ahip Icaeben' Institute convened la tbt Kjler
towa achool boute at 7 o'clock oa Thurtday tvtu
ing, Jaa. J7th., with the Preldeat, Mr. Urtene,
la tbe ebalr, aad waa opened with roc el mutle by j
Hie ulec Club. Tht minutea of the prtvlori meet
ing were road and approved. Her. Dr. Berry
thea read ft eholoe teltotioo. entitled
Maniat." Mr. Greea con (looted a cleat drill In
Engliah Grammar. Select reading by Mr. Green.
Heme. Reid and Ham bright thea preatntod
their method of teaching Geography. Miaa Aanlt
Uolt read ft eholee eeleotlon in a very creditable
manaer. Tbt qaaatlow, ffoW, Thai wt ahoald
have a eompulaory achool law, wat dieued by
a number tf tbe leach eri and rialtora, and decided
in tbe aOlrmatlve, A number of referred quca
tiont were read and box wired- Cloaed with roll
call, rtipoadcd to by leotiuoat by tbo teacher.
Adjouraed to meet oa Thursday, February 18th.
i. ... BB . , .
Clearfield Coal Trade. Stato.
meat of Coal and other freight! teat ever tbe
Tyroao A Clearfield Divlaloa, Pcanaylvaala Rail
road, for tho week ending Jea. JVtn, 1876; and
tbe tame time laat year i
Fur tbe weeh ,.
amo time laat year
Inortaet ...... J. ,
Pravlouily daring year
Same time laat year ,
laereate m
Total la I876.. ,UMM
Same time laat ytar .......,
Inereaat ,
. oratn raxiaBTt.
Limber ...... Hl
Miioellaoeoua freight ,
... J-VTfl
. 70 ear.
, S4 "
February. This month, which is
chiefly noted for Ita eh illy, dliagreeablt, hybrid
tort of weather, waa goiter ap by Numa Pomp II
loua, tbt aamt old heathen who trumped up Jan.
aary. It la noted Jbr ita rata and mow and gen
eral diaagreeablo obaraeteriatict. Ita air la banb
aad penetrating. Ita gloom la aotorloaa. We
never expeot much from February, aad wo art
aoldom dieappolated. In fact, to aeldom ia It fair
that bad omen are attached to plaaaaat weather
ia February. Say a a Stolon couplet t
"A' tbe month o' the year
Curao a fair Februeer."
If the county auditors refune to al
low the Commlaeiooera their erpenaea whoa view,
ing aew bridge preparatory to taking tfaam off
tne baaoa or tbo eoatraetora, would they be Ja
tiAed In compelling tbe aforeeaid oontraolora to
onng laid ondgee into Ibe amoe tor inipeetlon 7
Jndimmm Untr, - .
Well, wt pretume that when Ibe Auditor aicer-
taiaed that tbe Commiailooeri bad cribbed A 27.0
apieeo, tbey thought they had atolen enough for
one year. Why, If our County Commlaalonara
would obnrge the taxpaytre aweb a bill at that,
tht Radical! would hang them to a lamp pout.
day trealng, January Slat Are wat dleeovorcd
taauing from the roof of a frame dwelliag hoaie
on Campbell itreet,Wllliamaport,aad InletalbtB
half aa hoar twelve two-ttory hoaaH, known at
tba "Herdla Row," were la flame. Eleven of
the houtrt were totally dtetroyed aad the twelfth
left la ft badly damaged tondltloa. The build
Inga were owned principally by tbe partial rtild
log la Ibem, wbo ore of that elaaa that can illy
afford to meet tht mat! Tho Art originated from
a defective flae lw one uf the ke. , (
Death of M r. Caldwell. Hu h A.,
bob of ex-Hberlff Alexaader Caldwell, died at
Carwtntvlllt on tht 8J, aged about AX year. Tbe
deceared bad beea 111 at llarriaburg for a long
time, aad reeently removed from thereto CurWeni.
till where he died. Mr. C. bad rt'fded at Ho
liday tbcTrg fur maay year, wbero he- terrtd a
term of tlx jeer aa Regieter A Recorder, and at
the explralloa of hla term he wat appelated to a
clerk 'hip la tho Surrey or General'! oflleo at llar
riaburg, where he erved tlx yean, alio
m '',
Philipbhcrg Joi:rnalihms. -
A r If gloat revival la la program ia WalUeeton.
Tba "railroad war betweea tbe railroad com
pany and Robert Ilare I'owrll la "in atatu quo."
(till tbe revival In tbe Metbndlat cburrh goet
oa. Wt ihtll aona bo a model religlow eornmn
Tbo Method I it church at Kaat Tvrono, nrti Idcd
ever by Rr. T. M. 8wititr,ef tbii patoe, reeaUed
in id membership twcaiy-lvecoBveria, on randay
It la laid that a noted hunter and trapper of
tne Aiitgneetee trap luxae ia iicarneid eoonty
and bringa Ibem Into Centre county to kill them.
The bounty oa foxea In Cleirdeld la $ IM aad la
Crwtrt $2.00. :
(Taht ef the II for Clearfltid, aad yoa will bt
Hght that fhr, al all evente. Ka. Rarua.
Soma ef our weigh boring eountlei are nrUiloa-
Ing tbe Leg tela lure le repeal tbe law which com
pel! taem to pay pre mm mi oa laeeeaipa ot fuiee,
wild oat, ana other rerenoe beeite. Lait year
Blair eouRty paid $4,H09 In premium!, and Hun
tingdon county hit in tbe laat Ave year paid
$10, MO. There la no aeeeaaity for inch a law. at
the daogereaa animal are auw ao coerce ai to be
auated tor pieeiure aao me aiut, aaa ine par
meat of a bounty ob game li a wattt of taxpay
tre' money.
Oae hundred end AH r -four membera bavt been
aUded lo the Second Frecbylerme cbureh, Attoo
aa, tint tho week of prayer, aad one bond red
and forty-Are hare beea reeeiiod oft probation In
Ibe Kigblh Arenac M. R. church. The revitale
ate Mill in progreea, aad the taiereet it unabated.
May tbe Lord't work continue to prosper.
JKnierprietag umir ooaaiy trapper tad hunt
irt ahiaaed tba eotiatj nut of M.ZOtf faat year,
(ftf the atalpt ef foiea, bawka, wtaaala, e.
Whea tba Hmltod mail blta a than. H kaocka
him late hingjaom oome ajamhev aer a eat eea
weak her eye, Eeen ol al ibe way ef tbe hm-
I mall, li yoa want to tea Ibe Cefjaaaftlal amew
ta PblUlclpnlR.
Krw MitLronr, Jaaaary SA, 1171.
Mb. Iuitow Immediately following the dayi
of feitlvity through whieh we bare juat paaaed,
we And our oommually ia mourning. Te-day it
became our duty to alterable at the Lutheran par
aoaage to par tho laat reipecta to Her, W . T.
Tryday, who died at hia reeideaoeoa the morning
of January 16th, in the Afty-tlfib yoar of bit age.
nor. iryday tame among ui about two yeara ago,
lo answer to a eall made to him by tbe Lutheran
congregation ef tbla place, to aerve them aa their
paitor. and baa aerrod them eltuuet up lo the day
of hla death. He waa loved and rcipeeled by all who
knew him, and tboae who knew him best lored
bim moat. 11 Ailed bit offloe aa paalor la an able
and obrlatlan manner, until hia Maaltrcalled bim
from tbe church militant to the ohuroh triumphant
J be oburen reel! aad mourn bia loaa and deeply
sympathise with tbe widow In her bereavemtut.
In him our community baa lost t good neighbor,
tba widow an affectionate husband aad tne ohuroh
a true and faithful woiker. He waa carried from
the parsonage to the ohuroh, followed by a urge
vunuuuree qi peupie,wnere a sermon waipreaobed
by Iter. Wbonon, from Jon, Win tbapterand 4tb
vera! "If a man die, shall he live again F" Kev.
Tryday waa alio a member of the 1, 0. O. F. and
received aieiial aid from hi broihera duriaa hia
a'ckuesa, and hia remain e art nuw In their handa
aud are being conveyed lo 11 agar town, Md lor
burial, llrvther Trday waa not without hla
trials while am on a u. Durinr thia lait summer.
Neunie, hia only daitrhler. need levanteea rear.
dtvd, and aoon niter, Willie, hia oaly soa, aged
thirteen yeara, alio died. Now, thai father, ion
and daughter are gone, mother ia ttit only one re
maining of tht family..
1 do aot leal like saying anrlhliig more on thii
eulijwt, aa 1 am aware thai anything thai vouea
Iruin niaY pea cannot add to the oh tun u lor of the
goeJ aad pur brvtbvr thai ba jual departed thii
iiiu in iivoaoew lu Jicavta. 1 will only say, way
lie WHO nas ro tinned lo be IIicwiiJow;n Hod tout
ftut aiid prurn lo bur that "all things work to
fiber ftr rod to thru tht lure God."
Time coaiiiiue very d&ll with ur ao snow, but
any amount of mud i ao work, no, money. Our
dtArnt christian denomination arc tnoroaalng
lu uemberaUlp, tbe remit of protracted meeting,
dome roonudrel broke into our public aonoul
house and lore up Ibtnga In gt-neral. A reward
of Are dollar It offered b our board of director
for any Information that will lead to tb arreat
and eonvietloa of tbe person or persona.
Married, en Monday, January 33d, Win. Wis,
jr., ana Miss Bamitntha Ulenn, both uf Fvrguion
lownibin. Now look out fur Junior Sone I
There wart thirteen oaaea or Iho docket of one
of our Justices, for trial on Tueadar. Februaf r lat,
How ia that for a townahip court t Almost equal
to eur county courts, not io, ebf Well. I do not
boast of it as betnf any credit to our place, but it
u BtTerineie true, uooa timet inal nave oace
promised ua long ainoe by our ttcpubliceu frienda,
you know. '
Some of our eltlieaa are now prospecting for
suai. nau ine res iii i win do aa yai remain to
be i ecu. Our aoboole are la a proiperoa condi
tion. County Superintendent tlregory paid ua ft
viiit laat week and wa were glad to aee bim ; may
be coon come again.
aii - - .
Oi r Vast Coal Fields. Tho llor-
rliburg Pniriet tayit
Tbt board of oommlaalonara of the second eco
logical turrty of Pennaylrania hart juat leaned
from tbt preae of the Stale printer a report oa
tbt bit urn int. ui ooal fields of Clearfield and Jeffer
son count lea. The aurvey of thia part of the
Slate baa been con tided to Franklin Piatt, aad U
a moil important contribution to the knowledge
of tbe actual value and extent of the workable
ooal basma ef western Penaeylraeia. With tbe
knowledge to bo obtained by a atudy of thia aur
vey there need be ao errors made ia tnveatmeuti
la coal landa. Tbo iwportanoe of tbo work la
band will be bettor appreciated for tbe reaeoa
that it eutiilitutoi facta for tbe gueasea which have
heretofore been made on Insufficient data. Some
remarkable aad moat importaat ndditioai nnd
correction! of geological data heretofore consid
ered well established bare been made by Prof.
Lesley. The ralue ef thia work ia that it li aot
theoretic but tbe aubitltutoa of aotual knowledge
fi r tcirottfie deduction.
The Punxsutowney Spirit man tells
the following rat itory, and Touches for ita truth :
Squire 8 tret tiff, of McCalmont townahip, found
In bia barn, a buaoh ol rata wa never heard of
rati being tied op la bunches before, but we law
tbi bunch and caa vouob for the truth of tbe
statement. There were nine Urge full grown rati
ia it, with their telle wove aad tang lid together,
two of them being dead when found. Now, we
don't propose to assert that Lbeie unfortunate an
imal were eorma a I Hart, but we do aay that,
judging from tbe physical development of tbe
rata, we are Incliacd to believe that tbey bare
spent the greater part of their eiisteaee wovea
together by inseparable ties. They were a aa-
Sprcinli. i
New wtll pnp.r, hnilom. ,I;Im. DuUdio,
or pioneer p.prr. N,w gnodi, n,w good., Jul
rMi,l. WlLLUM HlKD.
Kb. , '76
Tb. "AMrgbrajr Boom," 1. Ibi. pl, with .
frt.t portion of tbo furnlturo, ll olter.d for rent
front tbe Flr.1 of April neit. The boor, ll now
end eonimodloai, and bo food eteblinc, and all
other nofiearary outbuildina. Partloa dealrinf to
rrot rboold appljr aooo In order to get licoaao at
toe atarca l.rm or eoort. A leaae will wa glean
for four or fire yeara to lolt partlfa. For trrma
apply lo CAM'Ell Lkll'OLUT.
Clearn.ld, Pa., Jan. J Jl-
Knlckeibooker Suiting!, worth To eenU fJ
eenta, nat rocelred, great bargaia.
Blauketa, hlanhet la groat rartety jaa1
received, f , , i .
Closing out good! at bargains.
Dee. S, 1Sr5-tf-
A Fact Worth knowing.
Art yoa entering with Cotuumptlon, Cougba,
Berere Calda settled on ibe Ilreaat. or anr dieeaec
of tht Throat and Lunri F If ao, go to your drug.
gut, v. V. Wat sob , and get a bottle of Boacnaa'a
Ubrbab Brniip. Thia medicine bat lately been
latrodueed from ticrmaoy, and la telling oa Ita
own merit. The people arc going wild ore ita
acccaa, and druggiata all over ear country are
writing ua of ita cures among their tuatomera. If
yon wish to try ite lupcriorvlrtac.get a namplt
Bottle for 10 cent i. Large lite bottle To etntt.
Three doeep will relieve any cue. Try It,
mchlTwwIy ""
Rtop that Cough. Dr. lUorrie ffyrop ol Tar
Wild Cherry and llureheund ia auaraateod to
ourc eoughi, coldl, hoaraeoeai, or any diaeast ef
the tnroat, lunge or cbeat leadiRg to eoaaumptna,
la lea time than any other preparation. Nothing
that we bare ever told art to pfumptly aad well.
It cant troop tn a few miuulei and ia the beat
kaowa remedy for whooping cough. Contains no
opium and it plenatBt to take. Cough worn vic
tims, whoee luuc are racked and torn with nar-
pxyema, nod sure and speedy relief from Ita ait.
Trial lixe, 10 eeut. Hold by C. 1). Watton,
Clearfleld f P. Curley Co, Wllllamagrorei T.
II. Foroey, (Irahamton, aad P. U oyer, hylartowa
mch 17eowly. f
Bdooicr Fon Salb U. Ktwton Shaw hecpa a
full aupplr of Vredonia Burelea and Platlarm
Wagont lor sale. To be tcea at the Shaw lloeee
yard. Call oa or addreat bim at Clearfleld reaa
aylrania. may 18-tf.
On January Sftlb, l7fl, al the b mac of Daniel
8. Urnfliua, of Bell townahip, Jefferson oounty,
Pa., by Iter. K. Mangea, John B. Lbord, of
Union towaship, Clearfleld county, aad alial Mary
K. Hapert, of J e(f arson oounty,
Oo Januarr 27th, Wo, at tht house of Mr. P.
Soider, by Her. J. C. Ureer, Mr. Kmannel llenoh
berger and Mini Hannah O. Uunlap, all of Clear
Held county.
In Bradford tnwmhlp. on Friday, February 4,
iftil), Catharine l'carce, wifeol Jauob I'earoc, aca
about t8 yeara. . .
la Lutbersburg, en Hunday, February f, llTd,
JaokKB, bob of John eon and Maria Hamilton,
aged 4 yeara, 4 months aad 7 day.
In Brady township, on Sunday, Fcbraary tb,
lr, Laviua, wife of Ueorge M. Noble, aged li
gw arnlisrmfnts.
.Director renort of the district of Bloom. It.
the eoonty of Clearfleld, for tbe year 1875,
Amount of Indebtedness ..,
Amount of landed debt
Amount of floating debt,.
ISSt 74
HM. 33i 00
. j M) WM 74
Valuajioaof feaM taxable property. ol,)Ili 00
Amount of tai awaited . flftft 44
late appropriation ' ' TV
Amouat of uncollected laiee..
t9 74
l,0a4 IP
M.II. SMKAI,, Frei't.
JoMR Pmitii, Ree'y.
Feb. 1, 1H76 M.
Blalrmrat of 8aba.l Fuad of Wallacoloa
boroagb, Clrarleld eonnty, I'a.t
Hal. dup. 1878, In band, of A. V. Mulaon 113 74
Hal. I.. J. Morgan 12 TI
Hal. duplloaira 1674 and 1871 In kendo
of V. Campmon , t 869
I'm. B. Ilaller'a Inee, loo from Co...'.... M M
1177 84
OatataadiBg order,, tfeelud'g Inttrrat.
BalanM duo dl.trict 1149 14
(4. aettlemeat al Ibla dale with Trraranr and
Colloolor for l7. T. hi- IIOI.T, Bee'.
WbIIbooIob, Fob. I, IK70..11 ,
flaring taken my brother Into partnership, I
desire U have my old aeeuati altfaed. I there
lere giro aot tee ta all who kaow ahaajaelvea la
deh ted to ma u eaa tWward seen eed nttat wp,
to thmt wo caa mho tww aVtaUre.
Cleorftold, ifarr 14, tfi-tf. F. M. CAftPO.
gaUroad. .
Penoay lvanla Railroad
OH ul ft.r Mo.d.y, BIO. , 1ST1, tb.
l'u.u.r Trftlai wiU ru. d.llj ( Baa
dyi) Tjrv.t uiJ ClMiflldf u follow!
' , v yi. 0. hew, CmAuoIw.
LKAVI 8011TH."
r LkAvi iioHtirr-
Curwona,IUo..l:l, r.a, Tyrone I.OS.i.n.
Cl.arO.ld .,..1.40, Uraola. ...I0.J0
I'blliuaburg " J'blllpaburg.,,10.17, "
O-oeol .T, 11.41,"
Tyrone , Ourwanarlllt.l Mh'l.
W. g. r'Loama, Conduolor.
tKAVK'ibtiiiir """ Iti VKToKiir1
CurweBarllla...6.0. a. tlN Tyron. H..T.M ...
Claarllald HI " I Intor.oolloa...r.T
Phllinebarg (.10 " Oneola - ...!. "
Oaeoola. ! I'hllli.. her,. ...! '
Ititereeetloa.. t.H Olaarlold, ar...t.
Tyrone.. t.U7 ' I Uurwenavllle.lll.or "
r h.
Malt lip.
A. W.
8.64 leavo Tyrono arrira
.H ll.ld liuglt
I. 11
II. 10
a U
V.ot Julma
10.15 Mllralwrg
10.(0 a U.llefoBte
10 ill
leara S.So
ll.zi Jlowara
JV.0I arriro L. Jlavea
Paelfie Kaprooa, ' 1:16 Pltlabarg Kip'aa, 1:41
uarrtaoarg aoc'V, Btaajraeino Jiixpretra, t
o Bt
Mall Train, 3:11
Mall Train,
Paat Lino,
Atlantio Kipreaa, 4:47
Pbira'da Kxpraas, 10:30
niaii'smiKQ a uobiiannon branchks
Ob and after Monday, October Itlh, IS71, Ao
ootatnodatioa Traioa will rua Of ar tb. Pbillpa-
ourg ana aaeauanno. uranoaea. aa loiiowa t
A. H. A. N.
, T:l
' 7:40
I 0 JO 1:00
10,48 1:11
' Btatlooa
Daabar, .
7:11 11 II
7:06 11 11 4:31
41:11 4:81
1 10 1 4:18
11:11 4:16
11:41 4:00
11:33 9:11
' 11:17 1:47
11:24 8:44
11:10 8:40
1:11 10:1, 8:11
1:11 K:13 8:16
3:38 10:68 8:21
2M 11:113 1:31
Dellefonte, Pk ....
Look llaren
.83 05
Mlddlotown 1 00
,. 1 70
Marietta. 1 11
Laneaater I 88
AHoona...., 1 81
. 8 80
. 1 80
1 00
4 60
4 76
Johnatown.. t 80
Oloa. oonnoetiona made by all traina at Tim.
mo uooa iibtor.
8. 8. BLAIR,
aiylTtf. Superintendent,
Allegheny Valley Railroad.
f N and aflor Ifondey, December 17th, 1871,
J tbe paaeemer traina will roo dally (eieeDt
8unday) betweea Red Hank and Driftwood, ai
BARTWARD. Da, Mall learai Plttaburg
o:u a. m.t noo iianB ti:u ; engo JunetloB I2:0:
Kew llrthlehem 1:00 p. m.: War. rill. 1:11 1
Troy 1:86 1 llrookrlr.o 1:00 1 Foll:i 1:26 : ley.
aoldarill. 1:46 1 DuUola8:l4: Summit Tunnel
8:31 1 Pontold 3:66 1 Weedlllle 4:1 to ) UeoeaolU
4:44 1 arrivee al ilriflwood at l:3'i.
M K.BTVV AKn-Ili. Mall Ireroe Driftwood
ltrlt p. m i Btnetett. 1:14 Weerhrllra 1:81 1
PenOeld 1:60 Summit Tunnel 2:18! LluUoi.130,
rteynoldirlllo 1:01: k'uller'a:24 : Brookrille l:10i
Troy 4:11; Mayerille 1:86; New Bethlehem 4:48 1
Hligo Junotlon 6:10 1 Red Bank 1:46 I arrliet at
Piltaburg at 1:16 p. m.
Cloaa oo. Boetlona made with traina oa P. A I.
Railroad at liriftoood, aod with trains on tbe
Allrgbeny Valley Railroad at Hod Bank.
VAY1D MrVAKUO, Ora l Bup'l.
A A. JaraaoB, Bup't L. U. Dir.
Fm braces under one management the fire at
Trunk Hallway Lines of the WKST and NOBTIl-
WKHT, and, with Ita numcroui branch! and
oonnectlonB, form the ahortect and quickest roo to
oeiweeo ueicaaoanii ait poioia tn ilmkoib, n la
Nkruabka, CALtroBRU nnd tbo WatranR
TRaairoaiaa. lie
Omaha and California Line
la the aborted tad beat room for all point la
North r hk Illiroir, Iowa. Dakota. Nibraika,
Wtomiro Colorado, Utah, NoranA, OALiron
ri. Orroob, Cbixa. Jafab and Ai'itbama. Ita
Chicago, Madison & St. Paul
Ia tbt abortett line for Nobtrbrr Wibporriv and
MiRRRaoTA, and for Ma pi boh. Br. Paul, Mir
RBAroLia, Ddlutb and all point la tht Uraat
i. oriaweai . in
Winona and SI. Peter Line
It tba only rout for tTjroba, Rochritkr, Owa
tonka, Marrato, Bt. Pvtbr. Nrw Ei.m, and nil
poiuta ia Houtkern and Ceatral Minneaeta. Itt
Green Bay and Marquette Line
It tbt only lint tor Jarbbtillb, Watrrtowh,
Foxn Dc Lao, Obhrohb, Applrtor, Urrrn Bat,
Harcock and tbe LAKR8traRioa Cuunrar. lu
Frceport and Dubuque Line
It tbe only route for Kloir, RocaroRb, Vbbi
roBT, aad all point via. Frceport lit
Chicago and Milwaukee Line
la tbt old Lake Shore Routt, tad it the only ont
paaaing through KvaOrtom, Lair Forrst. JJiob
Pullman Palace Cars
are run o. all through traina of 1Mb road.
Able IB lha UHLI LIME running tboae eare bo.
Hm Chioago aad Bt. Paul, Cbieago and Milwau
kee, or Chicago and Winona.
At Omaha ear Bloeperr oonneet wllh th..ror
lead Bleenera oa the I'aion PaeiSa Railroad for
all polnta Weat of tba M ieaouri Rlror.
un tl. arrtral ol tna tratao irom tn. Kan or
Boalb, tbo traioa of tbo Cbieago A Nortb-Weatera
Railway LKAVI CHICAGO aa follow.:
Par Council Illulla.Omaha and California.
Two Through Traina daily, with Pulltaaa Palaoe,
Drawing Hoom aad Bleeping Cara through to
rjounail Bluga.
for Mi. Paul atld lliineapollm Two
Through Traina dally, wllh Pullman PalaoaCan
Bttaebed OB both traina.
Por Cireeii Hay an4 Lak. ftnpcrtor. Two
Traioa daily, with Pullman Palaoe Cera attached,
and running tbroogh to Marquette.
Por Milwaukee, Four Through Tralaa dally,
Pullma. Cora OB Bight traina, Parlor Chair Can
on day traioa.
Por lipart. .n4 Wlnon. and potato la
MiBBeoota. One Through Train dally, with
Pullman Hlaepera to Winona.
Por JUDuqua, tU Vreeport, Two Through
Traioa dally, with Pullman Cara on alghl traina.
Por Duouqu. and JL. Croaae, rla Clinton,
Two Through Trains dally, wllh Pullmaa Cars
on night train to MeOregor. lown.
Pur Hiout City and Yankton, Two Traina
dally. PallmBB Cara to Miaaonrl Valley Jnnetio..
Por Lake Geneva, Four Traina dally.
Par Bockford, Hlorllug, Kenoalia, Janea.
Title, aad other points, you oan hara from two
to ten traina daily.
Now York Offloe, No. 411 Broadway t BobIob
Office, No. 1 Stale Street Omaha Olios, 113
Farnbam StrMt, Hea Franolroo Offloe, 111 Mont,
gomery Blroet Cbieago Ticket Otto., i 3 Clerk
Street, andor Bbermea lloueet oorner Canal and
Madiooa Streets Klnalo Street Depot, oorner W.
Kioileend Canal StreotB t Well. Street Denol,
corner WoIIb and Kintle Btraata.
lor raloa or Information not ' atlaloablo from
tour homo agents, apply I
W. ri. Stbnnbtt, MahTiB Htwntrr.
Uen. Pam. Ag't, Cbieago. (Ian. Bup't,
Jan. 26, 1170.1, Cbieago-
1870. WHERE 0V? 1876.
To MICHIGAN, aoa ef tb, fortmost, Hoori.b.
Ing aad healthy BtaM I
To bay a FARM oat of lha
One Million Aorpit
of Ine itrmlliw land, for sale hy tba GRAND
Strong Bolls. Ready Market. Bore Crops. Onod
BcbooTs. R. R. rona through oentre of grant.
Settlemeata all aloag. All hlBda of Predoele
raiaod. Plenty of water, timber aad handing
malarialB Price from 11 to lilt par .ore i ona-
f.nrth dowa, halaaoa ob lima.
Aror-Bend for Illustrated pamphlet, full of faot a
aad Igures, Bad bo eoarineed. AddreaB
w, a.iiuwahu, t'omm'r.
Uraed Hanlds. lllch.
Pi 11. L. PIKRCB, tt'y Land Dep t.
I Yo, Pstt'A, . ..
... , ....
KVKIlRe ."I? ""a".;? ' "P
BinUr&fWed, Seed Cera, Sord (Jura, Seed
Seed Wheate, Trot and Hedge Seeds,
Bout, of all kieds, for tying HrLILkl
TDIT'tl ,no Paiini.
I naiiB. Bliadtrd and Dwarf Frail Treat,
Orapoa end Small Frolts, Krergreent, Orasmental
Trros and Bbruba, Roots, liedge Plants, Ao.
Knolnoa Stamp for prlee Hot, 11 eoale for Full
Deecrlplira lelaloguo. . Feh. 1, '76-41
' HISTORY ,v'"'i 'AuKNTB, 1.
I fir lererg lowp,te etpreat Jor
K.iiiouii,.,ii Hr. orn.ll'a aew and
NNSYLVANIA.Ipep.l.r Htsury ef
nnt) tvanla. from the oarllcet dleeerery U
the present time. A tpleadid boob, imi.l,to la
oao vol., litperuroo, aad puldlsbod al a price I
w Ii naa repca Of tap people, . f,ro pueooe tor .
I rvt.claM eaBvossor. Addreat the pablitaors,
Oaakar CHt PaklUhlaaT Ca lit A 111
Qnlnea SI.. Phlltdylphlt. . !' I, Tl 41
i ,.t I' 1 1 'tn a e f ' " j, a'A ' '
grw dwrtimrnti.
mum mnnmnm
of Clearfleld County,
' '," FOR 1875.
! cntiiTY vwu worn
.DAVID W. WISH, lao.., Treeaarer of Oleart.ld
eounty, la tho CoajuoDwaalth of Pean.ylra
Bia, I. mooobI with tba faada of aaid Bounty,
from tho Twenty. Drat day of January, W6, to
the Flrat day ol January, 1S7D
" 1 IJIHTO. y '' :i
To balenae due oounty laat eoltloaiont ll4,Stf4 69
10 IB I Que troiu ooll . laat aettleinout 1,013
l o eount, taa sn anaralad for 1174...
To poor Ua on uaeaied for 1S74..,
To eonnty tax tin unaeated for Iflrr...
To poor tea on waoeeted for 187.
To am't Inlareat on delinquent eoll'a
To additional oounty tna lor 1 ,74
To additional poor taa for 1H7I.
To oa.h froat lJradlord poororereocra
" tlrabaui " "
1,704 1,
7,407 14
I9.VM4 t
4, ins ea
134 17
, i;tf 60
111 10
' at oo
. Uu.h. b
" 1 17 10
C. Klrk.e
. Courtney 141 06
To tat by I, O. Brenner ,( 11 80
To tat refunded by Ueaa t. ft .
To In. and ooata paid by (larrotly..., 17 41
To oaab .a Richard', nota..,.,. 70 00
To bank tat for IK" 1,044 00
To am t Jane regietry lat, 1171 41s 10
. Boot. " " 2iu au
To on Ilulleob lot Po
?0 i.Jrtupllon on MrOnrrey Ian la. ' ,76 0(1
0 eaah Irotn llralnard, 8ne..., ( 00 00
To ca.b frota Oarna oa ooata ' 10 00
To redemption In Penn towoabip.... 62
1 0 rt'tfvuiillon in noonweru tow op 2r,f 41
To flne. anil ooata of fcberil Mal'beraon 169 71
To eaah lur ooal f llieriff Mepheraoa . 31 Oil
To Jury feaa and ooata ' 2 00
To eoated oounty tat for lltft Ill, 6111 ;
To Boated Ktala lal for 1871 . 101 94
To eaah front Powell! Morguatore 16 Oil
To balanoe due Treaaurer Wlte......... 1,437 o
, 1107,070 18
Cloarleld, Pa., Jan. Hat, 1670, rooolrod of
David MoUaughey, Trwaaurer, tbe lee. of .a.
Ihoaaaaal four hundred au4. thlrty-aevrn dollara
and ten eonta, ($1,487.14) being in full or Iho
aboro balanoe due ma .a eettlotaentof tbe oounty
amount. HAVID W. WISH.
County Order. Redeemed, rla I
By A'Besfors' wages H $ 000 70
llj Distriol Allorney 32, 60
Altwrueya' for a, vis t
By t 10 00
By Tost ;(...'.... 10 00
By Auditor, and Clerk
By auditing ProtboBotary's aoo'u
II lo
loo oo
41 00
Bridget, via I
By Dear Creek bridge...... t 1,101 09
By Pike twp. bridge ., lit 10
By Burntlde bridge. 71 00
1,401 00
12 80
By Bridge views.......
Commlaalonera' Wmg ea, via I
By I. D. Tbomnsoi I 201 00
By Clart Jlrown u Z"9 00
By 0. W. Kyler.i.......... Mi 00 171 Oil
By CommiaeiolMfs' Clnk. . H 800 00
By Court drier - - 1.14 00
By Conatablse' Retnraa, ! I
Maroh tana.. I 107 16
Juno term 46
September term.. Ill 80
111 tl
By Court llooae. vltl
Fuel, ooal aad wood
Ntoroe aod fornaeee
Winding, repairingolook.
Chairs and Utiles
I 288 10
87 10
141 01
08 13
71 00
It 16
III 01
By Amouat du. from Coller tore, vlt 1
Buro's A TpB. Coil's aamoe. Year Total.
Morris.... IRIcbard 8wartt.l87ll fg;
Bell Thos. C. Lee 1871
! 26
Cheat. Kam'l V7illiaau! lull,
III 81
20 16
101 94
19 86
109 86
11 68
261 20
450 38
132 61
3K9 41
01 71
1 80
ao r
101 oo
16 76
11 611
318 04
Vorice Clark 1872!
Alet. Ream 11871:
Wm. Radebaugh 1871
Thomas WhlM...il871
Boocaria twp.j
Uack. Kinkald.... 1678i
Henry Ilrolb IS7.1
Janes Miles '18731
Samuel Williams: 1871
II. C. Miller i IS7S
A H.Hhlrey HM
Houlodale w.
(leo. W. Rowlea. I7.v
II. W. Brown 1 Ir17.1l
Jordan .......
Bylreeter Wimer. 1678:
A.8. llickok 1873
Taylor Rowloe... 1X73;
Abra'm Kephart.l873i
Joha Penla ;1878j
(cola. .......
Penn. .......
Pike. 1,1. Roaa Bloom...
Woodward.... i H. H. Milea..... 1873:
Boooarialp Jack. Kinked... '
Rell iMoiea Tharslaai. 16741
114 17
41 31
Bloom.......C. A. Wood..... 1 1174 ,
Bogt, Ilaaoe Blah ! I T4 1
Bradford John A. Anleo...!l674,
horn. Iii. T. Ryaa.. 1 1874,
18 17
141 08
34 13
142 10
100 86
138 77
71 01
219 77
80 42
Ferguaoa ...
Qallok ...
Joaaph 11. Hrotb tor,
fipenoor Whipple: 1814:
Frederick Croaa.. I"'4,
Ramuol Htllea 174
Robert Boiler.... 174
Chaa. Robaekar. 1174;
8 P. Straw...... 1874
Lawrence. ....
Boll .
Bradford ...
Brady. .......
Darn tide..!.,..
Burnaido bof.
11 Baton
N. We.hin'0..
l'lke j
81 48
Enos Bloom......
Nat. Rl.heL
I. O.Skof
27 7
4 74
164 9
11 10
7 12
137 41
J. K. liaaooofc...
M. Keadr...
II. H. MllM
Jaek Kinkald....
681 87
W. H. Roaa......
478 13
Jos. Whitman...
Jacob Dimliog...
70 14
401 31
64 41
1087 16
210 14
11 14
401 06
71 03
811 41
430 01
117 13
410 11
4 49
46 1.1
101 10
46 11
161 10
llll 61
111 17
101 41
141 11
69 17
400 11
11 17
166 64
lol 61
111 01
77 71
"I 76
til 10
John A. Anlee...
A. U. Drauekor.
'Jas. Summerrllle
V. MoMaaUra...
Joka J. 8aydor
Lewu Ijelibor...
Joha Mct'lellaa.
Vpeneer Wbippls
bori atoai.
Proderiflk Crow.
John R. Carr.....
W. M. Wilson....
J. M. Brans
A. Mulbollaa....
D. MeUonltaL...
Hilre.ler Hunt...'
Wm. Hchoeoiag.
Daniel Sloppy...,
Dneid Lan.berry
A. D. Johnston..
(I. W. Uallaher...:
J. 0. Bhol.
M. M. Flyna
li. Dale
1 men
I. I'eoplee.,
Wallaoeloo..JEd. Roblaon
Woodward.... (1. II. Wooden..
$11,117 17
By Commonwealth Co.ta, vial
Couwllh vs. Aakey $ 11 II
" Aabrraft 10 70
w Boiler 28 04
" ' Bennett. 1 11
" Barkbolder. 11 10
' Colli 371 27
" Cowdrlck 15 48
" " Came 1 00
" Curry 11 04
" " Davla 4 01
' ' Fleeter 51 41
' " " Fauror I 88
" Fot r... 30 91
" " Fraeler. 0 11
dray I 65
. " (lallagher... 49 16
' " Uoles : 08 28
' ' Ballet . 16 00
" " Henry 8 41
" ' " Haley .10 40
" Ilackett 81 40
' ' Hunohbarger M0 64
" ' " Knoaor 29 47 ,
Kline 184 68
" ' Laaotto. 1 80
Meohtloy..,. 10 40
M.loa. .15 11
" ' ' Morpbey... 1 17 -
" - Mock .- , 11 18
" McClelland.. II 00
' Nelaon t 60
" " Oahall I 76
" ' Parks. 1,179 01 '
" " Bmutalnger.. 32 22
" Blull 48 37
" Bombard.,.. 91 09
" " Smith 17 09
" Sheeaer 1 84
' ' Stiles 1 01
" Tmatmaa.... 6 00
" Watile... 1 611
' Wslsh 14 46 1,710 71
By electloo etpenses
By ctprea,
By Inquest foot m
By Jnsttoes foot
1,001 It
4 16
88 16
67 10
07 Ml
til 00
By Jury oomtntealonsrB
By janitor 'a wages
ny Jurors' vTaa;ee. vltl
Grand lory, March term.., 1 161 11
" Juaa ..
117 05
116 30
884 7:.
,. I W. 103 01
.1 1 w. 411 6.',
,. 1 W. l:tl 00
,.lw.l,OI6 10
,. Iw. 418 80
. lw. 426 it
Travert "
4,0,10 80
II 10
too 00
II 80
By Jurors boarding......... ,
By post mortem
By loaaoy eases
' By Prlntliisr Aeronat. via I
1. 1. Row 150 00
j 0. B. Uoodlander 41 11
By Poalage Arcowat, via I
I I 11
Towoabip aUtemoaU....v
1 n
I 6
I 72
10 95
12 II
I Boaooi waaaori ,..,,,.
Supplemeotel aotoHmaal.
, ,,,,, , J,
Bohoul traaaeripts..
Celleotora' doplloatet.....
11 14
451 16
418 11
Pealteatlary hill
ProtboaoUry faal, A. 0. Tate
By Recorda, vlt 1
RegleUr'l offloe 1 41 11
Prothonolary'B ef&oa 47 21
Rnrelope, 21 10
gnnlleetoe ,.MI,Hi,m, A.,u
efurmed sehoul.
Refund ....................
119 II
II 11
III ii
117 84
Registry law tkpooaet. ...... ........ 764 ,1
By Ptisejaovtii
Beard!., prlstiaers....,.,
Redding tor prls'iaere....
Broom," huakeu, etc....
Bake ovea ........,..
riroalng prleon ,
2,307 64
li to
11 11
- : 13
ie u
lo (4
i .iiiii : i
m i
, , 67 TO
4, M 11
in n
It 07
111 N
11 31
' II 61
"" ui tr 1,741
............ . 137
By Sherlfa Pew, vbl
Coal, la 11. a eae... ........ 71 41
iinua warraal ooata f i II
Turnkey's fM 144 00 ,
Coo roving trlaonon to pea-
IHOtiary 201 00
Coal, on eolloetorB H 24 OO
" Comm'lh oaao 10 10
5talleiury , .
' By Tlpalavea, vltl
041 II
41 60
Marob toria
Moy "
Juaa . ............
Sept, '
Nor. ' .
By mlooollaoooaa
By road viewa...M.H, H
By road damages
Olotblag forprl.oaere
Vuel.M.M...M .MU.a
aa .'h...A).m..m..m
Uaa axtMraa M
FarBltara .......,
Loeki and k,yt
Repalra M...
Oil eloth
Waablag for prUonara "
8oalpi....... .............,
I 80 0,
20 00
11 00
71 00
11 01 181 8
It 61
.......... 147 00
26 II
By Hoaplt.1 Kanemaaw. via I
Qulllem 110 10
CiaaaweU . 177 t
Courtney . '" 177 01
Urowrll 81 01
llob'iy Ia. 60
Med uirc 80 16
Bennett 70 11
fly esoncrallnos oU'iloullon'ora w
... .
oa una. lanils.
II 10
By prison ouupous redeweined
By bounty coupons redeemed
1,201 0
63 00
B) Liquor Plnea Reluaded, vltl
y am't paid lluatoa School Dlatriei.. 860 10
Oaeeola " " 601 00
" " Houtidalo " " 101 00
" Coringtoa " 60 10
" " Lumbor elty " . lot 00
" " Penn ' 101 00
" " Cloarleld lit 10
By amount peld Teeohero' Iuetltuta... 138 00
By amouat paid Court reporter 412 00
Uy am i paid State Traaeurar, B. tat. 1,888 It
By amount paid Bank Ua . 981 89
By aror cbarga oa Sept. rog. ux,'74. 18 to
By reduction en unseated oo. tu,74 I 85
By anaealcd oounty tat, 1874, anoo'd 19,706 tl
" poor lat, " " 7,407 14
- 1875, " 4,806 68
" eouatr lei. " 10,034 84
By add'l county lat of 1874. anoo'd 234 27
poor lat ot 1874. anoolleo'd 133 60
By por cent, ooll'g 111,80, 11 (u) 1 141 48
uy per oenL paying out ll4,8V4,0V(r,l, 3 44
By per cent recelriag aad paying out
$21,181 81 fin 1 per cent.......... 147 41
By aier oent. an Bank ua 62 11
By abatement nllowod tat payers o
11,688 91 (1 por wool .,
1107,071 18
For 1874-75.'
DAVID W. WISH, Treaaurer of Cloarleld MeatT.
In noeount with Ibe eeveral townehlpe, for road
iuous, loraaiu yeara, Titt
Arrrerate utatement
To bal. la Co. Trees, hands Jaa. 19.
1871 110.140 70
To amount or Ut aaeeaaed for 1874. 10,004 88
To additional Ut aaaoaaod for 1874. 446 41
To amount asacaeed for 1 171 10.(1104
"171,033 80
By amount paid DlaL Trees. ........ t 1,622 09
By etoaoralioBB., 27 80
By am't aneolleeud Jea. II. 18. 1... 10.703 11
By oaab la Co. Traaa. haada.. 6V01I
Total Road Fand 171,033 18
Beeeaiia Towaehlp.
To halaaoa due Dlslriot, Jaa. 19, 1871, vlt t
To aaah ia Co. Trees, handa,.... 1101 81
To am't uncollected 314 46
To am't of Rood tea Masoned lor 1871. Ill 10
1631 49
By eaah paid Diet Traaa. Q. W. CalwelL
By esoneratloa,
By bal. doe uncollected
1531 49
Hell Townahip.
To balance due District, Jaa. tl, 1875, vis :
Ta eash ia Co. Troaa. hands $ til
To am't anrollartad 981 07
To am't of Road Ut aaaoaaod for 1874.. 1,380 11
11,360 18
By oaah paid Dltt. Tress. H. Broth...
By oaah bal. la Troaa. haods
By bal. duouBcolloctod...M....M....
I 150 M
71 00
1,141 17
M,il 13
lllooaa Towuahlp.
To hal. duo District, Jaa. tO, 1171, vtat
To eash ia Co. Troaa. baodaw..........
To am't anoolleeted
Ta am'l of Road Ua aasoaaed for 1671.
I 14 it
181 0.
281 90
I 131 It
By oa.h paid Dial. Treat. O. M. Oof..
By am't BBOolloelod.
64 12
171 80
I 131 11
- Bof KB Township.
To hal. daa District. Jaa. t. 1871. via I
To oa.h ia Co. Traaa, heeda . I 17 18
To am't anoolleeted 141 48
Te am'l of Road taa aooeased for 1871. 110 41
I 8tl 04
By eaah paid Diet. Trees. J. Dlmellog.
I 87 16
too 88
By amount nnoolleetod w.m
1 111 04
Bradford Township.
To Balance due Dlatrlel, Jan. 19, 1171, Tl. :
To eaah In Co. Treat, handa. I 104 11
To am't aoeolleclod 197 10
To am'l of Road tot a.nned for 1 87 6. 167 14
1 4 AO 01
By oaah paid Dial. Troaa. J. Plane..
By amount nneoBeolod.... ,
t 104 95
lit 14
I 461 09
Brady Townohlp.
To balanoe due Dlatrlel Jaa. tO, 1171, vlt :
To oaak In Co, Troaa. kanda I 111 71
To ain't uncollected 1,641 14
To am'l of Road lax aaaeeaod for 1871. 2,133 II
To additional UI aaaotsed for 1174... 17 II
4,011 II
By oaab paid Dlst. Treat. D. Beam...
Hy amount anoolleeted
til 71
I.71M1 41
4,111 10
Burnalde Township,
To balance due dlatrlel Jan. 19, 1871, via I
To oaab ia Co. Troaa. beads........... 49 II
To am't Bneolleoled 680 10
To am'l of Read ua asnssod for 1171.
401 It
1,137 71
By eaah paid Dial. Troaa. W. HewetU 1 41 11
By amoual uncollected... 1,08111
$1,137 70
Cheat Towuahlp.
DR. .
Ta balance daa District Jaa. 19, 1175, Til t
To eaah ia Co. Trees, haada w. 111 96
To am't nneolleoted 893 11
To am't of Road Ut ataeofod for 1671. 447 44
1,341 11
I 169 01
till OO
161 01
8.10 yd
By aa.b peld Dial. Tresl. I. Marklo..
By " 11 11 H (, h (
By ej .... el . w
By tmount aaeolleeted...
1.8(1 01
Cavlnffton Townahip.
To balance due Dlelrlot Jaa. 21, 1871, vlt :
To cask to Co. Traaa head 1 161 09
To am't oeeollootod 1,359 48
To om'l of Rood tat ttseeecd for 1876.1 911 84
1,317 41
By ee.h paid Met. Troaa. C. Brow,..,. 10, 90
By " 'I f ! ... 61 00
By amount anoollceied t.toi 34
$1,367 43
Dejcatar Townahip.
Te balance due Diatriet Jan. 19, 1171, vlt :
To oaah la Co. Troaa. hands $ 116 II
Te am t uncollected 177 4 6.
To am't ef Road Ut aaeeaead for ltli. Ill II
Xo addlloal U aaaoaaod for 1874..., 16
1,160 26 1
By oaab paid Dltt. Treat. R. D. Show.
By antenat Baeolleoted
,. 116 08
1,161 10
1,161 II
Kerruimn Towaahin. .
To balance duo Dtitriet Jaa. tl, 1171, vlt :
To eaah, I. Co. Tree,, band . $ 17 04
Ta ,mt BBoofleeud 151 60
To am'l of Road lat aaaeaaod for 1171. til II
670 It
By tea) paid
By amount at
Dlat.vrwaa, N. Watte...
17 06
U8Celleojete"J.s.,eai o.Mt I a
670 $4
Glrat-4 TawMklf ,
. t arm.
Ta balance das District Jaa. M, IITI, vis r
T sash la Oo. Traaa. beads........ I Ml
T. am't aaooUeeled........ ...... l,fH
To am i of Read tuasaasaod for 1871. l,8f
By eash paid DlaL Troaa. 0. VInot 1 100
By " " M too
By w - . , w,
By amoaal oeoUeoled....-....'....1 8,711
Geaalim Towaaallr,
To halaaaa daa Dlatrlel Jaa. 10, 1171, vts I
To aeah ia Oo. Troaa. handa.,... . I 41
To am't BBcollooted 1,111
To am't of Road tat assaaaed for 1171. 1,1 It
By eaah paid Diet. Troaa. 1. laakoy...
By amoaal aaaollootod ...
$ 44
Graham Tooraahlp.
To balanoa due Dlstriot Jaa. 19, 1171, vlt i
To eaah la Oo. Trwa. hndi... I 101 47
To am't uaeolloeud... .... 17111
To ami of Road lai aaseaaod for Kit.. 171 10
" 1 161
lie M.h n.ii u i a a.
57 ; J f-'- ... iuiiw.
01 .". " ' - VH
own. aamiieriaa I'l
1 111
tlullch Towaalilp.
To halaaoo due Dtatriet Jaa. 80. 1815. vlt.
To aaah U Oo. Traaa. handa $ 159 97
To am'l uaeolloeud 745 18
To am't of Road ut eeeaaaod for 1116. 151 47
11,741 It
By aaah paid Diet. Traaa. Jaa. Flyaa. I 151
By amoaal aaoolaaetod... ,v 1,101
11 ,741 11
Hunt or Towaehlp.
To baloBoo daa Dl.trict. Jaa. 29. 1171. via :
To oaah ia Co. Troaa. hands..... 12,410 44
To am'l aoeollooUd 7,174 16
To am't of Hoad Ut aaaoeaad for 1871. 1,187 15
To addilioaal taa aaaoaosd for 1874.... II
116,100 13
By aash paid Diet Troaa. C. RobeokerJ) 1,410 43
By amoaal auool looted.... 11,611 40
111,110 18
Jordan Tovrnabla,
To baleaoe dae Dl.trict Jaa. Id, 1871, vlt i
To oath la Co. Traaa. handa........... $ 34 17
To am'l uncollected 6195
To am't ef Road Ut asooaaed for 1871. 98 16
t 114 II
By oaah paid Dltt. Traaa. j. Thompson. $
By amount uaoolleeud..........
14 97
181 11
214 18
laartliaua Townahip, . .
DR. '
To balanoe duo Dirt riot Jan. M. 1171. vlat
To aaah ia Oo. Troaa. handa............ I 167 11
To am't uncollected IM 11
To am'l of Road Ut aasoaaed for 1176. 1,031 10
11.141 81
By cask paid Diet, Trees. B.J.v)lllelaad t Ml 00
100 M
By 1
By etoaoratloa oa Joe. MeUarvav...
69 ii
17 00
1,854 16
By amoaa I naeolloeted......
11,141 11
knot Towaehlp.
To balance duo Dlatrlel Jaa. 19, 1171, vlt :
TooaakaCo. Troaa. hands ............ $ 163 14
To am'l BnooUooted 486 40
To ami of Road ut assessed lor 1176. 486 40
11.130 44
By cash paid Dlst. Troaa. J. Fot..
By cask bal- la Treat, band .
By ameant uncollected
100 00
61 64
, 171 80
11,134 44
lAwrwae. Townahip.
Ta kalaaoe duo Dl.trict Jaa. 21, 1171. vlt :
To oaak la Co. Traaa. kudl. 1 101 71
To am'l uncollected .. t.lll 10
To am't of Road taa aaaaeaad for 187a. 1,12116
Ta additional Ut a I for 1874... - tl
14.147 4
By east paid Diet. Tress. Jo. Owoaa- I MS 71
By aaaeaat aaooUooted..... ......... 4,141 70
14,147 41
Morrlt Towaehlp.
To halaaoa due Dlstriot Jaa. M, 1171, vis 1
To cask la Oa. Tree., kanda 1 451 87
To Ml uaeolloeud.... 1,721 91
To am'l of Road tea aaaoaaod for 187i. 1,111 00
11.871 OO
By oaak paid Dirt Treat. J. L. Stewart. I 461 17
By amoaal uncollected 1,411 11
11,671 09
. Penn Townahip.
To balaace due Dlatrlol Jaa. 20, 1871, rla :
To eat a ia Co. Troaa. haada 1 111 16
Ta am't aoeolleclod .. . 101 40
To twi t 0 Road Ut aaseesod for 1871. 801 40
1,760 06
By'east paid Dirt. Treat. F. I. Raferty I 151 16
By inhjuol uncollected. ...,..,......,.. l,6ol 80
1,761 96
Plu. Tnwnahip.
To halaaoa duo District Jaa. tl, 1171. vlsi
To oa.h ia Oo. Traaa handa......... . 11,313 41
To am't oeeolleeted 1.649 60
10 aa 1 01 Hoa. UI attested for 101. 1,649 60
1.651 41
By ee.h paid Com'r M. Nichols.......
B, " "it n
By " " "
By " " - "
By H. Whllehead..-
By cash balanoe
By amoual aacollocUd
f 100 00
loo 00
100 00
too 00
100 60
451 41
1,109 00
6,161 41
Plh. Tewnehlp.
. DR.
To balance dae Dlatrlol Jaa. t, 1871, vlt t
To ca.b ia Co. Treat, haada I It 21
Toamt BBcolleeted 17114
To am'l of Road tai aeacsaedfor 1871. 171 II
471 11
I It, M,h paid Dltt. Treat. U. Bile......
( 114 28
117 9t
11; amount uncollected
l4?t 16
Jul. Townahip.
To balaace due District Jaa. it, 1171, vis t
Te eaah la Co. Troaa. hand I 104 62
Totm't BBOolloelod. 1,1.11 N
To ami of Road Ua assessed for 1171. 1,631 80
By cask paid Dltt. Treat. D. E. Bra
baker By oaah paid Dlst. Treat, D, E. Bra
baker.. .....
By emoBBt uncollected......
t IM 00
3,211 21
Wcmdward Tuwaahlp
To balaace due Diatriet Jaa. If, 1171, Til :
To oath ia Co. Trace, banda...... 171 41
Te am't uaeolloeted
Toam'tof Road Ut aaaeeaod for 1611.
To addilioaal tai aeassted for 1174...
$6,776 M
By oaah pall DlaL Treaa. 1. II. Chase. iM 0U
By . 79 41
By tmounl aueol looted ...... BJlvl M
$8,771 01
Cloerleld. Pa.. Jaa. II. 1876, Received of
- j Derld W. Wloo, rale Treeoarar, tho mm ef Ire
,uum www win.ij v i. i mmm miwrwm own,., uo-
ing tho baleaoe due tbe road fond In Bell. Kaol
tad Pine lowaablpt. 9AVID McUAl'IIHKY,
00.11 Treeaarer..
For 1874-75.
DAVID W'. WIKB, Esq., Treasurer or Cloerleld
eoaBty, Ib aocouBt with Ibe several towashipe,
for tatd yeara, Tit t
AlfaTOf ol. Rtatuaeat,
Te cash la Co. Troaa, haadi Jaa. 2$.
1616... 0,050 11
Te amoual of Ut a I foe 1674. Il,l it
To addilioaal ut ataoeood for 1674. 471 1 1
To amowart aeseaood for :..,.r. II.IM 11
a.h ... 99
' CR.
By oaaaual paid Met. Traaa
By omeaal uaeallsolsd. .w. ....
By oaaaeratUaa. ...... ........
By eaah la Co, Troaa. haudt..,
1,001 14
IM"I 11
21 M
.0 41
. 170,441 82
BaiocarU Towaaltla.
... DR., - ,
To balaaot due Dletrial Jaai IV, 1171, via I
T sash la Oo. Troaa. haa da I
Ta am'l uaoolro.lod.nw..i....w....H4 r
To am't of Kehool tat assessed for 1 171, ' 8
rVjeeia paid Diet. Treo.U.W.Calwell, I
uy mouaooiiaotea,.HM,m.M.K
Ball Towaahlp.
To haaaaoa due Dlatrlel. Jaa. II. 1171, via :
To aaah la Oo. Troaa. haada 1 130
To am't aneollea4od OAS
To ami of School UI taasaaod fof 111!.. ltd
i 11.086
CR. "
By aaah paid Diet. Troaa. H. Broth.
By m M m ri ii
By amouat Baeolhntud
By aaah ta Co. Traaa. hands.
Blaora Townahip
To halaaoo do Dlatrlel Jan. II, 1171, vlt I
To eaah la Co. Troaa. hands I 44
To am't aneolleeud,....., 111
Tnam'lorSrhoo,iaiaa,oee4forl871. 181
1 MO
.... 200 M
100 01
... 1,861 11
80 40
i? i ? ""h paid Dial. Tras. C. M. Oaf-. 8) 46
ao Bf awonat naoo leclrd 114
, '
67 ' a ia.
Bogga Towaalilp.
o DR.
Te balance duo Dlatrlel Jan. 19, 1171, vlt :
To eaah la Oo. Treat, haada... . I 111
To am't anoolleotad 137
loam tot Kekool UI aoaeaaedfor 1875.. 281
1 741
By each paid DlaL Troaa. J. Dlmatlng. I
By " J.U. Ohaaa,
of Woodward
By amount anoolleeted
21 12
1 741
.Bradford Towuahlp.
To halaaoa due Dlstriot Jan. JO, 1871, vlt I
To oaah ia Oo. Treat, handa - 1 ITI
Teaaa't aooolloetod. 157
To am'l of School Utaaaoesod for 1871. - 177
I 507
By oaah paid Diet. Treat. J. Puree... $ lit
ay amouat uncollected .w.......... 131
1 647
Brady Townahip.
DR. .
To-balanoe daa Dlslriot Jaa 19, 1171, vlt : 1
To oaah la Co. Troaa. haada...
1 180
Te am't aaoetlected
To am't of School ua aaeeesed for 1871.
To addilioaal tat aaeeeaed for 1871...
1,171 10
1,421 14
II 10
By oaah paid Diet. Troaa. D. Ream,..
By M U 14 U 1 ...
By amount anoolleeted
f 180 It
100 00
1,111 14
tt,l 86
Burnald. Townahip.
To balanoe due District Jaa. 19, 1671, vlt :
To aash la Co. Traaa, haada 1 51 !6
To am't aneolloelod 680 20
Toam'tof School Ut amaaed for 1871. 140 10
11,071 16
By oaah paid Dirt. Trees. W. Ile.atL I 61 11
By amount uaoollectod 1,120 30
11,071 68
Cheat Townahip.
To halaaoa dae District Jaa. 19, 1675, rla :
To eaah ia Co. Traaa. heude. ....... ...... ( 111 II
To ami uncollected 263 12
To am i of School ut assessed for 1 171. Ill ou
119 10
By eaah paid Dial. Troaa. I. Marklo... t 111 $0
By " " . ' ... M 08
By amouat uaoollectod '701 11
in to
Covington Townahip.
Te balanoe duo Dlstriot Jaa. tl, 1871, vis :
To eaah fa Co. Troaa, baoda......... 471 11
To am't anelleeled...... ...... ........ .619 14
Te am'l of School ui
for 1671. 471 13
(1.171 71
By oath paid Dlst. Treat. O.
By amouat UBatolleetod........
471 It
1,101 11
1,171 71
Decatur Townahip.
To balaace daa District Jan. tl, 1175, vlt .
To oath ia Oo. Traaa. haada ... ( 391 47
To am't Baeolleoted 927 12
To am't of School UI seMeeed for 1175. 921 16
To additional Ut assssaed for 1674... 1 14
11,247 79
CR. .
By oath paid Dltt. Treat. B. D. Show
altar By amoaat anaolloated.....M
I 391 47
1,148. 11
2,147 79
Pera-uaon Township. 1
To bol.ooe dae Diatriet Jaa. tl. 1171, rla 1
To oaah lu Co. Traaa. kanda. ....... I 85 75
To am't aneolleeud 12190
To am't of School tat aaaeeaod for 1871. ; lit 10
$ 137 15
By oath paid Dirt. Traaa. M. Wattt..
By amoant uncollected ..,...
.. 81 75
151 10
137 65
Clrard Townahip.
DR. :
Ta balaace due Diatriet Jaa. 19, 1871, rlt i
To eaah ia Co. Traaa. handa 0 vol To
To am't BBOolloelod ,i;t 70
To am't of School UtUKnaod for 171. 1,67170
3.048 19
By cash paid Dirt. Troaa. 0. Migaet..
By M 4 w "' .
Br " a' " w ..
By amount naeolloeted
t 100 00
304 00
lol 70
1,111 40
1,041 19
Coehea Townahip.
To halaaoa daa Dl.trict Jaa. 10, 1871, Tit 1
To oaah ia Co Treat, handa.
t 611 II
To am t naoollooud
To em't of School Ut aaaeaoed for 1871.
1.057 00
1,017 90
11.7(0 96
:' CR. ' '
By oaak paid Dirt. Troaa. 1. Saakay..,
By amount unoolloeted
1 691 ia
.3,111 80
2 740 00
Clraham Townahip. 1
To balance daa Dialriot Jaa. 21, 1871, vlt :
To oaah la Oo. Treat, haada $ 141 19
To am't UBeollected 87111
To ami of Sebool UI aearesed for 1 675. 800 11
Oil 11
Rv each held Dial. TWa. J.W. Tiim. . lie te
I By amount uncollected 671 00
' 1 916 18
r.wlh-h Townahip.
To halaaoo dae Diatriet Jar. 10, I 111, .It t
To oath la Ce Treat, baada..,. .,.. $ 181 01
To ami aaeolleeted 1,10(94
Toamt of School Utaetamtd for ll75. 1,401 36
3 ,120 It
By ooeh ptld Dltt. Treat. Jaa. Flyna. ' 833 Ot
By amoBBt aacolUcled...... L70I 10
t3,ltt 31
. HuKaa Townahip.
To halaaoo due Diatriet Jaa. 20, 1171, vlt t
Te aaah la Oo. Treat, head 1,671 11
To am't aaeolleeted. 14,148 II
Toem'tofrleheolteieeeeeeodlbrltli. 1,287 15
Te additional Ui aaeateod tor 1874.... 1$ $0
21,761 81
Bv anal, .old nl.l I'm.. A lA.:t. a a aa A. !
oy asaouat aaeolltcto. lO.OOl M
.' dordan Township,
To hadaaee dae Distrtot Jaa. tl, 1171, via t "
To aaah la Oa. Troaa. ha.le......., $ IM 14
To am'l eaa.ll.slod...
Ta ta i el leaool tea asatmsd far 117 1. 114 Tl
IM 11
4 paid Dirt- Treat. J. Thomptea. $ IM 14
meat afcelleote.........., . Ml 17
Kartbaaa Towaehlp,
' DR. .
Ta halaao. due Dlatrlol Jaa. tl, 1171, Tl. t
To aaah la 0a. Troaa. hands 141 19
To am't aaaolleeted.......... . Ml 04
ToM'ttfrtclooltalaaeeaeodfuf 1871. Ill 11
111 H
111 00
111 11
By eaah paid DlaL Trees. I.J.Oll.laa4 I too 00
By " .,,, I, M
By aimeratloa au . ItoOamy J it so ,
By amoual aneollaelad ' mi 11
111 M
Kami Towaahlp.
To haaaaot duo Dlstriot Jaa. M, 1876, ls I
T.oash Id Oo. Troka, bands 191 It
To am't aneolloelod 131 04
To am't of School tat aaaasaad for 1876, 481 40
i 11.118 66
! ' " " CR. '
By aaah paid Diet. Traaa. J. Vol I lot 14
bj aaaeaat aooolloetod... 1.021 44
' 11,111 18
Lawrence Townahip,
To balanoe duo Dlatrlel Jaa. 21, 1671, vlt I
To oath In Oo. Trees, hands I 847 to
To BBrt UBroilected l ata
To am't ofSrbool lat aaoeaaod for 1671. 1,273
To fldlllonal tat a'Meoid for 1174.... 17
1:1,406 CO
03 1 n. ...h ..u rt.. o.V. . .
tl! u . '7 ' . "woo... e c j
By aroooni unooilaetcd : 1,718 40
Murria Towuaiilp.
To halaaoo due III .trie! Jaa. it, 1176, via
To aaah la Oo, Troaa. haada lot II
Teami uaoolleeud.. 1,14! 14
Toam'tof School teiaesoeaed for 1171. 1,11110
13,1.16 11
' CR.
By oaah paid Dlst. Treat. J. I. Stewart 1 192 II
By amoaal aaeellected 1,841 14
13,136 15
Puna Townahip.
To Balance due Dlstriot Jaa. 10, 1171, vlt:
To oaab ia Co. Treat, handa I 61 19
To am't uncollected.... it, 96
To am't of School Ut assessed for 1871. 241 42
t 862 tl
By eaah paid Diet. Troaa. J.B. Baff.rty till
By amouBt naeolloeted 101 40
Pill. Townnhlp.
To halaaoo due Dlslriot Jaa. IS, 1175, via 1
To eaah la Co. Treat, band, ...,..... 67
To am't uncollected 1,164 83
To am't of School Ui aaaoteed for 1871, 989 70
2,676 12
By oaab paid Diet. Traaa. 0. Rokaeker. 431 17
Bv amount unoolloeted 1,144 It
lt.571 tl
Plh. Townahip.
Ta balance due Dlatrlol Jan. 19, 1171, vlt :
To eaah la Ca. Treat, bands.. $ 131 49
To am't anoolleeted 146 07
To am't ef School tat aateeeed for 1871. 171 98
( 150 it
By cub paid Diet. Treat. H. HII 1 131 40
By ameant aaoolloetod... 415 03
( 156 it
Ualoa Townahip.
To balance duo Diatriet Jaa. 29, 1171, vlt :
To each la Co. Treat. I end.. .......... 177 14
To am't anoolleeted 1,53181
To am't of School Ui aaaoaaod for 1875. 2,460 11
14,16. 22
By eaah paid Dlst. Troaa. D. B. Bra
baker... Bylcaahpaid Dial. Troaa. D. B. Bra
bo kor
By amoaal aaeolleeted
101 00
77 14
1,911 IS
14,16 tt
Woodward Towaehlp.
To balanoe duo Diatriet Jea. 19, 1871, vlt :
Te oaah ia Co Treat, handa 871 45
Ta am't Baeolleoted 1,800 95
To am't of School tai aaaeeaod for 1671. 1,071 01
To additional Ui aaaoaaod for 1874... 400 00
$6,418 42
By calk paid Dltt. Treat. J. M, Cheat $ too 00
By him a u 17, 41
By amouat anoolleeted . , 1,07197
$6,456 41
Clearlold, Pa., Jaa. 31, 1876, rooelrod of David
W. Wiee, hue Troaaurar, tho tarn ef thirty dol
lar! aad forty-aloe oenta, being tbo halaaoo due
the aebool fund in BVII tewnabip.
$30.49 DAVID MeOAlOIIBT, Treaa'r.
Assessed for 187475.
Booearla toomahlp...
Boggs Uwnskip
Bradferd towaskip ........
Brady Uwnskip. .......
Bameido towaakip.......
Coviflgua township.......
Decatur towaehip. ........
Ferguson towmhip .,
Olrard township...,,. ......
Qosboa towaaklp. ........
Graham Uwaabip.......
Sulieh towaabip.. ........
Haatoa towaahin
.....till 11
12. 40
.......Ml 84
.......711 11
131 04
...1,573 10
.148 01
.........71 14
.......4.10 16
$41 31
.......10. 18
161 M
.....2,114 90
19 14
.....1,807 46
.....181 18
22 37
901 67
...011 84
T12.i49 if
Jordaa towBehlp
..owreaeo lowaaaip.....,,
Morria Uwaokip
Peon townekip... .,
I'nion towaehln
Woodward uwaakip
Probable Ordinary Bipenaee for IHTot,
To ordinary etponaet for 1876 $.15,500 00
10 reaeemaoio ounng tno year
To iBteroet ob prjeoa bonda
To otoBoratione on uaaeeud landa.
To oioaeratiuBi allewed eolleclora..
To Troaaorar's percentage ,
Ta probable amount for bridget
To nbatemeat U Ul-payora
To amount due tho State
To amount duo tho Treasurer.......
To oatstaading ordsrt
To outtUuding eoupont
13,601 09
4,51. 00
1,00. 00
1,10. 0
3,300 00
1,009 OO '
700 00
2,.V,4 M
1,4:17 19
150 00
1,10. Oe
70.2O7 I.
CR. " " '
By amoual dut from ooMecUra Ill.llr 17
By amonnl due from UBtoated lead. 80,875 68
By deaeieacy i,,3M 27
$70.t97 10
We. the endereiened CommlaaionM mt PL...
eld county, la tho Commonwealth of Poanaylra
nin, anting met nooording u law, aad barlBgei
amlnod the aererai aoroeet, and vonoheri of De
vi, w Wl. . OVi , . . . .
tho year I 111, do certify , that wa Cad them aa tot
firth ia Ike feragoiag autemoae. The amoaal
due him from tho oounty appear, to bo oee Ibou
aand four hundred nnd tbirly-eevea dolurt and
ten 0.0 tl ($1,437.10). 11. le Indebted lo tbo road
.una m toe cum 01 are auoeroa ana fltuely dol
lar, and aloroa ooata ($100.11) aad to the aebool
fund la the ibb of thirty dollero aad forly.aino
eenls ($30.49). The amount due from aaseated
tends for oounty purposes is thlrty-alae tbouaaad
eight haadred and oereaty-lredollan aad Bitty
sit eeolo ($;l9.17i.6tit, aad for aohool wurpoaoa
aiaty-one thouaaad throe kuadred andeigaty-Blao
dollars aad forty-aiBO ooata i$8l,381 40), and for
road purposes titty tbouaaad atvea auadrod and
aiatty.tbree dollara aad eighteen can te($ii.,7ttt.l6l
aad for tho aao of the poor twelve I boo aand throe
bundrod aad forty-alao dollara aad thirty.twi,
oents ($11,340.33.) For statement ia detail, see
suiemenu of the rood, eebnol aad poor fuada
herewith eubmltled, ebowlog ibe amount of aueh
fuad paid the re.peotlro Dirtrirt Treasurers and
tbo ameoat of fuada yet ia Ike keaute ef tbo
C'oenty Troesuror.
W ilneaa our hands at Clowlelil. Ibla thirty tnt
day of January, A. U. 1876.
Attest t Cemuimloaera.
(I. B. (JonBLAanua, Clark. v. c . .
Wo, tht andortlgaod Aadllere ef oka aouarty of
Cloarleld, la the t'ommoaweeltb ef Panaoylraaia,
having net at tbe Court Bonao, la the borough
of Cloarleld, ea the Irsl Monday at Jaaaary,
A. D. 1676, according to law, aad haviag exam
ined tbe a. rem I aooouata and Touobere of David
W. Wlee, Kaq, Treaturar ef uld oounty lor lha
yoar 1315, do report that we lad thorn at there
elated. The amoant dae bim from tko ooaaiy
appear, te be one Ibouaaad four haadred and
thirty-eoTou dollars and tea oenu ($1,437.10). It
' wdobted to Ibe road fuad la the oum ef Iv
uawurea aa. ataxy .oilers aa. arovoa acute
(1190.11) aad le the achool fund la the earn of
thirty dollars and forty. olo. ooata (180.49) The
""w "w lanua ror ooaaiy pur.
po" w lunr-au. vwouaaau otgnt BBa.roa oaoj
aereary Bre .oners aa. slily-tii eoalt (MO,
871.M), for school parpens alaly-Me Ikeowand
throe kuadred aad elgbty-alae dollara aad forty -alae
ooata ($01,3l.49)aa4 for road parpeese Bit
ty thou aovea bwadred and nlnety.lbroo dot.
lara aad eighteen ecu la aad ear law
el of tbt i tore! re Uceeeed Ikroo hundred
aod forty .ulmo dolloM aad thirty two ($12,. '
Ia eaetlmoay whoreef wt have hereoate rat oar
haada, tbla thirty-lrat day of January, A. D. 1076.
Atletl 1 Aodltort.
" Lawn C. Buen, CorkJ
.CreortolA, p.., February 8, 18r. 4
11.167 17
11,167 87
1.4H5 80
851 tl