Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 02, 1876, Image 3

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repaid in edo. -
Ii paid after th
U paid efir '
i. FEB, I, till.
n three months ..JtM
Ion mi lauelae...., I M
of all -tea tea... H
Pitting ill k Co., Nows-
paper Ad
n New Y -
eats, IT Park Row, towir
our flul authorised 4gete
K .ilOUK ftOTICfcls,
Me (hod tat Rplscopnl CbMrch Rv. JL f.
pTavRffS, m-lur. r'ubll" Service eeery flebbeth
ll ID A M . Md 7 K. N.
fUbt.ata Hobool at A. M.
Pravur -. till every Thursday, it M P. 1
Uomn .intnn Herrlec. tret Sabbath of aver
,anib, -U l4 A. M.
rrl)iertu Chch-wRer. U. I-Bi'Tlbm.
rthiHih ewrfieei tuornlng and creel or Rab
baib Hbn'tl al I t M. Prayer Meeting W ed a ea
se v evening.
M. Prancls- Church Catholic R.t. p.
J.Shbhid. FrMohlnf t lOio'eloeh, A. 11., on
lha Arst, third and lourlb SunU)iof aaab Month i
Veeoersend teredletion of I ha llleieed 8aeren-eat
al T e clock, J, n.-rnndaj echoes every heday
afternoon at I o'clock.
i i i - i u win
f mi or iolmro QCArran stations ooobt.
rVond ifoi day af Janaary.
T . rd Monday of March.
Plist Monday af J una, , ',
Vunrtb Monday of BepWteber.
T1M1 Or lOLVIKt 00 BOH PIUI, . .
first Monday af Jane.
Baeond Monday of Nevettiber.
. rmuo orricata.
Pniidnt hdjtHow, Charles A. Meyer, of
Look Haven.
Aiuami tm JdpUim. John H. Orris, of
Bell-Toe ta.
Aaaodnfa Judf William 0. Foley, Clanrfald)
John J. Head, JurweniTllle,
.Wiwrery-ICIt Bloom.
Jtfilwr onef Rfdr. J. Morgan.
ihHritt Atforaajr Franb Fleldieg .
TVaaaarar David MianKbay.
Hktrig William R. Mel'hersen.
0tw Atrwyor 0a at oat P. MeClosiey, Car
C7Mrw aiatiWMra Clark Bream. Clear-
flald I Tbrnas A. McUoe, Chest P. O.t Hairil
Hoover, Cnrwensvtlle.
Cwmtw Auditor Christ, J. Keefciy, Glen
Hopt i tfetaoal A. Caldvell, WilHamsgrere ( John
u. i:ffnoar, Burns tu.
Cowirff Coromrr J. B, Naff, Haw Washington.
Jury CoMNHttt antra John W. Bhngart, Jastes
Hllonall, Uleeraea.
Supirimfndgmt of PmbUt SdamU John A.
Orofory, OarweasTille. '
Houirin biie John W. Wrifflay, W. Ra-
dbaagb, Cyraa L. Gordon, Clarflald Joaiab
KTaaa, Joa. R. Irwin, M. B. Arnold, CarwawavHla ;
J. J. Lingta, KvmatHayan, Oaaaela MiUf j Job
Ion Hamilton, Latbarabnrg.
Oar Speeiml aolnma daoldcdly IntaraatHag la
a loal paint of yitw, and pro fab) rending te
ooiitdrra aa warn ta aara moaay.
At Oie ShorirT'i salos in IlolIidayW-
borg, on the Slat of Jannary, over $46,000 worth
of properly was dlfpoaad of. The moat of It til
old al tnarefy nominal Agar.
One by one, silently, alon and with
eaation, (hot who iwor of on New Yaar'i day
are slipping around In the early morning for tbalr
aeeuiiomed drlnki. The spirit If wl lliog hat the
Utah ii weak.
An exchano nays ttiat ft careful
moesaremait of the diaianoe hat dtmonitraied
the raat Ibat the ? tailor to the CeatetinUI, who
would ate evaryibiag on exhibition In the build
Ing, muil walk tlghiy-foar and Ire-eighth mtlei.
Condiiolor Irwin's. patwengor train
wai delayed for about two hour by a elide In the
ut nrar the Goodfcllow bridge, on Friday afAer
noon Inat. The recent haary rains In this action
hare made railroading an the braaeh road very
unoertala. . , "
A loap year nock-tie party wan held
In Clarion recently. Young men ibeald he eero
ful about going to toeh parties, as the neok-tla Is
too suggastira of the knot into which they may
get Uagled, through nttaadaaea at theaa Aerlees
of the sofier m.
An old weather couplot in reference
lo January, runs Urns :
A sad barren year the farmer foresees,
Whose erahard this moaih show badding trees.
Throughout the country npprehensiona am es
prmed that the frnit erop will he badly Injured
from early bedding, oaosed by the prolonged mild
weather and warm snaahiae of January.
The voters of the several townships
should mart at some plaoe In tbalr reipeetlrt dis
tricts, la the near fatare, and nominate eeadldeter
to Sll the eareral township affiees to be rated for
on the Id Tuesday of February, and mad the
names to soma of the printing oSoas and hare n
anfflrlent number of tloketo printed. ' Thii eoarae
will sara time sad trouble on aleotlon day, and
ecnra a better class of ameers,
The editor of the Cambria Frteman
attended the reeewt Inauguration atrcmonles at
Ilarriiburg, and, If we nan judge of hi frollngs
by the following, ha must have gone homo Ihor
oaghty disgusted Hear him: "If n mw was
aaaetod pro? id tag for the Rett log to death af all
human beings devoid of personal boauty, what a,
fearful mortality there would ha among the wo
men folks who ftoed around the tnaugurnt'.oa
platform at Harrtsburg en Tuesday last."
Wanamaker ft Brown, clothiers, of I
Philadelphia, are a responsible Arm. They make
vp men's and boy's clothing and make them right.
Their prices are remarkably low, and lha wonder
ll how they een be so low. The WM of all Is,
however, they have bat one price for each article,
and that print All mast pay alike. There Is no
snob thing as "Jewing" allowed. If yon bay
there yon eJwsya knew that yon are getting yoar
money's worth and nobody eaa bay cheeper.
A Rival. We notice by the move
mean af our Brook villa neighbors that the oltlaens
-of Ibat flonrishlng burg a- going to
here as big a Centennial erlcbratteo as Pblladel.
phla. Several large and enthnsiaatic meetings
have been held and committees appelated to reg
alata efTert, antll nearly every eltlsos Is the
borough has hots assigned an Important place en
noma committee or other, looting te one of the
biggest 4thi of July that ever name off In the
beak woods.
Tub Great 11 ll. Koutb. Those of
nr renders who deilgn making a trip to Califor
nia, or visiting the grant North West, will do well
Wore starting to consult the railroad programme
of tba Chicago A North Wait em road, advertises)
in theaa eolumns. This Is the road which will
carry yon nil over Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa,
Nebraska, Illinois and over to California. Krery
psrson deilgnlng lo travel In any of those States
had better address Mr. W. II. Stsnnett, general
peiteager age1 Chieafo, Til.
A Goon fiuwiiBTioN. The Tyrone
titrmt sayst "ii toe renniyivsnm naiirooei
oonipaoy would frost the merer windows of the
ladies watlng room, it weald probably relieve the
young men and boys who eon gr again a bowl lha
depot from the troabie af f(ag In at the ladles
lailde, much to their annnyanos and dUgwet
Besides, the yooag men would then bars morn
time lo attend ta their own buelnes." The swg
gestiea hi applicable, with equal force. In athef
plaoed beiide Tyrone.
Wedded and 1iei. On Thursday,
Jsnoary 111, We, Mr. Thomas Striae and Mis
A eaa Rbawn of Milton wore married, and la
tended to start on tbetr wedding tear nt T e'eioek
la the evening. But the bride not being well the
tour was per tpoaed, Pbe continued to grew worse
natil the subsequent Monday evening, whoa tht
physicians Informed the family that sbeeeuM Nvt
bat a short time. She reeelved the announcement
calmly, bade ad lea to her friends, nW nt J e'eioek
on Taesday morning died. It Is sad bereave
,Bt" -
ocarcitt op Hnow. o tar this win
er ws bare had scarcely a sufteieaey ef the Rooty
caatmlal for as math as rabbit tracking. We
mere beta reffeetlag that not aleae are grace and
winter grain the sufferers from tht want af anew,
nt to the dearth of if, ead coeieqecat deprlva
Hton of alelgbiag, ll amy he menltontd that mnny
wnarrlaget have felled, ar at least liageriag poet
pea em en U of them have resulted, from en absence
of those Bakes of leeee, wbioh, woven ma carpet
or spetleea white, tend to eshllerate and aaeitn.
JJat what is Ibat laaif Mash. We wooed art
miete the happiness eetbere, even If -we may be
outside the Mae) eslnglesXIks. Everybody
osr fourteen Is iwsrffhat sleigh ride bee
drsnghl forth mnnraposnl from hashrnl lev
tre, who, under the mingled means af moonlight,
sanis and sweetly -soeading sleigh baps, ham
Wmc giddy and rliktd the momrttov) qneetioa
which toowthd tf easy tnmmnaitai on premtntd
r In the pnrtor weald never hart brought awl.
When we consider that this Is a 1st leap year, we
clgh to sjmpstby with the many sw ties whs have
ween left ie languish law tht want tf only oat
tlelith r Ida, which weald hart Wlewed hi the
' make af aa AMklnJ m
kt them hide tbetr ume, asd tstoy may Usp thear ,
wt amis the) beauty, hmds aa4 Inn ami af the
aoh ttoRto.steamtug tntof tlnvs.
Ho ad Matters. From the Journal
af January 14th, we eHp lbs following summary
ef road matters disposed of at the recent term af
court i .f
Psvivtont For s pnbtte read from Tyler ita
Ilea on B. I. ratlroU to sear dwelling house of
David Tylaf, la Bnetoei Uwuhlp., iV lower i, L.
Bird, U. A. Penreall, J. 0. Tyler.
For n public road from Muddy Rue Be boo I
boast to Bpmeo Flat, and to vaoaia, In 01 tab
township. Vie wee, Rem as) Hry, B, Arm
strong, H. A Hem an. ' 4 J
Per s pabllt road from near ban of R. Buch
to river read sear A. Shaw, Sr., la Bradford town
ship. Viewers, Joseph Winery, C. R. Wilson, J.
L Cuttle.
For s pnbllt road from near tht Sterling mine
stabtto to near Oleasoa'i Store In North lUuta
dale, In Waodwar4 towaiblp. Viewers, D. a St.
Ueorge Fraslor, Jesaa IHgeac, David Wectover,
Per private road from the river to John Htew
art's dwelling. In Bradford towaiblp. Viewers,
P. Cnrley, Jacob Pieree, David Pereey.
To review road from Da Bole station to C. Aih
eamlter'e to Brady township. Viewers, 0. F. Mc
Closhty, D. Panel, Nathan Moore.
Ta rnoele and supply part road from Curweus
villa to Indiana, from county line to fl. Buoder
lla'i and J. W. Camp bell's farm., Bell towaiblp
Viewers, T. W. Moore, R M. ha fay, John W.
ConMnnns Nisi Pablla road from rosd near
Shook 's teal hank to read near Eaos MeNeiters,
is Chest township.
Private road from Henry Baats'a lands ta road
leading from A. Terpt's to T. F. RIshH's In Bra
dy township.
Tt varato and sappty road from Samuel Mo
Otaban's to John Williams', In Jordan towashlp.
Tt vaesta nad supply road leading from west
end ef Snmmti tunnel te road loading to Rosktoo,
In Union township.
To vacate and supply road from ClearSnld to
Bblrey's In Bradford towashlp. 11
Coarianan Assolvthlt A pvblle road from
near the Snyder lot to test end eftfoodfellow
bridge, ! Luwieaoo township.
A public road from T. Henderson's, la Wood'
ward township, to New Millport, to Kasi towa
shlp. i - ' '
A publit road from ead of Iron bridge to fteer
Andrew Cnpplea, In Pike township.
A publia road from Stirling mine stables to
Janes rille road, la Woodward township.
A publit road from near John Butler's to Jas.
Shaw's saw mill, 1st Lawreneo township.
A private read from Philip Bayder's residence
to river and Camlltowa road, In Burailde town
ship. 4
Court win Petition tt vacate road between
Laurel Run school house nnd Croeecst tamp ike.
Also, from Salem ohureb to Crosscut lump Ike, In
Bogp township.
fetitlem fat bridge aerom Saeqaebaana river
et LewlerUm.
The adverse report of viewers to vacate rvwd to
Brady township from Garnet read to road down
Sandy Ltek creek was eon Armed.
Local Instititi. The Local Insti
tute for the towaahlps of Brady, Bloom, Bell,
Union nnd Huston convened in the Lutheran
chareb, at Lothenbarg, January 11, 1S7S, fat a
ssesion of two days. At S r. m. the meeting was
called to order, and the following ofisers elected t
President, W. F. baa anew. Vita Fresldeftt, J. B.
Naff, Secretary, Belle Welch, Treasurer, J. M.
Dressier. As eaeeelive temmillte was appelat
ed, composed of Bdgar Wilson, E. 0. Ilajs and
Mias Deaolele). . J
Mr. Shaaoom made the opening address, and
afterward explalaed mnltipllcatlws and division
of fraatlona. Mamrs, Neff, Hays and J. L, Any
ler dlaeossed with some spirit the quettton, That
District Initttatee have entlived their asefulnesa.
Decid4 to the aflrmatlve. InstituU ndjonrnod
Convened Pridny even lag atf JO. Opening
eaereiaaa. Appropriate remarks by Superintend
ent Gregory. Drill en grammar by B. 0. Hayes.
Essay, Bella Welch. Address, M. L. MeQuowa,
snbtoot, Porcoaal Werh. Select emtio a, J. B,
Nth, mhjeet, Death of Benedict Arnold. Ques
tion for dlscnesioft, Resolved that the prosperity
ef a nation depends upon the Intelligence of tht
people. Opened by B. tt. Hays, continued by
Ed. Wilson, Unman and MeQuown.
Mat en Saturday meraiag at e'eioek. Open-
tog eamatons. Drill an gleet by B. Wilecm.
Question, what assistance soon Id the scholar re
ceive from the leather? D tee eased hy Messrs.
Shannon, McQoewa, Hayes, Wilson ead 0. W.
Weaver and closed by Supi. Gregory, All agreed
In wisely di reel Ing pupila hut giving them the
least possible assistance. Class drill en oleoailea
by J. A. Oregory. Adjourned.
Ova vowed nt 1:M r. , President hi the ebalr.
Secretory being absent, M. L. MsQnewa waa ap
pointed pro lesst Lectors by Rev. Manges, mh
jeet, Word Derivation. Class drill ea history,
McQuow. Daties and responslbilitiaa ef school
directors, diaeuased hy J. W. Korp, J. C. John
sen and W. F. Shannon. Adjourned.
Satontay tventog met nt f o'clock. , Derotlooal
oierttaM taedaotsd by B. A. Fleairag. J RoU eaU
and response with sentiment Should female
tenohera roecive the seme salary as malts? Dis
eased hy McQuewn and tiregery. Both gee tie
men agree that they sboala. Basay by J. M.
Postletbwait, subject, Reieaslbilities of tba
Teecher. Address by Bopl Oregory, subject,
Man n Natural Being. Xssey by Dr. Means, sub
ject Bleep and Dreama. Lecture by J. B. Neff,
bsubjeet, Maps and Mishaps. Select reading by
J. C. Johnson. Closing remarks by W. F. Sbaa
non. Mr. P. A. Fleming nnd his band ef singers
relieved the monotony of tht exercise, hy excel
lent mwsie, at intervals, during the entire session,
as did also J. B. Nsff by elocetlonal feedings.
Notwithstanding tU flnaniial distress, condi
tion ef tht reads ead other dlssvnmgemeats, the
Local Institute has been n decided success. The
good people ef Lutbersburg not only encouraged
tee teecben by thetr prssenee, but opened tbalr
doers nrr their entertainment, treating them with
the at most hospitality.
Clearfield Coal Trade. State
ment of Coal and ether freights sent over the
Tyrone A Clesrfleld Division, Pennsylvania Rail
road, for the week eadiag Jen. 23d, 187S, and
the same time Inst year i .
For the week....H,.,H.....M.n
Meant liase last year .........
Incrtaaa 1,144
Prevltnsly dnrtag year...HHH..H....H. 14,710
Seme tisae last year-.... ,..,....... - 11,84
Inerease.M,.H..MH lt,8tS
Total la We..... 4I,V4
Sssjo time laM yar ............ H 3,ov4
( i ( ii- u tt 1 I
IncreastMW...M.M lt,0SS
or nan rnaiaavs.
Lnmher.,....M..H M H. II ears.
Miscellaneous freights. ...,
' Tb Allegheny Conference of thu
tnitrri Brafkr.. .ut ttimtli.., at tb. MMlot r
(nll, b.M M Vllam, Ciaklt M..I7, U
U. Mtovl .,tMBMU k Ik. AkoM. iU
lrl.1 1 Kut DlrW J. W.lkw, P. 1 1 AIImm,
U. BUl.rj Tji..., J.C.ShMnri Uutlngd..,
u t nn. 1. . u-ii . ur u vj . 1 - .
M.11U., I. . T.iitria 1 X ruu,-1. 1. T.11-
k.llrriksTlallw,P.i.lltawClMrWd,',n7?t,, r
A. I. r.liMi OiiwMa,W.CMUr H.HkU; ,
b.rj, t. I4lai hwm, D. 8u;v OtkUo.i,
k.s.Jwi Jmiu, R.I.Wm.w4 Utm
pMl, A. H. Rpuflni MIIMa, A. I. If.ui
Kut B.ks, D. Illi. B.i..ld ), A. CI.M. .,
Tbe new paper mill of Morriaon,
Bar. A C, tA Rowing fipriag w.alj. U
..itw iW, .as will a. ml for baalaw ..rlj
la alma. Tk. a.lHlo bkIi Uriw i
ha.dMM tbu la. M tu w4 la ragwiM aa
fail, aa MaaMal M Ik. Iltll. lll.(. la kl.b It
to ' '
Ta. MMklM rlid Mll.ui. 8h a.
a.aiag .aa Mm M.r kana La is. ,1m..
Haxnr, Hurl. IC.m MMttg . aitoat rwl
tnm Urakxa Bulk), u tkr Bill, Mfl ,.rd
M a. tk. mlrM4. TMa aw in. Mm M.ai4
trUh liriu. mm! atakia Mr. rmf km, kiln.
Mr. Bl.k.ra a ramw Hrlag aw Ikla
mm m. M baaMtK mm Mk, aaMl la
nMbi.g ikmt k ik. mu h h .'aMran. tk. i county, about seven years ago, a family
r.7SJSr.1,r . -rr..! crclin' wa? bie4 with
mi. Tkmk1a..biik.arHnUK i, tnploUwhoaregrowingup vorysturdy
oh ut bat wwk s m w A..r Bk.ri a and their handaome appearanee is the
hrmn Brl.g tfom tk. mffm rwS Mwmm tki. I delight of all who see them,
pkM. a.A Ow.a, 4hmw4 a mm awki.g of I -
.Mb a km M kM. abnnal t. bus u auai. The exact sum collected In Phlla
Ik. ikM paii a. aiuatkM u km, b Kbut , dclphla at the closing meeting held by
itaami ., . - . ' known. It it 1100,228, And will be
Wbii. a Mi.agr.ra Biauuv twa ra ta. aai..i devoted to the erection ol a new nail
r bo tkwtr. a Mm, mmm f tb. .b.nb 0f th Young Men Christian Asaocia-
rrrX"p.tiono ...
,"V.lrj""r,rt!-'."" -Ex-Oovernor Thomas, of Mnrr-
s..h tbM(btr.iMM Hibaariara
W.BM1 ear. mmm fa.g a... aiMa iraabw ...
aaalal,, la an. 1mm tba Bl.rrra. '
No Mobb Calu. A likely young
argr. IM kMkm rrrr BtlMtt. t k. Mfkkor .
wlla, tai It anAuA waa aa la ,aaaaaikaw W
ratkat saaaagteg tmi. Tbt ft, w. all kkieb,
M aa. (Mr aaaisiaiw la taapwiawa m -aa.
U." Tk. aclrrMMrM baaba4 pntmni a bnab
hw. lag Maaaa "por.," a4 m. aigka a. ta.
.akj fH .or. kuglag m tk. Pnm, saga4
aa mim., a. aw.bakM4 th. Aog, ark.
aM m. ikai mtm. Biff.-" liana l..,lr
Umt, mm a.. , um. ta.hakiiiiaawa
i. au u.aaawt wmu m h
V aafs. Amlaiaaw mmlml.
Vauranct Depimed. The first sec
tion af the bill to suppress vagraaey, Introduced
is tht Beasts, delnes Iba offense as fellows i
' I. All persons who shall unlawfully return Into
nay district srbeaee they have been legally re
moved without hringlog ft errtllonm from tht
proper authorities of tbe ally or district tt wbioh
iney among sieiing urn envy unineai
1. All persona who Ml having wherewith to
maiatala themselves and their f am Ilea, live Idly
and without employment and refuse to weih for
the asoel ead eommoa wages gives ta otner per
sons in the like work In tbe pltoe where tbry then
I. All persoas who shall refuse to perform tht
work whien sunn be allot twi to men by tbe over-
seers of lbs poor, as provided by the not of Jane
l.i, is an, eniiuva aa aei relating w tat support
and employment of the poor,
4. All persons going a boat from daor to door,
or placing taemseUss lo streets, highways or other
rosd a, to beg or grnber alms, and all otbsr persons
wandering eoroeti and negi lag.
a. All persons who shall come from any piece
without this commonwealth to any place within
ll, and shall be fcuad lolteriag or resldlag t bore-
in, and shsll follow ao labor, Irene, ecuufetioa or
nusiness, ana nave lav nsmie mcane el sonaisteuoe,
and can give no reasonable eoeooat af tbemselvta
or luelr builni'is in luon plaoe.
Tht other sections are In the mala similar to
to those, adopted by the poor directors' convention
nt A (toons, , , ; .
em --- -
1 LUi of U'ttorS rcniainhip; unclaimed
In the Poitnfloe at Clearfield, for tbe week ending
January ll, IS7S t '
At wood, Jnmus E. . Kline, Mrs. lurge ,
Rrea'ly, Merle (1) MoCuIlln, Wm. A. '
Cuntoy, Rlehard l' (Iweae, Joshua.
(?mptell, T. J. Rubicon, Joteph P. .
Hubbard, T. J. A Co 1 Shoror, Mis J. - '
Kauflmsa, Charles A. Wells, Miss Josephine
P. A. UAl'LIN, P. M.
. t hkws imus.
Murk Twain u going to run for
mayor ol uaruora.
' "Tbo Dear VenarUKl" it what the
lloaton papon call Winalow the Ibrger.
A Utirman aquadron of three iron-
clailsand oneMnjor will visit America
"July- .. , i.., ..
Tbe Sun bury and Lewmtown Kail
road is to be offurad at public sale in
I'hiluclelpaia on tbe nth ol march,
1 It is reported that President Grant
has recently boon investing In Bonanza
mining stock,
. A terrible amount of illness is said
to be occasioned by impurities in soap,
especially in tho sconted- varieties.
A bill is before tbe Georgia Leiris
laturc toexompt from taxation persons
wno nave iosv an arm or a lug.
Tbore is some talk of exhibiting a
centennial coflee-pot on the "grounds
but the matter is not "settled yet. '
A Now York firm Is manufactur
ing revolutionary and battlo-flold relics
The last Sheriff of Northampton
ooonty, Fa., is. said to have cleared
10,0(10 during his terra of office.
A thousand colliers in North Wales
have struck owing to a reduction of
wages by their employom
Tea culture is so continually gain
ing ground in Georgia, that it bids lair
to become one of the settled industries
of that State.
Fire was diwovered in one of tbe
Centennial buildings on Monday, Jan.
24, but it was extinguished without
doing material damage.
A bill to remove tho rapHol to
riniaucipbia nas again been introduced
into the legislature. It proposes a
popular voto on tlio subject.
Josio Mannfield's nocklace reoontly
brought 113,000. It is prettier than
the one Stokes camo noar getting. Nt.
Jjouu nepuouaiA.
The Peruvians bave built a rail
road in tbe Andes, some portions of
which are le.uuu lout above tne level
ol tbe sea,
Last rear's wheat crop of Califor
nia is estimated at a valuo of 126,000,
000, and the gold and silver crop at a
minion less.
It baa been satisfactorily demon
stratcd that a man can live thirty days
on sour milk, but tt curdles ones blood
to think ot It.
Dinthcria has New York city by
th tbroot. Tbe -deaths trom that
cause jumped up to 156 last week from
I .'a the week beiore.
Five hundred merchants, manufac
tures and citizens of Toledo, Ohio, have
signed a petition to Congress in lavor
ol repealing the resumption act "'
"Whatconstitutesacall to tbe min
istry T" is a question about to be dis-
cuHsed by the preachers of Indianapo
lis, lvct a say o,uuu a rear. . '
John Bull is scared over tbe re
ported prospect of re-appearance of
me oreadiui plague wbicn raged on
tne uonuncni and in r.ngianu in lubo.
Threj car loads of voune hemlock
trees have been shipped from St. Mary's,
Elk county, to Philadelphia, to be nsed
in embellishing the Centennial grounds.
The first fruits of lean vear ahina
forth in tbe case of Miss Belie Harner.
of Fairbaron, Wont Virginia, who shot
a man because he refused ber otter of
marriage. 1 '
Tbe Snnbury jail bas four cells and
seventeen prisoners. ' Judge Rockafol-
ler sentenced them to solitary confine
ment the other day and the nnenff is
puttied. ' ' I
llutlor nas titrned np. it Is "pos
itively assorted" that he will ran for
Congress again or at least for tbe
nomination in bis old district next
Twoyearsago Uarrisburg received
ber summer supply of ice from Maino,
and now tbe ice merchants ot tbateity
think of getting next summers' supply
in tho same way.- ' 'J
Accofding to tbe paper of those
localities there are few grasshopper
eggsjin Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska,
and aio reasons for expecting an imme
diate return of the peM.' "
lion. Charles Jackson, who was
Governor of Hhodu Island in 1845,
d,icd!;'r.ilJ,y' Jwi- 2 at rrovirienco, in
lie wal
promineni manniacinrer.
The Voice oAngeU is the name of
a new Boston paper "edited and man
aged by spirits.'' Tbe Hub claims to
be nearer speaking distance to their
abone than any otber city In the land.
The r)ort of the American Iron
and Steel Association shows that thero
were 2,100,000 tons of pig-iron aianu
fucturcd In this country last year a
falling off of 600,000 tons from the pre
vlons year. . , , ,
The "Hub" Is going to have a
Centonnial oclcbratiou on its own book,
on the 17lb of March, "Kvacnalion
day," the one hundredth anniversary
of the departure of tho British troops
out of Boston.
In . Clay township, Huntingdon
lnd, late Ministor to Perur, waa killed
near hi. home at Franklinville, Garret
Co. Md., on Saturday, Jannary 22d.
He waa walking on th track of tb
Baltimore and Ohio liailroad and was
struck by an engine and instantly killed.
The United Slate pension detec
tive from Washington has been mak
ing a tour or the State of Michigan
Bad many pensioners bare beea struck
from tb list, - M found one woman
drawing a pension lor ber child who I
now a yonDg nan of mature earn, and
la earning a salary of 11.900 per year.
Tb great nuisance, in business,
bank chock stamps, bid fair to be
abolished. Tbe complaint bas become
so great that th banks have secured
the sorvicee of special agent to pie
tent tbe subject to Congress a soon at
a tuffiuient number of signature) can
bo obtained. .
An enterprising eitiiau of New
York, who has had upwanlsof a quar
ter of a century's exporienoe in tho
general hardware trado of -this coun
try, propose to ostubliah B general
hardware commission house at Mel
bourne, Australia, to represent tho Iron
and hardware manufacturers ot this
country in that markoU
Mrs. Mary Bchnebly, aged 103,
residing near ilagurstown, Md., pro-
fioaes attending the .Centennial Cclo
iratlon. Who ia described us rather
Uill, of full figure, active in her move
ments, and remarltubly well-preserved,
oonisdering ber advanced age. Hho ia
in full possession of ber litoultius, re
membering and conversing intelligently
of tbo principal events of a century.
David Snow, a Boston merchant
who rccontly died, leaving a handsome
flirtune to his heirs nnd public Institu
tions, inserted a piece of capital good
advice In his will., He urged his heirs
"to iuvest their meuns in aome sale
way and pursue somo steady, perman
ent, legitimate business or employment
wttn great porsovoranoe ana energy.
Tho Cincinnati Time father this :
"Under tbe new Texas Constitution,
nino vote of a jury are sufficient to
convict But practically it doesn't
amount to much a Texas jury always
plays soven-up for the Verdict unless
L- ' i ii . ... i i
hang bim before taking the evidence,
in order that their minds may remain
unprejudiced," ' , , ,.
Mopirn Bankino. It appears they
also bad oneot those modern "improve
ment'.' Banks down in West Chester,
wherein tbe stockholders aro required
to "push" after pretty lively to meet
the demands of the ocponiters. One
of our exchanges says :
"The asseta oi tbe suspendod Bank
ol Brandywino, of West ChesUir, Pa.,
are sot down by tbo appraiser at sixty
five thousand five hundred and fifty-six
(165,556) dollars, of which sum forty
thousand (B40,S00j dollars is placed
under tbe hoad of "doubtful." Tbo
deposition, it is stated, are to be paid
in full ; but to do tbit tba stockholder
will hava to pay double the value of
tbe amount of slock held by them.'
Th. "Allagkm. Hon..," la lb I. nlaM. with a
gr..l norlloB of th. fornilar., ia offarH for ml
froai lb. firM f April aeaL Tb. honM ia a.w
and ooajaodiona, .od bsa good .tabli.., .ad all
Ibn hmmvt aotbaildinga. - fkrlM. dMtri.g lo
rral aboald atiplr aooa ia ardor to gat IIfmm at
In. March l.ra. of Mart. A Uaa. will b. glr.B
for tvwr or Ir. rMn to Mil putlM. For laraia
.nplj u CAKI'RK LK1P0LOT.
Clnrlald, Pa., Jaa. H it.
Ko Brimb Toll. Tb. aadmlga.l baratj
gin. aolir. t. all mMoajara oe tb. awt aid. af
ta. ritar who wiah lo bar. thoir tailliag dona al
Bi; grlat ill, that I bar. tnd to p.7 th. loll
oa lb. nppw. or Bfarh.t atml bridg. for all wan
aaaa otm it for nllling parpnaM.
Jib. It. 'T-tl B BHAW, Jr.
WM. Hl-.tlVB LUCALO. ,
Kalk.rbook.r paiUaga, worth Ta tata fol
,0 mil, Jaal norlroa, . great hargaia.
BlaokaU, btankat. la grMt rarl.l. Juat
mir.d. 1 ' i
Cloclag oat good, at bargnlaa.
Dm. S, 1174 g.
Now 1$ lb. Ilai. 0t Ih. J.r for Pa.nmoBla,
Laag Iim, Cvgha, Cold., ud fatal ranlta of
pradtapoailwa t. Uooanaaptioa aad othar Throat
and Long DiaoaM. Booraaa'a Orbmak Brae,
baa Woa aad la thi. Baighberbood for tb. part
tw. r thrM jmt. wilho.l a aingl. fall.r. to our..
If ya ha., ant aad thll MMtiolna yoaraolf, go
lo yoar Uratgol. O D. Watm, ud aak blia of
ita wood.rfnl aaM .Bang hia aaatoaMra. Two
doaM will rt4iov. tb. 9mM wa. lf.oaaa.oao
fallb ia aa. lloik Jolt boy a Baaipl. Bottl.
of Boacbro a Oarmaa Syrop for IS ernta aad try
U. Bagalar rlM Boul. ft aoata. lioa'l Bogloet
a ooogh I. aa.. fa orau. . . a..bl7, 'fioowly.,
Ilara T.a Dv.Bw.ala. wltb ita krala of di
ordora, biilieoanMB, maalipatioa, wal.r- bra.h,lou
of apprtiu, bMdMb., dialraaa after OBliag. Aof
11 ao, go to u. ii. n.taoa. irrogglal, aaa got a
ootllo of Dr. Coala'a R..col Cr Taka it and
h. wall. It aoU aa a. elbar ndleiaa oror did,
and aar. nll.f ia gu.raat.od ia mm .km
dirMtloaa ar. follootd. It Iobm ap th. atoaaoch,
roatona tb. ajatwral .potilo. otra.glb.Ba tb.
w.ak, aad M a lirn regulator it baa ao ooual. A
ClorgTawa.f Pbllad.lpbiaa.ya "It I. th. tm,
roonaoii.B 01 ataiia. 1 o ail wao ar. .uoanng
froai a diaord.r atuaaMb or llr.r, w. m. try it.
A fow doaM will rolMr. and a liulo porMvwraM.
ouro ta. wont mm., 'iriol alu IV Mata. Boia
olM by P. Corky A Co., W IllUaiagrora T. II.
a-oraoy, wraaaaioa, aad r. Mayar, aylortawa.
aihl7oowly t
Boaoiaa Fob 8alb B- Nowton Show bo.ra
tn aupply of Fredoata BaggiM and Platforat
r fcfom rer aaM. To a. aooa at tk. sa.w Hobm
yard. Coll .a r addnM blaa ol CUorkld I'.nn
aylranla. nay lt-lf.
Iflarrif d. .
At tba M. B ClMrt.ld.oB Thai.
day, I)M.aibor 0lb, 187t, by Bar. B. t. fll.r.aa.
r. a. r. . upmb, or uuBitogdoa, aad him r. 1.
kraaar. of Cloarl.fd Maaty.
At tba ridaoM of Mr. Joa.nh La..a, la Clr.r.
Sold, oa Thuradar, J.aoarv lOtb. I8TI. b. Bar
B. B. BtOTM, Mr. U.iag Irwl. aad MiM Baaaia
u. lbma ata or taioBriiio, l'..
Oa Tharadar, iaaaarv 171b, 1871. at tb. ml
dm of Mr. o. I. BnydM, ia CU.rl.ld, by Bo..
u. r. Bloraaa. air. 1 beau Jobm aad alia. Anna
m. Bayaor, balk of Troatoa, . t.
O. WwlnoMlnr. Juurr loth. I87S. b tU-.
. M., Mr. flarld t. Ckid.aUr, of
Biubaoll, III., aad Mlu M.lli. M. Harlahora, of
uurwoaarill ( , (
filfl. ' ''
Oa T.Md.y, VmailMr Wb, 171. John U
bord.. ol llnl.0 towaabin, agod Oi .vara, 1 1 atoutba
aad 17 day..
Oa VfodaMday, January Mtb, 1T8, at TbrM
Baaa. of Diphtheria, Mary May. d.unbur af Dr.
J. '. and A. R. Poll.r, g 8 r.rr, 1 ajoalb
aad f d.ya..T
tlartoa Muaty pap.r. ph).M May.
tw giflrrrtlsfnifuts.
For the next Sixty Days :
will sell all their winter goods
' ,'.'..:,. i ., ; ,,,
: ',; i' . - I. v . ; i: , l , j
to make room for ft' new ''
t i Hi " r., ; i.
'iii -. , -. ;-i .,,i. i , !.,
Double width Beavef Cloth, for
' :. ' -i , I .. I
Ladies' Codling, at only "
41.00 per yard. .' V
' ClMraahi, Pa, rnary I, 1178 41. r
RaliM la kar.b. otrra Ibat Latter, .f Ad-
tolrlr.ll-. a. tba MUta of JOHN LAR0RH.
hta af tjaaaa wmpb.btp, ATUMlatd pwalr.
f . iiiiuii, no. rag wns dwiy goaetod tatbo
aadwrig. all aanwaa radobtod to .aid mum
will plooM a. a a rBiBiMiat. poyaiMit, andtboM
having oraloM or dowjawd. agatwM rba mm will
rowiwo aaa ly satbrBtloaiad lar aatao. aoiay. B W LA BORD, ,
Bofktoa. ra..tok.l.K-ttr Adyialrtratar. .
Who uld that you would Illi to get inch Clothing City
Peoplt wttr, rathtr thin tht wkolisalt goods cent-
monly Mid ? Thll will tell you how t do It.
: TU vary largo laareaM af our bualaM. allow, ui ta Biahs
You Can Save Enough
la buying a Bull at Oab Hall
from anywhere In this Conntjr ta the Cltjr of Philadelphia,
nod have a day of eight-seeing beoideB, Wanamakei t
Brown stand by this Statement, nnd ao will
you altar ana trial,
Character af
the Deeds sefll
Par Men lays.
raiB. We bearer) Ulill ia anv
dtwlers sil poor guods u cominf fntm our houie, lo eer.h of our cuitoo..
in we ete reapontibla for rtklre buughl of us. By our plan of Ticketing
the rifht ssewi ef ihe gmnAkU on our goods, no one can be ssisled ss
WaMMBkef A hVewa
treat their
- " anywhere, ami that the quality is aa reprtMnteat
aha, that the liwmey will be paid back in full, If purchaser within 10 days
withes, fnr any reason, to return the goods, unworn.
hart the Store Is.
Itiiladelphla, ll Ii large building, the alio of four ordinary stom. snd i U
en the Wh-eatt cortar of SIXTH-SIXlli-SlXl'M-SIXl II-SIXIH-S1X111
and Market streets.
I U the CUT.
t tke Earta o. Oti recciiit of gaotb, and the privilege of caamlning thetn
It allowea before paying, where goods tin run pteaae, ve will return the
BaODcv and pay the expressage back to Philadelphia. .
I aw iMmM V mn U rtv wr mnmt m tht & mi1 tug mmJ ntr if afWr
Pennaylranla Railroad
fH aad aftar Monday, DEC. , 1S75, tb. Tralaa trill run dally ( Hun-
daya) botwoM Tyron. aad Cl.arfi.ld, a. fullowa
- t - W. 0. Inwia, Condaotor. ,
tfAVK B0UTH.Trfii''rK0RTii
CarwanariUh-l:ll, .' Tyron.- I.Oi.a.M.
Cl.ar0.ld.....l.4ll, " ', OiMla....10.jO, "
Vhilipaborg .4, " 1 r,hllipabnrg.,.IO.7,"
Ow.ll ...t.ll, " ClMrS.ld 11.41,"
Tyron. ..J, JCBrwBBnilla..J J:H7,
1 , -r W. S. PLraaaa, Cooduetor.
CarwBB.Ill....k.00 A. If . Tyron. t... 7.M r. a
Clnrli.ld 1:11 " l.l.rroilon...7.07 "
Fbillpabarg .M " Omol. .. ....8.!t "
OaMola ...... S.t " , Fhllip.Uwr(.a.ST "
taterncUoa.. T.60 " 1 "
Tyron t.07 " 1 Carwenarill..l.7 '
P. M.
Mall. Eip
p. a. r. a
8.A5 Lara Tyroa. arrir. S.86
,14 , . . B.ld Kagl. B l
V 7 ' Julian
10.16 , MiU-alwrg
0.4t Brlkfoma
10 10 MiLalmrg
4 It
. 4 II.
. d 44
4 IV
bar. 1 It
II 0.1
11.72 Howard arrlraL. Harta
aAarwaaa. . al wmtwabo. a a
Faoiflo Ripma, 1:15 Pittabnrf Eip'.r, 1:41
H.rrttburg Aro'ai, t 4l! PwiS. Etprou, B 31
i ri r a
Mall Train, l.:W.y Faitrngrr, Mill
Allullo Ktprraa, 147! Mail Train, :4I
rbila'da Biprru, It.lOi Faat Liaa, . I.4S'nO A MOBHANNOK IlltANCllES
On and after Moadnr, 0tob.r 1Mb, 1875, Ao
OoBitoodalioB Trnin. will rua ov.r Ibo Philip..
barg and Morhanaoa Hranabea, w follow, i
r. w. a. . A. a.
1 :1B ., 7:S
1:40 , 7.40
1:44 7:13
l:M ; 7:
Irbl I 1:00
till 10:4, till
1:10 111:10 1:11
HI H:tS Silt
1:11 lo t 8:20
1:13 11:03 .lit
' BtRtioM A. W. P.M. p. a.
MorrMol., 1:14 11:31
rnillinliurg, - ,rS I3:lt 4 .16
RUm.r'r, 11:11 4:11
Ilo.bor, 11:04 4:28
OlOMla, i 11:44 4:li
Moibanaoa, 11:41 4-M
BlaiM.g, . 11:8.1 :41
Booiarl.1., ' 11:17 1:47
Mclanlay, : . 11:14 1:44
Kaailrioka, . 11:10 3:tu
B.llaranu, Pa tl
Look H.T.a I
WHll.ia.port .,.. I
Hanliairaon 1
Lowiatooa. ..... I
Mary.rlll. 4
Cloa. aoanortiowa a
aad Loch Uar.a.
MMIddl.towa It oa
7t M.ri.tu. I Mi
80 L.noat.r 0 8t
10 r-UILADKLrilM tot
0 Alloon. , I tt
to Joha.lown. I 80
ftll'llTHBUHU I It
aad. by all traiaa at Tyrono
B. 8. BLAIR,
, Allfghony Valley Railroad.
aT." and after Mnnday, nrrtnt.r ITili, 1871,
J th. n.M.nR.r train, will mn dally (.leapt
Boo day) Std flant aad unnwood, u
follow, t
RAHTVt ARn.Il.y MaillravM Pltlaburg
1:14 a. u.; Red Hank 1 1:40 j Uligo Junellua 12 08:
New Brthlrhrra 1:00 p. nr.: Materlll. 1:14 j
Troy 1 :88 , Broobrll M'O Faltor'a 1:23 I Bry
aoldirill. 1:44 j DnBniel:l4i Huraaiil Tuonol
1:31 ; PanOrld 8:88 H'Mdrill. 4 :ll; ll.n.wtt.
4:44 arrl.M at DriAwood at 4 31.
4 t.WT W A R IWII.J Mall learn Driftwood
lilt p. Bi. BenMrlla 1:14) Weodrlllo 1:31 ;
PMfi.ld I l Hiiainill Tunnel 1:18: DuBoUI SO:
Rrynoldarille l:0t ; Pull.r-.S 'it ; llrookrlll. I: ill:
Troy 4:18 M.y.rlll. 4:.1ti New Brtblrbeai 4:18 1
8II. Junolioa 1:10 1 Rod Bank 8:44 ; arrirM al
Pill.harg al 8 it p. m.
Chm MBBMllnaa Bad. with Ir.Ia. oa P. A B.
Railroad at Drilt.ood, and with train, oa Ih.
Allegheny Vall.r Rallroail al Red Bank.
DAVID McCABllO.Uaa'IBap'l.
A A. jAiianoa, H.p't L. ti. Dir.
$tw di'frtisfmmts.
DlreeloVa repcrt of the dUlrtel of Blom, In
the eountj of Cleatftcld, lor tbo year Illi, , .
MtlrTOn, -
Amount or Indebtedness $RD 14
Amount of tuutird deU i'-O 09
Amount of Boat ing debt . Its 00
talastion of searfd tatable property, ifi 1,110 00
Amoont of tat aiisssetl.........,. 4i
State apfiroprtsiloD 70 00
Amount of uaeollrstod tases..i H. . S80 74
: , , , r 11.054 10
' M. D. 8MEAL, Preit.
tfunn fintrw, Hee'y.
Feb. 9, l"70 .. . r
r-m , f- ,
Biatetnrnt ot rVbool Fund of Wallaeclon
borongh, CleatDeld eounty, Pa.:
Bel. dup. 1"T3..b bandsof A. V.Wuleou IH U
Bel. L. J. Mergaa i ...j. IS Tl
Bel. dupiwaiss 1074 sad If is la bands
ef F. t'etnpnisn HiO 00
Wm. 11. II u list's fines, de I tow Co 60 00
'. . ' mi 4
Oatstandipg or ft ere, inclad'g Intmrt.a. S?0 SO
slsties dne dlnlrlcU... n 1348 SI
No setfretnrnl at this date with Traurtr and
Celleetor for 1K70. ' T. M HOl.T, ec.
Wallacetua, Feb. S, 1"76.-St
" '' Tons, fcaa'A.
errtlO ' 1'aio.n and rlowof nmi, uraaa
RaM.llS.Srid.. Seed lorn, teed lota, Bwd
1' a , Need Wbeala, TrM nnd MelK H.ed.,
... Bl'UB,ora klnda, for Spring UI' I IH!
rerL-u ni r'i"i- -f"".
1 RaM.ri. tt.ndard and irwarf TreM,
GrapM Small Fraila, Kr.rgtMB.,Ora.Bi.alal
Trr.a .nd Mirula. Bom., Bidg. I'laitia, Ae.
RoeloM Hlamp lor prle. lilt, I. tit Full
I.Mrlptir. lalaLgua. tab. i, li-4t
' HISTORY lwtf AtlKNTS, In
fit rvry inwa.t. mbvom por
r.r.,.,r.ol.,..,.. "r. foriiall'a ew aad
PENNSVLVAN A.l.alar Hlalory of
.raawayi.aala. Ireai tno Mrlleet diMor.ry to
la. prrarat tlai.. A eplradid bonk, eonplele ia
aa. .ol., n.iv.TBAriBtBod puntiehnd at aprfM
wilbia rweh of th. poop!.. A raroebonoo tor a
Ir.l el... ranraawr. AdilrM. tb. publi.bafl,
gwak.r t'lly Pablkklag to, f IT A tio
Qolaoo Bl., PhUodelphlo. Beb. t, '18 It
Having tabes sty brother lato aariB.rabipi I
d.eir to bar. ajy aid I there
to., gto. aollo. looll who haow ikearet'eo n
dob ted M Bio to mm Moward mob aad eeula m,
m ibot w. ms tab. a aow aWrtato.
CVmpOiII, Jnl. 14, TS-lf. y. M. fARPnjt.
The iur ef whet we sell we ssanunteture our
wkmIs, spe of thetn In our own building.
They si well cut, tawed end finlehed. They
m be relied upon. SiorekeeperS eul ef (he city
mMrcpreeenl as wlvea they say they tell our anode,
utweV sV wkpUtmU, but conflne ourtelves to
ona. uitl MAtu this onlv 1
THR price Ie plelo fttireenl nikfnftf. T
Mine price ie attqueiM-ncce and itienger.
lo city people end country people equal
advantage- With eech erticU told, a i.tmrtitH
Ie given, that the Trice it u km u it can be bought
THIS ts important indeed, beratae, unprtrupM
potl having tierce la Vhiladelul'ia.t-ewe
Urtit our siitni, card, adertin.rl, and
Stop Strangen on inr ttrcet, utk ah Jtrtttismi
about where the store It, to that tbry may tell iheir
cffl.nb-rf.-it mrxit There la but one Uak Hall la
pattenvi of material and prices by
When rtquesud. I'tnom can have
- un xkmIs aeni bv Kiorm. bv send
ing their ateaaure (we rurnlth easy directions that
any oae can measure by,) snd describing rlor
wanted, and orir daaited Pavment Can be ate
m Sdi'frttsfinftits.
ma cmcioo axd aaaiT-wnsTnmi rsilw.t
Kmhraees nnder one nansreaient the Greet
T'nnh Railway Lines of the Whla r and NORTH
WKhT, and, with lis autnsrons braaohea and
connections, forms the shortest and quickest route
bcieccp Onie.ttoead all points in Illinois. Wis-
oonsik. jwORTnKnn MirHiasif, uinrkbuta, iova,
N Mas si m, t'ALiroa."iA and tbe W ssTsas
TsRRiToaias, Its
Omaha and California Lino
Is the shortest and best rente for all petals la
NunrtiBRg iLLinots lows, Uak or a, naaaasKa,
WroHiHo. Colo ha do, Utin, Nktada. CAtiron-
su Onaaon, Crira, Jafan and Attsraatts. lu
Chicago, Madison & St. Paul
Is the shortest line fur Nonruann Wisconsin and
aliRagMoTA, atid for Madibor, Bt. Paul, Hm-, It i,i'Ti end all points lathe Ureat
nenawen, lie
M bona and SI. Peter Line
Is the only rente for Wirona, Rochrstsr. 0nA
torra, Markato, Bt. Pstrr. Nrw Ktn, and ail
points ta Bout hero and Contra. Miatvasotn. Ita
Green Bay and Marquette Line
Is tbe only Hoc for J arbstillb. W ATRiTewn,
Ford Dv Lac, Ornkosh, Ai'I-lbtum, Brrrr Hat,
Uarcotb and the Lakr Sifumoa CunRrar. lu
Frceportand Dubuque Line
Is the oely roate for Etoia, Rocbpobp, Pann-
r-CRT, and all points Tin. Krseport. Its
Chicago and Milwaukee Line
Is tbe old Lahe hore Itoote.and Is tbs ont? one
passliiKtbroucfe Ktarbtor, Larb FoRasT. Ul
Pullman ralnce Cars
are run en ell throe eh trains of this road.
This lithe ONI.. LINK nine las; these earn be
tween thioago end nt. Paul, Chicafo and Nilsraa
kee, or Chtcsfo and H'iDona.
At Onsha oar Hleeners eanneot with the over
land ftieriiers on the Union Paeile Railroad for
all tioints Wsst of the Missouri Hirer.
On the arrival of the trains front the Kent or
Poatn.Uie trains ef the Chicago A Norib-Weetera
Haiiwny J.fiAVK t'IMCAttU as Tollowst
For touufll Hiu(la.tmaha and Cnlifonila,
Two TbroDsh Trains dallr.wlth Hull in an Palace.
Drawins; Heoai and Hleeping Cars thrvagh te
Council U lulls.
For t. Paul a fid Miratteapolls, Two
Through Trains dally, with Pol I man Palaoa Cars
anarardon noth traias.
Vortirtstm) Bay and Lake IMipersor. Two
Trains dally, wita Pulltoan Palace Oars attaohad.
ana running ibrouxh to Msruuette.
hnr Mllwauhcej, Foar Through Treiss dally,
Palliosa Cars an night trains. Parlor iVbatr Cars
on aar trams.
ror i-p arln and Vsiuoiia and points in
Minnesota. One Tbmagh Irain daily, with
r unman net pars to Winonn.
Kur liuiiuuuo rla VnmoorL Two Tbroaah
Trains daily, with Pullman Cars on night trams.
for Oubuque nnd l.n Croeat ria Clinton,
Twolbruuh Traias daily, with Pullmaa Oais
on oieht train to MeUretror. Iowa. -
For loui fit valid 1 auhton. Two TraJns
aauy rniinian Cart te fltseoart Vatley Jnneune).
ror a.aae iwcnnva. roar Trains dkiir.
For Hocltlord. werllii. Kenoaha. Jaaea.
vii if ana otoer points, yun can bars trotn two
o in trains aauy.
Mew York Offloe, Ko. 4U Broadwar t Beelon
Ofles, No. 4 Stale Htreet Oaiaha, 13
Farttbam ttlrest, tSsn Francisco offloe, 131 hfont
goniery H treat j Chicago Ticket 0 ft. eel i SS Clsrk
KUewt, nnder Bhertaan lloaaci comer Canal and
Madison htretrtii Kione street Depot, corner W.
hie ile end tanai Hi reels We Us B treat Jepot,
aornar Wells and Kin sic Streets.
For rates ar in formation not attainable from
yoar home agents, ajiply lo
W. II. Htbrrstt, MabtiN Hi i a itt,
Oen. Pees. Ag't, Chicago. Uso. Huo't,
Jan. 38, ItTft-ly Chicago-
1870. WHERE KOW? 1874.
To MICIIInA!!, ana of. tba foremen, Boariab
lag aad baallhy Houu 1
To buy a FARM oat of th. ,
One Million Acre
of in. larsilii; landt fur Ml. by tb. (1RAKD
Birong Bnlla. Brady M.rheta. Bur. Crop.. Good
Hehonla, R. R. runa through of groat.
Bi' all along. All hind, of Prodneta
raiMd. Plenty ef w.t.r, limhor and bolldiag I'nw ftoBi tt t tin par aar.; ona
founh down, on lima.
jatr-B.nd for llla.trated pr wphlet, foil or facta
Bad tgurM, aad b. .arlaoed. AddnM
W. A.lldWARU, Coaim'r.
Uraad R.nida, Mlob.
P. R. I.. PIERCE, Seo'y Load D.p l.
Corwfsavlll., CltarBeld County. Prna'a,
0 (Oflea ia 0 .tee' Hew Billdlng.)
Cutwenrrlll., j.n 11, 1178 ly.
From one nil Hon te l,40A,ftoO feet of Ho,
I, 2 anil S pine bonnli, 1?, 14 and lit feet In length,
lo be deliTered by raft or ears to Pltlbjrgh.
Paymtnt to be made as follows : Part eash and
part In gnod ally property, aa may be agreed
upon, ll ids to bo addressed to
LamUr Yasds,
10th Ward, Plttshurgu, Pa.,
or at our bank, 110 VmlthReld street. i
Dea. 0, IMe-Sm . T
A bonk enntnlningoter Hiitj be.otitul Illu.
tratlona or Bthlbilloa Building., Falrmnwnt
fork, tndrpaadeaoo Hall lu I7" and IS70,
Corprnlar'r 11.11, Wlrard t', MbmoU T
pla, t'.tli.dr.l, and all .ther piaeM of IntereM la
lb. C.ntennlal Otly, with bl.lorle.l aketohM of
eorb, and a .ompeodi.ia of .11 lb.r fnforaiotlaB
abMlaWly iarle.pen.oblo for tb. 0r.Un.lel Vt.
ilor, wii. ought lo m.k. biatlf Iboroughty
f.inlllar with iu enot.iit. befor. rlallln. Hi. Rt-
blbiiiua. Brut aaywhar. by rotura ( ai.ll an
reMipt flf prior, Twealy eent.. AddreM W,
Frailer, No. 11117 North I8lb .tree!, rhiladelphb.
Big trade diauoaat to M.alry dr.l.ra. juf278
The oMret and tieot ami.lnted iBatllaltOB tat
rl.tntni; a HootneM RducoUoa.
tut ctrc.lar. aoarrM,
r. Drrr a snvs,
Mtaborga, Pa, , i
aept B, 8a-aoa
AC.F.OJTS OVANTEIWMoa, wonel and
ebildred lo MB g.,odB. Centennial friek,
ih'I bo beat, 18 Mnta. Bernna'e WmOVt, wob
derfnt, 18 eenle. Jnbrt Trirk Ih. boa. Irieh It
eenta. Coamandlng Ball, good, 18 .rata. Mart.
Triek eerdo. .letting, 18 eMit. Mogl. AgeoorM,
.anting, tfterala. FenoMMIrngMrda, SOMate,
Janpiog earde, pieeaeat, 18 MW. 80 Male mh
It er.te. Vlewa af the Cenlraalel b.lldinga,lt
roala. Oold tor ov.ry perMn Ihroogh rairooai.
phia .od tbo C.aleaBial Boildingt, SO MO I a.
aim, ih. Boca PriM raokegoo. uioaa Catme,
Beidl. Tkre.dere, ohrraoa, jewelry, ale., by
wh.lMeW and mail, toad It ooau aad otawp fny
aaplo. AddreM,ll. V IKITBK, Uoraao,
f . tl., lladol,k,ia r.. " in, (, ,::Ul
Jri 60sdi, 6rsrirs, 0tr.
VI js
- 8 5-0
1876. WIIUTEB. 1876.
' ' ' i
Dry Goods Emporium,
DRK88 OOOD8, -
, , fAKCt flOOM,
" j ;, TRIMM1NGB,
litT.l.iKaiat' Aiuin. ' ! f- :,i
, rvaa or su. kinm, '.
' 1 RHflg, MATB, DRrnOKt,
window cuBiAiNg,, ;;' .'
' wini)ot nxtmv, ' ' '
' ' OIL RI.IND9, '
Tho largest msortment or the
above named goodt ia the county,
and sella for cash. , Remember,
butter snd eggs taken in exchange
for goods. . Receiving new goods
almost daily.
: room no. 2. ;
. Claarldd.DM.t,,l8)t. . . ,;, '
Improved Spring Beds,
Th. aaderaigood bega iMr. lo tofora lb. till.
Mat of ClMrO.ld, aad th. pabli. geaerelly, tb
be bM on band a tne aMortaeat ot Furaltoro,
aweb ft. Wahnt, CbMtast aad Pvlatot Okaaber
B.itM, Parlor BwitM, Roellalag ad Bltoaaloa
Cbalra, Lodle.' and Omi.' By Cbalrl, Ik a Per
fnrated Olalag asd Parlor Chain, Coo. tau ud
Wiodaor Cb.lra, ClMbM Ran, Sua and Bun.
Oioa Ladder., Hat Baeha, Borabbiag Braakaa, Ao
Lookiaf OImm., Ohroaoa, Ao wkiek wwold b.
Mltobl. for Uolioay praooota,
HOTI8B AND LOT for sale.
Tb. Boom aat Lot oa tbo MrWM of Mar.
k-md ttftk Mroeta, OtejartebB, Pa., la fOr mIo.
Tb. bat ea.ioiw. om.1i aa aara af grewwd. Tb.
koaea la a lory, doable tVoae, oo.ulniog alaa
peoaaa. Far Oeraa aad atkor raransattos tPply
U twr MOMribM, at lb. rt (jSot, '
l ttst siaiaTisx. or bvirt sbscbip
V llo.BM.iy eaeeoled al kl, aSr. . ,
r.i -. !v, 1 I (1 tt r t f
I 't 1
,.!:!,S;4 II. i 10 i't'i
T .1
A full aad aonpl.t. aaaortnoat ot a.w good.
new r.yiva, oowo IO
Cillune are Intited ta Mil aad aaualoa aay
tloek and Judg. for Ihoainlrraat loqaality aad
pnoM or goooa.
,! " ' JORRprj B. 8I10WRRS., April 14, 1874.
Tbe undersigned bar lag pnrehaatd the store
foods aad property former 1 oeei.pied hy Lores
Flegal, en Oeoond street Clearfield, adopts this
method of bringing his huiiness to the notion of
ua pooite, ana promisee te Torn isb his patrons
ataaoMdiag Urn Mm. Tbl. ' ara mabUd la
da, booouM I baea ao raat to pay, and Ma Ibor
foro tbo arotta with m. mmx. Ii
BMy bo Mid that able ia aa oiporlBoal with aaa.
bat If aalliag a good artielo fur a low tgoro ro
tioM .oaloaj aad aipoad! Irado, I aa boaad to
bbmoo. ia ay aadoruaiag. Uie. ao a aall, as
aaiaa ay nook aad Uara ay prise..
TO a. InrM Btoek ofkAAia ui .L V-. J
wpr, a ht j.n aaooa a run atoea or
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
whlok I will .ell at th. twy kneel igurea for
oaab, or ia aiebanga for Maatry produoa, at lb.
Call aad aiaalaa ay Moek aad arloM kofora
pan.Bae.Hg nweano
f'T'l i i r" i ' V ( r.
.1. I. j.i.j t 1 Bef-TICB. afeOBOHOK.
Ckrartold, April tl, 1878.
JOSRPH H. DKBRING. oa Market atrooL la
oae i atow, t;ioarBeld, ra.. aaa laet roooi.ed
to. lot of Froa.b C.lf Bkiaaaad lip., tb.
oMt ia ta. aaraat, aaa la Baw .report, to aaa
oroeoir. .rarytbia. la his Uaa. Ii XII wor-
roaat bia werk ta b. m roproaoatad.
aim, all aiada or Leather aad Shoe Fiadlngi
for Ml..
Tb. oltlMB. of Clearteld aad llelult. are
rvepnuuuy rariiow N giro aia a amll.
wora aoa. at aa.n aatloa.- , T lSTJy
Tbe Bell's Bun Woolen Factory,
rMB lowaAlp, Olearleld Oo., Pa.
"CIO BOBIIB Ot7Tr'--'';
' rf ,: . ."T" i. ; v
-i- .. r . t I t :
Tb..ubMribor b.r.. at srMt tiBno. robolH
a.lgbborbood BoeaMity, la the arMtloa of a Irat
.lua Woolea Moaufaotort. with all tb. Modern
iaproToarate attMbed, aad an prepared to aaaa
all kind, of Clotha, OaMiaoroo, BatlaMI., Blu
keu, Flaana, Ao. Floaty of good, oa baad to
aopply all oar old aad a tkouMnd aaw autoa.ra,
whoa w. ook to ooao aad oaoalao oar atook.
Tbo baaiaoM of
kS poeoiTO wwr onMlal attoollo., I Pnaer
orraagoaeat. will bo aad. to roMiro aad dolirw
WmI, U rait oo.toa.ra. All work worroatod aad
doao apoa th. ahertMt aotloa, oad by atri.t ettea
Uoa to baaiaoM w. hove to raallM a Ukaral ahan
of pnbli. patroBag.
Wo will way tb. blfboet aarkal arte, for Wod
aad Mil aar Bawuraototod gooda aa lew aa aiailor
gooda oa. b. bought lo Ib.oowoty, aad wbaurrw
wo fall lo render iwaaaable w. na
alwoy. bo fosBd at boa. roody to asko propot
.ipl.a.ti.B, aithw la aortoB ar by leltw.
aprlllttf . BawarP. 0.
", .' . SITBRSEDKD BT " .
Madeof thebent MsJle.
hie Iron, and tantUebad I
to tbe Haases by the best
Snip erer la rented. U I
ta easily and sjutchly pat - , j f
'" on, and prevents the' ' i j
erblppinf af tho horsM J
hy the pole. Vol liable
to ret eat of repair. '
, y . . Will last far yaara. Ail
' f 1 "we ash te a fair trial, l '
, . aoaelooo all pertiee na- .
Inf them that they are -
nasnrpaased In raloe for . t
the perpoee for hioh
,-v. . . tbsj are lntaded.
ClMHMd, aiprU Is, Ufa, . . .
Jos Patpob, PrM. ' t. P. Baas, C.ihlor.
Cnrwenarllle Bank.
Aattorlied Capital,. ......... 1 88,000.
Paid ap Capital ....n...M....0,000.
(arvcaana riaar atioal ba.i.)
lo s goaaiaa baakia bwaioeM. ' Aeooaata
aIII(.J -
Canrwrrllle, Pa., Jaa. tt, I8TI ta.
tV. A. . . . .i. ,. ... J
aoa Coltogoof tbo United Butea, aBorde aoeo,ua.
, ,..,., praeurai eoueo
. - j , i , . . , ,. . .
. m. oviuuiv eero aen. oiooonm
admitted, at any llae. Pot eireolar. addrOH
. v. vol a u, o. a.,
' r Prlnelpal.
Tl.- Hfbfia ri.v fix . n,,n 1. .l .
taly laaUiatloa al tba Mai ia tkla ally Ibot we
reeoBBowd lo tbo pahlle p.lroB.g.. jVretyi..
rle lewo, fimtet, Pm. Bop. 18,T-8a.
BotlM H berekr giro la Iko n.Hle aad ad
oorilM III Ie. paled Ike. .-l,ll ... I 1-
at Ik. proaat Mraioa of Ibo Slow Legltlatara to
poM ew nn rrpowi.g aa . or AM.ably, ap
pro.od the ltd, day f Marak, A. D 117., aad
Iba Mppl.BMI .p,ror.d Iko d day of April,
A. D. toil, roBtiao va tkwwUooilM of obim h
tbo aoastaf CleartokL CLARK BROWN,
I ..... , . T. A. MeOEK,
m Uarrib hoover.
I ' CoBBlaaaaara 6m. ' M ' '
I lorteJd, Pa .t.a.ioM; l ;
i I
. I i -V i . . , - .
rAxrv oofiiio
for aodlelaal p.rpaaaa.
TroatM, Bapportora, bVkoel Book, aad ttatloa-
- - .uwr BriioiM owoiiy
fouad la a Drag Stor..
FULLY COMPOITNIiRIl. n.oio. . k. ...
E.ri..M la tb. kaaiaaM they na (ir. .Blir. aal
fMlloa. I. O. BABTRWTCK, '
John r. ibwin.
(Wt.ld, Doooaber It, 1814.
, (BooMMorl to Boyatoa A Toang,)
MsaafsrtnTers of
Comer of Pourlk sad Piae SlrMta,
HAVING aagagod la tba Baaufaataro af Int
alaM MACUINERT, wa roapMlfally lafora
a pablla that wa aro sow prepared to III all
order, a. .kaaply and aa proaptlyaa aaa be done
laaayoftbooltlM. W. Bannfaot.r. aad dool la
Mnky snd Circular Saw-Mills
BmA Bloeka. Water Wkoou. BhUoo P.IU a
Oitbrd', lajoelor. Stooa Onm Rteeni WhltlM
OlUn, Tallow Capo, OU Cupa, Oaugo Ooeka, Air
veos utoa. valraa, ChMk Valroa, wraagkt Iroa
Pipa Blaaoi Paspa, Boiler FmiI Paapa, Aatl
riotloa Motra, Reap Btoa. Paekiag, Qua Pank
ag, aad all kind, of MILL WORK, logatkor
wttk Pkwa, Bad B.loa,
aad other CASTINGS of all klada.
r-Ordera MUaltod aad 8114 ol a.,, .rt.
AU attars of laquiry witk nfereaoa ta aaoklaory
af aar aaoafMlBi. proaptly aaawarod, hy addna
lag aa at CUorleld, Pa,
laand-tf BIOLEB, T0UNO A BBED.
AJtoPAcrvnaa av
Furnaoe Blocks. Gas Retorts,
Store LiningE, PaTing TUes," Ao.
CAItststft; Top; WKHrMi Cmp;
mm t'aut.
All kinds of Architectural Adornments.
With bnaroTad aaekinerv. tret riu. -i.-i-l
aad akllM workrn.a, wo MB warraBl all our
aaaafaetar.. U ka aaaal to If ,t wporbr lo
any ia tbo aarhet.
Artli.Ua f l . ...
Work., au. T, . . , ,, ,
' - K-., e. h. neroworo
Slot, of Powell A Morgan.
All erdare - Ji.i .jj j .
Oenerol SuporlaUadoat, will rooeiro proapt al-
JOHN rvwniTanM
of Belh8.ld, Garaklrk, Sootlaad,
copi. anouiaeiariag tjopL a.ylOTS
Stove Lining and Fire Brick,
kept ooaetaally aa hand.
Flahcr's Pato.t Atrllght Self BraUag
Prali t.a. I
ItlTTia nannvu j.k iia-
Pinir t.w runrva
Aad a greet aaay .thor tbiag. too Baaoroat la
aooiiow, 10 oo aaa M
Craer of Ckorry and Third SlrMta.
vfananriBLii, rA.
Mb. 8. 8. LIDDBLL,
Ra.lag oagaged la tho Marbl. kaalaoM, dealre,
U lafora kar friead. aad tk. paMlo Ibat aaa baa
aaw aad wID beep Manually oa kaad a Urge aad
we Mleetad atook of ITALIAN AND VERMONT
MARBLE, aad la prepared la fkraiak la ardor
Carhe aad Poalo hr Coaeetery Lota, WlBd.oj
BUM aad eapa, alaa,
' '. i TOPI, So, So.
VYard oa Soot atroot, aaw Iba E. R. Dep.l,
viMrueoa, ra.
oriai Swoow awa Brafvaaaa, L0MBBB
0ITT. OoikMtioM aad. aad aoaoy proaptly
nelA ooor. ArttdMof ogroeaeat aad deoda ot
maf oyowoo aaMly aaeoalod aad Varraated aw.