gardirw, lUorr. SACKETT & SCHRYVER, HARDWARE, tat. KUtftwtftrtri af Tln.Copper ft Sbeet Iron Ware, cat Street, CLBARPIELO. PA. Harlag largely Increased our atoek of nerd were, we larlte the publio to eiemiae oar atook tad prio... Carpentei ill will do entert and perieni who ,oa temp lata build wu w examine our TOOLS BUILDIHO HAKDW1E8, which li it and of the bail manufacture, aid wlU ba Mid low for eaik. NAIIiS, GLASS, PUTTY, GLUE, LOCKS, LATCHES, HINGES, ' SCREWS A II klade of Bonck Plaaai, Sewe, , BqaarM, Hammers, fiateheta, numb! and Levels, Mortlssd A Thanh Oueges, Bsrels, . Hraeos A Bltta, Wood aad Iroa Bench Borewa, aad the bait Boring Machine la tha market. Double and Single Bitt Axes, POCKET 0UTLKR7, Ac. Agents for Burnett's Iron Corn Shelter, wammea. Alio, aganta for Rlokardi' GOTHIC FLUE TOPS, which affeetaally earn Smoky Flaat. Farmers' Inplananta and Garden Toola of avery aeacriptioa. A larga variety of COOK STOVES, which we warrant to five ffttlifaatloa. Portable Range and Furnace. le Roofing, Spouting and Job Work duo on reaaoneble term. All ordera will recelro prompt alt en tic a. Juno 11,-1873, POWELL & MORGAN, D I ALIBI II II A It I) W A It E , AUo, Maanfaetarartof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware. CLIARFIILD, PA. INARMING IMPLEMENTS of all r klnda for aala by . POWELL A MOROAN. JAILKOAD WHEELBARROWS for aala by POWELL A MORGAN. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Kalla, ate., for aala by POWKI.L A JIORBAN. II ARNKSS TRIMMINGS &SHOE Flodlngi, for lele by POWELL A MORGAN. (JUNS, PISTOLS SWORD CANES For aaU bj POWELL MORGAN. gTOYKS, OP ALL SORTS AND Sttei, for eat bj POWELL 4k NORflAS. RON ! IRON! IRON I For aale by IRON POWELL 4 M OR (JAN. TTORSE SHOES k HORSE SIIOE NAILS, for tale by POWELL A MORGAN. pULLEY BLOCKS. ALL SIZES Aad boat Mannfaatara, far aala bj POWELL A MORGAN. TOIIMBLE SKEINSND PIPE BOXES, for aala bj POWELL A MORGAN. G. S. FLEGAL, Ironsides Store, PIIILI.IPWIIllltd, PA. DEALER IN ' HARDWARE, CTOVKfl, HKATERM, RANG ' KS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARS. AND MANUFACTURER OIJ TIN, RHEET-IRON AND COPl'ERWARI. Preaqalila Strt.t, Phllllpaborg, Centra Co., Pa. M.Mar nit. tmor, . MnanAT. crara soRnon. WEST BRANCH INSURANCE AGENCY PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Clearfield, Pa. 1IRAHCI1 OFFICES In dilTelent part, of tha County. Tha following Old and RrllaUa Fir., Aooidanb 8 took aad Lif la. uranoa Companiea rapraaantad, Anata. 1H0II North Britiih 4 Mr rent II. Fin Ina. Co., of England 2,IO0,0 I Bfifi Reottiib Comineroial Fira Ina. Co., of England (gold) 10,090,000 1704 North Amotion Fira Inanranoa Co., of Philadelphia. 4,700,000 IK20 Fira A.ioelatina Fira IaHaranea Co., of Phllad.lphia 1,100,000 1KSI Pbnnii Fira Ina. Co., N. Y.... 1,300,000 1007 Watartowa Fira Ina. Co., of N. Y., inaaraa farm boildlngi onlj 700,000 1871 Auaioa Fira Iniaranpa Co., of Ciootaaali. 1,000,000 185a York Htock la.uranoa Co., af Panna. Inaaraa horaaa, Ao 76,000 1874 Hartford Inanranoa Co of ConnMtiouk. 100,000 1817 Paaa Hutaal Lifa Inanranoa Co., of Panaarlraola H 6,000,000 I RA0 Matropolitaa Lifa Iniaranoa Ca of N.w York 1,000,000 Total capital 67,000,000 Peaaoa in tha aouatrr d.iring Innraara, oaa have It promptly attandad la bj oaliag at tha oflioa or addroiaing aa by lattar. Inaraao.a af faetad at tha Iowaat poaaibla rata, to ba obtalnad la Arrt-alaaa aampaniaa. No Uompani rpr. aard wkiekmoka A.M.Mnl. Tha ahora two lifa Inanrana Coa, rapraaantad bv T. II. Marrar. hara paid oat lw aath, batwaaa tha dataaaf Aug. 1871 and Aag. IH74, to tha friaoda af datwaaad polioy bolaara In thla eoaatT, tha mm of $11,1)00. Prorida far tha fatara br laaarlng roar bomaa and yonr llraf Id tha Wart -Rranoh Inanraaoa Agmey. M l) KltA i uunuun, Claarlald, Maj M, 1176. Aganta. FULFORD & THOMPSON, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, Clcarntald, Pann'a, Rapraaaat all tba laadlng Fira Inanranea uompaaiaa ai taa Muntrj t gnaaa 410,000,000 Kojal Canadiaa 0,000,000 Homo, Naw Yark 6,7M,1I4 I, rooming. Maaor, Pa 6,M(I,4SI Franklin, Phllad'a .SIIK.KM Phcrait, Hartford 1,.',I0I llanorar, Naw York I, Homo, Col., 0 6IM0H Atlaa, Bartford M0,04l ProTldanoa, Waahingtoa 010,000 Paraoaa-aboat affeetiag aa laiaranoa on prop, artj af any kind, ahould aall at our oflioa, on Market atraat,appoaita la. Oonrt lloaaa, and aaa war Hat af aotapaakaa and rataa bfffora Inaarlng, JOHN H.FI'LFORD, T. W. TilOMl'HKIf. Claaraald.Pa Oct, 17, '76-1 j QOME AND SETTLE. Having taken tny brother lata partaarahip, I daalra to bava my old aeooanta aloaed. I there fore glra notlea to all who know tbemaelvee la. 4ebted U a te ooaa forward eoon and aetUa p, e thkkt va eaa tak a new departwrw. Claartald, Jaly 14, 7a-tf. If. M. CARDON. $5- e OA Par Da, at haaa. Term, free ' Addn (i, Sriaaol A Co., Port. iaad, Maiia. an!7-la Pry o3ood, tSrowifl, 'ttt, JJARD TIMElT 1IAVI MO EFFECT IN FRENCHYILLE I I am a war thai than an torn peraone t llttla hard to pleaee, end 1 an alio awaro that tha oom plaint of "hard timer' ia wall nigh anlverial. But J am io J tutted now that I ean eatlsfy tha formar and prove eonaluilvely that "bard tlnaa" will not afftot tboea who bay thalr gooda from ma. aad all my patron i ahall h Initiated Into tha ae aral of HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES I bare gooda anuugh to 'apply all (ha lubnbl Unta In the lower aud of lha ouualy which 1 aell at exceed In r, low ratea from wy muitnoth atore in MULHONUUKt., where I eao alwaya ba foand raady to wait upon eellera and aupply tham with Dry Goods of nil Kinds, Suoh M Cloth", Batlnetla, I'aaalmerca, Mmlloa, 1 veiainei, idinen, JTunuge, ualiooea, Triwininga, Hi boon a, Lace, Readjrinade Clothing, Boot and Shoee, llata aad Capa -all of tha boat material and made to order lloaa, bocki, tilorea, Mitteni,, Laoea, Hibbona, Ao. GROCKRIKS OF ALL KINDS. Ooffoe,Tca, Sugar, Rice, Molaaaea, Flah, Sal Pork. Linaaed Oil. Fuh Oil. Carbon Oil. Hard wart, Queenaware, Tinware, Caetlnga, Plowa ana now ueeMnge, nana, Bpikaa, uora uuitira tora, Cider rreaiei, aad all kfada of Axaa. Perfumery, Palate, Vara lib, Glee, and a general aeeoriment oi stationary, GOOD FLOUR, Of different branda, alwaya en band, and will bo oia at tna iowaat poeitble Bgurea. J. II. MoClain'a Medicine. Jayne'a Mad id nee1 uoa tetter a and liooBand a Hitter. 000 pottnda of Wool wanted for whloa the nignaat prloe will na nata. Cloverieed on hand and for aale at the Iowaat market price. Alio. Affent for Strattonville and Cur waned lie Thraahing llachinea. fdVfA-Call and aee for youraelTea. Yon will And very thing uaually kept in a retail atom. L. N. COUDKIKT. Franohrllla P. 0., Auguat Vi, 1874. fa P. WB4TBR.., ,.w.w. Bam WEAVElt A Iti:TTS CLEARFIELD, PA., An of.rlng, at tha aid Hand of O. L. Road A Co. . thalr atoek of goada, eonalallng of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE. QtlEKNSWARE, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &q &o., At tha Boat rtamnahla rataa for CASn or la aicbanga for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. 9AdTanoaa anada ta tboaa angagad la get ting out aqnare timber on the moat adraatageooa tarma. vdtllanTS RANTED. ' BY N. E. ARNOLD, CURWEHVII.I,E, PAH (Sueoeaior to) Arnold & Hartshorn. ' J 00,000 3()-lurh fcnived fth Indira. J 0.000 poundi of Wool. Partiea having long fibinglea or Wool (or eith er) will do well to call on tna. Tha bigheit mar ket price paid at all timei. Alao, a full and complete itook of DRY GOODS, HATS & CAPS, hoots a shoi:s, groceries, flour, feed, SALT, rilOVISIONS, ic, which will ba aoid at reasonable nrieea. or aa- ehangad for abinglea or wool. N. K. AltiNULU. Curwonarille, Mar 6, 1876. Down I Down 1 1 THE EAST AlUtlVAL AND OF COU 113 B THE CHEAPEST I h Proclamation against High Prices? WE are now opening np a lot of the beat and moat eeaaoaablo Uooda and Warea over offered In thla market, and at prloi that remind one of the god old daya of cheap thinga. Thoee who lack faith npon thla point, or deem our alia gationa anpertaDoua, need but CJLL eT out STORE, Corner Front and Market itreeta. Where thay can aaa, feel, bear and know for tfaem aelvea. To fully underatand what are aheap gooda thla mnat be dona. Wa do not deem it neoeaaarr to enumerate and Hem lee our itook. It la enough for na to alate that We have Everything that is Needed and onnaumed in thla narkat, and at prlooc that aewman ooia oia anuyonnr. 4a2f JUfcM'ii BUAW A BON, JJANIEL GOODLANDKR, liUTIIKKHDllKtl, PA., Dealer In DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, lIOSjERY &. GLOYKS, HATS A CAPS and BOOTS A 81IOKS, Tobacco, GrooerlM and Flah, Nail, Hardware, tajueenawere ana iiiaaaware, men a ana Boga' Clothing, DrugP, Painla, Oila, Srhool Hooka, a larga lot of Patent Medlolnaa, Can d lea, NaU A Dried Frulta, Choeaa and Crack- en, Itook and Hi He Powder, Flour, Grain and PotatooB, Clover and Timothy 5eod, Sola Leather, Moroeeoa. Lining, Bindlnga and inreav, nnoemaaeri' loon ana Bboe iVindlngt. No tranter variety of gooda in any itore In tha oonnty. All for aala very low for eah or count rj produce at the tbeap Uorner. May I, 1876. JkJEW BTOKE AND NEW GOODS JOS. SHAW ii SON Hit juit opened a Niw 8toi, on Main 8t.,CLiArtiLD, Fa, Utelr oocupledbj Wm, F. IRWIN. Their a lock eonaiataof otn7 ot cd oo ao at Gkociim of Mie beat qoalltr, Qof.ensware, Boots nnd Shoos, nd Tery arliole neoeiaarf for ne'i eomfort. Cell end eiamine our itook before pur- ehulog eltawhere. Ma; 0, lHCO-tf. TlmTICRR' ak C(I1TAIII.I'J aIK U Wa kara prlatad a larga aanlMr af tha new FKS BILL, aad will a tha neelpl af twaalrw - ewe, man a aopj ia aar aaaraaa. mjm THE REPUBLICAN. CLBAKFIKLU, PA. WBBNKOAT HORNING, JAN. It, 1176. THE OLD FARM HOUIE. Tba aaay ehalr, all patohad with aare, la plaeed by the eold haartkatona With wlteblng grace, la the old flre-plaoe, Tha avargreatt are atrewn, And plot area hang on the whitened wait, And tha old elook tloka on tha oottaga hall. Mora lovely a till, on tba window-all.. The dew-eyed flowera reat. While 'mldat the leavaa on tha uoea grown aarat ine niariio ounaa nar neaif And all day long the euwmer braaaa la wbiaperlug love to tlte bended trtea. Orer the door, all eovered o'er With e lack of dark green balea, Lave a muikel old, wbuee worth la told In the aventa of other dara ; And tha powder-fleak, and the huntera horn, Have bung bealde It fur mauy a mem. For yaara have Red, with a nolaileaa tread, Like feiry drtiami away, And In thair filffht, all ahorn or iti mlglit, A father old aad fray And the aoft winda play with tbeauew-wbtte hair, Ana me om man aieopa ia ma aty anair. Ia lde tba door, on tha aanded Boor, Light, airy footatepe glide. And a maiden fair, with flaien hair, Kneel by the old niau'a aide An old oak wrecked by the angry atom. While the Ivy aliuga to lta trembling form. WOUK FOIl TllK HOUSE. FIFTY POINTS FOR IN Vt'KTMUTION THIS HC88ION. Tho following Investigations aro noccBwiry, and Bcpttrato committoo sbould examine euth topic : 1. AVbother tho Executive dupart- moiits obey the laws. 2. AVliotkor tho Kxecutivo depart mcnts control or unduly influence legis lation. 3. Treasury defalcations. 4. eocret snluri ot cold, and who profited. 5. The practical working of tho in. tcrnul revenue eystora, anil whether tho liborties of tho oitiuMis aro violulod in connection with it G. Ditto of the custom p.ytcm. 7. Tho practical working nnd value of tho eocret sorvico of tho treasury. 8. Tho practical working of tho oltico of the secretary of the treasury, and tho nnluro and effect of tho powcm exorcisod by clerks therein. 9. Tho practical working of tho national hanking system, and the hank nolo redemption division. 10. Tho Union Pacific Jiuilroatl, finishing tho revelations Poland's com mittoo left undone. 11. The Central Pacific Ituilroad, and tho division of $211,000,000 among four men. 12. Tho "revision of tho laws" by Poland, Butler and Conkling, concern ing duties, pensions, department of. justice, ix. 13. Tho dispwsition.of funds derived from sules of cotton, including tho operations of -McCulloch, JayCooko and Kaupmaun, of tho Slur, in manip ulating said funds and keeping them from tho ownors. 14. Tho uso made by Juy 0ko, with Secretary II cCulloc-h's permission, ot $70,000,000 or $80,000,000 of gov ernment funds. IS. Kolicson s loans of millions of publio money to Jay Cooke and Mc Culloch to .enable them to sot up and maintain a hanking house in Loudon. 16. Robeson's sules ol $10,000,000 worth of ships without accounting for the money. 17. Belknap's sales of $8110,000,000 worth of war material without account ing for tho monoy. 18. Bontwoll, Spinnor and Bristow's violation of their oaths of oflluo by sup pressing tho government's cash ac count for years, which makes all treasury figures worthless. 19. Tho ofTect of appropriations for "internal improvements" on legislation and public morals. 20. Tho lying debt statements of tho 1 rcasury . 21. The firoa in tho navy and war departments last winter. 22. Tho theft anil destruction of; publio records. 23. Tho fraudulent increase in ruin ation of tho Franca franc, and conse- cpiont robbery of mcrehants, put up by r tsli s son-in-law and Hartley's son. 24. The open defiance and nullifica tion of tho act creating tho department of justice. Tho actual uso mude of the $ 10,- 000,000 obtained by Congress and spent hyPiobcsonnndertho Virginius oxcito- mont when he knew that there was no dangor of war. 20. Tho Indian ring. 27. Tho poatolllce straw bid and straw route ring. 28. Tho practieoof delaying payment of just chums, using withheld money to buy bonds not duo, or forcing claim ants to pay blackmail ; and tho oxtrcmo difficulty of collecting honest claims. 29. Tito practice of official super visors sustaining their subordinates, through thick and thin, right or wrong. JO. Atlorney-lieneral Williams' ef forts to bully judges of the court of claims Into rulinir severely nirainsl honest creditors of tho government. 31. Tho methods whereby fraudulent claims arc passed nnd paid in the treas ury 32. The means whereby Den Duller has como to be counsel in nearly ovory important claim case 33. Jay Cooko ft Co's tricks to pre vent the building ot tho St. Paul & Pacific railroad, ruining Duteh bond holders. 34. Tho deposit of publio funds in favorod "banks" by disbursing officers. 30. Iho methods of tuking suretios for publio money. 37. J ho treasury habit of decidintr all qtiostinns against the tax-payor, law or no law. 38. Alterations and discrepancies In tho books of tho treasury. 39. Jay Cooke's profits on hunting up claimants fir"unclaimed interests," kept socrel from others. 40. Tricks plttyod on merchants by officials in revenuo cases in District courts whereby ailverso judgments aro fraudulently procured. 41. Tho practical working of tho bankrupt law, and tho destruction of bankrupt oslntes through official trick ery. 42. Pensions; how frauds aro put through uiid how honest pensioners aro oppressed and defrauded. 43, Tha ofTect of our present cur rency system In producing demoralisa tion and panic. 44. Who profits by telling gold for greenbacks to buy bonds with, instead ol buying bonds dlroot with guld, 4j, J ho meant whurohy Darings wore dropped as United Mates finan cial agents in London and tho rotten conoorns of Jay Cooko, McCulloch Si of Cioorgo P, Fisher, then District At Co. and Clowa, llabicbt A Co. ttibstl- tornoy, tutod. I JainetS.Negley.whooarriod through 40, Tho number of useless officials j the Witowski fraud, representod Pitts tho peoplo have to pay. burgh for three terms, Ho was well 47. Tho vast expenditure and sharp practice of A. B. Mullott in publio buildings, , 48. Tho groat delay In settling ac counts of army officers. 49. Land-grabbing, and how much valuable publio land, if any, is left, B0. Last, but not least, tho oppres sion and robbery of 150,000 people, dis franchised and monarchir.od under tho shadow of tho capitol by tho District of Columbia ring. Committees' of three will answer in most cases. Democrats of the House! Knelt of these point J covers a wrong to be ex posed and checked. Tho people de mand tho truth at your hands I They will sustain you in unveiling it. ll'ii.iA intjttm JWciriiiii. ASSVIlAN BULLS. Uarson J. V. Newman, who is a sort of intellectual prompter to tho While House, and who is uiid to huvo com municated to President liraut, from time to time, more than two hundred and fifty valuable ideas, now recom mends that tho United Stales go into tho Bull business. It is not slock rais ing that Newman means. Tho St. Louis farm never paid, und Newman is too sagacious to suggest tho repeti tion of un unprofitable experiment. Nor is it a Wall street operation ho has in mind. Former ventures of tho White House in this direction, although perhaps pecuniarily successful, huvo not been such as to command popular enthusiasm or to win votes for u third term. Parson Newman's bulls are Assyrian bulls, tho bulls of Nineveh and Baby. Ion, which hnvo lain under dirt heaps, neglected and unciircd for, for centuries; winged bulls with human heads and long beards and pluintivo features that1 appeal to tho peoplo of America for notice nnd protection. Newman saw and pitied tljeso in teresting creatures whon ho was lust in Asia performing his official1 duties as Inspoctor of Consulates. Ho also saw that they are fast betnir dtiif un by Mr. fioorge Smith nr.d carried away to tho British Museum, und that soon tho entire bull population of Nineveh will bo brought under tho debasing in- fluenco of monarchical institutions un-; less the United Stales (iovernment bestirs itself to immodiuto action. He beseocbes Congress to appropriate $10, 000 at onco and send nn accredited agent of tho (iovornmcnt to disinter a few doxen of tho vonorublo animals, lead tlym gently down the, valley ol tho Tigris to somo seaport of tho Per siu u (iulf, nnd embark them upon one of Sccor liobesoh's ships of war for passngo to America. Vh. is $10, 000, ho pleads, especially when it comes out of the public pocket, and when you are getting full-sized bulls for your money, all sculptured over with lovoly cuneiform inscriptions, as interesting as Bessie Turner's book or ns ono of Bishop (iil Haven's best sermons? (rant and Newman cannot do bet tor thuu to follow up this idea as a third-term measure. Let them for bear fomenting a religious war that will bring misery to communities and households, and nothing but ruin and disgraco to those who instigate it, Hero is a chance for something cfTec tivo, and at the sumo timo porfectly harmless. Let Grant and his promul gators of valuablo ideas tako our ad vico and make the Assyrian bull ques tion, along with Anti-Catholic ques tion, one of tho issues of tho coming campaign. If the subject were properly set bo foro tho country; if tho organs wore to tako it up and show that our national honor, or perhaps our national oxis-J tenco, is involved in our treat mont of these helpless relicB of antiquity ; if! Muit woro to draw hulls appealing to Columbia in various attitudes of sup plication ; if Eugeno Lawrence Were to transfer his attention from tho mod ern to the ancient Babylon ; if some body woro to organize Bull Brother hoods in every State, perhaps tho poo plo would arise in their majesty and demand Assyrian hulls, nnd voto for the cnndidiilo who was already pledged to tho bull policy. .Mwiniiii snouiu ai once put Ins ulea in tho form of a bill, and gel somo'j imru-ierm v-ongrcssmnn to iniroiiuco it. Tho bill might ho ridiculed by triflcrs like Sunset Cox and Proctor Knott; it might even tail to pass the Democratic House. Hut in tho Senato, if brought forward and advocated by Hannibal Hamlin, to whom the measure would appeal with all tho power of early associations and strong contem poraneous interest, it would surely I meet with friendly nnd thorough dis cttssion. There is no knowing but what, in tho storm of popular enthusiasm that would onsuo, Gen. Grant might ride into a third lease ol power, mounted on tho back of a venerable Assyrian bull, whoso chiselled features should bear a weird resemhlnnco to those of the iinfnthoninblo Newman. N. Y.Sun OIIANTISM IN TMl T It HAS V BY DEPARTMENT. Tho retirement of tho Second Comp troller nnd Third Auditor of tho Trent nry, with several ol their subordinates, for passing tho Sugg Port and Wilow ski claims, was to havo been exjioclod and ought to hnvo boon required long ago. Instead, however, of being nl lowod 9 resign, they should hnvo beun summarily dismissed with tho brand of disgraco on their brows, after tho claims woro pronounced to bo"fictilions and fraudulent" by a hoard of Treasury officials. These two cases serve to illustrate a chronic and corrupt system, which is an outgrowth of Gmnlistn. The claims In quosticm were allowed without the least pretence of such examination as tho law proscribes, in violation ot Iho usages of Iho department, and solely upon tho urgent demnnds of two mem bers of Congress, both of whom were in tho worst possible odor nnd notori ous for more than venality. II. H. Hutler, an ox-nioniber finin Tennessoo, who was most Influential in passing tlio Sugg Fort fraud, had been; jegiment in Mexico and commanded indicted and tried at Washington, fbrj tho Twolfth Corps, Army of the Polo forging powers of attorney ami pro- mac, and tho Twentieth Corps, Shor ctiring pensions duo to widows in his man's armv. Ho was univemnHr r. (Congressional distriiit, a osoiipml conviction by tho barefaced illusion : known as A Jobber In Cougross and the departments, and had lost all pertonul standing, Ho 1, now under Indictment at Washington, and will probably bo cleared by one of the packed Juries which habitually outrago justice at the capitol. It would toem extraordinary in view of these fucts, how two such men could exert such exceptional iufttionco as they did in those cases, or could bo permitted to Interfere In anyway with tho accounting officers " 'he Treasury. iho explanation is thai they wore ex treme llepublicnns, who advocated and supported tho most violent measures they were Hlso pronounced third - torm i ... .i... v,n. m,ir n-iiuiMii tu ine iiuny unu to the President were well understood, and operated ns a nnssnort throuirh tha departments, fmm which they should huvo heon excluded. Timid officials, with tho fear of removal boforo their eyes, were ready to yield to such pres sure, und tho corrupt ones woro too glad of a seeming opportunity to strengthen their bunds by Congres sional protection. Dr. Brodhcud, tho retired Second Comptroller, had held offico lor mora than a generation, and had become a more time server.- Knorinoiis claims wore decided by the clerks undor him, some of whom havo acquired a public notrioty fifr being purchasable, lie signed their awards without scruple. Ho was alio a member of the Hoard of Audit to settle the accounts of tho Washington Iting, and in that capacity signed whatever papers Boss Shop herd's former clorks presented. Mr. I'titlicrford, tho retired AudiUir, wus a carpet-bagger who squatted down in North Carolina, und who, like his class, nover fnilod to improve uny opportunity within rcucli. Tho sus- "t im "cthods of doing business in his office long ago utlructod attention. but ho was truly loyal to Grant, and that devotion was a shield until his miscondnct threatened serious difficul ties for tho Administration. Tho changes now mado are useful, and may temporarily cheek tho plun der of tho Treasury. Hut really they only scratch tho surface. Tho whole organisation, with honorablo excep tions, is demonilizcil. and in inniiv "ranches ut lorry rotten. Combinations hnvo long existed between clnimageuts and lobbyists otilside und officials inside tho Treasury, by which bud claims aro not only put through, but tho host ones are scandalously Muck mailed. Tho agents who aro tho intermediaries of this extortion are ns well known at Washington as the President himself. They arrange tho terms with confed erates who havo to pass upon tho ac counts, and who can reject or admit churns at discretion. The practice is to suspend action until a bargain is made, and when all tho formalitios arc completed, to rush through tho award by concert with the checking oftlconi, Tliere is no menus of estimating tho amount of tho frauds that havo been comnntteil in this way, because it could only bo approximated by a Ihorotigh exploration of tho claims, tho testimony, and tho laws under which awards were made. But there is a widespread belief that tons of millions havo been stolon and divided among Rings, while a considerable margin baa been applied to party usee In tho States, and to tho support of third- term organs. Like tho machinery of tlio V hisky King, this thicvoVy was carried on in tho name of the iiepubli ean causo, aud Comptrollers, Auditors, and clerks, oithor closod their eyes to the most daring frauds, or colluded to mako them successful for a Bharo of tho spoils. Xrw York Sun. GRANTS PET SNUB ED. Tho Danbury Arm says : Now that everybody is talking about Cbandlor, who is in tho Cabinet, tho following story, a reminiscence of tho war, and which wo boliovo has not appeared in print, is applicable to Iho timos. Con. Williams was. but a Brigadier. Ho was competent, bravo, able and con scientious, but ho was not advanced in promotion, much to tho astonishmont of thoso who know his worth, but wore j unacquainted with tho feeling Senator I Chandler enterluined against him. .handler and Williams wcro both from Michigan, and the former bated the latter with a hearty hatred, and scru pulously guarded against any advanco mont that might lio offered bun. On the General's stniT was Lieutenant Col onel , n bravo man and a blunt talker. He went home on a furlough, and on returning in tho cars to Wash ington ho was seated with a gentleman, who, noticing that ho was nn officer, opened a conversation on tho way. Tho talk finally drifted to tho Lieu tenant Colonel's position. . "How do yon likeGoneral Williams'" asked the gentleman. "Tiptop," quickly responded tho Colonel. "How is ho liked in tho army?" "No man ia more thought ol than he, both by officers and men." "A bravo man, ain't he ?'' "Ilo is that, if there Is ono in tho service." "Good execulivo ability, perfectly sober, and bus the confidence of his superiors?" pursued tho stranger. "You couldn't havo sketches! him more faithfully had you known him from Infancy," replied tho officer. "Then, if ho possess all these good qualities, how is il bo is not advanced in position ?" The officer hesitated a moment as if busy thinking, and then said ; "I'll tell you. sir, just what the trouble is. Ho j is kept hack from preferment by a Senator from his Mate, a d d drunk en hog, called Chutuller." "Young nuin," blurted tho stranger, "I am Senator ('handler from Michi gan." The conversation was hero dropped. Shortly after his return lo his post, Iho Lieutenant Colonel rccoivod an oiiler frjm tho War Department re manding him to his regiment. ' General A. 8. Williams represent tho Detroit district In tho House, Ho was Lletitonal Colonel of tho Michigan irnrdo.l as one of the U...I soldiers In the service. . THE CONDITION OF JtUSIA'HSS.) Th.,,,.,1. t.ZtZ' years now prophesying and autlclpat- lug the Improvement of bueiness, yet trade still continues unsatisfactory Tho situation la not alarming, nor tho nrosnoet vrv . H-t tl,r are many failures, and find that thoy must content themselves with a smaller poroeutagoof gain than that to which they bare grown ac customed, und with roforenco to.wMuh they had fixed thoir scale of expenses at homo and In tbrwarohotiso. This condition of things is likely to bo permanent. Even though the vol. uuio of business increase, as it surely will, tlio merchant must bo prepared ! " " WW 01 1"""t ; ! 1 ""l'"reu "' too ten years - 1 l"'"V'"' 10 W2 1 ,l'"rBl'uru wi r- .inuiro greuler skill, more urudonce. . - I"1' 10 ''" duet a largo business, tliuit in tCoso j " Idun yenin when eveli tho careless extravagant, reckless, and rash could not escape making money so lung as thuy bad anything kt aell. It is tho keeping of monoy, tho wise disposition of it, that indicates business capacity, ruther than the more fucuHy of mak ing it when tho opportunities, are abundant. If one-tenth part of the men who made fortunes between 18G1 and 1871 hud had real, business pru dence, Bound, practical heads, coolness, and self-control, tho number of our prosperous citizens would be mony times what it now is. They lacked thoso necessary qualities, so fur as tho keeping of money is concerned, and tho result is that they now must pay trihtito to those who had them and used them in preserving ruther than in hazarding. A correspondent of tho Million pre sents facts and figures to show that business is not improving. The iron business, ono of tho greatest industries of tho country, has not boon profitable during the year; furnaces .and foun dries nro closed in large numbers, and only thoso run which uru favorably situated for cheap production. In lumber Iho manufacturer has actually lost in 1875. In woolen and cotton manufactures prices have declined seri ously, amounting in tho case of cotton goods to from leu to twenty per cent. Mills are closed in many places. The circulars of the large dry goods manu facturers show that very nearly all their stock is for sale now at lower prices than a year ago. ( If the 5,334 failures with liabilities of $131,172,503, 1,771 -with liabilities of $54,323,227 occurred in the third three mouths of the year an excess of about 200 failures and $20,000,000 liabilities over tho second three months. Tho number of failures has steadily increased ; 8,050 In 1872, 3,887 in 1873, 4,371 in 1874, and 5,334 in 1875, taking nine mouths of Iho year. Thoso facts aro certainly significant, but they indicate rather the economy oi mo peoplo man nil actually un healthy condition of trade. The nuin- bcr of failures shows only how far the shrinkage jatvalucs has alfected bouses which wcro doing more business than their capital justified. Though the privato culamity is great iu such cases, yet the public really gains by tho dis aster which attends suoh weakness. The houses that stand are strength ened, and a premium is put on consorr alive business management Tho weeding out process will do good, and decrease tho hazards which always ac company extended credit. Tbit salu tary ofTect will contintio until business again goU into speculative channels, when tho fuilures will again increase, and more weeding out will hnve to' bo done. ,,..,. The most serious outlook is in manu facturing. The condition of our manu factures as a whole is not encouraging, although Ihey aro much nearer bard pan than they havo been for yoart. They cannot long remain in their pres ent stagnant situation, and Iho greater oconomy which uow governs tho man agument of tho facloriea enables them to produce fabrics at nearly aa low a rate as they did before tho war, and yet save a fair margin or profit. What tho people of the country.wbo aro themselves so closely economizing, demand of tho Government, is that a liko rigid economy shall control its expenditures. Expenses municipal, Slato, and national must everywhere bo brought down to tho lowest attaina ble figure. Tho party that does this will get tho suffrages of the peoplo, in spito of Grants Anti-Cutholio third term movement and . all bis other scheinos for bis own re-election. i!o dttco tho oxpenses, reduoo tho tuxes, stop tho stealing ; thoso are tlio do munils. X. Y. Sun. T1IE lOQ AN-HOSORR-a RANT SCANDAL In our Washington correspondence to-day will bo found acomplcto history of the circumstances under which Fred Grant's father-in-law nnd Senator Lo gnn obtainod possession of a valuable mining projwrly in Colorado by pro curing tho removal of n Judge who stood in tho way of tho contomplnted seistirO, and the appointment Of ono . 1 I I I II ....... u " "1"'" l" ""I" ort their claims to property which, as the courtwhad decided, Iwlonged to other parties who hail long been in possession of the sumo. There havo been a good many scnndiilons disclos- ures lately ill regard U) the InBllllcr In j which tho White House Influence hu'Z' ZJ1-."I X1?1ZS?. boon used for tho emolument of friends and relatives of the l'resldent; but wo do not know of anything thai hot yet transpired which has an Uglier look than thia shameful transaction. The Pelican Mining Company had for several yeai-s been working with grent profit a silver lode on ono Bide Of j Dcuiocratiu Mountuin, near Georgo. town, In Colorado. The Hives Com pany, which bnd begun operations on tho other sido of tha tain mountain, ran what was called a cross cut Intp tho vein belonging to tho Pelican Con. pnuy, and then sot up an absurd claim that they wcro entitled to one-half flio lode. Of courso the courts decided ..gnuine i-mrurrt, vi nu turn'llinin awiimd t l,u assiutanco of 11.11. Ilonora. .1 e .1 i i , : tho father in law of ?red Grant, and i of Sjenator Logan, who tuoit rd the o. nf txa tllulfint In eahtok K Iim ...' Laa-aiM u:ia.nt.wl ....I il... la.lL.a.1 f I lim plaoo of ono Slono, H poranrta. nj of Jloimroa, who, inon ouinif liitluoiodl . . m . 1 .I.. 1 1 Into offlco, at QIICO grailtoij HQ UJuHO' j tion prevuaUiiff ih owotrftof ibo Plt cftri fVom ojtomtlng their own mine.- iLiu alleged that stock of the value of I R00,000 was distributed between Sen- Un' 0a"' ?red 0rant' nd Honl". "rJu,r Ibo remove! ofjudge mrm but Hnator Logan saya ho lglPBI,u bout mQ0 fcr "Uttmi luo propony WDICU It HI litigation 'fve" if tl,U ruo' k" H"0!"-'" of uia eonuuui in using on omoiai innn onoe for the removal oi Judge Belfoid it none tho Ion evident. " ' " ' But there it a ttiil mere diaagreoav blo feature In this tbamoftil business, Judge Stone, who was appointed to aid lfonoro, Lognn ft Co. In their plot lo gel poattwaion ol tho Pelican mine, followed hit action in that ease by ad order, mado witho tt notice or bearing, which gave one of tho Divos party otHOBion of a mine belonging to an English oompuuy, which that com pany had held, by patent from the United States, for seven years; having; paid $500,000 ill cash for tho property which was so summarily wiurhmited. .This Booms incredible, but 'we have tho facta from . Ibo most authentic sources. u uur LtiiK'd atutes sonutor and our Minister to tho Court of St. Jumos have already acquired a disgraoeful notoriety in England in connection witli a discreditable mining job, and now wo have another Senator and a near relativo of tho President associ ated in an Interference with the judi ciary of Colorado, which has resulted in an arbitrary spoliation of English invostors in an American enterprise, compared with which tho Emma mine airair was tho mildest kind of swind ling. If tho United States aro not thoroughly disgraced in tho eyes of ft. A U.....I.I 1 ...III ..... I - .1 - I. ... nlll uw ul0 mini oi Grant, his Administration, his nearest friends, or the members of his house hold. X Y. S,m. JkTOTICK . All panose are hereby notified that tha harneaa, ea.lillee, leal her, material, and ell article, of mrj kind la Ibo .adiller ebop on Market atreet, on eomar af allcr. eel of A. I. rlhew'a Drag .lore, in the boroua;h of Clearfield, la r properyt, and ia oplj In charge or A. II. Milton aa mr agent. J, I1LAKK WALTKRS, Clrarlield, Jan. S, 1S70-.1i QAUTION r All ponona are hereby eeatloaed ageinet purehaaiug ar in any Banner meddliog wiih tha folluwiag property, aow ia the poaeeiiioa of Wm. Harder, of N.w Wuhlngloe, ria ! I oook elore, I eoal atoea, 1 pair lxd,tde, I bureau, I aink, I auiiboard, I ubl... eeaira, 1 aland I elook, and a lot of kitchen furniture, aa the .ana waa par ohaied bjr me at Kberite aala, aad la left with him on loan only, anbjeot bi mr order at aay tlm. JAM Its OA1.LAUIIKB. Raw W aehingtos, Jao. a, 1S7S-SI C AUTION.- All nerrone are hvrahr eantlanMt .l..i parchaing or in any way meddling with the follow ing property, aow ia tba neaieMioa af iiiomaa j-auta.ll. or N, U'a.hinelon. tit ok atore, I bed and bedding, 1 cupboard 1 boraaa, II eeaira. aad I ainh. u is. ..... Burcheeed by ma at bheriO 'a aale, and ia left with bun on loan ouly.euejrct tnmy order at ear time Naw Washington, Jan. t, 1871 il All are I,. 1.- .mi chaaing or in eoy way meddling with the fulLw: "S pifl'crty, now ia itie poa.ea.ion of Thomas lapte. or Wallecetua, ,. 1 .mail rocking chair, 1 set ehairs, t hade aad bedding, 1 aland, 1 labia, I bureea, ikl yard, eejiiet, I ail diabea, I ... aaiTn ana lorsa, f picees glass ware, 1J window blinds, I lunking gliss, I map, I sink, as III. same waa purchased by me at ConHablo a te oa ireoamaer, n, and la left with him aa loan voiy, auujegi 19 mj onler at any time. AI.K.XANOKH FltANt'K. Wallecetoa, Jan. i, 1176. 3t QAUTION.- All peisona are hereby aaalioaad agaiael par chasing or in any way urddheg with a promis sory note, girra by me lo Henry Hoover, bearing dale about the tVlb ar loth of Noeember, l7i, lor thirty-sales dollar, end fifty aeata, da aa day aller date, and for which I hare Barer re eeived value, and therefore wiU aot pay the same uaiesa evwpriiea to aa so nr due process or law. WM. II. HOOVSH. H u ia her gar, Jas. i. Il7-tte . . riAUTION. aii pertoni are utrrny eaaiioaed agalni! pur ehaaitig ar la any way Meddling with tbe follow ing properly, aow ia tba poateartow mt Hebeeoa lWb.of llratly towBihip.rlii I beating ttovee, 1 eook eloTe and utcnul, t table-, 1 )uag, 11 ebalrt. 3 rocken. 8 bedi ind bea.iin l tt.t..i. 1 ddwigbtray, 1 tak, elotfcee preei. I book dek , ww hui uairi, i ajiiaee, tcie-as, i leoktog glaeiee, lot of potatoe ft ecapa of bee, lot of oak mtrvr, ti oi imwooa boardi, griDtt itone, I beneh eerew, I tool cbert, 3 be- acapa, eet of DiacRimUba'tooli. 1 oow, and 1 plgi, aa tbe aatae waa porebaeod by nie at Coaetahle'a aale oa tbe ahib day of Deoeinber, aad ia left with her oa loan oniy, tubjeet to ctr erdar at aay time. Kumbarger, Jaa. 6, Irtifl-Jt. J. B. KLLI3. QAUTION.-l AH pereoni era hereby oaaUoai agelnat pnrehaung or la any way meddling with tha following nMMrtT, aow ia the out leeiioa of Haur Hueal.of Ueoatar townehip , vii 1 aow, eat of blaekeaiih'a toola, 1 aook etoi-a, I parlor ilove, bade and bedding, I eapbvardi, uuiaa, ano i J eaoira, aa taa aatae belong! lo aaa, and la ten with ki oa loaa only, Nb)i to my ofwier ai any une, ejuu.i VlltiMH. UtahviUe, Ueo. J2, lSrftU All pereona ere hereliy eaaion4 agtlnet parebaalng or ia aay way meddling with tha following property, wow la the pne anion of K. It. hafrr, ef Ferraeoo townekm, Tin I yoke f eiea, I two-yoar old be iffer. I yearling atear, 1 aprligealraa, S hoge, I pig. lot of bay and ert.Mder, I eook atom. 1 alak. t iialr bedttaada, aa the aama beiongi to ma, and to leu with mm on loan oaly, eaiijeet to tny order at any lima. K.NOCII STRAW. Murnm, Itea. 12, 1076-lt QAUTION. , All pereoni are hereby eantionod aftintt patebaaing or la aay way meddling with tha fl lowing preprty, now ia tbe poaaeeeiua af Jamaa Kitebon, of Cbeit lowathip, ic t I atora, I brd, 1 aow, 1 yearltan, I blank horao, 1 roaa boraa, 1 eet baraeee, 1 oarriage, I Iwe-bofee wagoa, 1 bar raw, I timber aled, i ibtoreit in ipar iled, t tone of bay, If tone straw, 40 but. oaU, It) ba. l.nck wkeat, 4 abeap, lj baa. potatoaa, 4 iotertit in hravkiag maebiae, 1 gun, 1 pig, 1 tone hiy, aa the aama belong! io aa, and ii left with bin on loan only, aiitijeot to nar order at any time. Weetorer,, 7i-3t J. A J.SNVUKR. C AUTION. All pereona are hereby tantloaid again'! par ehuing or la any way meddling with the follow ing ptoparty. Dew la the poeeeai.oa of Jeieph Kitchen, of Cheat towoeblp, riit I maroa. 1 eolt, 1 enw, 4 aheen, I pig, IS bunhel potatoei, 40 J, rLT EZi I" Ihreshiag macklaa, I saddle,! tone bay, II tAD lraw, I ret bemcaa, 1 Mora, t bade A bed- ding, 1 gon, 1 eat cbelre, ae lha name beloaga an as, and la laft wltfe blm aa loaa only, tnaiecl to onr order at any time. J. J. riNVlt Wrstorer. Use. II, IS75-Je TXKt'UTOR'S NOTICE JTJ Notlea la hereby i Iran that letters testa mcatary having been granted to Ihesubaeriber on late of Lawrence township, Clearflald aoawty, Pa.' Ik. e.l.l. r IHUAUI. MtCltOI.U A....A elalms ageinet the aama will present tham daly anouoBueaiea see eouaeeneeii. e. -i MARTHA NICHOLS, I - MARTIN NICHOLO, Clearteld, Jaa. a. TOl Saaaaton, A: DUIXISTUATOK S .NOTICE.- Hi-ale la barabv ttrea that Leltm af Ad- mlnlrtratloa am lha aetata of PHILANDMK SMITH, hue af Lnwreaee towaahla. UL-arteM oneely, Pa., aWd, aevlag baaa duly granted In aeuta will pleaee make immediate payment, and thos bavlag alalms ajr demands will piaeeat them properly autbealleatad for aattlrawnat with aal delay. A. U. TATK, Clearteld, Dea. 8, 'ft-tt Adia'r. - DMINISTHATOU'S NOTICK- j Ifotloe Ii bereby glran that Letter of Ad mlalftraUoa en tbooitate of M H'H A K I, M (I I ft K, lata af ItBwroaoa towaebtp, Clearfteld eona'r, I'a., daa'd, baring bora dole granted lo lae nnderiignad, all porioaa Indebted lo laid estate will pleaee mako Immediate paymeat, and ibjua having alaima or demand! will preieut tbem tavuie al PT"1 aathastleatod for eelllemenl wllboat aewy. I. kKAYV, cis.risid, TV, Dee. 1, i7s at Adm'r . jjj y , A T0 Rg. v'oTICP NbtlrO U h ereby el ran t1,at ttetteri (it XI mlajitratiQii on tha aetata of ANMIH9US HVW. tl i 1. late af Ulrarg twp., CiaarO.M ooaaty, ttB7 a., aeoeariait, n mlarilgnod, kl' 111 plraaa mak itIm alaima W Jltaat asaljoTmiitodtata Batmaat, anj tb damaoda Will ftroeant tb rop aathasMMad (or telttemaat witb. tbaea 'Vp wllboat LRAT. AilAil AO Jl (J n iUlttlll UK 0llllthaB, De j. 1, 7s-lto Ada'ra. a i.i.irtt aa una a v tifawtfi, tt.'.' NEW i . 'T . M T FJMMJIt. PEEto, ; AMD grocery; j-;;' j store.:. ..:-.:r. Aa'iC. KRAMER 4-CO., Market Html, one door, waat of Maualoa " " House, t'loarSeld, a, Eeeoonln0lr'oe, haad a"- SliOAR, " " Htl , ' 1 1 roFKKK, - :. . ... " V , ' " . ;,; sod, ; VOAtl OIL, a HVKJIP, 'I ALT. "-d KPICHS, fOAP, Canoed and Dried Fruite, Tubaooo, Cigara, Can- diea, Cider Vinegar, Hotter, Egjra, Ao. ' ALSO. IXTRA OMBMADR M heat and Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, &o., All of whlob win be eold ehoen fur faveh ar in aiahanga for aonntry produee. A. U. KKAMKH CO. Clearfield, Sot. II, lM74.-tf JEMOVAL! JOHN McGAUCHEY Woatd rarpoatfullr notlfr the ttul.1t. venfr.!! that ha baa removed 'bia Grocery Store from Sbaw't How, lo tba boildiag formerly oeeapied bf J. Milei Kratier, on tiaooad itraeL aeit door to fiigler'a hardware atore, where be toUndi kaxpiog a (bll Una of O It O E It I E N, , HAMS, IlKIk'D BKEFaad LARD. SUGARS aad 81 HUPS, of all grade.. TEA8, Oreen and Black. " COrrEE, Hoaatad aad Uracs. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, CaWEO i HI ITS, All kinds It the market. PICKLES, ia Jara and barrels. 8PICK8, In arery form and Tirlety. FAMILY FLOUR, AI.I. klNDSHKC HAlkkR. SOAM, MATCIIK3, DRIED AI'I'LtS, DRIED PKACHItS, DRIED CHERRIES, Coal Oil and Lamp Chimneys. And a goad assortment of those thlnes n.nall kept in a grocery store, which be will exchange r w.r.viui, mi in. uaraei pnoea. Will sell for earh aa eheaply aa any other oae. Plraae aall aad sea kla eteek and Judge for j.iar.cii. - -- - JOH!'OIIEV. Clearteld, Jaa. K Il7t. , , QROCERlF.S. :' JAS. H. LYTLE, (SuceeisM to LYTLK A MITCHELL) WHOLKSALB AND RETAIL DKALKRJM . i - , 1 ., ii ' CHOITR l.l!R fP TBAM. ' 09L0K0S, . ; JAPANS, IMPERIAL, ' TOl'KO HYSON. ' ' " ' ' KN0I.I8IT BREAKFAST rarest it Market. IIIJTrEH AMI) EtifJX " Will be kept and sold at trat colt. Cash paid OKRMAIT CnKRRIBS, Tl'RKKT PRCNES, PRESERVED PEARS, " PIIILADKLPHIA ItAMS. Mackerel, Lake Herring, Cod, Ac ' " - ' ' ' PICKLKH. B.rrel Piokma and Eagllsh Pickles. , sI.IHIK ANII PBKIX. ' I I. Floor, Corn Meal, Oat Meal, Ac snob 175 , . JAS. U. LYTLI. riliKA P GROCERIES! J l.l'.MnER CITT, PA. Tha undersigned announces to bla eld friend. nnd eatrnna that he bna anewed e mmI line .t UROl'ERIKS A PROVISIONS at the old aland I of Kirk A Spencer, for which be tojieiu a liberal I patronage. II. W. SPENCER. Lumiier CItv, Pa.. March 10-tf. MEAT MARKET. F. M. CARDON & ERO., Rear af Pie r Opera House, . CLEARFIELD, PA. Oar arrangemeau ar rf tb moat oiaplete -haraetor fir furniihin the uuMie wilh Kre.h Meats or all kind, ami uf the very he.t quality. We elan deal In nil am.laef Arriehltaral Inula. meats, whieb we keep aa eahlbtlien for lha ben efit of the nablio. Call around when Is town, an.) take a iook at thing., nr a.l.lreM ua F. M TARnO A t0." Clearteld, Pa , JolJ 1 1; ( jjKBJli MEAT kARKKT.awe.1 . M. 0. BROWN it BlvO., .'-'' i Waraej W.; Clearfl.ld, " J - Would announce lu the eltissns of the town aad vlelnity that Ih.y still keep tlie meat market at tha old eteed, where Ibep will ke, e . Froth noef.'Vcal Mutton and'fitmb, ,., , ,of Lho fiuoat cjuuiiliot. ., , ' Market aoralnga Tasedara. Thirridavs and Sanardnyt. llrve s a call. Jata , 74-&m M. U. BROWN A DHO. E 0 It 8 A L' Er ' A targe and wen talehH Rrlck Dwelling, alts- eie ea tae new wawa. in ana awrwaf t t Cleef told, eoalaiaiag aleren roams, witk good aellar, weter ia the kitchen, and all the modera eoare alences. Paatrles, Rath-room, t1nhes-presses, te. Let Hity feel r.Hil and twa hundred and thirty feat bark, witk a Iwaaly fool alley aa tkeeeat side, fiaid buildiag, with all the appartenaaora, will be'sold cheap, with pvmeiitatu auit purcha ser. Application can be mode In Ibe ander elgwed, ar to A. O. Tela, tea., who will gtva all weoaesarp lufarmatiaa la those wk, dasltt tt ia. spaol leal property. May list, mt, tf . ' ' "- Clearfield Nursery. . ' EXCOtJlAGr: ItOMK ixDysTnr.' fpilk wadereigaeA, baviag eetahllaked a Hat., I sory on ll,e 'Pike, boui half way halwsra Clearteld and Curwrnafllle, Vs prriared tn Ibr aleb all binds at FRUIT TRIkI, (standard .ad darast) vwvwnaasHV tbrebbery. Urea Via,. Uauaabarrj. Lawloa Rlankberrn. Ktrewheu. aad Raspberry Viaes. Alao, Blbcriaa Crak frets, Oyaiaea, aad early ectrlet Rh.h.rb. Ae. Ordart premptlj Mtsadj to. AldrtsL1 ' at. vrnium i, aeptl t) OnrwenavUla, Pa. mtu. ALLEGflENT UOTEt.r (Market St, bet. Third and Fourth,) CLKAM.'IKI-O. PA. -Tha aabaerlbcr having boeom. proprietor of thla hotel, would respectfully ask t llbaral share ef liuVic Lalruoswc. Pricea TciuoiJ to aiait the tltnsa. . Jaa.M-75.-H . , . . ' -O. L. tElPOLDT SUHiUKHANNA HOUHE," - j CURWIMSVILLK, PA. NEWTON READ, Paorsiaiou. Daring baaoma praprletor of ibLs llot.l, I """M lestaelfallr aol'iall tba BMroau. ,f the publio. Uouee r.atantly and suacuually all eated j , -ilj.relltad and refu.-ni.h.J , .Ju,. pie rooms atttnl., Au pajr(,,j .,., M 'e- J.nJ.fa (Cor. of Market A Frost street.,) , OI.KAUFiELD, I'A. Tba undersigned baring tako of thia Hotel, wunid aaepeotfully aoliait nablc pultueage, Jenl'74 D. It. Ui,l.kHTON. WASXUXGXON ilOUl-E, ' " " V.'--"- KaiW WArlHIA'UTON, PA. - nils aew and well lurnisbed boure bes bees taken by the aadersigncd. lie fwlsconlideat of ling able lu render aatisfactios lo Ibusa ko may ...or oiui witb a call. 1 Majr 8, l7, , a. W."j)AVlK. rw,. LOCK nAVBPJ, P E.N N ' A. JaKTl "' HACBEAL A KltOJl'lrop'.. LOVD UOUSE , p r' Main Street, ! ." fHILIPSBUHll, PENN'A. a ' 'i.T7' '"PP,ta 'tb tha bcrt ll taarket alorda. The trarelia, publl, I. lamed t.c.ll. sot1,7I. HOUEKT LOVD. THE MANSION HOUSE. Cornerof Second aad Market Streets. t'LEARMLD. PA. THIS aid aad acmmodloaa Hotel baa. daring the paat year, beea aalargaat ta doable lu former eapaelty for the eaterteinment of atrea. gara aad guaala. Tha whole balljin, baa heat reforniehed, and lha proprietor will spare ta pains lo render hla gaeata Maal.rt.bla wbil. alaylog with him. -Tha 'Maaaloa House" Osaelbae raas to and Iron lha Depot oa tba arrival and departure ofeeehtrela. - JOUN DOUOIIEKTY. "-M Propri.L,, gnats. r. k. asaata. a. w. anaou). t. a. aai.e F. K.ARNOLD 4. CO., ltiuikorx and ISrokren, Ravnoldarllle, Jcfcraua Co., pt. M.iney reeeired en deposit. DlKounls at o derata rates. Eastern and Foreirn Eachanee al. ways on hand and eollnrtions promptly nia.le ReynoldsrHte, is, iS7..ij County National Bank, ' OK CLEARFIELD, PA. ROOM in Masonic Bailding. one door north ol C. D. W.laon'a Drug Slore. Paaaage Tickete lo and from Liverpool, Queens, towo, Mlasgnw, London, Paria and Coi,cnhg.n Also, Drans for aale on tbe Royal Dank of Ireland and Imperial Bank or London. .w,M.(!BrciI;.L,!0SAnD'. DREXEL & CO., " No. ai South Third Street, Phlladclnlila tt-SJw'KERS, And Dealers in Government Securities. tlon, aud all information ch application oy mail will reeeiro prtmi.t at ten uruen eolmtcd. riuity lurniihed A4i 1 1 t f . Sfutistr. jy.XTISTRY Having determined to lueata In Corner,. .ill. for the purpose of pursuing my prol.rsion. I hereby nnVr my services lo lb. pohlic. I hnve just tnl.hed a term of dental in.trnctiona an.lcr the bert leachera of tbe Pennsylvania College ef Dent.l Surgery in Philadelphia, and urn now prepared lo ciecuta all aork pertaieing lo dcnl istry in tlie brat manner, with tha latest Imprure ment.. All aork guaranteed to give entire sat i.laolina a to quality aad duration. Tealh aa-' tracted vnth'mt pain. Room in new Bank build ing. Pur further information apply ia iiersoa ar JJ" E. M. THOMPSON, mch.ll ' ' Curwensiille, Pa. ' A; M, HILLS jrjiaea. Would rarpactfully notify bis patients JJJw-il het ha has reduced the price uf ARTI JFICIAL TEETH to ,20 M per sel, ., .15 to f, a double set. For any two persoas eomiag at the aama time, to have exh an ai.p.r eel. will g. t lb. two sets far .., or ea.-h. Tcrma invariably Oa.K Clearteld, July 1.1871. . , GEORGE E. ROBACKER, WROT.BSALI niALBS I WINES AXD LIQUORS, CLEARFIELD, PA. My plana of basiaeas ia aa Market street, di rectly oppoello tbe Coart Hoasa, wheea I desire to keep, full slock of PURE LlyliORS, ana will warrant them to be tach to my eustomera, Uiea me a eall j0y jt fl.i WHOLESALE LIQTJOK STORE, f At the end of the aew bridge, WEST CLEARFIELD, PA. - The proprietor of thla establishment will buy bis liquors direct from distillers. Parties baring from Ibis hnnaa will be aura ta get a pure article at a small margin above oast. Hotel keepers eat ba faraisbed nilh liqaera aa reasonable terms. Para winae and brandies direct from beeleyi Vinery, at Hath, New York. OEOROB N. COLDUR.f. Clearteld. Juao IS, lSTt-tf. t:ST.tllLISHEI 1S3T. PU11E RYE WHISKY. Wa asia call your alien Una to tbe above ela brated bread of gnodj, and we de w witb the ran rictioa that tbpre la a great want exiating among a va!t nnmbar of por!on wbu are rotnprtlrd to ura, medleinaMrer o4berwiM. a pure To aupply tbie want we eJer Italic) 'e Pur Hye, aa article whiah baa been before live piott r.r a nui1er of year. iM reputatia Kaoding high aa a thoroughly reliaMe MlmuUitv amoug medical man. Ai an T.nee. Quite a nnmh., ..r ouromineat pbyiioiana prraeriia It t theexela- ion n an oinvari. , Bring aiaie oo tbl beat kauwn uienliB tiriB. riplf!, from the clioiccit grain, n l by praotical diftlllerf-, It rrUlna a delightful flaror, anH grootly improMd by age, mahea H largely eoagbt iiwt, s.j nn etui utciaanq Druggi,. Should yun dair la airj) tbta arhiikv tri.l aad are ia doubt as to whether your hotel or drag. fist hwp it, (nl haring one of our aigua duplav fd.1 write to o and we ahall ba oint bapy to Hlroct yoa to tbe poreom who handle oar gooda in your neigbherhoo I. We arc alto aula prop it-tora and inanofaeturen oftlicwrli.knownliU.s rtKVKn S TON IO II kit It 1111 TKR8, which has bn pucprirfuttv uted fur tn'r7 "r" " Kmt ForiO.r, ami Dye. W 4 T"ni'- ,. . ... .. . ' " u"Klf"' jik.oj hi n tuiro nt I'hiladclphia. READINGJFOR ALLI I BOOKS STATIONERY. Market Ml., Clearfield, (al 111, Poet Olarr.) fPUK anilrrsigncd begs Icav to announce la X tha cilia, oa of Clearteld and vicinity, that be has tiled np a raoro and bus jast returned -from tbe eily with a large amount of reading matter, aontiiling ia part af Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, lllank, Ac-ouat ant Paaa Books of every de scription i Pir and Envelopes, French pressed and plain i Pens and Penrtla; lllank Legal llapere. Deeda. Mortgagee; Jadgawet, Kteusp. tiun and 1'romisarv aotos: While mmA lent Uriel, Legal Cap. Hecord Cap. aad Bill fan, Sheet Muile, for either Piano, Plate or Violin, eoaetaatly aa head. Aay hooka ar evalteaery desircl thai I may not hereon hand, will bo ordered by tret ovpresa, and word tf-vkoleaale or retail lo auit suBtemars. I will alee keep sierlodieal lUaratara, saoh aa Magaatnae,, Aa. -P. A. tsALLlN. Clearfield, My ?, fsts ( VAisUAUIsK PJt6lKH'rV - POll BALE Uk toil RENP. The saberrlber girra notlea that be will eilher rent or roll hia duelling and slort property, ail auto oa Reed street, .,lj,.inins the Waard U,ie. in the boreneh of t'lcerSel.l, 1. The store rimna le IS X SI leet. Tbe dwelling bouse nenleiaa It raema aad a hilohea oa) the tret atorv, aud -roouta o tho eeoaad alary. Tha atora raeaa nan be had at oaee, and the dwclliag pertiaw on and aller the 1st or Jur. For fariber par llcalars, addreaa ar sjily ta'bt wadenigaed aw the preaaiaoe. Umt U. PAJiwkll. . Cleerlield. Pa., May I, IttU AI.K-w,.lBilr,M r-t aale a valenbte taws praaerty la ska hareagh ol Clnaitolil. Ut tUlkt fMt, wilh a gu4 Iwa. story plank hase Ik. ten .reeled, with threw roonit dune Itaira and four Vd ruoms ap sUara. A lea, wrwin room and hark ranm a seerend floor. Mmiea kalakad aampleaw Item waller te ante, tlood double pornb and good water. Pria ran. snn.bla and payments eater. t0eng?t WM. M. !!eCnUOt!OII. ' STK A M 8 AVM LL,KNO 1 N K ' K AND BOILERS FOU aALC. The nndcnlgiied eftert for sale ea reaeoaabla termatkelr steam earn abllt, Wealed lltilhie tow, Olearteld Oa Pt a ewelna awd heller as as (rood as aow. the sla of Iks engine h UaM, awd fa re isusmI relng order. The, wilt aim sell their Stengel awd let. mtn, sadaN tt (. maahiaawy ia Iks mUL iWea wlebeag to purubasa cat rail ot ar addrasa, ORAHAM. WAlIACI C0k Clearteld, Pa., Jute IS, l!t, ..A )J.