mim & summit, HARDWARE, ul aattnutartri tf Tlo.Copper & Sheet Iron Wnre. Buttd Blritt. OlItiriRlD, PA Httiof Itrialr lntrona4 our tltok af IUnl vara, wt .itt tht pitilo to tgaialnt nor look ana pruMt Carpanttritnd ptritnawbo toatttnplato build leg will do wall to axamint our TOOLS ft BUILDISQ HARDW4UE ehleh ll aiw tnd f tht bolt Bsnufaetnrt, inn will bt told low for etab NAILS, GLASS, POTTY, GLUE. LATCHES ilNGES, SCREWS AH hltd, of Bansb Plinta. Row,, ChlHti. Rqitm Hammer,, Halr-heir, Plnmbi and Loral,, Atortllad A ThamH Oatst,. fltrill, Bran, A Bitta, Wood and trei Beneh S,rew,, nsd lb hie, lirtnf Maehlat ii lit trket. Double &nd Single Bitt Axes, POCKtf OCTLERT, At, Agtnt$ for Burnell'i Iron Cor Shelltr, firmwii AWt, agent, for RIohsrdY tHITHIC FLUB TOPS, wblok !TctuaI1y curt Su)ky FIuii. Karam Implemtste ltd Oerd.s Tool, of lTir aetonpuon. . A Urft f trier of COOK STOVES, blab wo wtrrant to jlr iitlifaetlon. Porlnblt ttautet and Furnnctt .TlMTmt. P-poollne; and Job Work dote or IHiaM larai. All order, will reeeire prompt tltenllta. Jute II. ' POWELL & MORGAN. MILBM II HARD W A It E, AUo. Maoafaetarariof Tin and Sheet Iron Ware CLIAtriILD, PA. HARMING IMPLEMENTS of til I kind, for tala by POWELL A MORGAN. R AILROAD V II EEL1S ARROWS for ,alt by POWELL" A MORGAN. QIL, PAINT, PUTTY, GLASS Sail,, ate., for ult by POWELL A MOUflAN. II A RN ESS TBIM.MINGS A SHOE finding!, for till by POWELL A MORGAN. Q.0N3,PI8TOLS SWORDCANES For tt.lt ky POWELL A MOROAN. gTOVES, OK ALL SORTS AN1 Hut, for talt by POWELL A MORGAN. JRONI IRON I IKON! IRON ' for lilt by POWELL A MORGAN. H 0R3E SHOES k HORSE SHOE , NAIL8, for Hit by POWELL A MOROAN. pULLEY BLOCKS, ALL BIZEf? Aid but Manar.etare.fer ult bjr POWELL A HOROAIf. ItlJlBLl. SKEINS AND PIPF BOIES, for tale by POWELL A MORGAN. G. S. FLECAL, Ironsides Store, PIIILLIPKBDRO, PA, DtALSK IS HARDWARE, 8TOVKS, HEATERS, RANO B8, WOOD ADD WILLOW WARE. AND UANVfACTVHCB Of TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPERWARE. Prwqalilt Street, . Pblllip.bnrf, Cmlrt Co., Pt. M.Mey i;t. tbob. a. not bat. crait ootoon WEST BRANCH INSURANCE AGENCY PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Clea field, Pa. BRANCH OFFIC83 In diffrreat purti of tbt County. Tht following OM tnd ItalitMt Firt, Aeeidtat 8 tirtk and Ult loaaranot CunjaniM rtprtatattd Etab. AutU. 1D09 North Drtih A Mertmillt Flra Int. Co., or Uagland 2fl,nn0,B0i' 18U4 eultii'b Ctmuiroial Kiru Ina. C, of Knln.l... fgold 10,000,000 17M Norib Amartua Flrt Imurtaco C. nf fbtlt l.-lphiuv 4,708,000 1820 Pirn Aamtttrion Kirn Iitaarauto CiMf fhiimlclpbit I,1u0.n00 IB Ml Pnoanli Firt I in. Co., N. Y ... 3,2uO,iiiifl 1807 Wrtrtowa Ftrti nt. C , of N. t'., iniurt tarn. bail. ling oy 700.800 1871 Awnt'io Firt Inturtnat Co , of Cm.inntli - I,000,0nfl ISil V-ra it InnrtintM ., f IVnna luarcahurti. At 1174 lUrti'ird itti l at In-urtnot Co nf OotBlttMJt 200,009 1817 fwtu M itimt Lilt la-urtaoo f I'na-)lv4a l.flftfl.OOO ikvA il-ir Liu .f.tPt it0 1 , irf ,Vew V.i't . I.nnOw : .- r-il uipiu tT.itim.Oiti ( P -M, t in the o'runr) i a.rl g i -urn no.-. t (iff t ft-tn,, t nl lit i fliimtii lb ,j . 1 . 4 i 1 M'-r I iir n -v p wti 4HiiM. r,, 4 m li iurtirNU' i'm a rvfotfO'va , .. . I wri., pi I )' in aar, b-1 i m ag INT:' 4 lag 1M74. 1 th I 1 n, 1 r 1 ril,t ' Id n in tbif tdti,ft'y, if um il o. ( ti f t b- iM'wr br Inaar.ag jmnr h mt- n't . t 'kf -irnt.-h luairinoc - ,j M tiii X tlMKO 'N, ..... I a Aj i- FUtFO.lD A THOViPSO.M, 9 .AHMAl iXSUMAKCS AfA'dV-.y, CI tulleld. .., Rt.rrMi)t lh trading Fro la.urait l'ti.lHn of tbt oa itlrji Q-.r IM0.fM at'rt t,'iniitKo aiJmt, N Viirt M ivc-iing. Muney, H rrifci'i, I'hiUd't ktt nit, iUnl.rrd .... HuMMtat, law Vurk... 1Una,Owl ,U A flat, Hartford frovldtooa, Wttbtogina e,' on.ttiH' ,m ft.;.. 2i4 a,i V l. 8 gtlrt.ai ion nil It.ut" - FarKiaa autrat tffnttlng aa taiaraatt on prop trti al tay kind, thotld call at a.ir aflflt, aa llArktt ttrttt,a(ipiw.tt va Court Hooat, and tt ar lUt of aoiairaaitt and r4ot bftro invring , JOHN li. FULFOKD,, T. W. TUvAafltON. Cloarwtld. Pa., Ool. 17. '7a-l7 QOMB AND SETTLE. Mtritg ubrt my brolborltte ptrlttitbit. 1 do.lro lo btv my old hwiiu oImI. 1 lb.ro 4r lr. uotio to oil ,h, l,,it iMohItm d.hd 10 oat bt tftww Iww.rd mm oud atult ta, IwM wt oat bib. or. dotMrttro. !.rJd, J.; 14, .,!. V. M. llARDOK. 4S t f9(l ' '" '. Irtt , j '' r U. ilru.ot C. P..n. Pn! floods, 6rorlrf , Ctr. . ,j jARD TIMES HAVE KO EFFECT m FHENCHVIL1.E! t m ! that tktra art Mont nut 1 Uiii lkrd U plaatt, and 1 to ftltu t.WKr tbt tb MAinpiktiii or bra m u ) aigb uulvot, ttul I ft m atiUHiaa now thit I uiir ik iwriuir id iruv wngluilvti tkm 'hrtl tin" fill agt fful (buM wku kuj) (htr oudrruiii m, tod ll w pfttrwDi lUill l inltUifvd latw tht .rtl r HOW TO AVOID HARD TIMES ktv irodJi tnauth to tum.ly til tt inhahl- itnt .n lb limr tad f ihi county wblnk 1 wtl .1 ictvedthjr, low rli iron) injr ntHiniDuth iturt lit MULSdNUL'HG. wh.ro I run klwivt b fnnil ruulj to ft upon ellan tnd tiji.y tlitim witk Dry Goods of all kinds, Suet at Clothi, Patitisttt. Ct.itmttrti. Mukllni. Vtitinti, itinat, urtiiiiigf, ttlloooi. Trimuinji. lUbbon, Lki, RMdr.mtd Clelhlrtu, fJoti tnd Phoei, lltti tod Ctpi til tjf t-t beat mtrtl tnd intdt to order lltfit, boom, Ulorn, Mtttea. Lrv, Hibbnta, ca. QROCERIK3 OF ALL KINDS. OoffM, Ttt, Ban", Hie. Mottttti, Firt, 81 rork, LtnifMd Oil, Jfiah Oil, Ctrbos OIL llardwtr, Qitonawtrt, Tlnwtr. Omtlnci. Plnwt u now Ltiungi, nana, rtputt, ura uaitlr un.Cldtf PrMa, and all kladi tf Aitt rtrfumtry, Ptlatt, Vtrolik, (ittti, and a ftarat aaionnvnt 01 Bituontry, GOOD FLOUR, Of dtfferant brtnda, atwaya on band, and will ba told at U lowait pou ib It flgurat J, tl. MACItln'i Medicinal, Jarn'a MfJrna. 1000 boandt of Wnol wtnttd fur wblrb tht QigBMt prict win b piufl, uioTvratfa n Baat tnd lor tait at tnt lowtat tntrkdi prlea. Alw, Aj-nt rir SirtttonTlll tad Carwoniti.lt r fare flung Uafhlntt.,v auCatl and aoa for Ynanlra. Youwitl And ATtrjihing aiaallj kpt ia a null itore. L. M. COUDRIET. rrtoekrllU P. 0., Augaat 12, 174. J. r. waafa ..w. w. aim u 1: iyi:h a betts CLEAUF1ELD, PA., Vr offtrlng, at tba old atanr of (lL. Rcd A Co. thtlr toek of gotd. aoniiiting of DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES. BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A CAPS, HARDWARE, Ql'EENSWARE, FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o.r &o., At tht a.oat raaonafalt ratti for CASH tr la azthangt for Square Timber, Boards, Shingles, OR COUNTRY PRODUCE1. -JtnTAdraaoca Kadt to thott annatd (a artt tlag oat tqaart tiaibtr ob tht moat adranUgtoua Urma, pdtljaaTl ANTED. DT N. E. 'ARNOLD, CCRW l-'.HVILLl:, P., (Saeetiaor to) Arnold & Hartshorn. J OO.OOO BGjJnch irnaTed Kbliiglfa. J 0,000 poandt of Wool. Ptrtitt having long Shtogtt! or Wool (or titb tr) will do wtli to rail nn tut. Tbt blgbttt mar ktt priat paid at all Hurt. Alta, a fall and com pitta atotk of DRY GOODS, HATS & CAPS, KOOTS A MIOKN, GR0CERI1, FLCUR, FEED, SALT, PKOVISICNS, &c, . 5 wbltb will Vt tr14 tt rrtinotbtt prtert, or 01 obtoced for ibittltl or cool. N.i. ARNOLD. Ctrwoiirlllt, U.7 S, 171. Down I Down II THE LAST ARRIVAL AND Or C0UK8B THE CIltiAPEflT 1 4 Proclamation against HigH Prices WB art now npntng up a Itt of tht bnat and invat ataaonabla UmmU and Warea vrti alTnrtd in thla oiN-rkvl, and at priotta that rrtniBn ont of tbt gd old dart of ohttp thing. Tbnn who Inok faitb opoa toia point, vr aatai our aiia gttiona auptrfluoua, nttd hut cam at ot n sro;, Corntr Front tnd Marbtt atrttta, Whtrt thtjr etn art, fvtl, htar tnd know for tfaau bIvmi. To fully andraland wktt trtivhunp gtiodr tltia uiuat ba dunt. Wt do not drain it ntoaaatn 4 tnuinttrata tnd ittmiit oar atock. It ia tnotgb fur aa to aula that We have Everything that is Needed and eonautntd la tbit narktt, tnd at priott thai tatonUh botb old andvniin. atot JOHKPH 8IIAW 80 M. Vy N l KIj GOODIiANDRR, , LUTHEKKBU KU,PA. Dttlvr In I10S1RIU & (iUJVBH, II VT.- A CAVA and BOOTS A rill O ICS, t monu. ilritmriea and Finn, Nulla, Htrdwtr '4.irriiiwp and iIMmwmi, Mi-n'a tad Hya' OlMiking, Drug-, Putaia, Oil.. itrhi.Ml H.itiha, a largn lit of Fttont ,Mdl(!tnpa. 'aa Hta, Nata A (rid Fro Mi. ChtPte and fra. tt. H'Mtk and Riflo Cowitor, Piour, Grain mid Potatof, ;tariraad Tiiuoib nd, oli l,f'lw. Mr,nn,ip. LintOiti. Hinliiig h Tlifid. h-ifHjikt-rt T-r"l -)d Hi Km lii'K Mil i -MM irtrt 'll tl'U .11 411 rVlltV III Hit tontjr. A, i ir U r.-r int -h r ruitii prodiHw tl iki ('hfti t:irntr t I. KW rlTOKK ANI SV.W ,oui 1 JOS. S1IWV A: SON Httw U"l ,.nrd Nt STc.ti. ok Italn Sl..Ci.r.riiLD. ft OuncitiM or tbt bnl tjutllty. Queenswarc, Boots nnd Shoc tad tftry trtlolt oermtrr for ! I pnt't oomfart, j Call aad tuolnt) tvr (took btlort pur l,tlntluhwrt. Kit . tHifl-if I rllxTICKt CIII.KTAnl.ICM' FKK W. hoot , rwVd t.oraw tMthtr tf tbt KO I KE HILL, atd U m )wa rawipt of Iwon'T t ooatt, moil t tow u adoroM, nriv 'Mfc- -V,-.-e. .Vivjf t'-tt NtVlK'. -lf1T '-.-;ii.iV,i-V?-t u- i, -i THE REPUBLICAN. CLKAHKIKLI), PA WKbNEH AT MOMNIHO, Data tl, 1ST. 111 I Hi" 'II' x SO WAOt THC WORLttt Mtaitr tfanot Hngtr ttaf , Jut tiuti dla tba daaib l Buai'a likt a littla illrrr aoa Padi- g la a brtaik. i wtga tbt wtary world twaf yrttr and a dar. But Ltrt, that awttttat aaadttH, Ltapa and gixwa la Uil aad aadataa! Making unamlng tytt to Mo, And baaytth nakiib la puaury. t)v wtga ikt gHd old wurld awaf iVvrtvtr aad a dj, H'ptr'i Jugnatt. quantum jy rmfx'Tioy. Ilie c:i(raulle riprratloitt of tat Chicago n iiuty Kiiii. . A raiNl'I (lOlllll.INO A HILVKR MIME. Tho Chicago corrodpomlent ol tlio Now Yoik Ahiii tvlU tht atoiy ol' the wliinlcy ring in that miaion and bring chirgoaofforriiitiun very cliwo to Hie White lionet door. Ho aaya : ft 7 Tho connoclion of tht Wbito Uomo with tht northwoHtorn branch of . the whiakyting ia infinitoly cloaor than that whkh nuiled it with tht St. lifltiia combination. Tl Ftderal official! at Chicago have ainte 1SC9 been appoint ed at tht dictation o) tht UuUiib fing, tht bend and front of which arc J, Hu tel Jonos, Grant's particular crony, now collectoi' ol etiatoma, and Bon. U. Campbell, Babcock't (Mhor.ln-loir.and martbal of tb (ion horn district of Hii ro's, Jonca wn itppointtxl muilial of tbii dlatrict by Lincoln, but be dou!r ed tho (lutit't of bin offlit on bin depu ties, nnd ajient a eonaidurtblo portion of bit time at Grant's headquarters In Tciincwcand afterword in Mimistippi, where, it Is believed, lie drovu a large and very profituble buainoaaana trader in cuptured Cniiliulcrute ottoti, - th one trnnnnction, a,a lie arterwaiil d- niittod, ho clcnred tlH.OOO, and on bin return from one of bis viaita South he purchaaed for limnclf as well aa for Gen. Grant a largo intercut in the Chi cago Vct side street railway, and got himself maitc president, of the om- py- " . ' - h Some time after this Jones induced one of bis deputies who had purchased fifty-two acre of hind adjoining Cen tral I'ark here to let Lim have a nne luilf interest in tlie property fur him hcH' and Grant at tlio originul cost, which was only 1141 pur acre. The ground was worth much more than the first cost at the time, but the depu ty was promised the marshal's ofllcc us an inducement to him lo tnko In Jones nnd Grunt on the ground floor. Tho jiroperty is now worth nearly 4, 000 per Hero and, (is tho ranrshuliihip went to Fabcoek's fnther-in luws til course tho disappointed deputy con sidered that he was swindled out of 10,740, tho difference between the p rel ent value of the twonty-aix ociva nnd tho price ut which he sold tho sum. to Jones and Grant " f ' Ben 11. Campbell had Acquired a bare competence in legitimate business beloro bo left Galena. Ha was not by any means a rich man. Tba Marshal's ortlco by law nets the incumbent only 16,000 per annum; jot within less than six years Campbell baa acquired a vast fortune, variously estimated al from (500,000 to 11,000 000. lie ia now one of the largest stockholders in the West Side streot railway, having purchaaed at ont timt $60,000 of stock from Jones. V The collector jof .internal rovtnuu win tba creature tf Campbell,but as ho has been gathered to bit fathom I shall not dwell upon either his sins of omission or commission. But of tho supervisor, Dan Munn, I shall bavo something to nay. Ho mm (from southern Illinois originally, and was tho pet of Senator John A. Logon. Ho is now under indictment for par ticipation in tho frauds at St. Louis, und but a lew days sinco bo was in dicted by the United Slates grand jury sitting at Spritigfleld fur complici ty it, whisky frauds in that district but, singular to ray, be has escaped indict ment both bore and at Milwaukuo. Tliero wus abundnnt ovidunco to se cure Munn's indictment here, but it was not pluced before the grand jury by tho district attorney, Juspor H. Wurd, the champion of Grunt's Ar kansas job in the lust Congress. For the omission Ward gives two excuses. The evidence was, in bis opinion, not sufficient to secure Munn's conviction, und the grand jury would not have Ibtind an indictment on it if it bud lieeii. This may ba true, becnuso it unquestionably requires a grcut deal more evidence to indict a whisky ring rogue in Chicago than it does in St. Louis, and unless a clean sweep is ninde of all tho officers of tho United States court, tho conviction of the con spirators who are indicted is by no means assured. Charley Farewell, who has a prima facie right to a seal in tho Forty -fourth Congress from the Third district of this Stato, camo within two votes ofj hoing indicted for conspiring lodefraiid the government by the muniifucturo of "crooked" whisky., It was proven thnt ho had advised certain distillers to knock in tho IWuds of whisky bur ruis ill order to prevent tho govern mcnl from ublnUiIng proof of It J being illicit. There, was also pretty conclu sive cvldcnco adduced to establish tho liti't that lie was a silent partner in the distillery of Mewsereau. Furwell ad mits that there was a business relation between the house of John V. Furwell A Co, and Meer,uii, but he cls!nV tloil it was simply that which a banker liiurs in a special depo-iior wliusu money is Inken to uei iiiiinio lutu tho lullur. Il hiippcns.hnwovvr, tluii Join, V, Farwvll k I'"., of which Churli-y is a partner, is a wholesale dry giN comitii, and wbun il is kims-n ibai .MessvlvHu's distillery is slluuled in an entirely diltereul part it lliu city, more than three miles dlslui.t front John V. I'nrwcU II Co.'s place ol business, it will strike I ho public as a wry singular fimimslance that the distillers should c me to fur and past hy ft I teen or twenty banks op the way to deiosil with Farwull for convenience only, . Jamb Itelim tnd CharlrfHoed cs raped indictment nn evidence that was till more conclutife than in tba casus ol Unnn and Farwoll. Rehm was for merly superintendent of police, and re signed but a short timt since. Reed, protego of ftobm's, is the prosecuting auornoy fur' Conk county. Hohrn is a distiller, tut octag rdvisod of the coin-1 I ing raid a few days bufort tbt nora- bio 10th ul' Aluy lual, ho luilt a wl aired bonfiro in lim dUtiltvrr autl oun- prv-fof th.dwtru.Uua of lb- buuk. tnJ wan conclutiv.-lnd.Hl R,hra un.HUdtb.ttl..y wc bU,J, but b. uld tf w.r to bulky lUt ! 1... I,. I .n.,li In 1,1. dil!. ...... .1 .. ...I ... I.. I.n.n.l iw.7 w .Ww in...., - tbm up. The doatruotioii of tb roiocAttoul oord. of distiller'! or wholesale deal tr's oMiralloiii within two yours is an iiidlctubla offuntt, and yot Itolun got off in splto ot hit own confession. Tbo district under the supervision of Pan Munn included liidiifns, Illinois and Wisconsin. Besides half n dozen menibeni of tlio House of Representa tives who vera either directly or indi rectly its beneficiaries, the nuif com- munded thesiclivo support of ut least two I. nltcd Mates henulors. 1 Ii The . uingnama, tivu and il it, '. Evnnavillu, lii't, ore nc- j il)fiuuil!ul l?eptibji'un polili-1 oians,nnd hiivt tin ays been the friends and advot-utes of Senator ilorton.,. Il Is an indisputable fuet 'that Jit 1872 Senator Jlorlon lcegrnp1icd .to tho Chairman! ot tin!.' Hvpublican State j Committee ofSt. Louis, snying that to insura tbo success of tlio party in hit: am., v. t.... asnnon .'.!......, .1 1.1.... , -iMiM V mviajb ,iHi w ytw,f", mm vim whisky men should .i,o that amount immediately. Tbo original , of tlii. despatch was seen by several poraonsj ana among ot tiers by Mr, rractorms, editor of tho Pt. Louis Wntiiek Pnst, f ' The history of tho whisky ring of Milwaukee Is likewise Ir.teri'Piiiig. In Jnne, the distillery of Bmikc? A Mo.l gel's of Mudis'in, Wis., xvn seined fur shipping high Wines Without compli ance with tht mviititio law to Hinds kopf, of Wilwnukco, and to KiHian k Bi-os., of Chicago. As soon ns the seizure was mode, Supervisor Munn camo to Madison nnd took possession of all the books and papers found on tho promises. The enrivspondence liojOf course the claim was resisted, iinti thus obtained riosscssion of would have 11 bitter contest ensudd. First one convicted tio Killiun Bros, aud one or two other rectifiers in this city. The only arrest, however, wits thut of Sum Kindskopf, of Milwaukee, whoso guilty participation in the fraud was so tip parent that be could not bo shielded Bitvo by tho manipulation of the judicial machinery. Kindskopf wua nomimtlly it Democrat, but he was always a friend of Senator Cnrpontcr, und as the seun- torial contest wus to bo decided by the! Legislature elected In the full of 1S74, j the Senator, who expected lo bu tri- umphantly vindicated could not uffnrd 10 bavo an active and liberal supporter like Sum Rindskopf in thopenitciitiury. An indii tsienl wusluund aguinst Hind kopf at tlio summer term of the I'liitctl States court, lint a postponenioiil of the case wus secured without any dif ficulty. A J.vtt. man's iusquct. '1110 next term of the court was held in September at La Crosse; but des pite all tho efforts of Ibu district attor ney another postponement was ob tained. Supervisor 11 11 it wrote to Commissioner Douglass favoring this continuance and said in bis letter, un der data of Sept. 7, 1874, thut he hud conferred with Senator Carpenter, who bad applied for a postponement of the trial. When tlio Xovombor term cuine round there was a vigorous effort made by Munn and Carpenter to obtain still another continuance, and Douglass, al the requost of tho Senator, directed the district attorney to continue tlio case till the Juno term, 1875; hut thnt offi cer would not obey orders, and pressed the caso to trial and convicted Hinds kopf. He was, however, very leniently deult with by the court, being sentenced to pay a fine of 15,000 and be impris oned in tbo county juil for one day only. "Princo Sum," as hu is culled, paid the fino and passed ono day in juil, end amused himself during the period ol his incarceration by giving ono of the most recherche entertain ments to the United Stale officials thut was over heard of in Madison. ' In Jho meantime tho whisky men in Milwaukee and the revenue ofliccra for that district had purchased the .SWifi nel newspaper and were running it as a Carpeiitororgnn. A. . Purpce, who bad been the special revenue agent for that district fur several years, was re moved at the demand of Keycs, the Chairman of the Republican Slute Cen tral Committee, and S. J. Conkliii,wbo had formerly been In the revenue ser vice at few Oilcans, wus appoii.tcd bis successor. The developments made during tbt trial of Iiindskopf were such that Deputy Collector Wcis- tort and a ganger named Mueller bad to bo removed. The testimony was explicit ns to both being in the pay nl tlio whisky ring, but nouvillndaiitlitig this they were reinstated on the !Uli of Jun'inry Just.' Sum lilptUkopf ns nominated As a Deniocruliu candiii jc for Congress, but the Deniocralio newt- papers in Hie district would mil sup- port hint, and urgan ft. vigorous on slutiglit on tha whisky ring, which foivcd Sain to withdraw.' However, tho Carpenter candidates for the legis lature were elected by a large majori ty, and every Democratic district in Milwuukco Was carried by the Itopub. lienns, by the liberal use of the whisky ring's money. When the books of Iiindscopf were aeir.cd, a few weeks since, a number of "thock-book slubbs were found, which showed that each distiller and recUflur in Milwaukee was assessed 1200 tier month lor the "Boas," or "Macber, ' at it is expressed in German text on the check slubbs, aud who is supposed to bt Cnnklin. In addition to this, there was another levy of 11(00 on-cocb establishment for another iuraon, who is not specified 1 any mora definitely than at a "tri. ml These assviwunenls, it is under IimhI, I t .!. I..- .1.1... were tl, vxeens ,,i tliu regular inuiy. live colli per gallon which went to I bo "cuniftnign liiial," ' V ii li in a day or two after the RTlu.'e. kopf case wus duterniined nt .Mnilison a li lctfiiun wus sent lu "Princo Sum" at Milwaiiki-o which reud ns Iblloiv: ' .Satritl 5,000 busheit wheat ul "lice. We (an't remain hero lougur thnii Sat iirdnr, and uiv prepured to push things." This was signed "A. li B,," and tliu or iginal, which ia now Ui tho possession of tbo district attorney, is in tho kitnd writing of Bridgcrs, clul revenue agent for the district of Illinois, and "A.," it ia bulievwd, stood for Amnion, who as Mu mi's confidential clerk. On tht receipt of tltia deapatrh Iiinds kopf levied $5,000 on the Milwaukee distillers and aenl it to Chicago, a hu said, to pay for the suppression f .the correspondence that wat found when tho distillery of Blinker i Rodger, of Madison was touted. Tliu iniui' ui Sunuior Lilian con-' ' n..i.linn w.l. I.A III!....;. wlii.Lu m..-;.J : bw tl.o b.ckcr of Bttrvhur Mun,! und bM BH.tuw IwurJ bWoBlMhwll rurur dirwUiitf tmurf-r of .11 r.Mu. ffl.i.k Lomn tJuuMt t.i 1AV uhh mnuw,., flnt ..m to t h, . un,,,. ' III,. Wl.ll. II,..,.. .n Ik.I.I II. ; - r - His connection with tbt other mem bers of the ring arc of tht closest kind, and be bos beeu the active purliier lu two most villuinous and disiwputubl transactions, which will give, a luir in dex of his true character. Last summer Sutiulnr Logan, Fred (nunl, ajid II. 11. llonuie, l'rince Fred's fulher-iii -law, were given 500,000 wurih of stuck in the Divus Silver Min- ing cotniiuny of ("olorado, to sceine their iulliience to effect tho rumov United Stole Judge Jumcs II. Heitour, of Central City, Colorado, and the op poiiitmctit ot another man who would j he the tool of the Divoa people, and Ithus t-naljlo them by a jtidlclul decision , t break up a company wble-h bad then legnl right to a rich silver miiio. i The company thut wna to be busted was known at the Tellcon, nnd itt mint iiuoii, biiu "w nu,,., nun IWlV'i UH UHU e'liU Ul vtunn, lUHVi. 'Moun.nln, near Georgetown. Tbt! ; Pelican company teverul year since j Imd driven Its tunnel and struck a lode timt paid from tho sturt und continued to grow richor nnd richer at It was developed. Tim Dives company be gan In operation!! on (lie opposite) ide of 1 he Ninniituin and expected to strike tliu same lodu, but nltet' driving their tillinel for some tlistonre and find ing thut tlicy bud misi alculuted, they began to turn their tunnel and gradn ully sheered it over until they out into the territory of the Pelicnn nnd then they set up tho preposterous cluim that they were entitled toone liulf the lode. purty oUuiuud possessiun of the lode ,,l,(l l,.l.l il l.v xitiin Vitri-n Ittilil I.m; ., .,1-r 1 ntl.er irilth. .rr.il ,.i,ir.-,...,nnnla liltll r. captured it. In this way several men were killed, until finally the Pelican people upplied to Judge Bellbur for A temporary injunction to restrain die Dives company from trespassing on their property. It wus granted, and then tliu Dives people imvu l.iwin, (i runt, and HotiorO the Sllft,l,0 ol their min k. Judge Bellimr was forth-1 wilb removed these judges are com' ; missioned forlour vearsaiid unlit their nneveK.t.11, niv Ultiniillivo u) 1 ivniui ll. n . . ... . ' ( 0 111111 1111(1 ( liilliilt lllimiu! lfittat HI 1 J I friend of Uouore, was appointed succcsHor. , ; , r" , his o, ,,- I. ., . . ., . 7 me injiincinin ugninsi tno jives cona puny which Bellbur bad grunted, but lie issued another restraininjsthe Pell can company from oK:rating theirown mine und then proceeded Willi railroad speed to finally decide the cato in fuvof of the Dives company and now Lognn Fred Grant and llonore hove IfiOO.elM) of slock that pays them SJO,000 apiece a year in premiums. 1 There must have been a handsome "divy" for the Washington members of tho Chicago ring. The operations ol those rogues wore on a much grander scale than those ot McDonald und Joyce nt St. Louis. The indictments which have been found against tho Chicago manufacturer of "crooked" whisky specify the number of gallons in each (so where the tax was not paid and the totul number ol gallons sol foilhin these official documents an having been made and diioscd of without payment of excise duty is 4,033,785 gullous. This is only Irom Dec. 1, 1873, to May 10, 1875 a period of ono year and five months. Receiving during nil this time the tux at seventy cents per gallon (front March 4, 1S75, il wus ninety cents), the tolul steal was I!,. 8:17,r:!!l 50. But this, it must be re membered, was only the operation for less than eighteen mouths of a few manufacturers. There were, several distillers who succeeded in destroying nil their books and paters before the officers ol tho government could get possession of them. One firm alone, Rolfe, Junker & Co., who own a distillery and large rectify, ing establishment, manufactured front De. 1, 187a, to May 9, 1875, 730,000j gallons of high wines, ami rectified dur ing tlio same period 1,775,720 gallons of whisky, and did not pay one cent of tux to the government on nil this vast quantity of spirits. They, in other words, took in seventeen months 81,. 751.704 f'riiui the government -one- !,,,,, )f wljl.h W(,n, ,, (ho j,.,, the corrupt elUcial. uicl their political friends. H is safe lo say Hint during tho Inst three years at least IG.flOO.OOO were taken by Ibu Chicago brain h of tbo ring alone, Now I believe that 170,811 of this money can butruced db y , Wa-hington, where It divided in tho following transaction N Young Augustus Campbell, General Bubeoek'a brother-in-law, somo timn silica purchased, from tho famous real cstiito pool of Washington, square No. 1 01, Which is loculcd between Q and K streets und Flfteeiith and Sixteenth streets, in the northwestern ortioii of! that city. For this square, which con tains suvoiily .four Iota, he paid 170,841 Of the seTeiily-foiir lots nine liuVcbo.cn l4niusfcrrcd to Bradley Harlow, of Kt. Albans, Vl., tlio chief of the straw route istitl ring for the nominal price of 113,000; tit-eiily-oiio have been con veyed to Robert J. Fleming for the nominal coiisidoratiiiii of I.! 1.500, nnd nine now stand iu tho name of Charles T. Duvis, tho deed ii-prcscniiiig I but $0,000 wus paid llicivfiir. It is worthy of note thul Ihe l.'I.IMIII ivhieh lloberl , . ., i. '' liiiux piii'in.rts lo huvu pa id for jtwenly.iiiiootCiimplieHV i is simple tho vitluu set upon I he Ionise in K struct, widt h, by the same in leMurc, lis wincevvl lo ileiirge M. Rs!ies,Mi, oiler vise kii-Avii n "Setur" Uols'sonl III only reiiuiliis In be tilled .ml A a guMus iiinpliell is a youiig nntu whn up to within thieoyeiua wus not woi lli sevciily-uilie thtiiisiind eight linndred und fiirly-onu cenls, niul dunng the three years just pie-l hu has had no other ostensible tiiean of acquiring a fortune than a -ositinn In the murshnl's office, under bit father, at a salary nl" 12.5110 per annum I ..." ' - WHItheco rt of inquiry, which Bab cock has demanded, look into all these tninsoctinns, or will it be iw.-sry for a cortmiillou ul tliu Uoutu of Rvprcstn tsllvcs ti) pti in the searching pmbvf A Spanish Proverb says, "A kits without a aiuttacba it likt an ogg with out salt," ' ASD GJiAXT. "1 ""l'V WU.rU wbkAjr - 'T 1 '''' ""' ' 'b.uld bun by r. H',u.n " ,"1.1!'fj;,V"ft u"i"" T v"" " I ML Tl then U WAf hoped that, ho would .o, - .i fmm t. atlwll Arta 4 aniwer for J)it aiUg4 orJiue,,ui it iiiteu'l4 Ja itlvt ilrrv.Ji'illitry cortiiitsto under coureiorj front .U I'rwiduulf ton want C cvklwiM and liABCOCK trust to thu partisan.pi'ess to vindloato! very moment that tht President if blm. True it would leave him -dtiia-1 sending to Cougress a grave aud well aged in tho estiiautiait of tho. honest jdlgected message, warning the country portion uf, lim public; but General tot tho dangers which threaten it from Bubeock seemed to fon.ider ttiitl any j ooclcsiuslicirf' ambition and aggression, sort of oscapo was better than meeting Kislmp Huv.hi, hiinwll an occlesiatlic, tliu issue uh a mun-tit ntnsi ious inuo- au1 vie ,"f vast power nnd influence, vol of'"0"'0 wo"''' nvo mu' '',M' lu look sueuer oenyi'i nc m,tiiiitrvcoiimision and tho proi limjied luvor y) tba I'lesi dent. " But Ibo Ht. Louis ra,id iurr did uot.huvo. tbe-f.mr if Urauf jwr ofipiiti ai tiuutination to the first office Habcock biore Its fevond H did not j i f nafioh. " yield -itt iiili prerogative to powf r-I j -Had Cardinal MoCinskev in an epis Ics cotf of Jrtqulry'J On the. cvnliaUotial eonvontioo ol Ida church norni- , :. ' .. i. 1". ry, rested 44nnil Huswoek at at aatorj John Kelly or (inrernor Curroll commo'u offoiider, and iuvitisbiminto'lXjr lbs Presidency the uproar ul! ortr Iks .rlm'tM.l llnrl 1 fnn.l.,.lll .li.lt.. I....I ...... .1,1 L... I . . ...i.j . . . . . w,e . ,,,.,,. . , vrmmrraiimr ni . . till I 1 "-,', ? Bthcn gn d j!" .fH?i'' .,.. m...... wuvinm M,m ma , i it-into, Inetaitin the Tpsekltn nrl.t U of justioeiiud U.bubrtikeuLy thosliong arm of I'residfrilihlti'ithority. rHad .JuuitkiM been innoceut, uo would have! ntonco repaired toSf.Lolincoiifroiile'l Ills aocuscra and demsl Mr. Ilenrl.trson, but lie tliJ not :thi to mcef tliu accu sation with a fearless prnsectitprftgltllTJt Itiui, aud tun. urai.e.xi had tu be loulid to decapitate the only (nan who thor'- oughly understood all tht rainifiealions of the gigantic combination 'of thieves. Mr. Henderson had aid Hoiking p.r. souully uffeiisivg about th.', Picident, but l e hud gunrdedly and with dignity dismissed tht tntth as inwm i by tho cviueiice.' i'yf tui lie isdisphtced just u Bubeock is to -hi" arnilgnrtf, and 'I"".. ' j,..ilt..,.,' 1 the purpose that rtrTas duno by the 11 1 J ' I'leaideut heruuse of his kuowbtde thnt Babcock can bo uliicldrdtfiini Cun vidiiiii and punishment in no otlwr way. Such will be, nfnst be, the be lief of every dispassionate tili 7.011 tvlio exumiiics tlit InclJj and the President will ba beld at wiolding lii whole of (Iciid power to project his own personal stuff from Uiu avunging iu ill ol the Intv lit lilh ciimes committed in the very --" -.l me uiiim llllllll "l"tl viiu 1 - v... M.;ii . .. ..-1.1 - . ...1.1. ... i I haiwii .erilKistii ot the duiliuu ot the; rresnirni in tins puniciilttr enso. It i reeull many fault W which the nul- 1 ui., v no. in.-i-ii iiiuiiieix-lll. 1 1 IIUS i;.. i . .-. n.r . , i been Notorious that sHaiuiUuu,ieiiii. ten Notorious that sHaiuiUuu,iei(iti. mate and illegitimate, has teen rife in aud about the White Hcuy duriiiir lh"l reign of President Grant1. ';Tho Dents liaw. atstit -iiesr naniwaaattiitbi w-bUi aottrtltof oax-ttiiiMkifWaahingta by lligir jobbery in the nntuu of tliu l'rcsidvnt. and Grunt and Bubeock liuvu been build-in liuml with Shcphifj j In his unexampled ninnicipui robborlo in Washington. Keen When a Itepub lican Cungrvss had to abolish popular government in (lie Capital of the nullon tVoiojipe the rcmoelCss rings Orj-tin-ized by Shepherd und Bubcouk, which had wasted millions of money, the Pros. ident defondod Sdiepliertl, and ho wus nominated to tba. Senate at a City Commissionoc, to coiitiaio bit fwculs liims, ; But six SonatorsiisJ the hardi hood to withhold a robnko of the Pres ident lor bis uimr couuimpt'of every dictalii of hopesty' in. providing a Joy ornment for the Capital city already crushed by dubt, and Shepherd wus un eereuionfously tvjevted. Nor have ihe public tin led tu nntu lint liie "Colunei of Knginecrs," tvtth a raojust Kalury of a few thousand dollars, was able to' ri- vul tho Bresidunl iu hi, borne lu Wash, ington, iu his ciittago by the sen, and in the splendor of his living, and as peculation after peculation startled and humiliated the nation by the pernWul Use of tht names of Uie Pitsident's personal staff in coniiectioti therewith, there has beed a pi-ofotind senso ol di trnst ihrouglHittl' tht' country that vould claim uo partituin prejudice as iu source. And now when by an accident tho direct iwtnu com us, tbo Plesijenl rushi-s to tiro Iron! ami throws his whole olllelitl powerint fltu srsle to shield Bubeock, who. If innoteot, could go singlo-liandcil and alone and vindi cate himself. It will inako, a painful vhiiptur in the aunale ot tha Grant ad ministration, and wilt do more to dispel tho tbinl term inf'atuntion than all the studied, duinagngiiisinoi' tbo President on schools and sectarianism can recov-i er iu a llu'eo tnoiiltia (jrusaile. M!t,'t drljihia Timn.- - 8 t ...".'..: ."CiiliisTiA-i" SwisiiLiNii-i.-Tlie'cuiirt try, broad and -wide know bowtlrti poor liiggers .of tltq'outlt, who liuil their lillleull iu thnt FreedmntiV Bank ul Watliiugton, D. C, havo been rob bed, but will scarcely be nreiiarod to learn that", among tte mi-ti-ralile', seriunj divlly thieve that sUihj tha deposits. in that instituUou, stand . forth a.gtngi; . I..II..1, nrwrvi--.i l imnwrsa.Kinntn as a 'OhrisUttiiAsswiaioJtr.a WoltVCbrit- l'an A"snfialion' ItPt-rrlwed) j3n,0flp ol tho money, ant tr) htiuaia. satnrtiv, r I rr- ' I rcfuseil tti pay ftnytlitng dit Mirrlrllic pal, aid have wf -Jalaaveii rtl'uaad.to discburgci..il0 inuiVcsi, aijnr't'Jri'illg to Ivesrlliebaivk iikttil' ttit entire. Ittn I F.vory.mart vf iils.;'C hu'uu5ij5KMi.k lion" held in holy bofrOMh OKI t,l-re. hnldsis'f, a ba allaaUvsJ,.'4vMgliutjt( t,. . ' ., ..." ii,Bjioi(afciji, hhoi guuin); inusa mere cliildruit away lii'iut tbeir mas. tors, snd telling tlicni they bforo br 'livti,'ulul1c4ijl.ld ubiiin. "rii Jjiu,ip pwfl" III! tbo nntller tbrj esi'ite.lt.tae mts I'aaCalrao su'Hi at.Vo'J'', "ieoiji aaves up snine-lliriy, jtiinriifn-iiid tlieitrseh an. I nil, the poor ingieut Ui.lsldu:.f ....... , B, hit-1 " But (his i..1iiilitiinitgVlii;ur an. I sharp. v f -;i."? T"!' T ' T , GaANT',X)v'l,'bi pgriinu ufttit1 PreSliknl'b Tlrl-aitigo 1 -Wch ttt if! uducaliuu ninL tvliirinu. is' vb .J- f'.- half c-kthuV, iuii; ta'ASitnfiorilit doj inqonf 'Vhiif- tfltr this fatWdty,-.! The 'Suarulurl- ol Mlula lies aailtuu mI 1 , , . . . r , ' i,iv irami ,,, ...ri'iu umihik, mill niti Secretary !if t!ivPrWttrry the oiltlnf or,.tlie tugbfsLbun tpott fltiOJithul favSl tcfV, whicb itrejln sarrw trs thrsaj ani. ininwl ia.d'iui.aMiMH'li . But .Guiat'ii, clearly rnililiull Art oil -tee credit thai tay ont tnay. bo drarrnwed iaaj)wd tho1 -...i.'.k -r' .t.;' ". .'.!.. -i : ., BMlIluir .VI Ul . VOUUlHKM Ul,,lllU Ufiftod StbiMwM -hy rwmjii laent-o, taw .taasBiilariMr, reaaora UD .lute, to HUWKk wllgrtaj aexrtW' artt b tyncdH-ianvll r-"""" twww' twa VW HatJrwVajnaylfc f .AUAi'jix .oi vsMest'J, liitbop tjilUrt, Haven, of the MetU Mtist t'hureb .South, ba duuj u very iadlsertstt and rery tmleft'nsiblu thing. 11 bus dcuiuutirultd tuost wmpliati cully that he Understands neither tho polituwl Bar religious propriwliwa of bla rvtatluna, and lu tbo dromatlo attempt at a stntutiausi nomination for tbt PrestJeucy bos daiuagtd, according to bit best ability, himself, Ins candidate and luaoharvb. ... y7llb singular maladroltntss, at the j if his churith orgnuiaalion amoiiiits to anyilung, 111 a religions convention cailui Uigether pmfwwodlji for religions siltrposeSjits enipigwl in making a inuiaiiu wouw Dart wen tremenuooi. ... I j 7 fmm east to west it j-nttt. an vuwrj irtim rati 10 west it j in hcanlovtr Bishop II avon'a politico.! rclyidtis velitura Is simply because his aotion doe not carry the weight that CArditia) McC'loskey't would hove done and ia not, tl t.vforo, felt t be practt. cally as dungerodt. Its Impropriety tnd iilecorousne,hocer,wo hare no j J....I. II, l.- .... I .1.. ... uoiiui 111 or rviiuKetj up- iiem ,y rvrty restec-tablo. journal in the country .-j "hut the Jteoplo most unmistakably will ivacnt and punish promptly, urn iucrry section, is cccloaiasticul Inter frrence with nnr politics, be the hie iuch diiuiui Catholic, Buddhist, Mutli bills", 1'itgun, Presbyterian, or Mormon. -rltaruDutrr lultUigeuar. A Snake Srcail'.-sGoorge M. Ball, a young mnu of eighteen years, em ployed oil Ibu farm of Mr. Perry, in Westfleld, bus been' acenstomcd to drink, while milking night and morn lujj A quantity of wufm milk. A few mornings sinew, failing to take bis ac- cusuuticd draught something come upj in bis throat; choking hi It; and bo fell over senseletw. A aon of Mr. Perry wus :ui:priscd .to see a snake's head r r, ,, . . - , ... pn,,r... ,n; rrtta ,. . n.outn, , on 1 "' ...Hw..v.,- tlfntcd tlown hi ihront. A porertulo , . . lime tho young man vomited "iiniv m tr tau iihs iii vm, U.IU 1.1 O) RIIUI t 111! A iiooaati aooor to iwt eiwu incites long, and aoolit as thick as two fiuuura t ..v .. . i"'t t. band. It I i veil only five ! minutes. Bull bus probably curried ! itiiiiutes. the serpent for at least twelvo years, " ba waa accustomed to drink from a j Wmall irool, when a boy. Sinco pnrt- ing from bis tenant bis health has bis appetito is j a btllo iiiuro . ruavtonablc fyringfidi i.Mm)..DMou, How Insixuatino. It it unkind in the J'hilmltlphia Timet to allude to a bard-worked organist iu this way ; ''The nttsliurg Gi:1te has a $3,000 Post Of fice advertisement, ami thinks that Grant and Hartraiilt art the promi nent men for Ihe Presidency- in 1870, with Grant rather ahead. Of course, the official pap has nothing to do with the third term business, but there are teople out West just cynical and rams homy enough to intimate that Post Office advertising and tho third term are gunning in pairs." ' '' tbl r. M. Grotveuor is the Kadicul ed itor and brator who wont into Ohio lust full and denounced tlio Democracy as xiiu cidlotes, and howled in luvor ol "honest money." The memliere of the Whisky Riug now stuto on oath that Mr. Grosvenor ahared in the plunder. Hu ia a beautiful teacher to set up in the political Israel"; tiiil then ho is on a par with the rest of them. 4 . -a a '. Spirit of tlio pros Cider. If gal Jkdmtisfrafut. fJAUTION- All Barw-a Bra barobr oaattr.ad arainrt pnrobaMtiil or la BBy maooor mod.llin wltb th. following pniartr, bow ,b theauoiiloa of R. I) Mi.ll.nry. of llr.dr town.hin, nt : t bur,.., I art aorWMOt, I aad.l o, I hri.Uo, I tM,b otort tnd l.atrot. I oa-thoard. I. oiak, I ta-Ua, I h..ti.g ,lofo,4 eltalr. and I onffr, a, Ibo .aa. pur obuo.1 br at M Kb-rlf . ..I. oa tba Sib d.t ( Oo.ori'wt, bbA I, loft wltb bla ea 1.b oalr, Swblnot lo Ol, nr lor al .BT l. J. II. gt.1.19. - Hoabarwar. Do, 11, UI4 .li. AUTION.-i ' All Prtvon, art hfro1, ..Olion.il niraln.l pnrt-hi,iK r t,t any way nMH.,f wltb f.ur lironisDr tiaiih.nie anto., (Irtn Br mo to Jr.. H, CraMfortt, p.;. hi. t. tlit onl.r of Mid Jt.s A. 1-rowrMltl. a, inn CoBBI httinatl n.nk t Olotrtold, bosriaii daio llio I.ld da. of Ana. it. H;....y.W. a. fullowi i Oa. for tiln, p.r.bl. foar .itioillA. aflor d.to : aao lw tl.olllt. oarahl. I4 Bioslb, olur data t oaa lor il.aiMI, pn'rablt o" "a, .-.ui ooo n.r N.,t,it. ttayatilo Hn, 1.1, UllS,ao .Bid B'dot won lr.elul.otl ontalard by two tatd Jomio K. OrtwfotJ, tbor br,o boa. flraa wt BBoan paym.nl of ,..rhaao aoary ror t..uadr aaa-baood by mo Iran) oid Crawlnrd, bs rptofnliaf Ibat tatd Foundry wat hi. indi viUual aitpony. which rrprOMiiUtlona w.ro rlM, It ll.inf .n tu d.aot H. Urawlwd A Co. Thrr. fro, I will not paatbl oam. aaloa. oonltllril ft dooobyl.w J.J.I-IK. ci.a. Oot.r, it. ii. A J)MINISTIUTOIlS NOTICK.- - Jfr,l I. V.l.y irs tbnl t.rttrr. of Ad !jj 'V'", ' -" ' '.'"'ANIiKR "musty, Vv. d-H, bsrin bn duir iraniad to J"","r "-'"'. to aai,t tVlalt wtli Slrli mab. mntflltl. B.rmMil. and trttr,.. h.rin ol.lrq. nr d mtsll Bill vrM.nl tli.m prorrrly tuthobtltttlnd fur rrttlrm..nt with out drl.r. A. C. TATR, OloarAolJ. Dot. 775 " AdtaV. DMINISTIUTOR'S NOflCK- , .. I .. ..... ., ... K.,ila. it torolvt iron tbat Lollora of d. ; lla of J.nsta. Wwo kip. Oartald o..aa: I', dft'tv. : btritt bora duly srawlt'l lo lh iBlilra-t'iBat tb.aual.nf HIC H A KU M ill 11 K. afltr.it-Bod sd H?rMll indoblod to .aid O.ISI. Kill piotM Hsvbt MSntodiatt payaont, and tha . ban.a t'atias ir d.aand. will. ar.ru, thorn .r,.Hltla aBttoBtsMtvd lor aMllaut.at wiibout d. l.y. JAM K.i L l.KiVV. Cl..rl.U. r... Hit. 1, ts7J St A.lia'r. DIINIiTnATO.-f NOTICE.a. ... ...... t !..rhit It hshr fl.ow Ihit fMno. of Sd iBniiafrntin bs th. ooh, or ANltMaiim ll tin - i,. mm airard ,- . m.n.is Ps .tonosoad. bsilflf; boon doly rrat'od -w ,b. V rTi.fl.nrH a.t Mm.,1. l.d.M w.i. 1 1 wl I fH.NM wj.k. lmnH.drata B .tatowt. J ,kM w1 1 V" oiaim. ar o-w.w.t. wU proMnt Ibnw ' otuooiioavoii. lor a.imraaa- wusitnl ' ' . Al.l.tx al'KusY, ' ""SSJj llaj. 1. T ! S,la',.. A HMlNisniATuus notic'k lh ,..' , A,, isisl.tra lwt nn st rtlalt tf MAKT S. M tu SttAl.l,, lstonfl.nrtniwtp. 00.ard.l4 nonnfy P. tom od. hsrlni boon Stir fn fraatod la tb. indr.lgna4. aH poronns ,B lohtod a. raid o,raio will plMoa ninko imm.dlato pirmmt, nd iImm. bavlag .lalat tr dow).al, Saistt tht oowio will protriil sa wrtpirip saih.uiMiao.l l.,r Mtllo. ami aliboal d.lar. . Wst. MAHSHAI.k, Hi If, t l Ailalntatrator. EXKCUTOIlt KOTICK : MatbM a Iwrwby bitos tbat IwWato laoit atvary bariat- boas sranMd lo ibo sulHwiihor nn lb. oiuitot JullN "IIKKSItK. d.oa..d. lu. of (tslos towarnln. Cloarlfrld otostr. roasirlv.aia. fM mom tat. boos as oaM OOUI. art roaaaatad oast Ibo. eavlna 'XZfjTJ'.?'"" ? ' . ' -'' 'aAiaait-litll, 1 koobwa, Mtt. It, It-M (8ffrrii,t. FliOi n. FEED, GROCERY STORE. A. C. KRAMER & CO., Msrkwt Mlrsct. sac owr wwtt tf MaaalM Hdum, C'tetrBtM. Fa. K.cj.m,bil.slliF oa b.td srotit. COFflSK. TKAS. SODA, COAL OIL, ITRCP, ALT, aTICM, 1 Casaci tod Drl.d FrtUt, fobteeo, Clsn, Ctt. din, Oidor Vltotr, BtlUr, Effi, As. ALSO, link OUlMfADI Wheat and Buckwheat Floor, if 1 nl r ts J f ' Corn Meal- U3Pl eti I All nf wliltb will katodeboap for tttb trot tttskantrt for Bntr amdaat. A O. KRAMER A CO. Clearflt'.a, Not. 18, HW.-tf R EMOVALI JOHiTMcGiUCHEY Wuald rrabtatfatlf notify! tht paMia gtnoravll that bt haa if od bn Ontoorjr iStora Iron rthtw a Row. to tht bull jitf formtrlt oecotdtd hy J. Milta Krttur, oa Ktd ttrttt, aal door 10 Bigltrt btrdwara Vnt whtro bo lettaoa kfping a fiill lint of " ' 11 O V i: RIEN. HAMP, IlHlltD UEKF ni LARtl. I PUUARS atd Ht Rlf?, of til (radar. Tt Afi, Qrrcs aod Btatb, COFFRR, Koaltad aad 6; J f pLQrjg AND PtlOVISIONS, CAAFYED FHl'MTH, . Fill siark.tj id bit i. All kind, ia tba rivsoan, is jan in ; sprrKs. iD ror. ..i,,ri.t. t FAMILY LOUR, ALL lit1. DM Of QRACKERa. (OAI4., MATCHES, , DRIED AP WS, DRirtl'PgACnES, . IttED CIIKRRIE8, Cod Oil and Cimaoys. And a gooJ aattirtntBt ( iboto tblnga aajull) kpt ia a grot-ff-f tturt, aih bt will tiohaogt fur ntrkrtlng at iht mat itt prioea. Will M-ll for eaali aa chNp)-r u aa othtr oat. Pltam etll and too ijr Mofk aad jadgt for louratlf. , sfi IN McGAlQlIET. .ttarnvia, Jtaj 27t l74 G ROCKBIKS. JAS. H. GYTLE, (SooetHor to LVTLT 1 MITCHELL) WHOLESALE" JlD RETAIL DEAL! & IN CIII1IC B LIS i, DP TEA. oei.ou is. t ( ' JAPANS. IMPKItlVt, YOUNG B ION. KMHSU BRIAKFA8T ' Parttt iiAtarkat, iiitar in BtfTrBR BGCS Will bo k.pl and Mid for Caantry Prodstt. - Irtttott. Cstk paid .KRHAN CUKRRII j TURKEY Pf !f t, ' . PRRSIaivED PEARS,, ' , IjlLADKLPfltA HAMS Itdsll. Muktrot, L.ka It, As. Cod, At. I PIJKLt. t.rrol PlrblMtadinillak Pitklt. PLOtlRAMO FEED. Flour, Cora Maal.iat Ual, At. inrkl-TJ JAS. It. I.TTLE. C11 BAP GUli'KIU KSI 1 Lt'MnKR CITT. PA. Tho snd.riirnod ainouacoa to bl, old friend. and .atron, that Id ha, .nrd a .nod liat ot UHOCKRIKS A PlflVIHIONS .t ,h. old ,taad 4 Kirb A S.onorr, Air wbleb br oolifit, a iihoral patrtnaro. , M. W. ePBKCKR. l.nmUr Cltr, Pa , Mnrrk JS.lf. MEAT MARKET. F. M. 0ARD0N ft BRO., . Rear tf Pit', Oparail.HiM, . ' l CI.KARFItil.D, PA. Onr arranvrmoBt, anj r tho mnrl oomntolr rhameor fur forai.blnl ti,. puhlto alib Frooh su of Bll kitd, snd ol Ibo r.ry bos, quality. Wo alio dral in til hind, .4 Arrieultaral lapl. mrsta, whiob wn bnop nn olblitoon for tba Iwb oSI or Hi. pobllo. C'.g ayuand wh.a Is town, and taka a look tA Iktns, br addroaa a, r. .i OAHUON A P.F.O. Cl.arOnld, Pa , July 14.1 S74 tl. P flES iHl E A fa A 'H 1CET."" M. -0. BROWN BRO., i Maibol St., Cltk'ltld, ., tt'osl.l ansonaoa tn tlit tttitts. tf lb, ttas ad t loiiiliy that th ,y etill brop th. ..at aarb Bl tho oi l aland, wh.ro tbat will tort 1 Frush Beef, Veal Mutton and Lamb; of tht flnesl quslitiek. 1 Markol aoralaat Tatldsy,. Touniajt sad Salsr.laya. Orro ot a oall. Jut. s.'fl . M. O. BROWN A BIO. FOH. a a l ki A lorta and w.l.anlab.d Driab Dwallln alia. sto un Ibo rlror hoak, It Ibo boraagb o Claor. S.ld, a.Blainint .loraa n.oiaa, with riodoallar, wator is Ibo kitohr,,. and all th. m.s.m. anwoat. Paauitt. Baib-rwta. Clf bot-Broaat, A. I amy root Ir.at old two haadred aid tktrty low book, with i twotty r,,t ill.y on ikoootl will bt vald tho.),, wilb payaoatala aS tarb! oor. Applloatlon was bo wiad. to tbl asdar. .ion. A. ... tn . t. T . - . , ... . .. iu'. sal hulldlnt. wltb all Ik. .....A, - ' . " ws-, wnt win girt bii ai.oo.aary lBf..ruiatloa la tltiaa who d'tirt It I. p. ... proporty. u TllOt. J. MeCCLLOOUB. May 11.1. UTI, tf. Clearfield Nursery. KNCOtRAGE HOME IXDVSTRY, T,U ""'latol.bMlni.oatnbllabld N.r 1'l.s. I.ld and Corw.n.v.ll. I. tM ... bl.d. .f PRUIT TRRI.td.r. id JLalA'?.'! ,' " "IbarlasOrabTrooo! '.; rSLRiaT. pat as. OBraaattult. Pa. '$0t(l,. ' ' ALLEGHENY HOTEL, (Mtrbol St , bol. Third tud foiuib.l Ca.UAIIMKL.I,, rA. Tht tubMrlbar baviug bfrotao. BroprLlor of tbl, kuUI, ..aid rtikoolfull; uk t llbtral tk.ro f publlt B.troatge. PriM. rtd.t.d to .alt tbt II.M ..f -- - - . juJO-tltlf. li. I.. I.XIPOLbT CJUtrQUKHANNA UOUSK; k . CVAWKIIIV1I.LB. ft. ' MWIOM MA-All, Pttrtitte.. Hsrlsf botaat yroprltltr of lloi ll.t.1, woold ratooolfallo ool, .11 tbt r.lrua.(. ( it., patrllt. Ilooto laatullr tad ,.ai.sl.atl in. t.Md II ll, rollltd tod rolarti.b.J j oHi M(u, ulo rooal tttsobod. AU railroad trato, m UH buH. 7j SHAW HOUSK, (Cor. of Marb.t A Po.ni i CLKAHt'lKI.D, l-.t. Tbo uuili.ri-nkd li.viii. tkti clurjtr .f tl,,, H.,1.1, wuuld rv.poetluily avllcll l.n'.l.c i. JaBl ft V. II H l.Lkh-lllJ,, ' irASll INGTON "'llOHj-K.' T NEW WASIIIMlTi'r.-, -a. 'flii, nt atjd w.tl rur,.iitiMd kti-. t.. h.,. ukrs by th. unj.ralfned. lla w.nii.li.1,1 f twin Main to rrnrfor aatlir-tii.B t. 11... ale. w.y iivur hia wilb t etll. Maj, 1STI. O. W. DAVIS, -,.,p-r. jjiintuim ii tui s t., " "" pporltt ikt Coirrt lb, LOOK 'llVvKN, 'PEKN-A. JtllTI HAPBBAL a kroji, p,r ,. LOTH HOUSE, ' Mils Btrrat, PRtLIPSBPRO, PETfri'A. Tabll tlwaoa aannllad with ik. L... .L ... afford,, Tbttraraliss B.bllo I, aofirj. notour ivu) THE MANSION HOUSE. Corsirof Btatsd and Market Sirrtil. CI BAMIrlLO. PA. THII old ltd toaatdlot, nml Itt. dari!i( tbt pan ya.r. bits vilarod tt doitl. loratr tipwlia for tbt isurtttna,!, of ,tr,B. ,r, sad (suit. Tbt eboli kntl.itr,. , k, raforailhid, and tbt proprlttor wi;f ap.rt s palsr It rotdor hi, (ta.u toa-hMJ.lo .Ml. lUyls wltb bla. . f?""'? 'S,4"s Huat" Oatlhn. rua, to and from tkl Dtpol oa tbo irrlr.l ,nd d.,.,u., Bfisoklrolt. JOHN D0,:iJHEKrr, ra-t 1 lro,.,l.l, P. K. ssatLa a. w. ant old. j. t. Aiiui.a F. K.ARNOLD 4. CO.. Ilniikert nnd ISrokrci. . Rrjoold.rlllo, JofTrnoii Co., r-t. Money rocofrnd tn drpoalt. Di..ur,t. at u. ltr.tB rat.-,. Eaitn and Por.ln Ki.ba,4 .. war, sn band aad oollortl.,n. nr..ianiy mi l.. Ktyauldarilla, Dra Id, lllt .ly County National Bank, op Clearfield, pa. ROOM in Momhio riuil.lii.a;. ... dur s..rlb nl C. D. WatauB'a bru Kn.r.. P.... Tlflkot. lo .ad rw... t.l. 1 r . tnwa, Olaarow, London, Pari, nnd C,.p.nh,..o Alio, Draft, for aal.owtho Moral Il.nknl Ian, and Iotporiil Bank of London. iB T. LBOSAID, Prta-t. W. M. "HAW, Chirr. tl:l:14 DREXEL 4 CO.. . No. At Month TliIrA Ktrmt, PbllsJelplil. nlJTH f.n And Dealers in Government Securities, Applioatioa by aail will rrralrr protnp, urn Hoi, and all Information ebrcrfully rurni.had' Ont.ro oolietrd. Ai.ril II. ,t. ' JlfUtiStllJ. j.M. STEWART, D. D. S., T7b 0&r arar Irwla'a Droi fv. U-UIX& n'RWENSVILLK, 1'A. All dlAntBl M.srtlin.a -l.t... I l . .f. . ... up av.ua I iss aaw trn aTtltTjkl ropcratira branFh proaiptl tttntJt-d io an t tatiafaotion gutrantptd. K-Jtcial aium-on , j to tht treat me ot of difai- of th natt;rl triL, ocaafully torrtetefl. Ttrtb eiirtrtud wirbmii i !t:n ht Ihl af tfsk.a ...I ..... ' . . of tbt btat ntttrial aad wtnaalMi te rmdtr wt. iafaetioa. ai..il!tV7l:W JJK.VT ISTHV. llariti ditrrmiard lo lotata Is r.ra.n.,,1:. for tho narpoM of panainr my pro I noral.T .r my otrricoi to lb. pnl.ho. I barr 's Soiabod t ttrm of dontal inairu'liona oa.lrr th. bo.l Iraohar, tf tba P.on.ylrauia CollrSa t rurKt-ry ia rniiaa.lplilS. Odd am r.oa ,.n pared Inuwau ill work ponoininr lo d-l. .try is the belt B14as.r, wltb th. lalr.t tulT,vr. m.ht.. All w.rk raaraatood to air. ..tiro ..i. iafaotior, a, It qwalay aad doratioa. Tooth ei. trBrurd withott paio. Ruom in not B.tnk bnil4. tag. For fsrtb.r information iitpl, in pr...B vr addrora R. M. THOMP-ON. mcurfi lf. rorwrBKilk, Pi. A . M . HILLS Would rtftartfall-r ant if t kt ittie-nt lIlBt bfl hall PaH lltktvoi tr... akaaaaa .1 1 kit, dri,aT,Ad 1 L u I O u toIU tt Mt Ml, Iff oa t..w . . t .rz . . - .... vara. AT vaa- Ba, I trif nvrMitl twuilng at tha na tiat, to bavt taoh an an. Trraat iorariablj C. Cltarftl,l. Jul- 1, 74. GEORGE E; ROB ACKER, WSOLBa.l.B PSlltS IS WINE3 AXD LIQUORS, CLEARFIELD, PA. My phut of baalaoaa ll ta Mark atrial, di. rtrlly opail. tbl Coan lino... wl,.-. dr.ira to horpa full nook of PUUB LlgtHIKS. and will warr-mt them tt bo aueb tn ay cu.t.air. Iliro mt aoall. July Jl, "7 -.1. wlbTEmi At tht and of tha new brldgt, WEST CLRARPtKLD, t. TU pmpntitr of iha aattbllihntct will hujr bia liiaora dtrttl froia alattlltrt. t'rtt baviug I'rtiia lb.1 bouat will bt tart tt rt t uarw artictt at a tmtiM margin abort tott. lloirl fceifitra ta Ho farniah--w wttb llqanrt oa rraaonab't tarta-. 1'urt wiaea tad bra iH tea dlrttt fruia Sctlai'a Vinar-f, at Hath, Now V..rb. oeoki.r n. rnijtrRN. Cltarat-ld. Jnnt 1ft, 1175-tf. KST.IBLISIIElt IM.1T. lIillEiEY'N PURE RYE WHISKY. Wt ajaia call tour nitwit, on lo ibo tbnvt ot-lt-hrtted brand of gnod. and wt do m with lb e.n. rtciloB tt at thitrt ia a great wtot tsiati g m-.ig a trt numhtr of ptraoat trhti art eumptllrd u aao, tnoaioianiiT ar oibM-witt. t n-t wlnr.kv. To anpfti; Una want wa otftr llalltty'a Pura Rye. aa article whith haa betit Ulr (lie piii.li-. for a nuwbtr tf yrtra, lla mpttta'i-in aUn ting high at a tlinrnugbtjr rrtitbl? Aiiiaulant atnung nrdietl Btn. Aa an t-ri.lrwnt, quirt, a nam (Mr t oarantntni plifaiuUta tr-iteril-t it It thouttla-ai-n tf all atbtira. bring ntlt on tha brt koiwq titmlilj prm epet, fruia tko ehiMotil grain, tad lf prttitoal diftilltra. It reuiaa a lhnktlol Itviir. tnd, grtallt iniruvtd by ttga. wtkM U largul aouht alttr br flrat eltfi buula and drutgiiU. tbhuuld J7ti dtairt to giva tkia wbtak a tri!, and art Id doubt at to whrnbtr yuur bvtat itrd'tig. gist kM-p it. (ail having una of our aina diaol t d.) wrttt to oa tad wt abb.ll ba uitul tafipr In diroot yia ta tht poraoat whu bandit oar grd in ynur m-ighunrkoit.1. Wt urt oIthi twit prnpltti.ra tnd iuitiiretttr-ri .fihw. ll kntwt HK.BrUiVKK'S pl.HlCIIKHU HIT'fKHfb, wkirh hu btjra ttitmaltilK HMd M-.v-r ih.rt.T votrt at a Btod fonttor, tuit-tM. j,jjtle and Tuaio, nnBr A ciikist. M-ckH T.. Ill It Tbird St.. PhiUd.-lbla. HOOKS f- STA TIOSER Y Marktt MU, ClcartlaU, (at tbt Pott ciftvt.) 'IMR wndtratgnod htgt lava ta annttuaut tt X tha tain t ( t:tarfl-U tnd ritiinit.r. ikat haa attrd up rnam and hta Jan rii,rnd from tht rtit with a Urgt aaioai.t af raiding uitittr, -rnnaiaiing la part of Bibles and Miscellaneous Books, Blink. Antinnt aad Pat twba of tttrr dt- aaripitta j F-p-r aad Kartlffti, 'rak prtMad tnu plain) rtn an I. ttM'a; HUnk Lga( rair-rt, Iittdt. Miiiigncai Jul(wiM. Kicmp tloii tnd f'l-wmiaar' B-'tfa , H'hlt tnd I'trrl-mt-ai Hht-r, b?gtt Cap, MwrdOap.and Ui'l ( api hcwt Mutut, fr rilt.tr I'lana, Fait ar Vi-dia, anal ant I oa band. Any n.H.ha or itttunar'f lftrtd thnt luia-t n-it bavo on hnl, will tMt.irttrrd hj ftrtt aaprtn, aad tM at aalaU or mail 10 ttll tnrioajtta. 1 wtH atao ktp pvrloiltral i,ratara,aiMb a tUagMitaao, Kawnpuiara. at. I. AtUAlUX. Clrarfltld, Mn; 7, ISM tf IOH A.I- Tbt n.lrrattt-. trt M air a valaahlo tuwa ar.-pari ta ikt boroagk l nttrH-tld. tsot Hflitni foot, Ollk a god tory plank h'oat Ihiraua trtotod, with tkrH fttOMa attwa atain and fawr bad raoiat tp aittrt. Alta, tow log ratal aad bath rouai oa aaoead lloaat halkd towplrtt frota trlltr lo atitt Uovd doarlt pnroh aad ffmstl wtttr. Priea rta laablt and pajraaai'a rat. MaugTS HM. M. M.CULLOl'On. s TKAM SAW MILL. KNUINK AMD BOILBHS VOR HALk. Tba wnd.ralinoa1 of.n for tale ot raaroaablt totma, thlr .waa saw mill, loaolad It Waiaor low, Clotri.d I t., Pt. Tko .0(101 tad beilart art ta (nod aa Boa. TV. ,1m of Itt rssiao U 14a 1,, aad U bs (wad raaalaw ardar Ttoy aid boo Mil tkotr akiiif It aad la lb mill, tad all 1st worklaa moobuMry it Ikt Bill. Portlot titbit tt aartkiat tt ran it t tddrtal URAblAM. WALLAC A 0. Oloarlabi, Pa, Jaa. at, IDA, . .