Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 22, 1875, Image 2

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    Slu gejmblicatt.
tiCOKOI D. OooOIJkKUM, fcditor.
Roodi. If jo onl lo o w hsl ll ols
la iho world, Jo.t rrid or oinoni.lo;
eotunnt. lb. Spttinl ooluois 1 poriloolor. .
Nearly all of our Itadical exchange,
contain Grant' pioco on achoola and
tbo taxing of church property.
It wan not lightning that struck the
White llousa last week. Gen. Hen
derson did it by the indictment ol "Bal."
In accordance with our annual cua
tom, no paper will bo issued from this
office next week. Christman.youknow!
Congress ailjonrned over from Mon
day last until Tuesday, January 4th,
1878, ao that each member conld enjoy
the holidays at home.
A Uodi.t Mak, It i "id that
Bishop Haven praya thine timet a day
. fh Hrant'l renominatien. Wander it
ht intercedes for Babcock' acquittal in
I limiUr way.
6en. C.moron and Gove'tW Bart,
rutin, fearing compromised or) th At
torney General question, the 'ardot
bureau is again in complete running
order and ready lor business.
The Laheastor InhUienctr is in doubt
'whether Grunt's next campaign will
have for its leading Issue 'crooked'
whisky or straight piety." Ho holds
n full hand and is playing to a ''double
header" in a bluff way.
Kkmaukabi.e ! A dispatch from
' St. Louis, announcing that Babcock
hud bcn indicted by the (irand Jury
for his "crooked" whisky business,
states that " the president is not impli
cated." Wondorful, indeed I
Tbo Legislature meets at lUrris
burg on Tuesday .January 4th,at which
time Pr. Jioyer takes his scat in the
upnor branch ot that body. Forability,
xperienci and industry, a largo ma
jority will be his inferior.
"Tweed's escape" annoys fiadical
editors terribly tb"o times. We shall
not bo surprised it some of them do not
got the nightmare over it. tint the
righteous mortals, who, of course, can
"sin no more," had hotter keep a little
quiet until they soo how Babcock gets
way. '
The Government wants the tax on
tea and coffee restored. Scnsiblo for
once. Put your tax on the luxuries,
anil tnke it off the necessaries. Liquors,
tobacco, coffee and tea should hear the
linrtheit. Those who do not want to
support tho Government in that way
can very easily do without either.
The Haw Appointk. Grant has
appointed Col. J. O. Broadhead, of St.
Louis, apodal counsel to fill tbo vacancy
nswauwuioil hr flin removal of Gen. II on-
demon as publio prosecutor of the
whisky ring in St. Louis. Col. B. bad
better not prosccto the ring too hard,
or he will got his walking papers too.
Oca FtKNr I'kkbidkki. A special
to the New York H'orU, credits Grant
with an expression that is somewhat
too lively tor bis wits. wnenuoneara
of BLino's blank refusal to record bis
voto on the third tonn question bo
mid; "Uhine needentbeaodamn care
ful. Ho don't stand in anybody 'away ."
The fact that the St. Louie Grand
Jury indicted Grant's private secretary
for "crooked" whisky frauds, is con
clusive that "Bab." it a scoundrel, or
that tho Grand Jury was composed of
Mockhoads. All being Radicals, we
are unablo to decide who is the real
scoundrel in this stupendous fraud.
Grant wants Congress to regulate
the marriage relation botwecn the
youngsters of thU and foreign coun
tries. Nellie married an English snob.
Hence the hint. It would hava been
far mora business-like if he had colled
the attention of Congress to the
"crooked" whitkv business. There is
something "in that."
A Radical exchange askt, "What
iaa become of the war Democrats in
Congress V Why, bless your soul!
there am more fighting men in the
present than any two former Con
gresses. The "crooked" whisky ring
has played bob with your fighting
material ; instead of being in Congress,
they are moving toward the poniten
A Bisa-orm TaotBLi. BisbopSimp
son of I bo M. K. Church, who has been
running with Grunt occasionally, was
announced by Riulirul Journals last
week as suying that tho people should
re-elect Gen. Grant. The Bishop is
est In a card denying it. Well, bad
ho h it" politics ulono and attended to
his railing ho would not have been
doubly comproniswd.
John Scott, Esq., who founded the
Ilroiikrille Republican fifteen years ago,
has sold his interest in that paper to
Col. J. R. Weaver, lit present U. 8
Consul at Antwerp, Belgium, and a
son-in-law of Bishop Simpson, while
lie (Scott) is playing )mt muster for the
Brookvillian at tl.B'M) per year,
much fcilUT lako than publishing
country neisM'r.
Vpsit, Gen. Hancock's speech, al
Riihcock'i Chicago court of Inquiry.
mil the action of the St. Lnui Grand
Jury, -have knocked Grant's military
arrangement in tho head. The mill
tary commission has been dissolved by
"the Government." What a huge
back-down I A victory for freedom I
A complete surrender of the military
Ho tUe civil authority for once nnder
U rant's iie.
FaT'LiV.iN.-TboSelinsgrove Timet
says: Therjuoof TheSnydor County
Bank vs. CapC IV. A. Meeker did not
come to trial tbit court, ht claiming to
be too tick to attend. This la now the
tlurd term already he managed to get
off. It it well understood now that in
addition la the 120,000 ol stock vonc.
the stockholders will have to make op
J 110,000 to meet losses of
the Bank. Total, 130,000 1
In the current issue of llarftr't
IVirJly, Itsodilor, (icorge Win, Curtis,
assume that "the Jtepubhcan party
does not mean to itewtroy itself by the
rcnoinination ol Giiit, wbo would not
even carry Maesaeliusctl. and would
certainly lose Jfmr York, Pennsylva
nia and Ohio,", and is of tho opinion
that the Ilepubliiiuia can elect no can
didate by mere "party momentum,"
lie believes that tliosenso of party ob-
1 ligation bus ureaily weakened and the
dissaflection of 1872 has immeasurably
deepened and broadened. This sorrow
ful state of things he attributes to tho
low, poraoiml, Hellish, intensely purtl-
sun cuurtictor oi uiiniiiiisirauun wnicu
fosters such iniquities as the Credit
Mobilier, the moiety system, the salury
grab, the enormous whisky and Indian
frauds, questionable transactions of all
kinds involving high ofllcors and ap
parent disregard of them, a despotic
party controlled by the oflice-bolding
interest and a contemptuous violation
of solemn party pledges.'-' These crimes
of the party, added le the intimacy of
Grunt with such fellows as Boss bbop
hord and MoDonald and not the bard
times bare, in Mr. Curtis' opinion,
shattered the Republican party. It
must be admitted that bo hat made a
rather searching examination of the
caso, and it would be very singular if a
party could ttaggor through, which it came before tho Cabinet, Brlstow was j
lotdeddown with tho long catalogue! theonly member who stood up for him,
of crime, which b properly ascribe. U" "') yWdod on the VrMMtnt j 3
msuo rr innt suiicrmuveiy idi ai maue on me r it re crvuuy m ut w " v, imn . Iiimsn nn triu ks uinl 111 ftnn
..t 1 r ru.ll.rf .ki L. Lrctted that the Secrelarv did not have; was alleged lo bo guilty of a blitli i ' " '"-"'i M"d tu,t e 1,000.
. ...m. i,i., .i.tK.,i.i' mi,. tbo pluck to resist this characteristic I criminal offmmc. IleliskeJ Ini" u hear-1 .'ongressmun fln,ii(lull's pe
ui.ivii.r.iij nuj.ji.'i v..u ,uv ,iu,c,ii.
mcnt for the past lourteen years
through thick and thin.
This is not all. A voto was taken
in Congress tho other day on "the third
term," and ont of tho 294 members
present, only 18 voted for Grant's re-
nomination. Six of the eighteen were
negroes, and tho twelve othor fellows
were white. Th'o prettiest "corner"
ever made in Congress, was that made
on tho Radicals by tho Democrats.
When the resolution coudeming tho
third tonn scheme was offered, tho
Radical leaders all "cut" and run, in
stead of standing their ground and filli-
bustering for two or three days and
nights, as was tho habit of the Demo
crats while lu the minority.
We notice that a pair of IiidiCnl
twins, named L. A. Miller, chairman,
and D. S. Dunham, secretary, are ad
vertising through tho lludical newspa
pers that a Stato Cnuvontion of the
Junior 8ins of 76 will bo held at Ty
rone, on the 28lh of Dccemlicr. The
Domocrat must bo very green who will
allow himself to be coaxed into any
scheme gotten up by these two Iiadi
cal bankrupts. As successful decoys.
one or the other of those State (?) offi
cials should liavo been a bankrupt i
Democrat ; but to put two played out
Iiiuls at the head of this Radical move
ment in Democratic counties, liko Cen
tre and Clearfield, demonstrates the
stupidity of those who are making a
raid on tbo Democratic paity. As
Miller and Dunham never succeeded
in establishing anything, except their
extreme Radicalism and utter incom
petency to regulatu their own affairs,
it is but just to suppose that they will
prove failures in public affairs, and ull
who are foolish enough to get into the
boat which 'they have launched must
expect to be drowned in the flood of
common sense, about which tbey know
Democrats, bewaro I Miller and
Dunham arc the paid hirelings of Grant,
Babcock and. Ilartranft, and all wbo
are verdant enough to allow them
selves to be told to tbit band of politi
cal freebooters, need not be surprised
if they aro told vory cheaply, and
cjiented out of the purchaso money at
that. If Senator Gordon, of Georgia,
and Judge Kollcy, of Philadelphia, con
sent to loan themselves to these dema
gogues on tbit occahn, we shall be
doubly disappointed
Tiro UtAi.Tur Skiks. The leading
newapaper organs of the M. E. Church,
and many prominent rlorgymen and
lay members, condom n toe conduct of
Bishop Haven k Co., for nominating
Grant, at Boston, a fortnight go, for
a third term. The Now York C'hrit-
tian Advocate and The Methodist rap
the Bishop over the knuckles rather
sharply. Then again, a large number
of Radical journalists condemn tbo
President for removing Gen, Hender
son, because he was so successfully
aendingtbe "crooked" whisky ringslera
to the penitentiary. The follies of
these godless elm rcli mcnaju the crimes
of the White House ring are so potent
to every sensible man in the country
that tho upright in church and State
are rising up to condemn these fools
and criminals, no mutter how thoir
church or party may bo affected. If
this multilines to be done, we may look
for a reform in church (so fur aiUhe
Methodists are concerned) and State,
so fur at weeding out Gruntisiu is
No Jua wpurrinsi. Tho United States
Senate bus about as uiui.h authority to
regulate the liquor traffic in Ibis tStato,
as it has to order the changes of the
moon. Nevertheless, we uoiico that
some of tho Good Tomplurs, and tho
members of theCentrnl Congregational
church, of Philadelphia, are sending
memorluls Alld petitions to Senator
U'allaco, asking the body of which ho
is a men ber, to regulate iho b'quor
trufilc. I bese people would just manl
iest as good senso if they would ask
I he Sutialo to resurrect John Brown
and atop hit soul Irom ; ;iireliing on."
Governor Harlranlt is the hum lo ap
ply to for relief. Ho has control over
iho subject, and in- whom these very
ietiiiunera voted. Lea. enthusiasm
and afilllo more sense on this, like on
all other subjects, will prove mom
Btoocr Smar Moaruti. The dis
ordered Senator from Indiana it al
wayt bespattered with blood, and sur
rounded by ghost. The PblUnicJpbla
Timer, of the 18th, In alladlng to ft re
cent effort of tbit decropid specimen of
diseased humanity aayt: Mr. Morton
waved it again. Wbon the Indiana
Convention meeta next February and
eleuu delegate, to the national body,
it aheuld But forgot Morton. Since
the President's agur back-down in
the Southern outrage hushes, he fa
the Only UcpubJicaa of Any jmpar-
lance who dare to offend common i
sense by waving the "bloody ahirt." J
mi . i.. !
nmn iim irfimwiuuouM ruvunun
fraud In thu wont worn drought to the
lVenuU'it' )iuIUm Ity the dvtecUvva,
"tho Uuvernmeni" at ouuo telegrapbed Us canfederatet In rlm A ory, Mc
to Mr. Dyer, i'niled Stales District' Dunuld and Joyco he would he in-
,. ii7. ... .5 . .. . . . ., :
Attornoy, at t. J.ouis, not tu biiow
ono scoundrel to escape. Mr. Dyer
tutegraphod back to tho "Boss," stating'
1... .. .....I.I. . mltl. i
..i.i .id. i , nn,."
.... -
Kirant Hppninted ex-Unltod Blates Sen-
ator Heiidui'sou to assist Mr. Dyei
and in three wueks sent twe ot Granfa
St. Louis buttles to the peuitotitiury,
as well us Avery, tbu Chiut Cluk in
VVoblngtoii, besides, thu'wiilciiee l
fcuv the Graml Jury demonstnfted that
Gen. liuocock, tirant'a priviAo seere
lury, wiw us guilty us tboso hi the pen
itentiary, and, of course, tliu jury found
a Iruo bill ugainnt "llab," iuiiI when
Mr. Henderson was about to proceed
lo the trial of "Bub,"' he wus ivmoved
by tbu "Boss," and the result is that
Bub's" case bus been Ktponed in
deHnitelv. Like "Boss" Twocd. ho)
will also make, his escape.
The editor of the Philadelphia Timet,
in alluding to this outrageous transac
action, says :
A dispatch from Bt. Louit relates the
particulars ot a conversation with Hen
ator Morton, in tho course of which
that cstimabla man stated that when
tho nuostlon of Hondurson't dismissal
,. ., . , . l
speech of a bully with nn announce. I
nibnt tluit he wotllu "minor no right
thuh be President." It might have
cost him his neat in the (.'ubiuet, but it
would have gained him tire admiration
and gnttidiide of evury patriot. J 1''
Habcock escapes now, through tho in
competency of Ihc proswution, Mr.
lirntow cannot rsiitpe nm share 01 iho
The first result of Mr. Itendcrson'a
dismissal is now seen in the postpone
ment of the St. Louis whisky trials
until next month, owing to the press
of the new appointee's privute business
and his lack of familiarity with the
line Si prosecution. Although we
shall be well pleased if this shull prove
to bo the only disadvantage resulting
from this swapping of horses while
crossing the stream, the delay Is still
greatly to be deplored, affording, as it
docs, mischievous possibilities ot spirit
ing away evidence, bribing jurymen,
and tho exercise of other equally scan
dalous methods by criminals reduced
to desperation. Wo do not know thut
General Bubcock would resort to sncb
expedients to secure an acquittal, but
wo can very well Imagine that one
with so much at stako as ho, if guilty,
would hesitate at nothing, und tho
more Hicedily his case willlie disposed
of, therefore, the greater will be tho
likelihood that exact justice will be
moled out.
ll is all very well lu nominate Hen
derson for tho Presidency on the
strength of bis dismissal by Grant; but
..:, ...i,,!,, Th ,-1, ,-. mi, il,t
before these trials are over, there will
bo lots ot other fellows with precisely
tho suine claim. When It rod head and
Dyer und Wilson and tho rest have
been one by ono decapitated, bow shall
wo cbooso between them T Anil Bris
tow himself may get turned out in
time, and beside him the others would
be nowhere.
Rather STAOoxaiNQ. In taking a
survey of tho field, wo sometimes feel
liko declaiming against both Churcb
and State, at thoy teem to be running
a race lo aco which is tbo moat guilty
in these prodigal, bankrupt timet.
When we toko a survey or Uburrh af
fairs, there stands Bceclior, Glenden
ning, Gordcmann, and others of their
kind, and we bocome alarmed at the
demoralizing influences which surround
their field of labor ; and in looking to
the officers of State for a remedy, we
have staring us jn tho face tuob men
as Tweed, Gen. Babcock and tho part
ner! of Geo. O. Kvana, with their nu
merous confederates, tho living, mov
ing example, of total depravity. The
dearth of moral rectitude is truly ama
zing. When will common honesty re
sume its sway on thisdemoraliaed eon-
tinent? Lot tbo rulers in church and
stoU) answer. Thoir crimen and trans
gressions are .s visible on evory hand
a. the sun at noonday. What evil
spirits have ruled this country for the
past fifteen years I What a harvest
of criiae ud folly has been entailed
upon the innocent I
Bab'. CoK8oi.ATioN.-Babcock doesn't
think ll worth while for the court of
inquiry to continue Its existence, "the
mean ot "vindication lor which ho
yearned having been affbrdod him at
St. Louis. Of course, (reneral Han
cock, it will bo remembered, suggested
that the court had better wuli fi)l after
the trial, since, if Babcock were con
victed, aoiuo luibtnry action would be
required ; and, even if ho wore acquit
ted of Iho criminal charge, there uijght
be toQie conduit unbecoming o,n olljecr
and gentleman that in wurt would
need to look into. All this the distin
guished major of engineers thinks quite
unnecessary, and tbo authorities al
Washington, taking the tame viow,
have dM4oJyd the court. Well, it
would bo little hud on Bubcock to
leave him no chance of escape X ail
lu pltTRUt. Tbe"crookod" whisky
ring U giving I'lho government" con
sideralilo trouble. A. H'ff the con
vletioR. lme no closer t,o Grant than
McDonald, Joyoo and A very, he said
"Let no guilty meneacapo, ' bal w hen
ever tbey entered the White House
and arrestod hit privato accretary, hi
tune changed, and he virtually laid, by
the removal of Gen. Henderson, Bab
cock must not be eoerieted. We hope.
however, that there i more virtu In a
Missouri Jury than there I In a ISO,
.0.00 President.
Lovr.LT. TIki Pittsburgh Chronicle
say that Stephen McCandloas, Esq..
Clerk of the U. S District Court, is
crowded with business In the bank
ruptcy branoli of the court. Ao cm
tiro now act of shelving, fur Jb deposi
lion 'of document, petitions, etc., in
bankruptcy case, .re In course of erec
tion, n tlcrk UtL'andless think
tlifttifLbo bankn.'Qt,c4intrt)e.lod
he will ho compelled to ftk for anolhor
addition to the Government building.
What prosperity I ,
Hon. John W. Johnston, one of the
United States Senator, from Virginia,
ha. been re-nominated for the position.
II i a nephew ol Gen. Joseph K.
Jokutton, frequently heard ot during
the war.(yi aluvery for tho promotion
ol Radical freebooter..
' MliM'H
BlaVrt Vf
j That notorious scoundrel, General;
ilabcock, knowing full well thut like'
uictco in me t oouns m itnm
ir Ida eiHmcs, f rovallcd cm Grunt to
gVyo lilm a military commission, no-
Hf I.L .....I. n tl... ...., l l,,t
ll.- ti... ll,. uuiml 1,1. i..,ni,.,.i I
- e i '
'Jnd or-len-d tho commission to meet lit
)T . !
Chicago, three hmidied miles away ,
fi-om whoro the crime was enmuilllod,!
. , ,. ..I.
and where no witnesses were to be had.
However, on the morning ol tho iih. .
sun.bllng of the conmsln,i, or court,
when tho fnct f.n, HuliMik's imlicl-
meiit by Hie (irniul Jury in M. l."ui
whs known lo Unit l"Uy wlnclij 'n,0 Brllelinilu H'rAm.i will
hud met to invoMijjntii tin' i-hnrgox 'pear in new cliuliix.l'iiuii Inp tu too, the
made ngninst lliut, Ht present, rather ln' weeK ol llo nuw year,
unfortiiiuite inilK C.iinl. , (ivneml II. hi I The peucli ttvus him ull blooming
ciM-k arusn and pinposwl uu adjourn-"'Ji' in Smitliwost Georgia, and (lie
ii.miI of tho court, until the ciiso w.ih ! 'li,"lu ''"'"O' l"i"tf
deci.led in the civil comts, In nipivoil ; -' ' alunis tin I jail Of the
..fhis nrono.itiun bereml the liillowlmr .
very able " per, which hnd the effect
to adjourn the court of inquiry for tliu
present i ped from that country t'ol'lilladclphla.
" A sense of dntv to the huvs, to tho. ,, , , ,, ,, , ' ,
military icrvlco and to tho accused Itn- .v m,' nod; .tl10 ' ,,ln f C'Tr
pels mo to axk your concnnviife In a I Wo,i! Juror Presldoi.t mi
postponement of this l.miilrv tor the .T",!T' ,llud Ocrmnny,
present. We are all bound to believe
" tl" entire innocence of Col. Ilnbcock,
.....11.-. tl. ....... . I... O...I .
the presumption cannot be repelled : itv of tobacco in tliu wei
without clear evidence. It is duo lo; of North t,'nruliii is tW li
hl" ' "P1. V:',.f1''','!,If.!,lm,l KSVtnm intM
'"K lliesnine court, but. wiisliitiirined j
huh uo cuiuo not nave u ni'niiso mo
evmeni.'O was Closed, j ikiho cireuiii- j
stances led him to deiiiiind it court of!
inquiry, ns the only means of viiulieit-l
I,U.. V.IUV .1,. ,,,,:n liv- IMM,
been formally indicted, und he is now
certain of getting that lull and lair
triul before nil Impartial jury ivlnrli
tho laws of tho country guarantee to!
all its cilixens.
"Tho supposed necessity tor conven
ing a military court lor the determina
tion of his guilt or innocciieo no longer
exists. It is believed llint, our action
as a military tribunal cuniiol out the
jurisdiction of tho con It while the in-
ilictment Is pending, llie I'lcsnlenl
bus said, through the Attorney Gen
eral, that such was not tliu intention.
Then the trial at St, Louis ami this in-
qmry must go on
, ,i .
lit tho same tune.
ss we await tho result of the tral
theie the dilllculties aro very formida
ble. The accused must bo present at
the trial of the indictment. Shull we
nrocecd and bear the cause behind W
back, or shull we vox hi:n with two i this year, to an oM clinp ol over scv.
trials al once? The injustice of ibislenly, whine tally wus 1 ,5:53.
is manifest. I presume Irom the nn- TW cabinet shops of tfio Wheeler
lure of tho case, Hint the evidence is u, WiImhi sewing machine company,
very voluminous, consisting of records, I ut Bridgeport, Cm,,., WCra destroyed
papers and oral testimony. I'uii we'i... n. .i. ..i,,!,, c ,i, i.,i,
compel tho production ol these while
thoy aro wanted tor the piirtMises ot
tho triul at St. Louis ? not.
If tho militury bo, us the constitution
declares, siibordinute lo tho civil an-1
ihoritics, shall we proceed without evi-
denes and give un opinion In ignorance
ot tho facts? Thut cannot be the;
wish ofunylimly. 1 take it fur grunted
inai mo iruu ui ni. i.oiiis win no lair
as well as legal, and Ihut tho judgment
win do ttcioruing io uie very irutii
and justice of the cause. It will, with-i
oul auction, be binding and conclusive
uKn us, upon tho Government, upon
tho accused, and upon tbu world. If
he should be convicted, no decision ol
ours could rem no him out of the bunds
of the law. If ho is acquitted, our be
lief in his innocence will he of no con
sequence. If we anticipate the triul
in the civil court, our judgment, whether
for the accused or aguinst him, will
have, and ought to havo, no ctl'ect up
on the jurors. It cannot even be nntilu
known to them, and any attempt to
influence them by it would justly be
regarded us an obstruction of public
justice. On Iho other bund, in bis con
viction thero would be conclusive evi
dence of his guilt, and bis "acquittal
will relievo biiu from the necessity ol
snowing anything but the record. 1
do uot propose to postpone indefinitely,
but simply adjourn from day today,
until the evidence upon the subject ot
our inquiry shull receive that definite
and conclusive shape which will he
impressed :pon it by u verdict ol the
jury, or until our action, huviiig been
referred to tho Wur Department, w ith
our opinion that our proceeding should
be stay mi during the proceedings ol the
court ol law, shall huvu been con tinned.
In case of acquittal by the fcii'il court,
the functions of this court will nut
necessarily huve terminated. The Ho
cused may bo pronounced innocent of
any crime against the statute and yet
be guilty of some act which the mili
tary law might punish by expulsion
from Iho army. In rase of acquittal,
he may insist upon showing tn us that
he bus dojio nothing inconsistent with
the conduct i4 nn cflleer and gentle
man as the nicu of war win, but ihc
Krcat and important question is, Guil-
ty or not, in manner anil lorin, us ho
stands indicted T and fhis C411 be
legally answered only by a jury of his
Puii.Anxi.pniA in KcsTAsv. Our
Ceiilcnuia) city was overrun with great
men on Saturday l4. There were
fi... ....I t r..i v.....i ..,r
, . J ., . ' , f .
Mrs. Colonel l-red.. lliu Jinlircfl of the
T -Tn-.
United Blub Supremo Court, the
United Stutes SjenatorSj im.ofu of Con
gressmen, aiidasuttiHp.'gimcrd.iif ,n?w.
paper men, biisldus lliouiuiids of specta
tor, all of whom paid visit to the
Centennial grounds. Tliotlovol mount
family housed with Mr. Child, of the
Public Lei'ier, while the Judges, Sena
lijrs, Congressmen, and their followers,
were Islloed at tho principal hotels.
Novcr before were so liiauy jioJ ipen
to bo seen in an American city, oulxidu
of the national Cnpitnl. The excursion
bill fiup fmiker City friends
about 121,609.
- . ... jt
Amxrtoit GxxTUMKy. I also in
vite your attention to tho necessity of
regulating by luw the slams of Ameri
can women who muy marry foreigners,
and of defining more fully thut ol chil
dren born In foreign country of
American parents who may reside
abroad, and also of some further pro
vision rugiiuj)fie or giving legal effect
lo marriage of A nicnrun ciltiotu con
trolled In foreign count l ies' Omni a
Why? Because his daughter mar
ried an Knglinliinun. Thut is the milk
in the alKiv uocnanut,
A Mot'tnx llAKirt. After "Uncle
Dunlel Drew " bad subsctibed t20ll.OHU
loW;d founding nuw Methodist Col
lege, he said Ui a friend one day : " Well,
sir, 1 didn't know whtrij tho money
w coming front ; 1 wus worried over
it, and so mado it a subject of prayer,
After lasting and praying over the
matter lor vno day, went down nn
Wall struct, anil li )es. thuu tireo'v-
four hour I skomed those Hdlowt out
or200,000." Aoifif HUM.
The Now York Herald dhuvuvera
that the President is bowed down with
Methodism, whereupon the Its Inwler
Democrat remark: "Ah, well I this is
an improvement. The trouble Usui to
he fust horses nnd Hgbting whisky."
. I . ... h ....
works wilnts.SJ.O0U.
Wllllanisiiort paid out 12,815 to
"Is school toucuui-s lor November.
Nine convicts wora sent Irnm
ii..-.ii:.i .............. .i ..
w"ni .imn-
i. a.. -.....-ii
is lliu "eiiHikutl" whisky nwu's luvuritu
"A'li'i'i J" now.
i. ,., ,. l ... .........
, " "o.ij is neneve-i io
llilUi IttiUll liilllt.l III f it! UtiuhIm .iiai.iI'
jjullUl()0i Mi,,I(.ull,
. - i
r uurlooti tliouiiinl U'uiiiiM wuivae-1
i cuiiiininlatud iillli'i Young Muu's Hume,
lt ('ittnlnivli. Innt vuif.
A wil( ,,, ,,,.,
t dMwr iMU tuns ol tuu lo I he I'eiin- j
Hyicnina ruilroau company
l'n,Vm'V no, isnuoii, u,eiv nre
! confined 1,179 lunatics and idiots.
i A Swedinh school house, fur vxlii-
' I, til, ,1, Hi tin. ( 'i,..t.,.,.ii,tl l,l i.u..n Hi, I...
"" ,"u " ,,,M'' "80"
The successful ruining of lino nuttl-
1 i ...I 1.- '.,
wvsiurn portion
'"'' the repeal ot the check stamp act
'" "" "S"1" oioe long, i niriy
hm'umiiui naoirai a nipeuoen io h.
A glos.v paragraph. Six million
,olMM W(lrt', , Bik wnnim.
1'IVOll III. AftW 1 lll'U ll 1 Sll 11 I'll ) , -I,
in a single consignment, lust Tuesday
line hundred ilnd eight workmen,
,,r shipwrights, caulkers.
joiners, boat builders, etc., have been
discharged, from the Washington navy
yard. -
The originul hemlock log founda
tion of long wharf at Boston were un
earthed a lew days ngo, and found to
he as solid as lien first put down, 1G4
yeura ago.
A cacklculing man ut llover, Del.,
i ... I.. .1 . fl. -I l
' ' ' , V . ' . " " 1 7 '"T
linn iiiiiLin n uu ul'i;! mmiimu uiu veil
..... ..... 1.1 aXa
II.-IIIIIIII, unu n il. uu.u iu.oilll ion IS HI
the hennery.
Oregon gives an annual premium
lo the mun whokiilsthe most squirrels
III me course ol the year, nntl it went,
0M 5i)0,(iO0, innired for S.'IOO.OOO.
, ) nianiniolh steer from Oregon is
i '''"I.V cn-route to the Centennial.
" Ui"'U nineteen hands, or six feel
i ,'"1"' ,lu'11'8 mcasun-s twenty feet
. Irom Up to tip, and weighs 5,1100 pounds.
. kill region are stopping operation on.
uccoiiiit ol the markets being over-.
j stocked with coul. A Inrge number of
people are thrown out ol employ meat,
.. ., , ,, .
-',r: Abral!!,m B- "'""'. ""
mer resident of Lancaster county, was
murdered recently by two desperate
characters in Miami county, Ohio. Af
ter being killed he wn thrown into
tho canal. '
According to the New York cen
sus returns, just published, that State
has 7411.078 native voters, ami 3115,2 15
naturalized voter. New York city
has only 89,007 native to 141,202 natur
alized voters.
An International came ot chess be
tween French and Kugliah players, to
ho commenced soon, will lust two years,
the move to he niodo by telegraph.
Such a trial of skill occurred in 1HM 6
tbo French winning.
Fred. Delluven.n teamster, ol Clarion
county, was recently found dend on the
pike, ll Is supposed that lie went to
sleep on his wagon while intoxicated
ami fell over tho lock bar, (is head
striking tho spokes of Iho wheel.
Dr. S. II. Van Valsah. of Belletonte,
treated an arm which had been bitten
by a vicious horse. Tho injured man
claimed that Iho physician had been
iruilly ol malpractice and prosecuted
him, and the jury rendered verdict for
mo planum lor ajuu.
A Boston rcstaiimnfeur serves up
corn-robs tried In bird and sugar to his
customers, and they like cm. ni'-and
hv American gonius will roast, slico.
and servo up to hungry men, old hitch
ing posts and work benches, and we 11
be its happy as tbo uuy Is long.
Tho United Slates Circuit Court
of New York has just decided Ihal a
firm going into involuntary bank
ruptcy, and giving notes in payment
ol indebtedness, cunnol proceed with
Ijutjiiica alter 'licse notes full due and
rrmuin unpaid. It is a sound and sen
sible decision.
Ninety mochnnics and artisans
with their tnmilios huvo emigrated from
Peniivlvauiu and settled on Hood
lliver, Oregon, and over 300 will fol-
low in t no sprinir. j ncy micnu oiinii
lug a oo ljgp, woollen mill, a grist
, . .'r ' e . . ., , . 'a .... ..
in i . ami inner e j icauouiti aim iniiii
triul C'tnhlishmcnta.
.. . .... ., .. '
The pear) flshe,riet of (he Gulf of
IvUlilovni ilireiilen tube entirely rumen
unions tho giverniiuiif. slpits ijown on
the wholesiilu iisu.)t'tutimuf'ino urmor.
I,nt yciir ihcv ynil'is.1 ni'ui l)0,00
woi lli of iM-url and IMQ.QOQ worth of
lii'll', wlulo this year s iijiorutiuiis a in
hunlly pay inine,
It is said that Stokes, who I In
prison for the killing of Fisk, is con
fined to his bod with Asthma and
chills diet fye;' Id" hair having turned
while und iila cilnslHulionijiuacn down.
II is tinio for Intprfsuhmfent wil) expire
next KcplcinDcr, but ah ctTort Is being
miule to have In in purdoncd
Hero i au uiissnoUia) piece of
good sense k-nih the Plilladelphltt Hrett:
"What thu peonie inost unniistukubly
will rnsuiit and punish promptly, and
in every section, l uuosiuslleii inter
ference with our politics, bethahitrarob
HoniAii lulholie, lluiliiliial, lagan
Preshyierliin or Mormnn."
Thero Is at Winston, Ala., anagod
couple. Biickuer Walker and hi wile
telivu, )ha liiriner being 104 and the
lillliT J0 years Hid. Thb tnun rn
Hour mill uinl tlio wilji K" tier nwn
cooking. 1 hey have I'll livn.g ile
sceniluiitsi 12 children, 02 gmoJollil
droii, und 28 great-grand-children.
The trials of whisky conspirators
ut presiint going on al lndiutMili
and Milwaukee are developing similar
results a those at Ml. l.ouis, Alimv
Kepiihlitun ofllco holdei-s of both high
nnd low degree, are being implicated.
A I UalHsick' father-in-law and
Senator Logun are moou; itjo ittng.
-Tho citizen of ttaiitj fB siting
fu;id by dollar wibscriptioju to bui.M
. Woiiiimcflt (jj (,'upt. Brady, who was
killed near Ihal iac by lbs fudisiis
ill April, 1770, aud one hundred ilo)lrs
have wun ali-uudy collw-led.- There
mains of the brave puNiwr ru)Ue in
thu old graveyard at Hulls, and the
identical pil whom he was buried has
bevn located.
The must duinimblu and hellions po-1
liticul crimes ever iiernotruted on snv
people, uiiisidu of liM.uiid and
cbuswtlH, bus been visited on tlie iulmb.
Ilanls of Suutii iSaroliim las' the wt
leu ycura, ''he 1'Uila lelphL Timet in
a ruoeiit issue pin. the questions iWo
in ibis way : i L '.
Ills iml surprising that the Judges
junl e lee led by the .South L'uroliii . cur-pul-liu
LegUlulura urousus the puo
lsi of llio Pulmetlu Slulo to tliu Vvi'ku
ol revolution. Justice Wright, an illi
erutu n.-i.i tioiii I'ciitisvlvuiiin, i ru
elected tu the Supreme bench, where
C'liiel Justice UuMit piviijus. Moses
wus lliu .iuetwsiou commissioner Iroui
Soulii ComIhiu to Virgiiiiu lo lim e the
I 'l l Dominion inn,, and wlivu
i lie lorliiuo ol' wur wu against bis re
I'ellioiis Iri. n U he ciuu.iu-l hilo the
ciinip ol lou cai'H-l-hu);urs mid re
ceived the I'biel' Jiltieenhip us his
price, Whippcr, a full bloo.led Miilil-
gun neuro, scuiccly l,o ly write hH
.lime. Is cliose-n us Judge l'r ll.o
I hiirlestoii ilislrii't. He w.. publicly
ile..o..,ice, by (,oveii,or Cliauii-erl;,,,,
lis ivcku.g ,. corrupt ,m., and .iv
he is chuiged with the administration
ol Juslicii in the first uily nf'thu Stut.v.
Kx-Giivnrnor Mosos, son of the t'ln.-f'
Justice, was tho ciilhiiiii!c leU-l
who hoisteil the I'slmclto llg n','er
I'crt Sumter, mid yelled lor itrmeil re
bellion until it ccasol to pay, when ho
tumbled llitn the arm m thti udren
tu'frs who hnd come to spread desola
tion and lawlessnnts ninmig his iwople.
lie was nrst BpoaKer or tlio House,
then Governor and then-well, next
ilisjr to nrison for .hanielcMVlUalm-,
and no lie is npp.rliiiud to mnck tfw '
very temp!" nl Jiisitfe wl;lT Ids Infhmv.
" mi in'i"oi.i rvni'4 mo siiuees.
Hon to the HcpHRliinn leaders that It
. ,1... IJ......I.U.M... l..-.l.. I.
is nnout nme ti,"uti!oa'J r
Titr Iln.iniot' lfKsrmK. Presl-'
dent Grant in his message Iries tn In
troduce the fearfully exciting question
of sectarianism into our politics in the
liillowiiig proposition: " I nclure church
und stnte forever free, but each five
within their proper spheres." Wo
propose to show it is so now, and by
these obligations of the Federal Con
stitution and the Slate Constitution
the Democratic party stand. They
are for freedom in its widest sense and
if more were possibly needed to secure
religious freedom they aro for it. Tho
liillowing is Art. 1, amendment to the
Federal t'uimtitiitiou : "Congress shall
make no law respecting the establish
ment of religion, or prohibiting the free
rirrcite therii'f." The Constitution of
Pennsylvania, Art. 1, sice. 3, Declara
tion of Uights, Buys! All men have a
natural and indefeasible right to wor
liip Almighty God'uvcording to the
ilictiitc ot their own consciences ; no
man can of right he compelled to at
tend, erect or support any place of wor
ship, or to maintain any ministry against
his consent; no human authority can,
in any case whatever, control or inter
fere with the rights of conscience, and
mo preference shall ever be iriven by
law lo any religious establishments or
niiKl.-s ol worship. J licse ure tlici(.r
iruo liKtnnrs; an.l lUe Duraoerucy ot
lli is Unite will statu! hi the Federal
ntiil the Ktnto I'oiistitiitiont. Clinton
A lloaa Thiicst. DayarJ gave
Morton a home thrust in the discussion
of the laltiir's bloody shirt resoliilion
or an inrcsl ipition ol the Mississippi i
vleclioii : Ituvunl sanl: When Mor-
ton was asked what warrant he found
in tho Constitution for his action, he
ron Id irire no answer.- IV lien asked
why ho interfered with Louisiana or
Mississippi, any jnoro than he would
with New Jersey or New York, ho
answered : "We cjuini a right to deal
with , those Seulbern Stutrs." In the
Senator, own Htate of Indiana thora
hus been a frruat i-han-e in the- popu
lar vote recently. Mr. Morton: le,
and there nii(ht be. a change in the
popular vote in the Senalor'a (Stnlo
(Delaware) aoorTf Mr. Bayard-'Vea,
sir; but if my people express them
selves spninsl me at tie ballot box. 1
will not come bore to ask the .Senate
to revolutionize my country. (Ap
plause.) ,
(ioiNU roa ''Bai." Tho Now York
Sun any : io the people realize the
bcinousnf of the crimes charged
against Orvillo K. Babcock? This
man, the military secretary and bosom
Iriend of the Provident of llie United
.States, is nndur indictment for conspir
ing with mull, sinew eonvicti'd as thioves,
to rob the people of the Unitod .Statu.
It is charged against him that from
Iho White House itself he eiigihwr.'d
a giguiitiu systoin uf puhlio plunder,
and duvuaxl 4iiethods tocnul'le Iho cor
nipt ofllrials, associated with hiin iu
the conspiracy, to use their place of
trust lor pur'HMf oi roooory. iercr
in the history of the country ha a per
son ao near to tho President, and to
actively sustained by him in all his
nmlertakings, been luiuted with to in
famous a charge. . . . ,
Hound Ativn t. At tho last moiling
of the State Orange of Pennsylvania,
resolutions were passed denying any
interference in polities, but declaring
that all bunking should he made uni
form und free ; that no other note be
used as a currency except such as shall
he irsucd by the government of the
United Slilu, fhe fin'h of the whole
nation should tie pledged fof the securi
ty of gold, lo redeem circulation, is
only in the honesty of the custodian,
and that the security ol the greenback,
or national currency, is the entire pmp
orty of tho country. Thoy further
Hoclare that tho nationitl banking sys
tem is a monopoly, costing the people,
unnuCKssarily many million of dollars
annually, and shoujd be abolished,
Tin UoaAL Jda"'artv. Tho Phil
adelphia yVest says; l;ven the pure,
air of Colorado will not eoncliisivoly
stop tho dunger. of ilia lcipUllon of
"OitsiKoir whisky, itway oulii I'uuuio
they have tjiscoveniil a little ring
illiu't rcluriis, guilty olfluliils, and every
thing neoiswury to a tlit-cls tjiatm
of iiivettlgallon. Colorado Is an enter,
prising little Commonwealth and de
termined to keep fully abreast with
the times, oven if her sensation for ft
tlino aril In I niiilipturo, fc
Grant doeaecen'thiiig that llahcock
ask him io do. ' ftuU'ock asked for a
court of inquiry and' Grant ordered It;
Huhcock uojioij (hat the onior be ro
vokei), tfid iru)it'i;ovokod It. tjfi)nt
removed ' If endcrso'n : sid j' muy )
astipoil that also wat done be
cau.a Uhuik munifi & lPe i I' dld
not an it hi in to li )rosucutp bv fb
man wbo bt lrr.ily convicted hi.
Thre nomination for President
have lately mado. I.' Bos. Grant by
Bishop llaven, on the Anti-Catholic
nluHiVn: j(. Ceorgo f, rendlton,
hy gen, garlrejl, at Atluiila, pliltnrin
nut laid duwnf JJ- Johp tj. llinrnVr
snn,byCarloiii,on llio Aiitl-Wliit-I
louse ring platform. Mcunllmo Ham
Howies keep flying the banner ol
iJharN Krancj A'lam" th Pu
nctual candidate, ' , ., ,
tioorge Thomas, for malioloulv ob
structing the Allegheny Valley railroad
and breaking a.witoh light at Oil City,
un (lis plllt of tho 10th ofMovemher,
ha 'bwcu ten)h0c4ta fi)i Jfrtrd m
the Western piiiteri.'!jry'..- ' " . '
H'hil oak timjier raanot be are.
cured br ingitfd ouaeinl qnaMt
tikssnd 4ineUMoi. inlje.d, ta iprtk
Carutiua ftiid Tnqs r awtg M
sorted ta Black wafntrt la abM la sjo
mund for the some quarter.
WHO IS Jc)J .V.I .).'
Tbo JJew Yuik Tiilmht yives the
following nccoai.t of McDonal.l. who
smurvd ike vi liiui.l 'luring
lUe war hum I.m until Ins coiivk iiou as
a w hisky ling rulibcr, uiuUiluined In-
tiiusU rvlulK.ns with I no sea noil of
Ibu ttl.iu lluuau. llievuuiiin wails
iiiiputivutly lu tva whetbur the vbivl'l
vxuculivu will not only clear but ajstrts
of iiilhiny, but will, like 'filJeu and
U'Coiiiiur, pursue publiu plunderers
Willi vuriieatuess. 'J im '1'ribune states
. McDuiiuM, a steaiiilioul runner utlSl.
Louis prior lo Hie wur, lievumu closely
vniiiuH;U'd witli' General Grunl while
die. lullur w us voiniiiaudiiig uriuies in
tliu cotton region, uml hus I'een uu ill
tlmatu Irieml ever since, lie iiiade
some money iui-uitoii ojK'ralions, and
utter lliu war wax on lamiliur teiins
with men who were accused of whisky
lillilils ill the lillicol I'll i Jelit JmIiiisuii.
As HM.u as Grain uim inaugurated Muj
louuld upplie j ..r the sMitiuii of isu-ptrviHO-ol'
1 11 1 vl'l ll I Ue'lllle. lllld. Hot-
witlisiuuilitig i.t united and curin'ttj
jjmk tlll. l.m.l.lal,vw ,
U,i ,, 1 ,,.,;,
j Mi,',,,,, ., JumHfl) , h
j,,, . .,, ,Jo ,m(J
oisisition ot Snul.irs SeliuiT u.
lukeii no pan in polit,-s. is a man ot
geniul iiiaiiiiers, and had neilln-r Kilil
ieal mir personal eiicmi.-s, and the o)
positiou to his appointment arose
wholly from a feeling that lie was not
a proper man lor a position so peculi
arly reKinsiblp, in which the tempta
tion Is sii cxiisiNiit and strong. But
tho President appointed him, and bus
since tiitlained litm with singular ten-
III nnil u....nH.,.t.. .ul.l. aLuJnin
wtlndum.0i vt 0i Iraud in that
district were made sometimes thr igh
k, ch,rM., in(l MteB nrublhed
tMw.,nK. Tito Tammanv fraud, in
ll.u ..i...
wore not more notorious, nor
nwr gcnerallv helicved tn exist prior
fn their formal i-xposure. than wrre
the whisk' Irand in "t, I.oms lor
yearn, let tlie Presnlent nut only
tnntod sll nociisiitlons with rniitcmpt.
gAvci Mcfoiinll aiidicnoe at Washing-
Ion, while high digmlurics wailod, nsle
with him on Pennsylvania avenue, and
appeared with him out hp most public
occusions in St. Louis, but allowed him
to exercise a very unusual influence,
as transferring supervisor to olhor
districts, were promptly rebuked by
the President, uion McDonald' per
sonal application. Krcn after the full
exposure of tho frauds Inst spring, the
President evidently believed McDon
ald innocent, for ho allowed him to re
sign, and continued to -receive him on
terms of personal friendship until after
his indictment. -
Tbey were husband and wife, and
a tbey stood before the Soldiers' Mon
ument shenksed : "What's that figger
on top "I hats a goddess, be an
swered. "And what's a goddess?" "A
woman who holds her longuo,1' be re
plied. Shu looked sideways at him
and began planning to make peach
pie with the pita in it for the benefit
of bis sore tooth. Detroit free JWu.
A Conpliiiknt. The Washington
correspondent of the Cincinnati Enquir-
myt. j0,n tj. Thompson is the
;Mnixnbest, sweetest, happiest man I
ever saw. 1 he compliment paid mm
in hi nnanimou .election for the posi
tion of Hcrirrsnt-at-Arms ha caused
him to glisten like a now buggy top.
Family A rr Alas. 1 1 ad (j cneral Bab-
cork been arruslod as he should have
)eB wnie he was in Chirairo the duty
r nmlin,- th irnsi wnnld hiv Hil
T0ve, ,it father-in-law, Mr.
Cempbvll, who is the United State
marshal for tbo Northern district of
The State Senate of West Virginia
i tilting a a high court or impeach
ment, with Chief Justice Hammond
as presiding officer, for the trial of State
treasurer Iturdoll and Auditor Hon
licit, charged with high Crimea and
misdemeanors. There are thirty-nine
cnargra against tne arcusod.
It EAl.rar.-W bile the Republican vote
la Iowa this year did not come up to
that vast for Grant in 1872 by come
8,000, the Democratic vote is by 10,
720 heavier than any previously polled
against the Republican ticket.
A Western exchango think, it very
wrong to speak of Grant as the "grand
high Baboockoforum of the Ht Louis
whisky ring."
( tba atl baaatifal work of tba klaa la tba
anrld. It oaaUtai aaarlr li pagav, huatlrodi of
Ana tlleKratieai, and fnrnr Ckrwm Pint mf
r'airtra, nraatirallr drawa aal oatarad froaa
aaiara. Prtoa li oanla la pa par aarart j 4& Mata
bo an 4 In a1aai ataib.
Vtrk'i Flaral CiaMa, Quart.rlr, JS aaau a
AaMrrat, JAMK9 VU'K. RoehraUr, N. f.
ThU ii a Uaatffal Qaartarljr Joaraal, Inalt
lllaatratad, aad aoataiaisg aa alrfaat aolored
Praaiiaptaot wllh tba Irat aaaibar. friea aalf
tlatnU for tbo yf. Tba Irat No. for isrijaat
3tio4. left Plawvr 4j Vantabla
.arata aonta j whb ato'i oovar aa aanta.
AtMrati, JAMftt VKK, Hoebwtor, N. V.
sro tbo Ut Iho vorlt Brodsiwo. Tboy sro plo.
tt bji s silllinn piwplo Is Aao'loo, n4 tbo N.slt
ll busllnil rioi on .pi. ..II I V'rf .UI,1... A
tloo.1 OoUIin ml fio. lo oM W laolooo Iks
pol. o I oool tionp. -Vkk
f lrsl UaM. C;rl.rtT, ii oosti a
Vlrt's riowor A VMtkl Gsraoa, tl
00u : wit f hit oovoro SI fi.U.
ASr.... JAMKS VICK. HocSMtor, N. Y.
AH aaraaai ara hrabjr eaaliaaad afalait
R art Hating ar la aa war aioildliaf wiik tba fol
iwl prauartr, aaa lb Ika aoitaaaiab af Jataaa
Klidbaa. ai 0baat1aWa.p, vli : I awva. I bad.
b aaa, I jraaritnf1 btaok boraa, I raa haraa, t
at harnaaa, J oarriaga, 4 laa buraa ana, 1 bar
raw, t tlabr tod, ihtaraat la apar atad, I taat
of bar, 1 laaa ftraar, 4 baa. aaia, ta aaa. baefc
Sliaat, f -Tti t twialoaa, lataraat la
iraibiaf taavbiaf, gua, I pig. I tai bay, aa
tba aaata t-loaft ta aaa, an 9 la lart aha bia. aa
iaaa oal,nb)M ta " ardar at an tlafta. 1
Waalatar, Ifaa. II, '7Mi 4. 4 J. aMVDIR
AH pataaaa ara aaaahv oawtioaad agalaat par.
thMiaaj ar la aai a aaaadling altb tba fallw
lag ptoporta. aaa la tba poaaaattoa af Jaaapb
Kilo aaa, af Cboattaaaaata, rut 1 aaaraa, 1 tvtl.
I taw, 4 tbaap, I pig, 14 baahali po'ataaa, 4
bkli aati, fa baaaala baekaaaat, 1 pkr, I
ilalgb, I aat Wga baraaaa, I lag alad, k InUraM
la ibnibmf anebiaa, i aaaai. a toaa aaa, if
tMPl atraa I
adt b I ran a, ,, t baa I A
dofeg, I a, I aat abala aa tb aaaa baiubga
at abaia, aa aalka baitibgi l
m, aad w loft altb bia oa taaa aly, tnhjaat t
. A J. S
It ' ' . '
All aaraaaa ara arbf aatlana raalaat
C abating ar la aa vajr aMddMng a. lb
taibialaf praaartr, ao iba aa
aaaalaa af latar Hiovtl, af Daaataff towaaalp , fit t
ltttatf flacatalta'a taotf, I avak I
parlor .Wra, a Wl. bo! -Wra4. I
tablai, aad It aaatra, ao tba aaaaa aotanrr ta aaa.
Md b) taf atf)t aa taaa aaty, aabaoi ta atr
ynMrpjia. iaa, 19, ia(t-ars .
M skMitM for Dim
DliMtwo of Ik Cowlf
( I . l CloorAoM. mUl bo ftsl
SuklM Btmm. I ClosiM. ft
U f.l.WUibi.rf (IMtllaW
ek S.I.
Cot. It, IMI-H
Who Mid that you would like
reopl. wear, rather than tn. WHOItsaH goods com
' monly told 7 Thi. will tell you how to do It
You Can Save Enough
ta fcuylaf ftult t Osfe Hsll
from anywl.r thi. Cvufity ! th City of Ptiiladclphta,
Mtd hv ti &y f iht-Mlnf btaidat. wanamakar at
Brswat autaal by thta Staumaot, ao4 ao will
you altar oaa trial.
CKiracltr al
Far Ha A taya.
Tbt rarrv
caa W rrUd
1 11 " " 1 !! k4VMi'. but cortfinti ourMlvaa
iwtftil. Wt bear no ill-will l any om, and tun ihU oni bacauM ftoaaa
4elcr tell poor foods i coating bom our hour. 1 o eaca of our cuatetm.
trt wc an mpomibic (or Article boui;it of u. By our lan of Ttckotlna;
tba right wut of Iba naurula on cut gooda, at ont can U aiutod at to
- I "-wtlr j
Waaaaukar A tawa
X Id titv
alao, that tht money will f paid hack
wiattca, tor any raaaoa, io ratuni tna
whara IM Start W.
a Unit wnere
PhuadaiMia. It M a larae bunding. tfi
oa the South-eat comer of SI XTH
8IX1H-&1X IH and Market SuwcN
T E actKi
' anil
t ttH CN.
ta the ttaraat Co. aa rautpt at gaoda. and th pri Ug of eaaanmtng them
U aiutwed efora parng whc gnrxia Ao not pleaac, t will rttura laa
laaacy aaa pay ta aaprcaaagr back to
na iWUnmu a m tur turn
aVaaa arr.
iCV aad at tk ksV
Km ktmUktfr$ aa m tr
if pi di'frtisfmfuts.
fjACrrox '!
AU mont rr hr;(jj eautlmiait afilnat ! y vtrfu nf lundnr H( of titri!nt if .
parcbuing ur lu ftuy way nHdlU'e With tuel out of the Oourt of Co manna Plaar or Cluar-
ba fMll-wfnf fircparly, no tn the not- , l, an1 to ats dfrcMa.1, ihnra will br
.anion of ti. D. Sharer, of Fwrgoaon townhin, j. atl to' aaMtn allt, at th Court 11 mac. ig he
tin I Jt'knnf oxaa, 1 twa-yoar old heitTar. I , biirimgli of Cl?rfjeilt oa M'inlty, tht I iff aa dT
yaarl ng ttear. 2 'print; eatvai. I hoga, 1 pig. nt ; of Jan a try, IST6, at 1 oVloh p. a.; tbt f-i-wf
b'yend aomfoddar, I cook atrc, I -ink, i t loamg dcaenboj real tUt, tn wit ; v
pair b,d.f.adit. ai tba a. me belotig. to ta. aad ! t A tB, il(lr,.. of R. j, Mtia lirj ng one
laf. wnh htm aa loa. only, h,ewt ta mw r at j Mt ln in ln fl,i,wjt,c p . . A5,t u
"L t. ENOCH 8TRAH. I lh. e.m ,f TroaU ille, Brady lo-n.Wip. Clear.
Lilt of Jarart irsvs for Jssssrf Tsra, A.
0. 1S7., eoBB.loc s ts ooojo I MoU5,
(10tb ssj oisuiS( two vtok.i
Jot. BKsw, Clorl.l4
Wsi. Kudebsufli, -
J. J. RoyaVr, Cbatt
C. Q. H- alta, V aatur
J. C. Farruaon, Kar'a ia
J. C. Km lib, U ..ri-n
B. 0. Aihnwaurer.tlr'h'ot
J. S. M"Kicrnan, Oilih
Jno. fsltoa, Cur'.rlllo
Jooob llils.r,
. A. Umniilioli, Owoils
Pbilip bulU, fioocarto
Job. r Ln,
Hall Chsi. fUbtkar, lluitoa
niuatalCoarad Baker. Kent
Hngst! H. Mrkia, Laarri-e
Bra lturd laaiab Hneok
Jobn I levy,
E. II. Knnl,
D. Stowort.
J. L. Kuntt,
1. A.
Brad; J.J. Ho'trar, Murr'n
Buroaiia Z. Bartnaura, Fika I V
ft. By ft, Bnr-a4riaiPrtd. Shaw. (laabra
A. B. Waahhara, Buji
A O-l raw Siaral, itah
R. A. Hull, BraiKord
Walter Sblray. '
Jbb Htar-bart,
tl. vV. llaiatael, -
II. Q. Wiltnn,
llarrltoa DHair. H
J. KMtW, tlroenwnid
Jaeb Uiotfr, Uullfb
Jack ton Mr trt, llu.too
A. 1.. llijkook, Kaux
A. H. alooro, Laaraun
Rib't Lawbea'l. "
Loaader It naiQg, "
Andraa Warta, L City
Jai. L. La rat. Xlorm
Cbriat. Ptatlh, Brady
Hoary (.inter
Jaa. Moora, liar ait la
Tboa- MiU-hall. "
m. M-Klaaia, jr.,
J. R MrKra, Cbeat
Joaattiaa Fry,
Ju. Hugar, C tvingtoa
Woi. Hall, ClfariirlJ,
SilaaCaray, "
Harry Roa, "
A. Ouifltbnrg
U. F. NatigU, -Afcit'r
Wai. T. Wllar, "
Jn. I. Millar, Naabarg
II. C. Park, vKMjIa
HtohtH Uoai,
Tho.. Uivon, I'lktt
itau. J. rihartart,
W. K. Hendarfon,
Janaa Li lirk, '
Klifba UarU, Poaa
P. Brauaiagart UlrardJoha Wrlty,
w aa. T Wilaoa, tJoban'll. If. Bally
H. F. Plegal, ill. Kapbart. Woodward
axco"D wean raiaa moxdav, I7ra
H. B. Wright, Barearlal
liaora-a Pargaaoa, Ball I
tl. P. Kl.-ow, Blooas
Larl Bwaarbosif, Buggt
Waa. Mel'larraa. Brady,
Haary Kaarr, tr., I
P. 8(rDk:, Car'taillr
A.J. Ulagnw, Oaliab
W. B. Wfeite-idet,
(aaao Blooaa, . Jnrdan
Jaa. Krfard, Ka.i
Jarad B 1 001,
Jacob Barga, Laaaaae.
Kphra ai thaw, M
saai l . Mott, Baratiia
Joba Sfbrlog. "
laaaa tl. Lea, -
Zaeb. Ogda,
Jacab Nrf, Cbaat Haary Ualteh, -
Aaatin Carry, " David tiraT, "
Marioa Carry, Aaron Kylcr, ftWrli
AITrod rtlrraaa, w A . iAUgbrrty,
T. A. Flwk, ClaarfldlS-nJ. Chanoo,
Wai. Morgaa. j.l. p. Hartman, 0'cil
A. B Hh .w, Ali'ai SnyUr, 1'ik.
Al. M hua, M 'Wta. L. Bluo. "
H. K, Araul.1. Car'avlllal J. Hendtraoa, WooJw'd
N-lir-e ir hrirbt gitea tbat tbo followinc aa
eoanta have Utm txaaiined and paaard br aae.anii
rv at a 1 o tlir-d or rrcora in thia ofrioo for tba in
apotlion nf beire, Irgatora, ereditora, and all olhr
iatrt.til, and will be nrrteatod to the ant Or
pbana' Co art ot Clearleld county, 10 ba held at th
Coart lloaw, ia the boroagb of Clarfielil, ruia
taeaing oa the M Mnadar (Wine the lAih div
afJauuary, A. D. II7A:
Partial aacoaal of J. F. Oawatt, A ltaiuitratr a
tbe ea ale of Jacob Yuas Uu af Uradytuaa
bip, ClearBald aoaaty. Pa., deooated.
Baoaad partial amiuuatof Jea)e llarty, earrit
tag Kieeatur of tbo letl wiU aad leaUaieat u
Bottart B. Hegarty, lata or Gulieh townihip
Clearfleld aoaaty, Pa., daoaaaad.
Partial awoaat of Kli.i.h Atfaenf.lter. AJaini
tratar of tba aetata af Puter At bait toller, lata o
Brady towathip, Oloaraeld aaaaty, Pa., dej'd
Partial aaoaaat of Rebotwa J. bat, Adtamiatra
trii af tb aitaie of Wtiiiata Ula. lata r U
raoa town. bip, Claartald avaaty, Pa., daa'd
Aooount af John IT. W rig ley, Adailatatratur a
tb aetata of Jamee Kaatoa, laU of CloarleU
aoraogb, ClaardaJd iaty. Pa , dooM.
Final aocwuat of Juba C. C taner, A'iiaiabtrat t
af the aetata af Pater M. Staitb, lata of B.I
tawnthip, Clear bald eonaty, Pt , doe '
Oaardiaa aoeoaat of Jaaaei ll. Turaei 4 ir li ta
ar a. rally tlaaaal and Aamlta S-mn.1, ui.fretiii
droa of UfKirge U. taieaJ, Ula of Ura lfirt
tawaibfp, Clearfield eountr, Pa., dee d.
Fiaal aooount af Joba a. MeKkraaa, tlatrdiat
af Jaa Uandereoa.
partial aoouani of tUtae, Oaardiaa H Um
Partial amount of Sana, Guardian ur fuaa Um
dertoa ,
Partial atroaal of Sent, Oaardiaa of Haatut
Uao tleraoa.
L.J Mono AN.
DwetnUr li U KegiaterA R -CjrJ r.
SheriiTs Sale.
BY rlrta af writ af Lttmrt Fmrint. Itaa
oat of the Ooart af Cemato Piaae of Clear
laid aouatv. aad ta at dlreted, tbra will h
aipoaod ta PCBLIO ft AH. at th Coart How
ta tb aornagb af Claaraatd; aa M lay, tb
IDtb day of Jaaatry, lJt), at 1 a'eloth,'p ta
the folio log daaenbad raal caUta, to wit;
A aertaia t airy fraia dwelling bisite
a be at aightaon feat fraqt by ivrty foot U dvl
Wgether milk lot aod rartelai(e app trtanaqt tharr
to, attuat ta lb villaga af Hiiab4rger. Brd
lawaabtp, Ulearleld eoanty, Pa., being part a
lot kanaa ta lb general plot af aaid eiluge a
Na. 8a envl I boanJed an I deter I had a lellowa
Beginning at a a-tet aa U tia a treat, tbaaee by l
No. 19 one band red aad eighty- feet lu a pt a
Oraag alley, tbeaa by aaii Atler twa itr tfrt t
a pott, theaoa by reelJaa af lot No. M one hu-i
drad and tghty feet to a ptt by en tia itreal
tbono by aaata ttree ta pit af aaginalag.
hoited, taken In enefutloa, aai ta ba awld at tb
projierty . , 4. MeUaary.
Alan, all thtt eertala bail ling wllh 1st aa ,
art flag anfmrUnant t beret, eltutt in th her '
oagh f vVelluoetn. Clearfield ooaaty, Pea a a
havwa aa tlie tailed Brelhrea Cuareb. aod oU.
a frante forty by 4fiy feat la ana aad aigbtrai 1
feat la height. e td, ukaa la eawattoa aad t- ,
n ld a tb pranerty f the Carg4tioa af tae :
United Urib raa Cbarah at Walawroa, ewaer j
and Kd. U 'biaoa, U ! Tutnr, C. U. Uaibrte I
d H. A- bhtinoiel, Tra-teet aad aaatrant'ira.
Aleo, aeerUia tao ft ry plank hoaee, 24 b t 1
feef i alte, With bteaei at err aadaraaatb, U
gatbar with out and eartabta appuetanaat I (vara
lo, ai lit ia lb tillage al blading. Wuodart
tawnthip, oa lot fc'. Sit, fronitag aa Coal it re
it fori and raniiaf bewk UI leai ta aiuo alley
aad btiandd aaat hy lot at Ktiaaaata, H.aiU..
aeiaod, Ukaa ta iati., aad t hU a tb '
prainy of U. W. BaaeaL j
Alan, aoerfala twatari fraaaedwelliaffhtae !
wllh Int an 4 cnrtelaga af parteaaat tboroiis aita !
in the aoraugb a Wailarotva. Clerll
oaety, tea., atiuata aa lb north tda af tlrnhaa.
atraet and kanva aa lot J$. Ti, having a wi Hi
f lghtn foot and a depth of thirty feet, del
aaq, mart in tariioa, aai to a atm a tn
prtipfrty f I. I) lughtwtttt-
Alee, aoartaia taa-atarr fraate dwelling boa
aith lt and flurtaUg i'iartoat thirat, it
at in I' lea li me, tjlarlild oouaty, Pa.t aai
hoaaa hing tl ay II feat 1 bit anby Ifta
teat, frnaUng oa Mala atreataad raaaiagbaeh t
tba ln Hoax aad Aaaaaf ilia tarapiha. aeuod,
ukaa In aioata,aad a aa bald M taaaaeperty
Tanai p 8Lt.-Tha pr ar taat M wbiah
th pmperte rhall ha atraal of aaat ha paid at
aha llaf cf tael tbr rTaee,et
aaata imHI h hprad-,atbMAerapf-
ir win a iaaataiy aat aa aaM ta afaU m
iba e a pen aw aod rtek af iha awr wheat at
waa atraab aaT, aad wb. ba aaaa af Aaaaaaaa at
aaah ra aaaa. bH aaah
H aaah aaaa) aha ewaaw, aaa
aa latiaaea will
ihw ieM ewrtawaia la
aat aoabaaaiaatt aea Uta taiaey it ntlniij
MMie ahartf W. t. Met ,
Milan llWM. I
to get luch Clothing tl City
af what we trti a auaufacturt our
vxnt of theai in our own building.
arewell cut.acwod atvlfiniHd. Thry
uvoa. Siokprrt out of lM city
uft when thev lav thV tell OUT foods.
in plain fijurr and yiViyf. THa
i pner la aMjuaiautncM ana MrangcrM
City pconl and country poi4 aun
advaatagos. Vnn eaci artkia aokl, a i,mrmmt
la givva, ttut ! l'nra it aa luw aa it can be bought
lavsrhfM url that tbo auaJiiy it u rrurrMnicd:
fn full, II purchaarr within 10 day
gooua, unworn.
ImportarH iftdeed.ber-ainw.unprtMiptod
1pAfiM riavina atom la l'luu-ieii'ina, etui
ttrtit our nftru, rrd( advcrtiftcmrnu, and
op airangtn on the atrrri, wrfA aW dttntiomt
tn tlvvr la, tn mat mry may ten in ir
Ihcre but one tiak mil ta
tin f'ur
Nrtetra nf anaterlil and priora by
iim fottied. Ftrtont usn have
anadeiMt aooda tent bv Eitmc. by tend
ing their pteaaure i we Itirniah eaty direction! that
any aae can taeaanra by,) and deaenbing rnr
wanted, and price desired PayaMtrt oar ba aaada
ta Philmttlrrhlai
( Suildinf tmi ir tkt aWr
tn tkt JtntltHnf mi Htr in
9pt(al di'fittstmftits.
' Sheriff's 'Sale.
Iowa : Frinito nfjr ft oa fuiimlawa.r and
titior4hurg r.iai, two bundroi an I aib'afn
fMt d.s-p to a 'ae ar. bitin-l.l o-i ht a rtb
h Ut. itiboaW, lou N.i.'a 1.1 an I 14. aotjtb bj
n i w Jacob Kiinti, 9r , lot No. 1ft, hiving i-rrfted
tliraa a two-ltury frataa bnaad, a f m t wll of
aaftir, an-1 o'hr aao-inrjr oulbuiMia.. bj po
at'.l-. aitol, l-tk-B la eeut,D, aa J Vt ba
I I a tlfi prnprrtf of R J. aMitlen try,
A'-'i, tb - f .llyatng real aUt or lltYcndant,
aiiuita In iho b imu1i of Uarnrida, una lot of
gftniB'l biii No. 1 1 at piT aat 4 plan of aili
hurouh, trviiijf " It'tO frft, wttH a twa-atorjr
fritmn tiri' b'tt3, la lv 24 loot, wi'h wtv routa
a'la'.'he-l, t .an Iftl fill.), ria ; 0 1 ih otat hy
II Pairluo. n ihn wt br main at rent, n-irta by
11. Pa ten 10, aiuta br bt of -auuet Itwl. M.
I, la In tor ittiia. aoi to ba u 1 at tba
offLt f Dtrirl .al ihlft-f .
t'en, tho fallowing de;rti I r-l tin ituf
ia Iho elllaf" nt H'tiaSe-gfT, Ct.i4rftf!i rx.untr,
P., vli t Tti.t rrrtata lot uf gru-nd tmating
ett un an tin at root, htande.l 0.1 tin a ir'h br
C. i.. ton alter." t i U-at by Slin- r ailcr, .a th
nmtt h I'.l N.i. Il l, tieiof 110 Iret 1 .at liy 19
fMt drrii, and hiring tht-r.iQ a gn , twi-tf'irr
frame h IA bjr il fort, with e l alfarhrd 18
bv IA ftH-t, Aiiso a atabla aWit IA ti 39 ftt,
at d a g 10 1 fl iwing pump un the pretniaea, bVt
tc I, tken in eteojti .a, aai 10 f aid lb
,ir-ip riy nf J irtn Htod.
Ai'. ti I'ollne-iug rel rtttc if JinS Hawk,
Mttiato in 11 11 tnhip, 0.in1. ii c i 17, Pa.,
M0i4uin Wot f,,rty fmf ?-ca, with flTte
rre; rlr"1, an I having a -ia til plank hurm.
In sti.hlp. and 'ilhiT ur:itjili ni; thijrfiin.boand
.il an I dtf ri'Ht I ai foilowi : Uu the bv landt
if A. Nifhidrmi", Writ hy Jupkanti Hetaler,
ma il by Wo lm anj n irtft Uy J,tini M.-Dee.
irc 1. ta.t'n in rfuiiju, aul tt bi till aa the
jiripTiy of Jench llK.
Alan, nae tnwn lot tiiuate in tbit birojjb of
H ata lale.tiid 1 it heine, K l in of aald
borough, and hang nrvied tharoi a tan-itury
frame dwelling houte, Hoitn Iri rt tv lleorg
trut, we-t It Maple alley, anrtb by Kliia atrect
ind eua'h by lt of Wat. I'arher. niael, uka
a aiartil tia, and ijbeenM ai tbo property ui
laaea Halry.
Alan, tho luiloainr, real eeMte altntt' la New
Wa'hiartnt t'leirftel I eaaaty. Pa , via : I, it 6
iy JOtt lart, with Urg-1 v i-ttnrr L h iu., amU
Uble ant itlbcr outbaildisga boa 1 led oart by
'ol of Kid lie 'a eslalA watt by toemhiji rad and
Wai Ub atfy.a ih by alley and n rih by atua
atreat. Heitel, taken In Jtcgti in, anj ta ba
told aa the proftorty af Ypo. Heiiall.
Al o, arertam lot In New W4'bt irti:i, Clear
field county, la., haing 69 by fill fi-ot, with
tao etory fratao hiu-. twa-alory frn tadJIer
hop, and other oulhuil llaga, b inn lvd rmrt by
tiler, wrt by nam atreet, aoath br J. K. M
Marray, anl north hy Heeetaaa. KetrH. taken
m eierfltinn, and ta It ld a th rperiy 1
A'm. W. B.rolar aai Tbaita Pa it tit.
Alte, a errtam town lol aitaat" In the bnmuzb
if New VYaRhingt'ta, Clirfietl enanty, P,,
iunmld ra tb ett by lot of 0. IV, liit, oa
he arott by aa allef, oa tbe atntk br wtta atreet
tnd north by an alter. bei A3 iy IDii iet aai
having a larga two-tnry frame hette w ib hitb
a attached, a ntll eteS and other qj miiliingt
fbifeoa Kaia-d, Uhna in ex entii i, aa 1 t be
uld at th pr.ipMT of J iha M bTy
Alri. a enrlaia tract af la I ettaate ia l.looa
t iwa-hip Clearfield einty,P en'aini:,j; about
eigliiy arr, and hounded en I d;riKl f fl
ow; en th north bv lot of Jai Hi Iff. ea't
ty Ian It of Millitn, wait by Inn I v i.-n Kl
tager, nndawuth Uf Kne tnmpik Abut itxty
terea af the li I ia el. red and th? Kalir In
eaodlen I, having ereotd ther n Ifif fraaa
loot, log hern aad oiher nwe-arT o.itbttitdtag
tnd a g'od young orchard. Thia pnpery ia on
if the brat lo tationa la the oouny fir a ennntry
iot.?l. 8iid, taken ia execution, and lobe told
1 tha property of lion. A. b'iiD.
Alto, ail Defendants interval in al! that pertain
'reel ol land ettuat la Karlbtat tiwnafiii,Clear.
iel-1 auunty, P4., bnde t j fultue 1 U ginning
a beeoh oak aa If ft baak of iatj 'u-'janna rirr
tt corner of Und (rn rly d 1 d 1. A. Kart
ia, thepr lodn taid nv-W rit thi aav,rl emir-
hereof. J.l I perokii tn a t)iU l ; then d r
aorlh IVJ perrhea IB a pott; thnnct d'te wcai l-0
tereb'a to abiek r 1 thrno due n nh is pare iet
' plaee of Uigwlntn. e mlaiatn ,t aroa and tt
parcbea, r ttTvitt;, p..wrrer. at till tract &
terea, more or If t. Bold to V. ti H.iitkr.
Alto, all def'tiiliut' rihl aa I It"' lo all that
tarUta ether tract of land altnato fn iif tl In the
atantiea ft'learlield and Lvoobjh. noar in Ktrt
taut tonnihip, Clrneld emt'r, t'l., buundrd
a I'oIImw ; U"giao'n at a boml-'t 01 VVeat
Ir4tt-h of S'i-ittili taut rive,i.'ii.iia 3J i p -raiiea
y the Oxnree t eatd river telu a ptt jrner,
i-iing tha timtha.'tt corner of i:eti( No 3461;
! tba aai I hoinliwk d an the tat I river br ibr
ereral otirtot thenaf JttH p-ivhi' t a axtrt
rnr on hnk of th rlvci t thtfnu nunh
ill dfgttet went II par 'hat ta p d ; tii-ni'- n ir'.h
1 1 dfgrtwt eit at l'lperohea to tt(1e;orar ; toea
h ii.egria aat II porehea In Idr-h e-waer
n bana of tlie riref thn d'wa l'ie ri r by
n Peroral eourtet therenf 41 ir,-iil to white
k : thjnce a tk H aerobe lu a iot j
aeneeeiMth t'M lerch-t in a put; tltn wett
I prtit tn white pin; tltnra I 'i Ittl per--be.
1 1 a atone eirnr thn te aoirh sJS lereel
it 41 per.he te a ht nl nk an I l t u T Imjii.
i n(. (inuln og til a.ri an ) I If t r h i, nna)
II p irr ot p no lliu nt, i t ail I Hi I. I, Cfl
teed Bona "ti," f iC- Sll), rrarvint TJ aeraa,
a ra or lrt. ao!d to Fran.t MeCie, with, eta.
Alrrt. ll th tt eert tin o'hr tAtn. h i I oa
he .ooih-e.l by MiebieU, anr'h he 1 Maine
n 1 I'riei'e eat tte. at and amiti by Un I 0 de
en Unl, rnotaining Hi aaree, more or te, with,
navKif eretd thria tw dwelling hoatas
ara, aad other aetieeatry aittbmldin g t aleo, a
rid ore it unl. and ptrt of fie l.tu I eleared.
itfd. taken in xciition and lo be eo d u lb
ruparty ol Kdward MctUrvey.
Alta, all ftrtain nfiiutf. Iensm"nt nnd
ftft f Unl, ailtiat ia Laareaee town
Mp, ClearlUtd conuty, Pa,, boun led nnd dn
ribed aa fol lor? a, ta wit i Degimiiag at ton
iy a black ok on (nwaah'p ri 1 : ihn e alettjf
11 rial by the htlowia cntraea an I vli.tnattet
ii : N irth 71 dfgrent weat lea penihef. acrth
111 d. gret wrtt HI 1-10 perch ty, north .H, legreel
real lu pom bee, north ftsj degiret wa.t 40 per
-hea 1 thrnoe arth degrewa weal It I pare bet,
tonh iwj dgree wett 3( pcrvhat, ninth I; de
feat wetl 20 rerha, north S7 gruiH vat H
ervhot 10 a whit oak 1 thea hy Mid of J. .
ttattb ath ll degraaa Wett 43 aerobe tn Wall
.ta then north 72 decree weat 21
r--hee to pnt( iheae eoath by ItaltefJoha
leyt 170 4 Iff perehn tn a poat j lhen.e by Und
U John Mithll talh 81, tegTat tt Ut 4 II
arr-bs to aione : iheni by oth- Uu It of Jaa. arth 4 d -greet t liti pcrahtt to a
et 1 thence aorth ti degree nl 2 prr bt to
a pie of begtnolng, p.inUlaiig 2lv arret and
13 perohe, aad rtlkwanee, being ptrt ol thete
argent tract of load, ont of theta arm eyed
t warrant la tha aaa af Jen ha ear,, prd
ranted hy the Cowcioa wealth f l aiir.jyliat.ia,
r patent grant-! oa ih Xih fiy of M ty, 1ifl7 1
.ft othr tract fateated to Jo, II. ihaa and
itfeeph Mi lea, Hte.ttor ta trmt, by panl dated)
:tofMy, lf,.t reird of Cloa: fli'ld oomt
yi aboat Ui aeraa of th lad eletrel, a4
inder a goad atai of aHiratin, and baftnfl
rated throo a taraa at oaa hen, a large
. bara, wagoa ha!, aad ather aeaeaaary
talldlngai ala having a lae hcariagorahard.
ieitaai, taken la aiaontloa and 1 bt told M tat
rronrlI tf Jaa MtiathoH
Taaaa op flaia. Thi prion or fan t ahiofc
h property ahall be air ok off aioat be paid at
n tuna 01 aala, ar a:3 fithof rraogeaaH
aad aa will aanppihr4,VaarUathprepr.T
ill b immodiately pal at aaej sail agata aA
thenpae aa riah af tha praa to a
4aa airaak off, aad wb, l aaaa of dateltor
tavh r ael, akall a eke gaael tha aaaaa, aad
taataaa will lb leaad aa araaaatad la Ooart W
wnlraiatiaa aalaof iha ajta7 U aaall fA h
bV Abend. W. U JUPeUi-iOld, '
Bniairrl Orma, - 1 narif