Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, December 15, 1875, Image 4

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    $arilorr, & Jwuvnr.
mA aaanif-atarari of
Tln.Copper A Sheet Iron M are,
. bMOod itrMl,
ll.vl.a Ucnlr laeraid OUT it oak Of Hard
war, w Trt th paWi to aiamla our itocdi
and prlwt.
Carpenter and peraeni wbi onntaiopUt boll J-
whloh li aaw and of th. but anufu.tum, nnd
will a. .old low for eah.
AH hlada of Banoh Plana.. Bawl, Cblioli. Sqnoraa
Homtnera, Hatchet.. Plumb, nnd L.T.I.,
Morttltd A Thumb Quag... Bflr.ll,
Braooa A Bltta, Wood and Iron
Bonoh Borowa, und tb.
Boring Mnehln. In tbo
Doable attd Single Bitt Axes,
Agtntt for Burnell't Iron Corn Shelter.
war ran tod.
Alio, afonta for Rloharda'
whloh ..otonllj our. Smoky Floor.
Fura.ra' Iinplamnntn und Gordon Toolr of ovtn
A Inrg. rurlaty of
which w warrant to glr iatUfactlon,
Portable Mlangrt and FnrnactB
.Roofinii, Spouting and Job Work dona 01,
tttiuont.hU term.. All ordra will roceiv nromp'
atlentica. Jub 11, 187.
HlllD W ARE,
Alio, Maaafaetaroraof
Tin and Sheet Iron Ware.
kind, for aolo by
for ulo hy
Haiti, oU., for Mil J
Finding!, for L by
For i.l. by
Bitoi, for ml. by
For fol. by
RAILS, for Ml. by
And bolt Honnfnetnr., for fol. by
BOXES, for l. by
Ironsides Store,
Prrrqoial. Btroot,
Pbillipiborg, Conlro Co, P.
H.M.T lt.
tnoi. K. MtmnAr-
crnct oonnon
. PRINCIPAL OFFICE. Clearfield, Pa.
DKAItCH OPFICE3 to dlffereat parU of tb.
Tbo Ml owl n jf, Old and RflUble Fire, Aoeident
B tck aad Life laiuraooo Cumpanlea repreiriitcd
Rtab. Amta.
18u9 Nnrtb Brltiih Meronntlla Fire
In OA.if KnUnd $26,bOO,0Oi
154 Saottlnhfliltomerulftl Kire (nt.
Co., of EngUnd IkoH) 10,000,000
littl North America r ire iBioraooo
Co., nf Pbtla li-iahitv. 4,700,000
1820 Fire AMofftNtlon Fir laioraneo
Oft. of Phi!pphia 1, 100. (HIP
IMS Pimnis fir- Im. C., N. Y ... S.200.A00
1817 Wt,'ert,,n Fir . Co., of M.
If., ia'ure form hull linaT only TOI.000
1 87 1 AiDttv-o Firo Inpitranoe Co . of
Cintnnnil 1,008,000
ISil Y if 8(ek laxurtn.) On., of
' I'puna luUflnirM. 4o 7,000
1874 llarM-ird cllcDt Innurenoe Co
ttt Cunnwntieut 100,000
1 S IT I'obb M'llual hi te lnuraaoo
Co.. uf l'onjlvn ft,0 00,000
1808 MntripnlitriD Ltle InauranoeCe
of N-w York f.aoo.noii
Tutal oipital 67,000,1)1111
PeMtia la ihe country drilling Imaraooe, ei-
bivo It pninptly at'xudicl to by e illing at th
oftoe or ad Ireouig na h lettnr. IflRUrao-1 ef-
feat ml at the lowrrU povalble rate, to be obutoeil
ta flnt iaa eniniani4ri. nt Vumpxmit rtpn
Tim ftfiure two lite lonurnne Co. 'a. rp ruinated
hf t. II. Murrav, hnv pttid not In 0H. bttipp
the ditmof Au( 1871 and Anjt- 1874, to th-
frpodi or liofiii pultoy buen Ib tbla euaaty,
tj uia f 2S.(Mi0.
Pmvl'lo fur tbo future hy lororinir yoor home
and ynar ivt) In ibe WmI llreoob (tiiiirtnof
AK-nay. M I' K K AY UDHUiix,
( (. treld, Maj 28, M76. Agnta
Cirnrliold, Peuu'n,
RrproMitl .11 lb. I.odli.g Ttr. tnanrnno
Coupaoio. of too oountry t
(iw .4ie,tM.r.M
Itoj.l ron.l..n . .iHHMHio
1I..O... Nr. York 0.7 '.!.
l.v. .mm,. X inc.. P. M HAH
Krii.klm, l'h.1.4'.-., I ".
Phiroil,, K.o Y .rk I.4M ma
llmoo, OI , O I.J '
All.., H.rlfuH MIA MI
l', Waaninifiiin Clu.ooi' .Ihioi . ttVehnitna on pmp.
vn ol any kind, .lioulil call o4 om nflloo, on
Mrk atrwl, up,iito iha t..oH Hooar, nod no
oor liat of C0ltti.oJilN and rata, ttariira lo.urlng
T. W. TlluS(edN.
Claorlold.Pa OaL 17, TJ I;
flarlnt UWa bit brother late aartaerebln, I
dealre lo have any old aotmnnt lteal . libera
1tr )rie amko tu ell who dnxw tbMli-M ir.
4iJ to me I- nat forward rmnw and aaulo lp,
a thai mm eaa tike a now departaro.
Cierd, July U, 'Ifc-it. K. m. CAR DON.
tfC u CO A ,f Teriaa free
tyt y ovv
U. ririaaon A Co , Port-
Jud, Mnloo.
Jiry floods, ttrortrltn, ftr.
I Am t wn that thr ar hbi paraosi HtU
hard, ta pie, and I ant alao awara that the
rfoiupUiut uf "bard tlin" ti wll otgb anlvrul
But 1 am to aHualed now that loan aatiafy lb.
former and prove ouelualvly that "bard tima"
will sot effect iboio who buy their goodafrontn.
and all ibj patroni aball h taUtatvd Into tbo a
rt of
T barf good enough lo lupply oil tbr lubabl
tant in tbo lower na of th oounty wbioh I l
4t eieeadtng low ratei from my wain moth itoro ti
WlLtQN,iUHO, where i cob alwaya bo fouat
roady to wait upon eallora and aupply tbon wltl
Dry Goods of all klnds
8anh ai Clotha, Hatlnetta, Caaalmer, Maallna,
Dilaln, Mna, llrtlltnga, t'aliootl,
Trlmminga, Ribboni, Loco,
Roadjr-Btado Clothing. Boot and Shoe. Hata ud
Can all uf tbo beat material and made to ordor-
Uom, Book, uiorea, Mitten i, iiia, ftiooona,..
Coffoo, Tea. Sugar, Blee, Holaaiei, Flab, 8a
Furk, Ltaeeod Vii, t lib Utl, Uarboo Ull.
Bard wire. QuMnawaro. Tinware, Caatinjra. Plow
aad flow Uaatloat Ptalla, Bpikea, uorn tBiura
tora, Cider Preitei, and all kiadi of Asm.
Parftunery, Patnta. Varnlib, OUii, and a ftnorat
Maortmoni oi otauonary,
Of different braada, alwaya on hand, and will bt
old at tbo loweat poaiibie nfurti.
J, H. MoClaln'a Modirlnea, Jayae'e Medlclnw
uoiuiwi ana uooiMia i tnuri,
600ft poandi of Wool wanted for which tbi
biffheat price will bo paid. Cloveraeed on bant
iud lor aalo at tbo loweat maritt prioa.
Alio, Agfnt for Strattonrille aad CurwonaTilli
fbrciuinf Maobinea.
uCall and aeo for yoarMlvea. Tot will lad
everytainf aaually kept inj. retail atoro.
rronchrlllo P. 0., Auguat 12,1874.
i. r. wbavibm
,...w. w. a a rr
Are offerlag, at the old stand of 0. L. Reed A Co
thtlr itoek of f oeda. ooatUtlof of
FLOUR, FEED, SALT, &o., &o.,
At Utt moat reaonabla ratoa for CAEQ or la
oiohaago for
Square Timber, Boards, Shingles,
JrrJF'Adra&oea audi lo thon ongaged la get
ting oat iqaar timber oa tho moat advantagota
tarma. pdtljaa71
crmvKNNVii.i-E, pa
(Sueoffaor to)
Arnold & Htrtshorn.
JOO.OOO SO-lnch trnaTcd Uhlnglra.
JO.OOO poanda oT Wool.
Part lea baring long Bhlnglaa or Wool for oith
ir) will do well to call oa mo. Tbo higbeat mar
tot prioe paid at all Umea.
Alto, a full and complete stock of
blob wilt ba .old at rooaonabt. prlora, or ol
fbongei for abingle. or wool.
Corwonavlll., May 5, 187S.
Down I Down II
Proclamation against High Prices
f'TTE an now opening op a lot of the boat aac
f raost eeawnibie uooie ana wares ovw
dered In tbla market, and at price that reninf
ine of tho good old daya of eheap tbingi. Tbots
who lack faitk opoa thia point, or deem our aUe
rtiona auperflaoua, need but
Corner Front and Market streets,
tVhero they ean mo. feel, bear aad know for the
elvoa. To fully andfritand what are eheap aood
thia uiuit be done. We do aft doom It noMiMr?
i enumerate and Hernia oar I took, it la aaougt
fr aa to auto mat
We have Everything that is Neodec
and ooneamed la tbla market, and at prlooa the
aUtniih both old andrntmr.
Dealer ta i
Tobaooo, Orooorles and Flub, Nalla, Hardware
tjaooniware ani iuenwero, Men s aad
Bojt' Clothing, Drug-, Paints,
Oil. Srhool Uooki,
a large lot of Patent Medioinet,
andica, Nata A DrUd Frulta, Cbeeeo and Crook
ra. Rook and Rifle Powder,
Floor, Grain and Poiaioeg,
Clorar and Timothy Seed,
4o) Leathir, Morooeoa, Llntnga, bindings an
Thread, Hhutinakeri' Xuula and
Shoe Findings.
No greater variety of gioda la any atoro In tb
ittnnty. All for ale very low fur eah or eonntr:
produce at the Cheap Corner. May I, IP71
Ha.e juat opened a
Stw hToki.on Unln St., CLkaartlLD, Pa
Intel occuplerlbj Wm. F. IRWIN
Their alork cnnalataol ' '
JQU1? 0 U CD CD a
OkociiTM of tb bed qunlltjr,
Queenbwarc, Roots and Slioen
ond erery nrtlol ooceaaarr for
n'i oomforl.
Cnll and v-tnmlne our Hock bfor pur
oliMln.l.ahre. Mar 9. lMo-lf.
TUKTlCtm' dk tOFHITABI.liai' PEG
tf Wa bar. printed n barffa naonbor lb. no
CKP. HILL, and will oa lb. raoolpl tl lw.on
miK, anil n w,r It nao oddrooa. mtU
WEBNtS-. AT MOINIlfO, EC. It, lltt.
Wo have recently rferid to tb dln-
graocftil expat of tbo 1'uot thut Hobort
C. Sch.ncU, AmerU n mininor to Eng
land, bad been tho recipient of 50,000
of tho itoclc of the Emmk mining com
pany guaranteed to pay him 18 per oout.
unknown to tbo other ntockbuldun.
Tbo following l tho full text of the
papera to the transaction :
London, Nov. 1. llnvlng thia liny
made and dulivcrod to T. W. Fark my
promiiwory note for 10,000. tbeconnld
eration for which in, that sum to bo paid
for 500 share in tho Emma ailvor min
ing company, and with tb ngreoment
that, if that number of share, of the
capital stock ihall not be allotted to me
or distributod by tbo board of director,
bo, the naid Tark, shall mako up to me
that number j now thon, further to se
cure to laid Park the an of 10,000 in
one year from tbi date, 1 homby agroo
to assign, and do assign to bim, with
power to demand transferor tho anme
on tho books of tho rompany,475 shares
of my raid stock after tho same is allot
ted or assigned to me, at the end of ono
year from tbi dato, or at any time
thereafter, and to apply tbe proceeds,
not exceeding the amount then duo on
said note, to tho payment thereof; and
in addition to this pledge of stock, and
as other security on said nolo, if requir
ed by said Park, I hereby agree to ex
ocuto and delivor to him, at any time
within one year, on demand, a mort
ago of my houso and tot in Washing
ton city, in the United States, at tho
oornor of Fourteenth street and Masa
achusetts avenue, which I claim lo bo
worth at least $30,000, and guarantee
to be subject to no other incumbrance.
except a deed of trust and a note for
(5,000 in tho hand of Kiggs 4 Co.,
bankers of that city, being a part of
tbe purubaso money yet duo from mo
held for the benefit of Mm. Adams,
Witness my band on the day and
year above writton. ft. C. Scuenck.
Across the face of this document is
written : "Mortgage given for balance,
and this paper canceled and given np
on settlement, May 14, 1874.
10,000. T. W. Tare.."
London, Nov. 1, 1871. On oi boloro
the 1st day of November, 1872, 1
promise lo pay Tronton W. Park, ton
thousand pounds, for value received
Kob't C. SrniNrK,
Whereas, Jtobert C. Schenck pro
pose to subscribe for (10,000) ton
t jousand pounds par value of tho stock
or shares in tho Emma silver mining
company, limited, a company pro
posed to be formed in London ; and,
whereas, I represent tho owners of the
properly to bo sold said company, and
am tbe vendor of tbe property to be
conveyed, and receive in part payment
of the purchase money the amount to
be paid by said Schenrk on bis pro
posed subscription.
Now, in consideration thereof and of
other good considerations, I hereby
promise and agree with the said Itob't
0. Stbenck that said stock or shares
-ihull pay a dividend of two per cont,
per month while held by said 8c benck,
or that I will at any time on the re
quest of said Schenck take front bim
taid stock or shares and pay him tbero
for tbo paryaluo. '
Provided always that it at any time
I offer to take said shares or stock
from taid Hcbenck and pay bim there
for the par valuo, and said Schonck de
clines to receive par for said stock or
shares, then 1 shall from that time be
fully discharged from this agreement.
T. W. Park.
London, Nov. 1, 1871.
Dec. 2, 1871. Mem, 1 have agreed
that the guaranty of the dividend ot
two por cent, per month shall be re
duced to one and a half por cent, per
Kob't C. Schknck.
Ireland, Citt op London. I, Goorge
Lowis Pbipps Eyre, a commissioner
for the State of New York, resided Id
the city of London, Kingdom of Great
Britain and Ireland, do hereby certify
that I have compared the foregoing
copies of agreement, dated first day
of November, 1871, signed by Tronor
V. Park, with tbe originals thereof,
and that the earn are the correct
copies of the aaid document and of the
whole thoroof. "
O. L. P. Etki,
A commissioner of the State of New
The Tribune gives the following ac
count of another scandal of which
Schenck is the subject:
Upon the heel of the Emma mine
disgrace follows anothor scandal, worse
in soma respocts than that doplorable
affair a scandal oi suoh a character
that it scorns to mako Mr. Schenck's
retirement to private life a necessity ot
the most argent kind. Document
have recently been published which
show that in July, 1871, Mr. Norman
Wiard, who was at that time a partner
of Ocn. Schenck's in the business of
manufacturing ordnance, ana) hold
powor of attorney for bim, entered Into
a written airreemont with Juan A.
Machado to "uae his best endeavors t
procure the settlement and payment"
of a claim of $.150,000 which Machado
was urging against the British govern
rnont. What sort of "endeavors'
Wiard was expocted to uso may be in
erred from tho stipulation of the con-
tract that if be snocoeded "in securing
nch settlement during tho time (enJ
1L I. .1 IJ t .t ... m . . M
-H.'nonra snomoj ne me minister or the
United State to Groat Britain,"
Wisid's compensation should bo one-
third of the award, lest certain legal
expenses ; but if the settlement ''should
not depend upon tho negotiation ol
(ion. Schonck," or should not be con
cluded during hi ministry, then
Wiard should got nothing. In plain
English, Wiord, trading upon the basi.
of bis partnership and intimacy with,
the American minuter, proposed lo tell
the diplomatic service ol that high of
ficial, taking for his pay one-third ol
II that Schonck could got out of tbe
British government Of coarse it wa
nowhere aaui that Wiard and Schonck
wars to divide the profit. On that
subject Mr. Machado doubtless drew
his own conclusion.
Having made tbi disgraorful con
tract, what wa Mr. Wiard' next pyo
cocci ing? Why, ho sent n copy of it
to Mr. Hcbenck, with the iieuvsutry
paper for the piwecutiou uf tho claim.
Did Mr. Schonck protost Indignantly
at slicb an affront to hi honor ? Did
b rohitt to be party to tho bargain 1
Not at all.. He wrote buck: "1 will oitemont fur ttv.ral days, owing to
so what jcn bo done. ,1 have lbo0sos Incurred by niany bolpUtt and
greatest oouftdenco In you, but t am ! confiding people wbo tbr yean ago
torn' inv nam was put In. Neither
Maohado uor his attorney should have
bad a writing with my iiuino mention
ed.", And bo conclude ; ''This letter
is for yourself ami to he burned when
road. I shall burn what you have
tent except tho brief ol Maohado'
Americau lawyer." Wo print tlio
contract and tho letter in full, und leave
our reader to judge for themselves
whvthor there was an understanding
between Schenck mid Willi il, mid
what its nature was. It must be cU'iir,
bewevor, that courtesy to the llritinh
government requires our mlniiiiitru
tion to recall Mr. Schenck without
further dolay, unless ho can satisfy the
world that tbo documents now pub
lished are forgeries.
The resident King chief, officehold
ers, contractors, jobbers, nnd public
plunderers generally bad a rejoicing at
Washington on Saturday night over
tho recent elections, which they loudly
interpret a tho pesuliar triumph of
Grantism, and (is giving it as surance of
a new lease of power in a third term.
In order to emphasize this idea, and to
give it formal expression, the Wash
ington King organiecd u serenodo to
compliment Grant and Boss Shophord
as tho two louder now specially vin
dicated. All tbe details of this political pa
rade seem to have been carefully con
sidered, from tho presence of the Ma
rine Band at the public expense lo the
prepared speoches of the two Bosses
which had been gotten by lieurt and
recited with vigor Jo the throng of ad
miring retainers. According to the
report oi ono of the faithful organs,
this procession of patriots, lifter being
formed at tho City Hall, under the
shadow of Lincoln's statue, moved di
rectly to the Whito House. There tho
President was presented lo tho crowd
by Arthur Shepherd, brother of the
Boss, and one of tho most notorious ol
the vulgar and venal crew who com
posed the luto King tiovernmont. After
thanking them "heartily for the com
pliment," and saying "tho 'rag baby'
bad boon effectually killed," Grant took
a more personal view of the elections
when be said :
"The victories also give assurance
that the people have not lost confidence
in the Republican parly, and that tho
Oovernmntl of the country trill be entrust
ed to it for four ynira longer."
This declaration was welcomed with
shouts of satisfaction, and w'us under
stood to mean, what tho President ev
idently intended, confidence in his
election for a third term. After this
part of the performance tho patriots
proceeded to the residence of Secor
Itobeson, wbor although he wan iiv
cluded in tho programme, and had
furnished the Marino Band to enliven
it, had suddenly left the city without
an explanation.
Boas Shepherd wa next in order,
and the crowd found bim waiting, sur
rounded by tbe ejected Treasury
Architect Mullet', who bad given the
Boss all the plumbing jobs, and by
other members of tho Ring who had
shared in tbe spoils, and still enjoy tho
profits of tbe same rule under a new
name, and with three Commissioners
as figureheads.
The Boss was more elaborate in
speocb than his friend and companion
in the Wbito. Honso. Ho spoko as a
loador ot tbe party, and claimed the
Ring achievements at tbo capital as
one of its greatest merits. Hero are
bis own reportod words :
"And here in this capital of the na
tion we moot to-night as Republicans,
glad and proud of the occasion which
brings us together, proud of tho great
and good Prosidont who presides over
tho destinies of this grand republic, of
f he party which hat redeemed the national
metropolit from the tqualor and tilth in
which it had lam mouldering for nearly
half a century, a byword and reproach
among the cities of tho earth, ami
translormed it into a thing of beauty,
making it worthy of the hallowed name
it bears." With rotton pavements,
broken se worn, and false measurements,
costing twenty-five or thirty millions,
more than half of which was stolen.
"I thank you for this compliment,
gentlemen. It is pleasant to K-el that
one is appreciated hy his fellow citizens,
and I can assure you for myself, that
in the future as in tho past, I am for
good Repuolican government."
These speeches soupd as if writton
by ono hand, and dovetail into each
other perfectly. They woro 'tho ex
clusive feature of tho King serenade,
and intended to go out to the country
in that senso. The cruwd passed by
the doors of Bristow, Piorreponte, and
Jo well without oven hatting to offer
a sign of recognition. Chandler was
dining out, and was therefore pre
occupied, or be would have spoken of
Iho "great moral victory" ami of that
reform to which ho is devoted. Meas
urer Bahcock was booked tor a sere
nade to recognize hi "valuable services
in beaulilying Shepherd's vouchers;"
but he was called away by pressing
telegrams from St. Louis in regard lo
tho health of tho Whisky Ring,
This affair is full ot significance, ahd
indicates unmistakably what meaning
is given at Washington to the lute
elections. In tho flush of a supposed
triumph now, and In the belief that it
will bo followed by a real succoss next
year, the third termers rush to the
front claiming the achievement as
theirs; and tbo bead of an infamous
Ring of thioves audaciously proclaims
that tho results in various Slates en
dorse the corruption and robbery at
which tho country was revoked.
If the Republicans found any ub-
atantial reason for rejoicing ovor tho
late elections, Ihoy were entitled to
that luxury, and perhaps ought to es
teem It tho more for having been rare
to them in tbo last two years.- At
tached to that party at tho capital aro
many honorable and well-known mimes
whose puhlio servico and character re
flect credit upon It.
Not ono of then appears In connection
wun lis aotnonstrnllun, wblcb wasl.1
given ovor to the vory worst class of
plunderer. It wa gotten up to put
Grant forward as a candidalo for re
election, and tu whitewash hi boon
companion and chosen adviser of tho
Kitchen Cabinet, Bisis Shepherd.
Jtu) York Sun.
I7AL. Tho llarrisburg correspondent uf
tho Prct draw tbe following gloomy
picture of things at tho capital :
Tho tuwn ha boon in a fovtr ol ex
took ttook In what wa tbon called tut
Masoulu Halt association, but wbiob
was altorwardn ootvurlod Into a grand
opera bo'ue. Tho company was atari
ed, with a capital of 8100,000, after
wards Increased to!39o,000, and subse
quently bonds wjio Issued to the
umount of 187,000, against 110,000 in
stock sold. With Ibis money tho build
ing wa begun nndlluishcd, tho ground
on which it stood tieiug held on mort
gage, Und when the odillco was ivudy
for dedication it liud mechanic's liens
on it to tbo amount of f 12,000, mak
ing it cost, excluiive of the ground,
1139,000. In tbo two years and ahull'
in which it bus been in use it liusyielded
about $35,000 in rents, out of which
nolthor tho stockholders nor the bond
holder received a penny, and lust
Wednesday the building wus sold at
sberilf's sale for $42,000, a sum barely
Sufficient to pay off tho mechanics'
liens, subject lo tho remaining mort
gage on the land, thus wiping out all
tho stock and all tho bonds. But llar
risburg Is becoming famous for these
transactions. Her cotton factory was
built and managed somo years since In
a similar manner. After being In op
eration for a few years it was closed
by a party who held a niujority of tho
Block, and tho minority were starved
into selling out, and when n few held
on it was forced to sheriff's sale, depriv
ing them of any sliaro in the proceeds
of salo. Then came tho cur-shops, an-,
other vnst corporation, tho stock of
which was allowed to dopreciute by
mismanagcinent,und wasfluully bought
in at a great loss to the men of limited
means who held stock in it Then fol
lowed a stock ruilroad, which after
business mismanagement was sold at
sheriff's sale, tho original stockholder
losing their investment. JJn the heels
of this came tbe Lochiel iron works, a
gigantic concern ; noxt a stovo works,
in which the management was out
rageous ; and this has enst a gloom of,
distress ovarthe cntiro city, and aroused
a bitterness ol" great intensity; The
aggregate uf these failures, within a
poriod of about fifteen yours, will easily
sum up from $100,000 to $500,000,
nearly all of which has been taken out
of the pockets of men of small means.
Tho management of our new water
works may also be mentioned in this
connection as a pioco of financiering
peculiar to t. .is locality. Several years
ago, when these works were projected,
tho outside estimate, in which a large
murgin was provided, was put down
at $-00,000. The work is now in the'
hands of tbo authorities, ull the con
tractor having been released of their
bonds, and instead of costing $300,000,
they have already cost $8(10,000, and
requiro a largo expenditure to puy for
repi.iin and iirovido for dcl'octa. The
now basin looks like a tureen the
pumping machinery is not cliuble
tho iron in tho pipes from the now
basin is defective, and the pipes sre
breaking ut ull times. You can Ira
agino tho state of public feeling.
If there be any such thing as a Re
publican party, in distinction from tho
Third 'Form Grant party, it must mako
itself felt immediately. But I
around you. Who aro the ossible
candidates of the opposition? Senator
Conk ling f Ho merely acts as tbo lieu
tenant of tho President, and whilo un
questionably ho possesses plenty of in
fluence at the While Houso, that inflt
enco is derived altogether from his ser
vile obedience to the dictatorial will ol
the approaching power, Mr. Blaine?
The dull face of tho President briglil
ened into a smile that means something
when the news cumo in September
that the Democratic gain in Maine had
almost wiped out tho Republican ma
jority. That election settled Blaine,
in tbo opinion of tho President and his
advisers, and probably they were right.
Vice-President Wilson? Hois Secre
tary Bristow ? ll la reported thut ho
threatened to leave tho Cubinet when
Chandler's appointment was announced
and it is tolerably certain that ho
would be driven out if ho btcuma for
midable as candidate. Senator Mor
ton? Ho tried to conduct a fight
uguinst tho President on tho financial
issue, and was so badly worsted that,
with tho ready thrift of a professional
politician, bo abandoned his own opin
ions, hastily adopted tho views of the
Whito House, and broke into the most
extravagant eulogies on Grant, that ho
might not forfeit his littlo slice of pat
ronage Mr. Washburn? No mm
over in Prance will bo able to com
miind tbo Republican National Con-
vonfrtin. Every delegate will bo spoken
for in advance. Charles Francis Adams?
llnrdly. Ho doesn't train with the
rulers, ami the rulers rulo in these last
Wo aro at the ond of Iho list. Will
uny mail whoso niuno we have men
tinned hold his own aguinst Grant?
When Urn I'.esiilelit conies, backed by
the power which ho wields, claiming
that tho "unexpected contingency" ha
risen, will Coukliug, Blaine, Bristow,
or the others disputo his assumption ?
I'fica Warner.
Freak or a Wn.n TunKKr.-A Mil
flin township correspondent writes to
inform the Williamsport Bullitin that
two yours ago a wild turkey came to
tho burn yard of Mr. Isaac Pepperman,
on Lurry's creek, nnd alter mingling
with the domestic turkeys tho fowl
concluded it would remain with them
over winter. It partook freely "f the
food furnished Iho flock, but whenever
night came it would repair to tho
wooded hill to roost, returning In tho
morning. In tbo spring it suddenly
disappeared, having sought its native
tramping ground in tho mountains.
Last winter it did not put in an appear
anco, and tho circumstance was soon
forgotten. This fall, howover, histur
keyship suddenly turned np, and Boom
ed Intent on making preparations to
remain over wwiter with the flock,
"when ho was dispatched, lie nroved
lo be very large and lat. , ,
Congressman iiolman(Dcm.,'ot In
diana, advocates the repeal of tba Re
sumption act, tbe abolition of tba na
tional banks, with greenbacks substi
tuted for their tote.
T1IH CEXTKXNIAL ORATOR, j Impregnable condition fur naval do
, Tho vexed question of tho Centcii- j fence, and that Is all wa need. But
liiul orator win settled yesterday by this cannot bo done with Porter setting
tho selection of William 11. Evurts.'of, biuiaelf up as au Inventor und plimnur,
Now York, with Longlellow at poet1 when he It fit only to teach boys to
and n grandson of Richard Jlunry l.tej
as t'uader of tho Declaration of Indii-' coins to past while Savor Itubcon is ' (uir'a tka rvau. aad a it. tabadoU oi da
pendenoe. Of tho wisdom of the lu.t on hand to got np Lay torpado yi,T7miS:
two. appointment tbert can ba littl
qaettlon, Thre is a tpaotal fltnast In
electing ono wboio grandfather wt
originally appointed ta frame tho Im
mortal Declurutlun of 1770 and who
doubtless would have dune to but tor
bl unavoidable absence to road the
charter of our libortion given ut hy tho
fathers of the Republic a century ago.
There will ho music, ulso, in blending
tho voice of tho ex Confederate with
tho shouts that will go up in the niuno
ol a free ond united country on tho
grandest occasion of our history, and
it will heal tlio lingering wounds
scclionul estrangement, for iioneshottld
Hiu vivo that day. Longfellow will
most happily weave in song the bright;
lessons and promises of a century of
free government. Kvnrts is ono of our
most finished and sparkling and logicul
of legal orators, but whether ho can
Command ilia -iuspiraliouiht. muat
grace the orator who is to speak for
forty milliunsof people who have solved
tliu problem of sclf-governmeut,' Is tb
doubt thut will hang ovor his nam
until hi. work shall havo beeu done.
It was the want of tbe true inspiration
that must mould the eloquonoe for
such an oecusion thut made Charles
Francis Adams ineligible. He would
have polished freedom with tho most
chaste und chilling sentences, when
the luttro and keenness uf the indefina
ble utterances which brighten tbo eye
und swell the heart and paint imper
ishable pictures in putriolio memories,
alone could till the exceptional measure
of that day's greatest duty. Evorott
wus orator at Gettysburg, and never
was ol reci mi or Roman story told in
more exquisitely choson words, but his
oration perished and is forgotten. It
i to this task .Mr. Kvnrts must betake
himself, and ho must fill its, utmost
possibilities or accept from hi country
men tho inexoiablejudgincnt of failure.
We do not nssiuno that ho is unequal
to it, nor can we name another to take
tbo place with absolute confidence in
his superior fitness. It is the ono
crown that no citizen has fully proved
his claim to, and those who shall not
bo called to it will be honored greatly
beyond him w ho shall receive it with
its cluiplets dimmed by a nation's dis
The startling facts brought to light
in this city in connection with tho
whisky frauds have so engrossed our
attention that we have overlooked tho
scarcely less important proceedings of
a similar nature in other quarters.
What 'has been conlvssed, and what,
besides, ij suspected here, is so stagger
ing thut wo easily imagine thut St.
Luuis was tho centre of the whisky
ring, and thut our city enjoys un in-
famous lire-eminence in tho wretched
business. But this may bo a oiistako
ufter all. The promise of a San Fran
cisco paper, if opportunity is afforded,
to exhibit whisky frauds "bofure which
those, of Bt. Louit and '('Imago will
grow pule," und tho dispatches of yes
terday stating thut tbe ring at Chicago
defrauded tho government out of the
tax on two and a half million gallons
of spirits, suggout Jbo possibly imtior.oJ
character of this wonderful conspiracy.
This significant feature of tho business
bat already been demonstrated that
tho ring was a confederation ot distil
Icrs and revenue officials. When we
bear this in mind, nnd reflect that the
vast partnership was formed five years
ago; thut it extended over the whole
country, from Now York to San Fran
cisco, and from Milwaukee tu New
Orleans that its operations bad all tho
method, regularity and organization
of government business ; that it pos
sessed a system of cipher communica
tion with Washington; that notwith
standing the undisguised bold lies of
its transactions, Secretary Bristow't
two latest predecessor in the Treasury
Deportment never exhibited a symp
tom of knowing anything about il;
lyst its dividends amounted, probably,
to $5,000,000 ; and that the lute Com
missioner of Intersul Kovenue steadily
refused, when his attention was again
and again called to it, to tuko tba first
honest step towards breaking it up
it looks almost at though the internal
revenuo bureau had Iransbrtnod itself
into a whisky ring and Icjit'hs power
I n I and elaborate nmiblniry to the
business of dbaYaudirtg the government.
Tbo conspiracy grout iu proportion!
everyday; we begin to tee thai; its
control of tlio authority of tho govern
ment made it almost at formidable as
the government itself; and it is plain
thai it will require all tho honest effort
of Secretary Bristow' mid Attomoy
Geneiitl l'ierrepont, supported by the
personal approval of tho President and
tbo moral sentiment of tbo wbulo coun
try, to bring its members to justice.
St. Louis Republican.
Tho Now York Sun, with a vigor
commensurate with tho subject, dis
course uf our Secretary of tlio Navy
and his fleet lu the following stylo
In the five years of the reign of
Grant and Robeson, from jiuiu 30,
18(19, to Juno, 30, 1874; Congress boa
appropriated lor tho navy in. total
about one hundred millions of dollars.
Uf this turn fifty uiillioiis'in round fig
ures wus wholly tpent in tinkering tb
old tubs of tho iiuvy 'und on things en
tering into their niaintuiiaiive. Be
side thit, three millions two hundred
thousand, dollar was appropriated tor
eight slooi-of war, which are now
built, nnd aro of no mora use fur war
purposes aguinst anything except sav
ages than eight lino canal boats. Tho
millions spent on ibein might as well
have been thrown into the sea which
these hi traverse at tuck tlow pace
lhalihey could neither catch an enemy
nor run away from ono. Their build
ing wa the result of a combination of
jobbery and professional stupidity. It
gave employment lo the Navy Depart
ment rings, and filled tho bellies of
somo of Secor liohSson't lcochos.
Wo spend Un millions a year scratch
ing around navy yards and patching
up old ships. If one-ten th part of
this wa bonoolly laid out on torpedoes
of tb right sort; ami all ring jobbery
was thrown aside, wo ibookt be In an
mako granny knots. Nor will It over
anu loroo loom Uirougu longrv,
, , .
' V.ry Impressive mutt ft have boon j mm. vtZL,. not r.u. .!
to Mr. Moulton ro.pond to .b.ji." ..H;.
usinunu oi nyuiouiu ouuruu, mat uo
should ahow cause why her name
should not bo dropped Irom the roll
fur pbacntuelsui,
The little WOluun ill
a firm voice replying : "Because tho
knew tlm pastor, Bcuchor, to lie guilty
of ad u I trey and false swearing," hus
opened up tho scandal again in ull its
d length und breadth, und tlio silent vote
of, of Plymouth .dronpinir her name in
H,ite f her protestations of loyalty lo
t,e church , will not by any mean, shut
down tho re-opened flood-gutes. The
Congregational ministers, to whom Mm.
Moulton ha appeuled, aro now to take
up nnd investigate the subject,' Wo
wore afraid the virtual vordict of "not
proven," which the Brooklyn jury
pasted npon Mr. Beochor's case, would
novar live it its auietuf. and it is DOW
...Uo.. 11..1 ir.. u .-i i ...
uvmuub uint un. woi iht win 1 1 turn tu
hftvj ft very lung term of lift) vouch.
aafod for trim, If bo is to lire It down."
The surgical oxaminitlon of tho
body of Lexington, the gt-at Kentucky
raco horse, revealed a most singular
r,.m kl. J.L . . r .....
vum uv.1,1.. aunt ..Ull, ui 1.10
Skull Undor the left eyo, whore the
.A..l.l . , , i.i,
nuuu.o , iuu m,rv neriueo to ou lo-
COted, WUS filleil with at least a quart
. .
ol masticated food, which had boon
forced into the cavity throng, an o,
ing ill tho Upper jaw, Caused by the
Inoa J.
lust Ol a IOOIII.
a. aa t
Victoria H OOd 111 SttVS there are llll -
wuixlsof 3(10,000 idiots in Pennsylvania
Hartranfl's vote was 301, 175. Couldn't
the religious editor of the Gazette get
bor to deliver a lecture upon tho threat
ened danger lo common schools. She
n (jieu. un piwures, aim a menu OI
l Ullb B. I iiiauuttjn & OM.
NOT CoMINd.-Tho frown PrillCO is
not comillir in fact he never suid ho
,, . , . .,
Would neither IS the Pope coming to
the Centennial. Now, then, let Brad-
Ifttich mid tllf KllOW NotllinifS bo OH -
sii rex I tbat ftepublican IiiKtitutionM will
survive a liltlo while longer on thia
aido ot thn wator.
rgat (tttrtisrmrnts.
3iTx7i?f )T i ce.
Nftico li hereby girpa thut iMtn nt AI.
minUtration on liiu etole of PillLANDKR
SMITH, tle of l.renrre lofDbie, CiexrHi-M
ouunly, Pa., dee , bartng bfru duly ranlei tu j
tbo anlrignod, all perrton ia lohlvl U Mid ,
ota(e will pl nnlic iinnttjiife pxymrnt, and I
thnr b Ting eUim or d rniti li will priPriii j
them properly autbentkatMl fur illrji'ni with
oitdflty. A. C. TATK.
ClearAel l. Der. , 'Ti Adia'r. I
Notice If tW'y givfn that T.etif t nf A I
lalptra'i'in on Iheettatef MK'U M ill ft Kt
laio of Lifrrrnee toonvbip. Clfartield eoon't,
Pa, dre'J. baring been duly granted to tlte
UiiilertiKnrd, b. prnni itidet'te l to fild eu'de
will plea nimke irnwodiatte pi no .(, nnd iho t
bartng alaina nr demand will prini thrm
properly authoatieatrd tor wtllomriit without
Oearfiald, Pa., D. I, 1 176 At Adu
Notlooii hereby g.ron that Lettera of Ad
aiiaiilratioa oa tho eauto of ANUKR.HON MUU-
HaV, lata of Uirard twp Oloartteld auiiBty,
Pa. deeaaaod. hating bMa duly grilled u the
andmigned. all perwae indebted to iald ute
will pleaao mako inniediata pnyaient, and thntt
aaviag eiams ar aeaiantia will pr event I htm
properly aatbaatMiated for aHtlvmeat without
delay. ANAN1A8 MURRAY,
Oilliaghaia, Do j. 1, '7-ot Adat'ra.
Netwe ta bervby give that Letter of Ad.
aalaiitrationna tho oatt of J, M. b'R tTZKK,
late of t'learld borough, ClearAeld anuoty, Pa..
tieeeaioiJ, aavlag been duly granted to the under
dgoed, ail penuoi indebted to aaid eft at will
pleaie anak ia.mdlila pit r meat, and tbue
having otaima ar dimnndi will preaeot them
pniperly autbntlcifid fur twttle'ara wtbitit
)iy. i. marik kratrrk,
Cleartcld, Kor. U lbTi-H Ada's.
AWl X 1ST H A TOlf S N OTI CE -N'ttieo
li htriby giren that Utl -re nf A I
miDUtratioa on tha ut of K. N KIM AN,
lat at Npw WaehiactstB, C'lfarlid eoanty. Pa
deoeaeed. having ha duly gi anted o theaadr
aisTBed, all ptiKim indebted lo caid aitate wilt
pleaM make inmcdiat pirmfnt. and thnte
baring claim nr dtmatida will prewst them
properly autbentieated fir tilrtaMit wiiboet
delay. R ACMKI. M. NN1MAN,
New WaabfngtOB. Nor. I, 74 -t Adrt
Notiee la hereby tfrHk thtt t .eft era of A l
tnlnlttratioc on lh ritat of MARY H. MAR
RtlAlib, let of Lawrraoetwp.. CIcarleM oounty,
Pa., dtfad, baring been duly granted to Ihe
undrn-igned, all portom iadehtetl to laid vatate
will plea Mike immediate payment, and thoe
having elainii or demand igaintt the eatn will
preecnt tbera properly aofhrnttnated for utttle-
ent without delay. W At, MAK9HALL,
Nov. 17, 76-t Administrator.'
IJ Nfttlft li hereby given that letter fruta-
uientary having been griitI to the aubicriher oa
the Mlat of JUHN nllKKHKH, dftaeed, late of
Unlea townfthip, Uferfteld ooviaiy, Ponaarlvanla.
all prrauaa indebted to aaid etut ar raueted
to malt t named tat payment, and 'hose having
olaiiua againM thr tame wiaI prevent thea duly
autheatieaied for attlment.
Rock ton. Nor. 17, 7 bit Eieut(ir.
lj Notion U hereby given tbat Utter tta-nit-ill
ary bavin)- hmm grant theiulribor on
tb eitat of MA RCA UK f HA(tKHlY,draiied.
lat ol tiulleb lownvlnp, CUarflaid oouaiy, pa.,
UI prun lO'lfblod to aaid Mtate ar ret; tinted
to ma o liainr-diai piyment, an, I thtta bavins
el aim l againat the aiuie will preen nt tbera duly
nthentloated for eetllemeat.
J'lHN VtrilKROW,
New MHliort, Nov. in, '7b fit Kioeutxr.
All poriooa nr herel-j e.iutlone-1 agalnit
fiurohealng or In any way aiaditllug 1U tb M
owlng pvrienal property now in tho pwioeiiian
of William Raaaley, of 1111 towoibip, na t 1
nay mar, J act barn, 1 buggy, I log tied,
wag.-n, a tbo aatae wai purvhaxfj by tua at
ShiTlff a ant antb22i day of November and
wa left Witt him on loan only, ul.jcri to mf
Runibarger, lee. I. 'id 71 It
VALI'AIILK cal and
Katal of ItiAAC MoKBK, deraad.
By virtu of aa order of the Orphan Coarl f
Clearftald aouai. ta na' rdirMiai. ikM b.H k.
Bpoed lapubh aks at lb Uuart Una, IB lb
bornagh of Clear Dale), aa
l-Tlday, Drccaabar II, 191 A.
at t o'clock p. a., all that eartala Iraot r Und,
pliant In Knoi townihip, Clar(lrld eoaoty. Pa.,
buunded aad deicribed a fol low . ) Ua lb
north by the Uaao M Ke Homoetiad Farm, oa
ait by land of Jon M . nbaa. aa th nath
by land at Jooipb Beat aad ihra, aad aa tb
weat by CloarftVId arnek, land of th eatat f Dr.
unaia aaa thra, auataiaiBg
and alio wane, with ahaat K' acre eUared, and
having a good govd two-itory luK Huoee, orchard
and othrr improvetneBto thareon, Tha land 1
good fur fa rati i g purpoi,ba quantity of pin,
oak and hml k limlier therewa, and la under
Uld with eaal, being aktuated ia tb great coal
AIm, one other tract f land, ritaat la th
townihip afniaaald, boaoded hy laml of Brltbta
A Miller, Joba D. Coder, Agnra Kobtoioa and
olkera, baing a part l a trai wa mated la tb
Bam af Deajamia Pvaltaoy, and ooataining
and III rrvha. Tbla land la well eiited for
farming purpoM, haa a larg qaaality af piaa,
oak aad hcamok
umber lhroa, aad Uatiaaiad
la the gteat nal haala,
Taaaa or fl alb Tea aar iat. wba ta araa
erty ta hnoekad aowa ( th raaiadr af -third
at walraaitoa af aata, aad th balaaaa h
aal aayawat af aad twa yaar. ta ha fa
fared by h4 aad aaarifaga ah praia.k
Z . :w JiMFS JawKBC,
af.J llVPf Mel If, f
Ha Uuts Jw. to, d,;; .
JJftc &wt.mrtf).
FoarOrnco Dspostskst. I
Wiaaiaoros, Ollubor I, 1175. J
Propoaala wilt bo roo.lvod at tbo Contrast OOua
of loll Dpariia,iil aotll I (i. in. If foumart I,
1. 9. t... ... h.IIj Ml turn Ul4
, uwiawat atnoaaooj . .r anm
Mana I, 1st. ... j
tout, troia o.ll.r.aia, ir aii.ii.ri, soon
Sboo, M.aljuauoo. nod fiao, lo Har tb.ui,
HI wilv. and book, llirw tuaa. a Ufa Loan
t n in i antra at Urll.lout. bj li ov BnU r.
q,uirad wllb bid, ...
tovt. rrum Morrlioala Mluaa to Kjfl.rluwn, ti
wllaa and bnub. .is liwaan wa. ioora Morn
tila aauaut atuu'l... OU air Vai uf
: tba mail troln.ay ll, Kjil.ituou
l.v u. Uan Kyiartuwa a llr, .iorui son
dMy, ai S o ui i n'roo at Momadola Miua. ojr 11
a a- D.'fcU rua,uTvtJ,oltlo.
SI.W7. frum I iIIioim.' lifuvo tu Urabuinlon. 3
inilvaaiil k. tbno luao iflcl. Laaru Wil
liam.' llrut w l'ualda.,, TnuraJ.v, ao.l daiur l .y,
wt l:HU . ui i arrivu nt Uibwuiu.u ojr 0:-ll). L.'ow
iirMti4iul-u lu..l.y, lnurdMj',au.i .Sanirilay, at
if:lll t in : anno at Wiiiimui.' tirr. b .ll-l1' j' ui
II..I..I r.i .I .J, SH.0.
mm. ft.. 1'ir.arlirll, lijr Hbaw.i .!!.
Hill. L.un'r'a Mill., rr.neli.illH, K.irt.i.iu., eaitl
Link. Ibrco Ituii., an.l A.'lM.avlll. ill. u ), ti.
Itoiiiiil l.lali.l, II mil.-, and blrH. Iwio. a nark.
Lfava i;ir.rHU Moi.j4 nod rVtdar. at S an;
nrrlitatnatt Ln-k by 4 (. in, Laura Nail LWh
Tuaaday and Saiarday, at S n tt) I orrira at Clour
liald l.y 4 ai. I.oaia Halt l.l.'k nr.d
rlaturdar, n S n lo ( nrrlra ol rluund l.lan.f, by
II n . ' l-oava Round liland Tuoaday nod Sotur
doy, ot IS ai i arrira at Hall Licit nj I p at.
Bond ranalrrd. Sl.un,
. Vinw Cl.utn.ld. by Cl.arl.ld Brldjfc. lo
Jrltrlc, Iti mill., and barb, twl.-a a aok. Loaro
i v,"'tM or-dar nud mdar, .llini nrrlra
l A Itb k na nam. IdaaaVaa Jault r la.a M inula V atn.l
IT. . . ........ ..r
i rruuy. tniiu; arrive at cicariieiii ty i" a ai.
Uuixl ri'i'iirtl, imoii.
HTOtJ Prvn rorweaivlllf, by Or nap' a Illlh,
Bower, Cbt Oitead. New U'aabingwn, tiaraeide,
and PninlnoiVtllo, to Oranl. 7 in i lee nod bath,
three llmeaaweek. Uato Curweneville Monday,
( .i,,ur. l.llia. IMinj, ,11., H.yo
old.iillo.iln.brlil.. Coraion, ond Ctralton.lllo,
i 'o Claiittu, iJi nolo, and book, aix lluie. a wack.
j l.,,, daily. orl Sunday, nl I ;
' arm. m Clarion dr by S p m, Uaro !
: Clarlun daily, otoept B jdd.f , it I a a nrrlra at
: curra.,n. o..i j.j by I p m. Bnd rtqnirrd1
",l-,MU. t, ..i-ml,,,,.. nod j
I N. Millpu-f, M An.uovtllr, ll nulri and bark, !
lbro Ilmw n ak. Cnrwoa.i ill, Tuoo lay, I, and Kntaiday. at 7 a In ; arrli.n. An
1 .( by 1 1 in. U.iu Aoioillo T.Mlay,'
ll"""1"). an.l S.lura.y, al 1I:.U ami arrl.a.i
Coi n.mi ill. by 4 p m llood raiiuiri'd, $!HS.
S;.l. t runi Mills lo llouti ia!., 5 mil.. I
and back, ail lint'-a n nvcK. Lcavi-Owola alili;, and dan; arrl.o at Urnnt I '" Z... .... T T i . "7" . . .
h, I y m. L..r. Urai't Too. la, Tburrtay. nnd A4"'J?l . X" U ''f11' iu
rVld.,, .1 4 . , , arrira Cur.Inl.Ul. by p .. ! '''r'Jl T ' I 'V'"-
Uod'.Hui,.d,l..liin. .-'..nd fo..u. Tb.wkul. boildln, hnak...
.., ,i, i.. .- . n. -i... i rwfuroiabud, and th. nroprt.tor will iDnrn no, riw,,t nuod.y, at a m j a-rivaij Mr.irr reoaired nn dapnalt. Diaeooota nl no
ll'.ulr.lalv l.y IhXUani. Lrava llout. I..U daitr, dpralr rala. Eartero nnd Foroign
.pl Suud.y, nt S p in : nrrt.r at M ill. wioa on hand ond eollrtiona promptly mod.
by 4:..l) Il.m.l nqulrod, 4IUI ) lt.yni.f.liTill., Ilro It, l7(..y
7ii. From Ili'Oiadkl. In Oli'U llnp.,9 mile, and , ' "
I...., ..... a -..a. I..-..- iiumadai. lu.-a.i.y i Countv NalinnAl Ranlf
S.,m,l.,r, .,., aril., at (ll,n llopo by
iizm. i.oav. Hi.n .11,1. . n.-wi.y nno na.urusyr
i nl I , m ; arm. at ll .alad l. br 4 p in. Bond
lr,.s rro"m X . MsrrM.i
1 ""' "u"'l"r C.. f srwM.l(. 1 mlloa nnd
i bnob, Ibrea limn, n nmtb. Lonvo Now Vtnabini.
' ion Ta.-adjr. Tlmr.l.y. and nturJ.r, at I n m ; I
1 arrivc.New W'aahlagtua by 7 p. Hondtoirrd,
87 0t5. rruoj AnAnville,
by M j I'ltirion, au.l
i w'"''. ' and kark, twim a ;
. Iave Anaonvlile Tueed iy and Hatorday, i
nl ll:M a aa : axrtvwat It rank br k:M a em. Laaval
t.rni Tueaday-andriatttrdj)Ti . at a m j, arrira j
n;T. From I.atbehUrg. h, Tr'.utvilte. Bie '
Run. and llell'a .Mnla.ta Puntiutawnny, 17 mite j
-. j
and back, tliro tiuiei a wtk. Lear Lulbera
birf Tuox'Uy, f hurilir. and Saturday, at 6 a m t
arrive at Puoxfutawrtty hy 12 n. lare PiinBtt
uwnty fni'idity, Tliurlay, and Hatorday, at I
pui; itrriv at Luibrraburj by 7 p ta. Boni
e luiml, ?-'.
Luqucatiiiably tha beat auttalned work
ut' tlie kind In tlia Wurid."
Xolitt nf tkt raa.
1 heerer-latreitfiag Hreulatiea of thia itillnA
ra-nihiv pruvm it continued alapiatm to p it-1
ulor dirui and need, lidi-vd, whu w tiiink
ute how niauy homt tt punetr4toi very n-taih,
tut coofiiivr it aa on wt the edufit-ir at we'l
ai pftte-taiinr. of ihe pnbli aind. ioAtoa trwie.
Tbe riia tarter which tia MtgaitiM p.
fur raiiet), nu-rpritc, artiiti wealth, ani lit
rarr culture tbat b i kept p e with, if it baa
nut ImI the tiun. itiould onuie Ui eon iu-rt ir to
rvgard It with JuittQble uuiplaonv. Tha
JutifaiM ha dun g-xid and aut'iril ail lb lay
or it Uf. B oA'ya Eiytt.
rViime of tbe uit popular of aodera novel
bare ftrat appeared at awrtala iu tbta Miyti9,
In all rrapoota, it ie aa axocllea. periodicdvl, and
fully deanrru It great auocea. Ai4(4;..!)i
Poet aire free tn alt f-ubarrihrri la ihe
I'niltd Htatra.
flARrca'e M-taiiinr., one )ear fl 90
t 00 laoludca pr)ymant f U. H. poitsge by
the paulifher.
iMwhfripiiwto Htraa' M.eail:, VTkkni.t.
mmt Uaiaa. tm , mMrt foe m atur, $10 HB;
or, ((toft a N'irjxr a Ptruditn(, f oat ( fmr
o yarip, 97 nil. pm ye fit.
An Hrlrm Cvftp rilkrr th Maaiink, Wkvtx
LV. or II At. a wilt if tupplitd rjraiit for ttvry (.Vai
of rIVB Ht iurmnaa ai fA uu far aa raatil
i.Nct ar ritat twai-a 2t Ut), wiraaal rM
fpft wrfiy raw. .
ti-trk Smubtf oaa A aupplied at my liiu.
A Complete Rot cf llitiaa'i MAAiiaa, wow
cfunp rmin il Vulumee, to neat clot Bioding
will be aant hy ex pre, freight at apitie
of purvhaeer, fur $t 3' por mlutne. Sttytt
vtumi; hy mail. ptttpQtJ, $3 W. C'Uh ueo.
fur btmling. ott etuti, bv mail, pott paid.
A ComplYt Anal vi if I Intel 1 th Irit Fif.y
Volume ol Htfiria M tnaimi ba Juat buo
putiluhed, rendering araiUbl fjr rvfereao tb
vaet aud varid wahh !' informatioa wbicb eon
ititut thia pvrludiral a perfect tlltt'lrated lit
erary nyHoedii Sro. floth, gl 0 ; Half Calf,
$4 li, tWnt puetage prepaid.
A aerieaof paper ander tt title of "Th Ptrat
Century of the itrniiblic," contributed by tbe
moit eminent A noetic .in puiblictet. ii nw bring
putilinbrd in HaKPKH't MriilMa. Thia eerie
of ovr iwan y paper giro a ooiprhenir re 1
new oi rroirreii 'lohtiat loecentarr now ctoiiaa,:
in every drpartun-at ol out n .ttional life.
ktifanMl ta axan-a ortfre nf tlARfat a RrtoTRBaa
A-mre., IIAHI'GK HKU rll KRS,
Nor. I, New York.
A Hepoaltory of Kaahluu. fleam r, aud
lInrperM ISaznr.
tVoliett f (4 f'rttm.
Th 0itr U odited with a combin-M' ef tmt
and latent that we tetdum Hod In any journal ; j
wwriu oi laauioa. ootfoa cuec wr.
The eumiueudj it If t evvrv member ol
tb houaehold to lh eliiUlrrn by droll and
praiiy pMiur, to in y.iung lailwa by il lasbioa
Inalc ia udli rartuty, tu the provident matruu
iy It pattetBi tur llic cbtliln-ir plot lie, to
yxitiriiMiti by iu laiteful ilign for embrmder-
t-a iiippsr aal laxurlou areiag-giiwu. Jli
Ui rvailtng-matter of tbo Unttt it unitortay ol
great tauvlienca. Th paiier ba au-.iud
wide populantr for tue a -exdi) eiij .juieul i
aflonl. A. Y. JTrrafen Pmt.
a iti way ttier t aotbint lik it. Fnab and
truuwKby aa a Uihioa ad. ita itanoi aut
eiii,,, iti potjtry ami eQ iib, au I all inrigortiUft
to th mind. Cktrp A'reii'iy Jaurnnt.
foatapt Free to all Mubrrlbrn In tha
- (Julird Iflatv. .
lUiran' 1).iar, vaeyear nM tu
$1 tt laelu te prepaytteat of U. 5 poit,r by
tbe piitihitliera.
Mubtcripiioitito 11 tai au'i Mina, WnKi.y,
or HAiitt, to on l.lree fur uae vear,ll'
ol llrrtr' Prrtodleau, ana addroaa for
on yar, $1 wi t iiaetag fro
An Extra Copy uf miliar th Mauaiixb, Wkm
ly, or bAXANaill bv aupplied grniia lr every
Club nf Pivtt HracniBKiia at VI ff rauh. Ib one
rsinttiaiio t ar, en C.rpi for til, vtuhoat
ttra opy : poatngelrao.
The Aunual Volume of IfAiiricn'a Rajah, in
aeat.alotb bin ling, ril( bt irnt by pre-, frt
ofeipenn, f-r 7 Off eath. A tvmpttti AVI, cow
prtunf aV'olt Pu uwf ant oa ivrMirt nf eaxh al
th rate of $S $.. per ml., reioAi at erpene
Pratnnt atlrntiia will be aiven ia Rati fan'
Raiab to euoh illurtraiiotii of lite Centennial la
lernaiiuaal Eipuaitioa aa may w peculiarly ap-
propria! tu Ita enlnmni.
AriMaera a M to cpy fat wtrVerrtWeami
riraeof f .rryr rtrfr HarI'BR a HROTHURi.
Addreaa HaKi'BiK A UHUIHKHS,
Not. 14, 1A74-4I New Vorh.
Ry alrtn. nf n nrdrr nf th. Orphan.' Coarl of
Cl..rt.ld mmnty, lb.m will bo wild by tho nndor
riRnod. A.'nlni.iralurnr William Mullrn, Inia nf
WiMwnrd town. bio, dt.'S, In lb. villa,, nl
madrm. tn said tnwn.bii, nt lh. nubllo houro ol
t. P. Caraon.ji
Tanndax. IXremlMr tl, IMS. ,
nt t o'.lo.h a., nil Ibat aortolu olaoo of land,
lau tha of aaid daewaml. ail. .la in naid
luwnablp, nnd dcacriboA a. fullnwa, flat Ba,in
Slot nl po.t thane, nlons Alalandar .tala,
aouih J4 waat ST I It norrbra lo hliaory Ihonoo
nlons Wrl(bl Sho aoatb tT onot I II patonoa
to ,io.t thaar hy Q..rr. Bahar nnd raatdu.
north 40 aa.1 3t I 10 ,naa I. nail Ihc.aa
hy taaa.l Shot north It, wont 101 1 I, p,bm
ta ,lao af Wflaala(. oantolnlaf Iw.nty I.,
nmi an fart Koran., mm 9T laaa
Tnnaa nr sal. Ono-lblr Um Mraknaa
.y nt awntranoitoa af nbn, 1. naird ta mm
yaw fraw. at. or mi a, and tbo anion m a iuh)
yonr. frna data tt tola, Ox ktur twa noyaMata
Hh bMoraaa, la k man wy bow aa Mlrui
s inn nnaalaaa. . .,.. WaiTWICC,
Jill Sows.;;! . ;;n
(Marb.l Kl , b.1. Tbird aud PoaMli.l
4 I.UAHfltvl.ll. PA.
Tb. aHliaorltiar baring booomo proprlalor tf
tbla b. .1.1, would ralhill; nab n liberal abar.
wf nabli. patronaga. frloo. Mdaoad to anil lb,
J.a.Jo fliif,
O . CLHWkiaMiVitLK, Fa.
- i -IWiO KB AD, rnwajataa,
Uarlag beaaa preprlaior of tbla HtUl, I
uittm i at pe-uwaigtuf tbe
it-any ait.
g'fuii earn
aa atop u
thie btuw.- i
JiOZU ft
-(Cor. uf Market k Front atreeaa,)
CLfcAUf llvl.U, PA.
Tbe undvrKifc-ntd baring Ukea eharge of tbla
ll'itrl, would rt'iiioatlully eulieil pulilio iatruna(
jnl7J II. K FULLhhTUN.
Tiid fii'W nnd well furni-hnd bouro baa bea
'ukrn by the underiigned. He foole eotiAtlrnt of
tx'in itblv to render aatiifaotlon to tboae wbo nj
M.r , 171.
nut win vmn.
0. W. DAVIS, Prop'r.
f O H Till H
.Oppoatta lA. vowrt Howoo,
Jalt'71 - ' UADHKAL A KROM, Prop'..
IJ Main Plroot,
TaMt alwaya lurp'i-d with tha beet tba aiarket
I nirrdi. Tha truraliaf pnbllo la Inrltnd to oalL
I ttriwl 'TU . tl li I) IT D "a a riV l
' avi.
forn.rorHaoondnnd Marbal Stroou,
pain, to rond.r bl. gu.ala oonfortabl. whll.
uviac wltb bim.
gr- rb. 'Mao. ion Ton.." Omnlboi ran. u
n l Iron th. D.pot o tbo arrlral nnd d.parnr.
f aacb train. JOHN DOUSIIEKTy,
nprtl.fO tf Proprlator
' J -I I i
. jusoLn. n. w.Annot,n. J.a.AnnoLe
ISniikcr anil llrokren,
ltruotdaillle, Jeflernon Co,, Pa,
l ur Lbninrinuii, ra.
I OOM In M.ionlc BolHing, on. door norlkrof
A..'T,.V".V..ndromUv.rpo.l Qunfc
l,..n, Ul.,g., Undon, Pari, nnd Copenbarrn.
A Im, Draft, for aalo on Ibo Rotal Unnkof Inland
and Imporinl Hank of London
w. . bhaV.iI;."0'
UnLAtL & LU..
Nu, 31 Hoath Third Rlmi, Philadelphia
And Oealers in Government Securities,
, T",?U V '" rlT? P"P
tion, and all inforaation cheerfully fnrniahed
Orafcra aalifltd. Anril ll-lf.
J. M. STEWAET, D. D. S.,
Offl oror Irwln'a Drng Stor.
, All drnul operations either la the mechanicJ
I or fipcrative branrb, promptly attended ta aad
j (.atuftirtion guaranterd. Special atlentioa paid
: to the treatment of rfiMaajit- nf thai na.i-.i u.
a; ur, and mouth. Irregularity of tb teeth .
oellully correctnl. Troth extracted without pail. '
hy the nae f Ether, and artificial teeth loeerted
i "f tDe anaterial and warranted to render sat
1 laul.Qn' aprilJfi'TMy
llarta-c detrrmined to local la CnrweniTilla
f..r the purpiHH) of punning my prolenina, i
ha).y urT.r my Mrvlrr to tbe poWie. J har
jakt fininhod a lru of dental inatrurtioot aader
lh be-t traflber of lb Pennylrani Colleg f
UiiiUl Hurcvrr ta Pbtladelbbia. and an ana
iiri-parcd tt.i-cut all work pertaining to drat
Utrtr ib the belt manner, with tb latent Iniprov.
mvnta. All work guaranteed ta giro entire aaU
t-f.oti4B to qua! it v aad duratiufi. Teeth ai.
t rafted without pain. Room la ae Biok build
tag. Por further information applr In pereuB r
addreia . M. TIlOMl'ON,
nirh.H'75 tf. Corwcairille, Pa.
A . M , H I L L 8
Would rpctratty aollfy hi patient!
'hat he hat rod need the orlc of ARTI-
ilC'lAL tf.t2oan lu,Ui ,
fSASii fur a double et. For any Iwo pmu
coiiiing at th fame time, to hare aarh an upper
et, will ret Ibe two aeta Tor :5.P0, or
Term lararlablr Cn.
Clearliold, Jaly'l. IH74.
My lac of buelneta ii na Market t reft, di
rectly oppiwite the Court llou, where del ire
i koepa fullitiekof PL'KK MgLoltS, and
will warrtut tbeia to ie iah to tny autoer.
tlire me a eall. jny Zl, 76 :f.
At tb. ond of tho now brid,a,
Tl.a nr.ipri.lor ,if thia naiabllihmrni will bny
hi. liquor, rl.rool from aiatill.ra. t'arlio. bay lag
lrin tbta hi.u.0 will b. aura lo nut a nuro orlirl.
nt . .mill margin nlio.o co.t. IU.I.I lti,.r. o.n
no lurnl.nml with liquor, on rononnblo taring
I'ur, winH and hran lna dlrMI Irom Sml.y'i
Vinery, nt, N.w Y..rk.
UKOIlilB S. t.'Ol.BI RX.
Clonrtald. Jono IS, 1H75 If. ,
' r.sT.iuLisuLii isri. ',
W 2ln cull your attention to the abore el
lri d braad of gods and w da u with theeoa
t io'ton tlial there i proal want exiMcg among
nr. mHteiniMr or ufkcrwU. a ptiee wbifky
ri numeeroi iter tun wna ara cohumiI led ta
Tn iii-ii'v tin witnl wettter ll. I lev's Pura
Itye, a artiiile whioh haa bran binr tue ptittim
tor a numtier ol ytar, it loputatiu atAta ling
lnuh ae a llmr'Highly rolmi.le tiinuUat am-mg
lotdifil mR, A an wtdence, quite number of
mr eminent phyai.-lan prricrii It to th eicli
mn nf all otbr.
lining uia I un th bet ku iwa (ientilo pria
jili-w, Irotn Ihe ln.ieet grain, and by priieitoal
dotttler. tt ret i. in a ile.ijrliiftil flavnr, and,
tjrentlly impMied hy nge. mike u larfrly fought
ulii-r y 6 tat ela-i htiU-ltan I drurtr.t4,
Mii.uld ya len n to gtv thia wkiaky a trial,
an. nre in dutbt a to whether your huM urdrug
kiN'p l. fnt having tinttof our mint diapliy
-d.) write tn u and w aliatl tt moat happr I
direct ynu U lU .ttmu$ who handle oar guoda
in rour lirilili(irh m I.
Wo nre ali .le pnip'letnninnd inintifictnrera
-tf thr well-kttawn iMt.HrtKVIiR'd TONIOIIEKB
Itll l ERi, wtiii-h bai be- uewtully ned for Ihiriy rear na a Blod Parifler, anti-Da
pviiiio aud Tnte.
.Ma.th21 7.J , 111 N rhirdSt., PtatUdulpbia.
H E A D I N (TfOrI lAM
Marhft til., t lparflelrt, (at tht Pott tUBc,)
rf 1 It K Bnlrrgtied bef tear ta annouae t
X th eiliioaa of t;irfield and rtcinitr, that
tit; hiiH tllti'il un m Piiotn mnA ttmm mat raluriifni
from the city with a lurirt anxmut of readtDf
niniter, ctmnntrtj in part of
Bibles and Miscellaneous Books.
Blank, A entail t aad Pa Booka uf rry dr
wripiiom P,ipr and Envelope, Kreneh preaaed
-iinl plain; I'en and IVaci'i; Hlank Letai
Taper. I'eerl. Mitilragi 4uitgmnl, Memp
lion ani l'na are aoteii Whit and
meat Bnel, Ulal Cap, Cap. and Hill t ar,
.heel Mumo, lur rltlirr Piano, F'ute or Vmlin.
eniistautiy on hand. Any hooka or itntir
drairnd that I may But bar tm head. will be ordereti
ay Iret aipreea, and eolil at wholetale or run
la auit u torn ere. I will alao keep pertodieai
mrraiur, lucn iuagnalae, newapnpera. ao.
P. A. tiAU.IN.
doargeld, May 7, IrUM If
einan ai ureerneia aaa vte intiy tnai a w V'
patod la ry all Anetioa, Veadu. and iher h'
on ehort BiillcOi and at reannahl ratee.
pnted and diatribulwd la ihe moM eonip'i
Mu rob 17, 'fa if. CI ear Held, l
IjltlH AI.IV-Th aadriigad agar
vans t TrIldHnfW KWI piVBayrtjw aj a -
( CI aar Held. Lot leu I Hi faset, with a god I
tory plank how thrwo araatod, with 1
rouwi liowa tajfa aaa foajr aa l
Aiwn, aewiwg roam aad hath li J
Hi haiaW aaplaa faai
Hood doahl
fmahl and parymanu eaay, I
Kiaag;i WM. ll. MaOOUOtTffR
m.uru -1 . . j . n .. i li.... ... . ,
n I If I