THE REPUBLICAN. !7RABKI8f.u7pZ " 'y MfiHwuia, Me. it. urt. Tsntu of Subscription. 17 . , r, , m, .una ibree auMtu ,..H M U'ti w-. tatara ,1. M ! uell ara, -h, aiylratlaB ,f ,i, ik,, lte.'hmaa BlKtt, tr ar .alt Batherlee. r HlkiM 4 (WW iv .. rvk uit. a ll.llilllUBl hUTItka. M. tli.allBi Kilecai.i Cknrck, L f btbbb, .Mar. Publle HoMUeeTeryiabeeU ' j min if r. aa. r-M-HlU Helmut at. A. M, . atiae ettre Tbaradav. el Tl II "an rierrlee, Aril Sabbatb f .tar. -.i.ih, I lu( A. M, ' ' ' " h r ri c au re hRe. U . S. B otlb a. Ml:uh ...rrier. m.rainf and areata, fet- ' ' ' - " r- rrayer Meetlaf Wedaae. i ... eieninf,. M. rrniiria' i.llHl-eli..f'ithallr-.Ke, p. .. ... -riraeiiii.g.i la, a ol.iok, A. Mon rial. third anil l.urlh Sunilaiaaf each month: V...i.a UeieiieiiaaellBe l' Haoraaienl i ;, I'. !.. read., Nrbe.,1 every Kaaday elirrBoun at u' I t MCIAI. UIHKCTUHV. i a or fain., tiuin hsbiob, ten,, l nad Mnaday nf Jaaaary. a T. rd Mnaday rt Marak. Fuel Monday af Jane, foana M'.ntiey af September, Tin itt Mris nail, Pint Mnad.y f Jute, fennel MnnrJae irf Naratibar Miie ornra.a. V..W..I f;(BoB. Cb.rlel A. Maya of lark ll.reB. ia dee tin. Job B. OrrMi af n.!i,r.,nit. yl.wl.l. Mfu Wlltlam 0. fall, C1earalM Tnlirt J. R.ert, raraeneellle. Pmlknmlarp -Ell Blonra. n.e;e'rr ana Irtrorder L. J. Morgai iWriVr Aif'.re.. Frank Pleldiaf. Derld W. Wire. ,t...' R. Mel'herin.. C'.Naia .tfareeaer--Hattavt P. McClorkey, Cvr wrnei ilia. f,a', Cee.e.eiaere Juhn D. TBompeas, Cranio III. i nrk Uraaa, CIcarlaK Coarad W. KjIf. CnNwfy Adir. JanM II. tltla, Lambar Cltj: t.fwi C. HIiH.m. CiaarDoldi Ueary Wbltohaad, 1'iilnn tnwnplilp. Jni-v f.'.Miimiiiirra Juba W. Ahufart, Jaflaaa Mili-hvll. Clrtirflftt. .VnaaWnrtaal a TalHa fctaala Jabi A. nri-.trt. ClHurll'M. A'.rfn'ria. 'ab'i'e-J.iba W. Wtljl.t. Wa. Ka ilHiHUfh, rr L. Oorilitn, Clrarftald; Jaaiah ana. .ti.. It. Irwia. N. E. Araolil.CurwrniTUIa ; J. i. t.inalr, Kminpl Snyrrf, Ofeaula Mill! I Joba flna Hniailli-n. I.wthrrl.arf . ('Bf .yrm rtiluma In Htcldfdty (nttrntiDf in a li-ritl iruhil of ifw, mrtd rttiug to oBtrldt it bo t.t tn wonrjr. A niho-rct'k revival in Mill in pitv (mi ta the M. K. rVareh t Philipuhurf Still, tb town ifftni to W i)UppU4 with iRdlarlM tDrt thitTM, fttffritl1g tA th i'ncUlti(i nf IB Jonrnnt. The Minify Luminary nynlhnt there reiMrf in that plaw a la-ly who bought btr ooly row f pin 1 over iwontjr yn igo when kt b (b housekeeping, and bat then all )t with tba exerptloB of tbreo or four. Gut his l?twARP. Jnincn U. Zahm, th drfttulting tubir of tba bankiag hovM of O-lllnf, Jobnoton A Co.. Ebaimbnrg, waa trit4 fur bit oniTiMtttnenta last wn-li aad awardod a po riod of two yean arid ! aionlbi In tho praltoa tlary fur bla m in placed aonftdanoo. Had Accident. Wo regret to U-urn tbal oar titovnod old frivad, Tbonai Leonard, of Wet Clearfield, foraifrlj of Olrtrd tewnnblp, fell oa tbt parcaorot and located a blp friml and eiberwiforrMlred bodily lnjar,oa Monday but. He la getting along at wtll aa ean be oipeetod under tbeclrcunntaooe. Notwithtundin "hunl tirneH," n pereont are o nied to say lag, buaineea at Vfm. Reed'aeontlnuef atbrlikly an oer. lleheepilbo bait aatarttneot of good In tho eooaty, and eaato mtri got much for a little Money that they go tnarohing off with oveh largo bund lei. feeling at WAed that tinea are not eo bard aJler alL CktMTENMiAL VisiToits. Tho Centofi alal Commiiolunera, through Ei-Ooreraor ftigler, tent an Invitation to the Judgca of tbo United Btatet fiupreme Coort t rlail tho Ceateanial grounda and botldinga nt Philadelphia. They been accepted tbo iaf iiation, and UfoimOor. fiigler that tbay will bo oa the ground! oa the ITlb uf thia oaootb. At a moetintT of the Board of Par dona, faild an the lb Inat., the ailnora who were convicted of riot la thia twenty, aadmro aowtoa fined la the' Weetora Prnltenttary, were rtenai oadod for pardon, and it la reported will bo iw teaaod OB tbo Slot Inat, Their HON are Balph Parka. Jno J. Maleney, Jno. II. Joyee, Tbotaa BurehAold aad Xingu Parka. 4U0TAL Accommodations. The Mor- rladaio Ml nee oorreapondcat uf tbo Phillpibarg ea naf eaya that ptrbapi It la aot generally known tbnt MorriiJaW Minoa la tho dlaing at tton for tho Branch pacaengar traia, yet laeh la tho caie, at loait for all who wiib to dine hero, Tbo traia reaiaini almnat an boar giving the pee oengera more t ne for dinner than at Alteoaa, or any other i ail road dining it at too. - Death1 op Ciiablu Pakk. Wo arc aorry to bo compelled tbie week to announce the death ol oar.ywua friend, C. C. Park, only child of II. W. Park, So,., of thia plaoo, wbkh eoear red at kit boarding bouto, ilt Cherry atreet, Phil adelphia, aa Tbura lay aftoraoon, tba 9tb intt., In ibu 23d year of hie ago. For tho paot two yean bo bad been a otadeat la tbo ofioe or Dr. T. J. Boyer, and bad but rteenily guae to Paitadel pbia to attoad tho ooarat of Ciiaieal Locturot at Jo arow Modloal College, lie waa aa attajjire atud a , aad guto promiae of a brilliant fat ore in tho proftaa o which bo bad boeen. Uia diaeaao waa b.lloaa oolla, aad for eeveral day prior tv sia oath I o I ad onffcttd tbo aioot iateaaa a'goay. 'Cbarllo,Ml he Wnl faaiillnrly called here, waa B geBoral faro It with all who knew hum, aad hii .-Btrowe, warm -hearted nature bad woa biw , boil r oaa a, who tie ply tyntpatblae with the alU cted fa (111; la tli Ir audden borearoineat. Ilia body waa brought home oa Friday, aad oa Son- ; day alternooa waa followed to tl lait rating plare ' by a large nnibr of our ell i twit. Pence to bn abo. ai Ol r Si uoolb. U cannot bo doniod that our Mhocla wnder tba Hupoi laiebdoacy of Mr. Qregory, an ia a Tory prompt-rv ounditWo. ; Jiif ladoiatlkablo efiona to briog teacher and Mbolara ap to tbo highett ataadard la riiible oa , ovafj bB la Aa ao tnataaoo ol bia labor, If the I reader will tars to our firot page be will and Mr-1 oral oulumna o. critical que. lea i relating lo tbo Theory of Teaching, ranging from thirteen to forty -eight qaeMieoe, oa tho ear oral auhjecta on der ooMidoratloB. He baa looarred lac tiino and i peace af oowj piling thia catalogue of qoriilevt, and bad tbrai printed fur greral airoulaliefl and for teaebera ta particular, which If atndied by teacher aad pap)!, will enable each to ioaproro la their rtrpoctivo calling! and add hamony to tba ayatea., whioh la certainty deelrable. Beeaaae, If yen tail to inatil thia principle ia the boy or girl, It la aouotiui waeinor too nan or woniaa win practice It la mil ore age. and therefore practice ; toi.tua.uB lur a mj clime, ne are ati oreaura or wo ream, or inpart to otaora. Je-IKAON CoCNTT lllUUWAVUKN. Our roodera will remember the neooont roeeatly gltoa la .bete columaa of a bold highway robbery ton, milled about throe milea frota Pannutawnoy. oa tbo rood leading froai that place to Big Boa. at which lime a toea named Bnok, a roaidcat of tbo laiter place, waa clutbid and bea'.aa laaenti bit, aad then rubbed of acme 91,t00aadtwo valaj. ble walebeo. It will alao bo remembered Ibal Dr. AHtaoa, alaoartaideatof Big Bun, waa riding la tbo buggy with Mr. Bnak at tba time or tbo oecuiriBoe, tint waa But auailed aor moltiud by the highway mta. l aea were oaceatlaJly the facta lo the care aa tbey were dado hauwa at tbe Unit, but (rum owr eiebengee wo leara that ua Saturday laat KB bow dvvelupairatc wore made, which boto tbo effect to pleet acme of too reeidenia of Big Bua la anything bat aa taviablt poaitloa. On haturday broot CbaMbereand Uevrge Painter, at tbnt place, oonUred that inducement Bad ba-ea held vot to ibi m to occlet la the robbery by Dr. Allium, Thome a Andtreoa and David Loath, Lut Ibat obea ika llmt t pruoebod for the Ooai Bilecloe of tbeenmelboy ''weaheeNd aid rotated to Ui part ia U. Ckaibboro and l'Umr now al lege Ibat tbey recloii Irooi Aliieoo, Aederceo ai0 Leoeb tbe mo woieheaaadaitftul tbeaowvat tielea to keep quiet. But they allege ibal eon ccrvwoo wot tow eirwog lor them and compel ed tbroj ta toll what the; bwew. Tbe plea let tbo rubbery wot It Dr. Allie-.o to lake Brink to Puitaautsouey, get him brlphaaly drunk, and lo dart bwmo wnb bita at a lata hour, ll ibi wot indeed i bo programme, II waa certainly carried out, aad woo Beeoeealol ia en tar a the prrpolra turn ol the rwbuery im oooooraed. The Dr. Al Btot) pemtt at wot locmerly n roeldowl of Indi n oeetaiyi a4 It mpetMobly caBaactid. 4B too pari we meawowew ooowo wtro mfitm labet) w Fnmdaattejwt M fc" 1. aak aaaaaj t.t aj -- ' . aaat IM CTl - . arwg, oa too 4ib .oey wort acaooyod U Broom tiaMt, watfoj they art aew U ptltao. 'iBAOHWlla JNBTITIIT1. TU follow lag la II a iriraaiaia ar aaartlMa far tba Tiaab aai' laatilala, la ba bild la Pla'l Opara Uaaw, Cliarlald, aa tlaa l.;, Daiaaikar I: Ik, UTa, and aaallaalaf hat la)i i vaaav. Ifaaaaa La Parta. MaaaU kaad. Mania MaDawall aad iikt Hava. . KUam ri aiiu aanu nu mam. AJpkabM, lllaa Harp Itlibbx fbaaaila aal: I. M.kaall Haaial Arllkatall (llata aad ail prablaau), L. I. Wabar) Wrlliaa ArMbtoaila (U. . m n - -r---.. - vaaa aaai, Wal. PaaUalbirall I Uaaaitlia af ArUb alia, A. Ilrd Oaafrapkj,, T, U. Liu , La.lUb er.ana.r, k. 0. Yaaaataaa i Pbfilaal utt.t b, W. I Lla lillt .rji.ali,, U.llia lata Draw. !,. t. XiKaatkki Pi.llon.ahj, M m alal ia xat'a,. IVaiaQraVaa tlaaaiaaaatiab. Tba Tiatktr, a. W.Wtaitri Tb8abval H'-ia, 8. U. Ilal Iba Pa.ll., Toultal K. U aad BaaailaallaaH I. P. Kbatlitr I T" Qtaaral Uitoo Sjitria, Jd L AtUuoaa I l'i.iil aad Taunbtr, A. H. ll,.. U.a oaa ika Uarblan af arlllnlaaarauaaty balaiunairdr W.J Kan Tba dmy a' waa. ara MUaMa at aakaal i . Larraai i:lll Uuvtraaant aol b-iw nr .ajnt ap ba laabt . (I. W. Martdaa 1 WL.I b..i,M ba Iba ladaMTtil Hi bald at. ta rauata britf Itaabarar Mlka Partari U aiay a a.i aebnali ruanda pragiarlp lraapdl W. P. Ibaa- BOB I say nnall pwpila bo u.wr. kept tu in ecnooir w. r. onoD j flote bouki, and bow p. pm aftoaid aeep nm, J. 11. Wllaua i Uaait, wbe Hi hfw to ba twg Ut, H. L Uaelirh. utaaTton fo ntMtiiroi, ShowW direelaea allow aoy tinve let toaeben elalttng iha Mhala of hi dlttHrt t Ikoaid ibt Hterary tttnlHt of tt4j idef. 9i bo ooo4itttd In tbt hm af HUrtry mlH; Hatkf'M Hit. TfctlHrio will be Olffoiei d.f, tthaei tba ftt 1 wing qaeftkt' be llitiwdl Dooi lowerli g tbo iraobar'g wogea aontnt ike i ia err for what pablbj Beotlogi theitld lebool rooaia aagrtvatodr IM oaa tlaiu ttm dtrootoH Tie made m9n tMBtHoial r lCTI Ktca. Rtr. J. B. TuaBf, Kor. . g. tailor, kov. W. II. Dili and Dr. M. V. WiWoa w,ll lerimo la the ttfternoeaa. tie ideal Foliflfld. Piitcipal ludtaaa Rial N-rmai HebooL, Mrary lluaek. Deputy Mtate Ka- pcriBtendviil, K'v. J. II. Iwuog, Curweoivllle, Uev. 11. H. Butler, U.t-. W. H. Dill and T. II. Murray, Kiq., of Clearavld, will leetura in the eveaingt. Itiao Uargarot McQnead, OaocoU, E iiirrn for BptT. Ur$ H. yir.Bje Cb.atH.r, Btraouao. N. V.. will hava ebaryt of K oeulloa and CalUlhenlea. A otmber of teaebera are preparing Uaea for tho XBrtttulo I run tbvir avhuul. mi oar vi Tttacaixa. Pleate giro tbo queptUur UB I'broty of Teaeb iog that aoeuinpany thia prugrmiune, and whioh itte publiabed on the grat page of lbi paper, po oial atteatioa, aa they Will bo naked la the brut of gcBeral boMaa at tbo lattitate, aid all wbu prepare will hare an oppurtaalty of aaaweriog. AOOoBMOBATIOttS. Boarding aiay bo bad atlromaeftnty-gveetinta to i BwMwIlar per day. Kxoorxiua tlekela during the week oa railroad traiai. . Frota tho arraagenwata that bate been wade, the gairorlotendoat, ilr. Qregory, takei plvaauio ia iatiting all teaebera to attend the laititata,aa bo feell oooldeat that all attcw dbg will bo pro. lited, and bopei to bnvo a large attNidaoee of teaebera, direetora and eitiieu. ' Tbo oBcora art U W. Waror,TU Ltts, Julia K. Potera, gadio Porter. Muaie by Cloarfitld Ur vbeetra aad Uloe Club. S. 8. Convention. A convtjiition oi the Hunuay achuolaof tbo Uuntiagdua Proabytcry ovateaed at McVeytowa, J Wnynaiburg), Mifflin cooatjr, ob tbo Tib aad itb. The atteadaaeo we oBdcrataad wac aamually large, aad thia Wateine beet cua rent ion yet held in the bound of tbo Proabytcry. The following ie a Hit of the dele galea aa near aa wo toald get tbcai : Ckarfleld Cyroa Uordon, guperia tendon I ; Mia alary H. Mueoop, aeiegafe. Uullidayauurg llev. D. H. Barron, Patter; Mrc. C. U Irwin, deligato. Tyrone Sam ul wel'amanl, Hy peri a leaden t ( Mrc. H. C. Laird and Jobn V. Wileua, dele-atea. Occoola Hot. N. II. Miller, Pantor t Janea . Catnerun, guparlntendent. Beulab-MiH M. J. McCallough, deregto. Aletandnn- Hev. 3. C. Barr, Paeteri Jne. Por ter, Hupenateadoat j atra. J.H Barr and W. H. Iftryker, aW legatee. Arch rtnnng AleiaadarTeaipletOB, Ml Alloc Mittow, Mie Hadio lavwder and H. V. MeUlna aev. cWieifatoa. fcaet Kirfaoooqailiae-wRtr. A. U. Farnor. Paa lurt Jea. W. Byie, delegato. Pcnniiylfaaia Furwaoo -g. W, Irwia. fluperla tendrnt, Orbieunia Bot. Wn. PHdeaai, Factor Mica fcllla Dafiuwo, delegate. Aitwuoa c'iral eOureb, B. F. Ceatar, Superia tendenti Mil Alice Cacao and Jea. W. FiudUy, delegalea. 8oound charoh, Kee. W. J. Chiohva ter, Paaior) Jaa. 11. Dyart, HuperiaUntionlf B. A. Clark, delegate. Belleiuaic W. T. Wylic, Factor; flea. Ja. A. Beaver, CopcriBlendcB'. Lugaa Valley, Bet. H. Mai bar, Pnator Bow. an Clark, M. D P. 1. Way and Miaa Aanle L'lark. ditlegatee, Bvdtuni Her. B. F. Wiliea, Paator. W illuiBPburg-kie A ante M. W bite, dole gate. MilroyBev. J. II. While, Paator f Biro M. Mvupa, ftvi, J. A. Arthur, A llaribborgar, M. ! D., Mrc. A. L. Highland and K. U. bhaw, oela gatoa. Little Valley Bee. goho McKaao, Poator. Huntingdon W. B, Oroitvn, Auperiateadent ; 9. B. A r tallage, delegate. Ploo Urave F. B. Keed, Hnperlatendent. Birmingham Bee. 8. T. Hiliua, Faatori Mr a. 8. T. Hiliva, delegate. Lewiatown Her. O. O. McCleaa, Paitor , D. W. Wweda, W. 11. Bratloo, Frol. Brewa, Jac. lio-d heart and Annw Clark, delrgatcc. The editor of the Altoona Mimr, to wbnia we art indebted for a lift of tba aaaica of the dele gate, aayai "A inmplutma dinner wac prepared , la tbo baaeatcat of tbo ebarch by the good people uf tbo tewa aad ooaatry. Wc oaaaot apeak teu highly of It How they oeuld hare everything good aad every good thing prepared Ic almvet a asyatcry. But they bad It." Tbe next convention tneeta la the Second Pre- byterinn oharah la Alteoaa. Tug Wkkk of i'HAVKR. The Evan gelical Alltanot of the United (State of Ataerle aoggoati tbo following topic for meditation aad pra;or oa tbo uoeeacive diys of the flrat week in lrg! fianday, Jan nary S. -Barmen Tbo loro of (JfnJ perfoetapd la klm who 'keepetb hi word." 1 John il . Moadey, Jannary I. Thonkgiing aoj Ca feaaioa. A retrospect of the yr. Taecday, January 4. Prnyo for the Church of t'hrlit For the mcubera recently added to the i oboreb; for tbo anion of true believer a ia fraict aal fellwwabip and active eo-operailea, fur there-1 weal tf error, tbo litorcan of godliaooa aad a ' cloan r tertlmoey among believer to tho doctrlaci j aal power of the gofpol of tbo grace of God. Wodnocday, January Prayer for faaalllei For godloaa parcotat for prodigal wac for chil dren at Mfcool for Iheae oatorlng npoa profea aloaal and commercial Ifffo i for widow and or phan i for eon a. 4 daughter ta foroiga laada, and for al' who are mentally or olherwiae afflicted. Tharcday, Jaartary . Prater for Balm, Me gilt ret and Statceaieo For aolltora aal tall era ; for aat ion I iaotltatiea, for ph.taaibroplc aad obaritabfc eoeietiei i for prieeaera aad enp tlvoe, and for tbo permeated oad opproccod. Friday, Jaaa try f. Prayer fer Foroiga Mia. alone. Mail, 11111:19. gitarday, Jaaaary I. Prayer fer all Natloac For tho maraieoaaoe tf poaoo ; for Ibt ttaaatioa of lamalta, wan aad civil drift j for tho removal of biteBpciBMo, ImaaovaHty aad leldality from tho land, oad that tbo frail or Ut earth may bo brought forth pleollfolly la their teatoa. Boaday, Jaaaary I Jenoeoi Tbo ultimate IrlBmph.Paalma iiU:1T. Clbakfuld Coal Tbadb. Btalo- meot tf Coal aad other froigbti teat over tbt Tyroot A Oearao.dDic.tlea. Peaaaylraala Rail road, for tbo week etdiag Doc. ilk, 1ST, aad tbo tamo lime laat year t eot Pr the wedi Aamt time laat year lacreaco .,.,.... .. .i Prorlonaly daring year Heme tin loot jeer...... lacreaee Total la UT .. Home time InH yiar Iarea o ..........! traaa raaioarc. Lamber .r.'l'.T... .,.... MicceUaneooa freighlt CnffiaTMAff. Thg Ladin' Aid Soci ety or Ibt Poaleld Prcabyteriao eh e rob will bold a Fair aad FcttUal oa Ceriiimea day nlWaoua atidoveatog. Dinner, It to t f. 4 oyeurt, ft to I -. a.i Fair, ll it ! p. u. They tollcH ooo trlbotleat of moaci or ol onie lei lo tell-froa booct farm or ttcfott he aeoi U the georetary, un L. Bird. Mr. M Wimdward. Frou M- L. Bird, tot.( Mrc. A. oocaeld. T Mm Mokartff' alki for B SrpeMmt. af weod eafcoa oa oobctttoliaa f a tweantry ptfor, Bo at AcdUvorog hon ajoauod," lor aaJkibL Wo hoteat got U. root. ... I4,ft . la.4 ... IMH ... HMTT ,.. e!, Ml Ul,lc ... HIT 4 ,.M 111,111 ... lti,v m lAcara. ... ! WATMI WATIkll WATtklll Dalva a III ba fcaad a UalTllal ataUauat af Iba aail al Iba I'lailua, "alar aaib, roaaallp araalad la ibat bamaab. Tba aval ll lar balg arbbl at aapuaaad Iba; aaatd baanalad lar la any plaea. (aa Iltaiaaral, Craai ablak aaur Iba alalaaiaal, aa;i ll aaaaaaaad la Uih aalaaiai laat ab Ibal Iba aalar varbl bad au agiaalalad aad ra la aaarallaa. VVa kava awa aa au. ana 1 !'' af ib aarai waur la at itwad aa aatra. aad 1 "f. . ' f""""4 '"" ...,iwa a vaartar ffiaaua itf laa a,sll. bit al ytari aau. bat aalU laat luaiiatr fM.uf lilb.r at dvaa. Akial Iba taijaia af Vuti, avwai aara uiaatd Ivr Iba abMinatlwa ,.; ..' . a.,..ltWt'aliiiUlra Wat .abtarat.!. Iba aua. '"' I"' ""iba aa. M Aaaa.l vta. ta P. II. -baaauu, aud U nark. t.iaui.aa.J ilaaia- I k aU.u. tl by baa.Unaii aa.l br ajtaai aa. ...I lata iba a.iaa, tat aaai. a,k aariag , Mlm,,H. U. ,a,,lt,u kit .a t,.. bad Wt. ta. Miaipitlad I. itira. t..,k,. ,a lt .,,", ,. J,,.. k,.t b, ... .u,l ... Uv.. ......wy, iar jaa a., aitiatca raai ... a,...,.., ,aj .4aa "Ilk IU b .tlKll. tlir k 11. ,,,. !..!. a I.H.. Ili-r..ll ol Iba arr, btar li.aj iiUitnJ U'lk in it.. I'Url'bt. ! -P'a aka'a. - Mat fl LxaitiA til 10 1 1 ilio( Hl.4 1 ' ' t".tri- ut r- ! i't nun, , irtf triitu ' i tm furi igi ut uni 1 r iit . Kl.,WI ttlflli'tr lliU t4lar ID U-Kt't la 111. ut itMit-u .N.iiir bill, .1.4yot ftwi. ...h ao i:evnma ir n n it.. u..aa ..... j rre toiir t toe puiop euttoa in of i.rta maoa- aetuie, aud Vfntvwt tbirt Bit hnire ipuwer. The a"ual borte power rieotcaary hr tbt work heing twenty one aud one-half, f be pomp art oy ware i paurrn, who ncianct oltoo calroj waior tylitder luuv laobet tadianctcri eteaei eynnatr amt inooti in en meter, with foarteoa Irwbat atr he. They olllhft I IS ganoai per rcvolotliHi. The mctirtti far nrdiotry aopply iWld ho fnrty veto I oi Inm per ounoia, e)ual tt M7I gallon par near, ann nr nrenemanaaaiity toroiotliin Wotlo be ar, throoihg .0(4 gallolt per hoof. The capacity of the tank ia I0ii,l4 gallon, or a (pout t,:M ourrvli, tbo weight or water hi-iog 41)1 tone. The biaina arc lit inuh caat Iroo pipe no Main at reft frock the atoragr to 3d Weet at reel, end tour inch pipe from corner f t Weal nod Mata and along Wood lreet to the "Y" at Arnold ave nue. IVo Ore pfuga are auiiaMy located along the ttrertt The length of nnina ic otic mile and 3. SI feet. Their capacity I.TiT galluna. making a total aupply ol 1,4AT gal -tna. Average bead nr hnglit u fuply abuvu tumrn 87 i li-at, giving a hviiraulio pn-.nure un ibn luaiua uf thirty eiglil poutiila lo ibe pqnarc Inch. With tbe bead and volume alnr ItcuiH, lnur ttreMm tlirec fourtb of an inch in diameter, eol 1 be npcuod lor fmr b'-em and Hlt nnnutce, lliruwiog collectively 374 gallon per minute. In tbnt time tbe puenpi at my retoluttoo pr minute wmld lift eufflcient water lo cont.nao the f-mr mreauia lor una hour and thirty terra tuiouieeibe total Dre auppiy being eix bourc na.i la-ent v-mne minutec. With j ihe f.-rco and anpule ut bund a let ihree-fourthe i of(na inrb in die Wirier ehuld be thrown Ally feelJ tirr-eniieuiHiiy antl una nmiilred and thirty teel j inriaon tally, euffltieat to thrown three-quarter I tm m mrnii um itio ruoi VI 111 CHUTI nolla, H.i hundred feet uf rublwr bae haa been uiir cbaeed by ihe luroui;h, ll li two inohoa in dia meter, la In oily loot arctiom, nh notaioa ihrce focrtha ul an Inch in dinmuier. fbe entire Iteinited cue! of the water work foot up $13 tUi.a moet n-u ark able low um cou. eiderinc their coiupletone and Cmveninr. ' Tbu orjten liet ion tt aa Mi-m i President, linn. Ja Campbell; Treaearrr, N. Mer j RtMretary, 1. u. i-aiupbell. tlonm ot aianaptere Cl J II. Knox, Dr. J. F. Hoar. Thee. (i. Wilcon. Ka . C C. Ilmriur, C. A. Kan kin. Htii.irintnlent P.. 11. Thome. mm Tribi'Tk ok Kkhpect. At n iinK'tinc of the Leonard Literary Aatociatlon, held Friday craning, December lotb, the death -f Coarlca U. Park wa rorinally anaouncod by lb President, after which the following preamble and roavlu tlona were unanimoualy ndupted : W'HKMKAa, It ba ideated Almigbiy Utd ttttatl from time into eternity Cbarlea C. Prk, a main ber of the Leonard Literary Aaaoeiation, aod be lle, tng that our Heavenly Father duetb all things wen, ueepty fowling our lota, acquiesce la ibe Diriac will, which Dover can err i tborwture, he li freered, That thia afeoeUtton, by his death. Imt loat a valuable uiouiber. itttrtJ, 1 bat we ea tend our tvinnat hf Ic the licreaved parent, who amaru the Ui-pariure of n loving ana areviea son. lYeeored. feat a copy of Iheic reaoluliona l preheated to the parents of the deceased, and that tbey be f obi tinea in toe town paper, Taiacta or B earner. At a nreting of tho Rodent of JeffertoB Medical Oollegt. Phlladel phi a, tbt following were unanimously adopted t Wbirbcc Aa all-wiee Uod.ln His providence. naa teen at ao remove iron, our naiost, ty a eery xudden death, our worthy and e teemed friend, ( harlft C. Park, or Clearfield, Pa., we, bla fel low Mndrai of Jeffereon Medical College, deem it right and proper to give expiration to our sor row at tbe aad intelligence, aod to convey lo bia afflioted family tome assurance of our sympathy. Therefore, be it freeiW, That while wc how la humble tob mltaioB to the will or the Supreme Phyaleiaa, we reeogr lac ia the death of oar fcMww-atndent a eo rlouo lot, one tbnt will long ho re one rube red and deeply telt among n, aa bn disposition and eon veraniioa were cut, at to endear him to all who knew him. W truly lemcal bia removal from our aaidtt, but hope tbnt tor lota may be hi ia Inllo gain. iVeeeeed, That la thictlmeor their deep afflic tton nt tnc loe of their only child, we ciacerely tender our warmest srmpatbie to hit bereaved Pai her and Mother, aad hope thia aeoarnaoe of our love and rvepeet for oar deceaetd br.ither may be received oa evidence that otbora partakt with them la their anguish. ifeawfeect, That a copy of these resolution bo printed In tbe Ciearfteld paper ind tbo eMie Lrtyir, or Pniladelpbia, aad thai they become a pan of the minutec of too el aaa ol '7k aod 'li, Dait B. Huaaais H P. Hauauac, W. 6 Mudob, A. C. P. BanTon, F. H. Bovcann, Coaiiiititet. Incendiarism. Thiuven and incun- diariec plied tbeir vocation la our neighboring borough last week. The Ptiiliptoorg Jmnrmnl, ol Ralurday, aaya: ' On Friday morning, by hoc c lwca. oil that waa loll ol 1,700,000 fot of dry pine etvt hemioob lumbef, at the milb oi J. F. iSteioor A Koa, just eppoaito town, waa a long lino or ab heap About two o'olook ia the morning fire wac aeen oreeking out aiinult aaeously m three placet among the lorn er, and although every eflort waa mail by tboeo who harlvaed le tbe eoenelAotbing could be aocomplirbi'd agwiaat Iba flnmee, nnd tho ul inoat that ootid bedotie wastoiavatbeuiill, wbicb waa fortunaieiy nneotaplisbed. That trie act of Bring the lamber wot a deliberate deed there coo bo no doubt. The mill la a waior miU, haot been ruaaing for Some time and there la do other theory lu account fur tbe breaking out of tbe Irr in throe separate tpotc ruriberuore, it would teem that tbe intention waa to destroy the mill ac well, tbe plug having been token from tbo at a- i lioaory Ire oouip eo at to prevent Ito a sc. Tho I rearoa Ibal tbo removal of tbo plug indicates tbe Intention to barn toe mill li ibat tbo engine, whoa In running order, waa oeelea except to protect I tbe mill Itself. Fortunately M- tiowlnnd baa a pump aim liar la every respect In hi foundry, and the plug of bie pomp wa borrowed aad theea giao tbu operated to aavetfaemlll. All tbe lam ber lo tbe yard, except about ftu.vOQ leot pil d near tbe mill, wa totally deatnyed, Involving a! Ion of from to I1.UU0. on wb.ob lAero waa an Iniuranoe tf only aintut $6,00t, Mecar. R ciner m 0b auflenag an actual loae of at least i 6,000. Tbi ia the third incendiary Art, dcatrue- , tivo of a large quantity ef lamber, ia thia viola. Ity witbia as many months, and the alarming fre quency aad groat loco eaiailed may wo.i exult a grave apprehension. Tho atort of Moaars, C, Muatea A Boa wac burg tar I ted oat a ght laat week, and quantity of good carried off. t mm t mmm- Medical Htbatbot. Tho MiUonian relates tbe following, a the result uf a boat! Oa Saturday laat a aaaa by tbt aama of Dough erty, frem Nippoaoeo valley, wa to o bunting oxpeJiliea lo White Deer Valley, and while root lag oa bio goa with the left bead over the mat sic aod tba ngot arm roaiiag oa tbo left bead, too gun wa accidentally discharged aad tba lead panned through ihe left hood aod upper third of tbo right arm, near tho choolder, producing a compound, oommooatod fracture, vf the worsl character. Dr. rruoaen miller was called 1b aad dreceed the -wound and on tfuodey teat lor Dr T. W. Meekly, ul Jersey Hhoro. for tbo porpoteul performing amputation at tbe abouldor joint hut lenud that tho patient had not auSieicntly roasted le juslily aa operatioo at that time. Tbe doctor relerned ea lue Tueed-iy foltowing and with the asaistaaoc ol Dro. Trwctenmiller, of White Deer Valley, and Leiaer, of Wateeatowa, performed the eperatioa el reeectioa or excision wl the eoda ul tbe boo et for the purpose af aaving the arm If possible. Too cola were then uuito4, wuh the nop lb el tbey will knit together. If soeoeMlal, ibe patient will ham n good arm, though aomo what s boner than before the accident. The op erotica It a JiHoall oae, aod we leara was tatic loelortly potter mud. Tela la the third operation ef thic character that Dr. Meek la j has aerfermecl within the put three years, nod in beta the eioei eaeee the time were caved, aa Ic hoped will oo the taee la tbio loeteaee. fat doctor deserve credit lor bla chilliol effort lo aave tbe patient a arm, at the moat usual meibol la caeca ul aimilar wound It to amp a Uia at tbt abouldor joiat. Oil Well Kiue.-Ww loam that on Wedoetday oeeoing, tho U4 all., tbo gaa too Ire al Mr. Hague c new well, coat ol Hb-tld. aa the F. A B. Hailrood, sertoualy buraing tho drill er nad Mr. MeNair, oi Obetteld. ll appearc tbnt tbey had Jest street, a few vela of gaa and come oil. reiipie were ownai ieraniy cxoiieu in antral palion ol a btg well. Mr. McNair, aa we boar H, wont wear the well with a lighted lantern beforo tho driller tow him. Of course the gee tent Ir ta tho ebebiy and well. Tttcetplerioe tkrew tho driller teveral feet burning bm aad MoNair bad ly and ohaklag ap things ta a lively meeaer la ell direthoBB. Oa fbartday tbo got la the well w atill burning, throwing a lame ft fly or aixty leot into tbo oir, It wac probably come aaab aa explosion aa oecorred ta Otl Croth many year ag, who Mr. Booeo tod oihora toot their It tee. idvoeww. Vnarnlrir k Brown, elolbitn Pblladalpbla, an a napaailbb. a-- ( a, aa' ' . Tb.t aaaba . . .a'a a4atbl. aad raaba Ikaaa rl,bl. 1 bair prlata ara ranarbablt law, aid Iba .aadt la ka. Ib aaa ba a. law. Iba baal a( all ll, bawanr, akar bara bwt aaa pMa. laa a artlaja, aad tbal frbx t aaaat fmf allba. Tbara U ao aaak IbaBf a. la" aUawwa. I! ba, Uara a aJaar. bjaaw Ibad a w (rtUai f ar Baaaaa-I Van BBA babtdf aaa ba; abaaptt. Hingulah Fatal Accidint. The ' Timw aaja Oa Moadiy, al a ballberlaa at Rllaal'i an I ha albar (Ida Iba rlrar. a Mr lllrala HIM km bla Ilia by k ilagnlar aaaldaat. Tbay btd tw.i bji lylag aa a flad aad wart aaf agad at elaaalaa tbaai Ulraai VIII aaa aaaafW al work' al lb. faraard aad af Ika alad, aad aftar altaalag aaa lida af Iba bag ba altaaalad aa Jaaia arar tba bg la Ika albar alda af iba alad, alia kla knlfa la bit kaad, aad alluuaj aad fall, alrikla laa alad raaaar alib tba alba af Iba aria ba ai baUlag Iba ballb lib, Tba kalra aalarad tbt alda al bli aaab aat. Uag af Iba Jagular vaia, aaa patalag lata tba a.i4 iMarrnw, ar, aa taa aitiara aan tl, aitaaug ablaaaala. Ut g.l aa aail ilariad fur tba baaia, wllb tba klaad (tartlug ap aiwta b'a baadt but bafara ba i.l ta iba buait ba fall aad faiattd. it aa baa.(oad tbaUhiaiaairl'in (iat ibwraoa bum : J" at Ibal Ilia., aal ha al la aaa lary ...a -n , t ... i.. n. I .7 L. J. a j. - .i , .. I' -I 1 ; ,u, , ,ui,.., ,ui lurt ,, m4. . .h,M r hi. lid ll Ibara . a1.1b.a4 ""a Iba I .1 .. . .. . . . ... ba N. t II .' rouilliai . h...h n.rlad tbt I liltltatr. but waa (nun if ii.;i.hI llv iIii-ii l.imr j u,, ,h.o(.j.i- hii.I rriuain" 1..i nil b. ..a b. wbmh n. Wild, tin,! v, i fiiM'aiii'h w. i lhl vi UttllOrl IVMllllltillir Ulicluiftll-J 1 0.0 1'fwtoDier at Clear bU, for the week euding 1). Uih, 187A I CameruB, Jamea McFarland Mr. M irtba Dcuaey, hi loo MtLeary, F 0. ngoa. John C. McCullougb A. M. Filiiertl, Carlo , Mo Laugh Im, Samuel (lardner, Lillia Plyupton Frank Hubbard, T. J. A Co. Htorma, B. F. Ktacy, Locy Wright, W, B. t. A.AAULIN.F M SjMCldllP. MM. hk.l'.O'a 1.1Cti.a. lallda; 8ood. al Wat. Haid'a, rla. tba at a Draaa Uaoda, aatp U eaaU pari jara. Ilaadteai. Para, Jatt ranlrad, aarp that p. Doll., Poll,, DjIIi, DalK, OaMf. laltlal llaadhai'bitr., Uiillart aa. l,aaa. -Vw Til-., Nrw (luuda of aatry nea. a. nra u T. A. Fhek A Cu. bate thia ilav recelrctl a largf stock of now good fur tbe holiday, which will be cold low for .ab, dec. o-tf New Dretl Gotxla at PlaECK A CO'R. d-. tf New Motllnaat FLKCK A CO'0. dec.S lf Nrw Utngham at FLBCK A CO S, doc. S tf Hat aud Bonnets, at reduced prices, at FI.ICOK Ltl .1. e d!C. Tbe irtt thing rot lo worn ua oonie to to -i it lo go to FLKCK A CO S. drc.l if Par Yui'bTaxbs Tbi County Com tn 1st Ion era nava given mo emphatic notice ibat It my dupli cate fr lT4 ie nl settled up by the 1st of Jan uary, that the (Sheriff will be afl. r the money toon after that lime Thotc, therefore, who have not paid me tb'ir Bounty tn for lb7& and 1174, or 1 1? a. had better pay up If they want to do tho tair thing and aave cost buttle, aa 1 am deter mined But to poy other people' debts ar keep tha county out of ila jait dues coming from ethers. JUHN McCLKLLAN, Clearfield, Dot. I, Uli-H Con.leMr. A Pact Worth knowing. Arc vot aulTerint with ConenmDtien. Couch. Prvere Cald aetlhd oa tbe Hrrat,or anydiireaac of tbe Throat aad Lnnc J It to. bo to voar drue gitl, C. D. Wntsoa , and gat a buttle of Boecaat'a uumhak rrnrp, 7 ma wed let ne baa lately bten introduced from Germany, and la telling on ita own merit. Tbt people art g"ing wild ove ll urcof. nnd druggit all over our country are writing ua of ite cure among their customers. If you with to try It superior virtue, get a Sample noiiie tor it tents, barge also bottle li oeaU. Three dose will relieve any caee. Try it. uiebl7vowly top that Cough. Dr. Morris' yrup of Tar vttid (.herrt and llorebound la a-uaranteed cure cougha, cold, hoareencia, or any disease of ine mroai, lunga or enrol leading tn conanmptMn, In lea time than any other preparation. Nothing ma. we nnvi ever avid acta Co prt.mpliy and Well, ll eurt croup in a few nikauiee and ia the heal known ri iei fur whooping cough. Contain no opium nd is pk-oaaat to take. Congb worn tic- lima, whose lunga are racked and torn with per rytwt(. Hud sure and fpOi'dy relief frnto ilt use. Trial aie, 10 cents Hold by C. D. Walton, ifearnriii; r. Curley a l., wiiiiausxrovti T. 11. Forrey, Urakmton, and P. Muyer, KyloHowo, neb ITeowly. Pia thia on yodc collar when yoa come to town, aad doa't forgot to call aad examine Fleck A Co. 'a eatoaaivo atoek of aew goods, cheap for each. cento tf lit? eo i as Fob 8 a LB. H. Nowtoa Bbaw ketaa full aupply of Fredonia Bocgie and Platform Wagona for aolo. To bo aeen at tbo tfbew House yard. Call oa or addroa him at Clear Id Pcno sylrania. may IS-lf. Parrird. Oa Tuesday. December Mi, I87S, hf Iter. R, H. Whartoa, Mr. Darios D. Hitter, or Ptko town ship, and Mrc. Amanda Taylor, of Tyrone eity. 5ir4. In Peaa township, aa Friday. December 10th. 117, Prircllla H., wila of Wa, F. Jwbnatoa, eied 7 ycara, I month nad If day a. In Ooi-ben township, on Wadatadav, Nevomber ?4tb. IHTft, Mary Alice, deadlier r Samuel end Jane Laatberry, aged 11 yea re, S tnoatba and If daya. In Lawrence townrblp, oa Wo-lnrsdar. Decem ber Itb, INT4, Israel Niohola, aged about no year. 2dvrrttsrmrnts. JICEKSB NOTICE Tba followiaff Baraaa. bara 61.4 la tba offlaa ef tba Cl.rb of tbt I'aart al Qaartar Saaalna. ar Citarfiald anaatx, thir ,.tltlona and boed. fur LtraaMa, at tba Jaaaar, aratlun. aoxl, BaTaab Ij la tba Aat af Aiarabljr i .TtL LICB.t.8. Philip Bhim.t ....Bia.irard Urail, ...btaoaria ....llaatidaia ...Hawiadala ...Ui.ailillla Oaala .. Hw.tilla ..Haodward Jaait. H. Kaa C J. Ktal.... Kamaal H. Aba U M. r. M. Ilaaard Mlrbaal farrall Kllaa ilamtibraj WilliaBi I. la waanaan ucBaaa, VT. 11. Raikar - far.mi.ilU KLI BLOOM, Claart.ld, Daa. ti, intt. Cla.k. GET THE BEST. Webster's UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY IO.OOO Wordc aad Meaning aot In other Die tioaaric. 3.0OO KnarrflTlngat I.hIO fat;ra quarlo. ratiuN aiv wa Wthator aow U glorioe It leave aolhiag to be desired. (Pre Raymond, V'aaaar Col. 6 very scholar knnwa ihe valu of tha work. 'j W II. Pretffott.tbe iliahirian. nllcra It to ac ibe moat perfect die(inary nt the language. Dr. J. ll. Holland. t unerlor la meet rorpeet to any ether known ataarbabla aaatpaadlaa, of bamaa bawl.da W. 11. Claib. Praa't Aarlnltaral Callraa. Ta. aaar faacricaL BaoLt.a BITaBT." Land-ia Qaanarlt K.viai (b'i. II... A fad FK.ttl.K. Ta Iba ftdaO llla.tratl.iat baraiafara la Wab. atar'. Uaabrldgad wa bara raaaatlj addad far Bagaa af COLORRD ll.l.imTaATIIINft, ang rav.d ripraa.l, lar Iba verb al larga aip.ata. At.R0 Webster'. National Pictorial Dictionary. t-Rll. at M.UO. -Tk. Watlaaal a.,..d.rd pnoor---t TO I. Tba aalM inT W.a.wr'. Il,ailaaiarla. tbraaa baal tba eaaatr, la 1.71 arara I. tlaaaa aa lar da aa laa aalaa al aa)r atbar liiatiaaartaa. la praaf, wa will Mad ta aa, parana. aa appliaitlaa Uaatala. an. af aiora tbaa 1.. Aaabaaiiara, ffwal vimry aaelioa af tha aoaatr,. Pabllabad ba O. db C BltlPIA.. Said I Jail Baabatllara. t)pnailal.l, Ma-I. UMBUli WANTED. rrar. aaa alllla. ta 1 .40, enl Ibat Vt l 1,1 aa 1 1 plaa taaarda, 11. II aid It ftal la ka,ib, ta ba daltvarad b, rail aa aara to Pitl.bariib Pa,Biaat la ba Maa. a. fnllawa t Pari aaab aad part la (aad ail,, aa taa ba agraad ap.i.. lida ta ba addtataad ta - MKLLOM DR0TU1R. Laaabar Taria, im. wa r 1 m ar.laarb.Bb - .-r, ... ., ..a laltbaald ttraat, taa.. a, UTb-Sai ' . TH. aaaVtaj aat Wat aMaad kaaulata. aaaoaa taaaaaliaa. aaai, t, taiS . j a. O aa "- r. Uartb 'pba alandard aathorlt, far prtaita la tbi. I ott A. II. Claip, tlar'l Prlaiar Ijiaal. all atharl la g ifla, aa.l detnla, apiaa I J liltlaraat. (Prat'l llllubanab li laaHtMaal Uw ilwrtlsfiiinitj. Pt'iiiiMj 1 vunla Ruilroud TYKUNK t HUtAHfltlU BUANCU OK aad alur Mauday, bkU. I, 117a, lb. t'aataagar Tialat will raa dally (aaaa,t aaa dayaj aalwaaa lyruaa aad Claarnatd, a lallaw CLHAkPliiLU MAIL. W. C. laa-ia, twiiduiitwr. ' "T.iW i itiVru. J "ilTTririiiiuii. I CaraaaarlUa..lilg, r.k. Tyraaa 1.01,4.11. ; Claarttala- I.4U. " i Uataala... IV. ! l'bilia(lug..4Vl " ; Vbilluibarg... 18.JT, I U.oala ....i.v7, ' l'laarBtld....H11.46, M lyr,,,, ...a. la, " ; fui-ai,.nii.. u i-t. t' KXPHKbk. W. k. I'tfaaait, L'uuilavtur, l. b. aVK lit 1 1 ."T II 1 l.Mt I uiftftfT CuroL.rlll, a, a.1 fyrai.t. r.00 r k HI liitaratatiun.. T.7 l' Bl"...W.ft i.l.Vfl Olo'iil fl.ilJ " ! (loaf livid. I (uinn.ll)r.Hi.U7 M ul 1 V.W.LKV IIIUNCII. Mli. I Kxp. I a. a. l A. . . 1..'.. I II II v.s; 10.4. I-. w. a ii T.iil 744 a In tt 111 an? a,41 r i'jrotia mri IIhM Kfg'a -'uiltib .Mtlitlicrtr Hell lo ate MiieBarg o.l . t..!A 6 10 ft.lltf 4.-4 4 4.1V Ion re S $ii )i.4 lat.O' 11.4: ll t; I. Ml I I. St IIS: Howard ll o; 12.06 arrlt-o L llavca 10.3 TV BON B STATION. BAaTwaun. FaalAc Bap taa. lUrritburf Ate'v, waaTwaaa. A 0 PlMihorv Kip'si, i-4 Paailc Biprcii, III Pet Wat Faritngari lt Mall Train. 1:4' Fail Lioa, Mr t Mall Train, MS Atlantic Kipreaa, f:4T Phlla'da Bxprttt, lOsch! PUILIIULRU A MOCl'ANNON UIlANCHlr On and after Monday, October Jiih. Idle, Ae aommndittioa Trlos wilt roaw-or the Philips buigaod Morbannoa Branobef , ac follnwc i l.KAVb suiirn. LK4VIC KnHTII. r a. a. a. a. a. Matinna Morridlale, Plillil.abiirg, staiutr'a, lluabar, U.cauia, M".baaaun, tilariilif. llva'aiiMlt,. .Ittjaul.,, Kaailricka, a. a. p. m. r.a 7:14 12::. I I:t A r:j 1:40 1:14 hie 7:4b ?:4.1 :0 13:16 4:.1l 12:11 4: 7:60 I J ut 4:U 1:14 10:30 HM 1:1.1 ll:4 a:IS :l ll:.b II J I t l 11:13 ti:3S H:6H l::b 2:31 11:113 .:::. 1 1:0. 4.1. 11:11 4:ill 11:33 i:U n:n S:i, 11:11 3:14 11:111 till lf ARB FltOM CLEARFIELD, TO llallafoala, Pa $2 Hi Mi Jill. town ii 0b IH-b Harm 1 ;. VTilllaaiapurt. 1 611 HunllBifiioB ,M 1 80 LraittuaB 1 00 Mariana. b 61 Laneaat.r b 8b PIIILADELP1IIA Altuaaa 1 it UAKKlSUl itu !" 4 Til Jiihaatowa.. t 80 ITT8UUHG i II Clota auaaaetiont aiada br all tratnaat Ttrraaa aan I.9CB liavaa. 8. 8. BLAIR, m.vir-tf. gapariaUadabt. Allegheny Valh-y Ituilroail. LOW ORADK uivision. KATVAftll lt Malllraiaa Pitlahor, (:1J a. Bi.l K.d Itai.b I :.1H : Kl:,n .Innrtlna ll:M, Nt. Ililblihim 12:anp.aM Ma.T.rillt I :T . Ii"l 1 ::iS i a I 61 Failar;t 1:11: p.r, aiildavllla S:-1N 1 bullnia X:10 : tiuiaoiit Tunnr li.'ltl P.alii ld 3:.Vi I ttt.a. ilia 4:111;, H.Dtirlt. 4:43 1 arrival at briflaond at 3:40. H l1 Win l).lla, Mail Irarr. DrirtwnoK 12:20 p.m.: II. D.i, It. I.tig 1 W.rilvilla l::H Panfiald l:(3; Huiumit Tuna.l 2:1b ; lulletat:.m Kr;aoldlvlll. 3:110: full. 1:211 ; llro..ktill 1:17 Tn., 4:118 : W.ri.illli 1:37; Nrw llrtblabria :4l HC" Junuliiin U:M ; U.d Daub d:U0 arrlva. a I'in.barf al l:lb p. ia. Clnaa coanrcii .D. alalia with traiai ea P. A K Itallraad at liritlamid. UAVill WcCARllO. dia l Kali't. WEEKLY SUN. 1770. Nil VOItk. IH7II. Eightren bunrrrl and aereniy-tlt ia tht Can trrnlal year. It I alto the year tn which ai Opioiiiun Hi .tie of K pri'icutatlre. the Art aiDoe the war, will be ia ptr at Wahingt-ia ; atitt tha y tar of the twenty -ihirtl elwtino of t Preii lent uf tho L'niterl Hlatea. All or the evciita are aur to be of groat Interval nnd Im p'trua, opeeialiy the loo Utter t and nil i them and eerrylhing connccied with thrm will h fullr and frcthi rtt-nrtH and tsxin-iunlcd in Tut dm. Tho Oppwltlott llouto of Rcpreacntatiroa, tak ing up the line of Inquiry o.ined yeir agn b Tni Pi' a, will atvrnly and diligently invelf.rati' the corruptHint and lultdeeda ul tiraut'a adiniuit trati'ia ( anil wilt, i ta to be bned, lay th I'tinndailon fur a new and butter pwrind In our national blatory. Of all tbi Tun 6ur will con tain complete and accurate acw.untt, turn. thin ita rradere-wiih early and truat worthy infuruia tton upon there abturbing The twrnty-third Hreidftial elect i-n, will he iireparatinua Ut ll, will l memorable ao de ciding umb Hmnt' arpiratlona ti a third teru of pMWr and plunilrr, aud aiill mure ac 'teclilin. who aball bellierandtdalrot the party ol Kefurui and aa circling that ten did ate. t'onccrctng al thc'O tul'J'0 a, tboae who road Tub Hvn will tan tbe eoneiant nieana of hciog thoroughly well in rvrmi-d. Tho Wcnit-T Hi , which haa attaiord a circa l.itmn of orvr eighty thouaind ciiplea, alreaot bat it' n-ederaia evart Htaic and 'Itrtitory. an wa truat that the year 11" will tec their nuinher' dnuhled. It will continue to be a thorough oamt pepT. All ihe gnnaral new of the day will h lound lo It, condriiard when uoitnp-irtant, at ful kngih wbra of-moment t ant nlwaya, en truat. treated in a clrar, Interatting and iuitruclivi wan uar. It ic our aim to make the Wekki.t Riir tbr beit (ati y ntwp.per in Ihe nojld, and wo fhail conifnuo to gteo in tu enlumni a large amount o mirtlant?oua ra1ing, auch oe atna. ulea. poemt, eclcniliRo liiti-ltigeoac and agricultural in lot motion, tor obiob wo are net able to taaki room In our daily edition. The agriculture de partment especially ta ae of it pn.minet.t fea- rca. I oe larntona arc aio regularly repurtcd ita col unite ; aad to for the markka of ovan hind. 'Ihe tvti.Ki.r Btx, eifiht pasec with fiflr-aii broad toluiuna ia ontr ll.iU a joar, pottano pre paid. A i bia priiw barely repay tbe cott of tar paiier, Be diaewont can be made from thit rate to olubo. aetii, ptiaa'are, or anjooc. Tbe Daily Hvn, a laree tour iiire aentpupcr of IwentT-cight column I, glvet all tbe livwt li two cent a aoopy. bobcriition, p.iaiage prepaid. 6 cent a oionih or rl it) a yrnr. Hvkiia. edition ettra, l.llt per yr U' have nn travel ing agenia. AOdrcaa, iiikbi n, Ave. 2i, I7.a-St ew York Uity. JOHN TROUTMAN, DH.M.RR IN FURNITURE, 3IATTItI.HI.aH, AND Improved Spring Beds, MAHKRT 8TREBT, NRAR P. 0. The nnlert,gnei hrga Icarc to luforrn the eftl- tmn of Claarttchl, and the puMie g-iierally, that be ha n hand a line nttnrtment of Fuuiituro, uoh at Walnut, Chettnut and I'aiutrd Cnnmber iuitt-a, Parlor Hultea, Hci'linlno and (.xtenmoa Chaira, Kadiea' and flrnt' Enpy Chair, tbo Pi-r-forated Dining anl Tailor rtiair. Cane Krat an.l Windr Chair, t'loihc Btra, Hlep and Riten- aiun Ladder, Hat Racka, Scrobbing llrubvt, Ao MOULDING AND PICTUKB FRAMES. Lmking lllaaae, Chmmoa, Ac., whlnh would bo uitalile for llolicay preaeni. deoiwTt aiuil.i I n'M TiwAna TALUAUIaK PltUPKIlTY T PuH aALK OH FOR RE. NT. The tthacrilver tirec ntioc that he will titbtr rent or coll bia deeding end aloro property, cil uate on Heed ttreot, adjoining tho laeooard Hue to, in Ihe borough of Clearfield, To. The More room ii 111 A U it. The dwelling houau eon Uia a rooiaa and a kitchen ma tbe 8rl atory, and I rooma oa toe eecind dory. The ttora room two bo had at unite, and the dwelling portion on and aftar the lit ef July. For further par lltjulare, eddreaa or apply lo tba tndirtifnrd oa tbe prrmitca. li KO. C. I'AStiAiUKfc. uiearunit, ra., H4y it, it-u la tbo matter of tba ttHtt of Andrea? Hunter, aet'd. Too ontleritgned or, nrpoialed bf tbt Orphan' Vourt, tu dttriiutc the mi-aeya m the baudc ef ti o Adiaiatatratora of Andrew tinnier, deooated, Will atitntC lo the Out.. of bia ap pe.uttavnt at tbe offiee of Murray A 'lonlua, Tburaday, Deeemler i. liTt, ot I o'ciwek p. u wtea aid where all parttea Intoreated may at- iana vima uuniu. tl-arBttd, De. ft, Tfc-Jl Auditor. pOTICg OF INCORPORATION.-- Notice ic bcrthygicrn that applinatlon wll be mad o tbo Court of C'omtaoa Paa at Cltar leld ooonir, Pa., tor a charter of tBoorworatloa lor tbo Ja. M. thurcb et lloatadale. on ibt ftfrt day or danuarp Term aeit, oetag IB Monday al January, II. k. m99 J nTLKTT BBNNBTT, JOHN a tiUVtiK, jAMkt HANUOLPU.1 WM. MtUnK,y B. D. Hl'ttUUT. Dra., Ulitl IT A boy to learn tbo K-blBt U.lno. Apply lo J.4a A. Hiadler, at tbo Clearbold. Ca4ery, Market atreet, CkaraU, l', Nor. I, !; l tl fJrt;Cr:!' ttllVlirAHLavaV !! Wo taee printed o tore ooMbor of taa ae Kl BILL, aad wilt aa IM reoaiaA of v cent, anal) t otaf to atf addatM, aiyM) Crorfrlri, tt. NEW FlalHIt. FEED, . GltOCEllY STORE. A. C. KRAMER & CO., Markot Btrttl. aua door vraat af Maualaa Uuuac, CltarUtld, Pa KccptooaUfitly oa bead STJUAR, C01TKK, TEA., aUbA. tli.lL uIL, BTEUP, All," iricii, .OAf, 'tniad Aba Drlid FrnlU. TobtdM, Clf.ri, Cai- dl, OHar Vl.aftar, balt.r, R(fa, At. ALSO, EXTRA QMS MAUI Wheat nnd Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Chop, Feed, &o., All af whlrb will be ttd ahaan for aaab ar lb .Krban,a for auantry prodarr. 1 a. i. KKA.ti rn vv. I'ltaillald, Not. IB, 1,4. If jemoval: JOHN McGAUCHEY Would rtipect folly notlfr the ttaiihc teticrailr that be baa rnmored hit tirocary Btore from 'Imw Row, to the building formerly occupied y J. Mile- Kratier, nn Stid street, neit door o Hislcri hardware atore, where bo intend uetpiug a run uno oi G KO C Kit I EN. HAMS, DRIED BEKPaad LARD. Sl'UARS BBd Bl RCPS, of all gradat. fKAS, OratB and Dlarb. JOKFKE, Roaalad and Grata. FLOUR AND PROVISIONS, c.i.r.rr.i fruits. All bind! Id Iba innrbirf. PICKLES, la jar. and barrala. (PICK, in atrrji firm and rarirtjr. FAMILY FLOUR, ALL klNIMtlKlrtACKr.Kft. 40AI-8, MATCHES, ' "DRIEll APl'LKS, DIKED PEACUKS, DRIED CHERRIKH, 3oal Oil aal Lamp Chhnaoys. And a g.iad aaaarlratnt of tboia tblna. aaaallr rpt ia a graoery atera, wbirb ba will aiebangt- r maratuu at ina naratt prlaaa. Will aril far aaab aa nlitanlt aa aujr atbar ana. Plaaaa call and ra bit (tick and ladca for uaraall. JOHN alcllAl'OIIKT, Cltarlald, Maj 27, IK74. QROUEBIKS. JAS. II. LYTLE, (.'niywutr la LYTLK MITCHELL) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN . CH 1CU LINK OK TEAK. 0L0NJS, JAPANS, 1S1PIIMU, TOUKO UV80N, ENDI.ISII bRKAKFABT ' rural ItT Marbat. IIUTrlit AND EGUK Will ba kapt and laid at Im aaat. Caah'bald far Coantrj Prodana. GERMAN CHERRIES, TURKEY PRUNES, PRESERVED PEARK, PHILADELPHIA HAMS. FISH. Maakartl, Laba llarring, Cod, Ao. PICKI.KN. Harr-I Plrkiaa and Enjllib Pieklin. FLOUR AND I' Bli I). Flour, Tarn MtaL.Oal Mnl, Ao. mchl'V 4AI. IM.TT1.E. c UtUl' UUOOKUIKH! fdlTM UIIR CITV. PA. Tho underrirned announce to hi old Crlcnde and patron that he hn ojiened a good line ol UHOCKRIKS A PKOVlSinNM at the old atand if Kirh A Sponoer, for which be toilette a liberal liatrrnage, II. W, 8PKNCER. Lnmher Titr. Pa.. March J-tf MEAT MARKET. F. M. CAEDON & BRO., Rear of Pio Opart Hon., Cl.KARmT.b, PA. Our arrangrmeafa art tt tha moat oowiletc haraeter fur fumlahing the public with Freeh Mrataot all hind, and ef the very beat quality. We alao deal ia all kind of A cricnltural Imple ment a, whioh we beep on eihlbltien lor tho bet enter thepnblit. Call around what la toon, and lake a look at thing, or nddrfi. ua r. At. I'AHUON A DKtf. ClearBrM. Pa . July It, IS75 If. pitKHIl MEAT AIAHIIKT. M. 0. BROWN & BRO., Ma.kct SU, Cl.irllald, W.atld annnanaa tn Iba allliaaa nf tha lawn aad vlelnity thai Ihiy Mill ki-ap tha rat.t raarkat at tba ull attad, whara thny all! haap Kre.h IWf, Vml Mutton (nil Lamb, nf Lha finnaL miutiLlii. Markat .ornlnaa-Tnt..ltya, Tbarailayl and I .-ialarla.. tlhre ua A aail. Jaaa . 7j . M. 0. P.H0WX BRO. 8 A li El A lore tad ttefl-laivhed Rrick Dwallltt. elto- ate oa the rirer ban b, la tbe borough ol Clear eld, tontatalnir eleven room a, with good collar. water ia tho kitefaea, aad all tho modern Ota.' aioiite. Paatrtee. Bath-room, -'lo,ai--ttt aa Utalityfoot rroal an wm -ri thirty foot bank, Hh a ik... .11.. M.i oaitaiag. with all toe eppurteoaooea, be told cheers wlh paytnotitalo auil jurea. m. Anolieotteo oaa bo made to tat anaor. lined, or - w. iw, oae Ri ,-eeecary iBfortoaUoa, if taoeo woo oeeirt acot the propilt, aySlat.t9? lll'f,, NKalllUVl VUI STKAU SAW VI ILL, ES01,'l5 AND DU(UtVri fK SALI. T Tha anit4ralaa4 atar, far aal. a. MaaaaaMa ttraia, their ataaal ... antll. loaatH alH alUi. tua, Cl.ardald (a.. Pa. lb. angina aad balarri ara aa Baud aa na. Th. ai. al tla Mglaa ia UIZ4. aaa la ib fatal raaataa aff-r. la.y am Blaa .HI itlr Bbinaia aaj kali BlIH. aad all laa worhlaa aaaaltlMry la taa ailll. fartl. iainf la berabaa. aa. fall a. or aA.I. OHAIIAM. WALLACE A Cfk., Pa , Jnaa , !?. 2 a- fTr. 187C. WINTER. 1876. WM. REED S Dry Goods Emporium, OPERA noifsi; . CLEARFIELD, PA. D11EBK GOODS, FLANNEL., CAfi.SIMKRBR, CflATIXHS, ULANKETM. HIIAWLS, FANCY COUUS, IRIM.MINOS, MILLINERY liOUliS, HOSIERY AND LOVES, Fl'lld OF ALL KINDS, CARPETS AND CIL CLOTIIJ, RI'ilS, MATS, I)H1 OllEr, HINIiOW PAPKR, WINDOW ri'ltlAINS, WINDOW FIXTIIIIE, ML BLINDS, WALL PAPER. Ar., Ac. Tho Inrgrsl nssortiucnt or the iiliovo named good in llio county, nnd ncll fur canli. Itcincinlicr, bulior And cgB(iikcn hi cxclmnge for goods. Receiving new goods nlmost daily. ' WILLIAM REED, opeha hoi iwi:, ROOM NO. 2, Cl.trli-IJ. Daa. I, llli. QOAL1 COAt.II TO WMOM IT MAT COHCKRN. I Tba BBdaralanrd lakta thia aa.ih nr i.i. t"V laa Baaala of Claart.ld asd alalaitv. thai ha lata and raai.n.d Iba old Uaa Orlaa k'"l a. laaaiad wltnia a milt frata lawa, aad It ao. prtparad la farnlah a inl-alaa. artkla al aoal, aad ta d. llvar tba aama a.y .bare la lawa at rtaaaaabla ralM ua tha ahoruat aolia.. A in tjaaatlt, af aaal al.aya kaad aad .r aal. al tba Bjlaa. Ordtf. lafl ,4 Walaaa'a hahaam uA Bajdar1, aalau IRANI wn.fOH. Claarttld. Abb. H Clearfield Nursery. KJs'COUHAGB UOUF INDUSTRY. Till aderl(rtd. btlbr l.tahll.hod a N ar tery oa the 'f ke, ftHowt half way between 1 Ol afleld aBd rwenaville, la Metered M ,r- ,UB .j, f tllJ lmU ,tmm4tr4 J-arf 1 KaaaaVaavaaaikal aak.a-B.1. a. Via.aBal uoo.o'itTj, Lawtoa UlecahVry. wtmnberrt! and aUtoborrr Vtaet. A tt. AtberUa Crab Tro ttatacoi and early ttaritt Itbubar t)t Vrdtoa promptly aticnacaw. fghdroea. I ' V.WRIOHT, ep. w-j , i , .arweniTiiiei i HOUSE AND LUT FOK BALE. Tat lleuee aaa Lot aa tat aoraer uf Mar kt aad fiftb atreou. ClcartaM. Fa.. It far aaka Taw let eeataita aeariy ta aarra at grouad. The huaet It a lar ire aeabia fraatt, onlttaaf alae row mi. Far terat aad ttaat taitctatiaot tfutl ta tat aabteritttr. at tut rata vtaea, -tii r. JbEW OPENJNQ. SHOWEKS' BOOT l .snot: A Ml HAT & CAP rtTta iK. ROOM No. 1, TIL'S OPERA HOUSE, UARKKT ITRECT, A Ml anil ,amti.u aximnKi tt fvtii aaa naw arm, inai at "Hard pak- pbiceH. Cllll'-aa ara Intliad to aail and .t.mla. mi alonh and Jailf fur tbtiartlvra a. la rualitj aud JOSEPH 8. SIIOWKP.S. CltaiBal.l, April 14, lI4. C" ANGKOF PROPRIETOIiS. The hnvlnt imrcbnafJ the Ham. gitodi abd )riiiily riiuerl.v ouoi piwJ by Leer tV'legal, un owi.ii ttatl. Claarliejd. edo .la tha rat-tuo.i oi bringiug bia Ouainic to tde notice ot the uutillc, nud tnt Ut lumlch hi patron wiui ibc very neat quality or BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Tnt'.YKH f.iM.isrs, J1-"'1"' Thl. I an maliM Ir ill. Wau. I hava n rant lo pay. aa4 ran ibara fnre riiti.le lh. m1i. with mv aa.l..inrra. I Bla, ha aalil Ibat Ihl. la an rinrlimrnt allh at. If ..Hi,., a iooH arliela C.r. In tara ra liaaa eual. B. aad r, ,,.!. ir,, ( la h,j , arn.d ia mr uailrnnkina;. Illr. aia a aail, n atnii.a ray atock aBd Irara my priaat. Ta ar laraa alnrk afhoata ai,.l ah..... t,.i. .H4 ap, 1 liari. ju.i ad.led a full alack al Gnnls' Furnishing Goods, biok I will rll at Iha rtra liaxi I.., aaab, ar IB tltbanfa fer eautlry iiruduee, al Ik. UIGUEST MARKET PRICE. Call and ttamina mr .took anil nrlaaa htfa,. parohaalnf alaaahara. PETER McOKORQB. Clarllrf.l, April Jl. 7. L. T. ROSS. (SufMIW to) L T. ROSS & CO., Ct'RWENSVILLR, A., ' Haa last rrccirrd bia Fall vtoek of Itooid .nJ Shot. f tha Klinira and Hhiladelhia manuUo. turn, which ho eHa ehea tor eah or )induce Alao. a laillioe of Lodic Miica' aad Cblldrrn'i ah oca. aad a loll aiiortmcnt of Irathrr and boc finding. Thia ia no cxprimcut with bin. Practice Biakca facrfrct. llaeine; aerved a lit aiinrentieerhiu ia the leather aod ma nut at aril. of all kind of Huoit and iSheta, he freli hioiwll luliy ofliDiietcut to aatiitj hU atanr old. aa wrli at new, auaionera ttaat he cell tbo het Boot anrt 8 hoe for ibe laa at money. Don't fail to call and ex an toe bia atooh aud be convinced you ft it. I.. J. HMS. Curwcnatllle, Oct. 30, '76-lf R OOT ANDSUOK MAKING. JOSEPH It. ItFKHINO. ca Markrt atreet. It. Hbaw'c Row, Cliarflold. Ha., hacju.t received a fine lot of French Call bklne and Kina, th beet la the market, and le Bow rcfiarro to man atneturt ororythinf in hla lino, lie will war rant hi work to b aa rcprerentra. Tbe oil nan or Clearfield m4 vicinity an rear-ectfully laelted to giro bia a call. Work dooti at abort o .tlce. 7:lft'73y The Itcll's Kun Woolin Factory, Fran lownahip, Clrarlltld Co., Pa. n V II H R I) II II T 1 rr ant BURNED UP! TheannacrilMfr harcnt great ej.ret.e,rr.uilt eihlKirhMd ntceity, in the ciotlinn of a Irat iIum WtMiltn Manutarinry, oith all the eiodrrt uinroveiuent atlauhed. and are iinnarvd to mak. all bind til Cloiha. Caaniuterea. Katmetta, liiao bole, Flannel. Ac. flamy ol ftood ot hand l. uily all our old nnd a ibouvand now cuatouare, whom wo aik to cvnc and enaaiiut our atoek. l tie Buetnea or CAKDINd AND PULL (NO will receive our eicclal attention. TponHi rran(--tnrnti will he madr tn rmeire attd dvlivei Wuol, loauit oualontra. All work warranted and done up'm the ahortrtt notice, and by atriet atun tl.-n to hurlneaa we hujie lo reallac a liberal aharr i puiuic paironafte. IU.IHNI Pui'NDrt WOOL WANTED I We will nay the hlcheM market brtoe for and aell our manufactured goodee loo ac almilai .odB can be tv.ujthi in the county, and hencvei we fail to render reaaonahle vatiafaelloa we cat el way ho found at honit ready to make arnai oiplaoation, either in ficr.on or by laitcr. fIMtr bower 0. IaKATHER BKEAST-STRAl'a BrPBRSRDED BV COVCHT'N PATENT MIXTA. I. IC BREAST HOLD-BACK Made of the beat Mallea ble Iron, aad Irattarhed to the llawee hy tb- brrt Hnap ever Invented. It I curtly and quickly put on. and prcventa tba whipping of tbe berae by tbo polo, hot lUata to gr iut of repair. WUI aat for yeare. Atf Wt t'k I o fair trial, to . convince at! parttea b. log them that they art anaurpaMtd in rale for the parpoeo for whb tbey are intend ad. MCKBTT 8CHRYVRR. Cloarleld, ApHI IV. IK7. dr. PI1Tltl)H(.ll, PA. Vtr upward tf terentr reart tke Iet4iu fcueU aa Celleacf ike V nit erf Btatea.afurtt unrqual M aaeaataafea fer tht it erect h, tract lea I wtura. Ua af eeuat: tarf ioMle ofrerf wra. bttrfcata aaraltt4 M a ie. for cir-aiar at'trta J. 0. Mulill, A. frlaainat. Tte fclRON CITV CliM.FCk it the only laatliailoa of tae alarf In tait f that err reeeaiMt-nrf u too auhic ratrutairc. Tneif ft tea tveeece, ri'lttarvt, re fp. It, .t 9m. J. U. M'MUUHAY WILLSUI'ILY YOU WITH ANY AKTICl.t OP MhHCIIAKfllHll AT THE Vh'KY LOWKHT PRICE. lOUK AM) Skli. ;aitll: NEW WASHINGTON. mmmmmmmmmmt' UlSdlaiitsis. HARTSWICK & ' IRWIN i KooxD iimir, : CLEARFIELD, PA., PURE DRUGS! w C II E 11 I C A L 8 V I'AINTS, OILS, DVi: VU TT I VAUNIHHI.H, BBCdllEfl, PrBFCXERT, IANCT00 T0I.LLT AHTICLtS, . Of ALL KtXtl, puns wises asd uqvoJts, fat Badklnal ptrpaMt. Tnt.ara, fluppnnrr., Rrbnol Rnab. and 0tatl,B. art, and all atbar artlaia. .(ualla Innnd I. . Drag (flora. PHYSICIANS' I'RF.SCItll'TIONB CARR CULLY CuMI'OCMiEli. II. tint . I.rr. ai ii.rirnaa IB tba baalna.a Ibry aaa aiva rniira aat- i.fanll.n. J. n. liARTawtrK, ' imiN f. linviN. CWrflrld. Droambar la, 1.74. BIGLER, YOUNG & REED, (SaeteMora to Doynton A Vouag,) FOUNDERS & MACHINISTS MaDQfaetaretaor PORTABLE & STAnONllY STEAM ENGINES Comar ef Toartb aod Pin., CLE A It PI ELD, PA. rT AVINO anaartd la tba laanufactar. af Brat H .lata MACIIIXEHV.w.rra,MifallyiBforiB a publla thai we ara now prr,.arad la fill all rdera a. thranlr and at proinpllr aa aan bt dona In anj af Iba altlea. We Banalaclara and deal IB Mulaj and Circular Saw-Mills lead Rlnaha, Water Wheela. Rhafli.r Pallrra 'lilford-. Injartar. Slaara O.upa. 8teaai Whirls, ..i.ra, i aimw tape, Ull Ua,.., Oaufe Oooha, Air ocka. I) lob. Voir.,, Check Valraa. wraaibt Iro. Hipaa, aaa Pa.ipa. Boiler Peed Purnpa, Anil, friction Metre., Soap Sitae racking. Uuia Pacb ai. and all kiBdt af MILL WORK, lofathar itb Plawa, lied Sole., COOK AXD PARLOR STOYXS, and other CASTINGS of all kl.da, Ordan lollollad and Iliad al alia arlae. Ml kltar. af inquiry with reference la machinery of oar maaalaolare promptly aaiwereU, by addraa. ia( aa at Claarlleld, Pa. Jann. tf BIIILKR, TOUNtl RKED. , THE CLEARFIELD FIRE CLAY CO. CLEARFIELD, PA., . Baai.rACTi.Biii ar FIRE RliICK, Furnace Blocks, Cns Ectorls, Stove Linings, Paving Tiles, to, Chimney Topt, WMoic Cpi anrt fate: All kinds of Architectural Adornments. ORIGINAL DRSIONS IM TIRRA COTTA MADE 10 CRPKR. With Imptoved marhlBcry, Iril alaia nalerlal aBd akllM anrkmaa, wa can wvraBI all oar manal.ctnrr. lo l.e to,,. I H IM p,rkr any In tlia m.rkat ' Article, afnur taanafartiirr aaa ha ar. ar In. Knrka, nrar Knllrmrl l.,,i,nr al Ihe Hard. are ..f Po.eU A Marfan. . , All aidrr. frnai a dtrltnce. adilratard ta Ika "rnrral Kaperialendrnt, wiil rraeire araaipl at. 'antloa. MA If K. JOHN FKR(1L0N. O.a'ieani, tt lliaiha.1,1. tlarakirb. OrallaBd, Sapt. MaaabclarlBf Ilp.t. k.yM TJ rERRA COTTV STAGING VASES, HANdlNQ VASES, Vtnve Lining and Firu Brickv kept ounrlantly oa band. STOVE AXllUmiE fl'ABE JP EVtRV bKSCRIPTllN! CHOCKS! POTsTCROCK.SI Kl.lirr-a Pat.nt AlnirM Sell . tTull Ca.Bl BI'TTKR CKUCKH. .ul. li t. CREAM CROCKS. MILK I'ROCKH. APPLI. ill'TTRR CROCKS, PICKLB CHurkfl. PLOWgR POTS, h MdllKS, STIW POTi. Aod freal many atbar Ihlef. too .Baaaraa. la. aneatlaa, I. be ka. at FRED'K. LEITZINGER'S STONE . WARE POTTERT. Cnraer ol Cherry aad TVlrd Slraata, CXKAKl'Il.l.D, PA. ... UAKBLK A.VU STtJXFlAKU. Wu. 8. S. LID DELL, Harlof aafaft. I. Iba btarUe ha.laraa, dtaira. la laforia bar friaad. aad tha panlie lhat aba haa naw and .Id hart, aaaelaallya. band a lara. and all aelerled lock of ITALIAK AND VERMONT, MA PULE, and ll Brefarnl t farnl.b I. nrder TOMIIIITOJyi., fOX AND CRADLE. TOMTH5, aWXVMRNW, Carhi and Paau for C-.ajat.i, Lata, Wind". SlMa a.d Caaa, aaaa, SCRIAV, TABkkl AN Ik WASH STAND TOP. Aa, Ae. tauYani a Read at reel, aaar the R. &. Dervt. CleailaU. Pa. J.J.T1 WILLIAM U IIK.NKT. Jo.Trci a. wa Pbac. aaaSgBi.BBBB.LIJMrlEli CITY. Ovlleellaae aaada ... Btawey aeweaptly aaid Bear, Artlekat af aRtaaaaeBt Baal dearie at eiaieeyaaa. Beatly aaaaated and arartanred aaa real ar Ba eharfa. Wf"l